#so like yeah he's eating paint and paper and shit like that
starthelostboys · 2 years
marko really abusing his ability to eat anything and not die by eating a little bit of every art supply he ever uses
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thetrashywritingwitch · 6 months
Despite his parents' success in fashion and design, Katsuki just doesn't get it. That kind of visual creativity isn't something he naturally inherited like his quirk or how he annoyingly is the spitting image of his mother. It never seemed important. What benefit could he get out of art that would help him as a Hero? To him, jack shit.
Yeah, someone designed his suit and support items. Or rather, brought his shitty doodle idea to life. But that's their job, not his. He still remembers being scolded for folding one of his dad's client sketches into a paper airplane and sailing it out the second story window.
He barely remembers the middle school field trip to an art museum. Didn't pay attention to whatever the guide had to say, and didn't much care. Katsuki and his lackeys friends just joked around the entire time. All the weird, abstract stuff was ugly. All the realistic stuff was boring. No painting was gonna prove important to meeting his goal.
... However, it pissed him off that the stupid art classes he had to take caused him so much grief. He could easily get an A in every other class, but the string of B's in every art class from middle school up through UA felt like a stain on his good record. Why the hell did he need to draw vases and shit anyway?!
Katsuki Bakugo sucked at art, and he hated it. It was the one thing he couldn't figure out. He could study and memorize for a test, easy. He could practice and train to perfect his quirk, strength, and endurance. But all his drawings were rough and sloppy. His lines were shaky and uneven. Painting was messy, and if he fucked up, he couldn't easily erase it or start over like a math problem. Whatever, he didn't need to know this stuff anyway. Waste of time and energy when he had more important things to worry about.
So it comes as an uncomfortable shock when a friend sends him a DM of some art they found. "Hey it's you!! Saw this on my feed." And it's... Yeah, it's him. The tags at the bottom confirm it. Of course, his actual account wasn't tagged because he goes out of his way to actively avoid people begging for his attention so badly.
But it's weird. It's not some high impact action shot. Or copy of his unsightly mug screengrabbed from an interview. He's calm. Serene, almost. He never saw himself as "pretty" or whatever the weirdo fan clubs call him. He's got scars on scars and a scowl deep enough to reach the Earth's molten core.
He never considered the difference between how artists see the world vs how he sees it. Or how he sees himself. Is that why it never clicked? He lacks an ability that can't be acquired by training or studying harder than everyone else?
It makes him grimace.
Clicking your profile, he scrolls the gallery to see that it's all art. His portrait isn't the most recent, either. There's this confidence in the mark-making, like you know how it's gonna look before the brush hits the paper. And he knows something about confidence - that to back it up, you gotta work for it.
He knows the bubble of jealousy, too. But that's stupid. This stuff doesn't do him any good. It's not useful. It doesn't help him. So why does he absentmindedly push the "Follow" button before hiding his phone in his back pocket?
The notification ding vibrates your phone as you're eating lunch. Another spam text to block? Surprisingly, no. "New follower on Instagram: Dynamight_Official"
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Valentine's Day...Gifts They Give You?? I Think. IDK.
HAH SCHOOL CAN KICK MY BUTT BUT BY GOD AND THE DEVIL WILL I SHARE A LITTLE BIT OF LOVE!! (I'm suffering Jesus fucking CHRIST this course is gonna eat my fried up brain for breakfast lunch and dinner) This is done assuming they're pining for Yuu, save for Ortho he's Idia's little wingman. GN reader as always bbssssssssss if anything seems canon divergent, check out my HCs lmao
Heartslaybul Ace: He thought about making it super romantic, like he spent the week leading up to Valentine's day brainstorming ideas on napkins and doodling on scrap paper, trying to come up with a way to ask to hang out that would make it feel different than normal, but not so obvious that he...you know, likes you. He ends up showing up at Ramshackle before class with a box of chocolates he bought the day before and a bit of a blushing mess. "I just got these because who knows how much Sam will have by the end of today, you owe me half, ok?"
Deuce: He absolutely called his mom to ask for some advice, and asked his dorm mom (Trey), to proofread the hand written note he had meticulously written and supervise while he tries to make a heartshaped quiche. Why quiche? Well he knows you guys have...Memories about eggs, and he remembers it fondly, and he knows that quiche freezes well, so if he makes a big batch, you can eat what you want and have a readily available breakfast to just pop back in the oven whenever you want it - hopefully you'll remember him each time you do, and you'll ask for more when you finish it! He ends up at Ramshackle a little disheveled and out of breath, trying to make the quiche early enough in the day that he could make it there before breakfast so maybe you could share a meal before class. "It's still warm??" "Yeah, I ran here as fast as I could once it was cool enough to handle." "You didn't have to..." "I wanted to! You're more than worth the effort it took to be here on time." Trey: Mans has a major advantage in that he is great in the kitchen, but he can't just make your favourite dessert. He can do that any day. No, for weeks ahead of time, he plans, makes, tests, and revises a new recipe, something that is unique and meant to be for you. It's more effort than he normally puts into his work, but it's so worth it when he shows up at Ramshackle in the evening to deliver his gift and a small note, though he gets shy. He leaves it on the front door step, knocks once, and moves to hide by the side of the house, relying on Grim's nose to bring you to the door if you didn't hear him knock. Seeing the way your face go from confusion to joy and excitement as you read the note is worth every moment he spent crouching. He knows tomorrow you'll want to talk to him in person, but for now, that's more than enough for him.
Cater: Consumerism Capital lmao. He has a really sweet, genuine gift to give to you, but the time he's spent with his sisters makes him second guess whether or not something is "good enough". So, yes, he will have spent 72 hours painting a fucking masterpiece on a phone case for you, or a pair of shoes you said you wanted, or a skateboard so you guys can skateboard together, or something you mentioned you wanted offhandedly months ago, but he's not sure if it's enough, so to "make up" for his "shitty handmade gift", he buys a shit ton of Valentine's day merchandise! He shows up with the giant teddy bear, the bouquet of flowers, the chocolates, the sappy movies, a trending perfume and some sort of specialty drink he picked up at a cafe. Depending on your reaction to all that stuff, he might actually give you the gift he worked on, otherwise you'll see it by accident or something and he gets embarrassed and a little flustered because What If You Don't Like It, Isn't Everything Else Better Than That Thing I Worked On Specifically For You. Treat him gently please. That's a personal request slkdjfhlskdjf
Riddle: He's new to this. So of course he researched long and hard on how to best express his interest in you without trying to push anything on you. Cater tried to show him cute stuff on social media, but it all seemed so scripted, disingenuous, or so over the top he couldn't see himself doing it that way. Or on the other end - they were couples, well into their relationships and living together- that wasn't where he was with you, at least....not yet. He ends up watching, reading and listening to tutorials on how to put together the perfect bouquet - his beloved rose garden would have more than an aesthetic use now, and with a little magic, a beautiful gradient came easily to the bunch of roses he arranged beautifully. Before you, this holiday just seemed ridiculous. Maybe it still was, but he would indulge if it meant it brought a smile to your face.
Jack: He can't be direct for the life of him, not in terms like this. The night before Valentine's day, he's still stumped on what to do for you that won't be...inherently romantic and obvious, but show that he cares about you!! His eyes end up settling on his little cactus and he ends up finally getting an idea. Somehow after class, but before you got home, he managed to gift you your own tiny cactus. He left it sitting in a box, a small knitted coaster of sorts sitting underneath the flower pot - he put it in the box just so that the yarn wouldn't snag on the uneven wood outside of Ramshackle- and a tiny cowboy hat sitting on top of your cactus. It had been from one of his little siblings dolls that ended up in his bag from the last time he'd gone home, but either they didn't even notice it was gone, or he could get them a replacement later.
Ruggie: "Do you have plans for Valentine's day?" "Yep. Wait for it to be over." He doesn't really care for Valentine's day, but the sale that starts on the 15th? Goddamn, yeah, he's gonna capitalize on that....and he might even like you enough to share a little bit of it...maybe while watching a movie....and snuggling up under the same blanket at Ramshackle...that he may or may not have snagged from Leona's pile of Really Nice blankets....all it takes is for you to say you want some chocolate or treats too.
Leona: He really doesn't care for Valentine's day and all the shit that comes with it, but his sister in law asked him to at least try to make the best of the day. Initially, he was going to...at least try to contest it, but ultimately decided there was a simple way to do it. He ends up firing you a quick text to meet him in the greenhouse. While the way he pulls you into his little nest for napping is rather unceremonious, once you've settled he tucks a pink camellia behind your ear before abruptly telling you he's going to sleep and you're welcome to join him or you can get out of there if you want. He hopes, that just maybe, you'll be able to identify the flower he gave you and find out what it means.
Floyd: Azul is making him work overtime for Valentine's day, he doesn't get up early enough to do anything Before classes, and by the end of his shift he's EXHAUSTED and MAD. He likely has the wherewithall to bring you a serving from the special menu in a takeout container before flopping down on the couch next to you, then onto you, just looking for a little bit of physical affection. The next day he does feel a little bad for not making you feel as special as he could have, so he'll wake you up with breakfast in bed. Jade: Again, he's been working overtime but he was more ready for Valentine's day than Floyd. While he can't take you anywhere on the day of, he has an easy hike and picnic planned for the weekend if you'll join him. Despite being in the wild outdoors, he's determined to make you a dish that would be worthy of serving at the lounge. He will not handle being asked to stay home very well, but ultimately will if you want that more....but it's going to be in your backyard.
Azul: He had so much on his plate leading up to Valentine's day with marketing, organizing shifts and maximizing profit. But, some of that profit was already planned to be set aside specifically for you. It was about time that you got a bit of a leg up, right? I mean working for Crowley can only pay so much, and he's the head of the dorm that represents generosity anyways. So on the day after Valentine's day, he shows up in the evening with a laptop, and envelope with cash, and a grin, ready to show you the wonders of ✨investing✨. He may have forgotten you still...want to go home. He'll backtrack a bit and offer to help you find contractors that will renovate a part of Ramshackle for you.
Jamil: He didn't even bother trying to plan something for himself with you. How could he? It was a holiday, as ridiculous as it was, it meant that Kalim would inevitably want to celebrate it on the dorm level, and Jamil, of course, would have to plan and organize and arrange everything in order to make it work out. However, that didn't mean he wouldn't make sure to invite you. It didn't mean that he wouldn't make the time to ensure your favourite dish was served. Or that your favourite song would come on during the dance party portion of the celebration. Or that he wouldn't check on you just as, if not more frequently than he did on Kalim to make sure you're enjoying yourself. And if you're not, if it's all too much, he accounted for that already and will show you where you can stay until you feel okay again. Of course, if you show up an hour or two early and demand (you can't ask, he'll say no) to be given a task to lighten his burden, he might just admire you a little bit more (even if he still says no).
Kalim: Valentine's Day means partayyyyy time!! There's gonna be food, and dancing, and games, and lots of people, and live music because he, Cater, and Lilia are gonna perform, won't you come see him?? He needs you there so he can perform the best he ever has!! Come on Yuu, please??? They did actually practice, because they had to change a few lyrics so that it could be a better cover for Valentine's day and he was thinking of you when they modified it, so can you pleeeeeeeease come?
Epel: He isn't sure whether he wants to continue a tradition he had from home or not, where he would show up at school with handmade lollipops and give them out to people....but his class at primary school was soooo much smaller, it wouldn't make sense to do it here for everyone. Not to mention, he usually had his grandma help him make them, he's never done it on his own. He likely does it for all the first years in his little friend group because he doesn't want to be obvious to anyone person that maybe...he likes them a little more...however your lollipop is the only one that seems to have no imperfections. Funny how that worked out.
Rook: Screw your alarm clock, he knows when you wake up anyways and will be outside your window, serenading you until you wake up. Even if you end up rolling out of bed lookin like a sewer rat and peaking out the window, once he knows you're awake he'll start reading poetry to you. He kinda just lingers until you're done getting ready enough to come great him outside, where he gives you a single rose and a few sheets of paper that he's written his poems about you on. He'll kiss the back of your hand and offer to escort you to class. ** I just want to say, for as much as I gripe about Rook in other posts, I genuinely believe that if he knew or found out you had no Valentine, no plans, and nobody treated you, he would, by the end of the day, at least have left a rose and handwritten note on in front of your door apologizing for not having asked to be your Valentine earlier and going through and complimenting you, though the note is completely anonymous. Rook is a bleeding heart (hehe Snow White ref) and regardless of his feelings for you/your feelings for him, he wants to make sure Valentine's day is positive for you.
Vil: Ugh, Valentine's day. It's a tacky, meaningless holiday that corporations push for the sake of profit. He agrees to model stuff still, sure, he has to in order to try and keep up with Neige, but he hates it. He gets his nails done so that they are jet black. Part of him wants to go goth for the day, but really that would be an overreaction to something so minor. He rejects any Valentine's day gifts, and likely won't want to do anything special, so if anything, you get to see a slightly out of character Vil as he either facetimes you to make sure you've been drinking water today and rant about the industry and how it's ruined Valentine's day, or. You send him a really cheesy gif wishing him a happy Valentines day and he very reluctantly replies, but tells you to never do that again (and it segues into Above).
Idia (+ wingman/little shit Ortho): Ortho didn't really intend to snoop, but his big brother just left his phone out in the open...well he threw it onto his bed and mumbled something about being a loser. According to Ortho's analysis of Idia's phone, he hadn't been on a mobile game, so what got him so worked up? He sifted through until he found the culprit- the draft of a really sweet...and yeah, kinda cringey message he had written out addressed to the prefect of Ramshackle. Eugh he didn't need to read that...but...but Yuu should. He sends the message for Idia right before his brother comes back into the room, mumbling about how he needs to delete something. His eyes go wide as saucers as he sees not only has the message been sent, but the prefect has read it and is replying in that very moment. Idia reprimands Ortho immediately, but gently until the Prefects response comes through and Ortho confirms the tone is positive. Diasomnia lord help me it's one in the morning
Sebek: Wasn't going to do anything until Lilia mentioned...."exaggerated"...just how important Valentine's Day can be to humans. His decision to try and come up with a last minute gift only amplifies if he sees someone else give Yuu a gift, and ultimately decides with a certain degree of defeat just to buy something from Sam's shop. He decides something practical is best, but gets a little distracted around the candles. Surely in Ramshackle you would appreciate something small, aromatic and it even offers a small bit of heat! He decides to go through with it, but it's only noon, surely he can customize it a bit more before the end of the day. Lilia ends up walking into Sebek's room at around 10:30, only to see him struggling to stay awake as he wipes off paint from the lid. Based on the discarded tissues around, he hasn't been satisfied with any customizations he's tried to make. Lilia gently encourages him just to write a quick note, and he'll deliver it to the prefects doorstep for him so he can get to sleep. Sebek insists it's not perfect, but is forced to accept defeat as Lilia ushers him to bed, reassuring him that the prefect will still appreciate it.
Silver: He knows that he struggles to stay awake, so he starts on his project long before Valentine's day so that he can work on it whenever he has the wherewithall to do so. Come Valentine's day, he has the gift with him during class, and ends up sitting outside of Ramshackle, passed out next to the door waiting for you to show up so he can hand you his gift, which turns out to be a dagger. No, he didn't make it, but he wanted to research the best option for someone of your size and stature, the quality, where to purchase it reliably, to make a small write up on how to care for it properly, what it can and should be used for, and activities it's not suggested to use it for, but you technically "can". It also gives him an excuse to come see you more often to teach you how to use it- often teaching someone is a great way to learn and will add another layer to his training. Lilia: He's been around for so many Valentine's Days, he probably knew the fucking saint it was named after. That being said, he loves to make the most of life, and that doesn't stop here! Get ready for a home cooked meal, you don't have to worry about dinner tonight sweetheart, Lilia's got it covered. Or he'll pay for take out. Or both, to make up for the mess in your kitchen.
Malleus: He's been aware of the holiday for years, but has never really had a reason to celebrate it. But now there's someone who isn't scared of him. Someone who, perhaps if he asked, you would allow him to spend time with you. He ends up daydreaming about the activities the two of you could do together, from making gargoyles to learning to make ice cream together, he ends up spending the entire day like that. Though he's a bit frustrated at his loss of time, he writes out a heartfelt letter to invite you to join him in those activities at a later date. He'll either wait for you outside, or if its too late in the night, simply slide the letter under your door.
I was gonna do Che'nya and Neige and even Rollo but its. its way too late, I'm hungry and I have a STATS class tomorrow RIP me.
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strniohoeee · 10 months
Matt with a gf who likes to paint and read, and since so many people compare Matt to Flynn rider they dress up as Flynn and Rapunzel for Halloween. A little smutty if you want 🤭
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Matt and Y/N are dating, he loves how artsy and cute she is. And they decided to go to a costume party as Rapunzel and Flynn. 💐
Warnings⚠️: Suggestive parts, but no sex in this one😙
Song for the imagine: K.- Cigarettes After Sex
Flower, gleam and glow
Let your powers shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
It was such a beautiful day today, and I was getting a little tired of spending it cooped up in the house. Matt and his brothers were still sleeping as expected it was 7AM.
I decided to get up and do my morning routine before making myself coffee. I sat in the living room opening the curtains to let the warm light in as the sun was finishing rising. The sky, beautiful tinges of orange and blue. This feeling made me all emotional and happy.
I sat down facing the window as I sipped my coffee sitting in silence. I was listening to the birds chirping and the wind rustle through the palm trees. So sad that we take advantage of such simple things like this.
I got up to make myself a bagel when I realized I purchased a book yesterday. As my bagel toasted I walked into Matt’s room, tip-toeing over to the bag on the desk pulling out my book.
I walked back over to the kitchen as I put my bagel together and went back over to the couch. As I ate I read my book “A stolen life” . It was a true story about a girl getting kidnapped and escaping about 20 years later. It was good, but it was so sad
After eating I washed my dishes, and decided to put my book back in the room. Then I remembered I was painting yesterday out in the yard
I headed out back with a cup of water to clean my brush and some paper towels. I connected my phone to the speaker as I began to finish my painting.
This feeling was everything to me. The cool air around me, the beautiful morning sky, the birds chirping, no cars on the road. I was actually painting a picture of a sunrise. Matt always told me he’s never awake for one, so I wanted to paint him one super realistically, so he’d always have a sunrise to wake up to.
K. By Cigarettes After Sex started playing, and immediately a smile grew on my face. This was the first song Matt and I ever listened to and it was on our first date. So weird how the timing was.
I was singing along lowly as I painted when I heard the side door open. Turning my head I smiled at Matt.
“Morning sunshine” I said laughing
“How are you up so early?” He asked rubbing his eye and walking over to me
“I’m not too sure, but I just wanted to see the beautiful morning sky” I said continuing to paint
“You’re odd, I love that” he said laughing and pulling me in for a kiss
“I love you too” I said pulling away from the kiss and rolling my eyes playfully
“And our songs playing” he said smiling down
“Timing is so strange right” I said continuing to paint
“It is, what are you painting?” He asked standing behind me
“A sunrise for you. Since you told me you’re never awake for one I thought I’d paint you one to hang up in your room. And then this way you’ll always wake up to a sunrise” I said
“How’d I get so lucky, this shit makes me fall in love with you more and more” he said wrapping his hands around my waist and leaning his head on my shoulder
“Matttt” I said blushing
“What it’s the truth” he said pulling away
“My beautiful talented girlfriend who paints sentimental things for me I LOVE IT” he yelled the last part
“Shhh” I said laughing and covering his mouth
“Would you ever paint me?” He asked pulling me in and looking in my eyes
“You know I’d love that actually I haven’t painted a person since high school art class” I said looking back at him
“Mmm I have the perfect set up��� he said
“Oh yeah and that is?” I said leaning in and kissing him
“Me nude surrounded by plants and shit like a Greek god” he said after pulling away from the kiss
“Mmmm I don’t know that I’ll be able to focus” I said trailing my hands down his arms
“Too much for you?” He asked with a smirk
“You know you’re too much for me” I said alluding to his size
“Ouuu my ego baby, just grew” he said clutching his heart
“I’ll consider it though, I like that idea” I said snaking my hands over his shoulders and pulling him in for a hug
Matts hands started trailing down my back and to my ass squeezing slightly.
“Behave Matt” I said looking at him
“On my best behavior” he said winking
“Don’t forget the costume parties tonight” he said pulling away
“Oh my gosh yes how could I forget” I said pulling away
“Do you have your whole costume?” He asked me
“Of course I do Matt I’m not an amateur” I said cleaning up my brushes and getting ready to head inside
“Flynn and Rapunzel” Matt said
“Except I don’t have the long blonde hair like Rapunzel” I said laughing
“Doesn’t matter you’re Rapunzel in my eyes” he said smiling at me
“And they say chivalry is dead” I said grasping my heart
Matt rolled his eyes and pulled me in for a kiss. It slowly became heated as his hands ran down my back and gripped my ass. His lips moved down to my jawline and then my neck.
“Oh Matt” I sighed out as I tilted my head back
“I love you so much, I can’t control myself” he said pulling away
I ran my hands through his hair as he came back in to make out with me. I was about to sit him down on a lawn chair and get to business but we were cut off
“AHEM” we both heard and we broke apart looking over
“Oh….hi Chris” I said smiling
“I come out to feel the breeze and enjoy the light and what do I get? My brother and his girl about to get busy” he said
“Chris shut the fuck up we were not about to do anything” Matt says rolling his eyes
“Yeah yeah whatever I know what my eyes saw” he said walking back into the house
“My own brother…..a cockblocker” Matt said pulling away and sighing
I just laughed and began to clean up my stuff before we headed inside.
Matt and I spent most of the day laying around, cleaning up, chilling with his brothers and I cooked some lunch for them.
Matt actually forced all of us to watch Tangled in light of our costume idea. His brothers found it corny, but I found it funny.
The house party started at 9, and Matt and I were currently getting ready. I finished my hair and makeup and decided to get dressed
I put on the purple corset with the purple short skirt and my white heels, I grabbed my plushy chameleon and put my crown on
I stepped out into Matt’s room from the bathroom
“Thoughts?” I asked spinning for him
“Wow” was all he said as he looked at me
“Starstruck?” I asked him
“Very, you look so fucking good” he said
“You look hot too as Flynn” I said walking over to him
“We could ditch the party” he said giving me a sly smile
“No Matt we’re not ditching the party” I said rolling my eyes
He pulled me in by my waist looking down at me before smashing his lips to mine. Slowly turning it onto a make out session as he let his hand rest on my neck
I pulled away before looking at him
“Matt my lip gloss” I said pouting
“Oh please” he said rolling his eyes
I smirked at him before pulling him in for another kiss. My hands raking through his hair.
“Okay no more or I won’t control myself” he said pulling away
“Awww but I was enjoying it” I said pouting and running my hand down to his dick lightly squeezing
“WOAH OKAY” he said pulling away
I smirked at him before stepping away. I reapplied my lipgloss and we decided to take pictures for his Instagram.
We stood infront of his mirror as he snaked his arm around my back gripping my ass.
“Mr. Handsy” I said giggling
“Says you” he said back
We snapped a few pictures and he posted some on his story
We decided to head out with his brothers and went over to the party. We enjoyed ourselves the whole night. Occasionally teasing each other with lingering touches and frisky dance moves.
“Want to head upstairs?” Matt asked me
“Sure lover boy” I responded
Matt and I made our way up to an empty room shutting the door behind us. He immediately smashed his lips to mine back tracking us to the bed.
Matt sat down and I sat next to him as we continued to make out.
“I need you” Matt whispered
I nodded and slowly moved my hand down to his dick palming him through his pants as he whimpered out.
“So good to me” he said letting his head fall back
I began to kiss down his neck as I palmed him. I went to unzip his pants when the door busted open
“OH SHIT SORRY GUYS” some random guy said before slamming the door shut
Matt and I sighed….the mood immediately being ruined
“I guess we’ll have to wait till we’re home” he said
“Yeah” I said giggling
Matt pecked my lips one more time before we got up and headed out to enjoy the party.
That night when we got home we finally had some much waited alone time.
The End
Hiiii hope you guys enjoyed this one. I got two more stories to write before I open my requests. I LOVE YALLLLL🤭🖤🖤🖤
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yowyowyaoi · 1 year
Itachi’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Konan
Nobody eats until you come out and eat with us 😤
Thank you! You’re the only one who even noticed 💙
You need to do a better job of hiding that kitten lol  it pushed open your door and walked down the hallway again
Of course! You know where I keep it you don’t even have to ask 😊
I know I’ve spoken to Nagato about them he’ll handle it
You have GOT to come try this new massage chair I got it’s heaven 😌
From Deidara
Come on I was just kidding!!
Please call him off if he bites off my hand again Sasori said he won’t replace it 😔
Sharingan is not art it’s dirty cheating 
The counter is covered with plates of eggs, did you do that weird sleepwalking thing again?!
Me and Hidan and maybe Tobi. Come on take the stick out of your ass and just come with us!
I’ll paint them if you braid my hair first.
Why do you always blame me?? Hidan probably took it!
Omfg I SWEAR I meant that for Sasori!! 😳 Please please don’t show Kisame he’ll kill me 😫
From Zetsu
He’s just so emotional is that an Uchiha trait?
I can literally smell your exhaustion you need to go and rest
Yeah very cute. Be a shame if someone ate it 👀
He was doing fine. Got a lot taller. Looks a lot like you in the face.
No I’m glad you made him leave that dude freaked even ME out 😵‍💫
From “Tobi” aka Obito
Can I borrow your face cream? This mask makes my skin itch like crazy!
God stop it man are you TRYING to speed up going blind?!
Would he take your last name or would you take his? 🤔
No. Never. They think I’m a dumbass, remember?
Little more time in the sun would probably help 🤷🏻‍♂️
“Crushes” are for little kids. And anyway he hates me 😔
I thought about that yeah. Reminded me of your mom’s. She always made the best ones.
I’m not sure of anything kid. But we’re in it too far to back out.
Idk you just looked super pale
Ask Sasori to make you more, they’re helping a little 
Idc what Zetsu says. I can do a lotta shit but cannibalism isn’t one of them 🤢
You think I didn’t see you sneak in that pie? Either share or I’m telling Kisame.
From Nagato
Come and join Konan and I for tea. We’ve got a new blend we think you’ll like.
Permission granted. Just be back within three days, I’ll be sending you two on a mission then.
Thank you for the tips. My eyes feel much better now.
Take your time reading it. When you finish I’d love to discuss some of the themes with you.
I know you dislike meat but perhaps a bit more protein might help improve your stamina.
I don’t mind but do not let Kakuzu see it.
From Hidan
Movies with me and blondie?
Yeah but he’s half-animal right? Still counts, pervert.
PLEASE make the splinters in the ass joke PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU😭😭😭
If I didn’t take a piece you would have ate the whole fucking thing yourself and your stomach would burst. You’re welcome 😊
No that was definitely Deidara’s gay ass
Mask boy’s looking for you
Oh right like Kisame wouldn’t beat my ass for that 🙄 Nice try asshole
God damn it’s 3am when the FUCK do you sleep?!
We’re not “plotting” anything just come with ffs 🤦‍♂️
It was an accident and I didn’t even look that long don’t tell her she’ll slice me up with that sharp-ass paper 😖
From Kakuzu
You always being on time with your rent is most appreciated.
To be honest I don’t really know. But at this point I’m too far into my feelings for him so this is my life now. 
Getting enough sleep is important. Nagato agrees that a new mattress would be in your best interests. No arguments.
I’ve ripped off his leg and made it clear it won’t be returned until he returns your property to you.
I’ll consult with Sasori and get back to you.
Konan is insisting everyone text you to come down to eat. It’s my turn. Be advised that continued delay will result in one or more of us coming and retrieving you by force.
From Sasori
Please inform me right away if you notice any adverse side effects. I may need to change the medication or adjust the dosage.
Oh, thank you for reminding me. I wouldn’t want a repeat of last year. What sort of gift do you think I should give him?
You’re more than welcome to anytime. You know I don’t sleep.
Finding the correct body is the most difficult part. All that follows is merely routine.
He can be very sensitive. I’m still learning to decipher and appropriately react to his emotions.
May I borrow that book when you’ve finished it?
Heh. That’s actually very funny.
Try not to overdo it. Your chakra levels still haven’t recovered from the last time.
You may want to hurry back. Zetsu has been circling outside your door like an animal and trying to sniff under it. That lock may not hold.
From Kisame
You remembered your meds today right?
Did you eat?
Yeah? I bet I could work out that tension 😏
Cake is not acceptable for every meal, Itachi.
I got a new blanket, very soft. Come test it out with me 💙
I’ll talk to him about it don’t worry.
For God’s sake just TAKE A NAP!
Have fun but watch your back, I don’t trust those two.
Pretty warm out tonight. Midnight swim later? 😏
You left your necklace on my dresser
Leave it there. You’ve already got one illicit pet you don’t need a second.
I’m cooking, you’re eating. No objections.
My hands are craving being in your hair 😔
I did not eat him. Zetsu is a liar.
You got any more pics like that? Please? 👀
I 💙 you too
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hyunsvngs · 10 months
hey baeee
so im def a stonerslut and im glad we have established hanji as the designated stoner of skz, maybe felix too w his special brownie recipes lol,
but i was wondering if we’ve established any other stoner hc’s for any of the other boys? one of mine is definitely hyun, mostly taking place in a college au (dare i say stoner hyunsung roommate bffs) LMAO bro def sparks up and finishes his art projects in the dead of night <33
oh felix and his special brownie recipes. i'm also a stonerslut getting stoned tonight actually and i know this has been sitting in my inbox for a while but it feels RIGHT answering it right now.
so because i'm delusional and a stoner ANYWAy. (also please please send me more stoner skz asks because i really want to write more about these) and thank to bby mayu @jyu037 for helping <3
chan who definitely smokes regular joints and is a fucking master at rolling them. has the fun coloured papers and swears to god that weed makes him make better music. he also swears it makes blowjobs better so obviously you have to give him one everytime you're both high despite the cotton mouth LOL. likes to bottom when he's high!! always cums so quickly but he just keeps going, he just wants more. not too loud, quiet little whimpers here and there.
minho who smokes in his room to destress at night and definitely ends up jerking off. when you two get together, you both hit the bong together and fuck stoned regularly and it changes your lives. he'd have a stupid little smile on his face and just be grinning at you like a freak. soft giggly sex with minho when he's high and he'd be moaning so loud like a fucking pornstar because it feels so good! hyper focused on your ass. smokes strains that make him kinda lazy so he just likes to lay there and use lots of toys on u <3
changbin who would just be so fucking sexy smoking man. like imagine him sat relaxed in a tight fitting t-shirt smoking a j? no i'm literally clenching. i can imagine him with one of those cute little pipes too and i also think changbin could be a bong man. definitely wants you on his lap when you smoke so he can put the joint to your lips and also smoke you out lol. probs shoves his hand up your skirt while you sit in his lap with that sexy little downturned smile. definitely hits it from the back while he smokes his joints and probably rolls FAT blunts too
hyunjin who yes 100% does get high and finishes his art in the middle of the night. i see hyunjin with a small little glass bong orrr a crystal pipe? and he likes to get high and finish his paintings because in the morning it's probably just a bunch of colours on the page but he swore it was a masterpiece the night before. definitely gets all giggly and blushy too! and gets extreme munchies. also high hyune who paints on you because he likes the colours. drools all over you when he fucks you high and gets so sloppy, keeps cumming inside and just can't stop fucking you
jisung who's a horny high. can't roll for shit and makes chan pack the bong for him too lol. he weirdly knows everything about every single fucking strain and would love to grow a few plants of his own just for personal use because he somehow knows everything about that too. CERTIFIED STONER. probs palms his cock unashamed in the studio when 3racha get high and chan and changbin r just used to it. if you two got high together he'd NEED to eat you out, not above begging for it and gets so pussy drunk!! if you fucked high he would cum two pumps in and not even be ashamed, groaning all "that's what good pussy does." and continues to fuck you senseless LMAOO
felix with his weed brownies yeah!! he'd probably make weed cookies too, or like little weed red velvet cupcakes?! he's so cutie. i honestly think he prefers edibles to actual joints or smoking it in general, but if changbin's got a joint going he'll steal a few tokes. maybe changbin smokes him out too lol idk (i'm going fucking crazy). likes to watch cute little cartoons and disney films when he's high and get all bundles up in blankies :( alsooo usually not horny but then he tries a strain like wedding cake and gets so hard. just starts rocking ur shit and won't stop until ur shaking and empty minded and he's still hard. it's like viagra
seungmin who is definitely a very chill stoner. definitely does it to de-stress and everytime you piss yourself laughing over something he just does a little chuckle he's not bothered. and he definitely talks about the meaning of life and conspiracy theories. meeeean sex like he's usually mean but when he's high he's so much more condescending. takes it as far as stepping on you and spitting on your face. miiiind blowing sex and then the aftercare is him asking you how you think stonehenge got there
jeongin who is confused at first but an absolute menace after you smoke him out a couple times. you teach him how to roll if not only just to watch his hands and his tongue when he does it. definitely a pre rolled joint type of guy and only rolls when he's with you because you see it as foreplay. flirty, says the nastiest fucking shit when he's high and probably fucks your throat while smoking a pre roll, maybe even finishing it when he's got you on all fours for him... (might put it out on your asscheek). so loud, sloppy, messy. when the horny subsides he's got the munchies and begs you to make him instant ramen and then probably spills it on himself and burns himself with the soup
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
The Art Nerd-Modern!HS Klaus M. Pt 2
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Warning:Smut Ahead-Daddy Kink, Loss of Virginity
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She trashed the bloody paper towels and he quickly grabbed his bag from his locker before leading her out to the parking lot where his car was. His mother had gotten it for him for his 16th birthday as she had for all of his siblings and while it wasn't much it got him out of the house. 'What time will your parents kick me out?' He considered that, never having needed to know before but Elijah and Finn had plenty of girls stay over.
'They shouldn't. Elijah and Finn have had girls stay over tons of times,mom doesn't really care as long as we...never mind.' His face caught fire once again and she just grinned at him.
'As long as her sons use protection?' He nodded, pulling out of the school parking lot. 'No need to worry about that, I'm on the pill.' Klaus instantly tried to think of anything he possibly could to stop his cock which was instantly hardening. 'You know I'm teasing you, right?'
'Yep-Yes-Yeah...what do you want to eat?' His voice cracked as he asked her this and she smiled.
'Well, how about I stay the night? It's Friday, we can grab some snacks and soda, and have a movie night. It's been a while since I have been able to just hang out with someone without the pressure of James. Feel free to say 'no' of course, I don't just want to invite myself and-'
'No!' She looked startled by this and he instantly realized his mistake. 'I mean 'Yes'! Yes I would love for you to stay...it honestly sounds like fun.' They stopped at a grocery store and grabbed soda and a ton of snacks before going back to Klaus', deciding to just order some dinner.
'Wow. This place is really cool.' Y/n commented as she got inside and he immediately ushered her down the stairs to avoid his family. 'Woah!' She instantly began looking at all of the canvases and framed sketches that were hung everywhere. 'Klaus! You're even better than I thought, holy shit!' She was looking at a painting of the pond they have out back, he had done it while the flowers on the lily pads were blooming and it looked perfect. He wanted her to keep looking and complimenting his work but she was getting dangerously close to one he definitely didn't want her to see.
'Thank you, let's pick some movies to watch, hmm? We can decide what we want for dinner.' He was ushering her to the other side of the room where the couch was but she just smiled, continuing to look, seeing a canvas on the easel and moving around it to look. 'No! Please don't-'
'Woah.' He sighed, sitting on his bed and knowing his chance to even be her friend was over, she was going to find him painting her to be so creepy she would probably call the cops.
'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-'
'Is this how you see me?' He was immediately confused. 'You make me look so beautiful.' She was shocked and he couldn't figure out why.
'You are beautiful...how else would I paint you?' Her cheeks were red as she walked back over to him, kissing his cheek before continuing over to the couch.
'How about some burgers? Cheese burgers sound great!' He grinned, practically vibrating with joy as he jumped up and moved to sit beside her on the couch, turning on the TV. Her lips were so soft, he could only imagine what they feel like wrapped around his-NO! Stop! If he didn't stop his thoughts he would end up jerking off in the bathroom all night.
'Burgers sound good to me. Movies?' They both spent a little while getting a good selection, deciding each other needs to watch certain movies they've neglected, Y/n forcing Klaus to watch The Breakfast Club and Klaus deciding Y/n needed to watch Sleepy Hollow. They watched hers first and when they got to Klaus' pick she ordered dinner, Klaus running up to get the door and paying for dinner, which he insisted he would pay for completely despite her arguing, only to run into Rebekah.
'You didn't offer to get me anything? Jerk! Why do you have so much food?' She wondered and he rolled his eyes.
'Y/n is here, we're gonna watch movies and hang out for the night. I'll get you something next time, I promise.' With that he shut the door behind him and walked back down the stairs, grabbing 2 sodas that he had put into his mini fridge before she started the movie.
Klaus found that he genuinely enjoyed her company and even if he never had a shot with her, he wanted to continue to be her friend and he thought she felt the same. That may be ruined however, if his mother coming down the steps has anything to say about it.
'Niklaus. Why did Rebekah have to tell me you had a girl over?' He went wide eyed and so did Y/n's.
'I'm sorry, I didn't even think to tell you...mom, this is Y/n. We were going to have a movie night.' He begged with his eyes as much as he could for her to leave and not embarrass him but the Gods were not on his side.
'Hello Mrs. Mikaelson, I'm Y/n. I'm sorry, I thought you knew I was here. It's a pleasure to meet you.' She jumped up and shook his mothers hand politely and he knew his mother loved her instantly, both Elijah's girlfriend Katherine and Finn's girlfriend Sage having absolutely no manners.
'Hello dear. It's nice to meet you too, Niklaus doesn't have friends over so he's never had to ask. I'll let it slide this once. Of course you're welcome here though. If you need anything you just let me know. Niklaus?' She gestured him over and stood at the bottom of the stairs. 'You'll tell me from now on-'
'I promise, just please go? She's just a friend mom, I swear.' She didn't look like she believed him. 'She's so far out of my league it's not funny.'
'But you like her?'
'I-mom, please just go?' She nodded, handing him something quickly.
'Just in case. You two have fun now, it was lovely to meet you Y/n!'
'It was a pleasure to meet you too, ma'am.' As his mother left he looked down and saw she had handed him a box of condoms and he jumped to hide them in his dresser. 'I like your mom. It's nice that she's aware and accepting enough to give you a box of condoms.' Klaus slammed the drawer shut, looking at her quickly. 'That's what it was, right?' She was looking at him expectantly and he didn't want to lie about it.
'Yes, she raised Elijah and Finn, and she's currently raising Kol, it's necessary unfortunately.' She just nodded as if she completely understood and he was grateful as he sat back down, getting under the blanket that was covering them.
'Do you really think I'm that special?' She asked suddenly and he didn't know how to respond. 'I mean, to tell your mother you think you're out of my league sounds insane to me. You're like, the smartest guy I've ever met, and you're incredibly talented on top of that! What league do you think you're out of because compared to you, I'm very boring.'
'You're kidding.' She shook her head. 'You're gorgeous!' She shrugged at that.
'At best I'm an 8, though I believe I'm average.'
'You're kind to everyone around you no matter who it is-'
'That's basic human decency and I'm sorry you haven't been shown it before.' He didn't like that she was talking down all her good qualities.
'You smell like what I think heaven must smell like-'
'I'll tell you the soap I use along with my perfume.'
'Would you stop that?! You-you make my heart stop every single time you look at me Y/n, I-'
'Nik. That's a very serious medical condition, I'm going to need you to see a cardiologist as soon as possible.' She was pissing him off and she knew it and before he knew it he was grabbing her and pulling her close, pressing his lips to hers hard. Her lips were just as soft as he imagined they would be as he molded his lips to hers, holding her face in his hands before he realized what he was doing, pulling back quickly.
'Oh god! I'm sorry! Y/n, I'm so-' he was cut off by her moving to kiss him again and he just relaxed into it now until she pushed forward and climbed into his lap, now straddling him and allowing him to feel the heat of her crotch right against his cock. 'Y/n! Stop!' She pulled away, shocked that he had yelled at her. 'You're upset about James, I'm sorry but I don't want to hurt you by-'
'James is infuriating! He's stupid and boorish and a bully! I was going to dump him next month after Valentine's Day...say what you want, a girl doesn't want to be alone for that but screw him!' He was confused and not quite sure what to do.
'You said you wanted to stay over because it would be nice to not have you be expected to do anything-'
'You expect nothing. You're so sweet Nik, I love that about you...I'm actually attracted to smart guys but most smart guys don't want dumb girls so I settled for James. It was nice for a while I guess but I'm relieved it's over...look, if you don't want this we can just watch movies, we don't have to-' he pulled her back to him and kissed her again, groaning into her mouth as she ground down against his crotch. His hands were on her hips which he was squeezing tightly, his thumbs teasing her skin just under her shirt but never pushing farther, not until she grabbed his hands and placed them on her chest, moaning as he squeezed his hands as he's dreamt of 500 times by now. At that moment she pulled back, lifting her shirt over her head and allowing Klaus to see her red bra hiding her breasts from him and he wanted to rip it off desperately. 'Go ahead.'
His head snapped up and he saw her smiling at him, his cock was throbbing at this point and he was desperate to cum but he pushed the feeling away as hard as he could, reaching up and finding the latch on the bra, fumbling for just a moment before pulling it down her arms and revealing her chest to him. 'Holy shit!' She pulled him back in to kiss her again and he rolled her nipples between his fingers, though she seemed to have other plans. She pulled back from the kiss and guided his head down towards her chest where he happily accepted her nipple into his mouth, hand caressing the other one as he sucked on her tit roughly, eventually switching and loving her little moans. She squealed as he pulled at the bud between his teeth gently, all the while she was pulling at his hair. As she pulled particularly hard his hips flew up, thrusting against her and he gasped, arm wrapping around her waist tightly and holding her to him as he did it again.
'Fuck! God Nik!' She reached out, pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it aside, his chest now pressing to her breasts as she connected their lips again, his hips grinding against hers.
'Is that good for you, love?' He asked, ensuring he wasn't just doing something that wasn't bringing her any sort of pleasure. He may not be an expert at this but he did want to make her feel good enough that she would want to do it again. As soon as he had said it she moaned like a whore, and since he hadn't just thrust against her he assumed it was the nickname she had said she loves. 'You liked that? What is it that gets you off, hmm? Angel? Princess? Babygirl?' Her fingers tightening in his hair as she choked on a groan. 'There we are. Are you Daddy's little Babygirl?'
'Yes! Yes Daddy!' His cock twitched in his pants and he was half convinced for a moment that he had cum all over himself. She was now grinding down onto him and the heat of her pussy even through all of their clothes, was driving him crazy.
'Such a good girl!' Y/n moaned, head falling into his neck and biting onto his shoulder as she continued grinding on him. 'Can Daddy take these off? Is that okay.' She nodded, whining as he flipped them over so she was laying out on the couch, unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them down her legs, followed by his own. Klaus lifted her legs and spread them enough that he could get between them, pulling the blanket up over them so that she wouldn't feel cold. 'So sweet, making those sounds for me, aren't you? Daddy's sweet little Princess.'
'You feel so good Daddy! Please?'
'Please what Babygirl?' She whimpered, lifting her hips to grind against his but he pulled back, denying her any friction as the sounds he was causing her to make gave him a level of confidence he had never experienced. 'Tell me what you want pretty girl.'
'Daddy! Fuck me Daddy! Please?!' Nik growled, pulling her panties down her legs and throwing them god knows where, before yanking off his own boxer briefs. 'Holy fuck!' He froze, not knowing what he had done wrong but when he looked to her face he just saw her staring down at his cock.
'What? What's wrong?' He asked, instantly insecure but she just stared. 'Y/n!'
'I've never actually seen a cock as thick as yours! Fuck! I am definitely sucking your cock later.' He thought he could cum untouched if she kept talking. The idea that he was in any way better than the guy that had abused him for years, as well as that you wanted more than just this one time fuck could've made him howl with joy but he held it in, instead lining himself up with your entrance and feeling your wet pussy pressed against his cock for the first time, making his eyes roll back as he tried as hard as he could not to cum. Klaus pushed his way into you, seeing discomfort on your face and stopping.
'Are you alright gorgeous, I can-'
'Don't you dare stop!' His eyes widened but he did as she said, continuing to push forward until he was completely filling her where he froze. 'It's okay...move-'
'Give me a second, I...I've never done this, it's-' his face was red as possible in his embarrassment but she took his cheeks in her hands and forced him to look up.
'It's okay Nik, that's all you had to say. Take your time, we'll go slow.' He groaned just as she moved her hand and fixed his glasses that were askew on his face at this point. Something about her doing that turned him on even more, just being accepted by her in every way and not even caring that he had no experience at all.
'God, you're fucking perfect.' He breathed, pulling his hips back before pushing back into her body, his cock feeling like it was in the most delicious vice grip that's ever existed.
'I'm not-' he cut her off, hand around her throat and gently applying pressure.
'Don't. I say you're perfect Babygirl, so you're perfect...got it?' She nodded quickly, whining as he thrust up into her hard this time.
'Yes Daddy.'
'Oh Fuck!' He thrust up again now holding onto your thighs that wrapped around his waist, continuing to do that and not really going fast, just creating a good rhythm that didn't make him want to cum embarrassingly fast. 'So tight, such a good girl squeezing Daddy so good, you know that? My good girl.'
She whimpered. Whimpered for him. 'Stretch me out so good Daddy! Your cock feels so good! Fuck!'
'Yeah? You like Daddy's cock stretching this cute little pussy? So god damn soft and sweet for me...'
'Yes Daddy! You feel perfect! My Daddy loves knowing his cock is the best I've had, don't you?' His hands grip on your thighs tightened and you could feel the bruises forming as he lifted you up and sat back on his knees, supporting both your weight on him now as he thrust up into you. 'Holy Shit! My Daddy's strong too! Fuck! Gonna cum Daddy! Gonna cum!'
'Cum all over my cock, Babygirl. Let Daddy feel you squeezing me so tight.' He continued his pace until he felt her squeeze down hard on his cock the same time her grip got infinitely tighter. 'Oh shit! Oh shit, fuck!' She was squeezing him like a pulse, over and over again, tight but gentle and soft and perfect. It was unlike anything he could have imagined no matter how many times he jerked off, he couldn't have stopped himself if he tried. Thrusting as deeply into her as he could he filled her up as much as possible, holding her body to him so tightly and refusing to let her go, eventually collapsing with her on his chest and pulling the blanket up over the both of them. Once he had finally calmed down enough he felt her nuzzling into his neck and kissing him there.
'You have a cute little freckle here.' He could hear how sleepy she was and he pet her hair, allowing her to begin to drift off before suddenly remembering something important, turning his head to look at the dresser. 'I'm on the pill, remember? It's okay.' He relaxed as she told him that, holding her to him and lifting her against him making her groan.
'Calm down Princess, bed time.' He pulled out of her and laid her body down in his bed, cleaning her off quickly and tracing his fingers over the bruises on her thighs.
'Feels nice Daddy.'
'Good, I'm glad...Daddy always wants you covered in my marks.' He teased, cleaning himself off and sliding a pair of boxers onto them both before crawling into the bed, not passing up the chance to be able to feel her breasts pressed against his skin all night. 'Sleep Y/n, my precious girl. Daddy's here.' He wrapped them up tightly and drifted off with his dream girl exactly where he always wanted her.
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Halloween costume party with the Undertale characters!
Undertale Sans - He was supposed to go disguised as Papyrus, but he woke up like five minutes before the party, panicked, grabbed a marker, and wrote Papyrus on his head before teleporting. Papyrus was not impressed. But eh, he did his best. Sans chills all night long, simply keeping company to Toriel while she cooks (and stealing biscuits when she has her back turned). Then once his brother comes back from trick or tricking, he's going to steal candies in his bucket, and Undyne's bucket, and Frisk's bucket. He's the candy tax.
Undertale Papyrus - Him and Sans prepared MONTHS AGO to disguise as each other but of course, Sans came as Sans and ruined everything. Papyrus is so mad. But that won't deter him from going treat or tricking with Frisk and Undyne. He's quite successful even though people keep asking who he's supposed to be. He thought everyone knew Sans??? He's more popular for being a skeleton, and he's not sure if he's supposed to be offended by that or not. Oh well. At least he has a full bucket of candies he worked hard to get, and that Sans immediately dug into as soon as he got home! Papyrus hid the bucket in a high place. He's not proud of that but sometimes being the tall brother has advantages. He then accepts to do a drinking contest with Undyne and regret it when they both find themselves dancing horribly on all the undernet the next day.
Undertale Toriel - She's in charge of the organization of the party, so she's more in the backroom than in the party, just chatting and punning with Sans who is distracting her from work. Eventually, she goes to enjoy the party a little and got tricked by Undyne into a drinking contest. After that... Well... Let's just say she might have forced Sans to dance for three hours straight so much that the skeleton just passed out in her arms and gave up, letting her do what she wants with his body.
Undertale Asgore - He's disguised as Frankeinstein's monsters, but he's not sure painting his fur green was a good idea. Gerson keeps saying it is, and yeah, it looks quite good, but he is worried it's not washable and keeps him from enjoying the party. When he asked Gerson to see the shampoo, he pretended he had no idea where it is, which worried him even more. Spoiler: it's not washable and he spends the next two days at Undyne's and Alphy's place as Alphys tries to find something to save his fur from being entirely shed.
Undertale Undyne - That's the best day ever! She's authorized to scare the shit out of children and no one can say anything, and she's even encouraged to do it! She wants Halloween to be every day of the year! After going treat or tricking and death glaring at all the people refusing to give candies to Frisk and Papyrus so much they found something to give them anyway, they went back to the party where she got bored after ten minutes and decided to organize a drinking contest. She lost the count after an hour, she just remembers dancing with Papyrus. She wakes up with the headache of her life, on Papyrus' back, on the floor (???). Yeah, never again.
Undertale Alphys - She's not a big fan of people randomly knocking at her door to steal her favorite Mew Mew candies from her. Undyne says she bought them for this purpose, but still... That's such a waste! Half of these kids don't even know who is Mew Mew Kissy Cutie! So once Undyne leaves for the party, she locks the door and goes to eat them all watching The Nightmare Before Christmas. Undyne will never know. Except she fell asleep and Undyne and a green (????) Asgore showed up unexpectedly and she couldn't hide the papers fast enough. Oops.
Undertale Frisk - They're having fun, disguised as a vampire! First they went to treat or trick people with Undyne and Papyrus, then they went to the party, when they had to run for their life out of Sans reach who tried to steal their candy. After that, Chara, also disguised as a vampire, decided their disguise was not convincing enough and bite them at the throat to assert dominance. So Frisk bit them back. Chara got mad and they both started to fight until Toriel time out the both of them in a corner. They're just growling at each other from their corner.
Undertale Chara - They think the party is boring and try to spice it up a little by tricking people with an electric buzzer. They managed to trick everyone, except Sans, who acted like he felt nothing which was super upsetting, and that's why Chara decided to antagonize Frisk as revenge. However, after their fight, they notice their bucket of candies is gone. They just cross Sans' eyes, who waved at them. They know it's him. It has to be him. They can't prove it, but they swear they won't stop trying to. Sans is dead.
Undertale Mettaton - He's disguised as himself in his own Halloween movie because who can represent him better than himself? He's determined to win the costume contest and he's playing dirty. He threw "accidentally" pumpkin soup on four contesters costume already and he's not stopping there. If there's no more contesters, there can only be one winner. He keeps training his villain laugh for the final moment someone will call his name and... Papyrus wins. Papyrus wins, not even properly disguised. He finds out later Sans was on the jury. He was the only one actually, as Toriel was too drunk for that. That's cheating! He's scandalized and he won't stop whining all evening about this.
Undertale Gaster - Everyone keeps asking him what he's disguised at and saying he looks really creepy. He's not disguised :( He's going to hide in a corner and sad bloop bloop all night long, wondering why everyone hates him.
Undertale Grillby - He's transformed his establishment into an improvised haunted house and gives candies to the children who survive (and goes fetch the other ones, crying in a corner lol). He's disguised as Jack Skellington, which Papyrus got really confused about when he went to treat or trick him. He's having fun. He loves Halloween.
Undertale Muffet - Business is business, she's not close. And since Grillby's is not selling tonight, she doubled the price of all her Halloween pastries because people will need one, she just knows it. She had to stop giving children candies and then ask them for money after Undyne sent two royal guards to fetch back the money lol. Nice try though.
Undertale Burgerpants - He bought a chainsaw to scare Mettaton. Mettaton gave him a pat on the head, looked at him from head to toe, chuckled, and left. He never felt this insulted his whole life. He's going to traumatize random children in the street. None of them are scared. One even tried to adopt him thinking he was a stray kitty. Why can't he succeed in one thing in his life? He's going to scream.
Undertale Flowey - Toriel put him at the door to make sure the kids take only one candy. He keeps insulting their costumes and bites children's fingers when they take more than one candy. He's having the fun of his life, laughing maniacally and making scary faces that made a bunch of toddlers already. Finally, a holiday that was made for him!
Undertale Gerson - He keeps tricking people. First, he made Asgore green, which was quite a miracle. Next, he made drunk Toriel believe a meteorite was going to crash into the house. And then he made everyone freaked out by pretending to have a soul attack, before jumping suddenly back on his feet and... blocking his back. Except now everyone thinks he's pretending and refuses to help. Please. It hurts...
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bella-rose29 · 8 months
episode 1 commentary - This Will Be Us
Lockwood and Co on Netflix
spoilers obviously (for both the books and the show), and I'm gonna put swearing even though I haven't written anything yet, I was apparently very in love with all three of them and also I was very feral about lockwood too (that's definitely a warning)
edit: definitely swearing, and also there's no context for most of this so if you don't know the show that well then good luck (and go watch it, it's really good!)
omg I just realised that the first episode starts with a ghost lamp and the last episode starts with a ghost lamp
cameron's voice omg
cameron's hands omg
I need to calm down it's like 30 seconds in
I love that before they show their faces they show all the equipment it really sets the vibe omg
"Greek fire, which should only ever be used indoors under carefully controlled circumstances" lol
don't think of another four, Lockwood, you don't remember the ones 6 you have
lockwood straightening up his tie and sniffing is so funny to me and idk why
I love that they use the shadow inside mrs hope's house!!!
"problem" being emphasised omg (I'm almost certainly reading into everything too much)
Cameron Chapman you beautiful beautiful boy
omg I just realised they switched lockwood and lucy's lines around??? in the books lockwood's the one who calls adults useless and I think that sets up his charm in the show so much better but also sets up their personalities much better? like lockwood is the charming smiley one that everyone loves, and Lucy is prone to being a bit of a menace
the way lockwood looks around at her after she says adults are useless 💀
mrs hope is so much posher than I remember her being
love that she just ignores lockwood and only talks to lucy
omg they swapped again, in the book lockwood is the one who says 'the cleverer one' after Lucy asks 'sarcastic or ironic?' - don't get me wrong I love this show so much but I feel like it takes away some of lockwood's childish-ness (idk if that's a word)? like in the books he's quite often just a silly little boy making jokes
his hands
I love that they have loads of green lighting
oh lockwood you silly little man you absolutely need chains
eat that biscuit luce (now I want a biscuit)
wooo ghost
yeah no shit lockwood
yeah no shit lockwood
"been too busy trying to make contact with the living" mood
"of course she is, she's dead" lockwood my man 💀
how the hell did Lucy manage to hold on to that painting I would have just fallen off and died
omgomgomg starting credits omgomgomg
ew mrs carlyle can go suck a dick
Lucy looks like she'd much rather be anywhere else in the world
ugh don't say that "gonna give me a smile, young lady?" fuck off
omg Lucy :(
I love that they show us the defences omg
Lucy and norrie omg
"the more proficient you become, the longer you'll live" how come that doesn't happen with lockwood then bc he's very proficient with a rapier but he has such a death wish
oh luce
"we'll be on the cover of every magazine" crazy how in the space of less than a year Lucy changes from being like lockwood and wanting to be "the most famous agents in the country" to not wanting her face on tv or on any papers at all
Marissa fittes? coming back? from the dead? whaaat that would never happen norrie don't be sillyyyy
THIS WILL BE US omg I never realised I always thought it was like 'oh, this'll be us' like George or lockwood saying that to Lucy when she first comes to Portland Row bc that's what people say when they're being walked back or something idk I just never realised it was Lucy and norrie???
is anything more lesbian than giving your solemn and binding promise to each other and then threading your fingers through her hair?
everything points to a type one bro shut the fuck up
"she changed everything" Marissa sure did
"closer to her than you'll ever be. closer to history" oh my dear Jacobs, you have no idea what lucy's gonna do
Paul you are so right you would love to meet George (kinda sad they didn't meet tbh)
Jacobs you prick
ngl that ghost sounds terrifying wtf
Paul don't be silly
don't be silly paul
Jacobs you prick
what did Lucy trip over?
:(((( Paul :((((
no way that bastard didn't hear her screaming
can you tell I'm mad I was so angrily smashing that k key
norrie :(((((((
omg parallel!! bc lockwood thinks he caused his family's death (especially jess') even though he didn't and Lucy didn't cause their deaths but she doesn't blame herself
"you are deader than dead" ooooo burn
where tf did she get that sellotape from
omg fittes building
is there anything more British than a really long queue
poor babygirl is hungry :(((
paused to read the paper cutting of lockwood and co's ad and I can just imagine lockwood telling George what to put omg "prestigious Psychical Investigations agency", "well dressed", "UNSUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS will include time-wasters, fraudsters and persons with criminal records" love the range there
also the address is literally just 35 Portland Row, London, like is there only one 35 Portland Row in the entirety of London??? apparently so
he looks and sounds so dead inside
omg it's so homely
she's a wimp
George wtf "see, told you so, okie-dokie"
heart eyes immediately lol (honestly same I love them both - the joys of being bi ig)
"hello, I'm Anthony Lockwood" hello, I'm your future wife
make the tea and drink the extra cup, George, that's what I would do
I love that he doesn't pressure her for the story!!! because he knows what that's like!!!
Anthony Lockwood chooses bourbons everyone
George picking up his comic is so passive aggressive
are all of his family dead wtf?
he's so excited to talk about Harold beck
George is interested now ooo creepy cup
I love that Lucy and George immediately don't like each other
omg George's laugh
jokes on you lockwood's parents are dead (bad joke)
"deep armchair" I'm sure it is, Georgie.
"miss carlyle" bro
you can definitely give me a tour of the house anytime (especially your room)
"teen prodigy slays the competition" fuck yeah he slays
if you pause the episode and squint really hard you can read the article on the fencing matches he did and they actually wrote an article - my favourite quote (from what I could make out) is "Kipps attempted a few bold lunges but missed Lockwood each time"
also he looks so happy in the photo omg so baby
his hands
HIS HANDS omg I think I'm going feral for them
his smile ughhhhh
lockwood you're talking very fast I can't keep up
the face he makes when he turns the smoke jets on his fucking hilarious
literally this one:
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also the way he stands??? I think I'm in too deep oh dear
"high security storeroom" sure honey tell yourself that
if lockwood was my landlord I don't think I'd have quite so much stress about finding a place to rent next year
"you saw those" yeah of course she did, they're in plain view bestie
"that's... if you'll take the job?" bro's so in love and he doesn't even know it yet (I need to stop using bro unironically bc it's making me sad)
can you tell I love his smile
George just spawning out of nowhere with no trousers on
if I didn't already know that Georgie really needs a wee I'd be able to tell from how he answered her questions before she'd even finished talking
your honour I love him
ok but the apple core being left on a chair is such a boy thing my brother does that
bitch why do you wanna see his picture you've got the real thing right in front of you
ok but if he talked to me the way he talks to Lucy in the library I would simply pass away
"I want you to be part of it" OKAY SIR. OKAY.
"how do I know you're good enough for me?" cuts to him saving her life
he did not need to do that fancy kick off the wall but he did it anyway
okay but they hold each other so much it's ridiculous
why can't someone hold me like that
"ghosts don't have feelings" 🥺
"oops" lockwood I love you but you can't just break the circle
"you've done that already, try something new why don't you" 😭
oh no
boy desperately calls out for his wife when she stares at a dead body instead of jumping from a burning building
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bigdsgirl · 10 months
episode 10 goodies
Yi Joo at the Shareholder meeting #baddie
Step mommy getting kicked the EFF OUT! HELL YEAH
he's going AFTER HER FOR her!!!!
Do Guk's deep breath when the hitman tells him step mommy's plan -- I was hoping he would go feral, but this is better hehe
the Seo family debrief -- and the hand hold! and Jung Wook feel like a shit person! because you are ah ha!
him complimenting her paintings BYE
i want to - oh my gosh this man is overJOYED
the shot of the wrists! the hands!
him. sitting on the bed. with the pillow. why was that blurred. WHY. I WANT IT.
"I'm saying you look prettier every time I look at you" BYE.
Bro his reasoning for having a child???? I want to die they are so freaking cute.
my beloved psychiatrist is back. ily babes. And she's here dropping bombs on him. (and now I am worried, for I know what is coming)
me watching Yoo Ra gasp:
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everything Do Guk does (i just watched him lean back for goodness sake), has such BD energy and i love it.
"She couldn't have a baby without telling me" -- you sure about that king! she's right there!
WAIT HIS DAD IS ALIVE I KNEW IT I KNEW IT! (this is me speculating, but idc, i think it's real)
Yoo Ra and Step mommy's confrontation has one of my fac instrumentals omg !!!!
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Oh Yoo Ra is maaaaaaaaad
power couple is powering!!!!! lfg!!!
Yoo Ra babe, pls don't eat paper
no put the halo back, what happens next!!!!!!!!!!
the betrayal is coming and fuck i am not prepared - but so much cute content!! in bed!! hugging!!! uuuggggghhhh
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》Pages Upon Pages《
Content: Usopp Fluff. Ambiguous Reader. Confessions. God this is way longer than I meant it to be.
————— ୨୧ —————
"Come on, Usopp," Nami prodded, poking his cheek with her finger, "I know you're lying to me." She was torn between a grin and an agitated pout.
"That's my whole schtick," Usopp scoffed, ignoring Nami's poking. His arms were firmly crossed over his broad chest. He yelped when the navigator pinched his skin.
"Watching the two of you dance around each other is getting old," Nami informed her friend, "Just confess to (Name) already so Sanji and I don't have to watch."
For a moment, Usopp swore he had stopped breathing. "I have nothing to confess," he insisted, looking away. His cheeks burned with embarrassment, but he told himself it was just the heat from the sun.
"You look at them like they’re the sun, the moon, and all stars," Nami crossed her arms over her chest, paralleling Usopp's posture. Her eyebrow raised, unimpressed with his antics.
"I do not! How could you even accuse me of that?" Usopp gasped, “You’re slandering me!”
Rolling her eyes, Nami opened her mouth to give him a retort when (Name) came striding up to them. Nami's frown turned into a smirk as her friend went rigid.
"Usopp, I need your help," (Name) proclaimed, fidgeting with an object in their hands. They looked at him with soft doe eyes as they held up a broken wristwatch, "Can you fix it?"
"Hm, I don't know, (Name)," Usopp teased, dramatically inspecting the watch, "How'd you break it?"
"I tried to break up Zoro and Sanji's fight," they said sheepishly, rubbing the back of their neck, "Again."
Usopp sighed and put the watch in his pocket. "Yeah, I can fix it for you," he offered (Name) a lopsided smile.
They beamed up at him and clasped his hand with both of theirs. "Thank you, Usopp!" (Name) gave his hand a squeeze.
They lingered there for a moment before (Name) let go. They waved to Nami before disappearing past the Thousands Sunny's orchard.
Usopp stayed staring at the spot they’d just been, until Nami elbowed him in the ribs. When he glared at her, Usopp was met with a shit-eating grin.
"Say it," Nami goaded, her smile widened at Usopp's flushed expression. (Name)’s perfect timing was the icing on the cake.
"Okay, fine," Usopp threw his hands up in surrender, "They’re perfect, and I want to kiss them all the time, and yeah, maybe I daydream about us being together. So what?"
Nami groaned, "(Name)'s into you too, idiot. Have you seen the way they look at you?"
Usopp covered his mouth as a giddy smile painted his face. His heart beat hard into his chest, and his stomach clenched. (Name) was a little shy around him, but they were shy around everyone. "What makes me so special?" he asked Nami.
"That's literally the point of confessing, finding out why you’re special" Nami said, clapping his back, "Get to it before someone else does."
"Someone else?" Usopp implored. Bile felt like it was going to rise in his throat.
"You know how Sanji is. Besides, (Name) is cute and innocent-looking; anyone would try to snap them up," Nami shrugged, sending a sideways smile his way.
"Oh fuck off," Usopp groaned, "You're not going to get me jealous over someone who's not even my partner."
"Then we’ll go to a club on the next island, and you can find out if they come back with me," Nami countered, a hand placed on her hip.
"That's not funny, Nami," Usopp grunted, glaring at her. A wave of jealousy swelled in his stomach.
"It is funny," she replied, barely containing her laughter, "The look on your face is to die for."
"Fine, fine, if it gets you to stop, I'll do it," Usopp acquiesced, rubbing his face with his palms.
"Finally, just put us out of our misery already," Nami groaned, smirking at him.
Another balled-up piece of paper bounced off the side of the trash bin. Usopp swore and picked up. Frowning, he looked down at the dozen or so similar crunched paper balls already in the trash. The setting sun shone through the fish tank, filling the room with golden orange hues.
"This is so stupid," he muttered, dropping the failed love note into the trash. He'd worn down the eraser on his pencil before switching to a pen, all while trying to pour his heart out on paper. Usopp must've sat by the aquarium for hours to ensure each word was perfect.
"What's stupid?"
The voice behind him nearly made Usopp jump out of his skin. "Gods, (Name)," he clutched his chest, "Don't sneak up on me like that."
They giggled and apologized. "You weren't at dinner, so I came to check on you," they explained, "Nami said you were working on an important project." (Name) began snooping around the lounge for his work.
"I've been here way longer than I thought," Usopp replied, anxiously watching them, "Sorry!"
"Don't be sorry," (Name) assured him, a sweet smile on their face, "This always happens when you work on something important."
Usopp inched closer toward the open notebook in an attempt to nonchalantly cover up the evidence of his inevitable confession. "Yeah- uh, sure, I guess I do get pretty invested in stuff," he said with words that came out strangled. Usopp coughed into his fist to try and cover it up.
"I've barely seen you all day," (Name) replied, "Show me what you've been working on." Their head tilted like a curious puppy.
"It's not done yet. I-I can't show you unfinished work," Usopp stammered, face flushed.
"Aw, come on," (Name) protested, "I hate it when you're not around; I've gotta see what's been taking up all of your time."
"This is a secret project," Usopp insisted, looking away, "I don't want you to see it until it's perfect."
"Hm, well, can I at least sit with you while you work?" They asked, rocking back and forth on the balls of their feet.
"I can't have any interruptions because even someone as great as me can have writer's block," Usopp deflected their cute gesture with his vibrato.
"Hm, so it's a writing project. What could it be?" (Name) wondered out loud, wandering over to the towering bookshelf, "Are you writing your will?"
A grin crept onto his cheeks as Usopp plopped back on the couch. His hands grasped the notebook he’d been scribbling in tightly. "Yeah, sure. You and Nami are getting all of my worldly possessions," he muses, putting pen back to paper.
(Name)'s fingers trailed a book's spine, "Then it must be a memoir of your great adventures, embellishments and all."
"I do want to write one of those," Usopp hummed, his eyes wandering from the page to (Name), who was still inspecting the bookshelf.
They paused when her fingers touched one of Nami's romance novellas. "Usopp," (Name) said softly, "Are you writing a love letter?"
Usopp nearly choked. "M-me?" he waved his hand in front of his face, "I would never. I'm not that big of a sap."
"You can't lie to me," (Name) pointed an accusatory finger at him, "Who's it for? That Kaya girl, right?"
"What? No!" Usopp protested. He got to his feet when (Name) rushed up to him.
"Let me see it," (Name) jumped to grab the notebook that had been raised over Usopp's head, "You gotta let me read it before you send it."
"Get off me, damn it!" Usopp demanded as (Name) tried to climb on him to reach it, "Why do you even want to read it?"
"Because- erm," (Name) paused, "Because… I don't know; I'm nosey, I guess. It doesn't matter why; just let me see."
"It's not even a love letter to Kaya," Usopp huffed, stretching his arm farther out of their reach, "I haven't seen her in years!"
"Who else could you possibly be confessing to?" (Name) planted their hands on their hips, "Last I checked, you were obsessed with her."
Usopp scoffed, "I've never been obsessed with her. We're just friends." He tossed the notebook onto the couch behind him.
When (Name) dove for it, he grabbed their wrist. "Come on, Usopp," (Name) attempted to tug their hand free, "Let go."
"I can't let you read it," Usopp said, his face pulled into a piercing expression, "I'm not done writing it yet."
(Name)'s struggling stopped, and their hand went limp in his grasp. It was rare for them to see him look so stern. Their stomach sank, and the burn of tears stung the back of their eyes. This was real. A love confession was on his mind, and (Name) was out of time. They had lost their chance. "Sorry," (Name) murmured, "I didn't mean to overstep."
Letting them go, Usopp noted their expression. "Don't make that face. I'll give it to you when I'm done. I promise," Usopp said with furrowed brows. His heart squeezed at the defeated look.
"It's fine," they insisted, "Whoever you're giving it to is one lucky person. I hope they make you happy."
Panic set in as it dawned on Usopp. (Name) had no clue what was about his feelings. That dummy. That cute, loving dummy. Usopp's mouth dried when they breezed past him, heading toward the door. The overwhelming fear of losing them consumed him. And in an instant, his hand jut out to grab (Name) again.
"It's for you, damn it!" Usopp cried, his fingers curling around the fabric of their sleeve. He stared at them for a long moment. The silence made the air heavy. Usopp swallowed thickly before murmuring, "It's you. It's always been you."
"Don't say that if you don't mean it," (Name) withdrew from him, wringing their wrists. They broke his gaze in favor of the wooden floor.
Usopp hesitated before taking their hand. His grasp was gentle despite the callouses. "Look, (Name), I feel- Gods, this is embarrassing. Every time you walk into the room, all my focus is drawn to you. I've made it my mission to make you smile because it makes my heart burn in the best way," he confessed; his entire body ached when (Name) finally looked up at him. Usopp could feel the heat of a blush touching his cheeks and ears.
"I think I feel the same way," they offered him a shaky smile, "You kind of make my stomach hurt."
Usopp chuckled, "You make my stomach hurt too." His breath hitched when they squeezed his hand.
"What now?" (Name) asked, reluctantly pulling their hand out of his, "Maybe we could get dinner on the next island. Just you and me."
"Yeah, I'd like to have dinner with you," Usopp couldn't stop smiling. His heart thumped so hard he suspected his ribcage would break. His hands itched to caress (Name)’s face, slide them down to the small of their back, and lean in and kiss them. Like always, he hesitated and lost his chance.
Luffy was calling (Name)'s name for something less important than the current moment.
"I should probably go before he comes down here," they said with a sheepish smile.
"Yeah, probably," Usopp replied softly. He didn't want them to leave not so soon after spilling his guts, but what else was there to say? Sure, he could keep going on about how he was assuredly in love with (Name), about how every moment without them was pointless, or how he thought about this moment since the crew had been separated. Usopp opened his mouth to say something, anything, to keep (Name) from leaving.
They leaned up and pecked him on the cheek. "We'll talk later," (Name) promised before disappearing to answer the captain's call.
Usopp watched them with wide eyes. His fingers pressed against his warm cheek where their lips had been. A face-splitting grin broke out on his cheeks before he turned back to the long-forgotten notebook. All the pages in the trash and the scribbled-out words couldn't live up to his relief. Pages upon pages of his worries were dissipated with a single kiss.
Usopp nearly collapsed back into his seat. His entire body radiated with divine joy and anxious exhaustion; it was a similar sensation after surviving a battle. He let out a breathy laugh. "I guess Nami was right after all," he mused before returning to his notebook. Usopp had a dinner date to plan.
————— ୨୧ —————
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glorious-spoon · 10 months
9 and any Stranger Things ship for the wrapped meme
Thank you! Number 9 this year was Limelight, by Rush. Here's a bit of pre-relationship Steddie featuring Eddie's complicated feelings about his hometown - I hope you enjoy!
title: get on with the fascination [on AO3]
word count: ~1900
Fifteen years after the world doesn't end, Eddie Munson returns to Hawkins.
It's a dramatic phrasing, even in his own head; for one thing, this is far from the first time he's been back since the summer of 1986, although the last time was almost a decade ago. He doesn't call it going home. Home is New York, and sometimes Chicago these days, which is as close to Roane County as he usually wants to get. Home, as far as it ever existed for him in Hawkins, was a trailer that got dropped into an alternate dimension along with a good chunk of the town the same night Eddie almost died. Home is the little house over the Illinois border where Wayne has lived since '91. Home sure as shit isn't here.
"You planning on brooding this whole time, or what?" Steve asks from across the booth. The bar they're currently sitting in is no longer called The Hideout; at some point in the last fifteen years, it's been rebranded to On The Rocks Bar And Grill. There's a fresh coat of paint on the walls and a layer of new laminate flooring over the old asbestos tile. Draft taps and an honest-to-god raised stage instead of the grimy corner where the old band used to play. At the turn of the millennium, Hawkins is finally gentrifying.
"I'm not brooding."
"Yeah, man, you totally are. Could we get a couple of refills? Thanks so much," he adds to the waitress who pauses by their table to ask if they need anything. She doesn't seem to recognize Eddie. Too young to remember him from his illustrious youth here, and apparently not into the metal scene, thank fucking Christ. For the most part, he kind of likes it when strangers come up to him in public—two platinum records in and it still hasn't lost its novelty—but not here. Not in Hawkins. This place still feels fucking cursed.
"Are you buying me beer now, Harrington?"
"You're the big-shot rockstar," Steve points out with a shit-eating grin. "You're buying."
"Ugh," Eddie groans, and puts his head down on the table, which doesn't even have the decency to be sticky. "Remind me again why I agreed to this?"
"I don't know. Closure?"
"Next time I decide to do something this shit-stupid, can you do me a favor and just, like, duct tape me to a chair or something?"
"Kinky," Steve says dryly, but he's still smiling when Eddie lifts his head to glare at him. Eddie should probably be less of a dick about this, given that Steve is only here for moral support; he doesn't live in Hawkins either these days. He's up in Chicago with Robin, who would also probably be here if she weren't mired in stacks of midterm papers on film theory from her earnest little freshman ducklings. Steve makes his own hours, so it's not that much of a surprise that he closed up shop and drove down here and didn't bother to call until he'd already crossed the county line, at which point Eddie was winding himself up into a dangerous head of steam and was grateful for any distraction that offered itself.
And Steve is the best kind of distraction. Always has been. Even now, kicked back in a bar booth in all his yuppie glory, sipping the last of his beer and scanning the bar every now and then with a wariness that Eddie hasn't seen from him in a while. Because Eddie isn't the only one who left a headful of ghosts behind in Hawkins, Indiana. He forgets that sometimes.
"Thank you, by the way," he says. "Did I say that yet?"
"Nah. Mostly you've just been, like, bemoaning your life."
"Bemoaning," Eddie repeats, delighted. "We'll make a poet of you yet, Stevie."
"In your dreams," Steve says mildly.
"Oh, every night, baby."
That gets him a scoff, but it's a fond one. The waitress comes back with their drinks, and he leans back out of her way to let her set them down and clear away their empty glasses. Steve thanks her again, and this time Eddie does too, because there's only so much wallowing that Steve will let him get away with and he's probably closing in on that limit quickly. Still, all Steve actually says once she leaves is, "So what's the plan, then? You're meeting the interviewers at, what, three?"
"Yeah," Eddie sighs. "I don't fucking know. They wanted me to, like, walk them around and show them the old sights, which sounded like a great idea when Marleen pitched it, but now it's like, what old sights? Oh, here's where the basketball team tried to kick my skull in. Here's where the football team tried to kick my skull in. Here's the picnic table where I used to sell weed out of my lunch box. Here's where my trailer was before a girl died there and it got sucked into the shadow dimension, except—oops!—can't tell you shit about that because I signed a stack of confidentiality agreements almost as tall as me. But they're still gonna ask." He lets out a long sigh and presses the heels of his hands into his eyes. "They're gonna want me to talk about Chrissy."
"So you tell them to go to hell."
He barks a laugh. "Easy as that, huh?"
"You've never had trouble with it before," Steve says with a shrug.
That's true enough. Eddie sighs again and reaches for his beer. "This place is fucking me up. No, there is actually a plan. We're gonna stop by the high school after it's cleared out and do the interview there, it's all set up. You know they put up a plaque with my name on it outside the drama room?"
Steve laughs. "No shit?"
"Yeah, apparently there was a vicious battle about it on the school board. Real fire and brimstone shit, went on for months. Henderson's mom led the charge on my behalf, I got the whole story from him."
"Jesus," Steve says. And then, "Shit, we should go see her while we're in town."
"You're just hoping she'll feed you."
"Well, yeah," Steve says. "I've been living on my own cooking since…" he waves a hand and makes a face. "You know. Since everything went south with Jerry."
Jerry was the latest in a series of attractive people of varying genders that Steve has dated over the last ten years, since he moved to Chicago and figured his shit out. Eddie kind of hated the guy, but it wasn't personal. He was objectively probably a perfectly fine person, and it wasn't his fault that Eddie fell head over heels for a hot monster-slaying jock in the spring of 1986 and never entirely recovered. Though, as he's now reminded, it's been a long time since he and Steve were both single at the same time, and the last time that happened, he still thought Steve was straight.
He tries to swallow that thought down with a mouthful of beer, but it lingers like a strange spiky shape in the back of his throat. "So, how's all that going, anyway?"
Steve groans dramatically.
"An encouraging response."
"No, it's fine. I'm, like, totally over him at this point. I just… I don't know, I figured I'd be past all this shit by now, you know? Thought I'd settle down, get my life together, find somebody who…" he trails off.
"Who…?" Eddie repeats leadingly.
"I don't know. Somebody who gets it. Somebody I don't have to, like, lie to."
"That's a tall order, my friend."
"Yeah, I guess," Steve mutters. He's looking at his beer, rubbing a thumb against the wedge-shaped scar bisecting his lower lip. He's got a lot of scars, and Eddie knows the story to most of them, even the ones he wasn't personally present for. But he supposes that he can see how it would wear on Steve, inventing explanations for them that aren't about being tortured by Russian spies or eaten alive by interdimensional monsters. Steve's not much of a liar, when it comes down to it. Eddie doesn't mind spinning fantastical stories to obscure the ugly truth, but they're wired differently that way.
"Hey," Eddie says. He taps his fingernails against Steve's glass and waits for him to look up. "Listen, I'm sorry I brought it up."
Steve smiles a little. "It's fine. Seriously. Robin says I'm being a sad sack, and she's probably right."
"Mm. Probably, but I am not the sensible Professor Doctor Buckley, am I?"
"God, you know she hates it when you call her that."
"She's the one who decided to get a PhD. Masochism, in my strong opinion."
"Oh, we all know," Steve says. He glances over Eddie's shoulder at the clock, then says, "Probably ought to get going if you want to make your interview on time."
"And Marleen has promised to string me up by my metaphorical balls if I show up late for another one," Eddie sighs. He drains the last of his beer and stands, digging his wallet out.
After they pay and head outside, Steve lingers by the side of the brick building, facing the road. It's a sunny day, breezy and crisp, pale wisps of clouds moving fast across the blue sky, and something about it makes Eddie's chest pinch with a strange nostalgia. Something about the way Steve looks right now, in his stylish yet dorky windbreaker with his hair tossed by the breeze. It's shorter now than he used to wear it but he really doesn't look that different at thirty-four than he did at nineteen. Older, sure, but it suits him.
"After I'm done with all this shit," Eddie says. "You wanna go get high at the quarry? You know, for old times' sake?"
Steve laughs softly, eyes crinkling. "Does it really count if we're not smoking in the back of your van?"
"True. Pretty sure I wouldn't get the deposit back on my rental if I turn it in smelling like grass, either."
"We can take my car," Steve says.
"Yeah. If you want."
"You wanna crash with me after? So you don't have to drive all the way back home tonight, I mean? The room they booked me is, like, palatial. I didn't even know they had places that nice around here."
Steve glances at him again, rubbing his jaw. It wouldn't be the first time they've shared a hotel room, but there's a different context now. For one thing, they can both afford separate rooms these days. For another, Eddie's got that itch that means he's probably gonna do something reckless, and he's not even sure he wants to try to stop it.
If he and Steve go smoke up by the quarry where they spent the last summer of Eddie's teens, he's going to confess something, he's pretty sure of it. Lay it all on the line for Steve, after all this time. He's starting to think that might not even be the worst idea he's ever had. Steve is here, after all.
"Yeah, okay," Steve says, finally. He bumps his shoulder against Eddie's, and Eddie leans back into the solid warmth of him, and takes a deep breath of cool spring air, and watches the Hawkins traffic pass them by.
Tomorrow, he'll be gone. Maybe, if this doesn't all blow up in his face, he'll go back to Chicago with Steve. Hawkins is a place he's outgrown years ago, and whatever story comes out of this interview is never going to be anything other than a media-crafted shadow of the truth, but honestly, that's never been what mattered in the end.
"It's a date, then," he says, and when he glances over at Steve, he finds him already smiling back.
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sleeplyparks · 4 months
Sweet Pastries
Or: it’s slender’s birthday, sally wants to celebrate!
There’s a burning cake in the kitchen — Tim can smell it as soon as he walks in: his first thought is God, Ben is trying to cook again — his second thought is Fuck! Is Sally trying to bake again?
He looks towards Toby — who is no help, who simply just gives him a look one that says: what do you want me to do? Before heading towards his own bedroom.
Must he do every single thing around here? First taking on extra missions because Jeff just doesn’t do them — now preventing the mansion from burning down. He sighs, slipping himself through the kitchen entrance — and yeah, behold him is a sight.
Flour is everywhere, with icing and sugar painted across the counter as if someone wanted to try abstract art. He grimaces at the sight of broken eggs on the floor. And as excepted, right in the middle of a mess is a little girl with a now flour stained pink dress.
“Sally,” he starts, “what are you doing?”
She looks towards him: her stuffed bear was right by a bowl filled with what he assumes to be cake batter. But there was way more bowl than there was batter, and by looking at the mess of the floor — and the batter on her face, he can take a guess of where it went too.
“Trie— tried to bake a cake!” Sally smiles. “Got hungry.”
“And the floor?”
She looks at it, as if just noticing he mess, “It split.”
He sighs— tried, exhausted, and all the other words for sleepy— as he bends down to her height.
“What did I say about using the oven?”
“Mmm not too!” Okay, so she just didn’t listen to him, she already fits right into the mansion.
“Than why?”
She points towards a piece of paper on the counter: on it is a messily drawn balloon, and a overly tall stick man. He frowns. “It’s mister slendy’s birthday! And — my mama used to make me cakes!”
Oh fuck, he one hundred percent forgot about the operators birthday— which, he wondered how on earth it even had a birthday? Wasn��t it some eldritch being?
“That’s sweet, kid. But you should’ve waited for one of us to get here to watch you.”
“Mister death watched me!”
She looks at the bear: and he doesn’t like how the two button eyes stare right through him. “…Right.”
He stretches, moving to grab some paper towels. “Let’s clean up, than we can make a proper cake, ‘Kay?”
She nods enthusiastically.
He doesn’t know why he excepted her to help, really. She tried — but she seemed to make more of a mess than actually clean it, he sighs— wiping the counter top one last time for good measure.
“Sal,” he calls — looking towards the little girl who was just behind him. “Can you grab the ingredients? We can try and make the cake now.”
“Okay Masky!” She calls, quickly walking towards the cupboard.
He grimaces, “it’s Tim, kid.”
“But mister slendy calls you Masky.” He does not feel like trying to explain the relationship that him and slender have today, he sighs and nods.
She places the stuff on the counter — he grabs the mixer and they start. It takes a while, a long while, for them to actually try and make the batter— Sally who kept trying to eat it, and with Tim who had to keep slapping her wrist away from the bowl.
God, when did he start to feel so old?
“Is it done yet?” Sally asks for the fifth time, huddled by the oven watching through the glass door.
He huffs. “We just put it in.”
“Can it go faster?” She taps on the glass.
“I don’t think that’s how it works.”
“‘Cause that’s not how ovens are made.”
“…I don’t know, go ask someone who makes ovens.”
“Why?” She asks again — and this time he can hear the giggle that follows with it. He smiles, just a little.
“You’re a little shit.” He points out, looking down towards her.
She beams. “That’s what Jeff calls me!”
“Does he now?” He asks, and makes a mental note to talk to him later.
“He says that I can’t say it though.” She points out again, fiddling with her bear.
He laughs— just a little, “You shouldn’t, it’s not a nice word.”
“But you said it.”
“Rules are different for me.”
“We’re not starting this again.” He deadpans, and she goes back to being quiet.
After mintues go by— the timer finally beeps and he takes it out of the oven, placing it on the counter.
“Grab the icing.” He says, and sally quickly goes to grab it — he gets a knife with the cutlery cabinet, and takes the cake out of the pan.
Sally plops down next the icing next to it. “Can we decorate it now?” She questions, peaking at it — he shakes his head. “Has to cool for a second, you can go choose the sprinkles you want though.”
Thank god for Lulu’s baking obsession, he thinks — otherwise they would have zero baking things.
After a bit Sally picks out some yellow and blue ones, and he gives her a small butter knife. He peels open the icing and hands it to her, “go crazy.”
Which— in the end was a bad idea, he realizes later on. The cake is a mess of icing, sprinkles, and apparently she had got her hands on some of the chocolate from the cupboard as well because that was scattered across it.
It was lumpy, and a mess.
“Do you like it?”
It’s so ugly.
“It’s beautiful, Sal.” She grins right up at him, and he moves the cake to sit on a plate. “Here, let’s go give it to the big man himself, yeah?”
“Yay!” She claps her hands, quickly following after him. “Do you think he’ll like it?”
“He’ll love it, don’t worry.”
He knocks at the operators door with his foot — his office looms over the both of them. Sally stands next to him, jumping in place — and a voice crawls through the air.
come in.
No words are said, but they are made to be thought in their minds, Tim hums opening the door with his empty hand— letting Sally skip in first.
“Hi mister slendy!” She speaks, words quick and excited. “We — we made you something! Because it’s your birthday! And— birthdays are supposed to be celebrated.”
She rambled a little, but by the end she points towards Tim who stands in the doorway: cake in hand.
“Hi sir.” He nods towards the operator, making his way forwards and setting it on his desk.
The creature looks at it — it’s long hand coming up to poke at it.
How nice of you, little one.
The thought is meant for Sally— the creature nods at Tim, and in a second Timothy wonders how it’ll even eat the thing.
And than… it just.. poofs. Gone.
“Where’d it go?” Sally questions— confused, and honesty he was as well.
I ate it. It was amazing. Thank you.
Wow, a man of many words the operator was. Despite the utter — oddness Sally just squeals happily, and honestly, this has to be one of the least weird things that has happened in the mansion.
“Happy Birthday, sir.” He says, which Sally happily parrots.
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lu-sn · 1 year
#vegas is doing an excellent job of walking that line#it's his only positive one so it makes you wonder where he picked up this kind of nurturing behavior from#(WHERE is the MOM BACKSTORY!!!!!) i can never get enough of your tags, even when it's you talking about eating wall paint or being pushed under a train because same. but also, these tags make me think that vegas and pete will be fine in the grand scheme of things because vegas still has that nurturing side? he still knows how to treat someone he loves because of macau, and now, when vegas is set on 'you are no longer my pet, you are the most important person in my life'??? aaaaaa, i am not okay.
(the post in question)
awww anon thank you i am glad someone enjoys my morning tag rambles 💜
but also, anon, YOU ARE EXACTLY CORRECT.
it is really hard to learn how to love someone! and it's much much harder if you have no idea how it's done, and what your partner might need from you. vegas has probably never been in romantic love with anyone before pete, and he has no healthy frame of reference for what that kind of relationship should be like, because he's never seen one up close. frankly, if i were vegas, i would see all the shit going down around me and wash my hands of any sort of romance (which, like. maybe he did do that. 😔)
but vegas's saving grace — his tie to humanity, his one existing relationship where he both gives and receives love — is with macau. so even if he doesn't know how to love pete, he does know how to love macau, and to respect him, and take care of him.
so here's this soggy wet paper bag of a man who has no idea what he's doing, only knows that he wants to keep pete happy. and he's only ever kept one other person in his life genuinely happy, so i bet he's just going to try all that stuff for pete too.
i see vegas cooking for pete in the safehouse, and i think about a young vegas standing on a kitchen stool in the dead of night, trying to cook something for a tiny macau who couldn't sleep and is very hangry about it, and then i think about vegas making sure pete is well-fed for the rest of his life. i see vegas pulling pete's head onto his lap in the hospital, immediately pulling macau in too — casually dropping a kiss on macau's forehead and then immediately repeating that for pete like it's nothing, like he's done that to pete a thousand times before.
and i think, yeah. vegas is suuuuper fucked up. but he does know how to love. the rest is just details, and they're gonna figure it all out just fine.
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endwersed · 7 months
WIP Wednesday!
Thank you for the tag lovelies @hedwig221b & @thotpuppy 🥰
Here's a little snippet from my latest WIP! It's a Sterek ABO AU called the poets are right, and it really is so much fun to write the enemies part of an enemies to lovers pipeline 😄
“Oh, shit, uh,” Stiles stutters over his words, scrambling to his feet in an uncoordinated flurry of limbs, wiping his greasy fingers onto the rough material of his jeans in preparation for a friendly handshake. “Hi, uh, I’m –“ “Actually, I don’t give a fuck who you are,” Derek hotly interrupts him, words harsh and furious as he curls his lip. “This is private property. How the fuck did you even get in?” Stiles throws up two placating palms in front of his chest in the face of Derek’s incandescence. His eyebrows pull together as he hastily and vehemently shakes his head, trying to intimate just how much Derek has gotten the wrong end of the stick here. “Hey, whoa,” he starts to protest. “That’s not –“ “You need to get the fuck out of here before I call the cops.” Derek’s face screws up in an expression of pure disgust, looking Stiles up and down with a cruel sneer. “Christ, and you’re human? What kind of fucking moron breaks into a werewolves’ home when they’re just a weak fucking human?” Stiles’ head rears back in reflexive shock, his mouth falling open and his eyes widening even further. Wow. Okay then. So… that bad reputation that Derek Hale has, the one that paints him as a rude, abrasive jackass? Completely fucking on the money, it would turn out. Shaking his head to return back to his senses a little better, Stiles lets his face morph from surprise into the outright fury he can currently feel coursing through his veins. He grits his teeth, feeling a muscle in his jaw jump with the action, and blows a sharp breath out through his nose. “Who the fuck are you calling weak, asshole?” he spits. Derek’s eyes flash momentarily red as he squares his shoulders and tips his chin. “You’ve got five seconds to leave,” he says, voice low and dangerous, “or I’ll show you how weak your kind really are.” Instinctively, Stiles takes a step forward, pressing closer into Derek’s space. They’re a similar height, he notices, with Derek maybe having just an inch or two on him. But the likeness allows him to really get up in Derek’s face, lets him sneer directly at him as his hands tighten into fists at his sides. But Derek doesn’t move. He defiantly stands his ground, his wild eyes now burning red and staying that way. Stiles lifts an eyebrow and crowds another step closer. “Oh yeah, tough guy?” he jeers, eyes narrowed to slits. “You gonna hurt me? I bet the papers would freaking love to hear all about that. Yet another story for the rags of big, mighty alpha Derek Hale proving what a complete fucking asshole he really is.” Derek’s jaw works around a low growl, rumbling slowly from his chest as he meets Stiles’ challenge head on. His eyes, still fiercely and brightly red, hold Stiles’ gaze for a second longer, a moment sparking with furious tension, before they dip slightly, darting to the floor just beside Stiles’ feet. When they land there, they stay there, and this short, sharp incredulous noise replaces Derek’s growl. “Are you – are you eating our food?” he asks, disbelief palpable in the pitch of his voice. “Christ, that’s fucking ballsy.” “Oh, you wanna see ballsy?” Stiles says, already pulling his fist back and preparing for a broken set of knuckles on impact. “I’ll show you ballsy.”
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creative-time · 2 years
What I smell when I look at the dhmis characters
Okay I’m not gonna out all of them in here because I can’t really smell them all that well so…
Red Guy: Smells like an old couch that you found at the dump, it’s got a mysterious stain on the left cushion and no one wants sits there.
Yellow Guy: Idk why but he kinda smells like rotting flesh, but not in a rotting corpse sorta way. Does that make since?
Duck Guy: Oh yeah this guy smells like shit. 100%. After that free vending machine literally shat in his hand and he hasn’t been able to get the stench off him since. 0/10. Makes me feel ill every time I look at him 🤢
Roy: Smells like yellow Guy but way worse. And a mix of alcohol and cigarette smoke.
Lesley: An old lady 🤷 idk what else to say
Sketchbook: They smell like an art classroom (if you’ve been in an art classroom you know) the mix of paper, old paint, and broken crayons.
Tony: Old books that causes an asthma attack. And an old apple pie went bad 3 days ago (still smells good but probably shouldn’t eat it)
Shrignold: old dishwater. That’s it. That’s all I smell.
Colin: strong scent of copper and burning components. Probably should not be inhaling it.
Mean Steve (the Key I know that may not be his name but fuck you): the coppery scent that blood gets when it dries up, and piss.
Coffin: shockingly enough, he doesn’t smell that bad to me. He smells like a vintage doll cabinet, like that whiff you get when you open one up, the mix of old wood and the porcelain dolls that’s probably been sitting in there for decades.
Lilly and Todney: They smell like children that have been playing outside all day, they also smell like they wash with only water.
Warren: sweaty gamer incel neck beard guy that has a discord kitten. 🤷 and gym socks
Welp, thats it. Most of the other characters don’t really smell to me or the smell is predictable
(Example: steak guy smells like raw meat 🤷)
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