#so the work group chats are much funnier
was reminded of something that happened last week at work.
having just finished my admission and med pass, charge texts me with the following:
"I'm sorry but you're next up for an admit, you'll be getting 12 from the ER."
she follows this up with:
"Official diagnosis is penis problem"
now little bit of explanation here, when the automated text for the charge gets sent out, if the patient doesn't have an active principal hospital problem, the diagnosis is populated from the triage nurse's notes.
however, I do wish I worked with a few more queer folks because I had to stop my fingers from responding with "Level 2A packer incident."
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thewulf · 5 months
Did You Just...? || Aaron Hotchner
Summary: Request - What about a young!Hotch x reader and they’re best friends crushing on each other?? Idk if you remember that TikTok trend where you call your crush or film a video and kiss your best friend and they don’t know what’s going on?... Read Rest Here
A/N: PURE FLUFFFFF. Loved this. Hope you guys enjoy :) This is a Young Hotch set in present day :)
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Y/N
Word Count: 3.0k
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“Okay but you’ve been on the app right?” You asked Aaron after sitting down at his desk filled to the brim with paperwork that needed to be completed but never had the time to do. He peaked his eyes over to you once you sat down with a huff.
Amusement danced in his gaze as a small smiled played on his lips at your overt casualness with him. It was remarkable to witness you go from the scared and timid profiler hired right out of school to chatting his ear off at lunch every day in a matter of mere months. See, he was in his third year at the BAU and thought he had figured it out. That was until you came along and rocked his world.
He used to come to work, get some paperwork done, put his head down and go home after a long day. It worked for him. He was ‘friends’ with his coworkers as best as he could be, but he was the young pup of the group. Then you were onboarded. Gideon hired you the second you graduated after blowing him away in one of the classes he taught at Georgetown. You came in like a hurricane that he wasn’t quite ready for but knew the team needed.
You were so different than Aaron’s other coworkers. You actually talked to him and got to know him. You weren’t afraid of his intimidating gaze but instead found it a fun challenge to try and get him to break his facade. It annoyed him at first. He went to work to work, not socialize. But leave it to you to sway his opinion on the matter. Aaron didn’t want to admit just how much he had grown to love and adore your smiling face greeting him every morning. He really didn’t want to admit how much he looked forward to your early morning coffee chats or daily debriefs when Gideon was being a hard ass. You were the sunshine of the group. The one that brought the optimism while the rest of the team turned terribly pessimistic.
He'll never forget the first time you caught a killer. He almost had a heart attack when you quite literally jumped on top of the man, surprising him and taking him to the floor without a second thought. You smiled right up to him after he was in cuffs and whispered a, “One down. A hundred more to go.” To him. He knew right then and there that you’d be in his life for a long time.
“What app?” He set the pen he was writing with down as he turned his attention to you.
Sighing you opened your phone showing him, “Don’t play dumb with me Hotchner.” Your eyes glowered at the man with a subtle smirk resting right on his face, “Tik-Tok.”
He leaned back watching the videos you’d saved. He assumed they were ones you thought would convince him to download it. He was right of course. You’d saved the funniest ones in hopes he’d download the damn app. You’ve been trying for weeks to get him to do it. But then again, it almost took you three entire months to convince the man he needed to upgrade from his prehistoric iPhone 5.
“You know that’s likely spyware and the government…”
You cut him off with another long-drawn-out sigh, “Okay dad. But it’d not banned. So, download it.”
Aaron could mess with you, and he knew it. And enjoyed it. He didn’t dare want to admit just how happy he got when he got you to blush under his gaze. You’d quite literally waltzed in and rocked his absolute world. He knew he couldn’t catch feelings for you and yet here he was. On the brink of falling in love with the funnier than ever coworker who knew him better than he knew himself. How cliché.
He leaned back in his office chair crossing his arms over his chest, “You know. I don’t think I will.” He watched your face closely. You were far too easy to read. Something he was working on with you. You gave away everything on your face. His smirk only grew when you raised your eyebrows in slight surprise. It wasn’t often he didn’t bend over backwards to make you happy. He would of course download the stupid little app to make you happy. Just like he got the latest iPhone once you saw the horrifying state of his almost 10-year-old phone.
You leaned back in the same manner he had, “No need to be so obstinate Hotch.” Giving him a playful push, you couldn’t help but to giggle at his amused grin. It was easy to forget the two of you were at work of all places. It was just so easy to forget with him. He made you want more with him, so much more. A much easier case to crack than you originally thought. He was an utter softy under the rigid exterior put on for the team.
He knew he should get back to work but he just couldn’t shoo you away. He looked forward to moments like these. Little moments where he got to steal some of your time and attention, “Look at you. Using your big words.” His smirk deepened as he watched you register his words in real time. He was playing around with you. He’d gotten so comfortable with you he was beginning to mess with you right back. You’d grown used to teasing him and only getting an eyeroll or snicker in return. You weren’t used to this. And you had to admit you loved it. A subtle change you’d grown to adore.
“Didn’t go to school for nothing.” You winked at him knowing the double negative would set him off.
He shook his head, “You’re something else, you know that?”
Wiggling your eyebrows at him you nodded your head, “You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Relenting, he fished his phone out of his pocket. He opened it up knowing damn well he didn’t download the app but he’d sure as hell let you do it. He’d truly do anything for you, “You’re right.”
Ignoring the flush that rose to your cheeks you grabbed the opened phone from his hands. You knew you shouldn’t be having these thoughts for your dangerously attractive slightly older and much more put together coworker. But damn. You had all the thoughts and feelings.
You sighed, “Just as I suspected.” Shaking your head in disapproval you handed the phone back to him, “Now, I need you to make an account to night. Let me know when you do! I have so many to share with you.” You grinned knowing he was going to give in one way or another.
He took it back, “That’s a lot of work.” He spoke with a grin that meant he was just teasing you. Two could play that game.
“Yeah, because you’re so anti-technology. But I promise you can do this. Who else am I supposed to send TikTok’s too?” You widened your eyes as if it was the most obvious thing ever.
“You’re other friends?”
You shrugged, “I do send them. But these are for you.”
Aaron couldn’t help but to smile at your ever so quick comebacks. One of the many reasons he had fallen for you so quickly, “I’ll do it. But…” He paused letting it linger in the air for a moment.
“But what Hotchner?” You raised your eyebrows, ever so curious as to what his stipulation could be.
His smile widened seeing your impatience for him grow, “Only if you come over and show me how.” He’d never really been so bold before. Sure, you’d been over to his place a few times in passing, once for a team dinner. Gideon’s genius idea to have somebody from the team host once a month. You’d rather come to enjoy the gatherings. Especially when they were at Rossi’s place. The wine and food pairings never ceased to amaze you. You on the other hand always insisted on taking the team out when your month rolled around. It was a little too embarrassing to have the entire team over at your rather small one-bedroom apartment.
“Propositioning me now Hotch?” You challenged back to the man you were head over heels with knowing it’d throw him off his game. The smile that immediately dropped let you know you did exactly that.
This time it was his mouth that dropped as his cheeks turned an adorable violet. Oh, you got him this time. You wished you could take a picture. He was just too cute when he thought too hard. If you were at home you would’ve risked a picture, but you didn’t want to cross the line at work. You’d never dream of putting him in an awkward position here. The both of you worked way too hard to blow it up now.
“You know I would never ever…” He started rambling. It would’ve been adorable had he not been actually freaking out a little bit. Of course, you knew that. You really were just messing with him.
Shaking your head, you stopped him, “I’m teasing you Aaron. I’d love to come over and show you how to make a TikTok account.”
He let out a strangled sigh of relief, “You’re killing me.” He loved it when you called him by his first name. It sounded too good coming out of your mouth.
Biting back a smile you stood from the chair, “I’ll be over at 6?”
You watched as he leaned forward grabbing his pen once more. Turning to you with that smile you’d grown to adore he nodded, “Don’t be late.”
“I wouldn’t dare Hotchner.” Shooting him one last wink you walked away briskly letting your heart get far, far away from the man who was causing it to beat right out of your chest.
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“You’re making this so much harder than it needs to be Hotchner.” You giggled itching to take the phone away from Aaron.
He shrugged giving you a wicked grin, “We’re not all technologically savvy Y/L/N.” He chided back knowing he might’ve been taking his time so that you didn’t have an excuse to leave. He took his time making dinner, not starting until you made it over. Taking his time cleaning up and getting dessert out. Pretending not to know how his phone worked. He wanted to steal your time away. Not that you minded, not in the slightest.
Rolling your eyes, you finished setting it up for him, “You could say that again.”
A small chuckle rolled off his lips. He put his phone back down before turning his head back to you. You were watching him with all the love in your eyes. You’d tried so hard to hide it, but it was becoming an impossible task. He was so easy to fall in love with. How were you to blame?
Feeling bold you decided to move forward with your plan. Picking up your phone you clicked the video player to record and angled it towards you and Aaron.
With scrunched brows he observed you, “What are you doing?”
“Since you’ve never opened the app you’ll never get it. But we’re doing a video. I’ll post it. It’d trending right now.” You said as nonchalantly as possible trying not to let your voice waver. You had to be confident
Curiously we watched as you scooted closer to him, “Trending?” He asked with a hint of amusement lacing his voice.
You nodded not daring to meet his curious gaze, you’d surely lose the confidence to actually do it, “Mhmm,” You hummed, “If you’ll let me that is.”
He grinned, “Be my guest.”
It felt like your heart was about to leap out of its chest. Now or never, really, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
He smirked seeing you finally look him in the eyes, “Do your worst then.”
It was really now or never. You grabbed either side of his face and decided to go for it.
His eyes widened in pleasant shock as you pressed your lips to his. He could’ve sworn his heart stopped then and there. That was bold, even for you. But then again you always had him on his toes. Another one of the many reasons he knew that made him fall for you. It took him a second to long to respond to this kiss. But once he did he wasn’t going to let you go.
Once you needed air though you did have to pull away. Adrenaline was now coursing through you as you realized you really just kissed not only your friend but your coworker as well. There was truly no going back now.
“Did you just…?” His mouth bobbed open and closed like he couldn’t believe what you just did.
You watched as his face went from shock to realization to… satisfaction? A fast and hot blush erupted on your cheeks as you realized he was watching you too, waiting on an answer to his very own question.
“I did.” Biting your lip, a wave of anxiety washed over you as you waited his answer.
You didn’t get one as he leaned in this time. You felt as his hand wrapped around the back of your neck and up through your hair. Carefully he pulled your head towards him as he kissed you with a little more dominance this time. He was in charge. He wanted to kiss you. You didn’t fight the way your body melted right into his. Feeling him smile as you folded into his touches like putty, you didn’t dare break away. You’d dreamed of this moment for far too long. Almost six months too long now.
He pulled away gently, leaning his forehead on yours, “Thank God you did.”
Your heart was hammering so hard in your chest you only could hope he couldn’t hear it being so close, “Yeah?” You asked, a hint of insecurity in your voice.
He moved away from you only so he could look you in the eyes. His hands landed on your shoulders giving them a gentle squeeze, “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.” His usually unreadable face broke into a light blush, one you probably wouldn’t be able to see if you weren’t so close to him.
“Why didn’t you?” The smile on your face let him know it was all in good fun. You just loved teasing him. And he loved teasing you right on back.
He shook his head with the saddest smile, “Would it be too cowardly to say that I didn’t want to mess it all up? I didn’t want to make a mess of it if you didn’t feel the same.” For the first time you’d seen a side of him you’d really never have seen before. He wasn’t sure. He didn’t have an answer. He looked to you for the next step.
A quick shake of your head brought you back to the present, “I’d never think of you as a coward Aaron.” You reached for his hands that landed back down at his side, “And I’m certainly glad I didn’t make a mess of it.” You giggled feeling relieved that he clearly felt the same way. You didn’t think he’d kiss you like that if he didn’t.
“Go out with me tomorrow? On an actual date? Where I can actually woo you. You weren’t supposed to do that by the way.” He pinched your side lightly loving the way you squirmed under his touch, “But then again. You always seem to take me by surprise.” He clarified leaning back in wanting so desperately to kiss you once more but needing to hear your answer first.
“Do I now?” If your heart could speed up it certainly did as he leaned closer and closer once more.
“All the time.” He placed a gentle hand on your cheek, his thumb gingerly brushing on the apple of your cheek. A shiver you tried to stop erupted from your body at the lightest of contact with him. You were a goner, and you knew it.
“Good to know.” You grinned before leaning in and giving his nose a quick kiss, catching him off guard yet again, “And yes, I’d love to go out with you.” You continued after sending his brain into a tizzy. You truly would be the death of him.
He didn’t waste a second more before bringing you in for a much slower kiss this time. He too was in utter disbelief this was going on. Sure, he’d daydreamed about it on far too many occasions, but it was actually happening. He was kissing you.
When he pulled back for air he gave you a once over again, “I haven’t told you how pretty you look tonight.” He knew that’d draw that pretty blush he loved so much.
You pushed at his chest lightly giving him a soft laugh. You turned your head spotting the phone you’d set up to record about five minutes ago.
“Oh crap.” You pulled yourself off of him to grab at the phone quickly ending the video. A soft smile graced your face as you thought about watching that later.
He grinned, “Are you going to post that?”
Shaking your head quickly you saved the video before closing out of the app, “No, I don’t think I will.” Looking back up with all the love in your eyes you scooted closer to him, nearly on top of him now, “Think I’ll keep it just for you and I.”
He pulled you onto his lap, getting the hint, “You’re a sap.” Brushing your now messy hair, thanks to Aaron, out of your face he leaned down to give you a gentle kiss on your forehead, “A cute sap at that.”
You grinned while cuddling into him rather thankful your uncalculated risk paid off in an incredible way, “Only for you Aaron.”
He wrapped his arms all the way around pulling you in close, “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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Aaron Hotchner/Criminal Minds: Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @daily-evanstan @hardballoonlove @14buddy22 @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @mrs-ssa-hotch @panandinpain0 @viscade
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luvfy0dor · 2 months
Heyy, I was thinking about a concept with Fyodor (or whoever from BSD) having a streamer bf, but like, one of -those- streamers where every word they say can be quite questionable (in a “good” way/ironically). For some reason it amuses me to imagine it with Fyodor and Reader occasionally teasing him, calling him their ‘discord kitten’ or streaming for 5 hours (or more lol) saying nonsenses or playing video games instead of paying attention to Fyodor. What do you think?
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“Get Off The Game ♡⁠˖” BSD x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Fyodor Dostoevsky, Dazai Osamu
Description; BSD men with a streamer!reader
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A/n; these are in headcannon form, I hope that's alright!!! I think Dazai or Nikolai would be a better person to have this occupation w so I also did headcannons for one of them
Fyodor Dostoevsky ★
• Fyodor thinks it's stupid at first, but when he realized you made money from it he learned to tolerate it. He wasn't too fond of the noise, though.
• I don't think he was too fond of the nickname 'discord kitten', always raising an eyebrow when he's called that, he also strongly dislikes brainrot cause what do you mean you're so sigma? No you're not, you're y/n. That's unrelated, but I thought I'd add that in there.
• "A discord what? Kitten? What even is that? I am nothing of the such."
• Catch him dead before he makes an appearance on camera, he much prefers to keep his business private. He doesn't mind you talking about him though, he loves that. He loves that people know you're already taken by him and that all those losers in your chat don't have a chance with you.
• Sometimes he'll watch your streams from a different room in attempt to understand your work and the art of gaming. He enjoys when you play horror games, especially the ones that get you thinking. He sometimes finds your facial expressions when you get jumpscared funnier than anything else in the stream.
• When it comes to the duration of your streams, Fyodor can entertain himself for as long as you need him to, but he can't help but feel like he'd rather be spending that time with you every now and again.
• He usually just takes the time to work on his DOA stuff, and occasionally he'll get so lost in it that he doesn't even realized you've finished with your stream and on whenever that happens, you make some tea and go to fetch him to spend some quality time together, whether it's you laying in his lap while you both read a book or having a conversation about whatever comes to mind
Dazai Osamu ★
• Dazai is your #1 supporter since day one. There's a conversation going on about content creators? He's immediately bringing you up. You need new items for your set up? He's manifesting that said items go on sale ASAP!
• Oh my god, and he LOVES it when you get recognized in public. He's very prideful of you and likes that it's only him and a select group of people that get to see the real you outside of the camera frame.
• He, unlike Fyodor, does have an issue with the long hours, so he busies himself with the ADA and otherwise to keep himself from walking in and talking your ear off while you play your games for umpteen thousand people.
• He doesn't despise being called a discord kitten, but it does confuse him a little bit. But whatever, as long as you have 'my' in front of any name he doesn't care.
• Dazai watches your old streams when he's bored and can't help but giggle at the out of pocket or questionable things you say. He likes to watch the compilations of you on YouTube, too.
• Sometimes he'll quote you out of the blue.
• He doesn't like people trying to flirt with you or talk to you on the Internet as any partner wouldn't, so he is in the comment section of every post reading through individual comments. Type guy to see '❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥' comments on your posts and reply '🧯🧯🧯'
• All in all, Dazai is well received by your fanbase, especially the ones who don't try to romance you and are normal. They think he's funny and a good match for you.
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A/n; I hope it wasn't to short!!! I thought it was a cutsey idea, I think Nikolai would be pretty similar to Dazai in this scemario.
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mewtwoandme · 6 months
Sooo, I was bored at work and decided to mess around with the AI chat bots and made two of my own, very productive use of my time lol. I created a group chat, threw the characters in, and watched the comedy chaos unfold. I had too much fun with this. The in-character accuracy is what makes it so much funnier XD
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subskz · 1 year
pay attention - h.js
note: this is a reupload from my old blog
content: sub jisung, dom reader, jealousy, brat-taming (sorta), jisung is very childish, use of vibrators, edging, orgasm denial, slight exhibitionism, lots of begging, very light degradation/humiliation, reader’s sex is unspecified
word count: 5k
A loud, exaggerated huff met your ears for what must’ve been the thousandth time that day, and for the thousandth time that day, you ignored it.
Jisung was seated across the room at the kitchen table, his meal untouched and long forgotten in front of him. Instead, his eyes were locked on you, inwardly begging for you to just spare him a glance as you strolled around the kitchen, fully immersed in the phone call you were having with your coworker.
You had a major project due in just a few days, and you’d spent the better part of the past two weeks talking with your team members over the phone and meeting with them to work on it. Jisung hadn’t minded how busy you were at first. He was happy seeing you get along with everyone so well and working hard on something you were passionate about. At some point, however, that happiness had started to waver.
More specifically, the exact moment he came to realize just how often you seemed to be talking with a certain member.
Every time Jisung came across you chatting on the phone, it was with the same guy. He couldn’t help but begin to wonder irritably why a group assignment would require so much one-on-one interaction between the two of you, and he often found himself listening in on your calls with a bit more interest than necessary when you were nearby.
Things had only gotten worse from there, when he ended up making yet another unwelcome discovery to add to his sense of unease—that being, how often you tended to break out into laughter while talking with the other man. Jisung had grown used to being the sole object of your affection, with all your fond grins and playful eyerolls directed at him. As much as it wounded his ego to admit, it bothered him that there was someone else who could draw out your laughter the same way he could, the same way he prided himself on. 
“He must be pretty funny,” Jisung had commented one day after you’d ended your call, trying his best to appear nonchalant.
You’d put your phone down with a faint smile. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Not funnier than me though, right?” The words were out of his mouth before he could think to stop them, and he nearly cringed at himself for sounding so blatantly insecure.
He was met with a disbelieving snort from you, as if the thought wasn’t even worth considering. “No way,” you’d hummed.
That, coupled with the affectionate poke you’d given his cheek, had instantly made him relax. Jisung was grateful, as well as a bit ashamed, that you hadn’t caught wind of the thinly-veiled concern in his question. It seemed you had more faith in his maturity than he probably deserved.
As the week continued and your deadline drew closer, that brief period of reassurance had faded away little by little. Every time you left Jisung to go meet with your team members for hours on end, or took another call in the middle of what precious little free time you had with him, he felt more and more neglected. He knew it was selfish, but he couldn’t ignore the undeniable pit of jealousy that had been steadily building up inside him. It was like a constant, nagging itch that he couldn’t quite reach himself—you were the only one who could scratch it for him.
He would give anything for you to talk to him for longer than just a few minutes at a time or hold him in your arms without using your other hand to type away at your laptop. And on a deeper level, he craved the familiar comfort of your touch and your addictive words of praise in your more intimate moments together. Every part of his mind and body were crying out for your attention. To focus on him and only him.
He was, after all, every bit as needy as you liked to tease him for.
It was for that reason that when your phone had rung in the middle of your lunch, interrupting the first meal you’d been able to share together that week, Jisung had done away with his last shreds of common sense and decided that he’d reached his limit.
“Your food’s getting cold,” he called out, still not taking his eyes off of you.
You paused to glance over at him, and he felt his spirits lift just a bit as you flashed him a quick, sweet smile. “Just a second, Hannie,” you replied. “I’m almost done.”
The warm feeling in Jisung’s chest fizzled out as soon as you returned to your call, turning away from him and continuing to discuss the seemingly endless details of your project. He lifted his chopsticks to prod at his food half-heartedly, letting out yet another annoyed huff for no one to hear but himself.
Just as he was about to give up on convincing you to join him, the sound of your laughter filled his ears again, making his skin crawl with that same jealousy that had grown far too familiar for his liking in recent weeks.
Jisung stood up suddenly, pushing his chair back faster than he’d intended and creating a harsh squeaking noise that instantly caught your attention.
“Seriously,” he complained, not bothering to watch his volume. “Just hang up already.”
Your eyes widened at his outburst, and you pointed to your phone urgently in an attempt to get him to lower his voice. He made no effort to, however, a hurt pout forming on his face instead. “You’re supposed to be spending time with me, right? Tell him you have to go, I can’t wait any more.”
His whine echoed throughout the kitchen, and you covered the speaker of your phone with your hand, trying to mask the sound of it. “Jisung,” you scolded under your breath. “I told you, I’m almost done. This is important.”
“More important than me?” he mumbled.
You raised an eyebrow, thoroughly confused as to why he was being so difficult over something as silly as your lunch. Before you could say anything else, your coworker spoke up again through the phone.
“You there?” he asked.
“Yeah, sorry,” you replied, giving Jisung one last concerned look before preparing to continue the conversation.
Jisung’s pout morphed into a full-blown scowl as you brushed him off yet again.
“You don’t like me anymore,” he announced loudly.
Your head darted in his direction to give him a warning glare, but he held your gaze stubbornly, puffing his cheeks out in a way that would’ve been adorable if it weren’t for his behavior. A part of Jisung knew exactly how unreasonable he was being, but it paled in comparison to the other, which had become far too consumed with pettiness to care.
“Hey, give me a minute,” you told the man on the other line, quickly muting your phone.
Jisung shrank slightly into his hoodie as you made your way over to him, the exasperation evident on your face. “Jisung,” you began. “What’s up with you?”
He stuffed his hands into his pockets, giving a tiny, irritable shrug. “You’re ignoring me.”
“I’m not,” you retorted. “You know how busy I am this week, but it’ll all be over in a few days. Just be patient, babe.”
There was a pause, and Jisung looked conflicted, making you think for a moment that you may have gotten through to him. It was short-lived, however, as he furrowed his brows immediately after, unsatisfied with your reassurance.
“I don’t want to be patient anymore,” he grumbled. “You’re always with your team members, especially that one guy. And what’s so funny, anyway? Why are you always laughing with him?” Jisung’s voice rose in pitch, his habit of speaking too fast kicking in and turning his words into one, indecipherable ramble. “Seriously, you can’t even stop talking to him to eat with me.”
You pressed your lips together, feeling a faint tinge of guilt as you realized there was some truth to what he was saying. Though you’d certainly had your work cut out for you on this assignment, there was no need to let it take up your time to this degree, especially considering the fact that you had a whole group of people to help you out. On top of that, it was no secret how much Jisung thrived on your attention, and receiving so little of it for the past two weeks was bound to have taken a toll on him.
It was just like him, really, to feel like his place was being threatened over something as harmless as a work project.
Though you understood his feelings, you held your ground, too annoyed by the fact that he was being so ridiculously childish about it.
“Don’t be silly. We’re covering the same section, that’s why I have to talk to him so much.” You crossed your arms. “You know I’d rather be spending time with you than working.”
“Then pay attention to me.” Jisung whined, not missing a single beat. He reached out to tug at the sleeve of your shirt, and the needy gesture accompanied by his unfairly cute expression nearly made you falter.
You sucked in a deep breath, using all your willpower to resist his doe eyes. “As soon as I’m done,” you said sternly.
Jisung made a noise of protest as you brought your phone back to your ear, ready to unmute it. Without thinking, his hand flew up in an attempt to snatch the device from you, causing your thumb to miss its target and accidentally end the call.
Your face dropped as you realized what had happened. With an alarmed squeak, Jisung let go of your hand and backed away, immediately sensing that he’d gone too far.
You shut your eyes for a moment, gritting your teeth in an attempt to contain your frustration, and when you opened them again, you were met with Jisung’s guilty stare. He looked apologetic, but you didn’t miss the tiniest flash of gratification that crossed his features. The corner of his mouth twitched just slightly, almost as if to fight back a smile—almost as if he had secretly been hoping for this exact outcome.
He held his breath in anticipation as you eyed him with growing understanding. Jisung was so desperate to be noticed by you, to have your thoughts occupied with him for more than just a fleeting moment, that even your disapproving glare was enough at this point.
Something clicked inside you. Still, you studied his face a moment longer, just to ensure that you were reading the situation correctly.
“You want attention so bad?” you began slowly.
He nodded, tongue darting out to lick his lower lip in a way that made your heartbeat pick up.
“I need it.” His emphasis on the word was fully intentional. If you hadn’t gotten the message before, you certainly would have now.
You glanced down at your phone to check the time, then locked it with a heavy sigh that masked the excitement bubbling up inside you.
You took hold of Jisung’s wrist, hardly giving him the chance to react before guiding him to the other room. He stumbled after you with little resistance, and when you came to a stop in front of the bed, he gave you a look that was all too eager.
“Undress,” you ordered.
Jisung hesitated, cheeks flushing at the sudden request.
“What’s the matter?” You tilted your head. “Since you’re so shameless today, go ahead and show yourself off for me.”
The scorn in your voice compared to your gentle reassurances from earlier made Jisung’s stomach flutter. His hands quickly reached down to grab the hem of his hoodie, pulling it over his head and tousling his hair in the process. He was wearing nothing else underneath, and you admired his lean frame with a quick onceover before motioning for him to remove the rest of his clothes as well.
Jisung’s fingers began fumbling with the waistband of his shorts, only for him to pause again. “Help me?” he asked with a pout.
You refused to let that pleading look of his get to you a second time. “Be a big boy and do it yourself.”
Your chiding earned an unhappy hum from him, but he complied nonetheless, pushing down his shorts and wriggling out of them along with his underwear.
“So worked up already,” you commented, shaking your head. “Does it get you off, acting like this? Aren’t you embarrassed?”
Jisung’s blush grew deeper, and he instinctively moved his hands to cover his half-hard length. He braced himself as you came closer—half-expecting you to touch him like he’d ached for so badly for days now—only to yelp in surprise as you gave his chest a light nudge that made him topple back onto the mattress.
“Stay just like that,” you commanded.
He sat up on his elbows, looking ready to object, but you didn’t bother to stick around and listen.
You headed towards the closet, already set on how you were going to deal with Jisung. He was going to get his wish, but you planned to grant it in a way that would leave him even more frustrated than before.
After some digging around, you were able to find what you were looking for—a hitachi wand and vibrating plug. Grabbing them along with a bottle of lube, you quickly made your way back to the bedroom where Jisung was shifting his weight anxiously from side to side. He parted his lips in surprise as he saw the toys in your hands, a nervous sort of arousal building in his chest.
“What are you gonna do with those?” it came meek, completely unlike his earlier, childish demands. 
“What you wanted.” You popped open the cap of the lube bottle. “Hannie needs all eyes on him, right? So I’m gonna sit back and watch while you entertain me.”
The whimper that left Jisung only solidified your decision, and he lifted a hand to paw at you. “Th-that’s not—” he began, cutting himself off when you moved out of his reach. “I…please, want you to touch me instead.”
“Such a greedy boy,” you clicked your tongue. “You should be quiet and take what you can get.”
Jisung let out a small, miserable noise before laying back down in defeat. Despite his protest, his cock hardened fully against his stomach as he watched you squeeze the lube onto the plug, lathering the toy until it was thoroughly coated.
“Spread your legs for me,” you directed.
He did so instantly, parting his thighs and raising his back off the bed just slightly to make things easier for you. Carefully, you lined the plug up with his entrance and prodded at it. Jisung exhaled heavily, trying to relax his body as you began pushing it in bit by bit. A shiver ran down his spine from the familiar sensation of being filled up, and he couldn’t bite back the soft, satisfied moan that escaped him.
Once it was fully inside, you gave Jisung’s cheek an approving pat. He squirmed around in the sheets as he adjusted, hissing lightly when the toy brushed against his prostate. You motioned for him to sit up, watching closely as he complied. It was exactly the kind look he’d missed, a look that made him feel like he was made for your eyes only.
As soon as he was upright, you brought the hitachi wand to hover above his length, making his breath hitch. “Please,” he squeaked as you pressed down on his already dripping head, smearing the droplets of precum around. “Don’t tease me.”
“You think this is teasing?” you hummed. “You’re in for a rough time, then, baby.”
At that, you pushed the button on the wand and it buzzed to life, earning a sharp gasp from Jisung. His whole body jolted as the vibration rippled through him, and you once again found yourself marveling over how sensitive he was.
You kept the vibrator steady, holding it against his tip just long enough for him to grow restless before beginning to move it in small, deliberate circles.
“M-more,” Jisung whimpered almost immediately. “Want more.”
“You’re hopeless, Hannie,” you scolded.
The boy groaned, pushing his hips up to emphasize his plea. You rolled the toy around his head as slowly as possible, taking pleasure in the tiny, frustrated noises that slipped out of him.
Without warning, you slid the wand along the underside of his cock, brushing against a particularly sensitive spot and making Jisung hiccup weakly.
You held it there for several seconds, focusing on the delicate area before pushing the button on the vibrator once again to increase its strength. Jisung’s hips fully bucked this time, the burst of stimulation catching off guard.
“A-ah!” he cried out.
“Is it good?” you asked innocently.
Jisung’s hands gripped the bedsheets, and he swallowed hard before mustering up a reply. “Hah...y-yes,” he mewled. “Touch me, please.”
“I don’t think so,” you drawled. “This is all a brat like you gets.”
You were met with another pitiful whine, and it only grew louder as you moved the vibrator away from his sensitive spot and down to the base of his dick. The toy pushed Jisung’s length against his stomach, smearing some of his precum against his skin.
“Please,” he tried again. “Wanna f-feel you. Miss you.”
For good measure, he blinked his eyes open to hit you with that irresistible gaze, embodying innocence even in moments like these. Still, you managed to hold on to your resolve.
“You asked for attention, and now you’re getting it.” you said simply. “If you keep complaining it’ll only get worse for you.”
Before Jisung could respond, you used your free hand to grab the remote control for the plug. A choked noise escaped him as you pressed down on the power button it began to vibrate inside him. He arched his back sinfully, the combined sensation of both toys making his head spin.
“Ah! Wait!” Jisung gasped. “So good…m-more,”
“Hm...which is it? You want me to wait or not?”
He shook his head frantically, squeezing his eyes shut. “No! P-please,” he whimpered.
“Poor baby can’t even think straight,” you cooed. “Is this too much for you?”
“Please,” he begged, louder this time. “Don’t stop, I’m almost—”
Jisung’s words morphed into a broken moan, and when his arms began to tremble, you knew that his high was already creeping up on him. Listening carefully to the sound of his breathing, you slid the vibrator back to the head of his cock to toy with it some more.
A shiver ran down his spine as you passed over his most sensitive spot once again, causing his whole body to quiver with effort. The moment you noticed him tense up, you pulled the wand away, earning a cry of protest from Jisung.
His eyes fluttered open in alarm, trying to process the sudden drop in pleasure in his scrambled mind.
“N-no...why’d you stop?” he mewled, adorably disoriented. “Was about t-to—”
“What’s wrong, Hannie?” you faked a pout. “I’m just trying to spend time with you for as long as possible. I can’t do that if I let you cum so soon.”
Jisung hiccuped miserably in response, grinding down on the plug vibrating inside him in an attempt to draw out his orgasm. “This isn’t f-fair,” he stuttered out. “You’re being so mean.”
You didn’t bother to deny it, instead watching in delight as he squirmed around, the desperation growing more and more evident on his flushed face. He shut his eyes again, trying to focus on the feeling of the toy pressing against his walls. With a frustrated whine, Jisung released his grip on the sheets and brought a hand up to length. You raised an eyebrow as he wrapped his fingers around it and began to stroke almost mindlessly, determined to do whatever it took to make himself cum. His hand moved at a rapid pace, and just as you were about to scold him for acting without permission, another strained groan spilled out of him.
“N-not enough,” he slurred. “S’not enough…I need you. Please, please, touch me.”
You reached forward to cradle Jisung’s face in mock sympathy. “It’s just not the same, huh, baby?” you murmured. “Maybe if you'd been a good boy, I would’ve played with your needy little dick for you.”
His moment of disobedience ended as soon as it began. With a mewl of defeat, he released his cock from his hold and dropped his hand back onto the mattress. You gave his cheek a condescending pat, satisfied with his quick surrender, and leaned back once more.
Jisung’s breath caught in his throat as you brought the vibrator to tease his tip once again. You gave the toy another click, changing the setting from a constant vibration to short, rapid bursts. Jolts of pleasure shot through him with each one, and he shot his hips up eagerly in an attempt to gain more friction.
“Hah—fuck!—please,” he gasped. “F-feels so good,”
Jisung was writhing again in no time, simultaneously trying to push forward into the wand and press down on the plug inside him. “Lemme cum, please,” he begged. “C-can’t take it. I’ll seriously go crazy.”
“That’s no good, angel,” you frowned. “I’ve only stopped once. Are you really gonna disappoint me? I thought you wanted to put on a good show.”
Your voice was sickeningly sweet as you taunted him, making Jisung lower his head in shame. “N-no,” he objected feebly. “Wanna be g-good. But I—”
“At least try to hold out after causing me so much trouble,” you cut him off, moving your wrist to roll the vibrator around the head of his cock. Jisung’s body jerked at that, and a loud hiss escaped him as the plug brushed against his sweet spot, sending him dangerously close to the edge again.
His mouth fell open when you pulled the toy away a second time, leaving his length to twitch uncontrollably against his stomach. “N-not fair,” he whimpered. “Good boy, ‘m a good boy, p-please.”
You simply grinned as Jisung’s high slipped away from him again, waiting patiently for his pants to die down so you could go right back to teasing him.
Suddenly, the sound of a third object buzzing filled the room, and you realized with a start that your phone was ringing against your thigh. You slid your free hand into your pocket and retrieved the device, your smile only growing when you read the Caller ID.
Jisung blinked his foggy eyes open curiously, his interest piquing when he noticed the delighted look on your face.
It was your coworker—probably calling to see why you’d hung up out of the blue earlier. A wicked idea came to mind as the phone continued to vibrate in your palm, and you locked eyes with Jisung.
“If you’re such a good boy, let’s see if you can behave for me this time.”
His expression morphed into one of pure alarm as your intentions became clear to him, and before he could say anything, you accepted the call.
“Hello?” The man’s voice rang out as you hit the speaker button.
“Hey,” you answered casually.
Jisung stiffened as you moved your other hand to ghost the vibrator over his cock. He gave you a panicked look, silently begging for you to show him some mercy. You contemplated for a moment before lowering the setting to a softer vibration, solely so that the sound of it wouldn’t be too obvious.
“Sorry about earlier,” you told your coworker, trying to keep the amusement out of your voice as you pressed the wand against the underside of Jisung’s dick. “My connection got cut off.”
Jisung gritted his teeth in an attempt to suppress a moan, and you gently began dragging the toy up and down his length.
“No problem,” he assured you. “We were almost done, anyway. But I just wanted to double check how the last few slides are gonna be presented.”
“Sure, what’d you have in mind?”
Your words were immediately followed by a poorly muffled whimper from Jisung, and his heart skipped a beat when he realized how loud it’d come out. Despite the fear of being caught, however, he couldn’t ignore the way his arousal skyrocketed over the possibility of being heard like this.
“Well, since we’ve got two more major points to cover—”
He was interrupted by another strained gasp from Jisung, and this time, it was noisy enough for him to hear. “What was that?” he asked.
“What was what?” you feigned obliviousness, grateful that he couldn’t see your eyes glinting with hunger as you took in the sight of Jisung. He was biting down on his lip like his life depended on it, the muscles in his abdomen flexing and unflexing in a desperate attempt to control his movements.
“P-please,” he whispered, struggling to manage his volume. “Can’t hold b-back, please.”
You tilted your head at him innocently before turning your attention back to your call. “So you want me to take one and you take the other?” you asked the man on the other line.
“Yeah, I think that works,” he agreed. 
You listened absentmindedly as he continued with the details, sliding the vibrator back up to Jisung’s weak spot. His back arched suddenly, and when he clamped his jaws shut to hold back an especially loud cry, you wasted no time before pulling the toy away once more.
The choked sob that escaped Jisung didn’t disappoint, filling you with satisfaction as it echoed throughout the bedroom.
Your team member paused, growing silent on the other end. “Are you hearing that?”
“Dunno...just heard a weird noise,” he said slowly.
It took all your willpower to keep from giggling as Jisung gazed at you hopelessly, chest heaving and lips trembling. “Oh, it might just be my boyfriend calling for me,” you dismissed. “He’s in the other room.”
Another pause. “You have a boyfriend?”
“Mhm.” You didn’t miss the way Jisung’s features lit up adorably at your mention of him, even in a less-than-ideal situation like this.
“Oh. I’m surprised I haven’t met him before.”
“Well, he’s a bit shy.”
Jisung’s stomach flipped as you began inching the vibrator closer to his cock, prepared to mess with him yet again. “Please,” he whined, voice growing higher in pitch. “Please, please, please,”
You felt goosebumps form on your skin, your own adrenaline spiking over how shamelessly he was begging when he knew how easily he could be heard. You hesitated for just a moment before pressing the wand against him, teasing the underside of his length once more.
“Anything else you wanted to cover?” Your question barely masked the way Jisung cried out your name, so intensely that it made your own heart skip a beat. 
“Hmm...no, I think we’re good for now!” your coworker answered.
“Gotcha. Talk to you later, then.”
“Right, bye.”
At that, you ended the call. Jisung let out a long, filthy moan the very instant you did, and you finally allowed the snicker you’d been holding back to slip free.
“Hm...you did a pretty awful job at keeping quiet, baby boy.” you remarked. “Any longer and he definitely would’ve been onto us.”
You clicked the button on the vibrator to increase its strength once more, leaving Jisung unable to do anything but squirm pathetically. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to show him that you’re mine.”
Despite everything, his face flushed impossibly more, and you knew you’d hit the nail on its head. His thighs began to quiver weakly as his climax drew near, unable to contain the pleasure that shook his body any longer. Deciding that Jisung had suffered enough, you kept the vibrator pressed steadily against his cock, urging him to finally come undone.
“G-gonna!” he warned breathlessly, throwing his head back. He rocked his hips into the mattress, grinding down on the plug until he felt the hot tension in his core snap at last. “Cumming!”
He hardly got the words out in time before he was emptying onto his stomach, splattering the tan skin with pearly ropes of cum. Moan after moan spilled out of his parted lips as he was finally granted his release, sending waves of bliss all throughout his body.
Jisung continued squirming for several seconds, and you only pulled the vibrator away once the last few spurts of his seed had shot out of him and his calls of your name faded into quiet mewls.
You drank in the sight of him, admiring every inch of his spent form before reaching for the plug’s remote and powering it off. A long, content sigh escaped the boy as you did so, making you soften.
As soon as he managed to catch his breath, his hazy eyes refocused and met yours. You gave him a small smile, patting your thighs to beckon him over. “C’mere.”
He obeyed right away, crawling unsteadily into your lap and slumping his full weight against you. Careful not to disturb him, you reached down and began to pull the plug out little by little. He made a small noise of discomfort as you did so, and you murmured gently in his ear in an attempt to soothe him.
Once you’d fully removed the toy, you leaned over to place it on your nightstand, grabbing some tissues to begin cleaning his seed off his stomach. Jisung let out a sweet hum, nuzzling his face into your neck as you delicately dabbed away.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled sheepishly. “About...how I acted. I know you’ve been working really hard.”
You raised your other hand to cradle his head. “It’s alright, Hannie. You were feeling lonely, weren’t you?”
Jisung whined quietly in agreement, clutching on to your shirt as if you might slip away from him. “You’re not mad?”
“No, angel,” you answered honestly, planting a kiss to his damp hair. “I missed you, too, y’know.”
There was a pause, then you continued playfully. “But next time, don’t be such a baby about it.”
He lifted his head at that, furrowing his brows and curving his lips into an irresistible pout. “I’m your baby, though,” he huffed.
Your fond giggle filled Jisung’s ears, and he felt more ridiculous than ever as he noticed for the first time how your eyes sparkled when you laughed with him in a way they never did for anyone else.
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radiodust-heart · 2 months
Alastor isnt a fan if tv of any kind. But Charlie started having movie nights were once a week someone picks a movie for them to watch. Her choice was rather heart felt and had her crying while no one really paid attention.
Vaggies pick was a movie about animals finding a way home. She just liked it was her comment.
Lucifer presented a musical about himself and a carnival he thought was funny.
Husker picked the first movie in the pile which ended up being a princess movie
Nifty picked a story about a bunchnof short stories that came together in the end. Each one more horrific then the last.
When it was Angels turn they all gave him a rule, no porn. So instead he set everyone up to watch heraditary/midsomer (havent figured out which ine would be funnier) the movie captured everyones attention, the film becoming worse as it went on but no one could look away. The whole time Angel grinned as he watched the movie. He ended up turning to Alastor who was situated beside him, whispering facts he knew about the movie and cult history hed picked up over his time.
Alastor enjoyed the growing horror of the group. But not as much as Angels consrent chatter. He had alot to say and it was all fascinating. He missed most of the movie as he was paying attention to Angel but the man recapped for him as the movie came to a gruesome close. With unsettling deaths and a cult celebrating the ritual. The room was clearly unsettled and nausiated all despersing at the end of the film.
Alastor didnt get a chance to pick a movie as movie nights were firmly canceled after the incedent but it was worth it. Instead he ended up chatting with Angel for the rest of the night on history of cults, illnesses, canniblisim.
Angel was a horror fanatic and when he found out Alastor was a cannible he had a million questions on the life style which Alastor was pleasently surprised. Use to peiple being creeped out by him at the knowledge. Counterly when Alastor found out Angel was a drag queen he had many questions himself on the artisty of the life style.
Charlies exercise did work to bring the resedence closer just not the way she thought
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thescribblings · 4 months
Long post ahead! I type a lot .^.
Here's a lil something I've spent some time on! I'm definitely nearing my goal of being able to draw comics! .^.
However, keep in mind that I'm very much an amateur artist, so there will be imperfections😅.
Here, I've drawn a lot of new (and scary) poses, expressions, perspectives, and clothes! I never draw clothes! I've also never even tried to draw them in the same clothes from different perspectives like this before. I also mainly draw without references
And i know i know, it's always better with references but i always just get distracted while looking for a good reference and most of the time i give up before i even find one and just draw it without anyways, lol
Rant over now! Promise
Here's a page I've been working on non-stop for literal days. It was a lot of fun! And it helped me try out a new art style :]
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Individual pictures and context under the cut! i will be referring to future leo as nardo or leonardo, and present leo as, well, leo!
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Here we have the doodle that started it all! I did use a cat as a reference, and i personally found that hilarious
Anyways, leonardo is being held like the cat that he is. Meanwhile, leo is held next to him vibing, not a thought behind those eyes
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✨️co-existing✨️(with iced coffee)
They decided to have a day of leo to leo Bonding and got iced coffee for the occasion, probably spending some time clothes shopping and going equally crazy over a random article of clothing with a unicorn on it
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This one has a bit more story behind it, they went on a day outing with the fam, nardo had grabbed a map of the city and they decided to stray from the group to explore, and they quickly got lost.
Leonardo helped leo get on his shoulders to see if there were any familiar landmarks around, and while leo enjoyed being roughly 12 feet tall, nardo texted the others asking where they were and looked around the area.
(Shirts lovingly made by mikey)
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Entirely lost, leonardo decided to ask a pair of yokai ladies for directions. They turned out to be extremely helpful, one of them pointing out where on the map they were and where the landmark raph had sent them is.
Meanwhile, some backstory here: ever since leonardo had stopped staying in the lair 24/7 and actually started coming with when the others went out, leo had become an expert at keeping flirtatious yokai of all shapes sizes and genders away from his eldest brother
Leo noticed one of the yokai women was trying to make a move on him and stepped between her and nardo, making for a hilarious scene when he told her to stay away from his clearly adult brother
Leonardo is entirely oblivious as to the amount of yokai that find him attractive, which is exactly how leo wants it to be, for some reason
It's even funnier with the fact that leonardo is, in fact, very gay.
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They thanked the yokai (leo doing that gesture where you point at your eyes then at the person as an unspoken "i got my eyes on you" behind nardo's back) then stepped away from the crowd and planned when and where everyone would meet up (they quickly decided on a food spot that accommodated everyones needs, and they had often gone there for lunch or early dinner in the past)
While they waited, the two decided to browse some stores, window shop etc.
Leonardo bought himself a backpack and proceeded to purchase knickknacks, snacks, and gifts for the fam, including some that he snuck in there for leo without the teen noticing (he was the greatest ninja the world had ever seen, once, after all)
While nardo walked, leo was chatting away happily on his shoulders, the elders tail wagging along as well, especially when leo told a pun or two, once a leo, always a leo. (Leonardo chipped in with some puns as well)
(leonardo personally believes his tail is pretty damn useless since it's so short. He has stated, "The only thing it's good for is waggin' " in the past. However, the rest of the fam think that's a perfectly adequate reason to have a tail)
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They spent the entire day out having fun and walked around with just a handfull of breaks, so i think it's safe to say they'd be pretty drained by the time they got home
On another note, nardo being a war veteran and all that, I'm not 100% sure how that works but i like to imagine he'd get rather overwhelmed by all the crowds, different smells and loud noises (in other words overstimulation) so i think he'd be WAY more drained than everyone else by the end of the day (save for maybe mikey, i bet he'd be pretty drained too)
Either way, nardo basically just flopped onto the nearest plush surface and went out like a light while everyone else went to bed like regular people. This is a common occurrence after long, exhausting days
But sometimes...
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Sometimes he dents the floor
(Bonus doodles)
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I don't even know why this came to be, but it did
Thank you for reading!
Have nice day
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jazz-bazz · 3 months
more raindrop lab coat au!!
this time it's about their secret relationship that everyone's betting about, and drunk rain just spitting it out to copia the bartender... dew sighs a lot
the working title was "What Happened At The Bar, Stays At The Bar" but i figured the new one is better bcs it's funnier
and the machine rain used to ask dew out is a real thing, though i have no idea if theyd even put it at exhibitions 😂 i just heard about it in a lecture and figured its perfect for lab coat raindrop
YOU GUYS NEED TO SEE THIS ART @floating-goblin-art did!!! can't stop looking at it send help
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without further ado, here’s
One Time Password
The pack decided on Monday to go out to Zenith on Friday after work, to get dinner and then also some drinks. The plan is of course, supported by Aether, boyfriend of Zenith’s owner Copia, and Swiss and Zephyr, who are booked to perform there on weekend evenings. So after work everyone goes back to their own apartments to freshen up and then meet up at Zenith at about 8 pm, plenty of time to get good seats and for Swiss and Zephyr to prepare.
Mountain of course invited Sunshine to come with them, so Aether, not wanting to be fifth wheeling while Zephyr’s on stage-because Rain and Dew, who are supposedly not dating, are attached at the hip-invited Ifrit from inorganic chem department, whom he and Dew are trying to set up with Zephyr. Swiss also invited Phantom, for support he said, who in turn invited Aurora for emotional support because he needs someone his age.
Swiss and Zephyr plays for about an hour, and then they joined the group, which is now a very big group, sitting in the corner table of the bar sipping on their who knows however many rounds of drinks, all of them are already at least a little bit warm and tipsy now, based on the nonstop giggling coming from the table. Even the young newcomers are getting comfortable with the older ghouls, cracking jokes and making witty remarks now and then.
“Hey Rainy. Rain!” Aether tries to get the water ghoul’s attention, which is fixated mostly on a cackling Dewdrop, after he and Ifrit and Swiss does another impression of this annoying human professor in the inorganic chem department.
“Huh, yes Aether?” Rain finally notices Aether calling their name.
“Your turn to get us drinks now, please.”
“Oh right! I need a refill too, anyone has a special request or just beer?”
“Could you get me that blue fizzy drink that guy is having? It looks interesting,” Aurora asked.
“I’ll ask Copia about it, anyone else?”
“I want the drink Copia made me last time I was here, no idea what it’s called because I said I need something and he said he knew just the thing, then he gave me that and it’s been on my mind ever since,” Dew finally stops laughing long enough to give his answer.
“Very helpful,” Rain says with a playful roll of their eyes, “But sure, I’ll ask Copia, but if he doesn’t remember I’m getting you a beer.”
Nobody else has any requests so Rain makes their way to the bar and waves Copia over, who takes their order and starts working on them. Thankfully he does remember what he gave Dew, which Rain then asks him to make 2 of, because they want to try it too. It turns out to be some kind of fruit cocktail thing, a new recipe, Copia said.
After this round the group starts to disperse to go dancing and pausing the drinking for a bit. The theme is 70s-80s so not only are they dancing, they’re also singing (some badly, some quite good, some are really good too, complete with harmonising).
The dance floor is chaotic to say the least, they started in groups of twos and threes, but they keep switching with each other so much that nobody knows anymore. Copia just watches over them from the bar to make sure everyone is okay, and maybe also to ogle Aether’s ass a bit, because those are very fine ass.
But one by one they get tired and retreat back to their table, with fresh drinks in their hands. Mountain, Zephyr, Ifrit, Aether, and Sunshine are chatting with each other, Swiss is still on the dance floor with Phantom, Aurora, and Dew, and Rain is making their way to the bar once again.
“Hey Copia,” Rain says with hint of slurring, “Can I get that fruity drink from earlier?”
“Sure, wait here a sec,” Copia says while reaching for the ingredients.
“Oh wait, make that two, my boyfriend must be thirsty too,” Rain smiles big and dopey with heart eyes, “Oops, forget I said that, it’s for me, I’m sooooo thirsty I can drink a gallon,” he proceeds to cover his mouth with his hands.
Copia then pauses, because boyfriend? Since when does Rain have a boyfriend? And why does he not know about this, Aether usually tells him stories from the labs, “Boyfriend?”
“Huh, what?” Rain tries to back off and deflect, “I said it’s for me, come on, C, I’m parched.”
“Oh no you aren’t. Here’s drink number one but I’m not gonna make the other one until you tell me more, and you have to pay for two drinks. Spill, Rainy, who’s the lucky person?” Copia leans his head on his hands like a schoolgirl.
“Ummm… No I’m still single, what do you mean? I’m mingling right now,” Rain starts looking around for some help, which he finds when they catch Dewdrop’s eyes from the dance floor.
“Nope, no you aren’t. I don’t believe you, come on, spill. Or wait, let me guess, is it Dew?”
“Did I hear someone call my name? You miss me that much, C?” Dew arrives to Rain’s rescue. Being a fire ghoul, his temperature and magic burns through alcohol much faster than the other ghouls, so he is barely tipsy now.
“Are you Rain’s boyfriend?” Copia shoots him with the question.
“Uhh what? What’s going on here?” Dew asks with a confused little tilt to his head.
“Drunk Rainy over here says he wants two drinks, one for them and one for his boyfriend, they said. Before then covering his mouth and saying it’s for them alone, which I totally don’t buy because as people say, the first word are the truth, especially when drunk.”
“Noooo, don’t tell him that he’ll get mad, I’m not supposed to say anything,” Rain whispers quite loudly to Copia, his drunk mind thinking Dew won’t hear it, even though he does.
Dew sighs.
“Rainy, darling, light of my life, bestest friend forever and ever,“ Dew turns to Rain, and holds his cheeks in his hands, “I totally heard that.“
Copia just watches the two with a very amused smile and a knowing glint in his eyes, “So, how long have you guys been dating? And no more fooling me.“
“First promise you won’t tell anyone, not even Aether,“ Dew wags a finger at him. Meanwhile Rain just drinks his cocktail and sometimes smiling randomly at Dew and see, this is why Dew almost always takes Rain home before they get drunk in front of all their friends. He can’t keep a secret to save his life when he’s intoxicated. 
“Fine, swear on Satan. Now spit it out.“
“Since around fifth semester? This guy asked me to accompany him to a science exhibition and then asked me out using the machine that one could use to draw with atoms. We’d just learned about that in class and I guess they noticed I was so fascinated with it? And Satan knows how he managed to get the guy in the exhibition to do it. It was sweet and dorky and just perfect.“
“Aweeee, but what’s with the secrecy?“
“That is just us being petty to you all,“ Dew smirks, “You keep pushing us and everything, don’t think we don’t know about that bet. So you know, we don’t want anyone to win that bet so we just hid it. Actually I proposed to them a few months ago, and we decided to have the wedding as soon as both of us are finished with our degrees and just reveal it to you by sending you guys the invitations. Also we want the bet money then.“
“That’s… actually clever,“ Copia muses, “Though I want compensation if you want me to keep my mouth shut from Aether,“ he smirks. 
Dew promptly bangs his head on the table, “Fuck you, C. What the fuck do you want.“
“10% of the winnings from the bet and I get to officiate the wedding of my forever OTP,“ he offers his hand for Dew to shake on.“
“No idea what the fuck does a password have to do with us but deal, we were already planning on you either to officiate or be on my party. And 10% is not a problem,“ Dew shakes Copia‘s hand. 
“Not a password Dew,“ now it’s Copia‘s turn to sigh, “OTP is One True Pairing, as in a couple you’re rooting for the most. Internet slang, you wouldn’t understand, old man.“
“Now who the fuck are you calling old,“ Dew grumbles, “Also, you’ll keep it from Aether and everyone else?“
“Yes, Dewcifer Drop.“
“So now can I get my drink?“
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levyfiles · 1 year
Since it happens a lot less frequently now, I have less cause to say it but one train of thought hits me every time an anti decides to start a misguided crusade all "hurricane in a box" style. The train of thought follows the memory of all the fans in the past who made it their most important mission to shame, bully and harass anyone who participated in fan spaces for themselves; not the creator. Who didn't follow a subset of rules they just made up.
What I think about is how content must have seemed to them, the deeper they got into it. Every time Ryan or Shane would do something particularly fond for each other, I'd see at least twenty comments spread out on the video, in the tag, or even in the Twitter mentions going "Ahh, the shippers are going to be SO ANNOYING about this".
And were we? I mean if I were an anti, and I was thinking that and my first thought is to hate-scroll through my blog. I remember posting on my own blog, reblogging from the shyan tag, posting in the shyan tag, cackling in group chats. There was a while there when some antis liked to screenshot things we said on our blogs or on servers (some who were lurking in group chats) declaiming how annoying and twisted and creepy we were. It didn't really get anything done. It annoyed a few people but we moved on because the content continued to be fun; the guys kept doing their thing and having fun doing it.
My point is that every time one of these righteous crusades bombs, I catch myself thinking about what it must be like for that anti. To watch something and to be thinking about how someone else is receiving it, how that someone else is someone I have an irascible hatred for is probably somehow going to have more fun with it than I ever could. Because I'm so busy receiving each moment, teeth clenched that it might vindicate someone having fun in their own spaces when I've explicitly said It's Wrong.
And it's like? Yeah, of course, I'm not having fun. Every time Ryan or Shane makes some dumb joke about how close they are or their body language shows fans just why these two started a company together, that would be intolerable to me because I'd be thinking so hard about how much a stranger online probably liked that more than they're "supposed to". Work husbands??? Why did they say that? Now the shippers are definitely enjoying the content and I'm uncomfortable because I gotta think about the implications of the phrase "Work husband" and between my irl responsibilities, have to craft some reasoning as to why homosocial male friendships are a bitter victim to the love spectrum.
I'd get so bored; the content wouldn't bring me any joy. So imagine how that person who decided to make a second blog to craft a 2017-era "breaking my silence" call-out post about Simone is going to experience content now. They won't be able to so much as make it through five minutes of a video without thinking of every single damn fan who told them their post was dumb and how much more fun y'all are going to have as the social media posts get all the more funnier; how Simone's fandom origins give her a good and easy insight into why we enjoy Watcher. Every time there's a promo and it becomes obvious that thanks to Simone's hard work editing clips she knows we'd like, the bloopers are a fans smorgasbord lol.
In the end, is it ever really a surprise why vocal antis leave fanspaces? They dive bomb into spaces to start a fight instead of making friends and end up with a bitter scar that ruins the content for them.
Best I can say is RIP, ya know?
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AHHHH!!! Hello hi I’m back and I absolutely adore all of your Old guard x 00q crossover ideas!!! Thank you for indulging in my brainworms lol. Nicky calling Q bambino absolutely undoes me ahhhh 🥺🥺 and Q being the baby of the group is so funny!! When I was first thinking about it I headcannoned that Q was older than booker by a couple decades but honestly I think that just makes Q being solidly the kid of the group even funnier. Q, hasn’t been the newest member of the guard for 250+ years, dead eye staring as Booker (50 years younger than him) and Nile (literal 20-something-year-old), both skip mostly past baby treatment while Andy still calls him kiddo all the time.
Broooo and Bond seeing Q killed in front of him?? Maybe as a result of his actions??? Like. The guilt!! The angst!! The pain!! *chefs kiss* lovely absolutely lovely. And him being left alone to stew with the body?!?? Just him struggling to compartmentalize enough to do his job, kind of going into shock, wondering why the hell Q dying hurts as much as it does. Just Bond having his “oh” moment only after Q dies. Realizing he loved the snarky little bugger that kept him alive and guided him and helped him hide from medical and M. And then realizing that he can’t do anything about those feelings because Q is dead and it’s his fault. Only to have Q come back to life in front of his eyes.
I have this one scene in my head right now where MI6 has to work with the CIA for some reason and Copley is there as a favor for one of his former coworkers or smthn. And the entire time the man is completely unsubtle like. The opposite of subtlety, keeps glancing over at Q with wide eyes and Q’s dying inside. He’s developing an eye twitch and every time Copley looks at him M and R look at Q like “what’s going on rn” and Q’s like “I never should’ve okayed working with this man”. The two double O agents of your choice guarding the door are simultaneously staring a hole in the side of Q’s head and texting the double O groupchat about the situation.
Also you’re so right about Nile and Q bonding over art!! Ahhh I’m just imagining she takes a day trip to come visit him in London and they go to a bunch of museums and just chat. She calls him old man as a joke and he’s so used to being babied that he secretly loves it. And ik London is MI5 jurisdiction but I think it would be so funny if Nile, Q, and Bond get caught up in some kind of plot and have to save the day. Even better if this is Bond’s first time meeting any of the old guard members in person. Just Nile meeting Bond for the first time, giving him a once over and looking at Q and calling him a cradle robber. And Q is standing there having flashbacks to Bond saying that exact same thing while James is keeled over, laughing so hard he’s crying for the first time in decades. Nile just crosses her arms and is like “I said what I said”. NILE AND MONEYPENNY BONDING HDNDNDNDNDN. The two of them bonding 100 percent gives Q a headache.
And just. Q’s stuck in the UK because of his job, but he’s still part of the guard! Andy and him face timing to give updates, Joe and Nicky constantly texting him everyday, Nile calling him to tell him about whatever stupid shit is going on at the moment. When everything with Quynh gets sorted out I bet she and him constantly call too!! And him and Booker being tech bros!! And ofc they visit him pretty often, popping in and out of the country sometimes all together sometimes one at a time. Just being family y’know?
oop welcome back!
yesss it doesn't matter how old you headcanon Q as (personally i'm thinking after booker, think robert frobisher vibes), he is still baby. he used to scoff at it but he has to admit he misses it whenever he has to go back to london. eve's teasing makes up for it a little bit.
oh after bond finally finds out and they're Talking About It, he kind of feels relieved. at least he doesn't have to worry about Q dying anymore, right? but then bond learns about quynh, and then about merrick (Q deeply regrets not being able to fish them out of that one, he did clean up after them though), and about things worse than death
and then Q tells him oh so gently that no, he could still die. one day he will stop healing and it will be his time, and it's going to be okay, james, we all have to make peace with our mortality. and maybe the reminder of Q's mortality again is what finally kicks bond into Doing Something about this thing he has for Q
after the whole merrick debacle, Q not being in on the punishment to exclude booker offers him comfort and a place to stay. booker rejects the former but accepts the latter. Q always has a hand out and simply waits for booker to reach back.
Q maintaining a separate network of safehouses for his fam because he is still 50-50 on trusting copley. nile asks him if he has a stash similar to andy's cave. the next time they're in america, Q directs them to stay at his little townhouse in boston where she finds a couple of lost rembrandts and vermeers casually hanging in the bedrooms.
the second time bond witnesses Q die is when they're all drunk off their asses and joe dares him to jump into a pool from the third floor balcony. it's a large pool. Q misses. he revives laughing.
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squadrah · 1 year
Imagine La squadra but it's just a 90's sitcom.
Been a while since I watched a 90's sitcom, but I'm cracking my knuckles, here we go!
Basic premise is that they all live in the same close neighborhood, so usually they show up together at local public places (café, bar, streets, each other's work places) for whatever reason.
Risotto: Bouncer at the local bar, so when everyone's there, he's usually on duty. Has had to remove every single person in the friend group from the bar at least once for whatever reason, some more smoothly than others. A stoic loner by nature, he has to ask his friends to help grow his collection of Beanie Babies, which he keeps in pristine glass cabinets (he is sometimes shown interacting with them because it adds that much needed moe to his personality). He and Formaggio are roommates, so the one time Risotto had to throw him out of the bar, he also had to carry Formaggio home.
Formaggio: Attendee at the nearby gas station, so every character who has a car ends up there and banter happens. Half of the cast gives him shit as comic relief, while the other half is in cahoots with him, because he tends to get Big Ideas that either work or fail spectacularly - whichever is funnier. Even when he wins big, you just know he's gonna blow all the money by next week and then he'll have to figure out something new. Despite this, he drops some nuggets of wisdom in unprecedented times. Not allowed to touch the Beanie Babies because he got grease on them once by accident.
Prosciutto: Legal expert at some nondescript company, so when anyone is pondering a scheme, he'll be the one casually chiming in on the legality of the thing and also the one finding loopholes in exchange for favors. Has incredible divorcee energy and there are a number of guys showing up whom he seems to have a history with, but none of them are ever confirmed as anything, so this is like a recurring mystery plot line the others like to pick up and discuss. Has some violent running gags because despite his resting bitch face, he's about as high strung as Ghiaccio and the others aren't helping.
Pesci: That one guy who has no idea how to stay on top of his own life so he keeps turning up at odd jobs, often plot-specific ones, but he is most often seen at the café or bar, cleaning tables and trying to stay part of the conversation. He's a sweetheart but also a hopeless romantic and a bumble bee, so everyone is always giving him advice, especially those who are not qualified to give life advice to anyone. Obviously has a thing for Prosciutto and the running gag is him sometimes playing up his own helplessness and lack of self-confidence a bit to get those much coveted face paps.
Ghiaccio: Works as a courier, so he's always up and about, running somewhere to deliver or having come from a delivery, and he also jogs in his free time, alone or with others like Risotto or Pesci. He's the angry one who always has a rant locked and loaded, and if anyone in the cast ordered something, including the aforementioned company Prosciutto (and others) work for, Ghiaccio will be the one coming in and questioning his and everyone else's life choices. He's kind of a health freak so some running gags involve him indulging a bit in something normal and then freaking out about it.
Melone: Secretary at the company Prosciutto works for, and one of his running gags is that whenever someone asks what the company does, he will say something new each time, to suggest that either the company is getting into all sorts of niches to stay afloat, or Melone is making shit up. Many scenes feature him on the phone, but it's almost never about company affairs because he just loves to chat and wasting company time. Obviously a sexy and perverted little freak but apparently he's the duct tape holding the company together, so no matter what he does they have to keep him.
Illuso: Pencil pusher at the same company as Prosciutto and Melone, and he copes with office life by stealing stationery. His kleptomania and hording tendencies tend to be his running gags, so sometimes he'll take out a pen to jot things down and Prosciutto recognizes it as his own and Illuso has to give it back or perish. Another company time waster, but unlike Melone, he gets to stay on board because he keeps dropping hints of how much he knows about the company's affairs and how much he would be willing to blab here and there. A smug jerk, but somehow he just fits in with everyone.
Sorbet and Gelato: Lumping them together despite leading separate lives because Sorbet runs the local café and Gelato runs the local bar, and they seem to have beef with each other where either one will turn up at the other's work place, stir up a big scene with tangible, nay, chewable homoerotic undertones, and then they always catch themselves having "gone too far" and arrive at some sort of truce. They are only ever fully friendly when blind drunk, in which case they have eyes for nobody else. Despite always talking of each other as a menace, it is very obvious that they're practically married.
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A post for all new and longtime Jeff Blim livestream viewers and chatters. Welcome! (updated on March 8 2024)
*check https://starkid.fandom.com/wiki/Jeff_Blim to compare facts here. For now, the wikia is more updated than this since everyone knows where it is. But this post has further information than the one in wikia.
Update (May 15, 2024) Thank you so much for following me. I apologize for not following back but I may find your posts (and like or repost them) when they have a Jeff Blim tag and other tags in my list. Update: May 27 2024. Watch Jeff's last stream where he checked his wiki. He said he will do some or a few edits and he made some corrections. I don't know when I'll check it myself. Any edits from other fans are highly encouraged. For me, there is no longer to add info here and on the wiki at least about his history. His wiki is already too long enough lol. Update: June 7 2024 Started slowly updating his wiki again and maybe make it even funnier or sarcastic lol maybe because of the way he reacted while reading it
Sometimes we read the same questions over and over on his stream and he has answered all of them in the past. Or accidentally ignores/did not read the old, repeated question, so he can't answer because he's busy doing stuff on the stream. And sometimes, instead of giving the answer to our fellow fans, we just give joke answers instead because we are that silly. I'm trying hard to remember fun facts/stuff he shared on his livestreams and will update if I can. Please help with mistakes on recollection to avoid fake facts. Thank you...
I. The Content in his livestreaming. Well, most days we listen to demos, Jeff live composing his music/songs and some of them are spoiler-less clues to up-and-coming StarKid shows, showcase his difficult and complex relationship with Logic and Stream labs (gee, that sounds familiar. There is screaming/shouting and desk hitting, followed by amazing wit to calm his nerves) listen to him improv and say funny things sometimes based on what Chat is typing about. And have that clout chaser and clout black hole named Jon Matteson as his guest in his streams, most of the time via phone call. If Jon ever gets on his stream, good luck trying to get attention from Jeff on the chat lol. The bromance is strong in this one (although I have gotten Jeff's attention once while Jon was on stream but it was about Jon haha).
Sometimes Jeff just wants to hang out and talk anything, jam with his piano, answer personality quizzes that we give him, give out audition advices (Uncle Jeff's audition hotline. make sure to identify when he's being sincere and when's he's joking/being sarcastic), talk about his hobbies, do spreadsheet baseball... On his hot takes, they are plainly hot takes and you don't have to agree with whatever he says. His hot takes are, half of the time, for entertainment purposes only. Send acting audition help inquiries to [email protected] to make your dream work. More cheaper charges than the one in Broadway Plus. You can also DM Uncle Jeff on his active social media accounts (Twitch, IG) No silly messages pls. Just acting audition help business ONLY. His rates are 75 dollars per hour, 50 for half. To those who can afford, he has a patreon page if you want downloadable copies to the songs he composes on his streams. The link is in his Twitch and YT pages.
II. Music 1. He started learning the piano as a young boy. His teacher was a Russian woman (I can't remember her name). Then he switched to the trumpet and told his father he didn't want to play the piano anymore. 2. He was never a member of a drum corps but went to a camp for it by the The Cavaliers. 3. He only joined Amazin Blue, an a cappella group in UMich, because he wanted to be in a band. He ended up becoming their music director because he wanted every member to have a song where they provided the main vocals, which is something that he butted heads with previous music directors in the past. He won an award for a cappella arrangement for his work with Amazin Blue. Their two albums (Shades of Blue and Self-Titled) can be found in Bandcamp One of his former fellow members in AB is also famous now. The half of the team behind Dear Evan Hansen, Justin Paul.
5. He was a trumpet player at the church where he grew up. (one of his first jobs). 6. According to him, he used to listen to awful Christian rock while growing up. 7. His dad is a retired band director. 8. Likes The 1975 9. He mentioned in Feb 23, 2024 on his stream that he does not want to sing Get In My Mouth live again because he does not want to relive the memory of playing a giant spider. He still thinks it's a great song.
III. Jobs First: Taking out the trash for a neighbor. Second: Trumpet player at the church where he grew up. Third: High school - Trumpet player and played as an "executioner" at a Medieval Times Dinner Theater (??? I'm not well-versed about this as I don't live in the US). After college, while looking for acting jobs and writing TTO. New York City Fourth: Carrying signs for Disney at Times Square. Fifth: Theater Usher (his favorite job). Los Angeles Sixth: working for THAT infamous Los Angeles escape room that he got from Nick Lang. Seventh: Full-time streamer, actor, singer, composer, dancer, acting coach, Internet Uncle to 20+ nephews and nieces 😆 around the world. A. One of his fave TV jobs is his appearance on HBO's Veep because he loves the show. B. On the 911 episode where his chef character accidentally hurts himself, he said he didn't particularly enjoyed his time shooting that ep because he was strapped with a heavy object on his chest during the bloody scene. C. Shooting 24/7: Lego Maniac was fun Eighth: He said a few times he's not auditioning anymore and will only take roles offered to him. Whether it's a joke or not, let's just take that as fact for now lol. There was a phase in his life that he got tired of auditioning (NYC, while writing TTO).
IV. StarKid Stuff
(while answering a personality quiz and as of late 2023 or early 2024) Fave Hatchetfield musical: Black Friday. (while answering a personality quiz as of late 2023 or early 2024) Fave LiB: Nibbly. For the longest time, he considers "Lost Without You" as his/one of his favorite songs that he wrote because it's his first ballad. Generally, if you ask him what's his fave StarKid song or what's his favorite play/musical he was a part, he can't/won't choose because he considers all of them his favorite. 2. I've read this many times, Max Jagerman was never written for Jeff. He may replicate the energy but he is too old to play a high schooler. Can you imagine him doing the shirtless scene during Dirty Girl? His body is no longer like when he did Aladdin in Twisted. He is no longer in his 20s. 3. He said he had the most fun composing for Black Friday.
V. StarKid Tangent Stuff 1. As of Feb 2024, Jeff announced that Rim Tim Timmy is dead. RIP Rim Tim Timmy. :,-( Meanwhile, his sister (chat head canon and Jeff laughed at the name) Rim (Ram) Tam Tammy is alive and well, thank yewww.... VI. Movies 1. For list of movies he loves, check out Rim Tim Timmy's Movies Movies Movies. Yes, you don't know half/most of the movies he likes cause he's old and you're a Gen Z-er. Get a grip. 2. His first and only appearance so far in a full length film is in his brother's indie movie Mondo Hollywoodland. As of now, the movie is available to watch for free in some streaming sites. VII. Likes 1. Coffee once a day, most of the time spending 10 dollars a cup from a shop. He has thankfully quit on nitro. He describes it like a drug addiction he needs to curb. He wants the baristas who are serving him to have that indifferent vibe.
2. Spreadsheet baseball. He plays with classic/ old school famous baseball players. He used to just play on an excel spreadsheet that he made himself until a fan who showed up on one of the TGWDLM showings and told him that he can compete with other people online.
3. Is a fan of the up and coming sport of arm wrestling. He only watches people arm wrestle, not engage in one.
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ethereal-engene · 2 years
brightest of them all | woozi
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pairing: bf!jihoon x gn!reader
genre: fluff // warnings: mentions of food & not proof-read
summary: when dropping by your boyfriend’s studio turns into him making a song of out of your poem // word count: ~1265
note: fully inspired by this post from @imagine-svt everyone say thank you to Aeris for her ideas and happy woozi day <3
100% in love with this concept b/c I is a poet myself so yeah :) (I’m using a line or two from one of my original pieces)
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You decided to drop by Woozi’s studio to share some cake together and spend some time with him because you missed him so much. With Seventeen finishing up another stop for their Be The Sun tour, they must be tired but you knew Jihoon would be at the studio for god knows what. He’s either married to the music or the gym.
Knocking on the door until you’re met with Jihoon’s face wearing a somewhat annoyed face. His facial expression softened when his eyes registered that it's you. Right then and there, he opens the door for you to come in.
When you set down your things and look at him. He’s staring at you with tired eyes but still full of love. Noticing it, you open your arms and watch as he leans into them. A sigh comes out. “God, I forgot how much I really missed you. Tour is fun but it’d be funnier if you were there, my love. Also what’d you think of dream?”
A drawn hum is heard from you. “It’s a really catchy and heartfelt song. Honestly I wasn't expecting it but you know I’ll always love your music. I seriously can’t get over how skilled you are in penning lyrics. They’re always so meaningful… okay well most of the time. And you know I wish I could join y’all on tour but unfortunately I have a full-time job that isn’t being an idol.”
He gets up after hearing that because he has to say what he’s about to say next to your face. “My love, I appreciate your kind words and I really believe that you would be great at writing lyrics too. Like have you seen and read the poems you’ve written? They’d make such great lyrics and in fact, let’s go write a song with them right now!”
And with that, he got up first from the sofa and held out his hand. Without a second thought, you took it and tried to pull him back down to sit but failed. “Now, I don’t doubt it but can’t we do that another day? You just got back from Japan and are going to leave in a couple days again. And plus I got us this!”
You hold up the slice of cake with a smile on your face.
“Happy birthday, my red ruby!” You give him a kiss on the cheek before revealing what the cake looks like. The cake has a little ruby guitar and of course the letters spelling out happy birthday to Jihoon. If he could melt into a puddle right now, he would. He’s left speechless for a few seconds before thanking you.
“Uji…I know it’s your birthday and all but could I record a video of you with your cake saying shit this is red too? If you say yes, we can work on turning my poem into a song!”
He should have seen this coming from miles away because you haven’t stopped with the “shit, this is red too” jokes since Ruby came out. Jihoon rolls his eyes at your request but says yes. He won’t ever tell you out loud but he enjoys hearing them from you but also he does want to help you see how good at writing you are too. After recording the video, you send it to the seventeen & you group chat. Receiving multiple ㅋㅋㅋ messages from them. Then you two finally enjoy the cake together.
Not even a minute passes as you two devour the cake, he immediately holds your hand to go to where all of the magic happens. “Alright, my love. Show me one of your poems & we’ll go from there.” You nod and show him the poem.
Brightest of them all
They say to reach for the stars but what if I’ve already caught the brightest of them all?
“This kind of fits dream’s concept ever so slightly and it’s a sweet poem. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this poem is about me but I don’t think it is.” He wonders about who this is about but is brought out of his head when you answer him.
“Hmm originally I didn’t have a person in mind but now that I have you, you could say it’s about you.” Jihoon turns to you and does nothing but stare at you. He’s so in love with you and he hopes that you know that just like your poem, you light up his life too. Heart eyes are practically shooting out of his eyes.
He responds with a cute awww before returning to look at the poem that could essentially be a verse and parts of a chorus. However, he’s probably going to just focus on what’s on hand right now just to prove his point. So you two spend a good chunk of time going through what Woozi and his mastermind is thinking for this.
Starting to play around with samples of twinkles to emulate a star and being satisfied with the choices, Jihoon works his magic by creating a new rhythm and beat. He’s not doing it alone though, he gets your input at each step. Seeing if there’s something that could be changed to sound better or not. He smiles every time when he glances over at you having as much fun as him doing this. Thinking to himself, he’s got to do this with you more often. Imagine how powerful y’all would be penning lyrics together and more. Y’all would be unstoppable.
Now the final step of this process is having you two singing the lyrics or lines from your poem. Jihoon decided that because this was your poem, he didn’t want to change it unless you wanted to. You took that chance and removed or added a few words to make it flow better. Even if you weren’t the best at singing, he helped you get comfortable with it and guided you as he does with the members. Besides this was all for fun and only for your ears to hear.
Hearing the final product made your heart swell. It was a really cute snippet of what could be a full song. Seeing your reaction made Jihoon fall more in love with you if possible. “See, I told you. Your writing is just as good or even better than I am with song-writing!!” His arms folded and wearing a smirk. You can’t even hate or attempt to look annoyed at him. You’re still in awe of how good this turned out. “Yeah yeah whatever. It’s not like I didn’t believe you, geez.” You ended up pouting a little before he kissed it away.
“I know I know, I’m just saying. If you ever wanted to go into song-writing or the music industry, I’ve got you.”
“Yeah, I know Uji and for the record baby. I think you are THE music industry mister genius singer-songwriter producer dancer performer composer all-rounder woozi of seventeen.” He chuckles and hides into your shoulder. It sounds like today you were on a mission to get him all flushed and blushed with all of the compliments, well at least more than usual. What can you say? You’ve mastered making your boyfriend turn into a ruby. (Not sure if that made sense but essentially making him blush a lot that his face is as red as a ruby)
Little bonus: he ends up re-recording what y’all made with his own voice to share with everyone on twitter with the caption: “the brightest of them all” which is the title of the poem :)
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WAH HAPPY UJI DAY GUYS !! I hope you enjoyed this and I love him sm and really love this idea a little too much. Thank you so much for reading 
If you enjoyed it as well please do interact by sending in an ask, leaving a note, reblogging with tags, or even messaging me! Or if you didn’t like it, that’s fine too
signing off with love for woozi
- ash
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skitariiposting · 1 year
TL;DR: Making a discord server. Reblog/reply, I'm taking suggestions for what to put in it to make it cool to hang out in.
Y'know, I don't think Twitch Streaming is for me.
I kinda wanna have an open channel for people to talk with while I'm working or playing something, which twitch works for, but I also don't want to feel pressured to be interesting, which I do every time I turn on twitch :/
I may have found a solution, though. I was lamenting this with a friend of mine and they said that their friend group just has a discord channel where they'll share their screens when they're working on stuff and people can join on and watch and chat if they want to or have them pulled up on another monitor while they do stuff too. Or sometimes people will just drop in and chat without watching, too.
I like that idea. I'm thinking I'll try to set up a discord and stream when I'm doing stuff on there. I may still have it on Twitch as well while im on Discord, but I'm likely going to focus less on "making content" so much as just hanging out and chatting with people. Because yeah, making content is fun and all, but I tend to be funnier and more entertaining when I'm not trying to be funny or entertaining. In fact, I've got a ton of folders from me playing stuff with friends where I just hit the record button when I launched the game and then forgot about it, and some of that is great!
So, maybe that strategy will work with streaming as well? Just start up a stream on Discord, press record, and start doing stuff. Then the entertaining will happen, and I can edit it into a video. Either way, currently watching a tutorial on how to make a good discord server now, will keep you all updated.
If this goes through and I do end up getting one made, is there anything you guys want in a discord server? Like specific channels or emotes or whatever? I'm making this less as a quote on quote "skitariiposting official server" and more as a public hangout space that happens to be run by skitposting tumblr guy, so I'm not going to make it me themed. I'm definitely going to have miniature painting channels, tho. That's like step two after making a memes channel.
Reblog/reply, I'm taking suggestions
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blu-joons · 2 years
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Despite living in separate parts of the world, the attention that Kai pays to you never goes away. He always makes time for you and always takes an interest in your life as he loves to know how everything is with you.
At times the two of you definitely bicker, and when you do it takes a while for the two of you to stop. Because you’re both in fits of giggles as you squabble you find yourselves carrying on as each one of you finds a funnier thing to say in response to what ever insult or joke the other made before you.
It didn’t matter how late it got, when Kai could tell that you were having a hard time, he would stay on the phone until he was absolutely sure that you were alright. Even if it meant staying up until three in the morning, or sometimes later, he would refuse to leave you alone when you were having a hard time.
Neither of you were fond of disagreements, mainly because you both agreed that they took up too much of your time when you called. The time that you had was limited most of the time anyway, and so the two of you tried your best to keep the conversation positive and mutual so that no arguments took place. If they did, then it wouldn’t take long for someone to apologise as you wanted to talk the following day.
Being so young the two of you just seemed to gravitate towards each other and start chatting like children did. The bond between you both was pretty imminent, despite having others around the two of you, it was always the two of you together. Kai’s house was the first house that you knocked on, and yours was the first he always went to when he left the house too to see if you were busy at all.
Kai’s family were always asking after you, they knew that you stayed in contact with Kai after they moved away and so they’d always get him to tell them how you were getting on. If he was on a call when one of them was around, they wouldn’t care about interrupting and would lean across Kai to make sure that they could be seen, talking to you almost as if Kai all of a sudden wasn’t even in the room at all.
Whenever the two of you were able to see one another, your days were jam packed. Especially when you went to Korea, Kai tried to show you as much as he possibly could, whether that was his favourite spots in the city, or plenty of places around the company so that you could see where he worked.
The two of you had a habit of recognising exactly how the other person was feeling without them even needing to say so. As you spoke on calls so often and relied on voice a lot, you could pick up on whether Kai was feeling up or feeling down pretty much straight away, and he could do the exact same for you too.
Despite not being able to see each other in person too often, you still had plenty of inside jokes. Most of yours were silly things that the two of you had done during your calls, especially when one of you ended up falling off your chair or tripping as you made your way around the room to show the other something.
The only time when Kai got jealous was when he saw photos of you at home hanging out with friends, especially those that he grew up with too. It was torturous for him at times knowing that all of those people got to spend time with you properly and in person whilst he had to settle for a call on the phone if you were lucky to match your schedules and the time zones that you were in for a while.
Kai got a kick out of surprising you, whether that was by either him showing up or just sending you something to let you know that he was thinking of you. His favourite things to send you were pieces of merch and CDs of the group, especially if they were yet to be released where you were to get your hands on.
He loved that he still had you after so many years and how the two of you managed to not lose contact with one another. Although you both understood there were moments when the other person would be busy, you never made them feel bad, and definitely never got in a mood when you had to go a couple of days without being able to talk to one another, it was all just a part of the distance for you.
The two of you first met simply because you grew up together. You lived on the same street and therefore as you grew up you found yourselves out and playing with each other and your other friends most days. Out of all the friends on your street though, Kai was definitely your favourite, as you were his too.
Being able to call, especially when Kai was sometimes exhausted really meant that he didn’t care when he was on the phone with you, which led to plenty of slip ups and moments that made you laugh.
Kai was obsessed with your humour, no one got him like you did and no one could make him laugh as much as you could either, somehow you just knew how to make him smile whenever you spoke to him.
Of course, the moments that meant the most to Kai were simply the moments when the two of you were together. He loved just being able to look at you properly when you spoke or poke you when he wanted to try and wind you up rather than having the barrier of distance in the way of the two of you.
Seeing how you were was always something that Kai asked you whenever you caught up on the phone. That was his first question, it was something that never changed with him, and he never would change either.
Remembering occasions was something incredibly important to Kai, especially after he moved away. He never forgot your birthday especially, and every year a huge box would arrive at your front door, filled with some of your favourite things that Kai had bought, as well as some gifts from Korea for you to enjoy.
He often admired how hard you worked to still support Kai despite being so far away from him. You tried to keep as up to date as possible with Kai’s schedule, often sending him a text when you knew that something important was coming up, even when he least expected you to remember what he was up to.
Whenever he had the time, visiting you would always be the first thing he’d think to do. Being away from you was tough, so as soon as the chance to see you came around, Kai would be booking it straight away.
Despite the distance between you both, the importance of your friendship to Kai was something that he never forgot and always treasured.
Quite often Kai would ring you when he was in rehearsal, sitting his phone on a chair so that you could watch what he was up to. After getting a few spoilers, you’d stay on and catch up with the other members too.
Being there when you needed him was something Kai tried to do a lot, he had advice on tap to be there to support you all the time.
On the rare occasion when the two of you were together in person, Kai never let you go. He became protective of you almost straight away and was vary cautious of anyone else getting too close to you and hugging you.
You were his rock, even from far away you were always there for Kai when he needed you.
Whenever you visited Kai, he always made sure that you stayed at the dorm rather than a hotel. Somehow every time he managed to turf Taehyun out of the room so that the two of you had some space there.
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masterofrecords · 1 year
WIP not-Wednesday
Okay, in my defense I only remember Mondays and Tuesdays because I have work calls on these days. Wednesday? What's Wednesday?
Anyway, there's a bit of drama in the next Aquarium chapter, but I figured I'd post cringe today. Behold - the basketball club group chat. (The formatting is... up in the air for now, I'm not sure how much I want to spend on it and how well AO3 will cooperate. I did, however, make a custom NRC emoji that might or might not make its way into this.)
The Boss: Didn’t want to tell yall on monday in case it didn’t work out, but now all’s set!!! The monstro lounge have offered to provide refreshments at the game, both for the team and for the spectators 🥳 That also means we’ll be taking the big bus, so you can invite some of your friends to watch and support us! NRC strong! 💪
Egil: ?? @Theeel
Ludwig: Oh wow, never thought I’d see the day. Good for us!
Theeel: nothing to do with me
Theeel: but imma invite goldfishie
Goldilocks: Loool I’d pay to see it.
The Boss: @Theeel, @Goldilocks pls stop changing your names i get confused
Gideon: sry
Theeel: not
Ryder: do we get fancy cocktails for free?
Ryder: @Theeel ask about the fancy cocktails
The Boss: All questions on this matter should be referred to me
(I cut out all the actual text, lmao, so you get the unabridged shitposting edition. Your honor, they're idiots. Also, at first Floyd's name in the chat was supposed to be TheEel, but then I realized how much funnier and unreadable it looks without the capitalized E...)
Extra lore because why not: Gideon (aka Goldilocks) and Egil are the Pomefiore guys mentioned in the previous chapter. Ludwig is from Octavinelle and a junior and has a sneaking suspicion that the contents of this chat will not stay secret from Azul. Best to stay respectful. Ryder is one of those Scarabian guys who fully enjoy the hedonistic opportunities Kalim provides.
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