#snips and obi
Ahsoka: There’s a monster under my bed and it’s really ugly.
Anakin, from the bottom bunk: Honestly, fuck you.
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and-loth-cat · 9 months
"legacy" oh you mean the disaster lineage
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jewishcissiekj · 6 months
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Anakin Skywalker - Darth Vader in Star Wars: Darth Vader (2017) #25
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 9 months
I don’t care how ridiculous it looks in live action, Ahsoka going EV to distract the bad guys while Sabine fixes the ship is hardcore Anakin Skywalker’s former padawan behavior.
Like I can practically see Force Ghost Anakin cheering while Obi-Wan covers his eyes in horror.
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l-just-want-to-see · 2 months
sorry but I don’t think I’ll ever not be annoying about tragic siblings
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Clone wars headcanons about everything and nothing
Ahsoka has a decent amount of allergies but only a handful are actually life-threatening and no matter how much she tells Anakin that it never stops him from treating them all the same
And by treating them all the same I mean he’s slapped some snacks out of her hands because he knew she was slightly allergic to it
In his defense the clones are really bad at keeping track of her allergies and because of that they have fed her a couple of things that were lethal to her and ever since then Anakin’s never really trusted them with food
Also in his defense Ahsoka once ate something she was highly allergic to on a dare (the poor clone didn’t know she was allergic) and all she did to remedy the situation was hand said poor clone her EpiPen before passing out
Unfortunately the clone didn’t know how to use the EpiPen so Ahsoka ended up passing out and Anakin and Rex had to rush her off to the med bay because they didn’t know how to use the EpiPen either 
Because of this incident the clones weren’t allowed to give Ahsoka food and there were a couple of signs that said “blue to the sky orange to the thigh” around the ship
I feel like everyone in Clone Wars is simultaneously touch-starved and tactile which is a very fun mix especially when I think about Ahsoka and everyone else because I like to think whenever Ahsoka asks for a hug 9.5/10 she gets one 
Master Plo is the most used to this cause Ahsoka’s been like this since she was a child and he’ll admit he’s spoiled her with hugs 
If you were to ask her what his hugs feel like she would say they feel like childhood or that feeling you get when you smell something that you could only find in your home when you were a kid
Obi-Wan is an interesting can of worms because he’s as tactile and touch-starved as the rest of them but he’s also incredibly touch-adverse which results in him declining hugs 5/10 because he just can't fathom touching someone in that moment
But when he does give Ahsoka a hug she’ll say there’s nothing like it and she would often describe it as a breath of fresh air and very soothing on stressful days 
Rex is most likely it give Ahsoka a hug bro is simply the hugger™ and she would describe his hugs as comforting if not a little awkward but grounding none the less kind of like hugging a weighted blanket just out of the drier 
She doesn’t get to see Padme nearly as often as she would like which means she tries to get a hug whenever she can and Padme will never decline her hugs if anything she initiates most of them
Ahsoka doesn’t remember her mom or her hugs well but if she had to give an example of what a hug from her mom felt like she would say Padme’s 
Anakin honestly isn’t comfortable with touching people he doesn’t know well but when he does feel comfortable with someone he’s clingy 
Ahsoka will never admit this half cause it’s embarrassing and half because she fears it would hurt the other’s feelings but Anakin’s hugs are easily her favorite something about the all-encompassing hug makes her feel safe and secure like nothing else 
But the funny thing is that sometimes he doesn’t really have the energy to hug Ahsoka so he’ll just put all of his dead weight on her which usually results in one of two reactions from her 
one. Is usually her saying “Hug me like you love me” or something along those lines to which he will squeeze the everloving force out of her or two. “Hug me like a normal person” which usually gets the smartass response of “Who said I was a normal person”
So it’s pretty obvious that Anakin and Ahsoka have their bigger competitions but they’ve also got little ones like who can make the funnier face when Obi-Wan is trying to do his work which normally ends with the duo hunched over laughing and Obi-Wan finding another place to work 
The: “Who can accurately make the noises Obi-Wan makes while stretching” challenge which just usually results in the clones worriedly checking in on them cause it sounds like they’re in pain
The: “Who can eat more ice cream” challenge always ends with Anakin regretting his life choices and Ahsoka doing the dishes because she feels bad 
Long story short they’ve got a lot of challenges cause they’re competitive little weirdos but the funniest part is they rarely keep score of who the winner is so they’re in an endless cycle of useless competitions 
Obi-Wan has slowly collected mugs for everyone he’s close with and they have a nice little home in his otherwise empty mug cupboard 
Anakin and Padme have matching from Naboo because Obi-Wan took them shopping when they were pretty young 
Padme can’t drink tea with them as often as she would like but when she can schedule a small tea break Anakin makes sure to smuggle all their mugs out of Obi-Wan’s kitchen
Ahsoka’s mug is possibly one of Obi-Wan's favorites it’s a good size and practical but’s also got nice intricate color-changing details because they both thought it looked cool
Cody and Obi-Wan’s mugs are pretty similar but their main difference is the childlike handwriting on the bottom of one that says “to: Obi from: Ani”
Rex doesn’t get a mug until later and it’s the most unconventional and inconvenient mug in all of creation the poor dude has to hold it from the sides because his hands don’t fit in the handle
And its design pisses Obi-Wan off every time he sees it the only thing that’s stopping him from smashing it into hundreds of little pieces is that Rex picked it so in the cupboard it stays 
Sometimes the group forgets that Ahsoka isn’t human which leads to very funny circumstances 
Like Rex losing a decent amount of credits trying to call Ahsoka’s “bluff” of being able to bench twice his weight 
Or at the fact that Obi-Wan was once hiding from Ahsoka and Anakin because he didn’t want the duo to see the extent of his injuries from a solo mission 
But he forgot that Ahsoka could smell and hear better than the average being so she was able to track him down pretty fast (she was also freaked out cause she could hear his erratic heartbeat and smell the blood so that wasn’t a pleasant experience for her) 
Or the number of times when she’s eaten an unholy amount of food just for Anakin to wake up at 3 am to find her scavenging for more cause she’s still hungry 
And let me tell you seeing some small hunched-over little creature with reflective eyes at that time of night would make even the chosen one screech like a banshee
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obes-kenobes-benos · 8 months
Ashoka: Hey, do you know anyone who can teach me to play the trumpet?
Obi-Wan: Why?
Ashoka: I want to wander around playing it to annoy Skyguy.
Obi-Wan: Technically, you don’t actually need to know how to play the trumpet well for that.
Ashoka: Master Obi-Wan, you have opened my eyes.
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magnusbae · 1 month
The first time they share a bed, actually share, not collapsed after a feverish fucking or exhausted into nothingness after an endless battle, but a real get ready for sleep, bedtime routine and all—Anakin cannot stop moving.
Restless and uncomfortable, he is hyper aware of every dent in the mattress, every ruffle of the sheets. His mind is not numbed by an orgasm or a complete fatigue, instead it's left to boil with awareness, with unrest.
"Anakin." Obi-Wan sounds only a little annoyed. The man is exhausted, Anakin doesn't need their bond to hear that. He is tired and in need for sleep. "What is the matter?" he still finds it within himself to ask, sounding genuine enough, concerned enough.
"Noth—" Anakin begins, and thinks better of it when Obi-Wan's silhouette tenses up, a barely there shift in the shoulders. Tonight is not the night in which he wishes to test his Master's patience, not when they both are so clearly not up for bickering.
Anakin sighs, admitting, with no small amount of embarrassment in his hushed voice "—I usually sleep on the right side…" It's close enough to the truth, he thinks, cheeks warming.
A moment of silence is broken by a muffled and genuinely amused snort. His Master doesn't even pretend it was a cough. He just laughs.
"Oh Anakin." Obi-Wan sighs once his shoulders stop shaking with his silent mirth, sounding painfully affectionate.
"Master! You—" Anakin's protests are cut short by a pair of strong hands, maneuvering him easily to the right side of the bed. Anakin can practically feel the huff of laughter against his neck when he is drawn closer, back pressing snugly against Obi-Wan's chest.
"Better?" his Master purrs against his ear.
Yes. Yes, better.
"Thank you, Master."
The smile in his voice is so obvious, laid bare. He sounds like a besotted fool. With how easily a mere hug could easen all of his uncertainties, lighten all of his concerns— perhaps he is.
"Good." his Master takes it for the answer that it is, pressing his nose against Anakin's nape and exhaling a gentle: "Good night, Dear One".
The wrong side of the bed was the least of Anakin's worries and even that is forgotten in the sleep that soon follows. So easily. He smiles.
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kabukiaku · 11 months
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redraw of the jedi trio!! I chose to draw this since I'm rewatching the clone wars. it's really nice to see how far I've come, and what I've improved on.
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75?! What a fucking show off lmfao 💀
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Also like “don’t EVER make Obi-Wan wait!” Like okay dude chill! 😭
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Obi-Wan: Yesterday, I heard Ahsoka ask “are you sure this is a good idea?” And Anakin saying “just trust me.”
Obi-Wan, with a traumatized look on his face: I have never moved so quickly from one room to another.
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lightasthesun · 2 years
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POV: Order 66 never happened, Anakin didn't turn to the Dark Side and Ahsoka ended up rejoining the order a couple of months after the war ended. Now years later they still like to enjoy each other's company as often as possible.
Magic happens when @ahhrenata and I brainstorm. And with that I mean Lauren does Magic. 🥰
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Ahsoka needed to break open Vader’s mask to understand that he was Anakin.
Obi-Wan needed to break open Anakin’s mask to understand that he was Vader.
Neither of them could reconcile with the truth.
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13ag21k · 11 months
Okay what if Anakin decided to paint Ahsoka's markings onto the 501st armour right after she leaves the jedi order just to piss off the council and to publicly symbolize the fact that Ahsoka always will be with them and a part of them. The 501st were immediately on board and for Ahsoka to meet the 501st later with her markings on their helmets before the entire mandalore siege maybe on the holonet or accidentally seen it in person might've been really emotional for her.
Like they always say Anakin has attachment issues that is true but he did let Ahsoka go to find her own path and place in the universe while also being there for her when she needed him...so..I love them your honor.
I just fucking love Anakin shoving one the council's biggest mistakes onto their faces over and over again everytime they call the 501st for aid, assistance and backup they will see Ahsoka's markings everywhere.
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They gave him a child, took it away and that probably left him in shambles. I wish there were more episodes of Anakin grieving her loss or Obi-Wan feeling guilty yet again for not being able to stop it from happening or Rex and the 501st missing her dearly.
Edit: okay but Rex with his painted helmet on and Anakin gently caressing and tracing Ahsoka's markings will live inside my head rent free.
Anakin is afraid to lose Rex too and maybe this scene mentioned above happens before a mission and as he is tenderly touching his helmet he says "be safe out there"
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incessantlark · 7 months
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ahsoka, terrified: anakin!
obi-wan: does your depravity know no bounds?
anakin, cheerily: no!
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