#so i'm sorry if anyone's feathers are ruffled
spirk-trek · 29 days
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The Sensuous Vulcan | Artwork by Gayle F for her story Desert Heat (1977)
Read the full fic HERE. It's a quintessential piece of K/S history (featuring the first ever mention of double ridges... if you know, you know).
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sunkissed-zegras · 2 months
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౨ৎ ─ summary | request -> "Could you write a Paige bueckers x Fem Reader pls! where they’re enemies but everyone is always teasing them (everything’s regular, like she plays for UConn and the reader can be a cheerleader or something idk). It can lead to smut or just a super cute story. Ofc you don’t have to follow the plot!"
─ word count | 1.8k
─ warnings | teasing obviously, kinda mean paige but not really, cheer coach being mean, mention of coach's weight (i had to im sorry), hurt/comfort (my new fav trope omg)
─ taglist | @xocherishxo @iienstein @yazmunson @eupheteral and here's a link to my taglist if anyone would like to join!!
─ ev's notes | my requests are closed rn but if yall wanna send in some concepts, please do i'm willing to indulge (trust me this more of a gift to me than anyone)
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"OH THERE SHE GOES AGAIN, THE DRAMA QUEEN!" PAIGE MOCKS as you feel your cheeks get red in embarrassment.
KK and Azzi exchange glance before looking back at the two of you. You let out an irritated scoff as Paige drank her water, her eyebrows raising as she awaited your response. You knew she was trying to get a reaction out of you, to see you stumble over your words and get embarrassed.
"Oh shut up," you landed on the simplest response as you rolled your eyes. Paige laughed as she shook her head in amusement as KK stifled a laugh.
Paige's mocking tone grated on your nerves, sparking irritation that simmered just beneath the surface. You shot her a pointed glare, your jaw clenched in frustration as you fought to keep your composure.
Paige smirked, clearly relishing the opportunity to ruffle your feathers. "Oh, did I hit a nerve, sweetheart?" she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she took a sip of her water, her gaze never leaving yours.
"I'm not a drama queen," you scoffed. "And I wasn't even talking to you! I was talking to Azzi!"
"Well you should've spoken quieter." Paige quickly retorted as your nose flared in utter irritation. "Oh nice jersey by the way," she added as she glanced down at the jersey you were wearing.
You rolled your eyes and huffed in frustration. You were a cheerleader and your team had decided to add some extra support for the girl's basketball team, so they made all the girls wear someone's jersey.
Now this wouldn't be a problem if they would've chosen any other girl on the team, but no. Somehow you ended up with Paige's and now you're sure, you'll never live it down.
"I'll speak however I want, thank you very much," you shot back, your tone dripping with sarcasm. "And as for the jersey, it's not like I had much of a choice in the matter."
Paige's smirk widened at your response, clearly reveling in your annoyance. "And here I thought cheerleaders were supposed to be graceful."
You scoffed, resisting the urge to roll your eyes at Paige's jab. "Graceful or not, at least I'm not the one tripping over my own ego," you fired back, your tone sharp with irritation.
Paige let out a melodramatic gasp, placing a hand over her heart in mock offense. "Ouch, that stings," she replied, her smirk never faltering. "At least I can back up my ego."
You arched an eyebrow, unimpressed by Paige's attempt to deflect your jab. "Oh, please," you retorted, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "Last time I checked, being able to shoot hoops doesn't make you a saint."
"Oh, but twirling around in the air with little pom-pom's does?" Paige's laughter echoed as you rolled your eyes. "I'd like to see you try and shoot a 3-pointer."
You couldn't help but chuckle at Paige's retort, her laughter infectious despite the underlying tension between you. "Fair enough," you relented, a playful glint in your eyes. "But I'd like to see you try and nail a perfect pyramid."
Paige raised an eyebrow, a challenge dancing in her gaze. "You wanna bet?" she replied, her smirk widening into a grin.
Azzi finally cut in and the both of you snapped out of it, remembering that it wasn't just the two of you at the table. "No, Paige, you're not going to be doing any tricks until the season is over."
You and Paige exchanged a knowing glance, the teasing atmosphere still lingering in the air between you. "Damn it," Paige teased, shooting Azzi a playful pout.
Azzi simply rolled her eyes, unfazed by Paige's antics. "Someone has to keep you in line," she quipped, a hint of amusement in her voice.
KK chuckled from beside Paige. "I actually wanna see Paige try and do that little trick in the air, uh... what is it called?"
Paige shot KK a playful glare, her competitive spirit reignited by his challenge. "You mean a basket toss?"
Your eyebrows furrowed as your lips curved into a smile at Paige's response. "How did you know that?"
"You always talk about how can't nail a basket toss, what can I say? I catch on." Paige shrugged as if it was nothing as you exchanged a playful smirk. "Can't be that hard."
KK started laughing as she shook her head in amusement. "Dude, it is hard."
"It can't be that hard. Maybe for Y/N..." Paige teased as you shot her a glare. "But not for me."
"Okay, let's bet. How much?" You glared at the blonde as she laughed. "50$."
"Only 50$? Please, let's see... 100$." Paige raised an eyebrow, her competitive spirit igniting at the mention of a bet.
You exchanged a glance with KK and Azzi, a mixture of excitement and annoyance bubbling within you. "Deal, let's shake on it."
"Okay, I'll give you 100$ if I can't land it and if I can, you'll give me it." Paige explained as she accepted your handshake with a smile.
"Yeah, that's how betting works, P." You teased as Paige's grip tightened slightly, a playful glint in her eyes as she shot you a glare.
"Shut up."
"You first."
"I asked you first,"
"Technically, not really-"
KK scoffed in amusement, interrupting your banter with a shake of her head. "You two are like an old married couple," she remarked, unable to hide her amusement. "Just kiss already."
"Oh shut up!" You guys both said union, Paige's blush obvious on her cheeks as she groaned.
The basketball game unfolded on the court, while you stood on the sidelines, cheering on your team with all your might. The gymnasium echoed with the applause of the crowd, the energy palpable as you did your usual routine.
But tonight, everything just felt like a haze. Every cheer felt forced, every move seemed to lack the usual grace and precision that defined your performances. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or finals that had finally been getting to you, but you were exhausted.
On top of all that, your coach was watching you like a hawk, his expression disapproving. With every misstep, you could feel his disappointment weighing heavily on your shoulders, adding to the burden of exhaustion that already consumed you.
Each word felt like a blow to your confidence, leaving you feeling hurt. You tried to maintain your focus, to push past the exhaustion and perform at your best, but it felt like an uphill battle.
Your coach's voice rang out above the din of the crowd, his words sharp. "Y/N, what was that? You call that a toe touch? I've seen better from a beginner! Jesus Christ."
Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as you fought to hold them back, to maintain a facade of composure in the face of your coach's harsh criticism. But inside, you were crumbling, your confidence shaken to its core.
Paige's head turned at that, she was sitting on the bench as she watched the exchange between you and the coach. Sensing your hurt, her expression softened, a flicker of concern crossing her features.
And as the final buzzer sounded and the game drew to a close, you excused yourself from the team and practically ran to the bathroom. You sniffled quietly as you let the tears out freely, feeling the weight of the entire night crashing on your shoulders.
After a few minutes, you cleaned up your running make-up and made your way back to the court to get your stuff. As you made your way towards the exit, you heard a familiar voice call out to you from behind. Turning around, you were surprised to see Paige running tp toward you, her expression softened with concern.
"Hey," she said softly, taking a step closer to you. "Are you okay?"
You nodded, forcing a small smile despite the lingering traces of tears on your cheeks. "Yeah, I'm fine," you replied, your voice wavering slightly.
She gestured for you to keep walking and you did, she walked up next to you. "You don't look fine," she remarked, her tone gentle yet firm. "Tell me what happened."
"Nothing," you replied rather defensively as Paige shot you a glare. You knew she was just trying to help so you sighed, trying to relax yourself. "It's not that big of a deal."
Paige narrowed her eyes slightly, clearly not buying your attempt to brush off the situation. "If it's bothering you enough to run off like that, then it's definitely a big deal."
You sighed, realizing that you couldn't hide your feelings from Paige, nor did you really want to. With a slump of your shoulders, you relented. "Fine, it's just... Coach was being really harsh on me tonight,"
Paige's expression softened, her concern evident as she listened to your explanation. "Yeah, I figured. I'm sorry." She paused, feeling slightly awkward as she shifted her weight from one foot to another. "If it makes you feel a better, I don't think he twirl in the air like you. Or just in general, 'cus you know, he's like 200 pounds."
Your lips curved into a smile before you even knew it, rolling your eyes as a laugh escaped your mouth. Her awkwardness melted away as she joined in your laughter as she watched your expression closely.
"No but seriously." Her smile softened as she gazed back at you. "Don't let him determine your worth. I already know you're gonna go pro." Paige paused as she took in her words, shaking her head as you let out another laugh. "Can you go pro in cheer?"
"I don't think so," you replied with a grin, shaking your head. "But hey, who knows? Maybe I'll be the first."
Paige chuckled, her smile widening as she playfully nudged your shoulder. "Well, if anyone can do it, it's you."
You felt her gaze locked on you as your lips began to hurt from grinning. You felt your cheeks warm up as her blue eyes held yours, a warmth spreading through you at the intensity of her gaze. It was as if time had slowed down, the bustling gymnasium fading into the background as you found yourself captivated by the depth of Paige's eyes.
Unable to tear your gaze away from hers, you felt a flutter of something unfamiliar stir within you—a warmth that spread from the depths of your being and settled comfortably in the space between you and Paige.
With a soft smile, Paige broke the spell, her laughter ringing out once more as she playfully nudged your shoulder. "Come on, let's get out of here."
"Where are we going?" You laughed as Paige's hand naturally fell on the small of your back to lead you to the exit.
"To celebrate with the girls." Paige smiled. You didn't need any more convincing, you were down for whatever. "You still hate my cocky ass, or whatever?"
You let out a breathless laugh as you shook your head, she always had to ruin the moment. She opened the door for you as she led you to her car, her hand lingering on the small of your back.
"Of course. You still think I'm a drama queen?"
Paige nodded as she smirked. "Always."
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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eilidh-eternal · 6 months
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Today may have been a Holy day, but lord am I having some unholy thoughts about Simon and Johnny and their pretty little dancer who doesn't even know she's theirs. 18+ MDNI
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Johnny convinces Simon to go to the ballet, Swan Lake specifically, whilst home on leave for the holidays. They spend Christmas and the new year together, even make the trip to London to celebrate with Price and Gaz--just in time for the English National Ballet's opening night of their annual Swan Lake production. There are billboards and advertisements for it everywhere in the city, and Johnny pesters Simon relentlessly, always pointing out the pretty little bird the ballet company chose for their advertising campaign. Always saying "C'mon Si, it's a classic. Just this once, just so I can say I've seen it."
And finally he gives in. Tells him to get tickets and make the arrangements so he'll stop nagging him about it. The night of the ballet they go to a swanky bar at an upscale hotel because Simon needs a bourbon if he's going to spend the rest of the evening with Johnny at the London Coliseum, theater packed with unfamiliar faces that care little to hide their staring or to mind his personal space. And the Bourbon is doing wonders to take the edge off, the burn of the liquor as it slides down his throat warming him from the inside out and blanketing his mind in a similar hazy warmth. It's done the job so well in fact that it takes his brain a moment to catch up with his senses when someone who isn't Johnny presses into the narrow space between them at the bar to flag down the bartender.
You wave them over and step up onto the foot rail to lean across the bar top, half-shouting your order over the noise of the other patrons. When the bartender hurries off to mix your drink you take a step back from the bar to give the two burly men their space but lose your footing when another patron bumps into you unknowingly from behind, and you find yourself nearly falling into Simon's lap.
Johnny has his arm around your waist to hold you up, and a steadying hand on your shoulder. "Nearly took a tumble. Are ye aw'right hen?"
You try to form a response, tell him you're sorry, that you're usually not this clumsy, but the words can't seem to find their way past your lips as your brain stumbles over the sudden warmth in the pit of your stomach and you're left staring up into his concerned eyes.
Another large, warm hand splays across your back between your shoulders and an even deeper voice rumbles from behind, "Are ya hurt, love?"
The bartender appears to deposit your drink, snapping your attention back into startling focus, and you quickly right yourself, pulling away from the embrace of the bright-eyed and sturdily built man you're currently chest to chest with. And if he is sturdy then the only way to describe the man who's hand still lingers at your back is massive, a veritable tower of muscle who's staring down at you with the same concerned pinch of his brows. You wonder at the reasoning for the black surgical mask, but now isn't the time to linger on thoughts of handsome strangers in crowded bars.
"I- I'm so sorry, I didn't mean- "
"No harm done, lass, no need to get yer feathers ruffled. Here," the dark-haired man assures you and kindly passes your drink to you from the bar, eyes traveling over you in appraisal as you take your drink with a shy 'thank you'. "Interesting choice of attire," he says with a gesture to your athletic shoes, yoga pants and oversized jumper.
"I uh... I'm not staying long. Just came for a little liquid courage," you explain.
"That's a shame. 'S not everyday a pretty dove falls into our lap."
Our? You're suddenly aware of the hand still on your back and you feel heat creeping up into your cheeks. Oh- oh. You take a step back as that heat creeps all the way to the tips of your ears. "I'm sure all the- um... I mean- surely you could have your pick of anyone here." He laughs at this and leans over to his... friend?
"Ye hear that Simon? Pretty little bird thinks we'd want just anyone." His friend doesn't say anything, gives no indication he's heard him except for the subtle tilt of his head and the upward cant of a brow as he turns round to see you better.
You're about to apologize, say you hadn't meant it like that, when there's a hand on your elbow and a familiar voice calling your name.
"Come on! We're going to be late for call time!"
You look between your friend, dressed similarly in athletic attire and shouldering a small duffel at her hip, and the two men at the bar. If you don't leave soon you are going to be late and that isn't how you want to start this night. You down the rest of your drink and stretch forward to slide your empty glass on the bar top between them. "I um, I'm gonna be late if I don't- I hope... I hope you two enjoy the rest of your night," you manage to say before your friend is pulling you away by your elbow, leading you towards the lobby.
Johnny watches with quiet amusement as your friend, wearing an identical jumper to yours, drags you away and ushers you out of the bar. He turns to Simon and finds him still watching the same direction you had left in, a hint of shared amusement reflected in his eyes as they meet Johnny’s.
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Simon has a hand on Johnny’s back, guiding him through the crowd slowly dispersing from the theater. The ballet hadn’t been as bad as he’d thought it would be. He’d actually quite enjoyed the storytelling of it all and lamented that they hadn’t been able to see the orchestra in the pit. He’d have liked to have been able to watch the musicians, to see how they also moved in time with the music. And though he had certainly never seen the show before, not even on video, he couldn’t ignore the feeling that something about it had felt… familiar. Especially when he paid more attention to Odette.
“I dunno how they move like that, it doesnae seem natural,” Johnny rambles as the two of them make their way through the house doors. “I can barely get my leg up and over the hurdles for PT. Cannae imagine gettin it to go above my head, that looks bloody painful-”
Johnny stops speaking abruptly and comes to a halt beside Simon, nearly causing a collision with the older couple behind them. Just as quickly as he’d brought them to a halt he was moving again, but not towards the exit. He was pulling Simon towards a small crowd gathered near the promotional display for the show.
“Johnny, what- where are you going?”
He doesn’t answer, just keeps pulling Simon through throngs of people, shouldering a path forward until he reaches the edge of the small crowd. He lets go of Simon’s hand to move closer, and his brows furrow in confusion and growing irritation as people paying little attention to their surroundings bump into him.
A flash of movement above the heads of the crowd captures Simon's attention immediately, and his muscles tense, heart hammering in his chest, until he sees what exactly his attention has caught on. Feathers. White feathers. Johnny manages to shoulder his way to the front and Simon swallows his discomfort as he presses in behind him, but the feeling of unease gives way to something else when he see’s why Johnny’s dragged him here.
A dancer poses among the faux scenery, a small-scale recreation of the lake, wearing large, white wings, and smiling for pictures with small children. When the dancer changes position for another photo with another family, Simon sucks in a breath as he glimpses their face—your face.
The children smile and their parents take a few too many photos before scampering off to allow the next family their turn, and you shift from your pose, perched up on your toes with a leg high in the air behind you, akin to a swans tail, back down on two legs again and turn to greet the next family. Your eyes widen, and recognition flashes over your face when you have to look up at Johnny and Simon.
“Hello, little bird.”
Masterlist | Places!
©️Eilidh-Eternal.2024 ~ The intellectual property of Eilidh-Eternal is not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or use with AI technologies.
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1onelypoet · 4 months
sweet tooth (for you) pt4 || lando norris smau
a/n: sorry this one is so short and took forever too :( i've been rlly busy with life n stuff but i have some time these following days so hopefully i'll acc make progress on pt5 😭 as always tysm for all the love ❤️
pairing: lando norris x singer! ex-leclerc! reader
fc: reneé rapp
warnings: cursing
taglist: @drunkinthemiddleoftheday, @kapsylia, @i-wish-this-was-me, @minkyungseokie, @toasttt11, @namgification, @whyraspberries, @1655clean, @d3kstar, @formulaal, @allywthsr
disclaimer: this is completely fictional. no hate meant towards anyone mentioned.
part one, part two, part three
December 23
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yourusername added to their story December 23
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seen by user1, landonorris, yourbff and others
landonorris added to their story December 31
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seen by charles_leclerc, yourusername, mclarenauto and others
yourusername added to their story December 31
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seen by landonorris, f1gossip, user2 and others
January 1
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yourusername January 1
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liked by yourbff, oscarpiastri, conangray and others
tagged goodmorningamerica, yourbff, yukitsunoda0511, spotify, lilymhe
yourusername 2023 recap ft a bunch of rlly cool ppl <3 manifesting good things for us all in 2024 :)
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yourusername ofc ur my pookie after all
yukitsunoda0511 I look good in that suit
user4 no charles 😔
user5 lmao what were u expecting, he literally cheated on her
user6 i miss mom and dad 💔💔💔 ↳ user7 please log off!
yourbff added to their story January 5
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seen by landonorris, yourusername, user8 and others
January 6
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January 6
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f1gossip January 8
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liked by user9, therealf1gossip, user10 and others
tagged yourusername
f1gossip Y/n L/n spotted entering Lando's apartment in Monaco
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user11 um what the fuck!
user12 my exact reaction
user13 the off season will be uneventful they said, nothing will happen they said
user14 are they dating?
user15 i hope not. that would be shitty of both lando and y/n ↳ user16 also charles and lando would probs not get along anymore :(
yourusername added to their story January 10
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seen by lando.jpg, yourbff, yukitsunoda0511 and others
landonorris added to their story January 10
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seen by charles_leclerc, mclaren, yourusername and others
January 10 (Lando)
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therealf1gossip January 15
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liked by f1gossipgirl, user18, user19 and others
therealf1gossip Tea Time:
Brace yourselves, because it seems our latest lovebirds, Charles and Manon, are caught in the whirlwind of relationship drama. Whispers in the paddock hint at Charles' reluctance to fully embrace their romance, leaving us all scratching our heads and dishing out theories (spill yours below 🔎). Could it be that the old flames of a relationship with Y/n refuse to flicker out, casting a shadow over his current flame? The plot thickens!
And just when we thought it couldn't get any juicier, winter training camp rolls around, serving as the catalyst for an explosive confrontation. Picture this: Manon, left high and dry as Charles jets off to the Dolomites for winter training. Ouch! Needless to say, feathers were ruffled, and tensions soared to unprecedented heights. Will this star-crossed duo weather the storm, or are we witnessing the beginning of the end? Stay tuned for more!
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user19 source: just trust me bro
user20 I'm not one to pray on couple's downfalls but...
user21 🛐🛐🛐
user22 admin thinks theyre gossip girl
user24 please get a life that doesn't revolve around ppl u don't know
user25 lol cant wait for him to drop manon 😝
manonsworld added to their story January 16
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seen by user25, user26, f1gossip and others
charles_leclerc added to their story January 16
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seen by landonorris, f1gossipgirl, carlossainz55 and others
351 notes · View notes
esamastation · 8 months
Part thirty-two of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one
The first few hours in the forward camp go by quickly, for Angeal. Mostly in putting down brushfires and smoothing down ruffled feathers.
"That was Sephiroth, right - Sephiroth is in our camp!"
"Where is he then? I want to meet him!"
"Think he would shake my hand?"
"Does anyone have a camera - I want to send a picture to my Ma!"
Most of the troopers are excited - and they have every reason to be. More SOLDIER means less dangerous work for them while the SOLDIER members take care of the more dangerous missions.
But you can't please everyone.
"Well?" the infantry Colonel in charge of the town demands when Angeal presents himself to the man. "Isn't he even going to come to introduce himself?"
"I'm very sorry, sir," Angeal says awkwardly, with the Turks' warnings still in his ear. No one is to know that Sephiroth isn't at hundred percent right now. And Angeal agreed. "It was a very busy time in Midgar just before we left, and the plane wasn't exactly comfortable - he's resting before we start tackling missions tomorrow."
"Couldn't he sleep on the plane? Isn't he supposed to be a veteran - doesn't he know you're supposed to catch all the sleep you can get, when you can get it?" The Colonel huffs, offended and superior. He's an older man, in his fifties, and though Angeal doesn't know him, he recognizes the type. 
A lot of older military types didn't really… believe that SOLDIERs were worth the hype.
"What if we were in an emergency situation here and the camp was under attack?" The Colonel asks. "Would he have sauntered off then, just willy-nilly?" 
"I'm sure in that case Sephiroth would've fought, but as that wasn't the case," Angeal says slowly, "I'm sorry sir, in favour of the missions ahead, he's getting all the rest he can, now."
It takes more than that to placate the camp commander, and Sephiroth would need to present himself first thing in the morning, but at least Angeal manages to keep people from trying to bother Sephiroth. Who… really didn't look too good, before.
Angeal had got him two folding screens and a table from the loot storage - he'd even found a nice tea set, and some tea in a tin  - and if he didn't know better, he would've said Sephiroth almost… cried.
He's never seen the man look so lost.
Which sends him here, to the mess hall set up by the infantry in one of the larger buildings of the town. It's impossible to miss, and he had to wonder how the pompous Colonel didn't claim the building for the command - it's easily the grandest in the village, with spacious interiors and the inner courtyard with a mossy garden.
All the plastic folding tables probably would have made Sephiroth sick, though.
Angeal approaches the field kitchen with his proverbial hat in hand, asking, "Hey, do you have any chocolate here?"
"We do - for a price," the cook says, apologetically. "Sorry, sir, it's protocol - the company provides you grub and meds, but all luxury goods are Gil only."
And the prices are, of course, through the roof.
"... And if it's for Sephiroth?" Angeal asks hopefully, because the poor kid in him can't stomach paying fifty Gil for a candy bar.
The cook hesitates and then narrows his eyes. "... Sephiroth eats chocolate?"
"It's his favourite," Angeal lies shamelessly.
There's a moment of painful hesitation between protocol and idol worship. "... Fine, but just this once, okay?" the cook mutters and quickly shoves two bars towards him. "I can get away marking these out as damaged in transit, but after that they'll start taking it out of my pay! And don't go spreading this around either, sir, or else everyone will be begging for charity!"
"I won't tell a soul," Angeal promises and adds two chocolate bars to his tray. "Thank you so much."
He fills the tray with enough food for him and Sephiroth and offers an apologetic smile to the group of SOLDIER Seconds before heading out.
He doesn't quite make it to his and Sephiroth's quarters.
"So, the big guy is not doing so hot, after all."
It's Reno, accosting him along the way, lounging back against a bit of painted wall. He's not quite hidden - except that coming from the direction he did, Angeal couldn't see him.
"Mood seems to go up and down; he's practically swinging from side to side, that man," Reno continues, watching the street idly. "You got it handled?"
Angeal stops and takes a steadying breath, staring down the street. It's getting late and dark, and the green-tinted electrical lights by the Shinra troops clash with the red paint of the buildings. "Sephiroth is meditating."
"Yeah, because that's totally something he does," the Turk snorts, folding his arms. "I've read his file, man. A homebody he is not. If this was your usual mission, he'd already be out there, fighting."
Angeal hesitates, looking down at the tray. "He's going to be fine," he says. "Now excuse me, the food will get cold -"
"Hey, man, I'm on your side here," the Turk says. "I'm just asking. We just want the best for him!"
Sure. "The Turks are very invested in this," Angeal comments pointedly and gives the redhead a look. They are - hell, they'd sent not just one, but two Turks to the front lines! That's more than investment.
The camp had been excited to see Sephiroth and Angeal there - they'd been less excited to find out that they came with Turk company. Turks don't generally take part in anything to do with Wutai, the war front isn't exactly their area of expertise, and that's how the military likes it. Though they're technically all part of the same department, there's no love lost there. The Turks very much aren't welcome.
That's probably why Reno is here - in the shadows, out of view. The Turks hadn't been seen much since their landing, really. And probably for a good reason.
"We're invested in damage control," Reno says, peering up at the sky lazily, leaning against the wall with all the grace of a cat. "Whatever's going on with Sephiroth isn't normal, and it's in the company's best interest that it doesn't come to head in Midgar."
"Right. Far better if he loses his cool here," Angeal mutters, watching as a curious firefly investigates a flood light. "Less collateral damage."
"That's it," Reno agrees lazily. "Personally, I'd prefer that whatever is going on with him is resolved quickly, so that we can all go home. But we will be here as long as it takes. As long as he needs."
Great, that's just wonderful. But… that also means that they're not in a hurry. Even the dozen or so missions pressing in on them aren't that high priority. They don't have the forces or the resources to make another try at Fort Tamblin, and most of the fighting out there has been fought into a standstill.
The war is essentially in a stalemate until further notice. The point of Sephiroth being here - before his incident, anyway - is more about morale than anything else. It always looks good when they send in the big guns, after all.
"As long as he needs," Angeal repeats. "Really?"
"The President approved it and everything," Reno agrees and looks at him. "Whatever Sephiroth needs."
Well. He knows that's probably bullshit, but in case it isn't… "Sephiroth needs time," Angeal says after a while, following the firefly with his eyes as it flies away. "And I think more than anything he needs privacy."
Reno narrows his eyes. Then his expression clears. "Alright, privacy we can arrange," he says flippantly. "Never much cared for military camps anyway. Right then. Good night, Hewley."
Angeal watches him go suspiciously, but it appears that was that. "Right," he mutters and hopes it wouldn't come back to bite them in the ass later.
Shaking his head, he returns to the house, to find that Sephiroth had finished rearranging the furniture to his liking - he's also made tea, and is holding a steaming cup in his hand as he stares into nothing.
His hands, Angeal notes with relief, are no longer shaking.
"Here, food," he calls. "Also found you something special."
Sephiroth blinks and looks up as Angeal puts the tray down, handing him both of the chocolate bars. "Oh," he says. He looks guilty. "Angeal, I…"
"Special gift from the commissary, free of charge - next one we will have to pay for, and they charge through the nose here," Angeal says cheerfully and sits across from him, divvying up the plates and utensils. "So you better enjoy it."
"... I will. Thank you," Sephiroth murmurs, closing his long fingers delicately over the treat.
"Good. Now come on, let's eat," Angeal says, pushing the plates closer to him. "We have a lot of work tomorrow. Better stock up."
"... Monster hunting, right?"
"Yes," Angeal agrees. "Just you and me and a bunch of wild beasts. It should be great."
Sephiroth looks at him for a long moment and then, finally, nods slowly. "Alright."
They eat, and the tightly wound coil of anxiety in Angeal's gut unwinds, if only a little.
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atarathegreat · 1 year
Keigo Takami-Nesting
She loved him, the stupid girl. He just had some type of hold on her that she couldn't resist. Y/n had known it since she was a teen. At first, she thought it was a stupid crush until she found herself researching multiple birds and their many unique habits. Y/n only accepted that she was completely gone when she began finding little objects for his attention. Trinkets and such, anything she could get her hands on that would make his feathers puff up in excitement.
Y/n would never forget the day she walked through his open door. Keigo had been huddled in the corner of a filthy living room. The child was immediately drawn to his bright vermillion wings, the way he tried to hide behind them was strange and concerning for her. She kicked and climbed over the trash, sitting next to the boy and complaining about the cold. Keigo hesitantly moved to share his thin blanket and wings with her, he understood that the cold wasn't preferred. They kept him very warm while he was alone and Y/n was shivering and purple, maybe the heat of two people would be better than one. However, two kids left alone in a house drew the attention of authorities and the severely corrupted hero commission.
A memory forever etched in her brain was when Keigo fought his agency, that's when she truly fell for him. He fought for weeks to keep her from going into foster homes. Y/n needed him just as much as he needed her, and that made the commission cave in quickly and they paid for her to stay with him until Keigo became a pro. It wasn't just legally he fought for her, she'd seen how ruffled his feathers got when the commission tried to physically remove her from the building.
Keigo kept them together all the years they'd known each other, it was him that kept her spirits high when she couldn't see anything good in the world. Because, unlike the winged hero, Y/n wasn't outgoing and loud, though she never bothered to hide her emotions. She reminded everyone who saw her of a mouse, fine and healthy but frozen by incredibly new things.
"You should have more confidence in yourself!" Keigo always told her, pushing her cheeks together so her lips jutted out, "You're amazing! You just gotta see it in yourself!"
Y/n knew she would stick by the winged hero until she died, even when he was with a new woman every week. It killed her that she loved him, but he had no way of knowing. She hated the way her lungs would lock up when another woman introduced herself, or the way her tears soaked her shirt after said woman would go into Keigo's room with him. She always knew what was happening, from the sound of the door locking to the failed attempts to stay silent from the women. And he wouldn't know. Not until she screamed at the top of her lungs. Her anger was ignited by the commissions' stupid hero bullshit. Y/n was at her limit.
Keigo had come home early, strange for the man who was all over the place. Y/n hurried to help him with whatever he needed, mainly worried about injuries. Keigo made it a habit to avoid hospitals. "I'm fine, chickadee, just got my day cut short is all." Keigo laughed as the girl checked him over for cuts or bruises. She huffed, taking his jacket and scolding him for dragging mud in.
"Why the cut off?" Y/n asked, moving to sit with him on the couch, "You never agree to short days…"
The hero groaned, leaning closer to the woman and whispering, "The commission wants me to go undercover with the League of Villains."
Before she could even stop herself she whined in protest, covering her mouth just as quickly. Keigo chuckled, he thought she was adorable, "Me, too, actually. But, we both know I don't have any other choice. Sorry, kid."
Butterflies went off in her stomach every time he called her silly little names, she knew her face was beet red. Y/n couldn't help but love the birdbrain and the way he made her feel without even trying. Unbeknownst to anyone, Keigo loved her as well. He just couldn't bring himself to take away the adorable and innocent nature of his friend. As Hawks he could be flirty with her all day, he didn't have to hide anything. As Keigo he had to worry and keep her at a distance, not only were his fans a problem, but he feared that Y/n would be severely affected by his personas constantly changing. It even gave him mixed signals sometimes.
"Stay here with me, fuck the commission." She whispered, she'd never cussed before, it felt foreign to them both, "We can watch movies, play board games, and fall asleep on our couch. You'll come home late and I'll make dinner before you shower and go to bed. Nothing has to change."
Keigo sighed, moving to lean opposite of her, "I can't do that, kid, as much as I wish I could."
Y/n grew angry. Years of frustration, at Keigo and the commission, the girls he brought home… She kicked the coffee table over, raising her voice.
The argument lasted for a while. Keigo was trying to defend his job as a hero while she kept herself away from his personal life. It was hard for her, having everything pent up. Screaming it all out was like an anvil was slowly being pulled off her chest. She didn't care about the way Keigo kept his voice steady in an attempt to deescalate the fight or the way his feathers puffed up in anger, she wanted him to know all of her aggravations.
"And don't even get me started on your behavior when you aren't being a hero!" She blurted, rolling her eyes as he tried to replace the items on the table.
He stood to his full height, pulling his wings in as much as he could, "When am I not being a hero?"
Y/n knew he was daring her to speak, she never missed the way his pupils narrowed in anger, "When you're too busy banging random women in the next room over! Do you know how much that hurts me! I love you, and yet I have to listen to you get it every weekend!"
They both froze, Y/n covering her mouth. The tension in the air disappeared and all the anger was gone. She hadn't meant to shout that, let alone say it at all. It wasn't something he was supposed to hear.
"Sorry…" Was all she managed as she ran to the privacy of her room.
Of course, the hero didn't miss a single word that she had stabbed at him. If anything Keigo clung to her voice in his mind, her volume was shocking to him the most. And the pissed-off way she told him that she loved him. Keigo wanted her to yell more, wanted her to be angry again so he could see that fire in her eyes. He glanced around their little apartment. Y/n had picked out the tan wallpaper, he'd never gotten bored of it for that reason alone. The decorations were all her, too, though Hawks had paid for it all. He never cared how much she spent, he called it his way of giving her trinkets without anyone knowing. Confusion bloomed in his brain as he traced the shelf of things she'd gotten him; little rocks, shiny objects, and items she'd made while fidgeting in public. Keigo had always thought it was sweet that she dedicated a whole shelf for her gifts to him. A slight chuckle made Keigo close his eyes. Y/n'd been doing just as a bird would, giving him little things and making a nest to show her love. How had he never noticed? Had she even wanted him to know? He guessed no since she ran off after the argument.
Keigo slammed his head against the wall, she's been making our home, our nest, and I've brought other birds in. He nearly punched himself for being so stupid. For hurting her to that extent.
"Y/n?" He called through her door, knocking gently before opening it. His heart clenched when her noticed her form under the blankets, "Chickadee?"
Her sniffles came out in mock laughter, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up."
Keigo sighed, getting comfortable next to her under the heavy sheets, "You're more like a bird than I ever thought, y'know?"
Y/n groaned, hiding her reddened face, making Keigo chuckle and pull her back to him, "I'm sorry for bringing them onto our nest, I should've noticed it sooner than your breaking point."
To his delight she turned and curled into him, wiping her nose on his shirt in her own little defiant way, "You have to work for that forgiveness, Keigo Takami."
"Yes, ma'am, I'll start with dinner?" Keigo smirked, "How about some sushi and dango?"
Her smile was enough to send his heart into overdrive as she all but kicked him from the bed. Dango was her favorite and Keigo wasn't above using that to his advantage if it meant she smile
I'll just work extra hard so she doesn't change. Keigo thought as he helped her into his hoodie, appreciating her giddy demeanor, I've fought this far, right? What's the rest of my life, as long as she's there.
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It’s been established even in canon that Lucifer is very possessive of MC, wants to own them essentially. I mean, his character song Arcadia is basically about how he wants to have ownership of MC, even using the word ‘prisoner’ for it. How do you think he’d react to an MC that flat out tells him “You don’t own me.” Basically making it clear that they refuse to belong to him, despite his advances and attempts to make it so. An MC that demands to be free, no matter the consequences. With a determination for it that matches his own. I just think it would be an interesting development, and it would be intriguing to know what his reaction to that would be.
Btw your writing is absolutely fantastic and thank you for sharing it!!
This is a great question/food for thought. Lucifer is definitely the most yandere brother to me and he toes the line between love and abuse very finely sometimes, much more so than the others. It’s because he definitely views MC as an object, something to be won and coveted and shown off, another way to prove he’s better than everyone else because MC chose him (even if he may not have really given them a choice to begin with). 
With that in mind, Lucifer would struggle very hard with an MC who doesn’t yield easily to him. Lucifer is used to people giving him exactly what he wants when he wants, people far more powerful than this little human, so at first he’s in complete disbelief. He might let it slide at first, even though hearing “you don’t own me” from the human he so clearly does own ruffles his feathers more than a little. He would say that he’s angry because you’re being insolent and insulting him. In Lucifer’s mind, you are his and anyone in the three realms should consider themselves damn lucky to have this kind of attention from him. He’s the one who took you into his home, into his family. He watches out for you, feeds you, clothes you, has his brothers at your beck and call, makes sure you’re getting the most out of this interdimensional student assignment. You would be nothing in the Devildom without him and this is the thanks he gets? But it goes a lot deeper than that. Lucifer has grown to really care for you over time; he would go so far as to (privately) admit that he’s in love with you. He dotes on you, tries to make you happy with gifts and experiences, and is kinder to you than he is to just about anyone else. You are the only person in all 3 realms that can so easily draw out those old angelic qualities of his and make him think of another person as a person rather than just as an extension of himself. So to hear you say he doesn’t own you and that you want to be free from him is even more heartbreaking than it is infuriating (though sometimes it’s a very close call).
I think, at first, Lucifer will try the bribery strategy. He knows that you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar and he’s firmly of the mind that he can convince you to walk willingly into his arms and offer yourself to him. When that doesn’t work, he’ll switch to his angry demon persona and he’s full of threats and insults and, much like an abusive partner, will do everything in his power to put you in a position of helplessness only to save you at the last minute to prove how much you need him. But you’re stronger and smarter than that so Lucifer is forced to abandon that tactic when he realizes it’s only solidifying your decision and pushing you further away. If we’re being hopeful, I think your dedication to your beliefs and your inability to be bullied/conned/manipulated into subservience is what actually makes Lucifer finally see you as an equal and he’s able to properly love you at that point, which leads to him adjusting his thought processes and behavior to the point where you may be willing to stay with him because you know it’s no longer about obsession and possession but instead about respect and devotion. 
I'm so sorry about how late this is - I ran into some serious health issues and dropped this blog/fandom for a really long time.
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skeletinmoss · 2 months
Ruffled feathers
Chapter 3: Nails and claws
Ships planned: Prinxiety, Logicality, Dukeciet
Patton and Virgil are brothers in this one
Thanks @lovelivingmydreams for being my beta
First chapter | Previous
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Emile hoped out of the van his hooves tapping against the gravel road.
He was glad to be back after his sudden vacation.
The halls were filled with a familiar smell of moss and metal with special addition of food aroma near the kitchen and fresh laundry near living quarters.
He missed it. It was his second home, sometimes it was more comfortable than his actual home.
Logan and Janus were about to leave for their undercover mission and they only got to exchange greetings. This ment the facility was left under careful supervision of the twins. The fawn felt a bunch of goosebumps at the thought of that.
He bet he had 3 hours until some kind of disaster. « Doctor! Nice seeing you!» greeted one of the aforementioned twins.
« Roman,» Emile smiled as the human came closer and took one of the boxes from his hands. « How have you been lately?»
« I'm quite fine. Thank you for asking,» came the answer. They kept up the small talk as they went toward the med area.
«How do our guests feeling?» the fawn wondered.
He didn't like the frown that crossed Roman's face, but he waited for the answer.
At their first meeting he thought the twins were pretty easy to read. He soon learned how many thoughts they had, so their emotions could be related to any of them, which made their reactions a tad different from their real opinions.
« They're fine, » Roman finally decided. « Moody is still living up to the nickname. Oh and Patton is finally talking with us! Did you know that he's actually the older one?!» he revealed with excitement.
« We haven't met yet,» the medic reminded him.
« Oh right, sorry,» the twin apologized as they set boxes on the table. Emile smiled at him,
« I was planning on doing it after setting up the med bay. You can help of course.»
And soon the boxes were unpacked. There was some fresh supplies, some medicine in neat antique bottles which the fawn had a special fondness for, and some equipment to replace a few broken ones he left there before going away.
Everything he might need to start his work.
Moody and Sweetie were now adapting to the facility and frequently left their enclosure. Although one of the brothers was gone more often than the other finding them both was a challenge.
Virgil with his loud purple and cyan feathers was surprisingly hard to spot among the trees.
« Oh my goodness! A nest!» Emile exclaimed as soon as he saw it.
« O my goodness! A new friend!» echoed a bird that popped out it of it.
The brown and blue feathered Avian quickly jumped out and bounced towards the new face.
« Hi. I'm Patton. Oh wow I’ve never seen anyone like you!»
« Pleasure to meet you, Patton. I'm doctor Emile. My species is called a Fawn,» greeted Doc and extended his hand for a handshake.
Patton looked at the hand confused. Emile quickly caught his mistake.
« Sorry, I've been working with humans for a long time. It's a human greeting called a handshake. You take it with your hand and slightly move it up and down a few times,» he explained.
The avian excitedly followed the instructions for a handshake. Fawn smiled, « I know avian's usually use their wings or ear feathers for a greeting, but I unfortunately have neither, and I'm not very good at chirping,» he apologized.
« Oh no worries. Handshake is actually quite nice! How do fawns usually greet each other?» wondered Pat, his wings spreading out from anticipation.
Emile was only pleased to show. He stepped with his hoof making a clank sound and bowed his head.
Patton instinctively bowed back and giggled, « I like this one too~»
« I don't usually greet anyone like that. I've grown up among humans mostly,» the fawn admitted shyly.
« That's a waste of a funny greeting right there,» pouted Pat.
Amiable chatter filled the room.
Patton was fine and dandy health wise.
His wings started to molt and some new shiny feathers already popped out.
Then Emile noticed the claws.
« Do you bite them off on purpose?» he wondered gently.
Patton looked down, oblivious at first, but the moment he understood the topic, he immediately paled.
« It's fine! I'm not worried about them,» he tried to reassure the doctor.
The way his wings folded spoke volumes.
They were pressed against his back so tightly it was painful, almost like a binding was back on them.
« It's not healthy Patton,» Doc slowly reached out, afraid to cause a negative reaction, and placed his hand on top of Patton's.
« I know it must have been hard for you two out there. Some habits are a pain to get rid of,» he stroked avians hands with his.
« But I need you to know that it's going to be ok. First step is always to figure out that you have a problem,» he reassured.
Patton relaxed a little still holding this wings behind his back, but not in a painful position like before.
« We're going to work together on it, ok? All you need to do is stop yourself from biting them. And it's fine if at first you can't help yourself, more important is the effort,» the fawn told him.
« Could you do that for me?»
Patton nodded with an apologetic smile.
He was going to try. He knew he would fail, but Emile didn't care, so why should he? He can keep trying.
It was extremely hard to control the urge to bite into his claws when his brother ran into the room at full speed, clearly being chased.
After him, almost missing the door because of a wild drift, came the twins.
« Get him!» yelled Roman.
« The Bastard stole our last spoon!» added Remus.
Here comes the disaster. And it hardly had been an hour.
The black avian swiftly passed his brother and the doctor, and with a powerful jump reached his safe zone in the line of trees.
The twin duo came to a stop, both understanding that they wouldn't be able to follow a bird in its natural habitat.
« Give back the spoon, you thief!» demanded one of them.
« You stole a whole drawer of cutlery already! Where do you even keep those things?» pleaded the other.
Patton lightly tapped the actor's shoulder.
« Can I?» he asked.
After the duo exchanged looks and gave him a nod he jumped and stood on their shoulders with his hand in a demanding gesture towards his brother.
« Virgil,» he said sternly, « The spoon.»
Virgil growled with the cutlery in question between his teeth.
« Now,» Patton insisted until his brother finally gave up and spit it out.
« The other ones too.” The younger avian huffed and disappeared into the little forest that was their enclosure. He returned with a dozen or more spoons. But before he can fully emerge the older brother added «Forks and knives too.»
So he went back to his secret stache and brought back the same amount of other cutlery. « Good,» Patton nodded and hopped back on the ground.
Twins looked at the cutlery bewildered. Some of it was bend as if Virgil had slept on them.
Avians loved shiny things.
With how many avians they hosted in this facility the rescue team knew that for sure.
Many of the avian tribes had a habit or hoarding shiny things they liked.
Patton and Virgil weren't an exception. Although both of them had a different approach on the topic.
The older brother was more careful with the shinies. He played with them where he found them and left them in their place.
The younger one on the other hand. He was a stealing menace.
Janus tried several times to locate his stache of stolen goodies, but all in vein.
Virgil knew how to hide.
After a few first forks went missing from Patton's nest he figured it wasn't the right place to store them in. And since then no one could locate anything.
If the thing went missing there was a fair chance that Moody had stolen it.
Roman already lost five of his rings. Only because he took them of for a couple of minutes.
Janus was missing his expensive makeup brush he forgot to put away. Remus once left his holographic top unattended.
Logan couldn't locate most of their stationery. And they've been gradually loosing cutlery.
The culprit? A kleptomaniac bird with trust issues.
Roman sighed.
Moody looked so hurt after parting ways with his collection.
He took a pocket mirror out of his jacket and handed it to the avian.
Virgil looked at him confused.
« A trade for the cutlery,» he explained.
« We can't have your collection dwindling after all~» he smiled and was delighted to see a soft pink blush spreading on the emo's face.
« Thanks,» Virgil whispered before disappearing in the trees again, likely to hide his new treasure.
Tag list: @aphandgflover @yourdragonwitchroyalty @warcats-cat @aevhee @cyanide-violence @fandomfollowerart
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jimraisedmeup · 1 month
TICK // 12.1 - never tear us apart
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Rating: mature (angst, language)
Word Count: 1600
Don't ask me What you know is true Don't have to tell you I love your precious heart
February 14, 1984 - junior year
You weren't really sure what came over you when the words came out of your mouth.
Can I stay here tonight?
Maybe it was finally getting all your troubles off your chest. Maybe it was the warm, dry air coming out of the vents in the hallway. It made you feel like you were somewhere else - not the snowy, cold town of Hawkins, Indiana.
Maybe it was simply the comfort of Eddie's words. His legs brushed against yours with a tenderness that told you he would take your secrets to his grave.
You looked at him. This peculiar man, sitting across from you. But you didn't regret asking to stay the night.
Something in you snapped when Eulin called Eddie a failure. Who was he to judge a student he didn't really know? You were probably more of a failure than Eddie ever could be, but you didn't have any teachers harassing you in the hallways.
Maybe all you needed was your parents separation, for your dad to get the fuck off your back, and just a little bit of time. 
All of your life, you always noticed how time meant a lot to certain situations. Either it was good timing or bad timing. Circumstances that age like fine wine, or regress like a traumatized child. So what was this?
Your eyes flickered up to Eddie, who was still stumbling over his own words after you asked to stay the night.
"Uh - hmm… that's going to cause some… problems."
His hands were laced together, resting on his knee, knuckles almost white. Eddie's eyes were calm, though, so you took his tense hands as a sign of anxiety more than anything.
Trying to bring some of your confident sarcasm back, you said the first thing that came to your mind.
"Problems for what? The inner lining of your boxers?"
You immediately regretted your crudeness as Eddie leaned his head back, letting out a quick burst of bitter laughter.
"Very funny, sunshine. But if you must know - much to your disappointment - my undergarments are none of your damn business," he paused. "What would the popular gang think of you spending the night with the freak of Hawkins High School? I can feel Nancy Wheeler blushing already."
His snarky comment threw you off guard for a moment, but he interrupted before you could think of a response.  
"Sorry, Buckley. I'm just a little confused. A couple months ago you could barely make eye contact with me in public. And now you want to stay here tonight?"
"When you say it like that, I feel like a real bitch."
Eddie threw his hands in the air. "Because you kind of were!"
Your jaw dropped for a second, but you knew he was right. You didn't need to drag him into your arms during such a stressful period in your life. Twice now, you lured him in and then disappeared. 
You pondered your next words before uttering them. 
"I've realized that life is too short to conform to what society, let alone my classmates, want me to be. And now, all I can do is stand here and tell you things will be different, Eddie."
"How do I know that for sure?" He looked conflicted. You worried that in turn for your own walls coming down, Eddie had built up some of his own in the last few months.
"Well, Munson, I don't go around spitting in teachers' faces for just anyone," you grumbled, looking away.
Eddie sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Your feathers ruffled. "Look, I know my track record is shit. But I'm here now. And I don't think I want to be anywhere else."
"Let's get you some pajamas, then."
I was standing You were there Two worlds collided And they could never tear us apart
We could live For a thousand years But if I hurt you I'd make wine from your tears
And that's exactly what happened.
The brown-eyed boy stood above you and caved to your request for a sleepover. 
No funny business, I swear. 
What a vast difference from your life two months ago: you weren't even slightly worried about calling your father. After your mother moved away, Richard Buckley spent most of his time with Kate and was rarely home. Robin also reveled in her own newfound freedom and was considering getting a part-time job.
If the Buckley sisters didn't know any better, you think you’d fallen into an alternate dimension.
The Munson trailer was quiet besides the small television in the living room and the heat flowing through the vents. A stack of VHS tapes lingered nearby, ready for the two teenagers to pick a movie. Eddie explained that his uncle, Wayne, worked nights at the factory. You could change into pajamas in the bathroom.
Eddie threw you a Black Sabbath t-shirt and some shorts, worn out and soft to the touch. 
"For your modesty."
Looking at the large holes scattered about the shirt, you raised an eyebrow. 
"This shirt is supposed to represent modesty of all things? You're such a gentleman," you exclaimed, holding up the tattered fabric.
His large eyes glanced down at your chest for a moment before he shut the bathroom door behind him. 
But a gentleman he remained for the rest of the night.
Leaving it up to you to pick the movie, you were stuck between The Outsiders or Cujo. You flipped the Family Video tapes over in your hands with indecision. 
Eddie peered at you from the kitchen. "Turkey sandwich or Spaghettios? Not much of a choice, I know, but my uncle and I aren't really the cooking types."
"Spaghettios, please," you chirped as you pulled The Outsiders from its case. "You know, it's kind of funny that you brought up Harrington and his friends."
You noticed he hesitated heavily before responding. 
"...I didn't specifically bring up Harrington, but thanks for doing it for me. What about them?"
"Just saying, I don't care what any of them think. Haven't you seen the way Nancy and Jonathan Byers look at each other? No one in that group has room to talk."
All you could hear was the sound of dishes clinking together, the stirring of a spoon on the stove. From your stance in the living room, you couldn't see Eddie's expression.
Just as you were about to check on him, his voice sounded from the kitchen. 
"I'm not like Byers, you know. I'm definitely not like Steve, either. I like to think of myself as a whole new class of monster."
You smiled to yourself. "Well, whatever you are, I like it."
A few moments later, Eddie approached you as you were curled up on the couch, handing you a bowl. You weren't sure how you felt about seeing him outside of his normal attire. The black sweatpants he wore were hanging low on his hips, white socks standing out in the darkened living room.
He could have been a phantom, a vision sent to you in the form of a clumsy, strange man. Amongst all of the changes going on in your life, Eddie managed to become one of the only things to stay the same. Someone you could rely on.
"The bowl's hot, Buckley. Don't burn yourself on my watch."
"Hey, Eddie?"
"Thank you."
You gave him a soft smile, enjoying the movie, enjoying the Spaghettios, enjoying Eddie Munson's company. You sunk yourself deeper into the couch, opposite from Eddie, and got lost in your own thoughts.
I could really get used to this.
I told you That we could fly 'Cause we all have wings But some of us don't know why
Eddie watched from the corner of his eye as you barely made it through the second movie, eventually falling asleep with your arm coiled beneath your head.
He checked his watch. Considering the eventful detention earlier that afternoon and the subsequent spillage of your guts in his hallway, Valentine's Day seemed to disappear in the haze of it all. 
As much as he wanted to kiss you, to love you, he knew that things as special as this took time and patience.
If the brown-eyed boy was being honest with himself, he wouldn't have changed a single thing about that day. Your trust in him was a priceless relic.
With as much coordination as he could muster, Eddie lifted you from the couch and carried you to his room. He tucked you under the blankets of his bed. Stirring a bit, you squinted at him.
"Are you coming to bed?"
"No, not yet. Get some sleep. I'll take you home in the morning before school."
Using the same gentle touch as when he carried you, the Munson boy grabbed his beloved guitar from its hook on the wall. 
He closed the bedroom door behind him and went back to the couch. Strumming lightly, the tune was somber.
A sense of restlessness was creeping up on him, like he was being hunted by a dark cloud that loomed in his future. It was almost suffocating. He continued to pluck at the guitar strings, trying to distract himself.
Eddie wasn't sure what he was getting himself into. Having feelings for someone gave them the power to break a person. And if he loved them enough, he would sacrifice himself for them in the face of danger. Fight or flight, Eddie?
But Eddie had never proved himself as being much of a hero. 
I was standing You were there Two worlds collided And they could never, ever tear us apart
(song lyrics credit: "Never Tear Us Apart" by INXS)
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takamikeiigos · 10 months
Idk if you remember but in the scene before hawks goes under cover he’s like “even if it means corrupting myself” NOW HEAR ME OUT, HEAR ME OUT. What if his s/o takes his place instead, the events don’t have to happen exactly like in the manga, you could probably just make up a whole diff kind of undercover scene thing, but I’m just in for the drama/ emotional turmoil that hawks goes through when his s/o is injured a in a mission he was supposed to take PLUS!! Not being there to save/help his s/o 🙏🏼🙏🏼
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picture: me, poking my head out from around a corner, full of anxiety
i'm so sorry i've neglected you guys life is wild and hit me all at one time and writing seemed so exhausting and aaaaaaaa
but i'm feeling the angst tn so let's talk ab it!!!
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Hawks would be so quick to take on the burden of corrupting himself for the sake of others, but the minute you even breathe the idea of the roles being reversed and you being in that situation, he would be so angry.
He's quick to object during the meeting with the commission - immediately losing his cool and slamming his hands on the table, his chair scraping against the hardwood floor as he abruptly stands. His wings are splayed out to their full span, feathers ruffled and standing on end as anger and vexation betray his normally calm demeanor, all the while Madam President sits there with her stony expression, his name spoken from her lips with disdain and disapproval.
"Keigo -"
"No. Absolutely not." He spits in outrage, his words dripping with venom as he leans across the table minutely as if to intimidate the her. She leans back in her chair, unaffected by his outburst, and instead he directs his attention to you in attempt to get through to someone, anyone.
"You're not going. End of discussion. We're done here."
"We're very far from done, Keigo. Sit down, or you'll be taken off of this mission entirely, following with a suspension." The President follows bluntly, seemingly bored of his tantrum. She gives him a moment to seethe, his eyes boring holes into her with utter distaste and resentment, and it's your calming touch upon his arm that brings him back a couple notches, a shuddering sigh pushing past his lips.
He brushes your touch away and sits back down.
You try not to let the dismissal affect you, bringing your hands to rest in your lap as you maintain your composure.
"It would be an honor to dedicate everything I have to this mission, if it means saving our people."
Hawks keeps silent for the rest of the meeting, being the first to leave once it's over. When you attempt to seek him out after it's all said and done, he's nowhere to be found.
You aren't allowed to talk about any details regarding the mission to anyone besides Madam President, herself. It's high risk, and any potential exposure could cause months of cautious planning and undercover work to fall apart.
You're kept apart from your friends, family, and fellow heros for the sake of their safety, aside from the few meetings regarding steps moving forward in the mission.
The months drag by in a haze of stress, anger, and budding loneliness, but you manage to keep yourself distracted by throwing yourself into your work, delving deep behind enemy lines and forming a budding trust that you'll soon betray.
It gets hard - as you fall into some sense of familiarity and routine with the enemy, coming to recognize and understand their quirks (literally and figuratively) and routines as genuine human beings. It almost makes you feel bad, hearing about small details of their lives and the many chapters they've written for themselves, and you find yourself up one night, sobbing in the quiet darkness of your room, mourning any sense of self you used to have.
Little do these people - the enemy that has begun treating you like family - know that your betrayal inches closer every day. It eats you alive every second.
You're in the thick of it, adrenaline pumping heavy through your veins as the raid begins. You'd given the last of your intel over to the commission over the course of the evening, having been up all night planning a course of action.
The plan, which should have been seamless - meaning no unnecessary deaths - is beginning to fall apart. Where you were supposed to catch the enemy off-guard and ease into a quick arrest, you're suddenly found in a much messier situation. You're the one who ends up being caught blind, held at knife-point by someone you'd grown relatively close to over the past few months.
She's seething with hurt and anger, her long blonde hair framing her face as she bares her weight against you, the sharp edge of her blade pressed firmly against the hollow of your throat.
"Why?" She cries out, desperate for some sort of explanation. For some act of redemption from you.
Your struggle to keep your composure, swallowing thickly against the lump in your throat and the blade against your skin.
"I had no choice, I-"
"We were your family! For months we were your family. We trusted you and you.." she's crying, you notice, crystalline tears against reddened cheeks portraying her newfound distrust. "Was any of it real?"
You choke on a reply and distantly hear commotion coming through the comms. Hawks is yelling, his voice muffled and crackled with interference, and though part of you is relieved to hear his voice after so long, you can't help the sense of panic that begins to overtake you.
The door to the room busts open suddenly and the police force enters with their guns drawn, trained on the woman that stands before you. The one you'd once called, well, a friend.
For a moment you think she's given in to her fate, her blade lowering as she takes in the officers behind her. But in her own blind panic and rage she takes one last moment to size you up, her emotion speaking louder than the task force yelling behind her, and the searing pain of her knife plunging deep between your ribs is enough to drown out the echo of a handgun being fired.
You blink rapidly, trying to come to your senses as you lean heavily against the wall, your hand instinctively coming to rest against the fresh wound between your ribs in attempt to stem the blood flow. You look down to assess the damage done, only to find the crumpled body of your temporary companion on the floor before you, her body unmoving in a slow-building pool of her own blood.
Time stops.
You fall to your knees, reaching a hand out to gently shake her.
It's fine. She's fine. She's.. fine. Right?
"Hey.." You choke out, a garbled sound that bubbles from deep within your chest. "Hey, wake up. It's okay, we're okay."
But she isn't moving, and the panic in your chest begins to turn into despair, and you clutch her prone body close to yours in some sort of attempt to protect what was already lost.
"What did you do?" Your own voice is unrecognizable as you snarl up at the officers, emotion catching in your throat as tears begin to make themselves known. "She wasn't going to hurt anybody, she.. she.."
At that moment Hawks comes running into the room, stopping short in shock at the scene before him. He takes one look at you - a feral, broken little thing as you clutch the body of the enemy in your arms, and his facial expression becomes one of understanding.
"Hey now, songbird-" he tries softly, as if not to escalate the situation at hand, but is cut off by your sudden wailing and screaming.
"What did you do? You killed her! She's dead and you killed her and she didn't deserve it, I.."
You don't realize Hawks is at your side, kneeling down and wrapping his arms around you, gentle but firm all the same. He begins pulling you away from the lifeless body before you and you put up a fight, kicking and screaming and crying and clawing and so desperate to do something, anything, to fix the mistake that cost a life.
"Shh, shh. Hey now," he whispers to you, pulling you close despite every hand and elbow you throw against him. "It's okay. It's gonna be okay."
"How can it possibly be okay?" The words come from you in an anguished sob as you fall back against him, the fight leaving your body, your limbs growing heavy and your eyes growing tired. You watch as the medics enter the room, kneeling down to examine the soulless body that lies before you, confirming that there's no pulse and that she's no longer alive.
"How can it be okay when I killed her?"
Recovery comes to you slowly. Mentally, that is.
Recovery girl was able to do quick patchwork on you, leaving you with a small scar just below your left breast and some sore ribs. But the days continue to pass in a blur, your brain struggling to keep up with the continuous onslaught of questions from the police force and commission.
You hadn't remembered much past the police rushing into the room during the raid, and Hawks decided to take it upon himself to remind you, mindful enough to leave out the gruesome details. But over the course of a few days it comes back to you in bits and pieces, bogging you down with a heavy weight on your chest that leaves you breathless.
Still, you carry on, and despite being on temporary leave you're still called to answer questions at press conferences. You know it's standard procedure, especially in cases where deaths are involved, and your force yourself to switch over to autopilot for the sake of whatever mental stability you have left just to get through the week.
Hawks finds you in your apartment one day, having flown in through the balcony window you always leave unlocked just for him, almost shocked at the sight of you curled up in a ball beneath the spray of your shower. The water has turned cold, soaking your still-clothed form to the bone with a deep chill, and he turns the water off without any hesitation. Through your dissociated reverie you can feel the warmth of a towel being wrapped around your shoulders, strong arms lifting your from the cold porcelain of the tub and guiding you to your room.
He wastes no time in shedding you from your sopping wet clothes, tossing them into the hamper to deal with later before dressing you in something much warmer.
He guides you into bed, wrapping his arms and wings around you in attempt to console your distraught and torn frame, his fingers gently brushing through your hair as he presses soft and promising kisses to the top of your head.
"I'm here," he whispers softly to you, the gentle rasp of his voice dampening the despair that consumes you. "Whatever you need, I'm here."
And for once, in the quiet darkness of your bedroom, you aren't alone while your sobs echo throughout the room.
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
Omg pls this idea has been on my mind forever. Fem! Reader making fun of wanderer for having smaller hands compared to readers but then in closed doors Wanderer fingers them like crazy and degrades them 😳😳 taunting them as well for saying hes got smaller hands and such
a/n: Oh my my, what a delicious ask😳 I hope you enjoy, anon❤️ I hope this wasn't too much. also, do the gifs look blurry to anyone. I always worry about it. Please let me know if they do so I can start grabbing them off of Google instead.
Wanderer x fem!reader. Smut. Fingering. Degradation and taunts.
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It started with a simple jest, all in the name of teasing. You couldn't help yourself. It was so easy to ruffle Wanderer's feathers. "Your hands, they are so small," you giggled, "I think they might be smaller than mine"
Before you could press your hand flat against his for a size comparison, Wanderer scoffed, yanking his hand away. "Whatever, I know you have stuff to do today for Nahida. Hurry up and give me your reading list before I change my mind, nerd."
You'd started assisting Nahida in her duties as an Archon. It was the only way you could think of to pay her back for hiding the man you loved hidden safely away from everyone after suffering his defeat at the hands of The Traveler. Nahida told you it wasn't necessary, but you insisted. Your knowledge of humans and how they act would help her out, even having you act as her vessel a few times to speak to people.
Wanderer had offered to check some books out of the library for you. He had nothing going on all day, spending his time walking through the wilderness while you were with Nahida.
You found the books in a bag on your bed later that afternoon. The titles varied, some books about the history of Sumeru. Some Akademiya essays. And one just for yourself. Wanderer would've labelled it as a dumb romance novel.
Your eyes speed through the words printed on the page, your cheeks flushing. You looked around your room. Wanderer wasn't back yet, so....
There were curious noises coming from your room. Ones Wanderer was very familiar with. He opened the door. There you were, pleasuring yourself, moaning his name as you thought of him doing the things you'd read in the book to you.
You yelped when you saw him, hastily pulling your fingers out of your dripping hole. "Go on, don't stop on my account," he taunted, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
You were frozen like a deer in headlights. Embarrassed you looked away from him. You know what a shit eating smirk looks like? That's the expression on his face. "or is it because you can't get yourself off? What's wrong, y/n, can't reach your fun spots with your fingers? And you said I had small hands."
Sitting down on the bed, Wanderer picked up the hand you'd been fingering yourself with. He licked your slick off them, biting down on the tips for a moment.
"I..I..ahhhh," a stammer was all you could manage as he buried his fingers inside you. You'd already made such a mess of yourself that his fingers slid easily against your walls, immediately hitting your sweet spot.
Your clit swelled with blood at the sudden stimulation, making you grind up into his fingers. His pace quickened, his eyes never once leaving your's. "You stupid slut, your pussy is practically sucking my fingers inside."
Every hook of his fingers against your g-spot drew a louder, lewder moan from you. His pace was ruthless, his fingers making wet noises fill the room. "Ha, you are almost there aren't you? It must be such a relief for you to have your pussy stuffed by my small hands." He practically spat the word small.
"Wanderer I'm sorry! I-AH- gonna cum," you babbled, bucking your hips up in time with his thrusts.
"Then cum, you needy whore. Maybe next time, you'll think twice before insulting me."
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munchcorner · 11 months
Keigo arrives soaked in mud. He drags his feet across the floor and frowns at the trail he leaves with each step.
"What happened to you?" Touya asks, emerging from their room. A sigh escapes Keigo's lips, "I tumbled down the mountain while chasing after a villain."
Touya chuckles as he walks toward Keigo to help him undress, "What are these wings for if you're going to use your feet to chase after a villain?"
"The trees and the rain were in the way. Had the weather been in my favor, I would've caught them in a second," Keigo pouts. He sheds his wings and piles them in a corner.
"I bet that villain's going to brag about being such a pain for the number two hero to chase," Touya teases before running to the kitchen when Keigo glares at him.
Keigo crosses his arms and then scoffs when he sees Touya approach him with a basin and towels, "Still, he won't be bragging about being caught within five minutes."
Touya rolls his eyes, "you timed the chase?"
"No," Keigo answers.
"If so, how can you be sure you caught him within five minutes?" Touya continues to poke fun at Keigo.
Keigo furrows his brows, "Just because. Besides, even if it wasn't within five minutes, I'm sure it's within ten. Before you can say anything else, the bottom line is no one can catch him faster than I can."
Touya presses his lips to stop himself from laughing. He can't help but tease Keigo's speed because it's the only way to ruffle his feathers.
"Sure, whatever you say," Touya says, then walks away with the towel and the basin. "Do you want a warm bath or a cold one?"
"Warm," Keigo enters the bathroom and hugs Touya from behind, "thank you for helping me wash up. I love you." Keigo sneaks a kiss before getting into the bathtub to relax.
Touya turns quickly turns away to hide his blush. He raises a middle finger, saying, "You owe me a new set of towels. Your filthy ass stained those towels, I'm sure."
Keigo chuckles, "Sure. I'll buy you two sets tomorrow."
"You better," Touya replies. He slams the door shut before walking to the living room to gather Keigo's dirty clothes.
Touya throws the clothes into the washing machine before returning to the living room to take Keigo's feathers. He gathers them in a basket before walking to the bathroom to ask Keigo how to clean them.
"Should I throw these in the washer?" Touya teases, hoping Keigo will panic. To his surprise, Keigo calmly nods, "Yeah, just throw them in."
"I'm not kidding." Touya shows Keigo the basket, "I'll throw them in without a second thought."
"Do it."
Touya's jaw drops, "aren't you scared of being overstimulated?"
Keigo smiles at him, "I'm used to it. I didn't have anyone to help me clean my feathers. So, I trained myself to get used to the feeling of having them cleaned by the washer."
Touya's heart shatters. He hates the nonchalance in Keigo's tone, but he can't say anything in rebuttal. So, he turns his heel and walks to the laundry room.
Touya opens the washer, ready to throw the feathers inside, but thinking about seeing those feathers turn around like clothes stop him. He groans and enters their second bathroom to carefully wash Keigo's feathers.
"I thought you threw them into the washer?" Keigo asks, confused after seeing Touya cursing under his breath as he carefully washes each of Keigo's feathers.
"I fucking hate you. Why do you have so many feathers? I shouldn't have cleaned them. I should've burned them and let you regrow new pairs. Besides, what's the point..." Touya's complaints were cut short after Keigo kissed him.
"You fucking asshole! You can't even let me finish my sentence!" Touya punches him with genuine annoyance, making Keigo laugh as he shields himself.
"I'm sorry! I'll take you to Greece next week if that makes you feel better!" Keigo says after grabbing Touya's wrists to stop him from punching him.
"You better. I'm not doing free labor." Touya returns to washing Keigo's feathers after hearing Keigo's offer. Keigo's hearty laugh echoes in the bathroom while Touya lists his demands.
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selineram3421 · 1 year
*screams into the void*
Part 3: Presence of An Angel
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Part 2
Vash (Tristamp) X Reader
Warning! ⚠
⚠ cussing-again, blood, all caps for screeching, Vash being a bit of a weirdo ⚠
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The paper that smacked your face ended up being Vash's wanted poster.
Oh shit! This is so cool! You thought looking at the paper with sparkling eyes.
Eventually you had to put it away. You didn't want it to get messed up.
The coat you bought worked amazingly well, keeping you cool from the heat and protected from the random hot gusts of wind.
The Tomas you rented was slightly more blue than green. It was honestly fun though, probably the closest thing you got to riding a horse.
"I'm gonna name you Kevin!"
Then after a long while of riding through the desert in silence, you got bored.
I wish I had a music player. You sighed. Well I could just sing.
Singing for you only happened when no one was around. And since it was the desert, there was no one.
Yeah, why the hell not. You decided and started singing.
"I can't see where you're comin' from
But I know just what you're runnin' from
And what matters ain't the who's baddest but the
Ones who stop you falling from your ladder
When you feel like you're feeling now
And doin' things just to please your crowd
But I love you like the way I love you
And I suffer but I ain't gonna cut you 'cause
This ain't no place for no hero"
You sang out, geeking out a bit how this was the perfect song to sing in the desert.
Then the night rolled in and you had to stop, setting up camp after making sure the area was safe enough to do so.
"I hope there's no worms around.", you mumble while trying to figure out how to set up the tent. "How the fuck do I do this?"
Kevin was chilling out by the camp fire you made, sitting like a chicken resting in a nest, feathers all ruffled up to keep warm. Leaving the tent unmade, you make your way over to the Tomas and sit next to them, pulling your coat closed as you leaned back on them.
"Good night Kevin.", you pat the bird. "Peck anyone trying to rob or kill me.", you say with a yawn before knocking out.
Blinking your eyes open, you saw the glass ceiling of a familiar ship.
"Ah fuck.", you grumble and sit up.
Why am I always lying down on the ground? You wonder.
Looking around, you find yourself alone.
Not wanting to sit around, you stand up and start walking. The flowers were swaying slightly, like a breeze just passed by recently. As you continued, you noticed that you were walking to the tree that you first woke up by.
Now standing under it, there was an odd need to close your eyes, so you did.
All of a sudden there was a tug on your clothes from behind. Turning to see who did it, you find a small boy with blonde hair, blue-green eyes, and a beauty mark just under his left eye.
"Wow.", you end up saying.
"Wow?", the boy repeats, tilting his head to the side.
"Oh, sorry!", you let out a small laugh and give him a closed eyed smile. "I just couldn't hold back my awe about how pretty your eyes are!"
What you don't see is the boy smiling at you.
"How pretty.", you mumble, slowly blinking your eyes open.
Only to see blue-green eyes staring into yours.
"AAAAAHHHH!", you screech and kick the person in the face on instinct.
"AAH-OW!", the man yelps and holds his nose as he falls back.
You scramble to stand up, now wide awake and take in who the hell thought it was a good idea to watch you sleep.
"Ow ow ow OW!", the guy says in pain. "That really hurt!" He was curled up into a ball, squirming around like a worm out of the dirt. "Geez, you've got a good kick."
Blonde, red jacket, prosthetic arm- You listed off. Holy shit, I just kicked Vash The Stampede!
"Oh shit! Are you ok!?", you say and rush over, kneeling down next to him. "What the heck man, you shouldn't ever be that close to some sleeping stranger!"
"Now I know. Hahaha..", the blonde laughs and cringes in pain. "Thank goodness I didn't have my shades on."
You didn't notice that his signature yellow shades were off, but that didn't matter at the moment. "Let me see your nose.", you say and try to move his hands away.
"No no! Its bleeding and that's not a pretty sight.", he tries to wave it off.
"Oh please, I've seen worse.", you roll your eyes and move his hands. "Being a medic and all, there's a lot of gross things that I see."
He lets you move his hands a bit reluctantly.
You try your best not to blush when seeing all of his face.
Damn this man is beautiful.
His nose isn't broken from what you can tell, but it does need to stop bleeding.
"Excuse me for a moment.", you say and pinch the bottom of his nose. "Lean forward.", you say and guide him. "Can you hold your nose like this while I get something from my pack?", you ask.
He nods, staying in the position you told him to.
Letting him take over, you rush to your medic backpack and dig through it to find the cold compress that you made.
After getting it, you crack the rectangled compress like a glowstick and shake it. Making your way back to the blonde, you see that he's looking at the item in your hand curiously.
"Its like an ice pack.", you say and kneel down, carefully pacing it on his nose. "Sorry for kicking you in the face."
"Sorry for giving you such a spook.", he smiles.
Did not expect to meet the main character like this. You beat yourself up and cry internally. I kicked him in the face.
"Gotta keep it there for fifteen to twenty minutes.", you say and let him hold the cold compress.
It was early in the morning, the suns weren't even up yet but the sky was slowly turning a lighter blue.
Ah damn, I forgot to look at the starts last night. You frown, looking up at the sky. I've got tonight, so no worries.
Then you remember that the man in front of you was watching you sleep.
"Hey mister.", you look at him with a confused glare.
"Hm?", he looks up at you.
"Why were you watching me sleep?", you ask.
"Oh, hahahaha!", the blonde laughs nervously.
He'd probably be rubbing the back of his neck if his hands weren't busy. You thought.
"Its not every day you see a sleeping beauty!"
Brain functions are at a halt.
You look at him in shock.
Did he just-? The feeling of your face heating up creeps forward, and you even feel your ears turning red.
"I thought you were an angel! Hahaha!", he continues.
This mother fucker-! You feel yourself puff out steam from the top of your head. Wait, I can do that?
"What is this? You trying to sweeten me up so I don't beat the crap out of you?", you grumble.
He just smiles at you like the dork he is.
"Whatever.", you huff and get up.
Putting your camp stuff away, you tie the tent and sleeping cot onto Kevin's saddle. It being easier to have there than on your pack all the time.
Vash had been on the run again, narrowly escaping being shot at from behind.
It didn't take long for the sky to go dark.
After a few hours of walking in the desert, he noticed a camp fire in the distance. Hoping it was someone who could spare food, he made his way over.
"Hey there friend! Sorry to interrupt but could you-", he then paused after seeing that the person was out cold. "Ah shoot."
The Tomas they had turned to look at him, letting out a squawk.
"Hn.", the sleeping person started to shift.
"Ah! Sh! Shhh!", Vash hurriedly went over to keep the bird quiet. "Hey now, you don't wanna wake them up!", he whisper shouted.
The giant bird let out another shreak before pecking him on the head.
"Ow! Hey, I'm not doing anything!", he fought with the bird a bit before it finally stopped trying to hurt him. "Whew.."
Taking another look at the sleeping traveler, he saw that they were now lying on their back, face now visible.
As if in some sort of trance, he made his way over, kneeling down just to the side of them.
The camp fire went out but it wasn't long till the sky started lightening up, signifying that the suns would soon show up. The light seemed to help the sleeping beauty glow, as if they were a fallen star.
"Wow.", Vash mumbled in awe, taking his shades off to get a better look.
"How pretty."
He didn't noticed they woke up until they screamed.
"AAH-!", he screeched but it soon turned into a yelp of pain. "OW!"
They kicked him in the face.
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Poor Vash. But really, he should have been more careful.
~Seline, the person.
Next: Part 4
@summerdazed @+?
Song: Short Change Hero by The Heavy
ML Vash | ChL Isekai'd
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writingamongther0ses · 5 months
For context the WIP idea I had is set when RK is twenty-two, about twelve years after this happens. Also, she has bitten Hermes before.
If there was one thing Naomi had figured out about RK, it was that she was calm.
RK literally had the best reaction to coming to camp than anyone Naomi had seen. The older girl was polite and quiet, barely making a ruffle in anyone's feathers. Of course, feathers were still ruffled, Rome did not have the best relationship with Neptune, but RK handled it with grace.
So the instant reaction of biting Lord Mercury was a surprise.
"Get her off!" The god was trying to pull his hand away from RK's mouth, green eyes wide with panic. "Get off- why is this always your first reaction when you're mad at someone?!"
"C'mon, RK!" Levi frantically pleaded. Naomi and a commander (Fenix?) tried to help Mercury by yanking RK back. Based on the visible gold she could see, nobody was doing a very good job of separating them. "Let go! He probably doesn't taste very good!"
"Yes, yes, I agree!"
"Please, RK, let go!" Naomi paused in her pleas at a strange feeling under her hands.
Was RK...trembling?
Before she could ask, RK stumbled back. Levi had somehow reached in and managed to yank her teeth out of the god's flesh. Naomi steadied her friend, meeting her wide blue eyes. "Are you-"
"I'm not sorry," RK practically snarled, her gold-splattered jaw trembling despite the ferocity of her words. She wasn't looking at her. Instead, she was staring straight at the god she had just buried her teeth in. "I'm not sorry."
Mercury straightened, holding his hand. There was a nasty-looking full bitemark on his flesh, golden ichor slowly leaking out. However, he didn't look angry.
He looked concerned.
"I know you aren't."
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OC interview
Thanks @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: answer the questions in the POV of an OC!
This time, I'm feeling Liam!
Are you named after anyone?
“Yes, I am. I made sure of it. Liam is an extremely common name, see, I've met a million of them. Liam could be referring to any number of Liams, and you would never know which one. Besides, now in certain situations I must be called Beaumont, which I just think sounds cool.”
When was the last time you cried?
“Pfft. I don't cry often. Sure, there's, like, a psychological reason for why doing it is healthy, but I just find myself in situations that don't call for it. When you need a good pathos, sure, being able to cry on the spot is an extremely good skill that I have. Crying isn't something I usually do when I'm upset. I try to stay focused on the facts to craft my argument. So the last time I cried was for my AV club. We were filming a commercial. It had puppies.”
Do you have kids?
“Oh, absolutely not. There are a million reasons, seemingly, why. First: I'm barely eighteen. Second: I'm not quite sure I want any of my own to begin with. Many different personal reasons I would much rather not get into right now. Third: not only the last two, but I'm going off to college next fall. Do you think I'm gonna have time to raise a kid? Nah. If it's to be, I'm going to wait until after graduation. Then I'll reassess where I am in life.”
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
“It depends on who I am talking to. I love sarcasm. Use it when I can. However, I've found that being blunt works better for others. Saying what you mean has a more effective, direct approach that clears up any potential misunderstanding. On the other hand, sarcasm is an effective tool to use as humor or to throw an opponent or challenger off-guard. It can be a gotcha moment. It can piss people off, ruffle some feathers, if you will. You understand my point, I assume. Sarcasm is a tool that must only be used when appropriate and should never go to waste.”
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
“... I notice everything about them. Their posture, where their eyes are, hands are, everything I can, I analyze. Why? It makes talking to them a lot easier. I bet Wade said 'general vibe', and I'd have to say that is a correct assessment of what there is to notice first. I need to know how to talk to people. How to approach this conversation.”
What’s your eye colour?
“Green. Objectively the best choice for myself. I have a very...eh, Sam would call it a 'naturalistic aesthetic.' What she means is that my color palette consists of colors associated with nature. Brown hair and green eyes help that, I presume. It fits with my 'vibe' so to speak. I would love to argue that assigning aesthetics is a little ridiculous, I do enjoy general color theory.”
Scary movies or happy endings?
“Who the hell decided these were opposites? Aliens is horror and it has a technically happy ending with four characters alive and well. I'm ignoring the next movie. This is absolutely ridiculous. I'm sorry, as a film student--or someone on track to be--this is stupid. Who wrote this question? Tragic endings or happy endings. Scary movies or feel-good movies. Technically, one could be both. Die Hard, for example, is pretty intense but gives the 'warm fuzzies' at the end. Nothing is binary except computer code. This is ridiculous. I consider myself to be a highly opinionated person, but I'm not sure I could debate either side of this. My opinion is this question is stupid, and I uncharacteristically refuse to answer.”
Any special talents?
“I can edit. Very well. Would like to edit YouTubers' vids. Generally good at cinematography and vision. Apparently I can also turn anything into an argument. Speaking of which, what defines a special talent? What makes you special? Everyone is 'special in different ways' but what is special? Some may consider my argumentative streak to be a special talent, but some may just think it's an annoying personality trait or psychological issue that I need to seek help to treat. Or is it actually healthy? I argue it's both. And what is a talent? Something we are natural at, or something that we became good at? A mix of both?”
Where were you born?
“Bit invasive. Earth. Narrowed it down to Alium or Ceteri. Which Earth? You decide.”
Do you have any pets?
“I have a cat named Beans and a dog named Macie.”
What sort of sports do you play?
“Unless arguing or debate is a sport, I do not play any. I say debate counts. It requires a good offense and a good defense. Strategy. Approach, follow through, anticipating movements. You get it.”
How tall are you?
“About 170 centimeters or 5'7. Some call me short but on Alium I'm neither short nor tall. Next to Sam I feel tiny but then I'm next to someone like Tyler and I feel much better about myself.”
What was your favourite subject in school?
“Uh, debate. I would debate you on that, but I think you get the point. Other than that, film classes and computer science are the best classes I have ever taken.”
What is your dream job?
“I want to be a filmmaker so bad. I want to direct and boss people around. I want to be a cinematographer or an editor. I want someone to use my movie as a good, ideal example in film school. I want to write my own script. See my film premiere on the red carpet. Cast all-stars, nepo babies, and fresh blood. I want it all. Call me ambitious, but I could rock this industry.”
Other Liam: questionnaire
Other interviews: Wade, Jazlyn, Gwen, Lexi, Carla, Carmen, Maddie
Tagging @somethingclevermahogony @badluck990 @theprissythumbelina @talesofsorrowandofruin @loopyhoopywrites
Blanks below the cut!
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
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fuck it, I'm doing it, here's to @lunaria1 for enabling me!
Dogbird by Madds Buckley broken down lyric by lyric into Subscorp content
I think the entire song would be from Kuai Liang's perspective, with this being his internal monologue towards Hanzo.
"Sorry that I'm scared of thunder like a dog, I know that you love rain, but I cry when something shakes the walls"
Kuai Liang's entire life has been one emotional connection after another being ripped away from him in very painful ways, so for him, connecting with another person and trusting them is very hard and he can't always tell the difference between someone caring about him and someone wanting to hurt him. So while, for Hanzo, their relationship is joyful and good, Kuai Liang is struggling to understand it (Hanzo sees rain but Kuai Liang sees a storm)
"Tail between my legs, I scratch while you relax, ruffling feathers, watching storm clouds pass"
Ties into the same themes as the verse above but specifically I wanna talk about "Tail between my legs" bc we know that Kuai Liang is a very powerful warrior, but he's also been made to bow to others his entire life and that's not a habit that breaks easily. He's so used to being used that he can't really conceive of someone not wanting to do that. And if its Hanzo using him, someone he trusts and cares about, well....why not? He'll be kinder about it than any of the others and that's how you're supposed to love people anyways, right? (it isn't)
"Hoping I'll make you hate the thunder too, digging in my claws to make you hate me too"
I think both Kuai Liang and Hanzo are self destructive in a lot of ways, but where Hanzo tends to go for anger and destroying himself by destroying others, I think Kuai Liang would push ppl away. Kuai Liang would keep trying to sabotage the relationship thinking it would lead to nothing but pain for them both (except it won't) but Hanzo just won't let him, probably doesn't even realize that Kuai Liang is trying to push him away, and assumes he's just adjusting.
Now we get to the chorus.
"I can't stand you in my bed, you're too gentle. I need you to hurt me back instead"
Kuai Liang has been used and abused his whole life, I do not think he knows the difference between people loving him and people hurting him. He's starting to figure it out now that he's free, but it is a struggle. And all Hanzo wants is to love Kuai Liang and love him softly. At his core, Hanzo is a very gentle man, despite the damage he has done, he is very soft. So he keeps treating Kuai Liang gently and being kind and tender and Kuai Liang doesn't know how to make sense of it bc as far as he knows, love is supposed to hurt and this doesn't. He probs tries to goad Hanzo into hurting him during sparring too, and can only really relax after he's got some bruises to ground him.
"I wish I could take you back to California, where you'd never heard of creatures like me. Little bird won't you fly away, Little bird won't you fly away?"
He thinks Hanzo would be happier with Harumi, if she had lived, and wishes with everything he had that he could make that happen for Hanzo. Its not an entirely unfair assumption on Kuai Liang's part, nor is it malicious or angry, he just thinks that he's not good enough for anyone, much less able to measure up to the great love of Hanzo's life. He also keeps expecting Hanzo to leave him, to walk out the door and never come back and is always surprised when Hanzo doesn't
"And sorry that I roll over to my folks, it's not that I'm ashamed but they keep me on the leash to choke"
Lin Kuei Trauma! They fucked Kuai Liang up so much! I think that even though they are dead and he's disavowed so many of their teachings which he refuses to pass on, Kuai Liang still struggles to let go of them in his own life. So he keeps his relationship with Hanzo a secret and hides it from the rest of the defenders even tho neither of them really wants that, bc every time he thinks of telling someone and admitting that he cares about Hanzo as much as he does, he just gets terrified bc if the old Lin Kuei were still alive, they'd kill him for this (he's seen them do it to others) and that's a hard fear to get past.
"I'm a hunting breed, if they sniff you out, they gnash their teeth"
Kuai Liang thinks he's only good for killing, he genuinely does not believe that he is worth anything else. He's also Lin Kuei, and as much as he hates the old Lin Kuei and what they were, he was trained by them and a member, he can't always remember what it is that sets him apart from them. So I think in some ways he's also afraid that he'll hurt Hanzo just by being what he is, and he doesn't want to risk that.
"I'm a coward scared of living outside, even if it means I crush you at my side"
Now, I don't think any of us would describe Kuai Liang as a coward but he thinks of himself as one when it comes to love. Bc as much as he tries to push Hanzo away, to hide their relationship, to try and avoid pain by keeping them both apart, he can't make himself let go. He feels selfish for wanting to keep Hanzo, but he wants that more than anything, even if having it means destroying himself. He knows that Hanzo doesn't really want to hide their relationship but he does it anyways bc he can't bring himself to let Hanzo go, even if it means making them both miserable (which they aren't, they just have a lot to talk about and work through together)
Chorus repeats and then
"When the bell rings my mouth waters, I'm a habit that won't alter, I'm an instinct, don't you fear me? Hunting songbirds in my sleep"
Again, Kuai Liang still thinks of himself as Lin Kuei in the old way as much as he tries to distance himself from them and become something better (which he is), and he's so used to being put in life threatening situations where he can't trust anyone that he can't see things another way very easily. So, I think he lashes out when Hanzo's gentleness confuses him too much and he reverts back to the behavior he had adopted in the Lin Kuei to survive, even if he doesn't mean too. He always regrets it, but he can't stop it either.
"Sorry that I don't treat you like I should. I only lick my wounds, teeth bared and snap, 'you're all that's good'"
I think this would be Kuai Liang trying to apologize to Hanzo for pushing him away so much, but when Hanzo tries to push a little bit and figure out what is going on so they can resolve it, Kuai Liang lashes out again. He calls Hanzo "All that's good" as almost an accusation, in the sense of "You're too good for me, and you're too good to me and it scares me" and Hanzo doesn't know how to convince him otherwise, that Kuai Liang is safe and Hanzo doesn't want to hurt him or use him, only love him.
"If I chase you away, I'm back to chasing tail, running circles after what was real. And maybe one day, I'll catch it, and I'll cry, wishing that little songbird was still mine."
I think that what Kuai Liang fears more than anything is losing Hanzo, and he's terrified that Hanzo will finally give up and abandon him like Kuai Liang has been pushing him to do all this time, leaving Kuai Liang with nothing but the memories of someone who treated him gently with no ulterior motive. Hanzo never will, of course, he's going to drag Kuai Liang towards self esteem and mental stability if it is the last thing he ever does, kicking and screaming if need be.
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