#so neither boy would agree to this alliance
screwzara · 2 years
How would Kokoci, Admiral tarung and M.A.T.A leaders react to Ali and Boboiboys friendship?
At first Admiral Tarung and Kokoci will be disappointed that something like this(them falling into M.A.T.A's field) managed to happen but they can't really blame Ochobot for opening a portal in a panic(power sphere privileges? Or maybe just common sense) but then they will start asking bbb and his friends what happened
Time skip cuz yes
Boboiboy: yeah that's what happened
Kokoci: Ok s-
Fang: are we gonna skim over the fact that Boboiboy actually knows one of the people from that group?
Admiral Tarung and Kokoci: WhAT?!
Boboiboy(knows trouble is coming): eheh... right ummm
And then they bombard bbb with questions like who else does he know from this group, what he knows about this group and what he has told this person he's friends with which is reasonable(panic)
M.A.T.A heads on the other hand, while weary would be very shocked(because the kids that landed on their grounds basically got aliens confirmed) and interested in alien technology. They will most likely get Ali to try and make Boboiboy form an alliance(?) of sorts between TAPOPS and M.A.T.A so they can experiment with said technology and learn more
As you can probably guess the TAPOPS team isn't really sure about that, perhaps even downright against it
Edit: TL;DR TAPOPS is panicking and M.A.T.A is thinking of exploiting their friendship
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thelunarrriver · 2 months
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Summary ->
You find youself betrothed and married to Prince Aegon, whose rotten reputation well precedes him. A glimpse of his tender side on your wedding night was not one you had expected.
Pairing: Aegon II Targaryen × Dornish!Reader
No smut. Slight fluff. Idk how to tag the rest but if Aegon is your babygirl too, you'll like this. Kinda wanna write an entire fic for this.
[Don't repost, copy or translate. Likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciated!♡]
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You had come to court at sixteen with your family. Yours was an ambitious house from the East of Dorne, eager to alliance itself with the Westerosi crown. And as such, your father quickly found a way to install you as one of the Princess' Lady-in- Waiting. Life at court was quite serene at first. The days were mostly spent in company of the princess and her Septa, learning and gossiping, finding adventures in the regulated mundanes. She taught you about insects, and you told her about the many monstrous species that nested within the sands of Dorne. She marvelled at your tales with fascination. The Queen was delighted at the effect you had had on the Princess, providing Helaena with a girlhood as normal as one of royal birth could ever afford.
The younger Prince often visited his sister, and though at first you were only courteous and distant, it soon became impossible to not find youself tangled in a friendship with him as well. He was dutiful and valued his sister's regards, made her laugh and cared for her well-being. As her constant companion, you found that endearing about the one-eyed boy. The same could not be said for the eldest Prince.
Tales of his many unbecoming habits soon caught your wind, and you found yourself coming to despise the man. He was only an year older than you at seventeen, yet even the older maids grew taut at the sight of him. You would watch him sometimes as he grouped them at countless feasts, drowning as he did so in his most favoured cup of Arbour Red, and you often found youself wondering what it was that had birthed this useless monster of a man. Perhaps it was the dismissive air that haunted the Queen, or the King, rotting and ever ignorant of his younger children. Or perhaps an access to anything and everything at such an age allowed for the heart's corruption. You could not know for sure, but a secure guess was a mixture of all three. But then again, what was it to you?
The high of the life at court came crashing down as far as it had ridden when you were bethrothed to the very Prince in question. Aegon Targaryen, the firstborn son of King Viserys I and his second wife, Queen Alicent. Besides that, nothing more that was known of him was of any use to your father. The vile tales of his Flea Bottom revels, his infamous affections for wine and gluttony, or the ever-growing line of bastards that he was said to have sired upon whores and noble-women alike. The day you learnt of it, you had wept in the secrecy of Helaena's chambers, her gentle fingers tracing the back of your head. She had not betrayed you with false words of reassurance as your mother and aunts had, neither had she shielded you from the harsh truth. "I would not be proud to call him husband, I believe mother would agree." She had admitted, and you were glad for it. He had never spoken to you, if he had ever looked your way, you weren't aware of it. You were the most beautiful girl at court, Aemond had once proclaimed, yet your husband who lusted over anything that breathed, had never so much as looked your way. The wedding gown was your sole sense of inspiration towards the marriage.
The wedding ceremony was held at the Royal Sept, where all of Westeros had gathered to witness their Prince become bound in holy matrimony. You wore a gown of blush and gold, the colours of your house, as your father lead you down the ailse and gave your hand away to the Prince. No one had beamed like your father that day, and you wondered for the millionth time if the portrait of his happiness could only ever hang upon the nails of your misery. But none of it seemed to matter when the Prince's eyes met yours, perhaps for the first time in... ever.
His eyes were a soft violet, his hand calloused to the touch and in his eyes, the same look of searching as yours. You looked for proof of every rumouf that haunted his shadow, for humanity in those eyes of a creature closer to God than men. The eyes see true, they said, but what his had been searching for, you could not tell.
The marriage vows were the first words you had ever spoken to him: "Father Smith Warrior, Mother Maiden Crone, Stranger, I am his and he is mine, from this day till the end of my days." And thus, from the first instant of your meeting, you had belonged to him. There were no introductions, as if your names did not matter in the realm of Gods, only the binding of souls. A cruel joke indeed, you reflected, for names were all that mattered in the realm of men.
And so, you were bound to one another for eternity.
At the feast that afternoon, he asked your hand for the first dance. "You look like Sunfyre," he whispered between twirls.
"Pardon, my Prince?"
"Sunfyre, my dragon." He said, crushing all your confidence beneath the weight of his words. The dancing never stopped.
"You think I look like like a reptilian beast?"
"Oh no I–" His eyes widened at the implication, "Forgive me, that is not what I had meant. I only meant that your dress is of the same colours as him. Rouge and Gold. I'll have you know he's quite beautiful, as are you."
You did not have a chance to thank him as the music came to a hault and the old King rose to a toast. The prince stood by your side, watching along with the rest as your eyes ran across the dias. The Greens and the Blacks stood apart from the rest, glaring at the other unison. By blood they may be dragonlords, superior to the common man. Yet a broken family was as normal as one could get to 'common'.
Your own family was up there beside them for the first time, and your father looked the happiest he had ever been. "He's the bloody Prince, there couldn't be a better match for you in all of Westeros!" His words from earlier that morning rung in your ears. You looked to the man at your right, the Prince in question. He was handsome, with kind eyes and a tender touch. A thin ringlet of rubies circled his forehead, glittering beneath the lights. You desperately let yourself hope your father was right. Just for once, just for a night. As you took your own seat beside the Prince, he sank into his cup some more. You were afraid he might flirt with servants, or worse, and insult you before the entire realm before the marriage had even begun. But the Maiden had granted your prayers, and his eyes remained hesitant as he glanced between you and his platter. You did not speak again, and you grew afraid once more that you were not to his liking.
There was no bedding ceremony, one privilege of becoming a royal at last. You were led into his chambers by his own hand. He was drunk, stumbling ever so often in his steps. Once you were alone, he kissed you. It was different from the kiss at the Sept. That was curt. But now he kissed you with more passion, cradling your cheeks between his hands as he did so. It sent a shrill of disgust rippling across your body as you wondered how many had tasted those same wine-stained lips as you did now. Your cousins always complained you were too prudish for a dornish woman, but the culture of Kind's Landing was nowhere near beyond your grasp. It was only the Prince, and the new founded sense of entitled jealousy that illicited a quiet rage within you. You backed away from the kiss.
"You do not love me," He muttered.
The prince looked as if he had been betrayed, eyes red and teary from too many cups of Arbour Red. Then, with a sudden kick upon a leg of the bed, threw himself againt the mattress. Ringed fingers hid his face as he muttered something against himself once more.
"Pardon, my Prince?"
"I said, you don't fucking love me!"
You were lost. For a second, you contemplated lying and uttering some false words of flattery to please the man. But that wouldn't do. You had promised yourself that once you had escaped the clutches of you father, lies would no longer be your bread. That day had come at last. "I do not," You told him loud and clear, "for I do not know you."
"You've known me for the past year!" He argued, sitting up on the bed to look at you with bewildered eyes laced in tears. Confusion became you, the two of had never even spoken. You were unaware of the affections he had held towards you for quite a while now, all of which threatened to unarm itself in a drunken haze.
You walked over to him, hesitantly reaching to tuck away a disheveled lock of pale blond. Your fingers lingered upon his cheek afterwards, making him lean into your touch. It gave you some courage.
"I would like to come to know you first, Aegon. The man that you lies beneath."
He had a feminine beauty, you noticed, with round eyes and plump rosy lips. Something inside of you grew eagar to place a kiss upon his temple, and so you did. And as you pulled away, he nuzzled into your chest, firmly gripping your waist to hold you back from peeling away.
"Im afraid you'd only despise me like the rest." He spoke against your breasts, hiding.
"At the Sept this morning, I vowed to become one with you, did I not? One cannot truly despise one's own self."
As the words fell from your lips, you knew you did believe them. After all, you were desperate to be loved back just the same. But suddenly you grew afraid, of everything, as you melted into him as well. You were afraid of failure, of betrayal, of heartbreak, and the eternity for which you were bound to him. You thought you knew what to expect of a marriage from the man before you, but that perception had now been crumpled away. Despite it all, you smiled at him.
"I do," He said, referring to your prior statement.
The answer to that was simple.
"Then you can be the hateful half, and I shall see to the rest."
The hint of a dejected smile played at his lips before he pulled you against himself once more, letting you both fall to his bed. The bed that was to become yours as well.
He did not take your maidenhead that night, only another kiss before slumber claimed him like a serene shroud.
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honeyoru · 9 months
Too late (law x reader)
trying to practice writing one shots more in between my never-ending outlining for my WIPs.
law x reader, mentions of zoro x reader, sad boi law :( 1300+ words
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“You-you what?” you shakily exclaim, looking over your shoulder to make sure neither of your crews could hear you. 
Law thinks he’s never been so open, so exposed as when he asks to speak with you, tugging you into the shadows on the Straw Hats’ ship during their party celebrating their last night as an alliance. He chooses to rip your heart out again, telling you with a deep breath that he loves you. 
Saying you’re floored would be an understatement. 
It’s logical, he thinks with clenched fists, fingernails piercing his shaking palms. I was the one who decided to break up all those months ago, after all.
You graciously moved on since then, burying the hurt you felt to joke with him again, tease him with your Captain, finally able to meet his eyes without that sorrowful, pity-filled look that told him you understood why he decided to break your heart like a coward.
He couldn’t believe he had allowed himself to grow so close to you, to share tender, intimate moments in the middle of the night, where he could drop the indifferent mask he wore around everyone else.
To fall in love with you. 
You, who he first met all those years ago during a supply run at a sleepy little island. You weren’t a pirate back then, but a doctor-in-training that thrilled him with your vast amount of medical knowledge, caring nature, and wit. It was clear to him even then that there was more for you out there than what the island could ever give you.
His crew had teased him mercilessly about the person he was attached to even weeks after they’d departed. It wasn’t until you had parted ways, promising to meet up if he ever stopped by the island again that he regretted not listening to his frail, dimly beating heart that had urged him to beg you to join his crew, the smell of your coconut-scented shampoo haunting him.
When he spotted your sweet, gentle smile on a Bounty Poster years later, he couldn’t hide the proud grin that lit up his face. Crossing paths with you seemed more feasible now that you too were on the Grand Line, and he refused miss an opportunity like this again.
And later on, the rare, public smile he displayed upon seeing you again in person promptly dropped the moment your captain slingshotted into him and started calling him ‘Traffy.’ 
Were you so desperate to leave your island that you joined the first crew who asked? He couldn’t help but think so after that initial meeting with the Straw Hats, who bickered with all the closeness of a dysfunctional family and utterly baffled him with their antics, wondering all the while how they managed to charm someone so talented and perfect like you.
It was because of you that he agreed to the alliance in the first place, ever so motivated to get revenge for Cora-san and win your heart in one fell swoop.
And when you kissed him for the first time since he had left your island in the crow’s nest of the Sunny, Law would never admit that he had gone to sleep that night smiling like that love-sick cook of yours, heart soaring at the idea that a happy ending for him was feasible.
It wasn’t until he watched your interactions with your crew over your time spent together that he realized the silly fantasy he had was never going to happen. You were too close, too bonded with the Straw Hats, to ever leave for someone like him. 
So when you confessed in the privacy of his room after months of dating that you loved him, tucked in his arms in the way that he had grown so fond of, he panicked and did what he did best to salvage the pieces of his heart that would surely shatter when you would inevitably rejected him after the alliance was over. 
He hurt you.
It was for the best, he told himself as he spewed horrible, untrue, nasty things to you that he was certain you wouldn’t excuse, even for someone you loved, refusing to acknowledge that deep down, he knew you never expected him to say the three words back anytime soon.
He accepted the harsh words and fists of your crew and moved on as much as he could, retreating back to the role of a spectator just grateful enough to bask in your orbit for a little while longer before you would part ways.
He’s drawn back to the present when you scoff in disbelief.
“Why now?” you demand, unshed tears blurring the rage in your eyes at his audacity, the wide smile you had been wearing all night nowhere to be seen. “I’m with Zoro now, Law, I’m happy,” your voice cracks.
He closes his eyes, swallowing the bile that rises at the thought of the swordsman he inadvertently pushed you towards, who looks at you like he would crawl through hell if you asked him to. “I know.”
“So why then?” You ask harshly, your arms crossed as if you’re trying to hold yourself together. “Are you trying to mess with me? To get back at me for moving on?” 
“No.” Law feels a pain splintering throughout his chest when a tear finally falls. “I just… couldn’t leave without telling you,” he mumbles.
You angrily wipe it away. “I’ve been nothing but kind and gracious to you,” you spit. “Hell, I’ve tried to act like what you said, what we had, never happened. For this alliance, for my crew, and for you so you could finally get closure for... you know.”
He can’t help but shudder at the memory of his mentor, the movement catching your eye. 
You take a deep breath and dig your fingers into your arms, forcing yourself to keep talking and not give in to the innate urge to wrap him in a hug. Law thinks he can hear a wood plank creak from where your boyfriend is no doubt eavesdropping around the corner, ready to step in if you need it. “Luffy wanted to end the alliance the minute he found out, did you know that?”
He didn’t but it isn’t surprising; the Straw Hat had given him a look so carefully blank the day after the two of you broke up that Law finally understood why the rubber man had such a dangerous reputation. 
“I know you were scared, Law, I was too,” you whisper, eyebrows furrowed. “Being loved after so much heartbreak is terrifying. But you made a decision on how our relationship would end without giving me the chance to say anything about it. And those things you said to me,” Law feels his lungs strain at the way your lip quivers in a bitter smile. “We could have made it work, you know, after the alliance was over,” your tone falls soft. “All you had to do was ask.”
It’s then with your admission that Law is utterly aware he’s made a mistake confessing to you. He thought it would give him closure, to finally admit what he didn't want to believe since he first caught your eye back on your island years ago.
Instead it was a slap in the face for you, a taunt that all of the suffering he put you through could have been avoided if he’d only been less of a coward.
You sigh, scrubbing at your eyes before looking at him with a pained expression, turning towards Zoro, who had quietly stepped forward to guide you away from him. “I hope you can find someone in the future that you can give your heart to entirely, Law,” you tell him sincerely. 
He swallows down the regret that burns his throat as he watches you and Zoro walk away. 
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lemonxlimee · 6 months
Okay well I'm bored so here's some of my osc headcanons
Outdated as of May 29th 2024
Pencil and Pen are siblings. Pencil is older by a few years, and Pen has trouble being apart from her for too long due to his RAD (Reactive Attachment Disorder). Marker is their cousin, he's younger than them both.
Tree, Leafy, Flower and Grassy (in that order) are siblings. They usually don't acknowledge this because the age gaps between them are so big, but Flower and Leafy have a propensity to favour each other since their ages are closer and they grew up together. Their ages in BFB are: Tree: 27, Leafy: 19, Flower: 18, Grassy: 6
Woody is a cousin. He's 17 in BFB.
Silver Spoon and Knife are brothers. They don't know that; Silver Spoon was raised in a rich neighbourhood by their mother, and Knife was "raised" by his "father" somewhere else.
Firey and Match are half-siblings. Firey is a little older than Match.
Firey Jr is the result of a failed Firey recovery. The former likes to think of them as brothers, but Firey would rather not think about the little one.
I also agree with the idea that Firey is a fireafy child, but I don't like fireafy so I choose to ignore it.
Paintbrush and Broomer are cousins, and they have lunch over their art every other weekend. Paintbrush is The Broomer Boys' album artist.
Gelatin and Lollipop are not related, but they think of each other as their sibling. Gelatin is younger than Lolly.
Fan and Paper are cousins.
Coiny and Nickel (bfb) are twins, but Nickel is younger.
If they were to be humans, Yin and Yang would be conjoined twins.
Book, Journal and Casey are siblings.
Fan and Fanny are siblings.
Black Hole has alexithymia. That means he has trouble identifying his emotions and often feels as if he doesn't have them.
Liy used to be an assassin; that's why she found so much joy and fulfilment in being part of Death PACT.
Because of his RAD, Pen has convinced himself he and Eraser are soulmates.
Two's birthday is 2/2/2002. They're the third-youngest Numeric Algebralien, the only younger being Four (4/12/2004) and X (7/28/2008).
Golf Ball made herself prosthetic arms, but she rarely uses them as she finds them to be "a hassle." Tennis Ball wears him, though, only because he feels an obligation to use GB's invention (since she made it for him, and it would be rude not to accept a gift!)
all the Electric contestants (Remote, TV, Robot Flower, Lightning and Fanny) are in an alliance. Price Tag and Profily are honorary members.
Coiny is dyslexic. That means he has trouble identifying words and letters and often spells and reads things incorrectly.
Bell loves Christmas music and often forces her teammates to go carolling with her every morning in December.
Blocky is great at physics (some of his pranks wouldn't work unless he carefully calculated them first, so he needs to be at least a little smart). One time, while helping nanny one of Rocky and Grassy's playdates, he noticed GB building a contraption where the support beams were slightly too small, and he helped her fix them. Much to the surprise of everyone involved, Blocky ended up being an asset to the scientists.
Firey speaks Spanish, and Taco is fluent in Mexican Spanish; they often can be heard muttering to each other about their respective Grrrs. Neither Leafy nor the rest of TLTDBGSI know this.
Pie wakes up at 3:14 AM every single day. Since Fanny is a light sleeper, it bothered her for the entire 6 months they had to room.
Fanny isn't much more grateful for having to bunk with Marker, either -- if it were up to her, he'd be sleeping in the yard.
Needle was the kid who tries way too hard in gym class but no one complained because WOW can she kick that ball
Like all metal and electric-based characters, Nickel can zap people by touching them, if the conditions are right. The only exceptions to this are Balloon and Goo since they are made of rubber-based materials.
Pillow smells like lavender
Match has autism
Book speaks 5 languages - English, French, Latin, Greek and German
Firey Jr is very skilled in lockpicking. He usually uses this to get into Firey's gas stash (their equivalent to candy).
Leafy is bigender, she/it
Golf Ball is unlabelled (who has time for silly things like this when there's more important things (science) to be done??)
Book is mtf
Pillow uses she/it
All the algebraliens are agender
One uses he/she Two uses they/he Four uses he/they/it Five uses she/they Six uses she/he/they Seven uses he/it Eight uses he/they Nine uses any/all Ten uses he/they Fourteen uses it/he Fifteen uses she/he X uses he/they Pi, tau, euler, and i all use they/it
Lollipop is mtf
Fanny is a demigirl
all the mechanical minds are agender and just go with whatever pronouns
Pie (canonically?) Uses she/they
Pen is ftm
Sexualities (there's a lot here)
8 ball is aroace Balloony is gay Barf Bag is asexual panromantic Basketball is lesbian Bell is ace lesbian Black Hole is aroace/gay Blocky is gay Bomby is aroace Book is lesbian Bottle is pan Bracelety is VERY lesbian Bubble is lesbian Cake is gay Clock is demi/bi Cloudy is gay Coiny is bisexual David is ??? Donut is pan Dora is ??? Eggy is demi lesbian Eraser is bicurious (thought he was gay for AGES until Teardrop) Fanny is demi/pan Firey is straight Flower is lesbian Foldy is straight Fries is straight Gaty is unlabelled (sexuality doesn't matter to her as long as she has friends, and if she falls in love, oh well!) Gelatin is aroace Golf Ball is unlabelled (who has time for silly things like this when there's more important things (science) to be done??) Ice Cube is unlabelled (too focused on REVENGE >:D) Leafy is bi Liy is demi/ace Lollipop is lesbian (obviously) Loser is gay Marker is asexual Match is lesbian Naily is bicurious Needle is bi Nickel is gay Pen is gay Pencil is lesbian Pillow is lesbian Pin is bi Price Tag is unlabelled (rimshot) Profily is aroace Puffball is pan Remote is unlabelled/asexual Robot Flower is unlabelled (what is sex.?) Roboty is aroace Ruby is lesbian Saw is lesbian Snowball is straight Spongy is aromantic but wouldn't pass up on an opportunity to have any relationship Stapy is straight Taco is demiro/demisexual Teardrop is bi Tennis Ball is straight Tree is pan TV is aroace Winner is gay/ace Woody is bi/ace Yellow Face is ??? All the Speaker Boxes are aroace Four is bi Two is unlabelled X is bi
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Sunshine Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen reader: part 12
Aemond and Y/n walked arm in arm to dinner, passing many servants but neither noticed the shocked looks on their faces, conversing in high valerian so no one could understand. The two approached the banquet hall, Aemond pulling a chair out to allow Y/n to sit taking the one opposite her. Otto gave a disgusted look towards Aemond, his grip on his fork tight as he demanded food from the poor servant girl. Aegon drowning himself in wine and eyeing up his wine pourer, his gaze lazily going up and down her body as she blushed almost spilling the wine. Halaena and her children were not present as the eldest boy was sick, only a fever but Halaena refused to leave him alone. Alicent tried to calm her father, a servant had brought the princess' sheets to her and unfortunately Otto had been present, storming to the maesters to demand a moon tea only to be informed Aemond had just collected one. Otto had raved and ranted in Alicents private chambers, his words harsh and disgusting as he insulted his grandchildren.
"She is sullied, a common whore! You have raised her wrong Alicent, she is a princess and you have allowed this relationship between the two of them to go too far. We must marry her off." Alicent would not budge on her refusal to sell her daughter to some lord for petty gold, she could not even consult her husband for he was becoming more ill as the hours ticked by, the milk of the poppy no longer helping as he coughed up blood. Sir Criston had slapped Otto when he spoke of the princess as a whore, Alicent thanking him, her daughter was the light of the realm and she would not allow even her father to insult her. She agreed to speak to her daughter once dinner had passed, Otto saying he would drag Aemond down to the cells if need be to keep him from furthering the relationship and ruining their future alliances. Otto had a plan for when Viserys passed, his grandson would sit upon the throne and Aemond would not ruin his plans with his dalliances. 
The dinner was silent except for Aegon's whispering in the wine pourers ear, her face bright red as his hand grabbed at her dress. Alicent not stopping him as she worried for speaking with her daughter, Otto too worked up to speak in anything but a raised voice as he looked at the sinful way Aemond gazed upon Y/n. Y/n smiled brightly at her family, her foot resting against Aemond as he stared openly at her, a small blush on her cheeks whenever she caught him. He was not ashamed when she caught him staring at her, instead he would simply smirk and continue to do so until she looked away blushing. He decided he loved to see her so worked up over a small gaze, he imagined how he would take her tonight, planning to eat her like a man depraved. Drinking quickly to help calm his thoughts, but his eyes would still go to her, the way her dress clung to her, the sapphire still around her neck resting against her chest. The slight redness hiding beneath the higher cut where he knew his marks were hidden, his smirk widening as he remembered her small moans. 
Y/n refrained from drinking any wine, she did not want her blush to spread as she tried to stop herself from staring at Aemond, he looked so handsome in the soft glow. Her legs squeezed together for some relief as she remembered him between them, she felt hot in the cool room, fidgeting in her seat. Aemond watched as Y/n tried to calm herself, he could only imagine how wet she would be when he finally got to spread her legs, licking his lips he lounged in his chair. The food long forgotten as he watched his sister squirm under his unforgiving gaze, Otto had finally had enough standing loudly.
"Aemond we need to speak. Come. Now." He demanded walking to the council room, Aemond stood slowly, he did not care for his grandfather nor respect him so refused to follow behind him like some dog. Kissing his mother on the cheek before he left, a goodnight to her as she would return to the king soon. Alicent breathed out a sigh of relief once Otto was gone, turning to her daughter she took her hand gently. Aegon taking the opportunity to drag the wine pourer to his chambers, whispering crude things in her ear and promising her gold. 
"We have much to discuss my precious daughter." Alicent spoke standing and pulling her daughter to her chambers, she loved her dearly and did not want to upset her. It pained her to see her daughter without a smile and could hardly bare to think of causing her distress but she knew as Queen she had to act quickly. 
"Your sheets were brought to me, i do not care to know what transpired, your grandfather is speaking to Aemond. Do not deny what we know to be true, a moon tea was given to him and your sheets were bloodied. You have been foolish, you are a princess." Alicent ranted refusing to look at her daughter or she would simply crumble. She could scream, hit and berate her other children without a single thought but Y/n seemed to draw out the guilt, the want to be better and without her smile it seemed to darken in the chambers. Alicent turned to Y/n, the young girl sat by the fire, a stoic face as she watched her mother before standing. Taking her mothers hands in hers and smiling gently at her, Alicent felt the room brighten and her shoulder no longer carried the burdens on her day.
"Mother, i understand what my actions may cause but you cannot stop me or Aemond from being together. We were born together, made for one another, we cannot be separated no matter how hard you may try. I love you dearly but i will take Cannibal and leave if i must." Y/n had never expressed an urge to leave, she had never thought of wanting to leave but if she could not be with Aemond in kingslanding she could be with him elsewhere. Alicent did not know what to say, pulling her daughter into a hug, she did not wish to lose her. She would rather marry the two and keep them, Aemond and Vhagar were too valuable to lose and Y/n was the only child Alicent could truly say she loved. It hurt to think that she did not love her other children but she knew it in her heart she held it against them that they were born to her, a child herself unable to help them. Alicent kissed her cheek, declaring she would fix everything.
Aemond was shoved to the ground as soon as he entered the council room, Sir Criston standing by the door as guards kept him on the ground. Otto kicking him in the stomach as Aemond laughed loudly. 
"You have defiled her you selfish child, she is your sister, your twin, you are bound to protect her from men like you. Now we must marry her to whatever lord will wed her, she had been sullied and you lay there and laugh." Otto shouted, his anger reaching new heights as Aemond rolled onto his back.
"Wed her to me." He stated a dangerous look in his eye as Otto grabbed him by his collar.
"Give her to me, she is mine, she has always been mine. I want my Y/n." He pushed Otto's hands from him, standing up and pulling a dagger from his side. Otto stepped back, guards standing around Aemond as he twirled his knife before sliding it across the floor.
"Wed her to me or strike me down, i will not let another have her." He opened his arms, the look he gave Otto sending pure fear through his veins, Otto did not say a word. Aemond chuckled, turning away and pushing Sir Criston out of the doorway, turning to face his grandfather once more.
"If you speak ill of her again i shall have your head, laws be damned." Aemond left leaving Otto shaken from the encounter, he had always been in control and Aemond was a rogue. Someone to not be trifled with and with the war looming they needed his dragon to win. 
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cocrante · 5 months
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I Start Over With You
summary: After the great battle against the forces of Gaea, Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter had formed a long-lasting alliance. Everything had gone well, and everyone was ready to start anew. This included Nico, who, after confessing his feelings to Percy, was prepared to open a new chapter in his life—perhaps the happiest one the Fates had ever written.
note: the chapters will be updated every Wednesday. If you want to read upcoming chapters of the fanfiction in advance, I invite you to follow me on Patreon. Subscribing is not necessary, these chapters will be added for free on the platform on Mondays and Fridays. Following me there is just a kind and free gesture to support my work c:
Reblogs are highly appreciated c:
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THERE WASN'T MUCH TO DO THAT MORNING AT THE CAMP. MANY ACTIVITIES WERE CLOSED FOR THE WINTER SEASON. Jason suggested to Nico that they do something indoors to pass the time. Nico, shrugged, agreeing to whatever his friend had in mind. Jason then took him to do some manual work, which was quite popular among demigods in December.
"You could give him a vase" Jason suggested ironically as they entered the pottery workshop. "Not a chance" Nico replied, perhaps too seriously, following him into the workshop.
The interior smelled of wood and clay. As soon as the two boys stepped inside, they were embraced by the warmth of the fire. It wasn't by chance that this activity was so popular among campers in the winter. The two boys took a table for two, jokingly challenging each other to see who could do the worse job. Neither of them was very skilled in handicrafts; they preferred to leave those things to someone more talented and patient, but at the moment, it was a good excuse to spend time indoors and stay warm.
So they began to shape the clay, molding it as best they could. Most of the time—whatever they were making—ended up either too crooked or too lopsided, requiring them to start over from scratch.
Jason sighed several times; the vase he was making kept collapsing in on itself. "You're getting it too wet" Nico told him, who instead seemed to find the activity more enjoyable than expected. It was easier to push away anxiety when one's hands were busy.
"Do you think so?" he raised an eyebrow, thinking he had used the right amount of water. The boy beside him nodded, giving him the rest of his clay that he no longer needed.
At the end of the day, Jason won that bet, finding his own work all crumbled. Ceramics just weren't his thing. Nico's vase, on the other hand, turned out well.
"Are you going to paint something?" Jason asked, propping his elbow on the table to hold his head with one hand. Nico pursed his lips, staring at the vase that still needed to be fired. He wasn't much of a painter, but if he could, he would have liked to depict the danse macabre on it, even though it had little to do with the Greeks.
"I'll probably leave it as it is" he said. It wasn't worth voicing his thoughts.
In the distance, the conch shell sounded, signaling that time had really flown by that morning. They cleaned the dry clay off their hands, taking off the clay-stained aprons and patches of color. Along with the other demigods who had locked themselves in there, they headed towards the dining hall, and suddenly Nico's heart began to pound hard in his chest: Will's arrival at the camp was getting closer and closer.
It was difficult for him to eat lunch. He kept staring at the entrance of the camp, impatiently waiting for his arrival.
"You're making me anxious too, please relax" Jason said, putting his fork down. All the panic his friend was feeling was somehow transferring to him.
"What if I'm doing something stupid?" he asked more to himself than to the son of Jupiter. All that energy he had, those pep talks he had with himself in front of the mirror, suddenly all faded away. He wasn't so sure anymore if he could do it, if he could talk to him about his feelings; in reality, it was something he never did well. "You're just nervous" Jason told him, taking a sip from his chalice. "You'll see, once you're alone wirh him, it'll be fine"
Nico just sighed, looking at the grilled food on his plate: he really wanted to believe Jason's words, but it was so difficult to push away all those negative thoughts and fears that arose, and with every passing minute, it was getting worse.
After lunch, Nico managed to eat something, or rather he forced himself to. He said goodbye to Jason, who went to the Greek class; he had become good at translations, but the words were still difficult for him to pronounce. He often confused Greek terms with Latin ones.
Nico instead went to the entrance of the camp; there was no point pretending to do something while waiting for his arrival. He sat down on a cut log, propping his elbow on his knee to rest his cheek on his hand. Time suddenly seemed to slow down; the hours never passed, the minutes remained the same, and the knot in his stomach grew stronger. Then, at the end of the valley, a door closed, and the engine of a car started again. His heart literally leaped into his throat.
It was hard to see who it was because of a light mist, but as the demigod got closer, Nico slowly started to breathe again, relaxing his previously tense shoulders. He had forgotten that Percy also spent the winter at the camp with Annabeth—she had driven there with him. "Hey Nico!" Percy greeted, approaching his friend and leaving the suitcases with Annabeth. "What are you doing here all alone?" he asked, and before Nico could answer, he continued. "Come with us! You have to tell us a lot about New Rome" he dragged him away from the camp entrance. "You could have sent me a message once in a while" Percy muttered ironically. Nico had missed that suffocating guy.
"I had better things to do" he replied, leaving Percy taken aback.
"Like what?" Percy asked curiously. Annabeth also approached, curious about the conversation.
Nico averted his gaze from Percy's, his cheeks turning a little red. "Oooh!" the two exclaimed in unison, noticing his embarrassed face. "And what did you talk about?" Annabeth asked.
"Nothing much" he briefly recounted the conversations they had had over those months, glossing over some small details.
"So he still doesn't know?" Annabeth concluded. Her boyfriend hadn't been able to keep the secret for long, but Nico no longer cared about that.
"No" he replied. "But he should be arriving at the camp today, so—" he didn't finish the sentence, it was obvious what he was about to say.
Together they went to the pavilion, there were many things they needed to catch up on, and then they had all the time to unpack their bags. Both Percy and Annabeth bombarded him with questions about New Rome, particularly about how he was doing there and if the people were friendly. They didn't want to end up with unfriendly neighbors. So Nico explained the situation that had arisen: it wasn't easy to get used to the changes, it would take years before everything was truly accepted. "Some tolerate it, I think, they understood what they were going against and preferred to abandon their ideals rather than end up in chaos" he explained. "Others are still sulking and would rather barricade themselves inside their walls than let their secrets out" he told them everything Reyna and Frank had explained to him in his first month in the new city. "So should we not expect a warm welcome?" Annabeth deduced. Nico simply shrugged. "Maybe not" he sighed, nervously glancing at the camp gate. He would arrive any moment now.
Without beating around the bush, the son of Hades got up, saying he was going to the bay. Percy gave him a thumbs up, wishing him all the best. Annabeth also gave him some courage, which was what he needed most at the moment.
He left the pavilion behind, heading towards the bay. At first, he hadn't thought about it, but suddenly he remembered that it had been the site of their first friends' outing, where Will had asked him to meet him that afternoon when he had gone to practice archery. He couldn't believe so much time had passed since then, it seemed like just a few weeks ago.
He sat down on a rock, staring at the waves and turning his back to everything else. He liked the sound of the sea, the surf breaking on the beach. It was somehow relaxing, as if the waves were carrying away his darkest thoughts.
The sun slowly descended, on the verge of being swallowed by the horizon. The bright, rosy colors of the sky turned purple, blending with the warm orange of the sun.
Behind him, he heard the sound of footsteps, mingled with the clinking of stones being moved. It was funny, but he was certain that even among a thousand steps, he would be able to recognize his. He turned towards that figure bathed in the late afternoon sun, which was now getting closer and closer. Nico stood up, his hands cold, and his heart in his chest seemed like it could burst at any moment.
"Percy told me I'd find you here" he said, nervously lowering his gaze. Will had probably noticed the place they were in.
"He told you right" replied the son of Hades, nervously playing with the ring he had on his finger. It was a gesture that Will had often seen him do when they were together. "I have to tell you something" added the son of Hades, staring into the blue of his eyes, which, as the sun set, took on various intense shades.
"Me too" the son of Apollo swallowed, approaching Nico.
It felt strange to Nico to see him in a burgundy hoodie and jeans instead of the usual orange camp outfit.
"Go first" Nico's heart started pounding harder as he approached Will, who was now only about thirty centimeters away.
"No, you" Will smiled awkwardly, encouraging him with a hand gesture to speak first.
"Okay, fine" he muttered, looking down at the ring he still hadn't stopped fidgeting with. "It's something important" he raised his gaze again as Piper had told him to do.
"Alright" the son of Apollo tried to hold back a laugh, it was funny to see him so nervous.
"Okay" he replied, taking some time to organize his thoughts. "I wanted to tell you that the weeks we spent together at the camp were the best of my life. I was scared at first to spend time together, afraid you might get tired of me like most people do" instinctively, he pursed his lips in a small grimace. "I'm not very good with these things, with feelings, words, living people in general— but I wanted to tell you that for me, the little time we spent together laughing and talking meant a lot. And that time you were right when you told me there's always time to make new and even better memories, you proved it to me every day we spent together. Both at the camp and through Iris messages" he looked into his eyes, and a delicate smile was slowly forming. "What I—what I mean is that I would like to build more memories... with you, Will" his cheeks flushed a bit.
Will curled his lips slightly, as if considering those words, stepping closer to Nico. A veil of silence fell between them; neither spoke anymore.
"So, Solace, did you get it, right?" Nico interrupted that silence, not knowing how else to say it.
The son of Apollo looked into those intense black eyes, sure that he understood. He smiled timidly, lowering his gaze to his own white fingers that never stopped playing with that silver skull-shaped ring. He nodded, bringing his attention back to Nico's tense face, which seemed impatient to hear his response. "I would like to build new memories with you too" he replied, smiling.
"Really?" Nico whispered, letting out a breath.
"Really" Will nodded, getting closer.
Once again, neither of them spoke, they let a silence fall interrupted only by the lapping of the waves breaking on the shore. Meanwhile, the sun was slowly setting to make way for the night. Nico bit his lip, he had never thought about what would come next, it couldn't end like this, perhaps even Will expected something and was now waiting for it.
"Well then—" Nico said quickly, interrupting that silence. "If you agree I'd like to start with this kind of memory" he took another step forward, placing a hand on Will's warm cheek, leaning towards his face to imprint his first kiss on his lips. Neither of them actually expected it; it was such a spontaneous gesture. That, and they both believed, would be the best memory. December finally acquired a different meaning for Nico and also for Will.
That kiss lasted only a few seconds, which for them seemed to last an eternity. They stayed staring into each other's eyes for a while, both with a smile on their lips and hearts beating fast.
Nico had never noticed it before, but Will smelled like sunscreen and wildflowers. The son of Apollo was right, he truly brought summer into the darkest and coldest day of the year.
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1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 8 • 9 • 10 • 11 • 12 • 13 • 14 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18 • 19 • 20
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For Targaryen day on Jon’s fortnight I wanted to examine the parallels of the character with his great ancestor, Good Queen Alysanne.
In terms of appearance neither favors the traditional Targaryen beauty of the silver hair and purple eyes. Alysanne takes after her grandmother’s family looks and Jon’s after his mother’s Stark look:
Her eyes were blue rather than purple, her hair a mass of honey-colored curls.  
Fire & Blood, The year of the three brides
The boy absorbed that all in silence. He had the Stark face if not the name: long, solemn, guarded, a face that gave nothing away.  
Both are described as very clever:
No man ever questioned her wits.
Fire & Blood, The year of the three brides  
Maester Aemon closed his eyes, and for a brief moment Jon was afraid that he had gone to sleep. Finally he said, "Maester Luwin taught you well, Jon Snow. Your mind is as deft as your blade, it would seem."  
Alysanne and Jon are both charming and natural leaders. Alysanne was beloved by her subjects both the noble ones and the lowborn. Similarly, Jon is able to win over not only of noble lords/kings such as: Maester Aemon, Jeor Mormont, Stannis Baratheon but also lowborn people like his black brothers who elect him Lord Commander and the free folk who at the end of ADWD are following him as if he were their king.
The reason behind the large following of those two is that both care about other people and genuinelly want to improve the conditions of their subjects.
Beloved by the common people of Westeros, she loved them in return, and was renowned for her charities.  
So spake Martin
[...]Your heart is noble, Jon, but learn a lesson here. We cannot set the world to rights. That is not our purpose. The Night's Watch has other wars to fight."  
Unlike many other characters who agree with westerosi sexist views on women, both Alysanne and Jon don’t support these views. What is more, both try to empower them. Alysanne not only convinced her husband to forbide the right of First Night, but also supported her granddaughter Rhaenys’ claim over her grandson Viserys’. Jon gave his little sister a weapon because he thought that she deserved to be able to protect herself as much as any man.
Alysanne saw no reason why a man should be favored over a woman...  
The women are the strong ones.  
Any comparison between Good Queen Alysanne and Jon Snow would be incomplete without mentioning the Wall and how both play a crucial role in helping the Night’s Watch. Alysanne donated her own jewels, including her crown, in order for Deep Lake to be built. Despite the fact that the castle was eventually abandoned, the Night’s Watch still fondly  remembers the Queen for her generosity. When Jon Snow becomes Lord Commander he also uses his wit to help the Night’s Watch. He quickly realized that the orderw was undermanned and underfunded, and made alliances with Stannis and the Iron Bank to remedy those facts. He also reopens some of the Night’s Watch abandoned castles. One of them is the one his ancestor Alysanne built, Deep Lake.
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coochiequeens · 5 months
Another "male feminist" trying to mansplain feminism, on behalf of men in dresses.
By Julie Bindel APRIL 29, 2024
I am very familiar with men on the Left telling me I’m doing feminism wrong. The musician and activist Billy Bragg is just one in a long line of males telling me I don’t share their precious values. In an interview published yesterday, the double-denimed demigod was asked about his role in the debate on gender and single-sex spaces:
“My problem with people like [J.K.] Rowling, like Julie Bindel, is really who they are lined up with. [Rowling and Bindel] are people who I agree with about women’s rights. I agree with them about abortion. But we don’t agree on this.”
I can certainly say that Bragg and I will both support access to free and legal abortion, but I would imagine we hold these views for somewhat different reasons.
If there’s anything that benefits men, the likes of Bragg will declare it to be feminist. As my friend and comrade J.K. Rowling has pointed out, male Leftists tend to applaud prostitution and stripping, so long as women are doing it and men are in the driving seat. Surrogacy, lap dancing and slut marching are “empowering” activities — a word never ascribed to anything done by men. It is faux feminism for the boys.
Just like his bro Owen Jones, Bragg insists that trans women are women and, handily, this stance doesn’t seem to have any drawbacks for these men. They get cookies for being such great allies, and not an ounce of danger or inconvenience as a result.
Suggesting that silly women who object to men in women’s changing rooms, hospital wards and prisons have joined forces with the hard-Right is ludicrous. Left-wing feminists, such as myself and Rowling, have led the charge against gender ideology because we campaign against rape and domestic violence. For Bragg to bleat about how abortion rights and equal marriage are at risk as a result of these imagined alliances is a bit rich considering that he, as a straight man, needs neither.
Bragg doesn’t like the powerful, Right-wing men who agree with me and Rowling on the trans issue. The inconvenient truth is that neither Donald Trump nor Viktor Orbán would be au fait with feminist politics, but are each aware that there are only two sexes. If to Bragg that means I agree with those men, so be it.
Feminists — all women — have been deeply and profoundly betrayed by Left-wing men. They have preened and postured about being such good trans allies while we have been attacked, abused, harassed, libelled and shunned for standing up for women’s rights. They turned a blind eye when lesbians were told by transactivists that we are bigots for excluding men from our dating pool. These men clapped along as we were losing our jobs and reputations, agreeing with the zealots that we just needed to be more kind.
Men on the Left rarely prioritise women’s issues, and we are expected to dance to their tune in order to be deemed acceptable. As the late feminist author Andrea Dworkin wrote: “To Right-wing men, we are private property. To Left-wing men, we are public property.”
This problem spans many decades and continents. In 1964 Stokely Carmichael, a prominent Black Power activist, was asked about the role of women in the civil rights movement. He replied: “The only position for women in the movement is ‘prone’.”  It is precisely because men on both the Left and the Right displayed such misogyny that the Women’s Liberation movement was founded in the Seventies. Bragg is a modern-day Carmichael, and men like him will always put men first, whether they claim to be women or not.
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phoenix-flamed · 4 months
Continued from here:
A low growl escaped the older man. All of the warmth and love he felt for Joshua was nowhere to be seen in his expression -- replaced instead by a quiet rage. Gloved fingers clenched into tight fists at his sides.
"It is most illuminating to know that you, too, just like your mother, just like the other members of our esteemed council, would see our men die for you while you sat safe and pretty on your precious, blood-drenched throne. They never viewed them as people, Joshua. They viewed them as tools, the soldiers and the commoners and the Bearers all, to be used and discarded and replaced."
For a moment, he jerked his head away to avert that burning gaze of his, but it quickly returned to his younger son, and the fury had only seemed to grow in the matter of seconds that had passed.
"You assume that I never tried," Elwin, or rather Miles, snapped. Despite the anger visible in every crack and crevice of his aged being, his tone itself was quiet and bitingly cold. "Were you there, Joshua? In the war room? In the audience room? In Anabella and I's bedchambers? Were you there to hear our conversations, to see our interactions, to know of our engagements and disagreements?"
This time, he didn't tear his gaze away. He wouldn't. There were many things that Joshua didn't know -- couldn't have known. For who would have told him? Anabella? Dear, beloved Anabella, who loathed her first husband enough to take his head? As if on cue, the burning sensation throbbed from the scar around his neck, and a hand flew up to it, resting fingertips upon the discolored flesh. A reminder of his failures, yes -- and a reminder of how hard he had struggled and fought only to have everything crumble to nothing in the end.
"You foolish, naive boy. You truly are your mother's prized child." If Joshua wasn't keen to pull back any punches, then neither would he. Joshua was, after all, an adult now, and could hold his own in all ways -- including verbally. A fact which was more than obvious in their current discussion. "Do you really believe that the Archduke or Archduchess acts alone? Your first lesson, had you paid attention in your studies, would have been the history of Rosaria -- and its political workings. You should already know of the role the other High Houses played within our government. Do you know what a duchy is? Did you learn, in your studies, as you were supposed to, about how Kanver gained its independence from Dhalmekia, and about how the Dhalmekian Republic abandoned us on the battlefield to contend with Waloed on our own? Do you really believe alliances mean anything to the other nations of Storm? Do you really believe that I did not try to appeal to them for assistance? Why do you think the alliance between Sanbreque, Dhalmekia, and Rosaria came to be? So that we could sit around, drinking tea and chatting about the weather?
"You accuse me of neglecting you and Clive, and yes, I agree that I was not there for you the way that I should have been. I failed you, I failed both of you, again and again and again. But what do you know of court life, of politics and negotiations? What do you know about quelling rumors aimed towards undermining Anabella and I's authority? How dare you stand there and insinuate that I never stood up for your brother against them, and against Anabella. How could you possibly know what went on behind closed doors? How could you possibly know what transpired when you were still but an infant? Did your dear mother tell you, or did she try to protect you from that uncomfortable truth, as well? And how, pray tell, could I have guided you on how to rule, when your mother had me assassinated?
Furthermore, Clive was heir to the throne before you were. And when you awakened as the next Dominant instead of him, everyone else, including your mother, turned their backs on him. Shunned him. Looked down on him. I tried to appeal to Anabella, tried to talk sense into her -- and my pleas fell on deaf ears each and every time. But you would not know that, boy, because you were still suckling at her teat and sleeping soundly in your bassinet. I chose to remove Clive from the line of succession because no one else would support his rule in favor of yours. Do you think me so daft, that I was unaware of what the other High Houses were doing? Are you so naive that you do not realize that you must play nicely with the others in power in order to have a successful reign and get anything worthwhile done? The internal conflicts were not just regarding your brother's legitimacy, not even close."
A sharp inhale was taken in. A pause, as if to compose himself; in the end, he straightened upright, staring coldly down at Joshua.
"How many times do you recall us venturing to the north to survey the deadlands? Or did you forget that, too, just like everything else except your bitterness?"
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asianpoplover143 · 1 month
I don’t know if I will be like taking to myself in here or not (probably 🤡), but anyways…I tried on Twitter (https://x.com/taemlnti/status/1826883398834466925?s=46) and now I decided to try here.
I’m sorry if it will be a long way, but I promise it will be worth it!
Lets begin!
Questions here:
1) Would you all read a High&Low fic with the title "High&Low The Return (2024)"?
2) And if I put Bernie and Pearl (Alan from GENERATIONS character and SWAY from DOBERMAN INFINITY's characters) dating?
2.1) But not them as main characters tho, they would be just part of the fic.
3) What about the following characters dating:
a) Sameoka Shoji + Himuro Reiji
b) Hanaoka Fujio + Takajo Tsukasa
c) Shibaman + Tsuji
d) Diddy (Likiya's character) + Fujin (Zin's character)
e) Ken (Shogo's character) + Hikaru (Yamasho's character)
3.1) Just to remember who they are:
a) Makoto = Sameoka Shoji, 3rd year student and leader/main head (advisor) of Ebara High
b) Itsuki = Himuro Reiji, 3rd year student and leader main head of Kamasaka High
c) Kazuma = Hanaoka Fujio, 3rd year student and leader main head of Oya High
d) Hokuto = Takajo Tsukasa, 3rd year student and leader head of Oya High (I don't remember if he is the leader alongside Fujio or not 🤔)
e) Ryu = Shibaman, 3rd year student and member of Todoroki Faction
f) Takahide = Tsuji, 3rd year student and member of Todoroki Faction
🇯🇵(Tsuji and Shibaman are the only members of Todoroki Faction besides Todoroki himself obviously)
g) Likiya = Diddy, Member of Mighty Warriors and Ice's younger brother
h) Zin = Fujin, 3rd year student and leader/main head of Ebara High
i) Yamasho and Shogo = Hikaru and Ken, Sannoh Rengokai members and Chiharu's best friends
4) Because those the following couples will be (or at least mentioned) in my Ballistik Boyz fic
a) Makoto + Itsuki
b) Kazuma + Hokuto
c) Ryu + Takahide
d) Likiya + Zin
e) Yamasho + Shogo
4.1) The Rampage members that were also part of the High&Low movies and series were: Likiya, Zin, Hokuto, Kazuma, Itsuki, Makoto, Yamasho, Shogo, Ryu and Takahide.
5) If I add the characters that were played by the boys from FANTASTICS? So:Chiharu, Kamui Ito, Monji and Magoroku?
5.1) To remind everyone:
a) Taiki Sato = Sannoh Rengokai, Yamato's son/Younger brother (Chiharu)
b) Keito Kimura = Kamui Ito from Suzuran, 2nd year student, leader/head of Suzuran 2nd year students alongside Kansuke Seta (That's what I would say since Rao's faction is the strongest from the new generation even though Suzuran doesn't have a leader or anything)
c) Natsuki Hori = Monji from Housen, 2nd year student, leader/head of Housen's 2nd year students (and Sachio's heir according to Odajima)
d) Yusei = Magoroku from Suzuran, 3rd year student
5.2) Would you agree with this following "pairing"?
•Keito + Natsuki + Yuri Takahashi
6) Would you read even if it would be my second AO3 fic, however my first fic about High&Low universe?
7) Would you be patient about it?
8) Would you be willing to forgive me if apologize in advance if I make any mistake?
•So basically I would say that my idea is pretty much: "pretend" that I am Mr.Exile and make another High&Low with now all of the cast from the first one until High&Low the worst X being part of it. However, I want a new cast as well (in this case for now: Ryusei from Ballistik Boyz, Ryushin from Psychic Fever, the Twins Masa from Ballistik Boyz and Weesa from Psychic Fever, Ryuji from J Soul Brothers, both Ghee and Hiroto from Wolf Howl Harmony...); All I know for now is that, I want that the 2Ryu (Ryusei and Ryushin) duo and the Twins Masa and Weesa, well I want to put them together in one of the schools of the 3 school alliance, but like 2Ryu in one school and the Twins in the other. But neither of them will be part of Senomon High, also the 4 of them will be 2nd year students, and best friends with the 2nd year students from the other high schools including Oya High, Suzuran, Housen, etc.
⭐️I don't remember if I said that already or not but I also want the 4 of them to be leaders/heads of the 2nd year students from the school that their characters study alongside their dynamic duo let's say, for example Masa and his twin Weesa will be the heads/leaders of the 2nd year students from whatever school their characters will attend, does that make sense? And same with Ryusei and Ryushin.
💎And everyone that will be back and etc will be friends and getting along, including the Kuryu Group members + Mighty Warriors. And something funny is that Ranmaru will be Senomon's principal, and Kidra will be working for Chanson Group that is the true enemy.
👑So here is the thing in my AO3 fic, when ØMI asked Ryusei which school he wanted to attend he answered Ebara High. Then ØMI asked the same question to Masa and he said "Probably Kama High I guess..., maybe just to be part of the same one as Itsuki-San I guess". But I made a poll asking which school would be matching with them both it was a tie so I had to do the poll again to de decide and see.
%>Side Note: Kama High (at least in my point of view) is the most psycho school among the 3 of the 3 school alliance.
🍷I was thinking that Ryuji's character could be like Koo is to Rocky (White Rascals), but Ryuji's bios could be the singer HYDE and their gang could be called Black Rascals. So neither of Ryusei's, Ryushin's, Masa's, Weesa's, Ryuji's, HYDE's, etc's characters don't have any names yet; And the Black Rascals would help the White Rascals and HYDE's character is Rocky's friend since they were in kindergarten.
🐺About WOLF HOWL HARMONY boys: Their characters won't have names either however Ghee's character will start with the letter "K" for sure, but Hiroto's character I don't know yet which name I will put. Anyways, they will be also 2nd year students as well, attending Senomon High and and both will be heads/leaders of both 2nd and 1st year students. Plus, Ghee will play Ryoki's younger brother, and Ghee will also 'be the head' of the 3rd year students alongside his older brother which is Ryoki's character.
⚔️And not just that, also: both Ghee and Ryusei "will have some lines in Portuguese with one another"; Ghee's character will be part of the Mighry Warriors and also head of Amagai Family/Kuryu Group with Ryu, that is Taichi's character.
🤔Would the following couples be accepted?
a) Masa + Ryusei (High&Low universe fic)
b) Weesa + Ryushin ("")
c) Ghee + Hiroto ("")
d) Elly + ØMI (not High&Low fic because I already shipp Ice with Ryu which is Taichi's character and Hiroto with Smoky, and even though he is no longer with us, Hiroto is "widow". So Elly and ØMI would be a couple off the High&Low fic, more like in the Masa + Ryusei fic)
🧡So long story short: basically a continuation story of the High&Low universe, I got the idea from my fic I wrote about Ryusei and Masa.
9) Is it okay if I put "Normal"they are speaking Japanese, for "Italics" it's Portuguese, and other (probably "Bold") it's them speaking English.
9.1) If I put some words in other language (not English), I will put the translation in parentheses, or in parentheses in Bold if you all prefer.
9.2) The fic will be in English, but let's pretend that they are speaking those languages 🙈.
9.3) Hope you like the idea and if not that's is okay, all comments are welcome and appreciated.
9.4) If anyone is up for the idea I will write just one chapter and see how it goes, and I also hope to make this idea with more than 1 chapter, but that will be only possible if this has at least 1 Kudo and 1 comment (positive or not), and that is due the fact that it motivates me to continue. I don't know what else to say for now so...
9.5) If you made it through here, well you are a legend and a true warrior. (I always wanted to say that by the way).
9.6) But to be honest now, I'm glad you made through this yay 🫶! If you are reading this it means I'm not as much as a failure as I thought that I would be, so that's a good thing a guess, and it means that I did at least one thing right in my entire life.
9.7) Anyways...I forgot to say that I have ADHD so it is normal that I probably make a grammar/names/etc mistakes and won't even notice, and if I do it will be already too late 🤡, but I will correct as soon as I notice, even if it's already done, so for that I also apologize in advance.
9.8) I will probably write "bow greeting" a few times (a lot maybe 🤔 {hopefully if I remember})
10) So I will obviously include the following J Soul Brothers members:
a) Naoto = Jesse, Prison Gang leader and also Mighty Warriors member
b) Elly = Ice, Mighty Warriors leader
c) Hiroomi (ØMI) = Amamiya Hiroto
d) Takahiro =  Amamiya Masaki 
e) Kenjiro = Dan, Sannoh Rengokai member 
f) Takanori (Gun) = Hino Junpei (Cobra), Sannoh Rengokai's leader 
g) Naoki = Genji, Kuryu Group
10.1) I already talked about Ryuji so...
10.2) Sometimes it might take some time to update (if there is actually any) but I sometimes I can get busy and not gonna lie, can even forget about it. But I will definitely try to give a warning if I remember. Like I probably mentioned before (or not I can’t even remember 🤡) I have Dory The Fish memory.
10.3) Please leave your comments below and let me know what you think the ideia. (Even if you hated or disliked, or even disagreed with something, pretty please be honest about it and let me know).
10.4) Or even if there is a Shipp that you like and would like to see in the future or a Shipp that you don't like and won't like to see at all. Whatever it is. (Even if it's on the fic abut Ryusei and Masa).
10.5) Since I have Dory The Fish memory I can't remember if I've already said that or not but: If you made it through here, well you are a legend and a true warrior. (I always wanted to say that by the way).
10.6) This picture made me had the idea of putting Reiji (Ituki's character) as Cobra's (Gun's) younger brother. Should I do it? Or not?
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11) Do you want me to create polls for all of those questions? In The following posts? (In this case separate posts probably right?)
Option 1: Yes
Option 2: No
Option 3: Maybe
Option 4: I don't know
👑This is the link to the poll on Twitter: https://x.com/taemlnti/status/1827026671544795147?s=46 that is related to this tweet: https://x.com/taemlnti/status/1826883439527702616?s=46
🖤In case no one remembers or knows about the Ryusei + Mass fic is this one right here: https://x.com/taemlnti/status/1825917462837170514?s=46
The end! At least for now 🤔!
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bonesandthebees · 4 months
Damnit, Bee, I was going to write tonight and now I have brain rot. A few notes:
We have not seen Niki or Quackity and oh boy both of them are going through it. They are not taking this well, they will not be taking Wilbur’s eventual betrayal well will they. Also, your descriptions of grieve are spot on. Poor kids man. I’m excited to see how their relationships will shift now that Wilbur is back.
[His son was gone. He could be injured, captive, or dead. And here Sam was, asking about fucking berries.] this man has no fucking tact. At least we got to see Quackity saving Niki. Or like helping her, but I’m waiting for Sam to either fall sick or get assassinated. I need this baffoon dead. (Of course after the alliances are set and such.
[Although it did nothing to help, Phil had found himself pouring over the map anytime he had a free moment. His fingers would trace the lines, imagining if his son had seen that creek, or that meadow, or that cliff face.] Oh, he’s seen that cliff face alright. Fell down it even. Broke his leg. You’ll hear all about it.
Niki is going through it. She is so going through it and she is so angry and I’m here for it. Just don’t do anything stupid girl. Let Phil take care of it, he will murder the man.
Also, [“Because Quackity would never agree to a plan that would harm Wilbur.”] true, Niki, true, but have you considered that Wilbur was a last minute addition, aka if he had been added sooner this would be true, but he was not. At least this eliminates Niki from being complicit (unless she’s a really good liar, which no that girl is devastated at losing her best friend.)
Gotta love Techno eavesdropping and Phil knowing it based on like 2 clues.
You DID NOT make my boy flinch away from his father, how dare you.
I knew the contrast between Wilbur reuniting with his father and Tomys welcome was going to be heart wrenching but damn.
[“Your father will be glad to hear you’re alright. He was saying what a waste it would’ve been-”] 1 can someone please murder Tomys parents. 2. I don’t know if I liked Puffy before, but I definitely don’t like her now.
Phil’s in a carriage doing the hair hand thing again. With his boy. The PARALLELS!!! THAT’S BASICALLY THROUGH FIRST THING HE DOES!!! (Also, this man is so selfish because he wants it to be just him and Puffy. He’s right about the business, but also, positive of your son much? Mama bear instincts have activated.)
hi spruce :) this ask is from last week but I hope you were able to get some writing done later
one of the reasons i was excited to write this chapter was getting to write how niki and quackity are doing. neither of them have been handling things very well. they both care deeply about wilbur and well, for the past week they were convinced he was probably dead. these two are going Through It.
it's definitely bad tact for sam to be trying to get everyone engaged in the lemonade berry discussion, but at the same time it has been a week. he's just trying to get some casual conversation going to try and keep peoples minds off of it, but he's doing a very bad job of it.
niki is going through it!! you can also see in this chapter that without wilbur around, she starts making her own more active choices in trying to find out what's really going on. usually she relies on wilbur to keep her informed of things while she stays out of it to maintain her public image, but without him she approaches phil directly because she's furious and wants something done. luckily for her, phil is the man who gets things done.
techno standing behind the door the entire time while phil and niki are talking: 🧍
like yeah he was eavesdropping but also techno is just awkward. he probably wouldn't have even known how to reveal himself and join the convo. i love him.
ok well wilbur's leg didn't ACTUALLY get fucked up even worse. like, it's still fucked up, but it's not really any worse than it was before. he just got his legs pulled out from under him and it hurt like a bitch. but uh yeah... more trauma yay!
he flinched :((
yeahhhh tommy's parents in this are... yikes
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tetsunabouquet · 4 months
If it's okay could I please ask for a yandere Senri shiki with kianna komori
But how would he be in a relationship with her like sfw and NSFW
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Also I apologize my phone and Tumblr doesn't let me do links so the reblogs are the most I could do
I'm so sorry
Senri Shiki X Kianna Komori: Arranged Marriage Headcanon
-Kaname who wanted to make an alliance with his longtime enemy, the Sakamaki clan after the biggest threats in the family had been eliminated by Subaru, decided to propose a marriage between Kianna and his cousin. Both weren't purebloods but members of the family nonetheless, it was an ideal Union on paper to every member of the vampire society if asked. -Whilst Subaru was hesitant to let Kianna go through with this even after she agreed, he eased up when meeting Senri and thanked every deity he could think of that Senri wasn't needlessly cruel like his father was. -Senri was relieved to discover his betrothed was someone likable. Kianna wasn't like the typical Sakamakis and neither was she someone he found annoying. He immediately asked her for her number so they could get to know each other as this was the point in time that Rido was also killed and the Night Class had been disbanded, and he was honestly rather busy as so much fashion agency clients came crawling out of the woodworks now his schedule had been freed from classes. -Unbeknownst to Kianna, he had her followed by one of his servants to make sure she would never be in danger. -He introduced Kianna to his friends on one of his free days, and Rima quickly bonded with Kianna over their similar taste in fashion. She even gave Kianna a businness card of a brand that makes her favorite lolita umbrellas and told Kianna she could obtain a freebie if she dropped Rima's name to the designer as he often gives Rima free umbrellas. -He was secretly rather grateful he had fallen out with Takuma at this point, because he could not stand the idea of him and Kianna getting along. -When the Night Class was reinstalled, Senri invited Kianna to come attend the school with him, where he could monitor her every move himself. -Rima became Kianna's roommate and was there for her whenever she needed any advice or felt unsure how to voice her feelings. She really guided Kianna and Senri and honestly felt like a mom watching her cute ducklings fawn over each other. -Subaru and Yui were quite grateful for Rima. -As a teenage boy, he could not restrain himself from the occasional heated make-out sessions, Rima was always so courteous to leave the room whenever her gut told her Kianna and Senri were about to kiss. -As everyone got older, Kianna, Yuki, Rima and Yui would often hang out for a girl's night or a spa. Occasionally, Ruka and Yori would join in too. Senri tolerated this, because at least Kianna wasn't hanging out with any men. -Senri treated the honeymoon night with the same tenderness as their first time. -On the subject of children, Senri left the decision up to Kianna, saying he didn't really care for producing an heir if she didn't wanted children. He didn't mind having her all alone to himself. -Whilst animals generally don't like vampires unless they have an affinity for an animal type, there was a vampire scientist who bred cats that liked vampires as much as they did humans. Senri managed to acquire one for Kianna, as they are both cat lovers. -Senri loves the peace he has been able to find with Kianna and is grateful for it every day. He would gladly murder anyone getting in the way of his relaxing days with Kianna. Just the mere thought makes him want to drink her blood and mark Kianna with his bite.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
42 - Never Truly Gone
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Part 43
Gemini Runaway
Tag list ask to be added @dragonixfrye @secretdreamlandmentality
It was the middle of the night where Nik and I ventured into the space that the witches attempted to kill our children a few months ago. I was wearing a red leather thrown over a tan tea shirt jacket, dark blue with some black combat boots. My hair was thrown up in a messy ponytail. He paused in his steps searching around for the werewolves that were apparently supposed to be here. “Where is she? Where is this witch who dares craft moonlight rings without my permission?”
He looks around to find Cassie, and is startled when he finally hears a voice call out to him. “Niklaus. I've been expecting you.”
The three of us followed her inside and sat down at a table with three chairs. She poured tea looking at Nik and I. “I must offer my condolences on the tragic loss of your child.”
“Wasn't it your coven who threatened her life?” He asked her when she slides over two cups of tea to us. “Is that tea your idea of a peace offering?”
The witch asked him back. “Chamomile has lots of healing properties. Did you know that it is also a flowering plant?”
Klaus points out to her while I took a few sips of the tea sensing off about the woman across from me. “I did. The plants grew wild near my boyhood home. But, neither the tea, nor your botanical musings explain the reason why you've taken it upon yourself to forge new moonlight rings.”
Cassie smiled looking my way. “I assumed that was obvious. An alliance between the wolves and the witches would restore balance to our home.”
Nik was still suspicious. “Well, that's a lofty goal for a teenage girl.”
“Long ago, the witches and the wolves were at peace. Then came the vampires. A plague made flesh, a curse on this earth. You have no humanity, and so you punish those who do. Witches have a coven, werewolves have a pack, and so we are a constant reminder of everything that you have forsaken. Creatures such as you will always hate the living, and so we will always have to defend ourselves. The rings level the playing field. If we are united, nothing can stand against us.” Cassie explained tapping the sides of her tea cup.
Klaus tries to keep his cool. “It's an ambitious strategy. But allow me to offer a few words of advice, if I may be so bold? New Orleans is a vicious place, and your enemies are everywhere. Behind your back, before your eyes. You will need to remain vigilant against those who would seek to destroy you, some of whom you may never see coming.”
“I see you seem to be attracted to the bad boys, Raelyn.” The Cassie witch with the short black hair raising a brow at me.
“How exactly do you know my name?” Giving her a confused look I didn’t understand considering I didn’t introduce myself or anything.
She smiled while taking a sip of her tea. “I’ve heard the rumors of an ex witch who was born a siphon and was turned into an abomination herself. Half witch and half vampire. Something like that should exist.”
“Chamomile. It's the same tea my mother made. How I loathed it.” Nik interrupts our silence.
Cassie seems amused. “Would you have preferred mint?”
He leaned back in his chair beginning to rant off about how much he didn’t like his mother. “You know, she was insane, my mother. No, it's true. She believed we were abominations. "A curse on this earth, stretched out over generations," is how she put it. But, she was the true monster. She changed her children, stole our innocence, made us vampires, condemned us to an eternity of bloodlust, and then acted as if we were to blame.”
“Cassie, was it? His mother had attempted to kill me in a ritual to wipe out her children she claimed to be monstrous from the face of the planet. So I must agree with him that his mother was not someone who considered others' wishes.” I glared at her sitting my tea cup down clutching my hands into fists.
Cassie grumbled at him. “She sounds awful. Are you building to a question, Niklaus?”
He pauses glancing in my direction where we both shared the same confusion on our faces. That was the second time she had called him by his full name which was strange. “You use my full name, as though we are familiars. I find it insulting. Before she deed, a witch revealed that your coven was under my mother's influence. Does she speak to you now?”
Cassie smiles back. “She doesn't have to - I know exactly what she would say. She would tell you to go to your room for being so rude.”
Nik loses his temper and slams his hand over Cassie's, and stares Cassie in the eye before some wolves were already waiting outside the open doors. “It's okay. Niklaus and Raelyn were just leaving.”
Nik growled still angry. “I will happily kill them all!”
Cassie warned him. “Then, you will have murder members of the very pack you still hope to someday lead. Besides, there's no need for bloodshed. We can always resume this discussion another day. Goodnight, Niklaus. We will speak again soon.”
Spinning on my feet I followed my boyfriend until Cassie grabbed my arm holding me back for a brief moment. “Raelyn, you must know that children are a gift. But some aren’t meant to have as much power as yours would have if they had survived.” She released my arm disappearing back into her space.
We vamped back to the compound seeing Elijah was waiting for us. Slumping down in a chair at one of the tables I eyed my husband. “Why would she say something like that? I mean…it can’t possibly be…”
“It is worse than we thought.” Nik breaks the neck off of a bottle of wine. “I met the witch, Cassie. I studied her, her presence, the way she carried herself. The fervor with which she voice her hatred of our kind. I looked into that girl's eyes, and, I swear to you, Elijah, she's just just guided by our mother. She is our mother.”
Elijah stood stunned. “What is happening?”
Klaus snarled through his bared teeth. “I'm going to kill her. I will boil her bones and feed them to the dogs, if that's what it takes.”
Elijah tries to interrupt him. “Niklaus -“
“What? What could possibly be more important than the return of our mother?” Nik raised his tone towards his brother throwing his hands up after sitting down his bottle of beer on the table beside me.
Elijah immediately declared towards him. “...Our father. I saw him standing there in the flesh, as you do now. He was enslaved with some spell cast by Davina. He holds the stake. If she chooses to release him…”
“Wait what…” Flipping my hair around my shoulders when I completely spin around in my chair scared that he was telling the truth. That if Esther and Mikael were back that meant our lives were in more danger than we had ever faced in our lives at the moment. “You’re joking right. Please tell me that you are kidding me..cause their is no way that he’s alive. Nik, shoved the white oak into his heart. Esther, was stabbed by Alaric.”
“But in this life. Dead doesn’t ever truly mean dead, Raelyn.” He trailed off eyeing the hybrid.
Nik huffed slumping his shoulders in determination. “Well, then there's only one question we need to ask, isn't there? Which of our parents do we kill first?”
“I’d say Esther since she is coming after our children. She’s draining us with every moonlight ring she creates after the next.” Immediately responding to his response I didn’t hesitate to wait for his brother's reply.
Nik rested his hands on the back of my chair where our eyes meet and remained fixed on each side deeply. "As much as I would like to agree with you that my mother is first. We have to remember that Mikael has the stake that can kill everyone in my sire line." He dropped down on his knees beside my chair resting a hand to my cheek. "Including you now, Rae."
"Nik, I don’t want to be afraid anymore. That’s what I adore about being a heretic.” Placing my hand on his shoulder I vamped upstairs away from the pair. Slamming the door shut with magic I flopped down on the bed throwing my hair around in a mess.
Someone knocked on the door slowly entering the room where I lifted myself up seeing Nik coming over and sitting down beside me. “You have nothing to fear, my siphon queen.”
“If we don’t kill him or manage to get the stake then our daughters will grow up without their parents forever.” Sitting upright I hugged my knees to my chest fearing the worst if we didn't stop him.
Nik turned my chin so I’d look him in the eye with his thumb and index finger. “Hey, you will have nothing to fear. We will defeat him together. As always we promised, together forever.”
Nodding my head I laid my head against his chest gasping sharply suddenly when someone entered my mind. “Nik ah!”
Frantically looking around I was inside a small hut where I headed for the door not seeing Nik anyway. Kicking it opened I was left in the middle of the woods not recognizing anywhere I was at. There was the sound of roost coming my direction where I shoved my fangs seeing there was a woman with dark brown hair and dark eyes. “I have been wondering when I would get to meet you, Raelyn Lane.”
“Who the heck are you and how do you know my name? Where are we?” I spat questions off the tip of my tongue becoming completely paranoid on what exactly was going on.
The strange woman came towards me and raised her hands from her sides. “My name is Dahlia. My sister was named Esther. I assume you already know about her. As for how I know you, my magic allows me to sense the powerful witch magic of another.”
“You wouldn’t be the first witch to sense other witches' magic. But that doesn’t answer all my questions. So I suggest you start talking before I rip you.” I growled clutching my hands into fists.
Dahlias smirked at me. “Ah you’ve got quite a temper to go with your power. I must say your daughter will be troubled when she inherits that from you. Alongside that hybrid you claim to love. She will be more dangerous than you ever imagined.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. My daughter is dead.” I lied through my teeth knowing that no one could know she was alive along with her sisters.
Dahlia stomped forward getting in my face before I got knocked out. “I’ll be coming for her soon enough.”
Grabbing my head I sat upright on the bed seeing that Nik was hovering above me with pure panic scattered across his face. “Rae…thank god. What happened..you were fine and then you passed out in my arms.”
“I…I have no idea. I woke up in the middle of the woods with a strange woman who said her name was Dahlia. And she…she knows about one of our daughters. She can sense her magic, Nik.” Running my fingers through my hair, my chest was heaving up and down.
His blue eyes scanned over me not seeing anything hurting me now. He pulls me into his chest wrapping his arms around me. “Then I’ll call Rebekah and have her find another witch. We will go visit your father and check on the twins. We won’t let anyone come after any of them.” Pressing my head against his heart I didn’t want anyone to harm my children.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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ramblingkat · 2 years
Look, a snippet that involves time travel. How unique. *chokes on the sheer sarcarsm.* 
Yachiru frowned as she looked at the pair. They were both armed, but neither of them seemed to be pulling the blades. The redhead was standing in a relaxed position, sword on his back, hands on his hips. Behind him, the blond lounged in the doorway, arms crossed as he watched them. 
“We’re not interested,” the redhead said. “I know that you are just acting as an emissary, but this is our territory, so leave.”
Yachiru’s hand rested on her blade at the sheer disrespect in the boy’s tone. Only for the tingle that was a hint of kido to dance across her skin. Her eyes darted from the redhead to the blond, who was still quietly watching them. 
Suddenly she wasn’t sure if this was a wise idea, even though she itched to pull her blade and see who would win.
But she knew that it wouldn’t be her, because she wouldn’t be fighting one, but two people. 
It was something of a mystery. These two had simply come out of nowhere, a bit of a shock to those who had already been beaten into submission by Yamamoto. Usually people with this sort of power built a legend, not simply crash down into the world and take it by storm. 
They had taken over this entire area of the Rukon, where the edges between this place and the space between were weak. There was some speculation that they were hollows of some sort, but now that Yachiru was here, she didn’t think so. 
But they were powerful, and from what she could tell, they worked beautifully together. She had never seen a pair who seemed to move with each other as smoothly as this pair. While she was confident in her ability to defeat anyone outside of Yamamoto, she didn’t think she could beat the pair of them.
“While we understand what you are trying to do,” said the blond. “We are not interested in being bound to this war band that is being created.” He was smiling gently, though his eyes never moved from Yachiru. “But, once you settle, Ichigo-san and I are willing to discuss alliances.”
Well, at least she was going to come away from this with at least one of their names. That was something, at least.
Yachiru wanted to fight them so much. But she was here to try to get them to agree before Yamamoto came and forced them to join.
She noticed that the blond just smiled again, eyes bright and she suddenly tasted blood on the back of her tongue. Hmm, how interesting, and her attention focused on him for a moment.
Only for the redhead, Ichigo, to step between them. “Tell Yamamoto that if he tries to force this, he won’t like it. Kisuke might be polite, but I can tell you this. We will win.”
His eyes, glittering gold in the light, matching his partner’s shockingly silver eyes, sent a sensation down her spine that might have been fear. 
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legacyofacat · 1 year
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[2] Where Your Core Rests (Kongō x Reader)
Can also be found on Ao3 (completed), Wattpad and DA. First Next Last
Silver Sand Flaking off Corpses  "Mreow!"
"Mreow", the human mimicked their cat friend's word like a good cat owner, staring into the water in a hunched position to provide shadow for fishes in order to mimic a safe space for them. Once either a few or a big one had come to rest, Luigi would strike from his perched position on a rock.
They had brought the Core with them, too paranoid to leave it back there, so now it was a heavy weight in the person's inner breast pocket, but it seemed to radiate a small bit of warmth at the very least and that was something.
Luigi jumped into the water suddenly, scaring his friend out of their musings thanks to the cold as all hell water.
"Holy fuck, boy! You used to be a bit more graceful with that move!"
Which, in all fairness, was true. He normally slipped into the water smoothly like an anaconda, not like a dumb rock.
Nonetheless, he grinned up at them, one fish safely in between his jaws, the other limply under a paw. 
"Well, alright", they showed him a double thumbs up, "you did really well. I forgive you."
He purred and then walked back to the shore, dropping his prey under the watchful eyes of a flock of crows with white spots here and there.
Those were the local crows, a band of trouble makers who used to annoy the living hell out of Luigi's dad.
Luigi was too lazy to hunt birds, though, and because they ended up fed when behaving nicely and keeping the seagulls at bay, the three parties settled into a comfortable alliance:
The human and Luigi would catch fish every now and then and then bring them to an old fisherman (who definitely had been a sailor once but claimed that that wasn't the case) who would then gut and skin them and do whatever you did with fish to make it edible. What he couldn't use would go to the crows, a bit would be cooked right on the spot for the two kids to take home (unsalted, of course) and everything else he was allowed to keep for private usage and selling.
It was an effective system, so many had tried to copy it, but the crows had a weird understanding of loyalty and it never worked.
In all honesty, the human was pretty sure they just didn't want to lose their endless stock of fluffy cat hair, but who were they to complain?
…well, sometimes they would complain. Did you know that crows can speak? Like, better than parrots? Yeah, neither did they, it was kind of a terrifying experience.
"Oh, successful again, matey!?", the aforementioned not-sailor exclaimed happily when human and cat dumped the fish on his stand's table.
"Sure!", one of the crows repeated, pretty passive aggressive. 
Another bobbed their head as if agreeing: "This a clock!"
The sailor looked behind him, at the clock leaning on a back wall, long since without battery and therefore dead, but the birds apparently knew what the thing was for in theory: "Jesus, alright, no need to get cocky."
They were cocky though and descended on the rests offered to them like the flock of harbingers they were.
"I'm going to cook those for you, kid, just wait a moment."
"Kay", they weren't a person of many words.
Luigi turned towards them, two-coloured eyes shining.
"That's right, we're having fish today, excited?"
An amused sound left them: "I'll be taking that as a yes, then!"
They left about half an hour afterwards, cooked fish safely wrapped in paper and still warm, Luigi was practically drooling at his friend's knees, making them laugh: "Alright alright, let's go to our special place and eat there, that will be faster than going home first."
Luigi, of course, was absolutely on board with the idea, walking a bit faster than before.
Their "special place" was a relatively new bay, formed by the rising seawater levels and massive amounts of washed up sand, safeguarded by the surrounding terrain and decorated by a washed up ship of some kind. 
The two jogged down the slight slope to it and then went to find a dry and windsafe space to sit on, huddling together for warmth and unfolding their package of steaming fish.
"Just to be clear about this", Luigi looked up in question, "I'm getting the bigger one."
He seemed to shrug of all things, before leaning down and (thankfully) nipping at the smaller bit, purring loudly.
It was really good fish, all things considered, juicy and… well, they didn't know enough kitchen terms to describe it, but it was good. 
"What are we going to do with our pet rock?"
They were too paranoid to call the Union Core by its name in fear of being overheard by not so good people.
Luigi swallowed a bite, but he couldn't really state an opinion so he just looked for a moment and blinked slowly.
His friend blinked back, of course. 
"I can hardly throw it into the waves, yeah?"
That just felt wrong and heartless. 
But they couldn't carry it around with them for all eternity either and definitely not hand it over to the authorities.
A sigh left them and they leaned back against the wreck, fingering the silver sand flaking off of it.
…Wait a fucking moment; silver sand flaking off a ship.
They leaned forward as if burned, looking back at the structure in shock.
So, yes, maybe they weren't capable of identifying different ships, but they did know that steel didn't just turn into silver sand when it began to corrode. Steel turned into rust before anything else happened, not sand.
The human stood up after the two had finished their food and wandered around the ship, Luigi not far behind.
It was a small ship – well, not small, but small compared to other warships – and most of its superstructure had already fallen victim to decay, something which had stayed undetected until now because no one had ever bothered to walk around the stranded corpse.
The Union Core in the warm breast pocket suddenly seemed to weigh tons.
"Is that your body?", they held the Core through the fabric, before taking it out finally, fiddling with it for a moment before setting it down in the biggest heap of sand they could find.
Immediately, the silver sand was drawn towards it, moving faster and faster the closer it came until the only two fleshly beings had to protect their faces or risk getting hurt.
When they opened their eyes again, the wreck was gone, but standing in the shallow water not far from them was a Fog ship; small, but bigger than the wreck had been.
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Confessions Day 12
The day of Flash's trial had finally arrived, and both sides were ready for a fight. Palpatine observed the young girl and her friends. They were all strong force sensitives; they were also strong gray Jedi who accepted the darkness as a part of themselves. They didn't fear the darkness and wouldn't turn, even if another tragedy befell them. Very worst of all (in his opinion) was that they trusted and believed God with all their hearts. Palpatine was against God, and it would be his downfall.
Christina looked out across the courtroom with a pensive look on her face. They had been preparing for this trial for three months. Their lawyers were good and she was hoping to get a confession from Flash to shorten the trial. Honestly, if he just decided not to countersue, it would've been so much better. As far as they knew, the chancellor was Flash’s lawyer, and they were not sure what would happen during the trial. His parents were not talking, and their trial was three more months away. They were seated for about fifteen minutes before the bailiff announced .
"All rise, the honorable Judge Morris presiding." Everyone in the courtroom stood, then were seated. The first part of the trial was hearing the defense team. Actually, being in the courtroom made Flash a bit more uneasy, and had him spilling the truth before it was over. Palpatine looked on, not happy with the turn of events. Christina looked on as well, thankful Flash ended up confessing, which shortened the trial considerably. When they were dismissed for lunch, Palpatine found Flash.
"Dear boy, would you like my help if you lose this trial? I can make it so you get your revenge. Then you never have to worry about them again." Flash hung onto every word and agreed. This began the alliance of darkness. When court reconvened, he wasn't able to win the case, and the suit pulled through. Flash was upset, but he knew he would get his revenge. Flash left the courtroom with a smug look on his face. He had confessed because he had a plan, and Christina knew it. She was not happy about it; neither were Damian, Anakin, Peter, Ahsoka, Padmé, and Obi-Wan. They needed a new plan. They went home, and straight into the meeting room. After Damian punched the table the meeting got started. Thankfully their tables were made of beskar disguised as marble. It made things much easier to disguise with foreign branches of Stark Industries. With the Avengers here, they were only missing the rest of the Snow Dragon Division, and they were quickly sent for. All members of the unit were also called the Young Avengers. When the missing four showed up, the meeting began.
"As you know the Star Wars Galaxy isn't just fiction. We are now preparing against a world wide threat." As the meeting began a powerful Sith Lord cowered in fear of a couple teenage superheroes, from his office on Coruscant.
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