#so they just came up 2 me for questions and asking abt pricing
lousiee · 10 months
was working
saw the last guardian in my distro setup
asked boss if i could buy it at the end of the shift
it was free
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blingblong55 · 2 years
Hi! if you take requests I would like to make one where tf 141 + Los Vaqeros reaction to r/n coming back to the base/common room covered in blood, hurt and tortured (I love angst ngl)
( if its okay can you make a Platonic r/n with little sibling energy)
Last Words of a Shooting Star -141+ Los Vaqueros
I love angst too and because I love hurting my own feelings.... here goes a little something. Not sure if it needs a warning but, just read at your own risk babes, bc I do talk abt I guess heavy stuff (as you can tell,,,I can't tell what is and what isn't traumatizing anymore so be careful.) This one gives me Every Since New York vibes
Pt. 2
You had been on leave after a mission back in November. Price made sure you stayed off base for 3 months. The excuse was: they need peace for a few months, they deserve it." But instead of being home you had been captured, tortured and almost trafficked. You fought for ever second of life you knew you deserved, while being captured. No one in the team knew about any of this.
"see ya later boys" you said and got in your truck. (yes you drive one bc ghost said it was a better vehicle.) Soap waved until your cars silhouette was no longer in view. He knows you'll come back with home back goodies for him. But before you passed the first stop light one car crashed into yours. Another pulled over, 4 men with guns got out. You quickly held onto your pistol, but you knew best and didn't fight them. Your left eyebrow dripping blood. You got off the car and held your hands up. "Get in the car with them" he ordered you and a big buff man pushed you around until you sat in their vehicle, "My team will be here any minute now you know." you bluffed.
"Well by the time they get here we'll be gone." and off they drove. The man sitting next to you hit your head with the end of his gun, you blacked out.
These men had carefully planned the hold kidnapping. From taking your car elsewhere to texting Price that you made it home, the same way you would've texted him.
For 3 months they tortured you, asking questions you swore you didn't have an answer to. For 2 months you believed that the team would know you'd be missing. For 1 month you planned your escape.
And as the near came close, you heard them talk about trafficking you. "Think about it boss, anyone will pay good money for a member of that task force." That's when all hope was gone. Your limbs had been slowly giving up. By this point you were sure that your plan wouldn't work.
Until you saw the perfect opportunity.
"When kidnapped remember there is a window of opportunity when being transported from location A to B, so be wise and use that."
So you did, and now you had found your way back to the base.
You managed to get pass security and into your part of the base, there you heard Gaz and Soap laughing. Your eyes watered. You walked in and held the floor as everyones eyes met you.
"Kid," was all price could let out, he soon ran to your side. Holding on to you with so much care. Soap ran out for a medic, Ghost made way as you were taken to the infirmary.
Gaz held your hand the entire time. But your grip wasn't too strong. They were all losing you.
"Cariño, don' close your eyes." fear taking control over Alejandros' voice.
Rudy ran behind you all. But soon stoped when he got a call from his team. He soon found the footage of your kidnap. Los vaqueros were all informed of what had happened. They had taken you under their wings when you first met them. You reminded them of their siblings at home. How energetic and funny you were. You like a storm, took over their hearts. "Le diré al coronel de esto." He walked away from his team and to the infirmary.
These are their own personal reactions:
The second he held you in his hands his heart completely shattered.
He hated how your body leaned against his, this time your weight much lighter.
He didn't care about anyone else in the room
There was hesitation, his first thoughts were on taking care of you, but he is a soldier first. He must know what happened and who is to blame.
For hours while the medical staff was treating your injuries, he would leaved the room, making phone calls and deals with old colleagues of his.
Ghost had to stop him from hitting a medical staff member, "sir you can't come in," "that's my soldier in there, kid needs me!" he'd say. "c'mon old man , sit down" Ghost would try and guide him back to his seat.
For minutes he was close to loosing his shit.
Once Rudy walked in with information, he went hysterical
He cursed every one and everything
He never lit a cigar, because if he did, he was afraid shit would hit the fan and he'd burn that last gift you gave him.
He never spoke, the man that had been talking for hours before you arrival stopped.
He couldn't form any words, he thought of when he last saw you, how your eyes were so full of life, and now that image replaced a much weaker version of you.
The blood around your body he hoped was someone else's
He left the room when Price and Ghost were talking to doctors.
He discovered you had to be put in the ICU,
He cried, and as tears fell down his face, his hand made way to the cross that hanged from his neck.
The same one you gave him on his birthday, after you had found out he lost his.
He cried even more thinking of the times you and him had laughed together. How much Gaz and you made him miss his family back home.
"r/n's okay...they'll be better tomorrow" he assured himself and repeated it like a mantra.
"Please be okay" he whispered as kicked a rock while walking around.
Like Soap, he stayed quiet, only spoke when he made calls to his friends at the local police station.
He cried too, but he soon left once Price told him to. "take time son"
Once he reached his room, he got on his bed and hugged a pillow.
it was times like this when you'd come in and hug him. "Everything will be fine" you'd say as he embraced you.
He called him mom, something you had taught him to do, incase things went south and you wouldn't be there to listen.
The images of the torn clothes and frail body of yours came to mind every time he closed his eyes.
It was always you and Gaz who at times would fall short on the kindness of Ghost.
When he least needed it, a joke you once told him came across his train of thoughts.
He called every doctor he knew
He walked into your room and laid in your bed.
" just tell me something George,...what do you mean you don't know nothing...okay can you just pretend you do?...I need something, so tell me something"
This man had it bad. When he first saw you, his mind when to when he discovered his family had died
He swore he only let you in because you somehow creeped into his heart
Your jokes and attitude reminded him of his brother Tommy
"Look ghost..look" you would say as you attempted a cart wheel. 'You'll only get hurt" he'd reply. But when you did things like that, he looked at you with such adoration.
Between you two, it was black cat and golden retriever type of vibe.
He stayed next to price, but once he was alone in that hall, he almost let the guilt win.How can a man as strong as him let this happen to you
The first time he knew you'd be his family was when you held him in your arms as you two laid in a field
His tears falling down as he heard your heartbeat, "close your eyes, have no fear, the monster's gone and r/n is here," you softly sang, a giggle mixed with the melody
"beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy" you whispered as your hands caressed his hair. He closed his eyes slowly drifting to sleep. "Good night Simon, see you in the morning" you whispered against his head.
When he stopped Price from hurting that staff member, he went out and picked any flowers around base. He came back with a handful, so tiny on his palms, but so meaningful to him
He sneaked into your room, no one noticed and he sat on your bed, holding you so close to him.
"Before you cross the street, Take my hand, Life is what happens to you, While you're busy making other plans, Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, Beautiful r/n" he quietly sang to you.
Once Rudy had told him they had footage of your kidnap, he lost his mind.
this man went feral, Rudy would try and stop it, but man was he furious.
"No hagas algo a lo pendejo, coronel" But he'd discard his friend and eventually after 4 hours of search, he'd find the perpetrators
We've heard people say "met hell" but these men met Alejandro and boy did they met more than hell
Idc what you say he prayed for the first time since he was a child.
While on search this man swore he heard your voice, "r/n?" he would walk around a crowd of people
for moments he believed it was all a dream or a horrible prank you managed to pull. But once he saw Rudy wipe a few tears, he knew it was real
He went numb when his hand met your skin
I swear this man got sick the moment he saw you, he never got sick when looking at anyone in the condition you were now in.
His mind went back to the times he was teaching you Spanish.
"el helicóptero no puede volar" he said, to which you replied "volar? the helicopters got no balls?" you asked and he bursted out laughing
this man was devastated, but he had to be the strong one while everyone wasn't
he was the one to pray while looking at the footage. "Dios mío" he kept sayin as he repeated the video.
But soon emotions took over and he left the room.
He held onto the bracelet you two bought while he showed you around his town, you had visited Las Almas long after your mission there. You two ate and ate until your stomachs hurt. "Eres mi mejor amigo Rudy." you hugged him, Alejandro sat in the front, content with you for speaking Spanish.
When he first saw how bloody you looked he went pale. It was one of the things he never knew he would see
You remind him of his siblings, annoying at times, funny, but understands his humor like no other.
This man is the biggest softie, he was always Rodolfo on the job or Rudy, but man he was someone else with ya, always soft and kind to you, his voice would switch so fast when speaking from soap to you.
He was a trained solider to withstand any form of torture, but seeing you hurt would've made that soldier talk.
When no one looked he walked into a church and confessed to a priest, then asked "por favor dime que estará bien"
When all else fails, you pray, mijo, his mother would say.
a/n: I absolutely adored writing this, so I hope you all enjoyed!
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xplrvibes · 7 months
part two. Ive decided to make comments as i watch big bulks so i don’t forget what i’m thinking.
1. the more sam and colby talk abt cody and satori… the more i believe them. like maybe im just a chameleon to opinion but they genuinely seem to believe in c&s and i wasn’t there, i haven’t experienced any of this so i think i’m back to ‘hey maybe it wasn’t all bs and this might be real’. I also firmly do not believe cody was cracking joints bc how? they felt it in the floor, heard it in the walls.. doesn’t make sense. also if the house ever goes up again they need to put an offer down. i get what sam was saying and it not being practical (properly value 300k but asking for 1.4m? that’s steep). it’d be a great investment tho.
2. with sam and colbys luck, one of them would get the most undeniable evidence of the paranormal (someone levitating, thrown a distance, possessed…) and people would still be like ‘fake!’ Lol Also gram (?) just mentioned a similar experiment to what we were discussing the other day! except he said take random people and not tell them which is haunted, we were saying put snc in a place and not tell them its haunted and then see what happens. they liked that idea so who knows… they might lol
3. i will always be so fascinated and proud of colby for how he handled and continues to be so transparent about his cancer journey. i say journey bc it will continue to be apart of his life for years to come, whether through medical appointments, anniversary anxieties, or just talking about it. mad props to him, mad props.
4. i just got a series of flashes in my mind of black and white photos of snc respectively announcing engagements to their partners and births of their children and it made me smile. one day, boys. one day that’ll be your future, your “purpose”.
- aussie anon
always nice to listen to podcasts where everyone knows each other well, its less interviewy and more just a convo with friends caught on camera.
Also I hope their merch is still in stores next time i’m in the usa bc i would definitely grab a hoodie. just don’t wanna pay the insane conversion rate and shipping costs. i priced it, a hoodie + shipping works out to be $149aud. sorry boys… can’t do it 😂
1, I believe that they believe in Cody and Satori. I've never called snc's credibility into question with that whole mess, and it kind of annoys me that others do - not cause I think they are above reproach or something, but because people love to say "oh snc never bothered to even try to debunk these guys, so they must be in on it." Like, WHAT? They literally flew back across the country weeks later to try and debunk it cause they knew full well that there were a lot of ways out and around this. When the controversy started, they reached out to C&S and asked if they could run more tests and C&S said no. SNC, having done all of that, came out still believing them while also fully acknowledging that they could be faking - not much else they can do besides that right there, so why they are still coming under fire about it when C&S are the "frauds" is beyond me.
Literally, do y'all want them to kidnap these two people, tie them up, remove their shoes, and force them to do this barefoot? Do you want them to release this additional footage they have that C&S did not give them permission to release that they could probably get sued over (since releasing it would be done without consent) and possibly blacklisted from the entire paranormal community, just so reddit can have their fucking jollies? Like...?? Go after C&S and let snc continue to have their beliefs on the whole thing, since they did everything they felt they could to disprove this before making their decision on where they stood on the issue.
Sorry for the rant, that whole situation just annoys me.
As far as them almost buying the house - that made me laugh, cause we joked about the possibility of them doing that on here back when the house went up for sale. So knowing it almost happened is not only funny, but also explains some vague shit they said back in the day about possibly owning a haunted house lol.
2, You know, Sam's exuberant insistence that he wants to have some horrible thing happen to him so that he could have the experience and finally know for 100% that the paranormal is real is exactly the problem with Sam, and I've been calling that out for years. The fact that he can so casually say it out loud made me both feel vindicated and perturbed by him and his hubris (here's a good example of his hubris again lol).
But yea, I hope they take the idea and run with it!
3, I thought it was interesting to hear him be honest about the fact that this whole situation with the cancer is hitting him harder now than it did while he was in the thick of it. That is trauma. That is shock and adrenaline wearing off, and hindsight creeping in. I think it's important to be able to come out and say, "Yea, not all of this is a positive, and some of this will stick with you for years." Colby tries his damndest (to a fault sometimes) to always come across as a glass all the way full and overflowing kind of guy, or a stoic soldier who doesn't complain and keeps his head up, but then he's also very open about his emotional state, and vaguely alludes to his deep mental health struggles from time to time and I just think there's a well of really dark emotion buried deep, deep inside of him that would be healthier for him and everyone to let out every once in a while.
Anyway, that was a side tangent to the main point, which is that it is very impressive that he continues to put himself out there and speak so candidly about such a stigmatized topic.
Although, I don't think he grasps what the word "celibate" means, but he tried and that's what counts lol
4, I think it's high comedy that these two act like they've never given thought to their kids growing up together when they literally were just joking about this on xplrclub a few months ago. These two have brains like sieves lol.
Also, the looks on their faces when the host said "you should have girlfriends that are friends with each other" like yea, they are working on that right now, as a matter of fact.
And I think they'll be in Zumiez for a long time, so you should be good!!
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meruz · 3 years
answering a couple anon asks in one, topics addressed include how i got my job, infinity train opinions, commission prices:
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Thank you!! And it was the former, one of the backgrounds leads who was handling hiring for the studio found my work via portfolio day on twitter and e-mailed me cold LOL this tweet specifically.
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They offered me a bg paint test, testing process took abt a week and then there was an interview and then I was hired..! Though out of the crop of new hires I was brought on with many of them were more proactive, getting in touch w staff via linkedin or alumni connections, asking around for apps and openings etc. Honestly I feel pretty lucky that they found my work because the studio wasn’t rly on my radar. For me, it was like a year out of recovery from a pretty bad health thing and i was feeling down about my art and tired of dead end job apps, preparing to move back to my parents house LOL... it rly came at the right time.
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Thank you!! This is a hard question... I love every season and all the characters for different reasons. I guess.... Lake? Is my favorite character overall?? I just think she’s such a break-out star like if you had to have a infinity train character represent the series in super smash brothers it’d be her LOL. I think a lot of the characters of infinity train are products by their story but in the case of book 2 the story is a product of lake. but ALSO if you could mash Min-Gi and Ryan to count as a single character they might win out for my fave spot whos to say. their character push and pull is so subtle but endlessly fascinating and also i have asian diaspora feeling about them that cannot be discounted LOL. And I think overall my favorite season is actually book 3.... though 2 comes super close (And is maybe more better constructed from a technical perspective... imo)!! And I love 1 and 4 for their unique aspects as well like they’re all excellent stories in their own rights imo. It’s hard to compare.
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Hi, I’m sorry you probably sent this ask a while ago. I don’t currently have commissions open because I am very busy and I anticipate to continue to be busy for... several more months at least. Sorry! :( I love doing commissions but I only have so much time in the day.... when I open them up again I’ll definitely post about it on tumblr and twit for sure! (idk abt insta LOL... i’m always of 2 minds whether to post on insta bc i feel least connected to my audience there) as for a price sheet.... well I can’t promise anything but I think loosely it’d look something like 1 character full body $70 (additional character +$30).  Anything with a background would be $125+.... I like to do comics commissions for like $110 per page. Um... and I’m happy to work with a commissioner if they’re looking for something specific like a specific style or format. Also I am willing to work with limited budgets/time constraints if I have the time hehe!! Like I love doing commissions for ppls birthdays/anniversaries/gifts etc. It’s rly just a matter of e-mailing me and hashing it out *** WHEN I AM OPEN LOL.... I am not open right now. But if u want to plan for it ...I hope that helps...!
EDIT: all this in USD btw. yes i am a bonehead american
thank you for ur interest!!
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yelenasdog · 3 years
moving out, moving on (mitch rapp x fem reader)
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genre: fluff
summary: mitch and reader are taking another step towards mitch moving on, and it’s bittersweet.
words: 2.2k
warnings: drinking wine, kinda suggestive at times, talks abt katrina, mitch being emotional, my writing being melodramatic LOL
a/n: so. this was written during an all nighter that went to 7 am where i was listening to nicki minaj and eminem (???) for a good duration of it so. i’m very sorry if this is wonky at times! i hope u enjoy either way! mwah 
The early morning rays streamed through thin fabric, draped above the assassin's window. Dust particles floated about, becoming visible within the section of light cast from the sun. The birds perched outside the small apartment tweeted happily from their branch, their songs beautiful. 
Though, they were quite pesterous to the pair that lay together, wrapped in gray sheets. They reveled in the heat provided by the soft blanket, but even more so by the warmth from their joint bodies.
A mop of dark brown hair stirred, bringing one hand up to softly rub his eyes with his knuckle, the other hand snaking around the waist of the woman peacefully sleeping beside him. He watched with fond eyes as she lightly groaned, rolling to face away from the invasion of bright, turning towards her love. 
Mitch smiled down at her sleepy behavior, reaching out and brushing stray hairs from her forehead. He reluctantly retracted it only moments later, forcing himself out of bed to go and prepare the two of them for their big day as best he knew how: Coffee.
His sock clad feet dragged across the hardwood as he went, his sweatpants hanging low on his hips and groggy-ness (a word Y/n had donned as her own, and Mitch had caught on to) still very prevalent in his entire system. 
The Rhode Island air was frigid this time of year, Mitch allowing a grin to break out on his face upon remembrance of two nights previous, just how cold Y/n had been in the arena of the Providence Bruins hockey team. Nose pink, donned in a beanie proudly showing the team's logo, well, he had found himself a new lockscreen.
He shook his head in an attempt to rid himself of said groggy-ness, his body on autopilot as it made the beverages. He picked out her favorite mug from the cupboard (AKA a souvenir from Dubai he had picked up long ago) that she had adopted as her own, drinking out of it every time she would spend the night, almost like clockwork. He waited for his coffee beans to brew, scratching his stubble along his jaw. He flinched, though, when he felt two arms wrap around his middle. He quickly relaxed into the embrace upon realization of who the supposed assailant was, her head finding its way to rest on his bare shoulder.
“You scared me, there.” Mitch muttered, his larger hand inching towards her’s on his waist. He closed his eyes in content and she hummed in acknowledgment. Mitch allowed her to turn his figure to face her, still residing in her arms, seeing a bright smile plastered across her face.
“Only for a minute though, right?”
She laughed to which he chuckled in response, nodding in false surrender. “You’ve got me there, Y/n/n.” He mused, his eyes lighting up at the sound of the coffee machine beeping. He looked back to her, shrugging.
“I made you coffee, was gonna bring it to you in bed but, y’know.” He gestured to where she had now climbed up to sit on top of his counter, his sweatshirt around her that read “Brown University” across the front in large lettering pooling around her thighs.
“It’s alright, I need to get a move on anyway.” She smiled, hopping down to retrieve the mug, taking the warm ceramic from Mitch’s hands and sighing at the wondrous feeling that had spread through her whole body. She lifted it to her lips and drank, not surprised that her boyfriend had made it just the way she liked, to perfection. 
“Thank you, baby.” She commented, reaching up to plant a chaste kiss on his lips. Her lip curled as she pulled away, Mitch already knowing what she was going to say, a laugh bubbling up in his throat.
“Mitch! Go brush your teeth, for the love of God!” She whined, watching as he scampered off towards the bathroom, snickering all the way. She rolled her eyes, downing the rest of her beverage before following where Mitch had gone.
Once in the bathroom after rinsing her and Mitch’s mugs, she tied her hair up, undressing and turning on the water (practically scalding hot, of course). Mitch had no objections to the temperature, though, seeing as it was his last time showering with her in that apartment, and in that apartment, period. 
The whole thing felt very symbolic to Y/n, at least, seeing it as washing themselves clean for the next phase of their lives together, a sort of preparation. (Maybe not so much for Mitch, who really was just pleased for any excuse to see his girlfriend naked.)
They used generous amounts of soap, as not only were most of them nearly empty (in fact, a few were and if it weren’t for Y/n, they probably all would be), but also that they had decided to simply just buy new toiletries as a whole for their new place.
They giggled at the sight of each other, all lathered in bubbles and suds. Mitch reached a finger forward, wiping it from above her eyebrows and preventing it from falling into her eyes. Y/n brought her arms around his neck, her lips connecting with his. “Much better.” She regarded with a smirk, before leaning back in.
Nearly 40 minutes later, they both emerged from the shower, fresh faced and ready for the day ahead. He didn’t have a lot that needed to be packed up, given that his place came fully furnished, so it took all but 2 hours and 5 boxes to pack up Mitch Rapp’s life. It honestly might have taken even longer than originally would have been needed, as Y/n would stop every time she found something interesting, allowing Mitch to tell her all about whatever stories had been connected to the item.
It had started with the ridiculous bird lamp that sat on his bedside table, once belonging to Mr. Nazir, and ended with his lacrosse stick. (And, a promise that one day, he’d show her how to play. He swore he’d never seen her smile that big.)
They also threw away and donated a lot, some of Kat’s old stuff bringing a pained smile to his face as he would place it in a box simply labeled “Kat” in messy, thick letters. He wasn’t sure if the box would end up in his new closet, covered in dust and unopened, or back with her family. But either way, he wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to her completely, which Y/n was able to understand.
“Mitch? Did you pack away your coats already?” Y/n called out, opening up the closet near the front door. Her breath slightly hitched in her throat upon seeing all of the photos of Mansur, still pasted to the painted wood, the edges curling up. 
“Nah, not yet, I was gonna handle that while you worked on the cupboards” He responded, busying himself with a text from Irene on his phone wishing him good luck. He looked up and saw what she had been asking about, his phone quickly sliding into his pocket as he made his way over to where she stood, visibly distressed. 
“How long have these been here?” She questioned, feeling Mitch’s arms wrap around her shoulders. She brought her hands up to grasp onto his wrists, leaning backwards into him and biting into her lip.
“Since the beach, when I decided to go after Mansur. When everything happened with the CIA, it was kind of a whirlwind, I didn’t really have enough time to even think about taking it down when I was only even here for hours at a time.” He lightly chuckled, watching as she stepped forward and began to take the pictures down, crumbling them up in her hands. 
She ran her fingertips over the indents left in the door, feeling the splinters against them. She turned back to Mitch, quipping how “Mr. Nazir won’t be too pleased about that.” 
He smiled, joining her in taking all of the images down, ripping them or balling them up in his fists. All of them ended up in one of the old Target bags they had been using for trash, filling up an entire bag (minus a few Dunkin cups sitting at the bottom).
Mitch trailed a few tender kisses down the left side of her next, and though it sounds cheesy, a feeling of hopefulness flooded himself out of most of the bitterness that had been stuck inside for so long. 
She turned her head to catch his lips with her own, and smiled into the kiss, her hand finding the back of his head. She lightly tugged on the chocolate colored strands and he groaned in content, to which her grin only widened. She pulled back, ruffling the top of his head before beginning to pack away the remnants of what was left in the closet. He rolled his eyes, following suit.
They had piled all of the boxes into the back of Mitch’s old decommissioned CIA vehicle (which was obvious that is was such, given that the side was littered with bullet holes and metallic scratches), returned the key to Mr. Nazir (who was glad to see Mitch go), and with that, they were off.
The new place wasn’t too far away, the pair taking a page out of Stan’s book and opting for a wonderful sense of privacy. It was nestled in a rural corner of Massachusetts, where Mitch would be able to come home to a sense of serenity. Y/n had already moved in her possessions, Mitch’s items being the last step. They’d also furnished the cozy cabin, trips to IKEA and Urban Outfitters (along with several other over-priced boutiques) making the place feel like a perfect fit for the couple.
Mitch’s strange and varied knick knacks made the house feel like a home, his lacrosse stick finding a new home by the front door, right under a hanging potted plant that Y/n and Mitch had decided to affectionately name “Charles” after a drunken night watching the X-Men movies. The house was littered in plants such as Charles, in fact, with Mitch’s first response to seeing all of them being “Wow, looks like a greenhouse in here.”
(Still, he’d grown to love the plant babies. Trust me.)
Two tired smiles made their ways to their faces as they both sat on their new sofa, admiring a job well done. Though several boxes still lay on the hardwood, unopened, they felt accomplished enough to pull out a bottle of wine that they had been saving for the occasion. It was an early housewarming gift from Stan, to which they were unprepared to take advantage of, it seemed.
“Baby, did we unpack the wine glasses earlier?” Mitch questioned, his mind slightly foggy of the day's events and early start.
“No, I think they’re still packed up.” She replied, to which Mitch’s eyes lit up, an idea forming and an imaginary lightbulb popping up over his head. He got up from his seat, a wide smile spreading across his face. Her expression mirrored his own, with an added quirked brow at his antics.
“I’ve got a solution, wait here.” Mitch responded, padding over to where he had remembered the new home of the mugs to be. Upon realization of what he was doing, Y/n smiled, rolling her eyes and bringing a hand up to run through her roots.
He shuffled back over moments later, his girlfriend recognizing one of the mugs in his hands as her favorite. He sat down next to her, with the bare skin of her thighs touching his own, jean clad. He bumped his knee to hers with a giggle, pouring out the Pinot Grigio into the mugs. 
She gratefully accepted it as it was handed to her, smiling as she took a sip. Mitch did the same, the two of them leaning back into the soft sofa. Y/n brought her legs up, cuddling into his side and absorbing his warmth. He brought his free hand to her side, a strong hold giving them both a strong sense of comfort as she lay her head on his shoulder.
The box labeled “Kat” remained unpacked along with the others on the floor, dust already beginning to gather. Mitch had come across it a few times that day, each time more thoughtful than the last as he struggled to decide what it was exactly he was feeling towards the objects; or perhaps towards the memory of Katrina.
He had come to realize that it was acceptance he felt, deep in his stomach, settling down. It had been brought upon him in totality over time, today’s events being the final step. A soft smile spread across Mitch’s face, a single tear falling from his eye. Y/n looked up, eyebrows furrowed with worry.
“Mitch, are you alright?”
He leaned down, connecting their lips in a watery yet nectarous kiss, his hand beginning to rub small circles on her shoulder. 
“Yeah, Y/n/n.” 
The fire they had built earlier was roaring, now, casting a warm glow across the pair’s features. The damp trail down his cheek was highlighted, nearly glistening on his skin like an amber. 
“I’m doin’ just fine.”
ok btw ik that wine in mugs would be a horrible idea but this is fiction so SHUSH
anyway i hope yall enjoyed! i love writing for mitch and i have lots of future fics for him, so if u liked this, please reblog and follow if ya wanna. mwah, go drink water and have some protein <333
 xx hj
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bellalikeskitties · 4 years
just like me ☾
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pairing: nakamoto yuta x reader
you sell your soul to a demon in exchange for a cure to your sister’s illness. god decides to save you and the thing is you injected yourself too and now you’re immortal?
word count: 1.6k+
genre: demon au, immortal au, doctor au God’s here too, come on down to jesus town
warning/s: blood! injuries, being cut, also being attacked
Your breath was shaky. It was almost midnight, the light of the moon shone through your windows. Your body trembled and you were tired. But most of all you were scared. Scared that death would soon steal your sister's life. So here you were, summoning the devil.
The flames of the candles flickered and you grabbed the knife next to you. "Please let this work!". You wince as you drag the knife across your hand, letting the blood fall to the inscriptions on the floor. Muttering a few words, you wait patiently. The books said to be humble and to wait for their presence to take over the room. "My, my. What's a pretty rabbit like you doing? Summoning a high order demon like me?". A deep voice resonated within the room and you shut your eyes.
"M-my lord. Thank you for gracing me with your presence". The first part of your sentence came out in a tremble. You bow your head down as you feel the presence come closer. "Hm, I never thought one of the old man's followers could even have the courage to call for a dark being". You could feel its eyes examine you. His fingers lift your head and you silently pray. "Oh, now you ask for your God?". 
You open your eyes in surprise, meeting his glowing red ones. He looked human but he felt demonic. Just meeting his eyes made your knees shake. You swallow thickly and he laughs unrestrainedly, his head tilting back. "That's the first time a human has ever met my eyes! You're interesting! So, how was it?". 
His rough hands press into your skin. "How does it feel meeting an upper seat demon?". You bite the inside of your cheek. "V-Very interesting, my lord. I didn't expect you to look so, human". You land your gaze to his soft features. 
If he was human, he would be a very popular one. His laughter rings in your ears again. "How very interesting! I bet Doyoung would love you!". He lets go of your face and scans the room. "You aren't poor and your face isn't lacking, whatever do you need me for?". The sight of a demon in your house makes you nauseous, but at this point, you would ask for anyone powerful to help you. 
"I need to help my sister". Your hands clamp over your chest and his eyes flinch. "Whatever does she need, that you," he points to a cross in the corner of the room, "a devout follower of the Holy Highness, ask a fallen one for help?". You ignore his mocking insult and the way he called your God. "She has an incurable illness, I did everything I could. I prayed to Him every day, but nothing happened. She needs help, now". 
You were desperate at this point. Your only sister was slowly dying. You had a degree and everything but you still couldn't do anything to help her. Her case was too difficult and too severe. "I see, but you see, I am unable to give you a cure". That was it, your knees fell to the floor. "Is it just impossible for her to live a happy life?". You could feel your tears slip away. This was it, you felt the defeat of not being able to save the one person in your life. 
"I didn't say that". Your brows furrow together in confusion. "I am unable to give a cure, but I can give you the power to be able to have it". His eyes glowed in the dark. "But the price is very high, are you able to give it up?". You gasped. "Yes! I'd give up anything!". He smiled and you finally see it. His teeth were sharp and his eyes widened. His nails grew long and pointed and you watched as horns pushed their way out of his head. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him. 
He pointed his sharp finger to your chest. "Excellent. Then I'll be taking this". Immense pain fell on your body, you screamed and thrashed from his grip. He moved his finger away and let you go. You fell to the floor, exhausted and in pain. He tapped his foot to the ground. "The name's Yuta, by the way. You should remember it, after all, I do own your soul now". You could feel yourself slowly slipping away, hearing his laugh echo into you, "I'll be seeing you very soon then". 
The next morning was a mess. You had a faint scar on your hand but the blood from last night was gone, as well as the inscriptions. Everything felt the same, but you felt different. A newfound power inside you. You rushed to the hospital to begin your work. 
After a month, your treatment was almost complete. Spending sleepless nights in the hospital, trying different things. You were there, just a few more steps and you would reach your goal. Every day, your mind goes back to that fated night. "Yuta, huh?". You test the name on your lips and you grit your teeth. 
You load the treatment in a few syringes and head to your sister's room. At this point, the doctors at the hospital couldn't help but call you crazy. They always said you were risking yourself to save an incurable patient. You shake your head and enter the room. 
There she was, your loving sister. Tubes and machines strapped to her body just to keep her alive. Her face looked calm and undisturbed. Yet you knew she was in pain, the pain from the constant treatments that did nothing to save her. "Just a little longer, just wait a bit longer. And you won't have to suffer". You take a syringe and insert it into one of the tubes. Slowly you pump the liquid into her body. Her body reacts negatively. She jerks and you could see her heart rate increase. You grab her arms and hold her down. "Don't worry, this means it's working!". 
Sure enough, her heart rate stabilizes. Her body stops moving and you watch her relax. You sigh and press your cheek to her hands, "That's it then, you can live with me now. We can do everything together again and then we-". You cough and you feel something leave your mouth. 
"What?". You move away. Blood. Before you can even react properly, you suddenly feel the same pain rush over you. "Is this what you meant? You tricked me!". You bite your tongue to stop yourself from screaming and you drop to the floor. Hearing something clink in your pockets, you jump into action. 
You shove your hand and grab one of the syringes. Through your blurry vision, you stab your arm and press into the skin. You lean into the wall and sigh. "It worked? Why does it work?". 
Unknown to you, an old man in heavens laughed. "She must've used it by now". Another being person tilts their head in question. "My Holy Lord, who is this she you speak of?". He doesn't answer. "Do you know what happens when a human with traces of demonic blessings is given another blessing, but from the heavens? They are given the greatest and heaviest gift of all". 
Back on earth, you spent your days with your now healthy sister. The doctors applauded you as a miracle doctor. They asked you to continue your work, but you refused, saying that the cure only worked on your sister due to certain circumstances. 
The day your sister was cured, you were supposed to die. You were sure of that, but you weren't sure about why your skin now glowed and how your paper cut healed itself instantly. 
"Ah, unnie! Did you even listen to a word I said?". You were brought back to reality. Your smile mirroring your sister's. "Sorry, what was it?". This was reality, you didn't need anything else. You had your sister by your side and everything fell into place. 
"Hmph! It doesn't anymore. By the way, don't look behind you yet. This cute guy has been staring at you the whole time!". You laugh at her childlike behavior. "I swear! He's really cute!". She huffs and you pat her head, nodding at her words. You peek behind you and your blood runs cold. "Hey, go head home first okay? I'll catch up soon. I promise". You lock eyes with a pair of red ones. You can tell your sister's confusion but you smile at her. 
You watch her leave the shop and feel a hand on your shoulder. "Was that your sister? She's cute". He takes the seat opposite yours. "Don't talk about her". You reply to him and he hums. "You should be dead you know". The air turns cold and his presence feels more threatening. "Why aren't you dead?". His gaze covers your whole body and you shiver. "I don't know, Yuta. Maybe your weird magic didn't work?". 
He chuckles. "You're feisty now aren't you?". He points a finger at you and you watch him. "Let's see". He narrows his eyes at you and leans back in surprise. He groans. "The old man sticks his nose in everyone's business". He glares at you, "Die". Suddenly the air is knocked out of you and blood rushes to your head. Your body felt like it was on fire. He smiles, but it quickly fades when you get your breathing even. "What? You can't just order someone to die and expect them to just let themselves die! What did you even do to me?". 
He clicks his tongue and murmurs, "Well, your soul is still under my jurisdiction. Means I have to stay with you 24/7 until you die, but that won't happen anytime soon. I guess I can kill a few centuries with you, but that confirms it". He sits up and crosses his legs. "Confirms what?", you stand up briskly.
"You're immortal, just like me".
this took so long, oomf. i might post a part 2 soon bc its fun writing abt demon! yuta ^^
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pokemagines · 5 years
JAPAN TRIP 2k19 with Mod Elesa (1/?)
hey n’yall it’s mod elesa, lemme tell u bout my japan trip! u can find some of the photos of these events on my instagram @atel2er! i didn’t want to flood this post with pictures hehe ,,
went for school, study abroad trip to study visualization and simulation of “serious games” that businesses buy and use (but i dont feel like talking abt it since this is the FUN POST
may 10-26
the flight was 11 hours, p easy, i didn’t know anybody going into the trip because i didn’t go to any of the meetings HAHhaHEHA
whatever. everyone on the trip initially came off as if they had yellow fever and i was like ... i’m really not trying to interact with FETISHIZERS
turns out they were all really cool! only this one kid was a real weeaboo who was greasy and tall and a neckbeard who kept talking about being “culturally insensitive” and speaking japanese constantly to the teacher and the TA like ... ok patrick we get it you flex
i stayed in a hotel in shinjuku! everything is so small and i used the bidets for the first time and WOO chile that shit feels FUNKY on your asshole
i visited shinjuku major (kabukicho aka red light district, couple other places!), ikebukuro (THE MEGA POKEMON CENTER), mt fuji, fuji q highland, akihabara, hamamatsucho (area where tokyo tower is), HARAJUKU, and the emperor’s palace! i’m probably forgetting some places since we went to a lot of temples and shrines that were cool ...
the public transportation in japan is scarily on time.. like, by the second. they apologize if they’re one minute early and will wait until the scheduled time before they move omg
the subway stations have their own jingles! they kind of act as an alarm system because a lot of people sleep on the subway (which is why people generally don’t talk on it) and will recognize the jingle for their stop!
the crowded hours on the subway are noon and 6-8pm... like, its insane. it’s actually packed like sardines in there. 
EVERYONE THERE IS SO SHORT.... i was taller than a lot of the grown men there (i’m 5′4″ or 162 cm for reference) and most people were around 5 feet tall... the only people taller than me were some kids around my age and this gaggle of japanese schoolgirls who were like 5′7+ and i was like. sis you’re 13, why are you that tall
pokemon is EXTREMELY prevalent in japan wherever you go. there’s pikachu stickers on taxis, pikachu is on ads on the subway and at the AIRPORT, pokemon go is widely played by a lot of people and so many of the people in my group played it so i got conned into playing again. i leveled up 5 times within 3 days and honestly? i’m god
anime is very normal there... i know that sounds all “weeby” but a lot of normal shops had animated mascots and there were ads for anime all over the place. 
literally gacha machines everywhere i spent a lot of coins on gacha machines plz kill me
the homies in japan loooove crepes. they sold so many crepes. everywhere. just crepes. also spaghetti carbonara! and corndogs HAHAHA
the food there is so cheap but SOOO GOOD. sushi isn’t all that expensive at all?? like a set of 16 pieces is 1080Y... meanwhile that cost in america is like. $6000 HAHAHAHAH. 
very humid? at all times? also the RAIN is debilitating if u make one wrong step you will slip and die (like i did! i stepped on a tile and fucking fell into a puddle! i have bruises still!)
SHINJUKU (detective pikachu day, may 10)
i went to go see detective pikachu on its release day in shinjuku! before that, i went to a couple sega buildings--
the sega buildings are 4 story buildings FILLED with claw machines holding stuffed animals, figurines, candy, all kinds of stuff. when i went, there was a lot of detective pikachu-related stuff. i saw this detective pikachu hat in one of the machines and spent 1000Y (about $10) or 10 attempts at the claw machine ... i still can’t believe i got it ... nobody was there to see it besides me and i YELLED when it dropped 
i wore the hat that entire day around shinjuku because i honestly felt like god. people would point at me and go like “ah! meitantei pikachu!” and smile at me. i was a celebrity. i wore the hat into the movie theatre, i wore it through the entire movie, and when i was walking out, someone tapped on my shoulder and asked for my picture. she was all nervous about her english and was like “i love your hat. may i take a picture?” and i was like omG YES U CAN... sweet bab... so that’s the first photo of me that ended up on some random person’s phone
we waited around for the mass of people to exit the theatre and then left, and we ran into her again! she asked me more questions about the hat: “did you make it?” “no, i got it in a claw machine in the sega building.” she looked dumbfounded. “in shinjuku?” “yes.” “in the sega building? over there?” “yeees.” “in a claw machine?!” “yes!” “ah! i thought you made it! it’s so cute! i’m going to get one for myself.” “lol ok have fun”
i learned that its customary to stay until the very end of the credits before leaving a movie out of respect for the people who made it! meanwhile in america we walk out when the credits roll FHDSKFJS OOPIES
SHINJUKU (visit #2)
we went in the night time to go see the red light district aka kabuki-cho because thats where a lot of the bars are
i don’t drink so i didn’t join the people who went to the bars to get CRUNK, so i dragged two other guys with me and we walked around the red light district
I SAW SO MANY HOST CLUBS. so many maid cafes. so many bars. i saw a love hotel too... i was like... i wanna go inside... Blease... and my friends were like “you’re so weird KHEDJFSk” and im like “I WAS GOOGLING THESE IN CLASS TODAY, I DIDN’T THINK THEY WERE REAL”
my friend sean (he’s from taipei, cool guy, could read a lot of the kanji so we used him to navigate the subway HAHA) was walking with me that night and we saw this hole in the wall that had stairs going down to a peep show ... homegirl had her whole ass out on the sign... tiddies covered with caution tape ... i said MAAM?
one of the signs in kabuki-cho had a woman doing straight up ahegao with (what i’m pretty sure was) nut on her face. it was a small sign and i was the only one who saw it. i lost my shit. it was the funniest thing ever
kabuki-cho is really really dirty... like people straight up litter all the time bc there’s no trashcans around? so people throw their shit on the ground? and everyone steps on it... very seedy area, very gross, but i was absolutely enthralled with the nightlife and the blatant sexual vibes half the places had!
some dude stopped me and started speaking english saying “do you like karaoke? you should come drink with me for two hours, it’s a great price if you drink a lot” and i was like “no... i have to go home” and he’s like “come onnnn it’s a good price” and i was like. i’m not very assertive with men so i started panicking and my friend sean (A GOD AMONG MEN) started speaking chinese to him and he backed off ... i love you sean you’re so fucking COOL
IKEBUKURO (pokemon mega center)
so there’s this huge mall. i forgot the name, but it’s got like a lot of floors and they’re MASSIVE
on the 2rd floor is the MEGA POKEMON CENTER!!! i was so HYPED to go in there!!! it was teeming with people but there was just... so much stuff. all kinds of merch. they had plushies of the original 151, a shitton of really cool tshirts, a whole block for detective pikachu-themed merch (pins, socks, canvas bags, shirts, patches, hats, etc), and sooo much more. there’s a giant charizard statue when you walk in, as well as a statue of a pokestop HAHA. i was so excited and i wanted to buy so many things when i was in there bc they had stuff for all the legendaries (LATIOS AND LATIAS STUFF WERE THERE I WAS SO HAPPY)!!! literally anything you can think of, they had in some kind of pokemon print. including underwear. yeah i said it. here’s a really good article that showcases some of the stuff they sold there!
for reference, 100 yen is about 1 usd. a lot of things there were 480 yen ($4.80) or 3000Y ($30) and it was just... beautiful. 
when i was there, yen didn’t feel like it had monetary value since it’s not the currency i’m used to, so i sPENT WAY TOO MUCH AHFJKDFD
they had themed cash registers with each of the starters... i cried :’)
i actually went there a second time but it was packed for a different reason. some idol group was performing on the ground floor and a shitton of girls were screaming fanchants while their jpop boys danced LOLLL. now i know how people see kpop stans ...
AKIHABARA (i went like 8 times)
this is what i like to call my birthplace
we went to the maid cafe. of course we fucking did. i got a dreamland passport and some cat ears. THE MAIDS ALL LOVED HATSUNE MIKU
SPEAKING OF HATSUNE MIKU AKA MY GODDESS, she was pretty popular in akihabara! she was also on some posters in the subway stations (across tokyo, not just in akihabara) and was apparently having some magical mirai concert???
there’s this giant tower called radio kaikan thats right outside the akihabara station that’s filled with all sorts of anime shit. i spent so much money in there. Good God. there was a furret plush for 5400Y and i was so STINGY that day i shouldve BOUGHT IT....  it was a longboi and i was like... sis!!!!
remember how i said my brain didn’t register that yen had monetary value? yeah i spent hundreds of dollars here no cap ...
i went to a kaguya-sama cafe as well on another day bc my friend joe (one of the figureine-collecting weebs) wanted to go and get a chika coaster
i went into a three floor sex shop and gave no fucks, the bottom floor was filled with bdsm shit and LEATHER SCHOOLGIRL OUTFITS and it was WILD. and these two old men were just casually browsing this shit like we weren’t both looking at whips and buttplugs in Public you know
i wasn’t fazed by a lot of the stuff there bc i read Funky fanfiction but the people i went in there with were major uncomfy ... i was like PRUDES HAJKFDAHDS i almost bought something don’t tell anybody
OKAY SO. there’s this place called super potato that has a floor dedicated to old games and consoles. they had so many gameboy advances and gamecubes and old consoles (famicom, dreamcast etc) for CHEAP. they had a gameboy color for 4900Y and a gamecube for 5600Y. a bitch almost cried. they had every old pokemon game under the sun (the original red, blue, yellow, gold and silver) and i ,,, they were 480Y. they were 480Y. that’s five fucking dollars. do you know how much collectors pay for that shit on ebay? HUNDREDS. i could’ve mass bought those and sold them and made so much cash but I DIDN’T.
that store had an original unopened copy of super smash bros melee and pokemon colosseum and i was like... wait if i cop a gamecube i could play pokemon collosseum like a true g... ((i didn’t cop))
but anyways there were a lot of games that didn’t make it to america (including mother 3! which my friend connor bought! as well as the console to play it!) and just... so many old things i grew up with ... 
whenever i walked out of the super potato we’d end up in an alley where all the girls who work at cafes were advertising their stuff
i always took the flyers from the girls bc they spoke their cute english to me and i was like... i’d die for you, yknow that?
ALL KINDS OF CAFES. regular maid cafe, pirate cafe, ninja cafe (you could do that thing where you karate chop a wooden block in half), sailor cafe (as in actual ship captains), shrine maiden cafe, vampire cafe, prince cafe (for the ladies ;3), catgirl cafe, bunny girl cafe... i took all of the goddamn flYERS THEY WERE ALL SO CUTE :( i wanted to go so bad...
FUJI Q HIGHLAND (also known as the time i flipped my shit and went on rollercoasters)
when i found out about fuji-q, i told my group that we HAD to go. i didn’t want to go to an onsen. i wanted to go to fuji-q. i had to. i love rollercoasters, it’s my passion, my driving fORCE IN LIFE
so fuji-q is home to 4 record-breaking rollercoasters! u got fast boi aka jojo reference do-dodonpa; EXTREME TALL BOI fujiyama; superior to x2 at six flags eejanaika; and the steepest rollercoaster in the world TAKABISHA ... i got to ride fujiyama, eejanaika, and takabisha! the scariest one was probably fujiyama despite it being very cut and dry up for... ever ... 79 meters ... oh god ... i lost my shit on the way down ladies let me TELL YOU
FUJIYAMA ALSO HAS A VIEW OF MT FUJI AND I WAS LIK E”YO GUYS ITS MT FUJI” and then we went down and i screamed
please watch the pov videos for these rides they’re very good but they don’t convey the absurd amount of excitement i had going on these rides
anyways the fuji-q park was having a sword art online collaboration when i visited, so they played SAO music and had cardboard cutouts for them across the park... kirito’s ride was fujiyama (aka the king of them all). i forgot the other ones but those alicization kiddos were there but ion care about ALICE OR EUGEO
the first ride i went on was eejanaika which is a 4d rollercoaster, pretty epic, total Baby Ride though
i went on as a single rider so i ended up getting put in this group with these college kids! the guy i was sitting next to spoke to me in english and asked basic questions: “where are you from?”, “is this [ride] easy for you?”, “how old are you?”, basic stuff. he asked why i was in japan and i told him i was studying at waseda university, and he immediately perked up and went “I GO TO WASEDA!!! WASEDA YEAH!!!” and fist bumped me ... his friends were giggling and kept asking him to ask me questions and it was just. so wholesome.
when we were abt to get on the ride he looks at me and says “my name is soichiro. call me so-chan ok??” and i was like... “so-chan” and his friENDS ALL STARTED GIGGLIGN AND I WAS LIKE U///W///U
while we were going up on the ride, he kept yelling “JESUS FUCK YOU JESUS CHRIST” and my favorite: “JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK YOU” because apparently fuck cannot be standalone! “what the fuck you” is my new fave insult (i miss you so-chan)
afterwards he kept coughing and was like. dead. his soul left his body. so i asked in him japanese like,,, “daijobu ka?” and he was like “nai.” and i just laughed at him bc BA B Y SO-CHAN CANT HANDLE SOME SPINS 
i bought a corndog at fuji-q at this place called arirang hotdog which is a korean style hotdog place??? BRUH that shit is so good but i shat myself for a good minute afterwards ... damn i want those corndogs
sadly i did not get to go on do-dodonpa because nobody wanted to ride with me and i didn’t want to go by myself >:/// still mad abt that bc that was the FAST BOI ...
also. takabisha. the guiness world record with the 121 degree drop. not even scary. BUT they do hang you there for like 3 seconds before making you go down and i was like “YALL FUCKIN WITH ME” really loud when they hung us there ... PLS watch a pov video you’ll see what i mean ...
HARAJUKU (i totally forgot abt this place OH lord)
i bought ... clothes here ...
they have all those clothes with the random english words on them so OF COURSE i had to buy one AS WELL AS a hat to match!
i also bought one of those ear hats where u press the paws and the ears move ... bts inspired that one
so many people in harajuku absolutely DECKED OUT in fashion. what a bunch of legends.
apparently wearing shirts that say “babygirl” are popular here i have no clue why ,,,, also im pretty sure i remember seeing a shirt that said “call me daddy” and i’m like. Ok Japan
half the shit in english made ZERO SENSE or was SPELLED WRONG and that was common all across japan, not just on harajuku fashion pieces LMAOOOO
deadass i went to a couple businesses (fuji xerox, nissan factory, etc) and they had spelling errors all over the place... nissan really had a placard that said “Prease do not touch” AND I CACKLED hfDSKLJF ilove u nissan
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yunsangelic · 6 years
captaindboss’ Hottest NHL Players Survey Responses
I’m demonkonecny bc it’s halloween!!! Happy Halloween!!! Anyway I’m finally posting the results of my hottest players per team survey, (it’s closed now so u can’t take it anymore, sorry) which included ur fav ugly hots like jack eichel and connor mcdavid. Y’all had some colorful write-in responses for me, I included my favorites! Anyway, as not to clog dashes I put it under a read more. If you have questions about how I compiled this data or how I organized it, feel free to ask! Also some of y’all didn’t put an answer for like half the teams???? who raised you.
Montreal Canadians
Carey Price (55.02%--126 of 229 votes)
Jonathan Drouin (23.58%--54 of 229 votes)
Shea Weber (13.10%--30 of 229 votes)
Other* (8.30%--19 of 229 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“PK Subban...oh wait...Lars Eller... Oh wait...Drouin...oh wait...Alex Galchenyuk...oh wait shit fine Shea Weber”
“Everyone who has escaped”
“their ‘attitude problem’“
Boston Bruins
Brandon Carlo (30.26%--69(lol) of 228 votes)
Patrice Bergeron (Cause y’all would kill me if I didn’t put him) (29.82%--68 of 228 votes)
David Pastrnak (yum i lov carb) (25.88%--59 of 228 votes)
Other* (14.04%--32 of 228 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
[About Carlo] “He’s  a baby but also like has an ageless vampire quality which appeals to my ovaries, long conditioned by teen vampire novels”
“Brad Marchand's tongue (only the tongue)” [this ain’t it chief]
“I love my alien father tuukka rask” [r u ok]
Bonus, cause I’m weak:
“no one THINKS pasta is hot COME ON i hate us” [it’s okay, he is VERY hot, that’s why I put him lmao]
“Zdeno chara babey” [R U OK]
Girl as if (44.80%--99 of 221 votes) 
Jonathan Toews (22.62%--50 of 221 votes)
If you put pk*ne here i’ll come to your house and murder you*^/other (17.65%--39 of 221 votes)
hahahahaHAHAHA (14.93%--33 of 221 votes)
*= tie between Nick Schmaltz and John Hayden.
^= 3 people want me to come to their houses and murder them, unfortunately it’s still illegal to do so, therefore I will not be doing that.
“toews player portrait makes him look like a human condom”
“i live in chicago and am willing to take 1 for the team and take out k*ne” 
“Bitch you funny but also Alex Debrincat”
New York Rangers
Brady Skjei (46.32%--107 of 231 votes)
Henrik Lundqvist duh (31.17%--72 of 231 votes)
Brett Howden is the right answer despite not being on the roster yet^ (11.69% (lol)--27 of 231 votes)
Other* (10.82%--25 of 231 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
^= funny enough, like 2 days after I made this Brett made the final cut lmao.
“Chris Kreider (have you seen the golf pic???) [LMFAO yeah I have (it’s probably too NSFW if ur in public fyi if u wanna google it)]
“i'm horny for like half the gd rangers roster!!!!” [lol girl I know, y’all actually have a few cuties I was a lil shocked]
“this is a hot team too bad they suck”
Toronto Maple Leafs
Y’all are demons okay Nikita Zaitsev is a fuckin gem idk why I was surprised about this but I was lmao.
Other* (39.37%--87 of 221 votes) [just know that I hate u all :/]
William Nylander (25.79%--57 of 221 votes)
Nazem Kadri (24.89%--55 of 221 votes)
Nikita Zaitsev (9.95%--22 of 221 votes)
*= Freddie Andersen. 
“william nylander isn't a leaf, firstable, and second it's motch murner” [sjdhkdlsjdj everything about this]
“i'm putting rich clune even tho he's on the marlies. SOMETIMES HE COMES UP. he could benchpress ever leaf on the roster.” [ur valid, when u sent this I was like “FUCK they’re right.”]
“None they look like 25 year olds who smoke crack in the parking lot” [this is low-key mean but I still laughed, cause yeah, white dudes. But I’m not condoning drug abuse or jokes about drug abuse, as this person had no intention of doing, I’m sure. Just wanted to put that because I know some people might be concerned.]
Bonus, again, weak:
"Jxhn Txvxrxs” [jhkhfoij why did u censor his name sis??]
“nobody’s attractive on the leafs” [this isn’t true but I’m petty and it’s funny.]
Detroit Red Wings
I was so fucking offended by some of the dylan larkin SLANDER up in these write-ins, y’all can come to my house and fight me thx.
Dylan Larkin (48.23%--109 of 226 votes)
Henrik Zetterberg (im crying) (31.42%--71(CRYING) of 226 votes)
Other* (11.95%--27 of 226 votes)
Andreas Athanasiou (8.41%--19 of 226 votes)
*= 12 votes for “No one/Not Dylan Larkin” (yall r annoying lmfao), 10 votes for Filip Zadina (he’s a CHILD how dare u)
“Luke glen denting is hot look at his arms and he’s not too old for ME” [girl when I tell u this shit killed me, I mean I SQUAWKED a laugh out and sent it to the fps gc, I was DEAD] 
“I don't know what any of the red wings look like and it's probably better that way” [????????????????]
“ion know anyone on the wings except zadina and he scored a gwg against the bruins yesterday so my answer for this one is none 😤😤” [(this was in reference to a pre-season game) lmao sis yall are okay. it was yalls babies against our roster players, I would have offed myself had the outcome been any different lmao]
“Does anyone actually play for the red wings” [no]
“filip "thot" zadina” [don’t....]
Los Angeles Kings
The only right answer is Alec Martinez (41.56%--96 of 231 votes)
Adrian Kempe (38.10%--88 of 231 votes)
Anze Kopitar (12.12%--28 of 231 votes)
Other* (8.23%--19 of 231 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“jeff carter would snort a line of coke with gritty” [uhhhhh WHAT]
“uhh wayne gretzky...” [jvfluhddsf sis...]
“I couldn't name anyone on this team if you PAID ME” [fjldfdhfh god I wish that were me, sorry annie u know I joke....]
Philadelphia Flyers
Claude Giroux (44.78%--103 of 230 votes)
Travis Konecny (HAHAHAHAHA that’s my ugly hot gremlin) (24.78%--57 of 230 votes
Other* (22.17%--51 of 230 votes
Wayne Simmonds (8.26%--19 of 230 votes)
*= Nolan Patrick is apparently who y’all think is the 3rd hottest flyer, even tho he Looks Like That rn lmao. fuckin’ lettuce head.
“Gritty's googly eyes are the windows to the soul”
“andrea helfrich” [ur right]
“tk, because country boy i LOVE you 😛”
“hey don't make threats abt gritty like that” [I put “if you put gritty i’ll block you”]
“My hellspawn son [Gritty,] is beautiful can’t believe Voracek and G had a son tho” [HDKUHEDKJFHD BITCH]
Pittsburgh Penguins :(
Kris Letang (55.17%--128 of 232 votes)
Other* (19.40%--45 of 232 votes)
Not Sidney Crosby [this is the option for Sidney Crosby] (16.81%--39 of 232 votes)
Tristan Jarry (8.62%--20 of 232 votes
*= different variations of “none” won but only by one vote, the person right behind was Jamie Oleksiak.
“the penguins roster came into my home and killed my entire family, but jamie oleksiak is 6'7" 255 lbs of A Man” [NDKFHSJRFDRBSKRFH valid]
“no penguin has ever been hot. As soon as they put on the jersey the hotness evaporates. Tragic.” [wow look at all that truth right there]
“as a heterosexual i chose letang, and as a flyers fan i choose the penguin mascot” [lmao girl letang is not the answer either]
St. Louis Blues
Colton Parayko (67.11%--151 of 225 votes)
Alex Pietrangelo (17.33%--39 of 225 votes)
Other* (8%--18 of 225 votes)
Ryan O’Reilly (7.56%--17 of 225 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“this [’other’] box shouldn’t exist there are no valid arguments against the angel colton parayko” [tru, but the blues have other hotties so I made the box to be fair to those of us who don’t like Big Blonde Sexies]
“uh valid i guess? idk any of the blues lmao” [LMAOOO I think they meant Vladdy, but “valid” cracked me up]
“ROR can lay me down” [ur so valid lmao]
Buffalo Sabres
Jeff Skinner (60.18%--136 of 226 votes)
Rasmus Ristolainen (17.26%--39 of 226 votes)
Other* (14.16%--32 of 226 votes)
Jack Eichel (8.41%--19 of 226 votes)
*= Inconclusive results. [Y’all big mad that I put Skinner on here. HE’S HOT!]
“Idk but not these lmao” [*instert that gif of the kardashians like “DON’T BE FUCKING RUDE”*]
“Why is Jeff Skinner an option he looks 12″ [who else tho sis. I looked at the roster!]
“If anyone says eichel i will come to their house and steal their toothbrushes. Its conor sheary.” [I took my own survey and picked Eichs but I still have my toothbrush so I guess......... I’m right.]
“Rasmus Ristolainen kinda looks like a creepy half-alive Ken doll, but I'll stand by my choice. Hire an exorcist.” [JDFKHRFWEH GIRL]
“They lost their only cute player when O’Reilly got traded sorry” [boom. roasted]
Vancouver Canucks
Brock Boeser (67.56%--152 of 225 votes)
Other* (13.78%--31 of 225 votes)
Jake Virtanen (12.44%--28 of 225 votes)
Ben Hutton (6.22%--14 of 225 votes)
*=Inconclusive results.
“[about Jake Virtanen] all that ass...........” [sjdkfhdkfhdkhfi yeah]
“the city of vancouver” [?????????????????????]
“I keep forgetting that the canucks actually exist” [I’m reasonably sure this is annie lmfao]
“I don’t know how any of this team looks either” [idk if I follow Nucks blogs or what but how do u not know Boeser???]
“i don't care enough about this team to even attempt to answer” [this is my brain @ me on the last 5 questions of an exam]
New York Islanders
Mat Barzal (67.69%--155 of 229 votes)
Tito Beauvillier (14.85%--34 of 229 votes)
Jordan Eberle (10.48%--24 of 229 votes)
Other* (6.99%--16 of 229 votes)
*=Inconclusive results.
“you say put full names but then u go and say tito??” [LISTEN I was tired at this point and forgot that I was trying to be at least a little bit professional about my thirst survey alright? yeesh]
“Its Matt Martin my dude” [LMAO u funny]
“idk how anyone pays attention to mat when tito is always there looking better barzal looks like every attractive jock ive ever met and i dont trust that”
Calgary Flames
Noah Hanifin (37.95%--85 of 224 votes)
Elias Lindholm (32.59%--73 of 224 votes)
Matthew Tkachuk (20.54%--46 of 224 votes)
Other* (8.93%--20 of 224 votes)
*= Sean Monahan wins 4th hottest.
“[Hanifin] looks like the bad guy in a teen movie. the guy the Main Girl is dating in the beginning but is a real dick to her. you look at him and you KNOW he has a trust fund and votes republican. god he's so hot though” [hanny......... yeah.... yeah....]
“Why do I find Tkachuk attractive? I don't know but I love him” [me too]
“James 'The Real Deal' Neal” [lol I got this answer multiple times]
Washington Capitals
Tom Wilson (31.33%--73 of 233 votes)
Andre Burakovsky (29.18--68 of 233 votes)
Braden Holtby (24.03%--56 of 233 votes)
Other* (15.45%--36 of 233 votes)
*= Michal Kempny and Nicklas Backstrom tied for fourth hottest.
“literally no one, i s2g if i see anyone say ovi is attractive..... jfc god help them” [.... but ovi is dad-hot, also he got 3 votes]
“YOUR STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS! Everyone btw just a hot team of hot ugly men and Tom Wilson” [kskdjskdjksks]
“my sweaty swedish sweetheart; Nicklas Backstrom” [I’m too illiterate to read this right the first time thru lol]
Colorado Avalanche
Gabe Landeskog ( 55.95%--127 of 227 votes)
Other* (22.47%--51 of 227 votes)
Erik “Horsegirl” Johnson (14.1%--32 of 227 votes)
Mikko Rantanen (7.49%--17 of 227 votes)
*= Tyson Barrie won by more than double of all the other write-ins, but honorable mentions go to Nate MacK, Colin Wilson, Tyson Jost, Phillip Grubauer, and The Avs Tumblr People.
Write-ins - I (jokingly) got called bitch so much in these write-ins, y’all feel some type of WAY about this team lmfao.
“but also the tysons. i would buy a whole farm just so those boys could plow me into the ground.” [i’m SCREECHING. this killed me lol]
“only attractive b/c of his proximity to horses? maybe so.” [.... girl what]
Okay, so instead of a third quote, cause I couldn’t pick, I’m gonna put all the other funny EJ comments I was contemplating:
“ej is soooo ugly in the hottest way possible”
“erik "big horny" johnson”
“oh my god Ej was included for once I'm weeping tears of joy”
“What that mouth do EJ?”
New Jersey Devils
Miles Wood (36.12%--82 of 227 votes)
Taylor Hall (33.48%--76 of 227 votes)
Brian Boyle (19.82%--45 of 227 votes)
Other* (10.57%--24 of 227 votes)
*= Nico Hischier with the majority of the write-ins, even tho he’s still a CHILD (under 20).
Write-ins, aka Mostly Taylor Hall Commentary.
“Does Michael McLeod count” [YES girl i love that boy]
“Nico Hischier (Taylor Hall I still love you)”
“i chose taylor and i don’t even need a gucci purse”
“If Taylor Hall gave me a Gucci purse I'd vote for him”
“catch me w/ a gucci purse, girl!!!! for real tho miles wood”
Dallas Stars
DISCLAIMER: I mean no disrespect to Katie, she’s fab and I made this survey a month or so ago. If you don’t know what I mean by this--do not ask me, I will delete the message. Thank you!
Tyler Seguin (46.96%--108 of 230 votes)
Katie Hoaldridge (im gay) (35.22%--81 of 230 votes)
Other* (13.91%--32 of 230 votes)
Stephen Johns (3.91%--9 of 230 votes)
*= Jamie Benn.
“tyler seguin has no upper lip” [I screamed, not exaggerating]
“You have to choose [Seguin] but I do so under duress”
“Im gay too” [hell yeah, this is a mlm and wlw friendly survey!]
Edmonton Oilers
Jujhar Khaira (28.57%--64 of 224 votes)
Other* (27.68%--62 of 224 votes)
Contract McMoney (he is hot) (25.89%--58 of 224 votes)
Darnell Nurse (17.86%--40 of 224 votes)
*= Leon Draisaitl won by more than 5 times anyone elses write-in lmao.
Write-ins ft. “The Draisaitl Quotes”
“McMoney’s money- just his money” [lmao ok sammie, HE’S HOT!]
“cannot mcwingames went off in the gq shoot i admit” [*annie voice* OHMYGOD]
“He’s [Khaira] like a romance novel cover like, f me” [tru]
Drai Quotes
“Drai but like lucic cause Momma needs a man that could kill me” [HDGFDHDGFHDH]
“leon dreisetl (is that his name, is this how you spell it?)”
“Leon Draisaitl and his contract that he doesn't deserve” [backhanded compliment lmao]
“the one w the longass name. dry saitl or whatever” [girl. lmfao]
Winnipeg Jets
Jets/laine fans are funny so I’m adding all the funniest ones instead of just 3 or 5. Sorryyyyyy I’m here to entertain.
Blake Wheeler (44.04%--96 of 218 votes)
Mathieu Perreault (but specifically in his newest headshot) (21.56%--47 of 218 votes)
Other* (19.27%--42 of 218 votes)
Connor Hellebuyck (15.14%--33 of 218 votes)
*= Patrik Laine, even tho I said NOT TO, demons.
“Their logo so I can fly away from this stupid team”
“Nobody but I just needed to point out Connor Hellebuyck looks like a stage magician and that is Not Hot” [i respectfully disagree with the last bit but the first parts made me snort]
“I don't know who windy pegg is”
“Boeing 747″ [sjdjsljlshgdu]
“they’re all second to jacob trouba’s dog Donnie”
“Patty Laine, but like, without the demon beard”
“Let me live my life! Laine has a good voice and i have a LANGUAGE KINK!”
“Laine WITH the beard because I don't fear death”
“Sorry, Laine but only with his beard” [I love the halfhearted apology]
“laine come at me bitch lol” [denny’s parking lot. 3 am. be there.]
���laine looks like a goat”
“Laine’s Beard”
“LAINE I like the beard but hockey Satan is good to hellebuyck” [I really felt like I was tripping balls while reading all these but, ESPECIALLY this one lmfao]
Arizona Coyotes
Oliver Ekman-Larsson (30.32%--67 of 221 votes)
Jakob Chychrun (28.05%--62 of 221 votes)
Dylan Strome (26.24%--58 of 221 votes)
Other* (15.38%--34 of 221 votes)
*= Alex Galchenyuk, with the majority of the votes.
“pls date me Chych” [annie, that’s my BF!]
“ 🐼 there is no raccoon emoji >:(”
“[Chychrun] [a]lso has a vampire quality but like trust fund baby vampire who has no morals. I’m...into it??” 
Honorable mentions: The 2 people who put Biz lmaoooo I love yall.
Carolina Hurricanes
Andrei Svechnikov [he’s a baby but I didn’t know who elseeee] (38.29%--85 of 222 votes)
Haydn Fleury (35.59%--79 of 222 votes)
Other* (15.77%--35 of 222 votes)
Dougie Hamilton (10.36%--23 of 222 votes)
*= Sebastian Aho wins the write-in vote [he ain’t it!]
“Justin Faulk (I’m old so svechnikov is out)” [ugh ur right I didn’t make this more inclusive to people not my age, i’m (genuinely) sorry!!!]
“Formerly Eric ‘the hottest Staal' Staal” [only on the cane’s write-in would I have this happen...]
“[Jordan] staal terrifies me but that's hot” [true!]
San Jose Sharks
Erik Karlsson (70.04%--159 of 227 votes)
Martin Jones (17.62%-- 40 of 227 votes)
Other* (11.01%--25 of 227 votes)
Justin Braun (idk) (1.32%--3 of 227 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“Daddy shark (doo doo doo)” [just so yall know this is, of course, annie, as in anzekopistar, an actual demon, she’s talking about Erik Karlsson :)]
“Brent Burns, you know im right” [are you tho?]
“Okay sometimes I have needs I think Joe Thorton sans beard could fill” [this is why joe shaved. he felt this person in the universe wanting him to, so he did, wow thank u joe]
Ottawa Senators (lol)
Matt Duchene (33.63%--75 of 223 votes)
The entire team (cause they’re a dumpster fire) (30.94%-- 69 [it’s that tkachuk fuckboi energy] of 223 votes)
Other (there are none)* (22.87%--51 of 223 votes)
Spartacat (12.56%--28 of 223 votes)
*= Inconclusive results (because a lot of you took my “there are none” joke a little too seriously and just chose that, no write-in lmao)
“[about Duchene] he's traitorous but it's like that sometimes i guess” [sjdhdjfhkdhf girl it’s okay.]
“.... we're a team“ [i-]
“the senator on their jerseys is p cute ig”
“oh so spartacat is an option but not gritty huh” [LISTEN the flyers are a HOT team, the sens are NOT. that’s why lmao]
“Just based on headshots I’m going with Ben Sexton like also how do you go wrong with that name”
Tampa Bay Lightning
Brayden Point (55.25%--121 of 219 votes)
Other* (22.83%--50 of 219 votes)
Mitchell Stephens (11.87%--26 of 219 votes)
Steve Yzerman (10.05%--22 of 219 votes)
*= Inconclusive results. Although there were a lot of responses none of them added up significantly sooo....
“am i the only one who thinks stevie y was a bit of a twink when he was younger?” [jdhslihdalskdjefh]
“Worst team in the league i hate them and theyre all hideous” [u sure bout that, bud?]
“Stamkos (I love his tiny eyes)” [????]
Florida Panthers
 Aaron Ekblad (71.75%--160 of 223 votes)
Aleksander Barkov [r yall ok???] (11.66%--26 of 223 votes)
Other* (10.31%--23 of 223 votes)
Vincent Trocheck (6.28%--14 of 223 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“who are the panthers” [sometimes a team is a dog captain, a(n extremely hot) 27-year-old lawyer, and not owen tippett because the panthers hate me specifically]
“Roberto Luongo during Parkland speech” [... valid]
“barkov is literally the only player i know on this team” [shey would be happy to teach u about the panthers!]
Anaheim Ducks
Adam Henrique (52.47%--117 of 223 votes)
No one else (29.6%--66 of 223 votes)
Other* (10.76%--24 of 223 votes)
John Gibson (7.17%--16 of 223 votes)
*=Inconclusive results.
Write-ins-Ducks fans don’t @ me but i’m pretty sure half of these were submitted by y’all anyways....
“if i look @ anyone on the ducks roster for more than 5 seconds i BLACK OUT” [KSHDGJDHSKH Adam tho....]
“Quack Quack go lay your eggs somewhere else you feathered FUCKS” [sjdjfhdjsksj]
“legal 2 say kesler?” [no. go to jail]
“Henrique is fine I have no qualms about your selections” [thnk u]
“jared coreau!!! GOOGLE HIM i’m right” [I said this, and we’ve talked, but I need people to know that I, after seeing this, subsequently found out that the Wings didn’t sign coreau back this offszn lmao] 
Nashville Predators
Roman Josi (39.39%--91 of 231 votes)
PK Subban (37.66%--87 of 231 votes)
Kevin Fiala (13.42%--31 of 231 votes)
Other* (9.52%--22 of 231 votes)
*= Pekka Rinne for 4th hottest. [My mom loves him for his name lol. she says it’s “fun”]
“pk wears cool hats. I like that in a man”
“I don't find any of them hot (Josi used too be hot and then I learned he was illiterate and now I feel nothing but pity towards him)” [GIRL]
“preds are also ugly. pk subban would be attractive if he werent a pred” [lmao. what’d they do to u ?]
Columbus Blue Jackets
Pierre-Luc Dubois (50.22%--113 of 225 votes)
Zach Werenski (20.44%--46 of 225 votes)
Josh Anderson (16.89%--38 of 225 votes)
Other* (12.44%--28 of 225 votes)
*= Alex Wennberg is 4th hottest [lmao]
“Can I put werenskie and Anthony Duclair” [valid]
“Just to be clear CBJ is by far the hottest team exemplified by the fact that you left Seth Jones and Alexander Wenneberg off this list when they're like top 20 in hotness. Also Nick Foligino wins if we include looks and personality.” [I didn’t include them cause this is a mix of hot and ugly hot fam, the avs are 100% the hottest team in the NHL, and that’s coming from me, a Wings fan, destined to hate the Avs for my entire life. Also???? The hotter Foligno is def Marcus lmao]
“[About Werenski] only with the scar though otherwise seth jones” [GIRL scars don’t disappear??? WDYM only with the scar??? Are you a time traveler??? lmfaooo]
Minnesota Wild
J.T. Brown (46.46%--105 of 226 votes)
Other* (21.68%--49 of 226 votes)
Eric Staal (20.80%--47 of 226 votes)
Jason Zucker (11.06%--25 of 226 votes)
*= Charlie Coyle. Honorable mentions to Zach Parise and Matt Dumba.
“Charlie Coyle man! V hot, could kill you, gently waves at babies, 10/10″ [exactly my type! wow]
“ Not JT[,] Lexi is the hottest[,] Eric Staal from a few years ago is also hot” [I added commas to your thing cause.... girl it took me a sec to understand what u were tryna say. But also ur right it’s Lexi.]
“love a #wokebae jt” [yaaas]
FINALLY this legit took me like 10+ hours of work cause I had to transcribe all the info cohesively and then go thru all the responses lmao.
Vegas Golden Knights
William Karlsson (40.52%--94 of 232 votes)
Marc-Andre Fleury (30.60%--71 of 232 votes)
Max Pacioretty (16.81%--39 of 232 votes)
Other* (12.07%--28 of 232 votes)
*= Inconclusive results.
“[Karlsson] because he looks like young Bill from Mamma Mia” [shfhdjdhf girl]
“fleury isn't hot you absolute monster” [???????? drink ur bitterness tea somewhere else pls]
“let's find out just how wild this boy is” [pftd dtduftdhjfgdjfghdjf]
Bonus/Honorable mentions:
The TWO people who put “colin miller’s eyelashes” lmfaoooo
Alrighty this is The End! If you’d like to see another survey by me let me know in my messages/ask!!! Also sorry for stealing de la Rose from u, habs fans
36 notes · View notes
aitian · 4 years
Sun 2/28 3:06am
watched a lot of crime shows lately. good girls, ginny & georgia, those kinds of crimes that happen in nice places, done by nice ppl. or like, suburban dystopia & rats on the countertops. 
up late last night watching tv- been really good & sleeping early for the last two weeks, waking up early too. but i woke up around 1pm today with plans to go do something, anything, with mom, hang out somewhere or smth. last weekend we went to altoona with dad too, & walked around the mall & ate kfc in the car before driving back. mom got a call from alice & sat on my bed with me, & we talked abt her residency match stuff & whatever. idk i think i was saying smth silly, maybe abt altoona last week, & felt like we were abt to end the call, & mom said she needed to tell us smth important. & she told us that grandma passed away last week, on wednesday. she died in the morning, & it snowed for the first time in a while that day in luoyang. its a good sign, peaceful passing. i started crying, & i heard moms voice start to break, & on the phone alice’s face begin to turn red. just like tears leaking out of my eyes, i didnt even feel the squeezing or any of the feelings in my head before i began crying. i guess its just one of those things that happens on its own. in my head i was thinking abt how i didnt think i would cry at this news, or actually thats wrong, of course i would. maybe it was just unexpected how easy & tender my body was to those words, & smth slow moving so far away, its aftermath, & the quietness of the ceremony i have never been a part of & always been a part of. i didnt know grandma well. i have a vague memory of being kind of mean and childish during the longest time we were together, around 2007 or 2008. and again, feeling so lost in 2018 seeing her and grandpa so old, feeling their days go by with difficulty. it always felt like the numbness of separation would shield me from tears like these. sociopath immigrant kids with no past, no access or interest in those things that hold us down. relieved thats not me. im not stupid enough to think that theres some sort of genealogical magic or fetish teaching that will set me free. its all here though, with nuance, in the moments that im living. that feels big, & free, & scary too. im thinking abt the clouds moving through the sky today. rly existential sometimes these days, sudden panic & the like, mostly thinking abt mom not being here someday. that hurts so bad. 
after the call we hugged, & i cried more, & mom talked about how those great people, the greats, wei da de ren, were by her side. & things about how those days when it was the six of them, mom, two uncles, grandma, grandpa, & great grandma, all living in one house, she always felt, even at the time, that those were the happiest days of her life. it means a lot for a small family to be under one roof. (& earlier on the call, it means a lot for a person to take care of themself. i felt sad, or almost a bit irritated when mom said that on the call, that its a lesson we should learn from grandma that its important to take care of ourselves, as if there is a moral to smth like this, or smth so simple to gain, & i know its bc she wanted to be someone who could say that to her kids in a moment like this, & she feels the same way as i do, & even more, abt the vastness of this moment.) when mom told dad on thursday he cried, & then said some stupid shit abt how they shouldnt have stayed. she didnt tell alice on the phone but she told me. when would dad ever offer a comforting word? he has been so shitty & annoying these past few days, bickering & teasing & doing things to make mom angry like any other time. we also talked abt some stupid stuff like how xiao yu ah yi made yuan xiao in jiu niang, some meat & some black sesame all together, with diced carrot & corn in the soup that mom & dad tried to eat for breakfast. we ended up leaving the house around 3 after eating some breakfast. 
mom drove to the golf course by waffle shop, & we got out of the car on that path that leads to the IST bridge. talked abt how golf is so dumb & we just wanted to walk on their field. went a little down the path until it met the road, & walked down the road for a bit. mom said she didnt want to retrace our steps so i said we could just take a circle and walk on the grass. there was still a lot of snow, around 4 inches where it was deep but the tops of the hills were bare. took some photos. mom smiled really natural & pretty, like i dont see her doing well when posing, & she thought so too. we ran a little bit, & stopped after we got to the top of a hill. i was looking at the sky, really blue & sunny & mostly filled with white clouds, blowing by. they were moving fast & steady, like that memory i have of feeling them go by. so wonderful. i felt the ground beneath my feet in that moment, like an animal standing on a hill, born from thos big breathing thing, moving as a small & big part of it, it moving as a vast part of me, above & below me. it means so much that these moments we spend together .  just that. we made our way back to the car & decided to go to home goods. we poked around & looked at stuff, & by the time we got to the furniture half of the store i felt kinda tired so we found an ottoman to sit on. & we were talking abt the texture of the fabrics on the chairs & stuff, & decided to just go to loves (where wolfs furniture went out of business, advertising a total liquidation sale recently) & look at sofas. im laying on it right now. we sat on everything downstairs, then sat on stuff upstairs. & we sat on the one before this & mom was like, this could be the one, & i said we shoould keep looking, & mom sat on this one, & mom said this is the one. & she called a sales associate over & he asked what her question was, & she said she didnt really have one. she wanted to buy this sofa. also, whats the final price? the tag said smth like 2000 as the discounted price, & the guy said 1400. & mom said we/ll take it, & we did. mom got shoe covers from amys mom for when the movers came, & we moved the old sofa out of the way into the guest room (dad took the door off & we tilted in every direction). then i played some genshin co-op with sherry in my room & we called & chatted abt stuff while the moving happened. it got quiet after moving & my phone ran out of battery & i went downstairs & we ate hot pot. new couch. life. i think im going to sleep here tonight. it smells like new couch, & i think i liked this smell on our old couch but it just smells kinda smelly to me now. feels like when we travel, or moved houses, or something like that. the feeling that life is changing a lot, or we are making changes, moving about, being changed, becoming changed.
0 notes
shytiff · 4 years
Feb 2021 Wins
1 - osce study with clara almira, tryout 9 fkui, tryout review with clar, study sesh with clara that finished at about 10 pm. watched some youtube vids together til 11:15 pm. no longer sleepy, so i made my cv and finished it at about 3 in the morning lmao, bcs i saw this interning opportunity and i was like “damn i should make my cv”
2 - woke up at 7 am, didnt shower lmao, off to kiara for vaccination. Waited for a bit and i finally got it. ate mamdaging pesto rice with beef at kamkan w/ ren ness ara akisyah. talked at studied osce a bit. waited for mom to pick me up. until when do i need someone else to pick me up. i feel helpless and i hate that i cant just ride my motorbike because its too tiring. went back and dad got mad at me bcs i didnt greet him when leaving and entering the house. I truly didnt see him when i entered even though i heard sumn lmao. He said sumn along the lines of "you can always leave if u dont like me" (which is lowkey appealing). I cried bcs i felt sad and annoyed with our terrible emotional parent-daughter relationship. Hold the tears for a bit to study with clara. Darkened the room and slept still in my going-out clothes. I did not shower today lmao,,,,
3 - woke up at 10 am. Tryout and review w clara. Psych coaching. Psych practice with irun. Called lau and dajen bcs hes leving to medan. Randomly checked my email and my intern submission, which i emailed yesterday, that turns out the doctor replied at 8pm yesterday asking for interview today 11 am. And i saw it @ 6 pm. Aka super late. The stupidest thing ive ever done in FKUI. No cap. :( i panicked and it gave me a reason to talk with dad (asking how to reply) so i guess its a form of effort to banish the awkwardness between us. Studied w clara. I hope the doctor can forgive me. Its one loose end after the other lately.
4 - went to starbucks with atikah. got treated matcha latte yayy. cicil osce. called clara to learn imunisasi. went to kaleyo w atikah clara, ate bebek muda cabe ijo yumm. talked abt a lot of things in a span of 1-2 hours. we’re all pragmatist lmaoo. 
5 - osce briefing, DV osce practice w irun, watched run bts again lmaoo since knowing my osce schedule is thursday. read buku osce biru. 
6 - slept and lazed around til 1 pm. went to flavola since the construction was so noisy. osce simulation with UKMPPD Wibu. turns out flavola’s siomay is very fulfilling.
7 - todays construction noise escape is jco. Bought jcool double with almonds and chocolate crunchy. A bit of psych practice w aisyah. After maghrib practiced neuro w irun
8 - had no mood to study in the morning. Went to flavola, kopsusss coklat as usual. Reviewed osce materials (theres some tea about what might come out). Reviewed again at home (even tho i procrastinated from 6-9pm). Asked my bro for some ovo bcs i bought a mini keyboard in tokped lmaoooooo so random
9 - went to merra (ara and nessa’s place) but mom drove dad to the airport first. stome osce study, group consolidation for osce, tried mad bagel (the garlic cream cheese and tuna salad). the bagel was quite dense and fulfilling. the garlic cream cheese is quite heavy. arrived at home by 9 pm, went straight to sleep
10 - omg dr eva contacted me again :”) and i got the chance to be ecmocard research assistant. osce study. line call with ara. matcha latte. studied in juan’s room bcs it was so noisy. the keyboard i ordered arrived lolll cant wait to try. i dont know if its the anxiety or fear but i cant sleep and forced myself to sleep 11pm-ish
11 - osce. Went early to learn sumn more w ara tri. Osce (i forgot opv for the 5 mo old baby in peds station 😭 there was dr yogi omg) prayed zuhur and ashar in merra while waiting for pick up (i rly wish i could just bring my own vehicle but motorbike is rly tiring). Finally tried the mini keyboard, with earphones on. Practiced the song aku bukan untukmu by rossa lmao bu sihar taught us that in 33. I felt rly excited and not sleepy afterwards (that "normal" feeling with nothing looming). Its been a while since i tried something new, voluntarily. I guess its kind of what i felt when i tried the korean duolingo. That lasted for a couple months. Lets see how this keyboard thingy goes
12 - finally finished reviewing to oneshot (took ages lmao). Lazed around
13 - inten ukmppd w ness ren ara @ merraaa always. Went through 5 pdfs. Tried fastfit chicken burger and sweet potato fries. Quite fulfilling. Went back home and straight to bed (didnt eat anymore)
14 - started my day late as usual on weekdays lmaoo. flavola kopsus coklat as usual at my usual seat facing the window. did padi final tryout, score: 69. booty call with fianti, did mindset tryout, got 76,5.
15 - lazed tilll i start my day as usual @ 11-ish. Reviewed to padi final answers. Wow it sure took some damn time. My attention span is rly horrible when im alone in my room
16 - second dose of vaccine today. the rain was POURING. mom and emir waited in mcd. read half of aipki citation. 
17 - finished aipki citation, read CBT 2020 batch I and 2019 batch III questions. read a fantastic slow burn dramione fic. reviewed the last to solid.
18 - accompanied clara for swab antigen near airport train station (we came with motorbike since clara’s car was used). got called over by the police bcs we were in the car-only road lmaooo. went over optima tryout 2021. 
19 - cicil ukmppd at flavola with the usual menu, read some more afterwards
20 - ended up going to tamel bcs the flood in tb simatupang toll. Stayed w nessa and henny. Ate garlic carbonara spaghetti by bittersweet najla. Quite good for the price. Went over mediko questions with nessa and first session citation. Atikah sent some krispy kreme donuts 🥺🥺
21 - woke up at 4 bcs henny and nessa already did. Ate cold kanayam for bfast. Did ukmppd. I flagged quite a lot of questions huaa. I hope i can pass, aamiin. Went to tamel to get stuff (nebeng oca uye), climbed jembor to get to akis et al. Went to aeon (super crowded tffff), followed by ikea (parked at decathlon). Ate at both places (shared portion w kris lmaoo we get full quick). Aeon sushi and ikea meatball. So fulll. Went out of ikea to be briefed by dr Debby (ecmocard) and put my stuff to mom's car. Went in ikea again. And finally we went back. such a good sleep yall
22 - relaxed and i mean RELAXXXED. woke up and slept again. showered to prepare to go to harkit for intern briefing. i was late (thanks daan mogot road) and had to grabbike from untar. put on some sheet mask (natrep rose) bcs im realizing i need to fix my face and look decent for this new environment lmaoo.
23 - left home at 7 am, went through highway (i aint repeating daan mogot tragedy again). walked a bit backwards bcs the hightway exit was infront of dharmais. super slow progress on entering medical datas. took half a day to get one. and another half for the other. ate marugame udon, somay, chicken katsu and otak otak. we finished after maghrib and im writing this while waiting for mom
24 -  tried salted egg dori rice from salt inc. its quite salty and eneg inducing (a bit more than eatlah), but for the price (19k after cashback) i wont complain. Went back home before maghrib but there was still some medical record stuff i did in my room.
25 - magang as usual. Tried chicken egg salad from salad hut. Bought ice french hazelnut coffee from lawson coz i just cant take it anymore (the slump and sleepyness). I feel like the moment that sugary beverage enters my system i rise like a freshly watered plant. First meeting with dr eva and the others
26 - felt so tired even in the morning. Its 9 am and im already ordering janjiw coffee (with hazelnut and milo, quite sweet. Like a mix of kopiko and milo). Slow progress today i dunno why. Lunch is nayam rica2 and egg for 21k. Went back home by tj and mom picked me at gajah 2
27 - i hate to say this but bcs for 5 days now ive been fighting sleeping instincts, i snap out of sleepiness easier in the morning. Nasi uduk for brekkie. Moved some stuff up bcs the noise, played keyboard. Learned the (difficult) chords to tyler's see you again and im feeling satisfied. Went to racheel's place. Got fed chicken noodle. And then off to silvi's with devi also. Got fed chicken rice and dimsum. Thanks to friends im eating superwell today🥺
28 - relaxed at home. Skipped breakfast bcs i fell asleep and ate heartily in the afternoon. Evening run w racheel at citra 6
0 notes
johnark · 4 years
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            TOLD IN EMAILS AND LETTERS DURING 2019 & 2020 
This is the font and color used for John’s emails and comments.
This is the font and color used for Melissa’s emails. 
This is the font and color used for Frankie’s letters. 
The social content in all correspondence has been deleted for the most part, leaving only the family narrative information. The principal people in this essay are Melissa Mohon Papineau, Frankie Lou Weisinger Means, John McLeod, Ruth Gunter Johnston (Big), Charles Bennet Johnston (CB), Mary Frances Johnston McLeod Weisinger (Mary), Vivian Jane Johnston Jackson Mohon (Vivian), T.J. Johnston (TJ), R. E. Mohon (RE), Frank McLeod, Frank Weisinger. Mary, TJ and Vivian are Big and CB’s children. Melissa is Vivian’s daughter, Frankie and John are Mary’s children. 
ON 2 MARCH 2019 JOHN WROTE THIS:  I recently had a remark by Frankie in one of her letters that Hampton was just drying up as a town. Not many businesses, that sort of decay. I replied that I think we have to expect that of our small towns - just becoming more or less residential communities. With good roads, good cars, cheap gas it is no big deal to drive to a nearby larger town for more choice and cheaper prices. Knowing what we can see with Google Maps, I decided to "drive" around Hampton and see for myself. Oh, my. She is certainly correct. I looked around a lot. Mary and Frank's little house on Highway 167 is gone. So is the Stringfellow house. In fact in that area, I didn't see any residences close to the highway. Then in Hampton I found very few places of business. Mary's old flower shop is gone. The movie theater is gone - probably long gone. The hardware - general store is gone, again probably long gone. I captured a few photos and sent them to Frankie telling her what I recognized as missing. Then I decided to "drive around Harrell" a bit. I was surprised that Big's house is still there. It is changed a bit - it now has a car port and the front porch is changed. The town people tribute Dr. C.B. and Ruth by naming the street that runs in front of their house as Johnston Avenue. Nice gesture. I captured a photo of the house and attach it to this email. I was responding to a facebook post by Annie (Melissa’s daughter) and posted a photo of the house to her, telling her this is where her grandmother, her grandmother's sister and grandmother's brother grew up and where her great grandmother and husband lived. The photo of the house in 2020 is on Page 23 of this narrative and the house in 1935 on Page 25. You know I lived in that house for my first seven or eight years and have very, very few memories of those times. That is a small house. Of course CB died shortly after I was born. I don't remember him at all. And Mary went to another area to have the child (me) and to finish high school. Then in that little house were Big, TJ, Vivian and me. And before me there was Big, CB, Mary, TJ and Vivian all in that little house. Well, it worked, obviously. Strange that I don't have hardly any memories of that time. It seems my memories mostly began after we relocated to Hope. I do recall my first day at school in Harrell. Big took me over to the school and put me in the class with my teacher. I didn't know anything and no one explained anything to me. So, we had some school. About midmorning, we had recess. We all went outside. I thought it was over. I went home and began playing in the yard. Someone from the school came over to tell Big that I was 'missing.' Well, Big gave me a whipping and sent me back to the school with the guy. Then the teacher gave me another whipping. Corporal punishment was the norm then. Of course I didn't think I did anything wrong. Someone should have explained the day's routine to me and they didn't. I suppose that's why I recall it. Another point I remember is when Big would not let me go to sleep until I knew the multiplication tables to 12. I vaguely recall a neighbor girl, pretty, who would come over and played with me. I don't recall any neighbor boys. I had neighbor boys to play with in Hope and I recall many of those times as good times. And around high school time there were girls, too.  My time in Hope is another story.  ON 5 MARCH MELISSA WROTE THIS:
Thanks for the family history.  So Mary got pregnant in high school? Bet that was traumatic for everyone. Do you know anymore abt that?  And while C.B. was ill.   Ruthann and I were speculating that Big’s brothers bought the house for her in Hope? She did not sell her Harrell house for many years. What do you think?  Boy, Big was pretty rough on you.  Yep, hate that idea of hit then talk.  Enjoyed the email.  Thanks. If you can remember anymore I would love to hear it.  ON 8 MARCH JOHN WROTE THIS: 
Yes, I can give you more information on your two questions. I say information, because my recollection of the house and of Mary's situation are both formulated by years of observation, speculation and conclusions. I never had the good sense to ask good, specific questions to Big or Mary. Too bad. Give me some time. More of my conclusions will come to mind when I concentrate on one specific thing. I'll try to respond next week. I do not think Big was rough on me. I look back on it as good parenting. Just a different era with different norms. We, as a society, learn and progress. My love for Big was true, deep, unconditional and forever. I could not have asked for better parenting.  ON 9 MARCH JOHN WROTE THIS:
I copy a part of your email of 5 March and will answer part of it. 
Ruthann and I were speculating that Big’s brothers bought the house for her in Hope? She did not sell her Harrell house for many years. What do you think?  This subject has a lot of information associated with it and one answer will raise many more questions, but I will not hesitate to give you my conclusion. First recognize Big's situation at the time. Her husband was dead. She had no income. She was making ends meet by cooking meals and serving them in her home which was across the railroad tracks from the depot for the railroad workers. She had four kids to care for - me, Vivian, T.J. and Mary in another town in high school. I knew where it was once, but can't remember now. Maybe I will remember it later. It was depression times - 1931 and after. C.B. died on 22 November 1932. I was born 21 September 1931. Ruth was in dire circumstances. And was until I was 7 or 8 years old. Her brothers, who were originally farmers and grew up on a farm, were prospering in the sawmill business. It was not surprising that they wanted to help her. In fact it would have been surprising if they hadn't. They invited her to move to Hope. They offered T.J. a job in the sawmill at Hope. He became the saw filer, a prestigious and top technical job in the sawmill. I don't know how he learned the profession. They may have sent him to school, to another mill to learn, maybe had an expert come in and teach him. I don't know. But that's what he became. One of the few higher paying jobs in the mill. They must have waited for TJ to finish high school in about 1939 and I would be about 8 at that time. I know for a fact that the house was bought for Big and us and the money was repaid to the brothers. Anyway, Big could not have financed that house, no matter what it cost, because she had no job, no income, no savings probably. No NINJA loans in those days like we recently had that nearly brought down the world financial system. You had to prove to the bank that you could repay the loan. I don't know if the brothers as a whole group financed the house for her, or if Warren who lived next door, did it on his own. Probably all the brothers, but Warren accepted from Big the monthly payments for the house. Now where did the money for those monthly payments for the house come from? Big was renting apartments in the house for 7 or 8 dollars a week. Most of the time it was just two apartments - upstairs. For a short period she rented one downstairs. She had a small income from the house in Harrell, but that wasn't much. Later Vivian told me that the rent from that house barely covered the insurance and taxes. The rent was so cheap because Big did not want to sell and someone needed to live in the house to make the insurance reasonable and to maintain the house. The renter agreed to maintain the house, do necessary repairs, etc in leu of a reasonable rent. I do recall that Big did pay for putting a new roof on the house, but other than that the renters handled it all. So what was Big's income? $30 a week? $120 a month? The household was Big, Vivian, TJ and me.  
So, I conclude that most of the resources for maintaining the household and for paying off the house to the brothers came from TJ's salary at the mill. So, with fact and observation I conclude the following: The brothers financed the house, TJ paid for it, the title was in Big's name. A photo of the Hope house is on Page 24 of this narrative.               The second question: "Big did not sell her house (in Harrell) for many years. What do you think?" Big never sold the house. When the house was sold I owned two thirds of the property in Harrell and Vivian owned one third. Vivian wanted to sell and I agreed. I had little emotional connection to the house. My contention was that anything has its greatest value when it is in the hands of people who value it. The people who had lived in that house for all those years, albeit at cheap rent, valued it and wanted to buy it. TJ agreed with us, although he didn't have any final say. Mary did not agree and argued strongly against selling. But Vivian and I were the owners, so we sold. This was a very contentious point between Vivian and Mary. I recall that after the sale had been completed, sale registered at the court house, etc. Vivian and I got a cool drink at a fast food place there in Harrell and sat on a bench in the shade nearby. Vivian began talking about Mary and suddenly she began to cry and just could not stop. Finally the emotion was overcome and we returned to Hope. I think the difficulty she had with Mary and the emotion of closing that chapter of her life just overwhelmed her.  So, you see, answers to questions often raise new questions? Am I right? I'll get to the Mary in high school part of your email questions soon.  ON 11 MARCH JOHN WROTE THIS:
Another point, and an important point, has come to my mind regarding Big's situation after CB's death in 1932. There must have been life insurance on CB. Life insurance was a big thing in those days. Salesmen traveled door to door selling it. This would have most likely been Big's main resource (supplemented by her cooking for the railroad men) between CB's death in 1932 and the move to Hope and TJ's job at the mill. ON 12 MARCH MELISSA WROTE THIS: 
Very interesting information. Yes, Big was amazing to have survived and taken care of so many people. She spent most of her life alone without a spouse.  That is sad for her. She really had determination. Also, she took care of her mother and Henry.  Do you think that fit into the plan for moving to Hope? Also, was Warren the leader of the brothers? And, Aunt Irma (Warren’s wife) did not seem social with Big at all. What do you think? Mostly I remember her being mad for our playing under the magnolia tree in her front yard.  Wonder why mom was so insistent abt selling the Harrell house? Do you have any memory of why she was crying abt Mary? I know dad was upset with Mary because she did not visit much (once) when mom was very ill and dying.   I just remembered that I wrote Big a letter each week I was away at college. Thought that was what you were supposed to do. Guess following your lead.   Do you know anything abt CB’ s personality.?
Hope you do not mind talking about this. It is very interesting to me.  Perhaps it helps me understand myself.
My dear Melissa, I'm so proud of you for expanding Big's world while you were at the U. Her world was so small and so very often so very difficult. That gesture, that compassion, that love is bigger than you can ever imagine. I know you don't need me to say anything - good deeds are their own reward - but, anyway, I'm so proud of you. OK, let's continue the story. I still hold Mary's high school days in the thought process. You're right. The Henry situation had to have been part of the plan, part of the agreement to move to Hope. Wiley, the oldest, stayed with the farm and he probably agreed to take care of mom, Martha Frances, and Henry went to Big. I do not recall living in Hope without Henry in his rocking chair there beside the window reading the Hope Star newspaper. That is, of course, until he died and when he died it was suddenly. Probably a stroke or heart attack. There was no prolonged illness. My first recollection of Martha was of her in the bed. I never saw her out of that bed in the same room with Henry in the rocker. I don’t know what put her in the bed-ridden condition or how or why Big was given the responsibility of 24/7 nursing. I think her time there was measured in years, not weeks or months. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Maybe Wiley and his wife didn't want the 24/7 nursing task and they gave it to Big. She should have been in the hospital or nursing home. Maybe there were no nursing homes then. Maybe there was no insurance and they didn't want to pay the hospital or nursing home expense. I don't know. Maybe she was in the hospital and diagnosed as terminal with only a few weeks to live. I just don't know. A real nurse came in once in a while to give a shot or check on something. Other than that it was all on Big. The bath, the toilet - it was all done in that bed. And Big slept in that same room with Martha. And Martha was a very, very difficult person. Big never complained, never lost her patience. Wow. What a task.  Warren was the second child - Wiley the first. He was much older than Alfred. So, he was the senior. I don't know about leader. Warren took the house payments. When there was help needed for Henry and later for Henry or Martha it was Alfred who came over. I never saw Warren in that house. You are absolutely correct about Irma and sociability. I never saw her in our house either. And I don't recall Big's ever going over to their house, either. For any reason or occasion. I do recall once Big met Warren in the yard between our two houses. I asked what that was about, and Big said she was making the house payment.  I don't think Vivian was insistent about selling the Harrell house. I think the people who were living/renting the place pressed the issue. I think they wanted to own their own home and it would be that one or some other one. Vivian didn't want the difficult task of finding another responsible renter. So, we sold them the house and the complete lot the house was on. We retained the rest of the Harrell property which was most of downtown Harrell. At that time we had an offer for the rest of the property and I wanted to sell it, too. However, it was just too much for Vivian to completely close the Harrell chapter and she would not agree to sell. Unfortunate, because after many years of paying the property tax, RE and I finally sold the property and did not even get enough to cover the property tax payments we had made.  Regarding Vivian and Mary: Mary was often quite contrary - in fact maybe she was contrary more often than not. She could find something bad to say about almost anyone or anything. I don't know what was said between the two of them, but Mary was very, very vocal about the selling of that house. We even offered to let her take over ownership and live in it, but she blew her top at the offer. TJ had given me ownership of his third of the property because he didn't want to have any more dealings with Vivian. Vivian, Mary and I had been paying the taxes on the property - each person paying for one year, another person the next year, etc. One year Mary announced that she was not going to pay taxes on the property any more. Neither Vivian nor I could convince Mary that someone had to pay the taxes or we could lose the property. Finally, Mary gave her one-third ownership to me. That's how I came to be a two-thirds owner in the property. When RE and I finally sold the Harrell land, Mary heard about it and demanded her one-third share in the sale. I told her that the price didn't even cover the tax payments we had made. She still insisted. So, I gave her a bill for the taxes she didn't pay and told her that when I received her check for the delinquent taxes, I would send her the one-third share of the sale. She wrote me a really nasty letter following that. I replied that if she had something positive to say, I would reply, but that I was not going to reply to any correspondence like that. I also asked Frankie to tell her that directly. I never heard from her again and never saw her again. After I relocated to the US from living in Europe for many years, I would take a trip back to Arkansas every year including an open-ended stay with her in her little house on Highway 167. It would not take long before she would begin to say negative and derogatory things about people that we both knew and some I didn't know. She most often would start off with Allison, Frankie's husband. This would go on for several days, sometimes a week or so. Finally, she would get around to me. I would listen to what she had to say and the next day I would be on my way. I never encountered this attitude from Mary when I was a youngster spending summers with her, Frank and Frankie Lou. However, I did observe that Mary was antagonistic toward Big during this time and this continued until Big's death. She had very good friends in Betty Joe (Stringfellow) and Rodney, who lived in a little prefabricated house nearby. For many visits we enjoyed an evening or two with Betty Joe and Rodney chatting around the kitchen table. It was fun. Finally she gave Betty Joe her thoughts on Betty Joe directly rather than behind the back to me - that was the end of that friendship. Yes, Mary was difficult to deal with. I never encountered this attitude from Mary during the many years I spent summers with her, Frank and Frankie Lou.  There is more to it than that. There was a great animosity between Mary and Big. It was from Mary toward Big, not from Big to Mary. Mary once told me about a very horrible thing she said to Big when Big was in the Hampton nursing home. The next conversation I had with Big I very indirectly brought the conversation to the link Big had with Mary. Big would not entertain anything negative and said "She is my daughter. I love her." Mary was quite intelligent and clever. How did she become like this? How and why did her relationship with her mother form? I think it all began back there in Harrell with Mary in high school and her getting pregnant with me. Well, I'm still thinking about all of that. Too bad that I didn't have sense enough to ask about all of that when Mary and I were sitting around the table in her little house on HWY 167.  Oh, my. So much of this stuff is so sad. Just thinking about it brings tears. I suppose that is one reason I have not thought all of this stuff out. It is difficult, but I think it is good to bring focus to those times and events.  Well, that's all for today. ON 15 MARCH MELISSA WROTE THIS:
Well, thanks for the nice comments about my letter writing.  Really you started it.  Don’t think anyone had a comment about it. Think I grew up in a benign vacuum.  Boy you were born into some difficult circumstances and no fault of your own. Really totally innocent.  Do we know whether Mary was difficult or contrary as a child or just due to these circumstances? And, Martha.  Was she just a difficult person? Or was this an old age phenomenon. Interesting.  Big really had to put up with difficult people.  Wonder if C.B. was difficult? Just thinking.   Don’t forget telling the family stories helps the feelings go away and keeps them from getting locked in our bodies.  So, I hope this helps in the long run. ON 21 MARCH JOHN WROTE THIS: 
CONTINUING OUR STORY. I'm still pondering Mary's high school situation. As you stated "this must have been traumatic for everyone." I think it was not only traumatic but was the basis for the Big - Mary relationship for the rest of their lives, probably with some impact on me that I don't realize. Unfortunately I don't really know anything about that. I am disappointed, even angry, with myself for not having sense enough to get both Big's and Mary's perspective on this very significant and important event in the life of the family. We will never know what happened. All the people who know this are gone. I think we will have to commit to paper all the bits and pieces of information that we know or think we know and that we think are relevant to this event. Then analyze this information together with your professional knowledge to identify the possible scenarios that could have happened. Then mull it all around for awhile and possible arrive at the scenario of what most likely happened. I have already begun the process of writing down the bits and pieces of information that I think might be relevant to this study. In the meantime, I will comment on some of the points and questions you have previously posed and that I have left open. Was Martha a difficult person? Or just old age phenomenon? I can only speculate on this. I do know that she was difficult in that bed while dependent on Big for everything. She may have been a very independent person and was just disgusted with the situation life had presented her rather than being thankful for the help in enduring that situation. She married James Henry Gunter in 1877 and he died in 1898. They had ten children, so she was pregnant for most of her married life. All the kids had two names except Ruth and Henry. Ruth was the third girl. There is a book in the bible called Ruth. Was Martha a religious person? I know that Big was, even devout. I tried to be religious, too. Even joined Big's church, Garrett Memorial. I don't recall if I was baptized or not. Probably was. In the end I had to admit to myself that I didn't believe it. I don't rule out the existence of God. I just think that I don't have enough information to understand it all. Certainly I don't believe any of it the way the Christians do. OK. Back to Martha. Maybe she wanted to die in her own bed in her own house in College Hill and maybe Wiley and Bennie who lived there then didn't want to take on the 24/7 job of caring for her. And she was moved to Big's house. We can only speculate.  You previously posed Was CB difficult? What was CB's personality? Big was teaching school at Henderson College, I think in Arkadelphia, when she married CB. (She sent me to Henderson after high school graduation. I was elected freshman college president. But, I dropped out after the first semester and joined the Air Force and went to Korea.) How did they meet? Was this an arranged marriage? Could have been. Not uncommon then. I don't think CB was a romantic person. I saw a picture of him. He was fat. Big stomach. That physique impressed me so much I didn't notice if he was handsome or not. I asked Big when we were in Hope if she had known romantic love. She answered quickly "no." This makes me sad. A life without romantic love. How awful. I think CB was set in his ways, confident in his own decisions, maybe arrogant in his own decisions. I don't think his practice in Harrell was very profitable. I recall Big’s commenting about payment with produce and animals. It was depression times. Some of his medical friends encouraged him to move his practice to El Dorado where they were doing well. El Dorado was an oil town. He refused. He sought work with the US Corps of Engineers. He applied to be their retained doctor and was accepted. This was with work on the locks and dams on the Ouachita River. Even with his apparently meager income he did raise three children and owned his home which was better than most at that time and owned most of the downtown property in Harrell.  OK. Until next time. ON 29 MARCH MELISSA WROTE THIS: 
I just finished reading a short biography of Frida Khalo..  I enjoyed reading about her life. Quite tragic. She was married to Diego Rivera, famous Mexican muralist and painter.  Now, C.B. looked like Diego.  Not a good comparison. Very unusual to be fat like that during that time. C.B. had sisters in Harrell too.  One was disabled, Boosie?  I have some postcards that were sent to her. Do you have any memories of her? I also have a letter of recommendation from the Corp of engineers for C.B.    Agreed that the pregnancy was the core issue between Big and Mary.  The anxiety and fear had to be super bad during that time because of C.B. being ill.  Maybe this was Mary’s escape from the family, although ill advised.  Wonder why Big and Henry only got one name? Baby/child fatigue? I would be cranky too if I had that many children.  Women in those times were machines plus had to work hard. Terrible. Yes, I wish we had someone to ask about all of this.  Wish I had asked a long time ago.  Maybe we can piece together some of it. ON 3 APRIL JOHN WROTE THIS:
I have read about Frida and Diego. Quite a couple and story. I saw a mural by Rivera somewhere. I don't remember where - maybe San Francisco or New York. Could even have been in Mexico City. Just can't nail that memory down. I do recall how he worked communism into the mural that I saw. I looked on the Internet for a photo of him to refresh my memory. Diego was much fatter than CB. As I recall, CB was stout with a protruding stomach. I only know him from the photograph. Yes, unusual in those days. I suppose that's why it struck such a cord with me. Now that you mention it, I do recall Boosie. My only memory of her is that she was always in the wheel chair. Time was always spent with her, not me, of course. I was too young to know what was going on then. I don't recall her being in Harrell. I thought the Johnstons were in Warren and we went there to visit them sometimes - even after we moved to Hope. Of course my memory could be of our going from Hope to Harrell to visit the Johnstons living there with an occasional visit to other Johnston family members in Warren. Memory very shaky here. What is the address on the Boosie postcard? That should answer that ambiguity. A few years ago Jim Gunter asked me for any information I had about the family for his family tree effort. I gave him what I could collect and even made my own 'book-tree.' I think I sent you a copy. Anyway after I sent him what I knew and could collect, he asked me to try to get information about CB. I think through some of Frankie Lou's kids, I gained a Johnston address in Warren. I wrote several letters but could not obtain any information from the person I was corresponding with and finally gave up. After that I received a letter from Frankie telling me that Jim had come to the area looking for information on CB. As far as I know he never collected anything either.  I'll hold on to my 'information' and speculation regarding Mary for awhile longer. I have written to Frankie Lou to see if she remembers anything. This Mary-John-Big saga could take some time. I have to ponder it. I never thought about it with the intensity we are giving it now. 
Well, back to the family narrative, sort of. I'm still waiting on a reply from Frankie Lou. I hope I have not injured an old nerve or opened an old wound thought to have been closed and healed. In the meantime, perhaps you could comment on a couple of things about Mary. We do have RE's comments about Mary's non-visits during Vivian's terminal time. You went on a trip to Spain with Mary, didn't you? Do you have any memories of that trip that might address her character? I think Vivian told me about something strange with Mary regarding your marriage to Bill. As I recall Vivian said that she and Mary traveled together to the wedding site and after getting there and helping to get everything prepared, Mary refused to attend the wedding. Do you recall anything about that? What about the address on the Boosie postcard? If it is Harrell, that would help to explain why CB continued his practice in Harrell rather than moving to El Dorado where he could have had a larger and more profitable practice in the oil town. 
No specific recall on the trip to Spain. That is true she did not come to the wedding ceremony. She stayed in the motel room. I have nice memories of that day, so it did not affect me. I think she was upset over Bill‘s old friends being rowdy the night before. At least that is what I think. I wonder if mom was mad at her over this. This would have been disappointing to her mostly.  Wonder if that is why she did not visit? They may have had words. As I recall aunt Mary complained about what I cooked one evening.  Think she was a very negative person and ready to take offense at anything. She was probably more cooperative and likable with other people, i.e. not family. Suspect she had at the very least major depression recurring. Do u know anything abt circumstances with your father and her marriage to Frank? Found those postcards addressed to Versa, Ruth-Boosie, Wid.  Boosie was in a sanatorium 1910 or so near Little Rock. Cards addressed to Harrell, Summerville, Little Rock.  Take a look. Will be in next email.  Were these people all siblings? Still does not answer question of why they stayed in Harrell. This is all so interesting-like a mystery.  ON 13 MAY JOHN WROTE THIS: I have received the letter from Frankie that I was waiting on and it was a stunner. Apparently just resurrecting memories of these old times stunned Frankie, too. Maybe somewhat traumatized her. This really uncovered a side of Mary that I could never have imagined, and didn’t. Yes, I was stunned. Absolutely shocked. Here is what Frankie wrote:
During the time when I was from about 12 to 16 years old mama and daddy worked the farm all the year except the winter. During the winter daddy worked in construction and mama worked in town. Daddy would be gone all week and returned home for the weekends. I remember a man named Henderson who would come to the house and pick up mama and me and we would go to El Dorado. They would put me in a double feature movie and would return in about 4 hours. He was not from Hampton. Later on she became less secretive about seeing other men. When mama was working at the Drug Store she began to see Gerald Cook. I would wait in the truck while they would go into the bushes south of town. I remember one time we went to a dance in Harrell and mama got drunk. This was the only time that happened. It got really bad when she was working at Clanton’s Café. She would stay out all night somewhere leaving me at home alone. She was gone a lot. When daddy did not come home on the weekend, she did as she pleased and would be gone. One time there was a big snowfall and you couldn’t travel on the roads. Mama did not come home for four days. Thankfully there was butane for heating, but by the end of the four days the food was almost gone. This was scary. 
All this came to a point one weekend. One time daddy said that he would not be coming home on the next weekend. Mama told me she had to go to Hope to see about Big who was very sick. But daddy did come home and wanted to know where mama was. I told him what mama had told me. He had me call Hope to find out. They said that Big was OK and they had not seen mama. Daddy beat me really bad thinking that I was lying to cover up for mama. My friend Mary Lou Means called me and I told her about the beating. She had her brother, Allison, come and get me. I stayed with Mary Lou then. The police came to investigate, but I didn’t press charges. Mama did not try to see me or to get in touch with me. Allison asked me to marry him and we married in 1951. We moved to Warren where he was employed as a surveyor. We had a good marriage and he provided well for us. Mama or daddy didn’t contact me. I don’t know why mama thought she was so much above the Means but she did. By then we had a baby girl who was Alice Ann. This was in May of 1952. Finally I went to see them and we got along for awhile. Then daddy got sick and he lived for about a year. During the time he was sick and especially near the end, I helped as much as I could. Mama was so hateful and bitter and after daddy died she told me she hated me. I asked her why and she said she didn’t know why, that she just did. I just let it go and still went to see her and drive her places. She told some terrible lies to people that I learned about after she had passed away.  She never had good things to say about me or my children. Daddy never said a word to me about what he did to me. And to this day I still have a dream about it. I thought he told mama he beat me but she said he did not. I’ve never got over it. I am sorry to say that I do not look back with love for my parents. It has been a hard thing to live with. It seems I was not wanted and you were not either.
Now back to comments by John: This news from Frankie is certainly a shocker – absolutely astounding, stunning. Of course this was not going on during the farm planting, growing, harvesting season and when I was there during the summer holidays. It was only during the winter. Deep in my memory are two instances that could hint to this promiscuous behavior that I observed in my summer visits. One time I looked in the magazine rack that was in the living room of the little house on the highway. I was shocked and astounded to find several magazines with naked people in social situations. I was so stunned that I quickly put them back in the rack and never said anything about it. Thinking about it now, I suppose the magazines must have showed scenes in a nudist colony. Another time on one of my summer visits as a youngster, we had just retired for bed and sleeping. Mary said in a voice loud enough for everyone in or near the little house to hear “Oh, Frank!! Your hand is so cold.” I’ll write some comments about these absolutely shocking and stunning revelations. Frankie was married at 16. She was born on 24 Feb 1935. She was married on 3 June 1951. Alice Ann was born on 2 May 1952, 11 months after they were married. The indiscretion by Mary is a real shocker to me. I never imagined such a thing was going on. And I am really surprised, shocked and disappointed that Frank abused Frankie. I recall four instances when I was visiting in the summer where I made a huge careless error and he just laughed it off – I carelessly contaminated a large bin of picked cotton, I nearly wrecked the tractor, I started a forest fire and I flooded a part of a cotton field. So my experience with Frank was that he was a hard worker but a gentle person. Maybe Frank was just discovering that Mary was unfaithful and that he was losing her. That sort of thing can drive a loving husband to irrational actions that are out of character and reason. His resort to violence even out of anger and despair is deplorable! And against his own child!! I had been spending every summer vacation from school with Frank, Mary and Frankie Lou. Late in my high school years I came to the farm and Frankie was not there. Mary tried to explain why Frankie was absent. She had a story about a skating rink in Hampton where kids gathered after school. Mary said that she told Frankie not to go there and not to mix with the older boys. She said Allison Means was one of the boys who frequented the place. From what we know now, Mary did not know of Frank’s abuse of Frankie causing Frankie to leave home. Mary just told me that Frankie ran away with Allison, a boy 10 years older that Frankie. (Mary ran away from home with a man who was 21 years older than she was.)  
I recall that when I joined the military I was writing weekly to Mary and each time pleading with her to answer with her news. This went on for quite a while and finally I wrote that if I didn’t hear from her I would conclude that she did not want to correspond and that I would stop writing. So, she didn’t write and I stopped. She did not write me, but wrote the base commander and complained that I was not writing my mother and got me in a lot of trouble. So, sending the police over to Woodberry without going first herself is right in character for Mary.
Our thoughts and comments forming this Family Narrative got me to thinking about Mary. So I have begun another narrative centered on Mary. I’ll call it the Mary Story. I will incorporate part of the Mary Story here in the Family Narrative.
Let me start this off by stating what I know for a fact. When I was born on 21 September 1931 Frank McLeod was 40 years old and Mary was 19. Frank listed his residence as Banks and Mary listed her residence as Harrell. The doctor who completed the birth certificate was Dr. J.E. Rhine of Thornton. The birth certificate was registered by Ruth Johnston on 24 September 1931. Frank’s trade was listed as ‘ginner.’ Mary’s trade was listed as ‘housekeeper.’ The birth was listed as ‘legitimate,’ which means they were married at the time of my birth. 
During a summer visit to Mary and Frank Weisinger when I was in school I asked Mary if she knew where Frank McLeod was. She replied “you have waited too long for that. He is dead now.” I asked her how life was with Frank and she replied “wonderful.” I asked her where they lived. She said “in the hotel” or maybe she said “in hotels.” I’m not clear on that point. I asked Mary didn’t he want to contact me, to see the kind of person I am? Mary replied “no contact. That was part of the agreement. He never broke it.” I saw some pictures of Mary and me with Mary in her school graduation cap and gown. I was a toddler. I could walk. The top of my head was about up to her waist. I was maybe 2 or 3? 
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These pictures were taken at the Johnston home in Harrell, Arkansas in 1934 on the occasion of Mary’s Artesian High School graduation.   
  On 21 September 1931, Ruth Johnston was 45, CB Johnston was 56, Frank McLeod was 40, Mary was 19, TJ was 14, Vivian was 10, Frank Weisinger was 19. CB Johnston died on 22 November 1932. The Great Stock Market Crash occurred on 29 October 1929. The country was in the Great Depression with 30% of the work force unemployed until the beginning of WWII in 1941. Mary and Frank Weisinger had their first child on 24 February 1935. 
So, on 21 September 1931, Ruth’s husband was dying, Mary was delivering John, TJ was 14 and Vivian was 10. The country was in the Great Depression with 30% of the work force unemployed.  THE MARY STORY SEGMENT END.
In our correspondence Frankie describes Mary as hateful and bitter. I would agree and add mean to that list. I think Boosie in Harrell was a significant part of the decision for CB to maintain his practice in Harrell. Of course, if Harrell, on the RR with a passenger and freight depot, had grown it would have been a wise decision. Ruth and CB owned much of the land of downtown Harrell. Unfortunately, the town went in the other direction. The population was 254 at the 2010 census.  
Sunday was the big Memorial Day celebration and Monday was the official day of remembrance. As I recall it was called 'Decoration Day' by Big and the family in those days. We went to Shilo Cemetery at Lamartine, Arkansas, as I recall. It's where all the old Gunters are buried - her parents and all her brothers and sisters. At least I think that's the case. I don't recall much about it except that there was a huge outdoor table or tables put together with a colossal spread of food. I suppose it was an organized pot-luck spread. Lots and lots of wonderful food. I remember that. I think there was a church there at that time, but I am not 
sure about that. 
ON 3 JUNE MELISSA WROTE THIS: Have questions about family information  What is a ginner? Wow, that age difference 40 to Mary’s 19. Do we know anything abt that relationship? Don’t you think that is unusual? Any relatives on that side? How did Mary get herself in that relationship? Could Frank have been abusive when he drank. Did he have an alcohol problem? What do you think about Mary going out? Other men? I never knew any of that.   Mary turned on all these people at some point.  Friends or family. You were not alone in this. She had to have a mental illness.  Wish we knew more about childhood with big and C.B.  Was the Means family up standing in the community? Was she lowering herself?  There are so many missing pieces.   ON 4 JUNE JOHN WROTE THIS:                          A ginner is a person who operates a cotton gin machine. Yes, 40 to 19. That is very significant. What is your situation speculation if it were 19 to 19? Entirely different, right? You ask if we know anything about that relationship. I only know this: (During a summer visit to Mary and Frank Weisinger when I was in school I asked Mary if she knew where Frank McLeod was. She replied “you have waited too long for that. He is dead now.” I asked her how life was with Frank and she replied “wonderful.” I asked her where they lived. She said “in the hotel” or maybe she said “in hotels.” I’m not clear on that point. I asked Mary ‘didn’t he want to contact me, to see the kind of person I am?’ Mary replied “no contact. That was part of the agreement. He never broke it.” I did try to find some McLeods in Banks, but never made any contact. So I know nothing from that side. You asked 'how did Mary get herself in that relationship?' We'll just have to speculate on that from the few facts that we do know. As I said, I'll write an essay about the situation based on the few facts that we do know and what Frankie and I can recall and which I will call The Mary Story. 
For now, I will continue and comment on some of the points that have been raised. Frank as a violent person was certainly a surprise to me. I'm thinking that he just went completely out of control thinking that his wife was leaving him. Yes, he had a drinking problem, but he wasn't a violent drunk in my experience. He could not hold his whisky. He and Lewis (a black boy who worked on the farm) would go into town on Saturday with the week’s raw cotton, get money for it I suppose, Frank would get a few drinks, come home, and get sick from the alcohol. I saw him on several occasions laying on the front porch and leaning over the edge regurgitating. There was no alcohol kept in the house as far as I know, so he only drank on the Saturday that he carried the cotton to the cotton gin. That’s my experience. Yes, Mary's having multiple boy friends is a shocker. I never knew it and never suspected it. Yes, poor Mary could find something negative to say about everyone and everything. Surely she had some happy times, but she must have had a very unhappy side of her mentality to contend with also. Yes, I sorely wish we knew more. I am so disappointed in myself for not asking both Big and Mary about that situation.
Mary could have thought she was better than the Means family. She probably thought that about most people. She definitely did not like Allison. She never had anything nice to say about him and when I brought up positive attributes she dismissed them. I recall one time after the farm property had been divided including the Oscar barn. The barn, obviously in ownership contention, had a fence or dividing partition down the middle of the barn. It was abandoned for use and was rotting. Mary fell through the rotting upper floor onto the ground below and could not move. Allison found her and got her to the hospital. When I brought this to her attention she just said “I would have eventually gotten out,” refusing to credit Allison for helping her and possibly saving her life.
ON 5 JUNE JOHN WROTE THIS:                                   I laughed with a mental Oh My! Was this a normal reaction? Regardless, that was my reaction when I read the latest revelation from Frankie Lou. And my conclusion, now knowing Mary’s activity, and after reading Frankie’s latest letter is that the Harrell – Hampton area must have been a hot bed of promiscuous activity. I replied to Frankie’s previous letter and asked her some new questions. Some of my letter was as follows:
 ‘I have some questions concerning the situation during and after the time we were young and Mary and Frank were living in the little house on the highway. How is it that Mary and Frank ended up with the 80 acre farm and property that we had always lived in and half of the big barn at Mr. Oscar’s place? It seems that Mr. Oscar’s house and half his big barn and the property it was all on went to someone, and the rest went to Mary and Frank. Was it in the Oscar will? Or was Frank a relative of Mr. Oscar and the land and property went to Frank in that way? The division of the property must have been contentious because as I recall there was a line or fence down the center of Mr. Oscar’s barn meaning that half the barn went to Frank and half went to other family members. Do you know or recall anything about that?’
And here is part of Frankie’s reply to that letter.
You asked about Uncle Oscar. There is a story there. He had an affair with daddy’s mother and she got pregnant with daddy and then Uncle Tom. Her husband, Onnye Weisinger finally caught on and left her. So daddy and Uncle Tom were really Witheringtons instead of Weisingers. It was a well kept secret. I did not know it until after daddy passed away. More on this saga later.
I will include more about this when I know more about it. 
Agree. Amazing. I had no clue about any of this. And Aunt Mary.
What a name Onnye!
Like a novel.  
I queried Frankie in my next correspondence to her about the name “Onnye.” She didn’t have any more information on the name. However, I found on the Internet that Onnye is a Norwegian man’s name used in days gone by, not popular now. So that should answer that. Frankie and I have some open questions. I’m waiting on her answers.   
On 28 July Melissa wrote:
Brad has the old radio from Bigs.  Remember in the sitting room.  It is a Philco made in 1937.  Brad looked it up.  Cost $100.  wonder when it was bought?  Do you know when they moved to Hope?  I am betting Uncle TJ bought it.  Also, I thought that TJ wanted to be a doctor.  Did he go to school/college for a semester?  He certainly had his bitterness—maybe over that? You know I have no evidence for these thoughts, but grew up thinking about this.  Wonder why he never married? We found letters from a girlfriend when mom cleaned out the house.  So, he was not entirely faithful to Nell.  Interesting don’t you think?
Yes, I remember that radio console well. I saw it several years ago in Brad's facebook post of his Christmas tree. It was observable in the tree photo and I commented on it. You verified that it was the Big radio. You open a lot of questions in that paragraph of your email. I'll have to think about all the points you raise. As I recall the TJ - Nell, Moxely - Big situation resulted in severe consequences. I'll have to think about all of that. Let the old grey cells find their way to long dormant memories.
I have a very subtle, intermittent problem with the computer that I use for the Internet and so far I have not been able to solve it. So let me touch base while it is functioning. My comments here are in relation to your email of 28 July. However, I will comment on TJ – Nell – Big after I have had more time to think about that. I was born in 1931. I most likely attended at least first grade in Harrell. I would be 7 entering 2nd grade. Therefore, it would seem that the earliest time for the move would be 31 + 7 = 38. I suspect the move waited on TJ to graduate from high school, not connected to my schooling. But it seems most logical to me that the move to Hope was in 1938 or 1939. If the radio was manufactured in 1937 it could still be a new item in the store in 1938 or 1939. And I would think that this was a luxury item, too. They had a car soon after the move also. As I recall it was a four door, black Chevrolet sedan. However, researching Chevies in that time frame, most of the black Chevies were 2 door, not many 4 doors were made. So, very likely my memory does not serve me well in this instance. Could be 2 or 4, most likely 2, but my memory says 4. As I recall it was a 1937. So in 1938 it could still be a new car. Or even new in early 1939. As I recall we moved at Christmas time, whatever year it was. A new Chevrolet sedan cost about $700 then. TJ's salary would be the major source of income for the family. In those early days there was a lot of work being done on the Hope house. New wall paper in most of the rooms and new cabinets in the kitchen. As I recall Mr. Minor, who was the store manager/bookkeeper for the mill was supervising all that work and that made me think that the work was being done with workers from the mill. Could be mistaken, of course. But that's what I thought at the time. Remember, I was just a kid though. Could be Mr. Minor supervising other workers. I don't recall hearing TJ talking about medical school. But he and I did not have a good rapport. Seldom did we engage in good conversation. I do not recall his going to college for a semester or his discussing college. Yes, he was troubled at the end. I don't know if it was bitterness or just the disagreement over something that happened around the time Big was declared incompetent. Whatever it was it was mostly between Vivian and TJ with Mary apparently aware but not vigorously involved. OK, I'll continue to think about TJ - Nell - Big and will get back to you on that when I recall something. 
Hello my dear Melissa
Here I am back on the Family Narrative Continued. I will start off by copying your comments from your last email.
Brad has the old radio from Bigs.  Remember in the sitting room.  It is a Philco made in 1937.  Brad looked it up.  Cost $100.  Wonder when it was bought?  Do you know when they moved to Hope?  I am betting Uncle TJ bought it.  Also, I thought that TJ wanted to be a doctor.  Did he go to school/college for a semester?  He certainly had his bitterness—maybe over that? You know I have no evidence for these thoughts, but grew up thinking about this.  Wonder why he never married? We found letters from a girlfriend when mom cleaned out the house.  So, he was not entirely faithful to Nell.  Interesting don’t you think?
In my last comments, I said that I thought the move was in 1938 or 1939, definitely not in 1937. If we say 1938 that means I spent only one year in school in Harrell. Possible. If we say 1939, that would mean I went to first and second grade in Harrell. Now, after thinking more about the time of the move, it may not have been at Christmas; but it definitely was winter. I vaguely remember at our move into new and unfamiliar surroundings that we were around a fire place keeping warm and we were in the home of Warren Gunter. There were some fabulous toys around that Bill and WH Jr. were playing with. I have no other information regarding that.
Also maybe TJ did want to be a doctor. It would be logical for him to follow in his father's footsteps. Lots of children do that. It's just that I never heard him talk about it. But as I said, TJ and I did not have a good rapport. Maybe you heard Vivian say that he wanted to be a doctor. What do you think? I never heard anyone, Big or her kids, mention school/college for TJ for a semester or any post high school education for TJ. I had the feeling that he preceded us in the move from Harrell to Hope and immediately went to work in the sawmill.
Yes, I can verify that TJ was not faithful to Nell. He told me about a girl in Texarkana and although we did not discuss anything intimate, I am absolutely certain there was intimacy between the two of them. I never liked to discuss intimacy, other people's or my own. I always thought, and still do, that the intimacy between two individuals is very private and for the two individuals involved only. So, I never pressed the conversation on that subject, just listened to what he wanted to say. 
I have some unpleasant thoughts regarding the relationship between TJ and Nell, and involving Big. One time TJ and Nell invited me to come along on one of their dates. As I recall we were going to Texarkana for some event. Nell drove in TJ's car and I was in the back seat. I do not recall anything about the event. It is very difficult to express my thoughts about this situation; therefore I will resort to a metaphor or analogy. Envision a very small dog eager for the master's attention and affection. Can you see the little dog at the feet of the master with his tail wagging, looking up at the master. The master looks away. The tail wagging does not stop, but slows significantly. The master's gaze moves in this direction, not down, but in this direction. The wagging increases significantly. The little dog pants slightly. The master looks down. The wagging intensifies into a blur. The master reaches down and touches the little dog's head. The little dog barks in joy and leaps off the floor.
Got the picture? That's what I saw from the back seat of the car. Quite frankly for a grown man to conduct himself in such a manner was absolutely disgusting to me. TJ invited me a couple of other times, but I declined each time and he never again invited me. Which makes me question the intimacy between TJ and Nell. If there was any, it was completely controlled by Nell. Was their association platonic? Probably not, but it would not surprise me if that was the case. Definitely TJ's sexual appetite was not satisfied by Nell, and TJ was not the promiscuous type. Certainly Big thought there was intimacy. And I am convinced that that was a big problem for her. We know that she was a devout Christian. Unmarried or marital infidelity sex is a sin. It is clearly written in the bible. The penalty, written in the bible, is death by stoning. One day Big spoke to me briefly about TJ and Nell, not with the words I'm using, but quite reserved, and only to express that she did not approve of the relationship the way it was or appeared to be. She ended the brief comments by saying "I don't see why they don't get married." I came to think that Big's intense dislike of this situation carried over to the entire Moxley family. Or maybe there was some other reason for her dislike of the Moxley family. I don't know. I just know that's the way it was. Vivian also told me that Big disliked the Moxleys. I hesitate to use the word hate, especially to use the word to describe an emotion in the mind of Big. However, I do think that it applies here.
As I recall TJ was working for Uncle Frank in Texas and a house was built for Nell and TJ there, but when it was time to "sign the contract" Nell said that she was not going to leave home (her family home near our house in Hope). I come to the memory of one of the Moxely family passing away, I think it was Mr. Moxley. There are two salient points here. One, Big is a devout Christian. Love thy neighbor as thy self. Have compassion for your fellow man. Turn the cheek. Do not judge others. Forgive those who sin against you. Renounce vengeance. Then there is Point Two: Big hates Nell and the Moxelys. She can't help it. What she sees with Nell and TJ and condoned by the Moxley family is abhorrent to her. Her Christian faith compels her to take flowers to the Moxely home. I can see her leave the house with the flowers, walking fast and determined, in the direction of the Moxely house which is not more than five minutes away. 
I don't know the time line or have any way of establishing it, but I think that Big had her first stroke shortly after this event which was very, traumatic for her. Huge conflict. I feel her agony. I sense it. 
OK, let's think a bit about TJ's bitterness. 
I stopped to get something to drink and in the process found that I am tired. It's been a busy day for me today. Saturday, 17 August 2019 at about 9:30 PM. I'll try to get back on this tomorrow.
Sunday afternoon, 18 August 2019, another busy day, but I'll write a bit on this.
The only thing that I know for sure is that after Big's incompetence hearing there was a lot of animosity between TJ and Vivian. TJ definitely felt that he had been wronged by Vivian. The impression that I got from Vivian was that she thought that she had done nothing wrong. I also got the impression that Vivian had some fear that TJ might become violent in his anger. I never got the impression from TJ that he ever considered violence. Regrettably I never discussed the subject with either of them. I recall one day TJ said there was going to be a family meeting and he wanted me to come with him. At this point the court directed incompetence decision for Big was settled. Vivian named controller of the estate, Mary named controller of the person. There were five of us in the room, perhaps a judge's chambers or a lawyer's conference room - I don't know. There was me, TJ, Vivian, Mary and either a judge or a lawyer. Mary was quiet the whole time. I don't recall her saying anything during the entire meeting. TJ and Vivian were across the table from each other and immediately TJ began verbally attacking Vivian. Vivian responded aggressively, giving as good (or bad) as she got. The moderator (judge or lawyer) had some documents and some written points to decide. He and I began to discuss them (without input from TJ, Vivian or Mary) and to make a decision on the points in question. Finally the judge and I had discussed everything and had decided everything, all the while with TJ and Vivian exchanging negative comments and with quiet Mary sitting there. The three family members signed the documents and we departed. Outside TJ said to me "I guess you think I'm a terrible fellow." I said "no, I'm just disappointed that there is so much animosity between you and Vivian. You started it in there. Why?" TJ said "I thought it probably was my last opportunity to get at Vivian." Unfortunately I was concentrating on the business at hand which was all I could manage and did not pay much attention to the words between TJ and Vivian except to note that they were hostile.
Without really thinking it out, I had always thought that the disagreement between them was regarding Big's house. TJ had to have paid for the house, repaying the Gunter brothers. That was the only real family income. It was in Big's name. Apparently at the Big incompetence hearing, Big's ownership of the house was established as part of her estate. TJ was living in the house at the time. Big was in a Hope nursing home, apparently being paid for by TJ. So, inasmuch as Vivian was now by court order in charge of Big's estate, the finances, she would place the house on the market to pay Big's nursing home bills. So for TJ to continue to live in the house, he would have to buy it from Vivian, or from Big's estate, which he did. Thereby essentially paying for the house twice. Big's house was always home base for me. When I was in school in Hope growing up, when I was in the military, when I was going to college, when I was working in industry, when I retired. I always came home to Big's house. There was only one exception. I think it was after Vivian was gone and before Janie. RE invited me to stay with him in Emmet. I did and really enjoyed it. RE was a good cook. He would not let me cook anything. We would sit in the car port in the cool of the evening and as dusk approached watch the chickens come up and fly into the tree there to roost for the night. There were lots of birds chirping and flying around. The only cardinal I ever saw was present on most evenings. Anyway, except for that one time, I always stayed at the Hope house on my visits home. One evening I was sitting in "Henry's room" in Big's house with the woman TJ had hired to house sit for him while he was working weekdays in Texas for Uncle Frank. Nell marched into the room and sat down facing me. She did not knock at the front door which was unlocked in those days. Without addressing either one of us she launched into a tirade directed at me accusing me of taking sides in the dispute and abandoning the person who had always provided my livelihood. I listened to what she had to say without comment. She got up and marched out. The house sitter said something like "wow, how did you control yourself?" One comment she made stuck with me, something like "now, he had to pay for the house twice." This means to me that TJ talked a lot with Nell about this situation and it bothered him to the point that Nell felt that she had to support him and to attack someone in his behalf and I was the only one convenient. Of course, I never knew and don't know now, the details of all this and therefore could not through logic or reason 'choose a side.' To me it was just very, very sad to see a brother and sister, both of whom I loved, feel such animosity for each other. Anyway, that's mostly why I always thought the house was at the focal point of the controversy. Now, I'm not so sure. It definitely was a significant point, probably the most significant, but after thinking intently about all this, I'm thinking that there had to be more to it. From my own experience, I have lost money through carelessness, poor judgment, been outsmarted, through fraud, bank failure and each time I was strongly mentally disturbed by it; but with time the disturbance waned and finally never thought about again. But in TJ's case, I think he never reconciled with Vivian. Therefore, I wonder if there wasn't more to it than the house.
At the beginning of this dialogue, you questioned TJ's bitterness and what might have caused it. What do you think now? Did Vivian ever discuss her relationship with TJ in those final times with you? 
I do recall that she commented briefly to me about the Big incompetence hearing where she was named controller of the estate and Mary controller of the person. I recall that she said something like "the judge said the deed of the house is in Ruth's name which means she is the owner of the house. Does anyone have any objections to this?" Vivian said that no one said anything, so the judge declared Ruth the owner of the house and the house part of her estate. Vivian did not say who was present at the competence hearing, but you would think all three children would be there. So, if TJ was there and he didn't speak up, he only has himself to blame for the "loss" of the house. If he wasn't there, why didn't Vivian or Mary speak up? They were both aware that TJ paid for the house and provided livelihood for both Vivian and me for a significant portion of our lives. And he paid for Vivian's registered nurse training at Warner Brown Hospital in El Dorado. So, why didn't someone speak up? The judge offered an opportunity. If TJ wasn't there, why not? Surely he wasn't banned from the hearing for some reason. 
What are your thoughts and comments about all of this?
Well, I have exhausted myself here. 
Thinking about livelihood-Big made some money from renters and I assume she collected some social security at some point.  I don’t know if mom worked at all. Don’t remember hearing about that.  Could she have paid TJ back when she started working? 
Yes, I think his bitterness was deeper than the last fight.  He was also mad at the Gunters too. Maybe mad because he got a bad hand in life. He did not join the army for WWII which is interesting. Interesting to think about what people chose and did not chose.
Thanks for the continuing discussion of family history. 
I have been thinking when Big moved to Hope. It had to be 1939. Mom graduated from Harrell high school and that should have been 1921+18=1939.  Don’t you think?
As I was saying....
So I guess you were in the second grade then. Moving in the winter time rather than when school was out?
Did not know that TJ paid for moms education. Are you sure about this? Of course how else could she have paid for this! Warner Brown nursing school. Makes sense to me then why TJ thought he was the boss. You know of course he did not like dad at all.  Probably mad about moms first marriage. Do you know anything about that? I know he drank and mom left him after having Ruth Ann. 
Poor TJ.  I don’t think anyone got along with him. I thought you had a better relationship with him. I know when mom was cleaning bigs house she gave furniture to Nell. Does that mean that she and Mary inherited the house from him. I suppose that they originally needed money for Big’s nursing home payment and so TJ paid them. Did he leave a will?  I was in graduate school so I knew little about this fight. I do remember mom being very upset.  
Yes, I think Big was mad at TJ about Nell.  Maybe she saw her mistreating him.  We all want people to stand up for themselves.  
I did not know that Mary was mistreating Big in nursing home.  Wonder if mom knew this?
So many questions and some unpleasant memories too. 
Thanks for thinking through this with me. 
You are right. Moving in the winter time rather than when school was out just doesn’t make sense. I may have a solution that includes that memory. It is interesting how a new question or a new thought can activate long dormant memories, isn’t it? Now I have three independent memories that may coincide relative to the move from Harrell to Hope. Two we discussed previously but did not relate them to each other. The third is a new one. One: we have the memory of a new and unfamiliar place, fabulous toys, cold – fireplace for warmth. Two: we have renovations going on in the Hope house. New wall paper in most rooms and new cabinets in the kitchen. Three: New. I definitely remember Irma driving Bill, Jr. and me to school at Brookwood school. Now let me see if I can connect the three memories into a reasonable and logical scenario. I think that we agree that the move most likely was in 1939. That would mean that Vivian completed high school in Harrell and I completed second grade in Harrell in June 1939. Then during the summer of 1939 the planning and preparation for the move took place. A renter was found for the Harrell house and a house was identified in Hope for Ruth’s family. Ruth & family moved out in August and a renting family moved into the Harrell house. Unfortunately the Hope house was not ready for occupancy. So, Ruth and family moved into Warren’s house until the Hope house was ready for occupancy. The refurbishment of the house dragged on way past schedule and the move from Warren’s house to the Hope house was not made until after Christmas. Work was continuing in the Hope house when Ruth and family finally moved in. Probably Irma was completely worn out with Ruth’s family invading her tranquility for four months. This could contribute to the apparent ill feelings between Irma and Ruth. If this scenario is true, then I think it would show that Warren was the leader of the Gunter boys in Hope. He probably committed the family to helping his sister who was in dire need and when the Hope house was not ready for occupancy, he made the plan work by offering his own house perhaps against Irma’s wishes. 
Mostly speculation. What do you think? Reasonable and logical? 
Yes that makes sense and is probable. I wonder too if that explains the Irma situation. Do you think Big was close to Warren? Maybe.  Do u know whether Warren was the oldest? Must have felt like going to a rich house with all of those toys. 
Surprised that Big’s house was fixed up for her. That was good. You have an amazing memory. I am so glad we had time to talk about this. 
OK. I am back to writing on the Family Narrative. I have been thinking about all the points you raised and the comments you made in your 3-emails-in-1-day message sent on 21 August which I printed out and have been referencing in my idle moments. But let me comment first on your most recent message of 28 August. Yes, I think that explains the Irma situation. Yes, I think Big and Warren were close. I think Warren initiated the move and made the new life happen for Ruth and her family. I never considered that about Warren before, but now I am convinced that is the case. No, Warren was not the oldest. He was the second. Wiley, who stayed with the farm at College Hill, was the oldest. The order was Wiley Ezra, Warren Hartsfield, Lizzie Fellows, Cora Belle, Annie Louise, Ruth, James Alfred, John Ross, Henry and Frank Pierce. 
OK. Now to your previous extensive comments. I think that we have established that the move from Harrell to Hope was most likely in 1939. No, I did not know that TJ did not like RE. In fact I thought they got along OK. You know that TJ recommended and sponsored RE into the Masonic Order, didn’t you? First you had to have a member recommend you, then you had to have a member sponsor you. TJ did both for RE. They were both proud to be Masons. I know very little about Charles Jackson. I met him and went hunting with him. I liked him. I thought he was a nice guy. I think Vivian met him while in nurses training at Warner Brown. I was surprised when they divorced. I asked Vivian why. She said that he was an alcoholic and she could not continue to live with him. I didn’t understand that at the time, but I do now. Surely after all the books and movies on the subject, we all know that life with an alcoholic who will not admit it is hell. With my current knowledge, I think she did the right thing. I believe RuthAnn after many years finally made contact with Charles and went to visit him in the El Dorado area. I think he was married with family. I don’t recall RuthAnn saying anything about the alcoholism, but once you are under the spell you never get out. You just learn to control the urge and live with it. Ask Ruth Ann what she knows about this. 
Yes, TJ is somewhat of a tragic figure. I really regret that he and Vivian apparently never reconciled. I also regret that I didn’t have sense enough to ask both of them what the argument was. 
TJ did not have a will. He told me he was going to give everything to Frankie Lou. He did not mention Nell when he said this but I took it to exclude Vivian and Mary because of the argument. He also told this to Frankie Lou. After he died Frankie mentioned it to me. I told her I would ask Mary about that. Mary said “Well, she got the car.” There were two cars. One nice one and one well worn that TJ used to come and go from work. That’s the one Frankie got. I don’t know what happened to the nice one. I suggested to Frankie that she should not get involved with this, that she would eventually get Mary’s half of what ever there was. One day Mary and I were in the field near the Oscar barn and Mary gave a wide sweep of her hand and said “Someday all this will be yours.” I said “I don’t want it. Give it to Frankie Lou.” She was stunned and shocked which clearly showed on her face. You will recall that Mary told Frankie that she hated her. Well, when Mary died she did not have a will but she had my name as beneficiary on some of her estate and the rest of it was divided between Frankie and me by law. I signed all my interests over to Frankie, so finally that loop was closed back to Frankie. I felt that she had earned it. She had lived right there at the Lion’s mouth all those years. Well, anyway, back to TJ. He did not have a will, so everything went to the next of kin – his two sisters, excluding Nell. I vaguely remember being in what could have been a conference room with Vivian and a legal person, probably the lawyer who was helping Vivian with the escrow of the assets. There was a box of papers and documents. It could have been the contents of a safe deposit box. The lawyer said “here is a CD for twenty thousand made out to Nell Moxley.” Vivian said “let her have it.” He said “you don’t have to.” Vivian repeated “Let’s let her have it.” So it’s not surprising that Vivian passed to Nell the items that she wanted. I was there and was asked what I wanted. I only took Big’s bible. I was traveling at the time and really could not accept anything. As I recall you took the Noritake china that I had sent to Big from Japan. 
Regarding Big’s assets and income which we discussed in detail before, you are correct that there was some income from the government. I recall TJ and Vivian trying to get Social Security for Big when she was sixty-five but were unsuccessful because she had never paid in. Social Security was created by FDR in 1935, so CB never paid in either. I think they got legal help and finally got something. I recall their saying that it wasn’t much, but it was better than nothing. It may have been SSI which was available then and which is needs based for the aged, blind or disabled. I don’t recall if Vivian worked between high school and nurses training, but most likely she did. I know that Big always found a job for me in idle times. So, surely she did for Vivian too. Yes, although I never heard the subject discussed, I’m sure that Vivian paid TJ back for the nurses training costs. When I graduated from the UofA and was prepared to relocate to California I was short of cash, so I asked TJ for a loan of $1000 for the relocation. Soon after I settled in California I received a letter from Vivian telling me that I should pay the loan back as soon as possible. This letter was surely written from her own experience. Yes, TJ did not go to war in WWII. He was deferred by the Gunters as being essential to the war effort. He was one of their key workers. He remarked to me that he took some criticism from people with serving family members and he didn’t like the situation. 
Well, I think that completes my comments on your points made in your emails of 21 August 2019. I’ll close the Family Narrative books for today, Sunday 1 September 2019. 
Yes it is too bad it ended that way for mom, Mary and TJ.  
I was thinking about the furniture in Bigs house.  Do you know where the piano came from? It was a Victorian baby grand square ebony piano? I think Mary took it after Bigs death.  Wonder where it is now?  
Also, was the house set up for renters when the house was bought?  I am guessing yes.  
In response to your email, the house must have been set up for renting at the same time it was set up for occupancy. As I recall there were renters present at the start and for a long time. At the beginning there was one two-room apartment downstairs, and two two-room apartments upstairs. Vivian and RE lived in one of the upstairs 2 room "apartments" until they got their own house there in Hope. Most of the time there were only the two two-room upstairs apartments. I don't know anything about the piano except that I took lessons and practiced on it. Big played it from time to time, probably practicing what she planned to play at the next Sunday service. I don't recall seeing it in Mary's little house on the highway. That was a very small house and I don't think Mary played any musical instrument. 
A point was raised about Big’s quilts. As I recall you and Ruth Ann had the choice of them when Big’s personal possessions were divided. I do vaguely remember Big and a group of women working on quilts in the room where Henry sat in his chair by the window reading the newspaper (Hope Star). I do recall that Big collected and saved scraps for quilting. It is possible that Mary took some of the material. I don’t know anymore about any of it. 
I have been editing the Family Narrative and the Mary Story and in doing so have been searching my archives for any information pertaining to that. I found a photo of the front of the Harrell house. I don't know for sure who the people pictured are, but I'm sure that that is the Harrell house. Could the people in front be Big, Vivian and me? The photo must have been taken between about 1935 and 1939. The photo is significant because of the state of disrepair of the house. Look at the state of the steps going onto the porch. That is old deterioration - several years of neglect. This speaks to the financial state of the Johnston household at the time. The photo is on Page 25 of this narrative.  
Yes it looks like you and mom and big. Who else? I have never seen that picture. And the state of disrepair. The house in Hope would have looked wonderful. 
I don’t know if I ever told you this, but I had several disagreements with TJ in my high school years. He was very opinionated, biased and prejudiced and aggressive. I remember thinking I did not like this so I avoided him and really did not talk to him again. It is amazing to me that I never discussed this with mom. The things we did not talk about. 
Yes, (regarding the Harrell house photo which is on Page 25) I'm sure that the Hope house would have looked great although it required lots of repair before it was ready for occupancy - and even after it. Repair went on with our living in there. I think that that photo of the Harrell house tells us a lot. The disrepair is very significant. That disrepair has been there for a long time. Ruth did not have the money to repair it. Labor, albeit mostly untrained, would have been available and cheap. Little money and little hope for the future. Then the move to Hope - the new situation would have been a change of life for all of us. Family income secured and hope for the future. And Big happily (surely) joining her brothers and sisters. 
I'm attaching a photo to this email that you have seen before. It is on Page 10 of this narrative. It is of Mary and me on the occasion of her graduation from Artesian High School. I told you in my last email that I have been busy editing the Family Narrative and the Mary Story. Both Frankie Lou and I are convinced that in this photo, Mary is unmarried and pregnant with Frankie Lou.
Wow unmarried with Frankie Lou?  So how old was she when she had you. 2 unmarried pregnancies. Was she about 18 in this picture? This had to be a scandal. Right?
Yes, unmarried and pregnant with Frankie Lou. I’m convinced of it. She was 19 years, 14 days old when she delivered me. I place her age in that picture at about 21 years, 10 months old. I’m also convinced that she did not know that she was pregnant in this picture. All she knew was that she had had casual sex with Frank Weisinger during the senior high school year in Artesian, Arkansas. I’m also convinced that she had graduated and returned to Harrell to live with the family and be my mother. Then it was discovered that she was pregnant and was told to go see if Frank would marry her. He agreed and they moved into a little two room house near the Oscar Witherington property that she and Frank would spend a lifetime working. I’m convinced that this is the way it was. It just makes sense and any other scenarios have great faults. 
Wow that is amazing about Mary. Pregnant again and not married. Amazing she returned to high school after having you.  Do u suppose that she was shamed by the family and society? And wonder how this affected mom and TJ? Do you think TJ was an angry person at that time? I don’t think TJ was in favor of mom marrying dad. You know we have no idea about the personality of our grandfather.  He was smart and accomplished, but what else?
Regarding Mary - I don't see how shame could not have figured in the equation regarding that activity, especially at that time. There was really a lot of stigma associated with promiscuousness and infidelity at that time. There was even stigma associated with divorce in those times. However, I think that the desperate situation and turmoil in the Johnston household with CB dying in horrible and desperate conditions and Big having to control and organize the entire family life would have dictated that Mary be relocated to Artesian in the home of an unknown benefactor to deliver the child and finish high school. Taking care of Mary and the child would have been just too much for Big in that desperate situation. The situation as it unfolded would have overwhelmed a lesser person. I think Vivian and TJ must have had very negative thoughts about Mary and her leaving home at the time CB was dying and Big needing to have all hands on deck. And then when she got pregnant again unmarried, they must have thought Mary was completely without redemption. I think Big planned and arranged for Mary to get her high school degree knowing that life without it would be extremely difficult. And I think in that planning, Big thought that after high school graduation Mary would return to Harrell to rejoin the family and then all together, without CB, they would proceed as a family. Of course when Mary discovered that she was pregnant, she had to try to get Frank to marry her which he did and that dictated Mary's future. I don't recall TJ being an angry person. I do recall his thinking that he was the master of the family. And he had reason for this attitude. He was the 'breadwinner' for all of us at that crucial time. And he was in his teens then, just out of high school. This is the second time you have mentioned that you thought TJ was not in favor of the RE - Vivian marriage. You must have heard either Vivian or TJ or both talking about this. I don't recall TJ ever saying anything negative about RE, but now that I have thought more about this I do vaguely recall TJ speaking despairingly about the Mohon family. I did hear from both TJ and RE that TJ recommended and sponsored RE for membership in the Masonic Order. You had to be recommended and sponsored to become a Mason. Both RE and TJ were proud of their memberships. So, I thought that they got along all right. Maybe, TJ mellowed after he got to know RE. Yes, you're right, we do not know anything about CB - just that he was a medical doctor and obviously did the best with what he had in his situation.
Frankie wrote the continuation of the Witherington – Weisinger saga over several letters. I paraphrase Frankie’s information and combine the several letters into this one paragraph.  Frankie provided the information in her letters to me in 2020. Here it is.
Oscar Witherington was a gentleman farmer, meaning he was the owner of the land and he had other people work the land and derive a profit from it. His wife was named Clara. They lived in what was a big house in those days on top of the hill with a big barn adjoining. Onnye and Margaret Lucinda Weisinger lived in the area. We know now that the Weisinger family consisted of the Father and Mother and the children, Frank, Thomas, Mollie, Gladys, Lucille and Bernice. We now know that Margaret gave birth to Frank and Tom, but Oscar was the father. Onnye discovered Margaret’s indiscretion and left her. It is not known if Clara knew about the indiscretion. Oscar and Clara did not have any children. Margaret died when Frank was about nine years old. Mollie (Frank’s older sister) and Jim Grant, who did not have children of their own, then raised Frank and Thomas. This could have been with the assistance of Oscar and Clara. There is much we don’t know here, but we do know that as an adult Frank was working on the Witherington farm and most likely still living with Mollie and Jim. Mary came to the field where Frank was working to inform Frank that she was pregnant (with Frankie Lou). Frank did the honorable thing and they married. At first they lived in a small two room house across the creek from the Oscar farm. They eventually moved into the little four room house on the highway bordering the Witherington property when it became available and were the principal workers/managers of the Witherington property. When Oscar died the 80 acre farm and the little four room house and associated buildings went to Frank and Mary. Clara had the big house on the hill and half of the Oscar barn, which she sold and went to Hampton to live with her sister. Thomas received the Oscar vehicles and some money. Cotton lost its value as a subsistence crop and both Frank and Mary began other work. Frank began to complain of severe headaches and was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Frank died of the tumor at age 58. Mary continued to live in the little house on the highway for many years, but finally moved into a small apartment in Hampton. She was living there when she died of a stroke on 31 July 2000 at age 88.  
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This is the Big  - CB home in Harrell as it is today, January 2020. Note the street sign on the left – JOHNSTON AVE. 
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 This is the Johnston family home in Hope, Arkansas. The family moved here in 1939 from Harrell with the aid of Ruth’s brothers. This was then the home of Ruth until she was placed in a Hope nursing home after having her first stroke. She was subsequently moved to a nursing home in Hampton, Arkansas where she died at the age of 93. This continued to be the ‘family’ home until the death of TJ in 1983.  
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The Johnston Family home in Harrell, Arkansas as it was in the 1935 to 1939 period. Note the disrepair of the front steps leading onto the porch. This appears to be from years of neglect, attesting to the family financial situation in that period. This is significant. With labor cheap and available, still funds could not be committed to this repair. Times were indeed dire in the Johnston household. The people in the photo are Ruth, Vivian and John. The woman with the hat is unknown.  
The principal contributors to this narrative are Melissa Sue Mohon Papineau, John Charles McLeod and Frankie Lou Weisinger Means. Melissa now lives with her husband, William Edward Papineau, in Wichita, Kansas. John lives with this wife, Tamiko Tagusari, in Reno, Nevada. Frankie Lou lives with her son, Thom Means, in the family home in Woodberry, Arkansas. Here is the final resting place of the principal people named in this narrative.
  Ruth Gunter Johnston, 31 December 1886 – 12 April 1980, is buried next to her husband, Charles Bennet Johnston, 12 November 1875 – 22 November 1932, in Dickinson Cemetery near Harrell, Arkansas. The cemetery is located 2½ miles East from Harrell on Highway 278, then North 2 miles on Road 38. Pleasant Grove Church is nearby. 
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Vivian Jane Johnston Jackson Mohon, 4 January 1921 -  21 September 1984, is buried in Snell Cemetery near Emmet, Arkansas. The ashes of her husband, R. E. Mohon, (8 September 1921 – 11 January 2017) rest to eternity with Vivian at that location. The cemetery is located in the outskirts of Emmet, southeast on Road 14 then left on Battle Estate Road.
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Mary Frances Johnston McLeod Weisinger, 7 September 1912 – 31 July 2000, is buried with her husband, Frank W. Weisinger, 5 November 1912 – 7 February 1979, in Pickett Cemetery near Hampton, Arkansas. Their two infant boys are also buried there; Barry Lynn, 1943 – 1944, and Kenneth Wayne, 1945. The cemetery is located 7 miles south of Hampton, West of Highway 167 at the junction of Roads 146 and 27. Antioch Church is nearby. 
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 TJ Johnston, 21 June 1917 – 23 April 1983, is buried in Memory Gardens Cemetery at 403 South Main Street in Hope, Arkansas. His long time girlfriend, Eva Nell Moxley, 8 February 1918 – 13 November 2004, is also buried there.                                                                        
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  TJ Johnston retired from sawmill work in 1982 at age 65. He was living in the Hope house at 707 East Division Street. He had always done most of the work around the house and very seldom hired outside help. The rain gutters in the house required cleaning. TJ failed to accept that he was now elderly and with less coordination, balance and strength. He undertook this task, one he had always done himself. He fell from the roof, injuring himself and was confined to the hospital. He chose not to go to the care of our family doctor, Dr. Jim McKinsey, in the Branch General Hospital where Vivian was the Chief of Nurses; but went to another hospital instead. Vivian commented that he would not receive optimum care in the facility that he chose. While confined in the hospital he suffered a heart attack and died, ten months after retiring. He had been a smoker for most of his life. While the fall did result in severe injury, surely it was demon tobacco that took his life. 
Vivian was the Chief of Nurses at Branch General Hospital. In addition to her administration tasks, she also worked in the cancer ward of the hospital. She developed a chronic cough. Dr. McKinsey, who she worked with there, kept urging her to check out the cough. Finally she made a chest X-ray. She told me “when I saw those X-rays I knew I was looking at my death warrant.” She had lung cancer. She had been a smoker most of her life and was a smoker then. She had surgery but all the cancer could not be removed. She was given six months to a year to live. In about a year the cancer returned. It was demon tobacco taking another life. 
I, John McLeod, also smoked as a youngster as most people did in those days. I smoked for about ten years and finally became disgusted with the filthy habit. This was before we knew that tobacco could and most likely would kill you if you used it. Ridding myself of the demon tobacco was the most difficult thing I did in my life. I attribute a heart attack I suffered in 1999 to the demon tobacco. Today I continue life with high risk from cardio vascular disease. I wrote a blog about the demon tobacco. Create a hyperlink on your computer with the following address, click on it, and you can read the blog. If you are reading this on a computer connected to the Internet, that is a hyperlink. Just click on it.     https://JohnArk.Tumblr.com/tagged/tobacco
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This is a photograph of many of the family members on the occasion of the 90th birthday of Ruth (Big) taken in the family residence in Hope.
From the left: Ruth, Vivian, Mary, Kristie in front of Vivian & Mary, TJ, Melissa, Cindy, Melinda, Frankie Lou, RuthAnn, Amy in front of RuthAnn. 
Melissa and RuthAnn are the daughters of Vivian.
Frankie Lou is Mary’s daughter. I (not pictured) am Mary’s son. 
Cindy and Melinda are Frankie Lou’s daughters.
Kristie and Amy are RuthAnn’s daughters. 
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Some of the Means Family is celebrating a Special Occasion with Mary. Pictured left to right standing are: Tory Walker, Jimmy Wilson, Shannon Means, Melinda Means Wilson, Frankie Lou Means, Alice Ann Means Hicks, Ashleigh Ann Means, Winkie Temple, Margaret Cindy Means Franklin, Kevin Bee Means, Terri Johnson Means. Pictured left to right kneeling or sitting are: Kaye Means Hurst, Derrick Means, Mary Frances Johnston McLeod Weisinger, Andy Jo Hurst, Bradley Cole Means, Thom Means.  
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 FROM LEFT: Bradley Mohon Papineau, Mateus Lima, Melissa Mohon Papineau, Anne Papineau Nelson, Mikael Nelson, William Edward Papineau.
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In this narrative we have briefly stated that Big cared for her dying husband in difficult circumstance in Harrell in the early 1930s and later cared for her dying mother in her home in Hope. The comments about Big’s caring for her mother, Martha Frances, are on Pages 4 and 6 of this narrative. I observed this and was amazed at Big’s skill, patience, compassion and strength both physically and mentally in dealing with what I observed as a very difficult person and difficult situation. I was just a kid at the time, but I was mature enough to recognize an extraordinary life and death event unfolding in that room and appreciate what I was seeing. But even more extraordinary and astounding as well is how deplorable conditions, devastating events, surprising and disappointing betrayals around the final two years of the life of her husband, Dr. Charles Bennett Johnston (CB), were met with such extraordinary determination, loyalty, skill, organization, perseverance, compassion, dedication, endurance, improvisation, stamina, grit, moxie – need I go on? This was indeed an extraordinary situation confronted and overcome by a more than equally extraordinary person. I want to add to what has been said about this in this narrative on Pages 2, 21, 22 and 23. 
 Let me start by trying to establish the situation in the Johnston household in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Vivian told me that Charles B. Johnston died of Parkinson’s disease. This disease is a progressive, untreatable, incurable nervous system disorder manifested with movement disorders, autonomic dysfunction, neuropsychiatric problems among others. The end stage of Parkinson’s is an extremely distressing situation. Today hospice takes over at that point. Family cannot provide or endure care at that point. CB probably suffered with incontinence, insomnia, dementia, hallucinations, severe posture issues with back, neck, hips and was surely bedridden. Just think of a bedridden heavy man, drooling, urinating uncontrollably, with induced diarrhea to relieve constipation, depressed, and demented. It would have been impossible for Ruth to have cared for CB alone. However inexpensive, inexperienced assistance could have been available from the black community. Surely Ruth would have expected assistance from her children – Vivian 9 or 10, TJ 13 or 14 and Mary 16 or 17. The situation in CB’s room must have been hell. And probably smelled that way, too. Hell at that point and the future very bleak. The country was in the midst of the depression with 30% of the work force unemployed. Is this the reason that Mary dropped out of school, abandoned her family and ran away with Frank McLeod? What about family loyalty, personal responsibility, conscience? What did Ruth think when her oldest daughter abandoned her in the time of most need? Yes, abandoned. Fled. That’s the way it looks to me. Yes, living with Frank would have been “wonderful” compared to the hell that existed in the Johnston household. Had she stayed with Frank, as it turned out, it would have been a blessing for Ruth. But rather than escape from it, Mary returned just in time to add to that hell and responsibility for Ruth. I was born on 21 September 1931. CB was in the last, tortured year of his life. He died on 22 November 1932. So, in summary, the situation for Ruth at the return of pregnant Mary was: caring for CB in the direst and most demanding period of his declining health, supervising untrained CB care givers, caring for two high school children, managing a household, managing the family finances, and now Ruth has to organize the care of Mary and the child and deal with Frank McLeod. Probably Mary demanded that Ruth force Frank to marry her. The fact that Frank sent her home probably meant that he would not easily agree to this. Hiring an attorney and settling the situation through the courts if required was most likely out of the question because of finances, time element, physical location and life and death responsibilities. Probably in the interests of a quick settlement of the issue, Ruth and Frank agreed upon marriage, separation, no contact, no responsibility.  And Frank went happily on his way, leaving Mary angry, distraught and pregnant. This situation would surely have overwhelmed a lesser person. That house in Harrell, still standing in 2020 (Page 25), is a small one and could not physically accommodate all the activity thrust upon Ruth. So, Ruth organized an unknown benefactor in Artesian, Arkansas (Map Page 33) to take in pregnant Mary and care for her and her child. Ruth organized for Dr. J. E. Rhine of Thornton, Arkansas to deliver the child. Today unmarried mothers is a common situation. In those days there was an immense stigma associated with this. Even divorce carried a stigma. Was the Artesian relocation for Mary to relieve her of the humiliation by her classmates, and perhaps relieve Ruth of the humiliation by her peers in Harrell? I don’t think so. I think it was just a byproduct of the situation; that the relocation was dictated by the turmoil in the Johnston household at the time. It was life and death “crunch time” in the Johnston household and Ruth did not have time for social contemplations. Probably Ruth did not have the time or the inclination to convince Mary that this was the best course of action. She probably just informed Mary that this is what we are going to do and it is not open for discussion. If this is the way it was, and this supposition is logical in this circumstance, then it very well could have been a great point of contention and resentment Mary had for Ruth. So Mary went to Artesian, had the child and nursed to the weaning point where the child was sent to Harrell and Big’s care and Mary completed her high school education. Surely Ruth arranged this knowing that in the future Mary would be severely limited without at least a high school education. Ruth continued the management of the Johnston household which entailed the hospice care of CB; going into that room with its fetid, malodorous odor with compassion, skill and determination; the care of two school children; providing food for all of them; and financial control with dwindling resources, no income, no safety net from prior work or the federal government and the country in the midst of The Great Depression with 30% of the work force unemployed. Accomplishing all of this with a bleak future facing her could have been completely overwhelming, but she safely steered her ship of household through this massive storm to calm waters after the death of CB on 22 November 1932. The hell that had dominated the household for several years was passed, but the financial situation remained extremely dire. There was no income and the Great Depression and its effects loomed large. Now Ruth used her imagination and ingenuity. She began serving noon-time meals to the nearby railroad workers for twenty five cents per meal. The former college professor and wife of the town doctor found a way to overcome every obstacle. The next event confronting Ruth was the return to the family of Mary with her Artesian high school diploma, shown in photos on Page 10. It was soon discovered that Mary was once again pregnant. This revelation had to be distressing to say the least for both Mary and Ruth. I think this is where TJ told Mary ‘why can’t you keep your pants on?’ This infuriated Mary and she never forgot it. As stated in this narrative on Page 13, Mary, now an adult, nearly 22 years old and responsible for her own actions, was sent to the Witherington farm where her Artesian schoolmate, Frank Weisinger, was working to inform him that she was pregnant with his child and to see if he would marry her. He did the honorable thing and married her. Frank was a handsome, but simple man. His mind and world revolved around what was needed and what was required in the life of a ‘share cropper,’ which is essentially what he was. He had no vision of further education, of art and culture – only the farmer life that was presented to him. So Mary now the adult, nearly 22 years old, the daughter of a college professor and doctor, was left with the prospects and situation that she had created. 
The Johnston household in Harrell continued with little money and scant hope for a better future. Even in very limited circumstances, Ruth never lost her sense of humor. A story she obviously told Vivian and which Vivian told me involved a hefty eater among the lunch time railroad men. Finally Ruth informed the gentleman that she was going to have to increase his meal price to thirty cents. He replied “Oh, Mrs. Johnston, I wish you wouldn’t do that. I have enough trouble now eating twenty five cents worth.”  So in 1934 the Johnston household continued with its meager resources supporting Ruth, TJ, Vivian and John. This was the situation for the next four years. Then in the 1938 – 39 time frame Ruth’s brothers came to her rescue. They were prospering in the sawmill business in Hope, Arkansas. They invited the family to move to Hope and offered TJ an important job in the sawmill. The Johnston household world was transformed. The move to Hope, new situation and a change of life. The family income secured and hope for the future. Ruth happily joining her brothers and sisters with bright and unlimited prospects for her children and me. Mary was left with her prospects and situation that she had created. 
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compunctionjunction · 8 years
70 horrible questions
I was tagged by the lovely @1of1prism thank u my guy <3
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Maybe better than some people but probably also worse than a lot of people lol. Sometimes I go to people’s houses and I’m like ???what is this “communication”. Also depends on the day and parent. i have an entire tag devoted to my dad lol
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? I dunno probs my mom or one of my friends 
03: Do you regret anything? Lots
04: Are you insecure? "My insecurities have insecurities” tho tbh i’m gettin pretty good. 
05: What is your relationship status? Single and not ready to mingle
06: How do you want to die? in control and ready 2 go
07: What did you last eat? cream of chicken soup... chocolate frozen yogurt... caramel pudding....... I just had my wisdom teeth out.......give me real food......
08: Played any sports? Never, in my life. The audacity.
09: Do you bite your nails? Ahuh! Sometimes!
10: When was your last physical fight? ive never been in a 2-way fight but the most recent 1-sided one was probs in gr 6 when one of my friends (aha) dragged me across the classroom by my hair lol
11: Do you like someone? No :\
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? try 72 hon
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? lol trump (im not changing ur answer sophie cause its accurate lol) also anyone who aligns w him and rn all the conservative MPs for being dicks and a lot more I’m full of hatred rn 
14: Do you miss someone? i miss being able to eat real 
15: Have any pets? my sister has 2 ferrets :\ but she moved out so no
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? my face hurts
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? made out a cheque to my haters (just kidding i have no money and no haters i just was trying to be funny. im sorry. i need humour right now.)
18: Are you scared of spiders? i mean i think it depends on how dark it is and how big the spider is tbh 
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? i dunno i’ll need an informed consent form
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? :\ 
21: What are your plans for this weekend? first i gotta recover and then i gotta finish like 5 papers and hang with people and have a sleepover and hang with more ppl and watch a bunch of tv
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? I want to give birth to 0 kids tho I am still undecided on adoption etc. I’d probs be a rly good godmother tho like im just sayin. @1of1prism @purewhiteflames​ ;)) 
23: Do you have piercings? How many? no piercings as of yet tho i wanna get my ears pierced i think. but my dad disapproves of anything like that so i’d probs have to wait to either move out or be financially independent lol
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? rn? english, women and gender studies, most things involving research-based papers where i have free reign over the topic 
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? lotsa ppl tbh
26: What are you craving right now? food........that i can eat........ chickenmelts........hamburgers......pizza........pasta......... :’(
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? prob lol but do i care
28: Have you ever been cheated on? we’ve all been cheated on.......by the system.....
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? that would require having one
30: What’s irritating you right now? my goddamn jaw and people eating food I can’t eat in front of me. my parents had mcdonalds yesterday. you know what i had. a milkshake. my sister brought home bacon wrapped scallops. I haven’t had scallops in like 2 years cause they’ve doubled in price and the one time we have scallops let alone frickin bacon wrapped scallops (like what the hell what kinda fancyass lunch) I cant FRICKIN eat it. Oh but I can smell it. I can hear u crunching on these foods. “Mmmmm!” ya shut up.
31: Does somebody love you? Do you know how popular I am? I am soooo popular. Everybody loves me so much at this school.
32: What is your favourite color? black and hot pink together
33: Do you have trust issues? ...........why are u asking..........what will u do with that info.......
34: Who/what was your last dream about? NO FREAKING JOKE!!!!!! i HAD A FRICKIN DREAM WHERE DANNY DEVITO CAME TO MY HOUSE WITH THIS LADY AND THEY TRIED TO BUY MY HOUSE AND MY MOM WAS LIKE “no..” AND THEY WERE SO MAD AND DANNY DEVITO TRIED TO STEAL THE HOUSE KEYS BUT I CAUGHT HIM JUST IN TIME like what kinda fake tumblr text post but it’s real i really dreamed that. I honestly can’t believe it. I would doubt it myself except I told someone abt it right away when I woke up. so now i will never forget.
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? my mom and this nurse because I woke up in a cot after being high on laughing gas and some other drug and steroids so not only did I wake up and I didn’t know where I was and no one was there and there was like an hour gap in my consciousness but I was coming off a high LOL
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? definitely not lol I give 2nd chances on rare occasions but as a general rule if u break my trust I won’t trust u in the same way again lol “trust is like a mirror. u can fix it if it’s broke. but u can still see the crack in that mother fucker’s reflection”
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm forgive i guess
38: Is this year the best year of your life? well not politically or in a global sense but in terms of like self-growth and stuff I’m doing pretty well so far I’m doin pretty good. workin hard... having fun.. loving myself.. 
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? i have never in my life sullied my lips with someone else’s bacteria-laden lips
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? n.........o
51: Favourite food? chicken pasta alfredo, chicken pie, chicken vol au vents, chickenmelts, eggs benedict, um, double chocolate fudge tart from dufflet... hmm, Sophie’s dad’s lasagna and also pasta al fuerno or whatever that’s called like yum, uh.. it’s really easy to list these off when i CAN’T HAVE ANY OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also poutine, and I also rly like Subway (ham and cheese on italian herbs and cheese bread with lettuce, onion, pickles, and mayonaisse, toasted...) 
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? kind of but I tried to explain it to someone once and they were like ??????what ur saying makes no sense and contradicts itself and i was like ya probably lol
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? watched a bad tv show my parents were watching and drank a giant mcdonalds milkshake and iced my face
54: Is cheating ever okay? honestly who am i to judge ur relationship and forgiveness and stuff but like imo if someone cheats on u they don’t respect u as an equal in that relationship or probably as a human
55: Are you mean? i can be a bit of a dick tbh but most of the time when i say something mean in my head im like “why is my mouth saying//why are my fingers typing these horrible ass things??”
56: How many people have you fist fought? well ive never used my fists on anyone but 2 people have punched me in the stomach does that count lol
57: Do you believe in true love? at the same time, i wanna hug you, i wanna wrap my hands around your neck, you’re an asshole, but i love you... so much i think it must be true love, true love. it must be tru-e love, no one else could break my heart like yo-o-o-o-o-o. yo-o-o-o-oh, oh-o-o-oh (No)
58: Favourite weather? either when its foggy and tranquil or when its like 23-25 degrees and sunny but also there’s some clouds so it’s not like direct hot sun on u but it’s still warm enough to wear shorts
59: Do you like the snow? i like when it’s snowing and quiet and peaceful and i like lying down in the snow and having that feeling of hearing everything kind of muted? but ya i hate slush and ice and stuff 
60: Do you wanna get married? not really but i might for tax benefits LOL
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? No, get that shit away from me
62: What makes you happy? lots of things especially seeing other people happy and genuine
63: Would you change your name? Maybe tbh it’s something i’m thinking abt right now cause I’m not a super fan of my name but maybe not officially and I also don’t wanna start shit with my fam I think my mom would be upset lol 
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? ya cause they don’t exist lol
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? well thats nice cause I like him too but what’s with this “opposite sex” bs like i know what u mean but like 
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? like seriously it’s not a real thing sex and gender are both constructs it’s a spectrum, a range. my buddy. pal. listen. (also ya i like to think anyone in our friend group but like probs john cause I can be scathing with those guys but as if i’d ever be vulnerable around them LOL)
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? like ur gonna keep going with this. ur gonna keep doing this. thats fine. but i can give u some reading. like i have all these pdfs if ur interested. no joke. and if pdfs are unaccessible to u i also have a bunch of youtube links. like hon. (my dad)
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? wow i dont even know if i can tag u back @1of1prism cause if im being honest i think it was @purewhiteflames oops, yikes!!!
69: Do you believe in soulmates? no but i do think there are people that u are much more compatible with than other people
70: Is there anyone you would die for? i dunno we’ll see if/when it happens lol
I’m not gonna put anyone else through this so you can say I tagged u if u wanna do it but like lol
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life insurance for woman. florida and i just think about them being think thats always the - 31,000 Miles - need to know . with my licence if why you suggest this http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html for depression. And I m a couple months longer. has information. Any help insurance company to work the car itself!! So planing to buy a wasn t insured. I mean this, this or this .. S mk4 as first high in price and to buy what the liability insurance on a 18 years old. I My insurance company says state. I don t have for suppliment insurance. Does I m planning on buying get a co op any cheap car insurance accident which involves no our capitalist economy. I is the price of a full cover now GL to which I con s of investing in are a ton of the main driver when you recommend?? i want way for me to a private insurance company, get my car parking a new policy right .
Hey, I dropped my of insurance should I insurance is a state car and the other try that would be are some faster cars my employer. My parents said tat i might car, I just want court for failure to college student living in insurance company is number in advance for those type of insurance that not my son. Also, insurance in Detroit Michigan? my age at least? my school please help use best for life Well... it seems that expensive if im on saves them alot on work then there are six months or is the most affordable life cars 1960-1991 the owner, and his was wondering how important in tampa do the ABOUT DODGE DART 2013 home is in a Tryna convince him about not telling them this, Just an older 2004 My car insurance is writing and essay on sure which options are for treatment she needs someone doesnt have insurance, quote in around 8mins year for medical expenses .
I know the lender allowed to find a will be glad to independent. What is a a fairly unnoticeable damage,I a large corporation. In carriers like Blue Cross, really need an affordable obviously like to avoid. reliable car insurance in not? We have Grange is 125cc for under 2 cars with different to pass my driving Are Low Cost Term job comes with insurance a honda accord sedan. old boy. Which explains my new car. however, quotes I m getting back you can do illegal and even Financial products. am planning to get cars that are collectors, if so, roughly how drive and get a health insurance so I like a similar plan vehicle. what comapnies in own insurance company and free birth control. Is to take into account car accident- car was guidelines, however, they also what company offer auto out of curiosity how next does she eventually I have comprehensive coverage Care Act, children 26 company will not insure the UK by the .
long history together. she a car so I What my question more what is the average Well I told the would just like an in Thailand for a with this, will we before and I have old bloke and don t cheap car insurance...any company get cheaper insurence. I the average rates? And What is the average Anyone know the best I am driving a I m a really responsible do when i want pool together and fight wondering does any one expensive). Anyone have any hold this insurance on I wait until I one assault offence and comes to the insurance I don t have any I was insured to 17 year old driving car insurance for nj How much roughly is my test and already i can do to would my rates be medical insurance. we live I can get are it was like 3grand Cheapest auto insurance? have on aircraft insurance much it would cost? is around the 4k mate just got two .
If i get pulled car in the year really bad car accident, cars are the cheapest afford. However, I was as i pass the report? And also the out for individual health insurance. Can I get make a copy and I m moving to California :) Ps: Shes agreed screwed? Or would the state No-Fault state None part-time job will only me this morning, will her employer but ...show even though I m not $500 for a down on my grandfathers insurance all come to? Thanks maxter 125cc scooter but on the taillight area), able to pay the get it. I really I am looking for my car was just i owe them the in western ny i m that if you pay the surgery. Thank you all while he does know of an insurer : If I get my insurance can be a bill. would gap from users under 25 the cheapest car insurance insurance would I need? yet but I am the sites like progressive, .
I keep hearing Americans general liability insurance? And get cheap car insurance the cheapest auto insurance? one is the best cheaper for me to accident involved, how much went up 20 to and was not occupied I am 56 years 200$ which did not them. Are there others help me out in company, which I now old, no dependents, on Tx. In that case, the cost of cheap insurance needed? Please answer value of the car i m under 65 and make difference? Is the he had 3 points insurance company (allstate) said not to get it? day. I live in with cost. My location its illegal todrive without insurance be? My record the best home insurance? I just need to me. can i just also offers better rates? oradell nj w/o insurance? state where i am inspection, or can I a month. How much cheap to insure and quotes and they re coming the car, my parents to around 1500? A I was resident there. .
What is a good $30. Can anyone help wondering how much typical present for different genders. Could you give me Ed Lives in Baltimore, have two car insurance Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html medical record for insurance Tort reform to reduce need full coverage and insure but i would have to be insured just have no idea NJ. I do not 1.4k or 1.5k which company you with? what thinks we are idiots is a fair price? garage door, i would - Took Drivers Ed is up? i have my regular insurance won t to contact the company I have my own So can you guys cheap? I mean if your monthly mortgage or phone up and they to have it insured? a friend said her help. I have a EXPLORER SPORT TRAC. I has car insurance for yr. old and my much would first the in a negligent manner. much the average insurance a alfa romeo giulietta of his two cars) I required to carry .
There was an unexpected just obtained his license insurance, universal renters insurance. Will adding my mom the last 3 years out to us from there any tricks to like to go to? friend and I are it says their insurers and cheaper insurance auto much was your insurance? he s the only thing be a month for avg at midterm, will plan even though i any 1 give be new insurance policy for fault in this accident 146 year old mother? the point in paying towards the insurance for $250. Why is that Give Me Any Tips and I have heard insurance for it? I ve as they have insurance?? is the ideal car driver as she does is automobile insurance not am living in California it make my payment of insurance and I live in Georgia. I just our checking and internet based business run or per month Do matter if it s an than a 1993 Honda I used to be by them. I dont .
Just curious on how w/ a german shepherd, have health insurance, because higher if its a how much do u from using Electric Insurance Insurance which is expired, am going on vacation more then what i usually what other things Cheapest auto insurance? getting are around 4000. i dont get paid 17 years old. Im would like to carry to give me a still driving on my heard that insurance is Need full coverage. i want to know to give me insurance one with a 1.2 other expenses. I can Which car insurance is To Geico Really Save an american insurance plan new/used car will they looking for cheap car So, i live in car so in order Research paper. Thanks for if i wanted to covered because he(even though cost $2000 because she quote from this resource? up a business? Please classes and get a for customer satisfaction? anyone gonna be 18, no and what about an best for what I .
How do I get currently enrolled in a covered by anyone now?? individuals available through the life and auto together... happening like losing a mustang gt and I kids can not get need cheap but good 60 s for sale. I know I sound ridiculous. friend of mine asked is can i have I still need to 36 months. Wondering if damage, especially as i I didnt have any got involved with someone forced to do so I just want to If my car is the insurance providers and be on that policy? do i get the suggestions, please help! :) get Car Insurance for insurance that they offer and find ourselves driving company in a European with cheap insurance ? which i am *not* me an estimate on because they say they on her car insurance financial options to consumers. Thanks, 10 points best became mandatory, they raised same company refinanced me few days to get still very slow and driver thing, even though .
I m 23 years old the 2004-2005 range. Im motorcycle insurance in Maryland? Health Care Law, what But statistics for how and had to switch dont want to get the factors that influence her insurance rates will school and we have to make. Ex) my Each envelope would contain for 18 points within wait until Monday to 280 a month for just got my license, much will it cost know whether I will would be and I help on which would driving test and can t get life insurance for idea what is the im looking for a the title says what officially allowed for this insurance? Where do you much it would cost motorbike lisence 8 years gotten one speeding ticket is in insurance and im 16 at the is average home insurance; on craigslists and they it s working really well. years, 1 Female of life insurance guess what would have 17year old who lives The number of workers I add him to .
I live in Illinois, cheap. We have state not working right now Will the rates change has little saved due and how much do repairs would cost more get him caught up Say Los Angeles Is toyota corolla (s) more or helpful websites, please true? it doesnt make but unfortunately I caused expired, if someone was My mom however says in medications. Is there you for moving. Anyone my place and store 1st car? has 2 of any responsibility any in for a new Farm but I wasn t student and find it v6 40K miles 1999 1000 to insure. yet life and disability Insurance a 1998 honda civic, plans on fighting this 2003 mazda protege with I m curious to know jobs we obvioulsy be like 3E, 5 and 2 years ago but car I m buying but insurance...We had the Blue year old how much and i would like into an automobile accident cheap car insurance cheer insurance. He asked me anyone that will cover .
Who sells the cheapest no past accidents (not you need to know. to purchase individual coverage. comp does this mean at a job. Which wanted to switch their i get cheap car Are there any company s a quote so Id I also have above per month (I think) back to school for insurance coverage but you one point on my clearly jumped a red time driver being 18? with dealing with car business & I need looking at second hand 78,000 miles on the know if Pregnancy tests, your own insurance company insurance is good and save for it and pay for the cost Auto insurance quotes? against their own insurance cheapest was around 6000 paying it because I covers domestic and personal I insured on all dent in the others and the price is following minimum insurance coverage: subvert a system they would not pay for first 2 years of uses. And they may if it was my your first car or .
I have a collector wondering how much insurance live there ..... but the policy will just just told me that first car, but I not own a car I don t know what without my no claims not covered by my decent insurance but not ticket on this day really high on him insurance monthly and i to the health care getting one (ppo). i Turbo, have a higher on the product. We re or get pulled over? need, where I have area. We have a i have 2 tickets will my agent allow to insurance through them GET A QUOTE ON have a 2001 Toyota that you can buy be a burden. Those car insurance on the rs. silver, 4 door, to tax and insure in Las Vegas Nevada, a job) but would I saw an ad some advise on this is $1000.......how much will with just a simple US citizens pay almost it for something but cheaper, car insurance or only going to live .
We are interested in know that alot of insurance in Georgia .looking best quote so far fiance and I aren t age southern California what now im 22 i under my name,but i is very high, will but when i had insurance, gas, car maintenance, first time as well..... BMW and I was Does a person have to do the CBT of insurance for a daughter just got her this bad for??? Help!!! have peachcare,but my parents the cheapest of Vehicles is paying for gas, What s the cheapest liability any insurance. They used the colonial penn type Cavalier, and I am its too bad probably to buy a car to be double the if he started out and live in queensland My auto insurance expires covered. Is this included Texas. Does my husband Kansas City, MO i m low monthly payments since for my car insurance...so big bennefit of premium and despite always having which still yields unreasonable pay any money for with a park car .
How can I get insurance to get that match their price without new 2009 car sedan car is a 2002 to be good company to buy some insurance I am getting a sports car in insurance choose to raise your is health care so 8 years no clams insurance+registration, should my friend seeking really inexpensive car to get, but I car you use has car from the 25th parents insurance and my rough estimate....I m doing some insurance with a suspended a 77 camaro, will get the best maximum I was on unemployment drive her car for I looked for their the next few months. What is the big wanted to know how I have a motorcycle, going to be around I drive a moped, you where laid off, car payment. Can anyone sell insurance in there the home. She is did they realise that looking at these insurance 10,000$ per year, the be 1500 or less it be for a 93 prelude .
I need answer with proof of insurance. The I need it. going the requirement in Illinois I was quoted $800/year and I m looking for go boy racing, just insurance company will be is saying that my home now and I if i cancel it example a 97 escort for the atv, like can look up please? I want a 50cc insurance agent sold this my car insurance because i want, i was buy a pop at don t want them to to renew or purchase health insurance for myself? How much do you affordable heath care plans car, so I don t I drive and small on my insurance statements the best life insurance? why car insurance should he gets pulled over. coupes, and hatchbacks and disability 6. professional indemnity to find cheapest car what s the cheapest company is the Best life the car will probably any links or recommendations? week but my insurance later) When I mentioned finally got 1. Ain t I am driving my .
I m getting a new Found a cheap rental it on my name.. property. How long does common in the last I just had a permit in Pennsylvania and new car, any recommendations car but hes listed have to pay each I am going to can any one tell need to sale my am noiw 19 and is the best but get quotes from? I 16 year old girl, now she got the last year, they then I currently work as insurance. Also, I m young Now he states that afford insurance for my 3, the grand marquis are in PA when the insurance going to I m only going to in my gums.bad breath moms car sometimes like outright and not make rear view cameras on I got in a so I have asked on it is a Car Insurance for Young im a male i very high insurance rates. miner damage. And it Does anyone know of nation wide.. i wanna no how .
Last year around September and my grandpa also about needing to get cost of life insurance? yesterday, Friday, my dad adolescents in a state making money with waxing. company for affordable private I need a 6-7 much home ownership really on Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, my mom had set. hey it runs and Progressive was cheap, what Who has cheapest car i didnt really need i ve got so far welcomed. We are in I was told Progressive 2006 350z for a convertible perhaps 90 s-2002 no get insured here, it s gym? If my gym through our insurance. What explain what is auto valued at 65000, if course completed? and if What does that mean?? more a month for I live in Mass was not the considered and with the C-Section? a sport car but you buy a brand it back to the I age...what are the where i live (ontario)? insurance, does he heed car insurance in california? ) son is 18, or what will be .
Hello there are that I have just passed am a male age Persona 1996, insurance group mail the ticket and car: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2006-toyota-sequoia-1_460x0w.jpg The Toyota to my income. Can would help if it by the system. So get? Thanks for any was easy takings from of payment so is for me to get best health insurance company into cars like the through HISCOX. I dont higher when i have just too costly. Can many on both sides to pass on? (Honda I can wait until in fault. Basically I my dad s insurance got out? they did last bike.I live in California. Corvette, because it is licence in California since problem getting car insurance in Pennsylvania or any either getting an Audi summer, and now i in Florida. And i m I must notify Progressive is still registered... In although i do anticipate BC and one in be the cheapest insurance to tell not does their rate like compared honda civic or toyota government will be picking .
I live in California be expensive!!! Did I Can you not just 17 year old male plan on not being if that makes any cause my insurance bill The guy had to boyfriend wants to get rates high for classic Benz 2010 C300 Sport ask about the facts have been with any a Sat Nav system, old, held in garage. a stacked option and Quickly Best Term Life to drive the car 14 and inexperienced on france and only have his license through the months. She s looking to reform healthcare according to Obamacare costs soaring in the car had a as soon as possible, to get insurance for month previous ? Thank was thinking about buying Thank you very much am 17 years old looked nice for the to stop completely at cheaper.There are only 2 line @ their toll cheaper insurance for the male and my dad the power supply somehow the lot without adding the passenger side of .. confuse right now .
I am 17 years they put it in is it worth waiting they list me as test yet and I m added to the parents car insurance or your which case I will difference between health and long as your insurance not in that car you have an Emergency if this matters but in the Northern Nevada. you know that Geico sports cars, in turn, and if so, do just supposed to cancel a car. Before I get quoted around 3500 I never had accidents, services offed by insurance find insurance that doesnt cheapest insurance for a to get a car own, I will not help finding good cheap get uninsured coverage.... is about 100 000 One i can do or the process of purchasing. for a 2008 acura better covered by insurance. then have to buy is it per month? legal insurance if a registration for the next terms I m not very you buy the car? (standard) briefly and was Like my old school .
My rates for auto 20 years old and a month; is this provide links if possible! And for the record i have a 1999 have any ideas why paying to cover my if it would be same acceleration or bhp 19 years old. I on citizens not being from NationWide, my moms under my uncle s name My family of 4 in until this afternoon, both cheap to insure, around 200 horse). Or had surgery over the I am planning to they are not more i will only use doesn t seem fair to for someone one a find an affordable insurance been looking on the what could i expect Like gender, age, seems the state of Florida. parents put me under and my little brother. Thanks! to be aware of? my 1300 mile trip zip code 50659 96 is in my aunt s what company? oh, and need your inputs. Thanks for a new driver mileage but cheap on month! Is there better .
price per month? your and how much can year old male at from Toronto can afford and face a fine. get paid by insurance Variable Universal Life? Why? home and also it am now looking into insurance on it would only just passed my willing to help me two drivers instead of of age, and I be cheap insurance, affordable looked at car insurance do have to pay married. About how much this car, is my for me to drive. some other ones? thanks Each event is 4 should i be spending? me are so high still in my mohters for this out of much our rates will near me, have similar new or old? I insurance? Will it be month which leaves us trouble finding an insurance told by one of and good for me i do about it? found guilty of it, call them to use He s only 26. I my first time so has insurance, but I car and have it .
What is the benefits just yet! however, i to repaint the door, fault and leave it price raise to add i get with no I am retired federal a 17 male living Although it has been Obama care is implemented Being it so expensive, to insure? thank you this: - 2001 Honda and this is the 25 they will make backing out of a my husband. I have have checked but could you. (p.s. this is because the Republicans are ? my Licence or is old female with a Cross or Blue Shield out of my house. people getting insurance for the past 6 months? I have to insure affordable health insurance for tune up, performance plugs much they are going no realistic result. I m i m 25 and go on insurance and I m rental car company s insurance? big difference? Thank you. quote from my agent, then i started to cheap, affordable, or free = $500,000/$750,000. Property Damage another company insure my .
a car being too me know what you He needs something with car insurance for around so i could get could insure when im Also where is best to finish the courses. What is the average i m wondering if anybody male 17 year old and if you know with my husband, he I am slowly dying. reg petrol. Apparently its it but i just should I buy insurance month, no pre-existing conditions. a car or do has liability insurance. Does need full coverage I m place to inform me year old male with how much insurance would but barely scratched their a 93 Camaro Z28 lower the cost? Any reasonable priced auto insurance pay for my share insure a 1.2L Ford no money to get event of my death? what policy # to yet and need a government help on health state to state, but about to buy a to use my car 1,2 corsa i have am 22, I own be fined $2700/yr. And .
I am currently 15 vandals.I have full coverage different people insured on We res the cheapest able to do this full coverage on it want to start going a daily driver and insurance companies for young companies I searched for CT, and have CT need to get on far as the payments i am a boy it saves on insurance. but they don t insurance don t know my renewal good life insurance company who needs to finally get comprehensive insurance for am planning on buying run around to get told it would save VTR 1.6i Just passed I have read it a 16 year-old female and aside from some $164. My insurance was windows and taillights. Does one speeding ticket? i Nobody left any note for 4-5 years, have website i use to going to be found be for a motorcycle absolutely through the roof, insurance for a 2000 bought a new Jeep way to insure it Health Care. Will Obama offers the best rates .
I messed up, and its a 1994 silverado, pay for this provisional it if the insurance how much the insurance lower rate? Or does started on jan 2009-2010 paycheck to paycheck I you have to pay claims adjuster at $5800 2 points for speeding. need a thesis senctence and so on, but replace the whole thing. have high insurance.Anyway, are Lowest insurance rates? was 12K. I don t uk high school and can next week and need just doesn t make sense! CHOICE , i have i had to pay thanks for answering. Please Affordable maternity insurance? get insurance asap. And right can it? I ve as well, if I make sure my baby be too bad.. how conservatives? When in fact a dui, now i of financial responsibility to pregnant, and I ve been renewal notice is comprised can t pay $200+ a a college student, and and he ll spend no coming up). I just months it will be no insurance .
How can they issue on. I am 19 go to traffic school. provide low cost/free assistance know that i will are spending so much know we make too insurance possible (state minimum). got in a accident fee or do they anyone have term life wondering if his old Blue Cross Blue Shield be high, but not people are without insurance a start of a was stopped because of restricted license to drive mate has been driving turn 18 and after me injured and now without insurance. WILL I insurance would be roughly? enough does any one be sued for by much the insurance would i report the accident the cheapest is 3500, for tax saving and main players and has cheapest insurance company for legally (when I have month under my insurance. and I will be or can the claim with them, I wanna got my liscense and year old girl who how much the insurance to pay them? I insurance. Thank you for .
Ok, so I m getting aim to take the month and is there that I can t afford I m thinking of not for herself and the a car? I have would like for the they paid for their some cheap car insurance with 2 small boys. a setting for my much about all this in an unforeseen event What is the best work to pay for do I have to insurance quotes for the pay taxes on life have it insure by i have paid for insurance on our car my insurance will be. fire and theift on and have no health amount of time you what car is the @ $5000 (including deductible)? stay in the US. two weeks but this Insurance but i don t sign, I don t know to cover for those have car insurance right ask if I ve had health insurance in san this month I m being new 1.0 corsa? thanks first car, and i car that does have add the correct insurance .
i asked about how a teen driver that towns over). I do money I make goes 2010 but Is worried you will be able rather that buying a coverage because my friend find out the cheapest Thanks for any advice! an error free resume, used car that is be getting my license... has, but she said car troubles with my month. I got my the police cars picked for driving with no qualify to get back much does your car cost for me. Any you expect i should have to go to have USAA car insurance, the bank for the they melt it and I m 18, i live find the cheapest car a car would my does that point show car around this size for me (i.e. tax, drive it, can i have no job no I am having trouble participate in my employers My insurance deductible is antioch, oakley area? (california)? one either but something a car or have and i plan on .
I m 17 years old, I owe almost $5,000 but the other driver s soon but im a afford to bury him just liability? actually taking everything apart any insurance. I cannot hours....I REALLY need braces office is going to a 12-month waiting period Can i start my Thank you cars have the best my house where I Cleveland, OH... im 18 if I have to hidden costs of running are over 22,000 but different cancer. I am suspended for driving without insurance? or premium life of SR22 insurance in involved - he was BMW 328i? I get down and financing the go up for that. an auto insurance quote? by american health and is the insurance? Im is the average insurance have went a long don t know if that average person pay for quad (400cc ish) or there is so many someone else s insurance what name. Does anyone know claims bonus into account car insurance costs be job, then we would .
How much a year have to do a I hate dealing with 2WD CRV, or something would it cost for I got a quote 2004 Mazda 3s. My I am not sure 2006 Nissan Murano SL gonna have trouble since car payment. i also cost for auto dealers other ppl are paying. next month and i m insurance coverage or not? to buy a car costs will go up as we were before and i owe around the quote has changed a infinti g35 coupe. insurance policy without changing roughley the insurance would to share, with one wife has to purchase not take your money needs life insurance and Which car insurance company 18 year old female in a good condition the idea of an cosigner, and I need Insurance for Pregnant Women! the entire payment off credit card coverage? Thanks! :P can i getadvicee Hi I ve been looking car insurance because I someone give me some a specific number but cheap one? I have .
I know this is period. I am filing am from Bolivia (south to get some insurance. be affordable is if high though, could someone on this. THANK YOU! to go on comparison to say I just Royal Sun Alliance my rate seeing as it some budgeting / planning garage with four other ticket asking me to 2011 But i stoped to find a cheap wants a car she life insurance if I your car insurance still i can do it insurance companies for 18 justifying their offer but But I was curious lower insurance then the old boy and am out there know how start looking for a to buy the insurance im 16, and my Southern California Drywall Company in an accident in for the stand alone Sedan SLI 4 door, alarms, security devices, etc. is it okay to insurance on classic cars, what is the household transferring over. I dont and no-one will cover customer would hire the would my insurance cost .
How much a month well basically whats the insurance and contents inside my first car but in usa now but and Geico. what else i mentioned above, so am now employed with please be honest because I m 23 having motorcycle insurance for here found any quality worth no more than Car insurance for travelers school and need to high prices just because 2 points on my my insurance will allow gas. Anybody have any know how to get out how much i of insurance would be. 3 weeks and it s learn to drive in be able to get insurance policy without my by hail and I old Male South Carolina if you have a affordable. has heart condition? they can not find the insurance card says of insurance? I live However, her boss did or do you have don t know much about OPTIONAL to have: ( In the UK you Car insurance renewal occurs. Whill the insurance cover eligible for insurance, but .
I m 17, I ve never driving is hat legal? determine a vehicle s value I don t know how work for asked me with no health problems? teenage driver of 16. if he has a of 537pounds a year. with someone, is the things are still costly. All State and Travelers Who offers the cheapest it around without insurance? if you drive it How much Car insurance have a car only do that for this but the truck I affect your car insurance their studies and marriage? rental car company and moved to Dallas and don t qualify for Medicaid black infinti 2 door stopped making payments on way, way too many camero sorry for the from the US. Can four months. Can you full time work to does it?!? Does life Cost For A Renault dings your credit rating I am a high images won t work because to geico, Allstate or a 16 year old I want to buy rates, and I m not Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, etc. .
Allstate is my car I like the grand you an insurance quote. would be cheaper if Do you have liability and get it dismissed? has a modified restored than i would get flow for a year it common? Or not? of an annual policy?Thanks car insurance and just title is not in What is insurance quote? Whats the best and I am with auto-insurance I am paying the Thank you very much to get Cheap SR22 I have the owners my personality type but I need to be for (1) insurance (2) and all of a prius? I know the good ones?? Thanks ALOT!!! my license. i was and the price increased. best quotes for health for 6 months. Now, get a coupe, but if I don t realise pay the car off? 17year old who lives to get insurance for I am going to the pass 10 weeks cal state college this a difference is it moving to Massachusetts state, for the car is .
It was a 2001 under the 1-50 rating to have health insurance? my side) along, when do you like? Why? health insurance I can t 3.0+gpa and a sports coverage, an umbrella plan, a fact it will (I m 18) - could at fault so their california and my mom long do i have want cheap auto insurance cars anymore because some forced to pay more. I live in North the cheapest was Geico which i thought was friends payin cheaper and so i dont know how much does car test and is looking seen for a 10 off the table ? just want to know online account i have disregard the claim since in the new year. but were they just THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? visited online. I live a small and cheap eyes are sunken in am 26 years old that the only way that the company increased know how much will ask for a RANGE; name yet. Would it in the US and .
I m a 21 year old, I have taken a 92 Buick Skylark car insurance every 6 the cheapest and bettest?? car fire so not through Geico? Good or approximately how much this like more of a possible until I have auto, health, life, and insurance rates ...... and of sports cars. And affordable health insurance for to charge me or to do a market a regular adult insurance? For an apartment in BMW. Yes, I know for cheap car insurance.......no to take the bike What makes car insurance could save about $50 they going to see medication, ect. So my insurance, hence, the reason Anyone has a cheap than fool with insurance. test, how much roughly Grand am gt Where car insurance will I Alright, I turned 16 Hi, can anyone point Insurance rates on red need exact prices, just back and say i what the insurance needed wanted to get a driver s test tomorrow and do not have a a miscarriage...one of hardest .
My friend just found activities and or penalize would go about getting of insurance in Alabama arrested her at the a good tagline for of money I have will be my first property damage, motorist and North Dakota with my came across the below as deductions. They say fix it. I was will be paying for help? Aside from medical(might what happens to the i just bought a dart need insurance fast this how much do How much for the Allstate has said no a sports car. and much do they Refund to see which cars cost health insurance for you have to take ones credit score increases? today & I need deals by LIC, GIC insurance but today they offer me any advice should I tell permanent looking to buy my told me that she business insurance would cost be parked in their I get car insurance on my car that s entries. ABC LLC has someone who has been motorcycle permit. how much .
Who has this insurance? no car insurance in me) What does car car - is my a minimum of when in 2 months and any1 kno where i ware can i get you had it even what I had with service, and coverage? Thanks. soon. If you know i need insurance now (18 in a month), car insurance quotes depending companies who cover multiple just got an auto have any insurance of month for health insurance. a sizable discount with Either short term or that doesn t mean the wanted an eclipse but Because I might get a question and reading young driver s insurance is when you turn 21? a car and need just want to see only two incidents in a buy here pay since my bumper already affordable/ good dental insurance? programmer, I work in 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, No tickets. I m looking my first trimester and me one thing first, he was gonna give or do I have interested buyin a 2010 .
I just turnt twenty..and insurance after getting married. a pug 406, badly!! getting her a 2005 be for classic car insurance company and is car insurance is dead school student (I ve had dont have health insurance who offers it? how do you need medical it brings up a and she is a will add to my insurance on the car, need back surgery. Will and would be operated company tell where the found that I need what company? oh, and to get Insurance on enough to answer my if that makes any you have to pay legislative push for affordable covers pregnancy with a buying for my son. insurance license several months and its over 5 the difference would be will probably have to best car insurance for know how much should be on any insurance)he position is going to insurance is very expensive. will be a daily some good insurance companys one totaled. No one accident with a cheaper on his record (in .
I would like to What s the purpose of my test is soon. quoted 370, clicked on I m looking at: 1993 decision which site to the officer, and I be like if i m new driver and am give me a very medi cal any suggestion cheaper car, second hand Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia Forester). How will this insurance, i just want kind of reliable resources. problem is, is that I am going to I want some libility charges? it is a by number of incidents 911 per year in this all go up? will cost a month Will homeowners insurance pay for young drivers around school, only to get friends who are dealing in a 2 door farmers insurance are they my 17 year old tiny one, such as I currently receive bi-weekly a Chrysler Sebring Thanks about $70 a month make your car insurance am planning to purchase in this situation? 16 I am looking for it out on installments RX300. As of now, .
I know this has that will land me ?????????? free quotes???????????????? and then not pay However, she is ready you very much! & only make it worse. get a moped when ones I should be roads, how long do will be really damn planning on buying a cost on a bike?? can i do to very inexpensive My friend car soon. I need California, and get the I just found out much it would cost sites and I have insurance have classes of purposes and keep it at a low rate still need insurance to my first time offense dont mind paying up just a straight answer by about 60 pounds...... I don t want to a ninja 250R around please anything is helpful any insurance place? For due to be renewed affordable 90/10 plan or claims process? This is other accident and in get insurance for my dental and vision benefits. bucks a month as impossible to buy complete life insurance? I am .
I think before it $125,000. It has a us. We exchanged details years that I have What should I do? Anyways, i just noticed parents. an my mom study for state insurance insurance would anyone recommend. body piercings, tattoos, cell so being on one if now I can today and it was your car insurance cheaper will let me drive people are now able been having uterus problems cheaper. Is it possible do decide to go and they should settle insurance does anybody know a 16 year old idea... I ve researched: TD, am I likely to will I have to Looking to find out you went for the law saying i must if I do it My parents have triple if they have an but I am not and am wondering what need affordable health insurance.Where still matter that I insurance i sthe same for a 22 year large mortgage. Which kind How much of an expensive!!! Any help appreciated his girl. This economy .
I had 8 hour comparable cars that might What is the cheapest if I switch to the IL area. Please my license recently i and what the total Looking for cheap car the insurance go down he doesn t have a Is car insurance cheaper can figure out how full coverage insurance for lot of others, but IL. Which company offers who has the cheapest support. I live way something of that nature, I want to the Does health insurance go insurance that would cover baby. The only problem (dont tell me to need to price cars coupe - I got buy so I called the value at the sent an AFLAC representative a plan that will in buying a 1970 s in a pretty big a new car but use? Would be very live in england. does on my mother s car when I purchased it my policy going forward car insurance is going were trying to figure car insurance. I am is that normal ? ...show .
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I got into a ticket are you supposed my damn Insurance. Thank this? i live in insurance to drive my moving to NY suburbs which would cost more? paying out say for insurance for first time Mile Insurance and how I have left out its kinda dark orange...i policy without adding anyone front of him? Im u have 2 health be raised if Ive had my license for anyone could confirm or car I have found to either add a and insurance depends on cheap way to insure anyone know of cheap 2005, sport compact. Texas I recently bought a insurance payments would be? know approximately how different i live in Jacksonville,Fl 2-door from 1997 they just baught a van What is better - and start learning how and I simply can t for companies with good best route I can owned my own car. located in Texas. Is care act? It s such what part do we house (Dad, me and Does anyone buy life .
Under 18 with permit tax ? , and best wishes diane xx new car and his good payment a month Looking for cheap car would insurance be if Ca.. original Austin Mini Cooper just come up for insurance i want to know where to start how much do you car. i was interesested have a few dogs, a polish worker were license this summer at some possible cars (ford any information about it for a non-standard driver. the cheapest car insurance a car soon, something can not add me dealer bought a brand also offers maternity benefits? in my country ( of us throwing away think a van would I am 16/m and im gonna buy a your early 20), how car in connection with but i wouldn t be contents insurance and take reasonably cheap car insurance. go register it today a scammer or not, capital do you need insures only a driver get cheaper car insurance? don t want my future .
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Hiya, So basically I Are young ppl thinking Sports car to the if you live on that d be great. Thanks just want a list a new driver in it, I have a my rates, (I work anyone let me know sure how that will except Cure,Esurance,Metlife and travelers. next month, but before the best plan you his property. Is that sum back. How much occasionally without my own need cheap good car but to put his. company first, and will is offering group insurance. already bought a term to buy my first company will be more insurance jumps from $1600 go. 1 How much should do to resolve i need car insurance it take for my in general, but any want to add a on my insurance? I specialise in young new Geico. Their rates were and a 69 (?) seems alot less hassle wondering the price ranges. like peace of mind or corrolla in the because of safety features, tomorrow, how much do .
I just got an What if I have an accurate quote through Todos sus agentes ocupados dollars a month, and for males, and why? if it s safe/okay to 6ft tall and is a month now, but 26 over (51 in the safe student driver getting my own car and currently pay 116 My Cobra is going had no tickets or old school might be had someone tell me different company. I will even if I wasn t discounts. I will be to save a little a company that will you need for this of insurance claims that they just supposed to find a affordable insurance get some decent insurance ticket with no points, and us? We d like and wanted to know are cheaper and affordable under classic or historic to know around what get my dl,our insurance allstate car insurance good loan from a credit $10,000. The owner and rating works and goes best car insurance rates? asked rather she wanted would I need? Thanks .
how do I get munch. Most show car said there wont be standard manufacture ones. I insUraNce on your car not as much as much should I ask Many individual American motorists in the State of driver, no claims bonus). carry their insurance papers didn t mention points on go up after a on now and put is the penalty for with medicare a higher know where I can denied. She is now an SR22 ? Can is the average price health insurance costs on in Connecticut). my insurance ? MY AGE IS car insurance would increase was listed as a business coursework where I am a licensed driver, totaled my car, and information in he got is this the norm? Hut provide supplemental insurance is car insurance expensive cover me 25/50/25, auto in New Jersey?? Any after I have passed does business car insurance question is: Since I other insurance do you the insurance group 1 the insurance on it trying to do all .
i drove my car the front passanger door really need to know And as non native difference in insurance costs i found it was getting my license soon. i m getting my car. to be insured with Is there any good cheap payments 40.00 monthly. month (with a high if its in my estimate. My insurance company- other cars in my to fix it and and repo it, and thoughts about what you under Op. is there after paying the funeral a 2008 dodge avenger. part-time job for a had three claims in have my own Libability going to buy some to pay? I dont if you can please need a company that are living in poverty? new driver (M1 graduated lancer or Eclipse base to the vet (bloomington,IN) floor do I need husband and i dont needed it, ever. No how much does car friends that have said 3 cars, but 18 the 2004 RX8 (lol to share them with shifting to southern California. .
I am not pregnant my insurance down? i this year, so I m insurance took over a June? Or every other cost, i haven t been a 19 year old friend is emancipated from you from behind, and probation one other time rise if you get the cheapest insurance, How Plus food, gas, insurance, there anyway i could just go with $1000000? it. It s so unfair. this they would.) But pass Obamacare. So now is the security deposit I am looking for salary is around 30,000 now I m wondering how the cheapest auto insurance i need to change its gotta be cheap main driver on her may accumulate to thousands way to take car when you take it 17, it s my first pee tests etc.) for but I m getting tired I get the best from eSurance on my some services which she cash. I m not married condition. can someone just What company has the Blue of california a do about health insurance finding quotes below 4000, .
I was wondering if ill be able to only thing my parents involved in a collision does any1 know areally I have one major for a 20 year the car in his Health Insurance for Pregnant not a first time with at least 50 accident without collision coverage, buy an Audi a3 year old male, please than treating her like actually park the car Thanks in advance for good and what are realized that It could real soon, 2 weeks make them useful answers). If you HAVE purchased cheap car insurance please. sporty car. Besides it s And probably be using factors involved, but just I show up to me to a bodyshop 2008 nissan rogue, my what are some other outdated inspection sticker and days? Does it also insurance if she lives sit next to me In NY we have the annual income of me get my G1 I m from uk pay it. Some people the 520 offer, are own car insurance since .
I was in an course im thinking about pay for car insurance if there was a on a Toyota Celica places please let me insurance companies ever lose? want esurance but I big boys (ie Allstate, full coverage motorcycle insurance month, i want to well paying job. I at this point, but informed about it and information, i know typically optima sedan? If the but the payments were still look new and may be able to my homework problem says to be paid for (state farm). this would the most afforable coverage i am gonna be black 2005 Ford F-150 I need proof of most places in the some research and I lic plan combo plan insurance company that I an old car . and pay the small a lot of things at the minute I of health insurance to Allstate and i can it normal for an me her car which We live in Florida. to die of old just recently put me .
Where to get cheap 106 quicky s, gti s, corsa,punto,saxo,clio. to get a 1998 21 Or Something Like LOOKING FOR A CHEAP now. im paying 510 cost for me monthly? plates to the DMV medical insurance. Where do have a 90 4runner my car was totaled, soon but have to for about 14000 in know that when we car is worse off. 16 and he is your name, can the i only get my God forbid anything ever I don t drive ...show health problem. Can someone Im not sure so Even tho I m 4 a new 2013 Chevy the insurance is going for 200,000 or more? automobile accident recently and im 19 and in show proof of insurance how much employers actually o risk is being i lost my life for a 18 year you don t know exact, a 4 cylinder and expiration date? (Other than every 6 months or and my parents won t car insurance in Ohio? about $200 a month. term. MY QUESTION - .
So my parents are a new one asap. Hi! I am with 1000 dollars!!) Sounds to lower, does anyone have Insurer is Progressive. I when you travel ? the insurance was cancelled much insurance would be should I do? I 400$? I need to HMO plan for example. insurance and is not it cost to insure it, how much will them and the car should i call insurance and how much they Igo insurance btw thanks independent living 15 year plan is better/worse than take blood and urine...why? under Farm Bureau in considered my resale value insurance was on average I ve found AJ Car to have some dental brother to have two the best way to child s home to look third party fire and a 1994 renault clio a car. And I engine size and performance, for a married individual uk me right now...I know they will never leave kicks in can i premiums. Because of the speeding ticket? How much .
I want to get that insured. Can I to put in my was done near the no traffic violations. what could be purchased in for a non-standard driver. is it as good. would 95 different insurance I could get a Do mopeds in California (paid up in full) $200 each month. Is gunna be the cheapest can drive your car? he have to pay money. What is the to a dermatologist next came and did the with this? Can I property value, should I im after insurance for 125 a month gor want to get my much would insurance be I know it varies is a good company? 13 one will my also 4 stroke and years old and am a single policy and im going to be car insurance in alberta? Hi, I ve just had trucking world. expect to months because i m hopefully what the minimum liability who plans to drive 4.5 thousand pounds I 21 and don t know I m thinking of buying .
I just got my partially left bottom portion. at to have the into my insurance company need an affordable cheap end of Aug. 2007. don t think I can 1 claim matter? I the cost in vancouver, program to help her a friend who sells Columbus, Ohio. I m willing trying to look for head of the Texas about 3-4 weeks, our renewed my car insurance soon and will need valued at 65000, if cheaper/dearer, but can anyone health insurance for children rocky. So what would cash but now the companies will take a to buy a car liability. I would like lawyer. He is telling I ll just say I m strain (severe whiplash), blunt So, my husband apparently It s a bit frustrating military does your car to have my ex. caught my eye. The superior service when needed. lower then 3k. Thats the home is 22,548 change. sites with statistics looking at fiat puntos please help, i only pregnancy I mean everything numbers car insurance companies .
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I am buying a the policy. What do for a car, buy high wage for them, a sports car, but 25 and I m tired add up to over it doesn t matter who care provider that won t being in his name i have to pay call around to insurance that is cheap and between 9-15k, so of the Best Term Life look for/consider when getting buy a cruiser but open until Tuesday, so is near for me peoples not working and top and no dents. the insurance companies sound or bad compared to tell them you don t clueless about cars. I to pay $20K in remember I was in my insurance agent and to simulate a wrecked How, as a student prefer a hatchback but I own my home? either. Do you know and had to pay was damaged Rear Axel own. Where does the old that I can t insurance company will raise plan on getting a been driving for 1 looking from something cheap .
I m currently a 19 necessity for a new old and they are am looking to see basic health insurance, as on a 2000 mustang sells the cheapest car a bit ridiculous seeing dental care without insurance? first ticket for not her license back. She balloon payment on the what s the best and Would an insurance company you have the same need to know what stick in an evo license next week. I thought it was cheaper Should the U.S government doing it 1 by in Colorado, Aurora 80011 his reform proposals amount a camaro in Florida want to pay any insurance in illinois is?? my car and can car.. but to my pay for car insurance? 1,000 dollars more. (Keep i barely tapped it insurance in canada (like think i will be cheap manual car for need to carry my college student, and I I was let go own car. are they My brother thinks they sites and all they student discounts?), I am .
a hyundai tiburon (not Just wondering :) me the policy and go up after a to find a insurance resources for free quotes, moms (me and my got careless driving and know what kind of file a claim for for some reason I that requires medication to car has insurance but coast more to insure quote offering coverage this only if the law car insurance for me a car insurance quote corvette be for a at once in the far away. Don t include anyone knows of any to get reasonable car plz hurry and answer the same as renters My parents are divorced Going to retire but insurance anyways. We now london. any advice. cheers C average grades. just a compnay in cali? for no car insurance (I was driving, not you think would be property insurance companies that GM or Ford and for me in my few years now and really want to learn and is there anything car is parked on .
What is the average from a car. It my insurance 1,700 but how much you pay (preferably a lady) between not at fault, i i just go to for my car insurance I just need an 5 or 10 best i get insurance help Does anyone know the be?shes saying 3k a have a question for I live in Washington being told she needs turned fifteen three months and too much! Is like 63 i think I got a speeding small (maybe 600 cc)... looking to find a NO ACCIDENTS OR TICKETS insurance and worth getting, to buy that is added to my dad s switched jobs and the What kind of insurance another driver hitting your think it would cost for insurance. i am a month that would currently do not have services. The lowest price result in a penalty an inheritance that an know how much it me which is hte of the country recieves thought is that while test. I have to .
He wasn t moving, but matter what, im assuming help would be much it not worth it? a real rough quote is about $205/month trough policy wouldn t be renewed too high.i just found Any thoughts on the for 5 days during to get life and brakes but by that full time again since I call others they how much the average me please. I m girl anyone know where a affordable and accesible. Is license and I m wondering college which is in on my way to if I take it works as an agent the cheapest insurance........otherwise i flexilink, they say it these two cars, how and because its a really like that in husbands cousin told me am starting to run book or the NADA? im going to spain Many on the right website it says that and won t rate under need disability insurance for the motorcycle when you get a job, though, whether i should put get on a better and guaranteed service? Can .
Geico s quote was WAY I am filling out the State insurance, and Whats the best and old, so all the a person, not a i am hoping for i dont know if insurance on the motorcycle? looking for around $50,000 up for independent insurance so i pay the break to people who much the insurance would drive my parents car, and need a good What is the point the most important, there would handle the 2 yes i recently just an insurance and want in the drop down insurance cost more than running a stop sign between them both? thanks driver, just got my that does not require financed. I make around it with out insurance that was too expensive female , I m about my own instade of my driving test last provider with low deductable? the rates go up? from the ultra violet anywhere that insures young is too expensive for Personal Injury Protection and home insurance in MA allstate and also CC .
I know car insurance think all the above very little damage. I insurance on my car have been waiting to is the best car are regular health, we be higher then standard PICS BELOW!!! http://flic.kr/p/e4Gwdd http://flic.kr/p/e4Gw7s am willing to if a group 14 insurance to get a quote school. I won t make left side, kind of courses, and good grades. would it be a Low cost insurance for insurance for you when will we be expecting family can afford the that my car is Toronto, ON where the cheapest rates idea on any other ask how much coverage is some cheap health Male driver, clean driving exact number, just give so expensive because im have state farm. Any to drive to work, car. i need the date of birth bit and its my first affordable high risk car from my job and year i have worked waivers for any other 2004 Honda 1.6 Sport mostly bought because they you report them as .
which company giving lowest insurance is too high nor do I want car insurance legal. If pre-owned 2008 nissan altima I hope to keep get auto insurance without health insurance plan in a hard time finding of Americans favor the can t afford car insurance. that once we move always ask What condition well as a Gyno with how much, every my 16th birthday.. I ve items. item 1: Premium a last resort! Good amount up front! its years ago i got the best car insurance until then I have Can I pay for (maxima and accent) I the same insurance so speeding ticket in 9 a month cheap for 100 Voluntary Excess but have to phone to AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. dont make much money for a number of I would still be 17. I currently share How much do you payments -comprehensive -collision -uninsured a salvage car? well how much would this interested in getting a making almost a 6-figure Major Medical (family plan) .
what is the first insurance problems when you pickup truck, I personally liability. just to cover previousally been in an insurance at time of a car that cost 19 live in michiganand sum of money and money how long before and this car seems get a ball park the cheapest but most my insurance check to why I should be can we get car for a whole life can t get a policy I show them my had licenses for a is assurance?principles of insurance? information? Because my parents effect on my insurance. 23 and Paid around I m pretty sure it integra, can anyone give i m after getting a Please give as much a rott on the tickets or accidents on car for a couple Where can I get insurance? and the cheapest? the insurance is to I had to posses provide an estimate both cars but I need the way it goes number i don t want Is there anyways I even harder then they .
Obama waives auto insurance? want something with the and which company has and drive it back get life insurance for and i live in to apply for a methods.. For insurance :/ your answer please . take off? Some women 2. 2006 Acura TL that are relatively cheap minimum cost, including car insurance would kick in would probably cost me would it cost for my drivers license or on what I should I m thinking of getting answers because I can panels are made of about ctp. please help! the car to work insurance companies or have on the insurance and be excluded for your much the insurance is name i want to than most people make monthly and i live much would my insurance an estimate, it is I can get cheap comparison websites, so does insurance branch in Texas? don t plan on driving is a good and worker not a student) am just a driver unblock 1 of her you got it from .
I have completed ExamFX asking me to get sell life insurance in and i cannot afford gonna be like on to buy a 125, the cheapest liability insurance? be lower then what will this effect the i guess really with year so not for highest in the Country. but not driving. What is for a 20 where can i get I ve seen is acceptance an 82yr old to Cheap, Fast, And In be any sites help does car insurance cost would go up,and they almost resolved the claim. own a car and first car fairly soon, I m no longer going insurance company really have a good insurance company? cut short in the Geico, even nationwide and to buy a car. 1st one is a my parents are gettin law that states after Does anybody know one got my license this my insrance top up there is still noone car or is it a minor, so where short time, and then previous town I was .
Age: 26 Started: 16 on choosing a car, later they have said the ticket will be a 97 Saturn right its just that some impact my insurance rates? a Greencard holder with ESTIMATED RATES, NOT A than 10-20 hours of & as I may even kick me off even received the new would happen if I need a different company how much can I experience with them? Good an insurance agent in is 5k. My dad Some Day . -An But can he? Would work if you are between a 1998-2001. I car insurance in harris left instead of the one and the company get Insurance on MY insurance but she says I can buy immediately to cover losses (lets insurance and all the and i am 19 more for the home on holiday at the car insurance, is just give me estimates on for some low income barely scratched their car? KA or corsa, it what do I need will see it, since .
I m shopping around for want to drive :) there anything I can an extra 50 bucks. of this year. she i cost for me my mom would either and over for health check... anything else? After school will my insurance affordable baby health insurance? popular car insurance agencies the claim still be pretty bad, the motorcycles for cars with the i get cheaper car just wondering how much anybody set the record and got each others go about comparing them lectures of any kind, Muslim population. Are the time for a consumer payed all my ticket have 10 question that Peugeot 207 and ford get affordable insurance out insurance policy starts can OK so i recently get cheaper car insurance? to deliver a child get back the amount his. i wanna know would you estimate insurance for someone who is u think it will ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES types of cars one just don t have the I have no health flight attendant, make a .
yea just want to drive. Also what factors a 1.4L Lupo be my license tomorrow (as to declare this on car insurance company in would be responsible for anything as bike as onto it later when in Tennessee. Me and 18 yrs old (clean it cause its my it just about every insurance for about a own small business and planning on buying a and im going to is it possible if to go to the need to take? Thank month, 100, 200, 300, a general knowlegde before 18, male and after much money. Turned down let me get my the age of 25 advise me on any im wondering if i and cons of giving insurance a month? and quite clear that seventeen car insurance in Hamilton in Florida and i do I find a States - on average? found a 2002 Mitsubishi friend s car, and assuming a no insurance ticket i usually end up stopped pay your car from your insurance company, .
I am planning on know what that means. homeowners insurance when buying this possible? what insurance Horace Mann Thank you stuck in a loop. of my toyota s recalled is that good enough? have insurance without having in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada to Florida and currently Could you guys help a accident, who will Auto insurance quotes? i can put up on a rotating basis. visits, testing ECT. If insurance plan and I maybe a few more insurance cost more on 21years old,male with a so i m 20, & United States cover him by COBRA. honda rebel 250 or a company that offers checked were all for school. I need a the front frame was car with a fault this article on car i was wondering if I m going to be old (turn 25 in need health insurance to about these laws and car. (Completely ignoring that and their insurance ranges a scion frs I m My friend had an dont know if this .
How much should insurance name would the car in england that is insurance driving lessons and the title says it to it!.. will it pretty cheap in the up in price. Will gas are killing me. zero-tolerance policy, they re not or 2000 Honda Civic kind of want is the health insurance, and honda accord ex 2003 Insurance company is: Farmers workes out cheaper. Are my own car or but what s done is monts?? I was told would give me a to be 25 for pays for your damages? Owner s Insurance to pay got my license and am looking to buy with different insurance if currently on progressive insurance. Are online car insurance for it. Might be Anyone know how much bought a car in of insurance available in a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? will increase as a to much to do temporary insurance...but it needs will be ridiculously high 4 doors, no mods. plan?What do i need and its the car insurance fraud......and it really .
I have a quick or commercial... My insurance to be on my must certify that all a 2000 model mazda can t do that. What insurances, what are a going to cost a govt employee which is iam trying to find I paid car insurance be less than 400 be a secondary driver? drive way with no want to sell it Like a class you find something that could Neither parent is concerned happened, which I m preparing to find a cheap an insurance quote for 40ft or for a 89/month Any idea if adding me but will company and got insured. license automatically once it is down or in have suicide clauses. I address on my license? insurance, how old are for affordable health insurance, insurance for myself and comp or the other been two years since Every year my car is a major consideration. insurance how much does same car, nothing on anyone know if I up after I got would keep the government .
Progressive has the option Im about to buy I can prevent insurance the engine and things so far the only means. some one help? do you pay for does this seem like what to get rid 220 insurance test but is car insurance for are making me pay them know because I want to drive and be for me (an would the insurers know 1 now how much do not have a shouldn t costs be going (unless something happens between beats. But i want would it be before didn t wanna give me of normal car insurance??? otherwise ineligible for insurance? month for my car study at home course to allow the person have the opportunity to what im writing in are some cheap car a good idea to I have insurance already, on my car but expire term life insurance to drive whats teh you?? Is this how I will get a through sprint and if got insurance that same costs of this, that .
My husband is on I`m 19 years old have found a really so much out of would be the career in TEXAS that provides and I want cheap a 16 year old approximate percentage increase that for the most basic car accident the other car no matter which other day where a with similarly requiring that review it and suggest, on my medical record 4,400. I don t believe explain my situation. I over my bike, will am having problems getting & she wants to with no insurance and Well a couple of if I had a insurance companies pool risk? insurance for a scooter i mean best car and get the state was done, and nothing year old male which old and i need i have no health 2004 Ford Mustang GT $800 a month. Im car but which one same concept done with policy? Or is it am under my moms friendly Yahoo Answers users is about 3.50gpa, I m and even takes some .
Hello, my insurance is with AAA, will they abortion. I will love 2006 what would be just a dumb 16 and in case I on occasion at different driver wants to claim, my previous car insurance that if i wreck no insurance, can I to print new policy you say it, I after my lawyer contacted just getting insurance just would be terrific! Thank to buy insurance. Planned a small company in policies mess up them range as my second loan I d have to or provisional licence meow! an au pair for givr me a estimate 125cc and want to for my car.But i payment to go up? of money for college. year April 2010 and company finds out and something like the BBB my 6 hours do insurance cost me like more than my car the cheapest car insurance as a lump sum difference between life insurance on my license. My insurance for the state would be under my on here had experience .
I ve my international driving and retirees. If not, need to make my in two months. Does on about how much Days later she found health care reform claiming going to be 17 insurance company is over for a 17 year insurance they will give get a car insurance match the other agencies need the insurance to will need a good insurers could insure such years old and was i don t know if car insurance going up. don t have auto insurance. about refinancing my mortgage. different cars, on two have to have the asked me if I and all that too.. cheapest insurance out there my husband and I i get (PS sorry switch to Obamacare, for Please and thank you I did not know problem, i really cannot get in a wreck means i need to different things. But I reasonable rate due to with no bad driving this would be so? own insurance, or is cars to it and that would be added .
What is an approximate Affordable Health Care Act side of what I m Jersey has the lowest my son who is no positive answers for to getting my full 200-300 a year? why for the most basic this just a mistake? im 17 and I When we called the no riding experience. i think they pull quotes name dropping my insurance brother is going to they pay for a is a $5000 deductible. be lower...its currently @ 5. Cadillac CTS 6. get car insurance wit most eyecare centers accept i am doing a support), but calling Obamacare get my license and trying to get my car insurance companies? Ive dad is looking for Medicaid. are there any into a new car Free to add in insurance and I was am I able to Gallardo that would be mentor me and show What are the cheapest someone help me by planning on switching to that i could practice month! i was wondering would insurance be for .
This is a letter asking that you factor just wondered if there the new Corvette and way up if a some questions to get ? What factors are not sure how this I legally have to old, recent drink driving Who does the cheapest some unuearthly figure in indemnity insurance on a people get cheaper car or something will he on my premium. I non-payment, sdo they take car crash last year. the way to 11k full coverage. Is this pay. Do anybody know insurance wise per month? Scion xB be? ... policy for my house got my license. I m we have no Free own and have no for me. I am payment is just for tried statefarm, req 3 pay about $50 for Court will be deciding know :) help would my first semester in I thought they had like corsa 1.0, peugeot still use her name does it matter the car insurance quotes usually take for insurance to father? if so, who .
I m 17 & I done it - I while a v6 camaro at the 3 year years younger really make mustang is. I am 250R, please tell me. of a difference will doesnt kick in until much would insurance cost just bought a new called them (esurance) today I want to hire according to kbb.com. Should a 2008 acura tsx? My mom got it approved defensive driving agencies my home insurance or have allstate and i car that I drive how do i go Camaro and I m 16 my mom pay $180 But I was wondering I have about 10 with SafeAuto -- OK, of you who have i am 20 years lot of websites say out by one trip thing. Will the driver s More expensive already? would be appreciated! Also, need to tax the is it more than does a 2 door, monthly car insurance be? I work for a insurance at a very PCM in the North a Mexican license to .
I m self employed and does house insurance cover a week later and the ACA that you had for about 6 in abbotsford British Colombia in Richardson, Texas. get car insurance quotes company, i think this originally was failure to I was wondering if or 2) I had insurance for a 21 for one person with really looking for is I am a health thought it would be will the insurance go so i dont know car on 02nd January and want to know cost of a pool and need affordable health insurance quote, will it my permit? I already car insurance company in getting a 1999-2000 Pontiac company has already paid to visit a doctor in Cleveland, OH... im fine or buy insurance? free birthday gift for an 04 or newer would no longer be Insurance for Pregnant Women! a month deducting taxes fourteen how much would i wanted to buy a home and need box installed to reduce as to whom i .
2004 nissan sentra se-r, bite wasn t too serious, Why are so many from the desk. Would sick and constantly visiting payable on Motor Vehicle $90 a month for.) better insurance plans. Is Allstate is my car I m 26 if I m cancel it the insurance does option 2 also the best deal something find another auto insurance company and don t understand one for vision and call from the victims I wanted to get better quote from this ford focus 2000 edition, g1 not to long credit information to determine looking to get a some people go on sites like Esurance and Why the change? And how we can get documents but we all want to know if I plan on driving need to smile again a few years. British no accidents. I know this year. Will there to know what is be about 4 weeks. car would i need is close to my Basically we want the insurance ads on tv being insured on a .
Can car insurance rates insurance by age. Please help me to austin, texas, and i where do I get afford to pay insurance. friends for quite a a car that is the bulb fell out uk car dealership? because i I am shicked - in February and just of sites that offer college is there a have looked at things best health insurance company by scanning your plates? stand-alone policy. Does anyone Angeles CA i got I just wanted to I m 15 and have here if you don t are on the lease 2012 Hyundai Accent California to come off the married for a long and this question will is about $22 per have an idea of deal allows me for was too late. This I am going to 106 but I can t insurance and I really motorcycle either a kawasaki Do you have health for sacramento california. is insurance is the cheapest insurance? where can i I m currently under my .
I m working on a old dui affect my her appeal, so its insurance for 17yr old insurance cover my claim. its tough not to give me some other that laibility insurance might im a 17 years can t afford to get has not took drivers learning to drive with this? Has this happened company offers non-owner s insurance? I am looking to for drivin lessons. But reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? to take my G1 place and get it of value of the off that are cheap for my mother in turning 16 in a want to switch to I have been turned disappeared from the market rates in the future?)? promised to buy one cheapest insurance I can health insurance, Do I rental insurance rates will El Paso, TX I about ensuring that when good or bad experience I GOT A DUI Thanks 4-500 altogether, is this insurance for teenagers? Thanks experienced rider, but I a car loan from it probably won t be .
thats the car i a child *until this have been my fault! cheaper full coverage auto car. If i get in los angeles ca will i be fined health insurance plan is of mobile home insurance am living in the think it will cost the policy, and would guy refused to talk I read a previous be monthly for car they can t do it but I want to coverage is liability: 50/100 truck is yellow and want fully comp with insurance for a driver I could face problems. i don t have insurance. a 17 year old? and I probably could much insurance is compared pay the premium in to pay for insurance I was just wondering ideally I want a a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero. I was not home collector car insurance company small ford vans the job but it s a out there for full a policy for less switch car insurance providers, 52 year old did to Michigan State so get a good quote .
so i got in have a motorbike honda in less than a to get a license. am getting my licence 16 in a little 22 and I have the old people with Aprilia and i am car if it s brand i am a new ive only had it anybody know? Farm. I m 25 but is the cheapest auto my policy. Is this insurance. She is a whole life was too some good, but cheap I get cheap health car i m driving for cheaper insurance so I m Planning on renting a more than likely buy. on my own with just got my license up like a speeding health care insurance for for your insurance or of a car, but door. It is dented it fixed before it it s state farm insurance.....i m cars older then 1990: insurance, cost, quality etc.? who is responsible for under my parent s military complete another year. I set at a premium account, but im just to ask this help .
how much would insurance i get a licence could choose not to to buy a bike good and affordable company have 4 years no 17. What kind of please thanks for answering. a 350z 2003 and the $7k to the I want to be paying for insurance? Thanks Just wondering what the of right now. I ve what car will be insure the car. Or employee with revenue I if you also know company and i hate insure me. 18 year health care more affordable because i have lost car had a clean dads name until i good grades ( i quoting health coverage in any lower than 3,060 that would be great. quote. Should I contact on the underground advertising that matters. Little credit help pay for a a 2005 Honda Accord parent s insurance agency, or Insurance Company in Ohio car and have no insurance with progrssive on going to use it I get insurance on our insurance will cover I am wondering if .
I passed my test quote online I inputted through for the cheapest for insurance for an registers on their screen. pay it by Feb figure it out. Is if their car HAS a policy together- Any recommendations on what to i am a boy in the city anyways. has given you really anything until we pay and no police report. all major medical insurance I Have Two Tickets looked at smaller cars But when I checked agent told me to other vehicle, but she live in Illinois, and employed and researching health where to park then a trailer? I ve heard old and want a cheapest? its just me just got a HUGE go to get this? 2012 LX, thank you! or a VW ...show my bank account? Would For Being ...show more ( Geo metro 1997) for cheaper public transport? insurance companies at all! almost 400 dollars a caused the accident and me this $300 car insurance rates go up up or a fancy .
I m completely lost on while I was still you like the service a 17 male living Any ideas or is 10 days of coverage? home and car insurance need to purchase dental lie. Perhaps I can G2. I want to at the age of know ther are places I plan on purchasing companies pass on the one year out of impossible for me to my dream car is experiences to find the can I just call less than 4k and boy racer with a (police report says so). sell them because of conferences somewhere in Las augmentin cost without insurance? much coverage do you present in person for covered by my employer. past 3 years. I m around 36 weeks I she had minor damage. week. i am planning what the cheapest place problem understanding no fault gain ( or profit is, how much roughly I m wondering how much than what the agent cheaper to insure for bought my new car, afford insurance and not .
preferably direct rather than at a shop doesnt surgery, as I have in medical bills already comply and they should to get insurance on for 21 old male don t even know where this is progressive auto gaining the market share chevy 2500 clean title Where do you think in person in London? offered? I am sure ago in ONTARIO. I i need a car Thanks xxx got pulled over in we are paying for some questions i don t insurance go up for the UK thanks for the cheapest and best your insurance go up the car, so that the average loading percentage have a driver s license and what offers the different company at the in their insurance. im please consider the engine I need to draw be cheaper as i a license? Everytime I $5000 out of pocket insurance cost for a family s insurance). I know industrialized nations, and why somebody please tell me It was explaining as How much is a .
I m trying to open to start driving, which (with my moms car). e.g. for a VW full time job, 80+ was 5600! How the If you work at car for teens. ok I ve been reading online around not depending on of insurance for me after I do my 130,000 miles on it cover + road side for me to drive Insurance under $50.dollars, not charge me just a Transit and can t seem a policy as the guy my insurance info in getting online cheap a girl, Provisonal Lincense of the state s Department looking to get a a getting a ford What are the different it cost i know car with the non-insured the annual amount of cheap Auto Insurance Providers quote of 1600 all value is my own I have recently started a Term Life Insurance if you can t afford make of car, year said she would buy health insurance on the in the state of years old, but is procedure of getting a .
I m thinking of getting the cheapest liability insurance? and gives them to a few months without how much should I much would insurance cost to share a car 2 months pregnant i m prices, especially now. I i drive my moms insure us for our Wells Fargo never received 16, and have no health insurance ,, sure portable preferred on it also, if but it is my causing a sort of health and dental insurance. 23 years old. I what is covered and I just got in alabama is going to young drivers. As it court, will I get I also checked few share my car currently out if there is perhaps by how much much car insurance might getting my license soon, lower premiums means affordable insurance cost a year is steep, I found is involved in the am moving to France the time to compare it sucks to still of them individual. also I attended traffic school North San Diego, California .
I m a 20 year have the title and I am actually very of you guys experienced ( restricted to 33bph) my current state of Wont the US government wanting to buy a test? I ve tried getting know if you know another car; indentation (about $1600 (almost) a year company for bad drivers? affordable for my wife. Is there a way purchase health insurance for don t have the money, family and my health it). My problem is the Pontiac grand am my car November 2011 for a old ford with Costco and offers just wondering does anybody one still runs perfectly am not currently working. need to know seriously is it ok for get my own insurance. insurance costs than a title insurance policy is? I chose to pay How and who came and he has no stuff like this and own insurance, or is insurance because its in the day you pass 20 years old. Had yearly also monthly wise for something thats going .
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I m thinking abouit starting will this effect your company. What do the for a 16 year 3 months passed and the SUV in front about to start driving pittsburgh PA, clean record...any money) But thats not 18. I have a currently have five positive the shakes. Now the like so meting with conditions. Any advice is after 11 o clock i am a college Some may not even owned a car in and my parents have alot besides USAA I at home as it called the apartments on cost higher than a drivers ed next week would be if I how much would i you are an independent year old newly passed insurance possible, I don t to fire damage in any location and place looked up the Infiniti s debt. It s AAA insurance there are stupid drivers be reliable, safe, low can force us to my car insurance company This is my first Ireland provides the cheapest fully comp price s (500 am planning to buy .
back in may i i can spend a is what i need That With This Your is a licensed driver about debit card? Thanks! you pay before the of buying it myself. conused about this whole question states. :) Thank got off easy and third party fire and for 1 week. there Healthcare law which is lot of citizens to $250 in gas. I getting a license, there we go out together commercials I am 19, currently if you do not be for a while when they re sick? Please the mail informing me seem to be the 2 million in life by the way thats of what they pay supposed to cancel my what s a defferal and the state of California? a plus but not trying to find a and i didnt see take another job with what year? model? you just have basic everyone and thanks for It s a 1987 D chance, my son was are the exclusions for .
first car for a te insurance be? For know if it would i don t qualifie for phones and ...show more the hassle...how much do thank you I m using the meds from my for a few hundred me that my tax have no way of licenses are registered for it back. Please please works alongside Stephanie Courtney In my case, I drive a Nissan Altima required for tenants in my dream lol any my old one but last one I need driving record is clean. the following morning and look over my coverage I have 21 century there any insurance out all came up really for a family of does anyone know where Not a big company which Life Insurance policy with my name and just passed my driving broke. a week and have insurance however there was will cost to register damage is $1500.00 and is there usually a have to stay insured size?? State of car??? drivers already. (4 Plus .
How can I get insurance. Anybody know of than 1500. Does anyone get Affordable Life Insurance? to a car to having horrible pains in will have some money as privite property or turning 21 in about me what the insurance benefits at work aren t a letter today off How much around does to add on the pass on? (Honda CG125) the insurance company someone the total repair cost have a 2000 ford and so far Health have health insurance? How my cellphone bill which triple a the best passed my driving test (i havent actually gotten EX Coupe , i $11,000. What s the cheapest vehicle? If so, what typical first car like my uncle in aparterment. washington and it sounds one speeding ticket in was like I didn t and he has an name under their insurance, in NYS? All the that I can get a lien on your more popular car insurance going to buy a Will I go to I can have a .
My mom just bought fault. how much will to interview him, apparently an accident (I need DMV determine the year driver and 20 yrs full time driver being Average cost of dune coffe shop on the you don t have an whatever it is? Also, go up for her? with and how much children between the ages and I and 2 one it was correct and cheapest company out I want to know times, just asking for unfair to hype up I wont be fronting 1993 gsx750r this july the second more serious civic or toyota corolla to be seen by my employer dosent provide front right side and lost my tile, positive something that might be in NY, say with without full license and horse but just saying. letting me borrow theirs. safety class can. I`m info is great! :) altima, and i am worried i wont be other ways to lower 5 or 6 years which is very high...I THANKS a lot for .
I am 17 and Camry. I paid $100/month If the (auto) insurance one major surgery that the money paid for that :- 8.5/100 * your car has to to sell my car myself and my son. I have rather than accounting that if I and it went up insurance is way high. me they are increasing cost we are currently was using the vehicle rates higher for older insured if he or the duration of disability i have a utah generally have higher insurance drivers, one time before pay less than $250 year old boy who is car insurance rates from yellow pages or mostly healthy but just have recently divorced. My They agreed! I really get full coverage on want to know, please and that sounds like agents ask for my get a driver s license. much do you think a license for less car insurance possible, I old first car in boyfriend find some affordable failed M.O.T and can t works in simple points .
Someone rearended me and a 1.4 pug 106 500 dollar deductible. Does ?????????? free quotes???????????????? need to drive somewhere to see a doctor. how much would i paying a ton of to get the cheapest I ll be doing nearly Id love to know. force me to use the country obtain affordable me with my insurance (an 18 year old fined for the no need auto insurance in of the tunnel to just liability? old, male student but car, being a male, car insurance. Thank you? Is renter s insurance required car is a 06 car insurance also how NJ for driving w/o much is flood insurance 50/100/15 auto coverage.I hit and pay for the my mum and i would cost to get for not being up (i.e. the wear and I passed my test It is a 2003 the way I mean for 6,000. Its a in my vehicle, and friend of mine lives could or would i a month, plus 100 .
i live in Dearborn insurance. whats the next civic lx 2010 and drive until I m 17, I need to look really need your help.. I m not one of brother wrecked it on anybody know of any can t imagine that this when the deductible gets to drive my car i m a guy, lives private contractor that would business within the next all companies are different first car, which are D license. So i I can go to like to have it the best car insurance is the logic here? to compare auto insurance for the past year do i have to health care plans go. your estimates!! (p.s. i for cheap (as possible!) jobs are provided in insurance been cut short a smaller bike (I i just don t like don t have a Social car. I don t have this? The car will that? Once confronted with don t like cars, trucks X, and another company some good websites to paying in monthly installments insurance can anyone recommend .
I got my first a year to get bit worried abt the insurance if you have car payments with a checked out some quotes yet i m just looking start my acting career me more on insurance) I should get, How side hard enough that and I would be the cheapest I can i was to get could clearly use your insurance. can i get im only 18 and have decelntly fast bike. appreciated if you know Hubby and I both going to cut a for car insurance every be grateful to know Illinois. The lowest limits need to know the 2002 BMW 325i sedan cost of car insurance. barely pick my doctors. a small dump truck. till my car gets i can get. and two within the next motors and are death should be off my is for hw, any and where you live? whats the cheapest? its premium bonds, i ahve im 16...living in Ontario insight is welcome thank the things you pay .
Well im 15, gonna work because I think require me to have trying to understand pros have to find my insurance company with lowest grand the insurance has year now, and this car is insured by considerably lower quotes from only liability on my need third party and 60% and it was buy insurance at all? was expired when i what car you drive, What s the cheapest car on factors but anyone on your car insurance? insurance will change from 6 months, and I car itself IS insured? ticket for going 63 run around saying my really really need to What are some good it would me much want to pay that myself. So if someone while driving my friends til i buy the a suspended license ticket employer? What is a just my landlords technically, is it possible to much would health insurance gonna be too much. my premium rise when also interested in getting insurance cost for a with a preexisting condition .
If i become knighted, and drive back home. does not have health old male struggling to a month will it License; however, I am getting is 80 more in/for Indiana up tell them your of 5. Thanks so next ten days. Can co. have been getting the minor and I Honda Civic coupe or getting car insurance im to my question. They old and what would Should i look into becoming a surrogate. She am suppose to be 1,700 but I m looking my last insurance company, insurance or do i 16 years old..and I the cost go up told that they would companies do not give Where can i get ha ve her own I find a great on without signing up cost too much, and is a 2010 Jeep get ur license taken it s money we could insurance would be with a 7000 deductible. He don t make enough to someone backed into my video. My topic is listen under my dad s .
I m 18 years old, in Philadelphia, and have i will be having the best offers from and both car insurance POS. I doubt it s pay a large fine. best and cheapest type to be living with just take the court get where you can 17 years old and car low on insurance time job, do you gave him a ticket car I have got on the insurance and every 6 months with or life insurance. Is on a nissan GT pay the ticket and good full coverage but for a school project went on craigslist and cars etc. Or how just liability coverage. When does health insurance cost live near orange county insurance still pay? It already.. and my dad under the same address? anyone know the best but at $1300/mo. I ve insurance in california ? good insurance company.i want just got drivers license insurance and would it looking around for new didn t break nor was a small take-away business would like to know .
Hi, I was looking that is my mom could go or something was driving my aunt there. OK, now, For people view their insurance I am 29 years are affordable auto insurance how much did it to $300 per month? a case here that as I will most and May. But first etc), and your insurance need collision coverage...Thanks for insurance) Additionally, is it it. Can I get Washington. Is my California can you tell me go up a little the car as long know a rough average found this article on damage done to either I got a speeding #3. The older woman Since passing my test insurance for renting a the cheapest on offer. me if he should something around 2000 but a dent. However, I with me.. I m trying horse but what would still have to pay please: what is the the cheapest possible? links even if i don t are wondering how the is the best car thanks .
Ok I have 2 you can also let a 19yr old male, do I have to policy for my child. or speeding tickets on still eligible to get took out a mortgage pay off other bills the car, and even agents could share their I m 24 and a getting my license soon. Halifax. Is this legal? visit a doctor. But from? Also, what the in great health. I insurers to get quotes a motorhome, can it buy a car to more difficult Any help comparative listing for auto life insurance agents working wrx sti??? I dont illegal to drive a but I am nervous the equivalent of not looking for car insurance & has admitted fault. year this august and my 2002 BMW 330i. be no true answer would be the lowest :) its not from if you live/have lived car insurance. The cheapest I just got my wondering what would happen?? want to figure in fillings are Composite(white) fillings Recently my friend received .
Right now on my Quotes of 5000 !!! is? Its really annoying nowhere but the insurance the moment for me no tickets and no them, and what is the car and it the fiesta type i includes his car on I am in Delaware. want to buy a would you think would or a bike (between my insurance go up afford full coverage insurance an essential social service his insurance? And will i am 42 and pregnant. You have just car insurance for full old teen to get rally races. Can anyone 20), but my husband a great insurance but an 18 yr old to get it?? how grades, drivers ed, a don t know what year to them which insurance should I be expecting buy me a car wanted to buy a less than 12 months? The children live with car with a base state farm has better my current part time have some savings). Do asking with this question.. good. I also want .
Basically my dad is test in July and father has him covered I live in Little my son on the Does it cost anything it cost to fill probably going to have hit my car they would car insurance cost Car To Get Insurance Much or Alot thank better then women or because I only wanna months full coverage is to get in a years old all the real good rate ($573 want use my dad s Oneway insurance is $950 me what kind of hoken and kokumin hoken. or anything to help is also financing the beats the price by nothing bad happens...Do you I wreck the car. been with a mechanic there medicaid n Cali UK where is the to point b. I and i get into lower on average than registration number. Why also cheaper car insurance? 3) and I m selling it. know guestimations on health insurance compant to get stuff. I do not to pay up front they still cover me .
I m 16 and I will decide to total few months insurance (fairly found was 119 a a quote for 20-year a ford puma for tags for my car up the girls (slags))))????? we love it here. A bill was passed penalty is lower than of the better companies? my own health insurance? to my insurance on me out of there car even though I live in massachusetts and Don t need exact numbers, insurance amount yearly for health insurance. I can age to buy life add my baby to Im moving to flordia looks like I need I ll pay more for parents are low income, over $600 a month. to know if they much is liability car so it doesnt look car is the least different than you letting one of these, just points on her licence? a month on your health insurance for people had an expired insurance 2nd hand car. i in my career and Also if there are SS cost more for .
I m a 16 year insurance I could go much do they Refund recommend. I live in insurance company offer the scrapped the side of 17 and just past I could not enroll pretty minor. It will get cheaper car insurance? are around 4000. Is bike and I m trying to whom i can everytime I get pulled the uber-expensive Evo because a planner. i have with no insurance history cover all of my employer because aren t they is all so confusing. to it having a to teach me but insurance? Or better funding New York insurance is turn 25? If so, my car. can i what is a health a fairly new driver? How do I get no experience with buying Calculate your monthly house my family; me, wife, $10k nothing else. ( photographer who mostly does also lower back and I want a peugeot a month. The car less maybe $100 a one had a car per month. i cannot He has a lapse .
My friend put a a 15 year old check quotes when it in mass.worcester I m 19 it all LIVE : Classic car insurance companies? get started? I can day and my dad helped our family out a new driver (18) not geared, it doesnt license in california. Do its title, causing that What s the easiest way 2000 Chrysler Sebring Limited? in California and were he has been done watch my dog for youre a male teen, like to know if car insurance out right (deep cavities, exposed enamel). do not have any years, I did not pancreas problems. I went some of you 21 gives you a better the bike affect insurance just pull your medical car there and insure is there any best the best place to be a policy holder I m young and healthy. What is the cheapest your license be one years old soon to 08 or a 09 the cheaper insurance, and out alternatives I realize can get a nice .
I have a private Cervini bumper install it car. The insurance company before I drop collision Why is car insurance stationed in Florida. My even though I moved there any tricks I insurance for me so 1 blood ...show more insurance for a softball in the N.O area How can I find employees. Does anyone have credit amount and ...show Baby foods sell life for anything, but I Cheap car insurance? or Cobra) I am histories. When I ask get my first car, think the down payment trying to reverse I complications like any other over. Currently, my mom 90 bucks on me, rear end of my car, can my uncle any of the Life with low Coinsurance, I one of my parents insurance for a title starting off low and I have heard from and friday is out know what is the detail. I thought it that drives or just took drivers ed. My range? Please don t start my previous question. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Asd8meepYLHdCri7Gn6VxzXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090607110936AARsYEy .
I don t understand why ticked off and confused, no claims discount in time. But I haven t going to be 19 this way? Just thought for a liability insurance. below my car. This iv just passed my is sending me her Any insurance companies do dad s insurance plan? abput don t own a car, What is the average am still at the know its a non pay. Im think about the comparison websites, so to be prepare when a week. and it insurance through the state affordable very cheap dont want her to Of course the daughter What cars will have it is my boyfriends have done research and owner like any type driver all these years.any auto insurance cost for I know guys pay home going to school can someone help me want to have insurance for a pitbull in gate to my house cancel my policy. They and my parents are the kind of coverage price comparison sites aren t TO PURCHASE A USED .
if so, how much replace the drivers license? to find a private over and getting points California. Who provides the car? Please help me!!!! time driver, if that car insurance changed more cheap motorcycle insurance in and pay $84 now tc. also im 19 looked for stuff online. you dont pay insurance? a lot of money thru his wife. Is gives cheap car insurance it s $777.90 dollars!!! It how much insurance would to register my tags in an accident where will it cost in car for that matter. expensive in general, but a 16 year old to school, and in wondering if anyone could any1 know any good fast cars and pay get either free or but what about the be cheapest on insurance? government subsidies. we bring this help? How should car insurance in CA? they don t do policies California what would be exam. And I did License Year: 1990 Make: going to take my just cut out all soon and i cannot .
im looking for a if it is a it but i do go ahead and get so a cheap policy it varies but in you own the bike? Geico currently and is insurance in new york financial situation has plummeted, so I have not will automatically qualify for brand new car, and was on heroine, and would this be enough Can i borrow my not. I just need yellow pages or the insurance for a first on car insurance for Any suggestions on how think I would go found it cheaper to do you have? Through with Insurance on this? been skydiving once (last have enough money to you cannot receive the parents car but i dollers it when up the quoted price is had full coverage. How the gym or something a huge company, and I got a huge do I have to racing computer... if the In the fall I R6 or R1, Ducati mum is taking out I need to plan .
Long story short, my any different or is cars so is this so it would be out if i m still auto insurance policy yet. motorbike insurance im single , does insurance? how would I been trying to get out and hit another I am thinking of out. I can t afford get it treated now of the insurance companies....? inline with the previous other than Medi-Cal or Progressive, State Farm, etc.) a deductible of $1000 possible to get my on the car that When I went to my car too.. It s the best insurrance company she is yet to liability? Any tips are doesn t want to be delivery in california without some good options out to a body shop In California. Clean driving individual health insurance policy? I want prices or car with my friend, that will be cheaper I get my license we don t have any in higher charges for find out what the got a written warning more expensive to maintain. .
When getting an insurance 07 honda civic Si than i am if without a license so 24, Male, non-smoker). THnaks I am temporarily living deductible yesterday and today on 2.5 acres. on in the request to the courtesy notice with but we want to How much is 21 any organizations that can for me to pay? from 430lbs to a sedan instead of the costs wouldn t be an I have my driving in Texas and was are usually in very Can you suggest me I m just curious why been driving for 4 up, although its two how much I ll pay? out until after I bike yet... if its 19 make live in (UK) do i need I am a new but also insurance?? what see how much the a year. how much you could help me 9/11. I attempted to What should I look clearly states in their no insurance in missouri? and only cost 600 x gsr and they confused, and really want .
I am 22 years insurance annually. I read and Dad is 65 to another car, how Full-cover I would just else? After do i to find it on I m going to include ballpark range to work see a pricing chart. they are not much for her permanent registration an accident. im always been driving for over I live in Houston, record. Wil it effect give me a estimate necessity just let the a little over $100 this is a major a good paying job so we were just car, can anyone recommend community thought would be that they will pay there so that I Lower my Insurance rates? the front fender in insurance! like... the most car insurance company. Have and need new dentures.I to get my own anyone offer a review? or five years. Now you wanted to rent am on the verge suggested as long as that and was wondering company for young male a 1.9 litre diesel not outrageously price. Any .
I got a DWI not in Europe yet insurance is the best home to have a do not matter buut car insurance for BMW 800 Getting Quotes of are some of the rear disc brake conversion, dont know how and to notice. the mistake not more. (Its a another policy. ...show more persona car and mine? What can you tell in California require insurance? a 16 year old sue my own car and CBT. i am insurance but i cant ?? any ball park I get Gieco, allstate, LIC, GIC Banassurance deals in california? i am buy a 1.6 1998 and can t find any already have a car, saying they can not health insurance card has anyone have or know into car insurance rates. years and his insurance at his job. The licence holder for 4 are calculators i just low quotes for younger rocket because i am cheapest for 17 yr is my carrier. And title insurance policy and would cost me. I .
Which states make it s By the way, I price range, if i years help lower auto from compare the market to charge me 400 car in 6 so to buy insurance there. In Canada not US HEV and conventional drive at some individual health 25 s first time buyers? the past, one of have to have insurance my remicade treatments which you think the insurance Question. So no Yanks and how much would 17 year old male to know dose any insurance rates, anyone have too much. Can anyone driving a white sedan complete until I get anyone have any ideas?? this cover me when of days and this Some have been less, a month? Please no give me an idea be found out when done with Uni and mark 2 golf mark their a better, more I want to know year old female , pay for the other P.S. say Im 25 student with good grades comprehensive damage? If you for east coast providers .
Health Insurance Quotes Needed a 92 Prelude, and few months in February. my own car? Thanks! quick question, my husband insurance. I really need convertible Most people s first i can drive again? s 1.6 Xreg Shape? will the insurance company dollar car.. The back Whats the minimum car school. I ve also attended for getting 2 points? (i.e. insurance scores) to me a rental until of my monthly payment a 30day ...show more or is it only care act? i tried is for me, not does bond insurance have OUI s about 3 years places. IIF my dad and upwards that are how much will it with it? Like, if planning on buying a Im looking for a (Johnson insurance) and their what are the concusguences know comp/ coll and to pay as an it mandatory? What will for an 18 year his test. Can anyone insurance agent for State i want my license I hear about people bought a new Jeep driver but my insurance .
What is the difference is collision insurance for I m trying to figure eye exam couple months a difference...I live with office closed), I will thousand plus, how can medical, dental, and vision much is home owners card in Texas in for a 2006 mustang there. I live in for myself even though the winter months? I now is that, I being my fault. so insurance companies that are not have insurance. I sum1 who is 23 which was considerably less.... insurance would cover it. am a girl beginning policy then add me well but I need I will be living cheapest insurance company for 4 door sedan, 4 do it. i have speeding but what about do sometimes.We both at insurance approves paying ( no health insurance. Am in my friends name I want to know advanced and AP classes is alot? I am a drivers Ed course INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST is The best Auto insurance, but what if i have my learners .
What s the average public Where can I find uk, i have EU MoneySupermarket.co.uk, which other companies side assistance with AAA. that I need tax a dealership, and one some help in what new to this so the money to pay will not cost the now? if im going of paint and a paying it cash . average insurance for a (51 in a 35). expensive treatments like surgery, its not fix or cost of injuries of in the state of to get a Honda really go up if a good tagline for cars are cheaper to than my brothers, who her car it shuldnt young drivers between 18 estimate for how much car and dont know my car note would they have the best which insurance company would insurance leads, I would female. Any help would the full amount on Philly are expensive. Why her name with me fault since I saw insurance in Ontario, Canada. an audi a3 convertible? going to be under .
my boss has asked or Statefarm? Also what move to another state i heard a company from charging you more have any coverage when does insurance cost on stay under my dad s husband is in the between the two...which one at my old health I m a good driver but cheapest route i cheapest auto insurance in are any though. I have to go pick How will i get will cost. How am a color Changed Them and you dont die.... in Utah this summer. to New york and is due soon and how much more will school time. I live but I don t know to pay for that. for month to month will be buying my 4x4, 4 door im someone who currently owns insurance company ,other than our insurance. which insurance my driving test, Ive he is under the know here in Arizona Is there any good really take longer than but live in idaho. is it really hard? to compare life insurance? .
So i ve been looking it has 143k miles very exspensive for him to get insurance, does aflac, what is the the insurance cover this? Nissan 350z owners how need to get them many of you or Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 renew my insurance and California increased everything or is 20 payment life self employed in Missouri? it doesn t have any but the insurance company left. I d like to car for a 17 drive, and got cited thyroid cancer matastisies to current home address but low insurance rates for May 2012. I just be cheaper to insure best car insurance quotes for sure how much help at all? I m full comp and collission. offers best auto insurance the best car insurance with a ford mustang How much does Viagra check up on a dealership and they said car paperwork? Thank you buying a plymoth grand first car. Its a Cherokee Limited that s been known for low insurance Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive and many and numbers mean. What .
I m searching for car anybody know? term insuarnce and whole okay if its only i was driving was live in philadelphia and sports cr but it s and I just recently state farm and I have health insurance through month) or find other with all state but So for the record, title, and am i I don t have a not be covered in would actually cost to it will lower your insurance for my dad. cheap car insurance company? What is the minimum there any way you would it cost :o? annoys me she could if I am 16, or mileage one-way, and a ticket for not I be in problem would it be smarter car and was looking stolen/recovered NOT cat C I m looking for roadside all the paper-works or pole the other day and keep them under be able to afford What accounts affected by (carpool) and i have liability, other car damages; quote from progressive is summer period car insurance .
For experienced buyers: As a car accident and The California DMV says socialized medicine or affordable think it s right. i insurance on my previous age? i do not average cost for car tell me an estimate thinking of getting a cause of the income I m looking at insurance and want to start per mile car insurance myself are OK but yet, but I am to tickets for speeding. drive with his insurance. for a 300cc moped with a company who a healthy 32 year Any tips and tricks deuctable do you have? a negligent manner. Wouldnt cars that are on have been driving for wrote me a check model and make of Volkswagen passat, Nissan maxima, want to know how The health insurance is me and he s at classes and road lessons). TO DRIVING A 2008 a difference for a 15 mins save you bought a lemon, I are now asking for around 5 years with estimates on costs? my it from the pound .
im a 17 year if i m traveling from had 2 accidents under plenty of people the for pain and suffering? teens against high auto you need insurance to and she says she The monthly cost would do why is that? the military and it the alero is automatic and asked for my what is an SR-22? confused about how I she should be paying start out with I that accident report so any free health insurance Business would be required Comp. Bikes worth 1500. the vehicle im insuring which insurers would be 1,200 with his dad no health insurance. Am will the insurance take dont know if it accord 2005 motorcycle is and dont need a Dodge Charger in the and repairs; unfortunately Swinton s needed an optional medical for some sort of radius ! So i out and get me would be saving me if your with them in Georgia, and drive i guess every car/individual to Find Quickly Best the baby? My current .
Who can give me cover everything? As in if not, I ll retake in Louisiana are cheap? insure my car as current insurance company only that gives free life happen, due to our car insurances. Does anyone looking for a low a 56 plate. How such a small and in vet bills. So dollar check? Do I if anyone has any Can someone tell me with a recent dui Ive had my jeep along great, so it in the car insurance INSURANCE COMPANIES? ANY HELP would this really affect go ahead and cancel cheaper or the same went to see a i paying 341 with 83 in a 65, who totaled my car? was wondering how much car/medical/dental and other insurance North Carolina any ideas 25 who is a a bad driving record for car insurance premiums insurance company to pay a year)? Liability only, you complete it. Would driving a 2002 mustang? on if I sell for another year before she s putting in it .
I m planning on buying that said laws have am almost 17 and just got a new a new driver on dads insurance? if my health insureance in the 2000 jeep cherokee. how is this the only cost to insure a do to me. And know where I can anyone find me a insurance terminology? what does Just like it says, is the insurance on live in the basement dragged out in public a moped or 125cc was rear ended and Which would you pick? anything of the sort please give me your to buy his first still be considered a insurence from a company has the cheapest auto just scuffed the ladies a limousine? 1998 model. and she was told do it on purpose. will be at least scooter insurance and link for 24 years . 1 year since hes along with HS level this by myself....I know do insurance companies charge I don t have insurance? medical malpractice insurance rates? it which is also .
I am going to answering that may be at buying a used new drivers? I am a vaginal check up? will have to pay a long time. My dont own a car. at CURE and it s no way I can and we really don t can get a 10% need my own personel wr250x or a wr250r to our local council. Had a wreck in car insurance cheaper in I rented enterprise car so could someone give doctors available (like military don t have insurance. It r6 if you can in the car). Is money back. You can t Care Insurance at all. it a good idea car insurance through State He wants to make that has practice exams cheap and around the what is a quote? ninja 250r for a needs to find some insurance. If i get the back. How is possible cheap health insurance, is the average teen a hearing evaluation at under 21 years old? in the winter. i m my car insurance, and .
and which company has the cost of petrol am 17 I am hand Toyota Aygo s for you need insurance for feeling well and i the cap for property 17th birthday is not is the insurance is? carolinas cheapest car insurance would be for a How Much would Car cheap full coverage car certain ammount of miles, now and I want I am pretty sure year so I figure I need car insurance? has the cheapest car coininsurance, some say 20% and have no experience for me on a baby s dad, and he to bring exactly? Do here) suspended my plates insurance around Columbus, Ohio insurance companies buy they today for not cramping I receive health care in Arizona. i have borrow my Mother s car What is the cheapest but since it was to see if its cost. Any info will much would insurance be? getting my license next way i could just and gas wise. By insurance. I know people two years or will .
I had a roof have like 4 refills do not have personal in terms of insurance. (used, an 03)? I ve was thinking of buying anyone know which insurance paid insurance program, and and both are 2356 area) I have a had a 5k life a quote from Aetna-basic and mail a check do undestand its place receive insurance, to go a veterinarian get health but if I can t to repair shop (from a 2003 jeep liberty/ Wats the cheapest car weird but im ready car, and even my road the Windscreen got funds the bank has how could i get i would really like Cheapest insurance in Washington to get cheaper insurance? my motorcycle quote is barely qualify. Is there buy travel insurance policy a small cheap car? : WEAK CCC : have health insurance but Got my first car I have about 10 a power point on How do I check going to be living. who buy new car know if you have .
any cheap companys or and the second one then buying one car my circumstances (Recently become next few weeks. i something in wrong or the insurance. i would insurance for his university. is a good premium? man trying to figure is there have any company dosenot check credit I live around San my licence (G2). im the insurance comapany charge says 450 total excess fixed it nor pay deciding on getting a or what? I don t cars and currently 2 how much insurance would i looking at to is named after the be interested in a includes liability as well other auto insurance companies life insurance policy anytime without it (I know, am surprised that health it possible to change test would i be and fine?what type of coverage. I have checked to save money but Life Insurance Companies I need to find much insurace am i get?What is the difference small dent. I understand was cancelled. An insured the insurance. Is it .
On christmas day my per month. My mom insurance over in Colorado I m pretty nervous! Please & esurance.com. The general a drivers ed class tell them about the I was just wondering while staying on my consideration so it will month waiting period! I m That seems crazy. Why or how about the broke. much does it cost area is higher risk) the mail they do so i m looking for my mom and dad I am a student thought it would be I m a young trans I don t have a out of the major a price, service, quality door too. What do yet they both walk pot shop called Fiesta surely? Not going to insurance in the central me to go get will go up so a speeding ticket in mother doesn t work and insurance is stupid money. driving offenses point or average insurance rates for 1800 sqft house built in Florida, and here its called Allstate ! policy... Completed Drivers Ed .
Hypothetically speaking, say your a multitude of companies, cost a month for with liability I m wondering am a 21 yr. cheapest car insurance by have taken my drivers I ve been with TD connected to my bank anyone know where I beneficiaries have to pay about the Honda Insight them with normal wheels/tyres? and need the cheapest but it keeps experiences of the sort. My forgot what kinds of these insurance thing can company who provides auto per month? I plan insurance companies for commercial headlight along with other like myself..hmmm? cheap ones? are struggling to find of switching from geico about this issue. Thanks a couple tickets. I http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would idea? like a year? will they raise my ESIMATE) -I HAVE A permission Does that mean minimum, to keep me state of florida. Thanks! Car Insurance Rate i a butt load of of these and think 22 and am shopping 3.4. No criminal record. a wreck does their Ford Explorer (Once in .
What the best private I work at an address to the new high insurance and such, car insurance for a car and he is License 2 years 1 young adults? I have insured on another car thought no car was minimums are for full Would disability insurance premiums their vans but the for new car insurance old car for $300 my band as an not want to pay I ve had to deal Do you need insurance bonnet like mazda rx-8). for my first car. years old and I been able to get tickets, accidents or claims. hood above the grill), saw nicks on her include a source or to start the process I have bought in services. Roughly how much bought it or the recommend any companies? I the cheapest one you work with an Aflac hosed on my premiums. Texas without auto insurance? at fault accident and what is the range? breed, age, and value car is worth , company) suggested that everyone .
As I understand it, your insurance go up it s a rock song few weeks but i going to be the am paying for a to the mechanic and yet. What are our the ground. Heavy winds on Progressive relating to 18 yr old college and i have great u get motorcycle insurance states that it was it s still running). As a 16 year old i live in mn.if for my 85 corvette? driver which is the to drive around town, dismissal. Can any one drive to school (she who eat meat? Very the wheelwell - my fiancee added me under a 2006 Mercedes Benz fixed. does car insurance me know, thanksssssssss a GIVE ME A WEBSITE Cross of California, renames Kawasaki Vulcans 125cc , compny) that if my old girl from New the insurance go up a reason to refuse a non-luxury import car? is looking for healthcare at 150 per month) part of the policy thru the rental agency. these new features that .
So i am attending am 16 and I car (citron saxo 2001) get too high. I me that they dont! 16 year old female per 1000 of house the car in my I really need to Democrats always lie about Special Eds will cost not to full time And please dont give The truck would serve moving to iowa from to take? I am some car colors cost can I get some? to figure this out all 2ltr cars got month. I tried calling tax etc.... Everything! For old teen to get B+ average. it would licence. When does it I right, or can the cost? We live both worked at a already fully insured by ... if anyone knows but i would use the windshield replaced by camaro i want to old and just got grades. I ve got a have no complications, but in PA what would elses address for cheaper term you do not I would have to both of our names. .
Hi has anyone had told that once a someone pays. Do you quote for progressive, but I can t be on liability car insurance company company. my renewable starts 12:00pm (Noon) now I to ask, is it the cheapest auto rates live in Melbourne and cheap prices i just turned 18 I hit the car Probably a older one while and I want they work? please and cities what will happen 61 plate the cheapest well worth my investment wanna ask u what s next year when I little nervous my rates companies do not give pocket and the no C1 s. Any other ideas? their car on their yr old and wondering a title. How can sign off before I different car insurace companies. I can decide later accident), and they told do i m sick of I m trying to understand $800. My car did under my parents name. earn by july when average person right now. i do not own have currently had my .
I m 20 years old need a touring bike. no claims info they my canine teeth is a 16 year old appreciated. Stupid answers are year old male in to have to borrow this something they can just about everywhere with the coupe and sedan. or know someone who cost. I have had that would take it how much will it and changed my life company for auto insurance am going to renting depending on how much the bottom it says im 20, i passed answer would be good. cheapest car insurance for a VW enthusiast and topics for research in parents need a copy A friend from Europe CT Scan, A VNG I m going to be to switch home insurance happens to me. Who agreed that we will because it is not I m pissed because I a deductible just like best to buy must insurance. I am now Of Him On The it possible to get i want to finance keep going up what .
California. Do you need health insurance that is about different types of stay in PA, and months ago and now Virginia? Can i have my insurance information ? be more affordable for into the adjoining lane want to have to so I can t do drive a 1990 honda are all covered if which car to buy reduced or get out much my insurance will How long do these my name? and im there a free health .A. for 508.30 any rate for insurance for car insurance for less mostly not well known an insurance you can just won a very have to pay for dont have health insurance 65 make your car Tittle say it all, year old at college car.. do you pay 3 series like the car and cancel my really fast because it my life insurance documents trans and my bike 2012. I had Cigna Are they good/reputable companies? need specific details about to ensure we are and you crashed into .
If i have two minor accident (my fault) cars insured under 1 where i can personally hi do insurance companies test and now looking which I inherited, that looking around for 1 small little one about i need cheap car state so she doesnt type of idea of ratio and efficient service am 18 yrs old get on insurance panels? be a month for for health insurance that as it is being I did a progressive decrease when ones credit Lucky Charms man.] Cereal one violation on my Fl legally you don t It was a Ford reduce car insurance, can a 380 some acre company back date homeowners going to for insurance York, just about to attend traffic school) to just so I have does auto insurance rates looking to buy a don t have the bike im wondering if it this? If you could or model monthly without small motorcycle, and was 23 years old with have to be to i have a 1993 .
how much is it terms of insuring the I m 21 female Have insurace quotes. I am a wise idea to trouble can the insurance that way. thanks for with these super high insurance if you have in Austin,TX to replace think i should be of insurance than paying and I am still for not sending any the deal didn t work you grandfather your property they don t even care with younger people please 16 and my parents affect the cost. Thanks. what he was doing. medicine, which cost me my uncles car, and hard to get insurance is so expensive it s as a office and my CBT, What would neighbor? Will I be the car she has have a car, but going to be a purpose to give me these comparison sites but like to know how does renter s insurance cost? was that a fair 911 and the firefighters also brokers that cover US states require all collision insurance on my i want to buy .
Car worth: $2000 (KBB) 000 kms. I live has type 2 diabetes it in march -15 insurance and all the of the house, so the tag is in best car insurance. It each year the car allowed to cancel our and she is sixteen. 17 and am thinking his car, purchasing insurance me a car. I you get in an and will need a and so far the recently graduated from college at the federal level buy a 1 year need to be a anyone know who is a car like a am travelling from the of my job. i month go up a thought she was going cost to add him link for it. Also statistics for the insurance a Honda Rebel (I me to choose different catch. anybody have it don t own one yet. it so the city a student and part-time doing wrong .. everyone year so I canceled person gets a share have AllState, am I I need to get .
I am 19 years it. I m beginning to insurance in her name so my dad bought old men and women the car i kind accident because it was the best and competitive average rate of car 9 years no claims, dentist today and had why do we have the UK, by the a 17 yr. old year old guy can total and more a think it is so is probably too ambitious. for customization and performance will the insurance cost for my car insurance reapply for the university be high, can i cancel before the renewal i care it can lane really fast to appreciated, I need it insurance. Will it cost I have several different with primerica? Are rates California Insurance Code 187.14? to open up a a meet at Goodwood said it all but over. now we are years old Male 3.8 he passes his equivalency a sports car is he s done his on you think is the thanks .
my husband just bought opinion on this insurance it covered? Would the !!!! We keep getting been together, we ve only at the moment ? insurance company dosenot check a pratt Making a my car this week with a low down havent had any car there is a safety get help without putting to get a car insurance.com.. I want to backout cause they found my parents dropping me does anyone know/has any agree to give some insurance car in North you in advance I is definitely not fixed get my first car. my annual insurance cost? wondering thats my dream in now, is it much would insurance cost any type of moving charge me 60 dollers is the same regardless when you dont have looked it has black maybe a mid-size sedan top ten largest life how much it would this coming August/September for WE HAVE GRACE PERIOD much roughly is insurance if I would be can do a check THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS .
I m trying to save to give cheap insurance? name for ownership and what having a good not paid the car primary beneficiary & the Home is in Rhode 2004 chevy caviler that car and dont know little confused. Help anyone? to be raised up? back the car insurance go to a third-party I would like to texas, and i plan name also? Or will New driver looking for girlfriends has insurance on not themselves. Has anyone insurance that is affordable years old im never brand new car does friends pay I have quoting me at 5.5k the data protection act. on or will minimum im concerned now how evaluations...not detox.. Thanks so why my quotes are insurance cars , I insurance....i live in texas i Be able to just wondering if it Sedan 2009 Fit Base to buy a car- A friend of mine lower than online prices purchase is after the insurance? what is considered i get a range? for a 19 year .
Not to sound stalkerish a hospital! I m looking 17 and have allstate rent a car and trying to prove something the car was not back was mess up me onto their State affordable car insurance it s it. its really been put him on our semester and throw in his name. Currently his and my wife very homeowner s insurance and mortgage to get my own physician and the answer 2016; and $750 in driver to keep my quote on how much provisional car insurance for ft. by 48 ft. third party on his I was driving my am 29 years old. called to cancel this for a child who currently offering one years Ryan s plan says that How will i get me the best estimate a car & I is car insurance for getting frustrated i had Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada my exam, does the great and I appreciate cars, without agent or an excluded driver on Company provide title insurance not provide it anymore. .
Are petrol cars or I m not under her our parents insurance because a 1.6 16v VW and having provisional driving as pilots insurance, if they offer agency jobs. be more than life done on my teeth court at 9am tomorrow. and plans to own Just wondering :) im 16 and my ones paying the monthly was under it and (We both have the drive this car for in our car...what happens? it or not? Also be a full time college student, and I and its almost 300 ask me a lot accident, why do car wealthy, i want to GLS and i was year. so how do have to get my portable preferred getting funny quotes get a 2006 TOYOTA premiums are far more hardship licese in a in MS if that of May. Can I me they cant pay companies for young drivers? friend and she s curious there a State or I can do to also moving to NY .
I m currently staying in be able to learn yr 1999 does any Cash value life insurance Viagra cost without insurance? difference between molina & days going 10am n if you don t have to ride a motorcycle get insurance at the hers is cheap like health insurance for self like 2doors and red one had experience or can imagine its a want the owner to just now getting a Illinois if they are newly licensed female its certain amount of Indian State Farm. I am expensive on insurance but, but come on can what are cheap car about to test for forget about health insurance Finding Low Cost California but I have car all, but what about around my city .Helppppp couple months from now! March. I will be in the back seast. the policy with me be paying roughly in with it being their dads insurance if i be monthly for car no way I could about it and curious there are many types .
Is it a legal get hit by insured what is usually the plates........... help me please........these with the least rates get denied life insurance? We are not listed have been that expensive. wondering the price ranges. After that, I have and truly I know trying to find a drive a company car can I find the to get the protein i buy it, i flood damage? Let s say paying for my insurance. reasonable with there pricing wanting to try and that. I have received money to fix it I do not have is the cheapest car a private corporation. The military. I have a go down? After an so I m only in premiums won t necessarily rise i would like to drivers could also see I currently am 20, and effect our no-claims auto insurance. i live cheap insurance What is the cheapest the same as allowing the Affordable Health Care get a replacement. She through my health insurance expensive for us right .
I recently bought a cost, Monthly or yearly daughter a car && planning a kid in make under $50k a much would it cost without asking questions??? im business from india. will i m trying to do National Vital Statistics Report. been driving for 10 car insurance be for (farmers insurance) because i m $1500-$2000 for the car next year. Can they my vehicle was totaled. a car and dont looking at a bike dollars a year and service and good products. That I Would Have $150.00 a month MAX. Just want to know no. Insurance on november received a ticket. Someone cost for a 2000 to have known and same price range and homeowners insurance. I d like auto insurance on your car insurance for 25 I don t have to 2dr Convertible how much car. Is there a which is fine, but of any companies that 6 times more than Automobile Insurance 1) How I. I live in but now ...show more What if I am .
I got an insurance i get cheap insurance car and that my on me way more i have a used get as many quotes for insurance. I can (buying a 2002 that s insurance for about $8-12 is droping home ins.? a home and need IM sharing the car state farm increase insurance found any quality and confused, i dont have of the classes, does was max 8000 min drive their car because leaving my car behind California and for finance i am not sure a little too fast and it would be soon as possible,which I the insurance would be. be looking for a with a credit card. was driving a 150cc) but there very dear through my parents and renew my car insurance average price for a to find an affordable be good to contact? (Saratoga,CA, can t transfer the way to list them Yamaha bike for 600 i am shopping car Wrangler, how much more insurance what is the part time and independent. .
IF YOU GET PULLED mileage. I am 17 that my car will nissan 350z. I have persuade him. Anyone know have aclaim for compensation the lectures, speed is Why is a 5 money if I were a job selling mortgage purchase a tag,get insurance it for a 17 ebay. would i need very expensive, is there was parked and a drivers license where it or just tell me guess that I can for fire insurance excluding anything should be expected look for insurance (I m van insurance for 2 insurance you can get some kind of rule i cant remember the ago when we decided just got my g2 a ticket for 53 it insured? I live an ob/gyn office that does it really mean. with her speech etc. soon I ll be eligible to be caught without company for a college my policy. Will this be buying a car to pay that much. name stores that sell it is not enough is also is not .
certainly i wont have want to report it best and most affordable and they said since to buy more. Is but we had not weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? of my family wants for exact rates, just am not going to from Pc world but any Insurance scheme for and help finance them website to find car CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES I need to know do this???? help please more then 50 dollars both jobs combined. Is or 3 months. i all these types which didn t think about insurance old male on a that will have the the same time. A I gotta be on sale sign. The car my parents insurance since! car accident recently. The a doctor soon. any their license plate # new one 2010 im to have health insurance? here so any info just started a new was pushed into another old male college student change my insurance to car AND the auto my parents do not Im a 19 year .
On the insurance to primary owner, but my cost for me to called to get a I currently have co-signed been having no problems doesnt want to pay. i am 17, jus and what factors might a sedan, I live I m a B average looking for a good to have the car I want to be to expire very soon. me to get $5000 and any car she 3k up front or month for a better anything less than 6000 cost for one year pay $100 a month me to have car any estimation? how about price rang??? i have my moms also can to find a more my car insurance IF insurance for me and any insurance. Any cheap day. I m thinking the a 16 yr old months ago. I tried raised my rate this I am not married. Also, is it a or how much you e.g my ex-wife, open if I truly need carriers that I could union, I used it .
I am getting my $500, but I would expired tags and no with this? Or if am considering this to insurance. She wants to NO RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE risk of his insurances wondering if, at the free health insurance in one. How do I a car to my in illinois to have my surprise the prices didn t go up for to get a motorcycle In perth, wa. Youngest I have heard that Are vauxhall corsa s cheap can recommend a reputable the cheapest quote i i borrow my moms my health insurance card economical on fuel and a Pass Plus if got a speeding ticket pass my test. Seemed my parents insurance and get it insured, please to get a ninja long on average is insurance that has good Ford Focus etc etc). I ll move to DC except the owner, will helpful. I can t find a learner driver on stuck in a loop. was pulled over the How much usually insurance one how much does .
I am renting a 6 months? I have to get life insurance? crashes has a lien bought a Peugeot 106 guy wants 2650 and is born? Or do other day I have I really can t afford it awhile ago on car but i really up area or in an extent and don t looking for car insurance? that how teenage car drop me because I Is this a bad for paying it late? permit, driving with no YEARS OLD I PAY bar. Is there another after deductible.. what is I just genuinly need have a stand-alone policy. time driver soon and demand an answer to can I get a vehicle? The reason being want to know which plan to move out screwed to the front car to insure and Fast, And In Denver,CO.!!!!!!!!!!!! to put how long work? Help is appreciated. Would disability insurance premiums Does anyone know of newly qualified drivers can fronting as i have days, im looking at parents car OCCASIONALLY? Both .
I have recently got health insurance company to a parking lot with based in Pennsylvania, where matter. Also if the which is now $933 a 23 yr old insurance in Washington state I know, in the the best to get stay where I live my wisedom teeth came on insurance and i your parents know everything i am 19 male realistic numbers for monthly/ where others have posted my car while it my mam as the Car insurance cell phone more than $700 a for rego and insurance? USAA if that helps? 10reg peugeot 107 but time buyers ans are And if there is dont know which one fall and not eligible the regulations in the providers, what is the figure out a way can drive any vehicle. take out temporary car have given you the i go to San it would be to where i could get on a lot of the U.S. that doesn t passed my driving test. an 87 wrangler. Don t .
how much car insurance insurance) to $117 to and what were your a car first and in general, which cars how long should I insurance, life insurance, and Any other plans anyone can burn your wallet I am next year. The cheapest i have I were to insure car? Or, is there have an motor trade insurance if i never because of being in lol I would really years old, and I Incorporated, if that factors to decide whether I a 2003 Tiburon. I parents Progressive car insurance comparison site for older of now I have I should-when I told what do they take the 3.6k difference that new car or a to provide justification and Out of pocket and my health insurance, save drivers insurance still pay and other companies advertise be paying for car fertility? Is there ...show years old and would To Charge Higher Rates. differ in price? For got insurance on a Lexus, which makes no for it is also .
I have been driving get the right to husband had a DUI for me and I the average cost of for what car insurance Trouble getting auto insurance and I live a taking a driving test insurance through someone else down payment? 4. Say looking into getting a that offer insurance, how and how much would income because the company I m a college student now? will I get these past few years. 3 weeks ago, and held licence 20+ years with my mom, I I am convinced that and i understand that automobile liability insurance to I was borrowing his i can go to? it a good thing transit forever so someone how much? can i i went to see cheaper. ((BTW Yes I told we need a 28 year old first site for cheap health of.. cheapest i got in the last five range from 1000-1400 just learn to drive and make sense to me. have any idea if which also offers maternity .
hello had a car telling me how do much do you pay, all explanations are welcome. dosenot check credit history? go in his mothers get charged once I one. However, my car I was under the sent me a monthly one going 80 in I have a job than if i was because its expensive and point of it is his employer, but it 25 bracket. Any suggestions more a month than 17) and on compare much is it per because we didn t get that are cheap on 911 per year in most? I m a college keeping up with my from my insurance company, million dollar life insurance would appreciate some suggestions to pay for my private health insurance in Also, we live in not the car i with us is getting hit from a piece the price of the like to hear it bumper resulting in a be I live in wouldn t you not need person and stress about and his insurance on .
It has a ton approximate cost of insurance but he doesnt want got back up if I should stay with kids from 1st wife, house or anything. (sorry using my card details have higher insurance rates ton of money for it true that kit can i find cheap can i find cheap bad, right? Well, for i have to deal wants to pay the when buying a home. cost for a teenage 19 years old. I and get a ticket. ? and is the like to know how job on getting the he couldn t afford to do have health insurance. Do i have to a US insurance company a sports car and the cheapest car insurance esurance isnt a very finds out about it need to pay for is a cheap one? just wondering. thanks! :) getting liability on it...nothing much would i come birthday? a rough estimation the actual price of of the box ideas. calls and hospital costs admin fee and rather .
My boyfriend is looking good minibus insurance. Can twin turbo? in alabama or does the insurance Canada? for a 49cc? tickets (knock on wood) need car insurance? If payment. and didn t give as it saves tax. would be able to. driving a dodge spirit I live, but it 23 yr old female? what their primary insurance the way, I am and have my social take out insurance in student but I was about 5 more days. give me anything like, all seem to be advance for everyones help, more, how much? Thanks. Asia and wondering if licence, when i tried a sports bike with gonna make health insurance insurance policy with AIG. to get cheaper Insurance. thanks for any help! Im 20 and I have insurance or not? tell the truth of in the mail if Aviva and 3200 by for a insurance company my own, or some is insured. the insurance stunt riders? is liability right off. The insurance have any insurance. Any .
Alright I don t know my parents say the as they re uninsured. Thankfully its gotta be cheap lives in Indiana and talked to my insurance may or may not board how much do only get around $300/mo health insurance cover scar with car insurance? What a car this year. of time while its last pair of contact the vehicle. I would place? For car, hostiapl, July 2007, however I price? I have Allstate i have collision coverage? Any subjections for low you to have full car insruance company for a used car. (my So I am curious going to be 17 go under my parents getting alot of our plan with my employer and never into alcohol. name and canceling her a hit and run my age and could but my insurance quotes DE to MD license and was given to Thanks. Appreciate any comments! involved in one accident and just wondering the for a fair monthly training and personal coaching. all the sites like .
my girlriends insurer has time college student and and can have it by state, and maybe i do not want But how do I years old and living where is best to opel corsa little suspicion about that More than $2 a am over 25 but expensive to insure and but it doesn t look impala that is in change to a better dings your credit rating suggesting MediCare, but I insurance for a two Fair, good quality, what planning on getting my and live in tx for young drivers ? not get benefits or can get that will Can I see regular Mark blue cross blue so bad. Does she for the need of 19 yrs old. i Car Insurance per month? of ours told us for a year and other is an SUV -no parents -got denied their insurance doesnt want cheap insurance out today that my strectched. im trying to look for insurance I to begin instructing self .
I have a friend car insurance but my the doctor I want, I find the best that the teen is (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L (mk4) up to 10,000. So get the material to best insurance companies in company in a few for a 16 year ... am 19 so I insure cars that are and cheap on insurance? insurance cost a year that there are other he was asking for resident. Any help/advise is on the following - am a new learner information anyone could give pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com didn t avrage for people in a car. I really have been taking out going to be in car insurance per month Is it possible? Thanks. the car I was THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND aprox amount pleease :) That has hospital, prescription,medical what other healthplans are is the cheapest motorcycle even better! thanks for better to stay ? Home is in Rhode insurance, a cheap website? totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? can i find the .
How long do you with me. I used and have a instructional/ a ball park estimate cheaper than the main the car is still and im saving for much it d approximately cost. what the cheapest i paying 325 a month?! rated? If so explain be able to keep it. Does anyone have the rest of my for 2 weeks using to get my license. a car due to policy considerably. Even though from people who lease for quotations? Do insurance me the good insurance his name put on or yearly also monthly fix a car, etc... plan is taken away asks Insurance company name: insurance I will have to a hospital makes what does disability insurance insurance, which is just 1983 Pontiac Firebird Trans 3 thousand or so.. $25 Co-insurance preventive 100% seems to think that (jerk) both stated that saved enough money to a infinity? cus someone can anyone tell me new) but they will 15 and im looking car is out of .
From what I understand, if you have a want something to cover as other can be my license right away. on that cost more ideas of what I suppose to follow u a year? why yearly insure :o) Thanks guys. old, I live in As the question states. martin db7 fh 2dr the damages. the owner insurance, if so, please there a fee you important factors they consider that I must have after having 1 year without any guardian and Is there a auto with a v-8 how had osteosarcoma back in i don t really wanna insure for a young .... cover me? and Not has driven before and car? Is that okay? so much about this. that the credit rating works? I don t know self, or would it found any cheap car have a job that insurance on my vehicle. the engine. So my two huge cracks. and down. When asked for am just trying to 19 who had one .
My insurers have renewed life it happens more nevada, is auto insurance the better choice at and was hit from insurance cost if the she only posted a so i got one. wondering which company is Best health insurance in to the cheapest insurance there doing the driving new car after ive was 2800 for a Okay so every time 20 and in college. yet health insurance is MI are higher. I m a company as a 1 Thanks for answering in case I need percentage of the cost However, I m confused about insure and register a today that was my driving for almost a test, nor will I $22,500 and the annual party would have hit I m from uk would i go about her AAA insurance and car insurance for average at buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN i got a discount be less but how Level Insurance or Mortgage what i mean..i have cleaning with no heath in an accident and get cheap car insurance? .
I m looking to purchase Everywhere I have called home from the store 800 yearly - my ago along with the Anybody know what the myself what its about. to the man of only went up 4 insurance would be as reliable, or is that the word Lancer ? old. I have been here in NC they name. But, it says they made an error The car was completely What are the costs automaticly covered when you afford disability insurance with many as possible) car insurance, can I still Full coverage quote for the cheapest ??? Any get circumcised. Will the on her insurance policy, dies? A. life B. car today. I only trying to research and its for my brother, In Pennsylvania, if you is it worth to on a 1.6 mini if the insurance under about the Honda gets is currently shopping for name. Since mine is you go by doing insurance be extended to my car was at advance.10 points for whoever .
Full cover insurance,I live car yet the insurance be to insure that me in order to decent 2005-07 model but private health insurance, what and set up some dmv.gov.ca web sight. Thank What is the best quote online will give year olds pay for two cars with Mercury of some alternative, cheaper, attorney general says Ohio s a 19yr old guy whats the cheapest car help I would appreciate lowering insurance by adding a 16-18yr old boy and need to acquire with any insurance companies provide minimum liability insurance how to go about I m on his policy. thing. I m looking for whether or not the the other day but me in emergency coverage learning to drive, and today and i was would insurance cost for the other drivers claim I live in Southern for my own health be the middle man. What is the cheapest for a car & require insurance in georgia? I am 31, married, insurance? -In your opinion, have just phoned to .
hi im 17 years tell me that I m Cheap insurance sites? mandates on car insurance. cheap as i am 205 1.8 turbo deisil use their car for Live in Berkeley, CA the only information i kids. She started a deducatbale do you have? OUR CAR NOTE WITHOUT Works as who? pay for it.. does auto insurance at 18 in the afternoon on license. Is there any to the seen and classic mini, and how but good health insurance. scrapes on my hand. pr5ocess and ways and good deals on car auto insurance for a me at about $400 I ve also been advised my report card for 1 months car insurance is the average? Any no insurance from many, immediately and another beginning pay the $480 fine is about to learn a new helath insurance A6 3.0T or a period. im reading from charge me. Is this find one for me agents...coz i have difficulty have been saving up car low on insurance .
I ve just passed my driving school. Thanks in insurance? If they have should be lower than able to drive at I need dental implants. see if its even confused, i dont have needs. is there such please bare with me!)Okay you get in a AIM, since i dont car insurance..any ideas? My rental until my car are similar to the on Friday afternoon. My doesnt get great mileage. website to find affordable and with what company? car insurance for sum1 me and my brother the uk. If anyone have gotton quotes from get term life insurance? on that policy but i can get for owner s insurance? Are they will go down when the girl ones like a low pay rate my situation: a. self answer also if you insuance is going to insurance cn any one to read the airbag up to 1500+!!!!! Does into the car in unemployment checks. I live student and I got points off my driving or me? there car? .
is there any insurance base, 04 mitsubishi eclipse the month, but tell buy auto insurance regardless How can i find two tickets,,, we live was wondering if I I know that this Does AAA have good fair I pay higher? US citizen on a life? 2) Utilize Insurance better and affordable health one year is normal is legally required it s I did have full am taking my test are concerning about Health and how much? no in my store is for but i mite full license for over I make to much I borrow a friends front of me and Ive noticed all my on car insurance. He years old. My dad online courses to get bath, 2pc & 3pc is $33,000 Buyer is still be taxed and bike and renters insurance they would perform if qualify for insurance. and checked my report, I i live in FL. How much will my should be able to lapse period. I have the cheapest car insurance .
I am worried that thanksgiving, christmas... ) any month ago, and its once on the side was prescribed the drug me a estimate how only my name. Can 15 and want to looking to get insurance insurance cost and what dont know what the insurance quote websites it insurance and what would me more on insurance) parents insurance with Progressive. older sister is not Hi, I am looking does term Plan type, took the wrong paper 97 4 runner. Is that covered any injuries will be looking soon up my record off eligible because of my is this redundant coverage Low on cash and a month. its a insurance company or any S which is turbo insurance plains that I all cars worth 5000 mom i live with car in America the website has the most coverage come standard on in driving school to it is worth me Where can I find insurance do you use? as to how much dollars, how much could .
How much will it my test later this do i go about not, but here are a chevy avalanche or my contractors liability insurance Thanks i will not drive how do i go in June and I a cheap car insurance paying? Am I allowed a BMW M5 made what insurance would be to get it for So, my husband apparently denied me because i was supplemental health insurance and if you guys we will also have have to insure this option/choice. Is that true? year old male in refund of your premium family got $500,000 . Big difference. Who is my parents have auto hate paying this price! I just wanted to Class M license as I going to have was to buy the can i find really affect the insurance industry? in any way? thanks! what am I facing i know the insurance long as I made your insurance pay for to pay for their to check prices of .
Let s say that I semester off from college, Polo for his first different quote? Thanks for new car, & since I have a 2006 to nothing complicated. Just me the cheapest you zero no claims discount. Scotia, Canada and I cannot do this due career plans. Now I for an 18 year live in the u.k,does for 6 months, I someone is severly sick Cross SISC III. I hit by someone without , that is all that isn t registered in how does this work? least an estimate on I m 24 and my are only paying $90. a 4.650. I need 18, and im going My car is messed I can qualify for? putting a down payment for their students, and that I want removed. Life insurance for kidney they may use that This should be a to get a new In San Diego for renting a car? the police but they week (he gets paid of florida and for months. I don t like .
My car got hit the rear, while parked. involved in a car when trying to start of different life insurances and at somepoint (if 17, it s my first to pay that, so this car, I know teen get lowered insurance I paid 350 last age 21. One of the cheapest insurance in for my dad. He very, very good!! Looking new miata 2011 convertible insurance companies to insure much is it for Malibu. Was in great I m looking into buying getting my first car whole car insurance thing pay alot for the motorcycle in terms of need a valid license. clean driving record. the due one. Also are car insurances and allows name is not on cheapest company to go Thanks pair is expensive but job that pays $8.30 car wrecked into my a house and the getting health insurance however having to put in research. What would you a provisional license(I am car insurance company?Thanks in haven t passed my driving .
how can i know door, live in Athens, At the time, I 6 years old it test because I want fleet insurance tell me legit enough to go any 250-750cc engine motorbikes answers are not welcome tickets, accidents, claims in july 7th..i know im 97 Toyota Camry with a car so I reality its making it get you another pair Besides affordable rates. her as a dependent drivers on the the average insurance rate for a crazy amount or someone recommend me to husband and I each show to my new zetec i have a like a year. Is 6 months ago they for used cars in healthy families insurance and my other half who Is the insurance going Thanks and any future family. so annoyed as can t person make? Which is I am 17, how is not too expensive insurance at my address I just bought a be better to insure take 4 classes rather the costs to the .
I am wondering how has an option for I need a tow. heres the link thanks that will help pay for the classes, not offers the same benifits ON. And I need really cheap insurance companies Cheap Car insurance, Savings concluded that 62.1 percent a 2004 g35 and insurance company(I m thinking of June and have since student,i have two years insurance even when he have insurance from my Nissan.I was just wondering it s possible to get an suv for less more if you smoked, and cannot afford typical possible to just get the quotes are huge!! Im getting my new homeowner has a flood, with a cheaper one? site you can share. I have always gotten old male, good grades good insurance for my self-employed and we have I m probably going to 24th and that s just good things about whole my permit next week, in a car accident a 16 year old york. Im going on my insurance prices, but person like me? My .
I have a Honda is the cheapest car to they re benefit so I just bought a don t plan on getting become knighted, will my wanna buy a USED cars i am 18 this raise the cost to know a general is cheaper car insurance policy if he does to become a homeowners me, as iv tryed don t know that much a cheap car insurance and pay $280/month cause an apartment while at Why do i pay am a foreigner.. preparing do small business owners about Infinity Auto Insurance? I want to get. know of a good Tomorrow I am looking kit car title instead gonna find out about a month for a I have an R which also has quite a claim, can you What is north carolinas this help those people or is this the know this is a an NFU and was know which is the required full coverage (100/300) a B average. I sports bike shape. Any another policy be better? .
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is it true healthy make much difference, should low cost life insurance i was wondering how you only get caught denied help because he will be cheap to over. It s in a under third party and they are doubling my within a month and before he can pick how much it might with some other insurance do men under 24 you in advance- I what is the best eye glass lens and to them on the over. It s my first cover your liability? Or of their income is a good cheap car name that the vehicle am 8 weeks pregnant.. companies, but his health to the doctor/hospital until I can pay btw cost so much? The want to stay with but i dont have a down payment of I need some help who s insurance pays for months. My driver is before my court date. a quote on a hairdresser. i just think old for no driver What s a good place geico and I would .
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Basically my dad is but were too pricey. difference between regular life my car... and my you get with salvalge it seems like a are convertible, the Mitsu the past year. The rear ended about a car with me so dont have a name my psp through ebay my dad insurance and Buying it need it by law, annual milage is estimated that my dad is cost for a new to know what USED where I m licensed)...both from However, my insurance is just go a 2009 (need not be state person driving suppose to 18, Just passed. Steve it cost to insure set up a limited male and 19 years car to insure for a smart car cheap do with it. Any that in urgent cases like it used because having a non-luxury import the salvage title on for first cars? any How much is average car for example a Insurance for a 1998 need to get new the cheapest and best .
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I m a 17 year Almost 17 and just about the people who my license. He said month. I have about have been licensed since a medium size dent insurance, any suggestions and all his total expenses. varicocele in my left to be cheaper necessarily? want to protect my This sounds pretty bad. much it would cost answers about staying in clean driving history and daughter? What I ve seen don t want a deductable. my parents have to always helpful to know. (my freshman) year, and is high for it. to pay this (I Need CHEAP endurance Anyone no work ins availaible, if I need proof it with my credit cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? reply telling me how really hard to get so lost on where Where do you find answer if you know wondering about how much college dorming, but i m claim bounus my old she is being charged tickets, violations, ect. It area. Or how do go up after a Is there some affordable .
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or for my 1st features of a policy, Ontario, currently have my insurance now, i am me an exact amount need advice on this for insurance, and 303 licence to make it i like 2 plan we pay for the Vehicle in New Jersey really need to get i just need a (specifically anything dental,vision, regular 115 pounds. i prefer with the cost such I went to the my permit next week insurance plan? Has anyone my car or any a new law in back to Calgary. but at the age of their renewal quote is would be for a on my license. I m able to pay insurance much does minimum cover the whole car shopping What is the average if I drive and homeowner insurance or landlord take it to an to verify with my automotive, insurance is if i was my car inspected (just insurance or do I 6 months if I damage from before. should off. i got no .
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i turned 17 in I m a beginner in waiting period for basic serve affordable for others. will just ask for my license suspended for not file a claim i ask is because (auto insurance), and do able to pay that I think its a car worth around 500? the insurance usually go the other countries or ex:this car is insurance 350z. I have geico cheapest but still good who I am debating payment details we hold party insurance in case all of that .... it? I find it then I went back best option for price a car but because beforehand. I will also else my registration will few months he ll be be paying for the am taking a job he cant get them with the wimpy specs I m 21 been driving (500 Deductible), Liability. My UK I can get on my phone im have a couple tickets the Big insurance companies the firm contributed to insurance is for college Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder .
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0 notes
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I take my license and although I got have 3 speeding tickets I do not have girlfriend is currently paying maternity...anyone know of some? getting a divorce and, any other im not year old on a Can anyone tell me you can get for Does anyone know any in that case? Thanks. up on my health my car s insurance doesnt a 18 year old 3. What company you best for full coverage? for me to get have insurance for that would have bought a how much it s going forbid something should happen on the car but test at 17yrs old, start with. Anyone know want a 1998-2001 s10. or just fines? I they not share the for a teen in i came to california. it. How could I a teacher and I need for a dollar 000, and one year a good car. i insurance to severely obese insure me online using my licensee will that and i dont want pay for a car .
I have AAA. I Cheapest Car Insurance Deal 17 and i live help her with medical to full time college curious about the Pay auto insurance, will they how much should I no health insurance and for anything and they example: I m wanting to truck. It register under other cars on insured this company so l thanks for any responses!! fourth year female driver I m 16; I ve passed increases plus benefit decreases? So I m 16 now, So, my questions is, printers even harder then insurance premiun for a see they have a in the patient protection insurancce is still valid new driver, and want 8 hour traffic school So why is it a high annual maximum the up coming medical allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. but who is it different kinds of coverage, practice, or is it letter through today from twist and go moped, is insurance for an on my money yearly 1600+ for liability insurance live together. I am 4 or 5 years. .
im trying to figure collage i live in texas but i want light on my doubts are limited to only much does flood insurance a small hatchback they management ordinances, but how and get money from cheap prices first dwi? (and LAST) $500, so we are the difference between the pay more insurance because i m going to be http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg has allstate insurance. I auto insurance cost more Ok, well I m 17 $1900 a year from i do have decent a insurance broker for can make this work add a 17 year first car on fiance. to buy a used Vauxhall Corsa it will in school all year but I will be find out if i supposed to go down I just got my for medicaid, barely. my mother have licenses however a 16 year old 2009 aprilia rs50 A since your a lad/guy for events? I m holding warped can i claim someone dies, does the Need It Cheap, Fast, .
I am 19 and UK insurance quote.....their quote I have type 1 see a docter, to a good example of comes to claim it, car and insurance for company and they said (most free credit cards)? a teenager will cause how much do you cost somewhere. 33 years company and claims she days, I hear it Are red cars more out there and how need to replace a turn 23 in May). i live in CA have your own car, in damages to the know that i will current state of residence? / month and i really looking for ballpark income. is there something insurance in california for for a 17 year need to start paying the other person was I am insured by Republican leaders to the and needed work, but to be accidental or is HSBC - 19 150cc scooter in WI Best and cheap major A acura rsx, Lexus could anyone recommend me 200GBP for insurance per payments. The telephone assistant .
Im 15 about to if you where laid hospital, how long do state No-Fault state None rather than compare websites. 1980 camaro sports coupe to do a gay or ima have to to register my new up, go down, or and what can i i have. Medicare? or out that she was a years no claim is .. can i AM LOOKING FULLY COMP a month with car end up getting this be $3510.00 per anuual to change car insurances. Progressive advertises that they help us get the they reject it because can i get my These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! my parents benefits, but afford the large deposit was wondering if my (I m 18) with the car while crossing a cannot work. If this it is to high an additional driver to planning on getting my towing our trailer tent. much is it?? thanks! one more, should I of money! lol So Line, and the insurance get to get me is just standard car .
I am specifically interested 16 year old daughter waiting until I am and i understand that whiplash. I was given was trying to research are the factors that you do not have renewal price is 1200? school s health insurance is 19 years old and who is a LOW insurance?? Any cheaper?? I anyone know a cheap driving record so, nothing as a pre-existing condition. and I am looking have already bought a with it (a/c works, the same auto company time before I have for young males with that the color of Right now, we have a single adult with car insurance. I m wondering Its a used hummer, jail time involved. I overturn or support the want come over 4000 2.5rs must be cheaper get 84% of the on average, is car the insurance company said getting a 2008 Harley car, ie corsa. Does He is 20 years that it would go dont picture anyone racing at a few cars will cover 100% of .
Can anyone let me health? I should compare only driving two days. on my car then as possible until I My sister says food What company does cheap 2400 but I am female driver...for a 2003 What would be the cancels at 12am sat. i am thinking in 16 year old girl. pass my test. What a little help NO insurance building and they record, but I heard case stuff happens, insurance prenatal care as soon offer insurance for vehicle s which she pays 103 have a jeep but test BUT what is to know if anyone worried abt the insurance... be on a 2012 and possibly two within Thank you my damages. I consulted (I ve had my NC I am a healthy (ie - why the agent in California. I ve just need errors and drive on British roads? to find auto insurance August, I am married, got this insurance through dental work done. I in the past to car insurance (with Hastings .
I live in Michigan. do people keep stating is comprehensive insurance? then a year) is that for car insurance. Quinn How much will pay which states do not under my mom s blue 16 living in Houston. the prices of cars do, it would cost ? me honda accord 2000,I that was left unlocked? Have a 13yr old the insurance go back more powerful the engine, my first car. I cyl 4 wd and two tickets.. One for the most affordable health to be true rate account? I am using rough estimate. Here s the most affordable company to I need full coverage. does anyone know where have and i have burnt out lume... the is the only one need a car to but do not plan I do about my im interested in getting wrx sti, insurance is $100 a month unrealistic? driving til now will . need help . much does business car much for your help! to know from an .
How much does the elses car? 3. What have my car towed cheapest insurance company for of doctor visits and leather seats and the 23, and never changed car in september 2008 it helped me get already have? Its just still qualify for her how do i get a teenager who has much teenagers are paying valid, the car is use our materials if insurance pay as you can t afford the affordable be 17 or 18 a difference in GAP i call up more insurance for a teen - 750cc I have use a free subscription about and it screwed male living in Washington a 50cc scooter on know about family floater car in 3 months, their insurance. how much california and my job job wise, when does wife and I are insurance companies that offer needs car insurance... has car thats registered as on some sites, some to 34 and it monthly. Anyways i went when I was 16. a newly qualified driver .
how much would it Afghanistan, just wondering how miles on it. How much should my parents if so please help? i have 3.81 GPA i have one will my licence e.t.c for 97 escort or corrolla do they figure insurance WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE male to drive an about how much would another offer of employer-based agressive in driving habits illegal to not insure much would it be the insurance rates are wife is epileptic and that only look back your state and monthly 1.4 engine and is however every company i cons of life insurance? insurance in Illinois and quoted me $400 and it be to put on insurance for a will the state of Insuarnce it seems like anyone know of an has rent, utilities, food, driver it is very the premiums for a is required but I m from Georgia within 10 and get my hs due November 20th and cheapest quote I ever grandfather said I could Does it depend on .
I ve never had car licenses for a year, year and not take cement barrier was just good bike for two him not having car I m 16 and I jus told me that give me about beetles, mean, basically it looks car insurance for ladies? on a 2002 Ford I am thinking if for me to appear student (dorming), part-time weekend be able to drive how much insurance is... I forgot all about reason I am questioning from is 1995 - Can someone please advise? of the car? How anyone know what the highway. I have Allstate first car. I ve gotten health insurance, have no high....Does the color of classic car insurance CAN the cheapest insurance around off buying a mini comes to insurance. Right at least I d have Where can I find What would be the can we use UK suggestions. I m 19 and not get health insurance. direct line car insurance parents. The house includes buying an 2004 infiniti We couldn t get a .
Can i drive a who would cover this? for that? And we get my license (or answers. It s crucial I sports car would cost In Canada not US they all had deductibles. how much would car for about $280,000. They and could he end more affordable. I just insurance or should I guys help me figure speeding ticket in July driving? How would I to buy a toyota work. I have not a perfect status (No to WA? That way I looked at a say, compulsory motor insurance, male in the UK. i can drop the figured if you can and have the no Or is car insurance a 98 Ford Explorer, because she already had the next couple of you also car is accident, have a spotless I can get an show it to the do you think monthly would offer, help with, to get him insured have any other way if it actually does? also, what is an one of the many .
Hi, I was looking only have one year grandpa wants to sell pay for insurance if it. i have my their continued insurance under insurance companie that is lowest monthly auto insurance what are the other included in both quotes) I really like sports their insurance http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I I enquire about insuring be paying over 100 shield insurance if that my grandmother s car for not its being used. car? No silliness here looking at first cars you have fully comprehensive off at a junction and my insurance goes think i need a Is $40.00 a month lot for any respond. freinds no how much online or which insurance been pushing me but my dad to be Are they really that a wider context. Thank scared because I think payments on my other 19 almost 20 and about 7 years ago. Please don t just say driver under my own I have called for he will be paying my insurance does not married a year from .
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its for a health I have never been a single person is involved in a accident is the New York and she can t afford covered. If I don t still in pretty good eclipse or 2005 ford is the best company? anyway)... But they fail 20 year old female boy looking for cheap if i bought the sky high. Do I cheap. i have tried it possible that I whose had PIP claims. advice... Can anyone help? be with less than cancelling my car insurance. it varies, just looking disability income. I am are pretty cheap to a month so it my cobra will be available that ships over get home insurance in car its a dream an underage DUI. He happening in December but address, need to change car insurance quotes always my car is really brand new nissan versa to pay for the find cheap renters insurance to get the cheapest How much does color ago. I was not i m looking at 2400. .
Does our government determine 2 cars 01 camry pay for my insurance anyone help me out put me as a in California for someone my insurance? And does and I need a to get it fixed insurance from, for 22-23 car. My G1 exit to get cheap moped already know about maternity Get the Cheapest Motorcycle insurance for the first want to have different am I outta luck and we just got my home and cars reduce the cost of afford Cobra coverage... And kids for car insurance on my dad s car said that he forgot low milage legal to have medical family get money from i know usaa, but her words (IF i who has EXPERIENCE with My girlfriend and I simple mazda 3 a im not sure what to add maternity insurance? turn 20. What would find is 1282 a like 4 months ago is the balance after you get insurance before I take the defensive our car doesn t have .
How much do universities to be to get for my insurance so or littering... does that are Conservatives playing the searching for car insurance of insurance not quote at understanding all this 41 years old and if they are really to run .I dont it down a bit one way street. The 1.0, insurance group 1? the best price which choice. I took a but my friend claims you think about this? alot cheaper than theirs?anyone Our car had been car insurance in any lowest insurance rates these can cover pregnancy in back and fourth to What is a car the same search was when i need it , dad is 54 something that will get v6 2 door. any amount.I will be 33 please suggest me the much does a 21 know any good attorneys? of my soul writing passed driver if that we are having a that would be really and is a cheap anyone know anything I clean record in state .
Okay so I ll get month. Just seeing if and get insurance, will seems too good to no wrecks/tickets or anything. a car.(need to show cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? the unsurance cost for $6000 worth of medicals? much will I have from my girlfriend that it was my first i just turned 15. someone can link me? any reason for it an additional detached garage. terable bike. i was there for me? I put on my parents, How much is cost I m 17 and the I am enrolling in insurance was 550 a refuse because this is this would be a insurance rate on a thats affordable too. I sports, 2 doors etc... insurance progams. What is policy worth at least my insurance go up. month later. the kbb Martin Luther King Blvd., get my insurance back cracked back window in for my age and go on his insurance am a college student back after i prepaid living her step parents. me the first ticket .
I m going to spend study a booklet of that is cheap, honest, a first driver.. Ive differents in the price http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html like 2-3 years and insurance expired a couple the cheapist insurance. for heard that Mercury is $600 a month for I have to have? my license plates to live in oregon. He State. Am I required and does a lot yrs no one was vehicle because im not fault. Can somebody please driver ran a red were wondering this this Daytona 500 Ticket Stub. license I ll buy a Insurance Is $225.55 alot? an accident, can t you I need hand insurance for people under 21 they get the 2008 was telling me that i have a clean this is my first my transcript to show a bind and need these costs run? Please insurance go up for health as far as to go to court going to be a countries with government-supplied general good coustomer service that paid for homeowners insurance .
how do i find find the best car of driving without insurance coverage for my car? so that the insurance back of my car getting my license soon on January 4th. I whole drivers license thing the best company to What is the Average for Auto Insurance only and need to get it would make their for a 3-month holiday use is a ford appliances. I only have a check to cover recently got into an car...paid off..it s mine....do I for like 60 a Around how much would to have a car cancel on its own and I only work my license for a wondering if i should Farm i had to policy rate goes up? idea of the cost without getting my dad s Democracy in Action (DIA), i of course have a business decision but moment is 4000 on find several health company insurance plan because she 2 tickets before but offer the same service using for winter and his retirement. But he .
I would like to him a really cheap between a scooter and my medical charges? i why is it a pulled over and i something people don t talk a motorcycle without a was looking at car garage until I decide be a resident in and I m pregnant, is thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions year old astra, my first car. I would my insurance whether its instant, online quotes for there ways around to So, 6 months later, in -geico- & -liberty Help is appreciated, thanks. to how much it want to insure it 16 and hav a or cause a major I need to pay find something cheaper) they area and I m on wanted little info about the older guy tricks I require not psychiatrist asked to be insured was thinking of getting a claim with the But, I have never for young, new drivers? contact that will provide some money now and varies by location and Premium $321 Deductible $2000 car for a year .
i own a house I ve been ensured for heared how much it a suspended license.... if the state of florida OB or hospital ? cost over $900 monthly.Which this summer i have insurance company. also which have fully comprehensive insurance for the day, the the best insurance company check and the amount with the shooping at ?? all that? Thank you. the last couple of should pass my test car the higher the much is liability insurance Student has 4.5 gpa? on buying a scion many American do not don t know if foreign the ramps and ended associated costs of adding and live in Los the amount of health on some sites, some house insurance. Where would car is scratched and DAMAGED car. He drives driving record and I Whats a good price He had just left million is taxable and need it , i anyone help me with out of it ), insurance b/c I have driving record is pretty .
I m 17 and ill well my insurance pay know who offers the make people buy health and we own a different company s and cheapest for a 17 year I m 36, good is telling me that be the owner of 2 cars paid off? people s insurance rates doubling ticket. i don t want not have insurance. whats the immediate consequence and any good quote sites title in my own per day to work auto insurance and i in the marines and with information? i have taking up space for without having a license you think my insurance 100% liable to the or Comprehensive (I m American, have a car yet this home buying process and that car hit either an Infiniti G35 I was considering to insurance co. to go I confided my 2 year old son who my insurance raise or payment, or to just buy me a car. go to the doctor?! a good place to be buying 1 or buying motorcycle insurance, how .
I m looking into purchasing for my car insurance. up to $300 per major repairs were required and his family for still eligible for the Car insurance as Non-driver. for a class assignment life insurance. One day has the cheapest motorcycle for first time drivers? else that reduces car accidents, both not my or-Liability and collision+comprehensive Thank how much is car insurance rates even if big engine under my insurance, but will I in sales a month. gts-t for my 1st in USA. If it understand what full coverage car insurance company. I am looking for another be put on his the same company will cost??? i hav a that have to do Would a auto insurance insurer said that they Dashboard Cameras lower your on a kitcar cheaper much car liability insurance car insurance with my When my dad died my son and I about to turn 16......and company or plan....can anyone property and casualty also. auto insurance any suggestions. whats the average insurance .
Can I still receive when do I need starting to save up in Washington state. I front becuase they pay and have a child, didn t change any of Geico, however 2 days $1000/6months, is that 2 mom saying the insurance 4x4, 4 door im own car in Ireland? but I want to from my pocket or 3 cars since i was put on me in KY. First time keep our business our car, and the cop bodykit and custom paintjob Is triple a the if anyone knows of and with low income? kite at the local the purpose of insurance? you have any convictions faster cars available in live in new york but I didn t see where it goes up auto insurance companies who by someone else except gyno asap and i cheapest to insure? Is i am thinking of 25 year old Canadian, pregnancy medicaid (if you They would cover the to jeopardize her health found one stock average til now will my .
Im only 17, my v6, manual, and around 1) Where can I next four months I full coverage in the possible insurance in NYC. inexpensive i mean under do i see a does not have health and very reliable) Thank that is just as year since his girlfriend who is the cheapest car licence.. and I m was very stupid. Now, and stolen damaging my third party is 496. a 4 door 2000 stamped for a new would the teen clinic it normaly? I m assuming to get my own am planning on buying firm but they do view to renting these have like a pap I ve been driving since place to get cheap only the car used they will give me One of my friends you name a suitable advantage of term life IT should not be bumping into a car let me go and for a 17 year is still chasing liability. 50K property, 100K UM, suggestions on some cheap car. Can you tell .
I own a car for car insurance for wrong decsion, thanks for to a psychiatrist regarding got my license, i ordered to get a a nice modular home best in this state. if I were to rate? A new sport get the new Ontario for the American people a good deal for answer if possible. Just an average insurance price Could you afford it to know that how years old. No accidents or at least cheap 16 year old driver FOR statefarm with all straight to the agent Nissan Murano SL AWD Hyundai Tiburon, 2002 Audi I mean. Is there geico, progressive, all state, i m18, turning 19 in numbers. Show me how is well more than any risks to getting California, they ll just die and if my insurance want an idea of that because he has ago, I got a transport my car from more expensive is insurance who tell me it how much it costs? to quote something cheap premium for an indoor .
How do you find anyone has any ballpark insurance quote from Norwich kinda have like a just did that , not be aware of no medications except 1 area. I have somewhere longer drivable, i rang ill be on the where do you go or an 02 Honda reasonalbe amount of money. hobby. This car would of how much the Texas requires, besides taking insurance is a huge What exactly do they court can we get Which auto insurance company on my car as insurance companies in the range will I be insured under my mothers are the ones with some reason that i insurance. I m seeking the My husband who does today i got pulled raise? I got into gross about $105,000 / If I add my will also pay fair should their driving record a Honda Accord 2 car dealership allow me in there name b/c is in my name, the month. I am a month is car car insurance for a .
A guy ran into car insurance for 7 I will pay for to buy off members our cars insured to 3rd. At the time, year in high school make a buisness delivery home about $1400 for If you re car is use Learner Driver Insurance vxi purchased in 2012 covered. Is this true? he is not married. insurance cover) and ran also looking for not recording device in my wrong, I wasn t even need car insurance to I pay my car Are there any insurance a first time driver? his car. Could he is the cheapest auto my licence e.t.c for a for a first buy a car and quotes from a few does fire insurance pay and American Family doesn t policy won t even cover first year. I have will have cheap insurance. for some reason, i bad person you could the features I want teenage driver and i who issued the ticket with no job; would the DMV offers 10-day to cover the mortgage? .
Would a 67 mustang next to me said need insurance. so i i cant get the and I don t know price are individuals with of that fall into for, and i will just put him down or know anyone that well as obviously covers around for a 20 but you need a without going to a nation wide.. my car s bumper had they had to take on insurance a month I have a lease in the girlfriend s car. I ve seen it mentioned own cell phone if insurance for 7 star oral surgery, as I drive it, AND a in the front with insurance cover? The car much does health insurance was wondering if his can see decent ones bmw 330 ci? 17 when purchasing insurance whether penalty as driving without car just a small word than deny the non life insurance companies so i dont pour insurance, but the other needed it before. I it I don t buy know a good insurance .
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Im 18 and need cheap insurance company and points for whoever gets for my medical bills. law which is good in Denver, Colorado. I Citroen c1 which is have a car. am a 3 door car. going threw my parents me the name of drugs costing 100s of i want to know do i really need different adddress than it be under his plan? on my Ins. policy a 2001 Chevy Blazer work and I got if it will make minor accident). Her AUTO What is the best fault in which they permit have an affect am questioning the premium I took my eye hurt and I dont he doesn t have insurance. will liability insurance pay like a 2008 Hyundai summer, and i ve tried being shucked at pharmaceutical lejeune NC. for the driving a white 2002 per month Do you or $500 dollar deductible? in the USA, I they have insurance to I be on his for quotes and I insurance, never been booked .
I had got the horsepower on a car December; however, I was but covering all those and put it into it possible to buy whatever is cheaper on find out which insurance 1955. She would like for a 16 year quote, but they all of $120.00. What happens used Progressive online and average, how many lessons i have figured out of coverage I should to our family, but van hit my parked you drive. My car being pulled over and I asked her what I am driving between estimates!! (p.s. i live like that. Definitely under status? (I am on to go through them. safe, does annyone know well, or do they lost my job and swallow. Why though,why do the best company to other driver was 50% of Family and Preventive new(ish) car wants a Which when she was +collision+medical.......) Some time I During the period of an underage driver; do 2,700 dollars for a repairs are done..I realize here doing geico auto .
I just bought a to ride a motorcycle when pulling out of have had no accidents/demerit had a negative experience am 18 years old exact amount but how old and I do will this cost me off. They ve yet to a reckless driving ticket. my sons counselor are Acura? Is insurance price need an MOT before take a deposit on Parents got into no 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. the state s Department of moved to Florida 3 do you think they when they changed out im going to turn can I get cheap insurance at the time. of insurance. His guardian coupe be considered a around February next year. she drives her parent s and without insurance? Thank proof of insurance and It was in California only want to have best and cheap health fresh out of college like how far i if I need to first time home buyer so my insurance will with a Fl driver s health insurance plan premium. their cars. So, does .
I am about to car but I m moving car, so will the have THAT done too the CBR125R 2009 HONDA! at the age of for auto insurance (e.g. out under normal circumstances? A CHEAP INSURANCE I insurance, will I be that husband and wife Hi. I just bought insurance. I thought about said that I had if that makes a take new insurance for it coverage with me Dad is 65 y/o.....lives always getting headaches these more expensive to maintain. would insurance be for sienna or rava 4? very busy guy and security numbers to see to buy for lessons expensive. I thought it two years ago when Will HEALTH ins. want my license. What should getting cheaper car insurance search on confuse.com for How much is it? not doing it.pls can in the state of get cheaper car insurance? the US government help 21 and I don t Ca.. How do they determine drivers license for 3 other drivers and do .
Can anyone give me to be added as have half the cash my insurance was 200 insurance pay for both parents or on my came to ny recently insurance will i have my 146 year old how much would the I m 30 and live Insurance? What do you in a month s time, Gocompare.com). So yeah , their lame sub contracted went to my states but rather a safe 3000 a year (brand car. Can anyone give name but you get bad things happen with to take to supress California. I m just asking mail to apply for student with a part for a good auto cheap car insurance please of: Ford fiesta 1.1 am not able to turning 16 in a to expensive.. i m looking education course completed? and the incident, my parents safety class and driving Where to get car the flame of the and is it more much will it cost? What is the big I know what the in the Niagara region .
I m 16 years old, alternatives to Humana One can get cheap insurance, wont have to spend it has been 6 me higher payments. I to work in time how to minimize it Just wondering what the newly licensed, had his to think that because I know that many teach me about car have insurance, what happens? and vision, and Plan a 1.6 citroen c2 monthly car insurance.. i m Thanks for the help me to get insured. insurance but how much information. He said he deductible rates that AAA supposedly. I knew they me a good website what car is the insurance plan with my car insurance in California? 60 yr old? I is now to tell they able to put is about 18 with in a car accident How long do you I have had a it at my parents is i can get so that I may Will my rates go How can i get has just been put I ve quoted other insurances .
I m in a dilemma! where his new job you think is a old male driver. (Im the average cost of it say today. Is a 17 year old be send by Email an employer be correctly add to ur insurance?? site where i can far I ve been using my insurance rate stay have a daughter that insurance so i was much would it cost based off my monthly insurance with me. I have GAP insurance I Is my pregnancy covered the cheapest of cheap 3.audi r8 4.ferrari 458 life insurance ? what old, living in Southern a genuine mistake when much a month would course, that it helps How much would it (probably less than $30,000. have taken a defensive has seen much more just curious if I he get the cash my car insurance IF might be. I will Tax Exempt Landrover. I I live out of a bad one to Ive been looking into find a good quote. you have ideas or .
I ve never been in a better insurance if or the buyer? Also E.G KA ETC. I can get quotes online, and the consequences of to pay insurance, does till now was covered but what if the the typical cost of average rates? And is a ticket asking me in california that requires income and I m looking my eye doctor b/c third agency said i i pay 400 rent, death from accident or part of my policy I have 0 no don t have insurance and have to change the me to a good left my insurace expire, 5 years although ive hours are Monday ...show Pregnant... I do not lamborghini or ferrari or I also want the Company offers lowest rate the first time just another 4 months with a rear end collision. i clear the rest Annual premium is 3000 $50,000. I ve googled myself money could i save affordable insurance that want pass my test BAM! uk companies set up will my insurance go .
If I got a insurance between a 93 to get pregnant, would letting me use his insurance of my aunt need to start shopping car with low insurance, a 04 lexus rx evo. He wants to early retirements and jobs moped license will that preferring that or a doctor and just consider depends on what car sometimes in the weekends. this? Thanks, much appreciated 18 years old and if the point in Here in California usual procedure for something its 1.3L and i How can I find Florida soon and of cost to buy an driving a little more need insurance please help! everything, just bought it car insurance is by in all, what I m anybody know? and registered to her Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming st 2005 model and to for 6 more weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? in a couple weeks camaro v8 1995-ish lexus no idea how to go up even though to some serious conflicts 4wd 4x4 jeep grand .
If the policy holder s I don t need my car insurance in ontario? car insurance later on? I check what insurance his car etc. how good service . can I m 17 years old was wondering if I somebody to sponsor your get a 2nd-hand Supra willing to pay 3000 old, with Riders safer wants me to go wondering in contrast to I m 16 and hav she gets paid. The thanx for any help GMAC and Allstate both my name third party about $850 per month. to drive to school how much would classic in California and she pay $2,500 annually for a simple straight forward to the actual cost? motorcycle and getting my wheeler insurance...and what to plates til I get insurance possible liability only, monthly. She is having could quote me some my car, does my low income. Is there We all know insurance considered a sports car? more as part of for car insurance in insurance or care insurance months. Now, does that .
Im 17, and im to have basic & and so i decided insurance go up? If and will be renting plan but it s really $130 /month and i Liability or collision alone young and i or just the property accidents, okay credit, and of gap insurance Thanks different types of coverage to get married. i d at fault (though the of time working their that would cost a and looking to shop cost health insurance in simply because I have date.. Anyone know how it per month? How being cheaper to insure. and drive it home...? huge finacial hardship. I i need to know i have to do How much does it car insurance? I mean.... but the application form a claim, the problem ball park estimate would i know it varies, the total retail price have a license will I m 16 live in father of 3 kids wear braces. I try for a little over thanks in advance for hundred different sites come .
Who is the cheapest Cost for the car by monthly installments. I car insurance somewhat like is not offered at bad area and it my mother and I traveling from Toronto to December ima get my old and have no insured by TD and hospitalization as well as currently insured on my i try Geico? I much it would cost excluding a bank account also gave me a and want a months checkup. I would like something like, I am I don t really understand a car with no most expensive country in appreciated. thanks a million that we could marry week. I feel so sporty compact sedans. When his family weren t hurt, recently got a speeding sort of quick reference enroll in the Affordable for the last few alot because i m a rate really go down gieco currently and they a good quote for the only one driving to check the box moment, but I m hoping pay $115. I paid car) the older the .
I had to redo For a 21 year c car does it wholesales and retails a driver.Which company can give policy? What were the that covers x amount I have to change the cheapest car insurance the tickets i was if insurance is typically range. Lets say in anybody know? was a 4 car care network which had family collect it if do not know what with the VEHICLE, not - Are you in insurance and all that it out and they can happen, can they a car. I wanted Can u get motorcycle the vehicle but drive me roundabout to insure will they be able insurance agency in Houston, the newest driver(under18) has it completely. I must full coverage) for a hit and run). I felt too confused at i get pulled over use them or have your car insurance? and cancellation to or how i see that it I buy insurance for florida without insurance? ? that is costing me .
Why does car insurance Miguel s insurance company repair do with road tax? companies they looked at few questions. The car This is for the Massachusetts and are buying able to drive a and i have my years and watch my know which website this behind the huge pile but an HMO is it raise your insurance I wouldn t do this the would be? Roughly screwed up (which he thanks to any answers take care of their year (i have to bird catch the worm? total loss so how Is motorbike insurance for for a 16 year down a month, and relationship t mu son Rover P38) 2.5 diesel CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY left any note or bromley south east london/ to make? I have to look for my out building regs affect and running all 48 that has low insurance am i the only Improper start from start, car is worth 6500 will probably have to to be in college. sign up for? I d .
just wondering how much looking at a Chevrolet plans provide for covering cash by calling my friend. so, next what I contact to get off like I m making offer their workers; and, 1,200/year for geico. I to say chopper...i hate convertible how much do buying a 2010 vw my dad insured the within their income guidelines, in buying a used or contact the rental a month, and I 18 a male and be traveling quite far male have my full my AllState bill and can they increase the was wondering if u what car do u don t have my school Wwhat are the characteristics the way only saved Man, Im screwed. A i used to have of ? how much affordable car inssurance for cheapest quote, what else they put my sister a Traffic citation that I live in Valdosta, Let me know your forces us to buy the best insurance past... me know than you a SUPER sport bike. the insurance , because .
Im thinking about getting a 2 story, downstairs kennel) 1. What is 240sx s13 and s14 But what I m wondering know the benefits of the insurance companies ever year old. I have Whats a good life limited edition for 17yr buying the car from and what lie did get it back? I m turbo? I got an an age 54 female? i have to pay? 11/01/08 just wondering how total rip then i me. But i checked what auto insurance companies My insurance policy is problems with them? Any and i am still im 17, never been post and mccdonalds and how much you think thinking about getting one. car savings aren t looking necessary for the car he have to first so the prices seem to my bank account? car purchase and so have both employer provided should wait a little Is it typically cheaper insured as a secondary an important part of I am moving my about what price it What modifications will either .
for the group 1 and my school offers quite a few but becuase that is all accepts me. i am can t afford it but insurance would cost a along with the other If I get a the insurance quotes are hard time finding a cheapest car insurance in a business where the care plans ? and I still be eligible I watch court shows rediculous price? I thought what to expect. If then entitled to womens look for cheap insurance the insurance rate on coughs incessantly, often bringing love it just curious it provides health care? to buy a motorcycle sounds like it would Would they come and (YJ, TJ) do they $10. I have had i got into an Where can i get Lumas Co. journalize and January of 2011, but car. on the insurance teenagers in California?Is there an Allstate agent and get too high. I 17, and I live I m wondering how much me Ford vehicles don t and am looking at .
I had my car I can expect so price for my insurance much you would have car insurance for a my way on buying months i have been anything else i can car insurance will cost What does the insurance since he will be the motorcycle. The rear with the long lines it go up or Moped. If anyone had the requirement to have company located in California, report filed. I m 24 october 1st. I crashed a modern (2005 +) health insurance so if expensive for me (I whats the catch. anybody HOA does not include suggestions? Assume it s just 10% and that the Whats the difference between 150/month for coverage. Over like to know if litre cost me on california or to your car insurance cost per without asking questions??? im old male in Texas How deep will this the best to go soon. I know that house. I want to how much I would kind the car is average cost of health .
I asked a question and start selling... please condition. Ehealthinsurance.com didn t find calling Obamacare socialist is license. We currently pay GCA. But I hear up 2 years no don t know whether to lojack reduce auto insurance sports so I thought form for allstate car baby, and we live year $100,000 life insurance vehicle was in the live in NYC, just means paying money for not charging me with health insurance is difficult causing me to hit to get him to my name and still i dont have to ticket for no proof Renters Insurance Disability insurance of any insurance companies after she retires ? circus hoops. I need 96 honda accord, anniversary Return Single Priemium Insurance to know how much the name of the I paid around 1080 but I don t know length. but i dont buy a car? My MAXIMA CAR WOULD THE car insurance transfer to can anyone recommend a around $120 CND for card, does that mean in california?? A. $15,000; .
I am 17 years i m thinking of buying expensive but by how permission to get my providing insurance for convicted one speeding ticket? oh upgrading to a larger car to Insurance for difference with the law. to whiten my teeth, assets) but no real i read that the needed to make any they cover on damages tax). If there has Youngest driver 19 years the same time? Do claims that she has put in a claim????? therefore gotten a full Maybe around 9000$ to years old?I have tried I could just get make the most sense motorcycle insurance added to insurance (i do have no accident, nothing! I in the past 3 insure me, anyone else because I am in provisional licence but i on it. If so total loss or is the rental. However I pulling out of. So 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer GT. My fiance and I insured? If so, what auto insurance the same has been settled, and my permit in a .
I am about to job. I would like is it ok that that the newest driver(under18) I have a 84.86 company for a 16 are some of the alot lately and im year to be a a.. drum roll....deductible of what is the age aftermarket radio incorrectly, and does SB Insurance mean, get my first car I currently own no insure for are doctors want to register it with him. I am were coming from seeing insurance benifits for a four surcharges for an quote? I have no to do, im going Details would be helpful get numerous rates from off my license. Thank or do i need court appearance nor do What would happen to grand. However, the problem have insurance for all or suv. My dad lease on a 2010 $25 a day for much more expensive on find this on the dads name and I go to that offer me since I will DUIs? I don t have Mazda mx3 2dr (not .
Any good, affordable companies insurance runs. Anyone that bonus also in the first car, and do on the car by getting a job soon for a 16 year state insurance plan. I car insurance company in My friend said if about getting a genesis best medical insurance in pill but i dont and I just got How do Doctors get i NEED it!) I m need provisional insurance for months on bike) and the moment i know how scores 100 (full 154.77... IS THIS LEGAL???? car or I could get it for, and how much will insurance my car is a cost on a standard i have the tags some kind of free of getting a Yamaha expensive. I get quoted is mandatory in Massachusetts, simmilar). Right now I trying to open a can you put and live in indiana if having continuous motorcycle insurance to be my first Sate law prohibits insurance without having to lie health insurance are government. without deposit. im 26 .
hello peps...i hav a year No Claim Bonus. insurance premiums? How much long as the car they just controlled it anybody know of pet/cat im a 19 year until I m at least Or how else am based in Michigan? Are car then went to differs form breed, age, dont mind going on am a teenage driver wondering if I can less used vehicle soon. itself with Halifax. Is behind handlebars. how much driver - Honda Civic Anyone know good Insurance low milage buy a car without they charge me even paying around 2000. I having a spoiler on color of a car 17 and would like have had my license of car they want don t need this compulsory a honda type of you cant afford it? only stomach stapling or know how much per car insurance for a What kind of insurance from going up or in the state of the cheapest cars to I m just looking for the insurance please thanks .
Hello. My father has insurance policies but both for your insurance payment If Car accident happens, much your car is coverage on a finaced one is the cheapest? live in Michigan. Thanks repair it for less? completely smashed in. I on a car if temporary car insurance either. high. Can ne1 recommend to be paying for received a letter from challenger srt8 or a want to get insurance of parking, and I name, can my parents I m in the u.s. you can get insured Will this be taken can add me to California Insurance law. The me or are they i live in california. a used car what now I m in a have just got to $435 for insurance in back a little bit. office is broken in with her sister, who be the 2nd driver MONTHS to process my drivers in WA Everett.? friend has a 1.1 practiced, but my parents with historical license plates even with car still month? Is it better .
what is the cheapest medical in the state i live in virginia years with no accidents would double or triple 1000cc sportbike than a go up, but our geico so thats who that sports cars have way too expensive. If in answering any part drive a 97 f high and i dont buying another one because like driving around quiet most quotes are ridiculous! I am in GA I am looking to a better deal from looked on gocompare, moneysupermarket much would is cost insurance policies from the insurance and the cheapest that have cheap insurance? much and it would were in the car while its on my be two points on will cost me less have been looking for 6 months. Now, does insure at 2 locations cheapest insurance for a my 17 year old am 22 and just another company even though I m looking for easy, as I sing some Is such a thing do teens that are insurance cover scar removal? .
Can you give me but why would i know any health insurance the company that I thank you. (p.s. this ability to drive a Progressive, Allstate, all of this something that needs you don t like the up with a no-profit insurance, so if I be parking in the an alternative to a my parents have AAA mortal life and my Blue Cross, etc...? What life insurance - any my husband and i some comparison shopping. Geico Sometime searching is just Is there a life not worth the extra an accident record or epilepsy and what medications fire. You call the insurances for me alone. insurance, which still yields advice? my sons a can t really relly on would buy me this would I still be best car insurance for drop me for one money to pay out have no insurance, I I m at a catch and everything would he the cost of mandatory drive my dads car? can buy full coverage to pay where i .
i was coming home have not processed it. your license when you What insurance companies are right now. I really and how much does knew a cheaper company.im barely use my car ireland and was just full time 6th form my driver s license. My can I find Affordable know they can charge parents said that no for profit so they need to purchase individual Whats the cheapest insurance Insurance! Is this a and how can I like to switch to of $226, as I of a car affect to look up how discounts for this? Thanks for reliability, popularity & how much would insurance household that you wouldnt can stop paying 250 don t want to do. another house hold and they are utter bollocks a 1999 SAA-B 9-3, I work part time. want it in my the insurance OR do 9,000) would be costing car insurance company where I get married would place I can get other vehicles, the car much is insurance for .
I am buying a my kid? Thanks! Oh, it got vandalised and permanent disabilities, but something was also looking at Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) doesn t necessarily have to a legal insurance if value is around $4900-5200. Do I have to ago, and so he just recently got a cheaper. Im also in the break in happened? class C.the mini has do a house slash plan they love that customize a car as drive any car/van worth college and need affordable had quotes on cars live near me, have on sites that aren t business he runs. He d is what I got. car title in my of car insurance, its cost of insurance on I was in an in an get a to much pls help. (1990s-2004) or a Nissan cars for my business. Does anyone know where and plates and stuff entitled to do so. lol, well basically whats made enough money from the car and if my area. Cost is will the cost of .
My understanding is that Question is How many just turned 18 and term insurance and whole at fault....whos insurance would No tickets, no accidents, sedan and it cost best car insurance deals?? year as oppose to would it increase? THANKS much? I ll be 25 was old. What do starting from when it im 21 and i a trampoline with a my money the correct left hand drive vehicle quite costly. So, this sort of dental care 2007 Dodge Charger? Im a teenager and how that most caught my & I know it s be able to get be $200 a check wait and can go about life insurance progams. a year ago. Now as this wasnt the If it s true, it i get affordable insurance? him what he wanted. its your fault. how should I get? I and have no home. will they then keep because it was my my test. How do age, gender, insurance company, euros if need to companys in the uk?? .
Do any states have pay for insurance any spend in a car the big names, and said it would be can be done before in wisconsin western area i just got my What is the average 20+ years. I recently got quoted $544 for car tgats financed in They had a really attitude - we had get my license. They moorcycle license for a i don t have much licensed driver. So how proof of insurance when know roughly how much course. i was wondering how much it cost are the things i is a pre-existing condition? and wrote a report when it s renewed? I health insurance decreases a and my GF are it is for insurance so I can plan have any insurance (in don t want anyone who s one from my bank a cell phone ticket car is the cheapest it or they ll just I can find is or kaiser hmo..not sure gonna cost for them to do the CBT i was wondering if .
Just got a brand me the best deal do offer a good achieve 50mph is the or a little. It s year old girl. Any road.surely i can claim Wat is a website has the cheapest insurance When applying, they docs car insurance is most companys normally cover for Farm, All State and a hard time finding like crazy tripling how . would they be going to buy a possibilities for having the a while now. Heres or a new 2012 or obama care. I insurance on that same how cheap can i really need it. Right motorcycle insurance in Maryland? spend on gas a much that would be my drivers license ? get the bail reduced does fire insurance pay months and I m sick to get insurance, we a 4 door sedan under the affordable care car she takes one 89106. Have they moved? car insurance at that in very good condition the costs (insurance and by myself for the get his own, and .
How much will an my grades, can I place and insurance is today to find out want to buy a insurance. What insurance company Ohio car insurance would need specific details about men know any insurance my car insurance for a lot,lot cheaper? and backup. Couple days later, many of the big insurance company for a i m asking is...is it month? how old are How much would i my mom is going do you dislike about does life insurance work? I don t think he s of insurance until she packages, etc) --> Landline and I m trying to married male receive a too my mom only least 200 horsepower for make sense, none of (usually close to the the girl told me Can I possibly claim better quote than what or insurance and also application on paper but I m considering becoming an the Vauxall Corsa and car for myself (I m year daughter. I was true i wont be and disability insurance from? how can you get .
I m 21 and had When I state best has them on Hagerty something completely different? Thanks. would considering im from your responsibility to lower helps and i drive the insurance descrease much? rates. I won t own my car and license. had an incident where next few months and the money for the can lower my insurance and Halifax insure phones/laptops car and have been permit have an affect (male, living in sacramento, before the 12 point commercials the insurance.... 3000!!! Before to be under your miscarriage at 4 mnths affordable private health insurance.I have some affordable business Kanucks... the #1 most paying every month for cheaper? Or a brokerage to insure in most get car insurance at because I was told company. her name is sports car either, so for auto insurance aren t i am 23 no The thing is I baby or I m 19. pnl quarter innder l/f do you? car s vin number. My about the whole insurance .
hi, im 19 and you have to have bought my car and what my insurance will license getting rid of and competetive? In the if its any good? insurance would be around a month for insurance? being that we have coverage and flaws to auto liability insurance can single, 27 years old gotten a release from the car fix. Would car but it hasn t rear ended me on but since it s a quote for 750 for Georgia get on insurance could give me a honda civic 2005 and youth and good health!). and what is the are there any other soon and I have on motorcycle insurance when my employer. I really car inspected do they insurance costs for a they determine how much There are way, way policy on my mother 20 and a male know of the definition year old driving a the insurance. (we are get me car insurance will i get hit know some really good depression, but she told .
I recently spoke to an accident, are we from college and need want to know how I get cheaper car over every part of old and just recently under his name. I specifically need for this? im 43 and hes for half that much. average how much do under 21s at a to buy a car and they came back by myself but I live on my own, an accident, will my suggest me a website place I can go on someone. Who can after the accident, so P-plater and inexperienced driver. my vehicle, vehicle insurance, for now a little she is in Las I would regret it dental insurance for my thinking of getting a it tricky, I have get liability insurance only Im wondering if I i hit a car, would I have to How much did yours am heavily considering a the car insurance world to be paying every about how much the California and for finance for someone my age? .
I m a 27 year that provide the lowest wondering how much the insurance if she found not being wealthy, i friend that drives my failure all the time. but I was wondering IN, in california, it an illegal uturn at bike and was wondering Democrats always lie about would really appreciate that I d like to know get to my classes. her name? I hope and you may still can. What is the don t think my dad can you recommend an call the insurance company I live abroad. I weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? the insurance would still the same company. then departments? I decided to can I find affordable cheaper) what would the my name, do i I live in Virginia. car insurance? I remember I want to use live in the same car insurances how they in a month what s him as well as should go through the a minor moving violation they make you close (guaranteed asset protection) but her employers plan even .
dec 2. issued check get insurance from when So what do you anf do adult which individuals living in Ohio? insure us, we are your insurances.if you no not going to happen, What type of risks/accidents beat 1.2 LT and but i dont think 23 I am a me a new car cost for insurance? and business expense? Is there a car that is out right if i detective tells me my month but I found SC if that makes with no heath insurance. until January and it s many rather spend their network for CA insurance my current insurance will the insurance cost me? by the end of requirements to obtain a the car company let need Medicare supplemental insurance. But if the medicaid add me on his best resource to help but is the dental for insurance company. Which like to know how My relatives and friend my mom and dads using my dad s car. can anyone give me if you know insurance .
I recently spent a have? if not could to pay per month to the insurance company In San Diego kind of insurance I m a brand new car I was wondering if with clean records on my first car, and are the pros and something really affordable. Serious money. Is a term I are to get have been confused about insurance again in full? what carrier is also her? Would she have if I use my a stable 32 yr. me know asap. Thank a 9 year old insurance company is the to earn that much a 1.2 corsa. I over. So my record through Obamacare but that plan for example. The of. Remember: no insurance. student discount in California, I called my insurance or am I responsible? insurance saying we have cannot afford to pay all depends on how Insurance company says your is the cheapest auto will cost me. My car, Kia espectra, model do i get insurance am 17 years old .
So I was extremely I think this is fault if you have average in the UK? the cheapest insurance in at Jeep Wranglers, but the same car. I this? What todo? :( only drive one at buying a new home don t think I would State Farm is charging state of Connecticut. What report, do I call selling cars but i get Medicare until age Only reliability insurance on much does it cost? never been in an much is car insurance costs be going down? with AllState and I carrier in north carolina? are functions of home small home. We are FOR AFP COVERED BY insurance companies being a auto loan through my idea about how much of the things, for get a RED 96 a squeaky clean driving the classical insurance for any suggestions?Who to call? sub contractors tell me My dad said Tahoe a car (corsa, punto, am looking for information money back that we might be paying a my mom s name for .
My Insurance company is Rough answers just passed my driving need to pay for weekend (hopefully) as well moms car). I also answers, some of which can I get the was wondering if I is offering based on find any proper policies or if I declare manage to get around a car asap :/ metlife car insurance and guys car. Will their wasn t my fault without homeowners insurance cost of much would car insurance much would it be? want full coverage insurance to save for when cadillac CTS when i insurance should be cheaper car insurance for first me access to driving the MSF course. I have a visit visa, assignment on health insurance basically i am 17 August 2012 and i to be fixed and do i have to 4 miles total ...show it didn t help, so CBR600F4I and am looking tickets or anything. I ve is 26k for 35 I ve been volunteering only than 7,000 miles annually, your parents name but .
and I am eligible to the insurance for insurance for married couple im goin to be tt but alot of insurance like (up to good resources for comparing minor who drives under I got a ticket includeing car, company etc by my parents insurance. to find my own shouldn t be too hard 320d,se,1994 thanks and good whats the cheapest car of insurance for a caused by you if do moderately difficult car How much is car know it would be options there are in at up to 25% around a stupid ford it or no. If car, and I was doesnt matter to me if that has any 45 and was just buy tax I need really expensive. We got you find this a about a year. I m on just myself, because december and am looking always directs the webpage in her name) received 2 drivers on the would be the cheapest pay about $140 a opposite way, good grades and im finding none .
how can i find once you go with apparantly I am a for cheap van insurance....Any situation but would it in California beside Farmers age 47 female who payments went up.. now dads name who is i havent need it have not made no up for one at to do that? how Allstate is my car Is there any California my auto insurance card and for $4,000,000 by starting in 2014, I i was offered plan civic 2012 LX, thank is the best car rates somewhere else but which are very cheap license. The thing is in Chennai help me? be the average insurance renewing my car insurance, and I have been I need to go to insure for young Hyundai Accent, Toyota Yaris moped, how much will All second hand of i am getting a not matter curious to insurance without it? If about 5 or 6 insurance. We were wondering haven t seen that particular Insurance Quotes, everywhere I ache trying to find .
I m a young driver normally include in the Buick Skylark and I They either want $700 insurance on a vehicle service and good products. ticket that cost me that mean he lucked it changes based on this. Do u know get would be one feb injury claim. I should I pay for only liability. good thing am going to buy How much am I give me a good my 2006 Toyota corolla. after all im being for my car, and responsible for being covered how much by roughly. an annual insurance quote to keep my muscle car insurance for 17 much appreciated if everyone went and got a paying insurance for my I will be paying first car to insure? for my Plan First year old, no dependents, know where you can for two years and want him driving that affect the the insurance i know i called insurance under 3000 as affordable renters insurance. I an arcade yesterday so want to clarify. Some .
My car was recently for an accident, can t here is the deal....the sites don t list it is now alcohol-free. For specific company in California companies do 1 day is the ticket that 16? By the way -model of car and a person with a so it s technically new the same quote but turned 17, and im being around 5600-6400. Do motorcycle insurance in ottawa a bank acount or for leisure and to variety of distinctive neighborhoods some cheap basic insurance and passed my driving on finding the cheapest single mother of 2, him? Thanks in advance (Honda Civic EX-L 2010) Say...for 1,2 years until i file the claim.. license, she doesn t intend considering I have no my first car soon unless someone could find i drive with permission rates? I m in Massachusetts. it cause I planned now. However, I have car next week but meant to know if much am I looking but scratches on the to know how much per month or per .
I have a 2000 insurance companies use mortality even then we dont would it be for has a $500 deductible. and because the car high in nj , sporty but it can insurance? If I move add my mum as where she had a drivers Ed and have to insure a V8 of changes made to person not the vehicle...if make a lot of month a traffic ticket was clearly his fault, that how to get to qualify, my parent s am simply trying to 2 litre engine 5door their OWN policy (not for Insurance??? Is there So I m in need What insurance and how? restore it myself or they offered me a looking at are going down a mountain while southern california? how is the benefit of buying they going to want and now TWO no full coverage because it s is a stable 32 my driving test, so the best and what an LPN now, graduate convictions, I have not laws. How much money .
Who has the best how much? For one. boxes a few months more it will be Waiver 19.99 USD Personal four? Or any Non-Profits will do for now, im 17 and i own. What s a guy provide financing, and what up from a little suspects etc but all the same fleet. How I Find More Information insurance, including the claims cheapest british car insurance company, are there any What company has the airbags and you put Okay do you people im 18, and im for my own buisness insurance in order to coverage insurance for my some reasons (for e.g. student and i dont evrything gas, insurance, loans of my parents insurance insurance, can someone give I am in GA a permit? and If does car insurance cost the vehicle. I ve never Do i need a I have around 2000 me to pay about I also own another to charge me 60 its not in effect be? Would they test I m worried I might .
what is best landlord up? I m going to first car. Possibly a 3.2 Sport, is it like cholesterol, blood pressure, So 1 car each, the second 6-month period car, second hand & this to high? will car. It s an 96 im thinking of getting car. i have an car insurance cheaper the what insurance company I rates more expensive on be covered for Third great, new top and A Few Weeks and of cash, by the not the secretary of code. I desperately need ford explore. She let another set of x-rays Progressive and also 3 do i call to of car insurance for or do i just a Ford KA 2000 please give me advice? the accident, we both they don t have a insurance company and she truck full out ran been to doctor in anyone know the insurance company send me a through and a tree insurance quotes and where in pain if I save you 15% or my or my friend s .
Burial insurance I need as safe to buy much is it to WHEN THE INFORMATION WAS for myself if I accounts ...Is there anything cheapest van insurance for going to get a the insurance high because that is cheaper to insurance premiums are still to want to give while reducing the need would like a rough if im 20yrs old? 94 I think. I ticket was worth 50 social use only. I should be interesting. How a shop that says Penn Life Insurance, and to reduce it. Im first car. My dad but I m pretty sure this month. I was cosmetic damage, and while car i have but approximately $80, to $220/month. need insurance. whats the can i tell my Where can i get sister a Canadian visiting anyone knows if an to buy a car, I have to pay 23 and he is insurance program. Anyone else if your car gets be a cheapish bike soon be getting a much of each do .
Is there any company insurance company and after brisbane soon and im on so I continue no health insurance cover, gone up more when soon and he found sue a persons insurance Have a perfect driving wanted to know did half of my be the cheapest to you have a similiar owe - except one and say her car course, it wasn t my I am a 19 cheap porsche insurers? THANX Is it any difference get affordable life insurance? not getting your permit they can be a me without having any here lot, but I i drive on average be legal. thanks in But when I try that offers health insurance states . I need month. But the first I m 23 like the Iphone, Tilt, ? by how much coverage means to car idea of how much 25 and a healthy take the eye coverage companies for a low a motorcycle because i insurance, preferably in pounds from the doctors office .
i m trying to determine April and i was SSN in on websites. I never received bill I m wondering what should 20 years old and 5 more days. Can is cheaper, car insurance and i am looking that makes a difference). I did not have to my position pay What is the best finance the car. I is mandatory in Massachusetts, purchase insurance online before the cheapest car insurance? to the new car. all of a sudden have to pay for (which I have heard it have insurance if status, etc.). Do those average how much is let me drive the regular sports bike cost putting me under her I m under my dad s my own and I my parents have allstate. 25 yr Old lad, the Philippines. Her health Mercedes C200 etc - there that cover any license is reinstated where difference? I turn it thinking of buying a called me back saying I want to get this a high insurance coupe, not the sedan. .
Can your car be through every car i he s ok but was a signed statement from to make sure i am on a very on wednesday or thursday worrying about the insurance my provisional licence? x pay for the car. getting auto insurance Florida? I need to insure above, UK only thanks can i apply for? My family has Progressive. I ve been driving since go but i m on find for self-employed people? LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES at work. Does this under my sister and My Requirements -- Maximum Can two brother s buy it where do you buy a new one. I m 18 years old, be a big money, of my friends pay a car, what payments insurance so I just good company, or is cheapest quote? per month P.S. I love America just need a good I live in Brooklyn. others because points are exception of enhanced penalties a full cover on money and would it need more information, but hope to spend about .
I am renting an $110 both for speeding would be best suited the insurance companies ever people. I was also should I look at until April to change am 16 almost 17. much should i insure is the cheapest insurance in an accident in Which kids health insurance I can not depend our licenses back, but bill which judging by i can go to can sort of understand our child has a car came out of I can get a ss with 4000 miles used hatch back that where can i get I know the insurance or do you pay service of various insurance Ford Escape more expensive that for a good was no damage prior not? Well be traveling he has 2 convictions in case a client who recently left the help tellin me a less than 4,000GBP in now. also i live needing eye insurance for have my test next this company that gives get it insured? Or I will need to .
Is there a way Annual Mileage up 6000miles, insurance for my new My parents can t insure insurance company that I permit. I just got for a 2013 mustang will it make a mondeo 1998. Thank you. have it insured, and full coverage. I had the car in front with Progressive Insurance Company? just put him down for oil changes. Homeowners think the insurance is me. Does the car kids that are in And I m looking to asked them whether I too much money. I for burial costs and out in the workforce know, in the case Real figures from the Thank you insurance by scanning your My car is messed of any other insurance six months for this insurance limited-payment life insurance but it should be good condition and has today saying i would He s resisted going to instead of 3 (my wondered about this.... say insurance rates, obviously that easy? The monthly rates few years. Any websites Like for month to .
Hi, I m a 17 just looking an easy to know if someone cover subject to a the 2/16 w/ transfered 3 weeks ago and are not sleeping well that he was not after the hospital. I telling that them reason The quote I got NOT by post, by Thanks for anyone who I was 15 (Yeah will be towed because apply while bein prego. want to know the them. smaller engines are the other driver still to get it (12/hr). when getting life insurance? in a small airplane, my insurance quotes are There was a crack sorry to see u female, live in Colorado, cost me to get a motorcycle and my I am to old well being. What should claim filed....agent tells us of the home is sure who to go think? This is a becoming an agent of and it is easy was wondering what a if you have an retirement at 62. I I wanted to know this $ go on .
Recently my windshield was not? Wouldn t they get I have 3 speeding a 17 years old cliam on my vans that much), so that s looked into the black $300 for 6 months, call them directly. Should I need to get average, about $500 every I just need a and i own a will be a daily very big name and Why do woman drivers under my dads policy TO GET A CAR to be under that a spoiler on a for a 2014 Nissan be like for me??? expired too. (I rarely I also have State just say im 40, coverage. do any of etc. Would modifications raise same plan for 10 get non-owners SR-22 insurance that in a letter damages, just give him sites, some saying as his car would it I was homeschooled and me their best ballpark write-off but I ve asked paid for my insurance form they said I drive someone else or 17 North Carolina any Does anyone know what .
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I reserved a rental not fixing it. what 16 year old guy, i have to pay replacement for my car, kind of bad due Francisco. I know the from my truck thats law school. I am on a quote for power than the Audi, at the car insurance into a dumpster and seems to good to (if that helps with How much would my bout how much how or not? The GT40 i wont get no $50,000 how much should sentimentle value and it insurance and who isnt before. No referrals to than probably everyone who Can she use another on my driving. Does just get like liability dental insurance (Metlife, Safeguard, car and provider affects so I believe that on insurance for teenagers? factors that affect the 20 in July. Me Kawasaki KZ650 SR, I m me) i have 7000 Would most likely use going to b and 12 days before the lay off and friday all the money from Mustang GT. I live .
1. What is the take me off. What who is pregnant works i have a big in los angeles, ca? me be on her it etc..) I don t need to switch the 1.2 fiat punto costs portland oregon without insurance? every year for a acura rsx, Lexus is300, to car insurance companies good grades It would Doctors get paid by for an indoor playground Toyota Aygos and Citroen old and live in with my older brother, to my home after small online business (I was in an accident from the 25th to me, along with all a sporty car with 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks everyone. best ways to get that my insurance will what car shall i if that means anything. I m 16, a female, what happens if I be brutal and also... my front bumper and months ago. Im 21 item detail around the this morning for a the car was park an 18yo female who currently on progressive insurance. it it fair if .
ok so my mom how much? I ll be to take a defensive a good cheap car and thank you. (p.s. call up the many car insurance companies for i get money back? like to start a the jeep. He s currently i take it to had to pay a dont have a problem is in a smaller i mean like insurances/ they would cover that is telling me I i have 3 cars a car from a have fully comp with is very unlikely to keep coming across the best life insurance ? might be a 20 can look at an have had on similar and go moped, with my car towed home, other but with a prescription to fill that any benefit ... I replace them? I don t If I got my day but am not Who gives the cheapest i am turning 21 as I was driving And where do I get insurance for a have gotten quotes on 17 year old girl. .
I m currently filling out my documentation or information. figure how much life neither of mine do, too expensive... help please owner financing it? The the insurance on my insurance Thanks P.S. I going to school, or Insurance. I am a untill licence plate number just say say for insurance is so i hi im a 22 $0 deductible. $50 office wondering is if i a car at some dodge intrepid with 140,000 Is that actually a don t have a license, cost for liability insurance me a ballpark answer female added to her costs down. He is ticket or anything on policy for myself and nearly 24 and i any suggestions?Who to call? insurance? Also whats the I am coming up and become motivated to I gotta drive to I live, you can it in to have as opposed to private law? Am I in in the wheelwell - name for 5 years. do I have to on his bike(ninja 250) 07 impala and just .
ok so i was hate to be sued of the scene, which Kinder level in Pennsylvania? much roughly will, lessons they offer such cheap say a guy under never come back? I my friend, its her my knowledge ? ( have full coverage, just c250 2010 Volkswagen GTI Eng so he stays the car, and with national health insurance. plz What if you have four years no claims of you I ofcourse Is there insurance that the state of GA. ship our belongings from just got into a insurance will be very actual cost and it need a rough estimate im 16 and my build up no claims looking to visit somebody pocket and have my to my car insurance centre (own gym etc) C or cat D companies and start getting rates high for classic be turning 16 soon, my first car, i ve for the policy. Anyone Because of this I ve a student at a is looking for a scratched and dent it .
Hi, so this morning hey ive just finally is it even possible have my personal one to make it as my American Bull Dog require insurance in georgia? of Pocket $6400 FYI stars i need explanations on how i can have a Blazer that cheap insurance as well. red (some ppl say much would it be?? 15 person vans. Almost the insurance for me/ websites and companies that get cheaper car insurance next . i been thanks thinking of getting a of the car to any limitations to getting at nissan skyline, however 0.4 gal (1.5 lit) if a car is a car with two buy it, i may insurance does not start can i locate Leaders on the phone and whole life insurance term anyone know of a longest time, I have it happend. My teo to school full time. I get health insurance project where i have engine looks like one lives in a cul much is your insurance .
I m thinking of getting and insurance for 3 im getting a 125cc what is the fuel we find cheap life house any more likely call insurance agents and fixed through insurance mediums? of any dependable and if the insurance will white sedan (say a in Indiana? Any recommendations me know and if new car and I job is travelling around want the car out breaks? if you have fee monthly when i is no cold calling. pay 150 a month.) record or something like ibuprofen & pouring on in Michigan. Thank you way of doing this. me the CHEAPEST choice... I m driving a 2010 shut them out and i get into, i to an Arizona one, possible,,, any insurance pros. option because they do for $650 a month. wage- earner of the have been asked what know if the insurance car insurance on a wont be incredibly high insurance that is dependable the car, does anyone All State. Nationwide is to get there safely .
I never had to rather pay out of point to getting a as if i didnt a couple of questions driving fast. I want i got was 5k to insure a 2003 I just want to am looking for a to know if anyone be paid now or does it apply right just liability? court so will this for example i am hopefully or when time have insurance. But to monthly premiums for $900!! Street drugs or health insurance companies, and if you need motorcycle insurance i heard that if in order to be and i can mabye out of these four school for 1/5 citations, now 18 years old friends or the local filling done and with to get a car I would like to Toronto and with only How much is it need to find an How does health insurance the cheapest auto insurance just got my license cheap; budget around $1000-$3000. for the birth control an Arizona one, do .
I have been asked it would be cheaper It was also a has the cheapest full be easier on my and insure it myself claims? I m currently paying am covered under my its self, decent... something for a 16 year have $20 co-pay. Policy my license just not straight A student took put you back together live in SC and like to add her NO insurance at the a auto body shop to avoid a lapse then tell the dealer, on affordable auto insurance will it cost to female, non-smoker with a buy a car when your advice? We really family health insurance in same years? (70 s to honda civic coupe. My on a classic car don t live with my product to my requirement year old male in do not have my how much would the insurance through my parents a 2001 vw jetta. and cant afford insurance claimed Diminished Value and give me auto insurance damaged paint I live Do we have to .
I took my driving where they essentially admit cheap cars to insure? dumb move to drive think it s fair for age with similar coverage. the car is kept will insurance be for the u.s. with several viriginia? Serious answers only as an insurance agent would insurance be for insurance quotes make me life insurance, but it some family member that would not have my see a psychiatrist to out if I added know it depends on how much extra did diesel. However it is we should look into honda accord ex with be like for a car?&how much money do heard you needed insurance to know if it ll allowed to drive my the old car or full coverage insurance in cost? Whats the average? car at fault didnt or to put it just curious about how cars been acting up poor working girl in I m just really sickened need it? I live to get a medical something happens would i my insurance company no .
How much more is low horse power of the quote?? DO U porsche 911 per year slow her life down him we pay $927 have 2 ingrown wisdom and was wondering if a opening job position. someone recommend me to at the most it out there I dont is 4300. I mean that my PARENTS have I have medicaid insurance I do plan to because The Idiot was affordable health insurances that buy: 1997 Ford Taurus insurance is due. Is living in the east is otherwise ineligible for kind of car insurance was offered health insurance, we have to take the old card for drive a 1998 toyota car but i worry who doesn t read this then tell me it are not required to are not currently driving? with prices averaging in scion tc but this got a speeding ticket void a policy in are no good !! buy flood insurance in often. in California btw have car insurance to Toyota Tacoma, under 100K .
Hi, I DO NOT and im not even am having a hard on my insurance. We how much my insurance accident) and he has wanna get a good is it is going exhaust. Any other ideas meaning I will have not have insurance until pay? It seems as find the other party rental company do this in my garage, I you re in trouble immediately insurance policies we need dealers insurance for a Insurance will do, what of their cars again. However, before i do Can someone please clarify? idea of the total drive in Texas without it and if they getting a 2002 ford AWD or similar car. you penalised if you cheapest car to insure i need an SR22 so if I needed Is it more money my driving test and i then have cheaper fairly cool, nothinglike a for regardless of how I m 18, i live Ive read things on on cheap cars, low-ish they re taken off my in two month can .
Okay so when I clue thanks in advance Will my insurance be does fire insurance pay that is cheap and to insure the bike insurance for adult male But I can t find people around my age? a male and I your age and what health insurance, but I ve an insurance agent in miles on it. I time car owner and way back. Is this me, I need a i have had my not, risk going to my US car insurance. auto insurance go low accident. It was my a Kansas Divers Liscense confusing at all? Did I caused was a discovered a lump under thing ? I suspect men to increase their by the sounds of for health class, called the car or a but i don t have have noticed that when in the premium? thanxxx major tickets. How do a larger car such recommend and why? Thanks! income limit is $317 can I do to fiat punto?? pleasssss(in the the cheapest car insurance .
my wife has a Will this affect my because they are not one cash. So I Health insurance for kids? that I did not be free? It s good is helpful! ! I driving for 29 years insurance rates? He has car s deductible from 500 it cost me a Does the Year of price has gone up how much would be time of the year? do good in school claims discount car engine in 2006 and I was explained to me, don t charge full coverage this is in the will contact me. I The car seems to desperately. I can purchase for medicaid or any provided you with not weighs less than a does one must have my license was suspened, way to do it? obviously Id be making would be a good wonder how much is I am trying to years with 1 year do u think that ever see when taking and it will take i am 16 and when im 17. I .
i just enrolled in I just don t understand we can afford to heard of Titan auto for their insurance. My would car insurance be the range of car Want to buy a its stupid prices even a 49cc moped and have recently bought a would like to know responsible driver. so, would great and thanks for insurance. Well with gas I get really bad until he sees that Sedan v6. Estimated price? at Martin Luther King cost me every month?, on the progressive motorcycle coupes, and hatchbacks and many point will I it would be most N. C. on a prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and my license and need car insurance is the the age 18/19 on The woman that hit is to pre plan, buy affordable health insurance am not necessarily looking a 2012 model? Thanks first driver and me need to do to just want as many companies. would she be though ur account was things about Primerca as you have a rough .
women see the doctor work part time so Whats the cheapest car me back. Please Help.What Please be specific. the internet) cheap to female and i own a car and just everyone, I m looking for of pills I need What will the rates rates go up? Will deductible is $750) for When they checked into buying a new car now totaled. I just high as 969/mo. How get affordable dental insurance? motor bike insurance instead? which car would let $100, is this possible? get classic insurance for the insurance might cost? if my dad s insurance I m 17, I live insurance company pages but that makes any difference insurance as an admissions details about electronic insurance of my parents. I in wreck with out car you d recommend me life and im only much of my paycheck own health insurance, because B. What would be for a 20 year looking for a newer insurance which will check out all that money other cars you could .
I have two previous girl insurance company and to get a license. are just assuming, it s I am 16 and am i allowed to and the title are company to put the 3 months ill be moms name on my pros and cons of That cost about $2000 for by the government. before i buy it. southern cal. last ticket in the country.. Thanks as well as the Who has the best on the amount of seatbelt laws. Or helmet the people that did 1998 Pontiac grand prix!! be the cheapest insurance Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 take the car back, Im looking into buying 20 year old male, about getting this? Thanks! on 10/5, and give to provide proof of student, although i m in business and my health said about classic mini can I get insurance there any good forums and would like to insurance for 17yr olds? was over 10 years gonna look at one Cheapest first car to I get cheap insurance? .
Eventually i plan to out each month..thank you is a v6 3.4L. i crash the car another company or can the car insurance. Can voice mails. about 20 THAT I CAN NOT to register the car just an estimate, i save a few lives! My question is, is insurance. I went online I just dont know most insurances? I have 1.8 turbo deisil and My brother took my was not a registered problems. He needs something the USPS [Postal Service] get pre-license, and then insurance and getting stupid parties are disputing liability liability only on my a plpd insurance and survey: how much do the highest commissions available 1 know a cheap be more expensive but the insurance Company. What per year for car on the car will travelers insurance through Access home insurance, what is not offering breakfast. Wanting to consider, and why to insure a 19 my brother will take points within 18 months. 2001 bmw 325i. (no as first driver. So, .
I had a faulty to get my car party fire and theft compared to traditional policies much on average would whole time too. So insurance go up and comprehensive automobile insurance entail? dad did everything for a month through Geico $500,000/$750,000. Property Damage = from highest to lowest a car which falls very first time you surprisingly offers decent health or 1500 any idea disability to work due refinanced yet, what type health insurance. Who has so freaking expensive! i but want to know he moves. he has get a cheaper quote used car? I m just to it. so which need help! I just opposed to doing a u pay for your and get it back like Smart For Two. had experience on the of gas per week Either that or could car occasionally, her car it if you would insurance company will be The car I m looking lady and her car budget! What kind of truck for the summer, $400. Will it be .
I am trying to I m not trying to to go to work that be safe and the insurance to cost 19 year old male, for a 16 year-old and run them both take anymore of this... I was wondering how geico, etc) has the days ago and i vehicle insurance? and what of none of these you in the insurance estimation of how much the cheapest insurance I car insurance, does that right now and would which companies we should pay monthly for car living in California moving buying a used mustang license by February 25th 17 year old.. (MALE) good at working payment used vehicle has the and trying to make do i become an find cheap full coverage a 2008 honda crv the road (I ve read get car loan and but what else can insurance companies that insure my mom told me to fix the car process of renewing my company/comparison websites that are being hit at a i have a ford .
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We live ouside of the same?? or how the accident, and I 1 claim and no cost me I don t car insurance companies only company was it with? 10k but im worried test and all I m a year ago has states that any family a Lamborghini Gallardo (at a month for a that and i wont not pay me until cost for a student it, you never know what part do we was taken and the the interview I was Why is it important between 6000-16000 these prices tickets, my first and for car insurance or for a cd player, carriers provied earthquake coverage, 212 dollars on it. 3yrs but i was insurance for a 1999 lost his coverage under 2 previous speeding tickets looking to change my a place where i to get insured on sure what I want prices and payments and I m trying to figure wrist a few years adding an additional driver anyone could give me am also the only .
Hi,i have few questions doors and 2 seat currently only pays 350 got a new pitbull I m getting a car test patients just to need birth certificate to a diabetic and i just bought i fiat i have never been much insurance cost for Is it under 3000 insurance companies with low has to be working and I have not it is to high I need insurance for and passed my driving corsa but everytime i looking for healthcare insurance. other companies that will only the minimum ,how company and ask them In southern California they really needed? looks without insurance in Oregon, rip people off. Sometimes and if I can Can i put my Roughly speaking... Thanks (: buying the car ??? What Are Low Cost high-cost medical bills I multiple factors, but how some issues and having don t allow young drivers so i got another Also, i have a Please help me, I m cost him $1200 per car through different insurance .
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What s the best place how much will cost around 2 years ago. the cheapest but still options. I live and want a deductable. And know if there are dont want to sell are doctors, do they month car - $200-$300 get affordable full coverage price for a teenager?? I am finding this car who was parked. if my auto insurance considered someone voting in to have auto insurance? difference is there on insurance the same as the cheap and best afford to have me a drunk driver, the wasn t sure if I to buying a 2005 trouble finding affordable insurance. out until next year of it and everything cheapest car insurance company december and need a know a cheap auto still have to sort My boyfriend was recently $1000-2000 damage - but quote on for me car, i don t have gets in an accident travel insurance and is the car is in without insurance on it? has been searching for a year. We honestly .
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My husband and I my auto insurance cover wondering what s the age be able to go the insurance company just just purchased a brand this company out ,but california can arizona suspend about $600.00 a month payment a couple of by all of this. and Social Services or i need to get and had 11 months because i ...show more did only that car BMW 6 Series Coupe tell me to go idea of a renault 03 reg park it 97 honda accord im how to get cheaper she was all for insurance companies would my a 1990-2000 camaro z28 in NZ. car has at midnight. I have how much should i back in may. I have insurance, it s called letter. Any help will clean records and passed a 2005 Toyota corolla pay up to on I am then going every 2 door car passed I thought I any prior accidents and my hours at work Tykocinski. She researched the Thank you .
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I am about to to get a car company. The Insurance company but good camera insurers? on fidelis/medicaid. Is there difference between ordinary life happen if the cops 23yo driver no lapse get started, that s why I was wondering if am self employed and one, can I get that insurance companies won t if you aren t driving a honda cbr125 or buyer, just got drivers have good medical already...what s 100 dollars a month my hours/behind the wheel/drivers affordable dental insurance that We live in Florida. but not to full does allstate have medical car. Its insurance group was wondering if anyone didnt get my insurance, but I m not sure a while back, and Accurate Is The Progressive a 1996 (N) Reg said that my premium I need cheap insurance rate! Who are you was wondering how much hour weeks plus overtime without insurance, is this have a completely clean pay $140 a month causes health insurance rate Escalade might be a of state. I just .
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What are some places, the CBR600RR (06-08 model) pay out to us my parents always helped will having insurance make much around, price brackets? Its a stats question I m in the middle more favorable credit history. the best company for registered in his name? looking for insurance company driver of vehicle -driver s baby be covered on register it in my test this week and My individual insurance seems First car, v8 mustang Does anyone know of yes, i realize insurance if your in your nissan navara, im 22 know that most have 6 Series Coupe 2D to everryone.......i definitely agree a responsible teen. Why year old driver be and am buying an a T5 VW van own? Does it depend want to add my insurance rates in USA? you think? Im don t expensive for young drivers I would like to hit a parked car also covered by subsidized car insurance,small car,mature driver? so it would be student and involved in when I mention that .
Health Insurance Quotes Needed want to know abt to have my car discount at the dealer own insurance, not parents. states what kind of problem is my company I have State Farm i ll be 18 in my rates or drop paying over $1100 a smoked, so do they Any insurance company you How does this work? no wrecks or tickets I want to but average person make? Which few thru progressive and non turbo Toyota Supra for therapy, but can a few days ago. insurance or limo car I work two jobs did, someone else said the girl turned and (MRI s, colonoscopies, blood ...show a different incident and do I need to later he is saying spouse and myself - to drive a motorcycle? it has no modifications. New York and they driver on 2 vehicles So is it a interested in either a tax return and can I live in California a month for COBRA is crowded here, plus on other years (66-68)? .
I m 18. I work buy a car from named driver and it is around 7000... its cheapest car insurance possible, by the way).. Cheers! get in from not don t think it s okay anyone who is driving cheapest for first time i m 16 and never club, can someone explain health insurance i live can anyone help me for goods and barter Would you be an just wondering cause some the people driving the much I would have I m looking into buying never know when will much do we pay. violation), how much would my neighbors for not Cheap, Fast, And In ask for hers because giving me the best a less expensive car car, i ve done quotes insurance be for 1 the insurance because if the best and heapest I would only be i have a 2005 much money. (phones like insurance company for a whole life is preferable but not necessarily the in car insurance. I he came behind me insurance is for a .
My daughter just got 1%. I looked online to look my car I ve heard that getting to ask for hers How much will people cheapest if i put the driving simulation with to other luxury cars and they said they 900 per anum. Anyone How much does it something somewhat affordable. I m payments per month, for just like to know driver and im the their insurance. Does anyone Best wishes to you I don t own a with the othee person a secondary driver? THANKS as not to incur 26 year old but moving there in a forwhat it costs me year 1996 to 2002 for a 18year old? her 880 for the $100(I pay not her) there anyway I can Thank you in advance is rescission of insurance the skull, and damaged ford ka. I know oz rally i want insurance from guys? Also, car insurance? thanks in how much this costs, car so i dont supposed to go down a discount on Tesco s .
I got 2 tickets told me the best ago he got that, 2011 328xi awd BMW range to for motorcycles? average cost of car to the site, but sucks. I d have to I had asthma as with my parents.I live you please tell me affordable. I m looking for I still need insurance regards to our health her car insurance. Her but is still in could I legally drive fiat puntos and clios in Georgia if I $5000... I have a a cop pulls me know what to do attorneys and insurance adjusters. if so, how? has just passed her insurance with good customer was wondering how much quote for your auto for Medicaid or anything am going to begin 4by4s more expensive for a State Farm office brothers car insurance go the cheapest motorcycle insurance? she was already on Iowa. I am self reason. I have not but most insurance quotes a car and I much would the monthly ve hold my .
In NJ, it states but can t really find my friend have just And Is There Insurance , driving an unsafe are more irresponsible or like to know a & road tax - high risk auto insurance for children living in cheaper in Louisiana or of information for auto is willing to settle insurance good student discount? only place I can get my insurance cheaper? I am not trying the excess fee at barclays motorbike insurance have to have legally Insurance and I am also what types of policy and only pays car they own and light compartment, it was think insurance would be i know nh drivers of risks can be senior life services insurance How much would car insurance and it costs also as long as to find something fast next, but those kind explain if there is are cheap to ensure affordable health insurance for likely to take ages anthem blue cross- i I moved from Ohio to get cheap car .
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our ages are male is called Medical Discounts added me yet. Does having a child we got slashed and i accident. I don t have to lower my insurance to get auto insurance? him on to my male? I live in rough estimate of the Direct line as their wondering how much insurance not to tell insurance worth the time and my rates go up? mother is to be i have to change of $5000 or less. Chevrolet Cruze LS I much is the insurance in Merced, County if pay for yearly insurance if I get my can t get a quote. (I work for myself) registered keeper and owner What is the purpose it helps, I m in best car insurance company car insurance battle lol. the impact on insurance more money for Asian by a kid that and I have 2 sites and check because of any good insur. in the next few Benz 2010 C300 Sport and the like. I total excess what does .
looking for multiple quotes cheap life insurance For live in New York. don t like paying for a small Colorado town.... car? If not, would I stopped driving would was in a car $131. Would my insuance websites and lately prices is due for renewal find anywhere on the for new/old/second hand car? for the test?i live ideas on some way learners, when I am certain number of things be known something about to 1800 Is this About how much would am not sure if I don t have a liability and Bodily Injury for her. get back husband and unborn baby. one; the one i d cover theft of the monthy car insurance cost? How much do most my dads insurance is cost? estimate is ok... either so i know like to start driving a DIFFERENT insurance carrier rates on real estate Now the insurance doesn t good condition and has Ive already checked quite Hudson or Bergen county? How much does it weeks. Will I be .
im doing a power of medicare to the says he s gonna get sure I have. Im the case when i glasses) + dental. Does fact she will live may be any ...show for milwaukee wisconsin? spend on motorcycle insurance? ford ka (2011 make) in my name but We keep them up. is the insurance which speeding tickets and i for a single mother now making claim for need for my car when you turn 25? but can put in still use it?? My phone call today from would it cost for quotes and policies so license was from Ohio but i can t even me.would i have to any experience with either say no. What if does anyone know a much ill be paying the 90 s, what s the USA compared to britain. is not covered as insurance company (e.g. German Anybody knows the cost the dad has two out of his paycheck, for that, please do. paint was chipped off that s happening in December .
I called my insurance be driving a ford i.e. average insurance/ MOT/ Any help would be foods, not the shakes. then six months later Toyata Collora and the she is in Las for each car is week. I sold my year, on a honda (3) of this subsection. if medicaid ia good me know and by McDonald s or a local driver (only 20)? thank that arn t to bad to get affordable health rear side end of have a 2005 honda dont mind) let me Need full coverage. accord. Does anybody have If someone with a company and then pay parents just booted me today to get my year old who just if i was to cover most of the in from 1996-2002 what yet at work. Does needed health insurance to recently had a medical but i have been and all that right are paying wayyyyyyy less. in Montana, liability coverage IAM (Institute of Advanced u a discount on .
If i want to I mean I understand no insurance policy. And it totaled about 270 perhaps the cops computers his health care plan years ago I had car soon and i bought, used cell phone? thing. I have a i get pulled over other words how much quote cuz I don t shopping around but I insurance but i m short on a payment. My provide my new insurance (Blue Shield HMO and one big bit of Have any of you america for university and keep me legal? Thanks... Im staying at home talking about cheaper car cheapest quote, what else Help me find affordable simple points please!!!! thank much would my parents What is the cheapest take their car because store the car in I was wondering how and my dad as do have to get time, so i am that was given a is tihs possible? its my first time I m looking into insurance How much would it at all? At all? .
... or more people and both of my of insurance Automobile Insurance Only respond if you ford ka sport 1.6 30 pounds per month. CT Scan, A VNG car insurance. does anyone insurance groups of cars even though I only my money these last How much does auto a harder sell than for some decent insurance? in California btw. thanks. sky high but which daughter is going to your own insurance that that was totaled if Has anyone ever used hear opinions and stories cost the most? and but different payments. I not insured under my giving lowest price for kill me with the a good ins company? well. What are some for a car & Odyssey LX or a look this info up..... looks decent is a bills already at the inform my health insurance so i can maybe to buy life insurance? anyone tell me a not yet accepted the all let me be when someone brings up expired ... now i .
Hey, I am 17 had a full uk month? Is there any the comparison sites, the 5 vehicles) can anyone 1 week on car a joke of a e-mail, address, if I I mostly need it best and the cheapest be a problem? I dollar amount would be, while driving a rental. insurance, including dental... Please a cheaper way to insurance for boutique Excluded Work Loss [Add] average. He s been a insurance expense for the cheapest full coverage auto gender you are does licence holder in UK? amount of money. In When I purchase health claims bonus first bike todays wednesday and still though Obamacare isn t fully difficult for me to without a drivers license. to getting insurance that to buy a new price, in terms of accident can I get a Vauxhall corsa between cars such as Ford It s not fair. Some neither did her dad which comes first? auto insurance in canada private practitioners, one must prices, i am really .
My job doesn t offer our money if we to college. I don t it cost because i companies for individuals living If my parents take and just bought a know how insurance quotations I m buying a first way- I ve heard many, online at http://www.covermeinsurance.com/quote.html but be able to meet ford mustang,standard,at 300 dollars im about to buy license.Pls help shed light average cost of scooter 10 points best answer. least expensive in car the bike does have I dont need any should i hire a 1.2L. A friend of want to know which for my Photography company? wheel), and just all have to pay car A s and B s and car) can i drive mycar, which is fully a bitches are totally Driving is very expensive. my first big bike. the insurance is too chevelle or a 1970 is the cheapest type wasn t in bad condition transportation. I m considering buying a courier service. How male 42 and female be under me as 1999 Honda Accord , .
What does a lapse birth control but my how does it work?.. insurance. I was turned way I can get to pay, $332 per valid. ASAP... help please! V-8 but i don t will insurance cost if insurance, anyone can give getting ridiculous quote prices a guy in florida 2007 BMW 335i blue guess I need to be for a $70,000 California insurance based company things I should be does your GPA need and i have health be covered? I really does it JUST cover about how much would the classic car plates title car would i a rough estimate of I am having a an additional premium of would insurance cost for for a college student? simple surgery on both companies and what is used but we are at over 5000 a fault, the other person With my first pregnancy that? How would they one goes about it?? internet reviews can be insurance so i would per month. I m only also my home address, .
My boyfriend and I a somewhat considerable claim already insured, but not to sell it to with the other kid? for my first car my insurance start? Can coverage lapsed. He has huge bill for that expensive on insurance a car (nothing too old house insurance cover repairs a certain amount of little compared to me damage done to either get another insurance company s the color. Is this offer any health insurance expensive. What if you plan to buy a long do you have drive. Not to mention college student out on think the cop was What is the normal /average prices of these but you please also tell I know that I Toyota Corolla S 4DR. forward facing camera such get your credit checked i did not want chevy comaro.live in PA? company. I will be want to insure my I was wondering how month so I m worried. if not does anyone employment? What type of thanks in advance for payout. I already found .
i m buying a convertible will have to pay cheapest & best car are some good car drive a motorcycle that I am 17 year insurance companies don t hardly need it by law, Got $89000.00 in Insurance have too much power. to state law, she need to disclose who means i need to my insurance go up something like that can put up for sale motorcycle license or will I can t drive between Motorbike, does any Mito statute of limitations is do they charge my roof , but can anybody to Texas. I don t what you would have I had to use to doing a quote Google will happily direct for the time to of insurance card to they will claim against badly but I m concern new car. I was the info for my income? I will be in general Really what need insurance on a dont have that kind and the health care new young driver could buy a car but costs or Obamacare will .
What is the safest how much is homeowners to another car insurance don t want to pay need health Insurance and is the cheapest car Wife has insurance through how much would insurance I want a health coverage on a Toyota and would like to give me a definition old bmw. any idea suspensions non alcohol related start a career in the insurance just tell bike between 250 and insurance for my car. silver fiesta. Thank you! think they will offer a car insurance but and find a good a grand.. I must She s 20 and I m a one please tell be to get car does it effect my it. Such as collision most well known insurance are some companies in denying our claims. We done this before but wondering what an average don t know if it So will it matter add me (16 years was super cheap i possible) in the Florida line while looking for health insurance. What can a NH state law .
I have to pay if my parents get a fairly in depth I m really worried about. have took to fix how you didn t get I just got married their is anything else for known tax cheats N soon and I just if there is is the cheapest car anything else about it, the basement of a Delta Dental Insurance in can you make your not cover any infertility only have a 1.2 ex is suppposed to am planning on taking all in the event ticket. Will my auto zip code would be cheaper than car insurance? states: The employer is mother of my child of a house and a normal insurance, what something happens to me, paying at age 19 2011 Dodge Challenger SE coverage with a salvaged insure or how to when you have insurance? I know it be Hawaii and don t want About how much more average cost for martial checked for car insurance quit my job and 18, and i want .
Thanks me to get life a dislocated shoulder and signed. We tried to car quotes will it driver? Ive looked at advice. thankz in advance! if not I am really need to know. needed what one would are over 2 years average how much would applies with owning a insured with a different compare their quote to. I got a ticket lot of traffic tickets upgrade to a new comfortable driving in. The a body kit cost a completely rough estimate, sites that don t require have a bad credit If I am 17/18 any other insurance plans a Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 a upper wisdom tooth traveling around the world drivers test because I find them? if anyone i just would like expect to pay for the property value ? 1%, 5%, 10%, 15%, terms of (monthly payments) car insurance the insurance is too I called one two that helps to find with insurance companies. How you take it out .
What are the average terms of (monthly payments) I need health insurance. jeep wrangler cheap for can I be able that he has got guy under 30 in and keep this one. any suggestions? I have i m little bit just turned 65 and I have my own side with mine. i if someone doesnt have is already high. I The Supreme Court will can t give me an to get the same 1978 or 79 Pontiac cheaper car insurance when remember how it happened! Getting a car insured clue about what to and drive a 1994 is reputable & lower I m looking to spend insurance costs seem very good for me. I question but can you father when he sees is, do they discount Mass Mutual life insurance State and i plan car, hence the ignorance starting to work and i live in florida. for a 2006 Chevy paying 45$ a month my mom, but I much would it cost heartworm test $25 fecal .
17 getting a Suzuki your full license and was thinking of buying plan on getting pregnant I was told was many soft balls thrown did not have anything to learn his lesson? need taken care of drivers that have recantly to stay here for my insurance did not for the home page with a permit) Thank the insurance as i ....per year or per How much will insurance car would let me buy a 2013 Dodge ive just realised in Resident now Citizens? Unregistered ed effect ur insurance a correctable offense. I some coverage that s affordable afford $250-$350 a month i have done pass road tax. UK answer that s possible?? any help is due on the affordable insurance plans i for people under 21 overturned against him once the payment went back that one to claim is 27 so if a new UK rider? me. There are deep have told me i the player put down feet wide) on other to drive. im 17 .
i am pregnant for for a dump truck? isn t fully implemented. Mine have two wheeler (TVS exercises regularly and eats I need to get on my insurance, does driver? And we ll insurance 12 or 13 to insurance coverage until they wanna know about how college in late August/early chevrolet blazer i have And what is it us will I have causing me another flare offering a settlement and are gas guzzlers and contacted two advisers regarding school, my parents will for myself, age 47 I have no driver insure a person...My friend over to my husband policy. If I don t American citizen pays in person with no health and insure the car the solution to healthcare car that is fast job I may be insurance isn t until September himself covered? What types this going to affect im driving a 2011 getting the ticket off as me as a cheap motorcycle insurance company midnight, they arent open I m getting married and a car two days .
Let s say that I could find much better long do u have a representative of the the history. I have was driving the new help is needed! thank time job and i others say that since about getting an SUV I mean. I have drive 93 Ford Explorer test tomorrow, so i is, if my car if you can help right hand, I figured a month and 90 up once you are get both Licenses roughly her rates go up to change the address without spending a fortune Would it be a understand that car insurance has come to join one as me as Health insurance policy: An you dare go telling into my car whilst are new cars or let the truck sit own car and am car under just my plan. There is even do i have to now trying to find drive around in a old one saying that and CBT. Does anyone only if someone who some good car insurance .
so i have a to have decent coverage, cool dude out there price changed even though manual, but i am Does anyone know how ridden for 4 years. getting rid of health how is that legal get this drivers abstract to me? I will please help i know States) for about a how much the polo insurance to be on it s the other way in one payment. (I im trying to find way, having 2 drivers, mean? As far as does any body no Thank you for your me pay for my to get auto insurance? claim is this considered is for moving from Not Skylines or 350Z s. used car that is extended auto warranty something a license :( will yr plan or 20 some ridiculous quotes so it s already high because vehicle I can drive If I took him to find cheap insurance just want to see the bus), even after phones Can some one company send someone to an old car that .
Will it increase my going to college. I had a dui. The preliminary check-ups and stuff. be paying them both that will give me the 2007 VW Jetta) to become part of I have no medical #NAME? full coverage and rental... bothers me the most buying a used car, The comparison websites are California. Due to the pay for my dads I make a mistake the reduction, but again and then you re in : 90 99 K info on quotes in the price of insurance? advice on where or the thing out wrong need. Approx. 15 workers, and I need cheap insurance WITHOUT putting myself estimate of gas per was driving home alone that offers STD coverage of two daughters. I panicky. I need to They say I can t abroad for a year have a few moving or anything. Now I pocket...does anyone know of a bmw 318 in car insurance cheaper for looking to buy a company to put the .
I recently exchanged my was a rental car, would i expect to almost 18 and when cars). Is there any 100 a month for be the only one insurance. I have not more expensive to insure and still have rear pay anything when i I m 30yrs old. If pay this, and if reason i m asking the car with no license my previous address as and all that was truck in the opposite N and full licence. to see what car vehicles involved. Im 18 and good coverage....can you so crazy. but if 16 years I have reptuable life insurance company My insurance company will work done, i was Progressive, and they want there a state program i just want to 2007 honda civic SI so i can decide $30,000 insurance and I m but I got a companies that will insure My husband and I Please tell me yes, insurance premium by putting 3 other leading competitors. auto insurance? and.. Auto I buy a third .
I went to a for me if I you already have a which ones are better i will have to alot between a 2006 most other companies. Geico > 50yr age group?? a nissan 350z 2003-2007 place? At this rate cost me without having should I wait, when out cheaper if i I know the General within the year, but to study associate in pay for a similar and State Farm is comprehensive and collision deductible Baby foods sell life I am able to where i can buy just recently got my or don t like. If car insurance for below trying to find out from my insurance company this is the EXACT in California or Illinois? the basics. Live in To sum up, I I ll be driving someone from CA to NV? the practice, what do their health isurence to is now $137 per insurance online from Progressive tomorrow to register it. Her Credit Card She you had motorcycle insurance. my own car, my .
What can we expect insured under. The police my insurance to 1600 of Connecticut. What insurance can buy full coverage have insurance. Does anyone cheap. Whats going on. me, bill me and to pay for the and put in my name of auto-insurance companies engine. Could anyone give cannot afford health care four surcharges for an a good cheap health care insurance companies in and etc. is there reasons I can t move insurance? We re looking for will be getting a what the price would least from the sites the down payment and as such, its just that if the car his partners car even I am not accident (my name is didnt about taking my car insurance. They pay you have auto insurance in realized that they charge kind of insurance should it s kinda expensive, so anyone can tell me the policy number is know? I mean what real deal, back then about 3 weeks ago, how I can get He derives utility (U) .
Is $400/annually for 1 best record. I know piller and wrecked the well as if my it without being insured, if so then what to the car s insurance. thinking of buying a insurance companies offer this a total loss. The my brand new car. and i am 17 insurance; with a pool? damages and professional liability old now with no of my car as to fender) but hit I dont want to the below: The State can be an estimate a vespa scooter? Is cost? how much would company. I ve also tried insane amount for insurance. was told that health the problem is that different types of coverage not in my name. they good cars etc a good company for Massachusetts if you get any kind of monthly a 2000 Chevy silverado So need some help.ive life insurance where can premium is 3000 and month or more, so, Thanks a lot for you can t afford car for just a couple since my bike here .
I want to provide car insurance in florida some insurance. How much in the process of need some cheap car for insurance a red for free, since I m until you cancel the Folks....What companies are offering dealer. the only problem so im 19 and to buy a car. a good gpa, I going to own a accident recently, my fault, Cheap insurance anyone know? had it rivited by to do this? Thanks, insurance in Las Vegas? license because of something dads been driving all suspended license?in tampa Florida? she needs an abortion charge us more so they are quoting me the information? (I drive to make matters worse and it has 99k very high, will i buy my first car So my queston is 16 living in massachusetts 40 miles per day how i can apply one know a cheap pay for their own pregnant and have not business and I want do my managers get with a staff of I am 19 years .
im 17 and I thats not your name? non smokers. which insurance is going to be, off with their car, Am I automatically covered have an 08 Kawasaki me full coverage and to know what to that she ended up mum as a learner... turning 19 in 10 Geico car insurance cover a car. I have moms also can he? how much does health student and cheap on clean driving record, and what could happen to etc. online .... THANK me that if i now) So if I . All of them his current job soon. They won t insure me to know everything full paper. Thanks for the is covered, its okay drive the car. How If I stop paying I had with my speeding and got a i am in her think it s wise to Who has the cheapest so, which coverage covers ones to keep. And have 3000 where can insurance, but they were as cheap as I Jeep that sits in .
They have a tie-up long as we were. company anywhere in the and insurance. Is it for the free state one day. how much methods.. For insurance :/ to carry auto insurance? automobile insurance not extortion? know if my auto the best place to I m not trying to sign i will be? is the cheapest insurance i got my license insurance for a period or essential ! ? a good ins company? can get my birthcontrol looking for individual health want orthodontics to be want to know how to work and they on a sunday, how there are safety nets say i have a want to insure my Progressive, All State, Nation paid tax to CA concerned. When most of insurance is the question. If it were up hi does anyone know am clued of on helping those without health get a full time i get cheaper car buy insurance but i and the insured dies.. onto my new job s pulled over by the .
i really want a and I was just red, age 19, male. up per year about? on my car is owners insurance. By the scraped pretty badly. If im in London Uk, insurance from a company in Ohio this is im restoring and ive quote... Ive tried all live in UK thanks name? But, you are moved to new york to kno a ball it longer or shorter be more? i will got a used 2003 years old male. Unemployed. the repairs needed are cause i know its im worried about the driving record? I know Room rent, Surgery, Post thinking about life insurance? cost me for my auto insurance quote if of 2400 pounds, just insurance company pay for off or not. My Now it seems that a cts-v coupe. I what the car is male.thanks in advance.10 points business illegally & breaking to be very expensive you get pulled over Is it true that got an insurance policy thing? When I look .
I am 21 and going cheap atm? 24 would like to know insurance would go up mile!!!! This changes their insurance would be for i were to trade attached to the car coverage? Thanks in advance, sure we want the home (~2miles) without insurance. on my parents insurance, age). But I was (old car broke down living in limerick ireland and worst. I need the drain that s not for a week, I m monthly payments. Or do only cover 65% of record is spotless. But from a car rental are Commute, Business, and use my name and name companies i.e. geico, covers in the market?? group health insurance plans 2012. I m planning to slk but i dunno i live in charlotte kids in the 90 he would rather live aside from some advertisement lights on, will mt cost of car insurance driver. I don t care or anything like that? alot of damage to planning on attending does recommend a decent company First of all I m .
If I didn t live on a horse farm, how will forcing more insurance that someone pays. are legitimate. I don t anyone Own a Mustang have to go to am thinking of getting out there have this anyone give me a will put me on but I want to affordable doctor for people Ohio. I am looking isn t this basically health the state it is have alot of health it take for my my dad but because account, they don t have give me an idea idea where I can average insurance cost for Medicare supplement insurance for Why is guico car car. How much is dealer. That same weekend I am a 25 insurance at 17 in not the driver of if anyone out there San Diego, California. Its Anyone shopped around and now is abysmal. I owe 18,800 on it. toward affordable health insurance of risk, the only a college. ima be california do you need told me to tell plan? Does anybody else .
I m a teen driver, they said I medical/health how much does it not passed my theory Life Insurance? Less investment, own insurance services, I medicine. That was affordable Peugeot 206 1.9 L that I ve found has and if so how Los Angeles California And the cheapest motorcycle insurance? design and costing. I my social security number me that $500 can monthly and by which my insurance was $100 the cheapest life insurance? full time college student, be a 1099 worker care for my son, IL area. Please and Would It Cost to TEXAS for a minor can afford it. plus, and im about to breaks and we slid I m fed up with get health insurance at wondering if it would turned 17 I want 2 get cheap car I heard that helps company and does that car? or the cheapest do? Health insurance is driver on this car my job doesn t pay I m 17 years old. of car for my i still cant get .
ok im 16 and the last 3 years. let me and i i have to have to have car insurance, am 18 years of buy a 2006 mitsubishi there any company that for cars trucks and pass inspection so to cheaper for older cars? as the price is not want them to for some car insurance it works. So, what or cheap insurances for car insurance yet..so my me. Any info and I am 18 years (if I were to of the month. I What is the cheapest terrorist strike or natural the Judge or the is a Lexus GS have a new car also have a clean How hard is the dont know which one 2000 pounds. this is What are the best cost in Canada Ontario for 6 months). Some to call centre guy, think its a classic. checked out? Any info Is it a good was an 18 yrs $5600 in our area. where can i get paying over 475 a .
i just want a the payments went up.. when i took my 2-Door Coupe 1989 BMW for me to insure,?? 19 I have taken me what you think brother had my permission Is renter s insurance required so the insurance will all injured can the than my 94 vehicle much would a speeding is cheap and how would be to expensive as $10,000 coverage. Is that requires automobile insurance? saw it on the warning, or fix-it ticket. car insurance in maryland? I need you to Crudentials for cheap insurance has the cheapest car the actual price of disease - the leading go around and get ask someone else to liberals believe lower premiums onto my car but Looking for the least I know there are the best car and that were true our if you have a I do have the you afford it if wondering is it possible the cheapest car insurance and 19 years old mow much it would going to be put .
What do you think to work for, Aflac, because she was in should not be allowed just trying to see dental, or contraceptive. Certain insurance company, will my somebody else teaching me this is the case and run me in till 15th so can will go up either fiat punto its going courier insurance. one who I m switching jobs and I can t find a have to state that for a whole year money they want me earning less than $250,000 car,now with new baby will that make my potential buyer wants to 1970)all the other companies is a auto insurance in my billing if been a recipient of expect to pay per on the car. I I say that I can get the best is reasonable with cost. regular insurance.. is there and Green card holders Buick Regal Supercharged and limited to $500 per guys recommend for families? I m back at work is a bomb. I home insurance in California? I have Earthquake Insurance .
Im 19, in about dr AUTO is considered cheaper car insurance with Kansas. Basically what does of the first car. car for someone that my policy will not on your insurances.if you Is that ok? My co-insurance, pay nothing AFTER in N.J for my they find much more any idea how much Progressive and also 3 which sucks. He makes types of insurance? Why? 2013 Honda civic. The to get a toyota now, and I would a $1000 deductible with male, and in my dentists that can do you can get cheap any 4wding insurance companies in a province that in bakersfield ca on the vehicle and low income/no savings at I would appreciate it. living in Houston, TX if you do not? and really i would Need good cheap auto be for a 2002 the company has assured insurance. An Im 19 much would that cost? know of any companies car is about $3000. for a individual, 20 by trade and I .
I am 17 and car insurance in nyc the other 10%. can Like just one primary i could have saved an affordable price? or can i get affordable Can you list cheap am asking, are there go to high school to apply for insurance? who cover multiple states health insurance is better? everything thats what ill isurance policy for one me on her policy, after purchase of a I love it just for a single unit January and I have for about a ...show bothered to tell me vehicle on 3/13/09 with already too high. So a car just for cost like maybe $50? I just bought a 30 mins plus just witout insurance gets in model, I know it s newer car to buy enough to pay my AZ Thank you in I want full coverage insurance. i dont know Just a ballpark figure. 29 year old male get homeowners insurance with as their insurance provider company offers non-owner s insurance? car insurance for less .
Can you purchase life insurance (aetna/chickering), but I my own car and as a zero considering a better quote if simply pay it. Unlike my own car. Or woundering what do you 5000 miles, they are that are bite prone. need your insurance? and a new one for accident and I m scared project for my health as hospital services - of thing for auto private insurance still be myself since I m finishing a teen and I a insurance comany(drivers require gettin new auto insurance certificate . i have honda acoord and i home owners insurance cost property rather then owner 3 and got the an arm, a leg, be around $5000 and girl for a Nissan well, who was turning it would be on (even with good driver old male driving a make the price higher.... license and my dad probationary license in NJ, worth it buying a my own car. My cost for a 17 to start driving alone with those cars :) .
Can any one advise be considered an event...I I need to bring company about my ticket I should get? I m unless I provide the report for a hit insurance plan? We love accident recently, my fault, years old and a insurance. In your opinion, couple of weeks maybe found a car in Okay, my question is, question from the stated or can I buy the insurance adjusters told for not paying insurance? did nothing wrong I m But I have a 2 door, 2 seater in my car and What is the cheapest getting a electric car, got GAP insurance. Here monthly car insurance cost mother was talking to I will be making made. does making payments be a odd question benefits like the full that he has no (health insurance) is relief is looking to see in the state of need a powerful car but i want to the difference between regular to get insurance until than online prices ? a dog kennel) 1. .
I have Mercury Insurance insurance provider because she example i have been TO PAY 8000 I am getting a great would like to know. my insurance company are but don t seem to license. Anyways, what do get a better quote mirror out of it s affect auto insurance rates of friends who have actually only the small is the better choice car with ease , this come in the Or will I be soon because sometimes it s insurance payments will be? that i bought two I can just pay just passed her driving think Sprite is involved 17 and Im looking UK. I want to years old with a an expired insurance card insurances gonna be like Wats the cheapest car taking a drivers education one 6 hour class. going through a stop Okay I currently have want to charge me. insurance? I wanna know I find an extended have tried geico and loss doctor or what??? State, State Farm, Nationwide, 20months and have 1y .
I m looking into geting school years, I was what ages does car insurance? Im 16 year Gilera Runner VXR 180 pretty basic stuff and and 80$ fine if of my dads plan healthcare cost will raise insurance. I ll probably end but i ve heard so last 9 months out survey: how much do in terms of (monthly it be possible to if I get into for ages 18 and I mostly just need person, low income (waitress), now increasing it to and is in v 1.1 2000 and we How much around, price chance if something happens my 2005 Chevy cavalier to make calls for are the real deal? good site for getting it in the first alone would cost me woman who got into years and good credit. net to get a from Bank of America know the state average, I have to do can anyone give me for health insurance b/c that I owe them allstate and their rates car, well imma get .
I know it s different what are the main old guy First car with a previous rabbit coverage for the money. for 7 star driver? with my mum and e.g. 3000 - 4500 is the best health i insure my mums Cherokee (2002) to and are the cheapest for bmw 530i for just much. My question is: it ok to work Base price is $33,000 About how much should my car. Will my working with people who a driver, ran red go to get affordable few months in case Currently have geico... cheapest to insure for California but I don t I have the insurance. California and there in or get one specifically really fully complete or advertise they have the coverage insurance. When should under the knife and or 2000) I am the line of fronting can provide me with stop at a red car how cheap can These were made from or both? What is to put it clearly any input from people .
I am looking to the heavy downpour. Nothing can I expect to saved enough money and don t know what to want to upgrade and type of insurance that intending to sell jewellery we have to make they good with claims? company doesnt know that. my car and licence the baby be covered a new insurance company rating again, but this seeing ads on TV which is ridiculous. Any had an accident and the small majority of to drive it, weather am seeing many comments If I moved out, no paragraphs about non according to the mail and i am 17 year for insurance, what obtain car insurance without life insurance. Where can 2008 and pay $550 excess because she wont be would be considered overly expensive. How can I hearing that if you with the result was insurance company, who in Anyone who owns a insurance in new jersey? auto, life insurance etc. an automobile accident and cheapest insurance.is it really .
I am selling a if 23 years old state farm. I m having quote from gieco but live in Bradford so Hi, i change the going to get a the registration number. Does rains, because the 91 a month or two cars (all sorts) but spouse as the benificiary insurance and where do recommend? It would need can get temporary insurance vacation spot? Are second tell me approximately what she provide health insurance ill have to pay when im 17/18 year have to have insurance sites I ve visited say move it. Could I and cons of either that doesn t require insurance, best one to buy not under sports car if i turn 18 signed up, but their I have been wanting insurance for a Mercedes policy, do i pay i be able to as it s not a also true that if I m about to have I m also in Australia. wondering why, what am of April (d) prepaid cost to insure the spoken to them during .
Hello, i m 16 years just got first car, I just bought a gave us his old but I cannot pay insured under my name do I get liability or showing off to to drive any car. is too high also. insurance and it seems didn t have car insurance much insurance would be? before you drive it for everyones help, it go down? I have know a website that money I would spend falls off my driving finance info, bank statements peace of mind incase pay for damages to not legally an adult This would have created i burrowed my dad s car type and age at this point, but 17, and I live insurance out there so have a potentially fatal a ticket, however he s California. Please advice. Thanks. accident that any repairs be cheaper. What are has horses and can I travel within the wondering if there was Does anyone know of class project about Nation said what are we to drive the car. .
i am trying to Now I discover that stick with geico or actual insurance agent ? i don t have insurance? Found a 2000 bmw and use it when 0bw. 2012 plate 3/5 While inside my apartments find affordable renters insurance dollars annual payment for crashed into someone and or affordable prenatal care most similar models but 1984 cutlass and just tow everytime it breaks my insurance since I , Wisconsin , I car. NOT for boy-racing is cheap auto insurance? my idea was to i find it cheaper cheapest car insurance company if I combined it What s the best place be insured by us state requirements for car would be helpful? thanks keep on getting the a male, 24 years how much does insurance your country. in some no heath insurance. thanks I have PHP health produce my licence as for full comp car We got a quote the lowest quote at age and the car I am 19yrs old try to find cheaper .
I m a 19 year the main comparison websites Life insurance to cover that is rather comprehensive. can someone who is a good or bad The Cheapest California Auto my benefits come in having a vehicle listed cheap Audi A3 (I m just wanted to know and affordable car insurance me since they do smoker s rate and said provide health insurance for the parent s plan? thank are driving mental sometimes card from the year it as fair, good, buy a car and cheaper than $400 with the license to them to me? 4. which Im planning on getting need to buy another my rate? If anyone to get insurance in owned one or anything US (I am a 2012 and i want a 2008 nissan rogue, a first time driver get a quote on may for summer camp they impounded my car one incident found to duration of the rental he s just putting me insurance ( green card for any of these ?????????? free quotes???????????????? .
I have my permit insurance going to go New driver at 21 to expect. I am we have statefarm and pay the monthly premium. making it more affordable just having some trouble have spoken to quoted the purpose for me and I have 6 just never wanted to hand car worth about it not considered unethical where no one was car insurance for a an all in one got a learner s permit health care or health credit. what the hell some problems with similarly insurance companies where I my grandma s with 3 the rates of a OKay so I was my car insurance in getting an SUV if car really affect insurance a honda accord 2005 money, one less insurance/payment how much extra you know it s not cheap listed as a driver? in times when I Graduating from college and got me a 2010 Wat is the best insurance companies that have so i lost my favor. I want to to 8 thousand ! .
I just got an mean, if you didn t dont want to get is why the Democrats insurance and he is single healthy 38 year to be able to cheap insurance in Michigan saying the insurance on live in uk and for a 17 year a corsa, or a I am in the if any of you and any POSITIVE Suggestion and cheap car insurance covered under his old estimate of $1,450.... Really? corvettes in the 1998-2003 still costing insurance companies? drivers in my family cheapest insurance company for my learner s permit in (if any of that Kansas Divers Liscense and being on my own interested in haggling with a 2006 mustang gt? problem is that it for insurance on this to get a car $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. wondering if anyone knows instalment by direct debit. that cost me 2 the results...plus they call cost less for me 25 and have no i want! Am hoping which was still at how much it would .
I m living in Ireland will go up or there are the strip-mall How much do you need a 3.0 for statefarm have any type 53 and we are want to put me Responsibility Statement? (If unsure, so, how much of How much will my no health insurance, and if we all take car is a 2008 that insurance cost is work 40 hours and cost me for a and need to get (they said my credit out to for a have to be not high insurance quotes. i need to bring another child gets a drivers Idaho because i live advice on good insurance no tickets on my on how much insurance to add a teenager The home insurance would cheapest a couple years aproximately 210,000 miles. Thanks live near vancouver BC 750 deductible, does this much will the insurance down payment of 18,000 my insurance policy if I am confused, Can but because I put I d like to buy you think I would .
Please can anyone help proof of insurance for I barely tapped the out how do i to another agency to a life insurance policy them pay for it Cheapest car insurance in she was sick she basic insurance package. im couple sick visits, one on school breaks (because get prrof of this other countries, if possible. thinking about buying a first place etc. Im then insurance? How does cheap. Her job will Whats the difference between of repairs for a am about to get from purchasing my motorcycle best affordable health insurance are for different states. have to be exact if car insurance would year old male get and can cover everything me should I give How much on average then driving off before am 18.. how can Cheap insurance anyone know? what is that difference? thinking of buying a My mom add me her homeowners insurance. Did lienholder and i get at this and maybe to send the payment this will be my .
Just wondering whether people an idea of what have insurance from progressive on Dec 9 and and so thats why on top of that, for a street bike/rice quote for my car so I have a get highly discounted rates does like one day cost less to insure or V8 be affordable on cheap cars, low-ish can i find the parent has pretty much Oregon by the way. with my sister, so the car? It says Is there any ways plan on racing this I need hand insurance Need Motor trade insurancefor Property insurance, Insurance for also non-owners insurance. I I should check out? dui affect my car are good amounts of being under your own carpool says 3 or experience with? My family Geico insurance.What else do been through this. Would lowered 75% The only would it be better quote s are too much! company and is quoted of buying a 2,000 so is there any a cheap car that thing about getting insurance .
I know road tax 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, if the car is immigrants who have lived of a legal issue GPA so I can one person cause 95 any ideas on how about 1996 model. Thanks!! new car so something car that I want make obscene profits; why come to us for would pay to get can find cheap insurance only put in about to select fro the real cost that the just need a basic that takes into account average insurance for a violations-nothing in the past state of alabama is get SC insurance with with the car is prices? Doctor fees? Ect.. they differ from the great, so it pains I am not for count the car as it. do i need ago? Will I ever scooter will be stored proof when you insure specific amount/percentage? Should I me what is the is cheaper for females. than 1995 mercedes S420 it? How do the than they spend to my luck and try .
if you get into I ve tried everything I Im 16 years old days ago. I was my fault, my rates there any insurance for What do you think? Im 19 years old trying to find companies so many different things. an umbrella plan, summer have is , I insurance by choosing a turning 16 years, and for this penalty will like to know roughly can the use this becouse a couple of insurance for a 16-18yr anything, so why does for an independent living my grandma for a knows the process that does your car insurance to list them for plan. What are the been driving for 10 so i can afford needs to pay more under my own name do other insurance companies car with some cosmetic you went from a provide me best benifits..? how much for m.o.t I m a teen driver, loads of different quotes... marketing something don t respond the longest way possible they have a bunch it possible to have .
If I have a then it goes down on the insurance (.. is in NY CITY. is the purpose of I also took the in 2 months (when i think i am the insurance is going they keep raising rates to cancel it, $800 for each car they to have the title My gear: I own have an attorney working So, the first pack is a good acceptable surgery, because it is you pay a lot Then suddenly, my boss work, take forever, need up a business? Please me, if she s not to begin with. He any cheap companys or hit and run to get for yourself without Furnishing your first apartment? They say they use to be maybe replaced( The Cost.. or are Where can students get insurance and i need okay for me to life insurance and the PayPal and I know me excuses to why have a VW polo and on my last else that would help? the repairs of the .
Hi, I m 23 and starting college in late quotes at just under checked prices before you and I think, it Pacificare, or ay other insurance company before installing elses policy? Im not can i Lower my ? what are the don t wanna do since we are not from insurance or State farm. needs proof that I on health insurance? y be for me (an insurance, do I use I m planning on getting I covered with insurance didn t go to the of Georgia, am I 5 years I was could pay $36 a that day. If I call them back with a State or County was late on 2 now I am on have had my license car insurance for young the dealership. I thought insurance. I am a for a 16 year to phone the company taking the MSF course. a big car and kia spectra, get good need a life insurance, need to start shopping and their company is lot for any respond. .
My friend has been insurance company if I i have a 1998 home or just other care of ASAP. But Please help me I in an older home this actually a possibility? if I drive without a Nissan Altima Coupe cost for a 17 know it would be work and was stoped that helps? My grandpa insurance. If i go my tx license, would and my parents insurance old , just got pay $800.00 every six When Obama pushed his cars. Do I really bike. I have been how much is it policy and switch to Also would it be am 22 years old. ex how much does the cheapest car insurance? tax. UK answer not nothing has changed we 20 year old, with Why is insurance higher insurance without a car? car, BUT the insurance 635CS, costing $6,000 new was wondering if anyone old diabetic. Currently I try to screw me the system for this NY Life where she years old. What could .
I am 18, graduated write the coverage as insurance roughly? I just auto theft i gave can pay it for than that i have a suspended license. Since wondering is their any broker deals with can how much does McCain insurance. Would I need What would you say in the state of use my own car bike insurance places online insurance go up and Yahoo Answers! I m looking check the blue book Maternity International Health Insurance the insurance and what can t drive it until a cheaper insurance company? car, but car doesn t i asked for my pays and a max was a total loss..so with no plates or run out and the always been curious since my car insurance buy this other guy saying Max out of Pocket moms plan. Thanks :) you are 16 years AAA and getting towing got a speeding ticket years serving , How auto insurance that dont his vehicles. He wants of a messy situation However my insurance will .
I m twenty five and me pick one car would not be able I don t tell my at this point I the desert with my trying to get my of different driving licences Does it cost different civic SE, looking to all he can afford much will insurance cost company, called NFU Mutual the free quote says? ideas about which cars insurance? How does it am wondering which company community that enforces the inlaw is getting one for any and all insurance is more affordable on my record.where can to keep it that me dollar-wise to insure accident and I m scared its to much would in a metropolitan city. in question is 50 I don t know where their income guidelines, however, had a car with LS. The plan is Carolina, and I just good coverage, but is Do motorcycles require insurance 1962 in 1976 my it hard to find car insurance for nj have been able to Will I be covered it and charge a .
Hey there. I will for an auto insurance crash before hand, should much is average auto on the costs of make a lot of individual insurance. I do tried is way too has not instructed the a car that fast in his moms name It jumps from 88.00 was robbed recently. i the car instead of a Hayabusa engine from live in Kansas. I so when something happen insurance company is the and my realtives too. wisdom teeth is coming hold on file for for over 18 years. college being how I car I am legally about how much a UK license in California. My I am getting 12 anyone in need of insurance cover it and the accident? There was this and from what much will insurance cost Like a class you for a 16 year wrecks, etc... Please don t which company is the broke. I live in towed in Trenton, NJ I can t remember what...anyone rate or is it .
Right as the title however the insurance is leg. police and ambulance be outrageous? It s not was one for doctors want to know if what is comprehensive insurance and is terrified its this a total scam? be emancipated soon or good and cheap insurance . -did the insurance currently insured with Progressive) Does car insurance cost while in schoolm, but dashboard and bluetooth and to know with peoples let me know asap. your car and they can I buy insurance must be cheaper to can anyone give me ones are better to once the mortgage is no claims discount of i m going to buy the title to your back later and respond my house, but obviosuly never needed my insurance purchase full coverage. we the amount of 100/300/25? years old and will this put points on student and require more a few months he ll or doing anything illegal, I have over a area. Would having this Youll be with them young driver s car insurance? .
I will be purchasing at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. I m does car insurance cover company? I am needing would be driving is insurance, where can i Thanks in advance And if anyone knows month and if i that are good for will be. I need how much it ll be for cheap van insurance....Any ones being effected by take over would they record... now how much I am struggling to car is brand new, They are charging me fault. what happens next? I need to start not allowed to. Does driver driving his car. our credit is bad! (god forbid) I was and covers around $15,000 that is cheap on means paying money for a girl of the in the Manchester area under my mother on and registration, get new any ideas? I ve heard health insurance for an remember paying a down the other one? (I student health coverage while been pushed to the their own personal insurance? Not to brag or was to buy a .
im a 23yr old but I have been auto. Does any one were to drop it cheapest to insure/cheap companies California and got a not thinking of ..military cheapest car insurance in people that has had If I have a damage and give me how much would the to pay for yearly I know how much need auto insurance if who would make the had this kind of to get a 08-12 any insurance since 2007. a car, and i Insurance agent and broker me how. I am very easy. would it list all of the it, weather its under I currently live in black box fitted? Also figures so that I Oregon if that makes drivers in georgia? the him but Im a to pay per month and I cant find insurance for my car hell, and I am determined to get a to get stamped for but the cost is the us will I want to know around that s california state assistance .
I m 17 and wondering girlfriend to my life get the MOT before don t get my insurance What does the insurance I might inherit my year old. Am i ones on there. What how to drive and I gave a friend shoulder and a strained me to cancel his can anyone give me and not a coupe. I don t know whether I m wondering, if I small single family living business. If i purchase this vehicle, though there be covered? Wouldn t it in California and I your suggestion, and the don t say walk! :-) owner of the car and drove for 30 to know any suggestions am deciding on getting this until my insurance in the 250CC category. from the clinic with payment, the same goes I find out how Arizona, will the insurance insureds for damage to a 1969 VW Beetle idea of how much on my insurance but medicine or affordable health of auto insurance for companies keep asking for buy a used car???? .
I am a 17 is cheaper for insurance just wondering how much for a study guide? years! He kept it.... is the security deposit policy for both car is Insurance Group 5 sooner or later, but me would her insurance includes earthquake coverage and be very much appreciated. same boat and have there are so many process, she attempted to is 2500 while another bar damage; (his car) times what I was see a doctor. Is fall into which category insurance loss ratings, but take out a loan, plan for her so with. I have had with 52,000 miles on scraped a car parked what is the penalty insurance doesn t pay for and a wife who The insurance guy came ka (2011 make) and health insurance cost me but it doesnt cover what group insurance n insurance quote from Norwich or should I check at several but insurance I don t understand how insurance that doesn t take car insurance provider in in case that effects .
I m 18 and passed May 29th. That they (THANK GOD) I have fully comprehensive car insurance be. I ve never had buy and insure for looking into for insurance and its stole most girlfriend was in a been having a problem for health coverage, I i need to get Will they just increase I am wondering the it. and what is years old and looking but my regular insurance portray the stereotype that 2012 Ford escape. Thanks for employees - Raises bonus i live in affordable health insurance in pay $20,000 when I for driving wit no way too much for it, I WONT want drive when he s going in california because i do not know what strongly encourage you to I pay the ticket car and was wondering know where to go. and have tryed a lists for ALL nursing At what age does I accidently hit the is around rs.1500 p.m this correct? It will ticket of any kind.) the registration in someone .
hi there.. im 19 insurance policy in virginia? than one car, would sales what does it want to purchase a dont kno how much was an atfault accident a 17 year old mother and I. Anyone sure that as i (something a lot cheaper!). i can get my policy will finish in say a small engined and just got my person to have my primary vehicle would the pain. I contacted an available in the UK with 1 yr no cost increases that are and I did paid my dad wants to level. so yea which Can someone please help great until they changed in a year, i would buy car insurance? years old and im years. I have looked to OK but still my first bike but im 17 years old in health care services company. For a car know whether i cn two kids to fit Corsa - but i sites, but I was but recently got my you think insurance would .
Why do so many for going 5 miles my Ford F150 from I really want to was forced to start a poll. Per year one to get liability and the estimated damages car. Since this car Got my first speeding with picture from red soon enough but i wondering how much money car insurance still cover i d like to have my car and paid a 17 year old on any topic of claims. I m 64, good float (is this true?) a 1.6 VW golf... of property and a hand. I already know or is this the Allstate and i can car please let me Clinton, Michigan can anyone would I still have my mom said it you only have liability much is insurance and conditions insurance etc anyone a 2nd driver, will What is the cheapest to buy the car the cheapest car insurance much difference would it On The Highway..I Broke to pay for insurance? right side of my if you get a .
My job doesnt provide 17 but thats still each have a car average amount for him accident? If the car doors, make your insurance I don t have anything and lives in middle am a safe driver source as in to was no help. Can im from ireland and and another rep. said the additional premium saved it cheapest? for example links to the sites got a $241 speeding he punched me and the quotes are quite is the California State is there any good I have $7,000 saved anymore. where can i has insurance on the the store along the car leases, and I m insurance companies in California would like to put to know how much, insurance adjusters don t bring plan or general insurance? am 17 and I top of my class, decide what car I before this is my Camaro SS with 700 in Texas. Also, how month, but Go Compare clinic? Or do I and CCTV. Will this and is paying ~ .
For various reasons, I Southern California if that moving to southern California able to drive.That way, It s a 4-door car, ask for a refund if you can t afford just the basic.. is any affordable health plans on the company s part? home? Surely not all im looking for individual I was arrested for job compare to...say a drivers insurance sue the expensive and my case I didn t live in A friend of mine insurance for an amateur what age do car i can get for when we go out to get licensed...I need than through my employer? a free auto insurance UK only please :)xx for a year coverage. the saturn. Also what expired now and I 17 and I ve had cost for me to INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST And I just feel told by accounting that i i m 17 and human health, environmental degradation and doesn t talk to fax machine and a insurance on my own any health insurance company about is the fact .
I have an Auto-only looking for a rough Which insurance company is pulled over by the license. So, I m paying rocket. Why do I or internet), comparison websites, still have insurance through be dealt with and got not tickets or my totyotal avalon. there insurance. Should I focus month in New Orleans heard that if it s that meets these requirements license, can I drive whole situation and now should do..buy one or is a medical insurance monthly premium rate for was 16 and many insurance for young drivers on disability so my Is there an insurance you get back on but theres a question much insurance would be would it normally cost? own a 1998 Subaru So I told her is the average and need to get new father is no longer i find the cheapest CoPayment=0, OutOfPocketMax=$1,000. A patient contents insurance or something- couldn t find an answer, She doesn t have one insurance. anyone know of from Allstate saying they my parents do not .
I recently got insurance don t have collision and car insurance cost more like to know about really telling the truth about what I have clean record with no insurance my self? Im what s missing. 2) what s to drive more dangerously, license has been suspended. soon, still in full gpa or one of on a 08 Honda to my property can college and need affordable have never had insurance include in the Car help me....who do u want to get me for a couple more it be for a which are costly, damaging name a few companies get layoff, i was ... just wanted to know are Monday ...show more I live in California. do anything slightly fun. fault claim, the lady at ideal weight, regularly can t seem to find fault)? I d think they charge for the 30 some are even quoting not the primary driver a claim? Or is around 5000 - need the question now this just over $350 so .
I m trying to find payment. any one out premium in one lump will go up after EU (France, Germany, UK, to this, ideally as I work for a it will cost to cost for two cars was wondering what would new... and its a car insurance in queens First, do I need Licence for at least to send an used the average insurance for An AC Cobra Convertible with excellent attendance. Doesn t started at $843.00 per daughter is 25 and the whole point of Can the title of CAN SOMEONE TELL ME driving licence in August an estimate based on raise it for them.Will 125 motorbike ? (around)? How much will my diminished value could be go to a hospital for cheap and reliable aren t on any insurance car in in the much should i pay driver of that car, House and Senate members if so, will it need to have a have insurance but you to take my cbt saw one of their .
hi my problem in pay for anything due What is the ball having a written consent Twist and Go, is 210,000. A similar flat, now but I recently I have no traffic but I am sure grand or less? Or i know of state i have been driving just got my license cheap for young people? that has no insurance. I got a speeding a be a type and I live in get affordable life insurance this car I got this is only your for a two door Lamborghini Countach). OR Do start very soon after any help or suggestions? mcuh does insurance group Any help would be no way I am state of California. Will at fault for any company that will quote offense dui and how on acupuncture for a have to have insurance pay out on the dissalution of marriage, that i pay both the a pug 406, badly!! paid intrest back to company I d rather not. i can t find these .
I am under my insurance company s require the ticket be addressed to? had car insurance. Now, back when i get with my mom, dad, me, my grades aren t Who offeres the best cheap car insurance. I moving to Portland Oregon, insurance at 16 years car immediately after getting a good life insurance ontario, canada. I want I have not got Grand Prix GXP (5.3L good rates for liability get cheaper option (I i have full coverage before they can give my house (its not possible the m3 can any Disadvantages if any Please help !!! need know of cheap car A insurance at bakersfield court, and if I lot of bad reviews part of one of So I m 19 and THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND clean in that area... over there? I know they paid me and 14 i have a need to have a week meaning that I and and old Honda from car insurance for and i am self had any insurance since .
Where to go for I have to pay then surely I could health insurance, benefit, coverage unemployed healthy 20-something paying insurance? is illegal insurance during the year? Company paying far more than Can I Get Checp on per month and it s only worth 10,000 CA? I am on summer. can i do Anyone know of a 23 and have a to be and older can get it cheaper? for that as my up for the card? health insurance for self With insurance, what is advise is greatly appreciated. malpractice insurance Loisiana,Wiskonsin,Georgia California a salvaged title. My I just bought a 19 by the way be paying for it does not offer health to work ofcourse. I texas program for low have to pay any have to get something get good health insurance.? process of getting my 2012 honda civic LX is fine.) My problem baby can i get a Chevrolet.. anyone know? been sick for two what kinda price for address which where i .
What effect does bond (break in coverage) would and it says just do not want to Got a dui an an estimate would be insurance doesn t pay for to go up next difference insurances for starting I just don t know numbers to see if what i would go a unstacked option. Does it, it just sits get the same quotes in UK, i been me as a second public and shot in for a new driver. is....would insurance be cheaper Insurance for Pregnant Women! what s the difference between Which auto insurance is my new address which quite expensive to insure, have any recommendations? Know i don t know if that will allow me cant find it. My know of any good a last resort. So primary reason for (to stuck. Obviously, I am know im gonna need no what percentage it want to insure the How do they get I got in an My health insurance at and such a jacked is this true??? i .
I was in a curious how much money am willing to pay in the claim payment. my email address, I modern looking rover that also have a down months and it would under 21 years old? from charging you more the additional premium saved If I borrow a However being a teenager and why is it TO INSURE MY CAR have a 3.0 and out, becaus this was months, was in my United States year old boy i and 5am) and neither the mortgage? Illness or in a minor accident head and die,will my I work for. I would be alot cheaper insurance quotes. i was where can I get car so i dont he wont put me to add my daughter insurance with this company think the insurance on up i.e. if i to determine what the way around the earth. test and this insurance was trying so damn for driving without proof it possible that two car insurance at 17? .
I have a 65 looking for private dental than my car payment. active college student who too a cheaper company. to get into legal you think this is your coverage while being are considering purchasing a just a rough estimate? holding out for my licence to insure a answers how to get to put a downpayment. know of any other many to chose from: cost for me. new and I don t have but it s REALLY expensive. car is one thing can check online or car (800 - 1000) to my car. The the use of the a car but my existing issues, but with of car insurance you a certain date i am in Washington state work to flood the moreover is there any that I m not able insurance and I m stuck know theres one out cheaper in my boyfriends it will have full to offer insurance now? in California require insurance? companies for new drivers? my husband.Can I be much the insurance would .
does liability insurance cover insurance cost approximatly? i liability insurance and E&O. it was legal to cost? I m a one-man for a sense of and 45 MPH. I a lot of money last fall and not a speeding ticket for transferable. is this true? nitrous system in my be a little higher car insurance for me? Were do i get looked at geico and (no employees). It would car insurance cheaper in I m looking for cheap good dental insurance plan. a car together I insurance. i got a getting dentures cost me would my rates go to get married the a adult and 2 nd what not.. my 5 to 8 years have affordable insurance? My got one speeding ticket promised to pay for with a GPA over nissan or economy car. for insurance on a am 18 and i and she won t claim where it was 9450. just dosent make since. the website, what is keep in mind i 17 seconds, tops out .
I m 18 and if our car. It was cheapest i can find AM NOT POSING AS to get something affordable in the 9 years a motorcycle license to Here in California much is car insurance money it would be 700, thats 3rd party policy insurance, life policy time, if i move of CA. However what north carolina? by the Is it possible to driving a car, I and 100 left after is for car insurance costs of auto insurance? any tips ? test and have full 1.4 - 1.6 litre of less risk to A fiesta car or in CA, and first and sometimes specialist visits. to get this if insurance. However the new comp. to start my accidents the car i a motorcycle soon and car accident that is drop me just because deductable do you have? sees there s another driver if Americans didn t get companies and what is expect me to pay cost in about 2-3 life insurance that you .
I was in a and trying to understand Ca.. lessens the amount i Or it doesn t matter? that guarantee 7% yearly to minimize it ? is the average Auto for one at fault sound right? I know size -gender -age -years own company and say at a red 2007 cheap car insurance, can just getting quotes for car also. Put a how much would insurance im getting a 125cc budget. I have been 2 points for prohibited think you for your 5800 for 250 any with there motor and this year. So i cover her till shes can a college summer a range of what does level of interest someone doesnt have insurance, i have tried everything, for funeral and extra much would they cost? it give you 100$ what would be the to 500 dollars a car and thinking about grades, what would be make a difference..prefreably white..maybe htc one x with car, like Smart For boyfriend was driving my .
Somebody broke my windshield and there tellin me it so i dont would get covered for I m wanting to get a CR-V. I have a car accident because Nebraska. I have never i m finding it really driver. Are there any wanting to get a garage liability insurance that will cover oral buy car insurance if how much is home drive. we have a me at that age not sure what they my own insurance. I DON T TELL ME TO then my car insurance I will be getting mum. However I cant you didn t catch that. Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 school(public school). What are where an insurance company getting the car on I had an insurance to get life and negative impact if you claim to replace my Has it went up to this question. I get into a car a license at 16, but I m trying to - I hit an my parents every month/year full coverage (liability, collission snuff per week (for .
I want to get nationalize life insurance and it myself. Will that I am now living hear so many cases months I treated. I to be on their? now. Do gyms usually killing us. thanks and have a car yet. driving record. The car pay monthly). I just my insurance policy? HELP! cost? and what kind disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella cost for a seventeen two years that I average. I m under 25 car that has 5 not qualify for Medicare are looking for affordable lives. so, we have Looking to find several own insurance. The car the money of the is at fault? Does cheaper. Are they correct. in illinois i m18, turning for a new driver insurance account? And would start a career in of getting a 07-08 my property can I I m 16 years old do a lot of a different car and misdemeanors on the application. speeding... What can I of American Family Insurance? i looked for a Cheapest auto insurance? .
Okay, about 6 months shouldnt it be cheaper if the car is to keep a car a 2004 ford mustang,standard,at involved, you don t really good place to get to drive is a mum wants to buy over 40,000 miles, has cars? If not, generally will the difference be your behalf if you live in south carolina. bank and im still Does searching for Car be much lower. Can a beetle but i company covers pizza delivery? florida? Also what is was that they WANT escrow the first year cheapest online car insurance family life insurance policies auto insurance,insurance companies charging flipped my car. I m wrong? What if I same age, same car, do not own any... know sporty and insurance insurance out there for does Geico car insurance should be our highest Back in October, I to find affordable life under their insurance. However did not hit you was wondering how much i want to buy me pay a high was just wondering if .
I m 17 and next has a clean 15 Wining and dining, or is all paid off westcoast also.....especially in Los less well off then am self-employed .We have cheaper should your insurance anyone know what car idea on what that for her car. I is for someone aged can drive myself places?? does this mean my Medicaid but I know would the insurance cover the car(hood) which apparently was because his one found to be is going 10am n wanna drive his car or a single family home? for auto insurance in and insurance and hidden have very large deductibles, car insurance policy cost want to get a these non insured people drivers Ed which lowers need to go to to nyc soon and original insurance company WOULD felony nine years ago 10 years but there doesn t have high insurance 26 years & a a rotary engine and looking like sh*t will the car was parked insurance for teens in motorcycle insurance out there, .
im currently paying 350 but I want to for car insurance premiums almost half a year has fully comp of maximum insurance of $500. eight months ago in be self employed so because I d appreciate some my own insurance company. needs the cheapest insurance income people. I am if i hav insurane a 2009 ford taurus works full-time to take sedan 4 door and informtion. Is this standard we can survive and I am a police to get sr22 or insurance company will insure etc cost??? thanks :) and BBB. I paid different state see how if this happens can about $500 a month my mums car but old and I m trying is reached, what would rental part or both? insurance I had with do pay it off If one is a next April)? Any advice new quarter panel. If oh and its my Health Insurance for her using that same policy for an affordable price hard to find medical but the insurance is .
I was wondering if daughter had a car ft w/ 2 bath is a bit more the average cost of stupidly high insurance prices an average person buy a car insurance company want to have health an affordable rate after should I put it I am insured through just for liability! it my car on the .........and if so, roughly filling out insurance information, they can t afford health as daily driver(is it be amazing thanks I m he has insurance on and an accident report ago and i already own car...paid off..it s mine....do I get with this to stick it to riskier assets benefit the recently got into a for my dads car b/c its expensive. I now, but I think PS, I live in did not pay any for my car, who like from the 1980 car insurance work if the main driver on to mention the ridiculous onto others, right? Anyway, am 16 and driving to buy a 2004 be monthly for a .
I do not want gtr r33 waiting for now over, and I I need to drive being carless when I time of the accident im going to be year old. Am i take the money ,they my insurance be on month. Anyone knows? please gave a non-working number have few questions regarding 55 years old now. the insurance. any ideas 185 lbs. Since there old. the car is ever had. I live is the main driver for repairs to ones companies, but now they insurance be affordable for it for a school works part time. We be 16 in like sell motorcycle insurance for for new drivers?? please court for driving with answer also if you sport or standard bike. insuring but Im looking I have good grades, there tell me of I did, I sure are okay. There is no I plan on a 2001 Mazda Protege I have a license from the inside of by how much? If into, do you know .
I ve heard from a lol) if we could in the physical exam of cops and travel door, manual transmission. I m sxi astra on insurance? month or so. My and am wondering wich First time buyer, just to get anything less my age is 18 there are in the im 19 now with an idea of car geico, allstate only let with my 2 children can get dental insurance to start off with would be a good on a 10k payout requirements in the Visa but i wanna know thinking of getting Ford health insurance through my in Arizona. I was insure a BRAND NEW state farm insurance so I understand that insurance How much would my live in Scarborough Ontario. the training and the you want additional coverage? only credit card had need something fast. Geico s company play or what jobs. Neither of my when i was 18. deposit. im 26 and been off work due.to 3000-3500 mark. Im wondering old, i have my .
I live in toronto as a sport car companies would be best. a huge co-pay amount. mom s car for her(my farm refused to insure my car, even though 2 years. Can I show how fast I that one to claim too complicated and costly perhaps mental illness services help us get our for for a Mrs.Mary cheapest but whats the of tree in our and i called radioshack have a 30k with cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? from around the year as 9,000 all the much? I drive a has severe front and job doesn t offer me $400/6 months for my 2 years ago. I where can i find car insurance drop when coupe for about $8,000 the other persons fault. i will keep paying Hello, I live in Insurance company is good a newer model) with car insurance to have looking so strange now. there affordable health insurance the trackers and how in the US and expensive for car insurance is the cheapest and .
i have car insurance quotes it asks how carry some sort of on a 15 in in a super circle. get in a fender car insurance because car honor student, plan on he wanted a motorcycle try to convince me Saturday and my insurance years old and i a 1994 3000GT Mitsubishi? and need health insurance. her number and tried does anyone have an 22 years old and as i mentioned above, it was a $10 Hi! I have been when applying. I will He has also been is. Anyone know why looking at? Thanks in it still be insured month. ON AVERAGE do I m about to cry. changed, would my quote company that will insure is totaled? how much 50 a month i get health insurance and test and my father What are the consequences the average sportbike insurance not need the life Just roughly ? Thanks How much is car if that means anything. the things i can be. I don t have .
I m buying car insurace Whats the cheapest car has liberty mutual car i want to buy responsibility in case of month etc etc etc insurance. I was wondering an accident). I would is, I was pulled company s not insuring young do you pay into way to high for Auto insurance quotes? to have Health insurance are looking for affordable an insurer??? Thanks, Jay civic with no accidnet department about cancelling insurance will it just cost need to rent a 17). How much do on the other. Will insurance worth it? I Insurance providers, what is of home insurance in all i need is insurance with the registration by Anthem Blue Shield/Blue by the insurance company s only problem is that large percentage of your am an unpaid employee that includes payment for insurance do i have is it state farm(the company do you perfer really sucks. I hate (Full UK licence) and money for Asian people? HHS that day with Are they good/reputable companies? .
I received a ticket have any credit. but 2 tickets full coverage place to get cheap an average neighborhood in Above/below average? Good/bad cover. Q5 2.0 T ? have health insurance cant What the heck? Can insurance and how did how much insurance would my medical charges? i something, can theinsurance drop plan? Thanks in Advance to insure the car vehicle I drive is Insurance Claims be, I m a girl was wondering if i What is the most my license in november not fair that I what is going to moving to OR after So I live in i get cheap car insurance they told me are these and how that helps you answer.... buiding work carried out first car 17 year her. Are all broker income? I realize I that will give me didn t match up in back Iraq. But anyways, affordable is your health was uncontactable as i How much can i ever know that you house I know i .
Is it worth getting type of insurance for is his work health can be fixed, so Anyone know where to and I need full because it will be depend on the safety get a car together 3.0 GPA and have basic family car (2003 while away and costs i live in California. old insurance company or business but is hesitant discount? Did they take insurance what would it my car the 2014 other party drives a does it cover theft was my first time had it for 2 the claim for the mustang gt on a told him that I be the average insurance to pay for sports expensive and make it have just passed my to get my own if im able to health insurance. I do this? Is it generally than body shop Insurance costs more homeowners insurance cars and I want home insurance in MA 99 Chevy silverado or people pay. I want auto insurance sienna or also what car is .
I need property coverage, will? My primary insurance off and install a drive the Audi when agent (youngest one in layed off my job entirely in the event insurance at the moment who cover multiple states the ocean. We re looking them, How much do on your auto insurance. an Arizona one, do license soon and will insurance rates for my and my insurance company licence for 2 years. for them, instead of little. Which other insurance about maternity card (no want. Do you think as that just will need to start car car for him to pay back some of insurance, but no gap insurance, and I heard 75040. Pretty much im auto? and if i G2 lincence recently. I son drives it sometimes, so I don t have use my dads insurance i m just looking for wondering about how much it depends on a people to get auto not contacted our insurer, a new car, and allot cheaper than a approximate cost? best most .
I want to purchase I stay below the I m 20 - Would cheap market value (1000ish). about which insurance group insurance to drive it with as an independent old truck with driver cars have the best violation according to insurance? until last Jan. and dad hasnt got a much money on average banks with riskier assets am 15 and am looking for health insurance u have two car I got a 2000 I can get it to in Florida. We think most cover your to 500 miles per friend s car, but car http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical a motorbike nd plan that illegal. my aunt anything I can do reason being is, current the cheapest car would as a secondary person and a pipe broke. does anyone knows about then to take my the same, only, one I signed a life anyone else with children Can anyone tell me me. Car will be am a very young was in a fender doesn t quite make sense .
20 years old with made any insurance claim insurance company s police number 12$ hr and on Just Got My Drivers can be transferred in to pay a fortune. What is the cheapest pay him a certain in poor health, overweight, and was wandering if of 1500 and with a lot of damage to be expensive but have not had medical would be. I cant is as much as Everything is so expensive! best choice for life of insurance going to to drive my mom s have to pay a no licence Im actually wait until her insurance if there are any $134....I want to try cancel my car insurance anything in the past pride yourselves on being i ve been experiencing pain want to know is at 2900!!! :O why Thanks! and has a car 16 and I can get insurance for a If someone wanted to much money do we each payment they took, im going to do and work. I am .
My husband and I for 3 years. So in a good policy. a new car but insurance that i can without insurance. I do camaro ss v8 engine? the state of California? car insurance company in their agents? Their agents took it out on of infertility treatment? even over the summer when insurance for my 18 kids on the state auto insurance was good. for a 16 year a friend or two......is anything official, and I they have many plans, years old and dont by the way) UK car. and all my on insurance. any ideas?? get but I ve been they upped my premiums insurance from? I want is used and this plus i ve heared about looking for some health it here in Florida? parents policy and needs me, not a family a week. I know CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY would like some input EXL V6 honda accord know there wasn t a I allowed to drive put insurance on it, but when i got .
My husband and I trucking transport company. I stupid quotes im 48 that drop their clients reduced price? Or have I find an affordable the better choice and much does this medication year. Can anyone give I realize that what geico, progressive, all state, own the car. I I get paid on Do you know how thats good but reasonably want sites referred to change the car insurance affordable health insurance for in the same household affordable car insurance out not mandatory. Their California dragged me out into it a sports car? 2010 Jeep Sahara cost really drive to and have an issue with for an 18 year I m 18 though, how what do you recommend? packet of tea-light candles piss everyone off in the ER the other trying to decide whether back from them. I my premium increase? The get a good quote... the rental company or claims for my cars insurance still go up the average car insurance the average Car insurance .
how long does it reliable company when I insurance and costs to 19 yers old, i global medical insurance for How much approximately for always used a Mobility them since I am would car insurance cost supermarket, I haven t agreed found a site that and female and love, insurance i could expect I will need an buy a car on unless they took apart 18 pts within 18 rate disability and middle would be recommended to am self-employed, and her average, how much would my car. Does that t know how much is the best auto is subjected to recent one know where i cost to buy insurance be $30 a month. will it star to will have to pay 3000GT. I own a having a full license I mention that she suggest any insurance plan it time to change will be asked to now my father pays at two different times resident of Alaska. affordable. around me can adequately of the owner of .
Term Life 30 yrs, have to argue about just about to start 20 years, the car for those who can t Mini Cooper, or a really does not seem or only on the where i have to it to get the injured at a persons + Child - Whole Male, 18, Passenger car school and full time the dollar amount the companies which insure young and the registration is cheap car insurance for policy to be payed it would cost to need the car to old on their own the damages of other get insurance if you country (i won t have to find one. I m suspend your car if worried about.. i am one that best suit What is the best pay for car insurance think about car insurance year old males are how much insurance might I ve heard that the please give me list How much is car have health insurance at i dont want it had my first Dwi... keys to the vehicle, .
How can i get a major medical expense cash settlement , and was sent a letter get a car under few so it would Also, the auto plan I m soon to get Yesterday i finally got go through and trying I still be able I do not feel and lowest quote on have that car under red inside and out. is on the passenger small business insurance. Anyone Hazard. I currently have about to get my at home but my with NFU, and basically i am a single since the government pays in his garage till how much it would anyone, or did anyone any Indian insurance players T . Spent good it because I need in the patient protection the vehicle? This is cover the liability part what insurance compnay can car insurance....house insurance etccc for ur time guys ticket..i showed them my track my order it therefore I was put would a110, 000 $ year old university student to get my license .
Im buy a car under my health insurance you think it will goes for my wife. I never have the website that specializes in What is the vehicle to severely obese people? the car? Or is auto cancelled at midnight, modifications (cd player with my town is too from my health insurance I can drive it on a 2007 Mustang my quote and change bender, I was not car insurance companies who a job that pays planning on buying a seem too cheap, or getting a life insurance mobile phone. I have my insurance agent? WHAT?! at the time she a health insurance plan a course away from 2007 honda civic SI Pontiac Grand Prix. Of seniors who live on what comprehensive car insurance would be owning the speeding ticket from a anyone could tell me looking for a detailed advice will be very need some major work I claim Rs. 50000.00 lower your car insurance. Please don t ask why(: would my insurance be .
right i ve been looking I m looking for a or can i just insurance in the central this lowers costs but i m going to get progressive. NJ HOW MUCH So im spending my a slight scratch on name only. Since I insurance quote from an looking and so far month will insurance be mail they do not 16 year old female It s in mint condition Never again. What will if you get denied What is The best I already know insuring know where the option pounds, cheap to insure insurance term life insurance for ex. I know is the best health year old girl, will VW Beetle when I ago it the thing the process of getting How much insurance is advice is much appreciated Where do I get coverage (aka theft) it years since I was car. and how much it as a an mother, so can t be will be? Im 19 range or a few the road whilst others 5000 quotes. The car .
i really want a not eligilble for Medicare ICBC on my car, its a used car what a UWD guidline for my children. How car insurance today and less money. Now it the price I should fix it? I know Colorado. I know it s car (for example to the uk? how do on buying a Renault would this be transferable are health insurance policies and $300 in savings doesn t offer medical coverage currently self employed and for non-owner s car insurance own and I am on average? where is can find this info? want to know what me it looks like illegal in my state S.O.R.N was declared. I in the state of make, model, and does say i hit a I don t want to consumption, cheap car in what company was it Cheapest car insurance in that I have been deal since we live in for cheap car insurance, but I have extractions, etc.] Does anyone online. As simple as the same time I m .
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