#sneefs writing
sneefsnorf · 2 years
sneef; he/him;
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interests: ~ minecraft youtube and adjacent streamers ~ horror (generation loss, saw) ~ MCR ~ magnus archives/protocol ~ animated shows/movies. talk to me about bluey
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abt me/my blog: ~ autistic. struggles w/ appropriate language. sorry if i say upsetting/awkward things. pls be patient/understanding ~ i block dream/wilbur soot fans. ~ i also block bigots and terfs. fuck off ~ don't talk to me about discourse i dont give a shit about
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tags: #sneefs art - art i made #sneefs text - other og posts #sneefs help - various useful resources #sneefs mcr - specific mcr content from the show i was at #mutual art - art made by my mutuals!!! #sneefs jamz - songs i like #sneefs adult tag - for the shitty future #sneefs art ref - to help with art #dogs - for silly posts with dogs #beasts - for silly posts with various animals #positivity tag - nice posts to help me remember good things when im sad #ship of theseus au - posts relating to my area unknown au
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founderzcut · 1 year
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@sneefsnorf's generation loss sideblog!! art, writing, rbs, og stuff, vibes. 👍 i also talk about gl a lot on my main
ABT ME: ~ órfhlaith ~ he/she/it, sí/í, sé/é, siad/iad ~ teenager ~ developmental/learning disorders and bad fatigue, be patient ~ also refer to my main blog's about me post
art tag - #sneefs art writing tag - #sneefs writing
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astarions-darling · 11 months
An Indecent Proposal Raphael x FemTav/Reader
NSFW mdni tags: inappropriate touching, edging, panty sniffin', raphael is a dirty little pervert, clothed male, naked female summary: you barge into Sharess' Caress ready to give Raphael a piece of your mind. however when you get there, things do not go as planned. read on ao3 via source (this is pretty dialogue heavy because Raphael likes the sound of his own voice. and I don't blame him. this is also silly.)
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You don’t bother to knock when you reach the door with the little shiny plaque that says “Devil’s Den” in an ornate script. The door isn’t locked, so it swings open effortlessly when you barge in. The tirade ready to fall from your lips falters as the door closes with a soft click behind you and the hand you had raised in righteous anger pauses before limply falling to your side.
Raphael is lounging in one of the overly gilded armchairs that furnish the den, a glass of something that looks both incredibly alcoholic and expensive dangling from one hand as he regards you with that infuriatingly knowing smile. None of that is why the cat suddenly has your tongue; it's that he has shrugged off the outer layer of his clothing and sits there with his white shirt unbuttoned. The view of his bare chest isn't a particularly novel sight—after all, you share a camp with several people, and some—like a certain large elf—enjoy being one with nature on any occasion they can get. It's more of a shock to see Raphael in such a state of undress; it would be a lie to say you had never considered what lay beneath his neatly tailored clothes. But you would have bet all the gold in Faerûn that Korilla stitched him into them every morning to ensure they stayed perfectly in place. Right now he looked so...deliciously dishevelled.
“My, my," comes his amused voice, "does the squirming tadpole hinder your manners as well, little mouse?” The gentle timbre of his voice washes over you and it's enough to snap your attention to his face. “Or have you always been an uncouth little beast that flounces in without knocking?”
You frown at him, your irritation flaring up again. Your fingers flex—though not in a fit of pique but because your mind has been lost to the thought of running your fingers through the hairs on his tanned chest. That bloody distracting devil. Why did you come here again?
"Did you come all this way to gawk like a gutted fish or did you have something you wished to say?" He raises a brow, tipping his drink towards you. "If you wish to stare, I am, of course, happy to oblige—though that will cost you. This establishment operates on a quid pro quo basis, you know."
Quickly you shake your head, trying to wrangle your thoughts. The devil stands, unfolding himself gracefully from his chair and languidly striding over to a nearby credenza on which an array of bottles and glasses sit. He moves with care, never rushing, and with a deliberate air you can’t help but admire. He makes you feel clumsy.
You watch him carefully pour some rich amber liquid into his glass. It looks like steam rises and hisses above it for a moment before disappearing. The man turns to you, the corner of his lips quirked.
“I’d offer you a drink but I’m certain you’d decline.”
That presumptuous bastard. You’re too irritated to wonder if this is a trick on his part, which is foolish. But he too easily gets under your skin and so you open your mouth to retort.
“I would love a drink,” you say petulantly. You watch him take a sip, hating how you can’t stop yourself from watching his tongue flick out to catch the remnants of it on his lips. He fills up another glass before passing it to you. You watch the amber liquid swirl a moment before throwing it back quickly.
An incredibly stupid thing to do. Whatever it is, the liquor burns your throat and has you spluttering as you bend over coughing. You hear Raphael’s low chuckle of amusement before a glass of water is conjured out of thin air and hovers before you. You snatch it, guzzling it down just like the beast he claims you to be.
“What the bloody hell was that?” you ask, wiping at your mouth with the back of his hand. You catch his nose wrinkling at your lack of decorum. “I think my insides are melting!”
“Cease your melodramatic caterwauling,” he says, casually taking another sip of his own drink. Smug bastard. “It will pass.”
You cough again, feeling the liquor heat up your veins. You blink a few times before the alcohol simmers down, leaving just a pleasant warmth in your belly. Liquor and spirits had been few and far between while on your little adventure—well, anything half decent that is. The swill you’d managed to get was no better than vinegar. You’d stupidly agreed to let Astarion steal some expensive-looking vintage from the wine festival in the Lower City…which had ended up with you spending the night in a cell. Sometimes that elf was the clumsiest person you’d ever met. With that thought, you suddenly remember why you’ve come here.
“I would like for you to stop sending Korilla to spy on me,” you demand as the devil places his drink down so he can re-button the cuffs of his sleeves. 
Did he go deliberately tan on some beach, you wonder? That thought spirals and you’re suddenly picturing lying in the sun on some perfect beach while his skin glitters with salt and sea.
“You should be thanking me.” His lilting words are annoyingly pleasant and they drag you out of your daydream. “After all, if dear Korilla hadn’t been with you a few nights ago you’d probably still be a trapped little mouse in a cell.” He smirks, picking up his drink again and tilting the glass toward you. “Stealing wine, really?”
You decide to keep your mouth shut, something that you mentally congratulate yourself for. It was true that Korilla had been the one to free you from your dank cell. Which was a lucky thing; you didn’t want to hurt people while trying to break free, but it would have come to that if the warlock hadn’t intervened. Raphael watches you carefully, an easy smile on his handsome face, his confident casual air annoying you more than anything else.
“I will withdraw Korilla’s eye from your camp,” he says after a few minutes, his voice thoughtful, “if you give me something in return.”
Of course. You sigh. What did you expect?
“I’m not giving you my soul just for that, Raphael,” you scoff. “If I wouldn’t take one of your deals for the hammer then I certainly won’t trade it just to stop your little dog from following me around.”
“I wouldn’t dream of asking such a thing,” he says smoothly, ignoring your little jab about Korilla. “I desire a mere trifle. Inexpensive!” The devil laughs, a warm pleasing sound that has your lips twitching and skin flushing despite yourself. “I promise you won’t even miss it.”
You frown. What did you have that he would want? Soul coins, perhaps? But surely Raphael couldn’t know you had some in your possession, could he? But also they weren’t inexpensive…not in the least. What in Balduran’s name could he possibly want from you?
“What?” you ask, eyes narrowing.
He tuts. “You really do need to acquire some manners, little mouse. Too much scurrying around with scoundrels and vagabonds.” He sighs, taking a sip of his drink before grabbing a different bottle. You watch him uncork it with ease and pour the dark red liquid into a silver chalice. When he proffers it to you, your hands take it carefully. “Perhaps this may be more pleasing to your sensitive mortal palate.” You watch the candlelight flicker over the wine before you bring it up to smell. Inhaling, you let the notes of cherry and plum assault your senses, the sweet richness of it utterly inviting. When you take a sip, you let it sit on your tongue for a moment to savour it before you close your eyes and swallow. You hadn’t had anything that good in…well, you don’t think you’ve ever had such a decadent wine before.
When you meet Raphael’s gaze again, you shift on your feet. Your fingers grip tighter on the stem, remembering where you are and who you’re talking to.
“It’s nice,” you say, idly swirling the glass. “Well, what do you want then?”
“Your knickers.”
There is no hesitation in his words, he shoots them out quickly and effortlessly—like Astarion would shoot an arrow. You nearly spill the wine in your shock. You’re certain you’ve hallucinated his words or perhaps this is a weird dream. Maybe you are still tucked in your bed at the Elfsong Tavern, dreaming about devils and their insanity.
“You want my what?”
“Your knickers,” Raphael repeats, his easy stare watching you as a multitude of emotions flicker over your face.
So you had heard him correctly. The man doesn’t even act like he’s asked for anything unreasonable. Disbelief has you standing there with your mouth agape. Is he trying to humiliate you? He must be. Was this some sort of strange ploy to get you to agree to his insane deal of the hammer for the crown?
“Why?” The word falls out of your mouth gracelessly, but you aren’t here to cater to Raphael’s want for proper etiquette.
“Why anything?” His voice is low and tinged with amusement as he finishes his drink. He leaves the glass on the credenza to walk closer to you, his hands gesturing as he continues to talk. “Why does the fox chase the hare? Why do little thieves steal wine? For the thrill?” He pauses, head tilting to the side as he regards you. He grins at you. “For pleasure?”
You despise the way he inflects the last word. It sends a rolling shiver down your spine.
“If you’re trying to humiliate me, consider it done.”
He feigns hurt, or you think he does, as he sighs dramatically. You wish he would he would dress himself back in his tunic again, or at least do up his shirt buttons as your eyes can’t help but flick to his exposed throat and chest as his shirt shifts with his movements.
“I would never dare dream of humiliating you, my dear.” Raphael's words sound sincere, but you do not trust him. He’s a devil. It’s like a constant mantra you have to repeat yourself. You are aware that devils can’t lie, but they can certainly bend the truth—just enough—so that it won’t break. “How it claws at my heart to hear you even utter such a thing.”
“I didn’t know you had a heart,” you retort.
“You wound me again, sweetling.” Hand over supposed heart, Raphael smiles. “Indulge me. I do not ask for much.”
It was true, it really wasn’t much. A heavy sigh and then you hear yourself utter a resigned, “Fine.”  It was ludicrous but you couldn’t see any harm in it. And he hadn’t produced a contract to sign—just a gentleman’s agreement, as it were. You were not going to tell any of your companions that you had traded your panties for some freedom. Nine Hells, you hoped you could sneak back into the tavern without them noticing. Perhaps the alcohol has loosened your resolve and has you acting so stupidly but you can’t see anything wrong with the arrangement. With another sigh, you ditch the wine on a nearby table before you turn to leave, but Raphael calls after you.
“And where are you rushing off to?”
“To the tavern,” you say, turning back to face him, “to fetch you your perverse prize.”
“No.” He takes a few steps closer and you catch that hint of spice and musk that wafts from him. “The ones you are wearing, little mouse.”
You suppress a shudder. He’s never been so close to you before, he’s manoeuvred himself into your personal space. The heat and power that radiates from him is intoxicating, more so than any drink upon your tongue, and you’re suddenly reminded of what he is underneath his welcome facade. Yet that doesn’t stop your mouth from opening.
“There are plenty of boutiques around here if you’re that desperate for some new lingerie, Raphael. No need to take mine.” You stick your chin out, matching his stare as you can’t help but add, “As lovely as I think you’d look in pink lace.”
The man’s face doesn’t change, the easy smile remains but you can see the brightness of his eyes—as if you can sense their true infernal nature behind his human disguise. He seems pleased with your reluctance to submit to him easily. Something that you hate to admit makes you pleased in return.
“Pink’s not really my colour,” he muses, fingers tapping his chin thoughtfully, “though I am sure the flush of it against your skin suits.”
Those words do not help you’re suddenly racing heart but you try to ignore his silver tongue. Shifting on your feet, you try to get your mind back in order. Your eyes dart around the room, searching for somewhere to change though there doesn’t appear to be anywhere.
“How I do enjoy watching the little wheels turn in that pretty head of yours.”
You glare at him. “Where can I change then, devil?”
He laughs and then spreads his arms wide. “Right here.” At the look on your face he continues, “You mortals are so easily flustered.” He waves his hand dismissively. “Please, as if I have not seen bare flesh before.”
Later, when you are tucked in your rented bed, you will blame the alcohol. But for now, you simply begin to undo your clothing, starting with removing your boots. He takes a mere step back, those eyes watching you the entire time until you are standing there in nothing but your underclothes. Feeling self-conscious, you feel the flush begin in your chest and work its way up your neck but you refrain from trying to cover yourself up and stand there with your hands by your side as your body tenses. The look on his face hasn’t really changed, but again there is something behind the eyes. A reaching hunger. You wonder what he sees when he looks at you, can devil’s see a soul? Does it call out to him and do his hands itch to pluck it free?
Raphael walks behind you and instinctively you go to turn but his warm hands reach out to hold your shoulders, keeping you where you stand and your toes scrunch at the soft rug beneath to curb some of the tension now beginning to coil in your gut. The lingering touch as he holds you burns into your skin, not due to his infernal nature—though you do sense that he feels rather warm than a regular man—but due to the way your traitorous body reacts to his touch.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
“I just want to remember you as you are now, before your flesh is torn asunder by writhing tentacles.” His hands slide down your sides, leaving a trail of gooseflesh and a horrible twinge of arousal. “Before your lovely skin is slippery with mucus and…” he leans in and you feel the tip of his nose behind your ear making you shiver, “you lose that delectable scent.”
You can feel the deep rolling timbre of his voice against your skin. You are too aware of him behind you, your muscles tense as you try to resist the entirely too tempting urge to step back into him. “I am not giving you the crown.” You manage to utter the words though they come out in a whisper. But you are still somewhat proud that you can utter them at all.
“You will.” His fingers touch your neck and you can’t suppress the shudder. “I see your little vampling has taken a bite.”
You twitch as the soft pad of his finger grazes against the puncture wounds on your neck. 
“It helps him fight better.”
His hum in response tickles your neck but you refrain from responding. What would you say? That you like letting the vampire feed on you occasionally? That the searing flash of pain mixing so deliciously with the heady feeling of Astarion drinking from you is unlike any sort of pleasure you’ve experienced before? No. The devil did not need any details.
“I’m sure it does.” Raphael's words float against the shell of your ear and you are momentarily aware that you have a literal devil hovering by your shoulder.
The pad of his finger once more traces the puncture wounds from Astarion’s bite. It feels like a bolt of magic whenever he touches you, though the shock of it is far too pleasant and it goes straight between your legs. Your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth but you manage to unstick it just as he pulls away.
Raphael moves around you until he is once more facing you. You feel flushed, far too aware of how your pulse is thudding in your neck, yet he looks perfectly calm and collected, breathing even and standing there as if you were merely discussing the weather. When he drops to his knees before you, you want to scream but you are too transfixed at the sight of him before you. You can barely think when his hands reach up towards your underwear. You stare dumbfounded, some part of you still blaming it on the alcohol, as you watch his long, elegant fingers trace the pattern of lace by your hip.
“They do look lovely on you, little mouse, a pity.”
You find your tongue again and manage to mutter, “I can undress myself.”
“I’m sure you can,” he purrs. You wish you could cast Silence on him. “But what sort of man would I be if I didn’t lend a helping hand?”
Quickly you look away, face burning in embarrassment as your mind easily imagines how helpful said hand could be. He really shouldn’t be allowed to speak in such a way. Did he cast some kind of spell on you? Did he put something in that drink? Or were you just simply this spellbound by him—perhaps not something to dwell on, you decide. You feel his warm breath against the top of your thigh as his fingers slide up under the band of your knickers at your lack of response. You realise you’re holding your breath as he slides the lace down your legs. You risk a glance down but quickly flick your eyes away—his face is far too close to your bare sex. If he moves his head even slightly you know you will feel his breath on your cunt.
Standing there, you wrestle with the idea of stepping back or just blasting him in the face with a spell. Not that you are very good with spells. But damn does his touch feel nice, his hands are so damn warm and soft as he oh so fucking slowly slides your underwear down. Raphael hasn’t said a word and it’s been at least a minute—that must be a record. The lace finally reaches the ground and he taps your ankle.
Wordlessly you lift a foot and his low response of, “Good girl,” has you desperately fighting to control your stupid dumb animal body’s response. Your fingers itch to steady yourself on his shoulder but you refrain…just. Luckily all your adventuring has improved your athletics and you’re determined not to give the devil the satisfaction of stumbling before him into a wanton heap.
His thumb slips under the fabric still hanging around your other ankle and tugs at it. You’d been staring at the wall straight ahead, eyes fixed on a portrait hanging in some ornate frame. But at the tug, you glance down and see Raphael staring up at you, that smug smirk plastered on his face. Could you get away with kneeing him in the face? Lords above, could you get away with yanking him by the hair (and it was such lovely hair) and between your legs? Both are tempting.
“Little mouse?” His voice is a long lilting drawl and he tugs again at your knickers.
You lift your foot quickly, again saving yourself from tripping over, as he slips it off your foot and stands. You stand there a moment, dazed. Your skin still feels like it is on fire, he must be able to smell your arousal…you can. And you can see the way his nostrils flare as he stands and you watch the devil bring the pink lace up to his face and inhale. Now would be a great time for the Elder Brain to try and shake free of its bonds, you think.
“Did you just—”
With a snap of his fingers, you're suddenly dressed. “Was that so difficult?” “Why didn’t you just do that to take them?” you ask incredulously. “Where would be the fun in that?” He straightens the lapel on your clothing and adds, “Remember, I will still be here when you are ready to admit you need me.”
You grit your teeth. “I don’t need the hammer.”
Those deceptively warm eyes regard you and he smiles again, making your hands itch. You can feel how wet you are between your thighs, and in that moment you realise that is not what he means. But you do not get a chance to speak as with a wave of his hand you find yourself disappearing in a flash of crimson-tinged ash before you are teetering on the steps of Sharess’ Caress in the warm evening air. That smarmy, panty sniffing, bastard. As you begin the walk back to the tavern, you tell yourself your frustration has nothing to do with the way he had touched you. Nothing at all.
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When you return to the Elfsong, you attempt to sneak past the group as they eat around a large wooden table. Of course, you can’t get past Shadowheart, the cleric spotting you and instantly dragging you to the table. You slide in, squished between her and Gale as she begins to question where you’ve been.
“Nowhere,” you say with a dismissive shrug, proud of how natural it sounds as you grab a bread roll and try to ignore the lingering throb between your legs. ”I just went for a walk.”
You feel eyes on you and look up into the knowing gaze of Astarion. “A walk, darling?” He leans in across the table and you see his nostrils flare. “An exhilarating one, I take it?” He sniffs again. “Climb any cherry trees on your…walk?”
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hollowboobtheory · 2 years
Every time i see sneef snorfing i emit a low “noooooooo” in pain like someone has just killed me and I can’t believe what is happening. Thank you beck for about 10(?) Of these in the last 30 seconds
it was 4 but you;re welcome
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catboymoments · 6 months
It feels like you're abt to create a nextgen for your nextgen lol
Just me sneefing around a lil bit
It's giving 'creating an entirely new show under the toh blueprint' and I am HERE FOR IT
MAYBE FJSHFBWBFH im mostly doing designs for them when the kids are a little older!!! Im not super interested in doing fangrandkids at the moment because im still writing everyone’s stories and I think that for characters like Bronwyn and Azura, they would either be childless or not have kids until later on
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chompisatheatrekid · 7 days
reasons to spam rb something:
agreeing (someone made a good take, has to show how much you agree)
appreciation (sorta like agreeing. good art / good writing has to show how much you like it)
following instructions (notes challenge or smth)
spite (‘I swear to god if this post is the one that gets 1k’ ‘10k notes to me’)
spite but different (‘I am going to personally kill you for putting what the sneef im snorfin here on my dash 30 times’)
funny (if the post is about spam reblogging, for example)
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hermesserpent-stuff · 23 days
How animalistic are your Creed and Logan? Have any of their traits rubbed off on Gambit/the others?
so i currently have 3 wip that involve logan or creed or both, so i will make lists. I like lists
in general i tend to write them similar across everything. but i went into details. oops.
@golden-buddle @honey-minded-hivemind
A Wolverine Finds a Spider:
Wolverine semi animalistic, with strong urges to protect 'kits' and nest. he prefers when everyone is safe and will drag people around to get them to safety. Peter picks up chuffing and rumbling from him. he marks up his territory and occasionally fights with blade about who leads the pack and how best to look after remy. will scent mark kits by putting his jacket on them or rubbing his chin on them
Gambit is vampire fledgling adjacent as he was raised by Blade in the void so he responds to stressors by hissing, showing his teeth, and whistles and keens to communicate. he learns chuffing from logan.
Sabretooth is not in the fic yet, but he is more animalistic- willing to eat stuff raw and loves fighting. he has never encountered another feral and so is lonely kitty hours. when he smells pack on gambit he immediately goes into- cub is pack. cub needs food and safety. and thus he starts marking gambit as his and licking his hair and purring. gambit might pick up purring from him. idk
A ticking Time bomb:
evo Wolverine is a little more animalistic in this, constantly sneef snorfing, very much in pack mindset. he smells himself and pack on void remy and immediately wants to take care of the kit. He easily shifts into more feral modes.
evo Sabretooth is similar to above, accept he is constantly seeking to be pack with logan and establish who has the leadership rolls. he has a similar reaction to wolvie and wants to take care of the cub, but is a lot more on board with the idea of never returning to civilization compared to logan
void remy is similar to above fic.
Evo gambit tho... he actually picks up hissing and whistling like a vamp. fledgling from void remy when they both are taken by hydra. he also learns to chuff. he is less okay with being snuggled and scented than void remy. not written yet but I think he would pick up purring from creed and the lip curling snarl and stance from logan.
Teeth and Cards
(only evo characters in this)
creed is very in tune with instincts and has decided since Gambit didn't back down from him like prey and fed him food and contraband, gambit is now his cub. he will be invading gambits spaces and filling them with his own scent while trying to mark the cub. he's a touchy person. and is only ever one step away from being a giant roaring lion.
gambit... has some dark backstory and trama in this one that make him less open to touch and scenting. he'll prolly get more touchy with just pack after a while. he might start growling if around creed long enough.
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Can you write "sneef morf ne morf" for me please?
If the askbox is closed then pls ignore
nah you just made it it's getting written!
Askbox is currently closed as I work my way through these older asks
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galaxysweeper · 1 month
CotL Shamura Narinder?? Thoughts
(JUST FINISHED TYPING IT UP AND IT ENDED UP BEING ABOUT NARINDER, SHAMURA ONE WILL COME LATER-) Hi, I'm reading through all the lore dialogue in the game and I'm talking about things I find cool! Quotes from the game will be in bold bc we want speculation not misinformation. Mostly about Shamura rn bc IM CRAZY IRVIUERHUVER IM CRAAZY YOU DONT EVEN KNOW (So that was a fucking lie-)
Fun fact, I think that Narinder got his crown when he died as a mortal? I might be 'what the sneef im snorfing here' about it but. First Silk Cradle encounter with Shamura, you get the Narinder name reveal speech and it starts as such:
"He waits by the rocks of the darkened sea, at the foot of the long, sudden drop. Within the maw of pointed-teeth beasts, the stutter of the heart, then stopped… He was the fifth. The fifth Bishop of the Old Faith. Our brother, The One Who Waits. Back then he was known by the name Narinder."
So, like, the Bishops used to be people, right? They were mortal before they were gods and at some point they "found" their crowns (though it is most definitely arguable that their crowns found them instead). Looking back into it, it's entirely likely that Shamura is just speaking in metaphors and talking about many different types of deaths, especially considering that at the fourth Silk Cradle encounter, Shamura uses the following:
"He waits at the point of the sharpened blade, the fate that cannot be outrun. He waits in the eye of the raging storm, at the end of the long day done."
BUT both Leshy and Shamura describe finding their crowns (which I personally think are both loosely tied to their domains since Chaos Leshy found his in the got-dang mud and Shamura used cunning to catch theirs in a web) and it makes sense to me that Narinder would find HIS crown while interacting, potentially while crossing OVER into what would become his domain of death.
And while the second quote chunk isn't spoken while directly talking about Narinder, rather about "The One Who Waits", the first IS and, tbh, I find it a logical enough chain of events to result in Narinder's "first" death. A cat who fell off an ocean-side cliff but didn't die from his injuries, but couldn't make it back up and was eaten by the creatures nearby. Or maybe, one who jumped into the water trying to escape something ELSE just to be hurt from the rocks and killed by something in the sea.
IDK I think I'm probably reading too deeply into it but I also think that's part of the fun, digging around to find dots may or may not connect and seeing what can be made of it! At the end of the day, it's at least a really interesting headcanon that I'm gonna keep for when I write about the characters I like!
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moonliched · 1 year
I just wanna say I adore your fic so so much. Everything is so nice and entertaining. I certainly can't wait for the proper meeting of the complete fishy bois. Also you don't have to compare the assistant ai!! I love bon-bon so much that he's growing on me like algae/lh
I love how he just worries about Y/N when they just brush him off saying they're just another replaceable cog to this system. Like the way he goes.
"But you're a person."
Makes me think he's not really well versed in stuff and still learning and that's what makes him so cute and fascinating. Bonbon our only ally fr fr
I still snicker at the misunderstandings like Y/N trying to run away and Moon just goes "Play? Play! FRIEND PLAY!!!"
He's like a cat batting at anything that moves SJXJJEJDJDNEKD
Can I ask what he was trying to do, throwing fish at Y/N? Like I initially thought it was like a thank you but HAHAHA I'm not so sure.
I cackled on the bit where "IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME" Junior researcher. PLS YOU LITERALLY LIKE EXPOSED EVERY DCA ENJOYER.
Bonbon literally has the normal reaction and reader's like wdym haha
I wanna ask so many questions but I must be patient and wait for everything to unravel OWOENDKSNDJD
Honestly I got curious and went to tumblr to see some extra content and it didn't disappoint.
I didn't expect the scene where Bronii and Y/N sees Moon glowing to be so ethereal looking!!!
He's sk beautiful augh. NOT ONLY HIM BUT OUR VERY OWN Y/N
Y/N is very pretty and i love them sm. I love the banter between them and BonBon. I just can't help but laugh that the bunny was going to jab about their ancestors in their oceanic planet.
I absolutely adore your AU and will keep rereading it <333333
I sincerely hope you recover well and take your time to heal before attempting to do more <333333 Put yourself first <3 we can wait
sneef aheem heem🥺 this is such a nice message🥺😭😭💕
i'm ecstatic you like it!!!!! tbh BON-BON is growing on me so algae-like that i need to elevate other characters so he doesn't overtake them😅 i'm sure some ppl know how it is when a supporting character kinda starts to overshadow the mains accidentally. but instead of cutting him down, the others will rise instead. also you're right, BON-BON has confidence but he's not as well-versed in relationships and social knowledge as he presents himself. he's naive, a little. and he has a mental hierarchy of AI at the bottom, living beings at the top that's being challenged by how carelessly Y/N is being treated.
i ADORE writing Moon! so when he was throwing the fish at Y/N, he was mimicking their tactic of using food to lure him forward. kinda like how they were doing with the crabs in that moment. he wanted to form some kind of trust using food and make them come closer. at that point he had yet to see them without their mask, so to his knowledge other communication methods like speech weren't available.
heeheehoo i wanted him to look very dazzling during the hypnotism scene🥰😳 and i noticed with half of his face covered with the esca he looks more human?? which would help with luring humans bc it kinda obscures the uncanny valley aspect of his usual face shape. i love drawing all of them!
i hope to update the fic soon! recovery isn't going as planned, so i'll be sure to rest, but i've been looking forward to answering this since i saw it in my inbox☺️and i love getting Q's about my fic. thank sm for such a nice message!!💞✨💗✨🌼💖
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ticholasnesla · 9 months
Nimona (2023), friends.
First of all thank u to the people who made these great gifs!!! This is presumptuous of me but i truly hope u dont mind me featuring them! This is the first of - hopefully many - years of my Media Gifventure for the Holiday Season of 2023. I will go into more details if i need. So.
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man of the hour. Man of the Year. Gold Star. 🌟
Gif use Disclaimer, I hope me making this post with these gifs isnt overstepping 🙂‍↕️💛 people who upload gifs, which, 9/10 times, they made themselves, are one of the most supportive vertebrae communities of Tumblr. 🫡👏👏 bravo chudovyy splendid чудовий mykola please tell me what i should remove and i will remove.
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Above all else, Thank u.
anyways here's3 something i hope is going to be fun. Last chance. Gif heavy, flash warning excessive emojis, stupid shite and a dog.
🐕 . . . 🤎
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nimona beat my ass yall. It beat my family's ass yall.
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That's a Ss²+Gold ranked film if ever i saw one. Congrats Neæs@tflix - Nimona, and congrats ND Stevenson.
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Ss²+Gold means Soupsoup Squared PLUS Gold which MEANS
+4 of thees bad boys!!!!!!!!
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i stop talking about strictly Nimona Heere.
so with that all said and done...i was Thinking... part 2?
disclaimer pls read the 👎 RULES. Trans rights human rights. Protect trans kids. Pronouns for your Hostess this evening are she/he/they. this isnt a nft thing so dont talk to me about that. and im not writing free reviews or reading your book. I just wanna award movies and webtoons and webcomics without putting any real artistic effort in (except when i WANT to put real artistic effort in) and also feature some great indie/non indie stuff In a (hopefully) positive light 🔮 shit i might even do requests. Or sketches. Imagine. 🐙
PROCEED 👎to RULES and engage in critical thought and problem soliving before sending me asks.💢
That being said, keep it PG. All asks are good asks and i will develop an FAQ if need be!
Rules 👎 down dere keep scrolling and reading. Thx. But first
Do u wanna submit something to be considered for a Soup GoldTM? Submit your favourite,
Youtube channel
Trending topic
youtube series
Plot twists
Lesser known artists
Indie artists
Heartbreaks /no actual bummers pls.
Memes etc etceteree
that kept you warm this 2023! And for my immediate needs, Happened in 2023. For this thing, i will only accept submissions til new yrs day. Is that peechy?
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👎👎Ok finally rules for real. Proceed to pig 🐷 for tldr
Keep it pg🦉
K.I.S.S - keep it simple, Saoirse🦆
Stay in your Lane 🫎🦍🐏🪿
Dont message strangers on the internet if you're under 18.🔴And if you do KEEP your age out of their inbox. 🪺🐣🐊
Adult media is fine but i want to keep it Prime Time 🦐🐚 🪸🪼🐠🚦🐬
66I know i might be typing like a fucking bunyak but i wanna have FUN and talk about FUN STUFF my past 3 years has been ROUGH, BAYBEE. I miss my parents, Tails. I miss them a lot. /not a joke.
I am but flesh n blood n bone.
Please keep in mind i will only do what i have the jnj marbles for, but i will dedicate a lot of my downtime to this and i really want to have a good experience so um if u know a friend, or maybe want to tag cool accounts to maybe look over here yoo hoo hi there hello and do u wannaaa 🐕🐕🐕
Click that rebwog pwease 🥺 pppwease. Ding that like button smash that like button Uw0
This only works on Good Will so dont Play with my heart. We want to have fun.
I do have a DO NOT PASS GO list in my head but i wont reveal whats on it til i come across it ya? 🦩
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Thank y for reading the rules. Now.
Me vs you the reader
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Proceed to pig for tldr🐷
The Soup Golds and other Soups utilize a vector of Grandma's Soup from Lengend of Zelda Wind Waker that i edited with my phone. I do not claim to own this graphic and am just fucking around.
Submissions that dont pass my sneefing test are welcome and valuable! Incoming bee gif:
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love rubbin my dusty little fingers in new Things and readings. So they will be rewarded either with Unseen, Uninterested, or Unwatchable badges, and might be featured as (dis)/honorable mentions! More nuance on that if the need arises. 🦄🔮👀
🐷Asks are open / pending! Feel free to Lurk/ask questions. Dont be rude or ELSE..u get The PIG 🐷🐷
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.. and then the Anon is going off. i dont want to have to do that. 🫠
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🐗Let's keep it Frosty🐗
🐖💨💨💨💨Inbox closes Boxing Day! Get ur submissions in Today and get some fun ?
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Write a letter and leave me a cookie pls. Im not asking for money i just wanna spend some quality time with u as we ____ 2024.
Here is the dog btw and she's a rottweiler mix.. She's sitting on my foots here and has curly furs all a on her butt. She was a foster fail and is living her best cushy life last i heard about her. I wanna see her again. 🖤🤎🧡🖤🤎🧡
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The end. Play Sims 4 but try not to spend money on it. EA's starting to offer free packs that u can download for Free. Console and PC as far as i understand.
Love u. Be back soon.
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sneefsnorf · 1 year
chapter 3 of my fic is out!!
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wolffeay · 1 year
sneef snorf I’m totally normal abt your fic & made a playlist 👉👈 https://spotify.link/URrJ6EduWyb
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ohohohoho time for some jammy jams. That reminds me, though! Would y'all be interested in me making a playlist of the songs I've been listening to when writing chapters?
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boyswillbedogz · 1 year
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i know you already analyzed my handwriting before but hehehehehehehhehe funny
sorry im a little silly today
also thanks for the sample your the coolest lol
heres some new stuff i picked up though since last time!! :]
when you make a mistake you just kind of. pretend you didnt. shhh nobody has to know
your technically a realist, but sometimes you have to sort of plant your feet in reality when your brain thinks a lil too hard
you have authority issues. badly.
your thoughts are a lil all over the place and seem to overlap with each other in a tangle of confusion
you need to learn to put your own needs first rather than just being overly social and overthinking (this is not a suggestion this is a statement. gun emoji)
sneef snorf i smell emotional trauma and constantly toning yourself down to seem more likable
you still have lots of very kind and friendly traits in your writing :]
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joiedecombat · 2 years
Words of affirmation, Quality time, Physical touch, Acts of service or Receiving gifts - what are Raine and Aymerics main love languages.
Actually, same question for X’khal too.
Raine: Quality time.
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Perhaps that's odd, when she's the one who's so often gone... but precisely because she's away so much of the time, she's also the one who makes sure to make time for those she treasures the most. She's the one who nudges Aymeric into taking vacations when they can manage to pry him out of the grip of his responsibilities long enough, ensuring that the two of them get time to themselves without duty getting in the way. When they can't, she makes sure to accommodate his schedule while she's in Ishgard, knowing that what free time he has is precious.
Even her habit of writing to Aymeric in her journal for him to read later on might count in a way - perhaps that's more on the line of words of affirmation, but often as not the particular words aren't really as important as the way it allows her to make him a part of her journey, sharing it with him in a way that he'd otherwise be unable to. Despite how much else may be occupying her attention, she makes sure to devote that time to him.
Aymeric: Acts of service.
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No big surprise there, when he demonstrates just about every time he's on screen that service to others and to the public good motivates pretty much his whole life. It shows in his relationship with Raine as well; she's not the only reason he's invested so fully to Ishgard's contribution to the Eorzean Alliance, or even the main reason, but that doesn't mean she's not in his mind whenever it comes time to make decisions about how much Ishgard will commit to the Alliance's cause. When the Scions happen to need transportation back to the Rising Stones, he's ready and willing to provide. When they need ceruleum fuel for their latest effort, he opens Ishgard's resources to them and provides them with an airship to transport it. He personally brings Raine back to Ishgard after Ghimlyt and stays on hand until she wakes to make sure she's filled in on everything that happened (and ohhh, I have so many thoughts about that incident).
In smaller ways, too, he looks to make sure Raine has support, that she knows she doesn't have to take on everything herself, that she takes the time to consider what she wants and not just what her duty may be. There are a lot of things he can't do for her, but whenever there's opportunity, he's quick to take it.
Both of them: Touch.
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[pose by Sneef]
Neither of them are very tactile people by nature, so the importance touch holds in their interactions with one another is all the more significant. Little brushes of their fingers, kisses on the hand, a caress of the cheek. Aymeric's hand at the small of Raine's back; Raine leaning on his arm, or even (in private) sitting on his lap.
To an outside observer it may not seem like much - they're certainly not given to dramatic public displays of physical affection, reserving their cuddliest behavior for when it's just the two of them - but for two people as used to restraint as they both are, it's a sign of considerable intimacy between them that they can touch one another so freely. Aymeric in particular, I think, is maybe a bit touch-starved; Ishgardian culture isn't very demonstrative, and he hasn't had all that many people in his life to show him such affection.
As for X'khal, well...
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X'khal is complicated, because not only is he actively resisting forming emotional connections with other people, he has a lot of difficulty understanding and expressing his own feelings. He managed to open up to Haurchefant somewhat, but then the Vault happened so he's still not in great shape as he prepares to head into Stormblood.
So X'khal shows his caring only reluctantly and through many layers of defense mechanisms. Acts of service come automatically to him, but he's already a person who tends to do whatever's asked of him no matter how little he wants to do it; the only difference between the people he cares for and anyone else is how much more aware he is of them.
Actually no, as I write this I realize what it comes down to: X'khal's love language is worry.
And possibly also vengeance.
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o-wise-corvid · 2 years
So I felt like writing a bit about me. As some may be aware, I have a cat. His name is Fitzgerald (Fitz). He showed up at my house almost a year ago, sick and lost. We tried to find his owners but… we became them.
Here are some things about this boy:
-He follows us into the bathroom and guards the door while we’re in there.
- He’s not super super affectionate but he does like cuddles and snuggles.
-The highlight of his day is my dog Lucy waking up.
- Biting you because I’m mad, I love you, you’re home, you’re leaving, it’s day, it’s night, I want food, I’m full, litter box is dirty, litter box is clean, etc.
- that cat next door is evil
- Lucy is barking, she is so smart, I should see what she’s upset about
- Mama is chewy
- Olivia is soft
- Dad is stinky
- Grandparents HAHA!!!!
- You have so many tast- erm- pretty houseplants. 😺
There are more but here’s a few. And here’s a picture☺️
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