#so they probably stayed longer than usual for the vibes
subtextread · 1 month
anyway our encampment got harassed by a small group of christian zionists today like can y’all read the room go away
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rashoumon-homo · 6 months
Pathetic!Dazai x GN!Reader
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Content Warnings: sub!Dazai, dom!reader, no pronouns for reader, no anatomy described for reader, edging, bondage, aftercare
-> 700 words
You can’t think of a prettier sight than the one in front of you: Dazai, stark naked, shaking, and leaking precum on the bed, with his arms tied behind him in an intricate shibari knot. He’s fighting back tears, hips jerking forward with every throb of his aching cock.
“Please, I wanna cum,” he sobs, voice cracking. He doesn’t normally sound quite so blubbery, but edging will do that. “Please, please, please,” he babbles. “I’ll be a good boy, so good for you I promise… just wanna cum…”
You shift the weight of the vibrator in your hand ever so slightly, making him breathe in sharply. It’s just a basic bullet vibe; the one you normally use on yourself for solo play (thoroughly cleaned, of course), but for someone who’s never used one… it’s intense. It’s not even on right now, but Dazai is literally drooling at the way you teasingly turn it over in your hand.
How many times have you brought him right to the edge, only to pull away? Must have been 4 or 5 times tonight. You just couldn’t help yourself, he looks so adorably pathetic on his knees like that.
And you tell him so, carding his sweaty hair away from his face to kiss his temple. “Love it when you beg for me,” you whisper. His chest heaves with another sob when you pull away, the fabric of your shirt brushing against his sensitive cockhead.
“Swear you’ll be good for me?” you ask, thumb circling the power button.
His wrists and forearms burn from tugging on the ropes holding them back; legs shake from kneeling for so long under so much tension. He nods vehemently, straightening his spine.
You smile and switch on the vibe. “Good. I don’t want to have to use the ball gag on you. I love those cute sounds you make.”
Dazai’s been zoned in on the vibrator from the moment you turned it on, not a word of what you said reaching his ears. His pupils are dilated, drool already dripping down his chin.
He lets out an agonized cry as you press the vibe to the base of his cock. You run it up the shaft slowly, pressing so lightly it’s barely touching his skin. He’s shaking so much you have to hold his cock in place with your other hand. It jumps in your palm, beading another drop of precum.
Dazai whimpers, teeth gritted in an attempt to stay quiet. His cockhead is red and angry, but you tease ever closer to it.
“Look at you, just crying for it,” you murmur. You run the vibe up and down his shaft a few more times. “Think you can handle a bit more?”
Instead of a response, more moans fall from Dazai’s lips. His eyes are squeezed shut, brow furrowed enough he’ll probably have a headache later. “Please,” he whines.
“Gonna make a mess for me, pretty boy?” You pull his chin closer and whisper, “Gonna cum for me?” You slide the vibrator up until it’s nestled at his frenulum, just below his cockhead.
He doubles over as though he’s been kicked in the stomach, a sharp cry punched out of him as his cock pulses. There’s enough force behind the orgasm that his cum shoots onto you, dripping down your shirt in thick globs. It lasts longer than usual too; he writhes against the ropes around his arms as he rides through it for a good 30 seconds.
Finally, it lets up. His muscles seem to give as he sinks into you, breathing hard. “Fuck,” he says under his breath.
“Hold still for me,” you say softly, working to undo the knots binding him. This isn’t your first time, so you’re able to quickly release him from the ropes. You give him a quick kiss before reminding him to do some stretches. He complains, but does them anyway, stretching his sore arms and shoulders along with you.
“Feeling okay?” you ask.
“Yeah,” he says, then makes a face. “My baby’s such a sadist, edging me for hours like that.”
You laugh and cuddle into him. “You know you love it. Now what movie do you wanna watch? I’ll order pizza.”
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fukcnoplease · 3 months
Things Always Go Wrong Pt3
Pt1 Pt2 Pt4 Pt5
Gotham was truly testing her abilities. Usually she could vibe check the building and be good but the vibes of Gotham were rancid everywhere she went. Every building and street had some varying level of unsafe and she could feel Danny slowing behind her. He wasn't going to stay on his feet for much longer. Thankfully there were plenty of alleys they could probably hide in and even though it was already midmorning the thick smog on the city made it look like the dawn had only just broken. The alleys were still dark and as soon as she paused at the back of the alley she felt Danny collapse into her. His breathing was ragged and he was slick with sweat. She tried vibrating her core at him and the response she got was uncoordinated and harsh. It was as if two things were trying to respond to her, attempting to drown each other out.
“Shit.” she said. Jazz would be mad for her language, you know, if she didn't kill her for killing her brother. 
“Found you, wretch.” A voice said and Dani shot up into a fighting stance. The entrance of the alley was blocked by five people, all dress head to toe in white and aiming several weapons at them. They were all men and significantly bigger than her. That would be fine in her ghost form but transforming in front of them was risky.
Danny groaned from the cold alley floor and Dani grimaced. She growled, inhumane and low, and punched her palm as she went ghost. Showing her transformation was a small price to pay to protect Danny and they probably had her, or Danny’s, ecto-signature if they had managed to follow them cross state lines so accurately. 
Their weapons hummed as they charged and Dani caught a glimpse of color above them. Praying she had seen right she took in a breath and shouted her words.
“I am the princess of the Infinite Realms. Any harm that comes to me is a direct attack on the entire dimension of the Infinite Realms and cause for a war between our worlds!” Internally she cringed at her words but she prayed they had the right effect. 
“Ha! Like you could fool us, you manipulative ecto-sum! You’re coming with us. If you're lucky you might even make it in one piece” The leader, she assumed as he was standing at the front of the group, said. She tensed in case her gamble went south and prepared for something to hit her. 
Thankfully she didn't feel anything and a yellow hero came crashing down on the agents with a ferocity she wasn't expecting. He used what she thought were escrima sticks but they were connected together with a long wire and looked modified. He downed the panicked agents in seconds and turned to Dani. Unconscious agents littered around him.
His sudden movements made her drop into a defensive stance and he froze. Gently putting away his weapons as he raised his hands to show he meant no harm.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just trying to help.” The man paused as he looked over the two disheveled siblings. The white haired girl was glaring at him but looked more wary than aggressive and the dark haired boy on the floor looked incredibly ill. “Would it be ok if I helped you? I can call some friends and we can get you to a safe space.”
Dani stared the man down. He could fight, and right now she wasn't confident she could take him. Not while protecting a very incapacitated Danny. He had a black bat symbol on his chest which was good but also bad. Good because Batman was a hero and helped those in need. Bad because Batman was famous for not liking metas and while she and Danny weren’t metas she doubted Batman would care enough to make the distinction. Hopefully if she played up the royalty bit she could get maybe some leeway.
“Ok, bumblebee, but I want you to promise you wont hurt me or my… ambassador,” Danny was going to be so mad when he woke up, “or I will bring the entire Infinite Realms down on this world.” She did her best to sound threatening and maybe using some energy to make herself scarier but she wouldn't admit it.
“Of course, your… highness?” Bumblebee asked. Dani frowned, she didn't like ‘your highness’ but she couldn't give her actual name…
“You can call me… Elle.” She felt her insides crumple up at how cringey that name felt and she was very glad Danny was out cold for this conversation. The bumblebee hero nodded and said something into what she assumed was an earpiece. After a few minutes of discussion he went quiet and began watching the roofs. Dani floated off the ground slightly, trying to see what he was looking for. She didn't notice the surprise that flitted across his face at her show of power or the silent black hero who landed gracefully beside Bumblebee. 
“Hey Black Bat. Can you help me gather these guys up? Batman should be en route but might take a minute to get here.” Bumblebee said. Dani whipped around to see the new hero, black bat apparently, silently working her way through the knocked out GIW.
“Batman is coming?” Dani asked, anxiety making her fidget with her hands. That wasn't good. She couldn't pretend to be a princess around him, he could practically smell lies, or fear, and maybe she could be the princess of the Infinite Realms but she wasn't officially! Not yet at least. And Danny definitely wasn't her ambassador. Shit, maybe if she played up with the sad little girl image? Batman was known to take pity on kids… or was that one of his allies. She should’ve listened in on the conversation the bumblebee had had earlier, maybe she would have had something to work with then.
Black bat and bumblebee worked together to tie up the GIW and leave them in an easily accessible spot for when the police came around. Black bat touched bumblebees bicep and he looked up to see the scary shadow of Batman looming over the alley. Dani notices him too and landed in front of Danny, spreading her arms to block him from Batman's view as he landed beside the other heroes.
“Report.” Was all he said as he looked over the scene. His gaze lingered on the unconscious boy and Dani had to resist growling at him, in case that ruined her case for receiving help. Bumblebee took a breath and nodded.
“I found these two as they were about to be attacked by a group of people,” he gestured to the tied up men in white, “it looked like meta trafficking and I stepped in. Elle,” he gave a smile to Dani who cringed internally, “gave the men fair warning about their attack being against royalty and at risk of ruining dimensional relations, they refused to back off.”
Batman responded with a noncommittal ‘hn’ and narrowed his eyes at Dani who prickled under the gaze.
“For the record,” Bumblebee added, a little hesitant, “I believe her.”
Batman nodded and took a step closer to Dani and this time she did growl. The man stopped and regarded her. She glared back. He wasnt coming near her or Danny. Not in his state.
“Would you like to come with us?” Was all batman said. Stern and quiet. Dani didn't move, she looked over Batman’s unmoving face and then back at the bumblebee and black bat. The bumblebee hero looked worried but more for Batman than Dani and the black bat seemed relaxed as she watched.
“Where are you going to take us?” Dani asked. Batman frowned slightly and Dani worried he would just try and grab them. 
“A place where we can keep you safe and confirm your royal status,” he said. Dani didn't really like the sound of that but she could feel Danny getting worse and she was running out of time to make a decision. When he chose that exact moment to let out a pained groan Dani almost smacked him. Batman’s frown deepened and Dani felt her throat bob.
“We might even be able to help your friend.” He offered.
“My ambassador,” She corrected, if she was gonna sell this she had to go all out, “And I don't want you to lay a hand on him.”
Batman gave her the slightest, stiffest nod she had ever seen and she relaxed. Batman nodded to the other heroes and black bat vanished, bumblebee paused before leaving himself. Dani felt her anxiety come back threefold at being left alone with the big bad bat but in a few seconds a fancy black bat shaped car skidded to a halt outside the alley. In the passenger seat was the familiar bumblebee, he grinned and waved at them. Batman stared at him in what Dani thought could be disapproval but said nothing. The doors to the suped up car popped open and bumblebee stepped out.
“You can get in the back seat. Do you need help with your ambassador?” He said as he stepped back into the alley. Dani shook her head and Batman made a grumbling sound.
“Signal.” he said. Bumblebee, signal apparently, shrugged and continued towards Dani until she stiffened.
“I just wanted them to have a familiar face so the journey wasn't too stressful. Black bat and Spoiler are covering me while I stick with them.” He said, smiling at Batman and then turning back to Dani. He moved to help her pick Danny up but she shook her head at him and he stepped back. Batman made another ‘hn’ sound before retreating to the driver seat of the car. 
Dani moved Danny around and picked him up by throwing him over her shoulder. He wasn't heavy but he was bigger than her and it made him difficult to carry. Signal, she preferred bumblebee, hovered around her but was careful not to touch Danny as she carried him to the car. They managed to get Danny securely in the back seat of the batcar and Dani slid in next to him. He looked worse. Maybe moving him wasn't the smartest idea but Dani didn't know what else to do. If the GIW had their ecto-signature there wasn't a safe place to hide. Maybe Batman would be able to protect them but it would only last so long. She pushed aside her fears and gripped Danny’s too warm hand. The scenery went passed too quickly for her to see and the drive was silent. She was starting to hate road trips.
This is short but the next one is gonna be LONG I got distracted anyway I love that people are enjoying this, i like writing it :)
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etirabys · 1 month
Apologies if this is personal and you don't want to answer (or you don't want to answer for any other reason!); if that is the case no worries. But anyway by virtue of the fact that I am (sort of) a linguist I often get curious about people's language situation. You speak English obviously but spent your childhood in Korea, and often went to the English language book store while there? What is like, your personal linguistic history? Like, what language(s) did you grow up speaking, which ones did you learn later and when, etc? How fluent do you consider yourself in both English and Korean? If you don't mind my asking.
Haha, this is a dream scenario for me (someone asking about a situation I find fascinating about myself because I've never met anyone else with that background, but is probably boring to most people). Here's a longer story than you probably want:
My parents emigrated to the US before I was born, stayed for a decade, and moved back to Korea right after I was born. They're conversational in English, and my sister (12 years my elder) is fluent. Speaking English is valuable in Korea, so they raised me to be bilingual. They taught me the alphabet, bought me English language children's books, and sent me to an English language school run by Christian missionaries for preschool, kindergarten, and part of first grade.
My sister left the country when I was three to go to a boarding school in the US, but she came back every year for holidays, spoke exclusively in English to me, and refused to let the conversation move on if I mispronounced a word.
When I was six, my parents moved further away from the missionaries' school and switched me to a neighborhood public elementary school. At this point I was mildly more fluent in English than in Korean. Reading (English books) was a self-sustaining reaction I spent every free hour on. There were fewer interesting Korean books for children. Korea had industrialized ~30 years prior, and the hangeul writing system had only been in full use ~50 years at that point. As far as I knew, there was no CS Lewis of Korea, no Tolkien, no Diana Wynne Jones. In Korean bookstores, many of the prominent books on display were translated – The Little Prince was popular for children, and there was a children's fiction fad around another French author (who afaik never made a splash in the States) whose name I forget.
So I'm reading like 10 hours a day, at the dinner table, on the escalator when my mom takes me while she's shopping, sometimes under the desk at school flipping the pages with my toes, because the teachers don't care. (This is a huge W as far as I'm concerned for Korea – public school teaching is a somewhat competitive and standardized government job, it attracts people who lack great passion for either teaching or controlling children.) Meanwhile my peers don't like me much because my vibes are rancid: I have a compulsive laugh tic I haven't gotten under control, and I don't seem to understand their preferences very well or actively seek to understand them. Fair enough. I have one friend at any given time and she's usually on the fence about me.
When I'm old enough to take the train on my own, some weekends my mom gives me 5000 won for the train ticket + lunch, and I go into Seoul to visit one bookstore that has a 10-shelf English section. I pick a book, spend the day finishing it, and go home. Instead of my English language skills lapsing and being overtaken by the language I'm immersed in, I'm going deeper into English. Which increased the disconnect between me and my peers. I remember overhearing a conversation about an anime (The Black Cat) and eagerly asking if they'd also read the Edgar Allen Poe short story. I wanted to much to talk about shared interests, but it didn't occur to me to "invite myself into their interests" by picking up the manga they talked about.
...this all made my childhood weird in ways that have shaped me hugely but are difficult to describe. I was isolated and not, happy and not, stimulated and not, developing unevenly...
At eleven I discover fanfiction.net, probably one of the most impactful events of my life. I'm running out of physical books, I've read everything five or ten times, but then the computer! has made a deal with me! It contains INFINITE LITERATURE, although sometimes people seemed to misspell things on purpose and I didn't know why. (I had, approximately, never encountered misspellings in written material before.) In return the internet would take MY SOUL FOREVER although I didn't realize this at the time. I post a 100K Harry Potter epic over the next year where Harry is trained by a special assassin cult that lives under a mountain.
My parents have no idea what is on the internet. They're on a new temporal continent with no clue there's a parasite that can turn your daughter into a fujoshi. They do know that they have a worrying child. But! Her grades are really good, especially when she's testing in English. Good enough that although they originally intended not to send me to the US (my sister got depressed and burned out, and they attributed it to sending her to a different country for school), it made much more sense for me to go. I was on track to get a full ride at an Ivy, a carrot they were Not Immune to, and I obviously despised Korea and wanted to leave.
When I arrived in the States, I was terrified of speaking English to real native speakers. My language experience was "reading/writing: 95% English, speaking/listening: 90% Korean". I could perfectly pronounce any English sentence when I tried, but I'd occasionally and bizarrely mix up R and L, or the vowel sounds "ih" and "eeh" if I weren't paying attention. This went away after a year but I felt extra shy and didn't talk much. I'd guess 80% of my social cachet in freshman year came from writing funny Facebook posts.
I remember my time in Korea without feeling bothered by any single aspect, but overall I still have a big sense of "wow I didn't like that", have avoided non-Americanized Korean people since getting here (ten years ago), and now speak Korean haltingly. I'll try to teach it to my children so that they have the option of that cultural connection, but I don't think I can do a good job. It's feels 90% true thinking/speaking Korean is just a normal skill, a thing I do sometimes on the phone – and 10% true that the happier and more whole I become in the US, the more unsettling it feels to speak Korean at all.
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lonelywhalien22 · 6 months
ten seconds to midnight
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pairing: jungkook x gn reader
rating/genre: second chance, fluff + sprinkle of angst or angst + sprinkle of fluff idk lol
summary: it's new year’s eve and you see your ex jungkook again for the first time since you broke up with him.
warnings: time and location are abstract af in this fic so don’t try to piece together distances or a timeline from anything in this; I wrote it in a more poetic fashion – it’s just a *vibe* if you will lol
word count: 4.6k
song(s) to listen to while reading: tis the damn season by taylor swift, ruin by shawn mendes, new year’s day by taylor swift
note: cleaned this up to share while I edit my next longfic – this is something sweet with a sprinkle of midnight angst. if you happen to enjoy this fic you’ll probably like what I have coming next so stay tuned. happy new year’s everyone and i’ll see you all next year <3
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Two years.
It had been two years since you and Jungkook had seen each other for the first time in that art history class – had studied together, hung out together, and eventually dated.
Six months.
It had been six months since you'd left suddenly. Unexpectedly.
Six months since those words were flung like daggers between the two of you, as if you’d been in a competition to see who could hurt the other more – who could prove they were less attached than the other was. Pretending as if all of those late nights, whispered confessions, soothing touches, and sweet kisses had meant nothing.
As if in some sort of war, the two of you had thrown, burned, abandoned, and trashed every last remnant of your relationship, overcompensating to try and prove that none of the feelings were real, that the vulnerability was all a lie, and that you'd actually been keeping your shields up all along.
It's the reason you moved further away than you'd originally planned after you graduated - why you’d signed on to the extra work at your job, the extra responsibilities…you’d even gotten a new phone number, claiming you wanted a completely fresh start.
It's the reason why your brief visit home during the holidays this year just wasn’t the same. Why Jungkook didn’t stop by with the rest of his family to drop off gifts or send cards. Why you no longer saw him at the store he always used to frequent at a specific time, the two of you in charge of picking up whatever your respective families had forgotten for Christmas dinner.
It seemed like you and Jungkook had finally succeeded in creating an irreparable chasm between the two of you.
So instead, you spent your short visit home for the holidays nervously traversing the town that still held memories of him. You pushed your cart through the local grocery store in a near state of paranoia, drove around town with the windows up, let others in the house open the door when you got the usual holiday greetings from family and friends.
You didn't miss him, you told yourself.
Even as you chose to go to his mom's favorite grocery store, or mindlessly drove by some of your old spots from when you two had been together - eagerly looked out the window of your old childhood bedroom whenever you heard the doorbell ring.
You didn't miss him.
Now it was New Year’s Eve, and you currently found yourself outside on a fire escape in the chilly night air, high above a city you were still getting to know, at a party you didn't want to be at, terrified to go back inside.
How exactly had that happened?
Let’s take a few steps back.
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The New Year’s Eve party was one put together by some old friends from college you’d reconnected with in the area.
None of them felt particularly close, but after spending last New Year’s Eve alone in your tiny studio apartment guzzling down an entire bottle of champagne and falling asleep before the ball had even dropped, you figured you’d try getting out and doing something in the city you were trying to call home for once.
As you walked into the crowded party space, you immediately scouted out the food and beverages area - your trusty diversion ever since you’d been to your first party as an underclassman in college, terribly shy and fearful of large crowds. You could still remember the moment you’d spotted Jungkook from afar for the very first time in a cramped living room all those years ago - laughing with his friends in a corner, his eyes on you for the tiniest of milliseconds before he went back to sipping whatever was in his red solo cup. It was his hands you’d noticed first, the handful of tiny tattoos scattered across his knuckles. You’d been so surprised when he’d said hello to you in a class one semester later, even more so when he’d smiled easily as he admitted to remembering you, the mural of tattoos on his right hand having spread, two new ones on his index finger and another near his wrist.
Back in the present, you grabbed a few cookies and some water, slowly sipping on your beverage of choice as you resolved yourself to silently watching the party from a distance. You were here – that was progress enough wasn’t it?
"Y/n?" you heard someone shout your name eagerly.
You were surprised since you didn't think you knew anyone at this party all that well, but the friendliness of the voice made you perk up.
Turning your head in the direction of the voice, you recognized the owner as an old friend from back home.
"Changkyun?" you exclaimed, shocked.
You hadn’t seen him in forever. He was so tall and almost athletic in his build now, that you almost didn’t recognize him.
"Hey! Wow, long time no see!" he smiled and immediately pulled you in for a hug. It nearly squeezed the surprise right out of you.
You two began a conversation and caught up, laughing over old memories and how much you’d each changed since last seeing the other before he interjected quickly.
"Now that I think about it, pretty sure I saw someone else you know around here..." he pondered out loud, scanning the crowd before he spotted who he was looking for.
"Oh yeah, Jungkook is here. Hey JK!"  you heard Changkyun quickly shout across the crowd towards the center of the room.
Before you could even fully register the name of your ex you glanced over to where your friend was calling, instantly spotting the back of a familiar head of hair, though it was longer than you remembered, the ends curling slightly from the length.
“J-Jungkook..." you repeated quietly, eyes widening as your brain registered what was happening.
"You good?" Changkyun asked, noticing the change in your expression. "Oh shit, wait - you two were together at some point weren’t you? Did I -"
The rest of his words evaporated into nothing but muffled noise as you watched the head of your ex swivel around, searching for the source of the voice that had called his name. He was still as mesmerizing as ever - those big brown eyes and soft lips. His hair fell into his eyes as he turned, and it made your view of him both painfully nostalgic and exhilarating all at once.
He was gorgeous. Just like you remembered.
You stood frozen, eyes wide in admiration, until Jungkook’s gaze singled in on you and broke you out of your trance. Quickly his eyebrows furrowed in confusion before they lifted up softly upon recognizing you. You watched as he mouthed your name, as if he was asking himself whether or not it was really you. But it was all muddled within seconds as you realized your vision was beginning to blur. Your throat dried up and your head began to pound, and finally you realized you were about to cry.
For some inexplicable reason, you were upset.
"Damnit," you muttered to yourself, looking down, a tear slipping down your cheek against your will.
"Y/n, are you ok?" you heard Changkyun ask beside you, but you only shook your head quickly.
"I…I gotta go," you barely managed to choke out before turning away and pushing through the crowd as fast as you could. You quickly reached the front door and tumbled out, searching for the elevator before instead opting to take the stairs rather than risk standing around for any longer.
After wandering around aimlessly for a couple floors you came upon a shaky fire escape entrance and yanked open the doors, cool air slapping your face like a tide in a storm. It brought goosebumps to your skin - the chill of the night breeze, the cool steel grates that scraped against your thighs as you sat down, the hard brick of the wall against your back, but still - you found yourself grateful for the getaway.
You shimmied to the side so you couldn’t be seen from the glass door entrance and tried to make yourself comfortable in the space that remained, your legs slipping into a makeshift crisscross position. It was ridiculously cramped, and probably not at all safe, but at least it was quiet. The isolation gave you a chance to work through some of your thoughts without interruptions from annoyingly drunk partygoers.
"Why did I come here," you whispered to yourself, frustrated.
You knew how much you hated parties, and yet you'd gone anyways, only to find yourself in the very situation you’d been fearing since the holidays had come upon you – trapped with him just steps away and nowhere to run or hide.
You were terrified to face all the damage you’d left behind in your breakup with Jungkook - the stuffed closet full of baggage and hastily thrown together lies that you knew would all come tumbling down if you ever saw him again.
If you were being honest, you'd been running from this very scenario ever since you’d broken up with him. Because somehow, after all this time, he still wouldn't leave your head - his smile, the sound of his laugh, the way he could be incredibly cute but could also make you completely flustered at the flip of a switch.
The way he’d felt like a best friend, a confidante, and a lover all at the same time. How he’d made you feel so loved in a way only he could.
You had searched for that same feeling in others, from the occasional coworker to the random blind date, but no matter how hard you tried you couldn't get yourself to fall out of love with him. And deep down, you think you always knew it. You'd be lying if you said there wasn't some part of you that saw a piece of him in everything you did and everywhere you went. You just couldn't lie to yourself anymore – not after seeing how you'd reacted from just seconds of seeing him in person again.
You took a few deep breaths, staring out at the lights and bustle of the city as your finger trailed longingly up and down one of the steel bars that separated you from the open air. Funny how the rest of the world just continued to go on, even when it felt like your little corner of it was being shaken to no end like a snow globe in a child’s hands.
But watching all the cars and pedestrians below carrying on with their lives – it also helped you put your worries into perspective - helped you keep calm.
Suddenly, your thoughts were interrupted by the cracking open of the fire escape door.
Please don't be a couple, please don’t be a couple, you thought to yourself. The last thing you needed were some handsy lovebirds interrupting your ruminations and reminding you of your own failures in the relationship department.
"Y/n?" you heard someone whisper softly. "Y/n, you out there?"
You’d recognize that voice anywhere - warm and soothing when it was singing along to a song on the radio, smooth and sweet like caramel when it was directed towards you, and immediately your body tensed.
The voice continued to call your name again and again, and you could hear his footsteps shuffling around closer and closer to you in the dark. Folding into yourself and squeezing your eyes shut, you prayed he didn’t notice you, or maybe he’d think you were some stranger - turn around and leave you out here all alone like you thought you wanted.
The footsteps continued until you heard the door open one last time, someone mumbling something too far away for you to hear before banging it shut again. You figured he didn't see you, deciding to look elsewhere, and your shoulders relaxed again.
"Didn't think I’d see you here," you suddenly heard loud and clear.
"Fuck," you shouted, too spooked to really think about it before your reflexes kicked in and you jumped, quickly turning towards the voice. "I thought I was alone out h-"
As soon as you looked up you saw that it was your ex. He stood feet away, one hand still lingering on the fire escape entrance.
You mumbled his name, aggravated as he raised a brow at your rare curse.
Quickly, you angled yourself back towards the view of the skyline, shaking your head profusely as you attempted to make him go away.
"I don't wanna see you."
"Believe me, this wasn't really how I pictured spending my night either," he retorted, and you couldn’t even lie - the words felt like a cold knife straight to your heart.
He took just one tiny step forward, hand falling from the rusted metal handle of the door.
"I couldn't just let you go off crying though."
"I wasn't crying," you spat out. It was your roughest voice yet, but Jungkook didn’t even flinch.
"You're still shit at lying," he said with a smirk instead. "We may not be together anymore, but I can still recognize the face you make when you're about to cry."
You wished he’d elaborate so you could practice never making that face again, but he just stood still, glancing back through the window. It both annoyed the heck out of you and made your heart flutter, knowing he could still read you like that.
He took another few steps towards you. Like a giant, his stature towered over you as he continued to stand, his feet careful not to step on your fingers.
"Anyways, you left this," he suddenly said, a chunk of metal entering your view. It was your phone.
How that happened, you had no idea. You must have placed it on a nearby table as you ate, distracted by you conversation with Changkyun. You grabbed it swiftly, careful not to touch his hand in any way, but you still couldn’t help but notice the decorative ink that now danced all over his fingers, the way his skin reddened in the cold.
Did he notice you still used the phone case he’d bought you for your birthday?
"Thanks," you told him curtly instead, avoiding his gaze.
You kept quiet, expecting him to finally go away now that he’d returned your phone but instead the silence lingered, Jungkook’s feet shuffling awkwardly.
“Come back inside Y/n,” he said, tone gentle, the edges of his jawline softening.
Jungkook looked down, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Changkyun’s worried about you,” he mumbled eventually. “…and besides, it’s dangerous - sitting out here all alone like that.”
“I’ll be fine. No need to worry about me.”
You could feel his frustration brewing as he looked at you in silent incredulity, a cloudy huff leaving his lips in the night air before you felt him sit right down beside you. His denim-clad knee scraped yours just faintly as he settled into a comfortable position. Together the two of you took up nearly all the space on the tiny ledge.
"You want a drink?" Jungkook offered coolly, a cup of red liquid seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
It was tempting, but you hesitated. After all, you weren’t looking to get inebriated while on a shaky fire escape with your ex nearby to bear witness to some sort of embarrassing, drunken confession of longing. You generally preferred to stay sober anyways.
"It's just cranberry juice,” he told you, as if he could read your mind. “They have a bunch of it to mix with the cocktails."
Not only did he remember how much you hated alcohol, but also that cranberry juice was your favorite?
"You're the only person I've ever met who drinks that stuff," he used to always joke.
Back in the present, you took the cup from his hands, finally looking at him to search his face briefly, but his expression gave nothing away. You took a sip to busy yourself.
A blanket of silence fell between you. It wasn’t awkward or even necessarily tense, but it didn't feel like it was truly quiet either. Instead, it was more like there were a bunch of unsaid words bouncing around between the two of you, trying but failing to break out.
"What're you thinking about?" Jungkook asked innocently, looking down at one of his hands before focusing back on the view of the city skyline.
"Nothing," you shook your head tersely, only to hear the tiniest of hums escape his lips out of disbelief.
"So you're outside all alone, staring at the sky in the freezing cold and nothing's wrong? You sure about that?"
You closed your eyes, more and more memories rushing back to you – like the times Jungkook used to find you alone out on the campus green, just sitting with the palm of your hand pressed against your cheek, pouting as you stared at some point in the clouds. Or how he used to poke you on the nose whenever you laid your head in his lap and stared into space, that same pensive look on your face. His words were always the same every single time.
"What're you thinking about?"
It was beginning to drive you crazy the more you thought about it – how, even after all this time apart, he was still able to pick up on little things like that.
And it made you feel even crazier when you thought about the fact that you still remembered those little things about him too.
Trying to keep yourself from becoming any more affected by his words, you tried a slightly more aggressive approach.
"Well maybe I would be fine if I was actually alone."
But he only turned to face you at that remark, another deep sigh escaping his lips.
"Y/n/n.." he used your nickname this time, and he sounded regretful, like your words had actually stung. "Look, I just wanna make sure you're ok."
"I'm am ok," you said back harshly.
Another bout of silence fell between you at that – this one like a cascade of bricks instead of a gentle blanket.
"Why are you acting like I'm the one who did you wrong?" Jungkook piped up, exasperation inching into his voice.
"Last time I checked, I told you I wanted to be left alone."
"You know that's not what I'm talking about,” he said, undeterred by your attempt to change the subject.
You didn’t respond immediately, not ready to talk about your breakup out in the open.
You weren’t sure you'd ever be ready.
"I told you I wanted to experience other places…" you started after a minute or so, quieter than expected. "You know I never wanted to stay so close to home."
"And I get that, but one week?" Jungkook asked incredulously. "How could you only tell me a week before you left? I thought I meant more to you than that."
You huffed out loud in frustration, unsure how to respond.
It was true - you did tell Jungkook about your big move only seven days before you left. You did it out of fear.
Because you were scared.
You and Jungkook had gotten so close after only two years, and you’d never felt that way about a person before - you’d never felt in love.
It scared you - especially when you thought that maybe you were just getting too attached, too quickly.
If there was one thing you hated, it was dependency. Needing someone else felt like an indefensible weakness, and you were afraid that being with him, needing him, would only hold you back.
All you’d wanted was some space to cool off and clear your head - evaluate how you felt from a distance in solitude, like you always did when you felt overwhelmed by your emotions. When you finally did tell Jungkook about the move, you were hoping you two would just dial things down a little - keep in touch remotely while you took some time to think about your life post-graduation.
But instead, the whole thing had turned into one big shouting match.
Hurtful words had been thrown like weapons on both sides, and by the time the dust had settled, you were driving hundreds of miles away.
You’d ignored his calls, deleted his texts, and even refused to listen to appeals from your mother, who still kept in touch with his family. Distancing yourself away from him had only made your worst fears become a reality, and in turn made it even easier to run away from it all rather than confront your fears head on.
Avoidance was the only way you knew how to approach things that were hard - uncomfortable.
And maybe that's why you were sitting here on this damn fire escape in the first place.
"I just wanted some space," you defended yourself.
"But so suddenly? Was there something I did wrong?" he asked you dejectedly.
You turned to look Jungkook in his eyes, and behind his seemingly calm face you could see real pain. You really had hurt him, and in that moment you wished you could tell him the truth – that he hadn't done anything wrong. He'd done everything right, but you just hadn't known how to deal with the intensity of your feelings.
"Did you really have to change your number? Pretend like I didn't even exist?" Jungkook spoke up again.
"That's not fair," you shook your head. "You really hurt me with your words when I finally did tell you."
"Because you broke my heart," he exclaimed, getting visibly upset. "You told me you never loved me - that all of those memories, all those moments we shared...” he looked down for a moment. “You said none of it mattered. That I’d ‘taken it the wrong way.’"
"I didn't mean any of that," you blurted out loud.
"That's what I told myself," Jungkook started, "but what was I supposed to think when you completely cut me out of your life?"
You sniffled silently, unable to come up with any more excuses.
Simply put, you’d both really hurt each other.
As you focused back on all the lights down below, legs beginning to cramp, you felt a curtain of warmth envelop your shoulders.
Jungkook had draped his denim jacket across your body. You couldn’t help but fixate on how the fabric was soft and worn, and it smelled just like him - that same combo of body wash and cologne that you still couldn’t erase from your memory.
"Are you two dating?" you heard him ask quietly.
"What?" you asked, confused before putting two and two together. "Me and Changkyun? No…"
The question took you aback. What did it matter to him anyways?
"I came alone and ran into him unexpectedly," you explained further. "Why are you here?"
"An old classmate invited me," he told you casually, contemplating his next words for a moment before continuing. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping that maybe I'd see you though..."
You felt your heartbeat quicken at the casual admission, but you didn’t have much time to think about what it meant as he smoothly moved on.
"What about you? I thought you hated parties."
You sighed, hesitant to be so honest but feeling a strange sense of courage regardless.
"Well normally I do, but last New Year’s just...wasn’t all that great," you started.
"How so?"
You took a deep breath before continuing, counting off the reasons on your fingers. "Well, I was alone. And it sucked. I didn't even make it to midnight before I just fell asleep. So I decided this year I'd try going out instead."
"And how's it going?" Jungkook asked, the tiniest hint of a twinkle in his eye. “Tonight, I mean.”
Was he flirting with you right now?
"Not sure yet…" you played along, "but I'm still awake so that's a plus."
Again you sat quietly for a few minutes, neither of you making a move, not a single word shared between the two of you. This time the silence was comforting. You became hyper aware of his knee brushing against your own, and your insides felt so warm that suddenly the cold air didn’t faze you at all.
Maybe, just maybe…
Your quiet stalemate was interrupted when the fire escape door slammed open and the sound of drunken giggles grew louder and louder, a shaggy head of hair sticking itself outside to ogle at the two of you.
"Oh, shoot, looks like this one's taken babe," the random guy shouted in a slurred voice.
"Well hurry up and find somewhere else, I can't wait any loooonger," some poor girl whined, just as tipsy.
They disappeared as quickly as they came, the door shutting with a bang, and you and Jungkook couldn't help but burst out into laughter.
"Was their plan to screw each other on the balcony?" you heard him utter your exact thoughts aloud. Not so innocent memories crept into your mind for a split second before you squashed them.
He's still your ex, you reminded yourself.
"Not sure,” you said instead with a chuckle, “but it certainly looks like we’ve reached that point in the evening where I typically remove myself from the situation."
You pulled your phone out to check the time. "It's midnight,” you realized.
You two had been out there together for over half an hour.
"Guess that means it's time to go, huh?" you heard him ask.
Neither of you moved to get up though.
You weren’t expecting to still be with Jungkook at this point, and suddenly you were unsure of what to do. How did one say goodbye to an ex?
How did you say goodbye when you didn't want to?
"Y/n?" Jungkook said your name, pulling you out of your thoughts. You looked at him with bated breath, urging him to continue as fireworks began to go off in the distance.
"Um…" he stalled, clearly trying to find the right thing to say next.
Hating the silence, you improvised, taking off his jacket to give back. The warmth that previously enveloped you disappeared immediately, and it left you feeling strangely empty.
"Here, let me give you back your jacket before I forget."
"Oh…yeah, thanks," he said, a hint of sadness in his voice.
As he leaned over to grab it, you quickly kissed his cheek before backing away and looking down, brushing the hair out of your face.
"Sorry if that was weird," you started, "but I just…wanted to apologize. For everything I put you through back then."
To your surprise, Jungkook shifted a little closer to you, lips pulled into a soft smile as he shook his head. "You don't deserve all the blame. We both said things we shouldn't have, and I'm sorry too."
Butterflies burst free in your belly, and the fireworks that lit up the sky seemed to form a faint outline around Jungkook’s head as he stared at you, eyes boring into your own, keeping you frozen in place.
His hand slipped into yours lightly, and you looked at them for a split second, fingers intertwined in warmth as he spoke. Slowly but surely, you felt yourself drawn towards him in a familiar lure, like a moth to a flame.
Like a wanderer finding their way back home.
"Any chance we could just pretend like it's ten seconds to midnight again?" you asked shyly, and he instantly cracked the biggest smile you’d seen from him all night.
Jungkook said nothing, instead leaning in to kiss you gently.
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tinietaehyun · 7 months
Oh, Lover Boy.
[Bf!Hueningkai x Reader] [Post-College!AU] [One-shot]
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Pairing: Bf!Hueningkai x Reader
Genres: Post-College!AU, romance, fluff, slice of life, just a feel good and cute fic!
Contains: Profanity, suggestive dialogue/themes.
Note: Recommended to listen to “Invitation” by JUNNY (Feat. Gaeko), to really get into the vibe! Something short and sugary sweet, in comparison to my usual longer one-shots.
Summary: With your hellish final year college exams over with; both you and your boyfriend needed time to catch up and unwind from the stresses of life during your break together. What better way to start things off than staying at home, cuddling together whilst binge-watching your favourite show, or- well trying to binge-watch it. It’s not your fault you couldn’t resist his puppy-eyed gaze and sweet kisses!
You squeal in utter joy watching the main couple on screen finally kiss (that so very passionately, you may add!) in your new favourite show. You’d been waiting for this; it’s been half a season already! “Finally,” you grin almost feeling your cheeks hurt and your heart flutter from the way the couple on screen hold each other.
“What? They finally kissed, hm?” A very familiar voice calls out from the kitchen. You yelp, “Yeah, you missed it. I’ve been waiting ages; genuinely, I was beginning to get worried they’d never get together!” You hear your boyfriend chuckle amongst the clatter of kitchen utensils. The aroma of the food he’s making wafts into your nostrils; incredible!
You call out with a smirk, “Wow, you’re not burning something for once,” a chuckle escapes your lips as he scoffs loudly. “I’m not that bad at cooking you know. I can hold my own.” Rolling your eyes, you hum in reminiscence, “Remember that one time, two months ago when we stayed at-“
“Shut it, y/n. Don’t be mean,” he whines making you cackle atrociously. It wasn’t your fault, that Huening Kai wasn’t exactly a great cook. Making anything above cup noodles, ramen and coffee was entering dangerous territory in relation to Huening Kai. That was why you mostly supervised him in the kitchen but today he was adamant that you let him in the kitchen to cook himself. You wonder how he survived during your college days - then again his roommates: Taehyun and Yeonjun probably saved his ass from starving or living off takeout.
You snort and he scoffs once more, “I know you’re laughing at me.” Humming playfully, you respond, “How’d you guess?” You can almost hear him roll his eyes, “From the gargantuan snort you let out, you pig.” You gawk at his insult, “Is that how you insult the love of your life?”
“You’re insulting my cooking skills!” He calls out in a playfully offended tone.
At this point the rest of the episode you were watching becomes background noise. You coo, “Oh come on baby, I didn’t mean it. I was just joking around.” Kai snorts in response and replies, “Sure, yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, love.”
A giggle escapes your lips; you were cheesing hard. You loved pestering and annoying him; his reactions were always so adorable and endearing! You made sure to never cross the line though; you’d never dream of hurting Huening Kai ever. This man only ever deserved the absolute best.
His personality was sweet, soft even. Almost akin to a clingy puppy at times. He could keep up with your teasing, even teasing you back creating for humorous banter and bickering between the two of you. Not to mention, his insanely good music skills, you were lucky to have him. You remember how he often serenaded you to sleep, or wrote songs for your birthdays and especially last year; he produced a song dedicated to you for your third anniversary together. You knew he had a tender heart, a soft spot for animals, for you. A pure soul, one that enjoyed every moment of life.
“Kai, you almost done?” You call out. “Yeah, give me a sec. Just got to turn off the cooker and clean the counters a little,” he hums back. You twist yourself back around to face the screen and realise you’d missed quite a few minutes when you suddenly see the main female lead crying her eyes out? Damn, what the hell happened? Wasn’t she just with her man, making out a few minutes ago? You shrug to yourself; oh well.
Your eyes dart around the room as your hand finds the remote reversing the episode back to the point you’d left it. It was a relaxing atmosphere with the way the sunset light shone through the curtains in a golden hue giving the room an ethereal and warm glow. A haphazard pale blue blanket was thrown across one of the cushioned chairs to the right of you; the one you had used to cuddle with Kai yesterday. The view outside the main window encompassed dreary cityscape with vehicles passing by and regular pedestrians wearing their summer clothes; majority of them getting back from the beach. You could imagine the light breeze and warm air outside of the fading summer days.
You enjoyed tender and tranquil moments such as these. You and Huening Kai, had finished college a month back right after your hellish final exams. You shudder thinking back to that period of time; so utterly stressful and you barely had time to see each other. It was awful. Luckily, your daily messages, video calls and phone calls kept you going as you both cracked down to study hard. Fortunately, for you both, it seems your persistence and resilience had paid off! You both felt that your results were gonna be pretty good (well you were both trying to manipulate yourselves into a state of positive thinking, at least).
Your eyes gaze over to the potted plant on the window sill pitifully wilting and you can’t help but sigh with a smile, “Oh Kai..” He loved to try new things; often getting carried away with just how much he thinks he can handle. You tended to overwork yourself to the brink of exhaustion; something that Kai had managed to help you control. You helped him with his nervousness and efficiency whilst working. You both balanced each other out; what one doesn’t have, the other has. You were each other’s bases, each other’s home.
Often, you reminisce on how this all started. You still remember the slightly anxious and quiet boy who would be in your lecture hall two rows above you. He was attentive but with the way his eyes constantly met yours; the shared glances and smiles that made your heart flutter; you knew you both had a connection. His method of wooing you also made you laugh; it was endearing to say the least.
The way he would always lose his pens and come to you, to ‘borrow a pen,’ and then give it back only to ask for it again the next lecture you had. You had managed to catch on rather quickly what his tactic was; you still remember how flustered his cute and handsome face was! Then, it was followed by you asking him to work with you on an assigned project and the rest was history.
You finally asked him out during one of your study dates and from then on, you had been inseparable throughout the last two years of your degree. From all that educational stress; you both wished to unwind, relax and make up for lost time that you could have spent together; and this summer was perfect time to do it!
Your reverie is broken as you feel an arm wrap around your shoulders and a warm body press into the side of yours. You adjust yourself against him as you lean your head back on his shoulder with a soft smile. Kai murmurs; his voice low yet comforting, “What are you thinking about?” You hum peering at him to the side, “You.”
His eyes widen ever so slightly with a twinkle and his cheeks blossom into a faint reddish hue. “Me?” He questions bashfully, “What about me?” You coo running your hand through his dark brown locks, “Everything about you, love.” Kai clears his throat as he wraps his arms around your waist snuggling into you, “Yeah?” You hum, “Mhm.”
His body heat seeps through your clothes and you relax as the smell of his cologne invades your senses; you loved it - a subtle and sweet tangerine scent. It comforted you. It was on practically all his clothes; even the hoodie you had on right now (technically it wasn’t yours - not that he minded you wearing it, of course!)
Suddenly, he tightens his arms around your waist and hoists you onto his lap. A warmth spreads through your cheeks at the sudden motion. He always did this; yet it got you flustered every damn time!
“What episode is this?” He hum twisting his face back towards the screen. Composing yourself, you reply, “Episode ten, I practically missed half of it though. Still am, now that you’re here.”
His eyes glimmer playfully, “Why? Am I distraction?” You pout, “Yes, you are, Kai. You know that.”
Kai leans in close to your face with a playful smile, “You love it really.” You hum, “Do I?” His nose rubs against yours in a flurry; something you adored about Kai. He’d give these to you often or rub your tummy in the most random moments. He was such a tender and loving soul. Kai places a delicate kiss atop your nose point making your heart soar. You admit defeat, “I do.”
A laugh escapes his lips, “Of course you do.” His eyes flit down to your lips; his pupils dilate ever so slightly. A sly smile graces your face as you lean forward and trail your fingers down his cheek; he noticeably shivers. With that, he presses his lips against yours softly and passionately. Once again, the show continues to run on. At this point you think, you’ll never be able to get past episode ten!
Kai’s lips move with yours softly, slowly; your lips connected in an affectionate and gentle manner. You cup his cheek caressing your thumb against his cheek bone as his fingers slips under the hem of the hoodie to feel your warm, supple skin underneath. His fingers make your body tingle with delight as they draw slow circles against your hips and waist. The moment is raw, tender and passionate. Slow, almost ever so sloppy kisses with him were what you considered the peak of comfort. A way to de-stress and forget about the world around you. It was just you two.
You both part for air, both breathing shakily. You knew if you continued this; you’d never finish the episode, rather you’d end up in another room entirely - the bedroom. His lips trails down your neck as he nips and leaves sweet, seductive kisses along the curve. You whine breathlessly, “Kai, the s-show. This is going to be the third time I rewind it to catch up.” He suckles on your neck gently making you groan. Your fingers entangle into his silky hair. Kai muffles against your neck, “Forget the show.”
“We always do this,” you whine with a chuckle as he separates from your neck and peer at you with the most adorable puppy-dog eyes. You shake your head, “Nope, I’m determined to finish this episode at least. One episode.” You place a kiss onto his forehead as consolation upon seeing the pout on his rosy lips. “Why, you don’t wanna reward your handsome boyfriend for all his hard work cooking today?” You huff, “Of course I do. But I wanna watch this with you! To cuddle with you.”
Recently, Huening Kai had gotten an internship at a producing company and so you couldn’t as spend as much time out as you’d have liked. Though, you were incredibly happy for him! Kai was phenomenally talented in regard to music; everything from producing, songwriting and playing various instruments from which you could see with the guitar case that leant against the wall beside his keyboard.
“Oh? My sweetheart wants to cuddle, then cuddle, we shall.” You release giggle placing your hands over his forearms as he wraps his arms around you tightly once more. He nuzzles into your neck with a playful smirk, “We always have tonight after all, to do what we both really want.” Your eyes widen as you become flustered by his cheeky remark giving him a playful smack, “Kai!”
He shrugs innocently peering up at you, “What? It’s the truth, no? You weren’t complaining yesterday?” You whine crashing your head into his shoulder in embarrassment; a burst of desire courses through you. “Okay, okay, I get it, love,” you huff out making him cackle.
“You’re so cute when you’re flustered. It’s my only defence against your teasing, honestly,” he grins. You peer up with a mischievous glare, “Just you wait…” Kai bites his lower lip in anticipation, “Oh believe me, I will…” You peer over our shoulder seeing the credits of the episode and you groan, “Oh for fuck’s sake.”
Kai bursts out laughing at your frustrated expression, “Oh too bad.” You pout, “We were supposed to watch it together, this episode is apparently really good.” He hums, “According to who?” You huff, “According to Twitter, my friends.” Kai shakes his head, “Ah yes, very reliable and unbiased sources.” You scoff, “Oh shut it, you like this show too. I’ve seen the way you peek over whenever you pretend you’re working.”
Kai feigns offence, “Pretend I’m working? Excuse me?” You hum, “I’ve seen you flip through the same music sheet four times every time you look up at the screen whenever I watch a drama.” A slightly embarrassed expression coats his features and he scoffs back, “I just get easily distracted, is all.” You laugh running your fingers through his hair on the back of his head. He closes his eyes in repose and contentment. Kai always liked you playing with his hair; as you liked it when he played with yours.
Kai requests adorably, “Can we switch? I wanna lie my head on your lap?” You have to stop your heart bursting from your rib cage. “Of course, love,” you speak softly as you get up and he stands with a dazed smile on his face. Your heart twists and churns; he looked at you with so much love and adoration. God, you loved him so much. You wouldn’t know what to do without him, really.
Kai lies his head down onto your lap and you caress his forehead; his honey-toned skin glows under the hue of the sunset. Your fingers make their way through his hair and he nestles into your lap comfortably with his eyes closing. He murmurs, “I love moments like this…” You hum, “Me too, love.” A smile appears on his face; almost goofy. It makes you giggle in response.
He takes your other hand intertwining his fingers with yours giving it a squeeze. Kai softly speaks, “Love you, sweetheart.” Genuinely smiling down at him, you reply, “Love you too, Kai.” He nuzzles into your stomach making you laugh; he knew you were ticklish. Huening Kai was perfect in every aspect, you could ask for no one better.
“You’re perfect,” he suddenly utters opening his eyes. Your heart jumps and twists in joy, “I could say the same, love.” A blush paints his cheeks faintly. Kai questions, “What about episode ten?” You snort, “We’ll watch it another time.” He pouts, “Sorry…” You chuckle, “Don’t worry about it, I prefer time with you anyway.”
“How about we watch something else?” He suggests. You shrug with a smile, “If you want?” Kai ponders in thought before speaking, “How about we watch that thriller drama, you told me a few weeks ago? Have you started?” You nod, “I watched half of episode one, but had to leave it be due to work. Totally forgot about it. It had such a cool concept!” He grins, “Let’s get to it then,” as he grunts reaching over to grab the remote from the coffee table.
He begins scrolling through the available dramas and you point to it and it begins playing. You both contently focus on the drama for once and are immersed into the plot; as you both discuss the various aspects of the first episode, then the second and then the third. “Fucking hell, this is good,” he gets up from your lap stretching. You nod excitedly, “So good, the actors did such a good job.”
Kai grins, “Your ass would be dead in a heartbeat, if you were in a situation with a killer like that.” You deadpan, “Look who’s talking.” Your stomach rumbles and you huff, “Hungry.” He nods with a teasing smile, “Thought so, come on. We’ll get back to the show afterwards.”
As you both enter the kitchen; the scene becomes wholesomely domestic. You grab some plates as he checks on the food. You peek over his shoulder, “Holy shit, that curry looks amazing.” Kai looks smug at your praise, “Saw this Thai curry recipe on Insta, and just had to try it. It was super simple too.” You hum as you begin serving the curry with rice onto the plates, “Damn, seems you aren’t too bad of a cook, after all.”
Kai wraps his arms around your waist from behind leaning his head atop your right shoulder, “Mm, see? Your boyfriend is somewhat skilled in the kitchen. He can sorta cook, he can sing, play the guitar and piano…hm, the list goes on and on…” Rolling your eyes with a smile, you hum, “Wow, real humble aren’t you?” Kai snorts nuzzling into your neck littering one or two kisses, “What can I say? I’m nothing short of modest.”
“Mhm,” you nod sarcastically as you pick up the steaming plates full of deliciously tempting food. “Let’s get eating, I’m starving!” He says excitedly as you both sit down at the small dining table and tuck in immediately. As expected, it tasted even better than how it looked. You were proud of your boyfriend; he’d made such an excellent meal!
You muffle contently, “So, so good!” He chuckles wiping some curry off the side of your lips, “I can see that.” A smug expression coats his features, “Praise me more.”
You munch on the food; deciding to feed his ego for once to which he responds delightfully to. Afterwards, you both work to clean up. “You did so good. You’ve gotta definitely make that again,” you smile. His eyes glitter, “I’m glad you liked it. I’m super happy.” You smile genuinely at him, “Good job.”
“I’m gonna change into my pyjamas, yeah? Get comfy. What about you?” You ask peering over your shoulder. He nods, “Sure. I’ll do the same. We can continue the drama afterwards.” With that, you both change into some comfortable pyjamas with some bickering and teasing and find yourselves back on the sofa in front of the TV screen wrapped in each other arms, cuddling.
Episode four, episode five pass. You find him immersed into the show and you smile mischievous beginning to roam your hand under his shirt, up along his abdominals. Kai stiffens snapping his head to face you with a sly gaze, “What are you doing?” You hum playfully, “I don’t know, you tell me, love?” His face flushes at your seductive tone. He pouts, “Is this revenge for what I did earlier?” You nuzzle your head into his neck beginning to litter kisses; he shivers making you smile.
“Perhaps it is, love,” you breathlessly murmur against his skin. “Anyway, didn’t you say you were looking forward to tonight?” You inquire coyly. He whines, “You’re so mean. Petty even.” You murmur, “Hypocrite.” His hand trails under your pyjama shirt, “But you’re too difficult to resist…” His eyes meet yours and your lips soon follow melting into each other passionately; a hint of roughness this time.
With you pushing him down onto the sofa; it was clear; episode five was where you’d stop for tonight. His eyes peer up at you with so much love, affection and adoration. You lean down towards his lips with a soft smile, “I love you.”
Kai whispers blissfully looking into your eyes, “Love you too, sweetheart.” Oh, no one could compare to him. Your heart belonged to him and him alone.
It always will. Your sweet, lover boy.
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jack-kellys · 14 days
also unrelated sidenote i accidentally misread "soup for the sick" and thought it said "soup for the dick" and i was like yknow what? yeah sure. before i reread it and realized what it actually said LMFAO
soup for the dick as a bad things happen event.. hmm
ao3 series is here, and u can request a trope from these. let's get into it.
David isn’t one to stay over at the lodge. It’s not a simple thing to head all the way to his family’s small apartment, give them the news, and head all the way back afterward. Usually it’s rather late when he gets the chance to, and consequently hard to prove to his parents why he should stay out instead.
So this time, he doesn’t tell his parents.
Today marks the last day of Jack’s first week as an artist at the World. Sometimes he gets out early enough to sell the evening, or sometimes he goes in late enough to sell the morning. Today was a morning sell day, so David hasn’t seen the boy all day, and he should be seeing him… about thirty minutes ago, approximately. 
David sits on the lodge’s steps inside, feeling like an overgrown weed as other kids tumble up and down past him as they come down for or finish up their suppers. Maybe it’s childish to wait up for the other, and Jack could have easily gotten caught up with something at a place like that with all these fancy people. Maybe Katherine is simply introducing him to some people, or something. 
“I ain’t like it either,” snaps David from his thoughts, and he glances up and behind him at the stairs’ landing. Crutchie’s pulling himself out of the window there, so he must have been up on the roof. He gives David a small smile. “You’re waiting for him, right?”
“Yeah,” David half-grumbles. At this point he and Jack’s…tendencies toward each other were quite apparent with the Lower Manhattan newsies, so he supposes he shouldn’t be too embarrassed about being obvious. “He’s not usually this late, not after office stuff.”
Crutchie bends down with a balance and strength David can only wish he had, pushing his crutch toward David. David crawls up a stair or to and takes it leaving Crutchie free to hop down with the railing. 
“I know,” Crutchie agrees. “And, I mean. He knows this’s the one time to see you today?”
David bites lip, giving a slight nod.
“Then I really ain’t like it,” Crutchie chuckles, though his eyebrows furrow. David smiles his nervous appreciation at the other. “Look, Dave, I’m sure he’ll be here soon. He’s probably thinkin’ all about how you’re sitting here sighin’ to yourself as you stare out the front window.”
“Crutchie,” David mumbles, feeling his face heat up. He’s not as much sighing and batting his eyes as he is gripping the fabric of his slacks and trying to slow his mind down from the top speed it wants to run at. “I’m worried.” 
“Me too,” C assures, tossing an arm over David’s shoulders once he sits himself down. David leans into the other, frowning to himself but glad to no longer wait alone.  
‘Alone’ quickly becomes a luxury as another twenty minutes slips by. The volume in the building has reached its exponential climax upstairs- most of the kids have washed up after dinner and plenty of them will be heading downstairs to the supper tables again to play cards and other games before lights out. 
“Move, Davey!” is demanded of him by 14-year-old JoJo, and David looks up to see her hands on her hips, expectant. Crutchie remains seated, also giving David an expectant look. David does as told. 
Children bounce down the stairs, followed up by Racer, Specs, and Albert, who pause when they see David and Crutchie. 
“Jack ain’t show?” Albert sighs, shaking his head. “Jeez.” 
“I haven’t heard anything from anybody, either,” Specs supplies. “No one’s seen him since the morning edition- not enough to know where he’s at now.” 
So a longer length of time than David had thought. His mind starts running at the speed it wanted to, gaze sliding to Racer’s. They had to start searching.
Racer nods, thankfully reading David’s mind as he heads down the rest of the stairs. “Let’s go, come on.” 
David jumps up instantly, feet wanting to move by now after far too much waiting, but movement outside of the front door stops both of them. 
“Great timing as always, Jackie,” Racer mutters to himself, but the door opens, and it’s Katherine, eyes shockingly wide, door still concealing most of her body.
“Kath?” David says, coming up to the door to open it for her. “You okay? Where’s-”
And then he opens it all the way. 
Jack Kelly is pressed desperately into her side, his arm slung over Katherine’s shoulder as she clearly holds most of his weight. Both his eyes are half closed, one clearly by someone’s hard fist as the bruise around it purples part of his wide nose, smearing half the boy’s face in the color. His lip’s busted, blood only starting to congeal as past drippings of it still line his chin. His cheek’s split, the knuckles David can see are bruised and open, who knows what’s under his shirt, someone's touched his hair. 
David’s stiffened, he realizes, as he knows everyone’s gaze on him. His eyes are only on Jack, blindingly on Jack, edges turning red, especially when Jack grins. 
“Davey…” he says, smiley, too smiley for David’s liking, “you’re still here, ‘s good, good. Wanted to see you, so Kath- Kath go’me here.” 
“Kath,” David says, steely, softly.
“Yep,” she replies, and David takes Jack’s other side, the both of them carrying Jack through the door together in silence, save for Jack’s sharp intakes of air every few steps. 
The thing about the main floor is that it is small and filled with tables. The thing about nearly every bed in the building is that they’re up a flight of stairs. Long ago, David figures, this problem was recognized and a couple mattresses were tossed down the stairs to live in the back of the main floor. This also means David and Katherine are forced to drag Jack’s corpse-looking figure to said mattress, and the last person to occupy it had been Splasher after the strikebreaking.
Every single kid in the building watches as David and Katherine move Jack to the back, eyes huge. Race, Specs, and Albert speed ahead to start pulling tables back and out of the way, and Crutchie follows, speaking softly to a few more vocal newsies to calm them down. It’s more quiet than David’s ever experienced in the usual madhouse of noise the lodge is. 
Slowly, he and Katherine lay Jack down on his back, and Kath immediately turns to him. 
“I just found him like this, right outside the main building,” she says, words hurried and brows crumpled into a deep crease. “I don’t know if someone tossed him there or- or if it happened right out in the open and I had no idea- I- I was working late and I’m- his ribs are busted up too, I checked. I didn’t know how else to- where else to go.”
“Right place,” Race says with a curt nod. “I’m gonna grab Mush, this’s… a whole operation.” 
He zips off, leaving still too many bodies around David and Jack when Jack is hurt and David’s chest is about to fucking burst with the fact. 
“Uh,” he lets out quickly, suddenly, his mouth motoring without his permission. Crutchie, Kath, Albert, Specs, everyone in the room looks at him. “Can you-” David stops himself. He won’t get anywhere if he asks. “Move, guys. Move, for a minute.”
It’s callous, he knows, and demanding, and maybe even unfair. They’re all worried, just like David.
They move. Katherine squeezes his shoulder, and Crutchie gives himself one last look at Jack, but they all move. It’s just Davey and Jack. 
David looks down at the other again, gaze withering. Carefully, his fingers touch the safest parts of Jack’s face, and Jack just barely turns toward him. 
“Who did this to you,” David demands, clear, enunciated, burning.
Jack watches him as much as he’s able, but he deliberately looks away after a few moments, delirious smile dimmed.
“Y’know those’m, those… friends I said I made? At the World?” he mumbles out. His lip quirks, since he’s about to admit something, and David finds a kerchief in his pocket to wipe the boy’s lip quickly. “They.. ain’t my friends, ‘s f’sure, Davey.”
“No they would not be,” David tries to agree softly, but it comes out of his mouth argumentative, maybe. Jack gives him a smile, covering a wince- David catches his hand trying to find his ribs. 
“You look like you’re gonna do something stupid,” Jack hums. 
“I don’t- have.. a look that indicates that,” David spits out. 
“If you’re gonna do it,” Jack continues, and there’s this look in his eye that tells David that Jack is just as angry as he is, “bring someone.”
David brings Race. 
He gets a general description from Jack as the night goes on, Mush having peeled back Jack’s shirt to ice his ribs and stitch up the cut in Jack’s cheek, and Kath points the two boys out to Race and David the next day. It’s kind of a team effort, sure, but to David the effort isn’t done until his fist is in someone’s gut. 
Things have made him feel ugly inside before, it isn’t that unusual for him, but this ugliness is hot and flaming and demanding action. And in the name of the boy David thinks he loves, he’ll let it the hell out. Race’s dark smirk only encourages it. 
He and Race surprise the boys, catching them on their way home. David hasn’t been in many fights since the strike, in all honesty, but he’s had to fend for himself at school as the new resident working boy in his classes. 
David doesn’t let himself think. If he thinks, he’ll stop, and that’s probably the better option, so David has to ignore it. He’s doing the stupid thing, he brought someone, and they screwed up one of Jack’s braids and beat his face in and–
He forgot how much it hurt to hit someone…
David shoves one of the guys into the alley as Race does, and his knuckles find his guy’s nose- once, twice. He earns one to his jaw, and he tries not to reel in surprise, because Race isn’t- Race takes his punch to the ribs he receives and hits back two times quicker as if to erase the action as a whole. 
David isn’t fast in that way, but he’s damn tall, and he takes his target’s shoulders and drives him against the wall, nailing him in the gut while he holds him there. The boy tries to rip David’s grip away, but David practically slams him back as a knee-jerk reaction. His eyes widen at himself, but it’s fine, it’s an opening. He runs his fist into the boy’s cheek. 
“David,” Race hisses after what must be a while, and David’s attention snaps up and over at the other. He nods, and they both drop what they’re doing and scram.
They slow to a quick walk after a few blocks, and Race grins, slapping David’s chest. The boy’s sporting a bruise by his temple, and David thinks he remembers Racer’s head hitting the brick wall.
“You gotta tell Jack! Davey, I never seen you fight like that,” Racer says, beaming at David- proud of him. David can’t help sending a tiny smile back.
“I know that was- uh- well, very reckless, and unbelievably stupid, so,” David sighs out, “thank you.” 
“Yeah, man, I got you,” Race nods. “For Jack, yeah?”
David finds himself nodding, vigorously, not thinking. Not needing to think.
“For Jack,” he echoes. 
The lodge welcomes them back heartily, and David can see Jack sitting up on the mattress in the back, which he should not be fucking doing. He ignores the cheers and rushes over to him.
“What are you doing?” he hisses. “Didn’t Mush say you shouldn’t sit up on your-”
Dark, cherry-colored lips press to his, sudden and silencing. David can feel the cut on Jack’s bottom one with his tongue when he pulls away. 
“You’re nose’s bleedin’” Jack whispers, smirking. David wipes it quickly.
“Uh, sorry,” he lets out, blinking at the other. 
“Did you get ‘em good?” Jack asks, looking up at him, a little differently. Jack’s gaze keeps slipping downward just a tick. David nods slowly.
“I think we did, yeah,” he confirms. “Race was a great help.”
He sits himself next to Jack, even though the boy should really lay down. Instead, Jack shifts himself against David, making himself comfortable. David’s arm slips around his waist.
“You really…care, about me,” Jack says softly. 
“Of course I do,” David nearly scoffs. “Jack. I-”
“This’s something else, Davey, yeah? Somethin’ new?”
David thinks about the burning, and the ugliness- how Jack’s pain had made him feel ugly inside, not just Jack. How he didn’t even think.
“Yeah,” David says. “You okay with it?”
Jack gazes at him again. One of his eyes is officially swollen shut, but the other is wide open, burning with something beautiful.
“Yeah,” Jack smiles. David returns it, without a thought. 
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occasionaltouhou · 10 days
wait i saw your doll joints touhou list and im fascinated. i would love to hear your thematic explanations if you're willing to explain
i had to backlog to find this so my memory of it is clearly not great but i'll do my best because if nothing else the way i think now is still much the same as the way i thought then. anyway
original post here. explanation below cut
meiling & sakuya - servants of remilia scarlet. sakuya obviously has some inhuman elements to her but i feel like there's an appeal to making either or both of remilia's servants into doll-type beings. manipulation of fate, puppeteering, all that. alternately, either or both having mechanical prosthetics would just be cool (possibly in the sense of remilia taking some of their flesh upon entering her service, or otherwise)
chen & ran - they're shikigami. fairly obvious really
reisen - the lunar rabbits are probably designed to be a working population to support the lunarians; thus, it'd be interesting if the lunar rabbits were to some degree visibly mechanical, made more obvious by reisen staying on earth longer and her fake skin chipping away to reveal the joints beneath
kaguya - she's just kind of got doll vibes. you either get it or you don't
medicine & hina - they're both dolls. obvious
okuu - for her cannon arm and her legs, you could easily justify mechanical joints given that they're acting out the roles of mechnical devices. bonus points if they have detachable components so that she can swap between her power armour and regular limbs (and more besides)
kogasa, benben, yatsuhashi, raiko - they're tsukumogami, so i think it'd be fun if they looked a bit like puppets (that is, puppets that the spirits of their true bodies are manipulating)
futo & miko - this is more personal flavour but given how shikaisen work i think it'd be interesting if they looked slightly inhuman, and that's best reflected by having them be made of the material they used for their bodies (their plates and sword, respectively). and obviously if you're doing that then having joints is essential
okina - in addition to the obvious element of prosthetics adding onto the idea of her as a god of disabilities i also just think it'd fuck severely if she looked artificial. i already have the idea that she has different masks to represent different aspects of herself so adding that onto an obviously inhuman form would just be extremely cool. just imo
mayumi & keiki - mayumi is already an inhuman construct so that's pretty obvious. keiki's is a bit less intuitive but basically derives from the idea that she's as much a machine as mayumi is, she's simply the machine that makes all the other machines. a much more mechanical god than is usual in touhou; i think it'd be cool if she looked similar to her creations. made in their god's own image, even
enoko - really this just comes down to the idea of more of her body having the aesthetics of her claw-hands. and vibes
makai residents - artificial beings made by shinki. obvious
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thebluestbluewords · 1 month
go sportsball
"Open!" Jay shouts. He's not their only player who's open right now, but Tim is hesitating, and Cal's position is a lot more likely to be swarmed by the other side of their scrim team if Tim passes to him. There's two guys coming up behind him from downfield, so it makes the most sense for Tim to pass to Jay, and then he can zigzag to the right, evade the defencemen, because he knows for a fact that he's faster than Franklin, who's wearing the white training pinney for the other team today, even though they usually work really well together, and get it back to Cal if he can break through the upcoming middies to give him the goal. 
Jay's fast. He knows that he's fast. He sees further ahead than most of the other freshmen guys, which is why he knows that he's the best choice to pass to. 
Tim glances at him, and his shoulders tense-- 
And then he swings the other way and passes to Cal. 
Jay's one of the fastest guys on the Sherwood U tourney team, but he's not fast enough to intercept the middies coming up behind Cal before they're on top of him. Tourney isn't usually full contact in practice scrims, so he pulls up short instead of throwing himself into the white-shirted teammates shoulder-checking Cal for the ball. 
They lose control. 
It's not worth the bruises that Jay'll take trying to steal control back right now, so he falls back to his usual winger position at Tim's side, and lets their defence handle it. It's not actually a big deal if they lose the scrim, it's just fucking embarassing to lose forward control over a single fucked-up pass. 
"Dude, I was open." Jay calls, jogging closer to Tim so he doesn't have to shout quite so loud. "You could've passed my way."
Tim glances at him again, then looks away instead of responding. 
Fuckin' weird.  
"We okay, man?" Jay offers. They're supposed to be improving team communication outside of their usual pairings, so maybe that's why Tim's embarrassed to have lost forward control. "I can signal instead of shouting if that's better for you." 
"Whatever, man." Tim grumbles. Jay can't read his face super well under the helmet, but the extra vibes that his magic picks up aren't showing embarrassment. Jay's not great at reading his new team yet, which makes his whole magic deal harder to utilize effectively, but the vibe he's getting is mostly annoyance and maybe a little bit of fear. 
Nobody else had been afraid of the big scary Isle kid at college so far, but hey, first time for everything. 
"Sorry if I wasn't loud enough," Jay tries. Apologizing makes him less intimidating, more charming. "I was just thinking for the longer play-- Cal had those guys on top of him, and I had the opening to evade and pass back to him once they changed course. We could try passing quicker next time. If we can weave and get the ball moving we can probably outrun 'em."
Tim nods, quickly.  "Maybe, sure." 
Jay bounces on his toes, tracking the motion of the ball back to their defence. "We're the stronger half right now. We can do better. If we stay fast--" 
"Man, shut up," Tim grumbles. "We're not all prep kids here." 
Jay's stomach flips over, like he's missed a step on the stairs. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing. Forget it." 
The coach's whistle shrieks out over the field. "GOAL, WHITE TEAM." 
Well, fuck. 
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viperwhispered · 1 month
Quick question: how comfortable are you with gore? I have an interesting scenario in my head.
Warning: light description of dead bodies and massacres.
So I was looking into mythology again and took a look at the story of Kali, the hindu goddess of pure unstoppable rage, death, time, and a form of Parvati. And it gave me a little scenario for OB!Jamil.
Let's say that everyone has some form of extreme/dark side. All these dark sides stay in their own dimension of sorts. For mages, it manifests as an overblot. For normal people, it's usually a manifestation of what they are at their worst.
The reader's darker side manifests from their desire to help others. Specifically an intolerance towards evil. While normally they'll accept that some people can't be changed while still promoting non lethal punishments, their darker side is basically kill on sight. If you're a scum of the Earth who commits unjustifiable evil (ex: abusers, pedos, rapists, etc), you're dead.
Cue the scenario: so we got OB!Jamil chilling in his massive palace partying it up with other darksides. It's basically a convention for hedonist (with limits, Jamil still has standards). Suddenly he gets a the news that there's a huge scuffle on his turf and it's getting in the way of party supplies.
Royally pissed off, Jamil marches out to deal with (ie kill) whatever is getting j the way of his party.
Then he sees this: a pile of massacred bodies, all darksides who's he's quarreled with or heard to have been below his standards, with what has to be the most sublime creature he's ever seen dealing a finishing blow to one of the survivors. The person slowly turns their attention to him, all the while oozing bloddlust. Just one look and Jamil understood: this is one of the most dangerous being to walk this world and they could crush him like a bug.
Cue cupid's arrow. Why? Because OB!Jamil is still Jamil and normal Jamil is currently in a very loving relationship with the normal version of the reader. OB!Jamil knows nothing of the person in front of him. Not their name nor their personality. But he does know that he loves them.
Jamil, now throughly enamored, grabs their hand and starts flirting, gleefully inviting them to his palace. The reader, still covered in blood and guts, just goes "huh?"
Reader: I just finished slaughtering your guests and your response is to flirt?
Jamil: well they're barely acquaintances. But I must say that you're radiance greatly outshines their filth! So how about it? Hmm, I promise the finest dishes and entertainment if you come along.
Reader: *starts laughing at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation while slightly blushing"
Jamil: 😍
The pair then proceed to head back to Jamil's place and live happily every after.
This version of the pair also comes with the visual of Jamil and his beloved dancing on the corpses of their enemies.
We sure are headed for a full on au with these, huh?
Now I can't say I'm big on gore (at least when we get graphic about it, like it kinda put me off from watching game of thrones and the fallout show) but ngl I can kinda vibe with the sheer unhingedness of this all.
I'm also thinking of this in relation to the previous ask, with reader's destructive tendencies being particularly directed towards anyone who they feel has wronged Jamil. Those people (or whatever these beings are) not even knowing that crossing reader's path might be in some ways worse than Jamil getting his revenge on them. (Or if we're looking at darkside versions of people who have wronged normal Jamil… well, there's a few of those as well, isn't there?)
At least for Jamil's canonical overblot, imo the two things at the center of it were wanting power and wanting recognition (aka no longer being the one having to hold back and no longer having to take orders from others). Which, sure would be a reason for plenty of conflict with those other darksides, who probably aren't exactly enthusiastic about submitting to his will or anything like that. Plenty of folks for reader to lovingly mow down 🥰
I do love the concept of the feelings from the real world carrying over to these reflections, even if these reflections may not fully understand what or how it is happening.
Just “I'd crush the whole world for you 😍” “How sweet 🥰” for these two, huh?
Ah yes, dancing together on a field of your slain enemies, what an epitome of romance.
But talking of Kali also makes me think of one of them taking on the role of Shiva. Throwing themselves on the way of the other to stop their wanton destruction. Just, the potential for drama there.
Maybe even regular Jamil doing this with an enraged reader for whatever reason? I mean, he'd definitely have to be desperate to do something that endangers himself so directly, but the uncharacteristicness of it all just makes it even more tasty (and angsty, presuming it would still involve Jamil getting hurt. Tho depending on the particular history they have, he could always play it off that at least they're even now after he hurt reader during his overblot…)
Love it how I'm here like
Me: I'm not an angst writer
Also me: but what if Jamil was in such a desperate situation with someone he loves that he forgets all his usual cleverness / sees no other choice to stop what's happening except getting himself hurt by this person who he normally feels totally safe with
Oof 🥲
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remuswriting · 8 months
When Sugawara has to retire from being a camp counselor after getting a teaching position, Y/N meets his new co-counselor Miya Osamu.
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WORD COUNT: 3,581 words
TAGS: Camp Counselor AU; First Meetings; Pre-Relationship; Fluff
NOTES: To be honest, I want to write a longer camp counselor au because I think it'd be really fun, but we have this instead. Also, I attended summer camp for like 5 years as a kid, but idk a lot about everything camp counselors do. So if there's anything they do that's not accurate, then pretend it is. We're here for the vibes.
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Y/N’s summers growing up had always consisted of summer camp.  He went away for a week, lived in a cabin, swam in the lake, did arts and crafts, sang corny songs, and became friends with everyone he met.  Most people came back every summer like he did, so he always knew someone after his first summer.  It had been something he looked forward to and absolutely loved.  Core happy childhood memories.
When he learned his old summer camp was hiring camp counselors, he applied and got accepted the summer before his second year at university.  With university being more stressful than he expected, he missed the happy atmosphere and memories he got every summer as a kid.  There aren’t any summer camps for university students—or none that he knows of—so why not become a camp counselor and hope it’s just as fun as being a camper.
Sugawara trained him his first summer.  They already knew each other from when they were younger, so it was easy to reconnect.  By the end of the first summer, it felt more like best friends going to camp together instead of being camp counselors.  Maybe it was because Y/N has gone there for years and already understood the basics of most things.  The next summer, they’re paired up again, and things are just as fun.  But then Sugawara leaves because he’s graduated and got a teaching position, so he no longer has the time during the summer to be a camp counselor.
Administration decides Y/N is ready to train someone after only two years of being there, even though they usually wait until someone has been there for four years.  It’s just that anyone with eyes knows he can train someone since he and Sugawara always divided responsibilities evenly, sometimes switching who did what.  He’ll never say he can do it alone, because he can’t, but he wouldn’t be completely helpless if left alone.
Kousaka, the camp director, sent out emails about things people needed to bring and who was being paired up with who.  They’re getting five new camp counselors, which is a little lower than normal. (Their average is 10 new ones every year, so it’s not too much lower.) Y/N doesn’t know if the slight drop is because summer camps may not be popular anymore or people don’t know about it.  Whatever it is, it’s fine because they have enough counselors for the number of campers they’ll have.
The beginning of assignments happens about the moment you get to the lodge with your things.  Cabin assignments change every year, even though he wishes they didn’t.  His first year as a counselor he had cabin five, which is near the pool, where there are actual toilets, but the next year they put him near the lodge (that he can’t break into to use the bathroom).  He crossed his fingers and silently prayed that he’d get the cabin five again, even though he doubts it a little.
He opens one of the side doors to the lodge and walks in.  Not all the tables have been put out.  Only two, probably for people to do paperwork if the line gets too long.  However, about no one is in there right now.  He adjusts his duffle bag over his shoulder and looks for Kousaka.
“L/N-kun!” Kousaka calls out, and he looks over at the staircase leading to her room.  Her, her daughter, and the nurse are the only ones who stay in the lodge.  They really only use the building for inside activities, the cafeteria, and the nurse’s office, which became fairly big after a flu outbreak several years ago. (Thankfully, Y/N hadn’t been there for that.)
He hurries over to her, knowing she has roughly 40 other people to talk to and so much more to do. “Kousaka-san, how are you?” he asks, and she smiles.  She had pulled her black hair into a bun, but it’s slowly graying with gentle streaks.  She doesn’t look old, though.  There’s not a single wrinkle on her face.
“I’m doing well.  A bit stressed, but you know how it is the first couple days of training,” she says, and he chuckles.
“As well as every day of training and camp.”
She laughs a little, her smile fond. “I have everything where I usually do, so if you’ll follow me.”
The process of getting everything sorted out isn’t hard.  He’ll fill out a couple of things, go to the nurse for a physical, and then get his cabin key.  Later on, there will be rosters of all his campers and anything else that isn’t important enough to happen from the beginning.
Kousaka hands him a couple of forms to fill out, shooing him off to a table to do so, and then gives him a key when he gets back. “It’s Cabin 16, which you know where that is,” she says, and he nods, internally groaning since that’s the farthest cabin from the lodge. “And you’ll be training someone this year, which I told you over email.  His name is Miya Osamu.”
“That name sounds familiar,” Y/N says as he fidgets with the cabin key.
“He went here for two summers when he was really young,” she says, and Y/N nods.  Most likely knew him from then, but only having a name doesn’t mean he’ll remember. “He’s really sweet, but seems to be a bit quiet.”
“Is he already here?”
“Yes.  He’s with the nurse, doing his physical, which you need done as well,” Kousaka says, pulling out another form for him.  It was just the physical form. “Have him wait for you and you can bring your forms up together.”
Y/N nods. “Alright.  Will do,” he says before picking his duffle bag off the ground and heading to the nurse’s office.
For once, there isn’t anyone waiting in the hall.  He either got here really early this year or “late.”  He assumes early since Kousaka still has so many counselor folders out.  The nurse’s office is in the basement at the end of a never-ending hallway.  Several twists and turns in order to get there.  If he hadn’t been here before, he would’ve gotten lost with the number of rooms there were.  Some used to be dorm rooms, but after kids kept sneaking out and breaking into the kitchen, they stopped letting them dorm there.
The guy who walks out of the nurse’s office is tall and his shoulders are broad.  His hair is black and messy, like he’d been running his fingers through it repeatedly.  His outfit is normal for summer camp—khaki shorts and T-shirt, but his shirt has a volleyball reference on it.  He’ll probably love the volleyball competition they have by the lake and in the pool.
“Hey,” Y/N says when he was close enough he doesn’t need to scream.  The guy looks up from his phone at him. “Are you Miya-san?”
He nods with a small smile, as if he’s been caught doing something he wasn’t meant to. “Yeah.  I’m Miya Osamu, but everyone calls me Osamu.”
Y/N nods. “I’m L/N Y/N.” He stops walking once they were near each other. “Everyone calls me L/N.”
Osamu chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. “Sorry, it’s kinda a habit since I’m a twin,” he said, and Y/N smiled a little. “People tend to think I’m just really friendly.”
“Are you not friendly?” Y/N teases, and while some would panic slightly, Osamu doesn’t.  He just chuckles.  He’s probably used to any form of teasing if he’s a twin. “Also, I’ve never met a twin before, which I bet you hear that a lot.”
“Ya’ve got no idea,” Osamu says.  It’s easy talking to Osamu, which Y/N isn’t surprised by.  He finds talking to people to be easy.  This is just different.  Osamu turns his head, looking over his shoulder, and points at the nurse’s office with his thumb. “Do ya need to get your physical done?”
Y/N nods. “Yeah.  Kousaka-san asked for you to wait with me so we can go back up there together.”
Osamu nods. “Sounds good to me.”
Y/N goes to set his stuff down before looking at Osamu. “Is it alright if I put my stuff here while I’m in there?”
“Course,” Osamu says with an amused smile. “I’ll guard it with my life.”
Y/N rolls his eyes, but he smiles with him. “You don’t need to go that far, but thanks.”
Osamu motions for him to hurry. “Hurry, I wanna check out our cabin.”
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It’s easy being paired with Osamu.  Y/N doesn’t have an issue talking to him, and it seems like they’re always on the same page.  They’ve already planned several pranks they’re going to pull on their campers.  Something Sugawara never let Y/N do, even though he wanted to as well.  They probably never did it because Sugawara doesn’t know how to be subtle with the majority of things and would’ve taken it just a little too far.
Y/N likes hanging out with Osamu.  He never finds himself getting annoyed and having to wander the woods to cool off. (Which only happened once with Sugawara after a long, extremely hot day where no one was in a good mood.  But still, it happened.) He’s really happy that Osamu is his co-counselor.
There are three days until the campers show up, meaning they’ve known each other for almost two weeks now.  They’re in their team building group when Osamu sits next to Y/N, scooting his chair closer to Y/N.  He’s said it’s to make sure everyone knows they’re friends, which Y/N finds endearing.  He just hopes that Osamu means that and it’s not just a joke.
“Alright, everyone has had time to get to know their co-counselors,” Kousaka says as she stands in the middle of the chair circle. “I’ve got some worksheets for bonding questions.  Nothing intense.  Just asking each other some questions, writing their answers, and bringing it here tomorrow.  It’s not a grade.  I just need to see you’ve done them.”
Y/N knows they’re only doing this because there are counselors not getting along.  He has his suspicions, but he’s not 100 percent certain of who, though.  He’ll have to ask Akaashi later since Akaashi seems to always know everything.  He literally writes things down in his notes app so he doesn’t forget.
They pass papers around, and they get through the rest of the group talking about scenarios of what to do when campers aren’t getting along.  Then they’re sent back to their cabins to get ready for dinner and night meetings after.  The bonding exercise worksheet sits comfortably in a folder in his backpack, along with Osamu’s.  Osamu forgot to pack his folder before lunch, meaning Y/N got to carry around the paperwork.
“Didja look at what was on the worksheet?” Osamu asks as they trek past everyone.  Y/N really hates that their cabin is the farthest away from the lodge.
“Nope.  We can look at it when we get to the cabin or after night activities,” Y/N says, and he grips the straps of his backpack. “I imagine it’s nothing intense.  Probably get to know me questions, like favorite color.”
Osamu chuckles. “Yeah, you’re right.” It’s quiet for a second. “Who do ya think is why we’re doin’ it?”
Y/N looks at him. “Okay, so I’m planning on asking Akaashi-san later, but I have a feeling it may be Kageyama-san and Oikawa-san.  They’ve been at each other’s throats.  I don’t know why they’ve not been assigned to different counselors.”
“Thank, God. I thought I was just imaginin’ the tension,” Osamu says, and Y/N shakes his head with a small laugh.
“No, it’s definitely there, and it’s suffocating.”
“How many more bonding exercises are we gonna have ‘cause of them?”
Y/N looks back at the path ahead of them. “Too many.”
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It’s late once they’ve gotten back to their cabin, and Y/N is ready to just belly flop on his bed and sleep until his alarm goes off at 6 A. M., but he doesn’t get that privilege since they have several things they need to fill out before meetings tomorrow.  So, he plops down on his bed, the wooden frame creaking a little.
“Me too,” Osamu says, and he’s not sat down yet.  He’s putting his stuff up first, which is apparently because his twin—Atsumu—isn’t necessarily messy, but he’s driven Osamu to become organized. “But we’ve gotta get things done first.”
“Wanna do everything for me?” Y/N asks, and Osamu rolls his eyes with a laugh.
“And suffer?  No thanks.”
Osamu pulls his folder out of his bag.  (It was the first thing he grabbed before they left for dinner earlier.) Then he’s pulling out pencils and pens.  Y/N doesn’t even want to open his bag.  He doesn’t want to do anything but sleep.  But he slowly opens his bag, though, only because of Osamu.
“Wanna do the bonding exercise worksheet first?” Osamu asks, and he’s pulling it out of his folder. “It says we’ve gotta be somewhere we both feel comfortable, though.”
Y/N’s eyes light up. “Do you think Kageyama-san and Oikawa-san are at the volleyball net at the lake?”
Osamu looks at him, and he has that smile that says exactly what Y/N is thinking.  They should go see.  This is the only time that Y/N likes that they’re in this cabin, since it’s closest to the lake.  The only issue with going to check is that the lake is at the bottom of a steep hill that’s terrible to walk up and down in the daylight. (Kageyama and Oikawa are probably down there anyway because they’re both ridiculous.)
Y/N is shoving his folder back into his bag and getting up while Osamu just grabs two pens and his folder to put in his bag.  Then they’re out of the cabin, hurrying over there.  From the top of the hill, they see several lights on, meaning someone is definitely down there.  Y/N can’t hear anything, though.  If they walk down the hill with their flashlights, they’ll definitely get caught.  There’s no way in hell either of them will walk down the hill without a flashlight.
After a minute, he hears what sounds like a ball hitting the ground. “I thought you weren’t going to use that serve!” a voice yells, and Y/N is pretty sure it’s Kageyama.  Yeah, they’re down there.
“Wanna go down there?” Osamu asks, and Y/N looks at him.  His face is barely illuminated by their flashlights pointed at the ground. “Or do ya want to go over to the amphitheater?”
“Amphitheater,” Y/N says without a second thought. “I need to see what talent you’ll bring to the talent show this year.”
Osamu rolls his eyes. “I’m gonna blow yer socks off.”
The walk isn’t long, but it’s done in silence.  It’s mainly because the path can be so difficult to see so they want to focus on making it without getting hurt.  There’s also the fact that they’re out past curfew.  Maybe if they say it’s because of the bonding exercise worksheet, Kousaka would let it pass.  Also, it’s not like Y/N minds the silence.  He just finds it nice being able to do this with Osamu—hang out.  It’s funny because he never thought sneaking around would appeal to him.
“We’re here,” Osamu says, and the amphitheater is poorly lit from the one light pole there.  There aren’t many around the camp, but there’s one here because of how many kids apparently kept getting hurt from being there in the dark. “Let’s get to bonding.”
Y/N grimaces a little. “Please don’t say it like that.”
“I’ll say it however I want,” Osamu says, and Y/N rolls his eyes as they find somewhere to sit. “Alright, question one: What do ya wanna do with your life?”
“Damn, that’s a heavy question,” Y/N says with a slight laugh. “What do I want to do with my life?” He looks over into the darkness for a moment. “Travel.  I have a friend traveling the world right now, and he’s never been happier.”
“Good answer,” Osamu says as he writes it down, his handwriting sloppy from not being able to hold the paper down.
Y/N takes the flashlight from Osamu, shining it down on the paper for him. “What about you?”
Osamu looks up at him, and his face is fully illuminated now.  His gray eyes are such a stark difference from his black hair right now. “I wanna open a restaurant.”
Y/N’s eyes widen, because he wasn’t expecting that answer.  He’s not sure what he thought Osamu would say.  He has a vibe about him that makes it hard to pin down exactly who he is.
“What kind?” Y/N asks, and Osamu takes the flashlight from him so he can write.
“Onigiri.  Maybe other stuff in the future, but right now, that’s what I wanna make,” he says, and Y/N can’t look at him while the flashlight is shining at him because it’ll hurt his eyes.  He wants to look at him.  He finds that he never grows tired of looking at Osamu.
“You’ll have to cook for me sometime,” Y/N says with a smile, and Osamu chuckles.
“Come to Osaka, and you’ve got yourself a deal.”
Y/N looks down at the next question. “Why did you decide to apply?  Make sure to give at least two sentences.” He lowers the flashlight a little, and Y/N looks up at Osamu. “You got an answer?”
From what Y/N can see behind the bright light, Osamu looks embarrassed—shy?  It’s a strange look on him.  He’s not sure if there’s a reason that’ll call for embarrassment.
“I… I was lonely,” Osamu says, and Y/N is quiet.  What is he supposed to say to that?  Question him on why or remind him he needs two sentences? “I’ve told ya how Atsumu went pro this last year, and I thought it’d be fine, but we weren’t talkin’ as much as we used to.  And then I saw a photo of us when we were kids here and thought ‘might as well’…” Osamu falls quiet. “I thought comin’ here would help me not feel so lonely.”
“Did it?” Y/N asks, not writing anything down. “Make you not feel lonely?”
Osamu nods a little. “Yeah.  It did.”
It’s quiet for a moment, crickets chirping around them and the flashlight no longer being pointed at anyone but instead pointed at the ground.  Y/N knows if he looks up, the stars will be vibrant, even with the shitty light pole that actually needs to be replaced, but won’t since they don’t have the money.
“What about you?” Osamu asks, and Y/N can merely only see the outline of his currently. “Why'd Ya come to camp?”
There’s the reason Y/N tells himself that he missed it, which is true.  It’s a valid reason, but it’s not the reason he supposes.
“Life is really fast paced,” Y/N says, and Osamu just stares at him. “I got really burned out two years ago, and everything was just tiring.  Then I came across a picture of Suga and me from camp when we were kids, and I remember being tired back then, but it was a fun tired.” He pauses. “I think I just wanted to experience that tiredness again.”
“Do ya think everyone’s reasons are as sappy as ours?” Osamu asks, and Y/N chuckles a little.
“No, but I imagine we’re not the only ones.”
The crickets chirp around them, and Y/N likes it.  He likes the nighttime atmosphere.  He likes that he gets to share it with Osamu, who hasn’t written Y/N’s answer down, just like Y/N hasn’t written his answer.
“So, what’re we gonna write down?” Osamu asks.
“I wanted a change in scenery, which camp brings me,” Y/N says as he takes the flashlight from Osamu to shine it on his paper. “Just make it two sentences.”
“I dunno how,” Osamu says after he’s tried writing the beginning of the sentence three times. “Uh.  Life got chaotic and overwhelming, so he looked back on the past at camp.  He thought that chaos would be better.”
“Works for me,” Y/N says, and Osamu takes the flashlight from him. “How about I write: He missed camp and all the friends it brought him.  So he came back to make more?”
Osamu laughs a little. “Terrible, but great.”
Y/N pouts slightly as he writes. “I’m trying to not give away all your secrets, Osamu.”
Osamu doesn’t respond at first before he quietly says, “Yeah, I know.  Thank you.”
“Okay, now, question three.  Will it ask us to share childhood trauma?” Y/N looks at question three. “What are your hobbies?”
Osamu laughs a little, and Y/N joins in with him.  It’s funny how that’s the question after two vulnerable questions.  After a few minutes, their laughter dies down as they breathe.  Osamu looks at him.
“Wanna head back to the cabin?” he asks, and Y/N looks around them for a moment.  He looks at the wooden benches that make up the amphitheater, the shitty lamp post that needs a better light, and the “stage” that’s only the ground itself but is the focal point.
He looks back at Osamu with a soft smile. “Sure, but you better have the coolest hobbies ever.”
He sees Osamu’s smile, the same one he had whenever he said he’d protect Y/N’s duffle bag with his life. “I’m gonna blow ya away with my hobbies. Just ya wait.”
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jnginlov · 4 months
a little collaborative thought inspired by jk’s recent lives and a tiktok (that no longer exists ㅠㅠ) about how jk’s apartment is such a bachelor pad (fem!reader)
jin hires an interior designer for jungkook, you, and jk tries to fight you about everything cause you’re judging him for having a just moved in vibe to his apartment he’s lived in for three years but he’s mostly annoyed because fuck if you aren’t super attractive and literally his exact type but he’s too stubborn to let his interior design style be talked down on by anyone
of course jin argues "we're doing this so you can finally invite a girl over, man, this is exactly why you don't get any" and "listen to her, she knows what girls like"
and so you know going into this job, because jin literally told you, that jk is a bachelor, which you could tell just from the apartment, but that your design goal is to appeal to any “female guests” (as you wrote in your notes) that he may wish to invite over
so he’s also embarrassed by that because he, of course, wasn’t aware jin told you all of that at the consultation and your hiring
of course he thought you were to help impress any and all guests, since he’s a celebrity and all, he's gotta have a nice place he can host sometimes. not that he's ever done that before, but there's a first time for everything
then one day when you are set to go over and put up some new art pieces, jk has been drinking, probably staying up for the past however long on live with fans, and so when you arrive he’s all pissy, more than usual, and just being a pain in the ass, almost to the point where you can’t do your job, until you snap at him and he breaks down
he talks about feeling insecure about not really being able to impress girls, even as a celebrity, and you end up reassuring him that he’s more than that and that even if his decor style is shit he’s probably a great guy. plus i mean he is pretty attractive and when he’s not throwing little annoyed quips your way he’s actually pretty nice and even his annoyed quips are kind of cute because he never really can say those things and mean them and oh my gosh when did you find your client hot and endearing and wait do you have a crush on jk?
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seafoamreadings · 1 year
week of june 25th, 2023
aries: it's a somewhat strange time to be an aries as mars squares uranus. the unexpected happens. and even knowing that, you can't prevent it or prepare for it. it may not be bad, but it will certainly be jarring, and all there is for it is to try to be wise (with money, with love)
taurus: unexpected blessings should be arriving this week. surprise and delight await. it's fated and wyrd and will most likely all make sense after you see it but not before.
gemini: your ruling planet mercury leaves your sign this week for cancer and while cancerian vibes may be well out of your wheelhouse, at least mercury stays busy, flitting about in a way that suits you. exchanges of all kinds (money, goods, words) are good for your finances at this time.
cancerians: mercury in your sign from this week can have you chattier than usual. it's a good thing, mostly. say what you need to say, get stuff off your chest. be a little picky about who you talk to, but if someone comes to you with a question or request it's safe to answer honestly.
leo: this leonic time of year has you as a budding flower ready to burst forth into life but not quite doing it. leonic mars activity at the same time makes you a bit itchy, perhaps acting a little prematurely. it's okay to do so, just know you may want to change your mind about some things later.
virgo: honestly i'm still collecting data on ceres vs. mercury for virgoans but the square between them this week should provide useful information. this cardinal square will affect your resources and social situations, one way or another! take note of which influence is stronger - if the focus is more on resources of some kind, ceres is your true ruler. otherwise, probably mercury. of course, there's no rule saying it can't be both. meanwhile neptune retrograde brings confusion to committed relationships or confrontations with "enemies" of whatever sort.
libra: this week is not very balanced. that throws you off balance too, which is not your preferred state by any means. you have options, then; try to force yourself back to equilibrium, which might work, or go with the flow and learn how to surf.
scorpio: the vibes are all fire and water and you, desert creature, are the one who combines both the best. this is simple alchemy for you, you can do it practically in your sleep. if it feels like it's hard you're overthinking.
sagittarius: best case scenario: a busy yet productive week. more likely: a bit of a struggle. but the moon in your sign at the end of the week should help you, if you work along with it by doing what your body needs to be nurtured.
capricorn: on the one hand, the intense cardinality of the week is something you understand - projects are begun with ease and so on. on the other hand it makes for a number of squares to your natal capricorn planets and points. so there is a chafing that can lead to starting too many things, and/or too soon. just be wary of this caveat as you go.
aquarius: you get two major warnings this week: one is a sort of tower warning (in the tarot sense) around the mars-uranus square, which may affect your committed relationships and/or your home life. a partner moves out? or if you planned to move in with someone, maybe try to reschedule or reconsider... then neptune retrograde in your 2nd house. resources are deceptive in some way. maybe you thought a joint income would help, for example. this says, probably not as much as you hoped.
pisces: your ruler neptune goes retrograde. it has, of course, been inching toward the final degrees of your sign. this slows it down and takes it back a bit, for a little longer with you. don't let others make you fear retrogrades; for you this is romantic and sweet, if a bit delulu. it's unlikely to do you any harm, and more likely to help you to enjoy your days.
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thecoffeelorian · 1 month
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Chapter Title:  The Challenge
Word Count:  1,550 words
Brief Description: Captain Howzer x Female Reader, Captain Howzer x Chandrilan Reader (Singular Love Interest)
Synopsis:  When your father declares there will be no marriages for your younger sister until you yourself are wedded first, you assume that’s his way of keeping her single forever.  Little do you know, you just might be about to go on the first real adventure of your life…and, more curiously, you might not be going alone.  (Slightly inspired by W. Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew” with just a hint of "10 Things I Hate About You" for extra funsies.)
AO3: Link Here
Additional Notes: ...Yes, I'm reposting this because I got so far behind the first time around, I decided to just plain start over so that I could look at this story with fresh eyes. Hope it's not too late for me. Also, my profound thanks for helping me get to 200 followers as of this morning. :D
The No-Pressure Tag List: @trixie2023 @nerfpuncher @burningfieldof-clover @angrypaperearthquake-tbbb-main and anybody else still reading my stuff.
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They’re at it again. The same two young men who have been coming here for the past three rotations, and all because they want nothing more than a moment alone with your baby sister, if not she also with one of them.  That’s the vibe you get as you slip past them and their entreaties, through the long corridor, and up the somewhat longer staircase leading to the upper floor of your home for some much-needed privacy.  Thankfully, they’ve decided to ignore your presence so far, because otherwise, you would be stuck down there having to deal with their whining and their begging about Briana.
Not that they’re really all that interested in “Brainy Bri” in the first place, but of course, that’s the last thing on your mind now. You’ve got bigger plans to deal with, or so you keep telling yourself before you get spotted by someone else within.  In fact, at twenty years of age, you thought you might have finally found your way off of a planet that holds no more warmth for you.  
Your mother had finally left this world after three months in an end-of-life facility, but only close behind five years of dealing with the terminal illness that came with creating and testing ion cannons. Sometimes you can still see her face in your memory from time to time, provided you close your eyes and concentrate first.  Sometimes you also fear becoming just like her if you end up staying on this planet rather than leaving.  In any case, though, if you were to suddenly disappear, she wouldn’t be around to try and convince you to return.
Your father, subsequently, had ceased to be able to look you in the face, no doubt because you reminded him of the woman he had so recently lost, as well as the responsibilities that came with being a widower.  The least of which, seemingly, had been paying off a few key debts in order to guarantee none of you would have to beg for your next meal…or so he told you.  He would probably not pay your disappearance much attention, either, all thanks to his current…‘projects’.
And as for your younger sister, she certainly could have cared less about you even if a Sarlacc swallowed you tomorrow.  Thanks to the usual tenets of your shared Chalindran culture, Briana’s upbringing and quiet demeanor has all but handed her a gleaming marriage proposal on a silver serving tray.  Your mother’s funeral was the very first place you had spotted her future suitors, the first being the only son of an Admiral; the second, the firstborn son of a Senator from the Mid Rim.  Either one would be more than acceptable in the girl’s eyes as well as Father’s, for not only had she grown past the minimum age of fifteen cycles, she was also just so eager to please whatever young fellow crossed her path.
(How disgusting.)
She was quite the opposite of you, perhaps, considering you had begun turning away from your lone surviving parent and eligible bachelors in general at almost the exact same time, as well as letting them know exactly what was on your mind the moment they began pushing for a 'meeting’. Maybe even a little too strongly at times, like…the time a few of your old crystal figurines had just happened to be let loose against your bedroom wall after that young doctor from Coruscant tried to offer you a drink at lunch.
(At least one Chandrilan doctor had thought themselves smart enough to eradicate your mother’s cancer.  Turns out, the cancer begged to differ.)
The second time, the silk collector from Naboo had found himself introduced to your carved wooden bench the moment he had offered to buy your late mother’s gowns at half the price she had originally paid for them.  Needless to say, he ended up with nothing in either sense.
(Probably a good thing, considering she had promised some of them to you before she’d gone.)
The third time, however, had been the one that got every Chandrilan within hearing range looking at you sideways from that rotation forward, if not also leaving you a wide berth whenever you left the safety of your house and surrounding green.  That had been the same day your father let it slip that he’d applied you to the University of Coruscant without your knowledge or, for that matter, your consent.  That had also been the same day that your grief and resentment of the past few months finally bubbled out of you, leading you to reveal not only your own applications to the universities of Naboo, Alderaan, and Pantora in that precise order, but also the long-awaited acceptance letter from Naboo with the Queen’s own stamp of approval attached.  
And so, after that great argument in which you accused your father of keeping you on too tight a leash, you yourself were accused of the worst ingratitude ever befitting a daughter, and half of your best crystal service ended up shattered upon the ground…you had spent the following three weeks planning your escape.
This will be the same escape where, as long as you gather up all the credits left over from your weekly allowances and sneak out unnoticed, you’ll eventually make it out of Chandrila’s space ports and get yourself on your way to Theed.
Lucky for you, you’ve already made a skill out of sneaking off the grounds, so one more trip beyond your father’s fences should be the easiest thing ever.
This is what brings you tiptoeing back down the stairs just as the boys are arguing with Father himself, no doubt ready to interrogate him on just why he’s decided to keep Briana on the same short leash as you are.  Heh.  The poor little lost puppies, begging for a treat from their master. Their sad eyes certainly match those of hungry baby mastiffs, all right,  or so you think as you draw nearer to the gate.
It’s here that Father decides to liven up the competition between these two, or so it sounds to you as you slip past the three of them.
“…Yes, gentlemen, I do insist.  There will be no meetings, betrothals, or anything of the sort with Briana until a husband is found for Y/N!”
A husband.  Ha. Small chance of that happening, if not at all, you think, barely registering the groans and protests of the younger boys in the distance.  You’ve managed to scare most of your prospects off with your brilliant disposition alone, give or take a few damaged articles of furniture.  Not that you’re complaining, of course.  If anything, it just makes leaving home a lot easier.
“So, since both of you can’t get engaged to Briana, perhaps one of you would be willing to introduce yourself to Y/N instead…?”
That’s not going to happen any time soon, either, if the blatant denials you hear right before you slip outside tell you anything.  
Apparently, at least one of them has already claimed that you’re far too dangerous to even say hello to, let alone attempt to flirt with or even court.  That’s perfectly fine with you, though, because neither one of them ever showed enough kriffing intellect to pique your interest, let alone any noticeable kindness, or courage, or willingness to try and deal with the social ills evident in your part of the galaxy.  And even if they did, it would take a lot more than a pretty face, a large bank account, and just the right amount of moral teachings to convince you to give any of them a second look.  
So, as you lift the hood of your poncho into place and throw the strap of your traveling bag over one shoulder, you can’t help but observe that any quick fix your father hoped to arrange today will evaporate the moment he, Briana, or either one of those suitors end up finding you missing…but only if they catch you first.
Which, of course, you don’t plan on allowing to happen.  
No, you’ve planned everything down to the last detail, beginning with your silent ascent into your room to gather up your supplies and then ending the moment you make use of the nearest garren tree to climb successfully over the fence, finally landing quietly upon the ground outside. Neither your family nor any of your household staff have suspected a thing, and even if one of them managed to catch a glimpse of you, you’ve already sworn them to secrecy from your father and sister alike.
This brings a smug grin to your face as you begin your walk down to the space port, your credits and passport safe inside your bag as you go along.  He’s not going to decide your future any more, and she can flirt with her suitors as much as she wants without flaunting it in your face.  
You, on the other hand, will be enjoying your first breath of Naboo air long before they ever manage to locate you, and probably enjoying the grand tour of the university campus besides.
Or, at least…that’s the last thought on your mind, right before a pair of dark, probing eyes suddenly find their way to yours.
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mygloviesme · 8 months
cool about it. || myg
no. 16: met you at the dive bar
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predebut/debut!yoongi x female idol
summary: kanako is an established idol with a growing career and a secret relationship with a producer from her label, haneul. when she’s asked to work with yoongi and rm to create a track for her, she gains unexpected feelings for a certain upcoming rapper. with her increasing fame, her controlling boyfriend, a set of six boys who seem to have grown an attachment to her, and a new boy who’d give her the world, how will she figure out a way to balance it all?
(definitely inspired by boygenius)
word count: 4.4k
genre: ANGST, friends(?) to lovers, slow burn, fluff
chapter warnings: toxic relationship (not w/myg), mentions of mental health, literally half of this is smut holy shit, oral (m receiving & f receiving), bit of dirty talk, whats happening team
inspo song: stay away (its like that) by tv girl just for vibes
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MARCH 30TH, 2012, 12:02AM
I spent a quick ten minutes to throw on whatever In my closet I felt suitest a club best. Everything about it is short and cropped and for some reason I thought that’s what it was meant to be. At eighteen I only knew what I saw in movies, so clearly that’s saying something. 
I take a quick look at myself in my dorm room mirror, analyzing my black skirt and white top. I don’t think I’ve ever shown this much skin, not even on stage. And they have a tendency of putting me in the tightest, tiniest fitting clothes you’ve ever seen. But I feel like a woman with the way the skirt sticks to my hips like a second layer of skin. Or the way my hair hangs down my back so freely, since I have it in a ponytail most of the time. Convenience isn’t a necessity right now though. I just want to feel…sexy?
I cringe at my thoughts and zip up my black boots I don’t remember getting, putting on one more layer of lip gloss as I step outside to the dorm across from me. I take a steep breath before I open the door, seeing a usual sight. 
No one looks at me for a second, not one eye on me. It reassures me that maybe I’m not making as much of a statement as I thought I was. It isn’t until Yoongi exits from the bathroom, a snapback on his head with a loose black shirt that definitely makes me feel things, that someone looks at me. He isn’t one to make many facial expressions, but this time all he does is smile.
 “You look…”
“Holy shit.” Jimin interrupts him. 
I purse my lips in a thin line, “Yeah, yeah okay. I know I look like a girl for the first time and all that.”
“I think we all knew you were a girl.” Namjoon snickers. 
Yoongi gives Namjoon a punch on his shoulder, whispering a ‘what’s wrong with you’ under his breath. The tall boy apologizes but I’m too distracted by the way Yoongi’s shirt outlines his shoulders. There’s something in the air, and with the way this day started it’s a little more than unexpected. Maybe I’m feeling a little too free. 
Seokjin coughs, “Alright guys enough of this, let’s go.”
I look around curiously but quickly, knowing I’ll probably need a jacket. I could always go back to my room but I think Seokjin is about to snap with anger if I keep him here another second. His eyes were just fluttering closed a minute, so that tells me he needs a drink or two in his system.
MARCH 30TH, 2012, 12:49AM
It took us a little longer than it should’ve to end up at the club we were going to be at. There was a lot of sneaking around the building quietly, going to the subway quietly, and finally starting our travels. We finally hit where the club was in a seemingly suspicious area. It had stairs leading down to an entrance where a bouncer was, Hoseok telling him we were with Dae. 
The bouncer looked at a young Jungkook for a second too long and we were sure this night was going to come to an end. Instead, he sighed and let us in. I still don’t know if that was a good thing or not. 
The music is quick to blare into our ears. The muffling became louder and louder until we stood in front of one more door, opening it to reveal a crowded room. A large room. In fact, I was sure everyone in South Korea was here. I turn to yell into Hoseok's ear, trying to fight against the buzzing that’s starting in my ears due to the club noises. “You sure I won’t be recognized?” I ask him, he shakes his head. “You’re alright. Dae said this place was super underground. Only people who don’t want to be seen come here.” Another uncertainty of whether that’s a good thing or not. 
I breathe, in and out. Shutting down whatever feelings I might have in this moment. Because right now it’s just us. This is such a stupid and idiotic idea and I’d only be wanting to do it with them. I turn to Yoongi, smiling ear to ear, “You wanna get a drink?” I shout. He nods, eyeing the bar that’s not too far from where we stood. 
I look at Jimin who looks at me, and I nod to Jungkook. An action that orders him to keep an eye on the young one. Not an ask, an order. He takes Jungkook by the hand to the dance floor energetically until they’re almost out of sight. I leap to grip on Jimin’s arm, “Stay close.” I add. 
He rolls his eyes, “Kanako, I promise.” Finally, they disappear into the crowd of sweaty people. There’s already loads of men who look at me intently, but I take that as a hint to stick as close to Yoongi as possible. Taehyung goes to the dance floor with other young ones while the older boys follow us to the bar. 
I lean onto the bar counter, noticing there’s no menu. I look around to see if I can see anyone else’s drinks that might look appealing, but under these lights they all look the same. Speaking of, all these people look much older than us. These are women and men, with a sprinkle of a few people in their early twenties. They all look like they know what their doing which makes me eager to do so as well. I can’t hide my inexperience with how hard I try, though. 
“Whiskey, neat.” Yoongi says to the female bartender. She looks at me until the eldest with their answers. It gives me time to think on my own but I have yet to come up with anything during the few seconds. 
The bartender laughs as she sees my confused face, “Don’t worry angel, I know what you need.” She says before going off to start on our drinks. It made my stomach flutter for some reason, with embarrassment or flattery I don’t know. All I know is that my chest is bubbling with excitement either way. I want this to be awkward, embarrassing, what have you. I want this to be a night to remember, and I’m sure it will be. I see a young woman walk towards the bar as well, an empty glass in her hand. She has a tight little black dress on and is clearly a little buzzed. She stumbles onto the chair next to me, tilting her head towards me like a cat to a mouse. 
“You’re Kanako, right? Kanako Fujishima.” She asks/shouts. No one has referred to me that way in a long time. The way where they recognize you for your face on TV, or in this case, the girl who exploited herself to the top. I almost turn to Yoongi for help but instead I nod and smile. 
“Yeah, I am.” I say like the famous idol in me would. She’s there, living and breathing underneath my soul. I’m not sure if I’ll ever get her back, but I’ll just pretend for now. 
She hums, looking me up and down. “Real fucked up what happened.” She speaks bluntly. 
My ears do a double-take to check if that’s what she really said, and with the expression on her face I’m sure it is. I’m about to answer until the bartender hands us our drinks, me being last. I can’t tell what color it is but it’s fizzy and waiting for a sip, so I do. 
“Oh, fuck!” I make a sour face. The woman next to me laughs harder than one usually would, “Is that your first sprite vodka?” She asks. 
I swallow while nodding, “I guess so. It’s gross.”
She pats me on the back and the bartender hands her a new drink. She takes it happily, giving it a sip and hopping off the stool. Before leaving she turns to me, her mouth fiddling with the mini black straw in her cup. 
“Next drink is on me, ‘kay?”
MARCH 30TH, 2012, 1:42AM
We’ve all huddled on the dance floor together. We’ve only been dancing for thirty minutes and I’m still sweating like none other. They’re blasting early 2000’s music over and over again, but it’s good to lose yourself in. 
Yoongi’s gotten more comfortable with putting his hands on me, and I think it’s the drinks. His fingers slide down my thighs from behind like he knows what he’s doing, and he’s almost got me convinced if it were for the fact that I know he’s never done this before. I slide my butt around the bulge of his denim jeans, knowing how much he’ll like that. 
Namjoon is a sight to see in the best way possible. He’s dancing with some girl he told me has a ‘piercing in a place she won’t tell me, fuck’ and that’s being repeated verbatim. Clearly the drinks are going to mostly everyone’s head, a hot and messy Seokjin dancing playfully with Hoseok. Then, there’s the three troublemakers who somehow always make a very elaborate dance
despite the music switching every three minutes. Jungkook is having fun too even with being sober. I see his cheeks getting redder by the minute with how hard he’s laughing with every dance move Jimin pulls. Every once in a while I do ward off women who try to dance with him, stopping the grinding me and Yoongi are doing to put them in their place. But besides that, everything is more than amazing. 
And the night is barely starting. 
I focus back on dancing with Yoongi, intoxicated by the vodka that’s still burning my throat and his fingers that’re surely on the prowl. His long, veiny ones that I catch myself staring at for minutes too long on normal days. Whenever he plays piano and he caresses the keys like he’s trying not to hurt them, I think I lose it little by little. 
I flip my body around and wrap my arms around his neck, swaying side to side. He adapts to our new position and fixes his hands so they’re resting on the slope of my hips instead. He bites his lip and I see a glimmer of danger in his almond eyes, making my head dip into his neck to give him a soft kiss. I can hear the echo of a groan from him as I perk my head back up to where it was. “I’m so in love with you.” He closens the space between our faces to say. 
My eyes soften, “I’m so in love with you too,” I pause. “And I think I want to go down on you right now.”
“Right now??”
“Right now, but somewhere else. Obviously.” I respond to him, his mouth widened. 
I take his hand and make a quick trip to Jungkook, leaning into his ear. “We’re gonna be back, don’t go anywhere.” I say to him and he nods. He’s distracted by a flailing Jimin but I trust that he understood me since he was as sober as sober can be. Plus he’s great at following orders most of the time, especially when it comes to me. He knows not to make me upset. Or else. 
Yoongi follows my uncertain lead, pushing through the crowd to find an empty space. The density of the horde of people feels more endless than ever due to my tipsiness. I get quick glances from women I unintentionally pushed to the side but my mission is far more important to care. I need Yoongi right now and it’s almost killing me. We eventually meet the end of the dance floor and I use that to my advantage, walking down a long hallway. 
“Kanako I think I’d be more scared of this hallway if I was sober.” Yoongi confesses. 
I ignore his comment for a moment as my eyes roam the empty passageway until seeing a door with the outline of a woman on it. I let go of Yoongi’s hand to open it, seeing it’s a one-person bathroom. Perfect, I think to myself. I whip my head to him and grab his shirt to drag him inside, quickly locking the door so no one enters. I’m not sure how long this will take but I don’t mind annoying all the woman who’ll probably have to pop a squat outside. 
Yoongi takes my face with both hands, pressing me against the cement wall. His mouth is fast and aggressive but it’s exactly how I wanted it to be. It’s so messy the way his tongue moves around my mouth, causing my breath to shorten by the second. We’re swapping saliva with hunger and I think I can taste the whiskey that lingers on his taste buds. 
His hair is almost screaming at me to be touched so I run my hands through it, revealing the forehead I don’t see enough. His breaths, his hair, even the way his body feels against mine fully clothed, has me feeling something I’ve only known since I met him. Needy. 
I sense the inside of my underwear getting slippery with my own wetness and I’m getting impatient for the warmth to be relieved. A finger swiping my clit would suffice, or even a knee jammed between my legs. I’d take anything. But this moment was supposed to be about him first, so my hands travel down to the zipper of his pants. 
“Kanako,” Yoongi pulls a part from my breathlessly, his lips shiny from us making out, “I’ve never done this before, I just thought you should know that.” He breathes. 
I lick my lips and stare at him deliriously, “Do you want me to be your first?”
“More than anything.” 
I kiss him and smile simultaneously, nipping at his bottom lip before moving down to his jaw. I plant wet pecks around the curvature of his face, feeling his sharp jaw-bone underneath my kisses. I lick down his throat and suck on the space between there and his collarbone, making sure to leave a mark. I’m definitely not in the right headspace to think that one through, but I guess I’ll be the one to introduce him to concealer instead of his future makeup artist. 
I like the idea of being the first to take him in my mouth, the idea that I know me being his first would make a great fantasy for him later. Not to toot my own horn. 
My kisses end where his shirt starts, so I slide my body down the cement wall and sit on my knees below him. He scoots over just a bit to give me enough space, his hands on my head like he’s petting me. Which is way more sexier than it sounds. My fingers roam his thighs before finally unbuttoning his dark-washed jeans, gliding the metal zipper to expose his boxers. 
They’re different from the day before we left for Jeju, they’re tighter. They hug his bulge nicely, creating an image in my head that will soon reveal itself. I climb myself just an inch to kiss down his happy trail. I want to extend this time as much as I possibly can, I want to make his first as pleasurable as possible. Despite it being in this janky bathroom. I know the certain situation is unfortunate. 
I lick down to the band of his boxers, gripping my fingers so they tug on them slowly. I bring them down torturously slow, but I can’t help but make a show of it. He’s gorgeous, skin and all. I reach towards his dick eventually, sliding down until it bounces to the surface. I curl my fingers around the girth of him, flattening my tongue so I graze his dick slowly. I can hear his breath hitch, his body shake. His hands don’t know where to go so I switch my gaze to him, “You can move my head if you want. I like that.” I smile. The sight of me grinning with his dick in my hand only makes him shiver, nodding and closing his eyes as his fingers find their way to my hair. 
He swallows as I go back to licking the head of his cock, swirling my tongue on the underside to encourage him to thrust into my mouth. He follows my que and moves his lower body slowly. When he gets to a comfortable pace I wrap my lips around him, fully enveloping him. I close my eyes and hold onto his thighs to help me inch towards the end of his dick. I intend to take as much of his length in as I can, not knowing if it’ll happen. But honestly I’m so fucked up by his quiet whimpers that I think I’ll do anything to him right now. 
His eyes furrow as he lets out tiny moans, “Y-You look so…pretty..” He whines. I press my thighs together as the intensity of my need grows. Hearing him so lost and dazed with his cock in my mouth makes my saliva increase, dripping down my chin and onto my hand that slides up and down his length. “Pretty Kanako..”
The only way he talks dirty is by praising me, complimenting me. He’s never one to call me degrading names, he wants me to know how good I make him feel. He’s definitely subby in bed. I think I might even make him cry if I go over his breaking point. 
“B-Baby, I’m…” He whispers, only focused on my sloppy tongue that’s sucking him down. 
I hum against his wet dick and feel his hands drag my mouth up and down his length, taking control. He starts to fully mouth-fuck me fast and yet so gently, moving his hips so my nose inches ever so closely to his happy trail. His legs shake and his knees buck, throwing his head back to whimper my name over and over and over again. 
Kanako, fuck, shit, Jesus Christ baby. I’m, I’m…
He continues using my mouth to please himself, the fluids from it foggy and thick due the precum that had been building up. It isn’t long until he pauses and his grip loosens. He’s too close to use me, so I grab his dick and stroke it swiftly. He sucks in his teeth before slamming his hand on the cement wall, pressing his forehead against it. He lets out a long moan and a familiar string of white shoots onto my chest. It doesn’t stop me from running my thumb under the head of his dick to make sure he gets the most from his orgasm. He moans, ‘ah…’ and shuts his eyes closed to feel the pleasure overriding him fully. 
His chest slows down and he holds himself up as I adjust his boxers back in place, knowing he’s too hazy in the head to be able to do anything right now. It makes me smile just a bit and he opens his eyes once again, blinking at me who still sits on my knees. 
“Come here.” He whispers, moving his position. I stand up with shaky knees due to sitting for so long. He holds me in his arms and breathes into my neck, burying his face. This wholesome, warm moment soon turns deadly as he moves his hand underneath my skirt. 
“Yoongi, you don’t have to-”
He’s the one to crouch down this time, caressing my thighs. The tips of fingers meet with the heat between my legs. It’s so obvious that I’m dripping with an immense amount of slick for him. It’s heated and his fingers only get closer. “Your turn.” He whispers. 
He drags my underwear down my legs until they pool around my ankles. He lifts my skirt so it bundles around my stomach, my lower half being on full display for his hungry eyes. He kisses both thighs, his mouth disappearing as it travels to my closed lips. He places pecks on my pussy until using his tongue to spread me open. He licks a line up to my clit, giving it a soft suck. 
“Oh s-shit.”
“My Kanako loves using her dirty words for me, hm?” 
Oh shit. 
I completely fold under his mouth blanketing my sopping cunt, lapping up my slick. His tongue maneuvers around so easily on account of how wet I’d gotten while sucking him off. His head bobs underneath me making my hips move slightly. It’s like the roles were completely reversed, him now being the one used. But it isn’t necessarily like we hadn’t ever done this before, for some reason Yoongi likes me being on top of him. I’ll never know what it is but I like seeing him completely lost in me. 
“I’msofuckingobsessedwithyou.” He hums into my pussy, making me gasp loudly. Whenever he talks it feels like a vibrator is being pressed against my swollen clit, but I think it’d feel like that even if he wasn’t eating me out. I press myself into his mouth further, needing more aggression with his licks. 
He starts sucking on me once again, pulling my clit softly with his lips. All I can see are his pretty brown eyes closed, once in a while opening them to make precious eye contact with me. His hands find their way to my ass and he strokes me gently, giving me a squeeze whenever he hits the same spot that makes me moan. “Yoongi…more…” I cry. We compliment each other so nicely with the way we’re so utterly needy for each other. After tonight I don’t think I’ll be able to keep my hands off of him. 
He flattens his tongue and encourages my movements, so I ride his face just like before. I hold his head in place as I move on his tongue feeling every crease, every crevice of that tongue that I can. I lock myself onto a certain spot on my clit that I know will make me release, rapidly grinding my cunt against his tongue. “Y-Yoongi….oh my god-” I whine. This pleasure is unmeasurable to anything I’d experienced before. I didn’t know intimacy could feel this good until him. 
My legs shake and I’m overcome with an overwhelming rush all around my body, pursing my lips in a tight line to hold in my cries. My mouth eventually opens in a big breath to make out a loud whimper, screaming his name like it’s the only word I know. 
He doesn’t stop his tongue until a few seconds after, until I’m flinching with every suck to my sensitive clit that he makes. My eyes flutter and my chest moves up-and-down with every bit of oxygen I’m trying to hold onto. Yoongi does as I did, lifting up my soaked underwear back on me and sliding down my skirt. He places pecks on my exposed stomach that leads to my face, giving me a warm, deep kiss that catches me off guard. 
I hold his face lazily as I’m still trying to gain back consciousness. 
“That was crazy.” I breathe out which makes him laugh rather tenderly.
“It was good?” He asks genuinely. 
I look at him with a bewildered expression, “Are you kidding? It was…the best I’ve ever had.” I say. He gives me one of his signature gummy-smiles in the midst of this hot and thick bathroom. The air is undoubtedly coated with sex but I’ll leave that for the next person to deal with. 
Although Yoongi was never even inside of me, penetrating me, it’s still the most intimate experience I’ve ever had. It was full of love and care, and filth of course. But it was ours, most importantly. Not just his. And that meant the world to me and more. He took the time to make sure my needs were met as much as his. 
And it was his first time receiving oral. I was his first. Me. Me. Me. Me.
“I’m the luckiest girl alive.” I reciprocate his smile, running a hand through his damp hair. 
MARCH 30TH, 2012, 3:01AM
Me and Yoongi gather ourselves to exit the bathroom. I fix my hair quickly as he buttons his pants back up. Something about seeing him so giddy makes my stomach rumble with butterflies. And probably hunger. I’m so excited to go back to our dorm and inhale the rest of that bread. 
I meet Yoongi at the door and as his hand grips onto the handle he turns to me, “Kanako, before we get out there, while we’ve sobered up. I want to ask you something.” He speaks with obvious anxiety. Because of the suddenness of his serious tone, I too get a worrying ping in my chest. He looks down as he asks. 
“Can I be your boyfriend?” He whispers. 
I lean down to where his face is, showing him my confusion. I know our unlabeled status must’ve made him think to himself sometimes, but the face he has right now made me realize I’ve let this uncertainty linger for too long. I never wanted to do this to him, but I also didn’t want to do it to myself. But this feels like the perfect time, the most hopeful time. 
I stare at him, “Yoongi, you’re more than a boyfriend to me-”
“Kanako, please-”
“No, listen.” I insist, “You’re my…soulmate. I love you. Of course you’re my boyfriend, Yoongi. You’ve always been, I think. But I didn’t have the strength to say it at the time. I want you forever.” I assure him softly. His eyes meet with mine in a slow motion, observing me. I need him to feel my sincerity, my honesty. 
Bang. A loud bang hits the door, frightening both of us. I jolt back and look at Yoongi who shares the same muddled visage. One more, two, and three more bangs until Yoongi swings it open angrily. I can only see half of who’s on the other side, and it looks to be the same woman I was sitting with earlier. 
I walk over to Yoongi who is standing there with nothing to say. He just stares. There’s another person, someone taller than the woman. Someone with the same cologne. That Calvin Klein one that haunts me still. The same hands that I remember holding my waist, my face, everything. 
And just like that, everything comes crashing down. 
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harmonyckrs · 1 month
Return of the Curious Miis, Lazlo Edition (ft. a list of my Strangetown OTPs and NOTPs)
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Pascal/Nervous - Nervous likes to invite Olive to go Downtown and when I accept, he brings Pascal with him and they usually end up flirting at some point. For a while I thought this was a scripted event
Erin/Kristen - I just think they're neat together and they also have good chemistry. Erin is Kristen's reason for staying in Strangetown for a little longer
General Buzz/Downtown Diva - Decent chemistry + they're both really mean. I headcanon her as a singer and I feel like she'll bring out the side of General Buzz that he generally tries to repress without judging him for it
Loki/Circe - Evil mad scientists in love. They're genuinely perfect for each other. I also pretend that the PSP game is one of many alternate universes so I can choose to ignore what happens there when it's convenient for me
Olive/Ichabod - They're cute together and you can throw in the Grim Reaper for a poly couple
Johnny/Ophelia - They're cute together and they bore me equally which makes them perfect for each other (sorry Johnny and Ophelia fans). Also I like having Johnny take Ophelia's last name because "Johnny Nigmos" sounds way cooler than "Ophelia Smith"
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And now for my NOTPS. This is not including any sexuality contradiction headcanons because that would be an even longer list, nor any minor/adult and incest ships because ew
Chloe with Erin or Kristen - Chloe hates them both, feels a bit too much like bully x victim which I'm not a fan of and I like Erin/Kristen too much to part with it
Ajay x Kristen - same reasons as Chloe/Kristen and I also hc Kristen as a lesbian
Lazlo and Erin - same reasons as Chloe/Erin, and it also it feels like a watered down version of Lazlo/Crystal to me. I get the psychic thing and there's some cute fanart but I'm just not vibing with it
Nervous with either Circe or Loki - self-explanatory
Vidcund/Circe - To me this feels like the Sims equivalent of watching someone go through amazing character development where they finally move on from their unhealthy obsession/lifestyle, only to immediately revert back because of poor writing and then stay that way for the rest of the show
Tank and Johnny - I think Tank should be with someone who's also interesting and fun to play. Also not a big fan of bully x victim as stated above, which is why this is on the NOTP list and Ripp/Johnny and/or Ophelia isn't
These are just my opinions and I'm sorry if your OTP is on this list. No hate to anyone who ships them
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Lazlo/Crystal is not mentioned in either because my view on them is a bit more complicated. On one hand, they make cute children and they're adorable together. On another hand I like pairing them both with my OCs and I think Lazlo would probably not be okay with dating a supervillain
I can see Crystal maybe giving up the supervillain lifestyle in worlds where she was simply pursing it for the sake of her father and really wanted to do something else or Lazlo being totally chill with Crystal being a supervillain but unless if those two occur then I don't think it could work out
I imagine it'd be one of those "maybe in another universe we'd be together" sort of scenario
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