#so often techno has never been wronged by anyone and yet will do something that feels incredibly unjustified and outside the tone of the fic
made-nondescript · 2 years
One of the things I think that’s kind of difficult to adapt about Technoblade in AU settings is his relationship with violence and morality. Like, from a probably very young age violence has not been a choice he’s gotten to make; it’s been necessitated either by circumstance or his patronage by the Blood God.
His moral compass forms around this: he will give unto others what they give unto him. He has no choice but to hurt others, the least he can do is try to direct that violence to bad people who ostensibly deserve it. After operating on such a rigid system of morality for so long it’s become second nature and he doesn’t really critically think about it much any more, leading him to make choices that from the outside seem unjustly cruel and perhaps are.
Keeping this attitude/personality and penchant for violence without otherwise justifying/explaining it leads to him just seemingly like a cruelty loving dick. (Which wouldn’t be a problem if that were the point!) Exacerbated by the fact that a lot of Technoblade AU fics aren’t about him, but rather the SBI family dynamic.
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lemliv · 3 years
this is. Very long.
Ranboo (Aka Ranboo Le Quorish)
Candy: Licorice and Taffy !
Powermove: String-Shot
A speed boost that starts fast and gets gradually slower - two licorice poles shoot up from the ground while a string of taffy wraps around them, acting as a sling shot to propel him forward!
Racer type: ??
Go to phrase:
Ranboo is a racer- at least he thinks he is. Sure he’s never completed a race and glitches the ones he is in but he can’t escape the nagging feeling that he belongs on the race track. That things will be better once he proves that he can finish a race.
For now, however, he’s learning how to be content with his foggy memory, constant glitched state, and watching from the side lines. It’s all he can do after all.
Tubbo (aka Toby Jollypop Jr)
Candy: Green apple Jolly Ranchers and Jaw Breakers
Powermove: Jolly Rollers
A protective shield that forms around Tubbo’s Kart to temporarily make him invincible and causes other players to bounce off
Racer type: Tank
can take a lot of damage at the expense of speed
Go to phrase(s): “Let’s break some jaws!” / “Sugar!”
Tubbo has a good life. He places well in races, he has a best friend, a nice house, really anything a video game character can ask for. But he can’t shake the feeling of something being wrong. And all signs point to the figure who disappears mid race after messing something up.
With enough determination, and some would argue carelessness, he is determined to figure out who the glitch really is. And more importantly, he’s determined to help him.
Tommy (Aka Tommy Sowers)
Candy: Sour Patch Kids
Powermove: Sour-Sweet-Swift
A basic speedboost! He maintains a higher speed for a short amount of time - its extended the further behind he is
Racer Type: Starter Racer
A type exclusive to Tommy. It makes him available on easy mode at all times (booting out the 9th spot if not on the roster already) Overall he’s a very well rounded but middle ground racer who is assisted by who he races with
Go to phrase(s): “Patch up your karts and let’s get sour!” / “Spice!”
Tommy is a racer in every meaning of the word. He likes competition, he’s loud and energetic, and he always seems to be going. Tommy loves his life and doesn’t get why others wouldn’t. He gets along with everyone, and wouldn’t mind if everything stayed the same.
Wilbur (aka Wilbur Cin O’Spice)
Candy: Cinnamon Discs
Powermove: Cinnamon and Spice
Wilbur throws up a cloud of spices temporarily blinding nearby racers
Racer type: Skill required
A moderate to eh racer when not properly used, but an amazing one to a devoted player. Has great handling, the kart flows through shortcuts easily, and power move is useful when applied right
Go to phrase: “Let’s spice things up!”
Wilbur is analytical, if you ask him he was simply coded that way. Always trying to find the best route and path, and figuring out solutions. It’s what he’s known for! So when Phil retired unexpectedly, giving no answers nor reason, Wilbur has determined that it’s now his job to find out why. More importantly, to get him back.
Candy: strawberry bon-bon (strawberry granny-candy)
Powermove: Straw-brawl
Temporarily gains more spikes on his kart, making him harder to hit and causing more damage to others
Racer type: Tank
can take a lot of damage at the expense of speed
Go to phrase: less lines - more so lots of noises like HEH when he gets hit and laughter when he hits others
Techno loves a good challenge, and as of recently races have been lacking. He doesn’t find the same enjoyment that he used to back before Phil stopped racing. So instead, he focuses on studying. Namely other games, but really anything he can study will do. He claims he’s read countless books from around the arcade, and will gladly give the information out if asked.
Candy: Green Peppermint Candy Canes
Powermove: ?
Racer type: ?
Go to phrase: ?
Phil used to be a racer. Arguably the best racer in the game prior to his retirement. After disappearing mid race, and not coming back until a week later he made a simple announcement. He would be stepping down as the leader of the racers and wouldn’t be racing for an undisclosed amount of time. Anytime anyone begged for the whys or whats, his lips were sealed, and still are.
Candy: Toxic Waste and Juicy Drop Pops
Powermove: Toxic Sludge
His kart lets out a liquid that causes racers behind him to slow down, it disappears after a short amount of time
Racer type: Speedy
Fastest karts at the expense of less handling and can't take a lot of punches
Dream has the fastest kart
Go to phrase(s): “Oh come on now- Smile!” / “Some people just can’t handle their sour candy”
Dream is the new leader of the Sugar Rush racers. When Phil disappeared he noticed how disorganized everything became and jumped to fix it, figuratively keeping the game running during hours. When Phil returned and didn’t take back the position, no one had any opposition to him staying. Dream runs the game democratically, seeing himself as someone to enforce rules rather than solely make them, and he tries his best to make sure everything is fun and perfect for the racers.
Candy: Red Hots
Powermove: Too Red-Hot to Handle
A speedboost that involves flames bursting out of Sapnap’s exhausts speeding him up until they burn out and he slows down quickly
Racer type: Well-rounded
Doesn’t have a particular strength or weakness - just well rounded!
Go to phrase(s): “BOOM BABY!” / “If you can’t handle the heat - get off the track!”
One of Dream’s closest friends, prior to Phil’s retirement, he was known as a dedicated and passionate racer. Now he’s one of the most trusted advisors for Dream, letting his opinions be heard with a blunt yet passionate emotion-fueled manner.
Candy: Blue Raspberry Gummy Rings
Powermove: [unnamed - send in suggestions!]
Temporarily gains the ability to bounce off of objects / racers rather than hitting and slowing down- repeated bouncing also causes a small speed boost
Racer type: Skill required
A moderate to eh racer when not properly used, but an amazing one to a devoted player. Has great handling, the kart flows through shortcuts easily, and power move is useful when applied right
Go to phrase(s): "I could beat you in my sleep!” / “Guess I’ll have to bounce back”
Dream’s other closest friend, standing in opposition to Sapnap, George could be amazing if he tried at racing a bit more. He’s known for sleeping in and showing indifference towards most things. Though for Dream, he knows George provides an analytical and logical thought process that can’t be beat.
Candy: Candy Corn and Caramel
Powermove: Trick or Treat!
Fundy throws a random item from his cart that looks noticeably self made - sometimes it’s catastrophically bad, sometimes it just helps him, and other times it actually might assist a racer nearby !
Racer type: ??
Mysteriously - Fundy’s stats seem to change every so often though, surely it's just people remembering wrong?
Go to phrase(s): “Stay crafty and stay ahead!” / “Clever as a fox and just as sweet!”
Jack of all trades - master of none suits Fundy relatively well if you don’t take coding into account. Fundy used to be Phil’s advisor on coding when he was the leader, but since his retirement and Dream’s decline of Fundy’s offer to be his advisor, he’s picked up new hobbies. He fiddles and invents things, including messing with his own kart.
With experience that no one else has but his own reservations, Fundy has his own opinions on what’s going on in Sugar Rush.
Kristin (non-racer)
Description: Bartender at a different video game called Tapper - her and Phil grew close during his break from racing and are now dating. She doesn’t play a big role in the story I just wanted to add her because they’re so sweet.
Jack Manifold (aka Jack Manifold)
Candy/sweet: Bomber pops
Powermove: [send in name suggestions}
Not so much a temporary boost as it is that when you fall off the map with Jack - instead of dying you’re placed back on the track!
Racer type:Speedy
Fastest karts at the expense of less handling and can't take a lot of punches
Go to phrase(s): “The Manifold always comes back!” “Bombs away!”
Minor rival to Tommy - just designed him because I wanted to. Does have his own track though - it’s cold / ice cream themed.
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onecanonlife · 3 years
Tommy and Wilbur fell apart a long time ago, and there was never any time to mourn the pieces of what they were.
But here's the most important thing: Tommy doesn't give up on the people he cares about.
(Or: on grieving, graves, a past that refuses to let go, and learning to look forward at long last.)
(word count: 5,619)
“You know,” Tommy says, “I never really got to—to mourn you. Not properly, anyway.”
He’s not sure what response he’s expecting from Wilbur. He’s not sure why he’s saying anything at all. He’s not sure why he’s here.
That last one is a lie. He scuffs the ground with his shoe, and then pretends that he didn’t.
“I wasn’t expecting you to mourn me,” Wilbur says, in that stupid, even, condescending tone of his, the one that he uses whenever he thinks Tommy has said something incredibly obvious, when he’s got an idea in his head of how things are and what people mean, regardless of the way it all actually is. “In fact, I rather thought you wouldn’t. Shouldn’t, even.”
“That’s not what I’m saying.” He has no patience left. No patience left for the look in Wilbur’s eyes, no patience left for the way he focuses straight ahead, barely sparing him a glance, no patience left for the way he speaks, measured and calculating, every word he says carefully weighed against the end result, curated for intent and impact. No patience, and he had precious little to begin with. “I’m not even—this isn’t about you.”
Wilbur raises an eyebrow. It makes him look like a prick. “Oh?” he says.
“Because I would’ve,” he continues, doggedly. Now that he’s started saying it, he’s damn fucking well going to finish it. “But, y’know, you blew it all up, so we had to rebuild, and then I got exiled” —His voice doesn’t waver at all— “and then shit just kept on happening, so I never got to decide. How I felt. I never got to think about it.”
Wilbur laughs, then, and it’s the laugh that he hates, because it’s the laugh that’s not genuine. He knows what Wilbur sounds like when he’s happy, and this isn’t it. Hasn’t been it for a long time.
“Not sure there’s much to think about, there,” Wilbur says, and he scowls.
“Shut up, you prick,” he says. “And yes there was. That’s not something you get to choose. What I feel.”
“I’m not trying to—” Wilbur starts, but he shakes his head, going back to talk over him, because no, he’s not doing this. Not today, and not here.
“You are though, aren’t you?” he says. “You always do this. You go, you go mimimimi, I’m Wilbur, and I understand everything about how people think and I’m always right and you are all wrong, and you, I dunno, man. You just. You just don’t. You don’t know. You think you know things, but you don’t. You’re not always right. And I’m—I don’t fucking know why I’m bothering with this right now, but it’s not so you can tell me that I shouldn’t be. Because that’s not something that’s up to you.”
“Then why are you bothering with this?” Wilbur says, and his voice isn’t unkind, but it’s not kind, either.
“I just said I didn’t know—”
“Because if you’re asking me if you should mourn me, you already know what I’m going to say to that,” Wilbur says. “I’m right here. And I’m not going anywhere.”
“That’s the fucking problem,” he says, and tacks on a quick, “Not like that,” but Wilbur’s face has already hardened, and yeah, there’s a million better ways he could have put that, but that’s the thing about talking to Wilbur. His brain is never firing on all cylinders, as it were, because it’s too busy trying to figure out if he should associate him with warm summer days and the haze of potions and a strummed guitar or explosions and drifting smoke and blank eyes and the awful realization that what he thought would make everything right didn’t do anything at all, and that nothing would ever be right again.
And before the both of them, L’Manberg’s crater stretches out, vines trawling over the edge, leaves sprouting from between the rocks, sunlight catching on the pool at the bottom, the flag fluttering lightly in the wind. Before the both of them, L’Manberg’s crater has grown over, time pressing itself into the cracks. Before the both of them, L’Manberg is a crater. It wasn’t always.
“You make everything so fucking difficult,” he says.
“It’s what I live for,” Wilbur says.
“It’s what you died for, too,” he says.
Wilbur pauses.
“No,” he says. “It wasn’t.” But for once, he doesn’t elaborate, and Tommy glares at him. Only for a moment, because there’s no point in glaring when someone won’t see. Won’t look. Wilbur has his eyes turned to the crater, and Tommy has his eyes turned to Wilbur, and something about that is how it’s always been. The vines have grown over the earth’s old wounds, but Tommy can’t help but feel like they’ve curled around his ankles, holding him to the spot, the moment, and every moment that came before.
I never got to mourn you, he doesn’t say again. I never got to mourn you, and I feel like I should. But you’re here, and what the hell am I supposed to do with that?
Wilbur won’t hear him. And if he does, he won’t understand.
He collects bits of the past like buttons, or stamps, or memories.
He has his discs. He’s hesitant to play them, even now. Hesitant to take them out of his enderchest. He has his home, still in the same spot, all this time later. His hill, his hole, his garden, their bench. He sat on that bench and heard Wilbur, once, reaching out from beyond the grave, and Wilbur told him he was proud, and something in him ached in the same way that his scars now do when it rains.
He has some of Friend’s wool. Just that, just wool, because he doesn’t know how to knit, and he doesn’t know who would teach him. He can sew a little, but it was something born of necessity, of the need to patch up uniforms and close the tears over freshly dealt wounds, and he can still feel the needle pricking into his fingers, again and again and again. He never could figure out how to hold it so that it wouldn’t. He bled for L’Manberg in more ways than one.
Deep inside a chest, he has two uniforms. Blue and red and white. One is a size too small. The other is several sizes too large, and always will be.
He still goes to pray, sometimes, though not as often as he did. He got the chance to meet god and found no one there, so it’s a little tricky, these days, being faithful. But he’ll go to Church Prime, because no one else really does, so he’ll have the whole building for himself as he strides up to ring the bell, to ask for guidance and favors, to pay his homage at the feet of a higher power that he cannot believe cares. On the best days, he’s tempted to try to conduct a service. But there’s no point when there’s no one to hear it but himself. Even he can’t bring himself to put on a show for empty pews.
He prays, and nobody answers, and sometimes he can’t help but remember the void, the tearing, ripping nothingness, raking him to shreds again and again, where he was not alone and yet nobody came.
He considers visiting Tubbo. But Tubbo has his own life, and a mansion he hasn’t moved into, and a town that Tommy does not belong to, and an allegiance that Tommy does not share. He considers visiting Ranboo, but that’s either the same as visiting Tubbo, or it’s the same as visiting Techno and Phil, or it’s the same as visiting Wilbur.
So he looks at his discs and doesn’t play them, bunches his hands in wool that he has no use for, and calls out to a god he can only now offer false homage. He holds to the past, and wishes he could believe he has a future. Wishes that he didn’t see obsidian and curtaining lava whenever he closes his eyes.
The first time he hears Wilbur play again, he hides in the forest like a fucking coward.
The guitar is strummed hesitantly, haltingly, interspersed with silence every few seconds, as if Wilbur is struggling to find the old positions, struggling to move his fingers just right. He wonders, then, if limbo took away his calluses. He didn’t think to look. Thirteen odd years without playing a guitar is bound to make anyone rusty. Tommy wonders if Wilbur’s fingers will bleed if he presses down on the strings hard enough, and then he banishes the thought from his mind, because something in him revolts at the idea of Wilbur bleeding. Of Wilbur trying and trying to play until he—
There is something to be said, here, about using yourself up in the pursuit of something greater. There is something to be said, here, about holding matches ‘til they burn down to the skin, about stairs without handrails, about things that are never meant to be and yet claw their way into existence anyhow. There is something to be said about pushing too far, too quick, and flying too high.
Wilbur’s not singing. Is just going from chord to chord. And Tommy hides behind a tree, pressing his back against the bark, because it has been so very long. Wilbur didn’t play in Pogtopia. Wilbur barely played in L’Manberg. The last time he heard the twang of this instrument was sitting by a campfire, plans for a van in the works, the night sky starry and welcoming above them, his chest warm in a way that had nothing to do with the flames. And Wilbur smiled at them, smiled at all of them, and his voice was light and sure, his notes soaring.
Wilbur’s not singing. After a moment, he starts humming, softly and meandering, and each turn in the melody hits like a wrench, like he’s dragging the notes out behind them, yanking at the tune whenever it goes somewhere he doesn’t like. It’s a lot of leaps and skips and jumps, a lot of highs to lows and then highs again, and something about it sounds like wailing. There are no words, and there is no happiness.
But he’s playing. He’s playing, and does that count for something? There was no music for such a long time, no music in the darkness and no music even in the light, and now there is music in the grey twilight, and it is not happy music but it is music. Wilbur is playing again, and Tommy’s not going to cry, because what kind of pussy cries about hearing a guitar? So he doesn’t cry, but he doesn’t venture out from this spot, either. He stays there, and listens as Wilbur sends his voice shooting up into falsetto and then back down again.
It’s good that there are no words, maybe. They’d be sad. He can tell.
“That sounds nice,” Ranboo says, all of a sudden, and Tommy jolts at the same time that Wilbur’s hand must jerk, a discordant clash of notes, something that can’t even be called a chord. “Sorry! I didn’t mean to interrupt you.”
“You didn’t,” Wilbur says, after a pause. Tommy almost creeps out to see his expression, because he can’t picture it. Can’t tell from his voice what his face is doing. “I was just about done anyway.” There is another pause, and a rustle of clothing. Standing. The crunching of leaves underfoot. It’s nearly autumn again, and already the leaves are changing, falling.
It would be wrong of him to resent Ranboo. He’ll never admit it aloud, but he likes him. Rather a lot. Hiding it is probably pointless now, though that doesn’t stop him from trying. But Ranboo is occupying the space that should be his, that once was his. There is a van in a forest, and a guitar song winding its way through the branches and the roots, and everything is different and everything is the same, and the new story is written without him in it. He doesn’t know what he wants, but he thinks it is not this. He thinks it is not to be left behind.
And Ranboo does not know Wilbur well enough to hear the lie in his voice.
They go off together through the trees. Tommy stays. Runs his hand across the tree bark, and tries not to put his emotions into words. Better to let them drift along as is. Better not to give them voice, because whispers turn into shouts all too easily, and there is not enough space here for shouting.
There’s a thing about graves. There’s a thing about graves and who gets one, and who doesn’t.
He didn’t think about it at the time, the fact that Schlatt—Schlatt the tyrant, Schlatt the enemy, Schlatt the man who had Tubbo executed—got a funeral, and a tomb, has one even to this day, and Wilbur got rubble and a room sealed off and untouched. Didn’t think about the fact that there was no burial. Didn’t think about the fact that there was no gravestone to deface or to ornament with flowers or to kick or to scream at or to kneel beside and speak to or to cry or to do any or all of those things. He didn’t think about it at the time, because there was rebuilding, and then there was a house on fire, and then he doesn’t like to think about it.
And there was Ghostbur.
Wilbur hates Ghostbur. It makes him angry, the way that Wilbur hates Ghostbur. Ghostbur was good, and Ghostbur was kind, and Ghostbur tried his best, and Ghostbur did not deserve to die in the way that he did, terrified, with no one there by his side, with only shouted numbers to soothe his terror, and Ghostbur does not deserve to be stuck in a train station for all of eternity. So he makes Ghostbur a memorial, because it’s all he can do, and the first time he’s next to it at the same time as Wilbur, he meets his eyes squarely. A challenge. A dare. And Wilbur looks right back at him, and then to the gravestone, and his lips curl into a sneer.
And he says nothing at all.
He says nothing at all for a long time. Until he does, and it’s all made so much worse.
“Would you rather he was here, instead of me?” Wilbur asks, and it’s all very even and nonchalant, so much so that it might have him fooled if he didn’t know better, hadn’t heard time and time again exactly what Wilbur thinks of the ghost he left behind him.
“The fuck kind of question is that?” he demands.
“An honest one,” Wilbur answers.
“Right,” he says. “Because you don’t lie anymore, or whatever the fuck.”
“I don’t,” Wilbur agrees, and that is a lie. Tommy would be insulted if he weren’t so tired of it. “Really, I’d like an answer.”
“What does it matter?” he snaps. “He’s not here anymore. He’s not here anymore, and you are. No changing that. I’m fucking stuck with you. You’re like, you’re like a leech, you know that? A leech in my brain.”
Wilbur smiles tightly.
“I’d rather be a leech in your brain than dust in the ground,” he says. “Like he is.”
“Shut up,” he grits out. “Don’t—just don’t fucking talk about him.”
“Alright, then,” Wilbur says. “I won’t. If it upsets you that much.”
And he doesn’t. And the grave stays.
And it is not until later that he thinks about the thing about graves again, about who gets one and who does not. There is no grave with Wilbur’s name on it. There was no soil to lay him to rest, only cold, hard stone, a room undisturbed, a monument to destruction. And had there been time, he would have thought about it more. Would have taken it upon himself, perhaps, because the thing is, in the end, that maybe Wilbur deserved better than to be remembered as the man who destroyed his nation. Deserved better than to be remembered solely by the ravine’s dark corridors and the smoke that clung to him like foreshadowing and the way his eyes looked dead, dead, dead for a long time before Tommy watched Phil plunge the sword into his chest.
Because he was not only that. It hurts to think about, how he was not only that. But sometimes, things that hurt to think about ought to be thought about. Because Wilbur was shattered edges that Tommy knows only now that he could not fix, because Wilbur did not want fixing, but Wilbur was also laughter and a gentle hand on his shoulder and the words “I’m proud of you” that lit him up like sunlight, and he was kind and he was kind of a dick and he was brilliant and Prime, maybe Tommy should have known. Should have known that there was going to be a fall. But he looked up to Wilbur like a child to a shooting star, and it’s a long time before children understand that shooting stars aren’t stars at all, and that the wonder of them comes from self-destruction.
But before Wilbur fell, he shone. A beacon in the dark. Hope, freedom. And before he was those things, too, he was Tommy’s brother. Just that, and nothing more, because more was not needed.
And he received no grave.
It’s a question of time again, and a question of mourning, and a question of how he was ever supposed to grieve when there was no time for it at all, and when a ghost shadowed his every footstep and dripped blue from cold fingers and insisted that nothing was ever wrong. But for the first time, he wonders how Wilbur thinks about it. Graves, and ghosts. And who gets a grave, and who does not.
Who is mourned, and who is not.
Who is given up on, and who is not.
The question echoes once again: “Would you rather he was here, instead of me?” And this time, Tommy hears no taunt in it, no mocking, no cruel joke about the ghost who deserved so much better. Only bitterness, and exhaustion, and resignation. Like Wilbur already knew what answer he would be granted.
That’s a realization of some sort, that Wilbur believes he prefers him dead. It’s a realization of some sort, but he doesn’t know what kind.
There’s ghosts and there’s graves, and there’s the living and there’s the dead, and both are left waiting for relief that never comes. It’s thirteen years in a train station and it’s months without knowing what to think, without having space to breathe, without being able to process that his brother was unwell and then that his brother was gone. It’s too much time and too little, too much distance and too little, and Ghostbur did not deserve what he got, but neither, he thinks, did Wilbur.
That thought feels right. And wrong all at once. Bitter, heart-wrenching. That Wilbur deserved better. They all did, that he knows—but Wilbur did too. And that thought is muddled up in all the rest, and he doesn’t know what to do with it, but it’s there. If there’s anything to be done with it at all.
Here is a fact: he kept Dream alive for Wilbur’s sake.
Here is another fact: he doesn’t know if he regrets it.
Because here is the thing: he remembers that day, remembers the pain and the fear and the devastation, and he remembers the moment it all turned around, cowering behind Sapnap and behind Eret until the time came to step forward, to take the axe in hand and deliver the blow, to deliver himself to safety, finally, finally. And he remembers the words bitten out from Dream’s mouth, panicked, desperate, and he remembers what he said. He will never forget.
And the decision, in that moment, was far easier than it had any right to be.
It became harder, later. Because he made the decision thinking, in large part, of the person that Wilbur used to be. Of a quick, charming tongue and flashes of smiles and music and song and leadership and knowing what to do, always, and Prime above but Tommy missed that person. And so maybe he deluded himself. Maybe he thought, in that dark room, with the portal swirling behind him and the entire server at his back, that he could get that person again. That Wilbur would return, and that it could all go back to the way it used to be. Discs spinning in the sunrise, the server at peace, his brother with him.
But death put those thoughts to rest.
Because death proved to him that Wilbur had only gotten worse. Because in death, Wilbur was happy he was there, did nothing but talk to him and make him play competitive solitaire as he was torn apart atom by atom. Because Wilbur—he became so very certain that Wilbur, if released, would bring nothing but harm to the server again, would tear everything down, because there was something in his voice, in his eyes—
But that was then. And now, Dream still lives in prison, rots but lives, and Wilbur has a burger van in a forest with a friend and spends most of his days lounging about or making eyes at Quackity or talking up a storm but doing jack shit, and Tommy doesn’t know what to make of it, and doesn’t know how to admit that maybe his idea of what Wilbur would be like and what Wilbur would do wasn’t entirely accurate.
And he still doesn’t know if it was worth it. Worth the constant fear, worth knowing that one day, Dream will be out, will come to him, will try to finish what he started. He tried to prevent it and only made it worse, only led Ghostbur to his doom by his innocent, trusting hand, and Dream resurrected—
A monster, he would have said, once. He no longer knows if that is fair.
Because here is another fact, one that he is only now beginning to understand: Wilbur is very, painfully human. He’s always known, and yet he hasn’t, because once, he thought Wilbur hung the stars and the moon and all things bright and glowing and good, and he thought that Wilbur could never be so human as to be fallible, and then it turned out that he was wrong. And it was easy, in the aftermath of that, to figure that Wilbur was perhaps some kind of monster instead, and everyone around him said as much.
But that, he thinks, goes too far in the other direction.
His hopes will never be realized. He will never have the old Wilbur back. He clings to a past that clings to him right back, that has him in a chokehold and will not let go, but Wilbur is something else entirely. The rest of the past does not live and breathe, is contained in his overflowing chests, in uniforms that don’t fit him, in the church’s empty hall. The rest of the past is made of things he can hold, but he has never been able to hold Wilbur. Not then, and not now. And there is no hope of making of them what they once were.
There is no going back.
So was it worth it, then? To keep Dream alive, and to receive this, this man who varies between manic energy and calculated calm, who speaks with a whip in his tone at some times and unbearable softness at others, who proclaims Dream his hero and then claims he would have killed him, if he could, for what he did? Was it worth it, and is it worth it, and how is something like that measured at all?
Wilbur is a tightness in his chest when he speaks and a ghost that won’t leave and a ghost that died and a thousand words like a thousand stinging hornets and no picture that could encompass all of them, all of what they are and were. Wilbur is Wilbur, and Wilbur is not safe, not anymore, and perhaps Wilbur is not even good—but there, that, that is wrong, and he won’t make this mistake twice. Wilbur is good, it’s just that he’s forgotten that, and Tommy is so, so very tired of having to be the one to try and remind him. And Wilbur is empty space and Wilbur is a space too full and overflowing around the fractured edges, and Wilbur is too bright and too loud and too quiet and too little and too much, and even now, even still, Tommy does not know where they stand.
Was it worth it, to have this?
He doesn’t know. But sometimes, he imagines what it would be like if Wilbur were still dead, if Wilbur were never, ever coming back in any shape, in any form, and his throat closes up and his eyes sting, no matter how much he has laid out his hatred for the man, his regret at going into the prison that day. He tries to imagine a world without Wilbur in it, in which he has given up on Wilbur, and even now he doesn’t like it, even though maybe he should, and that is, perhaps, answer enough.
“Why do you keep coming here?” Wilbur asks him.
“I dunno,” he says, instead of a hundred other things. “Why don’t you ever fucking leave?”
Wilbur just looks tired. There are bags under his eyes. Tommy thinks he can guess why; he so rarely slept during their exile, but Tommy is thinking about limbo, and train stations, and how whenever he closes his eyes, part of him is convinced that his heart has stopped beating. He wonders if Wilbur, for all his sunrise-obsession and constant movement and moments of utter wonderment at the world around him and the way he doesn’t move whenever a creeper approaches him, feels the same way.
“There was a reason I asked Ranboo to do this with me instead of you,” Wilbur says, suddenly, apropos of nothing. Tommy feels himself still. “I mean—actually, I asked Phil, and Phil was all, oh, Wil, go and make friends, and I was like fuck you I’m not twelve years old anymore but Ranboo’s pretty great so it worked out. But I—I guess what I’m getting at is that I don’t get it. Why you choose to keep coming ‘round here anyway.”
“Yeah?” he asks. “What’s not to get?”
Wilbur shoots him a look, eyebrows going up and mouth slanting all sympathetic-like.
“Tommy,” he says, slowly, as if talking to the child that Tommy has not been in a long, long time, “I’m not what you want.”
Several answers form in his head, and then dissipate just as quickly before he’s able to reply. “‘S that right?” he says, and something boils within him, hot and snapping and popping.
“I can see it when you look at me, man,” Wilbur says, and he doesn’t even sound upset. “You’re—and I mean, I don’t blame you for it. I was awful to you, Tommy. I don’t deserve anything less than your scorn. But you and everyone else, you’re all waiting for what I’m going to do next. You’re all waiting with bated breath. Scared of the next disaster I’m going to cause. So you don’t—you don’t have to be here, Tommy. Not if you don’t want to be.”
There are so many things he could say. Your disasters always cause the most damage to yourself, is one of them, and then there’s a simple, you think I don’t know that? Because how many times has he told himself that same thing? That he doesn’t need to be here? That it would be better for him if he wasn’t? And some part of him must listen, because he’s not actually here all that much. He has other things to do. A life outside of this, outside of this forest on the edge of a fake desert and a van that makes pretty shitty burgers and one Wilbur Soot, like a portrait from the past and yet nothing like that at all, because portraits are shadows, still images, permanent and unchanging, with mo mutable future, and Wilbur Soot is none of those things.
He has a life. He has Tubbo, still, even if it’s all changed. He has others. He’s not alone.
Wilbur’s right that he doesn’t have to be here.
“Stop fucking doing that,” he says. “Stop trying to make my decisions for me.”
Wilbur’s eyebrows furrow. “I’m not—”
“You are,” he says. “You always are. It’s my fucking choice whether I want to be here or not. And I’m making that choice. Not you. Me. And sure, maybe one day you’ll manage to get rid of me for good, but you’re gonna have to fucking work at it, and I don’t see you trying.”
“I thought you didn’t want me here, Tommy,” Wilbur returns, and the words seem to fall so effortlessly, like easy acceptance, and why, why is it this of all things that Wilbur seems to take in stride? Why is it this and not a thousand other things? Why is it this and not the fact that despite it all, despite every warning sign and every indication that maybe it might be better for him to give up after all, Tommy is still here?
“I didn’t want you gone, either,” he snaps, and Wilbur falls completely silent. So he continues, because who knows when he’ll have a chance to say this again? That’s the thing about chances; they’re difficult to count, impossible to anticipate, and he bollocksed up the first one he got, to try to break through. “I never wanted you gone in the first place. So maybe I don’t—maybe I don’t fucking know what I want. Because I never got to just live with that. There was never a chance to—there wasn’t even a fucking grave for me to visit. I never got to figure anything out, and now you’re back and nothing’s the fucking same, so maybe I don’t know what I fucking want. Maybe I don’t fucking know if I want you here, but I didn’t want you gone. I didn’t want you to be dead. And then you were. You just were, and I couldn’t—did you expect me to be alright with that?”
It’s a question of mourning, and a question of graves, and a question of chances and who deserves them. And Wilbur just looks confused.
Fuck him.
There’s so much more to say, and he can’t say any of it at all, and the past chokes him like a knot of vines or a clump of flowers in his throat, but he’s still breathing. He’s still breathing, breathes again, whatever, and Wilbur is the same. They’re the same in a lot of ways, maybe. On the other side of the final death, trying to hold onto and release the years gone by all at once. Moving forward, but stuck in quicksand, and they’re never going to get out if they don’t let each other.
“You’re my brother,” he says, and that’s all. As if that explains everything.
And maybe it does.
Wilbur blinks.
“Ah,” he says.
“Yeah,” Tommy says. “Fucking ah.”
“I’m sorry,” Wilbur says.
“You’d better be,” he says.
And impossibly, the vines uncurl, and the flowers come floating up, and when he takes a step forward, it comes easily.
There is a van in this forest, and it is not the same van. Some distance away, there is a crater in the ground, and nature has draped itself over the ruins of the lives they once had, and the flag still flaps at the bottom, and they are never, ever going to be able to rebuild what they lost. The crater will always be a crater, a scar in the earth. Healing, healed, grown over and stitched shut, but still a scar.
And there is a man standing in front of him who is not the same man that he knew. Not the same man that he claimed for his family, and who claimed him in return.
But he is not the same, either. Perhaps nobody and nothing is. The past clings, and he clings tighter, but perhaps he needs to loosen his grip, because despite everything, there is a future out there, somewhere past the next sunrise. They are going to get older. They are going to live. So he has his discs and his uniforms and his wool and his prayer, and he has this, too, because it is his choice. To take a step forward, and wait to be met in the middle. To dare to turn ahead, to believe that there is something awaiting him. The both of them.
And he thinks he might finally be able to let himself grieve. Grieve, and let go. Grieve the dead, and what they had, and what they might have, and grieve for the fact that there was no grieving, no grave.
And then, let himself hope that they will have better after all.
The next time he hears Wilbur play, he steps out from behind the tree.
And maybe the song is a little less sad.
And maybe nothing will ever be the same as it used to be.
And maybe it will be alright.
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griffintail · 4 years
I watched this really cute anime movie about a deaf girl recently, and it gave me an idea I thought you might like!!
What if Tommy had a kid (how he came upon the child is irrelevant) who was deaf? Music, especially the discs are a big thing for Tommy, so it’d be a big adjustment for him to realize “Oh yeah, they can’t hear this”. He learns sign language with a LOT of help from others cause he wants to be able to communicate with his kid, and he and his kid sometimes gossip and tease people using sign language cause aside from a few basic signs, no one really knows what those two are talking about; well..maybe Tubbo knows, only cause he was the one Tommy spent the most time learning sign with.
Bonus, what if when his kid’s a little older they decide they wanna hear the discs their dad talks about, so they ask Uncle Techno to help them craft something akin to hearing aids; but y’know with magic and stuff. And when they hear their dad’s discs for the first time they cry cause it’s even better than they ever could have imagined??
I just, I like the fluffy stuff!!
- from, an Anon Who Probably Has Cavities From All This Sweetness🍬🍭🍫
To Hear
Summary: Tommy cares for a deaf, child (Y/N).
Pairings:  Parental! Platonic! Tommy x Deaf! Child! Reader
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: Bruh, I was so excited to make this I did in a few hours. I have been thinking about this since you sent it in. I use some elements from Lost Ones but it’s soo not canon to my story.
*Any full sentences in Italics means they’re talking in Sign Language.*
 I hope you enjoy it ♥
        Tommy didn’t know.
        How was he supposed to?
        He’d never met anyone that was deaf and didn’t know the signs. (Y/N) was also a baby when he first got her, not exactly like she could go, hey, I can’t hear.
        So, he didn’t know for ages. He really didn’t know what he was doing raising a baby, so when she wasn’t talking by the age of one, he thought it could be a normal thing. He was worried but it could be normal! Babies weren’t super smart after all.
        It was Wilbur that figured it out.
        When he had come to visit his brother and found out he had a baby, of course, they sat down and had a serious talk about it, said baby still happily playing with her toys despite the yelling earlier. After Wilbur realized his brother wasn’t going to simply give up this child, especially after a year of work, he decided he might as well accept it. So, he went over to the child and sat next to her.
        “Hi (Y/N).” Wilbur smiled lightly.
        The child didn’t react though, having not noticed someone was next to her. Wilbur frowned slightly at this and put a hand on her arm, making her look at him now.
        “Hi, little lady.” He greeted her again.
        She made little babbles to him as she turned back to her toys.
        “What words does she know?” Wilbur asked curiously, a small smile on his face again as he remembered when Fundy was a child.
        “Uh, none yet. I can’t get her to say any. She likes making sounds but not much else.” Tommy admitted.
        Wilbur looked at him surprised and Tommy knew now that this wasn’t normal if Wilbur had that face.
        “You said she’s one, right?”
        “Y-Yeah.” He nodded nervously.
        His little girl wasn’t saying words and Wilbur looked concerned. Had he screwed up with his little one?
        Wilbur looked back at (Y/N) though, his mind at work.
        “(Y/N).” He said, but she once more didn’t look at him. “Tommy, does she ever respond to her name?”
        “I mean, sometimes. Not all the time.”
        “When she does respond, are you right in front of her?” Wilbur looked up at him.
        Tommy thought about it before nodding slowly. “Yeah.”
        “Does she ever get scared by your yelling? Or anyone’s yelling for that matter. Loud noises?”
        “Not really, w-what has this got to do with anything?” Tommy questioned.
        “…Tommy, I think (Y/N)’s deaf.”
        Tommy stood there for a moment before shaking his head. “No, no, you’re wrong. She makes noises and things like that. She wouldn’t make them if she couldn’t hear them. And-And we relax to my discs all the time, they calm her down.”
        Wilbur stood up, putting a hand gently on his brother’s shoulder. “She’ll still make sounds, but she won’t be able to form words, Tommy. She would have said any sort of word before now. She can also feel vibrations, they probably feel nice but she can’t hear any of it.”
        At the moment, Tommy couldn’t form words as he stared at his brother trying to deny what he said, but…it made sense. Tommy could never get her to respond to her name. She never really seemed to care when he’d try and teach her how to speak. When he and Tubbo were being loud, she never even flinched. Even a small moment when he had been shouting and swearing profanities when she was napping came to mind as he remembered she never even woke up to that.
        “My baby’s deaf.” He whispered. “What…I…God, how didn’t I notice?!”
        “Calm down Tommy.” Wilbur took both of Tommy’s shoulders. “You’re a smart kid and you’ve been doing this for a year. You can figure it out and I’ll help you with it. I’m sure Tubbo will too.”
        From there, it was a lot for Tommy to process. He had just gotten used to the fact he was taking care of a child; now he had to think several steps ahead and make sure he was ready when she got older. It was a shock to his best friend as well, that felt stupid too for not realizing it sooner, and they both took steps to figure it out.
        There were countless days where instead of going out and adventuring, Tubbo and Tommy practiced having sign language conversations with each other. Other days, Tommy would try and teach (Y/N) simple sign words so she could now start to ask for what she wanted. The relief he felt when she actually started to pick up was immeasurable. He nearly cried when she signed dad to him for the first time without him teaching her.
        When L’Manberg was starting to be formed, he made sure everyone within their walls knew how to talk basics with his child in case she needed anything from them. Tommy never liked leaving (Y/N) with anyone but himself and Tubbo and Wilbur, but when war came, things changed and he had to make sure his baby was being taken care of properly.
        Somethings that Tommy did became said with the new thought.
        Tommy still did his daily ritual with (Y/N), sitting with her and listening to a music disc. His heart broke a little each time now though as when they listened together, he realized every time before he was the only one listening to them. She couldn’t hear a single note. That frustrated him to no end some days as he wished his baby could hear such beautiful sounds but there was nothing, he could do to change it.
        Years went on. L’Manberg was independent from the Dream SMP, Wilbur and Tommy were in power, Tommy had one of his discs back from Dream from a little scam, and (Y/N) was eleven years old.
        “Can we go see Uncle Tubbo?” (Y/N) asked Tommy.
        “Yeah, in a bit. Got to finish writing this for Wilbur. Bitch is so lazy.” Tommy smirked before going back to writing.
        Wilbur looked over at the sounds of (Y/N)’s giggles.
        “What are you doing Tommy?” He asked his brother.
        “Nothing Wilbur,” Tommy called to him.
        “He’s president, tell him to get off his lazy arse.”
        Tommy had to put a hand over his mouth as Wilbur raised an eyebrow.
        “What did she just say? She was going too fast for me.”
        “Just a stupid joke Wilbur.” Tommy grinned as he gave (Y/N) a subtle thumbs up.
        The older man shook his head as he went back to his potions as Tommy finished writing. Putting the book away, Tommy nodded his head for the door of the van and both he and (Y/N) left. She wore her own L’Manberg uniform as they walked down the path towards Tubbo’s home.
        “It still sucks his old house is gone. I liked it.”
        “Yeah, but what are you going to do when you have a power-hungry green bitch?”
        (Y/N) giggled again as they got to Tubbo’s house, Tommy barging in.
        “Tubbo!” He called.
        Tubbo poked his head out from where he was gathering up a few things and smiled.
        “Hey, Tommy! Hey (Y/N).” Tubbo greeted them.
        “Hi, Uncle Tubbo. Did you get any new bees?”
        “I did, they’re with the rest of the hive. You can go see them, just don’t scare them.”
        “I know. I’ll be back dad!”
        Tommy gave her a salute and she was gone.
        “She been doing ok?” Tubbo asked.
        “Yeah, she’s been pretty good.” Tommy grinned. “She talked shit about Wilbur in front of him and it was pretty funny.”
        “I still can’t believe you taught her to swear.” Tubbo shook his head as he went back to his chests.
        “It’s hilarious! No one else knows what we’re saying but you!”
        “That’s because I learned with you. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t know either.” Tubbo reminded him. “Jack figure it out yet?”
        “No.” Tommy rolled his eyes.
        A few of the new members of L’Manberg and the Dream SMP struggled to remember (Y/N) was deaf and often startled her or would simply walk up to her and try and just simply talk. The little girl struggled with her deafness sometimes as she was different from everyone else. Tommy was always there to assure her though that she was fine the way she was.
        “But hey, I was thinking about how to get my disc back from Skeppy,” Tommy mentioned.
        “Oh yeah, what this time?” Tubbo asked.
        (Y/N) came back in smiling as Tommy and Tubbo were talking animatedly about their plan. She gave a simple clap to let them know she was there as she often did when she’d enter a room and no one noticed. They both looked over and motioned her over, talking about their plan instead in sign so she’d know what they were talking about.
        They were talking about the discs again and she frowned slightly. Her father loved playing discs when they were home and she liked feeling the music but she couldn’t help but always wonder what it was like to listen to what her father could hear. To know why he liked them so much that Dream would take them from him.
        A few months past and (Y/N) got herself a new uncle when he settled down close by to their homeland. Technoblade had come to see what his brothers were up to and decided to stick around for a while to see if their government got out of hand. (Y/N) wasn’t sure what that meant but she thought he was pretty cool.
        One of the coolest things was that he already knew rough sign language, having needed it for one of his travels. She thrilled for her father not have to teach someone once more the basics, instead Techno taught himself how to sign better and more advanced words so he could talk to her when she was around.
        She was around a decent bit of time.
        As Techno was now around, Tommy liked to spar with him and (Y/N) liked to watch her father’s skills at work. Alongside that, Techno told her a few stories about his travels or just stories with the sign he taught himself. He often also lent her books for her to read in her spare time.
        Tommy had never felt more grateful for his oldest brother.
        Sure, he couldn’t talk shit around Techno because he’d know what he was saying, but seeing (Y/N) smile to be able to talk to someone else made up for it.
        Today though, (Y/N) had to ask Techno for a favor. All of the boys and her were at Wilbur’s to just have some family time, so now was the perfect time.
        “Hey Techno.” (Y/N) stood nervously in front of him as Tommy was arguing with Wilbur in the kitchen.
        “Yeah?” He raised an eyebrow as he watched her.
        “You know how to do enchantments and stuff right?”
        “Yeah, I do quite a bit of it.”
        “Are you really good at it?”
        “I’d say so, why?”
        “I want to hear.”
        Techno leaned back in his seat watching her. She looked rather passionate about hearing.
        She hesitated to move her hands. “Dad really likes his discs and I just.” She paused. “I want to hear what they’re like, even for a few moments to have something more with him.”
        Techno gave a small smile as he nodded. “Yeah, alright. I’ll work on something when I get home. You got to go into the kitchen right now though and curse Wilbur out.”
        “Easy! Deal!”
        A few moments later, Tommy was dying of laughter as Techno smirked in his seat as Wilbur demanded to know what (Y/N) was saying. Wilbur knew he should have been getting more lessons from Techno.
        It took Techno a few days but he managed to get small devices enchanted to hear for a few hours.
        “It’d take me a lot more work to get permanent hearing. That’s a long project and I’d need some help. But these will work for a few hours before they bug out.” Techno told her as she held them in her hands, having taken her to “watch her”.
        “Thank you so much Techno.”
        “It’s what I do. And I guess you can start calling me Uncle.”
        She grinned before putting the devices in her ears. For a moment, there was nothing, but that was because Techno made sure they were in a quiet place so she wasn’t overwhelmed. He waited before speaking.
        She jumped at the sound before smiling widely.
        “I can hear!”
        “Great, let’s go see Tommy.” He said as he signed along with his words.
        She wouldn’t know what each word would sound like, that would take more than a few hours, so she’d still have to see sign but that wasn’t the purpose of Techno’s work. They walked back to Tommy’s base and Techno knocked on the door as (Y/N) was looking around in amazement. Tommy flung the door open, grinning to see (Y/N) was already back.
        “You bored her already?” Tommy laughed, (Y/N) looking over as she smiled at the sound of her father’s voice.
        “No, I only needed her to see if what I made actually worked,” Techno told him as they went into the house.
        “And what the hell is that?” Tommy asked as he looked at (Y/N) as Techno’s back was turned. “How stupid was it?”
        (Y/N) giggled. “You sound pretty cool dad.”
        Tommy frowned, confused, as Techno leaned on a wall. “What does that mean?”
        “Uncle Techno helped enchant devices that let me hear for a few hours.”
        Tommy stood frozen for a moment before he snapped his head to Techno.
        “Is she serious?” He asked.
        “Dead serious.” Techno nodded.
        Tommy looked at (Y/N) and grinned, hugging her tightly.
        “You can hear!” He laughed, making (Y/N) cringe. “Oops, right. You’re not used to that.”
        “I’m ok.” She told him figuring he was feeling guilty.
        “She won’t understand words, remember.” Techno reminded his brother.
        “Right.” Tommy nodded. “There’s so many sounds you should hear. I don’t know where to start!”
        “Well, I asked Uncle Techno so I could hear your discs.”
        Tommy’s eyes went wide before he grinned taking (Y/N)’s hand and pulling her to the jukebox outside.
        “Wait right here.” He instructed her as he rushed back inside, Techno coming out lazily with a smile.
        Tommy ran back with a familiar purple and white-colored disc. He rested it on the jukebox before speaking to (Y/N).
        “This is Mellohi. It’s the disc I gave to Dream before I got it back. One of the discs I played for you all the time when you were a baby before I knew and even after. This is one of our discs.”
        Tommy picked up the disc again, taking a deep breath before putting it on. He sat next to (Y/N) on the bench as the song started to play. (Y/N) sat in amazement as she felt the familiar vibrations but also heard the sound it made. Tommy had such a wide smile as he wiped the corner of his eyes of tears as he watched (Y/N)’s reaction to one of their discs.
        She begged him to put on another and Tommy gladly brought out the rest of his collection, Techno having long ago left to see his mission accomplished. They spent those hours they had listening to their discs, Tommy telling Tubbo at one point and the other boy joining the two of them. The trio sat there until the enchantment ran out, but Tommy couldn’t be happier.
        His baby had heard their discs and he swore to himself that he’d help Techno with whatever he needed to make it permanent.
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trouble-off-grid · 3 years
Keep you safe
CW: Blood, death
When Techno had awoken he was not surprised to find himself alone in his cave. Tommy has always been prone to adventure, often leaving early to explore their surrounding area. So seeing the little figure no longer on his chest when Techno awoke didn’t shock him. He trusted his pseudo-brother not to get into too much trouble, at least not this early in the morning.
Unfortunately for him Tommy had never been very good at staying out of trouble. He was out in their surrounding territory, making his way over to the fresh river he knew was nearby. He had always loved the river and would often force Techno to take him as nearby animals would find their way there for water and Tommy was able to gaze at them as they did so. It seemed the river was always at peace and Tommy wasted no time in throwing his body onto a large rock and bathed in the sun. Closing his eyes he let himself get lost in the peaceful sounds of the river and nearby animals. 
It was this that presented him with the first sign of something being wrong. It seemed a hush had fallen over the forest as even the birds seemed to silence. Tommy sat up with a frown, stilling as he scanned the forest edge for any potential threats. Not immediately spotting anything he slid off the rock and slowly creeped into the forest careful to keep his footsteps light as he did so. 
The further he went he almost convinced himself nothing was wrong and that he could just return and brag to Techno about how brave he was making sure nothing was wrong within the forest. To his left he heard noise loud enough to snap him out of his thoughts, head snapping towards the area. He debated going close as it seemed the noise was coming from the edge of Technos territory and the elder never liked when Tommy got too close to the edge without him there for protection. 
Steeling his nerves he turned away from the direction he knew would lead to home and made his way towards the noise. A grin stretched over his face as he figured Techno wouldn’t be upset if he never knew what Tommy was about to do. With his mind made up he trekked through the foliage with ease keeping his footfalls silent as he did so as the noise became loud enough to decipher what it was. 
What first appeared as nothing more than indecipherable sound soon turned into words. Tommy felt himself freeze as his brain processed what he was hearing, humans. Now it might seem hypocritical of Tommy to dislike humans when he himself was one but despite being the same race he had never found a comfort in them that he did with Techno. The giant piglin had shown Tommy what family truly was supposed to be and gave him a chance when no one else would even spare a second glance at the boy. 
So hearing humans in front of him only served to sour his mood as he approached them to get a better idea of what exactly he was dealing with. The logical part of his brain that sounded suspiciously like Techno told him to just return home and let Techno deal with these strangers. He snuffed out that thought quickly, Tommy was a big man and he didn’t need to bother Techno when he was already here and was just as capable of getting the humans to leave. 
Finally, he was right in front of the group, being careful to stay out of sight as he glanced at them. The first thing he noticed was that it was a decently sized group, with more people than he would have originally thought. The second was that they had a decent amount of weapons on them. Now he’d like to believe they were just normal hunters who unknowingly entered a piglins territory but the give away was the shiny armor they all had displayed. Each member seemed to be done up in a fancy display of armour only leaving their helmets off. 
There was no denying, these were kings guards, and they weren’t just hunting for animals, they were hunting Techno. The king believed Techno to be no more than a mindless beast when that couldn’t be further from the truth, it was always the knights who attacked first while Techno was just defending what he cared about. It was time Tommy returned the favor.
He glared at the knight who was currently sharpening his blade, he couldn't just sit by and let this happen. Tommy stood from behind his cover and started walking towards them making sure they could hear him approaching. As soon as the group took notice they stood on guard and Tommy had to stop himself from breaking his calm facade as they pointed their weapons at him. “Fellas, fellas, no need for that, we're all friends here,” He put both hands up trying to show he meant no harm. 
“What is a kid like you doing out here?” What looked to be the head knight spoke out. 
 Not going into this with a plan besides trying to get them to leave he felt his palms start to sweat as he spouted out the first thing he could think of, “I want to be like you! A knight, I mean,” he clarified.  
Chuckles broke throughout the group, the same guard as before tried to muffle his laughter yet amusement remained clear on his face, “You? A knight? You’re nothing more than a scrawny little kid”
Blood rushed to Tommy's cheeks at the jeering, even though he was lying it still hurt to be laughed at. The guard didn’t even know how hard Techno and him worked to get some meat on his bones, if he thought he was little now he should have seen Tommy before he met Techno. Faced with humiliation Tommy resorted to what he always did when embarrassed, yelling, “I could be a knight! I’m the biggest man there is and could beat anyone in a fight!”
The man's eyes seemed to glow as he sneered, “Is that so?” He seemed to lean in closer as he said the next words, “Even the blood god?” It seemed all laughter had stopped at just the mention of the infamous name, of course he was referring to Techno but Tommy was one of the few who knew his real name. 
Keeping up the facade a smirk grew on his face as he answered, “Please, even the blood god is scared of me, it's why he doesn’t go in this area”
The tension seemed to leave the air as it was replaced by amusement, “And how would you know that, hmm?” 
Tommy had to restrain from rolling his eyes at the question, reminding himself that the goal was to get the knights to leave, “All of this area is mine and never once have I seen the blood god so clearly you have the wrong place” 
“On what rights do you have to claim this area as yours?” He questioned.
“On the rights of finders keepers, I claimed this area as mine therefore it's mine,” In truth the area was Techno’s but that wasn’t information they needed to know. 
The guard let out a huff at his response, “Well no matter, you’re with us now, might as well make use of you” By this point most guards had gone back to what they were previously doing before the interruption. 
Tommy may not have thought this out, he didn’t want to stay with them he was just trying to get them to leave! “I really think you’ve got the wrong area, big man.”
“Well then, there should be nothing for you to worry about.” Before Tommy could ask him what he was on about he felt someone grab his wrists from behind and they pressed their knee to his back forcing him to fall to the ground, wrists still captured in the unknown person's grasp. 
He stared up into the eyes of the knight in front him and could see a dark gleam in his eyes as he crouched down to be eye level with him, “You said you wanted to be a knight? Well this is how you can help us out, nothing like live bait to encourage the blood god to reveal himself.” He felt his mind buffer at what had just happened before finally his brain processed what was happening, he was going to be used as bait against Techno. 
Oh Techno was going to be so mad when he found out Tommy willingly walked up to his now captors. 
In his defense this wasn’t how he planned this interaction turning out. The knight seemed to take his silence as fear and grabbed him harshly on his shoulder dragging him up with him as he stood. He was then pushed into the person behind him, “Go tie him up, and make sure you draw blood,” there was no sympathy in his voice.
“Wait wait wait, you really don’t have to do this,” It wasn’t that he was scared of Techno, he knew Techno would rather lay his life than hurt him, he was more scared of what would happen if the hunters did manage to get the jump on him. Techno was always protecting Tommy and Tommy just wanted to return the favor and look how that turned out. With his hands currently being tied together behind one of the thinner trees leaving him trapped to it. 
He could deal with this until Techno inevitably showed up; it may have been uncomfortable but it certainly wasn’t the worst. At least until a blindfold was forced over his eyes and a gag shoved into his mouth. “Sorry kid, it’s nothing personal,'' Tommy really began to struggle, now fueled with the panic of losing his sight, he tried his best to let his displeasure be known with how he was trying to curse out the knight despite the gag. 
The knight's cold grip was firm on his wrist before an unbearable pain shot up his arm. He felt his breath stutter at the sensation of a knife swiftly cutting up his arm, even though it only took a second for the skin to cut, the pain remained a pulsing fire. It’s nothing personal, the knight claimed, Tommy was tied up and bleeding out but it wasn’t personal right? Bullshit.
Finally the knight released his wrist and Tommy flinched as the rope touched the open wound, the feeling of it making the wound sting all the more. “It’ll be over quick,” is all he was offered before the sound of the knight's footsteps left his hearing, leaving him all alone in the forest with nothing to do but hope for Techno to come before the blood loss. 
Tehno had just finished tending to the land, making sure the livestock and vegetables were kept up with before he realized something was off. It was too quiet, and with Tommy around things were never quiet. It wasn’t unlike Tommy to go running off but he always came back soon enough, either to bother Techno or just be in his company. He looked around, sniffing as he did so, and confirmed that Tommy wasn’t just hiding nearby trying to surprise Techno. 
Looking to where the sun was he saw it was just barely starting to get dark out and while more likely than not Tommy had just lost track of time it made him antsy that it was going to be dark soon and the boy's location was unknown. He couldn’t help but to be protective over Tommy, he was just a little runt and the piglin would do anything to keep his pack safe. 
The more he thought of reasons Tommy might not be back yet the more he felt his instincts lead him to action. Soon enough he had caught the faint scent of Tommy and though it was old, clearly from this morning, it was still prominent enough for the piglin to track. Techno found himself unsurprised that he was led to the river, he couldn’t help but smile at the fond memories this location brings. But he was on a mission and couldn’t get distracted until he was sure his ward was safe. The smile slipped off his face as he kept going, a soft frown replacing it as he found the scent heading towards the end of his territory.
Techno’s eyes dilated as what once was a comforting scent was tainted by the distinct smell of iron. The piglin tried not to run when near the runt as to avoid any accidents but this would have to be an exception as Tommy was still missing and definitely bleeding. After that it took no time at all for the giant to reach his goal, spotting Tommy, his family, his pack, tied up and bound like that made Techno see red. Even though Tommy couldn’t see due to the blindfold he definitely heard the giant's footfalls as he was trying to move his head to gauge where the noise came from, Techno’s heart only broke more when Tommy attempted to call out to him. 
“I’m here Tommy, I’ve got you, you are going to be okay, I promise.” The giant descended onto his knees, and gently reached out to his brother, tapping his knuckle on his shoulder to let him know Techno was there. Tommy leaned into the contact feeling safe just by the piglins presence and Techno couldn’t find himself to remove his hand using his other to carefully reach around to cut the ropes that bound the boy to the tree. 
Right before he could, he felt a prick in his shoulder and looked to see a minuscule arrow lodged in his shoulder. A growl reverberated through his chest as he looked at the area where the offended arrow had come from, spotting a soldier perched with a bow. It seemed with the first hit the rest of them took that as their sign to attack as well. His eyes glowered dangerously at the attackers, easily able to knock down any who dared to get too close, “Are you the one’s responsible for this?”
Though Techno had asked, it was clearly a rhetorical question as everyone was aware of who was guilty of restraining the teen. “We’ve come to best you, blood god!” 
Technos head snapped in the direction of the voice and based on the appearance spotted what seemed to be the head knight. With a speed no human could ever hope to match, Techno had reached down and snatched the guard right off the ground, holding him in a fist tight enough he dropped his sword as he was raised. He bared his teeth at the tiny enjoying the look of panic on his face, “Best me? You can’t even hurt me.” There was no mercy as Techno slowly squeezed the life out of the guard. As a reaction all the guards started up again with more vivour but Techno felt no pain, even when one succeeds in hitting him, the attacks are nothing more than an inconvenience to the giant.
It was hearing Tommy whimper that brought him out of his rage, looking over to see where Tommy was previously standing; he was now sliding down the base of the tree. Dropping the nuisance from his hand, not caring of how he landed, he paid full attention to Tommy. Once again dropping to his knees in front of the boy, this time using his arm to encircle him as to make sure nothing could get to him. Without any interruptions he finally was able to cut the rope, freeing Tommy. 
Tommy for his part immediately went to take off the blindfold with his now freed hands and it was then that the source of the blood he smelt earlier was shown. On Tommy’s left arm the vein was clearly cut open, blood oozing out as there was nothing to stop it from doing so. Blood was getting all over the young one’s clothes as he moved from untying the blindfold to the gag. Techno couldn’t stop the concerned rumble that produced from him if he tried, seeing his pack hurt like that was making his instincts scream. At the noise Tommy finally looked up at him a lazy smile covering his face, “How’do” he slowly spoke, eyes hazy. 
“Oh God, okay, Tommy I need you to stay awake for me alright?” Panic filled his voice he reached out to his little brother noticing how Tommy seemed to absentmindedly follow his movements. Going limp as Techno gently scooted Tommy until the human was fully sitting in his hand. Using his teeth he ripped a piece from his cape and handed it to the boy, “I need you to wrap that around your arm for me, okay?” 
Tommy mumbled something that was too quiet for Techno to hear and slowly started to wrap his arm, occasionally flinching from the pain. Techno brought him close to his face just barely nuzzling him with his snout, “You did so good, I just need you to do one more thing for me okay?” Going cross eyed as he watched the boy nod his head he continued, “I need you to keep talking okay? Tell me about what animals you saw at the river.”
“I sawa..deer, it looked tobe..female causeof her…horns..I guess just allthe woman…flock to me.” Despite the slurring Techno let out a relieved sigh, even when dealing with blood loss, Tommy still managed to stay, well, Tommy. Slowly bringing his hand down, Techno cupped it against his chest keeping Tommy tucked close, no could hurt him from there. 
Making sure he could still hear mumbling coming from the runt he slowly stood back up, turning around to stare down at the people responsible for Tommy’s current state. All softness left his face as he looked at the knights, replaced with a steely glare that if it could, would already have them six feet in the ground. They were all in one area, surrounding their captain to see if he was alright. Good, this would make Techno’s job easier. 
These humans had come into Techno’s territory planning to kill him and not only that but they had hurt Tommy and as they were about to learn, no one hurts Techno’s family. The giant piglin felt no pity as he finished off the guards, easily wiping them out with just one step. They received a death too quickly for Techno’s likening but the life he was holding in his hands was and always would be more important. 
Bringing Tommy back up to his face he couldn’t help but to sniff Tommy, trying to find any other spots on the smaller that were bleeding. At the insistent air blowing over Tommy he couldn’t help but to let out a little laugh at the feeling, Techno’s face brightening greatly as he heard the noise. “I knewyou’d save me,” with his uninjured  arm he patted Techno on his snout, blue eyes staring into red. 
Techno started to purr as he gently squished Tommy against his cheek, knowing just how much the teen liked the sound and at being able to have his pack so close to him, “I’ve got you Tommy, I’m going to keep you safe” and Tommy full heartedly believed he would. 
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stellocchia · 3 years
Okay, holy crap did we get an interesting stream yesterday! Time for an analysis of it!
So, there is a lot of confusion surrounding the stream and, more importantly, c!Wilbur himself. So I wanted to try and interpret this whole thing at the best of my abilities for my own sanity.
Before that though there are a few things we have to keep in mind: 
For something to be manipulation there needs to be intent on the side of the manipulator, which can be quite hard to establish in some cases
A lot of c!Wilbur’s confusing thoughts and constantly fluctuating opinions come from a general lack of knowledge, his own faulty worldview and his incredible overestimation of his own impact in the world, which I’ll talk about more later, more so then what actually would appear to be an intentionally manipulative behaviour
One more thing to point out is that Wilbur sees his life as a spectacle. To him reaching his “desired conclusion” the first time was a victory and he seems to have started on a sort of scripted “redemption arc”, and I mean scripted within the narrative not meta wise, (in which he’s trying to drag Tommy into as well) after he had his self-proclaimed “villain arc” in Pogtopia, however this view is faulty at best...
We also have to keep in mind that c!Wilbur is truly a relict from the past at this point. He places an incredible amount of value on “factions” and “leadership” and has a very black and white world view, but things have changed a lot since he was around and they’re much more complicated then that now which leaves him with a complete lack of understanding for the world around him and possibly with no tools to correct that lack of understanding
And for last, let’s keep in mind that Wilbur is an INCREDIBLY UNRELIABLE narrator. We cannot trust everything that comes out of his mouth so let’s not take everything blindly as fact
Also, while all I’ve just said is true Tommy is still 100% entitled to not trust him at all and to not be sympathetic towards him, even without considering this stream (and trust me: I’ll get to that one) because their history together is not great. Keep in mind that they were basically alone during Pogtopia and that Wilbur always sorta grouped himself and Tommy together (as in Wilbur considered BOTH of them to be “the bad guys” and BOTH of them to be bad for the server and better off dead) and he was always extremely manipulative in the ways that he used to try and get Tommy to believe his world view as well (and he seemed to adopt a similar behaviour in the stream, but I’ll get to that one later). Sadly that also means that Tommy isn’t a reliable narrator at all for what concerns Wilbur...
Okay, now with all the introduction out of the way the proper analisys will be under the cut! Be advised that it’ll treat some very heavy topics (like abuse, manipulation etc) so, you know, keep that in mind.
The stream I’ll be using for this one is: Meet the latest resurrected gentleman of L'manburg, though I may take some things from: Wilbur Is Revived.
The stream starts with Tommy and Wilbur meating up on the glass covering the L’Manburg crater. Right after we have a bit of banter with Wilbur openly mocking Ghostbur, ignoring Tommy’s discomfort at the subject, like always. I wanna say it right now that the dismissal of whatever Tommy is feeling and whatever he says that does not align with Wilbur’s idea of Tommy is not something new. It’s a behaviour Wilbur developed all throughout the Pogtopia times. He may look like he listens to Tommy a bit more during this stream, but he never takes into account anything he says and constantly dismisses anything he feels, so we know that’s not true. Of course, Wilbur is not the only person who exibited this behaviour (Tommy often gets dismissed when he speaks and if re-watching exile taught me anything is that Dream was also very keen on dismissing all of his emotions). 
Also one of the first things Wilbur asks about is his Chekhov's gun, which Tommy moves on from quickly without answering (propably because it got destroyed by Dream while Tommy had it). 
“Hey pu- Hey! Put Friend down!” “Wh-why? He’s gonna come with us!” “I don’t want you... no he could die!” “And? It’s a sheep Tommy, who cares about-” “Calm down man! I know- I know that you have the power of eternity over him, but just put him down!” “No! I’m just saying: who cares about a sheep man? It’s just a sheep. Just come...” “Oh I fucking...” “What?! It’s just a sheep my man!”
Once again dismissal of Tommy’s emotions, but also an introduction to the theme of attachments that seems like will be important once again. This time the conflict that’s introduced surrounding attachments is not about their intrinsic value (like it was in season 2) but it seems to be that of attachments vs ideals. In this case what we’re presented with is seemingly a detachment from Wilbur (though we can’t say if it’s volountary, like in Dream’s case, or just an effect of his depression yet). 
“Tommy... I’m sorry” “Wait what are you- are you gonna kill me?” “No no sorry” “You’re gonna wack me?” “Ignore the Lore Sword, I’m- I don’t- I’m not good at this man. I need to make some apologies. I told you I needed to have a think and I don’t think an apology would ever sum up... uh... what I did here. I mean look at this mess!” *looking at the crater of L’Manburg* “You did this! Well, not all of it, you did a little bit” “Yeah... I didn’t do the glass. But like I think- I think that I do need to, I need to apologize to some people! You know, I’m gonna- I’m gonna make amends!”
Okay, there are a lot of things to unpack here:
1) Tommy’s immediate reaction to Wilbur apparently softening up while holding a sword is to expect to be hit, probably because of residual trauma from exile where Dream would act in a similar manner
2) Wilbur seems to recognise that he needs to apologize to people, but he doesn’t actually seem to regret anything or doesn’t understand WHAT he needs to apologize for (which is the reason why he only apologizes to people he hasn’t hurt, didn’t know or doesn’t particularly care about). He doesn’t apologize to Tommy for example, his “I’m sorry” at the beginning isn’t directed at Tommy as much as it’s a general statement (this could have something to do with him lumping himself and Tommy together as the bad guys of course). Also, remember that idea about Wilbur seeing his life as a show? Well, he did the villain arc so the only 2 possible ways to go after that are a repeat or a redemtion arc... this is him starting in on the second, while not actually believing in it
3) We already see Wilbur giving himself more importance then he actually did have. Tommy explains that he’s only resposible for a small part of the crater, but Wilbur doesn’t know that Techno, Phil and Dream did exactly what he did but bigger later on and assumes that all of it was done by him (probably making him think that he’s had a decidedly bigger impact then he actually did)
“Well I’m in my forties now Tommy, I counted the years man... how old are you now? You must be what, like, 20? 30?” (Wilbur does not seem to be aware of the time dilatation that occurs in Limbo)
It’s also interesting that Wilbur asks Tommy of all people to give him a tour. I mean, the two were close before and Tommy is the only one who stayed by his side through everything, but Tommy already expressed multiple times a dislike for Wilbur even directly stating to his face in the revival stream that Wilbur should have stayed dead. My best guess is that what brought him to ask Tommy specifically despite that was a mix of being still in a similar mindset to Pogtopia where it was the two of them vs everyone else, Wilbur’s paranoia not having disappeared meaning he doesn’t trust anyone else and a sort of dependency Wilbur has developed on Tommy to avoid loneliness.
“No no! Will, you didn’t get a grave. This is just what you left behind” (destruction and a betrayal of trust are the only remains of who Wilbur used to be it seems)
“Here’s the thing Tommy: I know I was bad and I know I can- I know I can redeem myself but you know there’s- there’s a little bit of fun in being bad, you know, I mean, we’ve spoken about this” (callback to “let’s be the bad guys” and further confirmation that Wilbur isn’t truly interested in redemption as he still sees himself in the role of the villain)
The first person that Wilbur apologizes to is Skeppy who fits the category of “person he more or less knew, but never actually wronged”, meaning that one is a useless apology (and Wilbur seems to recognize that when he asks Skeppy to say one thing he did to him). (Also rip Friend Skeppy doesn’t deserve rights anymore).
“He was Ghostbur’s man! And I wish you’d stop disrespecting him” (technically about Friend but more broadly about Ghostbur as well)
“You see I’ve always seen myself as a bit of an iconoclast so I don’t think I’ll be getting involved in the whoel deity section” (Wilbur is canonically an atheist)
The second person Wilbur apologizes to is Jack Manifold, which is also when Wilbur starts excluding Tommy any time there is someone else there as well. Jack honestly fits in the category of people “Wilbur knew but didn’t really care about”, which is why his apology ends up being quite generic and not very accurate to the historical happenings. He apologized for leaving him behind when he got exiled but, once again, that never actually happened. Jack stayed back of his own volition there. He apologized for not granting Manifold Land independence, which would have been up to Dream. He apologizes for leading him into war which he simply never did, because Jack joined after. All this apologies are what Jack wants to hear, but none of them are true to what happened.
Either way, Tommy brings Wilbur to the roof of the hotel and they have quite the important conversation there. Tommy tries to tell Wilbur about when he decided to go see Dream for the last time, but Wilbur entirely dismisses him.
“I know you’ve had your little strife man” “But I died!” “But I don’t- I don’t care” (full dismissal)
They then end up talking about exile (Wilbur specifically is the one to bring it up).
“Tommy, I’ll tell you what, if I was there and it wasn’t that stupid shell of a ghost instead of me I would have struck down Dream right where he stood. We would have disemboweled him. We would have disemboweled him” “You would have killed Dream?” “Together” “Well Tubbo is the one who sent me off... You would have killed Dream?” “Tommy- Tommy! I wasn’t blind, I saw what he was doing to you Tommy... I saw. I saw what he was doing to Tubbo” “I don’t like thinking about it” “I saw what he did to me”
So talks about Tommy’s exile are always something... Tommy still shows clear hesitance in blaming Dream even after all this time and even more hesitance at the idea of someone killing Dream at the time (probably because he still subconciously bleieves that he was his only friend back then). 
Then there is Wilbur who has admitted to know about Dream’s abuse of Tommy and his manipulation of Tubbo and himself (though to which extent for any of these is unclear) and he seems of the idea that: 1) if he was alive he would have been allowed to go with Tommy, which he wouldn’t have and 2) that if he was there they’d have killed Dream. Though he changes his narrative on the second point right after it’s intersting that he thinks he would have been allowed with Tommy because if he was as aware of the situation as he seems to think he is he’d know that Dream “exiled” Tommy specifically to have him alone and vulnerable where he could mold him as he pleased. It wasn’t a political stance like their previous exile, it was a glorified kidnapping.
“After seeing Ghostbur interact with Dream I realized that, no, Dream is not the enemy, Dream is not the enemy” “He-” “This world was not supposed to be inhabited by people of this caliber. Dream is the hero! Dream needs to be let out of here. Dream’s not in prison because he’s a horrible person, Dream’s in there because he dared to try and stop you all. He dared to try and stop you all from gaining all this power because the minute I was gone there was a vacuum, there was opening and everyone just slicked to get in there and Dream was the only one who stood up to them and told them not to. Dream is the one that held my seat for me”
Again, a few things to unpack here:
1) Wilbur somehow fails to see the contraddiction in his own reasoning. “I know Dream abused you, but he is not being imprison because he is a bad person, he was only doing what is necessary” was what his speach boiled down to which is just bullshit plain and simple. But why does Wilbur get to this conclusion? Well because he has faulty information at best to fill in the blanks from the time he was dead and he has a very simplistic worldview where everything must fit neatly into a small little narrative and where people are either “villains” or “heroes” and since Wilbur thinks of himself as a villain and thinks he corrupted anything he came in contact with it makes sense that he would see Dream, someone who opposed everything and everyone previously associated with Wilbur, as the “hero”.
2) We have Wilbur, once again, giving himself more importance then he did have. Wilbur didn’t leave a power vacuum, L’Manburg was rebuilt pretty quickly and all Wilbur left behind was a bit more trauma and, even then, people have done worse since. Wilbur was, in fact, pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Once his story was over people moved on one way or the other and Wilbur simply cannot accept that because he sees himself as a protagonist, but he simply wasn’t around for a long time. 
(Also I really wanna punch him in the face for this one because f*ck him for calling Tommy’s abuser a “hero” to his face, that’s a HUGE d*ck move)
“If Dream died instead of me, I would be in there right now” (again, fundamental misunderstanding of why Dream’s in prison in the first place)
“I didn’t actually really care about L’Manburg, I just cared about, you know, sticking it to the man. Actually I cared about L’Manburg for the sole reason that I could use it to stick it to the man! You ever sticked it to the man Tommy?” “That’s not true” “L’Manburg was a tool, it was a great tool, it worked! You know? It divided so many people man”
Listen, we can debate all day wether Wilbur actually cared about L’Manburg beyond seeing as a tool to achieve his ends or not, but that’s not really important. The important thing to take away from this is that Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Fundy, Eret and Quackity believed in L’Manburg. They believed in it enough to fight for it. Others as well. So whatever the answer to “did Wilbur care?” is, their experiences are not invalidated because of it. The other thing is that the whole conversation about L’Manburg fully establishes the theme of ideals vs attachment that may be explored more in the future.
“I’m sorry for a lot of things but, Tommy that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna try again” (and here it is. Wilbur shows Tommy the most awful side of him that hasn’t changed all the while pretending to be a completely new man in front of others so they won’t believe Tommy if he tells them. This one is full on manipulation)
“I did care about L’Manburg. I did, I did, but if L’Manburg- a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet, L’Manburg would have still been as loved by me if it was called Bim Bum and it was in the middle of the desert” (once again reiterating that it wasn’t about material attchment, but more so about the purpouse of L’Manburg)
“Stick it to the man Tommy! High five” “No! You just said that you loved 'The Man'” (Tommy pointing out the contraddioctions in Wilbur’s reasoning)
“It was like we were a family, you can’t just say that!” “We were a family Tommy. We were. And you know what I guess you just didn’t- I guess you just didn’t have the balls to follow along with me. When I pressed the button you were always against it-” “You blew up our fucking home!” “We’re leaving it behind Tommy, it’s in the past. We’re friends now, we’re friends”
So, two things here: Wilbur seems to resent Tommy partially for not enabling his destructive tendencies seeing Tommy opposing him destroying L’Manburg as him leaving Wilbur behind. And also Wilbur is, once again, dismissing Tommy’s rightful anger, this time in a way that is very reminiscent of Dream (reinforcing the idea of them being “friends” despite having done something that hurt Tommy a lot).
“You’re following me for quite a while for someone who doesn’t care” “*deep sigh* Where are we going next?” (while Tommy is aware that being with Wilbur is not good for him he also seems to not want to leave him either)
“You know I often give him a lot of shit and pretend I don’t like him, because he has a peculiar relationship with Tubbo, but he is a very good man and I stuck up for him because I see potential in him, alright?” “Yeah? What is he, a strong fighter?” “Yeah, well he is- he is a very strong fighter, he stuck by my side, he visited me in exile, he is a good man and he’s helped me”
It’s interesting to see how their opinions diverge. To Wilbur “strenght” is physical strenght and strong ideals. He respects Tommy to a degree because Tommy is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in for example. For Tommy “strenght” is compassion and loyalty. Tommy considers Ranboo strong because he has the strenght to remain kind in a world like theirs where kindness usually doesn’t take you far. And this is the main reason why Wilbur and Ranboo clash, why they are narrative foils: because Ranboo is extremely well loved and secured himself a relatively peaceful life by going against everything that Wilbur believes in. Ranboo is respected and loved where someone like Dream who, to Wilbur, embodies the ideal of strenght is widely hated and he doesn’t understand why because he’s missing so much information.
Third and final person Wilbur apologizes to is Ranboo who falls into the category of “Wilbur didn’t know him”, meaning the apology is, once again, just performative so that Wilbur can move along his perceived “redemtion arc”. During the whole chat with Ranboo Wilbur, once again, mostly pushes Tommy’s presence to the side in favour of the new person, though Ranboo does actually notice Tommy’s constant worry and tension and reassures him multiple times that everything’s fine.
“Everyone I seem to meet seems to have this deep intrinsic feeling of disgust towards me” (no one actually does, this is just Wilbur’s self deprecation talking. Like, Tommy is the only one who has expressed anger towards him so far and he’s still sticking to Wilbur and trying to talk to him)
“Tommy is very suspicious of me because of who I WAS” (this is, once again, manipulation. Trivializing Tommy’s fear and suspicions in front of others while reinforcing them when they’re alone is a way to isolate him from an eventual support system)
“It was big, it was big effects though right? I mean... let’s be honest here” (Wilbur once again overestimating his impact. He did have a lasting effect on people, but nowhere near as he seems to think)
“Tommy I don’t know who you’re tryng to protect here, me or Ranboo” “Ranboo” (yes yes, Allium Duo moment, but also Wilbur seems sort of jealous of the relationship Ranboo and Tommy have and how obvious it is where Tommy’s loyalty lies now)
“You get into people’s heads Wilbur, alright? You’re like a little caterpillar, you go in through their ear, then you hatch a butterfly, before you know it your brain is all colors and flying...” (Tommy lacking proper terminology to describe Wilbur’s manipulation, but still doing a wonderful job at it)
Wilbur spends quite a while interrogating Ranboo on his beliefs and getting progressively more confused about why people (and Tommy especially as he specifies later) love him so much as Ranboo explains his “pick people not sides” philosophy. He seems particularly annoyed by Ranboo soley defining Dream as “bad”, possibly because in the world view he crafted for himself everyone is so extremely divided and he can’t imagine the existence of someone who tries to actively defy that by trying to side with everyone who hasn’t directly harmed his loved ones or himself. At first Wilbur thinks Ranboo must have some ulterior motive for being kind to everyone and is even more shocked at finding out that that’s not the case.
“There’s been more wars while I’ve been dead then when I was alive Ranboo, that’s- that’s a-” “There’s actually been only one and ever since you died and Dream’s been put in prison the server’s actually been peaceful” “So you’re saying that you don’t like me? In the same way you don’t like Dream you’re against me then?” “I- no! No no no, I don’t not like you Wilbur, I don’t like the person that you were. I’m willing- I’m willing to like you now, if you’ve changed”
And here we have Ranboo standing against Wilbur quite directly. Wilbur seems convinced that, because Ranboo doesn’t dislike most people he stands for nothing which, admittedly, Ranboo is quite hypocritical and weak willed, but he is showing the sort of strenght Tommy admires him for here. Ranboo dislikes who Wilbur used to be because he hurt his family, but he is willing to give him a second chance, which is more then even Wilbur ever did for himself. Also, to be fair, once Dream was locked up the server did become more peaceful and there were less wars. Ranboo was right when pointing that one out and the fact that Wilbur doesn’t seem to know it points to his lack of knowledge that he doesn’t seem willing to fix.
It’s also interesting that Wilbur seems to conclude all this meetings in a hurry by asking Tommy to go on with the tour and basically pulling him along... even if it’s pretty clear by now that Tommy isn’t really needed there. Wilbur remembers how to navigate the server without Tommy thanks to Ghostbur’s memories and he ignores Tommy’s presence whenever someone else is near. The only reason why he is pulling him along is because he can and because he uses him to vent and say all the things he lies to others about... so much for his “no lying” oath...
“He’s a follower Tommy! You’re not a follower man! You stand up for yourself, you fight for what you believe in” (reiteration of Wilbur’s idea of strenght which alsoseems connected to worth for him. For him being a “follower” is inherently negative)
“Tommy he felt like the polar opposite of me” (in case we needed more reasons to consider them foils)
Wilbur and Tommy have a fight right after because Tommy’s upset at Wilbur being an ass to Ranboo and completely ignoring him and about his presence just in general. Wilbur is the one insisting for the fight to be physical in a scene that mirrors the Pogtopia pit scene quite a lot while Tommy would have been contented (and would have actually preferred) with Wilbur admitting to his faults. But so far Wilbur hasn’t apologized for his more grave faults even once and he has yet to apologize to Tommy for anything at all and I honestly doubt he intends to at the moment or that he even feel remorseful for anything... they fight and Tommy wins and takes Wilbur’s sword to avoid a repeat of the situation.
“Look at me. No matter what happens, no matter what goes down, today, tomorrow, next week, the week after, the week after next, the fact that I’m alive means that anything that happens along this line I’ve won. I’ve already won. I won when I pressed that button. You can spar me however many times you want for your own personal victories, but, in the grand scheme of things, I’ve already won. And I think, from your silence, you know that”
This brings us back to Wilbur seeing his life as a show and himself as both the protagonist of the story and the villain. The button scene was the ending of his story and he managed to complete it with what he considers his own victory. Of course it’s also a way to put down Tommy in a similar way to how the “you’re never gonna be president” speach worked. Tommy didn’t want to spar with Wilbur in the first place, but he did win. Tommy didn’t want to be president either because, despite Wilbur being convinced that he has his same idea of power, Tommy is quite content to live a simple life with none of the responsabilities that come from having power. In both cases though, Wilbur takes the chance to use the aspiration of the image of Tommy he’s painted in his mind against the real one, by saying thet it’ll be impossible for him to accomplish what he thinks he wants. Doesn’t work anymore though, Tommy immediately called him out on his bullshit even if he was ignored again. Also what’s with Wilbur and constantly asking Tommy to look at him? Is he afraid to disappear if Tommy’s not looking or something?
“You just stick with me man, stick with me. Stick with the winning side. Stick with the side that stands for something, stick with the side that believes in something” (it’s also interesting to note that Wilbur seems to constantly see his life as a conflict adn, right now, he appears to think that it’s him and Tommy vs the world, similarly to how Dream started thinking in prison)
“I thought he had infinite canon lives” (Wilbur seems to have held at least some of Ghostburs naivete it seems)
“Honestly I wasn’t expecting you to have your shit together like this man, I thought you just came on to kill me” (once again Wilbur thinking he’s the center of the world apparently)
“Thank you for that [killing him] by the way. No no seriously, thank you for that! Because if you hadn’t done that I’d ended up living- I would have been exiled with Tommyinnit and then I would have gotten angry at Dream because Dream can’t go around hurting Tommy like that. I would’ve been angry at Dream. I would have tried to fight Dream, which now I see would’ve been a silly move because Dream’s my hero! Dream’s amazing! So I would’ve ended up fighting Dream and then I would’ve been the one in prison and not Dream”
I was kinda surprised that he said all of this to Phil, but I guess he may remember Phil siding with Dream for Doomsday perhaps, so he thinks he can get understanding on all the Dream stuff. He also prefaced this by bringing up something that Phil still feels immensely guilty about meaning he was more prone to listen. Also, again he seems to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what exile was about or why Dream is in prison in the first place but, aside from that, his opinion on Dream just seems to genuinely fluctuate between despising him for hurting Tommy and considering him a hero because he brought him back to life and because he covers the role of the misunderstood underdog who’s trying to do what’s right in the version of the story that he created in his mind. 
“Well yes, but I wouldn’t have stood for Dream’s shit while Tubbo, well Tubbo did stand for it” (see what I mean? Fluctuating opinions. Pretty sure not even he himself is entirely sure of what he feels or think in this regard)
“Oh, Will?” “Yeah?” “I forgot to mention by the way. I, at one point, griefed George’s house with Ranboo and that caused to a chian of events that lead- that- that was kind of why I got exiled more so...” “Okay and Ranboo managed to not get exiled with you?” “Oh no, it was just me” “That’s pretty uh-” “But I stood up for Ranboo. I made sure he didn’t because he was so new and he was, you know, he was-” “Ah, so you got thrown under the bus. Did he not stand up for you? Did he not offer to go with you?” “No he did stand up for me but to, like, to an extent because he didn’t wanna get exiled and that’s fair” “okay... I’m Sure I’ll Get On With Him!”
Wilbur’s obvious distaste for Ranboo shining through again. Also he was pocking in the right direction, but, sadly, Tommy is not the right person to ask this questions to because he fully believes that he deserved what happened to him still, so he won’t be able to explain that the reson why Ranboo wasn’t exiled was because Dream didn’t care about him and the exile was just about gettng him alone. I don’t think anyone aside from Dream has clocked that in quite yet as a matter of fact. Also this conversation has just proven further to Wilbur that Ranboo is the pushover he though he was after all.
After that Wilbur explains to Phil that the reason he lied was because he didn’t want to let him down. He also tries to convince Phil that he doesn’t lie anymore and that he didn’t lie much in the first place, only to address Tommy and go:
“Old Wilbur did a lot of lying Tommy, old Wilbur did a lot of lying”
“Wait did you say there was a counselor on this server that we could talk to?” (Tommy yet again being the only f*cker in the server that genuinely wants to go to therapy)
Also Phil trusts people way too easily. He just confronted Wilbur about lying in his letters for a long time only to turn around and immediately trust him that he is a changed man, even after Wilbur said straight to his face that Dream is his hero. Like... he is supposed to have lived a long ass time, how did he stay this naive?
Will also mentions that he has plans and intends to have both Phil and Tommy in on them as soon as they’re ready. He also proceeds to make it sound like the only reason why Tommy is upset with him and doesn’t trust him is because he was a bit mean to Ranboo which is him, once again, trivializing Tommy’s fears in front of others so that they are less likely to take him seriously in the future. He then asks for a bed and shower which Phil provides. One other thing to note is that Wilbur seems extremely reluctant any time that it comes to going underground, probably due to trauma from living in a ravine in Pogtopia.
“Do you trust me? Do you believe that I’m turning a new leaf Tommy?” (this is not the first time this stream that Wilbur seems to seek out Tommy’s approval and it’s interesting that he doesn’t seem to do it with anyone else)
Once again Wilbur interrupts the visit in a hurry as soon as Tommy tries to explain his side of the story to Phil telling Tommy repedly to go with him. This really seems to be a pattern since it happened every single time, and I’m guessing that the reason is that, once he has given his pieace, leaving Tommy to speak may be detrimental to the manipulation in the long run. 
“Be nice Tommy, okay? Be nice” “Phil, you murdered him” (Lmao)
“Tommy you’re missing the sunrise! You’re missing the sunrise” (for the sun as a symbol enthusiasts)
The two of them then have a very weird argument about stone that it’s literally just textbook manipulation in action right there. At first Wilbur asks for stone then, after Tommy complains a bit, he concedes and switches to cobblestone just to then comment on the fact that stone looks better, but he’s graciously letting Tommy having a say in it. He then expresses that his request is for Tommy to get “all the stone” but making sure that he doesn’t believe that Tommy will be able to do that. Multiple times in fact. He then tells him to get it with Phil because Phil would be able to do so, unlike him. And all of this is just to split up from him in a way that’ll have Tommy still be too busy to explain to anyone about Wilbur. 
“He’s a good kid, he’s a good kid. I’ll be back on the saddle soon... I mean it’s only a matter of times I’ve done it once I’ll do it again” (I do think that Wilbur does care for Tommy a bit, I’m fairly sure about that, but their relationship really sin’t healthy. Also we’re back with Wilbur immediately assuming the role of “protagonist” in his “story” once more)
“Why does everyone like that Ranboo guy? I don’t understand...” (once again, incapacity to understand someone who is so diametrically opposed to him)
“I’m done apologizing” (he didn’t even start. Not in a way that mattered and not to the people who needed it most)
“I don’t know how I was revived” (Wilbur canonically does not know about the revive book)
Wilbur’s stream ends with him checking out Quackity’s book and Wilbur making a whole speach confirming that his idea of power is tied to physical strenght and feeling self assured in the fact that he was “right all along”. Tommy’s stream however was not over yet. 
“I don’t want to try and save the server, I don’t have that in me”
“We need to get the stone... and then we need to stop Will and he hopefully won’t destroy the server” (Tommy being dragged back in the role of the hero kicking and screaming)
“When we did L’Manburg I was a strong guy, a character that could go around and now it feels different. I feel thinner. I feel... don’t have a choice. I don’t have a choice” (once more he lacks the proper words to describe trauma, but he still does a great job of it. He also feels once again like this role was put on him and he has no choice but to oblige)
Tommy later talks about how he won't let anyone put him "through that shit" (manipulation) but that he’ll still get the stone because it would be nice to have Wiilbur be impressed with him. Which is just a great way to let us know that Wilbur's tactic has indeed worked. 
And this is pretty much it!
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 years
For the birthday post perhaps could you talk about your favorite c!Technoblade dynamic?
if i'm honest, c!techno's relationships with the various people on the smp are among my favorites. there's always something deeply comforting about them. he has a way of interacting with people that's light-hearted and yet often kind in his way.
i love his and ranboo's friendship, particularly how much concern techno shows for him. he tries to act as if he doesn't care or feel anything for him - 'my heart isn't moved at all' - but it's clear that's not the case. even before ranboo moved to the arctic, techno was looking out for him. he found the 'do not read' book in a moment where ranboo was on the opposing side of him and gave it back, telling him to get out of there. and when bad trapped him with the egg, techno tried to stay calm but the worry in his voice was clear. despite techno being protective of his possessions and despite ranboo having his own trident, techno still threw his down in an effort to get ranboo out. then there's the entire woodland mansion trip which contains such good natured ribbing and affection and the fact that techno reacted to ranboo's 'main character powers' by immediately declaring himself ranboo's mentor.
i also adore the way c!techno interacts with c!dream. dream has painted himself as a villain and has been painted as the server boogeyman not undeservedly. but techno looks at dream, who is considered his equal in skill, and spends the entire time treating him like anyone else. he teases the shit out of dream while also acknowledging they're on equal footing (the power play between them at the nether portal confrontation is the best example, they were both figuring each other out, what each of them was willing to do or give in the context of the favor). personally, i think that's important for dream and i like that techno is so often able to get that frustrated laugh out of him.
but my absolute favorite is, of course, him and phil.
there's a lot of headcanons surrounding how they met. i love all of them but i'll admit, my favorite is them meeting as adults. something about how close their friendship is, how deeply they care about each other, but without the undertones of a father-son dynamic just honestly moves me. it just does. phil treats techno as an equal, someone he chooses to look out for because he cares for him, not because of any sort of obligation. phil knows his friend so well. knows when he's stressed, when something's wrong - 'are you okay? you're awfully jumpy' - and he knows what sort of comfort that techno needs: someone who will be there for him, quietly, consistently, without wanting anything from him, seeing him as a person, simply because he cares for techno. for someone like techno, who struggles with paranoia, anxiety, and the fear of being used and betrayed/left, the fact that phil is consistently by his side? so important. he puts his trust in techno, a huge thing considering he only has one canon life, and stands by him. techno doesn't need grand gestures, he needs exactly what phil gives him out of no obligation, merely because he cares for techno.
and the way techno is with phil? so sweet, so soft.
techno is an emotional person. he struggles with showing those emotions but they're there and he feels them deeply, you can see it in the moments it bubbles to the surface, how sometimes his voice cracks a bit when he yells, the moments where he goes quiet because he's moved and doesn't know how to express it. because expressing it might make him vulnerable and that might get him hurt again. but with phil, he puts how much he cares about him on full display. this is his friend, the one person he trusts, the one of the very few that hasn't hurt or used him. and so techno declares that he would give the world for phil, he entrusts him with his location, with his safety, he gives him a gift explicitly stating their friendship, he puts himself in harms way for phil - it's always 'technoblade never dies' until it's 'phil look out' instead - and when he was being dragged to his death, the words he shouted were concern for his friend.
there is something truly, genuinely touching about their friendship. how they know each other so well and know what the other needs. techno trusts phil, not only with his location and safety but with his struggles dealing with the voices. techno also worries about what phil thinks of him. he didn't show phil the vault because he didn't want his friend to think poorly of him. techno, who seemingly doesn't care about what others think of him, truly wants to be good and worthy in phil's eyes. but this doesn't mean they don't disagree! in fact, they do, they have, and i find that just as important. there is a deep respect and care for each other that even in a world where the smallest of disagreements can result in a blood feud or all out war, they can disagree and that stands out and in the best way possible.
in short, sometimes when i think about how much they care for each other, how their friendship is founded on mutual respect, the way phil built his house to connect to techno's as if to say 'i'm always by your side, mate', the way techno knowing he was a wanted man handed phil the compass as if to say 'trusting you is more important', i have to sit down and cry.
happy birthday, cc!techno, and thank you for creating a character who is complex and interesting and has so many interesting and moving relationships.
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peachy-rambles · 3 years
Kikis delivery service au? 👀 Please go on, that’s one of my favorites of the ghibli movies and I would love to hear your thoughts on it
(Also really dumb idea but Tommy as Gigi but he’s a raccoon. Who for? Yes. Regardless of who is Kiki- oooooh and there’s that artist lady with the crows-)
Ok so here's some thoughts I have about it off the top of my head:
When Phil was 13, he left home as young witches do (with his dove familiar, Wilbur) to find his way in the world and whatever his special talent was because every witch has a special talent. He finds his way to a big city and settles there, finding work at a garden centre. He was always good with plants and he enjoys his job, even if it's a lot of work. There's even a bakery down the street he often visits and becomes friends with the owner.
One day when Phil visits the bakery, he notices that the owner is acting different and seems much more quiet and closed off. It doesn't take much pressing from him to get her to tell him what's wrong.
"It's my son. He's sick and I can't afford the medicine he needs," she eventually admits.
Phil gets more details from her about her son and he heads back to where he's staying, pulling out an old book he'd packed before leaving. It's an ancient journal written by one of his ancestors about herbs, potions and brewing medicine. He gets to work, figuring out which potion he needs to make and collects the plants he needs to it from the garden centre. It takes a few trial and errors but eventually he successfully makes the potion he needs.
He brings it to the bakery's owner and gives her the proper instructions on how to give it to her son before leaving.
A few weeks later when he visits the bakery, the owner is delighted to see him and tells him that his potion worked! Her son is still recovering, but he was no longer sick and almost healthy again.
The owner brings Phil to meet her son, Techno, who just turned 3. Techno loves Phil right away, especially because he knows Phil is the one who helped him get better. Over the next few years, Phil often visits the bakery and will sometimes babysit Techno, spending time with him.
Eventually though, Phil figures it's time for him to leave the city and to head back home. Techno is naturally distraught and is angry at Phil, thinking his friend is leaving him for good. But Phil promises he'll send Techno letters and definitely visit whenever he gets the chance.
Phil returns home and makes good on his promise, sending Techno letters at least twice a month and Techno always writes him back (well, he tries his best, being only 5 and all).
But then...Phil's letters slow down to once a month. Then once every few months.
The last letter Techno receives from Phil is wishing Techno a happy 6th birthday, and how Phil will try to visit in a few weeks if he can.
He never does.
Despite this, Techno keeps sending letters, hoping maybe if he sends enough Phil will reply. But as more time passes, he realizes that's it's probably useless and knows that Phil won't reply. Techno doesn't give up completely however and once a year, he'll send Phil a letter, telling him about all the things that have happened to him in the past year. He always ends the letter by saying how he misses Phil and hopes he's okay.
Years pass and Techno grows up, eventually inheriting the bakery from his mother who passed away when Techno was 18. Techno is an amazing baker, but because of his giant size and generally terrifying appearance+social anxiety and awkwardness...he isn't good at running the bakery and interacting with people. So, he hires another local baker named Niki to help him out. They're both great bakers and work well together, but Niki is usually the one manning the front and interacting with customers while Techno stays (hides) in the back.
Eventually, Techno (and Niki) take on an apprentice named Ranboo. He's not the best at baking yet, but he has a genuine interest in it and is great at making cookies and decorating cakes.
One day, while Ranboo is helping closing up the bakery with Techno, he's notices a little yellow raccoon with a green bandana tied around it's neck, digging through the trash. It hisses and runs away as soon as it spots Ranboo, but it's back the next night. This time though, Ranboo is prepared and has a spare loaf of broad to offer the raccoon. The raccoon still hisses at him and runs off, but not before nabbing the bread from Ranboo.
This becomes a routine for about a week, Ranboo feeding the raccoon any spare food from the bakery. At the end of the week, Ranboo decides to follow the raccoon. Because it's clearly going somewhere with the food and the bandana around it's neck probably mean it belongs to someone.
That's how Ranboo meets Tubbo - a witch in training, who wasn't able to find a place to stay and has been wandering the streets for the past week. His raccoon familiar, Tommy, was taking the food that Ranboo gave him and giving it to Tubbo to eat since he had no money or food left.
Ranboo listens to Tubbo's plights and after thinking it over, Ranboo comes up with an idea: Tubbo could live with Ranboo in the spare attic above the bakery that Techno let's Ranboo stay in!
Tubbo doesn't hesitate and accepts Ranboo's offer. They do attempt to hide Tubbo's presence from Techno, unsure of how he'll react to a witch (or you know, just a strange random teenager living in his attic), but Techno catches them on the first day when Tubbo sneaks into the bakery to steal some desserts.
Techno isn't heartless so he let's Tubbo continue to stay with Ranboo, just as long as he helps around the bakery and doesn't get in anyone's way. Even though Techno seems to not mind Tubbo's presence, the others in the bakery still can't help but notice that Techno very much avoids Tubbo and they have no idea why.
Maybe Techno dislikes witches or is scared of them? But if he does, why would he agree to let Tubbo stay.
Of course we know why Techno is hesitant around Tubbo: it's because of Phil.
Techno doesn't hate Phil or hate witches because of Phil, but he is...hesitant to trust them or get close to them. Which is why he's so wary around Tubbo and does his best to ignore and avoid him. Afterall, Techno has no idea what happened to Phil or why he stopped sending letters and why he broke his promise to Techno.
The truth is, when Phil returned home all those years ago, it turned out that while he was gone his parents had made an arranged marriage for him to another witch from a powerful family. Phil didn't really have a choice and went through with the marriage. He didn't tell Techno any of this through his letters because Techno was just a child and Phil didn't think it was relevant to tell him.
All of Techno's letters that he mailed were all sent to Phil's family's house, which Phil no longer lived at (now living with his spouse) and Phil would always send Wilbur over to deliver any letters from Techno to him.
As time went on, Phil became more and more depressed with his living situation, especially because his spouse and their family weren't...the nicest.
Eventually, something happens with his spouse, which makes Phil snap and he runs away, leaving everyone behind. He travels for a very long time until he finds a little abandoned cabin at the edge of some woods, nearby a small quaint little town. Phil decides to make the cabin his own and it becomes home to him. He eventually builds a greenhouse and garden, turning his little cabin into an apothecary, where he makes and sells potions and medicines (he will also sell his plants if people are interested, but it's mostly the potions).
He eventually earns the nickname "the Crowfather" by the town and surrounding area, due to the amount of birds (mostly crows but other birds as well) that tend to hang around his cabin and shop. Sometimes you can ever catch him talking to the birds (usually scolding them for whatever reason).
Phil enjoys the life he's made for himself and avoids thinking about his past, but sometimes he'll remember Techno and feel some regret. He sometimes wonders if maybe he should send Techno a letter and tell him that he's okay, that he misses Techno and had full intentions of visiting him, but life had other plans. Phil has written many letters over the years to Techno, but whenever he tries to send one, he always backs out and ends up throwing the letter away.
Techno was just a child when he last saw Phil and has probably long forgotten Phil already, so there's no need to send him a letter. That's what Phil believes anyway.
Phil pushes any thoughts of Techno out of his head and tries to focus on the life he has now.
Eventually, Phil finds and takes in a toddler named Tubbo, who Phil recognizes as another witch. Phil raises Tubbo and trains him in the ways of witches, until the day Tubbo turns 13 and heads off to go on his own journey to find his special talent.
Phil has no idea that his apprentice ended up in the same city Phil did all those years ago, and somehow found the same bakery Phil did and is now living under Techno's roof and being looked after by him.
But Phil will find out when Tubbo sends his first letter to Phil, giving him all the details of his journey so far, including the bakery he's staying in and the owner - Techno.
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mellohirust · 4 years
[this is all /rp!!]
I've often seen Tommy painted as this selfish character for continuing to chase after the discs when I see him as quite the opposite. He has his moments where he does things for personal gain, however, everyone does at some point. That's how humans work. For Tommy, the personal gains are the discs, something very sentimentally important to him. However, if he had to choose between almost anyone and those discs, he'd chose the people every time.
Tommy teamed up with Techno originally for Doomsday because he thought it would get him his discs back, I'll admit this. However, he thought everyone in L'manberg despised him, and for the most part, he was right. Why should he have cared about the people? About the nation? The nation that exiled him twice? The people that left him completely alone the second time and never checked in? The nation that would rather have him dead than alive?
Once back home, he came to his senses and re-evaluated what he was doing. In the end, he chose Tubbo. He chose the people. He chose L'manberg. Even after all of the trauma, loss and hurt that that the nation gave him, he put his grudges aside to try to save it and its people. He even let Tubbo hand over one of the discs to Dream, because he wanted to prove he cared more about him than the disc.
He didn't have to help them. He had Techno and Phil, who cared about him way more than anyone else to his knowledge. He could've gotten his discs back, which he had been attempting to hold onto for so long now. Why would he give everything up for people who didn't seem to value him? Why would he care so much about the home he hadn't been back to in ages, and wasn't allowed back to? The home that was about to be destroyed once again, for a final time? A nation that was a ticking bomb?
Because people's lives matter more than discs. People matter. It's exactly what Techno was saying.
Despite how the others felt about this gesture, Tommy had good intentions here. He tried so hard for a nation that never tried to see his side of things. A nation that still continues to feel the need to "punish him" by stripping him of everything. A nation that now has a target on his back, plotting to torment him further. He has more patience than I, personally, could ever have. It's incredible to me. Tommy doesn't owe anything to L'manberg or its people.
Yes, this left Techno hurt. Sometimes, that just happens. You're bound hurt those you care about eventually, whether it's on accident or on purpose. Things change. People change overall. Sometimes, those who you value and care for are in the wrong. You have to go against those you would've done anything for in order to make things right. It hurts the both of you, and it's so hard but it's the selfless thing to do. It morally wasn't the right thing to choose a handful of people over everyone else.
Still, in the end, it only left Tommy the villain in yet another person's narrative.
People have every reason to hold grudges against Tommy, I won't deny this. He isn't perfect, and neither is anyone else. But, at the end of the day, he will always end up choosing people, even those who would continue to go to any length to see him suffer. While everyone has their reasons at this point to be completely selfish, I find it interesting how Tommy never gives up on other people (even if those people have given up on him).
He values life over all else, and now he's putting his last canon one on the line to take down Dream, who many others also want gone. The person who tormented him so much in exile. The person who continues to strip Tommy of everything. The person who has made everyone's lives worse. Arguably, the most terrifying person on the server. While he's doing this partially for the discs, he's also (and more importantly) doing it for the sake of everyone else. Even if he's not the best at explaining that part, there's no way this is just about the discs. It couldn't be after all that has happened.
Being selfish also isn't inherently bad. If you constantly gave up everything for others, where would it leave you? What would be left? Sometimes, you have to do things for yourself. It gets exausting to only focus on the well-being of those around you. It's all about balancing what you do for yourself with what you do for others. For your well-being, for your sanity, you have to be selfish sometimes. Tommy has gone through loss of so much, and yet he continues to give. He gives his time, his effort, his support. He doesn't know how else to fix things, but he continues to care about other people and attempts to help to the best of his ability.
Tommy isn't (completely) selfish, and sometimes being selfish isn't exactly a bad thing.
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writing-wrxngs · 4 years
Character Guide!
(Just a little guide to how I personally depict the characters I write about and their roles in my stories.)
The father of Techno, Wilbur and Tommy. I know a lot of people make Phil just a much older brother, but the Dadza content is just too much for me to ignore
He’s always tried his best for his sons. He’s a good father who tries to balance his sons desires with what’s best for them. His boys mean the world to him.
As a father, he’s firm but never strict. He wants the boys to be their own people, but knows he needs to teach them lessons and give them structure to do so.
He is NOT impartial when the boys fight. He will decide who is in the wrong and give them a lecture. If all parties are in the wrong, everyone is getting sat down and talked to. For some reason this does not deter them from fighting.
He loves seeing the boys flourish. He enjoys being wanted and parenting his sons, but seeing them become independent men is amazing to him. The day that he feels all of his sons are completely self sufficient will be the best day of his life.
His wings are just prt of him. Why he has wings isn’t fully known, he’s just a human with wings. I just like that he has wings. Whether he can fly or not is unknown.
Age has been tweaked to be a year older that Wilbur, give or take. He might be even less than a year older than Wilbur, but he’s older. I chose this for him simply bc Wilbur is far too chaotic to be the eldest. The vibes were off.
He’s simultaneously arrogant and awkward. He loves attention (clout) and being the best but cannot do social interaction.
Likes his chaos and anarchy, but has a line. He knows where to stop and knows when to stop his brothers.
Quite responsible. As responsible and willing to care for his brothers, he still does NOT act like a parent to them. He is nowhere near as gentle with them as Phil, and also often gets in over his head with them.
He’s the most skilled fighter around. He is infamously ruthless, and never holds back, even if his opponent is a loved one. Whether it’s swords, bows, or fists, he will come out on top. He’s had this title for quite a while.
I’ve personally interpreted his mc skin as a pig mask that he wears often. When he’s out or when he’s fighting, he wears it over his face. In company of his family, or very close friends, he wears it up on top of his head.
He played violin when he was younger, his lessons starting when he was young, and he still can play, but does not often.
Extreme middle child energy. He’s his own sort of unstoppable chaos. He can equally be the shitty little brother to Techno and the jerk older brother to Tommy. He also desperately craves validation in spite of how much he’s cared for, and would die for praise.
He’s well known for being well spoken and charismatic. He’s charming and always says the right words. He is amicable and gets along with almost anyone.
He’s still terribly insecure, though, and uses this as a front, putting up walls that sometimes fall if someone, usually his family strike the right place. On the opposite side of the same coin, he still has a big ego at times.
As mean or abrasive as he can be at times, he still genuinely cares about the people he loves. Even as skewed as his morals get at times, he still can be humbled at times and be his true self if something cracks him.
He is also a musician, since he plays guitar and sings, however he also writes songs and places this above performing. Being able to create as compared to Tecnho who simply plays is something he’s very prideful of. Still, writing does stress him at times, especially if he has writer block.
Pogtopia Wilbur is a man who’s lost everything. He’s grasping at straws and no longer cares about who he hurts in achieving his goals, his narcissism shining full through. He’s extremely far gone, but is not yet lost.
Side note, to differentiate between his character and irl, I use Wil for in character and Will for irl.
Chaotic youngest sibling to the max. Every day he wakes up and chooses to be a problem. Is a bother, and loves it. Can be overly blunt sometimes and often says the wrong thing or doesn’t read the room properly. His energy never matches the others.
He’s considered the funny one of the family, but slightly dislikes this moniker as he feels like it’s far too one dimensional compared to Wil’s charisma and Techno’s violence. He wants to set himself apart but hasn’t found it yet.
Really wants to be on the same level of his brothers. There’s a significant age gap and Tommy is still just 16, but he’s already chomping at the bit to be independent.
Is fiercely loyal to his family, but especially Wilbur. When they were younger, Tommy was practically Wilbur’s shadow, and honestly, he still idolizes Wil a bit.
Tommy knows how to cut through bullshit like a champ. He is especially good at breaking down Wilbur’s walls and bring him back down to earth when he’s inflated.
Also Tommy is absolutely the main character of the DreamSMP, maybe even in general. Main character energy.
I try to keep my Tubbo usage as little as possible, since I know he’s a bit uncomfortable with fanfic in general. I keep him as a side character. Never about him
He’s Tommy’s best friend and will always stand by him. Tubbo simultaneously matches, increases and dampens Tommy’s chaotic abilities.
He’s a bit smarter than Tommy, and better with things like sympathy and tact.
Canonically has died once. I don’t count deaths that don’t move the plot forward as deaths due to the nature of Minecraft. He was resurrected using some special hand wave magic that I’ve used to explain respawning. It’s not quite healing nor is it necromancy. (Okay, maybe it is necromancy. I had to go check bc I didn’t know off the top of my head. I main paladins it’s not my wheelhouse)
Post festival Tubbo is covered in scars from the burns. They’re mostly on the right side of his body, and sort of start by his torso and stretch like tendrils up his neck/face and down his arm. He’s not insecure about them at all but they are a bit painful.
Tubbo does not have parents. Well, he once did but he can’t remember them. I’ve kept it vague but he likely lived with a family and was separated from them at a young age but was able to take care of himself especially after befriending Tommy some time ago.
She is incredibly kind, sensitive but equally so is she outspoken and strong willed.
She’s a healer, and is one of the few people capable of resurrecting others, though she is not the most skilled as she only learned how to do this after moving to the SMP.
She’s a bit idealistic and sees the best in everyone, unless they’re completely evil. She believes if she’s seen the good in people, they can be good.
She’s 100% the most level headed in the whole of the SMP. God help you if you cross her, though.
Like I said in my FYI, I don’t ship her with anyone!!! She’s just really sweet and lovey and if you accuse me of making ship content I’ll literally cut you.
Everyone else will probably just make cameos based solely on their SMP characters, but with the way things are looking, I actually might have to get to know more mcyters to write about them.
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misterewrites · 3 years
Intro to.....????
Hello everyone! Been awhile. It's been busy and really hot for me so it's hard for me to sit down to write sometimes.
But it's here!
E here with the next chapter and the final intro character chapter! The intro chapters were supposed to introduce everyone to the main and important characters of the story, who will be driving the main plots and stories though sometimes i might use new characters or different background characters. So beyond this chapter will be more worldbuilding, story arcs and oneshots. just stories about this world and its characters. I might even use some of my friends ocs i accidentally convinced them to make for my world. It was so much fun!
Alright that's it for me! Stay safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, take care of your loved ones, get vaccinated if you can, push to release the vaccine worldwide and have a great week! Enjoy! feel free to leave likes, feedback *I love feedback and comments even if it's just a line you liked or a scene you found awesome or funny* reblogs and tell your friends! Promoting myself still feels weird haha. E is out! Byeeeeee
If you want an easier time to read the story and since I’ve been shadow banned from tumblr for like ever now, here’s the newest chapter on ao3 right over here! 
If you are interested in my work and want to read from the beginning check it right here  https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/75486005
Interested in my full catalog? https://archiveofourown.org/users/MrE42/works
Summary: Jackdaw is a powerful crime lord in the magical side of Newton Haven. He is feared more than respected and he doesn't care who he has to crush to accomplish his goals. So when his lucrative club is burned to the ground with his guards piled neatly outside, battered broken but alive, he takes it personally. Of course who is crazy enough to burn down a club of a notoriously dangerous crimeboss? A mercenary paid to do so. 
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
The sound of footsteps pacing back and forth thundered throughout the silent room.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
No one said anything. No one could say anything given the disastrous failure of the night. It hadn’t mattered if they were physically present at the site of offense or that they were scattered across town in one of many locations vital to the boss’s business: Someone hit them and the boss was itching to hit back.
Tap, tap, tap, tap.
“Alright” A voice spoke up, smooth yet cold.
The room was already quiet but now the air filled with a frighten tension.
The boss whirled around from the massive window he’d been staring out of, eyes narrowing on the defeated group of guards who averted their gaze from his.
The few still conscious were in varying states of dishevel and injured: Broke bones, nasty bruises, clothing ruffled and torn in places. Not a single one had gone unscratched from the assault on the club earlier that night.
Jackdaw was not pleased.
No one in the room knew much about their boss despite devoting their lives to his cause: He was in his mid 30’s, his nose uneven after being broken in a fight though no one could agree what he had been fighting. Long wavy raven black hair ran down his shoulders while his dark brown eyes glanced about, icy and piercing.
“I’m a little confused.” Jackdaw said with a menacing drawl as he approached the closest guard “Mind answering a few for me?”
The guard nodded shakily.
Jackdaw smiled, patting the guard’s cheek in a mocking manner “Good, good. Now let me paint the picture: My club is currently a smoky, charred corpse of its former self. Yes?”
The guard gave another timid nod.
Jackdaw puckered his lips thoughtfully “Okay, okay. How many guards on duty?”
“8.” The guard murmured fearfully.
“Okay. How many standing?”
The guard shot a nervous glance to the other three. They found the floor more interesting.
The guard’s limp body tumbled backwards and laid still on the ground.
Jackdaw flexed his fingers “Wrong! I count three. You!”
The next in line flinched but stared their boss in the face “Sir?”
“Since that one.” Jackdaw lazily motioned to the unconscious man “is sleeping on the job, you tell me what happened.”
“O-okay.” The next in line mumbled “Well the night started same as any other….”
The Gray Waves nightclub brought in a decent crowd for a weekday: Dozen or so people lost in the dim shadows with only a disorienting array of ever changing lights for company. Drinks served and the booming, thundering sounds of music set the chaotic mood clubs thrived on.
Nice peaceful night.
Floyd, the current storyteller, had been watching from the second floor landing when he noticed the gathering of guards below. The eight guards on duty were often out and about performing their different duties ranging from gate keeping the door to making sure nothing disturbed the vibe of the club. The fact five of his coworkers were huddled together should’ve been the first red flag.
The group talked in hushed tones despite the deafening bass and techno music the DJ’s speakers blared out. Once or twice, someone glanced to the far end of the club. Floyd looked and found the source of meeting.
Someone in their forties was loudly drinking at the counter tucked in the shadowy part of the club: It was impossible to tell who they were from this distance but they clearly were enjoying themselves: Head tiled back with messy, wavy salt and pepper hair. They gestured to the bartender (A wonderful woman named Carolyn who unfortunately had school debt to pay off and mob work was the best paying.) excitedly as their drink spilled onto the floor. They wore a large, tattered dark green trench coat that had seen better decades with faded worn out blue jeans. Their black boots were caked with grime and dirt that dirtied the floor. The only thing remotely new was their black t-shirt with some words in white font.
Floyd understood what the problem was: Clubs thrived on their popularity and image. People wanted to feel like they were special, all access stars to the hottest place in the city. With such a reputation came a mighty need to uphold said rep. No offense to whoever was having fun over there but with that look, it might send the wrong message and no amount of cash would ever change that.
Evidently a plan was reached as the meeting broke up. Two guards remained behind, returning to watching the room as the pit boss made his way over to the hapless customer, flanked with back up.
It was oddly satisfying watching the pit boss work: He gracefully slid in and out of crowds, slipping through the lost dancers like a snake treading through water. He motioned to the others to wait then made his way to the person.
The person was singing something at the top of his lungs. Drink, clink or something like that. Maybe it was the song playing at the time but Floyd hadn’t been paying attention to that at the time.
Trench Coat slipped Carolyn something and she laid a bottle of alcohol on the counter beside them: Vermouth? Absente? Vodka? One of those probably.
She nodded gratefully and disappeared into the back.
Floyd frowned at the red flag number two he had just seen: Carolyn was a pretty woman and was told more or less to just do as the customer asked be it answering questions or a reasonable request that wasn’t too out of the ordinary. Of course this was with the strict rule of not to leave the counter unattended.
At the time Floyd thought it was weird, not yet realizing what was about to unfold.
The person poured the bottle directly into their mouth, shaking their body to the catchy beat poorly. Whoever they were could not dance to save their life.
The pit boss, Malcolm, closed the distance between himself and his prey. He snuck closer and closer, the unaware customer too lost in their antics to noticed. Malcolm reached out for their shoulder and…
The thud was loud enough to cut through the noisy club and got the attention of everyone present.
Before Malcolm could even tighten his grip, the person struck: They whirled around, grabbing Malcolm’s head and smashing it into the counter. As Malcolm sunk to the floor, limp and unmoving, the person turned to shoot a smug grin towards the guards.
“I’m on the floor, floor! I love to dance!” They sang, one hand outstretched to the sky, the other gripping the bottle upside and draining its contents onto the counter.
The back up drew their weapons, standard issue nightsticks, and made their way forward.
“So give me more, more, till I can’t stand.”
They emptied the bottle, their green eyes never leaving the approaching guards.
“Get on the floor, floor, like it’s your last chance.”
They chucked the empty bottle into the wall of drinks, broken glass and different alcoholic drinks spilling onto the floor and mixing together.
“If you want more, more, then here I am!”
They pulled a match from within their coat pocket and lit it with the backside of their boot. Without looking, they threw the match over their shoulder and smiled as a raging flame broke out behind them.
The club goers were slow to realize what was going on but the remaining guards, Floyd included, mobilized to action.
Before anyone could react, however, an unexpected shrill shrieked throughout the building: The fire alarm designed to be the most annoying and loudest thing you’ve ever heard.
Even though it had been a slow night and only a dozen or so people were here, the customers panicked with a surge of three times that number.
Screams and yells filled the air as bodies shuffled about in a mad dash. The guards were thrown about, tossed this way and that while the lights, alarm and music worked together to confuse everyone.
Luckily the club was deserted within moments, leaving only security and the troublemaker.
The person hadn’t moved an inch despite the increasingly raging blaze behind them.
The back up pair approached carefully, unsure what this person was capable of.
All of them really had no idea.
The person raised their hand to the sky, belting with full force “LET’S DO THIS ONE MORE TIME!”
Without warning, silence and darkness filled the club: The fire alarm and music died suddenly. The lights followed a moment later but the raging flames, growing hungrily, remained. Floyd’s eyes watered with a sharp pain, the stuffy air and sudden shift in lighting too much for him
Floyd paused his story, uneasy growing at the sight of Jackdaw’s tightened jaw. The poor lad could actually see the veins pulsing with barely contained rage on his boss’s forehead.
“And why did the power go out?” Jackdaw asked through clenched teeth “No one was watching the power? Or the fusebox? Not a single person was guarding what I pay them to guard?”
Floyd remained silent, unsure how to answer that. He was just one of the lower rank and file guards: He got told what to do and he did it.
“Well? I’m waiting Floyd my boy! Why did the power go out?”
Floyd felt the beads of sweat run down his neck.
“Umm sir?”
Floyd nearly collapsed as one of Jackdaw’s techies nervously stepped forward, a loaded video on a tablet in hand.
Jackdaw blew a loose strain of hair out of his face and took a moment to slick back his hair. The vain gesture was enough to allow him to regain some level of composure as he snatched the tablet from the techie. With a grunt, he pressed play.
The video was short: It was a camera feed set up to watch over the fusebox to prevent tampering. Two guards were gesturing to the box, idly chatting with somebody in a red jumpsuit with a clipboard in one hand and a toolbox in the other. The back of uniform had the words “Newton Haven City Maintenance” scrawled across it in some rather hard to read font. The guards laughed out loud, jokingly patting the stranger’s shoulder before leaving frame. The city worker opened the fusebox and began tinkering without anyone stopping him.
The tablet crunched nosily as Jackdaw’s grip sent a ripple of cracks across the screen.
He turned to the techie.
“It was a routine check up.” the techie sputtered out “Our guards called it in this afternoon. Said there was an official letter with stamps and signatures and everything!”
“Did you check with me?” Jackdaw snarled “Because I pay the city specifically so they don’t send anyone to the club. Because of my illegal business practices that I perform there.”
Floyd could see the techie’s shoulder slump, whispering quietly “You were in a meeting….”
Jackdaw growled furiously but returned his attention to the nearly broken tablet.
It hadn’t taken more than a few minutes for the mysterious city maintenance worker to finish. They slammed the fusebox closed, doing a little jig before checking the contents of their toolbox and went on their merry little way.
Jackdaw’s blood froze as the figure gave a cheeky wink to the camera, knowing exactly where it was despite the magical wards in place to keep it invisible.
An eerie emptiness replaced the hostility in the room.
The fight disappeared out of Jackdaw, leaving only an intense sense of dread and paranoia.
All this was lost on Floyd, who saw the troublemaker’s face and couldn’t help but blurt out “That’s them! The one who beat up Malcolm and burned the club down!”
Jackdaw chuckled darkly “Oh. Oh this makes sense. No one wonder you all get your ass kicked six ways to Sunday. Someone sic’d Savant on me. Ya’ll never had a chance against them.”
Floyd shuddered, the memory of how brutal and efficient Savant had been against them: Grown men dragged kicking and screaming into the shadows, the crunchy noises of bones broken, bodies falling down and yells stopped mid-shout. He still remembered Savant standing over him, nightstick in hand, whistling cheerfully as they brought down the weapon and sent him into unconsciousness.
“Alright!” Jackdaw clapped his hands “Lock it down!”
Everyone glanced towards one another, unsure what exactly the boss meant.
“LOCK IT DOWN!” the snarl that escaped Jackdaw’s lips sent goosebumps down everybody’s spine “NOW! I WANT THIS PLACE SEALED UP NICE AND TIGHT!”
“But we’re 14 stories up...”
Techie flinched as Jackdaw whirled around, eyes blazing with unrestrained rage and impatience “You deaf? I said lock down the building or so help me I’m going to use you as a human shield when they start coming for me.”
Techie opened his mouth when an unexpected sound filled the silence: A muffled, cheeky yet tacky melody of a cellphone ringing.
Glances and gazes looked about trying to find the source of the disturbance. Floyd was baffled when he realized it was coming from inside his coat pocket. Nervously, he reached within and slowly pulled out a palm sized flip phone, the kind hadn’t been used in decades.
Jackdaw’s eyes widened with fear and alarm as he snatched the phone from the poor guard with inhuman speed.
“It’s them!” Jackdaw’s voice was manic “IT’S THEM!”
The mobster was torn about what to do next: Answering meant playing right into Savant’s hands and whatever the mercenary had plan. On the other hand, not answering would no doubt annoy them into far worse retaliation.
With a hard shallow, Jackdaw answered with an uncharacteristically shy “Hello?”
He could feel his heart screech to a stop when a bored, almost nonchalant voice replied “S’up.”
Jackdaw threw as much charm and cheer into his voice “Savant, buddy! Pal!”
“Don’t.” the voice sighed tiredly “It’s pathetic when the begging start. You’re a big, bad mob boss. Act like it you dumbass.”
“Fine” Jackdaw let go of any sense of civility “Good old threats: if you so much as show your face around…”
“Ugh too much in the wrong direction” Savant replied, seemingly uninterested in what the mob boss had to said “You people are all the same: False bravado and overcompensating. It’s embarrassing. Just say you’re scared of me and we can move on.”
Despite the severity of the situation, Jackdaw couldn’t help but feel irritated “Oh is that what you want? Get your jollys when powerful people admit they’re afraid of you? You think you can….you can…”
Jackdaw paused, unsure if his ears were working correctly.
“Are you eating?”
“Hmm??” the sound of smacking lips and chewing was the mercenary’s response for a few moments “Oh yeah. Get hungry when working. Normally I’d be all for the theatrics but it’s been a long night what with fucking with your fusebox, burning down your club, planting the phone on a guard. It’s like 3 in the morning dude.”
Jackdaw bit his lip angrily, a single drop of blood running down his chin “It is 3 in the morning and I’m very tired so I’d very much like to conclude our business. How much?”
“To hire me?” more lip smacking “An amount. You could probably afford it.”
Jackdaw let his shoulder’s sag with relief “So it’s agreed? I’ll hire you and we can all be on our merry way.”
“Sure!” Savant said cheerfully.
Bullet dodged.
“You can hire me after I finish this job. By the way did you like the gift I sent you?”
Jackdaw was a powerful and feared member of the illicit side of the magical world. He climbed to his position through sheer force of will and power. He left countless of his enemies broken and defeated in his wake.
To see him reduced to a flailing, paranoid mess would be a story no one would believe.
“GIFT?!” Jackdaw screamed, unable to keep the high-pitch whine out of his voice “WHAT GIFT?! SOMEONE FUCKING ANSWER ME!”
The techie was the first to shake off their stupor “Well there was a box that came in today. It was empty and we detected no magic so…”
“Box?!” Jackdaw spat as he wildly searched the room before landing on the seemingly innocent box just sitting on his desk “You brought it the fuck here?”
Everyone backed away.
“Wait” Jackdaw cut off the techie’s answer “Maybe they were hoping you’d take it somewhere or get rid of it. No, no this is good. We’re outwitting the fucker.”
“Sir, the box was empty. And you told use you personally wanted to inspect any and all….”
“You hear that asswipe!” Jackdaw grinned ear to ear “My people are the best! We’re ahead of you. Your game is over, you hear me?”
“My man.” Savant’s voice was infuriatingly calm “It’s just a regular old box for a boring ass mobster.”
“Stop lying!” Jackdaw roared angrily, instinctively bringing down his fist on the closet object in the room.
Which of course was the box.
The parcel collapsed under the mobster’s supernatural strength with little effort. As the box was smashed, the two inert glyph drawn in an invisible ink on both ends collided and activated each other.
The room erupted in an array of dazzling, blinding lights.
The light show hadn’t lasted long but no one knew that as they stumbled around, disoriented and lost, the display still burned in their retinas.
Jackdaw howled violently, swiping at the air blindly with long talon-like nails. Any calls for explanations or help were lost under the raging mobster unleashed.
Jackdaw didn’t hear the window break, the sound of glass shattering as it rained upon the floor. He didn’t see the muzzle flash that flared across the street, Savant’s sniping perch. He knew nothing but the sudden searing pain that filled his shoulder without warning.
Everything drained out of him, he slumped to the floor like a doll. He weakly clutched at his shoulder, steam wafting off the wound as the sliver bullet dug itself deep in its new home.
It didn’t matter what kind of werebeast you were: Wolf, bear, rat or even a raven like Jackdaw. All them were deathly weakened by sliver. The mere smell could cause nausea, touch burned worse than third degree burns and any injuries could take weeks, maybe even months to heal.
Jackdaw wheezed, the room spinning in a messy blur.
“Right.” the phone landed by his ear but Savant’s voice sounded far off like it was echoing down a long tunnel “Sorry I got the paper right here.”
Muted sounds of pockets being turned inside out: Scraping of metal on brick, shuffling papers, even rustling fast food wrappers.
“Got it!” Savant beamed “Quinn says stay the fuck off his turf. Mind your lane or the next time he sends me I won’t be aiming for your shoulder.”
“How did you know I was...I was… no one knew...?” Jackdaw murmured incoherently.
“Your heart.” Savant explained “It’ll be your heart. Okay well I gotta go so take these next few months to reflect on any sort of ill advised turf wars, domestic disputes and fighting with your rivals. If you’re still interested in hiring me for revenge or whatever, you call me at my business payphone. Bye little birdy!”
Savant dropped the phone to the floor, crushing it under their boot while rubbing the tension out of their neck. Around them was the standard stakeout gear: high powered and totally illegal sniper rifle, a neatly piled trash heap and a sniping pillow (Sniping’s hard on the stomach and knees.).
They packed away the gun, kicked the trash heap to make it look more like natural rooftop garbage and went downstairs.
Savant yawned tiredly, not at all concerned with the guards that were pouring out of Jackdaw’s hidey hole. They glanced around, trying to get their bearings when they noticed a hot dog vendor across the street.
“I really shouldn’t” they pursed their lips “Especially after paying for someone to set up the pyrotechnics spells. But I am hungry. Stomach wins!”
Savant made their way over, patting their stomach lovingly “One hotdog please. Everything on it.”
“You got it!” The vendor nodded before eyeing the commotion “What’s with that?”
“I don’t talk business.”
“O-kay. Umm here’s your hotdog. That’ll be two bucks.
Savant reached into their pocket and shoved a hundred dollars into the waiting vendor’s hand. Without a second look, Savant gratefully took the hotdog and walked away.
“Hey buddy! BUDDY! You gave me way too much!”
“You too!” Savant replied, took caught up in the rapture that was their meal.
This was a really fucking good hotdog.
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daaziscoolbesties · 3 years
‼️‼️This post contains lore spoilers from Ranboo’s 4/23 stream, “The Enderwalk Saga. Chapter 1: The Lessons”. If you haven’t seen that stream don’t read ahead unless you want spoilers‼️‼️
disclaimer: this isnt really an analysis as much as a bunch of commentary and half-baked theories.
-on the way to the mansion he was sort of talking to himself saying stuff like "i'm good i'm good" which m a y be a normal thing but also maybe it's not and it flew over our heads cause he talks to chats and donos like that so often
-again, this one may just be a normal thing but when he was climbing up the stairs in the mansion looking for foolish, he repeats some of his words like down to the exact same tone of voice and everything. 12:42,  "this mansion is way too big actually. this mansion is way too big actually." (why the repeated actually? seems odd to me but again it might just be a normal thing that i haven't picked up on). (right after) "okay okay lemme find him lemme find him" again repeated words in the e x a c t same tone.
-does everyone know about ranboo's silk touch hands ability thing? or was that just a techno and ranboo main character moment. bc if it was, how would foolish know that ranboo could pick up the full cake after it'd been partially eaten. unless everyone on the sever knows about that in which case this means nothing. but if they d o n t know... how would foolish know? ranboo wrote about it in the do not read book so maybe if it's not a publicly known thing maybe foolish got his hands on the book and read it??
-14:53-ish, they're talking about the war room and how it was for tubbo or whatever and ranboo says, and i quote "he prepares for lore but he's never gonna do it." now funny thing is at first i couldn't tell if he said "war" like in reference to the war room or "lore". but after playing the clip over and over i can say with ALMOST 100% certainty that he said lore. there is a definite L sound at the beginning of the word. which either means a) this was a slip up (doubtful bc he said later that there were no mistakes), b) he broke the fourth wall because they were supposed to be rping at that point, or c) i'm completely wrong and he said "war" which leads down an entire other road of possibilities
-15:17 "are you a book reader?" "*checks inventory for do not read book* uh yeah i'd say i'm a book reader-" dunno how i didn't catch this the first time I HATE THAT DAMN BOOK
-15:18 there's blue in his hotbar. where did he get the blue.
-16:40 "it's like a metaphor- i have two minds: i have my normal self, my normal little shift-dancing self, and then the builder one. the builder one is demanding. it's a very demanding mind." ranboo then lets out a weird sigh after this. i feel like what foolish was talking about was an indirect(?) parallel to ranboo in and out of enderwalk, there's how he normally is, trying to do best for others, and then there's enderwalk, meeting up with bad guys and "demanding" things (its very late as i write this i really don't know what i'm talking about)
-17:11 "you have your panic closet" i'm sorry his what now 😀 no but seriously how the hell did i miss some of these
-18:04 "you're asking me if i remember?" very funny ranboo thank you for making jokes in these trying times
-19:38 why did foolish hold the grass block- most of these observations probably mean nothing but- h u h - is that- i'm too tired for this
-19:54 "i never properly thanked you for the deal you made with me" so foolish got something out of this deal, we're not sure if ranboo did. "the green cardboard box" again do you mean dream's house- but seriously the only people i can think of on the server that are associated with green are dream and sam. and i have no idea what cardboard box could be referring to.  foolish got a lime colored shulker from drista
-20:30 "we're supposed to only talk about it at a certain location" hmm now where would that be? panic room maybe? cause like usually after doing a big thing in the enderwalk state ranboo wakes up in the panic room so maybe?  the deal was that they only talk about it in his house
-21:52 how does ranboo receive(?) the lessons? like are they whispered to him in his mind or is he seeing them as words in front of him like we see? hmm
-"Lesson 14: If you have the opportunity to gain a favor, take it." "gain a favor" don't you usually ask people for favors though? how does one "gain a favor"? anyways i'm pretty sure lesson 14 has to do with the deal foolish was talking about. (the deal explained because i now have info: at some point a bit ago foolish met up with ranboo and asked to make a deal, he'd gotten a shulker box from drista. the deal was that ranboo would have ownership of the box, it would be under his name but foolish rents/borrows it indefinitely. ranboo negotiated that if he took ownership of the box he would get a "war favor"  from foolish where if something happens that creates sides, ranboo can ask him a favor that could change his side. but why would foolish want ranboo to have ownership of the shulker you may ask? well i have an answer for you. a theory actually but still. basically since drista technically isn't supposed to give out shit on the server if someone where to have that stuff then they may get in trouble. foolish wants to be able to use the shulker but if it gets found he doesn't want to get in trouble, so he can blame it on ranboo seeing as it's under his name.)
-22:16-ish "i still have this from when you *can't understand whats said here*" well i guess that sort of explains why he had the grass block? idk man (info update: he had the grass block from when ranboo threw it at him telling him to calm down like what ghostbur does with blue)
-31:35 "i figured out how to cause it" how to cause the enderwalk state
-39:01 "it's all for the greater good" okay well when are you gonna start thinking about yourself and not everyone else for once huh. self care bitch.
-40:31 he started holding the axe when he was looking at sam- gonna say it i really don't like that axe ahahah- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE THE AXE IS NAMED "axe of ender" I DONT LIKE THAT I DONT LIKE THAT AT ALL
-41:53 is there something?? physically keeping him from telling sam??? or maybe it's sort of like his enderwalk state taking control to make him shut the fuck up??? so many questions and approximately zero answers
-43:18 ranboo raising his voice legitimately scares me 😀👍
-"Lesson 27: Do not reminisce on what you have lost for it will weigh you down." showed up when he was thinking about and REMINISCING about the community house 👀👀
-"Lesson 53: Never fully trust anyone." showed up literally after he said that he thinks he can trust the other people on the server enough to tell them about what he did
-"Lesson 67: Leave no evidence of what you have helped with." this is different from the others because there doesn't seem to be at least a semi-direct connection to it? unless maybe at the time ranboo was near something he may have "helped with"? not sure about this one
-"Lesson 94: DO NOT LET THEM KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE" yeah yeah i get it i get it he's fucked up some shit in enderwalk i don't feel like analyzing this thanks
-okokok the experiments are that he's been e x p e r i m e n t i n g on how to purposefully induce the enderwalk state. and we know now that it wasn't from the pain of the water because on the stream afterwords he said that it's caused by the intense fear of something happening. and so the "side effects" of the experiments is that since he's in enderwalk more often(?) he starts remembering more things from it
-dude honestly the whole sam part hurts so much this man is scarily good at acting
-46:46 "i cant put you in the prison you wouldn't be able to see michael anymore" bestie that's the point he doesn't want to accidentally hurt michael or tubbo in the enderwalk state—
-okay but there's no way that sam couldn't tell that ranboo was at least TRYING to confess to something- i feel like he definitely knows more than he's letting on because usually like when people do bad shit or admit to doing bad shit he's like in Prison Guard Mode™️ (he literally cut off ponk's arm because he stole some keycards or something) and whatever and idk what he knows but he definitely knows something and is trying to protect ranboo. or he's trying to manipulate him or smth either one works—
-50:38 "you are a good person" "i am?" you can hear my heart shatter. "yes you are" "i don't think so sam" "i do, even if you don't" "i really don't think so" and there it goes again
-51:25 hello badboyhalo i see you to the left of ranboo
-52:44 "but then my curiosity got the best of me" curiosity killed the cat, bitch
-52:54 "there's ninety three, ninety four, ninety- theres so many reasons!" SEE!! NOT ONLY ARE THERE THAT MANY LESSONS THERE ARE REASONS THAT CORRESPOND IM S O SMART—
-52:56 "i don't want to remember anymore!" *quietly brings forth my theory that when ranboo loses a canon life his memory gets wiped*
-53:13 "ive opened pandora's box" isn't the prison?? literally called pandora's VAULT??? so this m a y be a stretch but i'm thinking that maybe this could be taken in the literal sense that he "opened" the prison and let dream out (the sirens at the end of quackity's stream confirm that dream is indeed out)
-53:42 mans just straight up walked through a ghost i—
-55:37 so are we just gonna ignore the eleventh page of the book? "he's alive, but hopefully soon dream won't be"??? alright nevermind it's most likely bc when tommy came back he recruited ranboo in his plan to kill dream
-55:47 notice how he writes "what am i?" as opposed to "who am i?" no elaboration here idk what it could be
-56:08 just so it's clear for anyone who doesn't know- he's wearing armor at this point, and i'm like 90% sure that when he wears his armor water can't hurt him. and i saw someone say somewhere that like with splash potions when thrown it turns into a gas-like thing? so again, it didn't hurt him, he didn't get hurt. he said in the chill stream that he wasn't comfortable making it where his character had to hurt himself to do that. the thing that causes the enderwalk isn't pain, it's intense and sudden emotions like fear and stress. thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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cat-bit · 4 years
Unity vs Conformity in the Dream SMP
/rp /dsmp
So a couple of weeks(?) ago I jokingly talked about writing an essay on the true conflict at the heart of the Dream SMP, and it got more interest than I thought it would SO
Guess what fuckers it's not a joke anymore brace yourselves.
"The biggest underlying conflict in the Dream SMP is the ephemeral battle of Unity vs Conformity, how the two are often mistaken for each other, and how this clash of ideologies is represented on a broad level with factions, AND on an individual level in different characters." 
Long post under the cut, head up!
I want to start by giving the token acknowledgement that all the characters I am about to talk about are morally grey, barring Dream, who is just a straight up villain. There's no one tried and true formula on judging whether or not a character is "good," because it is most often entirely subjective, and depends heavily on each character's specific motive. That being said: while motive is our gateway to understanding why a character acts a certain way, it does not therefore also function as an excuse for their behavior, which will be an important thing to remember later on. 
The true conflict at the center of the DSMP's lore, and what I believe to be the closest thing we'll get to a "moral of the story," is the friction between unity and conformity as both conflicting and intertwining ideologies. 
If we take a closer look at each of the individual battles we've seen take place on the SMP, we can actually see the two ideologies interact both on a factional level and on an individual level. Case and point: the L'Manberg revolution, where L'manberg represents the concept of unity, and the Greater Dream SMP represents the concept of conformity, or again with Manberg vs. Pogtopia, and at a character level with Tommy vs Dream, or Tubbo vs Techno.
This is an interesting dynamic because both concepts are at the same time very similar, yet very different, as both of them are essentially about a group of people coming together to form a single unit. But where unity is an organic, social process that rewards both teamwork and individuality and exists primarily to benefit the group, conformity is an unnatural social construct most often enforced by the threat of violence as punishment for defiance, and exists primarily to benefit the enforcer(s).
While these two concepts, at their core, are incredibly different from one another, it is their surface level similarities that often get one mixed up with the other. This is why we end up with characters acting out in extremely malicious ways, while at the same time believing that they are in the right. 
We can see this most recently with Dream and Tommy. 
I don't think there has ever been a more perfect example of unity on the Dream SMP than the Final Disc War. 
For the first time in a long while-- perhaps ever, really-- most everyone on the server stood shoulder to shoulder in order to accomplish an important goal: standing up to the puppetmaster that had been pulling the strings behind the scenes, and making them all suffer for months. Even those who had proven themselves to be Tommy's enemies set aside their bitterness for at least a little while in order to confront Dream. It was an incredibly stunning moment, and to this day I still think that it is the highest point in the entire storyline. I'd never felt so overjoyed.
This coming together of individuals was organic and willing, meaning that it happened naturally, and that everyone who was there wanted to be there. The only person you could argue was there out of obligation was Punz, as he was paid to show up, but everyone else who came with him essentially volunteered. They didn't have to be there, they didn't have to take that risk, they had no idea what they'd be walking into, but they did it anyway, and that is the essence of unity. 
Conversely, you have characters like Dream and Techno, or the Eggpire faction, all of whom confuse a desire for unity with the act of enforcing conformity. 
Dream wants the server to become "one big happy family" again. But his quest to accomplish this has twisted him into a pale imitation of his former self, someone who has no empathy or remorse for what he has done, because he sees his actions as entirely justified. To him, the ends justify the means. Tommy is the villain in his story, and making him suffer is par for the course. We begin to see that Dream is actually very aware of what he is doing. He understands the distinctions between unity and conformity, and has decided that he would rather have the people of the server conform by force than unify by choice. He wants control. He wants power. He wants to be a god.
It's the same principle with Techno and the Syndicate, albeit for different reasons and under different circumstances. 
Unlike Dream, Techno is not really a villain. He is certainly on the darker end of the morally grey spectrum, but he has not reached the same level as that disgusting green teletubby. Yet.
However, this doesn't mean that he also isn't in the wrong with this new Syndicate. The circumstances are just a little different. 
This is one of those instances where motive becomes an important factor in judging a character's actions. While Dream abuses and hurts Tommy out of his innate desire for control, and that pesky god complex, Techno acts in the service of his beliefs, which ultimately boil down to: no one person should have absolute power over any other.
As admirable as that belief is, Techno's enforcement of it is where we hit that slippery slope. 
On a surface level, the Syndicate seems like a good thing; an organization set up and geared towards preventing tyranny on the server, supported by and supporting local anarchists. But what is it really, other than a glorified police force made up mostly of the richest, most powerful people on the server, waltzing about with their maxed armor and weapons, scaring the daylights out of everyday folks. 
The Syndicate exists to put an end to tyrants, but who decides what a tyrant is on the Dream SMP? Who gets to make that distinction? The Syndicate itself? How do they decide what qualifies as tyranny? What prevents them from setting arbitrary standards? What right do they have to be the enforcers? Doesn't that make them the tyrants? Sure, they aren't directly ruling over anyone, and all Syndicate members are there by choice, but no one else on the server will be able to form a government or organization without suffering the innate fear of pissing them off. 
This is a prime example of something meant to be good that could easily be twisted into something very bad. The Syndicate exists to wipe out tyranny, yes, but in doing so they also exist to enforce one very specific way of thinking. That's not unity.
Techno's motives are understandable, even commendable given his backstory, but he doesn't seem to understand that when unity becomes something that you have to force others into, it is no longer unity. The basic tenets have been corrupted, and you are now enforcing a system of conformity that violates the natural freedoms of the people you are trying to bring together, or in this case "set free".
So what does this mean for the story and its conflicts? How do the characters "fix" this? 
It really depends. 
With Dream, I'd say the only real solution is a one way ticket to perma-death. This is a guy that knows full well what he is doing, and he revels in it.
As for the Syndicate, I think it is quite literally a matter of which way the wind blows. Can Techno "the only universal language is violence" blade be reasoned with? Jury is still out. I personally think it's going to take some measure of physical confrontation. You're going to have to beat the Blade to prove anything to him. I am just hoping it all works out
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anawkwardshit · 4 years
Tubbo needs to step up and get his shit together. Here’s why.
Tubbo has consequently dodged the consequences of his actions, good or bad, and even though I love him and understand the hard position he’s been put into, I’m a little sick of it.
It’s already been established that Tommy has accepted what’s happened and forgiven Tubbo for it. He’s already explicitly stated that he understands why Tubbo exiled him and doesn’t blame him for trying to protect L’manberg. Tommy, despite everything, has come to understand Tubbo’s actions and accept them for what they are. Tubbo is still his friend, and he hasn’t given up on him. He’s not going to blame Tubbo for trying to do what’s right, even if Tommy doesn’t like it.
Tubbo, on the other hand, has completely dodged the results of his actions and tried to avoid the possibilities of them coming to fruition. Tubbo explicitly stated that there could have been another way other than exiling Tommy, but he made an impulsive decision based on stress and panic; he had no time to think on it. In simpler terms, he took the easy way out to avoid Dream’s wrath and complied with him to keep peace. This is a common occurrence with Tubbo, whom wants peace so badly that he lets himself be pushed around to try and keep it, but it only makes him a pawn.
It annoys me even more that Ranboo actually did end up admitting to Tubbo later that he helped in the griefing of George’s house, and he was never punished for it. Tommy was literally thrown under the bus to appease Dream, and that was it. Tubbo never addressed Ranboo’s involvement or tried to right it; he just brushed it off! He knew that doing anything would end in more consequences and outcomes that he didn’t want to deal with, so he just left it alone! That’s not justice!
Tubbo argued that Tommy’s actions were unacceptable as Vice President, but it was nowhere near the amount of destruction usually caused by anyone on the server (Dream included!) and Tommy said it was an accident. Saying others were exempt and Tommy wasn’t simply because of his vice presidency is wrong! Tommy’s place as Vice President was also given to him by Tubbo, not asked for. Tommy left presidency to Wilbur (who gave it to Tubbo) since he had business with Dream. Instead of becoming President and using the power he would have to call war on or use people to fight Dream, he left L’manberg in the hands of someone who could care for it properly (who he thought was Wilbur, but he was okay with Tubbo, too, since he thought Tubbo would be good at it) so he could deal with his own personal business by himself. He accepted the position as Vice President, likely only to be closer to Tubbo (he told Ranboo that he knew Tubbo being president would pull them apart). Tubbo uses Tommy’s position of power, which Tommy doesn’t even utilize, as a reason for him to be exiled, but Tubbo is just pulling at threads in order to make himself feel better for making the decision.
When Tommy is kicked out, he avoids visiting Tommy in order to, A) keep Dream from possibly getting upset, once more avoiding confrontation, and B) avoid facing Tommy’s possible derision or hatred of him. In simple terms, he’s scared, and therefore, he avoids facing his actions. He should have visited Tommy, should have made it clear that they were still best friends in spite of everything, and maybe then Dream wouldn’t have gotten his claws so deep into Tommy; maybe Tommy wouldn’t have downspiralled and become depressed in his isolation and abandonment. Instead, he shows up last minute and is too late to save Tommy—Tommy had to save himself in the end.
(People argue that Tommy was never alone, no matter how much he said he was. But Tommy is still a child; how is he supposed to know how to express his feelings, the difference between being alone and being lonely? Because Tommy was lonely.)
When Tubbo finds out Tommy is alive, he accuses him of siding with the enemy. But what else was there for Tommy to do? He was running from his abuser, his friends had turned their backs on him for all he was aware—he was forced to fend for himself, even if that resorted to stealing, and he took the companionship and help where he could. Techno gave that to him. Despite their ups and downs, Techno never lied to Tommy; he was honest, blunt, and even called Tommy a friend. Their relationship was healthier than Tubbo and Tommy’s has been recently! In this accusation, Tubbo is shoving blame onto Tommy and not taking into account what’s happened for Tommy to have made this choice. He doesn’t even bring up the tower or anything! Tubbo obviously knew Tommy had committed (or at this point, contemplated) suicide, but it was never mentioned! It’s like Tubbo completely glossed over the fact that something so horrible was done to Tommy in the face of his best friend siding with the person they were trying to kill! And Tommy is completely unaware that Tubbo even still gives a damn, since as I’ve mentioned, he never showed up to reassure Tommy of their friendship.
He shoved everything away, and it tore everyone but him down. The only consequence Tubbo has had to face was when he gave Dream the disk and, therefore, the free reign to obliterate L’manberg! And that was something that fucked everyone over!
I disagree and agree with many points for every character, but Dream is the one person I don’t have any excuses for. And yet he was still right when he told Tubbo he was a shit president and a pushover. Because he was.
New L’manberg was built on a crater; it was only a matter of time before it fell through.
In the end, Tommy has come to an understanding with Tubbo and his decisions. He’s faced the consequences, done his time, and come out of it persevering and accepting of it all. He looks at Tubbo and sees his struggling friend trying too hard—and I agree.
But Tubbo has not come to face that yet, not like Tommy has. When they were yelling at each other, Tubbo didn’t trust a word Tommy said, and in the end, it was more Tubbo’s fault than Tommy’s. Tubbo forgot Dream’s ways in exchange for his anger at everything and the stress on his shoulders; he could not face the reality of what his actions had caused.
With the way the story has ended so far, there needs to be closure. Tommy understands where Tubbo comes from, but Tubbo knows nothing of Tommy’s place, and even though his ignorance is not completely his fault, I still hate him for it. He knows nothing yet of Tommy’s abuse, of Dream’s gaslighting, of the ultimate truth behind the dark things that haunted Tommy during his exile; he knows nothing of its endless extent—and he needs to.
Tubbo is a child pushed into a seat of responsibility that he should not hold, but it is what it is. I’m sorry to say it, but Tubbo has killed too many, died too much, and bled too often to be a child anymore. The place he holds means he must face his actions like an adult, and he has not done that.
Tubbo needs to listen, and he and Tommy need closure. I hope to God that they do not just move on like nothing’s happened; they need to talk, to understand each other. Tubbo needs to understand that other people have suffered for his negligence, and he needs to right it.
“Can’t you see history repeating itself?” Tubbo has edged closer and closer to Schlatt through this arc, and I hope for the sake of everyone that he pulls back in time. He may be looking to steer clear of Schlatt’s path (he was all too aware of it when Quackity called for Ranboo’s blood), but you know what they say about self-fulfilling prophecies.
Whoever is writing the next arc needs to address this! Please!
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innittowinit · 4 years
SBI headcanons awooga
Some headcanons and things for my sbi fd! Abandoned amusement park fic lol 
Here's the link if you haven't read it btw 
SBI last name is Reid, DT last name is Jackson btw lmao, i probably won't mention it much though unless it's like Mrs Reid for the sbi mom y'know
This has Tommy, Techno, Wilbur and Phil included; lmk if a dt post would be a good idea too 
The youngest brother, he’s seven lmao what a child
Even though he’s the youngest, he’s also the most confrontational and will gladly ‘fight’ anyone who talks bad about his brothers 
He can’t fight
He’s very tall for his age but is also extremely light since he’s always running around 
Phil tries to get him to try new foods a lot but Tommy’s a really picky eater
...Tantrums.. Every time he doesn’t get his way
This lead to his brothers spoiling him quite a bit, he’s still sweet enough though since Phil has had many stern conversations with him about being nice to people 
Has a toy music boy, with collectable discs
Wilbur got his first disc for him, it’s his most prised possession 
Every time he does all of his chores (which are really just small things like clean up after himself and keep his room tidy) someone, whether its his Mum, Wilbur or someone else, gets him a new disc 
Techno got him ‘Pig step’ for his seventh birthday and he listens to it every night before bed 
One time he snuck downstairs while Techno and Wilbur were having a sleepover and watched the horror movie they were watching without them realising it. Techno and Wil were the ones to get into trouble since Tommy wouldn’t sleep for a week afterwards. 
Techno had to read him a story every night until he stopped thinking he was going to be eaten by a demon in the middle of the night 
Drinks way too much caffeine for a kid, someone take this boys coke away
He’s got a habit of biting his nails, which has left him with some pretty crooked teeth, which will probably need to be fixed with braces when he’s older. 
It’s also gross because he climbs so much there’s almost always dirt under his nails 
Hasn’t really grasped the whole concept of not saying everything he thinks yet
Oh my god someone shut this boy up
He still believes in Santa and The easter bunny too
One time Techno told him Oogie Boogie from the nightmare before christmas was real and he cried
He talks a lot in school because he finds it boring but he’s also very good at maths and English for his age
Middle child, Wil is 13. Techno’s twin 
He’s pretty insecure about his music even though he’s been playing his whole life
That’s why he likes being able to practice in L’manburg, there’s no pressure to be perfect when he’s alone with his brothers 
Super extroverted and confident in everything else though, Since Techno can’t talk to most people, he usually tries to speak for both of them
After realising that Techno didn’t really like it when he said ‘Techno thinks’ a lot, back in primary school, he adapted to trying to speak for what Techno wants without making Techno’s issues obvious
They tell people who need to know, but for people they’ll only talk to a few times they usually just get away with Wilbur acting super obnoxious and loud so it seems like Techno just doesn’t have room to talk, rather than that he can't 
It’s easier than getting into it since they don’t feel like most people will understand
has separation Anxiety, when he’s not with his brother he doesn’t relax/ feel safe at all. If it happens at school he won't do his work at all/ Will probably just leave the room and try to find Techno
Everyone kinda knows this and they try to suit things around it without saying it outright 
He’s kinda embarrassed, he likes to think he’s the one protecting Techno but really they need each other the same amount 
Techno gets this though, He doesn’t mind if wilbur has a bit of a saviour complex, he’ll play along if it makes him happy 
They’re working on it with their Therapist though so don’t worry, he won't grow up to be an ass
Interests (besides music) include: 
Watching obscure documentaries 
Disney movies, favourite is peter pan 
He and Techno got Picked on in primary school for being so close, he learnt kickboxing so he could defend himself if things ever got physical. Luckily they didn’t but he still knows how to kickbox so watch out
Almost always turning in homework late, he’s good at talking his way out of Detentions though. 
And when he cant talk his way out, Techno finds a way to get detention too
He’s VERY protective of his younger brother(s(he was born first so he likes to insist that Techno is his little brother)) 
That’s good for the most part but he can be a little overbearing sometimes, he’s got detention many many times for cussing out people who so much as looked at Techno wrong 
When he’s feeling guilty he mumbles a lot 
Middle child, 13. Wilbur’s twin
Has selective Mutism, completely fine talking to Wilbur, Only talks to Tommy and Phil if Wil is there too but other than that he’s completely fine talking to them as well. He speaks to his parents but not as openly as he does with his brothers, with them its usually very quiet, one word sentences 
Like Wilbur, separation Anxiety also, It’s not as bad as Wilbur’s is though, Wil just makes him comfortable enough to talk with his brothers, he can deal with being without Wilbur but he absolutely doesn’t want to
He can be a bit arrogant and possessive of his brothers at times, he’s a bit scared of them leaving him because he can be so difficult so he has a tendency to be cold to any new people they bring home 
Interests include: Pvp games, ancient china, farming
He was hyper-fixated on a cartoon when he was younger and now he has multiple cosplays from it that he’ll probably never wear again
His hair is LONG and pink, they never figured out why it grew so fast or why it was pink but it is lmao 
When he was born his parents were terrified, they thought he had some kind of rare condition that was going to hurt him but the doctors eventually came to the conclusion that he just had healthy hair that grew fast and the pinkness was due to an abnormality in the melanin in his system or something idk fellas im failing science pls pretend this part makes sense 
Being silent with long pink hair as a kid, he got picked on a lot. There were many instances where he just pushed kids over or hit them because they were being mean 
Since he’s the quiet one, teachers usually trust him a lot so he and wilbur used to skip class a lot, back when they got picked on, by saying they had to help another teacher do something
In an attempt to get him to be more social, his parents signed him up for violin lessons aged 8, he really liked his teacher and had even managed to speak a little to her over the past 4 years he took lessons 
Spaces out a lot 
He watches a lot of conspiracy theory videos but he doesn’t actually believe any of them, he just finds them interesting
One time he convinced Tommy they were living in a simulation and Tommy hit a kid to see if his hand would pass through
He’s spoken a few words to squidkid too since they’re childhood friends and he’s very comfortable with him. Ironically all he seems to say to him is ‘bozo’ to tease the other for saying it so often, instead of literally any other insult
Oldest brother, 16 
Cares about his brothers so so so so so much like he will do anything to keep them happy and safe
One time he missed an exam because Tommy was sick and he wanted to take him to the doctor before anything else
Tommy was fine btw, just one of those bugs you get when you're little
Their parents are pretty distant so Phil has been pretty much raising them since he was little, he doesn’t mind though
Their parents aren’t bad people or anything, they just get called out a lot for work and can’t be at home a whole bunch, it’s a big part of the reason why Techno never got comfortable talking a lot around them
He works at a Nearby florist to get extra cash to buy his brothers things when his parents arent home
When their mum is home, he brings her flower arrangements home from work because he is sweet <3
He’s really into mythology and Folklore as well as drawing, when he was younger he had multiple sketchbooks filled up with different creatures that he had drawn 
When he, techno and wilbur were all little, he used to play a game with them where they’d describe a monster off the tops of their heads and he’d draw it for them 
Techno and Wilbur loved this and always put up Phil’s drawings on their bedroom walls 
When he was 13 he used to write angsty poetry, He told wilbur about it one day and that's when wilbur first started adding lyrics to his songs 
He can be pretty gullible, he likes to believe that people mean good no matter how hard it might be to see it that way 
He can hold grudges for a pretty long time, he’s quick to forgive when it’s himself that’s been hurt but it’s very very hard to get on his good side again if you hurt his brothers 
Watches Alien theories with techno, unlike techno he actually believes in them
Has the ‘i believe in aliens’ poster 
When they were little, he used to grow strawberry plants with techno and Wilbur, this is what prompted techno to start growing other vegetables in their garden himself
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sa-nddd · 4 years
first mcyt post! this is a dream smp one! let me know what you think :)
Dream SMP headcanons: being the villain >:)
basically, reader is the chew toy of L'manburg. everyone uses her, yet treats her like crap. she's tired of being a toy, and finally unleashes her power.
takes place in the dream smp
warnings: strong language, injury, manipulation, explosives, strong themes
not proofread, it's 5am on a school night and I haven't slept :)
gender identity: cis female, she/her pronouns, no use of name
she was tired.
days, months, years of being pushed over and treated like shit, how didn't they see it coming?
it started in L'manburg's fight for Independence.
She was passionate, wanting to do everything to help her 'friends'.
she gave them shelter, weapons, supplies, and care.
thinking back, all she sees is their faces in red.
fast forward a bit, the war was done!
celebrations nightly, and never was she invited.
she didn't mind, thinking they just were distracted and forgot to send her an invite.
she does live a few miles away, anyways.
then came Schlatt's takeover.
once again, she sent pogtopia crates of her weaponry and materials, only wanting to help.
only to get left by herself, preparing to defeat Schlatt on her own.
when she saw them all walk to the battle field together, she was torn.
Once again, she was left to her own accord, almost getting hit with DREAM'S arrows.
Techno, however, pulled her away.
The only person who showed her an act of kindness.
She fought with a new determination that day.
A few days after that fight, Techno heard a knock from where he was farming potatoes.
Looking up, he saw her standing on the bottom step of pogtopia's stairs, holding an ender chest.
she walked up to him, stopping a safe distance away before placing down her e-chest and opening it.
she pulled out a few things, three stacks of pink fireworks, a few wither skulls, and netherite blocks.
he looked at her in confusion, not understanding why she gave him so many things.
he refused at first, which made her confused.
everyone always took her gifts with open arms, why wasn't he?
when he asked her why she gave him such a expensive gift, she ended up explaining her story, how she was unknowingly being used for her materials.
techno was low-key pissed.
he'd keep her in mind, he promised.
fast forward a bit more, and the two became closer.
since then, techno has taught her everything she needed to know.
how she was manipulated, used, and a victim.
after realizing what techno was telling her was the truth, she decided to stop her generous ways, giving less and less things to her 'friends' and more towards herself and techno.
the two became close, bonding over being used and their power.
the two were a powerful duo, finding strength within eachother.
they were attached at the hip, techno not being this close to anyone other than Phil.
it was surprising, but welcomed.
techno would teach her his ways in fights, and they often collected materials together.
they basically lived together at this point.
he was soft
skipping forward to Manburg's last battle, they agreed on something.
anarchy was the best B)
jk, that they would do everything in their power to destroy every government they could.
As the battle went on, they stood with their backs together, protecting eachother.
as they confronted Schlatt, techno pushed her behind him, not wanting her in reach of the mentally unstable man in front of them.
as they walked to the podium, leaving Schlatt's body behind, the duo stood proudly next to eachother.
the first government they tore apart as partners, it felt great.
they watched, their proud expressions slipping into angry ones as they watched a new government being formed in front of them.
"The fuck?" she whispered out, following techno as he stood up straight, preparing to shout his next words.
she pulled out her ender chest, doing quick work of pulling out her soul and and wither skulls, as well as some xp bottles to heal her and Techno's armour.
as techno started his speech, she handed him the materials, splashing potions in preparation for the blast damage they might take.
then, the ground rumbled beneath them.
They reacted quickly, moving away from the explosives.
Techno pulled out his crossbow and fireworks, firing at any one he saw.
she stood in front of him, her shield up, blocking the debris and blasts from them.
once the explosions passed their area, they got to work spawning in a Wither each.
"You want to be a hero, Tommy? THEN DIE LIKE ONE!"
The withers took off, heads flying everywhere.
As she looked around, she met eyes with a few of her 'friends'.
trey all looked at her with betrayal and anger in their eyes, finally connecting the dots as to why she was being distant.
she just smirked back, causing them surprise.
Techno was done speaking, it was her turn.
"You know, I don't know why I wasted all those years on the wrong side, this is fun."
they looked shocked, not expecting the usually soft girl to be so evil.
"Does the medicine taste good? Cause it didn't for me.
Betrayal is a strange feeling, isn't it?"
"Being used doesn't feel nice. But hey, you live you learn, right?"
She stared them down, eyes glazed over with dark clouds.
"Y'know, I'm a strong believer in Karma.
I'd say Karma comes in different ways for everyone, and we never know what shape or way it'll come to us."
"However, I do know how it will come back to you."
The group let her words sink in, trying to fight off the withers roaming around.
"It's by me!" she chirped.
" and I know exactly how I'm going to do it!" she smiled, pearly whites showing.
"I'm going tear you apart from the inside. just. like. you. did. for. me."
After that, everything was a blur.
she doesn't remember much, only coming back to her senses when Techno pulled her to the lake, pulling out his trident, and passing her her own.
they flew away, going to pack their things and run away.
time skip a few days, her and phil quickly became friends, the same with ghostbur.
Her and Techno are settled down in a cabin far away, having everything then needed.
things were finally good.
She had caring friends, and nice home, and left her old life behind.
it was nice.
time passed, l'manburg with a new plan to take down Technoblade.
would that happen? fuck no LMAOO
Phil was under house arrest, Techno was taken by the butcher army, and she was pissed.
actually, pissed was an understatement.
she was stood behind Phil's chimney, peaking at the scene in front of her.
she wasn't afraid, she knew techno had a totem on him, as did she. (courtesy of sugar daddy dré)
However, that didn't stop her from jumping down and gripping onto Fundy's hair, pulling it back harshly and pressing her sword into his neck.
She wasn't going to kill him, she has morals, but they didn't know that.
while they were distracted with her, Phil tossed Techno a pickaxe.
He got free, pearling away.
Quackity noticed, running after him while yelling. the rest followed, leaving her unattended with Carl. She took Carl, waving at Phil and Ghostbur before riding back home.
Now, when she went down to the basement and noticed a misplaced block in the floor, she didn't think she'd find a human down there.
Especially Tommy.
Then again, that kid is always ending up in weird situations.
she dragged him upstairs, forcing him to stay put till Techno comes back from trading with the villagers.
while waiting, the two bonded over their experiences with manipulation, Tommy apologizing to her for what he did.
She forgave him, not blaming the young one for following in the adults foot steps. He didn't know better.
Boy, Techno did not expect Tommy and her to be laughing when he stepped in, but alas, it is what it is
Time skip the preparations, the day of the festival has come.
The three were sneaking around in invis pots, going over the plan multiple times.
That was, until she witnessed the Community House, or at least what was left of it.
She fell to her knees, the memories flowing through her mind.
It had been there since the beginning, something she helped to build.
kc when things were simple, no fighting, no war, just friends hanging out.
she remembers the nights where the ogs would stay up building it, sleeping in beds pushed up together.
just her, Dream, George, Sapnap, Callahan, Alyssa, and Sam, having fun, building and joking around.
back before the fight, when Her and Dream yelled at each other over something useless.
before she ran off to L'manburg, who hated her for her relationships with the opposing team, but kept her for her things.
Her invis pot ran out, her body appearing.
Techno panicked, trying to get her to drink another, but she told him it was fine, to trust her.
He hesitated, but turned his attention to Tommy. she snuck off, watching as people slow started swarming around.
tears fell down her cheeks.
she looked around, meeting eyes with Bad.
She ran to his open arms, crying into them.
This was the only place that she had happy memories at, before she met Techno.
The only place that kept her sane.
She let go of bad, turning to Callahan, who gave her a small, sad smile and pulled her into a hug.
She looked to the side after a few seconds, meeting eyes with George, who also hugged her.
she felt someone's arms wrap around her, and she turned around, meeting Sapnap's eyes, and leaning into him.
Finally, she turned to Sam, who was staring at the destruction with tears streaming down his face.
The two of them were the most attached to the community house.
She stumbled into his arms, both of them sniffling into their embrace.
They both kept their arms around each other, turing to the scene in front of them. As Tommy and Tubbo started fighting, she knew that's her sign to go back to Techno. she let go of Sam, meeting eyes with her friends, letting them know she'd be back.
she wiped her face, quickly gearing up before jumping down beside Techno. she joined him in splashing tommy with pots.
then things took a turn. suddenly, Dream has the disks, tommy is on Tubbo's side again, and Techno and her are pearling out of a mob.
She was out of it the whole time, the Community House affecting her alot.
she decided then, it's time to take revenge.
It was the day they were going to destroy L'manburg once and for all.
She was prepared, wither skulls and soul sand filled her pockets, stacks of tnt filling chests in the sky, the black structure towering over l'manburg.
She had a smile on her face, letting out all her stress and anger.
as l'manburg went down, she could feel herself feel more alive, more free.
She stood with Phil and Techno on top of the crater that was once l'manburg, laughing gleefully.
It was over.
The thing that caused he the most pain.
now that Karma has come collect it's dept, she can be herself again.
"C'mon, let's go home."
she smiled at Techno and Phil, wanting nothing more than some tea and sweets.
Her job was done.
for now, at least. >:)
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