#so i thought i should use the self checkout so i don’t make more work for the guy at the till
say-al0e · 2 years
How's your tooth? What were your fav. Things in Germany(beside the chocolate)? The least(beside the airport)? I need to know everything!
Doesn’t hurt so bad today! I’ve got a sinus infection and that makes my mouth hurt (no idea why, but it always does 😭) so I’m just holding on. I have to call the dentist tomorrow to see if they’re taking new patients (and if they can see me soon-ish, but maybe not until I feel better physically and can breathe out of my nose again) so wish me luck.
I’m listing all this below a read more since it got a little long 😂 I started a whole list and will post it eventually.
Favorite things:
public transportation! We don’t have that here where I live so it was super nice getting to just hop on a train and not having to drive. It was also pretty cheap and I never had any issues with it running late.
The grocery stores are so cheap. I went into one and was so shocked at how insanely cheap groceries were! I also really like the recycling system. I just recycled my bottles at my hotel but it was super cool (and even adding on the pfand, stuff was still insanely cheap).
McDonald’s curly fries. Stupid but so good.
No one really bothers you in shops? I appreciate help when I need it but there was no one constantly being like ‘are you okay? Do you need help?’ It was nice to be left alone.
Public bathroom stall doors. The ones here are insanely creepy, i now realize. Do not like the space. Love the full coverage doors in Europe.
Black currant. It’s not a flavor here but it should be. 11/10 love
The duvet situation. Having like no top sheet and just a duvet felt weird but I grew to love it.
Capri Sun with bubbles.
All the museums!
Soccer (football) culture. Coolest experience ever was seeing a game, riding the train with fans, and just being there for it all.
Least favorite: (keep in mind a lot of this is because I grew up in a small southern town and have those ‘southern manners’ instilled in everything I do. A lot of these are probably normal in parts of the US and might just be a city thing. Not judging, just a little surprised and kinda thrown off.)
People blow their noses ridiculously loud in public. I get it, it’s normal there. Still. A massive culture shock to me. Not judging, just not a fan.
Dog culture. So many of them were off leash and I have no fear of dogs but a random dog, off leash, on a busy street? Freaked me out. Did not like. Also off leash on the train and that too freaked me out. (Almost all of them were well behaved but it only takes one wrong move for something to happen. I guess I’m just paranoid.)
Self checkout at grocery stores. We bag as we go along. I got yelled at in German for not knowing that you ring it up and then bag when you’re done, even though the instructions in English clearly did not specify that. Totally my fault, but still embarrassing. Should’ve just gone to a regular cashier.
Smoking. Everyone was smoking everywhere. At the entrance of buildings, right by the train, outside restaurants; everyone had a cigarette in hand. Smoking is so rare in public (at least where I live) that it blew my mind. And it smells so bad. Least favorite thing by a mile.
No one says excuse me. If they need to brush by you, they’ll just nudge you out of the way. I thought it was just a one off but it happened so many times. They didn’t speak at all, it wasn’t just me not understanding them saying excuse me, promise. I get manners are different but that threw me off. Wasn’t expecting it but I’ll know for next time.
Every chip is paprika flavored. It’s fine but it’s kinda bland? Maybe I just didn’t get the right brand but it was just meh. Lays was the only brand with any other flavor I saw.
Everything is closed on Sunday’s. (I’m from the middle of nowhere. Grew up in a town where that’s the norm. But Berlin is a massive city so it’s just odd to me that everything is closed. Maybe for work/life balance? I dunno. Im sure there’s a reason. Just not fun when you’re a tourist and still need food on a day everything is closed.)
Overall, everything was great. A lot of my ‘complaints’ are just culture shock things that I didn’t think to expect would be different. And, again, they’re not bad. Likely just ‘big city’ things I would experience in a large city here. Just a few small surprises as an American on her first trip to Germany.
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parulsheth1 · 1 year
From King Arthur to AI
“The old order changeth, yielding place to new”
~ Morte d'Arthur, by Alfred Lord Tennyson
This was from a poem that I had learnt in 10th grade- and the universality and timelessness of this reality astounds me. In this current time, I feel it is more relevant than ever. The world rules are crumbling faster than new ones are created. It is a complicated decade. The refrain we hear all around is, “no one knows”.
Navigating one’s life today, is fraught with more uncertainty than ever before. All sorts of messages are bombarded and anyone (everyone) with an Instagram account is a philosopher. And as a mother, I of course think, that it is my duty to tell my kids what they need to do and not do (I would like to believe that it may appear that they are not listening- but secretly they are!). 
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The one thing that life certainly is, is confusing. There is really no way of knowing what you should do with it. 
As (my) life has taught me – circumstances have a mind of their own- call it destiny or situations or choices. That is extrinsic to your being. So irrespective of where the world is, where it is headed, which sea it tosses you in, we can make choices. I can only control me, my reaction or rather my response.
The important thing is to show up - in summer, in rain, during a storm, when you’re tired and your shoes hurt, even when you don’t feel like it. 
Showing up is the first step. The only step that you control.
Show up and stand.  Be present. In today.
The only step that creates possibility. 
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Amongst the other adages we hear around us, in the chatter of graduation day speeches….my favourite ones are:
Find happiness in small things. Small joys. Everyday. 
Make big choices early and often.
Surround yourself with good people  who encourage you and you can learn from. Your people impact your state of mind, impact the way you work and play, and impact every other relationship that you have. (this is another important one)
Work hard, be kind to yourself first and then others (thank you Sanjana, for teaching me kindness. You have always been wise, and I’ve learnt a lot from you.)
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In many ways this post a reminder for Arnav, who has jumped right into the world and its myriad paths, who has taken on new challenges and emerged stronger with each passing year. You have shown an extraordinary propensity for hard work, clarity of thought and the ability to take risks, fueled by courage for your big dreams.
But I’ve actually written this is for Sanjana – the new Graduate. 
We are all very proud of you Sanjana. 
You have been bold, ambitious and a bit crazy (Paris! ++). Hold onto your wonderful self and fly high, bloom and fill the world with your special Joy and Light. 
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For both of you:
Be prepared, you have good times and unpredictable tides ahead... Life is about to unfold for you in all its forms. Love, heartache, accomplishments, disappointment, testing of faith... it’s all a part of life, it makes life - Life! 
Life is beautiful, so buckle up and smile. 
We love each other. We will always have each other. We are safe together. And that is our strength. 
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ps: Always do your own checkout!
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ghostfishk · 3 days
litterally the worst shift ever
i get there at 430. full of energy because i litterally spent all day sleeping. i am in orders for an hour, and at 530 my manager walkies for me. she tells me that at 6 im being taken OUT of orders and put on self checkout. technically i had the option of self checkout or check lane but self checkout is generally more chill. in my opinion/previous experience atleast. so i get up there at 6. and its going pretty good, until its time to start sending people to breaks. so i send someone on thier break, and get trained on guest service/basically the help counter. it’s pretty easy, not that different from my other job. and then the person training me leaves for the day, and we close the help desk. all good. i redirect people to the check lane where someone can help them with returns or exchanges, and i help with pickup orders as much as i can. all is well. i start closing registers. and then it hits 9pm. and another person up front leaves, because she’s a minor and can’t work past 9? or so, due to labor laws and shit. all good all well. there’s someone gathering carts, someone in a check lane and me on self checkout. and i ask my manager “hey, what’s the plan for pulling cash for these?”
and she walks me through it, i close two of the self checkouts and it’s was a busy last hour so im not able to get to the other two in time. and then at 9:58, someone walkies. “have we done any closing announcements? there’s still a pretty good amount of people in here” my fucking heart drops and suddenly, all the adrenaline i have had pushing me along for the past four hours fucking vanishes. i feel like i failed, i still feel like i failed closing self checkout even tho i did everything else right. and it’s not even like we were held up that much after, not at all really. no one was mad at ME, that i knew of, but i feel like i failed everyone.
worked with him today. i genuinly thought i was over it, but talking to him at any point today made my brain complete mush. and it’s so fuckrd up. :((
me him and B, a girl i graduated with and genuinely really enjoy working with were standing and talking while i was bagging an order, now i have an intense “fear” of being watched while i do things so i stop and talk to them. he, in like a really fake serious tone goes “K—(name) what are you doing?? keep stowing your order” i laugh, and start doing something and i look over and there talking but he’s also just staring me down. and then he says “im just gonna stare at you while you stow this” i, being me, get flustered, and babble some random ass sounds and a
“please don’t >:(“ as he laughs and walks away
and that just, solidified my stupid feelings for this probably straight man who ONLY sees me as a coworker/possible “friend”
and then he took over orders, because by the time he left for the day orders would’ve flipped over for the night, and dispite my protest to the manager of “why not put him up front, where he enjoys being more than orders or gm, and where he’s fully trained everywhere, vs me who’s only trained checkout?” but she just kinda blew it off not wanting to make it more complicated than it was (it wasn’t complicated, she just can’t make up her mind)
but every time he’d walk by i couldn’t help but glance over at him. a mix of needed to be aware of everything around me, and also it just being him.
and we’d shoot the shit but he was mostly focused on his orders, which as he should be.
he does make it more worth it to get though shifts, even if litterally nothing will happen. his existence makes me happy and the chance of being actual friends with him, does the same.
speaking of friends, learned today that i won’t be able to be with my friends on a day we all got off specifically to hangout and watch the new season of heartstopper togeather. and today E told me that actually!! only one of us can spend the night at her house not the both of us. and the left out one is going to be me, willingly, because i don’t want G to get upset about us choosing to not include him, and i’m just to fucking exhausted to give a shit at this point.
i’m so tired. it’s bed time. altho i might cry myself to sleep tonight because everything hurts and im so overwhelmed and exhausted.
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annannaye · 5 months
Adding Friction to AI Customer Journeys
I'll be honest: I'm an AI skeptic. I think the general public overestimates what AI is capable of and underestimates the consequences associated with relying on black-box algorithms to alleviate inconsequential inconveniences. For example, a Bloomberg article very recently revealed that Amazon’s Just Walk Out technology is actually relying on more than 1,000 people in India to watch and label videos to make sure checkouts are accurate. Perhaps being a video annotator is a better job than being a cashier (presumably you can work from the comfort of your home), but I wonder at what point the incremental gains for both employees and users become marginal. Maybe my broader issue is that so many brilliant brains are involved in fixing problems that I don’t consider to be issues, but the same could be said for other jobs too.
One customer journey I thought about where AI should add more friction is Netflix’s autoplay preview for new movies. I understand that people love the autoplay next episode feature, and I think it’s a very reasonable assumption that anyone who watches the prior episode will want to watch the next one. However, I don’t need to get sucked into a trap of binging multiple movies. The reason I opt for movies over TV shows is to avoid the pattern of getting sucked into spending too much time consuming content, but the autoplay preview makes that harder, especially as Netflix has my viewing data so they know what type of movie I am likely to enjoy.
Another thing that came to mind is how much friction is the “right” amount. When it comes to self-driving cars, new research shows that having a human monitor a self-driving car is more dangerous than a human driving the car themselves, both because we tend to over-rely on the algorithms, and because vigilance tasks are very difficult as they are boring. This puts us in a chicken-and-egg scenario where we can’t quite trust AVs to operate 100% autonomously yet, but by introducing human interventions, we end up with worse outcomes. 
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First time with RFA + V and Saeran?
/cracks knuckes this is gonna be a long one, if anyone wants me to write one with Ray, Suity and Unknown please let me know <3 REMEMBER TO PRACTICE SAFE SEX!! Under the cut because of length - <3 please consider reblogging, I spent so long on this! <3 
First Time with RFA (+ V and Saeran) Headcanons [VERY NSFW]
Yoosung Kim First Time Headcanons
Your first time with Yoosung would be a bit of a long time coming. He’s nervous because he doesn’t want to mess it up, and he’s also not quite sure how to approach the subject. He gets overly worried about your boundaries whenever he wants to bring it up and just ends up never mentioning it. This would result in a lot of abrupt ends to make out sessions because he can feel something rising and doesn’t know what to do about it in that moment. Eventually, he’d start to bring it up but you’d have to meet him in the middle of the conversation before he got too flustered and jumped ship.
There wouldn’t be an immediate plan as to when it was gonna happen, but he would frantically buy some condoms at the pharmacy in advance. However, it just so happened that that was the day that the self-checkout was broken and he had to go to a real worker. He’d very much consider asking Zen for advice, and would probably hint at asking before deciding he couldn’t handle boosting Zen’s ego like that. Eventually, he’d just lightly google it and maybe ask one of his LOLOL friends for any general pointers.
It’d happen in his dorm room after a movie had turned into some heavy kissing and a little bit of light touching and resulted in you getting onto his lap. You’d be nuzzling kisses into his neck and losing yourself in his little gasps and moans when you’d felt him getting hard through his jeans, and then he’d be very embarrassed that you’d felt it. He feels like he should be a little more forward, but the words escape him. He’s enjoying himself and he doesn’t want to stop but he can’t find the words to keep it going. 
You’d ask if he wanted to continue and when he agreed, Yoosung would be a little bit bolder and would move you so you were lying down and he was on all-fours above you: continuing to kiss you from that angle.
He’s a little flustered and uncertain about, well, everything. He has a vague idea as to what he should be doing, but you’d going to have to move his hands down your thighs and up your shirt to encourage him that you want this as much as he does.
He is continuously asking if you’re sure you want to continue, if he’s touching you right, if he’s making you feel good, if he’s putting too much of his weight on you- please assure him that you’re fine, baby is nervous. 
Yoosung’s very flustered about seeing you undressed for the first time, and you’d most definitely have to take your bra off for him because he does not know how that thing unclips. He’s also a little shy about taking his clothes off for you too, and you can tell he’s embarrassed from the heat radiating off his entire body. It’s his first time too, after all.
He definitely stumbles his way through the foreplay and you have to remind him to not be so tense, it’s supposed to be fun! He’s very worried about finishing too early since it’s all new to him.
Yoosung’s movements are stiff at first and he’s definitely using his back and not his hips but with time he’ll loosen up a little and get into the swing of it better. You’ll have to guide him and help him set the pace, but he’s more than willing to do what you ask in order to make you feel good! He doesn’t want your first time with him to be disappointing!
He’s SO loud with his moans that you’re 100% certain that his flatmates have heard.
Zen/Hyun Ryu First Time Headcanons 
Your first time with Zen would happen pretty early on in your relationship. He’s both needy and affectionate, so it makes sense you’d end up in bed together sooner rather than later. His flirting would turn to kissing, which then turned to heavy petting, which then turned into him carrying you bridal style through his apartment towards his bed. 
Zen hasn’t been with anyone in a while so he sort of has to root around in his bedside table for a condom, and then has to check the date to make sure it hasn’t passed it’s use-by-date. Luckily for you both, it hadn’t: but at that point, Zen would have probably sprinted to the pharmacy at top speed and back in order to buy a new box if they were out of date. Nothing could stop this man now that he had gotten a taste of you.
Zen’s absolutely going to show you a good time, he feels a little rusty at first but once he remembers where and how to touch you, it’s game on. He’s in two minds about ‘unleashing the beast’ because he’s going to make damn sure that your first time with him is one you’re never going to forget, but he’s worried he might overwhelm you. He’ll quickly throw the latter thought away when he undresses you and gets his hands all over your thighs. 
Zen’s really good at periodically asking whether you’re okay with what he’s doing at each stage and before progressing to another act, he wants to make sure that you want him as much as he wants you.
He’s great at foreplay, he prides himself on it actually. He’s got wonderful fingers and he knows what he’s doing with his tongue. It makes him feel so good to see you coming undone like this before he’s even had his way with you. He’ll insist on making you cum with his hands and mouth before going any further. He’s going to make tonight all about you.
Zen’s a little bit possessive and it’ll show on your thighs, since they’re covered in lovebites.
When he’s above you, ready to move on to main course of the night, he’ll ask once again if you’re sure about this, slightly worried that maybe you’d not thought it through and perhaps just been swept up in the moment: ‘Jagiya, I just want to make sure you’re doing this because you want to, not just for me.’ - ‘Of course I want to, I’m here with you because I want to be.’
The only way to describe Zen in this state is hungry. He promised to ravish you and that’s what he’s doing and then tenfold. He’s so spurred on by your moans, your body and the animalistic need of not having done this for so long.
He has a sex playlist and has it on shuffle the entire time. Zen absolutely is going to match his speed to the music whilst still trying to be absolutely in tune to you and your body. 
He goes absolutely insane when you wrap your legs around his waist, pushing him as deep as he possibly can into you, especially when you cry out his name as you do it. He makes a point of wanting to make you moan as loud as he can, it’s good for his ego and lets him know he’s fucking you right.
He can’t help himself but lightly bite into your shoulder as he pounding in to you. Underneath him, you look good enough to eat.
Jaehee Kang First Time Headcanons
Your first time with Jaehee would be a little bit of a wait too, but not as long as Yoosung. Jaehee feels bad that she doesn’t really have time for a relationship with her job, so she feels as though she neglects you a bit unintentionally, and then she’s usually so tired in the evenings that she just passes out with exhaustion. So realistically, it would have to be either over a weekend over a holiday when the two of you were finally intimate together. 
You’d both be watching a musical and by the time it ended, it was practically time to go to sleep anyway. Since you were already in an established relationship with Jaehee and were getting physically comfortable with each other, you just slept in her bed whenever you stayed over.
It would start with a little bit of light kissing and touches, which turned into soft moans and gasps. Jaehee’s a little embarrassed at the noises she’s letting out, but it’s been a while she’s she’s been with anyone so the sensations feel so new to her again. 
You’d probably have to be the one to initiate it because Jaehee’s a little uncertain as to how to proceed, especially if she’s never been with a woman before. You place your hand on the inside of her thigh and break the kiss for a moment to ask: - ‘Do you trust me?’ ‘Of course, _____.’ - ‘Do you want me to keep going?’  ‘I do...’
You’d start touching her through her clothes first and then slip your hand underneath into her underwear when she’s a little more turned on. Jaehee continues to kiss you as you touch her and you can’t help but mildly embarrass her at how cute her little moans and whimpers are.
When Jaehee touches you, she’ll start the same way by touching you with her hand and then asks if you’d like her to do a little bit more than just using her hand, to which you moan out that yes, you would like that.
‘You might have to show me how you like it. I want to make you feel food so please, don’t be afraid to tell me if you want it differently.’
She hesitates a little bit when she’s actually between your thighs, and takes a few seconds just to steady herself before she starts kissing and lightly touching the inside of your legs, working her way up to your more intimate area.
Jaehee starts out very gentle and reserved and gets more confident in herself as your moans increased. You didn’t have to correct her one way or another because she absorbed your reactions very quickly and figured out what you liked and disliked and actually made you finish a lot quicker than you were expecting. She kept going so you could finish again, partially because she just enjoyed finally getting to be with you like this, and also because she wanted to make you feel as good as you make her feel. 
You obviously repay the favour to her afterwards, Jaehee’s quite quiet so you enjoy finding new ways to make her moan and emit cute little mewls and gasps and then for her to be embarrassed over it.
It’s not the most energetic session, but it’s sweet, gentle and with infinite tenderness.
Jumin Han First Time Headcanons
Jumin wouldn’t wait too long before sleeping with you. He wants to be different from his father and make sure you’re comfortably together before doing anything beyond kissing, but he also can’t keep his mind from wandering when he’s at work. He wants to claim you utterly and entirely, he needs you to be his.
He would bring it up beforehand, because that’s just who Jumin is but he tries his best not to phrase it like a business exchange. He wouldn’t expect you to have a date in mind or anything like that, but he’d like the greenlight that he can start thinking about things like that. Jumin hasn’t been with anyone beforehand (almost entirely out of disinterest), but he already has basic things like condoms, lubes and a few other items at home, and plans to expand his ‘collection’ as your relationship progresses.
Jumin’s absolutely a wine-and-dine kind of man, so he’d have the full evening planned with you and finish it with accompanying him to his home to enjoy the night’s view from his building. He’d kiss you with a little more passion than usual when outside and things for descend from there. You go over to the sofa for a little while, essentially straddling him and loosening his tie and cufflinks, just to get the situation a little more heated. 
Jumin usually can’t take a hint, but he does this time and continues to kiss you all the way to his bedroom where he has to stop himself from pushing you onto his bed and taking you right there. Where were his manners? Consent and foreplay come before that. Jumin’s actions aren’t fluid at first, but they’re certainly purposeful. He analyses each of your reactions as they come so he can gauge what you like and dislike and quickly turns to teasing you with his fingers and lips. ‘Would you like me to continue?’ He’ll ask, his voice seemingly as cool and collected as ever. - ‘Y-yes...’ You breathe out in response.
Jumin’s a gentleman and despite having no prior experience, he so easily controls the situation. He wants to make tonight about you and how good he can make you feel, he doesn’t feel any particular way about it being his first time in general, what’s most important to him is that it’s your first time together, so he wants to make a good impression. He takes a personal enjoyment in unzipping the back of your dress, commenting on how well the necklace he bought you suits you with a slight smirk.
He’ll comment on how beautiful he thinks your body is and that there’s no need to be embarrassed around him. He’s so considerate of you and your body, he knows how to touch you just right even though he’s never touched you like this before. He always waits until you’re entirely comfortable with what he’s doing with his fingers before progressing to anything more. 
If you’re self conscious about the way you sound, Jumin will put a little bit of light instrumental music on, probably jazz. He’ll first misunderstand and think you’re worried about being overheard and try to assure you that he had no neighbours and it would take him a few seconds to realise what you were actually worried about and he would just melt. Jumin absolutely wants to hear how good he’s making you feel and your moans are turning him on so much, he doesn’t mind having some music play in the background if it means you're more comfortable.
Saeyoung Choi First Time Headcanons 
Seven’s frequently made ‘no sex before marriage’ and ‘save room for Jesus’ jokes, but this boy is horny and no amount of porn and hentai is going to help him sort that out. Seven owns lube but doesn’t actually have any condoms in his possession since he was never actually expecting to get this far, so if you don’t bring one, he’ll either have to run to the store or, most horrifically, ask Vanderwood for one. Vanderwood doesn’t even dignify that text with a response.
There wouldn’t have been a plan or a real conversation beforehand, the two of you would have just been at Seven’s house watching a film or looking at memes on his bed before things got real steamy, real quickly and neither of you were in the mood to stop. You’d climbed on top of him to start kissing him, effectively (but unintentionally) pinning him to the bed when you’re felt him growing hard underneath you. 
This would progress with some dry humping, which definitely made Seven harder and got you in the mood a bit more. You’d find Seven’s hands moved their way up to your hips, guiding your pace as you grinded against him. Seven’s very vocal when he gets into it and he’s a switch anyway so he doesn’t really mind who’s in control as long as you’re both enjoying yourselves. He can’t quite resist the instinct to buck his hips up into you. ‘I don’t mind if you don’t, but do you wanna go any further than this?’ He’ll ask from below before quickly adding, ‘Just, uhh, because if not- which is completely fine, I’ll need to go take care of this in the bathroom-’ - ‘Of course I do, idiot. I’m literally on top of you. Do you want me to stop?’ ‘Definitely not.’ Seven would reply, with a smile and half lidded eyes.
He’ll pull you down onto him, and then roll over so that he was on top of you, his hands quickly finding their way under your t-shirt and massaging at your chest. He’ll probably disappear to go and wash his hands before anything progresses further, since he had just been eating Honey Buddha Chips and didn’t want to touch you with dirty fingers.
If you want him to put on a playlist, it means you have to be willing to take the risk of getting fucked to ‘All Star’ - Smash Mouth and ‘Rasputin’ - Boney M, or God Forbid, just the entire Bee Movie script but the nightcore version of it. That can come at a later date.
You shouldn’t have been surprised that Seven was that good with his fingers, seeing as what he did for a job, but the man had talent. He’d be able to make you cum with his fingers alone more than once given the speed he was able to move them at. 
Seven’s actually a little bit nervous too, since he doesn’t want to be bad for you. He’s spent his whole like thinking he’s a fuck up and he doesn’t want this to be another contribution to that. He needs a little reassurance too. There’s so much kissing and a few lovebites flying around. You even give Seven a couple and you laugh at him, knowing Vanderwood’s going to bully him about it tomorrow.
For the main act, he’d start on top but there’d be a good amount of position switching and you make an attempt at riding him for a bit. There’s a lot of fuck ups and laughter, but there’s even more love involved. He’d want to keep checking in and knowing that he’s making you feel good, but he can tell you’d having a good time from the way you’re riding him and the way you throw your head back every time he thrusts up into you. It’s lucky he has a lot of strength in his arms so he can hold you steady.
GE Saeran Choi First Time Headcanons
With Saeran, your first time would probably happen a bit quicker than people would expect. This man had been so deprived of love and affection for his whole life, and with the future so uncertain, he wanted to experience your love in everyway that you’d allow him. He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about you in varying lustful daydreams before, especially when he was alone in his room at Mint Eye, or stuck in front of the monitors in the IT room. Ray nervously fantasised about it, whereas his dark Saeran alter angrily touched himself to a scrunched up photograph of you just to get you out of his mind at night, so it was safe to say he’d thought about it. 
Sex is never just sex to Saeran, it’s offering everything you are to one another. To him, it’s loving, intimate and generous: which is exactly why he wants your first time together to be perfect. The two of you had shared a bed several times since you had nowhere safe to go whilst Saeran’s father and the agency were out for blood, so you tended to hotel hop a little and you both needed to know the other was safe and just have one other’s presence. Besides, Saeran wasn’t accustomed to the outside world yet and he wanted you there for help and guidance. 
Saeran would probably ask you before buying lube and a condom in case you had any preferences, he doesn’t want to get ahead of himself if you aren’t comfortable yet, but he doesn’t want to be caught unprepared if the moment comes. 
 Saeran enjoys giving you romantic surprises now he has the freedom to do so, these include bringing you flowers, filling a bubble bath for you and buying you chocolates since he can’t currently make them. So realistically, your first time would probably be after he innocently did all of these in succession. He’d been working really late at his computer with the intelligence unit and continued working whilst you were in the bath, so when you get out and get into your new (rather short) night dress, generously donated by one of the clothing stores that Jumin owns, and telling him to come to bed for the night because you’ve missed him all day, he practically can’t keep himself from wanting to kiss you. His shoulders are pretty stiff from working at the screen for so long, so you pull him onto the bed with you, embracing Saeran as you lay down together, gently rubbing them to ease the tension.
‘Sweetheart, I swear you look more and more beautiful every time I see you. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, you’re an angel.’ He says as he moves up, cupping your cheek and kissing you gently.
Everything Saeran says to you is from the heart and you so readily reciprocate the love and affection he gives you. He places one hand on your exposed, lower thigh and slowly moves it up to where the hem of the nightdress sits, indicating that he won’t go any further until you tell him that it’s okay. 
Saeran’s movements are slow but determined, he wants to show you physically how much he loves you, he wants to make you feel good while he can. He’d ask you to lay back on the bed so he can kiss you and touch you at the same time, touching you gently over your underwear first and then underneath when he asked you if it was alright for him to do that. ‘My love, I want to try and make you feel even better than this. Will you let me?’ he asks before he’s between your legs, gently moving your thighs apart so he can pull your underwear down. 
Your inner thighs are covered in kisses and maybe even a little lovebite here and there. Saeran gives you a lot of attention with his mouth and he’s a little shaky at first but he’s very determined to figure out what you like best. He tends to tease you a bit, both intentionally and unintentionally. It makes him feel proud that he can get these kinds of reactions out of you, and a touch possessive that he’s the only one who can. He’d definitely want to make you cum with his mouth first, and then use his fingers on you since he wants your first time with him to be as painless as possible.
Saeran doesn’t actually expect any kind of solo treatment in return, so he’s absolutely ready to melt when you reciprocate the attention on him and he definitely has to make you stop after only a few short minutes because he doesn’t want to finish too early.
He’s almost instantly overwhelmed with sensation when he actually enters you and he has to concentrate for a minute or so to, firstly, let you adjust and secondly so he doesn’t cum right away. He’s a little self-conscious at how sensitive he is but it’s okay, he’ll get used to it with time.
He’ll kiss at your eyes and face while he’s waiting for you to adjust to him and give him the go ahead to move. His heart is thudding in his chest and it feels like a flutter he’s never experienced before, he has such infinite tenderness and affection for you and he’s so full of love to be able to show you that.
V/Jihyun Kim First Time Headcanons
V’s a man that plans ahead, so when he felt like the relationship was getting a little more serious, he’d make sure he had in-date condoms and a new bottle of lube for when things for a more intimate. He always tries to be considerate so figured he should buy these things in preparation to save you the embarrassment but wouldn’t mention it until you brought it up first. This was definitely a relationship that progressed slowly, since he had a lot of healing and self-work to do, it felt like he had to learn how to love all over again. 
It would have been a late night with him, you’d have had a date that day and gone back to V’s for dinner with a glass of wine. You’d ask to go and see the starry night sky from his porch, with V laying down a blanket so the two of you didn’t have to sit directly on the cold floor. He’d gaze at you looking at the stars and have a sudden urge to kiss you, which then progressed into more and more kisses. V would lean you back onto the floor and would be to the side of you, leaning over and kissing you. Your hands are pressed against his chest as you enjoy the feeling of him cradling you so lost to him.
Perhaps it was the cold air that made the space between you feel so heated, but when V broke off the kiss to catch his breath, you immediately started kissing your way down his jaw and into his neck. You’d been waiting a while for your first time with him, and you didn’t want to rush him, but you were also so ready for him to just take you on that cold blanket outside on the porch. His warm hand squeezed your upper thigh and you thought for a second that he was going to tell you to stop, but instead he asked: ‘My love, don’t you think you’d enjoy this more on a bed?’
Once you’re in his bed, it’s like V unleashed a level of affection that he had been holding back for so long. He asks regularly if you’re okay with what he’d doing and that you can tell him to stop anytime that you want him to. You ask him, in turn if he’s sure that he’s ready and V assures you that he is, and that he doesn’t want to keep you waiting anymore.
He asks to take a photograph of you, nothing not safe for work (not yet), but he wants a picture of you on the bed, slightly out of breath with big doe eyes and puffy lips from the kisses you shared. It’ll be one of his favourite pictures of you for a while to come, and he’ll keep it in his most prized collection.
V gets hard just from touching you, he barely needs any friction of his own to be fully erect. And speaking of touching you, he does not stop. He’ll make you finish his his mouth, and then his fingers, and then his mouth again so that you’re absolutely ruined before he’s even gotten started. He was in a relationship for so long so he knows what he’s doing and the fact that he’s such a giving person means that you’re going to be entirely overcome with pleasure before he’s even inside you. You feel a little guilty about getting so much attention, but he insists that you deserve all of this and more.
He’ll put a little bit of music on if you want, but he honestly just prefers it to be the two of you. Your moans and praises are like music to him anyway, and that’s all he needs. He’s into body worship and he’ll praise and kiss every inch of you and make sure that you feel absolutely worshipped by him. 
He sets the pace to be what seems to make you dig you your fingers into his back and the bedsheets the hardest, and he can’t help but chuckle at how cute he thinks you look underneath him.
He puts so much into it that you really can’t describe it as anything other than ‘love making’ and it was most definitely worth the wait.
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deerixiie · 4 years
reacting to their s/o getting catcalled headcanons
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synopsis: headcanons where the boys react to you getting catcalled (getting hit on in a sexually suggestive way, usually in the form of a compliment) warnings: harassment  pairings: kenma x fem!reader, sakusa x fem!reader, asahi x fem!reader, oikawa x fem!reader a/n: i know you’ve probaby seen many headcanons involving an s/o getting harrassed, but i wanted to do one with the boys who don’t typically get written in these type of situations. (this was originally going to be with kenma, tsukki, ushijima, and akaashi but I already made headcanons with tsukki, akaashi and ushi before so I decided to go with these four.)
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you and kenma were coming home on the train pretty late at night (you both were at the arcade and ended up staying longer than you expected smh)
the train was basically empty except for some people, and those people seemed to be minding their own business
until one sleazy looking guy stumbled onto the train and sat right across from you 
you were just watching kenma play on his switch, but you felt someone’s gaze on you
this man was just staring at you in a nOt SaFe fOr WoRk way and he was not subtle about it at all
you were visibly uncomfortable... and then the man spoke up
“Hey pretty girl, looking good. Can you give me a smile?”
the way kenma’s head darts up-
you CANNOT tell me that kenma doesn’t have a really intimidating stare. (i mean if looks could kill you bet kuroo and lev would be dead)
kenma just straight up glares at the man with that really intimidating glare, and that was enough. he didn’t have to say anything.
the man puts his hands up in mock surrender. “What, i was just complimenting her.”
“your compliments aren’t appreciated.” kenma’s tone was sharp and blunt. 
he grabs your hand and walks over to another spot on the train. The man doesn’t follow.
kenma was on edge for the rest of the train ride. he hates confrontation but he doesn’t want you to be sexualized like that, so he’s very jumpy.
you had to calm him with a quick peck to the cheek. “I’m alright, baby. Thank you for helping me back there.”
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sakusa had gone to the store for some cleaning supplies (and groceries but mainly cleaning supplies) and you tagged along with him
you and sakusa were searching the shelves for the right brand of disinfectant wipes (all the other brands are bad, according to sakusa)
you turned around to search the shelf behind you to see a group of teenage boys grouped around, staring at you with lazy and creepy smiles
then one spoke up. “Let’s see what’s under that mask, hm beautiful?”
many red flags went off in sakusa’s mind. One, you were being catcalled, two they were telling you to take off your mask, three, the boys looked like they hadn’t showered in four weeks.
sakusa looked them up and over in distaste, his nose wrinkled. “People like you are disgusting,” he scoffs. “Let’s go, baby. Nothing in this isle seems clean anymore with them here.”
there’s something about sakusa’s tone of voice that is downright intimidating
he was looking at the boys like they were the legit scum of the earth, and that’s kind of scary in it’s own right
the boys kinda just stared in shock ngl
you, on the other hand, were happy to comply, shooting them a poisonous glare before running to catch up with your boyfriend
"are we really going to a different store?” you asked sakusa after you caught up with him “cause i swore i found that brand-”
“no, we’re definitely leaving. i’m disgusted they even said that.”
apparently, asahi’s outside appearance makes him appear scary, so you’d think no one would have the guts to approach you
correction, no sober person would have the guts to approach you
you were at the beach boardwalk with asahi. it was warm out, so you were wearing this cute, casual sundress (asahi designed it for you aww)
the dress wasn’t even that short, but nevertheless there was an obviously drunk man staring right at your butt. “That’s a pretty dress,” he drawled. “Your legs look nice under them.”
you turned around and quickly tugged your dress down self-consciously, frowning at him
asahi glanced over and his brain went into overload mode
y/n is being catcalled!! What do i do!!
asahi doesn’t want to come off as mean so he just kind of says “h-ha, thanks, i designed the dress for her,” while bringing you close and bOOKING IT OUT OF THERE
after you were far away from the guy asahi turned to you, his eyes big with concern. “Are you okay? Should we go home?”
he’d be worried that he should’ve done more to tell the man off
you just shook your head and placed a soft kiss on his nose. “i’m fine, especially because of you!”
congratulations! you have just turned asahi into a blushing mess!
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you and oikawa were at the mall and he slipped away to go to the bathroom 
you were just leaning against the wall, checking your phone, when out of the corner of your eye you see a man walk out of the bathroom
you thought it was oikawa so you looked up. “took you long-,” you stopped, realizing the college-aged boy that you were talking to was definitely not your boyfriend (oikawa’s breath did not smell like beer, for one)
the boy looks you over, his eyes lingering on your boobs. “ooh, looking good, honey! can you give us a little twirl?” 
“please leave me alone,” you said, looking back at your phone
“aww, don’t act that way! i was just-”
“i would really appreciate it if you left my girlfriend alone.”
oikawa had a smile on his face, but by the hard glint in his eye and the darker tone in his voice you knew he wasn’t joking
oikawa walks shoves past the man and grabs your hand. “are you okay, princess?”
he’s cooing over you while shooting poisonous glares in the boy’s direction
the boy is literally shook
he wants to say something to be cool but oikawa looks like he’ll break his face if he breathes in your direction again, so he just scoffs and stalks off
you can bet oikawa never leaves your side for the rest of the day. you tease him about it when you’re in the checkout line. “tooru, you are literally glued to my side.”
oikawa blushes just a teeny bit before leaning over. “i’m not letting anyone treat you like that,” he murmurs before placing a soft kiss on your forehead
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haemilkis · 3 years
grocery shopping date
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Pairing: husband!haechanxreader
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1172 words (im sorry—it was supposed to be a drabble adjskl)
Warnings: none
Summary: You and your husband Haechan decided to go grocery shopping together and stumbled upon someone that made you want to ask whether you were ready to build a family.
It was a Sunday morning and both you and your husband Haechan were beat from last night’s impromptu karaoke session that went on till 4am since your husband just can’t stop serenading you his favourite Micheal Jacksons’ songs. It was definitely sweet of him to share his Spotify playlist(S) with you back when you were still his girlfriend. But not when you’re now his wife and would have to listen to his anthem Smooth Criminal at least thrice a day — but you also fell in love with him because of that. He really proposed to you to be his girlfriend through his Spotify playlist! 
As of right now, you’re just too madly in love with this man to deny anything from him. “hey, morning”, he muffles his words under the blanket and slowly stretches his arms around your waist. “so, what are you doing today?”, you said as you positioned your face in front of him and tugged the blanket he used to hide his face in. Haechan was smiling through the blanket as he playfully peeps at you through the blanket and stared at you face for a bit before answering you, “maybe we should go grocery shopping together today, what do you think, hm?”, you smiled playfully and nodded through the blanket that was once on Haechan’s head. You both knew that it was still a tad bit early to go now so you just cuddled together for another 10 mins or so you thought—it was actually an hour later when you both got up and got ready to go to the nearby supermarket to buy your groceries. 
As soon as you and your husband arrived at the supermarket it was packed with people and you were already thinking whether you should just go home—but you husband was adamant to still pick up the necessary items like milk, bread and chocoballs (Maltesers to be exact, his absolute favourite). So you just went in the automated glass door entrance of the Groceria whilst Haechan grabbed the trolley. Once you found the perishable food aisle you asked your husband if he wanted some more tofu and kimchi since he loved to cook kimchijiggae at least twice a week. “of course! yes yes” he cheered to you and with a smile he winked and you were a bit flustered because you can never get used to your husband’s love language (flirting with you 24/7 at the most random times). “alrighty haechan i get you now turn down a notch... there are people staring at us” haechan smirked and strolled the trolley to the bread section that was a few steps away.
Unbeknown to you, suddenly you felt someone tugging your maxi dress from behind. You were about to scream your husband’s name aloud because you were already internally screaming for a split second. You quickly turned around to see a very small figure with a height just above your knees tugging your dress tightly. The tiny baby girl had long hair in a ponytail and eyes were wet with tears. “Are you okay sweetheart? Where are your parents? Are you alright? don’t cry, okay let’s find mummy and daddy”, you bombarded her with questions since you were feeling flustered as the small figure’s crying didn’t stop.
Haechan saw you and was about to approach you but stopped his tracks as he saw your maternal side when you started to hug the child’s small figure to calm her. He felt weird. Not the bad kind of weird — rather, something in him was infatuated by the sight of you and him having a child together. To have his very own small family. He was lost in his own thoughts but quickly brought back to reality as the mother of the child in your hands scurried through the crowd to reach her crying baby girl. “I'm so sorry! Eun Hae tends to run off on her own sometimes whenever she gets a little too giddy but would also then cry when she loses her way to me” the mother rambles and sighs at the end as she tells you about her daughter. By this time your husband was beside you and also trying to entertain the small girl to ease her cries whilst the mother was explaining to you. Shortly after, the mother then thanked you again and left the both of you again now walking towards the freshly baked bread section of the Groceria.
You noticed that haechan was stealing looks at you. “um, is there something on my face?”, you quickly brushed your face with your fingers. He smiled  “no, you don’t” and briefly chuckled. Both of you went back to shopping for the groceries together speedily since the supermarket was now very packed. The queues were long and you both kept things minimal and bought only the absolute necessities ( yes, Maltesers included) and went to the self checkout counter to make your payment.
As soon as you were in the car and loaded the shopping bags in, haechan was still stealing looks at you. “Ok haechan tell me...what is on your mind?” You just knew that at this point he wasn’t trying to get your attention to flirt with you or any of his mischievous acts since he had “I have something to tell you” written all over his face. Haechan quickly adjusted his body to face you from the driver’s seat. “Okay so actually just now when you were calming the little girl from crying... i was— well I’ve been thinking about it for awhile now... do you think we should... you know... have our own little family?”, he said as he looked into your eyes earnestly. “I saw how you looked at the little girl and how you calmed her down...I just know that you will be able to be the best mother for our children” he continued. You, on the other hand, were feeling relieved and over the moon when your husband finally asked you this. You’ve always felt unsure on how to bring up this topic with him to discuss because it was always either you were both too busy with work or just unsure how to word it to you husband—mostly due to the latter.
You positioned yourself upright as you face your husband in the car with just the white noise of the wind blasting through the car’s air-conditioning chambers. “I- thank you haechan. Thank you and yes! yes I would love too”, you mumbled to him as you looked back at him at the verge of tears streaming down your peach tint cheeks.
You both hugged each other and savoured the moment into the embrace. “okay but let's go home first okay? or else your maltesers’ going to melt”, you said with a chuckle.
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 4 years
Familiar Cerulean Eyes Pt. 3
Hear me out... Dabi is a fuck boi, Touya is a simp. I’m just saying. This part is Dabi’s point of view and the war that goes on in his brain when dealing with the feelings he has for Y/N. This one is a little shorter but I basically have the next part ready, I just need to tweak it a bit before posting so expect it soon.
Click here for a full list of other parts. Part 4 
Still no smut. It’s a slow burn <3 
Taglist:  @skzero-99 @superblyspeedydragon @jparra4587 @flyingowls @emrysaaryn @imuziawi @sheedaabee @peculiarinsomniac @littlelovebug98 @plutoneu @giftofwonder @kitty-kat-ash @fukyouthink @anarchys-bnha-mess
Word Count: 2 k 
It had taken almost an hour for you to fall back asleep. Dabi played on his phone quietly, glancing over at you every so often, making snarky comments about how you were more than welcome to join him in the bed, which you had completely ignored.
Even though his alpha was begging him to pick your cute little ass up and force you into giving him attention, he resisted, knowing that would only freak you out more and would prolong the inevitable. At some point your resolve would cave. At some point you would reach out to him wanting the attention that only he could give you.
He also knew at some point you would come to the realization of who he was...
He had vowed to stay away from you, to let you move on with life, to let you have a chance at free will. But the moment he saw you in that market, with the Todoroki boy of all people, he couldn’t stop himself. He had naively thought that when he disappeared that Endevor would give up and let you go.  He didn’t think that he would just pass you along to his favorite son. His pride and joy. You were older than the half and half brat by several years. Sure you looked young, but that didn’t change the fact that you were already in your twenties and was following around a teenage alpha like a lost puppy dog.
Dabi was livid. He didn’t mean to start the fire, but the alpha inside took over and the next thing he knew, the little runt was running off to go be hero, leaving you behind unprotected and scared. Dumb kid, why would he leave something as precious as you, just to go deal with a stupid fire. You were even crying out for him, begging him to come back, and the damn runt didn’t even care. This isn’t at all the life that Dabi wanted for you, the whole reason he left was to protect you, and look what was happening instead.
So Dabi took you. He took you away from the Todoroki family like he should have done years ago.
Looking over at your sleeping form now, he hopped he made the right decision. He never wanted to get you tangled up in this kind of life. It was why he didn’t take you with him when he ran. Why he left you behind hoping that you would get to make something of your life that you actually wanted.
It was too late though, he couldn’t just back out of the league, and he didn’t want to. He strongly believed in what they stood for and he wanted to be apart of tearing down hero society as the world knew it. He wanted to be the one to bring Endevor down for all the pain and hurt he had caused the people that should have been the most important to him.
He paused, looking back over to you as a soft sigh escaped your lips. His Alpha was begging for release. He needed to get out of here, away from your tantalizing scent. Looking around the room he took stock of what all he had. He probably should get some more water, and he was almost out of cigarettes himself. He briefly wondered how you felt about smoking.. maybe he would quit if you asked. He made a mental list of things to pick up, maybe a couple things for you that would help you relax. He briefly wondered if (F/C) was still your favorite.  
He stood up, frowning as he realized how stupid it was of him to make you sleep in that crappy chair. He should move you over to the bed where you could be more comfortable. He shuffled over to you quietly not wanting to rouse you, attempting to slip his arms under you to pick you up. The soft groan of annoyance that slipped out between your lips had him pausing. You pushed at his chest insistently in your sleep, at one point kicking your leg out narrowly missing his crotch, grumbling to get the fuck off you and let you sleep. You sounded like you were scolding an annoying sibling that wouldn’t leave you alone. He rolled his eyes, grabbing the pillow off his bed and tucking it behind your head instead. He would just let you sleep there if you were going to start cussing at him.
Taking one last glance around the room to make sure everything was secure, he put on his mask that covered his lower half of his face, concealing his identity and closed the door behind him. Locking it.
The little bell above the door chimed as Dabi stepped into the small store. He nodded his head at the beta that was working the register, she was a pretty blonde that had taken quite a liking to Dabi. He was pretty sure she had no clue who he actually was, but he didn’t think she would be surprised. The part of town they were in wasn’t known for being a particularly safe neighborhood.
Dabi meandered through the store isles, picking up what he needed and placing it into the tiny basket that the store provided. He glanced through the shampoo and soap collection… he was pretty sure most girls used conditioner for their hair. Should he get you one that was made for omegas? Or should he get the one that matches the shampoo he uses at home… it wouldn’t be as obvious if he got the one that matches his stuff… and he did love them smell of it on you.
He groaned softly, leaning his head on the top shelf in front of him. Why was he even thinking like this? He was acting like he was pussy whipped. He hadn’t been this considerate of another person in years. In fact, he regularly used girls just to get through his ruts and then would kick them out right after, not even bothering to hear their name. Never has he ever given a shit if they were comfortable or what they would enjoy. He hasn’t cared about any of that shit since he left you behind at that damned house. Yet the second you are back in his life he has his tail tucked between his legs ready to bend to your every whim. You didn’t even want anything to do with him. Fuck, you were literally following his little bro-, that stupid brat around like he was your world just this morning. Like you… actually wanted him. Maybe you did... or maybe the looks you used to give him were all just an act for self perseverance and you were just using the same tactic on the kid.
“What’s wrong handsome? Bad hair day?”
Dabi lazily glanced over to the beta greeting him, having left her stool at the checkout counter to come check on one of her favorite customers. Dabi knew the beta wanted his attention. She had mentioned it one too many times that she could handle a rut just as well as any omega. Hell, Dabi had been seriously considering taking her for a test drive before all of this happened. She was pretty, in a slutty kind of way, perky. He raked his eyes down her body, a frown tugging at his lips as he compared her to you. He preferred you.
“What? You don’t like what you see?” A pout was growing on her lips and Dabi internally rolled his eyes at her pitchy whine. She would never be able to get his mind off of you. It wasn’t worth it.
“Sorry babe. I’m just not feeling great.” This placated her slightly, enough so that she rolled her eyes before turning back to the counter to busy herself with work once more.
Dabi looked back at the selection in front of him, grabbing the matching conditioner to what he already had in shampoo.  He continued on with his shopping at a faster pace now, just wanting to get back to you, to your scent. He paused just before the counter, a collection of nesting blankets up on the wall in front of him of varying styles.
Touya was on fire, but this time the fire wasn’t visible, and it wasn’t because of his quirk. His face was bright red as he stood in front of you, a crudely wrapped present in his hands, your F/C ribbon tied around it with a bow that was a little lopsided.
He had rushed into the kitchen where you and his mother Rei were working on putting together dinner after coming home late from training with his father. His mom had sent him a knowing smile, ruffling his hair to his annoyance, before excusing herself to another room leaving the two of you alone in the kitchen.
He was bursting with anxiety as he handed you the present, watching as you gingerly pulled one side of the ribbon letting it unravel, and pulling the wrapping apart to uncover the soft fur blanket that was bundled inside. The way that your face lit up, your cheeks turning as red as his own as you pulled the blanket out of the wrapping and up to your face to breathe in the smell that he had spent time making sure was covering the entire blanket made all his worries disappear. You liked it.
“I know, that this isn’t really the traditional way since… well you know.., but I wanted to get you something… I wanted to ask you to… if you wanted..” Touya was tripping over his words. Nothing seemed right. Nothing could explain the feelings he had for you, that he knew would only grow as you both reached presenting age, and not to mention maturity after that, he knew that this was only the beginning to what he had hoped would be a long life with you by his side. Even at such a young age, he knew you were it. 
You could feel it too, he thought. You were always so kind to him, even though his father had bought you with the sole purpose of being Touya’s omega just to breed your quirks once you were older. You had always cared for him in a way that was different than how his parents had cared for each other and the moments that you two stole away to be alone convinced Touya that maybe you would be okay with the life that you were forced to live, as long as he was there with you.
The smile that you gave him melted his heart and he smiled back as you nodded. You knew what he was trying to say, you always did.
About three day’s later, Endevor set that blanket up in flames. Belittling the small omega for messy nesting habits, the young alpha for wasting time on courting an omega he already owned.  
Dabi shook his head, grabbing the blanket closest to him causing the beta at the counter to raise her eyebrows, throwing it up on the counter along with his basket of items. He quickly picked out his cigarettes, paying for the items and slipping out of the shop without another word. He wanted to get back to his Omega.
 Once he was back in his apartment, after confirming you were still indeed asleep, he went to work grumbling the whole time to himself about his omega like behavior, putting the items he bought away, the conditioner being slipped inconspicuously in the shower for later use if you wanted. He made quick work of cleaning up the small room of his apartment, even stopping to pick up his clothes and put them in the dirty hamper, along with yours that were discarded on the floor. He felt so restless, anxiously glancing over at the bag with the blanket in it every few minutes before he finally gave up and just spread the blanket across your lap not bothering to scent it. You would ask him if you wanted him to.
Finally, he collapsed onto his bed, peeling his hoodie off and balling it up to use it as a makeshift pillow. He probably should have grabbed a second one while he was out, but he didn’t think about it. He let his mind roam, tucking his arms behind his head as he stared at the ceiling breathing in your scent, a smirk coming to his lips as he relaxed from the smell. He didn’t need the help of some perky beta, not when he knew he could have you.
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kimnjss · 4 years
if you asked me to | pjm
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⤑ series: less of you
⤑ pairing: fratboy!jimin x dancer!reader
⤑ genre: angst - a little bit of fluff.
⤑ rating: PG13
⤑ word count: 6.8K
⤑ warnings: cursing, hickeys, slight dry humping, groping, mention of blue balls.
⤑ chapter song: moonlight // ariana grande
⤑ A/N: this is soooo much later than i wanted. i had finished the entire thing around 6ish.. and my computer decided to shit the bed in the middle of editing and literally had only two sentences saved. so i had to write he whole thing again! i like this version better, though - nd i hope you guys do too!! let me know what you think x 
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DECEMBER 5TH, 2019 | 19:17
Heart pounding in your chest, comfortable in Jimin's arms but at the same time, not. It's a weird feeling, not entirely unfamiliar... but it is with him. Vividly you remember how it use to feel to be held by him. And you're not sure when that feeling had become a memory.
Actually, that was a lie. You've been doing a lot of that lately. Feelings for Jimin have not changed, instead, they've grown stronger and that was the problem. Completely impossible to be near him, see his smile, be held by him without feeling that pang of guilt in your chest. Heart starting to catch up with the fact that you and him?? were so deep in the wrong.
Now laying in his lap felt like a crime. As if you were stood in self-checkout, constantly glancing over your shoulder as you scanned an expensive pair of shoes as one of those 79 cent candy bars.
Barely able to concentrate on the intoxicating feeling of his lips trailing open mouth kisses against your heated skin. The not so discreet way he was sliding his hand underneath the hem of your shirt, toward your bra covered breasts. TV plays uselessly in the background, his pretty groans filling your ears instead.
Jeans unbuttoned and inched down to reveal the lace of your panties, body naturally reacting to the broad swipes of his thumb over your covered nipple. And your heart should be pounding with anticipation, eager to know how far he'd go – if he'd really fuck you in the middle of your living room.
But you can't shake the look on Miju's face you conjured, watching the two of you with that pouty frown of hers, arms crossed over her chest. Wondering how you, her best friend, could do something like this to her. Hurt he like this and lie about it, over and over again.
So lost in thought, you barely notice Jimin's lips lifting to cover yours. He kisses you sweetly, slowly while dragging his free hand down the length of your back, stopping once he's reached the swell of your ass. A playful slap landing on your jean covered bottom, followed by his firm grip, something that would have you letting out a giggled yelp, any other time.
You don't even notice, don't even budge. Jimin is pulling back from your lips upon noticing your lack of enthusiasm, furrowed brows searching your features. “You alright?” Inching his body up to rest his head on the armrest of the couch. Legs draped on either side of his hips, hands resting on his chest you nod. 
As if he'd let it go. As if he'd pick up on the slightest abnormality in your mood and just let it slip. Let you drive yourself mad with your racing thoughts and not let him in, not let him take on some of the weight. As if. 
“What are you thinking about?” He tries again, soothing fingers rubbing into your hips. “Do I stink?” His hand lifts from your body to pick at the front of his shirt, sniffing the inside of it. “Tae said this shirt had one more day in it,” You can't help but smile at his joking tone, an attempt to brighten the mood.
Quick to shake your head at his words, you're letting your body fall back against his. Chests pressed together as you had been before, arms wrapping around his torso to engulf him in a koala hug. “It smells like you, I like it.” At ease with the matched playful tone in your voice, Jimin allows himself to relax... a bit. He's smiling at your compliment, leaning down to press his lips against yours gently.
No idea what's wrong with you, but safely relieved that it's not him. That he could help you work through whatever it is. “So what is it?” 
 “I don't know... I just... keep thinking about Miju.” Jimin lets out a scoff, rolling his eyes in a really exaggerated way. “You're really thinking about a girl while I got my hand on your ass? Is there something I should know?” The playful smile sits prettily on his lips, the sight of it alone doing wonders for the anxiety creeping up your throat.
Arm hitting against his shoulder, you huff out a breath. “I'm being serious. I have this looming feeling that she's going to catch us before I get the chance to talk to her. It's driving me crazy.”
His face softens at the sound of your words, becoming serious for you. Obvious that you're really bothered right now and the least he could do is take the situation seriously. No matter how little cared about Miju finding out about the two of you. He knew that if it happened in an untimely fashion, you'd be really upset... that was something he cared very much about.
“You ready to talk to her then?” Fingers lacing with yours, he toys with your fingers gently while looking at you. Trying to get a good read at the emotions you've gotten a bit too good at hiding. 
With a huff, you're sitting up on his lap, shoulders shrugging. “I don't know! We should, right? It's been long enough...” It sounded more like you were convincing yourself than anything.
As much fun, Jimin was having sneaking around with you. And how cute he found your flustered expression each time you were close to being caught, he knew this was harder on you than it was for him. Keeping secrets, sneaking around, lying – they all had their expiration date and you were quickly realizing that.
Of course, he'd never ask you to lie – especially in this situation. If it were up to him, the two of you would be as out and loud as any other PDA loving couple out there. He knew, though, the courage that you needed to gain before you were ready to be like that – so he was willing to wait.
But it seemed that the guilt was starting to get to you, and it didn't take a genius to see that all of this lying and hiding was only going to make the outcome worse the longer you waited to say something. He knew it, and you knew it too. You just needed the proper push in the right direction.
“Let's tell her. I mean, you said yourself it's her loss if she can't find it in her heart to be okay with it. The longer we wait...” You're nodding at his words, agreeing before he's able to even fully finish his sentence.
The back and forth of this week with him and Gukkie were all of the same things. You just needed to get over the fear of losing her because of this. Have faith that she valued your friendship just as much as she did and will, hopefully, understand you. Or if not, be able to forgive you. With time, of course.
“You're right. It's only going to get worse. Tomorrow.” Declaring with a nod and Jimin is nodding his head, using his grip on your hand to pull your body back down onto his. He's easily setting your palm on the back of his neck while tilting his head up to look at you.
“Don't be nervous. You've known her your whole life. And I'll be there to back you up,” He assures you with a soft smile, you feel calmed by his promise to be there with you. Glad that you don't have to go through it on your own. Relaxed, knowing that he was willing to be there for you. With you.
His soft hand is trailing down the length of your back again, this time dipping into the open back of your jeans. “Now... before I was interrupted.” Movements slow as his palm closed around your lace-covered ass, watching your face for any telling signs. You don't stop the hum that falls from your lips.
Jimin lifts his head to press his mouth against your collarbone, plump lips sucking hickeys into your neck. Hips rolling against slightly, head tilting back allowing him as much as he needed to mark you. Sharp teeth nibble at your skin, pulling a whiny moan from your lips. “Fuck,” He groans, cock stiffening underneath your rocking hips.
The grip on your ass is used to guide you over his growing erections, panted breaths fanning over the clammy skin of your neck. And you should be enjoying yourself, should be teetering over the edge with how tightly wound you've been the past few days. Yet, you can't seem to clear your mind.
Although you loved Jimin's support, valued the way he was so quick to decide he'd do this with you. You couldn't help but wonder if that was the best way of going about it. If it wouldn't seem too much like an intervention if both of you were to show up at Miju's front steps ready to announce your relationship.
Relationship? That's what this was, right? You two weren't just having fun, right? Jimin said he liked you a lot and you liked him just as much... maybe more. You weren't throwing away your decade long friendship over a situationship, right!?
“Wait. Should we really do it like this?” Jimin stills the raise of his hips at the sound of your voice, head lifting from your neck so he can look you in the face. “Do you even want to do it at all?” He huffs, arms lifting to push the messy hair on his forehead back. He's sitting his body up into a seated position, reaching between you two to adjust the bulge at his crotch.
It's clear that the two of you are talking about two different things. With an apologetic smile, you lean up to press a soft kiss against his lips. “No, I mean... talking to Miju. The both of us? You sure that's a good idea?”
“That's a terrible idea.” The door slams behind the new voice, your body instantly lunging from Jimin's lap to the vacant space behind him. Gukkie lets out a laugh at your haste, shaking life into his hair he had just freed from his buck hat. “Relax, Yn. This is a safe space.” Just Gukkie. You repeat, trying to calm your guilty pounding heart.
Seok and Joonie are steps behind him, kicking their shoes off in the threshold. Jimin's brow is furrowing at the sight of his best friend entering your house, following the other two guys into the kitchen.
“What are you doing here, Joonie?” He asks as he stands, stalking into the kitchen. You're entering the room behind him, Gukkie crouched in front of the fridge while Seok pulls bowls from the cabinets. Joonie is comfortably on the island, thumbing through the messages on his phone.
“Jin's meeting us here in a bit.” His words are directed to Jimin, who's nodding his head and sinking into the seat beside him.
Moving toward Jeongguk, you're poking a finger into his bent back. He's slow to raise, clutching various snacks to his chest. “What?” He's dumping the food onto the counter, before moving to fill the bowls Seok had set out for him.
“You said it was a bad idea to talk to Miju, me, and Jimin... why?” His brows furrow, not bothering to look up at you as he plucks grapes from the vine filling the medium-sized glass bowl. “Isn't it obvious?” He peaks up at your silence, eyes widening slightly at your genuinely confused expression.
“Guess not,” He huffs, setting the grapes down. “What are you going to talk to the girl about in the first place?” He doesn't give you a chance to answer, nudging the bowl closer to Seok who had been trying to reach underneath his arm. “You're going to be telling her that you've been lying to her for about a month. You, her best friend. And now on top of that, you want her to be rejected... in front of you, by the guy she's been crushing on for the longest?” Yeah, that was a terrible idea.
He takes your blank expression as a sign that you're still not understanding what he is saying. “It's the equivalent of stabbing her in the heart.” Guk's lifted the fork, turning into toward himself before gently pressing the prongs into his shirt. “Then our boy, Min coming around and twisting the damn thing while looking her right in the eyes.”
Gukkie makes a dramatic show of twisting the fork in his chest, exaggerated grunts of pain leaving his lips while his knees bend as if he'd drop any moment. “That's dramatic,” Jimin speaks at the same time Seok decides to jump in.
“You're talking about the end of Trojan She-War. I knew you liked that one,” He grins triumphantly, his grin only growing as he chomps down on his grapes.
“What's Trojan She-War?” Joonie wonders.
Hoseok is perking up to explain one of his earlier video games set in Ancient Greece starring an all female team. They're at war, go figure, with a group of sexiest warriors. It was a pretty cool game on paper, except the ending was a bit predictable Gukkie was beating it in the first hour of testing... straight back to the drawing board.
Your mind is so far from their conversation, though. The in-depth explanation Seok was giving on his game and other ideas he had like that one, that he was oh so positive wouldn't flop. You couldn't engage in the impromptu beat that Gukkie would beat whatever game he was thinking up within thirty minutes because you couldn't shake the very vivid picture he had painted.
Stabbing her in the heart? And then twisting it!? You knew that finding out would hurt her, but didn't take into account to what extent until this moment. What if you broke her heart? What if she hated you for it? What if she never wanted to see you again?
You're quick to shake that thought from your mind. Of course, she'd still want to see you. She might need some type to get over it, but the two of you were best friends... always have been, there was no way she'd just drop you after finding out what's been going on. Especially once you explain how it happened and how hard you tried to stop it from getting to this point.
Surely, she'd understand and forgive you, right? Your friendship was strong enough to withstand this, right? There's a gentle tug on your waist, the moment the front door is being pushed open and Jin is stepping through. Jimin's trying to get your attention, trying to coax you to come to be alone with him – but you ignore it. Guilt way to high for anyone on one time, instead you focus your attention on Jin as he enters the kitchen with a large smile on his face.
“I brought booze!” He whoops, holding up the case of wine coolers he had carried in before setting it down on the island. Gukkie is rolling his eyes at the brightly colored cardboard, stabbing at his salad with a grumbled breath. “That's not booze.”
Jin is rolling his eyes right back, “Don't worry I got your oh so manly whiskey.” He sets the bottle down on the table beside the coolers. “Are you guys throwing a party?” You wonder, easily slipping from Jimin's grasp to move closer to Jin.
“We're seeing how long it takes drunk Jeongguk to go through the TOP 25 HARDEST GAME list. You wanna watch?” Jin's eyes flicker from you to Jimin behind you, inviting the both of you to their made up tournament.
“No, I don't think-” “Ooh, yeah! We'd love to!” Your words overlap, but your voice is louder and Jin is smiling wide as he reaches into the case to hand a bottle over to you. “Fantastic. You can help keep score.”
He's moving toward Joonie who hasn't stopped staring since the boy first entered the room. Draping a lazy arm over his shoulder, hand lifting to tug on Joon's earring covered lobe. “I don't think I'll be able to pay much attention,” His words, although directed to you, are delivered quietly to Joonie, who's cheeks flush as his head bows.
“Not on my couch,” Gukkie calls toward the couple, but his words are ignored. Much more interest found in each other's mouths than whatever nonsense Guk is spewing.
Jimin's attention is on you, a confused expression on his features. And you take your time with noticing it, concentrating on popping your bottle open, bringing it to your lips, and taking a long sip. He's still staring at you as you lower the glass. “What?” You wonder with a laugh and he shakes his head.
“Just... when you asked me to sleepover. I kind of had a different image of how the night would go,” He tried not to sound too disappointed in his words. Honestly enjoyed every moment spent with you, no matter what you were doing. Would totally be cool to ditch the fooling around to hang out with your friends, if it had been under other circumstance.
If he wasn't positive that you were pushing it off. Avoiding it. If two weeks hadn't passed since the last time you two had been together like that. If he wasn't convinced that you were trying to distance yourself.
And he couldn't even blame you for it, not like he was looking for someone to blame. You had a lot on your mind, and the situation the two of you were in wasn't exactly... sexy? He just wished you talked to him about it, to easier silence his insecure thoughts wondering if it was something that he did. Something that he wasn't doing.
Could keep himself from constantly reminding himself that it was only because you were feeling guilty, not because of him. That you still wanted to be around him, just not in that way. At least not fully.
It was hard. You were complicated and too quiet about the things that bothered you. Jimin would have to file that away, though. For now. Try his best to be there for you because he knew you needed it right now. He'd help you tackle your emotional barrier at a later time. Hopefully.
All he could do right now was be there for you. So he's nodding in agreement when you're asking if he's okay with a shift in plans. If he'd still have as much fun hanging out and playing video games then whatever you'd come up with in your room. He agrees, and it's a half-lie because come on, video games over sex?? who in their right mind?
Yet, it's not a lie because he'd sit around and pretend he knew what a LUPP was and laugh with your friends and ignore how badly he just wants to kiss you, ravish you. Because you asked him to.
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DECEMBER 6TH, 2019 | 00:43
Thankful that your silent 'no sex' rule didn't mean no physical contact, Jimin was pleased to have you sinking into his lap as everyone moved from the kitchen to the living room. It was fine, for a bit. Conversation coming easy with you and your friends as the six of you watch Jeongguk complete level after level.
They were an entertaining group of people and he was hardly thinking about the mean set of blue balls he's been sporting for the past two weeks. The mean set of blue balls he thought he'd be rid of by now. But, yeah, this was fine too. You were happy, comfortable – this was just fine.
Keyword, was. It had started being fine as the hours ticked by and around the five-hour mark it was starting to get hard for Jimin to mask his annoyance. Not annoyed with you, of course not. He got it, understood. Knew what you were going through and didn't want to push you, he was trying his best to be a good guy – honest.
He just didn't account for how boring this would get. How redundant Jeongguk's level ups have become, no matter how many shots he guzzled down his thick throat. Seok still cheered him on, the only one still keeping score. Oh and you, but he was sure that you weren't all that interested in the game and more interested in keeping your mind off the fact you were correctly sitting on his dick and not doing a single thing about it.
Jin and Joonie had lost interest in the game a long while ago, taken to groping each other directly across for you and Jimin. The tips of Jin's fingers threatened to sneak underneath the hem of Joonie's sweats, broad hips bared as he dared him to do it. They were answering a lot of questions that Jimin didn't even know he had and when he was finding himself oddly turned on by the display – he was deciding it was time for bed.
“I'm going to head up,” His words are mumbled to you, slightly hopeful. Maybe you'd decide to come up with him? Fool around a bit, or even grant him a blowjob... a handjob, something to get rid of this dull ache between his legs.
You don't. Just nod that pretty head of yours, standing to make it easier for him to rise to his feet. Don't even offer him a parting kiss as he heads towards the stairs. He doesn't complain but doesn't hide the stomp in his feet as he makes his way up the steps.
Trying to be careful, not make you think that he's only in it for the sex. But hello, the sex? Where was it? Two weeks was a long time to make a guy wait without the slightest bit of reason why. Although, he could piece together your reasoning behind wanting to hold back... he thought you inviting him over was a sign you had loosen up a bit.
Not that you had planned to rile him up to the point he was all set and ready to go, only to get distracted by your friends (which were great, don't get him wrong) and forget the star guest of this slumber party. Allowing your Miju fueled guilt to steer the night, he had half the mind to walk over there himself and set things straight just so he didn't have to be deprived anymore.
Again. Not your fault. He understood. Supported you. He wasn't the upset one in this scenario, it was his greedy dick that had gotten a taste of you and hasn't been able to feel satiated since.
Downstairs, you're nursing your second wine cooler. Paying much more attention to Guk's score then you usually do. It had been ten minutes since Jimin had left and gone upstairs, and you were still sat there – pretending to be interested in this half baked competition.
“Did you two fight?” Seok is asking the question both him and Guk had been wondering. Maybe Jin and Joonie are wondering the same, but their mouths are a little preoccupied to say anything about it.
“No, we didn't fight.” Tone a bit harsher than you intended, but you can't help it. Wanted nothing more than to take a rifle to your conscience and enjoy the fact that you had Jimin, here with you for an entire night. 
Just every time you were getting too close, here came Jiminy Cricket with his clipboard of reasons you shouldn't be enjoying yourself – speaking louder each time you tried to shut him out.
“Why aren't you up there with him, then?” Seok pressed on, full attention on you now. Jeongguk's high score being set on the back burner. “I don't have to be everywhere he is.” You snap, causing Hoseok to lift his hands in mock defense. “Sorry for asking.” He mumbles, turning his attention back to the screen.
“You know. Shutting him out is not going to help your situation.” Gukkie is pointing out, not even bothering to look up from the TV screen. “You're probably making it worse, to be honest.”
With a roll of your eyes, you're standing from the couch – setting your half finished bottle on the coffee table. “I'm going to bed,” You grumble, following the same stomped footsteps Jimin had taken just before.
You find him sat upon your bed, shirt ditched at the foot of your bed. Back pressed against your headboard. He holds his phone in one hand, thumb flicking against the screen as his free hand rests above his head. His head lifting at the sound of you entering the room, offering a small smile in your direction.
Not able to find the words, you don't say anything. Acknowledging him with a nod of your head before heading across the room toward your hamper. Jimin watches as you undo the buttons on your jeans, tugging them down your long legs. Not letting his stare linger too long on the way your ass spills out from the bottom of your panties. And he definitely doesn't admire the dip in the middle of your back as you lift your shirt over your head.
His gaze is snapping back to his phone as you toss your worn clothes into the hamper, turning to face him again. Of course, he's seen your boobs before. Paid them a lot of attention after realizing he had been neglecting them. But he's not seen them while trying not to look at them.
For some reason, they seemed... bigger? Rounder? A bit of a bounce to them with each sway of your hips. You're reaching for his discarded shirt, pulling it over your head and he can't help but wonder if you're doing this one purpose. Teasing him. Or were you just naturally this enticing?
“Will you shut the light when you're done?” You speak after getting comfortable in the space beside him. Yup, naturally that enticing. 
Jimin nods at your words, despite the fact you're not looking at him. Blanket pulled up to your chin, back to him as you stared out the window. “You're just going to sleep?” He asks after flicking the light off, sinking down so he's laying beside you.
“Did you want to go for a run?” There's a snappiness to your tone and it reminds Jimin of the attitude you use to give him when you first met. He can't help the smile that pushes onto his lips at the memory, reaching to wrap his arm around your waist. “Are you upset with me?” He knows you're not... well, he kind of knows. Asking helped to calm his nerves, though.
Rolling onto your back, you look up at him. Taking in his soft eyes and that dimpled smile. Your hand is lifting to rest on his bicep, noticing the automatic way he flexes the muscle underneath your palm. “No. I'm just upset...”
“You don't have to talk to her if you don't want to.” He says, even though it's not true. Of course, you had to talk to her. She was your best friend for crying out loud and what you were doing was wrong. And you were starting to loathe yourself for going behind her back like this, you had to talk to her.
“I mean it. We'll just make it real clear for her. Could go amateur on Instagram or be simple and make out at a party... I'm sure she'll get the hint,” He's leaning down to bury his face in the crook of your neck, pressing soft feather-like kisses against your heated skin.
“Jimin-” The laugh slips past your lips, even though you don't want it to. Jimin is picking up his head from your neck, grinning wide down at you and the sight alone has a flutter settling in your chest. 
“You can relax, okay?” He's lifting his hand to smooth the furrow between your brows. “I already said I'm not going to let her get in the way of us. And we're good together, I'm sure she'll be happy for us.”
You're scoffing, rolling your eyes at the absurd thought. “Wishful thinking.” Huffing with a roll of your eyes. You shift underneath him until you've got a thigh pressed on either side of his torso – hands set on his bare chest. He's got one hand in your hair, the other resting on your thigh, as innocent as it can be.
“What's her deal, anyway?” The tips of his fingers draw random patterns against your skin as you shrug your shoulders. Of all the years you spent so close to her, you were never able to pinpoint exactly what her deal was. Of course, there were the issues with her dad, but at times you felt like there was something deeper that.
Yet, you never bothered to try and figure it out. Only summed it up as 'that's just who she was'. Gotten used to it and made the proper adjustments that you needed to in order to keep things running smoothly, it's what you've always done – without a second thought.
Shoulders lifting in a slight shrug, “Certain things just bother her... and she likes things a certain way.” The number of times she had given you the silent treatment when she wasn't getting her way, refusing to say a word to you until the problem was resolved. By you, of course. It seemed you were always the one taking the first step. Always the one ready to make amends even if you hadn't been the one in the wrong.
Never once thought about it, figured that's just the work you had to put in to maintain the friendship. It had been just the two of you for so long, you didn't know anything else. But now with the other friendships... relationships you had made in the past years, you were quickly realizing that that wasn't normal.
“You know we started ballet together?” Jimin, who had found himself growing distracted with the peaks your nipples created through the fabric of his shirt, was quickly lifting his head to look at you. You notice the tint in his cheeks as if he had just been caught, his brow lifting slightly. “Oh, yeah?” 
“Mhm. She was 13 and I was 12. And she had just found out that her dad's new daughter was in ballet and it kind of became her obsession to do it too. I was playing soccer at the time and really didn't care either way. So when she asked me to quit soccer and join ballet with her, I did. Soccer was my dad's sport, anyway.”
Jimin listens to your words, imagining a younger version of you running the field in your cute little soccer uniform. Of course, you were the best on the field, knew you well enough that you wouldn't settle for anything but the best.
“I fell in love after the first class. I mean, soccer was easy – but ballet? Well, you know what I mean.” He did, all too well. Remembered the moment he fell in love with dancing, nothing being able to compare to the feeling of it. Well, except...
“I liked it a lot so I tried hard to be real good at it. And eventually, I was one of the best in the class. I loved it so much, but Miju... she hated it. Never wanted to practice with me and got pissed every time she was behind in class. A few months in she was ready to quit. Begged me to quit with her.” In the moment, you had written it off as your best friend not wanting to quit alone. Another one of the best friend things you were starting to realize wasn't best friendly at all.
She saw how much you loved it. Saw how good you were at it. What if you had quit? Followed behind her like sheep? Of course, she had no idea that ballet would have become such a big part of your life then. But it had. And she wanted you to quit. What would you even be doing now if you had listened to her?
“I couldn't do it, obviously. Honestly can't believe that I actually thought about it when she asked. She told me she hated me when I refused, didn't talk to me for a whole month because I 'violated the friendship rule book'. She was my only friend so I was lonely for a bit, which just meant more ballet. I was sure she'd never talk to me again, to be honest – we only started hanging out again because my family was going to The Hampton's that summer and my mom invited her along.”
Jimin's got this sad look on his face, the same expression that he hated. But it's different coming for him, he's not trying to pity you. He genuinely feels bad for 12-year-old you having to put up with a toxic friendship like that. Couldn't keep himself from wishing his 14-year-old self had been there when you were left alone in the practice room, knew the feeling all too well. Maybe you could've been able to be alone together.
“Can't wait to fast forward past all this shit. Feel like I haven't seen you smile in a while.” The large smiles and hearty laughs you use to carelessly display were now being reigned in right before they reached their full peak. Many of your thoughts so clouded with your problems with Miju, that you hadn't even realized the shift in your mood.
No idea that your emotions were so loud on your features that Jimin would pick up on it. Surprised that he even cared about the difference, but he did. And there was no stopping the flutter in your heart from that small fact. Pushing a soft smile onto your lips, you're tilting your head up so he's able to see. He takes it, although it doesn't quite reach your eyes.
“Pretty girlfriend,” He compliments with a large grin, leaning down to cover your lips with his. Kissing you slowly, and sweetly – pouring out every ounce of warmth and security you had stolen away from you. You kiss him back with just as much intensity, fingers curling in his dark locks as you let your mouth fall open – welcoming his wanting tongue into your mouth.
It takes a moment for his words to dawn on you, for you to put together what he had said and what he might've meant. Your mouth falls from his as you pull your head back, Jimin not fully realizing and instead moving on to nibble at the skin on your neck. “Did you just call me your girlfriend?” Your words have his head lifting, so he's able to look at your face.
That pretty pink tint is back on his cheeks. Had been hoping you didn't catch on to what he's been calling you in his head for the past month. Didn't mean to let it slip right then, while your emotions were a mess. But, he wasn't one to back out once he's already dipped his toe in.
“You are my girlfriend, right?” Plump lip trapped between his teeth, he tries to hide the nervous look in his eyes. Tries not to give away to the fear of you possibly rejecting him. Yes, he knew you liked him a lot and he liked you a lot... but labels were scary. And there's usually a whole talk that came before this, right?
“Do you want me to be?” Duh, of course, he did. Why would bring it up if he didn't want that? It was all you could come up with right now, though. With the way your heart and brain were in the middle of a standoff, it was all you could manage.
“No.” There's an exaggerated roll of his eyes. “I've only been referring you like that in my head for the past month for fun,” Sarcasm drips from his words and you're lifting your hand to land a punch into his shoulder. “I'm serious!” Lower lip jutting out to create a slight pout.
Jimin's got his fingers wrapped around your wrist, lifting your hand to set on the back of his neck. “Me too.” Arms dropping to wrap around your waist, he uses his grip to pull your body closer to his. “I want you to be my girlfriend. So that I can be your boyfriend. And we can be boyfriend and girlfriend to each other, together.” You're laughing at his words, like a real loud genuine laugh that has your eyes closing.
“My God...” He sighs, admiring the way you look in the moment. Heartwarming just from the sound of your laughter. Even when it stops, you're still wearing that pretty smile on your lips and he can't help but stare. He's vaguely realizing that he's screwed. Figuring if he's that affected just from the sound of your laugh, there's no way he's getting out now. “Come on, you gonna be my girlfriend?” He's asking one more time, heart rate speeding at the nod of your head.
“Okay. I'll be your girlfriend. Only if you're my boyfriend.” A moment saved to cringe at your corny words. You can't help it, though. He brings out that side of you.
Jimin is smiling wide, leaning in to press a dozen quick pecks to your lips. Smiles growing and laughs slipping as the sounds of his kisses grow louder – sloppier until he's just pressing your smiling teeth together before pulling back to admire your face then repeating it. “I think you might be it.” He's repeating the words he had said to you on your first night together.
You remember how confused you had been then, but now... now you get it. Unsure how he was making that declaration after just one night, but he was just as sure then as he was now. And despite all the confusion buzzing in your head, you were sure of one thing.
“I like you so much.” A confession that he could've guessed, but hearing you say it was a thousand times better than guessing. You're shifting in his arms, back pressed against his chest. The night sky is visible through your large bedroom window, and you find yourself searching for the moon. “I'm not supposed to. Am I?”
Couldn't help the words from falling from your lips. Sure of the way they must put a damper on the mood. The smile doesn't fall from Jimin's lips, instead, he's leaning down to press a soft kiss to your covered shoulder. “Go ahead. I'll protect you.”
Your eyes go wide at his words, wondering if he knows the weight they hold. If he even realizes what he just said. How unbelievably comforting just three simple words were for you to here. Not realizing how badly you needed to hear them until now. He was going to protect you. He said it. Did he mean it?
Wishing a million times that he meant it. Sending every last hushed prayer straight to the moon shining down on the two of you. Quietly Jimin admires you, hoping that you know how serious he is about you. That he intends to keep every promise made to you because you deserve it. He lays there, watching you watch the moon.
“We should pack up and go there, just you and me.” A soft laugh falls from your lips, shaking off the loving tension that rises in your chest. Turning in his grip, you're easily circling your arms around his waist. “The whole thing for just us two? Won't it get boring?”
There's that playful smirk resting on his pretty lips, his shoulders lifting in a slight shrug. “I'm sure we can find a way or two to past the time,” Teeth scraping against his lower lip before he's leaning in to trail a line of wet kisses over the length of your neck.
His kisses tickle, pulling a string of giggles from your lips. You don't remember the last time your heart has been this happy, this content. Head leaning back to give his mouth more room to work, fingers knitting in the soft strands of his hair.
“I'd go with you... if you asked me to.”
Jimin is pulling back from your neck almost instantly. Eyes scanning over your features and smiling growing. You had laughed it off when he said it to you first when he said he'd get try to get the moon for you. Of course, it had been a joke – come on, it was the moon. He wasn't some super villain in an after school special, but to have you quoting him... looking at him with that sincerity in your eyes. It was all he needed to know that you were all in.
So was he.
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– girl code rule #1: never, ever, under any circumstances fall for your best friend’s crush. but what happens when your best friend’s crush checks all the boxes of your ideal guy… and to make matters worse… he’s crazy about you too.
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⇝ taglist:  @randomkoalablog​​​  @hehehehahahohohuhu​​​ @smoljams​​​ @dee-ehn​​​ @jaiuneamesolitaiire​​​ @sw33tnight​​​ @butterflylion​​​ @moonlitmyg​​​ @withlovestudyblr​​​ @soulstaes​​​ @samros95​​​ @korkanswers​​​ @houseofarmanto​​​ @marifujioka​​​ @tae165​​​ @uxwi​​​ @trynavibewhileicry​​​ @jinhitwhore​​​ @preciouschimine​​​ @yeontanie21​​​ @aa-ronpa​​​ @taefect94​​​ @lee-karliah​​​ @codeinebelle​​​ @mochibabycakes​​​ @diminieshoe​​​ @fuddyize​​​ @soloikeadates​​​ @0xmysticx0​​​ @bbyjoonies​​​ @amoreguk​​​ @diminieshoe​​​ @jayyayyy17​​​​ @softlyjins​​​​ @bangtan-noona​​​​ @fan-atic-blog​​​​ @fuck-expectations-people​​​​ @paradisetaemin​​​​ @nyamjinnie​​​​ @lilacdreams-00​​​​ @vsugakookie0104​​​​ @koostime​​​​ @la-evforia​​​​ @betysotelo18​​​​ @sunskook​​​​ @pastelpinksunflower​​​​ @kookiesjoonies​​​​ @sopetv​​​​ @tricethecharm​​​​ @bangtansonyeondayyyum​​​​
⇝ taglist: @chocobetterknot @simplysanha @falsegodtae @kookieswithtaeq @diorhobii @illwritetomorrow @angjeon @okblve @riverdale-kpop @alpaca1612 @hajiraa06 @mingisbabie @flamboyant-louie @bangtansbun @princecalpal @parkjammys @notmontae97 @unicornnomore @jiminsreads @kookoo-kachoo @hersheyheyhey @ratking101 @mini-coop25 @beeeb05 @ashleyjoyx @girlwiththeglittereyeliner @yoongissugarmommy @ladyartemesia @flantasticpr @lustremyg @vantaescupid @elliemeetsevil @p-polaroid @yousaybieberisaybiersack​ @btsbed @soperiorthanyou @kim-ji-hyeons-world @thia-aep @moonchildaera​ @singular-itae​ @fanfics-for-fun​ @triviasjms​ @kuppyjiminie​ @bangtan-dreamland​ @cainami​ @hyunaphordite​ @potaetertot​ @mypurplelamp​ @isophie305​ @theneighborhoodfangirl​ @subtlepjiminie​ @baby-jichu​ @boraength​ @faeriegukkie​ @masterpiecejoonie​ @ccmemoirs​ @to-infinitae​ @jiminssizzles​ @flowerbin131​ @joonies-babyy​ @fakeluvrm​ @calling-dips-on-j-hope​ @btsheartu​ @silentlyimpractical​ @peachle​ @sungieshines​ @tryintolive33​ @luvchim​ @ilillyshadow​ @elephantdoors​ @serpentiinequeen​ @jeonnation​ @jimilogy​ @tatajoonierecs​ @pjmcth​ @ephyra1230​ @jungshookmeup​ @bigimpression​ @dontaskshhhhh​ @skamlover200​ @ksjiminie​ @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven​ @azulamakesmeblank​ @pinkyhim​ @rjsmochii @leovaldezisfire
A/N: timestamps make sense throughout the fic. to be added to the taglist, send me an ask !! feedback is highly !! appreciated, it’s the motivation i need to keep the fic going nd fun for you guys!!<33
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bartistic · 3 years
Bruce Goes To The Market!
knife tw, food cw, incredibly dumb self-indulgent concept cw, outsider (oc) pov
It is universally acknowledged that a cashier possessing free time, will be in want of an extra task to fill that free time. At least, that’s what James’ managers seemed to think. Privately, he agreed, as he found restocking the shelves to be a most agreeable pastime, one that could in fact suck up hours of his eight hour closing shift.
He was in the soda aisle, debating whether sparkling water belonged with seltzer or with the rest of the store brand items, when he noticed a broad-shouldered man in sunglasses and a Gotham University sweatshirt, inspecting the selection of diet tonic water and looking utterly flummoxed. Customer in need of assistance!
“Hi, how are you doing tonight? You need help finding anything?” Mentally, James winced at the preppy-ness of his ‘customer service robot voice’ as his favorite coworker Stephie liked to call it. Luckily, he’d thrown his voice out enough screaming to Queen karaoke the night before that his voice stayed in the normal octaves rather than shooting into the stratosphere. The man straightened up and looked down towards James, who suddenly felt very short in all of his 5’9” glory. (Well, 5’8 3/4” but who’s counting.)
“Yes, actually. I’m new to the store, could you direct me to where the soap is?” Oh god. Of all the things it had to be the one item James swore was never in the same aisle twice.
“Of course!” He lied through his teeth. “Here, right this way.” Turning, he set off towards the general direction of where the soap tended to lie, with a variation of four different aisles. Luckily, the first aisle was correct, and he watched, intrigued, as the customer gave a thorough inspection to at least 14 different bars of soap. “Anything else I can help you with?” He added, as the man finally selected a bar and placed it in his basket. The man looked sheepish.
“This is actually the first time I’ve been in a grocery store. I’m not usually the one doing the shopping. My—the person I live with gave me a list, but I honestly don’t know where or even what half of these things are.” He held out a grocery list, scrawled in an elegant cursive. It was double-sided. James checked the front of the store, where the other cashier was engrossed in his phone while trying not to appear engrossed in his phone. It was an hour and a half until they closed, and he was pretty sure there was only one other customer in the store at most.
“Sure! Alright, so our first step should probably be to hit the deli, seeing as they have the longest wait times.” After walking the man through ordering Roast Beef, Prosciutto, Pastrami, Swiss, Havarti, Gouda, and Picante Provolone (what) they moved on to the canned goods. “We should probably grab a cart, I don’t think that basket’s going to be able to hold all of this.” Turning into the canned goods aisle, James sighed.
“Caution: Hazard Detected! Precaución, ¡Peligro Detectado!” The store’s resident useless robot assistant was stuck in place, screaming at a small bit of an onion peel that had fallen to the floor.
“Batsy, I swear to god.” James went over and kicked the peel under one of the shelves, pressing the button on the robot to reboot it.
“...Batsy?” The customer sounded somewhere between bemused and amused. Perhaps just ‘mused.
“Yeah, it’s our obtuse robot that only sees what’s right in front of it and makes a big fuss over literally nothing. It can’t even clean anything up, and the few moments there actually is a spill it just skids through it and makes it worse. Technically corporate calls it Patsy, short for Patrick, because we’re Patrick’s, you know? But since this is Gotham, we call it Batsy. Short for... Batrick. I’m not the one who came up with the name, that honor goes to my coworker Stephie. She’s, uh, not working tonight.” James internally began banging his head against the shelves. Why. Was. He. Like. This. “So, do you know what brand of chickpeas your... roommate wanted?”
/ / /
Finally, after another 45 minutes of shopping, they were ready to check out. James noticed the shift had changed while he was away. “Alright, so I can actually take you at this register over here, ‘cuz I’m still logged in and all.” He gulped as the customer began to load up onto the belt. This was... a lot of food. He’d scanned around a quarter when he officially ran out of room, turning to bagging instead. “Let’s get you another cart, actually, so we can load into that without squishing what you haven’t unpacked yet.” He moved to go grab one, but the customer was faster, jogging back with another cart before he could even finish bagging all the protein shakes. There were, admittedly, a lot of protein shakes.
Scanning the meat-substitutes, James scanned his own mind for an avenue of conversation. “So, you mentioned that it’s your son who’s the vegetarian. How old is he?”
“He’s 13. It’s not religious or health-wise or anything, he just really loves animals. Our house is practically a zoo on a good day, and that’s not even counting all his siblings.”
“Oh, how many kids do you have?” It had to be a fair amount for it to be ‘all’ his siblings. The customer opened his mouth as if to answer, then shut it again. He seemed to be thinking. Did he... not know how many kids he had??
“Legally I have... fffffour? Five? Yeah... that sounds right.” James tried to hide the bewildered expression in his own face, but he must not have been doing it well. “That makes me sound like such a bad father. No, I promise, I love them all, I just have quite a few of their friends living with us as well, and I’ve known those kids long enough to feel like they’re my kids too. Not to mention the whole difference between the ones I’ve adopted, the one who was my ward who I then retroactively adopted, the one I’m fostering, and the one who is legally an emancipated minor. And... the one who. Is no longer with us.” James blinked. That was indeed complicated.
“You must have a lot of love in your heart,” he settled on, finally.
“I just h— Oh, #%*$.” The blueberry container had burst open, all over the floor. James internally groaned.
“Oh no! Sorry about that, that’s the third one tonight. The packaging is just... not great. Do you want me to go get you another one?”
“No, I can get it. Thanks though.” The customer gingerly stepped through the minefield as James power walked to go get the clean up supplies. Six feet away, Batsy was screaming at a blueberry.
“Eat your heart out, Mister Miyagi,” he aimed a light roundhouse kick at the button to reboot the robot. Batsy got two feet before it encountered another world-ending-threat, danger level blueberry. James sighed and went to go clear that area first.
/ / /
Finally, almost everything was scanned. James was scanning the bread and rolls as the customer fit all the bags into the two carts, like an expert game of tetris. There were a few hiccups where James had had to explain that you probably shouldn’t bag Raid with milk, or that it was a good idea to double bag heavy items, or that you should wait until the end to put the eggs in (and there were a lot of eggs. Gaston-levels of eggs. Probably to be expected with that many kids in the house. Hah. eggs-pected.) But by the end they were working like a well-oiled machine. James bagged the last item, hit the button to total it, and watched as the customer realized he forgot his deli items.
“I’m just gonna— gonna run and go get those real quick. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, sure. Can you fill out the charity question real quick though? Th...thanks.” The customer was gone before James could question him on the fact that he’d used the custom amount option to apparently donate $1k to Gotham General’s children’s ward. It was... probably a mistake, but he’d wait around to check. He turned as he heard the beginnings of a commotion behind him, from the one other customer in the store. This guy’s whole aesthetic just screamed gross, from the white-boy dreads to the Blue Lives Matter gaiter mask. It looked as if he was having trouble at self-checkout. James was about to head over to help when his coworker passed him. He turned back to keep an eye on the clock. 10 minutes until closing. Please come back with the deli items soon. He heard an aggressive murmuring that sent chills up his spine, a distinct feeling of Not Right Bad. He turned back to where his coworker was engaged with helping the other customer. His coworker who was... very pale. Frightened. The customer whose hand glinted silver with... oh #%*$, that’s a knife. Not Good Very Bad... oh hell no, you are not hurting my coworker on my watch.
“HEY #%$&FACE, EAT BEANS!” As the aggressive customer turned to meet the container of garbanzo beans that was currently hurtling towards his face at the maximum speed a theatre-kid-who-never-did-sports could throw, the world seemed to throw down. Faintly, James could hear rational thoughts pounding at the door to his mind, begging to be let in. Thoughts like ‘They’re definitely going to fire you for attacking a customer’ and ‘They’re definitely going to fire you for cursing in front of a customer’ and ‘They’re definitely going to fire you for damaging the merchandise’ and ‘You can’t even throw a ball to save your life, there’s no way that’s going to hit him.’ Praying to Freddie Mercury, Elton John, and all other things holy, James watched as the beans sailed through the air and struck their target true— albeit a little lower than planned.”
Grossface automatically brought his hands down to protect his nethers, apparently forgetting that their was a knife in his hands. He let out a second agonized howl as he stabbed himself in the balls. Blindly, James groped around for more ammunition. Holding out a zucchini as threateningly as he could, he watched as the would-be aggressor ran out of the store as fast as he could with both hands clasping his junk. “Are you okay?” He asked his coworker, feeling his voice echo through the suddenly very-quiet-sounding store. She nodded mutely. He nodded back, then turned back to his register and oH shit there’s His Customer, holding the deli items.
“Nice shot.” Okay, this time he definitely sounded amused.
“I... am so sorry about the beans, I can get you a refund on those or I can go get you some more or—”
“No need, they definitely went to a good cause.” The customer grinned and held out the deli items. Faintly, James began to wrestle with the bag to get to the barcodes. Finally, everything was scanned, for good.
“Alright, will that be everything?” The clock read two minutes until closing.
“Yes, that should be everything. Again, thank you for all your help.” James watched as even with the membership points taken off, the total soared to over $750.
“Alright, your total is... $754.33, here’s some coupons and a survey slip. If you fill that out you get entered for a drawing to win a $500 gift card. Which... I don’t know that you’d need, but. Why not.” The customer reached into his wallet and counted out 5 $100 bills. Then he pulled out a black card. He paid off the total with the card, then handed the bills to James.
“Here you go, I wasn’t sure how much you tip cashiers.” James opened and closed his mouth a few times, like a fish.
“People don’t normally... tip cashiers...” and especially not HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS.
“Oh. Well, you were a good cashier. You deserve it. And here—” at this he pulled a crisp business card out of his wallet. “At Wayne Enterprises we could use quick-thinkers like you.” Pulling down his sunglasses, he gave a quick wink. James waved absentmindedly as BRUCE #%*$ING WAYNE walked out of the store. He looked down at the business card. Written upon it were the words: “Call here for an interview, mention Malone and they’ll know I sent you. Best of luck with the current job— BW”
James sat down. The clock was 10 minutes past closing before he remembered to look at it. There were a million thoughts running through his head. Oh my god I joked around to a billionaire. I cursed in front of a billionaire. I chucked a can of beans into a man’s nutsack in front of a billionaire.
But oddly enough, the only question that remained at the top of his mind was this:
This is because I have black hair and blue eyes, isn’t it.
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glitterge1pen · 4 years
Pink Ink
Keigo Takami x reader, sfw, fluff, word count 1,930
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Hawks was walking with you to the store. He had the afternoon off and had asked to spend some time with you. At this point it had been years since you had taken an internship at his agency. You weren't a hero, you just ran errands and filed paperwork and you were only there for eight months as you tried to beef up your resume. Eventually you finally landed where you wanted, sure the work was difficult, it left you sleepless, it left you angry at the world, but still you liked being a teacher.
Hawks had kept in touch with you after you left though. You didn't think much of it at first. But he spent a lot of time with you, and you knew just how much time because you had worked with him before and knew what his schedule was like. Sometimes you wanted to ask what he thought of you, if he did. Doing so made you uneasy though, fearing that he might push you away.
These days those thoughts seemed to chase after you harder and faster. What was he thinking? How come he texted so late sometimes? Where was he? Was he hurt? What was he doing in my dream last night? Why did that song make me think of him? So today felt like a bit of a kick to the gut.
Upon entering the store Hawks grabbed the cart for you. He waited for you to guide him, meeting your eyes you turned from him trying to reign in your emotions.
“So, what we getting today?”
“Well, I need craft supplies. I want to make each student in my class a valentine card, and I was thinking of getting everyone some candy? The class is having a valentines party in the afternoon on Friday.”
“Can’t you just get one of those boxes of premade cards”
You gasp in fake hurt.
“As if I would succumb to that, hand made cards are the best, plus making them is kinda fun”
“I wouldn't know”
Your nervous feelings and hesitancy that you had started having around Hawks faded immediately when you heard this. You lunge at him, grabbing at his arm. He looks down at the contact but you are now on the mission and pay no mind to it.
“You haven't ever made valentines day cards?”
His voice is more feeble than usual as he replies,
You drag him to the craft section. You grab glitter, glitter glue, foam heart stickers, rhinestones, you even splurge on some of the lacy paper and felt heart pads. He watches as you move frantically through the shelves throwing things into the cart. A bemused smile on his face.
While you're at the self checkout he gets approached by a fan. You two are used to this and you don't mind. It's part of his life, besides he is admirable. He is done speaking just as you are finishing up packing the bag back into the cart.
Once outside again you start to push the cart to one of the corrals. But Hawks grabs you at the waist.
“What are you-”
You two take off across the parking lot. His hands on the cart as he pushes the two of you with the wind from his wings. You're moving so fast that your feet struggle to stay on the bar of the cart, but you're laughing so hard, and the air is so nice.
At the edge of the parking lot he stops abruptly. You are tossed forward a bit but he catches you. You stay there laughing in his arms. When you catch your breath and turn to face him you halt. You’re much closer than intended, you don't know where to look.
“We should hurry up before your next patrol starts”
You say moving to grab the bags from the cart. He nods, helping you carry things. The walk back to your place is more peaceful. The winter cold not as sharp, sun gold as its light rained down through the empty trees. He tells you about his day. Today it's mostly about Tokoyami, a work study student that he really seems to have taken a liking to.
“I want you to meet the kid I think you'd really like him”
“If he’s a absolutely amazing as you say I probably will”
Hawks smiles at that as he lets himself into your home. You clear off the kitchen island and start getting to work. You show Hawks the sheet with all your students' names. At first Hawks doesn't really help just observers and listens to you gush about your students.
“Come on, you have to at least make one”
You make an excited sound as an idea comes to mind.
“Tokoyami is your student right! Make one for him!”
“He’s in high school though, your kids are in elementary school”
“So? Look you need to make one, I promise it's not actually that scary”
Hawks huffs at this.
“I never said it was scary”
“Oh yeah? Then how come everytime I push the sticker towards you, you push them back?”
He says nothing more. Just grabs some supplies and starts working. He doesn't know how to open the glitter glue and he says nothing when he hands it to you. He puts the foam heart stickers on each of his fingers and then shoves his hand in your face. He lets you stamp hearts on his hand with pink ink. He holds down the string as you tie ribbons through the paper lace. You smear glitter glue on his arm. His feathers sort out the finished cards, moving them into an alphabetical pile.
“I think it’s nice that you're doing all this for your class, making them each something, letting them have their little party”
“Things have been tense in the world lately, they are old enough to know things are changing but not old enough to really understand why. I just want them to have a special day, something that eases them up a bit you know?”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
It was tough keeping your class together through the morning lessons. They were rowdy. They were whispering, and were bad at whispering. Even after recess and lunch the excitement had not dwindled, their energy was still running high.
You instructed everyone to take out their “mailboxes”. You were explaining how this was going to work. That while the students were handing out their valentines you would set out the snacks. A knock at the door. Without missing a beat, still throwing out instructions you went to open the door.
You stare in shock, mouth open in surprise. You had been expecting one of the school secretaries but instead it was Hawks. The rustling of your students pulls you back to reality. You quiet your voice as you speak to him.
“What are you doing here? Everything okay?”
“Everything is fine, I just, you had said that you wanted to make the valentines party really special, and I am the number two hero and kids love that kind of stuff-”
“Holy shit,how come I didnt think of that, wait right here”
A couple of the kids had been leaning over the desks trying to see who you were talking to. But as your attention turned back to them they all fell flat in their seats.
“I have a surprise”
The kids all start to clamour in excitement, trying to guess what it is. Most of the guesses are about getting extra candy or maybe extra time on the playground.
“No, it's better than any of that I promise! But…”
You trail off knowing it will silence the students as they try to uncover the mystery that is the surprise.
“We will do the valentine's day exchange first! Then we can have fun with our surprise guest”
The word guest gets them real worked up. They start throwing out names. One student says it's probably another class, so they can have a joint party. Another brings up that popular local lawyer and you stifle a laugh at that. You walk back to the door to let Hawks in. 
His entrance isn't grand or exciting but once the kids see him you can longer control them. They are half out of their desks, disbelief, a few are laughing hysterically unable to believe that the number two hero is actually in their classroom.
It takes a while but eventually they settle down and get caught up in giving out their cards. Hawks is dragged desk to desk, answering questions, he is pulled this way and that. But once the kids start opening up their cards he is like a forgotten toy. 
You have been at your own desk at the front of the classroom, watching the scene before you, a cheerful expression on your face. Hawks came to stand by you. Reaching into his jacket he pulled out his own card. He must have gone out and bought more supplies because it was completely different from the ones you had made with him.
You saw his handwriting on it, it said you two really needed to go on a date. You were about to agree, to tell him that you returned his feelings, that he should stay after class was over so you could talk, that you were so thankful for him coming here today. But you had not pulled the chance card from the monopoly deck.
“Oh my god! Hawks just gave a valentine to our teacher!”
One of your students shouted. It seemed that they considered this an accomplishment for themselves as well. Soon all the others were chiming in with questions. After getting them to settle down, Hawks started talking.
“I've know your teacher for a couple years now”
This surprised the class as well.
“They used to work at my agency! Did they never tell you?”
You start calling kids up to your desk to grab snacks and give them the valentines you made them. Hawks starts telling stories about being a hero. The only sound is the crinkle of candy wrapped, your students obedient in their listening. They devour everything Hawks has to say.
“And you are all lucky to have a teacher like yours, who cares about you and works hard to make sure you are cared for and learning”
Your students then start to thank you for the afternoon. For letting them have the party, their valentines, for having Hawks there. Their happy chatter is cut off by the bell. You sneak a picture of the class bombarding Hawks in a goodbye hug.
They linger longer than usual. Asking about homework that doesn't exist, taking out markers for Hawks to sign backpack straps and scraps of paper. But they have to go, buses and parents calling them home.
When the classroom is finally empty Hawks is the one to break the silence.
“What do you think?”
You're confused.
“About what?”
“Didn't you read the card?”
You laugh. Realizing that he must have been suffering through his entire story time with the kids. To you the answer was so obvious though.
“Do you seriously not know that I feel the same?”
And it's like nothing's changed. He helps you pack up your things. As you walk together he starts asking how long you've had feelings for him, why you didn't tell him, if there was anyone you dated while you liked him. You answer patiently, honestly, with a smile, knowing that you wanted to ask the same.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  
A/N: ehhhhhhhhhhhhh so tired. Writing so hard. Milkshakes so good. Me lactose intolerant. Throwing up another playlist because I can. Currently washing my face and brushing my teeth, sleep is near. Oh! I already started writing a valentines thing for Iwaizumi and any other valentines day esque requests would be <3
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
Protective Detail (4/?)
Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Warnings: language, violence, blood, guns, mild injuries, Nestor being a goddamn thirst trap
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: This chapter is a liiiiittle longer than the others have been but hopefully that’s not a problem. Did I do a deep-dive on Gino Vento’s google photos to be able to know what his body art situation is?? You betcha. Enjoy! xoxo
Chapter Index
Protective Detail Taglist: @masterlistforimagines​ @sillygoose6969​ @mydaiilyescape​ @lovebennycolon​ @the-radical-venus​ @gemini0410​ @garbinge​ @slutformayansmc​ @paintballkid711​ (as always, if you want to be on my taglists feel free to let me know!)
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Despite the fact that the only thing on your agenda for the day was going to the grocery store, you still came into the kitchen in the morning to see Nestor sipping coffee in yet another button-down shirt and pair of slacks. You wondered for a moment if the man even owned just a pair of casual blue jeans.
“I don’t know where the Galindos shop,” you said with a laugh as you poured a cup of coffee, “But the grocery store I go to doesn’t have a dress code. I thought you knew that.”
He shook his head but you could see the smirk pulling at his lips, “This is just how I dress, Y/N.”
He didn’t use your name often, but each time he did you felt your entire body turn into jello for a few moments before you regained composure again. You took your time getting ready, loving that you didn’t feel rushed or like you were on a schedule. You told Nestor that he could drive, pretending that you just wanted the extra space in his car for shopping purposes. But you were also testing a theory that if you let Nestor have his way more often, he would let you know a little more about who he was as a person. Plus, you had to admit, you didn’t really mind his driving too much. Even if he did drive without the radio on.
Having Nestor with you while you grocery shopped was nice because you got to leave him in charge of pushing the cart while you perused the aisles and picked things out to eat for the next few days. You’d shove produce in his face and ask him if he thought it was fresh, and he would begrudgingly help you out, rolling his eyes at how terrible you were at telling if cantaloups were ripe.
The two of you were walking down the cereal aisle and he was shaking his head at you while fighting back a smile, “You’re like a child with access to a credit card.”
“Listen, Nestor,” you stood on your tip-toes to try and reach towards the back of the top shelf, “Coco Puffs have no age limit.”
He reached over you with ease and grabbed the last box from the back of the shelf and placed it in the cart, not saying a word as he continued pushing onward. You smiled to yourself for a few moments before snapping back to reality and speed-walking a few steps to catch up with him.
He was helping you bag items at the self-checkout and if you were honest with yourself, every now and then you would forget that he was with you to keep you from getting shot or kidnapped. Sometimes you even felt like friends, as much as someone like Nestor would let a person be friends with him.
Once you were out on the road and heading home, you looked over at Nestor with puppy-dog eyes, “Can we stop at Starbucks?”
He looked at you, shaking his head the second he saw the way you were looking at him, “The lines are always ridiculous. The ice cream will melt.”
You sighed, knowing that puppy-dog eyes most likely weren’t going to work on him but it was worth a shot anyway. You leaned back in your seat and scrolled on your phone, wanting desperately to play music to break up the silence.
Nestor passed the street that you normally turned off to get home. You looked over at him and saw how tense his body was. You sat upright, putting your phone back in your purse, “What?”
He nodded towards the rearview mirror, “Car’s been following us since we left the store.”
Your stomach knotted and you tried to take a deep breath but it didn’t help to calm you down at all. You instinctively reached for the glove compartment like it was your own car, and you were expecting Nestor to stop you, but instead he reached and opened it for you, not having to take his eyes off the road to dig around and get the gun out for you.
“You shouldn’t need to use it,” he placed the weapon in your hand and his lingered for a moment, “But just in case.”
He did his best to stay on busier roads, hoping it would be a deterrent, and also hopefully make it easier to lose whoever it was that was tailing them. You felt your heart pounding inside your chest—you had been hoping that your father had dealt with everything and that Nestor really was just an unnecessary precaution, but that wasn’t the case.
Somewhere along the way, the road went dead. Nestor was white-knuckled on the steering wheel and you were trying not to let your hands shake. He had been steadily increasing your speed, but even so the car had kept up and pulled up alongside you. You tried to get a good look at the people who were inside, but before you could, Nestor slammed on the gas and tried to speed ahead of them in one last burst to lose them.
Before he could successfully get in front of them, they swerved and hit the back driver’s side corner of the car. With the speed that Nestor had picked up they hit you hard enough to send the car spinning. By some miracle the vehicle didn’t roll, but you swerved off the road and slammed into an embankment, trashing the front of the car and pinning Nestor’s side. Even if he wanted to open his door and get out, he couldn’t. It all happened so fast, you don’t think you would’ve been able to explain exactly how the two of you ended up in that position even if someone tried to pay you to.
The other car pulled up, opening their passenger door. You had already undone your seatbelt and you instinctively shot the gun in your hand, busting the glass window. You fired off a second bullet and got the man who was coming towards you in the leg, causing him to drop. You were getting ready to fire off a third shot when a third man jumped out of the car and dragged him back throwing him in the back seat, the only sound in the air was a slew of curses of the man who was bleeding. You froze up, unable to take an easy shot that would take someone’s life.
“Just fucking go!” the man yelled as he barely got his accomplice into the back seat.
The car started peeling away before the back door was even completely shut. Clearly, they hadn’t been planning on you being armed at all, let alone ready to shoot. You took a shaky breath as you put the safety back on the gun. You turned to Nestor, who had a harsh burn along his neck from his seatbelt, as well as a cut and a welt on the side of his forehead from where his head slammed against the window while you were spinning out. You unclicked his seatbelt and gently tried to wake him without shaking him, not knowing how hard he had slammed his head.
He groaned in response, “Fuck.”
“Oh thank god,” you let out a sigh of relief.
“How many?”
“At least three,” you gently and slowly turned his head, trying to get a better idea of his injuries. You had a feeling that it was nothing serious—he was just going to be bruised and sore for a few days. His side of the car got slammed pretty bad when you went off the road. You pressed your lips together for a moment, “Still got feeling in all your limbs?”
He laughed, although it was weighted with sarcasm, leaning back against the headrest, “Yea.”
“Good,” you sighed, letting your body sink back into your seat as well, “All things considered, this could’ve gone a lot worse.”
He looked over at you, “Looks like we’ll be using your car for a few days.”
You slowly shook your head, “The ice cream is definitely gonna melt.”
His next laugh was genuine, despite the pain he was in, “You have the worst priorities in the world.”
“Hey, I checked to see if you were alive, didn’t I?”
After a few phone calls made to your father and some of his connections, you had a tow-truck and a temporary replacement car there in no time. It was convenient, the only thing you weren’t thrilled about was the fact that your father was the one who delivered it.
“What happened?” he ran to you and wrapped you in a hug
“They followed us out of the grocery store,” you said, taking a slight step back when he finally released you from his embrace, “Nestor noticed right away. They never saw my house.”
He nodded, “That’s good at least,” he held you gently by your upper arms, “How are you? Are you hurt?”
You shook your head, “Neck is sore from getting spun out, but I’m alright. I should probably get Nestor home so I can get his cuts cleaned up.”
“You have things to take care of him?”
You nodded, “Yea of course.”
“Is there anything else I can get you?”
You shook your head, “No, I think we’ll be okay. I just wanna get home.”
He nodded understandingly, “Okay. I love you, mija, you know that right?”
You smiled, “I know. I love you too,” you hugged him, “I’ll talk to you later and give you a full download of the situation, alright?”
“Alright. Please, drive safe.”
“I will,” you kissed his cheek, “Te quiero.”
“Te quiero,” he walked over and shook Nestor’s hand, “Thank you for keeping her safe.”
He nodded, feeling like there wasn’t much to thank him for in this situation, “Your daughter is a very capable woman.”
“She is,” with a final nod and one last look over at you, your father went back to his own car and took off.
You and Nestor waited for the tow truck to finish loading the SUV before finally piling into the car your father had brought for you. It was pretty reminiscent of Nestor’s SUV and you knew that was probably by design. In the back of your mind you knew your father probably wanted it to be your car so he could finally give you what he considered to be a real car. Truthfully you hated driving bigger vehicles, but you weren’t about to hand the keys over to Nestor.
“I’m sorry,” he said one you were both in the car.
“What’re you sorry for?” you asked as you buckled in.
“It never should’ve come to that, to you having to use my gun.”
You shook your head, “Don’t do that. You were unconscious. Not even you are cool enough to be able to pull that off while knocked out. Thanks to you, I get to sleep in my own bed tonight. So don’t beat yourself up,” you waited for him to meet your eyes, “Self-pity is the only thing that doesn’t look good on you, so knock it off,” you offered a small smile as you started the car.
He smiled as he settled into his seat but he didn’t say anything. The drive passed in silence, and for once you weren’t itching to turn the radio on. Part of you wanted to reach over and cover Nestor’s hand with your own, but you fought the urge. He somehow managed to keep his eyes open the whole ride home.
Once you started getting what was left of the groceries out of the car, Nestor asked for the house keys so he could do a check. You told him not to bother, that there would be no way a second threat would be lurking in your house after what just happened, but he insisted. It wasn’t a battle you were going to pick, so you handed over the keys.
The house was quiet, and you didn’t make any comment on it as you started unpacking the groceries. Nestor was sat on the couch, staring up at the ceiling, and the look on his face made your heart feel heavy. You texted your father, asking for one small, very ridiculous favor, hoping that he would grant it to you.
Once all of the groceries were put away, you went and grabbed your first aid kit from the bathroom and sat down next to Nestor on the couch. This time, he didn’t look annoyed about the closeness you shared.
“C’mere,” you motioned for him to lean closer to you so you could start wiping and cleaning out the cut on his forehead. Neither of you said anything while you tended to him. He cringed slightly when you used the alcohol, but he remained silent. You told him that after he showered you would put a bandage on it just as a precaution, but the gash wasn’t really that deep. It was more to make you feel better about it. You wiped down the burn across his neck with an anti-bacterial rub, but there wasn’t a whole lot else that you could do for it.
“How’s your side?” you nodded to his side that got slammed into the door of the car when you hit the embankment.
“It’s fine,” he wasn’t looking at you.
“Can I see it?”
He stood up, ready to go shower and wash the day away, “I said it’s fine.”
“Well if it’s fine then there’s no reason not to let me see,” you weren’t yelling but it was a firm tone that you hadn’t used with him before.
He sighed, not having the energy to put up a fight. He untucked and un-buttoned his shirt, pulling the one side out so that you could see his chest and ribcage. There were a few bruises starting to come in, but it didn’t look terrible. You tried to stay focused on the real reason you wanted to look at him, but you had to admit that you let your eyes linger a little longer than medically necessary. You hadn’t been expecting to see so much ink on his skin.
“Can I go shower now?”
You nodded, “Yea. Thank you.”
You didn’t have the energy to go and get changed, so instead you melted into the couch, pushing the first aid kit to the floor. You heard the shower turn on and then, for the first time, he put music on. Your eyes went wide, thinking for a moment that you must’ve hit your head at some point too and were hearing things. After a minute went by, you finally let yourself relax, not even wanting to turn the television on and risk drowning out the melodies drifting out of the bathroom. You didn’t know what kind of music you were expecting Nestor to listen to, but what he was playing was much more mellow than you thought it would be.
You were resting with your eyes closed when there was a light knock on the door. You got up, smiling because you knew what it was. You opened the front door, smiling at your father’s newest assistant who looked like he was only a couple weeks out of college. He stood there with a smile as he held out a brown paper bag to you.
“Your dad said you needed these?”
You smiled and nodded, “Yes, thank you so much,” he nodded and went to walk away when you caught his attention again, “Hey, I never caught your name.”
“Ricardo. You can call me Ricky.”
“Thank you, Ricky.”
“You’re welcome, Y/N. Have a good night.”
You shut and locked the door and put the bag in the freezer, grinning over the fact that your father was still willing to indulge you in silly things like this even after all this time. You snapped back to reality when the sound of the shower and the music both shut off. The door creaked open and you fought the urge to peak into the hallway.
After a few minutes went by and Nestor didn’t reappear in the living room, you took it upon yourself to go to him. You grabbed the bag out of the freezer and two spoons before making your way down the hall.
You knocked lightly on the door, not used to it being shut. His voice was quiet on the other side, “Yea?”
You opened the door and fought to not let your jaw hit the floor. Nestor was lying on his bed, eyes closed, fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. All you could think about, though, was the fact that he was lying there with no shirt on, just a pair of sweatpants. You truly couldn’t believe the number of tattoos that the man had. His chest, stomach, and arms were completely decked out in ink of all kinds. You hadn’t given much thought to him having tattoos—you saw the one on his neck and his hands but other than that it never really crossed your mind. Your quick glance earlier didn’t do his extensive body art justice.
And his hair wasn’t braided—his long, thick curls were thrown up into a messy bun on top of his head. You were certain that there would never be a better look for him than that. You wished it didn’t take such a rough day to get it out of him. You cleared your throat slightly, chastising yourself over how your mind instantly flew to some very unprofessional places.
“I come bearing gifts,” you said as you walked over and sat on the edge of his bed, “Well, gift. It’s just one.”
He opened one eye, smiling as you set the pint of ice cream and spoon on his nightstand, “Which of your father’s assistants had to drive that over?”
You laughed, “The new one, Ricky.”
He forced himself to sit upright, “Poor kid.”
He reached for the ice cream and your eyes were glued to his forearms, figuring it was the safest place for you to study as you digested all of the new ink that you were seeing. You were trying not to gawk but he was making it really difficult for you. You bit down lightly on your bottom lip, unable to force yourself to look away.
He noticed you staring and immediately became very aware of how he looked, “Fuck, sorry. Let me grab a shirt.”
You shook your head, “Stop. This is your home too for now. I don’t give a shit,” you laughed, “After today you can wear whatever you want,” you took a scoop of ice cream out of your pint, “Your hair looks good like that, by the way.”
He smiled, slowly pulling his legs up so he was sitting cross-legged by his pillow, “Thanks. You tell anyone and I’ll kill you.”
You laughed, “Hey, man-buns are in right now.”
He chuckled as he methodically scooped away a layer at a time. You pulled your feet up and sat the same way he was, the two of you facing each other. Neither of you said anything as you ate, and you soaked up the moment.
“Can I put a bandage on your cut?” you asked as you put the top back on your ice cream container.
“It’s really not that bad.”
“I know but it’ll make me feel better.”
He shrugged, nodding, “Sure.”
You gathered up your spoons and what was left of your ice cream and walked out of the room. You tossed the containers back into the freezer before going to grab the first aid kit off of your floor. After thinking about it for a moment, you made a pit-stop in your room and changed out of your clothes, opting for a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt.
By the time you walked back into his room, Nestor had put on a t-shirt moved to the edge of the bed, swinging his legs off so his feet hit the floor. You sat down next to him and looked at his forehead. You sifted through the different-sized bandages you had before you found one that was satisfactory. You leaned in, gently applying it to his forehead.
You rested your palm on the side of his face, lightly tracing your thumb over the bandage to make sure it was completely on. Nestor’s eyes were closed, and without thinking better of it, he leaned slightly into your touch and you froze, not wanting to give up the contact. You tried to relax your body, but you couldn’t.
A few seconds later he opened his eyes again, and realized what he was doing. He sat upright and cleared his throat, not sure what to say or do. You forced yourself to break the silence, “Need anything else?”
He shook his head, “No. Thank you. I know I’m here to keep you safe but you definitely saved my ass today.”
You chuckled, “And you can save my ass tomorrow,” your expression grew a little more serious, “But really, you good?”
He nodded, “I’m good.”
“Okay,” you rested your hand on his knee for a moment, “Goodnight, Nestor.”
You went to take your hand away as you stood when you felt his come to rest over it, completely enveloping it, “Goodnight,” he gave your hand a soft squeeze.
You walked out of his room, shutting the door behind you. you turned off all the lights in the house before going to your room and collapsing onto your bed. You stared up at the ceiling, trying to process everything that had happened that day. You traced over the top of your hand where Nestor’s had been and, despite the day the two of you had had, you found yourself smiling.
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watermelonlipstick · 4 years
Dreams, Chapter 3
If you haven’t read this series before, you might want to start on Chapter 1, or check out the Dreams Masterlist! Here’s the series description:
When Dean dies for good leaving Sam and his girlfriend (the reader) behind, they must figure out how to carry on without him. Alone, reeling, and unsure what to do next, trying to honor Dean’s memory and follow their hearts gets even more complicated when their nightmares become dreams that feel a little too real.
Title: Dreams, Chapter 3
Pairing: (past) Dean Winchester x Reader, (eventual) Sam Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 2344
Summary: It’s Christmas in Wisconsin for Sam and the reader.
Warnings: angst (sensing a theme here), alcohol, slow burn
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           Christmas Eve was a Thursday, which meant you were working. You’d predicted it would be slow, but there were big chunks of time where no one was in the bar at all. Christmas carols on the radio helped pass the time, and you drank a little more of the almost-coquito you’d thrown together in the back at the beginning of the shift than you needed to. It reminded you of your aunt and the way she’d smell of coconut through Boxing Day every year when you were growing up; welcome nostalgia you could tolerate like pressing a thumb into a bruise and distracted you from the evisceration of thinking of Dean. The day shift had left the bar understocked, so Sam spent a good amount of time going up and down the stairs refilling refrigerators and cutting fruit for drinks. Around 10 or 11 the people who didn’t want to wrap up the night when their in-laws went home straggled in, a handful of regulars that you generally liked but had a tendency to get a little rowdy when left alone together. It didn’t help that they showed up a few drinks in.
           The merriment was infectious, and it was sweet to hear grown men proud of the gifts they’d gotten their loved ones. One even brought a few bottles of homemade maple syrup to give to the others, sliding one sheepishly across the bar to you. You were pouring out a round of coquito when Sam came up from the basement with a towel tossed over his shoulder.
           “Everything should be good,” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. He hadn’t cut it in months and the ends fell gracefully around his shoulders. A piece fell oddly across his forehead and you reflexively fixed it for him.
           “What did you two get each other?” a regular, Steve, asked with a relaxed finger pointing between you and Sam. His cheeks were ruddy with whiskey and winter air.
           “Oh. I—uh, we don’t really do gifts,” Sam offered placatingly.
           “Man, where did you find this girl? Listens to classic rock, drives a stick shift, and doesn’t ‘do gifts’?” another, Joe, added.
           “You better be buying her some presents or someone else will.” Jake, a customer you’d always felt safe around since he tossed out a rude guy for you a month back, chimed in.
           You and Sam had never explicitly said that you were together. People just assumed, and it was easier to go along with it than explain the truth, especially because you didn’t look similar enough to be siblings and you still couldn’t shake your need to cling to him from time to time. It was almost never an issue aside from periodic mild teasing. This Christmas talk was a departure from the non-explanations you and Sam usually gave and you found yourself waiting for a cue on where to go. Sam seemed to be having the same thought, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
           You spoke before the moment had a chance to become too pregnant. “You know how hard it is to buy presents for a guy who doesn’t like having stuff? If he buys me something, I’ll have to get him something too!” You hoped it sounded smooth, your lying out of practice in the months since you’d had a cover on a hunt. Sam smirked gratefully at you.  
           Joe shook his head wistfully. “Seriously, where did you find her?”
           “She’s pretty great, isn’t she?” Sam’s voice sounded sort of soft around the edges, almost like he was tired but not quite. When you looked up at him, that pebble of self-consciousness you’d felt at the hardware flipped in your stomach again and you glanced away in favor of a one-armed hug you intended to look affectionate. Sam did the same, encompassing your entire shoulder with his hand.
           When you drove home that night, warm and full of coquito, Sam played Christmas carols.
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           “I think we should do gifts.”
           It was the first thing you thought when you woke up, and you said it into Sam’s chest as you laid there before you opened your eyes. You could tell from the rhythm of his breathing that he wasn’t all the way asleep.
           “I think we should do gifts. We should really do Christmas if we’re going to do it, and that means presents. What do you think?”
           You felt as much as you saw out of the corner of your drowsy eyes that Sam raised his unpinned arm to rub the sleep out of his. “Mmm, okay? I mean if that’s what you want.”
           “Thank you,” you said as you nestled deeper into him.
           “‘S already Christmas though.” Sleep pulled Sam’s words together like taffy.
           “It can be goofy stuff; I just think we should open presents under a tree and everything. Seems like the kind of thing we should do, you know? Like trying to be normal.” You couldn’t bear saying out loud what you meant, that Dean would’ve wanted presents and stockings and eggnog and Santa hats and a big roast if he could’ve, to fall asleep after watching the stars glitter off of falling snow.
           Sam heard anyway.
           “You’re right,” Sam murmured. He rubbed your upper arm absentmindedly.
           “I’ll wake you back up when the bathroom’s free,” you offered, carefully rolling over him to get out of the bed. He nodded with closed eyes and flopped over onto his stomach.
           About an hour later, a wet haired Sam slid into the Impala’s driver side and rubbed his hands together to warm them up. You could tell from the puffiness around his eyes and his overcompensating casual tone that he’d been crying. He set his phone to pipe Your Inner Fish through the stereo and backed down the driveway over snow tamped down over the last week.
           It had been years since you’d gone Christmas shopping, as much as this could be considered Christmas shopping. The town you’d settled in had exactly 7 businesses on a tiny main street, including 1 small inn, a grocery store, the hardware store, a coffee shop (the most reliable internet in town, much faster than your place) and 3 different places to get a burger. You met Sam in the grocery store after grabbing what you wanted from next door in hardware, catching him just as he came out carrying a bag with a long pipe of wrapping paper stretching far past the top. When you left, there were only two other cars in the parking lot grabbing their own last-minute things.
           You wrapped your presents on the bed. It wasn’t like riding a bike as you’d hoped it would be, and your sloppy corners started you down a mental spiral. What a completely asinine thing, wrapping hardware store presents to put under a stolen tree. This wasn’t the Rockwell painting you wanted to present as sacrifice to Dean’s memory. It was cheap and stupid, a sloppy high school production when Dean deserved Broadway. He always had. As much as the three of you had never really done Christmas, Dean knew how to make something special while maintaining the air of not caring. You remembered waking up on his made-up anniversaries: six months from the first time you kissed, three years since he realized he loved you (three years minus 53 days before he said anything), 14 months since you’d figured out how to put a gun back together in the dark. Even in the most podunk little towns he’d find gorgeous bouquets and put together great meals in tiny kitchenettes; drive miles away to pick up a cake for Sam’s birthday or pepper motel rooms with festive streamers and silly string. Two quick, hard breaths through your nose to collect yourself and you finished the wrapping. That would have to be good enough.
           Sam was crouched in front of the fireplace with a bellows, a plucky little fire kicking into gear with his help. “All yours,” you called out, grateful your voice didn’t crack.
           “Thanks. It’ll only be a second.”
           He was right, and came back to you on the couch in only a few minutes with two wrapped bundles. You shyly handed him what you’d wrapped and took his.
           “Uh, Merry Christmas I guess,” Sam said. You noticed the edge of discomfort in his voice and were sickly grateful not to be alone in your tentativeness as you popped open the scotch tape holding the paper on the rectangular package. Before you’d uncovered it, Sam had his first gift unwrapped.
           “Nice! They had these at the hardware store?” he asked, snapping open the clamshell package on the cheap purple noise-cancelling earbuds you’d picked up.
           “I’m sure they’ll sound like they were made underwater, but I figured you could hide them pretty easily if you wanted to wear them at work, listen to your podcasts while you restock or whatever.”
           “That’s a really good idea.” He looked down at the headphones considerately for a beat.
           You pulled the paper off your present to reveal a notebook and two ballpoint pens. It had a leatherette flexible plastic cover that felt smooth under your fingertips and was about the size of a standard hardcover novel. You opened it to see inside, and a few photos dropped out.
           “I just—you didn’t have any—I can take them back if you want,” Sam stammered, but you heard him as if through those checkout-aisle headphones while your eyes blurred. These were pictures you hadn’t seen for years. The one on top of the loose stack in your lap was outside Bobby’s house. It felt like a lifetime ago, leaning over the railing of the small porch to kiss Dean as he stood on the ground in a sweaty t-shirt covered in engine grease. Under that was one you remembered used to be the background of an old phone, where you, Sam, and Dean huddled together in a booth at some bar you’d forgotten the name of in Montana that had girls dressed up as mermaids swim around in big tanks, part of the same theme that explained the blue fishbowl drink partly out of frame in Dean’s hands. There was one you didn’t recall with you and Dean stretched out on a nondescript motel couch, his arm protectively covering you as you coiled up into his side, both clearly asleep from the closed eyes and slightly parted lips. The last was a picture you hadn’t seen since the last time you went to Jody’s house; it had touched you then to see it hanging up on the wall, you carrying Dean piggyback while Sam clutched his knees laughing. It was the same day Claire had turned 16 and you had no idea why you’d needed to convince Dean you could carry him, but the whole thing had ended up with everyone rolling on the ground, grabbing at laugh-opened rib pains for what felt like blissful hours.
           You weren’t surprised at the silent tears that were pouring gently down your face, but wiped at them harshly with your sleeve so they wouldn’t drip. “Sam—” you croaked. “I don’t…I didn’t—thank you. How did you find these?”
           “They had an instant photo printer at the grocery store. I’ve had a flash drive with some stuff on it for a while.”
           You passed through each picture again, studying them like the gospel. It was almost hard to match the photos to the memories, memories having been replayed and multiplied and color-saturated in your mind over and over again, too big to fit into these little pieces of cardstock. But Dean was so beautiful, and you all looked so happy.
           “It’s supposed to help to write about how you’re feeling, so I thought…” Sam trailed off.
           “It’s perfect. I—thank you, Sam.” You met his eyes, stormy blue-green and taking on an amber reflection off of the fire. He looked nervous and almost guilty, like he had miscalculated and hurt you. Carefully slipping the photos back into the notebook, you set it on the table like it was made of crystal and threw your arms around Sam to tuck into him, knowing you were crying through his shirt but unable to stop. You realized you were murmuring thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou into the crook of his neck at the same time you felt the wetness of his tears onto your shoulder. Pulling him in tighter, you slunk back into the arm of the couch behind you. Sam slotted into the curve of your body, wrapping around your torso with powerful, gentle arms. His hair was silken when you began to stroke it, feeling his wracking sobs against your chest. It was impossible to gauge the amount of time it took for both of you to stop crying, skin slick and hot against each other on the old couch as your bodies hardened together like a mold. You felt dried out and sore and wouldn’t have pulled away from Sam if you’d had a gun to your head.
           “Man, and we were doing so well,” you hummed into Sam’s hair.
           “Were we?” Sam asked, and it was all you could do to laugh. Sam laughed too, the emotional and physical fatigue of it blending between you in the air. He adjusted his arm and you could feel the span of his hand across your lower back. The two of you sat there for a few more moments before you gathered up enough courage to let go of him.
           “Want to open the other one?”
           Sam nodded against your chest and slowly extricated himself, running a hand through his messed-up hair and rubbing his neck as he reached for the other present you’d gotten him. He tore through the paper unceremoniously and smiled down at the shoe repair glue and new boot laces. “You saw they split, didn’t you?”
           You smiled back at him. “Would’ve just gotten you a new pair of boots but, you know, late notice. Maybe this’ll buy you some time.”
           He handed you his second gift from the coffee table. Inside the foil-adorned wrapping paper were three bags of gummy worms.
Continue to Dreams, Chapter 4
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bearlytolerant · 3 years
Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles
Pairing: pre-relationship
Rating: G
Word Count: 1175
(Special thanks to @ellstersmash for asking me to write this delightful idea)
just a plant
It is not what he wants to do. But it’s the principle of it. The undeniable prodding of his conscience. He should do it. After all, he is a man–no–vampire of propriety. Though the remnants of the last five broken objects would find the latter statement objectionable.
He meanders up and down the aisles at Greene’s Garden Center, the local greenhouse in Wayhaven. For the life of him, he can’t remember what the plant even looked like. It was certainly green and it didn’t have any speckles like the one currently in his hands. Pretty sure it didn’t have vines either. But maybe it did.
“Need some help?”
He nearly breaks the pot in his hands. How could he have let his guard down?
“Um,” he tries to placate a friendly smile but it certainly feels like a cringe as he places the fragile pot where he found it.
The brows of the sales associate only affirms his suspicions as one flicks up in question.
“I’m looking for a plant.” Instantaneous regret coupled with the lack of desire for human social conversation leaves Adam more exposed than he’d like.
But she is the kind and gracious host, patiently waiting for him to say his next line. (Though he wouldn’t be surprised if he made it on her list of annoying customers for the day). When she realizes he’s not going to expand on his thoughts regarding plants, she prompts him.
“Okay. Any specific type?”
He pauses, considers. Should he retell his mishap from this morning? To this woman who is only trying her best to perform her job’s required tasks?
No. Certainly not. The story would add nothing to his search. It would be useless information.
“No,” he says.
She’s standing there waiting for him to give her a little bit more. Her toes are tapping as her hand settles onto the curve of her popped right hip.
“It needs to be green.”
She lets out a rather loud sigh. Unnecessary in his opinion. “Is there anything that might help me narrow down your search?” She gestures to literally everything in their immediate vicinity. “As you can see, most every plant here is green.”
His eyes survey them all again. Had he known there was so much variety amongst indoor foliage, he would’ve opted to hand the detective the cash to pick out her own replacement plant.
“I will keep browsing,” he finally says.
“Okay. Just let me know if you need me.”
He lets out a grunt of acknowledgement as the associate disappears into another area of the store. Adam side steps over to the next set of potted plants. Dark greens, light greens, greens with flowers–they’re all different and yet look exactly the same. He cups his hand under a wide textured white pot that looks more like a giant soup bowl. This one definitely isn’t right. It’s full of spiky looking miniature plants. His gaze falls on the next set. One has some pink tinges on the edges of its leaves. Dinah would certainly like the pink. Maybe she’d be okay with a new replacement that isn’t a replica?
He pulls out his phone. Dials. Grasps the shallow pot with the pink tinged plant in his other hand.
“Where are you?”
“The warehouse. Why?”
“I need your help.”
Adam grits his teeth together and mutters, “the plant store.”
“The garden center. Not far from you.”
“Oh. Greene’s?”
“Be right there.”
He slips the phone back into his pocket. While continuing to cradle the plant. He eyes it studiously. Deliberating. But he sets it back just as Nate joins his side.
“I need help picking a plant. I know nothing about plants. Do you remember what plant was in the detective's office?”
“Oh, the one that you broke?”
“Yes. The one that I broke.”
Adam pinches the bridge of his nose while Nate glows with a smile next to him. Then the associate comes back.
“You still doing good over here?”
Adam ignores Nate’s questioning glance. “Yes…”
“We’re looking to replace a plant my friend here broke.”
The associate eyes Adam with a bit of disdain but puts all her charm onto Nate. Because of course she does.
“I see. Was there a specific type of plant you had in mind?”
“The plant was situated on the corner of her desk. It tends to get plenty of light when she leaves the blinds open.”
“Do you know which direction her desk faces?”
Nate pauses, uncertain.
“South wall,” Adam states.
“Okay. And do you know if the detective waters her plants regularly?”
“That is a good question.” Nate tugs at his chin. “What would you choose based solely off the information we’ve given?”
“It sounds like the plant could have a lot of sun so I’d pick something like cactuses, succulents or aloe if the detective doesn’t like to water often. If they prefer more leafy plants then I’d suggest a palm, a dwarf fruit tree or even an everblooming gardenia if a floral is preferable.”
“You have given us many useful options. Thank you for your input. And your time,” Nate says.
“You’re very welcome,” the associate returns Nate’s enthusiastic smile, “just holler if you need anything else.”
“Will do,” Nate replies.
Adam tucks his hands into his pockets. “That wasn’t helpful at all.”
“Yes it was. It narrows down our options.”
“Aren’t all plants leafy? What did she mean by leafy plants like a palm?”
“Come here,” Nate gestures for him to follow.
So he does. They wander over to a section full of tall tree looking plants and some bushy looking things.
“These are leafy.”
“Okay. So not these.”
Nate shrugs.
“Can you just pick one?”
“I’m not the one who destroyed the plant. You did. Was there one that caught your eye?”
“It’s not for me.”
“So there is one that caught your eye. Come on, let’s get it.”
Adam groans but he acquiesces and brings Nate back to the plant with pink tinged leaves.
“I should’ve just let the Agency replace it.”
“And miss the opportunity to connect with the detective? No. This is a far superior choice.”
Gesturing to the plant Adam says, “this is it.”
“A succulent. What’s it called?”
Adam lifts the pot. “I don’t know.”
Nate’s fingers pluck a small tag from its soil. “Kalanchoe ‘Pink Butterflies’”. Oh this says Dinah all over it.”
“So I should get it?”
“Yes. Absolutely.” Nate gives him an encouraging squeeze on his shoulder. “I’m going to head back. You’ll have to let me know if she likes it.”
Nate doesn’t see Adam’s self satisfied smirk as he makes his way to the checkout. He doesn’t plan on being there when the detective finds it. He purchases the plant and carefully carries it back to the police station. Adam sets it on her desk, finds her notepad and writes an apology, leaving it tucked under the base of the pot.
Finally, his conscience will leave him the hell alone. And all thoughts of Dinah will disperse.
Or so he hopes.
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kh3, recoded spoilers:
another part to my data boys as gummiphone assistants crack lol. Basic concept: Data Sora and Data Riku get sent to Riku's phone to accompany him on his ventures through unreality.
in this installment: Riku realizes his kh munny doesn't work in Unreality, so Data Riku pulls some bs in order to help Riku win prize money in a motorcycle race.
warnings: some cussing, ig, crack
“That’ll be $25.03.”
Riku blinks. He looks down at his munny. He doesn’t know how to divide a single munny into “point three” munny. He’s never needed to do that back home.
He does the next best thing, and holds out twenty-six munny.
The cashier reflexively reaches out his hand, then pulls away. He stares at Riku’s hand, then glares at Riku’s face.
Riku pulls his munny back just an inch. “...I’m sorry, I only have twenty-six.”
The cashier squints, then glares again. “Is this a joke or something?”
Riku’s phone rings in his pocket, but Riku feels himself growing confused, and doesn’t want to add the data kids to the mess. “I don’t understand. What’s wrong? Is it the total?”
The cashier looks to the side, as if attempting to take a mental break from the situation, before turning back to Riku. “Dude, stop with the prank. You already ordered your food, just—”
“What is it?” someone calls from within the kitchen of the restaurant.
“Hold the food,” the cashier calls back. “This guy’s trying to pay in marbles or something.”
“What the fuck?”
Riku blinks. What did that mean? The word, the marbles, the prank, all of it?
“I’m sorry,” Riku apologizes again, and he knows Data Sora is going to give him a talking to for it. “I’m—Cancel my order, I—”
The cashier sighs, and taps on the monitor of the register. “Alright, man, just—don’t do this kinda stuff; no one watches prank videos anymore.”
Riku nods, despite not understanding a word being said, and ducks out of the restaurant, munny in hand.
He wanders the streets for a good while, until his confusion and embarrassment simmer down. Only then does he finally answer his phone, which hasn’t stopped ringing incessantly.
Riku braces himself. “What is it, Sora—”
“Riku! What was that? What happened? Why didn’t you answer? And what did I tell you about over-apologizing?”
“I was busy,” Riku quickly answers, if only because otherwise, Data Sora would keep asking questions.
“Busy not eating! And right when you finally decided to! Go back!”
Riku thinks about the munny he’d stuffed back in his pocket, and feels his earlier frustration returning. “And what? They wouldn’t take my munny, and I don’t think it’s because of something I did.”
Data Riku scoffs, and it’s the first sound he’s made this whole time. “That’s why I was calling you. Was there a weird “S” looking symbol on the menu?”
Riku doesn’t have to think twice. It had stood out to him instantly. “Yeah.”
“I thought so. That symbol represents the currency here. Your munny from home is different, and it won’t work here.”
“Then why didn’t you warn him?” Data Sora chides, lightly smacking Data Riku's elbow.
“I didn’t check until just a while ago, okay?”
Data Sora gasps, his mild anger seemingly vanishing. “Riku? Not planning ahead?”
Data Riku rolls his eyes, but Data Sora’s antics instantly improve Riku’s mood.
“So now what?” Riku asks, and now there’s less tension in his voice. “I haven’t run into any monsters here, and who’s to say they’d drop munny anyway?”
Data Sora crosses his arms into his usual thinking pose, humming. Data Riku, on the other hand, raises an eyebrow at Riku. The little smirk is back, and Riku can’t believe he used to do such a thing.
“I think I found something,” is all Data Riku says.
Data Sora’s arms fling out beside him in surprise. “Huh?”
Data Riku answers by strolling over to his beloved keyboard, and calling up a holographic display.
Riku blinks, and Data Sora gasps.
“So,” Data Riku asks cheekily, “do you remember how to ride?”
“How did you know about that?” Riku asks as he follows the gps on his phone. He glances up to read a street sign, then looks down at his phone again.
Data Riku scoffs. “Come on. If there’s one adventure of yours I have data of, it’s your time in The Grid.”
“That makes sense.”
Data Sora is turning from one Riku to the other, eyes wide. “Huh? Adventure? Grid? What’re you guys talking about?”
Data Riku points at the hologram in the middle of the room, and Data Sora is transfixed on it once more.
“What I understand so far is that you have to sign up for these things in advance,” Data Riku explains. “Because it’s an official event, which is the only kind that will even give you a chance at winning prize money.”
“Prize munny?” Data Sora asks. “I thought munny was no good here.”
“Currency,” Data Riku clarifies. “Money, different from ours. Or at least this world’s equivalent of munny.”
Riku turns a corner, and suddenly he hears the echoes of squealing tires. It sends a rush of excitement through Riku’s veins.
An obvious hole in their plan then makes itself known.
“How am I supposed to race? I don’t have a bike.”
Riku’s words cause Data Sora to turn back to the hologram from before, and he practically drools over the flickering image of a motorcycle. “Biiike…”
Data Riku keeps typing without missing a beat. “I was going to focus on the process of registering you for the races in the first place, first. But—” and Riku’s screen suddenly shows a different display “it’s done. Almost. Basically.”
Riku scans the webpage on his screen, slightly distracted by the increasing sounds of revving engines and the smell of burning rubber.
“This is the login screen for current racers,” Data Riku’s voice explains. “This will serve as a pathway between the gummiphone and the servers housing the roster data. I’ll do some tweaking, and if all goes well, you should appear on the roster as if you’ve been entered the whole time.”
Something about this situation feels vaguely familiar to Riku, but’s it’s a barely-there sensation that’s interrupted by the sound of Data Sora snoring in the background. Riku smiles. “What do you need me to do?”
The gummiphone screen switches back to the room in the datascape. “Here? Nothing,” Data Riku answers. “What I do want you to do is find me a vessel.”
Riku stops walking midstep. “What?!”
Again, Data Riku doesn’t even blink at his monitor. “It’s not for me. It’s for you. Or, more accurately, your bike.”
At this, Data Sora wakes up from his standing nap. “Bike? What bike?”
Both Riku’s smile.
“Exactly,” Data Riku says. “I can’t just make a bike out of nowhere, not out there. The code needs to exist within something tangible, preferably something which’s code I can simply rewrite.”
Riku nods, and looks around. “Alright. What exactly could you use as this ‘something’?”
The display on Riku’s phone screen changes, flickering between various images of different types of electronics.
“Any smart device should work. They’re like your gummiphone, devices that can be personalized and connect and interact with you as its user and other compatible devices.”
Riku commits the appearance of said devices to memory, and resumes his search. “Where could I find one?”
“...Go into that restaurant.”
Riku looks at his phone to see what Data Riku is referring to. Across the street is what looks like a fast food place, but Riku doesn’t understand.
“Why? I can’t buy anything there. That’s the whole reason we’re going through all this trouble to win prize money at the races.”
Data Riku is grinning, and it’s unsettling. “Just go in.”
Against his better judgement, Riku listens.
Once inside the restaurant, Data Riku instructs Riku to approach one of the booths labeled “self-checkout”. In the booth is a large tablet fixed in place, where it seems customers can place their order themselves without the need for a cashier.
Riku is about to experimentally tap at the display, when suddenly, the tablet starts to seemingly leak pixels—
—until it disappears in a shower of code.
“Okay, leave the building,” Data Riku instructs.
Riku blinks. “What—Where did the screen go?”
“Don’t worry about it, just leave.”
Riku gapes at his phone. “Are you—Are you stealing?”
“Mind not announcing it to everyone here?” Data Riku’s arms are crossed. “And don’t forget we’re the same person. If I’m stealing, you’re stealing. Now let’s go.”
“Excuse me?” a voice calls, and Riku spots a woman in a uniform walking toward him. “Sir, do you need any—?”
Of course, this is the moment Data Sora decides to join the fun. “We’re stealing?! Awesome!” His voice rings clear from the phone speakers, and the woman balks.
Riku panics for a second, then bolts out the door. Behind him, he hears a voice shout, “What the fuck?”
He isn’t of a mind to ponder the word meaning this time.
On his phone screen, Data Sora is cackling, throwing his arm over Data Riku’s shoulder, who’s having way too much fun at Riku’s expense.
“I can’t believe you just stole a whole tablet,” Riku grunts as he flees the scene.
“Thanks for the vessel,” Data Riku answers, sounding unusually cheerful. “Hurry and get to the track.”
“I’d get there a lot faster with that bike you promised. It’s the least you can do after stealing from that restaurant. I can’t believe—”
Data Sora is still having the time of his life. “Way to go, Riku!” And Data Riku looks way too proud of himself at the praise.
Riku rolls his eyes after glancing over his shoulder for any pursuers. “Teenagers.”
“Alright, jump!”
Riku sees the pixels up ahead, glittering and reforming into a familiar shape.
He jumps.
And he lands on something solid just as the pixels settle into their new form.
People, cars, and buildings all flash past Riku as he crashes down the street, toward his original destination. Data Sora is absolutely losing it as he watches from the gummiphone (which Riku had docked on the console), and looks like he might pass out when Data Riku emulates the scene within their world, with the two of them cruising on a shared bike.
“Wait,” Riku shouts over the wind, and the engine. “Couldn’t I just sell this thing for money?”
“You’d really sell something that you stole?” Data Riku calls back, grinning when Data Sora wraps his arms around his waist.
Riku would swerve into a post if he could focus on the gummiphone for more than a split second at a time. “I didn’t steal anything; that was all you.”
“You keep telling yourself that.”
i didn't even get to write him actually racing lol oops. and there's a whole other side to this i'm imagining where sora drags yozora to the very same races riku is about to pop up in, sort of a rapunzel/eugene vibe lmao. yozora really doesn't know why tf his heart tells him to put up with sora's shit but he does it anyway. my poor amnesiac boys.
i also know i didn't really explain my bs logic for how data riku turns a tablet into a motorcycle (i never even mentioned the motorcycle once it appeared either LMAO). i would have, in data riku fashion, but it would've made for a block of text full of made up nonsense lol
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
Hey Nikki! Could you do a perfectly wrong drabble of reader thinking she is pregnant? thank you <3
perfectly wrong | drabble [10]: why are there multiple kinds of pregnancy tests for Taehyung to decide between?
word count: 1.9k
warnings: cussing, implied sexual content, pregnancy scare (use protection and use protection well, folks!)
note: this ended up being a little longer than i thought lol sorry! hope you enjoy still. i also just whipped this up before going to bed so this is pretty raw - excuse any mistakes pls. love me still 🥺
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"Fuck!" You yelled as you ran to the bathroom as a huge wave of nausea hit you yet once again this morning. You were abruptly woken up early in the morning due to the feeling, not getting much rest after the first time you hurled last night's dinner into the toilet bowl. Taehyung had just walked into your apartment, mouth slightly open as he furrowed his brows watching you run off to the bathroom.
"Baby, what's wrong?" He says, swinging the bathroom door open as you dry-heaved into the bowl, curse words trailing shortly after. He crouches to your level, rubbing your back and holding your hair out of the way.
"I don't know, I just woke up feeling--" He watched as you threw your head back into the toilet bowl, a little bit of the water you had taken down earlier coming back up. "Really shitty." You continue after you spit.
"Shit, did you eat anything bad yesterday?"
"I don't think so? Nothing seemed suspicious." You pointed at him weakly. "And you look perfectly dandy being that we ate at the same places." You rested your back against the wall, eyeing how god-like your boyfriend looked.
"I'm sorry, love." He pouted. "You okay to get up now? Let's get you in bed and I can run out to grab whatever you need me to grab." You sat there, pondering on your thoughts for a second. The food you ate last night didn't seem bad, but also you never know. However, you were starting to freak out mainly because of the countless, amazing, 'let me rearrange your guts' type of sex you've been having with your boyfriend. That thought always has to be taken into consideration.
"What's the date today?" Taehyung quickly whips out his phone to check the date on his lockscreen.
"The 20th. Why?" Your eyes widened. You were supposed to get your period 5 days ago. Albeit, you've always been on a weird, irregular schedule ever since you were younger. Getting on birth control somewhat helped regulate that, but lately it hadn't been wonky. You usually got it on the 15th. "Why, baby?" His eyes started to widen.
"I'm late, Tae. I should've gotten my period 5 days ago."
"Okay, let's not panic. We can't assume just yet, right?" He begins to slightly freak out, but he's doing his best to keep his emotions in check. He was worried as hell now, not only because you were hurting but because this?
Lord, please. If you get me out of this one, I won't slap Y/N's ass ever again.
Don't get him wrong, he really wanted to be a father. He had always dreamed of having a good sized family with the love of his life. But right at this moment? He wasn't ready. You weren't ready. You both were just trying to survive school and that was already work on its own.
"Right." You say, but you're fucking screaming internally. Jesus fucking christ?!
"Let's get you in bed. I'll grab you some gatorade and soup while you get some more rest." He says, helping you up. You loved his cologne and taking in his scent, but today you couldn't deal. You sat on the edge of your bed, immediately grabbing the trash can next to your night stand and puked a little bit more acid.
"God, I'm so tired. Let this be ooooover." You whined as Tae tucked you into your sheets and wiped your face clean with a warm, wet towel. He folded it in half, placing the towel onto your forehead to help regulate your temperature as much as possible.
"I'm so sorry, babygirl. I hate seeing you like this." He kisses you on the cheek. "Don't drink water just yet, it doesn't seem like you can keep it down. I'll come back right away, okay? Try to get some sleep."
"Can you grab a test?" He swallows the lump in his throat.
"Yeah, of course." He smiles toothlessly, watching as your eyes slowly droop and shut close, the exhaustion from all this effort hitting you out of nowhere. Tae was worried sick, and he honestly wished he could snap his fingers so that the things you need would just appear and he wouldn't have to leave you alone.
He gets to the closest convenience store that would have everything you needed in one place. He grabs you a few bottles of gatorade, making sure to grab you the blue Glacier Freeze bottles because he remembers you saying that's the only flavor you grew up drinking. He grabs a couple of ingredients to whip you up some chicken noodle soup later once you're able to tolerate the gatorade at the very least. He also grabs a few unnecessary things like snacks for you both [mainly him cause it's based off of his own cravings right now] and then makes his way over to the aisle that has the condoms and pregnancy tests.
Multiple kinds?
How the fuck is he supposed to know? Does one differ by the other much? They all look like the same fucking stick. They all look like that game of pick up sticks.
His eyes go from one box to another, mouth slightly hanging from how overwhelmed he is right now. This one says 6 days sooner, but the other box has two sticks for the price of one? He's assuming that's a nice safety blanket to have an extra stick confirm your results. But there's also one box with two sticks AND the 6 days sooner message.
Then a box with 4 sticks?
"Hooooly mother of pearl, fuck it." He says, grabbing the one with 4 sticks and the 6 day message. That's the gold for him. It makes him feel a little better knowing he could look at all 4 sticks. Does Y/N even have enough pee for this? He's about to make his way out of the aisle when he passes the condoms and lube.
Heh, no lube cause I make my girl hella wet already.
But condoms? After today, he was highly thinking about it. But lord knows how much he'd hate to have to wrap it up like that. Condoms are for sure your friends, but that raw feeling when he's inside the girl he truly loves - Exquisite. Chef’s kiss. Absolutely irreplaceable.
He eyes the boxes one more time before a little elderly lady walks past him in the aisle. She looks at him, smiles, then looks at the condoms before looking down at his basket with the pregnancy tests.
"A little late for that, don't you think?" She chuckles as she jokes to herself.
Well, damn? Like that??
He purses his lips into a fine line before rushing out of the aisle and making his way to the self-checkout lanes. He quickly checks out, not realizing he had gotten a little distracted from his own thoughts.
Getting back to your place, he notices you're still sound asleep. He takes your trash out and dumps it down the trash slot outside of your door. He cleans up a little in your living room, folding your blankets neatly and lighting your favorite candle. He washes the dishes left in your sink as he waits for the stove to heat up. He starts to whip up that chicken noodle soup for you so it would be ready.
Once he's done, he grabs a bottle of gatorade and sits on the edge of your bed, gently brushing the hair out of your face.
"Here baby, drink some." He says, handing you the opened bottle. You stir in your position, sitting upright in order to get some of the gatorade into your system. You hope you can keep it down and make some progress. "I got you the tests." He shows you the box with 4 sticks.
"Damn, babe. Four sticks?" He clicks his teeth and points a finger gun at you.
"The more the merrier, amirite?"
"I should probably do those now." You take your time standing up with Tae right beside you, making sure you don't get dizzy or lose your balance. In the bathroom, you stand and stare at the box for a little, reality kind of settling in for you. This is actually happening right now.
"Hey, whatever happens, I'll be right here, okay? We'll figure this out." He reassures you, giving a kiss on the side of your head as you silently nod and open the box. You sit on the toilet, Tae helping you swap out the sticks until you no longer need to pee. He sets the aside the sink carefully, putting on a timer on his phone.
"Fuck. I can't just sit here and watch." You dig your head into your hands.
"I almost bought condoms." He chuckles, trying to brighten the mood.
"Taehyung and condoms? No way. My boyfriend would never."
"I would if absolutely necessary - and by absolutely necessary, I mean like today o’clock." You shoot him a look, the statement only heightening your anxiety. "But! I didn't, okay! We'll be fine, we can't assume."
"You're pulling out next time."
"I mean if you let me bust my load on your—"
"No, you're gonna cum in your own fucking hands after today." You furrow your eyebrows angrily.
"Baby." He laughs. "That's no fun."
"Taehyung, we're sitting in my bathroom waiting for four pregnancy tests to show their results!" His timer goes off and suddenly you feel sick again.
"I guess we'll find out if I'm daddy in a few minutes." You smack him on the chest.
"Don't ever."
"Please, ladies first." He nods towards the sticks.
"Why me?"
"It's your sperm that did this!"
"Woah m'lady, it takes two to tango!"
"Pick up the goddamn sticks." He clicks his teeth.
"Fuck, fine!" He picks up the stick. "Oh my god, baby." He says, gasping with his mouth agape.
That's it. You're gonna fucking cry. Everything is turning into white noise. Yes, you wanted a family but all of this shit was happening so quickly you couldn't even—
"You're not pregnant." He says in the same dramatic tone.
"I'm going to fight you!" You shriek at him, grabbing the sticks to double check. You see one single line across all four sticks, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. You start to cry a little, causing Taehyung to laugh and pull you into a hug. He knows how stressed you just were and he knows this moment alone must have taken a lot out of you. He can't help but wanna cuddle you in his arms for the rest of the day.
"Oh never again, love."
"Don’t get me wrong. I wanna have your babies but I’m not ready to right now."
"I fully agree, 100%."
"I'll call my doctor tomorrow just to make sure we're in the clear." He nods.
"Feeling a little better?" You shake your head.
"Honestly, I still feel like shit."
"Go sit in bed, I'll bring the bowl of soup to you." He kisses you on the nose. "I love you."
"I love you, too." And that's what you do - sit in bed while your man brings your bowl of soup that he delicately prepared over so you can get something in your system. Luckily, you were able to hold both that and the gatorade down and that's what your diet consisted of for the rest of the day.
The good ol' doc says it's nothing but a dumb stomach bug and that your birth control is just playing mind games with you, showing you the results to confirm the negative pregnancy test. He demands you take it easy and get lots of love in the mean time until you fully recover from whatever thing you ate that day that wasn't prepared carefully.
You live and you learn. Life is all about that, right?
"Never again, Tae."
"We don't mean that." He whines as he chases after you walking towards the car.
"You try being in my shoes during a pregnancy scare then!"
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