#so sorry if I've tagged you in stuff you've already done
dredshirtroberts · 5 months
taking a break from cleaning because i need to 1) pace myself and 2) spread this out over 2 days so that it doesn't get a chance to get too dirty again before i gotta do final tidying and pickup before the chaos ensues, but i've gotten a surprising amount done for like 20 minutes of clean and 10 minutes of Silly Shit.
#the whiteboard to-do list has been a game changer for me in general#like i don't often have a lot of stuff to put on it#but when i do it's really good at keeping me on track/focused#without being too overwhelming to look at#(or while it might be overwhelming as soon as you knock something off if the list looks too cluttered you can just erase it)#(and then bam less shit on your list both physically and mentally)#my productivity hack is 1) erasable to-do list and 2) find a 15-20 minute video to pop on and work to#you don't gotta pay attention to it but finding something you enjoy listening to is a key#i don't wear headphones while working because i don't have wireless ones and i rarely wear pockets indoors because fuck that noise#so i just pop my phone in a central location to where i'm currently working and let her go#if i have to leave the room i can hear it going and i know i gotta go back for it when i'm done#you just work for the length of the video and assess where you're at when you're done#if you did extra stuff that wasn't on your to-do list#write them down and cross them off - or just pretend you've already wiped them off the list because you did them#and since it's not on your list *now* you don't have to worry about it#i used to work almost exclusively to markiplier's prop hunt playlist but i've expanded for shorter bursts#because that's what i put on if i think it's going to take all day (and then i get about 45 minutes in and go alright i finished)#anyway ymmv if you even got this far or were thinking about taking my advice#i'm just telling you what works for me#and of course it's really mostly onlyhelpful if i've already got the spoons for doing shit that day in the first place lmao#speaking of which i did figure out where the extra spoons came from earlier this week#bad news boys: it was the hormone cycle and now i'm bleedin' out me vag again#okay real sorry if you got this far on the tags thank god this is my own post lmao
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sissykyliecakes · 8 days
*Kylie enters the room, still dolled up and traumatized.*
"Oh! Kylie Cakes! You're just in time for tonight's viewing!"
What? G2 ... Sh*t, don't!
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*pretends that it is new*
Wh - what's this?
"We dug this up from your laptop ... And a lot more ..."
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Where did you ... These aren't mine!
"Relax, Kylie Cakes." *wink* "Your secret is out."
I ... Huh?
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"Come on! You must remember these, right? They were on your computer, sissy girl!"
... *Blush*
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"You really thought it was BLIND LUCK that we ended up sissifying you? What normal forfeit involves a 500 day caging? The lads asked us to come up with a tweet for you to send, the bozos!"
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So ... Why did you do all of this to me?
"KYLIE! GIRL! YOU WANT THIS! You crave it!"
N ... No ...
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"But you were never going to face the truth and admit it on your own! We had to drag you, kicking and screaming because you were so scared to be yourself!"
"Sash ... I'm so sorry!"
"Kylie Cakes, I knew you were a sissy from about 4 days in! You really don't hide these caps well! I can see you writing them sometimes!"
*Kylie crying with shame*
"Hey ... Relax, sissy girlie! It's OK. You're free now. We've done the hard part for you. Now just be you. Use all this stuff you've learned and be YOU. SISSY GIRL YOU. HOT SLUTTY FAGGY YOU!"
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"This one's super cute! We'll absolutely let Kylie tag along to the next festival we all do! We'll help you get all the boys you want!"
"We'll start you on these pills tomorrow. By next summer, this could be YOU."
"Stop writing it in fear. Live it with pride!"
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"There are so many girls just like you! This is the place for you to shine, Princess!"
"Look! So many here already!"
@cutieecassie @cutiethessa @cambrysissycaptions @itsjennygirlz @sissy-princess-maddi-femme @sissyloren @friendz0ned-b3ta-cuck @alwayscute
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"Hehe! Cute! Girl, we could so take a trip to Thailand if this is how you want to spend it!"
"You'll need to get better in heels though! You can't wear flats and do that sort of work!"
*laughing while still crying. Ashamed and relieved. Shivering and burning*
"We also found this one ... You had 5k followers on here before?"
"Why did you leave it, sissy?"
*Kylie composes herself*
It wasn't my choice. I loved it. It just got taken away from me one day. That was that ... All those girls I'd made friends with ... Gone.
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"All that means is that you BUILD it back up again! We'll get your old posts out and you can even return to this guided2girlhood name if you like!"
Nah ... It turns out that Kylie Cakes has actually grown on me!
*The girls all hug*
The key to storytelling is to never let them know where it's going!
I hope you enjoyed this arc as much as I enjoyed creating it!
We're back to full-on sissy captions and building my empire back to Tumblr Sissy Fame! I've posted some of my old favourites on here! Hope it triggers the sissy nostalgia! Drop a follow if you like them - I'm here to stay. And if I go ... I'll just come back again! And again! And again!
"Kylie Cakes"
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callofdudes · 1 year
Hello how are you are you good? May I ask for some headcanons? Please make it longer if possible. A wonderful cook with a female reader. For Ghost Simon and (separately)Konig, please? if you do this can you tag me in the post too please? have a nice day
No I totally didn't lose this in my drafts while trying to come up with stuff. I do hope the length is ok, sorry that it took so long 😓
Y'all are wholesale today! I like it! Thank you for the request @simligul I tried to make it as long as I could so I hope you enjoy.
Female! Cook x The Tall Boys.
(Each tall boy sold separately)
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He cannot cook to save his life. He knows how to put honey on bread and that is the extent of his knowledge.
He's gotten used to the MRE's that they're mandated to eat, but the first time you cook him a meal from scratch he falls more than he thought he ever could.
This man straight up either eats MRE's when he's at home or orders skip the dishes constantly to the point where it's kind of unhealthy.
Before you were living together he didn't know you could cook. He'd taken you out to restaurants but hadn't ever witnessed you active in a kitchen before.
So when he does...
You smile when he approached the kitchen, curious of the wonderful smells that are being produced. His nose leads him right to you in your apron with stains all over the cloth.
"What is this?" He asks, admiring the scene from the doorway and the apron you wore.
"What do you think? I'm making food."
He poked his head around and eyed the different ingredients simmering and popping in pans on the stove and his stomach cries out loudly. He looks back at you and you laugh at how he's practically begging you with his eyes. "Get out of my kitchen, I'll call you when it's done!"
He will come back every now and then to check on you (and the food).
When you finally set up the table and call him to eat he is borderline hyper. He sees all the steaming beautiful food and he will devour it all.
You are too good for him. Before he even sits down he will assure you that it looks absolutely delicious.
When he does manage to sit down and starts eating his stomach is beyond grateful. He had gotten so used to eating MRE's that he had genuine forgotten what it was like to eat a real meal. When he gets through the first three thrill bites his stomach grows three times the size. You yourself are a bit surprised by how much he ate. You barely had any leftovers to pack up.
Full of food and warm he'll hug you from behind while your washing the dishes and mutter thanks into your neck.
He'll hang around you for the rest of the evening and gratefully crash next to you in pure bliss.
From the day you first cooked for him forth Ghost longs for the days when he can return from war to your loving arms and a home cooked meal.
After going back to camp he'll occasionally mention that the food there tastes like shit compared to what you can make. This causes Soap to want to come with him on leave just to taste your food.
"I've missed you." He'll hug you close and rest against you for a while before taking off his head and stepping into the living room. Before he can even take his boots off he can smell the thick aroma of food. His stomach praises you loudly, making you giggle.
He takes off all his things and kisses you before going over to the kitchen. Again he will praise you for every bit of food on the table.
If he comes home after you've already packed up for bed, he'll check the fridge for food and there will be a little sticky note on the containers of leftovers. "Hey love. Sorry I couldn't be there to greet you. Tonight's dinner is xyz, have as much as you'd like."
He misses you when he isn't able to come back for the holidays. He loves hanging out with you around Christmas and Thanksgiving. But the food you make is so good around the holidays. He's always surprised by just how much effort you put into meals.
He tries to keep mention of you around base low. While he enjoys talking about you, he doesn't like the constant teasing from the others. But when Johnny starts to hear more about how good a cook you supposedly are, he is on his knees begging to come back to Simon's home with him for the holidays. And Simon was going to refuse, until somehow he didn't.
He thought you were going to be abrasive about all the guests when he showed up at his home with Price, Johnny, and Kyle right behind him, but you welcomed them with open arms.
Ghost smiled when you opened your arms and welcomed Price into your home. How you smiled so kindly and you were genuinely happy they were there.
There was no anger for being intruded on or barging to reach your husband, it was heartwarming to watch how you treated them.
When you'd met everyone and shaken their hands, you greeted Simon who was still taking his coat off. But that didn't matter. You pulled him into a short kiss before urging him toward the couch.
Simon and Price tried to help you with setting up the guest bedroom but you weren't having it.
"You lot must be exhausted. Sit, I'll have supper prepared in an hour." Simon smiled. "You're wonderful." You shoved him down onto the couch. "Rest, hang out with your friends." And you walked off to start preparing the guest room for the three.
You were right to assume they were exhausted. They tore their gear off and settled down on the couches. Finally getting to watch some good TV.
They didn't bother to move for the rest of the evening until you called them to dinner.
"Dinner is served boys!"
Kyle and Johnny were the first ones up and sprinting for the kitchen. Their stomachs empty of anything but the McDonald's they'd had early before their flight out.
Johnny was in heaven when he came in and saw the food. It was enough to feed a small army. He grabbed your hands and shook them roughly. "Oh Mrs. Riley you're an angel." You chuckled and handed him a plate as Simon and Price came in to inspect the food. "Take as much as you'd like, don't worry about leftovers and if I need to make more I can."
"Thank you ma'am." Price served himself.
Once they'd vacated the kitchen Simon gave you another kiss and took what the boys had left. "Do you want any?" He asked.
"Have it darling. You deserve it."
The boys were impressed with your cooking the first time. But when the 25 of December rolled around three days later it was a feast. You were happy to have Simon's friends along with your family for Christmas.
"Any friend of Simon's is a friend of mine. You are always welcome in our home."
Jokingly you get Simon a cookbook for Christmas so he can take it to the base with him. Whenever he gets the chance to go shopping (which is rarely) at least he'll be able to make something comprehendable with the foods.
Simon does eventually ask you to teach him to cook. And you'd thought he'd never ask. You started with basic recipes, something he could remember easily and come back to. A starter. And then you got out of hand. Sauce all over your apron and Simon getting his oil covered fingers all over you.
You taught him to bake as well. Because who else is going to make the 141 cookies? You couldn't keep sending them in boxes every month when mail slots opened up.
Simon enjoys baking more than cooking. He will lick all the utensils. If you're making chocolate cookies he'll lick the spoon/spatula/whisk, whatever you used he'll lick it clean. And you need to constantly supervise him when baking because will 100% eat raw cookie dough without fear of consequences.
"Simon! Don't eat that! You'll get sick!"
"fuck off!" He'll say as he playfully pushes you away and grabs another handful of dough.
If he ever comes across a dish he likes or thinks he'd like, he'll send a picture of it to you. When he goes to Mexico Rodolfo takes care of meals for the group and If Ghost likes something he'll hint you off like, "Hey Y/N, look at this really delicious looking dish... A shame I'll only be able to eat it once. Unless..."
Another thing he enjoys about it, is not just the food. But watching you cook. You have a smile on your face the whole time and you seem in utter bliss to cook for you, him, or anyone else.
And the apron.
Teasingly pulling on the strings from behind you or helping you take it off. It's small but it manages to mesmerize him every time.
If you are part of the military most of this still stands, when you first cool for him and the boys he's stunned and amazed. Maybe he's a little annoyed that you didn't start making food sooner when everyone was bitching and moaning about MRE's.
In the very, very, very rare instances where Simon is sick you're the type to not let him out of bed. Simon is either so sick he's unable to move or he can power through it, there is no difference to you. You'll lay him in bed and bring in a warm bowl of soup. And while Simon protests you'll cup his jaw and help him eat.
"I don't need help-"
"Shh, lay down Simon, let me take care of you."
"I hate how sweet you are."
"I love you too."
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König knows a little about cooking, but not a lot. His mother taught him him how to make basic cultural dishes including some sweets.
He enjoys cooking on the occasion but the military doesn't offer him much for culinary adventure. So he's become less fluent. Put him in a kitchen however and he could make you a warm meal from his heart.
When you first cook for him, his mouth is watering. He's absolutely starving when he gets home from base and his surprise when he came to see you and your house was swimming with the smells of culinary love.
He'll slip into the kitchen and eyeball all the stuff that's going on. In a heartbeat he's on his knees for whatever your making.
"Darling- please! I haven't eaten a proper meal in so long!"
"Get out of my Kitchen König, I will call you when it's ready. Just rest."
This man will sit by the corner of your kitchen. He will make sure he's pressed up against the wall but not entering the space. He'll crawl into a ball and whimper to make sure you remember he's sitting there.
"König, it'll only take a couple of minutes." You chuckled when he starts to slowly drag himself back into the kitchen hoping you wouldn't notice.
When you finish up he is giving you the biggest puppy eyes he can. It's as if his irises grew in size, they're practically sparkling when you motion with your finger and he jumps up. "YES! Thank you!"
He grabs a plate and doesn't hold back to shovel food onto his plate and rush to the table to consume it all. There is barely enough for you this big boy took so much.
He's scarfing it down when you take your seat and all you can do is just lovingly stare at him. His eyes are practically glazed over when he tastes it on his tongue.
"Darling, this is absolutely amazing, thank you."
"You're welcome König, you deserve it."
This man goes into a full food comma. When he's out his plate in the dishwasher he goes and passes out on the couch. You find it absolutely adorable.
He's just passed out. Usually when König comes back home it takes him at least a day or two to take the hood off and another couple to full relax. But tired and full it's the first time you've seen him throw his hood on the coffee table and just pass out without a worry.
You're not even complaining.
König and you exchange recipes. While you teach him some of the dishes he doesn't know how to make, he'll show you how to make dishes from his home.
When he gets back he will not shut up about you. He won't tell new recruits or other members unless their already friends, subject of his anxiety. But he loves to talk about you with his small group of friends and his operatives team. You're his shining light.
When he starts digging into military food again his head is just filling with all the ways you could cook this so much better and slop in a tube was just as bad as it was when he first signed up.
He finds himself getting particularly homesick now whenever he eats food that is not cooked by you. He always thinks about the dish and it will relate back to you in some way.
After König teaches you to make his favorite sweets, you make sure to send him a tightly sealed box of them every month for him. (If they can survive over time ofc)
He shares with his team because he wants them to also taste your baking and cooking. He will proudly tell them how wonderful you are and after tasting the sweets they all agree.
König is a little more lenient with his leave time, so he gets to see you somewhat more often then others. When he returns again around Thanksgiving he isn't expecting utterly extravagant meal he finds.
He slouched against the door, tired and gross. He looks up when you come over. Your apron on and your hair up. You gasp when you see him. "I thought you were coming back tomorrow?"
König tiredly shakes his hand and opens his arms for you to rush into. He's sore but he hugs you tightly. You smell of freshly baked goods and spices. He breathes you in deeply and he knows he's home. He sighs and nuzzles his forehead against yours.
"I've got food on the table love, come join whenever you're ready."
"Thank you meine liebe."
When he does join you he takes in all the smells of home. His mind and his body starting to relax just at the hand of the fruits of your labor.
You guide him to the table and get him a plate. The area is well lit when he returns to make him feel comfortable.
The two of you will talk as he eats. And it's not unusual for him to go back for seconds or thirds. Sometimes if he's extra hungry he'll raid the pantry for food.
Crashing in bed after a warm meal is the best feeling. His stomach sated, he wraps his arms around you and feels his worries slip away.
You crawl in bed next to him and snuggle up against him. "Goodnight" and despite his food coma, König pulls you to his chest, content to stay here forever.
When he's on leave he offers to bring Horangi back to stay with you both, just so you can taste the food. He has no plans for his leave except sitting in the kitchen and enjoying whatever warm meal you've set up for him.
Bringing Horangi back then were both incredibly excited about your cooking. König could almost taste it and Horangi had heard many good things.
You were overjoyed to have Horangi over and cooked a feast for the two. Horangi's mouth was watering and all König could say was "Seeeee!"
Both König and Horangi sit by the kitchen entrance, watching you like cats going back and forth, back and forth.
The smell of the food is not lost on them when you bring them into the kitchen finally. Seeing everything you've prepared.
"This looks stunning ma'am, thank you a thousand times for having me." Horangi took your hands and squeezed them, unable to contain his excitement. Or his hunger. His stomach started to snarl before he could finish his expression of gratitude.
You once again stand back and let the men eat what the want. You weren't at all surprised when Horangi had just the appetite that König did.
It was funny watching them talk while they feasted, occasionally melting and having a brain aneurysm over how good it was.
Compared to the food on base, Horangi will now get on his knees and kiss the ground you walk on. You are a fucking angel for taking care of him when he comes over.
He will not stop talking about "König's wife can cook!! And you don't get any of it, because you're not invited! 😏"
König is just glad you're there for his friends, willing to provide hospitality and food. You can't turn down anyone it seems.
But he wouldn't change that about you.
He loves to dance in the kitchen with you. If you're cooking something and you have music in the background, König will come over, hands cupping your waist and drawing you toward him.
"And what are you doing??" You hold a spatula covered in sauce up to him and he licks it happily. "What does it look like??" You pulls you in and twirls you around the kitchen.
"König, watch out for the stove." You giggle.
He keeps turning and spinning you, pressing kisses to your throat and cheeks.
"I love you so much."
"I love you too you big goof."
He smiles, nuzzling against your neck, the smell of the spices imprinting on your skin. They must have. After you've cooked an apple pie you still smell of cinnamon. And it drives him crazy.
König loves you so much, he wouldn't dream his life any other way. And certainly not without you in it. He gives you another kiss and you shove him out of your kitchen.
"Food isn't really yet."
"But looooove-!" He whines.
"No, you'll have to wait. Like a good boy." You smirk.
He huffs, but he can't say no to that. So he plops down and sits longingly at the entrance of the kitchen, watching you as you cook.
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sydsaint · 6 months
Love Of My Life <3
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Summary: The reader shows up to her hotel room late in the morning after a particularly interesting night out. Upon arriving back to her hotel room, she is confronted by her best friend regarding her whereabouts.
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It's around 10 o'clock in the morning when you finally make it back to yours and Mia's hotel room. You turn the knob slowly with your free hand, clutching your jacket and purse in the other. You pray that Mia has already gotten up and is at the gym, which will spare you the embarrassment of explaining where you've been.
"YN LN!" Mia screams at you as soon as the door creeks open.
"Hey, Mia." You slip into the room with a sheepish smile. "You're here late. Skipping the gym today?" You joke with her.
Mia moves across the room at lightening speed toward you. You wince as she stops just inches in front of you with a worried and annoyed look on her face.
"Where in the world have you been?" Mia confronts you, setting her hands on your shoulders. "I've been worried sick!" She scolds you.
"Okay, mom." You giggle. "Sorry, my phone died so I couldn't text to and let you know I wasn't coming back last night." You explain.
Mia lets you go and you head over to your bed so you can set your stuff down. You walk over to your bed and plop down onto the mattress with a sigh. Mia eyes you curiously, catching a glimpse of what appears to be some hickeys littering your chest and neck but skillfully hidden by your shirt for the moment.
"Oh my gosh!" Mia walks over to your bed. "You were with someone last night?" She points to your neck.
"What? Pfft, no." You lie. "That's a bruise from my curling iron." You insist.
Mia doesn't believe a word coming out of your mouth as you lie to her. But she backs off for a moment to give you some space. You rest for a moment before you get back up and head for the bathroom. Mia follows after you and watches you walk like you're legs are bothering you.
"YN, girl." Mia trails after you. "The hickies? The sore legs? Who dicked you down last night, girl?" She asks you.
"I'll never tell." You giggle and turn on the shower. "As eager as you sound, you might try and steal him from me." You joke.
Mia laughs and twirls the ring on her finger. "Right." She rolls her eyes at lets you shower.
Later into the day, you and Mia head down to the arena for Smackdown. The two of you head for the locker rooms and get changed for the tag match that you've got against the Kabuki Warriors later.
"Damn, YN." Mia catches another glimpse of the various hickies and love-bites on your neck and chest while you're changing. "I hope that you brought extra foundation." She jokes. "Unless you want the whole world to know you were getting freaky last night with someone."
You laugh and pull out a brand new bottle of foundation from your makeup bag. "I've got that covered, thanks." You assure her.
"YN." Mia whines and scoots up next to you. "Come on! Tell me who it was!" She begs.
"Nope." You shake your head. "You can guess. But I'm not giving you any hints besides the fact that it's someone we work with." You insist.
Mia groans and you flash an amused smile as you watch the wheels in her head turn. Mia sits in silence for a while lost in thought while you apply your makeup.
"Come up with an answer yet, Mia?" You ask her once you're makeup is done.
"Austin Theory? Or Grayson Waller? Or both?" Mia asks you.
You burst out laughing and shake your head. "Mia!" You giggle. "No! Neither of them."
Mia groans again and the two of you head out to catch your match. You arrive down at the ramp a bit early so you hang out and watch LA Knight finish up a match against Santos Escobar.
You watch the tv monitor intently, soaking up Knight's charisma through the screen. Mia notices you're staring and ponders on whether or not you've just accidently given yourself away in regards to who you where with last night.
Knight's match ends and he heads backstage. You and Mia pass him on your way out and you lock eyes with the Megastar for a moment.
"YN." Knight nods to you as you pass him. "Why the throwback outfit?" He asks you slyly. "Hiding something?"
You smile to yourself and roll your eyes at Knight's comment. You and Mia head down to the ring and Mia is pestering you with questions the moment you're in the ring.
"LA Knight?" Mia confronts you. "Oh, YN, girl. You have got to give me details later." She pleads with you.
"Mia! No!" You laugh.
You and Mia pick up a lucky win against the Kabuki Warriors and head backstage again. Mia is quick to start pestering you again once you're back in the locker room.
"YN come on!" Mia insists. "Did you see how you looked when you came back to the hotel this morning?" She asks you. "Because I did. He gave it to you good, girl. And I need details!"
"No, Mia. Not happening." You laugh.
Mia hovers at your side, unrelenting in her quest for the intimate details of your night. "Come on! Just some small details!" She asks again. "Is he kinky? I bet he's kinky. What position? Doggy? No! Cowgirl? He kinds seems like a cowgirl type of man to me."
"Mia Yim!" You burst out laughing and shake your head. "You are married!" You remind her. "Do i need to call your husband and let him know that you're pestering me about my sex life?" You threaten her jokingly.
"Bold of you to assume he cares." Mia giggles.
You and Mia both laugh and get packed up to head out. You are in the middle of packing away your boots carefully into your bag when someone knocks on the door. Mia answers and you see her step out into the hall before you can see who's at the door.
You don't pay much attention to Mia's absence until you hear a familiar hearty chuckle out in the hall. Your eyes widen as you realize whos out in the hall with Mia and sprint to the door.
"Mia!" You stumble out into the hall and find Mia leaned up against the doorframe and chatting with LA Knight. "Go! Out! Now!" You grab her shoulder and pull her back into the locker room.
"YN, darlin'." Knight chuckles as you shove Mia back into the locker room. "You're friend here is quite the curious little lamb." He teases.
You turn around and glare at Mia before turning back to Knight. "I am so sorry about her." You apologize.
"Don't be!" Knight waves his hand dismissively. "I ain't shy, darlin', you know that." He reminds you. "Happy to share some fun details with a mutual friend." He winks at Mia behind you. "Anyway, we still on for tonight?" He turns his attention back to you.
"Yeah yeah." You nod. "Just give me a minute to grab my bags and beat my best friend." You turn back to Mia.
Knight chuckles again as you shove Mia back into the locker room. He hears you and Mia laughing and playfully arguing for a moment before you pop back into the hall with your bags in hand.
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moonchild-in-blue · 7 months
Hello! I'm sorry if this sounds weird, but, I'm new to the st community here (ran away from twt lol), and I'm wondering if there's any specific blogs that do specific things that I should catch onto? Like, blogs that do lyric analysis, lore chat, art etc?
I've been following you for a while, and I've been trying to interact with blogs that come up a lot, but admittedly I'm a bit lost lmao
Again, sorry if this is a weird ask, and doubly sorry if this is something you've already been asked before!
Hello anon!! Don't worry about the questions, I'm always happy to help, even if I have answered before!
We don't really have "specific blogs" around here as per se. There's @sleepanonymous who's the resident Librarian/Archivist/Knowledge Keeper, and then there are some blogs that do exclusively fanart and fanfiction.
Otherwise we're all a mix of everything. Most of us do a mix of lore theories / analysis / fanart / shitpost. Since the band itself doesn't have an "actual" set lore, you'll find a lot of different takes for the same songs / themes. I think we all have our own takes on the storyline, so it's really nice to read everyone's different opinions. Please feel free to join the conversation!
I have a tag specifically for ST lore on my pinned post, if you want to take a look at that!
@melit0n @undekaying @foundationsofdecay @lovingache @hookedhobbies @fivewholeminutes @thevenomousseprent are some lovely lovely people that do/have done lore / lyric analysis (and myself lol).
@leonsleftbicep @ghxstly-death do frequent headcanons if that's more your speed (and fantastic fanart as well). Not gonna be tagging all the ST artists cus I'd never shut up - everyone is so talented lmao.
Other general ST "heavy" blogs that you should follow (aka the people i interact with the most and can atest to how wonderful they are) - @murderofcrow @a-s-levynn @thejawsoffate @polteergeistt @eepymonstrr @takemetoasgard @sleeby-vessel @vesselsscarlet @tonguetyd @lifemod17 @littlequeenofthemangoes @channelsoph @foxgloveinspace and I know I'm forgetting a lot of blogs oof
If you browse through the main tags, and the lore tags, you'll find a lot more people and content to interact with! I know I'm forgetting a million different lovely individuals lmao, I'M SORRY GUYS. So if you see this, say hi and share your stuff!!
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bridgertonbabe · 7 months
Bridgerton Spouses Support Group Chat #?
BSSG Group Chat
Kate: Guys can I ask you all a question?
Michael: Shoot.
Kate: Did you all go paintballing without me last week?
Message seen by everyone ✔✔
Kate: Ok it's been 24 hours since my last message and I know for a fact you've ALL seen it so what fucking gives?
Gareth: look if i send a cute video of george and you guys all flood the chat with comments and stuff then hopefully we can drown her out and lowkey gaslight her into forgetting all about it
Kate: What?!
Gareth: oh fu
Gareth sent a video
Michael: Awwwwwwwwww bless he's so adorable
Lucy: he has the cutest laugh!!! 🥰
Sophie: I can't believe he's getting so big already! 💗💗
Phillip: Cute x
Penelope: omg I love the onesie do you know where it's from?
Simon: See I told you he'd love the crawling crab.
Gareth: @ Penelope i'll ask hy
Gareth: @ Simon he can't get enough of it, it's his favourite thing atm
Kate: @ Penelope Well I got it from Bambino
Kate: And I fucking saw the message you obviously sent to the wrong GC @ Gareth , so you can all quit trying to GASLIGHT me!
Kate: Now I'll ask you again; did you or did you not all go paintballing without me?!
Simon: Ok fine we did.
Penelope: How did you find out?
Kate: Greg asked me if I enjoyed the spouses paintballing afternoon when he came to pick Katie up yesterday.
Gareth: omfg wtf @ Lucy
Michael: Yeah rare L from you Lulu
Lucy: guys I'm sorry I forgot to take the wristband off before I got home and he instantly recognised where it was from so I had to fess up
Gareth: dammit you've jeopardised our entire set up
Lucy: no no no it's fine I swear! I know some of you guys don't have any trust in your partners but greg can keep a secret and respect our spouse group privacy! it won't get back to any of the other bridgertons, you've got to believe me!
Phillip: He literally blabbed to Kate.
Lucy: yes but only because I didn't tell him that she wasn't invited!
Kate: And why was I not invited?!
Sophie: Because you would have ruined it! You would have turned a fun afternoon into anything but just like you do with every other game and activity we've played before! You're just as bad as the Bridgertons when it comes to anything vaguely competitive and the rest of us just wanted some lighthearted fun without everything descending into chaos and the world burning around us, ok? And that is why we didn't invite you!
Phillip: Yep
Simon: Very that.
Kate: Wow.
Michael: Look Kate you've got to understand it's not you. It's just the psychopathic competitive Mr Hyde in you that scares the bajeebus out of us.
Penelope: yeah it really isn't personal
Gareth: except it is
Kate: For god's sake I'm not that bad! Sure I have my moments but that doesn't mean I should be excluded from your group activities! I can control myself! I've never done anything to cross the line enough to be compared to Mr Hyde for crying out loud!
Sophie: You accused me of faking going into labour with Alex and refused to call me an ambulance when we played Cluedo.
Simon: You keyed my car after Daph pissed you off in Monopoly.
Michael: And you threw Newton's poo on mine when I won charades.
Phillip: You've always mocked me for having panic attacks during game nights.
Penelope: You pushed Colin down the stairs.
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Kate: Oh boo fricking hoo! I'm so sorry you're all a bunch of whiny oversensitive little babies who can't take the slightest bit of heat from some perfectly healthy competition!
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Lucy: is the perfectly healthy competition in the room with us?
Phillip: I dread to think what you consider to be unhealthy competition.
Kate: Oh go have one of your little anxiety attacks about it then you weakling
Michael has removed Kate from the chat
Sophie: I would say I'm surprised she can stoop to a new low but I'm really not.
Lucy: and this is why I also don't regret not inviting her to laser tag or the escape room
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charliemwrites · 9 months
I really love your drabbles and stories and series and like- I'm begging do you have recs for fics and blogs who you like? Dunno if you've already done this or not, I'm super sorry if I've wasted your time, but like I really like your work and those audios you based the charmed serial killer Simon series off of are exactly my type so the thought process behind my ask was basically-
Okay, they've got WOHDJWHF (positive) taste in audios, their series and writing is just to die for, I'm pretty sure if I wanted to ask someone for fic recs you'd be the perfect choice so like
I beg
Hi!!!! Ohhh do I have recs. Sooooo many recs.
This is not an exhaustive list obvs. If you want something specific - like a vibe or a tag, I can absolutely add some more. Same for specific audios, music, tv….
For blogs, obvs the loves of my life @ceilidho, @ohbo-ohno, @eilidh-eternal, @luminousbeings-crudematter. I know I’m forgetting some. It’s not because I don’t love anyone or their work, my brain is just a disorganized filing cabinet.
I think all or most of those blogs have AO3 accounts so PLEASE go to their blogs, find their stuff, and check out their ao3s because OOF
Also on AO3, I really like anything MildLimerance writes.
“Surviving You” by WhisperedWords12
BennyHatter’s “COD Shifter au” is one I’ve read REPEATEDLY. Really good world building and character studies
“I’ll give you anything everything if you want things” by imneednap (HOLY HELL THIS ONE. I read it twice in a row. It… it sent me on the obsessive Johnny path)
“Learning Experience” series by AvaLoren
“Mine & Yours” series by Artemis_Neardos (so intense I always get a headrush)
Now for audios….
Badjhur has sort of become synonymous with COD audios, or a lot of smut audios in general I think?
Run_N-Coke has a great portfolio. (His was the first smut audio I EVER listened to. I had the volume up to high, got spooked, and dropped my phone on my face. Forgave him though)
ScotsLibrarian (he has dom Soap audios to DIE for)
Okay and this one is a bit more obscure I think (?) and also please be mindful of his tags because he does NOT fuck around. But if you like REALLY dark audios, Evil-scotsman. A good starter would probs be his sleep paralysis demon one. Gave me some Soap Thoughts™️ that I’m planning to expand on soon :)
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roxtron · 2 months
Pinned post/About me thing
you can call me whatever, i usually go by some variation of my username but i don't mind nicknames and stuff
i'm autistic so my posts will probably vary by whatever/whenever certain special interests/hyperfixations are stronger at the time
A bit of info about what I post/reblog
i make original art sometimes but art block has been really tough so unfortunately i don't have a lot to post lately :(
besides that I'll usually make either rambling or analysis posts on whatever subject I'm posting about, usually fandom related. occasionally theories but that depends on if what I'm posting about really leaves room for theorizing.
I reblog pretty casually on here so it can range from stuff i find funny to stuff i think could use awareness, fandom-wise this blog somehow became pretty fnaf centered lol, not quite sure how that happened but i still consider it my main.
if i reblog other people's art or analysis I usually try to leave my thoughts in the tags, but sometimes I have a hard time thinking of what to say so sorry if I reblog your work and don't say anything/don't seem enthusiastic about it, if I reblog something it's because I adore it lol, I just don't always know how to put thoughts into words. <3
and as a side note, while I do try to check blogs of people I reblog in case it's a terf or whatever, sometimes you never know, so if I do reblog something from someone who's done something shitty don't hesitate to let me know with an ask or something because chances are I probably don't know lol.
Boundaries stuff I guess.
I know DNI lists are annoying and pointless but whatever, if there's a chance it'll get people to leave me alone it's worth it. I shouldn't need to list obvious ones like terfs, transphobes, homophobes, all those assholes. But also, if you don't like one of my posts, I'd rather you block me and move on than hate reblog it. It's immature and annoying, and I won't hesitate to block people that do it.
Obviously I don't just mean "if you criticize something I post you're bad," I'm alright with criticism as long as it's respectful, but if you're gonna reblog just to say "look at this idiot" then fuck off.
Sorry about how aggressive that may have been but I don't wanna deal with stuff like that. I've dealt with it in the past and it sucks, if you don't like me, that's perfectly fine, but just block me and move on. Onto a more positive topic.. If you wanna use my art for pfps or anything that's really cool actually!! Ofc I'd ask for credit but if anyone did want a pfp of something I've drawn you can always send me an ask and I'll post a zoomed in version or something or make whatever edit you wanted so you don't need to worry about it lol Besides all that you don't have to worry about interacting with me, if you've got any questions whether that's related to me or my blog you don't have to hesitate to send an ask if you want :)
I've recently made sideblogs for other fandoms people don't follow me for here. I figured it'd be easier to separate them but mostly for spoilers' sake. Sure I try to spoiler tag but people aren't gonna block spoiler tags for fandoms they're not in if they see it and I'd hate to spoil someone for a series they could've had the chance to go into blind. That being said, please don't follow my other blogs unless you already know the spoilers for whatever fandom the blog's centered around. As much as I appreciate support I'd hate for you to get spoiled and I'd much rather wait for you to play the game yourself <3 (since as of now they're both video game fandoms..) @roxtron-kh (Kingdom Hearts)
@roxtron-gt (Ghost Trick)
----------------------------------------------------------- Woo I think that's everything! Finally I can get to the tags section of this long-ass post.. I wanna try to tag things more properly in the future, even if I'm not really big enough to warrant it, I still wanna be able to find my own stuff easier at least through the sea of reblogs, so if you're curious about any of my posts, here's a list of tags you can look through! I'm currently trying to update some of my old posts with tags so they can be added to the list.
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bella-rose29 · 1 year
Chapter 8 - The End
Final part you guys (if you couldn't tell from the title lol). There will be an epilogue, but apart from that Arranged Marriages is done! Thank you so much to everyone that's shown their support and I hope you've enjoyed :)
I might have made up some stuff about Tidemaker abilities but reader is the most powerful Tidemaker in Ravka at this point, I may have also made up some biology to do with her powers so don't hate me.
Word count: 4.2k
Warnings: death, violence, injury, fight scene, steaminess, like a lot, bordering on smut I won't lie, (edit: I've written it now and yep it's basically just soft smut I'm sorry)
Tag list: @kentucky-criedfricken, @hauntedenthusiattragedy, @kateswone, @simbaaas-stuff, @polli05927, @ell0ra-br3kk3r, @historianthesecond
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Nikolai jumped back, feeling the air shift as the arrow went past and embedded itself into the wood next to his head. The window had shattered, glass raining down on him and his wife, and he instantly went to cover her body with his own.
Not that she let him, though. She shoved him off before yanking off her cloak and pushing open the door, diving into the fight, and had Nikolai not already, he would have fallen in love with her right there. Pulling off his own overcoat, he grabbed the guns he kept at his sides, and followed Y/N, firing off at the shadows he saw in the fog.
Fog? he thought. That wasn't there before.
Someone who knew there were Grisha, then. The attack was obviously planned, but now he needed to figure out who by.
Hearing a cry of pain from his left, he turned in time to see Y/N get stabbed, and felt the demon rear up in protest. Nikolai knew that he wouldn't be able to stop it from coming up; he wasn't strong enough to resist it.
It burst free, Nikolai's consciousness taking a back seat while the demon leapt forward, charging at the man that had dared to injure his lover. The two of them barrelled over, demon over man, and Nikolai recoiled as the other part of him sliced into the enemy's stomach. Satisfied for the moment, the demon let Nikolai recognise the clothing.
A body fell next to him, and seeing the flash of blue he got scared, worried that she was dead, but when she turned his face to hers to inspect for any damage relief flooded through him.
"Are you alright, Kolya? I don't know if you can understand me, but... I just need to know that you're not hurt," she said. He nodded leaning into her hand, then growled as another Fjerdan attempted to attack from behind, axe raised. The demon readied to protect Y/N, but before anything could happen she had raised her own hands, not looking away from Nikolai, and pulled the water out of the Fjerdan's body. He landed with a thump against the ground, and the demon receded, satisfied that she would be safe for now.
"I guess you don't need me to look after you then?" he panted, out of breath from the demon.
"No I don't, I was in the army, remember? But if you could cover me while I heal this, that would be fantastic," she gestured to the stab wound in her side. He nodded, frowning.
"You're a Tidemaker though, how are you going to heal it?"
Her hands moved as she talked, concentration etched onto her features.
"Baghra taught me when she showed me that the connections between the orders are there, they just... don't get used," she gritted her teeth with the strain of whatever she was doing. "Besides, the brain is like, 80% water, and controls what we say and do and everything, so I can just... force myself to heal." The last part was said in an exhale, her hands sweeping in the air to prove her point as the wound stitched itself up. It was messy, and there was definitely a scar, but it was closed and uninfected, which was all Nikolai cared about. "Do you know who it is that's attacking us?"
"Fjerdans. Although," he fired off a few shots, "why they're attacking us this far south is strange, and I don't understand how they even got here. We have eyes everywhere." He cursed as someone (a few someones? It was hard to tell in this damn smoke) shot back. He was aiming blindly into the mist, but the demon helped guide him to his targets, using its senses to sniff them out (which was completely weirding Nikolai out, if he was honest). Y/N stood up, Nikolai only a few seconds behind, and raised her hands, eyes closing. Her head tilted, and her fingers twitched from where they hung in the air, as if she were hunting for something. All of a sudden her hands twisted, fingers curling, and Nikolai heard the squelch of water leaving multiple bodies. One Fjerdan stepped forward out of the fog, however. His walk was stilted, as though he were fighting against the movement, and Nikolai realised with a start that he was fighting it, because he wasn't the one making his legs move.
Y/N was.
Her eyes were open now, set with deadly intent on the man in front of her as he stopped a few paces away. A vein was bulging at his temple, the only sign of his struggle against her.
"Why are you attacking us?" Her voice was calm, smooth, and soft, but Nikolai was sure that everybody gathered in the clearing could hear her just fine. She had blood smeared on her face (not hers, he'd checked), her dress was torn in a few places and she had leaves and dirt in her hair.
She looked powerful.
The man seemed reluctant to speak, and Y/N's hand twisted slightly.
"For Fjerda." His accent was strong, and it took Nikolai a moment to figure out what he'd said. "Ravka is... weak. The Lantsovs... are weak." He was struggling with the words, either because his Ravkan was atrocious or because he was fighting whatever Y/N was doing to him. She took a step towards him, hand still raised, and leaned in slightly, speaking in perfect Fjerdan.
"Ravka is not weak. You may think that because we have let you, but now you have seen firsthand just how strong Ravka is. Go back and tell your country that the King and Queen of Ravka will fight for their country, should anything happen to it. Go back and tell them what happened here. Go back and tell them that we do not want a war with anyone, and Fjerda should honour the peace treaty as Ravka does. And go back and tell them that what happened here today? I can do it on a battlefield, with your entire army. Ravka is not weak. And the Lantsov family is not weak." She finished up, letting her hand drop, and the man fell to the floor. Y/N stood there, face impassive as he wobbled to his feet and turned, fleeing. All the other Fjerdans were dead.
She slumped, shoulders sagging, and Nikolai was by her side in seconds, holding her up and pulling her body into his, kissing the top of her head.
"That was..." he hesitated, struggling to find the right word.
"Horrible? Terrifying? Possibly stupid?"
"I was thinking more along the lines of sexy, hot, really hot, really really hot, but sure. Yours work too." She gave him a light smack on the chest, clearly not really meaning it, and the smile on her face when she looked up at him gave her away.
"You're ridiculous, Nikolai Lantsov."
"And you, Y/N Lantsov, are incredible." His heart fluttered at her name, having never heard himself say 'Y/N Lantsov' before. It suited her. Her responding smile was like pure joy, and Nikolai leaned in to plant a kiss on her lips, soft and full of love. Somebody cleared their throat (why couldn't they have waited another few seconds?), and Nikolai turned to see Zoya, hands on hips, mildly impressed expression on her face.
"As amazing as that was, we have a slight problem. Some of our soldiers saw the demon."
"It's alright, I've got this. Just... round 'em up in front of me," his wife said.
A few minutes later, the twins and Zoya had done just that, confusion on their faces. Well, on the twins' faces. Zoya looked bored, if anything. Y/N raised her hands again, and for a moment Nikolai panicked, thinking she was going to kill them, but when she only closed her eyes, furrowing her brow and making movements with her hands that Nikolai couldn't understand, his panic subsided. A minute or so later, she stopped, lowering her arms.
"What did you do?" Nikolai asked.
"Erased all memory they had of the demon. Replaced it with something else."
"Water, brain, control," she said.
"Got it." He hadn't got it, but he figured it would be best to just let her rest after the fight. Her skin was glowing from the use of her power, but her eyes were tired, and so Nikolai led her over to a spare horse. The carriage had been destroyed and was unusable, so they would have to go the rest of the way by a different means.
Half an hour later, the Grand Palace came into view, the sun setting behind it. Nikolai could have collapsed from exhaustion right there, but he kept going, knowing he had a very large and very comfy bed waiting for him inside. He and Y/N hadn't talked about sleeping arrangements for when they got back, but he'd been living under the assumption that they would move in with each other, sharing chambers. He was so lost in thought he didn't remember going in to the stables or handing over his horse, or going upstairs, his wife on his arm. It was only when he felt her pull back against his arm outside his bedroom door that he zoned back in, realising that she'd stopped, and was biting her lip.
"Can I... can I stay with you tonight?" She was blushing slightly, fingers fidgeting with a stray thread on her dress and trying to fix it, despite the dress being completely ruined from the fight.
"Of course. If you like, you could move in?" He knew it was a risk, and that despite everything she might not want to share his bed every night, but when she nodded, eyes lighting up, he let out an internal sigh of relief. His peace was cut short, however, when she took his arm by force and dragged him inside his room, slamming the door shut behind them. For a brief moment, he thought she was going to jump his bones, but when she charged in the direction of the bathroom he realised what she wanted instead. Y/N paused at the threshold, turning back to face him.
"Are you coming, or not?"
Now it was his turn to blush, stunned into silence at her words as he took in their meaning.
"Uh... yeah. Yes." He trailed after her into the bathroom, standing awkwardly at the door, arms hanging limply at his sides. "Do... what... why am I here?" She stifled a laugh that ended up escaping as a snort, slapping a hand over her mouth.
"If you don't want to be here, Kolya, you don't have to. Or you could turn around while I get undressed and into the bath, yeah? I just... wanted some company." His face went even redder at the thought of being in the same room as her while she was naked, and suddenly he decided that the best place for his hands was in front of his crotch.
"Okay. I'll... I'll turn around." Shit, his voice was hoarse, and he winced as he turned so that his back was to her. He heard the water running in the bath, and he heard Y/N taking off her dress. Trying to, anyway. She sounded like she was struggling, so Nikolai said "Do you need help, darling?" Saints, why had he said it so low? Her shuffling stopped, and he worried he'd crossed a line. Within moments, however, she was next to him, pout on her face.
"I think the laces got knotted and I can't undo them like this, could you help?"
"Of course," he replied, lifting shaking hands to the back of her dress. The laces truly were knotted, and whatever she'd been doing to try and untie them had not helped. After a few minutes, he got the last tie free, pulling the strands away from each other with a triumphant smile.
"Thank you," she whispered, holding the front to her chest as the fabric slipped down over the tops of her arms and gathering at her elbows, showing the space between her shoulder blades to Nikolai. He swallowed thickly, the noise loud in the room, and Y/N turned around to face him. "Are you okay?" she asked, still in a whisper, and he could only nod. "Okay then. I think the bath is done running, so I'm just gonna... yeah. Okay." She visibly winced at her words, and Nikolai could only smile softly as she walked off and out of his view. She was adorable, and he couldn't believe how lucky he had been in having her as his wife. Hearing the fabric fall to the floor and the small splash of water as she got in, he turned around, pulling up a chair next to the tub. Shrugging his jacket off, he was left in his undershirt and trousers, suspenders loosened and threatening to fall off of his shoulders. He took his gloves off and rolled his sleeves up just past his elbows, then rested his forearms on the edge of the tub. She looked peaceful, eyes closed and the afterglow from using her powers earlier still emanating from her skin.
"Stop staring, Kolya. You're making me feel self-conscious."
Her voice surprised him in the quiet room, and he replied saying "You shouldn't. You're gorgeous." She flushed pink, looking away from him, muttering a 'Thank you' under her breath.
He dipped his fingers into the water and gently splashed some towards her, laughing when she squealed in shock. "You're meant to be at one with the water aren't you? Not afraid of it," he chuckled, and she narrowed her eyes and splashed him back in the face. Given the shape the water took, he knew she'd used her powers, and that he was at a disadvantage in this battle, but he sent more water her way. They went on like that for a while, until one particularly large amount of water dropped on Nikolai's head, soaking him from head to toe. He spluttered, wiping the water out of his eyes and off of his face, slicking his hair back.
"You're gonna pay for that, Y/N. You do know you just soaked the King of Ravka, don't you?"
"So terribly sorry, Your Majesty. Oh wait, I'm the Queen, so I can do what I like, especially if that involves chucking a bucketload of water over my husband's head." She cackled, much like a witch (a beautiful witch, he thought), throwing her head back and pointing at him with glee. Starting to get cold in his now wet shirt, he peeled it off, and her laughter died out.
"Why are you shirtless?"
"The Queen of Ravka chucked a bucketload of water on my head," he responded with a smirk, taking extra time to take off his shirt now he knew the effect seeing him without one had on her.
"Oh. Okay."
She was quiet for a moment, and was definitely checking him out, then said:
"Can you sit down and close your eyes?"
He did so, unsure where this was going and hoping she wouldn't take the opportunity to dump more water on him. Instead, he heard the water sloshing as she moved, and seconds later her lips were on his, soft and careful. He responded immediately, bringing a hand up to cup her cheek and kiss her more deeply, and she sighed into his mouth. They kissed for a while, slow and loving, tongues dipping in every now and then but for the most part just softly kissing. When they pulled away, resting their foreheads against each other, Nikolai spoke.
"I love you."
He seemed to be full of risks tonight, but as soon as he said the words he knew that he wouldn't ever take them back, or say that he hadn't meant it. It was too true for him to do that. He held his breath as he waited for her to respond, to say something, anything, and when she did he could have died.
"I love you too, Nikolai."
He pressed a chaste kiss to her lips, smiling too much to make it anything more than that, and he felt her own grin as he did so.
"Can I open my eyes yet?"
"Hang on, let me get out the bath first. Not like that!" she exclaimed at his smirk, reading his mind. "Saints, you are insufferable, Kolya. I mean let me get out the bath and put on a robe, because my hands are starting to go pruny, not because I want to give you a show in here!"
"I'll go wait in the other room then, okay? Give you some space," he said, smirk turning into gentle smile.
"Alright then. See you in a bit?"
"Yep." Nikolai left right after, pausing only to pick up his sodden shirt and hang it over a rail to dry. He changed his trousers quickly, putting his own robe over the top and sitting on his bed. They'd spoken about it earlier, and Zoya had agreed that as long as he had his tonic, he didn't need to be chained down that night. David had strengthened and refined it over the past few weeks, hopefully meaning that the chains wouldn't be necessary again. His wife shuffled out, robe wrapped around her tightly in an effort to cover her body up. Unfortunately it only served to highlight her body figure, since the thin material was so close to her it was like a second skin, and Nikolai let out a strangled noise at seeing her. Luckily, she hadn't heard, and Nikolai stayed on the bed (totally not staring at her) until she came and joined him, still holding the robe for dear life.
Once she was settled, she kissed him, lightly, and reminiscent of the earlier ones in the bathroom. Nikolai responded, moaning when she bit on his lip and slipped her tongue inside.
Saints, she's getting good at this.
She'd confided in him at some point over the last week that apart from the obvious, she'd not kissed anyone before him. He'd been so elated at the feeling that she trusted him enough to share that, both the information and the experience, and had promised that if she ever wanted to practice he would be a very willing volunteer. She'd smacked him in the head with a pillow.
Now, however, she was taking control, pushing him back to sit against the headboard and straddle him, which combined with seeing her acting all queenly in the forest earlier was making him hard. He slipped a hand around her waist, pulling her closer, and the other landed on her thigh, gripping it and occasionally stroking up and down. She was grinding on him now, and fuck he needed to do something about this or it could be embarrassingly quick for him. Nikolai tightened his hold on her, flipping her gently onto her back and hands moving to the ties at the front of her robe.
"This okay?" he asked, hands fluttering nervously over her midriff.
"Yes, Nikolai. Definitely," she breathed, moving her own hands to help him untie the knot. The fabric slipped away and Nikolai sucked in a breath.
She's stunning.
"Shit, Y/N. Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are? No, don't laugh, it's true. You're heavenly, alright?" He'd tilted her head back towards his when she'd turned away with a scoff, hoping she would see the sincerity in his eyes as he said it. Now he moved in, kissing her and gasping at the feel of her bare chest on his. He was in a state of bliss, and he wanted to stay in it forever.
Y/N was in paradise, and she didn't ever want to leave. From the moment he'd taken his shirt off in the bathroom she knew she wanted to do this with him tonight, and now, lying on his - their - bed, underneath him as he praised her and told her how beautiful she was as he kissed her lips and her neck and her collarbones, she knew she'd made the right decision. When he paused just above her chest, she opened her eyes, looking down at him in a silent question.
"May I? Touch you?"
She could melt at how careful he was being, knowing that it was partly because that was just who he was and partly because he knew that she wouldn't want him to take what he wanted. She nodded in response to his questions.
"Need to hear you say it, darling."
"Yes, Kolya, you may." Saints, this man knew what he was doing. He lowered his face down, kissing gently at the skin, and within a minute he had learned how to get every kind of noise and reaction out of her. She knew that he'd had many (many) partners before her, and she didn't blame anyone for it, especially since it meant that he was practiced enough for her, but had make her a little insecure earlier, however Nikolai had been so sincere in his compliments that she didn't feel quite so worried afterwards.
He'd moved his mouth onto her other breast, lavishing it with the same attention he'd given the first one, and Y/N tugged on his hair at the pleasure, gaining a groan from Nikolai that reverberated through her body. After mapping out her chest with his hands and mouth, he moved lower, pushing the robe she had long since forgotten was still on her shoulders off, all the way, looking up to check she was okay with it. Feeling the need to cover herself up, Y/N went to move her hands, but Nikolai stopped her, staring in wonder at her naked body.
"None of that, Y/N. You're too beautiful to hide, alright?"
"Alright," she replied faintly. His hands were holding her waist, thumbs caressing her skin and making her forget everything, when suddenly a thought occurred to her. Sitting up, she brought her hands up to his shoulders, then pushed off his robe (emerald green, of course his robe was emerald green). When he raised his eyebrows in question at her actions, she simply said "I don't think it's fair that I'm naked and you're still wearing clothes, that's all." He chuckled, then helped chuck his robe off and onto the floor, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her deeply.
"Well then," he responded, voice low and teasing, "you'll just have to help me out of them, darling." She didn't waste any time, hands flying down to his waistband to undo his belt, then pulling off his trousers and underwear, throwing them unceremoniously onto the floor next to their robes.
"Shit, Kolya," she breathed out when he was bare.
"We don't have to do anything, alright? This is completely on your terms and if you want to stop at any point you tell me, okay?"
"Yeah. But, you know that... that I trust you, right?" His breath stuttered as he nodded, smiling softly.
"I know, but it's especially important now, okay? I just want to make you feel good, Y/N, even if that means we don't go that far tonight."
"Okay," she replied, then laid back down on the bed, pulling him with her. "Can we just... can we just keep doing what we were doing before?"
"Of course. You tell me where you want me and I'll be there." She nodded, then gently guided his face down to her stomach. He kissed the skin there for a while, then moved lower when her hand in his hair pushed him, legs going either side of his head. One hand gripped her thigh, the other was splayed across her stomach, lightly pressing down as he kissed his way up her inner thighs. Her own hands were tangled in his hair, urging him closer.
When he finally reached where she wanted him to, he took his time between her legs, learning every sound, taking note of every reaction, and bringing her further into paradise with each kiss he left there.
When she'd needed a break, he'd come back up the bed, sitting beside her and stroking her hair, giving her more slow kisses.
And when she pulled him on top of her, he'd checked that she was definitely okay with all of it before pushing in, being gentle and caring and careful as he did so. It didn't take long after that for the two of them to settle into a rhythm, slow and blissful, and he held her hand and kissed her lips sweetly as he made love to her.
When they were done, Y/N wiped out on the bed, Nikolai got up, bringing back a towel from the bathroom and a bowl of warm water to soothe her. He was being perfect, he was perfect, and Y/N could have cried in joy if she weren't so drained.
She curled up into his side under the blankets, tired from everything that had happened that day, and was comforted by his warmth and the hand that was gently stroking down her back.
"Goodnight, my love," he whispered into the room, moments before she dropped off.
"Night, Kolya," she mumbled back.
She fell asleep to the steady beating of his heart.
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piastrinorris · 2 years
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busy streets and busy lives • ralph penbury x reader
A strange day at work gets even stranger when you meet a man who claims he's from 1926. With no certainty as to when he can get back, you decide to take him in until that time arrives.
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Tags: Timewasters (series), modern!au, slow burn, mutual pining, idiots in love™, fluff, some angst, swearing and mentions of adult themes throughout, eventual adult content, alcohol content, penbury is a fanon surname
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Word count: 4.2k
A/N: Aaaaaand THIS is where the real good stuff starts! Sorry for all the other posts, just had to start getting the ball rolling. I am aware that since this is taking place in modern London, there may well be slang used that people don't necessarily recognise. If you'd like me to make a glossary of some kind, hit me up!! I hope you enjoy Ralph In The Future as much as I do <3
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"Bet it feels strange being behind here again, doesn't it?" the customer asks you. It's an older woman, you don't particularly recognise her, but she certainly seems to know you well enough to know you've been promoted since you first started working here.
You force a smile, "Not really! Sometimes the floor just needs an extra pair of hands, and it helps me know what's working and what isn't for my staff and my customers, so," you shrug.
"Yeah, I don't envy you, still working at a time when nobody wants to work," she shakes her head.
You press your lips together tightly. There are so many arguments you could make right now, but already trying to juggle two roles is taxing enough. Instead you simply tell the woman her total and ring her through. Once again adorning your best customer service smile, you thank her for her custom and send her on her way.
"D'you think she's ever worked a customer service job in her life?" Your shop floor assistant asks as they re-fold their display shirts.
You shake your head, "I think… Cushty little secretary job at her dad's business, at first. Never had to pay rent, got married to the first guy at that job to pay her attention, got a council house nice and early and spawned a couple of kids just to stop him from walking."
They let out a wide-eyed, long-drawn breath, "Daaamn, someone woke up on the salty side of the bed this morning!"
You chuckle humourlessly, "That doesn't even make sense. And yeah, sorry, it just… Really sucks that I've got major shit to do this week, but I can't just let you do all the work out here on your own, not with Karens like that around."
"Can't you get your friend to come down and cover? Or to do your manager shit on their next shift?" 
"Nah, it's gotta be me. And they can't come in today because of their other job, so I'm gonna do it as overtime," you explain dejectedly.
"You're doing great, champ!" they sidle up to you to gently punch you in the shoulder encouragingly.
"Hey now, kiddo, I'm the manager here, I need to be motivating you!"
"Nah, you're sales right now. You're just as good as the rest of us common muck," they tease, and you stick your tongue out at them.
The day drags, and the quality of customers certainly doesn’t improve. A man who thinks he can return an item without a receipt. A woman who insists on ordering an item that’s no longer available because she saw a friend wearing it just last week. Children. 
And sure, maybe now, at 5:40pm, the customer of your dreams could walk in through the front door. But you and your coworker are exhausted, and this is the kind of shit you always wanted to become a manager to do. Taking one last look up and down the almost empty high street, save for the ones who are heading to the Wetherspoons on the corner, you decide to start the closing process early.
You manage to finish a little after 6pm, and you consider just getting all of your admin stuff done while you’re here, but also, you really can’t stand the sight of these four walls much longer. You figure you’ll just go to the coffee shop nearby, get yourself an iced latte for the walk home and think about what kind of takeaway you’ll be craving once you get back to your flat. No cooking. Not tonight.
You’re well into a mental debate about whether you’d rather have a chow mein or a biryani when something else piques your interest. There’s a man in front of you in some kind of costume. It’s either really old-school military, or… Safari explorer. Maybe he’s one of those live re-enactors. Maybe he works at the zoo. Maybe he’s just one of those quirked-up little guys. You get your phone out to text your friends, ready to ask them if they’ve seen anyone dressed similarly before, but as you continue walking you collide with something.
Someone. Your flimsy plastic cup gets crushed immediately upon the impact, pouring ice cold coffee down the strangely-dressed man’s back. Your first instinct is to shout, “Watch it!”
The man jumps out of his skin, either at your words or the ice cubes soaking his back. He spins around to look at you like a deer in headlights. Eyes like giant chocolate buttons stare you down. If he’s supposed to be dressed as an Army boy, he does not have the face to convince me, you think. Unless the message they’re sending is that literally anyone could get drafted.
“You alright?” you ask, eyes narrowing and head cocking as you study him.
“Ah - um - oh, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! This was absolutely my fault, I’m just - I’m so lost, and I was trying to find a man and now he’s gone and - oh, blast, stupid Ralph, you’ve really gone and done it now!” the man flusters, looking in every direction except at you.
You whistle and click your fingers at his eye level. “Hey, Bambi! Focus. It’s okay.”
He moves his head back to scrunch his face at you in confusion. “Bambi?”
You smirk, “Yeah, you’re like a baby deer right now. You said you’re lost? Where’re you trying to get to?”
“Uh, well, I suppose I should try and find my home, um… Penbury House?” he asks tentatively.
You kiss your teeth a few times as you think of where you’ve heard that name before. “Oh!” You look at him, puzzled. “You sure that’s your house?”
“Well, my name is Ralph Penbury, so…” he wiggles his shoulders from side to side before shrugging. You appreciate the extra flair.
“Right, but Penbury House is the name of the place they turned into a Waterstone’s,” you explain. He looks lost again, so you explain, “Waterstone’s is a bookstore.”
Ralph scoffs, “Oh, pish-posh, my home has not become a bookstore! That would be quite preposterous!”
So far your entire interaction with this strange man has been a tennis match of bewilderment, just exchanging expressions back and forth. “Are you, like… On something, mate? Do you need me to get you somewhere safe?”
“I want to go home, please! And not a… Bookstore, my real, actual home!” He’s starting to sound quite overwhelmed now, so you take a step back.
“Okay, okay. It’s okay. We can calm down. You mentioned looking for a man? Do you know this man?”
“Well, not personally, but I travelled here with him. About yea tall,” he holds his hand just in line with his eyebrows, “very old. Silent man. Hair just past his ears. Looks, um. Unwashed.”
Your eyebrows raise in realisation. “Ah, Homeless Pete!” Makes sense that Pete and his crew would be involved somehow. “Shall we go and find him?”
“Do you know where he is?!” Ralph asks, his expression lighting up. He may be dressed like an absolute twat, but you can’t deny his adorable little puppy-dog face.
“I know where he hangs out, we can go see if he’s there?” you ask, and Ralph nods. “C’mon,” you jerk your head in the direction towards where you know Homeless Pete tends to hang out when he’s not walking the streets. You wonder what ol’ H.P. (as your friends call him) could have given his poor boy to make him trip like this. “So, uh, quick question. Sorry, I completely forgot. What’s the full date today?”
“Well, the last I checked, it was September the 7th, 1926,” he replies simply. You stop in your tracks, and he looks back at you with a frown. “What’s the matter?”
“N-nothing, nothing,” you shake your head and carry on walking. This poor boy must be on something pretty damn strong. “Let’s get you to H.P, yeah?” Just to find out what he’s taken. Then it’s straight to the hospital.
Ralph inhales so loudly that a guttural sound forms in his throat. “Oh my goodness! Do you think - am I in - the future?” He grips your arm tightly. “Was the lift a time machine, perhaps?”
“Maybe,” you tap his hand lightly with your own as you keep walking with him, "considering that it's September the 7th, 2022." Normally, you would be throwing any stranger that hugged your arm like Ralph now is to the ground, but there’s just something about him. Either he plays the innocent human puppy role far better than any indie boy that’s ever tried to hit on you on a night out, or he really is just going through it.
You eventually reach the underpass where a large part of the local homeless population gather, and sure enough, there is Pete himself, sat between two shopping trolleys. He spots the two of you and immediately bursts into laughter. “What the fuck, H.P?!” you yell. “You’re usually chill, what have you done to this poor boy?!”
“‘M not a boy, I’m a grown man, thank you,” Ralph mutters into your shoulder.
“‘Course you are, babe,” you murmur sarcastically as you nod at him, before once again turning to Pete. “Well?! You’ve got him talking about - about time machines, and the 1920s, I mean, just look at how the poor sod’s dressed!” Pete’s eyes widen as he waggles his finger at you, as though you’re both in a game of charades and you’re on the right track. You turn to one of the people Pete lives amongst, “What’s he been on today?”
The other person shakes their head. “Nothing, swear down! Besides, he’s a proper tight-arse, he wouldn’t go ‘round drugging any fucker going. ‘Specially not a toff like that,” they snort with laughter as they point to Ralph.
You look back to Homeless Pete. “So, you’re telling me. Time travel is fucking real.” Pete nods. “And you were in 1926, and you dragged this sad sack of shit out here with you, with no context.”
“You know I can hear you,” Ralph points out indignantly, but still quietly and still from the safety of behind your shoulder. His arms are still wrapped around yours, too.
“Yeah, but look at you, mate. You’re not exactly getting us answers as to how to get you back to… Wherever we get you back to,” you explain before once again turning to Pete. “Where is this… Time machine? Ralph said something about a lift.” Pete snarls as he gestures over to a block of flats you vaguely recognise. “So we go there, get him back in the lift, and then what? Is there a button, or a combination, or -?” Pete moves his hand from side to side. “And what does that mean, is it a random button each time?” Again, it feels like you’re in a game of charades as he silently tells you you’re on the right track. “Is the random part right?” Nod. “So, it’s not about the button, but… The floor you get on?” A shake of the head. “Is it just at random times?” Nod. “So, how do you know when to go back to it?” He shrugs, then points to his temple. “What, you get some kind of vibe, some Spidey sense?” He nods with an upside down smile. You sigh. “So we don’t know when Ralph here can get back.” A shake of the head.
“Do I have to stay here with him, then?” Ralph asks you sadly.
You sigh again. “No, c’mon. I guess you won’t want Chinese or Indian, we’ll just get a chippy dinner on the way home.” You start walking in the other direction, and Ralph quickly paces to catch up with you.
“A chippy dinner?” he asks, baffled.
“Yeah! Like fish and chips? They had that in the 20s, surely?” you reply.
“Well, yes, I suppose, but we only ever had it at the seaside,” he cocks his head as though reminiscing fondly. It only accentuates the cuteness of his whole face.
“Think you can be a big boy again now, or do you still wanna hold on?” you ask, outstretching your arm. He doesn’t appear to blush in the conventional sense, but his ears do flush a bright pink. Even more adorable. Fuck. Remember, he’s technically like a hundred years older than you. He slinks one arm around yours and you pull him in tightly by pressing your own arms towards your torso. “There we go. Now I can make sure I’m guiding you so that hopefully you don’t get bumped into anymore.”
“I think I’ve certainly learned my lesson in not standing still in front of people!” Ralph jokes, making you genuinely laugh for the first time all day. It feels strange, you can feel every muscle in your face move with it. But you also feel the weight on your chest lifting, too. You’d been at boiling point all day at work, and discovering a time-traveller wasn’t exactly helping you to simmer down. But you can make this work. He’s just an… Eccentric, extremely sheltered family friend who’s staying with you for a short while. That’s what you’ll tell anyone who asks.
“Yeah, you’ve learned that if you do, some dickhead’ll throw their iced coffee all over your back!” you laugh.
Ralph frowns, “You’re not a - a one of those, at all! You’re very nice to take me in like this. Most people seemed to think I belonged in a jungle.”
“Yeah, the old school military uniform kinda looks more… Safari explorer, these days,” you explain.
Ralph’s eyes light up. “Someone finally recognises the Army uniform for what it is!”
“Yeah, I thought I recognised it from when we went to the War Museum for school once. That was the kind of get-up they used to wear in the First World War.” You trip over your own feet a little as Ralph once again halts to anchor you to him, despite what he’s just said. He looks… Distraught. “Alright, mate?”
“Why did you say… First World War?" He asks with fear in his voice. "We won the Great War to restore the - the balance of power, how long did that last?!” He looks at you, dumbfounded.
You hiss air through your teeth. “Oh, boy. Yeah, there’s a lot that’s happened in the last century. I don’t know if it’s such a good idea telling you all of it, since once you get back, it’ll be your future, so…” You contemplate. “We’ll just keep all the questions you have to stuff you’ll need to get by in the here and now, alright? Anything you learn about history, just try and let it go over your head,” you pull him forwards gently and he falls back into step with you.
“One question I have about the here and now,” Ralph starts, and you look over at him. He makes eye contact with you to ask, “What exactly is your name?”
Laughing again, you tell him. “Sorry, I really should have led with that, shouldn’t I! It’s been a long day."
“I’ll say. About a hundred-odd years long!” A giggle bubbles out from Ralph’s lips and it makes you snicker, too.
“You’re a funny one, Penbury. For an old sod, at least,” you push your shoulder into his before leading him into the chip shop. “So, are you a fish guy, sausage, fishcake, pie?”
Ralph looks at all the options in the serving counter with an upturned nose. “What’s that one?” he asks, pressing his finger against the glass.
You look over and answer, “Battered sausage. Sausage, but in the batter they cook the fish in. Bloody lovely,” you smile wistfully. 
“I might just stick to the classic cod and chips, thank you,” Ralph mutters under his breath as he stares around the small room in fascination. You order on behalf of the pair of you and take the bag from the server with a grateful smile. Ralph notices and plasters one on as well, though his definitely comes off as more fake. He basically attaches himself to your arm again the second you’re out of the door, as though you’re bound together magnetically, and you guide him to the tower block that contains your pokey little flat.
After spending several minutes convincing Ralph that the lift isn’t going to suck him into another time period, and that he’s more than welcome to traipse up all the stairs that lead to the ninth floor, he relents and stands in the lift with you, though he stands so close that you’d think his goal was for you to wear him. Brushing against his chest feels nice, though. Shut up, you’re just touch-starved. This is not your ticket out of your dry spell. This is a fever dream.
Once you’re in your flat, you quickly dig out whatever men's clothes you have laying around - some sweatpants and a white T-shirt, and you throw them at him. "Just to get out of your dirty clothes while I plate up, eat before this gets cold, then you can go shower. I'm sure there's some boxers in my pyjama drawer you could use, too, I'll find those for you in a bit." You point to your bathroom and he quietly complies.
You could've just eaten the meals straight from their wrapper, the way you always do. But you figured Ralph has had enough culture shocks as it is, you'll give him the decency of eating from a plate. Besides, spending your night with a man dressed in 1920s army gear who's eating fish and chips out of some paper on his lap might just be enough of a sight to tell you to get yourself checked into the psych ward at the earliest convenience. At least you can try and create some kind of normalcy in this moment.
A quick Google search tells you television wasn't around in 1926, so you don't want to expose him to that tonight, too. Give it a day, maybe. You could play some old-time-y music on your Echo but you're not sure what he'd want to listen to. Instead, once you're both sat on the sofa together, you make conversation with him about his past as you eat. He tells you about how the Penburys were known socialites, how he and his sister had pretty much the same group of friends, how they had recently found friends in a rather special group of people, one of which he'd fallen head over heels for, just for her to reject him, and his heartbreak caused him to join the Army, which he hated.
"It's rather funny, you know," Ralph adds. "People here talk very similarly to Lauren and the others. I wonder if they exist in this time, too."
You start piecing things together. "Lauren… Plays jazz… She the drummer in this little quartet?" Ralph nods, his eyes wide. "Kinda short, has a brother called Nick?"
"Nicholas, yes! He's tall and he wears thick glasses! You know them?!" Ralph asks excitedly.
"Yeah, Nick was in my class all through high school! Always used to fancy him," you reminisce happily before stifling a laugh. "Wait, wait. So you mean to tell me that this Lauren you're besotted with is - is Little Lauren? Oh, you poor, sweet boy."
He looks offended. "Why would you think that that’s such a bad thing?!"
"Mate, I've known you five minutes and even I know Lauren would chew you up and spit you out," you look at him sympathetically. "And you're not gonna be able to change her on that. Unless you're into all that kinda stuff," your nose turns up a little as you joke, just to get a reaction from him.
Sure enough, there go the illusive colour-changing ears. He sputters, "W- I - I don’- I’m no- That is no appropriate discussion topic over dinner!” and you collapse into a fit of giggles, falling into him a little.
“Oh, lighten up, Ralph. Things are far less proper round here, that was nothing,” you explain, to his horror.
Once you’re both finished eating, you grab a clean pair of boxers from your pyjama drawer and toss them into the bathroom, gesturing to Ralph with your head that that’s where he ought to go. “Sorry you’re gonna have to use your finger as a toothbrush tonight, I’ve not got any extras of those, but -”
“Oh, all of this is already above and beyond! Even taking me in, I - I hope you understand how truly grateful I am, and with your patience acclimating me to… All this,” Ralph gestures around with his hands.
You nod with a soft smile. “Uh, give the shower a few minutes to run, though. Goes from freezing to scalding and then you’ve just sort of gotta… Keep fiddling with it. You’ll figure it out, I’m sure.”
The various screeches you hear from behind the closed door suggest that he is not as successful in figuring out the shower as you’d hoped. While he showers, you do a little more digging. Thankful that your mum’s weird obsession with your family tree may finally come in handy, you ask for the login to her online ancestry account. Tapping through to the census search, you type the name ralph penbury and set the dates between around 1890 and 1930 to look for any documentations of birth - or death. Sure enough, an entry pops up: 
Ralph Penbury - Date of birth: 01/02/1901 - Parents: William and Delilah Penbury - Occupation: Private in the Armed Forces - Death: Announced 19/09/1926 - MIA, presumed dead
You frown at the result. Was Ralph always doomed to go missing in action, you wonder? Is he only presumed as such because he’s travelled through time? His existence hasn’t been completely erased by the trip, obviously, but how much of this was affected by it? It hurts your head to try and think about. But at least you know when his birthday is. It’s still a few months away by all accounts, you may not even get to celebrate it with him. You still make a note of it in your phone.
Ralph soon emerges from the bathroom, and the sight causes your breath to catch in the back of your throat. He already had a certain cuteness about him, but as he rubs his hair dry with the towel, his damp natural curls stick out in all directions. Some facial hair and a neck chain or two, and he’d be exactly the kind of guy you’d let break your heart in a smoking area. He studies your face carefully as you’re staring at him. “Is there something wrong?”
“No!” you snap yourself out of your trance quickly. “No, not at all. Um, you can - you can take the bed. If you want. Get a good night’s sleep.”
Ralph gasps in horror, “I could never! I am simply a guest, I must insis-”
“And I must insist that you’ve literally travelled almost a hundred years to be here. Who knows when you’re gonna be here until, so… I don’t mind. I can sleep on the sofa for now, I promise,” you smile. “Just let me get in there real quick to get changed myself too, yeah?” Despite still standing in the bathroom doorway, and therefore not in the way of your bedroom, Ralph still steps aside and gestures towards it for you.
You change into a tank top and trousers combo, grab a blanket and some cushions out from your wardrobe, and head back into the living area. “Are you decent?” Ralph asks, his eyes squeezed.
You laugh, “Down, boy, I wasn’t exactly going to come out in my birthday suit, was I?! Yes, I am, you can look.”
He opens his eyes, takes one look at you, and yelps before covering his face with his hands. “You said you were decent!”
You look down at yourself, confused. Sure, the top is well-fitting, but you don’t think it’s indecent at all. You walk over to him and pull his wrists down. His eyes are once again shut tightly. “Ralph. It’s okay. I promise. Again, this is absolutely fine and modest in these times. Unless you want to stick out like a sore thumb, you’ll have to get used to it,” you shrug, letting go of him. He opens his eyes slowly and his breath shudders as he quickly jolts away.
“Okay, very well. I’ll try my hardest,” he nods, though he seems to be making the effort to keep his jaw up to maintain a high eyeline. “Are you sure you’ll be okay sleeping out here?”
You sigh, repeating once again, “Yes, Ralph, I’ll be fine. Go get some rest. You’ve had a big day.”
“Yes, very well. Erm,” he ducks his head down and to the side for a split second, as though to kiss your cheek, before stopping himself and once again raising his head high, his eyes wide and his ears pink. He clears his throat. “Thank you, again. Good night.”
“G’night, mate. Sleep well,” you pat his arm and start setting up the sofa for the night as he enters your bedroom and closes the door behind him.
You stick the TV on, not really caring what’s playing as it only really serves as background noise, and turn your lights off. The glows of the television screen and your phone screen illuminate the room as you search for any other evidence of time travel. Nothing that matched Ralph’s story comes up. You’re somewhere deep into a conspiracy theory about someone with a mobile phone being spotted at a Charlie Chaplin premiere when you finally drift off to sleep.
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alpydk · 2 months
How do you do that? (Fanfic writing)
I've not seen many of these posts. I always see a "well the words come in my head and I just do." So I'm going to be me and write too much and tell you how my work process is for writing and how I write the stuff I do. Good? Good. - Warning - This is a long post.
Step 1! The idea!
The best stories are written in truth. So if you have something you've experienced, adapt it and get it down. 1, it's therapeutic. 2, you can channel your own emotions and experience into it. It's more real when there is something behind it. Take f.x The Moment - a lot of my personal experiences and trains of thought went into that and it gives the character in it a lot more life.
"she would sit alone in her tent, her legs pulled close to her chest, her eyes on her pack comparing the pros and cons of the act, before eventually she would move to the campfire where her allies would act as her unknown protectors." - I've done this with the pros and cons and eventually just sticking around people. Real experience = More relatable to the reader.
Other ideas come from common tropes you see in movies, tags I've seen on Ao3 which light something in me, scenes in movies that I've loved and just a vivid imagination that's very dramatic. Seriously folks, write down your daydreams.!
Step 2! Planning!
For poems, don't plan and do very little editing. Some will probably hate that. I'm expecting Jourdane to be biting the bars of her cage at that statement, but the best poems just flow from the heart (At least in my case.) For fics, I grab a pen and jot down an outline. You've seen my pokemon book and the many pages with random notes like "FEELINGS, Comfort smut." - This gives me my basis, the start middle and end, what characters will be involved and the dots I need to connect. I'll usually also include some inner perspectives I want to put in. f.x "Guilt/Fear/Control" - Sort of character themes. This reminds me of the character motives and reactions so they don't go off as I'm writing.
Now, this doesn't mean the plan will change as I write. It has done in the past, but that just means a new load of notes is written.
Step 3! The writing!
This is the part you all really want. I'm going to use some of As you Wish - To break it down.
When it comes to fanfic, especially in canon, we already have a set idea of the characters and locations in our mind. So I spend very little time on character and location descriptions unless they matter in the scene.
"Pale fingers spun the wedding ring mindlessly on the wooden table of the tavern as the now owner of the band spoke." -
Pale fingers, that's a signature of Astarion, could also talk about hair colour, red eyes, key features. For Gale, it's usually robes, dark eyes, beard. The wedding ring (most associate with gold or silver but it is not important, mind fills it in). The wooden table in the tavern, brain will hopefully put us in the Elfsong or similar - but again, not really important, as this is not what the scene or story is about. I stick to what is needed, or it just becomes more about details than the message. Dialogue
Start with the canon dialogue. Do not be ashamed to use it to give you an idea of how characters talk. You see in the game that Gale is very wordy. I am not. So what I do is take a standard line and then 'Gale it up' - What I mean is I go onto OneLook - Take a word and replace it with something more intellectual. Gale does not say "I'm sorry" very often. He says "My apologies" He doesn't say "we're talking about."; he says "We're discussing..." - You get the idea. Include character actions they commonly do. Astarion in mine spends a lot of time scoffing and smirking. Flamboyant hand actions and the like. Karlach speaks loudly, Gale gestures and gazes. Emotions A lot of thinking, a lot of wondering, a lot of feeling. So much character introspection put into non dialogue parts. Either in the form of some internal monologue. "Of sorts... Of course, he’s said it like that," or questions the character would ask themselves. "What would happen with it tomorrow as they took on their final battle with the Netherbrain?" Combine with genuine ways the characters would question these things, how a real person would act. So many fics I've read either become very 2 dimensional with their characters. They spend so long on direct dialogue or physical descriptions that they miss what makes a person a person, and it's this inner soul that speaks more than anything. It's the doubts and the worries and the love and the happiness we FEEL. It needs to be written in too. Take, for example, Gale - Man is filled with self doubt, crushed under the weight of his past with Mystra. He may act outwardly confident, but inside he's not. These things need to be included to get it right.
Poetic Language
The analysis part... I like to call a spade a spade. If I've used a metaphor or something, it is exactly how it's meant to be used. There is no speculation of meaning, no "but the author is possibly conveying a sense of loss through the description of the red carpet." - There's a place for that and I'm sure that's what makes other people's fics considerably better than mine, but I don't have the time or longing for that. My comparisons are very obvious, again so the reader can relate. "What was marriage if not chains to bind?" - See? Very obvious way of thinking that marriage is a prison, and it not only includes the emotions of the character's introspective thoughts but also some of that well-used billedsprog (picture language, can't think of the English word - am not schooled enough).
Anyway, metaphors and such - Don't gatekeep your work trying to be intellectual. Reading, especially fanfic, is there to be enjoyed by everyone, so as a writer just keep it simple.
Step 4! Editing!
I personally used ProWritingAid for spelling and grammar checking. Grammarly is also a good one but very pushy in its premium advertising.
I try to avoid using repeat words too often, again see OneLook for alternatives. I also read my fic through on word first checking for errors, then copy and paste to Tumblr where I read again. The font and layout is different, so I can spot more that I might have skimmed over the first time. If I want to be sure, then I might go out for a few hours and then read through again later and will surely find something. If you want to be really sure, find a beta reader (I personally don't because I can't handle the critique unless I know the other person is very skilled and trustworthy, even then it's my work, not theirs.) Congratulations, you have just written a fanfiction!
Share it on Tumblr, share it on Ao3 (or your chosen site), get depressed when it does not get the traction you want. This is the writer's way.
Tumblr media
I hope this helps at least one person to join the fanfic writing community. Honestly, just write and be creative. Don't doubt yourself, don't think you're not good enough, just put words on paper and go for it. There is a reader out there for every writer. You just have to find each other.
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eilinelsghost · 3 months
hi! i hope its ok to send this as an ask instead of dming. i get shy about dms so i tend to default to asks. as ive said a few times here already, ive loved your beor/finrod series so much. i think yours is one of the best finrods i've ever read. im not sure if youre a fic reader too or primarily a writer, but i wondered whether youd read chthonions anastasis or the harrowing? you both write such a good and gentle finrod that i was curious if you knew each other or had similar inspiration? if you havent, i highly recommend it if you (obviously) like finrod! they are such beautiful and thought-provoking fics and ive really enjoyed how they explore the philosophical implications of all these things - which is another thing that made me think of you because thats something that really draws me to your fics too. you both dig into that in such perceptive and interesting ways. anyway, i read lost and found that they posted today and several things in that reminded me of your finrod (and yours of theirs) and i wanted to recommend it if you werent already familiar with their stuff. anyway im sorry if this is a weird ask to send! thanks so much for sharing your writing with all of us. its been a really bright spot in this yearr for me so far!
Hello! No, this wasn't weird to say, don't worry. (And please don't be shy about dms either if you prefer those!) I'm going to tag @chthonion in this reply because I don't want to talk about their fic without them being looped in - and also to be sure they see your compliments of their writing. :)
No, we don't know each other, so it isn't a gentle-Finrod-by-osmosis deal 😂 I read Anastasis a few months back and you're right - I really enjoyed the connection of Finrod, Frodo, and Celebrimbor's various traumas. It had never occurred to me to link those three characters together with their shared suffering and that was so fascinating to see that connection really delved into. (As a side note, I could honestly read an entire series that is just Finrod, Frodo, and Celebrimbor drinking together haha. That scene was delightful and really stuck with me.) I confess I have not done a good job keeping up with The Harrowing, but that's just because Silvergifting isn't really one of my primary draws ship-wise. I've heard really great things about it from a lot of people in the fandom!
Thanks so much for reccing their latest fic - that description looks really fascinating and has me very curious.
And thank you so much for all the kind things you've said in this - both about my own writing and about chthonion's. It's always such an encouragement as a writer to hear that what we've made has brought joy or fascination or a new facet of interpretation for those who read it. Honestly that's the dream! Thank you for saying all of that - it means a lot to hear it!
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I did not check other people's tumblrs for like a week and just caught up on all the Princess Bee stuff! Sorry for the anon shyness, but I have a couple of things:
1. You mind if I draw these suckers and send em to you? Cuz now I really wanna draw the next gen kids, Chester Fester, and timeskip designs for everybody.
2. Holy shit, this is a fun premise! I especially love that Chloe is a lawyer! Like, she'd be so good at it, especially with the way you write her (which is the default Chloe in my brain, tbh). You already have her run the merch department. Her dad is the freaking mayor, even if he is a bad one. She's already really good at knowing which authority can override what and when, she's good at working the system and knowing when it's screwed up, and she's got a helluva sense of justice after all the shit she's been through.
2. Some stuff with Lila: I know it was decided that she was gonna do a grand scheme where she got her petty revenge on Ladybug, but then Ladybug didn't show up after the first few akumas cuz the wish said so, and so she kinda just fucked off for a bit to do lowkey cons using the butterfly. When she sees the new EmmaBug, it brings up unaddressed trauma and she zooms back to Paris and starts being a Problem TM. But, like, what is actually her plan? She's going after the miraculous, but what does she want to do with them? What'll her wish be? I know she doesn't really care about the shit that went down with the Miracuclass anymore (she did get exposed). But she is still real bothered by Ladybug, but we also kinda established that she doesn't really know what she wants. So what are Lila's plans?
3. Thoughts on establishing a rogues gallery:
You said you wanted the main focus to be akuma, so why not have a handful of regularly occurring akumas instead of a new one every time? We've already got Chester as Lila's right-hand man, even if he is gonna be a bit of an inneffectual, comedic, Mr. Pigeon-esque akuma. Why not have Lila amass several other allies to regularly akumatize who want in on whatever she's up to. Lila can be very charming and has been doing on and off cons for like 20+ years. Odds are, she's met some pissed of people willing to do some shady shit to get what they want. Lila was also very much willing to use Chloe for her bullshit back in the day, so she could also maybe manipulate some people into helping her out, especially if you want more kid akumas.
I also think it would be cool if you had a handful of other "rogues" who are unrelated to Lila and aren't actively villainous so much as they are assholes that cause issues. Like, Chloe's enemies from lawyering, some of Jess and Zoe's problems from NYC, the creepy boy who was uncomfortably hitting on Emma and ended out getting Dawn landed in the principal's office in the first place, the previously discussed Chief of Police. Etc.
4. I really like the idea of the kids all being roughly the same age, but a couple years apart. It allows for shenanigans like Hugo and the other younger kids having an awkward gang of middle school pals who know nothing about this shit, shipping the heroes, writing fanfics, giving unsolicited bad advice, etc. And it lets some of the kids be older, more mature, more experienced, and act as mentors to their middle child leader. Kinda how Luka worked for the OGs, but you have more of them with different personalities. Kinda like how digimon adventure had the kids mostly the same age but a little spread out across a few grades.
5. Give Hugo or Louis the horse. That would be a really obvious one to take out for a joyride, and they'd get attached to Kaalki.
That's all for now, ngl, this might be my favorite non HC/LL for Miraculous that you've done (followed up by the double trouble one because sonic jokes).
Welcome back! Okay so
1.) Go for it! Just yeet me a link because I'm bad at remembering to check if I've been tagged in things!
2.) Chloé as a lawyer is honestly my favorite post-canon job for her. That and/or running the hotel. Just put her whole skillset into being used for good
2.5) So Lila! I'm being sympathetic to her instead of making her full evil. Like she's still going to be causing Akumas and also a con artist so morally gray, but not like. Season 4-5 Gabe.
Which has resulted in her motivation being a touch nebulous. In that... Ya girl has been rolling with a lot of depression that she doesn't realize is 'depression' because fuck man what does she have to be 'depressed' about? So she just feels like nothing is 'enough' to make her happy and must find something out there that can 'fix' her.
Seeing the 'Ladybug Returns' both kinda gets in her head of as much she acknowledges her grudge with LB was petty teen stuff, it is unresolved business. And that may make her feel better. However, barring that, the Wish would do whatever she wants. It could 'fix' her. Give her whatever she needs to not feel this hollow emptiness in her chest 24/7.
3.) Honestly having all sorts of nonsense to be problems is GREAT.
4.) Yeah I haven't established much on their ages other than Emma and Louis are twins while Hugo is roughly a year and a half younger (so a grade down). I doubt I'd have everyone in the same class, but the whole group are still friends due to knowing each other for years.
5.) Ha! I'm thinking Louis with the Horse now.
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circusjuney · 2 months
10 random facts about me!!!
thank you sm @flovoid for the tag my friend!!!!! <3
i am a singer!!! i grew up singing my entire life, and it's actually my dream to make at least one album. idk if i'll make multiple but i really want to make just one. probably some sort of rock album
i'm a horror freak through and through. i mostly only watch horror movies and tbh for a while i've wanted to try my hand at some horror sims content but i didn't want to make anything that might scare people off ghfdsg. btw my fav horror series are the v/h/s series and terrifier (except all hallows eve srry damien) ✌️
my favorite bands are system of a down, deftones, pierce the veil, mcr, radiohead, and i have another one but tbh i'm too embarrassed to admit it on the internet <3
bugs are a special interest of mine and i just enrolled in a zoology course at my uni to hopefully learn more about them :,) learning on my own is hard tbh because there is a LOT of misinformation about bugs on the internet so i wanted to properly learn in a school environment and i hope to someday work with insects!! bugs!!!! yesss!!!
i love clowns... this one kind of ties in with the horror fact tbh because i mostly love scary horror clowns!!!! they're just so fucking cool to me idk!!! literally some of my favorite horror movies ever are clown related like terrifier and killer klowns from outer space. also the luna clown from scooby doo can hmu whenever i'm free everyday
my username is circusjuney mostly just because i love clowns but also because of circus baby from fnaf!!! fnaf is another special interest of mine and i wanted a username that tied in some of my interests like that. however i've thought about changing it bc some people call me circus instead of my name 😭
my favorite color is orange bc it's the color of pumpkins and autumn leaves and halloween and it's all my favorite things! :,)
i am lowkey a musical theater lover but i really mostly love random songs from diff musicals and haven't had the chance to go through most shows all the way through except for waitress (my fav) and hamilton which i unfortunately can recite the entirety of 😔 in my final 2 years of high school i joined a performing arts program and spent half of everyday at a different school taking theater classes!! i joined the tech crew towards the end bc being forced to perform was doing numbers on me mentally 😝
my fav food is a breakfast sandwich <3 gimme a bagel or a brioche bun with some bacon and eggs and cheese and other fun stuff.......... eating that makes my hearts go up like in minecraft
and lastly um... idk...... i'm running out of facts........ the last fact is that............ ily <3 <3 <3 i am a pretty sappy person tbh and i have so much love in my heart it kinda hurts sometimes <3 <3 <3 so i'm giving it to you now so that it hurts less <3 <3
now im tagging @butteredfrogs @living-undead @youredreamingofroo @zleepyhollow @blueyjoy @mmonetsims @kuroashims if you've done this already or don't wanna just ignore!!!
also i feel so bad i have not been keeping up on tumblr at all bc i wake up play minecraft and go back to bed it's bad fhjdskgdasklgkdfj so sorry for my inactivity <3 <3 <3
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years
Hi! You seem quite knowledgeable in this, so I though you might be the right person to ask: I'm trying to find some nice heart pirates fics with them as family doing shenanigans/general stuff. Most of the fics I've found in the Heart Pirates tag in ao3 revolve around a ship involving law and the hearts are just background characters who barely do anything, which isn't what I'm looking for. Do you have any recommendations? (I've already read some of your works, but if you want to recommend those that's good too!)
Platonic Heart Pirates Fics Rec List
Wow! huge compliment.
Yeah, I wouldn't classify myself as a Hearts Pirates writer, but I do write them. I think my best characterisations of them are in my multi-chaptered works, but they're super dark, and the Hearts aren't the focus (but boy do they shine when they get the chance!).
You've probably come across my Bepo's one shots and drabble collection. There's a few shippy pieces in there, but they're clearly marked. Most are just the crew, although focus on the main four. This was also done for the Hearts' Pirates Week, so covers all named crew members (up to that point). This one shot is surprisingly popular: Dark like the North Blue Sea (aka The Sea-Hill you Die On), and you might have come across the Straw Hat and Heart Pirates crews intermingling in this fic featuring Bepo and Chopper. I'm also guessing that you probably saw the piece I wrote for the op summer festival zine: Sun Path Ozoni. An earlier version of that is in Bepo's collection! There's also Bepo's Beptober, which features everyone, but I wouldn't really say explores them in depth!
Okay, RECS!
Any of the fics with the Hearts Pirate tag by @op-sheepy Here's a link to their AO3 dash. There are quite a few Heart Pirate drabbles on their tumblr page too.
@itsxandy 's work, stormy weather, is criminally under-read. That's 22,2221 amazing words on Law's dynamic with the crew in the polar tang in close quarters. Not necessarily happy families, but, oof, it's good. Even a very plausible theory put forward for the recruitment of Clione, I think! Or maybe Uni.
Dragon_in_a_Cypress_swamp has 6 amazing Hearts & Trafalgar Law fics too. Really good (I haven't read all, but what I have read just blows me away).
This is not a place of honor by Hyperbolic Reverie (I'm not guaranteeing that all the fics are sweet). And you've probably come across
the devil knows how to row by fab_ia, is set in Law Novel land, but with flashbacks to Law's time with the Donquixote Family. It's a work in progress. But very good. The author is keats on twitter, and I think one of the guest writers for the up coming Hearts zine. Their AO3 actually has a few Hearts' fics I want to pick through.
Dunno if this counts, but the Scrubs AU with Penguin and Shachi as Law's interns, and Bepo as a trusty nurse is both hilarious and poignant. @thegrimshapeofyoursmile
Cal14's recently been uploading some of their tumblr pieces.
@slashseeker (not getting their blog come up) has some platonic stuff on their AO3 page (their slash is pretty good too though!).
And that's about all I know for now. I'm sure you've read / been pointed towards the big collection: Tales from the Heart.
Almost forgot! If you go through @purplehairedwonder 's page, towards the start of beginning to write OP (so second page), there are about 5 fics that I'd classify as Heart centric, or the Hearts seen through Law's eyes. Not necessarily shenanigans though.
It is a ship fic, and it started before a lot of the Heart Pirates were named, but razbliuto's Methyl Nitrate Pirates really builds character and crew (and it's funny). @fablecore
Hope it helps! Sorry to anyone I've forgotten. Thanks for the ask! Let me know how they go.
Remember all, drop a kudos and comment if the fics strike your fancy❤️ Makes a Heart Pirates Heart loving Heart beat heartier.
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thornescratch · 1 month
this is a little out of nowhere but do you know if there are any primers for running a fic exchange? I saw you mentioned bring back a caps exchange like a month ago (which would be so cool). it kind of inspired me with another fandom, but I can't find any good guides and was hoping you might have some recs.
(Sorry for the long delay in reply. Clearly when I say I will get to something in a day or so, I-- uh, will not. Life's been a lot. Very sorry!)
With the proviso that @weaglerock did most of the actual hard work of the ALLCAPS Exchange and my role was mainly to make shitty promo manips (actually I still like this one) and nag people to turn stuff in and occasionally pinch hit--
Honestly, AO3 actually has some of the best resources for you, if you're planning to be like most exchanges and run your exchange through/post there. They've put together FAQs and tutorials and I think they're pretty straightforward and easy to understand.
Tutorial: Running a Gift Exchange on AO3
Archive FAQ: Gift Exchange
Challenges tutorial: creating and running a gift exchange
Signing up for a gift exchange
Reddit is also handy, and I've found a number of their posts with good advice: here, here (more from the user POV rather than the runner POV but good to think about, and this post were ones I referred to.
General advice:
I find if you have a random question and you can't figure out how to make shit work with AO3 or something, Fail Fandom Anon is a decent way to ask for help. Every post has a thread related to various Bangs/Exchanges going on, and you can post an anonymous request or question. Quality and quantity of response can vary based on when you post it (if the post is almost at comment limit and about to move to the next, you might not get much; just try again with a newly opened post), but usually someone will respond.
Most of the exchanges I've helped with were done before discord got huge, so I haven't utilized it as an organizer as much, but I've been in exchanges as an author where it originated from a fandom discord, and it did streamline communication to have a dedicated channel/discord for the participants. But mostly we used tumblr, gmail, and a googledoc for notifications and tracking.
Always assume some people are simply going to dip, for legitimate or other reasons. Shit will happen. It's super frustrating to delay opening an exchange because you're scrambling to make sure everyone gets something and that it's of decent quality so I'd advise definitely lining up multiple pinch hitters (and assume some of THEM will also bolt randomly) in advance, or be ready to do it yourself, or build in an extra time period of complete works being due before going live, or optimally, all of those things. Having more than one organizer/moderator is helpful!
Highly encourage people to include detailed author letters to accompany their requests. Have regular timeline check ins and reminders. Also, it's easiest to assume everyone's a newbie and err on the side of over-explaining. Have templates and formatted examples on hand for transparency; this includes examples of how you want people to make their requests and examples of an author letter.
Anyway, honestly my best piece of advice is to find a moderator who's already done this before and is good at all of it and will do most of it, and then just act like you've always been there and tag along for the glory. It worked marvelously for me. (But no, really, in the end I think the best bet for success is go back to an exchange from any fandom you enjoyed and felt was well run, look at their set-up/timelines/rules/verbiage, and then model after that accordingly. Obviously don't copy everything directly, or if you do, credit the those organizers.)
And, like, have fun.
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