#so i'm gonna see what that's like before i decide if i wanna incorporate that into her story hehe
brother-genitivi · 1 year
pulling the uno reverse card to say hello???? your bg3 thoughts???? anything you'd like to share with the massess? 📸🎙️ what's the wildest thing you've done so far what are the basics for your ocs?
HEJHKFSSJ hi merhaba hello I have SO MANY thoughts (I've played up to 1/4 of Act 3 before restarting so I'll try and be vague)
WOW. What a game what a GAME!! I have never got attached to so many side characters. I love that I can give them closure and conclusive ends to their arcs, and they're not even main characters. I love that as a player, I can have an influence in my environment. I love that I can challenge my companions and be challenged, and that opinions don't simply change overnight. There's development. There's so much satisfaction in the companion character arcs. Also some of the dialogue options are straight up FOUL in classic Larian Studios style. ok this is getting long sdksjlkds;
I can actually have consequences to my actions. Playing a good character FEELS good, rather than it being 'oh I need to please (companion) and I know this choice will help'. Some of the companion quests made me cry. I burst into tears at Astarion's. tbf I cry at everything but I just djnvhfadklcKLD;
I've done some wild shit... speaking of, I flung some at someone's face and started a fight. Walked into the barn and saved the situation by saying 'this smut would sell well in bookshops'. Got beaten to an inch of my life by a hottie who took a LOT of pleasure in my screaming, then I said I enjoyed it. Vandalised a portrait of Vlaakith... in front of Lae'zel. Shoved a man into lava. Got a statue of myself to put in camp. It's really big. And obnoxious.
I've only been playing one oc really, and that's Safaa. She's a seldarine drow and bard. She spent the entirety of her life living in a drow village in the Underdark, adopted by her mothers after her parents died under mysterious circumstances. Safaa meets her first love after a group of circus performers are waylaid on the road and seek refuge in her village. She's utterly enamoured by them, or rather their intimate knowledge of what the world looks like under sunlight. One of the performers, a young, handsome half-drow takes an interest in her.
He tells her about the world above. She tells him about her paintings. They walk arm in arm speaking of things meant only for each other, always giggling about inane things. She reads to him when the words don't make sense to him. He teaches her to play the flute, how to dance. She's young and infatuated with the first person to express romantic attention towards her. She believes she loves him. He stays with her in her village long after the other performers move on. He promises to take her to the surface, to show her the sun.
He doesn't get the chance. Their relationship doesn't get the chance to bloom. He dies. No one knows why. Bad luck, perhaps. And Safaa is utterly convinced it's her fault. People she loves seem to drop like flies around her. It must be her fault. She adopts a 'stay away from me, I only cause death' attitude and isolates herself from her family. She makes her way to the surface, but before she has the chance to cherish the sunlight, she's snatched onto the nautiloid.
She romances Astarion <3 she is the epitome of sunshine mired in guilt, and he's a vampire. Do you see the- do you see the vision do you s-
Here's the girl in question
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phantom-playdough · 2 years
Human!Bill Cipher x GN!Reader: What's Valentine's Day?
Side note for the sake of the story: Bill and the Pines family are on friendly terms in this timeline. Just pretend, okay!?
TW: SLIGHT Attempted Sexual Assault, NOT BY BILL.
I promised my viewers on my YouTube channel that I would do a Bill Cipher x reader story, and people have wanted me to write such for years. So, I might as well give the people what they want and incorporate Valentine's Day. Hope you guys enjoy!
Guide: (N/n) = Nickname (F/B/F) = Favorite breakfast food
Y/n woke up to a certain someone booping their nose lightly. They opened their eyes, not fond of the fact that they were being awoken from their sleep. Of course, their best friend Bill was crouching in front of their face, mere hairs away.
"What do you want, Bill?" Y/n asked, not commenting on how close he was.
"I got a question for ya, sweets." He said, a bored expression coming over his face.
Y/n sat up and rubbed their eyes. "Well, what is it?" They decided to indulge in this conversation even though they had just woken up. Despite the rude awakening, Y/n struggled with the concept of being mad at Bill for an extended period of time.
He was too cute for his own good, honestly...
Bill hopped onto Y/n's bed, making Y/n bounce in the air a little bit.
"I heard Wendy talkin' 'bout some Valentine's Day thing? What the heck is that?"
Y/n blinked at that. "You don't know what Valentine's Day is?"
Bill shrugged. "I haven't been in this realm for that long, Y/n. Besides, you humans have too many holidays for me to remember."
It was hard to argue that when Y/n thought about it. December was overwhelming for Bill and, by extension, them because he was so confused by all the various traditions and holidays around that time of year.
"Valentine's Day is about expressing your l-love for others." Y/n saw the way Bill's uncovered eye widen in surprise. So, they were quick to add, "But it doesn't have to be about romantic love. It can be expressing love for friends or family. A-Although it is mostly advertised by people to be about romantic love. You normally do all of this by giving people gifts."
Y/n kicked themself in the head mentally at the fact that they kept stuttering with their words. It was too early for this conversation.
Luckily, almost suspiciously, Bill seemed to be eager to drop the topic almost as fast as it was brought up.
"Welp! Thanks for telling me, Y/n! Ya wanna go get breakfast at the diner?" Y/n was about to answer verbally, but their stomach seemed eager to answer by growling very loudly.
Bill cackled, slapping his knee dramatically. "I'll take that as a 'yes'!" He then stood up and left for the door, but he looked back at Y/n right before leaving. A serious look was on his face that made Y/n's hands sweat.
"Just outta curiosity, Y/n, do you have anybody you're gonna give a Valentine's Day gift to?"
Y/n flushed at that and wiped their hands on their blanket. "Uh, I was kinda just planning to give some stuff to Stan, Ford, and Soos." It was easy to see the glare from Bill. "I don't know what I would get you, Bill! I don't know what in this dimension would be a good gift for you."
Bill's face softens up. "Relax, Y/n. I'm just playin'. But I could say the same for you, though."
"Don't worry about getting me anything, Bill. Save that energy for someone you really like." Y/n said, brushing off the idea and hiding their feelings in the process.
In all honesty, Y/n really wanted to get Bill something. But making something would be hard to do, especially because Valentine's Day was tomorrow. Buying him something would serve to be even more impossible! Only a few months ago, he came into this dimension as a human and turned a new leaf. He hasn't had much time to adjust to how things were here. So, Y/n didn't know what would even serve as a good gift for him! Let alone whether he would want a practical gift or a sentimental gift.
But the idea of Bill giving them something made them even more uneasy than the other way around. Plus, Y/n didn't even consider the idea of what if Bill liked them back. It was not likely in their eyes.
Bill noticed how Y/n's face dropped a little at their own words, but he decided for once to not blab too much. Instead, he said, "Whatever you say, N/n. I'll meet ya downstairs." Bill then left the room without waiting for a response.
Y/n felt a little sad that Bill didn't argue with them about what they said, but they figured he didn't feel anything romantic for them. They brushed the disappointment aside and went ahead and got dressed.
When they came downstairs, Y/n was puzzled to not see Bill anywhere in sight.
"Bill? Where are you?" They called out.
No response.
Right when Y/n was about to call out again, they were poked in the middle of their back. They yelped out in surprise and turned around to see a certain smug blonde smirking down at them.
"Shut up, will you?" Y/n snipped, despite Bill not saying anything.
Bill's smirk only grew at that. "It's not my fault you space out so much, N/n." He flicked their forehead playfully. "Come on, let's go get some of those waffle-cakes."
"Pancakes, Bill." Y/n corrected.
"They're almost the exact same thing, Y/n!" Bill defended dramatically, making Y/n roll their eyes.
So, after a 15-minute walk that involved debating about pancakes and waffles, Bill and Y/n made it to the diner. The pair walked in and ordered their food. Y/n had (F/B/F), and Bill had pancakes, waffles, and a giant milkshake. When Y/n questioned why he got the milkshake, he said that having a brain freeze was amusing to him.
Once the meal was done, Bill begged asked for Y/n to go with him to the movie theater to see some random romantic comedy. Y/n had tried to ask him why he wanted to see it. But he only said, "It's research, sweetheart."
Y/n blushed as red as a rose at being called 'sweetheart', so much so that they completely dropped the topic.
So, they bought two tickets for the romantic movie. However, Bill was also bugging them to buy a GIANT thing of popcorn.
"I don't even know if the two of us can finish that when we literally just ate, Bill."
"Come on, Y/n! The popcorn is one of the most important parts!"
"To what?"
"To my research! Come on, please?" Bill once again begged.
Not wanting to hold up the line behind them because of their bickering with Bill and also not being able to say no to him left Y/n no other choice but to buy the popcorn.
Once they both got into the theater, Bill pulled Y/n to the back row, and they sat down. After the previews, Y/n started getting hungry from the aroma of popcorn next to them. Bill kept the bucket of popcorn in between the two of them so both of them could eat from it.
However, Y/n noticed Bill had not made a move to start eating any of it. They were confused, but they were not about to let the money they spent get thrown into the movie theater trash can without a fight.
So, Y/n reached their hand in to grab a handful of popcorn. But right as they put their hand in the bucket, Bill had put his hand in. As a result, their hands end up brushing against one another. Startled, Y/n retracted their hand and muttered an apology. Bill didn't respond to it at all, which only served to make the whole thing both more awkward and suspicious.
Instead, he only took some popcorn and munched away. Y/n waited for a good three to four seconds and reached in again to grab some when Bill brushed his hand against theirs again!
One time could just be an innocent mistake. But twice? The odds of that happening twice didn't make sense to Y/n. But they still muttered an apology and were ABOUT to pull their hand away. However, Bill clearly had different plans.
He simply grabbed Y/n's hand and held it in his own. Y/n looked at him in surprise, but Bill was just looking straight ahead at the movie with a semi-bored expression while he rubbed circles on Y/n's hand as though it was the most NORMAL thing in this dimension.
But if he wasn't making a big deal about this, why should they?
At least, that's what Y/n thought. So, despite them blushing profusely, they didn't pull away. But Bill just HAD to speak right when the embarrassment was dying down.
"Do all you humans sweat so much when holding hands?" He didn't even take his gaze off the movie when he asked.
"S-sorry." Y/n apologized again and tried to pull their hand away. But Bill tightened his grip. It wasn't enough to hurt, but it was enough to prevent them from slipping their hand out of his.
"It's fine, sweetheart." Bill spoke with a smirk, leaving Y/n a bright red, blushing mess.
After the movie, the pair almost killed the whole bucket of popcorn despite Bill refusing to let go of Y/n's hand.
The both of them exited the theater room when Y/n realized they forgot their phone at their seat. So they told Bill, "I'll be right back! Forgot my phone!" They didn't wait for him to respond as they rushed back in to grab it.
Y/n felt panic surge through them as they did not see their phone near their seat. But a guy who was cleaning up the row below clearly noticed Y/n's distressed face and said, "I take it this is yours?" Sure enough, he held up Y/n's phone.
"Oh, my God, yes! Thank you!" Y/n said, taking it from the guy.
"No problem. Uh, mind if I have your number?"
Y/n's face paled a little at the question. They didn't even know the guy's name, not seeing a name tag on him. They did NOT feel comfortable giving this random dude their number.
"O-oh, uh..." Luckily, the universe decided to bless Y/n with a savior at that moment. Right then and there, Bill walked over next to Y/n.
"I think they do mind, buddy." Bill spoke with venom. He appeared out of nowhere, practically. He must've come in when Y/n wasn't paying attention. But for once, they didn't mind him sneaking up on them.
The guy looked at Bill with a scowl. "Uh, who are you to be deciding that for them?"
Bill came closer to Y/n and put his hand around their waist, pulling them into him. But what Bill said next sent chills up Y/n's spine.
"They're off limits, kiddo. Turn around now before you see something you might regret..." The guy was spooked enough by Bill that he sped out of the room without a beat.
Once he was gone, Bill let a breath out through his nose he didn't know he was holding and turned to Y/n. "Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thanks. You saved my skin there." They tried to laugh the whole thing off, but Bill clearly saw that Y/n was shaken up. He took their hand in his again and intertwined his fingers with theirs. The two of them stayed like that for a while when Y/n tried to change the subject.
"Is this a part of your research?"
"What?" Y/n squeezed his hand to specify what they meant. "Oh, haha, you could say that." Bill said as he squeezed back.
"Are you ready to head back to the Mystery Shack?"
Bill smirked and pulled Y/n outside. "Not quite. We got one last stop."
Eventually, Y/n and Bill were out in the woods. But by this point, it was dark out, and Y/n could hardly see anything in front of them. But Bill stayed ahead of them and assured them that this would all be worth it.
After a few more minutes of walking, the pair made it out to a small clearing in the trees. Bill let go of Y/n's hand and made a picnic blanket appear on the ground a few feet ahead of them. He sat down and gestured for Y/n to join him.
They did, and Bill pointed up at the sky. Y/n was blown away at what they saw.
A meteor shower.
"Ya know, they normally say to make a wish when you see a bunch of shooting stars, right Y/n?" Bill asked with a genuine smile.
"Yeah." They then closed their eyes and made a wish. When they opened their eyes, they noticed Bill looking at them.
"What'd you wish for?" He asked as if he really was curious.
"If I tell you, it won't come true."
"Oh, Y/n, you underestimate me." Bill said confidently.
Y/n looked down. "I wished that you and I would be friends forever." They said softly.
Bill's face immediately turned a bit sad at that. "Just friends?" He asked seriously.
"Just friends?" Bill repeated, looking almost nervous.
Y/n blinked. First in confusion. Then realization. Then shock. "Bill, are you having a brain freeze or something?" They asked with a nervous laugh.
"No? Why?" Bill felt a little hurt at that comment. What made Y/n think that?
"Because there is no way you're serious right now. It's either that or you're pulling my leg."
"Come on, Y/n. Even I'm not that cruel. Not... anymore."
"Well, what else would make you ask me something like that?"
"You." Bill didn't skip a beat in replying. But he knew that Y/n was going to take the high road in this. Besides, if he was going to be rejected, he might as well go down swinging.
"I mean, I've only known you for a few months. But I've lived longer than you humans could comprehend, and I have never felt the way I have when I'm with you. The moments we have together are kinda simple, but I like it that way. You make the boring things humans do fun for me, and you've been patient with me while I try and learn about this dimension. I couldn't do all the fun stuff we do with anyone else in this town. You seemed so simple when I first met you. But you're even more strange than I am because of how you put up with me. What more could I ask for in--" Bill hesitated in the last words of that thought. "--in someone I love?"
Y/n struggled to take this all in. They weren't even totally sure if Bill could feel any attraction to someone in this dimension. But the speech he gave seemed very genuine, and it was clear he wasn't joking around at all.
Before Y/n could reply, Bill snapped his fingers and made a small golden necklace appear. There was a single golden triangle charm with the same grooves Bill had in his triangular form hanging from the chain. But instead of his one eye in the center like his demon form, there was a black, heart-shaped diamond.
"I'm not gonna force ya into anything you don't want, Y/n. But if you do feel the same, I want you to have this." Bill said, holding the necklace out for the taking.
Y/n didn't even need to ponder the offer. They knew their feelings for Bill. So, they took the necklace from him and put it on. Bill released a breath that he again didn't know he was holding.
"I wished for you to return my feelings." He muttered. Y/n laughed.
"You didn't need to wish for that. It's already true."
"So is your wish." Bill then wrapped an arm around Y/n, pulling them close to him.
"Happy Valentines Day, Bill Cipher." Y/n said before they leaned up and kissed him.
The End
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demdems · 29 days
kinda told myself i wasnt gonna post about natlan for a while since what else is there to be said but here we are
so pinocchio, how's that nose growth going
talked about natlan before in this post [written after the first trailer dropped] and this one [written after the 5.0 livestream] if ur one to be curious
i sent smth to my friends and its the basis of this post so for simplicity's sake i'm pasting it here in its entirety then I'm seeing what else i have to add
I think smth that bothers me about this natlan thing [read the comments on some short now I'm cursed] is that an argument is that people are only getting upset about the skin color part of cultural rep which to them reads as shallow but the thing is, people did get upset at everything else in sumeru and natlan like even before the characters got revealed people got mad that hyv was hodge podging several cultures into one fictional culture for those two nations but at most the other nations took inspo from like, two or three, and people got upset about the really poor interpretation of cultural clothing, and they got upset about real life names getting tacked onto white characters. Just is that now w skin color being a debate point, they can use a loud minority of "pale skinned people from these cultures exist too" to support their point
ive seen people actually be upset about more than skin color with natlan & sumeru but it's apparently just much easier to vilify people over wanting dark skinned characters vs wanting characters to be dressed appropriately or wanting characters to not take names from real life figures
Like even outside these two nations ive seen people get upset over more than just skin color but as long as u can slap on the excuse of "other people think it's fine" or something similar, then it gets swept under the rug [like it's been years and i still think raiden & miko have some of the worst designs in inazuma just because visual appeal was overprioritized, but its impossible to critique how inappropriate/disrespectful it was for genshin to effectively sexualize traditional japanese outfits without getting shredded to pieces if u post ur thoughts in the wrong circle]
I digress, back to my main point.
[most] people who are criticizing genshin have their issues run much deeper than simply, i want a character with dark skin. real life cultures are incorporated in many different ways in genshin, but character designs in genshin hugely draw on clothing, names, and skin color [for the very few characters who don't get sentenced to #FFFFFF]. thing is tho, even with all the real life inspiration to draw on, the design team still majorly drops the ball.
nahida's white on white on white is a crime against character design, tighnari's palette made me consider dropping art forever so i never have to even attempt to color pick the seven million colors in his splash art, several natlan characters are walking talking fashion crimes who have a severe lack of overall cohesion, dori
people very much did drag character designs apart from their skin colors, and they were justified since the design team seemed very pick and choose when it came to deciding who gets the good design and who gets the not so good one
My point is, there have been people who've had issues with genshin's inclusion/depictions of real life cultures since the beginning and it's been more than just disliking pale skinned characters being the majority in regions that would have more than the two skin tones included in game [white and off white], and anyone worth their salt in this discussion about genshins colorism and appropriation understands that skin color isn't just something to toss into the ring willy nilly to stir debate cuz if you wanna have an actual discussion u gotta know what ur gonna be talking about
These are just my thoughts though, sorry if it's very scrambled i wrote as i went, if i managed to shoot myself in the foot and say something terribly egregious please lmk
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findmeinthefallair · 1 year
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Ok, I was told about this.
I'm gonna show a total of four screenshots in this post, and I don't wanna force what people think of me or twist any narratives. You readers can decide 😔 It would be good though, if readers have a look at both her post and this one that I have written. Before deciding what kind of person I am.
After the first boundary you put up in September, I still sent you an absolutely insensitive ask shortly after you ended things on Discord, and I wrote a physical letter to send to you. In both, not only I did not give a proper apology, but I violated your boundary of "Do not contact me again". In no way am I justifying what I did but, I was desperate to try and get us to reconcile, even if it was executed so poorly. And re: the matter that even led up to the end of our friendship to begin with.....I was cowardly. I am so sorry for my hurtful behaviour in that situation too. For all this, I am truly sorry. 😔
And I know that people have varying opinions about vagueposting. But like, if people see my vagueposts, wasn't that a conscious choice they made to seek out my vagueposts, policing what I put up?
Look. Even putting up this post, is terrifying to me. But to quote you, I to a degree also need to stand up for myself here, or else I'm going to spiral badly just before a vacation that's in 5 days. I am not like your abuser. It has taken me many months to even begin loving myself again after what happened. 😔
There was absolutely no way that I was going to show up outside your door at all.
I am definitely not that person. I put in my vagueposts that any reminders of rural Japan would be triggering e.g. even imagining tatami flooring in my head would make me gag, so why would I spend a huge chunk of $ to even go there now, in the first place (far more so now, since I'm in remission for cancer)? That would make me feel sicker to my stomach than the set of multiple triggers I already had. One of my posts also speaks about me cancelling a hotel booking. Which means I was NOT going to go to Japan to find you.
Proof from my email inbox:
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And I would have done this much earlier. But I got diagnosed with cancer.
So, I suspect that you and your group have deliberately not factored in info like that in your callout. Because you really want to push a certain narrative here. If you have been monitoring me, you would have seen that info. But you do not appear to have incorporated said info into how you are viewing this whole thing.
This group has assumed that my motive was about inserting messages and about reaching out to connect, when instead I was just processing my feelings. Is there not a difference between those? I feel that this group has created their own definitions for things.
This group has actively chosen to peek at a blog they don't want to follow (mine), like hate-watching something to feel righteous, and then got ticked off - idk about internet culture differences, but you could have chosen not to look? Esp after I said I cancelled my hotel booking? AND even when I did not speak ill of you at all in my posts, it still wasn't good enough for your group's set of rules. This feels like any phrase I type is going to be seen by them as "*hisssssss* she broke our rules!!", so I have a very bad feeling about continuing.
Whether you believe me or not, I already felt so so awful and guilty upon sending off the letter. And, seeing your art in my suggestions sidebars was not something I sought out. I didn't want to see your art. But the previews of your art still made their way past Tumblr's blocking and filtering system, and they would trigger me. This means I would definitely, absolutely, never want to show up begging you for anything, or write you anymore letters, after the wrongdoings from last year that are going to haunt me for the rest of my life. I would not dare to at all, because the guilt is still eating into me every day 😔😔😔
How ashamed do you think I feel now, now that I have learnt that what I did caused you to move apartments? And I do not want to say this in any manipulative manner at all. I say it from a place of utter sadness and shame.
And importantly, you sent me these from a new sideblog you created, back in February when you heard about my cancer:
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In your callout post, you say there was absolutely no misunderstanding that went down between us. But in your February ask, you said "a grand misunderstanding".
If you've changed your mind, then ok, it's perfectly valid. But it really sounds like two completely different people who sent me this long ask in Feb, versus the callout post from 12 or so hours ago.
You said, "You don't care about how you've made me feel". But if I carry this much guilt, every single day, doesn't that mean that I care about how I have made you feel?
Or, are you wanting me to care about how you feel, in a very very specific way? I'm not you, and at this point I really don't think I can be.
You saying "this happened last flipping September" and "we only knew each other for 2-3 months tops"...means you have given my grief a timeline and deadline. I will really, really have to disagree about this. You may not understand it, but this is one area that I definitely can't change my mind about.
Grief is as unique as fingerprints are, and my grief has stretched on for 9.5 months now because the 2-3 good months we had? They mattered. They. Mattered. That. Much. To. Me. Those short months were real. It's not that I was scheming with some long-term plan, to be power-hungry or hungry for control in the friendship.
I still loved you all this time and mourned deeply, though now that you've put up that post, I'm really not so sure anymore.
You have every right to feel frustrated that I'm still mourning after almost 10 months. But if you are trying to say here that I must grieve in a way that you want, I'm very sorry but I really can't. Reading your callout post, I also do not feel like you have acknowledged the heavy guilt I have been carrying, which I am not lying about. I am acknowledging your pain, even if you cannot trust that I am, but don't see that you have acknowledged mine in the callout post.
Why couldn't you use a more balanced statement e.g. "I understand you are guilty, but your vagueposting makes me extremely paranoid and uncomfortable"?
Instead, you are saying "You don't care about how you've made me feel".
I am very very sorry, and could not be more sorry, for all the hurt I have caused you. This is the theme of the ask that I wanted to send to you this coming Monday, to that same sideblog of yours. But I won't send it anymore because you don't want that. You acknowledged in the February ask you sent, that you hurt me as well. But I fully acknowledge that I was the one started it: this is true.
In your callout post, you said "now you're trying to [break my trust] again soon?" Well, in your February ask to me, you said I could rehash what happened in September with you if I wanted. And I was prepping to do that this coming Monday, though I won't anymore.
I feel that your callout is presumptuous, filtered through your lens without checking with me first. Though at the same time: I fully understand why you wouldn't want to trust anymore, even if I'm telling the truth. I acknowledge this fully.
You have pointed out via DM that you are prone to all-or-nothing thinking and you KNOW it can be unhealthy:
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And I believe this is what was in play again here, with what has happened.
I'm just. I am really, truly sorry. 😔😔😔 Now I feel that I'm gonna have to 100% block from my side as well, so that I don't start having serious symptoms, because the ring of "You have no right to X/Y/Z" in your callout post, and how you're implying to me how to navigate my grief...this has changed the impression I now have of you too, after almost 10 months 😔 So, this is goodbye.
I am truly sorry. I don't want to hide anything on here
Here's my conclusion:
- They filled in a massive gap with what they think my motives were, to push a particular narrative to suit a specific agenda, to make them feel a certain way that they wanted.
- E.g. being rather sure that I was gonna spend a huge chunk of $ to go and fly somewhere and, still talk to a person that I fell out with? That would be a really huge waste of $, time and sanity. But hey, they already spun a story to put out there.
- They also left this out on purpose: I spoke about the nausea I'd feel when I images of tatami flooring and anything Japan would appear in my mind. So...imagine how unpleasant it would be for me to even look at the real scenery and locations. So why would I take a huge chunk of $ out of my savings, to go somewhere and make myself feel worse than I already have felt about the imagery in my head whenever it pops up in my head? - The ask sent to me in Feb allowed me to rehash the fallout again. And when I wanna do the rehashing, I then get slammed for it. Uh? I could not read your mind that you had changed your decision: the change in decision was NOT communicated to me in private first. Then waywardsunlight, her friend and attack dog, shrieks at me asking why I put up screenshots of the February ask. If she put my username out publicly, and then demands that I don't put up that ask (which acts as proof) publicly.....what does this therefore imply? That this group doesn't want me putting out context that they wanna make sure they leave out? Feels like a double standard to me.
- Importantly, she has conveniently said "Well, how was I supposed to know all that?!?!" only AFTER she put out this story that she wanted to tell.
I am repulsed. Thank god
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realsorcerershit · 2 years
OK OC QUESTIONS HERE: 6, 10, 13, 29, 38, 57, 61, 68
OH I'M ESPECIALLY EXCITED ABOUT A FEW OF THESE. Under a read more as always just because I don't wanna clog people's dashes but here we go, these are probably gonna be a lil sloppy but-
6) How have they changed in the last year? How about the last five years?
The biggest growth Lumen has had, I think, shines in the past year especially, and is that he's far more willing to stand up for himself than he was before. Slowly but surely, he's becoming more determined and more comfortable in his own skin. He's also slowly becoming convinced of just how capable he really is, at, well. Everything.
I guess that's the two biggest things. Able to stand up for himself, and believes he's far more capable of a person than he used to.
10) What inspired this character's creation?
Okay, there's actually a really long fucking story with this one, and I'm kind of excited to share it? Originally, at most Lumen was merely a concept I created because a group of friends were running a DnD Christmas oneshot, and I wanted to try playing a new class. The idea of a wild magic sorcerer kind of jumped out at me, so I decided on that and started building. Granted, it was a for fun oneshot, so I didn't do much with it at the time. A while later, I wanted to reuse him in a campaign (that ultimately got cut short), so I worked with that last campaign to incorporate all of that into his current backstory and everything in the campaign that he is now!
Tl;dr: He was originally a oneshot test character that I expanded on until he got to a point where I grew overly attached to him.
13) What are some motifs you associate with them? Did you intentionally bring in those motifs, or did it happen over time?
Two major motifs. Fate, and apparently ice magic.
The fate motif kind of worked out on its own, and wasn't really super intentional or anything. It was kind of just there, because of the Wild Magic Sorcerer feature of Bend Luck. Always tried to play it that he has a slight hand in other people's fates, but not his own. (Try to avoid using it on my own rolls, really.)
As for the ice magic, that one kind of came up after he got a Staff of Frost and. That one was a total accident that came up over time. Apparently the boy just likes using ice. I didn't even think about it.
29) What feelings do they internalize?
Bouncing off my answer in #6 there, there's still some internalized inadequacy, for lack of a better term. Just that feeling that. Maybe, just maybe, he might be unable to handle all of this. He's working on it, though.
Also there's a very moderate fear that everyone he knows is just gonna die and he'll be all alone yet again. Oh, and his horrifying fear of being watched/known by the Cult that the party is up against.
38) Do they see themselves as an important part of their party?
God this is kind of a hard one to answer. In a *way*, yes, he does. He knows his merits and his use, and also knows how much people like having him around. But, that being said, he still thinks "I sure hope they like having me around" consistently enough. What can I say, he's still got some insecurity eating away at him, really.
57) Do they see value in the laws of where they live?
Kind Of? The laws are there, for sure, but. He's never really thought about or considered them. As long as people aren't ruthlessly killing people or dragging others down for the sake of dragging them down, everything's fine. The laws at most kind of ensure people don't do those things.
61) Is there an in-game moment of theirs you think about and just laugh?
Oh absolutely. There was the time Lumen and Sigurd both set up this ridiculously elaborate glitter bomb trap that was rigged to go off inside of the room those two were staying in because Lumen had a way to bait Lucien into walking through the wall into their room. It was ridiculous.
68) Where's their home?
We have a custom map and world and everything, so - lil context. In a Country named Falias, near the edge of the road before you reach a bit of an empty space between there and Averon. Lumen lives in a small little cozy town named Dushill, particularly, in a church dedicated to Torm within that town.
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Do you take commissions/requests/art trades/collabs?
Only from my loved ones depending on my free time. But generally no.
Where did you learn to draw?
Even though I came from a family of artists, I am actually self-taught. I wasn't able to go to an art school like I've always wanted. I mostly learned from watching cartoons and animes.
When did you start drawing?
Ever since childhood.
I used to draw traditionally. When I started posting my art online back in 2008, I drew on paper, scanned it then colored it on Photoshop using my mouse.
I went full digital in 2013 after saving up and buying my first pen tablet (Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch 3rd Gen).
Who are your favorite artists?
Stanley "Artgerm" Lau, Masashi Kishimoto and Kubo Tite.
What do you use to draw?
Pen Tablet:
Wacom Intuos Pro Small
Paint Tool Sai for drawing
Photoshop for rendering
Kinemaster for video editing
Can you explain your brush settings?
Most of my brush settings are default. The others are from random artists that I watched and liked so I decided to use them too. I've been using these settings for a long time now and I can't remember the last time I added or changed something.
If you are looking for an artist to explain "what's this and that for" regarding brush settings then unfortunately it's not me. You can copy my settings if you liked them though.
Can I copy your art style?
You can use my art style as a guide but please don't copy it from A-Z. Add your own personal touch and twist as much as you can.
Can you give me art tips?
This is from my 2022 art ramblings:
Whenever artists wanna try something new to improve their art, we tend to make big drastic changes right away. This can be effective for others but not for everyone. As you can see, my art style is still the same as last year with minimal tweaks.
I decided that if I’m gonna make improvements, I’m gonna do it gradually instead of incorporating them all at once. This can be a big help in maintaining consistency. If the changes were small, we can easily remember and apply them on our next artwork.
I may now have more confidence with regards to my art compared to before but I am still not confident enough in giving/teaching art tips to people. Most of the time I am just winging my art and I personally feel like it's not right to impart that type of "knowledge" to others lmao. There are a lot of experienced artists on different platforms and you can easily search for their tutorials and advices.
Can I use your art for my profile pic?
As long as it's for personal use, you are free to use my art (icons, profile picture, wallpapers, etc). Please credit me if you can.
IMPORTANT: Do not edit, crop, trace or alter my art in any way, shape or form.
Can I share your artwork on other sites?
I am against reposting. I have an account in almost all platforms so you guys don't need to repost them. Just reblog/retweet/share them directly from the original post.
Note: If the artwork I made was from a very, very small fandom then I mostly allow reposting so it can reach more people. You just need to ask permission first and put proper credits.
No. Do not repost/reupload my videos specially on Tiktok.
How long does it take you to finish an artwork?
I mostly do single cel shading nowadays to speed up my process. It takes me 1-3 days to finish depending on how many characters and how detailed the artwork is.
I usually make 1 video a month but if I'm more energetic, I can make 2-3 videos.
How can I support you as an artist?
Youtube ➔ Like, comment, share and subscribe
Instagram ➔ Save, share, comment and like
Twitter ➔ Retweet, like and comment
Tumblr ➔ Reblog, like and comment
Kofi ➔ Any amount is appreciated
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
hi, i really love your writing (world forgetting and stats are two of my all-time favorite fics!!) and i was wondering if you had any advice for new(er) writers?
how did/do you improve your writing? how do you write such great character dynamics? do you have any general tips?
sorry to bother you and you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to!
oh yes I always love giving advice!! if you ever want writing advice just in general you can check the carrd linked in my pinned post and I have some writing advice posted on there, but I'll also give some here
this is gonna be long bc idk how to keep things short so i'm putting it under a read more
I've said this to a lot of people before but the #1 way you improve your writing GUARANTEED is... *drumroll*
you write!
I know it sounds obvious but I think it really needs to be reiterated over and over again. if you want to improve your writing, you have to write. a lot. practice is always going to be the best way to improve your skills no matter what. even if you're not consciously trying to improve your skills as you write, you will just improve naturally the more you do it. I've been writing since I learned how to read, but I got serious about honing my writing as a skill when I was around 13 years old (I'm 22 now for reference). around that time I decided that I wanted writing to be my thing, my form of art, and I wanted to be as good as I could be at it. so I just made it a goal to try and write nearly every single day. it didn't matter what I was writing—whether or not it ever saw the light of day was irrelevant. I just wrote stuff I wanted to read. sometimes I'd only write 100 words in a day, sometimes I'd write thousands of words in a day. I just kept doing it. I got into fanfic writing when i was 15, and that was a great way for me to actually be able to post my work and get validation on it. that made it a lot easier to keep practicing, but even then I didn't post most of what I wrote. I wrote for myself first and foremost. even if it was just a half scene from an au that only lived in my head, if i wanted to put it down on paper I did. because I knew that even if I was the only person that ever saw it, just the act of putting it into words was going to improve my skills.
I know perfectionism is a huge thing a lot of writers struggle with. I know this is easier said than done, but you have to let yourself be bad. write whatever the fuck you want even if no one will ever see it. you don't have to think too hard on it. even if you think it's shit writing that you're barely trying on, guess what, it'll improve your skills! the act of putting scenes and ideas into words on paper helps ingrain things like rhythm and sentence structure and word choice into your brain so it slowly becomes more muscle memory than something you have to think really hard about. like I literally can't emphasize enough how any writing at all no matter how 'shitty' it is will improve your skills. one time we did a quick write in a creative writing class over the course of 15 minutes and then had volunteers read their segments out loud. I read mine, and my professor commented on how shockingly good my prose was for something I wrote in 15 minutes. that's because I've had so much practice that my rushed, sloppy, first attempt prose is still pretty damn good, since the base skills are just so ingrained in my head at this point.
so yeah, if you wanna improve, just write. anything and everything. write for yourself. write with no goal in mind. just put words onto paper and IT WILL HELP.
now as for character dynamics, I always have a few key things in mind about a character when I'm writing them. in my head I just keep track of a few 'core' traits they have, and make sure to incorporate those in the aus I write. like for example, when I write c!wilbur there are two major things about him that I always keep in mind: his need to be seen as more competent than he is, and the fact that he places a lot of his self worth on what others think of him. those are two of his most defining factors in my opinion, so they act as my guide when I write him, and that in turn bleeds into his dialogue and actions which affects his dynamics with others.
of course you also have to do research for character dynamics. if I'm struggling to capture someone's voice, I'll look up clips on youtube or twitch of them to be reminded of how they talk and act and things like that. also I read a lot of meta analysis on characters which helps a lot. shoutout to dsmpblr for so much meta it helps me sm
anyway I hope that helps! sorry this was so long, but I always love giving writing advice <3
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: After having little to no interest on girls for five years, Fred suddenly feels the need to nag the shit out of a certain witch, completely oblivious to the reason behind it.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Slytherin!Reader
Genre: fluff (+ enemies to lovers)
An unusual year: @natural-hearts @manuosorioh @lumos-solemn @westyywifee @whiskeyn-rain @warlock--protection @gossip-girl-ecr @fandomscombine @birdy944 @28cnn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: a little angst, a little snogging 👀
A/N: maybe a bit longer than I expected but it's alright. Also I might write an addition to this story, not sure tho. I hope y'all enjoyed reading this story as much as I did writing it <3
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Y/n! Come sit with us?" George waved at me from the Gryffindor table as I entered the Great Hall, prompting me to sit across him and Angelina, and besides Fred. "Where's Mathilda?" He asked as I got closer, leaving my books on the wooden surface.
"She's feeling unwell." As I sat down, I noticed George's arm around Angelina and I couldn't help the knowing grin that tugged the corner of my lips. "The date exchange at the Ball turned out well, huh?"
"I could say the same about you." He wiggled his brows at me with the same grin I had.
I felt a sudden rush of panic going through my body. My eyes traveled to the boy by my side, who was oddly quiet, and I found him already peeking at me.
"Meaning?" I decided to play dumb, taking a bite of my golden slice of toast whilst ignoring the intending gazes of the couple in front of me.
"You two were having a great time last night." Angelina jumped in, leaning over her table. "Didn't see you coming back, Fred." She added, redirecting her eyes to the ginger.
"I did." His brother laughed. "I daresay you two had an intense night." I felt my cheeks reddening, not finding enough strength to meet George's look. "It was about time, really."
I was startled by Fred abruptly standing up. "See you in class." The curt reply he offered before fleeing shocked all of us; specially his brother, who, with a polite apology, left me and Angelina to go after his twin.
"I feel like I shouldn't ask." She spoke quietly.
"I don't have an answer."
I feared she would see through me. I hadn't lied, but my gut told me whatever happened had to do with the change of demeanor he had at the end of our night out.
I wouldn't say it out loud but a part of me began to worry.
The worry stayed throughout that entire week, guilt joining it at some point. Fred's attendance in Charms, Astronomy and Potions had decreased; I had only see him attend once to Astronomy. The only thing he did was play with his quill and, whenever he thought I didn't notice, stare at me.
Ironically enough, we started spending most of the time together; after the winter break, George had incorporated both Mathilda and me to their friend group, which, in different circumstances, would have been great.
Alicia Spinnet gained special interest on my best friend; Lee Jordan would joke about Slytherins and Gryffindors getting together, and Angelina— well, she seemed happier now that she could hang out with all her friends at the same time.
Fred was miserable. Everyone could see it, yet they did their best to cover it up.
George would overcompensate his brother's attitude by being louder and paying extra attention to me, but it worsened the situation.
I wanted to ask Fred what was wrong, but then again we weren't even good friends, so was it really my place to ask?
George had proposed a trip to Hogsmade a couple of days ago and we all agreed on going, but the day came and Fred wasn't there.
His brother alleged he had a terrible headache and had chosen to stay in bed. We all saw through his excuse, and once more no one said a word.
It was that night that George came to look for me.
"—well then, go get her!" His shouts got into the common room when a second year entered..
"What's this about?" I inquired, coming out to the hallway to see the ginger about to throw hands at my prefect.
"I need you." He stated, quickly losing interest on whatever the prefect had to say. I only nodded and motioned him to move with me far from the Slytherin door. "You have to speak to Fred now." He almost pleaded, a frown of worry forming on his face.
"Sure— wait, now?" I stared at him in confusion.
"Sorry, I know it's late" his apology didn't mean he would ask me to do it in the morning instead.
I let out a sigh before inquiring, "Where's he?"
"The Astronomy tower, I believe." He replied.
"Alright," I said more to myself. "I'll go grab my jacket." He murmured another apology and a thank you before heading off to his House.
I came to a halt at the top of the stairs when I saw him sat against the wall, his knees pulled to his chest with his arms around them, and his face buried between them."Hey there, stranger."
He raised his head, letting his eyes and nose be seen."Who gave me away?"
"Tosser" he muttered, taking his gaze to the levitating bundle of newspaper on fire that was probably keeping him somewhat warm up there.
"Is it that bad to see me now?" I took a couple of careful steps towards the boy.
"It's always that bad to see you."
"Odd for you to say that," I let myself slide down the wall to sit by his side with my legs stretched out. "given how much you stare."
"Touché." He replied, the ghost of a smile breaking through his depressed demeanor. "What are you doing here?"
"What's wrong?"
"I asked first."
"I asked second." He raised his brows at me and it was my turn to avert my eyes from him. "I'm... Worried. About you."
When I shivered due to the wind flowing through the tower, he scooted closer and moved the little fire with his wand for it to be in the middle.
"You're all dejected and sulky," I explained. "You barely attend to our classes together, and if you do, you don't pay attention." I felt him shift uncomfortable by my side. "I'm... I'm gonna regret this— I miss you being a bloody nuisance."
"I knew you loved it." His teasing, though it was meant to be funny, sounded almost painful.
"now, what's wrong?" He shrugged, his chin resting over his forearms. "Listen, if you're not gonna tell me, it's fine, but at least tell George."
"Are you thick?" The bitterness in his tone took me aback. "Y/n, I fancy you." He hid his face between his arms. "quite a lot, actually." He added in a mumble.
"I figured that at the ball, you know?" This time it was me who scooted closer. "Tell me that's not the reason behind this."
"Would you like me to lie?" He questioned, shame slipping out with his voice. "I'm a very good liar you wouldn't even question it." He took a deep breath before looking back up, stretching one of his legs and leaning against the wall. "At the ball, I tried to start something." He began, fidgeting with his hands. "I... This never happened to me, so I wasn't- I didn't know what I was doing, but I thought I was making it clear." He tucked a strand of hair behind his ear. "But when I left you—"
"You know I fancy you too, right?" I tilted my head, searching for his eyes. "As in, more than a one time thing."
"That I didn't know." I felt a pang of guilt, realizing that unconsciously I had played a big part on this.
We stayed in silence.
It wasn't an unsettling silence, but the air weighed over us due to the tension floating on it; I needed to defuse it, otherwise it would crush me.
My heart hammered against my chest while I extended my arm to hold her hand on mine.
It's not meant to be nerve-wracking, I thought to myself as I pulled her hand away from her lap; we had already made clear we fancied each other.
The moment she put her head on my shoulder, the tension completely dissipated. I didn't notice the sigh that left my lungs when it happened.
"Didn't put you, Fred Weasley, in the I'm-a-bundle-of-nerves-with-girls category."
"Oh, shut it." I threw my head back, laughing for the first time in a couple of weeks.
"Never." She gave my hand a squeeze and I allowed my cheek to rest over her crown. "You could, of course, find a way to shut me up."
It wasn't her words that cracked me up, but the suggestive tone she used, which took me back to that night in the Duelling Room when I accidentally let slip my feelings for her for the first time.
I raised my head from hers. "Beg your pardon?" I played the fool, trying to hide the ghost of a smile when she shoot me a wide-eyed look. "What are you insinuating, woman?"
"Do you really wanna start the teasing now?" She gave me a warning glare.
"You've just said you missed it." I couldn't hold back the chuckle.
"I knew I was gonna regret it." She groaned, throwing her head back. My eyes, finally on her, traveled to her now exposed neck and collarbone. Though they weren't visible, I could see the trail of kisses I had left there just a few weeks ago. "Stop staring and kiss me."
It didn't take anything else for me to throw the levitating burning paper away and tug her closer by her hand.
The moment our mouths met, I slipped my hand away from Y/n's so I could led her thighs to straddle my legs.
A quiet moan escaped my lips when she rolled her hips against mines; my hands automatically traveled up from her thighs to her waist, pulling her flush against me.
The temperature in the high, cold tower had shot up all from sudden. Just as we were about to start discarding clothes, quick steps were heard climbing up the stairs.
"Fuck!" She whisper-shouted, practically pushing me away as she got up. "Move, move, move!" As she helped me up and we ran to hide, it dawned on me that we were way past curfew. That got me moving.
We waited for Filch to get to the top of the tower before running down as fast as we could.
"No time for goodbyes!" she warned as we rushed through the vast hallways with Filch after us. "See you tomorrow—"
Before she could sprint downstairs to the dungeons, I grabbed her hand and pulled her into a side hall.
"You won't make it to the dungeons." I stated between pants, glancing at the path we had taken. I wasn't able to see the caretaker yet, but his pants could be heard. "Take the other stairs I'll distract him."
"You'll get grounded." She observed, her breathing as heavy as mine, if not more.
"Worth it." I curtly reply, feeling the corners of my lips twisting up.
"You know?" She pushed herself off the wall she had leaned against to catch her breath. "Sometimes you're really sweet."
"Quick!" I tugged on her hand, seeing Filch finally turn the corner. "Gimme a good luck kiss!"
She pulled me down and kissed my lips briefly before taking off in the other direction. I had to tell myself to shake off that stupid smile and run.
The next morning I eagerly made my way to the Great Hall with two goals; having breakfast, of course, and checking if Fred had made it to his House without getting caught.
I soon spotted the group, this time sitting on the Slytherin table.
Soon his eyes found me too, and without saying a word to anyone, he got up and jogged to meet me halfway.
"Did you make it?" I asked, standing way too close to him and therefore attracting some nosey looks.
"By a whisker." He responded, taking a look around before looking back at me. "I was wondering if you'd like to go for a drink after class." I raised my eyebrows at him with a smirk. "We can use a passage to get to Hogsmade."
"Are you asking me on a proper date, Weasley?" I teased with my hands on my hips. "How cute."
He avoided eye contact, deciding to take another look around instead. "I swear if you tease me right now—"
"I'm free after four." I cut him off. "Now if you excuse me, I'm hungry." I passed him by, playfully bumping his shoulder, and made my way to our friends.
I didn't get far before his hands spun me around and cupped my cheeks, giving me a surprisingly deep kiss. "Are you gonna kill me?" He murmured, his lips still ghosting over mines.
"Oh, you know me so well." I replied, feeling my face heating up. We couldn't help but laugh when whistles and hollers came from behind me. "I might kill them too." I added, making fall into a fit of laughter as we pulled away in order to walk to where our friends sat. "I wanna have breakfast in peace." I warned them, sitting down with Fred by my side.
Everyone was giving looks at each other and trying to hold back the giggles, so I knew a comment was coming, but not from whom.
I could instantly tell I wasn't the only one shocked by the speaker. "But you just had him for breakfast." My best friend responded, faking confusion.
"I was just thinking about that!" Lee yelled, a bit too excited.
"Mathilda Foxglove—" I began, everyone cracking up.
"You are doomed." Fred finished, shoving a toast into his mouth to stop his laughter.
"It was worth it." She stated between giggles.
Fred gave me a side look with a half smile and I thanked Merlin no one could see the boy's fingers interlaced with mines under the table.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
hi xavier!!! I come requesting your Thoughts if you're up for sharing some thoughts? if not that's totally cool, I just thought I'd ask 'cause I'm curious :3
I'm thinking of running a ttrpg campaign for some friends but I've never done that before and I'm pretty nervous. have you done much in the way of running games n would you have any tips for a beginner? :O
or maybe just, like, as a player what sorts of things can the person running the campaign do to make things enjoyable and engaging? what sorts of things do you appreciate when you're playing?
only if you wanna answer, of course! either way I hope you're having a cool day 😎
hi logan!!!! yes i am definitely up for sharing some Thoughts! i apologize for being a little late asdfjl;k i was going to bed when you sent this in (went to bed before 4 am y'all be proud of me)
ANYWAY omg that's so cool!! sounds like fun!!! okay, first, definitely understandable to be nervous! it's been a hot minute since i actually ran any games but even when i did run games regularly it was always a nerve-wracking experience for me. however, it's an absolute blast and i think you'd really enjoy it!
i'm not the most experienced gm/dm/etc in the world, but i do have some advice i can offer!!! and i know i have some more experienced folks following me so if any of y'all want to throw advice in please feel free.
first, my biggest piece of advice is to try not to get too caught in planning for every possibility--your players are going to do things you won't expect and i guarantee there will be at least one instance where they do something you didn't plan for at all. the biggest thing with any ttrpg, at least in my experience, is learning to go with the flow and improv! it's definitely good to have some kind of plan going in, and ultimately how much you plan is up to you, but don't get too stressed out if things don't go how you expect them to!
another thing i definitely recommend is having some kind of practice run before jumping right into the full campaign. you could try running a oneshot or two, or something along those lines in general, to help build up your confidence as a dm! session zeroes are also good, and you can use them to help introduce the players to each other in-character and to the world they're going to be in for this campaign. they also can help give everyone a feel for the campaign in general before jumping right in.
ok now i'm just gonna list some misc. advice before talking about stuff i as a player like to see happen:
work with your players and cater the campaign to them and their characters. if they have plotlines they'd be interested in exploring, talk to them about it and see if you can find a place for em.
just in general communicate with your players as much as possible--i don't mean in the sense of giving away everything that's going to happen, but just make sure everyone's on the same page, y'know!
definitely take notes!! if you're running a game, ultimately you remembering what happens both with the party and outside of it is important.
how much you decide to follow the rules of whatever ttrpg you're running is ultimately up to you, but in my experience it's a lot more fun to fudge the rules sometimes for the sake of the story than to stick to them strictly at all times.
have fun! remember, you're part of the game too, and the point is for everyone to have a good time telling the story together.
okay now for the player's side of things, i also don't have Much experience on this front, and most of my thoughts are things i already mentioned, but in general what i love to see is when game masters really incorporate the characters into the world they're in. use your players' backstories to your advantage and work them in the narrative where possible, and don't be afraid to really go for the throat with emotional moments.
another thing i appreciate is when the gm talks with the players before everything starts to get a feel for what everyone wants out of the story, as well as any triggers or sensitive content that should be avoided. that's a good way to make sure you know what to avoid and what you can do to make things more engaging for everyone from the get-go.
and uhhh i guess last thing is i just want to reiterate the Have Fun part! because i know there are a lot of things online that joke about how fun it is to make the gm's life hell or treat ttrpgs like a competition between the gm and the players, and really that's not the case! the point is for everyone to have fun, play a game, and tell a story together! if someone isn't having fun, whether they're a player or gm, then something's wrong.
if/when you do run this, i'd love to hear about how it goes!!! good luck and have fun! and i hope you have a cool day as well! :3
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karasunology · 4 years
✎ . . . “please just kiss me already” with sakusa 🥺🥺 hcs or scenario is up to u!!
❝ ― submitted by @akaashit-baeji <33 ❞
-ˏˋ ➶ character(s) ━ sakusa kiyoomi <3
⇣ please read the RULES before requesting.
[ ♡ ] i love the ending but in the middle i was kinda a bit of in a lost, so hope y'all don't mind that part tehee🙈✨ i have rewritten it SO MANY TIMES AHH. i just gave up so please enjoy this huhu
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➜ atsumu was a good guy, but right now all you wanted to do was strangle him tehee <3
➜ okay well, this was also probably, KIND OF, your fault for agreeing on this but curiousity got the best of you and now you're plotting on how the fuck do you ACTUALLY get yourself to ignore your boyfriend, sakusa for a day.
➜ sitting beside him, your head leaning against the headboard while you plan on how to ignore your boyfriend AS IF HE WASN'T RIGHT NEXT TO YOU REWATCHING THEIR MATCH HIS HAND BRUSHING AGAINST YOURS
➜ and so here you are now, trying to avoid your boyfriend early in the morning, slipping away from his grasp on your waist, rushing out of the door before sakusa realizes your absence
➜ you came to practice earlier than usual, though THAT wasn't the part why some were looking at you in curiousity buzzing their minds
➜ it was because your mans wasnt with you
➜ like bruh mind your own bussiness damn😤😪👊
➜ but then i remembered im also like that 👁👄👁
➜ sakusa came in earlier too but he was all by himself with an irritated look, he hated mornings, especially ones that he doesn't wake up to you by his side.
➜ his usual routine has incorporated you into it, there wasn't a day that you didn't exist in his schedule.
➜ he discreetly watched you play a two vs. two with bokuto, hinata & adriah, watching you laugh as you setted to hinata ─ the ball bouncing to the wall with his spike, rolling over to sakusa.
➜ you were about to get the ball until you saw who it rolled up to ─ your eyes widening as your froze when he maintained eye contact with you.
➜ you were like : pANIK
➜ until hinata being the innocent babie he is, didn't notice the growing weird tension between you and your boyfriend, taking the ball from the ground
➜ timeskip hinata. periodt.
➜ the power he has tho
➜ n e ways, that's where kiyoomi lowkey started freaking out
➜ and by lowkey, i mean his BURNING EYES never leaving you
➜ like you could F E E L his eyes on you
➜ like 👁👁
➜ he was also kinda scared ngl
➜ did he hurt you?
➜ did he do something that could hurt you?
➜ did you not love him anymore?
➜ sir how tf did u come into that conclusion i
➜ while sūgo in the back be like : oh wow, tea.
➜ # sūgo is a chismosa 2k20
➜ AND WHEN YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE DOING FINE, homeboy hits you up with a text
➜ the last straw was when you LOOKED at the notification pop up at your lockscreen but decided to ignore it
➜ like HIS MESSAGE, igNORED, by YOU, which did i mention was ONLY A FEW FEET AWAY FROM HIM??
➜ knowing by the end of the day he'll have his way with you🙈✨
➜ no but really, you were scared that you probably took it too far and made him upset with you
➜ and atsumu pretending he was jena marshall while YOU freak out for the whole day
➜ acting as if he wasn't a main contributer to this chaos
➜ the day ended and you were now forced to go back home WITH sakusa
➜ you were nervous
➜ bruh who wouldn't??
➜ this is sakusa kiyoomi we are talking about
➜ we don't know what's going on behind that mask of his
➜ and it has been driving you INSANE while you two sat in silence on the way home
➜ #prayfory/n2k20
➜ unbeknownst to him also in the brink of going insane because HOW. THE. FUCK. DOES. HE. CONFRONT. YOU. LATER.
➜ and the SECOND you two stepped inside your house PHEWWW
“ why have you been ignoring me? ” his voice muffled by his mask, cornering you into the wall as your back was against it, your eyes averted somewhere else while you're just the embodiment of 👉👈😔
➜ don't be suspicious, no don't be suspicious.
➜ realizing that you still weren't talking to him, he moves away from your face, backing away, a lowkey heartbroken expression evident in his face as he dragged his mask down.
“ i'm sorry. ” he apologizes, his eyes looking at the ground
➜ you were caught off guard by his apology since it seemed so sincere and GOD DID YOU FEEL LIKE A HORRIBLE PERSON
➜ the guilt luv, THE GUILT
➜ you said fuck it to the challenge, while you tugged on his jacket while he looks back at you with a snap
“ i'm sorry, ” you started off, making his jerk an eyebrow at you. “ i never meant it to go this far. ”
“ what do you mean 'this far ' ? ”
➜ after you told him that it was a prank 💆✨😻🔫 he didn't know how to react
➜ sakusa.exe has stopped
➜ basically that microsoft shut down audio right then and there
➜ he was irritated to say the least, he didn't get ANY sort of conversation and contact with you the whole day and FOR THIS?
➜ sakusa : you did this,,, FOR WHAT ?
➜ but his emotions didn't cloud his judgement just yet, the fatigue from practice and just everything that happened today was getting to him.
➜ he stays silent to collect his thoughts and wow did it frighten you.
“ okay, i know you're mad at me ─ and i won't force you to forgive me, because wow i would have hated myself too ─ no, that's not the point uh, i just wanna say sorry, god i'm a mess ─ ”
➜ sakusa wanted you to shut up.
➜ and he did, his hand covering your mouth while you looked at him with surprised
“ can you please just kiss me already? ” again, caught off guard by the one and only sakusa kiyoomi.
➜ and not gonna lie, he also caught HIMSELF off guard.
➜ this sakusa was desperate, this side of him that no one but you could see. the vulnerable and weak sakusa that put his pride away to ask for your touch.
➜ kiyoomi doesn't like skin contact, but with you, he wouldn't mind it.
➜ of course you obeyed his request, you already feel guilty enough for depriving him of your affections for almost a day.
➜ the kiss was passionate and longing in a way, it was a long and drawn out one that left the your legs jelly as it was only sakusa holding onto you that gave you support to stand up ─ needy and greedy, the pent up flustration and yearn for you was too much that he had to pour it all in not just one kiss.
➜ oh no, the night was still young.
“ don't you know how worried i was? ” his hot breath and pants fanning your face, an uncharacteristic flush across his face.
➜ challenge : failed.
➜ but hey, atleast you had a long night ahead of you.
➜ and sakusa made sure your attention was only at him.
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h0rr0r-enthusiast · 4 years
would you consider rambling about asa or jesse? I'm interested in what you have in mind for them
alright i’ve been pushing this off for ages for no good reason so here’s that long awaited list of random hcs about jesse ,, i only have a couple hcs about asa so i think i’d rather rewatch his films or read more about him before i write about him,, until then enjoy this
(uh this will probably get a bit long)
Jesse Cromeans Headcanons
- first things first, the is mf is bi. i don’t make the rules. this guy swf doesn’t care about gender but if u ask him about his sexuality he will either refuse to answer (he probably feels he’s too old for labels) or start askin if ur interested
- idk why but im convinced he's half or a quarter puerto rican. i just feel like his mom was puerto rican and married his dad when she was really young. she died when he was young and primarily lived with his father's side of the family. after his mother's death he lost contact with her side of the family so he doesn't feel a strong connection with his puerto rican heritage. i doubt jesse cares much either. i dont think he's ever felt much of a connection or had much of an interest in learning about his own heritage or family history.
- jesse doesn’t rly like animals, especially ones that shed. he doesn’t like them and they don’t like him, it’s a mutual understanding. he also can’t be bothered to take care of any animal no matter how minimal their care is. he does not want to meet ur dog and i can promise u ur dog does not want to meet him.
- his eyes are a slightly orangey brown w warm undertones,, theyre light enough that you can see all the lil details of his iris w/o any sunlight,,
- a lil more about his eyes ! considering he was stabbed in the eye while on the “job”, he likely didn’t have any time to properly treat it or receive medical treatment for it until after his incident,, obviously that means the eye’s not of any use anymore but i also think it’s likely that the chemicals from the glue on his mask that melted his face off also damaged that bad eye beyond repair,, this leads me to believe he wears a glass eye ! typically when i draw his bad eye it’s a dull grey but that’s just an artistic preference,, tbh he probably has a whole collection of various colors ranging from natural to more fantastical,, i also think he used to have perfect 20/20 vision before but w those glue chemicals being near his eyes he was probably blind for a lil while as he healed from his injuries,, i wouldn’t be surprised if all the blunt force trauma he received from getting hit w a bat damaged his eyesight even more. he probably got laser eye surgery to correct it.
- man definitely has tattoos. im not sure if he'd have full sleeves but i can imagine him gettin em in the future if he doesn't already have em (especially to feel better about his appearance and feel some sense of control over the way he looks). what im absolutely sure of is that he has his whole back inked up. i wanna incorporate his tattoos into my drawings of him but i need to design em first.
- another thing about his appearance- he definitely has his own gym at home. before the incident he likely had his own trainer but i doubt he has one now,, probably trains on his own so he doesnt have to show his face.
- keeps his home neat and tidy, but has house maids do all the dirty work adn heavy lifting for him. all he has to do is keep everything the same until they come back the next week. he also has one special cleaner who gets rid of any blood stains and bloody bandages from wounds. the other maids don't know anything about his less legal activities.
- he never invites one night stands to his home and always throws parties at a separate location. he owns multiple properties and never reveals his home location for both privacy and safety reasons. this was especially true for when his wife was still alive.
- he has a special morning and night routine for his face and its time consuming
- jesse has alopecia and hes had it for as long as he can remember. it's spread more and more over the years so at a young age he just decided to start shaving and waxing his whole body. after he started participating in less than legal activities he found being hairless to be pretty useful. for this reason he got the hair on some parts of his body (primarily arms, hands, and legs) permanantly removed thru laser hair removal. it makes it harder to trace any evidence back to him thru hair.
this is already rly long so im not gonna go any further for now
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mrsbarnes107 · 4 years
Secret of the Widow
-part seven-
Summary: Post Endgame time period. The team is healing, trying to navigate this new normal they’ve found themselves in when Bucky and Sam bring home a stray with an attitude and a secret. Will the broken team take her in? Or is it too much to bare?
Warnings: language, *eventual* violence and smut, death, fluff, angst
Pairings: Bucky x OC
Disclaimer: this is posted to Wattpad as well and it WILL HAVE PLOT. I’m a Bucky hoe so there will be smut and romancy stuff but this is a series, so plot plot plot and slow burn.
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Something was blinding me and I was wrapped in a cocoon of warmth.
I cracked my eyes open, sunlight streaming in and effectively burning my retinas. A big yawn escaped as cat stretched across my bed, popping my joints deliciously.
Of course that's when I noticed that I was in my bed. The bed I was very much NOT IN last night.
I stumbled to the bathroom, throwing on some spandex shorts along the way. The mirror revealed a very distraught woman. Jeez I'm a mess. Puffy eyes, wild hair, pillow creases on my cheek. With a sigh I throw my hair into a bun and wash my face and teeth, staring down my reflection.
Where on earth did this ginormous hoodie come from? This thing is like a dress, I cant even see my shorts and I KNOW it's not mine.
The fact that i cried hard enough to pass out and NOT feel someone carry me to my room AND put a hoodie on me is very concerning. I need to reign in these emotions, no matter how hard it is being back in the tower.
I slip some fuzzy socks on and check the time. 6 am. Of course.
Making my way quietly down the hall I snuggle more into the cozy hoodie. It smells like musk, man, and crisp night air. This is mine now.
No one seems to be awake, so I decide to treat the team to an extravagant breakfast of waffles, bacon, and eggs. But first a very very large cup of coffee.
As the aroma of Heavens most beautiful creation fills the room I have FRIDAY shuffle my music, broadcasting it in the kitchen loud enough to dance around to but not wake the others.
Food is almost done when I'm in the middle of singing into the knife I grabbed to cut up some fruit.
I toss the knife behind me and spin around to flip the bacon, catching it with a little twirl. "I play my part and you play your games oooh you give loveee"  I begin setting the food on serving trays "a bad name."
As I'm dancing around the kitchen, enjoying the peace of cooking in an empty space, flicking the knife in the air and twirling it in my hand, I hear the team start to get up and around.
"She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean" what a great way to start the day, bomb music and a dance party. "She was the best damn woman that I ever seen. She had sig-" as the knifes handle lands deftly in my palm, someone interrupts my concert.
"I feel like I should be serenading you right now Doll. Lookin like that, cookin food like this, definitely the best damn woman I've ever seen."
With a squeak I had launched the knife towards the voice, Bucky plucking it out of the air, right in-front of his amused blue eyes. He was leaning against the doorway, legs crossed and sleep rumpled hair. Apparently he's been there a while and apparently he was blessed with beauty no matter his state of dress.
"Barnes what the hell! Warn a girl, jeez." I put my hand over my heart to calm it while pouring a cup of coffee, walking it over to the super soldier. "And damn straight I'm the best. Glad you've noticed."
He follows me into the kitchen, leaning against the counter sipping his drink. "You're pretty skilled with this." I guess that was his warning as he catapulted the knife towards my stomach. Well I deserved that, I thought as I caught it while skipping a few songs.
"You'll come to learn I'm skilled in a few things." I say with a wink. "Although, I don't think anyone works a blade like you do Sarge."
I look up to find him staring at me with a weird expression before he shook his head and smirked. "Well Doll, I could always give you some pointers if you ever wanna train with me."
I'm jamming to Back in Black when the rest of the team walks in. Throwing Bucky a smile over my shoulder and a quick "your on, meet after breakfast?" He gives a nod and sits at the island beside the others.
This could be fun. Or a disaster. Definitely not a good idea. But a fun one for sure.
I'm still bouncing around to AC/DC when Sam scowls at me. Well he looks like a grumpy kitten in the mornings apparently.
"You are definitely Tony's creation." He grumbled, followed by a thank you, as they started scarfing down breakfast.
"Hey Ali, why are you wearing Buckys hoodie?" Peter mumbled around a giant bite of waffle, food flying everywhere.
I paused for a second then continued pouring myself some more coffee, giving Barnes a quick glance that he avoided, deeply interested in his bacon apparently.
"Oh I forgot I was still wearing it, sorry Sarge." I said with a chuckle. "Couldn't sleep last night so I watched a movie and Barnes ended up joining me. I got cold and he was ever the century old gentleman."
That earned a scoff from the old man.
"We're still leaving at lunch right? I'm craving a taco from downtown." Wanda pipped up from across the island.
"Yeah that sounds great, I'm gonna get a quick workout in beforehand."
Peter glanced up from his waffle mountain "Do you think you could stop by the lab and help me out with something? When you're done shopping?"
I see Bucky staring at me in my peripheral, eyeing the smile I force onto my lips. That lab just can't get rid of me huh Tony. "Yeah of course, I'll let you know when I'm headed there."
With that I head back to my room and throw on some shoes and a tank top, leaving Buckys hoodie on my bed. I did say it was mine now anyways.
The gym is a large, two story area with many connected rooms. I went into the sparing room, with mats on the floors and a wall of punching bags. After stretching and putting on some music, I work on the power behind my punches, trying to land harder blows for someone larger than me.
Getting lost in the feel of fist biting leather I let myself drift into thought. I still don't know how to incorporate myself into the team. They were all very kind and grateful this morning, talking about their plans and letting me know they will be interrogating the two bombers from yesterday.
Am I being too open? I'm usually serious and more reserved unless I'm comfortable with someone like Nicky or Tony. It's just that I want them to see more than my serious, throat slashing side. The team is already gloomy enough, but I don't want them too think I'm not taking this seriously. Finding that line is hard when I don't know how receptive three of them even are to me at the moment.
Wanda, Buck, and Peter all seem fine, but the others are more hesitant.
I finish a set with a spinning roundhouse, sending the bag against the wall, just as one of my favorite songs comes on shuffle.
Being on your own for essentially twenty-two years gives you very little option for conversation. Besides the times I stayed with Tony, I was alone. As a kid my teachers were just that and Nicky was there when he could be, but all I really had was myself.
So music is my release. All I ever really had to let loose and feel lighter when on the road or cleaning up after a mission.
So I sing along while launching daggers into a sparring dummy from across the room.
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hello, this is 🥝 anon! I want to request something a little angsty. whether this ends up as a list of headcanons or a scenario is up to you, whatever is easiest! with ysheath, how about a reader who fancied him (they both didn't confess ever, but people kind of knew). Reader begins to slowly realize they don't agree with how things are done with the witches after graduating from student-dom, much like olruggio, but isn't vocal about their beliefs, they just slowly distance themselves from the great hall (not betray, of course). what would happen if, after a long time of not seeing each other, they happen upon each other? I'll leave any implications up to you, I had a lot of trouble condensing my thoughts and this feels a bit convoluted so you don't have to incorporate everything!! thank you
Oh gosh, okay. That sounds good.
Ysheath x gn!reader
Synopsis: reader has distanced themselves from the Great Hall, and meets him again after years
Note: I forgot why he criticised them, so I just looked it up on his wiki right now and found this: "Olruggio’s kindness towards others forces him to begin to question the laws of witch society, specifically laws against witches practicing medicine and introducing non- witches to magic.", so I hope that's the critique you meant
Note 2: This includes writing in headcanons. Idk. Also, I realised this sort of angst is alright with me, even without happy ending. 😊
Warnings: angst. That's it. That's the post.
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Both of you painfully obvious with your feelings
Not so secretive touches that linger too long to be anything other than romantic
Quiffrey teasing both of you, sometimes when you were all together, you and Ysheath blushing
But he was too serious about his studies, and you, too, had no time to confess
At least that's what you and him always told yourselfs
And then you came across a sentence in your books
Barely noticable
But that was enough to make you think
How was it ethical to deprive the injured from health?
What is more:
How was it ethical to leave people to die?
And then these sentences started to pile up
What gives us the right to practice witchcraft?
Who decides that?
(Yay, classicism!)
And so, when you finally passed your test, you left the Great Hall, living close to a Watchful Eye who lived a bit away from that place
But that also meant you had to leave Ysheath behind
Years went by and you didn't step foot into the Great Hall
And when you did again, all these years later, of course you crossed paths with Ysheath
You had hoped, on your way there, that if you saw him, he wouldn't see you
And you did see him first
But unfortunately you froze at the sight of him
He had grown even taller, you noticed. His posture was as elegant as ever and his movements were soft and fluid, while still retaining a sense of authority.
His hair was taken by a breeze, beautiful and black
And his eyes as red as rubies-
You saw his eyes widen for a second and then he turned around to his companions again
Your heart sunk, but you weren't surprised.
But then he turned around again and made his way towards you
Still frozen, your mind raced and your breath quickened
And then he was right in front of you
Your mouth opened, but not a single sound left it
"It has been a while, (Y/N),"
He bowed his head
You hurriedly mimicked him
"I've missed you,"
-left your mouth before you could stop it
His lips pressed into a line
"You knew where to find me."
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. I don't know how- I didn't... I'm sorry"
"How have you been?"
He seemed like he was forcing small talk
"Alright. I'm staying close to that one town at the riverbank, we went there once, remember?"
He hummed, his eyes still piercing you
You looked down at your feet
I'm really gonna get carried away
(I kinda wanna take this and expand this part, but I also don't wanna write angst without a happy ending 😫)
Which kinda, unfortunately, brings me to this:
I don't think this would work out
Maybe if they hadn't distanced themselves
I think he could live with this critique
He'd probably understand the critique concerning healing, though he might not share it
But now
If they really broke contact, he would have been heartbroken
He wouldn't forgive them, he'd always be hurt
He trusted them
He had hoped to spend his life with them, after all, everyone, including them too, knew about their feelings for eachother
I honestly don't think the s/o could save this.
If they could, it would be very hard and it would probably take years
That is, if it really could work
(Which again, I doubt, as much as it hurts me to say 😭)
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oloreaa · 3 years
I've been meaning to send this since I sent in my last ask (a dental issue and other life stuff came up) and am sending it today mostly because of that one shitty anon earlier as a hopefully bright spot.
Anyway, a potentially spoilery Ven question! I've been really wondering how you're going to deal with the baby snatching at the end of season two (I've seen some fics have whoever the crew addition is also get 'nabbed and others where it remains just Grogu). Any ideas currently on how you're going to handle it? Or have you thought that far ahead yet?
AAAA oh my gosh I didn't see this I'm sorry for the late reply!! And I hope that everything is alright on your end, thank you so much for this lovely ask🥺❤ As for the questions👀 Yes, I have Everything planned, and I don't mind sharing the main beats because they're probably very predictable anyways😂
(Major spoilers and very long ramblings ahead)
Elana will be snatched alongside with Bean, that's for sure, because of these reasons:
a) if she would go along with Din and the rest of the crew, she would not have much to "do". The most she could do is to wait on Morak, offer advice and comfort, and while I would LOVE to write her interact with Cara, Fennec, Boba and Mayfeld, I don't see how I can add a lot more to the plot as such. I like to make the plot my own, so to speak, adding my own little twists and filling in the plot holes, and with that route, she would not be able to shine in many ways.
b) the whole rescue mission? Elana is not good enough of a fighter to go along with Cara's group, nor is she capable enough to hold her own against dark troopers, even when Din is there. And I don't want her to stand around doing nothing when the showdown with Gideon is happening. I've not fully decided yet how I will handle the last five minutes of Season 2, and other than knowing that they will definitely TALK ABOUT LUKE JUST TAKING BEAN and maybe?? Ask for an address???? We don't know enough about what is happening so I will save that one conclusion to when Season 3 airs (and I'm very sure S3 will happen before I manage to even start S2 anyways😭😭)
c) not gonna lie I'm a huge sucker for angst and it would be a nice mirror to Ep3 when Din also goes to rescue them back from the Imperials
d) I would LOVE to raise the stakes by a Lot👀 and perhaps... letting them believe.... that the other one had died... but they still have to at least try to save their child.... even knowing that the other one would not be there anymore..... so each of them makes decisions based on that :D
e) Elana and Gideon having a face-to-face? Gideon trying to manipulate her? Elana being torn between her morals and her duty to the little one? Also Gideon would be SO MUCH fun to write, I already know it and I have quite a few headcanons that I wanna incorporate into their meeting, I'm beyond excited to write him as a proper villain in Elana's eyes outside of what will happen in Ep7 and Ep8, and maybe establishing some of the lore as well👀
So as a summary: Elana is taken alongside with Bean because I'm too willing to make all of them suffer and I wanna write Gideon being an evil mastermind since that's fun
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crispy-chan · 4 years
carriwitchet ch.2
>> masterlist
pairing: Han Jisung x reader, 3RACHA x reader
genre/warnings: fluff, high school au, slow burn, friends to lovers, love square, cursing, crackhead behaviour, lame jokes
summary: Being a teen is hard enough. Your friend Chan just transfered to your school, a weirdo in his class takes interest in you, and on top of that, two of your friends, Jisung and Changbin are starting to act strange around you. Trying to navigate through that might be hard, but with your friends by your side you should be able to make it.
word count: 1.4k
a/n: hi, this is my first fic and I’m very excited :) It will be a long (slow burn) series which will in later chapters also incorporate some mental health issues, questioning life and in general angsty issues. But primarily, it’s supposed to be feel good fluff. Constructive criticism is highly appreciated as I’d love to hear from you guys what I can improve/change. Thx and hope you enjoy <3
- pic not mine
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Three people entered the classroom.
“Hey hyung, isn't that your friend?” you recognized the boy to be a friend of Chan.
“Hmm, who?” he mumbled, looking up from his phone. Immediately upon seeing you cornered by one of his classmates, his expression hardened.
“What the fuck Minhyuk! What do you think you're doing?!” he yelled, punching the boy in the face.
“The hell Chan?” the boy groaned holding his now bruised cheek, “I was just chatting with your friend over here, ask her,” he nodded towards you.
Chan examined your face noting, that there were no visible injuries but he could still see you trembling a bit.
“Come on (n/n), I'll take you to your class,” he finally said, putting a protective arm around your waist.
“This is not over, dollface!” the threat in Minhyuk's voice was clear as day.
“Piss of you bastard!” Chan growled over his shoulder, nudging you to the door and flipping him the bird on his way out.
“What the hell happened? Are you okay (y/n)?” Jisung rushed to you, worry clearly visible all over his face.
“Did anything happen?” a much calmer Felix and Changbin approached you.
“I'm fine guys, don't worry, just a little shaken up,” you gave them a weak smile.
Chan absentmindedly rubbed soothing circles on your back before scanning the classroom and finally noticing the familiar faces.
At the same time, the other boys made the same realization. “Chan? What are you doing here? Do you know what happened to her?”
“I came into my classroom and I saw this nut job Minhyuk pushing her against the wall,” he answered honestly. “Not sure though what happened before I came…”
“You know him guys?” you asked, voice a bit steadier than before.
“Yeah, but that's not important now, are you alright? Did he say something?” Jisung asked impatiently.
“Don't worry Sung, everything is okay. I just went in there asking if they had any spare chairs since we noticed that we have six missing. I-I, yeah, just don't wanna talk about it anymore, don't worry, nothing happened.” you tried to shut them up taking a seat.
And you weren't lying - it’s not like something horrible happened but the last thing Minhyuk said scared you. You had to make sure you properly told him off next time so he wouldn't get the wrong idea and hopefully left you alone. If not, you would have to take action and report him as you weren't gonna tolerate this behavior.
“Okay, so I’m gonna have to leave, recess is almost over,” Chan muttered.
“Make sure you look after her,” he whispered to your friends.
“Bye (n/n),” he waved.
For the rest of the day, your friends seemed to walk on eggshells around you, making sure that someone was always with you.
Normally you would not like this but due to the slightly traumatic events from this morning, you decided you needed all the comfort and protection you could get.
Jisung and Changbin followed you everywhere you went and Chan came to check on you during lunch break. 
It was during homeroom that you found out about two dozens of chairs that were found stacked upon each other in the boys restroom.
“Well, there goes that mystery,” Mei snorted next to you.
“Yeah, I wonder which dumbasses did that,” you laughed.
The next days were pretty much drama-free. In the afternoon you just hung around with friends while in the evening you would drown in the piles of assignments you had to complete.
You were currently in the park with Mei, Iris, Felix and Jisung. Changbin had some stuff to take care of so he wasn't with you guys.
Jisung was defending his unhealthy americano addiction while you and your friends just laughed.
“You see - more espresso, less depresso,” he cackled, adding an “amiright, (y/n)” while giving you a harsh pat on the back.
You almost fell off the bench as your stomach started to ache from laughter. Luckily, Jisung caught you just in time. “You ok princess? You should be more careful, you almost fell.” He consoled you as if you were a mere child.
“I'm fine Sung, you're just too funny,” you snorted.
Jisung felt his cheeks redden and looked in the other direction, hoping nobody saw.
“Awww, you blushed, didn't you,” Iris coed in his ear. “No, I did not,” he whisper-shouted back.
While you were totally oblivious to the muttering of your friends, you decided you were sick of just idly sitting on the bench.
“Come on guys, let's play something,” you whined. “Well (n/n), what do you want to do?” Jisung gave you a questioning glance.
You thought for a moment before patting him on the yead. “You're it!” you squealed as you ran away as fast as you could.
“Oh, you're in for it doll,” he laughed boisterously before running after you. “I'll make sure to catch you and make you pay,” he yelled as he ran after you.
Your friends sat by and watched with amused grins. “Don't you think they perhaps like each other?” Felix inquired.
Mei and Iris looked at him as if he just grew a pair of horns. “Soo, you don't think they like each other?”
Felix was utterly confused. “Of course they like each other you dumb fuck. How could you be so utterly oblivious?” Iris snorted.
“Oh come on,” he whined. “I was thinking that maybe she and Changbin were secretly a thing or something.”
“Ugh, not a chance. He's just desperate. (y/n)'s way out of his league,” Mei remarked. Obviously, she was still salty about Changbin behaving like a dick to you.
“So you're saying you want Jisung and (y/n) to get together?” 
“I never said that Iris but it's not like I'd oppose it or something. Jisung’s a nice guy, although a bit too loud for my taste but he seems to make (y/n) happy whenever he's around. She seems a bit down lately so I appreciate him making her laugh all the time.” Mei explained.
“Yeah, I've noticed too, she looks kinda sad nowadays but it looks like he always knows what to say to her to get her to laugh,” Felix muttered, “so maybe they wouldn't be such a bad match after all,” he beamed.
“Now don't get ahead of yourself,” Iris swiftly stopped him, “Jisung is not exactly known for his courage. He doesn't seem like the type to confess,” she reminded them.
“Yeah, I guess you're kinda right about that. I can totally see Changbin asking her out on a date before him.” he pondered.
“Actually, where are they now?” the three of them quickly realized, that the subjects of their conversation are nowhere to be seen. “Now where did those little rascals disappear?” Felix suggested with a knowing smirk.
“What the hell are you thinking about Lix?”
“Oh nothing,” he sing-songed.
“Now let's go find these two.”
You were running along the path for about five minutes before you decided to go deeper into the park. Seeking refuge, you ran into the trees knowing that Jisung was not far behind. You almost tripped over a tree root but luckily managed to find your balance just in time.
You were starting to get tired and began gasping for air so you decided it was best for you to sit down and get some rest.
Except the moment you sat down, you felt right away that something was not right.
“Ouch,” you whimpered. You could feel your right ankle throbbing and you cursed that you were so careless. You didn't even have your phone with you since your bag was left sprawled on the bench next to your friends.
“Shit. I'm such a dumbass sometimes,” you whispered.
Your plan was to rest for a bit before limping back to your friends. “There's no way Jisung is gonna find me here,” you thought as you were left there alone with just your thoughts and an aching leg.
You didn't even realize it but you could feel tears pouring down your cheeks.
Then suddenly you heard a shuffle not so far away and it scared you shitless.
“I hope no one is gonna kill me,” you muttered to yourself, remembering all the stories about teens being murdered in secluded areas.
Then suddenly you felt hands on your shoulders accompanied with a loud “BOOO”
. . . 
next chapter >>
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luvdsc · 3 years
Hey Cat!! I hope you're doing well as always ! 💖 AHHHH huhu I closed the form last Sunday since I've collected enough responses dy! (NOOOOOOOO ToT) I got a total of 221 responses at the end of the week, which is 3x the amount I initially needed! :o I'm beyond grateful and appreciative ToT I've cleaned the data and have proceeded to run some data analysis, but I ran into an issue whereby the scores on the subscales are equal (it has never been reported in past studies! :O) so I'm waiting for my supervisor's feedback on how to proceed. Hopefully it's nothing too serious ToT
Hehe finance is interesting indeed! I just started reading a book on finance for young adults (Rich Dad Poor Dad) and I look forward to learning more from the author's tips! The Coursera introductory course has also made financial terms a lil more familiar, even though it's just the basics and it's really helped w my financial literacy 🥺 I can push myself to study but it's also the numbers and calculations I'm worried of cuz I am rly a nong (idiot) when it comes to numbers * - * it runs in the genes I guess AHAHAHAHA my mom and sister aren't good at numbers either keke
Aww I'm glad yr professor made financial accounting enjoyable and a fruitful experience for you! Some lecturers / professors rly just have that spark in them to inspire ppl and I'm blessed to be surrounded by a bunch of em in the psych department!🥺😭 it truly makes a difference and I'm sure we both are living proofs of that!
After debating for a while, I've decided not to take a minor mainly because I'm so tired HAHAHAHAHAHA and I'll just do my own self-studying and exploration whilst working! Go out and explore the world, live life! Whilst ironically still staying in my room because of the COVID-19 situation in our country (cases are abt 20+k every day :') ) My proposal has been finalized and it's been accepted! It's just that some elements of my proposal is also part of my actual report, so I have some guidance to refer to in terms of structure! :3 and yes don't worry! I got plenty (sometimes a lil too much) rest during the sem break whilst remaining productive! Plus, I got to catch up w some friends and had game nights (maybe too much of game nights hehe) and movie nights w my friends which was truly refreshing! Also cuz I might not see a lot of them again after we graduate so we gotta cherish every moment 🥺😭
I'm a freelance graphic designer for my uni's newsletter! Occasionally, they'd ask us to create both the content and design! I'll place the link to my recent work below if you wanna check it out! UwU I'm trying to incorporate the same practices during sem break in my last sem (current sem) too! cuz yes mental health is so so important and I'm just tired of being academically tired you get me? :(
What makes me most trilled abt learning abt psychology is how to apply it in daily life too! I find it so fascinating and awestruck at how relatable and within reach these things are like wow we can be influenced in such ways?? :o can be both good and bad but imma stick w seeing it as the development and evolution of us humans UwU
Also, the vaccine has fixed my sleep schedule HEHE (another perk of getting vaccination :3) I got some rly good rest and managed to reset my usual sleeping time, thank you science ToT oooo I see I see, we've had cases of nurses injecting empty syringes hence the recording :( but GHIOGHWEOGIOHW I could never do that, I can feel the liquid entering me as it is so that's good enough ToT (* plays Love Talk * I can feel it coming)
OMG YOUR ART PIECES ARE SO BEAUTIFUL, ADORABLE AND ELEGANT! 💖🥺🥰 it must've required a lot of hard-work and effort AHHH thankiew for showing me yr work!! it's truly unique in its own manner despite it's simplicity UwU is there a reason or backstory to yr chosen theme and objects? :3
I just Googled Somi Somi and omg that's such an UwU ice cream AHHHH 💖🥺😭 ice cream is my fav food of all time and it looks like an ice cream haven omg imagine eating it after a loooong hard day's of work ToT and OMG THE SATISFACTION OF EATING THAI MILK TEA ICE CREAM ON A HOT DAY YASSS 😋🤤 hehe if you get the chance to try milk & biscoff, do try it! It's amazing !😍 and ooo i haven't tried alcoholic ice cream before but I will one day!! :3 my alcohol tolerance is rly low though, will I get tipsy over alcoholic ice cream? We shall see UwU (i can only drink half a bottle of apple cider before my face gets red and I start getting a lil tipsy + headache)
and lovie....knowing yr school schedule now...OURS IS DEFINTELY BRUTAL OMG a 3 month long sem break huhu that's only the total amount of sem breaks we get in a year ToT i thought uni was hard but not that hard ToT
Always glad and honored to have you onboard! and AHAHAHAH the contractions about to start soon 👀 I enjoy talking to you huhu you're such a sweet and supportive person 💖🥺🥰😙 huhu for my period cramps, I've been having them since I was 12 ToT my doctor prescribed me some panadols but sometimes I can't even swallow them cuz I'd puke them out ToT I've settled w heatpacks to reduce my reliance on medicine, but I finally got some upgraded and safe to eat medicine from my gynae! She said it's fine to take it every month to keep my womb healthy and apparently my ms. lil uterus is suffering from inflammation, hence the super crazy bedridden cramps :( the upgraded medicine worked for a while, but after time it kinda didn't help either :/ but I realised that exercise rly does wonders to reduce the cramp too (gynae also recommended exercising) so i take walks and do my back stretches more frequently now! my period in the previous months (2 months ago) have been almost painless and bearable, it's so weird not seeing my bedridden ._. when I was in high school, there would always be a day in every month in which I don't attend classes, and that's solely because of my cramps. It just isn't worth suffering in school, plus we don't have a sick room :/ I hope the pain continues to subside! ToT
And ayy internship is also working experience, yr advice would be of great help to me regardless! 🥺 oh yes, I always remind myself that interviews are similar to the speaking test I took for my Cambridge English exams! That kinda help calm my nerves down a lil, but w nerves comes bigger smiles, so I guess it takes on a rather practical form of coping mechanism (sublimation) AHAHAHAHA
WAAAA WHAT A QUEEN you got an offer from every interview?? I aspire to be like you! 💖🥺🥰 huhu skill wise I believe I have lots to prepare esp in terms of case studies, and I perform rly poorly on certain assessments (*ehem * esp those concerning numbers) so I took the chance to study a lil during sem break too ToT but noted on that! I will work on that too and try to maintain that me element in interviews and overall just be myself keke
That's all from me for now! Imma wait for my supervisor's feedback and journey on w my last semester. Bon voyage! Link to my recent work: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTBqGzjr6sN/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Other works: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPpv-IyM7Gi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CL55EG-MbL2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
hi hello honey bee !!! 💓 omg i'm so sorry for the belated response, i finally got on my laptop 😭 i'm gonna put my response under the cut since it got a little long 🤧
omg 221 responses !!!!! that's so many 🙀 congratulations aaaaa it's amazing that you were able to get 3x the data you needed !!! was it difficult to run data analysis? were you able to solve the issue with the equal scores on the subscales? i hope it didn't create too much additional work for you ):
omg yes finance is really interesting! i enjoyed the classes i took for it :') how is rich dad poor dad? did you learn a lot from it? i know it was a book my prof recommended, but i never got around to reading it 😶 did you learn any helpful tips? and ooo i'll have to look into coursera! yeah, there's quite a lot of terms for finance, and it can be a little intimidating paired with all the math formulas and such, but it's pretty useful imo! how are your financial studies going so far? 💕 omg nong is such a cute word?? i would never think it meant idiot asdkfhlkajsdf omg my whole family is good at numbers and really like math, but i didn't like it 😭 my mom made me study it a lot everyday though rip are the financial calculations getting easier for you as you practice more hopefully?
yessss omg i absolutely agree with this!!!! like you can just feel when a professor loves to teach and is genuinely so excited to talk about their subject, and it just makes the most boring horrible subject into something you learn to enjoy and hate less :') and i'm really happy to hear you have tons of professors like that in the psych department 🥺💗
that's great to hear!!!! 🌷🌷 i'm glad that you're prioritizing yourself and your health, which is so much more important than taking on a minor. what fun subjects have you decided to explore and self study so far? 💞 oh my gosh, the rising cases are so high?? i hope it's gotten better there for you ): are you able to go outside yet?
big congratulations on your proposal being finalized and accepted, lovebug !!!! 🥳🥳 i'm very proud of you and hoping one day i can read your published studies in a scientific journal :') aaaa i'm so glad to hear that you got to rest and enjoy your time with your friends!! i definitely feel that omg i regret all the times i skipped out on movie nights or game nights with my friends because now we're all scattered across the country and the only way we can have them again is over zoom calls 🤧
I SAW YOUR DESIGNS AND THEY'RE GORGEOUS OMG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH !!!! 💖 I'M IN AWE AAAA IF PSYCH DOESN'T WORK OUT, I HOPE YOU BECOME A GRAPHIC DESIGNER 🤩🤩💖 and yes i totally get it ): i really felt the academic burn out when i was in college and it was really difficult at times 🤧 but i hope it's going better for you nowadays, sweetpea 💝💝
omg yeah i absolutely agree !!!! whenever i read about psychology, i keep it in the back of my mind and then when i see something irl that relates to it, i'm like :O amazing. it's so cool to learn about different psych tricks too and see how it works when you test them out yourself and whatnot. and it's really crazy to see how the human brain is so easily influenced at times ??? it truly is an amazing subject !!!
ah what a great side benefit of the vaccine - a better sleep schedule 🤩 i'm happy to hear that your schedule has been fixed 💘 and omg what ??? they're injecting empty syringes wth ????? 😭 that's absolutely horrible, are they getting sued?? lmaooooo that love talk reference askdfhlaksjd
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR KIND COMPLIMENTS 😭😭💗💗 there were many late hours spent in the art studio to finish them, but i'm really happy with the end products :') i thought light bulbs are an interesting subject to do, and my prof said that cutting out circular objects or sculpting them is the most difficult since they're made up curves and not straight lines and i was like ok bet i'm gonna do it aND I'M SO GLAD I DID BECAUSE I REALLY LIKE THEM 🥺 and i love honey bees !!! that's why i decided to paint them and we were supposed to paint them in a combined style of two artists so i tried monet's impressionist style with the short brush strokes and pop art triptych style like marjorie strider 💕
somi somi is sooo good and i just had it again a couple weeks ago :') omg ice cream is your favorite food? :o and YES ice cream is so satisfying after a long day of hard work, like it's such a nice reward to look forward to at the end of day ✨ aaaaa i have to try thai milk tea ice cream one day now !!!!! it sounds amazing 🤩 and YES i must look for places that sell milk & biscoff ice cream !! i have milk ice cream from somi somi, but i need to try to combined flavors 💘 i don't think you'll get tipsy over it !!! it's a really faint taste of alcohol, like i didn't even notice it at first, and i don't think they put very much of it in there! aksljdfhals omg you're a lightweight :o at least that means you save money on alcohol LOL i need like nine shots to get drunk 🤧
your school is too hard 😭 you need more than just 3 months of break !!! 😡 we get a week off for thanksgiving in fall semester and a week off for spring break in spring semester too and then the month long winter break and three month summer break. and we have the one day holidays off too like labor day, memorial day, etc. i can't believe they give you so little time off after working so hard???
asdfhlkajshdlksja loool are the contractions over yet? has it been born? what's the current status, doctor? 👀 i really enjoy talking to you too !!! i'm very sorry for the late responses, work is really taking over all of my time, and i never have enough time to get on my laptop to reply to my asks 😭 and thank you for saying such kind things about me 🥺🥺💝 oh my gosh, i'm so sorry to hear that you have such terrible cramps 😭 i can't even imagine going through that - mine are nowhere near as horrible 😖 do the heatpads help a lot? i'm relieved to hear that you were prescribed better medication though! but yeah, your body does eventually get used to the medication and you have to continue taking stronger meds for it to work, but that's not a very healthy solution /: but i'm really glad to hear that exercise has been helping out a lot!! 💖 hurray for almost painless and bearable periods 🥳 i'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that in high school ): that sounds absolutely horrible 😭 periods are just awful, but it's like i'm grateful that i have my period because that means i'm not pregnant, but also please go away aslkhdfaklsj
omg what was the speaking test for the cambridge english exams like? :o it sounds so formal and a lil intimidating askdjfhalsd do you know of any psych tricks that can possibly help calm your nerves? :')
aaaa yes i did !! i was really surprised that i got an offer from them all because at the time, i was not in the right major and i think i was one of the most underqualified applicants 🤧 one person who interviewed me asked why i withdrew from my engr physics class and i explained it in a kinda funny way but in my head, i was like "oof i'm not gonna get this offer anymore" but then he laughed at my response and told me about how his prof told him he should drop a guitar class he was taking because he was doing very poorly and we bonded over that aklsjdhfkals omg how do interviews for psych jobs go? do you have to discuss a lot of case studies? do they give you a list of possible case studies they'll ask about? :o what sort of assessments do you have to do? good luck on all of your interviews, honey bee 💛 i'm rooting for you, you're gonna do amazing !!!! 💘
omg what did your supervisor say about your case study? and how is your last semester going? are you almost done now? 🌸 (also how have you been? what have you been up to? thank you for taking the time to leave such detailed messages for me, i'm really excited to see all the fun updates in your life, lovebug 🌷🌷)
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