#so let me tell you hearing 'i am no mother i am am no bride i am KING'????? ok :) okkkkkkkkk
rosykims · 1 year
having a normal one listening to florence sing i am king over and over again thinking so many reprehensible thoughts about lilithira <3
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missswritesalot · 2 months
Small Victories
Daemon finally convinces his brother to let him wed Lord Lyonel Strong’s half Targ daughter, Lady Y/N Strong. All it took was the proof of their coupling.
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Curious eyes followed the rogue prince as he walked across the halls of the Red Keep.
Daemon didn't care though, he disrupted the lords of the council and pestered Viserys until they were left alone.
“You’re aware that I want Y/N, your ward.” Daemon said.
He was sick and tired of being told he couldn't have you for his bride. There was nothing that inspired his ire more than the letters to the crown asking for your hand, the hand he felt belonged to him. And this godforsaken council was planning on the most suitable match for their own ambition.
Only Lord Lyonel Strong, your father, had a speck of good intention in his heart. He didn't, however have any authority over your wedding, as the late Queen Aemma had taken a liking to you when you were a child. Your mother had been a prominent bastard Targaryen daughter and the Queen felt an especially close responsibility towards you. You became Rhaenyra's closest companion and upon the queen's death, the ward of the King.
Daemon was thrilled when this happened, could he finally have you for himself? All these years, right under his nose, you had blossomed into the finest young woman fit to be a princess. Aemma would’ve never allowed him to wed you, but Viserys might.
So last night after you left Rhaenyra's chambers and returned to your own, Daemon found you.
It didn't take more than him bolting the door behind him and telling you to take your dress off. His little bird was more than eager, considering that she'd been waiting for this all her life. Her very own Targaryen prince, a part of her identity that decided her life yet lay just out of hand’s reach.
"She's been thoroughly bedded by me, brother." Daemon smirked. He unfurled the ball of fabric in his hand to reveal sheets suggestively streaked with blood. Presumably your maidenblood.
Viserys laughed nervously. Daemon wouldn't dare! Or would he? Anger bubbled within him. This wasn't one of the maidens that the madame of a whorehouse reserved for his brother! Her father was one of the men on the King's Small Council. His own Queen wife had once looked upon this girl as a daughter.
"You dishonor my ward like this?" The King spat out. "This is all a jest to you, Daemon, but you are lucky there is no audience, because if there were one, I'd have your tongue for what you're suggesting." He threatened.
"I am making no suggestion, brother. It is but the truth. I have claimed her. Her maidenblood is spilled, now she is mine and you will give her to me to take to wife." Daemon said calmly. He didn't want to be too demanding.
"And was she receptive to your advances?" Viserys asked sarcastically. He didn't believe a word out of Daemon's mouth, but a growing fear in the pit of his stomach told him otherwise.
"I made her willing," Daemon said quietly. He couldn't risk marring the reputation of his future wife, and by extension his children, by proclaiming her a wanton whore. But he couldn't very well claim he had forced her into it, not with her whole family at court who would forever detest the Prince. Not to mention the rapers he had gilded with the city watch.
"If she hears of your cruel jest- I don't doubt she will swoon." Viserys shook his head, still unbelieving. Daemon crumpled up his trophy into a ball again and tucked it under his arm.
"For safekeeping. Quite a souvenir." Daemon said and chuckled.
"Have Lady Y/N brought before me," Viserys ordered one of the guards that lingered by the door. That man was pink faced and nervously looking at his feet, and jumped upon being addressed. In his good mood, Daemon laughed out loud.
"I'd rather you didn't, brother. Leave her be, and consent that she be my bride." Daemon said.
"And why should she not be here to listen to your slander? Smearing pigs blood to claim she is maiden no longer? I'd like to give Y/N a chance to speak on her behalf." Viserys said, he held up his finger.
"She's still abed," Daemon lied easily. In truth he had found his woman curled into his side this morning. He woke to her gentle touch, and shy questions as she asked if it wouldn't be too indulgent to receive such a pleasure in the light of the day. He'd done a good job and left her so thoroughly ravaged she could scarcely remember her name. She was probably in Rhaenyra's chambers now, hunched over tapestries, and recounting stories of her passionate night while the girls around them burst into giggles. The picture of it brought a smile to Daemon's face.
"You mean this, Daemon?" Viserys asked, finally believing the Prince. He needed to contain this incident before it grew and took legs. "Will this make you happy, brother?"
"More than anything."
"Have Ser Lyonel Strong brought in," he ordered the guard. "And ser Harwin, if he is within the walls."
The men appeared quickly, and looked apprehensively at Daemon. Ser Harwin of the city watch was more at ease than his father.
"'My brother is a Targaryen Prince, won the crown at the Stepstones and is a bachelor after the demise of this Lady wife, the seven rest her soul." Viserys announced to them. "He is every maiden's dream, or so they tell me."
"I am not unaware that it is my perjury that decides the hand of your daughter, Lady Y/N Strong. Therefore I have found a suitable match, my own brother, Prince Daemon Targaryen. Only the finest for her, to honor her late mother’s Targaryen heritage." Viserys gestured to his brother standing to the side, unbothered with bedhair in his undershirt in the midafternoon. Ser Lyonel’s face paled.
"I cannot go forth with this wedding without doing you the courtesy of letting you be the first to know, that your second daughter Lady Y/N Strong, will wed my brother, the Prince. Is there any reason you might object?" Viserys asked, hoping they might offer a valid reason. But silence prevailed.
"She is, of course, most willing." Daemon taunted. He couldn't resist the temptation any more than he could resist your allure.
"We are honored, your Grace." Lyonel spoke uneasily after a while. Ser Harwin didn't look too convinced either, but there was no way to voice their fears without insulting the King's own brother. They refused to look at disheveled Daemon smirking at them.
Daemon whistled a happy tune as he waltzed around the hallways and to his chambers.
He sighed in relief at the ease at which he received the Crown's approval. Now all there was left to do was convincing you that a life with him held more promise than one as Rhaenyra's ladies in waiting.
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,400+
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Synopsis: Big Mom has found her son, Charlotte Katakuri, a partner she deemed worthy enough for him to court for matrimony. While he is smitten immediately with you, he is determined to make a good impression on you by not revealing his face. Your curiosity gets the better of you.
Warnings: Katakuri x f!reader, talks of husband and wife, use of bride, massaging face, fluff, so fluffy.
Notes: wrote this half-dazed at 6:30am this morning because @gingernut1314 decided she needed the big man in her life and the brain-worm got me. Here he is, the big guy all for you, sweetheart. Art link
Tag List: @feral-artistry @i-am-vita @indydonuts @sordidmusings @since-im-already-here @writingmysanity @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training
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Being courted by the Minister of Flour was not something you had ever pictured to be highlighted on your impressive resume. When you first received an invitation from the Charlotte family to venture to Komugi island, this was not an outcome you predicted for yourself. 
Charlotte Katakuri, the second son and third child of Big Mom, was told to find a bride. His orders were received, the date of his nuptials set, and his suit picked out for such an excitable occasion. The only thing that had not been set in stone was the partner joining him at his side after their soft march down the aisle. 
Your family was titled, strong, and one of the only families Big Mom had deemed worthy enough to usher in a new generation of pirates to join in taking the Charlotte name. Katakuri had no choice but to obey his mother, apprehensively accepting the terms of an arranged marriage against his own desires to simply live to protect his siblings, nieces, and nephews. While this was out of his control, what he could control was how his intended bride depicted him. 
He could continue to shield his face from you. His rationale was as such, “If they never view my face, they would never have reason to fear me.” And so he did as such, hiding his face beneath the fur shroud from the moment he met you, and every courtship session soon thereafter. As he laid his eyes on you for the first time, he was immediately smitten. Taken by your appearance alone, and your willingness to sign your name beside his on the registry to set your intentions to wed in stone, he could never be more proud to have a partner such as you. 
As his trust in you began to build, he slowly allowed you into his heart, and shared his burdens with you as Minister of Flour. He confided in you, relishing in your company as he openly courted you under the watchful chaperone of his younger sister, Charlotte Brûlée. 
One such occasion, he laid out a blanket for you and drew out a large wicker basket from behind his back. He presented you with an assortment of baked sweets and pastries with a soft blush dusting his cheeks beneath the fur shroud. While you accepted the treats with gratitude, you instead placed it beside you and knelt on the blanket, tapping your lap and asking him to lay on his back. 
“Tell me about your day, intended. I want to know every detail,” you smiled mischievously up at him. He cautiously stole a look at Brûlée, who emphatically ushered him to do as he was told with flailing hands. 
Lowering himself onto the mat beside you, he awkwardly shifted himself to attempt to do as you asked. Rolling your eyes, you reach your hands up to his shoulder and gently guide his larger form to lay his head in your lap. His entire head was the size of both of your thighs together, but you had no qualms or complaints about it. 
“Come on, I don't bite,” you reassured him with a soft laugh, “Let me hear about your journeys abroad. Tell me anything that you want, you have my complete attention.” He was a giant, but so incredibly gentle and sweet to those he deemed as family. 
Coaxing his head onto your lap, he immediately drew his hand up to his mask and secured it over his lips to keep his mouth and teeth hidden from your sight. You chose to ignore this, drawing your fingers up and settled him atop your thighs as he slowly, quietly spoke about his life to you. 
While Charlotte Katakuri was immediately taken by you in the registry office with your family and his, you were horrified by the sight that was met with you. You had heard stories about some of the Charlotte's being of unusual size and stature, but you had no idea exactly how tall your intended was. His form was almost three times your size, his intimidating appearance did nothing to stifle your nerves. 
Believing to have masked your concerns at the nuptuals well enough to be believable, your nerves all but melted away the moment his soft, soothing voice checked in with you afterwards. Charlotte Katakuri was a sweetheart, a 504cm tall sweetheart with such softness within his hardened exterior. 
Reclining his head on your lap, you rubbed at his plum-colored hair as he spoke about adventures away from Komugi. His hand gestures out in a flurry in front of his chest, pointing to the sky as he speaks so eloquently to you. Although he does not yet trust you enough for you to reveal his face, your curiosity begins to gnaw at the seams. 
You start to lower his inhibitions by massaging his scalp, scruff of his neck and forehead. His hair pricks your skin as your skillful touch chips away at his woes and worries. His voice quietens further as he closes his eyes as your hands firmly press against his forehead. You needed to see your soon to be husband’s face, you desperately craved to know what was going on beneath the furs. 
As he leans into your touch, he seemingly forgets about the shroud over his mouth hiding his sharpened teeth from you. He is in bliss beneath your hands, and he slips away into a world carved by your palms and fingertips. Your hands dip deeper, lower into his cheeks, your digits feeling his muscles relax their tension beneath your fingers. 
Smiling to yourself softly as he gasps at such sweetness befalling from you to him, he parts his lips gently. He arches his head further into your lap, the shroud finally lowering and revealing his sharp teeth and unnaturally widened mouth. His jaw falls slack as his brow becomes relaxed. 
You crave to coo at his vulnerability, truly enjoying empathetically how much he allowed himself to relax into your soft touch. This hardened general, this pirate minister, this older brother to so many siblings in the Charlotte family, was as malleable as rice flour mochi beneath your skilled digits. You took in his appearance, almost relieved at feeling the twin slits up his lips as you looked down at him with nothing but pure adoration. 
You were immediately in love with what you saw, your heart beating heavily against your ribcage as a warm flush rose to your cheeks. You loved him, all of him.
Brushing your hands over his cheeks, you silently and slowly commit his face to memory like reading a marble carving with a simple touch. He is gorgeous, and you remember to tell him so when he snaps out of his tranquility and looks at you with accusing eyes the moment he realized you slipped the shroud over his chin. 
“What are you doing?” he growls quietly, “Why did you do that? I don't want you to fear me-...” A soft gasp flees from your lips as you take him completely in. His lips split up his cheeks in an unnatural slit through symmetrical scars, his sharp fangs extend up on his lower jaw and over his lips. 
Although he feels slightly betrayed at the way you managed to easily reveal his face, his betrayal is eclipsed by shock and awe when he meets your eyes. 
“I-I just…” you trail off, your body cowering away in response to his anger, but your eyes still depict the emotion you so desperately desired to show him, “...-I just wanted to know. I wanted to see.” Charlotte Brûlée watched the interaction with interest, her own shock evident on her face. 
She witnessed the entire interaction with your hands on his face, almost calling out to warn her brother his face was going to be revealed, but quietly hoping you would fall in love with him further. She knew you loved him, knew you wanted to see him, and trusted you enough with her older brother that she knew you would love him more the moment his fangs and scars were brought into the light.
He was expecting fear, disgust, anguish and anger to be met in your curious gaze. But all you held in those calm and half-lidded orbs was pure trust, love, and pure adoration. His shock was adamant as he nervously floated his eyes between your gaze. His thumb and index finger circled around your much smaller hand, hovering it over his cheek as you felt your heart soar at the vulnerability.
“And now that you have?” his whisper came out more like a gasp, his voice breathy and craved to hear you say you weren’t afraid. He needed to know you did not fear his appearance, his wordless prayers spoken within his mind’s eye the longer your gaze soaked in his sight. 
You placed your unoccupied hand on his cheek, leaning in closer to his face and your lips curling into a soft, innocent and intimate smile. Caressing his cheek, you cocked your head to the side and finally uttered a single word he truly did not ever think he would hear. 
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thatacotargirl · 3 months
Shadows and Surprises (7)
Part 7 of Azriel x Reader fanfic! Sorry for the delay!
Summary: Azriel meets y/n at Rita's and spends a single night of passion with you before heading your separate ways. Only, the Mother had different ideas.
Warnings: none.
Tag list - @nickishadow139 @dee-writes-smut @minnieoo @st4r-girl-official
@courtofjurdan @mirandasidefics @lilah-asteria @nyxbranwenn @impossibelle
@mybestfriendmademe @hauntedstudentobservationus @julesofvolterra @acourtofbatboydreams @rogersbarnesxx
@skylarkalchemist @sidthedollface2 @aehllitas-blog @fullmoon-94 @acourtofbatboydreams
@aehllitas-blog @fullmoon-94 @5onedirection5 @mindofthescattered @rcarbo1
"And hook the right arm a little, no, I mean like thi-, no wait that's not, y/n, hold your, yes ok now we're getting somewhere".
Absolutely nothing that Cassian just said to you made sense. But, he said you're getting somewhere, and he's the expert after all.
You throw your arm around in a right hook, attempting to catch Cassian in the jaw, but he blocks you and brings his clenched fist up to your throat. He, naturally, stops short and doesn't actually touch you, only showing you where your weak spots are when you throw the first punch in a fight, but it was enough to feel Azriel's wrath seeping across the training ring.
"That's enough, Cassian", he calls out, standing to approach you both in the centre of the ring.
"What?! I'm fine Az, I'm not even tired" you protest, attempting to throw another hook at Cassian whilst he is distracted, which he again blocks - only without even looking at you. How does he do that?
"Az, brother, you need to relax. If y/n needs to stop, she will tell me - she did the other day and we stopped straight away. I promise", Cassian reassures Azriel, but you see his eyes darken.
"Why did you need to stop the other day? You didn't tell me that? Were you hurt?".
You let out a frustrated gruff and start to walk away towards the stairs that lead back down to the house. You are almost 7 months into your pregnancy now, and Azriel is only getting more protective and overbearing by the day. Just this morning he wouldn't even let you put your own socks on so you didn't bend down and 'squash the baby'. As you descend the stairs, you see a tuft of golden hair fly past and run into a nearby room, slamming a door. Peering in the direction the tuft of hair came from, you see Rhysand staring ahead blankly.
"Should I ask?".
Rhys just shakes his head to you and wanders off in the other direction. Looking at the door that had just slammed, you walk over and knock quietly.
"Fey?", you call out, resting your ear against the door. No answer.
"Feyre?", you try again. No answer.
"I'm coming in, Fey", you say as you push open the door to one of the many spare bedrooms. When you poke your head in, you see Feyre curled in a ball on the bed, sobs racking her body. You walk over and perch on the edge, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"What happened?", you ask quietly, rubbing soothing circles along her shoulder and back. She stayed quiet, sobbing into the pillow, so you stay silent too, keeping up the gentle circles until you feel her body still underneath you. Thinking she's asleep, you go to stand, but you hear a soft sniff and Feyre looks up at you.
"I kissed him".
"Kissed who? Rhys?"
Feyre just nods, hiding her face back in the pillow, but at least this time it isn't accompanied by tears.
"What's the problem with that, Fey?"
"I'm in love with Tamlin!"
Who the fuck is Tamlin?
"He's the High Lord of Spring", Feyre whispers.
Ah shit, I said that out loud.
"Yes, you did".
SHIT. It must be the pregnancy brain.
Silence follows.
Right ok, I didn't say that out loud then.
"No, you didn't".
Cauldron boil me now.
"I am with Tamlin, I am to marry Tamlin, look", Feyre holds up her hand showing a huge emerald rock on her finger. There is no mistaking that she is a soon-to-be bride.
"Was it a mistake?"
"Yes", she says quickly. Then pauses. "Maybe?"
"Well I wanted to kiss him in that moment. But maybe it's some kind of survivor's guilt thing, Rhys saved me under the mountain and so I owed him a thank you?"
"Maybe Fey, but you don't need to beat yourself up over it. If it was a mistake, it was a mistake. Rhysand will not hold that against you, he's a good male".
"I know", she whispers. After a short pause, she adds "but if it was a mistake, why do I want to do it again?".
You have no answer, so you simply go back to rubbing her back, hoping it is offering her at least some comfort. Your situation was a difficult one, but at least you and Azriel were on the same page. Although, thinking about that, were you? You hadn't discussed the future nor the circumstances of your relationship. Would Azriel see other people? Would you move out when the baby was born and co-parent? You hadn't admitted your feelings to Azriel, certain that he didn't return them, but you hadn't stopped to think about how difficult it would be to watch him start a life with another female one day. A knot forms in your chest as you realise how uncertain your own circumstances are, and you have absolutely no advice to offer Feyre because, if you did, perhaps you'd take that for your own.
You look down and see that Feyre had, in fact, cried herself to sleep. Standing gentle, making sure not to rock the bed too much, you retreat from the room and pull the door closed, wandering off to the library in search of Azriel.
You find the trio in the library, sat spread out across the various sofas and chairs in the room. Cassian gives you a wave, sloshing his glass of whiskey and causing half of it to land on the carpet. Rhys only shakes his head and waves a hand, the mess disappearing instantly. Azriel sits himself up from lounging and pats the space next to him on the sofa, a glass of sparkling water appearing on the small table next to the seat. You smile and join him on the sofa, appreciating the water more than you probably should, but you hadn't had a chance to hydrate after your training session since you had found yourself in Feyre's room. Rhys looked at you, a question in his eyes, but you could only shrug a response. You had no update for him.
"How are you feeling", Azriel asks, sipping on his whiskey.
"I'm ok, starting to get a bit sore and achy now, but nothing I can't manage".
"Should we speak with Madja?", Rhys asks, but you shake your head.
"No need, it's all normal pregnancy stuff, nothing to be concerned about". It didn't make Azriel's face look any less concerned.
"I'll stay in tonight", he says, setting down his glass.
"Yeah, I'll stay in". You see Cassian glare at him from across the room and raise your eyebrows in question.
"I only went out of my way and wingmanned him a hot date, and he's going to bail only a few hours before. Way to make me look bad Az", he guilts, pulling a pout. But you stopped listening after you hear 'hot date'. Your ears start ringing and your eyes prick with tears which you quickly blink away. Not quickly enough to avoid Azriel's attention, though.
"Are you ok? Does something hurt?".
"I'm fine", you snap a bit harsher than you meant to. Standing from the sofa, you throw a look his way and add a soft "don't worry". You start to walk away, but he calls you back.
"I'm actually quite tired, Az. I'm going to head to bed and get an early night. Have fun on your date and I'll see you tomorrow, ok?'. You leave the room before giving him a chance to respond.
Azriel's POV
"You look great, Az!", Cassian says, straightening my bow tie. He doesn't seem to realise that Azriel will be tearing it off the moment before he takes the sky.
"Yeah, yeah, thanks Cass", he offers, looking at the wall.
"What?! I'd definitely do you", Cassian replies, still fiddling with the bow tie. Azriel only look at him with a glare, to which Cassian chuckles.
"Right, you're all ready, off you go", he says, patting Azriel's shoulder and steering him towards the balcony. "Go get her", he winks, before walking back into the House of Wind.
Azriel sighs, rips off the bow tie, and jumps from the ledge, heading into the centre of Velaris.
He arrives at the restaurant and finds his date standing outside waiting, even though Azriel himself is 10 minutes early. She is pretty, there is no denying that, but Azriel can't clear his mind of the beautiful female back at the House currently carrying his child.
"Hi!", his date calls, walking over to him.
"Hi Tori", he smiles, offering her a quick hug. The pair of them walk into the restaurant and are seated at a private table on the roof, as arranged by Cassian and Rhysand. The pair of them seem to think that a date will help Azriel's 'brooding', as they call it. But Azriel's mind is in one place and on one thing, and it isn't the female sat opposite him at this table.
The date is nice. The food is good, the drinks are flowing, and the live entertainment is a dream. But Azriel can't stop thinking about y/n.
"You seem distracted?", Tori asks, slurring her words slightly after they finished their 3rd bottle of wine and gestured the waiter for a 4th.
It's like she opened a floodgate. With the question lingering and the sheer volume of alcohol he had consumed to try and distract himself, Azriel suddenly word vomits everything that is in his brain, telling his date every single detail about you and his unborn child.
"A word of advice, Azriel, if I may?".
He nods.
"You clearly care for this female and your baby more than anything on the planet. So why, on the sun and the moon and the stars and the damned cauldron itself, are you on a date with me instead of telling this female that you very clearly love her?".
He sits in silence, stewing over Tori's words, before it feels like a bucket of cold water has been thrown over his entire body. He does. He loves you. He loves you more than he has loved anything or anyone in this world. And tonight, he let you sit at home, uncomfortable and sore, carrying his child, whilst he went on a date. He had fucked up.
Standing abruptly, Azriel reaches into his wallet and throws a heaping handful of notes on the table, covering the bill and then some.
"I'm so sorry", he says to Tori, who merely shakes her head and smiles.
"Go get your girl, Az".
Crash landing on the balcony and stumbling through the House, Azriel finds your door and knocks hard.
"Y/n?", he whisper shouts, knocking again.
You must be asleep. But this can't wait.
Azriel pushes the door open, but your bed is empty. He checks the bathroom. Empty.
Perhaps you had a midnight craving? He stumbles down to the kitchen. Empty.
Confused, disorientated, and slightly nauseous, Azriel makes his way to his own bedroom. He walks in and see a small piece of paper folded on his pillow. His eyes struggle to focus but he manages to successfully unfold the paper, only for his heart to fall to his stomach at its contents.
I am so sorry.
It was too late. You'd gone.
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salaciousdoll · 1 year
✩˚。⋆ ⋆ ⋆ His Messy Dolly ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ˚。✩
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・˳ . ⋆ Featuring Jugram Haschwalth x doll wife!Fem!reader ・˳ . ⋆
୨⍣୧ ⁺⁎˚ ⋆━━ Be advised to the warnings of smut, Modern!royal! Au, dollification( just a little bit shown), dirty talking, pet names( Angel, doll, slut, etc.), Dark Content, reader is fucked good and messy, Jugram is obsessed with you even if you only had a year with each other before the arranged marriage happens, arranged marriage au!, reader has a small panic attack on her wedding day, reader almost turns into bridezilla, spitting, impact play( gripping thighs, holding hips tightly, etc.), small temperature play with ice, breeding kink, squirt mention, you’re both a creamer and squirter, quickie, late to your own wedding, praise kink up 100 here, degradtion kink is down 50, pussy drunk! Jugo, dick drunk!reader, let me know if I missed something… Wc: 2.5k
Minors do not interact, 18+
ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ┈•゚Note from Salaciousdoll: this may not be my best and I am so sorry to the people who expected more. I didn’t finish this until today but I hope you can still enjoy it. Please tell me if Jugram is ooc because I think I wrote him a little ooc, just be nice about it. Anyways, welcome to the second week and fic of my kinktober and no nut November event!!
Salaciousber Masterlist Taglist
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Being the daughter of a victorious king has its ups and downs. Ups because of the princess treatment you get and the pretty gowns you get to wear to every event or even causally some days. You always dress and act your best around any of your mother and father’s company.
Growing up in a palace or being the princess has its downs when you have to act ladylike at all times, be on your best behavior because if you don't, a pinch to the arms or ears will pull you together. Being the princess of your father’s kingdom has its downs when you are forced into an arranged marriage based on the Kings of two countries' greed for power and hunger for money. Arranged marriage still being legal today will never not throw you out of your head.
You had a life before today. A life filled with so much goodness, treasurement, etc. you loved walking around in any outfit or gown with stares of men and women waiting for your father to announce your courting event. You were stunning to everyone everywhere you went. You walked with your head held high with the innocent lore in your eyes and posture. You were the admired one, so when the queen finally announced to the public that you were now courted to be a bride of prince Haschwalth, loud whispers and concerns from the public occurred causing the king to immediately silence their foolish concerns with whom you’re getting married to.
You and Jugram stared at the crowd with your head held high as your father and his father quieted down the crowd. With one look from Ywhach and your father, the crowd quiets down. Afterwards, you and Jugram announced your wedding day and invited everyone to join you two, which got screams of excitement and anguish from people all over.
A year later, your wedding occurred. The wedding was a hazard and a fucking playground of annoying kids and adults. You were slowly becoming a bridezilla once one of your bridesmaids forgot the dress due to her packing so late. You wanted a big wedding with family and friends, this was the consequence of going against your future king's wishes of a small wedding. You stared in the mirror at yourself and tried to smile as your cousin explained that your other cousin was running late from the bridal shop near your father’s castle.
“ It’s alright, c/n. Thank you. You may go, I need to be alone just for a minute please.”, You say as you stare at the crown that was supposed to be on your head minutes ago. You were late to your own wedding and you wanted to be swallowed up by the earth when you kept hearing the same orchestral music playing in the background.
Tears threatened to spill from your eyes until you heard a knock on the door. You didn’t say anything to let them know to leave you alone. You would think that this person would take the hint, but they didn’t. The person came in, shutting the door after themselves. You could feel a chilling and mysterious air around which means the person is your newly made lover.
You spoke to him with your head down, “ Jugo, I don’t think I could do this right now, I still want to marry you. I want to marry you so badly but this day isn’t meant for me. I can’t keep dealing with thi-”
“ Nonsense, my love. We can’t call it off just for one little mishap. Pull yourself together, princess. Or do I have to, perhaps, make you.”, Jugo says while buttoning up your corset to your dress from behind even after you thought you were buttoned up perfectly. He always loves to dress you up, you’re his little doll, his Angelic doll. He didn’t like that he couldn’t dress you up for today, so that’s why he’s here for touch ups. After he was finished with your corset, he ran his hand down your back to smooth it out and then back up to your shoulders to massage them. Jugram’s hands felt like your favorite lotion smoothing over your skin, God you were in love with him as he was in love with you just as much.
You bit your lip and looked at the time on the clock sitting on the vanity mirror thing, they could wait another ten minutes right? You jumped at Jugram bending to kiss your check, standing you up in the process. His hands were soothing your arms as he kissed from your cheek and down to the crook of your neck, “ Tell me what you want, my love. Want me to make you squirt or cream? Want me to fuck you hard and fast.” As he spoke, he sucked on the skin he could see, seeming that you had your wedding dress on and only the top of your chest was available to him.
“ Want me to leave marks on your skin, showing everyone what’s mine? Or do you want to leave marks on my skin showing everyone what’s yours? Choose wisely, Angel.”, Jugram was teasing you and you were so ready for his dick, but he just continued rubbing your skin in circles and sucking or kissing on your sweet spots.
You wanted to scream but held yourself together, “ Make me messy, it’s only right I get the preview of our honeymoon, Jugo. Give it to me hard and fast, but please don’t make me stain my dress. You’re not even supposed to be seeing me before I walk down the aisle, bad luck is coming our way Jugo.” Jugram smirked a little against your shoulders, raising his pretty eyes to meet yours in the mirror.
He turned you around and helped you on top of the vanity, not caring if it broke under your weight or how hard he was about to fuck you. You cared though, he could see the panic in your eyes and movements; he didn’t know why, but he was turned on from the panic spreading from your eyes and running out of your eyes and across your entire face. He liked the adrenaline. The rush of only being able to get you to panic, fall, or fold underneath him.
Jugram unzipped his pants with his left hand as his right hand was placed on the side of your cheek. He passionately kissed you, detaching his lips to whisper to you about holding up your dress right before attaching his lips to yours again, this time more roughly. You liked the feeling of his lips on yours even if they are rough going.
As you tried to bunch up the front of your dress to allow him access to your pussy, he detached his lips from the slow lip locking kiss with a string of saliva being the only evidence of the passionate kiss. He helped you and saw your pretty white lingerie panties causing him to curl his finger under the ban, snapping it against your skin, “ Please tell me you have more of these for the honeymoon, my love. They look so pretty and perfect for the prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen, darling.”
You smirked at him as you tightly held onto one part of your dress bunched up in your right hand that held onto the vanity table and your left hand held onto the other side of the vanity table, “ You’ve seen other pussies, my dear Jugram? Not very wise of you but as for the answer to your question” you smiled at him, seductively looking up at him through your eyelashes. “ you’ll have to find out.”
He almost chuckled at your stupid little joke, but he was too occupied bending down to plant butterfly kisses on your white lingerie panties covering your sweet pussy he loved to see and be inside of. He soon reached into the ice bucket on the side of you with the champagne in there— pulling out an ice cube to put in his mouth. Jugram went back to kissing and sucking on your clit through your pussy with the ice in his mouth. You squealed at the coldness of the ice on your clothed pussy, it felt so good to be true. So good that you might squirt especially with the little licks and kisses he was planting on your soaking pussy. You grew wetter at this little act of service but had to stop it, “ Feels s’good, Jugram, but I need you inside of me.” Jugram stood up again and licked his lips— savoring the little taste of water and your pussy.
He took out his cock and lined himself up with the opening of your pussy, “ Such an impatient little slut. I’ll give you what you so desperately want, my pretty bunny.” You didn’t know where the nickname came from, but you liked hearing him say it especially with his deep, pretty voice.
His cock was so heavy and thick against your pussy and you couldn’t take it, so you tried to move your hips up and down. Jugram stopped that right away with a firm grip of your thigh, his other hand moved your panties to the side earning a groan from him as some of your wetness dripped down your pussy.
Jugram threw his head back when he pushed inside of your aching, wet pussy. He looked so beautiful with his head thrown back as Adam's apple bobbed so beautifully alongside his mouth opening letting out a loud groan, “ shit, such a wet pretty pussy you have. Want to fill you up. May I?” You nodded your head tk his question— your mouth was open in a large O as he dug into your pussy. Meanwhile, the only reason he was talking so much is because your pussy always have Jugram vocal with you, it was a weakness to him.
Your head hit the mirror almost shattering it, yet you didn’t give a damn— not when you have a big dick filling up your cunt. Your pussy welcomed Jugram in as he started to move in and out of you. He suddenly snatched your dress out of your hands and held it to your mouth, “ bite for me, doll. Aughhh! Fuck you’re squeezing me here.” You bite into your dress, holding it up for Jugram to see himself go in and out of your pussy with you clinging onto him like a girl who never wanted to let go. The grip of your pussy on his cock was a beautiful sight to behold.
Jugram couldn’t take anymore and needed to make you cum, so he can finally cum inside of your beautiful pussy— it will be the first for this day. He gripped your hips and slammed into you with neediness, the slaps of his hips hitting your inner thighs were beautiful. Your muffled screams were loud while he pounded inside of you without a care in the word if your cream dripped onto his suit or pieces of your dress. Your hands were on his pelvis trying to stop him from moving so fast.
“ No no, sweetheart. Take it, we only have a little amount of time. Should’ve pulled yourself together like I asked you, my love.”, he says in between hard thrusts. Your eyes widened as you felt your insides tighten at the feeling of his dick battering inside of your sobbing, tight pussy.
He leaned in to look in your eyes— holding eye contact with you as his cock swirled inside of you because of the rolling of his hips slamming into yours, you were sure your pussy was makin a mess on his cock and soon tears were building up in your eyes as you tried so hardly to maintain contact with him as he fucked you so good.
The grunts and whimpers he sung was beautiful and staring in his eyes was even more beautiful. “ Mmmphh, I cdwnt, plesssss.” Your muffled moans were so damn cute.
“ Let go for me, darling. Let Bazz listen to you come undone on my cock. Let him hear you scream as I pound you through your orgasm. Let him listen to what he can’t have. Fuck!”, Jugram moaned as he continued pounding into you. The objects on the desk you sat on fell on the floor as he pounded your pussy with want and need. Once you take in his words, your eyes widen at his sentence and you let go of your dress from your mouth because of your mouth opening in a loud scream.
Your cunt gripped Jugram so hard that he had no choice but to cum inside you as you came undone on his cock that was pumping and stretching you out even more. “ Fuckkkk, Jugo, ahhhnnn.”
Jugo came deep inside of your womb, “ Fucking hell! Nhnn~ such a beautiful cunt for a beautiful woman of mine.” Jugram eyes were back to normal after his vision went white whilst he came inside of you. He took in your messy look and grew proud of himself. Your hair was messed up, mascara ran down your face because of your tears of pleasure, and your lipstick was smudged across your face. He looked up at himself in the mirror and laughed— he actually laughed. Jugram’s lips had your lipstick smudged on them and his forehead was forming a party of sweat across it.
He kissed your lips before pulling out of your messy pussy, “ ahhh! You did so good f’me, so damn good. Now let’s get this wedding started, darling. Wouldn’t want everyone to leave before they got to see your gorgeous face, now would we?” He tucked himself back into his pants prior to helping you pull up your panties and fix your dress.
He suddenly turned to the door and spoke in his authority voice to someone outside the door, “ Bazz, since you were so incompetent to listen, you can inform the makeup artist and hair stylist that my wife needs a retouch, please include that I’ll pay them double their original amount.”
You then heard a kick of the door and a loud groan, “ such a dick move, Jugo.” It was Bazz's voice and your eyes widened at how he knew it was him. Jugram sensed that was gonna be your next question and answered you, “ Could feel his presence and heard his little curses as he listened to me pounding inside of your cunt.” You looked away when he said the last part, you forgot how brash he can be sometimes.
Jugram grabbed your chin, “ Open for me, pretty bunny.” You opened your mouth immediately and he knew he had you with that nickname now. Jugram looked in your eyes as something dropped on your tongue. You couldn’t see what it was; you could feel it instead. It was warm and stringy. It was his spit. This only turned you on even more as you swallowed the warm liquid down your throat. You were going to love being his wife.
A knock on the door solidified this moment and Jugram pulled away from you with a smirk. He soon turned to walk out the door, not before stopping in the thereshold where the hairstylist and makeup stylist sat there wide eyed at you two, “ I’ll looking forward to seeing you out there, wife.”
You smiled and nodded at him, “ See you out there, husband.”
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ෆ ̟ ̇ ┈•゚ Tagging: @chosoist @honeybleed @simpingfor-wakasa @angelshub @bxrbie1 @sylisan @lilvampirina @deftrow @uzxotic @tayler17-84
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゚•┈© all right reserved to salaciousdoll, she does not give permission to steal, plagiarize, and translate.
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whaledenwtf · 9 months
I'm such a sucker for Gale, and I want some fluff about him, maybe like what happened after or during the wedding, what would it look like? Like what would our man do
I'm such a sucker for Gale too, he's just baby. I'm not too familiar with Act 3 and the new epilogues they added but I'll do my baby justice. I'll be writing this with a female reader, so if you'd like GN! Reader I can try rewriting it.
As always, I try to keep Gale in character as much as possible. If you enjoy this fic, consider sharing it! I have requests open, which you can send here: Link I have a Masterlist for Baldur's Gate 3 works I've written, which also has a list of what I will and won't write here: Link
Gale x AFAB!Reader - Wedding Bells
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Warnings: AFAB!Reader, Fluff, Mentions of Anxiety, Self-Deprecation (Poor Gale), Mentions of Mystra (Mystra when I catch you Mystra), Minor Angst if you squint.
Gods he was so nervous. He kept pacing back and forth, subconsciously playing with his hands.
"Are you having regrets Mr. Dekarios?" He is snapped out of his reverie by Tara, who's watching him from a distance.
"Regrets? I could never regret my relationship with (Y/N), Tara. I am just... nervous. I don't want her to change her mind, is all." He tells her honestly. Tara struts closer to him, tail swaying behind her.
"I believe you are overthinking, Mr. Dekarios. After all, don't you think she would have changed her mind before the wedding day?" He ponders that for a moment.
"I suppose you may be right, Tara. However, I've come to realize there is no such luck for a fool like me. She may have changed her mind and is running out now-" To emphasize his point, he looks out the window to see if there is a runaway bride. He exhales in relief when he doesn't see you running off. Tara scoffs.
"Are you sure you won't be the one who runs out? Show some self-respect Mr. Dekarios. You are incredibly talented and a good friend. She loves you, in case you had forgotten." Tara sits, her wings twitching.
He looks away from the window, only seeing the wedding party seated in the rows and rows of seats, alongside your companions who were interacting with one another. The door opens, and Gale's mother walks in.
"Oh thank Mystra! My little boy is getting married- I was starting to get worried." Morena wails out, dabbing her eyes with a tissue. Gale rolls his eyes.
"Have you so little faith in me, mother?" She huffs, squinting at him.
"You were a recluse, Gale. A mother tends to worry when her son is aging without another by their side. I just want you happy." She tells him. He looks down, feeling guilty for worrying his mother.
"I am sorry-" Morena shakes her head.
"All is in the past now-" She claps her hands. She walks closer, giving him a once over, brushing non-existent dust off his shoulders. "I am very proud of you." She tells him quietly. He grips her in a tight hug, like a child would when they were scared. She caresses his back comfortingly, and he is filled with a sense of calmness. All his previous fears and anxieties dissipate. The door opens again. Morena lets go of Gale, giving him some space.
"Just coming in to check in. Am I disturbing something?" Gale hears your voice. Before he can take a glimpse at you, he turns around, eyes screwed shut.
"It is bad luck to see the bride before the aisle!" He shouts out. All the women giggle at him. You begin walking forward, smiling at Morena and Tara.
"We will leave you two alone. Come, Tara." They leave, closing the door behind them.
"Turn around, sweetheart. Who needs luck or gods, when we have each other?" You tell him, standing behind him. He sighs, turning around, eyes still screwed shut. You chuckle, taking his face in your hand.
"Open your eyes, Gale." He opens one eye, and his jaw drops. You were stunning; probably the most beautiful thing he has ever laid his eyes upon.
"Oh-" He opens both eyes, to look you up and down, multiple times.
"You're beautiful." He whispers, eyes watering. It never felt so real until this moment, seeing you devote yourself to him. You wipe the single tear that leaves his misty eyes. He blinks multiple times, willing himself not to cry.
"You don't look too bad yourself." You tease him, grinning.
"I wanted to check on you, see if you had changed your mind?" He looks into your eyes, seeing your honesty.
"Why would I change my mind?" You shrug.
"We don't need fancy ceremonies or gold rings to show our love to one another. All I need is you by my side." He takes your hand, kissing it.
"I can never regret anything I do if it involves you, my love." You giggle at his words.
"How are you feeling?" You ask him sweetly. He bites his lip.
"I am- was very nervous. For a moment I thought you would want to cancel the wedding." You shake your head.
"I love you, Gale. I'm not going anywhere. The tadpole couldn't keep us apart; nor the Netherese Orb; and definitely not some goddess." You end the sentence bitterly. He chuckles, putting his arms around you, kissing your forehead.
"We can do this, together." He says out loud.
"Together." You whisper, leaning into his neck and kissing him there.
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BONUS: You close the door behind you, leaving Gale to his thoughts. You turn to see Astarion and Wyll waiting for you. You jump, holding a hand to your heart as they scared you.
"Gods! Don't sneak up on me like that." They both chuckle.
"Did he cry?" Astarion asks excitedly. You chuckle, nodding.
"HA! Pay up Ravengard." Wyll sighs, handing over a pouch of gold to Astarion.
"I knew that sap would cry. Shouldn't have bet against me." Wyll rolls his eye.
"Alright Astarion." Wyll tells him. You smile at the two, before pulling them away from the door.
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little-spicy · 1 year
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: Aemond is to be married to Jocelyn Baratheon for an alliance and doesn't tell Y/N. He's willing to lie to keep her and way more.
A/N: okay so watched outlander and this scene is TOTALLY Aemond. When Jamie says "I would do far worse than lie to keep you."
WARNING: SMUT 🔥🔥🔥 MDNI!! Angst, non/con to dub/con, breeding kink, etc. (let me know if I forget anything) CONTAINS SMUT!!!
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THE NIGHT WAS SILENT AS Y/N PACED BACK AND FORTH IN her chamber, her heart filled with rage and disparity after hearing the news of an engagement.
Y/N was Rhea Royce's and Daemon Targaryen's child. After her mother's death, Daemon took his daughter and raised her as his own. She was a Targaryen through and through and was loved by her family.
Her strong spirit and her kind nature was what made her the heart of her family.
Even though she was loved by both the Blacks and the Greens, not even her could stop the battle of ice and fire between the families.
She did side with Blacks, she felt as if she had to since her father was with them and she loved her step mother, sisters, and cousins dearly.
But in her mind she had always longed for Aemond, they were always so close to one another as children and as they got older they still were close but only in the shadows.
The Greens and Blacks were silent enemies before they both were born but nevertheless they both knew it would never be approved.
No one in their family knew of it, every kiss and touch were in secret and it pained them both to have to hide.
And once the king had died, the fires from both families began to burn.
The fight over the Iron Throne had begun and Y/N was asked to go and grab allies before the Greens could.
However when she reached Storm's End, Aemond was there as well to seek an alliance.
The two clashed and fought and as Y/N went home to return to her family, Aemond had taken Y/N. Forcing Vhagar to take control of Y/N's dragon and force them to go to Kings Landing.
She was a prisoner and taken to her old quarters and to be bargaining chip.
She honestly believed that Aemond had taken her to be his bride, telling her a long time ago that he would.
The weeks had gone by and she was visited from time to time by Aemond or on the rare occasion the Queen.
But one morning her maid came in, talking about how Queen Alicent had announced Aemond was to be wed to Jocelyn Baratheon.
When hearing the news Y/N's heart broke and asked to not be disturbed for the remains of the day.
At first she cried and stayed in her bed, her heart ached as thought she knew the man she loved.
But as she cried the tears of sorrow soon became tears of anger. She felt used, she felt that every word and every touch was just a game and she felt like a fool.
She was ready to release her fire in her and she felt it bloom once she saw Aemond come into her chambers.
"You bastard!" She yelled and threw the closet thing to her at him.
He leaped out of the way as she threw a book at him and his eyes held anger as well.
"Seven Hells! Have you gone mad?"Aemond asked and came towards her and she slapped him. The force made his head turn to the side.
"You lied to me!" She cried and was about slap him again but he held her wrist. "Fucking Jocelyn Baratheon!"
Aemond's eye widened at her words and realized that the word had spread. He tried to keep his composure as she tried to hit him.
"Calm down." Aemond said as he held her back, squirming in his arms and trying to claw her way out.
She pushed him away and she breathed heavily as they stared at each other.
"I- I gave myself to you." She said angrily. "I let you take me and you claimed you loved me, I was fool to think you actually cared for me."
"Hold you tongue." He seethed. "I have never loved anyone else, I am just as surprised she announced it."
"But you knew?" She asked and Aemond sighed and nodded.
"My mother told me of it a couple of days after I brought you here." Aemond said. "But I didn't think-"
"You lied to me." She said and laughed bitterly. "You two will be an adorable couple, while I'll be called the Targaryen whore."
Aemond looked at her in anger.
"Yes I lied but that doesn't mean I love her, my mother forced me to accept." Aemond said. "What am I to do?"
"Leave." Y/N said." We are both subject to our families quarrels and we have no debt to them over a fucking throne."
"If you haven't forgotten your cousin took out my fucking eye." Aemond said and pointed to his eyepatch.
"So you're willing to lose me for this?" Y/N asked and Aemond was silent, she shook her head as tears began to fall. "Get out."
"No." Aemond said firmly and tried to come close to her.
"Get out!" Y/N yelled and threw a chalice at him. He avoided it and pounced on her and grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him.
"Yes I lied, it doesn't fucking matter." Aemond said and squeezed her arm as she tried to get loose. "Believe me when I say I would do far worse than lie to keep you."
He grabbed her face and kissed her roughly. She bit his lip and caused him to release her and she slapped him.
"Get off me!" She yelled and tried to run but he grabbed her arm again and pushed her onto the bed.
"You are mine, no one not even my mother nor the gods could stop this." He said and kissed down her neck, sucking on the skin harshly, leaving dark hickies.
"Fuck you!" She said and kicked his leg, causing him to groan in pain and release her. She got off the bed but was tackled to ground on the fur rug and he held her close.
"I love you and only you."'Aemond said and she cried in frustration as she tried to get out of his grip. He leaned forward and placed his forehead against hers. "Don't fight it."
She looked into his eye and saw his feelings, the desperation, the anger, his love. She tried not to cry and turned her head away from him.
Tears fell from her cheek and she felt him kiss her tear stained cheek.
"You are mine." Aemond said and kissed her neck and in an instant grabbed her nightgown and ripped it in half.
Her breasts were exposed and she tried to fight the moans as he began to suck and bite on her breasts.
He moved his hands all over her skin, the smoothness and smell of lavender filled his nostrils. He moved his hand down to her cunt and felt the wetness.
"If you fight so much why is it that I feel as if your cunt was a waterfall hmm?" Aemond taunted and began to move his fingers around her folds.
She let out an agonized moan, she felt the sparks fly and tried to refuse her body reactions.
Aemond removed his night clothes and began to rut against her with his hardened member. His pants the only barrier between his and her warm walls.
"Please." Aemond said and kissed down from her neck all the way to pubic bone.
"Leave with me." Y/N said and looked down at him as he stared at her in front of her drenched entrance. "That's the only way we can be happy, leave with me."
Aemond moved away from her core and looked at her in the eye. His face held fear and she touched his cheek and sigh. She moved his eyepatch and looked at the sapphire that was in it.
"You and I both know that's the only way." Y/N said. "I want to be yours but I know in the end our family will die in flames."
Aemond knew it was true and for once he wanted to be selfish. He was the second born, the boy who would inherit nothing but a title. He didn't want to be the lap dog for his brother or his mother. He's done so much that he felt that he deserved something.
As he looked down at Y/N he knew that was his something.
"I will." Aemond said and kissed her. Y/N moaned in the kiss and when they released Aemond moved his pants down and removed them. "I want to marry you, I want to run away."
"Yes, please." Y/N said and gripped his hair as she felt his kisses on her neck and the bites that came along with it.
Y/N cried out as Aemond swiftly plunged into her core. She moaned as Aemond began to fuck her.
"We'll move far away across the sea and-" Y/N was cut off by Aemond lifting her up and carrying her with his cock stuffed in her and placed her on the edge of the bed.
"I'll fuck my children into you, I want a whole family." Aemond said and rutted into her and put her legs on his shoulders. "I'll breed you until your full, I'll fuck you every night if I have to."
The words Aemond spoke and the way his cock hit her sweet spongy spot, she couldn't help but feel the walls tighten and breath hitching.
"Aemond I'm-" Y/N was cut off by Aemond kissing and grunting.
She felt her walls clamp down and she screamed as she felt Aemond's cock twitch. She heard as he let out a soft moan and rocked into her.
She felt his arms and wrapped around her and held her close. She felt the goosebumps on his skin and felt him pull out.
She felt the warm cum dribble out and Aemond smirked at his mark on her.
She watched as Aemond grabbed his shirt and trousers and grabbed her a few things.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked Aemond and he came forward with her clothes.
"We're leaving." He said and helped her up and grabbed a cloth and stuffed it in her cunt. "Don't want it all to fall out."
She leaned forward and he helped her put comfortable clothes on.
"Thank you." Y/N said and Aemond kissed her forehead.
"No, thank you." Aemond said and Y/N looked confused. "For giving me a choice."
Y/N smiled and both of them decided that night that their fate was their own.
Nobody knew what had happened of the couple. All that was left was a note from both children.
Revealing their love for one another and that they decided to leave and refused to take part of the disintegration of their family.
Rhaenyra and Alicent were torn apart that their family member had abandoned them both.
Daemon had never been the same once he learned his daughter had left. Some believed that he died of a broke heart when fighting Aegon on his dragon.
Some say that the lovers escaped to another land and had many children. That they had turned to farmers and lived their lives to the fullest, away from the cursed throne.
But one thing they had always gotten right was that Y/N and Aemond Targaryen loved and died together.
A/N: hope you all liked it! Love some steamy angst! Ty for reading and I also do other fandoms! As well I wanted to add I'm doing commissions!!!! Just message me and I can show you some of my pieces or go to @ peytonmunson on insta!
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willowed-wisp · 2 months
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Ser Harwin Strong x female!OC/x reader
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WARNINGS: mentions of non-con, suggestive themes, mentions of death, descriptions of childbirth
Their bliss had to end at some point. And it was business as usual. Logistics hadn’t been taken into account upon being wed.
Where would they take up as permanent residence?
With Harwin being in the City Watch and her wanting to watch over Alicent and Rhaenyra, they were to remain in King Landing. The Princess would have ordered she remained in Court anyhow.
Elspeth secretly hoped to smuggle her younger sibling away - from the grasp of the Crown and Lord Hand. It would have been easily done… not in her condition, though. She could barely smuggle herself anywhere, let alone another.
She had no idea where Cannibal was. Dragon tamers unable to keep them in the Dragonpit, what was the point in having a dragon if she didn’t know where it roosted?
The newly-wed bride did not want the stress- and she wouldn’t tolerate it. Harwin had left for watch with a kiss. At least they were allowed to sleep in the same bed- in the same chambers.
Despite the ethereal haze she found herself in the thralls of, Elspeth was aware of the wariness of the council concerning Viserys’ marital standings. Rhaenyra had been less exuberant, watching her father walk around gardens with a twelve year old Laena Velaryon. It wasn’t her business to expose Alicent, but with this growing sense of betrayal the Strong found herself approaching the princess’s chambers.
Knocking in a weak motion with her left hand, “Rhaenyra…” A voice came from the other side. The woman plodded through the door, Rhaenyra getting ready for cupbearing duties. A frown turned to smile seeing Elspeth.
"I trust you enjoyed your afternoon with Ser Harwin..."
"You should not think about such things, princess..." A gleeful tone, "I hear Lord Corlys and Rhaenys are in Court... as is little Laena..." That struck a cord in Rhaenyra. Elspeth closed the door, withdrawing further into the room. "You can talk to me, you know... I'm no longer a Hightower, after all." Picking at her nails, not sure when the right time was.
"How does it come so easy for you?"
"What are you referring to?"
"Being yourself. Everybody tries to smother me from me... what are the 'order of things' supposed to be? My father named me as his heir, they all bent the knee to me... and so their loyalty..." Rhaenyra slumped against whatever was closest- the foot of her bedframe. "You didn't relent for two years when your father lined up suitors for you and planned engagement after engagement against your will, yet here you stand, a Strong because you fell in love and made the choice," Tears brewed as her blood boiled- Elspeth could feel it from across the room.
The woman dragged herself closer, "I thought you wanted to 'fly around on Syrax with me and eat cake'? Not the throne. What's changed, Nyra?"
The girl struggled under the green gaze, "I don't know... I never thought I would ascend to the throne... just because I am a girl. If my father remarries and produces male heirs, my claim along with the memory of my mother and Baelon fades into the background. I will not be thrown to the wayside by my father's new bride..." She spat with pure venom.
Now was the time, "There's something you should know..." Risen blonde eyebrow in response, "My father coerced and manipulated Alicent to give company to the King..."
Rhaenyra's eyes glossy, "Why are you telling me this?"
"Because I think you deserve better than to lose a friend because of a moronic play at power for a stupid chair," Elspeth did not care how Rhaenyra reacted- this could dissuade serious ramifications, "Blame Otto Hightower, not my sister."
The Princess was statuesque- thinking, "How long have you known?"
Her gut felt torn- wavy. "A half-year," A simple nod, but Rhaenyra chewed her lip while Elspeth tore her nail down to the cuticle- both drawing blood, "The King was so devoted to Queen Aemma, that I never thought the King would remarry..."
Her blonde hair shook, "You always have and always will be a Hightower. You didn't think to tell me that Alicent of all people was going behind my back to marry my father... I haven't lost one friend... I have lost two sisters!" The Princess had screamed, growing in closeness so that it was directly in Elspeth's face.
"You will address me as 'Your Grace'! Now leave before I have you removed..." Elspeth was utterly defeated... how had she thought Rhaenyra would act anything less than what she had? Because she hoped that she would see Alicent as her best friend and not as an usurper.
But know she saw Elspeth Strong as one in the same.
Though Elspeth would stand by what she said and the honesty she held. Hoping that the blow was lessened to the Princess when Alicent was named as King Viserys' betrothed. The woman would hold her baby sister as she cried- allowed to in Elspeth's arms, instead of the Princess who did so alone in her chambers and on the back of Syrax.
She ventured out that very afternoon on the back of her horse, unaware of where Cannibal had abandoned her to. No guard would have been able to capture the wild Lady Strong- as she rode like the wind on the back of Slapdash- or 'Dash'. She ventured down to the beaches- greeting remarks unto the fishermen that scattered the sodden beach at lowtide. "Lady Hightower, or should I say 'Lady Strong'..." The wise, feminine voice spoke from behind- settling at her side. “Congratulations are in order.”
"Princess Rhaenys, I'm flattered that you even know my name," She was still gorgeous- moon-kissed hair and soulful eyes. She had never been the 'Queen That Never Was' to Elspeth, she had always thought, 'The Queen That Should Have Been'.
A slight laugh caught the ferocious howling winds, "You're much too modest... you've defied every order you have ever been barked, I admire that kind of strength," They continued to ride at a steady trot, beside one another.
"You flatter me so. But I think you speak for reason, Princess, not out of necessity- what business do you have with me?"
"Yet you are a wildcard. Just like your father... at least you are shrewd.”
"I have never heard the Lord Hand be called a wildcard before..."
The Princess stopped, "I may live off-shore, Elspeth, but I am no fool. The Hightowers have never married into Valyrian heritage- bar your sister now. So how by the Seven, did you manage to bond with a dragon," not a question, "Otto Hightower is not your father. Prince Daemon is, but from the look on your face... that is not news to you."
Elspeth turned around her horse, to face the Velaryon, "With all due respect, Princess, what does that matter? Nobody at court is aware, and they never will be." Rearing Dash around, away from Rhaenys.
"Those blonde hairs will keep regrowing," A smile- Elspeth didn't know of what kind- graced Rhaenys' lips as she spun her head back, "Alyrie Florent, unlike everybody in her House- had always held such beauty, like yours. I used to call her 'Red', not very inventive but it suited that gorgeous hair and her temperance. She was my closest friend even before Otto was made Lord Hand to my cousin." Contemplation slowed the Princess- memories behind those eyes unravelled as she spoke.
"Why did she never mention it?" A tear slithered down her cheek, quickly wiped away before facing the now much closer Princess Rhaenys. Eyes solemn and kind- she could imagine her mother being friends with such a formidable lady.
Rhaenys gave a warm smile, "When Alyrie was first with child- with Gwayne- I was there during his birth and through till his second nameday. Then she was with child again- you, she was different. Taken unwillingly by Prince Daemon... and mortified that you carried the blood of the dragon," she paused, a soulful gaze, "I never spoke to her again after that. Otto Hightower forbade her associating with Targaryens or Velaryons because of what happened. And so, I never got to know her other children and Gwayne will have no memory of me."
Elspeth fought that urge to bawl, "I will repeat the question, Princess. Why does any of this matter?" Not preventing the droplets descending down her cheeks- not unnoticed by the Velaryon, who garnered closer- touching distance.
"When Viserys marries your half-sister, she will produce male heirs and then a battle for succession will take place. When you have to pick a side- Rhaenyra's or the new claimant, I wanted you to know," The woman grabbed Elspeth in her gloved hand- locking eyes with one another, "That you are always safe and welcome at Driftmark- with your Lord husband and future kin." Elspeth was not one for physical affection from those she didn't know, but she held tighter onto that hand- as if it were that of Alyrie Hightower.
"That is very generous of you, my Princess," Those doe eyes looked upon the younger woman.
Hand still holding hers, "No need for such formalities. It is Rhaenys to you, as it should have always been."
"Am I-," Hesitant to ask- fearing the answer, "Am I like her? When she was my age?"
Rhaenys gave a low laugh, "Forgive me. It is just... I have to remind myself that it is not her hand in mine. You are the spitting image and essence of her. In every way, shape and form."
Lady Strong had returned to the Red Keep. Head clearer and shoulders bore less weight. Settled in her husbands chambers- looking at the blank page on the desk. To her elder brother.
No ink, parchment remained. She didn’t exactly know what she wanted to write- she needed stability for the good of her and so she could better the lives of those she loved. Gwayne had remained so clear and fair in Oldtown. But she could not muster the words to ask him and so that blank slate remained the same.
Until firm hands braced her shoulders, she sat there trying to come up with some kind of genius that awaited. Thumbs wound into the tense muscles from being hunched over. A moan slipped through her parted lips, “Lady Strong,” it was him, “watch your mouth, I may put it to other uses…” a heat inside of her funnelled.
Lips on hers, tongue delving as she keened her face to his- bearded and rough. “Get on the bed, Ser.” Her last words before only screaming his name and curses.
Hopefully the entire Red Keep heard who she belonged to that looming sunset.
When the sunrise hooded the sky in peach and aqua- she knocked at the Princess’ door, knowing she would be up and ready to ride Syrax, without word she entered. Sharp blue eyes burned her, “You are not welcome in here…”
But she was not leaving, “I know that, Princess. But may I explain- you didn’t give me chance the other day - if our friendship was worth anything, let me do that much?”
She weighed up the idea, “You have five minutes.”
“My father wanted a linchpin in the Crown... and Alicent was his way in,” the Princess was listening with care, “She had been taking some of my gowns and some of our mother’s- I approached the Lord Hand, who… forcefully…. stopped my investigation,” her hand went to the spot that had been bruised, before it dropped to her side. Rhaenyra seemed to get the insinuation.
“If we are to be friends again. Are there any more secrets you are keeping from me?”
“Your uncle, Daemon, is my father. Hence I bonded with the Cannibal- not that I know where the beast is…”
Rhaenyra was taken aback at first, before realising the similarities between the pair.
The personalities were uncanny, yet Elspeth held remorse and accountability for her own actions while Daemon had never been the honest type. “And how long have you been withholding that from me?” Impatience rued Rhaenyra’s voice, not that Elspeth was entitled to give her an answer- it hadn’t necessarily been the princess’s business. But she wasn’t to say that aloud.
“Not even a week… my father told me. Mother was attacked by the Prince, I am the result.” Rhaenyra was young, Elspeth truly hoped that when she grew older that she would see the bigger picture if she didn’t already see it in that second.
Elspeth never wanted to hurt anybody - she wanted the least collateral damage for those she cared for. And sometimes that meant keep information secret. Rhaenyra had such loses in that year, she couldn’t bear to scorn her with dragonfyre onto the already burned girl.
“So what did you come here to say? Make excuses?”
“I came to say that I’m sorry. For lying to you, Princess,” it took everything Elspeth had not to drop to her knees, “And I hope you can forgive me because I cannot lose a true sister of the soul- I will never lie to you again, lest I be sent down to the Seven hells-,” cut off by the Princess’ body wrapped around her own. Chin nestled into one another’s shoulders. Rhaenyra cried from the bottom of her heart. As she always had been able to in the arms of Elspeth Strong.
And Elspeth was neither Florent, Hightower or Targaryen… from that day onward she was a Strong and she upheld that name well.
Especially when she was carrying the future heir to their House. The woman discovered a week after Alicent’s wedding.
She had nearly forgotten about her dragon, but it showed up when she discovered the news. Despite the advice from Maesters not to ride dragons in her condition- who was going to stop Elspeth Strong?
Upon her return- smelling like dragon - she thought her husband would be a little more concerned of her dealings but he just twirled her around. Causing her to giggle. The pair went against another advisory of the Maesters…
The more she flew on the Cannibal they became acquainted, friends. One soul. And she detested calling her companion ‘the Cannibal’. So she asked the dragon about itself… not much response was received- dragons only understood Valyrian, not spoke it. They circled around the plains Dragonmont; the beast’s nest.
She had asked its name over and over- when it reached that midnight indigo dusk, the Cannibal roared at the horizon.
Remembering her mother’s words.
'The one of dusk and blood.'
She spoke, “Ebrion,” the dragon roared.
Ebrion the Cannibal. But for all intents and purposes he was no longer a cannibal- that’s what Elspeth told herself anyway.
She had never experienced such pain liked childbirth. Nor had she felt it being restrained from the touch of her husband- who had been barricaded outside of the door. With the Lord Hand and Ser Gwayne- who she had sent a letter to two months prior, requesting him there to meet his future niece or nephew.
Elspeth wouldn’t have heard the end of it if she hadn’t. He had always been a diva.
But the woman wanted one person as her head went numb from the pain, “Harwin!” A banshee, the Maester attempted to calm her down. She batted his hand away, “I want my husband. Harwin!”
A ruckus from outside. There he was, barrelling through the heavy doors- a midwife swiftly closed them. His fingers weaving through her hair. Elspeth’s heart rate dropped, she could breathe easier… now he was here. Holding her hand in his over side palm. Kissing her temple. “You’re doing beautifully, my heart…” His voice low and charming. Her gentle knight…
An involuntary push.
And the cries of a babe filled the room. All the chaos in the room background noise. She purely focused on that sweet, innocent face as the babe was wrapped and cleaned by one of the many women in the room. “It is a boy, Ser Strong.” Harwin’s nose nuzzled into her neck.
The woman witnessed her husband - her heart - fall in love with another person. As he had seen with her the entirety of her pregnancy. She had spoken to this tiny human being for nine months in her stomach. And now he was finally there. “Do you have a name, my Lord?”
“Alyric.” Her heart beamed, looking into the bluebell eyes of her beloved. And back to the identical ones of Alyric Strong. Named after his grandmother, and looked wholly like his father. Down to the dark hair and that grin.
Once in his father’s arms Alyric stopped his crying and fell into a sleep. She was covered once again- bloodied sheets and afterbirth out of the room with Maester and midwives.
The room filled by her father and brother. “Meet Alyric Strong.” Her father looked tired as per usual but adoration filled his eyes at the boy cradled in her arms. Gwayne was instantly reaching to hold the boy.
A smile on his face, before finding himself again. Clearing his throat, “May I hold my nephew, dear sister? Ser Harwin?” They both gave gentle nods, handing the bundled babe to his uncle- whose eyes glazed over. “He resembles his father.”
As she rested against the muscular shoulder, she looked at her father. The Hand of the King couldn’t take his eyes away from Alyric. “You may pass Alyric to our father, Gwayne. If you wish, father?” The brown haired man nodded, cradling Alyric much better than Gwayne had- he would learn when he had children of his own.
Her father didn’t say much at all. Leaving a kiss upon the boy’s forehead, Harwin received his son back into his arms; where he could stay for the rest of his life simply looking upon the babe.
The men left for the duties. Gwayne would return back to Oldtown in a week’s time. Ser Lyonel, avoiding the Lord Hand, arrived later that day. While Elspeth slept. Her sister carried the King’s child, and for the duration of her pregnancy had not been allowed to exit her chambers but she was due in three months. Little Alyric was not starved of visitors, blessed with the love of two Targaryen princesses.
Rhaenyra visited the day of his birth. Claiming he was a handsome child who would grow up with the fairness of his mother.
Rhaenys visited while her husband Corlys was fighting in the Stepstones- alongside Daemon. “You have been blessed with a handsome boy,” she arrived while Harwin was in attendance. “If you ever wish for him to be sent to Driftmark… all you need do is ask,” a warning. If Daemon made it out of the war against the Triarchy, she may indeed make use of that offer.
But, “I will not be scared of tyrannical Prince,” Elspeth warned a smile from the princess.
“I didn’t think you would, Elspeth.”
Elspeth loved being a mother, but she also loved to fly around on Ebrion. The dragon did not devour young Alyric upon meeting the future inheritor of Harrenhal- the dragon merely nuzzled the boys forehead with gentle touch. But she limited the encounters while he was so young- not blind to Ebrion’s past.
Elspeth’s own nephew was born with a mane of angelic Valyrian hair. Prince Aegon Targaryen. Rhaenyra’s claim was diluted. Her father called for Aegon to be named heir, because of his sex.
Harwin’s uniform had been ripped off his body by his Lady wife every night he returned from patrols. And she was with child four months after the birth of Alyric.
Despite the strengthened relation with Otto Hightower, Elspeth couldn’t help but support her Princess’ claim to the throne.
She would follow Rhaenyra to whatever end. But hopefully it did not come to that.
Her and Harwin would protect their children fiercely. With a dragon at her call.
Even if that meant facing against her family in a battle of succession… at least she knew their weaknesses…
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@llynx7 @babyred7
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Faded Memories (Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader) |Part 12|
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A/N: It's baaaaack!! I know this took literally for fucking ever and I am so sorry to make y'all wait so long. I'm hoping the length of this part makes up for the wait a bit.
You woke up right next to Eddie. You were in his arms as your head rested on his chest. You looked up to see his sleeping face. You kissed his cheek and went to get up but got pulled back into his embrace. "No I want you to stay here." Eddie grumbled out. You giggled. "Eds come on I gotta get up." You struggled against him.
He only grumbled again in protest. "Edddie." You whined. He peaked his head up. His eyes were squint from the harsh light coming into the room. His hair was getting into his face and it honestly looked like a chicken landed on it. You snorted out a laugh from seeing the expression on his face. "Just stay in bed with me. We can sleep in." He said gruffly.
You looked at the digital clock beside the bed. "Eddie its already about to be 12:30, how much more do you wanna sleep in?" You asked. He didn't answer. He only nuzzled his face into your neck. You caressed his hair as he laid practically on top of your chest. "We got a lot to do today. We have to find me a job since I was pretty much forced to quit unexpectedly last night. Then we need to tell our friends that my memory is back officially and-"
"Our friends already know your memory is back." He mumbled out into your neck. "No, only Nancy, Robin, and Steve. The kids don't know and neither does the rest of Hellfire. Plus the guys at your shop would be thrilled to find out my memory is back too." You explained. "I'm not going to the shop on my day off." Eddie deadpanned. "Okay then we can go to the shop tomorrow." You replied.
"Oh and let's not forget we need to talk about how we will go about making our marriage legally official. Personally I think we should just elope and get married at the courthouse." At hearing this Eddie has shot up and looked at you wide eyed. "What? Did you forget that I wanted us to get married?" He shook his head. "No that's not it. I just can't believe you would actually just want to elope and not hold a ceremony." He replied. "Why is that so hard to believe? I mean you already had an actual wedding before. You don't need another one just to marry me."
He still looked at you in disbelief. "You're telling me you don't want a real wedding? Isn't this something you have always dreamt of?" He asked you. "Why? Because I'm a woman? You automatically think I have always dreamt of walking down the isle dressed like a pretty princess in high heels? With a big bouquet of flowers. While everyone I know watches me shine?" You began to rant. Of course you have wanted that but the concept seemed odd to you. Over two months after Eddie's first wedding he will have another one with a completely different bride?
You surely weren't trying to be the topic of conversation going around in Hawkins. If the two of you went along with the idea of an actual wedding the whole damn town would be whispering about the spectacle. "If you're sure you don't want an actual wedding then I would be completely fine with eloping." Eddie stated breaking you out of your thoughts.
You gave him a nod. "Then its a plan. We'll elope."
The two of you ended up calling all of your friends and told them to meet at Nancy's office. You double checked with her before hand and she said it was okay. You were getting ready and Eddie was taking a shower when you heard a knock at the door.
You became a little nervous wondering if it was Kendra. You chucked the idea as you got closer to the door realizing she would just walk in if it was her.
You opened the door and your heart damn near sunk to your ass as you saw your mother. "Y/N M/N L/N. I thought you were in New York to go 'find yourself' but then I heard you were still in Hawkins. You lied to your father and I?! You didn't just lie to me you got married to Eddie Munson? Do you have anything to say for yourself?" She asked as she crossed her arms.
Your mouth was agape as you struggled to come up with words. "Well? I'm waiting." She said seeming impatient and frustrated. "Mom it really wasn't like that. Its much more complicated. I really was supposed to go to New York." You tried to reason. "So what you accidentally missed your flight and married your best friend instead? Did you really think your father and I wouldn't approve or something?"
You shook your head. "No thats not it. I didn't miss my flight to New York. Mom you didn't hear the news about what happened?" You asked her. She shook her head. "No you know damn well that our TV doesn't work that well and your father is too cheap to purchase a new one." She replied.
Your mom had no idea that for this whole time you were gone about what happened to you. You now understood why she was so upset. You forgot about your parents. For all she knew you were in New York and never let her know you were okay. "Mom my plane crashed." All color drained from her face. "It what?! That can't be true. I-I oh my god I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" She asked as she took a moment to examine you.
"I'm fine now mom. I had temporary amnesia and Eddie took care of me. The hospital wouldn't let him visit me until he told them he was my husband. When I woke up he told me the same thing, that he was my husband." You explained. She scrunched up her eyebrows. "I don't understand, why would he do a thing like that?" She asked.
"Because I realized I was actually in love with your daughter." You heard Eddie's voice emerge from behind you. Your mom crossed her arms as she looked at him. "It took you this long to realize that?" You turned your head to look at him. "No. It just took me this long to actually do something about it. I didn't know she had feelings for me too." He replied.
She huffed. "So then you two aren't actually married, just living together? Your father won't be happy about that. He's going to want you to move back home." Eddie wrapped his arms around you. "Well we were planning to actually still get married." He said.
You nodded and gave her a smile. "Well actually I decided we should just elope so that we-"
Your mother put her hand up for you to stop talking. "I'm sorry you want to what?"
"Elope...we don't need to have a big thing out of it bec-" You began to explain. "And you were okay with this idea?" Your mom asked as she looked at Eddie. He shot up his hands in defense. "Hey don't look at me. I tried to tell her we could still have a wedding but she wouldn't listen."
Your mother looked at you again. "Why on Earth would you want to elope? I thought you always wanted a wedding? Hell you even nagged me for eloping with your father myself."
"Thats because you guys deserved an actual wedding." You tried to reason. "And you don't?" She shot back. You remained quiet. "Your father and I eloped because I couldn't leave my parent's house until I was married and they didn't like your dad. Your grandfather refused to help if we had a wedding and we didn't have money at the time." Your mom explained.
You nodded. "I know mom." You looked down at your feet. "Then you know you have a choice to actually do a wedding or elope and regret it the rest of your life." She stated. You gave her another nod. "Y/N you are my only daughter. I want to see you happy. I would love to see you in a beautiful dress and walk down the isle with your father beside you. I know that in the end you will do whatever you want but I think you should take what I said into consideration."
You took a deep breath. "Okay mom." She smiled. "I love you honey bee." She gave you a hug. "I love you too mom." You hugged back. "Now I better receive an invitation to a proper wedding soon or the next time you see me you're going to get another earful." She stated as she pulled away. You let out a laugh. "Okay I get it mom." Your mother was about to head downstairs. "Hey mom?" She looked at you. "Yes Honey Bee?" "Aren't you worried that people are gonna talk about how Eddie is marrying me less than 3 months after marrying someone else?"
"Hon, people are always gonna talk no matter what. They don't directly affect your life so don't let their words prevent you from being happy. Besides, since when did you start caring about what people say to you? I thought I raised you different than how I was raised. I raised you to keep your head held high and to march your feet to the beat of your own drum." She advised.
You knew your mother was right. The woman could be a damn sage if she wanted to. You learned that the best thing you could ever do for yourself in life is always listen to her. "I love you mom." You smiled at her. "Love you too Honey Bee." With that she left.
You shut the door of the apartment and leaned back on it. You looked crossed your arms as you looked at Eddie. "Well I guess we are having a wedding after all." He had a huge smile on his face and went to embrace you. "Have I ever told you how much I loved your mom?" Eddie asked as he hugged you.
"You might've mentioned it once or twice in the past, yeah." You laughed. He pulled away from you. "Now go get ready so we can head out. I'll make us some late breakfast in the meantime." You gave him a nod and went to the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and went to to take a quick shower. Afterwards you walked out the bathroom in a towel and went to your shared bedroom to get dressed.
You searched your drawers and decided to throw on a Fleetwood Mac t-shirt and black jeans with your white All-Stars. You threw your hair up in a side ponytail and walked out of the bedroom. You smiled at the smell of food. "Mmm something smells pretty damn good." You stated as you walked over to see Eddie placing some scrambled eggs next to two slices of bacon on a plate.
He handed the plate to you. "Bone apple squeeze or whatever it is the French say." He said. You burst out into laughter. "It's bon appetit." You corrected him. "Gesundheit" He replied. You laughed again. "No babe I wasn't sneezing I was telling you how the French say it. It's bon appetit." You explained. "Could've fooled me." You rolled your eyes and put your plate down on the table and got yourself a cup of water then took a seat at the table.
You began to eat. Eddie walked over shortly after with his plate of food. "Tastes good Eds." You stated. "Good. I'm not much of a chef." He sat down and began eating too. "Hey babe?" He looked up. "Now that the cat's out of the bag about my memory being back and all, can you tell me what happened between you and Kendra? From what I thought, you guys got married that day of the plane crash. Then I wake up and you decided I was going to be your wife." Your curiosity got the better of you and you just had to know.
He took a deep breath. "Well, after the ceremony when we officially got married, I went to the backroom where I last saw you to look for you since I didn't see you anywhere else." "Okay." You nodded for him to continue. "That's when I found that note you left me about having to leave to catch your flight. By the time I finished reading it and I realized that Nancy, Robin, and Steve helped you to move, I was pissed." You furrowed your eyebrows. "How come?" "Well they did that behind my back and let you leave Hawkins. So I confronted them. The girls were just as pissed too because they blamed me for you leaving, which, to be fair, they were right. They stormed out of the backroom and Steve tried to level with me."
"But what does this have to do with Kendra and you?" You asked. "Let me get there." He replied. "So anyways, that's when Kendra came into the room bitching about me leaving her out there alone when we just got married. I personally didn't give a shit at the time, I just wanted to figure out where you were so I could bring you back. After that I think it was Robin who came rushing in for us to come over to the bar to watch the TV. That's when we saw the news about your crash." He took in a shaky breath and his eyes started watering as he remembered the sinking feeling in his gut when he thought you were gone forever.
He cleared his throat. "Anyways Robin figured you might still be alive but in one of the hospitals in Indianapolis so we frantically looked in the phone book for the name of the hospital. When I called they were too busy to confirm if you were alive so I decided to head there myself to find out for sure. Of course Nancy, Robin, and Steve wanted to come too."
"Wait, and Hellfire club didn't want to come with?" You asked. "Oh, I don't know. They were in the corner away somewhere doing, god knows what at the time." "Oh." "Anyways. By the point that's when Kendra got pissed because she didn't want me to leave the reception. She knew it was a matter of life and death and she didn't even give a shit if you were dead. All she cared about was the stupid wedding. When I realized she didn't care about the most important person in the world to me, I couldn't be with her anymore. I decided to get our marriage annulled and that was pretty much it."
"Wow, I knew Kendra could be a bit of a pretentious bitch, but damn she wasn't even concerned in the slightest if I was okay?" You asked. "Nope." "Damn. Well good fucking riddance. I never liked her anyways." You responded. "Apparently nobody did. I just have a shit judge of character."
"I don't think you have a shit judge of character." He looked up at you with a raised eyebrow. "Okay your judge of character was a little questionable, but I think you're getting better now." His softened as he gave you a small smile. "Thanks."
The two of you finished eating and left the apartment via Eddie's notorious, slightly more questionable than his judge of character's, van. When you got to Nancy and Jonathan's place you noticed you two were actually the last to arrive. "Oh great, we're the ones who made the invite and ended up being the last ones to our own scheduled hangout. Good fucking going, Munson." You half joked.
He snapped his head over to look at you so quickly you could've sworn you heard his neck crack. "How is it my fault?! Last I checked it was your mother who decided to drop by and cause us to be late." He sassed. You blinked a few times not expecting that response. "Well then." Was all you said as you hopped out the van and went inside the ex-diner. Eddie was speeding right behind you.
"Well look who finally decided to grace us with their presence." Dustin said with a very disapproving and sarcastic tone. "Yes, I'm sorry that we were late it was my mother who had stalled us earlier before we left." You said very pointedly and gave Eddie a criminally offensive side eye.
Nancy cleared her throat. "So why did you bring us all to my office for?" She asked. "Right. Um, so as you may all know. I was recently in a very dramatic and tragic plane crash that thankfully didn't kill me. Which by the way some of you," You looked over at the Hellfire Club. "Hadn't come to visit me since then."
"Um excuse me, I call bullshit, we wanted to visit you, Eddie was the one tha-" Eddie made quick big gestures for Dustin to quit talking immediately with his hands. You saw the gestures from the corner of your eye and looked over at Eddie to see him try and play it cool by whistling while looking the other direction. "Eddie what?" You asked Dustin as you furrowed your eyebrows.
It got quiet all of a sudden making the silence awkward. "He told us that you didn't want visitors and that meeting new people would make you hysterical." Will suddenly spoke up. "He what?!" You snapped your head over to look over at Eddie who was avoiding your gaze. "Hysterical? Were you trying to make me sound like a mental health patient?" You asked him.
He gave a small shrug. "Well...technically you were, your mental health had memory loss." He said quietly. "Tha-That's not the same!"
"I feel like we just accidentally opened a can of worms for them." Lucas stated. "Yeah, no, shit Sherlock." Dustin replied. "Okay man, just back off, it's your fault that they're arguing anyways." Lucas snapped back. "I didn't do anything, I was just simply trying to clear my good name. Will here was the one who actually spilled the goddamn beans."
"Me? You clearly started it and just left Y/N hanging without a clear answer I-"Will began but cut off by Steve. "Okay guys knock it off. Y/N, Eddie, for the love of God would you guys just actually tell us what's going on?"
You took a deep breath. "I wanted to announce to everyone that I officially have my memories back." Everyone cheered. "And?" Eddie nudged you lightly. "And we are making our marriage legit." Everyone kind of clapped but some of them were a little slow as they all looked at each other in confusion. "I'm sorry did I miss something? Your marriage? When did you guys get married?" Mike asked. "We didn't" You replied. "That's why we are going to make it legit." You responded.
"I think what Mike is trying to say is that the way that you say it implies that you two are somehow already married." Dustin chimed in. "Oh that. Yes, so since you guys didn't already know, while my memory was out Eddie took me in and had me believing he was actually my husband this whole time. When I got my memory back I just decided to go with it. Last night we agreed we want to be actually married to each other legally." You explained.
"I am somehow more confused then I was before." Jeff said suddenly. "Its a really long story. The important thing is that we are getting married." You replied then looked over at Eddie and gave him a smile. "So....that's it?" Dustin asked. "What do you mean, 'ThAt'S iT'?" You asked him confused. "Were you expecting something else?" He shrugged. "Well I don't know I just would have liked something that was more...I don't know...dramatic?" He tried to find the words. Your mouth was wide open. You looked over at Eddie. In your mind you were hoping he'd handle his child before you blew a gasket.
"Man, what are you talking about? They just announced they were getting married." Lucas tried to reason. "She just woke up from a coma literally two months ago!" He exclaimed. "Sure but did anyone really doubt that they were going to end up together?" Dustin asked as if it was obvious.
"Yes!" Everyone exclaimed.
"He married somebody else." Erica reminded him. "Yeah but for only about a week. That hardly counts." He argued. Eddie huffed. "Well little sheep. If its a touch of drama and shock you look for, then don't you worry." You looked over at him confused. There wasn't anything else to tell. "We're also planning to have a baby."
"What?!" Multiple people exclaimed. "If that's supposed to be an April Fools prank it isn't funny." Robin stated. "Eds we haven't really worked the details out on that." You whispered loudly. "What's there to work out? I mean with what happened last night after I kind of-" You rushed to cover his mouth to spare everyone in the room the trauma. "You then plastered a nervous smile as you looked at the group. "Please tell me you're joking." Nancy stated.
"Dustin you just had to push to hear something dramatic didn't you?" Mike asked. "Well how the hell was I supposed to know they were already planning to start a family? I just wanted them to justify calling all of us over to the same place at once when I was in the middle of creating my very detailed practice diaroma of how I wanted to eventually propose to Suzie next year."
"Dustin you have been making that damned diaorama for over a year. Just put us all out of our misery and just propose to her for the love of Mike!" Jeff exclaimed. Mike had a very serious face and looked unamused. "Sorry." Jeff apologized. "Nonsense, it needs to be perfect." Dustin stated. "Well your need for perfection caused all of us some blissful ignorance." Erica sassed. "Well sorry I was unphased by them wanting to get married. So I wanted some entertainment. Sue me."
"You challenged the Dungeon Master. Why would you challenge him like this?"Gareth asked. "Okay guys seriously we are standing right here. We can hear everything you are saying." You decided to state.
"Well yeah, that's the point." Erica replied. You tried to blink away the shock you felt. "I don't see what's so bad about us starting a family." Eddie finally decided to speak up. "Well typically I've seen couples you know not wake up one morning and decide to get married and then have a baby seconds later." Robin chimed in. "But then again I'm not straight so maybe I can't comment on what's normal."
"I'm not straight either and I'm pretty sure this is definitely not normal." Will stated. "We aren't a normal couple though." Eddie replied. "We are anything but normal. It might not make sense to you guys but to us it does." You added.
"Y/N, I think what we are all trying to say is that we really don't want you guys to accidentally hurt each other...again." Nancy tried to reason.
I nodded. "I get it Nance. I honestly appreciate you wanting to look out for us."
"I'm mostly trying to look out for you. I was the one who was there baawling your eyes out because of him. That really wasn't that long ago. As much as I want to believe this is going to work out for the both of you I have my doubts." Nancy admitted. "Maybe you forgot but he was married to someone else merely a few months ago. He only seemed to really care about you when he knew he couldn't control you anymore."
"Hey whoa, no, hold on. What the hell Nancy? What kinda guy do you take me for? I would never want to control her." Eddie stated trying to shut this shit down.
Nance glared at him. "No? Then what do you call over a month of lying to her and making her believe she was married to you? Looked like manipulation to me."
"Where is this coming from all of a sudden? Do you not want to see us happy?" Eddie asked.
"I don't care if you're happy Munson. I care about Y/N being happy. You weren't there to pick up the pieces of her heart that you broke. I don't trust you and I sure as shit don't trust you to be the father of any child." Nancy spat out.
Eddie was speechless. He knew Nancy wasn't his fan. Especially not after you got hurt but he didn't expect this. He was angry. Not entirely angry at her. It was actually more with himself. He was his own enemy. "You're right." Was all he muttered as he walked out of her small office space.
"You see? He is a God damn coward." Nancy pointed out. "What the hell Nancy?" You shot her the dirtiest look at her. "What?" she seemed confused. "Was that really necessary? I know Eddie isn't perfect. He knows he isn't perfect but he has been busting his ass everyday to make up for the pain he caused me. It's not fair for you to just throw it back in his face like that. He would never something like that to you and neither would I." I felt my face getting red with anger. "Eddie and I will get officially married and start a family together whether either of you like it or not."
I began to head towards the door. Then turned back around. "And another thing, Eddie would be an amazing father. He practically raised the Hellfire club like his kids. How fucking dare you imply he would be a shitty father. He knows what it's like to have a shitty father and he is the type of man to do everything in his power to make sure he won't be like his dad. Nance I love you. You're my best friend but if this is how you plan to treat my husband and future father of my children I can't have you around us." With that I made my exit to look for Eddie.
There was deafening silence after you walked out. "I knew I shouldn't have abandoned my diorama for this." Dustin said finally breaking the silence. "I'm going to kill you." Steve said.
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aemondsquill · 2 years
Never Admit Defeat
Aemond Targaryen × Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is feeling frisky and she's making it Aemond's problem
Warnings: mostly fluff, a little fingering and suggestive language, but not full on smut, and wrestling but lmk if I should add any
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Y/N could not pick a singular word to describe her mood on this night. Hyper? No, that wasn't it. How about excited? No, that wasn't quite the right word either. Whatever word it was made her feel antsy.
Sitting at the dinner table piled high was delectable meats, vegetables, and rich wines could not distract her from the droning conversations that never seemed to end. The banality of it all made her restless. Her husband, Aemond, the fearsome Dragon Prince himself, sat next to her with perfect practiced posture. He didn't seem to mind the humdrum of conversation that flowed endlessly amongst his family, contributing every so often when he was addressed.
Y/N felt his warm hand rest against hers, stilling her tapping fingers.
"Are you alright, wife?" He asked, concern etching onto his face. Y/N let out a breathy sigh and smiled politely, "Yes, I am quite alright, my Prince." Conversation between the couple still felt stilted and awkward, as they had only been wed for a couple of weeks. Y/N hated it. She wished she could just scrub away the awkwardness and at least speak like friends.
The Dowager Queen perked up at the voice of Aemond's wife. She also picked up on Y/N's odd mannerisms and frazzled eyes, much to the dismay of her good-daughter.
"Tell me about your day, dearest Y/N." The Queen spoke softly. Her eyes were warm and inviting and her smile was nothing less than motherly.
Y/N blinked, pondering the question for a minute. "My day was wonderful, your Majesty. The Princess Helaena made a wonderful companion in the gardens today. She found a lovely wisteria plant for me to hang in my chambers." The Queen seemed pleased at the praise for her darling daughter, Helaena. "I'm glad to hear it, my Lady."
Gods, how long is this blasted dinner going to last? It had been hours since the sun had fallen and Y/N wanted nothing more than to return to her chambers so she may think of a way to dissipate her nervous energy.
Her salvation came from the least likely source: Aegon. He was deep in his cups, so much so that his head was lolling back and forth and his eyes drooped with sleepiness.
"Motherrrrr....May I *hic* be esscused?" His words were heavily slurred and he looked to be on the verge of collapsing. Alicent huffed out a sigh before glaring at him. How dare he have the audacity to present himself in a manner that was utterly unbecoming in front of his new good-sister? She dismissed him quietly, glancing over at Ser Cole, who was already stalking over to the future king of the realm. With a heave, Aegon was slumped against the knight and the two stumbled out of the dining hall.
Aemond rolled his eyes at his brother's antics, yet he expected no less. Of course his brother would make a fool of himself in front of his new bride. He picked at the roasted vegetables on his plate for a moment before deciding that he had enough of this drab affair.
"Mother, Y/N and I should retire to our chambers. Thank you for hosting us at this dinner." Y/N shot up quickly from her seat and curtsied politely, excited at the prospect of finally leaving. Alicent sent them a small smile and allowed them to leave.
The heavy skirts of Y/N's dress swished around her legs as she walked through the endless corridors of the Red Keep, holding onto her husband's arm. Nerves fluttered in her chest at the realization that the two of them were completely alone. During the months of their betrothal a chaperone accompanied them everywhere to make sure neither engaged in unseemly behaviors before their marriage. Of course, Aemond and Y/N still managed to sneak a few chaste kisses every so often, but never anything more.
Y/N's mind wandered to the night of their wedding, only several days behind them. How cold the Prince had seemed at the ceremony and feast, as though it had been another one of his mother's tasks assigned to him. In a manner of thinking, one could say the whole marriage was exactly that: a duty and nothing more. But Y/N wanted more! Her own mother and father had a wonderful marriage! Laughter was no foreigner in the halls of her old home, and love was always abundant. She feared Aemond had only viewed her as an obligation and the thought prickled her spine. A shiver of frustration shot through her.
"Are you cold, my Lady? I can send for a chamber maid to bring you another blanket."
"No, thank you, my Prince, that will not be necessary." Y/N smiled gently. Beneath her practiced smile a storm was brewing. She didn't know how long she could keep herself together before she made a fool of herself.
Aemond eyed her warily. She had been acting so strange this night. Did she hate him that much? Perhaps. He knew that he hadn't been the most loving husband in the realm, but at least he wasn't cruel.
After several minutes in silence, the pair arrived at Y/N chambers. She halted for a moment, still feeling jittery, but now she had been trying to build up the courage to invite him in. Surely it was not improper for a woman to want to spend time with her husband! She took a breath and before Aemond released her arm she spoke quickly, "Would you care to join me, my Prince? Just for a moment?" His eye widened at her request. He had to be dreaming, right? To his embarrassment, he stuttered out his reply.
"Oh, um,y-yes of course, my Lady." Y/N grinned at him broadly, the nervous butterflies in her stomach coming to a stand still. She held his hand and led him inside.
Aemond surveyed the chambers carefully. It was tidy, mostly, and had a few touches of her personality: flowers hanging by the window, a portrait of her family above the fireplace, and an easel with an empty canvas.
"So, you enjoy painting, my Lady?"
"Oh yes, very much so, my Prince. My mother taught my brothers and I how to paint when we were very young. My father always wanted the boys to hunt or spar with him, but they favored the arts more so. Forgive my ramblings, my Prince, I miss them greatly." Aemond walked around the room, arms clasped behind his back as he took everything in before stopping in front of the roaring fire.
"Hmm. My sister seems to be taken with you. I appreciate that greatly, my Lady. Not many have the patience for her ramblings, certainly not my brother." He said briskly. Gods, how long will this wretched conversation continue? Y/N might as well be watching her paintings dry! At this thought she closed her eyes and let out a sigh more harshly than she intended. Aemond's head whipped around at the sound, slightly startled that she could be so rude.
"Have I done something to offend you, my Lady?" He asked incredulously. Y/N felt a flicker of fear, but it quickly turned into annoyance and the strange feral feeling she felt at dinner.
"Gods, my Prince, I cannot continue like this! Why must our conversations be such a bore?! Surely, there are more interesting things to talk about!" She all but shouted. She didn't feel angry, she just felt like her emotions were pent up. Y/N had spent months displaying a watered-down version of herself so as not to offend the royal family.
Y/N began to pace around the room, attempting to untie the lacings of her elaborate dress. "All we ever have are stilted conversations fit for old lords who don't give a shit about each other! I wish to speak freely with my husband, but no, my father said I had to be prim and proper to keep you happy. Well piss on that!" By this time, the outermost layer of the dress was gone, leaving Y/N in her cinched corset and chemise. Aemond could only watch her, feeling slightly scandalized at the vision before him. His words had failed him in his shock.
Y/N took a deep breath before removing the several pieces of jewelry that adorned her body and placing them on her dark wood vanity. She turned to look at her husband, a wild glaze in her eyes.
Aemond seemed to get his bearings. "Why are you looking at me like that, wife?" He snapped. In a million years, Aemond would have ever been able to guess what his wife would do next.
Y/N let out a roar as she charged at him with ferocity. The impact of her body against his sent them both clambering to the ground.
"What in the seven hells has possessed you, woman?!" Aemond shouted, baffled at the actions of his wife. He scrambled against her flailing limbs. How was she so strong for such a little thing? She pulled on his hair and he he groaned.
"I have been stifled for too long! I need you to see me for who I truly am, husband!" Y/N cackled like a woman crazed above him. She leaned down and bit as his neck and shoulder and he let out a series yelps at each sharp contact.
"You are nothing more than a wildling! I should have you shipped off to the North, vile woman!" Aemond, truly baffled, continued to grapple with his lady wife's arms before flipping them over so she was on her back. He took a second to breath, but that was a mistake. Y/N managed to slip out of his grasp and fling her arms around his neck and pull him down towards her.
Aemond huffed and puffed as Y/N slithered around to his back from underneath him, wrapping her legs around him and tightening her hold around his neck. His one hand gripped her forearm, while the other pushed against the floor. The whole time Y/N giggled madly, Aemond was left wondering what the hell his mother had gotten him into. This was not the same meek lady he had been betrothed to just weeks before. And he definitely enjoyed the newfound fire in his wife. Her giggles proved to be contagious as his own laughter filled the room.
The two still struggled against each other, Aemond now on top pinning Y/N down on her back. They slowed their movements as they gazed into each other's eyes, both alight with mirth. Aemond's soft lips inched closer and closer and Y/N's eyes started fluttering softly.
In a sudden movement, Aemond flipped Y/N onto her belly and held her hair so her head was gently lifted off the ground. She gasped in delight.
"Your insolence must come to an end, wife, I can tell your tiring out" he taunted at her. Y/N rolled her eyes and looked back at him.
"I will never bend to your will, husband, I am too fierce for you to handle!" She said indignantly. Aemond let out a chuckle before his palm struck her supple ass cheek. He watched it jiggle beneath her thin chemise, blood rushing to his crotch. Truthfully, he had been hard as a rock the entire time they had been wrestling, but this was the first time he really took in every curve of her body.
Slowly, his fingers trailed up the back of her thigh and under her chemise. Her breathing halted as his sped up. The thrill of touching his wife ignited his entire being.
She let out a gasp and she felt a slender finger prod at her slickness. She was embarrassingly wet after being so physical with her dear husband.
"Husband, please." She whimpered out while attempting to grind against his finger pathetically. Aemond, however, greatly enjoyed the sight of his wife so desperate and aching for him. The thought of it made his belly feel warm.
He clicked his tongue at her, "I thought you said you'd never been to my will, wife. I wouldn't want to make a liar out of you." Y/N let out a soft whimper as his finger traveled deeper into her causing her to arch her back slightly.
"I don't care, husband! Please, I just want more!" Hearing his wife begging beneath him nearly caused his own release. He was happy to oblige as he added a second finger, the additional stretch almost overwhelming his little wife below him. She moaned out as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, the wetness causing squelching noises.
"Get on the bed, little wife, I'm going to fill you with an heir tonight."
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shiyorin · 1 year
Hi. How are you? I hope you are doing well, I wish you a good and easy summer🏵️🌺 Can I have something with Roboute Guilliman? Before Heresy. Let's imagine that Roboute married (for love, they love each other very much) the reader even before the Emperor found him. She is his adopted cousin (niece of Conor's adoptive father). And here is Roboute's surprised and uncomprehending reaction to the fact that he is the only one of the brothers who is married. Well, the shock of the rest of the primarchs that the reader really accepts Guilliman with all the features of his life as a primarch. Something like this😅 but as always, you can change everything so that it is convenient for you) The request is public, there is too little content on the primarchs in the world. I hope this brings someone some pleasure.
Here you are.
In the far future, everyone still loves romcom
The banquet hall echoed with laughter as the Primarchs partook of the party. Guilliman conversed politely but wished to return to his work. As he made to depart, Russ clapped him on the shoulder.
"In a hurry to get home, brother?" Russ teased. "Wife waiting for you in bed?"
Guilliman smiled "Yes, she will be wondering where I am."
Russ laughed heartily, thinking it a jest. But Guilliman simply smiled and took his leave. The other Primarchs continued their celebrations, taking no note.
Minutes later, realization dawned. "Wait... Roboute has a wife???" Russ exclaimed in shock.
After a few moments, realization dawned on the Primarchs. Exclamations of surprise and wonder echoed through the hall.
"Roboute? Married?"
"Who is the woman insane enough to tie herself to him?"
"I didn't even know he had an interest in such things!"
Guilliman was confused. "Have I not told you all about my wife?" he said.
The Primarchs exchanged glances, admitting they had thought Guilliman's remarks the previous were in joke. Many had assumed he was "married" only to his duties, with the Ultramar itself as his bride.
Guilliman was astonished. "My wife has been by my side for centuries." he said. "How could you not know of her?"
His brothers exchanged looks of surprise. "We thought you were joking the whole time." Horus said. "A primarch, married? It seems so..."
"Strange." said Dorn.
Guilliman's brows furrowed. "Is it so strange that I would want a life beyond duty?" he asked.
His brothers shook their heads. "It is not strange." said Sanguinius. "Only unexpected. We had not realized you look like someone will get married."
Guilliman softened. "My duties consume much of me." he said. "But when I am with her. She gives me more than this. I feel like I'm.. just alive.... You know."
His brothers listened in silence, pondering the power of this woman can soften even the hardest heart of their brother.
Horus' curiosity got the better of him. "Tell us of this wife of yours, Brother." he said. The other Primarchs gathered round, keen to hear this tale.
Guilliman sighed. "Must you all behave like children wanting to hear 'how I met your mother'?"
Russ laughed. "You cannot leave us in suspense now! Out with it man, tell of this woman who has tamed one of us all."
Guilliman shook his head in amusement. "Right." he said. "If you must know."
Horus leaned forward. "Tell us how you met this woman who stole your heart!" he said. The others made noises of assent.
Guilliman remembered the day he had first seen her, this woman who had brought so much light into his life. But where to begin that tale? There were so many things he loved about her, her keen wit, her fierce loyalty, her calm counsel,... so many things.
He leaned back in his chair, surveying his brothers' expectant faces. "Very well." he said. "How I met your mother..."
Guilliman stood stoically overseeing the teeming masses of Macragge. His gaze swept the scene as it had hundreds of times before, hardly registering anything new.
Then he saw her. A slight figure hunched over scrolls and parchment at waist. Her quill moved nimbly, hair falling around her face as she worked. Guilliman found himself staring, transfixed.
Their gazes met and for an instant, the world stilled.
He felt an unfamiliar warmth bloom within his chest, a pull that defied reason or logic. In that one glance, something irreversible had been set in motion.
There was something in her stirred his soul, maybe the graceful ease of her movements, maybe the sharp focus of her mind at work, he doesn't know. He watched her for what seemed like hours, drinking in even the smallest details, the tilt of her head, the arch of her back, the dart of her eyes as she scanned the parchment.
And yet he knew nothing of this woman who had so suddenly ensnared his attention. Who was she? What work demanded such concentration? He longed to know, however hesitated to disturb her peace.
The woman finished her tasks and left, unaware of the Primarch's regard. Guilliman silently chided himself for this strange captivation over a stranger. Yet as he turned back to his duties, the memory of her sure hands and thoughtful gaze lingered in his mind.
Russ laughed heartily. "Roboute had estrus for his wife at first sight!"
Sanguinius gently corrected. "You mean love at first sight, brother."
Fulgrim eyed Guilliman curiously. "And what happened next? Did you speak to her?"
Guilliman sighed. "She is the niece of my father. I think he sensed my feelings and arranged for us to meet."
The primarchs listened intently now. Lion asked dryly, "And the date? I assume it went well."
Guilliman's face reddened. "Well...not exactly. I planned everything perfectly. Dinner at the finest restaurant, a walk in the gardens..."
Russ roared with laughter. "Did you recite poetry? Wear a new cloak?"
Guilliman glared at him. "Everything seemed perfect! But then..." He trailed off, embarrassed.
Fulgrim leaned forward. "But then what?"
Guilliman had planned every detail of this evening, the restaurant, the conversation topics, even the words he would use to impress you. But none of his plans accounted for how truly stunning you appeared when you arrived.
Your beauty overwhelmed him, leaving him momentarily speechless. He struggled to find the right words. "You look beautiful tonight," he finally managed.
"Thank you." You replied with a smile.
An awkward silence fell as Guilliman's mind went blank. Then suddenly he doesn't remember his plan. "Have you heard about the new tax reforms?" he asked eagerly.
"I heard a little bit." You are curious to see what he has to say.
Guilliman talked animatedly about his tax reforms, gesturing with his hands as he outlined the various proposals before the Senate. And yet his mind barely registered the words coming from his own mouth. He spoke at length about the new tax reforms.
"The changes seek to simplify the existing tax code and broaden the tax base."
You nodded politely. "That does sound sensible."
All he saw was your face, lit by the soft glow of the restaurant candles. The curve of your lips as you politely smiled at his explanation. The way a loose lock of hair fell across your cheek, begging to be tucked gently behind your ear.
He launched into more details about bracket adjustments and closing loopholes.
"We estimate this will generate an additional 10% in annual revenue."
You replied "That could fund many important programs."
Guilliman droned on about commercial import tariffs and industry subsidies, even as his thoughts wandered to what it would feel like to hold your hand in his own. To softly brush that stray lock of hair from your face and gaze into your eyes.
"This will incentivize investment and innovation."
You responded "A balanced approach."
His voice maintained the confident, professorial tone he used addressing the Senate, reciting statistics and projections about GDP growth and revenue collection. And yet underneath it all, a much simpler truth shone through: your beauty had enraptured him, leaving him longing for little more than to spend the evening quietly basking in your presence.
You said "You've certainly given this a great deal of thought."
Guilliman glanced at you, your eyes meeting briefly before he continued talking.
"With the Senate's approval we could implement most of these changes within the year."
You smiled gently. "What an ambitious goal."
Guilliman returned your smile, your attentive responses brought him back to the present just enough to continue the conversation. His heart remained lost in the simple joy of looking upon one so fair, and wishing for nothing more than to remain lost in your gaze.
The primarchs burst out laughing as Guilliman finished his tale. Even Dorn and Lion chuckled and shook their heads.
"The next day, my father looked at me with a disappointed expression." Guilliman said ruefully. "As if to say 'Really Roboute? Really?'"
Fulgrim smiled. "But still, she agreed to a second date. How did you win her heart?"
Guilliman sighed. "It was a very, very long process."
"Skip that boring part!" Russ said. "Tell us how you finally confessed your feelings!"
The others nodded in agreement. Guilliman smiled, remembering.
When Guilliman finally confessed, he brought out a long, neatly written scroll and began reading everything he had carefully drafted to say to you.
You raised an eyebrow and remained silent when he finished. Guilliman noticed your expression and sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm wasting your time. I'm so boring and obnoxious, you must have endured me a lot lately."
But you just simply said "No, I'm just surprised. How could I hate a man who does what he loves with such passion? A reformer who helps so many. You are not boring or obnoxious."
You took the scroll from his hands. "Keep it short."
Guilliman took a breath. "Will you marry me?"
You confused but smiled "No, but we can go slow."
Guilliman breathed deep, the fragrance of hope blossoming within him.
You saw the change come over him, a light dawning in his eyes. The rigid lines of duty softened into curves of grace.
Guilliman smiled. "Then let us walk this path together, one step at a time."
You took his hand. "Slowly." you agreed.
You and him had found each other, though the road ahead wound long and slow. But patience now walked hand in hand with possibility. And where love lights its gentle flame, all things become possible in time.
Sanguinius sighed romantically. "True love blossoms in the most unexpected ways."
Several others nodded in agreement.
Fulgrim asked excitedly. "But what of the wedding? I'm sure it was a beautiful ceremony!"
Then Magnus interjected awkwardly. "I have a question." He leaned in and whispered. "How do you, um, deal with the size difference?"
The room fell silent. Magnus hastily added. "Asking for a friend, of course!"
Guilliman's faced flushed. "Such matters are private."
Russ laughed. "Magnus doesn't need to know. No woman wants a nerd!"
Magnus flushed angrily. "I know more than you! I've read about it."
Russ scoffed. "Books? I know from experience. Just push hard!"
Magnus frowned. "Push what hard?"
Russ stared, then turned red. "Uh... Nevermind."
Mortarion sighed through his mask. "Admit it. Except for Roboute, we're all virgins."
The room fell silent. Mortarion spoke the truth they'd all avoided.
Ferrus coughed, looking awkwardly "I wish to know as well, brother."
Even Dorn spoke up, hiding his shame behind stoic face."Tell us."
Corax shyly raised his hand.
Guilliman sighed in embarrassment. "Really brothers? Must I?"
They nodded eagerly.
Guilliman reluctantly. "Human's body is...extremely flexible. I do not know why, it just is."
The others absorbed this bizarre knowledge, eyes alight.
One thanked Guilliman profusely and rushed from the room, the others following hastily. Soon Guilliman was alone. He sighed, not wanting to know what his brothers intended.
Guilliman looked up as you entered, stacks of reports in your arms. He and you smiled at each other wearily.
"My dear," he said warmly, rising to greet you.
You returned his smile. "I bring you news from Macragge." You laid the reports on his desk.
"More work?" he asked. You nodded.
Guilliman sighed. "It never ends."
Your smile turned wry. "No, it does not."
He looked at you, beneath the weight of duty and responsibility. Then took your hand and kissed it gently. "Stay awhile. Your presence is enough for now."
You smiled softly. "I will gladly remain."
Weariness clung to both their bones, duty's demands unrelenting. But in each other's arms, he found ease. In each other's eyes, hope rekindled.
For though the path ahead stretched long, you and him walked it side by side. And sometimes, that was enough.
In the far future, romcom still exists.
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
After seeing my wife in the wild and am now currently watching Bride of Chucky, I am here to send a LONG overdue ask of Tiffany Valentine thoughts ^^
I think you said you haven't seen the actual movie yet? If so, I'll try to keep this as spoiler free as possible.
First thing that popped into my head; Tiffany's S/O reacting to her pet tarantula. She expected them to be scared, as that's the norm with spiders. But if her S/O did still try to engage with Charlotte, or even hold her, Tiff will be pleasantly surprised and so happy that to have someone who sees the beauty in spiders ^^
Simialry, imagine seeing her with her doll collection. Tiffany has to have been collecting doll parts before Chucky. She has a soft spot for vintage items and is also into restoration. Imagine sitting next to her, watching her sew up a dolls torn dress or matching the proper limbs to a toy... Imagine seeing the longing look in her eyes when she finds a baby doll and hearing her confess how she's always wanted to be a mother 🥺🥺🥺
Being right there alongside Tiffany while she's collecting newspaper clippings of Chucky; his death, the literal paper trail leading her to Andy, and eventually finding Chucky. If you didn't know about her past with him, this is probably the time that Tiff tells you the truth. You're her best friend/crush, and she wants to trust you. But if you do know, then... You're probably against the idea. Chuck is an asshole 😅 but you want your best friend to be happy too. Even if it means having to watch the woman you love fall back into a bastards arms.
We have plenty of reader pining after Tiffany while she's still in love with Chucky. How about the other way around? Imagine talking to Tiffany about this cute guy you met, failing to notice how distracted she looks. Imagine you introducing your boyfriend to her, and this time you can tell there's something wrong in the way she almost ignores him. Imagine that, years later, she's right there with you shopping for a wedding dress (assuming she didn't kill the loser-), and by now she's trying to accept the fact that you're in love with this guy. As a romantic herself, she gets it... But she wishes that she hadn't been so hung up on Chucky for so long that she lost you.
Kinda related, but... Imagine that, with her experience with love, you go to Tiffany for boy advice. How to get the right guy to look your way. How to cope with heartbreak... How to properly kiss?
Imagine Tiffany introducing you to her mother! (Let's say she's still alive XD) And she's basically like Jim's mum when she meets his S/O; tell Tiffany that she needs to marry you before Chucky scares you away.
Imagine having a similar situation with Doll!Tiffany that Chicky does with some of his victims; somehow you come into possession of this strange doll, and mysterious things start occurring. Granted, Tiffany won't really kill someone like Chucky (unless she has a reason to), but odd things do still happen around your house. It feels like your new doll is alive somehow, and you can't help but treat her as such; confiding in her your troubles, taking extra special care of her, etc. And Tiffany with her bleeding heart can't help but get attached to you.
Thats all I got so far. I hope you enjoy these! ^^
Ooh, we are doing opposite vibes tonight XDD I just watched Cinderella 2015 and now I'm onto Beauty and The Beast 2017 XD
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Those first view Imagines with Tiff and her sweet S/O who loves Charlotte and the dolls males me think of a Princess-Like S/O!! Like, a really really lovely soft gentle pretty-in-pink, kind-to-a-fault S/O. Imagine Tiff with this person!! The clashing of the aesthetics!! Tiff doing her gentle powdery make-up and the adorable pink S/O doing her dramatic goth make-up. Tiff protecting this innocent person with bloody viciousness. Tiff kissing that girl with blood in her mouth and that girl winces but she kisses her back because she loves her!! Tiff and the sweet flowery S/O baking together and decorating cupcakes together! 🧁
And- Reader snarking at Chucky once Tiff's got him back VS Tiff snarking at reader's fiance. I need it XD 💜💜💜
Also imagine reader finally catching on to Tiffany's feelings for her Too-Late, once she's engaged!! Imagine them fighting!! 'Why couldn't you want me then?? Why did you have to do this to me n o w???' 'Baby doll I'm not gonna stop you! I just want you to be happy, ya know that!' 'This isn't fair!' 'Honey, life's not fair.'
Tiffany secretly comforting reader like a girlfriend when thats exactly what she cant be now vibes.
Omg XDD You know I immediately imagined Tiffany as yet another Bickerman XD (Bickerman Twins+Little Sister AU?? Sorry I have a problem XD ) Because I can TOTALLY IMAGINE Delores saying a lot of those things that Tiff says her mother told her XD
Omggggggg. Now I'm imaging buying this Tiff doll and suddenly you keep coming home to freshly baked cookies 🍪 or cupcakes 🧁 XDD
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nrc-broadcasting · 1 year
imagine the students sending anonymous messages formatted like those aita posts in reddit. like "aita for almost killing 5 students?" or like misleading titles like "aita for strangling my friend?" and like the story says the friend was ta
What A Shame She’s Fvcked In The Head
This has been an increasingly big issue in my area, so I propose a scenario that’s usually not what people think of when they hear someone say ‘*insert name*’s miscarriage was a good thing’
Warnings: Sensitive Topics, Miscarriages, Moral Issues, Cursing, Subjective
Yuu adjusts their mic, straightening it from it’s oblique position as they start tapping on it a few times to check if it’s working after a long time of being out of commission.
“Good morning, Twisted Wonderland. I am not dead just yet, so I’ll be continuing this broadcast after an unannounced and unexpected hiatus I went on,” they scratch their head sheepishly.
“Anyway!” They clasps their hands together. “Let’s start off today with an anonymous submission,” they pull up their laptop and scrolling through the eclectic submissions sent in and spread out for them. They hum as they choose, the subtle scent of their wooden table wafting up their nose and ensconcing a familiarity in them after being away from this studio for so long.
One particular submission catches their eye and they click on in, opening it. They clear their throat, “here we have our first submission for today, ‘Am I the assh0le for telling my cousin it’s good thing the had a miscarriage—?!”
They blink a few times, trying to process what in the Underworld they’ve just read.
“Okay, I’m definitely reading this whole thing before answering that. Damn!” Yuu shakes their head and start to read the submission.
They clear their throat once again, starting to read the submission with a rather… perplexed expression on their face. “‘My cousin’s the definition of evil incarnate, she’s always been unnecessarily rude to serves and unbelievably cruel to most people. Especially kids. So when she got married, it was obvious that there was a power imbalance between her and her husband, as she tips the scale into her favor. If she bothered trying, I saw that she would’ve made such a lovely bride, what a shame she’s fvcked in the head. When the news that she was pregnant came out, it was safe to say the air was tense every time we talked about it in the family,’ she sounds… machiavellian.” They remark.
“I’m assuming the whole family thinks of her the same way you do? Anyways, I’ll continue now. ‘She was always quick to anger and prone to emotional outbursts, even in situations where she can clearly control them. Everyone knows emotions are likely causes of miscarriages. But my cousin doesn’t seem to care about the child in her womb, only the privileges and the demands she can make because of it. She’s even went so far as to verbally admit she’ll micromanage every detail of the child’s life.’ Remind me of someone,” they mutter, remembering Riddle’s mother.
“‘It’s safe to say everyone that knows her knows she’ll only cause her child emotional and if she’d hide it enough, physical abuse. So when she came to us, crying in a way so obviously only for pity, she was met with silence. I took the initiative and told her it was a good thing, as she’d never be a good mother to the child. No one sided with her and she merely left, her tears stopping as she stopped pretending to care for the lost of her baby’s life. We were all throughly disturbed…’ this is… a very heavy topic.” They furrow their eyebrows.
“But I don’t think what you did was incorrect, maybe it was out of line for some people, but you told the truth on behalf of your entire family.” They sigh.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’ll be able to provide you an answer to this submission.” They shake their head.
Our fairytale has come to an end.
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danbisroom · 4 months
Ep. 18 - Shatter my long-frozen heart to carve the proof of my life
Hello my beloved fellow souls,
welcome back to Danbi’s Room, your weekly dose of safe space. Go grab a cup of something warm and get yourself cosy.
I hope you had a nice week where you had the opportunity to slow down, or maybe you received some kind of good news.
I was reflecting on words that start with the letter C. Creativity and creation. Counter-intuitive. Courage. Clay. Colour. Can, as in the verb meaning “to be able to”. Carving. Cycle.
I’ve just been through a death cycle. Actually, I’m still coming out of it. But that’s slow, as it should. Planted seeds need their time to sprout. Nebulas explode during a climax, birthing millions of new lives, but it takes time for new stars to actually form. It takes time for the snake to shed its skin and it itakes time for the caterpillar to shift into its butterfly form. Creation, gestation, birth, growth, death. The constant circular flow, always the same and always different. Death is an act of creation: in fact, there’s a magical moment where the two overlap, intertwining as lovers, holding each other tight.
Now I’m kind of hermiting inside my shell, feeling the first rays of filtered sunshine, until, in a bit, I’ll be able to crack it and fly high and to the Gods again. It’s just how things are, we need to give ourselves grace to love them, too. I know I always end up talking about love, but in all honesty, one way or another, it’s really just about that. And I always, constantly, feel it. Always. Even when I’m out of myself in the pits of desperation, I feel love. I feel love holding my soul and my body. If I think about it, it’s such a nice thing. It’s soft and fierce at the same time. I think there’s nothing like it, it is the ultimate synthesis of everything. So choose love. Choose to direct your energy towards things that serve you and your contentedness. Contradiction might hide truth and treasures. What’s evil can reveal a kind side. Even apparent stillness continuously swings, all the time. Just see for yourself: stand up, close your eyes and observe the little dance your body wisely choreographs. We find warmth in a cup of hot and fuming cocoa, but fresh blood is warm, too. We admire waterfalls, jewels of the forest, then why do we frown upon pearls falling from our eyes? Suppressing flows is always bad. There’s a difference between pause and stagnation. Connect your bare feet to soil, and feel all the earth within you. Whisper to a tree, and hear your ancestral mothers giving you answers. What were you before your current form? Maybe a holy bull guiding a people to their land. Maybe a daisy adorning a bride’s hair. Maybe both. If you look carefully and patiently inside yourself you might be able to see that. Whatever you find, love it. Don’t let go, take a little walk in the world inside, call your own names, rest on the knowledge this will never ever end, for eternity. Walk in, untie your hair, lose your breath, empty your lungs to gain new air every time. Breathing itself is the junction of life and death. Everything’s odd, but all the odds are in your favour, so be extraordinary. There’s no easy part, but don’t let the noise blind your senses, go live and breath in life. Count five stars making a yellow wood and let the levanter wind guide you through the maze, hearing the gentle tinkling of those same rocks we call stars. It grows and grows until you finally understand the sound is from within you. You? This massive accident generating a cascade that tells a neverending story? You? Me? I am not, you might say. I am who, to hold all of the universe in my hands? It’s because you are me, and I am you. If you lead the pack, then let me be the shield of your neck.
Today’s song recommendation is Ichizu (One Way), by King Gnu. As trippy as this episode, but also as deep and questioning.
I hope you enjoyed this episode and that you have a beautiful week ahead of you!
I’ll see you in the next one, big hug!
With love, yours,
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bitchfitch · 1 year
The cup of tea was warm in his hands. The few leaves that had escaped the strainer floating placidly on the surface. Esti focussed on their gentle paths, swirling the cup occasionally to keep them moving as for every second he was focused on them he could avoid looking at his mother across the table from him.
Corvus was the image of matronly patience as she waited for him to break the silence. Her own cup on the table in front of her, neatly sat on its little plate like it was to be the third participant in what Esti was predicting to be an absolutely miserable conversation.
"I love him," Esti started. It was a fact. It deserved to go first. He only said it because he knew it would be the absolute last thing she would want to hear.
"I'm aware."
Her plan wasn't difficult to parse out. She needed him on his back foot and knew nothing was harder for him than having to ask for what he wanted. Especially when it went so far against the will of who he was asking for it from. She would deny him either way, but making him ask meant he wouldn't ask so him failing this negotiation would be wholly his fault instead of her refusing to just let them be happy-
"I'll allow you to marry him so long as you give me a way to keep you safe."
"What?" Esti couldn't believe what his brain was telling him he'd heard her say.
"Did you already change your mind?" The teasing smile on her voice was full of the summer night warmth he'd almost forgotten she was capable of.
"No! No- Of course not. But, really? I- Thank you," he bumbled through a few words as every question and expression of gratitude tied themselves in knots in their race to his tongue.
"Yes, Esti. Pavo is... not my first choice for you, but he argued his case and made a few promises that, should he keep his end of the deal, were too good for our people for me to refuse," she sighed and rested her hands palm up on the table between them, a silent invitation that Esti gladly accepted. He set his cup aside and placed his in hers. His deep grey skin looking so much lighter than it was against the true light eating darkness of hers. "I hope he is good to you. I hope and wish and pray to every deity that might listen to my words as though they are coming just from a mother instead of one who is a demon as well, that he proves me wrong in every way," she squeezes his hands, "I worry I am sacrificing you to a monster for the sake of those who pretend you aren't my eldest son. I want to be wrong, but I still worry."
"You are, I- I promise it Mother. He's kind to me. He's never once been a monster to me and he never will be. I swear it."
"Do you think the brides slaughtered by their beloveds thought they were beasts before they sent them weeping to their graves? You can not know he will remain kind... That's why my approval of your marriage to him is conditional."
He felt a twinge of something curl in the back of his gut. Suspicion or anxiety or some worry he may not be able to give her what he needs to to have the groom he desires more than a bat with shredded wings desired the open air of the night sky.
"All I ask is that you give me a way to bring you home should he prove unworthy of your love. Tell me how to see through the wards that keep his village hiddencfrom demon-kind so that I can come save my son should he ever need me to."
Esti swallowed hard, trying to drown out they growing growling feeling with the hope and joy earning her permission will bring him. If sharing one secret was all it took to have Pavo's hand he couldn't possibly deny her it right? It was just one secret.
"In the clearing before the gate, face away from it and walk forwards while making yourself believe that you will pass through it. When you should be stood below the archway make the sigil of his house in the air before you. You will be within the village when you take your next step," his dread built with every word.
She let go of his hands. Her next action was nearly lost to the thick shadows that clung to her fingers, but still, he saw her remove the wedding band his father had proposed to her with.
"Thank you, I know what sorts of suspicions he has probably filled you with, so I hope this will be a strong enough gesture to convince you I do truly intend to only use that information if he goes back on his promises of your safety in his care," she sets the ring on the table before him. "I would like it if you proposed to him here in your maiden home so that we may celebrate the engagement as a family. As you do not just have my permission, but my blessing as well."
The ring didn't feel real when he picked it up. It was heavy in his hand, and warm from her skin. The metal hard and smooth and the gems glittered in their settings, but it still didn't feel real.
He had spent weeks pacing and trying to think up back up plans for his back up plans. Never, in any of his anxious strategizing had he thought she would say yes without an argument about avoiding war and breaking his heart. Even then, her blessing was something he had written off completely. A quick disowning was what he presumed would be the best result not... this.
She came around the table and wrapped him in a hug as she shushed him. He hadn't even realized he had begun to cry.
"Thank you. Thank you. I- I I have nothing else, just thank you," he leaned against her, wiping at his eyes and trying valiantly to stop his tears. The relief and elation drowned out his worry. Of course he was just being paranoid. Of course she wanted nothing but what was best for their family. He tried to apologize for doubting her, but his blubbering mangled the words beyond what was recognizable.
Corvus chuckled and rubbed his shoulder when she let go. "Go now. Your groom is probably planning something stupid. Give him the news before he has time to act on those plans."
Esti nodded, and was on his feet in a stumbling trot to the door before he could think himself into a new anxiety spiral.
Beyond the door, Pavo leaned against the wall, his agrivated grimace turning to an expression of worry as he saw the tears. Esti was in his arms and burrying his face against Pavo's chest before he had time to demand to know what had happened.
Any thought of grand romantic gestures Esti might have had were eaten by his eagerness as he grabbed for Pavo's hand the instant he could bare to back away enough to do so. Wordlessly he put the ring on Pavo's little finger, the band being sized for someone with much finer hands barely fit but the implications of the action still rung loud and clear.
Pavo looked between the ring and Esti and Corvus. His worry turning to surprise then to the same elation Esti clearly felt as he wrapped him in his arms again. Heftig him up and spinning him with giddy love sick glee. Cackling his acceptance of the proposal and looking more like a person than Corvus had ever seen him as before.
Pavo barely set Esti back down on his feet, still not letting him go, before he was addressing her, "Thank you. You won't regret this. I swear it on my life that I will keep him safer and happier than anyone else could, and if I fail that it will be my own blade I fall too."
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jerzwriter · 2 years
Grandparents Day Part 3: An Act of God
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Book:                   Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing:                Tobias Carrick x F!MC (Casey MacTavish)
Rating:                 Teen
Category:            Fluff
Summary:           Casey’s parents know, and Tobias shared a poignant moment with his late father.  Now, the happy couple travels to DC to tell Vivian the wonderful news.  How will she react to hearing her dream come true?
Words:                 Approx 2000
A/N:                     FINALLY.  I’m so sorry for the delay! I have some additional notes at the end, but I am participating in @choicesflashfics the prompt appears in bold.  I’m also participating in @choicesmonthlychallenge – Flufftober – Roadtrips, and @choicesficwriterscreations – Naughty & Nice – First Confession
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Washington, DC. Three cities in as many days, but even with morning sickness doing its best to keep Casey down, nothing could contain her joy. She was simply glowing on Tobias’s arm as they walked down the street to Vivian's townhome. An impromptu visit to share some wonderful news. But she couldn't understand why Tobias was suddenly so quiet.
"Why are you nervous?" she asked. "Your Mom's been waiting for this news forever. There's nothing to worry about."
"I'm not nervous!" He insisted, but the way his hand kept tightening around hers said otherwise.
"Yes, you are. But I think it's cute. This engagement and pregnancy have brought out a side of you I never expected to see, and it's endearing."
"Well, don't worry, hon," he smirked as he rang the bell. "I'm still the same sarcastic asshole you fell in love with deep down inside."
"Thank God for that!" Casey laughed. "But you never answered. Why are you so nervous? Having second thoughts?"
He shot his bride-to-be a wicked look as they heard Vivian approaching. "Seriously? I just never arranged to have a crash cart present," he winked. “This may be where we lose my Mom.”
"Tobias, this better be good!" Vivian admonished as she opened the door. "The last time you needed to see me out of the…." she stopped cold, looking at her son, then Casey, and back again. “Casey!” She exclaimed, pulling the younger woman into a hug. “I didn’t realize you were coming too."
"Because you'd ask too many questions if you know," her son simpered. "Do I get a hug too?"  
"Sure," Vivian smiled, leading them inside. "I was worried you were coming to tell me you had done something stupid, and she left you."
"Oh, no," Casey insisted. "Nothing like that. I mean, he does stupid things…."
"On the daily…." Vivian agreed.
"… but I'm not going anywhere," Casey grinned.
"Good to know. Now, can I get you two something to drink? You've had a long trip. I'd call for Karl, but he has the morning off, so I can…."
"No, no need for that right now, Ma. Just sit down."
"Hmm, I don't like the sound of that. What are you about to tell me that I need to be sitting for?"
"Ma," Tobias laughed, "Please?"
Vivian glanced over at Casey, and when she saw her smiling pleasantly, she took her seat.
"Go on…"
Tobias slid closer to his fiancée on the expensive antique sofa, smiling softly as he remembered the first time he brought Casey there. She was terrified to touch anything. “Everything cost more than I’ll make in a lifetime!” she fretted. But now she looked so relaxed and at home. He took her hand as his chest filled with warmth. They may have come from different worlds, but they were creating their own together, and everything fit into place.
"Well, Ma," he sighed, "Casey and I have been together a while now, and I think you know how much she means to me. I’m crazy about this woman."
Vivian sat up taller, her eyes flickering to Casey's hand, but when she saw nothing there, she looked at her son again.
"Mom, I asked Casey to be my wife…" he beamed as his mother let out an audible gasp.
"…and I said, yes!" Casey excitedly jumped in.
"So, you're going to get yourself a daughter-in-law!" he gushed.
The happy couple turned to Vivian, eagerly anticipating her reaction, but she sat silent, her right hand placed across her chest.
"Mom? Did you hear us? We're getting married? You know, what you've been nagging me to do since the day you met her.”
"I thought she’s been nagging you since you were in college?" Casey asked. 
"It’s intensified since I met you.”
"Oh, I see," Casey smiled. "So, Vivian? You're giving me a complex… do you approve?"
Vivian shook her head and willed herself back to reality. 
"I’m sorry,” a dazed Vivian responded. “Did you say you’re engaged?”
“We sure did!” Tobias chirped. “As in, we’re getting hitched.”
“Oh, my!” Vivian exalted, fanning herself feverishly with her hand. “Oh, my! This is really happening?” She looked at Casey, as if she couldn’t trust her son with a reply. “He’s not joking, dear. This isn’t one of his foolish pranks now, is it?”
“Of course not!” Casey assured. “We wouldn’t joke about this. Looks like I’m going to be a Carrick.”
Vivian visibly quivered as she began to gasp. “Oh, my! Oh, my!”
“Ma, you gonna be OK?”
“Oh my, I… I can’t believe this!” Vivian squealed as delight finally started to overtake her shock. Jumping to her feet, she pulled the couple into the tightest of hugs. “I can’t believe this!” she yelled, as tears began to fall. “I’ve waited so long. I had all but given up on this man!”
“Well, it took someone special to get me here,” Tobias stated.
“And special she is!” Vivian gushed. “You, my dear, were certainly worth the wait!”
“Oh, Vivian!” Casey smiled as the two women embraced.  
“Now! Where is the ring?”
Tobias chuckled as he took the ring from his pocket and returned it to its rightful place on Casey’s finger.
“It’s right here. No way I could have let her walk in with this on her hand. You would have sniffed it out in a second.”
“A half-second,” Vivian scolded as she examined the glistening gem.
“Well, this is beautiful! Tiffany’s?”
“Of course,” Tobias nodded. “You raised me right.”
“I did. Wonderful job, son, but why didn’t you contact me? You could have selected one of the heirloom rings.”
“I didn’t want an heirloom. I wanted us to start a tradition of my own.��
“And I think that’s lovely!” Vivian approved. “But don’t worry, Casey! Now that you’re going to be family, we’ll visit the vault, and you can select other family jewels of your own. You’re certainly entitled.”
Casey’s eyes opened wide. “Family jewels?”
“Yes, baby,” Tobias reassured, “jewelry, not the family jewels you normally play with.”
“TOBIAS!” The two women yelled in unison as he fell into a fit of laughter. 
Vivian playfully smacked her son, then led Casey back to the sofa. 
“Now, darling,” she spoke sweetly. “I need to ask. Are you sure about this?”
“MA!” Tobias demanded. “Are you being serious here?”
“Shhh!” Vivian scolded. “Son, this conversation is between Casey and me. If your input is needed, we will consult with you. But I think we’ll do just fine without it.”
“You’ve been waiting on this forever, and now… you’re….”
“… ensuring this beautiful young woman knows what she’s getting herself into.”
“Do you mean the whole Carrick family legacy,” Casey stuttered, “Because I think I’ll be able to….”
“No, no, dear! I have no doubt you will do our family proud. But I know my son, and he’s wonderful, but he’s a lot. Are you sure you’re ready?”
“I know exactly what I’m getting myself into,” Casey laughed as Tobias cursed under his breath. “I adore your son and will do everything I can to make him happy. Vivian, this is just as much a dream come true for me… as I hope it is for you.”
With that, the waterworks began to flow, and Tobias dutifully handed his mother a tissue. 
“The two of you have made me so happy,” she cried. “So, so happy.”
After a brief period of gushing and hugs, Vivian returned to business mode so fast it could have delivered whiplash. “Now, we have work to do! Have you selected a date yet? I’ve had a guest list made up. Are you considering DC for the wedding? Of course, Boston or Philly would be delightful, too. Typically I would say at least a year, but nine months is sufficient with my connections. I don’t want to put it off too long lest Casey comes to her senses….”
“Oh, I’m not coming to my senses,” Casey sputtered, laughing as Tobias glared in her direction. “I mean, I’m not changing my mind.”
“Good!” Vivian delighted. “So, when?”
“Well…” Casey sighed, “you mentioned nine months….”
Vivian grabbed her phone from her side table. “That would put us in June! PERFECT! We could…”
“No, Ma. June won’t work for us.”
“And why is that? Because that horrible woman you were seeing was named June, we can get past that.”
“No!” Casey laughed, “It has nothing to do with that.”
“We want to do it quicker,” Tobias informed. “And smaller.”
“Smaller?” Vivian grumbled. “How small are we talking?”
“Just the people closest to us,” Tobias replied.
“Bold of you to assume I would say yes to something like that, son!”
“Well, it’s not exactly going to be your choice,” Tobias scolded. “We want it small, and we want it very soon because,” He smiled at Casey, who nodded. “Casey’s pregnant, and we want to be married as soon as possible.”
Vivian’s eyes fluttered as she fell back in her chair, a shuddering breath escaping her.
“Did you say….”
Tobias wrapped one arm tightly around Casey, placing his other hand gently upon her stomach. “She’s pregnant, Ma. We’re going to have a baby.”
“A bay. A baby… You better not be joking.”
“I may be an idiot, but I know better than to joke with you about that!”
“Oh, my God. Oh, my God!” Vivian gushed, attempting to stand up but sitting immediately back down. “I’m sorry, I’m feeling a little faint. Are you sure?”
“Yes!” Tobias and Casey insisted.
“Oh my, God… I need you to come over and hug me because I cannot stand up right now.”
Tobias rushed to hug her, but she stopped him short.
“I’ll hug you in just a second, but I need to hug Casey first!”
Vivian looked Casey in the eyes as she walked over, lovingly touching her belly. 
“You know, my son’s not wrong. Only someone extraordinary – or an act of God – would make him want to settle down. Though I tortured him for years, I never believed this day would come until I met you. You’re the real deal, Casey MacTavish. I knew from the start that you were the only one. You’re the only one who could share the kind of love his father and I had. That’s all I ever wanted for him. I am sure glad you are the one!”
“She sure is,” Tobias beamed.
“Son, I’m overjoyed.”
“But not as much as we are,” Casey smiled.
“Good,” Vivian choked up. “That’s exactly how it should be!”
Vivian spent the rest of the day doing everything possible to pamper her daughter-in-law-to-be, regaling her son about how happy he made her, and insisting that she could put a dream wedding together in their two-month timeframe. “Even if I have to hurt someone to make it happen.”
“You know,” she took Tobias’s hand as they walked to the door. “Your father would be so proud!”
“I know,” he smiled wistfully. “I told him, and… I could feel, Ma, I really could.”
Vivian lifted her hand to her son’s face, brushing his cheek with her thumb. “I’m sure you did.”
Casey buckled herself into her seatbelt as Tobias entered the driver’s side door. 
“I can’t believe it,” she smiled. “We’re engaged!”
“And you’re having my baby,” he added.
“I know! And this isn’t breaking news for us, but something about telling your mother just makes it feel very official. Is that weird?”
“Not weird at all, my love. First, I know neither of us wants to back out, but she’d hunt us down and kill us if we did. Well, me. She’d kill me. You she’d hold captive until the baby was born, then she’d take you out.”
Casey shook her head and grimaced with a laugh.
“This conversation turned awfully macabre.”
“Well, spooky season is almost upon us.”
“Come here,” she said, pulling him into a tight embrace. 
“Are you happy?” she whispered.
“I’ve never been happier in my life,” he breathed. “And you?”
“Oh, Tobias, I’m over the moon, giddy, school-girl-in-love kind of happy!”
“Good,” he pulled away and cupped her face in his hands. “You and me… about to be married with a baby on the way. How did we end up here?”
“Well, it was a winding road, but we’re finally home.”
A/N 2: And now we're going to go backward for a bit to take a look at the winding road that got them here. The next fic I post in their HC will be the attack from T/C's point of view, and then you'll learn how they finally got together. When all that's done, watching Vivian and Sienna plan a wedding together will be your reward. lol THANK YOU to all who read!
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