#so that's why i wrote his name in chinese too
iwant-fuitgummi · 7 months
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new genshin oc!! peizhi, a fluff-fleece goat adeptus from chizhang wall ^^
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not-the-cheese · 1 year
one sentence summaries of every TMA episode
(1-60 i'll add more soon)
part 2 up!
world's most effective anti-smoking PSA
man DOES NOT open coffin. everyone claps.
woman is judgemental towards neighbor even though she has hobbies that are just as weird.
book makes multiple people fall off chair.
man finds bag of teeth and decides he absolutely needs to fuck around and find out.
worm sti.
there was a SCARY MAN in the WAR.
fuck this tree
well at least ted bundy was a great father :)
i'm like 55% sure vampires are real and i'm willing to take those odds
bitches be dying. you're next.
we kill this man because he made the soda too warm.
sorry ur husband's dead. maybe get some help.
Unbox with me ! (GONE WRONG)
hah i'm safe from this one because i have decided to Never Go Into a Cave Ever.
man is so annoying about this spider that even his cat can't be bothered
man's bully finds a book about a Bone Turner and subsequently begins turning people's bones.
this guy sucks at DIY home improvement
aw maybe this priest didn't do anything THAT bad!
oh fuck nevermind
the worms stole my identity. i haven't left the house in days.
man beats german children at game of bravery and wins a coin (he later loses this coin)
my ex boyfriend gets casted in the muppets and dies
sorry mom, i've abandoned jesus for a new religion : jesus in the dark.
tall squiggly and HANDsome
old man arm wrestles demon through door knob
the buzzfeed unsolved guys finally catch a ghost but it's their sound tech
immortality but at what cost
working at the big meat factory was so traumatizing it made me vegetarian
i go to america and get almost killed by a furry
well if you love that wasp nest so much why don't you MARRY it (and then she did)
antisocial boat crew bands together to exclude one guy from a midnight party. he dies from the rejection.
bone apple teeth
remember when that norwegian guy threw a tantrum about us not digging a hole? turns out we were right to not dig that hole.
babe come over my parents have taken ill and passed away
man fucks around and it costs him everything
oh god oh fuck the worms are here
thank you for participating in worms! please rate your wormsperience from 1 to 10.
the wormsperience has left me deeply scarred. i'm going to get lost in a tunnel about it.
🎸music makes me loose control🎸
spooky stories to tell at the next police slumber party
child threatens to run away and join the circus one too many times, and now the circus has come to cash in.
these mosquitoes are mad sus
man frequents local barnes and noble and then dies(?) after liking a book too much.
realtor gets eaten by the backrooms twice. it's a terrible shame.
both me and this weird goth dude have an unsatisfying italy vacation
guy who turns people's bones gets a new job where he continues to turn people's bones.
man who should never be allowed to build prisons builds a prison.
Something Big Is In The Water.
what if u heard me about 15 feet behind you fumbling around and calling out ur name 😳 (and we were both prison guards)
i'm going to be honest i didn't retain anything from this episode except that this guy has the silliest old man voice ever
everybody hates the tax man, including these creepy taxidermy animals
hmmgh. ant house.
so turns out being only 55% sure that vampires are real in my career as a vampire hunter has had some consequences.
the only thing keeping you company in space is your abandonment issues
🎶 the snack that smiles back 🎶 (my husband!)
maybe the real treasure was the house siblings we encased in spider web along the way.
your dead brother wrote books about ancient myths and WHAT
Part 2
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six-eyed-samurai · 1 month
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SUMMARY: Somehow Giyuu's son has disappeared somewhere - chaos ensues because there's no way he's telling you he lost your child. A/N: I'm back and I'm beaming another Giyuu fic is in town! (<<anyone who catches the song reference wins a free request of anything they want to see Domestic!Giyuu and Co doing). I really enjoyed writing Zenitsu this way because he's just so 怪叔叔 coded (for non-Chinese, 怪叔叔 roughly translates to "weird uncle" but there's not really a word for it in English, so basically a creepy relative) WARNINGS: um, too many references to other anime if you catch them (name them all to get a free scenario) SUNNY'S TAGLIST: (comment if you wanna be added or removed) @abadonkori @therabbitthatpostthings @ezekieleen @giyuusluht @bisforbuse MASTERLIST/PREVIOUS FICS
There were about three times that Giyuu can recall directly lying to your face.
The first time was when you were still pregnant with Koji and got hit by cravings in the middle of the night. Your emotions had been skyrocketing, leaving you a sulky mess when Giyuu tried to reason with you that 3 a.m. really wasn't the time to eat daifuku. It was unhealthy, he said, perfectly poker-faced. It could not, you reasoned, be because he ate them all. It could not because you had (quite fiercely) told him not to eat it and Giyuu didn't even like that particular flavour of daifuku anyway. He didn't, which was why he stopped eating about halfway through…leaving about one or two for you.
So far you hadn't found that out. Don't worry, Giyuu still feels bad for gaslighting you into thinking there were only originally two left. Definitely not six.
The second time was about the seriousness of his injuries after a tougher than usual mission before you two married. Actually it should be more of a collection of little white lies, because Giyuu never wanted to worry you and did his best to play down his injuries every time. But this time he nearly had his legs sliced off and was suffering several more crushed bones - not something he could easily hide from you, so it was a little extreme but he wrote you a letter telling you not to come because the Demon's Blood Art was infectious.
So far you hadn't found that out either. Neither did Kocho, but he almost regretted it from her million “My, my, Tomioka, it seems like everybody's avoiding you lately” though he later found out it was because you genuinely believed him and told everybody.
And the third time was today. Funny enough the lie he felt the worst about. Felt so bad he nearly chickened out and made Tanjiro tell you…if he hadn't remembered the boy couldn't tell a lie to save his life.
It was just eight words. Eight words.
“Where's Koji by the way?”
“…he's outside playing with Tanjiro and his friends.”
Eight words that made Giyuu want to bang his head against a wall and meekly apologize to you for all eternity.
Because somehow he had managed to lose his only son.
He was going to lose his ability to remain poker-faced soon as you beamed brightly at him. “That sounds fun! But I thought you all were training?”
“We took a break.” Giyuu squeezed your hand and leant down to press a kiss to your forehead. “You're supposed to be asleep anyway. Get well soon.”
“Mhm. I'm not that tired.” You roll your eyes. “Can you bring in Koji later?”
He hoped he didn't look too obvious.
Perhaps a little backtracking would be helpful. You had recently received severe blood loss from the last mission you were sent on that landed you a stay at the Butterfly Mansion. It wasn't too bad as you got to spend a little more time with Giyuu and your new baby boy but finally Shinobu had shooed (for such a short woman she could really push people around with great force…) them both out citing you needed rest “without you making goo-goo eyes at her all the time, Tomioka. You must be such a bad influence on your child.”
To which he responded by blankly staring at her. “I don't think I'm a bad influence…”
“If you'd like to think so, Tomioka. Now scram.”
At any rate he had brought Koji out with him to training with the Kamaboko Squad as they were known. He had left the baby on a blanket on the engawa with various toys littered around to keep his attention occupied; Koji hadn't quite mastered the art of walking yet, so Giyuu was reasonably confident he would be alright, evidenced by the quick checks Giyuu would take in between swinging a sword with the boys.
Swinging a sword, honestly, would be lying as well. Giyuu couldn't fault them for wanting to play with Koji - even though for whatever reason Inosuke kept trying to give him acorns and called him every other variation of his name…ranging from “Genji”, “Koto” and “Muji”.
(The closest he got was calling him Toji, but Giyuu was still confused as to why he also added a “Fushiguro” at the end…)
“Look! The tiny Ban Ban Haori took my gift, Gonpachiro! AHAHAHAHA, YOU CAN BE MY MINION, DENJI!”
Giyuu yanked the grass blades and said acorn away from Koji’s drooling mouth. “You're not supposed to be feeding him that…spit it out, Koji, no, don't swallow!”
Not that Inosuke was listening. He was dumping even more acorns onto the ground, in fact. Thankfully Giyuu's mini-me was fancying chewing on his dad's finger a little more.
The yellow haired one wasn't much better. Zenitsu kept trying to befriend Koji…who did not want to befriend him. Whether it was because of Zenitsu’s expressions or questionable decibel volume or him calling himself “Uncle Zenitsu”, no matter how many times said slayer fawned over the baby or tried to play with him Koji’s lip would quiver, his eyes would tear up and inevitably the wailing would start.
So obviously Giyuu solved the problem by “politely” telling Zenitsu to go away.
(Later on you wouldn't understand why Zenitsu kept glowering at your husband; Giyuu would defend himself, deadpan as he said Koji did not like him therefore he should get out of his sight.)
At least someone in the group has a brain cell and experience with little kids. Of them all Giyuu trusted Tanjiro the most with his child. Koji seemed to adore the red haired boy, wanting to burrow into his lap all the time and curiously tugging at his hanafuda earrings. Hardly surprising, seeing as Tanjiro was more than happy to indulge in his uppies and not attempt to throw him in the air like Inosuke or poke him a little too harder like Zenitsu. He even put on a little puppet show for him with the scattered plushies.
Koji seemed to adore Tanjiro a little too much, actually. Giyuu decided to make them all go back to training after Koji rejected his hold for Tanjiro’s uppies.
But they ended up spending more time getting distracted over petty arguments rather than training.
The boar-head was cackling in that weird maniacal way of his. “Manjiro and Monitsu will never ever land a hit on me!!! I'm the King of the Mountains, no one will ever best me!”
Giyuu closed his eyes and sighed quietly before smacking the wooden sword upside on Inosuke's head. But-
“Inosuke, again, my name is Tanjiro-”
“Zenitsu! Stop trying to eat Inosuke's head!”
Too late. Sigh again.
“You're not even one yet and you're the sanest here, it seems.” Giyuu retreated to let them fight it out (it was the third time already), seating himself next to Koji, who cooed and tried to crawl onto his lap, dropping his plushy.
“Why did I even agree to this again?” Probably because Tanjiro asked - he really was going soft.
Giyuu nodded. “You get it.”
Tanjiro just about jumped Giyuu when he exited the room you were in, closing the door with a twitching eye (he really can’t believe he managed to lie to you), more than ready to help his friend and mentor track down the missing child by making Giyuu go over everything again and again. “So are you SURE that was the last time you saw Koji then?”
“AHAHAHAH! I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU MANAGED TO LOSE YOUR SPAWN!” The laughter dies down as it fully hits Inosuke. “…wait, you lost Ojiro?”
“I-” Giyuu short circuited. “You’re right, Agatsuma. (y/n)’s going to have my head on a platter.
“Calm down, everyone! Koji couldn’t have gotten far, he can’t walk without stumbling and he crawls most of the time, right? And since we already checked outside Koji must be inside the Butterfly Mansion!” Tanjiro patted Giyuu’s shoulder. “We’ll find him, Giyuu-san!”
“I BET I’LL BE THE FIRST TO FIND HIM!” Inosuke hollered before…leaping onto the wall and scuttling off down the hallway. “YOU’RE ALL LOSERS TO THE KING OF THE MOUNTAINS! I SHALL FIND MY MINION!”
At this point Giyuu couldn’t even be surprised. “I’m more worried about if he’s fallen down or hiding somewhere or got stuck some place or something worse.”
“It’s alright! We can ask Ms. Aoi and the Butterfly Girls to help or if they’ve seen Koji!”
“There’s no way he could’ve run off by himself anyway.”
“No, sorry, I don’t think any baby came into the kitchen, Tomioka-san.”
Giyuu’s shoulder slumped. “I see.”
“I’m sure you’ll find him soon, Tomioka-san, Tanjiro, Zenitsu!” The three girls that were always around piped up. “We’ll keep an eye out for him though!”
“Aw, that’s so cute of you guys!”
Giyuu let Zenitsu bask in the three girl’s praises for being so kind to help the Water Pillar look for his son and turned back to Tanjiro and Aoi, who was tapping a spoon against the table thoughtfully. “There’re lots of rooms where he could’ve hidden. Have you checked?”
“Yeah, we have, but there’s no sign of him anywhere,” Tanjiro sheepishly answered.
“How did he even disappear?”
He didn’t know it but the despairing look on his face was rather pitiful. “I don’t know. I turned around to check on him and he just wasn’t there.”
“You didn’t hear him crawl off?”
Tanjiro suddenly interrupted. “Oh hey, Aoi! Are you making mochi now?”
“Giyuu-san! Didn’t you say Koji likes the smell of them? Maybe he’ll come out if he smells some!”
“What kinda idea is that?” Zenitsu scoffed, before remembering every other method had failed. He deflated. “Alright, it might work.”
The girls oohed and aahed. “We’ll help!”
“That’s actually a good idea, Tanjiro. You can have some, here, and good luck! I hope you guys find him!”
Privately Giyuu thought they were treating Koji like he was a dog and not actually, you know, a human BABY perhaps…but if it worked, it worked, so he let himself be roped into the plan.
It did not work.
Despite the odds at this point Giyuu was convinced a demon had kidnapped his baby. Every room in the house had been investigated. All of them had literally gotten on their hands and feet, calling out and cooing out Koji’s name. Inosuke had even dropped down from the ceiling to give them all a heart attack and announce that he could not sense “Tiny Todoroki” anywhere.
Giyuu was ready to pull out his ponytail. Where on earth could his son possibly even go? Kocho’s Estate wasn’t even that large! He hadn’t even heard so much as baby babble or Koji’s crying. In fact it might be the Kamaboko Squad who would be crying if Kocho ever discovered the mess they made turning everything inside out and upside down trying to figure out where a baby could’ve crawled off into and potentially gotten stuck in. What on earth had he done to deserve this horrible state of affairs?
What had he done to Koji that would make the baby want to vanish into thin air?
Well, whatever it was, he was terribly apologetic about it.
He didn’t know it but his head was hung in repentance as Giyuu approached the door to your room. The Kamaboko Squad and the three Butterfly Girls were behind him in awkward, contrite silence. It takes a village to raise a child, maybe, but apparently it takes waaay beyond a village to FIND a child. Giyuu felt a little bad they all got stuck trying to fix his mistake, so if any backlash happened from your end - though he doubted it - he’d do his best to take the most of it.
“It’s not really your fault Koji ran off, Giyuu-san,” Tanjiro tried to say reassuringly.
“It absolutely is. I should’ve checked on him more,” Giyuu replied gloomily and on that depressing note he entered you room.
“Yuu!” You tossed aside your book and reached out your arms. He obliged, even in the painful angle he had to sit in to lie his head against your chest, but you stroking his hair was enough to make up for it. “I’m so bored here, can’t you convince Shinobu I’m fine already?”
“You nearly fell down the stairs when you felt dizzy yesterday-”
“No, I nearly fell down because the floor was wet! I’m fine, I swear!” You huff and fell back against the pillows, scratching away at Giyuu’s scalp. “Anyways, where’s Koji? I wanna see my baby.”
“Our baby.”
“Right, sorry, Yuu. Where is he?”
Darn. Giyuu had hoped you would be distracted a little longer - for something, anything, maybe a miracle to happen - before he would have to reveal the truth to you.
He groaned loudly and face planted into your blanket-covered stomach. “(y/n), lovely, please don’t be mad at me. I did my best to-”
“Try and give Koji a bath but he did such a terrible job, (y/n) dear, that I had to take over.”
Alright, Giyuu knows he was praying for something to save him, but of all things - KOCHO?!
The Insect Pillar’s smile widened viciously at the sight of Giyuu’s shocked face as she glided to your bedside, mirroring those of the Kamaboko Squad and Butterfly Girls’ outside. A freshly showered Koji, with his puffy baby hair stuck to his forehead from water, giggled in Shinobu’s arms, kicking and squealing.
“Hi, baby! Did you miss mama? Mama missed you, y’know, mhm, I know.” You took Koji into your own hold, blowing raspberries onto his stomach. “Did Yuu do a good job of taking care of you? I think so too, heh.”
I think not, Shinobu’s eyes wickedly gleamed.
I think not too…Giyuu blinked back. While you were distracted he quickly got to his feet and crossed over to the other side to pull Shinobu aside.
“Thank you.”
“That, Tomioka, was the stiffest thanks anyone has ever given me.” Shinobu covered her chuckles with an airy hand. “No need, but try not to make me cover for you again or lose your son?”
“I - I will, but where did you even find him?”
“Well, well, Tomioka, I thought you all were done for training and went outside, but instead I found him crawling off the engawa and rolling in the mud, so I had to bring him in and give him a bath. Then I saw you all running around trying to find him and figured it must’ve looked like he just disappeared to you all when he was playing in the puddle.”
Giyuu glanced back at you and Koji and quietly vowed to never lose any of you, no matter the circumstances, whether it be to demons or simply because you had wandered off due to boredom. If missing you both for just a few hours had done such a number on him, he never wanted to find out what happens if…
“…I guess I owe you one now, Kocho,” Giyuu acknowledged.
“You can start by cleaning up the mess you made of my house, Tomioka.”
You actually nearly found out about Koji’s brief disappearance earlier when a boar leapt down from the ceiling and nearly gave you a heart attack.
Instinctively you jolted back and almost screamed loud enough to wake the dead if you hadn’t recognized the intruder. “Inosuke?! What - what are you - what were you doing up there?!”
The boy in question grunted, head swiveling around. “…this isn’t the right room.”
“What? What right room?”
“Gotta go, gotta look for Toru Oikawa!”
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survivalove · 9 months
debunking lies zutara shippers say about the atla creators & writers
disclaimer: this is in no way an endorsement or defense of bryke or anyone mentioned. literally just debunking false statements i see spread throughout and outside the fandom as it pertains to kataang
1. that bryke made kataang endgame because the nice guy should get the girl
this is something I see often usually linked with this video of a man ⬇️ who they claim to be bryan/mike echoing this sentiment.
this man is in fact john o’bryan, one of the three known zk shippers in the writers’ room (we’ll expand on this in point 5) talking about how he saw aang. not the creators. so of course it shouldn’t surprise anyone that he doesn’t even like kataang in the first place.
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2. that bryke made kataang endgame last minute and zutara was the original pairing
bryan and mike (notice how i’m using both of their names separately. this too will be important in the next point) have talked about how kataang was planned since they originally wrote the show.
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they have also talked ad nauseam in a video (which I will not share here cuz it made a lot of ppl angry) about why they do not like zutara and its shippers, so this entire point is bogus.
++ the reason why they say zk was the original pairing is because of one of the zk writers (joshua hamilton) wrote this in the atla fun facts that used to run on tv. (we’ll get into him later) those atla fun facts contain a lot of inaccurate/non canon “facts” which you can check and verify on avatar wiki if you know what i’m talking about.
3. that aang is bryke’s self insert (specifically mike)
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yeah, here’s where the separation becomes important. bryan (L) and mike (R) are two different men. mike has never said that aang was his self-insert, nor has he directly talked about relating to aang. bryan, however, constantly talks about how much he relates to zuko. even, going as far to say he tries to think like zuko when he writes characters and shows.
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the only time mike has come close to saying he relates to aang is when dante said he thinks mike is more like aang while bryan is more like zuko, and they, mostly bryan, agreed. (mike has actually said he relates to korra more than aang but hey) bryan also is the one who drew mike’s beard on adult aang because he considered it a nice reference to his friend. this is the main reason why shippers ran with that self-insert narrative because half the time, they think bryke is actually one person ☠️
++ in fact, aang’s original character design is based off the mixed black-chinese son of sifu kisu
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4. that atla was supposed to have a season 4 where katara and zuko got together
this is mostly something that has come out of a fabricated interview by the head writer, aaron ehasz. he was allegedly asked what he would have liked to do if given the chance to write a fourth season of the show and talked about an azula redemption arc among other things. zutaras then made up a whole fake interview including that he wanted to make the two characters endgame.
ehasz then came out to say that most of these “interviews” were faked and that he has never talked about having a preference for any ship. if you go on his twitter, you will see him talking about an azula redemption arc tho.
as for atla having a 4th season at all, it was never intended. the creators, the music composers have all said at various points in time, the show was written and pitched as three seasons, three elements.
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5. that most of the other writers shipped zutara and bryke’s authoritarianism shut it down
as I said above, only three writers on the original show have come out to say they preferred zk at some point. atla has had a total of 21 staff writers. 3 out of 21 is not most if you ask me.
as for bryke (yes now i’m using the shorthand cuz i proved my point earlier) being authoritarians, no writer or staff that has worked with them on the show has said this so…? idk where that came from but i’m not here to back them up just mention facts.
6. that all the women who worked on the franchise shipped zutara while only men shipped kataang
atla has very few female staff as it is:
5 writers (elizabeth welch: zk; others: unknown)
1 director (unknown)
5 storyboard/character artists (lauren montgomery: ka; elsa garagarza: ka; angela song mueller: zk; others: unknown)
1 comic writer (faith erin hicks: ka)
2 comic artists (gurihiru: ka)
++ mae whitman (katara’s voice actress) has expressed her like for both ships throughout the years.
so i’m not sure what defines all and only for some ppl but those definitions are not in my dictionary. disclaimer: i’m not declaring anyone here as a shipper in any official sense. this is just based off statements they have made that you can google!
7. that katara is written poorly in post-atla content because of kataang/bryke
I mean the first part isn’t really a lie, more of an opinion which I can agree with to an extent.
why I mention this here is because zks will not only go on a tangent and link the misogyny in the writing to a m/f ship and say the other m/f ship would have been more feminist…
but they also refuse to hold all the men involved accountable. like I said, 3 known atla writers shipped zk and 2 of them (joshua & john) were men (who would’ve thought men could like a ship and it could still be considered feminist 😃). they were also 2 out of only 4 atla writers that came back for legend of korra, outside of the creators. (19 to 4 ☠️ no comment). these shippers very well know this and instead of holding these men accountable for the misogynistic writing, they instead brag about them shipping it and ask them about zk whenever they have the chance.
another example is gene luen yang, a comic writer who again shipped zk (another man GASPPPPP) responsible for the first 5 comic books. everyone knows his comics suck in terms of characterization, particularly katara’s. in fact zutaras have made multiple threads on how poor the writing is. funnily enough, they always fail to mention that gly was the script writer or acknowledge his part in this mischaracterization, while bragging about him shipping zk in other posts. ironic.
meanwhile, bryke have never offered writers’ commentary on any of gly’s comics besides the search - mike (because they were mostly writing legend of korra during his run.)
basically these shippers don’t care about misogyny or holding male writers accountable if they ship zk which is funny because I thought it was… for the female gaze? why are you hyping men shipping it anyway? confusion.
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rainbowsky · 4 months
Why gg is related to little prince in that little prince and rose story??
Hi Anon,
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Fake, fan fiction, CPN.
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry is a classic, exceptionally popular, beautifully told and illustrated story. Those who haven't read it can find it here.
Standard disclaimer: This is my own personal opinion based on my own interpretation of tidbits I've learned over the years. Everyone is free to come up with their own.
If you ask a solo they'll give you a completely different story than a turtle would about how The Little Prince is connected to GG, but I think GG's (and DD's) connection to that story runs far deeper than anything any fan - solo or turtle - can claim.
The Solo Interpretation
The solo interpretation revolves around the prince's red cape and the many references to the red cape that GG has made in his art and on social media over the years, which many believe were in response to fan activity.
The first reference came during a live broadcast of XFIRE, where GG created a pencil drawing of a boy wearing a cape and holding a ball. Later he posted a colored version of the image on his social media, where it was revealed that the boy was wearing a red cape and holding a glowing moon.
His fans named themselves Xiao Fei Xia (Chinese for 'Peter Pan') after seeing the image. The name sounds like Chinese for 'small fat shrimp', which is why XFX are often called shrimps (or tempuras, in malicious references).
When his fans won him a solo song, he posted a photo of a boy wearing a crown and a red cape. He later changed his Weibo badge to The Little Prince in a red cape. In Nov 2019 he posted an image of himself on Oasis with a red cape and crown drawn on.
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"But why do they think The Little Prince is about them, when they call themselves Peter Pans?" you might ask.
That is a somewhat ambiguous connection, but as far as I can tell it's because of the idea that he's their Little Prince and they are his Peter Pans. The song Satisfaction - which was meaningful to GG and his fans - was connected to the image he shared of the boy wearing the cape and crown. There is also the red cape connection. They wear a red cape, and 'their Little Prince' wears one too. Red is GG's color, and the color XFX identify their fandom with.
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A Deeper Connection
In any case, like I said - I think GG's connection to the Little Prince goes deeper than fandom, and the simplest answer to why it has become so connected with him is that he loves the story. It means a lot to him, and on some level he really identifies with the character.
And it's not difficult to see why both GG and DD identify with this story. I actually wrote a whole thing about that a while ago on my blog but of course, I can't find it now. So frustrating.
The Little Prince presents a lot of themes about personal development, love, acceptance, self-acceptance, friendship and found family that resonate with queer readers, with artistic/creative people, and with anyone who has had to live with loneliness or isolation (such as incredibly famous people who are forced to live somewhat separate from the rest of the world). There are themes about grief and loss, and about different points of view.
To me, the story is about how wisdom comes through wonder. More than anything, The Little Prince is about maintaining one's sense of childlike wonder and sensitivity in the face of all the pains and trials of life, and in spite of all attempts to kill our spirit. No matter what we have lost and long for, we can find beauty in the love we have and the connections we make.
It is that spirit of wonder that makes everything special, and makes us special too. It's what makes us able to look beneath the surface and see what's really important.
This is something GG quite obviously values very deeply. He has referred to DD as a sweet, pure-hearted boy in the past, and has spoken appreciatively about the fact that DD has managed to keep a sense of childishness and guilelessness despite being in this industry for so long, and from such an early age.
And GG himself displays those qualities in abundance. He has a very light-hearted, sweet, wonderstruck, sensitive, curious, cute side that is a huge part of the magnetism of his personality. We see this come out a lot in his downtime, such as when he was at Universal Studios, or when he was wandering the streets of Europe. One of the things that is most compelling about him is his willingness to show that side of himself, even as a grown man.
This is - as I've said many times - part of GG and DD's incredible chemistry and compatibility. They share their own little world, and this world of fun, laughter, sweetness, mischievousness and curiosity - the spirit of learning, exploring and cackling together like gremlins - this is all very much aligned with the themes of The Little Prince.
Even the moments of loneliness and separation and coming back together again, the stars in the sky and the ringing of bells - all of this is connected to the story of The Little Prince.
And if you believe the CPN about GG's birthday letter to DD (which I definitely do), this is a message GG gives DD: grow up slowly. That idea has appeared in fake rumors and other references in the fandom. And it's very aligned with the themes of The Little Prince.
From the book: (mild spoilers for those who haven't read it). Slightly abridged.
...he looked at me steadily, and replied to my thought:
“I am thirsty, too. Let us look for a well...”
I made a gesture of weariness. It is absurd to look for a well, at random, in the immensity of the desert. But nevertheless we started walking.
“What makes the desert beautiful,” said the little prince, “is that somewhere it hides a well...”
I was astonished by a sudden understanding of that mysterious radiation of the sands. When I was a little boy I lived in an old house, and legend told us that a treasure was buried there. To be sure, no one had ever known how to find it; perhaps no one had ever even looked for it. But it cast an enchantment over that house. My home was hiding a secret in the depths of its heart...
“Yes,” I said to the little prince. “The house, the stars, the desert—what gives them their beauty is something that is invisible!”
As the little prince dropped off to sleep, I took him in my arms and set out walking once more. I felt deeply moved, and stirred. It seemed to me that I was carrying a very fragile treasure. It seemed to me, even, that there was nothing more fragile on all Earth. In the moonlight I looked at his pale forehead, his closed eyes, his locks of hair that trembled in the wind, and I said to myself:
“What I see here is nothing but a shell. What is most important is invisible...”
As his lips opened slightly with the suspicion of a half-smile, I said to myself, again: “What moves me so deeply, about this little prince who is sleeping here, is his loyalty to a flower—the image of a rose that shines through his whole being like the flame of a lamp, even when he is asleep...” And I felt him to be more fragile still. I felt the need of protecting him, as if he himself were a flame that might be extinguished by a little puff of wind...
And, as I walked on so, I found the well, at daybreak.
Bottom line: Be who you are, stay true to yourself, don't let the world destroy all the soft, sweet, fun, creative, childlike, insightful, open-hearted parts of you.
You are special because of what you love.
GGDD and The Little Prince
Both GG and DD have been repeatedly associated with The Little Prince, and both have been referred to as "little prince" by fans. The Little Prince and his rose have been beloved by turtles as a frequently occurring candy/CPN in the fandom for years.
This started for DD back in his Uniq days. There's an example of this in an early Uniq interview. At the start each group member is being introduced, and their group role is listed onscreen along with the names fans use to refer to them, DD's nicknames are listed as "White Peony, Little Prince." (They're all such babies here!! 🥺)
And he really is a Little Prince, both in terms of his youthful, pure-hearted wonder and in terms of his appearance. There are countless examples of Prince Bobo.
Both GG and DD have been associated directly with the story of The Little Prince, in that both have performed readings of the story - GG in 2018, DD in 2018 and 2019.
(Sorry, no Eng subs for that last one).
The brand Roseonly created many Little Prince themed items back when GG was endorsing them.
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The recent photoshoot DD did for T Magazine was themed around The Little Prince, and people saw similar references in the photoshoot GG did for Marie Claire.
The Little Prince - CPN
There are too many CPN references to The Little Prince - or to elements from the story - to list them all here, but here are a few:
The Name
One of the things BXG get excited about is that in Chinese, The Little Prince is actually called 小王子 (Xiao Wang Zi - literally 'little king child'). While the character 小 (Xiao, meaning 'little') isn't the same as the Xiao character used in GG's name (his name uses 肖, which is a Chinese surname), they are pronounced the same*.
*Incidentally, 小 is the same character that connects XFX to the Peter Pan name, '小飞侠' or 'Xiao Fei Xia'.
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I think it's also likely that it's a big part of why GG and DD feel a connection to The Little Prince - because in Chinese, it references/connects their names.
They both love word play and have connected their names in the past - in the BTS when they were filming the library scene and GG wrote WangXiao with the calligraphy brush, on DDU when they were asked to come up with a team name and DD suggested BJYX and GG suggested Yizhan instead. It's very much in keeping with their personalities to enjoy that connection.
The Huang Ziteng post
Back in 2020 Huang Ziteng made a social media post that referenced The Little Prince. It consisted of a photo of a Little Prince figurine and thank you card with a rose pin. The text of the post read, "The child told me he received a gift, so happy. "The most important things cannot be seen, but must be felt with the heart." It was posted on September 13 at 18:23 (Yizhan - Yibo Loves Zhan).
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The Birthday Cake
When DD rode his motorcycle out to spend GG's birthday together back in 2018, the birthday cake was Little Prince themed.
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There was also a restaurant scene from Gank Your Heart where a Little Prince cake topper randomly appeared on the table. Does anyone else remember that? I can't find the actual scene, but it was very 👀.
EDIT: here it is!
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On the plate in the foreground.
A Dream Like A Dream
When A Dream Like A Dream premiered in Wuhan, the theatre plaza was overrun with flowers for GG, and he had to make a statement asking fans not to bring flowers. Fans got together and gave flowers away all over the city. GG posted a photo of a single rose, which turtles believed was sent to him by DD.
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The caption: "With love, the sun warms the spring." The kadian "Love Zhan, My Bo."
Day Day Up
DDU was a source for a few Little Prince-related CPN. There was a Little Prince figurine on the DDU set, next to a skateboard,
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and of course everything surrounding The Brightest Star in the Sky.
DD has frequently been referred to as the 'lonely star', and there is a great deal of CPN about GGDD and stars.
There's also a fake rumor that after DD's motorcycle accident back in 2020, GG was overheard recording a voice message for DD and saying, "you always shine brightly."
There are too many star references to mention. Also too many moon references to mention. There is a LOT of CPN that connects to The Little Prince. It comes up quite often in the fandom. I'm not going to try to gather them all here. Suffice it to say that it's very well solidified as something turtles feel a deep connection with.
Either/or is such a bitch
One of the things I find really frustrating about fan culture is that it is so warlike. Never is this more apparent than when talking about things like this. Solos believe The Little Prince references are for them. Turtles believe GG and DD are referencing each other.
Just a reminder to everyone - it's quite possible for BOTH to be true.
It's quite possible for GG and DD to find all of these things significant at the same time. It's quite possible for us to allow all those significances to coexist without making them into a battle.
More than anything, the references are for and about GG and DD. We can share our excitement for them because we're all their fans. We all love them. It doesn't have to be a fight.
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livuyang · 2 months
snowfall director has now closed his account because he is facing criticism from novel and drama fans. fans were dissatisfied with the ending so he released an alternative ending for characters but this made them more mad. they said if he didn't put in the drama, there was no need to read it. they are also saying why they changed a rapist character and gave him a redemption arc, the director also cut a lot of situ and milan scenes (not due to censorship), he was the one who turned the female lead into a vampire they changed it, he changed also the ending in the novel, from it seems he gave extra scenes to ryan ren and cut from others characters. you can check it on weibo just searching chinese name of the drama. i will keep watch the drama but it's so sad seeing this.
the alternative end:
a few years later
△mi lan sat at the table and wrote a letter. the handwriting is beautiful but free and easy, quite in the style of shen zhiheng.
mi lan: (vo) mr. shen, i have also traveled all over the country, met many friends, and read many stories. i thought i would no longer remember the name shen zhiheng. however, everything i saw seemed to have your name written on it. i think this is the world you taught me.
△mi lan's room is piled with a lot of groceries, and the whole small room is like a grocery store. almost all the items that used to be in shen's mansion are preserved and placed in various positions within reach. there is also a piano in the sun.
mi lan: (vo) you once told me that you wanted to see when the prosperous era would come. i especially want to tell you about my experiences over the years. i have seen wars, sufferings, and the difficulties when it was first built, but i have also seen that this country is getting better and better. you… should be very happy, right?
△mi lan was walking on the street and happened to be standing at the door of a concert hall. there is a poster hanging outside the concert hall, which reads: the most mysterious pianist lan tianjin-hong kong concert.
△mi lan looked at the full moon on the poster and was lost in thought.
mi lan: (os) mr. shen, study hard and write, and see the world for you… you used newspapers back then, and now i use music. i am learning the path you have taken, moving forward step by step. i am so lonely, so lonely, i seem to have finally become you, so where are you?
mi lan: (laughing and whispering) i have waited for you year after year. waiting for the first spring rain every year. so today, i miss you especially.
△as soon as the words fell, mi lan seemed to feel a familiar breath, but when she turned around, she saw nothing.
△situ weilian walked slowly through the cemetery, and then stood in front of one of the graves.
△situ weilian was holding a bunch of tuberose flowers. situ weilian slowly bent down and placed the bouquet in front of the tombstone.
△the tombstone reads: tomb of mother jin jingxue
△situ weilian stood in front of the tomb, looking at these three words.
△at this time, a descendant (female) of the jin family came to visit the tomb, and for the first time saw a young boy standing in front of jin jingxue's tomb. very curious.
descendant: hello, do you know grandma jingxue?
situ weilian: (chuckles) of course i know her. she is the most beautiful woman in tianjin.
descendant: (even more curious) i heard so too. my mother said that this grandma was the most fashionable person in tianjin. she never got married and lived a very chic life. it seems that your family has also received her kindness.
situ weilian: yes, you are right.
△situ weilian listened to this lively voice, and his expression gradually softened. the descendant placed the flowers.
△situ weilian slowly squatted down, looked at the name on the tombstone, and finally spoke in a low voice.
situ weilian: i'm sorry that i couldn't fulfill my promise to you. you must have left very disappointed.
△in front of the tombstone, only the flowers were shaking gently.
△ sister zhang came out of the concert hall and grabbed mi lan.
sister zhang: the concert is about to start, where are you going?
△ mi lan couldn't help but take a few steps back, stretched out her hand to feel the falling rain, and smiled.
mi lan: sister zhang, i won't play in the concert hall today. i want to go to another place.
△ mi lan suddenly turned around and trotted.
△ mi lan ran to a square, where there was an old piano, which was placed in the corner for tourists to use when the square was attracting customers.
△ mi lan suddenly walked over, sat down and started playing the piano.
△ the first song she played was the first song she learned when she was in the choir.
△ the spring rain gradually fell in the sound of the piano.
△ the crowd that had gathered to listen to the piano began to slowly disperse, until the whole square was filled with only the rustling sound of rain and the piano sound like a heaven and earth music.
△ in the rain, a man holding an umbrella slowly appeared on the square. the whole world seemed to have only one listener, but only this one listener.
△the sound of the piano gradually became softer.
△mi lan looked up at the man standing beside her, who stretched out his hand to shield her from the rain. it was shen zhiheng, whom she had not seen for a long, long time.
△mi lan stood up in disbelief, and slowly turned to look at shen zhiheng.
mi lan: you are… mr. shen.
△shen zhiheng held a pot of bright red camellia in his hand. he just looked at the much more mature mi lan tenderly. then he answered softly.
shen zhiheng: yes, i am. i'm back.
shen zhiheng: (os) mi lan, i crossed mountains and seas just to accompany you to listen to this spring rain.
△the rain hit the piano keys, as if it had become a melody again.
△the sky and the earth are getting farther away, just like the rising sun.
△the spring rain is falling down.
△the budding red camellia finally bloomed. the rain fell on the flowers, on the leaves, and in every corner of this world.
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vyl3tpwny · 3 months
wauitb what the fuck i have 5000 followers
this is insane hi guys
to celebrate 5000 followers on tublr here are some facts about myself: - my favourite food is fried chicken
- my favourite food is spicy fried chicken
most of my hyperfixations fluctuate in and out, but some that don't ever seem to let me go are my little pony, half life, skrillex, undertale/deltarune
recently i have developed an unfathomable obsession with bees i have a huge bee hyperfixation i play bee swarm simulator on roblox every day and i watch bee videos and i also just designed a beesona on pony town its name is beetrice the dragon bee:
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my favourite movie is probably wolf children or mr. bean's holiday or elf
im basically lucario for girls
i am like a dragon and i collect things that i like.. you can see some here:
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i play a lot of instruments, mostly piano, drums, singing, and guitar/bass/ukulele. my first instrument was the drums tho which i started playing when i was 2 or something. i no longer play drums because our house is too small for a drum set right now and i dont like electronic drum kits. one day!!!!
i have had zero music lessons which is why you should also make music bc you dont need to spend life savings on music education to make chunes
non-musicians who have influenced me the most are @sterfler and @astroeden who have changed my brain chemistry forever artistically (this is not an exaggeration)
i am not allergic to anything at all somehow
im the motherfucker who will drink an entire gallon of whole milk with nothing else yeah im just kind of awesome like that
i do not drink alcohol (anymore) or smoke or do drugs or anything like that just a personal pref
i am filipino but i am also chinese and scottish and italian and polish and maybe other things
i have been openly queer since 2011
i have been a furry since 2007 or something?
i have been making music since 2007 or something....?
my first true love as a musician was queen, which (because of their older albums) was my rabbit hole into the world of progressive rock. my passion for creating music was nurtured entirely by my discovery of genesis and the album 'the lamb lies down on broadway'. the next thing that shaped me as an artist? skrillex - 'scary monsters and nice sprites'
i have really bad verbal processing issues so you can probably speak directly to me and i will have no idea what youre saying sometimes
my feelings on art change a lot but i update my topster lists every now and again
i am mostly right [hoofed] but i'm technically ambidextrous
my first concert was bruce springsteen i think it was in 2009. i still love the the boss to this day.
i'm a kitty cat
i am also a dragon
i am also a possum
i am a formless void
my first song i wrote when i was 8 was titled after a jimmy neutron reference
the second song i wrote was a fan song about the flying dutchman
i played the original dota warcraft 3 mods long before dota 2 and league of legends existed because i've been a blizzard fangirl since like 2005 and now i hate blizzard so fuck you blizzard you're evil as shit but anyway i used to try and do map development for warcraft iii games but really my favourite thing to do was build maps where i could build the biggest possible army to fight npcs for fun. one of the first videos on my thecobalion channel is a warcraft iii map someone else made. i've just now turned it off private so you can see it if you want.
my favourite kind of humour is recursive
ok thanks what i can remember about myself right now. thanks for following me!!!!
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Map of Soho Good Omens Season 2 - Part 3 (the intersecting street)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 Update: Map and pictures further down now have Lucky Snake, and the description of both the Lucky Snake and The Chinese Buffet Restaurant have been updated too.
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We don't know the name of the street that crosses Whickber Street. It starts between the market and the furniture store, and after a crooked crossing of Whickber St., it continues between the bookshop and the Dirty Donkey Pub until it ends on Wardour Street. On that upper block we have: -A. Z. Fell & Co. The bookshop has a backdoor that leads to this street. -Bilton Scaggs Hats and Caps This shop has been here for centuries. Originally Bilton and Scaggs was a publishing firm that printed among other things "The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, witch." Neil believes they went out of business in the late 19th century and the hat makers took over. Their shop was called Bilton and Scaggs Milliner & Haberdasher for a while and eventually they changed to Bilton Scaggs Hats and Caps. But honestly, only Aziraphale knows the whole story.
On the other side of the street we have: -The Dirty Donkey We don't know how long this pub has been in business, but we know that it was already there in the 40's when the zombies used it to hide and spy on the heroes. And then in 1967 Crowley used a private room to set up the caper to steal holy water from a church. The set was also used to set up two of the pubs where Gabriel and Beelzebub met. Both scenes were filmed on the same day! After the tour, the first episode of Season 2 was screened inside the pub for those lucky enough to win spots. The Dirty Donkey Pub has also appeared in Neil's "We Can Get Them for You Wholesale" and "Sandman: Overture." In the show, one of the elevators to Heaven and Hell opens inside the Dirty Donkey, maybe this supernatural ability allows it to show up in many different Neilverses ;) -"Model" This is Mrs. Sandwich mysterious establishment. Nobody really knows what happens there. We know the upper floor has lovely pink curtains, presumably for her girls who also love coffee. -Will Goldstone's Magic Shop Named after Will Goldston (not sure why an extra "e"), a stage magician who wrote many books on magic. The store existed in 1941 when it was run by Pat (who met a gruesome end at the hands of zombie nazis). Will Goldston himself died in 1948. So, was he the owner of the store and Pat just an employee? Did someone use his name? Or is that the reason behind the additional "e", to claim it wasn't him? We don't know. In current times it is operated by Mutt.
This street ends on Waldour Street and because we don't see much of it, I included those shops in this post: -Chinese Buffet Restaurant (updated) The English sign just says "Chinese Restaurant", Google translate gave me "Chinese Buffet Restaurant" for the sign on either side (if you look closely both sides say the same thing). There is no other writing that I could see so I would say that we don't know if it has another name or where is it written (inside maybe?). @embracing-the-ineffable raised the question of how do we know Mr. and Ms. Cheng own the restaurant. The truth is that we don't know for sure. We have assumed it probably because Aziraphale and Ms. Cheng are in front of the restaurant when he invites her to the meeting, but for all we know she was just walking on the street when they met. The Chengs could easily own the Herbal Pharmacy or the Grocery Store. We just don't know for sure -Lucky Snake (updated) To the right of the restaurant (our left) there is another store with yellow walls and red lanterns. It was brought to my attention (thank you!) that this is the infamous Lucky Snake we see in Aziraphale's typed list of shops. In Season 1 it was called "Oriental Delights" but this season it is a grocery store. -Herbal Medicine and Pharmacy - Traditional Chinese medicine appointments To the left of the restaurant (our right) we have the herbalist/pharmacy. This is written in English while "traditional medicine appointments" is written in Chinese. There is no other name outside either.
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Turning around and looking towards Whickber Street, we can get a peek all the way to Great Windmill Street, between the news agency and the market. -Windmill Theatre Today it is called Windmill Soho but the name Windmill Theatre is equally recognizable. In 1941 it was owned by Mrs. Laura Henderson. The theatre was famous for 1)not closing at all, even during the heaviest of bombings and 2)its motionless nude girls (tableaux vivants) called the "Windmill Girls". Because of this, it used the motto "We Never Closed" (although people modified to "We Never Clothed"). In the set, the doors are not props, they are the real doors to the internal docks of the studio, which honestly it is very clever.
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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Ahh I am soo excited 🙏
I am dying for a fic with Jason and Y/N at the gala. Just him being protective and a gentleman. My inspiration is your Damien Wayne at the gala with Y/N.
Feel free to delete this ask, I am just soo excited for the opportunity 🙌
Undying Philanthropy - Jason Todd x Reader
Staring at yourself in the mirror, you couldn't help but admire the floor-length crimson ballgown you'd chosen for the upcoming gala. The velvet dress was the definition of elegant, with a subtle V-shape that drew the perfect amount of attention to your eyes. Excited to rub shoulders with some of the wealthiest, most influential faces in the city, you were hoping to find a real story to bring back to the Gotham Gazette. There was only one, very dangerous and very influential person in the way.
"Oh you sure as hell are not going, and definitely not if you're gonna look that good." Jason's voice echoed through your apartment as you rolled your eyes.
"I swear I locked my door." you grumbled, not looking up at the towering hero who was yet to take his eyes off you. He snorted "you're smart enough to know a lock has never once stopped me babe." You didn't give him the courtesy of a reply, hoping if you ignored him he'd go police some other reporter.
The minute you grabbed your purse he spoke up again, his voice deeper, far more assertive: "I said, you aren't going." You locked eyes with him and crossed your arms, "and why is that? Did I suddenly become your property all of a sudden?" you gave him a glare, but he just returned one.
"It's gonna be dangerous, you're insane if you think I'm letting you get hurt."
"Sounds like a story, I'm there." you retorted. Jason groaned, "why am I so obsessed with you," while he stalked into the bathroom you'd just come out of. In a few seconds he burst out, eyes scanning the room for you, his shoulders relaxing when he realized you were still there. He was wearing a black dress shirt with a crimson overcoat, suspiciously matching the exact colour of your dress.
"Nice jacket." you grinned, he just gave you a wink.
"Always gotta have a plan B when I'm dealing with your stubborn ass. And, you have no idea how many weapons I can store in this jacket" which only made you more nervous for the events to come.
You entered through the back door, waving a media pass to garner entry into the ballroom. Exquisitely dressed strangers were mulling through the event, exchanging pleasantries to each other and signing their names on various philanthropic programs, a promise of funding from Gotham's most successful. You were planning on finding one of these blossoming non-profits and following it's story. Hoping that if you wrote a strong article, the Wayne Foundation would most likely double whatever revenue was produced at this event, it was a quite likely occurrence seeing as you already had plans for chinese takeout and mario kart with the Wayne Enterprises CEO tomorrow night. Something about knowing powerful people...
Speaking of, your table assignment was surrounded by wealth, having Jason as a sort of body guard to protect you from wandering eyes and desires that littered the ballroom. And it was a job he took seriously. While you hopefully perused the various community programs Jason kept a hand glued to your side, shooting daggers at anyone who took more than a glance in your direction. He tried to be active though, nodding in bitter agreement when you pointed out a brilliant program to refurbish and donate old computers to underprivileged students or melted at the sight of foster puppies brought by the Gotham Shelter, his eyes never lingered too long in one place, in a state of alert on your behalf. You tried to get him to let loose, but he was firm that as long as you were safe and having a good time, he was as well.
Sitting down at your table you happily began chatting with the other guests, explaining your aspirations and dully noting each of their professions and passions. Jason joined in, pointing out your various publications, lacking complete subtlety in the way he adored you. Now, his hand was draped loosely across your thighs, thumb mindlessly swiping up and down as a way to curb his boredom. As speakers presented he grew obviously impatient, frequently leaning over to press overly wet kisses to your neck. You gave him scolding looks, but that only made his hands more explorative below the table, and as you squirmed out of his handsy embrace with a giggle, you were approached by Marcus Swan, a well known billionaire with a penchant for young girls. Jason stiffened at his presence, while you simply exchange a soft smile, which apparently was all the invite the elderly man had desired.
"You look exquisite Ms. Y/N." the man croacked.
Jason coughed, "L/N. Ms. L/N to you." you pressed your leg to his, hoping it would made him back down.
"Professional are we? Well, I was hoping I could actually catch a moment alone. You know, my businesses have been in the black this year, and I'd love to hear what foundations you've chosen to write about, I do so value your opinion, Ms. Y/N." Mr. Swan extended a hand, and Jason stiffened as you took it.
"I'll be like a minute Jay, you have my location, always." you pecked his cheek and let Mr. Swan lead you away, the last time you humored him with a drink he donated $250,000 to the Women & Children's Shelter, and you'd already warned Jason you might see him again at this event.
The bar was in a quieter room, and you noticed two guards lock the door behind you as Mr. Swan led you to the bar. Your stomach was doing uneasy flips as you ordered a glass of red wine, repeatedly telling yourself Jason was just a few meters away.
"Now that we've got a little more quiet, I must be honest Ms. Y/N" Mr. Swan said, swirling his whiskey glass before taking a long gulp.
"Swan Tech has been... less successful, than I would be pleased to admit. But, after tonight, I am hopeful I'll have come into a substantial amount of wealth." your eyes shot to the door, gauging the head start you'd need to run to Jason.
"Please don't consider going back into that room, until my business is finished. I do not lie when I say I do enjoy your company. I suppose I see you as this beacon of hope, I could't let your light be put out like the rest of the snakes in that ballroom." the billionaire said casually, throwing back the rest of his drink. "If nothing else, I've given you the story of the year! I do so hope you'll include a bit of a memoir on me and my philanthropic tendencies. To the bitter end I suppose!" he mused, reaching behind the now empty bar, the bartending having clearly ran as far from the venue as possible, to grab the rest of the whiskey bottle to pour himself another few fingers.
Your voice was shaking, "what are you doing to them?"
"Nothing they don't deserve," he yawned.
"My boyfriend is in there!" you burst out of your chair, realizing the one person on earth you couldn't lose was trapped.
"I was going to invite him, but he was awfully rude, so I let my pettiness get the better of me. We can't all be saints I suppose." the man chuckled as you began striding towards the double doors.
Before you could get too close, the doors burst open, seemingly kicked in by,
The Red Hood.
"Thank god" you crumpled to the ground in front of the familiar frame.
"Get behind me," the masked hero commanded, before striding towards Swan who took one last gulp.
"I suspected you bratty heroes would intervene, but I didn't do this for myself, I did it as revenge! And now, I'll take my much deserved exit!" Mr. Swan laughed maniacally before swallowing a pill you knew would be his demise.
"Jokes on you, I got here before anyone could be hurt. Some mastermind." The Red Hood called back, Swan's eyes widening in realization just before they glazed over.
"You are literally never coming to one of these again." the hero muttered as he stalked past you, to which you couldn't help but agree. You followed the Red Hood back into the ballroom, where the guests looked dazed and confused, but wholly alive.
As you made your way back to your original table, Jason was seated as if he hadn't moved at all, "there you are! We are getting out of here, you won't believe what some psycho tried to do!" Jason said, really hamming up his worry as he whisked you out of the gala.
Back in your apartment you'd both changed, sharing a pint of icecream as Jason explained to you the poisonous gas Swan had set up to ruin Gotham's elite, leaving him and his family as the sole benefactors to billions of dollars. Jason also let slip that Tim had tipped him off on the villain's plans last week.
"Why even let me go?" you shook your head, but Jay replied, "you really think I could've stopped you? Also, if I just agreed to go, you'd never let your guard down enough for me to slip away and find the machinery Swan had set up. Though, I can't deny I have to respect the guy, if I went crazy you'd be the one girl I'd save too." he winked at you.
"What on earth would I do without you Jason Todd."
"Exactly what you're doing with me, make the world a better place, even if it costs you your life. I'm just here to may sure you never have to pay the price of your empathy with your life." he paused, chuckling to himself before saying "I just pay it with a gun" which had you rolling your eyes at his morbid joke, but still wholly thankful for his undying protection and love. Truly the best body guard you could have asked for.
I hope you enjoyed! Thank you for the prompt <3
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bingbongsupremacy · 5 months
New Kid
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Pairing: Father!Castiel x family!child reader, Father! Dean x family!child reader, Father!Sam x family!child reader, Father!Crowley x family!child reader
Warnings: Very cringe and short. I wrote this when I was in middle school. Originally from Wattpad.
Summary: Short oneshots about when your father finds out you're his kid.
*Not Proof Read* Supernatural
Third P.O.V.
Age: One Hour Old
" I told you, Josephine, I don't want it! " A man yells.
" What do you expect me to do with it then? Huh? This is both of our problems, okay? Both of our problems! " 
The voices grow louder as Castiel nears the end of the block. The dim streetlights and light glow from the houses' porch lights send a nightmarish gleam and vibe through the street. 
" Can't you just leave it with someone? Leave it at a fire station! I don't care. Just get it out of here! " The man orders. 
" Ryan, I can't keep...it! I can't do this thing! Do you know what my parents will do to me? Huh? I've kept it in me for nine months! I can't take care of it anymore! Look, Ryan, I spent three hours in a rest-stop bathroom, pushing this thing out! I don't want it. You take it. " The woman, Josephine hisses while shoving a bundle at a dark man in the doorway of a house. 
" I have a life, Josephine. I can't just drop everything to raise this, this abomination! I am not giving up my life for it. No, you take it somewhere and dump it. I don't care. Goodbye. " With that, the man slams the door shut on the girl. 
The girl growls loudly in frustration. " Ugh!! " She looks at the bundle in her arms in frustration and looks around.
Castiel watches the girl wander down the street, hiding in the shadows. He can't just let this girl take whatever's in her arms and dump it. He needs to make sure that the thing in her arms remains safe. 
" I'll just leave you...here. " The girl says unemotionally before dropping the bundle into a garbage can behind a Chinese restaurant. The entire time the girl had been holding the bundle, she'd been holding the bundle as if it were poison. 
The girl looks around before running across the street in the dark. 
Castiel makes his way over to the garbage can which releases a whine. A soft whine. " What is that..? " Castiel peers down into the garbage can. The bundle wiggles around. It starts crying loudly. " A child? " Castiel picks up the bundle. The baby, wrapped in a dirty t-shirt, wiggles around. The baby's teary Brown eyes look up at Castiel. " Shh, shh, child. It's alright. " Castiel looks around for a moment, not sure what to do with the crying baby. " Okay, okay, uh, you're okay. " Castiel gently brushes his fingers on the baby's forehead. The baby's cries die down and turn into sniffles. The baby snuffles into Castiel and slowly falls asleep. " What do I do with you? " Castiel asks softly to not disturb the baby's peaceful sleep.
 " I think I will keep you. Yes. I will. I will name you...Y/N. " Castiel smiles slightly as the baby lets out a content grunt. I shall protect Y/N with everything I have.  
Three Weeks Old
Dean takes a sip of the cold beer in his hand. He boredly flips through the pages of a lore book. Sam walks into the bunker with grocery bags. 
" Hey, Dean. I'm back. " Sam announces. 
" Okay. " Dean pushes the book in his hands aside and looks down at his phone as it dings. 
Ex. Mariah
 -We need to talk.
Dean's eyebrows furrow. He hasn't seen Mariah for...months. Ever since their nasty breakup. 
Why? So now you text me? After months of ignoring me? 
Ex. Mariah
This is...important. Are you in town? 
Ex. Mariah 
Good. Meet me at the park we first met at, okay? Do you remember which park that is? Do you remember the spot?
Yes. I remember. 
Ex. Mariah
Okay. See you in twenty. 
Dean sighs. Mariah was too much drama to handle. The last time they saw each other, she accused him of cheating with almost every girl he's ever met. She could never leave anything alone. She was also weirdly possessive. 
Dean pulls on his jacket and finishes off his beer before standing up. " Sammy, I'm going out. I'll be back in a little while. " Dean yells into the hallway connecting to the kitchen. 
" 'Kay! " Sam calls back. 
Dean hops in his car and drives down the street to the park where he meets Mariah. He pauses before turning his car off. Should he do this?
What does Mariah want? 
Dean sighs and prepares himself for what's to come while dealing with Mariah. He slowly gets out of the Impala and walks towards the bench he met Mariah on. Dean shoves his hands into his jacket pocket when a cold gush of wind blows through the air. 
A small cry fills Dean's heart. Dean furrows his eyebrows. Who would keep their baby out at this hour, especially in this weather? This kid doesn't sound very old. 
Dean continues walking towards the bench, only to discover the crying getting louder. Dean pulls out a gun he brought with him just in case and points it to the ground while cautiously walking towards the cries. Dean quickly puts away his gun when he sees a tiny baby in a basket that's covered by a thin F/C blanket. " What the...? " Dean looks around confusedly. 
Why is there a baby here? Where are its parents?
A vibration from Dean's phone distracts him from the baby. Dean looks down at the long text. 
Ex. Mariah. 
I'm sorry you had to find out this way. By now, you have probably reached the bench and discovered the baby. It's yours. I don't want to look after it. I have a life, and I'm sure you do too. Feel free to do whatever you want with it. Take it to a church, sell it to someone, I don't care I just can't spend my time watching it. The baby's one month old, you'll find the birth certificate and all the other important forms you'll need in the basket. It's yours to do whatever you please with. That's all I needed to tell you. 
Ex. Mariah blocked you
Dean stares at his phone with his mouth dropped wide open. He re-reads the message over and over again. Dean glances down at the basket and hesitantly pulls a corner of the blanket off the basket. A tiny baby peers up at him with watery Brown eyes. The baby cries and reaches for Dean. Dean stares at the baby. " D-do I pick you up? " Dean asks cluelessly. 
This earns a whine as a response from the baby. Dean gently picks up the baby. He holds the baby awkwardly while picking up a stack of pages that Mariah mentioned. There's a birth certificate, as Mariah had said there'd be, and other papers. 
Dean gently rocks the baby in his arms, not sure what else to do. Dean sits down, very overwhelmed. He sets the papers back in the basket and turns his attention to the tiny human in his arms. The baby wraps Y/G's tiny finger around Dean's thumb. 
At that moment, Dean's heart melted. He didn't care about another other than the adorable child in his arms. " H-hi, kiddo. " Dean says nervously, which is something very strange for Dean. He's rarely ever shy or nervous. Dean's heart fills with a strange love and feeling. " I guess I'm your dad...it's nice to meet you. " 
The baby replies with a sniffle and tired whine. 
Dean laughs slightly and leans back against the park bench with the baby in his arms, already sure that this baby is going to be in his life. 
" Here's your baby, sir. Y/G's gorgeous. Looks just like you, Mr. " The nurse gently hands over a tiny bundle to its father, Sam Winchester.
Sam stares down at the baby in his arms in awe. " Hi there, sweetie. Hi. " Sam brushes his finger over the cheek of the baby. " I'm your daddy. " Sam says softly. 
" There. You have your daughter. " Seraphine, the ex-girlfriend, and mother of Sam's child state annoyed. " Can you get out of my room now? I have to get rest. I plan on getting back into shape as soon as I can. " 
Sam ignores the anger bubbling in his chest and glances back at Seraphine. " What is wrong with you? How can you be this way? To your child? " 
Seraphine made it clear that she didn't want the kid when Y/G was born. Heck, she hadn't even wanted to carry it full term. As soon as she found out, she planned on having an abortion. Sam found out and was crushed. He'd wanted this baby. Sure, he'd never really been around children before, nor did he really like kids, but the thought of having one of his own brought a joy he wasn't very familiar with to his heart. Sam had managed to convince Seraphine to carry the baby full term and give it to him to take care of. It didn't come easy though. He had to promise to leave her alone after the baby was born and pay her a large sum of money. 
" I don't care, Sam. I never wanted it. So get it and yourself out of my room, please. " Seraphine pulls out her phone and starts typing away. 
" Y/G is not an ' it '. Sam seethes protectively. 
A nurse walks towards him. " I'm going to take this cutie to the infant nursery. You'll be able to see Y/G in a little while after I get Y/G all cleaned up and ready. " The nurse softly takes the small baby from Sam's arms and slowly walks out of the room, towards the door. 
" Yeah...whatever. I don't care. Just get out now. I will call hospital security if you don't get out. " Seraphine says stiffly as points to the hospital room door. 
" Sir, I am going to have to ask you to leave. " Another nurse says to Sam as she walks towards Seraphine. 
" You're rotten, I hope you know that, Seraphine. I'll have someone come in here with the papers for you to sign. " Sam walks out of the room with rage burning through his body. How could anyone refuse their child? 
It doesn't matter. I'll always be there for Y/G.
" Where's the nursery? " Sam asks a passing nurse. 
" Down the hall, sir. " The nurse smiles while pointing towards the nursery section.
Sam nods and thanks the woman before walking towards the nursery. Sam shoves his hands in his pockets and scans his eyes over the small babies before his eyes land on one. The baby is wrapped in an F/C blanket. The baby's E/C eyes are closed as Y/G quietly sleeps. Sam's rage slowly calms as he looks at his child in adoration. 
" Which one's yours? " A man asks as he glances up at Sam. 
Sam's eyes widen in surprise. He was so busy thinking, he didn't know that anyone was standing next to him. " Oh, Winchester. Right...there. " Sam points to the tiny child. 
The man smiles. " Cute. Mine's over there. Williams. " The man points to a little newborn boy wrapped in a green blanket. 
" Oh. He's adorable. " Sam compliments. 
" Thanks. Is Y/G your first? " The man asks. 
" Yup. And yours? " 
" Yeah. My wife and I've been trying for a little over a year. " The guy holds out his hand to Sam. " Jake. " 
" Sam. " Sam nods. 
" Sammy!! " Sam turns when he hears his name being called. Sam smiles at his brother and the group of people around him. 
The guy, Jake, waves his goodbye before he walks off with a nurse. 
" Hey, Dean. " Sam greets. 
" Where's my Niece/Nephew? " Dean asks. " I brought a few things. " Dean nods to a large number of objects in his arms. Toys, stuffed animals, and of course, a pie. And a tiny baby pie. 
" A little? Dean, it looks like you bought the entire aisle at a store. " Sam jokes. 
Dean shrugs. " It doesn't matter how much I got. Now, where's my Niece/Nephew? " 
Sam rolls his eyes but smiles and points to the newest edition of the Winchester family. 
" Dang. Y/G's so adorable! " Dean says happily while looking down at his new Niece/Nephew. This is very strange. Dean normally isn't so...this way. " Tell me again, are you sure this is your kid? " Dean asks Sam. 
" Oh, stop it, ya idjit. " Bobby slaps the back of Dean's head. 
Dean mutters an ' ow ' but remains looking at the baby. 
" Oh, Sam, Y/G's so cute! " Jo smiles as touches the glass. She chats cheerfully along with Dean. 
" Good job, Sam. " Ellen compliments. " Y/G's a beautiful child. " 
" Thanks, Ellen. " Sam smiles. 
" Did you talk to Seraphine? Did she change her mind? " Bobby asks. 
Sam sighs. " No. She's still the same selfish woman she was when I met her. " 
" That bit-" Dean begins but Ellen cuts him off. 
" Dean Winchester! " Ellen scolds. 
" Dean, don't swear. I thought that we were working on this. You can't keep swearing anymore, especially now that Y/N's here. " Sam says sternly. 
" Y/N? That's a nice name. " Castiel says, finally speaking up. He seemed to have been in deep thought the past few minutes. 
Sam smiles. " Thanks. Y/N Y/M/N Winchester. "
" Beautiful. " Ellen smiles. " That's a beautiful name. "
Sam nods. 
I'll stay with you, little N/N. Even if your mother doesn't. 
Half a Year Old
" Send the hounds. " Crowley says dismissively as he boredly flips through a magazine on his throne. 
" Yes, sir. " Crowley's demon servant, Marvin, nods before hurrying off. 
Crowley spends the next hour on his throne, trying to amuse himself. He throws darts at his servants, prank-calls random demons in different tones, and even spies on the Winchesters. 
" S-sir? " A demon says shakily. 
" What is it, Marvin? Can't you see I'm busy? " Crowley asked rudely while pointing to the empty air around him. 
" S-sorry sir. " Marvin stutters. 
After a few moments of silence, Crowley rolls his eyes. " Did you just come in here to stare at the ground? My ground? I don't have time to waste just watching you stare at my ground. " 
" I am so sorry. There, um, there was a problem with the hellhounds. " Marvin mutters. 
Crowley leans forward. " What? I can't hear you, Marvin. No one can hear you. Who are you talking to? Me or the ground? " 
" There was a problem. " Marvin says louder. 
Crowley waits for the demon to elaborate. Nothing happens. " What was the problem? " Crowley asks. He's getting more and more annoyed by the second. 
" The hellhounds killed Margot Lylard as you ordered, but, " Marvin sighs. " There was a complication. " 
Crowley gestures to Marvin to continue talking.
" There was a child there. " Marvin spits out. 
" So..." Crowley asks. " You came to me why? There have been people with children in the past. " 
" That's the thing...the hellhounds wouldn't...attack it. They just...left. Left the child alone. And...no one here wants to...take it out since..well, the hellhounds didn't kill it. " Marvin gestures for a woman to walk in. She holds a child away from her body as she walks into the throne room. The woman places the baby in the middle of the room on the rug leading to the throne and quickly leaves. 
" Bubdahmha. " The baby gurgles while patting the ground under Y/G. The baby giggles while looking around the room. The baby starts crawling towards Crowley, babbling to Y/Gself with small squeals and giggles along the way. 
Crowley looks down at the small child with a blank face and cold eyes as it nears him. " Stop. " Crowley commands at the baby. 
The baby makes a face and ignores Crowley, still crawling towards the King of Hell. The baby grabs at Crowley's pant legs and pulls. " Dapuhama. " The baby frowns when Crowley does nothing but stare. " Dapuhama!! " The baby frowns and dismisses the king. 
" Just so you know, you filthy little human, I am the King of Hell. You cannot just simply walk..well, crawl I suppose, in here, and touch me with your filthy hands. " Crowley growls. 
The baby looks up at Crowley with a small grin. " Gaga goo. " 
" Humans these days. They think they're free to do as they please. " Crowley rolls his eyes. He looks up at Marvin. " Go make yourself useful and find something to do. I'll find something to do with this...human. "
" Yes, sire. " Marvin runs out of the room without a second thought. 
Crowley looks down at the baby. " What's your name, little one? Huh? You're very sassy, and I do not like the way you look at me. As if you're greater or something. " 
The baby doesn't respond but leans back against Crowley's legs. The baby shoves Y/G's tiny fist in their mouth. 
" In a strange way...you're kind of adorable. " Crowley lifts the child who looks at him with a cute little grin. Y/G's sparkling E/C eyes crinkle slightly when they smile. " I think I'll keep you. You seem like an interesting child. If I don't know your name, I shall name you something. How about...Dylan? No. Too...not my type of name. Marley? I don't like that for a first name. Y/N. Perfect. You are now Y/N Y/M/N Crowley. Wonderful. We shall conspire together once you grow up to an appropriate age. Yes, we will. " 
We will have so much fun planning together. 
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modtheartifex · 2 months
i wrote this into a youtube comment like moments ago, but i feel strongly enough that i will put it out here as well;
Lego Monkie Kid Season 5 does NOT have villains. it has characters that are antagonistic forces and layered with nuance on top of nuance.
not to say previous seasons didnt do this, but this season ABSOLUTELY is entirely filled with characters like this
lmk season 5 spoilers, as well as anything from previous seasons just in case cause idk. might get long too tbh oopsies JINNGFDOIJN
we have a few characters to consider for LMK s5's "villains".
we have Ne Zha's dad (i forget his name, ill probably call him pagoda man), nine headed dragon (consort, 10th king, xiangliu) and nuwa. we could theoretically consider thousand eyed demon, however hes only relevant in one episode so id hardly count that
pagoda man is the easiest to explain, he is an antagonistic force because hes trying to hold onto what little order there is left of the world, he is trying to be the duct tape keeping the sawed in half boat together, and hes trying to minimize risks. does that excuse how he treats ne zha? fuck no, but thats a whole different discussion and depending on your interpretation of how much of the chinese mythos you use for this work will vary. he is just like mk as mk himself points out, it doesnt have to be just pagoda man doing the work, theres people willing to help, and then he joins the heroes side for the end.
cool, great, now. what the fuck do i mean by nuwa?
this is where interpretation is strongest, where it is key. ill just be sharing my perspective. when i was first watching season 5 my partner pointed out to me that in chinese mythos chaos is a core element of the world, it is necessary. this, coupled with the fact that nuwa made mk to fix a cycle she created (which we also dont know how many cycles the world has gone through, it could be one, it could be two, it could be in the hundreds if not thousands, whos to say.) and to keep chaos out... she is keeping the world from being complete. her little cave without the outside world, without proper balance, her little people living blissfully apocalypse to apocalypse. "but theyll all die!" "theyll live again" nuwa says, smile on her face.
she is disconnected from her cave, her world her people, her creations, who knows how long shes been in the limbo, how well she can perceive time, how many times a sacrifice comes in, they get a few words exchanged before they just leave, her in the pillar, only getting glimpses when the cycle is ending of the world, only to be shut in again.
neat, ok, but xiangliu??? hes who was gestured at from the BEGINNING of season 4.
see. heres where we get into the GOOD shit.
this is why it is important to establish that we dont know how many cycles have happened. we do not know how long he has been stuck, how many times he has tried to fix the world over and over. he makes it clear in his ending dialogue, if only he knew how to fix it, that sharing the power of the stones was the key to his freedom. the fact that he goes from what most would consider the least important title to the most important one, his own name, the fact he states he was wukongs friend, his enemy, both, wukong just doesnt remember
that implies longentivity. that implies so many cycles and lifetimes lived inside this cycle, being aware of everything, being so damnably aware of what one considers true freedom, and having to sit at the precipice of that.
it is agony.
xiangliu for the majority of the season is the only one to call mk by his name. mk gets so often called child, kid, nicknames by the others, maybe mei refers to him as mk, but xiangliu has it be DELIBERATE. he altered the course of the cycle to give mk a life, to let him HAVE a life where nuwa didnt care for one, he WANTED mk to grow enough that he would be able to choose. because everything is about mks choice, his ability to choose it all matters on HIS. CHOICE.
the only time this falters is when xiangliu thinks he is trapped for good. he rushes at mk, one final chance at freedom seemingly taken from him. xiangliu never fights mk. he only fights the others when they start fighting him. when its just him and mk at the edge of the world, at the edge of chaos, he talks to mk. tells him what to expect, mentions a mysterious "he" now that mk has opened the cage. and he pushes mk back so he gets to go back to his life. so that mk can have choices still. xiangliu got what he wanted, so its only right mk gets what he wanted too. to live with his friends and let everyone live a life where they can figure something out.
that is why i do not think there are villains in lego monkie kid season 5. they are antagonists with layers of nuance, nuance we arent privy to for reason or another, be it episode count, length, screentime, or that were just not supposed to yet. season 5 does not have an obvious bad guy, a villain, because the nuance is right within our grasp.
thank you for reading this. fucking essay apparently oopsies JINNGFDIJN
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felinetteagain · 7 days
The Guardians of the Miraculous can be wrong too, or
there are several reasons why Kwami Longg should belong to another owner.
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Earlier I wrote that Adrian is only a temporary owner of the miraculous black cat, but now I want to share my guesses about the true bearer of the miraculous Dragon and what qualities a person should have to be given such an honor.
Let's start with who Long is? Long (dragon) is a fictional animal, but it has the greatest influence and impact on the people of China 🇨🇳. In Ancient Centuries, Long was a totem worshiped by the people of China . In their eyes, Long was a God, holy and sacred, able to command rain and wind, ride on fogs and clouds.
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So in our show, Kwami Longg gives the owner of Dragon Miraculous the power to use the elements of water, wind and lightning.
In the special episode Miraculous Shanghai, we were introduced to a girl named Fei 🇨🇳. She was found as a baby by Wu Shifu on the doorstep of his martial arts school and raised by him as his adopted daughter. Wu Shifu trained her in martial arts 🥋 and raised her to uphold the values ​​of Miraculous and one day become the guardian of the Sacred Cave.
She later becomes the superheroine Ladydragon. She can transform into a dragon as long as she possesses the value of justice. In her dragon form, she can fly and can control the elements of storm (wind, water, and lightning). Dragon is the most powerful form that Prodigious grants her.
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Fei has a deep need to help people in any way she can, even strangers.
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Fei is well trained in kung fu and is very strong.
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As for the superheroine Paris-Ruyuko, Kagami Tsurugi, this girl is from Japan 🇯🇵.
She practices fencing. She is quite emotional and prone to rage, does not tolerate defeat, is too trusting and naive, easily falls under the influence of others. Without thinking, she often rushes into fights with supervillains, as a result of which she ends up defeated.
Kagami receives a miraculous dragon from Ladybug in the episode "Ikari Gozen" to free himself and defeat Ikari Gozen and is later sometimes summoned to fight villains together.
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She is cold and arrogant towards other people.
Because of her naivety and frivolity, she confides in strangers other people's secrets, without thinking about the consequences.
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And the third character I wanted to mention is a girl named Socqueline. Like Marinette, she is half Chinese 🇨🇳 and half French. She practices martial arts 🥋, is confident, smart, and is not afraid to stand up to bullies.
Socqueline was the only person in school who protected Marinette from Chloe. She is a big fan of Ladybug and admires her work. Because of her admiration and her desire to help, she has dressed up as Ladybug many times and done many good deeds.
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⬆️🤝(https://www.tumblr.com/massivealmondpartyangel )
Episode (504)
Socqueline: I'm sorry I impersonated you. I just wanted to help.
Ladybug: I know. I'd just rather you'd help me in some other way without putting yourself in danger. You're already amazing even without needing a suit. Thanks for your help.
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So, did Ladybug make a mistake by giving the miraculous dragon to Kagami again (ep. 526)? After all, in order to be a worthy owner of the miraculous, you must first of all have a pure heart, a desire to selflessly help people, have patience and endurance and, most importantly, devotion. Since Kagami is not suitable for this role because she does not correspond to the above-mentioned human qualities, Socqueline is the one who will become a worthy bearer of the miraculous Dragon, because she is so similar to the Fei.
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porcupine-girl · 9 months
Did you enjoy Yibo's NYE performances?
Sure, we were all psyched for him to perform Observer, but did you like the surprise duet he did earlier in the show?
If so, I am here to tell you about the guy he was singing with - because Yibo loves him, and so should you!
That! Is Da Zhangwei!
He wrote that song! He was one of Yibo's cohosts on Tiantian Xiang Shang (also known by the terrible translation Day Day Up), and you know Yibo's TTXS cohosts were his family. His big brothers. It's how he got his reputation as a ge collector.
This is DZW's other NYE performance, which is a bit more representative of his usual aesthetic:
If you like either of those songs/performances, read on to learn more about why you should definitely be paying attention to this guy.
(Sorry most of these videos don't have English subs. But most are music so at least you can find the lyrics online.)
First off, DZW didn't just write this song and then perform it with Yibo (and give Han-ge a shoutout afterward). He then posted this video, basically shouting "I wrote this song because I miss my TTXS bros!" (The lyric being repeated here is "I will miss you")
I mean, I don't know for a fact that he wrote it about them. But I do know that he literally DID write a song about Yibo once. This is a thing he has done before. It's called Cool Guy:
But the fact that he and Yibo are on each other's lists of favorite people is only the beginning, and definitely not why I became obsessed with him.
Da Zhangwei fun facts:
You'll find him on English-language sites like Spotify and iTunes under his English stage name, Wowkie Da. People also often refer to him as DLS or Da-Laoshi, showing how respected he is in the music industry.
He started a band (花兒樂隊, The Flowers), wrote all the music for said band, and had his first hit, 静止 (Static), in 1999 - when he was 16 years old. Like all his music, it's catchy as fuck. (To go back to Yibo for just a second, I'm guessing they bonded over having to deal with fame from a really young age.)
(Yes, the guy sticking his tongue out at the camera up there is 40 years old.)
Da Zhangwei is actually a stage name, too. His real name is Zhang Wei (so you'll occasionally find him as Wowkie Zhang), but that's such a common name that when he started his career he started going by "Big Zhangwei" - which is hilarious given that he was a scrawny teenager.
He continued to write pretty much all the band's music for the next decade. (Here's a whole concert from probably 2007ish). Then when they broke up in 2009 he started his solo career, also writing all his own music.
静止 was an angsty teenage anthem, but since then his aesthetic, both songwriting-wise and visually, has tended toward upbeat and cute.
I think it's safe to say he's leaned into this even more since going solo. Some of his recent hits: 撒花/Scatter Flowers, 一个Nice, 满怀可爱所向披靡 / Full of Cuteness and Invincible, and 万物盛开法则 / Law of All Things Blooming, from above.
However, don't be fooled! This just means that when he writes something sad, it's absolutely heartbreaking. Examples include 永远唱不完的歌/The Song That Doesn't End (above) and 我的深情就是个笑话/My Affection Is Just A Joke.
In addition to hosting TTXS, he has become a staple on all sorts of variety shows, both for music and comedy.
I found him via Season 3 of Our Song, where some of his accomplishments included creating a mashup of 12 different songs, from traditional Chinese folk music and opera to his own 撒花, and turning "your team will do 3 songs" into an entire 3-act musical (link is to the whole episode, since the 3 songs are alternating with the other team, but the other team is AMAZING with people you should get to know too). ETA I forgot about this compilation I did of clips from some of his Our Song performances!
He got to meet the Rolling Stones earlier this year! There's a translator but he's so excited he keeps breaking in while she's trying to ask his questions. His English is really good (if heavily accented), and he has a tendency to throw it in completely unnecessarily to both his performances and random conversation.
He's been on this show for a few seasons called Who's the Murderer? - basically, the same cast plays out a different murder mystery improv each episode. I haven't watched it yet but I've been meaning to - the latest season is on YT with English subs.
His birthday is the day after mine.
Want to see more? His tag is not very busy, but I try to reblog most things to @da-zhangwei. Feel free to contact me by any standard Tumblr method if you want more links!
Tagging people who said they'd be open to getting pulled into my Cpop fandoms, even though I don't have the edited Our Song episodes yet (consider this a preview): @json-derulo @poetry-protest-pornography @emmajanereading @percy-persephone @nuttysaladtree @thelima-aka-chickwriter @writergamermom @oneringtorulethem @trickybonmot @lovebird17 @erza155hasleftthebuilding
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orviposition · 1 year
kdj and ugliest king and kdj never hearing himself be described as ugly before the apocalypse. two sentences that are coexisting somehow
fhsjdkfj i had a post regarding kdj's face in my drafts so now that i have an excuse to post it im gonna paste it here
now ofc beauty is subjective, art style even more so. while i find webtoon and other official arts of kdj to be absolutely beautiful I've seen other fans claim that he is barely above average or blackbox art suffers from same face syndrome
some official arts of him include but not limited to:
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(webtoon/sleepy-c and redice studio, alter/previous official artist, blackbox, and the artist who drew official kdj art for the simplified chinese version)
these are visuals that we have to go by whenever we picture him. when we think of kdj we're most definitely picturing one of these right?! so is he ugly in these pics? most definitely not. so then why the nickname?
first let's address the elephant in the room. kdj does in fact say that before the apocalypse started he was never described as ugly. this is quite important especially when you start considering that 1) he had bullies and 2) he is a south korean. now i dont want to come off as prejudiced but south korean beauty standards are notorious. do you think song minwoo and his lackeys wouldn't stoop low enough and call kdj ugly during one of their daily bullying sessions? is being called ugly worse than being called a psycho son of a murderer even??
anyway, the technical reason why they call him ugly is because his face is """incomprehensible""" his face is obscured by the fourth wall and therefore censored and blurry. you cannot focus too much on it or else you'll get a headache
my hypothesis on this stems from the thought that singshong wrote kdj with y/n in mind. if orv had been a video game, his name 독자 (dokja) which translates to reader would be the same as say 旅行者 (luxingzhe) translating to traveler (can you tell I've only ever played mihoyo games) it's an umbrella name for the self insert mc. but since it isn't a video game orv gives all of us the gift of having a kdj fragment within ourselves and all of us have a different name and different face from each other
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asksythe · 8 days
Does chinese fandom also have the headcannon of wen yuan being wen ruohans secret 3rd son conceived after wen xu & wen chaos death's 😅? Western fans made this headcanon because they thought having the wen remnants wwx takes in be this separate branch that are healers muddled the themes? And to spite the great clans who attempted to exterminate the wens root and branch having the only post canon survivor of the wen being qishan wen but also directly related to wen ruohan is very satisfying to them I guess
What I'm trying to ask is does chinese cultural reading of the text allow for such headcanon or does it go against text
Wen Yuan being Wen Ruohan's secret child... well... I personally have never seen that in the Chinese fandom.
That said, a fandom is a big space, especially the Chinese side. So, I don't think anybody can conclusively claim any one thing. There's a lot of wacky stuff out there. And a lot of it genuinely makes sense or is convincing in its own way. I've seen ethnic minority authors (Xin Jiang, etc..) coming in with their own cosmology and folklore completely distinct from the base cosmology of MDZS and writing some of the most creative and beautiful stories I have ever read (like the idea that Lan mama might be a member of the Northern tribes worshipping the phoenix, which explains her being powerful enough to kill Lan papa's master while also being an unknown to the clans, and that her 'death's is actually part of the phoenix saintess's ability to reborn herself in a new body).
Wen Yuan being Wen Ruohan's secret love child doesn't really have much if any support from the book, the donghua, or the show. If anything, the first time A Yuan appeared in the book, he was described as a child not more than 2 years old atop Wen grangran's back in the prison camp. The time makes it really awkward for A Yuan to be Wen Ruohan's albeit it's not completely out of the realm of possibilities. In the same chapter, the book also said that A Yuan's father is Wen Qing's cousin and Wen grangran's son.
But if you are in pursuit of exploring certain themes or ideas, then I don't see why not. Headcanon is... well... headcanon. The nature of fandom being a space for exploration and appreciation is a beautiful thing I think.
Funnily enough, I have seen a fair number of Chinese fics operating on the premise that Wei Ying himself is mainline Wen via either his mother or his father. The theme they pursue is a member of the Wen ending itself in the fire of purification. The Wen founder, by all accounts, seemed a real stand-up guy. The teachings he left behind to his children were genuine pieces of wisdom and calling for a commitment to justice and fairness. The Wens in the book had a lot of signs that they had many good and right ideas (pursuing standardized laws among cultivators, the observation tower system that ended up being stolen by Jin Guangyao, etc...) but they went down the wrong direction due to corruption and a betrayal of the founding precepts laid down by their own founders. And so it took a (secret) Wen descendant to cut away the rot and to punish themselves, leaving behind only one or two genuinely innocent Wens.
The sun rises, the sun sets, the sun rises again. Anew and cleansed from rot. The mark of the Wen sun burned into Wei Ying's chest holds more symbolic power than it first appears, and the fact that Wei Ying cited the Wen founder's precepts back to a Wen descendant who had betrayed those very precepts. Like that. That kind of theme.
I remember there being several really big-name Chinese fan authors who wrote the same premise in different ways. It was really fun to read. Oh man, stories in which Wen Ruohan gets to redo things, or the Wen are all resurrected in a heaven-gambit type plot are in abundance, funnily enough. Hah! They tend to be a lot of fun to read too. There's also that one really great story in which the previous generations of the clan (Lan mama, papa, Wen Ruohan in his prime before children, Nie papa and his second wife, Jiang husband and wife freshly married, Wei papa and Cangse Sanren, etc...) get to see bits and pieces of the future via text without knowing their names and they have to deduce who is whose kids and how are they going to save their kids now??!!! In that story, Wen Ruohan kept thinking Wei Ying (called the destined of heaven in this story) is his child because there's no way he would spawn such bumbling, corrupted incompetents ... hahahahahahaha.... oh man... Well, that particular Wen Ruohan would then vow to be a better and stricter father to his kids to prevent them from becoming such rotten shitbags.
Oh yeah, there's also the idea that the Wen, being such a big and histories clan, actually had fall-back plan preparing for such scenarios where their entire clan is wiped out. They have secret seeds placed in far off territory. In one Chinese fic I read, this Wen descendant spent decades studying the major clans, rebuild the Wen in secret, and almost enacted bloody vengeance on all the major clans, but then stayed his hand when he found out the existence of Wen Yuan. That one was a good read too. Very convincing.
Ahem, the short answer to your question is that the canon text doesn't really support that headcanon... but it's not strictly speaking an impossibility either. It just boils down to how convincing can you write it?
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grzybjek · 1 year
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for some reason i cant answer this ask directly BUT thank u user @honestlytastygayasstrash for the ask now get ready for the longest post ill ever write. I fucking love talking about my characters.
here they are. my scrimblos. :
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Antek, token cis white man of the group: -ISFJ, he/him, age is around 18, listens to ABBA, Queen, Modern Talking, Manaam, Obywatel GC, Lady Pank and Depeche Mode.
(i think i wrote it on his ref sheet but he got his scar by simply tripping over a cupboard as a child. He doesnt tell anyone about this though and always comes up with different stories about how he got the scar. So some people think he got it by winning a bear fight or fighting a drunk old man)
-he is a fucking menace. and i mean it. most insane man on earth that always tries to grab others attention in the most dangerous and stupid ways imaginable. Also uses alcohol as his weapon to look and act more cool and always fails miserably. Hes also very noncommittal and always switches out the people that he talks to after a week, simply because he doesnt feel comfortable with anyone. But he still loves getting attention from others so he keeps getting into these relationships just to drop them later. Theres something different about Bianka and Gabriel though and thats why theyre friends. and I think his pinterest board explains his personality better than i ever will
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and some fun facts! hes surprisingly good at cooking and is the only one in the group that knows how to drive a car.
if it comes to Bianka shes my favorite goth woman ever. Here is some info about her: -ENTJ, she/them, is around 17, listens to Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, Sisters of Mercy, Myslovitz, Republika, Depeche Mode and The Cure.
-Obviously shes recognized mostly for her gothic makeup which I absolutely love drawing. And shes goth herself, and is even in a gothic punk band! The band members include her, as the bassist, Helena as the singer, Janek as the drummer and Antek used to play the keyboard before they kicked him out.
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And this is how I imagine them:-) just two alt girls and just some guy. Love them
-Bianka is the most confident out of everyone in the group, even Antek who's all over the place. She knows when to stop talking unlike him though. However her being confident doesnt mean she likes being in the spotlight, in fact, she absolutely hates it. She hates that everyone is always listening to her and whenever she walks in the room all eyes are on her. So most of the times she just wants to hide and spends time in her little circle of friends, but if theres an emergency then shes the first one to intervene. She also has a very weird moral compass just like Helena so theyre best friends, obviously.
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Literally her. A fun fact about her is that she has like four Siouxsie and the Banshees posters in her room and owns a golden retriver which I didnt name yet.
oh and i forgot to mention but Bianka has Chinese ancestors and has a lot of chinese facial features that I always fail to draw because I focus on her makeup too much.
The last one is Gabriel, miserable ginger guy whos also the main character of the plot and yet i know so little about him. Im still figuring out his personality honestly. Anyhow:
-ISFP, he/him, age 17, listens to Tame Impala, Gorillaz, The Strokes, MGMT, David Bowie, Dolly Parton and Depeche Mode. All three of them are Depeche Mode fans.
-As I mentioned I know very little about him. But I think hes more of watcher of the world around him than a member of it. He's mostly quiet because he cant figure out when its the best time to speak, unfortunately that also means he keeps his best jokes to himself. Hes also mostly dissociated from the world and tries to be an active member of it so bad that he always ends up doing stupid things or hurting himself in the process. I think its just safe to say hes still figuring out his place in the world, and because the world around him confuses him so much he holds onto safe memories most of the time. Thats why hes a photographer and likes catching all of the important moments of life on camera, its like a comforting feeling for him. Hes also very irrational and a people pleaser but i blame it on his undiagnosed AuDHD honestly.
questionable pinterest board explains his personality well too
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-as hes the narrator of the story, its very important to mention hes a queer character. I avoided talking about the queernes of others characters on purpose, since its an important part of their story that i dont want to share yet but without any context ill just say that Gabriel is a trans man and bisexual!
as for fun facts he owns a cat named Felek, really likes green olives and lives with his grandparents. Antek also taught him how to drive a car but he never put that info in use.
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starting with Gabriel and Nastka, whom I didnt mention in this post as shes just a side character, its important to know that these two are childhood friends. Theyre not that close anymore, their relationship disappeared as time went on, but they both keep each other in their memories and think about each other a lot. They both nicknamed each other after Dead Poets Society characters too, so Nastka never calls Gabriel by his name, but Todd. Theyre also neighbours and share a balcony. Sometimes they meet there as theyre hanging up clothes to dry and just exchange smiles.
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The relationship between Gabriel and Antek is more complicated. They met on a party once and never got to know each other better, but couldnt stop thinking about each other. Gabriel just knows about Antek from Bianka's stories and vice versa, and whenever they meet everyone thinks theyre best friends because of how well they can get along without even knowing a thing about themselves. They always end up dancing together on parties, going on walks at night and talking about their favorite books somewhere in the corner, having deep conversations about their views of life but they never ask each other personal questions and if you ask one of them to say whats their favorite color, they wouldnt know. I like to think the universe never gave them a chance to know each other better because if it did theyd be too powerful together. Maybe if they got to know each other better theyd be more than friends.
Bianka and Anteks relationship is pretty similar to the relationship between Gabriel and Nastka. Theyre also childhood best friends and first met each other in the counselors office in 6th grade as Bianka tried to beat someone up for being mean to Antek, a guy she didnt even know yet. She just needed an excuse to get in a fight with some boys that she didnt like and somehow made a best friend ten minutes later. Since then theyve been on and off, sometimes splitting up for months at a time and going back to each other to spill everything theyve learned while they were away. They always find support in each other even if they cant understand each other that well and are total opposites. Somehow Bianka always finds a way to cheer up Antek, even if shes the one to make him feel bad in the first place.
Antek was the first one to suggest they should make a band, and they tried several times until they ended up with Helena and Janek which I previously mentioned.
And the last one, Bianka and Gabriels dynamic..... its very cute actually. Bianka is the first person to show Gabriel the world around him and introduce him to new possibilities. She showed him goth dance moves and helped him find his taste in music. They met in high school as they sat together in math class and if not Bianka being confident and immediately accepting Gabriel as her friend, hed never speak to her. He probably still thinks shes too cool for him, but is very happy to have her as a friend anyway even if he feels belittled by her sometimes. Feeling belittled is why Gabriel usually doesnt speak to her first and waits until she does it first. They often do sleepovers where they watch all of their favorite movies for the tenth time.
Also they all have friendship bracelets. All three of them.
I dont know what else I could talk about so i think thats all!! Thats still such a long post I hope someone actually reads it. Thank you for asking about them I had so much fun writing this<3
I also purposefully avoided talking about the plot of Migawka because I want to keep it a secret. I really want to write a book or a comic one day with all three of the characters and so I wanna keep the plot to myself until I finish writing.
anyhow, heres migawkas pinterest board.
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