#so now as a team bonding activity we can pick the new color of the sweater for me to change it to in the fic
daydadahlias · 1 year
Hey Jess, as a person who gets curious about hyper specific stuff, I wanted to know what color that yellow/brown-ish sweater was listed as by the designer. I wasn’t trying to be pretentious or something when calling it cognac, btw; it’s a regularly used description in my language, like you would use tan for leather, or dogs in English.
So anyway, I hopped on the John Varvatos site and saw that they call it copper. The cream white one from the beach selfie is listed as charcoal/turtle dove. Now on sale for a mere $235 (from $465). Wasn’t expecting precious little bean to be able to afford that on a music teacher salary. 😉
hello bestie
in this alternate universe, our precious lil' bean got that shirt from a good will <3 just like i actually got an almost exact replica of Ashton's very own yellow/brownish/copper sweater a few months ago for 6 dollars <33
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v-albion · 4 months
Campfire Confrontation
((Rearranged and cleaned up Cabin 14's RP thread)) @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
Marco walks to the middle of Cabin 14’s main hangout area. He pulled out a clipboard and began to flip through the first few pages. He sighed, irritated. Guess he has to do his camp counselor duties now. 
“So uh…We have an attendance sheet I need to fill out, so let’s see if everyone is here…uh, True Color kids check… Ghostly kids check…Uh-“ he squinted through his goggles. Yes, he’s supposed to have glasses, does he wear them? No. Reason being? He thinks they look stupid. “Uhh Mike-hail? Mikeehail? Mikhail? Covert Au?“
The rumble of a quiet hum was the only response provided at the utterance of the name. The source stood behind Marco, a thumb hooked through a belt loop, the other unoccupied hand tapping idly by his side, his tapetum lucidem shining through the shadows granted by his hood. After a brief assessment of the layout and present individuals, the figure tipped his head.
“It is Mikhail. The rest of my team is preoccupied at the moment.”
Spirit tilted his head at the turtle “This is camp, what’s there to be preoccupied with?” Mika silently shushed Spirit, the vibes he got from the older turtle were kinda spooking him.
”Hm, Fair enough. You can go ahead and pick a bed for yourself and your brothers.” It’s odd to see a Mikey that isn’t so “cheery”
ICE walked over to stand beside Mikhail, standing on his toes to peer over Marco's shoulder at the list. The newest cabin members were quite interesting, to say the least. A foot clan-themed Donnie? A military-grade Mikey? "you can put me on the list, I suppose. That way we have written proof that I exist."
Marco pulled a knife from his pocket and impaled the attendance sheet on the wall. “There. Write yourself in.”
ICE hesitantly approached the paper, and after glancing at Mikhail, wrote his name down "I want a knife too."
”Hm, fine. Just don’t stab yourself with it. I’m not responsible for any injuries you inflict.” Marco pulled out a small kunai and handed it over. ICE's eyes light up as he holds the knife. He smiled as he walked back and contentedly sat down on his bed, staring at his new weapon.
Spirit pouted and looked away, mumbling, “If I wasn’t dead and a ghost I’d want a knife too” A small bead of sweat rolled down Mika’s temple but he did his best to pay no heed to Spirit’s remark.
The commotion downstairs even drew the attention of the people on the second floor. A few heads peaked down from the railings, watching the proceedings below. 
The Foot Captain noticed the name of his AU mentioned and made his way to the railings. The curtains here provided shadows so he could keep an eye on the ground below while hiding from view. The older turtle talking to Lee before was holding a clipboard. It seemed that the activities were about to begin. He puts a finger to his lips and signals his brothers to quiet down. 
Flicking his screen on, he slowly scans each turtle to gather information. Their appearances, muscle mass, although that one can be deceiving, any weapons, and their gait and posture. Even if they’re in a ‘summer camp’ you can never be safe with so many people around.
He rested his chin on his palm, drawn on brows furrowing as he made note of individuals with threat potential. His lookalike and the child seemed fine but the older turtles seemed dangerous.
Marco squinted at another page, and he sighed "According to the schedule I was handed, we are supposed to have a. .uh. . ‘fireplace bonding’” He didn’t sound too thrilled about the activity.
Spirit bounced on his toes hearing about the campfire activities. His brother Mika was equally excited to hear stories about his cabin mates.
"What are they talking about?" Angelo whispered as he approached his brother. He sits on the chair closest to the railing, looking down at the commotion below. 
"New activity. Fireplace bonding" Foot Captain saved the data and closed his screen. "Is it mandatory?"
Angelo squinted at him, knowing that he would skip if given the chance. "You're joining," he said with a smile.
Donnie clicked his tongue and averted his eyes. "Fine"
Scout looked down at all of the new people excitedly, then back at Hunter. "Can we go with them, please?"
Hunter sighed. "Fine. But we leave when I say so."
"YES!" Scout dragged Hunter behind him down the stairs, grinning like an idiot the whole way. "HI! Sorry I wasn't awake earlier, I'm Scout! Hunter already told me who you guys all are, it's nice to meet you!"
ICE set his knife down and reached out his hand to shake Scout's "So nice to meet you! I and Hunter are already well acquainted..."
"Really? That's perfect! I'm so glad he's making friends! I hope I can too." Scout grinned as he vigorously shook ICE’s hand up and down. 
Mika muffled a snicker by covering his mouth as Spirit floated up to the two to introduce himself. “Nice to meet you, Scout! I’m Spirit.” He pointed behind him. “That’s my brother, Mika. I hope we can get along!”
"Oooh, you're shiny..." Scout raised his hand as if to touch Spirit before stopping himself.
“Come on! They’re gathering downstairs!” Angelo looks back to his two remaining brothers. “They’re gonna leave without us if we don’t hurry!” He vaulted over the railings and slowly floated down to the first floor, his brothers choosing the more sane way of taking the stairs. “Hello everyone!” 
“Take a good look at this adorable face, you’re going to be seeing it more” Spirit teased before seeing Angelo and waving at him eagerly “Hi Angelo!”
“Hi, again Spirit! Sorry for taking off so suddenly before, but we finally got settled in. You should come see it later.”
“All’s good! Oh a tour, sounds fun!” Spirit squealed, floating towards Marco who’s started to open the door, muttering about making s’mores.
Grabbing his phone, ICE follows, slipping in behind Spirit and Mika. “Yay, marshmallow.” 
"I don't know what s’mores are, but sure!" Scout grabs Hunter's arm again, who has been scowling the whole time, and runs to the door.
“Hmm? What’s s’mores” Angelo asked the floating child beside him. 
Spirit dramatically gasped “Only the most, supposedly, delicious camping snack ever!” Mika nodded enthusiastically in agreement. “You guys have no childhood huh?” Spirit remarked, Mika flinched and shot a glare at his disrespectful brother. 
Scout skipped, not exactly knowing where he was going but following the general group. "Well, we've never been to a 'camp' before! And We used to never eat human food, only trash and stuff, and-"
"And that's enough outta you, pipsqueak." Hunter gently held his hand over Scout's mouth. 
“Huh.” Spirit pondered how different each universe turtle’s life was at those responses “Well in that case, you guys are going to enjoy s’mores, they’re basically crackers with a heated-up marshmallow in the middle along with a chocolate bar to make it more sweet, it kinda resembles a hamburger and it’s delicious!” Mika rambled, clearly passionate about food.
"Oooh! Cool!" Scout leaned over to his brother and whispered, "What's a marshmallow?" Hunter shrugged.
“Oh, its a kind of dessert then. I cant wait to try them!” Angelo grinned. “Human foods are really interesting. I don’t have many chances to try them so this will be fun.”
Spirit nodded. “Enjoy them for me! Sadly I lost my taste buds when I became a Divine being-” “Ghost,” Mika interrupted only to be shushed, “so I can’t eat anything.” Spirit said dramatically, wiping a fake tear from his eye.
Meanwhile towards the back of the group, Cerulean walked along the rest of his brothers, still keeping an eye on Angelo as he chatted his way to the center of the group. He scanned the surroundings. The tall walls of the caves stretched up so far that he couldn’t see the cave ceiling. He counted the number of people in the group, they’re missing a few it seems.
The group made their way to their assigned campfire area, Marco frowned as he saw no fire lit in the pit. “...uhm, Angelo? Could ya maybe light the pit?”
“Sure thing” A small flame lit up Angelo’s finger before crawling down his palm and wrist. He touched a wood and watched as it was quickly engulfed by flames. He put the wood down into the fire pit,carefully controlling the fire as it grew bigger.
”Thank you. Alright, so what do we need for this “s’mores”?” Marco tilted his head, what an odd word-
Spirit popped next to Marco holding a bunch of sticks “Sticks!” He chirped, holding them out a bit too excitedly, Mika had a bit of a concerned look on his face. Spirit shot a grin at him.
”...uh, we are eating sticks. .?” Marco took a step back from the pile of sticks shoved in front of his face.
“No! The sticks are for roasting the marshmallows! You stick a marshmallow on the tip of the stick and hold it over the fire so it can be roasted!” Spirit explained, handing the sticks to Marco, getting tired of the hesitation. “After the marshmallow is nice and toasty you grab a cracker and place a piece of chocolate on it, then you put the marshmallow and then place another cracker on top. That’s how you make a s’more!”
ICE snickered at Marco as he placed two marshmallows on a stick and proceeded to set them on fire. "Pro tip, make sure to get them so roasted you get heartburn afterward."
”Hm, I see. Well since most of us are here, how about we get to know each other? So I know what I’m dealing with.”
Having just arrived in time to overhear, Mike bounced over. Baby Dee and Baby Lee rested on each of his shoulders, curled up against the crook of his neck. He had Baby El pressed against his plastron, and Baby Angie resting in his hand. If any of these babies were any bigger, he probably would need to learn to juggle one-handed or something. That was a joke, for legal reasons.
He settled down close to the fire, stretching out his legs, slowly dropping all the children into his lap, where they huddled together and gazed out at the fire with rapt attention. This was probably their first time seeing an open flame. "Getting to know each other! Sounds like fun. Twenty questions? Never have I ever? Or, hey, we're by a campfire - why don't we tell some stories?" He rubbed the top of El's head affectionately. El blinked, leaning into the touch. "Just... if you've got anything real graphic coming up, can you let me know so I can cover this little guy's ears? I don't think anyone here wants to be dealing with a two-year-old with nightmares tonight."
“Oh that sounds like fun!” spirit squealed, doing a little loopy loop in the air.
Scout patted at his knees. "Oh, we have stories! Can I tell a story?"
"Don't think you'd be the best person for that, pipsqueak," Hunter said simply.
Scout pushed his face forward as if he was pouting, but his smile returned quickly enough. "I'm great at stories! Like, that one time you killed that raccoon-" Hunter lightly slapped his shoulder. "Kids. Right there."
"What do you meeean? What's wrong with that?" Hunter smacked his forehead in response.
ICE grinned at Hunter "Well why don't you tell a story then?"
Hunter squinted. "What do you want from me."
Scout flopped over his brother. "Maybe you should tell a story if you hate mine so much even though it totally happened when we were kids so it would be fiiine."
"It wouldn't be fine. You don't talk about death in front of kids. Especially when its about animals. I thought I knew less about society than you did." Hunter shook his head. "Spirit over there was right. We didn't have a 'childhood'. Not too many happy stories and the happy ones ain't interesting."
Scout crossed his arms. "The one about the raccoon was happy."
"It wasn't happy. I was a scared kid, hunting on my own for the first time. You're just glad you got food out of it." Hunter growled.
"You were proud of yourself, though!" Scout justified.
Hunter sighed. "Sure, yeah. But I don't think killing giant raccoons is a good story."
Spirit sweated nervously as Mika glared at him for the previous mention of his old comment, he sighed and twiddled his thumbs, begrudgingly opening his mouth to speak. “Um… when Mikey was little, like, 6 or 7, I would mess with the lights and make them flicker a lot and Mikey would blame me to Dad. He was right but no one believed him so he was sent on time out by Raph.” Mika glared harder at him as the memory resurfaced. “Can’t believe I was sent on time out for telling the truth.” he pouted. Spirit stuck his tongue out in a silly form of apology.
Scout leaned over. "Why wouldn't they blame you? You're bright blue, you're hard to miss!"
“Haha, that’s the thing. I’m not visible to anyone but Mika where I live.” Spirit said.  “I’m… gone,” he coughed nervously, “so anytime Mika blamed or even talked about me it would make everyone… uncomfortable.”
"Gone? But you're right-"
"He's dead, Scout," Hunter said bluntly. "I'm sorta jealous, though. It'd be a lot easier to pull pranks on our big brother like that."
ICE looked up in surprise "You're not the oldest? I could've sworn.."
Hunter settled back, looking much more relaxed now. "Nah, that honor goes to Protector. Or, whatever he wants to be called."
“Yeah not gonna lie I also thought you were the oldest,” Spirit nods in agreement. “Not gonna lie, spirit pulled plenty of pranks back in our world,” Mika said, nodding at all the resurfacing memories of his brother’s total confusion over his pranks. Spirit grinned at that. “Oh yeah! Like that one time, I kept moving that Miss’s cuddles plushy from its original spot so now Raph is absolutely terrified of that rabbit! He thought it was haunted and possessed to the point where he threw it away,” Spirit said, grinning ear to ear at the recollection of his brother’s terrified face.
Hunter rolled his eyes. "Ugh, hate rabbits."
"Oh, you guys will LOVE Protector! He's HUGE, and he gives such good hugs, and he always listens when you want to talk and-"
"Uh huh, they get it." Hunter softly pushed Scout's head down into his shell as he continued to ramble.
ICE smiled "He sounds like my Raph. Say, who wants to hear about how I lost my arm?"
"Sure, why not." Hunter smiled.
Spirit sat in his seat giddily, patting his thighs in anticipation.
ICE sat forward eagerly, his grin nearing a crazed gleam "WELL. It happened two years ago. It was a cold morning when we headed out. One of the villains, I forget which, possibly the wrestler tho.. well, he was committing crimes. So, we arrived just in time, and boy did we show him... But then, my oldest brother got the bright idea to throw him into a building, one of which I was in direct line with. To cut a long story short, it crashed down on me, and I was trapped for at least 30 minutes or so before they could safely dig me out. by then, I was pretty frozen stiff, not to mention my arm was still trapped beneath frozen rubble. They were on a time crunch, and cutting my arm off was the safest choice available. ICE chuckles sadistically "should probably mention they also tried to ‘bring me back to life’ with CPR. None of them were trained by the way, and so I also ended up with this sick scar on my neck. Pretty cool, right?”
"Woah! That's so cool!" Scout leaned forward and grinned. "I've got scars too! Check it!" He showed the marks on his wrists and ankles where the skin looked nearly rubbed raw, and a hunk of scar tissue on his leg. "Hunter's got tons of sick scars too!"
"That I will not be sharing." Hunter huffed.
“Oh we sharing scars?! I have one too!” Spirit said, pulling up his shirt to show a large thin darker blue scar that ran straight down his plastron and reflected itself on his shell.
ICE chuckled nervously "Wow, spirit, that’s a really cool scar..." So that was the scar that showed how Spirit died…
“I know right!” Spirit said cheerfully, not paying any mind to their reaction.
Hunter hissed through his teeth at Spirit's scar. "I would ask for the story, but I don't think I want to know."
Spirit pulled his shirt down. “There’s no story, even I don’t know how I got it.” He grinned, but it turned sour before he brightened up. “Not that it matters anyways, what’s happened has happened, there’s no need to worry about it now.” He shrugged.
Marco didn’t pay much attention, he sometimes caught himself staring off into space. He didn’t want to talk about his scars, he had too many scars with too many stories.
Angelo smiled, remembering the many scars littering his body, each bullet wound and scrapes marking his effort in completing his missions. 
"That's a... nice thought." Hunter couldn't help but cringe as he glanced over everyone's scars, especially lingering on the ones on his brother's wrists.
Scout, completely oblivious to his brother's inner conflict, stayed cheery. "Well, I think all your scars are cool. It means you lived through something, right? Even if you don't know what that something is."
“Yeah! Exactly!” Spirit agreed, even though his situation can’t exactly comply with it.
"You know, you're real happy despite your... situation." Hunter said to Spirit awkwardly. "It's cool."
“Ah thanks!” Spirit said, though his demeanor fell for a split second. “Stay this way for 11 years you learn a few things.” He said, he straightened himself up though and whipped out a smile, “but it’s ok! At least I still get to be with my family!”
Raphael winced as he saw spirit, looking like he couldn't be more than 3, showing a gnarly scar running through his plastron. He can't help imagining that happening to his brother. What if Lee actually died before they met each other again? What if he lost his brother and he doesn't even know? He shook his head, getting rid of the thought. It's ok. It's fine. They're all here now, and he'll make sure they stay that way.
He can't help but glance at ICE, particularly his severed arm, imagining how painful it was to have it gone. He rubs his own arms in a self soothing gesture
Cerulean noticed how Raph had started to shrink back, rubbing his arm and staring at ICE in particular. He moved closer and leaned into Raphs arm, offering comfort without a word.
Mika noticed the growing discomfort within the group and decided there was a need to quickly change the subject “Ummmm who wants to play 20 questions? I’ll go first! What is everyone’s favorite show? Personally, Jupiter Jim is an all-time classic, don’t tell dad that though.” Mika said, hoping to lighten the mood.
"Ain't never watched shows," Hunter said bluntly. 
"Scav's still trying to get us proper TV!" Scout added.
Angelo shrugged, “I don't really watch shows. Not sure if we even have TVs in the labs honestly. I like to hang out at the Nexus though! Its good entertainment.”
Spirit let out a boo but Mika quickly shushed him with another question. “ favorite food? It’s definitely pizza for me.”
Scout's eyes brightened. "Bugs! Any bugs! Worms, shrimp are good, CJ brings me crickets all the time..."
“Oh! I love roast simurghs! Especially if you char it right, you get that salty-sweet flavor” Angelo added.
“What an interesting pallet everyone has,” Mika noted, making a mental note to remember that. “Anyone else got any questions?”
”. . Hm, how about what’s your universe like?” Marco shrugged, yes so far he himself had skipped questions. 
Scout turned over to Hunter for approval, who nodded reluctantly. "Well, we live in New York, which is like this BIG city with a lot if cool stuff. And we live in the sewers with our dad, who's a rat, not a turtle, and we've got tons of human friends! Like April, and CJ, and I've heard Cassie's voice before even though I've never seen her, but April likes her a lot so she must be nice! And Miss Irma, who fixed my leg, and Protector's shell when it got all ripped open and stuff- and Mister Murakami! He doesn't know we're turtles, but he gives us food! And, uh, Dad's teaching us how to do ninja stuff like his old owner did, because he says we need to defend ourselves from mean people. Like this REALLY mean guy, Dr. Ax-"
"Aaand shuttin' it down." Hunter put a hand over Scout's beak. "We live in the sewers, always have, and we have human friends."
” Hm, interesting…Haven’t seen my April for a while…” Marco mumbled. 
A figure excitedly skipped up to the fire pit “ HELLLLLOoooo! Wowie! Hello new friends! What an interesting bunch!” he had a wide manic smile spread across his face, his red and blue eyes flicking to each turtle at the pit. Marco jumped slightly at his brother’s sudden appearance “Jesus-“
Raph could feel Lee tense up against his arm, he glanced at his brother, face still serene as usual. He kept his eye on the newcomer.
Hunter squinted at the figure’s lab coat, wrapping a possessive arm around his brother.
ICE looked up from his burning marshmallow "AHA! A like-minded fellow! Here, there is a free seat beside me!!" 
“ICE, ICE, I think your marshmallow is burnt enough” He winces as another part of the marshmallow melted off. “Is that how you’re supposed to eat it?” He looked at his own speared marshmallow, shrugging before he held it towards the fire.
ICE looked down at his marshmallow, before shaking his head "Alas, it has not reached its full potential yet. But soon..."
The newcomer zips around to Foot Captain “Whoaaaaaa! Nice battleshell! Did you build it yourself?! Wait, you’re a Donnie of course you did! Marco! You got yourself awesome friends!!” He twirled around Captain. 
Foot Captain glanced the new turtle up and down. Is this…. His counterpart? He seems a bit… eccentric, to say the least. He nodded. “Of course, I built it myself. Top-of-the-line Genius Built brand. Patent pending” he muttered the last part to himself. “So… you’re future me?” His eyes move from the lab coat to the mismatched goggles, trying to catalog as much as possible.
” Mmmhm! And you’re younger me!! Wow! You’re in Foot clan gear!! My Draxum told me alllllllll about it!”He couldn’t stay still.
Hunter's arm wrapped tighter at Draxum's name, causing Scout to squeak.
“How does Baron Draxum factor into this?” He resisted the urge to look towards Angelo.
”Well my good ol pops, told me all about how foot clan is run! I had a brother who used to be in the Foot Clan! Pretty sure he was sold to him-“ He giggled, deciding to keep Marco’s name out of it. 
“Well, someone has to make ends meet i guess.” He busies himself by stabbing a new marshmallow on his stick, not quite sure how to continue the conversation and frankly getting more and more uncomfortable the longer FE!Donnie stares at him. “Do you need anything else, or….”
Scout leaned to Hunter and whispered, not very quietly, "Why does that name sorta sound like-"
"I dunno," Hunter replied, not whispering at all. "I still don't understand any of this universe bull, and egghead didn't explain it well enough when we got here. But if I see him here, somebody's getting their head bashed in."
Marco quickly walked over and proceeded to drag Donnie over to a seat next to him, ignoring his brother’s whines of protest about him ruining his fun. “Apologies.”
Hunter stuck his neck out at Donnie. "Yeah, real fun." He huffed, baring his teeth.
"Hey, be nice!" Scout whined. "I'm Scout, this is Hunter, it's nice to meet you!" With a bit of a struggle due to his entanglement with his brother, Scout got an arm out to wave.
Mika stared at this alternate older version of his brother, it slightly unnerved him how unhinged he was compared to his Donnie, although it was still Donnie. Spirit quickly hid behind Mika, the sudden appearance of another person spooked him.
” PSYSTT- Marco, Marco Marco-“ Donnie poked Marco’s cheek repeatedly as he loudly whispered. 
”You should totallyyy become friends with other me! He’s from the Foot too!!” He still whispered loudly, which was not hard to listen in.
Marco’s eyebrow twitched. “Donnie-“
”Oop- Sorrryyy- couldn’t help myself!!” Donnie giggled as he looked around the campfire. All of a sudden he stopped. A mystic gun materialized in his hand.
Marco shot an alarmed look at the gun. “Uh, Donnie? Hey buddy?”
He peers over to what Donnie is looking at, trying to figure out what got him spooked. 
Spirit peered over Mika’s shoulder and spotted the gun, his eyes widened and he quickly moved in front of Mika in a sad attempt to protect him.
Hunter hunched over Scout and full-on growled. "What is your deal, man?"
ICE finished eating his s'more, before complaining "I want a gun too."
FE!Donnie’s breathing was quick he stood up and lifted the gun right in Angelo’s direction. He kept a wide smile, his red and blue pupils shrank slightly with insanity.
Angelo's instinct flared as he felt a murderous intent directed at him. Years of being attacked randomly caused him to snap his head from his conversation with ICE, immediately seeing the barrel of a gun pointing at him. His eyes and hands glowed, ready to summon his chains the second the gun fired. He didn’t want to be the first to spill blood here without reason. His dad may call that a weakness, but he's here to make friends, not enemies.
However, before anyone could do anything, a figure emerges behind the gun-wielding turtle. Tall, hooded, *silent*. He quickly brought a gloved hand over the gunner's beak, muttering something too low for him to hear. A purple mist began to spread from his hand, and after a quick struggle, the gun dissolved into purple pixels and the gunner slumped to the ground unconscious.
A flurry of movements around the campfire. Marco, It's Marco, right? summoned a large mystic bow, an arrow pointed at the figure. "... What the hell did you do to my brother" he growled, the string of his bow tensing as it was pulled back. 
A snicker sounded from beside him as ICE called out, "NGL, your brother was about to shoot someone". 
Hunter, who's sitting on the other side of him holding his brother Scout like a plushie, glared over at ICE. " You're way too chill about this." 
ICE leans over and whispers, a slightly crazed grin on his face, "Coffee in the morning, coffee at lunch, and coffee for dinner makes the brain cells go away." 
Hunter's snout scrunched. He looked down at his brother. "Scout, I don't like it here, they're usin' too many human words."
"Oh come on, you remember what coffee is!"
"Not really."
The figure tilted his head agreeing with ICE's comment. He flexes his fingers, displaying purple reflexive nodes on the tips of his digits, trailing to the core at the center of his wrist. The purple mist from before retreated down the tubings as soon as he curled his fingers. 
"A sedative appropriate for this situation. He will remain stable and will awaken in approximately 12 hours after the relaxant works through his system". He eyed the weapon aimed at him, raising a brow. "I do hope for your sake that's not for me"
A quiet spread for a bit. Foot Captain gripped his currently collapsed tech scythe, ready to bring it out when a fight broke. He couldn’t believe someone pulled a gun on his brother again. He glared at the unconscious figure on the ground. He knew there was something weird about him. He would have to do some research before he can plan out a revenge. 
The silence broke as Marco releases the tension in his bow. "Hm, apologies. I was taught to always be vigilant and besides, unless you don't want to be on the ground having a nightmare I wouldn't threaten me." He shrugs, nonchalant. He gestured with his bow, "Interesting technology. I do favor combining technology with medical science." He opened his hands as the bow disappeared into pink mystic strings, he sighed as he rubbed his forehead, his goggles reflected the light of the campfire, hiding his eyes from view.
The silent newcomer, he really should find out his name, clicked his tongue and shrugged, taking a seat closer to the campfire, but still a ways away from everyone else. Foot Captain sees how the figure moving caused Angelo to clench his fist, eyes and hands glowing and expression closed off. No smile in sight for the first time since they arrived at camp. It appears that he's in mission mode now. Great. Now none of his family will sleep tonight. Well, perhaps Raph, but the rest of his brothers will keep watch so Raph can sleep if he'd like. 
The figure continued when he sat down. "It's not so much a threat as it is an invitation. Besides..." *The canisters of his respirator clocked inwards, a muffled inhale audible amongst the sidebar conversations and crackles from the fire. He rolled his shoulders before settling back into his former position, exhaling slowly as the next words rumbled from his mask.
“Nightmares aren’t such a dreadful thing...”
A rustling sounded as Hunter sniffed sharply and started to stand. 'Yeah, no, we ain't stickin' around for this." He grips his brother tighter.
"What? Why?" Scout, still smiling, asked, "He didn't even say his name yet!"
"Uh, excuse me? 'Nightmares aren't such a...' whatever he said?!"
Spirit slowly dropped his floating position and decided just to sit next to Mika, a nervous look on both of them but Spirit seemed more worried about the unconscious turtle on the ground.
Scout noticed Spirit's worried expression. "Don't worry, Spirit! If he's just like me, he should feel fine when he wakes up! All my brothers were alright when we got... uh... sedated?"
Hunter sighed. "Y'know, at this point, I just can't stop you."
The comment about all of Scout’s brothers being sedated probably made Spirit more concerned, but he didn’t let that show as he smiled, “Thanks, Scout.”
”You are bold to be quick to say that. Everyone is afraid of something, it can be themselves if I want to.“ Marco muttered that last part to himself as he rubbed the scars on the back of his neck, covering the weird Kraang symbols marking it.
Campfire. Dark. Avoidance. Hesitation. Fear. Based on his prior research, everything seemed in order. He watched as FE! Marco touches a place on the back of his neck. A remnant or ‘call’, sourced by this individual’s fears, perhaps. Nevertheless, he wasn’t here to prey on these individuals, despite his contradictory appearance. His canisters clocked inward once again and he took another breath.
“I can’t say that I have a habit of absconding from suffering, whether it manifests by the hand of fear or otherwise. No… I’m rather curious to see…” He paused to breathe again, only for his vocals to return with a rasp.
“…If you can show me something that hasn't already been revealed to me....But I digress for now. Everything has its place and order in due season.” He tips his head to the other campers. “...You may refer to me as ‘Donovan’.”
Marco raised his eyebrow, ”I would prefer to not use my power, but nice to meet you, Donovan. Unique name.”
Hunter cringed. "If there's this many Donnie's, I think I'm gonna hate it here." His answer was a loud snore from the Donnie currently face down on the ground
ICE walked over from his spot and held out his hand to shake Donovan's "All this excitement aside, I don't think we were properly introduced. My name is ICE." 
”Marco. your camp counselor. aka babysitter.” He rubbed his head and his mask, his goggles had been irritating to wear for a while. He knew it wouldn’t be wise to take them off.
Scout leaned forward cheerily again, only to be pulled back by Hunter. "I'm Scout, this is Hunter! He's being weird right now."
Maintaining 'goggle-to-goggle contact' with Marco, Donovan didn’t budge. Instead, another gloved hand claimed his place, gripping ICE firmly. Blue fabric dangled in front of their face, trailing up to the owner of the smug, close-lipped smile hovering above them. Crimson crescents illuminated slightly, complimenting his blood-red pupils. He held the hand at bay for a little longer than comfort would dictate before claiming his hand to his side, making his way over to his brother. Both of them simultaneously nodded at Scout and Hunter’s introduction thereafter.
Marco growled slightly underneath his breath, he had the stinging feeling that Donovan was onto him or knew about his eyes. He didn’t pay any attention to the new “Leo”.
He decided to look down at his holographic computer that appeared from his watch, swiping through it.
ICE chuckled nervously, before quietly retiring to his seat and eating a marshmallow like a normal person. He now understood Hunter's wish to leave and head back to the cabin, and would probably join him if he actually ended up doing so.
Hunter couldn't help but grin and stretch his neck in ICE's direction. "Not so chill now, huh, shrimp?"
ICE glared in his direction as he took another bite of his normal s'more. "Shut it" he muttered irritably
"You first." Hunter's grin widened. To his surprise, ICE did indeed 'shut it'
Foot Captain bristled as more and more people started to appear, he felt Raph put a hand on his shoulder, giving him a concerned look. he shook his head, telling his brother "I'm fine".
"Maybe we should go. I don't like how that guy pointed a gun at Angelo before." Raph frowned, preparing to stand up. 
Spirit wasn’t sure whether he should be terrified or amazed and these new turtles so he just sat still in his seat and fiddled with the end of one of his mask tails while shooting glances at them
The blue-clad newcomer maneuvered his mask tails between his fingers, shooting a glance at Spirit, the smile never leaving his face. He hadn’t blinked since he’d arrived. Not once.
Spirit shivered in his spot and quickly hid behind Mika who smiled warily at the scarier version of his blue brother
”Well tea time is over for me. I'll see you all later.” He got up, he seemed a bit panicked. He didn’t even really say anything about himself.
Hunter looked to be visibly worried at the departing Marco. Meanwhile, Scout kept smiling. "Aw, see you later Marco!"
The blue-clothed figure ticked his head up, his eyes briefly giving off an orange glint, a smile dissipating in tandem. Donovan didn’t have to look to get the hint. Getting up from his seat, he followed his brother into the dark. They wouldn’t be seen again for the rest of the night.
Angelo felt a tap on his shoulder. He tore his eye from FE!Donnie and the disappearing Donovan. He looked back to see his brothers standing behind him. Raph smiled and mouthed 'wanna go?' He nodded, adrenaline still high even if there was no fight occurring. he summoned his cloak and kusarigama as a precaution as they left. He doesn't feel safe anymore. He saw that Donnie already held his bo, knuckles white where it gripped the metal. 
Silence settles down on the campfire again. Distant sounds of the other campfire's conversation and laughter sounded. However, over here, it was tense, the crackling sounds of the fire the only thing filling the silence. 
ICE silently got up, and got himself some more marshmallows, before sitting back down to roast them.
Hunter watches the spot where Marco left. "Huh. So, uh, who's bringin' weirdo's brother's body back to the cabin? Or are we leavin it here?"
Said brother rises as if he was in a coffin. “Nah! I’m good!”, making a few people jump in surprise. 
Hunter grabs Scout defensively. "Shell, man. You don't just do that."
ICE stood up and looked at everyone else "Well! I think it would be a great idea for all of us to head back to the cabin, like right now!"
"Sounds great to me." Hunter swung his neck around to pop it as he stood up, grabbing Scout's arm to head back toward the cabin.
FE!Donnie kicks his feet around. “You guys go ahead!! I’m not even from this cabin!!” he giggled.
True Colors by me
Fear’s Embrace by @karonkar
Covert AU by@chessman-protocol
Hold Every Memory by @languajix
Ghost of the Past by @wandering-ghost
Starry Tmnt by @just-another-tired-gay-artist
It’s a Complicated Equation by @leilanising-vault-of-knowledge
Tmnt: Second Shot Crew by @twignotstick
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herbgerblin · 3 years
WIP ask meme, the "magnus makes the ipre go to the gym" one?
"Magnus would choose a recreational center for a hangout," Davenport said, after barely arriving five minutes. "But I suppose it's the thought that counts."
The center in question was a huge facility, built to contain every indoor athletic activity imaginable. Merle, with the rest of the crew, clustered near the lockers near the changing rooms.
"He's had free sessions spilling over from being a member for so long," Lucretia said, flipping through a brightly colored brochure from the front desk. She was already dressed and ready to go, while the rest of them lagged. "These fantasy workout points aren't going to burn themselves."
"Where is Magnus anyway?" Barry asked, closing his locker. "Wasn't he planning for all of us to work out together?"
"Rock wall," Lup replied, pointing upwards, across the hallway.
As if on queue, Margnus turned to wave at all them from his incredibly high vantage point. The harness attached to him was slacked to a pully system at the bottom of the wall.
"I'll pass," Merle said. "My joints would never forgive me if I attempt that."
"How does does a few rounds of bowling sound?" Davenport asked. He brandished a pair of gnome and dwarf sized bowling shoes from his locker.
"Now you're talking!" Merle replied.
"But—your joints?" Barry asked, already knowing that the dwarf would disregard the question.
"You kids have fun!" Merle said. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."
"So much for team bonding," Taako muttered, sounding not all that concerned about it. "They have bowling here?"
"This facility has a banquet of activities to participate in," Lucretia replied. She flipped to the back of the brochure and ran a finger down a long list of options. "We could do doubles tennis?"
"I think we ruled out tennis when the last rackets we had were used for cooking utensils," Barry noted.
"The waffle iron broke," Lup pouted. Before Barry could air her crimes further, she pointed to another option on the brochure. "What about basketball?"
Barry glanced at her, looking like she just stepped out of Fantasy nike commercial, to himself and shook his head. "I think you'd have a bit of an unfair advantage."
"Nuh-uh," Lup argued. Lucretia handed her the brochure, and Lup's eyes lit up over one of the options. "Oh! They have couples yoga."
She read aloud the small caption underneath: "Strengthen your relationship and bring it to a new level of trust, communication, and intimacy." She waggled her eyebrows on that last word for extra affect.
Barry choked out a laugh. "Well, when you put it that way..."
"Come on, Babe." Lup tugged on his shirt. "Don't you want to strengthen our relationship? Don't you want to be like them?" She pointed to a photo on the brochure, of a pair of people in what looked to be a fairly complex double planking pose.
Barry squinted at the picture. "I don't think we can achieve that level of flexibity in one session, hun."
"That's quitter talk."
“I call dibs on the pool,” Taako interjected. He picked up his bag and a towel, and started walking away. “Don’t talk to me unless you’re drowning.”
“You’re the only one going swimming,” Lup called after him.
“Then don’t talk to me unless I’M drowning,” he called back.
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Duke Thomas/The Signal Fic Recs
This is for @capttain-emo who saw me reblog this wonderful rec list by @stories-from-the-batcave , and asked if I knew any more. (I highly recommend those, btw, I love all the fics on that list! Yes, that includes the one I wrote in there) Duke Thomas is my favorite Batfam member, so I have a bunch! Unfortunately, there isn’t as much Duke content out there as I’d hope - people just don’t seem to like him as much for some reason? It’s sad. So, there are gonna be a couple here written by me. Rest assured, I have way more Duke content on the way - including a WIP coming out this week! (Ao3 linked out at the top of my blog)
I love recommending Fics, so hit me up in my inbox if there’s a trope or character or relationship (platonic or not) that you’d really love to read! I also write fan fiction, and my requests are always open!
1. Siblings: The Truth of the Matter by Me!
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & his siblings
Duke had a strange family. Two of his siblings had been raised from birth to be assassins. One was born in a circus. One had been a crime lord for a time. Yet another was the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company by the age of seventeen. All of them dressed up in spandex every night to punch bad guys.
So when he was woken up by icy water being splashed in his face, tied to a chair in nothing but his boxers, he wasn't surprised. Now, that's not to say he wasn't worried. Duke was definitely worried. Especially since it was these two.
AKA Duke gets tied up and questioned by his siblings, all while drugged with Truth Serum!
2. Bliss by Me!
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Damian
Duke walks in on a sleeping assassin child in need of comfort, and takes a chance. Brotherly bonding ensues!
3. An ever growing family of birds and bats by alicecrow6
Rating: General Audiences/Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Damian
a series of Batkids Age Reversal fics where Damian comes first, then Harper, then Duke and so on.
4. look at me, all the things I can do by Aelig  
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Cass, Duke & Bruce
"Duke took a bite of his toast, gaze still on Bruce. His foster father was sipping at his coffee, eyebrows frowning. To an outsider, you would think he was reading the morning news on his tablet, like always; Duke knew better. Bruce's look was a little away from the screen, his lips downward.
It was almost funny, to watch Bruce internally panic."
OR: It's the morning, and Duke is going back to school for the first time since his injury.
5. The Batchair(s) Issue by NightFlier
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen w/ background ships Relationships: Duke & Cass, Duke & Steph, Steph/Cass Trio & Batfam
Duke Thomas feels like an outsider, and not just because he's part of the new Outsiders team roster. He's the newest member of the legendary Batclan and hasn't yet formed the close bonds that the others share. Not to mention, he's the only active Meta on the team. As if it wasn't hard enough to relate with people with such colorful, unique backgrounds.
But it's okay! Duke has a plan and it'll probably work for a while before crashing & burning. BatShenanigans ahead.
6. All That Glitters is Gold (Unfortunately) by IndefiniteIceCube
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Tim, Duke & Steph
The world is gold and Duke can't breathe.
He can't breathe.
He was sitting in AP World History just a minute ago.
Was it a minute ago? It seemed like a minute ago but it could have been hours because all he can focus on is that he can’t breathe. His lungs won’t fill and- and he’s trying he swears but he just. can’t. breathe.
And the gold—
Duke's powers emerge.
It doesn't go well.
7. Be the Light that Helps Others See by Ace_Corvid @ace-corvid
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam
Duke didn't really know what to expect from movie nights with the Bats.
He could only assume they approached this with the same determined intensity as they approached everything else. They were all so extra it was like their gauge for normal was completely broke. He wasn't really prepared for this.
And yet here he was. Surrounded.
(Alternatively; Batkid's have a movie night.)
8. I've Made a Million Mistakes by Sohotthateveryonedied
“Y’all need Jethuth.”
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam
“Don’t worry,” Dick says, throwing his arm around Duke’s shoulders. “Everyone in this room has had their teeth knocked out at one point or another. It’s a rite of passage around here.”
“I don’t know how to tell you thith, but that doethn’t happen to normal people. We acthually prefer to keep our teeth, believe it or not.”
“Wait until you get your first major battle scar. Trust me, they’re cool.”
“Y’all need Jethuth.”
9. Children (All of Them) by TheFalconWarrior
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam
In which Tim is not stupid but Jason might just be, Damian is furious, Dick kind of feels like he should be doing…something, Steph is ecstatic, and Duke wonders how long he can survive.
10. In the Dark of the Night by Aelig
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Jason, Batfam
"Duke was woken up by someone sliding into his bed. Someone big judging by how the mattress shifted.
Because Duke was a well-trained vigilante, his first reflex was obviously to kick whoever was being creepy right now and push them out of his bed.
It was only when the someone landed on the floor with a yelp that Duke realized that he was at Wayne Manor, which was incredibly secure – normally. He could recognize the voice, too."
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: none
OR: The Batfam and their way to deal with nightmares.
11. Welcome to the Family by angstyelephant
In which Duke Thomas goes back to the beginning.
12. Family-- by incorrectbatfam
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & batfam
“Your assignment over the weekend is to write a poem about your family.”
13. I'm Still Climbing(Even When the Rest Have Fallen) by anidear
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Dick, Duke & Damian
After his first exposure to the Fear Toxin, Dick checks in on Duke.
14. The cat and the newcomer by Fleur_de_Violette
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Alfred the Cat
Duke always found people talking to their pets about their problems silly. And yet here he was.
15. Duke-napped by NightOwl1600
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Bruce, Duke & batfam
The others don’t really bother Duke with his business. They all care about him, he knows, but outside of the vigilante business, they don’t really care to ask aside from the typical “How was school?” or “Can you buy me some chilidogs after you’re done with whatever you’re doing?” So he’s a bit concerned if they’ll even notice when he’s been kidnapped as Duke Thomas, Bruce Wayne’s newest ward. But he’s not about to panic; as the others seem to be so determined that traumatizing new experiences are part of Bat-initiation.
Meanwhile, the rest of the family freaks out because “Did anyone go over the do’s and don’ts of getting kidnapped with Duke?!”
16. Nightmare/Hallucination by FearfulKitten @fearfulkittenwrites
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Jason
Duke found himself staring at the ceiling again. His heart was no longer racing, but he wouldn’t exactly say that he was calm either. This is the moment after the end of a race you lost, when all of the adrenaline is starting to wear off and the hopelessness sets in. That’s it. You’re out of the competition, buddy.
Except that this isn’t a race, and Duke hasn’t just lost his spot for the finals. He had simply lost sleep.
17. Jason Todd, Big Brother Part 8792 by Gemini_00
Rating: General Audiences Category: Other Relationships: Duke & Jason, Duke & Damian
Robin and the Signal sneak along the Outlaws mission in order to steal a bazooka and hang out with Kori. Jason has to deal with two little brothers and feeding a team of outlaws. He's putting this on Bruce's credit
18. "What's wrong? What's happening?" By FearfulKitten @fearfulkittenwrites
Rating: General Audiences Category: Other Relationships: Duke & Tim
Duke runs into trouble during his daytime patrol, and ends up needing some back up. The resident over-productive insomniac bat picks up the call.
(A little bit of and Duke interaction for a nice tumblr Anon :) I hope you like it!)
19. Nightmares by FearfulKitten @fearfulkittenwrites
Rating: Teen Category: Other Relationships: Duke & Dick
Filling the nightmare square on my bingo card with the help of an anon on tumblr who asked for a fic where Duke has a nightmare and asks for the help of one of the older batboys!
"Duke checked the time again. Two minutes had passed.
Time was ticking too slowly. He was tired, but sitting alone in the dark was definitely not a good idea right now.
He’d have to ask for help."
20. Brothers in Arms by TheFalconWarrior
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam
...possibly against each other. Batkid prank wars are the worst.
Duke is learning. Tim is evil. So is Damian. Dick is embarrassing. Jason is dramatic. Steph is brave. Babs is all-knowing. Cass wants in. Alfred is a little amused, and Bruce is so. Tired.
21. First rule of Robin, right? By ALzzza
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Damian,Duke & Dick
"Nothing’s going to hurt you—you got that, nothing.”
Duke doesn’t have anything better to do but it’s not like that matters. Hell, he’d drop everything and run—always in time to catch this little bird.
Or, Damian’s Been Having Nightmares, Duke To The Rescue—Dick Always With The Reassurance
22. Duke's Diary by fiery_day
 Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam,Duke & Dick
This is a couple of journal entries by Duke as he learns to become Signal. He relates his thoughts on the batfamily and aspects of the vigilante life he now leads.
23. Significance of a Gala by nxttime
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Batfam,Duke & Jason, Duke & Tim
This year’s Wayne Gala would be Duke’s first, and he had no clue how to feel about it.
 25. The cloud that looks after each other by Batmango
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Bruce, Duke & Goliath
Duke wakes up the Bat cave after a fight with the Joker.
For MashpotatoeQueen5 as a thanks for using so many of my prompt in the excellent January Jot-Downs.
Prompt: a hurt comfort after an injury/illness? Or just cuddles. I love me some cuddles.
26. The One You’ll Know By by Redrikki
Rating: Teen Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Bruce, Bruce & Alfred
After losing his memory, Bruce asked Alfred not to tell him about his vigilante life, but he's beginning to think his butler left a few other things out. Like, say, his kids.
27. Duke Thomas Hates Bullies by Gemini_00
Rating: Unrated Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Steph, Duke & Tim, Duke & Bruce, Duke & Damian
Everyone loves that Duke Thomas isn't like all those other crazy Waynes. Everyone loves that the Signal isn't trying to get himself killed. Duke may not see Bruce as his dad, but he is definitely part of the bat family. and nobody is going to bully his family. Or, Duke Thomas Kicks Ass.
28. batman is dancing to fortnight and this might as well happen because vigilante life is already so *Goddamn* weird (Duke Thomas: A Memoir) by MashpotatoeQueen5
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Bruce, Duke & Batfam
You may not have time to unpack all that, but Duke Thomas does.
(He doesn't get it either.)
(He loves his new crazy family nonetheless.)
29. In a World Where You Can Be Anything, Be Kind by RedHoodie1723
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Bruce, Duke & Batfam
Day Six of Batfam Week 2020: Take Your Child To Work Day
It was Duke's first time visiting Wayne Enterprises, and he couldn't help but be intrigued by the Martha Wayne Foundation.
30. You’re My Brother by blackpercy
Rating: General Audiences Category: Gen Relationships: Duke & Dick
Duke's missing his parents a lot and Dick comes in to help his little brother.
And that’s it for the list! I hope you enjoy these thirty works! Once again, send me an ask if you have requests for fics, recs, or if you have general questions!
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thedivinedemom · 3 years
An AU of DC with a mass crossover of PS4 properties.
Provisional name: Players Searching for Detectable Changes (Get the pun?)
The setup:
This is the future of DC, a world where the old guard has slowly withdrawn and the newer generations have risen to the occasion. The original Titans in particular, most of which have formed the new Justice League while many other, very similar teams had started to form across the world. One of which was a resurgence of the Teen Titans, led by an older and purified Raven. She wanted to make the Teen Titans something akin as it was for her, a place to belong and learn to use one's powers.
The first 'class' of such individuals include:
Stargirl (of the now-disbanded JSA and still getting used to the Starrod)
Blue Beetle III (Freshly attached to his alien symbiote and freaking out a bit)
Robin V (to work on his anger issues, mostly at the new Batman's request)
Kaldur (a half Atlantean half metahuman who is struggling with his identity and the surface world, Aquaman feels a kinship for the boy seeing their similarities)
Static Shock (a promising new hero but little experience working outside his city or in groups)
Mary Marvel (she's... she's going through alot. Fresh from a coma, her brother is distant as he acts as the new Wizard, and she may be, sorta kinda, being corrupted by Black Adam's gifted power)
The team was rough and there was plenty of head butting (Mostly between Stargirl and Robin/Damian as one is almost the unanimous leader while the other thinks he should be) but they were getting there. They were more of a clean up crew for the Justice League, they did more than the "kiddie missions" that the Outsiders didn't do, and they meant more than the PR grab that was the International team. Though they didn't seem to amount to more than that. They still did their best, pushing past the silent ridicule, as they went about their missions.
This may be why tempers were so high that day.
One day, outside a little city by the name of Weller's Point, the prisoner transport for the villain Plasmus had an "accident". Released and awakened the creature went on a rampage, heading ever closer to the populated area. Luckily, the mentor of the New Teen Titans could teleport. The new team did fairly well in the fight, though they did struggle a bit as Plasmus was not a being where simple brute force would work. It made the fight tricky and more than a bit... messy.
Messy enough that juvenile and emotionally compromised Mary Marvel lashed out against the downed villain but was stopped by her teammates... things escalated from there. Restraint turned blows and the whole team struggled to stop their powerhouse without hurting her. The ones who do the best are Raven, Stargirl, Blue Beetle, and oddly Static.
While both of the former could use their abilities to restrain her to a very effective degree Static was actively draining her of strength, or at least of the electic aura she was radiating and blasting with. Frustrated, done with the situation, and a bit petty Mary launched her largest attack yet by saying her magical word.
Virgil did what he did best, he handled that lightning as it came crashing down towards Mary and the Titans restraining her. Well, he tried. The bolt was just too powerful, too unlike anything he had ever encountered. He could not handle it and it was dissipating, if anything it clung to him or tried to jump towards the girl. He had to get rid of it and he had to get rid of it quickly, safely too if he could help it.
He shoved it into the ground, into the power lines. He did it as carefully as he could, trying to prevent overload or flashover as guided the charge into the power grid.
What happened next was a combination of a few things. 1. The Mystic and transformative properties of the Lightning, 2. It is effectively being filtered through a bang baby, 3. The kryptonite power plant owned by, provided by, and operated by Lexcorp.
This interaction, this new charge, cycling through the power grid interacted strangely with a number of devices but none more so than PlayStation 4s and the devices connected to them. This new electricity changed things, literally. It brought fantasy into reality.
Whatever game was loaded into became a part of our reality in a small way. Sometimes TVs, Controllers, and even the system changed to reflect items from the game but the bigger change came with the Players. If a person was playing their console during the surge then they would become a metahuman with abilities based on the playable character they were playing.
The city, the county even, was now flooded by an abundance of metahumans and items of varying power of devastation. Static felt horrible.
He couldn't help but compare what has happened here to what happened in Dakota City but on a wider scale. And this time it was his fault. His sense of responsibility wouldn't, couldn't, let that stand. He had to fix his mistake and his team was dragged along for the ride.
The story to follow is a mix of Final Crisis and Kingdom Come with a bit of the Young Justice cartoon in events and themes, a few twists and likely a bit lighter in tone but to the DC geeks this should give a rough idea… Maybe a bit of Marvel's Civil War but hopefully not the rushed knee-jerk mess that that ended up being.
But it's here that I start having issues with my planning. One part in worry as outside the set up we start to follow the perspective of OCs (something rarely smiled upon) and another part in wondering which OC to focus on.
Now, one thing I love in fiction is progressive powers and the conflict escalating from the different paths people take in said progression. In that vein, I have a pair of protags in mind as well.
The main two/co-protagonists:
The Lawkeeper- a cop before the change and now a member of a task force made up largely of those affected by the surge. A gamer, a man of color, and a believer of the spirit of the law. He doesn't always get along with his fellow officers but he believes in what the blue does. He believes that an organized response is what is best.
His abilities are based on those of Jesse Fades of Control. Meaning he has tremendous psychic potential but he needs 3 things to reach his full potential.
1.Items to bond to so he can generate these psychic abilities. Jesse's used altered items of her universe to get thematic abilities from them (ex: a safe to generate a shield, a carousel horse for a dash ability, ect). Here he can use items generated by the surge.
2. A patron/partner entity to help guide, give insights, and empower. It also let's the user enforce reality, basically becoming an anti reality warper.
3. A bonded morph weapon or a weapon to come to his hand when called.
The knight- a recent college graduate who instantly decided to go the route of the caped hero. She, after figuring out how to get her powers to work, instantly went the route of a caped crusader. Going out to the streets, saving lives, stopping instances of surge item abuse, and (in the humble opinion of the local Police Department) getting in the way of operations. In her opinion they were taking too long to get things done.
Her abilities are based on those of Prince Noctis of Final Fantasy XV. This means she has tremendous physical and magical potential but like the above she has a number of check marks needed to gain access to the character's full power.
1. A gem/crystal to draw power from.
2. 13 magical weapons to boost strength. The generated game weapons will do and I have most picked out in a way that likely would help the plot progress.
3. The blessing of 5-6 gods.
4. A power ring of some king to channel all this power.
I keep debating the two above as I do like the idea of both of them climbing in power and clashing over conflicting ideals of what to do with their power. At the same time, I think that just smooshing aspects of both into one (which is actually where they started, a single character) and play off the different ideologies of how best to help people from within her friend group and precinct along with internal conflict. Maybe have the one be a fellow officer they butt heads with because of the... precarious nature
Another OC I was thinking on, keeping with the theme of what to do when you have power, is a thief who played Persona 5. Like both of the above they would be crippled in their ability to use their abilities without a way to fake the connection to. In this case, without the Mementos App, they would need an item that could affect or enter the hearts of others. Luckily, more unlucky really, there are plenty of items floating around that can do just that. Namely Keyblades.
Most other Players are an odd mix but most are variations of the Shooter build. Peak physical humans who heal quickly and often have bullet time. But there are enough other variations to cause trouble. Demigods of unreal strength, men and women who can easily tap into a patron for powers from the outside, 2 variations of spider powers, cat eyed men and women who can cast magic with simple gestures, and so much more. But the real issue was the first two, the demigods without a parent to protect them and those easily connected to a divine source.
The disembodied New Gods of Apocalypse were very happy with those groups. For how bad this can be please look at what happened to Mary Marvel in canon Final Crisis.
Thoughts and opinions would be appreciated.
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Oh I've been waiting for this moment hihihi. so may a request a 🍰
Not really too much to brag about but... i’m 5’2, toned skin, medium brown hair( still have some green remnants)slim body thin waist + pretty marked hip (one of the parts of my body that i really like ) but oddly thick thighs. Dark brown eyes and small but still full lips.
Style / Aesthetic :Don't know exactly how to describe this, but most of the time I work with grunge,dark academia and vintage, but often you can see me in cotagecore and glam chic outfits. or a big mix of this
I’m a taurus, Libra rising and Sag moon , ESFP,Love to make new friends and i can be pretty talkative...principally if we talking about art, music , cooking , animes or sports .I’m a ravenclaw ,I can be really stubborn but I'm trying to work on this, people also say i have short temper, but i can't believe this.Teasing sarcastic and flirty are some adjectives I can add to my personality description, it is actually so natural that i probably do without notice. I can be a really crackhead sometimes, especially when I'm with my friends, but mostly I try to use the reason . I can be pretty clingy to my close friends and family. Also I can be pretty random, being my friend means that you will receive some messages/ videos at 3 AM or even get a new playlist in full Tuesday :)
Hobbies and random stuff :
I love cooking / baking i actually have a “brand ” of homemade biscuits (family’s recipe), I can play volleyball and badminton and i normally do this with my friends(in the end of High school i played almost everyday ) and now i’m planing play for my university’s team. I really like to listen to music , and I'm doing this 24/7( I kind of have a server on discord just for the music bot ). I actually can speak 3 languages and I'm working on the 4th one but i’m never trust my skills before sending a text in another language !!. I can actually be both or too energetic or a totally lazy bitch. but i’m probably always up to talking/ listening. I really like flowers ( I love learning about their meaning), and poetry , also writing and reading even though I've not been doing this lately.
Fun fact my favorite color is white but 85% of my wardrobe is black .
I really like make up and i love do it , but i have so me block with eyeliners i just can't do it right
About Relationships :
My love language is Quality time, so just being able to relax next each other (friends / s/o) with no words being necessary for meIt's already enough, oh i can get a little too touchy sometimes since I really like to cuddle. I love adventures, visiting new places, shopping, nature dates, stargazing, board games/ cards nights. I really like to innovate, as long as i have a good company I think I can do almost everything.
Ahhhh Lecxi, yours matchups are the best, i just love the way you write so much ,it's a muah *chef kiss*
A/N- This took SO long and I am SO sorry 🥲 but I hope you still enjoy it my dear!
Romantic Matchup
𝐎𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐓𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐮
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𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐘𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞𝐭
So you were on Seijous girls volleyball team
And you met Oikawa because well...
Ya’ll kept practicing overtime 😅
Now we’ll just say that you wanted to practice your spikes
and for that, you would need a setter
And Oikawa wanted to practice his sets
For him to do that he would need a spiker
So ya’ll were just like “hey let's just practice together
Now every time there was practice
When everyone left
You would meet up with Oikawa so that you two could practice
This went on for a while before Oikawa decided on getting to know you on a more personal level
I mean if he was going to be practicing with you he might as well get to know you right?
So he started taking you out to eat after you two finished practicing
Sometimes he would take you to a diner
Sometimes it would just be a gas station
But either way, you two would end up just sitting and talking to each other
This is how Oikawa found out how much he actually liked you
We’ll get into why later 👀
Anyways after falling into this little routine he started to hang out with you during school hours
Damn, he was really just weaseling his way into your life, isn't he?
He would only realize he had a crush on you when Iwa pointed it out
So at this point, he was just like fuck it
YOLO am I right?
So he just casually asked you out when he took you to a gas station after practice
Romantic I know
But he was over the moon when you said yes!
And ya’ll have been dating ever since
𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
He loves that you just listen to him
Like you GENUINELY listen to him
He's found that not a lot of people care what he's saying outside of volleyball
But you listen to anything and everything he talks about
And you show interest too!
This was the thing that made him realize that he liked you
Ok he REALLY loves your flirty nature
Just the fact that instead of getting flustered at his flirty comments
You just pop off with your own comment
He loves someone who can match his energy
He really likes that your clingy 👀
Whenever you hold him or ask him for cuddles
it just makes him feel wanted and loved
𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐨 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫
Ok so just addressing the elephant in the room
He loves to play volleyball with you
He calls it a good “bonding” activity
Now that THAT'S out of the way
He likes to bake with you
He has even made recipes personalized to him
For example
“Oikawa's Milk Bread Biscuits”
He took your biscuit recipe
And turned it into a milk bread
He likes to listen to music with you
I feel like he hates awkward or uncomfortable silence
So he always has SOME kind of music playing 
And finally
He loves to talk to you
Granted it's a lot of him talking and you listening
But if you're feeling down and need someone to talk to 
He's all ears
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐇𝐜
One time you and Oikawa were practicing overtime
And Iwa came into the gym and yelled at you both for “overworking yourselves”
You and Oikawa actually sell his milk bread biscuits at school
Get that coin sis 🤑
You and Oikawa just throw random pick up lines at each other
and i cant get the image of him doing finger guns at you every single time 444
He gets really mad when you start speaking a different language
Cause he cant understand you!
So sometimes you just switch languages to piss him off :)
Causing him to learn the basic phrases of the languages you can speak
When Taurus and Cancer come together in a love affair, it’s usually a very good combination.
They are two positions apart within the Zodiac, and such Signs tend to share karmic ties and a deep mutual understanding.
These particular two Signs have much in common
Both prize security in a love relationship above almost all else
both tend to be nurturers
Cancer is emotionally nurturing
while Taurus loves to spoil their lover with sensual delights, gifts and good, rich meals
They’re both quite domestic and love a quiet night spent at home with their sweetie.
The Taurus-Cancer partnership tends to be a happy one due to this mutual enjoyment of the security and comfort of home.
They love a solid home base
a strong relationship
nice possessions
good food
all the comforts of domestic life.
Theirs is often the ideal family that people of other Signs strive for, with strong ties between them and a relationship that is family-oriented rather than toward the outside world.
Their only major problems arise when Taurus insists on having its own way and Cancer responds by sulking.
Taurus must understand Cancer’s emotional sensitivity, and Cancer needs rely on open, honest communication than on emotional blackmail.
The steady, reliable team they make.
Both Signs are dependable and nurturing, strongly oriented toward domestic life together.
A mutual love of home and security makes theirs an ideal long-term, family relationship.
𝐎𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜
𝐁𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬 💋
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20 notes · View notes
everythingsinred · 3 years
Let's Talk About Natsumikan: Natsume (pt. 3)
Previously, we started talking about Natsume, how cold he is, and his mannerisms. If you want, you can think of this next segment as the final analysis for this stretch of plot where Natsume is being fully introduced and his behaviors explored. After this one, things will start to get really interesting!
TW for bullying, suicidal ideation, depression, mental illness, and child abuse. Almost all of my essays will be heavily focused on one or all of these themes so if these topics are triggering to you, it might be best to not read.
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Chapter Nine
We went crazy analyzing the episode counterpart in the anime, going over the dodgeball game and all of its consequences regarding Natsume’s feelings for Mikan. The manga has just as much to analyze regarding Natsume, but very little of it is as pleasant!
In the manga, Natsume does not start falling for Mikan here. There is no beautiful scene where she confesses this was all done to make him smile. There is no pretend peace for Natsume at the end of the episode where he and Ruka muse about the game.
No, this is worse.
The beginning concept is more or less the same, but with significantly less emphasis on Natsume individually. In fact, Tsubasa tells Mikan Natsume isn’t solely to blame for the chaos in Class B--that they all need a way to let out their feelings and start having fun instead.
Natsume ends up sucked into the game against his will. He does not feel like playing, but he goes along with it when the bet is made--that is, if Mikan loses, she and her team need to be servants forever, but if she wins the other team has to quit their bullying of Substitute-sensei forever. There is no focus on Natsume ditching, or even on Natsume at all. Really Natsume only gets into it when he sees Ruka has been roped into joining Mikan’s team by accident. Natsume despises Mikan and, considering that Ruka has been kidnapped by her before, is not any happier to see him in Mikan’s custody again. He hits her in the head with the ball on purpose, knowing it would be out of bounds, because he wants to hurt her more than he wants to get her out of the game.
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From Natsume's perspective, it does seem like she's trying to push his buttons on purpose lmao.
Natsume’s team has way more players, but because they’re afraid to hit Ruka on accident and face Natsume’s wrath, and because they are too crowded on their side, they have some obstacles. Sumire attempts to salvage this through good old fashioned cheating. Whether Natsume is privy to this seems unimportant. He doesn’t care about winning or losing either way, and doesn’t seem like he’s actively bullying the teacher to begin with like the others are. Now he’s just playing against Mikan for stealing Ruka away.
Compared to the anime’s version, the manga’s counterpart might seem anticlimactic, or less fun. But the truth is that the dodgeball game in the manga was never about befriending Natsume. Mikan never considered that because she despises him, maybe the same amount that he hates her. Creating a friendship is the last thing on either of their minds. This chapter is about Mikan finally feeling more at place in Class B as a whole, rather than winning over Natsume.
This chapter carries weight for him on an entirely different level. Natsume might have gotten himself involved with the game, and might have even had a bit of fun, but that was never going to last.
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Natsume's life vs. Class B's life. Shadows vs. Shinies!
Natsume goes to get a drink of water after the game, where he encounters Persona, who tells him he has a mission. Right after this, we have a panel of the kids of Class B wondering what they should play next. This is the most obvious visual we will get of the jarring divide between Natsume’s life and that of the rest of Class B. Even Ruka seems to fit in with the other kids, despite trying to align himself more with his best friend. Natsume truly will never be like them, even if he does let himself have fun. He will always have to stop, put away the game, and don his mask for his missions. He can’t be a child like they can; his life is too dark.
In the anime, Persona is hidden in a tree but does not confront Natsume. If anything, he is a mere shadow looming over Natsume, threatening to bring darkness on Natsume’s newfound sunshine. In the manga, Persona’s presence is more potent.
The other children can laugh and play games and the biggest worry they have is what they will play next time. For Natsume, he will never belong with the rest of them, no matter how much they might admire him. Persona is just a reminder that Natsume isn’t like the rest of them.
Chapter Ten
Natsume is in a sour mood from the mission he recently went on, and Iinchou confirms this by saying he’s been grumpy since the dodgeball game. I talked about other reasons he may have been angry in the anime but in the manga it’s indisputable that Persona is the cause.
Thus, he has no qualms telling Mikan how it is: that her grandpa isn’t receiving the letters because they aren’t being sent, and that the teachers can’t be trusted. All of the things Ruka told her before are now coming from the horse’s mouth: this school is a prison. And again he reiterates: he and Mikan are marked, and more than anybody else, they’re treated differently from the rest of the kids. He is, after all, even more isolated from his loved ones than the rest are. On New Years, when everyone gets some letters and cards from loved ones, Natsume is the only one who’s not allowed anything. For him to imagine that there’s a kind-hearted teacher willing to send a letter or two is simply not even worth his time.
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Okay but. Like. Nobody asked you, though.
It’s hard to say for sure why Natsume decided to tell Mikan this (other than to plant the seed of doubt in Mikan’s head story-wise). It’s possible that he wanted to help her, but keep in mind that he still hates her at this point. It’s far more likely that he, after a period of missions and consequent depleted health, is not in the mood to tolerate her rose-colored lenses and is much more willing to destroy her idealism and say it like it is, to shut her up.
After all, his threat from the Northern Woods is still relevant: he truly thinks that she will come to regret enrolling at the academy. If nothing else has worked to dampen her spirits, maybe the realization that she has been lied to will do the trick. He's just helping that epiphany along.
Chapter Eleven
The school festival is approaching and Mikan is dead set on making friends with people she wouldn’t normally consider. Naturally, this means trying with Natsume, who burns her hair and tells her to piss off.
Comparing the manga to the anime with this particular chapter is fascinating. In the anime, Natsume has already started liking Mikan. He helps her come up with ideas for her class to do and even encourages her to make up with her senpais when they have an argument. She starts understanding his unique type of kindness and appreciating his presence. It’s a cute episode where they can relate to each other and bond.
In the manga, they still hate each other. Mikan only approaches him because of Narumi’s advice, and because he doesn’t care, Natsume doesn’t mind burning her hair to get her away from him. He is in a sour mood because he can’t participate, made clear when Seaweed-head, Sumire’s brother, makes an appearance. He taunts both Mikan and Natsume for their lame ability classes, particularly the dangerous ability class, because they’re not even allowed to enter the festival. He makes a comment, something along the lines of them being “perfect partners” as a result (exhibit who’s-even-keeping-count-anymore of them being paired off before they even like each other). Natsume burns his hair too and calls him “fried seaweed”, playing off of Mikan’s insult for him.
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You can't see his eyes in these panels, and then he walks off, so it's almost easy to fall for the idea that he couldn't care less... but we know better.
Mikan later runs into him again, and this is where there is some consistency. In the anime, they are both clearly outcasts regarding the festival. Everyone expects the worst from the special ability class, and the dangerous ability class isn’t even allowed to enter the competitions. In the manga, the same things are true, and they are both aware of this.
Mikan, shocked at seeing him again, drops all her papers. She’s expecting him to insult her or use his alice again, on account of him being a “hateful person”, but Natsume does no such thing. They’re the only ones who would truly get it, being left out, so Natsume says instead that he doesn’t get what all the hype is about. Such a big fuss over nothing. Pathetic, even. He picks up her papers for her, though he doesn’t have to move much to do so. They stand in silence for a moment.
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I mean... he didn't have to pick up her papers for her.
Perhaps his hatred for her is actually cooling. She is struggling through similar things as he is, and there’s room for bonding between them, even if neither of them particularly wants to. Whatever the reason, Natsume is choosing to just talk to her instead of insulting or teasing her here. Moreover, the way he says all this, so transparently, as if he wouldn’t have found the festival interesting even if he could participate, is something she can see through. You can imagine Mochu or Sumire nodding in agreement with his statement, maybe even pretending they thought so too this whole time, rather than connecting the dots as Mikan does. Natsume has a similar viewpoint on many things, things that are “all hype over nothing”, in his opinion, like the festival or even kissing that he actually does want to do.
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If Natsume can't participate, then Ruka won't either...
At the end of the chapter, Ruka comes to hang out with Natsume, choosing time with his best friend over meetings about the festival. He knows better than anyone probably how Natsume feels, being left out. Ruka will always choose Natsume over everything else, as he always has done, and keeping him company so he doesn’t feel lonely is an easy thing to sacrifice. It is his way of keeping his promise that he will make sure Natsume doesn't feel alone at the academy.
Chapter Twelve
Yet another chapter where the plots diverge from the anime’s version of events, Chapter Twelve is our trip to Central Town. Just like in the anime, Natsume is Mikan’s one condition to go to Central Town, and he is only convinced by Youichi.
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It would have been nice to see the time Natsume and Yo-chan first met, and how Natsume became so close to him since he doesn't seem fond of any other dangerous ability types.
It’s nice knowing that Natsume has people he loves even at the academy, other than Ruka, and things that can make him smile, if even for a brief moment. Youichi looks up to Natsume and Natsume acts like a protective big brother, which is something he’s had past experience with, as revealed in this chapter.
Once in Central Town, Natsume lingers by a jewelry story, where he sees a hair-clip that reminds him of Aoi. It’s something that would suit her, but he can’t get it for her. The reader can see that Natsume is a brother, and that his mystery sister is part of his tragic backstory (oh, to see Aoi animated ;-;). Mikan naturally misunderstands this and then Natsume is absent from the rest of the chapter. It’s almost like he was trying to prove the point that his presence could hardly be felt and wouldn’t make a difference in her trip, something she was distressed about.
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Yeah, so Natsume hasn't seen his sister in two years and doesn't know if she's even safe. For people with close sibling relationships, this is like. the definition of hell.
In the anime, Mikan includes him by giving him some howalon, but in the manga no such exchange occurs. He spends this trip mostly on his own, not even with Ruka or Youichi.
I wonder if the hair-clip was upsetting to him to the extent that he wanted the time to himself, or if it was a more general feeling of not being able to fit in anyway so why even bother, similar to the dodgeball chapter. Either way, he stays gone, and that’s fine. We’ll see plenty of him in the chapters to come.
This is the last edition of analyzing Natsume this way, where he has disdain for Mikan while maneuvering her cheerful little antics. In the next edition, we'll see a little of what Natsume's dark secret life looks like, the one that caused him to be like this. We'll also see a monumental shift in the way he views Mikan and then this will start looking a lot more like a ship essay heheheehhehe.
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moonlightjeno · 4 years
the chemistry of water | l.j
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𝕡𝕒𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 :: swimmer!jeno x reader
𝕨𝕔 :: 7k
𝕒/𝕟 :: this was inspired by @smoljh swimmer!jeno timestamp. which you can read here. this is literally just pure fluff. fluff, fluff, fluff with like a couple cups of angst because i’m whipped for jeno... so enjoy.  
water, like most chemical compounds, was made up of hydrogen bonds, these weak bonds that formed between the hydrogen atoms and the oxygen gave a sense of magic that even though weak when working together managed to create something beautiful, elegant, fluid and strong incapable of being crushed. 
Chemicals, and bonds were much like relationships. Formed slowly by a weak attempt to make conversation, the awkward silence that filled the library hall as you, well you both attempted to start a conversation on how the tutoring of chemistry would go. The first reach and attempt of a forming bond between the two people that are alway initiated by someone else, a push of pull in the right direction all to lead you to the collision that would alter one’s life track.
It’s been halfway through freshman year when your professor had asked, well more like demanded you tutor the university top swimmer. The idea of tutoring had always been fascinating to you, well not fascinating more like something that seemed to be out of your comfort zone, one that you’d promised yourself you’d finally leave once college started. That had been 4 months ago, and you remained inside that bubble, talking to your roommate and her friends at most. So when the idea of tutoring someone had been brought up to you, the initial push that would cause the collision of two very different particles to bind together, you agreed with a small smile. 
“y/n, you’d have to work with him at least three times a week if he wants to get his grades up. He’s a promising student, just has a lot on his plate” your professor told you, voice calm and direct at what you would have to do. You nod, happy to be able to help, that is until you ask who you’re supposed to tutor and your professors look at you with a smile, “lee jeno”.
You're almost sure, you can feel the bonds that kept you together on that long day of classes, the single cup of coffee in your system doing little to keep you up, as the name of the school's most popular boy leaves the old man’s lips. 
Well not the most popular boy, if you’re being honest, more like the boy that your roommate wouldn’t shut up about. The boy that everyone in your class, more like your whole year and the year above, seemed to be infatuated by because of his eye smile and dark hair. The boy who, in your opinion, managed to break the hydrogen bonds that held the water molecules together, as he swam beating record after record after record. 
Bonds. A new sort of bond would be formed between the infamous lee jeno and you as you texted him that afternoon, a simple “hey” that had taken you at least ten minutes to actually send. 
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A day. It took a day for a response to come to your phone, which meant a day of you being slightly stressed about the boy you had texted out of the blue with no actual context. Though you had debated if you should have messaged him something along the lines of “it’s y/n, i was asked to tutor you” but by the time you’d had thought of actually texting him that, it had been hours since you’d first texted and decided that it would just be awkward if another message was sent hours later the first one. It was stressful, waiting for a random boy who you knew of, who you’d see pass you in the hallway, smile always bright as he waved to those around him. Tending to be accompanied by a boy who’s hair changed color like the year’s seasons. It was almost winter, and Jeno's best friend now had blue hair, and you wondered more often that not good looking people would automatically be attracted to each other, and stick together. 
The bell rings, a shrill in your ears, masking the silent vibrations of your phone as it buzzes. You don’t hear the noise of it’s vibration, paying attention to the shrieking noise of the bell while attempting to listen to your professors instructions on the lab work that would have to be completed by next week. The paper’s scattered around your desk, take a while to pick up and you’re almost sure you’re the last person to leave the room, the professor had rushed off to the next class once he’d finished with the instructions, and it’s not until you hear a buzzing noise again that you check your phone. 
“Hey?” is the first thing you read, the caller i.d. ‘Unknown’ because you had totally forgotten to label it as jeno, with the nerves of actually getting an answer. Unlocking your phone, you send the small question marks before realizing that it indeed was jeno, and introducing yourself. 
The messages were a mess, and though your professor had initiated the initial push towards the bonds that would be formed, the world couldn’t help it seemed to make you two struggle a little more. For bonds to form, they have to reach an activation energy, crashing with enough energy, in specific positions. Slowly were the particles of you and jeno beginning to move towards each other, if it hadn’t been for the stream of awkwards texts you sent a failed attempt to explain what was going on. 
You hear a faint chuckle from somewhere in the room and look up. It was weird to have someone still in the class after hours, the only reason you were still in class was because you couldn’t find your notebook, that had today’s notes and didn’t really have anyone to get the notes from. 
The phone in your hand vibrates again,  the little “jeno has laughed at your message” icon appearing on your phone, and you looked around again as the small giggle was heard. The room was huge, fitting around 200 students a lecture so the soft giggles, which you found adorable to say the least, could have been coming from anywhere that is until you spotted a dark head, back towards you, the hoodie the boy wore had “lee jeno” written on it, while varsity swim team wrapped around the bottom of the hoodie and if it weren’t for the desk that you leaned against you could have sworn that you might have just hidden underneath your chair. 
The sound that came from your phone, a small “ring ring ring” startled you making you hit yourself against the desk, a small curse leaving your lips which caused jeno to turn around a smile present as always on his face. And it feels too soon that he is right in front of you asking you something, but you can’t fully process it because ‘what does one do when they just awkwardly text another person only to have them right in front of you in the next five minutes?’ you really aren’t sure but think they should make a guide about it. 
There’s a quiet silence that settles around the two of you, and you decide that you might as well tell him about the tutoring but jeno decides that he should say something too as he was the one that walked towards you, ending up in the two of you talking at the same time. Heat fills your cheeks, and if you weren’t so busy looking at the floor or anything except the boy's face you would have seen the light pink that adorned his cheeks. 
“You first” jeno says, hsi voice is softer than you imagined it. Not that you had never heard him speak, you had on the rare occasion that you went to a swim meet in order to support your best friend and roommate who loved going, cheering on the team with all her might. But at the swim meets, the jeno you’d seen was loud, almost center of attention but not quiet, loud but not overwhelming, but with an energy that was contagious to everyone else. The boy that stood before you seemed to be shy, and awkward and you could feel yourself relax just a little. 
“Oh… okay” the words come out small, and you force yourself to look up at the boy, who’s smile is more enchanting than before “well, I have to tutor you, for chem?”. Jeno nods, hair falling slightly in front of his eyes, but it doesn't seem to bother him as he waits for you to continue, “so we should meet up sometime this week, and what exactly are you struggling with, so I could look over that” 
Jeno’s is left slightly in awe, by the way you offer him help, your voice is soothing he thinks, and the way you bite your lip from nerves he finds to be endearing. He was used to girls chasing him, one way or the other, not leaving him much space to say what he wanted. Though if he listened to Jaemin, he should just enjoy the supposed ‘fame’ he had, but it just wasn’t his thing. Jeno could see you checking the time on your phone, a little past 4, and his brain panicked. 
“Shit” the boy muttered, and now you were really confused, “shit? No, oh i need help with this?” you asked him, baffled at the boy’s reaction, and the boy looked at his phone. 
“Oh no, sorry I didn’t mean it towards you. It’s just that we have a swim team meeting, and it started 5 minutes ago, and if I’m late to another one I might get kicked out” jeno says in a rush, it seems he can’t get out of the room fast enough, as he turns around and you follow him, determined to at least get some date or time that the two of you could meet up. 
“Wait! We still need to figure out a time schedule?” you questions makes the dark haired boy stop for a split second, his brows slightly furrowed, eyes closed as he takes a deep breath, “I’ll text you, I really am sorry y/n, but I have to go” and with that he’s rushing off to the athletics department, leaving you slightly baffled and for some reason with a fluttering feeling in your stomach. Texting, that’s what I’m gonna have to depend this whole thing on. You sigh, walking towards your dorm ready to sit down on your bed, and work on the chemistry project, while playing music in the background. 
 It is said that molecules are attracted to each other, polar opposites, where non-polar molecules will collide with polar molecules in order to form in perfect harmony a compound that will be of use and wonder to the world around us. Those bonds might be the key to relationships, or maybe it’s just the technological black box that people hold in their hands waiting for a sign. 
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much to your surprise jeno, did text you a couple hours after the two of you had bumped into each other. The message was brief, a string of “im sorry, again” which you couldn’t help but slightly smile at the boy’s shyness, and another of “can we meet up tomorrow, right after classes are over by the library?”. The last message is what had you now waiting, by the library doors, chemistry notebook in hand as you waited for the black haired boy to appear. 
It’s been five minutes, and there is still no sight of the boy that promised you he’d be at the library and you can feel the fluttering excitement leave. Futters of wings no longer flapping rapidly, but they have seemed to fall asleep. Deciding that you might as well continue on your project, you sit down, pen in hand as you're about to look over the redox equation on balancing carbon dioxide with water in order to form acidic rain. Music is lightly playing through your headphones, the constant tunes a soothing background noise, as the project expands, you're about to flip the paper when you feel a drop of cold water on your shoulder. Checking the time, your phone reads 4:15, it’s been fifteen minutes, and he still hasn’t shown up, he could have texted, you think bitterly. 
Drip, drip, drip. The water droplets land on you again, and this time you swivel around in your chair, almost causing whiplash, before being met with dark eyes, that could convey everything and nothing at all. It takes you a second to register before you breathe out “you’re late” to which he only smiles, the sides of his eyes disappearing appearing to be crescent moons. 
“Yeah” he breathes, sitting down next you as he tries to regain his composure, for a second, a very brief one, you want to push back his slightly wet hair and not be annoyed but seconds only last seconds and in the next moment your scowling again, waiting for an explanation as you furrow your brows.
“Well? What happened? I mean, I don't mind you being late, as long as you tell me why that is.”
“Ummm… yeah about that, i really am sorry. Especially because i’m the one that needs help, and i should have told you but coach doesn’t let us use our phones in practice, which i mean makes sense right because water and technology don’t exactly mix well… and i’m rambling” his face is tainted with pink, as the boy looks down, playing with the ends of the papers to his notebook, and you can’t help but smile at him. It was kind of cute, not that you’d ever tell him that. “But either way, I’m here and if you need to leave early that’s totally cool too, i mean i don’t expect you to stay longer than we said, but if you can stay that’d be nice to because i really have no idea what the hell is going on in class, and i'm trying”
“Jeno” you say his name, and it’s almost a whisper, but he doesn’t look up, too busy folding and unfolding the papers that are beneath his hands, so you try again this time a little louder and stronger “jeno”. He looks up, the faintest hint of a smile on his lips, and you smile at him, “it’s okay, i’m not mad about it” a laugh escapes your lips as the boy’s mouth slightly falters, “now” you prepare the worksheets you’d prepared based off the material he had texted you he needed help with, “let’s get started with these redox equations”
The following hours are a constant of you talking about how redox reactions occur, when one of the compounds gives an electron only for the other compounds to gain electrons. A series of giving and taking, as bonds are formed to create a harmony between the compounds and elements to form a balanced equation. 
For the most part jeno is quiet, trying to understand and digest the information you give him, and the more he asks you questions about how come water can be both amphoteric and amphiprotic the more the both of you relax and begin to enjoy each other's company. You aren’t quite sure when, but all too soon do you hear the librarian telling you two, the last living inhabitants in the library that library hours are closed. It wasn’t that the two of you were doing chemistry anymore,  that had ended a couple of hours ago, when neither you nor jeno deemed to be in the mood to continue with school work. Jeno nodded as the librarian told you it was time to leave, while you told her to give the two of you a couple of more minutes in order to pack up. The lady that tended to scold everyone in the library, or at least she’d always scold you for bringing in your loud roommate and spending more time with your textbooks than actual beings, simply smiled at the two of you nodded, a “close when you’re done” was heard as she walked away. 
“You really have never swam before?” jeno asks you again, for what seems to be the tenth million time, and you nod your head. 
“It’s not that i’ve never been in water, i just have never you know swam laps around a pool,” you can feel heat rush to your face and look away, fiddling with your pen that, and jeno grabs your hand, which you are confused by that is until he pulls you up. 
“It’s settled” he says, a dork-like smile plastered across his face, which varies differently from your confused one, “im teaching you how to swim”. The noise you make is a mix between a sigh and an ugh, but you let yourself be dragged out of the library. 
“It’s not that I don't know how to swim” you protest, jeno’s hand still resting on your wrist. 
“But have you swam at our pool?” the question is teasing and a smile begins to grow, at the banter the two of you are having, shaking your head. 
“I’m taking you to the pool, and i’m going to teach you how to swim” the smile that spreads across jeno’s face is impossible to say no to. Eyes gleaming with joy, and hope, the hand on your wrist closing in a little, and as he’s about to drag you to the swimming pool, which you’re almost sure is closed at this hour you stop. 
“As much as I would love to go swimming at 10 at night, we have classes tomorrow” the tone is your voice isn’t as strong as you wanted it to be, because spending more time with the dork in front of you would honestly help with the stress that was college but the stress would only amount if you didn’t complete the assignments you had due tomorrow. 
Jeno turns to face you, the smile replaced by a pout, as he tries to convince you that it would be fun, but you wouldn’t budge. Well you were about to change your mind as say fuck it to the papers you had due tomorrow, until your phone almost at 0% buzzed, and you saw the lost calls and messages that flooded your phone. Though they mostly consisted of your roommate yelling at you asking where you are and then changing to her telling you she was going out for the night, to your parents asking how the exams had gone. 
Buzz. buzz. Buzz. it was almost as if you couldn’t shake the feeling of the plastic box in your hand, reminders of everything you had to, wanted to achieve. Jeno waited patiently for your reply, eyes soft, the pout slowly turning into a smile. 
Your phone buzzes again, and dies out. I guess that means something. You turn towards jeno, phone shoved in your back pocket, “fuck it” you smile, “let’s go swimming”
“Fuck yes” is what you hear before the two of you are rushing towards the athletic department.
Flickering. The bonds between two people, flicker as they try to work their way toward each other. In which one movement, one decision or thought might push them farther apart or closer together. 
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The sign in front of you reads CLOSED but Jeno doesn’t seem to mind it as he grabs keys from his pocket, and opens the door holding it open for you as you pass into the pool, a look of confusion flickers through your face, and jeno smiles. 
“Captain privileges. I get the keys, because I close up most nights either way” he says, and though it’s almost pitch black he walks without hesitation knowing exactly where the light switch is. The lights inside the room flicker, the bright white that comes from the led lights blinds your eyes slightly before they adjust. And you are left in awe at the university's pool. 
It’s not that you’d never been to the pool, but everytime you did go, it had always been filled with too many yelling bodies that would raise up and chant the school’s name over and over again. The room always felt too hot, too sticky as your clothes clung to your body from the humidity created by the pool water. What was supposed to be an olympic sized pool, would feel like a kiddy pool when meets would occur, from the packed beings that were there to watch the races, to the teams that would come to race, always felt like too much. So when the lights flickered on, creating a small halo on jeno’s black hair, you were in awe at the size and beauty of the pool’s structure. 
The glass windows that aligned one of the pools walls, gace view to the twinkle stars that would dim in and out every second. Spots that were reflected on the pool, that you were almost sure stretched for miles, but was promised by jeno it was just a regular 50 meter pool. The two of you walked closer to the edge of the pool, shoes discarded by the entrance as you dipped your feet into the water, the cold feeling of water on skin shocked you for a second before the sensation became a more soothing feeling. It seemed impossible to wipe the smile that grew more as you looked around the swimming pool, the silver bleachers that tended to be stretched out onto the marble floor were put away, creating an illusion of a much larger floor than there really was. 
In all the time that you looked around, awe and fascination written over your face as you looked around the swimming pool, Jeno wondered if you’d never seen the pool, but then realized he had. Not often but he would see your face, every once in a while, a sign with the school's name as you cheered for the swim team, your roommate next to you. It was a shame, he thought that you had never seen the pool how he saw it. At night when no one could nag him about how his arms should be more stretched out, and his hands shouldn’t be as tense but be shaped into a more cupped form so that he cut off some time of his 200 IM. It was moments like this, where he could just admire the water, and see other people fall in love with the water that he remembered why he loved to swim so much, and it helped that you looked cute with your feet only slightly in the water, mouth slightly agape as you took in everything around you. 
Splash. And droplets of water are all over you, making pieces of your shirt stick to your skin. The water beneath you ripples and before you can take your feet off, you can feel a tug by your hand, breaking the trail of thoughts as you look down. The action happens too fast, but one moment you’re sitting by the edge of the pool, and the next you’re underwater. Cold water settles around you, the initial shock of water against your warm skin wearing off as you pull yourself up, breaking the surface of the pool. The curse is on the tip of your tongue, but your eyes can’t seem to find the boy who pulled you in. Turning from one side to the other, twisting a frail attempt you guess to find jeno, who has dived deep into the bottom of the pool. 
It’s been a minute, and you're about to leave the pool slightly in panic until you feel arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you against a warm body. Laughter fills your ears, as jeno spins you around, pulling you both to the shallow area. You can feel your body heat up, cheeks overly warm by the feeling of jeno’s arms around you. 
“What the fuck?” you whisper yell, as you turn around to find the black haired boy, whose hair is almost long enough to fall in front of his eyes, laugh. His eyes, turning into beautiful small moons, that make your heart slightly flip, the cold shock of water no longer there. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks, his voice is slightly puzzled but joyous, and he can’t seem to stop himself from looking at your smile, your eyes, the way that even though your tone suggests your mad at him he finds you adorable. No, she’s not adorable. She’s just a girl, a girl that is really smart and doesn’t throw herself at you. No, no, no. 
“Earth to jeno !” you snap your fingers in front of him, and it seems to do the trick as his eyes seem to focus back on you, a small “huh” escapes his lips and you can’t help but laugh, as you splash water towards him. The smile on his face, springs back up, drops of water adorning his nose, and eyes as gravity pulls them back to their resting place, in the midst of other bonds between hydrogen and oxygen. 
The way you tilt your head to the side, eyes gleaming with delight as jeno laughs, splashing water towards you, the start of a small water fight between a swimmer and chemistry lover. 
Chemical bonds work in mysterious ways. A collision between one particle and another has to be precise, exact and the particles must be able to fit each other, and shaping itself to make the other a suitable compound. Bonds that form between compounds can become radiant, strong and vibrant but dangerous to those around it. Hydrogen and oxygen when bonded together, though different slowly build each other up. The splash of water against one’s skin, the way a drop fall’s down slowly on the other’s eye. Successions of bonds that form with each other, creating a picture of carefree ness. Or at least that’s what it seems to be at the beginning. 
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 Winter rolls around and the study sessions continue. They become a routine, a part of your day that much as you hate to admit, is the favorite part of your day. Meeting with Jeno in the midst of the library, books and notes of scribbled drawings and letters filling up at least one table, as jeno listens to you ramble about chemistry. In return, for tutoring Jeno always brings you hot chocolate, a drink that never fails to bring you comfort especially when the wind is picking up speed and the first flakes of snow drift towards the ground. 
You can’t exactly recall how many times you tell the raven haired boy that payment isn’t necessary, that you truly are just tutoring in order to help him, but the boy refuses. He loves to see the way you wrap your hands around the mug, as you relax from the burdensome day you’ve had. 
The swim meets that you used to, though not detest, not love either begin to be more frequent in your life. Louds cheers and shrieks fill the pool deck, as the school's swimmers race against the opposing team. Chlorine fills your nose, humidity makes your skin sticky and heavy but you are part of the screaming students that yell and cheer for the school's team. The poster you created in the spare time between homework and lectures, has “go jeno '' written on it, and even though you two don’t talk after the meets jeno smiles everytime he sees you in the crowd cheering for the team and him. His smile as his best friend describes it, is that of a lovestruck one, which Jeno refuses to acknowledge or believe, because there was no way he could be in love with you. The two of you were friends. Friends that laughed together, and talked about anything that was on your minds late into the night, and would have late night swims after hours when the pool was closed down. 
Jaemin knows the power love has on people, and he’s sure that jeno is in love with the girl who’s been tutoring him since the beginning of the year. He knew, because jeno’s face would light up everytime he saw you in the bleachers. He knew like the rest of his friend group knew, that he would mention you in conversations when something they were talking about would remind him of you. Jaeming knew the bond that had formed between the two of you was something he thought jeno wouldn’t be able to have, but managed to get from you. The only thing Jaemin wished, was for his best friend to realize the luck he had gotten from meeting you. 
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It’s spring and you’re almost sure at this point that Jeno doesn’t need any more tutoring, as he comes into the cafe you decided to meet up, the smile that seems to brighten your day no matter how windy and rainy it is outside. Jeno almost runs to you, the paper in his hand flailing slightly behind him, as he tells you how he’s passed. Proudly does he show you the graded exam paper on organic chemistry, the perfectly drawn bonds to each other, earning him the highest grade in the class. You can’t help but jump up from your seat, the chocolate on your mug almost tipping over as you wrap your arms around jeno, congratulating him over and over again. 
Jeno’s smile widens, as he wraps his arms around you, lightly you slightly off the ground until you are slightly dizzy and are asking him to bring you down. The joy from your face never leaves, as the words of congratulations and happiness left your mouth. It’s only when your smile falters slightly, that jeno’s does too, the giddiness and butterflies he continues to refuse to acknowledge leaving as you sit down again. 
“So…” jeno mocks, trying to lighten the mood just lightly, and he manages to make the ends of you lips curve up slightly. 
“So, i guess you don’t need my help anymore” the words leave your mouth like lead, heavy on your tongue, as you look down at your hot chocolate willing the coming dread to go away. 
“Well, no, I still need help” the look you give him makes him move slightly his back hitting the back of the chair, “okay… maybe i don’t need help on how bonds form and break, but…” Jeno fumbles over his words, nit really sure what he wants to say. That he wants to keep seeing you? That he honestly had stopped needing tutoring sessions a while ago, but he kept asking for them because he loves spending time with you. Loved to see you smile and his dumb jokes, as your eyes would light up with vague amusement, lips curling upwards as your laugh drifted through the library. Wanted to tell you that he had never felt this way for someone else, had never let them see the vulnerable side of him, his insecurities as the two of you held onto each other lightly through a link between your hands as you floated in the school's pool. 
“But… i guess this is goodbye” you can feel the word, slip through your tongue, the world goodbye piercing through your heart, bricks dropping on you. You’re not quite sure why you say goodbye, why you want to hug the boy in front of you, and kiss him and hold him and tell him how much you love him. But oh shit that’s exactly why you’re pushing him away. Why as much as your heart aches, to hold onto the good memories scared of the ones that could leave the bonds to break between you two. 
Jeno can almost swear he can feel his heart drop down to his stomach. The words that escape your lips, as you play with the sizzling hot beverage in front of you, not daring to look up at him. His throat feels clogged, and he wants to yell, scream, hold you for reasons he can’t quite understand, and finally tell you what jaemin has been telling him this whole time. How very much head over heels for you he is, the bonds clicking into place every time he’s held your hand, as he taught you how to swim lightly in the pool. 
The black haired boy, whose eyes are usually warm and open, are now dark. The brown almost becomes dark enough to blend with the pupils, as he takes a breath. 
“Um… yeah i guess it’s goodbye” the words drop heavy between the two of you. Gazes not met, and hearts left cold as Jeno gets up, the paper he’d been so happy and excited to tell you about forgotten as it drifts towards the floor. Falling quietly and softly, wrinkled between the hands of jeno as he hugged you what seems to be hours ago. 
Hydrogen bonds break the easiest. The strength between the two oxygen and the single hydrogen can only take so much pressure between them before something tips it off scale, breaking the bond. A relationship that has been built, slowly, through awkwards laughs, and shared notes. A bond, built on chaotic swims at 12 o’clock at night when neither of you could sleep, and just wanted to spend more time with each other. 
Relationships,  you are almost sure at this point work much like chemical bonds. Yet unlike chemistry, the bond that you had built with jeno, doesn’t warn you of the heartache and void you feel when you don’t get the weird jokes the boy sends you everyday, it doesn’t tell you of the loss of heat that would come from the steaming cup of chocolate always there for you wherever you had a bad day. Chemistry doesn't warn you about the way your heart craves the missing piece that you pushed away, thinking it would hurt more when the day would come that he didn’t want you anymore. Lectures and notes on notes about covalent bonds, don’t want you how jeno made you feel, as his black hair tickled your neck when he rested his head on your shoulder when he didn’t want to study anymore, or the way he snuggled closer to you as you played with his hair. 
Bonds. Weak and strong, beautiful and dangerous, destructive and hopeful. 
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The next month passes in a blur of lectures and night spent overworking yourself into the essays and labs given to you by professors. All-nighters became more frequent than normal sleep nights, to the point where your roommate would have to force you to go to sleep, even as she came in late at night smelling slightly of booze or cigarettes from the campus party. 
It wasn’t a secret that you had tutored the top boy at your college to anyone. Most if not all students that desperately wanted to grab at any gossip that might be thrown their ways, would snatch up the news of the school's swimmer and top bachelor as fast as they could. Whispers of a relationship that never happened, and would only happen in your dreams, could be heard at almost every lecture. Murmurs that would make you walk straighter, chin held high at the comments of a story they didn’t truly know. 
Buzz. buzz. Metal and plastic vibrates against your desks, shaking the scatter of papers that are clumped around your workspace. You flip it around, only to see crescent moons, and a mop of black hair on your phone, as jeno’s phone number flashes in and out of the screen. Instinctively, you reach for the phone, hand ready to push the “answer” button and it’s too late when you realize that you’ve answered the phone, and a silence of crackling noises is heard from the opposite end. Silence seems to fill the room, the air you breathe and you're about to hang up until you hear the bickering between two boys. A stream of curses flow from what you can almost swear is jeno’s mouth, as the other boy speaks into the microphone, “is this y/n” 
“Uh… yeah, and you are?” the second part of your sentence, your almost sure goes unheard as the squeal that comes from the boy’s mouth. The next words that you hear seem to be all mushed up together, as the boy who you have come to assume is jaemin tells you something along the lines of “go. pool. tomorrow. Jeno” before something that sounds like it hurts, is heard from the line and it goes silent. If you were confused about jeno before, you can’t help but wonder now if this is a push towards the bonds to be repaired. 
“y/n !!” disrupts your confused train of thought as your roommate barges into your room, the smirk that is plastered on her face would have made you slightly concerned if it were for her normal happy go personality, that never fails to give you energy. 
“Let me tell you the story of you and a boy named jeno” as the words leave her lips, you start your protests, not wanting to hear about the boy who had become your best friend in the year that you tutored him. 
“Girl, shut up and listen to me” she snaps, almost pinning you down on your chair, and so she does tell you. Tell’s you things that you already know, like the fact that you’re almost sure jeno’s smile could heal anything on this planet, or how he’s shy and sweet, always wanting to be enough for the team. She tells you about the month that has passed, where though you didn’t wallow, jeno had begun to slightly let his grades slip. A small attempt to get you as a tutor yet again. The plan hadn’t worked and he’d gotten renjun ashis tutor instead. 
Stories she shares with you, stories about jeno that you knew, but had pushed away because everytime his name would be brought up your cheeks would flush slightly, and your smile would brighten even just a little bit, butterflies swarming in your stomach. 
Best friends. The sharing between two people, that trust and count on each other. The bond formed between the two is different than that formed between lovers, or siblings. But like everything regarding the formation and breaking of something, these bonds can change into something more. Something that lights up your world if you let, and break down your walls. 
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The pool’s doors were open by the time you reached the athletic department. You had thought you’d seen everything, the pool had to offer after your late night swims with jeno. But you’d never seen the full moon at its peak, the light reflected upon the shimmering water. 
Small ripples caused the moon's reflection to waver slightly, a cause of the dipping of your feet into the water, testing the temperature, before you felt a light tap on your shoulder. You could feel the shiver that runs down your back, as jeno’s hands make contact with your skin. The ghost of a smile begins to present itself on your face, as you turn around to find yourself with jeno, whose face is a reflection of yours. Cheeks dusted with a red tint, eyes almost becoming the moon phase that you’d first seen in the pool. 
“you first” jeno says, his eyes are warm and are slightly reflected by the moon. The small laugh that escapes your lips, makes his smile broaden, as you turn around and stretch your hand towards jeno. It takes only a second, before you can feel jeno’s hand wrapped around yours, the light calluses on his palms from playing guitar every so often, that warmth a comfort. The ghost of a smile has fully bloomed on your face, as you tug jeno towards you before jumping into the pool. 
Time seems to slow down, the second you two break the surface of water. You know time and movements feel slower when you’re underwater, the smell of chlorine and burning sensation makes your eyes water only slightly. But the bubbles that rise to the surface as you look at jeno, laughing at the ridiculousness of everything that’s happened between you two. 
The faltering bonds begin to form again, stronger than before. Bonds that can't be broken as easily and are ready to create compounds filled with a variation of emotions that work together. The way that you hold onto each other, hand in hand as you break the surface, time coming back at normal speed, as jeno pulls you towards him. Hands still intertwined, as the other holds your waist, a tender touch. The way you look at each other, is enough for the words that have yet to be said and have not been exchanged. 
Smiles exchanged, hands held, foreheads almost touching under the moonlight. It seems to be magic, the way the light bounces off the water and reflects upon the two of you, lovesick smiles placed on both your faces. The warmth of each other, a comforting presence that surrounds the two of you as you take a break, and breathe the words you’ve been dying to say since the day, jeno walked into a late tutoring session, hair dripping wet from a late practice. His words a rush of sorrys and cute shy glances as he gives you a mug, with the words “chemistry of water” written around it. The way his smile made you heart flutter, and just one look would make your day.
 “I love you”
The words hang in the air, said at the same time by jeno and you, and the both of you erupt into laughter, as jeno pulls you closer the, head buried in your shoulder as the strands tickle your neck, the words “i love you” being repeated over and over again.
The way you two fit into each other, in the midst of night, water lapping at your sides, as you laugh at a joke one or the other says, you realize that chemistry and relationships truly are the same. If all it takes is a small push, to help a boy with too much to do, and a student who can’t help but want to expand their knowledge. The bonds between two people change and strengthen, the more they interact with each other. It’s the things like laughing at each other's jokes, or holding onto each other late into the night, when no one else is judging no one can disrupt the bonds formed between them. In those moments, the bonds are strengthened, as you hold each other close, stars and moon aligned in the night sky lighting up the pool, leaving the world at peace.
271 notes · View notes
peanutbutterworm · 4 years
i love you
here we go!! here is my moreid secret santa fic! 
click here to read it on AO3
warnings: none, light angst at one point but it is mostly tooth rotting fluff
word count: 4196
summary: Penelope begs and begs Hotch until he finally lets her have a BAU secret santa party. There is a small problem for Dr. Spencer Reid however when he is set the task of giving a gift to his best friend and crush, Derek Morgan.
“Hotch please?” Penelope drew out the last vowel of the word, as if it would make him say yes.
“I told you, Garcia, it’s out of my hands for now. It sounds like a great idea, really, but I don’t think that Strauss nor the director would approve of it.”
“It doesn’t have to be a work thing! Just, as friends, as a family.”
“And I already told you, Garcia, as long as we’re using company time it is a ‘work thing’.”
“God why does everyone have to be so boring. It’s a bonding thing!” Penelope checked the date on her phone. “It’s November 29th, if we’re not allowed to do this I’m going on strike.”
“Mhm,” Hotch was already moving on to something else, and Penelope left in a huff. She ran into Spencer on the way back to her office.
“Hey Penelope,”
“Hi, Spencer.” She said curtly, storming past him.
“Woah, what’s going on today?” Spencer said, stopping her by grabbing her arm. Penelope sighed, realizing she wasn’t being her cheery self and someone was bound to notice, may as well be him.
“Walk with me, boy genius.” Penelope explained her current predicament on the way to her office, huffing and using her hands to talk the entire way.
“And I don’t get why Strauss won’t allow it! It’s a great team bonding activity, and we would have so much fun!” She finished explaining.
“Garcia, we have fun without ‘team bonding activities’, I don’t understand why you’re so upset about this.”
“Because, I’m tired of being ignored. I just want one of my suggestions to go through and I’m starting to think Strauss doesn’t like me.”
“I’m pretty sure Strauss doesn’t like any of us,” Spencer said, sipping his coffee from a company mug.
“Yeah I know,” Penelope put her head into her hands and sighed. “Why are they so against us having fun?”
“They think it ‘interferes with the job’” Spencer said, quoting a seminar they were forced to go to.
“Yeah, bullshit.” Penelope half scoffed into her hands, half laughed. “How is it going with Derek?” She asked, smirking up at Spencer. Spencer couldn’t help but turn a little red whenever she asked about him. He had told Penelope about his crush on her best friend in September, and even though it had been going on for much longer Spencer was reminded every day why he didn’t tell her sooner. However Spencer never missed a chance to talk to her about it. Even though Penelope was a huge gossip, she would never tell Derek something this important without asking Spencer for permission first. And anyways, it was nice to get stuff off his chest.
“Nothing has really happened, just still lying awake at night thinking about him instead of doing something productive with my chronic insomnia.”
“How can you be productive with chronic insomnia anyways?”
“I don’t know… do things?” Spencer giggled and then paused, recalling something. “Wait, I do recall, I saw him at the grocery store.”
“No way, you two shop at the same place?”
“Unfortunately. I was too awkward to say anything anyways, and I looked like a mess too.”
“I’m sure he didn’t care. This is the man that saw me almost die and I need not remind you that he has seen you in the hospital. Multiple times.”
“I try not to remember.”
“Did he say anything?”
“You are so boring,”
“It was late, Garcia. I don’t think I had the patience to deal with anyone, including him, and if you were to ask him I’m pretty sure he would say that feeling’s mutual by how he looked.” Spencer sighed. “He was so pretty though. Like sleepy pretty, not the way we see him at work.”
Penelope was just sitting there, sighing.
“What!” Spencer said, playing with a piece of dirt that was caught between his nails.
“Nothing. You are just so, so fucked.”
“I know!” Spencer dropped it and threw his hands to his face. “He’s just so… AH! I feel like a teenage girl.”
“Considering your looks, you might not be far off.”
“Kidding, but really, you need to tell him. It’s gotta happen eventually.”
“No, I don’t want to ruin our friendship for my own feelings, it’s selfish.”
“Have you ever considered he might feel the same way?” Penelope asked, and Spencer just stared back at her. “You’re telling me you haven’t?”
“I just haven’t thought about it, of course it’s a probability but the chance that he likes me back is just so low. Did you know the chance of your crush liking you back is-” Spencer was cut off when Derek walked into the room, right into the middle of a conversation he had no idea was about him.
“Thank you for saving me from that,” Penelope said.
“Hotch needs you both at the round table,” was all Derek said, smirking at both of them.
“We’ll be there soon.” Spencer said, staring as Derek left the room. “Do you think he heard any of that?”
“You talk too fast and I wasn’t really keeping up very well, but no, I don’t think he knows it was about him at the very least.”
“Thank god.” Spencer sighed. “Come on, I don’t want to be yelled at by Hotch again.”
“Guess whatttttt!” Penelope said, with everyone mingling around their desks on a chilly December morning, having not been called in on a case yet for the day.  
“Did someone die?” Emily asked, taking a headcount of everyone there, all BAU team members accounted for.
“What? No, oh my god Em. Unrelated to death, we get to have a secret santa!” She exclaimed, and everyone's faces lit up with smiles.
“Strauss thinks it would be good for us to bond over the holidays,” Hotch said, cracking a small smile.
“Yeah yeah, anyways write your names on these,” Penelope all handed them a torn piece of paper, “and put it in the magic hat.” She held out a small colorful beret she sometimes wore to work and mixed up all the names that were placed in it. “Now who wants to go first?” She asked, looking around the room eagerly.
“Can I go, Pen?” JJ asked, walking up to the hat.
“Why of course my dear,” Penelope said, dropping into a bow but making sure none of the names spilled out.
This went on for ten minutes until everyone had someone picked out. Penelope then took the last name out of the hat for herself before snugly fitting the hat back onto her head.
Spencer looked at the slip of paper he had gotten, and in all caps was the name Derek . He reminded himself that there was a 1 in 7 chance. A one in SEVEN chance. Maybe the universe just hated him, he mused to himself, trying to keep a poker face while slipping the paper into his pocket. He would tell Penelope about this later, because even though they were supposed to keep it a secret, she would want to know about this.
Derek did the same as everyone and glanced at his small slip of paper but did a double take when he saw the name scrawled on the parchment. Spencer Reid, was all it said in black ink. Great, of course he got his best friend, whom of which he was inconveniently in love with at the moment. He tried to keep his facial expression neutral, as there was a team full of profilers watching and if he even showed the slightest amount of emotion right now, it might give away who he had drawn.
“Now as per the rules of our lovely unit chief, no gifts above $20, and no telling who you got, as it would ruin the game. We will exchange gifts on the 24th and our lovely Rossi has agreed to let us use his home for the gift exchange.” Penelope described the rules, gesturing over to Rossi.
“Not home, mansion” He corrected, smiling.
A few days later, after agonizing over whether or not he should tell Penelope about his crush on Spencer, Derek texts Penelope. Everyone is asleep on the jet home except for Spencer and him. Spencer is reading a book at a million miles an hour, and Derek is on his phone. However every few seconds in between texts he would look up at the doctor, who always looked so peaceful and serene while reading.
New iMessage from: Garcia
You’re kidding me.
Derek smiled at his phone and typed,
No, I’m not. And I got him for secret santa too. I am so fucked, aren’t I?
He finished typing and set his phone on his lap, glancing at Spencer again while waiting for a response. Well, he thought, less of a glance, more of a stare. He zoned out looking at the younger man, memorizing the way his hands ran over the page. Suddenly the doctor looked up, and they looked in the eyes for a moment before they both quickly looked away. He felt a buzz on his chest and feeling grateful to have an excuse to look at something other than him, continued his conversation with Penelope.
Garcia: First of all you weren’t supposed to tell me the secret santa thing, second of all,  I can feel you staring at him from here. You are so in love it makes me sick.
Penelope rummaged around her office in Quantico, cleaning up before the team arrived and they all got to go home. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and took it out, Morgan again.
Derek: I know, but I had to tell somebody because I’m going crazy over it. I don’t know what to get him. He deserves something better than some random book.
Garcia: My sweet, I promise you he will love anything you get him.
Derek: You sure?
Garcia: I am sure.
Garcia: And if you don’t go to sleep right now Derek Morgan I will strangle you when you get back.
Derek: Fine fine, we’ll be back in an hour. You should get some rest too, go home.
Garcia: Like hell I’m leaving before you all get back here safely. I’ll wait.
They landed in Quantico about an hour later, and as promised, Derek was asleep for about 30 minutes when the jet landed and jolted everyone awake. They all walked back into the building together, tired as all hell even though most of them got sleep on the plane.
“Hey, kid,” Derek said, walking with Spencer to his desk. “Did you get any sleep?”
“Nope,” Spencer said, packing up his things, avoiding looking Derek in the eye.
“Are you alright?” Derek asked, and Spencer froze in his tracks. There were a million things he could’ve said at that moment, but he just continued packing his things after a muttered ‘yea,’. “You know you can talk to me, right?” Derek asked, but Spencer just started thinking about how no, actually he could not talk to him because talking to him about the particular thing he was feeling at the moment would ruin their friendship and Spencer didn’t know if he could take any heartbreak at the moment considering he was tired and about to break down into tears.
“Please, just go to your office, Morgan. I don’t want to talk.” Was all he said, and as Derek walked away a single tear slipped down Spencer’s cheek, which he aggressively rubbed away. The rest of the team was either too busy wrapping up or too tired to notice the distress Spencer was in at the moment.
Derek walked to his office, trying not to burst into tears. When he closed his door he immediately started crying, though. He wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. He hated seeing Spencer in danger, which is exactly where every case put him. And he was always so cold to him, like working with him now was a pain, a formality that must be gone through with. The glance on the plane was a spark of hope before, that maybe Spencer felt the same way, but it was put out by the way he acted earlier. He didn’t know anymore.
He knocked on Penelope’s door, hoping that the technical analyst hadn’t gone home yet. And she hadn't; she was sitting in her chair, knitting when Derek came in. She jumped up, giving him a kiss on the cheek when he arrived.
“God I am so happy to see that you are safe and well and a million other good things.”
“Actually, safe and well might be the only two good things I feel at the moment, Pen.”
“Alright, talk to me. What happened.” She said, moving her way over to sit down with Derek, rubbing his back.
“I don’t know. There was a moment, on the plane, while I was texting you that I thought maybe, maybe he felt the same way but when we got back he was so cold. It was like he was trying to distance himself from me in every way.”
“Ok, well you’re the profiler. Tell me exactly what he said.”
“Babygirl I don’t remember-”
“I think you do.” Penelope said, crossing her arms at him.
“I do. He said, ‘Please, just go to your office, Morgan. I don’t want to talk.’ He sounded sad, and he said please, which means he was probably expecting me to stay.” Derek had a moment of realization before putting his head in his hands. “I should’ve stayed, oh my god I should have-”
“Hey, hey there is nothing you can do now. Deep breaths. And you’re right. Those sound like the words of someone who is trying to push you away for their own good. And I’ve heard them before,” She said, punching Derek softly in the shoulder. “I don’t think he wants you to leave, Der. I think he just needs some time to figure out himself, first.”
“Do you think he likes me?”
“I can’t say for sure,” (She definitely could) “But I’d say he does.”
“About the secret santa,”
“Hun, I don’t care that you told me.”
“No, not that. What should I get him?”
“I already told you. He would love a ‘random book’” She did air quotes around what Derek had said over text earlier. “But you should make it special, write a note inside or something.”
“You know what…” Derek started, getting an idea. “I think I will.”
“Great, glad I could be of help. Now if you will excuse me, I have to be back here in 6 hours now, and I would like to go home for at least 4 of those.
“Well don’t let me get in the way.” Derek said, smiling at her and backing out of the office.
Spencer spent the rest of that night overthinking, trying to sleep but only falling unconscious for 3 hours before his blaring alarm woke him up. Did I push him away? He thought to himself, lying awake.
Spencer texted Penelope on his way into work, and even though he wasn’t much of a texting person, he didn’t have the time to make a call right now. All his text said was: I really messed up this time, Garcia. She replied as he was walking into the office, What did you do? Although Penelope, of course, had some inkling of what the young doctor was talking about. They had a few minutes before work officially started for the day, and Hotch hadn’t given them a case yet so he strode directly to Penelope’s office, not bothering to set down anything.
Spencer knocked on the door before coming in, and closed the door before sitting down.
“Alright, so spill.” She said, crossing her legs. Her office was becoming less and less of a technical analysis space and more of a therapist’s couch.
“I pushed him away. I was tired and angry and I pushed him away.”
“Slow down, slow down. I’m sure he didn’t take it that way, all of you were feeling that way last night.”
“No but he seemed angry with me too and I-”
“I can promise you. He probably was angry at first and regretted it, and now he’s thinking the same thing you are. Make an effort today to reach out to him, you’ll be surprised.”
“You sound like JJ reading my horoscope.”
“Maybe I can just see into the future.”
“Yeah right, and anyways that isn’t the end of it. I know I’m not supposed to tell you but I got Derek for the secret santa thing.” Spencer sighed into this coffee that was pressed against his lips, and after taking a sip, said, “I’m starting to really hate you for putting this together, because I have no idea what to give him.”
“Maybe get him something he likes,”
“Yeah, but what does he even like? Music?” Spencer asked, setting his coffee cup on the table beside him. “But I don’t even know what or who he listens to. All I know is he likes music and I feel like I don’t know anything about him right now.”
“Football. He likes football.” Garcia said, also trying to think of things her best friend would enjoy as a present.
“Ok that’s a start, what about football is there…”
“No, no scratch that. Do you know how to make a mix of music on a CD?”
“Garcia, you know I can barely work a printer.”
“I’ll help you. I made his playlist that he listens to on the jet so I know what he likes. All you have to do is give it to him.”
“Wow, thanks Penelope. I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t. Say anything that is, just go catch a serial killer and I’ll have it ready by the end of the day.”
As promised, at the end of the day Spencer walked into Penelope’s office and she had a CD ready for him. It was a relatively short case, a local one that had the team home before 8pm. Everyone was in a good mood, but decided to go home early while they had the rare chance.
“Ok here it is, loverboy. Just so you know you can write on it with Sharpie and it won’t mess up the disc.” She winked and handed it to him, Spencer blushing and turning around to make sure no one was at the door.
“Thank you, Penelope. Really.”
“It’s nothing. Thank me when you finally confess your love to that himbo.”
“What’s a-”
“You know what, I’m not explaining that to you. Go home, try and go to sleep early tonight.” She said, pushing him out the door with his new CD. As the door closed in his face, Spencer started to say,
“Have a nice-” But it closed before he could say “-night.” He sighed and walked down the hall, carrying his CD and bag with him towards the elevator. He didn’t expect to see anyone else, but lo and behold Derek Morgan walking towards the elevator at the same time.
“Hey, Reid.” He said, stepping into the elevator with him.
“Hey,” Spencer replied, glancing everywhere but into Derek’s eyes. They were about level, height-wise, and this made it harder for Spencer to avoid his gaze, so he just stared down at the ground.
“Look, if you don’t want to talk to me, that’s fine. I just want to know why.” Spencer’s face heated up in shame, and he looked to Derek.
“I’m sorry that I’ve been acting so cold lately. I’ve been having a hard time, but Garcia helped me realize I shouldn’t be shutting people like you who care about me out.”
“Garcia helped you realize-” Derek paused, thinking. “How long have you two been talking?” He asked, curious.
“Pretty much every day since September.”
“Ok ok, I see.” Spencer didn’t question the way Derek asked how long he’d been talking to Garcia, and switched the topic of conversation.
“Four days and counting until the Secret Santa party.” He said, glancing back at Derek.
“Yeah, you excited?”
“Mostly excited to see who mine is.” Spencer said, staring at the elevator doors, which had just opened. “Have a good night,” He said, walking out the doors of the building, rushing towards his car.
“Yeah, you too.” He said, but Derek knew that Spencer was long gone by now. Derek left the building and walked towards his car, starting it and leaving the parking lot as quick as he got here this morning.
The day of the Secret Santa party, Hotch had one case for them. When they got to the round table, everyone was pretty disappointed, because cases often meant that they came back late and in a bad mood. But it turned out that this one was just an hours drive away, and even quicker on the jet, so everyone hopped in, hoping that this wouldn’t take long.
The case only ended up lasting the day, as the killer was sloppy and left behind an extensive trial. The BAU team boarded the jet wondering why they were even called in to help in the first place.
“Hey, at least this means you all can still come over tonight.” Rossi said positively.
“Yeah, everyone’s coming, right?” JJ said, scanning the plane, but no one spoke up. Just nods of heads to confirm that they were all going.
They all took their seperate cars to Rossi’s, with Emily riding with JJ because she left her car at her apartment and took the subway.  
When Spencer got there, the house was lit up. Rossi and Hotch had been the first ones to arrive, and shortly after Spencer the rest came filing in the door, joking and laughing with everyone. Spencer caught sight of everyone holding their gifts, wondering which bag or wrapped box was for him. Penelope was the last to come in, taking off her shoes at the door like everyone else and smiling at him with a wrapped present.
“Not for you,” She said, seeing the look on his face “That comes later.”
They all ate good food and talked and drank wine that night, and everything seemed perfect for that moment in time.
“Ok, ok. It is time for the event that we all came here for to take place!” Penelope said, a little wine drunk, standing up and grabbing her present. “Here’s what’s gonna happen, everyone stand up and go find whoever you were assigned. That’s it, good luck.”
They all rose from their seats to go find their assigned person. Spencer just silently waited. He knew he had Morgan, but he wanted to receive his present first and then find Derek because he was a little more… personal, and he didn’t want anyone getting in the way. Just then Derek made his way to him . No, no way is this happening, he thought, terrified and excited at the same time.
“Spencer Reid,” He said, handing the doctor a poorly wrapped present “I believe this is for you.”
“Oh my god,” Reid said, eyes darting between the present and Morgan.
“What?” Derek asked, visibly confused.
“Here. You were who I was assigned.” Spencer said bluntly, shoving the small present towards him.
“What are the odds,” Derek said, and then added as Spencer opened his mouth “please do not actually tell me the odds,” and they both laughed, unwrapping their gifts to each other. Spencer, since he got his gift first, unwrapped it faster and found a book.
“Derek, I love this,” It was a book he had never read before, and from the many books Spencer Reid had read, there weren’t a lot of those left. “Thank you.” He said, looking at him. He thumbed through the pages as the scent of the new book filled the air around them.
“Look at the inside cover.” Derek said, with a hint of shakiness in his voice.
“Only if you look at the CD.” Derek was holding the case in his hands, not taking the disc out itself yet. He was going to listen to it on the car ride home, he had told himself.
“Ok,” Derek wondered what was written on the CD. Probably just a funny playlist name or some fun fact about music, he thought dismissively. At the same time he pulled the disc gently from it’s casing, Spencer opened the cover to the book. In Spencer’s scrawled handwriting, Derek made out the words ‘I love you.’ written in black sharpie on the disc. As Spencer opened the book, he found Derek’s bold lettering on the cover page, saying ‘I love you.’
At the same time, they both looked at each other and came to a realization that this was not platonic. This wasn’t the way friends said they loved each other. And they both realized that the other felt the same way that they had been feeling for months.
“I love you too,” They both said at the same time, both letting out a laugh and realizing what happened.
“My place after this?” Derek asked under his breath.
“Most definitely.” Spencer replied, leaving Derek with a kiss on the cheek to go talk to Penelope.
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missksj · 4 years
choose your hero!nct127
ミ☆ genre: punch inspired!au, video game au!, superhero au!
ミ☆ word count: 7k
ミ☆ warnings: mentions of greatest fears and nightmares, fighting, death, light smut but nothing too vivid, and sm ceo and dispatch make an appearance ew i know
ミ☆ author’s note: ah my first nct 127 headcanon and second creation on this site! yes i know it’s been a long time coming since punch dropped but ever since i saw the music video, this idea popped into my head. i heard of other nctzens talking about this aesthetic when mentioning the mv, but hopefully you like my take on it! please enjoy and look forward to more writing from me in the future! thank you so much! ps this is not proof read yikes sorry
Velvet clouds of psychedelic purple with the scattered rays of sunset hues made an unnatural background for the logo’s electric lettering with lightning strokes cracking the static screen in your stuffy apartment. Outside was a different matter. A thunderstorm jolted the placid crimson sky to a violet that only nature could create, although the graphic designers of PUNCH: NCT 127 came close. It was rather befitting for the stark opposition of the hurricane raging outside to the retro sparking aesthetic that you’ve witnessed for the ninth time, and it was the most pivotal. It was as if the thunder was the applause, the lightning rallying behind you, the pelting of the raindrops reverberating the hammering of your heart. Almost victorious in a way, the non-player hero that lurked in the background of the other eight paths taken would finally be the alternate hero to your player. He was a prize in the reverie that you constructed solely from his brief bio to the artificial mannerisms and quotes that he generated in the story lines which enabled you to project your fantasy on mundane men. The comparison was cruel, fictional characters were even crueler. Nimble fingers and darting eyes fell into a comfortable routine, familiar with the introduction story, it was a race between the controller’s buttons and the spiteful lightning that would sever the power.
[NAME]...F/N L/N
[ID #]...07201607
Welcome to the NCT 127 Division, Agent L/N. I am Lee Soo-Man, the Director of the SM Agency and your guide for your latest mission: THE FINAL ROUND. On behalf of the whole SM community, we apologize for the abrupt summoning, but your presence and skills are crucial if we are going to defeat the DISPATCH terrorist. For too long, the person that cowers behind the mask that claims itself DISPATCH has tormented South Korea for too long, and only you can stop them. It cannot be done alone though, if you so choose to take on this responsibility, I will assign one of the nine superheroes of your picking to share this task. Do you accept it?
I am pleased that you have accepted the assignment. For the duration of the mission, the NEO ZONE will be the location of the base for you and your partner. Intel, equipment, and training will be at both of your disposals. Now that you have been briefed on all inner workings of the mission and the NEO ZONE, there is one last obstacle until you defeat the enemy. The selection of your partner is based on compatibility and trust, I implore you to consider wisely until you make a final decision. The designated superhero of your liking will be under one of two teams, FUTURE OR DREAMER. Both equally beneficial, but the bonds of loyalty run deep between the members, you have to determine which one of their morals you value more. Heed my warning though, with the right set of skills and talent,  you and your partner will be unstoppable but tread lightly your connection with him. After all, you are his only weakness. Which team and hero will you choose?
You now have the option to choose your hero.
Before your perplexed mind could comprehend the change of dialogue, a streak of lightning had pierced the stillness of the undisturbed bedroom and released the tempest that was once contained to reality. With the abundance of consuming darkness, shards of glass pricking your paling skin, and tree branches pounding for entry--your white knuckles and twitching eyes fathomed the only connection you had with actuality; a plastic controller and the flickering avatar of your destined hero you chose only seconds before. Your heart had been thumping, not from the anticipation of a new adventure, no, it was pure fear that jolted your numbed muscles to sprint to sanctuary. The thunderstorm mocked your failed attempt at fleeing as another surge of electricity enveloped the room in white and sparks rippled at your ankles as you ran away but the tethering currents from the screen wrenched you back.
Team Future
Power: Pyrokinesis
A very vocal opponent when he’s on the battlefield, you might be on the other side of the area but you can always figure out where he is located by listening to his strange grunt/growl combos, enemies usually have to process the inhuman sound that came out of a small man but you just roll your eyes and toothy grin grows as you run to him for back up
Says “let’s get it!” any chance he gets, always attempts to make it your team chant before going on a mission but everyone votes no, even you
Loves to wear long sleeves as a staple piece of clothing despite his already burning temperature, he claims it eases him as if it were security blanket, and he enjoys when you tell him he looks adorable with his sleeved paws
During winter though, he always has to stock up on sweaters because you are always stealing them, whether it’s the feeling of his residual heat ghosting over your skin or look of complete adoration glazing over his eyes as he devours that look of yours, it’s a great excuse to wear one
If you had to assign ‘roles’ in the relationship, you would so be a top, he’s the most chill boy out there as you throw tantrums or squeal out of pure joy when you are finally promoted, it’s either purring hums out of his mouth or a silly smile as he gazes at you 
Physical affection is minimal between you two unless you initiate it, but it’s mostly wrapping his arm around you, it’s in no way conveying that he doesn’t love you, but rather love to him is experiencing moments with you, making memories while watching a funny movie or dancing horribly to a playlist he created
An exception is when you end up falling asleep on the couch as you two watch a movie, he secretly loves to carry you back to bed as he tucks you in and truly soaks in what you mean to him
His hair gradually transitioned to its current red as his powers grew throughout the years and he would always dye it but his genes overpowered any artificial color, not until you said you liked his hair like that, he decided to keep it
King of making you smile especially when you are down, he can’t stand seeing you sad so he insists on becoming a goofball until your sides hurt from laughing so hard
Takes training way too seriously, you always start off competing but by like the 100th crunch you are wiped but he’s still going 
Becomes sulky when his Disney Hades costume doesn’t come out as planned because his fire is red and not blue, but it was the best decision ever when you suggested Ghost Rider for the Halloween party, Taeil never looked better with just a leather jacket covering his bare skin
You finally convinced the clothing department to give you a fireproof uniform because Taeil has really bad aim, and your clothes are rags after a mission
Figured out you had a crush on Zuko when you were younger, so he would rewatch it with you and definitely cosplay Zuko, perhaps even role play with it if it’s something you were into
Having sex with Taeil was searing pain shooting through your thighs, tender love handles, heaving chests and lactic acid seeping through your muscles as he cheered you onto the last lap--it was a workout in itself with a sweltering room that reflected his aroused emotions
Both of you are constantly battling, whether it’s a rap battle or a cooking battle, Taeil is in love with the passionate side of you
Breakfast in bed is a tradition held during the weekends, he says he loves to spoil you but he just loves tasting his own food while you give him compliments on how delicious it is
Taeil is usually saved as a last resort for dangerous group missions, you’ve heard stories of his past battles as if he were legend already, but you’ve only witnessed his true power once by scorching down the enemy in one go, flames clawing his body as the inner glow within him exploded like he was a supernova--someone had to drag you out before the building collapsed on itself from the stifling heat and the roaring fire
You pinch his bouncy cheeks as often as possible just to see him roll his eyes while he fights off the widening smirk that makes his doe eyes curve into crescents, but it’s the blooming crimson of his cheeks that you indulge in, lightly sizzling your fingertips until you can’t take the pain any longer and yelp slips out, but Taeil swiftly swoops in and kisses your fingertips in an apology, it was a good pain though
It’s a normal night for both of you, 2 AM and your blabbering about everything and nothing, and Taeil always ends up the saying the same line to you as he coaxes you to sleep because he knows how grumpy you become in the morning, “I’m grateful we’re together, who would make you a fire if you were stranded on a deserted island? You definitely can’t, so, hmm, I guess it has to be me”
Power: Lycanthropy
You’d suspect him to be bear when he morphed with his build and height, but he’s a hulking chestnut brown wolf with gentle eyes
Basically a puppy on steroids always expects a treat and good belly rub after eviscerating all his targets
Has the ability to shift at will, so during winter nights you can find him nestled around you for added warmth
During the colder months, he usually wears knitted sweaters and oversized coats in his human form because it reminds him of his fur, and he claims he likes to keep you warm while he holds you in any form
Creates video tutorials of both of you sparring with each other, lots of constructive criticism and compliments on your ‘form’
Begs you to ride him into a mission just for the sake of it, he can so see you as a badass warrior on their monstrous steed
Johnny’s favorite time of day is during the end when you wind down with him and you tell him every detail of your day despite you two being joined at the hip as partners
Always asks questions out of plain curiosity and simply in love with the sound of your voice, it’s the equivalent of you petting his sweet spot on the back of his ear
Without a doubt, he howls in bed while having sex, he’s always teetering the edge of shifting and even though you repeatedly tell him it’s fine to let go, the splintered wood of the headboard and floating feathers of a slashed pillow is evidence of how much concentration he puts in to keep you safe
Manicures and pedicures on a regular basis in the Suh household got to keep those claws clean
Adamant about not getting a pet dog with you, his excuse is he would get too jealous of another canine but his stance is weakening with your improved puppy dog eyes
Multiple jokes about ‘starting a pack’ with you
While in his wolf form, he can understand human language but he doesn’t have the ability to communicate, so both of you rely on subtle gestures
Naturally has a small smile, always nudges you with his snout, and whenever you make a joke to him, he bears his canines that are frightening to most but to you it’s comforting
Johnny’s greatest fear is if you two are ever in an argument and his anger blinds him to the point of him unconsciously shifting and accidentally harming you
Even clumsier in his wolf form, he doesn’t realize actually how massive he is which makes him a hazard to normal-sized beings
Gets most of his stances and moves from the wolves from the twilight series, he won’t admit but he’s certainly inspired by them
Sexual appetite is at a peak when the full moon comes out, growl central!!
The most treasured item you two have is a portrait of wolf-Johnny on his hind legs, attacking your face with slobbering kisses and you grinning brightly because nothing can compare to the bliss of that snapshot
Power: Superhuman Speed
After every assignment, Taeyong’s personal mission is to dote on you, this usually happens by using a covering or his own jacket and slinging it over your shoulders, if there is grime or blood on it, he lets out soft ‘sorry’ even though you always tell him not to
He knows it’s his job, he understands the need, but that doesn’t mean he is comfortable with the bloody side of it, and so he loves talking to you after incidents, your voice is soothing and it helps him process all the trauma, he says it’s for your sake but you know in these moments you are his crutch and you gladly accept the job
Naturally, a faster walker than you so he always manages to be a few feet ahead of you, but when he sees you fall behind, he holds your hand and  tugs lightly while matching your pace
After enhancing his speed,  he always has flushed cheeks and a glossy sheen across his forehead, so you make it a habit to kiss his forehead, cheeks, and lips to cool him down
It doesn’t work, his heart his pulsating harder than ever and does that exasperated airy laugh as an attempt to stabilize his heightened emotions while walking away so you don’t witness his even redder face
You give him piggyback rides after missions, his energy is basically depleted by then, so a jacket for a piggyback ride seems like a fair deal even though he fights you the whole way but you know he adores being cared for
You were the one to convince him to dye his hair pink in an effort to have an easier time spotting him during assignments and now he’s pink blur racing off to defeat villains
When he lightly peppers kisses on your face, the smacks get louder until he finally lands on your lips and it’s the most exaggerated sloppy sound he can make while he squeezes your cheeks
Weekdays for him are for cooking dinner, and you occasionally join to help him but mostly it’s him feeding you bits asking if everything is seasoned well and by the end, he is cursing because half the dinner is already gone
Type of boyfriend to remember you mentioning something you like and a few days later, he buys it for you or he randomly buys you things that remind him of you and leaves it for you as a surprise
Always doodling on you or leaving you notes with drawings so he can remind you that he loves you or to hydrate
After stressful missions, he just plops on top of you, his nose inhaling your scent as he forces his heart to match your rhythm, it lasts for about twenty minutes or until he can finally recharge
Taeyong’s gym locker in the NeoZone is plastered with couple photos of you two and photos of you modeling or candid while he directed you with his camera
The only way you can convince him to give you ten more pushups or five more pullups is if you bribe him with kisses and it always works
Very sacrificial, it’s one of his main flaws, he’ll get super flustered and annoyed when he sees you in the line of fire, so he’ll ultimately take all the heat and scold you after to put yourself first
His face usually has a cold blank stare to it as he observes his surroundings but once you collide into him and coil your arm around his, he grows this massive grin that only you can create
Never takes advantage of his speed with you, his surroundings are always in a constant race and he’s always anticipating the next move, but with you, your a serene presence washing over him; calming him, grounding him to capture every moment of you so it isn’t a blur but a vivid mural
Definitely tender and sensual in bed, once tried to spice things up by using his speed but he almost broke you, so now he only changes his pace if you request it
With your head on his chest every night, the last thing you hear before you fall asleep is the rapid thumping of his heart; it’s the only lullaby you’ll ever need
Power: Supernatural Swordsmanship
Cut his hair with his kodachi and you most definitely needed to clean up the edges
Villains dread combating with Yuta, not just because he’s insane with a sword but he only talks about you and your relationship while fighting as if the opponent will answer his question of whether he should give you a cookie or ice cream cake for your birthday or even both 
Rather than making you feel better when you feel down, he would be your soundboard, a shoulder to cry one, a great pair of ears; patience and multiple ‘mhms’ as you unravel your worries while his fingers swirl on your thigh and he kisses your temple
You two could be on opposite sides of the room but his eyes would always gravitate to you and he would wait until you notice so he could meet your gaze and he would do the dorkiest faces, especially his famous lion rawr aegyo, it makes you realize how good of a father he would be
Goes wild when he sees your body tremble beneath him as the cold metal of the kodachi glides along your skin
The only thing rivaling his love for you is his love for his katana, it’s bond that can never be severed and  it’s a trust that only develops between soulmates, you could never understand but you accept and allow it to be the third partner in the relationship
It shouldn’t be possible for Yuta to look like a prince walking out of an otome game right after a battle, but there he is, glistening skin with swept hair and twinkling eyes as he sheathes his katana across his back as if he’s going to ride his horse in the Sengoku period
It’s usual occurrence to catch him absentmindedly talking to his katana, you wouldn’t be surprised if it could talk back, he can summon it by hand already, that sword and he shares one brain cell but he usually uses it as a mirror
You’re a killer couple, not only with looks and fashion but it’s quite a sight to experience as you shoot a bullet to his katana so it can ricochet at a target eighty feet away
Manages a rigorous training session before you wake up and when he’s done, he ends up collapsing on top with his sticky body as you screech at him to get off
The training facility in the NeoZone is rarely used because Yuta is a big believer in fresh air and beautiful scenery will motivate you more, so your sparring on the edge of cliffs and sprinting along the seaside
Alternates between reading books with you outside in your backyard with a makeshift picnic or both of you cuddled in bed with the open windows and the only source of light is the sun
If you have missions abroad, he convinces the agency to always give both of you one day free so you can act like tourists, nobody can say no to his dashing good looks and he knows it
One year for Christmas, you got him custom made tiny katana earrings and it’s literally the one pair he uses now, at least on his lobe
Yuta isn’t the overbearing type when it comes to jealousy, he shouldn’t have a say in what gender your friends are but when he sees a certain person obviously flirting with you it just takes slight glint of his katana to blind the intruder and they are already scurrying off 
Gets a kick out of playing real-life fruit ninja
Decided to shave a slit in his eyebrow with his katana one spontaneous night, he got out of the bathroom with a huge grin and asked, “does this make me look more badass?”
Your hands always end up somewhere around his stomach, gliding across the lean muscles, squeezing around his hips, twiddling his piercing, you name it, you can’t keep your hands off him
Nakamoto Yuta is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield, the pang of fear thrills you as you witness his lack of mercy and fiery anger at injustice as he slaughters anyone that stands before him, but that wicked glint in his eye softens just for you and then you see the scrawling of your name engraved on the hilt of the katana, and you know you are the only one that knows the true Yuta and you feel so blessed
Power: Precognition 
You beg him every possible waking minute for him to allow you to do his makeup if only to contour his insanely sharp cheekbones, he finally relents but he has a scowl on his face the whole time
You’ve become quite a baker with Doyoung but he always has to guide you so his arms snake around your waist as an excuse yet he acts completely innocent when he knows it makes you distracted
Playlist for every occasion, especially when he’s having sex with you, the house ends up feeling hollow whenever he’s away without his angelic voice but to your surprise, Doyoung leaves you secret audio files lulling you in a trance
His mouth becomes a cherished part for you, especially the way the corners of his lips curl up naturally, the small smirk instantly widening when in front of food, or the blinding white teeth as he’s gritting them when approaching an orgasm or laughing at you, not with you
It takes about five minutes for Doyoung to arrange his plushies in the right position so you both don’t ruin them as you cuddle
One arm draped over a plush and the other wrapped around your back, or him in a fetal position with his plush embraced into his chest as you act as the big spoon
Hand holding is strictly for the bedroom with him, but he knows you admire his hands often, so he’ll have him some type of connection with you when out in public; whether it’s his pinkies wrapped around yours, curved into the loop of your pants, or his delicate veiny hand wrapping around your sleeve
End up catching him more than once, gushing over the phone with his brother about how in love he is with you and you may not lurk in the background for a few minutes until you interrupt the conversation by saying hi to Donghyun
Downtime for you two is building a puzzle, coloring some pages, playing board games and him smug with his victory, watching some documentaries or kdramas, and if you two bought some new furniture for your renovating house, he would most definitely want to do it by himself as you laugh while handing him pieces
Manages to still be shy when you both kiss, it’s you who initiates the subtle peck on his pouting lips, but soon the soft curve of his lips invites you more while your hands cup his warming cheeks--he’s a contradiction of being timid but with all the confidence as he nibbles your lips as if you were a delicacy
Training for you two equals nap time, his power allows him to rely on his mind rather than his body, so when you ultimately force yourself to exercise, Doyoung is laying on the couch, lazily cheering you on
Always giving you little compliments in your earpiece as he guides you around for a recon mission, and still holds his breath when he tells you about the unforeseen event that you need to be prepared for even though he knows you can handle it with ease
Studies multitudes of intel before a mission because he can never be too prepared, and it eases his nerves knowing that he can take every precaution in ensuring your safety
Would dedicate a photo album of himself on your phone, and even send you his recent selfies, telling you to choose one of them as an updated contact photo
You clown him 24/7 but he clowns you right back, it’s always a constant playful banter between you two, his eyebrows would furrow when you called him cute, the trembling of lips broke his facade, and when he does it to you, you essentially become his baby as he bites your cheeks but tell no one or he would deny it
From the moment you two wake up until you both arrive at headquarters, he has sullen look across his features, he would brush his lips across your temple and a hoarse good morning would escape his mouth in a notion to acknowledge you, but until he gets coffee in his system his energy hasn’t been restored yet, but your use to it as you tug him to the break room with his lidded eyes
Alone time is a must for you two, it could be both of you in the same room doing your own thing without communication or different parts of the house or mostly you would leave to run errands and Doyoung stuck in his room, but at the end of the day he crawls to you and says a small ‘hey’ as if his day just started from the moment he set eyes on you
Doyoung was always on alert, aware of incoming predictions that he had no say in but easily accepted, it’s a strain on his mental being, a reason why he needs to center himself by being alone, but then you come
Your blank, just like him, you’re unpredictable and foreign to him, but it’s not until you two kiss for the first time, that a hazy premonition reveals itself in a form of two children that share your hair but his feline eyes, it’s fragile though and uncharted, he knows that he needs to do right by you to get to the last level that seemed like paradise to him
Team Dreamer
Power/Being: Android
During his exoskeleton stage, Jaehyun requested that the scientists create dimples during his living tissue transplant because he heard “they’re to die for”
Definitely thought it was a weapon utilized to kill his enemies
You make a habit to poke at his dimples until you feel the exoskeleton underneath, an oddly comforting sensation that makes you realize that Jaehyun doesn’t have a heart but his actions say otherwise 
Literally the personification of steam coming out of ears in cartoons with scalding red tips, this only happens when you’re in danger or when he sees you in what he perceives as provocative
It took five hours to draw an array of tattoos on him for a disguise on a reconnaissance mission, and a certain neck tattoo was going to make you abandon the mission and your sanity
Sadly, he had to erase them because the “the bad boy” persona was an official disguise in his hardware and couldn’t be revealed to the public
Jaehyun kept one design, however, a soft beauty mark on the apple of his left cheek, he claims it’s your signature as his owner but you like the word partner better
Programs all your training sessions and signature moves to his hard drive because he believes there is no better instructor than you  (except Bruce Lee)
The first time you helped him clean his internal munition unit, you couldn’t decipher any of the weapons so you gave them your own personal nicknames, he kept correcting you but he got tired so he now calls them “wholly fist” and “boom boom pow by the BEP”
You joke around with him that because he was created on valentine’s day, he should be credited as a sexbot but he always frowned at that comment until he figured out he could turn the tables on you by saying “I could be your sexbot”
Whenever he sees another person eyeing you in what he perceives is attraction, he activates his instant kill function with laser red eyes and declaring “target locked”
Suave and intimidating when you two first meet but truly transformed into a ‘soft boy’ after downloading your Pinterest board 
Whenever both of you are out in public, eyes ogle him and mouths gawk, but Jaehyun is oblivious to it all until he turns to someone and starts up the most wholesome conversation about something mundane and you know that person melts with ease because Jaehyun was built to reflect human nature, but he was doing better than most in your opinion
Lots of arcade dates with him, he quickly figured out the algorithm of each game just so he can overflow you with gifts and so he can show off his basketballs skills because he knows you love eyeing his arms in action
When he’s with you though, he’d rather listen and absorb every action and word that you produce, he wants to immerse himself in you because he truly believes that you are all that is good about humankind
Archives every single detail that you speak, and replays it for you when you forget something or to prove you wrong, there is no in-between
Robot sex!!!! That drilling option though...oof
The moment he realizes the blaring internal alarm warning him of his elevated temperature and the shorted circuits whenever you are near, he correlates it to what humans label  “love” so he downloads files on expressing these so-called feelings
Instead of saying “I love you”, he says “I dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin you” when he first confesses, and you assume there is a chemical imbalance within him so you rush him to the infirmary but for the first time, Jaehyun stalls and his eyes are clouded with retrieved information glowing neon green until he settles on “I love...I love...I love you” (yes, he stole it from Mr. Darcy, so sue him, he’s a fracking android)
Jaehyun sometimes doubts his ability to love you and even you sometimes question if you can love a piece of metal, but then you observe him before he joins you in bed that he triples check his instant kill function is disabled and he gushes about the new song he discovered and you are so sure that he was made for you
Power: Lightning Bolt Projection
Gets easily flustered with the most pouty lip ever when you call him ‘Zeus’, it was his failed superhero name when he was trainee, but to you, he is much better than that jerk of a Greek god
Dressed up as the actual Zeus once for the office Halloween party and the year after that as a lightning bolt and you a storm cloud
Whenever Jungwoo craves attention but you’re occupied with another task, he repeatedly zaps you, not enough to harm, but until you cave in yet when you want to be annoyed with him, his owlish eyes and trembling lips easily subdue you
Your shoulder is a sacred space for him, it's the perfect fit for his head to settle in with a toothy grin and the warmest ‘mhms’ as he listens to you speak
Jungwoo was never much of a fighter, his powers were swift enough to eradicate enemies with not much mobility, but training sessions with you were more than enough of an excuse to spend time with you
Lately, your skin has been electrifying, not only the amorous glow you were emitting, but everyone you came in contact with felt a slight spark
Hair treatments are a must, the frizz is wild with Jungwoo, you really need to ask about his hair products because his hair so fluffy despite the amplitude of currents running through him
While brushing your teeth with him, he always shoots out finger hearts to you and winks through the mirror, it’s a great way to start the day
Never felt more grateful for his power until you were attacked on an assignment and your heart failed, it took four shocks to revive you with streams of tears and muttering to any God to hear his prayer
He’s most himself in the rain, umbrellas have never been on your shopping list
Definitely shoots bolts out of his finger guns and then blows on them afterward, if he’s feeling flirty, an added wink explodes your heart
Your biggest cheerleader when you are kicking ass during a mission
It’s a tradition for him to rake his fingers over your back with slight ripples of electricity while you cuddle in bed, it does wonders to relax your muscles
It’s been months of practice to improve his bolt voltage and range, but he finally managed to write ‘I love you y/n” in the sky, he couldn’t help it, he’s bursting at the seams with adoration for you
Both of you in the kitchen is a sight to see, you season but he cooks the food, his specialty is slightly charred chicken
Packs both of your lunches so you can eat together on break
Gets scared easily and as a result will discharge a lightning bolt as a defense, so pranks are off-limits between the team members
Literal sparks when you kiss, numbing and exhilarating as currents pass through your molding bodies to create goosebumps and raising hairs
When he thinks of home, his first instinct is to be cradled in your arms, watching trashy movies as a thunderstorm quakes the earth
Power: Compulsion
Mark might excel in whispering but when you turn the tables on him, with your sultry murmurs, he can’t help becoming a puddle of blushing mush
Never once used actual compulsion on you, the only exception is when you figured out the surprise birthday party he was planning for you, he redirected your attention to grocery shopping
His favorite part of you is your right ear because it’s where you naturally tuck your hair at and he just loves to twirl a strand of it in his finger while he mutters sweet nothings to you
You’re his bodyguard during missions, he can’t possibly get that close to targets while they attack if you aren’t watching his back
Even when he is supposed to be acting intimidating during an assignment, he can’t help but stutter and repeat ‘uh’ a thousand times, but he gets the job done eventually
Your literally breaking sweat, contorting your body so four targets don’t reach Mark, and he’s over there oversharing with another target
“The love of my life is about to kick your ass and you aren’t going to do a single thing about it, booby head” or “make the password ‘mark and y/n forever’ or else”
Naturally whispers in his sleep with his stinky breath in your ear, and you try to push him off but he just clings onto you like a koala 
In the morning though, the slight breakage in his voice from pitched to croaky as he says good morning to you is on repeat in your head for the whole day
Mark’s give away when he is about to use compulsion is him licking his thin lips, and almost makes you get knocked out by the enemy because your already under his spell
Does a tiny dance for any occasion, from doing the laundry, stripping naked, or when you two had your first kiss
It’s the strained grunts, the heavy breathing, and the showering of hushed compliments in your ears that makes you reach your peak in bed, Mark always sounded better when he was being pleasured
To him, your voice is the loveliest sound across the universe and your adorably awkward cackle that you so desperately try to hide as he reenacts vines to you is what happiness is to him
Ice cream dates consist of him bringing a tub of ice cream to a yogurt shop because he knows you prefer it
Coughed over his first fart with you but now he loves to fart on you as you pretend you are suffocating and gagging
Has a folder in his photos dedicated to you where it ranges from blurry to candids and in during most of them he was either hyping you up or teasing you
Greets you with a ‘yo!’ whenever he enters the room
Will always buy you any lip product associated with watermelon and you’ll always buy him baseball caps for him to wear
Despite being loud for 90% of your relationship, he is most vulnerable with when he whispers his greatest fears, future goals, and nightmares to you because your the only one he can trust
With the many decibels that Mark Lee varies in, your favorite by far has to be the ascending chortle from the low HAs to the high HEEs with clapping hands and a scrunched nose that puffs out his cheeks-- it’s pure bliss to you
Power: Light Manipulation 
Haechan is utterly in love with your cheeks, instead of biting them or pinching them, he opts to kiss them whenever he has a chance, it’s rushing heat of your blush and the swelling of your smile that he lives for
The little spoon in bed, just so he can wrap his leg around you and nestle his head in the crook of your neck just like a koala
Literally always a brat to you, it’s the many ways he shows you affections
You asked him once to paint your nails, and now he does it every Friday ever since he discovered the ‘my hands look like this so hers can look like this’ meme even though his hands just have bitten nails
A man of action, Haechan shows you love through his movements with a heart framed by his fingers or blowing a kiss
Needs to always be physically attached to you, whether it’s hugging you from behind, leaning his head on your shoulder, or falling into you when he’s in a fit of giggles, he needs you to know that he will never let you go
Snarky remarks and cheesy jokes define your relationship with Haechan
Manages to always wake up before you on those lazy mornings with you burrowed deep into his side, and he can’t help but be memorized by your presence but soon feels selfish when he moves a ray of sunlight to your eyes so he can just peek at the explosion of colors in your eyes when you flutter them open--ah yes, this is his favorite part of the day
Loves to play video games with you into the late hours of the night, especially overwatch, but your always the first one to pass out, so he makes sure to tuck you in and dim the light of the screen so it doesn’t bother you
Most nights the both of you are wide awake so you end up playing ‘what the light?’, a game where Haechan creates 3D objects out of light and you have to guess what they are before he finishes them
Oh, and shadow puppets! He’s become quite the expert with them, he creates the most ridiculous stories with them but you join him by voicing the characters
In addition to ‘I love you’ as a goodbye, you have a secret intricate handshake with him, his excuse was that if you two ever question’s one identity if ever an enemy swapped bodies, you two would know the truth with the handshake but in reality, he just loves that extra time with you before you two part 
It’s either Haechan teasing and making fun of you or he’s doting on you, there is no in-between because after all, you are his idiot
If he’s in the mood, he’ll solidify light photons into the shape of a sword and call it ‘sunflower’, he just loves to tell the tale that he took out fifteen assassins with a sunflower, but usually, he blinds them or burns them
Goes the extra mile for you to create a spotlight on you when you are giving a mission brief at headquarters, that’s the love of his life right there and he’ll make damn sure everyone notices them
Recreates Edward’s sparkling in the sun scene just so he can see you beam with laughter 
Master of mood lighting during sex, and don’t even mention when he hits his climax, bulbs flickers and lamps explode
It might be a trick of the light, but Haechan’s eyes are vividly bright and he’s drowned in golden hues of sunlight, it makes you wonder if he was plucked from the star itself
Yet, as your lips quiver and your glassy eyes blink the last remnants of tears in Haechan’s cupped hands, there is an inner glow from them as you bask in their warmth, he can’t help but proclaim that you are the sun of his world, you are the light of his life even when it feels like his is diminishing
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dalshabetglobal · 4 years
201224 Subin / Dalsooobin Interview for TenAsia (English)
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[TenAsia = Tae Yuna, Seo Yejin] Subin, a former member of the girlgroup Dalshabet, who is appearing on MBN Entertainment's show <Miss Back> reflected on the year.
Subin said she has been extremely busy this year. In July, she appeared on MBN's trot competition program <Voice Trot> and sang Sim Soo Bong's songs enthusiastically. In the middle of the stage, she threw off her shirt and showed off an unconventional sexy concept, and the high note in the second half was naturally admired.
Since then, on <Miss Back>, in which former idols from girl groups take on new challenges as singers, as a 10-year singer and representative of a solo agency Dalsooobin Company, the members drew attention with their efforts day and night to obtain life songs.
Subin said, "Starting with <Voice Trot>, I started doing a lot of programs. While doing Miss Back, I am living with another person inside me. We've been resting a lot with Corona these days, but I've been busier than anyone else."
When asked why she challenged herself with the trot genre, Subin said, "I think that trot is a field that everyone who plays music should study, but I learned more than I thought. My musical perspective has expanded greatly and I have overcome a lot of my stage fright."
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<Miss Back> drew a lot of attention before the broadcast. In the released teaser video, Gayoung, a former Stellar member, said she dreamed of becoming an innocent girl group member, but when there was no reaction, she said they transformed her image into an unconventional 19-year-old concept, causing controversy. Nada, a former Wassup member, confessed to have panic disorder and depression. Subin also ran an office in the side of her room due to financial issues, and even played sessions herself, causing some regrets.
Was there any pressure to appear on the show because it was somewhat provocative? "I've never been ashamed of my situation since I was young. Rather that, I was relieved", said Subin. "It was nice to be able to show that I'm actually living this kind of life, and that I'm a person who is having similar difficulties as everyone else. After the broadcast, I received more support than I expected. Many people said they didn't know I was this easy-going", she laughed.
As for the chemistry with <Miss Back> members, she said, "We all have similar personalities. They are orderly and introverted, but when we are gathered together, they brighten. They are warm people who make concessions, understand, and celebrate and mourn together. If I were to be in a girl group again, I'd like to be with the members. Even though I met them frequently during my idol activities, we didn't have the opportunity to get close to each other, but since the years we've been through are similar, I think our bond has gotten stronger now".
However, Soyeon, a former T-ara member, decided to leave the show after only four episodes, which was surprising to everyone. Subin said, "Soyeon still watch the broadcast these days and sends me messages of encouragement after watching it". She added, "On the first day when all the members was together for the first time, we gathered together and talked quietly, but Soyeon seemed like a strong support to everyone. I think she is still responsible for that feeling.”
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Subin had a four-car collision on the 17th of last month (November). Although there were no major injuries, she was hospitalized for a week following the doctor's recommendation, receiving intensive treatment and discharged from the hospital. As a result, she was absent from the fourth life song challenge on <Miss Back>. The <Tantara> team with Yujin, Sera and Gayoung had to complete the stage without Subin.
Subin said, "I picked the members myself, organized the stage, and rapped for the first time, so of course I wanted to show a lot of things. I felt so sorry that I couldn't be there as their leader". She also said, "I was in doubt for a while. Since Dalshabet days, I was involved in a lot of accidents. It was even more unfair because there were many things that were not our mistakes. When I tried to run out, it felt like I was catching it from behind".
"But the good news is that even though I was away, the members filled the position. I was proud that they did much better than I was worried about. On the other hand, I think it was a signal to rest for me, who is working too hard these days".
When asked about the most memorable performance on the <Miss Back> stage, Subin said, "I have ground my bones on every stage. It was edited from the show, but there was a day when I practiced until 5 a.m., when I was practicing for <Tantara>. I was even scolded after an interim check, I practiced with tears on my eyes on that day. The time given to us is very limited. After that, there was nothing I could feel more proud about."
Subin then said, "Through <Miss Back>, I achieved my dream of directing a stage beyond producing an album. If I could do this during Dal Shabet, I think my attitude would have been a lot different. Since I was in charge of everything from one to ten, my sense of responsability grew even harder. I am thankful".
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She also showed her love and affection for Dalshabet members. Subin said, "I've never won first place on a music show with Dalshabet. I've heard something from people: the members of Dalshabet were so close that they never got first place. They said there should be competition in the group for us to do well and that all members were so kind that we only wished for it. It is not easy for young ladies to live together for seven years. But we are the most important people in each other's lives, being so close is really a gift.
Subin then said, "When I cried on <Miss Back>, my unnies will contact me right away. I cried again as well. Because they know the meaning of tears reflected on the broadcast, they support me a lot".
"Right now we can't meet because of the Corona, but I'm contacting them regularly in our private group chat room. Since we have six birthdays in a year, we celebrate our anniversaries together. Jiyul has the same hobby as me, so we travel together, and I see Kaeun often because she's my neighbor".
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Subin returned as an actor after a year with the web drama <Wish You: Your Melody in My Heart> released on the idol app on the 4th.
<Wish You> is a romance that melts musical sensibilities in the BL genre, and tells the story of singer-songwriter Kang In-soo (played by Kang In-soo) and keyboardist Yoon Sang (played by Lee Sang) struggling to achieve their dreams of music. Subin plays Lee Yoo-jin, a former member of a girl group who has absolute hearing.
"The BL genre was so fresh, and it was great to play with two handsome men", said Subin. Also, "The Yoojin character who understood their love was heartbreaking and cool. I heard it topped the download list in Japan. I think it's because Insoo and Lee Sang are popular in Japan. I'm also satisfied that the video came out so pretty. Next month, the director's movie version will be released on Netflix", she said, asking for support from everyone.
Subin appeared as a guest on the Ten Live show hosted by Ten Asia's YouTube channel TVTen on the 16th and showed off her extraordinary talking skills. Especially when asked if she has been asked out by more than five male celebrities so far, she said, "Of course, there are more than five. Since it's been 10 years since my debut, there was about 20 people. Excluding sports players", she said, drawing surprise. She evern confessed that she is 173.8 centimeters tall, not 175 centimeters tall.
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When asked about her year-end plans, Subin said, "I travel with my family every year, but I think we will have a small meal this year" and "I prepared an album while filming <Miss Back>. I will tell you good news soon".
Regarding the new song, she said, "It's my first time doing a winter song. I put a lot of effort into it. The genre is ballad and it's a song that goes well with winter. My color is definitely there and I think listeners can say there's a new color in it."
What is the goal of Subin, who has been working as a singer and actor, for next year? "I want to dig deeper into what I'm doing now rather than new challenges. I'll show you my 10 years of music and acting!"
Interview by: TenAsia Translated by Dalshabet Global Please, take out with full credits!
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dtvibezauarchive · 4 years
Lost Hope AU
This AU is formed around a very vengeful George. 
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He seeks revenge for those who had killed off his best friends; Dream and Sapnap. Donning Sapnap’s bandana and shirt, as well as Dream’s hoodie and mask, these items are the last he has of his deceased friends. 
The man behind the death of his friends is nonother than Schlatt, who was resurrected by Quackity, in hopes of trying to puppet the man. After failing to do so, Schlatt once again took over L’Manberg, dubbing it ‘Manberg 2.0′. 
He threatened anyone who get’s in his way. He has claimed that the Dream Team is dead, for they all died that day. George isn’t the same, and may never be the same again. 
During these events, when a festival goes down in the new Manberg, George decides to strike, though fails horribly and is in the end, at Schlatt’s feet, on the verge of death. 
Quackity regrets everything. He has regretted bringing Schlatt back due to the fact things didn’t go his way. So, he tries to help George, but is in the end, hurt as well. 
Once everyone saw what was happening, they are forced to watch helplessly as things go down. Though, just before Schlatt kills off George... Technoblade swoops in to stop things. 
There is a gap during this time, where Techno takes George in. Seeing the broken man, he offers a bit of support, despite their differences. He knows George want’s revenge, so he will support whatever anarchy George has to offer. So, he helps George back to health, with the help of Philza, Tommy and Wilbur (after they escaped Manberg 2.0). 
George becomes close with the bunch, each week of training, they all become stronger and bond more together. It’s a weird family dynamic, but it works for them all. More so, a teacher-student bond forms between Technoblade and George. Techno teaches what he can to George, while George learns it all. He finds a higher level of appreciation towards Techno during these days, and on some occasions, calls him sensei or teacher. 
After what seems like years of training, there comes a point in time where they fight Schlatt at the End Portal, the Portal now activated. George discovered that Schlatt has a book of resurrections and wishes to take it, in hopes of getting his friends back. Yet, he would need to betray Technoblade in order to get it. Meaning, he would need to throw Techno into the end with little to nothing. 
There is a huge standoff, and for a moment, Techno believes George accepts the deal. But he doesn’t. Techno is stunned by the actions performed by George, going as far as to even quote his saying. George ends up throwing Schlatt into the void of the portal, as well as releasing the book with him. 
The war for them has won. The evil was now banished to the realms of the End and everyone in the Dream SMP and Manberg 2.0 were free. 
Techno wakes up home, with Philza shaking him awake, and Tommy and Tubbo by his side. He has no recollection on what happened and how he got here... all that he knows is that George isn’t with him. And that worries him.
So far, up to this point, everyone has no clue as to what happened to George, and have no clues as to where he is. George is missing. 
---------- some fics/drabbles around this au below the line ----------
“George. Please.”
Bad spoke, hurrying along side his friend now as he tried to stop the other. But as he grabbed George’s arm...
“I don’t care, Bad. I don’t care what you say to me here and now. You cannot stop me.”
He yanked his arm right from Bad, glaring harshly towards him before fully placing the mask over his face. Turning around once more, he began to walk, making his way down the wooden path. Skeppy and Ant couldn’t do much... they had no say between their relationship. Seeing Bad in despair... begging George... it was hard to watch. Especially if George had a set goal in mind.
“George-” Bad tried once more, reaching his hand out...
“They brought him back, Bad. They brought that monster back from the dead and now he’s taking charge of L’Manberg AGAIN. He KILLED Sapnap and Dream, right in front of my eyes. So don’t you fucking dare try and stop me from going after him and those who brought him back from the hellscape he was in. Don’t even try to or else I will have to kill you as well.”
There was a tense pause, Skeppy himself now stepping forward slowly, his hand gripping his axe. Seeing that George just threatened Bad...
“...” What could Bad say? He was.. hurt... they all were hurt after what had happened. They were in utter shock when they got word that Schlatt was back...
“... If it were Skeppy, would you do it? Would you go after Schlatt, if you watched him kill Skeppy right in front of you?”
He gripped his hand, balling it into a fist. Bad... his gaze dropped down slightly, thinking on George’s words for a moment before he noticed George lifting the Mask up, revealing half of his face.
“If it were Skeppy, you wouldn’t hesitate with that answer.. because you’d be already fighting that bastard. Especially in the heat of the moment.”
Pulling his mask back down, he turned away, taking a moment to just breathe.
“... the day Sapnap and Dream died... was the day I too died. The Dream Team is no more. I am but a shell of who I once was... because I will never be the same without them here.”
and with that, George pushed forward, leaving Bad, Skeppy and Ant in his shadow.
Quackity winced as he watched George slump forward, the sword sticking right out of his chest causing his stomach to churn. The amount of blood spilling from George... he was shocked with how George still managed to keep awake.
He then turned to look towards Schlatt, who’s sickly form wobbled forward slowly, the glare in his dull eyes sending shivers down his spine. The liquid that oozed from his lips... his nose... that fucking devilish grin. The smug bastard. He thought this was the way... he thought this would fix everything... but...
“George.. oh George... Stupid, pathetic, George. Look at you... did anyone ever tell you... Red really is your color. Such a shame that you cannot see the crimson hues that mark your skin” Schlatt sneered, now pulling the arrow from his neck roughly, the darkened hue of red leaking from the wound on his neck. Throwing the item harshly towards the side with a little care.. Schlatt laughed, letting the liquid drip from his lips and teeth.
“You can’t get rid of me baby! No matter how hard you try, I’ll always BE HERE!”
George looked up slowly, his eyes glossed over as his hand gently gripped the sword in his chest...
That’s when Schlatt pulled the axe right out from his back, letting the sickening crunch emit from the wound, letting bits and gushes of blood to splatter from him.
“... I should’ve ended you right then and there. All this time, I thought my real threat was Wilbur and Dream.. but you... you’re just like them... I loath you all immensely. Your words filling the ears of those here on this stupid SMP... “
Letting the axe go to his side, his hand firm on the handle...
“... You abomination... I know you miss them both...”
Schlatt then gripped the axe tightly, raising it over his shoulder now..
“How’s about we fix that?”
And like that.. Schlatt charged at George, his eyes wide with intense hatred, the ooze flying from his form. George could only watch in horror as Schlatt darted for him.
This was it.
Quackity gripped his stomach, tears cascading down his cheeks now as he screamed, his other hand reaching out towards George.
Sam banged on the glass separating them, Bad and Punz trying their best to shatter the see through barrier. He was screaming... Sam was screaming as he watched Schlatt grew near towards George. Sam’s crown fell off, his mask slipping .. his voice echoing throughout the room they were in, the tone of despair growing.
Schlatt grinned dangerously as he stomped harshly on the ground, standing right in front of George.
With that... he swung the axe...
Schlatt’s eyes widened...
Quackity felt as if his heart stopped.
Sam let out a sharp gasp.
Silver eyes peered right up towards Schlatt, a glowing enchanted netherite sword being held up against the axe he held. A red cape slowly fell towards the shoulders of the man that stood there... man? or Pig.
Schlatt jumped back, stumbling somewhat over his footing, his eye twitching at the sight before him.
They stood tall, the look of utter anger lingering throughout their gaze. A shining glowing crown dawned upon their head... the armor they wore glistening from the enchantments given to it.
George just.. let out a shaken breath... his vision growing blurry with every passing moment...
“... T.. Technoblade...”
He couldn’t focus.
George watched as Schlatt made his way towards the end portal, letting out a shaken laugh as he glanced right back towards him.
Techno flinched as he dangled off the edge of the cobblestone he was left on, the potion of weakness given to him really taking its toll. He could barely keep himself together, his eyes slightly casting off towards the side. Each passing moment, he grew weaker, as well as his grip on the stone.
“Take your pick…”
Raising his sword high, Schlatt let out a heavy, sick laugh.
“Save your friends and bring them back while letting this disgusting pig fall into the end below, never to be seen again… or save this pig.. And never get the choice of ever bringing your friends back to life.”
George hesitated…
He stared towards the book Schlatt held in his other hand… then he stared towards Techno.
Sweat lightly rolled down his forehead, his eyes gazing back and forth between the two…
“Tick.. tock.. George…”
“oh, I just got some gold. It’s quite epic.”
“why are you talking like that?… quite epic, I’m Sapnap.”
“It’s quite epic indeed.”
Warm laughter filled the air.
“Let’s go!”
“Alright, let’s chill-”
Shocked yells and screams filled the air before … laughter, seeing that they were saved.
George stared up towards Schlatt… his eyes cold.
he made his decision.
Schlatt watched as George approached him.
A sly grin was on his face.
George had made his choice… and Techno watched as George went right up to Schlatt.
George held his hands out… waiting for Schlatt to hand him the book.
“.. you made the right choice George..”
Placing the book in George’s hand slightly, he still kept a firm grip on it’s edge. Schlatt turned to look at Techno, a wild grin on his face now as he chuckled.
“… you see Techno? This is all you’ll ever be… alone for all eternity. The king who finally falls… it’s about time you’re put to rest…”
Just as Schlatt turned to look at George...
Techno watched as George full on slammed his fist against Schlatt’s face, breaking his nose right on contact. George then gripped the other’s shirt collar, glaring darkly towards those shocked eyes.
“... a wise Pig once told me of a wise mans words.”
Techno.. Techno leaned his head against the cobblestone, watching as George held Schlatt dangerously close towards the portal entrance...
“... Anger may in time, change to gladness.. vexation may be succeeded by content... but a Kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being... nor can the dead ever be brought back to life.”
Schlatt’s eyes widened as blood trickled down his nose...
George leaned in, his voice near a growl...
“... Fuck you, Jschlatt.”
and with that... George shoved Schlatt right into the end portal.. with the book he held.
The echo’s of Schlatt’s scream filled the void before.. silence.
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ohmightydevviepuu · 4 years
our little life (rounded with a sleep) / chapter 4
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our little life (rounded with a sleep) chapter four
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful detective. She had blonde hair, green eyes, no family, and she was good at finding people; in fact, she proclaimed this on her office door. “Swan and Humbert,” it said. “Private investigations, missing persons, and bail bonds.”
Only lately, she’s been thinking that maybe it should say “Emma Swan: Loner, Loser, Complicated wreck.”
Her partner’s been killed on a case after she made a deal with her landlord to find what had been taken from him. But when she tracks a possible perp to a bar on the outskirts of town, Emma will find out exactly how deep the rabbit hole goes.
(a FULL rewrite of “the stuff that dreams are made of” completed as part of the 2020 Captain Swan Big Bang Rewrite-a-Thon)
always, always, always because of @thisonesatellite, @profdanglaisstuff and @katie-dub
thanks again to the amazing team at @captainswanbigbang and to the amazing, fun, clever, brilliant and supportive group of participants there who kept me going
CW:  canonical character death (minor character) rating:  T/M (mild implied violence, language) AO3
Jamie Hook insists Emma accompany him to meet Regina Mills. And then he tells her a story.
Neither of those things goes particularly well.
chapter one | chapter two | chapter three
I’m out on a case tonight, Emma texted Mary Margaret while she waited for Hook to catch her up. Enjoy having the place to yourself, she added before slipping the phone back into a pocket. The text was meant to give her something to do, provide some kind of quick break for her mind and her thoughts to settle, but Hook’s mere presence seemed to make that impossible. The man himself was impossible--impossibly beautiful, impossibly infuriating, impossibly insightful--and he was still, technically, at a minimum, a person of interest in an active homicide investigation even before Emma considered her own case.
Still. He said he hadn’t done it, and Emma believed him. She was attracted to him, too, like that was even news--undoubtedly Hook had admirers of all genders, between his dark good looks and his attitude and the way he looked at you like you were the only thing that mattered in the world.
“Do me a favor, Swan, when we go in there,” he said seriously, and he was doing exactly that, looking intently at her, and his eyes were just so ridiculous and blue as he nodded toward the well-lit lobby of the Mills’ Organization office building. “Don’t believe I’m as crooked as I seem to be. I haven’t lived a good life, and I’ve done worse things than you can ever imagine. But if you can trust me, just a little--”
“Right,” Emma said. “The team thing again.”
“I think we can help each other, Swan. I’m not much for loyalty, but I’ll swear allegiance to whomever can help me. I was hoping it’d be you.”
“You want to kill him, don’t you?” Emma interrupted, because she had figured out at least that much in between the fairy-tale nonsense he’d spouted. Emma understood pissed, she understood revenge, she understood needing allies and most of all she understood two fucking years in Tallahassee and--
“You could have just asked me for the keys,” Neal had said, and smiled.
“Bye, Emma,” Henry had said, and smiled.
Hook was still staring at her. Deep breath.
“Gold took more than your hand from you,” she said, not asking. “He’s the one that killed her. That’s what this is all about for you.”
“You’re quite perceptive, Swan, for someone who’s never been in love,” he said.
Emma shrugged.
One second more of his eyes on her, Emma feeling like he could drill a hole into her head, and then his expression shifted all over again. “Alas, in this world, we are slaves to time, and it is getting quite late for a social call. Tick-tock, love, and put your hand right there, that’s a good girl.”
He led her not to the building but back to her car, talking over her protests. “Believe me, Swan, you don’t want to be on Regina’s radar yet any more than you already are. Give me but a moment to work my charms on the security guard before we set sail, yeah?” He held the car door open like a proper gentleman.
Emma looked at him, eyebrows raised. “Try something new, darling,” he said, his eyes pleading. “It’s called trust.”
Slowly, Emma nodded. “Get on with it, Hook,” she said, sitting down. “And don’t think for one second I’m taking my eyes off of you.”
“I would despair if you did,” Hook said with a wink, and walked in.
Emma pulled the car door closed and immediately regretted staying behind, though the view as Hook walked away was nothing to sneeze at. Her hand balled up into a fist as she banged it against the glass of the window; this was a bad idea.
She wasn’t sure if she meant the scheme--or Hook.
The look you get in your eyes when you’ve been left alone.
Emma sighed, giving one last bang on the glass, and wondered if she should just start the car and drive away.
“Be careful, Emma,” Hook said from the seat next to her, and Emma jumped. “You’re making a mistake.”
“I don’t want to talk to you about this,” Emma said, closing her eyes.
“You can’t always run just because you’re frightened,” Hook said. “Graham’s gone and you’re a part of something new and you’re already afraid.”
“Besides Graham, I don’t think I’ve ever been a part of anything,” she whispered.
“But you could be,” Hook said, reaching for a chain that hung around his neck and pulling it off, dangling a ring in the empty space between them. “Keep this,” he said. “You could do with a reminder.”
“A reminder of what?” Emma asked, but a loud knock on the window startled her awake.
“Forgotten me already?” Hook asked with a smirk. “Come, Swan, I’ve secured us an audience with Her Royal Highness, Regina Mills.”
Regina Mills’ office was a wide room, well-lit, with a wall of windows.
A shiver passed through Emma as Hook’s hand fell from the base of her spine, where it had been since they’d gotten on the elevator, a moment before they stepped through the door.
The decor was black and white and stark, tasteful and minimalistic, and the centerpoint was a desk facing away from the window wall. To access it, Hook and Emma had to walk down a sort of allee that showed off the inlay floor; on one side was a table that could seat six and on the other was a white couch facing a fireplace, with a statue of a horse anchoring the mantle. The wallpaper was a grim silhouette of a forest and a heavy chandelier dangled from the ceiling, the one point of color a large bowl overflowing with Red Delicious apples. Regina’s desk had no front piece--it balanced on a pair of elaborate sawhorses and gave anyone who cared to look a view of her legs, which were now on display as Regina was wearing a skirt with her jacket as opposed to the trousers Emma had seen earlier in the day. Like maybe the job of threatening Emma Swan had required a wardrobe change.
As for the woman herself, she was in a rage.
Emma was giving serious consideration to the idea that rage was Regina’s perpetual state; still, whatever Emma had seen of her that afternoon was nothing when taken against her reaction to the presence of Hook. And her, Emma. And her presence, there, in the company of Hook. Emma’s own outfit probably wasn’t helping matters, either--at least when it came to Regina, but Hook had more than once had his eyes trained, in a most ungentlemanly fashion, on her ass, and seemed to enjoy her outfit very much.
Regina Mills was actually, by all appearances, several levels above rage and they were barely through the door. Even her eyes seemed to be on fire, alight with heat that was surely capable of melting steel. “Captain Hook,” she said silkily, her voice attempting to suppress all of the emotion already on display. “I’m positively delighted to see you again.”
Emma did not need to be either calm or focused to know that was a lie. The face was a dead giveaway.
“I was sure you would be,” Hook said, spreading his hands and inclining his head in a parody of a bow. The lack of affect in his voice was shocking--dry, sharp and uninterested; Emma suddenly missed the gentle touch that she had not invited at the small of her back as she was confronted with this stranger and his expressionless face. Even the liveliness of his eyebrows was missing, though Regina’s eyes still looked capable of shooting fire as her eyebrows went straight up into her hairline.
“The question is,” Regina said, “how you knew to find me at all.”
“It is rather, isn’t it?” Hook said, and nothing else, merely waiting for Regina to continue.
She was quiet for a moment and her gaze fell on Emma. “And the Swan girl,” she said dismissively. “Not the normal sort of company for a man like Captain Hook, even after all of this time.”
It was the name he’d given to the sleepy security guard--the name that had granted them entry--and it still startled Emma to hear it again. Was it somehow a real thing, and not just a joke? Had that been his rank in the Navy?
“Oh, Regina,” Hook sighed. “I thought you knew me better than that, after ‘all of this time’. You of all people should know I tend to favor brunettes.”
Gold had said much the same and Emma was enough of a detective to have deduced that the former--the late--Mrs. Gold must have had brown hair, only the comment clearly meant something else to Regina. Her eyes narrowed and Emma was, briefly, on her side--that was positively the worst excuse for making a pass Emma had ever seen, and she had once been picked up by the guy sleeping in the backseat of her stolen car.
Hook stood impassively; there was something charged in the air between them.
Understanding dawned on Regina’s face. “The maid,” she said flatly.
Hook nodded and gave another bow. “I do apologize,” he said, self-evidently not sorry at all. “I know you thought you were the only one who could charm Nurse Ratched and fly one out of the cuckoo’s nest. Given the circumstances, however, it seemed wise to acquire some leverage.” Hook’s face contorted into a leer as he said, “But then, you would know all about that--wouldn’t you?”
Regina’s expression, if it was possible, got even darker; Hook nodded, apparently satisfied.
“What are you doing here, Captain?”
“I’ve come to condole with you on the loss of your pet,” Hook said, and his sharp consonants were back, harsh and pointed now instead of playful and flirtatious, and Emma worked to hide her flinch.
“Was it you?”
“I’m flattered, Regina,” Hook said, holding up his left hand, “but we both know this is hardly capable of such a feat.”
“What happened to Graham Humbert?” Regina demanded. It was a command and Regina clearly expected to be obeyed.
Hook seemed equally determined to disappoint her, raising his eyebrows with a little smile. It was not a real smile, Emma noticed. It wasn’t even the fake smile he’d bestowed upon the co-eds at the bar.
It was a smile that had been twisted, made into something dark and cruel.
Hook stood silently until Regina’s hands balled up into fists on her desk. Then: “The Dark One,” he said simply.
“That’s not possible.” Regina’s hands relaxed and she trilled a laugh. “How much of your own bar’s rum have you been drinking, Hook?”
“Ah, yes,” Hook said in a lazy drawl. “The bar. Do allow me to thank you for that, Your Majesty. I so love a life spent in servitude to others. My ship in a bottle was a particularly pointed reminder that I did not understand what had agreed to when you offered me this...opportunity.”
Emma lost track somewhere around “Majesty”, but she did notice Regina’s lips curl very slightly upward--she was pleased with herself.
“But do consider, Majesty,” he pressed on, “whether you truly believe that you’ve kept the Dark One tame all of these years here in this realm, this Land Without Magic that was meant to keep him a prisoner. Do you truly believe that he has been here, all of this time, with no plans, no contingencies, and no means of acting upon them?” Regina’s expression shifted again, and Hook’s smile spread.
For a moment, no one moved or spoke, and then Regina repeated: “It’s not possible.”
Even Emma knew she said it in an attempt to convince herself.
“And yet,” Hook said, the words rolling off his tongue, “as you so wisely pointed out, I’ve managed to find you. I’ve taken steps.” He matched his actions to his words, pushing into Regina’s space, leaning over the desk and balancing his weight on the one hand.
“You think the maid is some kind of chess piece?” Regina scoffed.
“Do I look,” Hook said, “like I’m playing a game?”
“You’re still dedicated and resourceful, Hook,” Regina said grudgingly, “but Belle can’t help you kill Rumplestiltskin.”
“He’s Awake, Regina,” Hook countered. “And you’d have been stupid not to realize it the instant you saw what he did to Humbert.”
“Is that any way to address a queen?” Regina snapped, but Hook had obviously gotten to her. “Even a pirate should have better manners than that.”
“Oh,” Hook said, drawing out the syllable. “Perhaps I’m not crazy about your manners, either. Perhaps I’ve been grieving over them these past twenty-eight years, drinking rum behind my bar. You know what a persistent fellow I am, Regina. You know that twenty-eight years is barely a prologue for me. You of all people know what I am capable of, since you’ve seen fit to leave me with a daily reminder. But then--you’ve never been one for subtlety, have you?”
“Hook,” Regia said, her voice sharp with warning.
“Of course, Your Majesty, my manners,” Hook said. “I can see I’ve been remiss in not properly introducing--”
“Who is she?” Regina interrupted. “What is your purpose in bringing her here?”
“She is right here,” Emma said, glaring. “And she would love to know what the hell you two think is going on.” Because--’Dark One’? ‘Your Majesty’? ‘Captain’? Talking about Rumplestiltskin like that was an actual name for an actual person--this was so far down the rabbit hole that Emma was starting to wonder if a hookah-smoking caterpillar had dropped something into her rum.
Only--she hadn’t actually drank any of the rum, and she was making bad fairy tale puns in her head while Hook and Regina ignored her, as if she had served her purpose in this conversation, and she had been wrong because there was one thing Emma understood about all of this: leverage. She was part of Hook’s leverage, and as fury started to swirl up around here there was also the tiniest stab of disappointment and sadness, a faint wisp of not again.
“The child got away,” Hook said, and waited.
All trace of calm was gone from Regina and the rage had taken over. “Is this a joke, Captain? Something about Miss Swan’s ridiculous tattoo?”
Hook smirked again, the same cruel distortion of his lips, and shook his head. “I can’t count meself an expert, of course,” he said, “but I am a man of some considerable education and I’ve learned over the years of two things that are always true in a situation such as ours. Which one, Your Majesty, do you suppose is relevant here?”
That really got to her, Emma saw. Her entire body froze, her eyes widened and then shut completely for a minute until Regina visibly forced herself to open them again, and to face her interlocutor and his sickening, shit-eating grin.
“All curses can be broken,” Regina practically spat the words out at them.
And now, Emma thought, curses. Un-fucking-believable.
Regina and Hook, though, obviously both believed.
In curses.
“And yours, Regina, is weakening,” Hook said, pulling back from the desk and resuming his earlier stance, the fingers of his right hand wrapped around his belt. “Which brings us back to the subject of Humbert. Did you know he was hired and sent after me? Any guesses by whom?”
“No,” Regina said, her perfectly-painted lips pressed into a thin line.
“It would appear,” Hook continued, “that the Dark One has noticed that whatever you’ve taken has gone missing. ‘Tis a curious thing, no? For a man who, like me, should have no memory?” He paused. “Somehow, Regina, I don’t see that ending well for you.”
“Get. Out.” Regina gestured at the door with such force that Emma half-expected it to fly open by the force of her will alone. “Now. Both of you.”
“Willingly,” Hook intoned, accompanying it with another mocking bow. “Come, Swan, we’re done here.”
And they left.
Emma wanted to stalk off in a huff but her present footwear made that impossible. Not to mention, Hook was definitely staring at her ass again, and there was no point in prolonging his opportunity. She squared her shoulders, hands on her hips, legs slightly apart. Her best glare was on her face and she was back in do not fuck with me mode as Hook already had his arms up in a placating sort of gesture that Emma was absolutely, positively not in the mood for.
“Give me one good reason,” Emma said, “not to punch you in the face.” It ended up coming out as more of a snarl than a request but Emma was okay with that as long as it got her point across.
Hook easily caught the hand she hadn’t even consciously swung at him and gripped her wrist gently. “Considering I just did you a favor,” he said, his thumb rubbing absently across her skin, “that would be very bad form.” Hook didn’t go of her wrist; in fact, he tightened his grip and turned it so that it was facing up and the sleeve of her jacket had slipped up her arm until the flash of ink on skin was visible. “Now,” he said, “what is all of this palaver about a tattoo?”
Emma pulled her wrist back as if she had been stung, her hands going straight to her pockets. Her anger and frustration swirled around her, pulling her grief back to the surface. “No,” Emma said. “You do not get to screw with me right now. My partner is dead and whatever game you are playing has nothing to do with me. We are not a team and I am not helping you and you are going to tell me what the fuck just happened back there.”
“Regina’s been spooked, love,” he said. “She’ll look to protect whatever it was she took, which means that you shall be able to retrieve it on behalf of your...client.” He said the word as if it left an unpleasant taste in his mouth.
Emma glared at him some more, this time because he was right. It was an old bail bonds trick for smoking out a perp--a classic, really, and Emma should have thought of it for herself.
“You seem very sure of that,” Emma said. “In fact, you seem to know her pretty well. What happened between the two of you back there?”
“Nothing,” Hook said smoothly. “I’ve told you, Swan, I did some work for the family once, long ago.”
“How do I know that you don’t have whatever it is Gold is looking for? How do I know you didn’t steal from him?”
“Oh, I’ve stolen from him,” Hook said easily, then raised his eyebrows at her expression. “Not my Milah, Swan--she left him and he killed her for it, and it would be my preference not to speak of her further.”
Milah. “Just like my Milah, when the crocodile took her from me.”
Emma shook her head. “So what did you steal?”
“Nothing I’ve any intention of giving back,” Hook said with some finality. “And, as pertains to your particular mission, nothing he knows is missing.”
Belle. “Belle can’t help you kill Rumplestiltskin.”
“Belle,” Emma said. “The maid.”
“Impressive,” he said. “But know this, Swan: I do not traffic in unwilling women.”
“So Captain Hook is a pirate after all, then?”
The look you get when you’ve been left alone, he’d said, only he’d had it too, and Emma had got the sense that under all of that innuendo, there was someone just trying to keep the world enough at bay to slay his own demons. She’d thought that, against all odds, she was beginning to get a handle on him. They’d shared something, some moment of understanding, in spite of his delusions and his revenge fantasies; Emma had seen it in the way that he had looked at his brother.
In the way he’d looked at her.
Then she had stood in a room with him, watching him face off against Regina, and it was like she was seeing an entirely different person--and the worst part was, she was pretty sure none of what he said had been a lie.
Cruses and Queens and Rumple-fucking-stiltskin in a “Land Without Magic” and he seemed to think all of that was true.
“What aren’t you telling me about you and ‘Her Majesty’, Captain?”
“Nothing,” Hook insisted. “That’s my tale and I’m sticking to it.”
“Not good enough,” Emma snapped. “I want answers, Hook. Real ones.”
“I don’t know what else you want me to say,” Hook said, and suddenly she was back with the man she’d met in the bar and he was watching her like she was the only thing he ever wanted to look at.
Emma shifted her head, turning away from his gaze, and crossed her arms, feeling the leather there--battle mode, activated. She couldn’t stomp her foot--the shoes again--but she took a step back. It was deja-vu; they had already done this dance tonight, and she was no closer to knowing who’d killed Graham even if he was right about retrieving Gold’s property from Regina Mills.
“Who are you, really?”
“James Hook,” he said. “That’s my name. That’s been my name as long as I’ve been in this world, I swear to you.”
“James Hook,” Emma said, “is a character from a story book. So is Rumplestiltskin. Curses are not real, and there is no way that you have known Regina Mills for twenty-eight years unless you worked for her family when you were seven years old, and that is definitely too young to have enlisted in the Royal Navy even if you came by way of Neverland.”
Hook was quiet, and he hesitated before speaking. “I spent many years in Neverland,” he said.
“Did you get there through a rabbit hole?” Emma retorted, her temper flaring. “On your way to Wonderland?”
“Travel between realms does require a portal,” Hook said, still serious, then: “I’m going to tell you a story, Swan.”
Something about the soft, serious tone of his voice kept her still, waiting for whatever he might say next.
“Once upon a time, there was an enchanted forest, and its denizens included all of the fairy tale characters you think you know, until they found themselves in a place where all of their happy endings had been stolen.” He paused and said, “This world, Swan. The Land Without Magic. Time stopped, and everyone was trapped, and that was Regina’s victory; but magic always comes with a price--and all curses can be broken.”
All curses can be broken.
“You can’t be serious,” Emma said.
“It was prophesied that the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, the product of True Love, would, on her twenty-eighth birthday--”
“No,” Emma interrupted. “Stop talking. And definitely stop pretending you know anything about me or my life with your open-book garbage.”
“Alas, love,” he said, and he sounded resigned. “I know you better than you know yourself--I know who you are and where you came from. I know what became of your parents and why you grew up alone. Your parents’ entire kingdom was cursed. They sent you here to break it. And all of it is because of Regina Mills and Robert Gold.”
“My parents?” Emma wanted to laugh, but the noise she made didn’t come close to that. “Their kingdom? A curse? Do you know what you sound like?”
Emma would later blame the sheer ridiculousness of the situation for why she didn’t notice the flashing lights headed in their direction.
“The tattoo is proof,” he said. “A buttercup. It was part of your father’s heraldry.”
“You’re telling me fairy tales,” Emma said.
“They’re not fairy tales,” Hook insisted. “They’re true. Every story you’ve read, some version of it has actually happened. You, Swan, have been here more than a year but it was on your birthday that something happened, am I correct? Your twenty-eighth birthday?”
The lights were closer, now, and they were attached to a sheriff’s cruiser.
“You kissed the Hunter, Swan,” he continued relentlessly, “and despite your protestations you must have felt something for him, some connection, or it would not have allowed the curse to weaken its hold on him.”
David Nolan was at the wheel, and he was pulling up alongside them. He put the car in park, lights still flashing, and opened his door. He called her name but made straight for Hook.
“James Hook?”
Hook nodded, wary, his eyes moving straight toward Emma. Emma just held up her hands, a mirror of his earlier gesture. Not me, she mouthed.
“There’s been a complaint of harassment made against you,” Nolan said. “And you’re needed for questioning in the matter of Graham Humbert’s death.” David had gotten Hook’s hands behind his back, pulling out the cuffs.
“I’m devastated, love,” Hook said, and his voice was deadly calm as the first bracelet clinked. “Didn’t you even want to do the honors?” His eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, were like chips of ice as he stared at her.
“Call me ‘love’ one more time,” Emma said, “and you will lose the other hand.”
“Emma,” Hook said, and there was a note of pleading in his voice. “Did I tell you a lie?”
She ignored him, ignored David calling her name again and got back into her car, starting it and shifting and pulling away before Hook was fully situated in the backseat of the cruiser. She was going to move the car, park it again, and stake out Regina.
She was not going to spend the night thinking about James Hook and Graham Humbert and what Graham could possibly have gotten into with him. She was not going to think about Hook’s delusions and Graham’s death. She was not going to think about Neal or the look in Hook’s eyes when he had spoken to her and how, against all of her better instincts, Emma might actually have believed him.
Just because you believe something does not make it real, Emma reminded herself as she watched the cruiser drive away. She couldn’t take the chance that she was wrong about him--more importantly, she would not take the chance that she was right. Look out for yourself and you never get hurt , Emma reminded herself, and then did what she was best at: she ran.
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numbersnake88 · 4 years
Sarms Benefits For The Lean Muscle Mass Cells
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Usually it takes 7 working days for the blood test results to find back from the health center, depending on the exact examinations asked for. Some specialist test results might take much longer, if samples have to be sent to a referral research laboratory. If you are registered to use the on-line services of your neighborhood method, you may be able to access your outcomes online. Fasting for 8 to 10 hours before blood testing is typically required. There are 4 phases of healthy protein folding, main, second, tertiary and also quarternary. People getting the treatment required less insulin, recommending they can still make some of their own.
The initial NMR experiments acquired will certainly investigate the state of the healthy protein and also it's viability for further study at the picked NMR protein focus, acquiring 1D 1H and/or 2D 15N HSQC spectra. When a peptide contains an internal proline, strong ion series due to internal bosom are observed, prolonging from the proline in the direction of the C terminus. Pieces will just be discovered if they lug a minimum of one charge. If this fee is kept on the N incurable fragment, the ion is classed as either a, b or c. If the cost is retained on the C incurable, the ion type is eitherx, y or z. The Hypo Program is the world's first and only organized education and learning program.
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C-peptide may be gauged when there is unexpected or reoccuring hypoglycaemia. Signs consist of sweating, palpitations, cravings, complication, visual troubles as well as seizures, although these signs and symptoms also can occur with various other problems. The C-peptide test might be used in these scenarios to aid figure out the resource of excess insulin, i.e. whether it is being produced in your body or coming from excessive injection of insulin.
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If incapable to send example promptly, freeze at -20 ° C and send at ambient temperature in the blog post. For long-lasting storage space (e.g. to batch examples), we suggest freezing at -80 ° C.
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Hannah has a level in Human Biology and years' experience working in research laboratories around London. Utilizing this experience, Hannah enjoys transforming complex scientific research into fascinating, interesting and also very easy to digest items to read. In her extra time, Hannah runs, methods yoga exercise as well as likes cooking plant based foods. But with centrally manage Purchase Sarm Online, Research Product Provider Uk Sarm - provensarms comes the concern that they might after that be small adequate to get in the bloodstream, as well as the long term results of this are yet unidentified. Every from time to time, a new skin treatment active ingredient goes along and also guarantees to be the following large thing consequently back the clock as well as making our skin soft, flexible, moisturized, plump as well as youthful. Others assure to fill in great lines as well as wrinkles, whilst others assert they can lighten areas of coloring or aid to minimise the scarring brought on by acne. For grownups, 5 ml of blood taken into a slim gold or rust leading tube.
Do peptides make your hair grow?
Peptides, being “smaller proteins,” when applied, cause changes in cell behavior, stimulate follicle growth, and promote natural hair production and improvement of hair color.
AminoA items are all-natural bio-stimulants gotten via chemical hydrolysis. The production method guarantees that the end product is of the highest requirements and also top quality. Chemical bodies that have an "amino" group as well as an "acid" team. As they have an alkaline team and also an acid group, they can behave as an acid or an antacid, relying on the pH of the service in which they are contained. Our unflavored Multi Collagen is the excellent addition for soups and full-flavored dishes. You can visualize, then, a polypeptide molecule as a chain made from flat rectangular plates signed up with by the Ca atoms.
Article Information.
In a beta-pleated sheet, the chains are folded to ensure that they exist alongside each various other. The next layout reveals what is referred to as an "anti-parallel" sheet. All that indicates is that next-door chains are heading in contrary instructions. Offered the method this specific folding happens, that would certainly appear to be unpreventable. Hannah de Gruchy is a freelancer writer that specialises in health as well as health. She has a keen interest in the biology of skin as well as enjoys utilizing her words to assist divide the genuine science of skin care from the pseudoscience of some skincare brands.
Our 30% peptide mix has an innovative delivery system which guarantees that all our peptides can dive deep right into the reduced layers of the skin for optimal result.
Peptides frequently locate it difficult to get to where they require to be; they are huge and also disapproval being around oil so they struggle to fit via the small, oil-based spaces in between skin cells.
Use excellent quality expert glass and also polypropylene vials can reduce this problem.
We provide a complete series of peptide and also healthy protein solutions from catalogue items through to GMP manufacture from very early phase to industrial launch.
Almac's peptide and also protein technology offering is an essential component within our suite of solutions.
Sourced from Bovine-- We source our collagen solely from Europea cattle which are pasture-raised and also ended up, their diet plan is 100% GMO totally free as well as they are likewise free from prescription antibiotics and also hormones as well. Where this is available in beneficial is when you are contrasting tablet computers or blends of collagen, if a 10g serving dimension states there is only 1000mg of collagen, then you can see that there is just 10% collagen in this tablet/sachet.
Sarms Described.
For the blood test itself, an example of blood will certainly be extracted from your arm as well as it should not take a lot more than a minute. If you take blood sugar lowering drug you will likely be asked to quit taking these in the run up to the examination. Rather than MHC class I, MHC course II particles do not dissociate at the plasma membrane layer. The mechanisms that control MHC class II deterioration have actually not been developed yet, yet MHC course II molecules can be ubiquitinised and after that internalised in an endocytic pathway. Versus Arthritis was developed in 2018 complying with a merger of Arthritis Treatment as well as Joint Inflammation Study UK.
CP1 is an unflavoured powder that conveniently dissolves and blends into any cold or warm drink, without including any type of flavour. Each inside story of CP1 supplies you with over 90% pure healthy protein, that enhances the nutritional account of any beverage, smoothie or various other beverage. There is no secure level of medicine use.Use of any type of medicine always carries some threat-- also medicines can generate unwanted negative effects. Polar zippers in between adjoining beta sheets bring about the formation of vast and inflexible nanoribbons. The new test is currently in available in most NHS trust funds, and also is now supplied to everybody detected as Type 1 diabetes mellitus for a minimum of 3 years in Glasgow as well as Edinburgh. The Exeter team has actually established a brand-new urine examination for C-peptide, as well as revealed that an easy blood test when an individual is seen in center can likewise accurately gauge C-peptide, replacing previous approaches which were pricey as well as time-consuming. These examinations are currently offered in nearly every health center in the UK, and also cost as little as ₤ 10.
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The remaining grammage will certainly be comprised of the extra bulkers, fillers or components. This is a bit of a marketing term utilized in the collagen industry, however, it can be practical to comprehend just how much collagen is really in a serving of an item. If the collagen brand name can not give you with information of where the cattle, chicken or fish are from - go on and select a firm that can. When keeping an eye out for a collagen supplement make sure that you recognize where the animals have actually originated from, as not all collagen coincides.
Yet the performance of the therapy will certainly have to be examined in future trials with more participants as well as longer period. The main function of the test was to examine the new therapy for safety, yet researchers also observed some positive effects of peptide immunotherapy. But if the whole body immune system is deteriorated, individuals are extra at risk to infections and also cancer cells.
This clumping of hydrophobic particles is called hydrophobic interaction. An example of thioester linkage is the one in between the thiol group of CoA and also the carboxylic team of acetic acid in Acetyl CoA. Glycosidic bond undertakes degradation in a process called glycolysis. It is a hydrolytic process in which a water particle is made use of to damage the glycosidic bond and also release the carbohydrate and other deposits. Based on the stereochemistry of the anomeric carbon or its orientation precede, a glycosidic bond can either be an alpha-bond or a beta-bond. In an O-glycosidic link, the carbonyl group of carbohydrates responds with the hydroxyl team of another compound. This causes a compound in which the sugar or carb deposit is attached to the oxygen of the various other substance, thus the name O-glycosidic bond.
Tumours can commonly stay clear of being targeted by these T Cells by looking like a cell located usually in the body often referred to as "self". If a group of T Cells can be urged to identify these tumours as foreign and also not self after that they will attack the tumor and also offer a reliable treatment versus it. If the result of UCPCR runs out keeping with various other clinical finding after that we would certainly recommend duplicating the test especially if it is unexpectedly reduced. Individuals tipping out boric acid chemical from pee collection tube, in a sample taking more than 3 days to get to the research laboratory can result in synthetically low outcomes. UCPCR is mainly to be made use of in people on insulin treatment to examine endogenous insulin secretion. Stable for 3 days in Boric acid containers at ambient temperature.
Yet unless you're chowing down on these every day, possibilities are you'll have a hard time to get an optimum quantity of collagen with diet regimen alone. Taking into account this, there are some fantastic ways to enhance your collagen intake with typical diet plan by taking an ancestral strategy and also eating a real food diet plan. You can increase your collagen intake with normal food by consuming more body organ meats, making bone broth as well as making use of points like oxtail, ears and also trotters.
What should you not mix with hyaluronic acid?
Mix: Retinol and hyaluronic acid “Retinol is known to cause irritation to the skin, especially when a proper moisturizing regimen is not put in place,” warns Dr.
You will require to fast before a C-peptide blood test if the outcomes will certainly be utilized to evaluate hypoglycaemia. Additionally, a suitable blood sample taken throughout a hypoglycaemic episode might be adequate.
So scientists are working to uniquely target components of the body immune system thought to be straight responsible for the assault in Type 1 diabetic issues. There are additionally inquiries over whether collagen can make it through the digestion procedure. Collagen is discovered in as well as consequently frequently derived from animals such as cows, pigs as well as fish or various other fish and shellfish. Products consisting of collagen are not vegan and also may be unsuitable for individuals with various other nutritional requirements. HydroPeptide is the next generation of anti-ageing with innovative peptide innovations.
AsclepiX Therapeutics, Inc. Doses First Patient in Phase 1/2a Trial of AXT107 Intravitreal Self-Forming Gel Depot Peptide for Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) Proteins and Peptides News Channels - PipelineReview.com
AsclepiX Therapeutics, Inc. Doses First Patient in Phase 1/2a Trial of AXT107 Intravitreal Self-Forming Gel Depot Peptide for Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) Proteins and Peptides News Channels.
Posted: Wed, 06 Jan 2021 09:57:58 GMT [source]
Opt for pasture-raised, European livestock if going with bovine as well as inspect that there is no prescription antibiotics or hormones used - as well as no GMO feeds. Boosts Joint and Bone Health-- Collagen renews, restores as well as reinforces joints and also bones. Supplementing the diet plan with collagen has actually been revealed to increase bone stamina, advertise healthy bone turn over and lower the impact of ageing on our skeleton. Collagen Peptide supplements supply the body with a source of collagen that is extremely bioavailable, so they can start to function their magic as soon as they're ingested. If 30-day trial isn't mosting likely to pass muster when it concerns wrecking your collagen intake then the issue is aggravated when you take into consideration the fact that our natural collagen manufacturing slows down as we age.
The diffusion forces established would suffice to hold the folded up structure together. You will additionally notice that this particular model has 2 other particles locked into it. These are both molecules whose reaction this enzyme catalyses. The colour coding in the version assists you to track your way around the framework - experiencing the spectrum from dark blue to wind up at red. It is possible to have some far more challenging folding to ensure that next-door chains are actually heading parallel. We are healing beyond the needs of UK A level chemistry currently.
NT-proBNP is launched right into the circulation in equal total up to the active hormonal agent however is substantially a lot more stable as well as hence develops a great marker of BNP output. N-terminal professional B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) is an inactive peptide launched in addition to the active peptide hormonal agent BNP when the walls of the heart are extended or there is stress overload on the heart e.g. by fluid overload. BNP then acts on the kidneys causing liquid and sodium loss in the pee and light vasodilation so releasing the stress. Healthy proteins are 3-D macromolecules made of at the very least one polypeptide chain.
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ecofinisher · 4 years
¡Vamos a España! - Chap 1
Chapter 1
Fandom: The Snow Queen (Wizart)
Ships: RollanxGerda, AlfidaxKai
Rating: General Audience
Summary:  Rollan doesn't feel well and goes back to Spain. Gerda understood his reasons and offered him her pet as a companion during the time he's gone. Soon he discovers his mother owes the bank money and to Rollan emerges an opportunity to help her out of that situation. It got worse for him as he soon has to deal with former bullies from his class, but thanks to Gerda's comfort he fights for his place in the guard academy. His Siberian friends give him assistance, which in the end led him to be a hero.
My actual idea was to make a crossover, but as my previous one already was one and I'm tired af of it I picked only Snow Queen. I didn't want to start this earlier, but my Miraculous fanfic its plot isn't as fully developed to the end as this one, so I'll have these two active.
So before I start this takes place about a year after the events of Mirrorlands. Also, I have no clue what canon age the characters are in the movie so the following age I've guessed is between the 16-19. Kai's got 16, Alfida 17, Gerda 18 and Rollan 19. Maybe KaixAlfida are the same age, but I believe Gerda and Rollan have at least 1-2 years of distance from the other or Rollan just seems older to me.
Another usual day passed by around the kingdom of King Harald, the misunderstood antagonist whose bad experience with the Snow Queen led him into the fever in getting rid of all his citizens, who had the genetic of magicians in the fear they would just turn heartless just like the Snow Queen once did years ago. Thanks to a young girl named Gerda with the help of the Snow Queen and friends she met throughout her life King Harold was stopped and learned, that not all magicians were as bad as he thought they were. To his surprise, he even got to learn, that his own son had magic in his DNA, making him a magician too, and shows more comprehension towards every magician in his kingdom.
Over the year things have changed over the kingdom, not only for him but for everyone else in the kingdom. Science was still a thing for the kingdom, but including the magic of others more advanced, certain things in the kingdom have gotten. Harold was really amused to see how far things have gotten since he began to work on his first projects for the kingdom. Who knows what more ideas people will bring in the coming future?
On the main street, Kai, the younger brother of Gerda walked out of a barbershop and waved at a brunette man, which stood in the inside cutting the hair of another man. Kai walked on the sidewalk towards a small, wooden cabin, where a few adults stood waiting and Kai looked up at a pole to see an hourglass attached on the top with a wooden sign beside it with the following words carriage every hour. Kai smiled from seeing the sand was almost full on the other half of the glass.
Kai observed around the road citizens walking normally on the street, some stopping in front of certain stores to take a look into them to check what they had to offer and on the road passed by a regular carriage carrying bags of flour and the side had mentioned the destination where it was going, then the man sitting behind the horses waved his hand at Kai, making him smile and wave back. Kai doesn't know exactly who that guy was, but major of the citizens are pretty educated towards everyone, which makes the kingdom one of the friendliest around their part of the region. On the other side of the road was another stop for carriages, where more men and women were waiting to get picked up, afterward a light-blue and white carriage appeared to stop in front of those people, which got up on the top of the berline afterward the guide of the carriage moved the leash to make the two horses move further leaving the place. From the corner of a house appeared a young man running behind the carriage shouting for the driver to stop, then got annoyed and threw his hat against the ground as he missed it, then got down under the stop to wait for the next carriage. Kai chuckled at the sight of the man, that missed the ride then recognized the neigh of a horse, then Kai saw another coach to pick them up, and soon as it stopped Kai waited for the other passengers to leave, then Kai climbed up into the duo-colored vehicle and sat on the side of it and observed the passage as their carriage had just departed.
„What a day," Kai mentioned neutrally and looked up at a church clock to see it passed after 5 pm. On the next crossroad, Kai encountered another stop for horse carriages, where other citizens were waiting for their ride and Kai moved his head to the opposite direction to encounter a carriage, which had got one of its wheels broke and the one of the leading horse lied on the ground in front of a man, which was taking a look at his leg afterward he held his hands over the end and a blue light appeared over it to heal slowly the horse until the injury had disappeared. The man smiled at the horse and patted him on the head.
Kai smiled after seeing the healer taking care of the horse and looked forward at the road seeing they were approaching the first stop of the ride he took, but he still was a few stops away from his destination, which was the home of him and his family. This evening would be a full house again for his family, cause they would have guests over - Alfida and Rollan. Alfida was the first female friend Gerda had made during the time she left the orphanage to save him. Kai initially didn't quite get along with Alfida. At least he thought that, but the funny thing was both had a crush on each other but weren't quite smart on how to show this to the other. For Kai Alfida mostly looked like she kept just teasing him out of fun, which made Kai most of the time thought that she was bullying him, but this wasn't the case. It was more Kai was so used to getting negativity from the people working in the orphanage, that he's more careful in who he makes bonds with. Alfida grew her entire life with her mother and her pirate team, so she didn't really learn how to handle the new feelings she had for the boy.
Rollan just entered into Gerda's life at one low point of his and Gerda's life. Both were sick from moving around on their own as orphans to make money and asked Orm, the former assistant of the Snow Queen if they could stay at his house for a while. Rollan had just got into their house on the same night as the siblings and as it seemed Alfida and Orm already knew him as he was a fanatic legend seeker from Spain. For some reason Kai disliked him. Rollan's appearance had led him and Gerda to have a fight and go different ways leaving her alone with Rollan. Kai innerly regretted having left Gerda back at that time, but he didn't want her nor Alfida to know he needed her. He came back as soon as he heard, what happened and went with Alfida to save Gerda from the lava Rollan had dropped her in. Kai after knowing that hated him more than anyone else. During the time he was helping Gerda in finding a way to free their friends, they encountered Rollan again lying in the middle of the lava and he assisted Gerda into bringing him up onto the ship. Kai hasn't understood yet how Gerda quickly forgave Rollan in the next following days. Was Rollan really ashamed and sorry, for what he has done? Or did the fire-demon took over Rollan's mind and lead him to do that to Gerda? This is a question he will never have the answer to. Rollan's memory has vanished from that time, which was understandable for him to not understand why everyone was hating him. Gerda forgave the Spaniard. Alfida did for the sake of her friendship with Gerda. The parents seem alright with him, at least he doesn't have heard anything special about it. They're actually happy, that he was willing to protect Gerda with his life on the day King Harald was fighting him and Gerda. Kai is just glad now everything is better now and that his family is now reunited and they all get along.
Kai approached the stop of the carriage, then got down of the carriage and walked forward passing by the stores to get closer to a store, that sold mirrors and got into the store to encounter his father handing out a mirror toward a young woman, which gave him the payment.
„Have a nice day," The man wished, then he noticed Kai and smiled. „Welcome back, son," The father greeted watching Kai approach him and take out from the pocket of his jacket a bunch of coins.
„Look I've sold my portrait for 14 Dinar," Kai announced earning a thumb up from his father.
„Wow that's fantastic," Complimented master Vegard. „If Gerda also brings at least 10 Dinar back home we can really make a great family dinner tonight for our guests,"
„That would be cool. I will put it into our family piggy bank," Kai announced walking back at the door behind the reception of his father.
„Great and now that you're here, go up to your mother see if she needs help,"
„Sure, see you later dad," Kai said disappearing behind the door.
At dinner time, Alfida was the first guest to show up at the house and sat in front of the table next to Kai showing him an old sheet, which he was looking onto it.
„It was odd. We searched the entire cave for that book, but it wasn't there. We did everything we could and nothing,"
„Now that sounded like a big waste of time," Kai stated earning a nod from the girlfriend.
„Yes. Wasted two entire weeks for nothing," Alfida said placing the map on the table, then Kai placed his hand on Alfida's shoulder to pat her.
„But now you're back. Tonight's dinner will definitely cheer you up. We've got beef, chicken, peas, and potato. Nothing fishy tonight," Kai explained making Alfida chuckle.
„That sounds great," Alfida agreed placing her hand on Kai's leg, making him smile, then the boy leaned his head toward the girl, and before he kissed her Gerda's pet ferret Luta jumped on the lap of Alfida shrieking her.
„Woah Luta!" Alfida commented, then grabbed the ferret which nudged her head on the girl's cheek. „Yes I'm happy to see you too," Alfida confirmed, then looked across the room to see Gerda come along with a pot to place it on the middle of the table.
„Okay, one thing is done," Gerda said, then looked at Luta, which jumped up at the dark-blonde girl, which smiled as her pet ferret came at her arm. „Yes I know she's here,"
„Where's Rollan?" Questioned Alfida. „Shouldn't he be here too?"
„He must have got a little delayed," Gerda responded. „He didn't cancel it,"
„Did he actually got a job now?"
„Oh not yet. He tried the other day at the barbershop, but it wasn't quite his thing," Gerda mentioned making Kai wide his eyes.
„Was it per coincidence the barbershop of Mr. Ludmilis? He told me he had a foreign guy trying out the job and he failed badly at cutting someone's beard," Kai asked making Gerda shrug her shoulders.
„I don't know. He said he accidentally cut the man's face at his first try," Gerda mentioned making Alfida snicker.
„Oh boy, I wish I could have seen that," Alfida mentioned.
„Come on, it's not that easy for him," Gerda stopped earning a nod from Alfida.
„I was just joking. He sure will find something that is worth his skills," Assured the raven-haired girl, then Luta got down of Gerda's arms running at the entrance door, where Vegard passed by as someone just knocked on it and he opened up to see the Spanish boy the girls were talking about standing in front of the entrance.
„ Buenas noches!" Rollan greeted, then he looked down at the ground to see the ferret push Rollan on his pants with the teeth. „Yes, I'm happy to see you too, Luta," Rollan commented stepping into the house carefully with the ferret on his leg afterward Gerda picked the ferret up and it glared at Rollan angry, then got patted by Gerda.
„That's just Rollan. You don't need to worry about him anymore," Gerda explained to her pet, which glanced at Rollan and turned her head away from him in a snobbish way. „I'm sorry,"
„It's fine. She's just......warning me," Rollan commented unsure how to respond to the ferret's protective instict toward her owner. „Glad to be here tonight," Announced the raven-haired boy, then Gerda got on her tiptoes to peck him on his cheek, followed by Luta moving her head up to bite him on his nose. „Ouch!"
„Luta!" Gerda shouted making Luta giggle. „You're alright?"
„No problemo. Maybe she's happier now," Rollan mentioned watching Luta get down on the floor and trot away making Gerda chuckle.
„It seems," Gerda agreed. „Come on and sit down. Dinner is almost ready,"
„Uh hum," Rollan answered walking around the table to sit down, followed by Gerda, who took the chair next to him.
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goldbasin54 · 4 years
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P&G launches Crest Whitening Emulsions hydrogen peroxide leave-on teeth whitener - Cincinnati Business Courier
P&G launches Crest Whitening Emulsions hydrogen peroxide leave-on teeth whitener.
Posted: Wed, 23 Sep 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
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A shade will certainly be utilized to check the shade of your teeth prior to as well as after your treatment. Whitening will be most effective on discoloured yellow teeth however does not work if bonding has been made use of or on tooth-coloured dental fillings.
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The outside layer of your tooth, known as enamel obtains covered by a very slim layer, called the pellicle coats which captures spots conveniently. Nevertheless, what we consume can likewise have an enduring effect on our teeth. Cigarette smoking, coffee, tea, red wine and cola can all contribute to tarnishing on our teeth.
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Teeth Whitening with Braces: Best Options.
Posted: Mon, 23 Mar 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]
You've completely prepared for all those complicated questions and also chose your best suit, currently be prepared to impress the interviewers with your great intense white smile. Whether for an unique event, such as your wedding, or just to enhance your day to day appearance, a bright white smile improves both your confidence and also your look. Our pleasant professionals will answer any concerns you have as well as help you select the best option for you. So why not book a consultation now with laser-bright-teeth in Manchester. After the 3 15 min periods, you will see a large enhancement in your teeth. After the treatment you will certainly be spoken to about the diet plan and also safety measures you require to take for the following 48 hours. A vitamin E teeth cream and gum tissue guard will certainly be related to ensure the utmost safety to your teeth as well as gum tissues.
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After the therapy is over, Dr Richard will give you with an overview which specifies that you must prevent any pigmented foods, merlot, black coffee and black tea. tab left as well as finish the on-line form, providing your details or those of the individual hosting the session if scheduling an event. As soon as submitted we will certainly call you within 1 day to validate your reservation.
One of the most usual include aging and intake of tarnishing compounds such as coffee, tea, colas, cigarette, red wine, and so on . Throughout tooth development, usage of tetracycline, particular prescription antibiotics or too much fluoride might also trigger tooth staining. The reason our teeth appear dull is since the teeth have picked up spots deep inside the dentine and also enamel. Discoloured teeth are the scourge of cigarette smokers, red wine, tea and also coffee enthusiasts and also some people that have had prescription antibiotics as a child.
Specialist Teeth Whitening: What To Expect
Generally whitening will produce significant renovations in the appearance of the majority of tarnished teeth yet there are some spots that do not respond to lightening. Discolorations that develop from the medicine Tetracycline might require lengthy bleaching, since it takes longer for the bleach to reach the dentin layer. As we mature our adult teeth often dim as changes occur in the mineral framework of the tooth and the enamel becomes much less permeable.
Our teeth may additionally be tarnished by microbial pigments, food, beverage and tobacco. While this is not the costliest treatment on the planet, it is much from being the least expensive choice. However, numerous, oral offices will allow clients to make installment payments which makes it much more cost effective. Sore periodontals from the gel-- This normally lasts only a short while after the treatment. This procedure is a non-invasive one that triggers no bleeding or even discomfort while the treatment is being done or after it has actually been finished. Beyond that, the look of face lines as well as creases is much less noticeable when people's eyes are attracted to white teeth.
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Biolase - Consensus Indicates Potential 271.1% Upside.
Posted: Tue, 29 Dec 2020 09:57:45 GMT [source]
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White Dental Appeal is now a globally leading teeth whitening brand name, renowned for offering top quality, ingenious as well as scientifically enhanced whitening items with 4 whitening gel toughness.
As well as having a devotion to creating top quality and dependable products, the White Dental Beauty objective is to aid methods supply a patient trip like nothing else.
Dental specialists will rightly expect a high standard from all their materials, including their teeth whitening gels.
Relying on the amount of sessions you want, it doesn't use up much time in all.
It can be used to award patients for finished treatments, inspiring them and improving their all-natural teeth tones together with or before restorative work.
Sustained by this, they have produced a specialized marketing assistance package to improve the client experience and also develop your experiment professional teeth whitening.
Your expert teeth whitening at the dental expert's workplace can be done over your lunch break.
By submitting this form you comprehend that your data is refined according to our privacy noticeWe never share your details with anybody. Your personal privacy is extremely vital as well as we make certain its maintained 100% private. Teeth can be slowly whitened in the comfort of the home with a custom-made fit tray system. Although routine cleaning as well as regular check outs to the hygienist can help to keep teeth clean and also remove surface area staining, they can not get rid of deeply embedded spots.
Even a change of just two or 3 tones will certainly make a considerable difference; the objective being to accomplish your private optimal whiteness while still looking all-natural. We offer a variety of orthodontic alternatives, including clear aligners and Invisalign dental braces. By submitting this type, you recognize your information obtains processed in conformity to our personal privacy notice. Just imagine your wedding pictures, the very best day of your life, sensational dresses as well as dashing fits, and your superstar smile in the middle of all of it.
To see our newest prices and special deals please see our fees page. Drury Lane Dental Treatment is just one of the best Laser Teeth Whitening oral techniques in London, we only use the current offered formulation of Laser Whitening items. We satisfaction ourselves on offering an inviting, unwinded and pleasant environment that places our customers secure. the huge majority of our people have actually experienced no sensitivity.
How can I make my teeth white in a week?
Using hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide is a mild bleach that can help to whiten stained teeth. For optimal whitening, a person can try brushing with a mix of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for 1–2 minutes twice a day for a week. They should only do this occasionally.
Several of our patients have actually had white spots on their teeth, caused by tetracyclines or after having actually dental braces gotten rid of, that we can easily deal with to decrease their appearance. Your Hygienist or Specialist will suggest you on which whitening system would certainly be best for you, and go over the level of whitening you want to. accomplish. A lot of clients may call for a brief top up annually, relying on their behaviors, yet a complete training course of whitening is more likely after approximately 18 months. Laser Whitening creates a lustrous smile, by making teeth smoother as well as shinier and handling level of sensitivity. Get ready for the summertime season with a stunning white new smile. This is a restricted time deal valid only up until the 1st of October. The procedure will not bleach Crowns, Caps, Vaneers or Fillings.
Ultrasonic Weight Loss & Radiofrequency 40k Cavitation is easy non invasive treatment which depends on soundwaves to supply a short-term toning as well as tightening result. Below at Smileright ™, we are totally devoted to making certain that you achieve that brilliant smile. We are dedicated as well as passionate concerning making you grin and also to allow you to grin with self-confidence. Our Oral Facility is located in Royal District of Kensington & Chelsea.
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