#so that became a silly littl Dean being soft moment
It isn’t often Dean gets to enjoy the quiet, so for now he relishes it. Feeling a warm spring breeze gracing the back of his neck and watching the cherry blossom petals dancing lazily to the sun drenched grass, which is still slick and glistening with morning dew – emerald green against the first hints of blue in the flowers that are just beginning to consider making their debut appearance for the year.
He looks up from the book he’s been pouring over – some old mushy romance novel he picked up from a yard sale a few towns back. He told Sam it was a sort of action thing; he told Cas the truth.
He lifts his face to the sun and lets the light just linger there, kissing each and every freckle as it warms him right to his core.
The Angel shifts beside him and a soft smile touches his lips. Slowly, he turns to face Cas, who is staring intently at the daisy between his index finger and thumb. Dean’s smile deepens as the warmth returns to his heart, this time without any involvement from the sun.
He fidgets, his arm brushing against Cas’, which seems to break whatever spell the daisy has on Cas, who looks at Dean with those soft blue eyes. At first he seems startled, as though he’d been as far from reality as anyone could be, but gazing into those green eyes that seem to have picked up some of the sun’s golden hues, he softens and grins.
‘Whatcha thinkin’ about, sunshine?’ Dean murmurs through his smile, all deep and honey-toned. Cas looks down at the flower in his fingers and then holds it up in front of Dean.
‘Just about the intricacy of this flower. Look at how perfect it is –‘ he passes the daisy to Dean, who holds it close to his face and considers it. ‘You see how the petals overlap? How the middle is such a bright yellow but none of the pollen stains the petals. And the very edges of the petals are pink – I just find them fascinating.’ He looks up at Dean, then, and almost forgets about the daisy as he takes in the soft way Dean considers the flower, the way the sunlight picks out each eyelash and the soft curve of Dean’s lips. Then Dean looks up at him and they share one of those smiles that makes Sam roll his eyes when he catches them.
Dean leans over and kisses Cas’ cheek before resting his head on the angel’s shoulder. He sighs deeply when Cas leans into him, inhaling the light scent of rose shampoo he’s always loved in Dean’s hair, before kissing the top of his head and relaxing into their usual relaxing-on-the-hood-of-the-car posture, which he’s sure he’d be happy to stay in forever, should the need arise.
In the back seat of the Impala, Sam looks up from the recipe book he picked up at that same yard sale (the cookies don’t sound too healthy, but they do sound good) to see why the sunlight was suddenly extinguished. He grins to himself, seeing his brother nestled into the Angel’s neck, Cas’ arm around Dean’s shoulder and their quiet mumbling carried into the car by the breeze.
‘Would you too get a room?’ He chides, holding back his laughter.
‘Shut it, bitch’ is all he gets back, but he can hear Cas’ affectionate eye roll and the smile in Dean’s voice.
Dean lifts his head from the Angel’s shoulder and rests his hand on top of Cas’, allowing their fingers to interlock a little and enjoying the way the sunlight glints off of the ring on the third finger on his left hand. ‘We should head off if we wanna make it for lunch – next town’s a couple hours away.’
Cas stands and pulls Dean with him, luring him into a tender kiss. Still smiling, he lets Dean go and walks back to the passenger door. Dean takes a moment to open his book, where he places the daisy that Cas gave him, taking one last wistful look at it before closing the pages and giving the book a gentle squeeze, hoping it would dry out nicely, just like all the others.
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arjwrites · 2 months
I'm not the same annon that requested it(I'm not that creative) but could we get a sequel to the saving grace fic?? Like, I was reading it and it was so good I was soo invested in the story and then it ended 😭😭 I've been looking for any Cas fics in general but I think yours are by far the Greatest💕💕
Saving Grace pt. 2 - Castiel x GN!Reader
Summary: Part 2 to Saving Grace!
Warnings: References to sex, use of Y/N. GN!Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: HEHEHE this one was a little silly but I love it. I feel like it ends really abruptly but I really wanted to get it done. I think I am going to write a little epilogue blurb to finish this, look for that sometime next week! Thanks for requesting this anon, I hope you enjoy <3
Link to Epilogue
Since your initial encounter with Cas’s wings, the two of you had fallen into a regular routine. At the end of the day, whether the team had just finished a difficult hunt or many long hours of research, Cas would pull you aside to discretely ask for your assistance, and the two of you would tuck yourselves away from the Winchesters for some privacy. 
“Y/N, could you… Check out my wings again? Something feels off.” He’d ask, usually averting your gaze.
“Of course, Cas!” The chance to touch his wings always excited you, but you quickly worked to calm yourself, to play things cool. “I will, uh, be in the other room when you’re ready.”
In the last few weeks, the angel had asked you to comb through his wings more times than he had ever mentioned them in the years you had known him. And more often than not, you never found any debris to remove or injury to assess. You found this peculiar, but you never said a word about it. Grooming through Cas’s wings was a job that you carried out carefully, dutifully, accepting your salary in the form of quality time with your dear angel. 
Sometimes, when you and Cas would hide away to share this secret ritual, the angel would talk, and you would listen. He’d tell you about heaven, about things he had seen in his time on Earth, and all the things that weighed heavy on his mind. Other times, he was quiet. In these times, you would take the lead. You would tell him about your childhood or recount stories of your life before his arrival. He would listen intently, committing every detail to memory. Your heart would swell when he would bring up something you had told him in another conversation. He was so considerate. 
Beyond being an emotional release for the two of you, the physical sensation was like nothing else either of you had experienced. For Cas, it was a relief and relaxation that he hadn’t experienced in as long as he had occupied his vessel on Earth. Sometimes it felt as if his grace, his true form, was bottled up tight inside of him, threatening to spill over. But in these moments with you, he could let it slip out of him, and feel the cool breeze that was your touch rippling through his feathers. And for you, it was divine in every sense of the word. It was more than just the softness and majesty of his wings. With each stroke of your fingers, a feeling of such peace came over your body. It was like the moment of warmth you felt when Cas healed you after a hunt- only stretched from a brief second into minutes, hours. It took a long time for you to grow comfortable holding casual conversation while working through Cas’s wings. You often felt that they demanded your full attention- like they were using their incandescent glow to speak to you in a language you had never learned yet understood perfectly. But you often reminded yourself that this time was for Cas, so you counted yourself lucky and chatted along with the angel for the sake of his comfort. 
As this routine became more commonplace, it grew to drag on longer and longer. Initially, you and Cas were quick, subtle, doing your best to fly under the radar so that Sam and Dean wouldn’t notice your absences. But there was something about spending this time with him that was so intoxicating. Each time you would linger in each other’s presence for a few extra precious moments. Sometimes, you would disappear together for hours on end. Cas would typically leave the Winchesters in a frantic or distant state, and return serene and satisfied. Undoubtedly, the boys were starting to take notice. 
Today was one of those days where your time with Cas had been greatly extended. You both had gotten caught up swapping stories about the most beautiful things you had ever seen. You had gone on and on about the glimpse of the northern lights you and the boys had caught when a hunt had taken you up to Canada, while Cas had described wonders both heavenly and earthly that you could barely imagine. But the whole time, there was something lingering beneath the surface. When he had first asked you the question, you had desperately wanted to scream out You, Castiel. Your wings, your grace, your presence. You are the most beautiful thing I have had the pleasure of knowing. But, of course, you did not. And it seemed like there was something left unsaid on both sides, because when Cas talked through his own answer, he had hesitated before speaking and trailed off after finishing, in a way that was so different from his usual direct and succinct tone. 
After finishing the routine, you had retreated to your room, your mind racing through every possible thought Cas could have been thinking. The angel, on the other hand, had ventured out into the bunker, only to find Sam and Dean perched in waiting. Cas acknowledged them both, intending to keep the interaction brief, but it seemed the brothers had different plans. 
“Where have you been, Cas?” Dean gruffed in an accusatory tone. 
“What do you mean?” he asked, avoidantly. 
Sam and Dean shared a quick look, silently communicating in their typical Winchester telepathy. Cas watched, unsure of their intentions, but nevertheless eager to get out of the conversation as soon as possible. 
“You’ve been spending an awful lot of time with Y/N, recently,” Sam noted, inching carefully towards the topic. 
“Yes, I have.” It was true. Another Winchester glance ensued. 
“So, uh… What have you guys been… doing?” Dean questioned. 
Cas thought for a moment. This wasn’t something he wanted to share with the Winchesters- it was something sacred shared between the two of you. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Sam and Dean, but there was something about the act that felt so vulnerable. Plus, it wouldn’t take them long to realize what Cas was up to. He definitely didn’t need this sort of grooming on a regular basis- it was all a ruse to be close to you, alone. It was one of the few pleasures he allowed himself to take part in, and in some ways he felt guilty- like it was wrong to let you do this for him, like he was using you. And if the boys found his secret out, would they tell you? He had to deflect. 
“Y/N has been helping me,” was all he could come up with in response. 
“Helping you with what, Cas?” Sam probed, not ready to let him out easy. 
Again, Cas stalled for a beat. “With some private business.” 
“Well Cas, whatever it is, we can help too,” Dean stood, beginning to inch towards the angel. 
“No.” His gaze hardened. This is where his heart would’ve started beating faster, if it did that kind of thing. 
“No?” Confusion and the slightest hint of anger laced Dean’s voice. “Cas, that’s what we’re here for. Is it dangerous?” 
“No. It’s intimate. Not any of your business.” 
At this, Sam and Dean shared a third look, this one very different from the first two. This time, their eyes were wide, their mouths opening and closing in tandem as if volleying the same thoughts back and forth, neither sure how to articulate them. After a deafening few moments of silence, Dean spoke.
“So… You’re being… Intimate, with Y/N…” he trailed off. 
“Yes.” He nodded, hoping they would accept that and move on, not understanding the connotations of his words. 
“And you… You care about Y/N… Right?” Sam chimed in.
Cas furrowed his brow. “Of course I do. Very much so. This isn’t something I would do with someone I didn’t love.” His tone was matter-of-fact. Of course he loved you. Maybe he hadn’t yet told you, but… Of course he did. 
“Okay. Okay. Good.” The boys nodded to each other as if offering some sort of approval that Cas had not been seeking after. And when they turned to look back at him, the angel was gone. 
Your slippered feet flopped against the hard floors of the bunker as you traveled the distance between your room and the kitchen, on a pilgrimage in search of a snack. The bunker felt eerily quiet- you didn’t run into either Winchester nor your angel during your journey. It wasn’t until you closed the fridge, satisfied with your selection, and turned to retreat, that you noticed Sam and Dean behind you. Your heart leapt out of your chest at the jump-scare, but they wasted no time in speaking.
“Hey, so, uh, we heard what’s been going on.” Dean was awkwardly scratching the back of his neck as he spoke. 
“Yeah, and we wanted to say… You guys don’t have to like, hide it anymore, or anything,” Sam added. 
“I mean we don’t want to, like, see you do it-” Dean chimed in.
“Right! Right. We don’t. But-” 
“What the hell are you guys talking about?” You interjected.
“Well Cas told us what you two have been doing. Don’t worry, it wasn’t like a ‘kiss and tell,’ we had to pry it out of him-” 
“And what exactly did he say we were doing?” 
The boys looked at each other sideways, as if a silent rock paper scissors was determining who would speak. It seemed that Dean had lost.
“Well the word he used was being ‘intimate.’” Dean made air-quotes as he spoke. “It was kinda sweet, though. Said he wouldn’t do it with someone he didn’t love, and-” 
“Oh my GOD,” was all you could get out. They thought you two were having sex. Cas said he loved you. Your mind couldn’t decide which you needed to address first, but it seemed your feet had chosen for you when you backed out of the room, turned on your heels, and ran. 
“You don’t have to be embarrassed!” Sam called after you, but you were gone.
It was as if a magnet was pulling you towards the angel. You had a feeling you knew exactly where he would be- not a conscious thought, but more of a natural instinct that was carrying your body in concert with your legs. The narrow bunker hallways whipped past you and it felt like you were flying. If you could’ve flown to Cas in that moment, you would have. 
And there he was, perched exactly where you thought he would be. Looking at him now, it felt like the world had opened up around you. He said he loved you. He loves you. 
“Hello, Y/N.” Cas looked at you with a soft smile, and you froze. 
You had raced to him on pure adrenaline, but now, you weren’t sure what to say, do, think. Your mouth hung open for a moment, before finally forming the words.
“I just spoke with Sam and Dean,” you said, plainly.
“I see. They must have figured it out. I’m very sorry, Y/N. I don’t want you to think I am taking advantage of you by asking for your help with my wings, or-”
“Cas, they think we’re having sex.”
Cas cocked his head to the side and shifted his gaze behind you, processing what you had said. “I see.”
“Why do they think that, Cas?” 
He drew in a silent breath that melted his facial features. His whole presence softened, as if he had made up his mind about something that had worried him for so long.
“Well, you see… They asked me why we had been spending so much time alone. And I didn’t want them to know about what we were doing because… It’s very vulnerable, Y/N. It is a lot of trust that I place in you. And I feel guilty, because it isn’t something you should have to do. It’s selfish but it feels so good, and…”
“And what, Castiel.”
“It’s a reason for me to be close to you.” 
His words sent your heart skyrocketing and pulled you across the room, closing the final few feet between you. There were a million things you could have said. You could have reassured him he wasn’t selfish, told him how much you enjoyed helping him, or laughed at him for the confusion he caused. But instead, you gave all of those feelings a moment to bubble up in your chest before funneling them into a kiss. A soft kiss, a gentle kiss, and yet, one that was driven by so much emotion that it couldn’t help but be firm, absolute. And the angel kissed you back.
You lips lingered together for as long as you each could bear, before pulling gently away in unison. The smile on his face spoke volumes before you could even open your mouth. 
“You can be close to me whenever you’d like, Cas.”
“I’d like that,” he nodded. 
Now, to deal with those Winchesters.
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quillquiver · 4 years
another chapter of this deancas wedding/honeymoon!fic. thank you @we-all-deserve-to-be-saved for the prompt! 
Castiel is not a morning person.
He likes lying in bed until he’s sore with it, stretching out on the memory foam like a king languishing among his pillows. He likes rolling over onto on a cool patch of sheet, and cuddling into the covers, and hooking his toes over the end of the mattress. Castiel likes holding Dean. Being held by him; tucked up against his chest or with a palm half-sunk into his boxer-briefs. Pressing kisses to neck and shoulders and the line of his hair.
Castiel likes the liminal space he occupies in the moments between sleep and wakefulness, where everything glows. It’s warm and wonderful and he draws it out for as long as possible, the minutes dragging along by way of tender touches. It reminds him of the peaceful parts of angelhood.
So, Castiel is not a morning person.
…But he can become one, for Dean.
Dean likes romantic gestures; not all of them—he isn’t the type of man who likes receiving flowers or chocolates or candlelit dinners. But picking up his favourite beer when Cas notices they’re running low, or staying up late to watch a movie despite being exhausted—kissing him, washing his hair, holding his hand, sitting with him while he works on the Impala… wearing women’s lingerie: these are all things Dean appreciates. Small things. Quiet things.
Cas knows that this is a gamble.
The alarm on his phone barely has the opportunity to buzz before he’s turning it off, carefully sliding out from between the covers. It’s dim, and Cas allows himself a moment to run his hand through the mess of his hair and dig his toes into the soft carpet. A breeze is coming off the water.
God, he hates early mornings.
“Where you goin’?”
Dean’s voice is slurred and muffled. He blindly reaches out and Cas meets him halfway, tempted into cuddling for just a moment longer. “Go back to sleep, Dean,” he murmurs, gently brushing over the pillow lines on his cheek.
“Mmm, w’sss hap’nin?”
“Bathroom,” Cas supplies, depositing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. Dean’s reciprocation lags with exhaustion.
Dean frowns. Struggles to open his eyes. “Y’okay?”
“I’m fine,” Cas says. “Go back to sleep.”
“’Kay,” Dean mumbles. “C’m back.”
Cas melts like fallen ice cream on hot concrete.
He carefully extracts himself from their bed, padding into the other room and closing the bedroom door. The sun is beginning to paint the first impressions of light on the horizon; the water is calm—it’s going to be a beautiful day.
Castiel calls for room service.
He orders pancakes and waffles and eggs and sausages, lox bagels, a bowl of fresh fruit, mimosas. An espresso and a latte because Dean would never ask for it himself. “And would you mind putting a rush on this?” he murmurs into the receiver. “I know it’s early, but we’re newlyweds and I’m trying to surprise my husband.”
Cas has learned that the newlywed excuse goes a long way anywhere, but works especially well when paying outrageous amounts of money in a fancy hotel. He expects they’ll also leave the champagne bottle.
Despite the fact that Cas is pretty sure it’s considered impolite to do so, he moves the small table and chairs from the balcony and makes a nest on the marble floor out of spare blankets and colourful pillows from the couch. He tries to mitigate the potential mess by laying down some of their many extra towels. Room service knocks, Cas pulls on a robe, and then the smell of coffee and food starts rousing Dean from bed. Cas pushes the food cart—complete with opened champagne bottle—to the door of the balcony before entering the bedroom.
Dean has kicked off all the covers and is sleeping on his stomach.
There is no moment of thinking about what he wants to do—what he’s allowed; Cas moves without conscious thought, peppering kisses from Dean’s ass all the way to the nape of his neck and then lavishing his attention on his particularly freckled shoulders. “Mmm… smells good.”
“Breakfast,” Cas says.
“I want to take you on a date.”
Dean’s eyes flutter open. “Now?” he asks, caught between sleep and incredulity.
Cas leans over and presses a kiss to his mouth. “Mm.”
“Sweetheart…” He whines. Cas feels himself start to smile. Dean doesn’t use pet names often, and more recently he’s taken to doing so while complaining; as if the verbal confirmation of his affection will bend Cas to his will. It was laughable until it became endearing—because Cas is sweet on him, and there is no one else Dean feels comfortable whining to.
“Your life is one hardship after another,” he agrees solemnly. Cas slides back down Dean’s body and nips his left asscheck. “Come on. Up.”
“What, we’re not even gonna—”
“After breakfast, Dean. Just come. Please.”
Dean rolls his eyes and grumbles about a different kind of coming. “Man, s’not even light out yet.” As Cas moves to get Dean his robe, he’s caught around the waist and pulled between bowed legs. “C’mon,” Dean needles, nuzzling at him until the robe parts. “A little nookie, a couple more hours of sleep… we can go on a date later.”
“Or we can go on a date now.”
Dean pulls away and looks up at Cas, narrowing his eyes. Cas smiles down at him beatifically, running a hand through his hair and tracing the shell of his in the way he knows turns him to putty.
“…You’re lucky I love you.”
Dean continues to grumble to himself as he slides out of bed and towards his duffle, frowning when Cas catches his hand. “No need to get dressed.”
“But you said—”
Cas holds out his robe. “Follow me.”
Dean slips the thing on as they pad into the main room, his eyes immediately drawn to the food and coffee. He gives a low whistle. “Damn, Cas. We expecting company?”
And suddenly, the entire thing seems incredibly stupid. Cas dragged them both from the warmth and comfort of their marriage bed on their honeymoon to look at the sun rising, a thing that happens and has happened every single day since the Earth started turning. He did this knowing that neither of them get to sleep like this, or be alone like this, or touch like this—this much and this openly. He doesn’t even know if Dean likes sunrises; if this is one of those things that’s romantic in the wrong way.
“I know you like breakfast,” he says, instead of dragging Dean back to bed.
Dean eyes the set-up outside, turn around and… blushes. Is blushing, down his chest and all the way to the tips of his ears. “So this is, uh—you got up and did all this?”
Cas feels colour rise to his own cheeks. “I didn’t cook,” he says. “Obviously.”
“Obviously,” Dean echoes. He shoves his hands in his pockets. “So, uh, take me on a date, stud.” He looks nervous, Cas thinks, which is ridiculous and relatable all at once. Outside, the rising sun paints swathes of pink and orange across the horizon.
“…Right,” Cas says. “Yes. I will… do that.” He gestures to the balcony. “Please sit.”
They get settled with coffee, for the first time maintaining a respectful distance between them. It’s oddly hurtful, and the longer they remain apart the more awkward Cas feels. He’s practically shaking out of his own skin when he suggests they go back inside. “You’re tired,” he says. “We should just go back to sleep.”
“Wait, why?” Dean frowns. He has foam on his upper lip. Cas wants to kiss it away.
“You’re not having fun,” he continues. “And this was silly, anyway. We should just—”
“Who says I’m not having fun?”
“C’mon, man, you gotta—” Dean cuts himself off. Shakes his head. “I’m not cut out for this stuff: dates, romance… you gotta know that by now. And I haven’t been with anyone long enough to, y’know, even get to the part where we’re mushy and shit. But… it’s not because I don’t want to. I mean, flowers and chocolate? Not my thing, but you know me, Cas. A-And we’re in love, right?”
Cas swallows thickly. He nods. “I’m in love with you.”
Dean’s huff of laughter is steeped in nerves. “Well, good,” he says. “’Cause I’m kinda crazy about you, too. So—so, why shouldn’t we have a sunrise picnic on the balcony at the fuckin’ Ritz?”
“We should, if you’re enjoying myself.”
“Hell yeah, I’m enjoying myself. Are you?”
“Good. Drink your damn coffee.”
Cas stares at him for a moment before scooting closer. He wraps an arm around Dean and tugs, relaxing when over six feet of freckled hunter is suddenly plastered to his side. “Okay,” Cas breathes. “Good. This is good. I love you.”
“I love you, too, you loser.”
They come together more softly than usual, tentative in a way they haven’t been in a long time as they kiss. Eventually, Dean gets pulled onto Cas’s lap and shrugs out of the top of half of his robe. “Gonna need to work up an appetite to finish all that food,” he murmurs. He ducks down to suck and bite at the spot on Cas’s neck that makes him weak in the knees.
Cas snorts. “Very subtle.”
“So, uh…” Dean bounces his eyebrows like a lecherous old man.
Cas’s stomach growls. “Can we postpone the exhibitionism until after we eat?”
“There’s no one around!”
He’s smiley when Cas kisses him.
“What would you like for breakfast?” Dean opens his mouth and Cas rolls his eyes. “Besides me.”
“That’s mighty presumptuous of you, Castiel.”
Cas narrows his eyes. “I know you.”
It comes out much breathier than probably intended, and Cas can’t be expected not to kiss him. When they drift apart and Dean says, “Little bit of everything?” Cas gets up to make him a plate.
“Man,” Dean sighs, stretching out on the pillows. “This honeymoon thing is awesome.”
Cas hands him a plate piled high with bacon and eggs and pancakes and grins.
It really, truly is.
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fallin-4-ya · 4 years
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Precautionary Purposes
cedric diggory x reader
summary: you and cedric have been best friends for years; but ever since ginny suggested you dip your toes in the dating world, you find your dates becoming more and more horrible with no explaination.
request: please write a fic about a fem hufflepuff reader who’s best friends with Cedric, they both are in love w each other but can’t work up the courage to confess bc they don’t think it’s mutual and it might ruin their friendship. So maybe Ginny tells her she should start going on dates, so George, Dean and other guys ask her on different dates, and Cedric can’t stand it so he finds ways to sabotage their dates.
warnings: mentions vomit once but besides that none!
You finally sat in the Hufflepuff common room after a long day of classes. Excited to catch up on your favorite book, you took a seat on the yellow velvet couch closest to the fireplace. As soon as you were cozy and began reading, a certain distraction entered the common room. Cedric Diggory. The boy you had basically been head over heels in love with since third year. Cedric was everything you could dream about in a guy; he was tall, devilishly handsome, incredibly kind and loyal. On paper he was nothing short of perfect, but there was an itty-bitty problem. He was your absolute best friend and he had no romantic feelings for you whatsoever. So rather than admitting anything, you saved your friendship the trouble and buried your feelings for him deep, deep down. Although they did have a nasty habit of making their way to the surface every once in a while.
‘Hello, Earth to Y/N.’ Said Cedric and pulled you out of your trance.
‘Oh! Hey, Ced. How’s your day been?’ you questioned into his dreamy eyes.
‘Not bad, the Weasley twins played a great prank in-‘ he started, but you lost him somewhere after the Weasley Twins. You couldn’t help yourself but to get distracted by every sense of his being. This boy was going to be the absolute death of you. You had it bad. Really bad.
The next day you headed over to Ginny at breakfast. You slammed your books onto the Gryffindor table and took a seat beside her. She looked you up and down and smiled.
‘Wow, Y/N. You look terrible.’ Ginny said jokingly, ‘Got a case of the Diggory’s do you?’
‘Very funny, Ginny.’ Sarcasm dripping from your tongue.
‘I just don’t understand what you two are waiting for. I mean, he clearly likes you, and you clearly like him, so I’m not seeing the problem.’ She remarked back.
‘Well,’ you said getting frustrated, ‘what do you suppose I do about it, Gin.’
‘If I were you,’ offered Ginny, ‘I’d probably go on a date or two. You know, distract myself, keep my options open.’
‘Keep my options open…’ you pondered aloud, ‘Thanks, Ginny!’
The day following breakfast was very uneventful. Well, at least before Ginny told her brothers about the conversation you two had at breakfast. The next thing you knew after charms, you had a very attractive younger Weasley Twin approach you in the corridors, asking you to accompany him to Hogsmeade tomorrow. You blushed furiously and nodded your head yes.
(‘Like, um, on a date?’ ‘Yes, Y/N, like a date.’)
When you headed to the common room later that evening you were stopped by a rather stern looking Cedric. ‘Hey, Ced. Are you alright?’ you questioned, raising your brow.
‘Why didn’t you tell me you were going on a date with George Weasley?!’ he said.
‘Oh, um, I don’t know. I just didn’t think it was that important. Plus I just assumed you didn’t want to know and-‘
‘What makes you think I didn’t want to know?’ Cedric asked deadpanned. But before you could think of an answer he brushed off, ‘You know what, never mind. I’m sorry I said anything. You two will have a great time. Good night, Y/N.’ And with that he was off, leaving you stood absolutely bewildered in the Hufflepuff common room, wondering why Cedric was so concerned about a silly little date.
The very next day next day you were sitting across from George Weasley in The Three Broomsticks. You had to admit, the afternoon was going so smoothly. George was a wonderful date: he was sweet, funny and kind; but there was one problem, he wasn’t Cedric. And although as much as you wished the cute ginger in front of you could distract you, it was of no use.
However, a loud crash pulled you out of your thoughts; and before you had any time to react, you and George were covered in sticky butterbeer. Madame Rosmerta apologized profusely, ‘Oh my goodness, it's like I tripped on thin air. I’m sorry, my darlings!’
Suddenly you saw a hand reach out and give you a towel, ‘You alright there, Y//N?’ Cedric said revealing himself, ‘We were sitting over there and watched the whole thing happen. Rotten luck, Weasley.’
‘No problem, Diggory. Me and Y/N were just finishing up anyways.’ He smiled sweetly at you and glared at Cedric, ’Why don’t we head back to the castle and get you cleaned up?’
And with that you and George Weasley headed back up to Hogwarts. After much chatter, you both agreed you had a wonderful time but enjoyed each other’s company better as friends. You definitely weren’t upset at the notion, especially considering the very next day Dean Thomas asked you out. Shocked but slightly satisfied, you agreed to take a walk with him by the black lake. You two were really enjoying your time together; Dean was respectful and genuine, which made your heart slightly a flutter. Not the way Cedric did of course, but enough to distract you from the Diggory’s, as Ginny liked to call it.
 Things were going well, and Dean reached out for your hand. However, as soon as he grabbed a hold of your fingertips, dung bombs erupted from his robes filling your nose with the foulest smell. 
‘I’m so sorry, Y/N!  I have no idea how those got there!’ said Dean, rushing back towards the castle. Leaving you with the second failed date of the week.
‘What’s the matter, Y/N?’ Cedric greeted you at  dinner, ‘Dean Thomas didn’t stand you up did he?’
‘Nope, even worse.’ You chuckled, ‘Dung bombs went off in his robes. You know, I’d forgotten how bloody horrible those smelt.’
 Your eyes met his and both of you bust out into hysterical laughter. With tears of joy, and tummies pain stricken from the laughs; you forgot, just for a moment, how easy it was to get lost in him.
Over the next few weeks, Lee Jordan, Ernie MacMillan and Zacharias Smith had all asked you out, each one ending more disastrous than the next. You became quickly frustrated at the pattern emerging. Someone would as you out, something would go horribly wrong and Cedric (out of all people) would be there to comfort you. It was like the whole world was out to get you, and you have had enough.
You huffed your way in the common room one evening, and plopped your way onto the couch. You felt a soft hand on your shoulder. Cedric, you sighed to yourself as he took the seat next to you.
‘Rough day?’ you nodded at him, ‘Want to talk about it?’
You exhaled softly, ‘I don’t even know anymore, Ced. I just feel like the entire world is against me when it comes to the love department. First George and the butterbeer, then Ernie and the swamp in his four poster, then Lee and the rouge bludger, then Zacharias throwing up! And do I even have to mention Dean?! It’s like everything I’m doing is wrong, Cedric. And I can’t help but to feel like it’s all my fault’ You said in all of your frustration.
‘Y/N, darling. Don’t say that, you deserve the absolute world and you know that. Besides, how could it be your fault the Zacharias ate those acid pops-‘ he stopped mid-sentence, catching himself. Your heart dropped and you turned your head slowly. 
‘Cedric, I didn’t mention anything about acid pops.’ You stated bewildered. Cedric stared at the floor, unable to meet his eyes with yours. 
‘How did you know that acid pops made Zacharias sick?’ you questioned him again, but suddenly the pieces clicked together. ‘Cedric, Madam Rosmerta didn’t trip on her own that day at The Three Broomsticks. And the dung bombs weren’t put in Dean’s robes on accident, were they? Oh my God! Cedric Diggory, have you been the one sabotaging my dates!?’
There was so much going through your mind. Why on Earth would Cedric do such a thing, you questioned to yourself. You looked up at his face searching for answers, looking for anything.
‘I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry. I just couldn’t even fathom the idea of you being with someone else because-‘ he hesitated, ‘because I love you.’
You stared at him, in shock; because the boy you have been head over heels for has just told you that he loved you. You had absolutely nothing to say, so instead of saying anything at all you crashed your lips onto his. Cedric melted into you, wrapping is hands onto your waist. You pulled away from him.
‘You know, Cedric, If you would have asked me I would have said yes.’ You smiled at him.
‘This was just for precautionary purposes, you know?’ Cedric laughed.
‘Precautionary purposes?’ you giggled back, ‘Of course, of course.’
He then pulled you into a soft kiss, and with that your case of the Diggory’s was cured.
(‘You should probably apologize to those poor boys.’ ‘Yeah I probably should’)
Author’s note: oh my goodness! i had such a wonderful time writting this! i hope you enjoy it! thank you nonnie for the request! <3
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weasleyswhor3 · 4 years
“I’m jealous, Angel” (George Weasley x reader)
Warnings: Smut
A/N: this is a wee halloween fic as tomorrow is halloween, wrote it rather quickly but hope you all still enjoy my second fic x
Word count: 6.3k
Halloween. The one day a year you could dress up as out there as you like, and no one seems to care, actually you get praised for it. Halloween at Hogwarts was always fun, a huge feast in an appropriately decorated Great Hall, then later on each house would host a not so secret common room party, usually one of the biggest ones throughout the year, everyone went, whether it was there own house or sneaking into a different common room. People planned for months, stocking up firewhisky and even those with muggle family’s sneaking in all different types of drinks. Y/N was sad this was her last Halloween at Hogwarts, having years of fond memories from this time of year.
Giggles and tumbles could be heard from every room in the tower, girls usually tipsy while getting ready, Gabby, my best friend, currently lying in on the floor in fits of tears as she couldn’t stop laughing at something I clearly missed. “Get up Gabs, your gonna ruin your outfit!” I said to her reaching my hand out to help her up, she looked amazing, she went for a cat this year, she has dark smoky makeup on, cute wee cat ears and a gorgeous little black dress. “Tonight’s going to be the night!” she exclaims, myself, and our other two roommates all glance at each other and roll our eyes, replying with a choir of “Sure”, “Whatever you say Gabs!” “About time!”, you see Gabby has had the biggest crush on Dean Thomas since starting back in September, only issue was she never really saw him, being two years apart caused quite a boundary between them too, but Gabby was certain tonight was gonna be the night to cross that boundary. I was excited for her, she hadn’t shown interest in anyone since Oliver Wood left, so it was about time she got back out there.
I stared at myself in my full length mirror, this year I had gone for an Angel, I wore a small white tennis skirt with a simple white cami top that had lace detail over the neckline, I paired it with knee high white stockings and a small pair of silver heels to match my silver wings placed on my back, my hair was curled into loose waves and I opted for subtle makeup with decorative white glitter scattered on my cheekbones. I look quite good. “George is gonna love you tonight, you look hot!” Gabby said as she brought me into into a drunken embrace, I blushed at her words, hoping indeed my boyfriend would enjoy my outfit. I needed more alcohol to catch up with her it seemed, so I grabbed the bottle of firewhiskey from her bed and drank as much as I could in one go, while my friends cheered me on. Soon we could hear the music start down in the Common Room so we planned our strategical late entrance, deciding to wait another half an hour until heading down.
30 minutes passed and we were definitely a lot drunker than before, but regardless we got our heels on and we prepared to make our entrance, feeling myself get slightly insecure looking around my friends, they were the IT girls of our year, every boy dreamed of getting one of them for the night, people would argue I was one too, but I had been happily with George for 3 years now, so I never really saw myself as one, but I didn’t want it any other way, I was so completely in love with George. My insecurities washed away immediately as I walked into the common room, with not even one minute passing before being approached by the 6 foot redhead I was so lucky to call mine, smirk evident on his face he maintains eye contact with me, only once breaking it to glance down at my body, when he was close enough he leaned into my ear and whispered “Holy shit Y/N, what are you wearing?”, without giving me time to respond he grips my cheek and brings my head round to place a soft kiss on my lips, deepening it as I kissed him back, soon it became slightly aggressive in the sexiest way possible as his hands ran over my lower back while my arms were wrapped around his neck. I pulled away, giggling as I muttered his name “George, I only got here, save that for later” I winked up at him, he smiled back down at me, “Can’t help it princess, you look so hot” Guess Gabby was right. George scans your body again, hands roaming down your waist and going to play with the hem of your short skirt, you slap his hand away, leaning up on your tip toes to level beside his ear, whispering “later.” As you walk away backwards you run your small hand down his arm, shooting him another wink and running off to find Gabby.
I find her among a group gathered in the far corner of the common room, noticing Dean was also in this particular group, I let out a soft laugh as I work my way through the group towards her, I poked her side and she wipped her head round, long dark hair almost hitting me in the face, she let out a excited yell as she pulled me into another drunken embrace, but only this time, way drunker than before, I look around the circle laughing “What the hell did you give her to drink?”, much to my surprise, Dean returns my laugh and states “I’m not quite sure actually, someone gave some to me and It tasted good so I got her some” Dean got her a drink. I laughed again, returning my gaze to her as she had a smirk on her face knowing exactly what I was thinking. Conversation began flowing as the night carried on, me and Gabby continually taking over the dance floor, probably making absolute fools of ourselves but we were having fun, that’s all that mattered. Little did I know, a certain someone watching me was not having as much fun, George was getting impatient, I had hardly spend anytime with him all night, too caught up in my best friends new conquest.
While myself and Gabby were over at the table getting ourselves a drink that we definitely didn’t need, Dean approached her, I watched out the corner of my eye as his hand gently rested on her hip as he whispered something in her ear, I couldn’t hear it but when he grabber her hand and they began to walk away, not before Gabby turned her head back in my direction giving me a wink. I got the idea. Excitedly I scan the room, looking for someone to express my happiness too, my eyes landed on my boyfriend, who was already staring at me, with a bored expression on his face while sat with his friends. I ran over to him , throwing myself on his lap, “Did you JUST see what happened!” I whisper-shouted, he responded with a raise of his eyebrows and a small nod, this reaction making me frown, “What’s wrong gorgeous?” I asked while cupping his face before running my hands through his hair, I noticed his mood lighten slightly at this small sign of affection but still remaining silent for a few moments before making eye contact with me, “I haven’t seen you all night Y/N, you ran off and have left me all night to watch you from across the room, running around in that short wee skirt, downing drink after drink as every boy who caught sight of you drooled over your gorgeous legs and perky bum peeking out every time you jumped about with gabby, it’s not fair Y/N, it’s torturing me!” as soon as he finishes he lifts you off his lap and walks towards the boys dorms, leaving you standing their speechless and slightly confused, you never meant to upset him, or make him jealous, you were just having a good time with your best friend.
Your shook from your thoughts as you feel an arm wrap around your shoulder, looking up to see Fred giving you a sympathetic smile, nodding towards the stairs your boyfriend just disappeared up, “You should follow him Y/N, been in a fowl mood all night, couldn’t handle seeing you being watched by so many boys, go remind him that your all his,” he says, dropping you a wink and pushing you slightly towards the stairs, you return a small smile and a grateful nod as you run up after your boyfriend. Standing now outside his dorm room door, you knock once before walking in anyway, and there he is, shirt now discarded on the floor while he sits at the edge of his bed with his hands in his head. He knew it was you. You walk over to him, standing in front of him as you reach your hands to play with his hair, he lifts his head to look at your face, sorry written all over it. You take a seat beside George, his eyes following you, it’s your turn to look down at the floor, “I’m sorry Georgie, I should of noticed how little I was around you tonight, I was too caught up in Gabbys night I forgot about our night, it was silly of me.” You were now looking into his brown eyes, giving him a small smile in hope he would accept your apology, “I’m being selfish Y/N, i’m always selfish, I want you all to myself, I hate seeing other boys look at you the way I do, I don’t blame them but I doesn’t stop me wanting to smash their faces in,” You can’t help but let a giggle slip from your lips, he also lets a small smile shine through before continuing, “You are so unbelievable Y/N, I know what they all think of you, how much they would want to see your perfect body and beautiful face below them, your soft lips all over them, ugh- i feel sick thinking about it...I’m jealous, Angel”
Your heart broke hearing George get so worked up over other boys, your mind blown at the fact he could ever believe you wanted anyone that wasn’t him. You grab his face, bringing him in for a kiss that was full of so much passion and promise, his hand finding itself a spot on your stomach which his finger tips ghosting your waist, you pull away, keeping your hands on his face, “George I don’t want anyone else, i’m all yours baby, forever, your it for me. I don’t care how many boys look at me or what they think about me, I only care about you. Don’t be jealous, please, they all know they could never be you, and you should know, even when i’m not showing you, you have all of me, all of it.” Slowly you swing yourself over, now straddling his lap, caressing his face with your thumbs on each cheek, “I love you Y/N” George says before taking control, bringing you back in for a kiss, which soon turned into a make-out, his hands proudly grabbing your bum as your wrap your arms around his neck, playing and tugging the hair at the nape of his neck. You knew this was George’s weakness so when he let out a deep groan into the kiss you knew this was going where you wanted it to.
Suddenly you were lifted and slammed into the mattress you were sitting on moments ago, his hands not once leaving their position on your bum, or breaking the kiss, “George,” you moan into the kiss as you can feel is hardening member against your core, sex with George always excited you, no matter how long you had been together. Breaking apart for air, he inches towards your ear, “You look so hot, my dirty wee girl dressed up all innocent and angelic, you drive me crazy Y/N, fucking crazy” -” Show me how crazy” you reply sharply, knowing how much challenging him turns him on. His eyes darken while you look up at him with big soft eyes, trying to look as innocent as possible. Something in him snaps, “Stand up. Strip. Keep the skirt and stockings on.” You jump up, starting with your heels, while he sat on the edge of the bed watching you, next the wings, the top, the white bralet and lastly your panties, throwing them at him as you giggle, he catches them with one hand, placing them down beside his legs, he sucks in a breath before ushering you to stand between his legs, as soon as you are in touching distance his hands are at the back of your thighs, rubbing the soft skin, he leans forward taking one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive skin, causing you to let out a whine, his hand running up your thigh under your skirt, delivering a loud smack to your cheek, jolting forward, George mutters “Louder princess, let all them boys know who you belong to,” and with that he repeats his assault on your nipple but now both hands squeezing your behind, you completely fall into a state of bliss and release a loud high pitched moan, “That’s more like it” George smirks, proud of how easily he gets you worked up, grabbing you waist, he pulls you down to the bed before moving back on top of your half naked body.
George couldn’t lie, you did look quite angelic laying there waiting for his next move, looking up at him as if he put the stars in the sky, he was so in love with you.
His thoughts interrupted as he catches one of your hands run over your chest, and the other move down towards your clit, you begin to play with your nipple while rubbing circles over you now dripping pussy, George is in awe, those angelic thoughts being erased as he watches his girlfriend throw her head back into his mattress as she pleasures herself, he could feel himself growing hot and definitely harder, hearing her soft moans, he knew if he didn’t stop her now he wouldn't at all. Grabbing your wrist, halting your actions, opening your eyes to give him that same soft innocent look, he brings his hand up around her neck, chocking her gently, “Stop acting so fucking innocent, stop acting like you aren’t my wee slut, can’t even wait for me to touch you, need to do it yourself, dirty, dirty girl,” his words cause you to moan out, “George, I want your cock, please, I need you!”, rutting your hips up to brush against his. As if he needed anymore than that, he quickly undoes his trousers, pulling them down his legs, throwing them into the pile of clothes you had created, he kneels on the floor beside his bed, grabbing you from being your stocking covered knees, pulling you towards him so your core was right in front of his face, he glances up at you, shooting you a wink before his head disappeared under your skirt. Feeling his tongue flick up and down your burning heat turned you into a moaning mess, his name slipping from your dirty mouth egged George on, flattening his tongue against your clit as he licks a slip slowly up, placing a kiss on the soft shaven skin before surprising you by slipping his tongue into your hole, repeating this action until your hands run through his hair, tugging at it, he moans into your core, causing you to grab a fistful of his ginger locks. He lifts his head from under your skirt, catching your view as he brings his thumb up to wipe is lower lip and chin, not once looking away, he smirks and brings his thumb to his mouth and sucks all the access off, your breath hitches in your throat and he lets out a chuckle as he stands up and begins to take off his boxers, your excitement growing in your stomach.
His dick, standing thick against his stomach, tip red with neglect, but George didn’t mind, as long as his girl was satisfied, “You want it angel, you want my cock?” he says as he leans back onto the bed, you whine “Yes George, want your big cock, please.” He leans down placing a surprisingly gentle kiss on you lips, admiring your blushed cheeks as he grabs the hem on your skirt, moving it up around your waist. Breaking the kiss, leaning his forehead against yours, he slowly inch by inch presses his dick into your entrance, both of you unable to control your moans, the room becomes filled with panting, whines, moans and mutters of each others names as his pace increases, your hands digging into his shoulders and his hand firmly on your waist, keeping your tiny body in his control. “So fucking wet Y/N, so perfect” George grunts before catching your lips with his, causing a very messy make-out between the two of you, “I’m gonna cum Georgie!” you say catching your breath again, “Me too princess, come with me.” You let go and released around his thick cock, the warm wetness sending George over the edge as he fills you with his cum, collapsing on top of you, before removing his dick he kisses you, “I love you so much Y/N”, you return the kiss, smiling up at him, “I love you too gorgeous.” Removing himself from you he stands up, you following him by siting up on the edge of the bed, scared your legs will fail you. George reaches to the back of your skirt, undoing the zip, you catch the memo and lie back down, raising your hips so he can remove the skirt from your body, throwing it down before going back for your stockings, them also joining the pile of clothes. Now both completely naked, he picks you up, taking you to the attached bathroom and setting you down on the counter, both feeling no need to talk, he begins to remove your makeup, kissing you when hes finished, finding a towel he soaks it with harm water, cleaning up the mess now dripping down your thighs, kissing the soft skin like before when hes done. Picking you back up he carries you to bed, setting you down, leaving space for himself to crawl in after you.
He pulls your naked body into his and kisses your forehead, “I’m yours forever Y/N too, that’s if you want to keep me,”  George says, without looking at him you knew he was smiling, lifting your head to look at him, “Forever Georgie,” 
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Chapter 2 | | Lamplights and Lonesome Bridge
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warnings; mention of assault (being bullied)
word count; 3k
Tapping the end of her pen on her bottom lip, Zuli took a moment to close her eyes and breathe in the fresh air. She sat cross-legged upon her burnt orange blanket on a grassy square outside the Astronomy and Astrophysics building, writing pages and more pages for her thesis.
The transference of energy in the universe and its inability to be created.
So far she’d handwritten sixteen pages, the words just flowing from her mind but now she’d hit a wall. Slowly laying down onto her back, Zuli looked up at the sky. How could it hold so much space? Matter, particles, chemicals, stars, meteors, planets. And yet all she could see was clouds; aerosols consisting of liquid particles and crystals. The sky is just plain azure; like a door hiding so much beyond it. A crisp orange and brown leaf swivelled down from a nearby branch, landing only centimetres from her head.
She was truly fascinated by everything the world and the galaxies had to offer, intrigued by discovery; obsessed with learning. Letting out a deep exhale and closing her eyes, she almost began to drift off; her brain realising it needed a few minutes to reboot and recover. But a ruckus of sarcastic laughter and shouting stirred her from her relaxation.
Sitting up and shielding her eyes from the glowing sun, Zuli looked around to see where the noise was coming from. Sight finally following Sound, her stomach dropped as she noticed what was happening.
All too familiar she recognised five grown seniors underneath the arches by the Mathematics classrooms surrounding somebody, whoever it was being thrown around like a rag doll. Passed between each student, they were being shoved, hit, laughed at and verbally abused. While she knew she could be quite assertive and intimidating, that really only applied to people her age or younger. Seniors were different.
Continuing to watch at the same time as keeping an eye out to see if any staff were walking past.
“Ha ha, won’t be able to read your sappy love letters without these huh?” One older guy shouted, holding up a pair of clear framed glasses. Oh no. Her heart sank. Something began tingling in her stomach, flowing through to her feet and her arms and hands; she grew angry, scared, overwhelmed.
Collecting her textbooks and notepad, Zuli stood up and marched straight over to the group of boys. Adrenaline and dopamine worked evilly beside each other, triggering Zuli’s instincts of fight or flight; both of them somehow coming into play.
“If you don’t leave him the heck alone, I’ll report you to the dean of the CARE team. I know you. You,” Zuli addressed two of the group, “are from Chemistry. You others are from Mathematics. It’s not a threat, it’s a promise. Back off.” She spoke with such a seething tone to her voice, regardless of her being a small 15 year old kid; the boys listened, gathering their things and jogging off in a different direction.
“Spencer?” Zuli’s tone changed immediately, as she whispered to the boy curled up on the floor clutching his bag. His glasses were thrown just a bit away from him so Zuli picked them up, wiped the lenses with the hem of her sweater and handed them back to Spencer. He snatched them, scrambling to get himself together and stood up.
“It’s a silly question, but are you alri-“ Zuli couldn’t even finish the sentence before Spencer ran off, the back of him becoming a small shape as he got further and further away.
Shrugging her own backpack on her shoulders properly and adjusting her own glasses on the bridge of her nose, she tried to tell her brain not to take it personally. She probably wouldn’t want to talk to anybody after being exploited like that in public.
As she took a step forward to follow him, her foot nudged against something thick on the floor. A book covered in tight lavender coloured woven cloth lay on the floor, as if discarded like trash. Picking it up to observe, she noticed it had S.R embroidered down the spine. Holding it to her chest, she looked up to see if Spencer was still visible.
Watching as he became a little dot in the distance, she watched as he stopped underneath a junction of trees. Go left. Go left Spencer. He looked to his right before running off to the left and Zuli sighed with solace.
The sunshine and clear sky was quickly a thing of the past as the weather turned into what should be expected of the fall; darkness creeping in early, and light raindrops hitting the ground. And as Zuli creaked open the recognisable doors to the library, it was the rain against the windows that made the soft sound of sniffling even more melancholic.
Following the soft sniffles to where she hoped in foresight Spencer would be, she sighed at the confirmation. Curled up in one of the big leather armchairs in what they’d both christened as ‘their’ corner of the room, Spencer had his knees tucked into his chest and his head tucked into his knees.
Arms wrapped tightly around his legs, he squeezed himself tighter at the sound of soft footsteps creeping toward him. He wanted to be alone. He didn’t want to speak to a dean or a librarian or another student.
But as he peeked underneath his elbow and saw Zuli’s maroon Doc Martens standing by the chair, he lifted his whole head to see her smiling down at him.
“Hey you.” She spoke, for the first time, truly gently.
“Hi.” Spencer sniffed hard, clearing his throat and wiping his eyes with his sweater sleeve and trying to sit up properly.
“You don’t have to get up for me Spencer, I’ll sit over there,” Even though her instinct was telling her to give him a huge hug, she knew he wouldn’t want it, “I think this is yours though.”
Holding out the mysterious book, Spencer’s eyes widened and he let out a breathy chuckle of disbelief.
“I thought they took it,” You shook your head as he took it timidly from your hands, “It was a birthday gift.”
“Wait. Did I miss your birthday?” Zuli asked, eyes widening and mouth open in surprise. Had she been so caught up in her thesis she didn’t notice her own friend’s birthday? As her brain attempted to figure out his birthday, he spoke.
“It’s today.”
“What? Why didn't you say anything?” Zuli supposed also, how hadn’t she noticed from the years before? She would’ve got him gifts, made him some cupcakes, anything.
Spencer shifted in his seat a little, fingernails stretching at a loose bit of cotton on his pants. He was evidently uncomfortable, for reasons that Zuli didn’t know and didn’t want to press on. Looking over Spencer’s shoulder at something happening outside in the hall, Zuli let out a little giggle.
Joining her in looking, Spencer too giggled at the sight of some students carrying a range of pumpkins and running down the hall with them.
A tradition they’d both learned takes place every Halloween at Caltech; students dropping pumpkins from the 9 floors up, watching them smash into tiny pieces at the bottom. It was one of the first things that Zuli and Spencer had done together besides study, laughing at the atmosphere of excitement and madness as the pumpkins shattered on the ground.
Zuli had picked miniscule bits of pumpkin out of Spencer’s hair for hours after.
“Shall we go watch?” She asked, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose and holding onto her bag straps, “It might make you feel a little better.”
Spencer smiled at the doorway before turning to look at Zuli, overwhelmed by her kind soft voice; also wanting both to feel better and see the tradition.
“Let’s go.” Spencer stood up, brushing down his pants and running his hands over his face, removing evidence of his upset minutes ago.
As they both walked towards the doors, Zuli nudged Spencer’s shoulder with her own; getting a little chuckle out of him. Reaching down to turn the doorknob, Zuli leant her full body weight on the door to push it open.
But it wouldn’t. Jiggling the door handle over and over, the realisation creeped in that it wasn’t going to budge. Turning to Spencer, she let out a splutter of anxious giggles, his eyes wide however returning the same laughs.
“Well, looks like we’ve been locked in.” Spencer said, attempting to look through the glass and down the hall in case anyone was still walking around. He knew that everybody would be outside watching the pumpkins, but surely they would’ve seen them both in there.
Looking over to the corner they were sat in, he realised that the chairs were tucked in a corner behind some bookshelves, out of sight from the entrance door. Brilliant.
“Let’s just use the desk phone and call the caretaker or somebody?” Zuli suggested, pulling out her planner from her backpack and heading over to the phone sitting on top of the librarians desk. She’d taken all the emergency numbers of staff and authorities down in case anything ever happened. Preparedness was a relatively strong suit for her.
Spencer paced around the front of the desk as Zuli tried different numbers, stopping only when she began talking to somebody. It wasn’t that he was worried about anything, he adored the library; however he was exhausted and wanted to go to bed. Spending his birthday trapped in a library almost sounded fun, and it was only counting on the fact that Zuli would keep him entertained and busy.
“Okay, that’s fine. No it’s not that bad actually. See you soon. Thank you sir. Bye.” Zuli sighed as she put the phone down, hopping down from where she was sitting on the desk, “They’re sending a caretaker out to come and unlock the doors, but they won’t be for another two to three hours because of the rain.”
“I suppose that’s significantly better than staying here until 7 tomorrow morning.”
“The lady asked if it was cold in here, because the heating turns off at six-ish, buuuuut-“ Zuli unzipped her backpack and pulled out the blanket she was sitting on earlier, “I came prepared. Oh my god! I have an idea!”
Spencer just smiled and pulled his bag strap back over his head, settling it down on a nearby chair as he watched his hyperactive friend begin to push one of the leather chairs forward. He had no idea what she was doing, but whatever it would be he was going to just leave her to it.
*********************************************************“Is your neck hurting too?”
“Yeah. I completely misjudged the size of the blanket, and the distance between the chairs.”
They were both crouched underneath Zuli’s blanket that she had draped over the backs of two chairs; attempting to make a small fort in which they could hide from the cold threatening to creep in. But the blanket was only a small kind of throw, the chairs were absolutely huge and she and Spencer were squeezed so close together they might as well have been fused.
“I’ve got shoulder cramp, how is that even possible?” Zuli chuckled, rolling both shoulders back and wincing. The sudden movement tugged on a part of the blanket dipped behind them, and it soon fell to cover them entirely.
“If a muscle is overused or held in an awkward position over a long period of time, it can spasm. While only temporary, it seems like yours would be in the trapezius muscle, so before it entirely locks up I’d recommend a few stretches.” Spencer spoke, voice muffled by the blanket covering his head.
Bursting out into laughter, Zuli pushed the blanket back off of their heads, letting it sit around their shoulders. Rolling her head around in semi-circles, she sighed as the pain began to drift away. She knew it wasn’t just the way she was sitting, her posture had grown awful. Constantly hunched over books, or telescopes, she barely had time to stand or sit straight.
“Spencer…” Zuli mumbled, her voice coming out in the same way a person would sneak down the hall to the fridge at midnight.
“May I ask what was so important about your book? Is it a first edition?”
Spencer smiled sadly as he reached for it, the spine poking out of his bag. If only he just told her everything with his mom; she wouldn’t have to ask these things and he wouldn’t have to answer them. He knew she would be kind and considerate - that’s just her in general - but he felt like it was too much to offload to somebody else. He didn’t want a pity party, he didn’t need one. But at the same time, if there was somebody to understand a tiny part of his struggle, it could make it easier. He wasn’t sure what was harder. So he calculated the simplest, vaguest answer possible, so as not to attract any further questions.
“It was a gift from somebody special. My favourite poems, mostly romantic, sonnets etcetera. Those seniors thought it was funny so used their own insecurities to lash out.”
There was a sadness behind his words, Zuli knew he wasn’t saying everything but trusted him enough to know if he wanted to share, he could. Deflecting slightly, her brain held on to the words ‘somebody special’ and ‘romantic’. No, it wouldn’t be something like that, he’d tell her. Surely?
“I feel like I can hear your thoughts, Zuli.” Spencer snapped her out of her thinking, eyebrows furrowed with intrigue, “It’s not what you think at all.”
“No, oh my god, it’s fine, I was just thinking that's all. I want you to feel like you can talk to me if you need to, but also you don’t have to, I just can see that you’re upset by something and I’m here if you-“
“It’s from my mom. She’s um…she’s not well. But she remembered my birthday and sent it to me. I read hundreds of books, but this one means the world to me.”
Zuli watched him with intense eyes. She felt full of adoration, sadness, love and contentment for Spencer. She could see he was hurting, but the lavender book gripped tightly in his fingers clearly brought him fondness. Spencer looked up at Zuli to see why he got no response, to find her smiling with enamour. Two lamplights on the table next to them cast a tuscan glow over the two of them, and he suddenly felt overwhelmingly warm.
“Do you know what?” Zuli sat up quickly, keeping the mood from dipping down and switching it to popping up, “I have something that makes me feel like that.”
Reaching into her own knapsack, she pulled out a medium sized leather book and handed it over to Spencer.
“You can look inside if you want.”
Spencer ran his fingers over the carved outline of a tree on the cover, the flat grain of the leather smooth and cool underneath his fingertips. It was beautifully made, and he could tell from the feel of the leather bindings and the smoothness of the handmade paper. He laid it down in between them both, gesturing for Zuli to open it herself.
She excitedly unravelled the leather strips wound round the outside and opened it up to her cover page. Written in magnificent calligraphy the words;
My Dream Adventures
lazuli aged 6
“It was a gift from my mom too. I’ve written a lot of hopes and dreams here, some of which I’ve achieved and some I’m yet to. She used to say to me that ‘adventure is out there.’” Zuli articulated, flipping the first few pages and pointing at different coloured writings.
“Own a lemonade stand and make fifty dollars.”
“Achieved,” Zuli spoke proudly, “age eleven. Made ninety dollars and bought this new backpack.”
Spencer laughed with true merriment before going back to some of the other scribbles.
“Keep bees and sell my own honey.”
“Yet to.”
“Quite the businesswoman it seems, Zuli.” Spencer giggled at her straightforwardness. Zuli’s smile was wider than the Amazon river, her passion and true self coming out as she expressed herself through her past stories.
“This one looks cool, I like your artwork. To fly a house to Lonesome Bridge and live there forever. Where's the Lonesome Bridge?” Spencer asked, trying to rack his brain and think where this ideal living space was.
“It’s in Utah. I love how you don’t care about how I get there, just where I’m going.” Zuli smiled, looking down at the drawing she’d made as a young kid, a white wooden house with multicoloured balloons poking out of its chimney.
“Not to crush your dreams but how do you expect to fly a house. If I’m not mistaken, Utah is at least six hundred and seventy miles…” Spencer’s voice trailed off as a dark frown dropped over Zuli’s face.
It was replaced with a burst of laughter and an excited flap of Zuli’s hands. “Okay so, I estimated that my dream house would be roughly around one hundred thousand pounds in weight, and if I used balloons that were around six feet in diameter, I’d only need, oh what was it..” She hurried to flip to the next page, covered in scribbles of calculations and more drawings of coloured balloons across the page, “Ah! Thirteen thousand, two hundred and eight balloons.”
Spencer watched as she smiled down at her drawings, continuing to explain how the impossible was actually possible. Although he definitely didn’t have a life threatening disease in which this was a symptom, he felt as if his heart was swelling. Unfamiliar with this feeling, he should’ve been uncomfortable but he couldn’t feel more at ease and peace as he did then.
Zuli felt the same unknowingly to him, her heart pouring out of her mouth within her words as she unravelled her future and shared it all with Spencer. She hoped deep, deep, deep down inside that he would stick around and see these wonderful things with her.
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sortasirius · 5 years
“Last Call” and Canon Bi Dean
This is going to be very long, very rambly, and very emotional.
Really though, I had high expectations going into this, and quite honestly?  Jeremy Adams blew me away.
This episode is about Dean’s growth, it’s about who he was to Lee, and who he is now, about overcoming his own desire to just stop caring and keep on fighting for the innocent.  But most importantly to me?  This episode canonized bi Dean.
So let’s just get right into it, we know from the beginning that we’re meeting Lee, Dean’s old friend that Sam doesn’t really know or isn’t really close with, but the way Dean leaves?  He doesn’t want to bring down the mood of Sam and Eileen in his post breakup depression funk?  Good grief.
The bar is cool and right up Dean’s alley, and right out of the gate we get the promo scene with the waitress that we were all wigging out about.  And my hunch was right, Dean just kinda rolls right by, which man, Dean from season 1?  Hell no.  She’s just his type, clearly into him, and yet, Dean’s world literally falls away when he sees Lee Webb singing onstage.
You can’t really do justice to the way with words to the way that Dean looks when he sees Lee and realizes who he is, Jensen and Christian have so much NUANCE in their scenes together, and the history behind them is palpable, even though we don’t know the extent of it.  And Lee is just the same way, looking Dean up and down and “Dean Winchester,” just to hammer home that something is going on here and we should not ignore it.
“You got time?”  “Always.”  Bruh. There are so many details that we can pick up on about them, their relationship, who they were to each other.  Even Dean’s little “you sound good,” come on guys, what the fuck?
That’s another thing: why don’t we know the history?  Why do they shy away from talking about why they split apart?  Dean is clearly upset when Lee mentions Arizona, what happened?  Why did John and Dean never mention Lee? And obviously Lee knows John, hell he seems more sorry than Dean does that John’s dead, but then again, the Dean that Lee remembers idolized John, so that’s definitely a big change for Lee, because Dean clearly doesn’t idolize John anymore.
I just want to hear about everything that’s mentioned in the episode in more detail: Lee and Dean went hunting together, presumably alone, since John caught them drunk on a hunt.  What went on?  I think we know. How often did they hunt together? How long had they known each other? D E T A I L S please Jeremy Adams!!!
“I don’t think I have seen you since Sammy was in college.”
“I mean, hell, I thought you were-”
Also Lee does this little teasing laugh and everything about them is soft and my chest hurts.
“I mean, that’s usually how this ends, isn’t it?”
And what I want to talk about here is Lee’s reaction, because he doesn’t shrug and do the usual “so it goes” that so many hunters do, he looks at Dean, like really looks at him, he sighs and says a simple “yeah” with this look that’s so soft and so full of something and Dean looks away (doing his eye motion thing he does with Cas) and Lee breaks contact too and looks down and smiles and oh my god.  I told yall this was going to be rambly but I didn’t draw breath while typing that lmao.
I wanna know about the Arizona thing, I want to know why it made Dean uncomfortable when Lee mentioned it, and I want to know why it’s glossed over.  These two were like best friends, you can tell, and for them to just stop talking?  Hm.
They swap tales, talking about the triplets that they “split em up fair and square” even though that’s not possible and they had an orgy obviously.  Dean has this look with the waitress again and you can tell he appreciates it but like?  That’s the end of it?  In the next scene she’s gone and it’s just Lee and Dean talking, Dean making Lee laugh and enjoying it, it’s just so...romantic?
And even though, the second that Lee doesn’t recognize someone he should puts all of us, as the audience on alert, it doesn’t even cross Dean’s mind that Lee is doing something wrong, it’s not even on his radar.
“There’s nothing you can’t have, man.”
“Then who’s gonna kill the bad guys?”
“Somebody else.”
And Dean looks away, because it’s clear what Lee is asking.  He’s asking for Dean to stay.
When Lee starts up the band, I was just struck by how much they look at each other, getting in each other’s space, Lee leaning forward, Dean watching him walk away.  Guys.  This happened in front of our faces on screen.
“Can’t sit around lip syncing ‘Eye of the Tiger’ when no one’s watching.”
This is a callback to the ghost sickness episode, but also an intimate moment that no one gets to see of Dean.  Sam catches him in the act of it on that episode, so how does Lee know he does this?
And then, let’s get to the singing.  Dean’s always postured to Sam that he can’t sing (which we all know Jensen has the voice of an angel) and the buildup to him actually singing was so beautiful, because Lee knows he can, he teases him with the “Eye of the Tiger” thing, winks at him, keeps trying to pull him onstage, stands there and bites his lip when Dean’s singing.  I mean.  I’m at a loss to what else you would think about them, it’s just plain as day: they were together.
The whole thing is just so playful, and we never see playful like this from Dean.  It’s flirty and funny and sweet and just such a nice change of pace, so good for Dean to be with someone that clearly wants to be with him, who he has history with (amidst the divorce he’s currently in w Cas).  Even when they sing together they can’t keep their eyes off of each other and the whole thing is honestly too much it’s so fanfic-y and I can’t handle it.
And then, the big thing, Lee slaps Dean’s ass in the middle of the song, and Dean doesn’t blush, he doesn’t stand up straighter like that’s weird or wrong, he grins this huge amazing beautiful grin and says “you son of a bitch.” What else are we looking for here?  He’s bi.  He’s bi.  With the lighting behind him and the bar named Swayze’s and Lee staring holes through him, we finally saw onscreen, canonical proof that he’s bi.  Sure, it’s been hella subtextual before, but this is text, and no one can ignore it.
At the end of the song, one of Lee’s hands is gripping Dean’s shoulder, and Dean’s arm is around Lee’s waist??????????  Help??????
They round it all out with kicking some gross guys out of Lee’s bar, and Lee stares at Dean and says “still got it.” I mean....I’m running out of ways to say the same thing over and over.
“Best friend’s don’t just leave without saying goodbye.”
“They do if they deserve it.”
Hmmmmmmmm, something to think about with these lines.
“Look, I don’t know what’s going on okay, but this is not you.”
Compare that with:
“Cas, this isn’t you, this isn’t you.”
Cool.  Fine.  I want to die.
Lee became the monster because he thought there was no point in being a good person anymore.  You can’t stave them off so you might as well “have a little fun.”  Which I think is interesting because of how apathetic and hopeless Dean’s been since Chuck, since Jack, since Mary, since Rowena, but when it comes down to it, he’s always going to care, which is why we love him.
But what I really want to talk about is the way Dean’s face twists when Lee touches him, he turns his head away, his face contorts, like he wanted Lee to touch him, but not like this.  We’ve seen Dean’s heart break so much in this show, he’s lost so much and so many, but this is something so different.  It’s not only betrayal, or a realization that he has to kill Lee, it’s the loss of what he had with Lee, what he felt for him.  It hurts to watch as an audience member, and I can’t imagine how it is for Dean.
Dean’s voice also breaks when he tries to call Lee back, in case you still had any tears left to cry.
The gunfight is intense, but not nearly as intense as what’s coming.
“I don’t know you.”
“You don’t Dean?  I am you.  I’m just you that woke up and saw that the world was broken.”
“Then you fix it.  You don’t walk away, you fight for it!”
No double meanings in this episode are there?  Perhaps this is a little bit of what happened between them all those years ago bubbling to the surface?
And then we get one of the best fight scenes in the show, and you know when Dean gets that cue stick, that it’s game over for Lee, but what I wasn’t expecting is the sheer heartbreak on Dean’s face.  They both look down at the wound, like they’re both surprised, and Lee holds Dean, he fucking holds him, and this fucking piano music plays when Lee says “okay” and drops to the floor, and Dean leans against the pool table because fuck, how much more can he lose?
And because not even THAT is enough, ten seconds of divorced Destiel distress?  Where Dean clearly wants to talk to Cas but Cas is still giving him the cold shoulder and it breaks Dean’s heart but he doesn’t know how to fix it????
There’s just so much to unpack here, the show is teaching us new things about Sam and Dean and Cas all the time, and yet I feel like I really know Dean know, I;ve seen a little bit of him that I had never seen before, and I’m just grateful. I’m grateful for Dean, grateful for these writers, grateful for his growth.  I’m grateful for the angst and the happiness he had with Lee, however fleeting, and I’m grateful that I get to leave this episode with the fact that Dean is oncreen bi.  Sure, it can be up to interpretation, he didn’t come out and say it, but that’s because he didn’t have to.  Lee knew, so we knew, and that was all that mattered.
This silly, weird show is important to me for so many reasons, (clearly, since I talk about it all the damn time), but Dean especially is so important to me, I see so much of myself in him, and him being allowed to be him, without some grand coming out scene is even better than I could have ever hoped for.  So thank you, Jeremy Adams, for giving us bi Dean, and one of my absolute all time favorite episodes in the show.
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sbtlns · 4 years
Home, part six
Warnings: fight scene, angst, nsfw scene
A/N: hehe cliff hanger >:) 
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Part one | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
 Castiel quickly walked out of the kitchen and climbed the stairs to his room, careful to turn his body out of your sight. Once he reached the comfort of his room, he sat down on his bed and pulled his phone out. He really didn’t want to call Dean and ask for help, but he really had no idea what he was doing. Sighing to himself, he reluctantly dialed Dean’s number. “Cas, buddy, how are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did Y/N find you? Where-” 
“Dean.” Castiel’s gruff voice cut off the older Winchester through the phone. He sighed before continuing, trying to be patient. “I am well, Y/N found me, we are at her old house,” he answered quickly. He heard the brother let out a sigh of relief. “That’s good to hear man. How are things? Everything alright?” Dean continued to bombard him with questions. “Actually,” Castiel began before sighing again. “I have a bit of a...predicament,” he said vaguely. “...What kind of predicament?” Dean questioned. “My vessel...it appears to be..malfunctioning,” Castiel explained slowly. A moment passed as understanding washed over Dean. “And is this...predicament...in the downstairs region?” Dean asked, holding back a fit of laughter. “...Perhaps,” Castiel answered hesitantly. Dean couldn’t hold back the laughter any longer and Castiel rolled his eyes, annoyed at the lack of help being offered from his friend. “I’m..I’m sorry man...” Dean apologized between laughs. “Dean this isn’t funny,” Castiel scolded into the phone. “I made a fool of myself in front of Y/N. I hope I haven’t offended her..” he trailed off, voice becoming softer at the thought of offending you. “Cas, trust me buddy, you did not offend Y/N,” Dean said, clutching his side and breathing deeply, trying to recover from his laughing fit. “All right, bud, this is what you’re gonna do.” 
After you watched Cas awkwardly shuffle up the stairs, you decided to start on breakfast. You were craving eggs and toast, and you hoped that would be okay with Castiel. You fruitlessly tried not to think about his current state upstairs, but to no avail. You imagined how beautiful he would look in all his glory, head lolled against his shoulders. You fought the urge to run upstairs as you pictured his mouth slightly parted and eyes closed in pleasure. The soft moans he would make as he touched himself.....Get a grip, Y/N! You shook your head rid of your fantasy and pulled your attention back to the eggs you were frying up, ignoring the ache in your core and damp spot in your panties. 
You placed an egg, slice of toast, and some cut fruit on a plate for Castiel when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. You placed his plate in front of his chair before turning around to greet the former angel. He had tried to make himself presentable; he had changed into jeans and an old tshirt of Dean’s, but the glow in his cheeks and his unusual relaxed state gave him away. “Better?” you smiled gently at him. His cheeks reddened and he gave you a tight lipped smile in confirmation before averting his eyes from yours. “I um, made some breakfast,” you said, gesturing to his plate on the table and sitting down. He nodded and muttered his thanks, still not looking you in the eye. Part of you enjoyed how flustered he was around you, but eventually you decided to throw him a bone. 
“So Cas,” you began, pushing a piece of egg around your plate with your fork. Cas briefly raised his head to look at your before looking back down at his plate. “How do you feel about going shopping with me today? We need to get you some clothes and I need some new jeans,” you said, looking up at him. He relaxed his tensed shoulders, relieved to be talking about something other than his..predicament..from this morning. “I would like that very much,” he said, smiling and looking up to meet you gaze. You stared back into his ocean eyes, allowing yourself to get lost in them for a moment. Castiel was the first one to break the silence. “This breakfast was lovely, thank you, Y/N,” he said looking down at his empty plate. You laughed as you stood up taking both of your plates, “it’s just eggs and toast, Cas,” you said, making your way to the sink. Castiel smiled to himself. Yes, but it’s your eggs and toast, he thought to himself. 
You went back upstairs to get ready for the day, stopping in the mirror to fix your hair. You slipped off your sleep shirt and put on a bralette before rummaging through your drawer for the shirt you wanted. Suddenly you heard Castiel’s voice along with your door creaking open. “Y/N I was w-” he cut himself off. You stood in shock just staring at the intruder. His eyes widened as he realized his mistake. You stood in front of him in nothing but panties and a bralette. He desperately searched for something to say-anything-but was rendered speechless. He couldn’t help his eyes wander to roam up and down your body, taking in every detail. “Cas!” you squeaked, trying to cover yourself up. He snapped out of it and took the hint, and practically tripped over his feet leaving the room. You stood there for a few minutes after he had left trying to regain your composure. You got dressed and took a deep breath before walking down the stairs. Castiel heard you coming down and immediately shot off the couch toward the bottom of the staircase. 
“Y/N I apologize it was not my intention to.. see you, I entered the room to-” “Cas,” you interrupted him, feigning anger, but soon broke when you saw his pleading puppy eyes and the way he held his hands clasped together by his chest. You giggled before saying, “it’s okay, just remember there’s a reason why doors are closed,” he nodded, lowering his head. “Well, now that we’ve both been sufficiently embarrassed, how bout shopping?” you said, raising your eyebrows at him. 
Shopping with Cas had been..interesting to say the least. He was surprisingly very picky. One shirt was too scratchy, another was too tight, another was too blue, and -your favorite- another one was “eh.” “What do you mean “eh?” you asked him. He scrunched his face up. “It’s just....eh.” You wiped a hand over your face before responding. “Cas, bud, do you like anything here?” Cas looked around for a moment before a table of flannels caught his eye. He walked over to the table and started picking up ones that he liked. You rolled your eyes before following him. “Really, Cas? Flannels? You really are a Winchester, huh,” you laughed. He smiled softly, picking up more. The two of you picked out several outfits for him before reaching the underwear section. “So Cas,” you said trying your best to hide your blush and sound nonchalant, “boxers or briefs?” He thought for a moment, looking between his two options. “Boxers,” he decided and you tried not to think of how he would look in each of the pairs he chose. After collecting his new wardrobe, you checked out and got back in the car. “Where to next?” you turned and asked him. “Wherever you would like to go,” he responded, smiling at you. You thought for a second. “I know a good smoothie place, we could go if you wanted?” “That sounds lovely, Y/N.” 
The two of you made easy conversation on the car ride over and you told memories from the places you were passing along the ride. You parked in the lot and you noticed two men in suits standing along the side of the building. Out of habit, you reached down to make sure your gun was still in your waistband. Shrugging off the uneasy feeling you had, the two of you hopped out of the car and headed to the store, your eyes still on the two men. You made eye contact with one of them, who quickly hit his partner to get his attention. “Heads up- 11 o’clock,” you said under your breath to Castiel. His brows furrowed and he looked up to see the two men walking briskly towards the two of you. “Fuck,” you muttered, reaching to put your hand on your gun. You became increasingly aware of the fact that Castiel was weaponless. As an angel he had no need for a gun, and an angel blade was hard to conceal without his signature trenchcoat. You cursed again at this realization as the two men were quickly closing the gap between you. 
“Castiel. We have been looking for you, brother,” one of them said from across the parking lot. Your blood ran cold as you realized two things at once: 1. they had every intention to hurt, if not kill your angel, and 2. your angel blade was in the car...20 feet away. “Castiel. Angel blade. Car. Go.” You said to him through your teeth, pulling your gun out of your waistband. He shot you a concerned glance. “But Y/N-” “NOW.” He hesitantly looked between you and his brothers before sprinting to the car. 
“Walk away while you still have the chance,” you said threateningly, stopping in front of them, gun pointed. The two angels laughed. “You know that gun isn’t going to kill us,” one said mockingly. You set your shoulders back and lifted your head a little higher. “No,” you started, “but it’s gonna hurt like a bitch,” you said, unloading a clip into one of them. The angel groaned and dropped to the ground as the other angrily charged at you. He used his grace to disarm you before winding up and punching you in the face. You stumbled backwards, pain searing across your cheekbone. You came back up, dodging his next punch, but crashing to the ground as he swept your leg out from under your. He pinned you to the ground, squeezing your neck tightly. “Silly human, just wait until we alert angel radio. You-” He was cut off as his eyes and mouth glowed brightly, before collapsing on the ground next to you. You gasped for air, coughing and holding your throat. Castiel stood above you where the angel had been, the angel blade in his hand covered in blood. “Y/N,” he said concerned, reaching his hand out to you. You took it and he hauled you up to your feet and pulled you into a tight hug. You were shocked for a moment before returning his embrace. “Y/N I’m so sorry they were after me not you I could’ve.. I could’ve lost you” his last words came out in a whisper as he gripped you tighter. 
“Cas,” your voice came out strained, a combination of being strangled and from how tight his embrace was. He seemed to pick up on this and released you, still gripping your forearms. “I’m okay, really,” you forced a smile. “Come on we need to get out of here.” The two of you started to make your way to the car when a wave of pain shot up your ankle. You stumbled for a second before Castiel caught you. “You’re hurt,” he said, voice filled with concern. “I’m fine,” you grunted, taking another step. You winced as you put weight on your ankle, which didn’t go unnoticed by Castiel. Without saying anything, he slid an arm around your back and swept your feet off the ground to carry you bridal style back to the car. “Cas!” you squealed. He smiled softly down at you. “You are injured,” he stated plainly, turning his gaze back in front of him. Your heart fluttered at the contact and you melted against his chest. 
He opened the passenger door and lowered you into the seat before walking around the car and getting in the driver’s seat. “When you branded my ribs it warded me against angels right?” you asked, looking over at him and wincing as you moved your neck. He shot you a pained look before answering, “yes. Why?” “Well did you also brand Jimmy’s ribs?” you questioned. Castiel was quiet for a moment before answering, “No, I did not.” You nodded and picked up your phone, searching for the nearest tattoo shop. “We’re gonna mark your vessel so no more angels find us. The one who pinned me down threatened to tell angel radio so at least we know no one else knows where we are.”
“You sure about that?” you questioned after Castiel told the tattoo artist where he wanted the warding. He looked up at you questioningly. “Yeah, tough guy, ribs are gonna hurt, I’m not sure if you can handle that,” the artist teased. Castiel clenched his jaw and glared at the man. “I can handle it,” he said firmly. You exchanged a glance with the artist before he shrugged and got to work. Cas hid his pain well in the beginning, but after the first half hour his eyes closed tightly and he winced as the artist continued. After what felt like years to Castiel, the artist was finally done and you paid him before getting back in the car with Castiel. “Looks good,” you said softly as he lifted his shirt up gingerly. A blush crept up his cheeks before he started the car and pulled out of the lot.
When you got home, Castiel insisted on carrying you up the stairs and tending to the cut along your cheekbone. After he was satisfied with his work, he turned his attention to your ankle. “I do not think that it’s broken, but it will be sore for a few weeks,” he said, carefully turning your foot in his hands. “I’m sorry, if I had my grace I would have healed you by now and you would not be in pain,” he said sadly, hanging his head. “Hey,” you said, lifting his chin up. “I’ll be okay Cas, thank you.” He gave you a small smile in return. 
“I don’t think I have it in me to cook tonight, is pizza okay?” you asked. “Of course,” he assured you. You called in a delivery order to your local pizza shop as Castiel carried you back down the stairs. He set you down on the couch and you put on a tv show to pass the time before the pizza got there. Halfway through the episode Castiel cleared his throat. “Y/N, I truly am sorry about today. You’re hurt because of me, because of a mistake that I made. And my brothers they almost....” he took a deep breath before continuing, “I don’t know what I would have done if they had. I..can’t lose you, Y/N,” he turned to face you, desperation filling his eyes. “I-” he was cut off by the sound of the doorbell ringing. He sighed, closing his eyes and dropping his shoulders before rising from the couch. You sat in shock as Castiel greeted the pizzaman at the door. What was he going to say? Your heart fluttered at the thought of him confessing his feelings for you. You had been fantasizing about it for so long, it didn’t seem possible.. or did it?
Whatever Castiel was going to say remained unsaid. The two of you ate the pizza and got distracted by the show until you glanced at the clock and realized how late it was. “Cas,” you groaned, sitting up straighter. “We should go to bed.” He nodded and stood up before facing you and scooping you off the couch. “Cas,” you giggled,” “you know you don’t have to keep carrying me, right?” He gave you a toothy grin. “I know, Y/N,” he said, carrying you up that stairs and into your room. He set you down on your bed. “Goodnight, Y/N. Pleasant dreams,” he said before closing your door behind him. You sighed. “Goodnight, Cas,” you said softly. 
It was around 2am when you heard it. “No...NO....stop....please.” You shot up in bed, straining to hear. “Please..don’t...Y/N!....NO!” You jumped out of bed, ignoring the pain in your ankle and running across the hall to Castiel’s room. You burst through the door, gun at the ready. You didn’t find an intruder, but you did find Castiel writhing under his sheet, sweating, and clearly in distress. “Let..her..go,” he said through his teeth, thrashing again. You quickly set your gun on his dresser and sat down next to him on the bed. “Cas,” you cooed, running your fingers through his hair. The thrashing stopped, but his face was still contorted in fear. “Shhh, you’re okay Cas, it’s a dream. You can wake up, Cas,” you said softly, still stroking his hair. His eyes shot opened and stared up at you panicked. “Y/N..I..you..” he stammered. “Shhhh, it’s okay Castiel,” you cooed. His features softened and his body relaxed under your touch. You were tempted to stay and keep playing with his hair, but you knew you should let him sleep. “I’ll be right across the hall, Cas,” you said lightly, getting up. His hand flew to your wrist. 
“Please,” he choked out. You turned to him, eyebrows furrowed. “Please stay,” he looked up at you with puppy eyes and you had to restrain yourself from throwing yourself at him and holding him as tight as you could. “Of course,” you smiled at him. He hurriedly scooted back on the bed to make room for you and you climbed in beside him, back to his chest. “Do you want to talk about it?” you asked softly. “No,” he said into your hair. You nodded slightly and adjusted to get closer to him. He tensed slightly as the curve of your ass brushed against his now hardening member. You felt heat pool in your core as you felt his cock hardening against you. Your body betrayed you and instinctively moved to slightly grind against him. You heard him grunt before pulling you tighter against his chest. “Y/N,” he said in a strained voice. “Hmm?” you hummed, moving your hips rhythmically against his hardening cock. He groaned, hands sliding up your shirt and pulling you even tighter against his body. The ache in your core began to grow as he moved his hands to grip your waist tight. You grinded harder against him, eliciting another groan. “Y/N..I,” he trailed off. “I...” The effect you had on him gave a major boost to your confidence. You turned around to straddle him and his eyes grew wide as his hardened member made contact with your clothed pussy. “I..” was all he managed to get out. “Use your words, Castiel,” you said, voice honeyed. 
tag list: @antoniamarie1989-blog @transparentfestivaltiger @tinymalscoffee 
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missorgana · 4 years
a moment in time
pairing: karolina dean/nico minoru
fandom: marvel’s runaways
rating: general
word count: 2014
warning: swearing
summary: Nico accidently brings home the wrong suitcase. Annoying. The owner of said suitcase? Anything but annoying. (no powers meet-cute + luggage mix-up)
(a soft silly au right before femslash february comes to an end mwahhhhh! they’re superior girlfriends wbk. Cat / @inafaithforgotten beta read this as always AND as always u are an angel 💕✨ hope you enjoy!!)
read on ao3
“You talk to any of the others yet?”
Nico frowns at her friend, hoping the signal’s clear enough for the picture to show him, “No.” Of course, Alex laughs. Idiot.
“Come on, Nico,” he tells her, absentmindedly rummaging through his fridge, of all things, “You can’t just be alone in Sydney for six months.”
And of course, she rolls her eyes at his response, as always. Deep down, she knows he means well, but really, his social butterfly self gets on her nerves from time to time.
“Why not?” she huffs, but with a kind of smile that tells Alex she doesn’t care about his life philosophies, without fearing making him upset. Or him being scared she’s upset. Mostly the ladder.
A beep of his microwave oven sounds in her headphones, “Nevermind, dummy.”
Maybe she misses her best friend, but it’s not like she’ll admit it as long as she lives. Anyway, the hotel room’s better than she expected once she arrives, the cool air of the airport and crowds of students approaching her in each their own language became all too much, too fast.
Nico’s not exactly a people person, as Alex says.
But also, baggage claim is the absolute worst. Don’t try to argue with her, won’t change her mind.
There really is no way to avoid it, but seriously, absolutely no personal space. It’s like a warzone, almost, because her fellow passengers can’t fucking wait a minute or two, and be damn polite?
It’s whatever, Nico’s just glad to finally have arrived.
She may have a little airplane anxiety. It’s embarrassing, but Alex, like the wonderful best friend who cares too much, crafted her a self care kit (his words, not hers). Maybe the obligatory pre-takeoff text helped with her restless hands. Shut up.
Soon as Alex says his goodbye, door closed, she’s back on her background noise playlist, eager for a shower and some long-awaited sleep. At this point jet lag can kiss her ass.
A look in the mirror reveals the mess of eyeliner she made when she rubbed sleep out of her eye for whatever low budget action movie had played on the tv system (terrible selection, seriously), oh well, the little hot water she gets access to does wonders for her headache.
Another reason why she avoids traveling by flight at all costs.
It’s a comforting thought she’ll be here for a while, though. Alex made this sound like an all alone in the world thing, but Nico honestly doesn’t really mind.
With her parents, she’d been alone much of her childhood, anyway. Depressing, she knows.
She leaves the shower in a haze, hoodie and sweatpants right at her hand, and just catches Amy’s enthusiastic text full of heart emojis.
Ridiculous. But lovely.
Nico thinks that reply back is just about all she has energy left for, until the rumbling of her stomach clearly tells her otherwise. Fuck.
And, well, budget hotels infamous for exchange student parties rarely offer room service. It’s ten minutes of Nico panicking, almost going to the desperate point of having to leave the hotel room, find a vending machine, or some cafe nearby, which would require her to interact with people.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
It’s sort of embarrassing, or at least it would be, if anyone was here to see her. A small virtue.
But, hah, of course! The angel Amy truly is, Nico almost forgot the snacks her sister insisted on stuffing in her suitcase.
If she almost wants to cry of happiness, no, she doesn’t. She’s allowed to be a little overdramatic, okay?
Small emotional rollercoaster aside, she hurries for the luggage, surprisingly, struggling with finding the zipper. Not anything she takes time to think about much, given the circumstances, until she breaks it open and comes to a halt.
It does take a minute.
But this is definitely not Nico’s suitcase.
The exterior was familiar, but there’s absolutely zero doubt in her mind a mistake has been made when she’s met with a soft pink piece of fabric. With fucking lace.
Her stomach’s not turning with the thought of the outside world anymore, instead, she’s just weirded the hell out. Because she had never jotted herself down as easily distracted, but there’s a first time for everything, she supposes.
Nico simply shifts to a cross-legged position, staring at the pair of pastel colored scrunchies, white dress shirt, and brown tassel boots. She just wants to sleep, dammit.
But she can’t really ignore this kind of problem, really. 
She’s got her carry-on, of course, but like, she wants her own things. All of them.
So, a careful investigation of the luggage is what she puts her mind to, trying not to mess up or pry too much in this stranger’s business. A postcard accompanied by a tiny silver cross pin causes her to snort.
Whoever this person is, by the looks of the suitcase’s content, is not exactly someone Nico would find herself hanging around with.
It takes way too long for her to find any sort of information on this stranger. Or, well, maybe just her sleep deprived mind missing the very obvious nametag on the back. Shut up.
The white laminated label tells her it belongs to a Karolina Dean.
Nico maybe stumbles over the address, the same state as herself, but who cares, it’s not like it’s any surprise. Her lucky stars also provided a phone number to the person, and she just can’t hurry enough.
What a mess.
Nico is stood in Sydney Airport at shit-o-clock in the morning, with a wrong suitcase and without sleep for fuck knows how many hours.
Needless to say, she can’t wait for this to be over already.
Funny enough, her strange companion got ahead of her, calling her at exactly the time she gathered the phone number. The voice was bright and a bit giggly, which would piss Nico off if she wasn’t so tired.
She’s still pissed, but mostly at herself.
So, of course, they agreed to meet back at the airport right away. This Karolina’s an exchange student as well, as she gathered, but located at another hotel. It’s probably decided according to their line of study, or something.
Nico would be lying if she said she knew what she was doing right now. She hopes she won’t have to explain this to Alex, he’ll only laugh his ass off, that’s for sure.
She’s been staring at the same five rerun commercials on the flatscreen, which surely won’t do any good to her burning eyes, when the voice from the phone call says her name. And honestly, she’s not sure what she expected from this meeting.
Nico stands up to a close to angelic girl.
Judge her all you want, but that’s about all the thought her brain’s forming right now.
Karolina Dean’s beaming a smile at her way too bright for this early in the morning, blonde braided hair and star-studded ears.
Fuck, okay, also, blue eyes nearly sparkling, or something. 
Nico doesn’t have to force a smile back at all.
She soon realises the mention of her name was a question, “Uh, yeah, Nico. Karolina, right?”, to which the taller girl nods.
“I’m so sorry about this,” she tells her, sighing, sounding almost like she ran all the way here, “So easily distracted.”
Maybe Nico almost gets angry from this beautiful stranger taking the blame all for herself. Maybe she wants to roll her eyes, but she doesn’t. Karolina doesn’t know her, and for some reason, she’s the kind of person Nico doesn’t want to disappoint. Or offend.
Instead, she shakes her head and shifts her weight from one foot to another, “I’d say we’re both equally to blame here.”
She also tries to laugh, which sounds very wrong in her own ears, ugh, but her new companion maintains her sweet smile, too innocent and soft spoken, that Nico almost wants to cry again.
Anyway, she has to gather herself.
Status so far is that while she still desperately needs sleep, she is also faced with the problem of an extremely pretty girl in front of her. Pretty girls are somewhat of a weakness for her, as you can tell. Damn the universe for this.
So, what’s Nico to do about it?
Alex would most likely yell at her to get her number. Or, technically, she has the number already… but fuck, is this really the right time to flirt? Most likely not.
She’s admittedly also a very awkward flirter. Alex described her as such, which is a bit hypocritical when he’s just as bad himself. Scratch that, he’s worse, and Nico will remind him daily. A disaster pair of best friends they are, but Alex is right.
Luckily, Karolina seems a bit more cool-headed compared to the rut she’s stuck in herself, and the reason this meeting is taking place is handed over.
It’s hard to describe how much her body’s screaming for her to find her way back to bed as soon as possible, but even with her own stuff back, she hesitates.
The blonde still smiles, damn her, but takes on a wide-eyed expression, tugging on her fingers like she’s embarrassed, “I promise I didn’t mess up your stuff, I- sorry, I just. Your jacket’s really cool.”
Nico blinks.
And her companion seems to read her mind, cause she giggles, “I mean it! It made me want to know you.” Karolina soon after frowns at her own words, continuing with, “Sorry, that sounds… so weird.”
You’re so fucking adorable, Nico thinks to herself, and honestly, just wishes this angel would stop apologising. It’s sort of painful.
Of course, she shakes her head at her companion’s words, because that’s somehow the most ridiculous thing she’s heard today. The last two days. Man, fuck timezones.
But somehow, it takes her way, way too long to figure out why the blonde’s giving her a surprised face. And she blushes.
Because, of fucking course, Nico can’t keep her thoughts inside her head.
So she gathers she’s just called her adorable, and Karolina’s fidgeting with the handle of her suitcase now, seemingly not being in a hurry to go anywhere, and she’s biting her lip.
It makes Nico’s head spin. Mostly the fact that the angel girl’s not fleeing the scene.
“Did I just say that out loud?”
The blonde nods.
“Fuck,” she finds herself saying, because whatever, it’s not like she can say anything more embarrassing than what just came out of her mouth, “I’m sorry. Can you, uh. Can we pretend it’s my sleep deprivation talking?”
Karolina’s curious to her. She tugs the wispy locks of hair behind her ears and looks at Nico like she’s sincerely considering her words.
It’s here she notices how close they’re actually standing, and that she’s breathing a tiny bit faster than normal. She’d scold herself like a loser, if her companion didn’t answer her question in such an unexpected way.
“I guess,” Karolina chuckles, but she’s fidgeting again, staring at her scuffed white sneakers with a meaningful look. 
And then it’s like she gains a new sort of determination, looks up at Nico, which definitely doesn’t make it easier for her to breathe. Her smile turns a bit mischievous. At this point, the lack of sleep might just make Nico hallucinate.
“But I’d rather have breakfast when we’re not sleep deprived. Heh, if- if you want to, of course.”
The blonde’s biting her lip again. Nope, Nico definitely heard that right, no sound hallucination or whatever.
Turns out this luggage switch was a blessing in disguise, huh. Fuck you if you accuse her of being cheesy, she doesn’t really care when a, yes, definite angel is looking at her expectantly, and maybe also has invited her to something resembling a date. Breakfast can be a date, right?
Needless to say, she’s never said yes to anything as fast as this in her life.
And, needless to say, Nico’s never looked forward to waking up again as much as she does when she finally goes to bed, either.
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highqueenofelfhame · 5 years
more disney au PLZ ily
Tumblr media
It had been consistent. All. Fucking. Day. It didn’t matter what they were doing in character, he was there to fuck with her. At one point while he was being one of the chipmunks, Chip or Dale, she didn’t know the difference. He had circled her while she was trying to leave her meet and greet area, all the while acting like a silly little chipmunk. It had made it impossible for her to walk so much as three feet before he was blocking her path again. Being in character, she had to act like it was the funniest, silliest thing that could ever happen to Rapunzel. Nevermind that he wasn’t even supposed to be in her part of the park. 
Now, while on a float, he was doing anything and everything to get under her skin. It was retaliation for giving him an allergic reaction, she knew. He’d been relentless since swapping his chipmunk head for a brown wig and a satchel. Aelin genuinely hated how good he looked as Flynn Ryder, as Prince Charming. It didn’t matter what they had him as, he looked good and it was infuriating. She much preferred Dorian as her Prince Eric, because something about Rowan’s eyes became too distracting against black hair with blue contacts in. She hated it. She hated him. 
She was also positive Fenrys had lied about Rowan finding her beautiful. Ever since the maple syrup issue, he’d been a pest. Rowan lately was the equivalent of getting a splinter under your fingernail. Especially right now, as he swiped her crown off her head in the middle of a meet and greet. 
��Eugene,” she chided, holding her hand out for the crown with a bit of sass that wasn’t entirely fake. He grinned at her, a lazy thing, and popped the crown on his own head. The kids in the area started giggling, begging for photos with the couple right then. They obliged, only for Aelin to swipe the crown back off his head and into her own. 
In the same breath, Rowan was plucking the fresh flowers from her long, braided wig and popping them behind his ears, dropping them onto the floor. Crossing the line would have been when he grabbed the frying pan and twirled it around on a finger, whacking Aelin in the arm in the process. It was infuriating. 
When they finally waved goodbye to the crowds and made their way backstage and disappeared into the tunnels, she shoved him hard enough that he stumbled back a bit and started laughing. 
“You are genuinely the most annoying person I have ever met,” she swore, pulling the heavy wig off her head with the wig cap. She knew full well she looked inside, the braids her hair was in likely messy from being under the wig cap. He laughed the whole way back to the cosmo room, which was empty. 
“It was harmless fun, Aelin. Nobody got hurt.” Rowan pulled his own wig off, his silver hair beneath in a similar arrangement to her own. It was almost funny. 
“I’ve apologized like a thousand times and you still want to hold it over my head?”
“Oh, come on. It’s a little funny now,” he tried, stuffing his hands into his pockets and leaning against the door. She was done for the day, thank the gods, and would be began to pull her hair free of their braids. Rowan was doing the same. Aelin walked closer to the bathroom, pausing in front of the mirrors to ruffle her hair at the root. Rowan stood beside her, unnervingly close, and followed suit. Except where aelin tucked her hair behind her ears, Rowan pulled his up into a messy wavy bun at the top of his head. 
“It’s not funny,” she finally said, looking at him with her hands on her hips, but the face he was making, the way he was looking at her. A sly, crooked grin on his lips that made her want to scream. So she did. “UGH! You insufferable bast—”
He cut her off by grabbing her face and pressing his lips to hers. At first, everything screamed to put him away. Her hands were poised on his chest to push but… but it was a good kiss. Instead of pushing him away, she found her hand knotting into his shirt and tugging him into the bathroom behind them. 
Rowan wasted no time locking the door and soon had Aelin backed up against the skin, then had her lifted up on the edge of it. Her legs were around his waist, her costume dress bunched up around her thighs. Her fingers were in his bun, making it far messier than it had been moments before. Rowan was groaning, rocking his hips to grind against hers as his tongue slipped into her mouth. Then it was Aelin’s turn to moan as his lips began a decent down her neck, pausing to suck on the side of her neck. 
“Rowan,” she breathed, fingers tightening in his hair as his hands ran up her thighs and teased the soft fabric of her panties at her hips, and —
“Aelin? Are you in there?” Lysandra. Aelin put her hand over Rowan’s mouth, which he promptly began to nip at her fingers. 
“Yes,” she said, trying to catch her breath. “I”ll be out in a second.” 
“Okay, I just thought we could ride to your house together. Aedion is stuck at his office.” It sounded like she was leaning against the door. 
“Let me just change really quick and I’ll be out and we can go.” On the other side of the door, Lysandra made a noncommittal noise as she walked away and Aelin laid her head back against the mirror. Rowan’s hands remained on her legs, burning holes in her skin and she was trying to not catch fire and burn under his touch. Finally, she dropped her hand from his mouth and looked at the mess of lipstick smeared across his lips. He grinned and kissed her again, moving his tongue against hers in lazy, slow motions until he finally pulled away. It killed her the way he left a series of soft kisses on her lips before he pulled all the way away, keeping her on the counter with his hands on either side of her body. Aelin stared at him briefly, brow completely furrowed, before sliding off the counter and going to leave, but she caught his eye just before she could get the door open.
“Stop looking at me like that. It didn’t mean anything.”
“Nobody got hurt,” he pointed out again, running a thumb over his bottom lip.
“Yeah, well.” She paused at the door, sucking on a tooth as she straightened her dress a bit. I just might.
tags under the cut.
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headcanonsandmore · 5 years
‘A Comforting Hand’
Here’s a cute little Linny fic I wrote, with Luna and Seamus pining after their respective best friends. 
Tagging @lytefoot @wickira and @just-a-teen-fangirl. 
Read on FFN.                                            Read on AO3. 
Luna Lovegood liked Ginny Weasley a lot.
They had become friends over the course of the past two years. Luna had never really had friends before, so she was very pleased about that. The DA had really opened up things for her. Now she knew Harry, Ron and Neville really well. She even got along well with Hermione, although they were never really bosom-buddies compared to how close Luna was with the others.
Ginny was different, though. She had been Luna’s first friend her own age, so there had always been a special bond between them.
Ginny was intelligent, witty, brave, and amazing at Quidditch. She was also kind and very nice to be around.
And beautiful. Luna couldn’t remember the first time she had thought that about Ginny, but it was true. Ginny Weasley was utterly beautiful.
At that particular moment, Ginny was chuckling to herself as the two of them walked from their shared Charms class to the great hall for lunch. Luna had been talking about Wrackspurts, and Ginny -as always- was smiling winningly at her. Whenever their eyes met, Luna’s heart gave a little thump, as if joyous about it.
That tended to happen all the time Luna was around Ginny, actually.
‘Lu; you’re one in a million. You know that, right?’
Luna felt her cheeks grow warm. She liked hearing Ginny call her that.
‘Thank you, Ginny,’ she replied, ‘that’s very sweet of you to say.’
‘I mean it!’ The redhead exclaimed, patting Luna softly on the shoulder. ‘Honestly, you’re worse than Ron when it comes to taking compliments- oh, hi, Dean!’
Dean Thomas –Ginny’s fellow Gryffindor- had appeared from behind a tapestry nearby. His eyes crinkled as he grinned at Ginny.
‘Hey, Gin,’ the Londoner said, his voice very soft. ‘Going to lunch?’
‘Yep; on our way now.’
Without hesitating, Dean reached out and enveloped his hand around Ginnys, intertwining their fingers.
Luna felt a sudden lurch in the region of her stomach. Maybe she was hungry? Possibly, but that didn’t feel like it did when she was normally hungry. And why did she feel sad all of a sudden?
At that moment, Seamus Finnegan (Dean’s best friend) emerged from the same tapestry. Upon seeing the joined hands of Ginny and Dean, the Irishman seemed to roll his eyes. But Luna could have sworn that she had seen a brief look of longing.
‘Oy! Shay! You coming to lunch or not?’
‘As long as you two don’t mind me tagging along?’
‘Course not.’
Seamus joined them as they continued along the corridor. However –as Luna walked parallel with him- she couldn’t help but notice that same longing look appear in Seamus’s eyes once Dean and Ginny had turned their heads away from him.
The Irishman stopped briefly to adjust his tie, and Luna hung back. Dean and Ginny carried on up the corridor.
‘Seamus, are you alright? You seem rather upset.’
Seamus turned his head so fast that his neck clicked. Rubbing it, he let out a long sigh.
‘Is it really that obvious?’
‘Is what obvious?’
Seamus stared at her for a second.
‘You too, huh?’
Chuckling slightly to himself, the Irishman became to walk along the corridor.
‘I guess we’re similar in that way, aren’t we?’
Luna hastened to catch up with him, still not really understanding what he had meant.
 The four of them entered the great hall. As lunchtime was more of a rush than dinner, there was far more allowance for people sitting regardless of house. This meant that no-one batted an eyelid when Luna sat down with Ginny, Dean and Seamus on the Gryffindor table.
Dean ladled a spoon of soup, and held it out to Ginny.
‘Oh, stop it, Dean’ Ginny said, looking very embarrassed. ‘I’m not a child, I can feed myself.’
Dean flashed Ginny a tentative smile, and the redhead seemed to blush slightly.
‘Fine,’ she muttered, before hurriedly gulping down the soup.
Nearby, Seamus stared moodily down at his own soup.
‘What’s wrong, Seamus? Wrong kind of soup?’
‘Nah, it’s fine,’ Seamus muttered, resting his elbow on the table as he began to blow on his soup. ‘Nevermind.’
As Dean turned back to Ginny, Luna couldn’t help but notice the sour look the Irishman gave the redhead, as if he would rather she not be there. Or… as if he’d rather be in her place.  
As she began to eat her bowl of chunky soup, Luna spotted Ronald Weasley nearby eating a sandwich. He was casting furtive glances up the table, to where Hermione Granger was sitting by herself, and playing miserably with her salad. Apparently giving up on eating, Ronald got to his feet, and wandered out of the hall.
‘Don’t tell me you still fancy Ron, Lu?’
Luna turned her head. Ginny had noticed who she was looking at.
‘No, I don’t. He’s a good friend, but I know he would never see me that way.’
Ginny chuckled.
‘You sure are perceptive.’
Luna felt her cheeks flush again.
‘Thank you.’
‘Yeah, Ron’s been bonkers for Hermione for years now,’ Dean said, amicably. ‘I hope they sort things out; I hate seeing them all miserable like this.’
‘She set a flock of birds on him, Dean!’ Ginny exclaimed, flaring up. ‘She hasn’t even tried to apologise to him! Yeah, he wasn’t behaving his best, but that doesn’t excuse it!’
‘Sorry, Gin.’
Dean put his arm around the redheads’ shoulders, and Ginny seemed to relax a bit.
Luna felt her stomach lurch again. That was most peculiar; she wasn’t hungry any more.
She once again saw the longing look on Seamus’s face, as he watched Dean slowly pat Ginny’s shoulder. But the longing wasn’t directed at Ginny at all.
‘You’re sweet, Dean. Thanks.’
‘No worries, Gin. Gotta treat my girlfriend right, haven’t I?’
And –with that- Dean leaned in and pecked Ginny softly on the lips.
Luna felt like her blood had turned to ice, and her heart seemed to slip several inches down her insides. A curious prickling was affecting her eyes.
Ginny had leaned over, looking at the blonde with concern.
‘Lu, are you okay? What’s wrong?’
‘I’m… I… I don’t know… I have to go…’
Luna pulled her bag over her shoulder, and half-sprinted towards the exit. As she left, she saw Seamus give her a look of sympathetic, as if he knew exactly what she was feeling. The thought did little to calm the blonde-haired Ravenclaw.
Luna didn’t stop running until she came to a false wall on the second floor; it was one of her favourite hiding spots, for when she wanted to get away from people.
Ducking through, she sat down on the carpeted floor, and began to cry. What on earth was wrong with her? All that had happened was Ginny being kissed by Dean, and yet Luna felt more miserable than she had felt in a very long day.
Oh, no.
She wanted to be the one kissing Ginny. Her best friend. Who she loved dearly, and who would clearly never love her in quite the same way.
‘Luna? Luna, are you okay?’
The blonde slowly opened her eyes.
Ronald Weasley was kneeling down next to her, his blue eyes full of concern. Lavender Brown was stood a couple of feet behind him, looking worried.
‘R-Ronald? I’m… I’m sorry, I’m just being silly⸺’
‘No, you’re crying. What’s wrong? Did someone upset you?’
Luna shook her head, feeling very confused.
‘Not as far as I’m aware. I just saw Dean kiss Ginny, and I started crying. I... I just…’
‘Sssshhhhh,’ Ronald said, now patting her on the arm. ‘It’s okay.’
At this point, Lavender stepped forward, and sat down next to Luna. She smelled of a sweet flowery perfume, and her smile was soft and comforting.
‘Luna, was it?’
Luna nodded.
‘It sounds like romantic tension to me. When you’re attracted to someone, you get upset when you see them with other people⸺’
‘B-but Ginny’s my best friend,’ Luna sobbed, tears running down her face. ‘I shouldn’t be getting upset just because she’s being k-k-kissed by someone…’
‘Ginny? I thought you meant… oh….’
‘What?’ Ron asked, looking confused. ‘What’s the issue?’
‘Er…’ Lavender looked slightly panicked now. ‘Well… you see…’
‘Oh, you mean that? Well, Seamus has fancied Dean for years; this sort of stuff happens.’ Ron said, before turning back to Luna. ‘So, Luna; you like Ginny a lot, then?’
Startled by this, Luna nodded.
‘I know it’s scary, Luna. But it’s gonna be okay. Ginny cares about you a lot. Even if it’s not in that way, she couldn’t stand not having you around.’
‘Course. You’re her best friend, aren’t you?’
Luna dried her tears, and nodded.  Ron grinned at her, his lopsided grin conveying warmth and compassion.
She could easily see why Lavender liked Ron so much. He really was a sweet person. Even though most people barely spared him a second thought, the youngest Weasley boy was clearly a… diamond in the rough, as Luna’s father would put it. She supposed all the Weasley family were like that. They were good people.
Maybe that’s why Luna had fallen for Ginny in the first place⸺
The blonde’s heart seemed to have leapt into her throat. Ginny Weasley had appeared through the fake wall nearby, her eyes wide with worry.
‘Ron, what’s wrong with her⸺’
‘She’s upset, Ginny. I think she wants you.’
Luna could have been mistaken, but she could have sworn that Ginny’s cheeks flushed at that last sentence as she scrambled through, kneeling down next to Ron.
‘W-well, I’m her best friend, after all.’
Ron patted Luna on the shoulder once again, before flashing a brief supportive smile, and following Lavender through the wall.
‘I’m sorry, Ginny,’ Luna mumbled, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. ‘I’ve made you worried⸺’
Her words died in her mouth, as Ginny threw her arms around Luna, pulling the blonde into a warm, comforting hug. Ginny’s flowery scent (which Luna had always loved) filled her nostrils, and Luna felt suddenly warm and protected.
‘Don’t you dare apologise, Lu!’ Ginny said, fiercely. ‘You’re my best friend; I want to be here for you!’
Luna felt her heart race.
‘Of course!’ ⸺Ginny pulled back slightly, so that she was staring into Luna’s eyes⸺ ‘Whenever you feel down or upset, I want to be that shoulder you can cry on, okay?!’
Luna nodded.
‘But… but what about Dean?’
Ginny paused, and Luna was shocked to realise that the redheads face was blushing a subtle shade of pink. Leaning forward so that they were only a few inches apart, Ginny stared deep into Luna’s eyes. Her hands found Luna’s, softly intertwining their fingers together.  
‘You’re more important.’
Thanks for reading, everyone! Hope you liked it! 
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taronunwin · 4 years
Can you rate everything that Taron has been in from your most fave to least fave? And giving your reasonings why for each eating. I know this might be hard to do since all of his work has been exceptional. I’m asking just because I need more Taron content to watch!
OH GOODNESS. Anon, this is a bit cruel, like making me pick my favourite children. Except I have no children. And I do not like children. I digress. I’ll do my best.
I haven’t seen most of the voice projects Taron’s done so I’ll just list what I have seen and I’ll rank it by things I love/need to watch vs. things I’m okay with watching less often, sort of thing. This is mostly spoiler free but there are a few things that dance on the line. I’m sorry, but it’s really hard not to explain what I love without getting into that territory.
Deep breath. Here goes.
1: Rocketman
When I watched Rocketman for the first time, it was one of the last of Taron’s films I had yet to see because I was the least interested in it. I wasn’t an Elton fan, I don’t care for musicals usually, and I’m not really keen on movies set in the 60′s. So there were three strikes against it and I honestly expected just to start it, click through, and move on because Taron didn’t look hot (I thought then). But by the time he got to the ‘My name is Elton Hercules John’, I was invested. Wholeheartedly. Even when Taron wasn’t on screen, I cared deeply for the young Elton. I was rooting for him, grieving with him, and feeling his pain and triumphs. That movie is an experience unlike any other and by far the best movie I have ever seen in my life. The pure joy that radiates from it… it’s hard to explain.
2: Kingsman: The Secret Service
I’m not a Bond fan myself, I’m not really an action spy genre fan, so, again, I didn’t really think I was going to love this movie. But when Lee Unwin jumped on that grenade, I sat up in my seat a bit. That wasn’t the beginning I expected. And then when his son showed up later, stuck in a life that was so miserable and far from what he wanted, my heart broke. Eggsy had so much depth and went so far beyond just a ‘kid from the wrong side of the tracks’ kind of backstory. The details about him being in gymnastics and giving it up because his mum had married a good-for-nothing creep who influenced him more than he wanted to admit, being borderline brilliant and doing so well in school, only to give that up, too, because what was the freaking point in even trying when he was stuck in a world he wanted desperately out of. And then, when that opportunity presented itself and he was able to join the Marines, the first time in his life he really felt like he had some control and could follow in his dad’s footsteps, his mum wouldn’t allow it because she couldn’t bear the thought of losing him. So Eggsy was utterly stuck. Until…
3: Robin Hood
Oh, Robin. I think we all have a very special soft spot for the first character we fell for in an actor’s filmography and Robin is it for me. I had seen Testament of Youth in early 2019 with my teary eye on Kit Harington but I loved Edward. However I had no idea that Robin was Edward when I started watching, I just like historical movies and thought Robin Hood looked interesting. When I started, I was pretty smitten by Rob right away but as the movie progressed and the story got more convoluted, I became less interested and actually turned it off. But I couldn’t stop thinking about Robin. So I started watching it again and boy did I fall hard. The movie itself? A stupid, fun, absolutely enjoyable ride. Robin? Well, that beautiful boy is the love of my life.
4: Billionaire Boys Club
I’ve seen a lot of negative things about this film, not just in regards to a certain cast members, but in general and frankly? I don’t get it. I know I’m probably watching it through rose-coloured glasses but honestly, I really, genuinely love this movie. I love Dean’s charisma and charm, how much he loved Joe and wanted the best for him—for both of them. I love Dean’s darkness and how his character gradually yet drastically changed over the course of the film; how he started as just a passionate, excited, enthusiastic young man and ended in such a different place, even willing to give up something and someone that meant so much to him because desperation drove him to do something he would have never imagined himself doing in the beginning. I loved watching the relationships fray and bonds dissolve and I especially loved watching Taron play Dean’s darkness so realistically, paying special attention to how he portrayed Dean’s growing drug addiction. Also? Dean is really hot. There’s no way of sugarcoating that.
5: Kingsman: The Golden Circle
I love Eggsy Unwin. I mean I love him. Like I-would-take-a-bullet-for-him kind of love. And though the charm of the first movie being his transformation from street kid to Kingsman isn’t really in this film, it’s still such a fun ride. My favourite parts are mostly the quieter moments, the little scenes where we see Eggsy, less as a Kingsman and more as himself. His struggles, his doubts, the times where he’s shaken and isn’t really sure of anything anymore. But what I love about Eggsy is how fiercely he gets back up every time. Doesn’t matter what is thrown at him, he will take it all and become stronger.
Also… “Let’s make this fair,” Eggsy says, tucking his right arm behind his back and effectively evening the playing field with his one-armed opponent before he engages in a to-the-death brawl with the man he trained with until snapping his neck with one. hand. still. tucked. behind. his. back.
6: Testament of Youth
I hate this movie so much. But I also love this movie so much. Edward is one of the sweetest angels there ever was and I adore him with every fiber of my body. And watching his story… well… it makes me more unhappy than I’ve ever been. Does that stop me from watching it? No. But it does limit the number of rewatches. It’s one of those movies that’s so perfect for a sad mood. Like when I need a good cry, oh my goodness, I need look no further. But looking beyond just the emotional nature of the movie, Taron’s performance is so so beautiful. Watching Edward’s boyish innocence peeling away to show the more hardened, deeply hurt and disillusioned young man as the war’s grip on him tightens? Honestly, it’s stunning.
7: The Last of the Haussmans
A play? Really? What’s that doing on this list? Well, let me tell you. Taron’s character, Daniel, affected me very deeply and I’m not even being silly. This list is already too long so I’ll spare the details but Daniel… he got me. He’s such a sweetheart, so genuine and pure and good and earnest and wonderful and the kiss scene, well, I don’t even know how many times I’ve watched it. The tenderness he displays, the sweet uncertainty and awkwardness yet visibly bolstering himself so he can do what he’s so unsure about… oh, Daniel. For it being one of his first public roles, I am consistently amazed by how good Taron is. Daniel’s awkwardness does not feel like Taron’s discomfort. Daniel is entirely his own person with his own story and struggles and watching his story unfold is a really lovely thing.
8: Eddie the Eagle
This sweet, fun, encouraging, uplifting, charming movie, oh, how I love it. Though I have to be honest, it isn’t one of those movies I just need to watch like every month or two. I love enjoying it with other people and seeing their reactions but it’s not one that I crave at any given time. Even still, Eddie is a pure sweetheart and I love him and his heart-filled, passion-fueled, wonderful story.
9: The Smoke
I’m actually kinda surprised where this landed on the list, but let me explain. Dennis Severs is so much like Eggsy in terms of being a very layered, three-dimensional, incredibly deep and fascinating character. I love him. Nay, I adore him. I loved watching his ups and downs, his gut-wrenching revelations and triumphant success as he strove hard to free himself of the bondage of his past. But the show itself? It’s, same as Eddie, not something I feel drawn to watch at any given time. It’s intense, very intense, and asides from Dennis’ story, I didn’t really connect with any character, other than Kev. So in terms of watchability and enjoyment of the project overall, this ranks lower, but in terms of Dennis and his importance to me? Well, he ranks much higher ❤
10: Legend
So the first time I checked out this movie, I skipped through, searching for Taron. Next time, I skipped through again. Then I bought the movie and actually watched it, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Ignoring the obviously impressive feat that was Tom Hardy playing both main characters, I loved the relationship between Reggie and Frances and found myself caring quite a lot for them. I don’t know that I’ll ever watch it in full again but I do skip through every so often for Teddy and thoroughly that little psycho.
11: Sing
I’ve mentioned that I don’t really watch much of Taron’s voice work because I find it annoying to hear him but not be able to see him. That’s my ultimate problem with Sing. While a very enjoyable movie and one I’ve watched a few times all the way through, I don’t necessary care enough about the other characters to want to watch it from start to finish. I’m happy just skipping through for Johnny’s story, but there’s always that nagging feeling of knowing Taron is back there somewhere, looking breathtaking, and I can’t see him. And for that, I must place this sweet movie at the bottom of this list.
This honestly took hours for me to write and perfect but I think I’m good with it now. Phew!
I’m so sorry, anon, I’m absolutely certain you were looking for like two sentences to explain what I liked or didn’t like about each of these but instead you got a mini review. Whoops.
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Your Dark Secret
Sam Winchester x Reader / Patron Benefit Fanfic!
Author’s Notes: This fic took an interesting turn when I made it a Sam fic. It seems like it has a little of everything, fluff, comfort, a lil angst... This is for @abbessolute
Summary/Request:     Anything for insomnia? I didn't fall asleep this morning til 8 am because my mind was telling me to be afraid of the dark
Word Count: 1800ish
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The new semester at Stanford brought with it a chill to the air and the crisp smell of autumn and falling leaves. Sam Winchester comes to class in a sweater and scarf, looking like something out of a hallmark movie or an episode of Gilmore Girls. His thick brown hair sits on his head like a mop, swept to the side by the wind and a nervous tick. You love it when he tucks his hair behind his ear. It’s not long enough for that, yet.
Sam has taken to a routine of meeting you outside of your last class of the day on Fridays. He walks with you to your car--a long walk...you know how bad parking at college is.
“So get this,” he says, “My roommate is gonna be gone for the weekend and, um, I thought maybe if you want, we could study at my place tonight?” Study, on a Friday night? Surely this was Sam’s attempt at asking you out. Finally. “And maybe after, we could watch some movies.”
“Sure! I’ll bring the beer,” you respond.
“Great! I’ll make you dinner,” he said with that sweet smile. There was a hint of promise hanging in the air, suspending the falling leaves for only a moment.
It was going to be the first time you stayed the night at Sam’s apartment. You didn’t know that yet. If you did, you might not have gone.
You’d spent many nights together, watching movies, studying and staying up until the crack of dawn, but tonight was the night that Sam had insisted on making you dinner. It wasn’t a total deviation from your routine with your *sigh* friend. It’s just that instead of ordering Chinese or picking up burgers, this time Sam did as promised, cooking dinner in that rinky dink kitchen of his. You didn’t have the heart to tell him how particular you were with your food, but somehow he made something with all the right ingredients and you’d actually enjoyed the meal.
There was no studying to be done on a Friday night. Sam kept up that ruse for maybe five minutes. After dinner, you watched a movie: a rom-com that he had finally relented to watch. What’s crazy is that he’d seemed more interested in it than you! You nearly dozed off once or twice.
“Is there a sequel?” he asked when it was over, getting up to get more popcorn and grab two more beers.
“Yeah, it’s called My Big Fat Greek Wedding...2.”
He found it online and hit play.
Apparently it was a double-feature night.
The romance of the film was endearing, no doubt, but it seemed like the part Sam enjoyed the most was the depiction of the crazy family. How involved they were, how much they cared for each other, and how much of their life revolves around the family. He couldn’t exactly relate the characters to his own family, from what little he’d mentioned of them. Though he did say they played the ‘We’re family, family is the most important thing’ card hard and often. You’d only heard him mention his brother Dean, that his mom had passed when he was a baby, and that his relationship with his dad had been tense when he went to college. It was a brief family history and maybe you wondered if there was more to it, but then sometimes it seemed like that was all there was. You didn’t press him on that. You were friends but you didn’t want to ask too many questions.
Everyone was entitled to their secrets.
“My family isn’t exactly like this...but it has its own brand of crazy.”
“Don’t we all,” Sam chuckled. He let you steal the bowl of popcorn, plopping it in your lap and readjusting the blanket you were sharing. Then, oh-so-casually...he stretched out until one of his arms rested on the back of the couch, around your shoulders.
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye. Sending a cheeky smile in his direction, Sam pretended not to notice your attention on him, but the corner of that perfect mouth was tilted up just slightly.
“Sam...middle name...Winchester,” you said teasingly in a whisper. He snorted at your omission of the name you didn’t know. “Are...are you making a move? On me?” He turned to look down at you; even sitting down he was a head taller than you, the perfect height for you to snuggle into his side. His hand on your shoulder pulled you in for exactly that.
“And if I was?” he asked in a hushed tone. His hazel eyes seemed to turn dark in an instant, the sudden change sent a thrill through your entire being.
“I’d say it was about time,” you smiled as you leaned in and pressed your lips to his. He responded instantly, pulling you into his lap so that he could wrap his arms around you and deepen the kiss.
The movie was forgotten, cast aside for your own little moment of romance.
You didn’t go any farther than kissing and maybe a little groping. A few words between kisses established that your friendship was too important to risk right away.
“I could kiss you all night,” Sam hummed and you indicate your agreement by holding onto his shirt. You’d been lusting after the man ever since he’d walking into your sociology class. The man took notes and contributed to the lectures like a pro. He was almost as smart as you. Almost.
Sam tried to lay back on the couch but his body is far too long for it to be comfortable.
“Wanna go to my bedroom? I won’t go any further if you don’t want to,” he reassures you, slightly breathless between kisses.
“O-okay,” you say with nervous energy, the good kind.
Once on his bed--which still didn’t seem big enough for his frame--he made no other moves to do more than touch your body and explore your mouth. When the kisses turned to slow, lazy, and sweet, the two of you snuggled deeper into the bed.
“Stay the night?” he asked, his arms around your waist and his lips pressed to your hair.
“Okay,” you said, without much thought. Until a few minutes later…
When the movie was turned off and the lights went out.
He’d offered you one of his soft cotton t-shirts and there may have been a shy moment as you’d exited his bathroom and crawled into bed. But as Sam drifted off to sleep...you didn’t.
You couldn’t.
You couldn’t sleep. And you couldn’t figure out how to tell Sam.
You were in an unfamiliar room, with no sound other than the soft snores of the man beside you. There wasn’t a single light on in the whole apartment, not even the dim glow of an alarm clock.
The longer you lay there, awake, the more you start to hear things. The floor creaking like someone was walking in the kitchen. The moments when you thought you could no longer hear Sam breathing, so maybe he wasn’t? The door to the bedroom was left open to the living room. Did you see something in the shadows? You imagined whispers and silhouettes.
You were right back in your childhood room. Scared and afraid of the dark. And alone.
With a man like Sam sleeping by your side, you still felt alone. How could he sleep through this? Could he not hear the footsteps outside his window? Didn’t he feel the sudden drafts passing between rooms?
You rolled over and buried your face in Sam’s chest, trying to drown out all of your senses, overwhelm them with the sound of Sam’s heart, the feel of his chest rising and falling with every breath, the way he smelled and the soft fabric of his own shirt.
The shirt soon became wet with a few of your escaped tears. You were shaking, but maybe it was the damp fabric that woke Sam up.
“Hey,” he whispered, groggily. “Y/N, you okay?” You didn’t answer, only burrowed deeper into his embrace. He stretched out one arm to turn on his bedside lamp and the change was almost immediate. You looked around the room, clocking all the things that could’ve tricked your senses. “Sweetheart, are you okay?” Sam asked once more.
“I’m sorry,” you whimpered. “I’m so sorry.”
“About what? What’s wrong?” He kissed the top of your head and propped himself up on one arm to see you better.
“It’s just...I can’t...I don’t usually tell people. You’ll think I’m stupid.” Your tears fell easily but you were actually proud that your voice wasn’t shaking.
“Y/N, I could never think that. Tell me what’s going on? What can I do to make you feel better?”
He didn’t even know what the problem was and he was willing to help.
You looked at the clock on his nightstand. In the light, you could see that it was 4 am. You’d been lying awake for over three hours.
“It’s never been a problem before. We were pulling all-nighters, staying up late, sleeping in our own beds.”
“Did I move to fast? Do you want me to take you home?”
“No, no it’s not that. It’s just…” You closed your eyes, wincing. “I’m afraid of the dark,” you said rapidly, “so sometimes I don’t sleep at night or I sleep with all the lights on. And I know it’s silly and maybe a little childish but when I was a kid, I swore I saw something in my room and no one believed me but...” You were working yourself up, breathing quickly and lips trembling. Sam pulled you into his arms.
“Hey, shhh-shhh. It’s gonna be okay. It’s okay. I understand. You don’t have to say anymore if you don’t want to. I’m here for you. Okay, I’ll keep you safe. We can stay up for now and sleep in the morning or I can leave the light on. Whatever you need. I want you to feel safe. And I want you to sleep.” He kissed the top of your head, speaking words of reassurance. “I’m here. I’m here for you. No one can hurt you,” he muttered as you started to calm down, focusing once more on the heart pounding in his chest until it, too, slowed down to a steady beat.
You didn’t get a chance to tell him which solution you preferred. A few minutes later, in the warm glow of his bedside lamp, you’d fallen asleep with your cheek pressed against his chest.
Sam settled down as well, ready to drift off and consciously reminding himself to leave the light on. If that’s all you needed to feel safe, it was the least he could do. He reassured himself even further by recalling the placement of a knife in the drawer next to him.
Because of course, how could he possibly tell you the truth? How could he tell you that the dark was something worth fearing? That the ghosts and monsters were real?
He couldn’t. He hoped he’d never have to tell you. And if the day ever came, he knew that he would do everything in his power to protect you.
Tagging: @abbessolute @autoblocked @book-loving--anime-chick @karazoiel @overlyobsethed  @therealcap  @whoopxd  @bookworm4ever99 @geeksareunique @pottxrwolff @barry-writes @ravenhaviland @clockblobber @softdudebro @melaninspice11 @parkerschurros @woaahkelsey @montytheravenclaw @sanya-gryff @smutfornerds @fabinapercabeth4179 @faithtrustandpixiedust95 @thinkwritexpress-official @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @percyjackson886 @mrswhozeewhatsis @saxxxology
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hogwarts--imagines · 5 years
You Found Me
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Gabe x Reader 
Warning: angst, fluff, eating problems, a few more things that can be triggering. I also have the reader able to feel his wings wings but can’t see them, because of a reason Gabriel explains later.
EDIT: I know people deal with grief differently. Please don’t message me to tell me that people grieve loss by eating and what not I know people handle it differently, I have friends who dealt with loss differently than I did. I lost someone close to me a few years back and for me, I barely ate food. That was how I dealt with it, I loved food and I still do. So I am using my personal experience in this because I tend to write what I can relate to. 
Request: darxetta1: Could you do Gabriel and reader with prompts 43. Please hold me, I feel so broken and 49. I have been in love with you since the start. So don't you dare tell me my feelings aren't real. Please
43. Please hold me, I feel so broken 
49. I have been in love with you since the start. So don't you dare tell me my feelings aren't real.
You Found Me - The Fray
It was late, the hunt was bad. I should’ve listened to Sam and called for backup. With them being on a hunt of their own, bugging them wasn’t the smartest idea in mind. 
Most of the other hunters don’t really speak with me since I’m still new to them. What I thought was a simple vampire kill, turned into a den of vampires. How I managed to get out without help or getting bit, was beyond me. The blood that was one me was a little overwhelming. 
“Whoa, what the hell happened to you?” Dean asked when I walked into the bunker.
“I thought it was a lone vampire?” Sam stood up and grabbed my bags Gabriel and Castiel both waited for my response. 
“I did too, turns out it was a den.” I kicked off my shoes and picked them up so I could throw then in the wash with my bloody clothes, “I would’ve called for backup but I was a little busy trying to survive and you guys were on a hunt.”
“You could’ve prayed” Gabriel suggested.
“How would that work? Cas doesn’t have his grace back yet and you are weak?” I snapped back, I didn’t mean to, exhaustion took over. “I need to get out of these clothes and wash the blood off of me.” 
With that  I was gone. Now it’s three in the morning and I’m wide awake. My body was tiered, but my mind was the opposite. Taking a deep breath I got up and went to the room next to mine. 
“You know, you should learn to knock.” Gabriel was sitting up on his bed. 
“I couldn’t sleep.” I huffed, plopping down on his bed.
“Is that why you snapped at me earlier?” He turned his head to look at me.
“No.. I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. I don’t have any reason as to why I did.” I rolled over onto my back.
“You can stay in here with me if you want.” He gave a half smile.
We both met the room with a silence. I focused my eyes on the ceiling. Ever since we got him back things have been different between us. Before we were close, best of friends. I wasn’t a hunter then, I studied everything I could get my hands on, he was there. 
Sam and Dean introduced him when they were passing through and needed a place to lay low. I joined them not long after Bobby died. After losing my best friend and my mentor, the boys wanted to keep me close so that way we can all keep in contact more. I felt as if there was more they weren’t telling me..
I wasn’t the same after they left the living world. I barely laughed, smiled, or talked. I lost a lot of weight too, I ate whenever I felt like it, but not much. Sam tried to get me to eat meals but halfway through them, I was done. I just couldn’t eat. Food wasn’t the same to me. It was like a part of me died when they died. 
Dean was the one who really got through to me, and I’m not to sure why. Maybe because of how he handled it? Dean never tried to force me to eat like Sam did. I was grateful that same did so, but he didn’t really know how to help me cope with it. 
Dean barged into my room in the middle of the night. A bag full of my favorite Chinese  take out. 
“Look you don’t have to talk or eat, but you need to allow yourself to hang out with others, like me. Friends reruns are on tonight and we are going to watch them.” Dean set the food down on my bed and left the room, coming back with two beers and turning on the TV in my room. 
“Dean” I whispered to him.
“You are going to spend time with me. I know how it feels to lose someone close to you, multiple. You’re handling it differently than Sam and I, but you are hurting yourself by not taking care of yourself.” Dean opened the sweet and sour chicken, sticking a fork in it, he shoved it into my hands. It smelled good.
“Dean” I tried to talk again.
“I don’t care if you shower, not eating is killing you slowly. You eat very little. so tonight I got all of your favorite take out. You can’t resist it and you know it.” He held a bowl of egg drop soup towards me face “Sniff sniff, spells like sex in a bowl.”
“Dean” I tried to not laugh “Thank you” 
Ever since, I slowly became back to my old self. Different but still the real me. When he came back it was excitement and a stab through the heart. I tried to smile through it, but imagine what it would be if someone came back from what was thought to be dead. 
I was broken.
Back to the now, I noticed Gabe was laying next to me. A soft feather like feeling grazed my skin. I felt this whenever he was near me, almost as if he was trying to touch me but wasn’t didn’t take me long to figure out it was his wings.
“What’s on your mind?” He turned his head towards me, his eyes met mine and I held my breath.
“I just” I couldn’t hold it back anymore, one simple question and I broke. I felt my eyes fill up with tears, my nose became stuffy. “It’s silly”
“Nothing is silly if it makes you sad” He sat up and rested his body on his arm, looking down at me. 
“Can you just.” I paused for a moment, trying as hard as i could to not cry “Please hold me. I feel so broken.” 
Without another word, he pulled me into his chest. His breathing sounded off. Like he was struggling. When I met his eyes, I could see how broken he looked.
“Dean told me” He whispered “He told me what happened to you, and I.. I had a hard time seeing it because you pretended so well that you were okay. I thought you got through it like he said, but I was so wrong. I wish I could’ve been there for you. I should’ve you needed me even when I returned and I wasn’t there.” 
“I understand, it’s not like you knew, you were battling with so much on your own, I held my feelings in because I knew that you had so much going on.” I moved my gaze up to the ceiling as the tears now escaped my eyes. I was done. 
“I wanted to tell you for so long, I never got the chance.” He kissed my forehead, I felt a feather brush against my face. “I realized that before I ‘dead’ that I loved a mortal.” 
I felt my heart break, I loved this angel and I had a feeling of doubt that it wasn’t the same for him. Holding onto my feeling for so long and locking them up made it hard to accept anything else.
“And learning that this said mortal, lost a father figure not long after me, had grieved for years and wasn’t back to herself, I felt like I failed at showing my love for this person. My heart shattered when I heard about my sweet little human, and now looking into her eyes, I know there is still hope for us.”
I knew this was the worst moment for this. I laughed. For the first time I actually laughed, whole hardheartedly. I didn’t find this moment funny, but I think that part of my brain didn’t exactly register what he said and the other part wasn’t accepting what he said.
“Why are you laughing?” He had a look of confusion, his chocolate eyes watched my every movement. 
“This isn’t real” I managed to get out after I stopped laughing,
“ I have been in love with you since the start.” Gabe was now sitting up “So don't you dare tell me my feelings aren't real.“ 
“No you shut up and listen” He pulled me up to him. “I have loved you since the moment I actually laid eyes on you. You want to know something? You are my soulmate”
“Your wha-”
“S-O-U-L-M-A-T-E! Do I need to write it down too? Want to know how I know? Because you feel my wings. Every brush, every feather. I figured it out when you kept looking around like crazy because my wings kept rubbing up on you. So I messed with you, seeing if I was actually seeing things correctly. I can literally feel and see your soul. But you can’t see my wings. Why? Because you refuse to accept the fact that I love you. I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU. You spent so long forcing yourself to think it was one-sided.” he was now in tears
“Gabe, shut up” I pulled him into my arms “First of all, your wings are beautiful. Second, I love you, I always have, I just...”
“I know sweets” He kissed My cheeks.
“Stop kissing my cheeks and fucking kiss me already” I wiped my tears.
“Yes ma’am.”
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OK, now that I’m normal again and my feelings are not all over the place I’m ready to talk rationally about the episode.
I’m gonna start saying that I loved it.
I always thought that Annie ended up like the most dysfunctional adult bc Beth was there to clean up her messes.  Beth, as the older sister, took Annie under her protection and I think she was way more like a mom to her rather than a sister. We all can see how every time Annie has a problem she can’t deal with, she goes to Beth. She relies on her.Beth became Annie’s safe place whenever she lost control over things in her life. I understand Beth in these situations but I also think she could have handled her sister better, let her deal with her problems rather than running to her when she called it. I always wondered if this co-dependency she has on her big sis is also one of the reasons Dean doesn’t like Annie much. I can clearly see him arguing with Beth about her always going to her sis while she has a family to take care of.
I loved that Ruby told her what Beth really was for her. How she sacrificed a lot just to be there for her little sis. I think Annie knows it too, but sometimes she is so caught up in her own problems that she takes for granted what Beth does for her. And I’m not saying that to make Annie the bad guy here. She is just human and like I said, she was not the only one responsible for the person she became.
What I loved is that later, she feels it, deep down, Ruby’s words. They were inside her head the whole time she went back home, I bet and that is why we also see her so fragile while talking to Sadie. She is finally facing her own demons bit by bit, she is afraid that she is not being a good mom, a good influence on Sadie... She is afraid because she knows her own faults as an adult and she probably feels ashamed that she can’t even afford the medicine her son needs. I understand and respect her for not wanting to ask for anybody’s money bc she wants to succeed in being a good parent to her kid once in her life.
Also. Finally, the moment when she opens her eyes about what Noah did. People call Annie stupid and naive. I think she is mostly naive. She trusts people too easy sometimes. But she is smart ( I think we can agree that she slips a lot but again, she is just human) and she quickly connected the dots in her head when Ruby asked who could have known about Boland Motors. I don’t know what she is gonna do, but I think she is gonna confront him rather than play some kind of cat/mouse game with Noah.
One thing about Noah tho:
I don’t think he is working for Rio. I’ve seen some theories about it but his reactions yesterday tells me that he was feeling guilty and worried. He likes Annie, and frankly, with her goofy, carefree nature it’s so easy to like her. If he was working secretly for Rio or was his inside man in the FBI, I don’t think there was a reason for him to feel any of those feelings. He would know they wouldn’t end up finding anything and that she and her sis would be safe. And about using her in any way or lying to her about it?  I think if he is catching feelings for her as I think he is, he wouldn’t need to be so worried bc, after all, they are all working for the same guy, right? Noah would feel a bit like a d-bag but I’m pretty sure he’d feel like they could talk it out in a way.
From the synopsis for episode 12, I do think that in the end they both are gonna talk about what Noah did.
OMG RUBY!!! She was perfect, as always. From supporting Stan, to not let her man wallow in self-pity  and also standing up for Beth, this woman again shows us how loyal she is and how far she is willing to go to help those she loves, while also thinking about how this will affect her family in the long run, but she knows there is no way out right now. She needs to keep going bc there is no other option. Stan has no job, they have bills to pay, kids to feed and with her job, Ruby can’t deal with everything financially on her own.
I just love how strong she is despite everything. I really can’t say more about Ruby in this episode bc I see Ruby as the moral compass in the show. And I can’t wait to see how She is gonna deal with the obstacles on her way bc we know they are huge and they will make her go against some of her own values here to help her hubby and her family. I’m dying to see how she handles it.
We know she is afraid and that is why she did what she did on that bus. Throwing the drugs away showed me how desperate she suddenly became and I think that it was because she thought about how Sara treated Stan after he was arrested. She panicked bc she didn’t wanna her daughter to go through that again, watching another parent being arrested in front of her friends. Imagine the humiliation for Sara? Ruby loves her kid and she knows she suffered after seeing what happened to her father. She didn’t wanna ruin her relationship with Sara too. I understand, u, boo. I got u!
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I will be here rooting and suffering with her and Stan. 
ohh Beth... How beautifully complex u are.U guys know I’m biased when it comes to this woman but she had one of my favorite scenes in the episode.That scene of her in the store... GOD! What a scene. The suspense, the thrill she got for doing something wrong and the possibility of getting caught, the song while everything was happening.. slowing down and down... PERFECT. She was trying so hard being good but this dark thing inside her was awakened and demanded to be fed.
She had a taste of it, of freedom from the dormant life she lead. This is a woman who lived, breathed, for everyone else but not for herself. Beth Boland never got a chance to know who she really is, what she likes to do, what she could be. She was molded into that momma persona and I think it’s natural that she struggles between being just that and the scary possibility of finding out what, who else she can be. 
If u had to start all over again, find out who else u wanted to be, wouldn’t u be afraid too? Yeah, for some ppl it can be exciting as well, but most people will feel fear also.
I think that by the last scene of her, she is feeling just like that: afraid but excited as hell.
When she laughed and said it was fun almost being caught by the feds? CHILLS literally chills !! Beth is flirting with this wild side of her that get’s excited with power and challenges.
This doesn’t make her a villain, in my opinion, just someone more complex and that is embracing this side we all have that makes us wonder: “what would be like to not care at all? For rules, for being nice and polite all the time, sometimes to ppl we hate or don’t care at all? What if I just cheat and lie to get what I want as other people do? They don’t seem to care and they are in a better place in life than me.”
I love when writers let us see how a character struggles between the lines of what we accept as morally right and what we think it’s a no-go for “good people” like us, when we know nobody is perfect or a saint.
Watching her sitting inside that car in the dark and then leaving... Her chair empty...
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We saw earlier in the episode when Dean (stupid Dean) asks her if she misses it and she says “would it matter?”.  He says something else about her cookies and she just smiles but then we see the smile leaving her face and I was like:
OMG GIRL. I know.. I know it hurts and it sucks.
Her breaking down? One long time thing coming. She needed that. It also shows us that she might have another breakdown soon but this time with Dean. Beth is so fed up with just being the good momma, the good person... Always doing the right thing. No more. And if Dean keeps pushing her?
 Ohh I don’t wanna be him.
Beth x Rio.
ok Now, on these two. I let my shipper feels get the best of me. 
I have this hopeless romantic side of me that can’t help but go all in in the feels.LOL
That being said:
DO I think that what Rio said in that promo was like a marriage proposal? OF COURSE NOT. And I am sure a lot of ppl know that. It’s called shipper behavior. We all allow ourselves to be a bit silly about it.
We don’t know how that scene is gonna happen and what will be really said, in addition to what we heard them say but like u, dear follower or person who sees my posts in the tag know, I do believe Rio have personal reasons and way more practical ones to want Beth working for him again.
Some say it is a punishment for the headache she probably caused him when she said she was out. However, I’d argue that it is not that good of punishment because she likes it. She likes to work with him. She likes doing it. But yeah, for a lifetime? Not what I think she has in mind or will want it in the long run in that sense, I agree that it is one but not an effective one or the best way to punish her, RIGHT NOW.
And there is a big IF in what I said bc what if she ends up wanting to do that in the long run? We don’t know what direction Beth’s character will follow in the future.
Now back to the point, yeah it looks like a punishment and I’m sure she will freak out about Boomer’s body and we still don’t know what else Rio is gonna do and their relationship right now?
A mess. An UNHEALTHY, hot mess. Because again he has all the power.
Again Rio is gonna feed on her indecision and fears and he will get what he wants from her in the end bc this man is not playing around.
That is why I don’t think he has softened. Rio is like a snake. He will surprise u and attack when u less expect him to.
He surprised her in the park. He followed her or we can say he knows her well enough now to know exactly where she is. And again Rio showed her he is one step ahead of her ( and of everyone else it seems lol).
I see a man who is a planner, a charmer, a cold killer when he needs to be, a father, a rational, logical, smart man, controlling and who loves power and who also can be an attentive, soft lover if he also wants. He is a man who knows how to read people. But the fact that he reads Beth so well? I don’t think that is because she is weak, but rather that she is too much like him in some aspects.
He respects her. No one can say the contrary.
But he won’t let her ruin things for him, so here he is making sure she doesn’t, she goes to that park and tells her the FBI is going to BM bc if she gets caught? The feds will have info on the little operation they had there!
But they were also partners so, if he lets her go down for this, he only has things to lose. Her included. Because, yeah I believe he sees her as a valuable asset. 
Beth, with her efficiency, intelligence, and courage, secured herself a place in his organization, and people like her, even if a bit dangerous ( and are not all of them like that? the people he deals with on a daily basis?)? They are the kind of people born for what he does and he sure as hell won’t let her go.
And I believe he keeps pulling at the strings he has on her tighter bc he knows she is not sure of what she wants herself, but he won’t let her slip away from his fingers.
That is why I also think he is in way too deep with her. Why he let her under his skin and he is not thinking rationally, not 100%. She probably won’t use the dealership again ( for reasons - the FBI still there and Dean). I don’t know how she is gonna do it but she will go back to launder money for him and I believe he will help her with that.
She is taking too much of his time already. This woman is soo high maintenance. Too much of a headache.
However, I believe he likes it. He has fun with it. He lets her get away with too much. Oh, you all know I said that A LOT of times before.
I do believe he wants her, like hard still.
He is a man after all, who appreciates good, pretty, not too easy to get kind of things.
Beth Boland is like that. She is interesting.
Do I believe they will drive into the sunset together or that he will turn into a puppy for her?
 LMAO nope.
I’m happy with how the writers are handling things for now.
The only thing I hated was how they didn’t give us the trio comedy that Rio x Ruby x Annie is. But I guess they preferred to spend more time on that scene of the FBI breaking into Boland Motors 
But, yeah, I have faith in the writers and the cast bc they gave us a lot already and if they could make an episode look great even when heavy spoilers were published, oh just imagine what else they can give us.
I think we’ve been well fed compared to other shows ( I said that already but whatever. I still believe we are!)
Balance is not easy to manage and hell, I’m happy I’m not a writer bc damn,  it is not easy to keep everyone in a fandom happy.
( there is no way u can feed everyone, not all the time, right?)
sorry that this became such a monster of a post xD
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cap-loves-oneshots · 5 years
Dean Winchester x Reader
Fandom: Supernatural
Category: slight angst, fluff
Trigger warnings: argument
Prompt: You want to be a hunter too, which leads to an argument with your boyfriend.
Requested by: a dear friend of mine
The sound of shattering glass echoed through the motel room. Loud voices could be heard, yelling at each other. Sam, who had been out to get some food after a succesfull hunt stopped dead in his tracks. He furrowed his brow. Of course, he recognized the voices. He was just about to open the door, when it was thrown open from the other side, and a figure rushed past him, sobbing.
~a few minutes before~
"Dean?" you said, looking up as you saw him emerge from the bathroom, where he had washed away all of the blood from whatever the brothers had killed today. He sat down on a chair next to the table and poured himself some wiskey before answering: "What is it (y/n) ?" You swallowed nervously before finally deciding to speak your mind: "I want to hunt as well." "What ?!" Dean shouted, spitting out his drink. "I said I want to hunt as well. I wanna help you guys !" you exclaimed, determination in your (e/c) eyes. "You aren't gonna hunt." Dean said, only barely keeping his cool. "Dean listen to me..." you tried to explain, but where interrupted by the sound of shattering glass as Dean smashed his glas of the table and stood up, shouting at you: "NO, YOU LISTEN TO ME ! YOU AREN'T A HUNTER, AND YOU'LL NEVER BE !! GOT IT ?!?" You were too shocked to even say anything. You saw the anger in his eyes. He looked furious. Dangerous, even. Tears glistened in your eyes, and you quickly turned around. You didn't want him to see you cry. Sobbing, you dashed out the door, ignoring the surprised and confused Sam.
~back to current time~ You sat down on the hood of the impala, hugging your knees to your chest, letting the tears flow freely now. You felt a change in weight as someone sat beside you. After a few moments, you could hear the soft voice of the younger Winchester: "(y/n)... hey ... what's wrong ? What did my silly brother do this time?" Still sobbing, you looked up to see the empathetic and concerned look on Sams face. "He... he ... he doesn't want me to hunt..." you explained between sobs, "b-but I ... I really want to and h-he didn't even let me explain why !" Laying a hand on your shoulder to calm you down, Sam asked: "Would you ... explain it to me ? I might be able to talk to him." You nodded and cleared your throat before starting to speak: "Remember when you guys found me ? You saved me from a werewolf. But... the werewolf had killed my family already, so you took me with you. Over the time I was with you, you became like family to me! Not only do I want to avenge my family, but I also want to make sure I don't lose my new family as well! It's driving me insane, ya know, waiting at a motel and not being able to do anything but to pray for you and Dean to come home savely !" By now, you tears had subsided, and once more, determination was displayed clearly on your face. Sam just stayed quiet for a while before nodding and whispering: "I'm gonna talk to Dean." He pressed a light kiss to your forehead before ruffling your (h/c) hair and leaving you alone.
You didn't know how much time had passed. Hours ? Days ? It felt like centuries, when it was really just a few minutes. You looked up when you saw someone making his way towards you. You knew it wasn't Sam, this person was shorter. It was Dean. He quietly sat down next to you. You weren't able to make eyecontact, so you just looked down at your feet. It was only when a slight cough made you look up, that you realized he had been looking at you the entire time. Now, he spoke up, nervousness clearly present in his voice: "Hey, (y/n) ? I'm really sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to yell at you, it's just...." he looked at you, but when you didn't say anything and just kept staring at him, he sighed before continueing: "I just... I was worried about you... ever since we met, I've felt of you like... like of a little sister I wanted to protect. But lately, it has changed. I feel... more. I don't ever want to see you hurt. I guess I just overreacted a little and didn't think about your feelings. So... let's make a deal. I'm gonna train you to be a hunter, but I get to decide when you're ready for .... ya know, REAL hunting. Sounds good ?" You didn't answer, but smiled happily and through yourself at him, tackling him in a hug. However, he wasn't prepared for this, so you ended up lying on top of him, on the hood of the impala. He grinned, before quickly turing you around. Now he was the one on top, his hands on both sides of your head. "I love you (y/n)." he wispered, before pressing his soft lips onto yours. You closed your eyes, kissing him back. And that's how Sam found you two a few minutes later: lying on the black car, kissing.
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