#so they sent some stuff to a lab to get it tested
toastsnaffler · 4 months
grrr.... my boss came in and asked to talk to me for a moment and basically she was asking how I distinguish between production stock/my stock bc the stock/supply staff had insinuated to her that I'd been stealing their stock which I HAVEN'T!!!! I would never + my boss knows that but she still had to ask.... so annoying
#and i have PROOF i dont steal their shit bc i keep a meticulous spreadsheet of every sample in the food lab (my) stock#and i organise everything by location + have a separate section for stuff in the cold room that belongs to production#bc part of my job is managing emails from sales/marketing asking abt the production stock for test/developmental products#so i have to monitor it. but i dont ever ise those samples i fill out and email the request form to supply if i need one for smth!!!#*use#which supply would fucking know if they were competent at their jobs and fulfilled my requests without me chasing them up 16 times#half the time i have to go to quality control and request THEIR retained samples instead bc i dont get stuff in time#but qc stock is completely isolated from production bc its for assay use only and i always return the samples to them when im done anyway#the only reason theyre accusing me is bc they found a sample in one of my fridges that was logged on their stock system#but I DIDNT PUT IT THERE. THEY DID. i sent the fucking request form and they fulfilled it but didnt log it out of their own stock system#but i have their stupid form attached to a timestamped email i sent them so proof it was a legit request they fulfilled 👍#whatever......#im mainly just annoyed bc for some reason i thought it was almost 4pm and i could go home soon. but its only 2:30 sigh#at least my boss was impressed at my stock spreadsheet lmao she was like wow i didnt realise you were this organised#girl how do u think i respond so fast when u ask if we have xyz sample. of course im not going thru 400+ individual samples in multiple-#locations and boxes/fridges every single time just to find ONE thing. all i have to do is check my spreadsheet.....#i record batch numbers n manufacture/expiry dates of everything too they can go thru it if they doubt smth is mine lmao#i hate being blamed for shit i didnt do especially accusations of dishonesty. im not that shit at my job >:^/#.diaries
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labs · 1 year
Introducing Collections
Hello again, Tumblr. Labs division here!
A while back, we announced our comeback as a new team that would imagine big ideas for Tumblr—and would build them in public (aka with you). We recently announced our first failure, and today we're very excited to announce our first possible success!
A bit of context
As we've said before, an essential part of how we're working in Labs is speaking to people who use Tumblr pretty much on a daily basis and those who don’t use it at all.
In those interviews and focus groups, we learned that curating the Tumblr experience around different interests and fandoms is a big part of making Tumblr feel like your own space — and one of the main ways you do that is through blogs and tags (be it following or creating them).
So here at Labs we're working on ideas to help you curate the content you care about, and to help share what makes your experience fun with other people, even if they are not on Tumblr already.
Ok, but what's the idea?
Have you ever put together a song playlist to listen to when you're in a certain mood, or share with a specific friend? Or sent them books you know they'll love? Now imagine if you could do that with blogs and tags on Tumblr…
Maybe you're a veteran in a fandom and have the best recommendations of who to follow for your followers. Or your best friend won't join Tumblr because they don't know that their favorite TV show is actually really popular here. Or maybe you want to curate and browse content from a specific fandom, or a group of your mutuals, your own way.
That's the idea behind Collections!
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You can check out that example collection on the web here!
We want your help
The first way we're testing Collections is by inviting some of you to create your own and share with followers and friends—they'll be able to follow all the blogs and tags in your collections. So we're looking for volunteers!
You want to help? Great! Here's what you need to do:
Come up with your own Collections of blogs and tags, write it down somewhere. Focus on introducing people to Tumblr or recommending stuff to your followers. What would you want them to first see on your version of Tumblr?
Come up with a name, cover image, and description for it. Also try to think of who you would send your collection to, and where you might post about it.
Write out that idea as a reply or reblog on this post!
We’ll give it a few days, and pick a handful of people to play with Collections. We'll let you know. Then we’re off to the races!
If you decide to participate (and get selected), please note that this early release won’t work on the apps yet, only in your web browser. 
What happens next?
Our goal is to keep working on improving and adding Collection functionalities while you test what we've built (and share your feedback with us).
Next we’re exploring making a collection something you can follow on Tumblr, as a way to curate Tumblr around your many interests and moods, and to give you more freedom to curate content on your dashboard.
And if this idea is not for you, remember we have many more experiments in progress, so stay tuned!
With love,
Labs division
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sturn-saturn · 1 month
the diamond lab
pairing: fem!reader x bf!chris
warnings: suspisions of flora and chris together, cutesy stuff, chris and y/n arguing, not proofread!
a/n: i hope you guys enjoy this
part 1 part 3
word count: 1,733
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you reach under his pillow to grab his phone and type in his passcode, your birthday.
you press the photos app and see a notification pop up from your best friend flora that reads...
"don't let y/n find out."
"what the fuck." you whisper, your heart dropping. "don't let me find out what?"
"y/n? whats wrong?" your boyfriend asks with a confused look on his face as he walks towards you.
you look up at him with your heart beating 100 miles per hours. "don't let me find out what?"
"chris don't fucking play dumb with me because that is the last thing you want to do right now. don't let me fucking find out what?" you asks sternly getting out of bed showing him the message you, well he received.
he grabs his phone reading the message your best friend sent him. "this? this is nothing."
"are you cheating on me? with my best friend?"
"baby, no. i'm not cheating on you with your best friend. i would never in a million years cheat on you." he says reaching out for your hand causing you to pull back.
"SO THEN TELL ME WHAT'S GOING ON. WHAT DON'T YOU WANT ME TO FIND OUT!?" you shout. chris is taken aback by your rage taking a step back.
"flora's pregnant and she wanted to keep it a secret. i went over to drop something off at matts place a few days ago and i heard someone crying in the bathroom so i walked in and she was holding a pregnancy test." chris explains.
"well is it yours?" you ask quietly still trying to take in the information your boyfriend is sharing.
"good lord, y/n!" chris throws his head into his hands. "no, baby, it's not my child because i’ve never had sex with her nor have i ever cheated on you, ever."
"why didn't she tell me? does matt know?"
"she said she wanted to tell you when she was ready. don't tell her i told you because then she'll be upset that she didn't break the news to you. and yes matt knows."
"so that's why she didn't drink last night."
"exactly." he says walking towards you. he places his big hands on your shoulders and rubs your arms up and down.
"i shouldn't have assumed. i'm sorry, baby"
"you're okay. don't get yourself all worked now. we have an exciting day ahead of us, angel, why don't you get washed up, yeah?"
"okay." you coo looking up at your boyfriend.
"you're so beautiful. you know that?"
"yeah, so you say." you grin.
"alright, go brush those teeth." chris says smacking your ass playfully.
after you and your boyfriend get ready, you both decided to take some time to yourselves and grab some breakfast. you found this really cute cafe that seemed to have a great menu. you got french toast with mixed berries and a smoothie while chris got an avocado toast with scrambled eggs and orange juice.
"baby?" he says.
"i think we need to move here."
"oh yeah? i cant argue with that." you laugh as you take a bite of your strawberry.
"can i have a bite?" chris asks.
"have as much as you want, angel."
after breakfast you two walk hand in hand and explore the area, going to gift shops, trying on shades, and making memories.
"wanna head back for a little afternoon nap?" chris asks squeezing your hand gently to get your attention.
"yeah, i'd like that." you smile.
you make your way to your shared room and chris takes out the keycard and opens the door to the hotel room for you.
"mm such a gentleman." you say wrapping your arms around his neck and gently pulling him into the room and into a kiss.
"for you, always." he whispers against your lips.
he taps your hips and you take the signal to jump into his arms. he lays you on the bed and softly kisses you neck causing you to whine when he reaches your sweet spot before pulling away and lying beside you.
"okay, sweet girl. i would love to continue and show you what a good girl you've been, but i have to meet matt and nick and figure out some stuff for work."
"you're leaving?" you pout. "i thought we were gonna nap together."
"i know, i know. i'll try to be quick, okay? rest as much as you need to. we're all going out for dinner later."
"okay, fine. don't be too long. i love you."
"i love you too, honey." he says placing a long kiss to your forehead.
while chris makes his way out the hotel room, you head to the bathroom to take your makeup off and change into something comfortable to take your nap. you woke up pretty early today and chris kept you up pretty late last night.
chris' pov
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chris makes his way down to the lobby and meets his brother and flora.
“thanks for helping me guys.” chris says with a nervous smile.
“chris i'm grateful you want my help. i’m so excited!” flora smiles.
“you’re her best friend. i’m sure she’s told you what she wants, yeah?”
“oh she definitely has.”
“shall we get going?” matt asks you both as he claps his hands together.
“yeah, lets go.” chris nods. “oh, also, y/n saw you text telling me not to let y/n find out so she thinks i was cheating on her with you so i just told her you were pregnant to cover up the surprise.”
“YOU WHAT!?” matt and flora both whip their heads to chris. “you are unbelievable, you know that?”
“yeah, i’ve heard that once or twice.” chris grins.
“more like a million times.” matt playfully punches his brother.
“i mean, we’ve been talking about kids lately so who knows.” matt smirks.
“matt! stop it!” flora blushes lightly.
chris, matt, and flora finally make it to the place, ‘the diamond lab.’
“looks like we’re here.” chris says opening the door for flora and his brother.
"yeah, looks like it." matt responds.
the three walk in and are enchanted by the beautiful jewelry cased behind the glass.
"hello! welcome to the diamond lab!" a lady who works there greeted.
chris glances at flora as a sign to share the details of what his girlfriend likes.
"hi! i'm flora, this is my boyfriend matt and his brother chris."
"its nice to meet you three! is there anything i could help you with today?" she asks.
"okay, i'll give you the rundown." flora smiles as she leans over the glass.
"tell me about it girl." the worker says leaning as well.
"chris here has been dating my best friend for about 4 years now. they've been wanting to visit aruba together for sometime and we decided to make a whole trip out of it and invited our friends right. but y/n has already been here before and she fell in love with the island so chris thought it would be a great idea to propose to her on her favorite island and we need help finding the perfect ring."
"oh my gosh! well chris, congratulations on finding the woman of your dreams, and i would be more than happy to help you find the perfect ring!"
"thank you so much. honestly i'm very nervous for it all but she's so worth it."
"i bet!" the worker smiles.
"okay now, are you the maid of honor?"
"i am!"
"how exciting! okay so what kind of rings does she like? tell me everything."
"okay. so, she really likes white gold. she talked about an oval shaped 1 carat diamond, but the band part of the ring, she wants small diamonds on it but wants a smooth look so it doesn't get caught on anything."
"i have one exactly the way you described it. i'll go grab it from the back, we actually just had them made the other day!"
"perfect!" flora smiles.
while the three wait, matt is in his own little world looking at all the different kinds of diamond cuts, carats, platinum, sterling, gold, white cold, you name it.
"whatcha thinkin about mr. matt?" flora asks her boyfriend.
"just trying to find a ring to propose to you with one day."
"matthew, don't joke around about things like that." flora says a bit upset.
"who says i'm joking, sweetheart."
"okay i got them!" the worker calls out grabbing our attention. "now, we have these in a size 4 1/2 to an 8."
"that's perfect, she's a 4 1/2." chris says looking at the ring he will get down on one knee with in just a few days. "i'll take it."
"do you want to set a payment plan?" the worker suggests.
"that won't be necessary. i'll just pay for it now. i made sure to call the bank letting them know i'll be making big purchases."
"woah, okay mr. big bucks." flora laughs.
"alright chris, the total is 11,463.00."
chris pulls out his card and just as he's about to swipe matt stops him. "chris. wait."
"nick uh, nick gave me his credit card. i have mine on me." matt begins. "nick and i wanna pitch in and help you pay for the ring so you can save more money for the wedding."
"the fuck. are you out of your mind? no. i'm not letting you do that."
"chris, you're my brother. you're the first one out of me, you, and nick to get married. let us do this for you."
"matt, are you sure man?"
"absolutely, save the rest for the wedding."
"i don't know how i could ever thank you and nick, seriously."
"don't. you being our brother is enough." matt smiles.
"matt that's really sweet of you and nick." flora says rubbing his back smiling at how she got blessed with such a sweet man.
"you guys seem like such lovely bunch." the worker says as she collects nick, matt, and chris' credit card.
"thank you for your help." chris tells the worker.
"absolutely. now i'm hoping you two will come back and get a ring from us soon." she winks at flora and matt. "alright, you're all set! congrats again chris and thank you for visiting!"
chris grabs the bag with the ring carefully placed in the box and you all wave goodbye and step out the shop.
"well, this is where it all begins big guy." flora says patting chris' back.
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starry-eyes-love · 6 months
Too Young to Die- Part 1
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Part 1 of 3 part Mini Series
Pairing |  Massage Therapist Joel Miller x F!Reader with Autoimmune disease, no outbreak, AU (I changed up his timeline a bit).
Summary | You were referred to Dr. Joel Miller, a massage specialist, to help manage your joint and muscle pain with autoimmune disease.  What you didn’t know was that Joel was an insanely attractive man, and that you’d be coming undone underneath him before your first appointment was even over with. 
Series Warnings | 18+, Minors DNI, Smut!
Age gap (he’s 47, she’s 29), language, Smut (with a capital S, watch out!!), daddy reference, f!(fingering), squirting, female reader has autoimmune disease, Joel is a massage therapist, slight reference of medical stuff, reader verbalizes anxiety with treatment, fluffy Joel, soft Joel, sexy Joel, terms of endearment, Joel asks her out on a date at the end.
A/N:  This one is completely self-indulgent and has been sitting in my draft folder since before Christmas. I have autoimmune disease, and treatment hasn’t worked much for me in many areas, so I know some of the troubles and struggles that the reader here has. Not everyone who has autoimmune disease may experience these symptoms, concerns, or struggles. This will be only a three part mini series. Very smutty with story building throughout. Enjoy! 
Word Count:   9.1K (we’re establishing a story here)
Fuck you were wrecked, seconds away from crashing through, or into, a brick wall with an orgasm, you thought.  This felt different though, so much different than what you’ve ever experienced before. “Joel, fuck, pressure, it’s a lot of pressure and I’m, fuck, I’m, I’m-” “Come f’me sweetheart. Come on baby, fucking soak my fingers.”
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Joel Miller sat in his office of his massage studio, looking over the referral paperwork that Dr. Samson, an autoimmune specialist, had sent him. A female patient was being referred to him for treatment of musculoskeletal pain and tenderness.
“Patient has reoccurring musculoskeletal tremors of unknown origin that come and go. Bilateral joint swelling seen in all extremities with positive inflammation noted in laboratory test results and X-rays. Arthritis and arthralgia positive in all joints. According to the patient, anti-inflammatory and arthritis medication only works slightly for pain. Recommended gentle massage therapy to see if joint lubrication and increased joint mobility is plausible, and if pain and muscle tremors will cease. Immediate referral requested.”
When Joel glanced at the bottom of the form a week ago, he had seen that the referral had come in three weeks prior. Now today, four weeks after the initial referral, he was finally able to see you for the first time.  When he had inquired with his secretary as to why it took so long before he saw you, she had said that there was a problem with your private healthcare insurance. Delaying treatment was never something that Joel Miller prided himself on. In fact, he was usually the opposite with trying to get his patients in for their first appointment within a week following their referral. Joel, having been a contractor in his previous life before becoming a massage therapist, knew the difficulties with treating joint and muscle pain. The goal was to never delay treatment as it would lead to widespread body inflammation. And once inflammation fully set into muscles and joints, it was harder for someone to find relief of their discomfort. 
You were Joel’s next scheduled patient to arrive in 20 minutes. As he waited for your arrival, he went back over your X-rays, lab test results, and dictation notes from your autoimmune specialist.  He had already reviewed it previously, but now he was refreshing himself on your in-depth history as he took some last minute notes of things that he wanted to ask you for this particular session. He had booked your first appointment with him to be about 2 hours, instead of the usual hour.  Joel always conducted very detailed exams with his patients. He was also very knowledgeable in understanding autoimmune patients, especially knowing that each person was unique. He wanted to tailor a program that was going to help you specifically.
Joel Miller wasn’t just your average run of the mill massage therapist, he had a specialty license in massage. He specialized in patients with pain, joint stiffness and swelling, inflammation, autoimmune disease, injuries, etc. People usually only came to him by doctor referral, which usually meant two things. First, he prided himself on taking his time to get to know his patients and how he could help ease their suffering and pain. And second, he typically charged more money for his services.  Most massage therapists would charge people a fee based on how long they performed their massage, Joel charged by the session.  The maximum time he would give a client with his hands was 1 hour, but he’d pencil in 1.5 hours of time with them just in case they felt pain.  Sometimes he’d have to stop and let patients breathe and relax for a minute before he started massaging their muscles again. Joel had a lot of training and education in the technique that was required, and many patients walked away from him stating that they felt a lot better.  By glancing at your history he didn’t think that you’d be a one time only patient.  He thinks that you would benefit from regular massages with him to help treat your inflammation and pain.
“Mr. Miller, your 10 AM appointment is here,” his secretary, Ashley, said.
“Thanks Ashley, I’ll be out in a minute. Please take her back to Room 5, and I’ll be along in a minute.” He replied, still studying the notes from your doctor and making notes for himself of the things that he wanted to focus on with you for your first appointment. 
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When you had arrived at the address for your first massage, you felt a sickly feeling in your stomach.  Your doctor had reassured you that Mr. Miller would be the person to help you feel better. But just like all the other promises that your primary care provider gave you, and how none of them worked the way that you hoped, you were very skeptical at this new treatment option. Nothing helped you feel better, and you were beyond frustrated. It took you a bit to convince yourself this morning to come here, telling yourself that Dr. Miller was an expert at this, and that you should give him a try. What could hurt, you thought. Worst case scenario, it didn't do anything, which sadly was the norm for you these days. 
For the last several years, your body had been poked and prodded more times than you would care to admit. Each time there was a promise of a better understanding or discovery of why this was all happening. But with each test, came more conflicting and confusing results, and you were exhausted from it all. You have been giving more blood for the sake of medical testing than what you’d think was truly normal. As ridiculous as it sounded, you felt that if Dracula was actually a real being, that he would be impressed with the amount of blood that you've donated for the sake of medical science.
With shaky hands, you got out of your car, locked it, and then entered the facility. When you entered you noticed that the space was calm. There was pale muted colors that covered the walls, colors that often helped people relax. But it did nothing for your nerves. You were shaking and not wanting to do any of this anymore. You felt like you had a huge lump in your throat, and that you couldn't fully swallow. Of all the things that you had to be afraid of in this world, you were the most afraid of medical treatment. Yet, that was the one thing that you were blessed with in having to always do. ‘Thanks body for betraying me with autoimmune,’ you thought.
As you walked up to the registration window, you found the secretary typing away on her keyboard while looking at her computer screen. You tried to settle your nerves before opening your mouth, but you felt like you were drowning in a pool of despair. Anxiety was getting the better of you again, and you felt like you wanted to run away and hide from everything. But where could you go when autoimmune always seemed to follow you, especially with the pain that came along with it.
“Um, excuse me,” you said meekly, after standing at the window for a brief moment. 
The secretary continued to type away, not looking at you nor acknowledging your presence. You went to clear your voice again when she abruptly stopped and said, “what can I do for you hun?”
“I- uh, I have an appointment, with um, with Dr. Miller I think,” you said softly.
“Oh, hun it's just Mr. Miller, or Joel for short. He doesn't like being called Doctor. He always says he has a doctorate degree in massage, not in medicine. Yet they're kinda the same thing if you ask me.” The secretary said, shaking her head with a slight laugh. You stood there in silence, looking at her as she continued to ramble on. You were trying to listen to what she was saying, but all you could feel was your heart racing in your chest at the prospect of once again meeting a new person with the promise of helping you.
After listening to the woman who you thought was named Ashley ramble on for 15 minutes, as that was the name that you noticed on her name tag, you were finally sitting down in the general waiting area. You were slowly trying to calm down and relax while staring outside and watching the birds hunt for bugs in the grass. You didn't know how long you were waiting there, just staring outside, before you heard Ashley call your name again to take you back to Room 5.  You didn’t know what to expect when you entered the room, but what you saw shocked you.
The room was softly lit, with soft music playing in the background, music that you liked. You also heard running waterfalls, sounds that came from the little fountains scattered all around the room. There was also a hint of cinnamon and slight vanilla aroma in the air, your favorite scents that would usually calm you. You tried racking your brain as to how, by chance, these scents and sounds were present when Ashley said, “it was on your intake survey. Your favorite classical music, scents, and sounds. Joel's very thorough, focusing on relaxation as much as muscle and joint relief.”
You stood there shocked. You thought those questions were just asked of people to try to ease the tension of how you were going to let a stranger put their hands on you. You had no idea that your answers would actually be taken seriously. Usually doctors, when they’ve asked those questions, never really did anything with the answers. Well, Dr. Miller was definitely different. It was at this moment that you were grateful that someone actually listened to you. You just hoped that he would continue with the same dedication while speaking with you, and not ignore what you said like everyone else seemed to do. You were frustrated with the medical field.  You’d tell them something hurt, or something was happening and they only looked at your lab tests and X-rays and made decisions based on that, never actually listening to what you were truly telling them.  You had only been in the room for maybe 5 minutes when you heard a gentle knock on the door, and the entrance of who you only could have suggested was Dr. Miller.
“Good day, I'm Dr. Miller but you can call me Joel.” He said while holding out his hand for you to shake. You shook his hand, and as you did, you felt how rough his hands were. They were calloused and strong, very sturdy hands. Not something that you'd expect to see from a massage therapist. This intrigued you, as you've always loved a man with rough hands. 
After you introduced yourself, Joel walked over to the small desk in the room and sat down on the rolling stool. A typical doctor stool that you’ve seen countless times in exam rooms. He grabbed a piece of paper and then sat there for a moment writing a few notes, things that you thought were probably dealing with your medical file. After a moment he finally looked up at you and then asked with a slight Southern drawl, “How are y’feeling today?”
“I- I’m ok” you said meekly as you slowly looked over Joel. Joel was a gorgeous man, clearly in his later 40s with chocolate brown curly hair. He had a mustache and a slight beard by his jaw, one that had a slight sprinkling of gray in it. He also had glasses on his face with gentle eyes behind the glasses, ones that you could easily get lost in.  He was wearing a simple white t-shirt, framing his broad shoulders perfectly. He had a slight tan on his arms, and hands that once again you couldn't wait to touch you. By looking at him, you didn’t think that massage was the only thing that Joel has done in his life. Something told you that he had spent many years doing hard work with his hands. As you continued your exploration, you then noticed that he was wearing a nice pair of black pants that hugged his hips perfectly. As you continued, you saw that Dr. Miller was definitely someone who was a decent sized man in the bedroom, seeing the soft bulge in his pants as he sat down with his legs slightly spread on the stool by the desk.  You couldn’t help yourself but you stared at his package, wondering what it’d look like outside of the confines of his pants, and what it would feel like fully aroused inside of you. The longer you stared, the more you felt heat rise up the back of your neck. When you noticed the awkward moment of him looking at you, clearly having asked you a question that you didn't hear, you shook your head slightly, looking down fully at the floor while saying “sorry” out loud.
“It's ok darlin',” he said, giving you a small little smirk at the fact that he caught you checking him out.  You were hoping that he didn’t see what you were checking out the longest though.  You didn’t want to explain to your massage therapist that you were fantasizing about his package, and what types of moans or grunts he’d make while fucking your brains out. 
Joel continued to talk to you, explaining why you were here, and how his services could help you.  You were only half listening to him, embarrassed about how you had behaved previously. Joel was devilishly handsome, the type of guy that you were into. You were, however, internally scolding yourself at the importance of having proper social etiquette, and not eye fucking your massage therapist, which is what you were doing every time you looked at him.
As Joel continued to talk with you, he slowly moved around the room, grabbing different things off from the shelves. He instantly noticed your meek and shy attitude, even though he had caught you checking him out earlier. He had to admit, you were very cute, but Joel was a professional. He couldn’t allow himself the joys of thinking about you in a different sort of way.  Nevermind, that if he wasn’t your massage therapist, he would definitely want to explore those other possibilities with you. What he did notice though was how you turned inward at the mentions of pain, autoimmune disease, and how your doctor said you didn’t have much abilities to do activities that your peers could do.  You were 29, and he knew what the world did to 29 year olds who didn’t, or couldn’t, do the same things that their peers could. The world would ignore you. Joel, himself, remembered those days when he was 29 and worked construction when Sarah and Ellie, his daughters, were younger. All his friends went out partying after work, when he went home and raised a 10 year old and a 2 year old all on his own, Sarah and Ellie’s mom were already out of the picture. Joel was lost in his own head, remembering those earlier days, when all of a sudden he heard you speak up in an irritated tone.
“Mr. Miller, no disrespect, but I don’t think you understand what it’s like to not be able to do things that most 29 year olds can do.” You didn’t think he understood. So once again you found yourself trying to explain to a medical professional how much autoimmune has negatively impacted your life at such a young age, and how agitated you were at the fact that no one seemed to help you or listen to you. Joel, being the attentive man that he was, sat across from you on the stool and listened to every word that you had said.
Once you were finished, Joel took a deep inhale, then followed by a long exhale and then said “I am so sorry that people haven’t listened to you, or have taken you seriously about your concerns with your body. You’re right, I don’t know what it's like f’ya as I’m not you. But, I do know what it’s like to not be able to do everything a 29 year old can do. I may not have autoimmune, but I had different responsibilities that didn’t allow me the joys of doing everything that I wanted, including the joys of being with a beautiful woman like yourself at that age. That’s why I want to help you.” 
As soon as Joel called you beautiful, he saw your reaction. You started to blush on your cheeks from the compliment. You felt flattered by the older man that was in front of you. Meanwhile, Joel internally scolded himself at how his statement wasn't proper patient-doctor etiquette. Joel had vowed to himself that he wouldn't cross that line again, especially with you, no matter how drop dead gorgeous he thought you were.
Joel began to run a few tests with you, checking your reflexes and testing your mobility. You didn’t say anything else to him after his statement. You felt embarrassed by your actions and assumptions that he didn't care or understand, when you could clearly see that he did. The longer you looked at him, the more you could see that he was someone who truly did care about helping others. You silently wondered if his treatment would actually help.
“Dr. Miller?” you asked, wanting to scratch the itch of your curiosity in understanding the treatment that he was suggesting.
“Joel” he said as he pushed on your shoulder blades. When you winced he said “are you tender here?” as he pushed on the same spot again, but this time with a little less force.
“Yeah. I’m tender there, and everywhere,” you said with a hiss as he moved his hand down to your biceps.  “It’s tender inside every joint, and sometimes muscles. Winter’s in Minnesota aren’t too nice for people like me,” you said, head hanging low as a tear slipped down your cheeks.  
You felt Joel stop testing your joints and muscles, hands still on your arms when he placed his finger gently under your chin, slightly tilting your head up so you could look him in the eyes. After a moment he said, “Well, we’ll try to rectify that now won’t we. Massage is more than just relaxin’, it helps a lot of people in ways that can-”
“Can it cure me?” you said, interrupting him, with wide eyes. “Cause if it can cure me, I’ll do anything. But don’t tell me that it’ll work miracles. Don't get my hopes up and then have it fail. I-I can’t take it anymore with all of the disappointment” you said, closing your eyes to take a steadying breath as tears gathered at your waterline.  It has been a very long and exhausting road these past three years with your autoimmune journey. You found out early on that your body couldn’t tolerate medication, and nothing else seemed to work. 
“I can’t promise that it’ll do miracles by curin’ ya, but I can promise that I’ll try my best to make you feel better. How’s that?” Joel said with a tender voice, trying to soothe your emotional discomfort of years of failed treatments. Joel remembered reading the last line of your referral by Dr. Samson which had stated;
“No treatments have been successful. Patient has voiced wanting to stop trying autoimmune treatments, stating that she didn’t feel like it was working. Patient was informed that if she decided to fully stop taking immunosuppressant medications, that the end result would be major organ damage that could lead to death. Patient agreed to try one more treatment for pain, stating that if the treatment didn’t work, then she’d stop autoimmune treatments altogether and ‘let whatever happens, happen’.” 
‘Fuck,’ Joel had thought when he first read that last line in your medical file. Someone giving up, especially at such a young age, didn't sit well with him. Being 29, your entire world was still in front of you.  You had a lot more years and possibilities of life in front of you. Giving up wasn't something that Joel did, and the fact that you had voiced wanting to stop treatments to your doctor bothered him immensely. Truly, it wasn't necessarily the fact that you had wanted to stop treatments that upset him. It was your willingness to allow death to potentially consume you that truly got to him. You were too young to die.
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20 minutes later, you were lying on your stomach with a sheet covering your lower half. You were completely naked, scolding yourself internally that you didn’t wear underware today with your pants. Joel was slowly massaging your back, trying to work out the knots that he felt in your muscles.  As his hands continued to work out the knots and tension, you felt an overwhelming sense of relief. His touch was not only skilled, but carried a reassurance that echoed through your body. You felt safe with him, safe in a way that you haven’t for a long time.  You felt like if you were near him, that he’d take all the bad in the world away for you. And if you were being honest, this comfort was something that you haven't felt in a very long time from anyone.
"You're doing great, darlin’," Joel whispered, sensing your vulnerability and turmoil you had been feeling. Joel could tell that you were working through something major in your head, just like most of his patients did. Most of the time he focused on trying to distract people from their internal thoughts, giving them a break when they were here.  But there was something about the silence between the two of you right now that he felt like you desperately needed.  Every time he’d open his mouth to ask you a question, he’d feel you tense up, and that was the last thing he wanted you to do.  So he slowly worked your sore muscles and joints, giving them the tenderness and affection that they needed, while allowing you to stay seated in silence. 
Throughout the session, Joel maintained an empathetic connection with you. He explained each technique when he’d switch it up, providing you with the most gentle sense of comfort. He’d tell you what he was going to do, if he moved down your body or up, giving you moments to breathe when he felt like it was too much. But most of all, he gave you that warmth and unawkward silence that you craved. He wanted you to just live and feel, to just be in the moment with him.
As Joel's tender touch continued, you felt a warmth spread throughout your body, slightly dissipating the pain that had lingered there for so long. His words became a comforting melody, echoing a promise to you of relief. “You’re doing so good f’me, gentle breaths in and out, there y’go.” He said, encouraging you to stay centered and remain in the moment. That was the key in pain relief, staying grounded and living within the moment. When we just allow our body to feel, and not force anything, we can find peace and calmness. These feelings of peace and calmness are what leads us to having pain relief.
As Joel moved down to your lower back, you let out a hiss in pain, followed by an “ouch that hurts.” 
“What hurts darlin’?” Joel said, slowing his deep strokes on your lower back, right above your tailbone area.  He doesn’t remember reading in your file that you had lower back pain, so this was something new that caught him a little off guard.
“Right there, low” you said, hissing again as he pressed his finger into the lower part of your back, on your left side, by your hip.
After you hissed a second time, Joel immediately stopped and walked around to the other side of the massage table. He gently pressed on your lower back and hip joint on the other side, saying, “how ‘bout over here, does this hurt?”
“No, not as bad,” you said. “It's my left side, god that hurts.” You said, as he reached over and lightly pressed on your left side once again.
“Ok, let’s try somethin’,'' Joel said, moving completely over to your left side now.  “I’m gonna hold up the blanket, where you still are covered, and I want you to flip completely on your back, okay?  I wanna see if your pain continues in a different position.”
You nodded your head and then gently felt the blankets pull off from you. Joel was completely looking away from you, giving you privacy as you turned to lay on your back instead of your stomach.  When you finally settled, you told him that you were ready. He then informed you that he was only going to uncover your left leg, to the mid thigh region.  As he did, he explained how he was going to test your leg's range of motion to see if it was your hip joint that had caused you pain. 
With only doing simple joint motions with your leg, Joel noticed that nothing was painful.  When he bent your knee, pointing your knee outwards towards the left, followed by gently lifting your leg higher, to open up your pelvis more, he didn’t see any outward signs of pain from you. 
“If I do this, does it hurt?” He said, placing a little weight on your leg.
As soon as your knee got about level with your pelvis you hissed again. Joel tried pushing down on your pelvic joint to determine where it hurt, but all you did was whimper.  The pain wasn’t coming from your joint, it was coming from someplace else deep inside of you.  When he returned your leg back down he said “I’m sorry darlin’, I can’t determine where your pain is coming from. Have you had it-”
“Just forget about it” you said, turning your head to the opposite side, closing your eyes as you felt the tears start to stream down your face.
“Hey, none of that, '' Joel said, gently turning your chin towards him so he could see your face in its entirety. “If somethin’ is hurting ya, I wanna hear about it. Help me out, where does it hurt?” When you didn’t respond right away he said, “does it hurt here” as he gently pressed on your hip bone. He watched you shake your head no.  “How about here?” He asked, moving slightly inward, towards the inside of your pelvic bone.
With a shaky breath you said, “no, but it hurts straight down, but lower and inward more.”
“Here” he said, moving down about halfway where your hip joint was, towards the inside of your pelvis.  You let out another shaky breath, closing your eyes as tears fell more from your cheeks, shaking your head no to him.  
It took Joel a second to figure it out. But when he did, he finally understood why you were crying. You were embarrassed about what was happening inside of your body. When he moved his hand down towards the lower left side quadrant of your abdomen, and gently pushed where your ovaries were, he asked, “does it hurt here darlin’?”  As soon as he applied a little bit of pressure to your left ovary area, you let out a stuttered breath, nodding your head up and down.
Joel flattened his hand on your tummy, where the sensation was, knowing what the culprit was. You were probably mid cycle and ovulating with an ovarian cyst. He didn’t remember you being pregnant, but he wanted to make sure that it wasn't an ectopic pregnancy before he ruled it as an ovarian problem.
“If I press over here, does it hurt?” Joel said, pressing on the other side in the lower abdomen. You had your eyes closed, tears lightly falling, shaking your head no.
“Ok, ok, darlin’. I know, I know. Deep breaths for me though, ok?” he said, as he watched tears stream down your face. He gave you a moment to collect yourself, before he asked his next question. 
“Is there any chance you could be pregnant?” He said, slowly stroking your tummy where a baby would be laying. He knew he shouldn’t, but somehow imagining you having a swollen tummy where a baby would lay was giving him fantasies that he didn’t even know existed. 
You let out a sarcastic laugh, saying, “no, it’s not that.”
Puzzled, Joel looked at you and said, “y’know, if an ectopic pregnancy happened, y’still could have a normal period. If there’s any chance that you could be pregnant, like having unprotected sex, or even if the condom broke, you probably should-”
“Joel, I haven’t had sex in 3 years,” you said, barely above a whisper. When you noticed the shocked look on his face you turned your head away from him adding, “guys really don’t want to have sex with a woman like me.”
“What’d y’mean, a woman like you?” He said, furrowing his brows at your odd phrasing. 
“A woman who’s sick with autoimmune, Joel.” You said, closing your eyes and trying to pull back the tears that were threatening to fall again. You didn't want to have this conversation, and you sure as hell didn't want to admit how the act of even having orgasms were difficult for you. There were just some autoimmune embarrassments that you wanted to keep to yourself, no matter how much it shattered your soul inside. You didn't feel like a beautiful, young, sexy, attractive woman that you knew all the other single 29 year old ladies felt. You felt like you couldn’t offer anything to the male race that wasn't medical tests, sickness, and heartache combined.
Immediately Joel felt irritation and anger at your careless comment of how men wouldn't find you attractive or want to be with you. Without dwelling on it, Joel did the one thing that he knew he shouldn't, he opened his mouth to speak more on the issue. He hoped he could get you to understand that not all men were like this, that he sure as hell wasn't like this.
“Darlin’, boys, not real men, are like that. A real man wouldn’t allow sickness to stop him from wantin’ a beautiful woman like yourself. A real man would enjoy making you feel good.  Real men, honey, not boys.” 
Once he said it, Joel knew that he shouldn’t have opened his mouth, especially with the look that you were giving him. You looked back at him, shocked, and taken aback by his forward statement. But he couldn’t just stand there and listen to you accuse men, like him, of not caring. He would do anything to be with a beautiful woman like yourself, whether or not you were sick with a permanent illness.
After your head caught up with Joel's statement on men, you just shook your head. You then gave him a genuine, honest to god, belly laugh. “Yeah, well, Mr. Miller, show me where a real man is who wouldn’t care about all of that.  Tell me who he is, because honestly, I haven’t found one single guy out there who’d be willing to have a real relationship with me because of this illness. And for the record, I can’t even get a guy to fuck me with no strings attached either. Not that I’d want that, cause I don’t do the casual sex thing, but still, you get it.” You said, snapping right back at him. 
It was Joel's turn this time to look shocked. He thought to himself, why the hell has no one treated you right? He could see that you were exhausted with your own body and with your own life. He could tell that you were exhausted at the reminder of what you didn't have, of what your autoimmune disease had taken from you. He wondered if you ever truly tried, or if you just gave up right away. The longer he looked at you, the more he realized that you had tried, but obviously you weren't successful.
As you sat there partially propped up onto your forearms, you felt the tears well up into your eyes once again as you watched Joel look at you. You were embarrassed at what you had said. At admitting how easy it was for everyone else in the world to have relationships, everyone except you. Hell your own family even disowned you after your diagnosis stating that it was “too hard for them to handle.” So you've been doing this on your own, all alone, for the past 3 years. Exhausted didn't even come close to describing the way that you felt. 
As you gently laid back down at this realization of loneliness once again, silently scolding yourself for opening your mouth, you accidentally hit the back of your head on the table, muttering “shit” under your breath. After a moment, you heard Joel let out another long sigh and then he gently grabbed your chin and said, “hey, look at me.”
When you looked into Joel’s eyes, he was staring back at you with concern and tenderness lacing his features. Joel saw your frustration and array of emotions, and he felt like it was important for him to take away all those insecurities by telling you that he wasn't like all those other boys you were with. With a slight smile, he gently cupped your cheek and said, “darlin’, a real man, like me, doesn’t fucking care if you’re sick or not. Men, like me honey, would take care of you regardless of the problems that you have. And honestly, it’s a damn shame that no one has ever taken their time with you, making sure your needs were met. If I was with you, I'd make damn sure you were enjoying it the entire time.” 
Joel then removed his hand and placed both hands on the side of the massage table, stepping back and exhaling through his mouth as he looked down at the ground.  He knew he needed to end this session right now. He's already stepped over far too many lines, and if he didn't watch it, he'd cross an even bigger one of showing you how a real man gave a beautiful woman pleasure.
You laid there watching the turmoil unfold on Joel's face. He wouldn't look up at you, kept staring down at the floor, shifting his weight back and forth on his feet periodically.  He had checked his watch several times, attempted to clear his throat once, and had quickly glanced out the window. You knew those signs, he was trying to find a nice way to end the session or end the conversation. The more you watched him, the more upset you got. 
After Joel stood there staring outside for a while, he finally cleared his throat again. “I- uh, I think Dr. Anderson can probably help you better, she’s very good with this type of stuff,” he said, waving his arm at you, but not looking at you. 
When he straightened up to walk away you closed your eyes and said in a soft voice, “Please, please, help me.” You wanted to keep your voice steady, but you found that it slightly cracked at the end, which made you internally scold yourself. You weren't a weak person by nature, you couldn't afford to be with a disease that was slowly destroying your organs and killing you from the inside out. But somehow you felt like you were weak, like you were just a shell of the person that you once were. At first, when you asked for his help, you didn't know what exactly you were asking for. But as the seconds ticked by, with him not answering, you realized that you were pleading for him to see you.
Without looking at you, Joel asked in a gentle tone, “what do y’need help with?” When he turned back around towards you, his eyes were closed, and he was taking several steadying breaths. He was trying to calm his nerves and to silence the war that was going on in his mind. His mind was screaming at him, reminding him that this was inappropriate patient-doctor conversation or relations. He knew he needed to stop. So it shocked him to hear himself say a little louder, “Darlin’, what do you need help with?”
You just stared up at him, searching his face to see if what you wanted to voice was okay for you to do. You wanted him, as a man, to find you attractive and to touch you. But how could you ask him to go against all of his code of ethics as a medical provider just to touch you like a husband would touch a wife, desperately and passionately.  You didn’t even know if he was married, or even in a relationship with someone else. 
As Joel opened his eyes, he looked down at you, and it was then that he knew what you wanted. You were looking at him the same way his ex-wife used to look at him from time to time. When she’d plead with him to fuck her, to silence all her insecurities in her head. He hasn't seen a woman look at him like that for almost 20 years, and it did something to him. It made his resolve crumble instantly where he said ‘fuck it' in his own head, and he gave in to his primal instinct of helping you as a man, not as your doctor.
“Baby, come on. I ain’t gonna ask y’again.  What is it that you need, honey? Tell me, and I'll do it.”
“Joel, please,” was all you could say, begging him with your eyes, trying to tell him what you wanted.
“No, now, come on. Y'gotta use your words for me. Be a good girl and tell Daddy what he can do to help you and make you feel better.”
As soon as Joel had said the word daddy, he instantly scolded himself. But when he saw your eyes glaze over with arousal at the name, he knew what you wanted. You lightly whimpered and started squeezing your thighs tight together. 
Joel felt dizzy for a moment as blood rushed fast to his cock at your whimper, his cock hardening to the point of being painful. But this wasn't about him. This was about you, about showing you that a real man, like him, could give you affection and attention like you so desperately needed. 
He walked towards you, gently placing his hand onto your thigh, lightly stroking it. He was trying to center you and help you communicate with him in what you wanted and needed. He knew all of this was wrong, but he couldn't help himself, especially when you begged him to touch you.
“Joel, please, touch me,” you said, while grabbing his hand and guiding it to below the blanket to where you were practically throbbing. 
“F-fuck,” Joel slightly moaned, closing his eyes at the feeling of you not wearing any underwear as he touched your slick velvet folds underneath the blanket with his hand. Your lips were slightly swollen, aroused, and desperately needing attention. You were making a mess on his table, slick pouring out of you from your needy little hole. You wanted Joel to help soothe the ache deep within you, to take your pain away.
Joel slowly moved his finger down to your center. Feeling your pussy spasm and clench around nothing. He rested his finger at your opening, not pushing his finger inside of you just yet, but slowly stroking it with feather-like touches. “Baby, we shouldn’t do this” he said, still slowly circling your opening, and not stopping or pushing his finger in. He needed to hear your verbal confession that you wanted this, that you wanted him. As Joel felt your hole clench a second time at nothing, he said, “baby, please, say somethin’.”
You moaned slightly while opening your hips up to allow him better access to you. “More” was the only audible thing that you could say at the moment. And that's when Joel’s resolve fully crumbled, and he pushed two fingers knuckle deep inside of you, stretching you perfectly around him.
“Fuck baby, that's tight. Ya squeezing my fingers in a goddamn vice.” He said, growling low, followed by a soft grunt.
You willed yourself to relax, to allow Joel in more. To allow him to get deeper within you, to where you knew that you needed him. To say his fingers were a stretch was an understatement. His fingers were longer and thicker than what you were used to. It was a comfortable stretch, but almost borderline on being painful. You've never been stretched out this much with just fingers alone. If you had to guess by his slow movements he was doing right now, you thought that Joel was a very experienced man, especially when he curled his fingers and found that spot deep within you that you've never found before. As soon as he hit it, your eyes rolled back in your head and you softly moaned “fuuuck.”
“There she is, right there huh, baby?” He said, angling his hand a bit more to get a little deeper as he started to stroke your g-spot with those perfected come hither movements. 
Joel was good at three things: First, he was a very hard worker. He had the perfect street smarts to own and operate two successful businesses in his lifetime. Second, he was an amazing father. Always listening and being there for his girls. And finally, he was an attentive lover. He listened, and found what worked for every woman that he’s ever been with. He knew how to fuck a woman just right, and how to bring her the most and best pleasure.  And that was something that he made sure you understood at the moment with his fingers.
As Joel continued to work his magic with his fingers, pushing them a little deeper inside of you, and picking up the pace in stroking you, you felt your walls spasm more. You let out a low moan, breathing starting to become erratic as the sensation of pleasure took over your body. You were right, you obviously hadn't had a good fuck for a long time, especially considering that you were not far from coming undone on just his fingers alone with no clit stimulation whatsoever. And if you could describe the feeling that you were feeling right now with his fingers moving inside of you, you would describe it as being ‘fucking fantastic.’
Joel found himself matching your small moan with a groan of his own, especially when he looked down and noticed your pussy was dripping all over him. He slowly started withdrawing his fingers, giving you time to adjust, before pushing them back in. It was obscene, the wet squelching noises that your beautiful cunt was making for him. You were biting your lip, eyes casted away from him. He gently grabbed your chin with his other hand, turning you towards him while saying “no darlin’, eyes right here. Ya keep ‘em on me, ok?” He said, as he slowly kept pushing his fingers in and out of you. He kept up the slow pace for a bit, working you up, not wanting to fully tip you over the edge just yet. He knew that you needed this, that you needed to enjoy the experience.
“Joel, it feels- fuck, it feels, it feels,” you were at a loss for words at the moment. You were struggling to keep your eyes on him right now, fighting them from wanting to roll back into your head at the sensation of pleasure.
“I know baby. Fuck, just listen to her, she needs this huh? Your pussy needs this, doesn’t she? This. Nice. Slow. Finger. Fuck, huh?” He said, slowing down more and thrusting harder with his fingers at every word he said, drawing out your pleasure more. The longer he fucked you slow with his fingers, the more your pussy gripped him hard, sucking him in, not wanting him to leave.  You were panting, starting to squirm, getting lost in the pleasure.  Joel wanted to tease you a little longer, but he figured you weren’t used to this kind of play.  Something he intended to do next time he had you alone, preferably in his bed with you begging for his cock. 
When Joel saw you start to match his thrusts with your own, he knew it was time for him to tip you over the edge. So Joel really started to finger fuck you you now, the way that he knew women liked. When he did that, you cried out at the stimulation and surprise of his actions.
“Shhh baby, it's alright,” he said, cooing at you to quiet you down. “Now, darlin’, you’re gonna be a good girl and come all over these fingers, ok? Then you're getting a full refund today. I don't charge money to finger fuck my clients.”
You nodded your head, trying to keep your eyes open as Joel massaged the inside of your velvety warm walls, getting closer to the edge.  Your toes were starting to curl, breathing was very erratic. You were getting very close to cumming.
“And lastly sweetheart,” he said, putting pressure down on your lower abdomen, and curling his fingers in a way that he knew would make your vision go blurry, while building a firm pressure sensation inside of your abdomen. “You must communicate with me with your words when something doesn't feel good, or if you want me to do something differently. You know your body better than me honey. I don't, so help me make you feel good. Okay?”
Fuck you were wrecked, seconds away from crashing through, or into, a brick wall with an orgasm, you thought.  This felt different though, so much different than what you’ve ever experienced before. “Joel, fuck, pressure, it’s a lot of pressure and I’m, fuck, I’m, I’m-”
“Come f’me sweetheart. Come on baby, fucking soak my fingers” Joel growled in your ear as the rubberband inside of you snapped hard. When it did, your cunt seized around his fingers as you felt the gush of fluid come out of you, he made you squirt for the first time. Your vision went white, ears ringing, legs shaking from the intensity of it all.  You’ve never come so hard ever in your life, and you couldn’t help the loud moan that escaped your lips around Joel’s hand that was now covering your mouth. He continued to fuck you through your orgasm, whispering “good fucking girl” with a strained voice as he watched you come undone. His own pupils were blown wide, eyes impossibly dark with lust, wanting nothing more than to bury his cock deep inside of you, to feel you spasm around him hard like this.  But that would have to happen at a later time.  Today was about you, about giving you something that you needed, attention from a man.  You were a beautiful woman, and you deserved to have a man take care of you in this way, and other ways too, even if you did have autoimmune disease. 
Joel continued to slowly work you through your high, pumping his fingers gently in and out of you. When you finally came back to Earth, he removed his soaked fingers from your cunt and then he slammed his lips hard against your mouth, kissing you fervently. You licked the seam of his lips, asking for access into his mouth, which he quickly granted. You two were wrestling your tongues together, each seeking dominance over the other. Joel has never been kissed like this, with so much passion that he hated pulling away from you mere moments later, gasping for breath as his heart raced out of control in his chest. 
“Fuck woman, no one’s ever kissed me like that,” he said, gasping for breath. Joel placed his forehead gently against yours, eyes closed, breathing you in as his heart rate slowed in his chest.
“Do you want me to take care of you?” you asked, laying your hand gently on his crotch, feeling him buck slightly into your touch beneath you.
“No baby, I wanna do this right, take ya out first, if y’don’t mind.”
“You don't have to if you don't want to, I mean-”
Joel snapped open his eyes and stood up looking at you, furrowing his brows. He then shook his head and said “don't”, and walked over to the sink in the corner of the room to wash his hands. You sat up, chewing on your lip, overthinking things once again. After a moment of silence you heard him speak when he shut the water off.
“I'm not some 20 year old punk ass boy who only cares about getting his own rocks off, darlin'. I don't do that sort of thing. Now, if you don't want to have dinner with me, then that's fine. But I'd really like to take y’out.”
“Like a date?” You asked, looking into his eyes hopeful.
“Yes baby, like a date.” He said, standing in front of you, holding a robe up for you to take to cover your naked body up.
“Yeah, but what happens when I- when we- when it's done? Or what happens if I can't because of this- because of autoimmune?” you say, motioning your hand up and down at your body. 
Joel took a big breath in, and then slowly let it out through his nose. He then cupped your face with both hands and said, “ok, I'm gonna stop you right there. First, I don't fuck on the first date, ok, so don't worry your pretty lil’ head about it. And second, I don't give a damn if we have to reschedule. I understand you have autoimmune disease, remember I've read your file.” Joel immediately winced at that reminder, of how he has crossed every line in the sand with his actions. He didn't know how he was going to explain to Dr. Samson that his treatment wouldn't work with you and that he was going to refer you to Dr. Anderson. It was going to cost him big time, he knew that. Dr. Linda Anderson wouldn't just drop it, she'd want an explanation. But Joel couldn't think about that right now, he'd deal with it and her later.
“But Joel it's-”
“Do you not want to go out to dinner with me?” He asked, the color draining from him face. Did he read you wrong? Were you just looking for a quick orgasm and nothing more? He rubbed his neck in embarrassment, thinking he completely fucked up at your signals once again. “You-uh, you don't have to say yes if you don't want to. I mean, if I read you wrong you can- uh, no pressure to say no.” He was internally scolding himself at this entire situation, of how much he's fucked up today. His ex-wife was right, he thought, he definitely doesn’t understand what women need nor want. Proof was here, right in front of him, with your reluctance to say yes to just dinner. 
Joel turned to walk out, mumbling “I'll give you some privacy to get dressed. I'll tell Ashley to give you a refund when I see her tomorrow, don’t worry, she’s already left for the day. And you can just forget about today if you want, if I made you feel uncomfortable. I’ll sorry, I just-”
“Stop, please,” you said, grabbing his arm. “Don't leave. Everyone does, everyone leaves me. I-I want you to stay with me right now, please.” 
Joel stopped and looked at you, seeing the gears in your head turning. After a moment he said, “please honey, ya gotta tell me what you're thinking. I can't-”
“I want to go out on a date with you Joel, it's just, don't have high expectations or hopes for me, ok? Men do, and then as they get to know me they- they get mad when I don't meet something that they wanted. I- this- it’s hard ok? It’s hard ‘cause I have a gorgeous man in front of me that I've been attracted to since the moment I saw him, and all I want is for him to see me. To really see me. And I- I don’t wanna fuck that all up where you hate me, or think I’m a failure and I- I should just really stop talking.” You said, laughing at yourself and blushing at the fact that you just spilled all of your insecurities in the air to a stranger. A very hot stranger, but a stranger nevertheless.
“Honey,” he said, grabbing your hand softly. “I want all that too and, if I'm being honest, I'm a little scared of a date too as it's been a long time since I've done this. The whole dating thing, it hasn’t been a priority of mine for a while. But I wanna do it f’you, with you. We can take it slow, we can figure it out together, ok? How does that sound?” Joel then leaned in and gave you a soft, delicate kiss on your lips, one that immediately calmed your nerves. 
“Ok, yes. Dinner would be great,” you said, a tad breathless after Joel pulled away from kissing you. You took a moment to compose yourself, to will the butterflies to calm down in your tummy at the thought of getting a chance to have a date with this man.
Joel watched the blush rise up in your cheeks, and if he was being honest, it flattered the hell out of him.  That a simple gentle kiss could get you all hot and bothered, where you were blushing for him. “Ok, good,” he said, smiling. “How about I pick you up around 6pm this Saturday?”
You nodded your head, and noticed that Joel furrowed his brows at the lack of your speaking to him again.  You quickly said, “Saturday would be perfect.” 
Joel stood there for a moment, glancing over your features, looking at you intently, making sure that you in fact truly wanted this.  Once he found what he was looking for, he stepped back and gave you a small smirk. 
“Ok, darlin’. Now for life's biggest, and most important question. What toppings do y’like on your Pizza?”  Joel decided to take you to his favorite pizza place on Saturday.  When he saw you smile, he knew that he picked a good choice.
“Well Miller,” you said, while giving him your best playful smirk. “You’re just going to have to take me out to find out.”
End of Part 1
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Note: I'm making this because there's literally almost little about him.
Hiro Hamada HCs
Definitely a lot of dates in the lab instead of outside but he still likes hanging out outside of the lab.
Will literally get you whatever you want as long as he knows how to make it.
Or as long as he's able to afford it.
No matter what.
But he won't tell or present it to you like he made/bought it.
You just left your classroom and headed to your lab to do your homework. It was beside Tadashi's(which is now Hiro's but still Tadashi's) and always has been. Once you enter, Hiro would poke his head out of his lab and take quiet steps towards your lab doors before putting down the thing you wanted but in a box. He knocks on the door before dashing back into his lab, pushing Baymax who was watching the whole time back in. You look up from your book in curiosity and set your pen down before heading towards the door to see who was outside. When you open it, you found nothing until you look down to see a well wrapped box with a little flower on top. You grab the present and see that it's addressed to you before unwrapping it to find the item you've been wanting for a while. Meanwhile, Hiro sits on his beanbag with a proud smirk on his face.
He loves it when you play with his hair or wear his sweater.
He literally melts when he sees you wear it.
Baymax is concerned sometimes because of how much smiling he does when you're around.
He introduced you to his friends and they absolutely adore you. Especially, Honey Lemon and Fred.
Whenever he gets bored, he'd just pick up his phone and call you. When you answer, he'd say; "So bored. Can we hang out?"
Late night or not, he still manages to find ways to hang out with you. Online or not.
During weekends, everytime he goes down to the cafe, he'd wait for you to walk in but if you don't, he'll text you.
If you're sick on weekends, Aunt Cass will make some soup and Hiro will gift it to your parents even though they already made your food.
He'll definitely stay beside you when you're sick. If you sneeze, a tissue is already in his hand, holding it out for you to take and wipe your nose.
If he gets sick, then you'll return the favor and take care of him while Aunt Cass runs the cafe downstairs.
He won't admit he's sick and deny it all the time until he accepts it(which is after 30 minutes).
He only lets you to enter his room even when he's asleep.
When he wakes up, expect a goofy smile on this raven haired boy.
"Hey beautiful/handsome/gorgeous."
Cheesy when he's half asleep.
If you're ever scared, he'd sent Baymax over to comfort when he couldn't. If he could, then he'll go to your room and comfort you himself.
He'll probably wake up later than you but we all sleep late sometimes too so...
During weekdays, he always pick you up at your place, brings you your favorites from The Lucky Cat Cafe before walking to SFIT together.
Or you'd be the one picking him up from his place.
It depends on who's texting who to pick who up.
He loves his bags of gummy bears so you buy some more for him.
He loves you even more.
When you two have to do hero stuff, you always ride with him on Baymax when traveling.
He finds you so good-looking in your hero suit that he nearly draw you on his textbook. Trying to be like Miles Morales.
JK. Definitely draw you.
He loves to take you out on dinner dates because he found them more romantic than lab dates.
Gets seriously worried when something happens to you when you fight bad guys together.
He has magnets on your gloves and shoes like his hero suit just so he can keep you still on Baymax's back.
He loves it when you get so serious in your things like, studying, fighting, gaming, creating something. It shows that you're putting a lot of effort into it and he's proud of it.
Always gets higher score than yours in tests, and sometimes lower. Yours is around 90% all the time thanks to your scheduled study dates every time before final exams or tests. But his? 99% and 89% all the way. Sometimes you both get 100.
He loves PDA but not around Aunt Cass. He gets super flustered but so confident when she or his friends are not around.
Brags about you to Karmi to make her jealous.
Literally never stops.
He just love you so much.
Homemade ice creams!
Especially during summer break.
He wanted to make a machine for it but you prefer making them yourself.
He'll join you once he gets too hot from the heat that he stops half way making it. Just wait.
If it's too long to make, you guys would just use science to make the ice cream freeze quicker.
Has a wall for polaroids of you guys on your dates (takes one on each date).
Mostly only you guys but in some there's Baymax and/or Fred who wants to join in by photo bombing it.
Aunt Cass loves them and likes to ask Hiro which date did you guys go to while pointing at a Polaroid.
The camera is yours but he's the one to keeps the photos.
Always play co-op games with you.
Any kind.
Movie nights neither of you guys are tired.
Holds your hand in public even when doing hero stuff.
Honey Lemon will suggest you what kind of dates you two should do together.
Wasabi is a supporter. When someone is about to intervene, he'd politely ask them to leave so you and Hiro can have some quality time together.
GoGo is proud whenever Hiro makes the first move during your dates.
Tells you who he's with and where he's going to.
He wants you to trust him as much as he trusts you.
Rarely is jealous. But definitely get defensive when someone flirts with you.
If you guys ever argue, he'd be the first one to apologize and you two hug it out.
Makes you vehicle of your choice out of scrap. But no car yet. (Motorcycle, skateboard, scooter, etc)
If you love flowers, he'll buy you seeds for them and you'd give the flowers to Hiro and Aunt Cass. Little flower crowns for Mochi and Baymax, too.
If Hiro ever gets a nightmare. You'd know.
Like, he shot up from his sleeping state from his nightmare, panting and sweating cold sweat and you'll just wake up in the middle of the night and say to yourself, "Something just happened."
He's a lot more open to you than he is to his friends.
Loves to share a sweater during winter. And he'll make sure to use the big comfy one.
He adores the view of you in the winter. It warms his heart and his face.
Comforts you whenever you're sad whether you need him or not.
You and the gang plays Just Dance at Fred's house and even- almost- got Clifford to do it.
He makes you your own mini-max that suits your personality.
Video call through your Mini-max and his Baymax if either your phones are charging.
Never sleeps on your sleepovers and ended up fighting to stay awake during the day because you wanted to hang out together.
You guys ended up sleeping in his room and on his bed anyway.
He'd keep every single present you give him because he cherish them.
You'd keep every single present of his and put them to use if they are made for it.
Matching silver necklaces.
Deep conversations on your rooftop.
Skincare together after you both turn 16.
Planning on moving to an apartment that's only a few blocks away from the Lucky Cat Cafe and your house when you turn 20.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 5 months
Badge and Medics
𖤐Pairing: Cop! Gaz x Doctor! F! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, heavy language, mention of needles, OD’s (overdose) and some violence, some sexism, married couple, kissing, drug usage, medical terminology,
𖤐Summary: Being married to a cop is one thing but married to a cop who somehow always gets the calls about people on drugs and he brings them to his wife’s place of work is another
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"2-Adam-23, there is a potential illegal drug usage in downtown Manchester."
"Another one?"
"2-Adam-23, responding," Gaz flipped the lights on after responding to the radio. Price then drove to the address given by dispatch.
Beep, beep, beep, beep
"Heart is steady...keep an eye on him just in case."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Druggy coming through," Price announced as he held a guy by his left arm and Gaz on his right.
"Officers, what's going on?"
"Someone used an illegal drug, and now here we are," short and sweet, Price.
"We usually see Doctor Y/n."
"I'm here, I'm here," Y/n came walking to the two officers, she looks at the man sweating profusely. "Get him into room 6," she tells the officers who moved him to the room.
The man was shouting profanities at Gaz and Price, spitting which caused Gaz to shove the mans head to his stomach.
"You are not going to spit," Gaz warns him.
"Oh fuck you, you bitch! I DON'T WANT TO BE HERE! TAKE ME TO JAIL!"
"The jail won't accept you high off your mind," Price tells him as they cuffed both of his wrists on both sides of the railing and Gaz grabbed the spit hood putting it over the mans face to keep him from spitting.
"Okay, so what am I doing?" Y/n asked, she was joking, she knew what she was doing, this is the 5th person high off their mind on some kind of substance.
"I am a doctor-"
"Watch it," Gaz says through gritted teeth.
"Easy, tiger...well no male wants to deal with you ass, so they sent me in because you...don't scare me, I'm not stuck in cuffs right now," she says, taking a needle and sticking it in the mans arm, he squirms and shouts and slowly starts to drift off to sleep.
Price was impressed with Y/n along with Gaz, he smirks and looks down at his wife.
"Woah." Y/n then uncapped another needle sucking the blood from the drugged mans veins.
"Give him a few minutes of sleep and it should be done and over with, we've seen him before, so I'm aware of his history, I'll also be giving this to the lab to let you know what he's on, but I think I have a sense on what he might be on." Y/n says, disposing her gloves and needles. "Anyways, come find me if anything happens," she gives them both a smile and a wink at Gaz as she walks away.
Gaz looks at his partner who motioned his head to follow you. "Go on, I've got it from here," Gaz takes off down the hall seeing you go into a room.
He acted cool, walking by and seeing you bending down on your knees talking with a child patient. Gaz leans on the door as you talked so gently with the child. Giving the child a stuff animal to hold as you pricked their shoulder.
"There, all done," Y/n says. She looks at the parents. "I'll have her blood tested and I'll be back with the results."
"Thank you, Doctor."
"Of course, now...Olivia, I want you to hold on to this bear, he will help you with every Doctor appointment, just squeeze him and everything will be okay."
"Okay!" She gives Y/n a smile.
"Good...I'll be back," she turns and Gaz steps from the doorway.
"You spying, Kyle?" Y/n asked.
"No...just came to see if we are still having dinner at Sanders?" He asked.
"Yep, nothing has changed as far as I'm aware," she smiles up at her husband.
"Okay good...ummm~ sorry for bring another druggy."
"No, you're not, it's your way of saying I love you and it's an excuse to come and see me."
"....Yeah~ you're right," he says with an awkward smile.
"Oh, Aubrey can you take this blood sample to the lab please?"
"Yes, ma'am."
"Thank you, I also need the results by 12!"
"Busy day?" Gaz asked her.
"Just a bit," she says, she looked around and stood on her tippy toes and kissed her husbands lips. "I'll see you in a little bit, go watch your suspect, officer Garrick."
"I will, Doctor Garrick." He says as they both walked away from each other.
Gaz was swooned seeing his wife for the millionth time this week. As he made it back to the room, Price could see cupids above Gaz's head.
"Hey, calm down now, you'll see the missus when you get home, Garrick," Price says as he stood with his arms still cross over his chest watching the drugged man.
"Doctor Y/n, your patient in room 5's blood is back..."
"What is he on?"
"He is running on many...drugs ma'am."
"Name them and tell me what his blood level is at."
"Heroin, meth and we think cocaine, he also has some pills in his diet, looks like anti-depressants, and Ibuprofen, and his blood level he is over 4 times the legal limit...ma'am I think he was trying to overdose..."
"I see..." Y/n took the test from her assistants hands and walks back to the room. "I have your tests," she flashes the clipboard to both officers looking at the man.
"Goddamn," Price says, reading the chart.
"We think he might have been trying to overdose."
"Oh without a doubt," Price says.
"If you two weren't there to control the situation, I think if he would have taken one more thing, he would have died, I mean, he's on the verge with the amount of shit in his blood right now."
"Agreed, we'll have to place him under arrest and send him to the Prison and he'll have to wait for a judge to see him."
"It's the weekend, so he'll be in there till Monday," Gaz says.
"Yep," Price pops the 'P'. The man stirs in his sleep and looks at Y/n and the two officers.
"Where am I?"
"The hospital," Y/n says.
Then all of sudden Price and Gaz walk over to him placing his hands behind his back and cuffing him.
"W-W-Wait, what's going on? I haven't done, anything-"
"Illegal usage of drugs, misconduct, battery on an officer, illegal possession of illegal narcotics." Price cuts him off to tell him everything he's been charged with.
"Doc, come on now, you can't let them take me-"
"Your chart says how many drugs were in your system, you were trying to overdose, and if these officers didn't get to you in time, you would be dead by now, unfortunately there is nothing I can do," Y/n tells him as Price walks him out of the hospital and to the cruiser.
"Thank you for your help, love."
"Of course," she leans forward kissing his lips. "Be safe."
"I always am."
3 Weeks Later
Price and Gaz walk into the hospital, Price and Gaz were not happy campers right now. They had gotten a call from the hospital saying that there was man asking for narcotics that only the hospital can supply.
He's been harassing the staff since 10 in the morning, and Price and Gaz have dealt with this guy before in the past always jumping from hospitals to hospitals always asking them them to supply him with random drugs.
This time it was-
"Hey! Austin!" Price yells catching his attention. "We've talked about this bud, no hospital is going to supply you with any sort of drug, that you don't need-"
"You are not a patient here, Austin," Gaz jumps in. "Are you high again?"
"Then come on, let's leave and let these nice people do their jobs-"
"THEY CAN DO THEIR JOBS BY GIVING ME MORPHINE!!" Austin raised his hand slamming them on the desk scaring the woman behind it, she shakes and both Gaz and Price pull out their tasers.
"On the floor Austin! You've overstepped your welcome, now on your knees now!" Price yells at him.
Austin soon turns and starts to charge at both of them, they both released their tasers making Austin fall to the ground. Price jumping on his back and putting his hands behind his back and Gaz gave him cuffs for Austin.
"KYLE! Y/N WAS HURT!!" A nurse yells for Gaz. Price nods allowing him to go check on his wife.
Y/n sat on an empty patients bed, gripping the thin bedsheet as a nurse of hers was stitching up her arm.
"Love," Gaz comes in, hugging her side.
"Ow, easy."
"I'm sorry, are you okay?"
"Yes. I'm fine."
"What the hell happened?" Gaz turns to the nurses but Y/n started to talk.
"I thought he was regular patient, I've never seen him before, so I wanted to know if he needed help with anything, and he was...acting normal and then when he told me, he was here for a physical and I was getting everything I need, he then just started to shout 'I need morphine' over and over. When I tried to die down the situation, he grabbed a blade, like a razorblade from his coat pocket and sliced my arm pretty good."
"She didn't lose too much blood," a nurse tried to reassure.
"His name is Austin Hill, he's known for going around random hospitals always asking for a random narcotic you can't get from the streets, just last week he went to Downtown Abby and asked a nurse for Majorana and when she told him she couldn't do that for him, he went ape-shit, now he'll be under careful watch," Gaz said.
"Come on, Gaz we've got some booking to do-Y/n you wanna make a statement?"
"Yes, please," she says as Gaz gave her a pen and paper waiting for her to be done writing. He takes the paper and pen from her leaning down to kiss her and rushing out of the room.
"I'll see you later love!"
An Hour Later
"Got another one for you, love," Gaz says as him and Price held up a woman who seemed to be...limp.
"Umm~ can she walk?" Y/n asked.
"She did..." Price starts.
"She collapsed on her way in," Gaz ends.
"Jesus-okay, get her to room 8," Y/n says.
The officers placed her on the bed, she has this...sort of creepy smile on her face, eyes widened and haven't blinked so far, she was still limp as Y/n did her usual exams on her.
"Umm~ a-are you guys sure she's not dead?" Y/n asked, writing everything down.
"Pretty sure," Price grabs her wrist feeling for a pulse. "It's slow," he says, dropping her wrist.
"Miss? Ma'am...are you okay? Hello?" Y/n asked, the woman's head turned to look at Y/n she jumps a bit from how creepy this woman was.
"You have a horn coming from your forehead."
"Edibles," Y/n immediately says with a straight and serious look on her face.
"I knew it," Gaz says, poking at Price's chest.
"Do you need any blood samples to convict?"
"Nah, we'll let her off with a warning," Gaz says. "Go ahead and knock her, love," he says, placing his hands on his belt.
"Will do," she uncapped a needle sticking it into the woman's arm, she slowly started to drift to sleep. "She'll wake up in an hour or so," Y/n tells both officers.
"Good-how's your arm, love?" Gaz asked, gently taking her hand.
"It's fine, I just can't do a whole lot at the moment."
"When's your break?"
"In 20 minutes."
Gaz looks at his partner and Price nods letting him know, he can take a break with his wife.
Y/n and Gaz sat outside in the courtyard eating some sandwiches, and chips. She giggled at Gaz's comments about the people he works with along with some random drama at the station, one being a cop and a possible inmate having an affair together.
"That's crazy," Y/n says.
"I know, so they are talking about transferring her to another station away from the jail," Gaz says.
"Good, you don't know what she could do for him while he's in jail."
"They've already confiscated two phones, toothpicks he could easily stab someone with, and a few shanks, he was in solitary confinement for 3 months," Gaz takes a chip in his mouth. "Anything crazy here, besides your arm?"
She just giggles. "Not really...so, I have a question?"
"Go ahead," he chuckles.
"When you're on patrol, and you get the call to go check up on something?" She questions her wording. "Why do you and Price always get the narcotics calls?"
"I don't know? I can do others like traffic stops, domestic violence cases, and others, but I'm not sure why we always get the narcotics calls," Gaz says.
"Well, my breaks almost up," she says.
Later That Night
Y/n was clocking out, telling her collogues 'goodbye' and 'have a good night.' She walks out of the hospital and looks around for her husbands car, she soon sees it pulling up to the sidewalk where she stood.
"Kyle," she coos and opens the passenger side door.
"I wish you'd let me open the door for you, so I can be a true gentleman."
"I am an independent woman," she says, moving the seat belt over her body.
"Oh I know, baby," he says, leaning forward and kissing her lips. "Let's go home, I want you to rest after what happened today, I know you pushed yourself today."
"Just a bit, I am tired," she yawns and let her head rest on the window as she watched the pretty lights of lit up building, apartment complex's pass by her window.
Soon her eyes were closed as Gaz drove them to their shared home. The golden lit up street lamps lit up the neighborhood and Gaz pulls into the driveway, gently shaking her thighs waking her up, she yawns and lets out a soft moan. Making grabby hands towards her husband.
"Hang on, baby," he says, going around the car and opening it, unbuckling his wife from her seat, and he bridal carries her into the house. "An independent woman, huh?"
"Shut up," Y/n says, snuggling into her husbands neck and giving her some soft kisses making him shutter.
A Few Days Later
Y/n had stayed home from work since the incident, she stayed on the couch most of her time, her husband working, and coming home every break just to come and check up on her.
"Baby, I brought you some sushi," Gaz says, coming into the house, Y/n peaking over the back of the couch with a big smile.
"Thank you, Kyle. When is your break over?"
"In a few minutes, I brought Price with me, so we can head out immediately," Y/n stood up off the couch seeing Price sitting in the cruiser in the driveway. She waves to him and he waves back.
"Thank you again, Kyle, but I'll be okay, no need to come and check on me, I have your number if anything happens, and I have Price's number in case I get ahold of you, I promise, okay?"
"I know, baby, but I just want to make sure nothing happens while I'm gone on duty and something does happen."
"I'll be fine," Y/n kissed her husband, letting him get back to work, she ate her lunch and thanked him again for her food.
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Part one of the Incredibles au power swap fic lets gooooo
I don’t know how many parts this is going to be total, maybe four..? I tried to keep it short, but that... didn’t work, heh. This is set after movie stuff at some point, don’t know exactly when, not too long... but supers are legal at least.
But anyway, enjoy part one!
Part two
Wind woke up slowly, his ears ringing in his skull.
A dull pulse of pain rippled through his middle, and he winced, putting a hand on his chest and rubbing it as he tried to think through what had happened. He remembered a voice talking, and something about intruders being free test subjects...
Oh. Right.
And a big explosion that had sent them all flying.
Wind rubbed his eyes, wincing. He supposed a weird explosion shouldn’t be that surprising, since they were trying to break into a crazy-secure science lab. They’d gotten some information on all sorts of illegal experiments going on here, with supers allegedly involved, and they’d all suited up and stormed the place.
Nobody had realized they were expected.
Wind sighed, and sat up with another wince, grateful his supersuit was so sturdy. If he’d been in his civilian clothes, he’d probably be a smear on the wall right now. Or at least dealing with some broken ribs instead of just the weird soreness he had.
He shook his head, trying to disperse the ringing in his ears, and looked around, wondering why it was so quiet. Something about the air seemed weird, like something was missing from it.
A frown settled on Wind’s face and he reached for some wind, trying to listen and see if there was anything moving nearby. Then he froze.
He couldn’t do it.
Wind thrust his hand out, twirling it in the motion he always used when he directed the winds, but nothing happened, no matter how he moved his hands, no matter how hard he tried.
Something was wrong with his powers.
Wind breathed in shakily, and looked down at his hands, trying not to get swamped with panic. He was fine, he was fine except for the aches and lack of powers, he was fine. He probably just... needed to recover a little more from being unconscious. Yeah.
That had to be it.
Wind swallowed and looked around, suddenly zeroing in on Legend lying nearby. He wasn’t moving, and Wind shakily got to his feet, stumbling over and crouching at his side.
“Legend?” Wind asked, and gave his brother a light shake.
Legend didn’t move, not one inch, and the sight of his brother so still made something lurch in Wind’s stomach.
He paused in trying to wake him, and turned his attention to the rest of the room. He’d been separated from the others in the explosion, and the only other person besides Legend and himself in the hallway was Warriors. And Warriors looked like he was beginning to stir, a groan coming from his direction.
Wind stood up again, the absence of his wind all the more noticeable when he tried to draw on it for assistance. He swallowed and kept going, and knelt by Warriors’ side as his eyes flickered open.
“Warriors?” he asked in a shaky voice, and his uncle groaned, pressing his hands to his ears.
“Not so loud...” he bit out in a whisper, face screwed up in a wince. “...why is it so loud?”
“...I’m the only one making any noise,” Wind said in confusion, and when Warriors winced, he switched to a whisper as well. “...Sorry. It’s not loud at all Warriors, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t... know?” Warriors bit out, trying to sit up. “Ugh... I feel like I got hit by a truck...”
“Did you hit your head?” Wind asked anxiously, and Warriors slowly shook it, still wincing.
“No... everything is just... loud.”
Wind waited a moment for him to wake up a little more, and Warriors breathed out, slowly sitting up. Pain still showed in the way his face was creased though, and Wind felt the bubble of anxiety in his chest get a little bigger.
“That was a weird thing they hit us with... are you sure you’re okay?” Wind said as he helped Warriors sit up, glancing worriedly at the rubble separating them from the others.
“Yeah...” Warriors mumbled. “You okay, Wind?”
Wind swallowed.
“I... I don’t know,” he said honestly, wishing his voice wouldn’t shake. “I only woke up a bit ago. I found Legend too, he’s still unconscious, but Wars there’s— there’s something wrong with my powers.”
Wind bit his lip. “I can’t get them to work. Ever since I woke up I haven’t been able to feel any wind or anything, there’s something wrong.”
Warriors’ face creased in concern, but then he paused, and held out his hand with his palm outstretched.
He tried again, a little more frantically, but still nothing happened, and he exhaled, looking down at his hands.
“Looks like mine are on the fritz too,” he said worriedly, then gave Wind’s shoulder a squeeze. “We’ll... we’ll figure this out. There’s probably something blocking them, I’ve seen this before. We just need to find the device.”
“You’re sure?” Wind said shakily, and Warriors nodded, giving his hair a quick ruffle.
“Yeah. It’ll be fine, kiddo.”
Wind gave him a small smile, then decided to check on Legend again since he still hadn’t moved. His brother’s face was still pale and blank, and while he didn’t look injured, Wind knew stuff could be hurt on the inside where they couldn’t see it.
Warriors joined him a few moments later, still wincing, and got to a knee beside Legend. He began looking him over, brushing dusty bangs from his face, and Wind watched in silence from beside him.
“Warriors, what do we do now?” Wind asked quietly, and his uncle hesitated, flinching when a sound rang out in the distance.
“I... don’t know just yet. Let’s recuperate for a bit, see if we can wake Legend up. Maybe try and contact the others. Then... I guess keep going. Somebody has to stop this scientist guy.
“And that somebody is us.”
“Right-o,” Warriors smiled. Then he stiffened, ears pricking as he looked down the hallway. “Someone’s coming.”
“I don’t hear anything,” Wind said in confusion, and Warriors shook his head, gathering Legend up into his arms.
“I can, there’s someone coming, trust me. We need to—”
Footsteps clattered towards them, and Warriors flinched, quickly tugging Wind and Legend behind a piece of rubble. A handful of guards came around the corner, and Wind crouched down further, watching them nervously.
Normally four guards would be nothing, but without powers and Warriors in a questionable state... Wind wasn’t sure they could handle them.
“Wars?” he whispered, and Warriors put a finger to his lips.
The guards drew nearer, spreading out and looking around the rubble. One came closer and closer to where Warriors and Wind were, and suddenly looked behind the rubble, spotting them.
He grabbed for his gun, and Warriors shoved Wind behind him, launching himself at the guard with a snarl. The man shouted as he fell backwards, and despite the pain on Warriors’ face, he managed to wrestle the gun away from him.
The other guards heard him though, and Wind’s stomach lurched as they surrounded Warriors, unsure if he should go help or stay where he was and defend Legend. Warriors was hurting, but Legend wasn’t even awake, what was he supposed to do?
Two guards split off and went for Wind, and he yelped in panic, backing up so he could better protect Legend. The guards both reached in the nook Wind and Legend were tucked in, trying to grab them, but Wind avoided their hands and kicked at their arms.
Warriors was still struggling with the other two guards, but when he heard Wind’s yelp, his head shot up, eyes going wide when he saw one of them pull out a gun.
“Get away from them!” he shouted, eyes glowing, and was suddenly doused in shadows.
A familiar noise hummed through the air, and Wind and the guards stared in shock as the shadows dispersed, leaving a grayish-blue and white wolf on the ground where Warriors had been.
The wolf looked utterly shellshocked, and Wind felt much the same as he stared at it.
Wind suddenly realized the guards were all distracted by the abrupt appearance of a wolf, and he shoved his shock to the back of his mind. He pushed the two that were trying to grab him, knocking them both over, then darted out and grabbed a piece of metal that had fallen on the ground.
He slammed it into one of the guard’s heads, sending him to the floor, but by then the others had snapped out of their daze.
But Warriors had too, and it didn’t take long for him and Wind to take out the other three guards. All four lay unconscious in short order, and Wind panted heavily as he wiped his face.
Then he stared back at the wolf, who was staring at his paws with his ears back.
“Um... what?” Wind spluttered, disbelief coming back. “Warriors that— how?”
The Warriors-wolf whined, his eyes wide, and he paced around in an anxious circle, nose twitching and ears flicking.
“How did you do that?!” Wind repeated, and Warriors flinched at his raised voice, ears folding back again. “...sorry. But why do you have Twilight’s powers?!”
Warriors repeated his whine, tail between his legs, and suddenly the shadows whirled around him again, blocking him from view. When they dispersed, Warriors was back to normal, sitting on the ground and looking somewhat nauseous.
“...Warriors?” Wind asked, and Warriors slowly sank down and laid on his back, then put a hand over his eyes.
“Gimme a sec,” he croaked.
Wind went quiet, and for a minute the only sound in the room was Warriors’ somewhat-shaky breathing.
While his uncle got a hold of himself, Wind gently tugged Legend out from the hiding spot, setting his head in his lap as he sat down. He ran a hand over Legend’s hair while he watched Warriors, and finally his uncle exhaled, and took the hand off his eyes.
“I think I know what the problem with our powers is,” he murmured. “Somehow... they switched.”
“But how?” Wind said as he stared at his uncle, and Warriors sighed, slowly sitting up and setting his hands over his ears again.
“I don’t know. But... I think it has to do with that weird energy pulse. I’d guess somehow it switched our powers.”
Wind stared at him in shock, and Warriors grimaced as something made a sound in the distance.
“How... is that even possible?”
“I have no earthly clue.”
Wind petted Legend on the head again, trying to wrap his brain around the idea of powers somehow swapping. Their powers were a literal part of them, how could anything switch them around?
“So... so you somehow have Twilight’s powers,” Wind said, and Warriors nodded. “Does that mean Twilight has yours?”
“I don’t know. But based on the whole wolf thing and the fact that I can hear so much as a pin drop, I definitely switched with Twilight,” Warriors said, then winced again. “Eugh. How does he deal with being able to smell everything? Or hear people breathing?”
Wind shrugged. “So... what was it like being a wolf?” he asked curiously.
“...Weird. We should get moving before the guards wake up,” Warriors said, dodging the question, and Wind sighed and nodded. Obviously Warriors didn’t want to talk about it.
...he’d get it out of him eventually though.
Wind looked down at his hands as Warriors moved to pick up Legend, flexing his fingers, and wondered suddenly if the same thing had happened to him.
Had he just gotten his powers blocked, or had he switched with somebody too? Was that why he couldn’t feel his winds?
Wind focused on himself for a second, trying to remember back to when he was smaller, and accessing his powers was more difficult. Normally there was a sense of the winds around him that he drew on, a thrum in his heart that moved in time with them, and he could usually draw on it with little to no effort.
That feeling wasn’t there anymore, but as Wind focused, he realized there was a different thrum inside of him now, one that felt blindingly strong.
Wind cautiously drew on it, but it was like turning on a firehose, and a flood of whatever power he had now came rushing at him, startling a yelp from his throat.
Warriors called his name, but Wind barely heard him, focused on the power rushing through his middle, spreading to his limbs and stretching out along his face. It was nearly overwhelming, but Wind held on against it, gritting his teeth as power buzzed all over throughout his skin.
The rush ebbed finally, enough that Wind could open his eyes, and the first thing he noticed was that the floor seemed a lot further away then it had before.
Also Warriors staring at him in shock.
“What?” Wind asked, then startled at the way his voice echoed.
“You... you also swapped,” Warriors said in a somewhat strangled voice.
Wind blinked, then looked at his hands, feeling the current of power run through him, feeling so powerful that he could probably punch his way through the walls if he had to.
Which meant...
“I got Dad’s, didn’t I?” Wind said.
Warriors sat back down.
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aaron warner x ferrars!reader pt. 2
aaron warner continues to make way into your life, and it's only a matter of time before you grow fond of him too.
(taken place during unravel me)
continuation of the hcs from this piece!
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a/n: hey y'all.... the long awaited pt 2 is finally here. so sorry for the wait, but i had some major writer's block with this at first, and tbh life has been a lil hectic rn with classes n stuff, so thank you for all the love and support on the first headcannons, and thank you for being patient with me! i truly cant express enough how happy i get when you guys compliment my work <3 as usual, hayden is my personal fc, imagine who you like !
side note: i know reader might seem kind of useless at times even tho she has powers, but it's because she doesn't have a full control of her ability yet, still learning how far it goes, and she doesn't have much practice on defensive uses of it, since a lot of her training is about learning about her powers. hope that makes sense LOL. some big events are going to be briefed over bc i didnt wanna bore y’all with stuff you alr read in the book and wanna focus on warner & reader interactions👍
word count: 8.2k
warnings: some plot changes, vague taylor swift reference, mentions of injuries and blood, some violence
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after receiving the note, you immediately crumped it and stuffed it into a random drawer with your clothing. you hadn't told a soul about the message, you feared it would only make the implication of meeting warner again true.
thinking about the note was a pipeline to thinking about aaron warner. thinking about him meant flashing back to the last moment the two of you shared.
his lips on yours, his confessions of his infatuation, and of course, the way your shot him in the chest. you hated how the memory was brung a warm and unfamiliar feeling in your chest, especially thinking back to the kiss.
you told yourself it wasn't a big deal. maybe another member at the base decided to play a prank on you, or perhaps it was just an empty threat. there was no way warner knew your location, so there's no need to tell anyone about the silly note.
but to be extra cautious, you laid off going on missions to the outside for a little bit. plus, it forced juliette to interact with people that weren't you on missions when you weren't there.
you went along with your routine as usual, training with castle and kenji, and hanging out with juliette and adam.
you didn't hate castle by any means, but you find his underlying scrutinization of both you and your sister at times to be bothersome. his constant pushy treatment to juliette never sat right with you either, but since he was the leader of omega point - you knew you had to still show respect for him.
although, you started to notice a strain between the couple recently, mostly from adam's side. there was obviously something he was keeping from juliette.
you comforted your sister to the best of your ability, but you knew not knowing was starting to affect her. kenji also seemed to know whatever this secret was, but was adamant on keeping his lips shut.
however, once castle took adam away in the middle of you guys eating lunch, juliette demanded answers since it was obvious adam himself was struggling to reveal it himself.
this time kenji was helpful and guided you and juliette to the research labs. there you both saw castle engaging adam in some sort of tests, and it sent your sister into a fit of rage, mainly aimed at castle. which then resulted in her angrily punch the ground, causing for a large earthquake that shook the entire establishment.
juliette was passed out for three days before waking up. you worried for her endlessly during those days, it was the one of the only times you intentionally listened for her thoughts, to ensure she was alright, but it was scarily silent. you knew adam also was quite worried for juliette, but castle made sure he kept his distance.
after that, her and adam were on some sort of unofficial break up, and you knew better than to get involved. juliette was also now required to join you and kenji in training, which made for a chaotic, but fun trio.
your powers were getting easier to control, you were working on levitating heavier objects every time. you've practiced mental manipulation on insects and small animals, so you had a gist of to what extent you could control a mind. the most you've done so far was send simple commands like jump, sit, move, etc. kenji always offered to be a test subject for this, but you always declined, not liking the thought of possibly controlling the mind of your friend.
now that you could control when to apprehend thoughts, it made it much easier to make friends without disrespecting people's privacy. while sara and sonya were always kind to you, others had made it sort of clear they wanted to keep their distance to prevent their mind from being read by you. being able to now reassure others that their thoughts weren't being heard made it easier for people to approach you.
much like juliette you found new friends in brendan, with an electric ability, and winston, who had a stretchy ability and also designed the suits for both ferrars.
days at omega point were serene for a bit, everyone following routine and members continuing to patrol areas for any threats of the reestablishment. but it was surely disrupted with the arrival of threatening news.
it was in the middle of the night when you were dragged away from your bed by kenji to castle's office; juliette and adam following suite. he claimed it was an urgent matter that required the presence of the four of you.
there, castle revealed the return of the supreme commander, also known as warner's father - that was big news to you and juliette. it explains how warner was able to be out with his men in the sector so often.
however, news worsened when you found out brendan and winston along with emory and ian were taken by the reestablishment during their patrol. at their missing location was left a note, with specific instructions on how to proceed.
you were shaken by this discovery, it had been only less than 24 hours since you had last spoken with either of them, both you and juliette had had breakfast with brendan and winston.
that wasn't even the end of if, castle instructed that all four of you were to go to this meeting destination.
all of you were taken aback by this, you had initially assumed castle would be the one to see the supreme, since has is the leader and all.
adam and kenji were at the head of the protest against this plan, not wanting to easily comply . both you and juliette remained silent, still taking in all the information given.
you without a doubt were ready to head in for the safety of your friends, but you also didn't like the unpredictability of the situation you all could possibly wander into with the commander.
"the two of you may opt out as you like, but i am requesting the aid of both ferrars, seeing as they are the ones very explicitly instructed to see the supreme - a sort of exchange, them for the hostages. "
again, everyone in the room was stunned with confusion. all having the same question, why would he need both sisters there?
you didn't know the room could've possibly erupted into more chaos than right now. adam was now furious, kenji not too far behind with questions of his own.
you couldn't help but think back to the note you found in your pocket, "see you soon." is this what he had meant? had he known this would occur that long ago?
again, you shook the thought from your mind. aaron warner wasn't the one who sent the order, it was the supreme, so it's possible warner will not even be at the location the four of you are suppose to go to.
no need to think about warner, you told yourself. no need to remember how he kissed you with ferocious passionate intent.
with this newfound knowledge, you knew you couldn't back away from this, not when there were lives at stake, and you didn't have to be familiar with the supreme to know he would not hesitate to take the lives of omega point members.
you looked toward juliette to inquire her thoughts about the situation. you understood from the look on her face that she had a similar plan of action to you. a telepathic (without actually reading her mind this time) message was communicated between both of you, making a mutual agreement.
"we'll do it." you announced over the arguing.
castle was pleased with this decision, but immediately adam objected, and even kenji was hesitant for you both to go through with the plan. however, stubborn as ever, both of you committed to your decision.
preparing for the meeting with warner's father was nerve-racking, worried for the safety of your team, and also the hostages. you and everyone knew this had to be some sort of trap set up by the commander, but there wasn't much you could do besides arm yourself and comply.
the four of you were gathered in castle's office. castle made sure all four of you were equipped with necessary gear for the mission, including having weapons with you.
you attire was the same as usual, a red leather corset-styled top, a matching leather coat-like jacket, black pants in a stretchy material, accompanied with black fingerless gloves and black knee-high boots - except now you had the addition of a harness and holsters up your leg to hold any firearms given to you. the coat did well in concealing a lot of the guns.
luckily, you had a good amount of practice with a gun since the warner incident. you were no james bond, as a man kenji liked to reference, but you had enough skill to defend yourself and others in the face of danger.
"why does warner's father need both sisters?" kenji humorously asked castle, "can't we at least keep one of them, one for the reestablishment and one for omega point."
you scoffed with a grin, entertaining the joke. "i'm sorry, who exactly are you willing to sacrifice to the reestablishment kenji?"
"well, with that attitude i'm starting to lean towards you."
castle goes through the plan once more before having to leave with the rest of omega point. they had to be stationed around building near the meeting point before the four of you arrived.
the time finally arrived for all of you to begin the journey to meeting the commander. since you all were traveling on foot, adam and kenji leading the way, you needed to leave at least an hour before the designated time.
adam was able to successfully turn off his protective shield for kenji to make all of you invisible. it made the journey easier; being able to wander through the land unseen.
after kenji misguided you to the wrong house, you all rushed to get to the correct address, 1542 sycamore. with 50 seconds of time, you all arrived.
juliette made the quick decision to tell kenji and adam to stay hidden, that it was better if warner's dad thought we were alone. in the case of an emergency, they could jump in.
kenji and adam gave a few last words of reassurance, before turning back invisible. then, you and juliette stood in front of the door of meeting house, holding hands before entering the house.
warner's dad did the job of opening the door for you both, inviting you inside even though it was more a of demand, and commenting on your impeccable timing.
once inside, you got a good look at the man. you shouldn't be shocked he was also quite handsome since he is warner's father, but you were still thrown back by his unexpected attractiveness.
unfortunately, you didn't take him his appearance for long before he abruptly & forcefully pushed juliette head against the wall behind her, momentarily knocking her out.
you didn't even get to process the action before you were pushed roughly against the wall, the commanders right forearm holding you down by the throat, while his left hand was disarming you.
almost as if acted on instinct, you pushed him back with a scarlet force, sending him back first onto a nearby table.
you took a second to get react, unsure of what happened, before rushing over to your sister. juliette didn't seem to be bleeding, luckily, but you figured she might have a concussion. much to your surprise, she sat up straighter attempting to act unfazed.
you were roughly yanked away by your wrist and away from juliette. you attempted a second self-defense act, but the commander was first and pulled out his gun, pointing it to your sister.
"try anything else, and i'll shoot her before you could blink."
your silence was a sign of defeat. you stood still as he unarmed you, even taking off your coat for good measure.
he released you finally then went on to do the same to juliette, who was still recovering from the slight blackout she faced from the collision with the wall - he repeated the threat to her, gun pointing in your direction this time.
you swore if you made it out of here alive you were going to learn more defensive uses of your powers to never be in a position like this again.
juliette must've been refocused on the task at hand because she starting asking the commander for the location of the hostages.
you stomach dropped when he disclosed his army is equipped and ready to take down any omega point members who are lingering by.
he went on to elaborate his plan to eliminate the "freaks" that made up the rebellion. but what got your heart beating faster was the mention of warner.
he directs his talk to you, "i admit, your sister, juliette, had piqued my interest quite a bit with her ability and history, i'd never paid much more than a glance in your direction. but what really astounded me, was when my son begged me to spare your life." he smiles, in a terrifying manor, "i just had to meet this girl whose bewitched him and spelled him into such a lovesick fool."
you felt physically stuck to your place as you listened. you didn't have to look at juliette to know she was also frozen.
'did aaron really do that?'
he turns in your direction, "i have every intention to use you to teach my son a lesson, and that will just have to include your death much to your misfortune. i really do hate to waste a pretty face." you face pales at the mention of your death.
then he faces your sister, who had taken a sudden step in front of you, "but that doesn't mean the older ferrars has to suffer the same fate and couldn't prove to be useful to join me in the capitol."
"i'd rather jump off a very steep cliff, thanks."
you wanted to laugh at your sister's retort, but you couldn't help but worry that he'd kill her for her denial. you'd rather be the sole target of his persecution than drag your sister down into it as well.
you reminded yourself adam and kenji were still around, they would surely arrive in time before either of you could be dead. you hoped.
the commander, however, does laugh at your sister's rejection, "a stubborn one you are."
"son, would you come in here, please?"
your eyes widen, warner was here this whole time.
you and juliette glanced at the same time, both being shocked at his presence.
when he appears in the doorway, all the memories of the event in his room come back to haunt you.
his face was void of any emotion, but his stare directed intensely toward you.
there was no time for small talk, because warner's father handed him a gun, meant to kill you. he places it in aaron's hand and aiming it to your head, dishing out the command to 'clean up his mess.'
you wouldn't be surprised if he had intentions to shoot you, you quite literally had shot him the last time you'd seen each other.
juliette let out yells of protests, telling warner to put the gun down.
you were preparing ways to defend yourself, mainly involving levitating an object and throwing it at either person with murderous intent toward you. but you weren't sure how you could hide the movement of your hand, and red glow of your eyes, when the attention was all on you.
but you couldn't help solely stare back into aaron's emerald green eyes. you wondered if this would be your last sight before death.
no, you refused to succumb to death like this, you wouldn't give anderson the pleasure.
you stared back into the green eyes, daring him to take a shot. this could be really courageous or terribly stupid.
then in the next instant, the gun had a new target, his father.
his father didn't look too fazed, confident that his son wouldn't shoot him, even patronizing him for it.
you didn't wait to find out if he would go through with it because now that the attention shifted, you could execute your plan of action.
the supreme and warner were both knocked down by the large heavy table being thrown at them. granted, aaron wasn't your target, but it didn't hurt to knock him down in case he intended to shoot you.
juliette took the opportunity to get the firearms the commander has taken at the beginning, and use the gun to shoot him in the leg. both legs. multiple times.
you were about to reel her back, when kenji appeared out of thin air, literally, and held juliette back from further injuring anderson.
suddenly, you remembered warner was still in the room. you looked around to find him passed out on the ground, a syringe, you guessed kenji used, next to him.
kenji tossed you as roped and told you to bound his arms, so, you knelt down on the floor next to him, carefully shifting him to place the rope.
as you did this, you noticed his features closely, how different he seemed unconscious, at peace. it kind of made him more beautiful.
out of your better judgement, you reached out slowly to touch a lock of his blonde hair, soft.
you immediately pulled your hand away when you thought you felt a stir, but you looked back to his face and he was still unconscious.
maybe, if you had looked a little closer you'd notice the ghost of a small smirk on his lips.
"we're going to take this kid hostage."
you were brought to your current situation with that statement.
"wait, what!" kidnapping wasn't on your to-do list for the day.
however, the most shocking news to be said in this room, was when adam dropped the bomb that the supreme command, warner's father, was his dad - making warner his half brother.
in the midst of all this chaos, omega point had already set off the call to attack, and now were battling against the reestablishment.
there was no time to think about events because kenji was rushing everyone out the door to get back to the safe haven.
the four of you needed to a large distraction so castle could draw back before major disaster since anderson was down and you now had taken warner. juliette promptly stepped up with an idea and create a part two of her earth-shattering ability. - which it turned out working really well because you all were able to make contact with castle.
adam and kenji did the heavy lifting of carrying aaron's heavy body while you and juliette had the task of finding a tank for the four of you to head to omega point in.
once that was settled all of you clambered into the tank, kenji taking the wheel and adam acting as second in command - that left you and juliette in the back with warner.
who was currently to the left of you, slumped against the window side of his seat, and juliette being on your right.
you weren't thrilled to have him smushed next to you. not when you were close enough to smell his cologne and feel the outline of his muscles through his jacket.
a part of you thought he would maybe wake up somewhere during the ride, but his eyes remained close. you know because you were staring at him more than you'd like to admit.
you reminded yourself what he had put you and juliette through, the asylum, the imprisonment, and the tests. it was enough to reel you back in and continue your dislike for warner.
although he was asleep, the bumps on the travel to the underground base made for a lot of jolts of movement and in turn caused warner's body to tumble onto you.
his body was heavy, but somehow it was heavier whenever you had to push him back to his side. it was like a force was trying to keep him on there.
his head somehow always slumped into the hair on the crook of your neck, and at some point, you could've sworn you felt him breathe in through his nose, like a sniff. but you wrote it off as the movement of the vehicle.
you must've passed out at a point because when you opened your eyes, you were lying against warner's shoulder.
your face was a flush of scarlet when you realized your position, but luckily juliette was fast asleep, and the two men were occupied in the front, likely going over today's events. thank god.
not long after, you all arrived at the destination and made it out of the tank.
kenji helped pull you out of the tank, not before leaving a teasing comment.
“have a nice nap, did you?”
you ignored him, but your face went red in embarrassment. he would never let you live this down.
you took a rest for a whole day before interacting with anyone. you weren't sure if you could handle any other sudden revelation without rest, especially if it involved warner.
castle came to you and juliette to discuss further the plan with warner and such. and you were reminded of the fact adam and him were technically brothers, which was kept a secret between all four of you still.
then castle gave you both the most ridiculous task; to be in charge of the questioning and occasionally visiting the prisoner. his reasoning being you both were the most acquainted with warner, and he'd be more willing to comply with at least one of you.
you wanted to decline; you didn't understand why castle always sent everyone else to do work for him - but you knew your sister was happy to finally have a real assignment for omega point; she wanted to be useful.
so the following day, you began your "mission." you sisters went to where they were holding warner, a room much like where you and juliette slept, but the difference was it closely guarded, not letting the person inside leave.
you greeted the guards, and they had looked very relieved to see you there. apparently, warner has been less than pleasant as an inmate - throwing things and demanding to speak with you, and they informed him the two of you would be arriving to calm him down.
you stepped into the room and noticed the lack of furniture, probably because he was throwing, then you saw warner sitting on a mattress on the floor, indulging himself in some sort of journal that you didn't get to get a look at before he put it away.
he looks up at your arrival with a grin, "hello amor, a pleasure to see you again at last." he scanned your attire, "i have to say, this new look on you has you looking rather ravishing."
you rolled your eyes, fighting the butterflies because of his comment. "how you manage to be a prisoner and still keep that stupid charm goes beyond me."
"i did say i'd see you soon didn't i?"
juliette gave you a confused glance, you hadn't told her about the note, nor the kiss.
you ignored what he said, trying redirect the conversation. you glanced down at his chest, "nice to see you've healed from the shot, for a moment, i thought i'd killed you."
"takes a lot more to kill me i'm afraid, however, if it's by your hand i'm more than willing to greet death like an old friend."
before you could bite back, juliette interrupted your banter with a cough, meant to serve a reminder to you to stay on task.
"right, forgot you were here juliette, perhaps you'd like to step out so your sister and could properly reunite."
god, you hated his suaveness. you hated it even more when it worked in making your heartbeat pick up.
juliette took charge of the conversation and started asking questions relevant to the establishment, but warner would either change the subject or give vague answers.
you both decided to leave after growing tired of the lack of information. you ignored warner's pleas for the company and walked out.
the next day you both tried again, meeting in from of his room. juliette, however had decided a change of tactics.
"i think you should go in without me."
you turned to her confused. she explained he would likely be more cooperative with your presence alone, his actions from yesterday proving to be in support of that.
you denied it, even if part of you believed it. you weren't sure you were ready to be in a room alone with aaron.
nonetheless, juliette left you to your own devices and rushed off, probably to find adam or kenji, before you could protest further.
you cursed her, but prepared to enter the room in front of you.
aaron was lying down, resting an arm behind his head and using the other to throw and object up and down. once he noticed you he sat up in your direction.
he noticed the lack of presence of juliette, and you could tell he was more than pleased.
"finally, i was starting to think your sister would chaperone us forever."
"don't be so eager to be alone, i could shoot you again."
"and i'd willingly take another bullet if it meant another kiss."
you couldn't help the annoying pink tint on your face that came up with the mention of the kiss.
you changed topic, "how were you able to send me that note?"
he smirked, "well for one, i noticed you after our eyes met briefly during your first time outside in the sector. after that, it was blatantly obvious who you were; that disguise did nothing to hide your gorgeous face, unfortunately for you. and then it wasn't hard to order a civilian to drop the note in your pocket while you were distracted."
you were stunned; you really hadn't thought to think he recognized you. you thought you blended in pretty well on those missions.
"okay, stop distracting me, what are your father's plans."
"hmm, maybe if you ask nicely and give me a kiss - i'd be more willing to comply."
you left shortly after that, knowing you weren't going to get much out from him.
it continued like that for a few days; you'd walk in, try to get information, but then he'd turn it back into a way to flirt with you or bring up the kiss.
this time when you walked in, you saw him reading the journal from the first day, and you were able get a better look at it. it was yours.
"hey, what are you doing with my-"
"dear diary, today i checked out a book from the library, there was a rather intimate scene between the main charact-"
you immediately recognized the writing as your own and strided across the room to aaron to snatch your journal back.
warner was quicker, standing up in a snap, keeping a distance from you as read aloud more pages.
you yelled at him to stop, catching up to him, but now he held the book to the ceiling, making it harder for you to reach because of his tall body.
you, much to your embarrassment, jumped up and down to reach the journal, wanting this humiliation to end.
"aaron, just give it back!"
all of a sudden, aaron stopped his teasing and looked down to you, a lopsided smile on his face.
"you called me aaron."
you eyes opened in horror, you just called him aaron, not warner. and he heard it.
"no. no. i said warner, you misheard." it was a terrible attempt at lying.
he smiles even wider, his dimples prominent. he reaches a free hands to lift your chin.
"please, keep saying my name, i do love how it sounds coming from you."
you felt you were gonna explode from all the emotions you were feeling, the room was getting hotter, and your heart was pounding in your ears.
you couldn't get a solid sentence our without babbling in embarrassment. so you took the coward's way - bolting out the room, abandoning the mission to retrieve your journal.
you avoided visits a few times after that incident, you were still cringing at the flashbacks, it worsened when you also remembered he had the contents of your journal and all the embarrassing things and darkest secrets you'd written inside.
unfortunately, that didn't stop you from running into warner.
you were eating lunch with kenji, he was currently explaining some princess film you'd never seen.
"wait, so how did this girl even find out when her birthday was?"
"well, obviously, mother gothel told her."
"why didn't she just lie about her birthday, or not even tell her what a birthday is?"
"i don't know, i didn't make the script."
"also does the ending mean she has power still, or was it the last of her ma-"
"oh my god, can you shut up and just appreciate the greatness that is tangled!"
"hey! you're the on-"
"well, isn't this a surprise."
you turned to the new voice that entered the conversation. aaron warner stood in front of your table, hands behind his back, and castle behind him, likely guiding him somewhere.
then you remembered your last conversation with the leader and came to the conclusion aaron was on his way to be tested, probably like adam had.
castle remained unaware of the blood shared between the two, but you did let it slip you were unable to read your mind, and he was able to make skin contact with your sister.
"well if it isn't my favorite ex-boss." kenji spoke with a mouthful of food.
aaron ignored kenji, much to kenji's offense. "amor, here have you been these days, you left quite flushed after our intimate moment in my cell."
kenji spat out his food at that last bit.
you body was filled to the brim with utter embarrassment and hate toward the way he phrased his wording to make it seem what it wasn't.
you turned to kenji who was coughing continuously, "nothing even happened!" you gave warner a glare, "stop making it seem so.. so-"
"so what, amor? i'd love to know what you think i meant by intimate."
"you are so insufferable."
castle then dragged warner along to the testing area. you couldn't deny you weren't curious to find out if he shared a gift similar to adam.
you were planning to engage with warner the next day, but his guards had come up to you during your training session demanding your presence because apparently warner was in a fit of rage.
worried, you rushed over. entering the room, warner was sitting against the wall, face in his hands. the room was in disarray, broken items of what was already so little, scattered all over the room. even his floor mattress had been tossed.
he barely acknowledged you, so you took it upon yourself to kneel down in from of him, silently asking what happened.
"castle..he told me it's possible i have an... ability. he told me i could change," he laughs humorlessly, "that there was potential for me to be.. different... possibly better."
you stayed silent, unsure of how to respond, as he bitterly ranted about his talk with castle.
"what do you think?”
“do you believe i can change? i’d love to know what your opinion is on this, amor.”
you weren’t sure how to respond. “i believe… everyone can choose what they want to be. it’s up to them to decide, even if everyone tell tried to tell you who you are.”
this time, he was the one silent, looking down at his lap, likely in thought.
you took the chance to take in his attire; some black sweatpants, grey socks, and no shirt.
you probably would’ve been flustered to see him shirtless if you didn’t notice some peculiar marks peaking from his shoulder.
silently, you slowly crept to the side of aaron, still distracted. you slide far enough to get a good few of his back.
you internally gasped. his back was littered with lines of scarring - likely whipped. your stomach churned at the thought.
you also notice a big tattoo in the upper middle of his back, in all caps ‘IGNITE’.
you must’ve said it out loud because aaron’s head whipped in your direction. he turned his back away from you once he noticed where your stare was directed.
“no need to say anything, i already know how hideous it looks.”
unsure how to respond, you blurt the first thing out of your head - “i think they look cool. kind of like an abstract piece of art.”
yeah, comforting people wasn’t your forte.
luckily, aaron seemed intrigued by your statement. so you took the chance to request something further.
“can i touch your, erm, back?”
aaron was hesitant for a few moments, but then sighed and turns his back toward you.
you delicately pressed your fingers along the canvas of his back. you could feel every ridge and texture of each scar as your fingers glided over.
aaron flinched at first content, then progressively & visibly melted into your touch.
“why ‘ignite’?”
“why not?” you really hated his vagueness.
an idea popped into your head. you pulled a pen out of your jacket pocket, testing it on your own skin a few times before you started drawing lines on aaron’s skin.
“amor, what are you doing?”
“hang on.” he could feel the ink of the pen etched on his back.
“you know, my original plan was to seduce you with my perfect abs, but i guess luring you with my scars works as well.”
“shut up.” but you were smiling while saying it.
you finished connecting a few lines, “there, perfect.”
"i think you've forgotten i dont have the neck of a giraffe to twist around."
"oh, my bad." you said sheepishly. "do you have a mirror?"
"i did, then i broke it. pieces should be in a corner somewhere."
you mentally scolded his carelessness.
you managed to find a piece big enough for him to see your creation upon his skin.
"i drew a star." you wanted to facepalm at how silly it sounded.
star was a bit of a stretch, you connected lines scarred on his bank to form a lopsided and wonky-shaped star.
he just stared at it, not uttering a word. you moved to try to wipe off the mark, but he grabbed your wrist before you could.
"no," he grins, "i adore it. do more of them."
you did. it was a whole galaxy of stars embedded on him.
he stayed mute as he watched you through the shard of mirror while you doodled, but suddenly he spoke and gave you details as to what his knew of his father's plans and the location of brendon & winston.
"why are you suddenly telling me this, why now?"
"it's what your here for, isn't it."
you rushed over to castle immediately and repeated everything aaron told you. he thanked you for the information before he called in others to draw up a plot of attack. you all were to leave immediately the next day.
castle called a meeting in the lunch hall a few hours later; everyone at omega point was gathered there.
he briefed them on the commander's plans or what the plan was supposed to be so far. of course, people were suspicious of this information coming from warner, not trusting him at all; not that you could blame them.
"he's immune to both of the ferrars abilities, he can touch juliette with no issue and y/n can't get into his head. after this reveal, we did some test, and we've come to find out he's gifted like the rest of us."
the room exploded in chaos, gasps, yells, and protests coming from all different directions. a lot of ongoing looks toward your table. castle raised his voice to calm everyone down.
you and juliette didn't stick around long after, for one you already knew the information being given , and two, the stares and questions were getting annoying and uncomfortable.
however, adam shortly followed the two of you out, desperate to speak to juliette, and you knew why - warner being able to touch her.
they began talking intensely as if you weren't there. you watched from the sidelines as juliette explained her side and adam getting more frustrated.
you butted in at a point, you felt bad for the guy, but your sister came first. “adam, maybe it's best you leave to cool down.”
but your voice of reason only irritated him. “how about you stop inserting yourself into your sister’s affairs and let her speak for herself.”
"what is your issue?"
"this is between juliette and i; she doesn't need you speaking for her."
"you hypocrite, that's what you're doing right now!"
"why don't you go fraternize with warner, that's all you seem to be doing these days." adam venomously spat at you.
as if the mention of his name made him appear, warner's presence made it known. he stepped in front of you, dividing you and adam who got closer as the argument headed.
"kent, you've really got an attribute for being infuriating and vexing."
that set off the fire for an intense standoff between the two. adam, already mad at aaron, started the verbal feud.
it got so heated, kenji inserted himself between the two - trying to stop the commotion. you even grabbed aaron's arm to pull him away.
it was all happening so quick; one moment, they were shooting insults back and forth, the next instant kenji was dropping to the floor clutching his head in pain.
juliette immediately called out for help, finding castle, who brought in sonya and sara to take kenji to the medic.
adam and juliette went trailing after them, but you stayed there stunned. what did you do?
you had a flashback to the experiment - kenji reacting, in the same manner, those soldiers had after you freaked out.
you felt extremely horrible for kenji and you prayed he would be alright.
but you hadn't intended to hurt kenji nor did you exert any force in using your powers. you had better practice with your energy, so it didn't make sense.
aaron, still beside you, reached out to you - but you instinctively took a step back. you weren't sure what was happening to you, and the last thing you wanted was to hurt someone else accidentally.
"probably better you stay back," you looked down at your hands in fright, "i don't have control right now, i'm don't even understand how i did that to kenji."
"because amor, you didn't injure him. i did."
your confusion only deepened with that. then he brought back the mention of his gift, and you put the puzzle pieces together as he spoke.
"so you can basically can absorb someone else's power and use it?"
"a little more complicated than that. i can sense people's energy, like right now i know you're confused and worried for your friend, but also scared of yourself for what you did, or thought you did."
he elaborated, saying he unintentionally manifested your energy when you touched him. when kenji grabbed his arm, in an attempt to pull him away, that was when he projected the energy on him and hurting him in the process.
"wait, so does that mean you have my ability to read minds too?"
"hmm, i haven't given it a chance," he smirks at you "would you like to be my test subject?"
"absolutely not."
later that night, you check with sara and sonya on kenji's condition. they informed you that he was alright, but just needed some rest. after, you met up with castle in his office, finalizing plans for the morning - the beginning of the battle.
before you said goodbye, you had a question that had been crossing your mind.
"why do you trust ar-, er, warner, what's to say he won't turn his back."
"well, i guess i can't say for sure that he won't. i just have to have faith in mr. warner that he will make the right decision for himself. and with your added presence, i'm sure he's more open to that than ever."
"what do you mean?"
"surely you realize he's in love with you. he's even told me himself."
"he..he told you he was in love with me?"
"yes, just after i was discussing his gift with him." he said it like it was the most casual thing.
you stayed to chat briefly after. you directly headed to aaron's room, no longer littered with guards since he was considered a "member." you were able to walk in with no issue.
aaron hadn't been asleep yet when you got there, he was sitting up on his bed, which had a frame now, reading a book.
you didn't give him a chance to react to your sudden intrusion before you started speaking.
"why would you tell castle you're in love with me"
he furrowed his brows, but you kept going - you were set on getting answers.
"how could you just.. say something like that, what is your motive? are you trying to get to me?"
"amor, calm down. i have no motive." he said, standing up and walking toward you.
"then why would you even say that."
"isn't it clear?" he gets nears, a hand going to cradle the underside of your face, "i meant what i said."
"you can't love someone you barely know."
"but that's just it. i do know you. i've read your mind on paper, and experienced you for myself the moment i met you. i know that you hate to be wrong, you want to clench your first when you lie, although juliette is older by a bit - you feel the need to protect her, you're afraid of the dark, but never admit it, you hate yourself for loving your powers, and you want so badly to be accepted here because of your lonely childhood. shall i go on?"
you were flabbergasted by his word, and you couldn't even deny that they weren't true.
"how do you know this?"
"because, as my dear father put it, it seem you've bewitched me, my mind, and my body."
then he kissed you. and you let him.
and you very much liked it.
it was a longing, messy, kiss - he had you against the wall, lifted by your hips to his height. you wrapped your arms around his neck kissing him deeper, not letting any thoughts or worries flow from you for the moment.
the doors opened. "y/n? are you her-" then a gasp.
you recognized the voice - juliette.
you immediately panicked and pushed aaron away, attempting an explanation yo your sister, but she was already turning her feet and running away.
you gave warner a glance before you ran off in her direction.
you caught up to her, "juliette, please, wait!"
she abruptly stopped her feet and turned to you, "what are you doing y/n? kissing warner, are everything he's done!"
"it's just... i didn't... it's not like-" you struggled to put it into words.
"so what, you- you like the guy who kidnapped us? the one who shot a guy in front of us. experimented - borderline tortured us? he made me hurt a child, y/n. a child! and now you're making out with him."
you were at a loss for words, tears starting to build up at her harsh words.
"you're an idiot if you think you could love him, and even stupider to think a cold heartless person like him could love you. and i won't have anything to do with you if you keep him in your life." and with that she waked off, leaving you in the hall.
you didn't go back to warner after your fight, nor did you go back to your room immediately. you shamefully found an empty closet to cry into for a while. once you were able to breathe normally, you went back to the shared room - luckily everyone was fast asleep.
by morning, everyone was preparing for the rescue of brendan and winston. you and juliette exchanged no words; you attempted - but was shut down every time. she had never been this mad at you. so you just suited up and went to find kenji. kenji sensed the tension between you sisters, but didn't push for information.
you came to found out from castle, aaron warner was gone - he escaped omega point. likely on his way to the reestablishment.
you didn't want to focus on why a part of you was hurt when you heard that.
the battle was not a scene for the light-hearted - anderson's men had already begun gathering civilians and spewing blood. if you didn't have a strong stomach, you'd already be spilling your guts.
midway through dodging bullets and soldiers, you felt a shift in the already dire environment. there was something wrong, and you sensed it.
you urged kenji you felt the need to return to omega point - there was something wrong. he wasn't too convinced by your vague intuition, so you sought off on your own, doing your best to avoid the battlefield.
you ran into juliette at some point, not caring for your argument at the moment, and told her your inkling. she also brushed you off, telling it wasn't a time for your dramatics.
even with no support, you went back - you couldn't ignore this feeling.
you were maybe 200 ft away from omega point when it happened. bombs were dropped on the territory - causing the destruction of the building and any remaining members who stayed behind.
the explosion was powerful - even from where you were standing, it sent you both painfully flying back. you blacked out before you could react to the tragic ending of omega point.
you regained consciousness after consecutive kicks to your ribs and a voice telling you to wake up.
in front of you stood a crippled anderson, standing with he support of a cain. his composure was calm, but you could see the hatred behind his eyes.
you painfully stood up, surveying the area. you were in a house - similar to the one from last time.
you felt weak, dizzy, and the world was a bit blurry. you were leaning on a mantle to support your standing.
"ah, the fatigue your feeling would be my own fault. had those lovely sisters inject you with something. it will incapacitate you enough that you won't be a threat. can't have you flipping tables again."
you were barely registering his words, but when he mentioned sisters it gave you a bit of a jump start. he had sara and sonya.
your words felt faint, but you demanded to know where they were. he assured you they were unharmed, but it did nothing to ease you.
midway your conversation, warner enters the room - shocked to see you there. you probably would've reacted if you weren't so dosed on drugs.
"now that we have this reunion out the way, i'm going to be generous, something you ought to appreciate. you can tell me where your sister is and where the rest of your band of freaks are. you can aid me in destroying them and only after will i grant you the mercy of joining the reestablishment."
"what do you want with juliette?"
"she did this to me," he gestured to his legs, "and now i want my compensation."
no matter the situation with your sister, you'd never give her up.
"go to hell."
he sighs, "a disappointment once again, miss ferrars." he turns to his son, "this is why it's important i teach you this very valuable lesson son."
warner goes rigid, "what do you mean?"
warner pull out his shotgun, "justice, should always be served - even if it has to be by your own means."
then you were shot right in the chest.
you blacked out, then started slipping in and out of consciousness. all you remember is blood spilling from you at a rapid pace, and aaron crouched in front of you.
you remember voices - aarons, sara, and sonya's talking in rushed voices - then it was only aaron.
"hey cmon, amor, stay with me."
"wow... getting in the chest really sucks. i feel really bad about shooting you now." you spoke deliriously.
"it's alright, i just need you to hold on a little longer." his voice strained, holding back anguish. 
but you didn't; you passed out, your last thoughts hoping juliette would throw you a nice funeral, enough though she was upset at you. 
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esamastation · 11 months
Shizuroth, part twenty-one
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
For the first time in what feels like a lifetime, Sephiroth sends out a text message.
After an evening and night spent meditating, reading and cultivating, figuring out the ins and outs of his hardened meridian system and going through the files Genesis had had delivered to him, Sephiroth's come to the conclusion that meditation isn't enough. He needs to condition his body properly, and that means forms, that means movements - that means he really misses easy access to all the collected cultivation manuals of Qing Jing Peak's impressive libraries.
Ultimately what it really means is that he needs more space than his single room apartment has.
"If we're banned from the training room, where can I go train?"
"Goddess beyond, Sephiroth, it's supposed to be your day off," Genesis replies and then, soon after, "Just go to the training room. Who could stop you?"
He's really not sure about training in front of people. "Is that really the only option?"
"Well, you could do what you always do and just take a mission."
Mission, like the dozen or so on his phone involving Wutai? Which had a lot of kill everyone and exterminate the opposition and leave no one alive!?
Yeah, okay. Training room it is, then!
After carefully selecting an outfit that would look reasonably in character for the future Big Bad while also being a bit more comfortable than three different things of leather. And he still pulls on the, now slightly better fitting, leather coat with its huge shoulder guards, too! He should look… more or less in character.
People still stare as he makes his way through floor 49, other SOLDIERs in their much more comfortable looking uniforms and not so comfortable looking helmets. There's a handful of them hanging around, sitting by the window or chatting, SOLDIER Seconds and Thirds waiting for assignments. There are some people in lab coats hanging around there too, just as a reminder of the true nature of the program.
Sephiroth had read about that too - everything Genesis had sent him about SOLDIER and the things he is supposed to already know. 
SOLDIER, as much as they are the elite warriors of Shinra, their OP human weapons in the war to conquer the planet… are also lab rats. They'd all signed up on it in order to get those enhancements, and now Shinra's Science Department can do… just about whatever they want with them!
They're constantly being tested for performance and given experimental training, treatments and gear to test out. Almost all Materia and medicine Shinra produces goes through SOLDIER field testing before going into mass production. Because it's better that it's a SOLDIER dealing with the fallout if the Materia blows up in his face or the medicine makes him projectile vomit. They can handle it!
Ah, corporate dystopia with minimal human rights. Fun stuff.
Sephiroth walks past them all, barely acknowledging them, and aims for the training room. Which… really seems more like a testing ground, now that there's actual personnel there.
There's no one in the training room itself - but there are two technicians in the observatory adjacent.
"S-Sephiroth!" a lab technician stutters as he enters  - the only way into the training room goes through the observatory, past all the monitoring equipment and computers. "What can we do for you?"
"I want to train," Sephiroth says in his best villain drawl, motioning to the training room with Masamune.
"Ah, that's - director Deusericus told us -"
Sephiroth narrows his eyes. "Oh, so I can't?"
The second lab tech elbows the first out of the way. "Of course you can, of course! Professor Hojo would be thrilled to have your training data," he assures, though the words are clearly aimed, very pointedly, at the other tech. "What kind of program settings would you like? We have a selection of new enemy AI and different environments - including numerous Wutai-inspired sequences!"
Sephiroth hesitates. That… could be interesting, actually. "Something from Wutai, with buildings - no enemies." That might give him a sense of what Wutai was like, culture-wise.
"... How are you going to train without enemies?"
Do SOLDIER not do forms? "Hmph," Sephiroth answers and turns to the training room, waving the electronic sliding door open. "Just start the simulation."
Seems like he got his villainous demanding attitude right, because they do. Seems like short and to the point is really the best way to hide a supposed amnesia!
Soon Sephiroth finds himself standing in a courtyard of what looks vaguely like some noble family's estate, feeling strangely like he's in a dream where everything is just a little bit off.
The simulation is… well, it kind of feels like a weird amusement park version of Asia, a mix of Japanese and Chinese aesthetics. The buildings have Japanese architecture for the most part, with bare unpainted wood and stone - but the roofs are all elaborate hip roofs. The written language, what little he can see of it, is in Mandarin, but the calligraphy style is very Japanese, very lyrical and artistic but without much form.
There's no bamboo in sight. Shame.
But at least the false environment makes it feel a little less like he's being watched - though he can still tell he is. Even with Sephiroth's burnt spiritual veins, he has pretty good senses.
Well, it's not like he hasn't trained with an audience before.
Unsheathing Masamune, Sephiroth holds the sheath in his off hand and takes a pose, breathing deeply in and concentrating. He still can't quite circulate his Qi, but he can sort it… flash it through himself in pulses, which lights up his meridian system and brings out the faults and snags therein.
Sephiroth is strong, hardy, seemingly endlessly durable. He's also fast, his overactive muscles easily going past the limitations of your usual normal human conditions. The issue is not quite his overall flexibility - but his… suppleness, maybe?
You need your veins to flex and contract for healthy circulation, and that's the same with energy. Thanks to the Mako treatments and the emphasis on stamina and strength, Sephiroth's whole system is just… hard. Every part of him is hardened to endure who knows what, and it gives his meridian system very little give. 
So that's what his form needs to focus on, increasing his meridian system's pliancy.  
All the while wondering if all SOLDIERs were working with these kinds of toughened meridians, Sephiroth pulses his energy and begins to move. Qing Jing Peak sword forms work well enough for him, it turns out - as spiritual cultivators, they also have to maintain certain spiritual flexibility, after all. He needs to adjust the forms to the sword he has, but that's not too difficult. A lot of spiritual swordsmen use sword glares to extend the shape and size of their cutting edge, so the forms already have some wiggle room.
Soon Sephiroth has a set of moves that work the best, making his pulses of energy work better and better, until his whole meridian system buzzes, active and alive. He can even feel the beginnings of activity in his frankly neglected dantians, as energy wooshes through him in waves. It feels… pretty great.
What he doesn't know is that on the outside it looks rather like Sephiroth just activated a Limit Break - by will alone.
Someone making waves, hehe
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ahedderick · 19 days
Yesterday my husband got a call from the eye doctor's office. The lady on the other end told him that his new glasses had come in, but that they checked them, and the lab who made the lenses had messed up. They will be ordering new ones.
Well, ok, it happens. However, last summer when I needed new glasses, I tried them on in their office and they were absolutely unusable. I literally could not read with them at ALL. The same lady was helping me, and she kept telling me to 'tilt my head' to get things in focus (as if I'm supposed to walk around with my head at an angle - forever??) and telling me I just needed to get used to them. Which. I have been wearing glasses since I was EIGHT. I know how to focus my eyes. And if the prescription is right, you just put them on your face and you can see!
I hated to do it, but I had to completely refuse them (all the while she was insisting that they were the correct prescription). They sent away for another pair. When those came, they were somewhat better . . I can read, but . . I ended up just continuing to use my old pair. They weren't *perfect*, but they were better than the new ones. The new ones 'work' if I hold them in my hand a fraction of an inch away from my nose.
So it's WILD to me that when the lab messes up for my husband (and I'm starting to really have some questions about this lab) they test the glasses and order him a new pair without trying to convince his to accept the screwed up ones.
And if this was the only time something like this had happened, it'd just be annoying. But it's very much NOT! Stuff like this happens repeatedly! Argh!!
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hyperfixat · 10 months
could i request the obey me brothers with an mc who is a chemist (slightly mad-scientist-esque)? like an mc who always has Some experiment going on and they get Very Intense about it?
(if you want any extra inspiration, please go watch NileRed on youtube!!!! specifically one of his bromine related videos and/or the making grape soda out of rubber gloves video! hes been a favorite creator of mine for a long time and im a little (a lot) bit enamored with your writing style so im really excited to see how you'd write this!)
– the guy who asked about plant obsessed mc last time
omg,, repeat anon,,, woah, thank you for your support,,, i saw rhis the night you sent it in and i literally had a smile on my face when i was going to bed, thank you so so much..
In all honesty I haven’t been keeping up with the Obey Me + NB lore because I can’t autoskip the gameplay levels, but there are potions and stuff in that universe, right?  Now, I checked NileRed, and played some of their videos in the background; for those unfamiliar an example video title is “Extracting DNA from strawberries and eating it”, so yeah crazy science stuff.  You also requested the brothers, but I did have Solomon introduce the general concept because I feel it would be most lore accurate.
Now we can have a chemist MC, who in the human world worked in a lab or whatever, but then they go to the Devildom and all of a sudden there’s so much more to learn! So much more stuff to make and test!  And, wait wait wait, Solomon did you say potions?
Screw chemistry you’re a full on alchemist at this point.  Where’s the nearest lab safety equipment?
Realistically Lucifer wouldn’t let you have any lab extracurriculars or let them be on your schedule.  You only need to do what you came here for, besides how can he know of your intentions?  For all he can know you’re cooking up some demon-killing madness.
Once you get him to crack or Solomon vouches for you, walkie talkie voice; we’re in.
It’ll start with just the classes and some silent longing on your end, dramatically sighing about how you miss your work back in the human world.  Patience is a virtue because once you worm your way into the demon brother’s hearts, they’ll literally remodel a whole room in the HoL as an ideal lab for you.  Anything you want; beakers, materials, fancy machines, you name it.  
For the brothers, spoiling you in such a way was both a blessing and a curse. Seeing you happy was great, but you spend so much time holed away doing your little experiments… they miss you after a while.
oh my, brainwormmm… imagine needing something from them to make your thing, a gift or otherwise… needed like a feather or some keratin from their horns.  I cannot for the life of me think of something cool or unique to make, but hear me out Love Potions. 
but more ethical, because the whole thing behind them are kinda,, dubious.  SO pre established consent for the part below: it’s only luci because he’s my favorite. 
There’s a soft knock on the door before it cracks open, but you pay it no mind, continuing your intent focus on the bubbling pink liquid on the bunsen burner.  
Lucifer cringes back at the smell as he walks in, sickly sweet and filling the air.  His long strides lead him to your side and he huffs a sigh, “what do you want to try with this batch?”
“A feather,” you say after a moment of deliberation.  “Preferably down.”
With a hum of agreement and a soft woosh one of his large wings spreads for you to take your pick of any of the feathers there.  
“Do you have high hopes this time around?”
“I never have high hopes when it comes to making stuff for you,” you say lightly, filtering your fingers through the soft inner feathers.  He’s immune to almost everything.  “But, higher than usual.”
“I eagerly await your arrival to my chambers, and now I will leave you to it.”
ahh my husband..
and mmmh. Satan could help you find recipes, and if you’re in the mood he’ll commission you for some Anti Lucifer League stuff.
this is definitely not exactly what you wanted, rip hope you like it anyway, also posted from my computer sorry for any odd formating.
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dancingaura925 · 2 months
As an experiencedTM danmei reader, I've come across many genres, and I feel like that the one genre that the SVSSS fandom needs to exploit is the interstellar genre. Why? Because it'd be fucking hilarious. Hear me out:
In the original work, Luo Binghe is - instead of part demon part human - is part zerg part human. Zerg, if you aren't familiar, is basically the interstellar genre's version of reallyyyyyy strong aliens, and depending on the author, can range from actual literal beasts to human-like creatures with insect features to just straight up humans with nice-ass wings, which can then have different degrees of autonomy due to this hivemind they've got with the Zerg Queen. Basically, nobody has any clue on what a proper Zerg should be, but nobody cares :D
In addition, these stories often have a human empire dedicated to fighting against these Zerg. This may include a main planet where the emperor lives and other planets with different nobles, territories, military bases, etc. It almost always has a research lab on the main planet that usually have some sort of dastardly scheme related to the main plot. On top of that, these empires are very militaristic, with mechas and combat and mental power and all sorts of interstellar travel
Do you see where this is going?
Once upon a time, Tianlang-Jun (perhaps the descendant from the Zerg Queen) and Su Xiyan (a researcher) fell in love with each other in the research facility. SXY was assigned to TLJ because the research facility wanted to know how to harness the Zerg Queen's power to once-and-for-all wipe out the Zerg race. However, once the two got together, they started to plot how to get out and along the way, LBH was conceived. OPM, the ex-head researcher got FURIOUS and badabing badaboom, you've got SXY on the run before sending LBH to another place to survive.
Fast forward a lot, LBH shows up at the Cang Qiong Military Academy, which is split up in different divisions under different commanders. For LBH, he goes to the Qing Jing division where he is led under General Shen Qingqiu, someone who often boasts of his own mental power and lies and takes other people's credit to get to the lofty position he is today.
When LBH is training, he starts standing out in unusual ways. His physical prowess is through the roof, but his mental power is abysmal, which is bad because that's kinda how you use mechas, and often, physical strength can be enhanced with mental power (kinda like cultivation). So LBH is bullied, harassed, etc, and all the while, SQQ is like "this dude is a beast/derogatory".
Insert a long few years, including a Zerg invasion with none other than Sha Hualing. You go, girl.
When the Empire's Military Academy Tournament (could not think up a name rn) shows up, he's sent to go and instead of being sent into the Abyss, he's sent through a wormhole to a Zerg-infested place, where he learns more and stuff. Wowee!
He comes back with revenge on humans and stuff and integrates both the humans and Zergs under his iron fist. The fight against the emperor takes up like a hundred chapters or whatever.
So that's the OG version. Now, let's insert a millenial mess that is SY as SQQ and see how he handles being in the military. He better put to use that military training Chinese kids are put through.
On the other hand, if you wanted to take a completely DIFFERENT direction, have LBH be a test subject in the lab and have SY transmigrate into a researcher. LBH was supposed to be a human weapon, designed from intentional breeding. SY, knowing LBH will break out and cutely demolish the human race, tries to befriend him, teaches him everything. LBH, despite being a weapon designed to destroy the Zerg race, falls in love. And then he breaks out. Cue drama and kidnapping.
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fl3shm4id3n · 2 years
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𝓑𝓮𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪 𝓶𝓾𝓽𝓪𝓷𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓰𝓮𝓽𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓾𝓵𝓵𝔂𝓼
Tw: Testing on a child, mentions of war, skypeople are assholes, siblings fighting, cursing, goofy stuff, reader is an adult and is 5′11, reader’s hair and eyes turn white.
Author’s note: I know I said that the last post will be the last side quest, but I swear this one will be the last I swear, I just couldn’t help it because Storm is my favorite Xmen.
Your parents were scientists that worked with the RDA, what they didn’t expect was to have you and you be born on Pandora. Since you had been brought into the world, your parents had thought of making a mutant, you. They believed that in the future you’d be a good weapon for the RDA. So the tests began at an early age, since you were barely born they waited a while, until you had turned a year old. No one really questioned about you since you had been hidden in their lab the whole time. Then things began to get worse, the Skypeople began to go after the na’vi, they had decided to take their home. But of course the na’vi were going to fight for their land. After the war, most of the sky people had been sent back, including your parents. You had beed found by Max who told Jake about you, including the testing, Jake felt some what of guilt.
Seen that you only three years old, alone and you had been tested on to be as weapon, so he had taken you in with Neytiri, at first she didn’t want to but she saw that you were harmless. You were only a child that had been involed with horrible, so she decided to adopt you. Neytiri thought that taking care of a human baby was going to be hard, since it takes them a while for humans to learn, but it was just like taking care of a na’vi toddler. Neytiri had grown to love you, you were just the sweetest child she had ever met. What made her even more happy when you said your first word, which was Mama, she cried of happiness then pulled you into a hug. She was happy that you saw her as a mother, a real mother, not the one who had been testing on you.
Then Neteyam had been born, you were confused about the new born, but when you got told that he is your brother. You had told Jake and Neytiri that he didn’t look like you, but they just laughed and told you that Neteyam is your brother whether he didn’t look like you. When you got to hold him, you got a good look at him, since then you had told your parents that you will protect your brother no matter what. Later came Kiri and Lo’ak, Neteyam was one year old and you were four. You and Neteyam were happy that you had more siblings, again you had asked why they didn’t look like you, but you brushed it off when you saw that they looked exactly like Neteyam when he was a baby. 
When you turned five years old, that was when your powers kicked in. You had playing with river with your family, you were running around with Neteyam and Kiri while Jake splashed water towards you. Then you had tripped over a root that had been sticking out, you scrapped your knee, it wasn’t bad but it hurt a lot. When you had began crying, this caught Jake’s attention seeing that you got hurt, but then the sky began to get cloudy and thunder was heard, your eyes had also been glowing a white color while you cried. Jake picked you up, comforting you that you were okay, you cried until you fell asleep. Causing the sky to clear again, this needed to be seen by Norm and Max, when you had taken you to the lab to get you checked up. They had checked you, you had some kind of strange mutations on your DNA caused by the testing you went through. When Jake had mentioned the cloud and thunder, that was when it was conformed that you had the ability to manipulate manipulate storms. It was obvious that this was caused by your biological parents since they had been working on making you into a weapon.
After he got back to the Hut with you, Jake had a talk with Neytiri about your new found ability, Neytiri was somewhat ready for this moment since she knew about the testing done on you. She didn’t expect for you to be able to call a storm.
Both Jake and Neytiri decided to help in any way possible, you were still growing up and you needed help now more than ever.
When you’d get mad or upset, you’d call in a storm, which involved hard rain, thunder and wind. So Neytiri began to teach you how to stay and remain calm when you were feeling a negative emotion coming in.
It was hard at first since you were a bit impatient, but you had manage to stay calm when you needed.
Then your eyes had fully turned white and your hair had also become white, no one could really explain why your hair and eyes were now white, but it was to represent the lighting that you could also manipulate.
When it would rain, you’d always be outside. You didn’t cause the rain, but you couldn’t help but love it. Your parents had often told you that you’d get a cold but you never did, you’d get a summer fever but never get sick from the rain.
  Now at 12 years old, you had manage to have your powers under control. Sometimes you’d use your powers for important things, such as making it rain so that the crops and plants could grow during the summer when the rain barely came out. 
Then came Tuk, the final addition to the family. Now that you were older, you now where fully aware that you have been adopted by Jake and Neytiri, at first you didn’t see it, but now you did.
At first you thought your whole life had been a lie, you felt lied to for years, but they explained everything, how your biological parents had been testing on you to create a weapon out of you.
You were a weapon, but not the weapon they were expecting. Your abilities weren’t a big of a threat as they wanted, in your parents eyes they thought that your abilities were good. 
Since then you had forgotten about being adopted and such, you had been taken in by both Neytiri and Jake when they didn’t have to. You felt better knowing that you had a family that loved you. 
You’d also somewhat take advantage of your abilities when it came to your siblings. When you’d play a game of tag, in order for you not be it, you’d use your wind abilities to move you to the other side to avoid gettinf tagged.
It’d piss of Neteyam the most, he’d say that it wasn’t fair since you had powers and they didn’t.
When it came to the two of you, you both would fight a lot, he’d argue that he was bigger and you’d argue that you were older. It was you who had called him a penis face, which Kiri caught on then she began to say it to Lo’ak when they’d fight. 
Jake knew full well were she got it from, you got scolded for your language since Kiri had been repeating what you’d say.
Now that you were fully 18, Neytiri had tried and talk you into finding a mate, she didn’t want to peer pressure you since you were a grown adult, Neytiri just doesn’t want you being by yourself when one day her and Jake will no longer be with you. When Neteyam had heard about your mother suggesting you to find a mate, he will not allow it. He acted as if he was the older over protective brother and he began watch you like hawk. When a boy from the village would get a bit to close, Neteyam would coincidently come across the two of you and pull you away saying that you’re needed. When he’d tell you to cover up, you’d give him a ‘are you fucking dumb’ look, like seriously. Then he had the bright Idea get you human clothes from the lab and it fit you perfectly, he felt proud of himself seen you all covered up, you hated it, except for this one leather jacket that he had given you.
You didn’t wear the other clothes but for the leather jacket since you thought it looked cool, Neteyam was mad and he demanded you wear the other stuff too. You both got into a fight, arguing and yelling that he was your brother and he was protecting you, while you screamed at him that you were a grown woman and his older sister. Right before you were about hit him with a lightning bolt, youo were broken up by Neytiri and Jake, you got scolded for using your powers dumb reasons, and Neteyam got scolded for not letting you be. 
When you had discovered make up, you began to practice on how to apply it on your face. Once you got better at it, you decided to use it to piss of your brother. 
You began wear makeup and walk around the village, causing boys to look your way, of course Neteyam noticed this and he demanded you stop wearing it.
You refused, then he had threated to break your makeup if you continued. Boy did you want to strangle him in his sleep, as much as you love your brother, he was so annoying. 
Tuk had grown interested in Makeup, so you decided to put some on her, you wanted to put some on Kiri but she wasn’t sure if the makeup is vegan or naturally made. 
When Neteyam saw what you had done to Tuk, he did a whole as scene on how you’re corrupting Tuk, making you and Kiri laugh. 
He tried to wash off her face but Tuk would hiss at him if Neteyam got near her with a bowl of water. He tried to snitch on you for putting makeup on Tuk, but he got told that it was nothing wrong. 
One night that he slept, you, Tuk and Kiri put makeup on him, luckily he did not wake up at all.
The next morning, you and your sisters were acting suspicious, while Lo’ak couldn’t stop laughing, when Neteyam asked about it, you gave him a mirror and his face turned into one of rage.
Of course he blamed you for doing this to him, making you laugh and not admitting it was you. 
Kiri had taken a picture, while Neteyam tried to take the camera away, Jake and Neytiri had come in, seen the chaos unfold, Neytiri tried so hard not laugh while Jake was trying to be serious but ended up laughing. 
Neytiri took Neteyam away to wash his face. While you, Tuk, Kiri, Lo’ak and Jake looked at the picture Kiri took of Neteyam.
The whole day Neteyam was glaring at you, for sure planning revenge on you for doing that to him.
Now Lo’ak wanted a make over just to see how pretty he’d be, which you, Kiri and Tuk gladly did. When Neteyam came to look for Lo’ak, he found him in makeup. Neteyam had thought you had got to him too, only to be told that he wanted it. 
When Spider came by, he witness Lo’ak’s make over which made him laugh. Lo’ak had brushed it off saying that Spider was jealous he did not look as good as he did. 
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labrxnth · 6 months
BoC Chapter 1: Into Darkness (Leon x Reader Series)
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In flower language, a cornflower means "Be careful with me, please, I'm delicate."
Tag List:
WC: 3310
CWs: some heinous forced father figure shit, human experimentation, PTSD, kidnapping, cannon level body horror, cannon level swearing and violence, body comparison.
AN: So, This monster is finally here now that Prison Break is done. I'm thinking of a schedule that I can accurately keep, maybe one chapter every two weeks. This series will span over all of Resident Evil, it's gonna be a big boy so strap in.
If you want to be on the tag list, comment and it'll be done.
Spotify Link: Listen along to the playlist I've curated for this fanfic
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
The first thing you experienced about the apocalypse wasn’t the loud sirens, explosions, or screaming. It was how quiet it was. The usual fluorescent lights of the lab testing floor you were on were still burning as bright as ever, your eyes trailing the multitude of doctors and nurses scrambling through the hall, clipboards and keycards in hand. 
Your hand placed itself on the glass wall, confused as to why the doctors and scientists were acting more skittish than usual. The feeling you had in your stomach turning into a deeper pit. Anxiety swelling inside of you. 
Even without any of the chemicals dumped into you through the many syringes “gifted” to you, your intuition was off the charts. You knew something was wrong. 
Hearing the usual vroom of the door to your cell opening, your eyes turned to it, seeing the scientist usually in charge of you with a lead in hand. He stood in the doorway, his salt and pepper hair slicked back like it always was. His glasses were pristine, no scratches or dirt on them, his lab coat and scrubs eerily clean. 
“Subject 13, we’re moving you,” David said, his voice not leaving room for question. 
You nodded, walking up to him. David had been in charge of you since you got here at the ripe age of 10. A decade of being trapped in these four walls, not seeing the outside. 
The last time you were outside, the whole world felt like it was dripped in neon. The lights, the hair, the makeup, everything. All you wanted was a Barbie doll or a cabbage patch kid. Now, the world to you was white walls, white floors, and people wearing all white. 
David clasped the lead onto your thin collar, starting to walk the opposite end down the hallway that you were used to. You only ever walked to the left of your cell, not the right. Today you were going to the right, following all the other doctors and scientists. 
“Where are we going?” You asked quietly. 
“Hm?” David asked, not even bothering to look over you. 
You took a second, looking down at your feet while you walked. Taking a deep breath, you get ready to rephrase your sentence. “Father, where are you taking me?” You rephrased. 
He smiled back at you, his yellow cigarette smoke stained teeth being visible from behind his lips. “My flower, we’re relocating you.” He responded, then looked forward. 
You’ll get to see another part of the world. Maybe if you were lucky, you’d be able to see outside through windows. The idea thrilled you more than the fear of being sent to another location. But still, one thought loomed over you, the NEST had been your home for the past 10 years, why were they moving you now?
“Father, why?” You asked, watching people run by you. The hairs on the back of your neck were sticking up, matching the anxiety of everyone else besides David. 
“Because, My Flower, someone messed up on one of the upper floors,” He replied. His tone was always condescending, infantilizing you, talking down to you. He acted like you were still 10 like when he “found you”. 
“Messed up?” You asked. He never told you about stuff happening on the upper floors, you were hoping that he’d be willing to go into deeper detail if he was already in a talking mood. 
“Birkin…. messed with something that he shouldn’t have,” He responded and left it at that. 
Birkin…. That had to be a person by the way he was talking. You had searched your memory, trying to figure out if you ever came into contact, but couldn’t remember anything. 
As the two of you walked through a set of double doors, the hallway changed from white to a blaring red. An alarm was going off, along with the emergency lights, making the hallway a sensory nightmare. 
You squeezed your eyes closed, attempting to quell the migraine you were starting to get from everything. 
After going through another set of double doors, you felt yourself rising from the ground. Opening them in a panic, you noticed you were in an elevator, making your way to the surface. How long had it been since you were in an elevator last? It had to have been at the mall, while you were waiting impatiently to get to Orange Julius. 
The mall that had just opened up down the road from where you lived. The same mall where a strange man in a suit came up to you and asked you where your parents were.
The same one where you were taken from, never to see the outside world again. 
“Where will we go?” You asked, your (e/c) eyes meeting his face. 
“Where we go,” David replied dryly. 
You nodded, discontent with the answer, but pushing your feelings aside like you had been trained to do. If you dug too far, it would only spell more pain and suffering for you; curiosity was not a trait celebrated by Umbrella Corp. 
He led you down another hallway, the lead tugging at your neck, an uncomfortable feeling, making you seem like a dog. Your place was a lab rat, property owned by Umbrella Corp. You were truly David’s bitch through and through. Something he held over you. 
After a mind numbing walk through more hallways than you could count, you felt the cold air prick your face. Your nose breathed in the fresh air for the first time in a decade, tears almost welling in your eyes at the nostalgic feeling of it. It was crisp, but warm at the same time. Smelling like nothing, but everything all at once. Where the air smelled like cleaner and chemicals in your cell, the air here smelled of an electric charge, a storm on the horizon, and the calamity happening in the city. 
Looking around, you saw the city horizon line. There were more lights than when you were brought here, assuming you were looking at the same side of the building from before. You saw the misty haze sweeping over the city, the pine trees in the background surrounding the mountains in the faint distance. If you could see the roads, you would have seen the destruction breaking out around you. 
You would have seen the hell emerging from the depths of where you were kept. 
Looking forward, you saw a military grade helicopter, the same type they brought you here in. When you were first taken, you remembered every single detail you could with hope you could somehow make it out. 
Obviously, you were naïve. 
David ushered you into the helicopter, taking his seat in the pilot’s. Two U.S.S. (Umbrella Security Services) agents accompanied the two of you on the helicopter, guns drawn. One was pointed off the ramp, the other was pointed at you. At this point, you would have either been an idiot or had a death wish if you attempted to run. At this point you had the survivor mentality beaten out of you. 
Starting up the helicopter, David tied your lead to the bar separating the two of your seats. Your eyes were glued to the world outside, watching the rain hit the windows and windshields in awe. The world seemed darker since you saw it last, obviously because it was night time, but it felt grungier. Less like the neon wonderland you left and more like cigarette smoke and leather. 
As the helicopter flew above the city, the fires and crowds of people below were finally visible to you. The shock tore through your body at the sight. 
“The people… what’s happening to them?” You asked, your eyes following clusters of people attacking others. It looked like ants fighting from how high up you were, but you could still make out their shapes and sizes. 
“Birken’s atrocity. This is why I worked on more sophisticated projects like you, My Flower,” David replied, running a hand through your hair. An unfamiliar sound filled your ears, getting louder and louder by the second. 
David’s head whipped to the side. “Holy shit!” He yelled and jerked the steering sticks of the helicopter towards you. Your eyes widened as you saw a glimpse of something coming at the two of you, then the world went white again.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
You woke up to a searing pain in your right arm. Eyes shooting open, all you saw around you were silent flames, engulfing the helicopter and licking up your right arm. You tried to lunged through the flames and get out of the helicopter, but a force pulled you back, the fucking collar and lead. Looking around the helicopter, you found a stray shard of glass and picked it up. Your hand instantly filled with a sanguine red, the glass cutting your hand from just holding it. Quickly and wasting no time, you sawed through the lead, gritting your teeth at the pain. 
David would surely forgive you for breaking your lead, it was life or death. Then again, he was a psychotic doctor that experimented on and tortured you for years. 
Once the lead went slack, breaking apart, you jumped through the flames, rolling on the floor of wherever you were to extinguish the flames on you. Catching your breath and feeling your heartbeat die down, you took a few seconds, waiting for David or a U.S.S. agent to pick you back up. 
When no one jolted you up to your feet, your eyes opened to find a dusty wooden floor beneath you. Pushing off of your arms, you looked around you and saw a hallway of some sort, a rather plain one, but not the white ones you were used to seeing by now. 
You stood up and looked toward the helicopter, seeing three bodies in there, engulfed in the flames. David and the two U.S.S. agents. 
You were…. Free. 
David was dead. 
Your mind kept going over these words in your mind before you decided it would be better to move than stay still. While David had beaten the survivor out of you, you weren’t an idiot. 
The helicopter was cutting the hallway in half, giving you only one choice to go: behind you. You turned around and looked down the daunting hallway, feeling like it would’ve been better if you perished in the crash with everyone else. Nonetheless, you pushed forward into the darkness, your eyes adjusting to the darkness and your ears adjusting to the quiet. 
Walking down the hallway, you found the first door, a wooden door directly in front of you. On the wall, there was a sign that stuck out from it saying “Waiting Room”. As you walked closer, you found yourself having to limp, your ankle feeling less than ideal for walking a great distance. Your hand pressed up to the door, feeling the indents on the real wood. Every texture you had dealt with since you were taken was either slick, cold, slimy, or all of the above. 
It felt nice to feel something homemade, something that felt real. You cautiously pushed the door open and a sudden warmth filled the hallway. The room had multiple lights on, the type that you weren’t used to anymore. Instead of the fluorescent lights that made you want to gouge your eyeballs out, they were small lamps with a warm, orange or yellow glow to them. 
Closing the door behind you, you tried to find anything that could tell you where you were. You had no clue the size of the building you crashed into or where exactly you were. 
Turning to your direct left, you found a bulletin board on the wall with multiple posters. All of them said Raccoon City as the location of what they were advertising, so it was safe to say you were still in the city. 
Looking around more, you were startled as you heard the door behind you open. It was quiet, but you still picked up on it, your ears flicking slightly at the sound. 
“Are you alive?” A rather young voice asked you. Your hands went up slightly in surrender and you turned around. 
When you looked at who was talking, your eyes lit up. The question he asked puzzled you, but seeing someone that looked around your age was a relief in its own right. 
His face was unlike any other face you had seen. Most faces from your childhood blurred together, the only faces you really remember being your own, David’s, and the other scientists that occasionally worked on you for David. This young man’s features were soft, his eyes blue and kind, with an emotion at the forefront. You had seen that emotion in your own eyes before. 
He was scared and trying to hide it. 
“You’re alive,” He responded. You knit your eyebrows in confusion and noticed the gun he was pointing at you. Confused, you nodded and watched him sigh in relief, then lower the gun. “You, me, and Marvin are the only ones here that aren’t infected,” He added, reholstering his gun. 
“Infected?” Your voice asked. 
The young man looked at you, his eyebrows knit together, confusion matching your own. His eyes looked up and down your outfit, the white hospital gown and scrub pants that you had worn for the last ten years catching his eye. 
“Yeah…. Where did you come from?” He asked and took a step towards you. 
Instinctively, you took a step back, his eyes immediately softening. “Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you okay? I’m a police officer, it’s my job to help people.” He said softly. 
You remembered your parents telling you to find a police officer if you ever needed help when you would go to the mall alone. The day you were taken, you tried to tell one that a man in a suit was following you.
You were laughed at. 
Sensing your apprehension, he took off one of his fingerless gloves and held his bare hand out to you. “My name’s Leon, Leon Kennedy. If you want to survive, I might be your best bet,” He said. 
You looked at the hand and hesitantly reached your own out to his. But your name, what name could you tell him? Subject 12 wasn’t your name, it was used to get rid of your humanity, taking away your ability to even have a name. 
A name, you used to have a name, but what was it? Digging deep into your memories, you tried to remember it; tried to remember a friend saying it in joy, tried to remember a parent saying it in love, a teacher in anger. 
Leon looked at you expectantly, trying to read your expression. Your eyes met his as your hand met his in a shake. All you could remember for a name was the sound of rock playing through your dad’s radio, him praising a female singer for her melodies and guitar playing skills. 
“Joan, my name is Joan,” You said, claiming the name as your own. 
“Nice to meet you Joan, got a gun?” Leon asked. He looked down at your hands and you guessed that you had held on for way too long judging by the look on his face. You let go and awkwardly smiled at him. 
“A gun? No,” You replied, your head tilting to the side slightly. “Why would I need a gun?” You asked. 
“Why would you need a gun?” Leon echoed your question, looking at you incredulously. His eyes then went down to the burn mark on your right arm and the cut through the palm of your same hand.  “Where did you come from, you haven’t been here?” He asked. 
You shook your head slightly, proving his theory correct. “I was in a helicopter, then everything went white and I woke up surrounded by flames in this building,”
His eyes widened. “You were in that helicopter? The one that crashed into the building?” He asked, his eyes almost bugging out of his head. You nodded in response and he dug through his hip pouches, producing a small box with a red cross on it. 
“Here, let me patch you up, take a seat,” He said and gestured to one of the benches. You limped over, his eyes catching which ankle you weren’t letting touch the floor and taking a mental note of it. 
Sitting down on the bench, you looked at the palm of your hand seeing just how deep the glass had cut you. Leon kneeled down in front of you and looked up into your eyes, then back down at the collar you had on. 
“I don’t mean to pry…” He trailed off. You stared at him, expecting him to ask a question, but he just shrugged and shook his head, saying something to himself that a normal person wouldn’t be able to hear, but you could. “Isn’t the weirdest fucking thing I’ve seen today,” He said to himself. 
You watched him take bandages and a small spray can out of the case. “Can I have your hand?” He asked. You gave up your hand, palm side up. His hand gently grabbed your wrist, his eyes darting to your face for any sign of discomfort, but finding none. 
“This will hurt a bit,” He said and shook the small can. As the spray hit your cut, a slight hiss left your mouth. “Sorry,” He said, his eyebrows knit in focus and sympathy. Leon was quick to wrap the hand in bandages and then wrap the burn loosely.   
His hand dropped your wrist and he gestured to your ankle. “Can I help that too?” He asked. You nodded and he took your ankle, resting it on his knee. Almost as quick as when he wrapped your hand, your ankle was wrapped and all set to go. 
“It looks sprained. If we were in a better situation, I’d tell you to stay off of it, but we’re not,” He said and looked up at you.
“Thank you,” You said and lightly smiled at him. Looking down at him, you got a feeling that you haven’t had in awhile. 
You felt like he could be trusted; instead of the churning sea that your stomach usually was, it was calm. A slight warmth spreading through your chest at his smile.
“We should head out, I have this puzzle that I need to solve for us to get out of here,” He said, fishing a small booklet out of his pouches and putting the box back in. 
Looking at him, you could tell that he’d been here for at least longer than you had. He might be useful to stick around; especially if he had weapons and you didn’t. 
“Sounds good,” You said and stood up, getting used to the new weight on your ankle. 
“Before we go…. I gotta ask,” He said, leading into a question that you didn’t really want to answer right now. 
“No you don’t,” You replied and steadied yourself, looking up to meet his gaze. 
“Okay, I guess I don’t,” He said, his head moving to the door he came out of. “Alright, let’s get moving,” He added. 
You followed him through the door, into the unknown. Maybe on the other side of the door, there would be a fully fledged freedom; the world that you were kept from. 
To you, you were free of the white walls, white floors, damnation you were sentenced to. Now, you were headed into hell on Earth that you were completely unaware of. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
Catch this fic and others on my AO3
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66germs · 4 months
Vinsmoke Shipping Week Day 1!
(Super stressed about sharing these, but here we go!)
YonCose - Immortal x Mortal
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Okay, so I’ll admit I was on a bit of a block on that one, so it isn’t REALLY an immortal but like close enough, can’t die of natural causes yk? And I was out of ideas.
I was brainstorming and the song Kokoro came onto my playlist and I just went ham afterwards (That’s why I added the number on Yonji’s arm huaha). It isn’t great, but this was the basic idea;
CW - Angst stuff? I think?
The Vinsmoke siblings were androids made by Sora and Judge who are both scientists, so the lack of emotions is taken very literally in this universe. Sora got attached to her silly robots, so she wanted to find a way to program emotions into them or something, so she started tinkering with them (Sanji probably being the main test, I’m thinking of making Reiju more like a cyborg) and working on the whole emotion ordeal. Judge wasn’t too pleased by it as all he sought was war machines and found it pointless for them to feel things, so Sora was ‘put out of the way’.
Years later, Cosette, who’s also a scientist in this AU, finds Sora’s old lab and the file and is instantly mesmerized by her work and decided to pick up where she left off in secret. When she wasn’t working on it, she’d try to befriend the Vinsmokes and try to get them to react to or understand basic things humans enjoy. Yonji being her more frequent victim as he was sent out less often than the others (was having his mods worked on for his arms), so much that it became like a routine for them. Cosette didn’t have much friends, so she found enjoyment in speaking to him even if he didn’t get the point of needless conversations.
“Strangely”, Cosette didn’t come one day, and for some reason that is beyond his understanding, Yonji went looking for her, probably because he got used to the routine. He found the file as well, and as for the rest well… I’m leaving it here, hehe. Have fun with that
On another sillier note!
ReiKiku - Cute Meeting!
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I made this one silly because I could hardly motivate myself to draw them properly, so this counts as cute, right? (Okay, I might have a weird definition of cute)
In my AU, I have this silly cover story where Germa goes to Wano (MADS related stuff probs I’m mostly just focusing on having fun) and all the siblings are meant to keep a low profile and all got gradually seperated (Reiju being first). Kiku and Reiju run into each other and Kiku feels absolutely horrible about it while Reiju is just fine and decides to calm her down by simply asking for directions around the place and just having a chat with her. Both talk about their relatives and all (ueueu).
At some point, they spot a cocky Niji who is causing a ruckus with some other samurai. Things were going a little far and Kiku swung faster than Reiju could even think. Kiku realizes that it was her brother and starts freaking out, meanwhile Reiju just realizes she isn’t better than her brothers when it comes to women.
Yeya! That is all.
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britt-kageryuu · 5 months
Donnie and Mikey are streaming together today. Their models are wearing shirts reading 'Smarts and Crafts Team', blue jeans, lab coats, safety glasses, gloves, and boots. They're messing with some science based crafts on the AR set. Shelldon and River sitting on the a box that has the chat box overplayed on it.
"So we got some resin to try out some crafts we found online." Mikey announced while they put some drop cloths on the floor around the table. "But we don't trust something not spilling, and this stuff can get tricky to clean if things go wrong."
"Which is part of why we're using UV resin, that we can just pop in the basking room for a bit to let set." Donnie says, in flat tone that sounds a bit sarcastic, "We're going to start simple, then work up to complicated, though that may go in reverse with us."
Mikey goes off screen to grab some supplies. While Donnie puts the big bottles of resin on the counter.
A cartoony turtle shell slides across the screen to have cartoon Mikey pop out with fan fare, coins tossed around, and Miss. PaintSlatter Donated $30!
Mikey jogs back in to check the notification. "Thank You, Miss. PaintSplatter for the $30. Oh 'Do Shelldon and River have access to mobile games? Hey Dee?"
"Shelldon doesn't play mobile games, but River plays Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Partially for the app exclusive items you send to New Horizons, partially to befriend Villagers she wants, but can't find in NH." Donnie answers while he sets up some small molds. Then picks up and tests a heat gun.
"Well, we got the resin, pigments, molds, mold release, heat gun, little charms we plan to put into the resin. Are we missing anything?" Mikey askes.
"Spare gloves, paper towels, and the tall trashcan!" River answers back, then smacks the chatbots out of the chat box!
"And proper ventilation, or maskes." Shelldon says with a bit of snark.
"Right, I'll go get the portable ventilation, and trashcan and Mikey, please grab our ventilator masks from the art closet, a box of gloves, and the paper towels." Donnie instructs while they go grab said items.
Shelldon and River are left to entertain chat.
"What did I find that scared Dee? Sorry, we have been sworn to secrecy under threat of having our game libraries memory reset to no save files." River says.
Shelldon nods with his eyes closed. "And I don't have access to the file that was sent because Dee blocked me from getting it."
"FOR GOOD REASON!" Donnie tells from across the room, as he brings in what looked like an air purifier with a long tube sticking out of the back. "And for those who are confused, yes this is the portable ventilation system. Yes, it's a air purifier that I found in the dump, and heavily modified it." He announces with a bit of pride, "While I'm sure I could find something like this on the market, I wanted to build one myself."
Mikey also returns with his stuff, and organized the counter a bit so there's less of a chance of something getting knocked over.
They proceeded to finish set up, and get started on some simple resin experiments. And at least one small spillover and frantic clean up, before shouting 'You saw nothing!' And a 'Clip Recorded and Saved' from both Shelldon and River, who don't mention it right away.
Chat was still begging for the info of what Scared Dee, but after some were knocked out it calmed down, people started giving suggestions on what the guys could do with the resin.
My actual favorite nickname for Donnie is Tello, and I want to have River call him 'Tello Tello', but that can't really happen with most of my story. Unless I can think of another behind the scenes post.
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