#so!! every Dionysus needs his Apollo!!!
my-name-is-apollo · 2 months
For Dionysos, when he set his image into the mirror, pursued it, and in this way, was scattered everywhere. But Apollon gathers him together and revives him, for he being a purifying God, and truly the savior of Dionysos, is thus celebrated as ‘he who gives us Dionysos’ (Dionysodotis).
- Olympiodorus, Commentary of Plato's Phaedo (trans. William Norvin)
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mediumgayitalian · 1 month
Twenty minutes later, Solace hurries out of his cabin in cowboy boots.
And jeans.
Nico gapes at him.
“Go go go go go, questions later,” Will hisses, herding him behind the Apollo cabin. “We are on a time limit, we gotta —”
“You’re wearing close-toed shoes.”
“Yes, yes, sometimes I wear the clothes that I own. Wild. Let’s go.” Will tugs, uselessly, on his arm, but Nico’s half-certain his jaw has taken root in the ground, cementing him in place, because what the actual shit.
“Solace, you wore flip-flops to the snow-smothered bus stop in January. I thought you had, like, a condition!”
“I do have a condition. It’s called You Are Not Hurrying, Death Breath, let’s go —”
This time when he pulls, Nico stumbles after him, ducking under windowsills and inching around flower gardens. Every time someone so much as looks in their direction, Will plants both hands on his chest and shoves them into a corner somewhere, craning his neck to watch until they move on. Every time he does, another piece of Nico’s soul breaks away from his body and descends into hell. There is an actual trail of bones and tilled earth and dead grass behind him. Will doesn’t need to worry about being stealthy — the death aura of Nico’s dignity is large enough to scare off anything within a four mile radius.
“In here!”
Undeterred by the death aura, for some reason, Will seizes his bicep and shoves him in a crack between the Hypnos and Dionysus cabins. He slips in a millisecond later, crowding him against the warm bricks, forearm pressed awkwardly next to Nico’s head.
“Hnggh,” Nico gasps, mournfully wishing his last sliver of self-respect goodbye. Rest in fucking peace. “Do you have to be so — close, Will, gods —”
“If you shush me again I am going to rip your throat out —”
“Go, go, go!”
Yanked forward again, Nico doesn’t have the time to finish his threat. This time, at least, they sprint the final stretch to the shed without any more hiding and shoving.
Thank all the fucking gods. One more second of Will’s stupid torso — since fucking when does he wear polo shirts, huh, what the shit fuck is up with that — pressed against his and Nico’s bronchitis was going to come back. And this time he’s going to succumb to it.
“Okay,” Will says. He stands in front of a tarp-covered lump, gripping one side and jutting his chin out at the other. “On three, we tear this off and start pushing. We need past Thalia’s tree in under thirty seconds. Got it?”
“No,” Nico says stubbornly, “you still haven’t explained what the rush is —”
“One two three go!”
Will, unfortunately, has been tricking ADHD teenagers into doing things they don’t want to do for years, so Nico’s ripping off the tarp and shoving the chariot out of its stall faster than he can register what he’s doing. He practically sprints to keep up with Will, chariot wheels creaking happily as they rush over stones and sticks and forgotten weapons.
“We’re leaving now, Chiron! Bye!” Will hollers, moving too fast to give him a second to respond. Luckily, Chiron is similarly busy, galloping after a speeding Harley without more than a backwards wave and a sharp don’t die, please!
“That dynamite I gave Harley’ll only keep everyone distracted another thirty seconds,” Will mutters, ignoring Nico’s alarmed the fucking what you gave Harley, “so we need to move, let’s go.”
“Will — slow down a half fucking second, Christ, not everyone is seventy percent leg — we don’t even have pegasi!”
“Will you keep it down.” Will looks back and forth, eyes wide, like he’s worried someone is going to pop up with a pack of the winged animals. “Just — stop asking questions! We’re almost home free!”
“You’ve gone insane. It’s finally, actually happened, after all these years, who woulda thought, fully bonkers at age sixteen —”
“Oh, shut up.”
Muttering his complaints, Nico helps him push the infernal chariot down Half-Blood Hill. Among his grievances, he makes it abundantly clear that 1) this is stupid, 2) he did not agree to physical labour, 3) he would not have agreed to come if he had known about the physical labour, and 4) this is stupid.
“Just a few more yards, then we can —”
“Okay, no, that’s it.” Nico lets go of the chariot, letting the wheel dig into the soft ground and send the whole thing halting. He meets Will’s pout head-on; arms crossed, jaw set, foot tapping, refusing to give into those big blue eyes.
“C’mon, Neeks.” A faint explosion sounds off in the distance. Will’s eyes get more pleading, more hopeful. “We won’t have much time after the diversion wears off…”
“You have three seconds before I turn the hell around, Solace.”
He pushes uselessly at the chariot. It spins a sad little circle without someone pushing the other side. “Neeks!”
“Alright, fine! Help me push again and I’ll explain on the way down.”
“Much easier when you just do as I say,” Nico grumbles, starting to push the stupid (horseless and therefore useless) chariot again. “Isn’t it?”
Will, predictably, rolls his eyes, although he can’t quite help the smile that pulls at his lips. Nico tells the butterflies that go buck fucking wild in his stomach to go to hell. This does nothing.
“How much do you know about the chariot?” Will asks eventually, after a couple minutes of shoving the stupid thing past a deep trench in the soil, leftover from the war. (Nico is going to set the fucking thing on fire. It’s a flying chariot — shouldn’t it be lightweight? Why is he suffering?) They’re nearly three quarters down the hill, and it takes everything Nico has not to risk it all and shadow travel the last couple dozen feet. Yeah, it might kill him, but then his problem would immediately go away. Tempting does not begin to cover it.
“Uh, big source of drama, right? Apollo and Ares worked together to seize it, argued over who got to keep it?”
He cuts a careful glance over to Will, well aware it’s a sensitive topic. He knows the question isn’t a trap — Will would never do that to him — but it’s probably best to tread lightly. As far as he’s concerned, this is a sore point that’ll take more than a couple years to heal.
Luckily, there’s no tension to Will’s face. “Mhm. I wasn’t there for much of the planning, ‘cause I was busy in the infirmary and also, like, twelve, but it took a lot of time on both sides. When Michael and everyone seized it, though, it glowed gold.”
Will snorts at his awkwardness, nudging his shoulder. “Yeah. Sure made it hard for the Ares cabin to claim, as dicey as it may be. Here, help me park it on the side of the road.”
There’s a thatch of weeds and undergrowth separating the road from the base of the hill, so dragging the chariot over is a struggle and a half. Nico can’t help but think that this task would be very easy if the chariot was harnessed to a couple pegasi and flying over the fucking thatch, as it is meant to do. When he voices this very valid thought, Will does not respond.
He does walk into a thistle, though, so Nico feels considerably better about the whole ordeal.
“The thing about the blessing —” Will grunts, yanking the chariot onto the gravel shoulder with one final tug — “is that it’s not that big of a deal. My dad blesses shit all the time. Our cabin is blessed. The infirmary is blessed. Hell, half my scalpels are blessed, and I throw those things out all the time ‘cause they’re dangerous when they get dull. Just because my dad blessed it doesn’t mean we actually have to keep it.”
“Okay…” Nico says slowly, “then why was it such a big deal?”
“The blessing on its own wasn’t.” Will’s voice gets fainter as he lowers himself onto the pavement, dragging himself under the belly of the chariot. Nico is confused for a full three seconds before a particularly rough patch of asphalt snags Will’s shirt and drags, and wow, are those jeans low rise. His throat is suddenly very dry. “Blessing a chariot on the other hand…”
Will makes a dorky little noise of success, crawling back from under the chariot. When he resurfaces, he’s grinning, carved piece of wood the same material as the chariot clenched in his hand. There’s soot smeared across his left cheek, his curls have tangled themselves into more of a mess than usual, and there are three separate scuff marks on his nice jeans.
Nico ducks his head, hiding a smile. What a dorky loser. Even dressed up as he is (boy, has Nico fallen low, if he’s calling jeans and cowboy boots dressed up), he still manages to look like…Will.
A really, really hot version of Will, but. Whatever. Details.
“The hell is that?”
“This,” Will says grandly, feeling around the wall of the chariot until he finds a specific spot, “is the reason my brother gave a fuck about a dumbass chariot.” He sticks the edge of the wooden tool in a tiny groove, wedging it open to reveal a hidden panel and a small, golden button. Nico meets Will’s grin with raised eyebrows, impressed.
“What do you know about Michael?”
“Uh, not too much.”
“You think he, in any reality, would have had that much interest in a hunk of wood?”
Nico had scarcely met him more than a couple times, but Michael Yew made an impression, that was for sure. For someone who was shorter than Nico when he was ten years old, he sure took up a lot of space. In the few times Nico remembers seeing him, he’d been concerned with his bow, his camera, or showing any given person who so much as blinked at him wrong just how quickly he could turn their ass concave. If Nico is correct, actually, the one time he and a pegasus had been in the same vicinity, they’d hissed at each other. Nico didn’t even know pegasi could hiss.
He tries to find a delicate way to say this.
“He seemed more interested in other endeavours,” he says politely.
Will laughs loudly. “He would rather shove an arrow in his eye than race a chariot!” His bright smile is impossible not to match, and Nico is relieved to find him totally comfortable, relaxed; hell, even excited. Usually, any talk of his siblings, even fond, makes him quiet. He’s glad for this change, however unusual. “Man, I loved my brother more than anything, but he was the most ornery motherfucker I’ve ever met in my life. He taught me every swear in every language by the time I was nine, just because he knew it would drive Lee batty. He didn’t care about some spoil of war.”
He smirks, wide and devilish, and Nico’s knees go weak. Dimples like that should be illegal.
“He was smart, though. And he figured, if dad’s blessing made this chariot anything like his own…”
He reaches out and presses the golden button with his thumb, letting go and standing back once he registers a faint click. After a couple seconds, the chariot begins to glow, soft at first, then brighter, then Nico has to squeeze his eyes shut to avoid the stinging burn, and then when he opens them, it —
He gapes. Will grins.
Where the chariot used to be, is now a shiny, brand-new, black and yellow motorbike, two helmets gleaming on the sparkling leather seat.
“…Then it might be a little more than some lousy chariot.”
Without waiting for Nico to pick his jaw off the floor, Will rushes forward. He tosses one of the helmets to Nico — which he barely manages to catch, still working on processing what the fuck just happened — and tucks the other under his arm. Nico happens to notice how his biceps flex with the action, and then vows to have his father bankrupt the entire polo shirt industry, because he can never be caught lacking like this by any mortal soul. It’s humiliating.
There’s a click as Will unlatches the seat, lifting it up to access the compartment under it. He pulls out a bundle mass of black fabric, and with a flick of his shoulders reveals it to be a fucking leather jacket and oh, gods, Nico takes back the polo shirt complaints, he can live with the polo shirt. This is too much. This is —
“Any time you’re done ogling at me, you can climb on,” Will calls out. He doesn’t even have the good grace to look in Nico’s direction, instead sliding on the seat facing resolutely forward, amused smirk on his face. And because he wants Nico to die, actually, he straightens his jacket, making sure it fits his shoulders right (by the gods does it ever) brushes his hair backwards (there is no genuine reason for someone’s hair to actually shine in the sunlight) and slides his helmet on. When he finally does look back in Nico’s direction, through his raised visor, the combined sight of his sparkling blue eyes and the cut of his face under the angular helmet actually gives him tachycardia.
“I hate you,” Nico croaks. “Not joking.”
Will throws his head back and laughs, baring his long, tanned throat. Nico follows the bob of his adam’s apple like Tantalus does the forbidden fruit. It’s horrible, and what’s worse is that Will is visibly preening like the fuckin’ peacock he is. Someone should remind him he’s basically a dressed up turkey. Or something. Nico’s brain is operating at twenty percent capacity, his ability to metaphor properly is a secondary concern.
“Just get over here, you goober. We’re on a time limit, remember?”
Shoving his helmet on to hide his flaming face, Nico does, sliding on with a healthy four inches of space between them.
“Mm, not gonna work, ParaNorman. This thing’s enchanted, we’ll be going well over a hundred. Hold on properly.”
Praying to seven different gods for strength, at once, Nico scooches the agonizing few inches closer.
“Hands around waist, Death Boy.”
“I’m fucking — I’m getting there, you asshole, gimme a goddamn second.”
“Do you need help?”
“I need you to shut the fuck up so I can focus.”
Maybe it’s the healer in him, or maybe there actually is a god looking out for Nico and they decide to have mercy. Maybe it’s a third option. Either way, Will reaches back and wraps his callused hands around Nico’s wrist, tugging them gently forward and resting them on the narrow curve of his hips. Nico holds them there, along with his breath, until some of the panicky tension starts to loosen in his chest, and he relaxes forward, resting his chest against Will’s back.
“There,” he says quietly, humming with approval when Nico’s arms link properly around his waist. He squeezes his clasped wrists once — a silent you good? — and waits for Nico’s minute nod, face buried in the back of Will’s neck, before starting up the engine, revving it twice before leaning forward, body flush to the bike. Nico can practically feel his grin, it’s so clear in his mind’s eye, in the delight thrumming through Will’s entire body, that he can’t help his own smile, too, can’t help but feel the thrum of the machine, the sharp smell in the air. He tightens his hold and Will lets out a loud, whooping laugh.
“Let’s ride, baby!”
With a push off the ground and a twist of a thrusters, they’re off, leaving behind only the echo of the roaring engine and the joyful, startled sound of Nico’s shriek.
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mythsandheather · 4 months
What I hate the most about LO is that Rachel is making the romance between actual gods backward. Aphrodite and Hephaestus were a couple but Aphrodite found him repulsing so she cheated on him with Ares. Even after that cheating on Hephaestus, Ares, and Aphrodite were the only sane couple in Greek myths. Apollo had his fair share of lovers (if you exclude Daphne) with him being in love with BOTH male and female and how does Rachel do justice to his character? By making him a R*****
The saga of Ares, Aphrodite and Hephaestus is often terribly misunderstood and LO is no exception, except that she weaponises it in her narrative and portrays it arguably at its worst.
The original story of these three is often stripped down to the bare basics along the lines of either “star-crossed lovers and ugly loser dude who got in their way” or “bad slutty woman cheats on poor helpless (but still ugly loser) dude with angry frat bro” and it’s wild. It’s a story, at least how I see it, about love, pain and compromise for what you need for yourself.
Hephaestus is hurt, angry and traumatised by his parents abuse of him, specifically Hera, and so he traps her in his specially made throne. He has a point to make and for the first time in his life, he will not be ignored.
Aphrodite is offered as the prize for freeing Hera, without her consent, and so is also hurt, worried and angry, especially when Hephaestus wins her hand. She is handed off to a man she barely knows, let alone loves, and can’t do anything about it
Ares is both not strong to free his mother, nor able to keep the woman he adores from being handed off to someone else — his own brother, no less, and has to just sit and watch. He is humiliated, he is hurt, he is angry.
The retelling I like the most is from Stephen Fry’s Mythos, where Aphrodite and Ares are already engaged when the throne incident happens, Zeus assuring them that surely since Ares is the strongest, he’ll be the one to free Hera. Even Zeus is humanised. Aphrodite’s hand being offered is him making a rash decision to motivate the other gods out of his desperation to free his wife.
When Hephaestus arrives and frees Hera, it’s not what anyone expected and Hephaestus makes it very clear that he’s not doing this to get the girl, so much as to make it clear he’s a force to be reckoned with.
He had Aphrodite seperate shortly after their marriage and she goes on her way with Ares while Hephaestus goes about his work, now with the respect he wanted for his craftsmanship. Ares, Aphrodite and Hephaestus are all on relatively amicable terms as later stories unfold too, especially compared to the fighting of the other gods.
In some versions, Dionysus intervenes and convinces Hephaestus with some alcohol both to free Hera and not to pursue Aphrodite, and Hephaestus agrees.
Now, you might be looking at all this and thinking “wow, what a nuanced tale and what a mature way everyone ended up handling it! Everyone here is flawed yet you like and relate to all of them! Surely this would make a great adaptation for a ‘feminist retelling’!” You’d be wrong.
Ares is a douchey dudebro who is obsessed with Persephone cuz reasons and exists to say every oversexualised, gross, objectifying thought Rachel herself has while drooling over her self insert but can’t make Hades say cuz he’s supposed to be a gentleman.
Aphrodite is a petty caricature of influencers and Kim Kardashian and her hyper sexualised nature is a bad thing and entirely her own fault when something bad happens to her. She’s also purple. I will never not be mad about Aphrodite not being pink.
She and Ares break up because -insert slut-shaming, not like the other girls logic to defend Persephone- here and she marries Hephaestus.
Hephaestus is set dressing, at best. Every cool attribute he has is stolen and given to Hades and instead of being ugly due to injury or physical deformity and this being a source of how mistreated he is, he’s just…black-coded and with prosthetic legs. If that made you slightly uncomfortable, it should.
Speaking of minorities being taken, chewed up and spat out by Lore Olympus, that brings us to Apollo. Poor, poor Apollo. One of the most beloved and influential of the Theoi, literally unrecognisable and reduced to being the self-insert’s r*pist because, you guessed it, reasons.
Let me add to all the people saying it, because it needs to be repeated; APOLLO DID NOT ASSAULT PERSEPHONE IN THE MYTHS OR ANYWHERE EXCEPT LORE OLYMPUS.
I know it’s probably not intended to be homophobic how Apollo is treated in LO, but fuck it, that’s how it smells to me, so that’s what I call it.
Every character, every relationship, every story serves to boost the Rachel x Mads fapfic Persephone and Hades love story and it’s nasty. How the fuck are you gonna call yourself a folklorist and do this?
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sweetkpopmusings · 7 months
ateez as demigods <3
a/n: i acquired the poca albums for spin off last week, and a picture of yunho reminded me of greek gods, so here we are ! i adore aus like this, so i hope you enjoy a little magic with your ateez thoughts today <333 pics not mine~
content: demigod!ateez, greek mythology au | wc: 0.7k | warnings: none really! | pairing: ateez x gn!reader | requests: open
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the son of aphrodite 
heart-fluttering touches, light reflecting off pearls, soft smiles after unsaid i love you’s
seonghwa cherishes his ability to make roses bloom any time he walks by because he deeply believes there is nothing more important than creating beauty in the world. when you meet him, a light breeze and the faint scent of sea foam envelops you, carrying with it an abundance of calm. when he looks at you, you feel as though you are being seen by the intimate eyes of the one destined to love you for eternity. 
the son of hades
the smell of an old leather jacket, music in a dive bar, holding on and never letting go
he’s proud of how he can sense the presence of sadness, anger, loneliness, and despair in others, because he possesses an impeccable ability to comfort those trapped in darkness. when you meet hongjoong, the world is quiet, save the sound of his voice saying your name. when he looks at you, you understand the security that comes with unfaltering trust in someone who has never let you down and never will.
the son of apollo
a perfect summer afternoon, gut feelings, waking up from a restful nap
yunho carries the sun wherever he goes, and his mightiest power is warming those who need it most, even when their worlds have frozen over. when you meet him,  all the tension in your body falls away, replaced by the satisfaction of a job well done. when yunho looks at you, his glow melts every last worry in your mind, an endless promise to point you in the right direction and follow you wherever you go. 
the son of artemis 
intense gazes, secrets revealed by moonlight, the deep green of a forest after rain
yeosang views his capacity to calm the racing hearts of animals and humans alike as a shield against a cruel world. when you meet him, you feel the electricity of the full moon rising in a clear night sky coursing through your body, a never-ending promise of adventure. when he looks at you, you are intoxicated by an incomprehensible mix of bravery and safety. if yeosang is by your side, you are invincible.
the son of demeter 
golden sunlight, cutting fruit for the ones you love, picnics filled with laughter and promises
anything touched by san becomes infinitely sweeter, and he never fails to pick the ripest fruit from the tree. when you meet him, you feel as though you’ve finally caught your breath, even though you can’t remember when or why you started running. when san looks at you, you are filled with delight, giggling like children playing their favorite type of make-believe.
the son of hermes
a familiar voice calling your name in a crowd, handwritten notes, hearing “i missed you”
mingi, though filled with racing thoughts, is confident in his power to say the exact words needed at the most important times. when you meet him, his simple “hello” carries with it a promise to always find you, no matter where you are. when he looks at you, everything you’ve ever wanted to say falls off your lips easily, as though all the right words you couldn’t find before are coming to you at once.
the son of dionysus
the taste of honey, skin buzzing with excitement, neon lights flooding city streets
he is eternally grateful for the fact he can lift people’s spirits with just a glance in their direction. when you meet him, you are overwhelmed by the feeling of hearing your favorite song from childhood, a bliss that comes with the innocence of youth. when wooyung looks at you, your heart drums inside your chest as though you’ve been dancing for hours, but you somehow still have the energy to dance again and again and again.
the son of athena
freshly brewed coffee, pages turning in a nearly empty library, footsteps on marble floors
he can settle any argument, not through stubbornness, but with an unflinching ability to determine the most equal compromise for all parties involved. when you meet jongho, the question that had been weighing on your mind for ages was finally answered. when jongho looks at you, you feel an unbreakable self-confidence, grounded in a way you never dreamt of before you knew him.  
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jgracie · 26 days
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ELECTRIC TOUCH . . . cabin one headcannons
masterlist | rules
warnings zeus (sorry)
an im gonna be doing these for all the cabins cz i have a lot of ideas in my head LOL but in order of numbers so sorry hecate kids
on the radio electric touch (taylor swift), thunder (imagine dragons), she’s thunderstorms (arctic monkeys), skyfall (adele)
In my head, there are two types of Zeus demigods: lightning and thunder 
‘Lightning’ are the ones with (literally LOL) electrifying personalities, representing the Zeus a lot of their parents probably fell for. They’re fun loving party animals and are down for almost anything. Not to the extent of a Hermes or Dionysus kid, but definitely up there 
‘Thunder’ are quiet and level-headed, showing more of the ‘ruler of the Gods’ side of their father. They have a royal-esque aura to them and carry themselves with confidence and pride. Despite not doing too much to frighten others and mostly keeping to themselves, people still know to stay respectful and that they’re a force to be reckoned with 
The two seem like polar opposites most of the time and have people questioning how the same God could create such different kids, but they actually have a lot in common
The main trait all Zeus kids share is an extreme calling to leadership. Just like how their father saved all his elder siblings from their father’s stomach and became their king, they feel the need to be in charge and make sure everyone’s okay
They are also incredibly good at it. Zeus kids are always the people to go to when you need a pep talk or some words of motivation. Even the ones who perceive themselves as more pessimistic have it in them
A lot of people believe Zeus kids have a minor form of charmspeak because of how good it is, but they don’t
When they’re leading a cause they��re excited about, or if they just have a lot of energy in general, their energy tends to rub off on others like static. Once one person gets it, it's passed along and all of a sudden everyone’s hyped
While their leadership is a good trait to have, it can become obsessive and unhealthy, turning into perfectionism as they want to control every aspect of their life. A severe need for control in all aspects of life is a common fatal flaw for Zeus kids
All of Zeus’ kids could have the ability to fly, but they have to actively try in order for it to happen. If they’re afraid of heights (like Thalia), it just won’t
They can also jump really high. They say it comes naturally, but in reality they just use the air to propel themselves up LOL
The main power associated with Zeus kids is, of course, electrokinesis. They all have it, but it takes them a while to be able to fully control it and harness it to its full potential. They can usually summon lightning no matter the weather conditions, but it tends to be more powerful the more clouds there are in the sky 
Multiple Zeus kids could also create a chain-reaction of sorts with their lightning powers (kind of like that one Pikachu scene in the og Pokemon)
Since metal is a good conductor of electricity, I’m gonna make an assumption and say so are celestial bronze and imperial gold (I know gold is really low on the reactivity series but shh), which means Zeus kids could just wield a weapon of pure lightning if they were in the mood
Some of them have control over clouds/can create clouds. Obviously not to the extent of their father’s powers (like how he made a whole fake Hera out of clouds), but they could use clouds to obstruct people’s vision and make fun shapes for little kids 
Zeus’ children also have an EXTREMELY ACCURATE gut feeling. Extremely accurate in caps because it's that good. Theirs is the only one that could rival Apollo’s kids. Somehow they just know everything
If you asked a child of Zeus what it’s like, they’ll say something along the lines of some random voice randomly appearing in their head and telling them something
It sounds kind of creepy, but it's not. They could just be staring at two people they’ve never met and immediately think, “she’s gonna confess this afternoon,” or something. This ability is especially powerful with the weather. They always know deep down what the weather will be like as soon as they wake up
The sky could be dark grey with thunder rumbling in the background and, as long as a Zeus kid says it won't rain that day, you wouldn’t need an umbrella. This is an ability that becomes pretty handy during quests
Very scary when they’re mad. Ares kids are scared of them when they’re mad. They go quiet and grunt a, “I’m fine,” if you ask them if they’re okay but you can tell they’re angry from the way their eyes seem to get darker and people’s hairs stand on end when they pass by them
#1 grudge holders and believers in payback. Especially if someone hurts the people they love. A lot of their lives were negatively affected by their father’s carelessness towards people he claimed he loved, so they vow to never do the same
If you genuinely believe a Zeus kid has let you off the hook after you did something to upset them, you’re so wrong and I’m scared for you
Anyways love you Zeuserinas please take care and remember you don’t have to be perfect all the time & its okay to rest every once in a while
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🩷 ✨ aphrodite cabin headcanons 🪩 💌
aphrodite cabin headcanons bc the way rick wrote them was fucked up. let them be silly and hyperfemme and girlypop i am begging you.
they have a billion playlists for different occasions (getting ready in the morning, arts and crafts, capture the flag, etc.) that they share with the apollo cabin.
to clarify, they are not allowed to use the capture the flag playlist anymore because they are permanently banned from playing after a hermes kid almost lost an arm.
the clothes in the camp store are ugly as hell so they convinced chiron to let them set up racks of clothes they don’t wear or just bought specifically for the store, of course with low prices because everyone should be able to look hot. there are crop tops, bandeau tops, all different length skirts, rompers, and even cute shoes. the aesthetics range from y2k to hippie to coquette to fairy grunge to mermaidcore to goth, with sizes ranging from 3XS to 5XL.
they have huge storage units of makeup and hair stuff that they gladly lend out to other campers. they even have dye and bleach from arctic fox and salon-grade brands. don’t worry about how they got it.
they regularly have movie nights using a projector with blankets, popcorn, and cuddle piles. their favorites to watch are mean girls, legally blonde, clueless, jennifer’s body (a halloween tradition), enchanted, the house bunny, but i’m a cheerleader, tangled, mama mia, the sisterhood of the traveling pants, and all three high school musicals (they know all the songs by heart, ofc).
the whole “nico was the first person who ever came out at camp” thing is literally the dumbest thing i’ve ever read, so that’s just not true and the aphrodite cabin has organized every pride event at camp for years now. no one knows how they do it or where they get all that glitter, and no one is brave enough to ask.
you need love advice? you’re questioning your sexuality and need to talk to someone about it? you need a girltalk session and some hypewomen? you need to make sure the harpies don’t get you when you and your partner sneak out to a secluded spot on the beach? they got u, babes, don’t even worry about it.
they all have perfumes and colognes customized to their signature scents.
their support for the trans community could rival the dionysus cabin. also they worship dylan mulvaney like the goddess she is because i worship her like the goddess she is, and i make the rules.
no one has better halloween costumes than then. no one. if you look as good as them, it’s because you borrowed supplies from them.
insanely good matchmakers.
when one of them is sad, they all stop everything they’re doing until their sibling feels better. that means skincare, hair-braiding trains, manicures while watching barbie movies, and those frosted sugar cookies. no, they will not, under any circumstances, participate in camp activities until they’re sure their sibling is okay.
their favorite show is sex education. when they watch it, they send the younger campers into the big house with a hephaestus-cabin-engineered ipad to watch monster high and ever after high until they’re done. dionysus does not approve of having to babysit, but after he went to chew out the rest of the cabin and found them in tears with mascara trails because they got to season 2, he stopped interfering.
drew and will got the two cabins together to bribe and beg chiron for eras tour tickets. it did not work (much to nico’s delight, who would’ve been persuaded into going by his boyfriend). in retaliation, they put pink hair dye in his shampoo, and the apollo cabin cursed him to randomly sing what he says with no warning. dionysus has never been so entertained.
they have no tolerance for pick-me girls or slut-shaming.
piper apologized to drew once she matured and started dating shel.
they all have phones that they hide from everyone else, complete with protection spells from the hecate cabin. they all have a family group chat and facetime basically every day when summer ends. shel and valentina are best friends now.
being the only boy, mitchell used to get bullied a lot by insecure middle school ares boys. that is, until his sisters caught wind and gave them hell. now, no one messes with mitchell, and especially not with his sisters.
they absolutely lose their shit when they realize some of the younger campers are too young to know one direction.
they’re closer to the apollo kids (and nico) than any other cabin.
they have a bookshelf full of nothing but romance. red, white, and royal blue, the falling on love montage, pride and prejudice, cemetery boys, the seven husbands of evelyn hugo, like a love story, heartstopper, the list goes on and on (no colleen hoover, though, yuck).
their acrylics and press-ons are deadly.
they have bunk beds, but more often than not you’ll find them sharing beds like they’re at a sleepover.
the cabin is extremely maximalist, with little disco balls, pink and lavender everywhere, fake flowers, and full-length mirrors because no, they’re not sharing.
because their mom is the goddess of love, they all identify as either bi, pan, queer, or don’t use labels. they just love love.
they all have matching “free britney” crop tops.
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bluehwale · 1 year
okay so idk if you’re taking requests or not, BUT BUT BUT could u please write ateez as chb demigods (kind of like the jongho one), the scream i let out when i read demigod on the post was a bit embarrassing tbh
also hi new follower 👋 gonna go stalk ur masterlist/s don’t mind me :))
the rainbow thief | demigods! poly ateez au
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02 / ‘the rainbow thief’ masterpost / prev / next
summary. eight demigods find themselves ecstatic over finally mustering up enough courage to let you know about their unbridled feelings for you, only to find a threat looming upon them; a rainbow thief that's set out to steal you.
or alternatively,
your best friends are oblivious to your reciprocating feelings.
pairing(s). ot8 demigods! ateez x daughter of iris! reader (son of hades! hongjoong, son of athena! hwa, son of apollo! yunho, son of poseidon! yeosang, son of zeus! san, son of aphrodite! mingi, son of dionysus! wooyoung & son of ares! jongho)
word count. 3.1k
genre. pure crack, angst if you squint real hard until ur eyes close, tons of fluff, literally the dumbest thing i've written help, basically idiots2lovers, ateez are chronic simps to the point where it's hard to watch, borderline unhinged behavior, they are also himbos!
warnings. alcohol intake (wooyoung and his wine), cursing, not proofread sorry </3
note. hi! this has been sitting in my drafts for a long while and i'm so sorry it took so long to be posted (almost d worded bc of my assignments) anyways, i kinda added a spin on this req by making it a poly fic, i hope you don't mind! thankyou so so much for being my first ever request<3 hv a great day!! ily ^3^ ++ feedback would be greatly appreciated pls i need to improve my writing
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San thinks this is definitely a level nine code red.
To give you an understanding of San’s Catastrophe Indicator, here’s some scale to context; a level eight would be Wooyoung somehow finding out his deepest darkest secret— that he still sleeps with his plushies every night; and a level ten would be getting zapped on the ass by his dad’s lightning bolt (and potentially having to stay in the infirmary for a week). So yes, a level nine is alarming, if not, exceptionally lethal.
It’s been exactly 53 minutes and 46 seconds since San has been watching you enthusiastically converse with an unfamiliar boy who’s sitting a little too close to you for his liking. His heart aches at the way you throw your head back as you let out your endearing giggles and how you teasingly shove his arm while the boy looks over to you with a grin, probably proud of a joke he told that made you laugh.
(It has also been 53 minutes and 46 seconds since the pink haired boy remains frozen behind a tree— the perfect hiding spot, he mused— all the while trembling like a leaf as he struggles to resist the temptation of flying in your direction curled up as a ball to hopefully cannonball the boy off the bench beside you.)
San huffs, he won’t let this be! It’s supposed to be the special day where he and the boys finally let you know about their feelings, and he would rather backflip off a cliff than let this undeniably handsome, seemingly perfect, flawlessly flirty guy who looks like he jumped out of a popular romance anime seduce you!
He falters, however, when he sees you stand up and grasp the boy’s hand to rise along with you. 
The poor boy’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he sees you inch closer to the blue haired boy, a pretty smile evident on your face as he then wraps an arm around you, pulling you close while whispering something into your ear that makes you blush. 
This can’t be happening! 
San’s hands turn jittery as he unconsciously moves away from his hiding spot, needing to get closer to you, his best friend that he’s been hopelessly in love with for years, but he can feel his heart finally breaking when you excitedly pull the boy into a warm embrace.
Your head looks up to see San pausing his steps after accidentally stepping on a tree branch with eyes as wide as a deer caught in headlights. You innocently wave at him and San prays that the ground would swallow him whole.
He feels his hands grow clammy as he ungracefully dives behind a trash can to (unsuccessfully) hide himself from you and the unfamiliar boy walking together towards his direction. But of course, with the unmistaken pop of his pink hair, it’s hard not to notice him— especially for you.
The demigod curses under his breath when he sees you in front of him and sheepishly stands up to meet your amused eyes. The blue-haired boy beside you stifles a laugh with an unconvincing cough and San thinks he hears the male mumble, “Oh, is this one of them—” before you elbow him on the stomach, cutting him off as he groans.
You pay no attention to the boy beside you as he doubles over in pain to clutch his gut, you turn to brightly grin at your best friend instead. “Meet Yeonjun! He just got here yesterday and, oh, he’s an Aphrodite kid! I think you both would get along pretty well.”
San feels his eye twitch. He tunes out your voice that rings throughout the air as you introduce him to your new friend.
A son of Aphrodite. Your new friend.
Aphrodite. The goddess of beauty and love. 
His heart sinks into his stomach.
This might be even worse than a code red level nine.
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“There better be a good reason for San to drag me here in the middle of drafting up my Capture the Flag strategy plans.” Seonghwa, the brain and only hope of the group, crosses his arms and tsks. 
The state of an emergency calls San and Mingi (an Aphrodite kid and the first San ran to for consultation) to round up everyone in the infirmary, an unfitting spot to hold their “emergency meeting” but the two boys couldn’t wait for Yunho’s healer shift to end. Mingi taps his feet anxiously when it looks like San’s unwillingness to speak due to his sullen mood means that he will have to be the one to break the news.
Ever the poster child of rationality, he slowly starts, “We think… _____ might be interested in someone.”
“You mean some people,” Wooyoung cackles, sipping his wine from an ‘I LOVE DIONYSUS’ mug as he gestures to his best friends sitting around in a circle. “There’s nothing to worry about, everyone in camp told me she’s 100% gonna accept our confession. They even think we’re all already dating.” The boy proudly smiles, taking another sip of his wine as his stomach flutters at the thought of you.
“She’s in love with an Aphrodite kid,” San blurts out.
Splatters of red wine burst out of Wooyoung’s mouth when San’s words finally registers in his mind, leaving him to stammer and gape wordlessly as chaos ensues with the rest of the boys.
“What are you talking about?!” gasped Seonghwa, any previous thought of his strategy plans immediately forgotten.
“But— but we were supposed to tell her today!” Yunho, ever in tune with his emotions, wails while his hands slap his face to cover his already leaking eyes. “What are we gonna do with the humongous bouquet I requested the Demeter kids to make last night?!” He reaches out a shaky finger to point at the flower bouquet and an equally large teddy bear taking up a whole corner of the infirmary. 
Amidst the commotion, Mingi locks his arms around Yeosang who seems to have resigned from his body completely and looks like he’d willingly give himself up as lunch for any nearby sea monster. “Guys, calm down, maybe this is all just a misunderstanding—”
“An Aphrodite kid, you say?” interrupted Jongho, already rolling up his sleeves to relieve his bulging biceps from ripping his shirt apart. “What’s this guy’s name and what does he look like?”
“Jongho, you’re not killing anyone—”
“Mingi’s right,” Hongjoong sighs, eerily calm besides the smoke fuming from his nostrils and his eyes that glint devilishly. “Instead of killing him, making him suffer throughout his afterlife sounds much better, I’ll make sure my dad takes note of him.” 
“That’s not what I meant!” interjects Mingi who, still grasping a Yeosang who’s ready to jump up and dash off into the ocean, shoots a desperate look begging for help to the eldest. 
“Maybe he’s trying to seduce her into a pyramid scheme?” Seonghwa supplies weakly, brain racking to find any other reason to support the idea that maybe you’re merely close with this person as friends and not because you’re in love with him.
“And why the fuck would he do that?”
“We demigods aren’t immune to capitalism.”
“It’s hopeless,” counters San, shutting everyone else up. They look over to him with furrowed brows and trembling lips, one that matches his own. “You weren’t there– you didn’t see what I saw. She looked so happy.”
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The eight sulky boys toddle around mopily as they pick apart the romance-themed decorations littered around the hidden area you all claimed as your group’s private hangout place. They can’t help but feel dejected over the fact that you— their best friend who they’ve been in love with for years, like someone else.
“Thought I’d find you guys here.”
Speak of the devil.
Their heads snap to find you walking on the path of rose petals they prepared earlier today, dressed in a baby blue mini dress you reserve only for special occasions instead of your usual get up of the orange Camp Half-Blood shirt and jeans. An easy smile rests on your face as you greet your best friends and they can’t help but feel their hearts grow heavier at the sight (except for Yeosang who is too busy panicking over you possibly noticing the ‘We Love You _____!’ banner that is still on display).
“______, what are you doing here?” The glint in your eyes visibly falters at Seonghwa’s question, your excitement twisting into unbridled nerves that settles uncomfortably in your gut when you notice everyone staring at you as if you shouldn’t be here.
Word spreads crazy fast in camp and it didn’t take long for you to overhear about the surprise the boys had planned for you. Although it unsettles you that the boys might be upset at their spoiled attempt of surprising you, you can’t help but feel giddy at the thought of them liking you back after all these years of you believing that your feelings went unreciprocated. 
So imagine your confusion when none of your best friends showed up to lead you to your surprise and that, after happily skipping all the way here, you find them hostile in your presence.
“Uh,” you trail off, nervously picking at the skin around your fingernails as you try to gauge their reactions. “It’s just… I didn’t see any of you today except for San. I missed you guys.”
It seems like that was the wrong thing to say as the boys, to your confusion, suddenly broke in tears.
“You can’t say things like that!” Yeosang hiccups, bringing a hand to his face to wipe the steady stream of tears falling from his eyes and earning broken mutters of agreement from the other boys.
"Wha—What?" you stammer, surprised at their reactions. What’s going on?
“You shouldn’t say things like that when you know we can’t have you.”
“What do you mean? Why can’t you?”
“Because you’re in love with someone else!”
You pause. “Huh?” Any trace of your previous nervousness vanished, instead replaced with rejoicement at the thought of them being jealous over you with someone else. You restrain the urge to giggle.
“It’s okay, ____. We understand,” sniffles Seonghwa, clamping his hand over Wooyoung’s mouth who was clinging onto his arm while yelling: ‘NO, WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND!’ It took awhile for the eldest to eventually tackle the younger to the ground, suppressing him by placing his weight over him while Wooyoung continues to let out muffled yelps as he struggles. Seonghwa turns to you and offers a weak smile, the usual shine in his eyes nowhere to be seen. “We’re happy for you.”
You try to contain your amusement. “You are?”
“We are,” Yunho nods, hastily wiping away his own tears to hold both of your hands in his (you can distinctly hear Wooyoung’s muffled scream of ‘WE’RE NOT!’ in the background). “We’ll always be here for you. We’ll always be your best friends.”
“That’s gonna be a problem, though,” you chide lightly, feeling the smile you’ve been trying to mask creep up to your face. “I want you to be more than just best friends.”
It took a couple seconds for the sulky boys to register what you said and when they did, you’d think they’d won the lottery or something (you’re pretty sure Jongho leaped three feet up in the air). 
“But what about that Aphrodite kid?”
You turn to Hongjoong in confusion. “What Aphrodite kid?”
Everyone turns to accusingly look at a certain pink haired boy. 
San gulps. “Yeonjun,” he mutters. It comes out sounding more like a question than a statement.
“...Yeonjun?” you burst into laughter, uncontrollable giggles escaping you from how ridiculous this is. “We’re just friends and he has a boyfriend. I was even talking about you guys all day to him!”
“Y—you were?” San stutters, already feeling the pointed glares burning on his back. “I—I thought you liked him…” 
“I don’t,” you reassure them with a smile. “How could I when I’m in love with you guys?”
Mingi lets out a relieved scream, enveloping you in a tight hug to bury his face in your hair and inhale his favorite scent— the sweet smell of coconuts; you. “You don’t know how happy I am to hear that. We’ve been in love with you too.”
You take a peek from Mingi’s embrace to see the other boys celebrating; Wooyoung’s already chugging down a freshly opened bottle of wine while the rest of the boys are simultaneously doing tiny hops in a group hug and letting out excited yelps. Your cheeks ache from grinning too hard at how cute your boys are.
“_____! We need to go to the infirmary, we prepared something for you!” Yunho excitedly pulls at your arm, just remembering the bouquet and teddy bear for you, separating you from the blonde giant who’s now sporting a pout at you leaving him. 
You and Yunho both merrily skip your way to the infirmary with your hands intertwined and pink dusting your cheeks, unknowingly leaving a pink haired boy to meet his doom.
“Aha, who would’ve thought that she’s not actually in love with another guy?” San forced out a nervous chuckle, slowly backing up from his best friends and wishing he could disappear just about right now. “No hard feelings right? Everyone makes mistakes—”
“Shut up. Come here.”
Not too long after, a loud scream rings throughout the camp.
(“That sounds so much like San, don’t you think?” you worriedly ask the boy beside you who’s dwarfed behind the huge teddy bear he’s helping you carry to the Iris Cabin. 
“Nah, that’s not San.” Yunho calmly shrugs, his smirk hidden behind the gigantic bear plushie as he thinks of his own revenge against the culprit for his whirlwind of emotions he went through earlier today.)
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“Huh?” The blonde boy in question looks up to see San barging into his room, looking as if he ran a marathon to Aphrodite’s cabin (which is exactly what he did). “How did you even get inside?”
San ignores his question. “You have a new brother?”
“Oh, Yeonjun?” Mingi nonchalantly asks, missing the way San’s figure goes rigid at his name as he returns to applying black polish on his nails. “Yeah, he just got here yesterday. Cool guy. What’s up?”
“I think _____’s in love with him.”
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your-local-bookworm · 3 months
Forgotten Faults.
Summary: Things get confusing when the son of Poseidon grows an unexplainable liking for a daughter of Ares who seems to be adamant on ignoring him.
Part 2
Warnings: Battle in Camp ?? Reader is hurt. Kampé. I don't know, honestly. Percy is a very confused teenager.
Note: This part is more focused on the battle than Percy and Reader's relationship, because it will only seem realistic as they're not yet very close.
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Fourteen year old still, but Percy is preparing for his first real battle. He wonders if it'll be like the ones he watched in movies as a kid or that gory movie he watched with Paul when his mom wasn't home. He hopes it's not the latter.
It was the biggest military operation he'd ever seen at camp. Everyone was at the clearing, dressed in full battle armour, but this time it wasn't for capture the flag. The Hephaestus cabin had set up traps around the entrance to the Labyrinth razor wire, pits filled with pots of Greek fire, rows of sharpened sticks to deflect a charge. Beckendorf was manning two catapults the size of pickup trucks, already primed and aimed at Zeus's Fist. Apollo's and Hermes's cabins were scattered in the woods with bows ready. Many had taken up positions in the trees. Even the dryads were armed with bows, and the satyrs trotted around with wooden cudgels and shields made of rough tree bark. Annabeth went to join her brethren from the Athena cabin, who had set up a command tent and were directing operations. A grey banner with an owl fluttered outside the tent. The security chief, Argus, stood guard at the door. Aphrodite's children were running around, straightening everybody's armour and offering to comb the tangles out of the horsehair plumes. Even Dionysus's kids had found something to do. The god himself was still nowhere to be seen. The Ares cabin was on the front line, drilling in phalanx formation with Clarisse calling orders. He failed to track Y/N, though. Also Grover and ... where's Nico??
It appears all of Percy's friends chosen to disguise themselves. Or not, he spotted Nico exiting the Apollo cabin, followed closely by Y/N. Nico took positioned himself beside the Dionysus kids while she came running up to where Chiron was next to him.
"We're all ready, Chiron." she said, boldness radiating off her like moonlight. It set her aglow. It was a nice thing to remember if he died in this battle. He thought of his mom and Paul, Annabeth and Grover, Tyson, Luke, Clarisse and her. So many lives at risks just because some lousy gods got into a fight with their father... grandfather... whatever.
Y/N took a place beside him. "You alright Jackson?"
"Couldn't be any more prepared for this"
When it began it was unlike anything he'd been in before. But much more like the kid's movies, must be because of the monsters. Paul's movie was only humans and horses. When Kampé attacked the Athena tent, Percy and Annabeth stroke back, but the poison was clouding them both.
"Come on" he shouted "We need help!"
But no help came. Everyone was either down or scared or fighting. And when Kampé took a go at Annabeth, Percy was convinced he'll have to witness his friend die, because Chiron's arrows were too late and so was Percy.
Then a sword sprouted through Kampé and Percy saw your figure emerge from behind. Kampé fell and last of Chiron's arrows hit Y/N instead.
Y/N let out a scream as the arrow bit into her flesh and blood streamed down her arm. Her knees hit the ground splattered with her own blood. Percy's heart plummeted.
"Now" Annabeth shouted, eyes trailing the fallen figure beside her. She rose and almost hit Kampé. Almost. But Kampé was fast and in the next five seconds, Annbeth too rolled onto the ground, crying in pain, with blood pouring from the side of her head
To Percy's great, no, huge .. wait. Provoking every bit of satisfaction in Percy's heart, the next cry he heard was from Kampé as Mrs. O'Leary threw her away like a discarded can of soft drink.
His eyes followed upon Daedalus and Briars the hundred handed one charging into battle
When the chaos deceded and night sky ruled over them, Percy retured to his friends. He was more glad than he can express when he found them all on one piece.
Dinner had no order and class, every demigod sat with their friends and Percy found Annabeth, Grover, Nico, Y/N and a Apollo guy, Will Solace? Will Slice? Will Whatever. Sitting on the Poseidon table. His pride soared but that was before his brain clicked and concluded that the Apollo cabin were treating to everyone and had set up their agenda in the dining space.
He took his short stroll up to Cabin 3's table.
Y/N, Will and Annabeth were indulged in conversation Nico tried to fight of his fatigue while Will bandaged around Y/N's shoulder, the gaping black hole now under protective layers of gauge.
"Not a summer goes by that I don't have to treat your bloody wounds." Will scolded her
"You humour me, Solace. This is only my second summer in camp half-blood."
"And you've got yourself in trouble at least a dozen times. Your arms are all scarred"
"It's because I am a dutiful camper. A born warrior. I wear my scars like badges of honour and braver--."
"You are born clumsy."
"I can still punch you."
"Not with a shoulder like that."
"Hey there everyone?" Percy announced his presence
'He-Hey seaweed brain." Annabeth smiled
"Hello Jackson."
"Hi Percy, now before everything else. You got any injuries I should know about."
"Oh, no i don't " Percy replied, "Could've just taken a shower if I did anyway."
"You know what Will?" Y/N turned to the said boy, "Never thought of it this way, but what if I throw myself in a fire pit and see if it heals my injuries?"
Percy wasn't sure if he's ever seen her joke.
"And what if you don't?" Will replied, tugging the last of gauge around her shoulders. He sat beside Nico.
"You shouldn't, really" Annabeth added, looking genuinely concerned.
"Alright." Y/N shrugged.
"I'll head to my cabin. See you lot later" Annabeth stood up. "Thank you once again Y/N, goodnight. You too Percy."
"Goodnight, Wise girl."
"Goodnight Anne, don't worry about it too much."
Percy turned to Y/N when Annabeth departed, "What were you talking about?"
"Oh" Percy didn't want to think of him now. " Can I ask you something?"
Percy knew he shouldn't. Speaking facts, every bit of conscience that remained inside his head bargained not to. But he did anyway.
"Why do you hate me?" No no no. That came out wrong. He resisted from face palming into the table.
"What?" Y/N stared at him. Similar expressions were to be casted upon the two boys sitting with them.
"You.. you always seem to uh, ignore me." He stumbled upon his words. Not as bad as his heartbeat though.
"The Ares and Poseidon children don't have the best relationship now, do they?"
"It feels more than that."
Y/N remained silent. Engulfed in her thoughts.
"When I first came to camp, last summer. A few week after that, you dropped a wave on me. By the lake."
Memories flooded his brain, that was her?!
"Never apologised." Y/N added.
"I didn't know it was you!!"
"You completely ruined my sketchbook!"
"Unintentionally! I am sorry." Percy was redeemed speechless.
"As you should be."
"I am. Really. I'm sorry."
"I forgive you. But if you're looking for a way to pay me back, could you please bring me a glass of water?"
Moments later when Percy came back with a bottle full of water. Y/N was once again engaged in talking with Will Solace. He handed it to her.
"Thank you."
"Thank you too. For saving our heads back there."
"We're all in this together, Jackson."
"So, peace?" Percy suggested, thrusting his hand forward. Excitement erupted in his chest when she took it.
"For now, Goodnight boys." And she walked of i to the night.
"Goodnight!" Will called back.
'Now that is a win." Percy thought to himself on his way back to Cabin 3.
Well, percy and reader are friends now, i do have plans for a few mort parts to this.
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thekissofaphrodite · 3 months
can u write a chris rodriguez x reader who is a kid of dionysus and she uses her perks to spend more time with chris like scheduling their quests and duties tg and stuff without his knowledge
Invisible String
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Chris Rodriguez x Daughter of Dionysus!reader
Summary: One single thread of gold tied him to you.
Warnings: Kinda stalker-ish behaviour (You can't blame the reader. she's too lovesick </3 )
Author's Note: I'm slowly finishing up my inbox! I do hope you guys like this MWUAH! 💋
"Daddy, please! Let him take archery with me!" You begged for the fifth time this afternoon, While your father sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, bringing a can of Coca-Cola up to his lips.
"Sweetheart, I can't do that. Didn't you already do stable work and Cabin cleaning with him? Not to mention, he's your partner for the Chariot Race this upcoming week!" Dionysus retorted, You were his favorite daughter, Yes. But sometimes he have his limits.
"But I never did archery with him, I wanna do archery with Chris!" You whined like a baby. Maybe this is a little bit too much. Setting yourself up accidentally with the boy you like may seem weird, but you just wanna spend time with him! After all, your dad favours him, besides who couldn't resist his dark curls and sweet smile?
Dionysus then thought for a moment, you gave him puppy eyes, and you knew he couldn't say no to his precious girl.
You squeled.
"But hey— You won't be sitting next to him in the Hermes Table every dinner for a week! Your siblings needs company and—"
But before he could even finish his sentence, You left.
With a bow and arrow in hand, you strided through the archery area where campers gathered all around, Either flirting with the Apollo kids or practicing their skills.
You went behind Chris and tapped his shoulders, smiling widely as he greeted you.
"Hey Chris!"
He turned around and saw you, your hair in pigtail braids, Ever so beautiful.
Your presence to him was like a thousand rainbows appearing above the sky while the dark clouds vanished after a heavy storm.
"How are you doing?" That's was all he managed to say after staring way too long at you.
"Fine, Now that were together" you winked at him jokingly, Sending him blushing.
"You know, I think we're meant to be together" Chris said, It was supposed to be a joke, but the neutral tone of his voice said otherwise.
"W—why do you think that?" you whispered.
"The Fates pulling us together every time? I think that's enough proof" He chuckled to himself.
"So you're kinda admitting that you like me?"
It was Chris' time to be flustered.
"No, I mean yes— I like you—But, That's not what I meant—"
You were now grinning, arms crossed while you chuckled at Chris' flustered expression.
You gave him a peck on his cheeks, The Hermes boy froze while a tint of red blush spread on his cheeks.
"It's no problem if you do, I'll have to say that I feel the same way"
Sprinting as fast as you could away from the archery area, you looked back and saw Chris Rodriguez blushing madly.
There was an accident that happened.
Apparently, helping short tempered children from the Ares cabin was a bad idea.
You were now sitting on the infirmary while a grumbling healer patched you up, mumbling incoherently something along the lines; 'Stupid, Clumsy Children'
When the healer tightened the medical gauze around your wound, You hissed a little, The healer shot you an annoyed look before rolling her eyes, She then tightened the gauze more.
"Excuse me— Uhm, I can do it" You insisted, taking the roll of medical gauze away from the healer.
The Chariot Race was today, and Chris would have to find another partner.
Disappointment ran through you, The chance of being with was now back to Zero.
The door in the infirmary then burst open, Revealing Chris with a worried look on his face, The healer scowled and pointed angrily at Chris.
"No Visitors Allowed, Boy! You can visit your pretty girlfriend later! I'm tired seeing you disgusting teenagers rub legs together and stick their tongue down eachother's throat here! This a clinic, not a motel!" Chris looked at you, You gave him the same; Wtf look.
"We're friends"
The healer snorted.
"Yeah, right. 'Friends' Once I leave, I know some things gonna happen" The healer stormed away angrily, Chris rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled softly.
"That took a turn"
"Are you okay? Your legs, I mean"
You nodded.
"Just a small fracture...Are you okay without me?"
He smiled.
"I didn't participate" You turned your head to him so quick that you almost gave yourself a whiplash.
"I figured out that it's best to look after the girl I like than join a lousy race"
The world stopped. Your breath hitched, and your eyes never left his. You're begging the gods to slap you awake, pour ice cold water onto your face to help you wake up, because this is definitely a dream. Is this real?
There was silence. The steady heartbeats were the only thing that you could hear before Chris cupped your cheeks like a delicate porcelain vase, "Can I kiss you?" He asked. You never nodded so fast in your life while you felt his lips touch yours.
The kiss was slow and passionate, Chris kept his hands on your cheeks, rubbing it with his thumbs. It wasn't long before the door slammed open, revealing a wide eyed, Furious healer who yelled;
Hey hey! A chris rodriguez fanfic for you all since yall are sleeping on MY MAN.
More Fanfics to come!! <333
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llamahologram · 7 months
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camp halfblood, redesigned by me!
in honor of the new show, now available on etsy at ArcadiaBays, print and digital versions (hd & without watermark!)
changes from canon:
• expanded and redesigned cabin area. Annabeth Chase and other Athena and Hephaestus campers redesigned each and every cabin for the new generation of campers. Each cabin is intentionally designed and placed, with a designated expansion zone as more minor gods are added to camp. I also added a cabin for Hestia near the cabins’ campfire area- I felt that she needed to be represented, and that Percy would insist on some sort of honoring of her presence. Note: dionysus cabin is missing in this version, but in the version on my etsy his cabin is between hermes and hebe!
• each cabin now has bathrooms and showers within the cabin. The old camp bathrooms have been repurposed into guest facilities for any visiting roman campers, etc
• more campfires! There are now two campfires- an informal one in the middle of the cabins, and the main campfire where everyone gathers for smores and singalongs.
• the camp is set up less like a summer camp and more like a small village- more open space, etc
• I added “Memorial Circle,” a place for the camp to recognize campers who have passed away. The outer wall has every fallen camper’s name carved in, and there are five statues placed in a semicircle. Each statue display changes on a cycle to display a carved figure of every lost camper. Memorial Circle was designed and created in a joint effort between the Athena, Hephaestus, and Apollo cabins (with additional help and input from everyone else, of course)
• there’s a small art market next to the arts and crafts center where campers, nymphs, and satyrs can sell or display their work!
• there’s a soccer field next to the volleyball field now, so the campers can have a variety of sports
• some other details I like: apollo and artemis are the “twin pillars” welcoming you to the cabin area, matching and yet different. Hebe cabin (goddess of youth) has a small fountain in the center (fountain of youth). I LOVE the design for the demeter and hecate cabins, they just fit so well! zeus and hera have their own little section, still with the others but kind of given a place of prominence within the layout
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umbran6 · 1 year
What if... Leo Became a God?
Okay, but what if Leo literally burnt away his mortality during Blood of Olympus while fighting Gaea?
Now, before you go ahead and bring out the sledgehammers and pitchforks, or think I'm just doing it as a joke, this is a possibility that I'm being very sincere in considering this. And it is a possibility, because this isn't the first time this has happened in myth - Heracles did it first. So if burning himself alive in a freaking pyre was all Heracles needed to ascend to godhood, Leo literally burning himself alive using his own flames to kill a Primordial should be more than enough. Plus there's the whole Hera mimicking what Demeter did with Demophon, so we could say he's nearly there. Him burning himself alive is just that final push he needed to become a god, burning away his own mortality.
I mean, think about it. The prophecy always said, an oath to hold with a final breath, but it never meant Leo had to get close to perma-dead. Riordan did it just fine with the Physician's Cure, having Leo achieve apotheosis to do so would also be a way to circumvent the loophole in the prophecy. The phrasing is vague in that 'final breath' could be interpreted in multiple ways, such as 'one's final breath as a mortal.'
Oh the irony. We all thought Leo was going to die, then bam! Boy ends up with a permanent lease on life by literally burning himself alive, a lot more power than he could ever imagine getting, and a lot of freedom he never had as a mortal. He's lucky demigod #3 to ascend to godhood without divine patronage, right after Heracles and Dionysus. When he returns to Camp Half-Blood, it isn't on Festus, but him straight-up materializing in the middle of his funeral. Nearly every Greek and Roman but especially Nico mentally screams WTF as they realize that the funeral hasn't even ended, and Leo's shroud is basically his first offering.
His friends reactions to seeing him - and realizing the truth of what he has become. Jason and Piper are in shock, realizing that their friend is now going to stay young and will eventually watch them die and have to move on. Frank and Hazel are bewildered, because Leo's plan to burn himself alive to defeat Gaea had gone horribly right and now they have to deal with the fact that they had a hand in Leo's apotheosis. Percy and Annabeth are bewildered and shocked at the fact that Leo just straight up became a god - and the now very real reality that one of them may eventually do so (cough cough Percy).
When Leo goes to free Calypso, she literally has to process the fact that the boy she may have liked is now a god - the very beings she despises for imprisoning her in Ogygia. That eventually Leo may most likely move on to someone else and dump her. This crashes especially hard when she gets out of that island and realizes that she's become mortal. The dynamics between them have completely changed and Leo isn't aware of it, and Calypso doesn't know how to process that.
Hera is the one to explain exactly is going on to Leo, because she knows she had a hand in Leo becoming a god. She owes him at the very least to guide Leo in his new reality, and both the positive and negative benefits that are associated with ascension to godhood. Hephaestus doesn't know how to handle Leo now basically being just there forever, because none of his children ever became gods unless they were the children of him and a god. Nemesis marvels at the irony of Leo becoming a god while stealing Gaea's life, noting that this was a rather marvelous way that Leo rained his vengeance upon her. Apollo's just friendly because now he has a new friend to be with him in Olympus.
But this ending - for Heroes of Olympus as a whole - would be more poetic and a parallel to The Last Olympian. Percy was satisfied with who he was, protecting the world to save those he loves and he's happy with that. Leo is one who ascends to the heavens in his feat to avenge those he loves and destroying those who tried to destroy him.
But... there's one thing they have in common.
Leo's first act as a god isn't to rescue Calypso. It isn't to appear before the Seven and let them know he's alive. Leo appears in the Underworld and requests for only a single soul to be allowed a second chance at life. The single soul that he loves the most.
Esperanza Valdez is brought out of the underworld, and Leo freezes. The boy on fire who became a god turns back into a boy of eight years old as he finally gets back the mom he lost so long ago as he hugs her as best as he can. He hadn't expected to be a god. He didn't know what would happen next. But this - this is one of the few times things actually feel right. They've both been given a new lease on life - one longer than the other, but they can finally keep moving forward.
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acerdime · 6 months
Lazarus Pit - DC x Riordanverse
Nico di Angelo and Pollux meet and save either Jason Todd, Tim Drake, or Damian Wayne at the Lazarus Pit and take them to Camp Halfblood.
Hades & Thanatos requested that Nico di Angelo and the only surviving Son of Dionysus, Pollux, rectify the problem of the Lazarus Pits.
Every Death/Underworld God of every pantheon has agreed that the Pits are an abomination of maddeningly corruptive resurrection that never should have been used, especially not for immortality. Ra’s al Ghul will face eternal punishment for his crimes in whichever underworld he ends up in.
As the most experienced child of Hades alive and the only one with teleportation powers, Nico was an obvious choice for the mission. Pollux, however, was chosen because of his father’s control over insanity and lesser known association with rebirth. Unfortunately, because Nico is a Prince of the Underworld, it goes against his very nature to touch liquid resurrection, and doing so would leave harsh burns on his skin in addition to the average effect of Pit Rage. A bottomless pot was forged and enchanted to fully drain the pits but even then, the essence bleeding through is too much. In order to combat this, a son of rebirth and insanity (Pollux) must be sent to drain and hold the pot while Nico acts as transport and defense from the League of Assassins.
While most of the Pits are drained with little to no problem thanks to Leo’s hacking and Nico soul sight, it’s the last Pit where the plan goes awry. Which bat the boys meet next is up for your choosing. A choose your own adventure for writers who already have that option anyway.
Personally, I believe either Jason or Tim to be the most plausible to be in the Pit Room and in such a bad situation that the demigods would feel the need to intervene. Jason because, obviously, he’d be about to get dunked in it to restore his mental capacity and demigods know that’s an awful idea. Not to mention that Pollux could ask Dionysus to fix that instead if needed. Once his mind’s back, he’s going to be absolutely pissed that so many kids are being used as child soldiers, cannon fodder, and monster food with little to no outside help. After he reunites with his family, he’ll definitely be setting up a series of fully-stocked safe houses with hero contacts taking shifts to protect them from monsters if not all are secure enough with bat tech. When he’s older, he’ll probably adopt some.
Tim because he just lost his Spleen and surgery isn’t cutting it so they also need to dunk him. The demigods take him to Camp for Apollo Cabin surgery. It’d be kind of weird for Will Solace to be a better surgeon than one hired by the al Ghuls (even if he’s a demigod) but it’s action/adventure fiction so we can afford to be handwavey about it. He’d definitely set up a safe house system too, but might not adopt a demigod when he’s older.
The demigods could also meet Damian since obviously he grew up there but I seriously doubt he’d be in there without Ra’s and/or Talia personally overseeing his safety. And while these demigods are good, 500 yrs of combat experience is pretty damn hard to beat (especially since many of the giants and titans probably relied more on brute force/power than skill) and Talia’s no slouch either, not to mention that it’s unlikely that Damian would be physically abused in that room badly enough to need intervention during such a high-stakes quest. He might not see the need for a safe house system, but when he meets/reunites with the batfam, Jason at least would probably still set it up.
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stygianoaths · 1 year
Luke Castellan and his team of godkillers but they don't kill with weapons stained with ichor, but with the illusive Mist that warps the mind of mortals so easily, it shakes their faith.
In eons past, these mortals revered the Olympians with offerings and prayers daily, told their stories that inspired fear and awe all the same. It was something the pantheon had gotten hooked on, something more addicting than the ambrosia and nectar the texts had waxed poetry over. And the council of twelve did their damn best to keep it around. After all, there was no other high out there that can compare to the feeling of being in control, of being powerful.
But like any high, it wears off, sooner or later.
So that's exactly what happens.
Alabaster C. Torrington, with the help of Dr. Claymore, "discovers" new texts that discuss Greek gods that have never been heard of before; gods who are kinder, wiser, more trustworthy, than the ones everyone has come to know in this era.
It's interesting, how the origins of these gods and their lives seem to have no relevance or connection to the other pantheon and its history. No Titanomachy or Gigantomachy to speak of. There are a few parallels, but they are pleasant, like the love stories of Dionysus and Ariadne or Pygmalion and Galatea. Otherwise, it's like an alternate timeline of its own, where every god present is named a god for a reason.
It's fake.
But the mortals don't need to know that. For what's false, if persisted in, would become true anyways. Furthermore, it isn't like a new pantheon will harm any of them. The lucky ones with clear sight may win the heart of a deity who would actually see them beyond their fleeting mortality, who would care for them.
It takes a while, though, for the mortals to adjust to this suddenly newfound information. They are stubborn creatures, Luke knows, who tend to fear the unknown and new. Yet the youth crave it like bears after a beehive laden with honey. With time, they'll come around, he knows. Maybe he might not be there to see if the plans work out for himself, but someone would, and that's all that matters to him. He just needed to be the one to start the movement.
Luckily for him, he doesn't have to wait too long.
The faith spreads through idealized modernized takes on the mythology, as silly as it sounds. It's very of the era, isn't it? Books are being published on these gods who endure hardships and come out irrevocably changed but for the better. Ethan flips through one by an author under the pen name S.J and devours it in three hours. It reads nicely and he wonders when he'll get a chance to meet the main character of the story, and ask her if the myth holds true. It is, obviously, but it's different hearing it from a god. The fanfictions are even better, but Lou Ellen Blackstone gets drowned out by Alabaster's "lalalalala" before she can start talking about the recent one that was updated a few hours ago. Eh, so what if it's a little spicy?
Nonetheless, the new band of believers grows, and it's like a sucker punch to the gut for the Greek pantheon.
Apollo comes to camp and drops to his knees before his own cabin, surprising the campers. He looks terrible. Dionysus had already looked miserable, but the children attributed that to his sour personality. And, as usual, no one noticed the girl by the hearth who had disappeared weeks ago. But Apollo, golden boy Apollo, well, he has eyes that are sunken and sickly yellow, matted hair, muscles shrunk, and hands that shake as if they are beyond his control.
"They're killing us," he whispers to Lee Fletcher, "all of us."
"What do you want us to do?" Lee asks. Apollo coughs into his fist and looks down to see a smear of gold staining it.
A nosebleed. Gods don't get nosebleeds.
His children, gods bless them, are trying to heal him, but to no avail. It's kind of funny, how on any other occasion, such an act would have been annoying. If the solution was to simply heal, don't you think he would have tried that? But, weak as he was, he felt touched. Loved, even.
But love wasn't always enough to save another. He, of all gods, should know that.
"Can you write?" he asks. Lee scratches his head.
"Stories. Poems. Songs. Anything."
"Um, no, not really. Dyslexia kicks my ass, and you know archery is more my thing. But Will does sometimes. Healing is his forte, but I always see him writing something in a notebook, though that could just be medical notes, now that I think about it-"
Apollo disregards that last part and begs Will Solace to take up the pen and fight back. It's their last hope. If nothing is done, this camp and its children will become all that is left of the Greek Pantheon, for textbooks and website links are not enough to keep the faith going, especially if left to collect dust or rot in an archive.
"Write us new myths. Stories that can happen now, that we can make happen. Redeem us, so that we can live. We'll do it. We'll do any of it," Apollo begs.
"Anything?" Will asks. Apollo nods.
The Fates looked at each other from above. How time has changed. In the past, battles were fought with swords. Now, they had to be fought with words.
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pumpkinbxtch · 1 day
Thanks for doing that Lester x Non Binary Dionysus reader! I really loved it and I'm sorry for being so vague about it I wasn't sure what exactly I wanted. But it made me think, what would happen if Dionysus found out that Apollo and his child were dating? I think it would be fun. Take your time, I love your oneshots <333
oops, father found out ˚ ༘ ⋆
— apollo x child of dionysus!reader
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previous part (no need to read it)
Warnings: none!
a/n: hi again! I'm glad you liked the last part and don't worry sometimes it's hard for us to know what we want. Here you go, I hope you like it ❤️ And thank you for your support 🥹🫶🏻 I hope i did well on this one too.
— What? Did you lose your mind, kid?! — You chuckled at the obvious reference to your father's powers. Usually, you'd be scared out of your wits, but with Apollo by your side, things just seemed easier. If that wasn't love, then what was it? — Don't make me punish you!
Apollo sighed. — Brother...
— Exactly, you're my brother! It's your—
— Stop! — You pleaded as you brought your hands to your head. You looked at Dionysus, his nose getting redder when he got angry. — You don't have DNA, father.
He snorted.
— I don't care, this can't happen.
— But it's already happening — your boyfriend defended. To your surprise, Apollo stood up straighter, more convinced, determined not to let you be separated, not after all the eons he spent searching for the love of his life. — And I love them. Be sure of that, brother. My intentions are not to hurt them.
Dionysus gritted his teeth and looked at Pollux, who had his gaze fixed on some point, thinking gods only know what. You, who knew him better than anyone, thought he looked surprised but not angry, because he had already lost a brother. Clearly, he didn't want to lose another sibling... but things were different, different situations, that's what he thought.
The room remained tense for different reasons; you couldn't believe the stupid reason you had been caught. Maybe it would have been better if your father had caught you kissing behind the cabin or holding hands, but you never imagined it would be because of the trace of your perfume on Apollo's clothes.
"I gave it to you!" your father said when he shook your boyfriend's shirt in your face, and you let out nervous giggles.
The question that haunted you was whether your father would take all this seriously and not let them be together because sometimes he could be strict and stubborn.
— You know what it is...
Apollo's voice filled the room of The Big House, and you could see Chiron discreetly pacing to catch up on the gossip. Dionysus raised an eyebrow and leaned over his brother, who, holding his brother's fleeting gaze, never faltered.
— What are you saying, Apollo?
— Falling in love — he replied, and you stopped feeling the situation funny; instead, a warmth spread across your cheeks. Pollux glanced at you sideways, and a small smile formed on his face. Things were getting better and better.
— Don't talk nonsense, Apollo.
— I'm not, brother. You and Ariadne—
— No! — the other exclaimed with a growl, his eyes bubbling with fury.
Apollo sighed again and approached his brother even closer, almost touching noses.
— Don't forget how you felt every time father scolded you.
— It's not the same!
— No, but you know what it's like to love someone so much that you lose the reason for your being, brother. — Apollo stepped back, his eyes shining with confidence. — I won't make them feel less than a deity or part of royalty I'll adore them with my soul until the ether dissipates. You know I've changed, brother, and for them, Me, a god, would die.
Dionysus wanted to intervene; however, Apollo kept speaking, pouring his heart out with every word.
— I would vanish and all humanity with the absence of my light before I even think of disappointing your child.
Pollux slid until his shoulders bumped, and you looked at him amazed. He smiled and hooked his pinky with yours. "I like him, I accept it," he wanted to say.
The place filled with silence, and your father looked away from Apollo for the first time to fix his gaze on you.
— Leave, I need to talk to my brother alone.
And although you would have liked to contradict him, you obeyed because you finally noticed the emotion he was hiding behind the anger in his eyes; there was nothing but fear, and you would have to endure until he let you know because despite how tough he could seem, he was your father. The same one who raised you with love and affection.
Before walking further from the porch, you could see through those curtains a hug, and you sighed. Everything would be fine.
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elena-mayfair · 2 years
Back in the dream
Paring: Morpheus x f!reader, Sandman x f!reader Warnings: swearing, blood, nightmarish images Summary: As a sorceress and exorcist you got used to the nightmares in your life, creatures that you fight fearlessly. But there is one place where your fear overcomes you, your dreams. Every night you dream nightmares and every night you see him. One night he decides to reveal himself changing your life in the process forever. Word count: 3.3k Note: Gifs are not mine, credit to the authors.
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Part one of the story: Lost in the dream
"I am Morpheus. Dream of the Endless. Lord of the Dreams." these were the last words that you heard before you drifted away into the dream. These were also the first words that you thought of after you opened your eyes. "Dream of The Endless..." you looked around your bedroom and outside of the window. It was a beautiful, sunny morning, the kind that brings a smile to one face, that promises a beautiful day full of joy. You scouted your bedroom once again and to your disappointment concluded that everything was normal, mundane even. The only unusual thing about this morning was the way you felt, you felt good, well rested, happy even. Like you slept for the first time in ages. There was no sand under your eyelids, no headache, no pain in the back, you felt wonderful.
"Lord of the Dreams." with that thought you got up from the bed, made yourself a large cup of coffee, and hit the books. You had plenty of them in your apartment, shelves full of old volumes binded in leather, with gold and silver letters on the spines that fade out over time. Occult books, grimoires, journals, and memoirs were filling in the shelves, piles and piles of mythology and legends books were filling in every smallest space of your apartment. Everything you could find, buy, steal or trade, your priceless possession. You were determined, you were curious, you needed to find an explanation. There was a part of you doubting that the events of the last night even happened "I must have dreamt it all," you thought to yourself while browsing through a particularly interesting volume about dreamwalking.
A lucid dream is one in which the dreamer is aware of dreaming and may be able to exert some degree of control over the dream's characters, narrative, or environment. Early references to the phenomenon are found in ancient Greek texts.
Nothing that you wouldn't know already. Has all of it really happened? Have you really got lost in the dream so much so that you ended up in a different, "different what? World? Reality? What exactly?" the thoughts were bothering you. "Was he really here? In my bedroom? Was it all a part of a dream?" The part of you, the one responsible for instincts and your ability to do magic knew that it indeed all of it was real, but that part was relentlessly fighting the other part, the logical one more grounded.
"I am Morpheus" flew though through your mind, chills went through your whole body on the recollection of that deep, dark voice, and his endless starry eyes. You decided that you could not have dreamt that and with that thought you switched from occult books to Greek Mythology. On the floor on which you were sitting books were surrounding you from every side. You grabbed a beautiful brown leather volume with gold embellishments and started browsing. "Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hestia, Dionysus... where the fuck is Morpheus?!" you were turning page after page sipping a second cup of coffee "there you are..."
Morpheus, son of Hypnos, the personification of Sleep, was the god of Dreams. His name reflects his role in Greek mythology: the Greek μεταμόρφωσις (metamorphosis) translates as “transformation”, which can be broken down into μετα- (meta-) meaning “after” and μορφή (morphe) meaning “form”. Μορφευς (Morpheus) means “form” or “shape.” He could form and shape the dreams of the sleeping.
“To kings and chieftains these at night display their phantom features; other dreams will roam among the people, haunting common folk. All these dream-brothers the old god passed by and chose Morpheus.” Ovid, Metamorphoses
"I'm wasting my time," realization hit you. You knew Greek Mythology, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Norsk, Slavic you knew them all. In every mythology there were similarities. You could find a similar description of other entities in other mythologies that you were sure of. None of this was of any help to you, none of the information you could find in your books would explain last night's events and you refused to believe that he was a Greek God.
"Dream of the Endless." you reminded yourself of his last words to you. "Endless...." you knew that there was no point in hitting the books and searching for that word. You knew exactly what you would find, jack squat. There was only one person you knew that could have any useful information, but involving him was not something that you were eager to do. After all, last time you talked you didn't exactly finish up things on the good terms.
After a brief moment of contemplation and two cigarettes, you decided that you do not exactly have any other choice in the matter. You grabbed your phone, lid up the third cigarette, and waited for the signal to end...
"Y/N Wha''s up love? I''s bin a while, I assume 'ha' you've go' some'hin faw me. You would no' call me 'o check 'ah I'm doing." you heard in the phone distinct cockney accent.
"How you doing John? Seems to me you're alright, you picked up the phone after all. I would assume that there is no signal in hell" you replied with a sarcastic grin on your face.
"Ah love, 'o 'ell i'm goin faw a cha' an' a glass ov whisky. I''s good 'o be ou' ov reach ov annoyin calls once in a while."
"I'm gonna agree with you on this one," you replied "but honestly, you good?"
„S'ill live an' kickin. Wha' do you wan'" the courtesy was over, time for the business came.
"Listen, I came across this thing, and since you are in the business way longer than I am I thought you might have some information" you explained, but the fact that he did not ask you about your wellbeing did not skip your attention.
"Wha' 'hing?" he asked.
"What do you know about Endless?" you asked with no hesitation. Even though you really didn't want to get in touch with John Constantine again you knew that you needed answers.
"Time is endless love, air, space, an' bo''le ov bloody whisky af'er par'icularly good spell."
"What about Dream of an Endless?" you continued.
"Mee' up faw a drink in 'wo 'ours. We 'aven'' see each o'her faw a year. We goin 'o ca'ch up"
"You are in town?" you got surprised.
"Yes, 'ad some business 'ere. Same place as always." he replied "An' love, don'' you be la'e."
Two hours later you were sitting at the Smokey Joe pub, one of the best places in your town, if you were dark interior, old dusty furniture, smoking indoors, old British rock, and good whisky served in not so clean glass. You order yourself a glass of whisky and waited, waited for your old friend to show up. You couldn't help but wonder about all the times you were sitting here with John and agreeing on the terms with clients in need. You reminded yourself of all the drinks you drink with him after the job well done. These were good times. You would not admit that to him but you've missed these times.
"'ello love! you look 'roubled as usule." blond man in the tan trench coat seated himself on the opposite side of the table. Facing you he smiled at you.
"Hi John," you replied with an honest smile, despite everything you were happy to see him "it is good to see you"
"Tell me love, wha' kind ov mess you go' yourself in'o?" he did not waste a time for any small talks.
"I hope none, but something happened," you started but realized that you do not exactly know how to describe last night's events "Can you tell me something about Endless?"
"Why do you wan' 'o knah?" he asked
"John, just tell me..."
"I' does no' wawk like 'ha' love. You ei'her goin 'o 'ell me aw you goin 'o ge' jack on 'he pla'es ov fucks from me." he interrupted, "You 'ake me faw a plonker? folks don'' walk around 'own 'alkin abou' endless! I'm doin 'his gig way longer 'han you do. You've mee' one 'aven'' you."
"I..." you took a sip of an amber liquid from your glass "I think so."
"Which one ov 'he bloody endless you mee'?"
"Dream." you replied shortly. The image of the pale man dressed in black holding you by your arms and looking at you with depthless starry eyes flashed in your mind bringing chills to your body for a second time today.
"Bloody 'ell" John took a sip from his glass "So i' is 'rue. 'e is really back."
"So he is real!" you almost screamed from the excitement, after all it was not a dream, it was real "Who is he!? John tell me!"
"'e is a bloody Sandman, fuckin kin ov da dreams!" he replied with a scoff.
"Sandman is a fairytale John, a bedtime story. He does not exist" you argued yet you felt doubt in your own words.
John looked at you from behind the glass of whisky with amusement in his eyes.
"He is real..." you said to yourself "Holy fuck...." you stared down at the table, shocked in disbelief "Who is he? What is he? Is he a God?"
"no, 'e is no' a god. Awer no' a god in 'he way you 'hink ov god. 'e is endless, bollocks 'ah 'o explain 'ha'..." he started looking at your child-like curious face "they are an an'hropomawphic manifesta'ions ov an idea, ov concep'. Always bin 'ere an' always will be. Da one you've me' is a kin ov dreams, as far as i knah 'e rules dreams, every single one ov 'he dream an' nigh'mares belongs 'o 'im an' is 'is crea'ion"
"Unbelievable... " you said to yourself "Wait, you said they"
"'e's go' siblings. Desire, Despair, Dea'h, Destruc'ion, Delirium, Destiny." he replied
"How do you know all of this?" you questioned.
"Bein on a good 'erms wi'h Lucyfer 'as i''s benefi's love." he replied with a cunning smile. "Listen love, wha'ever you 'hink ov doin don''. They are dangerous beings, beyond any'hin you have ever seen aw faced before. You come across any ov 'he bloody endless you run opposi'e direc'ion."
"I know how to take care of myself John," you replied "I don't need your concern"
"Yes, you do! because you are a bloody plonker followin emo'ions no' your fuckin brain! you goin 'o ge' yourself in 'rouble an' i won'' be savin you! fuckin don'' coun' on i'!" he hit his glass on the table spilling a bit of whisky.
"Don't worry about me," you stood up rapidly "I'll be fine." you gave him a small peck on the cheek and before he could stop you run towards the door "Thank you, John! Doing business with you is always a pleasure!" you said loudly and closed the door behind you.
You couldn't hope for the night to come quicker. You muted your phone to avoid John's calls, tidy up the apartment, put all the books in order, and even did some dusting just to waste some time and not think about Dream. But as soon as the night fell you took a sleeping pill, turned off the light, and got to bed. Your were breathing slowly trying to calm down your heart beating. Inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale... you were waiting for the familiar spiking needles to start in your feet and put your body into paralysis. It did take long. Half an hour later your body was numb, blood was pumping in your ears, but fear was nowhere to be found. You drifted into the dream...
You've found yourself on the dark wet street standing in front of the hospital. It was raining. White and red lights or the emergency room were flickering ominously. You knew this place, you knew this hospital. You've been here before. You desperately didn't want to get inside. You knew very well what you will see in there. But it had to play out, you had to go through it. You took one small step and felt your heart rushing in frantic fear. "Why here? Why this? you questioned. You took one more step and suddenly you were standing right in front of the entry. You looked back and all you saw dark parking lot covered in rain. You looked back into the hospital and you saw it. Doctors and nurses running through the hallway next to the hospital bed. You looked closer and you saw it, you saw your dad... lying lifelessly, surrounded by doctors, tubes, and cables. He looked at you, "My daughter" he said soundlessly and you felt your eyes filling up with tears. "Dad..." you took one step inside "Dad...it's me." you rushed inside...
And suddenly everything was gone...
"Dad...," you breathed out loud but the nightmare disappeared. You looked around and noticed that you were back in the dying land. You looked up on the small hill, excitement was building up in your veins. Your heart was beating fast but not out of fear and all of a sudden it skipped a beat. He was not there. "What the hell," you thought to yourself. For months you saw him in this exact place, standing in the distance like a still statue, but this time was different, he was gone.
You took two careful steps worried that somehow moving too fast will break the dream and you will wake up in your bed, alone. But when the dream did not end you started running. Not walking fast, but running with all the speed that you could master. Running towards the hill on which he was always standing, running to see if perhaps you will find something there, running to see what he was looking at all this time. You stood up in the same place where he stood before and saw nothing, absolutely nothing. Just endless plains of dust, debris, wind howling lifting into the air dead tree branches and leafs. The landscape in front of you was somehow beautiful and sad. You felt sorrow in your heart, it must have been a beautiful place once, full of life. You imagined green fields everywhere within eye's reach. Forests blooming with life. Sky blue as in the fairytales, wind gentle and soothing. It must have been a beautiful place once. Now everything around you was dead. And he was not here.
You slowly turned around, you thought it would be best to return to the same place where you always appeared in this land. It was gone...
From one side of the horizon to the other there was a wall reaching way up to the sky itself, endless, neverending. And right before you, there were gates made of horn and ivory, shining in the remaining light of the dying sun. You tried to gather it all with your eyes but you couldn't, it was so beautiful, you forgot how to breathe. You could just stand there and stare at the view in front of you. You didn't even notice him standing right in front of the door, reaching out his hand towards it.
"Morpheus..." you whispered quietly yet in the dying lands every noise stood out like the loudest scream. He slowly turned to you and you could swear that you saw surprise on his face again. Even standing in front of the endless magnificent crafted gates he looked so unreal, like a marble statue dressed in black. You smiled unconsciously partially because you were happy to see him and partially because you just proved to yourself that you weren't dreaming last night. Yet you didn't have a chance to dwell on that because within a blink of an eye you found yourself standing right in front of him.
"You have a habit of wandering in places where you should not wander to," he said calmly.
"So you are real," you whispered. You could see him for the first time up close in the light, looking at him made your heart slow down dangerously. His skin was even paler than you thought, raven hair black as the night sky on a starless night, and his eyes endless, like the universe itself.
"I am." he replied. He spoke every word slowly, with care, like he was tasting it on his lips before speaking it, like he knew exactly what to say, what you will say, like there was no point of saying anything more or less.
"Thank you for the good night's sleep," you said with a slight smile.
"You are welcome."
"This is unbelievable," you whispered again "forgive me, I don't mean to stare but, this, all of this" you took two steps away from him and pointed at the gate "this is...my god...it's so beautiful."
"These are gates made from horn and ivory," he followed your hand gesture with his eyes "I carved them myself many eons ago."
"You made these?! Unbelievable..."
"Every Dream that passes through the gate is my creation, my responsibility, " he stated "But no one guards the gates anymore, there are no Dreams in the Dreaming anymore." there was sorrow in his eyes.
"What happened?"
He didn't reply to your question. Instead, he looked at you, he looked through you with his endless black eyes, like he was trying to find an answer to the question that he did not ask.
"You are not a Vortex," he stated more to himself. "What are you? How did you get here?"
"I don't know," you replied quietly.
"Mortals cannot wander into the Dreaming," he stated.
"I really don't know how I get here," you tried assuring him "all I know is that for the last couple of months every night I was dreaming a nightmare, and every night at the end every nightmare I was ending up here." you tried explaining.
"I mean not hear, like hear hear. I mean in this land," you looked around you "and every time I saw you in the distance, standing on the hill, looking over the horizon" you added.
He did not say anything. All he did was look at you trying desperately explain to god like being why and how you got to his land.
"Morpheus, I am not lying to you," you tried to sound confident.
"I know." he cut you off. He turned his eyes towards the gate "It used to be a beautiful palace here, and the land was green, blooming with life," he started slowly touching the gates "Everything died during my absence." he pushed gently onto the gate and they opened, commanded by his will. He turned to you and reached out his hand "Come, Y/N. I invite you to join me in the Dreaming."
You took his hand and suddenly you felt calm, at peace. You straightened your back and follow him inside the land.
"We have much to talk about..." he added quietly.
Part three: Through the Dreaming
Authors note: Damn, so I did write a follow-up! :) I'm kinda surprised because consistency is not one of my strengths. But Sandman inspired me so much, swallowed me whole. I am not quite ready to let it go yet. While I'm writing I'm listing to the soundtrack and images are painting themselves. Regarding John Constantine, I decided to go with John even though I do love Johanna's character simply because I know and love John's character for a long time, and he was a part of the original source material. Also, I wanted to express in the writing his distinct British accent, I do hope it wasn't too much. My apologies to all the Brits out there, English is not my first language, I am no British, it was a purely stylish thing. In the end, as always, Dear Reader, thank you for reading :)
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flowersandfigtrees · 11 months
Epithets, Explained
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I’m just making this post to help explain exactly what epithets are, how they’re used, and the different types. I know that for beginners, getting a hold of all the terms used in relation to deity worship and/or work can be tough, and I’ve seen this subject trip people up in the past when they read about certain deities or translations of ancient texts.
For a quick definition, epithets are “an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of the person or thing mentioned”. In relation to epithets of deities, you might also see them called ‘surnames’ and they're basically nicknames or bynames to refer to specific aspects or forms of a deity. Typically, they’re used alongside the actual name of the deity but there’s also plenty of times where only the epithet is used, such as calling Apollo by simply “Phoebus” and not “Phoebus Apollo” or calling Athena by only saying “Pallas”. This happens a lot in texts like the Iliad or the Aeneid where using the full name paired with the epithet every time would eventually end up sounding too repetitive but also, to ancient people, certain epithets would have been easily recognizable on their own and they wouldn’t need to have the actual name given. They can come before or after a deity’s actual name, order doesn’t really matter, it’s just whatever grammar rules you’re following.
Types & Examples
Generally speaking, there are four main types of epithets used in polytheistic religions: regional, functional, syncretic/fusion, and poetic. And just as a note; most of my religious experience is with Greek, Roman, and Gaulish religions so that’s where I’m gonna be getting most, if not all, of the examples used below.
The categories are, for the most part, arbirtrary but can be helpful when understanding epithets in a general sense when you come across them. Some types overlap with each other, for example, Dionysos Melanaigis (lit. Dionysos of the black goatskin) refers jointly to a functional/cultic role his worship played in a ritual during the Apaturia festival in Athens AND to a story in myth where he wears a black goat skin and comes to the aid of a guy named Melanthus (which is the mythic explanation for why he’s worshipped during Apaturia) but it makes Melanaigis a regional epithet (only used in Athens), a functional cult epithet (was only during rites to him for a specific event) and a mythic epithet (as it refers to a specific mythic event). Similarly, there's examples with Apollo; Delphios Apollo refers to both the form of Apollo specifically in Delphi (regional epithet) AND to Apollo in his function as an oracular deity of prophecy (functional), and Pythian Apollo refers to Apollo around the area where he slayed the mythical Python (so both a reference to myth as well as regional, in this case referring to the area around Delphi) and also functional, since it can refer to his oracular function.
Additionally, epithets can be shared by multiple deities, “Phoebus” was used to refer to both Apollo and Helios, “Antheia” was both the name of a standalone deity as well as an epithet to Hera and Aphrodite, “Bacchus” was an epithet for the Etruscan god Fufluns and to Dionysus and would eventually become to go-to byname for Dionysos in Rome. There are also epithets such as “Aetnaeus” which refers to any number of deities associated with Mount Etna, including Zeus and Hephaestus, and “Eleutherios” which could refer to Dionysos, Zeus, or Eros.
i. Regional Epithets
The first type is regional or locative/toponymic epithets. These are used when referencing a form of a deity that is unique to a certain place for whatever reason or originated there. Sometimes deities will have unique local forms because of the inevitable variations of religion in any given culture (no religion is or was a monolith) and there may or may not be pseudo-historical/mythical reasons for the specific local variation. But it's pretty much just saying “the form of this deity that resides in Town A” or “the form of this deity representing a specific thing they did at this site”, examples include:
➻ Diana Nemorensis — literally: “Diana of Nemi”, used specifically to refer to her cult at Lake Nemi and was the form of Diana celebrated there during Nemoralia.
➻ Apollo Palatinus and Apollo Delphios — literally: “Apollo on the Palatine” referring to the temple built to him on the Palatine Hill in Rome by Augustus, this form of Apollo was also Augustus’ personal protector. Apollo Delphios was mentioned earlier but it refers to the oracular-centric form of Apollo in Delphi.
➻ Artemis Ephesus — literally: “Artemis of Ephesus”, refers to a form of Artemis unique to the city of Ephesus who had a very different representation to the other forms of Artemis. This manifestation of her was transported to multiple other cities such as Massalia and it was a form that was a sort of mother-goddess.
➻ Zeus & Hephaestus Aetnaeus — literally: “of Mount Etna”, for Zeus it refers to the form of him which has a small shrine and festival there and for Hephaestus, it refers to where he has his workshop.
ii. Functional Epithets
These epithets are ones that reference a specific (often cultic) function of the god. Many deities have multiple roles or concepts they embody and have domain over, so epithets can be used to zero-in on just the side of a deity relevant to why you’re praying to them or giving offerings. There are also festival-specific epithets which can be used on specific festivals in honor of that aspect of the given deity. Some examples include:
➻ Hercules Olivarius & Hercules Augusti — literally: “Hercules of the Olive Merchants”, referring specifically to his ability to guard the olive industry in Rome and also “Hercules of the Emperor” which was used to refer to the aspect of Hercules that guarded Roman emperors. (Gotta say, if I had to choose, it's Olive-Merchant Hercules every time for me)
➻ Hermes & Apollo Theoxenios — literally: “of the Theoxenia festival” and was the name used to invoke both Hermes and Apollo during that specific festival.
➻ Aphrodite Areia — literally: “Warlike Aphrodite” or “Aphrodite of War”, used to call specifically on Aphrodite’s war function.
➻ Apollo Acestor & Apollo Kataibates — literally: “Apollo the Healer”, was used when calling on Apollo to aid in healing, and Apollo Kataibatês literally meant “Apollo, Protector of Travelers” (also used for for Hermes) and was used by people to thank him for a safe journey or to ask for protection on a journey they were about to take.
➻ Poseidon Isthmia — literally: “Poseidon of the Isthmian Games” which was used only to call on him during this athletic festival.
➻ Ceres Legifera — literally: “Ceres, Keeper of the Laws (of marriage)”, was used to invoke her in marriage processions and during the confarreatio (a type of Roman marriage ritual where the couple eats a cake made with sacred wheat)
iii. Syncretic Epithets
Another form of epithets are those that serve to equate or combine deities. Oftentimes, foreign deities from one culture may transform into epithets of deities from other cultures or two deities within a single culture might be combined into one. This was especially common with Iron-Age Celtic deities in places that adopted aspects of Roman and Greek religion due to being governed by or just from existing in close proximity to them. Within Greek religion, it was common for more “archaic” or minor deities to become epithets of deities that held more cultural prominence. Some examples include:
➻ Apollo Grannus, Apollo Maponos, & Apollo Belenos — Grannus, Maponos, and Belenos were all standalone deities in Gaulish culture that became associated with Apollo once Roman religious influence spread. Each has their own unique nuance but all seem to be related to Apollo’s healing function
➻ Mars Condatis & Mars Toutatis — Both Condatis and Toutatis are also independently attested Celtic gods and both were interpreted to be a form of Mars. Through some of his Celtic epithets, Mars gained a traditionally uncharacteristic healing function.
➻ Sulis Minerva — Sulis is a Brythonic healing goddess and through her identification with Minerva, enjoyed a pretty large cult in Roman Britain.
➻ Poseidon Erechtheus — a fusion of Poseidon and a mythical king of Athens who was most likely a minor deity at some point. It would go on to be used as a name for Poseidon when in relation to Athens.
➻ Dionysos Zagreus — This is an equation that happened mostly in Orphism and other mystic cults but the earliest evidence suggests that Zagreus was originally a standalone deity or an aspect of Hades which later became an aspect of Dionysos.
➻ Mars Quirinus — Quirinus simultaneously became an epithet to Mars and also maintained an independent presence in Roman religion. It’s partly through his identification with Mars that the latter started to be more warlike as opposed to an agricultural deity.
➻ Pallas Athena — In some tellings, notably in pseudo-Apollodorus’ “Bibliotheca”, this name is the result of Athena taking the name of a Titaness named Pallas, daughter of Triton. Could also be a fusion of Athena and the giant named Pallas.
➻ Serapis/Osorapis/Userhapi — Userhapi and Oserapis are transliterations of the coptic name for Osiris-Apis which became Hellenized as “Serapis” under the Ptolemaic dynasty. It is the result of identifying Apis (a sacred bull turned deity during the Second Dynasty) and the Egyptian god Osiris.
iv. Poetic Epithets
Poetic (or literary) epithets are, well, epithets just used poetically in ancient literature. They don’t refer to cult or ritual functions and usually either are physical descriptors, compliments, or mythic achievements. It can also include any epithets used to describe mythic standing in relation to other gods, such Ovid calling Aurora “Pallantias” to signify that in his telling, she’s the daughter of the titan Pallas. They can be used in a devotional sense and in a more solely creative one to evoke a certain feeling from the reader and set a scene and they may be referred to as “Homeric epithets” as well since many come from Homeric works. Another function of Homeric epithets can be to help a line of poetry satisfy the line/format requirements of dactylic hexameter. Here's a nifty overview of the grammatical and descriptive purposes for various epithets in the Iliad and Odyssey. If you’ve ever read ancient epic poetry then you’ve encountered loads of poetic epithets, examples including:
➻ Eos Rhododactylos: literally “Rosy-Fingered Eos”, Eos Erigenia: literally “Early-Born Eos”
➻ Aphrodite Philommeides: literally “Laughter-Loving Aphrodite”, Aphrodite Eustephanos: literally “Richly-Crowned Aphrodite”
➻ Artemis Khrysenios: literally “Artemis Who Holds Golden Reins”, Artemis Keladeinos: literally “Strong-Voiced Artemis”
➻ Hermes Argeiphontes: literally “Hermes, Slayer of Argos” (a shepherd he killed in myth), Hermes Kharidotes: literally “Hermes, Giver of Joy”
➻ Hades Polysemantor: literally “Hades, Ruler of Many”, Hades Nekron Soter: literally “Hades, the Savior of the Dead"
Using Epithets
When it comes to using epithets in your practice, it's largely a personal choice. By no means is it something that you MUST do but, it's also not something that doesn't have a place in modern polytheism. I, for one, tend to find that it can connect my worship to a certain form/aspect of a deity (for instance, Apollo) more quickly or serve to "set the mood" more effectively. I tend to pray to epithets of him for his healing/protective/oracular roles, however, I'm not as personally connected to his musical/artistic roles so on the relatively rare occasions that I find myself wanting to invoke those aspects, using epithets related to that makes me feel closer to them. They can also be used to enhance prayers if you're someone who enjoys having very artistic wording or just wants to glorify the deity you're praying to.
Another way I like to use epithets is to create my own to use in prayers or as a devotional activity. This could mean creating new poetic epithets as compliments to a deity, creating an epithet to invoke them at a local place, or even making an epithet for a role they have in your UPG but do not traditionally have. I usually try to make them in various forms of Ancient Greek, Latin, Gaulish, or in English but you could utilize any language you feel like, it doesn't need to be the language of the ancient culture(s) where the deity was worshipped. And importantly, it doesn't need to perfect. I am certainly not fluent in any form of Ancient Greek or in Latin so it can take a while to get the correct (or even just loosely acceptable) grammatical set-up and lots of comparison with actual ancient epithets. Just for some examples, here's some epithets I've created for various deities:
➻ Dionysos Tautoteus: literally "Dionysus of Identity" but I made it to refer to him as a protector/affirmer of self-identification in relation to sexuality and/or gender.
➻ Eos Dendrokhoria & Eos Anthestephanos: literally "Eos who Dances in the Trees" to refer to when the sunrise is barely visible above the tree line (I usually pray to her at dawn and there's a forest in that direction from my house lol) and the second is literally "Flower-Crowned Eos", just a reference to her being traditionally described as wearing flowers.
➻ Sirona Lindaia: literally "Sirona of the Lake" which I made to use when praying or giving offering to her at lakes, pretty self-explanatory but I also have made a bunch of others for her such as Sirona Nantaia (Sirona of the Stream), Sirona Natrix (Sirona of the Snake), and Sirona Dumnorigana (Sirona, the Queen of the Depths).
Some Useful Resources for Epithets
For most Greek deities, you can find lists of epithets to them online on places such as Theoi.com, within classical texts such as various Homeric Hymns, epics, histories, etc. Theoi is a great site in general, however it can occasionally lack further explanation and context for epithets so if you find that one isn't clarified enough, try searching it up independently.
Wiktionary.com is actually a really great free resource for looking up etymology and the ways different words are/were used in various languages.
For other languages, check things such as epigraphy [for example, CIL databases (Latin) or this EDH CIL database (across the Roman sphere), RIB databases (Roman Britain), IG databases (Greek)], curse tablets, papyri, etymological dictionaries or regular dictionaries. These can be really useful for obvious reasons. For non-Latin Italic languages and ancient Celtic languages, I tend to use etymological/reconstructed dictionaries this for Celtic languages and this for Etruscan. But again, you can make epithets just in the language you already speak, there's no need for them to be in some ancient or reconstructed one. Its literally whatever you want.
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This was originally a blogpost of mine on the P&W Amino but has been reformatted for (and reshared) here since amino is heading towards its inevitable end... rip
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