#so he's just been going by tiberius. for a while. like that's just his name now
sn0wbat · 3 months
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sparkle on, tiberius ✨
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cookiescribble · 9 months
First Day
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A/N: this has been in my head for a long time because I have random trivial star trek knowledge and whenever they show spencer talking about star trek in the show i go all heart eyes so I wrote a little blurb 🫶🏻 also I had fem!reader in mind when I wrote this but I realized I didn’t actually make any references to gender so 🤷🏻 - mod angel 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader
Summary: Spencer bonds with his new coworker over Star Trek. 
It was my first day at the BAU, and I was a little… intimidated being here. I had been mostly keeping my head down and staying quiet, since social interaction wasn’t something I was great at. I was okay just watching the others interact with each other for now. 
“Hey, kid,” Derek called out, beckoning Spencer. “I need your help with the crossword.”
Spencer walked over to Derek’s desk, which was next to mine. “What’s up?” he asked. 
Derek pointed to the newspaper with his pencil. “7 across: James _ Kirk (Star Trek). 8 letters.”
Tiberius, I thought instinctively. I considered saying it out loud, but he hadn’t asked me, so I decided to stay quiet. 
“Tiberius,” Spencer said, almost as fast as I had thought it. 
I smiled to myself. I was always the only one who knew about geeky stuff. Until now, I guess. 
Derek finished filling in the crossword. “Thanks. I knew it was always James T. Kirk, but I didn’t know what it stood for.”
Without thinking, I spoke up. “Actually, in the third episode of The Original Series, someone who’s fighting Kirk prepares a gravestone for him and it says James H. Kirk.”
Everyone turned to look at me, staring at me with open mouths. I blushed. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. But now I felt uncomfortable sitting in this silence. 
I cleared my throat. “Um. So. Yeah. It wasn’t always James T. Kirk, as you said. They didn’t mention his full initials until-“
“Episode 13: The Conscience of the King.” Spencer cut me off, his eyes lighting up like he had been dying to talk about this. He walked over to my desk and leaned on the front of it. “The first time they mention it is when Spock is checking his background and speaks it into the computer.”
I nodded, smiling. “Yeah, and they don’t mention the name Tiberius until the 6th movie, The Undiscovered Country.”
“Oh my god, there are two of them,” I heard Emily say. 
Either Spencer didn’t hear her or he was purposefully ignoring her. “Actually…” he started, sitting on my desk. He was bouncing a little. “The first time the name Tiberius is mention is in The Animated Series episode BEM.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that.” I admitted. “I’ve never actually seen The Animated Series. Actually, I’ve only ever seen part of The Original Series…”
That only made him sit up straighter. “Do you want to watch it? I have every episode on DVD. I’d be happy to show it to you sometime.”
I smiled. “Yeah, I’d like that. I’ve always wanted to finish watching it, and watch the other shows too. If you don’t mind me imposing…”
He shook his head. “I don’t mind at all. Not a lot of people I know are interested in Star Trek, so I’m happy to show it to you if you’re interested. You can come by my apartment sometime and we can watch it.”
I nodded. “That sounds great. I appreciate it.”
I heard people whispering in the distance. 
“Did he just-“
“Shh, don’t say anything, you’ll jinx it. I think this is the first time in history that this has ever worked.”
“And probably the last time it will ever work. This is definitely a unique circumstance.”
I blushed a little as I heard everyone talking about us, but I continued chatting comfortably with Spencer for a while before everyone was interrupted by the news that we had a case. But I was really relieved that, despite feeling so overwhelmed about starting this job, I had been able to make a friend on my first day.
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burr-ell · 5 months
Putting Terms on the High Shelf: Main Character Syndrome
As I'm watching C2, one thing I've noticed about Caleb's various sidebars to talk to different people is that he's still very much involving them—the conversations reveal various different priorities not just for Caleb, but for the people he's talking with. Liam's RP is often geared toward encouraging character work out of the other players at the table; it's something you see with Vax early on, and it's very present with Caleb.
So I find the accusations and warnings of Liam having Main Character Syndrome, which started during C1 but really ramped up in C2, to be rather shallow. Look at the contrast between the tables during this:
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and this:
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In C1x27, Orion adds pressure to the cast's already-frayed nerves with him, compounded from previous incidents of bad behavior, by taking up several minutes of time purely to himself—his only interaction with anyone else at the table is to ask Keyleth for help with alchemy mechanics (fun fact, early Keyleth was into alchemy!). This included:
An attempt to buy 1500 mirrors to build a light array;
A request to his father to send in his home country's army to Whitestone; and
An attempt to combine a fog spell and a sleep spell after being told point blank that it was mechanically impossible
This was all very obviously an attempt to make himself the hero in what is clearly set up to be a Percy-centric arc. (Worth noting, for the record, is that up to this point Percy had actually had very little focus and largely kept himself in the background, while Tiberius had been in focus for most of the show's run up to that point.) Laura snarks that he's like the giant eagles in Lord of the Rings and can just do everything, and if you actually watch the clip that I've giffed above, Travis's tone is genuinely aggravated. This, by the way, is all after Tiberius was notably not present for Percy revealing his backstory to the rest of the party in episode 24; while everyone else voiced concerns for him and went down to his workshop to check on him, Tiberius largely ignored this and went off to do his own business.
That is a selfish player. That is selfish behavior and a clear example of someone who thinks the story should revolve around them. There are several reasons Orion was asked to leave, not just because he fudged his dice rolls.
C2x62 is a completely different story. None of the conversations Caleb has within that episode are just a way for Caleb to gain information; he's engaging with what the other people are doing. When he asks Nott and Jester about the letter they wrote to Astrid, he reveals a little about himself—something he is particularly reluctant to do with Jester—and they are given an opportunity to respond. His conversation with Beau gives time for both of them to check in on each other and where they're at and lets Beau give her own perspective on the politics of the Empire, the Cobalt Soul, and Xhorhas. The discussion with Fjord lets them both level with each other a little and does more work for Fjord's character, letting him open up about his insecurities and issues, than it does for Caleb's. Caleb is still initiating these conversations and he still gets something out of them, but both the players and the audience still get the benefit of the other characters pushing and pulling against that in response.
Like many terms that get thrown around in this circle ("player agency", "manipulating", "metagaming", "going dark", to name a few), Main Character Syndrome has been so misconstrued and warped to fit a heavily biased perspective as to be almost meaningless. Main Character Syndrome is not when a character initiates a lot of conversations, even if you personally don't like the conversations for whatever reason. Main Character Syndrome is not when a character chooses to take a risk or push a big red button, even if you personally don't like the choice for whatever reason. Main Character Syndrome is not when a character has an arc or aspect of lore heavily focused on them, even if you personally don't like the character for whatever reason. (Particularly considering that arc focus is entirely out of the player's control; Taliesin, Liam, and Laura did not in fact force Matt to focus a significant portion of each campaign's lore on Percy, Caleb, or Imogen's backstories respectively.)
Main Character Syndrome is specifically about player selfishness—it's a player inserting their character into scenes or roles where they do not logically belong in order to make them the center of the story, as we see with the example of Tiberius. The camaraderie at the current table versus what was going on back in 2015 does not suggest that anyone currently sees anyone else like that; everyone is laughing at the jokes made at someone's expense, and everyone is getting something to do. Your favorite character may not always be flashy or in focus all the time, but then again, you wouldn't want them to have Main Character Syndrome, would you?
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shipposttt · 6 months
The Ship of the Day: Spirk
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Name: Jim Kirk x Spock 
Ship Name: Spirk 
Original Content: Star Trek: The Original Series (And its 60 years of following history)
Ship info: The original ship of the modern era, this was the ship and fandom that kick started fandom and shipping as we know it! 
James Tiberius Kirk is the cocky and suave blonde Iowan captain of an exploratory spaceship (The U.S.S Enterprise)  in the 23rd century and Spock is his alien first officer and science officer, recognisable by his elf-like pointed ears, black bowl cut and famous pointy Vulcan eyebrows. 
Dedicated to their mission alongside each other, Spock and Kirk have had 60 years of homoerotic moments, from worrying after each other, to Kirk defending Spock from bigots. Quite possibly the most prominent and famous moment is the goodbye between Spock and Kirk as Spock is dying during the second Star Trek movie, The Wrath of Khan. Kirk stays by Spock’s side as he dies after sacrificing himself for their ship, crew and friends, giving a heart-wrenching goodbye that has echoed throughout pop culture and Star Trek, to even be replicated in the less than faithful and not very well liked reboots, where it is Kirk that sacrifices his life. The death of Spock is followed by Kirk spending an entire movie trying, and succeeding, to bring him back to life and return him home to the Enterprise. 
Type of ship: Queer Read
At the end of the day, this was the 60s. While Star Trek has always been progressive, always preaching equality and peace, having the first interracial kiss, featured female characters with proper roles and often combatted social issues, it was still the 60s and homosexuality was almost definitely a step too far for the producers and showrunners. The interracial kiss only succeeding in going through to air because William Shatner kept on intentionally messing up the other takes that didn’t contain the kiss. 
In my opinion, Spirk has held so strong as a ship for so long because they were too men who truly did care for each other, while maybe never in a labelled homosexual way, they very often showed their care, their worry, their love (platonic)  for one another. 
“I have been and always will be, your friend.” That’s what Spock says as he is dying. DYING! No final words to anyone else, no regrets for not telling someone he loved them, just speaking to Kirk and confirming how much he cared for him.
Speaking of anyone else, neither Kirk or Spock have long term female partners in the original series. While Kirk is a bit of a flirt with any female he comes across, and Spock’s meant to be wife, T’Pring, was brought up for plot once and them summarily disappeared from the story and Spock never went through with it. In the show there is no one who means more to these men as each other. 
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tadfools · 8 months
bee hello!! <3 <3 do you have any hcs for astarion's birth family? supposedly if they're elves they could still be alive...
This is longer than I meant it to be but you said my name so I love you anon and have unlocked an info dump that I've been sitting on for 2.5 years. This got away from me but the tldr is his mama's are named Aneirin and Juliana
I actually have a fic cooking right now about after the game's epilogue with his parents in it. Not to get too sidetracked, but my Tav is a necromancer, their son is dead and yet apparently saved all of the gate so... they come a knocking under the pretence that necromancer brought their dead son back as a thrall, pain comedy ensues (it'll be great i promise)
Astarion's only about 240 years old if we're taking the time he's been dead into account (high elves reach full maturity around 100 if you go by 5e rules and can live up to an average of 750)
I think his birth mother is on the soft side of 500 and with him being a magistrate, the Ancunín's come from money. Despite him having a grave in Baldur's Gate, I think his family resides in Evereska (its a big elven city) I've seen a few people ruminate over the possibility of him being a moon elf but... I don't know, there's something about him being ripped from the sun in every possible way that means so much to me. There's a part with the dark urge where he talks about not giving up freedom for all the gems in Evereska (i'm paraphrasing from memory here) I used that as an excuse to have him be from that city
Aneirin is the name I'm using for her in the fic and I think before he was taken from the sun and put under so much stress that his hair greyed, that he looked just like her.
Beautiful brown eyes that shine like copper under the sun but meld into a rich earth in the night. Her suntan skin is covered in freckles head to toe, her long curly hair is always kept within a neat braid which is coiled into a bun at the base of her neck. There’s a streak of grey woven through the curls
She has always been a kind woman, born into the higher echelons of society, she married an older elven man quite young named Tiberius at her parent’s behest to secure a business merger. Aneirin refused to take his last name. While they were always cordial to one another, there was no love shared between her and Tiberius but the son they had, Astarion, was the light of her life. There was no greater joy than hearing that of her son’s laughter. He loved her dearly and had promised to answer the sending spells she would toss his way after leaving Evereska – until he abruptly stopped
I think the Ancunín’s are skilled wizards, though Astarion falls into the arcane trickster category for me. If during the game his last name was ever mentioned, I fully think Gale would have had a wash of dread flow through him. The family keep to themselves yes, but that name is known through higher arcane circles
Tiberius died when Astarion was just a boy, there were never any memories to solidify him as Astarion’s father. But there was a wood elf woman named Juliana who always had a mischievous smile that kept close to the side of his mother. She was the one who taught Astarion on how to pick a lock, to balance on the heel of his foot as to not be noticed. She was the one who showed him how to wield a bow – much to his mother’s chagrin
Juliana has wine dark hair and is hardly ever seen without a ring on each finger. Tall and lithe, she glides through the room as if she were a shadow. Mischief incarnate, little Astarion took to her like a duck in water
Juliana and Aneirin met in their twenties at a ball - or a banquet (the two can never remember) Juliana’s family ran a renowned winery, Aneirin always fancied wine. And while Aneirin’s title forced her to marry Tiberius, the two women were never far from each other. After his death, she became a patron of the winery
I have a story beat where at the Last Light Astarion picks up an old bottle of red wine absentmindly and in gilded font it reads ‘Aneirin Red: dagger sheathed bow no longer notched; may the sunlight guide you home’ It *failed skilled check* strikes no chord in his mind
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stevetonyweekly · 7 months
SteveTony Weekly - October 8th
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Hey all! I’m back from my vacation and omg it was so relaxing and lovely and I read SO SO MUCH! I finished a book series I started in August (GAY. WEREWOLVES!) and then read about a million words of fic. If you read anything--give them a comment/kudo! 
No Greater Punishment by KandiSheek
Tony asks Steve out on a date, and Steve – thinking it's just one of Tony's flings – refuses. Then Tony gets a boyfriend. The relationship lasts a week, a month, two months, and Steve slowly realizes... that could've been him.
When Emma Falls in Love by iam93percentstardust 
She waits and takes her time
'Cause Little Miss Sunshine always thinks it's gonna rain
When Emma falls in love, I know
That boy will never be the same
“Nice?” Kamala exclaims. “It’s way past nice! It’s the cutest thing ever because his bracelet had his phone number on it! He was hoping to ask you out!”
Tony blinks. Steve Rogers, All-American good boy and quarterback extraordinaire, wants to throw his hat in the ring? He wouldn’t be the first person to toss his name out there, but most of them have just tried to DM him or tag him in their posts. No one’s shown the kind of thought and effort that Steve apparently put into his declaration. It’s a level of understanding and appreciation of who Tony is and everything he’s cultivated in his career that no one else has put in.
It is, to use Kamala’s word, cute.
Restless Gravity by AvengersNewB 
Omega Tony Stark gets bonded to a human-hating space warlord, to get his people a new home after the destruction of their planet.
Warlord - Arranged marriage AU, with a bit of a twist.
we'll live in spaces between walls by soliloquent
"Steve looks furious and defeated, and he's breathing like he just ran a marathon. He glances at the door over Tony's shoulder, slightly shivering, looking for an escape like he's on a battlefield. Perhaps he is.
This is not about the laundry anymore."
or: In the heat of a tense discussion in a cramped utility room at the Avengers Tower, Steve's deep-seated insecurities come to the surface. Tony witnesses a new and vulnerable side of him and realizes he has more in common with Steve than he thought. 🧺
Do Not Reply by FestiveFerret
When Tony starts replying to a "daily deals" donotreply email address from some random security supply company, he finds shouting into the void soothingly cathartic.
Less so when the void answers back.
ad astra by Areiton
The first time he kissed Tony Stark, the stars danced overhead.
Cardigan by Gayspacesprinkles, iam93percentstardust
When Tony is fourteen, his father announces that he’s going to marry Tiberius Stone, and he stops believing in Prince Charming.
August by Gayspacesprinkles, iam93percentstardust
August goes by slowly and altogether too quickly at the same time. He spends his days at practice in the morning while keeping his afternoons open in case Tony calls. The days smell like salt, despite being far away from the ocean, and the air is sticky in the Texas humidity. Sometimes, it gets too hot to do anything with Tony in the heat of the day, and it feels like a waste of the limited time they have together even though they spend all their nights together as well.
Sharing The Drink They Call Loneliness by KandiSheek
Tony has always thought that the pianist in his local bar, Steve, is way too good for this place. Tony wants to know more about him. And as it turns out, Steve wants the exact same thing.
Tony knows that he's playing with fire. But he's sworn off his old ways long ago. There's no way he will let himself fall for Steve. Right?
honey from your hive by meidui
"Whoa, hey, you okay?" Tony asks, hands flying out to steady him, so warm, the skin contact making him shiver. Steve tries to focus on Tony's face. "Cap?"
"You smell so good," Steve tells him honestly, sinking into Tony's arms because he can't hold himself up anymore. This should be okay because Tony is letting him do it: he presses his face into Tony's neck and sniffs, his tongue darting out just in time to feel Tony's pulse jump against it, and he licks—
"Steve, stop that," Tony says, sounding strangled as his grip tightens and Steve stops, letting Tony grab his face and tilt him up. "You're kind of scaring the crap out of me. What is it? What's going on with you?"
"We blew up the lab," Steve manages, and something dawns on Tony's face. "Everyone had a reaction 'cept me. Think 'm having it now."
Unbroken by justanotherrollingstony (adoctoraday)
Destiny looks a lot like Captain America when it walks through his door, and even at ten, Tony knows that Steve is something wonderful. He's a protector, a friend, someone to turn to when his father is angry and his mother is lost in a haze of pills, someone who loves Tony unconditionally and would do anything for him.
When he's 15 that faith is put to the test by a car crash, and then, something worse.
What begins as a friendship blossoms into something deeper, something nuanced--a bond, unshakeable.
the body i hold and whisper my darling by deathsweetqueen
Tony Stark is nineteen when he takes a seat at a bar, orders a shot of tequila, and twists his head to look at the man sitting beside him.
He’s older, in his thirties, early to mid-thirties, if he’s guessing correctly, maybe even just slightly less than twice his age, with dark blonde hair and a beard covering half of his face, and his eyes fixed on his beer.
“You look like shit,” he ends up saying, bluntly.
The man looks up, and he has these blue eyes, blue eyes like a summer storm, and Tony finds himself stunned, a little turned on, by how beautiful this man is.
He has the perfect ratio, Tony realises, the eyes and the hair and the jawline and the cheekbones.
His eyes drag lower, and the man is built, like seriously built, with wide, muscled biceps, and a tapered-in waist, and those long, strong legs.
“I feel like shit,” the man says, after a while.
Teenage Dream by shinkonokokoro
This was written for this prompt:
A battle with Loki leaves Tony de-aged physically and mentally to the time he was in college.
young!Tony takes it all in stride. He is duly impressed by his armor, confused and excited by all the superhumans (Thor and Hulk) around and then is smacked by the realization that the boring blond hovering around is actually his MAJOR childhood hero / crush / source of adolescent fantasies Captain America! Cue teen!Tony trying his best (and maybe succeeding?) to get into an increasingly flustered and blushy Captain America.
Bonus if teen!Tony is still way way more experienced than virgin!Steve and is *delighted* to get to top (and deflower) Captain America.
(Um, extra bonus for including a little bit of Rhodey and Pepper interacting with Tony. Also super bonus for Steve unearthing Tony's daddy issues by the dozen.)
touch me gently, like a summer evening breeze by quidhitch 
What is this, Tony’s brain screams. There are alarm bells going off in his head, but also, like, romantic violins. It’s very confusing. He focuses on the freckle beneath Steve’s eye instead.
Two in Fourteen Million by slimandalittlebitfoxy
“You wanna hear something stupid?” He took Steve’s silence as a confirmation, but didn’t think he could stop if he tried. “I carried around that phone the whole damn time. Since the day you sent it to me, I carried it. Just in case the world needed you.”
“I didn’t give it to you to let me know if the world needed me.” Steve looked up. Tony was frightened to see how much older he looked—maybe not in body, but in spirit. His jaw was set. He was angry too, though Tony would have bet money it was directed more at himself than anyone. “I gave it to you so you could call me if you needed me.”
“That’s the thing, Cap,” Tony said. “I always needed you.”
(The one where everyone lives.)
The Dotted Line by purpleicedteas 
Film trailblazer Steve Rogers was in need of a relationship to cover up his embarrassingly non-existent love life.
Tony Stark needed a relationship to slow down the playboy rumors.
Enter a PR relationship contract.
the long and short of it (stevetony games 2022 fills) by starvels (dinosaur) 
The challenge of whipping a nice pattern into Steve’s back, is that his healing rate really only gives about a 15 minute window in which to finish all of the strokes before the earliest lines begin to disappear.
The thought accosts Tony in the middle of team poker, the night before him and Steve are set to have a heavy session.
- latest fill: 616+established relationship+whipping kink negotiation
The Long Road Home by ladyshadowdrake 
Maria Stark told her son that the Mark on his wrist meant there was a special someone out there just for him. Sarah Rogers told her son that his soulmate was waiting for him, and he needed to be strong for them.
Neither of them ever mentioned what to do if that soulmate just doesn’t want them.
this is how you fall in love by complicationstoo 
Steve wants to have sex at least once before he graduates from college. He’s twenty one, never really dated anyone, and doesn’t see the point in waiting any longer.
He plans for just a simple one night stand with no strings attached, but his plan doesn't account for falling in love with Tony Stark.
It's Only Half Past (The Point of Oblivion) by LadyHabren (equalopportunityobsessor)
"I think it's generally agreed that all of Steve's senses are powered up by the serum? He can hear people whispering on the other side of the room, probably sees a hell of a lot further, etc.
But there are definite downsides. How does Steve control this side effect of the serum?"
Captain America is more than a man - he is a hero, he is an ideal, he is pure muscle held together by patriotism and moral fibre... And not even Captain America can fight it when his own brain turns against him.
I'm gonna be honest, by the time I got to the end of this story and went back to look at the prompt, I realized my fill was so different that I intitially thought I was looking at the wrong prompt... But I hope it's enjoyable nonetheless.
seven years in heaven by meidui
Tony gave Steve everything in the divorce. Their beautiful Brooklyn brownstone and everything in it, Tony's beloved Audi, their private garden upstate. Tony even offered him the lakehouse, but Steve had looked up at him with red eyes and begged softly for him to stop.
Tony gave Steve everything, every last piece of himself. He didn't take much with him when he flew out to his mansion in Malibu, but he took every last piece of Steve, too.
love me naked by meidui
What kind of man wears makeup? Steve thinks to himself.
Love Calls You By Your Name by laireshi for MassiveSpaceWren 
Steve's boyfriend, Tony Stark, doesn't come home after Iron Man gets hurt when protecting Steve.
Look at my eyes, Don't even know who I am. by Perlmutt 
Deciding to take a break from the bustling city life, Tony found himself on a deserted island somewhere near the South American coast. Only JARVIS and DUM-E accompanied him here. This was the perfect place for him to clear his head and focus on his studies. The sun was warm, the sea beautiful and the animals peaceful. But in the jungle around him waited an adventure for him that he couldn't have dreamt of.
Because he was not alone. Blue eyes watched him.
A man as wild and untamed as the jungle around them...
Wait & Sea by Lenalena
In which Tony and Steve get sent on an undercover mission aboard a cruise ship to make contact with Hydra. In this AU the military has kept the discovery and defrosting of Captain America a secret, so Steve and Tony have never met before. Yet they are to pose as newlyweds....
Devil with an Easy Grin by ladyshadowdrake 
Steve meets a charismatic stranger at a club for a one night stand, and expects to never see him again.
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thefleetsfinest · 8 months
✧˖° → Luna The Emotional Support Corgi
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When Leonard first joined Starfleet it had been his every intention to get an assignment in a starfleet hospital because it provided a new start for him but also there was a good chunk of hospitals that were not in space. Of course that all went right out the window when he met one James Tiberius Kirk. It was becoming friends with Jim that Leonard decided to follow that idiot into space to keep him alive so he could accomplish his dreams. There had always just been something about the way Jim babbled on about the wonders of Space that almost made it seem less scary than the damn thing actually was. 
So it wasn’t long before the man who was terrified of Space found himself on Starfleet’s newest ship as it’s Chief Medical Officer. However his fear of space and everything in it never went away. So Leonard began to look for ways to help himself cop with his phobia. He tried a number of different techniques, experimenting and finding what did and didn’t work. 
Eventually it was suggested by Chapel that Leonard look into a service animal, one with training in emotional support. At first Leonard turned down the idea, not wanting to subject a poor innocent animal to the horrors of life in space. 
However as the months began to pass his other methods he used to cope weren’t working as well as he would have liked, not to mention he had become rather lonely. As it turned out being in charge of medbay didn’t leave him with a whole love of time to socialize, not to mention his best friend was the Captain who was almost always busy with one thing or another. 
So he finally decided to look into a support animal, Leonard put a lot of time and thought into it all. He even made sure to do a fair amount of research, finding every bit of information he could possibly get his hands on because he wanted to make sure he made the right decision and picked out an animal that would actually help him. Eventually he decided on a dog, a corgi to be exact. 
When he got his service animal she was fresh out of training. The corgi was one year old and honestly one of the sweetest dogs Leonard has ever met. Leonard even got to rename her to a name of his choice. The name the foster family had given her was Lulu, so he decided to rename her to Luna. His reasoning being that if she had a space related name then it would help him associate one good and happy thing to Space instead of seeing everything involved with it as a giant death trap filled with disease. 
From the moment Leonard got Luna the two became downright inseparable. Luna went everywhere she possibly could with Leonard. She even had her own special doggy bed in Leonard’s office. Luna is trained to always stay in his officer during any and all major medical emergencies, or if there is just too much going on to have a small dog hovering around. The only time Luna isn’t at Leonard’s side is when he goes on any away mission, mostly because Leonard just doesn’t want to risk Luna’s life since more often than not they never know what exactly they are getting into when they go down onto a new planet. 
Though more often than not Luna can always be found tailing after Leonard while on the ship. Luna in turn has done wonders to help Leonard with his phobia. The corgi is honestly one of the best things that ever happened to Leonard after joining Starfleet. 
Thankfully when the Enterprise had stopped in Yorktown to resupply, Leonard had left his dog in the hands of Sulu’s daughter to help cheer her up since her father had to quickly run off on a rescue mission with the rest of the Enterprise Crew.
Of course it ended up being a great decision to leave his dog in the care of the little girl, because if he hadn’t there would have been a very good chance that Luna would probably not have survived the crash of the Enterprise. Luna did however survive Krall’s attack on Yorktown and was reunited with Leonard after all the danger had passed. Now with the ship rebuilt the corgi is once again happily at Leonard’s side.
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mybleedingboy · 2 years
My Favorite Star Trek Fics
Well, after seven years of being in this fandom, I had to make one at some point.
You Don't Have to (Say Yes)
by luminousbeings
Rated: Mature
Word count: 192,321
The abridged sexual history of James Tiberius Kirk.
Or, Jim’s varyingly unhealthy idea of what sex is supposed to be (a it-gets-worse-before-it-gets-better story)
Please read the warnings before you decide to read this. This is one of my favorite fics ever, but I recognize that it is also very triggering for many people. What I do want to tell people about this story is that it's incredibly healing. Yes, it's very painful, but it's worth it for the way this fic handles everything. Other than pure plot, I also love this fic for its dialogue. There's a scene where it's nothing but dialogue, and it always amazes me how I didn't even realize there were no markers. I just knew who was talking because the author gives all the characters such distinctly beautiful voices. I've never been one for rereading, but for seven years now, it's been a tradition of mine to reread this fic from beginning to end every single year. For good reason. Hard recommend.
The Genetic Soap Opera (or, One of the Less Dignified Royal Weddings)
by waketosleep
Rated: Mature
Word count: 6,181
Turns out Jim Kirk's more than meets the eye, genetically speaking. There are a lot of consequences, mostly for Spock and his sanity.
A classic for a good reason. I usually stray away from shorter works because I get too attached, but this work was perfect in length. Just the right thing to get you laughing in the middle of the night while you're trying not to wake anyone up. I read this at least once every time I circle back into Star Trek.
West of the Moon
by distractedKat
Rated: Teen And Up Audiences
Word count: 71,443
They meet Jim in phases, and through him find each other. Once the layers begin to peel back, though, the future bridge crew of the Enterprise finds more than they ever could have dreamed. When the fight to keep him starts in earnest, the cadets and officers of Starfleet begin to learn that not all wars can be won.
Because long before he had friends, Jim had Family, and the Scaretta crime syndicate didn't survive to the 23rd century by letting go of its own.
Jim Kirk will always be a frustration to Spock--even when that's not his name.
I'm honestly surprised I haven't read this until now. I'm still in the middle of reading it, and I'm reeling both from how absolutely insane the idea of this fic was and how well-executed it remains. Insane stuff right here. Heartwarming and kicks right in the main crew feels with a special center on Chekov as the best guy ever.
Know All Your Enemies
by BAMFspock
Rated: Mature
Word count: 351,857
"The thing about being able to tell what people are feeling and thinking is that people generally don't like that."
Jim can't deal with his problems, so he deals with everyone else's instead. Spock can't deal with his emotions, so he pushes them all away. Starfleet can't deal with a post-Kelvin universe in any way except badly.
And what exactly is t'hy'la, anyway?
A story about dangerous conspiracies, doomed crusades, inadequate coping, imperfect control, important connections, and taking care.
The fic that made me wish Jim was actually a telepath. I started creating fanfic in my head for this particular fic. I would think about this fic, and spend my entire break-time reading it every minute I could. That's how much I love this fic. Beautifully slow burn, but I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to talk about the monstrosity (in a good way) that is this plot. It's huge. It's detailed. Somehow, it holds great cohesion despite all the factors. This fic's plot made me question my ability to creatively think. I also, of course, love the interactions between the entire cast and crew. I think Star Trek is Star Trek when the entire crew plays a big role in things. What an absolute delight.
Breaking Points
by Ragdoll
Rated: Mature
Word count: 68,869
When the Enterprise is asked to transport Vulcan colonists to their new home, Spock Prime comes with them.  His presence changes everything – and leads to certain revelations for Jim and Spock.  A story about growth, self-discovery, and new beginnings.
I am in love with this author, and I might put some more of their fics up here, but I'm sorely disappointed that they didn't transfer this fic into AO3. That, of course, did not stop me from reading it. I personally hate the formatting in the K/S archive, but I squinted through the starkly white pages just to take this entire fic in. Love for Leonard Nimoy aside, I just love the concept of Spock Prime. The idea that this guy we all know and love, this old man who has suffered the death of his loved ones—worse yet, his loved one—being allowed to see his crew and his Jim once again, but only from a distance? Fucking brilliant. I so wish JJ Abrams wasn't the one who thought the thing up. Anyway, this fic hits right in those places. I thought that by now it would be a tried and tired trope for me, but this fic defied those expectations and actually made me cry in the end.
The Sparrow People
by Wingittofreedom
Rated: Mature
Word count: 80,708
5 months after Nero, tensions are high between Jim and his first officer Spock. After a crash landing on an unknown planet, they're rescued by kindly aliens…who happen to think Jim is Spock’s wife. A story about secrets and fruit.
The only unfinished fic I will put here, and for good reason. The summary is incredibly misleading in that it makes the fic sound like it's purely a comedy when it's so, so, so, so, so much more than that. I never expected to fall in love with an original world in fanfiction form, but I did, and I fell hard. I fell in love with the original characters that populate this story. I fell in love with the writer's style, the intimacy behind every interaction, and just the pure love that glows in every written word. I am incredibly sad that this fic hasn't and probably will never end, but to be honest, the author has given me enough emotionally to work with to the point where I can safely say that this is an unfinished fic I am truly satisfied by. I don't think I can say that for many other unfinished works.
The Morning After
by noodleinabarrel
Rated: Mature
Word count: 50,381
Jim convinces Spock to take shore leave with him on Risa, hoping the time together will help re-solidify their bond of friendship after some recent tension. Meanwhile, Spock convinces himself he's on Risa for one reason and one reason only, to prevent his wayward captain from getting into trouble.
After a passionately illogical night of Romulan Ale and chocolate infused liquor, everything changes when Jim wakes with something other than a hangover filling his head. Something he's sure neither he nor Spock can handle. Because if Jim knows anything for sure, it's that his messed up thoughts belong nowhere near Spock's clean, ordered mind.
(Please remember to read the fic's warnings.) From what I remember when I first read this, this fic is very Spock and Jim-centric which means little interaction with the crew. That should already set alarms because I'm suddenly acting incredibly OOC because from my recs, you should know by now that I love crew dynamics and would sacrifice a main ship for them. But! This fic is an exception apparently. I love the interactions between Spock and Jim here. There's a sprinkle of Bones in there too which always makes everything better. A fic that gives you the hurt before proceeding to give you the best comfort in the world. Deals a lot with Jim's insecurities in a way that actually kind of helped me with mine. Trickle-down therapy through fanfiction is very real.
How to Inefficiently Acquire a Human Male in 98.6 Earth Days
by noodleinabarrel
Rated: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 30,391
When Jim Kirk joins the xenolinguistics club, Professor Spock is drawn to the cadet despite his better judgment. Soon, Spock finds himself in a friendship he never asked for, a relationship that is quickly evolving into something more than he can handle. In an effort to free himself from Kirk’s persistent affection, Spock makes use of his anthropological research on human relationships, which has unexpected consequences.
Yes, another noodleinabarrel fic. I am in love with them. I found this fic on one of those "find fic" pages on LiveJournal, and I can safely say that I will take great care never to lose this one for myself. I fell in love from premise alone. I never expected to love this fic as much as I did, but the characterizations? Noodleinabarrel absolutely killed it. Spock was a delight in this fic, and I somehow fell in love with Jim again just this time from a Spock perspective. The writing style is great of course. I've always found it hard to find fics that could successfully do a Spock POV without sounding like a dictionary recitation, and this author did it seemingly without effort. Please read if you want a short, fun, and funny way to spend an afternoon (or midnight or morning, if you're like me.)
A Logical Return
by walkandtalk
Rated: Unrated, but it's Teen And Up Audiences
Word count: 15,417
Alternately titled: A Very Chekov Easter: Prequel to A Logical Match
Jim gets front row seats to one of Spock's emotional epiphanies, but doesn't notice, of course.
Inspired by Jim's remark to Spock about awkward family dinners involving our favorite Navigator and his large family. This could still stand alone. Set directly after STID
I actually read this fic before I read A Logical Match. I actually love this fic much more than I love the original probably because of the whole crew dynamic again, but also because of the absolute hilarity the author crafts in just 15,000 words. Especially that ending. Talk about an ending; I just sat there guffawing at the screen at around 2 AM, screaming.
By most_curiously_blue_eyes
The life of five-year-old James T. Kirk changes when an elderly Vulcan lost in time crosses his path and saves him. In the years to come, as the boy grows up into a young man, Spock is his driving force, his mentor, his friend, a constant in his life.
Because in every universe, Jim Kirk is destined to meet a Spock. In this one, he gets to meet Spock twice and the experience defines him, shapes him into the person he is supposed to be. A child. A man. A genius. A captain. A son.
I don't think I've convinced you enough that I love Spock Prime. Let me show you again. Almost gave me a heart attack from just how pure it was. If you ever want to be happy? Read.
Another Life
By LullabyKnell
Rated: Teen and Up Audiences
Word count: 61,861
In one moment, James T. Kirk is the acting captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, on his way home to Earth after stopping the Narada. In the next moment, without explanation, James T. Kirk is an Academy cadet on academic probation again, barely a day before Nero will destroy Vulcan.
He dares himself to do better. And with a planet on the line and no proof but his own memories, he knows that "better" means he'll need some help.
Heartbreaking. To see Jim so desperately try to get everything back? Oh, God, don't even get me started on the plot. From the premise alone, you should be hooked, but please, please, please stay for the lovely characterization, for the great use of Pike, for the lovely Spock Prime, and for the absolute angst that is the prospect of time travel. Makes ties into TOS as well which is always a beautiful little thing. The Superior Fix-It Fic.
By Spicyshimmy
Rated: Mature
Word count: 136,398
First Officer Spock of the USS Enterprise is part of the away team that discovers the survivors of Tarsus IV. Captain Pike assigns him to the curious case of James Tiberius Kirk, who steals one of Spock's sweaters. There were no sufficient Vulcan poetics to describe the emptiness of the colony as it was found on the morning of stardate 2249.43. The fully-completed residential sector was neither ugly nor beautiful but simply remote; a hollow landscape of metal alloys and sensible architecture, with determined vegetation growing alongside the support beams. They did not flower.
I binge-read this entire thing over the span of three consecutive days (in my defense, I had 12 hour work days for two of those three days.) I'm a killer for characterization, and the way the author crafted Spock and Jim's relationship was perfect and incredibly original. The slow progression to their love was made with such careful... attention to detail I guess is how you could call it. It might be weird to try to describe this, but as I read the fic, I had an image in my head of the author just... letting the words be. Like they were their children. If that makes sense. What I'm basically trying to say is that the author is great at their job to the point where you can sense their love for the characters, for the movies, and for the work itself.
by Itar94
Rated: Mature
Word count: 137,131
Jim and Spock meet at the Academy as cadets, and history unfolds. A story of first meetings, tentative friendships, and findings of self. (Spans through the Academy Era and onward.)
(Warnings! Read them!) Okay. I lied. Here's another unfinished fic. But just like the last one, I have good reason again. In the notes for this work, the author admits this is their first Star Trek fic... and I just have to say... that is not at all obvious. In fact, you have no idea the sorrow I had when I realized this was their only Star Trek fanfic to date. The fanfic blows you away immediately with its prose. The entire story itself is immersive, and not just because of its word count. So much happens in this fic and yet somehow everything lies fresh in my head. Many painful experiences occur in this fic, and the writing was just so superb that for a second, I let the suspension of disbelief get to me. I just had to put my phone down and walk for a bit in some scenes. It took me days before I could continue down a certain act. I finish this fic in my head all the time. I thank the author for all the work they put into this.
By WhyMrSpook
Rated: Mature
Word count: 73,351
Eventually, Jim will tell them about Tarsus. Eventually, he'll let Bones be his Doctor and accept that they all want to help him. Eventually, Jim will find out that which Pike would rather he never did.
Academy AU, where Pike and Boyce practically adopt Jim and Bones, Jim and Pike both keep secrets from each other, and Spock is thrown into the mix too.
(Warnings!!!) Some fics make you forget canon and accept their fiction as word. This is one of them. And God, I wish it was the real thing. I love this fic so much, yes, because of the interactions between Pike, Boyce, and Jim, but also for the fun writing style. God, I need to use better words for it. You'll get what I mean just from reading the first paragraph though. Each word, each sentence, each paragraph, every single thing this author puts down has a unique energy to it—an energy the author can use to literally any effect. I believe I first read Sanctuary around when it came out, so I have a long history with this one, and it's always a delight to rediscover it and relive the found family in this fic. I can't wait to read WhyMrSpook's other works tonight (read: this morning since apparently 1:00 AM is considered morning.)
By cowboyjimkirk
Rate: Not Rated, but I don't remember any scenes
Word count: 46,492
Two months into his captaincy, Jim comes to a startling realization: he's deathly afraid of his first officer. Spock, meanwhile, starts to develop a crush.
"Jim's afraid of Spock" sounds terribly angsty, but this is mostly rom com with hints of angst and horror. Updates every Tuesday.
One of the greatest misunderstanding fics out there. That's really all I can say here. I feel like the premise should have already sold you alongside the author's tags of: "Romantic Comedy, Horror, this one's hard to categorize because spock thinks he's living in a rom com, while jim thinks he's living in a horror story." As soon as I saw this again in my iBooks I just knew I had to put this here. (Also unfinished for the last chapter, but I don't remember being dissatisfied by that at all. I think it actually stops at a good place.)
(Halfway) Human Nature
By crescentmoonthemage
Rated: Mature
Word count: 37,533
(Enlighten me again, the cadet says. He stands proud and stupid and human, blue eyes hinting danger as he takes in Spock and dismisses him in that same instant. He’s heard the rumors, everyone has. And so Spock tries.)
It happens in four moments.
Set in early 2260 and chronicling the first months of the five-year mission. Mostly epistolary, partly serious, partly pure crack.
I don't usually like fics with what is arguably texting in them, but there are exceptions to everything, and this is it. Is it weird that even though I don't have any friends in the Star Trek fandom because I'm a loser and that even though this fic was only relatively recently published (2020-2021), I consider this a classic? God, I love this fic. It's just so funny and somehow so emotional at the same time. Hits the right balance. I think I'll add this to my list of yearly re-reads (alongside the other fic with parentheses in its title.)
It Only Leads to Trouble and Seat Wetting
By Leafling
Rated: Explicit
Word count: 18,541
In spite of his reputation in the academy for being promiscuous, Jim's actually a virgin.
(Warnings. Again.) When I was writing this review, I was incredibly surprised to learn that the fic was so short considering in all of my memories, I had such a deep experience with this fic. Another one of the fics I delightfully rediscover everytime I circle back into Star Trek. So incredibly wholesome. I love Jim and Spock here, but Uhura takes the spotlight.
by distractedKat
Between what was and what will be stands James Tiberius Kirk, in all his fractured patchwork glory. Because saving the Federation was only the beginning.
A novel-length continuation of the 2009 movie told in four parts. Cross-posted from FFN.
Oh my god. I didn't even realize distractedKat had written two of my favorite fics. Anyway, this fic, especially the first part is permanently ingrained into my head. I remember this fic all the time. It's just an absolute classic for me and most likely the entire fandom. A must read. Love the crew, love the Genius!Jim in here, absolutely in love with the forever confused and obviously (to us at least) in love Spock.
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cigarettemother · 9 months
Hey here's my GW2 characters that I leveled and then never touched again
It's a real problem I just want to make creatures but then I have to level them to unlock specs and then I have to make them look pretty and then I probably delete them because I don't actually vibe with them anyway here are the ones that survived (so far)
It's all very rambly I've never written any lore down and I don't know how to structure things.
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Meemie Grimsnarl
I forgot Pokémon existed fuck you I like the name it fits. She's named after a spicy bobcat on TikTok who I love and I love her so much Meemie my beloved. Grim-Warband, she snarls when eating.
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Ariana Grounde
I love the gays and the gays love me shoutout to my brother Frankie who is gay!
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Tealin Briar
Old main, semi-dropped just because I couldn't really get into her as a character again. I like her, I'm just struggling to make her personality fit with everything going on around her as commander. So she's no longer commander and in the middle of a full rewrite so uh this will be fragmented I don't know how to make the pieces fit anymore.
Grew up as an orphan in Divinity's Reach, has always been a bit "prickly" so the other kids called her Briar (see I had a reason) a name she officially adopted as an adult.
Really wanted to get into the mesmer collective her whole life, she's been motivated to "prove them wrong" despite not really knowing who she's proving wrong. Was accepted into the collective after HoT and quickly discovered it was kind of shit and not her kind of thing at all. But she's a shining blade now?? I haven't figured out the how yet but y'know she's one of those schemers with unresolved anger.
Due to the rework I have no idea how she lost her eye, it was originally during PoF but idk anymore.
She's just a prickly bitch that fought her way up the social ladder only to realize it was boring at the top.
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Nora Fischer
The new and improved commander. Norn adopted by a human shipwright-family, grew up comfortably in Divinity's Reach, was the biggest girl in the guard. She's a big believer in both the spirits and the human gods. Have some headcanons about Norns being more bestial so I'm thinking she has a faint snow leopard pattern on her back/arms/legs and scared a lot of drunkards on her night patrols with her night-time laser eyes.
We joked about Nora attending a lot of social gatherings with her parents where they served itty bitty portions of food and how as soon as they got home her parents would release her like a dog and she would bolt down to the basement to feast in the dark. So she's a prim and proper lady but with a silly goofy feral side to her which they've had to adapt to as she grew up.
We also talked about how she attended her first Norn moot with her father and how she would have so much fun while her father was sidelined with a giant fur coat feeling very out of place but also reassured that his daughter would do well in life if she could excel in a chaotic situation like this.
She's also lesbian I don't really give my characters a sexuality but idk playing her she's just lesbian she just is that's just Nora over there crushing on the pretty girls the big femme top looking at the girls.
Idk I have more of a vibe for her I like her a lot she's a goofy gal from a family that loves and supports her. She's a goof because she's not a goof which makes her a goofball I like her a lot she looks like any prettygirl norns but in my head that's what makes her a goof. Again, I don't write down lore I am very much a vibe-based person.
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Tiberius Marrowfed
One of the cooks in the Fed-Warband a warband all about supplying the front lines with nurturing slop. He's an alright cook but his specialty is drawing out every bit of flavor from bones. Permanent broth-duty.
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@hookhound and I made "leafbians" for HoT. One day we'll do it but for now I'm having fun rolling on the ground with Deadeye. Pale Reaver? idk she's a bubbly girly assassin.
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Bro I was like 15 now I'm just keeping the name to spite people who are weird about Norns.
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Bruh Brofist
It's technically a valid name. I play him when I get knocked on my ass too much and I want to experience the highs and lows of flamethrower stability. He's all about building people up and yelling.
He's also canonically had straight sex with Orelius Hingejaw (because Bruh only has straight sex because he's straight)
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She's a freak a wildling a menace a creature in the truest sense. She has no loyalty to anyone but herself and her "friends" she has liberated from pet owners (they didn't feed them junk so they're better off with her because she let's them eat whatever they want). She has standing bounties in every major city but because of her destructive impact she and her friends have on whatever annoys her most cities (not black citadel) will simply send out scouts to observe her. She did a lot of accidental interference during Zhaitan's invasion just from being a roaming lethal anomaly.
She stole Tomme's dog. Chaotic Neutral. Uneducated.
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Peasant Paul
He is just a normal dude. Does not fight.
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Newest girl who knows how long I'll keep her. Tusplha is a schoolyard bully, a mean girl, a real stuck up self-centered brat. She's stolen credit for several projects and knows how to shut people up.
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Etta Ashtender
She's in the danger zone. idk she tends ash?? I like the name.
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Alice Volkhart
The reason I have decades devotion. I hate her name but also it's a good memory of being excited for the release of GW2, I would read the devlog every week up until release. Simpler times has exactly ZERO lore.
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sshbpodcast · 1 year
Star Trek Parents Just Don’t Understand (Part 2)
By Ames
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Last week, you’ll remember we covered a whole lot of parents from the classic Star Trek series and just how much they tended to ruin their kids’ lives. Well, this week A Star to Steer Her By is finishing out the topic with parental units from currently running Trek series and the Kelvin movies. Expect this one to not be nearly as far reaching, partly because SPOILERS WILL ABOUND below the cut and partly because we’ve not covered much of this on the podcast yet, so frankly I don’t remember a good deal of it.
But some of our major players have or are noteworthy parents to talk about in this period of wide-screen Trek (seriously, everything looks like a movie now and it’s impacting my screengrab game). Give your parents a hug for us as you see them listed below and also in probably the most spoilery episode of the podcast we’ve ever recorded (discussion starts at 59:37). They only raised you from tadpoles.
(Again, some mega spoilers for Star Trek 2009, Discovery, Lower Decks, Prodigy, Strange New Worlds, and especially [seriously!] Picard are below.)
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
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Kelvin George Kirk
George Kirk was a parent to literally newborn James for all of thirty seconds before saving his life, Winona’s life, and the lives of the crewmembers of the USS Kelvin. While we have no idea if he’d have been any good at raising the youngster had he lived (apparently so since this alternate Kirk ended up being quite the ruffian compared to that walking stack of books from The Original Series), we know what he valued by his actions, his sacrifice, and his refusal to name him Tiberius.
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Kelvin Sarek
In pretty much all timelines, Sarek is a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to raising a half-Vulcan, half-human son like Spock. Why he can’t get it through that Vulcan bowlcut of his that having a child with a human will dilute that cherished green blood of theirs is absolutely beyond me. I thought you hobgoblins were supposed to be logical, after all. Maybe if Amanda hadn’t blown up, things would have gone better for Quinto-Spock.
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Discovery Sarek
Speaking of Sarek, in Discovery we actually see that he very much seems to prefer raising his ward Michael Burnham to raising either of his natural sons. Go figure. Apparently all his progenies had to do was follow in his footsteps, join the Vulcan Academy, and literally have a chunk of his katra from a past mindmerge-thing for daddy to love them.
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Gabrielle Burnham
Michael’s relationship with her birth parents is something much more complicated. This is Discovery, after all; “It’s complicated” is the subtitle of the series! When we learn that Gabrielle is still alive, having saved Michael by becoming the Red Angel, it’s a bittersweet reunion that can only be made stranger by their second reunion in the 32nd century when momma has become a space nun of some kind. As if Michael didn’t have enough of this Vulcan stuff growing up!
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Voq and L’Rell
On the subject of space nuns, we learn that Voq and L’Rell’s child Tenavik got to be raised by some time monks in the Boreth Monastery. Which, frankly, is probably the best that kid could ask for! The combative Klingon Empire was no place to raise a baby, and good on his parents for finding a child-rearing solution that, at the very least, kept him alive. Ya know, after just a little bit of faking his death. Q'apla, I guess!
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Stamets and Culber
What is sweeter and purer than two gay space dads mentoring a nonbinary sorta-Trill sorta-not adolescent? I didn’t realize that Adira is supposed to be 16 when we meet them (probably because the actor was like 23), but regardless of age, they are struggling with their identity in enough ways to make a Vulcan weep, and having the support of a nurturing queer family is just what they need.
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An easy example of a good parent from the Discovery era comes in one of the Short Treks, “Ephaim and DOT.” Sure, she’s a tardigrade and mostly just following that biological impulse to keep one’s seed alive, but she does better than a lot of other Trek parents. Go, tardigrades, go!
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Raffi Musiker
Moving on to Star Trek: Picard, we see another negligent parent in the conspiracy theory–obsessed Raffi Musiker. She might rival Worf as a parent whose absence has screwed up their kid the most, as we see that Gabriel is downright hostile to her when she tries to reconnect. And then in season 3, she yet again chooses Starfleet over her family. Perhaps we’re lucky we haven’t seen Alexander in Picard, since he and Gabriel could have some stories to tell.
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Troi and Riker
Say what you will about the Troi-Riker relationship, but they seem to be doing pretty okay raising their daughter Kestra. She’s a nifty kid with her head on straight, so they must be doing something right. Also, it’s very clear throughout their appearances in Picard that these parents did everything they could to save their son Thaddeus from his mendaxic neurosclerosis, and his loss affected them in the way only losing a beloved child could.
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Maurice and Yvette Picard
We were teased a bit in TNG with just enough information about Jean-Luc’s upbringing to let us know his relationship with his father was strained and that with his mother was loving, but then the second season of Picard had to go spelling things out for us in ways we didn’t really need. Maurice becomes that much more terrible because he evidently did nothing when Yvette was going down a dark path. And Yvette… what the hell were the writers trying to say about Yvette? Freakin’ yikes. 
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Adam Soong
Also in season two of Picard, we get YET ANOTHER Soong ancestor for Brent Spiner to play, ya know, for reasons. Evidently all the Soongs except Data (see last week’s inclusion!) are just terrible parents because they’re effectively just trying to prolong their own legacy instead of actually caring for the needs and wants of the child. Kore, in this case, lives a life so sheltered she can’t even go outside without bursting into flames. Much like that whole damn season…
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Teresa Ramirez
We do, however, get one solid parent in season two of Picard, and that’s Teresa Ramirez, the divorced mother who Rios is totally thirsty for. Actually, we don’t see a lot of children of divorce in Star Trek, do we? As we established last week, it’s far more likely to have one parent get killed off than it is to have people amicably separate because, of course, that makes for more drama. There’s Torres’s parents, and Rom and Prinadora but that’s just their Ferengi contract, and that might just be about it? Anyway, Teresa’s cool.
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Jean-Luc Picard and Bev Crusher
Season three, however, is just a straight up family reunion show with lots more literal family members that get introduced to boot! Somewhere after Nemesis, evidently Bev and JL got down to clown and then Bev ran away and hid the pregnancy from him for however many years this boy is old. Sure, we all agree Picard would make a father that might rival Worf’s awkward sense of child neglect, but is Bev any better never telling him? Discuss amongst yourselves.
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Geordi La Forge
Geordi’s been busy too, cranking out at least two daughters. Like Sarek’s relationship with his various kids, it seems much easier for Geordi to play favorites. Alandra is the favored daughter because she followed in his footsteps and seems like she was generally passive, while Sidney is the black sheep of the family and La Forge has trouble connecting with her because she can’t just be controlled like certain holoprograms I could name.
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Carol Freeman
Let’s get out of Picard and into some animated stuff. The relationship between Captain Freeman and her daughter Beckett Mariner is at the core of Lower Decks, so much so that it’s kept secret from the rest of the crew for the drama of it all. Most of the show treats their relationship like ones we’ve seen before in which the child lashes out because they don’t want to follow in their parent’s footsteps. There is love there, but their failure to communicate does dominate.
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The Diviner
In our other animated Trek, The Diviner definitely falls into that category of just the worst kind of parent because he will sacrifice Gwyn a hundred times over to get his way. He never listens to what she wants, chooses the Protostar over her, and leaves her to nearly get killed on vine planet. All this and the only reason he created her in the first place was to continue his work. Rude, bro.
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Joseph M’Benga
Finally, we have Dr. M’Benga in Strange New Worlds, whose dedication to caring for his sick daughter Rukiya is admirable and incredibly sweet. Every time he reads fairy tales to her in sickbay is a beautiful little scene, and the end of “The Elysian Kingdom” is a tear jerker that we were honestly surprised to get so early in the run of the show. I kinda hope we see more from Rukiya in future, but who knows what’s written in these fantastical pages?
— We’re ducking out from this family reunion before someone whips out the photo album. Catch us next time for more, and definitely keep listening to our watchthrough of Voyager over on SoundCloud or wherever you get podcasts. You can also post family in-jokes on our Facebook and Twitter, and would it hurt to call once in a while?
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littlerosette · 6 months
No!!! Thank YOU for indulging me!! Once I start speaking about history I literally can’t stop!! My preference has always been the imperial era and I just fell in love with late antiquity by reading about Theodosius and Constantine. There are many ways I think Eren and Mikasa fit in antiquity, but specially Rome. I think your idea of Eren as Hannibal conveys so well his immense drive and sense of enmity to the point of irrational hatred towards his enemies. Also it ends in tragedy, with Hannibal and Carthage defeated, which mirrors well with canon (though idk if that’s the route you’d like to take?)
I’d also though about one of them being early Christian during the age of persecutions. So one of them would be a Christian who practiced the faith in secret while the other would be a patrician from the senatorial class who’s supposed to hate and destroy the Christians, but just… can’t? Adapt this to the cult of Ymir the Founder to make it more in tune with canon? another way I thought was Eren as Spartacus. Because of the whole rebellion of slaves and the poor against the oppression of the patricians, and Eren’s desire for freedom above all, but, then again, they’re defeated and crucified. Or even better… do you know about Tiberius and Vipsania? This one is more tragic, but hear me out. Tiberius, the 2nd Roman emperor, was married to a woman he loved very much, Vipsania, and they already had a son. The 1st Roman emperor, Augustus, had seen his designated successors die one after the other. To continue the Julio-Claudian dynasty, Augustus then chose Tiberius as his sucessor. But the here’s the catch, to secure family ties, he forced Tiberius to divorce Vipsania in order to marry his daughter, Julia. Tiberius was always depicted as very sullen and duty-driven, so he accepted the role of emperor not out of hunger for power, but out of conviction towards Rome and divorced Vipsania, which caused him immense personal pain. It was recorded that the first time he saw her after their divorce, he cried in public, which was seen as major sign of weakness for any man, let alone the emperor of Rome. So, Tiberius!Eren and Vipsania!Mikasa in an angsty and emotionally charged moment alone in the palace right after their divorce, Augustus![insert character] is recently dead but Eren can’t forsake his new wife in the name of stability, but he has this whole dense and emotional moment with Mikasa were he professes his dying love for her, while on his knees begging her forgiveness? Like how in canon he has to forsake Mikasa for what he deems a greater cause. I’m just rambling. yes! I’ve read Mary Beard’s Rome! It’s a great book. It grasps Rome very well. You can always read the lives of the twelve Caesars by Suetonius too, it’s the definition of classic. Also every book in Cambridge University’s companion to Rome is incredible. Sadly I haven’t seen HBO’s Rome, though o have seen BBC’s old but gold I, Claudius, which I highly recommend. I had more to ramble about but this is too long and I really don’t wanna bother you!!!
constantine is such an intriguing figure. i can totally see why he sparked your interest in rome. okay! i’m going to address all your comments in points because i have thoughts on all of them so bear with me.
- i am absolutely including hannibal and carthage’s end in my interpretation of hannibal!eren. i think it suits him perfectly, and i can’t ever really see eren be militarily or politically successful without there being some major downfall in some way. there’s tragedy in his blood there just is. hannibal is such an interesting person. i think is legacy is fascinating in the sense that he was the terror of rome and one of the greatest generals of history, but also remembered as lesser than scipio, which i suppose makes sense considering the history, but. man. hannibal. who else had the fucking balls to cross the alps with battle elephants. anyway, the tragedy of hannibal and his relationship with carthage (as well as carthage itself) is definitely included with eren. i think it matches pretty well with his actual ending in canon. he sheds so much blood and expresses such absolute hatred for basically no reason. carthage/paradis falls anyway. so good.
- the christian/patrician idea is very good too. for the historical early christian idea (if we’re doing actual rome instead of rome-based paradis) i think it works better if eren is the patrician and mikasa is a christian pleb (or maybe slave even?) i can see him being the one to commit to the task of christian persecution until he meets mikasa and is like… uhhhhh. hm. nevermind! mikasa makes a more convincing christian in my eyes too. i don’t think eren would buy in much to the idea of loving thy brother LMAO. ngl this idea is scratching my brain a bit. i think early christianity in its cult days is fascinating. as for the cult of ymir angle, i can see eren being the practitioner there, if only to match it to canon. i don’t see mikasa being active persecutor of them (maybe levi or kenny) but she would probably be mostly ambivalent until she meets eren. then she might start thinking that killing all these cultists is a bad idea. in this scenario, i see eren being a slave and being Insanely and viciously resentful of that. he would probably be inspired by the cult of ymir’s story of ymir becoming powerful enough to break free of bondage and dedicate his life to that. this is similar with him being spartacus. maybe we can assume this all ends in tragedy.
- i LOVE vipsania and tiberius. i think i read the story of him chasing her around with tears in his eyes a thousand times. the fact that he spends the rest of his life hating her new husband too is great. i even read recently that some scholars are now starting the doubt the veracity of suetonius’ account of tiberius’ later life considering how out of character it seems. i think i’m inclined to believe that a little. roman historians lied about emperors all the time😭 anyway the julia-claudio dynasty is probably my fav of the imperial dynasties. everyone was just such a character. BUT! back to eremika, something in my heart weeps at the idea of eren having to divorce mikasa against his will. if he even goes through with it, i can see him eventually just killing her new husband, killing his new wife, and then marrying her again and adopting all her children as his own when he becomes emperor. but let’s imagine him tearfully following her around in public for a moment. let’s cry about it. eren would btw.
- i’m happy you’ve the read and recommend it!! i’m definitely gonna read it. i haven’t seen i, claudius yet but i know the show is a classic and the robert graves novels they’re based on are always raved about in most online circles i’ve seen. i’ve also seen colleen mccullough masters of rome series be highly rated. you should totally watch rome!! it’s not ~super~ historically accurate but it feels very historically authentic. rome is portrayed as such a colorful, lively, grimy city and it’s awesome. it also has one of my favorite tv romances (lucius vorenus and niobe). and you’re not bothering me at all😭😭 idk if you can tell but i’m having a lot of fun LMAO. i basically never get to talk about this.
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Lyle T. Rourke
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Tag: His RP posts will be tagged "muse: lyle rourke" and will include the verse in parentheses.
Full name: Lyle Tiberius Rourke. However, only Milo calls him Lyle. He prefers to be called Rourke by everyone else.
Age: Differs depending on verse/thread, but he always appears 54 (his age in the movie)
Species: Human (also known as Terran)
Gender: Male
Hair color: Gray, with a white streak on either side of his head.
Eye color: Brown
Appearance: He's 6' 4" and full of muscles. He's huge and definitely looks like someone you don't want to mess with. He wears a glowing light blue crystal pendant like everyone else in Atlantis wears. He also has a tattoo of a star (just like Milo's) on his right shoulder.
Sexuality: Gay
Canon-ish verse:
His father was a very militaristic man and raised his son in the same way. He was taught to keep his feelings inside and not let them show, and he got better at doing so as he got older, though he struggled in school (leading to teachers often immediately deciding he's an idiot) and often took out his frustration on the more successful students. He was expelled for fighting on more than one occasion, and decided to join the military as a teenager, where he found more success and respect, but still not what he was hoping for: acknowledgement of his efforts and ANY praise for what he did right.
He has been in multiple battles while in the military and was wounded multiple times.
He married once, but it only lasted four months because of his aggressiveness (according to the ex, though a lack of chemistry/connection may also be to blame. Basically, they were never really in love)
As a result of the way he was treated in school and even in the military (everyone deciding he's just a big, muscled moron), he greatly disliked 'academics', though he will admit he had respect for Professor Thaddeus Thatch because Thatch didn't act like a know-it-all and was actually resourceful in a crisis. This was, oddly enough, when he began to think he might be attracted to men.
Upon meeting Milo, Rourke felt a strong urge to protect him and keep him safe. Along the way, through several instances of helping Milo and just watching him be.....Milo, Rourke found himself having feelings for Milo, though he only got up the courage to say something when Milo lay dying in his arms after being fatally injured in the effort to return the Heart of Atlantis.
After Milo was healed by the Heart, he decided to stay in Atlantis to be with Milo, who he learned was in love with him, too.
Heart of Atlantis verse:
This is pretty similar to Canon-ish, but it's based on an idea running through several of my fanfics. In this verse, Milo's grandfather was actually Prince Talos, the younger brother of Atlantis' king. Not much is different from the previous verse (except that Rourke has confessed love for Milo, and Milo revealed his love for Rourke the night before they arrived in Atlantis) until they visit the Heart of Atlantis. Here, Milo is chosen as the Crystal's host instead of Kida. Rourke tries to convince Helga not to go through with her plan, but only succeeds in turning the other team members to his side, and only after Helga's goon kicks his leg where one of his old war wounds is, sending Rourke to the ground, where Helga kicks him in the face before leaving and stranding everyone in Atlantis. The dying king, with Kida's help, explains how the crystal chooses its host and how Milo is in fact Atlantean royal blood, a prince. The king gives his crystal to Rourke, telling him to take Kida with him and return the Heart in order to save Atlantis and Milo, which Rourke does. Milo is returned by the Heart and Rourke tells him about his heritage.
Currently just with @the-haunted-office but this version of him is kinda fun and could be used in other threads. He's 9022 years old (subject to change depending on plots/threads). While not a genius like Milo, he is competent when it comes to technology, especially the things Milo builds/invents. He knows enough science/tech/engineering to be able to help Milo with something if Milo asks him to. He also speaks fluent Atlantean as well as English, and can read/write it fluently also. He would be considered an expert on Atlantis.......if people knew Atlantis existed. Which they don't.
Space verse (because why not):
Takes place after Canon-ish and Heart of Atlantis verses. Either one can be used as his background. A Star Trek-ish deal that kinda crosses with my Rovarians universe with Rourke as Commander/First Officer of the vessel RSS Ulysses and the rest of the Atlantis cast as his senior crew (Milo as captain). Ulysses is a multipurpose Saturn-class heavy cruiser (think the Enterprise D from Trek) whose design is actually based on the submarine of the same name that started the trip to Atlantis (the space vessel is a lot bigger, though, as it has a lot more lab facilities and crew quarters and such on board). It has the standard warp speed drive, a high speed drive known as quantum slipstream, and the basically instantaneous transwarp drive (transwarp is only used when absolutely necessary, as it uses a lot of fuel and needs to cool down and recharge before it can be used to "jump" again. The further you travel with it, the longer the time before it can be used again. This is why transwarp is reserved only for times when even quantum slipstream isn't fast enough). I can give you more details should we decide to do something in this AU
*Rourke also has his own smaller vessel, the Zeleya Maru, that he gained on some mission after he and an away-team stole it from a gang of pirate-like thieves (who had likely stolen it from elsewhere) that they were escaping. Since then, Rourke took up a position as primary caretaker for the Maru, and often uses it to make himself and away teams appear to be rogues/smugglers/whatever they need to be in order to gather intel/resources from places where affiliation with the Rovarians is not well received (Rourke sometimes uses the alias "Teir Aurelan" when necessary for undercover work.). Maru is normally kept in the hangar bay of the RSS Ulysses when she's not in use.
**The following are the same for all verses**
Personality: He appears very stern and stoic on the outside (Tron fans, think Uprising Tron), a product of his upbringing and time in the military. He's very good at not showing what he's feeling, and at forcing his own feelings aside. Since staying in Atlantis, he's trying to get better about letting himself feel things and remembering it's okay to not be okay. He admits he doesn't really like the person he became before the Atlantis trip and wants to become a better version of himself. It takes some effort on his part to open up and trust people, especially after Helga, as he blames himself for not recognizing her as a threat sooner. He can get fiercely protective of those he cares about. It takes a lot to get under his skin or make him cry, but there are things that will do it.
In a relationship: He's loyal and dependable, but he can seem cold and unfeeling at first, as he tries to assess whether or not someone is a threat to him or others. Once he does open up, though, he's very caring and loving toward his partner, being (sometimes overly) conscious of how he acts and speaks around them. He doesn't want to be the one to hurt them, as he feels it would be a betrayal of their trust in him. He will often take on the role of being the 'strong one' being sort of a rock for his partner, though he will feel for them or with them.
*I mainly ship him with Milo, but as with all my characters, I'm open to anything else if it happens. Please talk to me in DM first, though.
Trauma: He does have some from the battles he was in, but it's not nearly as bad as the Leviathan attack or the battle for the Heart of Atlantis. In addition, he also has childhood trauma, as his military father was also an alcoholic and very abusive toward Lyle and his mother, even when Lyle was as young as three. He also witnessed his father's beating on his mother (she stayed around so she could protect little Lyle).
Other: He and Milo occasionally visit the surface world to keep tabs on it and make sure there are no threats to Atlantis. They use whatever knowledge they gain to make sure Atlantis is able to protect itself in the even someone else finds their way down there. After all, the two of them and their group did. Because of their greatly extended lives, no matter what time they appear in, they do not appear to age at all. These surface trips are great opportunities for them to meet other muses.
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themculibrary · 1 year
(TW) Abuse Masterlist
A.I.s and Lullabies (ao3) - Echo N/R, 21k
Summary: Tony is suddenly a quiet, wary five year old boy. The rest of the team are less than completely sure about what to do about that.
Hide A Heart Of War (ao3) - RayShippouUchiha bucky/steve/tony T, 13k
Summary: “You’ve got war in your heart boy,” Howard sneers, “don’t ever try and pretend to be anything but what you are.”
Tony feels the familiar burn of a flower mark being etched into his skin but he doesn’t look, doesn’t try and check to see what it is. Instead he keeps his eyes on Howard and his hands cupped around his bleeding mouth and nose.
Love Is A Battlefield (ao3) - crumbcrash2000 steve/tony, tony/tiberius
Summary: In Siberia, Steve looks on in horror as Tony watches the video of his parents' murder. Expecting the worst, he is prepared to fight to defend Bucky, even through the shock of his own betrayal.
But Tony doesn't lash out.
Instead, Tony cries, and Steve's whole life falls apart.
Minefields (ao3) - arianapeterson19 pepper/tony, bucky/steve/tony T, 34k
Summary: Being in an abusive relationship was a bit like needing glasses. He didn't realize it until the damage was done.
Funny how people assume only men can be abusive.
Mokusatsu (ao3) - shadesfalcon bucky/clint/steve, background sam/natasha E, 125k
Summary: Clint Barton has been strung along from abusive relationship to abusive relationship all his life. Not that he would use the word “abusive”. He would argue that, as a sub, he was born to take whatever it is his dom feels like throwing at him.
But even with that attitude, he’s nervous about his current situation. Trapped in a bureaucratically mandated relationship with not one but two doms is going to be difficult and dangerous. Especially since these two doms are both members of the Avengers themselves.
He hopes that whenever he disappoints them, they’ll have at least a little pity on him, even though he knows he won’t deserve it.
my heart a pandora box (ao3) - Imagineitdear steve/bucky E, 8k
Summary: Presenting as an omega at the age of 12, Bucky is whisked away from his family and his best friend Steve in the middle of school. He's taken to live in an omega house under the protection of the government and for six years, he never leaves.
But at age 18, it's time to be mated. Bucky can't decide which would be worse: getting stuck with the abusive director of his omega house, or being forced to mate a stranger. An alpha that could treat him even worse than Alexander Pierce.
Luckily, the alpha is less of a stranger than he realizes.
nights like this, i become afraid (ao3) - sleeponrooftops steve/tony E, 14k
Summary: He never expects it to happen like this.
No Magic Would Save Me (ao3) - arsenicarcher (Arsenic) pepper/tony M, 20k
Summary: Once upon a time, an angel with the unlikely name of Pepper came to the circus, and took Clint away.
peter's stars (ao3) - IronPengu, parkrstark steve/tony T, 175k
Summary: Steve and Peter lose their apartment and are kicked out on the streets. Steve has to juggle between jobs to earn whatever money he can, take care of his son while resfusing to let him realize how much they're trouble in, and keep them warm and safe on the city streets in winter.
So, he really doesn't have time to date the billionaire that flirts with him everyday as he buys his cup of coffee. Even if he did, he can't let himself fall for the man. Because if he knew that he lived from a backpack and showered in a public bathroom there's no way he'd still want him...right?
Problem Child (ao3) - TGP steve/bucky T, 123k
Summary: Two weeks after Steve wakes up, a kid hacks SHIELD and sets every computer to blast AC/DC at random. Now Steve’s looking after Howard’s kid and an evil alien is attacking the world. This is the best day ever. Really.
Steve might just find a way to go back in time and punch Howard in the face.
Put Away Childish Things (ao3) - arsenicarcher (Arsenic) ot9 M, 36k
Summary: Tony and Clint are captured by villains who can only get what they want from a child-Tony. So, obviously, they de-age him. Because comics.
Safe and (the) Sound (ao3) - 27dragons, tisfan bucky/tony, steve/natasha E, 84k
Summary: Tony dropped out of college to get away from his abusive father. When his longtime boyfriend reveals similar tendencies, Tony refuses to endure another moment of it, running away with nothing more than the cash in his pockets. He makes it to Virginia, where he’s taken in by Bucky, a restaurant owner looking for an extra hand who’s willing to be paid cash under the table.
Bucky’s been struggling for years: to keep the beachside restaurant he inherited from his parents above water (both financially and literally); to live down the fact that he’s gay in a small southern town; to get over the man who’s owned his heart since he was fourteen. But he’s never had to struggle as hard as he is now, to keep his hands off Tony.
Singing in the Dead of Night (ao3) - arsenicarcher (Arsenic) clint/sam, clint/omc E, 10k
Summary: On the Raft, Clint does a quick calculation of skill and experience, and takes care of things when a guard starts eyeing Wanda.
Strength of Materials (ao3) - harcourt
Summary: Written for this prompt where, still dealing with Phil's death and Loki's mindcontrol, Clint moves into the tower and,
the Avengers come across a series of odd or surprising behaviours. He is perfectly pleasant and fairly normal (for a world class assassin...) for the most part, so none of these oddities are concerning on their own, but slowly lead to the Avengers realising that while Clint basically worshipped the man, Coulson was quite emotionally abusive.
Who Saves The Hero (ao3) - CamelotQueen T, 15k
Summary: May brings home her new boyfriend. Something about him makes Peter feel nervous, but he makes May happy. And if May's happy, then Peter is happy.
Then it escalates.
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cfdew · 3 months
[Propo] Why did you keep your relationship with Tiberius secret to the public for so long, as well as his paternity to your late daughter?
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"It was none of anyone's business." When she'd first been dragged in front of the camera, she'd looked haggard, tired, worn out, exhausted. This time she looked more her old self. She'd allowed the camera crew to do what they wanted with her hair and face. The darks bags remained, but were hidden now behind foundation and concealer. Her hair was free of any restraint and curled loosely around her face and shoulders. But her gaze is devoid of much, her stare at the camera blank. Her grief has moved on from anger and denial and now she's awash in depression, floating on the abyss of nothingness.
"I was barely an adult when I came out of the arena. That didn't matter though, everyone was in my private life. It was like living behind a glass wall." She scoffs, the first showing of any emotion over the last few days. "Miss Morrissey seen out to dinner with Maximillian Neuroux. Or District Four's Natalia caught leaving the penthouse of Bacchus Decimus. Or Marcellus Kiokos, Lysander Invictus, Valerius, Victoria, Eurydice, Augustine, the list could go on. And by god if one of them was married, which happened but wasn't as often in the tabloids I expect Snow had something to do with that, and the spouse ended up angry... I was the home wrecker." She was naming names, she knew it'd ruffle feathers. Good they deserved every bit of feather ruffling after everything she'd done through at their hands. "What I did behind closed doors was always speculated about in the tabloids. Always reported on, almost always front page gossip. But never my choice."
"He was just another on the list. Sponsors Snow sent me to. At least I expected him to be just another name, just another person who paid to rape me," she'd never put to word those exact words, not until then, "to mandhandle me, to do whatever they wanted for however long they paid. I can't tell you how many times I came out of those... encounters bruised and beaten. Some of them liked it when you fought back. But Ti never even tried to touch me. Not until I came on to him at least," She was sharing more about their life than ever before, but what did it matter anymore? Everything she'd found to keep safe and protected was not longer safe and protected.
"Eventually, when I asked after one particularly brutal night, he got me out." She refocuses on the camera, not realizing she had drifted off to a time deacdes ago. "I never asked how, though I know how Snow works so I can assume." She still didn't know the exact figure, nor did she want to know. The disparity even between his fortune and her's as a victor massive, not to compare the measly amount most people in the districts barely survived on.
"He was mine and I was his and for a little while we were able to keep it secret. Out of the tabloids, out of the mouths of those who live on gossip. It was nice and I fell in love. But I knew what would happen if we ever confirmed anything. If my supposed one night flings were front page news, we would never be left alone. Especially after..." she pauses over her words, stumbling to a halt and licking her lips, "Rose was born. " She sniffs quietly, trying to distract herself from the ache that returns to her chest. "It was easier to pretend she'd been born to some fisherman from Four. I was good at one night stands, affairs, flings, right?" She shrugged. "Snow would've made us get married if I dared confirm Ti as her father. I might've been in love, but I valued my privacy more."
And she knew so much of this might've sounded like a sob story. Poor victor, always held in high regard, complaining because she was in the public eye. But it had never been the life she'd wanted for herself. She'd have gladly turned back time and gone back to catching fish with her family if it meant not having been crowned victor and enduring the years that followed.
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onemuseleft · 2 years
Untitled Fic 1/1, Steve/Tony, 3580 words
Happy bday @brandnewfashion!
“Oh my god,” Tony said. He turned abruptly so he was facing Steve, turning his back to most of the rest of the room, and took a deep drink from his cup like he needed the fortification.
It was Diet Coke, so Steve doubted it was going to do the job Tony was hoping for.
“What is it?” Steve scanned the room - they were at a wedding reception for some old associate of Tony’s. Tony had described her as a college friend, but college had been fifteen years go and she still invited Tony to her wedding, so Steve figured they kept in touch. The party was low-key for a friend of Tony’s, just a nice banquet hall in a fancy hotel, with decent catering and a live band. No ice sculptures or living furniture or gilded cages full of white tiger cubs like he’d seen at some of the weddings he’d gone to with Tony since they started dating. Instead the hall was decorated with strands of fairy lights and greenery to make it look a little like an enchanted forest. The centerpieces were wildflowers with little - fake, Steve felt he had to specify based on some other wealthy weddings he'd been to - songbirds perched among them. It was pretty and tasteful, and was doing some good to convince Steve that being a millionaire didn’t require having awful taste.
Tony made a face and took another sip of his drink. “Old friend,” he said, but reluctantly, and he kind of chewed on the word “friend” for a minute like it wasn’t his first choice. “Steve, I’m afraid you’re going to realize that I had terrible taste and worse judgment when I was in college.”
That… absolutely did not come as a shock, but Steve just grinned at him and let him keep the illusion that he’d had his act together a little better when they’d met. “To be honest, you’d always given me the impression that Jim was your only friend when you were in college, so I’m kind of enjoying meeting all these people who knew you back then.”
Tony pulled a face so disgusted that Steve couldn’t hold back a short laugh. “Steve. Babe. No. Aside from Kayla, I barely even remember these people.”
“Sure you don’t,” Steve said. He took a half step closer to Tony so he could lean down and murmur in his ear. “But I bet every one of them remembers you.”
Tony tipped his head to the side and gave Steve a smile that was all teeth and mischief. “Steve, I was a walking scandal until about ten minutes ago, of course they do.”
It had been longer than that since Tony was tabloid fodder on a daily basis, but Steve conceded the point anyway. “So who is this particular example of bad taste you’re hiding from?”
Tony sighed. “Tiberius Stone. Steve, whatever he says, please don’t hold it against me.”
“Hey. You know I won’t.” Steve caught Tony’s free hand in his and squeezed. “Besides, you were a kid back then.”
“I was an asshole back then,” Tony said ruefully, “and stupid enough to think I was charming.”
“Oh,” Steve said, “so this was last week.”
Tony shot him a narrow-eyed glare, but it was belied by the way the corner of his mouth ticked up. “Speaking of assholes.”
“Everyone knows that about me,” Steve told him.
Tony snorted. “Anyway, there was a group of us - Rhodey used to call us the Snob Squad.”
“God, I love Jim,” Steve said.
“He was 85% of my common sense and at least 90% of my impulse control,” Tony agreed. “Anyway, it was me, Kayla - the bride,” he clarified, as if Steve was going to forget who’s wedding he was at, “who wasn’t much of a snob, to be honest, she was kind of like. The poor friend?”
“Kayla the Krispy Kreme heiress is the poor friend?”
“They only own part of Krispy Kreme,” Tony said. “It was more comparatively. Anyway, there were three other friends, only one of whom matters for this story. His name is Tiberius Stone.”
The name rang a bell and Steve flipped through a hundred past conversations about college and Tony’s past while he took a long sip of his drink. “Tiberius Stone the guy who once framed you for cheating on an exam when he was the one cheating off you?”
“Yes, him, and that happened before the story I’m about to tell you, so you’ll see in a minute why I said I was stupid.” Tony exhaled heavily. “So we all had a place off campus together.”
“An apartment?”
“Yeah, a penthouse not too far from the university. Mom convinced Dad to pay for it because she thought it would be safer than the dorms - less drinking, less sex, you know?”
“Bunch of rich teenagers in their own place with no RAs was going to be less disruptive than the dorms,” Steve said skeptically.
“In her defense, Mom never went to college and was not a troublemaker before she met dad. Anyway, yeah, it was probably as bad as you’re imagining. Just 24/7 party pad. And Tiberius was one of the semi-permanent fixtures. He and Kayla and the other two were basically my roommates at that point. Ty mostly used it to impress dates, and get laid.” Tony shrugged. “Uh. he was kind of gross, to be honest. He’d bring his dates back, show them the fancy digs, parade them around in front of us and then go have very loud, performative sex with his bedroom door open.”
“Sounds charming,” Steve said.
“Oh, it gets better,” Tony said. “Cause after about ten minutes of rhythmic grunting he’d come back out naked, dick still wet, and grab a beer or something, then tell us he had to get back before his date “cooled off”.”
“That’s…” Steve considered his word choices carefully.
“Gross,” Tony said, “yeah, trust me, I know. So anyway, I slept with him.”
“Tony,” Steve said. He couldn’t quite keep the dismay out of his voice, and if part of it was regret for the young, emotionally delicate boy he knew Tony had been back then, part of it was also just dismay at his boyfriend’s terrible taste in men.
“I know, I know, I heard it all from Rhodey.” Tony waved him off, but his eyes were glinting a little. It was a bad memory but one Tony apparently was able to find some humor in. “Steve, he was awful.”
“Well if it only took ten minutes every time-”
“Just-” Tony gestured, a little crudely. “Straight in, no foreplay, barely any prep, and then just him grunting like a pig digging for truffles while pounding away with no finesse and less self-control, and he’s drunk so it takes about two mintues for him to come, right? So I’m just lying there in the bed, barely hard because that was the unsexiest thing I’d ever seen, and he’s passed out on top of me snoring and drooling.”
“Tony,” Steve said, but he was laughing a little too at the image Tony was painting. “Please tell me he didn’t hurt you.”
“Only my illusions,” Tony said. “Anyway, Kayla came home and rolled him off me and we left him on the floor where as near as I can tell he stayed until the next morning. She made me promise never to have sex with him again and I made her promise not to tell Rhodey and that was basically the foundation upon which our casual friendship has been built. Anyway, Tiberius is heading straight for me, isn’t he?”
Steve pulled his eyes away from Tony’s face long enough to scan the crowd. “Blond, kind of smug, a little too pretty to be handsome?”
“That’s him.” “Like a heat-seeking missile.” Steve wound an arm around Tony’s waist and pressed a kiss to his temple. “How mad am I at this guy?”
Tony snorted. “It’s been almost twenty years, I’d say we’re mostly just dismayed at his continued uncouthness.”
Steve let his mouth curve into a smile before he pulled back. “He’s permanently vetoed for a threesome, in case you were wondering.”
“Please, I have acquired some self respect. Besides, I’d never let him touch you.” Tony briefly let his head rest on Steve’s shoulder, but straightened up as Tiberius approached.
Tiberius Stone was about six feet tall, with golden blond hair carefully arranged to look windswept and tousled. He was good-looking, broad-shouldered and well built, with a tapered waist and strong legs that his pants were clearly tailored to show off. Steve thought he could see the appeal, except for the look in his eyes. Tiberius Stone looked at everyone he passed with a thoughtful sort of evaluation, as if he was calculating how much he could sell them for.
Then he turned that gaze on Tony and Steve ground his teeth together.
“Anthony.” Tiberius swept up to Tony and slid an arm around his back, pulling him into a hug. “You look so much better than the last time I saw you. I’m glad you’ve gotten over all that horrible drama.”
Tony’s smile thinned, and he pressed a little closer to Steve’s side. “Oh, yes, Rumiko and all that unpleasantness. Honestly, I’d all but forgotten.” His tone was dry enough to be sandpaper but Tiberius didn’t even blink.
“Who can blame you, with this arm candy?” Tiberius turned his smile on Steve - gleaming white teeth peeking between lips so pink that Steve thought he was probably wearing lipgloss or something. “You must be Steve. I have heard so much about you.”
“Yeah, the rumor mill does get around.” Steve smiled but didn’t offer him a handshake - he tightened his grip around Tony’s waist instead. Rumiko, Steve remembered, had been Tony’s fiance at one point. He wasn’t sure what that unpleasantness entailed but it left a sour taste in his mouth.
“She wasn’t even that good,” Tiberius said, nudging Tony in the ribs. “We’ve both had better, hm?”
Steve kept his smile firmly in place and resisted the urge to physically move Tony away from this guy. “I’m not sure I know what you mean?” he said, giving Tiberius the wide-eyed Captain America look that the newspapers loved.
Tony huffed a little laugh and drank the rest of his Diet Coke. “So how’d you like the wedding, Ty?”
“Tacky,” Tiberius said instantly. “It’s all a little low-brow, but what do you expect from Kayla? She was always a little bit lower-class, wasn’t she?”
“Heiresses aren’t generally considered low-class,” Tony said. “Anyway, Ty, it’s been really nice seeing you again-”
“It’s good to see you again too,” Tiberius purred in a way that made Steve’s hand want to clench into a fist. “It’s good to see everyone again. This has been like a walk down memory lane, hasn’t it.” Tiberius gestured toward the rest of the room with his champagne flute. “Bringing back quite a few nice memories, isn’t it?” He grinned. “I should revisit a few of the better ones before the night is over. I wonder how many I can fit in before last call.”
“Ew,” Tony said under his breath. “It was a long time ago, Ty, I bet some of those memories have faded.”
Ty laughed. “You don’t have to play coy, Tony, I’m sure Captain America understands you have a past. He can read, after all. But don’t worry, I’m not going to make your man self-conscious.”
“Should I be insulted?” Steve asked Tony. He wasn’t particularly, but he was annoyed at the way this guy was talking to Tony.
Tony snorted. “He’s trying.”
“I bet the Captain is very gifted in that department,” Ty said. “Maybe we can compare notes, one day, you and I.” He gave Steve a sly grin.
Steve wasn’t sure if he was being propositioned or if Ty was implying something about Tony, but either way he didn’t care for the implication. “I’m not the type to kiss and tell,” he said flatly. “Tony, didn’t you want to go see Kayla before we left?”
“Oh, I’ll go with you,” Tiberius said. “I haven’t had a chance to give the groom my sympathies yet.”
“Sympathies?” Tony asked, in a tone of voice that said he fully expected to regret asking.
“That he’s marrying her after I’ve had her,” Tiberius said. “Poor man’s marrying a girl who’s already had the best she’s ever going to have and now she’s settling for the rest of her life.” His eyes caught Steve’s and the toothy grin was distinctly mocking now. “I bet that’s hard on a man’s ego.”
Steve exhaled slowly and counted to ten in his head.
“You have got to be kidding me,” Tony said in a loud voice. He stepped away from Steve’s side and Steve let him go, even though the instinct to drag Tony back away from this creep was powerful. “The best I’ve ever had? Are you - Ty, you were were definitely in a top ten of sexual experiences, but it wasn’t the best.”
A blonde woman standing a few feet away snorted into her drink, and Steve heard a delighted cackle from behind him.
Tiberius’s eyebrows drew together in clear confusion, lowering Steve’s already tripwire-low opinion of the man. This was clearly news to him, although it probably shouldn’t have been.
“You flopped around on top of me like a dying fish,” Tony said. “The whole thing took less time than it takes to sing Happy Birthday. You didn’t even get me off before you passed out. And I know-” he raised his voice when Tiberius opened his mouth to say something, “that you didn’t treat anyone else any better, so whatever memories our former classmates may have of you, I don’t think they’re going to be driving anyone into a sexual frenzy tonight.”
Tiberius’s eyes went hard and flat, and there was such a flare of anger that for a second Steve thought Tiberius was going to attack Tony. But instead his smile, which had been steadily fading during Tony’s rant, turned sharp. “If you wanted first ride all you had to do was say so, Anthony. God knows you were always gagging for it when we were in school.” He shot Steve a smirk while Tony sputtered. “He was such a little slut back then - well, I don’t suppose much has changed.”
Tony slapped a hand against Steve’s chest, which is how Steve knew he’d taken a step toward Tiberius. Steve held himself still and settled for watching Tiberius the way he watched any other threat. He was fine letting Tony handle this, he was, God knew Tony could handle himself just fine. But it burned in his chest, listening to someone try to hurt Tony and not immediately stepping in to protect him.
“Such a slut I only ever fucked you once,” Tony snapped back. “All those hot dates you used to parade around the apartment and not one of them ever came back for a second date.”
“Someone’s feeling feisty tonight,” Tiberius snapped. “Clearly the Captain hasn’t figured out how to keep you in line. I’d be more than happy to show him how to put a little bitch like you back in his place.”
“Fuck it,” Steve said, and decked him.
He checked the punch because he’s not actually trying to break anyone’s neck, but that doesn’t stop Tiberius from going down like a sack of wet sand. The same blonde woman who had laughed at Tony’s comeback earlier gives Steve a quick burst of applause. “God, he deserved that,” she said, and tossed back half a glass of wine.
People were looking, though a not-insignificant number of them looked either unsurprised or straight-up pleased. Steve was guessing those were former classmates who had spent more than ten seconds in Tiberius’s presence.
Tony arched an eyebrow at him.
“Sorry?” Steve crossed his arms over his chest. “I should have let you handle that. But I didn’t like the way he was talking to you.”
“My boyfriend is such a caveman,” Tony said, but he was smiling so Steve figured he wasn’t in the doghouse.
Just as Steve was debating if he should pick Tiberius up and help him to a chair or something, there was an increase in murmuring around them and the crowd parted to reveal the bride.
Tony’s college friend Kayla-the-Krispy-Kreme heiress stared at them from the edge of the crowd. Her hair was a mass of golden curls spilling down her back and her dress was glittering with swarovski crystals. She looked like a princess, complete with a golden tiara. She glanced down at Tiberius, who was groaning loudly and clutching his jaw, then up at him and Tony with wide eyes.
Guilt settled into his stomach like lead. This was her wedding, she was Tony’s old friend- shit if he’d ruined things between them, or destroyed her day he’d never forgive himself. He took a half step forward, trying to figure out the best way to apologize for something he didn’t actually regret doing.
Kayla hiked up the long flowing skirt of her gown, revealing delicate golden heels. She stepped over Tiberius like he was nothing but a mud puddle, then dropped her skirts and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “You must be Captain Rogers. Tony’s told me nothing about you because he doesn’t reply to my emails.”
Tony narrowed his eyes at her. “They’re not emails, Steve, she’s a liar, she only uses Facebook Messenger and I refuse to contribute to that.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Steve said, offering her his hand. “Tony has probably told me more about you than you’d like him to.”
Kayla laughed. “That sounds about right. Look, I have to get back, the photographer is a fucking Nazi - not literally,” she assured Steve, “sorry, that’s probably insensitive now that the Nazis are back, huh? Anyway, I just wanted to come over and thank you guys for the lovely wedding gift.”
Steve has a brief moment of confusion because 1) he knows she hasn’t opened any gifts yet and 2) he knows Tony got her some little glass tchotchke thing that probably didn’t warrant interrupting her reception to thank him for.
Kayla shimmied her hips a little, making her skirt swirl around her legs, the crystals catching the light. “It’s exactly what I wanted, thank you!” She turned and peered over her shoulder at Tiberius who was slowly pushing himself up into a sitting position. “I’ve been dreaming of it since college,” she said, shooting Tony a wink. Steve felt some of the tension he hadn’t realized was there go out of his shoulders. At least he hadn’t upset Tony’s friend.
Tony snorted. “It was Steve’s idea, you know I’m shit at gifts.”
“I do,” Kayla said. “You’ve been sending me Edible Arrangements every year for ten years and you never remember I’m allergic to honeydew.”
“What I’m hearing is that I should start sending you chocolate.”
“I will accept that,” Kayla said. “But if you wanted to just punch Ty again I’d take that, too.”
From somewhere near her ankles Tiberius made a garbled noise of objection.
“I hope you broke his nose,” Kayla said.
A man in a tux pushed through the crowd, took in the scene with a complete lack of reaction. “Oh, hey, Tiberius. About time. Babe, the photographer and your mom are about to get in a fist fight.”
“Gotta go!” Kayla swooped in to plant a kiss on Tony’s cheek, then grabbed Steve’s hand in both of hers. “Thanks again,” she said. “I love it. Come see me after dinner and we can share a dance!” She hiked up her skirt again and skipped over Tiberius, smacking him in the face with what looked like thirty pounds worth of wedding gown.
“Bye, Kayla!” Tony waved after her. He turned to Steve. “We can leave now, right?”
Steve snorted. “She paid for two steak dinners, Tony, it seems rude to leave before they even start serving.”
“I’m going to sue you!”
Steve made a show of blinking and staring down at Tiberius. “Oh, are you still here?”
Tony laughed.
“That was assault.” The words came out slightly slurred. Steve was 99% certain he hadn’t hit Tiberius that hard, but maybe the guy had a glass jaw.
“So sue me,” Tony said cheerfully. “Better yet, sue him. You want that in court? You wanna tell the world why Captain America laid you out cold?” Tony’s smile went thin, and his voice lowered to little more than a whisper. “I was sixteen at MIT, Ty. You want that getting out?”
Steve cracked his knuckles. “I hadn’t thought about that,” he said in a low voice, and was grimly pleased at the way Tiberius’s eyes went wide.
Tony slid an arm around Steve’s waist. “Compromise?” he said, ignoring Tiberius who was staggering to his feet and away from them. “You and I go up to our room for a bit and see if we can’t get a new entry in the other list of Top Ten Sexual Experiences.”
Steve laughed and leaned down to press a kiss to the shell of Tony’s ear. “I,” he said softly, checking to make sure no one nearby seemed to be listening, “am going to make you forget Tiberius and that other list ever existed. And then,” he added, taking Tony’s wrist and tugging him toward the exit, “I’m going to come back for my dance with Kayla. I bet she’s got some great blackmail material.”
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mrfutureboy · 2 years
May I ask for some Trans Marty headcanons 👉👈🥺 (only if you want to ofc)
hi anon! for sure!
tho honestly im not sure i have many that are my own?? there are so many people in the fandom that spend more time thinking (in general) and that have come up with some amazing headcanons that i subscribe to so admittedly i havent spent as much time thinking up hc’s myself! well, maybe this isnt true in the case of marlene mcfly but this post isnt about her lol. so mostly this’ll probably end up being a list of things other people have said/pointed out. that said, if i mention a hc thats yours just be like “hey thats from my post!” and i’ll link u because i honestly cant remember who said what anymore
edit: added links to op’s of various hcs
so first of all, his layers. layers on layers on layers to hide the shape of his body is so trans masc of him. this is literally canon so it doesnt even count. (x, x)
but i’ll quickly mention some other things people have pointed out that are supported by canon: everyone calling him “mcfly” instead of his first name, twin pines lorraine not liking jennifer for no real reason except maybe thinking marty shouldnt be dating a girl at all (x)
i have NO idea what hrt was like in the 80s, if it were even available at all, but i like the hc that doc brews up some homemade testosterone for his good pal marty (x) man of all sciences, right? honestly doc was probably already making t for himself (trans doc ftw) and then marty came out to him and he was like i have just the thing.
going off that, doc probably helps him with his shots bc i think marty’s a big baby when it comes to needles.
again, resources in the 1980’s are not something i know about but given the climate and technology i doubt there was an extensive handbook on transmasculinity and safely binding. so marty’s methods of binding were probably not very safe, in terms of what he used and how long he wore it. tho @rovermcfly’s recent post about mjf’s harness looking like a binder (x)could support a hc that doc made marty a binder. as his friend and an elder trans guy you know he’s looking out for him. but when marty’s not binding…layers on layers on layers. side note i would hope marty wasnt wearing a binder when he got to 1955 cuz oh GOD he wouldve been wearing that for way too fucking long and with everything that physically happened to him in the first like 12 hrs of him being there he’d surely have some lasting damage
this is mostly a joke hc but marty comes to doc one day and is complaining about his chest while doc’s working on something, and towards the end of marty’s rant doc turns around holding up a knife and martys like whoa uhh im not so sure about that, doc and doc just turns back around. this doesnt ever happen again or get brought up so marty’s not sure if doc was kidding or not. also makes marty wonder if he’d done it before (doc’s got a flat chest after all) and then he starts looking around for stray squirrels with stitches a la frankensteins monster lol
i like @rovermcfly ‘s hc that marty saw “martin seamus” in his family tree and was like yep thats my name (x) which honestly fits really well with canon like how are you going to name ur first son david tiberius, ur daughter linda [no middlename], but then when you get to your third kid suddenly be like “lets do a really traditional family name”. Unlikely.
marty probably came out to doc first. doc quickly made him feel safe and loved and comfortable so yeah i can imagine doc knew before anyone else. and then jennifer and then lastly (maybe accidentally) his parents
Lorraine probably had a fucking conniption when marty first cut all his hair off. also i hate to say it but i feel like she was the least supportive parent (not that george was raving about it) in the twin pines timeline. all im going to say about lone pine lorraine here is that she came around faster (or at least started to) than her counterpart, my justification being the breakfast scene at the end of the movie compared to the dinner scene earlier re: jennifer
personally i dont feel like marty’s been out for longer than a few years but idk thats just a gut feeling i dont have anything else to say abt that
Umm yeah thats all i have to say atm! Thank u anon for the ask :3 and again, if anyone recognizes any posts ive referenced, please @ me so i can link them here!
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