#so i'll abstain from voting
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eddiegirls · 2 years
I Hate The United States Of America
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cowardlycowboys · 4 months
that poll is slightly off cause utah would be just west or "mountain west" it's not exactly dead center
me when I get to flex that I'm in mountain time MOUNTAIN WEST cause i have mountains 🤸‍♀️🤝💪🫶🤸‍♀️
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hug-your-face · 7 months
Insight today while washing the lettuce and thinking of my friend who doesn't want to vote.
They are an otherwise intelligent, responsible, generous person, who appears to be socially conscious. They have worked hard and long for their position in their profession. They express concern for the planet. They get twitchy if you use too many paper towels.
But they don’t want to vote for Biden for reasons, and quote "doesn't like the whole system where the parties take turns swinging things back and forth" unquote.
I have been dumbstruck at their attitude for about two months now. I've been thrashing back and forth trying to reconcile this person I love with their attitude:
If you care abt the planet enough to conserve paper towels, don’t you care enough to stop a Repub administration from raping the land?
If you don’t like how things can swing back and forth, don't you want an administration that's going to work to shore up, rather than dismantle, more lasting democratic systems of governance?
If you understand the value of the long game, why are you only satisfied with instant results from a single election rather than viewing that election as a single move in an ongoing process?
The insight came to me as I used an extra set of paper towels to dry my lettuce:
These people are not motivated by outcomes. They are motivated by how their choices make them FEEL.
Not how the outcomes of their choices will make them feel. But how the action associated with their choices makes them feel.
In terms of outcomes for the environment, saving paper towels doesn't do shit compared to pushing for restrictions on oil companies. But using half a paper towel is an instant dopamine hit: "Ahhh, I am caring for Mother Earth. I care. I am a good person. Ahh yes that's the stuff."
This model fits for voting too. We know that The Only Votes That Count Are Those Cast. We know that Dems Go Where The Votes Are Not Where The Votes Aren't. We know that voting in every election, every time, in numbers, is a very low-effort way to contribute to moving the Overton window farther left.
But in the moment, for people who are motivated by how their action associated with their choice makes them feel... the absolute best move for their dopamine supply is to abstain: "I am NOT supporting an old fart; I am NOT supporting genocide; I am Challenging The System; I am a good person. Ahh yes, that's the stuff."
At the time, when I challenged my friend on their position, they held up their hands and said "look, I'm not saying I have any answers, I'm just saying I don’t like how the system works."
They didn't like how participating in the system made them FEEL in the moment.
For those of us who think this is madness, hey, we aren't off the hook entirely. We are basing our choices and actions off of outcomes, true. But there's probably a feeling/dopamine component in there too. "I am holding my nose and voting Blue; I am doing my part to actually affect the future even if I hate some things abt my choice; I am a good person. Ahh yes, that's the stuff."
So maybe the difference isn't in the motivation (my feelings and self-image) but in what motivates us (my action vs the outcome of my action).
I don't have an answer to the question at this time and this post is already long enough. But I'll think on it. And I invite you to do so as well:
For these people (who seem to be a sizable part of the population), how to outweigh the choice where their action preserves their self-image, doesn't cost them dopamine for having to take a "bad" action, and maybe even gives them a happy boost for "not being part of a flawed system?"
For these people, how to help them connect more to the outcome?
Off the cuff, I can't think of any means other than cognitive-behavioral therapy. :/
EDIT: Apparently there's a term for this and it's called Emotivism -- ethics isn't abt effects but abt feelings.
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incognitopolls · 8 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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roseapov · 5 months
I can't calm down!
Major Spoilers to Honkai: Star Rail Main Story of version 2.2 (about basically everything) under the cut
First of all GENSHIN COULD NEVER AND IT NEVER DID! None of the Genshin Archon Quests could ever compare to this.. Masterpiece!
Hoyoverse outdone themseves completely! This whole update was truly perfect!
(Because I saw the leaks) I was like, so Harmony MC wasn't needed in the Sunday fight? But weren't they mandatory? Why was it so easy?
Until the plot went farther and we had a real fight with Sunday! And my jaw dropped. I'm a big fan of this fight! But I expected it to be harder- I literally build my Ruan Mei with some random pieces in one day for it-
This was the most beautiful and emotional moment in this entire version! Also MC's response to 'Why does life chose to slumber'? BHJDwfabshkjnlaksvdjfbkhjsnlBKHAFSDBKJEFL
That moment and the whole quest made me really love this sibling duo! It was so sweet how Sunday was always concerned for Robin and was caring about her more than for himself. Also, Robin got shot at the neck-
I'll admit the moment when Dan Heng and Jing Yuan appeared in Ena's dream was so funny and random, but the entreance was indeed surprising and gorgeous! Honestly I couldn't stop smiling at Jing Yuan🥹
Mikhail's indentity was WTF honestly, the fates of the 3 Nameless were sad, mostly Tiernan. And Acheron's real name!
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*inhale and exhale*
Sunday looked so good and sexy during his boss fight~🤣
I'm happy we got lots of Sunday this version and that Gallagher wasn't really as bad as I thought he would be!
Sunday in the confessional?!?!!?!? I'm dead
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But I have so many questions at the end of it all, such as, what exactly happened to Firefly? And will Boothill and Black Swan still travel with us (The Astral Express) just like in the dream? Would everyone really get along in the negotations in the end?
And.. What will happen in the next update? Is story in Penacony really finished?
Our next destination will probably be
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Regardless if it happened in a dream or not, they thought it was reality so it's still prob gonna be our next stop-
(Because this planet is mentioned every time, no matter which option you chose, and it wins 4 votes for Edo, and 1 abstained - if you decide to abstrain)
Btw, Harmony MC has such a beautiful icon!
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Why does March 7th have Question Marks?
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So yeah-
This update had gorgeous illustrations and stories! I love Robin's song in Sunday's fight-
Me casually before facing Sunday's first boss-
The best part is, I was like something's wrong, it's not like on the leaks when the 1st battle with Sunday happened but I eventaully forgot about it and had a big schock at the end- A truly delicious plottwist!
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I have lots of the ss's from this update...
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phireco · 1 month
Why I think that voting is pointless. Vote with your dollar. Stop buying from Amazon and Walmart. And take the time that you spend trolling the internet to put out intellectual writing for others to absorb, instead of memes, that provide a unique point of view. We can't all possibly think either point A or point B is right. That motion is completely ridiculous if you have any respect for probability and math. The people that are running do not represent us and we have been stupid enough as a citizenry to put them back in office again and again.
I've been to over 20 countries and traveled all over this world and seeing all different ways of living it I'll tell you what, we are looking less and less like one of the Premier places to live. I give it 20 years before I would like the places I've been in Southeast Asia where you look to your left and right on the bus, and you see a goat in a chicken. There's already more tents in the major American cities than there are good jobs. God forbid the Democrats or the Republicans have a solution. The Republicans have the same man running in his third consecutive presidential election representing half of the country. The Democrats have a ANOTHER First time nominee that no one thinks is the best their party has to offer.
So I'm not even going to blame the awful selection of people that represent us. I'm going to blame the idiots that register Democrat and Republican which make up the vast majority of this country. All of you are willing to make up your mind on an issue before you even hear it based on which party is arguing in the issue's favor. Anyone who makes up their mind before they hear an issue is a moron. And our country, in both parties, is chock full of moron!
It’s not the politicians we should criticize anymore. Consider how they pander to people whose interests they consistently neglect. They represent none of their true needs, yet still, half of the population admires them while the other half despises them. The opposing figures experience the same divided loyalty—this cycle is fundamentally flawed.
The blame doesn’t lie solely with the politicians; it rests on us. We should have demanded better a long time ago, even rising up for change. It’s not the politicians who are at fault; it’s the public that deserves scrutiny. Let go of hope for a moment.
If the politicians were truly the sole problem, where are the bright and principled individuals who should be stepping up to lead this nation with integrity? In truth, we seem to lack such visionary leaders in our society. Most people appear consumed by trivialities, distracted in shopping malls rather than engaging with the critical issues we face. For my part, I’ve accepted a personal resolution: on election day, I stay home. I do not vote. My reasons are twofold.
First, voting feels meaningless. This country was bought and sold long ago. What transpires every four years is simply a reshuffling of the same rhetoric.
Secondly, I’ve come to believe that those who vote relinquish their right to complain. Others often suggest that abstaining from voting strips one of that very right—a notion I reject. Where's the logic in that? If you cast your ballot and elect dishonest and incompetent leaders who mismanage the country, then you shoulder the responsibility for their actions. You bear the weight of our current state, the dismal future we hand our children, and the decline in intellectual capability that increasingly permeates society.
I, having not participated in the electoral game—staying home on election day—hold no responsibility for the choices made by those in power. I know that shortly, there will be an exciting election that many seem to relish. I’ll be at home that day, doing very little, but I know one thing: the only difference between me and the people that vote is that I'll actually produce something that represents my interests, even if in a small way.
I don’t vote. I see through the charade. It's a diversions that distract us from the journey of intellectual growth. When confronted with the issues of low intelligence and poor decision-making, people often leap to the conclusion that education is the remedy. They call for more funding—more books, teachers, classrooms—believing more resources will solve everything. Yet when we point out that despite these efforts, children continue to struggle academically, the response is often to lower standards instead. This results in a temporary boost in passing rates, making the school look good while the national IQ quietly declines. Before long, gaining access to college might just require possessing a pencil, and understanding the complexities of the end that writes versus the end that erases.
And then we scratch our heads, wondering why 24 countries produce more scientists than we do. We wonder why we are no longer in the top 25 and overall quality of education. Barely the best in this continent. We're just one slot above Mexico.
Politicians know how to wield the word “education,” and they often shield themselves behind three pillars: the flag, the Bible, and children. They tout programs like “No Child Left Behind,” yet it wasn’t long ago they were advocating for a “head start.” Are children gaining ground or losing it?
There is a fundamental reason why education falters, and it's not going to improve. Don’t expect a miracle; accept the reality as it is. The true owners of this country—wealthy business interests that orchestrate decisions and maintain control—are not interested in an educated populace capable of critical thinking. They benefit from a workforce obedient enough to follow orders, yet just intelligent enough to operate machinery and handle paperwork but not to challenge the deteriorating quality of their jobs, benefits, hours, or retirement security.
They have their sights set on your social security funds, too, seeking to reclaim that money to line the pockets of their Wall Street allies. They will achieve this eventually because they own everything—your future, your choices.
This is a vast, intertwined club, and neither you nor I are included. It’s a club that beats its members over the head with messages on what to believe and consume. The playing field is uneven; the game is rigged, and it appears that few notice or care.
Good, honest people from every walk of life—whether blue-collar or white-collar—continue to elect wealthy figures indifferent to their plight. The owners count on this ignorance, banking on the fact that Americans remain blissfully unaware of the injustices they tolerate.
The truth is simple: the American Dream exists because you must be asleep to believe in it.
When the terrorists attacked our country on September 11th 2001, we United as one and vowrd to never forget. Never in a million years did I think that's what we actually met was that, we're going to commemorate the anniversary of the year but they will accomplish their goal and destroy America and everything it stands for by knocking down a few buildings and killing a couple thousand people. Are teenagers have killed more since with guns. And don't mistake me. I'm not downplaying that tragedy. I'm saying that the terrorists knew what they are doing and we are playing right into their hands by standing here divided. Check out my video if you want to flash back to hell it felt To be an American in the weeks following that awful day.
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cairfrey · 3 months
This is your Friendly Neighbourhood Anarchist reminding you to VOTE.
None of us are in a country where abstaining from voting has positive consequences. No country is going to say, "Oh, look. 75% of people didn't vote; we'd better try harder." No. They're just going to say, "25% of people voted, therefore party A is the most popular one."
And sure, you may not agree with any of the political parties in their entirety. Why would you? They're liars and thieves who will say whatever will get them the most applause in any given area.
You may not feel you can support a party, but I'll bet you can oppose a party. If your country has been ravaged by Party A's neglect for decades, then vote against them. If Party A are considering ridiculous laws that will limit the freedom of people, then vote against them. If Party A care less about the planet than their pockets, then vote against them. If Party A is filled with people who start sentences like "I'm not a racist/misogynist/TERF, but...", then vote against them.
So vote to oppose. Vote out of spite. Vote out of hate. Just vote. Because if you don't, you might miss your last chance before the vote is rerestricted to white male land owners.
If you can't vote for someone you like, vote against the people you hate.
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enniewritesathing · 2 months
memory management (trepidation 2)
⏮️Previous || (📚Previous Stories) || Beginning ▶️
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Daniel: "What did you say?"
Bernard: "I said what I said; I ain't scared of you."
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"Stop your goddamn whingin' or get out."
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Daniel: "...you son of a bitch."
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Jordan: "Oh my god, we do not need you two arguing right now!"
Charles: "Now, my dear Jordan. We have come to an impasse that needs to be addressed immediately."
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(The tension between these two! Oh, what an opportunity to sow discord.) "That said, I will propose a vote -- stop the trial or continue on until we exhaust all attempts, even if there's no definitive results.
"Daniel. Bernard. Since you two clearly have opinions, you may say your argument for, against, or even abstain. Jordan, if you don't mind being last."
Jordan: "No, sir."
Charles: "Good. Daniel. Your vote and argument."
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(Daniel stares down Bernard. Charles already knows his position.) "Against."
Bernard: (scoffs) "Of course you are. Well, let's hear it, big man!"
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Daniel: "Where do I start? We're on the fifth dosage and there hasn't been much of a response except that John's getting weaker. He hasn't healed completely from when we initially started this. His rhythm is becoming unstable. There's too much strain on his heart."
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"He's not showing signs of turning back; he is fighting what we throw at him with everything he's got. This lycan side of his will not give up unless we kill him and that's what we're doing right now. That is not the goal here!"
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(Daniel leans forward.) "Our goal is to find away for John to reverse his transformation in a way that's conducive. Honestly? It's becoming clear that it's impossible. We probably had a better chance when he first came to us... but he was a child."
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"We've done all we can do. It's time to stop."
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Charles: "Well, you've certainly made a... compelling argument."
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(Of course, he knows that it was aimed directly at him than Bernard. Hmph. He had more bite hours ago.)
Charles: "Bernard."
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Bernard: "Yeah, it's my turn now. Here's the thing, Dan--"
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"We've worked way too fuckin' hard and too fuckin' much for us to just quit. Stop? Are you insane?"
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"In case you forgot -- John -- wants to be normal, okay? Completely valid of him, even. But no, he's a goddamn werewolf! Who almost killed Jordan first fucking chance he got! He's a ticking time bomb! What the fuck will happen if we don't stop him? Huh? John wants him locked down, suppressed, whatever! And you know what, Dan?
"When we asked him what did he want to do about this damn dog? He told us, 'do what it takes'. We gotta respect the man's wish, Dan! We gotta try an' help! I feel like we're gettin' close to the solution!"
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"I am well aware that things are lookin' bad right now, but dammit, we're trying and I'm sure John's trying too!"
Jordan: (hesitantly) "Dan... as much as I hate to say it but..."
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"Bernard's right."
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(Ah, Jordan. Let's see where this goes.)
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Jordan: "It does look terrible right now, but we do have to try. That's our job here; we have to keep going. For... for our sake and safety."
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"...and John's."
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"Bernie's right, he did tell us do what it takes. Even if it's this. We've put so many months and years into research John's condition. I'd like to see it through."
(Charles smiles beneath his mask. ) "Three to one. We continue on. Daniel, if you wish, you are free to leave if your dissent is that strong. I won't hold it against you."
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Daniel: "No. I'll stay."
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Charles: "Excellent. That said, Bernard is correct that it seems Johnathan has built up resistance against the smaller dosage; it is time to increase it. We will have the five minute threshold for any signs of reverting."
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(Eyes, once again, fall on Daniel but none so much as Charles'. He knows he's won.)
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(Daniel stares at the syringe, then at John. He feels nothing.)
// Next ⏭️
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wearethewitches · 8 months
Could you maybe gives us a bit of a peak, or insight about the fics you put up to vote? At least maybe the top 3? No pressure, just very curious!
oh i can DEFINITELY do that!!!!!!
Shadowheart, time travelling cleric of Selune; Shadowheart/Aylin/Isobel
disclaimer: i don't have stuff written for this, so i'm copy-pasting a paragraph or two of my vast, vast selection of notes for this fic. i generally write a synopsis of every chapter for my planned fics.
Shadowheart wakes the moment her tadpole is given, protected from Shar's influence and marked for all to see. White hair. Sees everything from a new perspective, shocked at how loyal Lae'zel is to Vlaakith and how genuinely sad everyone else is. Whole thing about being a cleric of Selune instead of Shar, and getting rid of her armour. Gives the relic to Lae'zel and doesn't believe the Emperor when he tries to convince her he's a friend; only Selune's mark protects her divine knowledge of the future and she advises the Emperor not to touch her thoughts unless he has to. Ends up being the party leader for the most part, though abstains from speaking to strangers; adopts their pets without pause and asks Mol if she knows how to find Nine-Fingers, etc., gaining her trust after refusing to steal the idol.
2. Jaheira/Karlach; "Hero Worship"
i do actually have fic written for this, as it's only a one-shot, but i got distracted and forgot to finish it, so when i'm in the mood, i will be finishing + posting this in full - so watch out!
‘Tired?’ came the teasing voice of her best and worst nightmare, Jaheira reaching over to flick a clump of sweaty hair off her eye. The druid laughed at her suffering, ‘Feeling lonely, Karlach?’ Say my name again, the tiefling thought. At Jaheira’s attention she straightened, knee knocking against the table leg, cursing as the abrupt movement nearly spilt hers and someone else’s tankards everywhere. The other tankard, she realised as Jaheira reached to catch them, sliding into the other seat, was Jaheira’s. Shit, she’s sitting across from me. Shit, shit, shit-
Mwahahahaha......and finally-
3. the next chapter of (Selûne, thou) with softest starglow.
oh boy, but have i got a treat for y'all with this one. i've currently got 9k of what i think will be around 40k for the next "chapter" (genuinely wondering if i should split it at some point, tbh. might make it easier, but also ruins my three chapters for the acts, and interlude and epilogue game i've got going) - and i have a new spotify playlist, dedicated exclusively to selune thou.
because i'm nice, i'll put some of the new chapter under a cut for you. how much of it, you ask? oh....only about 350 words. should be enough to make you go "wtffffffffffff!!!" and that's the kind of reaction i love. again, you should expect the new chapter to come out in late february, at the earliest.
excerpt from chapter 4 of selune thou
Smoke billowed from the centre of town, a tower of blackened soot and ash as the house burned, despite the veritable sheets of rain.
‘Fireworks,’ Jaheira rasped, eyes distant as Halsin scrubbed lathered fingers through Shadowheart’s ruined hair. The few other adventurers—Jaheira and Shadowheart having been joined by Lae’zel, Valeria and Astarion that morn—were bitter as they explained the conspiracy to harm refugee children. Exploding toys, Isobel found, were not even the extent of the problem.
Her daughter, mumbling through a bread cauldron of soup, said, ‘There was a house, with a basement full of fireworks. We’re going to track the bastard who lived there down—Astarion was suspicious about what he might have had stashed there, and he was right. We put two and two together. Then I set off a trap. The new family barely made it out faster than we did.’
‘It was like something out of a play,’ Shadowheart hissed, batting her purpling hand against Halsin’s convenient thigh. ‘Oh, you aren’t Loviator! Stop it!’
Isobel watched as the gentle druid halted Shadowheart’s flagellation, quiet words in her ear calming her in seconds. Halsin, she’d discovered, was quite the specimen—and although she was immune to his particular charms, he’d clearly set his sights on more than one of Valeria’s friends.
‘Why does her hand hurt?’ Yenna whispered rather loudly from the other side of the barn. Halsin’s oddity, Minthara had called her, before giving her—and her cat—a tour of the camp herself. Isobel refused to forget what she had told them.
I have known the pain of losing a child to violence.
‘She is cursed by the goddess, Shar,’ the drow explained to Yenna, voice grave, ‘who kidnapped and converted her to Shar’s, quite honestly, ridiculous tenets of loss. Shadowheart rediscovered that she was a Selûnite acolyte quite recently, and so the curse is doing its very best to remind her who took advantage of her for nigh on forty years.’
The young girl’s eyes—her skin pink underneath, a sign that Isobel had best give her a look over sooner rather than later—went wide, before she looked to Isobel and Aylin, asking Minthara, ‘How many Selûne followers are here?’
‘Counting Valeria-’ judged Minthara, grimacing. ‘Four.’
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ellethakallabeth · 8 months
The thing is that none of the provisional measures ordered a ceasefire. They said they have to let in humanitarian aid, they have to report their actions in a month, they have to prevent and punish genocidal rhetoric, they have to stop actions that kill/maim/etc civilians- but they did not order Israel to cease its attack on Gaza itself. They did not order a ceasefire. So you have two pitfalls:
1) The ICJ cannot enforce this on their own, they primarily rely on the fact that states are legally/morally bound to obey, which is obviously not going to happen here. Their rulings and measures also go to the Security Council, which will then have to vote on whether or not to enforce this. The US will have a much harder time vetoing this, but it's unlikely they'll vote in favour. At the most they'll abstain, and that's at the most, but also because of point two which I'll explain in a sec. But even if the SC gives Israel an order, the only things they can do to actually enforce that is impose sanctions to which all member states have to adhere (unlikely) or send in the UN white helmets (never ever happening).
2) The fact that they didn't call for an actual ceasefire but instead told them to stop killing civilians is... well, it's a loophole. They don't have to stop bombing, they don't have to pull out. At the most they'll have to be a little more careful, just to 'show that they're trying' and they can keep killing civilians 'accidentally'. The only reason this even got this far is because they didn't even care to pretend they weren't doing what they were doing. If they do that, if they act like they're being careful, it'll still give them a lot of space to work with. So even if they do adhere to the provisional measures- it will help a bit, but it won't actually definitely stop the attacks.
What I'm wondering is whether the judge from Uganda voted against all of these measures (even the ones for which the ad hoc judge from Israel voted in favour) because she could see these loopholes and disagreed, or because she truly meant that she didn't see a reason for it. It seems unlikely. The ad hoc judge from Israel also voted against most of the measures, but his reasoning is most likely to be very different. It gets me that the Ugandan judge will publish a 'dissenting' opinion and the Israeli judge a 'differing' opinion. Or whatever the explicit words were. There is a big semantic difference there.
I'll have to take a look at all the judges' extra documents on the matter because it's really a load of crap. Like, hopefully something comes out of it, but there's really a lot of doubt in my mind about the effectiveness of it.
However, admittedly, the fact that the ICJ didn't throw out the case, said what it said, and actually explicitly said they had jurisdiction and gave any provisional measures at all... is still far more than I expected. Historic, even. Unfortunately, historic doesn't mean effective.
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archivalofsins · 1 year
My toxic Milgram fan trait is wanting to normalize being a little hater. Like actually stop trying to justify voting a character Guilty it's so fucking pointless and drenched in hypocrisy it'd be much simpler to say I hate them and move on.
Oh, but Gunsli, you wouldn't do that with a character, would you? Yes, and I plan too. I don't think people understand how little I care about people knowing my biases and exactly why I have them. So, for anyone interested in knowing.
Yeah, I hate Kotoko on an ideological level.
I am not interested in her second song, her crime none of it- I fucking hate this lady. The best Milgram is getting from me is either abstaining from voting or voting her guilty every fucking day of those three months. Bu-but why? Well, I don't really have to explain why I can just hate her like I said. I don't need a reason.
Well, it's because she jumped the other prisoners right- Because she jumped Mikoto and threatened to kill him, right? And you like Mikoto that's your bias, right?
22/12/15 (Kotoko’s Birthday)
Mikoto: Ah, Koto-chan. It’s been a while. Both of us have kinda split off from the group, but how’ve things been? A lot’s happened, but fr now let’s try to get along. I mean, it’s your birthday today, right? I got the feeling nobody else was going to do anything, so I came to celebrate.
Kotoko: ……how carefree. It doesn’t matter, a villain like you won’t be forgiven next time either. And when that time comes, it’ll be the end for you. I’ll make sure of it myself.
Mikoto: Ahh?? Just try and do it, you nutjob. I’ll crush anyone who hurts me…… You’re gonna be totally beaten at your own game……! [TN: The word “me” here uses first person pronoun “boku”.]
Kotoko: Hm. The border between the two is getting a lot vaguer. Your entire existence is a crime. And I will see you’re punished for it. That is what Milgram, and Es, and I have chosen.
Like, Gunsli I could understand if you didn't want to vote her Innocent because of that we all have our favorites we're only human.
Mikoto ain't a bitch like Shidou he can take care of himself. I ain't worried about ya'll girl she ain't about it, she a coward, she needed to order weapons because she really ain't that good. Hope she ordered herself a shield during trial two because she's going to need it. I'm sorry Mikoto better figure it out. Love him but uh nothing I can do about that if he gets killed by Kotoko I'll just be disappointed in him.
Outside of that I already didn't like her before she did that stuff. Well, damn what the fuck did she do? Nothing but be herself. I don't like her. I don't believe she's a good person. I don't think she's doing what she's doing now or did what she did before for anything other than the satisfaction of herself.
I find her mentality a direct threat to my personal safety for various reasons and will not support it. How about any of you guys try growing up and going to high school during the resurgence of fascism? Having people walk around armed with military grade weapons as you're just trying to get a book from a bookstore. All while stating they're going to make the world better through violence and see how you feel about people with Kotoko's mindset afterward.
See how any of you feel about it when you're at the receiving end of constant persecution based solely on how people like you are reported on in the news. Something that is never biased, as we know.
Like she was doing a good thing- To some in some people's opinion! I don't have time to argue about why this sort of mindset is dangerous to people who've never lost a thing from it, and I'm not gonna! I'm tapping out before her trial even starts. I did my investigation already I do not care.
So, everybody can miss me with that she killed bad guys shit because I recognize that I just think she's just as bad as they are and knows it.
I'm never voting her Innocent (Forgiven), it's a kindness I'm even considering not voting her at all. Unless I'm getting something out of voting her that way like a secured Amane and Mikoto Innocent verdict she can kick rocks.
Fuck her, the ideology she espouses, her justifications, the hill she lives on, the hill she'll die on and the horse she rode in on.
The worse sort of person to me is some nosey entitled son-of-a-bitch that comes into my life telling me their actions are going to make the world better by any means. So, if I have a problem with how they do things I can either shut up or they'll shut me up. Because useless weaklings should just be quiet and let themselves be protected by them.
Fuck that I'm not agreeing with that because that sort of thinking ends with people who look like me dead. Someone would have to have me all the way fucked up if they thought I'd agree to letting her of everyone here back out into society. There are enough people like that in my immediate vicinity to my ever-growing discomfort already.
So, yeah normalize hating a bitch for no reason. Normalize not having to explain yourself because I'm not about to hurt my own feelings trying to explain how this mentality is dangerous and harmful to people who don't care. Because they'll never see this behavior as the issue it is.
Simply put it's not about anyone else's ability to understand my reasoning behind my actions. The thing most important to me is that I understand the reasoning behind my beliefs, and I at least put forth an effort to interrogate those. Even if through interrogating those things I arrive right back at the answer I started with.
I at least understand why people like Kotoko at the end of the day and recognize this is my bias alone. While fundamentally understanding how someone feels about any of the characters in Milgram doesn't define who they are as a person or what they're willing to let others get away with in the real world. So, I don't feel like I have to defend disliking anyone or how I vote a character because it's my opinion.
I'm just gonna do what's best for me and keep it moving. If she wasn't a character in a piece of media, I'd care more, but she is. So, I can recognize her good qualities. Those are however outweighed by the multiple red flags and sirens consistently going off every second because of my background belting the words,
As though I've entered a fucking sundown town at sunset. There is nothing in me that doubts this bitch would commit a hate crime and is therefore someone just unsafe for me to be around. Avid defenders would be like "Um sweety is it a hate crime to get rid of child abductors and criminals?"
I don't know, has anyone seen the film The Birth of A Nation or looked over the historical context around criminality? Or just read how the news reports on people who deviate from norms committing crimes regularly in contrast to how they report on the dominant culture committing crimes? No, I don't think anyone put that much effort into interrogating the ideology of the good looking subtly gender nonconforming lady.
Because they said oh bad guy bad, news said so- So, they deserve to be killed Kotoko is so right go off girl boss.
So here,
Kellie-Jay & the Neo-Nazis | Shaun One hour, fifty-six minute, and fifty-seven seconds long.
How Police Make Up The Law (ft. LegalEagle) | Philosophy Tube Forty-eight minutes and fifty-six seconds long.
The Hidden Rules of Modern Society | Philosophy Tube Forty-four minutes and fifty-four seconds.
The Americanisation of Blackness. TheStoryteller Twenty-eight minutes and fifty-seven seconds.
Triumph of the Will, or, "Yes, You Might Be a Fascist" | Cinema Antifa Twenty-two minutes and fifty-three seconds long.
How Black Americans Monopolized Racism Foreign Man in a Foreign Land Eighteen minutes and twenty-three seconds.
The Cultural Gentrification of Black Britain | EXODUS TheStoryteller Fourteen minutes and ten seconds.
The Need for Gangs? | TheStoryteller Twelve minutes and twenty-six seconds.
Why You Shouldn't Watch The Birth of a Nation (AND WHY YOU SHOULD) | Brows Held High Ten minutes and forty-nine seconds long.
There's a lot of videos that go over a good deal of the things I think about when considering Kotoko's case and mentality. So, anyone interested can go and take a look over this information and think for themselves whatever they want. I won't be discussing this because a lot of people in my opinion are very willing to cut off their brains and let Kotoko get away with whatever just to make themselves feel good.
People liked to discuss how Futa was radicalized through the Internet yet continue to ignore the clear radicalization of Kotoko through mainstream media. People all over widely accept everything put into mainstream media as true or unbiased. Because unlike the internet people believe mainstream media cannot lie without repercussions. Yet this is not always the case and the fact that Kotoko is so willing to end other people's lives over uncertain or extraordinarily little information based off the bias judgements of others as she continues to do even now is an issue to me and something I do not personally agree with.
Especially considering how mainstream media can be biased and get things wrong. She's just looking at what appears to be a more reputable source, a source with more authority than the internet mob then going it must be true because they said it. Just like how no one fact checked Es when they claimed that they were considered an adult in Puerto Rico and Haiti because why would Es lie? Why would the news lie? When has law enforcement ever forced a confession out of anyone or arrested the wrong person.
As a news article sits in Harrow about the jumping, we know Kotoko did with the police stating they assume the assaulter was a man. Not even going into the news articles that stated people paid to have information buried. But yeah, the information she had is much more concrete than whatever the hell Futa was basing his shit off of.
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I'm strongly against voting Amane guilty because :
1) I'm against voting any prisoner guilty in general. It's my human rights activist side taking over, sorry. I refuse to put anyone through any kind of psychological torture (constantly hearing voices putting you down and such), and I'm not even talking about restraints, this is just. No. Ever since trial 2 began and Jackalope explained what the guilty voting inflicted on prisoners, and implying that it will get worse as trials go on, I've been set on either abstaining or voting innocent. Just making sure that everyone is voted innocent (which has failed so far, as Haruka and Muu have been voted guilty.) But here it's even worse as Amane has been abused and tortured probably her entire life. I refuse to do the same things as her abusers. And that is enough of a reason for me to vote her innocent regardless of any other circumstances.
2) idc about the "what if she hurts Shidou" argument. Because if Kazui is voted inno, he probably will protect him and if he isn't, it's not like Kotoko's situation where she was the 2nd strongest prisoner. Amane can probably kill Shidou if she wants to, but only if no-one tries to stop her. This time, we're talking about one of the weakest prisoners. Shidou might not defend himself because Amane is a child and we know what he thinks of being put to death by a kid (his dream come true, in the end), but there are other prisoners who will definitely try to stop amane. Yuno for example. She won't let Amane get in the way of Mahiru's recovery. Mikoto's alter can't be restrained as of now (though Jackalope said he was working on it so who knows) so he might step up and defend other prisoners if voted inno (I would have said Haruka as well because he hates children and is the third strongest prisoner (according to the arm wrestling match results), but he'll be restrained and probably working on his suicide, so I'm guessing he won't be able to do anything).
But I get it. I get the argument. Shidou may be injured. But he can probably take care of himself and others still (he got voted 81% guilty he's basically the prison's god atp). And even if he's not able to patch himself up, I'm sure he can ask help from other prisoners (like Yuno). And really, right now, I'll be putting the child's well-being above Mal Practice's potential safety if you'll allow me. Oh and lastly, idc about Shidou the guy can die for all I care (this is a joke, but now you're aware of my own bias at least.)
Also this is a reminder to vote Kazui inno if it's the state of the prison you're worried about, because it's probably the best way to keep safe as many prisoners as possible. If you don't care about prisoners getting hurt, then don't bring up the Shidou argument for guilty Amane (although I haven't seen anyone making both the argument to vote Kazui guilty "for his own good" and Amane guilty "for Shidou's safety" yet. People have been fairly consistent with their arguments so far.)
Oh and did I mention that you have the opportunity to avoid putting the 12 year-old who was abused her entire childhood through even more torture? Yeah anyway. Vote however you want but for now I have laid out my main argument for inno Amane and counter argument to guilty Amane. Make what you will with that.
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honeysider · 8 months
https://www.tumblr.com/honeysider/739803375060811776/youre-pathetic-in-every-respect?source=share I'm actually interested in what you think the answer is. I'm not saying this to antagonize or bait you, I really want to know. As someone who has seen third parties fail and fail again when trying to breach into bipartisan leadership (don't get me wrong, I don't like either party) it's hard to see how leaving things to the masses (who will most likely vote for Trump) or up to a third party that probably won't win; I'm quite literally at a loss of what to do.
Here's how I see things, personally. You can't fix things in one or even two elections, and you certainly can't fix things by voting for the same party over and over again. This might get rambly.
Like, I wont even get into the viability of elections as a means of engineering political change because I'm assuming you dgaf about that (not a dig, most people consider all the other political stuff like on-the-ground work to be too much for them). I'll explain it in a way that made sense to me when I decided to not waste my time voting in presidential elections.
I do not believe in The Democratic Party or Biden's specific policies as vehicles to advance either my self interest or the interests of others in the country. The lesser of two evils argument doesn't even cut it anymore. Biden is enforcing Trump's old immigration policies even going so far as to continue building the goddamn wall. He doesn't support universal healthcare. He crumbles against any kind of pressure that isn't only rhetoric, basically threw up his hands and gave up when student loan forgiveness was attacked by the courts, and supports the genocide against Palestinians financially. He is mostly indistinguishable from a Republican, save for the theocratic aspects.
Why would I vote for someone I don't believe in?I might go vote for Cornel West because simply put I believe in more of his policies than Biden's, if I vote at all.
And that's the main thing that bothers me about the vote blue no matter who philosophy. You're never supposed to vote for who you believe in. In the primaries you are expected to unite around the Most Likely Candidate To Win The Election, not the candidate who you agree with. I remember when people screamed at Bernie voters because they were voting for the democratic socialist, not any of the mainstream moderate front runners and he started winning states. Pundits and analysts and party activists had a meltdown until the Democrats managed to wrangle everything around Biden.
So point 1, I will only vote for people I believe in. If the Republicans win as a result of enough people doing the same thing, the Democrats should have pushed a better candidate.
And that leads to point 2, Blue No Matter Who doesn't perpetuate a regrettable-but-tolerable lesser of two evils situation. It enables democrats to be as evil as their opponents, just no further than their opponents. The Democratic Party Platform used to include Universal Healthcare, and now it's literally been erased from the platform. Democrats have had three terms between Bush and now and we have only now pulled out of Afghanistan, and we still have troops in Iraq? What? Guantanamo Bay is still active? "Enhanced interrogation" is still being used? The Patriot act is renewed every time it comes up without a yell or a peep? Power is being increasingly centralized in the executive branch? All the big controversies from my childhood are still mostly unsolved today due mostly to Democratic inaction and ineptitude with a dash of Republican malevolence.
My only tool is abstaining from the process. The only thing Democrats believe in are election victories. If you just give them votes no matter who they run they won't care about seriously pursuing real beneficial policy. Let them lose elections until they get the picture.
And look. I know its hard and its scary to imagine Trump in the white house again. But Biden's doing like 99% of his policy anyways, so really all you're voting for now is a facade of political professionalism, not for what you actually believe.
So don't vote, withhold it until Democrats get a clue and get more involved or at least more knowledgeable about state and local politics.
If you want to hear about the Revolution and stuff there are better people to talk to than me tho lol
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uroboros-if · 1 year
Do you have/plan on making a Patreon or Ko-Fi?:)
Hi! I originally answered this post here!
I was uncertain because of the reasons outlined, but I decided I'd be open to the idea if I can donate 80% of what I make from Patreon/Ko-Fi towards charities/causes that I care about! The rest would go towards buying coffee outside once a month for myself, provided there is enough!
So I'm using this ask to pitch myself! Some ideas that are unlikely to hinder progress on writing:
Answering questions and scenarios similar to Tumblr, but with higher priority
Name/alias included in the credits inside of the game and on the itch.io page
Writing letters to ROs/parents/side characters, in the voice of your MC or as yourself, which will be answered monthly! (Just like poor mail service in historical times.)
Polling and suggestions for including content within the game; significant but would not compromise the story, like additional customization options
Blurbs, sneak peeks, and art commission work-in-progresses
Early access to future chapters, so the order of release would go supporters -> feedback form -> public
Probably just any silly things I create, like quizzes or short IFs for special occasions, but they'll be publicly released eventually!
Some extremely tentative ones, as I prioritize writing progress on the actual IF and its integrity:
Limited slots to create a minor deity within the game (but we will have to work closely, as I'm treating all characters with care!)
Personalized monthly short stories for a certain level of support (minimum 500 words, but again, I'll probably not include this until I'm confident I can write the actual IF consistently!)
This would still support me as this is what I would like my money to go towards, with my charities of choice likely being related to LGBT+, environmental justice, and poverty. However, I'll try to diversify this and even let others decide what I should donate to, provided they are well-trusted! I will also provide receipts or proof of these donations.
... I don't know if anyone would be interested, though, or if this is a good idea! If you guys like the idea, and it doesn't matter if you can/want to actually support me, then vote on the poll below! (If not, then obviously feel free to abstain!)
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enfinizatics · 11 months
i've been advocating for human rights for four years, but the recent events have left me deeply disturbed. learning about israel's disruption of gaza's communication channels and heavy bombardment made me feel physically ill.
the un general assembly has passed a resolution on protecting civilians and upholding legal and humanitarian obligations. however, it's important to understand that unga resolutions are not legally binding; they serve as recommendations for member countries on how to act. the image below can help you see which countries are standing against humanity, with a significant number of european member countries choosing to abstain from voting.
we are witnessing a horrifying genocide in the 21st century. if you haven't already spoken out, i urge you to do so now. otherwise, history will hold you accountable.
i fear that if i close my eyes and sleep, i'll wake to find gaza wiped off the map.
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keep the conversation alive. communication channels in gaza have been severed, leaving us in the dark about the current situation. the sporadic news we receive from reporters using satellite signals paints a dire picture. be the voice for gaza. share information, educate others, and stand up in protest. don't let israel and the us assume we share their perspective. from the river to the sea, palestine will be free.
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