#so get up cuz if u fall they'll break and trust me u don't want that in fact no one does
hauxicrook · 1 year
YES! Trust me U are someone's source of strength, Believe me
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raphael-angele · 2 years
I feel angsty again
Damian being $u!©ida| Headcanons
Damian gets kidnapped while in civ mode but he's in that state of mind. Kidnapper's about to call in a ransom and Damian (in a drugged state) starts to rant but doesn't realize his comms are on.
Damian: It's not gonna work.
Kidnapper: Shut up. *About to call*
Damian: Who are you gonna call? GCPD? Sure, maybe they'll care...maybe...
Kidnapper: I said shut up.
Damian: Who are you gonna tell them to give it to? My father? He's too busy. He might look like someone who'll prioritize this but I know he'll deal with everything else before he deals with getting me back. My brothers don't care about me. They've got their own thing going. They don't enough about me to try and get me back. Don't even get me started on Drake. If anything, he'll be happy with me gone. So if you think you can get money out of taking me, you're wrong. You'll only be doing them a favor if you kill me. It's not exactly a win-win. You get your money, I'm back with them, still unwanted. Or you don't get your money, I die. It'll be finished if you just kill me now. Or you wait for your money, if they ever do give it, and then kill me.
Damian sometimes finding himself on high buildings or on bridges during patrol and just looking down, like he wants to jump.
He would dissociate and when he comes to, he finds himself bleeding or injured and he'd just sleep it off.
No one notices or, they do snd just do nothing about it. Like, they'd ask each other, "Have you noticed Damian-" and they'd just shrug it off cuz, "It's Damian".
"I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you."
This went on for weeks to the point where he stopped patrolling and when asked something, he'd ignore it and leave. They don't do anything about it.
After the attempt that was almost successful, they yelled at him. He said nothing and just ignored them, as if he hears nothing. He asked one of the nurses treating him that he didn't want any visitors, family or otherwise.
When he was discharged from the psych ward, Bruce tried to pick him up but he didn't even acknowledge his presence. Bruce tried to escort him to the car but Damian just walked off and acted as if no one was there. He walked home by himself with Bruce tailing him from behind.
When they got home, Damian just went straight to his room, ignoring the people who greeted him and tried to talk to him. In his room, he was curled up in bed with Titus and Alfred the Cat.
He didn't eat for a long time. He didn't talk for a long time. He only drank water and ate biscuits. And only communicated with glances and looks.
When they finally confront him, and basically yelling and begging him to tell them why he's so distant, he breaks and starts talking back.
"Don't be hypocritical. You're just begging for answers so you'll try and get me to like you again. But what's the point of earning my trust again if I know that it'll fade away again eventually. So spare the hospital fees of getting me treated. If you don't, this will happen over and over and over till you've had enough. You'll get tired and it wont be a big deal anymore. If you had just been a little bit more patient, you would've gotten used to my silence and you wouldn't even notice if I was there...which means you wouldn't even notice if I wasn't. So just stop"
They don't stop and keep on trying to apologize and earn his forgiveness for neglecting him. One day, they all get together to try and give him something special. Damian catches them in the act.
Damian: You want to make it all better?
Dick: Absolutely.
Damian: Fine. Only father can make the request come true. And all the rest of you can do is to let me.
Bruce: What is it, Damian? Anything.
Damian: I wanna go back to Mother.
Everyone falls silent and tries to interject, trying to get Bruce to not do it. But Bruce just asks him when he wants to go. Everyone is speechless. Damian says as soon as possible. Bruce tells him he'll get in touch with her as soon as he can. Damian thanks him and leaves. Everyone starts yelling at Bruce but he does nothing.
Bruce does call Talia. When he ends the call, he cries, knowing how much he fucked up. Everyone realizes too.
When Talia picks him up, his final words are, "Forget about me. Forget about the last 5 years. They never happened. You never knew I existed. You're smart, so you should know that that's the best course of action. You'll forget what happened all these years, but I never will."
Sorry, guys. I'm in a really bad place with my mental health right now. This happens every now and then. We can't control these kinds of thoughts. We can't always have good times.
Please take care of yourselves, please don't be afraid to talk to those who you can. It's fine to show weakness.
I'm not fine. Just a moment of weakness.
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