#so i wrote this at 2 am and i'm really happy with how it came out akzkfkskajfkg
gothamhappiness · 1 month
You are my heaven (Bruce Wayne x f!reader) Part 2
It was supposed to be a little imagine of a dark and lonely Bruce Wayne switching place with another Bruce Wayne from a parallal universe, but I wrote more than I thought. It'll be into 2 parts, except if you ask for more. <3
You can find part 1 of this here.
Warnings: no proof reading, language, mention of blood and killing, angst/comfort
He met you up at the Italian restaurant and loved to place a hand on the small of your back. He loved even more how you instinctively leaned into his touch and side. He really couldn't go back to his world. This place was heaven, and he was going to take such good care of his new people.
He listened to everything you said and actually answered. He never checked on his phone and didn't show any sign of being in the rush. You noticed how relaxed he seemed. Just before the dessert, he even reached for your hand and gently kissed it. He openly flirted with you and did his best to make you laugh. It was his favourite sound, with your moans of pleasure.
"You're in a good mood today," You finally commented. "You even took the time to talk to the kids this morning. And not to order them stuff about patrol, " You whispered
It hit Bruce. Of course, the "kids" were the vigilantes he saw working with Batman. He couldn't imagine how amazing it must be to work with other people. To be the mentor of those people, too. Their leader. Maybe even their father? They were all so young, they clearly needed someone to be there for them. And you cared for them, like a mother.
"I... Last night was a little bit complicated, and I realise how lucky I am, that’s all," Bruce replied, hoping you might know something
"Yes, Dick and Cass told me you got attacked by that mad scientist and that he threw at you some weird potion. Luckily, nothing happened. You were a little bit dizzy when you came back home, and you instantly went to bed. I helped you undress, and you fell asleep on me, " You hummed. "Anyway, I'm happy if things…” You trailed off
“If things?” Bruce tried to get you to finish your sentence
“Could... be better, " You admitted and looked away
Bruce was speechless for a few moments. Were you saying that the Bruce of this world neglected his people? His own people? You? He fucking didn't deserve any of this then. It was making things so easy, no guilt, no mercy.
"What do you mean, love?" He asked with a tilt of the head. You still refused to meet his eyes as you answered:
"Well... You haven't been around a lot lately. I can't even remember the last time we had lunch together. And you... you aren't the nicest with the children... Jason came to see me for comfort after another argument with you. Steph had a nap with me on the couch after you pushed her too much during training..." You explained. 
You didn't want to ruin the moment, but you weren't too sure when you would be able to tell him about all of this. For once, he seemed open to the discussion and wasn’t distracted with his work. However, his silence worried you a little bit. Actually, Bruce was angry. It was obvious that the Bruce of this universe didn't know his luck. He was going to be better - oh, so much better - than him. It was a promise. He kissed your hand again
"I'm so sorry. I'll do better. With everyone." He told you, and you finally looked at him, astonished. You had expected some justifications or denials, not this.
"I'm so... relieved. Maybe you could have a little talk with all the kids? And I know that your relationships with the members of the Justice League were getting tense, too. We haven't invited the Kents at home in so long." You babbled. 
Bruce could tell how much you cared about the family and that you decided to push your luck. You wanted your children to be happy, and you wished for Bruce to do better with his friends as well. You were so caring. Bruce was falling even deeper in love with you, and he didn’t think that was possible.
"I will. I promise. What about us?" He asked. 
Of course, he was going to do his best for all those people he didn't know yet, but what he wanted the most was to be a good husband to you. He had fantasied about your life together so badly, and now that it was happening, it needed to be perfect.
You didn't reply right away, trying to quickly think.
"What about us?" You finally said
"I haven't been the best to you either," Bruce guessed
"You saw the divorce papers I asked from our lawyer, didn't you?" You internally cursed yourself. You should have been better
Bruce silently panicked but didn't show anything. Oh the fucker was really ruining everything. He needed to make you forget about this divorce. You were finally his wife, he wasn't going to lose you or let you go. You were his, like he belonged body and soul to you.
"Love,..." He started, but you cut him off
"I was just thinking about it, but I... I don't want to leave the family. It was just in case things went downhill, " You explained, a little bit concerned of what the man was thinking
"It won't," He reassuringly smiled at you
"It won't go downhill. I'll do anything you all need from me. I'm so lucky to have all of you in my life. I can't take this luck for granted. I'll do better, " He promised
You weren't too sure Bruce wasn't lying, but you wanted to believe him so badly.
Bruce found a folder with information on all the people in Bruce's life on the batcomputer, and he was grateful for that. It allowed him to know about his history with everyone and to act on consequences. He did talk to everyone and tried to make things better. He apologised and offered his help. He took some time for everyone. He showed he was eager to make an effort. He showed he wanted everyone to be happy around him. He showed he was there for his people.
He also found the mad scientist.
He interrogated him in Arkham Asylum. The man hadn't thought a new Batman would come. He just thought it would send the Dark Knight into another world, and that was it. Bruce asked if there was a way to get the real Bruce back. The mad scientist refused to answer at first before admitting that yes, there was. After all, portals could go both ways. Bruce went to the scientist's repair and destroyed everything before paying hitmen to kill the man. There was no way he would come back to Hell. No way. He would even kill the former Bruce himself if he had to.
The night he came back from the scientist’s repair, he was his most charming self to you, bringing you a beautiful necklace full of diamonds. As he helped you put it on, he complimented you and kissed your skin. He seduced you all night.
In the bath with you, his hands never left your skin. He gently washed your body and hair. He tenderly massaged cream onto you. He covered you in kisses until you would giggle under his nonstop attention. You truly hoped Bruce would keep acting like that because you were falling back in love with him. Hard. You were happy, and you clearly didn't want to get a divorce anymore.
A few days later, you and the children had lunch all together. Without Bruce.
You all decided that a conversation was a necessity because “what was going on with the man for fuck's sake?”. It was impossible he changed that much in such a short period of time. It was obvious something happened with the mad scientist. But weirdly enough, he was now dead and his work was destroyed...
"It's not Bruce," Tim finally said
"What do you mean?" You frowned
"It's not the Bruce we knew. From what I've been able to find, the scientist was studying portals through different parallel universe" Tim added
"You're saying that... He switched of Bruces from two different worlds?" You asked
"I think it's what happened, yes." Tim nodded, and you all stayed silent for a little while
"What do we do?" Duke asked
"This Bruce is nicer," Jason commented
"And more caring," Stephanie added
"But it is not our father." Damian frowned
"But he is acting like one..." Dick replied
"And like a husband." Cass added "His body language... He is so in love with you, Y/N… Like he would do anything for you."
"I... I know.” You paused “Maybe we all deserve some happiness"
“Are you saying we should pretend we don’t know anything? Barbara asked “It’s true that the Bruce we had was… challenging, but he all saved us. And kinda took care of us. We don’t know what this man will do in the long run” she added, and you were forced to agree with her
“Let me talk to him” You offered, and everyone agreed.
You weren’t too sure when it would be the right moment to speak with your new husband about the situation.
One evening, as you were snuggled up in his embrace, you felt like it was the right time. It was only the two of you, and the day has been quite good for Bruce, so he was relaxed. You kissed his collarbone to bring his attention back to you. He instantly put his book down to look at you.
"Yes, love?" He hummed
“Who are you?” You whispered with a bite of your bottom lip
“What? You know who am I” Bruce pretended to laugh it off, but he tensed a little bit
“You’re different. The kids are little detectives, and they think you are coming from a parallel universe. And… I can believe that” You explained
“Because my husband liked me, but never worshipped me like a divinity of love” You softly smiled
“Well, he should have” Bruce groaned
“So, this is true, right? You came from another universe. And the man I married is there, instead of you?” You asked
Bruce cupped your face and leaned his forehead against yours. He had been the happiest man in the world the past few weeks. He finally had everything he ever wanted and needed. He would sell his soul in exchange for keeping this life. He was terrified you would cast him away.
“He didn’t deserve you. Any of you. I guess he’s there, yes, but I don’t really know. And I don’t care. I want to stay here. Haven’t I been good to you? Don’t you want to keep me? Haven’t I been better than he was?” He pleaded.
You heard the fear and despair in his voice.
“Your world isn’t as nice as here then?” You asked 
“My Alfred died when I turned 18, so I never had the time to adopt any of the children. I did my best as Batman and CEO of Wayne Enterprises, but I’m alone and lonely. Maybe I fucked up too, because my life is a just a mess. I don’t know, but this is Heaven and my world is Hell.”
“We’re not married either?” You wondered
“I’m too much of a loser to interest you. No matter how madly in love I am with you. No matter how much I’ve always wanted to worship you. I’m so happy to finally have you as my wife. I’ll always cherish you.” He admitted and promised
You stayed silent, not knowing what to do anymore. This place was clearly a fresh and happy start for the man in front of you. But what about the Bruce Wayne of this world? Wasn’t it a cruel punishment to leave him in such a lonely place? At the same time, you weren’t sure the man you married would even take care of you like you now were. And you would miss that very much. The children deserved a better father, too. Jason actually started to hang out with this new Bruce. And now Jason knew it wasn’t the same man who betrayed him. Their relationship would be even better. There were so many advantages...
“Keep me” The man begged you “I’ll do anything you want” He whispered again
“I… do want you to stay. But I feel awful knowing he is in your world. Alone.” You admitted
“I can make you forget about him” Bruce offered before kissing you, his thoughts on ways to make everyone forget about the “real” Bruce Wayne.
He was going to stay in Heaven, no matter the price, no matter the sacrifice, no matter what. You kissed him back before gently pushing him away.
“What if he comes back?” You asked “Would you hurt him?” You continued
Bruce didn’t answer, so you knew he would kill him without hesitation. He was a love, attention, and touch starved man. He knew what it was to be so broken that nothing could work out. 
“Barbara and Damian… They need some convincing to not find a way and save the Bruce we knew. I still feel bad but… if I loved him, I know I’ve never felt for him what I’m feeling for you” You whispered
Bruce’s eyes lit up. Being loved by you because he was Bruce Wayne was a thing, but being loved by you because of who he was was so much better. He didn’t know what to say, so he deeply kissed you over and over again.
“Love you, love you so much. You’ll be happy with me. Everyone will be happy with me.” He whispered in between kisses
“You promise?” You breathlessly asked 
“I promise, my love”
Part 3
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natti-ice · 7 months
Private Dance- Eddie Munson.
Pairing: Stripper!Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ mdni, stripping, alcohol consumption, oral sex on reader, p in v, unprotected sex, one night stand, like 2 uses of y/n I’m sorry😭 (2k words)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs & comments are greatly appreciated<3
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The dimly lit room vibrated from the song that blasted on the speakers at the DJ booth, the alcohol in your system had started to hit and you felt your stress start to leave your body.
Work had been hard for you the past few weeks, you were constantly trying to keep up with deadlines and had no time for yourself. Your friends had noticed that you really needed a break, they suggested you all go out to this new club that had just opened up. You weren't really into the club scene but you figured it wouldn't hurt to have a little fun.
You weren't one hundred percent sure but this didn't seem like a regular club, people were sitting in booths that faced an empty stage instead of being crowded on a big dancefloor. It was a little odd but you didn't think much of it. Most of the groups consisted of middle-aged women drunk off their asses, or young bachelorettes who were also drunk. You could tell from the happy yelling that happened every time a waiter came with more shots.
"Ladies if you'd please direct your attention to the stage, the show is about to begin" cheers immediately erupt from all the women in the room
The music changed to a more sensual song, you were a bit confused but intrigued as to what was about to happen. A man walked out on the stage, then another, then one more. The three men were missing their shirts, all the wore were dress pants and bow ties. That was when it hit you
I'm at a strip club.
The women screamed even louder as the three men began to dance provocatively, thrusting and gyrating to the music.
"You didn't tell me this was a strip club!" You yelled to your best friend who was also screaming for the men
"Sorry hon, this was the only way we knew you'd come" her apology wasn't that sincere since she was enjoying the show too much to care.
You weren't a prude, you just didn't see the appeal in these kinds of places, you didn't want to ruin your friends night so you didn't argue. You watched the show, trying your best to enjoy yourself. The men weren't ugly thankfully, all were fit and decent dancers, there was one who was different though.
He had long shaggy hair the others were clean cut, he had tattoos on his body and he didn't seem like he was trying to appease the crowd. He was just having fun. You watched him the entire performance
After a few minutes the song ended and the men came off the stage, each of them seemed to have different destinations. You were surprised when the long haired man came towards your table. You looked around at your friends to see if they were as confused as you but they all were giddy. Something was up.
"Hello ladies, how are we this evening?" He asked like a gentleman
"Good" your friends said in unison
"That's great to hear, now which one of you is y/n?" Immediately your heart started racing, why was he looking for you
"Ummm I am" you spoke, it sounded more like a question than a statement
"Are you ready for your private dance?"
Your eyes widened, you had no clue what he was talking about "sorry what?" You asked
He was also a bit confused, he looked around at your friends then back to you "sorry, I thought y/n was getting the dance"
"Oh no she is" your best friend pipped up, before leaning over to whisper in your ear "happy early birthday"
"You got me a stripper?" You whisper yelled
"I did, babe you need to loosen up a bit. Take your mind off of work, enjoy yourself" she said before lightly pushing you to get out of the booth. You stood to your feet, now eye to eye with the stripper
"Ready?" He asked
"Umhm" you swallowed
"Right this way" he said before lightly holding your arm to guide you toward the back of the club
You heard many things about these private dances, you knew how this was going to end. You were going to have sex with a stranger, you thankfully had enough alcohol in your system to not over think it.
"What's your name?" You questioned
"It's Eddie" he smiled
He has a very cute smile you thought
Once you two made it to the room he opened the door "ladies first" as he gestured you to walk in, you took a deep breath. It was happening.
He shut the door behind you, the music was muffled but still shook the room. You were nervous but excited, you had never done anything like this before, you had never been to a strip club before let alone receive a private dance from a stripper. 
The lighting was similar to the stage room, the room was furnished with a black leather love seat, a small boom box in the corner, and a round table with drink coasters. You stood in the middle of the room not quite sure what to do with yourself, he noticed your timid movements and placed a gentle hand on your lower back.
"Take a seat, love. No need to be nervous" his voiced calmed your nerves a bit as you followed his order.
He walks over to the boom box and looks through a few cassettes that sit on top
"Is it that obvious?" You ask with a light laugh to hide your embarrassment
"A little" he laughed, he found which tape he wanted and inserted it into the boom box "don't worry, I'll be gentle" he looked up at you and smirked
You heart started to beat a little harder than it was a few seconds ago, the music started playing a moment later, Eddie started to walk over to you. Nothing about him is threatening, his demeanor was friendly and inviting but also seductive. He started to feel the best of the music, moving his body the tempo and humming along. The light hit his body just right, he glistened from the thin layer of baby oil that covered his abdomen. He saw you staring.
Eddie grabbed one of your wrists and brought your hand up to his abs, you instinctively pulled your hand back.
"It's okay" he assures reaching for your hand once more "you can touch them" he lets go of your hand allowing you free rein of his body
You caress his warm skin, he was toned but not ripped, his dress pants were cut low enough his v was showing. You allowed your hands to travel further, mindlessly tracing the curves of his body. He laughed as he watched you enjoy yourself.
He slowly straddled you, your hand hold onto his waist as he caressed your neck. You started to feel a twitch between your legs as he touched you, you wanted to kiss him.
"Are you from around here?" He asked pulling you out of your daze
"Yeah, I don't live that far from here. You?" You replied
"Unfortunately" he laughed but you could tell he meant it "one day me and my band are gonna take off"
"You're in a band?" You asked a bit of excitement in your voice, he nods "that's hot" you whisper, a slight smirk on your face
You didn't know what came over you but you wanted him, bad.
"Oh yeah?" He asked playfully "well lucky for you, I'm yours all night"
He leaned down replacing his hands with his mouth, littering kisses all over your neck moving his way up, light moans left your mouth. He traveled to your ear nibbling on your lobe before he whispered "are you sure you want to do this?"
You knew what he was talking about and you knew you wanted it, "yes" you whispered back
He pulled back slightly before attaching his lips to yours, his lips were soft but his kisses were passionate, his cradled your face deepening the kiss. His free hand moved down to your shirt unfastening the buttons, pulling it off, and exposing your clothed breasts. He palmed one tit before reaching behind and unclasping your bra one handed.
He was a pro.
Once both of your tits were exposed, he stood up without breaking the kiss, he spread your legs a bit allowing him to kneel in front of you.
He broke the kiss and started trailing kisses down your body, you caught your breath as he took one of your nipples in his mouth and sucking.
You moaned at the sensitivity of your nipples, you felt yourself becoming wet as thoughts of him fucking you played in your head. After giving your tits the attention they deserve, he continues kissing down your body.
Once he's at your pants, he unbuttons them and slowly starts pulling the down, he doesn't break eye contact in case you want him to stop. After he gets your pants off your left in just your panties and heels. He pulls you forward so your ass was at the edge of the loveseat, he starts kissing your inner thigh, this sends tingles up your spine. He hovers over your clothed cunt, his warm breath excites you before he begins kissing the other thigh.
You were becoming impatient, you wanted him to touch you so bad. You squirmed as he got further away from your pussy. He chuckled into you leg,
"No need to rush sweetheart, we have all night" he finally made his way back to your cunt. He kissed up and down, your panties became soaked as he used his tongue to tease you. You let a few moans slip, you didn't want to be too loud. Not everyone needed to know you were fucking.
He took two fingers and ran them under your panties, his finger grazed your clit making you gasp slightly, he pulled the fabric to the side before licking your clit. His tongue was heavenly, it was like he knew exactly what you liked. He went to town on your pussy, he ate it like it was his last meal. You gripped his hair when you felt yourself getting close
"I’m g-gonna cum" you breathed out you tried to contain yourself, your legs wrapped around his body as he increased his motions. He circled your clit a few more times before you reached your high, he hummed into your pussy as your cum filled his mouth.
He finally came up for air, he stood up in front of you and you could see his erection through his pants, he was not lacking at all. He pulled you in for a kiss as he ripped your panties off, he rubbed himself through his pants before pulling them off. You tasted yourself on his tongue, your juices covered his face.
"Get on your stomach" he ordered
You did as he said, you laid on the couch and put your ass in the air. He got behind you, he took his dick and rubbed it up and down your throbbing pussy.
Before he put it in he bent down toward your face and said "you can be as loud as you want baby, no one will hear". He slowly pushed himself into your entrance, he moaned as your tight cunt took his dick. He began thrusting in and out, you already felt pure pleasure. No one you had sex with before did it like him. He gripped your waist as he quicken his pace, he wasn't quiet and neither were you. Both of your moans filled the room, it was pure euphoria that you had never experienced.
You had become so lost in your pleasure, you lost count of how many times you came, you forgot where you were and had no idea what time it was. You knew it was all about to be over because you heard
"Ah fuck" Eddie said as he pulled out, his warm cum shot all over your back. Your body was weak, he had fucked you so hard most of your limbs had gone numb. You both took your time recovering from the amazing sex you just had, you wondered if you'd ever see him again.
If you did, would this happen again?
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rfswitchart · 8 months
Hunter's Comfort Food
I think, at this point, you all know my personal favorite Owl House headcanon. I shouldn't have to say what it is, you already know what I'm about to discuss. However, I am going to describe why Hunter loves what he does and maybe you'll adopt it as your headcanon too...
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It all started when Hunter ran away from the Emperor's Coven Post-Hollow Mind. He'd been living in the paranormatorim in Hexside since, building a nest and living on snacks. Gus, having seen the former Golden Guard living so dreadfully, offers him his lunch, which, among other things, included a sandwich.
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Hunter then helps Gus escape Adrian and the scouts, citing his reason for doing so being because Gus offered him food. When the illusionist questions him on it, Hunter says "It was a really good sandwich." As many have pointed out, Hunter's diet in the castle was probably miserable. On top of it, he was clearly malnourished, as several characters (Luz, Eda, Amity, Edric, Emira, Matt) have said. So it is assumed he didn't have a great time food wise, which is why he looked so happy eating that loaf of bread in King's Tide...
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Yeah, look at him go. Happily chewing on some bread and being pleased as punch over it. And this is where my HC came to be, Hunter and Gus bonding over a simple offering of food. A kindness Hunter had probably never known until then, combined with something that probably saved his life or at the very least made him feel much better. I feel like that sole interaction weighed on Hunter's heart, and it made him fall in love with sandwiches. After all, without Gus' sandwich, he would have never been able to sit down and actually talk about how he was feeling about Belos. He wouldn't have bonded with Gus and helped the younger witch when he needed it most. Hunter developed an intensely strong bond with Gus, a friendship and brotherhood forged in love, trust, and sandwiches.
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That said, I assume when they were trapped in the human realm, Hunter started looking into various types of sandwiches (with the help of Camila and Luz, of course.) Figuring out what the best meats and cheeses were. What kinds of vegetables go well with them (information he totally shared with Willow, obviously.) The best kinds of bread and condiments to compliment the other ingredients. I assume he learned about what foods he liked and disliked (boy loves himself some olives, btw.) Of course, this eventually lead to the ultimate creation. His pride and joy: The True Hero Sub. The culmination of his knowledge and understanding of foods that allowed him to create divinity between two slices of bread (well, shoved into a loaf of french bread, but hey, who's counting?)
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Of course, this is a BIG sandwich. I know, that's the one I made myself. It is about 2' long (60.69cm for you non-Americans.) It is not something you can eat by yourself, and Hunter would never want to eat it alone. Because of this sandwich, Hunter came up with his philosophy on food; "Food tastes best when shared with others." So I assume the first time he made one, he shared it with the others. Definitely Gus, his sandwich brethren, and possibly Willow, someone Hunter would be thrilled to share his accomplishments with.
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And this probably continued as he became an adult. I bet anything that Hunter has a series of sandwiches he brings with him to work. He maybe even wrote down his own cookbook of sorts for them. You KNOW anytime he had a new idea, Gus was the first person he told about it. He probably even made a book to make sandwiches to represent Cosmic Frontier characters (you know Gus AND Camila happily assisted him.) And that's my headcanon. A boy, his best friend, and a type of food that brought them closer and possibly even saved a life in more than one sense. In this house, we respect the Sandwich Bros. (Tagging @childlikegoblinqueen, @unniebeans, and @probablyhuntersmom, who I assume have also had this headcanon infect their brain for some time. *evil laugh*)
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annawritesblog · 1 year
Eyes off you (c.l.)
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Summary: Y/n and Charles have been together for 2 years and Charles has a special surprise for her.
A/N: I wrote this a long time ago so if there’s any mistakes in it, feel free to tell me:) Also, English is not my first nor my second language so excuse my spelling and/or grammar errors. I recommend listening to the attached song as it plays in the background later in the story. Enjoy🤍
Charles' P.O.V.
Are you still at home? Came the message from Arthur.
Yes, we're leaving in 15 minutes, come in about 30. I wrote back.
I put my phone in the right pocket of my suit pants, the left being full with the red velvet box. I took a final look in the mirror and after a few quick breaths, Y/n appeared from the bathroom.
"I'm ready." She says and puts a lipgloss in her purse. Her purple dress showing her curves just right, like a princess.
"My God. You look absolutely stunning, chérie." I say and wrap my arms around her waist leaving little kisses in the crook of her neck.
"You don't look bad yourself." Smiles the girl I've been in love with for almost 2 years. "Stop." She warms as I still kiss her neck slowly moving down to her collarbone.
"Can't we just stay home?" I ask, but I realize that that would be the worst idea ever, considering that in less than 30 minutes my brothers will be here. "I mean, no. We should really go, hurry even."
She turns around and furrows her brows. "Everything okay?"
"Everything's wonderful, love." I grab her small hand and guide her out of the penthouse. After locking the door, we take the elevator to the underground parking house. Opening the door for her, she sits in the black Ferrari.
The ride is less than 15 minutes, but it feels so much more than that. She talks about how happy she is that we're going to this birthday party, but I can barely process anything she's saying. "Oh, I left my phone at home."
"Are you serious?" I ask and she nods worriedly. "I can't turn around."
"We're already late, Carlos will kill me if we make it there after Isa." I try to lie, hoping she doesn’t suspect anything.
"Okay, you're gonna have to take pictures then." She lets go easily.
A few minutes later we arrive at the beautiful venue in Monte Carlo. We walk inside, hand in hand and see that almost everybody is there.
"You were right. We really are late." She says and we giggle a little, just the two of us, our little private space.
"Sorry, mate. We're here." I half-hug Carlos, who just shrugs it off saying it's fine.
"Okay, okay. She's coming." Carlos tells us and when his missis arrives we all scream happy birthday to her.
Y/n and I spend a little time talking to Isa, but I excuse myself to another table where some strangers sit. I open the last texts from Arthur, saying that they have arrived about 10 minutes ago. I quickly text some informations, although I explained everything to them yesterday, but I want everything to be perfect, she deserves nothing less.
"Boo." Y/n says behind me, which does scare me. How long has she been staying there? Hopefully not long at all. "What are you doing?"
"Answering some texts from the team." I say and she gives me a dissapointed look. "I know and I am sorry, chérie. That was the first and last, I promise." I put my phone in my pocket and I kiss her hand sweetly. We walk to Carlos' table where he gives me a reassuring look.
"Y/n, come, you have to look at this." Isa grabs her arm and drags her away.
"How are you feeling, man?" The spaniard infront of me asks.
"You don't have to be, she'll say yes." Carlos comes closer to me.
"What if she won't? Maybe she's not ready yet. We have been together for almost 2 years, that's soon, isn't it?" I go in full panick mode.
"What? It's not too soon, if you're ready, than nothing's too soon." He pats my shoulder. "They're coming." I look behind me and I see Y/n and Isa walking towards our table.
"Look what we found. Chocolate covered fruits, this is the best day of my life." Isa says with a full mouth and my missis just laughs next to her. I wrap my arm around her waist, securing her close to me.
About 2 hour later, after I got a text from my brothers saying they're done with everything, we decided to go home.
"Excuse me, I need to use the restroom." I whisper in Y/n's ear, letting her go from my embrace.
"Okay, I'll be here." I give her a peck on her cheek and walk towards the restrooms.
Kicking the door open with my feet, I rest my hands on the sink trying to catch my breath. I promised my brothers that I would call them before we start heading home. After 2 rings Lorenzo picks it up. "Hey, what's up?"
"We're just leaving. Everything ready?"
"Yes, everything's disgustingly perfect." My little brother yells and drops something.
"What was that?" I ask immediately.
"My phone, fuck."
Lorenzo sighs and says something to him that I don’t hear. "Are you okay?"
"Not really, shitting my pants right now." I sigh.
"You don't need to be scared. She's gonna say yes, I'm sure." My big brother says.
"One hundred percent. Who wouldn't wanna marry you?" Arthur laughs in the phone.
"Thank you?"
"I was trying to lighten the mood." Arthur says and I let out a little laugh.
"Listen. Do you remember the Australian GP? How nervous you were? For days, you couldn't think straight you were that scared and you ended up winning it. Think about this as a race. You're nervous before it, but the outcome will be perfect." Lorenzo says and I can sense that they're both smiling.
"Thanks, both of you. I owe you both."
"You don't owe us anything, this is what siblings are for." Arthur says and we hang up. I go back to the main room and after a few short goodbyes, we get in the car.
"It was so much fun!" Y/n exclaims and I put my hand on her thigh.
"Yes, it was." I agree.
Se turns her head my way as I start my car. "Where's your mind?" She tries to be cool about it, but I know she's worried.
"In Australia." I answer with a smile.
"Oh, really? What kind of mistresses do you have there?" She smirks and I slow down a bit. We can't be home, before they've left. For once I'll keep the speed limit in mind.
"One, only. I spent like a week there with her. She was wow, like she had a blue lingerie set that she wore after I won. That was something, kept me up all night." I smirk smuggly and my hand travels further up her thigh. She lets out a shaky breath and looks at me.
"Do you remember that?"
"I think I'll remember that forever." We stop at a red light. "Where's that set, anyway?"
"You might see it around this weekend." She looks out the window, clearly blushing.
"Then, I'll have to give my best in this race." My hand travels even more north on her, already feeling her warmth. Althought, this is not going anywhere for a little while.
"You better, mister."
"You already know I will."
"Mrs? I'm not married." She says followed by a few giggles. I messed this up.
We spend the rest of the car ride listening to music and talking about the party. By the time I park the car, I'm sure that my brothers are already home.
I take my keys out and try to put it in the keyhole, but it falls to the floor. I pick it up and place it in again, only for it to slip out of my hand again. "Merde." I curse as I pick it up from the floor.
"Okay, babe. What's wrong?" Y/n asks as I can finally open the goddamn door.
"Nothing is wrong, love. I drank too much coffee." By this time I'm sure she doesn't believe a word I'm saying, but I can't just tell her that I'm nervous she'll say no to marrying me. She'll found out soon anyway, I won't blow it at the last meters.
"We really have to stop drinking so much coffee it's not-" Her words are lost. She looks outside our balcony and slowly back to me. "What is this?" She starts walking towards the table full of her favourites.
I wrap my arms around her waist, while she wraps her hands around my neck. "You deserve it. You've been next to me, when I was at my worst, especially nowadays. Thank you, chérie."
I kiss her passionately and she fumbles with my hair.
"You didn't have to do this, Charles. I will always be there for you." She sits on one of the chairs and looks at the beautiful view of the city. I sit in front of her and start the light music from my phone.
"Oh my God. Macarons." She exclaims and pops one of them in her mouth.
"It's from the bakery you like so much." I say and just watch her face light up. I don't know if it's because of the lights or because I'm obsessed with her, but she's glowing. Just as beautiful as she was when I met her on the streets of Monte Carlo two summers ago. Walking up and down confusedly in her white sundress.
"What is it?" She asks looking deeply into my eyes
"I'm just so in love with you." I take her hand and rest it on top of the table. "That simple."
"You're gonna make me cry."
"Don't cry, baby." I lock our fingers together. "Let's dance instead." I guide her to the end of the balcony where there's space for us to dance. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her as close as I can and rest my forehead on hers. Eyes off you starts playing just in time. Just like I planned it would.
It's our song. It played in the restaurant I took her to on our first date, only knowing each other for 3 days, a few days later when we first kissed and I played it when I asked her to move in with me in Monaco. And now when I propose to her.
"Do you think about the future?" I ask her slowly swaying her to the music.
"I'm only thinking about the future." She giggle then adds: "But yes. Although it's pretty foggy, you are crystal clear." She says sweetly which makes my heart melt. How did I deserve her?
"Same here. You're light as the bright sunshine for me, angel. Always be with you." I lean in closer and whisper in her ear. "This song is gonna play at our wedding."
I can tell she doesn't know where to put this information, but she nods slowly. I step back from her and I can tell that she has realised what's happening. With shaky hands I take the velvet box out of my pocket and get on one knee. She covers her mouth with both of her hands and tears have already filled her eyes. "Chérie. You don't even know what you do to me. For almost two years now, you're the first thing on my mind when I wake up and the last when I fall asleep. I have never even dreamed that I would end up next to someone as perfect as you are." She now covers her whole face with her palms and silent sobs leave her mouth. "Look at me, angel." She looks at me and I can already feel my eyes watering. "No matter what happens, you will always have me, I promise you. I promise to give you everything your heart desires, everything you need. So, my love, will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?" I open the small box revealing the rare diamond ring.
"Yes, yes. A thousand times yes, Charles." She says and I hug her closely. We only part for the few seconds it takes to put the ring on her finger. Without hesitation, she kisses me and I caress her cheeks with my hands. A few minutes later we pull away and I wipe away tears from her cheeks.
"Don't cry." I say.
"You're crying too. It's allowed." She laughs which makes me too.
"Look at you, already acting like a wife." I pull her close yet again and breath in her scent. My fiancee's scent.
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I'm watching too much stuff. And things are not slowing down with all the things coming in September. So I'm gonna try and keep this short. As much as that's possible given the amount of shows.
QL - Currently Watching
🇹🇭 4 Minutes [6/8] - Finally some answers. I haven't read all the theories floating around about this last episode and what it means, but I'm firmly on the side of, there is another alternative timeline, probably from when Tyme is dying at the start of the show, and also very much in agreement with everything @lurkingshan wrote here that these are just imagined do-overs and nothing will actually change in the real world. Which would be my preferred way.
🇹🇭 Addicted Heroin [2/10] - Haven't watched this weeks episode yet. My review for the first two is here.
🇹🇼 First Note of Love [4/12] - I like them a lot. And I like the pacing of this. I love the intro song. But with a second couple being introduced I think I'm gonna get frustrated having to wait a week for a 20 minute episode. I felt that way a lot during Kiseki.
🇯🇵 I Hear the Sunspot [10/12] - I am annoyed.
🇹🇭 I Saw You In My Dream [7/12] - May the boyfriend era commence. I am enjoying this one. I'm guessing we still have a bit of angst coming and I'm hoping for a good explanation for the dreams.
🇯🇵 Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakutekina Ezuke [6/7] - Just such an incredible show. This week brought the pain and I'm still unwell. As if Frito getting sick wasn't heart breaking enough, that ending left me in tears. I cannot believe we only have one episode left. I am not ready to say goodbye to the three of them.
🇹🇭 Monster Next Door [6/12] - My favourite thing about this is definitely Big. His presence on screen is great. But I'm not fully connecting yet for some reason.
🇹🇭 Peaceful Property [1/10] - It's a lot of fun. Yeah, I know it's not a bl. But it's bl adjacent so it goes here. Also in my head it's gonna be a bl no matter what. Possibly even with a gl side couple. The mind is a powerful thing.
🇯🇵Sugar Dog Life [4/10] - I love Isumi. I really liked that they didn't drag the girl storyline and it served it's purpose. Isumi is now very much aware of it's feelings. I'm looking forward to the date episode.
🇯🇵 Takara No Vidro [9/11] - Takara, my love. This boy has my whole heart. I can't believe I'll have to say goodbye to then tomorrow. I'm bracing for part pain, part happy. Please Japan don't let me down.
🇹🇭 The Loyal Pin [1/16] - I'm waiting to binge.
🇹🇼 The On1y One [4/10] - This show will hurt and I will love every second of it. I really like the look of this show and how we get those little insights into Jiang at the end of the episode. The actors are doing great and I specially love Benjamin Tsang facial expressions. I'm curious to see these two together and how their dynamic will work considering their circumstances. Also, always happy to see the revolving door of cameos Taiwan always grace us with.
🇯🇵Twilight Out of Focus - It's so beautiful. I'm enjoying that we get different couples even if sometimes it feels like we could have more time with them. I like Rei/Shion a lot, but I do miss Mao and Hisashi. 🇹🇭 The Trainee [10/12] - Just to get it out if the way, the Bamhee/Judy storyline was definitely the right call and @lurkingshan was right all along. Also the way the office came together was delightful and it's great to see Pah getting everyone together and once again being the best friend ever. Now. THE OFFICE FLIRTING!!! I was losing my mind giggling like an idiot. I love them. It's pretty obvious at this point that it's mutual and of course Ryan will need to actually be told that, but I still think Jane will wait until the internship is over before confessing or starting anything official. I can't wait to watch all the interns reaction next week. I love it here.
QL - Finished
🇯🇵 Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko! - I'm disappointed in this one. It started off so strong but by the end it lost me. I love Hiroko but I feel like they betrayed the character. And that ending with the kiss in the office was ridiculous. Actually most of the end was weird in the way that it seemed to contradict what came before. I like that they finally got together but it didn't feel as good as it could've.
🇹🇭 Century of Love - Started of great and imo fell apart by the end. I don't think it was consistent all the way through and the mythology was all over the place. Daou did an amazing job though. Also Ju is one of the greatest female characters of the year.
🇯🇵 Cosmetic Playlover - Pretty show. Final thoughts here.
🇹🇭 Knock Knock, Boys! - Probably the biggest surprise of the year for me. It's great. I like the development of both couples. Even if near the end I got a tiny bit annoyed with Peak, I really liked the conclusion of it all. Latte is a great character and the very rare slut unjudged by the narrative.
🇹🇭🇨🇳 Meet You At the Blossom - Look it's great that we got a chinese bl, but this was not it for me. Let's hope this one helps get others made though.
🇹🇭Love Sea - It was fine. I enjoyed Mut but in general I just never connected to this show. And Muk annoyed me to no end. I was so happy to see Aya again and now I just wanna forget that she was ever in this and simply remember her as Yiwa.
🇹🇭 SunsetxVibes - I don't even have words. I don't know if it was my lack of attention or if it never actually made sense but I never really got what the mythology was all about apart from inspiring a truly horrendous looking necklace. I was slogging though this one and I guess the finale was fine.
🇹🇭 This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - The sides were great, their chemistry was on point. I really wanna see them again. The mains were my favourite thing about Pit Babe but I just didn't like them here.
🇹🇭 The Rebound - I just have to accept that MeenPing will always have bad scripts. They are pretty together but this was a mess.
🇹🇭My Love Mix-Up!
Rose Watches OJBL
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Pornographer: Spring Life | Playback | Continued Spring Life Finally finished the novelist. Final thoughts.
A LOT of stuff coming this month so if you haven't checked it out, here is the post with all announced upcoming qls for September with a couple of updates that I made today.
As usual my ask box is open. Have a wonderful week💜
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hiramaris · 9 months
Kiss It Off Me
Chapter Summary:
“Thank you.” She couldn’t stop smiling, not if she can’t help it. “It’s really sweet of you to do all this.” “No problem. I like it when you smile. Happiness looks good in you.”
Pairings: Haley x Fem!farmer
Disclaimer:  I do not own Stardew Valley or any of the related characters. Stardew Valley is created by and owned by ConcernedApe. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of the original Stardew Valley story belong to ConcernedApe.
Warning: Swearing, mentions of neglect
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Y/n, I’m not really good at writing a note or apologizing in general. I just… feel bad about how our introduction to one another went downhill which I know is my fault. I know it's kind of rude, too to take someone's photo without their consent so, here you go. It's not the best photo but it's not, like, the worse either. And you look like you're in one with nature so the photographer in me couldn't help but to take the shot.  Anyway, if you have time away from your farm, you can drop by at 2 Willow Lane in the morning or whatever so I can make it up to you somehow. It’s cool if you don’t want to if you’re, like, really mad still.   P.S I don’t wake up until 8. Need my beauty sleep! - Haley <3
Spring 10
"Earlier, I was getting my mail."
Haley's chewing came to a halt as George began to speak. How odd. George wasn’t one to talk during meals. She knew this because there was never a time she missed mandatory weekly meals with the Mullners.
Nonetheless, she leaned a bit closer to hear him.
"I couldn't because of my...” he trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid. “Anyway, Pam's kid tried to help me, and I ended up shouting at her." "My goodness, George!” Gran Evelyn gasped softly, placing a hand over her heart. “Why did you do that to poor Penny?" "I— she pushed my wheelchair and touched my mail.” He averted his gaze, looking everywhere but at the three pairs of eyes focused on him. If Haley didn’t know him any better, he almost looked embarrassed rather than angry. “I... I didn't like it when people act like I'm so nimble." Granny shook her head in sympathy. "Still, honey... She's just trying to help." "I know, I know," George grumbled, stabbing his fork into a fried mushroom. "The new farmer even pointed it out to me." He looked up, his eyes boring into his wife. "I apologized anyway. It was just a bad day, and I happened to project my anger onto her."
At the mention of the new farmer, Haley perked up. Not to sound obsessed or anything or like she has been counting at all, but it had been almost two days since she had caught a whiff of that familiar scent of dirt and freshly cut grass that you seemed to radiate even from a mile away. If Emily’s going to twist her arm behind her back, then maybe she’ll be able to get Haley to admit that she’s the one doing the avoiding right now.
The fact that it was Haley herself who wrote a note for you to come by to make up for her rude behavior, and then when you did drop by immediately a day after, Haley would make sure she had plenty of excuses to not meet you at the door and have Emily answer on her behalf. It’s been days and she’s running out of reasons to tell Emily why she couldn’t meet her visitor, and it wouldn’t take a genius to know who’s avoiding whom.
How could she not though?
How can someone recover from a situation like that which was probably scraped off from a romantic script of a movie because it’s too predictable, and cringe?
How can you look at someone ever again knowing you had seen that face in mere inches, breath tingling the cheeks and then act like you weren’t fazed by it all?
Most importantly, how do you act after that? Apparently, it didn’t seem like a problem for you as you were so busy hustling and bustling in and out of the farm and into the town. And if you weren't busy doing your chores, then you were always dragged down by Sam’s little brother to their little class arrangement with Penny and often found you hanging out with them by the big tree just outside Haley’s home which is why she knows not because she’s actively searching for you, duh.
Okay, maybe you did try to approach her, and Haley's acting like the two of you had a one-night stand by avoiding you like the plague. Could you blame her, though?
If it wasn't embarrassing enough, she even accused you of trying to buy her friendship with the daily gifts you gave her, accompanied by that annoyingly cheerful smile that seemed permanently sculpted on your face.
What am I even supposed to think in that situation? Even Alex, her best friend for years, wasn’t consistent with giving her gifts. The doofus often forgets special occasions, but that's a separate issue altogether.
To her, you’re really just an enigma.
And she can’t help but be drawn to the mysterious, goody-two-shoes persona you’re sporting.
She shook her head when she realized she’d been zoning out longer than she warranted. Evelyn is still giving George a piece of her mind for what he did. Haley’s so sure he’s regretting his decision by now opening this topic to his wife.
However, it was clear to Haley who was in the wrong here.
"If I may put in my two cents...?" she interjected, unable to hold back.
Alex raised a curious brow at her but remained silent. Granny, on the other hand, nodded encouragingly. "Go ahead, deary."
"I think George's reaction was valid," Haley began slowly, choosing her words carefully. "Penny touched your wheelchair and mail without consent, regardless of her good intentions, George." And as an afterthought, she added, a hint of annoyance creeping into her voice, "And the new farmer agreed with her? She should have known better."
"Look at you, Hay. Queen of consent!" Alex teased, a smirk playing on his lips. "I love a girl who knows her boundaries."
Of course, the doofus would choose this time to speak.
"Haha," she rolled her eyes at a smirking Alex. He sure knows what buttons to push. "Asking consent is a bare minimum, you goof. You should practice it more often." "Hey!" "Hng," George grumbled inaudibly. "Little Miss Farmer did say that."
"Say what, dear?" "That Pam's kid should have asked me first.” George clarified. “But I should have handled it a little better, too. Can't say that she's wrong."
Despite his use of tone, he didn’t sound too upset. More like he’s in between of unable to believe that someone has the courage to stand up to him and tell him he’s wrong and still respect him as an elder, or being mad at this new farmer for sticking up her nose somewhere it doesn’t belong.
Either way, a George that isn’t grumpy is a win-win. So, they all will probably take it as it is.
"I'm glad you thought so too, dear." See? Even Granny thinks so, too. It’s better to have a plate full of her infamous cookies (and leek if you’re George) than to have a grumpy George on your plate. "Here, have some sauté leek."
George's face brightens up considerably. "I thought we don't have anymore from the pantry?"
"Miss Y/n dropped some earlier. Said to help cook your favorite dish. Isn’t she a sweetheart?”
"Hmm... I guess she's really something else then."
"I told you so, dear."
"Agree!" Alex raises a thumbs up. "She even knows how to play grid ball! She's new yet she's already better than the men here combined."
"That's lovely, deary. I hope she also influences you to read those books I gave you. I heard she's infatuated with books as Miss Penny does." "Yes, granny," Alex grumbled against his spoon.
Spring 12
She didn’t expect to see you so soon.
It’s not like she wants to avoid you forever. Ugh.
Why is this so difficult?
Her whole Spring routine is now in shambles because of you and your inability to dress nice, spreading your nasty farmer smell and being all happy smiles around children, elders, and women like some sort of Casanova and it’s infuriating!
“Hay?” Emily’s voice calling out from the kitchen stops her from her silent stewing. Haley was about to get up from her seat when Emily's voice continued, "did you clean the cushions like I told you yesterday?"
Her expression immediately turned sour, “I just cleaned them last week!”
The clanging from the kitchen stops, and the thudding of footsteps came closer. In an instant, Emily was standing in front of her with her spatula in hand.
“Yes, that’s last week. What about this week then?”
Haley rose to her feet, indignant. No freaking way she’s cleaning them again. “I always clean under the cushions and you damn well know it!" She jutted a perfectly manicured finger in Emily's direction. "It's YOUR turn this week!"
Emily scoffed at that. “You’re being childish, Haley. I do the vast majority of work in this house, and you know it.”
Haley rolled her eyes, feeling frustrated that Emily always played the responsible one. Just because she had a job outside the house, she acted like she was the only one doing anything. Haley does, too! She cooks, washes the dishes, does her own laundry, and cleans the house! But of course, Emily isn’t around enough to see all that because she has work and she’s busy thinking Haley’s lazy ass is just lounging in the house doing nothing all day!
“But that’s not the point!” Haley crossed her arms, a flash of irritation on her face. She wasn't going to let Emily get away with this. “We agreed to have schedules specifically for this and you’re not following it!”
Emily's eyes flickered with frustration. “Would it kill you to do them now? I had a rough shift yesterday.”
"You can't just pass off your responsibilities onto me every time you had a tough day at work. We made a schedule for a reason."
"I know, I know. But I just need a break today." Emily sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping.
The truth sets out then. She had a rough night and she passes the job onto Haley and made her feel guilty for it. Never mind that they agreed to have alternate schedules to do this specific job to avoid arguments yet here they are.
“Absolutely no—”
Of fucking course, the farmer chooses that time to knock on their door.
Emily must have noticed the alarmed look written clearly on her face, making her smirk.
Oh, boy.
“Come in, Y/n/n! Haley’s up already.”
“Good mor—” You did a double take seeing a clearly upset Haley and an equally pissed Emily. “Am I interrupting something?”
“Yes,” Haley admitted bluntly, crossing her arms. A flash of recognition passed her eyes when she thought of an idea. A good one that’s for sure. “Since you’re a hard worker and all, I bet you’ll understand my point of view here.”
“Haley,” Emily warned. Haley ignores her, deciding to shift her attention to the newcomer.
You tilt your head in confusion. “What’s going on?”
Emily sighs in exasperation, before offering you a kind smile. “I’m really sorry to involve you in this, Y/n/n. Haley,” she shot her a dirty look, “is complaining because I asked her to clean the cushions—”
“— which you should be doing because it’s your schedule, not mine yet you’re shifting the blame to me.” Haley finishes for her. She turns to you, further proving her point. “It’s important to mention that I already cleaned them last week.”
“Shut it, Em. I want to hear what she has to say. What’s the verdict?”
Haley may seem cool outside but she’s actually hoping for you to side her on this one. She knew she was on the right side. If you were to side with Emily, then that’s like a double edge of crap in some way and Haley refuses to bleed in front of you two.
You were silent for a good second, chewing your lips, deep in thought. Your eyes flicked back and forth between the sisters.
“Haley,” you prompted, voice slow and measured. Haley already knew at this point whom you sided with. “Why not have this be your one weekly job?”
Not that it’s important but it stings.
Haley turns to retreat to her room, but you must have noticed the look of utter disappointment on her face. You grabbed Haley's hand in panic, halting her in her tracks. The blonde couldn't help but freeze at the sudden touch. "W-wait. I’m not siding on anyone," You quickly clarified, hoping to diffuse the tension.
Haley raised a skeptical eyebrow, not entirely convinced. "Sure," she replied flatly.
“I just thought it would be the best course of action, so you don’t have to argue over it again. If you took this job, Emily won’t bother you again with cleaning the bathroom every two days. Isn’t that right, Em?”
“Yeah!” Emily agrees immediately. “Wait, what?”
Haley turns and finds you smiling down at her, clearly amused at Emily’s reaction. “doesn’t that sound more appealing?”
It does. She hates cleaning the bathroom with great passion, more so than cleaning under the cushions. If this also means it could possibly reduce Emily’s daily nagging, then your idea doesn’t seem the worst plan ever.
“Alright, you win.” Haley tried so hard to keep a straight face when she saw that stupid smile emerging again. “I guess this can be my job every week. Then there won’t be any reason to argue over it.”
Emily eyes her a bit at her sudden compliance with everything before turning back to you with an almost appreciative look. “Thanks, Y/n/n. That was a great solution.”
“Heh,” you must have noticed Haley’s eyes burning at your conjoined hands. With a timid chuckle, you retreated your hand back as you scratched your nape almost shyly. “It’s no problem, really.”
“Why don’t you stay for breakfast?” Emily suggested. “I’m almost finished cooking anyway.”
“It’s okay, thanks! But I don’t really want to impose.”
“Nonsense! I’m sure my sister won’t mind you joining us. Right, Hay?” Emily raises an equally blue eyebrow at her sister, who seemed to be in a daze.
“Your hands are rough and warm.”
Your confusion snapped her out of her trance. She meets your eyes for a brief moment before glancing away. “I mean— what I meant to say was,” she sputtered pathetically. “Yeah, you can join us for breakfast.” She forces out a smile, hoping Yoba will answer her prayer one more time.
“Good!” Emily beamed. “Then I’ll get on with it. Haley, please keep our guest occupied.”
“You sure?” You asked one more time, probably noticing the grimace obviously etched on her face.
“Of course.”
“Hmm. Okay, then how about we clean these cushions now? So, you won’t have to clean them later?”
“Eh? It’s fine. I can do that later.”
“I insist. Two pairs of hands are better than one, y’know?”
“Ugh. Of course, you’ll say some dorky crap like that. Yoba, fine you can help.”
You can only laugh at her antics before moving to lift the couch.
Spring 14
She used to like her birthdays.
At least that’s what she likes to think.
What she allows herself to think.
And what she likes others to think.
It’s easier to blend into the stereotypes rather than oppose them and still get judged after.
Haley’s been called names already, all too many to even mention.
Self-centered and conceited.
If they are harsh enough, sometimes they’ll call her a dumb bitch.
As harsh as they are, Haley learned over the years to desensitize herself to them. Why allow yourself to be hurt by the same thing over and over again?
Her parents raised her and Emily in this big house back in Zuzu City. It was big, enormous even but empty. Can you call it home when no one cares enough to stick around? When all there ever was were big parties, and holidays spent with strangers she barely talked to, raised like the perfect little girl that she is, given with just as empty praises and gifts just as thoughtless.
Haley is practically the epitome of class and luxury. The living embodiment of perfection. Perfect face, perfect body, and oh-so-perfect stats. She’s smart (street smart or preferably photography smart if there’s one or whatever), rich and famous. Most importantly, she’s popular and has a reputation to protect.
Everything that Emily probably isn’t. Yet she’s the one happier.
She’s the one who moved on while Haley remains still where their parents left them.
How could they be gone though if, in the first place, they were never present? Where were they when Haley won her first photography contest? Did they know the photo was Emily sewing her first design? Haley doesn’t think so.
They are not abusive though. In terms of needs, they never wasted seconds to tend them in the most grandiose and luxurious ways as possible— the newest phone, latest camera, expensive make-up, and all available seasonal designer clothes. Good but not great either. Haley can say they are just plainly emotionally unavailable. They weren’t ready at all to be parents. They were too young when they had Emily.
Early twenties were not even that young, but it was a stage of exploring the world and what it could still possibly offer them. They can’t have all that with children in tow. So, when the opportunity arises, they took it without hesitations. After all, both their children are fully capable on their own.
But Haley needed someone. She needed a father. She needed her mother. Hell, she needed her sister. She needed someone warm, a nicer, wiser person. Someone to cry to, to talk to, to laugh to.
She calls out but the house is empty.
So, tell me. How can I be childish when I’m forced to grow up because everyone already is?
Haley hated them with passion. The crumpled piece of letter in her hand was obvious enough to what extent she does.
Another birthday card.
No hugs and kisses.
No cake.
No parents.
Some birthday this is.
She lets out a dry chuckle. It seems Emily had forgotten about her day. She had taken off at dawn's first light without even a second thought. While Alex? She doesn’t expect him to remember. At least not until later than noon. The idiot, really.
“Thought I’d find you here.” Haley didn’t have to look up to see who it was, but she did anyway. There you are with your blinding smile again. Beads of sweat can be seen forming on the side of your forehead just below a small cut that seemed to be healing well already. Your clothes are lightly butchered, a sign you were up and about on your farm yet the sight of you lifted her spirit a little. 
“Done with your chores?” she asked as you sat down next to her. Weirdly enough, the smell of dirt doesn't seem sore on the nose anymore, and Haley starts to wonder why.
It was a pleasantly warm Sunday. Usually, the kids will be playing here and Haley's glad she get to enjoy a quiet time in the park even for a little time.
You hummed. “Woke up extra early to finish them all.”
“Why? You have plans?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Naw, had to run some errands so I can give you this,” You turned to your rucksack that Haley failed to notice once again. It was bulging. Haley could only catch sight of the color brown before you successfully hid it behind your back. “Give me your hands.”
Haley narrowed her eyes. “You’re not going to prank me, are you?”
“What? No, of course not!”
“Is it a bug? You know I hate them.”
“Just do it, Hay.”
Surprised at the sudden usage of the nickname, Haley finally complied. She desperately hopes the sunlight would hide the tinge of redness starting to form on her cheeks.
Carefully, you placed a coconut on her open palms. It was plump and perfectly shaped as if it had been carefully chosen just for her. It was even wrapped poorly with a red ribbon that is a bit wrinkly and crinkled on the edges which must be because of how it was forcefully shoved in her bag. But Haley didn't find it in herself to mind. Not when you're looking at her like that as you hold your gift.
“Happy birthday, Haley,” you greeted warmly.
Haley blinked, her eyes started to water, her insides warming up in all ways possible. But she didn’t dare cry.
"I... I love coconuts." Haley looked up. Her own lips betrayed her as they curled up in the widest grin she ever had. “How did you know?”
“Well...” You scratched the back of your head, your cheeks turning a light shade of pink. “Remember when you treated my cut the other day? You made me choose between a sunflower band-aid or a coconut one. So, I kinda assumed they were your favorites.”
“B-but how? You can’t possibly summon a coconut tree at will, or even had the time to go to Calico desert.”
You laughed at that. “It was pure luck, Hay. I just talked to the traveling merchant the other day and she said she had a couple of ones in stock. But she warned me I had to buy one early today or else she’ll run out just before noon.”
“Thank you.” She couldn’t stop smiling, not if she can’t help it. “It’s really sweet of you to do all this.”
“No problem. I like it when you smile. Happiness looks good in you.”
Happiness looks good on you, too.
A/n: I hoped I did Haley's heart event justice because she deserved soooo much better. I refuse to believe her mean girl façade is because she's plain mean. My girl is better than that.
Anyway, sorry for the super late update. You know, the usual, due to school stuff and it just so happens senior year is the busiest year of all. Had to make sure I'm complying with all the needed requirements so I can graduate this year.
Thank you, guys, for your patience. Love y'all but I love my wife more <3
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psychovigilantewrites · 9 months
Sunshine's Shadow
Pairing: Jason Todd/Reader, Dick Grayson/Reader Genre: Slow burn smut? Porn with plot? Like eventually??? Word Count: 7,600 Read on Ao3 Part 1 of 2. Summary: You had powers of darkness that made you feel unwanted your whole life. Jason Todd was the first person to convince you that your darkness was sunshine. After his death, you went to Dick for comfort and started a relationship with him. And then, Jason came back. A/N:
I'm practicing writing again to prepare myself for the last chapter of Red Who? I'm not too happy with how I wrote this, but I'm hoping to start improving again along the way as I write and learn all over again. Also, I am not familiar with Titans! I know Jason never really joined? I just winged it I'm so sorry. I also aged up Jason's death here. I think the timeline is a bit messy pls forgive me.
Jason knocked on your door.
“Come in,” he heard your soft, muffled voice.
You were sitting on your bed, scrolling through your phone. You had soft instrumental music playing in your room. The table lamp was switched on on your bedside table, but the room was still dark.
“We’re getting ready for a spooky movie tonight,” Jason said, closing the door behind him and approaching you. “Care to join us this time?”
Your eyes darted from your phone to his, and you pursed your lips in hesitation.
“No thank you, I’m fine here,” you said and brought your attention back to your phone.
Jason sighed loudly and sat on the edge of your bed.
“Why don’t you ever join us?” he asked, “We’re the Teen Titans. We’re a team. You should join us for more team stuff besides official missions.”
You simply stared at Jason. He sensed that you had more to say but was hesitating opening up. So he got up and sat next to you. “You can tell me.”
“The room is dark, isn’t it?” you asked.
The question surprised Jason. “I mean, I guess? So what?”
“That’s me, Jason. You know how my powers work. This- this curse. The shadow I emit makes everything dark and gloomy, even if it’s a sunny day outside. And no one likes someone who brings darkness in a room,” you avoided his eyes and started picking at a hangnail on your finger.
“That’s why you won’t hang out with us?” he couldn’t help but laugh. “I thought you hated us or something.”
“What?” you looked at him incredulously, “How could I? I was afraid that you all hate me for being so depressing.”
“Has anyone told you that before?” Jason asked. He didn’t know much about where you came from, but he knew that you went to a lot of different schools and orphanages. An outsider, not unlike himself.
“The kids were always scared of me,” you confessed quietly, “They refused to play with me. That was fine, but then soon after they would bully me. Make fun of me, push me down, kick me. Reminded me again and again that I was a freak.”
For some reason, Jason always had the urge to protect you, even though you were slightly older than he was. Now that urge was stronger and he wanted to hurt anyone who hurt you, to shield you from all that negativity.
“Well,” he began, “I don’t know about those assholes, but whenever I see you, I never saw darkness.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Really!” he insisted, “I see a girl who likes to read, and who likes music. I see you smile whenever Roy and Jackson bicker. And when Wally does that thing where he starts vibrating when he eats? And on the field? The way you protect everyone, the way we can all trust that you have our backs.”
Jason held your eyes. “I don’t see any darkness. In fact, I see sunshine! Because whenever you’re around, it makes us all feel warm and safe.”
He saw the way you were trying hard to not let the tears brimming your eyes fall. “You’re not lying.”
It wasn’t a question, it was a statement.
“Of course I’m not,” he confirmed. “Have I ever lied to you?”
“I guess not,” you sniffled, “I can tell when people lie. And you have never lied to me.”
“What do you mean you can tell when people lie?”
“I don’t know. It’s sort of always been a thing I could do,” you shrugged, “I don’t join in conversations, so I just observe people, and I can sort of tell what they’re thinking or when they’re lying.”
“Ah, I think I know a thing or two about that,” Jason smiled fondly.
“Thank you, Jason,” you expressed.
“No problem, Sunny,” he grinned, “I’ll call you that from now on. To remind you.”
Jason thought that he saw you blush in the dim light. “So what do you think? Wanna join us for spooky night? I mean, your shadow would even be helpful. It’ll create the spooky ambience we’re all looking for.”
“Is there popcorn?” you grinned.
You dumbass, you thought.
The rain had you soaked and shivering.
Jason Todd, you absolute asshole.
The smell of wet dirt was overpowering. Your team stood with you despite your shadow engulfing them in darkness. Roy had his hand on your shoulder.
The white petals stuck to the polished wooden casket as it was lowered into the ground. Your heart had already broke, and you had gone through the stages of breaking down, sobbing uncontrollably, not being able to sleep for a week after they told you the news. Right now, you felt nothing but emptiness.
The casket hit the ground with a dull thud, and you heard the wet footsteps of others leaving the grave. You looked up at the crowd. Dressed in black, you saw some familiar faces. Clark Kent and Diana Prince were with Bruce Wayne, standing in solidarity. A fiery red color caught your eyes, and you saw whom you knew as Starfire. Tall, confident, and radiating with a soft warm glow- everything that you wished you were. She was next to Dick Grayson, and your eyes made contact with blue ones, ones that reminded you of Jason.
Dick gave you a sad smile.
“I heard you’re not going to continue with the Titans anymore,” Dick broke the silence. The rain was still pouring, pounding on the glass window of the car. “Where do I drop you off?”
“East End, along Murphy Avenue,” you replied. You watched two droplets on the window fall down, racing against each other. “I have some boxes left in the Tower, but I don’t feel like seeing them today.”
“Are you going to be okay on your own? You’re not even 18 yet.”
“I’m turning 18 in three months,” you rolled your eyes. “And I already got a job.”
“Oh? That was quick. What job?”
“Private investigator,” you responded, “Lot’s of scandals in Gotham. It’s quite easy to get a job if you’re half decent.”
“Pay well?”
“Well enough.”
Silence again. Dick made a turn.
No word was said until he stopped in front of the apartment complex. Unknown to you, Dick made a mental note to check the apartment out.
“Thanks, Dick.” Something stopped you from leaving the car. Something warm. Ah, it was Dick’s hand on yours.
You looked over and stared into his bright blue eyes. “I’m here for you. Anytime of the day or night. Text me, call me, whatever. You’re not alone.”
It was his expression. The pain and grief and sincerity in his eyes. A hint of desperation, even. By now, your talent for reading people had developed, and you could tell more than just basic emotions. Dick didn’t want you to leave him alone.
Your pulse quickened.
“Would you… Like to come in?” you asked.
Dick was surprised. His eyes darted downwards in a look of… guilt? And then- “No, it’s alright. You said you wanted some alone time. Go settle down first, then maybe you can give me a house tour sometime.”
Then he gave you the grin. Dick Grayson’s charming, heart-stopping grin.
You left the car.
You spent your birthday alone, ignoring the invitations from your ex team members. They all wished you happy birthday, and sent you voice notes of them singing. They said they wished you were there with them, and that they hoped you were well. You replied with a simple thank you.
The apartment you made yours was bare. The walls had no art, and the TV was unplugged. What was the point? Your darkness would have made the art on the walls difficult to see and it was not like you were planning to invite anyone over.
A couple of case files sat neatly on the dining room table, where you did your work. Your name had spread by word of mouth after your first client three months ago, and now you occasionally received texts from unknown numbers, asking for discretion and offering a few hundred dollars a day for a week of work.
Your phone buzzed. It wasn’t an unknown number this time.
Dick had sent you a text. Happy Birthday! Still waiting for that house tour.
You sent a quick thank you and ignored the rest of the message.
SIX MONTHS after the death of Jason Todd
You arrived late on purpose. “Sorry I’m late.”
You sat down in the booth seat opposite Dick and saw the way his eyes lit up when you announced your arrival.
“No worries,” he brushed it off. “Thanks for coming.”
“Yeah,” you grabbed the dirty menu from the table. Anything to fill up the awkwardness you were expecting. “What do you usually have here?”
“Waffles with ice cream.”
“For dinner?”
“Why not?”
Dick Grayson gave you his Dick Grayson Grin.
You told the aging waitress your order- “I’ll have what he’s having.”
“So how have you been doing? You seem quite busy now, since this dinner was postponed to two months later,” he teased.
“My work isn’t exactly nine to five, five days a week,” you replied curtly. You had avoided this dinner on purpose.
“No, no, I get it. Mine is the same,” he said. “It’s good that you have been getting lots of clients lately. You seem to be high in demand now.”
“Yeah, I am, actually,” you smiled softly to yourself, “I didn’t expect for business to move this fast. I’m mostly investigating cheating spouses and party daughters now, though. Hoping to move on to the more serious stuff.”
“Careful,” Dick warned you, frowning slightly, “Try not to get involved with the politics here. It’s messy, and dangerous.”
“I can take care of myself, Dick,” you assured him.
He paused. “Yeah, I noticed,” his expression quickly changed, “You’ve been controlling your shadow.”
Indeed, you have been working on pulling in your shadow while you were out in public, making it seem as normal as possible so you don’t engulf rooms with darkness, especially with your current state of mind.
Soon after Jason died, you found out that your shadow had grown larger and larger, directly linked to your moods. Then you noticed that it shrank when you were concentrating on your cases, leaving the room bright. So you meditated and practiced, day and night, to keep your shadow and your emotions in check. However, it was tiring to constantly shrink it for long periods of time.
“Practice makes perfect,” you replied bitterly.
“Jason used to talk about you all the time, you know?” he suddenly brought up.
This came as a surprise for you.
“Really?” you cocked your head to the side, “What about?”
“Lots of stuff,” Dick elaborated, “But mainly about how to make you feel more welcomed. How to get you to open up. What stuff to talk to you about. He considered you his best-friend.”
You had considered Jason the same. He was the first person you had truly bonded with, but you never knew that Jason had communicated with Dick about you. True enough, he always tried his best to make sure you never felt left out. You felt your throat tightened and gulped.
Your waffles arrived, and Dick immediately dug in.
“He said that he called you something,” he continued in between bites, “Sunny, right? Said it was short for Sunshine.”
You hadn’t heard that in six months.
Dick looked up at you and panic took over his face. “Shit- I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to- I’m sorry.”
You couldn’t stop the tears from falling down your eyes this time. You quickly wiped them away and stabbed the waffle with your fork.
“No- no, it’s fine,” you insisted, “I just hadn’t heard that name in a while. And I didn’t know he talked to you about me.”
Dick looked at you with concern. “Pretty sure he had a crush on you, with the way he was always talking about you.”
You were pretty sure, too. You could read people well after all.
“What made you choose this diner?” you asked, changing the subject. “We used to come here all the time.”
“Yeah, I haven’t stepped in here since that day,” he avoided saying Jason’s name now.
For the first time since you sat down, you actually studied him, beyond the basic emotions that you instinctively saw in everyone. The slight frown, the dark circles under his eyes, the short chewed up nails, the five o’ clock shadow that was rare for Dick Grayson.
He was grieving alone.
“Whenever Jason faced a problem when he was with us, out in the field, or anything, he would always ask himself- ‘What would Dick Grayson do?’” you told him.
His eyes softened, and you could see tears start to well up too.
“He really looked up to you,” you went on, wanting to give Dick the same comfort he gave you. “His older brother. Though, he kept it quiet. He didn’t want people to notice how much he cared. You know, the whole tough guy act.”
Dick chuckled at that. “But you noticed, of course.”
“Of course,” you smiled fondly at the memory. When asked if his injuries hurt, Jason would always reply with Only when I laugh.
But he accepted the cold compresses and paracetamol you gave him.
The camera shutter clicked. You checked the quality of the photo on your digital SLR. Even from across the street and in the darkness of the night, your camera caught the couple entering the motel, hand-in-hand, perfectly. This would be sufficient evidence for your client. The classic case of Cheating Spouse was going to earn you a couple thousand dollars. Frankly, you had considered rejecting the case. You only went for high-profile scandals now. But the client was desperate, and offered a large sum of money for something so easy and simple. It was difficult to refuse.
You contemplated on whether you should go the extra mile to catch them in the act. Or maybe you should just stake out in your car and catch them coming out of the motel. You took pride in how detailed your reports always were, and that was how you managed to build your clientele.
You took a sip of the bad, black coffee, already gone cold.
Peering through the zoom lens, you angled the camera up to the rooms facing the street. The movement you caught, however, was not the lights of a room switching on. Instead, out of the corner of your eye, you saw a shadow hanging about the fire-escape in the narrow alley next to the building. You zoomed in more, and saw a familiar blue and black spandex, white eyes, and a familiar grin.
“Fuck,” you swore to yourself. Of all the places to bump into him.
You had gotten close to him since that dinner. The both of you had been texting regularly, getting to know each other and sharing stories about Jason. It helped you with your grief, and you knew it helped him too. You found out that Dick Grayson was voluntarily very expressive with his emotions, unlike his late younger brother who always needed an extra nudge.
Despite all that, you had been trying your best to avoid Dick for the past few weeks and had been giving him the excuse that you were busy. The truth was, you were scared. You knew how close you were getting to him, and right now you were lonely. So lonely that you were afraid of doing something you would both regret.
Knock, knock, knock. The glass rapped three times.
You looked over at the passenger side and saw that grin. Sighing, you unlocked the door.
“What a nice surprise,” Dick greeted you as he shut the door. “Didn’t think I would see a beautiful lady when I left home tonight.”
You rolled your eyes at his usual flirting. “I’m on a job, Dick.”
“I can see that,” he shamelessly went through your case file that was sitting on the passenger seat before he entered. “I thought you don’t take these cases anymore?”
“The poor guy was desperate, and he offered a lot of money for a simple, menial task,” you explained. “I don’t get why he doesn’t ask someone cheaper. Literally anyone could do this.”
“But they can’t do it as well as you do,” Dick booped your nose with his gloved finger.
“What about you? What brings you to this side of town?”
“Tim needed help with some training. And patrol brings me everywhere, sweetheart,” he smirked.
You noticed that your body had subconsciously turned towards him. His eyes were not visible then, covered by the whites of his mask. He was slightly damp due to the drizzle outside.
You cleared your throat. “I’m going to stake out here until they come out. Note how long they were together.”
“That could be until the sun rises.”
“Need company?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I thought you needed to patrol, and help Tim.”
“Ah, you’re right,” he sighed dramatically, “I’d much rather be in this steamy car with you, though.”
“Go and help your Robin, Dick,” you chuckled, unable to resist him. “Your mentee needs his mentor, Gotham needs its hero and you’re here cozying up with a PI.”
“How irresponsible of me,” he muttered. You hadn’t realized that both of you had moved closer.
You risked a quick glance to his slightly parted lips before tearing your eyes away. He was right, it had suddenly got steamy in the car.
“Text me when you’re back? It’s dangerous to be alone at this hour,” he said before stepping out and flying off in the most flamboyant, Dick Grayson way.
I can take care of myself.
You took deep breaths to calm down and slow your heartbeat.
Maybe you were scared that you were so lonely. But a part of you knew that starting something with Dick wouldn’t be too bad.
You were just scared of being judged by Dick’s dead, younger brother.
The next weekend, you found yourself on your balcony. It was 3 AM, and you were slightly tipsy from the cocktail you made yourself. You closed your eyes and listened to the sound of the wind, the cars, the occasional police siren. You made your decision.
Need you. you texted Dick, knowing he was out on patrol.
15 minutes. he replied.
Jason was dead. There was no one else who understood and accepted you almost as well as Dick did.
You waited out there in the cold for his arrival. When he did land straight on your balcony, his hair was a mess and he was panting slightly. You grabbed his face and kissed him roughly.
It didn’t matter anymore because Jason was dead.
It was more difficult to control your shadow, but you tried your best. Moving in with Dick helped a bit more as compared to when you were alone, but you were constantly on edge.
He was alive, and what would he think of this? You and Dick? Would he see it as a betrayal?
Dick was having sleepless nights and was gone most of the time to help Bruce with Jason’s tantrum. Six months since Jason had appeared alive, and God knows how long before he crawled out of his grave, but he had not contacted you even once.
And you knew, you knew he was angry at you. That this whole villain arc had at least something to do with you. Even though it didn’t make sense, that you were never together, that you were nothing more than just best friends.
Somehow you felt that the rage and destruction was directed towards you.
For as long as you got together with Dick two years ago, and a whole year of playing cat and mouse with him ever since that kiss, you never had radio silence from him for this long. Two or three days was the maximum, and he would reassure you that everything was fine while you continued on with your PI business. A week long was unheard of.
Then, your phone buzzed.
I’m fine. He’s fine. Everyone’s fine.
You let out a breath that you hadn’t realized you were holding.
Is he back? you asked.
He’s gonna take some time off. Need to go. See you soon.
And so you didn’t sleep until Dick came back home the next morning.
“He’s so… broken,” Dick whispered above your head as he hugged you tightly.
You frowned. You didn’t like that word used to describe Jason. A person couldn’t be broken. People weren’t objects. You knew what Dick meant, that Jason was traumatized- but it didn’t mean that he was broken. Broken meant that you needed to be fixed before someone accepted you, that you needed to be functional or useful.
Broken meant that there was a state where people were whole, and you knew too well that there’s no such thing as a whole person. People just existed in different states, and each state was just as important as the other.
Jason told you all of that when you opened up to him about your past. One day many years ago, you fucked up during a mission. Your shadow had hurt someone a little too badly.
“I don’t even know how it works, Jay,” you had cried, “Sometimes it has a mind of its own and it just reacts outside of my control.”
“You saved me in the end,” Jason tried comforting you, putting his arm around your shoulder as you sat on the carpet of the empty living room.
“But I could have hurt you too,” you argued, “It could have attacked your shadow and killed you, the same way I killed my parents.”
You hadn’t told anyone about that. Only the Justice League knew.
“It was an accident,” Jason insisted.
“I’m just a broken person,” you choked. “No one should be near me.”
That was when he took his arm away and held your shoulders in both his hands, forcing you to face him, to stare into his piercing, fierce gaze.
“Don’t ever let me hear you say that about yourself ever again, got it?” he scolded you, “You are not broken. You’re like- like water. Or air. You exist in different states of matter, and each state you’re in is no less broken than the rest. You’re not broken, okay? You’re Sunny, you’re sunshine. You’re just sunshine…”
“Cheating spouse, undercover at Harvard, cheating spouse again…” you muttered to yourself as you browsed your cases in the living room, illuminated by a single warm light above your head. Dick would complain about the mess in the morning when he eats his cereal.
If he even comes back by tomorrow. you finished your own thought.
The blackmail material requests sounded interesting, but you always hesitated to accept the morally gray ones. You usually would go for missing or runaway children, the evidence of corruption, and the occasional journalist request for an inside scoop.
In fact, your eyes caught one such request. An anonymous journalist from the Gotham Gazelle. You received a text from a disposable two days ago, detailing a locker combination and an address. The contents of the locker were documents within a crisp and new light brown folder- a typical case file, along with a thousand dollars in cash and a promise of another two thousand after completion.
Journalists were not usually this cautious, but if they were investigating someone high profile, it was better to remain anonymous. Especially in Gotham.
You took a sip of your dark roast Arabica coffee, engrossed by what your anonymous client wanted you to get. It was already 11 PM.
Then, you heard the bell ring.
You frowned. Dick wouldn’t ring the bell to his own apartment.
Concentrating on pulling your shadow back, you walked barefoot to the door and looked through the peephole.
Your heartbeat quickened at who you saw standing on the other side of the door.
Calm down, calm down, calm down. Deep breaths.
The door clicked when you unlocked it, and creaked when you pulled it open.
You couldn’t remember when you had stopped counting the amount of days since you saw those piercing blue eyes that were so similar, yet so different from Dicks’. Now they were even more different from what you remembered. They were like battleworn armor standing in an enclosed case.
“There’s my sunshine,” Jason smiled weakly at you.
There was no chance of stopping your tears from falling down your face, so you didn’t even try. You let them flow freely as you speechlessly embraced him and felt his warm arms snake around you. The warmth of an embrace you thought you were never going to feel ever again.
He grew much taller than you. He was 16 when he died, and you were just turning 18. You had stopped growing a year or two before that, but boys kept on growing, didn’t they? He was the same height as you were the last time you saw him, but now he was at least a couple of feet taller. Did that mean he was back long before he started going as Red Hood? What did he do for two and a half years? Who-
“Don’t mean to be rude, but can I come in? I’m freezing my tits off out here,” he said. Even his voice was much, much deeper.
You chuckled and nodded, taking a step away to let him in.
You closed the door behind Jason and watched as he walked in slowly, looking around at Dick’s apartment. You noticed he paused at the dining table where you were working, and then strided to the sofa in the living room before taking a seat. You followed suit and sat next to him, not yet trusting your voice to make a sound.
“So,” he began, “You and Grayson, huh?”
Looking so intently, taking him all in, you almost missed the question.
“You’re bigger than him,” you blurted, before widening your eyes in horror at what you were implying.
Jason raised a scarred eyebrow.
“I mean- you- your build,” you quickly explained, “Your frame. Shoulders. Length. Big.”
“Length?” he smirked.
“Height!” you almost yelled.
Jason leaned closer to you and frowned. “Am I making you nervous?”
You couldn’t bear his piercing eyes, so you looked down at your hands.
“I thought maybe you never wanted to see me again,” you confessed, “I thought maybe you were angry at me, and hated me.”
“I was,” he simply stated.
You looked at him in question.
“Angry at you. For a bit,” he sighed and leaned back against the couch, “But I was angry at everyone. You were no exception. I was just mad everyone had forgotten me. Especially those I cared about.”
“I never forgot you, Jason,” you vowed, “How could I ever?”
“Then why did you-” he cut himself off, “Nevermind. I just wanted to say that I’m not mad anymore. I get it. I was dead, and everyone moved on.”
He crossed his arms and again, you noticed how large his arms were. His face was more mature, jawline more defined and square, eyes now more deep set with extra dark circles underneath them. As if your body had a mind of its own, you reached out to his face and caressed the scar across his cheek.
Jason jumped slightly in surprise at the sudden contact, but then closed his eyes and leaned into your touch.
“You have more scars now,” you pointed out, “What happened?”
You felt his breath down your wrist.
“Another story for another day,” he smiled and opened his eyes. You took your hand away, blushing at how intimate that must have seemed to an onlooker. “Where’s Boy Wonder?”
“No idea,” you shrugged. “You want something to drink? Tea? Coffee?”
“Aw, come on, Sunny!” he got up and walked to the kitchen, “It’s a Welcome Back, Jason party. Where are the fun drinks?”
He started opening your cabinets.
“Wow, make yourself at home, why don’t you?” you shook your head and went to join him.
“Mi casa es su casa,” he sang, “At least, that’s what Grayson told me when he gave me the address. Aha!”
He found the cabinet of liquors. “Wow, I’m quite impressed by his collection.”
“That’s my collection,” you corrected him, “Dick couldn’t tell the difference between tequila and rum even if his life depended on it. I have a variety. What do you feel like?”
“You’re the bartender,” he teased, “Surprise me.”
You nodded and proceeded to make him a drink. Jason sat down at the dining table and nosily looked through your files. That was one thing he and Dick had in common, at least.
You set down a whisky sour for him and yourself before clearing your paperwork to the side, giving him the side eye as you snatched a folder from his hands.
Taking a seat across from him, the both of you dinked glasses together and took a sip.
“Strong,” he commented, “That’s good.”
You accepted the compliment silently.
“So, you don’t know where Grayson’s at?” he inquired.
“Nope,” you replied, “I know he has missions sometimes. Helps out here and there. He’s gone for two or three days before he comes back home with a new bruise or cut. I don’t ask for details unless he starts to tell me about it.”
Your chest made an involuntary squeeze that you tried to hide. There were times when you had asked Dick, and he lied to you. You had arguments over where he was, and who he was with before.
Jason studied your poker face intently, and for a second, you felt as though he was interrogating you.
He took another sip.
“How’s business going?” he changed the subject, “I heard you never went back to the team.”
“I couldn’t,” you answered simply.
“Why not?”
“Everything reminded me of you. It hurt too much.”
A deafening silence. A look of guilt. A looming darkness that grew.
“Business is great, actually,” you went on. “And I enjoy the slower-paced nature of the work.”
“Ugh, even stake outs?” he made a face, not commenting on how your shadow became slightly bigger.
“Stake outs can be nice sometimes,” you argued, “Crank down the window, put the radio on, snack on some fries. Sometimes I read, as well. I’m used to spending long hours by myself.”
“Sounds like you haven’t changed much,” he smiled endearingly at you.
“Not even physically?” you pouted, “I’ve been going to the gym.”
He laughed at that. “Yes, I’ve noticed. You look much more… Mature?”
“Are you saying I look old, Todd?” you huffed.
“So fucking old. A hag.”
You stuck out your tongue at him and laughed together, as if nothing ever changed. As if he never died, as if you never grieved for him and longed for him.
“I’m kidding,” he conceded, “You look good. Really good. Dick’s a lucky guy.”
You frowned at the last comment. “It doesn’t bother you, does it? Me and Dick?”
Another pause. “As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”
Jason knew you well, so he knew how to answer you. His statement wasn’t a lie.
You heard the jingle of keys in the distance.
“Speak of the fucking devil,” Jason whispered into his drink before taking a big gulp.
“Honey, I’m ho- oh. Jason, I didn’t expect to find you here,” Dick stood in the doorway, stunned.
“Welcome back, babe,” you walked over and greeted your boyfriend with a kiss. For the first time, Dick looked slightly uncomfortable with your display of affection.
“You guys have been hanging out without me!” Dick whined, his child-like persona immediately taking over.
That was how Dick was. You noticed it after a few times with him, how he would mask his emotions or awkwardness with his happy, warm personality. He was a people person, charming his way anywhere and everywhere regardless of any situation.
Yet, you could see through it all. The grief, the aching fatigue, and the countless battle scars.
“Was just leaving,” Jason announced curtly.
“Ngaw, don’t be like that,” Dick tried to persuade him, “Stay a little while. We can catch up.”
“There’s nothing to catch up on,” Jason insisted, “Bye.”
He glanced once at you, and then left without saying a word.
There was a stark difference between the way he was with you and the way he was with Dick. In the short future, you would come to realize that it wasn’t that he was different with everyone else. Jason treated everyone else with the cold, rough demeanor you witnessed- but never you. You were the only one who knew him as though that Jason never died.
You saw Dick’s shoulders slump in disappointment. “How long was he here for?”
“About an hour?” you answered nonchalantly, going back to your case files.
“He has never spoken to me for more than 15 minutes,” Dick informed you, “Even then he would give non-committal answers.”
“Really?” you asked, frowning to yourself. It took just a little while for the both of you to go back to how things used to be. “Maybe he’s more upset at you since you’re his brother.”
“Nah, don’t think that’s it,” Dick came up behind you and nuzzled his face in your neck. “You smell good. Missed you.”
“Missed you too,” you hummed, “How was… Your mission?”
“Tiring,” he complained, “You choose a case already?”
“Maybe,” you replied, “Who was there?”
You heard Dick gulp. “Donna. Kon. Wally.”
You felt your chest tighten again. “Okay. I’m tired too. I think I’ll go to bed now.”
“You just drank coffee,” he pointed out, “You’re going to sleep now?”
“Or just lie in bed,” you responded, “Seeing Jason was… emotional.”
“Yeah, I get it,” he ran a hand through his dark, wavy hair.
“You coming?”
“I have to patrol,” he looked at you guiltily.
“But you just got back,” you argued.
“They can cover more ground when I’m around,” he explained. “Sorry. I’ll spend time with you tomorrow, okay?”
You smiled at him and reached a hand to press on his chest. He was so committed, and that’s what you loved about him. He really, truly cared.
“Just stay safe,” you gave him a deep kiss, tasting the cola chapstick he stole from you months ago.
“I’ll see you in the morning, darling,” he breathed.
That night you lay awake in bed, staring at darkness. You let your shadow go at night, allowing it to take over the room. A buzz came from your phone all of a sudden. Another unknown number.
You tapped it open.
This is my number if you need me. J.
It had been a while since you smiled whenever you lay alone, unable to sleep.
And how did you get mine?
You didn’t actually care. You were just so happy to be texting your best friend again.
I’m just a genius, Sunny. You staying up late to work?
You contemplated your answer.
No. Just couldn’t sleep. What do you do now, anyway? Do you patrol with the rest?
Sometimes. I mostly do my own thing now.
What thing?
Another story for another time, sunshine.
I’m glad you’re back, Jay. Thank you for seeing me today. Can we hang out soon?
We can hang out whenever you want.
You were typing a reply, but was interrupted by another message from him.
I missed you lots.
I missed you too, Jason. We have to get caught up with all the slumber parties we missed.
Don’t think Grayson would be too happy with that though.
My best friend is back from the dead. He can suck it up.
I’ll see you soon then?
You contemplated again.
What are you doing tomorrow? I got an interesting case. Wanna tag along?
Jason’s heart broke when he found out that you were with Dick. It was a large reason why he was so angry, and why he became so destructive. But he tried to stay angry at you, tried to hate you, but he just couldn’t bring himself to. The years without you were lonely, and he tried to fill up the emptiness with rage.
It took him so long after Bruce brought him back to his senses to finally see you because he was practicing. He knew he couldn’t bear to look at you and Dick while you were together, so he practiced controlling his emotions so he wouldn’t snap and scare you away.
But when you opened the door and he saw your face for the first time in years, everything dissipated. He didn’t need to control any anger because all he felt was longing. It didn’t matter if you were in love with Dick, all that mattered was that you were there next to him.
“Okay, so,” you began as you pulled the car to a stop in a street at Diamond District. “Rupert Thorne.”
“The guy who is running for mayor?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed, browsing through the documents, “He allegedly backed Hill in the previous elections, but now he is running against Hill. My client wants me to find evidence of corruption and find out who his sponsors are.”
Jason saw the way your brows stitched together as you read through the file.
It was difficult to be in the same car as you. Even though he was in the passenger seat, he felt like it was a small closet, being suffocated by your demanding presence.
“Why doesn’t he sponsor himself? Isn’t he some sort of closeted crime lord too?” Jason asked.
“I guess that’s the mystery,” you hummed, “He must have been promised something, or he must have promised something- if he wins.”
You smelled like warm cinnamon and vanilla. All Jason wanted to do was to bury his face in your neck and breathe you in. The pull he felt towards you was almost physical. He needed to stop himself from touching you, from claiming you.
“So what’s the first step?” he tried to focus on the case.
“He works in that building there,” you looked outside across the street to the tall mirrored tower. “COO of Trident Shipping Company. He’s doing quite well in popularity lately… Articles say he is modest and humble, charming, thoughtful, charitable… The list goes on. Must have a great PR team.”
Jason smiled to himself. You were starting to think out loud, a habit of yours he noticed one night during a strategy meeting with the team. So many years ago.
“Anyway, we want to see where he goes, who he meets, what he does-”
“Oh no,” Jason groaned, “You scammed me into a stakeout!”
He really didn’t mind if it meant spending long hours with you in your cozy car.
“It’ll be fun!” you tried to convince him, “We can catch up in the meantime! Plus, I do also need to bug his phone. Might need your help with that. I also have some metka, so maybe we can pollinate some lead suspects once we narrow them down and-”
“Woah, woah, woah, hold up,” Jason started chuckling in disbelief, “First of all- one step at a time, please. Let’s make a structured flowchart first before you start rambling off fifty-seven steps ahead. Second of all- metka, are you fucking with me right now? How did you get your hands on Soviet Cold War tech?”
Metka or spy dust- chemically known as nitrophenyl pentadienal or NPPD- was an old and outdated, yet still effective, Russian method of marking or tagging suspected CIA agents during the Cold War by the KGB. It was a discreet powder that stuck to everything. They would tag the agents at the airport, and then anything the agent touched would have traces of the dust. Including Russian assets- spies or informants working for the CIA. They would be able to identify the traitors.
“I’m a PI,” you said smugly, “I’m resourceful.”
Yes, you were. Jason beamed proudly at you. But he said, “Yeah, yeah. Anyway, how about the bug?”
“I have this-” you rummaged through your messenger bag and took out a small silver card the size of a hotel matchbox. It had the Bat sigil.
“So I assume you have Batman’s NFC card because you’re resourceful?” Jason teased. He knew the gadget well. The near field communication device allowed hijacking into another electronic device with NFC just by near contact. It could allow for cloning the device, or installing spyware.
You stuck your tongue at him childishly.
“I wonder what Batman would think of you stealing his gadgets for personal use,” Jason jested.
“Okay, I borrowed it from DIck, and it’s not like I’m using it for personal reasons. This is a highly professional operation,” you huffed, “Anyway, if you could let me finish telling you my plan. It says that Thorne is into French girls and he usually comes out for a smoke break around this time.”
“I will be bumping into him. The NFC needs about 30 seconds of contact. I’ll slip the card in the pocket where he keeps his phone. But in case I can’t stick around to take it out, you will have to come walking behind me to pickpocket it from him.”
“Sounds good. What if he’s using his phone?”
“I’ll bump it out of his hand and apologize profusely,” you grinned. “Okay I need to get ready.”
You unbuttoned your weathered leather jacket to reveal a white top with a low neckline, giving Jason a good view of your cleavage.
“Uhhh,” he started awkwardly.
You ignored him and looked in the mirror, smearing lipstick on your lips and smacking them. Then, you ruffled your hair to give it more volume before turning to face him with a “How do I look?”
The red you chose for your lipstick matched your skin tone perfectly. And he never noticed you had a tiny cute mole on the top of your left breast. The way your hair was effortlessly messy made Jason imagine that was how you would look like in the mornings, or when he takes a handful of it while kissing you rough-
“G-great,” he complimented weakly.
If he hadn’t already died, then you were going to be the death of him.
“Oh shit, there he is,” you opened the car. “Quick, hang around a few feet behind me.”
Jason saw you strut as you approached Thorne. He was tall and handsome, and looked good for a man his age. Jason could tell that his suit was expensive. His coat was probably cashmere. He could see why Thorne was so popular. He definitely looked the part. He was talking on his phone, and he was now curious as to what you had in mind.
From down the block and in the crowd, Jason saw you pretend to talk on your phone in perfect French, rushing somewhere unknown. He didn’t notice the cup you were carrying before.
“Ah, putain! I am zo zorr’y, Monsieur!” you bumped hard into Thorne, spilling liquid all over his coat and yourself.
Thorne looked surprised, and then pocketed his phone in his coat. “It’s quite alright.”
“No, no, pleez. Let me ‘elp you,” you made a fuss. You took out a handkerchief from your bag and simultaneously shrugged off your jacket. Jason smirked to himself. No hot-blooded male would be able to resist the sight of you in a wet white low neckline t-shirt.
“Let me pay for your dry cleaning,” you worried, “Oh, putain it speeled down here too.”
You got on your knees and started dabbing the hem of his coat.
“You really don’t have to do that,” Thorne smiled and held your shoulder in a gesture to help you up.
“I am really zo zorr’y,” you looked up at him.
A flash of lust sparked Thornes’ eyes, and Jason knew you were batting your eyelashes at him from that angle. It made him want to punch Thorne square in the jaw.
“It’s really alright, madam,” he insisted, “It was my fault for standing in the middle of a busy pedestrian walkway.”
“I should ‘ave watched where I was walking,” you bit your lip and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Well, let’s just both move on from this. Please don’t worry, I can get my assistants to get me another coat,” he rested his hand on your lower back as he walked you towards the street. “Here is my business card. Feel free to contact me if you need any help navigating the city. I would love to show you all the fine restaurants in Gotham.”
“Monsieur, you are too kind,” you pouted.
“I should thank you for bumping into me,” he winked, “It’s not everyday I get to see a beautiful lady.”
You pretended to blush.
“I have to go now,” he announced, “Please give me a call.”
And with that, he entered the building.
You walked towards Jason with the look of a kid who scored his first goal.
But then, facing him now, Jason swore under his breath. No wonder you managed to bewitch Thorne so easily.
Your shirt was practically see through, and everyone was turning their heads at you. He could see your black lacy bra, and how your tits bounced as you jogged towards him.
“Hells to the yes!” you celebrated, “That was more than thirty seconds. I got the card back and- what are you doing?”
Jason had grabbed your jacket and forcefully put it over your shoulders. “Let’s hurry back to the car.”
Yeah, you were going to be the death of him.
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bonbonchocolates · 10 months
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Yandere Jungkook x Reader
Summary: When you take the wrong taxi.....
Warnings: yandere jungkook, obsessive behaviour, non-con touching, smut (not descriptive)
A/N: Again originally from my Wattpad account. If you like it please leave a like.
You checked the time on your wrist watch.
It read.
You are really late today it's all because of your rude and arrogant boss. Sometimes you feel like to kill him. You don't know why he is always after you, giving you more work than others, making you work at late hours.
What problem does he have with me?
You thought.
It is already too late. Now your mother will scold you as soon as you reach home. But still you want to return back home as soon as possible. You know it is not safe for a young girl to be out at this time. Moreover, recently a lot of young girls are going missing and you don't want to be one of them.
You booked a taxi but it still had not arrived. You are waiting for it patiently for the last fifteen minutes.
Then you finally heard the honk of a car, indicating your taxi has arrived. You could not get more happy and this. You rushed towards your taxi. You quickly opened the door, got inside and closed it.
As soon as you closed the door the driver started the taxi and towards your way home. Just then you got a call, you checked your phone, it was from your mother. You quickly picked it up.
On Call:
Y/M: Y/N dear where are you?
You: I'm in a taxi on my way home.
Y/M: Why are you so late?
You: Mom you already know my boss.
Y/N: Oh yeah. Come back fast, you heard the news, right?
You: Yes mom.
Y/M: Ok bye.
You: Bye Mumma.
With that you ended the call. You were busy in the call that you could not notice that the route the driver took was not the way to your home. As you looked outside you noticed it.
And you panicked.
"Excuse me"
(In Jimin's voice. Hahaha. Sorry, back to the story)
The driver looked at the rear view mirror to look at you. You knew that you grabbed his attention but you could not see his whole face. You couldn't see his eyes because he wore a black coloured cap.
"This is not the way to my house."
You told him but he just shrugged it off. After a long moment of silence he finally decided to speak.
"Mam, this is the shortcut."
He said in a husky voice. After hearing it you felt relaxed and you believed it because it's only been a year since you came to this city. The only strange thing is that you felt like that you heard the driver's voice somewhere but you decided to ignore it.
(Typical Y/N thing)
You checked on your phone and found a message from an unknown number.
Unknown: Mam, where are you?
You: Who are you?
Unknown: Your taxi driver, mam. Actually I have been waiting for the past half an hour but I can't find you.
You: What are you saying I already got my taxi and I am on my way back home.
It was really weird. Did the company sent two taxis for you? You then just to confirm you opened and found that the taxi that you booked arrived five minutes later you boarded the taxi.
What? How can this happen?
You then quickly opened google map on your phone and found your location to be 2 kilometres away from your house.
You panicked and as soon as you looked at the rear view mirror you found the cab driver stealing glances at you from the rear view mirror. Now you can see his whole face, he looked oddly familiar.
You quickly dialled the emergency number and waited for them to pick it up but as soon as they picked it up, someone snatched your phone away from you and threw it out of the window of the car.
(I wrote it as emergency number because all the countries have different emergency numbers and I have not mentioned which country this story takes place. So you can imagine as your country.)
You looked at the driver who gave out an evil smile. You were terrified of him.
"Who are you? And where are you taking me?"
You asked with all the courage that you had gained.
He then stopped the car and looked back at you. As soon as you saw his whole face you were shocked.
"Don't tell me that you already forgot me, love?"
You were currently at the last year of high school. One day when it was lunch time, you saw the one and only Jeon Jungkook, the most popular playboy of the school approaching you. He is in the last year of college.
(I don't know if such schools exist or not. Please let me know.)
But why is he coming towards you when you always wanted to stay a mile away from him.
He came towards you and did something that you never expected him to do in his whole life.
He took your right hand on his left hand and got down on his knees. Everyone was staring at you. You hated attention and and wanted to disappear from there.
"Y/N the moment my eyes fell on you, I felt something strange which I never felt before. I know that I'm a playboy but I'm ready to change that for you. I really love you Y/N. I want you to be in my life. Will you become my girlfriend and maybe my future wife? Please don't say no I love you very much."
Everybody started to clap. You looked at his face, his eyes were filled with hope and love for you. You contemplated what to do? It's not like Jungkook is a bad person but the only problem is that he is a playboy. Each and every week he has a new girl with him.
The sound of his voice brought you out of your thoughts. You once again looked at his eyes. You don't know why but his feelings for you seemed genuine but still you can't trust him because it can be one of his bet with his friends.
"Sorry Jungkook but I can't be with a playboy like you."
You tried your best to sound kind and gentle. You quickly withdraw your hand from his and ran away.
End Of Flashback
After that he never approached you again. You assumed it was one of his bet with his friends. The next year your father got transferred to another city so you all shifted from there. You never saw or heard of Jungkook again until now.
You shuttered.
"So you remember me, good."
In a moment he was at the back seat near you. You tried to open the door of the car but he was quick to grab you.
"Don't you dare try to escape me"
He warned you.
You were terrified you had no idea why he was doing all this. Is it just because of a simple rejection? You didn't even have the courage to question him.
His hand then went down to your pants and he tried to pull it down. But before he could do anything you tried to push his hands away but he was too strong. So your attempt to push his hands away went to vain.
"Let me do what I want or othe-"
"P-ple-please l-leave me"
You begged in him. You don't know when you started sobbing. You kept on begging in front of him but he just gave you a smirk.
In a moment he ripped off your pants along with your undergarments. Now your lower body was completely naked and he could see it clearly. You were embarrassed and started to cry even more in the fear of what is about to happen to you. You tried to hide yourself from his gaze but he stopped you by grabbing your thighs.
"You are beautiful, love. Don't hide from me."
You then saw him opening the zipper of his pants and pulling down his boxers. Now you were well aware of his intentions.
In a moment both his pants and boxers were gone and he lined his member near your entrance. You wiggled about but he grabbed you and without any preparation he pushed his hard member in your entrance.
You screamed.
It hurts a lot and without letting you adjust to his size he started to move. You kept on crying due to the pain and there was no pleasure in it. While you cried he kept on moaning and groaning.
"For others it may be a simple rejection but not for me."
Saying that he kissed on your forehead.
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Omg Hiiii! I hope you’re doing great💞 I would just like to request a Drabble of more prince lucio and bodyguard mc😭maybe that scene of their first kiss in the garden? Sksksksk I loved it so much
The Arcana Drabbles: Prince!Lucio and Bodyguard!MC, pt 2
It's been a hot minute since I wrote a kissing scene so uh - bear with me, lol
You've been to plenty of balls before, but always as the bodyguard standing by the wall nearest your golden prince. There was much less to keep track of when your priority was ensuring that he stayed safe (how difficult that was was another matter). Now, though, you're in formal clothes instead of your usual armor, and right in the middle of things with your arm wound through the happy prince's. The wall is starting to look more appealing -
"You having a good time?"
You turn back to your prince, uncertainty wavering behind his excited silver eyes. You can feel his queen mother's gaze boring holes into the side of both of your heads as a bead of sweat slowly trickles down his temple. "Uh ... yeah."
His expression falters a little more. "We could - uh - you don't have to stay, if you don't want to, or! We could sneak into the gardens ... if you want."
"The gardens sound nice," you mumble. His voice cracks in relief as he starts hustling you towards the balcony without an ounce of subtlety.
"Gre-at! That's great. Awesome. Let's go!"
You've seen him nervous and on edge before, but this is a whole new level. Instead of calming down once you two are alone in the moonlight, he seems to only get more agitated. You pause under an archway in the back corner of the rose bushes.
"Are you well, my prince?"
"I'm fine - you know you don't have to call me that, right? I can be Lucio. Just Lucio. If you want."
"I know, Lucio." You smile at him, watching the way he kneads his gloves between his sweaty palms. He must really be worked up about something. "I'm merely double checking."
He lets out a frustrated growl, the seams on his gloves at risk of being ripped. "You don't have to double check, if I say it's okay, it's okay! Don't you get tired of all ... this?"
He gestures feverishly between the two of you before swinging his arms wider to the garden and the distant sounds of the party. You glance back at the palace, the open doors and windows spilling light and music and chatter out into the night. "Tired how?"
He stomps his foot irritably and starts pacing back and forth. "The-the titles, and the protocol, and the damn distance. I don't know what you want because you can't tell me, and I can't tell you what I want because I'm in charge of you!"
You can feel something stirring deep in your chest as he buries his head in his hands with a groan. The hours of sitting by his bed late at night, watching his chest rise and fall as he sleeps under your guard, the constant close proximity you've controlled yourself through, the efforts of the queen to get to know you and show you her distant approval. You'd tried to control the butterflies appearing in your chest through it all, but now you're standing with him all alone in the cool evening air and there's a veritable horde of them being unleashed.
"Do you," you pause, not wanting to misread and overstep your role. "Do you want me to speak to you as Lucio, and not as my prince?"
"YES," he exclaims, before clearing his throat and collecting himself. He swallows and comes to a halt in front of you. "Talk to me like I'm just Lucio. Pretend I'm not the prince for a minute, what am I to you?"
"I don't know if I should say -" Is it really okay to tell him you love him? You've witnessed firsthand how complicated the court can get.
"I'll say then, if you want. But only if you can hear me as Lucio, not the prince. Okay?" He searches your face, wide-eyed and borderline frantic.
"I love you."
He pauses like he's surprised that that's the first thing that came out. You'd smile at his characteristic chaos, but your ears are singing with the confession. He drops his gloves and takes both your hands in his.
"I love you. Not as the prince, just me. I love you, and I want you to kiss me." He gulps, shaky and out of breath like he's sprinted here the whole way from the throne room. "If you want to. Only if you want to."
You nod, slowly, completely caught off-guard for once. "I want to."
"Thank fummhh -"
The words you know the queen would whack him for get cut off by the sudden press of his lips against your mouth. He doesn't give you much space to breathe, tugging at your clothes in a frantic effort to get closer, reaching one bare hand up to cup your face and pull you deeper. It takes a moment to respond, but he melts with a groan as soon as you do. He sags in your hold, putting your years of training to carry him into good use, taking in noisy gulps of air between needy open-mouthed kisses. One arm hooks around your neck and the other around your waist as he blindly tugs you deeper into the bushes.
"You don't know how long I've wanted this," he whispers hot against your cheek. "Let's leave the prince thing out of this from now on."
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transmascaraa · 4 months
I got a fanfics request I needed to see this idea came into my head when I saw this so the first. I thought of just Lyney and then all four of them. I'm not sure which one but you can choose which one to write. So basically they turn into cats and Rosseland to fight over being in Lyney hat trying to kick them out of it and Rosseland has to turn all of them back into humans. Lyney would be the boss fight obviously. He freaks at first but decided to spend time Rosseland until to three others got turned into cats. It depends on what works for you.
Ok I hope I am explaining this properly cause to be honest I don't remember what I thought of at the time. I remember some but not much. I wish I wrote it down. But anyway which ever works for you if you can't do it I understand.
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bf!lyney headcannons!
bf!lyney x gn!reader
author's note: i thought this was a very interesting req so why not do it if i understood it properly🤷‍♂️ don't have anything to rant about rn so i js hope you enjoy and that it's what you wanted at least lmfao😭
"magic trick— gone wrong."
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-so hear me out.
-lyney had his "magic show" practice at home, with you, of course.
-and basically, in this trick, he was supposed to turn the both of you into cats with the help of rosseland.
-(and of course, bring you back to your human forms in the end.)
-rosseland had helped you turn into a cat first, and lyney felt very confident having 2 cats now.
-one was you, and the other was rosseland himself.
-that's when lyney gestured for rosseland to turn him into a cat as well.
-and he succeeded, really.
-now all the 3 of you were cats.
-lyney was playing with his own tail, while you were cleaning yourself.
-with rosseland sitting in lyney's hat, still.
-being cats, you wanted to be in lyney's own hat, instead of rosseland.
-and as for lyney, he wanted to be in his own hat.
-sooooo after a bit of biting, scratching, hissing, the two of them gave up because lyney got a bit too scared for his own good.
-they left you alone in lyney's hat and decided to "talk" a bit to eachother.
-to talk about how the hell you were supposed to go back to your usual forms.
-since rosseland felt generous for once, he decided to help the two of you.
-as soon as lyney got his approval, he ran to you, knocking over both you and his hat, about to tell you the good news that he had in store for you.
-all of his worries, gone.
-you heard them and, well, you were happy about it!
-finally, rosseland used some of magic to turn you back to normal, and it worked!
-you were back in your human forms, both you and lyney!
-as a reward for rosseland, you let the cat sleep with the both of you together in bed<3
not exactly bad^^
i hope you like it either way ofc lol
| @megaarmor | @mariaace <3
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darkbluekies · 4 months
This is just me happy ranting, I'm in my feels don't mind me
I'm so happy that I created these characters and this blog, I really am.
I had been on wattpad for 4 years when I started this account and I could feel how things had started to change.my kpop fanfictions weren't doing as well as they once had and I felt limited in my writing. Although the stories and my imagination weren't that much different from what I'm writing now, writing these stuff (especially Silas's things) felt wrong to do since I was writing about real people so I didn't. I watered down my works so that I wouldn't feel bad, but eventually, those also felt too much. I officially left that account, and took down everything, a year ago.
So, in November 2022, I decided to create a new space, where I could start over. I wrote "intruder" and had it in my drafts for a few days, hesitating. I then published it but privated it because I was scared lol. I'm so happy I decided to make it public again.
I still remember creating Hedwig, specifically. I was out on my daily walk, it was dark outside and I was thinking of the characters I should use, a set amount. I had Silas, Kry and had in my plans to introduce Jerry as the last character. I was actually writing a character that was supposed to be the "quiet kid" in school, but i thought that using a girl in a school atmosphere would be more interesting. I wanted this "typical" yandere setting. I thought about different appearances for her, different characteristics. I had made Jerry 2 or 3 years earlier and thought "why not make someone completely opposite?" Hedwig wasn't meant to be rich from the beginning, just a normal girl. But I added it to have a bigger play field. I remember coming up with it and being like "fuck yes, write that down she's now rich".
I remember how Edmund came to life too. I was watching an old music video that I liked when I was a kid (Masquerade by Eric Saade), it was a Friday night and I was in bed. I got so inspired to write the Masquerade Massacre one-shot that I wrote it in one sitting. If you read the story, you'll notice that Edmund doesn't have a name in it. I hadn't chosen one and wasn't planning on making him one of the set characters, but it quickly became my most popular and liked one shot and people wanted continuations so I decided to make him the fifth and final character. His name was originally Edward, I had put that in his character masterlist and in the full masterlist, but changed it since one of my main characters in one of my private novels is called Edward ... and they're quite similar in both looks and behavior. I wanted something similar ... and decided upon Edmund.
I have gone out of my comfort zone on this account and I couldn't be happier, the people on here have been very supportive of me and my writing and it makes me so happy. I love you all a lot<333333
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evereverest2 · 1 month
Little Monster Q&A + author fun facts !!
hello new followers and fans of Little Monster. first of all, i just have to thank everyone for the crazy support ive been getting as of late. thank you everyone. every like, comment, and reblog just pushes me to keep writing, even when it feels like every word i write is garbage.
so i decided to make this little special! idk if anyone will be super interested, so ill put all the stuff under the cut, but i also wanted to add this little drawing i did of terzomega as like extra content. if you arent interested, thanks anyway and enjoy the art!
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to everyone who stayed, i have no idea why you’re interested, but thanks lmfao. this shit will be long.
Is your most recent oneshot about the mirror related at all to Little Monster? (from @ofthemorningstars)
i'm glad you noticed that !! in The Mirror, i very purposefully left two hints at the end of the fic to indicate its connection to Little Monster, which was the taco ring reference and Terzo's use of "mostriciatto". to me, mostriciatto will always be the Little Monster version of terzomega. no matter when i finish that fic or if i write more fics after, i will never again use mostriciatto unless im purposefully writing these versions of terzomega. i havent seen anyone else use it (i hope they dont), so i like to imagine this can be forever my impact on terzomega fics lmao. anyway, the purpose of me leaving those references isnt necessarily to say, "this is a future scene of little monster" bc it isnt exactly that (while i have plans that line up with this oneshot, i cannot anticipate that everything will fit perfectly by the time we get there in the canon). the purpose of doing that was to show u cuties that yes, terzo and omega will eventually have a better relationship, and i will be extending this timeline into papa terzo era. just a fun little teaser for my more observant fans.
also, fun fact about how i came up with that pet name. i was writing the first part of Little Monster (that part is now titled Spilled Wine as featured on my Ao3) and i knew i wanted to give terzo an affinity for using pet names, but i didn't know quite which ones to use. i didn't want to be boring, so i googled some. i have no idea where, but i found mostriciatto, meaning, of course, "little monster." i had yet to even really start writing it, but i knew i wanted it to be DARK with a very unhinged omega, so i thought, perfect. ill talk a bit more about the writing of part one later on
2. How many parts do you currently anticipate writing? Do you have a set ending point, or will this perhaps be an ongoing project for the foreseeable future? (from @ofthemorningstars)
i have 12 major plot points (including the first five parts i have written) that loosely translate into parts. this could mean 12 parts, or it could be more depending on what i write. i kinda plan on expanding this to 18 (6 parts per “era” or “act” [you’ll see what i mean]) though i dont quite have a set ending yet, so really its up in the air. i am, however, planning on having a definitive ending, ergo not an endless project. from there there may be some oneshots in this universe, but they will have an ending.
3. In the first part of little monster you put a disclaimer with something along the lines of "if you're expecting comfort I'm sorry to disappoint". The angst is MWAH but do you like plan on giving Terzo like any sort of comfort or happiness?? (from @puuuders)
before i begin rambling, here's your answer: there will be hope and good times as mentioned above, and you might have even picked up on that in part 5. i may have wrote a fucked up versions of terzomega but whats a good story without character growth?? i havent determined the direction of the ending, but rest assured, if it all burns down, they will hold each other close (for the minute it takes).
but also.... funny story about that disclaimer....
soo i wanted to write ghost fanfic to impress my friend who is a VERY avid member of this community. however, i failed to realize they DO NOT like angst without love and care and fluff, so after i showed it to them, buddy did not like it. i took that as a sign that maybe this shit was a little TOO dark.
but my god, i could not stop thinking about it, as the caption said, and i dont always feel that away about what i write. i had recently started to post semi often to tumblr, and i just thought. well, theres gotta be someone else as fucked up as me, and i posted that shit. that disclaimer was a result of taking my friends reaction seriously and realizing that i needed to make it VERY clear that this fic is NOT for everyone. there was a different og caption that was longer and more grave, but i cut it down for aesthetics bc little monster has already seen more success than i ever anticipated.
4. What is your favorite ghost album, and what song introduced you to ghost? (from @puuuders) & Favorite ghost song (or songs) (from @ask-enso-ghoul)
my favorite album is Infestissumam!!! the vibes of the album are so fucking immaculate, even if terzo is my favorite papa.
of course, of course, the first song i ever heard from ghost was Mary on a Cross. it blew up when it did and i loved it. the second song that really made me start getting into ghsot was square hammer, which will secretly also be my favorite ghost song but ive heard it so many times i have to give it now to the future is a foreign land. some of my other fave songs are jigolo, respite, body and blood, faith, twenties, and year zero (there’s just so many)
i want to take a second to say my least favorite album though, which is opus eponymous, or as i call it, pope pussy. it’s ok. it’s just ok. mk. i’m not a fan of that sound. the best song on there is genesis. I FUCKING SAID IT—
5. how do you get into the zone of writing smut-? I’m trying to get into it but it sounds cheesy when I do, so do you do something specific? (from anon)
im gonna level with you. i have been writing for almost a decade, since i was 12, and the first thing i started writing was smut. sex has always been a HUGE creative force for my writing and art in general. as stupid as it sounds, writing smut to me is more than just that. its my art. its my greatest and most inspirational subject. i love being creative with it, bending it to the niches and intricacies of the duo im writing, just playing with it as a medium of expression, of storytelling, of how DEEP it can be.
that being said, one of the easiest ways to get into the zone of smut specifically is being horny ! you imagine your pairing doing some illicit bedroom activity and you pick them up liek dolls and smush their faces together ! let it be fun, and let it be yours. dont write it to please the kinks of your audience, write it to your own taste and enjoyment.
as far as it being cheesy, yeah, it will feel that way. the most important thing is to be confident with your language and don’t shy away from calling a dick a dick, a pussy a pussy, an ass an ass. it feels stupid, but it will read worse if you make up artsy names for them every other line. don’t be afraid to be descriptive either, because that’s what the people want to see, trust me.
apologies if that was unhelpful, ive just been writing smut so long i can hardly tell you how i do it. im jsut super passionate about it and it fuels me creatively….. can u tell lol
6. Favorite work you’ve ever done? (from anon)
so.... ive written many things and that depends. its definitely not anything ive posted on here.
i think my favorite "serious" work is a short story i wrote for a creative writing class, called Abel and Sally. it was an modern inversion of the bible story of abraham and sarah, with a really dark ending (i love to shit on catholicism)
the other work that comes to mind is the first story i wrote about my oc anson, called Anson's Prison. that is something i would potentially post on here, its pretty short but its a good one. its oc content, tho, so i doubt many ppl would be interested lel.
8. will you draw more drawing for your stories in the future? (from anon)
well. heres my thing with art.
ive been drawing as long as ive been writing. but im not an artist; i never learned ANYTHING beyond like drawing itself, i.e. i dont know how to shade, pick colors, do bgs, etc. (can u tell??? do u see that art up there???? can YOU TELL??) thus, i have a sort of love hate relationship with drawing, and i usually dont like my own stuff. i didnt pick up drawing as easy as i did writing and its not nearly as intuitive to me.
that being said, it is sometimes fun when the drawings turn out just right and i get super passionate about something i draw and i can create the image in my head. so if the mood strikes me, i probably will draw more terzomega stuff in the future.
but why do i need to?? @puuuders feeds you all SO WELL with little monster stuff you dont need my shitty art lmfao
9. MILK OR CEREAL FIRST? (from @raysoleil)
cereal. bc the moment the milk hits that cereal u are on a speedy ass countdown to devour that shit before it gets soggy, and brother, u better eat quick.
Things I wanted to share
Little Monster was supposed to be a one shot
so, Little Monster started as one thing and turned to something else entirely. originally, i wrote the beginning of the first chapter (where they are flirting in the church) in about april of this year. in this version, they were supposed to already be in love, though hiding it, and terzo was not drunk at all, just teasing. i eventually scrapped it because i wasnt very passionate about it and got p bored. then, in july, i had the itch to write something dark, but none of my projects at the time had characters i could really write that with. i came back to that scrapped fic and i thought, damn, i could really fuck these guys up, and i did.
little monster immediately became more successful than i thought it would be, and that was only about 10 notes and a comment in. i was happy to leave it at that, but then, i just started writing part two on a whim. if you look at the og post in the comments, i mention that im writing a "follow up". thats bc even when writing part two, this was not going to be a series !! but then, as i kept writing, part two became so long i had to split it in half, meaning there were suddenly 3. by the time i posted part three, though, i was shocked at the sheer amount of attention i was getting. at the same time, part three ended in such a way that i knew this story needed to keep going, to give these two a resolution. now, little monster will be a full fledged story thanks to all the support ive received :3
2. im an english major
yeah, you got me, im a college student majoring in english creative writing. is it obvious? my penultimate goal is to one day be a published author. it’s crazy surreal to me how much people express to me how they enjoy my writing~~ i hope i can one day make my dream come true 🥰 the unfortunate part about this is i go back to college next week and im uncertain how that will affect my writing schedule :p i’ll stick to weekly uploads for little monster tho dw !!
3. this is the first time i’ve written fanfic in several years
when i first started writing it was frerard and peterick fanfics on wattpad in middle school (huge shoutout to the ones that know lmfao). i stopped writing those before hs and haven’t written fanfic since. i think it’s very funny that i have come full circle back to writing band fanfic, altho ghost ofc is way more intricate with its canon
i know i’ve said it a dozen times already on this post, but god it’s crazy. it’s nuts !! i’ve already made a handful of super sweet mutuals who i appreciate with all my heart, and even if you’re just a lurker, I STILL APPRECIATE YOU. EVERY SINGLE NOTE MAKES ME SO HAPPY. EVERY COMMENT AND RB HAS ME BURSTING WITH JOY.
it is entirely thanks to you all that i write terzomega and ive become so passionate about it. if it weren’t for your support, i would probably still be writing my silly little stories that no one but me could possibly understand, rotting away and wondering if anyone would even like my writing. terzo and omega are such a unique pairing compared to what ive written before, and writing them is a really cool feeling. i truly love it, and i hope i can continue to feed this side of the fandom for a long time.
from the bottom of my heart and with all my writing soul, thank you. i want to keep writing for u guys, and i want to satiate ur dirty terzomega fantasies >:) this is such a sweet and inclusive fandom and im glad i’ve been welcomed in so quickly. i hope i can continue to grow my talent here :3
ok that’s it bye teehee
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xxswagcorexx · 16 days
the swagcore fic archives will become real in 5:
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anyways, hi, i write too much fanfic, but a lot of it is on anon. i know a lot of people go to me for fic recs (you can see a post with More fic recs here) and i'm happy enough with my fics to recommend them to people :) also for funsies i'm gonna put small author's notes after each entry!
the stuff with my name on it:
Swap by cherubium and swagcore
[CLICK] [Jaron]: Statement of Ash…Swag, regarding events surrounding his husband, Red Doons. Statement recorded live from subject on April 4th, 2023, recording by Jaron Yeager from the LIFE Insitute, London,...Ohio. Statement begins. [Ash]: Are you seriously gonna be recording on that? or: a fic written for day 2 of roses and smoke week, swap/horror.
A/N: a collab fic I did with the lovely cherny! all i'll say is that we might have lied a little bit in the beginning notes. heh.
the sleep buoyancy investigation by swagcore
While Fundy walks around his street, he notices an odd poster about researching dreams. Having weird dreams all of his life and with nothing else to do, Fundy grabs the contact information and heads to the address. What possibly could go wrong? - "the sleep buoyancy investigation" is an experimental fic made with Twine. This fic is based on the Stargate Project, a now-defunct project by the CIA to study psychics. Word Count: ~3k
A/N: this fic was so so fun to do. my god. it really gave me my first taste of really experimental fics and that is something i've been playing around with! i do have an idea in mind for another fic like this (which is one of the first fic ideas i had when going into the lifesteal fandom) so! i'm excited for when i actually put my head down and write it!!!
from a windowsill by swagcore
It’s a cold night tonight. As Pearl stares out to the moon, feeling the wind through the tower’s rafters and the howls of the hound army roar from below her, she squints her eyes. There’s supposed to be a blood moon tonight. or: it's late at night, and pearl has some thoughts about the blood moon (and herself)
A/N: i'm going to be real, i'm a dl!pearl sleeper agent. i love her so much and her character is sooooo....*dies*.......she makes me ill!
late night break-ins and henna by swagcore
Ash visits Soc Inc. at the very normal hour of 3 AM on Christmas to give Red a Christmas present.
A/N: fun fact, i wrote most of this on an ipad at one of those friend reunions my dad had with his friends 💀 we were like 8 hours away from our house so i couldn't exactly leave so while on vc with my good friend toast we worked on fics together LOL she's actually the one who came up with the water bottle thing. it was awesome
misc collabs i did:
insufferable hand in insufferable hand by Anonymous
ashswag and reddoons get married in a very thought out, entirely sound plan.
A/N: this was a collab wiith np13, who you might know from "all of the roads led to you". it was actually working on this fic at first, i mentioned wanting to write a swagdoons divorce fic, and it brought me on the team to work on this one. this fic was so silly to work on and i had a great time writing it!!!
the various anon fics i have written:
one and a half cups of stout by Anonymous
Bdubs and Etho leave a party and are now burdened with the task of grocery shopping for cake ingredients. - (or: etho drags bdubs to his apartment so they can bake together)
A/N: god this fic was so fun and fluffy to write. i love baking in general, and the amount of detail i managed to put into this fic and how cozy-feeling it is is something i'm really proud of. fun fact, it's my most viewed and kudosed fic of all time, as well as the first fic i felt really, really proud of!
pommes voyage by Anonymous
headcanon that ren started making potatoes like crazy, like to the amount doc started to check up on him - originally a post meant for tumblr
A/N: this fic was really fun to write as well. it was supposed to be a tumblr post, but i got really carried away (and when i sent a screenshot of it into a gc my friend replied with "that is terrifying", and i decided to leave it as a standalone fic instead of a post) and it's a fun fic to read, methinks
and maybe, you'll find peace in the sun by Anonymous
During the time [x] escapes prison for the dozenth time, [s]he takes a quick detour to pick up some supplies. or: [x] finds an unguarded house in the woods, stealing ingredients so [s]he can make some stew
A/N: alright so, as a disclaimer, this was a fic written before ivorycello transitioned, but for archival purposes, i haven't changed it. for this post, i've made it clear what part i've changed. i'm still proud of this fic, in general, and ivory has since said that her past persona doesn't bother her anymore, so that's why i've included it here. once again though, read with those warnings in mind
the sun vanished by Anonymous
The stars revolve around Planet. It's their little secret, and most don't know enough about the stars to be able to notice. That's why, when they got banned, no one noticed that the sun vanished.
A/N: my first lifesteal fic! i really, really like the ideas in this fic and how i've conveyed them. fun fact i wrote most of this while in the car from homecoming--but i'm really proud with what i managed to beat out considering ost of it was written in a car backseat
dust by Anonymous
After winning Double Life, Pearl has some thoughts about the end of the world while looking at the death menu.
A/N: this fic is AWESOME i love minecraft death screens and like i said before, i'm a dl!pearl enjoyer to the MAX. it's also the first fic i ever had translated, and it was such a nice surprise to see it was translated in my email inbox that morning <3
jackalope by Anonymous
have you heard the myth of the jackalope? (of course you have. who am i kidding.) --- or: a character study on rekrap, as told by the myth of the jackalope
A/N: this was originally for a comic that was, looking back, wayyy too ambitious for my art skill level LOL. i've been brewing it in my brain for a while (hell, even my english teacher at the time looked over at it), and i still find it fun to read. once again, experimental fics ftw!
take your time, we've got all night by Anonymous
It’s rare to find quiet moments like this–moments safe enough for Ash and Red to get some sleep without either of them going on looking shifts. It’s a luxury in the apocalypse. And yet Red still couldn’t get his mind to shut up and let him sleep. Great. or: red can't sleep during the apocalypse. he wakes ash up and both of them spend the night talking about their pasts.
A/N: i'm already a huge sap in the notes, but this is, arguably, one of the most important fics i've ever written. for context, i wrote this while i was really down due to my entire family but me getting covid right before my finals and our winter vacation, so that left me alone in my room for 2 weeks. i was really down, especially since i couldn't spend christmas with my family as a result. however, writing this gave me something to pass the time, and the reception on it when i posted during a dark time in my life really helped. it's also the first swagdoons fic i've ever posted, so there's that too :) also, one of the comments of someone going back to read it a few months later also came while i was in a rough patch, so that really helped <3
four of a kind by Anonymous
Ash, Branzy, Clown, and Red close up the casino for the week.
A/N: first of, CASINOQUARTETCASINOQUARTETCASINOQUARTET- and fun fact, this is one of the first fics written after casino quartet first became a Concept (which. considering i first came up w/ the concept in the swagdoons server is. Yeah <- ill) so that's rlly fun to see how big casino quartet has become considering i see it in random places now LOL
l'appel du vide by Anonymous
If there’s anyone that knows Death, it’s him. or: sven escapes death, and still feels the void linger around him. and he has some thoughts about it.
A/N: i loveeeee minecraft death mechanics holy moly....anyways yeah this fic was so fun to write and the concepts are *chefs kiss*. it's also the first fic in the kenadian fandom tag so there's that too!
5 years, eleven months, and seventeen days by Anonymous
It's been 5 years, 11 months, and 17 days since they went missing. or: laurance is still investigating his friends' disappearances. even after all of this time. (he can't seem to move on, can he?)
A/N: this fic was a gift for my bestest friend ever :3 i'm going to be real it's been like, 6+ years since i watched mystreet but my friend reminded me of how fucked it was and i felt really included to write this. i loveeee fucked up implications in fiction!!!
jenga tower by Anonymous
"Dude-" Ash says through a wheezed breath, "Do you think this a little much?" Clown hums, "Mmm, no. I think you're just fineee." "Exactly," Red chimes in, definitely not helping the 'hey wouldn't it be funny if we all laid on Ash?' cause. or: casino quartet turn into a human jenga tower. for roses and smoke week, free day
A/N: once again. casino quartet brainworms strike again. i think this is the only fic i finished in time for the first roses and smoke week LOL. it's very fluffy and i still think it holds up. yeah they'd be Like That
what's the point of living if you can't die with someone else, huh? by Anonymous
"you mentioned about me going back home, right?" ash nods, eyebrow raised with suspicion. "well," red starts, "i think i said this last season: 'what's the point of living if you can't die with someone else?'" red gets up from the floor, "and you haven't used your god powers much," he says as he offers ash a hand to get off the floor. "dude." ash can exactly see what red's asking. or: alternatively titled: who knew killing your bestie with god powers could be so affectionate?
A/N: i love love love sappy swagdoons so much. this fic was so fun to write all of their memories and stuff. i love them so much i want to pinch both of their cheeks so bad!!! <333
a late night conversation about a stolen horse (and a few other things) by Anonymous
Red's going out for a supply run, and runs into Ash. They have a conversation about a stolen horse (and a few other things).
A/N: once again, sappy swagdoons. i love them so much. i'm going to be real a lot of this was inspired by this one survival guide book that i've had for literal years. i've kept it with me for fic purposes but when i was little i did read through it out of boredom so i do have a little bit of knowledge, which inspired this fic LOL
the thing about ash: by Anonymous
A glitch (as defined by Wikipedia) is a short-lived fault in a system, such as a transient fault that corrects itself, making it difficult to troubleshoot. In an article by Alex Pieschel, Pieschel writes that a "'glitch' suggests something more mysterious and unknowable inflicted by surprise inputs or stuff outside the realm of code." (or: ash, as told in the very nature of himself and what makes him, him.
A/N: okay i'm going to be real this is one of those fics that i'm 90% sure i was struck down by god to have a vision for this fic. i'm really proud with how deep i made the metaphor and it's one of the fics i'm most proud of :) it's awesome
mors mihi lucrum by Anonymous
"death to me is reward" is it really? (or: zolister has some thoughts about the trophy room)
A/N: this fic was so so fun to write. if you haven't noticed already, death in minecraft is one of my favorite things to explore and that showtime smp video activated a nueron in my brain when i watched it. i love death in mc so so much <3
Ashswag's 3-step, very simple plan, to survive the Genesis SMP by Anonymous
Exactly what it says on the tin.
A/N: this is another one of my "hcs into a fic" fics, and it's really fun! i'm going to be real, i still don't know much about ultrakill but i fuck with the aesthetic hard. that clair de lune level is so pretty....
in another universe: by Anonymous
things would have ended differently. (an experimental webweave done on ao3)
A/N: this fic was SOOOOO fun to do. i've always wished for webweaving to be more of a thing outside of tumblr, so this is an experiment into other options! it's so awesome i love experimenting with fanfiction...
the best of the best, you'll die like the rest by Anonymous
Agent Rek Rap II, an ex-agent trying to enjoy his life in early retirement. Or well, he was trying too. He gets invited to a concert by a familiar name. (He already knows how this is going to end.)
A/N: this fic turned out so well. i had a general vibe and i RAN with it. it was so fun to write, and hopefully, it's a fun read if you also like spy stuff!!!
homemade comforts by Anonymous
If Red was being honest, he reveled in moments like this. Moments when Ash and he were far away from all of the violence, all of the responsibilities, and away from any prying eyes around them. Just Ash and Red, cooking together in their shitty little kitchenette that only fits two people.
A/N: this fic was so so fun to write. i'm going to be real, it was supposed to be part of another fic where it showed swagdoons across servers but i decided to make it a standalone. i love cooking together with people so much, and hopefully this fic conveys that :)
it’s no big deal (that i love you) by Anonymous
Sometimes Ash understands people when they call him and Red a couple. They are partners, in a sense, but not in that way. After all, when you’ve spent so long as enemies, survivalists, comrades, even, you notice a lot about the other person. From tracking down Red’s movements to stealing that stupid bell from Capital City, to pressing down on wounds and praying it didn’t get infected, they’ve been through everything. Been through the happy, sad, and angry tears together, and everything else in-between. But of course, everything they did had to be a business deal—a private agreement between just both of them. or: ashswag has some thoughts about red while they fall asleep together (ft. swagdoons qpr)
A/N: once again. sappy swagdoons. because i am predictable. this fic is so fluffy, and i'm so proud with how deep the metaphor is and how soft and fluffy everything is. qpr swagdoons ftw!!!
fallin' in love by Anonymous
Ash and Red go to a pumpkin patch on their day off.
A/N: more fluff. i love them so much. i love fall vibes and pumpkin patches so this fic was me putting all of the fall vibes i could into this fic. so glad it's going to get cooler where i live now LOL
...and, scene by Anonymous
kenadian, the train escape, and the fourth wall. ...and all of the horrific implications that come alongside it.
A/N: this was written as a spirtual successor to my prev. fic about sven. it was so fun, and fun fact, it's the first fic in the kenadian character tag! yippee!!!
world is mine! by Anonymous
In a sleep-deprived move, Minecraft player Ashswag decided that making a Hatsune Miku cosplay would compliment his entire God shtick perfectly. or: ash becomes swagsune ashu
A/N: this fic was mostly written for shits and giggles, but although i haven't have much time for it, cosplay is something that's so dear to me <3 i love the craftsmanship that does into it!!! and the community is so kind <3
go to the end with me, my lover by Anonymous
“Hey Ash? I…want you to come here and take a look.” Red says warily. Ash quietly follows Red ahead. He climbs over the rubble Red is looking out on and— Oh. It was their wedding venue.
A/N: fun fact: i first heard of this song in class when someone showed me the mv after school and um. well let's say i shed a few tears. god if you haven't watched the love wins all mv, please do. it's so well done <3 also in general SWAGDOONS WEDDING LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO (ignore the angst)
it takes two to tango, but somebody has to lead by Anonymous
The tango is a dance that requires someone to lead, and a partner willing to follow them. (or, swagdoons through the ages)
A/N: this was so fun. i love writing in different formats!!! also it being experimental is AWESOME i love playing around w/ language :3 also i love acherswan so so much so that was also a bonus!!!
developments by Anonymous
A group photo of the Hemlock family and staff. Absolutely nothing goes wrong.
A/N: i love photography so much, esp as someone with terrible memory. i've been having fun exploring it in fics recently so yeah!!! also the first fic in the whitepine tag #awesome
memento by Anonymous
“You have a pretty face,” Red says out loud without thinking. Ash stops in his tracks, whipping his head back to stare back at Red. “I—What?” “Ah. Um. You look nice when you’re talking,” Red clarifies, “Wait.” Red steps closer and grabs Ash’s jaw. “The fuck—” or: Red is a photography student and takes a picture of Ash.
A/N: listen me and my friend dusty were talking and my brain came up with the most gay scene ever and i HAD to write it. once again, i've only used dslr's in my life, but hopefully the magic of photographing someone was captured in this fic. old people yaoi.../silly
and OH BOY that was a lot of fics. these are the fics i'm really proud of, so i hope y'all enjoy (and please say nice things to me if you have enjoyed them). thank you for making it through this LONG post!!!
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bettyfrommars · 10 months
hi loves
a wee announcement/bit of reflection below the cut
nothing heavy, just some thoughts & updates
First of all, I want to say I love this fandom so much. Truly I do. It has carried me though possibly the hardest, loneliest year of my life (and this ol' girl has been though some dark times). I've made friendships here that I hope to cherish for the rest of my life.
I came into fanfiction in October of last year, after not writing anything substantial for almost a decade. My dear friend at the time said she was looking for a specific Eddie Munson story, so I wrote it for her. I wrote it in first person because I didn't even understand how "reader perspective" was a thing, that's how wet behind the ears I was to this world. My friend, on the other hand, is a well-versed fic reader, and I distinctly remember messaging her like, "okay, what the hell is a Y/N??"
I spent that entire dark, cold winter writing and passing it to her in parts like notes in a classroom. The rush of getting back to something I loved so deeply after so much time away turned me into a monster. I lived and breathed that story. We sent endless messages back and forth every day about what each character would do next, imagining ourselves in that world, with Eddie. We made playlists, we cried. We screamed and giggled and kicked our feet when they finally kissed. We mourned the loss when it ended and moped around a bit before going back to read it all over again. Some 40k words and four months later I realized, holy shit, I think I write fanfiction now?
In a way, fanfiction saved my life. It brought me back to a part of myself I had buried, a part of me that worried it might never see the light of day again. It came crawling out of the ground, gasping for air like, "you better stretch your fingers bitch because I have a lot to say."
In April, I started posting here when the fandom was notably beginning to wane, but I was happy to see there were so many still going hard for our man. I kinda creeped in, like a little scuttling crab, and was grateful to find that a handful of you embraced me.
Long story short, I am NOT leaving, not at all. I know the tone is there, but that is not what this is, lmao. I will hopefully keep this blog for as long as you will have me. I plan to finish writing I'm on Fire and Death Becomes Us, as well as maybe another bit for gargoyle!Eddie, and nightmare!Eddie, but the other series I've started (or planned to start) will stay on hiatus for a while, possibly forever. I will continue to post blurbs and hc's and whatnot, but I won't be committing to any new series or long fics.
My masterlists will remain intact for the time being for those who want to enjoy what is there. That being said, The Nightmare Factory and Stop the World and Melt with You, might be taken down in the future only because I plan to re-work them into original stories. I have a second non-fandom blog in the works that is dedicated to monsters, nightmares, and magic realism, and I will let those who are interested know about it when the time comes.
Mostly, I wanted to let you know that, even if you notice some changes, I will continue to persist with "My 2 Joe's" delulu era, possibly until the earth swallows me up. I am no longer taking requests, but my asks will always be open for thots, blurbs, obsessions, etc. You know how much I love hearing from you.
That's all really. Perhaps this is simply one of those "end of year" thought dumps, but I also wanted to say a heartfelt Thank You to those who continue to support me, enjoy my work, and share it. My Ride or Die monsterfuckers and biker Eddie enthusiasts. My nightmare Eddie dreamers, my Twilight Zone Eddie pineapple heads. My gargoyle Eddie romantics who cheer on our Stone Boy, and my Hybrid Steve lovers who leave their windows open at night. My True Blood friends who appreciate a vampire Eddie who is nothing like Bill Compton. My darlings, my fellow rebel rousers and misfits, my friends.
This is a very symbiotic relationship, and I could not/would not do this without you ❤️
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andrue53shup · 3 months
Hello!! How are they? I came back anyway that doesn't matter I realized that I am a combination of human fandoms and one of those fandoms is KNY I mean kimetsu no yaiba maybe you know it maybe no but there is a ship that can help me like there and that's Giyuoba(Giyu× Obanai) so headcannons:
Headcanon 1: Iguro you don't normally make a ponytail but when he's with Tomioka he does the same thing. When he has the bandages on he takes them off when he's with Giyu.
Headcanon 2:Among the two, Iguro is the most jealous but be careful, this can change. A clear example is when they went to a bar and a girl started flirting with Iguro to the point of making him uncomfortable. Tomioka asked him kindly told the lady to leave iguro alone but she didn't pay attention so she had no choice but to take iguro and give him a hickey so that he would come to know that it is his (enough that I just wrote I swear that it's not me)
Headcanon 3:Giyu does not feel good enough for Iguro, he believes that Iguro should be with someone better, Iguro notices this and whenever he realizes he gives Giyu kisses all over him.
Headcanon 4:Giyu He arrives very tired from hunting demons (obviously when he can go home) but when he arrives he cheers up because he is ready to cuddle him and sleep next to him 🩰
Headcanon 5:Iguro doesn't like to take off his bandages, this was a problem in the relationship that got worse with a little time, Iguro trusted Giyu and was able to take off his bandages.
One shot extra: Giyu knew that Iguro was not going to take off the bandages so easily even though they were already a couple, it was obvious that Iguro was not ready so he gave him a little time or when was that time I should say that it was months but all that was compensated by the fact that the day came.
Iguro and giyu They were in a beautiful flower tree. Sakura Iguro was on top of the tree lying down while Giyu was lying against the tree. It was a peaceful silence until Giyu spoke "stop When are you going to let me see your lips?" "Eh?" I answered iguro. "What did you hear, when?" "I don't know, I really don't know..." Silence again Iguro knew he still had time to think but he really wanted to kiss Giyu but he still had that insecurity, what if Giyu saw him as someone horrible? I didn't want that to happen Iguro stopped thinking when he felt someone pull him down and then grab him so he wouldn't fall. "What's wrong with you?!" "You didn't answer my question" "which question?""What if you show it to me now? "I told you that." "Oh... yes, I think so." "Will you put me down?" "Oh sure," Giyu said as he climbed safely into his arms.. and then went under the tree and sat down, I guess he was nervous and had already agreed to show him what was under his bandages "And?" "Eh yes it's going" " A few minutes passed until he decided Taking off the blindfold was slow until he took it all off, he looked the other way I was afraid to see Giyu's reaction but he said something that I thought I would never hear "beautiful..." he said as he approached to touch the scar the two looked at each other and They gave each other a warm, calm kiss that conveyed happiness. It was as if their time had stopped. When he finished due to lack of air, Giyu brought Obanai closer to him to kiss him on his scar.
AAAAH Sorry these headcanons are shit but I'm tired A dream but I liked writing this good night
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goodlucktai · 1 month
tagged by @bobtheacorn like...... 3 weeks ago 😭 my bad
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
which seems.......excessive
3. What fandoms do you write for?
actively, one piece and tmnt, but that is ruled by the demons in my brain that control the hyperfixation machine.
fandoms ive posted 3 or more fics for:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Natsume Yuujinchou | Natsume's Book of Friends Good Omens Final Fantasy XV Undertale Mumintroll | Moomins Series Harry Potter Young Justice 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia 陈情令 | The Untamed King Falls AM Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rise of the Guardians Voltron: Legendary Defender
4. Top five fics by kudos?
Exclusivity - 11,116
walk straight through hell with a smile - 9,152
Inanition - 9,039
there is thunder in our hearts - 8,161
trouble is a friend of mine - 7,842
5. Do you respond to comments?
i do try to but i can't always :'( and i feel terrible if i manage to reply to most and then forget someone and only realize it months later. but i read every single comment and i appreciate them more than i have words for
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i tend to veer away from angst, but off the top of my head....
where the good men go or if i go i'm going on fire
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
99% of my fics have a happy ending because thats my BRAND but i suppose give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around or the weekend we were in love OR put your empty hands in mine
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not often, but i recently had someone who REALLY disliked the way things change because i 'villainized' raph. which is definitely news to me, since raphael is the love of my life
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover?
i wrote a tmnt/one piece crossover once ? but now that we are actually getting a tmnt/naruto idw run it doesnt feel that weird to me anymore
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
only once if i'm remembering right ?? it was a long time ago and wattpad related, which is a site that i dont really understand and therefore tend to avoid
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes ! i'll often have people request to translate my stories and it blows me away every time
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Devil took your hand was written by myself and @moogsthewriter
14. All time favourite ship?
ineffable husbands, wangxian, or leosagi
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
how much time do you have 😭
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16. What are your writing strengths?
i want to say characterization and narrative voice. i'm also pretty good at maintaining a throughline, even if it sometimes gets a little wobbly
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
conflict ! i hate it ! i will avoid writing it at all costs ! i also tend to struggle with writing fight scenes, especially when there are several characters involved :') staging any kind of choreography is my opp
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
i try not to but if it feels unavoidable i google the heck out of it
19. First fandom you wrote in?
honestly it was either digimon (which also inspired my og penname) or xiaolin showdown lol
20. Favourite fic you've written?
i'm stealing bob's idea and going top 5:
there is thunder in our hearts - this story came together so easily for me, like i knew exactly how i wanted to tell it from start to finish
the only hoax i believe in - a kfam fic in my top 5s why yes and i'll tell you why. because i poured so much of myself into this fic that they could probably read it at my funeral instead of a eulogy
traveling so far to get there - after party au raph and mikey continue to take up so much real estate in my brain and for what
now the darkness comes alive - this one is more recent but im so happy with the way it turned out :')
if we could stay all day in the sun - it was a lot of fun reimagining one of my favorite fairy tales and doing a bunch of unnecessary research for this story i will stand by it until the day i die !!
i'm tagging @mykimouser, @owletstarlet, @portgas-d-aroace, @mad4turtles, @camsthisky, @remedyturtles, @pickledcarrotsandradish, @swordsmans, @mangogreent, and anyone else who wants to !
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