#so theres an awkward jump in there
whack-patty · 1 year
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Good for Darius tbh
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amelia-yap · 2 years
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le collab
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phexart · 11 months
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I failed the check against the injured mindflayer at the beginning and turns out that your companions will just stand there like 🧍‍♂️ and watch it happen
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g3othermal3scapism · 9 months
if ur making a collection of good dance scenes in cinema and u dont include rain man, jojo rabbit, or moonrise kingdom, you will start to cough in 2 days.
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attractthecrows · 1 month
what the hell are the rogue specializations in inquisition lmfao
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
Not having a car in your 20s really is a humbling experience. That post where the guys like 'I have to ask my mum to go to walmart' I feel that.
I'm not American so I do have the benefit of town living and a walkable community. I feel very lucky to have been able to live right in the heart of my hometown again (lived on the main street above a shop for a while as a kid but mostly lived in residential areas. As an adult I'm lucky enough to live on a road coming off the main street (can no longer live in places with stairs so above a shop is no longer an option) HOWEVER.
my town is gentrified as fuck and all the shops are stupid. And even if I put up with the cost and buy the things I can in local shops, I can only carry a very limited weight of shopping, but am very stupid and overestimate my ability/ realise but still get carried away and buy too much as I have no impulse control every time. So I'm left having to beg lifts/tag along with pretty much anyone that'll have me lol.
Pour one out for me, trying to run a household and not even having parents I can ask for lifts. I'm begging lifts off aunties, grandparents, friends, fucking COUSINS. Most humbling experience ever and without a car you can't even repay them with easy errands. Watch me repay the favour with CHILDCARE, with TECH SUPPORT, with financial advice. Those are all the worst favors. I don't mind doing them but BY GOD would I prefer to be able to occasionally just pick them up something from the shop. Drop them at the train station. Pick up a parcel.
#i do have parents. they just aren't the kind of parents you can ask to do things lol#plus my dad left the country when i was a teenager so he's not here to ask even if i thought he might do it#and my mum. well she's my mum. once made the mistake of asking her to pick me up from the hospital when I'd been taken there by ambulance#and had been admitted for a few days so they wouldn't discharge me without someone collecting me#(i was also like 17 lol so tho i lived alone we were on rocky territory as to if they'd LET anyone that wasnt a parent collect me)#and she was like. 'i do have a life you know! this is very inconvenient.'#eventually she did collect me so i was discharged eventually (only like 8 hours after they wanted to discharge me lol) but#she complained the whole time lol and parked like 20 minutes away despite me being in hospital cause my leg was fucked#(who does that? bring the car round for fucks sake) so since then she's been at the bottom of my list of ppl to ask favors from and if i do#bother theres a 90% chance she'll say no she doesnt want to#if she does agree she will complain about it the whole time. be as awkward as possible and remind ppl how helpful she was for the next year#therefore the choice is: buy things locally at a markup. catch the bus and inevitability injure myself by buying too much. online shopping#online works pretty well for a lot of heavy stuff but there's a big markup. plus most of the time i have to use amazon my beloathed#so i usually end up writing lists of stuff for certain (cheaper) shops and then either jumping on the opportunity when someones going there#or else letting the list pile up and asking for a favour when i can't wait any longer.#(my worst trait is whenever someone has a problem being like.i know exactly what you need.you know where you can buy it? I'll come!)#its largely a self inflicted inconvenience cause I'm too cheap to just buy things at a markup I'd rather buy in bulk at out of town shops
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letorip · 20 days
Can you do headcanons for Jenna’s characters with a tall reader?
tall reader
it's been a little bit since i've been back on here and actively posted, but you know what i felt bad that i hadn't, so i did this to kind of assure everyone who didn't see my last thing that i'm still alive and well. sorry for not responding sooner to this request. also, if you see this, do not panic, i promise, i'm still finishing kiss with a fist [iii] and we’re only a few days from casual [iii]. the last thing i want is someone seeing me update and then immediately jumping into my inbox to ask about those, because i'm hard at work at them anyways
also, if you're not tall, just imagine it for a moment, lmao
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wednesday addams
she’s not especially expressive, so she’ll never admit to it, but she absolutely loves that you’re so much taller than her. it’s cheesy and she knows you'll tease her about it, if she does mention it
she fumbles the bag at first, when during one of your first conversations, she says "you remind me of lurch." it's not exactly flattering to be told you remind her of her 40 year old butler who looks like a skeleton, and it makes you think she doesn't like you, at first, but to be fair, she meant it as a compliment
you try to brush past it, and wednesday too, and she's confused as to why you didn't seem flattered. enid's mouth drops open when wednesday recounts your interaction, and she tries to coach her through fixing her mistake
unfortunately your next conversation is only more awkward, when she walks it back and says "you DON'T remind me of lurch." she thinks it's a good way to recover from her previous error, but you just look even more confused, and she's suddenly walking off before she fucks up anything any more
she does manage to have an actual conversation with you later, after you take the turn to initiate, and that's how you two actually begin to grow closer and closer
even in her big ass platform boots, you’re still taller than her. it closes a little bit of the distance, but you're still much taller
she grabs your tie or bunches your shirt and pulls you down to her level, in order to kiss you. it hurts your neck sometimes, but you’d never ever tell her not to do it
even when she tugs you down for a kiss, she still has to stand on her tippy toes, especially if she’s only in socks
it does make you the ideal height for cuddling, though
wednesday claimed at first that she would cut your fingers off if you tried to hold her, but she slowly learns to crave it. all you have to do is give her a look and lift up your blanket, and she’ll crawl right in, especially if it’s after an investigation and she’s exhausted
theres just something oddly relaxing about curling up and feeling you wrap yourself around her. you’re definitely big spoon in this scenario. not that she wouldn’t hold you the same— she does, especially when she’s worried about the investigation but doesn’t want to say anything— but she likes how you’re able to completely wrap around her and how she can almost burrow herself into you
wednesday absolutely adores to sit on your lap. she’ll sit on your lap whenever and wherever she can. sideways with her arms around your neck, back to front with your arms around her waist, facing you in a straddle, during the more heated moments. she said she’d never be like her parents, but she also finds your lap to be the most comfortable seat around
she plops herself down onto your lap whenever she feels the person you're talking to is laughing a little too much at your jokes. she'll wander right over, wordlessly, sit down on your lap, wrap an arm around your neck, and stare at the person you're talking to with a usual disinterest, and they very quickly get the memo and leave
not that you realise this pattern, of course
you also use your height to help in the investigation. getting books for her off of high-up, dusty shelves, giving her a boost through windows that she shouldn't be breaking into, you name it. your willingness to assist her in her crazy plan is just part of what she loves about you
"can you reach that for me, cara mia?"
she does miraculously know your measurements, of course, when it comes to buying clothes. being tall makes clothes somewhat hard, but she always manages to buy the perfect sized thing, and you're starting to wonder if she somehow measured you, when you weren't paying attention
tara carpenter
you guys begin as sworn enemies after meeting at blackmore, and it results in a lot of mean insults about each others' height. she calls you the jolly green giant and you call her dwarf. she calls you giraffe, you call her stuart little. neither of you will admit that you find the other obnoxiously attractive
she says you're freakishly tall, but you're only a little taller than chad. she never annoys him about his height, only you, but for what it's worth, you annoy her right back
it culminates one night during a drunken hookup after you've shouted insults into each others faces. tara won't admit her anger is from seeing a random girl grind on you, and you won't admit you're annoyed that ethan and chad are obviously in love with her, and doing their best at flirting
you don't know who closes the distance first, but the next thing you know, you're messily pressing your mouths together and tara is climbing you like a damn tree, i mean, this is literally her
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immediately after, you and tara try to pretend it didn't happen, and it lasts all of one week before she's jumping your bones again, only this time neither of you are drunk
you get together shortly after, but best believe the teasing doesn't stop. she'll still call you her little construction crane, and you'll smile with a faux sweetness and call her your little hobbit, until she smacks you on the arm
you're definitely a fiery couple, on both sides, but you do have your sweet moments
you give her piggyback rides because you're tall enough to do so, and she just happily wraps her arms around your neck and lets you carry her places. pretty much any time she gets tired enough (or even when she isn't really tired at all), she'll give you a cute pout and put her arms out, and you'll pick her up
tara loves to cuddle with you, but even then, sometimes you both squabble over the blanket, and she'll start complaining about how you hog the whole thing because of your height. it turns into a playful wrestling match, and while you have the obvious advantage and could flip her right around at any given moment, you let her climb on top of you and pin your arms above your head in a proud victory (which takes a lot of effort, considering how short she is)
of course, like all of your play-fights, it turns into something more
she doesn't like to talk about woodsboro, but she does find a comfort in how tall you are. it makes her feel a bit safer with you around, not that a couple inches would stop ghostface or anything
but she feels a genuine relaxation, when you can both be in bed together, and you're completely holding her in your arms, and it's not a thing she thought she'd feel again
you give her your jacket when she's cold, and she has to bunch the fabric around her elbows, or it'll absolutely swim on her. she always teases you about it, but the moment you jokingly threaten to take it back, she'll roll her eyes with a smile and tug it on with a kiss to your cheek
sometimes when you're cooking in the kitchen, she'll wrap her arms around your waist and let her head rest against the small of your back
you also help her when she's studying in the school library, by similarly grabbing books off the shelf for her
when she wants to rest her head on your shoulder, you still have to crane your neck down to let her. it's not super comfortable, but you still do it, because she looks adorable when she sleeps
she's figured out something seriously cruel. you complained about her feet being cold once, when you were snuggling, and ever since you mentioned it, tara realised she's the perfect height to press a cold foot right onto your back. she does it when she wants to start a play-fight, and it works like a charm every time
you're annoyed by it, but it definitely does make her laugh
lorraine day
your height is immediately what lorraine clocks onto, when she first sees you, because she's coming back from a shoot, getting dropped off by RJ, and she sees you in the distance, hopping a fence like it's no effort at all, when the same fence is a pain for lorraine to climb
you're the new ranch hand that her father hired while she was gone, and when she officially meets you, the both of you don't exactly get off on the right foot
you don't actually say much, which is something her father warned her of before you were introduced, but she at least expected some kind of "hello." instead, you just stare down at her from the shadow of your hat with a neutral nod, and then go off to get back to work. no giving her your name, no asking her any questions, no interest whatsoever
she doesn't know if she's more offended by your lack of manners or more upset you don't seem anywhere near as curious about her as she is about you
your height makes you ideal for most ranching activities though. you easily climb up and down from your horse and you're a speedy, fast rider.
when lorraine is on her shorter breed of horse, you're still as tall as her shoulders, and you help her get ready to go out on her horse with you and her father, even if it is wordlessly
she's only heard you speak a few times, and it's mostly been laughing with her father, which abruptly stops when lorraine gets close enough
after a rare bit of rain, lorraine's boots are slippery, and she slides out of the stirrup when dismounting way quicker than she was ready for. luckily, you're there to catch her, and she collides against you, pretty much right into your arms
unfortunately, you both fall back into a pile of horse shit, and the next thing she knows, she's hearing a nice, airy laughter coming from you. she's damn sure it's the first time she's seen you smile or laugh, and it's got her laughing too
she apologises, but you say "it's nothin," and you both kind of naturally grow closer from there
you help her up onto her horse, when she's without a saddle. you're tall enough to do so, and you hoist her up gently and set her on the animal's back with a small smile, and it kind of makes her heart beat real fast
it turns out the rough and tough cowboy exterior is a false image of you lorraine created in her mind. you're actually just a quiet, hot, tall, dork
you're feeding her horse a carrot or something, about to go out and do your job with lorraine eager to tag along, and she doesn't know what comes over her, but she leans down a little and plants a kiss right on your lips
she's the champion of sitting on stuff to reach your face: a fence, her horse, a hay bale. she likes being above you for once, and you're not complaining whatsoever
she tugs on the belt loop of your jeans when she wants you to lean down and kiss her. she also absolutely steals your baseball cap, and then to be funny, your cowboy boots, and she laughs about how big on her the cowboy boots are and clomps around in them
her family house has low ceilings, so it's kind of a pain to walk through, especially in your boots. for the most part, you live above the barn because of the higher ceilings, and sometimes (most nights) lorraine sneaks out to see you
she absolutely loves to sit on your shoulders. it's not especially comfortable for you, but you let her do it at the town events like fireworks and festivals and stuff. she sits on your shoulders for a "better view," and she'll rest her chin on top of your head
sorry to RJ, he's getting dumped the moment he comes back into town
cairo sweet
she doesn't even really realise you're tall at first, because she just sees you in your chair, on the second day of the new semester
you're new in town, a transfer kid and a cross country prodigy, with record times and future athletic scholarships up the wazoo, owed partially to being much taller than average. but the two most annoying things about you is that you can write, and you've read mr. miller's book
mr. miller seems rather pleased with having you in his class, and immediately it makes cairo hate you. her whole plan pretty much crumbles with you now in the way, and she absolutely loathes you for it
her new plan becomes to seduce you and distract you from school, and it works because you do harbour a giant, absolutely massive crush on her
your mother, who's also your coach, wants you to stay focused on athletics and not let cairo get in the way, but talking to her makes you melt, and when she finds you one day, in the locker room after everyone's left, you immediately cave when she sloppily kisses you and shoves her tongue into your mouth
your height is ideal for picking her up and pushing her back against the lockers, while her legs wrap around your waist
tree climber core again
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she says it's just a scheme, but after you earnestly ask her out on a date and you both have a fantastic time, cairo's master plan goes out the window, and she just enjoys you for you
she goes to all of your meets, and she'll stand at the railing of the bleachers, and watch you with a smile (she's too fancy to cheer like a soccer mom out loud, but know she's really rooting for you on the inside)
you're like that one track couple at the olympics, if y'all have seen the clip. you finish your run in first place, qualifying for the state competition, and before anyone can congratulate you, you're running in cairo's direction, at the bleachers.
you're tall enough to the point that you just stand there on the ground, and cairo leans over the railing and kisses you, pulling away to cup your cheeks
your height is definitely a plus, in that when cairo is especially miffed at something mr. miller said or another student, after class, she'll grab your arm and wrap it around her shoulder
you barely fit on your twin-sized mattress, but cairo owns a king in her massive ass house, so it's a plus, whenever you go over to her place to "study"
just like with wednesday, when you're over at her house, you're the person who grabs her books off her shelf for her. she'll whisper a thanks and press a kiss to your cheek. sometimes she'll stand behind you and watch you grab a book off the shelf, just to see the stretch in your muscles and watch you move. she's just thinking "i'm no better than a man" while it happens
she love love loves to lay on top of you, on the sofa, when she's got a book to read. she'll just lay back against your chest, in your embrace, with a book in hand
she'll borrow your jacket, even though she complains it doesn't match her style, but it still swims on her
absolutely loves to be princess-carried to her bed when she falls asleep on the couch reading. she'll fall asleep because it's just too comfortable there, and you'll carry her up the stairs and tuck her in
she also grabs your collar and tugs you down to her for a kiss. either that, or she'll tug on your sleeve, which you now know is cairo saying she wants a kiss or a hug
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typing-catastrophe · 25 days
Charles Xavier - only one bed (headcanons)
request: "gmorning! with deadpool 3 bringing around the xmen renaissance ive found myself once again totally obsessed w james mcavoy and was wondering if i could req an only one bed charles xavier x reader piece please ! i feel like theres just so much to be done w that trope, the mutual pining, the fluster, the rushed confessions, and ive somehow never seen anymore pair it w charles yet ?? i trust your vision completely, thank you so much and have a lovely day!"
a/n: thank you so much for your request anon ^^ I am also working on a longer piece (actual oneshot, no bulletpoints), so stay tuned for that and in the mean time have this :P hope you like it
💕 fluff
oohhh the temptation
charles trying so hard not to give in and read your mind
he is just so goddamn curious as to know what you're thinking about your current situation
because he can feel you laying next to him all tensed up and it makes him nervous
you're both idiots in love with the other, have been for a while, and both to scared to make the first move
you're convinced he isn't interested in you at all, and are too scared to ruin the friendship to say anything
and he is convinced he would drive away the only friend he made asides from raven and would end up feeling much lonelier than before
he technically is confident enough but at the same time doesn't want to risk anything going wrong or making it awkward between the two of you
when it gets too much for him, he strikes up a conversation which would end up in you two laughing and finally being comfortable in each others space again
when you tell him that you're having a hard time falling asleep at new places, he would offer to tell you about his research, because it helps raven fall asleep
when you both eventually fall asleep, he unconsciously shifts over and holds you close
you stir awake from the movement next to you, already dozing off again when you feel an arm sneak over your stomach and an explosion of butterflies when charles pulls you close
(that man needs someone to cuddle at night and you can't convince me otherwise. he's a cuddler.)
now wide awake and heartbeat going faster by the second, you franticly try to think of what to do next
when you try to scoot away, you're not only met with resistance but with him pulling you back and nuzzling his nose into your neck and hair
you lay there in defeat for a few minutes, enough time for your heartbeat to settle again. then you decide to turn around in his arms
you use the opportunity to look at him his beautiful facial features, all relaxed and peaceful. you'd never allow yourself to stare at him like this, in fear of getting caught
when he started to wake up and blinking a few times, you know you should look away, but you're so captured by him that you can't bring yourself to do so
so you're laying face to face with him, only inches apart, holding your breath
"hey... can't sleep?" he asks with a soft tone and smile
you shake your head the tiniest bit and a stray lock of hair falls into your face
he reaches out to tuck it behind your ear and lets his hand linger
even without using his powers he is almost sure to know what you think in that moment
so he leans in closer and asks "may I?"
you whisper a breathless "please" and before you know it, he presses the softest kiss to your lips
you almost whine when he leans back again
"you look so beautiful, darling" and "forgive me, we should've done this a lot sooner"
you couldn't agree more
sleepy, soft kisses turn into more intense ones turn into makeout session
so much suppressed feelings resurfacing, you can't get enough of each other
when your shirt hitches up and his hand grazes your bare skin, you let out a small noise of surprise and jump a little at the sudden contact
charles moves his hand away, not wanting to make you uncomfortable or do something you're not ready for, when you reach down and put his hand back, reassuring that it is okay for you
he doesn't mind at all if you don't want to go any further, he can't believe his luck of you reciprocating his feelings at all in the first place
if you do want to go further, that man will give you the best and softest, most loving time of your life
given that that would be your first time together, you would keep it simple and stick to getting to know each other and each others likes
first and foremost he would concentrate on making you feel good
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pbnbucks · 3 months
Caitlin x Reader!
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My Bad.
word count: 736
warnings: cursing, jealous, leading to smut, yelling, somewhat toxic
summary: you havent gave caitlin enough attention and shes being a baby about it.
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you have been laying in bed cuddling with your girlfriend all day “baby can you pass me my phone i want to go live” you ask nicely as she turns over from your cuddling position and grabs your phone off the charger.
“you always want to be on live” she complains “thats not true” you say already fed up with your girlfriend since shes had a attitude all afternoon because you would drive her to the basketball court and watch her play basketball with a bunch of 5th graders.
she throws herself on to the bed with a sigh. you click the live button and slowly more and more people start to join but one makes your heart skip a beat.
kk arnold joined
“OH. MY. GOSH” you start jumping up and down on your bed startling caitlin “what?” your ignore her “guys what the fuck” “WHAT, what are you screaming about” “kk arnold just joined my live, hold on i wanna invite her to join” she rolls her eyes laying down on your stomach in between your legs. you rest your phone on her back waiting for a response to see if kk joined as you rub her back admiring you girl and she sighs in content but her peace quickly ends
she joins. “oh my gosh hey kk!” you scream “hey girll, how are you?” “im great how are you?” you say with a bunch of enthusiasm causing a scoff from your jealous girlfriend. “im doing great, what are you doing?” you put your phone down showing you girlfriend who is currently laying on your stomach pouting. she instantly moves her head out the frame and you side eye her deciding to leave it alone and bring it up once the live is ended. “my bad girl idk why she acting like that she has been a baby all day cause i didn’t want to watch her play basketball with kids” you say earning a laugh from kk. “ but i watched your game against usc and i was like damnnnn kk” what you where saying was true, kk definitely showed out, she was extremely talented and nobody can take that from her “ooo thank you girly they put up a good game and so did we im just happy that we won” nodding your head at her statement. kk was humble, caitlin was the complete opposite if it was caitlin you where speaking to she would be talked about how she dominated their opponent and how shes number 1. but that was what you loved most about your girlfriend. there is something about competetive females that makes you go feral. “but anyways what are you and the team up to” you say trying to make any conversation without sounding awkward “nothing much we just got out of practice and im about to go to walmart with the team and get some legos i actually just built a star wars ship out of legos” she moves the camera to show her lego sets which makes you laugh at the way she was so proud of her legos.
time skip because im lazy and i have writers block.
“alright well im going to let you go, bye kk” you say your goodbyes and thank you’s. You turn your head to caitlin who is already staring at you. “caitlin are you serious? what was that” you cant believe your girlfriend acted like a child infront of 20,000 people. “ i dont know what your talking about” “oh really you dont know what im talking about? you dont remember acting like a complete baby on live” “oh im a baby now because i dont want to see my girlfriend flirting with another girl infront of me?” you cant even believe the way she is acting right now “are you fucking serious cait? you think i was flirting with her” she looks at you dumb founded “your that in tune with being a slut for another female you don’t even realize that your girlfriends in front of you” this bitch. “excuse me?” she rolls her eyes “if you want her that bad just go fuck her then” theres no way shes being serious right now “maybe i will, atleast she wont act like a fucking baby and not be so damn clingy all the time” she turns around and looks you dead in the eyes.
“cait, im sorry i promise.”
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nishirikiluv · 1 month
Twisted Love
Facing Reality
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pairings: yandere!jay x reader
chapter warnings: fear, drugging, kidnapping, threatening, restraints, noncon, choking, slapping, oral (f recieving), fingering, protected sex, multiple orgasms, Jay gets kinda mean at one point, please lmk if I've missed anything (also not proofread so.. if theres mistakes, look past it...)
a/n: took me long enough to post chapter 2... i don't know when i'll post chapter 3 but i'll try not to take as long as i did with this one
taglist: @bbyinthehouse
masterlist | previous | chapter 2 | next
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It had been about 2 weeks since you had that first awful dream about Jay. It would've been fine if it was a one time thing. But it wasn't. Every night you'd have the same dream. The details were a little different each time, but for the most part it was the same. It didn't make sense that they were dreams when they felt so real. Luckily, Jay seemed much different at work recently.
He joined your group's project at like he'd told you before, but he was acting so normal? He was the same man that chased you into the elevator, right? Regardless, it's relieving that he hadn't been acting that way anymore. Every interaction was strictly professional and work related, which relieved all the prior tension you had about the whole idea of having him in your group.
It was the end of the final meeting your group had for this project. One of the girls suggested you all go out for dinner together to celebrate. Everyone seemed excited so you felt awkward to decline going with them. Jay had a blank look on his face but still agreed to going. Something felt off, he usually wasn't very expressive but right now it felt different. You brushed it off deciding not to dwell on it too much.
Somehow you ended up in Jay's car on the way to the restaurant. The silence was deafening. You tried to get into someone else's car, or even just uber or walk but he insisted he drive you. He cleared his throat suddenly, making you jump in your seat. "We're here."
The two of you walked into the restaurant together, the rest of your co-workers waved you over. The dinner was nice, it felt relieving to just laugh and eat and drink with people.
Towards the end of the night you excused yourself to take a phone call, Jay's eyes couldn't seem to leave your figure as you walked away.
You finished the call shortly, only to be met by Jay right when you turned around. You were startled when he walked closer to you, backing you against a wall. Feels familiar. "Who was that?" The tone in his voice sent chills down your spine. "I-It was my broth-" He cut you off, not bothering to listen to your reply. He grabbed your face, his hand maneuvering your head, as if inspecting you. "You look like you haven't been sleeping well... is something... bothering you?" Obviously you weren't going to tell him about the dreams. You were so busy trying to think of an excuse that you missed the dark look in his eye. "No I just... stayed up late, working..."
He released his grip on your face, patting your shoulder. "You should be catching up on sleep then since today was our final day working on the project." I nodded in agreement. "Yeah... hopefully I can." He hummed in reply, his hand moving down to gently rub your arm. "Will you need a ride home today?" You had a bad feeling about the way he asked, instantly declining. "No!" You yelled without thinking, making him raise a brow. "No.. sorry, I just- I live close so... it's not necessary." He chuckled at the panic in your voice, "If you say so..."
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You arrived home, tossing your purse aside, along with your shoes and coat. You decided a shower was necessary so you gathered your things and headed to the bathroom. For some reason you felt the need to lock the door behind you, even though you live alone.
You stepped into the shower and instantly the warm water relaxed you, easing all the strain in your body.
A sudden thud outside the bathroom door broke you from your calmness. You shut off the water, quickly hopping out of the shower and dressing yourself. You heard the thud again, your hand hovering shakily over the doorknob. Did you really want to go see who or what that was? No. But you had to since it is your apartment. You unlocked the door only to find no one there. You checked every inch of your apartment finding nothing.
You plopped down on your bed with a sigh, holding your head in your hands. Is this was going insane felt like?
A clinking sound came from the kitchen right as you were about to lay down. "Didn't I just check in there..." you mumbled to yourself, getting up and slowly walking back over. Your eyes landed on a glass of water sitting on the counter. That wasn't there before. You walked up to it, lifting and inspecting the glass.
An arm wrapped around your waist, a knife coming up to your throat. You felt your blood run cold when a voice spoke. "Drink it." You trembled in his hold, "I-I don't want to..." He pressed the knife against your neck, the sharp end digging in slightly. Your soft whimper of pain made him sigh. The cut was only deep enough to draw a bit of blood. His intentions were to scare you, not kill you. "I wasn't asking. Drink it." The sharp pain left you in panic and you quickly picked up the glass with shaky hands, gulping it down as fast as you could. After a few seconds he felt your body go limp in his hold.
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Your eyes fluttered open and you found yourself in an unfamiliar place. It wasn't the usual dark room with white walls, you were sat in a bed with dim lights illuminating the room. Your arms were tied above your head to the bedframe by red ribbons. This dream is weirder than usual.
You watch the doorknob turn, revealing Jay. "My love, you're awake." He sit's on the edge of the bed next to you, caressing your cheek. He brushes his thumb over your bottom lip as he admires the sight of you. "You look so beautiful like this... tied up... in my bed. Do you like the pretty ribbons I used? I thought they'd look great on you." He traced his fingers over the ribbons tied to your wrists.
"When is this going to stop..." You were saying it more to yourself rather than to him. His face twisted into a sinister smile. "When is what going to stop?" You shifted uncomfortably, refusing to make eye contact with him. "These weird dreams..." His loud laugh echoed in the small room, causing you to jump slightly. "My love, this isn't a dream. How cute of you. It never has been."
"What...? Yes it was... I woke up in my room every time... and went to work..." He ran his hand down your body, letting it rest on your thigh. "That was a gift from me. I was being considerate. I knew how important that project was to you so I let you finish it, love. Now that it's over though, I get to have you."
"Y-You can't be serious-"
"I'm very serious. I would never joke around when it comes to you." He ran his hand up your thigh and it was just then that you noticed. He changed your outfit. Instead of your pajamas he dressed you in a short, all white, babydoll dress. Your eyes began to water and he could tell that if you blinked, tears would fall.
He cooed softly at your frightened state, petting your hair softly. "Don't cry, you can't be sad because you were made for me. I'm supposed to have you." He sounded so deranged, stating it so matter of factly as if that was supposed to ease your anxiousness.
Jay climbed over you, wrapping his hand around your neck and smashing his lips against yours. He squeezed your neck, causing you to gasp so that he could slide his tongue past your lips to taste every inch of your mouth. You made no effort to kiss him back, letting a few small tears slip down your cheeks. He wasn't happy with your non compliance. He pulled away to harshly slap you across the cheek, grabbing back onto your neck after. "Kiss me back before we have a fucking problem, love."
The look on his face was horrifying, it completely distraced you from the sharp sting in your cheek. He forced his lips on yours again and you, of course, kissed him back, fearful of what he might do if you didn't.
He pushed the dress up your thighs so he could squeeze the soft flesh. He parted his lips from yours, a string of saliva connecting your mouths. He burried his face in your neck, deeply inhaling your scent. Jay slid his hands up your body, stopping along the way to squeeze your breasts over the fabric of the dress. You gasped softly when he pulled at the ribbon at the top of the dress, making it come undone so that your cleavage was exposed to him. "Fuck, baby, I've waited so long to have you like this."
All the alarms in your head rung in panic. Your body was still weak from whatever he put in your water earlier but you used the strength you had left to try and kick him away, desperately tugging at the ribbons that kept you tied to the headboard. Jay pinned your legs down with his hands, his fingers digging into your thighs. "Relax. If you don't stop struggling I'll have to hurt you. You don't want that do you?"
You quickly shook your head, a soft sob falling past your lips. He smirked at the sight, letting go of your legs to hike the dress up more. "Good girl." He pulled the top of the dress down under your tits, groaning at the sight of your body. His lips latched onto your nipple, his hand pinching and teasing the other before switching sides to give each one the same treatment. You whined, small tears dripping down your cheeks while you squirmed beneath his touches.
Jay pulled away from your nipple with a 'pop' latching his mouth back onto yours. "Your mouth tastes so good, I can't wait to see how good you taste here..." His finger slid underneath the thin fabric of your lace panties, pushing it to the side. He crawled down between your legs, ignoring your cries and pleas for him to stop.
You were embarassingly wet for someone who didn't want this. He couldn't help but smirk at the sight. "Look's like you want this as much as i do." You rapidly shook your head but nothing was going to stop him now.
He immediately pressed his tongue flat against your cunt, licking in between your folds. He moaned at the taste of you, the vibration sending a jolt through your body. Your whines only encouraged him to keep going. Jay latched his mouth onto your clit, sucking hard while he slipped his index finger into you making you gasp out. He lifted his head, groaning when he felt you clench around his finger. "You're so tight Y/n... can't wait to feel you around my dick"
"No no no no- Jay p-please don't!" He clicked his tongue. "You're saying no..." he slid in a second finger, "but you're gushing around my fingers right now..." you cried out, your head falling back. Jay chuckled leaning his head back in between your legs. "Wanna see you come, baby. Go on, don't be shy."
You gasped and writhed, trying so hard to hold back your orgasm. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of making you come, you also felt appauled by the fact that your body was so turned on right now. He curled his fingers inside you, hitting the spot that had you squealing and your toes curling. "F-Fuck.." He doubled his efforts, fucking his fingers faster and harder into you. He was so desperate to see you fall apart to his hands. He began sucking on your clit again, making your legs tremble and forming the knot in your stomach. No matter how hard you tried you couldn't have held back this orgasm. You came with a cry, your body shaking while a layer of sweat coated your skin.
The sight of your high was intoxicating to him. He wished he could have it on video to watch at every hour of the day. The way your eyes squeezed shut, your mouth hung open, your chest heaving with every little gasp and moan. He swore he could've come at just the sight alone.
He continued sucking and licking at your folds, making you whimper from overstimulation. When he pulled away you could see the remanings of your arousal on his lips and chin and you felt ashamed of yourself. He, however, was very pleased.
He wasted no time, unbuckling his belt and yanking his pants and boxers down, tossing everything on the floor. He made sure to slip on a condom and before you could fully catch your breath, or even register what he was doing, he plunged his length into you, splitting you in half. A pained moan left your lips as he thrusted relentlessly into you. He pulled your legs over his shoulders to get a better angle.
He could tell you were in pain so he rubbed your swollen clit, quickly turning all that pain into pleasure. You began to wet around him embarassingly fast. "You're disgusting, getting off on being used by the man that kidnapped you." His words ripped a sob from you. The sight of your tears made him groan and twitch inside of you. He picked up the pace, slamming into you so hard that your body moved up on the bed with each thrust.
The room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping, bed creaking, and the wet noises coming from your arousal. He leaned down, capturing your lips in a messy kiss, swallowing all your cries and moans. His lips trailed down to your neck, sucking and biting at your sensitive skin. His fingers tangled into your hair, pulling your head back to give him better access. Jay lifted his head to watch the way your tits bounced as he slammes into you. He moaned at the view, cursing under his breath. He was close. But he didn't want to come yet.
He started to pinch and roll your clit in his fingers, wanting you to come again before he did. The sounds you made brought him so close to the edge and it took everything in him to hold back. He felt you clench around him and he used all his force to slam into just the right spot. "Come. Come on my dick." Your soft pants and gasps quickened as your orgasm approached quickly. Your orgasm ripped through you with an intensity that had your body going limp. Weak cries left your lips as your body convulsed from the white hot pleasure.
He thrusted harshly into your limp body, coming shortly after with your name on his lips. He continued moving inside you until he physically couldn't take it anymore, slipping his softened dick out and laying on his side next to you.
He admired your weak form, the way you'd already knocked out. He caressed your cheek softly, a contrast to his dark and possesive gaze. He pressed a kiss to your lips.
"Sleep well, my love. Tomorrow, all you're going to see is red."
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porcubus · 5 months
removed from any shipping its genuinely notable to me that rodya seemingly latches on to gregor from the start. of course shes doing her little facade (and if you go back to the earlier episodes now, its a lot more egregious and easier to notice) but its curious that out of any of the sinners, its him she actively chooses to interact with and drop a nickname on first
shes very very teasing especially initially and seems to target him for his arm, a lot of her comments being based on him being bugmoded. it honestly could look cruel especially with the full context we have now, though notably these do all take place pre-gregor revelations, but if you jump to this being a signifier of rodya bullying/wanting to get actual pain or upset out of gregor you'd have to skip over this scene
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which is both silly but also i feel pretty significant for understanding something about the two of them and their relationship:
gregor is not actually a helpless pushover who lets himself be walked over and he will speak up if a line is crossed for him
rodya can read and understand when he's distressed, gets hesitant and will back off. her intention is not actual upset from gregor
what's important to me in my read of rodya is that she does have a facade, deliberately to be charming and likable, but i dont think her buttonpushing/ragging on of gregor (and later the other sinners) is actually entirely part of that, i think its the opposite. showing real honest affection is something difficult to her, so she skips a few steps and jumps straight into poking fun like you would with someone youve known a long time.
I think her "true" personality isn't cold and calculative, from further story context i interpret it as more jaded and sarcastic. these moments to me read as a sort of fumble or early mask slip, she's not baring it all with these bits but she has singled out gregor in her mind and is particularly hovering (based on how the majority of both of their interactions throughout are from the very start with eachother) around him, trying to get closer in an awkward way.
I think people miss that theres a lot you can take and learn about rodya from their interactions, whether its because of a focus on shipping or trying to outright deny there is anything going on there at all
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hannieehaee · 11 months
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content: idol!jeonghan x idol!reader, very messily organized fluff, one sided crush (kinda), a lil bit of shit talking about hybe, etc.
wc: 397
pt.2 (m)
idol!jeonghan and hybeidol!you who have seen each other in passing but have only ever interacted in group settings due to working at the same company and sharing a few mutual friends.
having never spoken one-on-one, it's a bit awkward when you find yourself facing jeonghan's back as he unknowingly blocks the artist-designed entrance at the hybe building. his attention preoccupied by cursing at the door while exasperatedly whining at someone on the phone.
you hear him complain on the phone to your mutual friend seungkwan about the face recognition repeatedly failing on him, causing him to have to call his manager to come down early in the morning multiple times a week.
you've always liked jeonghan, watching him from afar whenever the 97s in seventeen invite you over to hang out during dance practice, but you've always felt intimidated by the elder's pretty looks.
feeling pity for the pretty boy in front of you, and wanting to finally make contact, you make your presence known and offer to let him in yourself.
startled by your sudden presence, he jumps back, but agrees and thanks you on your way to the elevator, a way too pretty smile on his face.
"i think i should just take the hint that hybe hates me," he jokes once in the elevator with you.
you spend a good five minutes traveling all the way to the 15th floor with jeonghan making lighthearted conversation and maybe even flirting? a bit (or so you hope).
jotting it down to be your wishful thinking, you keep the conversation friendly, now walking him towards his designated practice room, knowing theres yet another face recognition door blocking the way.
before going your separate ways, he asks you for your phone, taking it from your hands as you pull it out.
"you can help me in from now on. gotta relieve my manager from his door-opening duties at some point, right?", he jokes as he hands you your phone back. his number now in it and a text sent to him for yours. "same time and place tomorrow?"
wanting to see him again, you agree and part ways, excited to see him again the next morning, despite knowing you have no schedule the next day.
little do you know that he'd also continue showing up early mornings just to see you even on his days off.
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3vergr3en · 4 months
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Euijoo Boyfriend Headcanons 🍊
Pairing: college!bf!Euijoo x fem!reader
A/N: can't forget abt my bby juju 🤧 if you guys cant tell, heres my new monthly obsession 🤧🥳 HES SO EFFIN CUTE I WANNA JUMP ONTO ONCOMING TRAFFIC.
Additional Info: It does get mature towards the end, but majority of it is cutesy fluff <33
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He's so gentle with you :((
He likes to gently run his fingers through your hair, but he loves watching you relax in his hands.
It gives him a sense of joy that he's able to make you feel safe and comfortable around him (😞💕)
He loves to be the big spoon, wanting to hold you in his arms after a stressful day it always eases his mind.
But every once in a blue moon, this boy wouldn't mind being cradled by you.
extra bonus points if you whisper how much you love him into his ear whilst caressing him.
An absolute sweetheart wherever he is.
He'd always be the first one to offer paying for anything. whether its lunch, coffee, dinner, or late night snacks, just as long as you go with him, that's all he cares about :)
"juju,, you paid for lunch last time!"
"I knoww.. but I don't care about money. I care about whether you're here with me :)"
Prefers to kiss in isolated areas or at home and not in public.
But if you guys are in public, he wouldn't mind a peck on the cheek or on the back of his palm.
You remember how embarrassed he got when you kissed him on the lips on your guys's first date.
His whole face turned red as he whined quietly, hiding his smile with his hands.
"y/n! we're in public,, at least give me a warning next time.."
"oh? theres a next time?"
He was the first one to make a move-- but that doesn't mean he did it smoothly.
When he did, it was at your college's cafe.
Euijoo and Nicholas worked part time as baristas there.
Nicho, for a while, had noticed his boy stealing glances at you, as well as the pink tint that would creep up on the latter's face.
"Dude, just go up to her and ask for her number already!" Nicho urges, jabbing his friend in the stomach with his elbow.
"Wh- are you crazy? No! What if she doesn't find me cute?"
"Do you want me to find out?"
"What? No!"
Let's just say Nicho somehow had Euijoo muster up enough courage to write his number on your coffee cup when you came to order your usual.
But as he went to hand you your drink, it nearly slips out of his hand, almost spilling all over you.
He was a little awkward when you guys first started kissing and it was obvious.
But you found it adorable, loving to teach him how to properly kiss.
You always assumed he would be the shy one both in public and indoors, but boy were you wrong.
He loves to lead your make-out sessions.
Now he kisses you with such ease that perhaps he's gotten a little too good at kissing; to now where you're struggling to keep up.
He always loves to first peck the corners of your lips, murmuring how soft your lips look.
And when he goes to kiss you, he's a little passionate with it.
With one hand on your waist and the other on the side of your neck, your guys's heads would sway slightly forwards and backwards, really getting into the kiss.
Pulling away to catch your breaths is one of the most favored parts for euijoo as he gets to see how dazed you get from just one make-out sesh.
"Woah," He chuckles, his loving smile now seeming to look a little smuggish, "Don't lose yourself there, love." He combs back a few strands of hair behind your ear.
In awe of how swollen and pretty your lips look.
But marvels of how beautiful you look in front of him.
"You look so beautiful, y/n.."
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starrystormwritings · 11 months
Master List <3 Request List <3 Marauders Master List
Remus Lupin x Reader
A/n: this started strong but I started to loose it towards the end tbh
Summary: You and Remus hate each other, but what happens when he sees you with someone else?
Warnings: fake dating, swearing, jealousy obi, kinda ooc, Slytherin reader, reader wears a dress
Word Count: 3244
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"You need to add rosemary and oak bark professor." Remus answered Slughorn with a smug smirk on his face as the teacher praised him.
It was an obvious answer he just happened to put his hand up quicker.
"Okay last question, this one's a little tougher. What are the main ingredients in a wit sharpening potion?" Slughorn asked causing both me and Remus to shoot our hands into the air.
He looked between the two of us for a second before nodding toward me.
"Scarab beetles, ginger roots, armadillo bile and newt spines sir." I say with a smile, watching Remus roll his eyes as I smile at him.
"Well done Miss L/n, ten points to Slytherin."
A mix of groans and cheers echoed the room as the class was dismissed.
I gathered my books up into my arms and wandered out of the classroom.
I was looking down at my notes as I felt myself bump into a sweater covered chest, my notes and books falling to the floor.
"Crap." I dropped down onto my knees to try and gather the books and loose parchment without looking at who I bumped into.
"Look where your going Jesus,"
I rolled my eyes at his comment, of course it's Remus I walked into. He helped me gather the rest of the stuff before giving me another cocky smile.
"Haven't you got anything to say to me?" He said with a smirk, leaning against the stone wall.
"No? What are you talking about?"
"A thank you maybe? Considering after you rudely ran into me I still stopped to help you."
I scoffed slightly and just looked at him dumbfounded.
"Cmon then, I'm waiting."
I rolled my eyes again.
"My knight in shining armour, thank you so much for taking a minute to pull your head out of your own arse to help me. Appreciate it." I scrunched my nose at him whilst plastering an obviously fake smile across my face.
He chuckled slightly and stood up straight again.
"Your welcome sweetheart."
He laughed again and stopped for a second as if he was going to ask me something before just walking past me, causing me to inhale angrily before walking in the other direction angrily.
Me and Remus had always bumped heads during our time in Hogwarts, him being the smartest in Gryffindor and me the brightest in Slytherin theres always been some competition between the two of us.
His fake shyness paired with his cocky personality made my blood boil and I wasn't exactly the easiest person to get along with, I was aware I was a stubborn smart arse.
I made my way to the library, wanting to get ahead of the homework Slughorn just set.
I find my way to my usual table in the back corner of the room, sprawling my parchment and books over the table as I began work on my essay.
After a long hour of uninterrupted working I jumped as someone pulled out the chair next to me, snapping me out of my focus.
I look up to see James Potters smiling face looking at me, causing me to laugh slightly.
Me and James got along surprisingly well despite his hatred towards Slytherins and us both being captains to opposing Quidditch teams.
"To what do I owe the pleasure?" I ask with a laugh, putting my quill down as I turned my attention to the curly haired boy.
"I have a favour to ask." He said with an awkward laugh, fiddling with his glasses.
"Should I be scared?"
"A little bit, it's a strange one."
I quirked an eyebrow at him, gesturing him to continue.
"Will you pretend to be my date for the ball?"
I laughed and shook my head slightly "Why on earth would you want me to do that?"
"I overheard Lily say she wanted to go alone so I wanted to take someone else. Y'know, try and show her what she's missing." He awkwardly fiddled with his fingers whilst speaking, despite his normal confidence he always got awkward talking about Lily.
"I don't get how that would change her mind on you, surely you should just speak to her."
"You think I haven't tried a million times? She doesn't want to hear it, I just need one shot to show her what she's missing, and that I'm not always going to be waiting around for her."
I gave the defeated boy a small smile and sighed slightly as I braced myself for what I was about to say.
"Okay maybe. What's in it for me? I was supposed to be going with Reg as friends but I don't think he was too keen on going anyway."
His face lit up as he sat up in his chair happily "Really? I'll give you my word that you can have the Friday morning training slot for the rest of the year. Promise."
I smiled at that, enthusiastically nodding.
The Gryffindor and Slytherin team have been constantly fighting over who gets that practice spot all year, it's the best time to practice and James' friendship with the coach got him an unfair advantage.
"Thank you so much, I promise to be the perfect gentleman."
I laughed softly at him, rolling my eyes at his sarcasm.
"Does that mean I have to spend all night with your friends?" I asked with a small groan, causing him to chuckle lightly.
It's not that I hated the so called marauders, or most of them anyway. But my friendship with Regulus stops me and Sirius from ever being very close and spending any time with Remus made my blood boil.
Peter was a sweetheart though.
"Unfortunately for you yes, I'll tell Remus to be on his best behaviour though, promise."
"I'm shocked he's onboard with this, seems like such a stupid plan he'd talk you out of it." I say with a small laugh, picking up with quill again to twirl between my fingers.
"Oh he doesn't know. No one can know or it won't work. I love them but those idiots would give it away in seconds."
I nodded slightly, makes sense the three of them weren't exactly the most inconspicuous people.
"Okay well you've got yourself a deal. I'll see you on Saturday."
He smirked at me as he stood from his chair, hugging me for a second from behind my chair.
"Seriously I can't thank you enough. I'll see you at the great hall at eight."
I smiled up at him with a small nod.
I play with my hair in the mirror, feeling like I couldn't get it to sit just right no matter what I did.
"I don't get why you care so much about how you look, it's not like you actually like the guy." Regulus said from the other side of the dorm where he sat on the edge of my bed.
"It's not about James, I just want to look nice it's a ball." I smoothed down my long green dress again before turning to fix my lipstick.
"Hmmm sure, or is there another certain Gryffindor that your trying to impress?" Regulus said with a snort.
"I have no idea what your implying."
"Yes you do. Lupin this, Lupin that, your smitten with the boy." He said with a laugh.
I scoffed, turning my attention away from my reflection to the dark haired boy.
"I have no idea what you mean, I hate Remus with every inch of me. He vexes me."
"Yeah sure, you can't deny that you like him a little. He's all you talk about."
I rolled my eyes at him again before going back to finishing how I looked.
"Talking about him and complaining about him are two completely different things so zip it. Okay I think I'm ready to go."
I couldn't lie a part of me understood where he's coming from, which was obvious to Reg as he laughed at the obvious blush that had covered my face.
It's not like I'd say I was in love with the boy, but I can't deny that every time we argue, debate or on the rare occasion engage in academic discussions, my heart always skips a beat.
And a very very very small part of me sort of hoped that it's not just Lily that got jealous tonight.
Regulus jumped up from the bed and offered his arm out to me.
"Let me escort you to your date, make sure he's treating you right."
I snorted at him and threaded my arm through his as we walked out of the dormitory's and up to the great hall.
My hands were a little shaky as I took a few deep breaths.
I understood that this stunt James wants to pull is going to draw a lot of attention, it's the last thing people would expect not to mention that gossip spreads around here and the awareness of all the attention that was about to be on me was spiking some anxiety.
Regulus leaned into my ear as we approached the hall,
"Don't worry, you look beautiful. Everyone's going to be jealous."
I smile at him and stop to give him a brief hug before looking over my shoulder to where James stood at the entrance of the hall.
I took another deep breath before nodding goodbye the Regulus and walking over to James.
He offered out his hand as I approached, pulling me closer to him.
"Don't worry, we've got this. You ready?"
His confidence caused a smile to creep onto my face as I nodded.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
As we walked into the great hall I could feel eyes on the back of my head, the two of us was a completely shocking thing I guess, James has always been so outwardly smitten with Lily nobody would ever expect him to show up with anyone else.
James led us towards the back of the great hall where I could see the other marauders stood around a table chatting, they smiled and waved as they saw James approaching, their expressions all changing slighting as they saw me on his arm.
Peter smiled wildly as I waved at him "Y/n hey! You look amazing."
I smiled back at him with a little laugh "Thanks Peter, you look wonderful as well."
I saw Sirius quirk an eyebrow from the corner of my eye before he cleared his throat to get our attention.
"James this is your surprise date?"
James nodded, giving Sirius a 'behave yourself' look.
"Yes, this is Y/n L/n, I don't think you two have properly met."
I smiled awkwardly at Sirius, hoping he wouldn't freak out on me because of my friendship with Regulus but the boy just smiled sweetly at me, pulling me into a short hug.
"It's nice to finally meet you, I hear your friends with that brother of mine."
I nodded slightly "Me and Reggie are close yes."
He clenched his jaw slightly and nodded back at me "It's nice to know there's someone looking out for him."
I notice Remus leaning against the wall next to Sirius being uncharacteristically quiet for him, he was stood with his arms crossed looking at me with an unreadable expression I hadn't seen on him before.
I hate to admit it but over the past few years of knowing him I've picked up on smaller habits of his. For example when he genuinely smiles his lips sit lopsided to the left, and when he's laughing he always throws his head back a little. When he was stressed he'd pull his hair, and when he was angry or frustrated he'd normally grip a pen in his fist and clench his jaw so hard it sometimes looked as if he was physically biting his tongue to stop himself from speaking out.
But this expression was something I hadn't seen from him before, he was intensely looking straight at me almost as if he was shocked but also with a small smile on his face which I'd never seen directed toward me.
I smiled at him as I looked over, causing him to look away and go back to the usual monotone expression I was used to from him.
If it wasn't the fact I was talking about Remus Lupin I'd say he almost looked in awe.
"Remus you didn't end up bringing a date?" James asked from behind me, causing his friends head to snap up from the spot on the floor he'd turned to.
"Hm? No I didn't ask her after all, decided it wasn't going to work out anyway."
James gave him a sympathetic smile and Sirius snickered from next to him, causing Remus to nudge him hard with his elbow.
"What about you Sirius? Flying solo?" I asked, trying to make myself included within the friend group.
Sirius laughed and shook his head "I always do these kinda things as a bachelor Y/n, it would break everyone's heart if I tied myself down to one person."
James laughed slightly and shook his head at his friend "On that note, care to dance Y/n?"
I nodded back at him and took a deep breath "Might as well put on a bit of a show since everyone's looking anyway."
He laughed at me and took my hand, leading me onto the dance floor.
We swayed back and forth together to the waltz music with some laughs as neither of us could take it seriously.
I could see Remus from over James's shoulder, he was looking directly at us with a cold expression.
It mirrored his usual habits he showed when he was angry but there was something else about it as well, I had no idea what was wrong with him but it was puzzling me that I couldn't read him as easily as I normally could.
As James spun me around I caught a glimpse of Lily stood on the other side of the room, her expression mirroring Remus's.
As the song neared to an end James bent down to my ear "I think it's working, she looks jealous. Would you mind if I kissed you? Just to put the nail in the coffin."
I looked at him for a second before nodded slightly.
He smiled at me before leaning down to plant a soft kiss on my lips.
It wasn't bad, he was gentle and soft but neither of us really wanted it and the awkwardness was obvious.
He pulled away suddenly and as I opened my eyes I saw Remus pulling James away by the sleeve of his jacket.
"Outside, now." Remus said as he pulled James out of the room, leaving me stood there alone with half the room staring at me.
I looked around awkwardly not knowing what to do before I felt someone touch my shoulders.
"Care to dance?" Sirius asked with a charming smile, taking my hands.
I took a deep breath and gave him a thankful smile. "Thank you so much."
He nodded and swayed to the side with me "I wouldn't let a beautiful woman stand alone unlike my idiot friends."
~ Remus's pov ~
"What's wrong?" James asked as I pulled him over to a quiet corner or the hallway.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"
"What are you talking about?"
"What are you doing with Y/n? What happened to Lily? Since when did you even like Y/n?" I huffed at him, angrily balling my hands up.
I was supposed to take her, I was going to ask her but every time I tried I just couldn't get the words out, going for a cheap jab at her instead.
I've had a crush on her for the last year, our arguments after class was becoming one of the driving forces for the effort I was putting in and our little interactions somehow always managed to make my day.
I was stunned when I saw her in the Hall, she looked gorgeous and I went to compliment her. I finally gathered the courage to say something and then James put his arm around her.
It's always been Lily for him, just like it's always been Y/n for me. So what the hell was he doing.
"She agreed to come with me to make Lily jealous, I gave her the Quittich field on Fridays if she came with me. Why are you so bothered?" He furrowed his eyebrows at me, placing his hands on my shoulders to slow the pacing I didn't even realise I was doing.
"Oh." Shit I've made it so obvious "I was just worried you were making a mistake that's all."
He looked at me for another second before he connected the dots, his confused expression turning to shock.
"Merlin it's Y/n you were going to bring? You like her! Why didn't you tell us we couldn't helped you!"
"Shh your shouting, she might hear you."
He grinned excitedly at me.
"Remus you like her, that's so out of character for you. Why didn't you ask her?"
I shrugged at him "She hates me, she would've said no anyway."
He shook his head at me with a chuckle "God your both so stupid, she was staring at you all night. Just tell her how you feel, you might be shocked."
"What tell her how I feel so she can laugh at me? We might not be friends but I don't want to ruin the little interactions we do have. If she shot me down it would change everything, I don't want to loose her."
"You like me?"
The timid voice coming from next to us caused me and James to both spin around quickly, seeing Y/n and Sirius stood a few feet from us.
Y/n looking insanely confused and Sirius trying to keep his laughter as quiet as possible.
"This is such a shit show." He said with a laugh, causing Y/n to back hand his shoulder, still looking at me with an unreadable expression.
James rolled his eyes "Sirius maybe we should give them some privacy and go find Peter Hm?"
I looked at him with a silent thank you as he dragged a still laughing Sirius back into the Great Hall.
"You like me?" She repeated, walking to stand where James previously was.
I awkwardly tugged at my sleeves with a sigh, not knowing how to respond.
"I know it's stupid okay, I understand that you hate me and this is probably hilarious but yeah I think I do. I don't mean to be so mean to you I just don't know how to talk to you and I was going to ask you to be my date tonight but I whimped out and you probably don't care anyways but I think your the most brilliant, intelligent, beautiful and funny person I've ever met and-"
My rambling was cut off when I felt her hand touch the side of my face, the tips of her fingers going into my hair as I lent into her touch.
"Are you want to just kiss me or keep talking?" She asked with a giggle causing me to laugh a little bit as well.
"I think I'm gonna go with kiss."
She nodded with another laugh "Right as always Remus."
I admired her face for another second with a smile before finally leaning down.
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redr0sewrites · 1 year
Blade x reader General Headcanons (sfw + nsfw)
*gently hands this to you and then scuttles away like a large cockroach* not proofread so yea <\\\3 u can tell i have a blade bias <3
🥀CW: a little angst, blade is Bad At Feelings ™️, reader is sorta assumed to be a stellaron hunter, dom/sub dynamics in the nsfw, switch!blade, knife kink/pain kink, just filth tbh
🥀 minors dni with the nsfw portion
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we all know bladie is RIDICULOUSLY emotionally constipated- if he likes you, he is in COMPLETE AND UTTER DENIAL
he will be staring into ur soul like he hates ur guts but the whole time his heart is pounding out of his chest
he has a very stoic face, it takes a while for u to learn to read him 😭
tbh ud prob think that he hates u for a while cuz he just stares at u
once u both get over the initial awkwardness of him constantly looming over u and hovering around u and staring at u, and once u realized that no, hes not creepy or insane he just wants to be around u, u guys would probably become close friends pretty quickly!
i dont think hes the type to jump into a relationship, his commitment issues get in the way
u would DEF have to be friends first, but he would still be enamoured with u
very observant, he notices all of the little things u do
one of the very first things that tips u off to the fact that he has romantic feelings towards u would probably simply be the fact that he literally cares SO MUCH about ur life and routine
hes memorized ur schedule, how u make ur coffee/tea, what ur favorite movies and shows are, he can tell when ur sad or stressed, he just finds comfort in learning details about u
he prefers to listen in conversation rather than speak, he can listen to u for hours
if u like something or are interested in something, suddenly he is too and he wants to learn all about it
at this point all the other stellaron hunters are rooting for u two to get together
kafka would try to set u both up like all the time
shes never seen blade so devoted to someone
whenever u walk in the room, he always seems to light up a little in excitement
i honestly feel like he would confess first but only for the sake of kafka not telling u before he does💀
it would probably be after an especially tiring or exhausting mission, after the maras been making him feel shitty
blade always feels so safe around u and he would just suddenly blurt out the fact that hes in love with u
after the initial shock, when u tell him the feelings are reciprocated hes ECSTATIC
but wont show it
he'll just let out a small (but cute): smile and nod
kafka, sam, and silverwolf are in the background recording the whole thing 💀
hes awkward at first
blade's love language is def acts of service
he loves doing things for you and he loves helping u, it makes him proud to know that he can help make u feel safe
will fucking destroy anyone who hurts u
like actually destroy
nobody had ever seen blade so angry or ruthless as the day u were hurt on a mission
afterwords hes cradling u in his arms, clinging to u like ur gonna disappear😭
he knows how fleeting mortal lives are and hes genuinely so afraid of losing u
hes not good at talking things out or expressing his feelings
hes also not great at apologizing but he will try for u and only for u
arguments with him kinda suck cuz he can be stubborn and doesn't understand emotions
blade would feel terrible afterwards tho
would probably sit next to u and just take ur hands in a silent apology and gently run his thumb in a soft circle on ur palm
he likes it when u wear his clothes, he can be possessive and seeing u in his (probably much larger) clothes makes him a little feral
overall, u guys have ur ups and downs, but are ultimately a power couple and he loves u sm what can i do to find me a blade smh
when hes dom, hes MEAN
blade can talk so filthy sometimes, his voice is so deep and rough and when hes got you folded in half, ruthlessly pounding into u theres nothing u love to hear more than his scornful voice switching from degradation to praise <3
into marking on both ends, he loves seeing u covered in hickeys and scratches but also enjoys being littered in stinging marks for him to admire later
i feel like blade would like positions where he can be close to u when hes dominant, such as mating press or missionary
SIZE KINK! if ur smaller thank him, he love love LOVES to use his larger stature and weight to pin u down
seeing u squirm and writhe helplessly beneath him turns him on
will pin ur wrists above ur head, leaning down to whisper the filthiest words in ur ear, the entire time his cock is thrusting so fast in and out of ur leaking hole, ur mind is melting to mush at the stimulation. on top of that, his free hand is roughly playing with ur cock/clit, while he nips and bites roughly at ur neck. its all so much, too much...
rahh i went off there for a sec
anyways <3
blade wouldn't understand the hype to exhibitionism until the both of u got together
the two of u r fucking in a storage closet while people outside r just continuing their everyday lives, his hand clamped roughly over ur mouth to silence u, but that doesnt stop his own breathy moans and growls from slipping through
i also think blade would have a knife kink, hed find sick, twisted pleasure in running a knife over ur soft skin as u squirm
hed never actually hurt u, he could never do that
u both def have a safeword
but the idea is still arousing
he isnt as vocal when dom when hes sub, when hes dom its more low growls and groans and moans while when hes sub its more moaning and whimpers and whines
when hes sub, hes so into pain
if u pull his hair, this man will immediately submit
HE HAS AN ORAL FIXATION IF U HAVE A COCK HE WOULD ADORE TO SPEND EVERY WAKING HOUR SUCKING ON IT. if ur exhausted and want to keep blade occupied (cuz his stamjna is INSANE), give him two of ur fingers to suck on<3
he just looks so pretty with ur fingers in his mouth, a small trickle of drool leaking past his parted lips as he stares up at u in utter adoration with lust filled eyes
blade is SO LOUD when u fuck him from behind, he doesnt know why he just finds it so hot
he also has a reverse size kink, someone as small as u taking control of him and using him for ur own pleasure is such a turn on
he has such insane stamina, he could have u fucking him for literal hours and still want more
esp when hes sub, there needs to be a lot of foreplay leading up to the actual sex or else he will be needy for like ever
is actually so touch starved its funny, when the two of u had ur first time where he was sub he came in under a minute
he was super embarrassed, even tho u found it super hot
blade can be a tease if he wants to be, sending u photos of him naked with his hand wrapped around his aching cock, eyes blown wide with lust<3
he thinks punishments are hot, but prefers to be praised and pampered
call him a good boy, he will MELT
he wants to be good for u so much, he needs u to get himself off its almost pathetic :( he cant cum without u there helping him, whenever hes needy and ur not around he always ends up in a puddle of his own arousal, his release slipping away as soon as it begins to build. his cock is aching, he needs u, he cant even get off alone
after sex is when hes most vulnerable, blade is very kinky and mellow after sex esp when he was sub
big on aftercare, deep down he wants to be taken care of and held
he also loves taking care of u, loves washing u as u bathe together after a rough night of lovemaking
he loves it when u mark his chest cuz he can show it off the next day
blade wants everyone to know ur his, and vice versa
BARK BARK BARK can u tell i have such a big fat stupid fucking blade bias hes so silly i love this goofy man sm i need to pepper him with kisses and then fuck him senseless 😔
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dyketubbo · 8 months
forgive me if i lose tubbo character analysis points (rolls eyes heavily) over this or something but i honestly dont think the date was very ooc or that the frubbo romance is going to be played as something that makes qtubbo better. obviously qtubbo gained a lot of trust issues and lost a lot of hope in others + started to strongly believe that love only hurts after purgatory and the funeral. and hes an extremely defeatist guy at heart
but he also makes exceptions because no matter how much he tries to disconnect himself he still cares so so much about others. he has such a weird fucked up view of love and justifies seeing sunny as an exception by saying they wont hurt each other because their love is unconditional and yet he also claims empanada isnt safe when bagi is around because the eye workers will use that connection to their advantage And Yet he constantly looks after and takes care of sunny anyways. even though hes already mourning her before theyve even died. even though by his own logic it may be safer for sunny to not be with him
and like.. he says dont get attached empathy makes you weak but he tries to ruin fit & pacs date so they dont abandon him. he still jokes around with them and has happy moments with them bc ultimately theyre his friends and even if they dont Really understand what hes going through or what would help him they want to be there for him and make him happy and they Do make him happy. bc qtubbo doesnt spend all of his time with his friends whining and groaning about how theyre going to leave him some day and despite being suicidal and defeatist and at times a fucking jerk that isnt his whole personality
depressed people Have happy days. they have ups and peaks in their life and yeah actually many of them do manage to have nice relationships and theres a lot of depressed people out there who are fully capable of just. not being complete downers to be around all the time (cough a lot of comedians have depression cough). if anything i would argue it isnt just in character but realistic for qtubbo to be able to just. have a normal date where hes a bit of a loser and manages to get through an actual confession
and its not like hes going all in oh we're dating and we're going to get married now bc he doesnt even consider themselves boyfriends and he turns down sunny claiming fred as another parent. he just had a happy day and it boosted his mood a little. i dont think fred is really on his list of trusted people and in fact i feel like him just being very silly and awkward during the date is a Part of him not fully trusting fred or wanting to be super serious around/with her. i think to qtubbo fred symbolizes sure some pain from the whole funeral situation but also still a lot of happier simpler times and ultimately a time where tubbo was happier and openly hopeful
if anything, tubbos relationship with fred is another form of escapism for him. of course it isnt going to make him better. he literally brought fred to him and sunnys island where they plan to live far away from everyone to avoid their problems. its all a fantasy for him, and one that he isnt even allowing himself to fully jump into but will joke about and dance around the subject of nonetheless
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