#so they're eating their brethren
wouriqueen · 1 year
Wondering how much the fact that Louis partially consented to enter vampirism fueled his distress about the nature of vampires (am I of the Devil). Obviously this all comes from his religious upbringing as well but knowing he at least partially chose this, as opposed to having forcefully been brought into it, and knowing he did it to be with a man who murdered Lily and Father Matthias, the latter in front of him - how much would this have amplified his upset.
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semperreformanda · 2 months
when Christ said not to be anxious because God provides for our needs, He didn't use the example of ants. they work hard and strive to save resources for the coming days. no, He used sparrows as an example. they do not sow nor reap, nor gather into barns. in short, they don't worry about what they're going to eat or if their needs are going to be met. they already know their Creator will feed them--yes, they're fed, even in the stormiest weather. and so Christ says, you are more valuable than birds. you are made in His image, you have been redeemed by His blood, and you have been adopted into His kingdom. why then do you worry? He says, seek first the kingdom of God, and these things will be added to you.
pursue Christ, love the brethren (including your family), be faithful to the daily tasks He has given to you. don't worry about the necessities, because He will provide them. not He might provide them, He will provide them for you. He has promised it. therefore, do not be anxious.
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bogleech · 1 year
bog please help me which specific book is this i'm interested
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It's Dirge, the second book in a trilogy about how humans and thranx came to form a single integrated civilization, though technically there are four books about this history; one standalone novel about first contact, and the trilogy that begins 20 years later. I'm gonna quote their wikipedia synopses:
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Nor Crystal Tears: "The story follows a Thranx, Ryozenzuzex (i.e. Ryo, of Family Zen, clan Zu, Hive Zex) who came from an odd-numbered hatching (thranx offspring almost always come in multiples of two) immediately making him somewhat different from his brethren. Setting himself aside as different Ryo decides that he has to know what is the secret of the new space-faring race that supposedly wear "their skeletons inside".
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Phylogenesis: "Desvendapur is an anti-social Thranx poet native to the colony on Willow-Wane who believes he can find new inspiration for his poetry by coming in contact with the physically repulsive humans, an intelligent mammal race that is unlike the insectoid thranx."
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Dirge: "The Pitar are a close human analog to humans, appearing to be perfectly human except for a wider variety of hair and eye colors (including blue and violet among them) along with nearly god-like physiques. Most humans almost immediately view the Pitar as perfect. This complicated matters for the insectoid Thranx who wish to form a closer alliance with the humans. Some xenophobic humans go so far as to invade the small Thranx colony in the Amazon, killing many of the insect colonists. While this causes a political nightmare for both humans and Thranx, it also brings together the human chaplain and Thranx spiritual advisor who form the United Church."
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Diuturnity's Dawn: "In the third and concluding novel of this trilogy, an uncomfortable archaeological alliance of Thranx, humans, and AAnn, explores the well-kept secrets of the lost civilization of the Sauun on the frontier world Comagrave. After a series of accidents that occur where the AAnn are convenient for helping an injured or stranded human, the chief Thranx scientist starts suspecting an anti-Thranx conspiracy." The AAnn are major antagonists throughout this continuity; they're its "war-loving" race ala the Klingons but they're desert dwelling flesh eating "reptiles" (it IS acknowledged that things like mammal, insect, bird etc. are just human colloquialisms for convergently evolved aliens, though) who look down humans and thranx in part because we both look like and taste like their favorite staple prey. For some reason however an AAnn has never been officially illustrated outside an RPG module:
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In case you want to know going in what the lovable bastard asshole dinosaur people look like.
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drawbauchery · 7 months
Honestly hated how Danganronpa treated fat characters. I can only imagine how they would've treated a character if V3 had one. Hifumi is a nerd obsessed with a cartoon,Teruteru has a s*xual deviant and Twogami is just a big eater to an unhealthy extent.
mm yeahh...hifumi and teruteru were made to match their respective anime tropes (overweight otaku, overweight pervert) so them being chubby checks out; that's just how their brethren tend to look and get treated.....which is an anime problem overall. want a silly character? make em fat! that kinda shit. i'm not gonna blame danganropa for running with it since all their characters are parodies of stereotypes. that's why i'm glad that at least teruteru was taken a little seriously for subversion's sake. he did end up having waaaay more depth than i've ever seen any comic relief pervert get
imposter though, it's irritating because there are so many borderline brilliant reasons for them to be overweight and yet they get the brunt of the "lol look how fat he is, look how ridiculous he looks in this and that outfit" jokes. it's implied they've starved in the past, so excessive eating is how they overcompensate. they seem so composed, but there's this constant underlying stress and fear that drives them to eat whatever they can. and it just makes them look even more amazing at their talent because even though they are clearly physically different than whoever they're impersonating.......they're just so precise that nobody questions it lol
but nah the anthology strips in particular just kinda go look! he's so fat!
bet they didn't think we'd be thirsty for him
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bonefall · 1 year
Elder Bonefall please give us a lesson on Cuckoos.
Hopefully at some point I'll be able to do a "hated animal" clan culture expansion so I can talk about ALL the wretched beasts at once, but until then, okay. Let me explain what a cuckoo is, what it does, and why Clan cats hate them so!
The Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a European bird notorious for being an obligate brood parasite. This means that a cuckoo is not capable of raising its own chicks; to reproduce, they lay their eggs in the nest of another bird.
The egg of a cuckoo is larger than its adoptive siblings, and hatches much earlier. Once born, that chick's mission is fratricide. It will attempt to kill its siblings by pushing them out of the nest, and if it can't accomplish this, it will try to starve them with its massive size and louder cry.
Cuckoo chicks become comically large, sometimes becoming so big that they can't even fit in the nest. They can be twice the size of their "parents" and STILL beg for food. An adult cuckoo can ALSO be a killer, chowing down on eggs and baby birds.
And, lastly, they're mimics. The adult female cuckoo is striped like a sparrowhawk, and can even copy its song to terrify its target hosts. Most cuckoo eggs even LOOK like the eggs of the nest they're laid in, except for the fact they're larger.
Clan cats consider songbirds to be sacred. Their tunes were gifts from StarClan, their nests a reflection of a warrior's nursery, and so it is a sin to kill them unless the Clan is starving.
A cuckoo, which steals the song and feathers of a sparrowhawk, kills its brethren at birth, and cannot even construct its own nest is the perfect example of a type of evil to Clan cats. They call it Mwyrgna, the "sin of cannibalism."
We might say Mwyrgna is related to our idea of Greed as a cardinal sin, but it's specifically primal, animal self-interest. It's the greed of beasts. It's creatures that destroy instead of create, acting on what benefits them.
It's the rat mother who eats her young so a predator can't have them. It's hogweed that chokes out a vibrant meadow. It's a Clan cat who kills the deputy so that he can have his place, setting his sights next on his leader.
And most of all, it is the Cuckoo. Everything about it embodies Mwyrgna. An evil creature that acts as a parasite on StarClan's sacred animals, born to kill the innocent and defenseless, with strength stolen from a more honorable bird.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
Dino squad request take your time getting to it ^.^
I know that reader is the same species as Logan and victor but what if some big miscommunication happens (where victor and Logan think they’re the same species but oops!) and reader is one of those giant dinosaurs like spinosaurus or something like that
Oh, fun! Would you like to be called Spino Anon? Let's try some headcanona for this one:
• Logan would feel excited to have another teen under his wing, especially one who was thought to be a raptor like him. When he discovers that the Reader isn't a raptor, at first he's a bit upset... But then he gets over it. Reader is still a dinosaur like him, like his other (adopted) hatchlings, why wouod he be upset? Just look at them! They're a Spinosaurus! Large, powerful, and can swim!
• He is careful when getting them involved with the other teens, letting them bring Reader in and letting himself and them build their own separate trusts and friendship with Reader, allowing allowing to feel comfortable enough to show them their dinosaur form. And what a cute hatchling they are: long snout like a crocodile, a baby sail rising from their back, a long tail built for swimming, even sharp little teeth built for catching fish.
• He's glad to add them to his flock, his pack, his family. He shows them, and Oxalaia!Remy and Quetzylcoatlus!Pietro how to fish, and teaching them when different fish migrate and where they live. Mandatory fishing trips are a must after the first one. Showing Reader how to playfight with Allosaurus!Scott and Diplodocus!Rogue, being careful to show them how to not hurt them with their teeth or claws. And spending time in a large nest he spent an entire week building, just to be able to fit all of his hatchlings inside it with him, so they can have pack bonding (and nap!) time
• Victor had heard rumors as well, about a raptor running around along with the other juvenile dinosaurs. He's thrilled at the thought of having another one of his species to teach, as well as to help bring in the other young ones. When finding out they're a Spinosaurus, he's mad with his henchmen, for getting two completely separate and anatomically different creatures mixed up. He finds he isn't mad with Reader for being a Spinosaurus, he's just relieved they're a dinosaur at all. And what a Dino! A proper Spinosaurus, large and adept for swimming, perfect for wet and watery climates. The perfect hatchling...
• He's able to catch the teens (not that he knows they're human teens) in their Dino forms from time to time, happily talking to them while the sedatives he used wears off of them. He takes the proper time to pet them, to check their vitals, whispering to himself and them over how impressive they are, how wonderful, how he can't wait to give them the world... He sets them up in the habitats he specifically made with them in mind, carefuk to keep it safe and clean, not allowing anyone to bother them once they're sleeping inside
• Victor makes sure Spinosaurus!Reader has fresh sources of water, from wetlands and rivers to even lagoon and lake, all full of fish and creatures fit for that environment. Victor has careful plans to let the young dinos interact with each other, as well as lessons on not to eat each other and how to leave their dinosaur brethren out of their fights and meals (they wouldn't eat each other, but he doesn't know they were humans, again). All the time in the world, to change it and make it perfect for his new hatchlings, a new age of dinosaurs... Now if they wouod just stop escaping. Why are they such stubborn babies?
• The moment these two realize the other is involved, they are doing everything in their power to keep Spinosaurus!Reader with them. While Logan knows they're a teen and shouldn't be on their own, let alone with his evil/crazy older brother, he is also aware he can't take them away from every human. He has to share (and they could always leave him, so it's best to share them). His other harchlings agree with that sentiment, even if they sometimes try to keep Reader away from the rest of the class. Victor doesn't know the teens and Reader are human, but he knows they're juvenile dinosaurs, so he doesn't care about human interaction with them, seeing it as bad and detrimental to them. He's annoyed that Reader can leave, and hopes to convince then then stay one day, perhaps see if they understand him or the others. But even if he found out the teens were humans, he'd never let them near ones who weren't loyal to him. He wouldn't want to risk them getting hurt or choosing to leave. And if his runt is with them... well, if he has the hatchlings, his packmate is sure to follow them... After all, his brother never could resist a chick in need of a parent...
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tenshi-agerasia · 1 year
who would the minions serve in the ensemble stars universe
the ensemble stars x minions analysis that nobody asked for, under the cut
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okay so minions want to serve the most powerful (and evil) guy in the area/time they're in
if they enrolled at yumenosaki prior to the ! era they'd have been looking for a master and might've even worked under shu/valkyrie, who was the top unit at that time
"Imagining shu leading the fucking minions is horrifying"
[shu voice] come, my brethren, and let us engage in performance arts
nazuna and mika are very confused
actually mika would like them i think
but when the first revolution/war began, the minions would've caught sight of exfine and eichi
as exfine rose through the ranks and defeated the eccentrics eichi became immensely famous, and i think at least a third of the minions would serve him just because of this
eichi is easily entertained by them
they piss off keito
hiyori is very biased and can tell each minion apart
he names them things like Flowery One and Revolting One
nagisa does not understand what a minion is
tsumugi can fucking communicate in minionese
that's part of the reason natsume hates him so much. he can understand them and talk to them and it's horrifying
if the minions were to see eichi's actual plans on the surface level, that would be enough for them to see as evil
there's also the possibility that some minions might see eichi as "good" and exfine as heroes so they'd turn to serve the eccentrics instead
the minions don't harass rei because he scares them
they think he'd eat them
natsume does not like these little freaks
kanata has fun with them because i'm pretty sure they can't drown
if they can. well rip
chiaki hypes them up :)
but as far as i've seen in the minions franchise they prefer more powerful figures, and the eccentrics at that time were ostracized
and during the ! era trickstar revolution, eichi is definitely more of a villain character so the minions would attempt to help him
and then accidentally screw him over
wataru would love the minions
they're like tomoyas and little watarus to him
tori would absolutely hate them
he punts one when eichi isn't looking
yuzuru is indifferent but he likes having some help
trickstar is Very Conflicted
subaru and the minions would love each other
hokuto despises everything that they stand for
mao is like. huh. ok.
makoto "eek!"s at the sight of one
in !! era, eichi is less of a hero/villain/morally grey guy and just A Girl . at this point the remaining minions under him would either stay or find a new master, possibly gatekeeper
the minions piss him off very effectively
after kohaku beats up gatekeeper or whatever they start to follow him instead
"i imagine [kohaku] showing rinne and rinne shakes one to death or something"
niki would absolutely wonder what they taste like
himeru talks to the minions
"himeru is confused" "bwahaha!! barosoeflksernuina" "himeru does not like you very much"
yknow how ibara has mouse drones and mayoi keeps destroying them. yeah. that with the minions
ibara's upset that his spies are disappearing and he barges into mayoi's house and there's just a giant nest of minions
after meeting a minion midori's attempted murder count rises from 2 to 25
leo says he "feels inspired" by the minions and then composes the most shit song known to man
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aaabatteryy · 7 days
would you rather be a big mac or ronald mcdonald (idk if that’s his name english is not my first language but i have a vague memory it’s smth like that) (this question is like a sorting hat for everyone named mack) (if you choose mac n cheese like me you’re also welcome to join)
they're both wrong answers, mac n cheese is better than both. and besides, i'm already a clown. no need to be associated with mcdonalds too. so, i will join you, tumblr user i-eat-mold, my namesake and brethren
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kobbers · 2 months
The situation is getting grimmer in Guardedlabor. No matter what I do, half the wounded from the Loyalty Glitch Incident aren't being taken to the hospital. This probably has something to do with most of the hospital staff being among the victims, but adding more trainees, beds, and even a whole new hospital zone hasn't spurred the able dwarves to take them to rest. They just bring them water.
Then, out of nowhere, one of the invalids went berserk.
For those unacquainted with Dwarf Fortress, stress levels need to be managed for a healthy society, and there are two things that can happen as dwarves spend extended periods of time at high stress. The first is a mental breakdown, which comes in three flavors influenced by personality traits. Dwarves will cancel whatever they're doing for this, and resume life as normal once they've calmed down. They can serve as a hard warning that the dwarf is doing poorly, and needs help before things get worse. The second is insanity, which is permanent. It also comes in three flavors, which correlate to the type of breakdown the dwarf (usually) was having previously. A melancholic dwarf stops working and slowly trudges around the fortress, not eating or drinking, until they die of self-neglect. They may also purposely jump into bodies of water or off buildings. Dwarves that go stark raving mad throw off all their clothing items and run around aimlessly until they also die of self-neglect. And then there's berserkers, who become a hostile entity and will attack their former fellows until everyone is dead... or they are. Usually not a problem because civilians are weak, but look out if someone with combat skills goes on a rampage!
The thing that struck me about this, my first sanity break of the fortress, is that it wasn't telegraphed with a lesser breakdown first. There had been no tantrums from the wounded as a cry for help. Probably just an overwhelming load of bad thoughts that came from having a pile of comrades killed in front of them, suffering grievous injuries themselves, and the lack of positive thoughts from receiving care in a hospital (usually goes a long way toward balancing the previous trauma out).
Obviously the raging tanner who could barely move under his own power was not a huge danger, but the collective mood suffered as a result. Another of the wounded went berserk just a couple minutes later. And while this threatened to domino out of control, a massive goblin siege arrived at our border.
An additional wrinkle: there was a dead bee in the threshold of the main door, effectively locking it open. I marked it for dumping, but much like their injured brethren, the healthy dwarves ignored it in favor of drinking and praying. I posted the melee squads at the front door in case, while I turned my attention to a third berserk dwarf.
My sister: "Are you guys about to get Boatmurdered? :V"
I didn't see when the goblins stopped milling around and charged because I was still busy elsewhere, but as soon as combat logs appeared I groaned and went up to check the front gate. I had 12 warriors and the goblins had, at last siege's count, around a hundred. I was probably about to witness the fall of Guardedlabor.
The number of participants fighting lowkey broke the combat log UI, so I didn't do my usual thing where I follow a combatant and frame through to get the blow-by-blow of their fights. There was just too much going on. So I sat, detached, and watched the bloodbath unfold. Teeth and limbs flew everywhere. But the fight, instead of being pushed past the gatehouse and into the fortress, moved outward - into the open field between the trade depot and the hospital building. The report came that one of my soldiers was KIA. Goblin corpses began to pile up.
I expected a decent K/D ratio from my warriors, but also expected vastly superior goblin numbers to surround and overwhelm them individually. I'd seen that happen in this very fortress, in the first comically large siege. But it didn't happen again here; as I watched, the goblin line churned, buckled, and then officially broke. Soldiers and war dogs chased down fleeing stragglers.
Ultimately, three of our soldiers sacrificed themselves to protect the fortress, one of them a human immigrant.
I just counted 115 fresh goblin corpses in my stocks.
The abandoned wounded dwarves languishing in the main hall are still being ignored, even as our returning warriors successfully check themselves into the hospital. Critically bad moods are gaining steam and I'm not sure if the fortress will recover from it, but I'm very proud of this ragged band of fighters. They've done their part.
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vv-ispy · 4 months
Ranking a typical person's enemies in Old Mondstadt out of 10
Slimes - 1/10 Yes they can hurt you but you can run away easily. Not a problem. Until they get big. The big ones don't get through the storm barriers though
Whooperflowers - 3/10 Again mostly limited to outside of the city, but if the occational one sneaks in as a mint plant you may want to keep your distance. And call for guards
Human guards - 3/10 Just keep your head down around them. They're not paid enough for this they don't want to do this, but if you do do any sort of questionable rebellious activity around them and are caught then you're in trouble they get rewarded well for catching that
Boars - 4/10 Again limited to outside of the city but they can and will slam into you often fracturing a bone and healthcare in the city is. Near nonexistant
Cincins - 2/10 Look, outside of the city is a dangerous place! Don't go outside the wind barrier! These things don't hurt much but they're speedy and will chase you down
Eye of the Storm - 4/10 Decarabian's mass produced simple surveillance/guard anemo bots. They are made of wind and the city is already very windy so they blend in easily and are plentiful which means you can easily be followed for days without realizing and if you're not careful, you've given away the secret meeting place for your secret rebellion meetings. But if you follow the laws and rules you have nothing to fear — while these guys inspect your every action for something they can imprision you for whether you're guilty or not. At least they're destroyable.
Rats - 8/10 Get out of the grains !!! GET OUT OF THE GRAINS WE'RE ALREADY STARVING !!!!!
Anemo evolved rats - 6/10 They no longer eat grain to survive but they can and will blow the grains out of your grain storage for their less evolved brethren to rejoice
Foxes - 5/10 Again they're sly little things who thrive in the cities and will try to steal food but they also catch mice and one may have invented wine so we'll dock a few points for them
Anemo evolved foxes - 6/10 Yes they now catch the anemo evolved rats but they're also very tricky little things who think they can take on a human carrying their hard-earned rations home and nine times out of ten they'll send a strong gust of wind to blow the food out of your hands into an alleyway before you even realize what's happening
Swirling Storms - 7/10 Decarabian is a powerful god, it's not hard for him to create offshoots of himself to quell any rebellion. While they're 'just' anemo energy, the dangerous thing about it is that it can inbue itself into anything lying around turning said object now into an anemo enemy. Common varients include
Swirled Tailoring - 6/10 Often taken right out of some surprised tailor's hands who was still in the process of sewing only for their clothes to come to life with the thread and needle still attached. Their offensive attacks with the needle aren't very strong but they excel at restraining their foes
Swirled Automaton - 6.5/10 All those stone buildings and stone carvings in the stone buildings means there is a lot of rock dust in the construction district, and the storm swirls up this dust into the form of a humanoid who stomps behind ready to punch you into the wall. Again we remind you health care is near nonexistant in old mondstadt
Swirled Dust Cloud - 3/10 If there isn't enough rock dust left over these clouds will be created instead. They're only rated three out of ten due to mostly obstructing your vision and slowing you down, though if the average life expectancy was any higher they'd get a 8/10 for how much breathing it in destroys your lungs
Swirled Flour - 6/10 The good thing about these is you can see the dust slowly gathering into a white cloud and have time to run. The bad news is once it also swirls a pyro source into itself the resulting explosion will burn and blast you away
Swirled Arrow - 7/10 Have you ever wanted to be impalled by dozens of arrows aimed at you all at once? With Swirling Storms, this process no longer requires dozens of bowman!
Anemo worms - 5/10 Another form of further-evolved creatures, these live in the ground but surface to absorb anemo, and can grow to dangerous sizes. Are known to cause sinkholes. If you stand where one surfaces, you will fall and get burried in the ground
Swirled Elements - 7/10 The prominent, aristocratic clans all live closer to Decarabian's tower, with nicer things to their names. Hence their wine is more pure, skilled in their use of heat for blacksmithing, candles burn more cleanly, gardens that actually contain life. Hence it's easier for the Swirling Storms to draw other elements to imbue itself with and inflict extra damage in whatever they possess and swirl. Alas, they still remain but a small fragment of Decarabian's power
Storming Wisps - 8/10 This is the start of Decarabian's actual magical defense. Do not mistake these for the cute and friendly wind wisps — these are knife sharp strands of wind that travel fast and will pierce anyone they deem an enemy
Storming Hounds - 9/10 Based off the wolves that reside outside of the barrier, they're large and will chase you down and bite and hold on to you, not letting you go. They work in packs and will round you into their traps either for soldiers to finish you off or to finish you off themselves
Anemo hoppers - 7/10 Proximity traps burried with one or two other elements to swirl when they're set off.
Anemo turrets - 8.5/10 They take a while to deploy themselves, but once they're deployed they shoot a steady stream of Storming Wisps straight at their foe
Decarabian's Soldiers - 10/10 Trained in both physical weapons and anemo use, not only are they dangerous up close putting yourself at risk of getting stabbed by a sword, but are also well versed in using the Storming Wisps and Hounds to capture their enemies before apprehending them. Many are also expert bowman. Luckily it seems many are also slowly tiring of Decarabian's rule and may be able to be swayed...
Decarabian Himself - 100000/10 This is a god
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Hanji first meets the titan when they’re twenty one, on their fourth expedition outside the walls.
He’s enormous and a terrifying sight  as he runs at full throttle towards their battalion, even worse are he leaps over them to continue his run into the distance. Right towards the titans they had been avoiding.
For a moment there is chaos, then only carnage. The fifteen meter standing alone surrounded by the bodies of his slain brethren.
Then he simply walks away.
Whenever a titan has killed a human they had always simply shoved them in their mouth.
Hanji has never seen a titan use strategy or technique when fighting, let alone not eat its pray. 
Not even mentioning that titans have never paid attention to other titans.
They’re terrified and fascinated. 
This titan is special. He’s a hunter.
Jaeger the first titan hanji names. 
Over the next few years jaeger shows up a couple of times, apparently vaguely following their paths, he always keeps a distance and only attacks other titans.
Since the scouts don't seek out titans while on the move and jaeger is a fifteen meter tall titan that doesn't want to be near them no scout ever truly meets him, despite hanji's desperate attempts to convince first shadis, then erwin to     try and capture him.
Then, erwins latest pet projects almost die together with the rest if their flank and the small one, they think his name is levi, drags a naked guy, whose arms or legs are only bleeding stumps, and whose face is fucked to hell before them.
Hanji has no idea how the dude is even alive or what the everloving fuck levi just presented them with.
They're a scientist not a medic and they all are so filthy in their mud dried clothes that even in the extremely unlikely case that the guy survives, they're pretty sure he'll die from the infection.
"Found this walking corpse in the neck of a titan i killed"  levi answers their questioning stare, "that's not fucking normal is it? There sure as fuck wasn't one in the other."
Hanji has no idea how to answer that be they're definetly going to find out. 
... As soon as they get levi's guy a medic so they don't loose their only lead.
It's only when they're inside and out of the rain that they notice how the wounds of the guy are steaming.
Levi's disturbed look of disgust doesn't mirror their delight but they have a feeling they'll get along just fine
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streaminn · 1 year
Homecooked meal you say~ 📝 interesting interesting! And I'm glad you liked it, it was hell trying to write it in here and getting my quirks I put in the docs to here. But so glad you liked it :D
Maybe I should open submissions for this account, with all the writing yall give it'd definitely be alot easier 😭 this is really neat and very sweet, thank you so much again
But saying this again, it's definitely a lowkey side eyed thing for modern werewolves to be cannibalistic but the elders are old for a reason, their ways have always seen it to be sacred
To partake in the flesh of your brethren is taking what you deserve, it's another way to send a sign.
Idk where my mind is going with this but imagine that if you had to chose between eating your dearest comrade and the rottenest of traitors, the werewolves of back then would feast on their comrade until not even the marrow was left. This is lowkey a purity thing too, bc they have this mentality that if werewolves eat each other, it wouldn't be surprising for others to eat werewolves either
So, they kinda got this whole "eat them first so they don't get desecrated by enemies"
Meanwhile, the traitor would be used for other things instead like idk, bait most likely, their hair as padding on pillows, the sinews in their body used as string etc etc. This usually happens when there's too many Victors alive and such with low supplies so they make sure the prisoners of war don't go to waste
Funfact this is why not alot of people werent able to identity older/stronger werewolves in areas where there were alot of territory disputes and thus death. The winners would feast on their comrades and leave the losers/criminals bleeding out on the ground, left to decompose and die to whatever pitiful creature that decides to eat them. So this left alot of bones, clothes and others to be hidden under dirt
Aight segment over, it's late at night so my mind is lowkey churning rn but yeah!
Werewolves look human but they're monsters and I want that to be all the more obvious on tongues and teeth :)
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tidaltow · 8 months
@dragetunge || cont.
“That's funny, because I don't really remember asking for your permission.” Percy wasted no time arguing here, like he would perish on the spot if he didn't interject the very second his current critic paused for a breath. While Hiccup was assessing the damage done by a literal tidal wave that had been partially Percy's fault (well, mostly his fault, but for a reason), the “sea child” (thank gods Hiccup chose not to call him that out loud) continued glaring at the horizon. “Look, I saw a chance, I took it, okay? If I had waited for your signal, you'd have a lot more than just water to worry about.”
When he caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye, he jerked his head and noticed one Stymphalian bird who had fallen behind the rest of its flock when they fled the controlled swell from the sea. Percy summoned another stream of water to whip it where the sun doesn't shine as it took flight. With an offended squawk, the man-eating pigeon hurried off to rejoin its brethren.
“They're gonna come back, y'know; they're probably after me,” Percy said. Whether the birds had been sent by someone far worse or just had a vendetta against him for enjoying an occasional chicken nugget, he didn't pretend to know. “So if anyone's going to follow them and make sure they don't return... well, it sure isn't gonna be you without me.”
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I wonder how do X feel about the fictional aliens in shows and movies like ET the xenomorphs and predator?
Hi anon!
X's reaction to alien movies is kinda like vampires reacting to Twilight.
Except for the fact that aliens may look and act different depending on what planet they're from (eye emoji). So they'll laugh at the inaccuracies they spot, but then shrug and say "maybe they do things differently on other planets. We aren't a monolith."
They do find it amusing that humans think that they're going to be eaten by the humanoid aliens. The alien creatures? Eating you for sure. Gobbling you right on up. X, however, not so much.
"Your human flesh holds little nutritional value and would have a horrid aftertaste. I have no interest in it."
...MC tries not to be disappointed.
Circling back though, X does not like ET.
X: "What is that thing?"
C: "It's ET!"
X: "It is absurd. Get rid of it."
A: "I thought you said aliens aren't a monolith?"
X: "If I encountered this ET creature, I would execute it out of mercy."
All that being said, I have this picture of my head of the group gathering around a TV that C managed to hook up with electricity, and it's X's turn to pick the movie. X picks Alien: Covenant. And the poor group of humans are appalled at the movie choice. It's like if we sat down with an ant and showed it videos of us burning their brethren with magnifying glasses.
When X notices their reactions about 20 minutes into the film, they turn it off (chuckling to themselves all the while. silly, sensitive humans) and put on World War Z instead.
C: "Okay, this is only, like, 10% better than the other one."
X: "These undead specimens are moronic savages. Do not compare us to them,
V: "Whatever helps you sleep at at night, Groot."
X: "I will eat you, angry human."
I hope this answered your question!! X is kind of a troll and I love them for it.
Thank you for your ask, my friend!! ♡♡♡
All my love,
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im not sure if ur still accepting some h/c with god!reader themes but a brainrot just wouldn't stop in my head
reader, a god who fell from Celestia, had roamed the place where they could not find then--Khaenri'ah. Khaenri'ah, having been found out to have hidden reader, was cursed.
Reader roamed what turned to be the abyss for years and years until they stumble upon a lost boy, scared and poisoned by the deep darkness.
God reader, taking pity, had helped guide the poor boy into managing that accumulated poison and slowly form into a monstrous form.
you called it foul legacy. foul legacy likes you.
time passes by and you didn't know how you've changed the fate of a young boy and an abyssal power in one fell swoop. years later, you've come out of your hole to wander around.
you come across the boy, now a man, wandering around the geo archon's land. he invites you to tea and you accept.
he transforms into the creature you had helped give life to and said creature hugs you like an old friend.
you journey with them, the man and the abyssal creature, heading towards his homeland.
you are stopped midway by a pillar overhanging where you are stood. the creature tries to intervene, to help you, its cries and whimpers amongst the storm of heavenly kaleidoscopic waves lost to you.
"you are a danger to this world."
gods, fallen even like you, are not destructive or strong because of their grand ability in combat.
they are destructive because they do not follow the world's laws, the world's fate.
teyvat has its own laws and one of them is that all who reside in it have a set path that cannot be changed.
you ignored that and changed someone's fate, a boy named Ajax who was destined to meet Skirk and swore loyalty to the Cryo Archon.
"we shall correct this path, starting from you."
the last of your vision was a lone blue orb staring desperately into your own resigned eyes.
*eats this in one bite* anon, you are brilliant, i adore this <33
"You are a danger to this world." those were the words you heard when you fell from the heavens, down to earthly soil and rock. it hurt coming down, as gods are not exempt from feeling pain and woe, yet when you hit the ground the only thing you felt was a quiet sense of relief, thankful to be released from your Celestial shackles at least. no longer would you have to deal with the stuck-up ideals of your older brethren, nor their judgmental stares from behind as they whispered about you and your useless, uncanny ability to change fate
you had been freed that day. but time catches up with everyone, even gods, and out of all fates your own is the one you can't alter
the last thing you say before you tell Foul Legacy to run is "I'm sorry", a teary smile spreading across your cheeks, and then you're buried beneath heavenly stone and principles, where no mortal could ever find you
but as a god of Celestia, you cannot die so easily, even underneath all those cages and chains of punishment, so instead you sleep, perhaps forever. you can faintly sense your surroundings- a distant, cold melody of starlight and raindrops and- ah, the Abyss, of course that's where they'd send you. sudden loneliness struck your heart, being taken away from Ajax and Foul Legacy, who you've come to love
should gods love? probably not, but you've never been good at following the rules
at least it's peaceful here, your mind drifting eternally. you're not sure how much time has passed, only that it's been a while, your consciousness waxing and waning like the moon. perhaps this was your destiny, as a Heavenly Sinner, the rest of your life doomed to silence and solitude until you eventually give up on thinking at all
you're dreaming when the scratching noises begin; dreaming so deeply at first you think it's just a trick of sound. but they get stronger, gradually, until they're positively ringing against the stone around you, clawing and tearing at the rock cages, and suddenly something cracks and light flows around you. you vaguely feel your body being lifted into the light before the pain sets in. it hurts to move, hurts to breathe, have you even been breathing the time you've been asleep? and yet even as you struggle to inhale and clench your fingers, your body feeling weak and frail, you're surrounded by a sense of undeniable security. when you finally have the strength to glance up, you meet a familiar, crystalline gaze filled with adoration and relief. Foul Legacy leans closer to bump his head against your cheek, claws cradling you like glass as he simultaneously purrs and cries at your presence, and you hear a growling, rumbly voice speak in your ears
"Found you..."
ah, the gods forgot about the Abyss- the chaotic, wild Abyss- which aspires to tear fate to shreds and leave it in the dust
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bloodydesires-if · 1 year
can you tell us more about the clans? and about vampires in general? can they eat human food, what happens when they're in the sun, are they cold to the touch, etc? basically i'm asking for that sweet, sweet lore dump 🥺🤲
Sweet, sweet lore just for you anon <3
Warning: discussion about blood...but this is a vampire game...so be aware pls :)
Some vampires facts:
They can walk around in the sunlight but it causes them to get hungry faster, which makes them a bit weaker in terms of strength and speed when outside during the day.
They need around 15 liters of human blood per month to maintain a regular level of strength and endurance. If they are injured, they need more.
Blood tastes different depending on the person. If they are happy or excited, their blood may taste sweeter. Fearful? Spicy. Sick? Metallic. It varies greatly.
Vampires can also drink the blood of other vampires (although they cannot die / be drained completely). This is a very rare thing to see and it shows trust between two vampires. Because when doing this, the vampire drinking can see a core memory of the other one. A memory that has shaped them. Something vulnerable.
They can eat human food but too much because it can cause a stomach ache. Nothing bad happens though. Some vampires have been known to do it to feel more fragile, more human...
Body temperature is regulated by emotion. Colder = sad, hurt; Room temp (close to human temp) = stable, content; Hot = angry, frustrated.
Some clan information:
Viscardi - intelligent, cunning. They love a good mystery. Headed by Lucius Viscardi and dates back to Ancient Rome. Lucius believes in finding a way to co-exist with humans. Not everyone agrees, including some of his clan. But his clan is made of thinkers and innovators. They are respected.
Crescendo - founded by Zephyr (last name unknown) after the First Vampire Civil War. Crescendo clan members are seen as leaders who can inspire diplomacy - or inspire their brethren to crush enemies. Others listen when a Crescendo speaks.
Saleyrn - a young clan considering their power, but Seraphine Saleyrn is someone who can charm or seduce her way through the world. Founded during the Renaissance period, Seraphine took very little time to find the best of humanity and turn them. There was a vampire ready in every court, every government, ready to any decision she saw fit.
Infinitum - The infinitum clan is secretive, reclusive, mostly seen at the Vampiric Round Table. No one outside the clan has a full grasp of who they truly are, how many members they have, or what their goals are. But they are a deceptive clan. It's a wonder any of the clan trust each other.
Not sure if that was what you were looking for but hope it helps!!
Thanks for the ask <3
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