#so there’ll be some adjustments
lifesliced · 2 years
im enjoying still being stuck in degrassi like i have the last sixth plus months, as you all know, so when i make my degrassi multimuse just know for sixth months ive been waiting to pull the trigger — also i have barely scrolled the dash since yesterday but idk what happened or what’s going on, i only know and am referring to my own personal experiences here idk what’s going on otherwise
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celestial-grls · 5 months
Midnight Snack - Kate Martin x reader
-Summary: Fluffiest blurb ever about Kate waking you up because she's hungry and wants company...like how could you resist her?
Tonight, you and Kate seemed to have exchanged roles. Usually, you’re the one who’s up way past your bedtime, reading or giving your rapt attention to a video essay you found. Kate usually is the one gently asking you to come to bed, and she never needs more than five minutes before she’s dozing off and completely snoring. Tonight, you got some shut-eye, nestled into the warmth of her neck with your legs tangled together under the covers. There’s a few days before she has to leave for a tournament, so you’re taking as much time as you can to be with her knowing that once everything starts up again, there’ll be a stretch of time before you two can really be together like this. It’s dark, yours and Kate’s dog is asleep at the foot of the bed peacefully snoring. 
“Y/N,” Kate turns over to lightly touch your face, whispering and trying to wake you up as nicely as she can. The small inkling of guilt settles as her eyes adjust to your sleepy face, how the top of your head fits right into her neck. 
“Y/N…baby,” Kate whispers again. This time you stir a bit. 
Through a slight frown you mumble, “Hm?”
Kate starts shuffling to trace some lines into your palm, another strategy for waking you up nicely. 
Her tracing the lines inside your palm feel so familiar, her automatic little habit to feel closer to you. She presses feather-light kisses to them too, waiting patiently for you to open your eyes. She’s so relieved when you finally do. 
“Kate,” you rub at your eyes, still half-asleep and gooey at how sweet Kate is trying to be while waking you. “What time is it, baby?” 
“It’s late. Like 12:30 I think?” Kate and you are fully facing each other, slowly blinking.. 
“Do you have to be up early tomorrow? Or can we sleep in a little?” You ask her through a yawn, you start to blink at her when she yawns back at you.
Kate couldn’t adore you more than she does right now, as you reach for your glasses from the bedside table so you can see her better and check the time. The strap of your tank top slid off one shoulder when you sat up in bed and she instinctively went to kiss your shoulder. 
“No, I don’t have to be up too early,” She doesn’t stop slowly blinking at you or tracing the side of your arm with her finger, constantly touching you to remind herself you’re real. 
You push your glasses up the bridge of your nose and lean down to peck a kiss to the corner of her mouth, “Good. You couldn’t sleep?” You worry about her, and you’re almost certain she knows that. 
Kate closes her eyes when your hair falls over her face, receiving your little kisses and breathing in the lotion you put on before bed. She’s going to miss it when she’s away in a few days. “Not really. Will you come have a snack with me?” 
She gives you this pleading look, her eyes big pools of warmth. You tell her, “I’ll do you one better…I’ll make us a snack,”
She automatically protests, “No, baby, you don’t have to. I feel bad enough waking you up.” 
“I’d feel worse if you had one without me,” then you get out from your side of the bed and wait for her to join you, “C’mon, no objections please.” 
Kate’s already tried to offer to help, but you refused. “You don’t think I can cut an apple or something, big shot?” 
“‘Course not. I know you can. Are you sure you don’t want me to do anything?” She’s lingering next to you as you chop the apple into slices and slide them onto a plate. You look up at her with her sleep mussed hair tucked behind her ears and her blue baggy boxer shorts rolled around her hip and her socked feet and can’t imagine wanting her to do anything but sit down and look as pretty as she does right now. 
“I’m sure. Now sit,” you’re doing your best to be stern. The truth is, you’re not the least bit bothered to be slicing an apple and warming up some peanut butter for you both to munch on right now. Any moment you get to share like this feels like suspending time, pausing to try and make it stretch. 
Kate does as you say and sits across from you on the island. It’s almost too much, the warmth of the kitchen light, you pushing your glasses up, the sound of your slippers padding across the floor as you look for chocolate chips. She’s watching you with her chin the the palm of her hand, feeling dazed from the sleepiness and quietly delighted by the way you assemble the slices and spread peanut butter on each one. 
You make a big show of sprinkling chocolate chips on a few because you know she loves them. “Ta-da. Midnight snack for Martin.” 
“Thank you, baby. My talented little chef,” Kate stretches a little bit before she starts chewing. Making an equal show of closing her eyes and nodding in approval at the snack. 
You lean closer into her from across the kitchen island and take a slice from the plate. There’s only the low hum of the refrigerator and Kate quietly giggling between bites before she says, “Think I made the right call, waking you up,” 
There’s about an inch of space between you two now, you close it to kiss her sweetly before telling her, “One time only offer. Don’t do it again, baby.”
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disneyprincemuke · 11 months
long story short * fem!driver
the aftermath of best dress
(series masterlist) | (📂 a day in the life)
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the door swings open, revealing the girl in her pajamas, hair in a ponytail with her makeup completely wiped off. “seriously? you couldn’t have waited until tomorrow?”
“nope,” logan says, pushing past her to enter the hotel room. he slips his shoes off and immediately jumps into her bed where the phone is. “what do you think they’re serving? think they’ve got nachos?”
“no,” oscar shakes his head.
“why not?” logan frowns. “what kind of food will they have?”
“it’s 2 in the morning,” oscar rolls his eyes, “normal people don’t order room service for food at 2am.”
logan simply shakes his head before looking at the girl again. “you didn’t invite him up with you?”
“we’ve got a race,” she scoffs, rolling her eyes as she closes the door behind oscar. “and hey, i’m not like that on the first date!”
oscar shrugs, grinning at her. “we never assumed that. why are you so defensive?”
he kicks his shoes off and rips the duvet from her queen size bed, crawling under before he takes a pillow into his arms.
she stands back, absolutely shocked at her friends. even after being friends for almost a decade, their audacity never fails to throw her offguard.
“well, this is my room,” she mutters, pushing the boys’ legs to separate ends of the bed. “make some space.”
she crawls in the small spot between them, only for oscar to reach forward and push her back gently. “you sit at the foot of the bed. you’re doing the debrief,” oscar giggles, wrestling away her hands fighting him back.
“you wish!” she shrieks, reaching forward to flick his forehead.
she squeezes herself between the two, climbing under the duvet and resting her head on logan’s shoulder. logan adjusts slightly, trying to slowly read the menu in the dim environment of the room.
oscar just sits back, eyes closing. “i’m going to fall asleep if you don’t start talking.”
“he’s very sweet,” she beams, largest smile on her face that they’ve seen on her in a while. “a gentleman.”
“that’s good,” logan mutters.
“and very tall,” she sighs. “he’s almost too tall.”
“for you,” oscar corrects her.
“for me,” she agrees with a small nod.
“anything for you guys?” logan offers, holding the menu out to the other side. “i’m getting chicken wings.”
“chicken tenders.”
“just a coke for me,” she answers.
logan swiftly turns, reaching for the phone, dropping her head in the process. she frowns at the sudden movement, shuffling around to comfortable rest her head on oscar’s arm now.
“seeing him again?” oscar asks.
logan’s whispers consume the dimly lit room with her breathing steady and soft. oscar lifts his head, looking at the girl staring into the room blankly.
“no,” she says just barely above a whisper, shaking her head.
“i’m sorry, kid,” oscar sighs. he reaches over to pat her head and ruffles her hair. “how come?”
“i don’t have the time to be dating around right now,” she shrugs, pressing her lips together. “i’ve got more important things; i’m too busy.”
logan puts the phone down, lying back down with them. “did you at least have fun?”
“of course,” she grins. “it was a long distance relationship, anyway. i don’t have it in myself for that. i need me a wag who can follow me around.”
“that’s not a wag, that’s a personal assistant,” logan states, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“okay, then retire faster so i can hire you as my pa,” she jokes, smacking his thigh lightly. “can’t leave you without a job.”
“how considerate,” oscar mutters. “seriously, though. i’m sorry it didn’t work out. there’ll be better guys than jacob elordi.”
she nods as silence now engulfs them. oscar slides down the bed, resting his head on top of hers as he slowly drifts off the sleep. logan’s now on his phone, scrolling on instagram while she’s stuck underneath the australian’s heavy head.
the decision to reject jacob elordi’s prompt for a second date wasn’t easy, but it’s a much expected response. with her rookie career finally kicking off in formula 1, the added pressure of upkeeping a relationship is too much.
she feels a weight on her arm, logan taking it upon himself to rest his head on her.
“if harry styles were younger, i bet he’d date you,” logan mutters suddenly. “just like if i’d been born earlier, i’d definitely be megan fox’s boyfriend.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @leilanixx @meadhbhcavanagh @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @inejismywife @2bormaybenot
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spreadyovrwings · 1 month
Honey, I Can Feel Your Pain
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A late night heart-to-heart before the end of the world. Or, two idiots try to talk about their feelings but they’re both demons and not very good at it.
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: my writing/me trying to navigate a complicated character, i cringe therefore i am
A/N: literally just ignore me lol i wanted to see if i could write Alastor well so this is something of a personal challenge and a warm up for me (and i’m obsessed with him) so hopefully i’ve done him justice. there’ll be a part two if anyone wants one!
Chapter One
The door to Alastor’s studio was always locked to everyone but you. You weren’t sure how he did it. He was a complete technophobe, so a hidden camera was out of the question. Perhaps he’d cast some sort of spell or could sense you coming. You weren’t sure. All you knew was that if you needed to see him, and Alastor permitted it, his door was always open.
That night, the radio tower was dark and still, the only sound a slow, jazzy number sent oozing over the city and into people’s homes.
You found Alastor at his sound desk, one long finger poised idly on a bakelite dial, as if debating whether to alter the sound his tower produced. His ever-present smile was fixed in place but his lips were closed, his deep red eyes focused.
You tapped your foot against the floor, once, twice, three times, announcing your presence as gently as you could so as not to disturb him too abruptly. It didn’t matter that Alastor had to let you in in the first place, it always seemed impolite to come barging in.
He didn’t look up as you approached but you could tell you had his attention, and when you put your hand on the back of the chair next to his, a question, he answered with a short nod.
“Are you alright?”
Alastor barely moved, his eyes fixed on the glowing buttons and dials in front of him.
“Fine, fine.”
He spoke faintly, airily, with no hint of static, as if he were lost in thought. You couldn’t help feeling like you’d interrupted a private moment.
“It’s just you’ve been locked away in your room for days now.”
“Hard at work! Nothing more.”
As if to prove a point, Alastor wrapped his long fingers around the dial and adjusted the volume, then slid his fingers along the desk to conjure up the next song.
This tune was a lot more uptempo. It wasn’t like Alastor to be so sloppy, you must really have caught him off-guard.
Alastor seemed to realise his mistake too. He turned to you, leaning back in his chair, exuding a confidence and poise that many envied and few saw through.
“Is there something I can help you with, my dear?”
His attention was yours. Too late to go back now.
“You’ve been quiet ever since Charlie came back from Heaven.”
“Well, I-”
“And you don’t go quiet,” you pressed on, refusing to let him chart the course of your conversion. “So what’s wrong?”
The two halves of his face told two different stories. Alastor’s eyes were fiery and guarded, he didn’t like being questioned but you’d cornered him. Below, his smile stretched his skin. You wondered if it hurt.
“I’ve been reviewing the situation,” he said after a thoughtful pause, every word considered and weighed.
“You’ve missed dinner four nights in a row for that? I made all your favourites to try and entice you down, you know.”
Alastor hummed. He wasn’t listening.
“Do you know, for almost one hundred years, I have lived here quite happily. I’ve carved out a nice little niche for myself. And then the princess started getting bright ideas…”
Alastor’s long fingers danced over the faders again but he didn’t move any of them. It seemed to be the habit of a lifetime. Two lifetimes.
“The angels… Unsettled me. And you’re quite right, I don’t get unsettled. It required meditation.”
“The angels unnerved you?”
“Unsettled. But I suppose there’s not much point arguing over semantics. Either way, the result n’est pas bon, cher.”
“What did they say that unsettled you?”
One of Alastor’s ears flicked in irritation. It was a rare thing for him to give away even that much. It was a particular kind of personal hell, for him to have a body that could betray him so visibly. He could rattle everyone with his big grin, he could even hide pain behind walled eyes, but the attributes given to him, gifted to him, shackled to him, when he fell, weren't so easy to control.
“It’s not quite that simple, my dear. The angels are all bluster and hollow virtues. I care very little about what they have to say, the self-righteous...”
He took a breath.
“But then they halved the time till the next Extermination. It’s of little consequence to me. They’re clever enough to leave me alone most of the time and if any angels do try their luck, well, they’re quietly done away with. Plus, it’s just plain old good sport to watch the show.”
You smiled.
“Might have to disagree with you there, handsome.”
Alastor laughed humourlessly, a dry, sharp sound like a bow pulled roughly against violin strings.
“That’s just it, I might too. The issue is… Now it’s only a few weeks away…”
The song changed. Low, smooth, like sand through an hourglass, a single trumpet groaned into life, filling the room before disintegrating and travelling along the airwaves. Was it a distraction? Was Alastor struggling to hold his focus? Who knew? Maybe not even him.
“Alastor,” You leaned forward in your chair, undeterred by his hesitancy. “What’s wrong?”
His gaze slowly slid to you. The close-mouthed smile was back. It was the closest he ever came, or ever could come, to relaxing his expression completely.
“It usually doesn’t bother me,” Alastor murmured, his words barely audible over crackling static.
You frowned.
“But this time it did?”
Alastor’s nose wrinkled.
“Because before, I didn’t have you. It was easier. I’ve never relied on anyone or had anyone relying on me. Now there’s the hotel, its inhabitants…”
You remedied the sting with a vacant smile of your own.
“When you say ‘you’, you mean all our friends?”
Alastor shook his head.
“No. No, I was attempting to obfuscate.”
Alastor stared at you. You stared back. Then, with a clang, the penny dropped.
“Oh, dear.”
You smiled at his sour expression. Your own face was burning but you bravely ignored it.
Your relationship with Alastor had been a nebulous, vague sort of a thing. He was a terrifying colleague to have at the hotel, and at first, you couldn’t be sure why in Hell he was there. He liked to watch others struggle, suffer, and fail miserably, it was all just good entertainment for him. But that couldn’t be all there was behind his sudden interest.
As soon as you figured out that Alastor served himself and himself only, things became a lot clearer, and it was a lot easier to like him. You didn’t have to worry about trusting him, because you couldn’t. You didn’t have to question his motives, you knew they were ill-intentioned and that you were better off not knowing. He liked to pretend he was oh so mysterious, but Alastor was perhaps the most honest person in the hotel.
Mutual respect grew into friendship, into something more. You often went out with Alastor when he required assistance or just wanted some company, and you were always the first person he came to when he got home.
Slowly, incrementally, that trust bloomed. Alastor began to ask for your opinion. You would sit together in companionable silence, reading by the fire long into the night. He didn’t need to ensnare and trick and manipulate you, because you did things for him happily and without question, though within reason.
He was always honest with you, or at least, as honest as he could be without it endangering his own self-preservation. And you respected that. It was a harsh world, you had to look out for yourself, but slowly, so slowly that neither you nor your friends had noticed until it was too late, Alastor had bound his life to yours.
You hadn’t appreciated the depths of that connection. You’d always known you had a soft spot for him, ill-advised as it was, but never in all that remained of your afterlife could you have anticipated a requited affection.
Alastor interlocked his fingers and rested them in his lap, keeping his composure well considering the situation.
“It pains me to think of you in danger.”
You couldn’t help it, you laughed quietly.
“Steady now, Alastor. You sure know how to sweep someone off their feet.”
He’d never rolled his eyes at you, he was far too refined for that, but Alastor gave his equivalent, waving an airy hand at you and soldiering on.
“We have always been close, you and I. Right from the start.”
“That’s not how I remember it but…” You smiled. “I like to think of us as a little team.”
He brightened, his pained smile morphing into something a little more authentic.
“Exactly! A team! But what was once companionship and, admittedly, amusement-”
“Do you mean we have fun together or do you mean amusement at my expense?”
Alastor waved his hand again.
“A little of column A, a little of column B.”
“What I mean to say is… My feelings have evolved somewhat.”
In all the time you’d spent with him, you’d never known Alastor to be so hesitant. In fact, you couldn’t remember a time when you’d seen him show any sign of apprehension. His stitched-on smile was still intact but his clawed fingers drummed against the sound desk and his gaze had been lost in safer ground, somewhere over your shoulder.
“Evolved into what?”
Though your heart was thudding in your ears, you didn’t hesitate to push him. You thought one of the reasons Alastor had grown to enjoy your company so much was that you liked to talk, as well as listen. He got bored so easily and he’d always been a chatterbox; you were one of the few people in his life who could match him in that without any sign of fear or an ulterior motive.
Alastor’s ear flicked again. This was a hard conversation for him.
“The Extermination meant nothing to me before. But now, the thought of it…”
You watched his eyes grow unfocused as his imagination consumed him. His fingers stopped drumming. The song on the radio rose by a few decibels.
“Alastor, it’s okay-”
“It frightens me. And it’s not about self-preservation this time. When I consider how our companions may fare…”
“They’ll be okay.”
“What if I can’t protect you?”
Sensing you might need to ease off, take a breath, anything, you leaned in closer, reaching out for him but never, ever touching him without asking first. Instead, you rested your hand beside his on the desk.
“I don’t need protection, Alastor.”
“Still, I want to keep you safe, my darling. There’s a… A sharp tug here…”
He pressed one clawed hand against his empty chest.
“And here…”
He dragged the same hand down to the pit of his lean stomach.
“When I think about you in any kind of danger.”
How did he always manage to be so charming, even when he didn’t mean to be?
You barely held back a pleased smile. Like Alastor’s, it tugged at the corners of your mouth, threatening to spill over into a stupid, happy grin.
He didn’t have the language for what he felt, that was fine. You and Alastor had always found a way to communicate, even without words. He’d told you more with one gesture than you ever could have expected him to say aloud.
But it wasn't just unexpected, it was completely astonishing. You couldn’t let him sense that though, it might make him retreat into himself. So instead, you turned it back around on him, letting Alastor choose how much he wanted to give away.
“What do you think that could be?”
“I have an idea. But I dread to think.”
Alastor’s eyes narrowed slightly, and you knew you were on the same page.
It would be difficult for him, far more than it had been for you, to pin down and explore and accept the feelings you had for each other. You hadn’t been able to figure out a better word for whatever it was that fizzled between you, though, like Alastor, you had a sneaking suspicion and it terrified you.
Nothing sounded right. Logically, you knew there were some words that ought to fit, but acknowledging them felt like wearing someone else’s shoes.
You couldn’t imagine how difficult it must be for Alastor to come to terms with it all. So it surprised you when he slid his hand over yours.
It wasn’t the first time you’d touched, he was always holding out his arm for you, patting the top of your head, often even lifting your hand to his lips when he greeted you in the mornings or bade you goodnight. But this wasn’t a fleeting brush of his hand against yours, this was sustained, purposeful contact, and it meant something, to both of you.
Alastor’s gaze still couldn’t meet yours, so he stared at your hands, his close-mouthed smile back in place.
“I’ve grown quite fond of you,” he said quietly, and it was just his voice you could hear, no static, no sound effects, just Alastor.
You smiled.
“I’ve grown quite fond of you too, handsome. I get the same feeling.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, all the time.”
“Oh, well, that’s reassuring, at least.” Alastor finally met your eyes, his head tilted quizzically to one side. “Have you told anyone?”
“What, and admit I’m in love with the Radio Demon? No thanks, I’d never live it down.”
Feedback shot through the room, a grating, warped sound, like someone had held a microphone too close to a speaker. It was hard to tell if the sound emanated from the mixing desk or from Alastor himself, but his scarlet eyes were wide.
His hand tightened over yours, though it was more likely out of surprise than him trying to give you comfort. The tips and edges of his sharp claws dug into your skin, not enough to hurt, but it still made your jaw clench.
Alastor, to his credit, didn’t seem as put off by the admission than you might’ve expected. Maybe he wasn’t surprised by the actual sentiment, just that you’d finally said the words out loud.
You smiled.
With just a week or so left until an Extermination that would surely kill you all, there wasn’t much room left in your damned soul for shyness. It wasn’t an all-out ‘if this is my last chance to say it’ confession. You and Alastor had always appreciated candour, and with so little time left, why not say what you were both thinking?
“Have you spoken about it with anyone?”
Alastor shrugged.
“Well, yes, I’m doing it now.”
“No, I meant someone you can trust. Someone you can talk about your feelings with.”
Alastor watched you blankly.
A second penny dropped.
You had to resist the urge to shiver under his heavy stare.
“You couldn’t talk to Rosie?”
“I considered it but, bless her heart, my old friend can be a sentimentalist. No, best just to get to the source of the problem.”
You huffed, pretending to be insulted, and Alastor’s smile once again looked a little more real. It met his eyes, open, unguarded and calm.
“So, what would you like to do about it?”
“Hmm,” Alastor raised the hand that had covered yours to tap one long finger against his chin. “Any chance you’d let me lock you away in a secret, impenetrable bunker?”
Your smile grew.
“Sorry, honey.”
Alastor tutted.
“I thought as much.”
“Do you have one of those?”
“A secret, impenetrable bunker.”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out, my dear. You’ll just have to be particularly careful. And perhaps this… Feeling will go away with time.”
You smiled, barely resisting the urge to roll your eyes.
“Perhaps it will.”
“When I’m right, I’m right, my darling.”
”That’s not the expression and you know it.”
Master List
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bobbin-buckley · 8 months
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Wednesday Addams Headcanons
Wednesday Addams x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff and Smut (aged up!!)
-When you both met Wednesday hated you she only disliked you because you were better than her at lots of things
-She didn’t actually really hate you she was just mad because she actually loved you
-All she would do is ignore you when she discovered these feelings. Enid told her that she should put on her big girl pants and ask you out
-Wednesday was always blaming you for this feeling, it wasn’t partially your fault I mean you’re so goddamn pretty
-She finally accepted this feeling and asked you out on a coffee date at WeatherVane. It went nicer than Wednesday expected, you exchanged numbers (you had to help her), gave her a kiss on the cheek and planned another date
-Sooner or later you asked Wednesday to be your girlfriend and how you really liked her
“The feeling’s mutual” she’d say
-After not even a few months of dating Wednesday was pretty protective of you
-If a guy were to flirt with you she’d give them a death glare causing them to flee
-You didn’t mind the Over-Protective-Wednesday-Addams it was honestly sweet that she cared for you so much, even if she wouldn’t show it physically
-Wednesday wasn’t much for physical touch, she was rather more for words. Eventually she adjusted to some touching like pinky holding, hugs, kisses on your knuckles, a kiss on her cheek or forehead
-some physical touch is always behind doors, Wednesday hates pda. The closes thing to pda you’ll get is her pinky holding under a table. It’s quite cute infact
-Wednesday was never for pet names but she’ll call you “Cara Mia” “Mi Amor” “Mon Tresor” “mea vita” in Spanish, French or Latin
-Enid tended to tease Wednesday about you, how she was so head over heels for you without even realizing it
-You guys eventually get a room if your own together
-Fencing matches, watching/listening to her play cello, hearing her type on her type writer, going to the raven with her, investigating together, she offers to grave dig with you and you actually enjoy it
-You’ll give her ideas for her writing and sometimes she’ll write them in
NSFW (Everyone is Aged up)
-More dom for sure, if you’d fight her over it she wouldn’t be slow thats for sure
-Honestly most times you guys have sex she prefers it vanilla, unless she’s feeling kinky and mad then roughness will come in
-Sex at night, never usually during the day because she’s worried Thornhill or Enid will walk in
-She’s moderately quiet there’ll be groans and whimpers from her, while as you…she wants to hear you scream but in the environment you’re in it won’t work out
-Enid almost walking in on you guys
-She’d definitely do knife play and pain play, she won’t be crazy about it like actually stab you. She doesn’t wanna hurt you too much. (So she’s still soft even during intimate)
-probably owns a strap, a black strap ina box under her bed (uses it once in a while)
-Will throw thing out of the room and will lock him in a drawer if he ever attempts to spy
-She really tries to pleasure you, she’s never done nor thought about having sex with someone (obviously this is aged up)
-She loves pleasuring you, even if she likes to make you hold your orgasm or pulls away before you cum but other than that she likes to please you well
-I’d say she is the type to do queening (face sitting) she loves having you sit on her face, like actually sit she likes the thrill of not being able to breath while tongue fucking you
-She is soft during sex, making sure your okay if she does something different or if she accidentally hurts you
“This okay?”
“Okay…I’m going to put it in Amor”
“Shit, are you alright?” “Wednesday Addams apologizing? No way” “shut up…but seriously”
-Whenever you’re top (rare) she wants you to be rough with her she loves pain. You are always unsure about it but she claims she’s fine
-Aftercare is a meh for her. She’ll make you a bath but you’re kinda on your own from there (depending on how you feel) like if she went rough and you’re super tired and can’t walk she’ll help you to the bathroom but otherwise ur good
Where are my little gays at?
Sorry for a late upload I’ve been going through something and I broke up with my gf so it’s been hard for me to find motivation but I’m alive! I think?
Anyways, I’m starting something for Tara rn I think you guys will like it cause I love it
But have a good day/night! 😃
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gardens-light · 1 year
In order to find something worthy of blackmailing not just the K.S.I but also the government. All agreed on a simple plan. Divide and conquer. Knowing the next moment's were critical, as it was going to test the bonds of loyalty and trust... Yet, in the midst of chaos and serious planning. Bumblebee and Drift decided do a side mission of their own- involving you and Optimus...
Content: Course language. Events takes place in Transformers- Age of Extinction. (Major spoilers in this and in upcoming chapters.) Heaps of fluff. Optimus Prime x Human F/Reader.
Word count- 5k (roughly)
Sparkmate Series- Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 (End)
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"We're back!" Tessa's voice echoed throughout the main hall of the empty cathedral.
Bumblebee gave a little wave, while your attention didn't move from his thigh. Focusing on adjusting a couple of bolts, that the yellow scout has been complaining about for the past couple days.
"Hey." Cade greeted from the makeshift table. "I found a whole bunch of boxes of clothes. So Tessa, sweetie. You can find some long pants. Nice loose-fitting ones, and lose the short-shorts, okay? What you guys get?"
Tessa and Shane emptied their backpacks onto the table. Various fruits, long life items and random tools spilled in front of Cade.
"It's protein." Tessa simply said, placing the container in front of him.
"Look, I said the essentials, okay?"
"It wasn't easy." Tessa sighed, "we almost got caught."
Cade raised an eyebrow, as Shane placed a bottle of mouthwash onto the table. "You stole mouthwash?"
"I like to be fresh, when I'm making out with your daughter." Shane spoke with a smug smile.
Tessa chuckled, while you and Bumblebee looked away. Trying to hide your cheeky smiles, as the pair of you giggled under your breathes.
Cade's brows knitted together, reaching out for the bottle and throwing it across the table. "Yeah that's not happening. Ever!"
Tessa and Shane gave each other awkward smiles.
"A little bit late for that." Your teasing tone whispered to Bumblebee.
Walking into the main hall of the cathedral with laptop in hand. The sound of small giggles caught your attention, your movements coming to a halt as your eyes looked away from the screen. Your soft gaze falling onto Tessa and Shane whom cuddled in their little ‘love nest’ corner. Her head resting against Shane’s chest as they sprawled out on the couch, the gentle glow of the dusk sunlight bathing them in a soft colourful glow, as it streamed through the stained-glass window. Numerous candles surrounding them setting the scene just right.  
A small smile tugged the corners of your lips, I’m glad they’ve found some calm before the storm.   
“Ah-hem. Excuse me.” Cade’s voice echoed throughout the hall, “there’ll be no smooching in front of me. Thank you.” 
Speaking of storms... 
The couple broke apart, feeling Cade’s disapproval stare upon them. 
“You’re so old, Dad.” Tessa complained, “who even saids ‘smooching’ anyway?” 
A small prickle of envy crawled in your chest, as you hugged the laptop. Lowering your head a little, attempting to hide your suttle frown.  
“It can be so difficult sometimes.” Cade sighed, while drinking a protein shake. His annoyed stare looking  up at Optimus, “I’m telling ya. No respect these days.” 
Optimus nodded folding his arms across his chest, “I went through something similar with Bumblebee.” 
The small prickle of envy snipped your yearning heart, like a flower's thorn upon your skin. Bringing the laptop a little closer to your face, as your cheeks grew a little warm. As the ‘almost kiss’ between you and Optimus replayed in your thoughts.   
“Afternoon, Y/N” the sound of Crosshairs' voice caused you to jump a little.  
“Cr-Crosshairs? Sorry, you startled me.” 
“Really?” you felt his green optics study you. “Something on your mind?” 
“Just... running through the plans.” You spoke with a fake smile, “making sure everyone knows the drill, and what not.” 
You raised an eyebrow as Crosshairs briefly turned to Drift. Glancing over his shoulder at the blue Autobot, whom gestured in your direction, then to a set of stone stairs.  
“Is everything alright, Crosshairs?” your puzzled tone caught his attention.  
“Yea. Yea.” he assured with a teasing smile, “just remembered that the Big Boss wants to see you.” 
You tilted your head a little. Pressing the laptop harder against your chest, as your heart skipped a little. 
“Optimus?...” your voice was low, trying not to sound too surprised.  
“Yeah. He said it was something important, or whatever.” 
Your confused gaze switched between Optimus, whom still muttered something to Cade, and back to Crosshairs who just stood beside you. Fidgeting around his pistol.  
“Ok... well um... I guess I should head over to him-” 
A small yelp escaped your lips as he quickly got in your way.  
“No! No!” his whisper-shout came out a little louder than intended. “I-I mean...” 
Crosshairs gestured you to come a little closer, as he squatted down to your level.  
“Crosshairs, what’s going on?”  
The Autobot sighed, as his optics fell onto your unamused and confused expression. “Look... I don’t know what the Big Boss wants to discuss with you. Honestly he was very vague about it-” 
“Optimus is rarely vague about anything-” 
“My thoughts exactly. So I’m assuming it’s something important but also private.” 
Crosshairs attempted to hold a convincing smile, as your eyes studied his features.  
“Okay...” raising an eyebrow again. Your expression matching your unsure tone, “where do you think he’d would wanna talk?” 
“My best guess would be the tower behind you.”  
You briefly followed his gesture, pointing at the stone stairs behind you.  
Crosshairs shrugged at your silent question. Your eyes studied him one more time, before hesitantly approaching the stairs. 
“Well, you almost fucked that up.” 
Crosshairs glanced up at Hound, giving the Autobot daggers as he came out of hiding, once assured you were out of earshot.  
“Shut up.” Crosshairs hissed, standing to his full height. “I told you, I’m not good at this mushy stuff. If you’d ask me, I think this whole plan is pathetic.” 
“¬ you can’t handle the truth!¬” Bumblebee buzzed. His blue optics narrowing at his comrade.  
All froze as the sound of Optimus’ voice interrupted them.  
“What’s going on?”  
“¬Y/N wants¬ to see you¬ outside¬ Sir.” 
Optimus’ titled his head to the side, his optics giving Bumblebee a questioning gaze. “Why?” 
All speechlessly shrugged. But a annoyed whirl wheezed out of Bee, rolling his blue optics at his comrades, while impatiently grabbing Optimus’ servo.  
“Bumblebee? What?-” 
“¬Outside!¬” Bee simply repeated. Pulling his leader towards the large arch, which lead towards one of the cathedral’s courtyards.  
Optimus looked over his shoulder, giving a confused expression to the rest of the Autobots. Drift looked away, trying to hide his knowing smile. While Crosshairs and Hound simply sighed and walked away.  
Approaching the small stone balcony, a gasp left your breath as your wide eyes fell upon the most curious of sight.  
A mixture of fairy lights and string lights lit up the courtyard below. Hanging upon trees and their overhanging branches, dancing up the stone pillars which held the dome roof of a small gazebo. Delicate white lanterns lit by candlelight, was suspended above the gazebo. Their strings stretching from the balcony’s stone frame, to the nearby fence.  
Roughly potted flowers lined the courtyard’s flowerbeds, matching the drooping flowers in the large stone pots upon the balcony. A small chuckle escaping you, as your eyes fell upon a bench. Clearly from inside the cathedral, but broken down to fit upon the balcony’s edge. Dressed in loosely thrown flower petals, as it rested against the iron railings of the balcony. 
This is by far, better than Tessa’s love nest.  
Placing a hand over your mouth, attempting to hide your shy smile. As the sight of Bumblebee dragging Optimus by his servo came to you.  
The prime muttered something to the yellow scout, but Bumblebee only shook his head. Optimus’ optics tried to avoid your soft gaze, as Bee turned and went behind him. Giving the leader one final push against his back, before scuttering away.  
“This is... unexpected.” 
Your sweet tone caught his attention. Optimus’ shy gaze slowly left the floor and onto your blushing face.  
“As it is for me.” He spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. “A thousand apologies, Y/N. This isn’t- I-I mean, it isn’t my intention-” 
“It’s alright, Optimus.” you assured.  
Your warm smile made his spark skip a beat. A gentle hue of warmth returning to underneath his metal plates.  
“It’s makes a lovely change from seeing graffitied walls and boarded up windows.” 
Optimus returned your warm smile, “indeed it does...” 
You clutched onto the laptop tightly, holding it against your chest. As though it would somehow stop the rapid beating of your heart. Warmth came to your cheeks, as you shyly looked away from him. 
His scanners picked up your pulsing heart and shaky breath. 
Say something! His processors commanded. Anything! 
“The laptop in your hands? I um... do not remember you having it before.”  
“Um... yeah.” You begun to fiddle with it. “I found it in the station back in Texas. I’ve been going over the plans for tomorrow.” 
Optimus nodded, “familiarizing oneself of the strategies and plans, is highly wise. That way you’d most certainly be prepared for anything.” 
You awkwardly nodded. Your foot slowly tracing invisible circles upon the balcony floor.  
I am going to whack Crosshairs with a wench next time I see him! Your thoughts scolded.  
Optimus’ digits became fidgety. His servos clenching and unclenching, as he shifted his weight from one pedal to the other. Edging a little closer to the balcony which came to his chest plate. 
His optics widening a little, as you prepared to turn away from him. 
Please don’t leave... 
“I-I would like to hear the plan.” his voice spat out. 
You gazed back at him with a raised eyebrow.  
Optimus cleared his throat, “please... I would appreciate if you’d ran a few details by me again.” 
“Sure... of course.” 
A sad whirl wheezed out of Bumblebee, lightly slapping the palm of his servo against his face plate. As him and Tessa moved away from the closed balcony doors.  
“I agree.” She muttered, “it is painful.” 
Her eyes watched as the yellow scout slouched against the bricked wall. A warm smile tugging at her lips, as Bee’s optics gazed down at his peds. 
“Hey. We can still help move things along.” 
Bee perked up at her cheerful tone. His hopeful gaze returning to her. 
“I’m pretty sure I saw a basketball downstairs-” 
“And I saw~ broken bits~ of mirror!” the Autobot buzzed. 
“And with that, we should be straight in, straight out.” 
You looked up at Optimus with a soft smile. His gentle expression smiling back, as the redness of your cheeks never faded. His optics finding difficulty to look away for your soft lips. 
His spark tried to drive his body towards temptation, while his processors teased him with the ‘almost kiss’ back at the station. 
“I cannot help...” Optimus spoke, requiring more focus upon his words than usual. “I cannot help but be concerned for your safety. As if anything were to happen...” 
His sentence trailed off into silence, as his optics slightly widened at the sight of you reaching out to him. The cooling fans within his vents working overtime, as the Autobot tried to regulate his climbing body temperature. Your cool, soft touch sent volts of electricity through him, as your fingertips lightly brushed the back of his servo. Not knowing that you made his Spark yearn for you even more.  
“You shouldn’t be worried about me. I can take care of myself.”  
Your voice sounded like a sirens song, to Optimus’ audio receivers.  
“Perhaps something like this would ease your mind.” 
Butterflies tangled your nerves, as they fluttered in your stomach. Your heart skipping a beat, as the bazaar idea came to you. Your cheeks radiating similar warmth to Optimus, as you felt his gentle yet lingering gaze. Concentrating on each breath you took, as his optics memorized every detail of your body. How your hair subtlety moved in the cool night air, how your clothes loosely hugged your figure. Yet also leaving each curve of your hips and thighs to one’s imagination.  
“Here.” you shyly spoke. 
Taking off the ring upon your finger, and placing it into the palm of his servo. Optimus briefly studied the simple iron band, before returning his gaze to you. Your sweet smile making his breath get stuck in his throat.  
“It’s my ‘Lucky Ring’- stupid I know. But it was the first thing I ever forged with my Dad, it’s... not perfect. But I feel like it’s brought me a lot of luck, so I was thinking... perhaps... you could have it.” 
Optimus gulped, “Y/N... I-I can’t-” placing his free servo over his aching Spark. 
You slowly skootched over to him, closing the gap between you.  
“Please, I want you to have it.” You carefully guided his digits to enclose around the ring. The small item simply getting lost in his closed fist.  
“So whenever you see it, you’d think of me. And that as long as you carry this, a part of me will always be safe with you.” 
Optimus caved in to his body’s temptations. His servo leaving his chest, and quickly wrapping around your waist, gently pulling you closer.  
“I do not require an item to think of you. For you are always running through my processors.” 
The blush across your features spread towards your ears, your face never felt so warm. As the wires within the Autobot’s abdomen crossed and entangled themselves. His Spark’s rhythm matching your pulsing heart.              
Optimus’ servo gently retracted from your waist, allowing his index digit to trace your curves before holding it out in front of you. 
Your starstruck gaze trailed down from his loving optics, a breathless gap escaping your lips, as the metal plates around his wrist shifted. Thin cables slithered out like snakes, as he brought your iron ring towards them. Immediately threading themselves through the band, securing it tightly against his metal plates, only allowing the ring to dangle a little.  
Placing a hand over your silent gasp, as Optimus opened his chest plates. Reveling his pulsing energy core, blue sparks zapped away from his Spark. His hopeful optics watched his core glow brightly in your eyes, his chest raising and falling, while his vents worked overtime.  
This... vulnerable feeling? His processors questioned. Is this how it feels to find... a Sparkmate?  
Your eyes widened as a glowing shard left his chest, it center glowed slightly dimmer than his Spark.  
“This is the Great Matrix of Leadership.” Optimus explained, as the ‘S’-shape shard dance and hovered in the palm of his servo. “It’s the only thing in this universe that can revive the Spark of a Cybertronian.” 
“Optimus... it’s beautiful.” 
The Matrix rapidly spun in his palm, a blue flash bursting from it’s center, as it shrunk to the size of a small pendant. Optimus gently threaded thin copper wires, which braided themselves together, through the tip of The Matrix  
Your heart jumped into your throat, as Optimus guided the necklace towards you.  
“It is my gift to you. So a piece of me is always with you-” 
“It will protect you from any harm. And if should anything ever happen to me, you’d be the one to ignite my Spark. For it’s you, who makes it pulse through my wires.” 
While the familiar sensation of a loving bond enveloped the pair of you. His knuckles caressed your cheek, as he gently placed The Matrix necklace around your neck.    
“Y/N... believe me, this is not something I do, nor say lightly." Optimus gently admitted, "I can’t give you normality, or anything a regular human could offer. But what I can give, is everything that I am.” 
A loving sigh escaped his lips, as you briefly caressed his cheek. Your hand trailing towards his neck, and your fingers tracing the back of his helm. Optimus’ chest closed again, as he placed his free servo around your waist again. Gently sweeping you off your feet, and bringing you closer to him.
"By my Spark, I would protect you. Adore you. Cherish and support anything that's important to you. If doubt ever aches your heart, I will not rest till I can do everything I can, to free you of such feeling."
He placed a gentle kiss upon your forehead, running a digit through your hair. As his optics shined with hope and love.
"And if you ever wished for a piece of the night sky. I would go to its depths, and bring you back the brightest star." 
“What are you two doing?” Shaned asked raising an eyebrow. As his puzzled gaze fell upon Tessa hoisting up a mis-shaped, makeshift disco ball, while Bumblebee helped guide it. Attempting to not allow the object to knock against the broken window. 
“~Kiss the girl~” the Disney song buzzed from the scout’s radio. 
“Their leader has fallen for my sister.” Tessa briefly explained, “something about her being Optimus’... what did you call it, Bee?” 
“A~ Sparkmate~” 
“Yeah... that...” 
Shane placed his hands upon his hips. A smile tugging at the corner of his lips, “and that explains the uh, disco ball, how?” 
“~setting the mood~ for ~true loves kiss!-” 
“What racket are you two making now?” Crosshairs sighed.  
All three turned to the green Autobot, as he crouched near the landing of the stone steps. 
“Her sister, your boss.” Shane briefly spoke. 
Crosshairs folded his arms across his chest plates, “you two still wasting time with that nonsense? I told you, there’s no such thing as a ‘Sparkmate’-” 
“~what would~ you know~ about~ Sparkmate’s?” Bee challenged, letting go of the makeshift disco ball. 
“Bee!” Tessa cried, as the rope almost lifted her off the ground. 
The scout quickly grabbed the mirror coated ball, saving Tessa from flying a tall height. 
“It’s a interspecies relationship.” Crosshairs groaned, “such thing has never been heard of back on Cybertron.-” 
“~Love~ comes in~ different shapes!-” 
“Ugh, guys.” Shane’s small voice interrupted, as his surprised expression gazed out of the window. “You should take a look at this...” 
Eyes closed and embracing one another. A satisfied hum rumbled in the back of Optimus’ throat, as his lips mimicked yours.  
Your heart fluttered, as The Matrix necklace rested against your chest. Your free hand trailed down from the back of his helm, towards Optimus' chest plate. Feeling the vibrations of his Spark, as it burst like small firecrackers.  
A muffled moan slipped from you, as his glossa entered your mouth. Deepening the kiss and exploring your flavour, he gently bit your bottom lip. Encouraging your tongue to enter his mouth.
The desire of wanting more knotted in Optimus' admonian, as one of his servo’s explored the curvature of your back. Reaching down towards the waistband of your trousers, slipping his digits underneath the fabric. Butterflies in your stomach, caused the lowest pits to do backflips. As you felt Optimus' servo play with the lace of your undergarments, before giving your ass a cheeky squeeze.   
A warmth built up within your core, as your body pressed against Optimus’ chassis. Small volts sparked throughout his wires, as your bust pushed up against him. Taking a moment to pull away from the kiss, as his optics took a cheeky sneak at your cleavage.  
S-Sweet Primus! 
A flickering flame built up within his core, as dirty thoughts intrude his processors. 
His servo cradled your back, as you leaned back a little. Allowing the prime to plant soft kisses along your collar bone, and up towards your neck. 
“Y/N... my Sweet Spark.” His toned rippled against you, causing excited shivers to run up your spine. 
‘Crash!’ ‘Shatter!’ 
“Bumblebee!” the sound of your sister’s voice interrupted the silence. Followed by a sad whirl wheezing from the yellow Autobot.  
You and Optimus looked at the window, which overlooked the balcony. Just seeing a glimpse of Shane and Crosshairs ducking out of sight.  
An awkward chuckle erupted between the pair of you, as you and Optimus slowly broke away from one another. Your fingers and his digits tracing each others arm and down towards the palm. 
“We uh... should head back inside.” You lowly spoke. Cheeks blushing from the afterglow.  
Optimus tenderly kissed your cheek, before returning to his full height. “Indeed... perhaps, we could continue this another time?” 
Next Day
“Calm down. Calm down.” Shane nervously muttered to himself, as Bee slowly rolled up to the back entrance of K.S.I. 
“Y’know... in times like this, the idea is to keep cool, not look cool.” Cade sighed in the passenger seat. “So why don’t you lose the sunglasses?” 
Shane removed the item as Cade briefly glanced at him. 
“About a month ago, I thought I heard noises in the middle of the night. Was that you?” 
Shane gave him a wide eyed stare, “what? You’re asking me this now?-” 
“Don’t lie to me, kid. You see that guy with the gun out there?-” 
“There’s so many guys with guns!” his panicky tone hissed.  
“Let’s get out the car and tell him we’re about to break in.” Cade’s voice kept it’s calm and collected tone, “we could admit it was your idea. Cause I don’t care, I’m old, I’ve already lived long enough-” 
“You have a real bad habit of having these conversations at the wrong time, man!-” 
“You wanna come clean, or you want me to make a mess?” 
Shane’s heart leapt into his throat, as Cade cleared his throat. Attempting to politely get the attention of one of the guards, “Sir, can I talk to you for a second please?” 
“It was me. It was me” the Irishman lowly repeated, as the guard forced Cade’s door shut. Giving Cade a stern expression while shaking his head.  
“Taking it in for scanning?” another guard address Shane, while Bee rolled down the driver’s window. 
Shane silently nodded, holding up the forged K.S.I staff badge. The guard scanned it, looking over the pair before approving them to go ahead... 
The Camero rolled through a hanger of polished concrete floors, and wooden walls painted black. Shane and Cade scanned their surroundings, avoiding eye contact from passing staff members.  
“We took old, alien technology and made it better in every way.” A feminine voice echoed over the P.A system, “introducing Stinger.” 
Bumblebee rolled to a gentle halt, as Cade’s wide eyed stare glanced up at a pink Transformer. Which was displayed in the middle of the hanger. 
“That’s a bad-ass robot.” Shane admired, leaning closer to the windscreen. 
“Kinda looks like you, Bee.” 
Bumblebee revved his engine, disagreeing with Cade’s observation. 
The Texan got out of Bee’s passenger seat, slowly approaching the display. He looked around the hanger, before activating the video recording system, that Crosshairs’ hid into Cade’s smart watch. 
“Can you see this, Sweetie?” Cade whispered to you through his ear piece.  
“I see it, Dad.” Your polite tone confirmed. “What the hell are these guys doing?” 
“Looks like, they’re trying to build their own versions of the Transformers-” 
“Well, at least they’re picking cooler cars than this.” Shane interrupted.  
Bee revved his engine again, pushing his stirring wheel out of the dashboard and into Shane’s face.  
“¬You talk to me like that?¬” the yellow scout buzzed angrily.  
“Dad? What’s going on?” your voice scratched through Cade’s ear piece. 
“Nothing, Sweetie. I’ll send more stuff your way if I find anything.”  
Cade quickly deactivated the recording, approaching Bee’s passenger door again.  
“See what happens, when you try and be a smart-ass?” he hissed at Shane.  
Shane crawled out of the Autobot’s altmode. As an advertisement projected itself onto a screen, behind the Stinger display.  
“Inspired by Bumblebee. But better in every way” the femiline voice continued through the screen. 
“~What?~” Bee’s radio harshly buzzed. “~Son of a-” 
“No! No!” Cade yelled at the Autobot, whom decided to do burnouts in the hanger. Marking up the polished concrete floor, “you gotta calm down!” 
“Bee! Stop messing around!-” 
All froze as the sound of voices filled the hanger, Cade and Shane’s nervous stares glanced up at a group of people walking through doors on the opposite side of the hanger.  
“Hey!” one of their voices called out. “You two! Grease moneys!” 
"Oh shit..." Shane muttered. "That's Mr Joyce, the CEO of K.S.I." He nervously tried to hide behind Bumblebee, as the individual dressed in a fine tailored suit, and glasses approached Cade.     
“What the hell is going on here? And what’s with this vintage crap?” He hissed in an hushed whisper.   
Bee revved his engine as Mr Joyce gestured towards the Autobot.  
“We’re not scanning collector junk.” Joyce's tone held an amused tone, matching his expression. As he continued to talk to Cade, “what is it that you think we make here? Hmm? We make poetry here! We’re poets! When you work for me, you get to make one mistake. One. Understood?”  
“Yes Sir.” Cade professionally spoke, “understood. It won’t happen again, Sir.” 
“It certainly won't.” Joyce sighed, “now... let’s get this pathetic thing out of here. And you, too.” 
Cade silently nodded, feeling Joyce's stare look over him again. Before returning to the rest of the group, and escorting them out of the hanger.  
Shane released a heavy sigh of relief, that he had been holding in the whole time. 
“You and Bee leave here quietly.” Cade spoke, as he looked at the Irishman over his shoulder. “I’m going to try and have a look around. Hopefully Y/N is doing better than us...” 
Your heels clicked along the marble floor, as you walked across the lab of the basement level. Scientists, engineers and various staff hovered around tables. Your hand clenching into a fist inside the pocket of the lab coat, while your free hand fiddled with The Matrix necklace. Your eyes looked at the multiple pieces of alien tech, which scattered across the metal tables throughout the lab.  
Your saddened gaze fell onto the heart-wrenching sight before you. A small gasp getting trapped in your throat, as your heart sunk deeper into your chest.  
You poor darling. You thought, as the lab-techs melted and pulled parts off, of a decapitated green Autobot helm. What have they done to you?-   
“Metal.” A blonde woman wearing a smart three-piece suit approached your side, her blue eyes following your gaze. As you played with your smart watch, discreetly sending the video footage to Drift.  
“Just metal. Well, that’s what I always thought of them.” 
“You’re wrong.” She gave you a puzzled side glance, as you tried to hide the breaking of your voice. “They’re more than that. They’re living beings with souls- like you and me.” 
You pulled a weak smile, “I uh, spoke to one... once.”  
“And you’re working with Transformium?” 
She studied your silent nod, before turning her attention onto a clear canister filled with a gray substance which looked like sand.  
“I’m out there digging for it.” She sighed, “there’s just not much left to find.” Her eyes flickered back to the Autobot’s helm, “so that how badly you guys need more, huh? Reduced to melting old Deceptions?” 
“That’s not a Deception.” You corrected, “that’s an Autobot. The ones who fought for us-” 
“They slaughtered Ratchet!” Optimus’ angry voice yelled through your ear piece. Almost hurting your ear drum. “I’m gonna tear them apart!” 
A loud sound of something falling echoed throughout your ear.  
“Excuse me.” You kindly spoke to the blonde woman, as you took a few steps towards one of the exits. “Optimus? Can you hear me?” 
Only radio static responded to you. 
“Crosshairs? Drift? Can any of you hear me? Please! Don’t do anything rash.” 
More static. 
An uncomfortable knot twisted in your stomach.  
Why do I have a bad feeling about this?- 
“Security to Level 3, please. Security to Level 3.” A voice echoed over the P.A system. 
Now what?    
Shit! Shit! Shit!                
Cade ran across the third level of the K.S.I building. Alarms going off over the P.A system, as security followed him. 
Dodging between frozen staff members, and bursting through random doors. Cade almost made it back to the lift, which lead down back to ground level.  
But he had to come to a skidding halt, as more security guards cut him off. Aiming their weapons in his direction.  
“Up against the wall! Hands behind your head!” 
A heavy sigh left Cade, as he peacefully co-operated. As the security grabbed his arms, placing them against his back and pinning him against the window.  
“Corporate espionage.” A familiar voice caught Cade’s attention. Looking over his shoulder to see Mr Joyce, “that’s a very serious crime, Mr. Yeager. How I didn’t recognize you before baffles me, but no matter-” 
“Look! Before this goes any further, I want a lawyer!” Cade protested. “Th-The Justice Department. Somebody I can trust! I’m just trying to protect my family, okay? Not from your company! From the government!” 
“I can take it from here, Mr. Joyce.”  A new individual entered the scene, Joyce studied the new stranger before walking towards the lift at the end of the hall.  
Cade studied the new individual. A middle age man stood before him, well dressed like Mr. Joyce but his scalp reveling a receding hairline. Firm yet studious eyes hid behind thin glasses. He made a simple gesture at the security. Allowing Cade to face him fully, while rubbing his wrists a little.  
“My name is Attinger, Mr. Yeager.” He introduced, “and who do you think I work for?” 
Cade studied Attinger’s sly smile. 
“You’re trying to protect your family, that’s admirable. And I’m trying to defend the nation from a alien war, we’ve had a taste of what that looks like.”  
He carefully approached Cade, “and we’re certainly not going to tolerate another. Now... there is a version of this conversation, where you get to back to your barn. Your youngest daughter graduate with honor's, while your oldest gets a full-time position with any company within the U.S.A. I’ll even advocate for her personally for a six-figure salary, should she choose to work with me. And life as you know it, goes on.” 
Cade raised an eyebrow, as Attinger continued. 
“You and your daughters have no idea, what you gotten yourselves into.” 
“And what’s the other version of this conversation?” Cade challenged, bring a frown to Attinger’s features. “Sending in your ‘hired help’ to murder my little girls? Or are you going to man up and do it yourself?” 
“Depends on your preference, Mr. Yeager... I don’t ask much. You can still turn things into your favor. All you have to do, is convince your eldest to tell me where Optimus Prime is.” 
A cheeky smile came to Cade, as the reflection of Bumblebee in the nearby window caught his attention. “I didn’t raise no snitch-” 
Screams echoed throughout K.S.I as Crosshairs and Hound accompanied Optimus. Bursting through high windows, showering everyone below in a rain of glass, as the Autobots made their way through the lower levels. 
Crosshairs raised his pistol above his helm, firing warning shots as the trio entered the lab. 
“Get out! All of you!” Optimus roared, as people scattered away from him.  
“Science fair’s over, meat-bags!” Hound’s voice thundered.  
“Destroy the lab!”  
The Autobots happily carried out their leader’s orders. Crosshairs and Hound fired at the piles of alien technology, kicking tables and igniting all manner of equipment.  
“Excuse me!” You squeaked, trying to push through the flood of people exiting the lab. “Out of my way, please!” 
“Destroy it all!”  
Your pounding heart ached a little, as Optimus’ rageful voice yelled commands. 
“Hey!” Joyce's voice roared over the gunfire, storming over to the Autobot leader. “Hey! Stop! That’s company property!” 
“They’re not your property!” Optimus challenged, as he stood over Joyce. Allowing Hound to satisfyingly kick a table filled with alien parts.  
“They were my friends!” 
Joyce’s studious gaze analyzed the situation.  
Finally pushing through the crowd, your eyes widened as Hound clocked his cannon. The weapon releasing a humming sound, as he aimed it at Joyce.  
“Oh, you not talking so much now!” a smaller Autobot teased. “Not so tough when Hound is in front of you, huh?” 
You watched the small Cybertronian climb onto the barrel of Hound’s cannon, his optics glaring daggers at Joyce.  
“Go ahead.” Joyce calmly taunted, “show us your true colours, once and for all-” 
“Just give me the word.” Hound smiled, “I’ll splatter him-” 
“No! Don’t!” you cried.  
“Why don’t you tell Itchy Fingers here, that this is all the spoils of war?” Joyce challenged, “dead metal. Innovation. That’s what we do here, it’s simply science! Because if we don’t do it, somebody else will! Because you cannot stop technology!-” 
“We’re not your technology!” Optimus roared.  
You ducked as the Autobot blindly kicked machinery into your direction. Causing sparks to erupt from power-ports, and machinery bits fly over your head.  
“Optimus! Stop!” you begged.  
“Let me vaporize his ass!-” 
“Don’t do it, Hound!” 
You quickly approached Joyce, standing between him and the barrel of Hound’s cannon.  
"Out the way, Y/N." Hound's tone of voice sounded more like a warning, than a pea.
"No, I wont." You gazed into his green optics, range faded as sorrow filled them. "You're better than this Hound. Please... lower your weapon."
Hesitating for a moment, the Autobot grumbled. His cannon slowly shutting down, placing the weapon over his shoulder.  
“I broke the code. I own your whole genome.” Joyce spoke with a smug expression. Confidence returning to his tone, since you've became his 'shield.'  
“Keep digging your grave!” You hissed turning your whole body to him. “I’m not here for your sorry ass!” 
Optimus crouched down to your level, lowering the barrel of his weapon. As his servo went from the weapon's trigger, and reached out for you.
“We’ll tell the world what’s happening here.” You promised. Looking up at him, giving his index digit a comforting touch.  
Your voice almost soothing Optimus’ rage filled Spark.  
“Interesting... you allied yourself with them?’” Joyce questioned, gesturing at you and Optimus. His curious gaze switching between the pair of you, "or... am I sensing something, a little more?-"  
"I'm giving you one chance." You firmly spoke, turning your attention back onto Joyce. "Stop doing this. Or the whole world will know what's happening here! What you're doing them!"
Joyce snickered at your words, “the world? The world would approve, my dear. We can make them now. Don’t you get it? Humanity doesn't need the Transformers anymore-” 
“You’re wrong!” You said, shaking your head. “Humanity will always need the Cybertronians.” 
A weak smile came to Hound, “you tell him Y/N.” 
Optimus studied you and Joyce, puffing out his chest and releasing a unsatisfied huff.  
“Autobots... we’re done.”  
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@ursamajor17 @crowleysthings @k----a27s @lainekyuu @manticcashew @goreismyforte @imachaoticghost @person101lol
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mindutme · 1 month
Valya Vednesday #4
I’ve been working on a Valya font! It’ll be a while, since there’ll eventually be hundreds of glyphs, but I have the basic set complete:
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The earliest form of the Valya script was a syllabary, and these 51 glyphs are the descendants of the original ones. Aside from the i, u, and a glyphs, the rest of these are all still used for CV syllables in modern Valya. (I’m not actually sure if those first three will get used; right now I don’t have any use for them but they might show up in some form or another.)
The other few hundred glyphs are for CCV syllables (with a few exceptions) and are all essentially ligatures of pairs of these ones. Lya (shown at the top) is a ligature of li and a, for example. Most combinations are a little less straightforward, for a couple reasons. One is that there are multiple possible ligatures for most CCV syllables, as there are multiple sequences in Old Valya that result in the same syllable in Modern Valya. Generally, CiCV and CuCV will end up the same, but also due to assimilation and other sound changes there are some Modern Valya syllables that could potentially have eight different sources in Old Valya! In some cases words will be spelled historically (i.e. with a ligature of Ci-CV if that’s the historical form of the word), but in many cases spellings will change for convenience. It’ll be a pretty messy system in the end!
Here are a few sample sentences I was able to construct using only the glyphs I’ve made so far (all the CV syllables plus lya):
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I haven’t done any work on kerning yet but it looks like it won’t be as bad as I initially feared—only a few pairs of characters look like they need significant adjustment in the above examples.
Next week I’ll talk about the real and fictional development of this writing system!
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mclarengf · 8 months
pas besoin d'un faux sourire
learning to parent with dad!logan sargeant
note: haha enjoy more angst. dw this one’s not an ambiguous ending it def gets fluffy. dad!logan save me fr 
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lottie’s crying.
she doesn’t cry very often, which only adds to your concern.
you’d run into the living room when you heard lottie’s soft cry of, “mummy…” and now you’re sat on the couch with her, whispering consolations into her hair. 
as if on cue, the front door opens and logan steps in, finally home after a few days of doing sim work in the uk. after taking in the situation, he parks his suitcase in front of the shoe rack and rushes to your side, placing a hand on your shoulder in support. what a welcome, he must be thinking.
“hey, sweetheart, daddy’s home. daddy’s here,” he says to your daughter softly, “what’s wrong, my lottie?” 
you crouch down and hold out your hand for lottie. you’re a bit surprised she can see through her tears when she takes it, but wrap her in a big hug regardless.
“what’s upset you, baby?”
she just buries her head in the crook of your neck and cries harder. 
you can’t see anything broken or spilt around you, and lottie doesn’t look hurt. you gesture vaguely at logan to take her temperature because you can’t reach her face without shifting and risking her discomfort. he side steps a toy strewn on the floor and presses the back of his hand to her forehead. he comes back into your field of view and shakes his head.
you’ve never felt more inadequate than you do right now. you have no idea why lottie’s so upset, and logan, bless him, isn’t exactly prepared to help in this situation. he’s just gotten back and probably drove the thirty minutes from nice côte d’azur expecting… not this.
“logan,” he looks up, much resembling a deer in headlights, “could you get us a wet flannel please?” 
you’re giving him an out to leave the room and get into the right headspace to do some ‘proper parenting’, he realises. he ducks out, but not before placing a hand over his heart and mouthing a thank you as he goes. 
he’s back in a couple of minutes, having also taken the opportunity to change out of his plane clothes, and joins his girls on the carpet.
“come here, lottie-lou,” you allow her dad to hold onto her, and you shuffle closer to him as he washes her face with the cloth, wiping her tears away as he does so. 
“can you tell daddy what’s wrong?” you ask, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 
she shakes her head.
“that’s okay, baby,” logan chimes in, “we can just sit here for a bit, yeah?”
you rest your head down on his shoulder as you sit in silence, save lottie’s quiet sobs. it’s never been exceptionally easy being parents, nevertheless at your relatively young age. lottie’s usually such a gem, so the moments like this are hard to get through, for all of you. 
she’s getting quieter as the two of you comfort her, but it doesn’t seem like there’ll be an end to the tears just yet. logan kisses your cheek; he doesn’t know quite what to do either, so you’ll just have to figure it out together.
another few minutes pass by, then you hear her take in a big breath and mumble, “i miss my home.”
ah, of course. you’d all moved from london to monaco about a month ago, on account of location convenience for logan’s job, and the educational opportunities for lottie. the tax benefits weren’t exactly a complaint either. 
lottie hadn’t had any qualms about the move so far, so you’d both figured she was adjusting alright. she’d even been excited, but of course, the realisation that this wasn’t like a race weekend or a holiday where she would be sure to return to your humble london flat, was bound to kick in eventually.
little by little as she calms down, lottie tells you about how even though she knows a little bit of french from you, it’s not enough to really talk with the other kids, and that the teachers are nice but she doesn’t want to cause a fuss and keep bothering them every day. 
“i’m sorry,” she whispers.
you shake your head and open your mouth to speak, but logan beats you to it.
“you don’t have to be sorry, baby. it’s okay if you feel bad sometimes.” 
you press a kiss to her hands and add, “you just have big emotions, my love. just like me.” 
she’s stopped crying now, and even smiles a bit when you bring up your similarity. 
“if you want, lottie love, we can find you a tutor here who can help with your french, and you and i can always practise at home.”  
she nods at your proposition, then wrinkles her nose and asks, “what about daddy?” 
lottie, selfless as ever, is already thinking about how to include logan. you want to laugh just thinking about logan learning french and even more so, him speaking french with his american accent.
“we’ll rope him into learning with us too,” you grin at logan, “now come on, let’s give daddy a big hug, 'cause we’ve missed him very much while he’s been working.” 
logan smiles at his little family and wraps his arms around both of you, happy that peace has been restored. he takes lottie’s face in his hands and covers her in kisses, making her giggle. 
“you wanna help me unpack now, lottie-lou?”
she jumps up and runs toward logan’s suitcase at her dad’s suggestion, and starts wheeling it towards your bedroom. you and logan, still sat on the floor, watch her go. you give him a kiss. 
“welcome home, handsome. sorry that’s what you came in to.” 
he looks down at you and breathes out a laugh. instead of saying anything, he just holds his hand out for a high-five, which you humor. he lets go of you to push himself up, and helps you up after.  
before he follows after your daughter, he slings an arm over your shoulder and states, “we’re such awesome parents.”
it’s your turn to laugh now, and you reward him with a couple of quick pecks on his lips. you push him to go to lottie before she starts calling for him, and give him a cheeky pat to the bum as he stumbles forward. 
“je t’aime, baby.”
okay; now that that’s sorted, what to have for dinner?
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ofstoriesandstardust · 2 months
i miss you, i'm sorry (dani - twisters)
a/n: sooooo i know like four people will read this but twisters was for the bisexuals i said what i said. this is 3/4 of the way written but i was chomping at the bit to get this posted so it's just gonna be split up into two parts. comments and reblog are always appreciated! :)
summary: Seven years. It's been seven years since you broke up with Dani. Seven years since she left to go work for Tyler Owens all because you could never bring yourself to put a name on what she was to you. It's been seven years time since you've seen her. But she's here, in Oklahoma, working for the Tornado Wranglers with that little look in her eye at the sight of you in the StormPar uniform. Seven years and you know you still love her, even though you know you can't have her. It's been seven years. So how come she still looks at you like that?
warnings: car accident, tornados, minor injury, weather inaccuracies, swearing, scott i hate you, gay found family i love you
word count: 2.3k
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“Yooooo! Looks like StormPar’s got a new crew!” Someone calls from across the parking lot, and the man from next to you, Robert, rolls his eyes. 
“Boone.” He mutters under his breath and you raise an eyebrow. 
“Is that some Southern insult I don’t know?” 
He shakes his head. “Boone. He’s one of the Tornado Wranglers.” 
“Which you all are to stay clear of. Fraternization of any kind is forbidden  and a clear breach of your contract. Any contact will have your position terminated.” Scott says, coming from the gas station. You swallow as Scott gives you a once over, before turning to the rest of the team. “Go on, take your last bathroom breaks before we head out there.”
You nod, crossing your arms as a tall man with a cowboy hat rounds the truck, sizing you all up. You follow the crew into the gas station, only planning to fill up your waterbottle and round the corner, running straight into someone. 
“Jesus, StormPar!” 
“Sorry!” You exclaim, stepping back as the girl bends down to pick up the snacks she dropped. Another girl rounds the corner and it feels like your heart stops beating for a moment as time slows down. 
“Lilly, you alright?” 
The girl, Lilly, dusts herself off as she stands up. “Yeah, ‘m fine Dani. Are you sure Boone asked for all of this?”
“You’ve changed.” Dani says, eyes roaming over your figure. 
“You haven’t.” You respond, swallowing around the lump in your throat. 
It’s true. It’s been almost seven years since you’ve seen Dani at this point and yet it feels like yesterday with the way she hasn’t changed. A mischievous twinkle in her eye, the short hair, cowboy hat. Even her sense of style hasn’t changed as she gives you a once-over. 
“The two of you know each other?” Lilly asks, a finger wandering between the two of you. 
Dani shrugs. “We used to.” 
“Lil, Dan, T says we’re rolling out.” Boone says, opening the front door of the gas station to shout out to his friends (co-workers?). You witness several of your colleagues heads swing towards you and you step aside, letting the two girls pass you. 
“The hell was that?” Scott says, stepping in line next to you. His jaw is set as he tracks the crew out to the parking lot. 
“Nothing.” You say as Scott raises his eyebrow, the tick in his jaw growing stronger. “I knew one of them in college.” You say and Scott’s eyebrows join together. 
“You heard what I said out there, yeah? This isn’t the time for you to be chumming it up with an old friend.”
You force a tight smile. “Yeah, I heard you Scott. Don’t worry about it, we left it on pretty bad terms as it was. There’ll be no revisiting old friendships, I swear.” 
“Uh huh.” He says, clearly unconvinced. “I’ll be keeping an eye on it.” 
“So how do you know dear old Dani?” 
You curse under your breath as Boone shouts out at you as you walk towards your motel room. 
“Boone, the fuck I’d say about leaving it?” The blond from earlier shouts back as he adjusts stuff on the truck. 
“T, I’m just asking what we’re all wondering!” 
Your eyes track the numbers on the door as you walk, realizing your door is right where they’ve set up camp. Because of course it is. 
“You know it’s rude to ignore people StormPar.” The man says more quietly when it becomes clear you’re ignoring them. You gently excuse yourself as you walk in between an older member of their team and a blond girl, both standing by the grill they’ve got set up. 
Someone says your name and you turn, finding Javi. Relief spreads through you, shoulders dropping at the sight of him before dying as quickly as it came. 
Right, right, Javi is like public enemy number one to Scott and Riggs, after he pulled out, taking his radars and most of his team with him. 
Javi’s fiery exit was the only reason you’d found yourself in Oklahoma instead of the corporate office in Texas, because Riggs had wanted someone on site, on the ground, to do damage control to StormPar’s image in case Javi had started to run his mouth. 
Javi had been at your interview, he’d been influential in bringing you on. He’d been your friend and you feel sick as you take a step back, eyes leaving his. Javi doesn’t notice, taking another step towards you with his arms out like he’s going to hug you. You take a few more back as he asks you how you’ve been, sentence trailing off as he realizes you’re trying to get away from him. 
“I told you, all StormPar dummies are born assholes.” Lilly mutters, tapping on the tablet she’s holding as she leans on Boone, but not quietly enough for you to miss it as you try to approach your door. You wince, shoving the key into the lock, pushing on the door as it sticks. You keep fumbling with it, inevitably dropping the key as tears blur your vision. 
Javi says your name and you blink back the tears stinging at your eyes, turning. “Javi, really- I’m not trying to ignore you or anything but- I could lose my job if I get caught talking to you and I need- you know I need this money.” 
“You look like hell.” He comments, sticking his hands in his pockets as his eyes roam over you. “Scott put you guys through the wringer today, at least take a burger. I know he ain’t paying for shit.” 
“I can’t.” You say as your eyes dart around, searching for any sign of the StormPar crew. 
“Kate, would you-“ The blond girl, Kate, nods, wrapping up one of the burgers the older man had just slid off the grill. 
“Javi, I really can’t take that.” You say as he offers it out to you. 
“Just take the burger.” Another familiar voice says and your eyes find the ceiling, tracking the flickering light illuminating this side of the hallway as you will yourself to vanish. “If you’re anything like you were then, you probably don’t eat enough as it is.” 
“I don’t need your charity, Dani.” You breathe. 
“It ain’t charity.” She says, falling next to the older man. “It’s just called being nice.” 
Your eyes flicker down to the burger Javi’s still offering you before darting around the parking lot. Most of your crew was staying on the other side of the motel and Scott had driven off half an hour ago to get dinner at some diner a town over. 
You hold your hand out for the food, which Javi places gently as his concerned eyes follow you, like you might spook. You turn, setting the key back in the lock, finally clicking this time, and you stumble into the musty room. 
You drop your stuff next to the bed, heading straight toward the bathroom. The flickering light turns on overhead with a low buzz as you take yourself in. 
Javi was right, you did look like hell. 
Your hair was sticking up at all angles and it was a miracle it even appeared in some semblance of a bun. There was mud tracked down your face and shirt, all caked on to your pants too from when you’d slipped, helping Liam with the radar. There was grass in your hair, stained on the whites of your shirt and you’re pretty sure there’s hay in the back of your pants. 
As you stand under the lukewarm water, picking clumps of mud out of your hair, you let your mind wander to the girl sitting outside. Occasionally, a loud burst of laughter would erupt and you could hear it through the thin walls. 
Seven years gone and seeing her here still made your heart ache. Seven years of failed flings, of ruined first dates, and you always thought of that girl. The girl who’d stood in your shitty studio apartment and cooked for you as you’d recount your lectures from the day, who talked you through essays and term papers despite having no college education herself. The girl who had been so sure of herself it had cost you your relationship. 
She seemed happier now, as much as that feels like a dagger to your heart. She seemed more full of life, more truly settled into who she was. Those weren’t just her friends out there, they were her family, and it’s a bittersweet feeling to know she had finally found what she was looking for without you there with her. 
You groan, scrubbing a hand down your face. The blond guy, T — why did he seem so familiar to you…
The sound of the door slamming behind Dani echos in your dream as you shoot up with a gasp. 
Tyler Owens
You blindly reach for your phone on the nightstand, pulling yourself up as you do. 
A frantic Google search tells you everything you need to know. 
The early morning light peaks into the window of the diner where all the StormPar crew had been instructed to meet. You’re too engrossed into the YouTube page with a million subscribers to notice someone sliding their plate down in front of you. 
You glance up at the sound, heart fluttering as you register Dani’s presence. “Didn’t know you were a fan.” She comments and you’re quick to click off your phone, setting it aside. 
“You know, when you said you were leaving ‘cause you had found a job helping a storm chaser named Tyler Owens based out of Arkansas, I didn’t quite imagine it would be all that.” You say with a small shake of your head before taking a bite of hash browns. 
There’s a beat as Dani studies you. You let her, all too happy to soak in her attention after the drought of not having her at all. 
“You really do look different.” She comments.
You shrug. “A couple of piercings and a haircut will do a lot of things for a girl.” 
“You look more yourself.” She says softly. 
You swallow, feeling your cheeks heat as you duck your head to avoid having to answer. 
It passes though, because she keeps talking. 
“I never really expected you to end up with a crew like StormPar.” She says, leaning forward on the table. 
You shrug again. “They pay decent and I need the money.” She purses her lips, clearly dissatisfied by your answer. You glance up at her, discomfort growing at the look on her face. “What do you want me to say Dani? I was broke as fuck, my family doesn’t talk to me. I had rent to pay and I needed groceries. I needed a job.”
She raises her eyebrows. “You don’t- you don’t talk to your family anymore?” 
You huff, sliding your plate away from you as you wipe your mouth. “Seriously? That’s the part you care about?” 
The doorbell jingles and you both turn, seeing the rest of the Wranglers walk in. You’ve learned all their names by now from the two hours you’ve spent watching their channel, learned the way they lean into one another, the way they bounce off each other’s energy. Behind them, you can see Scott’s car pull into the gravel parking lot. 
You sigh, pulling some cash out and setting it on the table. “Look Dani, I gotta go.” You stand up, feeling the eyes of her friends burn into you as you do. You pause, sighing. “I’m really happy you found what you’re looking for.” You say softly, rapping your knuckles against the table before turning, pushing past Tyler and Boone. 
Javi calls out your name but it gets drowned out in the jingle of the bell as you stride towards Scott. 
And so the next two months go. 
You and Dani pass each other everyday, like ships in the night.
Never any acknowledgment to who you were to each other or who you had once been. 
Scott gets more controlling, as the months go on. He’s fired three people for talking to  the Wranglers crew at gas stations or diners and another two for talking to them after hours in motel parking lots. He keeps a closer and closer eye on you despite you putting more distance between you and Dani. He’s practically breathing down your neck. 
With every storm that wrecks another town, Scott gets more tense and every failed scan riles him up. The scary vein in his neck pops out more often and every chase gets more terrifying, Scott pushing the limits every time. 
You know he’s pushing boundaries he shouldn’t, catching the way Javi had shouted at him after your last chase in the motel parking lot. Javi had made a huge scene, Kate and Boone having to pull Javi back as he shouted that Scott was going to get his whole team killed. 
Will it be worth it to Riggs then? When his entire team is a just another casualty number? Will it be worth it to him when his entire team becomes just another headline?
A shiver goes down your spine at the memory and Will, one of the new kids on the crew, looks at you. “You alright?” 
You give him a brief smile. “Yeah, fine. You’re gonna take a right up here.” 
Will, fresh from his first year of grad school and only here to complete a summer internship, adjusts his hands on the wheel nervously. “Are you sure this is a good idea? Scott seems unstable.” 
“I can hear you.” Scott’s voice crackles through the radio. 
“Well, you are.” James comments from the other vehicle. 
“Get to work, the lot of you.” Scott yells through the radio and Will flinches. You’ll be okay, you mouth to the kid and he nods uncertainly before pressing down on the gas. 
The rain starts a few moments later, appearing in a sudden torrential downpour, the wind whipping around you. 
“Oh fuck.” You whisper, craning your neck. “I think we’re in the path of the tornado.” 
And then everything goes black.
i love you, i'm sorry
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Carpe Noctem 21
Warnings: dark elements, noncon, age gap, gaslighting, manipulation, violence, blood, other dark elements. Proceed with caution. (short!reader)
Note: Please let me know what you think as it helps me a lot with ideas and I love interacting with you all.
Part of The Club AU
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As you come home, the house is seemingly empty. You sneak up to the guest room and tuck your bag beside the bed, your apron buried inside. After a long day of steaming milk and trying to perfect your latte art, you don’t have the energy to reveal the truth. It’s better he doesn’t know. He’d agree, he probably doesn’t even care.
That’s your real problem. You just need to accept that other people don’t care as much as you. That’s not a flaw in you, it just means you need to adjust your expectations. Or maybe just see things for what they are. Honesty would save you a lot of disappointment.
You go downstairs and lazily pluck out ingredients from the pantry and fridge. You always found cooking relaxing. A clear goal with small steps. Not to mention, the kitchen is much bigger than your boxy apartment. You’ll enjoy the luxury while you can.
You fill the pot and the aromas mingle fragrantly, tugging at your stomach. Even after tasting nearly every dessert in the cafe, you’re starving. You stir the mixture and open the bag of tortilla chips nestled away in the cupboard.
“Don’t eat those all,” Lloyd startles you.
You look at him over your shoulder, “won’t. They’re just to go with the soup.”
“Soup?” He glances at the stove and you pull down two bowls.
“Tortilla soup. My specialty.”
“Really? I was just going to order from The Duke.”
“That’s expensive,” you say, “there’ll be lots of leftovers so–”
“Save some money–”
“Not really something I’m worried about, baby cakes,” he crosses the kitchen and sniffs emphatically at the stove, “tomato-ey.”
“Well, if you don’t like it, I can freeze it. I’ll take it for lunch–”
“Why are you doing this?” He asks abruptly.
“Why am I… cooking?”
“Well, because we need to eat,” you say as if it’s obvious.
“We? You’re… not my mother. Or wife.”
“Clearly,” you agree. “I’ll replace the ingredients. Sorry, I just thought… maybe a nice gesture since I’m staying here.”
“Nice gesture. I got a few of those in mind but they don’t include a hot stove.”
You glance over at him. Right, yeah, you’re a body to him, not anything else. You realise now, it was the same with Johnny. You were just a thing to him. You cleaned up, you cooked, but he never really looked after you.
“The soup won’t take long,” you assure him.
He takes a breath and sighs, drawing close, looming over you as you take out the cheese shredder. He watches as you unwrap the cheese and grate it. You don’t know what else to do but keep going. You feel like you’ve crossed some line you can’t see.
“I just want us to be clear,” he taps his fingers on the counter, “this isn’t… serious. Us, I mean. There’s no us. Not outside the bedroom. Got it?”
You frown, “I know that. I’m not stupid. And I certainly am not interested in that.”
He’s quiet as he drags his hand off the counter. He exhales, “good to know. We understand each other.”
“We do,” you nod.
You wrap up the unused cheese. As you do, he reaches to steal a pinch of the shredded cheese. You instinctively swat his hand away and he recoils.
“Eh,” he shoves the cheese in his mouth.
“You didn’t wash your hands,” you accuse him.
“You’ve had worse than my hands near your mouth–”
“Jeez,” you huff, “you’re going to make a mess.” 
You move the plate of cheese across the counter and tidy up the few stray pieces across the counter. You toss them in the pin and take a cloth to wipe down the marble. He lurks, pacing around the kitchen.
“I’ll have extra chips with mine,” he nears the door, pausing as you sense him watching you but don’t look. “I’ll figure out dessert, baby face.”
The next day you don’t bother making yourself coffee. You’ll have more than your share at the cafe. You dress and leave at the usual time, parking a block away from the shop and walking the rest of the way. 
As you approach, you see Cole ahead of you. He unlocks the front door and glances over with a smile. He waves as he tugs with his other hand. He turns his attention back to the door and struggles to dislodge the keys.
You come close and watch him wiggle and jiggle the key ring.
“Dang thing gets stuck every day,” he shakes his head.
“Can I try?” You offer.
“Sure,” he steps back,throwing his hands up in exasperation, “not as strong as I look, I guess.”
You don’t comment. He’s tall and even under his corduroy jacket, you can tell he’s in good shape. You grab the end of the key and give it a small wiggle, sliding it out easily. Not much force, just a bit of finesse.
“You don’t have to be strong,” you offer him the keys, “just have to coax it a little.”
“Thanks,” he takes the keys, his fingers brushing yours, “you’re a godsend. I swear. I think… call me crazy, but last night I was telling my ma that you were sent to us for a reason.”
“You did?” You ask as he reaches around you to open the door, waving you in ahead of him.
You enter and he follows, pulling the door shut to lock from the inside.
“Oh, yeah, I mean, I’ve been interviewing like crazy. Most of the staff lasts a day and gives up but I can tell… you’re committed,” his sleeve touches yours as he passes, putting his passenger bag on the countertop as he stretches and looks around, “well, you want a coffee before we go through opening?”
“I’d love that but I can wait if–”
“Nah, we got plenty of time,” he interjects, “besides, that’s one of the steps. We do a batch medium and dark roast before opening so we’re ready to serve when doors open.”
“Oh, makes sense,” you peer around and set to taking the chairs down of the tables and set them right.
“I’ll get those,” he insists, “please. Lady’s shouldn’t be doing all that.”
You hesitate as you place another chair on its legs. You glance over at him as moves behind the counter. The comment isn’t exactly HR friendly but you don’t think he means anything. He’s just the type who likes to wear shining armor. 
“I don’t mind.”
“I do,” he insists as he approaches the till, “come on. Let’s make the coffee.”
You step away from the tables. He is your boss. You go around the counter into the narrow space behind it. You forgot how cramped it is here.
“You wanna put your stuff in my office?” He asks as he prods the bag slung from your shoulder, “I’ll get this warmed up.”
“Oh, I guess…”
Here, the brass key,” he hands over the keyring, “you can leave those on the desk.”
You take the keys and go through the kitchen and turn into the small hallway between that and the storage room. You go to the office door with the peeling paint and the worn side that reads management. This place needs a lot of work.
You let yourself into the office and set the keys on the corner of the desk. You put your coat and bag in the chair against the wall, eyeing the picture of a younger Cole and who you assume are his parents. The backdrop is grassy and bright. He’s smiling that same sunshiny smile. You wonder how he’s held onto that.
You close the door behind you as you head back. You can hear him humming as you come down the hallway. Is that Frankie Valli?
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miyaniacs · 9 months
Corrupted by Darkness
- Chapter 1 -
Intro ; Wattpad
A/N: Hey :) Yes I’m forcing myself to write again… and if I wouldn’t update it immediately I’ll never update - so yes maybe there’ll be some some adjustments / reuploads. Still I hope you enjoy it. The next chapter will be a bit more story heavy - Thank you for reading it! <3
“YIELDDD” the blond haired guy yells. Getting up with a smirk, you take his dagger and leave the mat.
“Well that was … personal?” Rhi looks at me.
“I don’t even remember his name?” I look at her confused.
“I’m not talking about Leon.” She smirks and looks across the room, towards a shirtless Xaden… and Eve.
How is it possible that she’s always glued to him?
And why aren’t you glued to him?
‘Ohh shut up.’
Maybe he takes her because he can’t have you?
‘I look nothing like her? And before - I’m not jealous. I’m just forced to spend time with him and she’s always there.’
“Hellooooo? Earth at Nea?” Ridoc waves his hand infront of your face.
“Sorry sorrrryyy”
“Class is over - and we’re finally free!”
“For the day.” Liam sighs as he walks over towards your group.
“Aren’t you the most energetic out of all of us?” Rhi raises her eyebrows.
“OMG LIAM!” Ridoc fake gasps, “who’s the lucky one?”
“That you should ask Nea.”
And now all their eyes are fixed on me. I really should have remembered that his room is right next to his.
“Non of your business.” I smirk at them and start to make your way out of gym.
“No no nooo not so fast.” Rhi hurries next to you, quickly followed by Ridoc on your other side.
“There’s nothing to say.”
Sure there isn’t
‘Could you please stay out of this?
Hey you were the one involving me in it last night.
‘I already apologized for it didn’t I?’
I am still traumatized
‘Not my fault that you don’t get laid.’
Excuse me?! Maybe I just know how to keep you out of it?
‘And now I know for sure that you don’t get laid.’
“Sorry guys but it’s a secret.”
“Ok but was it good?” Rhi asks.
“Sounded like it was.” Liam laughs from behind us.
“… could we not discuss this right now.” I beg and rub my temples.
“And what should we discuss then?” Ridoc smirks and looks at me.
Rolling my eyes I glare at him: “ Well how about we discuss our next history test?” I smile innocently, while he groans.
“Why don’t we discuss the whole Eve thematic again?” Liam asks and pushes between me and Ridoc.
“There is nothing more to discuss. Her family is friends with people my family isn’t really … found of.”
“And she’s a bitch that thinks she’s better than us just because she’s a fae - no offense Nea.” Rhi adds.
“Non taken.” I laugh.
“And that’s why she doesn’t like you?” Ridoc asks.
“Yup this and the fact I’m friends with someone she desperately wants to fuck.” I laugh.
“What? Why haven’t any of you told me that she wants to fuck me? I know she’s a bitch but I wouldn’t say no…” Liam fake gasps.
“No Liam we’re talking about someone who’s actually attractive and doesn’t just have a big ass ego.” Rhiannon laughs.
“Ouch. That hurts Rhi.” Liam puts his hand over his heart and pouts.
“Nawww Liam… you know I wouldn’t say no to you - If you weren’t one of my friends.” I laugh.
“Thanks it helps hearing this from the hottest Fae around.” He smiles and puts his arm around my shoulder.
“Well… I loved this conversation, but my bed calls me.” Wiggling out of his “hug” I stop in front of my room.
“If you need any company - just call me, the walls are thin.” He winks and opens the door to his own room.
“See you at dinner?” Rhi asks while she and Ridoc walk towards their own rooms.
“Yes see you there!”
Closing the door I immediately take off my clothes and put on the big shirt Azriel left me last night.
As soon as my head hits my bed my mind wanders off to the events of last night.
Closing my eyes the image of Azriels face appears. It was always different between us.
While Rhys quickly became a father figure for me, Cassian and Mor immediately adopted me as a little sister. But Azriel… I was 15 when Rhys brought me with him and introduced me to his family.
Azriel was always cold and closed off, he avoided talking to me if not necessary, always had someone else with us when he trained me. Things changed on my 19th birthday. Mor was throwing a party for me, inviting everyone including my boyfriend at that time - to make it short he cheated on me that night … in my room… my bed.
While running away from him and the party I ran into Azriel… when I told him what happened something snapped inside of him and let’s just say I woke up next to him that morning… and the morning after… and after … and -
I get it. Please stop thinking about it.
‘Then stay out of my head.’
‘Hey Noctis?’
Yes little shadow?
‘Do you think it’s more than just sex for him?’
Is it for you?
‘…no.. I mean… he’s a close friend, so obviously I care for him…’
And you’re sure that’s all?
‘Noctis. I’m here and he’s in Velaris. Even if I wanted it to be more, it wouldn’t work out.’
And why not? He’s already visiting you.
‘I - He- yes..’
‘Nothing… I should sleep now.’
Sure little shadow.
Wake up. Nea. Wake up. NEA!
I wake up to a voice in my head that isn’t Noctis and feel a hand placed over my mouth and start to panic, searching for the weapon under my pillow. How did this person get inside of my room? Isn’t my magic working? And why didn’t Noctis wake me up?
“Nea. It’s me.”
That voice… I blink and let my eyes adjust to the darkness in my room.
“Rhys?!” I muffle.
“Oh sorry.” He moves his hand off my face.
“Why are you here?”
“You wanted a care package didn’t you?” He smiles and gestures to my desk, where a big as basket full of food and presents, is placed.
“Thank you. And now why are you really here.”
“… Your letter.”
How could he already got … Azriel tool it with him. I mentally roll my eyes.
“Get dressed.”
“And why should I? It’s 3am?”
“Because I want to see your blood manipulation. So get out of Azriels shirt and come with me to the flight field.”
“How…. How do you?”
“Nea please.” He rolls his eyes and chuckles, “We all know.”
I just stare at him.
All of them?
Yes they all know. Now get dressed. I’ll meet you there.
‘Why are you coming?’
Because I asked him to come.
‘Yes it was planned for me to come before I got your letter’
‘Because you forgot to have your wall up.’ Rhys scowls.
‘But why are you two talking?’
You’re underestimating my powers
‘I thought you’re only allowed to talk to me…’
Do I look like I stick to any rules?
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galdra-studios · 4 months
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Hi everyone!
Summer is here and after a slow previous month due to some pesky colds, this month has lots of exciting news we’d like to share. So grab some ice cream and let's get started!^^
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We are incredibly thrilled to be part of Humble Bundle’s annual LGBTQ bundle! It’s such an impressive lineup of games, and the money will be donated to the Trevor Project, who does amazing work supporting struggling LGBTQ youth. The bundle is live TODAY, so check it out here!
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Next up in exciting news… Our demo is ready for the Kickstarter! It’s been a ton of hard work, but after much bug fixing and adjusting graphics, it’s now fully playable. It’s a really great feeling when you see all the separate parts of development coming together like this, and we’re so stoked to finally show you what Arcadia Fallen II will be all about. Which brings us to the matter of the Kickstarter release date!
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Mark your calendars and get ready for the launch of the Arcadia Fallen II Kickstarter! There’ll be merch, there’ll be a demo, and we´re even bringing back the Community Stretch Goals! 
We hope it’ll be a great time for everyone!
Click here to sign up for the Kickstarter pre-launch to get an email when the campaign goes live!
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This month Puk is the model for our header image, and they are accompanied by some jazzy tunes you’ll also be able to hear in the Kickstarter demo! Enjoy~
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Thank you so much for following our journey! And we’ll see you in just a few days for the Kickstarter campaign! ^^ 
- The Galdra Team
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AITA for removing “minor” from my bio?
there’s been a lot of posts about this, wondering about my situation. so i turned 16 fairly recently. this does make me still a minor, but the age of consent in my country is 16, so i don’t feel like i’m being sneaky/misbehaving/a freak (lol) when i’m lurking in nsfw stuff anymore.
i still don’t interact with it (i’m lurking, no liking, reblogging etc) so there’s no connection at all to my blog. i probably wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that anyway, since most ones (justifiably) require an age in your bio which i just have not put. i understand why blogs require this, but i don’t think i’m putting anyone in danger because
a) not interacting, so again there’s no link to my blog
b) according to the posts this is relatively common? there would be cases about it all the time otherwise
anyway, a lot of blogs that had “minors dni” in their bio followed me when i still had minor in my bio (technically it was actually in my pinned, but again not hard to find). i don’t think they were being malicious, just the nature of the circles i’m in on tumblr means there’ll be a lot of kinky people (think d&d) and they just didn’t check.
i don’t think it’s my responsibility to block them, they’re breaking their own DNI, not me, and not everyone goes through their new followers blogs.
however now with the minor part gone, they won’t know if i break their dni or not.
i’m not planning to and haven’t interacted with any primarily nsfw blogs anyway (some of my friends do “hornypost” and i just ignore it) because to be completely honest doing anything nsfw on my main is kinda a turn off lol.
lurking feels safer and more comfortable so i think i’ll stick with that.
but yeah, i’m worried people won’t be able to uphold their boundaries when interacting with me directly anymore, but i also feel like i’m maybe not obligated to disclose that? i get id be in the wrong if i was Lying about my age to get into nsfw spaces, but i’m not doing that.
i don’t feel comfortable disclosing my age on my blog anyway, minor was a blanket term i was comfortable with to get nsfw blogs to stay away but i feel like i’m in a weird in between space atm (i know. i know im still a minor. but i’m in an adjusting period and i’m trying to get comfortable with the idea of being an adult in two years.)
a lot of this info is probably irrelevant, but maybe i am an asshole for other reasons, so. mod if this gets deleted for being too long/weird/rambley i understand 👍
What are these acronyms?
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e-vay · 3 months
The Sonnet of Domino & Phlox - Ch2
[A/N: Click here to read the previous chapter. This story is also available to read on AO3]
“Aren’t they something?” an older gentleman asked with a sigh, adjusting the glasses on the edge of his long snout.
Domino continued affixing a spray nozzle to a hose but shifted her eyes in the direction of the shrew’s gaze. “Uhh…” she hesitated, unsure what to make of the orange, mechanical bipeds that stomped down the street. With each weighty step, the ground trembled and rattled the ladder the hedgehog was standing on. “What exactly are they, Mr. Mayor?”
“Our ticket to the future, that’s what!” The politician boasted. “Two months ago this eccentric human rides into town on a floating caravan! He requests a meeting with me, claiming he’s some kind of genius inventor who wants to help this great city reach its full potential,” He adjusted his vest with pride. “That’s when he showed me the blueprints for these beauties.”
Hedgehog and shrew watched as the two large robots paused in the middle of a large patch of untouched earth. With a metallic groan, the crude “hand” of one of the machines retracted into its arm and was replaced with a long drill head. It stiffly bent forwards and began boring into the ground. The bots were impressive but noticeably rough in their assembly, including large clunky bolts and bright orange paint hastily splashed onto the metal framework. The designs didn’t have the polish and finesse that one would normally find on something like a car, but perhaps that was to be expected from a budding inventor. Domino certainly didn’t know any better. Still, something about the eerie “smiley-face” logo that was stamped on each mech didn’t sit right with her…
“He told us these were cutting edge technology, that they would put us centuries ahead of neighboring towns, and golly was he right. They were only delivered a few days ago but they’ve already streamlined our building processes and made huge improvements to the city.” The mayor’s speech was interrupted by the sound of townspeople cheering as the two robots completed their construction – a well with a hand pump – in record time. Young children ran towards the well, heedless of the metal giants, and used the pump to draw up fresh water that they then splashed at one another. 
“Huh…” Domino mused. She returned her attention to the hose in her hand and sprayed a steady stream of water in the freshly cleared gutter that hung along the roof she was leaning against. She tilted her head either way, making sure no drips escaped from the seams of the gutter, before looking down at the rain spout and assuring that the water ran clear without any blockage. Satisfied with her work, she turned off the hose and descended down the ladder. “Gutter’s clean. You should be set for the winter.”
“They might be a little crude now, but with our investment, he promised the models will only get better,” The shrew said more to himself than the girl next to him. “Soon enough there’ll be smaller models, capable of doing just about anything!” He suddenly turned to the girl with a wide smile. “Just think! You’ll never have to be bothered with odd jobs ever again. It’s like he told me: ‘The Botniks are here for you!’”
Domino did her best to force a smile but couldn’t help but rock on her feet from discomfort. Odd jobs were how she got by. What was she meant to do if these “Botniks” started popping up everywhere? Well, best not to fret about it now.
“Um… Mr. Mayor?” the teal hedgehog hinted awkwardly. “I finished clearing the gutters.”
“Ah! Right, your payment!” The shrew took out his wallet and began counting the contents before hesitating with a pained smile. “Uh… You’ll have to forgive me… The salary posted on the job board is… outdated. We used most of the city’s annual budget investing in our ‘little’ robot helpers here so I can only give you half of what was originally offered.”
Domino’s quills bristled. HALF?! She nearly screamed out loud. Gee, would’ve been nice to know that BEFORE I scaled this blasted roof! She bit her tongue and took a deep breath in. This meant she’d need to take on more gigs than planned, and letting loose some snarky remarks to the mayor of all people would definitely get her kicked out of town before she’d made enough money. She forced a tight smile and politely pocketed the payment handed to her. 
“Nooooooo sweat…  If there’s anything else ya need that your big bots are too bulky for, just holler!” 
She turned on her heel before she said something stupid. 
Glancing up at the town clock, Domino’s grimace was quickly replaced with an excited grin. She sprinted towards the city gate with glee. After all, it was difficult to stay glum when she was promised an adventure with a charming purple hedgehog.
“Did those ‘very important duties’ of yours involve drinking 8 cups of coffee?” Phlox teased. He briefly took his attention away from the instructions in his notepad to look up, noticing the teal hedgehog jumping from tree to tree above him. 
Domino seated herself onto a branch and swung backwards into a knee hang so she could lock eyes with Phlox. 
“What makes you say that?” she winked. 
Phlox trepidatiously hopped over several large rocks to meet up with the girl who had gotten far ahead of him. “Oh, I don’t know-” he shrugged as he squeezed his way through some dense bushes. “-all the running and leaping about like a grasshopper could have something to do with it!”
Domino giggled. Phlox may have called himself a nature photographer, but it seemed he had the enthusiasm (or lack thereof) of a city dweller. Escaping the city walls and going on an escapade–however small–always filled Domino with energy. She simply couldn’t keep it in! The lady hedgehog laced her fingers behind her head and closed her eyes, swinging casually from the branch as she waited for her hiking partner to catch up. “I’m just in my element. Besides, I’m itchin’ to see this hidden treasure of yours. You need to keep up!”
If her eyes were open, she’d see a devilish spark light up in Phlox’s eyes. He might have been the quiet type, but he was extremely competitive and loved a challenge. He secured his camera tightly to his side and took off in a sprint. Keep up? Oh, he’d show her. 
“Like this?”
Domino’s eyes jolted open as she felt Phlox’s breath tickle her nose. She let out a high pitched squeak upon realizing the guy she thought was several yards away was nose-to-nose with her. The shock made her loosen her grip on the branch and she was in for a quick plummet to the ground. 
“Whoa!” The indigo male threw his arms out and caught her, holding her securely to his chest. He was strong! Of course, her transient lifestyle and meager diet left her on the smaller side, but Phlox held her as if she were weightless. The muscles in his arms were dense and firm against her slight body.
“I didn’t think you’d startle so easily,” he teased.
“Yyyeah, well-” Domino began to excuse herself, but couldn’t find the words. Geez, what was it about this guy that made her so tongue-tied? Sure he was plenty sweet, certainly nicer than most people she’d ever met. And yeah he was good-looking—she couldn’t deny that. Now she noticed how nice he smelled, too; something woody, earthy, almost sweet, like sandalwood. And his fur, so warm and soft…
Her fingers combed through the shaggy, wheat-colored fur of Phlox’s chest, sending a shiver up his entire being. His heartbeat quickened against her fingertips and she swiftly withdrew her hand realizing what she’d done. Domino looked up to find his muzzle as scarlet as hers surely was. “Uh…”
Phlox felt the urge to say something, but his shyness got the better of him. He instead cleared his throat and set the young woman back on her feet. “Sorry for scaring you…”
“Nah,” Domino replied. She twirled the tuft of fur near her cheek bashfully as she ruminated over what just happened. She shouldn’t be getting close to someone like this. Letting someone in only led to betrayal or disappointment. Besides, what did she have to offer him? She had no home, no money. Relax. She reminded herself. It’s okay to have a little fun…
“Besides, you just gave me an opening.”
Phlox’s eyes went wide. With his voice barely above a whisper, he asked, “To do what?” 
“To do… this!” Domino snatched the notepad from Phlox’s hands and bolted away.
“H-HEY!” The boy shouted before swiftly chasing after her. He was not nearly as graceful navigating the woods as she was, especially with a camera slung over his shoulder, but he managed to stay close on her tail. 
Domino cackled over her shoulder. “I thought you said we needed to see this grotto at a certain time of day! So hurry it up! Or are those cool jeans of yours slowin’ ya down?!”
“These pants provide full mobility!” he shouted. The two laughed as they weaved their way through the forest, Domino skimming the instructions in the notepad and leading them the rest of the way to their destination. 
She abruptly stopped in front of a wall of weeping katsura trees and Phlox had to clumsily skid to a halt to keep from crashing into her. Domino looked back and forth between the green palisades and handwritten notes. “I’m pretty sure this is it,” she confirmed. She returned the booklet to Phlox before presenting an arm to the curtain of emerald leaves. “This was your goal. After you.”
Phlox shook his head with a smile. “Together.”
A little taken aback, Domino simply nodded in agreement and squared herself up beside Phlox. Both hedgehogs drew back the partition of leaves and stepped forth.
The grotto was truly a sight to behold. Dozens of large trees stretched and twisted amongst each other as if embracing in a circular huddle, leaving a medium-sized clearing in the center. Fountains of leaves and vines draped about the branches, painting the enclosure every shade of green. Tiny sprigs of yellow and white wildflowers dotted the forest floor, their blooms diminutive and modest but still serving as a beautiful compliment to the rich viridescence of the grass they sprouted from. Silky, golden rays of sunshine poured through the canopy in beams so crisp, they looked as though one could reach out and touch them. The early autumn breeze glided along the treetops and the soft pitter-patter of the leaves tickling each other echoed down into the grove. The willowing trees all made for a perfect shelter, completely cloaking this little slice of heaven from the rest of the world. It was only the two hedgehogs and a sparse flight of fluttering insects that were privy to this space.
Domino’s breath wavered in awe. She silently stepped deeper into the natural arbor and sat down with her knees pulled to her chest. Even though she spent the entirety of her life out on the road, the planet never ceased to amaze her in new and spectacular ways. She folded her arms over her knees and rested her head on them, sighing with a soft smile.
Phlox took a deep breath, letting his lungs expand entirely with the crisp fresh air before releasing it and setting to work on adjusting his camera. As he delicately fiddled with the device, he couldn’t help but notice Domino’s silent reverie in the corner of his eye. His heart filled with pride knowing the young lady seemed just as touched by the setting as he was. He walked over to her, whispering as not to break her daydream.
“This is why the timing was so crucial,” Phlox said softly. “I’m sure this spot is beautiful all the time, but at this exact moment, at this exact time of day? It’s-”
“Heavenly,” Domino concluded. It was true. The sunbeams filtering through the trees managed to diffuse the light to give the space an ethereal glow. Anything that was lucky enough to catch the direct sunlight appeared to have a soft, colorful halo as the light bounced off its surface. Phlox nodded and headed off to document the scene.
Meanwhile, Domino reached forward and let her arm glow in a sunbeam as she let all the worries that normally plagued her mind dissipate. Here in this cove, she didn’t have to concern herself with the upcoming winter. She didn’t have to think about how–or when–she’d find her next meal. Even the looming threat of “Botnik workers” that would soon replace her managed to escape her mind. Right now, she could just be. Her eyes studied every leaf, every blade of grass, every sway of the branches that hung above her head so that even on the bad days, she could look back at this moment and feel peace.
Eventually, her attention shifted to the indigo photographer at work. He walked so carefully and quietly it was as if his boots weren’t even making contact with the ground. At one point, the boy managed to approach a flutter of blue butterflies that didn’t seem phased by his company, shining and dancing in the late-afternoon sun like fairies. She wondered if it was possible to capture the serenity of this moment in a photo. It would be nice to see if he succeeded, but he likely wouldn’t develop his roll of film any time soon. She’d be long gone before those photos would come to light. The thought caused a strange weight in her chest, a sinking feeling she shouldn’t allow herself to feel. She diverted her attention to some of the wildflowers beside her.
Neither were sure how much time passed as they each quietly enjoyed the space, together but individually in their own ways. Once satisfied, Phlox walked over and took a seat next to Domino. “I didn’t get to ask you earlier...” he broke the silence, but his soft, honey-smooth voice was so reposeful it might as well have been part of the ambient melody of the forest.
“Hm?” Domino hummed, looking over to the boy beside her.
“What’s your dream?”
The girl leaned back with her palms behind her and surveyed the shelter of leaves above them as she pondered. Her dream. Such a big question. What should she make up this time? What would impress this guy the most? ‘To conquer a mighty dragon’? ‘To soar among the stars’?
“I want to make a difference,” she found the truth slipping from her lips. She shook her head and shrugged with defeat as if that goal was too ambitious for someone like herself. “Even if I can do just one good thing.”
Her words were so simple but there was such a bitter heaviness to them. Did she really think she was of such little significance? Phlox hardly knew her, yet he sensed something positively great about her. The brief hours spent in her company were already changing him, encouraging him to become more of the person he was striving to be. What or who made her think so little of herself? He wanted to ask, but wisdom told him if he did, she’d likely withdraw even further.
Instead, he placed his hand on hers and gave it a firm squeeze. 
“You will.”
Domino turned to Phlox with a soft gasp. His words sounded so genuine. Oh, how he looked at her, too. The way those green eyes surveyed her made her feel like she was the only thing in the world. It was intimidating. It was exciting.
Though her heartbeat grew louder in her ears, she still managed to pick up a faint assortment of sounds off in the distance. Chattering? Shrieking? She wasn’t sure but it was quickly growing louder. At the same time, she and Phlox looked towards the barrier of trees and noticed the branches and leaves beginning to tremble. Something was rushing through the forest and rapidly making its way towards the grotto. The tops of the trees shook and the roar of what sounded like a crowd was quickly upon them. Domino only briefly saw a flash of color burst through the curtain of leaves before closing her eyes and throwing herself on top of Phlox to shield him from whatever threat found their hiding spot.
The roaring now completely surrounded them, making its way over their heads and echoing all around them in the grotto. Domino tried to flatten herself and Phlox as close to the ground so they wouldn’t be hit. But despite the overwhelming noise, nothing struck them. She heard Phlox gasp. “Minnie, look!”
Domino opened one eye to see Phlox looking skyward, a wondrous smile on his face. She hesitantly turned just enough to peek over her shoulder and gasped as well. Hundreds–no, thousands of colorful birds were flying in mass above the canopy. Despite their numbers, they all moved together in perfect harmony, creating a magnificent, undulating patchwork of color in the sky. Domino rolled onto her back and the two hedgehogs watched in awe. She knew that birds were likely to migrate before the winter months hit, but she never witnessed something quite like this. The setting sunlight shone through their wings as they fluttered above, painting the entirety of the sky with a brilliant rainbow. Just as quickly as they had approached, the last of the birds flew past and the grotto returned to the peaceful silence once again.
Phlox and Domino both blinked. The moment had come and gone so quickly, it was almost as if it didn’t happen at all. They turned to each other, Domino’s head still resting on Phlox’s arm, and at once they both giggled in breathless bewilderment. 
“What are the odds of that?” Domino grinned, placing a hand on her forehead in disbelief.
Phlox smirked confidently. “Right place, right time.”
“Ah yes, your ‘super power’,” the girl rolled her eyes and began to shove herself away. However, Phlox quickly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight to him. She squealed with laughter and fought against him in protest.
“Don’t mock my talent,” he chuckled while Domino squirmed in his grasp.
“Lemme go, you brute!” The teal hedgehog shoved her palm into Phlox’s face, making him laugh even harder. Still, he held her close.
“Naht ‘til you apahlagizsh,” he muttered under the pressure of her hand. 
Domino removed her palm and leaned in with a playful scowl. “Never.”
Phlox met her smug glare. “Then I’ll never let you go.”
Domino stopped struggling and her smile faltered a bit. She knew he was joking; after all, she started this game, but something about those words… Something inside her wanted them to be true. She enjoyed the feel of his embrace. She wanted him to hold onto her endlessly, and the thought made her curse to herself. ‘Wants’ were stupid, frivolous. Her lifestyle only allowed for ‘needs’: shelter and sustenance.
Domino was beginning to realize that Phlox’s presence caused an entirely different kind of hunger within her.
The male’s chuckles diminished as Domino stared at him quietly. His cheeks and chest grew warm as he suddenly registered just how tightly she was pressed against him. Phlox searched her cyan eyes, wondering what she was thinking. Was she upset? He was inexperienced with flirting; had he gone too far? She wasn’t pulling away, though. Her gaze briefly flickered to his lips and his heart raced faster and his purple fur prickled up. 
“...Do… you realize what that was?” Domino whispered.
Phlox’s eyes widened. Was she asking about his sudden shiver or the display of birds they just witnessed? He hoped it was the latter.
“Uhh… a… murmuration…?” 
“A-K-A…?” she nodded expectantly and a smile began to curl on her lips.
Phlox’s eyelids dropped with realization and he sneered, “Don’t. You. Dare.”
Domino sat up and poked at Phlox’s chest to punctuate her words. “Those were FLOCKS of BIRDS!”
“That’s it!” He went to snatch her again, but Domino was too quick for him this time. She sprinted to the edge of the grotto and giggled while she waited for him. Phlox hurriedly packed up his gear and threw his camera strap over his shoulder. “You’re in for it now!”
The girl squealed and darted away as Phlox chased her all the way back to the village.
Domino let out a long yawn after collecting payment from her most recent task. Despite completing her fourth odd-job of the morning, she still found herself struggling to stay awake. Then again, she did have a hard time falling asleep last night…
It wasn’t the cold that kept her awake. No, she was plenty used to sleeping outside in all manner of harsh weather conditions. What kept her up were thoughts about that damn boy. That quiet, dazzling boy. 
She didn’t recognize herself when she was around Phlox. Talking to him either led to embarrassing, truthful slip-ups (she still couldn’t believe she’d told him her “dream.” How stupid!) or left her unable to speak at all! And that stunt she pulled in the grotto to try and save him… What was that?! She’d lived her whole life looking out for herself. Her entire existence was all about self preservation. So why did she throw herself on top of him when she thought they were in danger? Domino was annoyed with how quickly her priorities were shifting. And even more annoyed by how good it felt to care about somebody other than herself for once. 
Tossing and turning over all these thoughts left her with little shut-eye last night. 
An idea came to her suddenly. Perhaps a cold dip would wake her up! Besides, after doing all the dirty jobs that the townspeople didn’t enjoy and the “Botniks” were too clunky to complete, she could use a bath. 
She exited the city and headed downhill. Her years traversing the wilderness trained her to easily find rivers, and after carefully listening for running water and taking note of the ways the trees leaned, she found what she was looking for.
It was a serene creek with blue-green water that was clear enough to see the bottom of the river bed. It would be plenty deep enough for a proper swim. A medium-sized stack of boulders allowed for a steady flow of water to gently trickle down into the larger body of the creek. On days where the weather was more severe, she imagined the waterfall would crash into the river with a thunderous roar. But on this mellow autumn morning, the water was calm and tranquil. 
It made her think of Phlox. 
“Chaos,” she cursed to herself. The Domino she knew would have just shrugged it off and gone about her business. But this new, thoughtful Domino realized this was the exact kind of scene Phlox would love to photograph. The idea of gifting him with this little treasure and seeing the look of excitement on his face was too much to resist. “So much for ‘priorities’ huh?”
She convinced herself that this would be her way of repaying him for the grotto trip yesterday, nothing more. Satisfied with that reasoning, she hurried back to town in hopes to find that photographer that seemed to be making a home in her mind’s eye. It didn’t take long for her to spot him. The young man was sitting under a shade tree, writing in his notepad. Butterflies filled her stomach at the width of his smile upon hearing her call his name. The feeling intensified with how quickly he agreed to go with her. 
“I’m telling ya, you’re gonna make this place THE travel destination once the world sees all your photos. Especially of this spot I found!”
“Had I known you were a location scout, I’d have hired you sooner.”
“You can’t afford me. Heiress, remember?” Domino teased with a wink. “I’m offering you this location on the house.” Phlox laughed his mischievous laugh as he followed the young woman. Once they reached the creek, Domino raised her arms into the air and spun around with a triumphant, “Ta-daaaa~!”
The purple hedgehog placed his hands on his hips and his grin was brighter than the sun. His reaction was even better than she had pictured.
“So, whaddya think?”
“I think,” Phlox chuckled, lowering the camera from his shoulder and placing it on the ground. Domino blinked as he kicked off his boots. “This is going to be so cold!”
“What?” Domino scoffed while Phlox removed his beloved pair of jeans and pried off his gloves. “You’re really gonna jump in there?”
“Like you aren’t?” Phlox raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile plastered on his sandy muzzle. “That’s why you came out here in the first place, right?”
“I-” she scratched her quills and shrugged, “I guess I just took you for the prissy, hot-shower type.”
The boy turned to face the girl while walking backwards and used his fist to make a stabbing motion into his heart. “Minnie, you wound me!” He spun on his heel with a laugh and ran towards the creek before leaping into the air, curling into a spinning ball, and crashing into the water with a mighty splash. 
Just as quickly as he had jumped in, he resurfaced and his voice cracked as he shrieked. “I WAS ᴿᴵGᴴᵀ! SO CₒᴸD!”
“PFFTT!” Domino burst into a fit of laughter, doubling over and holding her stomach. “Gaia! I had no idea your voice could reach that high!”
“Shu-shu-shushhhh up and guh-get in here!” Phlox demanded through chattering teeth. He swam to face the other way so Domino could strip down to her undergarments without him watching. 
Domino shook out her hands to mentally prepare herself for the cold plunge before jumping into the water, wailing. She resurfaced with a gasp. Well, she certainly wasn’t tired anymore. 
“Whu-whu-whyyy duh-duh-did we d-do thissss?!” 
Phlox’s ears were pinned flat to his head. “‘Cuz wuh-we’re young and sssss-stupid!” 
“C-c’mon Young, ssswim with Stupid,” Domino laughed despite her shivering and waved him over to follow her as she began to swim. “The mmmore ya move the w-warmer you’ll be.”
The two hedgehogs made a game of who could swim the fastest from one edge of the creek to the other, and before long they had quickly adjusted to the temperature of the water. It turned out that Phlox was an excellent swimmer, capable of doing laps around Domino. The girl rolled her eyes as he gloated over his many wins.
“Ya know, I think I liked you more when you talked LESS!” She startled him with a tackle and dunked him under water.
He sprang back up and shook off his quills. “You opened this Pandora’s Box, there’s no putting it back now.”
“Oh yeah?” She went for another tackle, but now that he was onto her, he dodged and left her rolling face-first into the water. Domino made several more attempts, but Phlox would either stay so still it was like slamming into a brick wall, or he would use her momentum against her to make her plunge face first into the water. 
Her most recent effort left her clinging to Phlox’s side, trying to push his face into the water with no success. “Grrrrr why won’t you go down?!”
Phlox laughed and pried the girl off him with ease. “I love your enthusiasm. But you won’t beat me in a battle of brawn.” He tapped his temple. “You’ve got to assess the situation and play to your strengths.”
The teal hedgehog let her head fall back and groaned with frustration. “You said it yourself: I’ve got no strength.”
“I meant ‘do what you’re best at,’” Phlox scratched the fluff of his muzzle as he pondered for a moment. His green eyes suddenly lit up and he snapped his fingers. “I know a game we could play!” He swam a distance away to make room between the two hedgehogs. “I’m going to guard this end of the creek. If you get passed me and make it to the bank, you earn a point.”
Domino’s shoulders sank. “You’re the better swimmer and you’re bigger than me. I’m never getting through you.”
Phlox smiled with encouragement. “Assess the situation, Minnie. You’re smaller, but that makes you faster and more slippery. Use that to your advantage to get around me.”
“Hmm,” Domino considered, her pout turning into a genuine smile. “Okay, I’ll give it a shot!”
“But!” Phlox held up a finger. “To prove that I’m not going to just let you win, let’s raise the stakes. If I catch you, you have to answer a question. Truthfully.”
“Pfft,” Domino sputtered. “That’s not much of a reward.”
“It is to me,” Phlox grinned. He stretched his arms out to either side. “Now show me what you’ve got!”
Domino’s eyes twinkled with determination and she rushed forward. She originally tried swimming to the side of Phlox’s reach, but he was able to quickly catch up to her. She panicked at the last minute and tried to charge him, but he caught her and she went limp in his arms in frustration. 
“Next time, don’t give up so fast. There’s still a chance to break free.” Phlox shifted the girl in his arms so he carried her bridal style and swam them back over to Domino’s side of the river. “So, how many siblings do you have?”
“70.” She moped. 
“Hey, I won my prize. The truth. How many do you really have?”
Domino rolled her eyes and shoved herself off him. She muttered quietly, “It’s just me.” Her answer was guarded, but Phlox couldn’t help but pick up the loneliness in her tone. He tried to lighten the mood with his own response as he made his way back to start-position. 
“Wow, the center of attention, huh? We’ve got two litters in my family. 3 brothers and 1 sister. I’m right in the middle.”
“5 guys in one house? I bet the place stinks!” Domino teased, finding her sense of humor again. “Ugh, you have no idea!” Phlox joked and rubbed his nose. “When I first started out on the road, I felt like I could breathe for the first time in my life!” The girl attempted to swim by him again. Phlox grappled for her and though he did briefly get his arms around her, she was able to wiggle through his forearms and kick off his back to propel herself to the creek bank. Domino couldn’t help but dance along the shore at her win. 
“See that’s it!” Phlox threw a fist into the air. “Show me what else you can do. Besides those sick dance moves.”
Domino hurried over to her side again and strategized. She knew he would just keep catching her if she tried to swim around him, and though she could wiggle free, she’d get exhausted in no time. She looked down and noticed how similar the blue-green shade of the water was in comparison to her own fur. 
She squeaked as she was suddenly rushed and held tightly in Phlox’s grip. 
“What the HELL?!” she squirmed. This time he locked her forearms across her chest and she couldn’t wiggle loose. 
“Who said I couldn’t leave my post? You were taking too long and I have questions!” 
Domino slumped against Phlox’s furry chest, defeated. Her voice was monotone, “What is your question, O devilish Phlox?”
“If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?”
Domino giggled before her eyes went wide. “Ohhh, those hash browns from yesterday!”
“That’s it? Hash browns?” Phlox cocked an eyebrow. Domino shoved off him so he could return to his position. 
“I’m not a picky eater and those were good! Why, what would yours be?”
“Chili. The spicier, the better!” Phlox answered before whispering under his breath, “Hmm. I could learn to make hash browns,” Meanwhile, Domino returned to her plan that she was formulating before she was last captured. She took a deep breath and submerged herself completely underwater. 
“Uh-oh,” Phlox panicked. The only patches of Domino’s fur that weren’t teal blue were her cheeks, stomach, and the inside of her ears, and while she was underwater, she was just about invisible. His eyes searched frantically, trying to figure out which side she would attempt to get around him. He yelped when he felt something brush the undersides of his paws. Once he realized it was Domino swimming below him, it was already too late and she was on his side of the river. 
“HaHA!!” She cheered and shimmied her shoulders in a victory dance. 
“Very clever,” Phlox grinned. “I’m onto you now.”
Their game went on for several more rounds, with Domino taking the lead by a substantial amount. Still, Phlox was determined and managed to get a few more answers out of her before their game was through:
“What’s your biggest pet-peeve?”
“When people are snooty. Get outta here with that crap!”
“Morning-bird or night-owl?”
“Of course you’d ask a ‘bird’ question, ‘Flocks.’ I always start the day bright and early.”
“What’s your favorite thing about yourself?”
“Oiiiii… Hmmm. My resourcefulness.”
“Excellent choice. I’ve never seen anyone wield a roll of tape better than you.”
“And you never will~” 
“Would you ever want to have kids one day?”
She had to think about that one for a moment. Logistically, her lifestyle wouldn’t allow for that kind of thing. It wasn’t responsible. But Phlox did ask her to answer honestly. A soft smile formed on her lips. 
“Yeah. I would.”
Phlox bit the inside of his cheek in hopes to suppress his smile and the blush creeping up his neck.
Domino attempted one more round, but at this point she was drained and Phlox caught her without much struggle. 
“Okay, okay,” she panted and the young man released her. “You win. I’ve had enough.” The girl huffed and puffed, struggling to tread water with the amount of energy she’d exerted. 
The boy chuckled and took her hands into his. “Here, catch your breath.” He was surprised that instead of merely holding onto his hands, Domino pulled herself close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She rested her chin on his shoulder and closed her eyes as she attempted to regulate her breathing.
Phlox was certain she could feel the pounding of his heartbeat, but surprisingly he wasn’t all that ashamed this time. Domino had a way of making him feel excited and calm all at once. It encouraged him to be bolder, braver, more accepting of his quirks. 
“I can tell you wanna ask me another question,” the girl teased. 
“I do,” Phlox admitted, his voice much softer and reserved, like the first time they met. “But it’s not part of the game.”
“C’mon, you caught me so you earned it,” Domino leaned back enough so she could look Phlox eye-to-eye. Her mouth curved up into a smile at how red his face was. “What?”
Be bold. He told himself. Be like her.
“Can I kiss you?”
Domino’s jaw dropped with a soft gasp. Of all the things he could’ve asked, this was the last thing she expected. Before these last two days, nobody even bothered looking her way. Now not only did she have the undivided attention of this dashing young man, but he wanted to kiss her? Phlox could easily have any girl he wanted, so why would he waste his time with somebody like her?
Well, she thought, probably because he doesn’t actually know me. If he did, he’d leave. 
It would be smart to say no. But when would she ever have this opportunity again? She’d be gone by tomorrow, having never kissed a boy. A beautiful, kind, lovely boy.
As soon as the word left her lips, Phlox took her face into his hands and kissed her. She was alarmed at how quickly his mouth was on hers considering how shy he’d been just a moment ago, but it was a welcome surprise. Her arms remained wrapped around his neck and she closed her eyes as she returned his kiss. 
Phlox sighed happily into her lips, his thumbs stroking her cheeks as he cupped her face. He’d never kissed anyone before, but from the moment he first laid eyes on this young lady it was all he could think about. She was so unique and adventurous and funny! Oh, how she made him laugh like he was a little kid again. He was generally in good-spirits most of the time, but he hadn’t felt happiness like this for a long while. Being in her company was like floating in the clouds. The kiss broke just briefly as his mouth subconsciously curved into a smile, but he did his best to force it down and match his lips to hers once more. 
One of Phlox’s hands gently combed down Domino’s long cyan quills and that burning hunger flared up in her lower belly once again. His lips were too lovely, his touch too wonderful. This was dangerous. 
Regrettably, Domino broke away and rested her forehead against his as they both attempted to catch their breath. “I’m not so good at multitasking… We should probably get outta the water now,” the lady hedgehog suggested. 
“Yeah, okay,” Phlox chuckled breathlessly. The two swam to the edge of the creek and Domino pulled a towel out from her backpack. She dried herself off as much as possible before tossing it to Phlox while she got dressed. He pulled on his pants and boots then laid in the grass next to the girl and quietly admired the clouds with a smile on his face. 
Domino was grateful for the silence, trying to make sense of all the weird thoughts and feelings swimming around her mind. She knew it was a bad idea to let somebody in like this. The closer Phlox got, the sooner he’d realize what a joke she was. She knew she would need to leave before that happened. So why, why did she feel this constant urge to let him in? She chewed on her lip but silently cursed to herself as she could still taste him. 
“Hey, so…” she started, despite her better judgment. Phlox turned his full attention to her. “I’m no chef, but… I make a pretty good stew. And you said you like chili, so, uh… I was wondering if you’d…” she clapped a hand over her face and sighed. “-If you’d let me make you something. You know, to pay you back for… everything.”
“Pay me back?” Phlox asked, his brows furrowed.
“For breakfast, and the grotto,” she threw her hands into the air, “and all the tactical combat lessons you just gave me!”
“Hey, I did those things because I wanted to. You don’t owe me anything,” he did his best to reassure the girl. He propped his head up with his hand and gave a mischievous smirk. “But if it’s a date you’re suggesting…”
“Chaos,” Domino muttered. Still, she couldn’t help but smile. 
“You have to ask me proper. I’m old-fashioned like that.”
“Ugh,” she rolled her eyes before turning to face the boy who was all but wiggling with anticipation. “Phlox. May I make you dinner? As a date.”
“Yes.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek before rolling over to grab his camera. His face was bright red, but his smile was confident as he removed the lens and adjusted the settings. “Now, to capture this little gem you found me!”
Domino packed up her bag before swinging it over her shoulder. “I’ll meet you at the inn you’re staying at, yeah?”
“Okay!” He snapped a few photos. “What’re you up to today?”
Oh, just buying a cheap jacket and a bunch of nonperishables so I don’t starve this winter. Impressive, right?
“More business meetings. I heard the mayor’s a big-time investor. I’m gonna see if he will fund the latest board game I’m developing.”
Phlox slowly lowered the viewfinder from his eyes. Why was she telling stories again? He thought after what just happened… Why couldn’t she just tell him the truth? He closed his eyes and sighed. Who was he to tell her what to do? Besides, it was like he told her: she didn’t owe him anything. All he could do was hope that she’d learn to trust him eventually. 
“Knock ‘em dead, Minnie. I believe in you.”
The girl gave him a playful salute before heading back into town, leaving the boy alone to his thoughts. 
Domino hadn’t even made it to the market before hearing a thunderous crash and the screams of several townspeople. People sprinted away from the townsquare in a panic. The old Domino might have followed their lead and scampered away as well. But over these last couple of days, she found herself evolving. Even more important than self-preservation, she felt a stronger urge growing in her heart: the need to protect. Without hesitation, she raced towards the sound of the commotion.
[CHAPTER 3: Coming Soon]
[A/N: I used the art of Nathan Fowkes as visual inspiration for many of the scenes in this chapter. If you aren't familiar with his work, I highly recommend checking it out!]
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teamdilf · 3 months
I have no idea if you can answer this, but I can't let go of the fact that in Hushed Whispers we see the Veil down, and it is an abomination of a world. Is there a fan theory on how this is different from what Solas has in tow? It is BOTHERING me!!..
Nothing confirmed as far as I know, but my understanding is that Solas intends to bring the veil down all at once. With the breach, spirits were being pulled through by force, and the shock of it was altering their nature, turning them into demons. In theory, this would not happen if the Fade and Waking were merged, so we would see spirits entering the Waking world freely.
Now, with that in mind, contemporary people have been taught to fear spirits (which makes sense because spirits desperate to enter the Waking world will try to possess people). If someone sees a spirit and reacts with fear, that fear will be reflected back at them when the spirit shifts its nature. Without any sort of education, we risk a slightly less chaotic version of In Hushed Whispers - only it won’t be the trauma of being forced through the breach, but the way they’re being perceived by all around them.
My theory is that this panic is what Solas was referring to when he said “while the world burns in raw chaos…” during Trespasser. Some people are liable to adjust more quickly and are likely to be fine, but there’ll be loss of life as a result of these conflicts.
I have little to go on but I wouldn’t be surprised if the damage caused from the incident we saw in the Veilguard gameplay preview causes some sort of irreparable harm that requires, at the very least, a significant shift in how the veil functions. I’ve written post-canon fanfiction using the idea of a compromise - a very thin veil that allows spirits to freely enter Waking, along with a rushed educational campaign to teach people how to safely interact with spirits. I wouldn’t be surprised if we have the option to try to convince Solas that there’s some sort of compromise between the world he lost and our own world that’s closer to a blend of the two.
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vendetta-if · 11 months
Random question, are there powers that in universe just don't exist or is anything a possibility?
Cause I'm curious if someone could have a Null power, where they're basically a blank and cancel out all other powers. I always found it to be a neat one.
It is a neat and awesome power! It’s not flashy like the others, but in a city where almost half of the population has some kind of powers or abilities, no matter how minor, it can become an OP and oppressing power fast.
As for whether it exists in the world of Vendetta, right now, there hasn’t been anyone found with that kind of power. But it is not impossible and because powers keep evolving and changing as times pass, it is possible one day, there’ll be someone who’s just lucky enough to be born with it! Even then, it will be rare though, and even if they have children, there’s no guarantee they will inherit the same power.
Also, fun fact, Viktor’s power’s side effect causes the nullification of the power that he’s copying for a short period of time. I think I wrote more explanation on it in the stat screen menu, Character Guide.
For example, if he touched someone with pyrokinesis, that person would not be able to use said power for like a few minutes or so, but Viktor also wouldn’t be able to use the power he just copied in that same span of time as his body needs time to adjust to the power.
It is actually the main primary way Viktor defeated his opponents. Rather than engaging in a risky mirror fight where the original user might have the advantage of being more familiar with the power they are born with, he uses his own power to act as a short term nullification.
That was usually enough to catch his opponents off guard and keep them distracted or worse, panicking, and that, paired with his deadly combat training, gave him the upper hand and most often than not, he would win the fight.
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