#snowbaz hc
OK,but what if Baz & Simon watch Good Omens?
What it, after, when Baz uses „alistair fucking crowley“ as a way of cursing, Simon has to actively suppress making a good omens reference (and he succeeds like maybe, 60% of the time)
What if they laugh about the wholesomeness o the good omens universe in comparison to how they‘ve been brought up, but silenlty find comfort in the thought of finding wholesomeness in the weirdest of circumstances?
What if they watch Aziraphale and Crowley, being told to be on different sides but being drawn togehter time after time; against all prejudices finding comfort in eacht other?
What if they watch both having a difficult time finding the rights words for their feelings, but understanding each other anyway?
What if they watch how aziraphale & crowley finally fail to at the end of season 2?
What if Baz watches two immortal beings on screen being happy (mostly)?
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sacred-algae · 2 years
Adapted from a discord texting rp with @emerson-loki96 as Baz and me as Simon
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It’s become a running joke with us… because a few months later…
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Enjoy the chaos of our headcanon
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twokisses · 10 months
at social events, lady salisbury always refers to baz as "my grandson-in-law", and if baz is around to hear it, he'll always humbly / shyly refute it with, "not really". and then lady salisbury will just be like, "oh tosh, those are just technicalities. well fine, my grandson-in-love, then" to which baz will have absolutely nothing to say, because he and her grandson are in love, and she's absolutely right
cue lady salisbury's ultimate triumph once simon and baz do get married and she can call baz whatever the hell she likes, "and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop me!"
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facewithoutheart · 2 months
Not Mine
drabble, 601 words, established SnowBaz
I thought one day I’d look in the mirror and see the Mage staring back.
But this is one of those Things I Don’t Think About. AKA Things I’ve Thought About Once and Then Swiftly Pushed Down Into a Pit Deeper Than The Well Agatha Once Got Trapped In.
Thoughts that are Not My Problem.
Baz thinks about it. I see him sometimes, frowning at his jawline in the mirror like his father’s jowls are going to show up without permission or warning. Then he’ll dart a look in my direction and the fear will hover in the air between us. He waits for it to land, forgetting I’ve had quick reflexes since that time the Humdrum sent a hoard of buttercries my first week at Watford. I swat this thought away just as easily, even without being able to call the Sword of Mages. Hyah! Take that.
(I’m pretty sure if I were still in therapy my doctor wouldn’t consider mentally karate-chopping intrusive thoughts a sign of progress but her last notes called me “markedly improved” and she let me go without setting a follow-up appointment, so. Thbbft.)
Although, if I’m being honest, maybe it’s less a factor of repression that I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about whether or not I will one day look like the Mage. Because, honestly, I’m too busy seeing how I look like Gran. Or Grandpa. Uncle Jamie.
My mum.
Gran made me copies of her old photo albums and I lose myself in them sometimes, seeing all the ways I connect to this person I never got to meet. Her eyes. Her shoulders. Her hair.
Her freckles.
She smiles in her photos; the Mage never smiled. Not really. Sometimes he’d try, like he thought I needed his face to show that expression, but it was never his.
I smile. I have smile lines. Baz likes to trace them. Mostly when he thinks I’m sleeping but sometimes when I’m awake. He’s got them, too. No jowls, though. I don't even think not yet after that statement because I don’t think that’s the way he’ll end up looking like his father.
(My bet’s on the silver hair.)
Not every son looks like his father. And I realize that’s not something I get to choose. Maybe one day I will wake up with a terrible moustache and Baz will hold me down before I’m even completely alert just to shave it off so I can’t see.
Which is silly.
But that’s love.
Love is the way Baz fears I might one day look in the mirror and see the man who nearly killed me. The man who manipulated me, abandoned me. The man who was meant to be my father but never ever deserved that title.
Love is the way Baz worries over the things I can’t. He holds that fear outside me. He’s ready for the day when it lands.
But I don’t think it ever will.
Maybe this is less a Thing I Don’t Think About and more a Thing That’s Not Mine.
This face is mine. These wrinkles are mine. These freckles, moles, shoulders, eyes … mine.
So is Gran. Uncle Jamie.
I don’t look in the mirror and fear. I see. That means—
“Mmm,” Baz hums, coming up behind me, his arms wrapping around my middle as he hooks his chin over my shoulder. He catches my eye in the mirror. “What’s that brain of yours thinking?”
I smile, spinning around so I can kiss away the furrow digging between his brows. “Nothing,” I say. “Nothing at all.”
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hushed-chorus · 1 year
Trope Grading Game (instead of WIP Wednesday)
Hey folks, and thank you for the tags on Sunday @fatalfangirl @thewholelemon @theearlgreymage @orange-peony @artsyunderstudy @wellbelesbian and @youarenevertooold, and to @cosmicalart for the tag today (thank you for joining us!)
I’m having a slow morning, so when @aristocratic-otter tagged me in this game, I figured it could be a good way to try to ease myself into some writing. So consider this in lieu of my WIP post!
Honestly this was an interesting one to fill out, because I rarely seek out specific romance tropes. I’m always looking for the circumstances that lie beneath. The setting and plotty plot that the tropes are part of. Also, I’ve realised I’m very ignorant about romance tropes, so I may be misreading some of these xD 
Also, most of this is answered in a Snowbaz context, given that’s my only fandom.
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 - don’t care either way
+10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Age gap: -5
Broadly, no. Anyone younger than 22 in a relationship with someone significantly older is something I avoid. That being said, my all-time favourite cishet romance is Hazel and Agnes in S1 of The Umbrella Academy. I’ve never wanted a cishet Happily Ever After so much in my whole life lol.
Codependency: +4
Broadly, yes. I enjoy fics that unpick the ways in which a couple are entangled and how that creates challenges, as well as how they may be resolved. I guess in a snowbaz context this often also means fluff, and tbh fluff isn’t my thing unless it’s at the end of a fic full of challenges that they have overcome.
Obsession/Possessiveness, jealousy: +5
Outside of Snowbaz, not really. Within Snowbaz (and thus informed by its canon), yes. Especially when Simon is being an oblivious dufus and Baz is pining.
Opposites (grumpy/sunshine etc): +7
Erm yes, I probably like this more than I previously realised lol. Like, as long as this isn’t the defining characteristic of the two characters, I can really get into it. I love Snowbaz fics that show a playful side to Simon.
Enemies to lovers, Enemies with benefits: +10
Abso-fucking-lutely. Obviously. Hot, lots of strong feelings, tension, angst, yes yes yes.
Friends with benefits: -2
If it’s sex with neither romance nor part of an enemies-to-lovers storyline, I’m not really interested. I’m a romantic at heart.
Sex to feelings: +5
Reasonably neutral as a baseline concept, but this can totally be done very well. It depends on the set dressing that goes with it. Is there conflict? Confusion over said feelings? Something keeping them apart? I love that shit.
Fake dating/relationship: 0
I’ve read good fics that use this concept, but the concept itself doesn’t excite me, so I don’t specifically seek it out.
Friends to lovers: 0
I like enemies to friends to lovers, but I like fics that have tension and uncertainty. Friends with benefits can certainly have that, but for me its not guaranteed to scratch that itch. 
Found Family: -3
I’ve not read any found family in fanfiction, but I’ve not enjoyed it in original fiction. It too often casts found family as a cure to a person’s baggage and past trauma, or just flat-out handles these topics in a way I find deeply uncomfortable (coughthehouseintheceruleanseacough)
Hurt/Comfort: +9
Oh yes yes yes. This is my jam. I like it best, however, when it’s part of a larger fic with other things going on (especially as part of a slow burn).
Love Triangle: 0
I don’t mind it, but it doesn’t appeal in the context of snowbaz. I have a slight aversion to fics where Lamb is part of the love triangle. No shade on anyone who writes that, he is a good canon character to place in that role, but it doesn’t align with my personal HC for Lamb.
Poly, open relationships: -5
I guess I’m way too monoamorous for this. Clone smut, however… 
Mistaken/hidden identity: +10
OMG. Ok so so this is where I probably stray from the point (lol), because I love this in a very specific context. Do we count Baz hiding the fact he’s a vampire in this? Because I LOVE stories where the character has something strange/supernatural about themselves that they are trying to hide, or that they may not even know about themselves in the beginning. And I could see enjoying this in a non-supernatural context (I just love fantasy elements a lot). Outside of Baz being a vampire, I don’t know if this is done much in the Carry On fandom? If anyone has any recs, I’d very much welcome them!
Monsterfucking: +6
As you’ve probably gathered from previous responses, I’m not a big smut person. But I gotta admit, I do like a bit of monsterfucking.
Pregnancy: +4
For someone with zero interest in having kids, I do enjoy a good mpreg fic. Especially when it’s unexpected and the pregnant character is riddled with doubt and uncertainty, leading to some hurt/comfort and angst with a happy ending. 
Second Chance: +2
Hmm. I'm neutral on breaking up and getting back together fics, but getting together later fics can be interesting. But, again (fuck this is my mantra), I’m mostly interested in the surrounding circumstances. What is the canon divergence that kept them apart? This is what will snag my interest.
Slowburn: +10
Yes! I LOVE a long plotty fic with slow burn and all that deliciousness. 
Soulmates: +8
As long as that baby has some angst/uncertainty/misunderstandings, I am all over that shit.
Right! Now I’m off to see if I can make any meaningful progress on my shipwreck COTTA. Happy Wednesday y’all! I won't tag anyone else but if anyone wants to play, please consider this an invite!
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snowwbazziscanon · 3 years
Okay, but the fact that it is actually Simon who gets jealous super fast and has the "touch him and I'll bite of ur head" - attitude is one of the biggest power moves RR has ever done
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loveandwarandmagick · 4 years
Can you write a HC about Simon and Baz's fav forms of intimacy/couple things?
anon,,,, intimacy ,,, mmm good shit i love intimacy
- simon’s favorite thing is holding hands (in canon obvi) because it tethers him and reminds him that even if he doesn’t have his magic to hold onto, he’ll always have baz 
- he also really likes his hair being played with, especially because baz is careful not to make his curls too frizzy 
- he likes sleeping with his arms around baz’s middle, with his face tucked into the back of baz’s neck, but he loves falling asleep with his head on baz’s chest, listening to him breathe 
- and lastly, he loves simple kisses. the ones where the other just got home and there’s a peck to the cheek. a kiss to the top of his head when he can’t sleep, and another on the back of his hand. baz caught on to this fairly fast
- as for baz, he loves when simon wears his clothes. when simon’s had a bad day, or he’s too tired to care, baz purposefully brings him one of his sweat shirts to sleep in
- he also loves hugs like,,, he’s always so cold, and simon’s like a walking furnace. he folds himself in simon’s arms anytime he can, but especially after he gets home on a cold day 
- he won’t ever admit it, but one of his favorite things is bringing simon one of his favorite things. his heart aches when he watches simon light up over a bag of cherry scones, or the little goat figurine he got him at random 
- he likes touching simon in any way he can. holding hands, threading his fingers through simon’s hair. he smooths his hand across simon’s back when he’s restless and can’t sleep. on good days, he winds an arm around simon’s waist when they’re out shopping together, and on bad ones, he clutches simon’s hand right back 
- also he loves it when simon falls asleep on his lap. sometimes, when they’re watching movies, simon shifts and turns to face him. after a few kisses, he gets too sleepy and falls asleep like that, tucking his face into baz’s shoulder while baz holds him close
edit: yes i’m pretending that they do mundane things like watch movies. let them be content. 
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pgpuma · 5 years
carry on hc where baz’s fangs pop whenever he’s feeling a lot of any emotion. depressed? fangs. ecstatic? fangs. scared? fangs. flustered?fangs. embarrassed? fangs. horny? FANGS.
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For the First Time: SnowBaz Fanfiction
“That hurts,” Simon whispered, and Baz could hardly hear it over his labored breathing.
“Sorry.” Baz stopped. It took a lot of willpower to do so, and he rested his head against Simon’s shoulder. A sweaty hand came up and ran unsteadily through the thick strands of Baz’s hair, and Baz pressed a chaste kiss to Simon’s shoulder. “Sorry,” he repeated.
Baz could hear the blood soaring through Simon’s neck and his pulse beating against his bones, and he felt his fangs drop ever-so-slightly. Baz’s arms were shaking with his weight, and he didn’t know how much longer he could keep himself propped above the golden boy beneath him. The heady feeling of even having Simon Snow in his bed was making Baz sway, and he felt like if he pinched himself, this fantasy would be shattered, and he’d wake up back in the dorm across from Simon.
But no. Simon’s hands (both the one thrumming through Baz’s hair and the other gripped onto his biceps) felt too real and strong to be fake. The cartoonish wings beneath Simon and the devil’s tail wrapping around Baz’s legs just reaffirmed that this is more than a fantasy.
Honestly, of all the ways Baz had envisioned bedding Simon Snow, this was not one of them. To be fair, Baz had also never imagined teaming up with Bunce, running into the White Chapel to save the love of his life, and having said love of his decide to come back to the getaway house Baz’s family had sent him to after the magical hole appeared. He’d never imagined Simon Snow clinging onto his arm the entire car ride to the beachside mansion or the upset look in his eyes when Baz suggested they sleep separately.
Baz never allowed himself to look past his fantasies as just that: fantasies. Even after (finally) being kissed, after (finally) being able to look at Simon without feeling guilt, and after (finally) sleeping beside the person he’d most wanted to touch since he was fifteen, Baz had never looked past those incidents to see a possible future. In his mind, there was no way this would go beyond a fling for Simon. He logically figured that Simon would mess around with him to fill a little void that had opened after his breakup with Agatha and then go straight back to her.
Now though…Agatha looked like she didn’t have any interest in Simon, and Simon looked like he had much interest in Baz. Seeing him like this…beneath him, flushed, still looking up at Baz like he was the only thing in the room (and not capable of murder) made Baz internally high-five his fifteen-year-old self. Every embarrassing hard-on from seeing Simon exit the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist and every long night of wanting to crawl between sheets that weren’t his were finally being erased and replaced with the real thing. Real skin-to-skin contact, sharp intakes of breath, and paused moments to just revel in the fact that they were alive. Both of them. Baz had never conceived that ending.
Baz had never imagined learning Simon Snow was the little spoon or that he preferred the sheets thrown off or that he didn’t like sleeping with anything on; he’d done it for seven years to make Baz comfortable. That made Baz feel a little bad because he’d never evaded doing something to not annoy Simon. He’d chomped down on salt and vinegar crisps despite the horrid smell, continued to overload when it came to fancy soaps so the room stank of bergamot, and constantly fought with Simon over keeping the windows open.
But now…now Simon was looking up at Baz from beneath his lashes and holding onto the pale arms of a vampire while they… The thought was enough to overwhelm Baz, and he couldn’t admit to himself that this was real. It had taken incredible strength to restrain his inhumane reflexes and strength when kissing Simon into the mattress earlier. He’d held back at sinking his teeth into the meat of Simon’s shoulder as they rolled around on the plush duvet. He wanted this so bad his body was willing to betray every instinct he’d tried to ingrain in it since his Turning.
Baz wouldn’t lie that he had a fucked-up fantasy of biting Simon’s neck bloody and getting to experience that pure euphoria. He wouldn’t lie about wanting to piledrive Simon so hard that they both felt it for weeks afterwards. It wasn’t even some sick revenge he wanted to enact; Baz couldn’t control how he acted when it came to Simon.
“Should we stop?” Baz asked, his voice shaking even though he tried to hide it. He really didn’t want to stop, but Baz would never force Simon to have sex with him in any circumstance. Baz ran his hand over the few curls that had matted to Simon’s forehead due to sweat. At least this was affecting the Chosen One as much as it was affecting him. “We can stop, Simon.”
Simon smiled beneath him, a real smile that showed little bits of his molars and wrinkled his rosy cheeks. If the hard-on pressing against Baz’s thigh was speaking for Simon, Baz would have been halfway to heaven because of how hard he’d have fucked Simon. At the thought, Baz involuntarily moved further into Simon, and Baz apologized again as Simon hissed beneath him.
“Maybe not stop,” Simon suggested through gritted teeth. “Just…we should switch positions or something,” he added, pushing on Baz’s arm as an indicator to pull out. Baz gave a small whimper at the loss, and Simon grasped him by the back of the neck and gave him a heart-stopping kiss. “Lay down beside me,” he whispered after pulling away.
Baz did as he said, and he was a little saddened at not being able to see Simon’s face completely. However, it did give him a perfect line of sight to the mole he’d obsessed over since he was fifteen. Baz thought, “What the hell?” and leaned it to place a lingering kiss to the spot that led to him leaving a hearty bruise on the side of Simon’s neck. Simon sighed and placed his hand firmly on Baz’s thigh, and Baz nearly keeled over when he realized Simon was jerking himself to Baz’s touch. He pulled away from Simon’s neck as he felt his fangs drop more.
“Fuck,” Baz said under his breath, and Simon chuckled.
“Can we try again?” Simon asked, and he looked over his shoulder at Baz, who was losing his mind again. Baz could only nod as he gripped himself at the base and began to press inside Simon, who still hissed at the intrusion. Baz wouldn’t consider himself big by any standards, but he was slightly above average. His prick was a little longer than Simon, though he definitely thought Simon’s was more aesthetically pleasing.
Baz stopped at a few intervals, making sure Simon was fine before continuing. The small thrusts he had to make to breach Simon made both of them let out little punches of air. Finally, he was buried to the hilt, and the overwhelming tightness and warmth almost made him end this whole thing prematurely. Baz had never had sex before. There was no one but Simon he’d ever wanted to do this with. At sixteen, when Baz realized this crush would most likely go nowhere, he’d settled for probably never having sex. Even without experiencing it, Baz knew Simon Snow would be the best lay in the world, and that combined with his undeniable feelings crushed thoughts of any others.
Baz’s hand gripped Simon’s waist to keep him grounded, and he realized that the loud noise he was hearing was his breathing against Simon’s back. Baz propped himself up on his elbow and looked down at Simon, whose eyes were closed as he presumably got used to the sensation. Baz highly doubted Simon had ever done something remotely close to this, whether it be by himself or with Agatha. Definitely not with Agatha.
Baz leaned down and kissed Simon’s temple as a bead of sweat rolled down. “Love, should I move?” Simon’s hand moved from Baz’s thigh to the hand that held his waist. He nodded with his eyes closed and brought Baz’s hand up to his chest. Baz could now feel the pounding in Simon’s heart. “Are you alright?” he asked.
Simon let out a breath of a laugh and replied, “I have a prick in my arse, Baz. It’s not exactly known territory to me.” When Baz didn’t respond, Simon added, “I like it when you call me love.”
Baz smiled and pressed a sloppy kiss to Simon’s cheek. Finally, he pulled out just slightly and sank back in. Merlin and Morgana, Baz thought. If he died right now, he’d be the happiest man alive. A whimper escaped Simon’s mouth, and he finally opened his blue eyes and looked up at Baz.
“Feels good?” Baz thrusted again, this time pulling out just a bit more and sinking in a bit faster. Simon bit at the pillow beneath him and let out one of those little moans he’d made earlier as Baz had sucked him off. Of all things Baz expected from Simon in bed, quietness was not one of them. For the loudest chewer, walker, and talker on earth, the silence was slightly welcome, though it only made Baz doubt his movements and if he was pleasing his boyfriend.
“Real good,” Simon replied, clinging onto Baz’s hand like a lifeline. “More?” The question made Baz’s heart squeeze a little tighter. To ask for something so simple and so nicely with so much doubt…Baz would give him the world if Simon asked like that.
So they settled into a comfortable rhythm. Baz kissed Simon’s shoulders, neck, and every mole he could reach while Simon let out little noises of affirmation. At one particular thrust, Simon gasped loudly and nearly cut off circulation from all of Baz’s fingers. Baz angled himself there, and hearing Simon cry out every so slightly for more pushed Baz towards and inevitable burnout faster than he wanted.
Not even ten minutes after first entering Simon, Baz groaned out, “Love, I’m gonna…I can’t keep going much longer.” Simon made a confusing noise, and Baz asked, “Are you close?”
Simon locked eyes with Baz and squeezed his hand, though this time out of love and not arousal. “I…no,” he replied. That little smile crept back onto his face, and Baz couldn’t help but blush. Simon Snow was no sacred virgin, but the fact that he wasn’t close made Baz self-conscious.
“I really can’t keep going,” he confessed, still thrusting into Simon, though now more forceful and with intent. Gods damnit, he wanted Simon to feel just as good as he did right now. Baz was on autopilot as he gave his last few thrusts into Simon, letting his head drop to Simon’s (albeit bony) shoulder. Baz bit down against the tanned skin there, and he immediately let go when he felt a few drops of blood spill. Merlin, that was enough to make him want to go again as he emptied into the condom.
Baz pulled out after calming down and whimpered at the loss of Simon around him. They could not be more physically close than they had just been.
Baz shuffled over to the foot of the bed, tied the condom and threw it off somewhere in the room, and turned to Simon, who was still standing at attention between the legs. The sight made Baz actually thirst for blood, and he willed his fangs back up as he put his hands under Simon’s thighs and roughly pulled him to the edge of the bed.
He hadn’t been close a minute ago, but Baz knew Simon had been rubbing it out as he came down from his own high. Without much thought or even a little foreplay, Baz swallowed nearly all of Simon’s prick until he could feel it in the back of his throat. Having Simon inside of him was a feeling that both made Baz want to gag and also salivate at the same time. It was really fucking strange.
Simon gripped locks of Baz’s hair roughly and whined as Baz roughly bobbed his head up and down along Simon’s shaft, stopping to lick at the head and slit. The icing on top of this sex-filled cake was Baz pushing two of his fingers into Simon’s already loose hole and rubbing up against his spot without mercy. It took no time at all for Simon to be letting out choked-off gasps and sobs into the room.
Baz overestimated the capacity of his mouth, however, and about a fourth of Simon’s release ended up spilling out onto his chin. While he loved sucking Simon off until his toes curled in an almost painful way, he’d never enjoy the briny taste that was dumped into his mouth. He’d sucked off Simon about four times now, and each time, there was little to no warning on a release coming.
Baz swallowed and wiped remnants on his chin off with the back of his hand. “No warning, Snow? Even for you, that’s cruel.” His voice was rough and almost gone from the fucking it had gotten courtesy of the golden boy, and Simon laughed.
“Are we back to Snow?” he asked. “I liked love, and I heard you moan Simon more than once back there.” Baz crawled up to the pillows where Simon had placed himself and snuggled against the warm, tanned back he’d become so familiar with in this last week.
“You’ll always be Snow,” Baz yawned.
“Unless you change that,” Simon replied, scooting back against Baz’s front and sighing.
“We’ll cross that bridge if we come to it.” Baz was seriously delirious and suddenly insanely tired, but he swore he heard one more word as he drifted off to sleep.
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(This is 100% me self projecting but hc that Simon doesn't get most of what Baz reads, yet he loves listening to Baz talk about it. Usually he watches as Baz and Penny fervently discuss literature, but occasionally Simon will be the sole audience of Baz's rants and he Lives for it. His bf is so smart and passionate! He beems at Baz the whole time he's talking. The 1st time Baz lost himself in some speach about a book, he finished and was slightly embarrassed, worried he's bothered Simon. Now that they're more comfortable, Baz will walk into a room and promptly start yelling abt whatever characters are pissing him off and Simon will pull up a chair, and listen intently)
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softbookboi · 5 years
Spin The Bottle (a snowbaz fanfic) Chapter 1
Summary: The Eighth Years are playing Spin The Bottle at a party. When Simon sees that his ex-girlfriend Agatha cheated to kiss Baz, he decides to get revenge. During the next game, Seven Minutes In Heaven, Simon cheats and gets himself and Baz in the closet together. Oh my, what could they possibly do in the closet?
This is stupid. I'm in a huge house full of drunkards stumbling around, falling on top of each other, making out, and dancing like animals solely because I couldn't resist Penny's puppy eyes. Oh, this is so stupid.
I push through the bodies intoxicated with alcohol and wander around, trying to look for Penny, anyone. At this point, I'm even looking for Agatha-no. No, I'm not. Anyone, but not Agatha. As I whip my head around several times, trying to look past the towering dancers, I sigh and make my way towards the stairs. I'll just go upstairs, maybe there's not much of a crowd there and I can relax and find Penny and get the hell out of here.
Agatha broke up with me a week ago, and I've been a bit miserable since then. I was so confused and agitated and angry as to why she would want to break up. We're the perfect couple, her family loves me and we've been together for years now, and then she decides to call it off in the 8th year. I knew part of the reason she decided to call it off was that she liked Baz, and that made me more angry, more upset. So much so that I started eating less and Penny became genuinely concerned about me. So while I talked crap about stupid Baz, she had made a plan to take me to this party. Of course, at first I said no, but then she gave me her puppy eyes and emotionally blackmailed me, so I had to accept. I already regretted it the moment I entered, and she left me and told me to 'get another girlfriend'. It's been an hour now and I haven't seen her anywhere. I want to go home and if I don't find her upstairs, I'll go back by myself.
I finally make my way up the stairs and rest for a minute, leaning on the railing. I was right, there is barely a crowd here, the hall is completely empty except for a few people here and there. I start walking again and check a few of the bedrooms up here. Empty. No one's in them. As I make my way to the last door and reach for the doorknob, someone bursts out and bumps into me, our foreheads smashing together.
"Ahh," I let out. I look up to see the perpetrator is the devil herself, Penny.
"Penny," I start, "why did you bring me here? I wanna go back, I don't like it and it's certainly not helping me feel any better-"
"Merlin's beard, Simon. I'd been looking for you everywhere and was just about to come to get you right now. Where were you?"
"Where was I? Where were you? You left me downstairs all alone with those bloody drunks, I've been miserable! Well, at least we're leaving now-"
"We're not leaving."
"-so it's fin-what? Yes, we are. I've had enough, Penny."
"Come on, just give it another try, we're just about to play Spin The Bottle and it'll be really fun and the people inside aren't even that drunk as that downstairs so you can try a real convo with them."
"Oh, Penny, please, Spin The Bottle? What are you, in middle school?"
"Oh just come, it'll be great. I promise you won't regret it." She said as she grabbed my arm and dragged me in. Inside, everyone was scattered and they were all 8th years. Most of them I was quite friendly with, and others who I'd passed in halls before when I was going to my classes. As my eyes went over everyone in the room, they landed on Baz, talking to his minions, Niall and Dev. Baz.
Baz was here? And he was playing Spin The Bottle? I would've expected him to snide some stupid remark about us 8th years being too mature to play these types of games and then say he wasn't interested, but I guess not? And I hadn't even known he was coming to this party.
As if reading my mind, Penny says, "Every 8th year was invited to this party, we had decided to play these games beforehand, as kind of reminiscing old memories. Surprisingly, Baz agreed to this game without a remark. Guess he wanted to reminisce too, or just wanted to kiss someone. After this, it's Seven Minutes In Heaven. And, uhh...Agatha's here too."
She said the last bit in a really small voice as if apologizing. My eyes soared around the room once again, and I spotted her sitting in the half-made circle, excited. I quickly looked away, not wanting to meet her eyes after what she sent me through. Instead, I glanced at Baz.
He was now making his way towards the circle, sitting down a few feet away from Agatha. Upon watching him arrive, she blushed, and he smiled. Then, he looked my way and smirked. I felt a wave of anger rush over me from this. That prick always liked my girlfriend, and now that we've broken up, of course, he's going to make a move on her. That's probably why he even said yes to this game. She's probably the someone he wants to kiss. That bastard.
I had heard the door open a bit after Bunce had gone looking for Snow, and spared a tiny glance. It was Snow, he was here.
I felt my stomach drop to the floor and my spirit lift out of my body with hope all at once.
Snow is here, so there's a chance that I could get to kiss him, but I don't think I'll be able to handle that. And there's a huge chance that someone else would get picked. But still.
I only agreed to this game because I thought it was a bit childish, and it's been a while since I felt like a child again so I agreed. But now Snow is here, and I'm sweating with nervousness. I know he won't get picked, I just know, but I can't help but fidget.
I look at Snow as he takes in all the people here but look away before he gets to me and then look back after. I watch as he looks at Wellbelove and for a brief second, pain flashes in his expression, and is gone after because he looks away. I pity him, Wellbelove was his girlfriend for years and now she dumped him. It almost makes me want to stop toying with him by flirting with her. Actually, I do want to stop. I don't want him thinking that I want his ex-girlfriend. I want him, but he can't ever know that, no matter how much I want it.
I make my way towards the circle with Niall and Dev behind me and know he's watching. As I sit down, Wellbelove blushes and I smile at her, pitying her too as I'm not interested. I look over to Snow and smirk and watch as anger overcomes him. He's really too easy to mess with, I bet he thinks I fancy Wellbelove. The poor boy.
I talk with others while the circle fills and everyone's sitting now with the bottle in the center, and finally turn towards the people to see who's here. I see quite a lot of 8th years and but not all, guess some people decided to stay in the dorms tonight. Snow's sitting across from me, looking miserable as ever. I keep stealing small glances at him but making sure he can't see me. As I'm in the fourth one, I feel Dev nudge me from the side. I look over at him with a confused expression and he's smirking at me, obviously having caught me staring at Snow. I look away quickly, not wanting him to see the pink dusting my cheeks (I had just drained a deer before arriving at this party).
"Alright everyone, let's start the game." One of the girls says.
We play a few rounds, sometimes people of the same gender kiss, and everyone oohs and ahhs a lot, enjoying the show. Snow doesn't play, nor does Bunce, Wellbelove and me. When finally it's Wellbelove's turn to spin the bottle, Snow looks troubled, anxious to see who it would point to. I can already tell he's going to hate whoever this lands on, whether it be a girl or boy. And God forbid if it lands on him, that would be really fucking awkward.
My wish comes true, it doesn't land on him. Instead, it lands on...me. Me.
I hear the hooting of the boys and girls, but I'm so shocked that they just seem like white noise to me. This isn't right, I was just flirting with Agatha for fun. Now if we kiss, she'll definitely take that as a sign for us to get together. I don't like her, I never did. I knew she liked me and that she was gonna propose the idea of us soon, and had been preparing to turn her down. But this bottle has made things so much harder now.
I feel another nudge, and look up from the bottle to see Snow glaring at me. I can practically see the air bursting out of his ears, and his face is red with anger. Snow also knew Wellbelove liked me, he saw us holding hands the other day in the woods. I can see he's very near to going off, his magic is prickling at my skin, but he's also holding back somehow so that he doesn't make a racket. If he was angry with me then, he's livid now.
I look at Wellbelove and she's popping with victory, pride clear on her face. I think she spelled the bottle to turn to me, it's obvious she had something to do with it by the look she has on. I don't think she's even fazed that her ex-boyfriend is in the room, I think she's even more ecstatic that he'll watch her kiss someone else.
I've taken too long to think, and now everyone's chanting kiss kiss kiss like a bunch of 11-year-olds. This was a bad idea, such a bad idea. The talk with Wellbelove is going to be even harder and Snow hates me even more now. The boy I love despises me more now. But I know I can't back down, I have to do this. I mean it's just a kiss, I'll just give her a peck and pull away fast. I move forward toward her and she does too. We're on all fours, knees and hands, and she's so eager that she pulls me in from the back of my neck. I move to pull away after a second but she doesn't let go, instead, she pulls me closer and slips her tongue in my throat. The cheering grows louder. I don't like kissing her and I don't want to.
I forcefully move away this time, and as I am, I accidentally meet eyes with Snow. His face hardens and he looks like a psycho overcome by rage, his blue eyes glinting with anger. For a moment, he scares me, and I move faster. I pull away and she looks shocked, but then moves back to her side.
That was my first kiss. I've never kissed anyone before and she stole it, the witch. I didn't like the feeling at all.
We play a few more rounds, but I'm far off in my mind to pay attention. I won't even bother flirting with Wellbelove now. I'll just be blunt, serves her right for doing a despicable thing.
I'm regretting my life choices as the game finally finishes, and then we're about to start Seven Minutes In Heaven. I won't play this time, and if Wellbelove pulls something again, I'll just refuse to go in the goddamn closet with her. I won't be forced to play this bloody game with her.
I'm livid.
When the bottle landed on Baz, I was terrifyingly mad. When I looked at his face, he didn't sneer or smirk, instead, he looked a bit...upset...that it landed on him. But then I looked at Agatha, and she was overflowing with smugness. I knew. She had spelled this bottle to make it land on Baz and get me back for whatever reason. She knew I hated Baz and she didn't even care that I was in the same room, instead she spelled it to make sure that it lands on him out of all people. I'm not mad at Baz anymore, I'm mad at Agatha. I don't want her back now and I'm going to get revenge. I have the perfect way to do that too.
As we're getting ready for Seven Minutes In Heaven, the girls are writing everyone's names on slips of paper and putting them inside a hat. This game will be like that last one, meaning people of the same gender can go in the closet together. I know Agatha is gonna cheat again, so why don't I just do it?
I sneakily pick up a piece of paper when no one's looking and write Baz's name on it, and then keep it in my hand, and put my hand in my pocket. Let's see how she feels when I go in there with Baz, the guy she left me for and even cheated to get with.
As I step back, I look over at Baz again. He seems quite different now, almost bored like he wants to go home as soon as he can. I think about his expression when the bottle landed on him. He truly didn't look like he wanted to kiss her, and the rest of the game, he didn't pay attention to anything at all. Is it possible that he doesn't fancy Agatha and didn't want to kiss her?
Nah, he's probably plotting something, trying to catch me off guard. The bastard.
The game starts and Baz looks just as distant. Looks like he doesn't want to play, and keeps glancing over at Agatha and shows the tiniest hint of a glare. Does he know she pulled something? I wouldn't be surprised if he did, he's really fucking smart.
After about three rounds of the game, I can see Agatha's about to go next so I cut her off. Before she can let out a single word, I go, "I'm next" and she looks shocked, just as she did when Baz pulled away from her when they were kissing. She puts the I don't care at all, you know mask on once again but I know she's bit wary. I look at Baz and he's still not in this world. As I step forward and dip my hand (the one with the chit of paper, I made sure no one could see I was holding something) and act as if I'm pulling out a piece of paper, I have a cool look on my face. I know the paper in my hand has Baz's name on it and when I open it and say Baz, I look over to Agatha to see her reaction.
She looks stupefied, just standing still as the crowd erupts in a huge roar of hooting and cheering. She looks at me and I put on an expression of innocence. She's still horrified when people start pushing Baz my way. He finally snaps out of his dream and looks around with a confuzzled look on his face.
"What? What's happening?" he says, and I say, "I got your name in Seven Minutes In Heaven." I watch as his face contorts from one of confusion to one of bewilderment. Now, he's also stupefied, just like Agatha. He even starts stammering. Baz never stammers. He's always the one yelling at me to 'spit it out'.
The crowd takes notice of this and starts pushing us towards the walk-in closet, whilst ooh and ahh-ing their arses off. I look back at Agatha and the shocked expression has been replaced with a loathing one. She knows I cheated. But who said I cared? I throw her a smug look before getting shoved in the closet. They turn the lights off before closing the door and heading back.
We both stand there awkwardly in the dark for about 20 seconds, silence blanketing over us. Then Baz clears his voice and starts, "Listen, Snow," his tone indicates that he's gotten over his moment of shock and is now back to his senses, "Let's just wait the minutes out, they can't see us so they won't know."
I smirk in the dark. Even though Baz has seemed to found his cool again, he still seems a bit shaky and nervous.
"Well, I don't know about that that," I say as I move closer. I can just make out Baz's figure in the dark and as I take steps forward, he takes steps backward. "I mean, that would be cheating, and that's not right. Shouldn't we follow the game's rules?" I say smugly. I actually have no idea what I'm doing. My plan only intended for us to go into the closet together, but not do anything further. I just wanted Agatha to think we were doing something, to get back at her. But now, my feet and mouth are out of my control. They seem to be saying and doing the things they want, instead of listening to me.
Baz keeps moving further away until his back hits the wall. I smile triumphantly and lean over to his face until we're so close that I can feel his breath on me.
"Snow, what are you d-doing?" I chuckle darkly as I feel him shiver as I move closer to him, and by the look of his face in the dark, he doesn't seem too happy about that either.
I mentally slap myself for shivering and stuttering in front of Snow. When I was shoved in here, I had some time to comprehend this and figured that despite my shock, we wouldn't be doing anything. I mean, c'mon, Snow's a git, I'm a wanker and we both hate each other. Well, he thinks that I hate him.
I found my voice and told him to just sit it out but then he had this smirk on his face and started moving closer while saying things like we would be cheating if we did that. He has me cornered now, and once again I've lost the ability to think straight or speak. I don't dare open my mouth for fear of accidentally blurting out that I want to do something.
I still can't figure out what he means. Is he saying we should be doing this for the game? Is he toying with me? Does he want to do this? It's definitely not the last one, I know for sure. Then what's he doing?
I'm so wound up in my own thoughts and concerns that I don't notice him sneaking to my ear.
He whispers, "What needs to be done.
Then he kisses me.
I'm absolutely flabbergasted. Snow is kissing me. Snow is kissing me. Simon Snow, the boy I'm in love with, is kissing me! My eyes go back to their normal size as I push at his mouth, kissing him back with as much want as I can muster. He groans, and moves his hands to my hair, lightly tugging on a few strands near my scalp. I practically purr into his mouth at the touch and feel a light smile playing on his lips at my satisfying reaction.
Two can play at this game, I think, and move my hands to his small (A.N: smol) waist and grip it tightly, and feel content when a sigh escapes the confining walls of his mouth. We're full-on snogging now, and I'm still not in my right mind. He's doing this because of the game, isn't he? He definitely is. I mentally shrug as I decide that since this is a one-time thing, I better soak up all the Simon Snow I can. I push harder, turning him over so that he's trapped in the wall, and when he gasps because of the surprise, I slip my tongue in his mouth. He lets out a small mmh and I smile, moving my hands up to cup his cheeks and grab a portion of his bronze locks in each hand. He starts rubbing my stomach and I lean into the touch because it feels so good until-
Bam! The door flies open and suddenly I'm being ripped apart from Snow and the lights are on. I open my eyes, adjusting to the light and realize what we'd just done, eyes widening in shock and cheeks reddening in the embarrassment of being caught. I look up at Snow and see that he's the same, does eyes sparkling wide and cheeks turning an adorable shade of crimson, his freckles being flaunted and lips swollen. The hair is tousled because of when I pulled at it slightly and ran my fingers through it. In this lighting, Snow looks absolutely fucking gorgeous.
I look to the side and see a girl I passed in the hallway sometimes, and Niall and Bunce by her side, and behind them, standing at the door, everyone who was playing this stupid game gaping at us with their mouths half open. I look back and it's Dev who ripped me apart from Snow, his and Niall's face contorting into one of surprise and smugness, smirks decorating their features and a hint of mischief in their eyes. Bunce and everyone else just looks stunned by what they just witnessed the two boys who pick fights all the time in school doing.
Just as suddenly, the blanket of stunned silence is lifted and before I know it, everyone's dragging me out, howling and whistling and saying things like, "You took more than seven minutes so we got curious", "Never knew you had a thing for him, Baz", or "Someone was a bit eager there". I look over at Snow and he's also being bombarded by the people, being teased relentlessly.
We get carried out and people start the game again, but reiteratively, I can't concentrate and this time it seems like Snow can't either. I want to snog him again. I want to do all that again. And more. I want to be with him. But I can't. My chest fills with pain as I remind myself that what we did was just for the game, at least he did it for the game, even if I didn't.
Oh my God, I was probably coming off so strong on him and he probably was just messing with me. Oh no, what if he just wanted to peck me? I completely went overboard if that was the case. Oh Crowley, it's gonna be so awkward with him if that's the case. I can't face him now. I'm despicable in Snow's eyes and he hates me, he obviously just wanted a tiny kiss and I went and snogged him senseless. Aleister Crowley, he probably knows I'm in love with him now. Well, he might think I like him, but not that I'm in love with him. That's good. Oh, I was here thinking Wellbelove was going to cheat and pick me and I was going to have to humiliate myself and her in front of all these people by saying no and this is actually what happened.
Wellbelove. Wellbelove
I look around and my eyes find her. She looks as if she might kill someone. Not someone; Snow. She looks as if she might kill Snow. I was too distracted to notice her in the doorway with the other people, but now that she has my attention, I have to say I'm kind of scared. She looks terrifying like she might join forces with the Humdrum to kill Snow. I can't help but feel a twinge of amusement. She was so desperate to get me but instead, I got Snow. Ha, suck it, Wellbelove.
At the thought of him, I look around some more to find him. My eyes sweep over everyone in the bundle of 8th Years here, yet I can't seem to place him or Bunce. Did they leave already? If they're gone then why the fuck am I staying?
"Looking for your Chosen One, are you?" Dev snickers and Niall joins in from beside me. I feel myself blush, shake it off, look over at them and glare. "No, I'm not, and he's not my Chosen One. That was just a one-time thing, just for this game. And I'd rather not do it again."
"Baz, we know you're in love with him and we know you're looking for him. It's painfully obvious. But anyhow, Bunce dragged him away after you both came out. Probably asked him if he liked it and was fazed by it or not, like you." Niall retorts with a snort.
I feel myself blush harder than before, skin warming. "I was not fazed by it and didn't like it, it was just a bit enjoyable and I got carried away."
"Your burning cheeks say otherwise. Crowley, Baz, you must really like him a lot to be this red. When we tore you both apart, it looked as if you were about to explode. Never seen you like this before, and I have to say, I really like it."
I sneer at them both, but since I'm blushing, it comes out soft and they both coo. Ugh, bloody gits basking in my misery.
I spend the rest of the game pondering over Snow, whether he liked it or not. In the end, I'm sure he was traumatized by my animalistic jump on him and decide that since I've lost face in front of so many people who'll probably send this news to everyone else in school, I may as well start trying to get it back. From tomorrow on, I'll do my best to ignore Snow and this will just go back to normal. Even though I don't want it to.
After the game, I throw a tantrum and say that I want to go back. Dev and Niall just nod and keep making retorts about me and Snow, calling us Snowbaz. I tell them that I hate it and they say that I secretly love it, just like Snow. They're right. But they don't have to know that.
When I'm standing in front of my dorm, about to go in, I wonder if Snow's there and if he's asleep. He has to be, its past midnight and we have classes tomorrow (honestly these people's timings for parties are horrible). I take a deep breath, prepare myself and walk in.
Snow is awake.
He's tucked in bed, feigning sleep but the rhythm of his breathing tells otherwise. Why is he awake? Is he thinking about what happened earlier? If he is, is it bad or good in his mind? I'm too tired to stress over what he's thinking now, so I just get changed, brush my teeth and lay in bed. When I do, he's still awake. I face my back towards him and can feel his gaze burning holes through my skin, not allowing me to fall asleep peacefully.
I softly bring my hand up to my mouth, and finally, it hits. It hits hard.
I snogged Simon Snow.
Baz just came back from the party. It's kind of surprisingly really, because I figured he'd be too embarrassed to stay there after looking like he did when we got caught. Even though he's a vampire, his cheeks turned shade of red dark enough to spot from a mile away. I don't really know whether I should be saying this or not since I'm pretty sure I was even worse. And ugh everyone saw us. Now this is gonna be the talk of the whole campus and it'll be so awkward with Baz. They'll think that we fancy each other.
I don't fancy Baz.
Or...do I?
I kinda did just spend the evening snogging him, and enjoyed every bit of it. I loved how soft his hair was when I ran my fingers through it; how firm yet tender his lips were; how he gripped my waist and (probably unconsciously) rubbed circles onto it; how he loved it when I started rubbing his tummy and leaned into the touch; how he casually took dominance; how every reaction he got out of me made him grin against my lips; how soft his skin was; how he was incredibly good and knew exactly how to make me drunk off his lips even though I'm sure it was only his second time.
Aleister Crowley, do I like Baz?
I think I do. Why else would I be thinking about all this?
Although I don't think this is the first time I've thought about this. I've definitely thought about running my hands through his hair and gently caressing his face. About how his eyes are a stormy grey, a little green from the edges and contorting into a soft wet pavement colour as you go towards the center. About how he runs his hand through his hair when he's just come back from practice, and his shirt's sticking to him from the sweat, outlining every curve of his abs. About how he looks cute when he's really focused on something like homework or spells. About how his scent of cedar and bergamot makes wherever I currently am feel like home.
Fuck, I have feelings for Baz.
How did I not figure this out earlier? It explains everything now, how his presence kinda felt comfortable and how I followed him around so much in Fifth Year.
This is bad. I like Baz so now I won't be able to kill him. And he hates me.
Maybe I can get over the fact that I can't kill him. But I have feelings for Baz. According to how much I've been obsessed with him over the years and how much I loved snogging him today, I think these feelings are pretty strong, and if Baz finds out about them, he could use it against me.
Of course Baz doesn't like me, I'm his nemesis. But he was snogging me ruthlessly earlier, and—it might just be my imagination—looked a bit disappointed when we were pulled apart. But it was Seven Minutes In Heaven. It was a game. And I, myself, had suggested that we actually do something other than just cheat and wait around. He doesn't like me, he was just doing what I told him to
This is gonna end up really bad. I have tendency to wear my heart out on my sleeve but I can't let Baz find out about this. But...I'm still hesitant. No one kisses like that just for a game. Maybe I should talk to him. I should talk to Penny first though. What would I tell her? Yeah Penny, so remember the vampire that I've been obsessing over for 8 years and keep trying to get him expelled, yeah turns out I have a humongous crush on him.
Whatever, I'll just talk to her tomorrow at breakfast and ask if I should talk to Baz or not about this. That's gonna be so awkward, dear god.
But I don't have to think about that now. I can just revel in the fact that Baz is a few yards away from me, sleeping. Well, at least I think he's sleeping. I dare to open my eyes a bit, hoping to get a peek at Baz's face, but to my dismay he's turned away from me. Instead, I open my eyes fully and let them roam over his back, taking in every muscle pressing against the fabric of his shirt.
I have broader shoulders than him, but he's taller. Taller by 3 inches, the bastard. I had to purposely stand on my tiptoes when I was arguing with him.
I quietly, as not to let Baz know I'm awake, bring my hand up and lightly caress my lips. I kissed Baz. Merlin and Morgana, I kissed Baz. Wow. And I loved it. And I want to do it again, although I really doubt he would let me.
I let my sleepiness overcome my body and drift off to sleep while thinking of Baz.
chap 2, chap 3 (last chap)
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although I'm 100% on board the unlabeled Simon Snow train, I've been feeling compelled to make the case for why aspec/demisexual Simon resonates:
-Dating a girl was, besides following traditional roles, his attempt at “normalcy.” He didn’t have any romantic or sexual feelings for her, nor was he invested in the relationship in that way.
-He occasionally notes girls being "cute" and "beautiful" and guys being "fit" but this information doesn't really do anything for him. Being able to note "eye-candy" without experiencing attraction is a common aspec experience
-His reaction to boobs doesn't really go beyond a passing "very nice, not mad about seeing them", and this is brought up in the same line of thought as "I don't know if I was ever attracted to women", which is a way of questioning that kinda leans on a negative answer. See previous point.
-Baz remembers surviving sharing a room with Simon with “furious wanking” (just your typical angsty teenage vampire), having wanted to “kiss one of Simon’s moles since he was 12,” and wanting him “since he knew how to want” (“erotic gropfest” fantasies). While he only has eyes for Simon (a true romantic) it also seems like experiencing attraction and hitting puberty came hand in hand for good ol’ Baz. Though Simon is just as drawn to him (he thinks about him all the time, he’s always looking at him, smelling him; sharing a room with him was just like “sharing it with a siren”) getting there apparently went hand in hand with developing feelings that could be considered as "creating a bond," even though there was distance between them (he's not home until he's smelling Baz in their shared room -> Baz is home).
-It can be argued that 5th year was the year Simon started experiencing attraction. This is when he remembers wanting to jump Baz (though he didn’t understand why then), following him everywhere (by his own admission, he didn’t need to do this to prove Baz’s a vampire, he already knew), pointing him with his sword (ha) etc. By the time he kisses Baz, he already has a list of things he wants to do to him, including kissing him on the lips! Meaning he became attracted to someone he knows (he has observed his soul), someone who’s always on his mind, someone he wants to know everything about because he yearns to be close to him, closer than anyone else.
-It took him until he became more comfortable with being attracted to Baz and being sure he absolutely wanted to have sex with him to begin to understand how attraction actually feels. Before that, he assumed thinking someone is pretty probably meant he was attracted, which he later figures out isn't the case for him (when realizing in hindsight his lack of attraction to Agatha).
-He talks about sex in his straight relationship as a pain, or a chore he wasn’t into at best, and remembering it puts him in distress that leads to self-harm at worst (kicking walls, pulling hair, etc.) (As a fellow curly-haired person let me tell y'all: that’s no small amount of pain lol)
-In his own words, Baz is the only person he has ever wanted. Period. He's the only person he's 100% sure he's attracted to. "Nothing compares" to him.
-"Am I gay, or am I some kind of Baz-sexual. Is that a thing". It is, but we don't call it like that lol
-Simon thinking he might be gay has everything to with his attraction to Baz, and only Baz. Him noting other men being fit is in passing with no effect on him (again, refer to point 2) or to mark them as a threat/competition (Lamb).
-Simon's main point for rejecting bisexuality is him understanding his relationship with Agatha was completely void of sexual attraction and romance. He had first hand experience here trying to do what people do when they feel attraction, but he wasn't feeling it. The first time he talks about this relationship in CO, he says he was always going along with what he thought she wanted (as opposed to doing shit because he wanted it) and was always "getting it wrong".
-With strangers though? Is he attracted? Hell if he knows! I’d say he isn’t. Relevant here is Simon assuming that being able to tell when people are pretty means attraction ("assuming" as in not even thinking about it because "that's just how it is") and how he later starts figuring out that’s not the case with him.
-Simon feels like an idiot because Baz didn’t need to date or try anything to know he’s gay, while Simon has no idea of what can fit him, he only knows that he wants Baz (while also having a knee-jerk reaction to deny when someone wants to confirm him as either gay or bi, although we see he's not completely closed off to gay). Some of it it’s Simon’s anxieties and fears, but also relevant here is that this sort of confusion, and figuring out yourself later in life isn’t uncommon for acespec folks
-In other words: his attraction to Baz seems to increase or rather, to be more understandable, the closer they get (“he can’t get enough of him” he says when they start being intimate. He gets “so turned on he can’t think” when he finally has him naked).
-There's plenty supporting Simon's attraction to Baz: he wakes up aroused by his smell, he gets all hot and bothered just by Baz looking at him a certain way, he think it's "dead sexy" when Baz takes off his shirt and reveals his wand holder, Baz fighting has him jumping him in public because is just "so hot, he's so hot". No one else had this effect on him, not even close, even when he notices them "being fit"
-When Simon is dry-humping Baz (you read that right) in the Watford library, he laments not having been Baz's friend instead of enemies during their time at school, and not having kissed him in every possible corner (they had a private room together!!) in the same breath. Acting on his attraction to Baz and wanting to have an emotional bond with him even earlier than when it happened are tied together here.
This is not to say Simon needs to pick up a label, it's perfectly fine if he never feels the need to identify as anything. Labels are personal, and can be helpful in understanding ourselves, but not always. I'm only bringing this up here because it feels helpful in understanding Simon better (saying he's extremely oblivious and calling it a day feels like a disservice, there's a lot more going on with him!) even if he remains unlabeled. If you vibe with this feel free to add to this post
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letraspal · 2 years
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"I loved you before I met you, and I loved you more the moment I held you. And I never meant to leave you so soon. I never would have left you."
Carry On, Chapter 84.
HC. Lucy survived childbirth and ran away with her baby. She loves to entertain toddler Simon with old stories from the World of Mages. Simon loves his mom's magic, to wear her t-shirts and eat juicy sweet fruits.
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twokisses · 7 months
can i be rabid about an nsfw snowbaz concept really quick? bc i can't stop thinking about baz taking simon back to pitch manor (post-awtwb) just to check out the grounds and make sure it's okay, and let simon fly around without restriction for once. and i can't stop thinking about baz taking simon on a proper tour of the house and them ending up in baz's childhood bedroom, where the memories of his desperate mournful fifth year wank sessions feel too close to the surface, and suddenly simon is sprawling onto the bed, making some thoughtless comment about what it would have been like to be baz in this room, but all baz can register is simon snow on his childhood bed. and when simon sees baz's frozen expression and asks what's wrong, baz can't keep the shivering yearning truth from escaping him. he tells simon what he's thinking. and simon decides yeah, he'll make it so that baz's fantasies don't have to stay fantasies. he does make love to baz on that bed. and all baz's lonely painful memories of the feel of these sheets and the sight of that headboard are written over with the feel and sight of them now, while overcome with pleasure and love for a simon who is actually right there with him. and what i can't stop thinking about is the poetry of simon tying baz up while he makes love to him. in that bed, where being taken by simon was previously a ludicrous thing baz could only have in his imagination, and the feel of his own hands were the only things he could have in reality - to now have them tied up and out of the way, so all this real, grounding, wracking pleasure can only be coming from simon, simon himself, nobody else, no other way? sexy healing times
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facewithoutheart · 5 months
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Thanks for the tag @blackberrysummerblog ❤️
Y’all I am genuinely so annoyed with myself bc I started a new fic and it’s my new hyperfixation and not only is it not snowbaz, it’s something I never thought I’d write: a deep dive into a character’s backstory that takes place a decade before canon. I’m not even sure I’ll get to canon in this fic (especially since this is written for a television show that’s still ongoing), let alone reach a point where I can make the characters I ship end up together. And I’m not even fully convinced the characters will end up together? Like, don’t get me wrong they are going to want to fuck but if canon keeps dropping these insane arcs then I don’t know if I’m ever going to make it happen. I really want to stay as true as possible to canon while also throwing my own HCs in there, including angst. Oh god so much angst. This fic should be titled “Doomed by the Narrative” lol.
I’m really turning 2024 into a write-fics-no-one-wants-to-read-and-cry-about-not-getting-validation challenge. (Okay okay it’s actually been kind of therapeutic and I’m glad I’m following my bliss.) Bless @thewholelemon for reading this and commenting anyway; you have no idea how hard I’m holding your comment to my chest and hugging it.
Anyway here are a lot of lines from the fic under the break bc I’m still trying to tempt a few of you over to the dark side:
“Eddie! Don’t—” but then she was too preoccupied to argue.
He couldn’t help laughing as he pushed the door open. “Ah, pobrecita.”
“It’s not funny.” She sat on her knees before the toilet, hair pulled back with one hand while the other cradled her forehead, elbow propped up on the seat. She was bare from the waist down, her tank top falling off one shoulder. Half of her bangs stuck up straight in the air while the other half was plastered to her skin from sweat.
Eddie clicked his tongue as he wet a washcloth and grabbed a hair tie from where Shannon kept them in a bowl by her sink. “It’s a little funny,” he said, dabbing at her forehead then resting the wet cloth on the back of her neck.
“That feels nice.”
He pulled her hand holding back her hair gently away and then inexpertly tied what strands he could capture with her elastic. “There.”
“Thanks.” She groaned as she pushed off the toilet, resting her back against the tub. Her eyes darted down to his boxers. “Oh. You didn’t—”
“It’s fine,” he said.
“It’s not. Nothing’s ever going to be fine again. I have thirty more weeks of this.”
“Thirty-two,” he corrected her. “And that’s probably a conservative estimate. Most first pregnancies take longer.”
She flicked her eyes up to his. “You’re good at this.”
“This,” she pointed a finger back and forth between them, “taking care of people.”
“Ah? I mean, I do have two younger sisters. You know how Adriana was born in an emergency C-section?”
“No.” Shannon had a strange look on her face. “You never told me that.”
“I didn’t?”
“You don’t tell me a lot of things, Eddie.”
Not sure who to inflict this on with tags so I’m picking people who write/art in multiple fandoms and can maybe relate: @larkral, @roomwithanopenfire, @forabeatofadrum, @excalisbury, @stardustasincocaine, @ic3-que3n, @theearlgreymage & of course my boos @thewholelemon, @raenestee, & @bookish-bogwitch who are always so sweet to indulge my whims y’all keep writing fun. Also open tag to anyone who wants to share what they’re working on!
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britney62 · 3 years
Simon: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death?
Baz: How am I supposed to know?
Agatha: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult.
Baz: *sighs*
Baz: You wouldn't be trapped.
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