#so wednesday through Thursday is definitely the way to go me thinks!
lexa-griffins · 8 months
Alright so since i messed up the week day for my bday, how about we start horny hour on wednesday 7th around 6 pm and because I always end up going until like 4 am on those, we'll finish on my actual birthday, Thursday 8th :D
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soaps-mohawk · 2 months
I've been doing some thinking about a couple of things.
This blog has grown considerably, even from its start and I appreciate each and every one of you so much. Your support never ceases to amaze me and I owe all of you a lot for giving me something to focus on this year instead of spiraling into insanity.
Things have gotten a tad bit overwhelming recently between trying to run the blog and trying to write. I find myself either having to ignore the blog to get writing done, or sacrifice writing time and energy to spend time on the blog and keep up with all the replies/reblogs/asks etc. Definitely not complaining, you all never cease to amaze me.
But, I am just one person and my brain only has so much power right now. So, I'm planning to take some (more) time off each week right now while I focus on writing and planning since we're getting into some serious plot stuff soon. So I'm planning to be on the blog three days a week for a while: Saturday, Sunday, and Thursday. That gives me some time to get some writing done as well as some time to rest my brain.
Saturday and Sunday of course to post the chapter and respond to replies and reblogs so I don't get super behind. Monday I'll have some asks queued up as well as maybe a few reblogs. I'll still use the queue Tuesday and Wednesday for reblogs/asks with spoilers as usual. Thursday I'll be on the blog answering asks from Monday - Wednesday as well as things I get that day. I'll queue up a few things for Friday since that day gives me a little break between to prepare for the weekend and posting the chapter.
I'll probably add more days as time goes on. You can still send in asks on the days I'm gone, but just know I won't see them or respond to them until later in the week. I already get behind by a couple days on asks anyway so that's not much of a change.
Don't feel bad for sending them either, I love getting all these asks, I just tend to get behind on days I spend more time writing.
The second order of business
has to do with my taglist. Most of you probably haven't noticed (which I don't blame you lol) but my taglist has gotten very big. Very, very big. It's just over 230 people right now, and I'm sure there will be others asking to join. It's quite time consuming to do all of these tags for every chapter (especially since we can't tag in blocks anymore) so I've been doing some thinking into how I can make it easier for me, and for you.
I know there's at least one blog I've heard of, though I'm sure there's more, that have made side blogs that they have people follow and turn on notifications for and just make a post on that blog when they post a chapter or fic, etc. I've been considering doing that since the taglist is a lot of work and time.
I've also seen blogs that have side blogs that just post chapters/fics and nothing else. I know quite a few of you only follow for the fic, so if anyone is interested, I could put together a side blog like that as well that you can follow and get notifications from instead of having to follow this blog and having to go through the probably 100 posts that I make a day 😂 (at least it feels that way for me)
Having a separate blog for the taglist too would allow me to schedule posts so I can have them come out a bit earlier than I get up for those of you across the world who stay up to read and have to wait for me to post in the morning when I get up (or later like today because I slept in). Of course Ao3 will get posted later because I can't schedule posts there, but at least for Tumblr I can have things post earlier.
So let me know what you think about the taglist side blog and the possible just chapters/fics side blog. Feel free to send in asks (anonymously or not) with your opinion. I might not answer them all (not tonight because my brain is fried and honestly i'm not sure if this is even comprehensible English) but I will at least use them to make the decision (or make a post with all of them and answer it as just one).
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libraryofgage · 8 months
The Prince and the Metalhead (2)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One 10th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two (you're here!)
I know I just posted part one but I've got Thoughts for this AU that include: Steve's first birthday in Genovia and then his 16th, his conversation with his grandmother about attending public school in America for his senior year, and then we get into him attending Hawkins High and meeting Eddie!
So, yeah, plans lmao
Anyway, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;)
"You'll have a rotating course schedule. Mondays and Wednesdays will focus on math and social studies. Tuesdays and Thursdays will be science and literature. Friday will be Royalty lessons and the history of Genovia. We can also include an elective, if you'd like."
Steve blinks, staring at Sue for a moment before glancing at Jonathan and Robin. Jonathan is looking through a book of photography and Robin is idly scratching behind Dart’s ears. "Will we all have the same elective?" Steve asks.
"Not unless Jonathan and Robin want to join you," Sue says, looking at Steve expectantly. She's got a pen at the ready to write down what he says, and it suddenly feels like a lot of pressure.
Is there a wrong answer here? Is there an answer that gets him sent back to his parents? He looks down, biting the inside of his cheek so hard he tastes blood. Before he can lose himself in his thoughts, a cold and wet nose presses against his hand. Steve blinks, smiling at Dart and picking her up to hold close. "What kind of electives are there?" he asks.
Sue hums softly, flipping to another page on her clipboard. "Possible electives include art, music, theatrical performance, physical education, equestrian studies, botany, and foreign languages, to name a few."
"I'll be taking photography lessons," Jonathan says, looking up at Steve and gesturing to his book.
Robin nods and leans back on her palms. "I'll be doing the physical stuff. Like learning how to fight and practicing ballet to improve my balance," she says, leveling a look at Steve that dares him to say anything about the ballet.
Steve wouldn't, though. He doesn't want to make Robin angry enough to ditch him. He looks down at Dart, thinking for a moment before asking, "Can I take more than one?"
"Of course, but you're limited to three for now," Sue says.
What would be the most helpful? Foreign languages, probably, since he'll definitely have to speak with ambassadors from other countries at some point. He should also learn something that can be shown off, a skill that he could pull out at functions to make his grandmother proud or distract guests.
"What language should I learn?" he asks.
Sue thinks for a moment, tapping her pen against her chin. "Mandarin. It's a business language, and we have close relations with a few representatives from China and Hong Kong. If you'd like to learn a Romantic language first, though, Spanish is good."
"I'll learn Mandarin," Steve decides, nodding once to himself. "And music. I want to learn to play...hmm...the piano."
With a nod, Sue writes his electives down. "Let me know if you'd like to add an elective later, Your Highness. In my opinion, though, your current courses will keep you properly challenged for now."
Sue wasn't kidding about his academics being challenging. Steve struggles in math, muddles his way through science, drags himself through literature, and is ready to drop when he hits social studies. He'd ask the tutors to spend more time on topics, but Robin and Jonathan seem to have no problem keeping up, and Steve can't bring himself to disrupt their pace.
His Mandarin lessons are going just slightly better if only because the tutor seems to recognize that slower is better for him. After almost a month, he's starting to understand intonation and vocal variation better, and he can recognize a few characters on sight.
Piano lessons are also going well. His tutor there doesn't burden him with theory; she introduces the keys, shows him how to read sheet music, and then lets him choose songs to learn. Steve feels the most at ease when he's squinting at sheet music and slowly pressing piano keys into something recognizable.
The lessons he really looks forward to, however, are the ones for his Royalty Education. He gets to see his grandmother then, and she spends the whole day with him. Even better, something about this stuff just clicks. He's good at fixing his posture and memorizing silverware placement. He bows just right on his first try and his grandmother compliments his wave.
By the end of the lesson, she'll be smiling, her pride obvious, and take him for a walk in the gardens or to eat cookies in the kitchen.
"Royalty requires maintenance," Clarisse says, standing in front of Steve with relaxed shoulders. "You maintain your demeanor, your image, your knowledge of foreign dignitaries, your understanding of the people’s needs, and your humility. But you must also maintain your pride and your boundaries."
"That sounds like a lot," Steve says, idly tugging at the hem of his shirt.
"It can be overwhelming, but it becomes second nature in time," Clarisse explains, smiling reassuringly. "When you're royalty, you are constantly watched. Many eyes are kind or curious, but others are malicious, and you want to do everything you can to disappoint the malicious ones."
"By acting like the Crown Prince you are."
"What kind of prince am I?" Steve asks, finally voicing the question that's been lingering since these lessons started. What kind of prince does his grandmother want? What kind of prince would best serve the people? What kind of prince will be so loved by all that nobody could even think of thinking about getting rid of him?
Clarisse hums, thinking for a moment. "I suppose a good one," she says, her slight smile telling Steve that she's only lightly teasing. "My hope is that you'll be kind and competent. You will make Genovia prosperous without compromising tradition. You won't allow politics to stand in the way of doing what's right by the people of Genovia. But this is a tiring job, so I hope you'll learn how to balance your duties with relaxation."
It's a lot, but Steve can do it. He can be that kind of prince, especially for the country and grandmother that's offered everything he's ever wanted and more. He nods once. "Okay," he says, "What do I need to learn, then?"
Clarisse smiles fondly at him. "Let's start by reviewing Genovian history. Only by knowing the past can you face the future."
With that, she places a book on Steve's desk and doesn't wait for him to open it before telling him about Genovia's founding.
Steve has weekends off from classes, which leaves him with more free time than he knows what to do with when he doesn't have to clean a house or make his own meals. So, he's bored, and telling Robin that he was bored was a huge mistake after she suggested riding bikes around the garden only to learn Steve didn't know how.
She'd insisted that he should learn, insisted that Clarisse be the one who teaches him, and insisted on hearing no objections.
And now he's here, standing in front of Clarisse's desk and staring down at his feet as she finishes writing something on the paper in front of her. Joe is standing just to her right, hands behind his back.
"Okay," Clarisse says, gently placing her pen on the desk before looking at Steve with an encouraging smile. "What did you want to ask me, Steve?"
Steve bites the inside of his cheek, takes a deep breath, and looks up. "Well, um, Robin wants to ride bikes, but I don't know how," he says.
"Well, that's easily fixed," Clarisse says, reaching for a phone at the corner of her desk. "I'm sure a member of staff is free to teach you."
Before she can pick up the phone, Steve finds himself blurting out, "Well, I...I was hoping...you could teach me."
Clarisse freezes, blinking twice with confusion before looking at Steve. "You want me to teach you?" she asks. When Steve nods once, she sighs softly. "A queen does not ride bikes. Besides, I have too much work to complete. Perhaps I could accompany you for a walk this evening to make up for it."
Despite himself, despite bracing for rejection, it still hurts. In the three months he's been in Genovia, Clarisse has agreed to just about every request he's made. Every held breath as he waits for cruel words has been released with unprecedented relief when none came. Even when he broke something---a priceless vase, according to Jonathan---his grandmother had simply surveyed the damage, thanked him for being honest, and asked him to avoid kicking soccer balls in the presence of priceless vases in the future.
Perhaps Steve has gotten too comfortable. He shouldn't be pushing like this. If he wants his grandmother's affection, he should know when to hold himself back.
So, despite the unfamiliar urge to ask again in case Clarisse might change her mind, Steve nods once. "I look forward to walking with you, Grandmother," he says, his voice quiet. He glances up, waiting long enough to see Clarisse's smile before turning on his heel and leaving the office as quickly as he can.
Clarisse watches him go, her head slightly tilted as the door closes silently behind Steve. She nods once, glad that Steve is sensible enough to understand things like work and propriety, and picks up her pen once more.
"If I may speak freely, Your Majesty?" Joe asks.
"At this point, Joe, you may as well assume the answer is yes."
"With all due respect, Your Majesty, and please pardon my French, my experience has been that assuming makes an ass out of you and me."
It takes a moment for Clarisse to understand the joke. When she does, she can't help her amused smile. "Fair enough," she says, "Go ahead, Joe."
"Do you remember what I said about being Steve's grandmother?"
"Yes, of course."
"Perhaps now is one of those moments where being a grandmother is more important than being a queen. His Highness does not ask for much, and he is not the kind to ask more than once, even if he really wants something. I imagine it took a significant amount of courage to ask you to teach him in the first place."
"Are you suggesting that I...I risk making a fool of myself for all to see?" Clarisse asks.
"I am suggesting you spend time with your grandson, who asks very little of you because he does not believe he can ask for anything."
Clarisse is silent a moment, letting Joe's words process and settle in her brain. Finally, she sighs and gestures to the papers on her desk. "I have work to complete," she says.
"Your Majesty, editing these proposals was on your schedule two weeks from now. You are ahead of your work. A break would not be unreasonable or unwarranted."
Well, when he puts it like that.
Clarisse sighs, leans back in her chair, and looks up at Joe. He's still staring at the door, giving no indication that he feels her eyes on him, but she knows he does. "Have a groundskeeper retrieve bikes and safety gear and meet us in the garden," she says, standing from her chair and bracing herself to look like an utter fool.
Her apprehension fades away fifteen minutes later. It can't hold last when she sees Steve's surprised and delighted expression at her presence. As she helps him put on knee and elbow pads, shows him how to pull the helmet's strap tight, and holds the bike steady as he sits on it, Clarisse decides a little foolishness is perfectly fine (necessary, even) if it will keep the smile on Steve's face.
Tag List (let me know if you'd like to be added to future parts!)
@y4r3luv, @potato-of-the-lord,
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wieman - Part 14
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
Tumblr media
Alternative Universe : Military School
Word : 5k
Saturday, November 7th; 8:45 AM - Ona and Alexia's Room
I stretch in my bed when I realize that I won't be able to sleep any longer. I had already been tossing and turning for a good ten minutes now. I sigh as I see that it's not even nine o'clock on the radio alarm. This school is definitely changing me. It's Saturday, and I'm still stuck here. It's not such a bad thing if I think about what's waiting for me in Barcelona. My week went relatively well if you forget about my tardiness on Tuesday and the interaction with my teacher on Wednesday. I understood that Bronze didn't like it and wanted to punish me with this weekend. It only takes her disapproval for me to stay here. I also started catching up on my lessons in her office after my classes since Thursday. She's depriving me of a good part of my free time.
Well, at least I'm not alone this weekend. I learned that Bronze is also staying. We had dinner together last night and even ended the evening watching a movie. I had stupidly suggested it and was surprised that she accepted. She must have pitied my boredom. I realize now that I fell asleep during the movie and here I am alone again. She must have put away my laptop because I can't see it anymore. I don't worry too much about it and take my phone from my bedside table to check social media. I quickly get bored and decide to put my phone away and get out of bed. Too bad the rules remain the same on weekends. I never tried to take it outside since there are always at least two instructors staying. Today, one of them is Bronze, so I'm even less likely to take the risk.
I dress in jeans and a thick sweater. It's starting to get cold outside. The sun has disappeared for a few days, leaving clouds and a cool breeze. Needless to say, I'm not used to it! I brush my teeth and finish with some makeup and a brush through my hair. Before leaving, I make my bed neatly and put on my military jacket. I've grown accustomed to this jacket. It's practical and not so ugly if I wear it with regular clothes. It gives a certain style. Luckily for me, breakfast is served until nine-thirty on weekends. I have plenty of time to go. I hope to run into Bronze along the way... It seems I'm not lucky because I end up eating alone.
I go looking for her right after, as she told me she didn't mind spending the day with me. It's always better to be with her than to stay alone in my corner, twiddling my thumbs. Knowing her, she's already awake. I look in all the places she's likely to be. There's no sign of her presence. I even risked knocking on her room without permission, but no one answered. All that's left is her office... It's with relief that I finally find her there, deeply engrossed in paperwork.
- Hey, Bronze.
- Oh, hi Ona, she replies, looking up. Finally up?
- Finally? I chuckle.
- From what you told me, you don't get up early on weekends.
- Normally that's the case. This is the first time I've managed to sleep this long.
- I told you you'd get used to it quickly, she smiles. I came by your room around eight, but you were still asleep.
- Oh, sorry about that and for falling asleep last night too.
- No problem, she giggles. You needed the sleep.
- Can I stay with you?
- Of course. I won't be much longer.
I smile and quickly sit down across from her desk, on the chair that has become my spot. I watch her work and realize she's busy. I didn't know she worked on weekends too.
- By the way...
- Hmm? she responds without looking at me.
- I never had the chance to thank you for my birthday gift, so thank you. You're really crazy! What you bought me is expensive, but it made me really happy. How did you know it was my favorite gear?
- I didn't know, she smiles, looking up. I just asked the salesperson for advice and he recommended it. I'm glad you liked it. Have you used it yet?
- No, I haven't had the chance yet, but I brought it here since I didn't have anything else. Maybe I'll start using it one evening when I'm not too exhausted.
She nods before returning to her papers. I don't dare disturb her anymore seeing her so focused. She scribbles on each sheet, then flips it over to start the next one. I hadn't immediately noticed, but she's not wearing her uniform. It's the first time I've seen her in her own clothes. She's wearing a white shirt that suits her perfectly. It’s quite different from her camouflage jacket. Her hair is down in a naturally wavy style, very pretty. It's so strange to see her so... normal. She knows how to present herself. The few pieces of jewelry she wears complete her outfit perfectly. She manages to be both classy and chic. I notice her jeans fit her well when she stands to get a binder from the cabinet. My eyes widen when I see her heels. I didn't think she was the type to wear those shoes. I suppress my expression when she turns to me and frown when she hands me the binder.
- Since you're here, would you mind helping me? I need to make another stack.
- I guess I don't have a choice.
- You can say no. It just saves you from waiting around twiddling your thumbs.
- Well, you could have come up with a better argument. You're lucky I was going to say yes.
I take the binder from her hands. She sits back down and gives me the stack she just finished. I file them away without needing her instructions. I know how to do it from doing it so often. Meanwhile, she starts on the next pile.
- So, you managed to sleep longer? she brings the topic back.
- Yeah, my first "lie-in" in this lousy place, I replied, mimicking air quotes.
- Watch your language, she scolds me harshly.
- Oh, you can't argue...
- Yes, I can.
I roll my eyes, preferring not to respond. She won't let me have the last word, even though I'm sure she doesn't think any less of it since we discussed the school and Sarina with Leah and Engen. She doesn't like the new rules imposed on them, but she enforces them anyway. I'll never understand her.
- Do you have any plans today? she changes the subject.
- No... Maybe I'll take the opportunity to open a book.
- Hmm, too bad for you then... she smiles slyly.
- Why? I frown.
- I had something planned, but since you're busy, I won't disturb you.
I look at her, bewildered. I feel like she's teasing me. She should know I said that because that's what I would do if I had nothing else to do.
- Go ahead, propose.
- No, too late, she teases.
Since when does she act like this with me? I want to smile, but mostly, I want to know what she's thinking.
- Come on! Tell me, Lucy.
I try to stifle a smile as she raises an eyebrow. It's the first time I've used her first name since I learned it, and I wanted to see her reaction. I'm not disappointed. It's strange to call her something other than Bronze or commander.
- Don't call me that here.
- There's no one around, I roll my eyes.
- That's not a reason. You never know who's around.
- So, can I call you that elsewhere?
- No, she replies, making me smile.
- So, what did you have planned?
- I never said I was including you.
- You implied it!
- Until you told me you were busy.
- Oh, come on! You know very well that I'm bored here and that's why I said that!
She ignores me and continues her work with a smile on her lips. Damn... I think she's going to leave me in suspense. I hide my frustration to avoid her mocking me. To pass the time, I quickly finish the work she gave me while she finishes hers. Luckily for me, she finishes quickly. I watch her as she puts the binder back in its place and rummages through one of her desk drawers. I'm puzzled when she pulls out some keys.
- Come on, get up, let's go.
Her words catch me off guard. I stand up from my chair without asking questions. She locks her office door and looks around, as if to make sure we're alone in the hallway.
- You don't need to get ready? she asks, eyeing me.
I frown, not understanding why she's asking that. I shake my head. She smiles and dangles some keys around her finger.
- Why are you showing me that?
- Promise not to tell anyone?
- Tell what, Lucy? I ask, making her roll her eyes at the use of her name.
- Do you have any special desire today?
- I don't know. Why?
- I think it wouldn't hurt you to go out a bit after everything you've been through.
I remain silent, finally understanding her intentions. She wants us to go out?! I don't even dare ask her directly for fear of being disappointed.
- You realize you're going to break all the rules by doing this?
- If you prefer, we can stay here.
- Are you kidding?!
- Then shut up, she smiles. There are few staff members on camp this weekend. We can slip away without any problem, but I need your utmost discretion.
- Promise! I quickly reply.
- Good, let's go now then. We don't have much time.
- Not much time?
- Ingrid is handling the reception for an hour. Same for tonight, she informs me, looking at her watch. We have fifteen minutes. Come on, move!
Even Engen is in on this? I don't know if I should laugh considering the moral lesson they gave us again on Wednesday night. I quickly follow Lucy, heading towards the parking lot. We find her beautiful Audi... I'll never get tired of it! She asks me to duck down until we're out of the camp. I chuckle. I feel so ridiculous doing it, but it's for a good cause. I only sit up once we're past the reception where Engen wishes us a good day. We thank her, and then Bronze speeds through the streets. I start to recognize the road leading to downtown. I might be wrong, but it seems like that's where we're headed.
- So, any special desire? she asks again, pulling me out of my contemplation of the scenery.
- Why are you doing this? Why take me out of camp?
She glances at me. She shrugs.
- Actually, I don't know, she admits. I think you deserve it after your involuntary withdrawal and all that. Plus, I saw your dejected face when I told you you couldn't go home. I understood that you needed to see something else.
- Thank you... I murmur.
I lower my head and nervously play with my fingers. She must have noticed my change in behavior because she places her free hand on my shoulder.
- Hey, I didn't mean to make you feel bad like that.
- It's not that, on the contrary, I say, smiling timidly.
She removes her hand to shift gears. We don't talk anymore. We've just arrived downtown and we're already caught in traffic.
- I feel like I'm important to you, even if that's not the case, I say. It feels good to be taken care of like you do.
- You are important.
I look at her without hiding my surprise. She keeps repeating that I'm a student like any other. How can she say something like that now? She contradicts all the words she's upheld until now. She sighs, running a hand through her hair. I think she just realized what she said.
- What I mean is that you intrigue me. It's clear that you have a past you don't accept. I sense that you're not comfortable in your own skin, and that drives me to help you. I'll always respect your privacy and boundaries, but I enjoy learning about who you are, Ona. Plus, I have to admit that I also enjoy the little game we've set up between us. Many people, including myself, think it adds some cheer to the camp.
Her words sound so sincere. I don't know what to say or what to think. She must have sensed my discomfort because she changes the subject.
- Yeah... Anyway, it's eleven o'clock. I thought we could do a paintball session for an hour, she suggests. Then, we can eat wherever you want.
- Really?
- Yeah, and for this afternoon, we can still discuss it. I know several cool places we could go to.
- Paintball, then...? I murmur. Do you want to take me down or something? I joke.
- The idea is quite appealing, she says with amusement. But it could go both ways. We'll have a private field just for us.
- Seriously?
- Yes, I know the owner. Are you interested?
- Obviously! Like I'd miss a chance to beat you!
Her laughter makes me smile. This day is likely to be one of the best of my life. She takes the first opportunity to exit the main road to avoid the traffic. We continue driving for a few minutes before she parks in a lot. I observe the building, which looks like a warehouse with its metal facade. Lucy leads the way after grabbing a bag from her trunk. She seems to know the place well. We enter, and the decor takes my breath away. Everything is black, even the ceiling and floor. It's truly stunning! I linger on the fluorescent tags on one of the walls. They are very realistic and really beautiful. Lucy must have noticed my distraction because she calls out to me. I hurry to join her at the counter, where a man with an impressive build is standing behind it.
- This is Beth, a friend of mine, she announces.
- Hello.
- Hi, Ona.
She caught me off guard by calling me by my name. Bronze must have introduced me... or talked about me. I timidly return her smile. She seems amused by my shyness. At the same time, she is very impressive. I'm surprised by their friendship. I must be judging her by his appearance. She seems nicer than she looks.
- Well, you know your way around here, huh? she laughs. I'll leave you to it; you know the way. I've reserved room 3 for you.
- Yep, thanks.
- Have fun!
She winks at me. Lucy rolls her eyes and pulls me along with her. We arrive in a sort of locker room next to room three. I don't even know where to look. I'm really into the decor that is the same everywhere. I linger on every new drawing I see.
- Ona, are you listening to me?
- Huh?
- You're impossible, she mocks. Do you like it here that much?
- Totally! Have you seen the drawings everywhere? They're really beautiful!
- Get changed instead of daydreaming, she says, handing me a jumpsuit. I took the liberty of grabbing some clothes from your wardrobe this morning, she informs me. You need to be comfortable for this kind of activity.
I didn't even notice she took anything. I must have been sleeping soundly to not hear anything. She hands me my gray joggers and a black t-shirt. I feel like I'm back at camp.
- Even here, you're still giving me orders?
- Well, yes. Why would that change? After all, it's up to you if you want bruises.
I've never played paintball, but I've heard that it can hurt if you get shot from too close. Bronze is a regular here, so she must know what she's talking about. I get into a booth without complaining to put on my clothes, then the jumpsuit over them. It's so thick that I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bulletproof vest in there. I finish with shoes that look a lot like the boots I have at school. When I come out, I find Lucy equipped and loading our guns. A smile spreads across my face. I can tell I'm going to have a blast... Who hasn't dreamed of being able to shoot at a teacher at will? It's kind of the same thing here. She's not my teacher, but she's still my superior, my mentor, I'd say.
- Need help? I ask.
- I've got it, don't worry. Yours is ready.
She points to the gun on the bench. I pick it up and check that it's really loaded. You never know, maybe she wanted to cheat! I watch her skillfully load hers. She must come here regularly, it seems. We put on our gloves, and before we leave, she adjusts something on my outfit by zipping up my jumpsuit to my chin.
- It's uncomfortable and I feel suffocated like this, I mumble.
- But it's for safety, so you're going to leave it like that.
I roll my eyes but say nothing. We finally leave the locker room, which she locks, and head to our room right next door. My lips part as I take in the environment. I don't know where to look. This place is just getting better and better! The wall colors are still dark, but the lighting makes the room perfect. Small spotlights illuminate strategic areas without blinding us. We are on a height and can see the many walls covered with artificial foliage. The decoration is a mix between a maze and a battlefield. If there weren't some fluorescent traces on the walls, you'd think we were in a real training camp. The large room is filled with background music. It's just perfect. I follow her down the stairs.
- Well, she pulls me out of my contemplation. We're each going to our side, she points to the two flanks. All hits are allowed, but obviously, avoid the head.
- Okay.
- And also avoid close-range shots. You may not know it, but it hurts like hell, she laughs. We could end up with bruises for a long time otherwise.
- Got it, Bronze.
- Good, she smiles. May the best one win!
I watch her disappear to her side before heading to mine. I try to get my bearings. I don't know this maze, unlike Lucy probably. I try to stay alert as best as I can.
- Damn it! I shout.
I start running to take cover from the first shot I just took. Lucy's laughter echoes in the room. How did she find me so quickly? She just kicked off the festivities! I managed to find a hiding spot behind the fake leaf nets. My hideout is so good that she passes right by me without seeing me. It's funny to watch her search for me while staying on guard. It's clear she's better than me, but I can be sneakier if I want to be. I don't hesitate for a second to press the trigger several times before running away so she won't spot me.
- Well played, she laughs.
The game continues for a good while. We're literally playing cat and mouse. I admit that I'm often the mouse... We're both covered in paint, though she definitely got me more times. I'm jealous of how easily she handles it. She's so skilled at anything that requires endurance and tactics. I'm lying on my stomach, crawling to avoid being noticed. I've continued my trickery, which has successfully countered several of her attacks. She just passed by me without noticing, and I'm currently trying to find her.
- Can you explain what you're doing?
I stop dead in my tracks. I roll onto my back to see her beside me, her gun pointed at me. Damn! She mocks my warrior stance from a second ago.
- I think it's time for you to surrender, she says amused.
- Never!!!
We both start shooting at each other until I run out of paintballs.
- Is this a joke?!
- You see, all the signs are there to say I've won and you should surrender.
- Like I'd give you that satisfaction, I laugh.
I cry out in pain when she shoots me in the thigh from very close. I curse under my breath, dropping my gun to rub my thigh where it hurts.
- Okay, okay, I surrender!
I see Lucy's face change from worry to amusement. We both laugh before she slumps against the wall next to me.
- And you're the one who told me not to shoot from close! I groan.
- Sorry, it just happened, I didn't mean to, she giggles.
- Tell that to someone else, I laugh.
- Are you okay?
- I'll just have a great bruise, but I'm fine.
- I have some ointment in the bag, it'll help.
We look at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter. I'd forgotten what it felt like to have this much fun. It's been a long time since I've smiled like this. We calm down, leaving a relaxing silence. She slumps next to me. There's just music in the background. It was really awesome. I briefly glance at Lucy and notice she's as euphoric as I am. It seems we both needed a moment like this. We forgot all our problems for a moment. I never thought I'd have a moment like this with her.
- Still, it was cheating... You have more training than me and you knew the layouts.
- I agree with the first point, but not the second. Beth changes the room layouts once a week.
- Damn, I thought I had an excuse...
- You did pretty well for a first time, she admits, which pleases me. Next time, we'll make teams with my friends if you want, and I'll show you how to better guard and hide yourself.
- Next time? I say, smiling
- Hmm, yes, why not. If the opportunity arises.
The idea is appealing. It would mean she'd want to spend more time together. I'd love that.
- I'd really like that.
She smiles back at me. We've made significant progress today. I feel her trust, and it's the first time she's suggested meeting her friends. I'd love to do that. Maybe I'll learn more about her true personality. I patiently await the day she'll want to open up to me like a normal person and not as my superior. I hope that moment comes sooner than I think.
- Can I ask you a question? I ask.
- Go ahead.
- It might be inappropriate, but... If one day I get a pass and you do too, could you show me around the city?
- Aren't you planning to go back home on your leaves?
- Yes, of course! I want to see my brother, but why not stay here once? I'd like to explore the city. I don't really feel at home in Barcelona anymore, I admitted.
- Do you think you'll like it here?
- I'm not sure. It's not necessarily the place I like, but the people. I said I wouldn't get attached, but I have to many people. Ale, Leah... Even with you or Ingrid, who I've started to find quite nice since the night we talked.
- I see, she smiled. Why not, then? I could host you for a weekend if you want.
- Really?
- Yes, but no one must know.
- I know, like today. I'm not that stupid.
- Well, she said, standing up. I don't know about you, but I'm hungry.
- Oh, yes!
My stomach growls to confirm my hasty response. I pick up my gun that I dropped earlier and get up with difficulty. I'm already dreading the soreness I'll feel tomorrow. We head back to the locker room, where Lucy lends me her famous ointment. I apply it when I'm back in the changing booth and come out wearing my clothes from this morning. Lucy is ready and is folding her jumpsuit.
- So, Ona, where do you want to eat?
- I'm really going to sound like a teenager... But I really want a good McDonald's. Is there one around here?
- Yeah, there's one right across the street.
- Yes!
Lucy helps me fold my jumpsuit properly, and then we head back to the reception area. Beth asks us how it went, and I tell her I'll be back. My answer seems to please her. We wish her a good day before leaving. The fresh air feels great. It was getting warm inside. Lucy wasn't lying when she said there's a McDonald's right across the street. I didn't even notice it when we arrived. So, we walk over. We order our meals, and she insists on paying for me. Actually, she didn't really give me a choice. That's when I realize I didn't pay for the paintball either.
- You don't have to pay for everything. I can afford it.
- Consider today a birthday present, then.
- You're really annoying! I grumbled. You've already given me gifts, and my birthday has long passed.
- Others would be happy in your place.
I grumble as I sit across from her at our table. She hands me my order since we only have one tray.
- Maybe, but I don't like feeling indebted.
- You don't have to feel indebted, it makes me happy.
I sigh, resting my head on my hand. I sulk, looking around for some distraction. There's no shortage of that in a McDonald's because there's always a crowd. Despite it being almost 1:30 p.m., there's still a lot of people in line at the counter. My eyes linger on a young girl who just walked in. She smiled at me right away. I smile back and allow myself to check her out as she continues to the counter. I must say she's quite attractive. I can't really do this kind of thing at camp. Not only are there not many girls to my taste, but I'm also observed by others. It's Lucy's throat clearing that pulls me out of my contemplation. I let go of my gaze to look at her. She has a smile on her lips and one eyebrow raised.
- Do you want me to help you, maybe?
My cheeks instinctively redden. This is what you call being caught red-handed. I wasn't discreet at all, and I feel embarrassed. It's not really like me to check out a girl. I still don't fully accept myself.
- I-... Um, sorry.
- You are way too obvious
- It's not what you think.
My cheeks heat up even more, uncomfortable with the situation. I
- No, sure, you totally weren't eyeing her.
- Shut up! This is getting embarrassing.
- Then own it, she smiled teasingly.
- There's nothing to own.
- Really. Your words make it clear you don't accept yourself.
- No, it's true. I don't, I broke down.
- I understand.
- I doubt it, I scoffed. No one can understand without having lived it.
I lift my head from my hamburger, faced with her telling silence. She continues to eat as if nothing happened.
- No, wait... Don't tell me you're a lesbian?!
- Okay, I won't tell you, she smiled, picking at a fry.
- No way! Seriously?
- Seriously.
She holds back laughter at my shocked expression. I didn't see that coming. I never would have believed it if someone else had told me. How can she say it so easily? To think I always talked about a guy when discussing her ex. She never corrected me. She probably didn't want to reveal too much.
- So, why don't you accept yourself?
- I don't know, I replied, shrugging. I consider myself as a lesbian the problem is I don't like the way people look at me because of it. I'm also scared of the reaction from those close to me... for what's left of them.
- But you already dated girls.
- Yes, obviously! Well, the first one to be honest... was Mapi...
- From what you've told me, you seem to have a good relationship. Why aren't you together anymore?
I sigh, running my hand through my hair. I hesitate. I don't like talking about myself, but even more so when it comes to my love life. On the other hand, she already knows a lot, and she just confided in me too. It makes me want to talk. I take a deep breath and gather my courage to answer her.
- Um, that's complicated too...
- You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
- No, no, it's fine... You know, I met Feli... I began, to which she nodded. I was still with Mapi at that time. It didn't take me long to fall into drugs after that. I completely changed and somehow pushed everyone away except Feli since she accompanied me through it all... I ended up cutting off all my relationships, even with Mapi, my family, or my friends. That's how we broke up, and I naturally got together with Feli afterward.
- I see. Do you regret your relationship?
- A little, but I can't blame her. I pushed her away. Besides, she's in a relationship now. I can't afford to ruin everything.
- That makes sense. How did you start talking again?
I hate interrogations, but I can't blame her for being curious. I'm the same way. My hand finds its way to my hair again.
- We have a little ritual... Well, I don't like celebrating my birthday. When she found out, we promised to be the first to wish each other happy birthday, no matter the situation between us. We've never broken that tradition since we met. She was surprised I answered her last year since I hadn't replied to any of her messages for a long time. So she took the opportunity to talk, and that's how she learned I was in a rehab center. When she found out, she wanted to support me, seeing that I wasn't pushing her away anymore.
She just nods, not digging deeper with her questions. I usually hate opening up, but with Lucy, it's different. Everything is easier.
- As for your loved ones, I can't answer that. It's up to you to decide when you're ready to tell them. As for the looks from others... she continues. I know it's not easy. It took me a while to stop caring. Eventually, I realized that no one has the right to judge a stranger. Everyone has the right to do what they want. It's our problem if we prefer girls.
- You're right, but it's hard to face...
- It's just a matter of time, don't worry.
I smile at her. I love how she reassures me in any situation. I also love how attentive she is to what I tell her. She shows me that she cares and will never judge me. That's why I like confiding in her. It's the first time I can do it so easily with someone. Normally, I'm always hesitant. Since my detox, I've realized everything she does for me. I didn't notice it before. I'm starting to trust her. After all, she understood from the beginning that all I needed was a bit of support. She was never intimidated by my attitude, quite the opposite. Even now, she continues to manage me and put me in my place when necessary. I can feel her influence on me. She's completely transforming me. Everyone around me, especially in Barcelona, notices it. Maybe I've finally found the person who will pull me out of all my troubles... The one who will make me feel better and become myself again. The road is still long, but I'm ready to move forward now.
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bl1ngringz · 2 years
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pairing: ajax x reader, a bit of enid x reader if you squint
warnings: none, basically just fluff, a litte bit of ooc
a/n: first time writng for wedneday! this was mainly inspired by txt song and morticias poem!
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– a sister? you have a sister and you never told me? and she is coming to study here?
enid excitedly paced back and forth in the center of the room she shared with Wednesday who, unlike her roommate, was sitting on her bed packing a small bag.
– I saw no reason to share this and there was no period when it was useful to comment on this fact. besides, I had already spoken on the day of visitation
this made enid stop pacing the room for a few seconds, vaguely remembering seeing a girl in a school uniform with the wednesday family for a few seconds. she didn't remember her face well, only that it was very different from her wed.
– and what is she like? is she like you? and she's got a little hand like-hey, where are you going?
– I'm going to return some things. we used to play psycho killer, it will be a disappointment if she doesn't know if she turns around on her own. by this time, thursday must already be exploring.
and she was right. you had just left the principal's office after orientation about the school, your dorm and your class schedule.
y/n addams, aka thursday, and now the sister of wednesday addams as she would likely be known for the next few days, walked carefully through the school hallways.
right, left, stairs…which stairs? this school more complicated than her old one, as the headmistress wanted her to find out easily? she regretted not having asked her sister to come to her.
but what would be the fun in looking for her to try to scare her later then?
as she walked carefully with a small bag, she was the target of stares from some students passing by, confused by the new face they hadn't seen.
– hey, do you need any help? you seem to be quite confused where to go
turning, she looked at the boy who was talking to her: tall, blue cap with something that definitely wasn't hair threatening to come out. a friendly smile occupied his face.
"that must be the gargoyle boy that wednesday mentioned"
– if you don't tell wednesday addams about this, I would appreciate it if you would guide me to where the dorms are. from there i can go alone
this elicited a small expression of surprise, which lasted for a few seconds before returning to the small smile, from the boy who walked beside her.
– it's easy to get there, you were on the way. by the way, you're the new student, right? my name is ajax
– my name is y/n, but you can call me thursday, usually everyone calls me that
– like the poem? thursday has…
– far to go. exactly
walking side by side, a few short laughs were exchanged along with smiles during the short walk. a friendly conversation that, despite being the first, made people outside think they were longtime friends
– and her colleague is enid. you guys will probably get along, she gets along with pretty much everyone
– she's the werewolf, isn't she? I've heard quite a bit about her!
finally arriving in front of her dorm, you knocked on the door and, while waiting for your roommate to answer, ajax couldn't help but bring up a small topic. there was no need, she just felt it was better than just saying "bye" and going back to her chores.
– so what's your third class tomorrow?
– I think botanical sciences, I'm pretty sure of that
a small smile appeared on the boy's face.
– we are in the same class. do you want to have lunch together after class tomorrow? I can show you more from here
– would be coo-
you were interrupted by the dorm door opening, revealing yoko, divina and, surprisingly, enid, who cut the girl off, greeted her and led her into the room, leaving only you to give a thumbs up.
that made the teenager give a small laugh before walking back to his primordial path before anyone asked about his presence there.
really, thurday has far to go. and both of them were excited about that
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incesthemes · 21 days
happy (late) wincest wednesday!! what do you think sam and dean's favourite books are? which books do you think they would have inexplicable (or explicable) beef with?
i'm sure after moving around twice a month for fifteen years and having to read the same books over and over again gave them a few rivalries, lol! -lizzy :)
omg happy wincest wednesday thursday!!!! thank you, this is such an awesome prompt.
ok i think they've both probably read a lot of classic lit and stuff from the literary canon because it's the kind of thing you can find anywhere, right? it's always available in some form or another, at school or in libraries or even just as movie adaptions.
based on vibes i really want to say dean's favorite book would be on the road, both for the metatextual nod to mister eric kripke and because i think dean would relate to it (well, obviously)—and the main character is dean too :) it's cute :) i also think he'd be really into westerns; the one i've read the most of is the titus bass series by terry c. johnston so while it's not quite what i imagine dean's tastes to be (too historically accurate, too little heroism) i'll go with that one. rough, gun-slinging action and lawless heroes are right up dean's alley. the trashier, the better.
on the other end of the spectrum, i see sam being quite into gothic literature. it's relatable to his feelings of exclusion and otherness, and like any child trapped inside a horrific queer narrative i think he would relate heavily to the monsters haunting the protagonists. i can see him really liking frankenstein especially, and i also definitely think he'd have a thing for kafka. it's horrible of me, but i also think he'd be drawn to rosemary's baby, imagining (subconsciously or not) his own mother as rosemary.
importantly, i think they'd both be most drawn to narratives they see themselves in, and i think they'd be rather disinterested in stories they can't directly relate back to their lives. as a result, they probably have a LOT of overlap in the books they enjoy, but the differences are marked and striking to an almost concerning degree. nevertheless i do think they've read through a great deal of the literary canon even if they don't personally love it, simply because it's what they can get their hands on. i can definitely see dean enjoying long, heroic epics like the iliad or beowulf, while sam has certainly read dante's divine comedy cover to cover (and of course, then they switch and read the other's pick, now hundreds of miles away from the library they stole the books from).
i really want them to have some kind of ongoing discourse about east of eden in particular, just because of HOW many similarities there are between cal/dean and aron/sam. i'm trying to figure out how to articulate the nature of that discourse (dean thinks it's just like them fr fr and sam insists it's not? the other way around, perhaps—though i can't see that as clearly. perhaps a simple debate as to whether it applies to them, or which generation they see themselves in most) but i really need to see something like that.
i think sam would definitely have petty beef with supernatural stories when they get the monster lore wrong. "we already KNOW what they do, how can you be THIS wrong about it???? open a book, dumbass," and the like. dean just thinks it's awesome no matter what (as long as the monsters are the bad guys) and they definitely bicker about it incessantly. on the flip side, dean would probably turn up his nose at gothic lit quite a bunch when the monsters are portrayed sympathetically (hello again frankenstein) and would, with his best Big Brother Voice, talk down to sam about the shit propaganda he's reading. sam in turn calls him an idiot in his best Little Brother Voice and doubles down on whatever he's reading. (naturally, the conflict here is that sam sees himself as the monster and therefore sympathizes with it, whereas dean sees "sympathetic monster" and shuts down entirely via john's unquestionable training. i can't imagine dean as a kid being able to comprehend the idea of sam viewing himself as wrong or bad in any way, so the thought of sam relating to the monster simply doesn't compute.)
anyway yeah THANK YOU for this ask, i LOVE well-read and self-educated winchesters so much 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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forever-will-last · 2 months
New Upload Schedule!
So, it's been a while since I've updated. I've moved (yay!), had a bunch of other personal stuff going on (boo!), and literally today, the day I'm posting this, is my birthday! Yay for being 26, boo for having to move and becoming unemployed right before losing my health insurance! When will I meet the CEO of my dreams who will give me health insurance?
In the last couple of weeks, through a lot of internal debate as well as conversations with a close friend, I have reflected on my fics and the most sustainable way to continue writing going forward. Cadina Week, as fun as it was, proved to be extremely detrimental to my writing habits and accelerated my burnout much faster. (The timing was also pretty rough, as my personal life kinda hit the fan right after Cadina Week ended, and the entirety of July just kinda... Went down the drain, and ended with me moving, so, you know! Fun times lol)
I refuse to give up on these fics, but I've needed to give myself more realistic deadlines to upload, so I don't set the unrealistic expectation of myself to return to writing at a pre-Cadina Week speed, as I simply don't think that's possible right now. And, of course, on top of all of this, I started another WIP because the writing demon within me does not know the definition of SLOW DOWN. Luckily, this fic has a completely fleshed out plot, and at the time of posting this, is around halfway done in terms of chapters already. My initial plan was to drop it all at once, but as you may have seen by me dropping the first chapter today, that wasn't really a sustainable plan either. So now I'm doing weekly uploads for not only this new fic, but also, for my other fics (for the most part, as you'll see below).
So, without further ado, presenting my new uploading schedule!
MBAU Mondays: Expect an update to i thought i was a fool for no one (but baby i'm a fool for you) aka mbau (marching band au). This fic has 16 total chapters, so after 16 weeks, uploads on Mondays will stop. I'll reevaluate my upload schedule after that point to see if things need to be shifted around.
Wildcard Wednesdays: Most Wednesdays will have an update to Welcome to the Psych Ward! Some Wednesdays will have an update to sbau/one night with me and she's making vows (she's making vows). There might even occasionally be a random one shot or other crackfic idea outside of Psych Ward! I cannot dedicate a specific day to sbau since those chapters are simply significantly longer than anything else I write, and take considerably more time than one week if I'm writing sustainably. Please note that my primary focus is going to be on the other two fics, and Wildcard Wednesdays may not always happen if I need some extra time for the other fics!
Thousand Pics Thursdays: Expect an update to a thousand pictures in my mind; in a painting of the past on Thursdays! It's a lot slower than previous uploads, I know, but let's be real, that was never a fully sustainable writing/posting method. As I continue writing, if I find myself accumulating a large backlog of chapters for a thousand pics, I may occasionally have a Bonus Thousand Pics Tuesday. It entirely depends on how this new process goes as to whether or not that'll happen, but we'll see!
Thank you all so much for your patience, and I look forward to trying this out and hopefully getting back to regular uploads AND actually having a sustainable upload schedule!
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goldengleams · 1 year
adam fantilli level 1000 clinger
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“Fantilli, I have to go to class!” You groaned, trying to shove the boy off of you. He barely moved, only nestling his head further into your neck. You were both huddled under his comforter, trying to stay warm.
“No, stay here,” Adam said, his morning voice on full display. His brother, Luca, had already gotten up to go to his early class, so it was only the two of you in the small dorm room. Your room was a little bigger since you were a sophomore, but you somehow always ended up in Adam’s shared room.
“Adam,” you warned. Finally, Adam lifted his head a little to look you in the eyes. Whenever you said his first name, he knew you were serious.
“I love you, but I have to go to class,” you repeated and he shifted off of you so that you could climb out of his bed.
“Lunch today?” Adam asked, but he knew he didn’t have to. You both always went to your morning classes on Thursdays and met up for lunch, sometimes with his brother and other members of the Michigan hockey team.
You nodded, giving him a quick peck before you got ready for the day. Adam propped himself up in bed so he could watch you get ready, something he always did. He watched you in awe as you went through your morning routine. It had become pretty standard to sleep over on Wednesday nights after Adam had asked you to a month ago, so you had started bringing over clothes and your skincare.
You said goodbye to Adam before walking out and heading to your class, thinking about him on the way. Ever since you and Adam Fantilli had started dating, it felt like you were rarely apart. Prior to Adam, you had dated someone on the football team and practically swore off athletes after the way he had treated you. Adam was also younger than you, so he completely surprised you when he swept you off your feet. His bright eyes and even brighter smile had made every day better. After a semester long group project in the class you were in, he had finally asked you out, and you hadn’t looked back ever since.
Adam was the nicest guy you had ever met, and you didn’t just say that because he was your boyfriend. He always went out of his way to be there for you and support you as much as he could with his busy schedule.
Recently, Adam had expressed the idea of declaring for the NHL Early Entry Draft coming up in the Spring. You remembered feeling excited for him, but once he explained what would probably happen, you felt the air change. While you weren’t dwelling on the very real and very near future, you knew Adam was. The boy had become quite clingy in the past few weeks, and you were starting to get a little annoyed.
“She is still alive!” Your roommate, Jade, said when you sat down next to her in your marketing class. Your roommate had complained about your lack of girls’ nights, saying that all you did was spend time with Adam.
“You are so dramatic,” you rolled your eyes, pulling out your laptop.
“Y/N, I’ve barely seen you in a whole week! That hockey player has you tied down, girl,” she sassed back. “Can you please come home and sleep with me tonight? I’m getting lonely.”
You laughed, knowing your roommate hated the dark. She loved when you two talked at night and went over your days. “Yes, I’ll come back tonight. I was only over at Adam’s because he asked me to.”
She only hummed in response as the lecture began. While you tried to take notes, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander.
Last week, when you went over to the hockey house with Adam and his teammates, he had been a little overly touchy. You both didn’t mind PDA, but after a few drinks, Adam definitely couldn’t comprehend personal space.
“Babe, baby,” Adam had whined, clinging to your arm as you tried to go dance.
“Fantilli, let me go,” you chuckled. You had decided to take it easy, only having one drink so you could keep anyone else on their feet. Adam had not done the same.
“Stay here,” he pleaded. “Me and Luke are so much fun, so much fun, babe.”
Adam wrapped both arms around you then, trying to keep you standing with him in the kitchen. He wasn’t a jealous guy and he never cared who you were friends with, but something about letting you go off into the hockey house without him made him agitated.
“I bet, but I’m going to dance with Emma. I’ll be back soon,” you had kissed him and left, missing the looks that the boys at the kitchen counter were sharing.
And maybe last month, when you had a big test to study for, you let his clinginess get in the way of your success.
Adam knew you had to study, but he had begged you to let him come over to watch the newest episode of your favorite show. You had given in but told him he needed to leave after it was over.
“Y’know, if Jade’s not here, we could do whatever we want,” Adam had tried to convince you.
“Babe, I can’t,” you groaned. “This assignment is worth a big percentage of the final project.”
Adam, always a fan of procrastination, had practically begged you to let him stay with the promise that he would be quiet so you could study. You had tried to deflect his pleas, but after the fourth one, you gave in, letting him kiss you and pull your attention from your assignment. Long story short, Adam wasn’t quiet and you didn’t really study. A long night of cuddling and fun led to a bad grade for you.
Your next class passed by with the same thoughts swimming in your head. Soon enough, you were walking towards the student union to meet Adam and his teammates for lunch.
He wasn’t there when you arrived, but Luca and Rutger were sitting there already. You waved to them and walked over to sit next to them.
“I’m surprised to see you without your other half,” Rutger joked. You pulled out your phone to place your order, but couldn’t stop your thoughts.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you two are usually sucking face whenever possible,” Rutger said, laughing like he had said the funniest joke. “Adam is fucking whipped, Y/N, like you know when he-”
“He just means you and Adam are usually together, Y/N,” Luca cut in, giving you a reprieve from Rutger’s energy.
“Luca, we didn’t even have class together, I’m not always with Adam,” you laughed, a little uneasy. You and Adam weren’t always together. At least, you didn’t think so.
“Look, I love my little brother, but he can be a little…attached,” Luca said, trying to make you understand as he gestured in the air with his hands.
“Like, 1,000 level clinger attached,” Luca admitted. “He had this stuffed animal he got as a baby and I swear he didn’t put that thing down for like, six years, Y/N.”
You let your head fall against the back of the tall booth behind you. Rutger had stopped caring about the conversation, airpods in his ears, but Luca was staring at you.
“I mean, maybe he’s not being that way with you, I don’t know, but he told me he felt like you were pulling away and I told him it was probably because he wasn’t giving you any space. I felt like I could see it on your face when Rutger opened his mouth, fucking idiot,” Luca laughed softly. Even though he hadn’t known you very long, you felt like he could always tell where you were at emotionally.
You sighed, letting out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding in. “Is he gonna be mad if I say something?”
“No,” Luca assured, shaking his head. “He falls really hard, really fast. He probably doesn’t even realize he’s doing it.”
“Maybe,” you said. “He told me about the draft, so it’s probably because of that.”
“He’d rather know than not, I promise, Y/N,” Luca said, and to the side, you could see Adam walking up with Rutger’s sister.
Luca gave you a little nod and thumbs up which made you feel a little more confident in talking to Adam later.
True to your word, you slept in your own dorm bed that night. Jade was thrilled, and you two had a little girls’ night since your only Thursday class was in the afternoon.
You woke up alone as Jade had an earlier class. You turned your phone on and it dinged as soon as it fully awoke.
From: fantilli 💓
Do u wanna stay over tn? Luca’s out
You smiled a little, knowing Luca had probably done so for your sake. You quickly typed back your answer.
To: fantilli 💓
Sure, can’t wait!
I’ll bring chipotle 🌯
Adam gave your message a thumbs up and you went about your day, trying not to think about the conversation you would have that night. You had already told Adam that you weren’t worried about how your lives would change in the coming months, but you didn’t know how he was handling it all. It seemed like he was handling it by refusing to let anything close go.
Once you finished your day and got the two of you dinner, you drove back to campus to go over to Adam’s dorm room. You couldn’t find the words that you wanted to say to him. You knocked softly on the door to Adam’s room, assuming he was inside.
“Fantilli? It’s me,” you called. Quickly enough, Adam opened his door and a smile spread across his face. He pulled you into a hug and gave you a quick kiss.
His smile was infectious and soon you were smiling, too. The cold that you felt escaped your body and you could only see and feel his content warmth.
“Hey babe! Oh, it smells so good.”
He took the bag of food from your arms and you carefully set your backpack down. Luca’s side of the room was all cleaned and you sent a silent thank you to him from across campus.
“No Luca tonight?” You questioned, taking a seat at his desk.
“No, he’s over at Molly’s for the night,” he said absentmindedly, setting up your food so you two could eat.
“Molly McG?” You asked.
Adam gave you a distracted hum in response. “Yeah, they’ve had a thing for a while. We knew them before we came here, so.”
You rolled your eyes, everyone seemed to know everyone in the hockey world. The idea that everyone would soon know Adam made you nervous.
He handed you your food and patted the spot next to him on his bed, motioning for you to come sit next to him. He seemed completely at ease, not knowing the inner dialogue you were dealing with.
You both sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, watching a repeat on his laptop, before you paused the show to capture his attention.
“Oh, did you want to watch something else?” Adam asked innocently. You shook your head, already feeling bad for making things awkward.
“No, Adam,” you said quietly. “I wanted to talk to you.”
Adam slowly put his fork down and turned to look at you. His blue eyes were wide as he anticipated what you would say next.
“It’s nothing bad, I swear,” you assured. “I just wanted to check in with you.”
“Oh, yeah, for sure,” he said nervously, abandoning his food completely. You watched as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Are you okay? With everything coming up in the near future, I mean,” you trailed off. You didn’t need to spell it out for him, he knew what you meant.
Adam had a really good chance at being drafted within the top 10, maybe even top 5, news outlets were saying. You had read them all, of course. Whenever your mind drifted to Adam and you, you went online to see what the reality of his future would be.
“Yeah, I’m good,” he said, averting his eyes. It was one of his nervous tells and you knew it.
“Adam,” you moved closer to him so you could cup his face in your hands. “You can tell me anything.”
“You can’t understand it, Y/N. I can’t even understand it all,” he chuckled. “I’ve been dreaming of getting drafted and playing professional hockey since I was a little kid, it’s almost like there’s nothing left after it.”
A still silence fell between the two of you.
“It means I’m leaving everything I’ve ever known, Y/N,” he mumbled. “I’m scared.”
Those words broke your heart. Adam dropped his head to your shoulder and you could feel the fabric start to stick to your skin from dampness. You let him fall into you, trying to comfort him the best that you could. You thought of all of the times that Adam had been there for you, letting you rant to him whenever you needed it. Adam expressed his emotions different from you, bottling everything up and clinging for dear life.
“It’s gonna be the time of your life, Adam,” you assured, wiping his tears. “And everyone here will be cheering you on, babe, I know it.”
Adam gave you a watery smile and you swore your heart could’ve melted right then and there.
“And I want to stay together, if that’s what you want, too,” you said. Adam nodded rapidly before peppering kisses all over your face.
“I’m sorry for being so clingy, I just wasn’t sure how much time we had left,” Adam admitted in between kisses. “Luca gave me some relationship advice.”
You both laughed at that, glad Luca was playing both sides to help you out.
“It’s okay Fantilli, you can be my 1,000 level clinger any day,” you giggled.
The rest of the night, you and Adam cuddled and watched your favorite comfort movies. He knew you’d always be there for him, and you knew he’d always be there, maybe even attached at your hip.
Finally had 5 minutes since being back at college to post this, hope you like it!!! More requests will be done soon, trust 🤞🏽
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jazzythursday · 5 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday
tagged by @aphroditestummyrolls and @nerdlingmerchling, thanks for thinking of me! <3 Here's a snippet of a one-shot I started this morning for the prompt "poison"
His thoughts are all jumbled up and messy, but move, home, Wylan are frequent enough occurrences that he’s able to follow them in the right direction and find his way back alright.
Or, nearly, because he’s on the wrong side of the house, and that’s not what he’d been aiming for. It’s fine. He goes through the hedges that line the rear of the estate and comes out in the back garden covered in twigs and leaves and fresh scratches that he, rather concerningly, can’t actually feel. 
But it’s fine. It’s totally fine. 
Home, Wylan, move.
Jesper stumbles into the house through the glass paneled doors that lead into the dining room—they aren’t supposed to open from the outside, he doesn’t think, but he’s inside now, so it’s too late to worry about it. He’s making a lot of noise, and he’d feel bad about that too, but at present it's getting increasingly harder to see straight and he’s not sure he can bring himself to call out loud enough for someone to hear. He still tries to close the door latch properly, but he doesn’t think it works. He might have broken it, actually.
His legs at this point are, it might be important to note, sort of numb. Jesper makes it a few feet across the dining room before he decides braining himself on the table is one of the only ways this night could get any worse, and just sort of—melts—towards the floor. Gravity does the rest of the work, which is fine with him, and he ends up sprawled on his back against the hardwood, staring up at the chandelier.
He hears footsteps on the stairs a minute later, and then the lamp turns on. The room is flooded with light that hurts his eyes—Saints he has a headache—and then Wylan’s startled voice calling, “Jesper?!”
Jesper lifts an arm up to wave from his spot on the floor and Wylan's face appears above him, looking sleep-ruffled and entirely bewildered.
“Think I broke the door,” Jesper says, probably stupidly, but he feels it's important to get it out of the way. “Sorry.” 
“Did you break your skull too?” Wylan bites out. His eyes are wide and wild with concern. He kneels over Jesper and starts checking his head for injury. Despite looking angry, he’s very gentle about it. “What happened?”
“Naah. Nope—don’ think so,” Jesper slurs, shaking his head against Wylan’s cool palm where it cushions the back of his neck. “S’poison.” 
This information does not help ease Wylan’s concern. If anything, he looks twice as worried, and definitely angrier. Jesper hopes it isn’t about the door. 
“I’m not worried about the Ghezenforsaken fucking door,” Wylan swears. Did Jesper say that out loud? “I’m going to kill Kaz.” 
“Not his fault.” 
“Everything is his fault.”
“Don’ be maaad,” Jesper says. He really doesn’t want Wylan to be mad.
“I’m not mad,” Wylan says, but he looks mad. “I’m going to be mad later. It’s not important right now.” 
“Oh, alright then.” 
tagging @sparrowmoth @stormkpr @kezzzx @waterloou @fizzysugarwater @tinyarmedtrex (but as always no pressure!)
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday
Thank you so much for the tag, @sawymredfox!!!
This is from the Yearling AU, first chapter of which will likely be up in the next 24 hours :)
“Take it you like animals?” You said as you made your way through the stables, going for the stall of the horse you’d had Richie get ready for this lesson. “Sure hope so, since you want to learn riding.”  “Hell yeah,” Ellie said.  “Ellie,” Joel said, a warning tone in his voice.  “Sorry,” she said, rolling her eyes. You smiled. “Yes. I do. Even though Joel won’t let me get a dog.”  “We can talk about it when you’re off school for the summer,” he said and you tried not to frown. If she was calling him Joel, he wasn’t her dad. You hoped this girl hadn’t been through too much.  “Well,” you said, coming to a stop at the stall. “You can come hang out with Shimmer here even if he doesn’t let you get a dog.”  Ellie’s face lit up, looking at the horse with a huge smile on her face.  “Shimmer is a rescue,” you said, reaching up to scratch behind her ears. “Got her when she was a yearling a few years back from an unlicensed breeding operation. Poor thing was underfed and skittish as hell but she came around. She’s a real sweet, gentle horse and she loves when people can be real sweet and gentle with her. Think you can do that?”  “Yeah,” Ellie said, smiling at you. “Definitely.”
This is from Yearling
He didn’t say much, only occasionally pressing his face into your head and kissing you there and whispering you’re OK, I’ve got you every few minutes. You weren’t sure if it was for him or for you. You weren’t sure how long you’d been riding but it had been dark for what seemed like a long time when you stopped for the night. “C’mon Bambi,” Tommy said gently as he helped you down from the horse. His touch still made you flinch. “Just me, not going to hurt you.” He half caught you as you more fell off the horse than dismounted and you realized just how uncomfortable your position on the horse was as your body realigned. It just didn’t hurt as much as so many parts of you, it didn’t bother you as you rode. Joel’s hands were on you again almost immediately, pulling you against him.
And this is from Stranger in a Bar :)
“Gotta be quiet, pretty girl,” he whispered. “And sit still, just let me look at you.”  He watched you closely as pressed into you, your breath hitching as he parted your inner walls, your tight, wet heat gripping him and he savored every needy expression that crossed your face. You were so beautiful like this, your mouth open in a silent gasp, eyes wide, looking like you were enjoying him almost as much as he was enjoying you. 
NP tags: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @dancingtotuyo @mysticnightmarewrites @janaispunk @beardedjoel and anyone else who wants to play!
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4littlefishies · 5 months
The 36th Floor - The Mandarin
satoru gojo x suguru geto
warnings: Just in case anyone is sensitive to talk about throwing up, it is mentioned very briefly in this chapter! It's pretty short tho so don't worry.
wc: 6.9k
previous chapter here
note: link to story on ao3 at the bottom!
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Wednesday and Thursday go by mostly with nothing of note happening. Suguru is on time Wednesday morning, and comes with a coffee for Shoko, like he had promised her the day before. 
“Good job being on time today.” She teases as he passes by before he turns around and presents her with the drink over the wall of the cubicle. “Ooh, thank you!” She says, happy to have the drink that she was expecting. 
“Nothing for your favorite trainer?” Gojo whines, causing Suguru to turn his chair around to face Satoru, whose head is visible over the top of the cubicle walls. Satoru has a big smile on his face, waiting to hear the response that Suguru will come back with.
“Yeah, I already got one for Haibara.” He jokes back, causing Satoru’s face to immediately feel like the surface of the sun with how hot it is. He quickly turns back to face his monitor and lets out an uncomfortable chuckle. “I’m just kidding Satoru, I just promised Shoko that I would get her a coffee yesterday morning, so this is me repaying her.” Suguru explains. Satoru smiles at himself, amused at how Suguru’s comment made him feel.
Calm down, Satoru, it was a joke. He thinks to himself as Suguru walks up to his cubicle. “Ready to start?” He asks, a smile on his face, his jacket draped over the back of his chair already. 
Both Wednesday and Thursday training for Suguru goes by without any hitches. On Wednesday, Satoru finally asks the question he’s been thinking about asking since Monday. 
“Did you want to walk to the cafe? Only if you were planning on going today.” Satoru says, pulling his jacket on. Suguru spins around from his own cubicle, pulling his hair out of the back of his jacket to allow it to flow freely after putting it back on. 
“Hm?” Suguru hums, raising his eyebrows, not hearing Satoru’s question the first time.
Satoru clears his throat. “Yeah- did you want to walk to the cafe with me?” He asks. He’s extremely thankful that Shoko is already gone and not here to see this disaster of an interaction. “I was just about to leave, if you wanted to go?”
“Oh, yeah! Definitely!” Suguru says, putting two thumbs up. “Just let me grab my wallet and we can go.” He pulls open a draw before pulling out his wallet and slipping it into his back pocket. “Alright,” He says, stepping towards Satoru. “Ready?”
Satoru nods his head and smiles, leading the way out of the office and into the long hallway that leads to the elevators. 
The elevator ride is quiet between them as there are a few other people in there, presumably also heading to lunch somewhere. Satoru and Suguru make eye contact and suddenly are nearly unable to contain themselves. Saotru pulls both of his lips in between his teeth in order to contain his laughter, while Suguru pops his hand over his mouth, trying to be quiet. 
The elevator finally reaches the ground floor and everyone files out into the lobby, leaving Suguru and Satoru in the dust. “What was so funny?” Suguru asks, a calm laugh as they walk off of the elevator and into the lobby, towards the front doors. 
“I don’t even know,” Satoru bursts out laughing. “But it’s always impossible not to laugh in situations like that, you know?” He continues on, still laughing. Suguru smiles as the white haired man, laughing as they walk through the busy lobby and finally out onto the busy sidewalk. Satoru can’t believe that he actually asked him, finally. It’s asking a coworker to lunch, it’s not much to be amazed at. Satoru smiles to himself at the view of Suguru walking next to him. Whether it’s by accident or not, both of their hands brush slightly as they sway with the walking rhythm the two have. Satoru immediately shoves his hand into his pocket, not wanting to make Suguru uncomfortable in any way. 
Suguru notices and puts his hands into his pockets as well. “So how did you find this place?” Satoru asks, breaking the short silence as they approach the cafe.
“Well honestly I just started walking and I saw a sign.” He responded. Satoru smiled at his answer, no matter how simple, he just wanted to hear anything Suguru had to say. They quickly make it to the front door where Suguru grabs the handle, opening it to allow Satoru to walk inside. He smiles a silent thank you at Suguru, the tops of his ears turning red and his face getting hot at having the door opened for him. 
The two of them order and take their food back to the back corner and sit in the same seats as they did the day before. “Okay, right off the bat, I’m getting spoiled rich kid from that guy over there.” Satoru says, motioning to a man sitting across the cafe, typing away on his computer.
Suguru turns his head subtly around to see the man who Satoru is talking about and has to suppress a laugh as he turns back around to face Satoru, the two of them nearly cackling over the assumptions that they make during their lunch break before they have to make the walk back to the office.
Both Thursday and Friday go similarly in regards to Suguru’s training, as well as the two men walking to the cafe for lunch. They like to sit in the back corner and people watch for as long as they can until they have to go back to work. On the walk back after their lunch on Friday, an idea pops into Satoru’s head.
“Hey! Uh, if you don’t have plans after work, Shoko and I get drinks every Friday.” He explains, continuing to look in front of him as he walks. “You should come… If you want. Think of it as celebrating being officially done with training. Utahime might come too.” Satoru says, trying to sound more nonchalant about the invitation. 
Suguru’s eyes go wide, not expecting the invitation. “Oh… Yeah, definitely! I’d love to.” He says, sounding slightly flustered. 
“Nice! Just meet Shoko and I after you’re done for the day with Yu and we can all head over there together.” Satoru explains, opening the front door to the building for Suguru, similarly to how he opened the cafe door for him. Satoru smiles at the ground as Suguru walks in front of him, suddenly very excited for the work day to be over. 
“Shoko! Is Utahime coming?” Satoru whines out, spinning in his chair, waiting for Suguru to come back to his desk so that they could all leave together. 
“No,” Shoko calls out, not looking up from her phone. “She said, and I quote, ‘I would go, but I don’t want to associate myself with that snow-haired idiot outside of work unless I am required to.’” She reads off the text message from Utahime on her phone.
“Ouch.” Suguru says as he rounds the corner. “That’s rough.” He says, chuckling. Satoru jumps up out of his seat, suddenly full of energy at the sight of Suguru. 
“Well, normally, it’s no outsiders allowed anyways, but we bent the rules a little for you.” Satoru says, joking to Suguru. 
“You mean to say that you bent the rules?” Shoko calls out from her spot at her desk. Satoru feels his face go hot as Suguru looks over at him and smiles his normal soft and gentle smile. It makes Satoru melt, but he can’t say anything about it to anyone. 
“Should we get going?” Satoru says, looking down at his watch and breaking the silence.  
“We going to Mandarin?” Shoko asks, pulling on her coat and grabbing her bag.
“If you’re okay with that?” Satoru adds, looking over at Suguru. Suguru nods his head yes as he looks between the two in front of him. Satoru smiles and starts towards the front doors.
“Let’s go then! I need a drink.” Satoru says, heading quickly around the corner and into the hallway. Suguru follows closely behind him and Shoko trails behind, shouting after him.
“You don’t even drink!” She shouts as she rounds the corner. “Unless you’re gonna actually drink tonight.” Satoru turns around, starting to walk backwards with his hands in his jacket pocket.
“Hey, a drink with no alcohol is still a drink.” He shoots back, scrunching his nose back at Shoko, Suguru watching him do so before turning back to look at Shoko. Satoru doesn’t see her roll her eyes, but he does hear Suguru let out a laugh. He smiles to himself at the sound of it. After reaching the front doors and getting out into the hallway, they make their way towards the elevators. 
Satoru presses the down button with a long slender finger before putting his hands back in his pockets and turning around to face the other two. Suguru brushes his hair back over his shoulders as he comes to a stop next to Satoru, waiting for the familiar elevator ding before the doors open to a completely empty elevator.
“Oh, nice!” Shoko calls out as she follows the two into the elevator. Suguru presses the L button and the doors close. “What are you guy’s gonna get?”
“I’ve been thinking scotch.” Suguru answers, earning a look from Satoru, who raises his eyebrows, seeming to be surprised by his answer.
“How very sophisticated of you, Suguru.” Satoru bravely teases as the elevator starts to move. Suguru smiles and shakes his head.
“Maybe if you’re 17.” Shoko buts in. Satoru shoots her a fake glare and she sticks her tongue out at him, Suguru smiling at their sibling-like dynamic. Satoru shakes his head and smiles down at the floor.
The elevator quickly reaches the lobby and the three of them are quickly out and heading towards the front doors of the building. “So where is this Mandarin?” Suguru asks, following the lead that Satoru and Shoko are very urgently taking. Satoru pushes open the door and is quickly out onto the sidewalk.
“We have to get on the train and go towards where Shoko lives.” Satoru calls out, slowing down slightly to allow Suguru to catch up. He smiles, now walking in between Shoko and Suguru as they head towards the train station. “It’s not too far, but it’s a lot faster to just take the train.” He continues explaining, looking slightly over at Suguru as he walks, trying to also focus on where he is going. 
Thankfully, the train is pulling up to the station just as the three of them make it to the platform. “Perfect timing!” Satoru shouts out, turning back to look at Suguru with a smile on his face. Suguru smiles back at him and shakes his head. The three of them make it onto the quarter-full train car and easily find seats. Satoru sits down, Suguru taking the seat next to him, causing Satoru’s heart to flutter in his chest. Shoko chooses to sit across the aisle from them, facing the two men. 
“You know, Gojo, you’re usually much more annoying.” Shoko says as the train starts to move. 
Satoru’s mouth falls open at her sudden comment and he gasps dramatically, bringing a hand to his chest to clutch his metaphorical pearls. “I am not!” Satoru shoots back in a defensive tone.
The rest of the short train ride consists of more of Shoko and Satoru arguing like siblings while Suguru smiles and laughs when Shoko teases Satoru. Their stop quickly approaches, causing Shoko and Satoru to stand up, followed by Suguru. 
“So do you guys go to the same place every week?” Suguru asks Satoru as they walk off the platform and up a short set of stairs. They quickly reached the top of the stairs and were back onto a much busier sidewalk. 
“Not always, but we have a few places we prefer over others. Mandarin is one of our favorites.” Satoru explains, taking long strides in time with Suguru, seeming almost reflexive. “It’s not too crazy and Shoko likes that the drinks are relatively cheap.” He continues explaining, Suguru listening intently as if he would be tested on the information later. 
“Hey idiots!” Shoko calls out, finally loud enough for the two to hear over their conversation. They stop and turn around, seeing Shoko about half a block behind them.
“Why are you calling us idiots?” Suguru questions as Shoko hurriedly walks towards them. 
“Why did you turn around?” She shoots back.
“Touché.” He says with narrowed eyes as she finally catches back up to the two of them. 
“You guys are too tall, you walk too fast for me.” She criticizes as they start to walk again, the sign coming into view, a neon orange slice on the front of the building. 
“Isn’t it cool?” Satoru says, looking at Suguru with amazement, excited to see his reaction.
Surugu nods his head as they get closer to the bar with the neon sign reading The Mandarin in the shape of an orange slice. “Yeah, it is really cool, Satoru.” Suguru says, Satoru’s name rolling like honey off of his tongue. Satoru is unable to contain his smile as they walk up to the front door. The security guard at the front checks their IDs and they head inside.
“Okay, I need a drink now.” Shoko says, pointing towards the bar. She takes the lead this time and Satoru and Suguru trail behind. By the time they make it up to the bar with her, she’s already talking to the bartender behind the bar, who has a smile on her face. “Geto, this is Hana, she’s our favorite bartender.” Shoko says, happily, earning a giggle from Hana behind the bar. “Okay, can i just do a gin martini, and, I’ll let these guys tell you what they want themselves.
Suguru steps up to where Shoko previously stood and leans over slightly. “Do you guys have Ballantines?” He asks, his voice slightly raised to make up for the chatter and background music of the busy bar. Hana shakes her head yes and Suguru continues on. “Can I just get that on the rocks please?” He says with a smile. Hana nods at him with a smile before finally looking over to Satoru. 
Listening to Suguru order his drink, Satoru decides that he would also like his drink to be on the rocks. “Can I just get a Shirley Temple with extra grenadine and extra cherries?” He says, earning a look from both Shoko and Suguru. “Oh and can I get it on the rocks as well?” He adds, earning a giggle from Hana and a chuckle from Suguru as he shakes his head in disbelief. 
“It’s like going out with a child.” Shoko says, shaking her head and crossing her arms. 
“I’m sorry I like it sweet, Shoko! What’s wrong with that?” He asks, throwing his hands up in the air. 
Hana quickly has the three drinks made and Satoru hands his card to her to keep on file. “If you think you’re paying for all of us you’re crazy.” Suguru says as Satoru turns to walk away from the bar. Shoko lightly elbows him in the side and side eyes him.
“Shut up, Suguru.” She says through gritted teeth. Satoru does nothing but smile at the two of them. 
“It’s my treat tonight.” Satoru says with a smile. “Get as much as you want, I’ve got it.” Suguru looks at him like he’s crazy as Shoko takes a large sip from her drink and lets out a quiet cheer. 
“You can’t be serious Satoru, come on, I can get my own, really.” Suguru says, trying to convince Satoru to change his mind.
“Like I told you, this is because you’re done training, Suguru. Just let me buy your drinks. You can get mine next time if it makes you feel better?” Satoru says, raising his eyebrows at Suguru, hoping he’ll take the compromise. He takes a deep breath and furrows his eyebrows for a moment, looking like he was thinking about it.
“Fine. Deal.” He says, shaking his head. Satoru sticks his hand out to shake and they shake hands for only the second time since their first meeting. Suguru’s hands are much warmer than Satoru’s icy cold ones. He speaks up as soon as they touch and his fingers wrap around Satoru’s hand. “Holy shit, your hands are freezing!” He says, grabbing Satoru’s hand with both hands now, completely forgetting about the handshake. Satoru is unable to do anything for a second at the feeling of Suguru trying to warm up his hand in his large warm ones. 
Satoru’s ears grow hot as Suguru holds onto his hand until it’s warmer than it was a few seconds earlier. “Thank you.” Satoru says with a smile as Suguru lets go of Satoru’s now much warmer hand.
“Sorry.” He says, his eyes flickering nervously down at Satoru’s hand and back up to his face.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for!” Satoru says as he brings the straw in his glass to his lips. He smiles as Suguru looks to calm down slightly at his response. Satoru takes a sip of his disgustingly sweet drink and lets out an obnoxious sigh. “This is super good, you want to try?” He asks Suguru. Surugu politely declines.
“I think I’ll stick with my scotch, but thank you.” He says in a polite tone. Satoru smiles at him. Shoko was back at the bar, talking to Hana and seemingly already getting her second drink of the night. “It looks like she’s really taking you up on your offer though.” Suguru points out to Satoru, gesturing over at Shoko as Hana hands her a drink. 
Satoru smiles at the sight. “As long as everybody has fun, I’m okay with it.” He says,taking another sip from his drink. “Should we sit down?” Satoru asks, pointing out a table against the wall. Suguru nods his head and Satoru leads the way back to the table and takes a seat. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Satoru asks as they settle into their seats, a mischievous smile on his face.
“That the guy at the end of the bar is definitely into the girl that’s next to him but will never say anything to her?” Suguru responds back, the smile on Satoru’s face growing even wider.
“You read my mind, Suguru.” Satoru says. Suguru smiles back across the table at him when Shoko joins back up with them. 
“Guys, stop ditching me to hang out with each other.” She says, sitting down at the end of the table and setting her drink on the table. Satoru and Suguru make quick eye contact with each other before Satoru speaks up. 
“You were the one that left us to go get another drink!” Satoru replies back. 
“Whatever.” She says, blowing off his come back. The three sit in silence for a moment until Shoko pipes up again. “So how are you liking the city so far?” She asks, looking over at Suguru.
Suguru raises his eyebrows trying quickly to think of an answer. “It’s definitely different from home, but also the same in a lot of ways. My apartment isn’t very homey yet, but it’ll get there eventually. But I’m really liking it so far.” He finishes, flicking a glance at Satoru as the words leave his mouth. Satoru stares at Suguru as he talks, looking over the features of his face. His eyes, his nose, his hair and how it hangs in his face. Suguru’s face is leaned in the palm of his hand propped up on his elbow as he focuses on Shoko and her question. Satoru smiles as he looks between the two, continuing to look over Suguru’s features.
“I need another drink.” Shoko says, putting her empty glass down on the table. 
“Don’t you think you should slow down?” Satoru asks, watching her stand up from the table. Suguru takes a sip of his drink, trying not to get caught in between whatever is about to happen.
“Why? I don’t feel a thing yet, this will only be my fourth.” She says, looking between the two of her friends. Suguru chokes and starts coughing at the sound of that. 
“Your fourth?” He asks, patting his chest after coughing. Satoru can’t help but snicker as it happens. Shoko shakes her head yes with a wide smile on her face. “I don’t know how you do it.” Suguru continues on, shaking his head. She turns around and makes her way back up to the bar again and Suguru turns his attention back to Satoru. “She’s crazy.” He says, pointing with his thumb towards Shoko.
Satoru chuckles and looks over in her direction before looking back at Suguru. “You’re just now figuring that out?” He teases, a smile on his face.
“I guess not, no.” He responds with a light laugh. Music to my ears, Satoru thinks before looking down at his now empty glass.
“I’m actually gonna go get one more, you want me to get you one of those?” He asks, pointing towards Suguru’s glass.
“I’m good,” He says, shaking his head. “Thank you, though.” Suguru adds, his smile and his eyes with that familiar softened look in them, making it hard for Satoru not to melt into a puddle on the floor.
“I’ll be right back.” Satoru chirps out as he stands up from the table and quickly makes his way over to the bar. Hana is busy with another customer, so he waits with Shoko as she sips on her fourth drink of the night. 
“Getting another one?” Shoko asks, raising her eyebrows at Satoru and his glass of ice and cherry stems.
“Obviously.” Satoru replies dramatically. Shoko sips on her drink and Satoru looks over towards their table, only to see Suguru already looking in their direction. He quickly averts his eyes though, and Satoru does the same, feeling a blush creep up onto his cheeks and the tops of his ears. He wasn’t looking at me, right? Satoru tries to keep his cool as Hana finally makes her way back to him.
“Same thing?” She points at him, eyebrows raised in question.
“Yes please!” He shouts over the ambient noise surrounding them. She smiles and begins making his second drink. Satoru turns over to Shoko whose eyes are locked on the tv that’s mounted behind the bar, her straw in her mouth, mindlessly sipping on an empty glass. How? Satoru shakes his head with a grin. “Hey.” He calls out, trying to get her attention. He eventually has to tap her on the shoulder to get her attention away from the tv, playing nothing more than the news, subtitles rolling underneath. 
“What?” She answers, sounding slightly annoyed that he took her attention away from what she was focused on. Satoru breathes out through his nose and continues on, glancing back over towards Suguru who is now scrolling on his phone.
“How come you never mentioned Suguru?” 
“So I have to tell you about all my other friends?” She hits back sassily.
“No- you know that’s not what I'm saying.” He tries to clear it up. “Forget I asked.” He adds in, quietly. Shoko takes a breath, about to speak when Hana places Satoru’s new drink down in front of him with a smile. “Thank you.” He says, quietly with a smile.
Shoko clicks her tongue as she’s just about to speak up. “My parents have been friends with his parents since way before both of us were born. He’s almost like a cousin? In a way?” She explains, trying her best, somehow, she also now has a fresh drink that Satoru did not see come from anywhere. How does she do that? He nods at the response, waiting to see if she’ll continue. 
“Let’s go back to Geto!” She says, suddenly changing the subject. Satoru sighs as he watches her slightly stumble as she starts heading back towards the table. He follows closely behind as they walk through the maze of people until they make it back to the table. Suguru looks up as they approach.
“More drinks?” He asks, wide eyed looking at Satoru, but also over at Shoko. Shoko doesn’t seem to hear it and sits down with her drink in hand. Satoru smiles down at Suguru and he swears he feels his eye twitch.
“Yep.” He says in a sarcastic voice, faking a giant smile on his face as he sits back down in his original spot. He puts his hand up to hide what he’s saying from Shoko. “This one’s gonna be a problem.” He whisper-yells to Suguru who’s laughing from his side of the table, still leaning his chin in his palm. Satoru puts down his hand and can’t help but smile for real at the sound of that laugh. Put it in headphones and I’ll listen to it forever. 
Time quickly passes and 8pm turns into 11pm and into 1am. Satoru is on his sixth Shirley temple, but he stopped counting after two. Suguru stopped after 10 o'clock, and Shoko is all but blacked out.
“We need to take her home.” Suguru says to Satoru. The two of them look over to see Shoko talking to a stranger to try to get them to buy her a drink. “I told Hana not to give her anymore so now she’s trying to get other people to buy her drinks.” Satoru shakes his head as he watches Suguru speak.
“Her apartment isn’t too far of a walk from here, thankfully.” Satoru says as the two start to make their way towards their too-drunk friend. Suguru makes sure to grab Shoko’s bag on his way out.
“Good because I don’t feel like she’s going to make this easy, is she?” Suguru asks as the two get closer to Shoko.
Satoru chuckles and shakes his head as they finally approach her. “Only if we’re lucky. Hey,” He says, tapping Shoko on the shoulder, causing her to whip her head around. “Come on, we’re taking you home.”
“Oh my God, Gojo! Where have you been?” She says, ignoring what he just told her. Suguru starts to try to move her towards the front door, and thankfully, her legs move without much thought. “Why are we leaving?” She whines, continuing to follow Satoru towards the front door, Suguru following closely behind. 
“It’s late, and you’re absolutely trashed.” Suguru says as they finally make it to the front door. The cool air hits their faces and it’s a shocking change from the warm air of the bar they’ve been in all night.
“It’s not that late.” She argues, crossing her arms, but continuing to walk. 
“Shoko, it’s after 1am. That’s late.” Satoru quickly defends Suguru. She pouts and furrows her eyebrows. 
“Can one of you carry me?” She suddenly whines out. The three of them stop, Satoru turning around to immediately make eye contact with Suguru. It felt like they could read each other's minds in that moment if they had tried hard enough. 
Suguru sighs and turns around, slightly crouching down to allow Shoko to crawl onto his back and grab onto his shoulders. She giggles excitedly as Suguru stands back up and grabs onto her legs to hold her up. Satoru smiles as he watches the two of them, Suguru walking with Shoko like a backpack. He sticks his hands in his pockets before pulling out his phone and snapping a quick picture, wanting to remember the moment. He doesn’t notice, but Suguru sees him snap the picture and has to hide the blush making its way onto his face and the uncontrollable smile.
“Go left here.” Satoru calls out. “Then her building is right there.” He notices that Shoko hasn’t said anything in a while and is resting with her cheek on the back of Suguru’s shoulder. He smiles at the sight. “She’s asleep.” He says, walking with his hands in his pockets. Suguru can’t help but chuckle. 
“Of course she is.” He says as they approach the front door of the building. Satoru opens the door for Suguru whose hands are currently full. “Thanks.” He breathes out. Satoru runs up ahead once through the door and presses the elevator button. Thankfully, the elevator comes quickly and the doors open to an empty elevator. Once inside Satoru clicks the button for the 14th floor. He looks down into Shoko’s bag that he’s holding for her house keys. He quickly locates them. 
“Good thing these are in here.” He says, holding them up as the elevator reaches her floor. Suguru smiles in response. 
“That definitely would’ve been a bad time.” He says, the doors opening to a wall with a mural and the number 14 painted on it. “I’m following you.” Suguru says, waiting for Satoru to lead the way.
He steps out and takes an immediate left and thankfully, Shoko lives just a few doors down, so the walk is short. “I wonder if Kai will say hello to us.” Satoru says, excitedly looking over his shoulder at Suguru as he puts the key into the lock and turns the door handle. He pushes open the door, walking inside and making sure to hold it open for Suguru to follow him inside. 
“Who’s that?” Suguru asks quietly, stepping into the dark apartment. Satoru flicks on a lamp and turns on the light in the kitchen.
“Shoko’s cat!” Satoru exclaims, whipping his head around to look at Suguru, causing a chuckle from him. “Maybe put her on the couch for now?” Satoru tries to help, but he hears a grumble from Suguru’s back.
“What was that?” Suguru asks, not able to understand what she’s saying with her face smushed into the back of his shoulder.
“Baf-rm.” Is all he can make out.
“Bathroom!” Satoru calls out, realizing what means is coming next. Suguru’s eyes widen as he turns around, but he realizes that he doesn't know which door leads to the bathroom. He starts to panic.
“Which one?!” Suguru shouts, knowing that time is running out.
“That one! That one!” Satoru shouts, pointing to the first door down the hallway. They scramble to get the door open and carefully get Shoko off of Suguru’s back and in front of the toilet. To both Satoru and Suguru’s relief, they made it in time and the only place Shoko gets sick is into the toilet. 
Satoru steps out, not wanting to see it, but Suguru stays in the bathroom as Shoko kneels in front of the toilet for the next fifteen minutes, regretting drinking so much more than she would on a normal night. 
“Let’s try to remember this for next time so you can listen to me when I tell you to slow down a little, yeah?” Satoru says, peeking in from where he’s sitting in Shoko’s hallway while Suguru leans against the sink, making sure that she’s still alright. She lifts up a middle finger behind her as her head hands above the bowl.
“Love you too!” He says with a smile before looking up at Suguru, and meeting eyes with him for a fraction of a second. Suguru hands Shoko a glass of water and she finally decides that she feels okay enough to make it to her bed. Suguru holds out his arm to her as she stands up. Satoru holds out his arm for support on her other side as they come out of the bathroom and walk towards Shoko’s bedroom. The three quickly make it to her room where Satoru pulls back the blankets so that Shoko can climb in. She lets go of her hold on Suguru and climbs into her bed, a sigh of relief as her head hits the pillow.
“You gonna be okay?” Satoru asks in a sweet voice from where he’s standing in her doorway. Suguru stands up as she replies with a simple mhm with her face already shoved into the pillow.
Suguru turns back to look at Satoru and Satoru nods his head, trying to assure him that she’d be fine. They quietly back out of her room and close the door before making their way back to her living room and taking a seat on the couch.
“Do you actually think she’s gonna be fine?” He asks, still obviously worried about their very drunk friend. Satoru lets out a breathy laugh and shakes his head.
“If you think this is bad, just wait until the holiday party next month.” Satoru says, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees, rubbing his hands together slowly. Suguru watches Satoru as he does so, taking a deep breath through his nose, trying to think of things other than how good Satoru looked in this moment and definitely not about how much he wanted to grab his face and just kiss him. 
“Um- I hate to do this, but I really have to get home and feed my cat.” Satoru says, breaking Suguru away from his thoughts.
“That’s alright! I was planning on staying here anyway to make sure that she’s okay.” Suguru says, leaning back on the couch and looking forward to the white haired man in front of him. Satoru turns his head to look at Suguru for a moment, a playful look on his face.
“Let me give you my number,” He says, sitting up, no longer leaning on his knees. Satoru’s heart feels like it’s going to beat out of his chest. Suguru stares at him, a blank surprised look on his face for a moment before he pulls his phone out of his pocket. 
“Uh- yeah!” He stutters, nervously. Satoru smiles to himself, surprised that he was able to just say it outright like that. We’ve known each other for a week, I’d say that we’re friends. Having each other’s numbers is normal! Satoru holds onto Suguru’s phone carefully once he hands it to him. Satoru makes sure to check it over a couple times to ensure his number is correct. He hands it back to Suguru and he reads it to Satoru.
“Perfect!” Satoru confirms. Suguru saves his number into his phone and slides it back into his pocket before both of them stand up. “You’re a really good friend, Suguru. Shoko is lucky to have you” Satoru says, smiling back at Suguru as they stroll towards the front door. Sugaru smiles back at him, unsure of what to say, other than a soft “thank you.”
Satoru pulls open the door and steps out into the hallway. “Do you want me to walk you down? I can walk to the station with you if you want?” Suguru suggests, not wanting Satoru to have to walk by himself, but also not wanting him to leave yet. He’s just being nice, Satoru tells himself 
“I would, but I actually ordered an uber like 10 minutes ago and it’s just now getting here!” He says, slowly migrating towards the elevator, but not wanting to leave Suguru just yet. Suguru stands in Shoko’s doorway with his hands in his pockets. 
“Like I said, I gotta get home to Shiro, but call or text me if you need anything or anything happens, okay?” Suguru nods his head yes before Satoru smiles at him and backs up into the elevator, disappearing from Suguru’s view. Satoru quickly makes it down to the lobby and out onto the street where his uber driver is waiting. The drive is short, but Satoru makes sure to chat with the driver. He loved getting to meet and talk to and learn about new people every day, so he would talk to anyone that would talk to him. 
‘Have a good night!” Satoru calls out to the driver as he closes the door behind him, now standing in front of his apartment building. He quickly makes his way into the desolate lobby and into the waiting empty elevator. He clicks the button for the 36th floor and hums along to a song playing quietly through the speakers, waiting for the short ride to be over.
“Thirty Six.” The automated voice says as the doors open. Satoru pulls his keys out of his pocket and picks out the one that goes to his front door. He turns the handle and pushes open the door, revealing a dark apartment, only lit by the lights from the streets below. He turns on the main lamp in the living room and as he does so, Shiro stretches from her place on the couch with a yawn.
“Hi Shi!” Satoru says, looking down at the white puffball that’s now jumping off the couch and following him into the kitchen. When he pulls the half can of wet food from this morning out of the fridge, she starts meowing louder, knowing that she’s getting food. “I know, I know, I’m sorry I’m home so late, Su-Shi.” He coos at her using one of his many nicknames he had for her. He makes sure to sprinkle a couple extra treats in her bowl before he sets it down in its normal spot, Shiro immediately devouring it. As he’s washing his hands and turning off the living room lamp, his phone starts ringing from his pocket. 
He pulls it out and stares at the number on his screen, a number not saved in his phone. It can’t be. He thinks to himself. He lets it ring for a couple more times before he finally decides that he’s going to answer it. He presses the green button and holds it up to his ear. “Hello?” He asks, unsure if it’s Suguru calling or another random number.
“Satoru?” The familiar voice asks. A giant smile makes its way across Satoru’s face as he pulls the phone away from his ear and puts it on speaker, turning off the last light and heading into his bedroom.
“Suguru?”The smile was apparent in his voice. He hears Suguru chuckle through the phone and his smile grows even bigger. “Is everything alright? Did something happen?” Satoru asks, suddenly remembering that he’s with Shoko. Why else would he be calling? He stops at the foot of his bed, waiting for Suguru to respond. 
He doesn’t hear anything but a light chuckle and a deep breath from Suguru before he starts. “Shoko’s fine, I just- I just wanted to make sure the number worked.” He says with a certain shakiness to his voice that Satoru wasn’t able to fully pick up on through the phone. 
Satoru smiles uncontrollably to himself. “It definitely works.” He says, earning another tired chuckle from Suguru. “You should get some rest Suguru, you sound tired. Shoko will be okay.” Satoru says, continuing on with his routine, shedding off his layers and turning off the lamp in the corner. He steps over to the armchair by the window and takes a seat, listening to Suguru’s voice coming through the speaker of his phone, filling his room which is otherwise silent. 
“You’re right, you’re right. Did you make it home alright?” Suguru asks and Satoru swears his heart skips a beat. 
“Yeah, Shiro was pretty mad at me though. I deserve it though.” 
“Yeah, you do.” Suguru teases back, knowing how Satoru will react. 
“Hey!” Satoru calls out, quietly, but expressively. Suguru lets out one last laugh that sounds exhausted. “Okay, go to bed.” Satoru says. He gets up out of his arm chair and climbs under his covers into his bed, his head sinking into the pillows. “You sound like you’re dead.”
“Yes sir.” Suguru says in a tired gravelly voice which immediately makes Satoru’s face turn hot and his cheeks turn red. The line is quiet for a few seconds with nothing but the sound of the other’s breathing coming softly through the speaker. Suguru finally speaks up, on the verge of sleep. “Goodnight, Satoru.” He says with the sweetest voice Satoru swears he’s ever heard. Say it again, please say it again. He begs in his head, wanting to hear his voice one more time.
“Goodnight Suguru.” He finally says back into the silence of his bedroom. The pillows make a quiet noise as he turns his head to look at his phone screen, seeing the call still going.
“Goodnight Satoru.” Suguru repeats, even softer this time. Satoru stares up at the ceiling, feeling like his head is going to explode. What is happening right now? He doesn't know what to do, so he says it again.
“Goodnight Suguru.” Satoru says, also more quietly this time, as if someone else might hear it. He smiles, clutching his phone hard in his hand, not knowing how else to react.
“Goodnight Satoru.” He whispers through the phone, just barely audible, and before Satoru is able to respond, Suguru hangs up the call. Satoru continues staring up at the ceiling, eyes wide. A smile that is, at this point, painfully wide is painted across his face.
“How the fuck am i supposed to go to sleep after that? Satoru says into the silence of his bedroom, nothing to answer him except for the sound of traffic on the streets down below. 
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chapter 4
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idontplaytrack · 5 months
You Don’t Know Me
Capri Donahue x fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, angst, fluff, mentions + descriptions of disordered eating due to anxiety, fear of choking
In which, reader is stubborn, but Capri was a thousand times worse. They fit perfectly like pieces of a puzzle but still seemed like they were fighting fire with fire
Ngl I wrote this for myself to give myself some closure for what I had to deal with while going through this crap I’m about to share below the cut— inspired by my own experience but not 100%. I ramble a lot & the formatting is terrible so before I fix it, ignore the mess🧍‍♀️ its also very unpolished but thought I’d share anyway
Monday. First day of the week- you felt right as rain. Happily, you got ready for school and drove to Capri’s to pick her up so that the two of you could head to school together. “Good morning!” Capri greeted you cheerfully, smooching you on the cheek when she got into the front with you.
“Hi.” You smiled, starting to drive away from her house.
For the past seven months, this has become the routine. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you picked her up. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Capri picked you up. None of this was set in stone— or rather, verbally confirmed at all. It just happened and both of you went along with it. And it worked. Of course, on weekends however, it depended on what either of you would’ve planned.
“How’d you sleep?”
“Amazing, actually. Got enough.” You chuckled over your words.
The day zoomed by expectedly, without a hitch. After school, you went to Capri’s and spent the night. You had quite the restless sleep that night, feeling your head begin to hurt. Oh, boy. That wasn’t good.
The next day, though you woke up with a bit of a headache, but you pushed through— keeping it to yourself, though when Capri asked if you were okay. Capri being Capri, didn’t take your word for it and asked again. You insisted and she got pissed off. By lunchtime, the headache worsened, and you started to have a cough. “Still gonna tell me you’re okay?” Capri asks, her brows raised in suspicion.
You ignored her, biting into the dry sandwich on your lunch tray. She does the same, focusing her lunch instead of you. You looked ahead, your eyes losing focus trying to zone out and tune out the chatter of the cafeteria that was definitely worsening your mood and your headache. The school bell tolls eventually, you got rid of your tray and went your separate ways to your respective classes after lunch. You had calc while Capri had bio class— with Darby, who was actually your best friend in school.
You tried to drink more water, hoping it’d alleviate your pain, but it did not. You saw Capri again. And Darby, after calc, in gym class. The teacher made you all run laps as a warm up and admittedly, you felt like you could have passed out, thrown up or both. But you kept together until the last minute, you asked for permission to go to the restroom and just sat inside until it was time to change out of the attire. After that, you ditched. You got to Capri’s and drove your car back home. And once you got back home, you immediately crawled into bed and slept.
Capri obviously couldn’t find you at all, and what did she do? Complained to Darby. “I think she’s more stubborn than you are.” Darby scoffs. “How’s that helpful?”
“Since when did you ask for my help?”
“You’re her best friend- you can’t get through to her?”
“For what? She’s just sick and stubborn.”
“So I’m just supposed to let her ignore it until she faints?”
Darby laughs, “She’s clearly ditched school. Where do you think she’d go? We know she’s coming down with something. She’ll be fine, she knows what to do.”
“Yeah, everything but tell me she’s not feeling well. Is it so bad to have me take care of her?”
“Like you would tell her if you were sick.” Darby cackled.
“Not my point.”
“This is exactly my point. You’re both so damn stubborn but right now, it’s time for you push that aside and be…gentle with her. Once she’s not sick anymore, squabble all you want. If you push her, she’s just going to shove you back. But that’s not what she needs right now and you know it.”
“Damn, thanks.” Capri pondered over Darby’s words.
Capri went over to your house after school. Knowing you well enough, she knew you’d be in bed so she trudged upstairs immediately. There you were, wrapped under the covers and asleep. At least you were getting some rest, she thought.
She felt your forehead with the back of her hand, “You’re a little warm.” She was mumbling to herself but you still kinda stirred in your sleep anyway, turning away from her but still wrapped tightly in your blanket, though. Grabbing a face towel from your closet, she ran it under the tap, wrung it dry and folded it small enough so that she could place that on your forehead. Which was hard considering how you were almost sleeping on your side. After making sure that it would stay put, she retrieved the thermometer and carefully placed it in your ear so that she could figure out what your temperature was.
“Go away, I’m fine.” You mumbled in your sleep.
“No, you are not. Please stop fighting me on this. It’s okay to need help.” Capri sighs softly, taking a look at the reading before putting it back in the cupboard. When she returned, you were lying on your back, eyes barely open.
“You don’t have to take care of me.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Capri bit the inside of her cheek, taking a deep breath, “I want to, okay? I don’t mind doing that. Just close your eyes and sleep- don’t let the towel fall off though.”
“It’s fucking cold.” You scoffed.
“Well, it’s either that method or the medication. Take your pick.” Admitting defeat but staying silent, you fell back asleep soon afterwards. Capri took this time to tidy up your room since she had nothing to do other than sit around and wait for you to wake up again. Not that there was much for her to actually tidy up either, but at least it kept her occupied for a bit.
Things were peaceful until it got to dinner. You refused to eat but she forced you. “I don’t want to.”
“You haven’t eaten anything since lunch and we know it.”
“Capri, I don’t know if you remember, but right now, whatever I try to eat or drink makes it feel like I’m getting water up my nose each time.” That was the most ridiculous sounding statement you’ve said all day but it was the truth. It was a problem that you were dealing with for the last month or so and doctor after doctor said nothing was wrong. Typical.
“The doctors said everything was normal, so can you try and eat something for god’s sake?” Capri inhales sharply, losing her patience towards the end. You looked at her, hurt as tears pricked at your eyes. Pursing your lips together, you got off the barstool and went into the backyard.
Capri knew she’d just fucked up, and usually you’d understand her frustration but being sick? You couldn’t think of anything.
She found you quickly, sitting down on the lounge chair next to yours. “I’m sorry.” She apologizes. You simply avoided her, going upstairs next. Capri huffs exasperatedly while you reentered the house. Her mind wanders back to two months ago at a party where the reason for your current struggle took place- you were choking on something and no one really noticed. You could’ve died that day if James didn’t happen to walk up to you to ask if you’d seen Darby anywhere. Where was Capri when it happened? She went to the bathroom and you just sat on the couch to have some snacks, but some asshole decided that it’d be funny to sneak up on you and scare you so that happened.
When Capri returned, you immediately started to bawl, asking to go home. She looked at James, confused and insanely worried. He told her, and she was dumbfounded. But she took you home and that was never brought up again.
Until recently, the issue with getting you to eat came up. Capri’s mind was racing, part of it worried to death about you, another thinking of what she could actually get you to eat— and how. She was harsh and that was a flaw of hers, which she has been trying to change.
You went back to bed that night, hungry and in tears but terrified to eat. Capri spent the night on the couch, wide awake and checking on you every so often. The next day, she decided to give it another shot. She made you plain oatmeal after a night of thinking- no chewing, no surprises, the consistency seemed safe. You stared at the bowl of goop, tempted and starving. But the fear and anxiety still won. You told Capri no again. And apologised for that, and last night. She doesn’t seem upset or angry, and she doesn’t yell or raise her voice.
“y/n, look at me.” She says. And you do, you locked eyes with her, then she continued speaking, “I’m gonna be right beside you, just in case- please try some oatmeal. Just a little bit. It’s plain, okay? No fruit, flavouring, anything.” You’ve never seen her like this, and it made you even more upset. You wanted to cry, but you wanted to eat something even more. You reached out to grab the spoon, and you feel Capri’s eyes on you but it didn’t bother you. You stuck the spoon in your mouth and just swallowed reflexively. The aforementioned sensation was felt, but you ignored that and kept eating.
After several weeks of this hell, Capri’s learnt what foods you were even willing to just take a bite of. And the answer was plain food. Actually plain- white bread, plain toast, plain yogurt, and plain oatmeal. Your parents washed their hands off you and called you crazy for it, but Capri understood— the image of how terrified you were was etched into her mind forever. The doctors say there was nothing wrong. Yes, physically. This was more of a mental block…the fear and anxiety of choking on whatever you were eating or drinking, and now for the past week, also the fear and anxiety of having food or drinks ‘going down the wrong way’. The incident made you a hypochondriac and you hated that. You hated that your life flipped upside down you could no longer enjoy the things you used to love. It made you feel incredibly isolated, too.
“You’re okay, baby. Just let your body do what it needs to do. You’re alright.” She says softly. Wordlessly, she got off the stool and went to get you something to drink. She was debating whether or not to play it safe and just give you water, or a smoothie which would be more filling. Capri went with the latter, warning you that she’d be using the blender so you didn’t get scared. This was arguably the most you’ve eaten since the incident and Capri was so, so proud. She knew how hard it was, for obvious reasons. Not to mentioned relieved.
She looked over her shoulder to see how you were doing. You were fine, sitting there and eating but looking a little zoned out. Which she expected since you were feeling under the weather. “Do you have a headache?” Capri asks while pouring the beverage into a glass, then another one for herself. You nod, swallowing a mouthful of the food. “I’m sorry, I can’t anymore.” You pushed the bowl away from you slightly.
“That’s okay, you did good.” She took it away, pushing the glass closer to you then sat back down. She feels your forehead, telling you that you felt warmer now. Regrettably, she suggested the medication for it and sent you into tears. So it was damage control time. Chiding herself internally for her decision, she held you in her embrace, kissing the top of your head. “We’ll stick to the towel, alright? I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry. We’ll go get you the liquid kind tomorrow if you still need it.”
Several minutes later, you and Capri moved back up to your room. Your head felt like it was getting squeezed, and felt heavy. You felt hot yet was freezing at the same time. You were miserable and definitely needed someone with you and you were glad it was Capri.
You knew people feared her, some looked up to her and even worshipped her like royalty. All for different reasons, but you weren’t afraid of her like they were. That’s what Capri liked about you- your personalities were so similar, though yours was considerably more tamed. Especially in the aspect of being way too truthful. Conversations turned into squabbles and jabs at each other quite a bit, but you knew she loved you and you both were trying to get this habit to die. Laying on your back make your cough worse, and you didn’t feel too comfortable on your side so you got frustrated at climbed out of bed.
“I’m gonna take a shower.” You decided.
“Okay. I’ll be here.”
The shower still felt way too cold for you and you got out of there, fast. Though it felt nice to not be sweaty. You noticed your sheets were changed, and Capri’s just walked into the room. “Are you okay?” She looked at you, hoping you’d be honest about it with her instead of trying to tough it out.
“My head really hurts.” You admit, “I’m fucking congested so my ears are hurting too, I’m coughing like crazy. And that shower, was hot but I was freezing.” She bit back a grin, “Babe, could we both just tell each other if we need some TLC, please?”
You sigh, “I’ll try. I’m just used to not asking for help and grew up learning that I should always be independent.”
“While being independent is a good thing, sometimes depending on someone when you’re down will do wonders.”
“You were right, the doctors were right, my parents are right- it’s all in my head and I need to get over it, but I just- please know I’m tryig.”
“I know you are- I see it but sometimes I still get bitchy which I’m trying to stop doing.”
“You’re the only one who’s believed me all this time since-”
Capri pulls you onto her lap, “Remember that- I’ll always be in your corner. Even when in moments where get bitchy. I want you to know and remember that I care though it may not seem like it at the time.”
Eventually, the cold got too much for you to bear even with a long sleeved top and long pants, so you returned to your cocoon of safety under the covers. “Thank you.” You told her groggily, flinching when she places the cold towel back on your forehead almost too quickly.
“Just rest.” She shushed you.
“You missed school today because of me.” You continued speaking.
“Doesn’t matter.” She assured, her hand on your cheek. “You need the rest, close your eyes and sleep on your side. It should help with the coughing.”
Every day since that night seemed like a fight, some days were worse than others but with Capri by your side, you knew you’d be okay. Slowly but surely.
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ourstoriedinsight · 7 months
My First Ever Audio Drama Sunday!
Alright, I did a quick bit of research for etiquette, though of course solid chance I get something wrong but this week has been a great week podcast wise! Hopefully I don't err on anything major in my attempt to praise!
First off my weekly edge of my seat listens!
@innbetween Launched their next episode Wednesday for Patrons and I don't think it's out yet for everybody else so probably I shouldn't share spoilers but I will say HOLY SAP. There's something about this episode that made me go back and listen to season 5 again from the beginning in that way that a really good reveal does? Like you know that there was some foreshadowing that you missed and you have to walk back to admire it? You guys are in for a treat when it drops!
Thursday is of course Magnus Protocol Day. It's so hard waiting each week for a new hit of that stuff. All I want is for someone to pop something conversational into that search function bar that doesn't work and figure out if archivist.exe will reply! Hasn't happened yet but holding out hope. Like everybody else I am going mad at the slow burn of tantalizing bits dropped like bread crumbs in front of a starving man. I scream for more bread but I know the trail is more important than my instant gratification. As much as I feel like I'm strained under the pressure I can only hope that the pace is maintained and that I am not given everything I want too soon.
As for my binge quotient I am working my way through Spirit box Radio. I'm still in the first season but have already recommended it to about three people. I don't know if I've ever encountered an adorable horror pod before? I feel like that requires explanation because yes I've definitely encountered aspects of a horror podcast that made me go "aww cute!" but that was aspects. This is kind of more like the whole thing is adorable and the horror is there, sure , but playing second back up fiddle to the adorable. It's also doing that thing where it's dripping a overarching mystery into my ear little bits at a time which I am beginning to realize how very weak I am to. It's the paper to my rock, I am overwhelmed.
And that's been my week! I've been spending a lot of time with headphones on and in front of microphones and things for editing our episode 13. I don't know if this is a vibe among other editors but I find myself going "I wish I could really just listen to a podcast while I'm making this podcast" the way I do at my regular job when I need to sort a warehouse or something. Sadly sound and brains just don't work like that. What I wouldn't give for a fully partitionable brain.
Looking forward to another week full of delicious ear candy!
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froizetta · 10 months
WIP Wednesday (depending on timezone)
It's long past midnight for me but, in the spirit of the late great Jimmy Buffett, it's WIP Wednesday somewhere! Specifically, west of the Atlantic. So, you know. Still counts.
Here's the start of another superbat WIP, in which Bruce and Clark have an ill-advised and messy girls' night out together as 30-something year old men. It's like the Hangover, except with fewer and very different hijinks and considerably more angst and also gay pining. (It's nothing like the Hangover.)
When Clark walked into Bruce’s study on a Thursday evening, Bruce could tell immediately that something was off. It wasn’t that he looked sad or anxious, exactly, just…bland. Clark went through life with a near-permanent expression of mild amusement, like he was in on a private joke no-one else knew – which was, incidentally, not uncommonly true. On anyone else it would feel condescending or smug, but on Clark it made people feel like he was letting them in on the secret in some small way. Even if they still didn’t know what it was.
Clark didn’t look that way now. His smile was as bright as ever, but there was something lifeless to it. Like for once he was the one out of the loop. With how well Bruce knew him by now, its absence was almost disconcerting, an uncanny valley of his usual exuberance.
And then, of course, there was also:
“Hey, Bruce! Wanna grab a drink?”
Bruce leaned back in his chair and regarded him coolly. Indeed, the evidence was all but overwhelming.
“You don’t drink,” he replied.
“Do too,” Clark protested.
“Since when?”
“Since, you know. The normal time people start drinking,” Clark said, which was almost impressively unconvincing. “College, I think.”
“You drank in college,” Bruce said. It was more a statement of disbelief than a question.
Clark averted his eyes before replying, “A little.”
He didn’t look like he was even convincing himself now.
Bruce raised an eyebrow. “Why bother? You can’t even get drunk.”
Clark huffed. “Well, Bruce, it might surprise you to know that most of my friends in college didn’t actually know I was a superpowered alien. Someone would hand me a beer, and I’d sort of…nurse it, to blend in. It’s what people do in college.”
“I’m not sure pretending to drink a single lukewarm Budweiser in a frat house counts as ‘drinking’.”
Clark bristled, eyes darkening with irritation. “Well, maybe I wanted to branch out a little! I don’t see why this has to be a damn interrogation,” he snapped, which was definitely a harsher response than Bruce would normally expected. Bruce regarded him mutely, watched as he sagged against the doorframe and let out a sigh, scrubbing a hand over his face.
There was no sign of that false-bright smile any longer. The veneer was well and truly cracked now.
“Sorry,” Clark said, genuine regret in his voice. “I overreacted. I’m a little…on edge right now.”
“I can see that,” Bruce said, carefully placid. He considered the hunched shoulders, the dullness in his eyes. This was something, alright.
He tried to keep his tone gentle as he probed, “Did something happen?”
Clark’s lips quirked, wry. “You mean you don’t already know?”
“I might,” Bruce admitted. “But for the sake of the conversation, why don’t we assume I have better things to do than stalk you and go from there?”
“Don’t try to kid, B. I know how much you love stalking people,” Clark said lightly. But the teasing edge to his voice was a blunted imitation of his usual. Bruce held his tongue and, after a long pause, Clark’s lips thinned.
“Lois broke up with me,” he said eventually, quietly.
Ah. So it was that.
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Bruce said. Clark’s mouth flickered into a weak smile. Clearly, Bruce wasn’t fooling either of them. “Did she give a reason?”
He let out a tired sigh. “Yup. She said I wasn’t putting her first.”
“Hm. Kind of inevitable when you’re dating a superhero.”
“Kinda, yeah.”
“And did you tell her that?”
Clark’s mouth twisted. “I did,” he said, eyes boring a hole into the floor near his feet. If he stared any harder, Bruce would start worrying about scorch marks in his rug.
Bruce waited again. Clark’s mouth worked as if he had something to say, but after a few long seconds he stayed stubbornly silent. Reluctant to talk, then. And, as was evident from the rest of his demeanor, tired, restless and maybe a little bitter. Nothing unexpected within the context of a recent break-up.
Bruce steepled his fingers beneath his chin. “I see. And you think alcohol will be the solution. So, you want...what? Oblivion? Liquid courage, so you can win her back?”
Clark sighed tiredly. Finally stepping fully over the threshold, he walked towards the desk then slumped against the edge with his arms folded and shoulders hunched. “Neither? ‘Oblivion’ sounds a little dramatic. I mean geez, I’m not that far gone.”
Bruce tipped his head towards the glass-fronted cabinet near his desk and lightly observed, “That’s just as well. I’m not sure my collection of scotch will give a man of your constitution much of either.”
“Believe it or not, I had thought of that,” Clark said dryly. “I just wanted...” He trailed off with a frown, then waved a hand in the air with a soft grunt of frustration. “I don't know how to put it, exactly. Just, you know. The atmosphere.”
Bruce raised his eyebrows. “The atmosphere,” he repeated.
“Yeah. I can’t do the being drunk part, but isn’t there a kind of…atmosphere with it all?” Clark said with a helpless little shrug. “Like, you know, on TV when a guy gets dumped, his buddy comes ‘round, slaps him on the back and takes him out for a beer. And then the buddy says, ‘Women, huh?’ or something like that, and then they laugh, and then everyone feels magically better. Like that.”
Bruce suppressed a private smile. “Oh, right. That atmosphere.”
“I mean, isn’t that what people do?”
“Some people,” Bruce said with a shrug. “But unfortunately for you, I think the whole ‘getting drunk’ part is pretty integral to creating said atmosphere.”
“Oh,” Clark said, disappointed. “Really?”
“Insofar as it can make one’s problems feel more distant for a while, yes,” Bruce explained neutrally. “There’s a reason the writers put them in a bar and not a coffee shop. And that reason is mostly chemical.”
“Ah. That…makes sense. Then, so much for that plan, I guess.” He was chuckling a little as he said it, but there was a weary edge to it. His hands, which had been gripping the edge of the desk, went slack as the nervous energy he’d had when he arrived had drained away. What was left was a subtle exhaustion, a gentle furrow in his brow marring the usually noble lines of his profile.
“Not a drink, then,” he said wearily. “Something else? I don’t really care, just…something.”
Bruce felt his chest tighten slightly. He always hated seeing Clark like this. It felt viscerally wrong for a man as unaccountably good as Clark to look anything less than perfectly content.
Maybe he should have said something sooner. And he would have, if he trusted himself with this. But Bruce’s real skill, the skill that allowed him to fight alongside aliens and metahumans and demigods as their equal, was this: while he knew his strengths, he also knew, exhaustively and completely, what made him weak.
Clark made him weak. He’d already decided, days ago now, that a half-hearted attempt at comfort in the wake of all this would only make matters worse. That the best thing would be to leave well enough alone. After all, there was a non-zero chance that Clark, who was practically a walking, talking lie detector, would notice that Bruce wasn’t being entirely honest when he told him he was sorry that he and Lois had broken up. He didn’t even want to think about what would happen if Clark figured out why that was.
Clark had other friends. He had his family. Someone— Anyone else would be a better shoulder to cry on.
But Clark had come to him. This wasn’t the time for weakness.
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
9/6 - 9/10/2023
I think my biggest accomplishment this week is definitely regrowing a decent bit of skin on my leg, and in addition to my "omg just write fanfic do not clean the kitchen it's dangerous out there" lesson I mentioned last week, I've now also learned a lot about burn care! Or not the care itself, but burn progression, and what those stages look and feel like. Also learned that Reddit won't let you view "mature content" (burn images) on your phone unless it's through the Reddit app, which is very annoying. I'm never gonna download the Reddit app. Anyway, new skin is thrilling! And while my September plans were supposed to be "work out more," the burn care thing has sort of tabled that for a bit, which has let me commit more to "omg just write fanfic" September.
I spent most of this week working on scenes that do not feel that great. Reasons for this:
My attempts to describe setting and/or stage business keep coming out in the most arcanely described and/or overwritten (or maybe underwritten?? who knows) ways. Why.
It just feels like there's a lot of Things, and why are there so many things. Like *butterfly meme* is this worldbuilding or is this an episode of Hoarders
But by the time I got to the stuff I was writing on Saturday and this morning, *I* at least feel like some of the threads are coming together. I spent a lot of Thursday feeling despair of the "but who's going to read that far" variety, but part of me is also like, well, it's fairly likely no one's going to read this either way, so maybe the concern should be proportional to that.
Right now, I'm about 1000 words into a Renji-Akon conversation that's had all the middle bits written for like, a year and a half. The middle bits were all jokes, lol, but I'm currently feeling pretty excited by the Themes and Motifs that are coming out of the full version of the scene. It's been really interesting learning about how their POVs about the Gotei and their co-workers and the NATURE OF LIFE AND DEATH mesh, or don't. I always think it's interesting thinking about like, people who've worked together(ish) for decades, and what about each other is knowable and old hat--except you're co-workers, not exactly friends, so your dataset of what's very known vs. what you know absolutely nothing about is super skewed.
To finish the chapter, I have the end of the Renji-Akon conversation to write; the end of the subsequent scene to write, which will probably be more involved than it seems because it's kinda-sorta a fight scene; and then revisions to the chapter tag, which I think will mostly be about trying to make this chapter seem less like a grab bag of things that happen to happen in sequence and more like there's some kind of narrative throughline.
I want to say I can finish the chapter by the end of the week, but unfortunately I'm out of town Thurs-Sun for a ~strategy retreat~ and am feeling very upset about having to drive myself to the airport (hell itself) at 2:30AM on Wednesday night, so I'll probably spend most of the first half of the week trying to keep all my shit together and then a lot of next week trying to get everything back together.
I'm going to boldly aim to finish this chapter, my Part 1 read-through, and Chapter 7 (to finish out Part 1) by the end of September! Which was my previously-stated goal for the end of August, lol.
Part 2 starts with Kira's chapter, which I think is the only chapter I've written absolutely none of, and which I have the least notes for (and all of those notes are about Hinamori, not Kira), but Renji and Akon just talked a lot about Kira, and I'm pretty excited for that horizon once I get there!
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bi-lavelent · 3 months
Lone Wolf (Quinn Fabray x Fem reader 13) Double Sectionals
I’m so sorry this one took so long I was sick. But here you go I hope you that you like.
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Warning: Angst, Fluff, Bullying, Cussing, Smut
The week of sectionals Santana and me had gotten back together but we’re taking it one step at a time. Knowing that we will be tense for the next couple of weeks.
But it was hitting Santana worse than I accepted. Her parents were still gone they were gonna come back and see sectionals. Which was worrying her even worse. With the added stress of not knowing who was gonna take New Directions to Sectionals after the whole ordeal with Mr.Schue getting kicked out of the hotel he was living in well him and his wife were going through their divorce because of squatters rights. He had used one of the mattresses that the glee club had gotten during their commercial. Which I keep watching on YouTube because Santana when she’s laying on the bed and rubbing it. Was so hot and reminded me of the fun w have.
Crawford allowed us to take off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. So that we can practice and go see our competitors Sectionals. Things had been a bit awkward with Nicky after what happened. I walked in on Tuesday right before I had flag football practice which was my last one of the week as well.
“Do you miss your Sapphic Goddess? You know I’m sure your girlfriend loves the tricks that I taught you.” Nicky said
“What do you want Nicky?” I asked
“I just want to remind you of the fun we had last week. Maybe I could jog your memory with our round 8.” Nicky said
“Look Nicky it was a one time thing that I regretted the second after it was done. I don’t like you. Do I find you attractive? Yes. Were you good in bed? Yes but you and me will never happen. Unless you kill everyone on the list before you which is sevral pepole and there’s three of them that you could never place and one of them is my hot, sexy, badass, scary girlfriend. Now let’s practice for sectionals and then I’m leaving.” I said
“Well if you two ever break up you know where to find someone who will make you orgasm.” Nicky said
After Glee practice and Flag football I drove home. The next day I drove Santana to McKinley and just chilled around until glee time. I couldn’t stay in there but I wanted to come visit everybody. I quietly walked in.
“I hope we don’t get stuck with Mr.sincorey as our sectionals supervisor .” Artie said
”The creepy math teacher?” Tina asked
”He’s always singing when he walks down the hall.” Kurt said as Mercedes shook her head
“Hey guys did any of you think it was weird the way that Puck rushed to Quinn’s side after rehearsal the other day.” Rachel asked as she ran in
“No.” Mercedes said
“I mean he likes her. I mean their friends. We all know that.” Artie said
“Yeah but it seemed like more than that. I never told you guys this before but I’m a little psychic. I can’t read minds or anything yet but I do have a sixth sense but something is definitely going on there.” Rachel said
“Hey guys what are you guys up to?” I asked
“Oh my god Y/N hi.” Kurt said
“How’s the new school?” Tina asked
“Why are you wearing a letterman jacket.” Artie asked
“It’s great the Glee club is the cool kids and to answer your question Artie I’m on our schools flag football team we currently 3-0.” I said
“Okay well I’m gonna go to the bathroom I’ll be back in a minute.” Rachel said as she left
“We need to leave here and call everyone.” Artie said
We all got into a phone call
“Hey she’s onto it.” Mercedes said
“I know it’s really freaking me out.” Tina said
“Arties buzzing in.” I said
“Guys this is serious if she finds out she’s gonna tell Finn. She a total trout mouth.” Artie said
“Look I can help you guys I can’t be in the glee club meetings for obvious reasons but I can help run intermission.” I said
“Kurt wants in.” Tina said handing her phone to Kurt
“I see we lock Rachel up tell after sectionals.” Kurt said
“As amazing as that sounds and as much as I already have somewhere to lock her up.” I said
“We can’t we need her to sing.” Mercedes said
“Can I lock her up after sectionals look I don’t go to this school but I still really don’t like her.” I said
“No.” Tina said
“Damn her talent.” Kurt said
“We just heard. Who told?” Santana said
“We assumed it was you.” Artie said
“Why would I do that.” Santana said
“To get back at Puck aren’t you guys dating.” Kurt said
“Sex is not dating.” Santana said
“If it was me and Santana would be dating.” Brittnay said
“Okay well we have to come up with a plan to keep Puck away from Quinn, Quinn away from Rachel and Rachel away from everyone. I say we circle back to locking her up and release if her the day of sectionals. That the only way to stop what’s inevitable from happening.” I said
“What are you doing on the line?” Brittnay asked
“She’s here a McKinley.” Kurt said
“I wanted to stop by and visit you guys that and also Figgins wants to see me to finish sending my paperwork over to Crawford.” I said
“Look I don’t wanna rock the boat since Quinn got pregnant I’m too dog around here.” Santana said
“Hang on Rachel’s walking by hi Mama.” Mercedes said
“Okay we’re clear.” I said after Rachel had passed us
“We can not let Rachel figure this out.” Mercedes said
“If she tells Finn you can kiss your male lead soloist goodbye and probably any chance at winning. Unless you guys can come up with a whole new set list in three days.” I said
I waited til glee ended that day. Not realizing that Rachel had already gotten to Puck.
“We had to re-make our fucking set list. But Mercedes got the Ballad.” Santana told me as we headed out to the car.
“Fuck Yeah.” I said
The next day I was in Glee class waiting for everyone to show up. Just to tell them that I would see them at sectionals that weekend. As they started to practice I couldn’t stay or keep visiting. Otherwise my team will be bard from competing.
I sat up at the top the first one to enter was Santana who came and sat next to me. It was like old times except I was finally dating her. Everything was calm. But I guess that what they say theirs always a calm before the storm. Because before we knew it Finn came in and started beating the crap out of Puck. I jumped up after letting him get a few good hits in I mean I also wanted Puck hurt. For the same reason and for another one and then I ran up and Pulled Finn off Puck when Mr.Schue came in. Me and some of the football dudes helped keep him away from Puck.
“TELL THE TRUTH!!” Finn yelled
“Bro just came in and Sucker punched me.” Puck said
Finn started speaking in what sounded like gibberish because he was so angry.
“Who told you this Finn?” Quinn asked
“Obviously it was Rachel.” Kurt said
“I didn’t do anything.” Rachel said
“Yeah it was Rachel but I want to hear it from you. I want to hear it from both of you.” Finn said
“Just calm down.” Mr.Schue said
“NO THEIR BOTH LYING TO ME. Is it true. Just tell me is it true.” Finn said
Quinn walked up to him crying “Yeah. Puck is the father.”
“All that stuff in the hot tub … you just made that up.” Finn said
“You were stupid enough to buy it.” Puck said which made Finn angry you could see it in his eyes he lunged at Puck.
“Hey, Hey, Hey Let’s go take a walk in the hallway okay buddy.” I said pushing him back
“I am so sorry.” Quinn said
“Screw this. I’m done with you.” Finn said leaving
“Okay well Y/N you have to leave too practice is gonna start and you can’t be here anymore for the rest of this week.” Schue said
“Yes Mr.Schuester.” I said leaving and catching up with Finn
“You me Gym now.” I said
Finn got into my car as I drove to the gym.
“Put boxing gloves on Picture all you emotions take them out on the bag right now.” I said
Soon enough Finn had seemed to calm down
“I at least have a reason to be mad at my Puck.” Finn said
“I have a reason to.” I said
“What the fact that your in love with Quinn to bad you’ll never have or the fact that your in love with Santana and he broke her heart.” Finn said
“I can’t tell you why.” I said
“Well then let me guess.” Finn said
“No.” I said
“Oh my god you were sleeping with Quinn too how could you do that to me.” Finn said
“Nope definitely not I wish though.” I said
“Oh my god are you and Santana together I mean she always gave me Bi vibes as a bisexual myself.” Finn said
“Welcome to the community.” I said
“Wait you didn’t say no and I won’t tell anyone anything.” Finn said
“Trust me buddy I hate him as much as you.” I said
“Well there’s a spot open for my best friend.” Finn said
“You want me to be your best friend?” I asked
“Yeah I mean you’re cool and we’re friends.Plus I have already told you stuff that Puck never knew.” Finn said
“Well I guess I can be your best friend.” I said
“Can you drive me home?” Finn asked
“Yes I can.” I said
I called Quinn to make sure that she was okay
“Hey are you okay. I’m sorry I left I just wanted to make sure Finn calmed down before his anger got him in a car accident.” I said
“No I understand. Yeah I’m fine Rachel was brave enough to do what I needed to do but couldn’t. I just need to do this without men for a while.” Quinn said
“Well if you ever need a muscular lesbian to come over and help or just bring you pickles and cream cheese at any time 24/7 just call me.” I said
“Thank you I’m gonna go to bed now this day and this baby aren’t a good mix.” Quinn said
“Okay well I will see you Saturday!!! I will be the one who’s screaming cheering you guys on.” I said as she hung up
I went to practice with the Crawford Country girls. Which was supposed to only last two hours which would mean I would get home around five but ofcourse we stayed longer a lot longer we practiced til midnight and then I went home and went into my room and saw Santana laying on my bed the same position we had been sleeping in since we got
back together. Her parents were still on their trip. I went and put pajamas on and cuddled into Santana. The next day we woke up at 5:30 am cause Santana had to be at McKinley to leave at 6:00am. I drove her to McKinley with her bags so that she could stay at the hotel and sing. Then I drove to Crawford to get on my bus to watch them perform. Hopefully the Finn blowup didn’t mess up their chances. The bus ride mostly consisted of us practicing the songs that we were gonna sing for our sectionals.
Saturday: Sectionals started at eleven. We arrived at ten and went and sat down there was a large group of seats in front of our group. We sat there for a while until the people in front of us filled in I looked up to see McKinley. They all looked extremely nervous for obvious reasons. I stood up cause I was sitting on the edge of the row because Lucy had booked the tickets wrong. But I didn’t mind I would be getting to sit next to my friends. I just pray that I’m not sat next to Rachel or Puck I would literally rather kill myself. Stupid me Rachel sat right next to me. We were listening to them perform. When I started to recognize the songs the were the same songs that Santana had been singing in her room they were McKinleys set list. There is only one person evil enough to do this the one the only Sue Satan Spawn Sylvester.
“They stole your set list.” I told rachel
“It’s a really popular song.” She said looking at me and then down the row
The girls than came out in wheelchairs and sang proud Mary.
“They stole your set list.” I said looking at everone
Everyone walked out. I looked around none of them knew what to do and Mrs.Pillsbury was freaking out. I got up to make sure that they were okay. When I rounded to corner I saw Artie ramming his chair into the wall and everyone else down.
“Alright, everyone, listen up! I know things seem tough right now. Sure, they stole your set list, and yeah, Sue probably leaked it. But think about this: they had to steal from you because you're that good. You set the standard. You have talent, you have looks, and you have integrity. You are the ones to beat, not the other way around. So let's stop feeling sorry for ourselves and start focusing on what you do best. You can sing circles around those other schools. You could sing 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' and still knock the judges' socks off. Show them what you're made of. Come together, create a killer new set list, and show everyone why you're the ones they'll remember. Let's do this!" I said
“You know what Y/N. Right we got this.” Rachel said as they all started thinking.
“Thank you.” Mrs.Pillsbury said
"No problem. If my team and I are going to compete at sectionals, I need a group that earned their spot fair and square. Besides, I love them - I might have moved away, but they're like family to me." I said
“Go back to your group before we have to come on.” Mrs.Pillsbury said
I walked back to my seat and sat down.
“What happened?” Will asked running up to Mrs.Pillsbury
“There better now Y/N came out and gave them an inspirational motivational speech. They are making a new set list.” Mrs.Pillsbury said
I sat down and watched the deaf kids sing the rest of The New Directions set list
“And know our finally team McKinley highs New directions.” The announcer said
I saw that they had done it they had changed the set list. I might have gotten to exited and hopeful and Snapped my fingers and said “Let’s go.” In a deep guttural voice that cause Mrs.Pillsbury to look at me and smile knowing that I was just so proud of them.
Rachel started off with a sole singing rain on my parade from Finny girl. She went and sat at the end of aisle on Mrs.Pillsbury chair and sang. The rest of the glee club joined.
“Which one is she?” Nicky whispered in my ear
“You don’t get know okay what happened between you and me was a one time thing. Also it doesn’t matter they all are hotter than you I would rather sleep with the men then sleep with you again.” I whispered back
“It’s the Latina isn’t it. She looks your type black hair, a killer smile, Nice tits.” Nicky whispered back
“I’m trying to watch my friends perform okay so please stop.” I said
Soon Rachel’s song was over and I shoot up out of my seat to give a standing ovation and then sat down to hear everyone else sing a song that I had never heard before. But that was good. I saw Mrs.Pillsbury with tears in her eyes and it wasn’t til Lucy handed me tissues til I realized that I was also crying. I was extremely proud of them. I started dancing in my seat until I realized all my teammates had stood up and were dancing so I stood up with them and clapped along. We stayed standing up giving another standing ovation.
Me and my team went and got some snacks at concessions well the judges decided who was gonna win.
“They were good but we are better we can totally beat any of those teams.” Lucy said
“Yeah and the New directions seemed unpracticed.” Jess said
“Well I think that they did great.” I said
“Yeah you were crying.” Lucy said
“Look the others stole their set list because one of their coaches named sue sylvester gave it away they made that set list in one hour.” I said
We headed in for the award ceremony.
Everyone headed in to get ready for awards.
“In third place Jane Adam’s Academy, and for the moment you have all been waiting for in first place We have McKinley highs New Directions.” The announcer read
“Wow let’s go!!!” I screamed
The next Monday at McKinley Sue got fired as coach of the Cheerios. Will was reinstated as the head of glee club. Will was in the choir room as glee club stood in a C shape
“Well we have something to tell you Mr.Schue. First.” Finn said stepping to the side of the trophy to reveal it
“I am so proud of you guys you won fair and square. The vote was unanimous and the judges didn’t even know about all the shenanigans behind the scenes. So congratulations you earned this. (Everyone clapped) come on give it up alright. But know we have regionals to worry about and you can bet that Vocal adrenaline and The Crawford country girls are hard at work so we should be too. But that doesn’t mean that we don’t support one of our own. Vocal adrenaline won there sectionals last week, We won our this week and at the end of this week we are gonna go support The Crawford country girls. But first let’s get started on regionals.” Mr.Schue said
“Ah wait Mr.Schue there one more thing.” Puck said
“Since you weren’t able to come and be there to see us perform we put together a special number just for you take a seat.” Rachel said
Meanwhile at Crawford
“Okay girls we have sectionals this weekend. Which means we will be doing the tradition of living at the school and committing every waking hour till the end of the week. We have sleeping bags and shower supplies for everyone we asked everyone to bring comfortable clothes to practice in. On t Wednesday we will change into the cowgirl outfits that we will be wearing well we perform. From here on out You will Eat, Sleep, and Breath our set list. Then on Friday we don’t talk we rest our vocal cords.” Jess said
The rest of the week was hell Finally Friday came and we got on the bus and headed to the hotel. The same thing that McKinley had done. When we got to the hotel everyone checked into their bedrooms and I was getting mine ready when I felt a bunch of eyes looking at me and someone wrap their arms around me. I turned around to try to see who it was. It was hope was giving me a hug and the rest of the glee kids were there too.
I pulled out my phone and texted Rachel
I love you all so much!!! You didn’t have to come and watch thank you. Tell everyone that I am not allowed to talk otherwise if anyone in my team sees me I will be thrown in an ice bath. I will talk to you guys tomorrow I promise.
Rachel said exactly why I had texted to everyone as they all responded I shook my head and then walked away. Santana followed and got in the elevator with me.
“What are you doing?” I asked when the elevator doors closed I hadn’t pressed a button yet.
“I thought that you couldn’t talk.” Santana said
“I can’t So what do you want?” I asked
“Nothing I don’t even want you to make a noise. I’m just gonna follow you to your room.” Santana said
All of a sudden the elevator stopped.
“Shit this is just grate!!!” I said as the lights in the elevator went off
Santana slowly without we realizing had slipped her hand into my pants and had inserted a finger inside of me.
“You know we’re not in orange is the black” I said grabbing her hand. Trying to pull out which some how just made it go deeper. I moaned at the feeling of the finger inside of me. As she started thrusting her finger in and out of me. We had more fun well they worked on the elevator. Which both groups were waiting for well we had fun with each other. Soon enough the elevator started moving again. We threw our pants on quickly. As the doors soon opened up to the New Direction and the Country girls.
“Are you two okay?” Schue asked
“Yeah just a bit shaken up.” I said
“Yeah what happened?” Santana asked
“The power cut to the whole hotel.” Jess said
“Okay well we need to go practice for tommorow.” Lucy said
“I thought that we weren’t talking or singing.” I said
“We’re not were practicing the dance moves.” Lucy said
“Okay well bye guys I’ll see you after the performance tomorrow.” I said
“See yeah.” Kurt said
I walked away with county girls to one of the conference rooms.
We practiced til eleven pm and then we finally headed to our rooms. When I got to my room I laid down and bed and went straight to sleep. The next day was performance we were going third against Dalton Academy who was our brother school and Coldwater high school. We went and sat down and watched The Coldwater Cutthroat’s who was going first. We all went for different themes the cutthroats choose Home which you could tell by there songs. (Song 1 Back home again by John Denver, Song 2 Home by daughtry and Song 3 Take me home tonight by Eddie Money. )
There's a storm across the valley, clouds are rollin' in The afternoon is heavy on your shoulders There's a truck out on the four lane, a mile or more away The whinin' of his wheels just makes it colder
He's an hour away from ridin' on your prayers up in the sky Ten days on the road are barely gone There's a fire softly burning, supper's on the stove It's the light in your eyes that makes him warm
Hey, it's good to be back home again Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Yes, and hey, it's good to be back home again
There's all the news to tell him, how'd you spend your time? What's the latest thing the neighbors say And your mother called last Friday, sunshine made her cry You felt the baby move just yesterday
Hey, it's good to be back home again, yes it is Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Yes, and hey, it's good to be back home again
Oh, the time that I can lay this tired old body down Feel your fingers feather soft on me The kisses that I live for, the love that lights my way The happiness that livin' with you brings me
It's the sweetest thing I know of, just spending time with you It's the little things that make a house a home Like a fire softly burning and supper on the stove The light in your eyes that makes me warm
Hey, it's good to be back home again Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Yes, and hey, it's good to be back home again
Hey, it's good to be back home again, you know it is Sometimes this old farm feels like a long lost friend Hey, it's good to be back home again I said, hey, it's good to be back home again
I'm staring out into the night Tryin' to hide the pain I'm going to the place where love And feeling good don't ever cost a thing And the pain you feel's a different kind of pain
Well, I'm going home Back to the place where I belong And where your love has always been enough for me I'm not running from No, I think you got me all wrong I don't regret this life I chose for me But these places and these faces are getting old So I'm going home
Well, I'm going home
The miles are getting longer, it seems The closer I get to you I've not always been the best man or friend for you But your love remains true, and I don't know why You always seem to give me another try
So I'm going home Back to the place where I belong And where your love has always been enough for me I'm not running from No, I think you got me all wrong I don't regret this life I chose for me But these places and these faces are getting old
Be careful what you wish for 'Cause you just might get it all You just might get it all And then some you don't want Be careful what you wish for 'Cause you just might get it all You just might get it all, yeah
Well, I'm going home Back to the place where I belong And where your love has always been enough for me I'm not running from No, I think you got me all wrong I don't regret this life I chose for me But these places and these faces are getting old I said these places and these faces are getting old So I'm going home
I feel a hunger, it's a hunger That tries to keep a man awake at night Are you the answer? I shouldn't wonder When I can feel you whet my appetite With all the power you're releasing It isn't safe to walk the city streets alone Anticipation is running through me Let's find the keys and turn this engine on
I can feel you breathe I can feel your heart beat faster 
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
I get frightened in all this darkness I get nightmares, I hate to sleep alone I need some company, a guardian angel To keep me warm when the cold winds blow
I can feel you breathe I can feel your heart beat faster
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby Be my little baby, uh-huh
Just like Ronnie sang I said Just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby Baby, my darlin', oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
I feel a hunger It's a hunger
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
Take me home tonight (Oh, be my darling) I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light (Oh, oh, oh, oh) Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang (Uh, uh, oh, oh, oh) Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
Take me home tonight I don't want to let you go 'til you see the light Take me home tonight Listen, honey, just like Ronnie sang Be my little baby, oh, ho, oh
Next up we’re the Warblers who went with a theme of trainwreck ("On My Own" from Les Misérables by Claude-Michel Schönberg, Since you been gone from Kelly Clarkson and rolling in the deep by Adele.”
On my own Pretending he's beside me All alone I walk with him 'til morning Without him I feel his arms around me And when I lose my way I close my eyes And he has found me
In the rain, the pavement shines like silver All the lights are misty in the river In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight And all I see is him and me forever and forever
And I know it's only in my mind That I'm talking to myself and not to him And although I know that he is blind Still I say, there's a way for us
I love him But when the night is over He is gone The river's just a river Without him The world around me changes The trees are bare and everywhere The streets are full of strangers
I love him But every day I'm learning All my life I've only been pretending Without me His world will go on turning A world that's full of happiness That I have never known
I love him I love him I love him But only on my own
Paragraph Lyric
Here's the thing we started off friends It was cool but it was all pretend Yeah yeah Since you've been gone
You dedicated you took the time Wasn't long till I called you mine Yeah yeah Since you've been gone
And all you'd ever hear me say Is how I pictured me with you That's all you'd ever hear me say
But since you've been gone I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you now I get what I want Since you've been gone
How can I put it? You put me on I even fell for that stupid love song Yeah yeah Since you've been gone
How come I'd never hear you say? ?I just wanna be with you? I guess you never felt that way
But since you've been gone I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you now I get, I get what I want Since you've been gone
You had your chance you blew it Out of sight, out of mind Shut your mouth I just can't take it Again and again and again and again
Since you've been gone (Since you've been gone) I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you (Thanks to you) Now I get, I get what I want
I can breathe for the first time I'm so movin' on, yeah yeah Thanks to you (Thanks to you) Now I get (I get) You should know (You should know) That I get, I get what I want Since you've been gone Since you've been gone Since you've been gone
There's a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch, it's bringing me out the dark Finally I can see you crystal clear [Clean version:] Go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare [Explicit version:] Go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your shit bare See how I leave with every piece of you Don't underestimate the things that I will do
There's a fire starting in my heart Reaching a fever pitch And it's bringing me out the dark
The scars of your love remind me of us They keep me thinking that we almost had it all The scars of your love, they leave me breathless I can't help feeling We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me) And you played it, to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
Baby, I have no story to be told But I've heard one on you And I'm gonna make your head burn Think of me in the depths of your despair Make a home down there As mine sure won't be shared
(You're gonna wish you never had met me) The scars of your love remind me of us (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) They keep me thinking that we almost had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) The scars of your love, they leave me breathless (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) I can't help feeling We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me) And you played it, to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) We could have had it all Rolling in the deep You had my heart inside of your hand But you played it, with a beating
Throw your soul through every open door (woah) Count your blessings to find what you look for (woah) Turn my sorrow into treasured gold (woah) You'll pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow (woah) (You're gonna wish you never had met me) We could have had it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) It all, it all, it all (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me) And you played it to the beat (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep)
We could have had it all (You're gonna wish you never had met me) Rolling in the deep (Tears are gonna fall, rolling in the deep) You had my heart inside of your hand (You're gonna wish you never had met me)
But you played it You played it You played it You played it to the beat.
Then we were finally on we had an hour to get our costumes on.
Lucy (Alto)
Jess (Baritone)
Nicky (Tenor)
Me (Bass)
Melody (Beatboxing)
Maria (Saprano)
(All the links are to home free songs) (Song 1 Everything will Be okay) watch video pls I can’t write the a cappella parts
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Driving down the road Don't know where I'm going I see your face in every car that passes me by I know it's true There's no way you're knowin' Where this will lead But I can't help but wonder, why don't we just try?
Bum bad doom bu doom boom
All I want to do, is be with you And all I want you to know is I ain't lettin' go All I want to feel is that we've got something real And all I want you to say is everything will be okay Yeah
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Now, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't worried But I told myself that I would never fall again And I'm sure you'll call, but I wish you'd hurry And I'll have your way Darling, you just tell me when will we give in?
All I want to do is be with you And all I want you to know is I ain't lettin' go All I want to feel is that we've got something real And all I want you to say is everything will be okay It'll be okay (Both Nicky and Lucy)
Maybe, baby, we're just crazy, but it may be love
All I want to do is be with you And all I want you to know is I ain't lettin' go All I want to feel is that we've got something real And all I want you to say is everything will be okay
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Do do do do do
Everything will be okay It'll be okay I know it'll be okay I know, I know, I know
It's gonna be alright, tonight It's gonna be alright, tonight It's gonna be alright, tonight It's gonna be alright, tonight
I set out on a narrow way many years ago Hoping I would find true love along the broken road But I got lost a time or two Wiped my brow and kept pushing through I couldn't see how every sign pointed straight to you
That every long lost dream led me to where you are Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars Pointing me on my way into your loving arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Yes, He did
I think about the years I spent just passin' through I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you But you just smile and take my hand You've been there, you understand It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Every long lost dream led me to where you are Others who broke my heart, they were like Northern stars Pointing me on my way into your loving arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Yeah
And now I'm just a-rollin' home Into my lover's arms This much I know is true That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you
That God blessed the broken road That led me straight to you Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, mm, mm
(I had to make it into a solo to follow the rules but tim is singing the whole time pretty much.)
Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow Baby we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
There's no hurry Don't you worry We can take our time Come a little closer Let's go over What I had in mind
Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow Baby we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
Ain't nobody ever love nobody The way that I love you We're alone now You don't know how Long I've wanted to
Lock the door and turn the lights down low And put some music on that's soft and slow Baby we ain't got no place to go I hope you understand
I've been thinking 'bout this all day long Never felt a feeling that was quite this strong I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man I can't believe how much it turns me on Just to be your man
As everyone stood up and gave us a standing ovation we headed off the stage. Everyone went off to the green room. I went off to Find the New directions I saw them standing in the corner talking right outside the theater.
“Oh My God Y/N That was amazing.” Rachel said
“Was it I messed up a couple times. That last note on Your Man was supposed to be lower.” I said
“You can hit lower than that?” Kurt asked
“Yes.” I said fidgeting with my fingers
“Dose it help you if I tell you that for the first time in my life. I am proud to be your sister.” Hope said
I smiled
“Don’t get all happy it will disappear by tonight.” Hope said
“Look no matter what happened nobody could tell and you guys were amazing.” Mr.Schue said
“And secretly we are kinda hoping that you guys lose so that we have a shot at sectionals.” Finn said
“Okay well the awards are starting so go find out.” Mr.Schue said
“Also no matter what happens. We are having a party at my house afterwards.” Santana said
“Okay well I will see y’all in a little bit.” I said
We all went on the stage. The announcer waited as long as they could. I was getting really nervous so I looked for the new directions in the crowd and when I found them my eyes went directly to Santana. She gave me a thumbs up when she saw that I was looking at her.
“Okay we had a lot of talent on the stage today. (The announcer ripped up his paper) you know what let’s get this over with so that we can all go home and sleep. In third place the Warblers.” I watched as their Freshman star soloist went up and got the trophy. “Okay well let make these kids panic a little bit it’s nice weather we’re having outside today you know sunny a couple light sprinklings. Okay for the moment everyone has been waiting for in Second place we have the C ……………………… utthroat’s. That means that your first place champion at this Sectionals this year is Crawford Country.” The announcer said
A sigh of relief came over me as I walked up and grabbed the trophy. I handed it to Jess. We all headed off the stage and back to the green room.
“Hey are you coming to add the trophy to our collection at Crawford?” Jess asked
“I would love too. But i already have plans with some friends who came and watched I need to go find them.” I said walking out and looking for the new directions the second time that day.
“Well here comes our new competition.” Mr.Schue said jokingly
“Look there was two reasons I left we all know one the major one. But you told me not to sing and to sway in the back and let the boys have the low parts. So it’s kinda your fault you have to go up against me.” I said
“Fair. But you better be happy with letting glee getting cancelled because we lose to you.” Mr.Schue said
“Okay enough of this let’s all go celebrate.” Quinn said
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