#so 200+ is amazing and I'm grateful
hyena-frog · 2 years
I failed the driving test today :)))
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pakhnokh · 11 months
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House of Gentians Arc 2 || Pages 163-168 END
Wei Ying: Sorry, I can't let Lan Wangji hold me by the waist like that again ;___;
Me: Goddammit, alright, have it your way, but I'm going to draw the most intense panels of you putting your hands on his shoulders. Is Lan Wangji flinching cause it's Wei Ying who's touching him so fiercely? Is it the fact that his scars that are barely healed yet hurt from that grip? You decide!
ARC 2 EXTRAS FOR PАТRОNS Extra mini comic: The Dog Art pieces Extra mini comic: Cornetto commercial
ARC 2 Complete PDF with extras ARC 3 (TBA)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Always be sure to click on my profile and check for updates because if you see a random part reblogged IT MIGHT NOT BE THE EDITED VERSION WITH THE WORKING LINK TO THE NEXT PART ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arc 2 has come to its end! Yes, I can't believe it too. It's been 11 months since I posted the arc's cover image. I've been through so much since then, so much of my life has changed and yet working on this project, providing 4 pages every week, was somewhat of a blessed constant and fairly, I'm going to miss it.
I have to say that I'm very grateful to you, the readers, because your excitement with this story and the wonderful comments and questions and interest and insights you left on each part is what kept me going and also helped me understand my story better, so THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! A HUGE THANK YOU TOO FOR MY PАТRОNS!!!! I wouldn't have been able to do NONE of it if it weren't for your amazing support. You have no idea how grateful I am that you are giving me the opportunity not only to create this story for you and for others, but to also develop myself further as an artist (this is the first time I do a long comic of such a scale and by thinking about you when I make updates every week, I think how much better I can make my work). Your support is also a huge help with my daughter, not only because you help me provide for her, but also because in spite of the fact that taking care of her gets more and more difficult, you being there keeps me motivated to not give up on drawing and succumb to 100% life of a mother and a housewife. You save me <3.
So what now? Now I will work on extras for members of the peke-king tier on my Pатrе��n. I will create extra comic pages, a few more arts, and a funny comic strip. When all of that is done, I will create the PDF and upload it to the shared drive (I think this arc+extras is going to be about 200 pages!!) after that, I will take a break from HoG to finish other MDZS projects I halted, and after those are done I will take a break entirely to reread MDZS and consume all its media again, so I will remember forgotten parts and get that spark ready for Arc 3! So absolutely stay tuned! Thank you all again for being with me in this journey, and hope you enjoyed the story! <3
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meanbossart · 4 months
ur like the only person who depicts mlm astarion as a top and i am so grateful for ur existence 😭 i just can't see him preferring to bottom after being used like a fleshlight / having no bodily autonomy for 200 yrs that's just my take (controversial ik) obviously he can switch but id say there's generally a preference for either position at the end of the day 🤷 regardless ur art is amazing thnk u for existing and feeding the poor
I know you're just being a little facetious with your word choice here, but I do wanna take this opportunity to clarify that that's NOT the reason why I depict him as a top. I'm sure he's had sex in all the standard (and some not so standard) ways while acting under Cazador's command, and If you were to ask me, the joy and autonomy has been sucked out of all the acts and roles pretty equally.
Rather, after spending time with the character, that's just the vibe I got from him 🤷 Probably his go-to before ever being turned, and probably thinks it's very hot to fuck a guy thrice his size and bulging with muscle - there's a little blink-and-you'll-miss-it bit in ANE where Astarion asks DU drow if he can be the pitcher, and I consider that to be an important little character moment for him. He reminds me very strongly of a very particular subsection of flamboyant, twinkish homo; if you know, you know LOL
DU drow too. His reasons for bottoming actually have slightly more explicitly to do with control (or lacking it) but he does enjoy entrusting his partners with his body. You see that too with his relationship with Orin.
Not saying I'm right and you're wrong or that that's even 100% your implication here, just taking the opportunity to share my thoughts on the character and why I depict him how I do! I enjoy getting headcanons that are a little different from mine because they get me thinking about my own thought process a little more in depth.
Thank you so much for the message and your kind words! I'm happy to be providing the goods all the same LOL
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discoveredreality · 20 days
200 follower event thingy under the cut :D
for ppl new to my blog, intro post is here <3
lol click this: 🌿🌺🍂🌼
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tysm to everyone who has followed me :D
please only send one request at a time
but feel free to drop literally as many asks in my inbox as u want <333
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for mutuals/followers <3
✨ — i make u a moodboard. please lmk if u want something specific or i'll do it based on your blog (i honestly love doing moodboards so if u want this i am encouraging u to ask lol)
❓ — i'll give you a random fun fact about literally anything. could be about a book character or sea creature or anything in between.
🎵 — send me a any song. i'll listen to it and give u my honest opinion on it
❔ — ask me any literally question about myself. i will try to answer as honestly as i can. unless it's something i'm not comfortable with
🥀 — if u ever need to be cheered up, send an ask and i'll tell u why you're an amazing person and i'm so glad you're here <3
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for moots/ppl who i'm close with only
🌷 — i'll make u a handwritten letter and tell u why i'm literally so grateful for u <3
🎶— lmk what your music taste is like. what artists or what genre or whatever. and i'll make u a really short playlist :D
🌱— honestly i'm running out of ideas here but i don't want there to be only two things in this section cause that's not aesthetic lol. so if there's anything else that i haven't included feel free to send an ask and i'll probably do it unless i dont want to lol
ok that's all <3
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this is will end when i unpin this lol
all the above photos are not mine, i got them off of pintrest.
the beautiful dividers are linked here. these are by @saradika-graphics she is a literal star these dividers are so good
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raina-at · 6 months
Year in fic review 2023
Total number of completed stories: 4, I finished Spare Parts in 2022, just finished posting in 2023.
Total word count: About 50 k (published, god knows how many words of unfinished WIPS and abandoned one-shots)
Fandoms written in: BBC Sherlock, I'm a one-trick pony these days ;-)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
Hm, I suppose less? And not the things I expected. I started writing a lot of long, plotty fics but apparently, it wasn't the year for long and plotty fics. I suppose I didn't have the brain space for long and plotty.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
Probably Nothing Gold Can Stay, because I had this idea months and months ago, of John having a bit of a crisis before his wedding. I had this one piece of a core of a fic, the whole nucleus where John tells Sherlock nobody ever sticks with him, ever. And then I had three different fragments of fics trying to make it work, and every one had something amazing in it, but I just couldn't make it gel. And then I thought of the famous The thing you wanted to say, say it now, and the scene on the bench in TSOT, and bam, I had a fic. It came out in stops and starts of 200-word chunks, while John laboured with whether and how and when to trust enough, to have faith enough to actually say how he feels. I'm really proud of how it came out in the end, and I'm very happy you guys responded to it the way you did.
Did you take any writing risks this year?
I don't know about risks, but I wrote 31 ficlets in pretty much a month, which came out to 26000 words, and that was no mean feat. And I actually still like most of them. Gave me a bit of writers' burn-out, I won't lie, but what a ride!
Do you have any fanfic goals for the new year?
I want to finish my Christmas fic. I would like to re-visit the Nothing Gold boys because I think there's meat on these bones and I always wanted to do a series of shorter fics that hang together. So maybe I can do something with that. But last year was so stressful at work and I don't see this year going any better (we have three big conferences this summer, so it's probably going to be So Much Worse). So, I'll be grateful for what I can accomplish, and accept that it might not be everything I want.
Most popular story of the year?
Nothing Gold Can Stay for sure.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Hm, I got a lot of lovely feedback this year, so I generally feel loved and appreciated by fandom. My May ficlets especially got a lot of responses here on tumblr, and I loved that dynamic interchange between writing and reading and commeting, especially with the others who did the challenge.
If I had to pick one underappreciated story, my Spare Parts 'verse January 29th fic The Stars Walk Backward didn't get a lot of eyeballs, but it's understandable given that it's a one-shot in a 'verse that not that many people are famliar with in the first place. It's a bit of a stepchild of a 'verse, but I love it, and I love this story for its unabashed sentimentality. It's very sweet and very calm and has a lot of 'we're back together and I don't want to fuck this up again' energy. I love re-visiting this fic if I need a quick pick-me-up, so. You know.
Most fun story to write:
Most of the ficlets were fun to write, and Tipping Point was somehow the opposite of Nothing Gold Can Stay in that it came out in a big rush over four days, like a writing tsunami. But my Christmas fic is also super fun to write, I just hope I can sustain the fun and actually finish it.
Most unintentionally telling story:
Probably Nothing Gold Can Stay, I suppose. Grief is really complicated, and it's difficult to come to terms with the fact that you can sort of stumble into pockets of it, and that you sometimes grieve things that are technically still there but have changed a lot. Essentially, the story is about a John who has to stop running away from his grief and turn around and face it, and a Sherlock who sees that if he wants to truly get John back, he has to face it with him.
Biggest disappointment:
With myself for being unable to finish the many, many, many fics I've stared but didn't remotely finish. But also gracious to myself for letting life happen.
Biggest surprise:
Not surprise but gratitude for the love and support of this fandom. You guys are awesome. I'm so grateful whenever someone tells me that something I wrote made them Feel Something(TM). It's the greatest compliment a writer can receive, and I feel truly blessed that I heard this a fair bit this year. I write because it makes me happy, and if people reading my fics experience something similar, then that makes me even happier. So thank you, fandom.
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fandomtransmandom · 2 months
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Hello! I reached an AO3 goal, so prepare for a rambling personal post.
I broke 2.5 million words!
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First of all, thank you to everyone who reads and supports my work. Without you, I could never have made it this far.
And more than anything, I want to thank Bill and Conan. Those tall, blue-eyed, assless dorks get me through the days and I am endlessly grateful for their infinite inspiration.
After 366 stories, ~200 of which are requests, I have slightly more confidence in my writing. But it's still hard. Combatting all the voices that tell me I'm not good enough and should just give up is a constant struggle. But because of my friends and my amazing partner @martymcdie88mph, I keep going. I know my fics aren't everyone's cup of tea, but writing about Bill and Conan makes my life worth living. And I'm blessed to have a handful of wonderful people who boost me with their encouragement and praise. Thank you all🧡
So, here's to the next half million. Who knows how long it will take, but I plan to have fun along the way!
Until then, remember:
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e-dubbc11 · 1 year
ERICCA!!!! congrats on 200 🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉❤️❤️❤️ it's so deserved, you're an amazing writer, a wonderful friend and one of the sweetest, kindest people i know - i'm so grateful to have you in my life and ily with my whole entire heart 🥰
thank you so much for running this celebration for us - could i please make a request for matty?
“we’ll never get to sleep if you keep fidgeting like that” is such a cute prompt, i can't wait to see what you come up with!
Mindi my love! Thank you so much, you have been one of my biggest cheerleaders and thank you just doesn’t seem like enough and I love you to the moon and back! ❤️
Thank you for sending this prompt in, it’s super toot and I really hope you like it!
Stay Still
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Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 1.3k-ish
Warnings: None really. All fluff, the bunnies and unicorns are extra fluffy. Matt acting a little nervous but that’s it
He promised he would come see you tonight. Even though he promised, you weren’t positive he would be able to keep that promise. Matt had a job to do, lawyer by day but also masked vigilante by night and you tried to be understanding.
When you found out about Matt’s little “side job,” you took it better than other people in his life did. After that the bruises and cuts made sense, he could trust you and even trust you enough to help patch him up if he needed it.
He was eavesdropping, but he couldn’t help himself. The accident that happened so many years ago left Matt with enhanced senses so even though he couldn’t see you, he could hear you on the phone with your father but also he could hear your father’s end of the conversation as well.
He was eavesdropping outside your window, another thing you were still trying to get used to. Matt was always making sure you were safe, checking on you every night, it was very important to him.
“Well, I’d love to meet this Matt sometime soon. I promise I’ll be good.” Matt heard your father say.
“You promise? Dad, we both remember when you met one of my boyfriends in high school–you were cleaning your hunting knife when he walked inside.” You said, chuckling. It was funny now, at the time it wasn’t.
Matt sat outside your window, a devilish smirk spread across his face as he listened for a few more minutes.
“Alright, well you two will meet soon, I promise. I love him, Dad.” You choked on your words a little.
“I can tell that you do, baby girl. So yes, I promise to be good when I meet him.” He said.
“Ok, well we’ll talk soon and set something up, love you Dad.” You said.
“I love you too, sweetie–bye.” And he hung up.
You set your phone on the counter and turned towards the sink to fill your tea kettle to boil some water and Matt made his way inside through the open window. You didn’t hear him until he spoke.
“What did you tell your father about me, sweetheart?” Matt asked. He sounded a little nervous.
You still weren’t quite used to him sneaking in and out of your window at night. “Jeez Louise, Matty! You scared me!” You said clutching your chest.
Your heart jumped into your throat and he knew that.
“Oh I got you good that time, didn’t I, angel.” He said with a smirk, his dimple on perfect display when he reached for the black hood he wore over his eyes and removed it. “Your heart is beating very fast.”
“Yeah it’s probably on the floor somewhere after jumping out of my chest.” Sarcasm dripping from your voice. “Don’t step on it, I need to find it and put it back in. How long have you been out there listening?” You asked him.
He came closer to you and his gloved hands snaked around your waist to pull you into his chest, your arms resting on his broad, strong shoulders. “Long enough to hear that your father wants to meet me.”
“Why Matt Murdock, are you nervous about meeting my dad?” You asked him with a slight smile on your face.
Your head rested on Matt’s chest, you could hear his heart racing. He really was nervous so you wanted to try and make him feel more at ease so you softly pressed your lips to his.
The tension in his shoulders loosened and he kissed you back, his hand moving from your waist to your throat, the glove was a little rough against the smooth skin on your neck but you didn’t mind.
“Well…a little.” He said. “I’ve never–” He paused. “I’ve never met anyone’s parents before.”
Watching Matt, his eyes focused towards the ground then up again towards your face, he licked his lips and let out a large exhale.
“Well Murdock, I know you have some Daredevil-ing to do so why don’t you get going and we can talk about it later…I promise.” You said as you placed a tender kiss on his lips again.
Matt kissed you back and placed the hood back over his eyes. “Can I come back here after I’m done for the night? I want to sleep next to you, sweetheart.”
Suddenly, your body was warm and you could feel your cheeks and your ears turning pink. “Of course you can, Matty. Please be safe.”
After Matt left, the water boiled for your nighttime tea and you enjoyed a few chapters of your book, then it was time for you to try and get some sleep.
The first aid kit was resting on the bathroom counter in case Matt needed it when he came back but he must have had a decent night because he didn’t seem to need much from the kit, aside from the couple of band aids or butterfly closures you heard him open.
He did his best not to wake you but you were already awake and just excited he wanted to stay with you tonight.
You felt him climb into bed next to you, his rough calloused fingers tracing a line up your thigh and his hands pulling you flush to his body. His warm breath on the back of your neck as he whispered “Goodnight, angel.”
The small movements in his fingers and his toes weren’t that noticeable but enough for you to wonder what was bothering him. It couldn’t have been the sheets or the blankets, Matt’s hypersensitivity to fabrics had you out buying silk bedding to make him more comfortable as he slept next to you. So you knew that wasn’t it, then it hit you, Matt was still thinking about meeting your father.
“We’ll never get to sleep if you keep fidgeting like that.” You said to him with a slight smile.
“I’m sorry sweetheart.” He softly said into the back of your neck.
You turned to face him and gently moved your fingers through his soft brown hair. “Matty…my father is going to love you and do you wanna know how I know that?”
“How?” Matt asked.
You inched closer to his face, kissed him on the cheek and buried your face into his chest. “Because you may not have a lot in common, but there is one thing you do have in common.”
Even in the dark, you could tell Matt had a confused look on his face. “And what would that be y/n? What could your dad and I possibly have in common? I wear suits to work, your dad is a carpenter, he works with his hands, he’s a fisherman, a hunter–all things that I’m not.”
Matt sounded a little frustrated.
“You both love me.” You told him.
Matt’s body relaxed, and he let out a slight chuckle. “I do love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too, Matty. My Dad did his best every day to make sure me and my brother were taken care of and loved when we were growing up. And even though I’m an adult, he still wants to make sure I’m taken care of.” You said.
“He’ll love you because you love me.”
He finally felt at ease, he understood what you were trying to get across to him. There was someone else on this earth that loved you as much as your father did, that could protect you when he couldn’t, and that could watch over you when he wasn’t able to.
“And I always will, angel.” Matt said.
Matt stopped fidgeting, the movement in his fingers ceased, and his legs relaxed. Your hair tickled his chest as you both fell asleep, Matt’s smile pressed against the top of your head as he silently promised to love and protect you the way you deserve to be.
Tag List: @freshabogados @skvatnavle @phoebe-danvers @mindidjarin @saintmurd0ck @munsonownsmyass @elgrandeavocados @gijos
Others that might enjoy: @mattmurdocksscars @itwasthereaminuteago @idrinkcoffeeandobsess @missbeewrites @hellskitchenswhore @pedrito-friskito @fluffyprettykitty
Please please tell me if you’d like to be added or removed from either list and thank you again for reading!
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𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓸 𝓶𝓾𝓬𝓱! ♡
Hello everyone! ♡
I just want to start off by saying thank you to everyone who enjoys my work, whether it be my x Reader content or my OC's ♡ I appreciate it so so much!
I honestly can't believe that I'm almost at 200 followers, especially since I still have Cathie Cafe orders left to fulfill from my 100 follower celebration (which I apologize about the wait! Please know that your orders are coming ♡)
I just want to take a moment to mention some of my dear friends and mutuals (so if you don't wish to be tagged, please let me know!)
@midnightmah07 - Mah, you were one of the very first people I met on Tumblr, and one of my first friends too. I can't thank you enough for your friendship and constant support! You're an amazingly talented artist, with OC's and OC x canon's that I just adore! Your encouragement and kind words is one of the reasons why Ruggie is the character I've written the most stories for lol ♡
@scint1llat3 / @crystallizsch - Ian, I feel you're probably one of the people I'm closest with (besides Mah) and I am so grateful to be your friend. You're so encouraging and kind, and talking with you is so much fun! I can't thank you enough for your friendship. I love your OC's, and you are such an incredibly talented artist! I tend to write more for Jamil now, and I'm sure you know why lol ♡
@skriblee-ksk - Kris, you have been a supporter of mine for such a long time, even before we ever officially spoke to each other. I noticed you would always like my work, and I appreciated it so much! I can't thank you enough for your constant support, and I'm so glad we started talking and became friends! You're a wonderful person and artist, and I hope to support you just as much as you have for me ♡
@boopshoops - Shoopy, thank you for being so welcoming! Your care for others (whether it be their work, OC's, etc) is so genuine and kind, and you're an incredibly talented artist. Your OC's are amazing, and I feel very grateful to have you as a mutual ♡
@cheerleaderman - Jan, thank you so much for your support! You're so kind, and an amazing artist! Your OC's are all incredible, and you're such a talented artist. It's always a joy whenever I see you pop up on my dash, and I'm grateful to have you as a mutual ♡ (Idia enjoyers have to stick together lol ♡)
@demonichikikomori - I know we haven't really spoken much recently, but thank you so much for your friendship D! It's so much fun to have someone to talk Utapri, Hypmic, and Charisma House with! You're an incredibly talented writer and artist. I can't wait to play the new Utapri game when it comes out soon, and we can add each other as friends! ♡
@nicoliharu - Coli, you were another person I met early on, and I can't thank you enough for your friendship. You're such an incredibly talented artist, and so kind. You're so encouraging, and I appreciate it so so much ♡
@offorestsongs - Thank you so much for your support, Algy! Your OC's and OC x canon's are great, and I love learning about them! You're such a talented artist, and I'm so glad we're mutuals! Thank you so much for enjoying my work ♡
@br3adtoasty - I know we don't really talk, but thank you for being mutuals with me! You're an amazing artist, and I love your OC's so much! It's so fun learning about them, and it always makes me so happy whenever you pop up on my dash. I'm honored to be mutuals with you ♡
@stationerykid / @selfinserttothestars - Again, I know we don't really talk, but I love your art!! You're so talented, and the way you draw characters I just ADORE! It always makes me so happy whenever you pop up on my dash, and I'm so honored to be mutuals with you ♡
@cakeheavenly999, @justm3di0cr3, @viilpstick, @kimetsu-chan - You're all very talented, and I thank you very much for being mutuals with me ♡
Again, thank you everyone for your support! I am very honored and grateful that so many people enjoy my work ♡♡♡
Thank you! ♡
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twiceland · 5 months
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oh my gosh okay first of all happyyyy wednesday (it is wednesday in my timezone hehe) to everyone !!! today i hit 1k followers after having this blog since october 2022, and i feel ever so grateful for all of you, mutuals or not, for supporting me throughout this wild ride <//3 i'm currently in exam season (i'm crying inside) so i haven't been very active this year but i am still so happy and excited and ahhhh!!!!!! this means so much to me and honestly i can't even believe that we're here in this moment but wahshjdfhgjshd thank you all soooooo much <3 to celebrate, i decided to write mini email looking notes for some of my mutuals! please don’t be offended if i didn’t write an email for you; if you would like an email and we are mutuals please send me an ask and i will 100% write you one!!!!
to: miru ( @rosiesared ) subject: my fav yunjin stan
MIRUUUUU <3 i still cannot believe we’ve been friends for almost two years. you are genuinely one of the kindest people i know and one of the most genuine ones i know. you’re always there when i just wanna talk and ramble and we ramble together and i adore you for that 🥹 i remember us meeting and me being intimidated as fuck by you but u are the sweetest and have the most amazing personality 💖💖💖💖 i’m so proud of you always I LOVE U TO BITSSSSS
to: isai ( @solojihyo : @yosang ) subject: jihyo’s wife ( real !!! )
MY CLUMSY BLOB <3 hi my love!!! you are someone i love and hold so dearly to my heart <3 you’re someone i can talk to at my happiest and my worst, and you help me become a better version of myself. you’re so sweet and lovely and such a genuinely wonderful person and i appreciate you being in my life these past couple of years. i adore you!! love you sooooooo much my fav horanghae lover (btw i walked into a pole again yesterday. i didnt hurt myself dw) (also thank u for convincing me to download the cracked ps from the link you sent in the server) (i lov u)
to: michaela ( @mandu : @thefeelz ) subject: jennie’s loml
when you followed me i was so sure i was in a fever dream. i’m pretty sure i blinked at my screen like 200 times. ANYWAYS you are literally ,,,,, i think the only way to say this is so fucking cool . although we don’t talk a lot, seeing u on the dash is always a sure way to make me smile <3 i love youuuuu
to: zay ( @jeonwonwoo : @kimsdahyun ) subject: jeonghan’s bff
HI MY MOST BELOVED ZAY !!! over the last couple of months we’ve gotten sm closer and i just love hearing ab u talk about our fav sebongs and ps stuff && everything you’re passionate about. you’re genuinely one of the most fun and funny people i know and i adore you so much <3 love u love u love u jeonghans wife 💖💖💖💖 MY MOST AESTHETIC PRETTIEST QUEEN !!!!!
to: dana ( @lesseraive ) subject: chaewon = loml = the only girl ever
dana!!!! i still cannot believe its only been … a little more than a year? since we became mutuals 😭 you’re the best. i love shittalking w you, talking about our girls (jangchae) and how izone deserved and deserves better (we miss u izone) (u are forever) (never izgone) . you’re like an older sister to me and i feel like i can talk to you about anything. thank you for being here and being my friend, i love youuuu <3 jeonghyeon p01
to: elv ( @seokmins ) subject: seokmin’s pizza girl !
elvvvvv <3 tbh we’ve talked to about this before but i think the most funny part of our friendship is me not remembering how we met HSKFBSJSK i know that we were both mutuals in laws through isai but honestly it feels like we’ve been mutuals for like ….. ever. you are so sweet and lively it feels like we are just two sunshines together in a field of sunflowers whenever we talk 😭 you make me smile whenever you come up on the dash and you deserve all of the love in the entire world <3 sending my squishiest hugs your way! 💗
to: mini ( @venompinks ) subject: #1 blackpink lover
MINI MINI MINI !!!! hi beloved <3 tbh ive always seen u as like an older sibling to me. you have rhsi comforting vibe that just emulates love & support and i adore that. i love seeing ur creations && support towards ur favs (esp the pinks hehe) and ur so so so lovely!!!! sending u all the squishiest hugs in the whole wide WORLD !!!!!
to: theo ( @lovebitxx ) subject: chaer’s #1 <3
THEO THEO THEO THEO !!!!! i remember you following me during your lixblr era and feeling so :OOO bc that was pre gg blog and i was like wowowow bc all of your creations are so pretty 😭😭😭 im so happy we’ve gotten closer and u always make me smile and just seeing u on my dash and talking to u makes me so happyyyyy!! you’re so passionate about your favs and its always so nice to see you get excited about them ): i love youuuu so much 💗
to: daisy ( @svmit ) subject: juhyeon’s bf ( REAL ! )
MY DAISYYYYY i love you!!!! getting to know you have been soso fun and im so glad to know you 🥹🥹🥹 you’re genuinely so sweet and adorable and i want to squeeze u into the tightest hug 🫂 my fav lightsum && ptg stan 4ever!!!!! 💞💞💞
to: shreya ( @fawad-khan : @kiimtaehyung ) subject: tae’s wife & hyunjin’s gf 🎀🎀🎀
my most beloved shreya!!!!! hi akka i love u to the moon and back and beyond 💞💞💞💞 its kinda crazy to think a year ago we barely knew each other and now we’ve both celebrated our birthdays and waaaaaa it feels insane. i feel like. you’re genuinely someone i see as my older sister and i want to hug you so bad and. YEAAAA the momo to my sana i love youu <3 also thanks for teaching me that andrew garfield is a real person 😁 mwah
to: theo ( @toplines ) subject: best jeongyeon stan!!!!
HI MY LOVELIEST THEO!!!!! I ADORE U HEHE thank u for being one of the silliest most funny most genuine people in my life u are quite literally the kuromi to my melody, the jeongyeon to my sana and i lov u lots!!!!! u are the best ever and u deserve all the love and moreeee 💞💞💞💞 hehe ALSO U ARE THEEEE GFX ICON OF ALL TIME
to: lau ( @saerom : @127s ) subject: saerom’s biggest fan (real)
HI LAUUUUU hehe i know we havent been close for that long (i think we met in userps i dont even remember if im being honest) but you’ve always been someone i look up to. you have this ability to like. stay calm and handle difficult situations with ease and are so funny and fun to talk to!!!! ilu a lot and u are genuinely the sweetest ever <3333 also u are THEEEE URL QUEEN !!!!! never forget !!!!! hugs !!!! 💞💞💞💞💞
to: hales ( @3rachaas ) subject: changbins wife confirmed!!!
HALES HALES HALES HI !!! u are the funniest person ever actually genuinely seriously 100%ly (how many more adverbs can shri use,, more at ten) u are my east coast bestie and i love playimg games with u even if u win every single time 😓😓😓 ILY SOOO MUCH i wish i could hug u sososoososososo bad <////3 mwah!!!! also u are my fav 3racha stan 4ever (edit i hate tumblr ANYWAYS i miss our uno game nights can we have one again) (also hales edit era we miss u) (ilyilyilyilyily)
to: lee ( @komca ) subject: komcanation ‼️ mark’s wife
hi mother 😁😁 u are my favorite mark stan 😁😁 i lov u 😁😁 no in actuality i love u sm lee u are one of the most understanding kindest most funniest most amazing person ever u just. deserve all the love in the world!!!!! i love ur markisms and ur love for rnb and just how passionate u are about ur hobbies and interests!!!! adore u to the moon and back I LOVE U SMMMM HEHE MY ILICHIL LOVER IN CRIMEEEE 💜💜💜
to: naina ( @tutontawan ) subject: sakura’s wife 💞
sunshine wifey! HI MY FAVORITE PERSON EVER the hello kitty to my melo, kkura to my eunchae, gaeul to my wonyo, i adore u sooooo much u are quite literally my twin in every aspect and i love uuuuuu!!!!!! u are just the most sunshiney person to ever sunshine and never fail to make me smile and happyyyy I LOVE UUUUU MY FAV i cant wait to meet u one day <3
to: ace ( @ajusnice ) subject: my maknaez in crime <3
ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE ACE HELLO HI my fav gose watching partner hehe <3 no but actually its kinda bizarre how we havent been friends for a year but it feels so much. longer idk 😓😓 thank u for being sososoaoao supportive u always make me laugh and whether its u berating me over using light mode or screaming over junshua its never a boring day when we talk 🥹 im glad to have u as my friend and ILYSM!!!!!! 💞💞💞💞💞
i hope all of you had the happiest new years and hope that 2024 is our best years yet!!! love all of you sooooo much and thank you once again ♡♡♡♡♡
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punchratt · 8 months
Indulging in my brainrot again, heres that longer bg3 character design post i was talking about! (@dragonageshitpostingelves, i didnt forget you <3) Also, Spoiler Warning, i talk a lot about the companions backstory and quests, so don't read if you haven't finished those. Or do, I don't care.
Im gonna be honest and admit right now that I am sadly NOT a professional character designer, but instead just a nerd who likes to draw. I think the bg3 designs are amazing as they are and deserve a hell of a lot more praise then their already getting. That being said, i have many opinions about these funny little tadpole people. The first of them being that Gale, Wyll, and Astarion should not look like that. I mean, they all literally have the same body model, just give or take few scars and some hair, then swap the head. Which i think is a little shocking considering that the girls have much more diverse body types. Normally its the other way around.
First, Astarion. I love him, but i should not be able to grate cheese on his abs. Dude was a slave surviving off rats and living in the shadows for over 200 years, he's a rouge with 8 strength and no work out plan other then squatting so he can hide better. The last thing he should have is a six pack. I am a firm believer in scrawny Astarion, that man is wet noodle, he is malnourished and it should show. I should be able to see that mans ribs. Play that boy like a xylophone. This twink is not twinking right now and its driving me insane!
Im not saying he cant be sexy, in fact i think its very important that he is sexy. A big chunk of his story has to do with his relationship with sex and how he views romance as a whole. The whole point of his story is that he seems like the sexy vampier stereotype, but is actually a much more in depth character with a very complicated relationship to sex and romance. He needs to look sexy for that to work. But you don't gotta have a six pack to look sexy! Whenever i see him without a shirt all i can think of is that abs just don't look right on him. Everything else i think they've gotten perfect, he really does look like the character he's supposed to be and i can only applaud Larian for getting it so right, just.. lose the abs.
Second, Gale. I feel like I've already summed up how i feel about his design in my last post, but i like talking so i'm gonna say more! Gale should be chubby!! All he likes to do is ponder his orb, talk to his cat, and study magic. I firmly believe that he also has a side passion for food. After all, what is cooking if not potion brewing but different? Gale can appreciate a good meal and it should show! After all, eating and food is integral to his character with the whole arcane hunger thing he has going on. Give me my dad bod Gale and all wrongs in this world will be righted.
But to be a little more serious about this, i think his story becomes all the more poetic and tragic if you view him as someone who loves food. Because just imagine that you have three things you love, magic, food, and your goddess girlfriend. Now imagine that one day, to impress your goddess girlfriend, you do something kinda really stupid and end up with a magic nuke in your chest. But wait, it gets worse! Because of this failed grand gesture your goddess girlfriend breaks up with and banishes you. She leaves you to deal with this whole thing by yourself, all you have now is your cat and cooking. But wait, it gets even worse!! No matter how much you eat, yu arent ful, so you're constantly starvinng now, and thats how you find out that the bomb in your chest feeds on magic! Which means that now Gale has to ether find a way to keep it fed or he's gonna kamikaze half the swords coast. Meaning he has to eat any magical artifacts he gets his hands on while also dealing with the emotional damage of everything else. Food, one of the only things he had left, is now a stressful reminder of the fucked up situation he's in.
Now I don't think that means Gale starts to hate food, or resent it in some way, I still think he's the adorable little foodie goofball dork who insisted on being the camp cook. But i do think it makes his whole relationship with food something much more bittersweet, which is very interesting and something i feel could be reflected better in his already amazing design.
Third, Wyll. Wyll, I believe, is the most likely to be buff out of these three. Though, I don't think he'd show it as much as he does. We know he likes to dance, and that he enjoys a good sword fight more then anything! He used to fence with his father and overall is a very active guy. He is probably the character that most matches his body, there aren't many things I'd change. That being said, he is still a warlock with less strength then a hamster. He wouldn't be that muscly.
My dude is the son of a Grand Duke, he's had a relatively cushy life that didnt really get all that much harder after his dad gave him the boot (dick move btw). He's struggled, defiantly! But i don't think it'd be a reach to say that Wyll might have a little fat on him. I dont really have much to say other then i think he'd benefit from taking those abs away and putting that bulk somewhere else. When I imagine Wyll I imagine a man with some arm game and a pudgy belly. Maybe some calf muscle too, but overall nothing too defined since he doesn't really use strength in combat. I mean, why does Wyll have more defined abs then Lae'zel? Of all the origin characters she should have the most defined abs of the group. Not these three clowns(affectionate).
Wyll is a softie with a heart of gold, he should get to have a soft body to go with it. Plus it'd add more contrast between what parts are devil and what aren't. Sharp rough horns, a scarred face, and striking but intimidating eyes juxtaposed against a soft but somewhat built frame, quick whit, and a generally nice attitude make for a very interesting design! One that i think would be much more compelling then the kinda default muscly hero build he has now.
Now compare those to the secrete fourth option i didnt tell you about! Halsin! I think Halsin is designed perfectly and there is nothing i would change. He uses a unique body model from the other three and his design perfectly captures who he is as a character. He's big, appropriately buff, and looks kind. I look at that man and i think "yeah, thats a guy who occasionally turns into a bear", and he does! He looks like a natural born leader who knows how to make those tough decisions, he looks as inviting as he acts, and he looks like he gives amazing hugs. Bear hugs if you will! That man is a bear in every sense of the word, and whats more druid then that?
I only really brought him up to set him as sort of a standard for the designs of this game, because almost every single design is just as perfect and well thought out as his. I could go on for several more paragraphs about other characters and why their also perfect, or what other small little changes id make to their designs (cough cough, Lae'zel abs, cough) but this thing is getting long enough as is.
So to conclude. Fuck abs, and get them off my boys! If you've actually read this whole monstrosity, thank you. It took me over half a day to write and i still feel like i haven't touched on everything. Like, i didn't get to praise their designs nearly as much as i wanted to, but oh well. Maybe I'll make another post about the girls, maybe ill ramble about what i do like about the boys designs, i don't know. Depends on if anyone wants that, or if i still got gas left in the tank after this. Finally, please excuse any spelling errors and the inconsistent capitals. Its late, i have dyslexia, and i'll probably go back and fix it later. Thanks again for reading!
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taylorswiftandx · 1 month
I was scrolling through my dash and I was hit with a sudden astonishment at your work! Astonishment and curiosity...if it's something you can say (no worries if not), how do you cycle through all of Taylor's songs to find a specific word? If I were in your place I would spend all day combing through each song. I'm so genuinely amazed that you're simply doing this out of the goodness of your heart!!
Truly the time you take to make all these posts is something wonderful. On behalf of all swifties, thank you!! 🤍🤍🤍
Thank you so much! Although I now have almost 1100 keyword posts, it's been a slow build over the last 6 years. For the posts that just look for an exact keyword, I just use the "find" keyboard command and skip through my lyric document that way. For the posts that are more like categories, I do read through my full document of all her lyrics! I try to combine a couple together if I can.
@meandmypagancrew who has been working with me on this for about the last year has started more recently to take on a lot of these category-type posts while I've been updating old posts with new lyrics, and I'm super grateful for their help! They pointed out recently that the lyric document is now over 200 pages long once TTPD/TA lyrics were added, so it's kind of like reading a novel every time we make one of these posts. Definitely a different experience than when I started in 2018, when only six albums existed!
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chenfordspiral · 3 months
43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50
43. If you take/write prompts: what’s your favorite prompt fic that you’ve written? Mh, probably the two I got that turned into this 4x18 AU. It’s honestly one of my favorites I’ve written, and interestingly enough, when I reread it a while back, it felt so foreign because I could barely remember even writing it. But that was fun because it was like I was reading it from an “outsider” POV, if that makes sense. There's two more that I love, as said here, but for once I made a decision and will stick with it. @escapismqueen could fill a book about me and my indecisiveness, and I hope she's proud of me for choosing only one here.
44. If you take/write prompts: do you prefer dialogue or scenario/narrative prompts? Mh, I don’t think I’ve actually gotten many dialogue ones yet, at least not ones that I can remember right off the bat so I’ll say scenario/narrative prompts. 
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic? Oy, this is tough because it often feels like I haven't improved at all? I do like to think I've broadened my vocabulary (also thanks to reading so many fics), but I'm not sure if that makes it onto the page. Maybe I'm less terrified of hitting that post button now than I was a year ago and trust myself more to pull something off that maybe I would've shied away from before. The better question for me would be "what have you not improved on?" lol
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it? I can honestly say that I don’t know the last one I read, it’s been that long. I’ve got about – and no, I’m not joking – 200 AO3 tabs open on my phone with fics I want to read or need to catch up on. Wait! I do know which one! I re-read this one here from Tara because it was the first that came to mind for the chenford fanfic quotes blog. And yes, I absolutely, 100000% recommend it!!! 
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it! Already answered here, but: aside from Little bit of Love, I’m also always (and by that I mean every day) trying to weave my way through an AU that I’ve been working on for… welp, almost a year. Here’s a tiny little sneak peek from what will likely be the first or second chapter. It’s still a long, loooong way from seeing the light of day, though. 
“Geez, Tim. Way to be positive,” Angela sighs. “She won’t like you a whole lot either with that attitude.”  “Great, so case closed. We’re not doing this,” he says and starts to get up from his place opposite of her. “Tim,” she whines and grabs a hold of his arm to keep him from leaving. “Come on. What could it hurt? Just one date. You can see how it goes, and if it’s absolutely horrible and you sit there in silence for two hours, you can go home and call and yell at me for being wrong.”  “Lopez.” “Timothy.” “Stop calling me that.”  “Stop being stubborn.”
Oops, forgot 50 🤦🏼‍♀️ 50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about! All I can say is that I love this amazing community on here. The last few months in particular have been so much fun, and I love engaging with you all here. It genuinely feels like a home and I'm so grateful to get to be a part of it.
Thank youuu 🫶🏻
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charmspoint · 4 months
🌿for the writers truth or dare!
Thank you for the ask!
Ask game
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Cradling your face in my hands
Idk about you anon in particular, but I've found that I often have writers blocks the most when I push myself too much. I'm currently in a writing low, which is normal because I'm right off a really really big project and I need to replenish my energy. I also had a really big writing block when I came crashing down from 2021 when I wrote a truly dumb number of fics for me. This one happened because I got caught up in the fandom craze and tried to pump out a lot of high quality fics fast, because that is what fandom demands from writers and artists these days. Fast and quality. This of course wasted a lot of mental and emotional energy which couldn't be compensated by the at the time abysmal comment frequency (Recently I've been getting a lot more comments and I hope everyone else is too. It would feel nice to be out of this dark feedback era).
So to reiterate.
Your body is not a machine.
Think about what is happening around you in life. Are you stressed about school, college, work? Are you having social problems? Are you spending too much time online? Do you feel like you constantly have to be pumping out projects or people will stop paying attention?
From my experience, writing block is very rarely about the inability to write itself. Inability to write is a side effect of something else. A big project, complicated outside factors, external pressure, or just the fact that you got a new game and you are using all your time to play your game and not doing anything else (person who is not obsessed with BG3 atm). Usually when these are dealt with and you renew energy after them, writing will come back on its own.
You need to be kind to yourself.
I find this to be the best advice in many situations.
Pushing yourself to do what you can't do at the moment will only result in further frustration. Yes, it's good to have a writing habit, but I advocate for that to be a low goal one. My goal is 200 words a day. Sometimes I don't manage to do this because life is complicated but 6 days out of 7 I do. This keeps you on track, doesn't let your brain stale, but also isn't just torturing you.
If you are lacking in creativity you need to EXPERIENCE THINGS. Read that book you've been putting off, start a new manga, watch a movie, beyond that, take a daily walk, go to a museum, discuss ideas with your friends. I hate the phrase media consumption but I do like eating imagery and your brain NEEDS to eat. It needs to experience different art forms to be able to produce ideas of its own. Fanfiction is fine too, but unless you know a really amazing writer who brings a lot of new things into their work, I wouldn't recommend it, because in the end fanfiction is just exploration of a familiar thing. Thing you are stuck on. DON'T function only on fanfiction.
Let your material REST. If you are stuck on the fic, shove it in a folder and don't look at it for a week. Try not to think about it too much, do some of the things above and let your work rest. After a week you'll forget the finer details of it and will be able to look at it more objectively, which might help you resolve the thing you were stuck on. Also sometimes when you read your own fic a fresh you get those 'I´m a fucking genius' moments which is always great.
Don't create on anyone's schedule but your own. I know how incredibly hard it is, I've felt it too, with fandom today which is overly picky, overly judgy and not very grateful. With a fandom that seems to more and more treat its creators as content machines instead of people sharing their passion projects. DON'T WRITE FOR THOSE PEOPLE. It's hard but don't write for the comments in your inbox. Don't set a schedule you can't meet. I've been writing a 17 chapter fic for almost 3 years now because I want a weekly release schedule but I don't want a weekly writing schedule. If your fic takes 6 months, a year or 10, let it take that times, don't shove it out before you feel ready.
Realize that sometimes writing just won't go, no matter what you do. Realize that you aren't a failure or a fraud for this, that it means nothing when it comes to your skill and ability, that the greatest writers ever had struggled with the same thing. Some days you don't have time to write, some days you aren't in the mood to even do the bare minimum. These days will exist and be kind to yourself on them. Your writing won't escape anywhere. Come to terms with being human and come back to it tomorrow.
Hope any of that rant helps hzbjhvh!!!
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dervampireprince · 7 months
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Twtich livestream celebrating 500 Twitch followers and 9k (perhaps 10k by next week?) subscribers on Youtube! I'd love to see you guys there! Thank you guys so much. 500 on Twitch, 10k on Youtube and 200 on Patreon were my goals I set at the start of the year and I thought they were too high so didn't share them publicly out of embarrassment but now we've reached two of those goals and soon we'll hit 10k on here and I'm just so amazed and grateful.
What is a subathon? For those not familiar, it's an event where we have a timer counting down from 6 hours towards zero. Every time someone subscribes, gives bits, or donates on Ko-Fi it will add time to the timer and force me to stream for longer. There are community goals that we can unlock by the total number of subscribers gained in this stream, whether from people subscribing themselves and/or gifting subs. The goals for this event include group activities like quizzes and playing games together, to solo activities for me to do, to giveaways! There's also solo incentives if you give multiple subs like free art and audio commissions and free stickers that will be mailed to you.
I hope the goals and incentives look fun, I really tried to make them interesting and yet also things I'm comfortable with doing. All the information is on this little poster including that my Twitch is for 18+ only and the time it starts which is 10am GMT and will be going for a minimum of 6 hours and a maximum of 10 hours per day (if we hit over 10 hours on the timer then I'll be streaming this event over more than one day). Thank you guys so much again and please come along if you want to (and are 18+) even if you can't or don't want to support finically, it hopefully will be a fun stream to just watch or lurk in. Any money given will go towards my moving out fund so I can move out of my family home and into a safer place and be more able to keep making audios and art for you all.
Thank you all!
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tmnt-crossover-polls · 11 months
The saddest screenshot of the crossover polls
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I can't imagine the polls ending and loosing you all
Hosting the polls have been one of the best experiences I've had in the last couple of years and the idea of it being over is unimaginably scary
Did i already make an account for another poll because i have an issue with changing my routines? Yes, absolutely
But still the crossover polls are so important to me
I made so many amazing friends I've read so many cool fics i have a discord server with mods and AU channels and members and memes about ME and much more than i can ask for
They joy of seeing people making propaganda and tagging Me on them making memes about our conversation and drawing gorgeous fics about something i created?
That's a billion times more than i ever could've dreamed about this
I always said i thought this is gonna have only 6 people show up for this
We had 38 AUs and all of them were brilliant over 200 blogs following and so many votes
I'm so grateful for all of you and I don't think i expressed it enough
Thanks for being a part of this journey
Thanks for being here and i hope you had as much fun as i had
The crossover polls aren't over
Some people expressed their interest in another round of polls and i will do that if there are enough people
I do need a while to just not feel responsible but i am so happy to host again one day
If you want to stay connected and chat and maybe enable me to do random shit the discord server is always welcoming more friends
I'll see you around for semi finals
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tetsunabouquet · 1 year
Basic Instinct Chapter 9,5
A/N: Alright, the original Chapter 9 was apparantly so long, it needs to be split into 3 parts. I'm hereby posting part 2 of Chapter 9. Masterpost
As the two of you entered the arcade, you grinned. "I'm so happy I brought my wallet after all. I've got my membership card with me. You don't mind your points being added to my already existing ones, don't you?" You asked. Akashi quickly shook his head. "No, if anything, its even better." In his head, he had a clear picture in mind, of winning every game and scoring all the points for you on your card and name. That panda certainly wouldn't be the only plushy you'd be taking home tonight. And thus, he recharged your game balance to be worth about 200 games. 'I doubt we're going to be playing that many. I wonder if he actually wants me to have leftovers for a next time on purpose.' You smiled besotted at your boyfriend, as he led you alongside the neon-lit machines. "Do you have a favorite?" "Well, I really like air hockey. It's not worth a lot of points, but I always have fun! You're probably beating me the moment you get a hang of it though." You said, predicting your flawless boyfriend to be amazing at air hockey within no time. "Shall we see how well you hold out as an opponent then?" Akashi teased, and you giggled as you pointed towards the familiar tables. True to your prediction, he bested you alright, and you could have swore he allowed you to make your final goal. You groaned as you looked at the ominous red numers, 3 - 10. "How about you watch as I beat the next game." Akashi continued to poke fun at you, and he winked. You rolled your eyes. "Fine, let's see how hard your going to crush the basketball game. Perhaps seeing you wreck the machine might be fun after all." You were still slightly pouting from the defeat, you usually won from your friends whenever you went. He draped his arm around your shoulder with a grin, and the two of you practically melted against each other. "Let's see if I can break the machine." The flashy basketball game was in the back of the arcade. You were grateful you were going to watch it. You still remembered playing it yourself once and accidentally having the ball bounce back so hard against the machine it flew across the arcade, your face red as you hurried behind it. It had been epically humiliating. But not this time. The game was already being played by two boys you figured had recently graduated from highschool. They seemed a little too old to be highschool students and one vaguely smelt of beer, but their faces were too youthful and boyish to pass for young men. The guy you assumed was tipsy looked at the two of you approaching and chuckled. "Hey cutie, wanna see our moves?" He asked you, blatantly ignoring Akashi. "I'd like that," You answered, much to Akashi's surprise. He wanted to turn around, but before he could let out his heartbroken WTF, you smiled at him. "After all, I wouldn't be properly appreciative of how cool my boyfriend's moves are if I cannot compare them to an amateur first." He would have bursted out in laughter if it wouldn't have been provoking these boys even more. He did not want to get into a fistfight on his first date, but god, he was living for you roasting people on his behalf. It fed into his already gigantic ego, and made him feel like he wanted to puff his chest. So before one of the enraged boys could do or say something, he stepped forward. "Let's see who beats who. How about I play a one on one with each of you?" "Alright, but if one of us wins, cutie will stay with us." They both grinned sexually, but you weren't fazed at all, and whilst Akashi was annoyed, he wasn't terrified either. Both of you knew Akashi would win, even if it was his first time trying to play by the arcade's basketball system. If anything, you were excited to see their faces when Akashi would crush them. "Okay, but if I win, I get to pick a prize with your membership points for my girlfriend."
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