#so yes he's only been kind to haru. and haru's grateful to him for keeping her needs in mind.
orcelito · 2 years
It's so interesting playing p5r and watching Haru's social link... in discacc, I kinda gloss over most of the social links, bc theyre largely the same as in the game, but with her... I'm gonna have to really pick apart how her friendship with Akira develops lol. Bc of how things have been set up, their friendship will be fundamentally different from how things are in the game... they CAN be friends, I just... need to smooth some things out first...
#speculation nation#discacc shit#the biggest difference i think is the way that makoto already exists for discacc haru as The Confidant#in p5 haru's friendship with akira is largely based on him being a pillar of support for her after her father dies#it's not quite the same. but for discacc haru she's going to automatically turn towards makoto for this kind of thing#additionally. there's the whole deal with goro lmfao#while akira's (kinda) called goro out for it. a little bit. the fact remains that his boyfriend has been a piece of shit to haru#and akira could definitely do more about it. and he will! but he hasnt yet.#so yes he's only been kind to haru. and haru's grateful to him for keeping her needs in mind.#but he's still willingly associating with someone who she just. Does Not Like.#not only is goro a complete asshole. but he's also Uhhh a murderer lmfao. & even with the circumstances haru cant understand why#everyone else seems so okay with that fact.#it's complex. and once she's got more of a chance to get to know goro herself she'll understand more.#but she's starting off with such a bitter impression of goro and By Extension akira.#her friendship with akira just Cant be the same. so i have to uhh figure that out lol.#i know where i want it to go. i think they can bond quite well over mutual interest in plants + coffee.#just gotta Uhhh deal with the baggage first lol#ive got my plans tho. gonna start putting them into place uhhhh. well. chapter 43 ish.#depending on if i do the giant 41 chapter or manage to make it into 41 with 42 being the anniversary chapter.#if i do that then it'll be 43. where i start putting some plans in place.#in the meantime. i just gotta sit goro down and tell him to not be TOO much of an asshole lmfao
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➡️Blue bite someone you shouldn't. Maybe a stranger in the park. Show how grateful you are for your teeth
Un-authorized Blue biting move
ngl it would be creepy af to just be walking at a park and this man just randomly bites you :’)
CW: pet whump; dehumanization; conditioning; it as a pronoun; biting; muzzle talk; mentioned sex work; kick/bloody nose;
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…Blue saw an unsuspecting ankle… And attacked. Teeth were for biting, after all All they heard were the screams, and then he was kicked harshly across the face. They yelped, feeling their nose getting stuffed with blood…
Next second, Master was there, hugging him tightly and staring at the person it bit, nearly hissing.
“What the fuck why did you kick-���
“HE BIT ME!” the persons screamed, angry “YOUR DAMN MUTT BIT ME!”
“I’m sure he had a reason to!” Master shouted back, showing teeth, arms wrapped around Blue protectively.
“N-no, Blue j-just wanted to, to bite” Blue said, blinking through the tears. Master… slapped his own face, with a sigh.
“See? Your fucking animal bit me! I only kicked him cause he scared me! He jumped out of fucking nowhere!! He is fucking dangerous, you should put this mutt on a goddamn muzzle”
“Blue… Apologize” Master said. He had a serious face. Blue was about to refuse… But… “Apologize”
“S-sorry…” He whimpered, looking away, arms crossed. He wasn’t sorry at all!
…Master pulled up a handkerchief, cleaning up the blood on his face, and lifted Blue, carrying him away from the person, who was still talking a lot, despite Master ignoring them. Its nose hurt now. Its face was swollen. It hugged Bonnie.
“W-w-where? B-blue wants to stay on the park”
“No more park for today, Blue” Master said with a sigh, clicking their seatbelt “Look… You can’t bite people like that”
“Y-y-you said I couldn’t b-b-bite you either…”
“B-b-but never p-ppunished B-b-lue…”
“T-t-then Blue w-will continue”
…Master stopped for a second. Just staring at Blue. Took a deep breath.
“…Blue, if you bite me… I know how I will react. But someone else? They might hurt you. That person did hurt you. What if they had done something worse?”
Blue shrugged. Master w-would protect Blue then, wouldn’t he?
“Besides, it might make so that I can’t take you out anymore without a muzzle. And not because I want to, but because of laws and stuff”
“M-master w-w-ould g-get more fines??”
“…Yeah. Basically”
“B-b-ut Master can pay!”
Master smiled a little at this. But he seemed tired.
“Blue… I struggle a lot to pay for things. I try not to show this to you and Haru, but I do. I don’t have a fixed… amount of money I get. Sometimes it’s good enough, sometimes it’s really not. We are often on a tight budget, and there is so much I want to do but I can’t. I know both of you need therapists, and I think Haru needs a voice therapist, too. I want to give him some musical instrument. I want to give you and Bonnie new games to play. We all need some new clothes. But I need to feed the three of us now, and I have the bills so we have water and electricity. Don’t exactly care for laws but… If I have to pay for a fine each time you step out of home… I don’t know how to keep things up”
Blue stared, trying to think. First Master was always worried with money… But he had so much of it. They always had plenty of things. He was never… out of it. Warren was only ever angry when Blue touched stuff that was expensive as he said. It was okay to break plates but not the electronics because those cost more. Blue had been expensive. The cameras had been more expensive than Blue. The total value of a toe was 75. Current Master’s job was scary and bad.
“Y-y-you need… t-t-to work more if… if B-b-blue bite?”
“…Yeah. That’s kind of it” Master smile “Blue can you promise you won’t bite anyone that isn’t me again? I won’t be able to take you out anymore, if you don’t…”
“B-b-blue promises…” Blue said, looking at Master “If… if h-helps Master…”
He smiled, ruffling Blue’s hair.
“Thank you, darling. Let’s put some ice on that wound now, okay?”
Blue nodded, with a sad whimper.
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mythicamagic · 5 years
Young Love - Oneshot crossover
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Zutara & Sesskag
Summary: Deciding he needs to do something about his long time crush on Katara, Zuko enlists the help of self-proclaimed relationship expert and matchmaker, Kagome. With the help of her bodyguard, the busybody will stop at nothing to ensure the couple's success. AU, highschool. Tropes! Why have one otp when you can have two?
AN: This is a writing commission for the lovely @prationality​ ^^ Highschool AU has demons integrated into it. Yes it makes no sense. Just suspend your disbelief, buds.
Young Love
For the better part of a year it had been a thorn in his side. The niggling, aching, irritating feeling of complete and utter warmth flooding his chest whenever a certain person entered the room.
Zuko trudged moodily through the hallway, gaze fixed ahead. He needed to do something about Katara. Having a crush on one of your best friends was not ideal, and worse still, he couldn't talk to anyone about it.
Sokka was out. He would either immediately tattle to his sister or get protective. Aang was possibly the worst one to ask, as he'd harboured puppy love for her since kindergarten, though Katara remained willfully ignorant. Suki would tell Sokka. Toph had been a serious candidate as a confidant but he'd decided against it when she'd blabbed last week about his secret tradition of watching Love Amongst the Dragons every year at the theatre.
He'd never be able to live that down.
I could tell Uncle, Zuko briefly thought, soon shaking that idea away. He'd rather not have a lengthy anecdote about turtle ducks swimming in the pond of unrequited love.
This left confiding in an outsider. However, he couldn't tell just anyone or it would become the gossip of the whole school.
Knocking on a classroom door, he waited.
"Come in!" Came a hearty chirp.
Wincing, Zuko pushed the door open and stepped inside, closing it behind him. The empty pottery classroom felt perfect for a secret meeting since the department had suffered cutbacks. Including the teacher. And the pottery classes themselves.
A young woman leaned against a desk, dark hair cascading around her shoulders. Glittering blue eyes danced with mild amusement, causing Zuko to become instantly wary. Maybe this had been a mistake.
"Glad you could make it!" Kagome Higurashi grinned, gesturing to a seat. "Come sit down, silly. I don't bite."
Stuffing his hands deep into his pockets, Zuko leaned against a desk as well. "I'll stand, thanks."
She let out a huff, shrugging and relenting. "So, let's cut to the chase; as you know, I'm the best matchmaker in this school."
Zuko was pretty sure she was the only matchmaker in the school.
"Anything you say will be kept totally confidential. I can't guarantee you'll get the partner you want but my track record speaks for itself," Kagome beamed.
"I'm going to stop you right there," Zuko sighed. "I don't...want to trick her into anything. I just-"
"It wouldn't be tricking," she looked affronted. "You seriously think Kouga and Ayame or Sokka and Suki would last if the foundation of their relationships had been built on lies? No, no. I'm just going to help you put your best foot forward."
Dragging a hand down the scarred side of his face, the teen grunted. "Maybe I just want to talk about it."
Kagome blinked, spreading her arms wide. "Well go ahead. No one's stopping you, Zuko."
Gritting his teeth and fighting the urge to sigh again, his lips pressed into a thin line, suddenly reluctant.
Tilting her head, the busybody took him by surprise. "This is about Katara, isn't it?"
He jolted violently. "H-how did you know?" He croaked. Shit. Did Katara know? Was it that obvious?
Kagome smiled while flipping dark hair dramatically over one shoulder, idly brushing down her green skirt. "Hey give me a little credit. I did say I was pretty good at this gig."
A quiet noise, like a snort, sounded out behind Zuko to his left. He turned sharply, startled to find another student leaning against the wall. If Zuko remembered right, the imposing young man was an upperclassman. "The hell- I thought we were alone."
"Don't mind Sesshoumaru. I hired him a long while ago to watch over these types of meetings," Kagome waved it off. "I've had clients get pissy before."
Sesshoumaru stared at him, unblinking. Pale white hair was tied back into a low pony tail, features fairly delicate and regal, clashing with the heavy energy rolling off him in waves.
Zuko felt a shiver run down his spine and faced forward. If she needed a demon bodyguard of such high calibre within a school with relatively low level onis, he wondered what kind of clients she'd dealt with in the past.
"So, Katara?" The matchmaker prompted.
"Yeah well...I like her," he said lamely. "I mean I...she's…"
The young woman peered at him curiously, causing Zuko to grit his teeth. "I don't know! Gn...maybe this was a mistake."
Kagome pushed off the desk to approach and gently touched his arm. Her expression no longer looked amused or playful, now very earnest. "Hey, it's okay. These kinds of feelings can be really complicated, especially when they're for a friend. It makes you worry that you'll cause a fissure in your friendship group."
Golden brown eyes widened a touch, throat becoming dry with mild fear. He could only nod mutely. Perhaps she did have somewhat of a talent for reading people.
She gave a smile, "look I completely understand if you want to keep your silence around her and just vent to me. That's fine, buddy. But I really, really think you should go for it and let me help you guys get together."
"Aang and Sokka-"
"Don't rule Katara's love life," Kagome cut in, voice firm. "Besides, if she does go out with you, Sokka will probably just give the protective brother speech and threaten to harvest your organs if you hurt his sister-"
"That's fair, I'd deserve it if I hurt her," Zuko mumbled soberly.
Kagome winced and patted his shoulder. "As for Aang, he'll come around. From what I've seen he might get upset but Toph will straighten him out. What do you say?"
The moody teenager stared down at his calloused hands. Exhaling hard through his nostrils, Zuko clenched his jaw. "Do you think I have a good shot?" He grumbled, glancing at her.
Kagome grinned, nodding enthusiastically. "With me by your side, you've got the best shot."
Overlooking the martial arts group as a type of mole for Kagome felt incredibly easy, considering Sesshoumaru was well versed in many of them.
At the moment, Katara stood a little ways away on a tatami mat, practising her Tai Chi form. He'd never had much cause to speak with the girl beyond small talk. Still, Kagome had nudged at him to try and glean more of her personality.
Walking over and stretching his arms, Sesshoumaru grunted. "Your right heel kick should be higher."
Her gaze flattened, becoming defensive. "Did that old goat Pakku tell you to say that?"
"No, this one is telling you."
Katara hummed, going back a form and trying again, kicking higher so that her leg pointed out straight. Sesshoumaru nodded, chancing more conversation. "You are a female."
"Astute observation. Where are you going with this?" She raised a brow, smoothly moving her body into another form.
"This one seeks advice. Be grateful you are the one I have chosen for council."
Katara released a long breath, straightening out of her form and minding her long braid aside. "Arrogance isn't a good method if you're wanting my help but go ahead. I'm used to the tough guy act from pre-Suki Sokka."
Sesshoumaru did not need her permission but spoke. "How does one secure the attentions of a human female?"
"Are you asking me dating advice?"
Katara eyed the demon, raising her arms and turning on one heel to move into another stance. "I can't speak for most girls because my family has its own traditions to follow, but a necklace wouldn't hurt."
"A necklace?"
She nodded, holding her posture. "Something personal, though. I'm sure you demons have traditions to follow too, don't you? Maybe include one."
Sesshoumaru mulled this over, inclining his head, expression wiped of emotion as per usual. Kagome didn't need to know what exactly he'd asked Katara, that was his business. "Hn, you were mildly useful."
Huffing, she kicked her left foot up near his enigmatic face. "You're welcome. Was that form good enough?"
"You wobbled on your right heel. Again."
Katara grumbled under her breath.
Sitting quite contentedly in a cafe a few days later, Sesshoumaru sipped some tea. The atmosphere around him lulled into contentment. Despite the hustle and bustle of the patrons, he didn't feel particularly uncomfortable or annoyed. This sense of peace was abruptly broken as the scent of citrus and summer brushed into his nose.
Kagome set her bags down in the opposite seat, sliding into the booth beside him and accidentally bumping his shoulder. The tea sloshed in his cup. "Okay, so their class had a project to complete and were separated into partners. Katara was originally paired with Haru, but!" She grinned, holding up a finger. "I pulled some strings and managed to switch him with Zuko. Isn't that perfect?"
Sesshoumaru blinked slowly. "How is it perfect?" He uttered, though she'd tell him anyway even if he didn't ask.
"Well this way, they get to spend quality time together totally alone!" Kagome gushed, opening a menu. "They'll be here any second. I reserved a booth for them just over there. You picked the perfect spot for spying."
"I did not know you would be here," he said flatly.
Tugging up her bag and rifling through it, Kagome produced a wig. Tying her hair back, she put a hairnet on, smoothing the blonde wig atop her head. Sesshoumaru felt used to her antics by now, watching while she took out a headset with a microphone and earpiece.
Kagome remained immensely serious about her unofficial job. Near everyone knew who she was in school, therefore a disguise became necessary when snooping. If Katara noticed her, she'd get suspicious about her presence.
"Is it still alright for me to babysit Rin later?" She asked casually.
He hummed, sipping the cooling tea. That was their exchange. Sesshoumaru remained a bodyguard of sorts while Kagome repaid him for his time by looking after his adopted sister when he needed to work after school.
They'd entered into their strange agreement six months ago. He could still hear the raised voices coming from the classroom. The abrupt slam of a desk hitting a wall and scent of salt in the air. How Kagome's wide, terrified eyes swung to him once he entered the room, her struggling form pinned beneath an incensed human student. An unhappy customer who hadn't taken too kindly to her failure.
In contrast to this grim memory, Kagome happily fussed with her equipment, stilling when a pale hand reached out to touch a dark strand of hair that escaped her wig. Lithe fingers tucked it back into hiding, sharp nails lightly skimming her cheek.
Kagome glanced up at him, blushing slightly. "Uh...thanks," she murmured.
Sesshoumaru stared, voice a soft rumble. "Hn."
Noticing something out of the corner of her eye, she gasped and shook his shoulder. "They're here!"
Sitting down across from Katara, Zuko took a breath, glancing around. It didn't take long to locate Sesshoumaru. Next to him sat a smaller blonde woman who gave a cheerful thumbs up. Zuko's gaze flattened. This was going to be a disaster, he could tell.
"Are you alright? You seem troubled about something."
Zuko jumped, looking at Katara as she set up her laptop and took out a binder. She was incredibly organised already despite the project just starting. It was just a little thing, but he liked it about her. She'd even arranged the papers by subject matter alphabetically.
"I'm fine," he said in a dusty voice.
Katara frowned slightly, the waitress interrupting them to ask what drinks they wanted to order.
Swallowing stifling nerves, Zuko did what he always did and ploughed on through uncertainty. Opening the envelope Kagome had given him, he slipped the earpiece in while Katara was mulling over the orders.
"Hey~ can you hear me?" Came Kagome's amiable voice. "Just nod if yes."
Zuko nodded. Katara ordered a Darjeeling tea, while he stiffly asked for a coffee.
"Okay, just talk about the project with her for now."
Katara was already a few steps ahead, talking while the waitress left. "I think we should start with the community centre."
She tilted her head, hair loopies brushing the sides of her face, brunette hair falling in waves down her back.
Zuko's throat became dry, clasping shaking hands and resting them on the table. "Right. The project. Yeah, the community centre could definitely use some improvements."
Blue eyes blinked, the light from the window beside them bathing her dark skin in a soft glow. "How do you know that?"
An automatic sneer graced his features, glaring hard at the napkins. "My father poured money into building it just to secure a business deal by looking like a humanitarian. However, the second he got what he wanted he pulled the funding for resources."
A gentle touch startled him out of that particular tangent.
Katara gave an encouraging smile, "that's fine. Because you know what?"
Her smile was infectious and he gave a reluctant one in return. "What?" He grumbled.
"We're going to get the funding for even better resources and more involved staff, all without his input. You're going to do that. And it'll be great, Zuko."
Zuko swallowed, skin pricking with the sensation of her hand on his. She knew. She knew everything about his history with his tyrant of a father. How he'd given up the position that would've allowed him to succeed his father. Now he lived in a humble apartment with his Uncle.
Ozai had been responsible for evicting a large portion of Katara's neighbourhood from their houses through some legal jargon many years ago. After some arguments and fights in school, the two old enemies now sat in amiable silence. She could look at him with such soft eyes. Her forgiveness had soothed so much hurt between them.
The waitress returned, breaking the spell between them. Letting out a heavy breath, Zuko stiffened when a young man stepped around the waitress to address his friend.
"You're miss Katara, correct?"
She straightened, raising a brow questioningly. "Yes. Can I help you?"
The young man produced a bouquet of radiant flowers from behind his back. Fire lilies. Katara's mouth promptly fell open, the orange flowers placed in her frozen hands.
"Looks as though you have an admirer," the stranger winked, turning away.
Katara rose from her seat slightly, blushing. "Wait! Who are these from?"
"No idea, miss," he said over his shoulder, glancing at Kagome and smiling slightly. She gave a quick wave, grinning as Miroku left.
Zuko remained frozen in place. Fire lilies were almost too obvious! They were a type of flower well known in the city as one his family had produced. Hell, they were part of the logo on their company. He winced a little, thinking they might cause offence-
"They're beautiful," Katara inhaled the scent, blushing slightly. "They smell kind of like cinnamon," she mused, glancing up. "Do you...know who they might be from?"
"No idea," he mumbled, hearing Kagome's groan through his earpiece.
"Damn it, Zuko. Wait for me to give you some guidance. You could've said something much smoother!"
He touched his ear and turned his head slightly into his collar. "I'm not smooth! She'd know I was being weird if I fed her a line!" He hissed.
"Are you talking to yourself?" Katara bit her lip, fighting a smile.
From across the room, Kagome hit her forehead. She could only afford so much tech and had given him an earpiece. She couldn't hear his ramblings personally, it was only because of Sesshoumaru's excellent hearing and relaying of information that she knew what was going on. Zuko was right, he wasn't smooth at all.
Flustered, Zuko turned back to Katara a little too quick- knocking over the coffee cup with his arm and making a noise when the contents spilt onto the table.
Katara gasped and scrambled to place the lilies down, lifting her laptop away. The spillage headed towards her pristine, organised notes that had been set out to discuss. Zuko yanked his red jacket off his shoulders and pressed it down onto the table. The material quickly soaked up the coffee greedily.
Katara stared.
Kagome gawked, grasping Sesshoumaru's arm and shaking it slightly. "Wow. I didn't think things would escalate so quickly! This is perfect."
Lifting his gaze awkwardly, Zuko met smiling blue eyes. "You didn't have to do that," Katara said quietly, minding the papers away. "Thanks, Zuko. Would take forever if I had to print those out all over again."
Ah, of course she'd have backup copies. Duh. "Y-yeah, no problem. What are friends for?"
The sound of a hand smacking a forehead graced his hearing once more through the earpiece. "Honey, you're trying to leave the friend zone, not dig deeper into it."
Zuko glared at nothing in particular.
"Try saying: I know how much your notes mean to you, and anything that's important to you is important to me too."
Sighing, he ran a hand through dark shaggy hair, parroting Kagome's words out loud.
The girl sitting across from him took hold of his jacket, looking thoughtful. "I can wash this for you," she mumbled, glancing up at him. "And about...us being friends. I uh…" she blushed slightly. "I was wondering if-"
"Are you Katara?"
They looked up with twin scowls on their faces. This time a group of young men stood around their table. Zuko's face coloured red the second they opened their mouths and started singing. Every head within the cafe turned to watch.
Belting out some romantic ballad that hurt their ears and made Zuko want to shrink in his seat, he watched as they serenaded Katara. She looked mortified.
From across the room, Kagome gave another thumbs up. Something within him snapped.
"FORGET IT!" He burst, getting to his feet and shimmying out of the booth to storm out of the cafe. Katara called out somewhere behind him but the sound of his heart pumped deafeningly loud and fast in his ears. He couldn't continue, he realised. Embarrassing Katara wasn't something he'd set out to do. She didn't deserve that.
Cool outside air fanning over flushed skin felt like a welcome respite compared with the confusion and unease within the cafe. He marched through the parking lot, hands balled into fists.
"Zuko-" he yanked the earpiece out and stuffed it in his pocket. And yet, the calling of his name continued.
His heel dragged, Zuko stopping with mild surprise when he noticed Katara jogging after him. She'd left her things behind, laptop included. Taking a breath, she brushed one of her hair loopies away from her eyes.
"What's going on with you?"
Air rushed out of his lungs. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Zuko let the words quietly escape. "I...hired Kagome Higurashi."
"The matchmaker?" Katara's brow furrowed. "Why would you need to-" it clicked, and she glanced back into the windows of the cafe where the fire lilies had been abandoned. "Oh. Were...those from you?" She said slowly.
Zuko stared hard at the cement beneath his feet as though willing the ground to swallow him up. "Sort of."
She huffed, drawing closer and planting her hands on her hips. "There's no 'sort of,' Zuko. Are you interested in me or not?"
His eyes widened and slid up. Katara looked obstinate for information and oddly unoffended. He'd half expected anger or immediate dismissal. But maybe...maybe he hadn't been giving her enough credit.
Squeezing calloused hands into fists, he nodded. "Yeah, I am."
Katara's eyes widened slightly and the shock slid her hands free from her hips.
He ran a hand through his hair for the umpteenth time, minding the bangs from his eyes. "I like you," he muttered. "I've liked you for a long time. It's just that I didn't say anything because I didn't want to be greedy. You don't have to like me back or anything. Just don't break up the group because of me, Katara. This doesn't have to make things awkward. You all… mean a lot to me, ever since you accepted me into your group. So I don't think… I could take not seeing you," the words kept coming until Katara stepped forward, touching his hand.
"You never think things through, do you?" She murmured.
Zuko bristled. "Are you making fun of me? I'm pouring my heart out here-"
Katara giggled and suddenly grabbed him close, hugging him tightly. Zuko froze, stiffening within her arms. His breath fanned over her ear, hands settling at the perfect height on her waist, drawing her closer and revelling in the feel of her. The sensation of fingers brushing through the hair at the nape of his neck felt heavenly. "You wouldn't be kicked out of the group no matter what happened between us. You're not buying time or there by accident. Everyone wants you with us. So cut that out. As for the other thing…"
She surprised him by tilting her chin up, blue eyes connecting with golden brown. Zuko stilled, gaze flitting over her face, before giving in to the impulse to press his lips to hers.
They yielded easier than anticipated. He inhaled her scent, traitorous hands sliding up to touch the fall of soft hair. It was then that his mind caught up with his actions and Zuko broke away from her. "Ah- sorry, that was stupid. I didn't think-"
Katara made a frustrated noise before pulling him down again, cupping his face in both hands. He wondered what the scar felt like to her. Katara kissed him again, turning his brain into mush by parting her mouth and sliding a wet tongue against his lips. He granted her access, making a slight groan in the back of his throat. When her thumb brushed his ear Zuko near melted in her hands, fingers curling tight in her clothes, the material straining.
She then broke away with treacle immediacy, face flushed. She boldly took his hand, smiling. "Let's get our stuff and go for a walk together," she seemed to decide for them, a sparkle in her gaze. "There's a lot to talk about."
Zuko opened his mouth, croaking out a few nonsensical noises, before nodding astutely. "Okay."
If someone ever asked them how they'd gotten together, he honestly had no idea what to say.
Kagome hadn't moved an inch after watching Zuko run off. In fact, she'd seemed quite pleased with herself instead of concerned. Sesshoumaru hadn't understood why until Zuko and Katara reentered the cafe with a contented air about them, their gazes finding each other every few moments. They grabbed their bags, the flowers and the ruined jacket, leaving together without a backwards glance.
Kagome stood and removed the wig and headset, putting them away.
"You knew," he uttered.
"You planned for this to happen, did you not?"
Sliding her bag over one shoulder, she shrugged. "After reviewing their profiles, I understood that Zuko has a temper and could get overwhelmed. Katara has one too and is fiercely stubborn as an ox about looking after people. I just prodded him a little and knew she'd follow him if he lost his nerve. Then there'd likely be a culmination of feelings," she turned. "My work here is done. Thanks for sharing your booth with me, I'll leave you to it," Kagome smiled and waved, walking out of the cafe with a spring in her step.
Sesshoumaru set some money down and smoothly rose, following with a blur of colour.
"Kagome," he said quietly once the doors slid shut behind him.
She blinked and looked up at him as he joined her side in the parking lot.
"This one does not need a culmination of feelings to understand what emotion I experience around you."
"What's that, irritation?" She teased.
Sesshoumaru frowned and reached into his pocket, pulling out a necklace with fangs as the charms. "We should engage in courtship," he said gravely.
Kagome's eyes widened, gaze flitting from the grim necklace and then back to his face, searching as though trying to discern his sincerity. His lips thinned, until a small smile tugged at her mouth, morphing into a gentle one.
Taking the necklace, she blushed slightly. "Is it customary for dog demons to give a tooth necklace when you want to date someone?"
"Hn, those are mine."
"They will be most useful when it is time for us to have children."
"C-children!?" Kagome looked a little unsteady. "Sesshoumaru!"
"Hn," a hand slid around her waist. "Though I'd like to have you all to myself for many years first."
"I should hope so, buster! We're in high school and I didn't even say yes yet," she huffed.
He lifted a large hand, palm up. "Then I will take the necklace back-"
"No, it's mine, no take backsies!" Kagome held it away from his grasp, soon grinning and leaning up to kiss the underside of his jaw. Sesshoumaru stilled at the action, gaze flitting down to her. "I accept, silly," the young woman murmured, hand curling around his own. "Though you could've wooed me a little first. Have my clients taught you nothing?" She teased.
Sesshoumaru's lips curved, gaze becoming half-lidded. "We may go to a restaurant tomorrow evening if you wish."
"I do wish," she hummed, putting the necklace on and wincing a little at how weird it was. Still, they didn't exactly make a normal couple themselves. "Let's bring Rin, though. She hasn't been able to spend much time with you lately."
Sesshoumaru gathered her closer then, causing her heels to lift from the floor. A deep well of warmth and pride spread through his chest right down to his toes. The matchmaker was truly a perfect choice for a mate.
"Hn," Sesshoumaru rumbled, pressing smiling lips to hers.
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krisseycrystal · 4 years
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rated: t
fandom: Persona 5
prompt: “Soulmates” + Shuake
requested by: @ardentknight
hello yes i’m back w/ more shuake for you plz enjoy
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Too Many Video Games [Read on AO3]
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Because Ryuji and Akira were the kind of “thick as thieves” that meant no secrets, not ever, Ryuji could be understandably miffed that when it came to the ever-controversial topic of soulmates, Akira only said, “I’ve already met mine.”
Ryuji, who still had no idea who the long, crooked line on his wrist was supposed to represent, scowled.
“What the hell?” and “How?” and “Who is it?” fell together in a messy jumble over his tongue and out of his mouth. He could hear his mother’s voice now, scolding, “Slow down, Ryuji. Breathe. You’re the only person I know who could drown simply by speaking.”
Akira smiled enigmatically and did that thing he always did when he was thinking: pinched a strand of curly dark hair between his fingers and twisted.
Ryuji wasn’t impressed. “Really, dude? You’re not gonna tell me?”
So finally Akira chuckled and pulled down his sleeve to reveal a boxy and cool-as-fuck looking Hercules gleaming on the underside of his wrist. The constellation was boxy, with legs that hurricaned outward. It was sick.
“And that is…?”
“The who is private.”
“What, really?!”
But no matter how hard Ryuji pushed and begged and pleaded, it was the one and only secret Akira kept from him. 
It was infuriating.
- o - o - o -
Most people wore bands around their wrists; others didn’t. That wasn’t anything new. It was one of those unspoken understandings that the stars your soulmate was born under was a piece of private information you decided who and when to share with and how. Some people were like Ann who always changed out her wristband to match her outfit and had who-knew-how-many bangles and scrunchies and other accessories she’d gathered just to look cute and keep the stars on her wrist secret. Others were like Mr. Sakura who had no interest in the business of soulmates and kept his wrist bare for anyone to see the Ursa Major there.
Some people, on the other hand, were like Akechi, who always wore long sleeves no matter the weather and usually gloves and never were caught swimming. Ever.
It was those people who typically had more than one constellation, but that wasn’t a very common occurrence.
It was rare when a person had a whole piece of the sky chunked out and wrapped around their hand, winding up their arm, gorgeous and multi-faceted. In ancient times, theories had been that those unique individuals were able to call nearly anyone they met a soulmate who was born under at least one of those stars; in modern times, more theories were coming out that the more constellations on your body, the more specific your soulmate had to be. That soulmate had to have been born under that exact window of the sky.
At least, that’s what Ryuji heard on TV. 
He figured that’s what Akechi had and why he wrapped himself up so much and so often and so tightly.
And then the day came when they were meeting to plan an infiltration into Sae Niijima’s palace. Ryuji, who arguably knew Akira better than anyone else, thought he was acting strange. Usually, Akira had the window seat in the LeBlanc booth the Thieves unofficially claimed as their own. It wasn’t as though Akira wasn’t allowed to sit anywhere else, but the instant he swung a hand at Ryuji in a very gentlemanly, You first, Ryuji felt something was off.
But it wasn’t a big deal and he wasn’t a sissy so after Ann climbed in, he scooched beside her and Akira sat on the outside. Haru, Yusuke, and Makoto clambered over into the opposite bench and Akechi and Futaba pulled up a few tall chairs from the counter.
They talked.
And they had talked about this plan so much lately that Ryuji felt like he already had it memorized, so he slouched over his crossed arms and let his chin dig into the purple of his jacket sleeve and closed his eyes and thought man, no wonder Morgana likes taking naps in sunlight; this is great--
--when Akechi, jokingly in response to a jibe from Makoto, hummed, “By the strength of my stars, are you doubting me?”
And it wasn’t like Ryuji had never heard people make those kind of expressions before. By the strength of my stars. The sprawl of my stars. Let no one but my stars be the judge of me.
It was just that people usually said something like that because that phrase held a connotation with the stars they were born under. Ryuji heard the word “strength” out of Akechi’s mouth and he remembered there was that old, animated Disney movie he used to love as a kid about the super-strong son of a god and his back snapped ramrod straight.
He would have probably talked his own self out of it all, too, if Akira hadn’t reacted the way he did, pressing his glasses up his nose and sharing a humored Look with Akechi, his arm close enough to brush against Akechi’s knee.
Akechi met his look in turn, a distinctive curl to his mouth that looks almost handsome and--
--oh my god.
Akira fucking took the outside seat for a reason.
Ryuji’s mouth dropped open, brown eyes enormous. He thought he might get whiplash from how fast his head spun back and forth and back and forth between Akira and Akechi and the dopey-eyed, disgusting Look they were still sharing while Makoto was still talking and oh my god. Oh my god. 
Akira’s soulmate is Goro Akechi.
“Ryuji?” Haru chimed from the other side of the table. Her head tilted, pretty mouth pinched in concern. “Are you all right?”
Akechi and Akira took one look at him and without needing to look at each other, they moved.
Akira’s hand slammed over his mouth before he could say another word; the other hand fisted into the back of his purple jacket and yanked him out of the booth so quickly and messily, Ryuji’s knee banged up against the bottom and nearly upended all of the team’s coffee and notes spread over the table.
Makoto squawked. Futaba yelped, feet jumping up onto the edge of her tall chair. Akechi hurried the both of them around the counter. They nearly ran into Mr. Sakura on their way into LeBlanc’s kitchens while he was on his way out, toweled hands laden with a fresh, steaming pot of curry. The man swore wildly as he lifted the giant pot, stumbling back out of their way. Then the door swung shut and Akira finally released Ryuji once his back was pressed to one of the two steel ranges lining the back. 
“Wha--” But Ryuji didn’t get a chance to ask a damn thing because nearly immediately afterward, Akira and Akechi spared another glance, and then Akira turned around and fucking left him there in the kitchen with his soulmate, who, last Ryuji was sure about, they weren’t even really sure about. “What the hell was all that for?!”
“You don’t know how to be subtle,” Akechi muttered as if it was supposed to be enough of an explanation.
It wasn’t.
“You!” Ryuji sputtered. “You and Akira!”
“We--” Akechi looked like he was about to say something else but then thought better of it, biting the words back before they had a chance to slip free. “--yes.”
“You and Akira.”
“You said that.”
“I can’t fucking believe--”
“--you don’t have to say it that loudly, do you?”
That set Ryuji off again; he nearly screeched. “And you guys are keeping it secret!”
“Of course,” Akechi said as the kitchen door finally swung open again and Akira wandered back in. His slender fingers were wrapped around the handle of a small, ceramic cup of coffee. “I should think even someone as monkey-brained as you knows that it’s our business when and where and how people know the nature of our relationship.” 
“Y-yeah, but--” 
And then Ryuji’s entire front turned cold because Akira fucking dumped the coffee over his front.
“What the hell, man?!” Ryuji shrilled. He would have backed up further, trying to get away from this horrid abuse of their friendship, but the edge of the range still dug into the small of his back and his shoes squeaked uselessly against the floor tiles. “What’d you go and do that for? That’s fucking cold!”
“No. It’s hot,” Akira coolly said and Ryuji’s first thought was that he’s been playing too many video games.
“The FUCK?”
Akechi somehow picked up whatever it was Akira put down because he sighed like this entire conversation was taxing. His arms crossed over his chest. Akira handed a paper towel roll to Ryuji. “Consider it our cover story. The three of us looked rather conspicuous running into LeBlanc’s kitchens as fast as we did.”
Ryuji tore the paper towel roll out of Akira’s hand. “Excuse you. I was dragged.”
“Regardless, you will tell them you spilled coffee on yourself and it was so hot you could have suffered severe burns, so you are grateful Akira and I were as quick-thinking as we were to cart you off to the kitchen sink to resolve the situation and help you as fast as possible. Understand?”
Ryuji looked up, squeezing his yellow shirt dry and dimly realizing his mother was probably going to make him do the laundry (again). “That’s it?”
“That’s it,” Akechi confirmed. Akira nodded.
“You’re not gonna say anything else?” Ryuji swung a hand at his ruined shirt. “Not like, ‘Sorry you had to find out this way, Ryuji,’ or ‘Hey, bud, I know this is like, breaking news, but if you keep this a secret, I’ll make it up to you.’” Ryuji stopped and gasped loudly. “Blackmail.”
“You wouldn’t.” 
“I could!” Ryuji tried to meet Akechi’s hard stare with his own but hated how transparent his own damn heart was. He sighed. “Fuck.” Then, he thought better of it. “Actually, speaking of--”
“--we’re not talking about our sex life, Ryuji.”
Of course Akira knew what he was thinking. Of course that whole “knowing each other better than anyone else” and “thick as thieves” thing was being turned around to bite him in the ass. Of course.
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noonaduck · 5 years
SeXd (sex ed) pt.7
Pairing: BTS OT7 x reader genre: Fluff,smut, non idol Au Warnings: cursing, fingering, oral (female receiving), sexsexsex Words: 5518 A/N: Helloo, its finally here. I rewrote the whole 2nd half of the part so it took twice as long as it would without me doing it. I had to change the whole plot points because I felt so unhappy. I hope you enjoy the results. PS. short reminder for new readers that English aint my 1st language and plus to that I have mild dyslexia so errors may and will occur despite my editing. Summaray: Y/N is a woman who is inexperienced in anything when it comes to relationships and sex. Luckily her friend Jimin along with his six other friends decide to show her what she has been missing.
Msg me or send ask if you want to be tagged. I won’t tag you if you ask in comments. 6. < 7. > 8. 2nd Bonus
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[gifs belongs to their rightful owners ] You were sure that Jimin was avoiding you. At first you had dismissed your thought as Jimin being busy now when his musical was on full speed.  That being the reason why he was always leaving the room when you entered or how he only replied shortly to your messages. When you saw him to do full 180 degree turn when he saw you on theater hallway you knew that he did it on purpose. You were furious, you haven't give any reason for him to act on that way. You have talked to him like you normally do and greeted him every time you walked past him on the hallways. You decide to follow Jimin despite the fact he was going to whole different direction where you were originally heading.
''Park Jimin stop right there!'' You jell while stomping after him. Jimin's movements halts and he freezes like a little kid who has been caught from a cookie jar. Jimin spins around and smiles awkwardly. ''Oh, hi Y/N, I didn't notice you.'' ''You are such a liar Jimin.'' You huff when you stop in front of him. You have crossed your arms and if look could kill Jimin would be dead by now. ''I don't know what you are imp-'' ''Don't you fucking dare to say that you don't know what I'm talking about.'' You tell angrily. Couple of your co-workers walks past of you and glances you curiously. Jimin glares them and they turn their heads towards the direction where they are headed hurrying their steps. ''Fine, but not here, follow me.'' Jimin begans walking without waiting for you to follow. Even when you are angry you can't deny the fact that seeing Jimin's butt in his tight skinny jeans doesn't affect you. Focus Y/N, you are mad. You shake your thoughts and hurry after him before he completely disappears from your sight. Jimin stops dramatically in front of random door and waves you to step in with mocking bow. You roll your eyes to his gesture and look around in the spacious room. There is racks full of clothes and more clothes. You are in the storage room where costumes that aren't in use are kept. Jimin closes the door after him and you are left alone into the dusty room, you can even see how the dust particles dance on the dim light. ''Now, can you tell me why you have been avoiding me?'' You ask impatiently. Jimin sighs and rubs his temple. ''It's complicated.'' ''Complicated how? Nothing has changed as far I can recall.'' You are confused and Jimin's distressed face doesn't make things easier to understand. Jimin's face falls suddenly blank and he looks to your eyes without blinking. ''I never thought that you would be such a slut Y/N.'' You feel like all the air is left your lungs and you gawk Jimin with wide eyes. ''A sl-slut?'' ''Yes, I never thought that you would willingly have sex with my every fucking friend.'' Jimin's voice gets louder and you feel like you are turning smaller under his heated gaze. ''Bu-but it was your idea that I should take lessons from your friends.'' You say with shaky voice and bite your lip from keeping you from crying. ''I know and I regret it. I never thought that you would actually follow the plan.'' Jimin chuckles darkly and takes one step closer to you. ''I have started to think that you are only my friend so you can hoe around with my friends.'' Hid voice is low again when he lowers himself to your level. ''I m, I was your friend because you were first person to show kindness towards me when I first moved here. Besides I didn't even know your friends before you introduced them for me.'' With that being said you storm out of the room while tears kept falling freely from your eyes.You run out of your workplace leaving all your belongings behind. You don't know how long you have been wandering and crying when you feel wave of exhaustion to hit you with full force. You fall on your knees on sidewalk while small hiccups leaves your lips. People walk past you whispering to each other and giving few stares, but no one stops to help at first. ''Y/N, is that you?'' Familiar voice asks and someone kneels in front of you. ''Mummy, why she is crying? Is she hurt?'' A small voice of child asks beside of the person. You look up and see worried looking Jisoo with a little girl, who you assume to be her daughter. The small girl has dark hair on two piggy tails, her face is chubby and his big brown eyes are widened in worry. ''I don't know sweetie, I'm trying to figure it out. Y/N? Can you stand? Are you okay?''Jisoo asks and smiles gently. Only few sobs leave your lips when you take her offered hand. You get up and try to smile to Jisoo but your smile is quick to turn into frown. ''Jisoo!'' You sob and hang yourself on her neck. ''Shh, it's okay. Can you tell me whats wrong?''Jisoo asks while petting your hair. You shake your head on her embrace. Suddenly you feel other pair of smaller hands tied around you. ''Pretty lady don't cry. Mummy says that big girls are strong and brave.'' Jisoo's daughters childlike wisdom is something that you need at the moment. You finally pull away from them. ''Thank you both.'' You tell whit raspy voice from crying. ''How about we go to cafe and drink something  to calm down.'' Jisoo suggest and you nod. ''I wan't ice cream.'' The little girl cheers. ''Haru, you already ate some yesterday.'' Jisoo tells while you begun walk slowly towards nearest coffee shop. ''That was yesterday, now is now.'' Haru pouts. ''Fine, let me think about it.'' Jisoo sighs given up. ''Yay! Ice cream!'' ~ You sit on booth with Haru while Jisoo orders for you. You feel quite awkward under the four-year-old's stare. You are glad when Jisoo arrives quickly carrying platter full of treats. She has small dose of ice cream on glass cup, two slices of wet chocolate cake, juice box for Haru and coffee for her and soda for you. You smile gratefully when she puts the piece of cake in front of you. Haru cheers and goes straight for her ice cream. You are jealous, children are so easy to please. ''Can you now tell me what is bothering you?'' Jisoo asks and takes careful sip from her hot drink. ''I had big fight with my friend.'' You admit and play with your little spoon. ''Who was the jerk who dared to hurt my Y/N?'' Jin slides dramtically next to you on the booth and takes you on tight embrace. ''I texted Jin.'' Jisoo tells apologetically for your confused face. ''Jin oppa!'' Haru cheers loudly and forgets her ice cream for a second. Jin finally lets you breathe and takes his hands away around you.'' Hi pumpkin, I missed you too.'' Jin smiles for the little girl. Jin is still wearing his work uniform, even his lab coat is on his shoulders. ''Do you want some of my ice cream?'' Haru asks and offers her spoon towards Jin. ''No thanks, I just ate.'' Jin assures and Haru shrugs her shoulders and returns happily to her dessert. ''So who was the bastard who made you cry?'' Jin lowers his voice around the little girl. You take big gulp and put the spoon on the table. ''Jimin.'' You admit bluntly. ''Jimin?'' Jin asks with high note and Haru glances towards your together pushed heads curiously. Jin remembers where he is and lowers his voice again. ''What did he do?'' ''I don't really want to talk about it, at least not here.'' You tell awkwardly. Jin looks you with impatient eyes but finally sighs. ''Fine, when we are alone, we will talk.'' You agree instantly feeling relived that you can avoid telling the truth little while longer. You spent for a while with Jisoo, Haru and Jin at the coffee shop. Finally Jisoo told that she and Haru had to leave. Haru was unhappy about parting with Jin but Jin's promise to visit her soon left smile on the little girl's lips. You are alone at cafe with Jin, who is sipping his second cup of coffee while you drink water. You aren't sure why Jin doesn't want to leave yet but the reason is soon revealed when Jungkook enter the cafe carrying your purse and jacket on his hands. ''Hi Hyung, hi Y/N.'' Jungkook greets you smiling softly and sit opposite of you on the booth. Jungkook is wearing thin grey jacket over his bleached jeans and his earphones are hanging loosely around his neck. ''Hey Jungkook, how did you end up with my belongings?'' You ask surprised but grateful. ''Well Jin texted me and asked if I could pick your stuff from the theater. I also met Jimin briefly but he was on super grumpy mood.'' Jungkook tells and frowns. ''I see.'' You mumble quietly. ''Did Jimin tell you that he made Y/N upset?'' Jin asks impatiently and Jungkook shakes his head surprised. ''Well he did and I was about to ask Y/N here tell us the whole story.'' Jin tells with emotionless tone. ''Is Jimin the reason why I had to made excuse for the elderly woman at the theater reception about Y/N's absence?'' Jungkook asks worry clear in his voice. ''You did? Yes and I'm grateful for that.'' You tell relived. ''No problem, just remember that your aunt fainted and is now at the hospital.'' Jungkook grins. ''I will.'' You smile back at Jungkook. ''Now can we finally go to the topic about what Jimin did?'' Jin asks clearly being in limits of his patience. You take a deep breath and begin to tell about your argument with Jimin, while you keep staring your glass so you aren't able to see the men's faces. ''Son of a bitch!'' Jin fums and hits his fist one the table. Jin's outbreak gains stares of other customers and soon you are asked to leave for causing too much disorder. ''Fine we go, I didn't like the place that much anyway.'' Jin tells the unlucky waitress who had to deliver the message. You exit the cafe with Jin and Jungkook and you follow Jin to his car. You sit on the passenger's seat and Jungkook sits on the back. Jin starts the car still clearly upset. You aren't sure is he upset for you or Jimin. When the silence gets to heave to bare you finally speak. ''Jin?'' You ask carefully holding tightly on your purse to ease your nerves. ''Yes Y/N?'' Jin asks with tense voice while his grip on the steering wheel tightens. Jungkook seems to sense the heavy atmosphere and keeps wisely his mouth shut. ''Are you mad at me?'' Jin chuckles lowly. ''Why would I be? I'm staying silent because I don't have anything nice to say about Jimin right now.'' ''Okay, then where are  we going?'' You had no idea where Jin was driving. ''It's a surprise.'' Jin answers mysteriously and you glance Jungkook trough rear view mirror but he just smiles slyly back at you. ~ ''An amusement park?'' you are exited. Jin and Jungkook has taken you into biggest indoor amusement park in the city called 'Summer fields'. You are waiting on the line to purchase your tickets and Jin is feeling amused because of your excitement. Jin is completely ignoring curious looks caused by his working clothes, but after all it's amusement park and his outfit isn't the most odd one which has been seen here. ''We thought that you could use some cheering up and besides this is great excuse to skip work.'' Jungkook tells excitedly. ''Won't you get in trouble because of skipping?'' You ask feeling guilty. ''Don't worry. My boss is out of town and everyone is taking things more relaxed at work now. Besides I'm at home suffering from food poisoning.'' Jungkook winks and Jin sighs loudly. ''So that's why you were available, no wonder. One day you will get caught with your lies.'' Jin scolds his younger who just smirks wider. ''Maybe, but not today.'' Jungkook has smug smile on his face which leaves quickly when he sees Jin's disappointed face. Now it's your turn to buy your tickets and despite of your protest Jin insist paying yours but refuses to buy Jungkook's and say that he is teaching him a lesson. You wonder if Jin's means are effective after all the boy is still going to have fun with you guys. When you have survived from entrance area you see excited people all around you. Some of them are wearing silly headbands with cat ears or unicorn's horn and some is stuffing their mouth full of cotton candy carrying big stuffed animals. You hear exited screams when people are enjoying the rides and some get scared on the roller coaster. You see the fantasy themed castle sparkling in the distance and you are admiring the small lights which sparkles on the castle walls. ''So, what you wanna do first?'' Jin asks and brings you back to the moment. ''I don't have a preference really. I has been in amusement park last time when I was a teen.'' You tell honestly and Jin loo's you with wide eyes. ''Are you serious? How could you have been so long without joy of eating too much candy and puking after the wildest rides.'' Jin asks with fake scandalous voice. ''I don't know. Sometimes I wonder how I'm alive.'' You answer as dramatic voice as Jin's. ''Guy's stop joking, lets go already. I want to drive the bump cars.''Jungkook says his eyes glistering like little child's. You must admit that your friends excitement is contagious and before you even notice you are having so much fun running from ride to another, playing some arcade games and even buying silly cat ears, which you put on top of Jin's head, and when Jungkook laughs for him and you pull from your bag a pair of another headband with mouse ears. Jungkook tries to run away but after seeing your sulking face he puts the fluffy ears on top of his head which makes you smile widely. Jin glances his watch time to time like he is waiting for something but Jungkook is always fast pulling your attention to somewhere else. Jungkook spend a quite amount of money to win you big fluffy stuffed bunny even when you insisted that he did not have spend his money on games just to win you a prize. Jungkook just waved your complaints away and kept feeding his money to game vendor who accepted them happily. You are walking with the big bunny on your arms when Jin glances his watch again. ''Y/N, what you think about riding a Ferris wheel?'' Jin suddenly asks andyou are quick to agree even tough it feels little lame after the previous ride which you visited. Jungkook is also quick to agree as well and soon you head to the end of the line to wait your turn to ride. ''Hyung I really need to pee.'' Jungkook says suddenly and you look him surprised. ''Aish, Now? Why did you drink so much.'' Jin answers, which is odd because Jungkook had barely drank anything. ''I'm sorry. Will you come with me to the bathroom?'' Jungkook looks guilty. ''Y/N can you manage alone,we will be shortly back. I'm sure that we will be here before our turn.'' Jin pleas. ''Umm, okay.'' You hesitate a little, the line isn't that long... ''Great, we will be back soon.'' Jungkook grins and starts walking towards the bathroom with hurried steps followed by Jin. Maybe he did had to really pee badly after all. When Jin and Jungkook isn't constantly by your side cheering you up, your mind starts to slip easily back to Jimin harsh words. perhaps you shouldn't have spent so much time with so many different men and  should have refused the whole idea of going out with them but on the other than how could you have known that their dates have some ulterior motives even tough they were good ones. You squeeze your bunny tighter in your arms and force smile to your face. You did not want to disappoint the men after all they had done to you. When someone puts their hand on your shoulder you turn around fake smile on your face ready to face your friends. Except it wasn't them. ''Namjoon? What are you doing here?'' You are greatly surprised to see the man in the question. He is wearing a casual red hoodie with plain jeans and white cap on top of his head. You have never seen him wearing anything else but formal clothes so he seems little odd in your eyes, odd in the good way. ''I'm here for our date.'' Namjoon says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. ''Our date?'' You ask surprised. Someone coughs on your back in the line and you realize that it's your turn to get in the ride. You climb in the small cabin with blushing face followed by Namjoon who sits next you on the small space. The ride starts to move slowly and Namjoon returns to the topic. ''Jin and Jungkook kept you company until I was able to leave the work and get home to change.  The told me that you needed cheering up.'' ''Great, does everyone know about my fight with Jimin?'' You whine and bury your face into your stuffed animal. ''Y/N, look at me.'' Namjoon says with gentle voice. You refuse to look at him feeling embarrassed and bury your face deeper into the bunny's fur. Namjoon tugs gently the stuffed animal and you give up and let go of it. You look Namjoon's face scared waiting what he has to say. Namjoon leans closer and puts his hand on your thigh. ''Don't you realize how important you are to us, to me? You are such a great person who always has been kind and polite to us. From the fist moment when Jimin introduced us I knew that you were something special.'' Your face turns into deeper shade of tomato and Namjoon smiles fondly to you. ''Forget Jimin and forget his stupid words. If he doesn't see you like I do he needs to wake up.''Namjoon adds and presses  kiss on your cheek. It's official, you are a tomato or at least relative to them. Suddenly the ride jerks and stops. The Ferris wheel was moving at slow space around so it was notable change. ''What's going on?'' You ask panicked and glance around. You notice that people in the other carts are also looking confused. ''I don't know.'' Namjoon answers and frowns.''Attention, I'm sorry to announce that our Ferris wheel is stuck. Please stay calm and seated, the maintenance team is on it's way.'' The man who controls the ride proclaims from his booth with monotone voice.     ''Well fuck.'' Namjoon sighs but you keep quiet. You are sort of little bit afraid of heights. It's nothing serious and you can enjoy your rides fine, as long as they are moving. When you are stuck in high place you easily feel sick. You remember one time when your class had a field trip at elementary school and you visited high sight seeing tower. At first you were super excited for the trip, after all you didn't leave your small town often at the time. You can vividly remember the long class stairs which you had to take to reach the top. At first everything was going smoothly and you were walking in line with your classmates along the stairs. It started you feeling little bit funny and shaky but you kept going. When you were little above the middle of the stairs you looked down and saw how high up you were. Ii did not help that you were able to see trough the cabs between the stairs the distant ground. You stopped on your heels and a boy who was behind of you complained loudly and tried to push you to keep going but you couldn't. in the end the whole glass had to go back down because the teacher couldn't leave the rest of the class alone.  You had to go the stairs down on your butt slowly dropping one stair at the time while the teacher held your hand. You felt so ashamed of yourself when you were left alone in the lobby with the reception worker so other children could at least enjoy their trip. ''Y/n', are you okay?'' Worried sounding Namjoon pulls you from your memory. ''I'm fine.'' You lie with shaky voice. You feel so stupid the ride wasn't nearly as high as the tower had been. ''You clearly aren't okay, please don't lie to me.'' Namjoon says with stern voice and takes hold of your shoulders. ''Talk to me.'' You gulp and look back to Namjoon's serious eyes. ''I'm scared of heights.'' You admit shyly. Namjoon just stares you without speaking for a second when he suddenly lets big puff of air out of his lungs. ''I can't believe those idiots took you to the amusement park without figuring that out.''  You are surprised from his outburst. ''it's not Jin's and Jugkook's fault. I'm usually fine on the rides. I just get shaken a bit when I can actually feel how high I'm.'' You hurry to defend your friends. Namjoon slides his hands along your shoulders and stops at your hands. Slowly he lifts one of your hands to his lips and kisses each of your finger gently. ''Wha-what are you doing?'' You ask flustered. The return of the tomato is near. ''I'm distracting you.'' He answers casually and repeat his actions with your other hand. Well you can't lie, his actions are working. Instead of fear you are feeling completely different feeling, lust. You keep staring Namjoon's lips when they brush gently tips of your fingers. You have sudden urge to kiss him, so you do it.  At the same second when Namjoon drops your hand and smiles you lean closer and press your lips against his. He freezes from surprise. its unlike to you to be so forward with your actions. Namjoon recovers quickly and his hands finds your neck quickly wrapping around it. Sure you had kissed Namjoon once before during your heated make out session at Jin's car but never like this. This time you were fully able to appreciate his velvet lips. Jolt of the cart pulls you apart and you look each other with widened pupils, the Ferris wheel was moving again. You had forgotten to be afraid of heights when you were next to Namjoon. ~ You are quick to leave the amusement park after you are freed from the Ferris wheel. Your lips are locked when you enter in to Namjoon's house. You don't have time to admire his beautifully decorated home, all you could see was Namjoon. When you part Namjoon takes you to his hands and carries you towards his bedroom on his arms. He doesn't even waver when he climbs up the stairs with you, against your protests.  Namjoon tosses you to his well made bed and follows quickly after pulling his hoodie and shirt away along the way. You admire his body and run your eyes along his chest. Namjoon smirks when he sees your admiration and peeks your lips quickly. ''Can I take this of?'' Namjoon gestures towards your shirt and you are quick to agree. You raise your hands above your head so Namjoon is able to undress your shirt. His eyes finds your lace covered breasts and short low moan leaves his lips. ''You look so good already, I can't wait to see what is under rest of your clothes.'' ''Come on and undress me then.'' You tease and amused smirk covers his face. ''I shall do what the lady demands but don't forget that I'm in control here.'' His low voice and dominant statement gets shivers run to your spine. Namjoon yanks quickly your pants away and tosses the carelessly on the ground. He licks his lips and follow curves of your body with his eyes. ''So fucking good. Do you trust me?'' Namjoon asks suddenly and you get flashbacks from your encounter in Jin's car. ''I think I do.'' You answer like you did back them and knowing look flashes on Namjoon's eyes.   ''Yes or no baby girl?'' Namjoon asks and reaches to swipe few locks of escaping hair away from you face. ''I do.'' You answer and Namjoon seems extremely happy. ''Good.'' Instead of returning to your body he gets up from his bed and heads for drawer close the door. You look curiously how he pulls one of the drawers open and takes out something that looks like a blindfold and pair of handcuffs. Namjoon returns to the bed with the items on his hand. He shows them to you and ask ''Are you still with me?'' You nod. Although you have never thought about being tied up or blindfolded the idea of doing so excites you. ''Good  girl. Can you take your bra of?'' he asks satisfied and brushes your right breast quickly with his knuckles. You nod shyly and reach to your back to open your bra and slide it of your shoulder.  Namjoon's eyes darkens when he sees your bare and those beautiful mounds of flesh with perky nipples. ''Lie down and put your hands up.'' Namjoon tells you and you obey quickly.  Namjoon cuffs your hands to the bed post threading the cuffs on the crossbars of his black iron bedpost.  When he is happy with securing you he takes the blindfold to his hands and slides it gently to cover your eyes. You are left in the darkness completely in his mercy and the idea of it makes the heat pooling in to your belly and small vet spot begins to form into your panties. ''You look so good like this baby girl, all tied up and just waiting that someone taker you. I could just admire you all day.'' You hear Namjoon's voice and soon feel the bed dip next to you for a sign that Namjoon is sitting next to you. Namjoon puts his hand on your right breast and squeezes. ''Dam,  you have good tits.'' You whine softly for his words and hear him chuckle but otherwise keeping quiet. Namjoon rolls your nipple gently between his fingers and his lips finds your other breast. He bits it hard. You yelp in surprise. ''Joon!'' You complain and Namjoon stops for second. ''I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. You just look so divine.'' He admits and you feel yourself getting more heated.  If you were honest his teeth did not hurt that much, you were just surprised from his actions. After all you had no idea what he would do because you ability of seeing has been robbed from you. ''I-it's okay.'' You answers and it's Namjoon's cue to continue. He returns to your breasts and this time he nibbles them more gently. You sigh in pleasure when Namjoon's hand starts to roam lower to you body dipping over your breasts. He stops above your underwear and sighs. ''You are already turning wet for me, you are such a needy thing.'' He hymns and pulls your panties away leaving your body completely bare under his eyes. Even though you feel little shy your hands are tied on the bedpost and you can't do much to cover yourself. Without a warning Namjoon's hand dips between your wet folds and a wanton moan leaves your lips. ''So fucking wet.'' Namjoon pulls his fingers away from your heated core and you hear muted moan. ''Tastes as good as looks.'' Namjoon gets up from his seat just to go between your legs.  He spears your legs open and breath hitches to your throat from anticipation.  When Namjono is happy with his new position he spears your pussy lips open and dips his tongue to your folds. The pure pleasure from his small actions makes you impatient. ''Joon I need more!'' You demand. ''Wait patiently, you will get more. Impatient girls get nothing.'' Namjoon answers huskily and returns to your lower regions despite his accusing tone. His tongue returns to its work and he circles slowly your clit with the wet muscle. You have come to realize with your resent sexual awakening that you were really impatient when you wanted something but you were on Namjoon's mercy and complains wouldn't help you. Instead you bite your lower lip while Namjoon rills you up slowly. After time which felt like a eternity he dips his index finger into mix and begins to pump it slowly into your wet hole. Knot is forming slowly but surely from Namjoon's skilled actions but you are  still missing something. Like sensing this Namjoon finally gives you a mercy and picks up his speed and his plump lips find your needy bud. With his sucking and finger moving inside your walls you feel how the knot is ready to snap when suddenly Namjoon halts his movements and pulls away. Loud frustrated moan leaves from your lips, your orgasm has never been denied before. ''Don't worry you will come but only with me.'' Namjoon tells satisfied seeing you squirming. ''Hurry then.'' You demand, you can't help yourself. ''Usually I would punish you from a such bratty attitude but today I let it slide.'' Namjoon chuckles darkly and you hear how his belt is opened and pants are pulled down. You really want to see him. Soon you hear folio ripping and you assume him rolling condom at it's place. Your whole body stills. You have never actually gone trough with penetration. ''Hey Joon.'' You say with shaky voice and Namjoon stops his actions caused by your shaky tone. ''Is everything okay baby girl?'' he asks and squeezes your side gently. ''I, I haven't actually been fucked before.'' You hurry to force the words out of your mouth so quickly that Namjoon had to think before he realizes what you just said. ''Well fuck, I promise to go slow.'' Namjoon says with gentle voice which is completely opposite of his actions this far in the bedroom. ''Okay. Hey Joon?'' ''Yes baby?'' ''Can I at least see you?'' ''Sure, no problem.'' Namjoon agrees quickly worried for your comfort and pulls the blindfold from your eyes. You blink rapidly when the light hits your eyes.  When you are again used to the light your eyes find Namjoon and again you almost forget how to breathe. He is so fucking beautiful and handsome at the same time. His dick is hard and wrapped in condom, begging for it release.  Namjoon's body is like a eye candy, just created to be admired and worshiped. Did whole group of seven men save the country in their past life or something? It's so utterly unfair how all of them is so gorgeous. ''Can I kiss you?'' You ask and instead of answering Namjoon leans to your lips and bites your lower lip gently. ''Are you sure that you are okay with this?'' Namjoon asks when his lips leaves yours. ''Yes, I want to do it.'' You agree little bit nervous but eager to continue.           So you know how romance books always describes your first time as a fantasy came true? Well it it really was, Namjoon was gentle when he entered you going slowly. Namjoon was far from small and his member invading your insides was painful at first without lying.  You whined when you felt the burn and few tears escaped your eyes which Namjoon kissed away. When you finally gave the signal to move he made sure that your comfort came first and soon the stretch turned from unpleasant into pleasure.  Namjoon's dick brushed one particular spot in your insides and you were seeing stars. You begged for more and Soon Namjoon speed was multiplying and he pumped his hard member in and out to your wet hole.  You hands were still tied on the bedpost so you were unable to touch Namjoon which was in your eyes a minus but the thought slipped quickly from your mind when he pinched your clit and you came hard spamming around his thick member. Your pulsing walls were quick to push Namjoon over the edge and he came in to the condom. Panting and sweaty Namjoon pulled out and tossed the condom into nearby trash bin. You are still fucked out and coming back to earth when Namjoon releases you from the cuffs. After all the lust is literally fucked out of you, you are getting tired. Even the dull pain and soreness you feel won't stop your eyelids wanting to close shut. ''I go get the towel.'' Namjoon says quietly while you are already drifting to sleep in his bed. Last thing you can remember is Namjoon cleaning you up and pulling blanket over your body.  Namjoon turns the lights off in the room and slides next to you in to the bed drifting into dreamland with you.
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'Tae I fucked up.'' ''So I have heard.'' ''What I can do to fix this?'' ''What you think you should do?'' ''Fuck, I don't know. All I know is that I can't lose her.'' ''Then Jimin you should tell that to her.'' 
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Tags:  @lylanie12 @hopeivx @vannilacake @mina-messed-up  @lonely-hufflepuff @soularbangtan @all289854 @hobitoons @vanessalovesonedirection @bbjel @doki-do-ki @yoongleskitten @chaitaewithkookies @hellosweety94 @exochanyeoltao @brokencrownqueen @hitit-thesecond-audition @kookiemonstersugatea @treetops68 @mylittlestrangeandsweetworld @lanu-la @d-noona @serendipity-secrets @recs-by-raamish @jojolovesbangtan @fanficreblogaaaa @creepysweet  @elpanvibe @kassandravictoria @kpoppower @golddaengguk @barbikatherine 
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belacedia-a · 3 years
A TYL!Haru gift to Belphegor
(Hello! You’ve requested a gift from Haru and I’m here to deliver. Thank you for indulging me in my MoodTM. Feel free to do as you like with this drabble thing. Ie you can treat it as a standalone, post it as is, keep it in the inbox, etc )
The woman’s eyes couldn’t help but roam the chaotic halls as she was being led to where a specific Prince resided. Somehow, the base looked a lot like what she imagined it would look like. She wasn’t sure if that meant it was a good or a bad thing.
Anyways, what was she doing at Varia HQ? To deliver a gift. No no, that isn’t some codeword for something crazy. She truly was here to deliver a gift. She travelled all the way here from Japan just to deliver a gift. She had the ability to, so she was going to deliver it in person rather than tasking it to someone else. That’s why she’s here. How she managed such a feat?
She had done something called the, “Hey, I want to deliver a gift to someone in the Varia, can I do that? You’ll deliver it for me? Absolutely not, that ruins the heartfelt notion of the gesture! Do you have no sense for the romance of gift-giving? Who doesn’t want to see the expression of the recipient when they open the gift? That’s like opening a present your child gives you without them being around! Uncouth. No delicacy. Certainly you understand what I mean? You’ll let me deliver it myself, right?”- plan.
A long name, for a plan, but it was quite fitting, she’d say. Anyways, long story short, she’d stubbornly badgered Tsuna and Gokudera until they gave into her whims and arranged for her to be at Varia HQ so she could then find Prince Belphegor and give him a small gift.
Unless there was no other way around it, Haru preferred to deliver gifts herself rather than giving the task to someone else. It wasn’t as fun finding out the reactions of the recipients by a phone call or a letter.
Sure, her gift may not be much compared to what gifts a Prince could get or be entitled to, but she was a firm believer in giving gifts with a lot of thought put into them. If there was one thing that she was good at, it was crafting.
What was the reason behind her gift, you ask? Hm… yeah, she did have a reason. A pretty good reason, actually.
She felt like it.
Plain and simple, no? You don’t always need a reason to give a gift to someone. As long as the will is there, that’s all you need. In reality, it’s because she found a little crown while perusing a crafting store one day and an idea came to mind.
Absolutely nothing can stop Haru when her creativity starts roaring. She instantly bought the small crown along with fabric and other materials. She made a little mink plush with a crown atop its head. Did she make a plush version of his box animal, or did she just make a Prince Minkegor? That’s a secret she won’t tell anyone.
Though, considering she had the mink plush wearing a Varia uniform, maybe the answer was too obvious? Well, should he feel offended, she’ll use the tried and true: “Hahi! Are you saying that your mink is not a part of the Varia? Look at how cute it looks wearing a uniform. How could you reject such cuteness? Illegal-desu.”
She was led to a door which opened to reveal the Prince they all had the fortune (debatable to some) of knowing. Behind him was a… well… never mind. Haru was going to erase that from her memory. She’d never seen such a… hectic room before. A nudge at her side reminded her of where she was.
That chaotic room was almost hypnotic in a way. She had the urge to barge in there to clean it, but she felt that she’d start… and never come back out alive. She’d get buried alive. A brief shiver ran down her spine, but she quickly shook her head free of silly thoughts. If she were to get crushed under an avalanche of stuff, surely someone would save her! Yeah!
There’s no way she’d die! Probably.
“Bel~ It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I came to visit because I have something for you.”
She reached into her bag and pulled out a decorated box. One that looked like a box animal could come out of. Yes, the mink doesn’t come out from a box, but she can’t perform miracles. This was the best that she could do. “Look, I decorated the gift box to look like a storm box, pretty good, isn’t it?”
She’s quite clever, she won’t deny this fact. She held out the box for him to accept. Once he opened it, he’d find a mink plush wearing a Varia uniform and a crown atop its head placed inside the box.
“Get it? Inside of a storm box is a mink! It may be a humble gift, but I did my best to make it myself.”
It did come to mind that gifting someone from the Varia a plush of all things might be a bad idea, but Haru thought that he might find the gift amusing at the very least.
“Haru did try to think of a gift that would be useful, but if the Prince were to need anything, couldn’t he simply get it? As such, I opted for a gift that is special. The only one in the world. If you don’t like the Varia uniform, you can take it off, same with the crown.”
While she isn’t the strongest fighter or the most useful operative, she had confidence in her crafting skills. Plush making? Easy. Making clothes and costumes? Also easy.
“I found the crown while I was out shopping one day and thought of you. I was grateful towards you for being kind to me before, so here’s a gift.”
It would’ve been easy as breathing for him to tell her to go back home, but he allowed her to come along for a mission in the past and it always stuck with her.
“So—Thank you, Bel. I hope you like the gift, though humble it may be.”
That’s all she came here to do, to deliver a gift. She promised she wouldn’t stick around for too long so she had to go. The one who lead her here was waiting off to the side to escort her back.
“Maybe I’ll see you again, bye bye~ See you again-desu!”
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catsafarithewriter · 4 years
For the prompts- "Is that a new hat? Nice, very pointy. Classic.” and/or “It’s not my fault! You make it all too easy to laugh at you.” Muta and Toto shading each other or Haru and Baron.
A/N: Someone already requested the “it’s not my fault!” prompt, so I’m going for “Is that a new hat? Nice, very pointy. Classic.” This is another Soulmate AU, because apparently I’m weak for playing with the concept. :D
Basically: there’s a business for everything. Even soulmates. 
(Also the first scene is inspired by The Librarians TV show. Also… this got long. Like... 6K long? I regret so much.)
Humbert von Gikkingen - or Baron, to the few that knew him - didn’t receive many visitors while working in his quiet little corner of the Bureau of Soulmate Regulation. 
Or any, if one didn’t count the handful of co-workers he shared the Sanctuary with.
So when there came a quiet knock at his office door, he didn’t bother to look up. Of the few co-workers he had, even fewer bothered to knock. Instead, he pulled up another file and began to write up the results. “Toto, if this is about the radio, I promise I barely went near the infernal machine, and Muta is the one responsible for the coffee machine–”
“What happened to the coffee machine?”
He snapped his head up and was greeted not with the tired expression of the Head of the Bureau of Soulmate Regulation, but of a woman he didn’t recognise. For a moment, he glanced behind him as if  half expecting there to be someone else she had come to see, before remembering he was the only one there. “Can I help you?”
“I, uh…” She faltered as she looked at him, her gaze slipping from his eyes and pausing instead on the ginger fur, the feline ears, the tail sweeping behind him… Then she visibly remembered her manners and dropped into a hasty bow. “I’m Haru Yoshioka. I’ve been hired as your… facilitator, I think?” She rose out of the bow, her face reddening. “At least, that’s assuming you are Humbert von Gikkin- Gikkanin-”
“Gikkingen,” he supplied. “Yes, I am, and no, I do not need a facilitator.” He returned his attention to the file at hand. “Door’s behind you; I presume you can find your own way out.”
She didn’t move. 
He glanced back up. “I’m sorry, does something seem to be confusing you, Miss Yoshioka?”
“Well… kind of.” Her hands were dancing over a slip of paper, turning it over and curling the edges. “It’s just, the letter I got seemed quite sure…”
He now saw the paper was a beautifully embossed piece of card, more akin to a wedding invitation than a letter, and his stomach sank. He held out a hand. “May I?”
“Oh. Sure.” 
He turned it over in his hold and, sure enough, there were the words he knew too well, written in flowing, nearly-illegible script. 
‘Miss Haru Yoshioka. You have been selected to interview for a prestigious position with the Bureau of Soulmate Regulation,’ it read. Simple. To the point. Almost insultingly brusque, if it weren’t for the obvious expense and care put into it. 
“I mean,” the woman said, missing his growing resignation, “it was kind of weird. I don’t remember ever applying for anything, definitely nothing that would prompt this, but the name and address was correct, and the man I met didn’t seem that surprised by it.” She paused. “Now I think about it, he didn’t even interview me; just sent me here to meet you.”
“No,” Baron said. “He wouldn’t have.” He sighed and passed the letter back , reaching for the internal phone with his other hand. “Please excuse me for a moment. Toto?” 
He pressed the call button several times before it responded with an angry buzzing. He pressed again, and it cleared into an acceptable phone pitch. “Toto?”
After a long moment, the Head of the Bureau picked up. He sounded like he already knew the incoming conversation. “Baron. How lovely to hear your voice. What can I do for you today?” 
“Toto, I have a woman here claiming she’s my facilitator–”
“Oh, good. Then she found her way to your office. The Sanctuary must like her.”
“No. Not good. Toto, why would you invite her here? We’ve already discussed that I don’t need a facilitator–”
Toto gave a short laugh. “I don’t send the invitations, you know that. The Sanctuary does. The Sanctuary sends the invitations and, evidently, it has decided that yes, you do need a facilitator before you blow up another computer. I’m sorry, Baron. The decision is out of my hands.” There was a pause, and then, “Oh, and Miss Haru, if you’re hearing this, welcome to the Bureau of Soulmate Regulation.” He could hear the smile in Toto’s words. “Good luck.”
They both stared at the phone as Toto hung up, and a dubious pause lingered. 
“So…” Haru said eventually, “does that mean I’m hired?”
“It would appear so.” 
“You, uh, don’t seem too happy about this.”
“I’m sorry, Miss Yoshioka. Trust me, this isn’t any fault of yours, it’s simply that I do not need a facilitator. You hear that?” he snapped, glaring at the office ceiling. “I don’t need her! I’m fine!”
“Sir… are you arguing with the building?”
“The building’s quasi-sentient,” he muttered. “You get used to it.” 
“So, um, I guess I should have asked this before now,” Miss Haru said, “but what exactly does a facilitator do?” She frowned at the blue nitrile gloves set before her. “And do I have to wear these?”
Baron paused, mid-way into bringing up the next case. “How much do you know about the Bureau of Soulmate Regulation?”
“Just what it says on the tin. You’re the people who match folk up with their soulmates. People send their details in, fill out a form, and you respond back with their match.” She hesitated and glanced round at the singular office. “To be honest, I thought there’d be more of you. It’s a big business.”
“This building is just one of many offices strewn across the world, but it isn’t a popular vocation.” He didn’t meet her gaze as he flipped through the file. “Only mages can actively cast the spells required to identify soulmates, but using your magic tends to have… complicated effects.”
“Like turning into a cat.”
He looked at her. 
“Wait, I’m sorry, was that rude?” she gabbled. “That probably was rude, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to just say it like that, it’s just that you are, well, I couldn’t help but notice that you…”
He waited. 
He sighed and closed the case file. Better to get the awkward conversation out of the way now. “Yes, my… feline appearance is due to my use of magic. Yes, the transformation is solely superficial, yes, it will continue to happen as long as I work here, and no, I am not about to go chasing after a laser pointer.” Yet, his mind supplied. 
“Oh.” She glanced back to the gloves she had been given. “So is that what these are for?”
“You’re going to be coming into contact with magic while employed here. Officially, we cannot make you wear them, but they are strongly recommended for non-mages who work in a magical environment. Second-hand magic isn’t as strong as it is for mages, but it will still have… consequences if you are regularly exposed to it.” 
Her eyes flickered over him, and he knew she was considering the possibility of becoming half-cat herself. 
She put the gloves on. 
“And… my job? You didn’t answer that.”
Keeping his deadpan expression on her, he reached across and brushed a hand over the electric kettle. 
The fuse blew, and along with it every light bulb in his office. There was a curse somewhere else in the building, and Baron suspected the effects were slightly more wide-reaching than usual today. He grinned at her in the semi-gloom. “Side effect number two of regular magic usage: Electricity really doesn’t like it.”
The lights flickered back on. Someone had evidently located the fuse box. 
“Huh” Miss Haru said, and to her credit, she only looked vaguely unsettled by the electrical fault. “I guess that explains Mr Toto’s comment about exploding computers.”
“Firstly, I didn’t explode anything. It smoked, at best. And, secondly…” He faltered, not entirely sure where his train of thought had been going.
“Secondly, I guess that’s my job?” she offered. 
“Yes. Facilitators are hired to help mages whose magic has reached the stage where it becomes… inconvenient around electrical appliances.”
“Like exploding computers?”
He sighed. “Like exploding computers.”
For all his complaints about not needing a facilitator, Humbert at least remained professional enough to keep his irritation to himself. For that, Haru was grateful. 
Even if she did have to move the kettle into the next room to stop him from making his own tea. 
And shift the internal phone onto her desk. 
And put warning tape around the light switches. 
In any case, she quickly became familiar with where the fuse box and spare light bulbs were kept, more so than she did in her actual home, and life fell into a strange sort of routine. She’d arrive, turn on the lights in their corner of the Sanctuary, make them both tea with the exiled kettle, and then settle down to help whenever Humbert’s job required access to anything electrical. 
Sometimes it was picking up the phone, and other times it was replying to emails or updating Humbert on their contents. But mostly it was dealing with the influx of soulmate requests - transcribing the details onto paper for Humbert and then transferring them back onto the computer when he had the results. She wondered how he had managed before she had been hired. 
Explosively, if the previously computer comment was anything to go by.
“Someone would run down with the list in the morning and then pick it up at the end of the day,” Humbert answered when she finally decided to ask. 
“Sounds inefficient,” Haru said. 
“It worked.”
Slowly, Haru suspected.  
She didn’t say that though. She just put down a fresh cup of tea and ignored how tentatively he sipped at it. 
“You don’t like my tea, do you?”
She wasn’t sure what prompted her to be so direct - maybe it was a month of watching her co-worker superficially thank her every time she set a cup down before him and reluctantly drink it out of gratitude. Maybe she’d just had enough. 
He looked startled. “Miss Haru, I assure you–”
“You’re really not that subtle. So, what is it? Too much milk? Not enough sugar? Seeping for the wrong time?”
Humbert hesitated. “You make excellent tea - for store-bought tea bags. The fact of the matter is simply that I’m more accustomed to making my own blend - or,” he added, “I was before…” and he motioned vaguely to himself. 
“Oh.” She supposed that explained the cupboard full of loose tea leaves and other varied ingredients she’d found when moving the kettle. “You know, if you tell me how to–”
“Thank you, but I’m afraid I quite enjoyed the process as much as the drinking.” 
He smiled politely in a way that didn’t meet his eyes. 
“Thank you, all the same.”
Baron jolted back as a tray was set firmly on his desk. He leant back, appraising the tea pot, the cups, and the assortment of boxed ingredients laid out before him. “What is this?”
“I would have thought you, of all people, Humbert, would recognise a tea pot when you saw one,” Miss Haru said, a knowing smile on her lips. 
“Yes, but more to the matter: What is it doing here? You know I cannot make tea–”
“What you cannot do,” she said, “is use a kettle. And, correct me if I’m wrong, but the rest of the tea-making process is pretty analogue, right?” She beamed proudly at him. “And, luckily for you, you have someone on hand who can fill a kettle.”
He looked at her anew. 
She grinned back. “Well?” She was almost brimming with excitement. “What do you think?”
Baron pulled the tea pot towards him. It was ceramic and red, a classic combination with a good quality weight to it. Inside was a detachable infuser, ready and waiting for a fresh tea batch. 
“Okay, now is the time to tell me you love it,” Miss Haru said, doubt beginning to creep into her voice. “
“I love it,” he said. 
“Oh, thank god. I was beginning to worry… Look, just let me know when you want to make a cup and I’ll get the kettle sorted.” 
“I really do,” he said, and he was surprised when his voice wavered. He browsed through the ingredients, all freshly bought variations of the old collection he’d had before his magic had made using a kettle impossible. “This is… Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Humbert.” 
“Baron,” he said. 
She faltered. “What?”
“Please, call me Baron, Miss Haru. All my friends do.”
She grinned. “In that case, it’s just Haru to you.” She laughed. “’Miss Haru’ makes me feel like someone’s nanny.” 
He returned the smile. 
“As you wish, Haru.” 
She had to admit it: his tea blends were delicious.
“A stick.”
Baron glanced at Haru. “You bought me a stick for Christmas.”
“I put a bow around it and everything” she said. “Look - it’s a little bowtie that matches yours. That’s real care and dedication. And it’s extendable!” 
“Why did you buy me a stick for Christmas, Haru?”
She grinned and retrieved it. It was, as far as sticks went, fairly fancy. It was metal and the pointer was shaped in the form of a cat’s head but, when all was said and done, it was still a stick. Even so, he watched with one raised eyebrow as she pulled it out, extending it from a foot to nearly a metre, and prodded the light switch. 
“Now you don’t have to wait for me to turn the lights on!” Haru cried. 
“That’s… huh.” 
Haru prodded the lights back on. “You don’t like it? Of course you don’t like it, what was I even thinking–”
“Of course I like it,” Baron said. He reclaimed the stick. “It’s very… you.”
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
He tilted his head. “It’s the highest praise, Haru.”
“Did you ever think of testing yourself?” The question slipped from Haru as she watched Baron perform the soulmate spell. It was a complicated affair, made up of several parts, including a spell to specify the individual, a spell to transfer the data to a compatible magic format, a spell to find the soulmate, and another spell to identify the soulmate… to name but the few Haru had been able to spot. She leant over his shoulder, almost but not quite touching, and added, “You know, seeing who your soulmate is?”
“Not particularly,” he answered. “And, even if I were inclined, things are somewhat complicated due to…” He motioned to himself, and Haru bristled. 
“Do you think your soulmate would care what you looked like?” she demanded. 
Baron laughed. “That wasn’t what I was referring to, although I imagine it wouldn’t make things any easier. No, you see, the magic used to determine one’s soulmate doesn’t work with a mage. It has something to do with our own magic contaminating the results.” 
“Oh. So, even if you used your own magic to try…?”
“It still wouldn’t work.”
“Oh.” He laughed again. “Don’t look so sad, Haru. I made my decision, and I’m happy with it.” He smiled. “And, as you reminded me, my appearance doesn’t… simplify matters.”
“I didn’t mean it in that way, I just assumed when you said that, that you meant–” 
“Look at me, Haru. Would you date me?”
Moments passed. 
Her mouth dried, and she glanced away. 
Baron didn’t see her blush. 
She had become accustomed to Baron’s unusual appearance. 
It had crept up on her, in the same way he had gone from co-worker to friend; quietly, and with no fuss. 
She was sorting through an old cabinet when she found the scuffed picture frame - stuffed between an expenses file from three years back and a confirmation of the instalment of a new computer. It showed two people; a woman with long blonde, almost white, hair, and a man with curly ginger hair. The two were posed in old-fashioned clothes, grinning into the camera. 
Baron must have sensed her sudden stillness, for he shifted his gaze her way. “Haru, what has… oh.”
She turned the photo towards him. “Is that…?”
“Old,” he answered and he took the picture from her. “I thought I’d lost it - where did you find it?”
“Just… down there. Baron, who are they?”
He looked to her with a feline grin. “Don’t you recognise me?”
“That’s… that’s you?”
“And my sister. She convinced me to attend a regency fair with her, and took great delight in making the costumes. Of course, we both look a little different now…” He noted her expression. “You seem surprised?”
“It’s just…” And she laughed, embarrassed. “I guess I had kind of forgotten that you were ever…”
“That you didn’t always look this way.”
He twisted the photo back towards her. “Well, now you know. What do you think? I was quite the looker, back in my day,” he said, with a kind of detached humour.
“You still are.”
He stared at her. 
She stared back. Shoot, had she really said that?
Then he laughed, throwing his head back and placing the frame on his desk. “Yes, I suppose my appearance still draws quite the eye, that’s true. I guess some things never change.”
She was always careful to avoid contact. 
Baron didn’t think she even noticed it anymore, it was so ingrained into her habit that she now instinctively kept that distance. Still, her behaviour had shifted. If he had to describe it, it would be that she had grown comfortable around him. 
And, to be honest, he had with her. 
Maybe that was the reason he felt confident enough to ask why she had never applied to find her soulmate. 
At first, she only laughed. The sound was light, surprised. She raised an eyebrow back at him. “How do you know I didn’t? Maybe I already did and am happily married with two kids and a mortgage.” 
He raised an eyebrow back. “A mortgage? On this payroll?”
“You’re right, I guess that did make my lie obvious.” She continued to type up the most recent batch of results. “Next time I’ll be sure to omit that.”
“You still didn’t answer my question.”
Now she paused. The familiar clicking of keys ceased and she glanced to him out of the corner of her eye. “I… don’t know. It costs to find your soulmate, and I suppose I just didn’t have the money spare. Still don’t,” she added.
Baron hesitated. 
The next words came heavy on his tongue. “You know… I could always do a test for you, free of charge.” He didn’t know why the smile he offered felt thin. “It’d be no trouble.”
She stared at him for a long, long moment. 
“Only if you wanted,” he hastily added. “I just thought…”
“I’m fine.” The smile she returned was nervous, although he couldn’t figure out why.
“I just ask because there’s always a risk that, even with only the second-hand magic around you, you might eventually become immune to the soulmate magic…” He was rambling. Why was he rambling? “And if that were the case, it feels only right to give you the chance to discover your soulmate while the magic still works for you–”
She leant in suddenly, drawing intimately close. “Baron, I’m fine. I’m happy not knowing who my soulmate is.”
“But what if that changes?”
She only looked at him. “I don’t need magic to tell me who to fall in love with.”
It was only as she backed away did he realise her hands had, if only briefly, covered his. 
“Is that a new hat? Nice, very pointy. Classic.”
Haru finished tying the bonnet’s ribbon beneath her chin and examined her reflection in the darkened window. “Thanks. Does it suit me?” 
“It looks lovely, but I’m fairly certain it’s not approved Bureau dress protocol.”
“Toto would have to catch me in it first.” 
“You also have it on backwards. Here, let me…” He was halfway to untying the ribbon when he remembered himself. His hands froze. “It… should be the other way around.” 
There was a flicker in her gaze, and then she set the hat in its correct position. “Like that?”
“You need to tilt it further back, or it won’t stay in place…” His fingers itched with the desire to straighten the bonnet, but now his mind was becoming preoccupied with other thoughts, notably how close they suddenly were. 
Haru huffed, a strange, amused sound, and took his wrists in her blue gloved hands. She brought his hands to the brim of her hat. “Just sort it out, Baron, before your delicate fashion senses get any more offended.”
“The magic–”
“You haven’t done any magic today, not yet,” she informed him. “Look, I did my reading; second-hand magic can only be picked up from either active sources, or inactive sources within an hour of being exposed.” She grinned. “You’re not contagious, Baron, so just tie the darn ribbon.” 
Still, he hesitated. 
Haru tilted her head up to give him a better angle, and her eyes were bright and close and beautiful–
“Why exactly do you have this?” he asked. He hoped she couldn’t tell how hard he had to work to get his brain back on gear. “Short of flaunting the dress code.”
“I’m seeing if it fits. Your sister lent it to me and I need to let her know by the end of the day whether it’ll do.”
“That still doesn’t explain why you have it.”
“I’m borrowing it because we’re going to a regency fair.”
“We as in, you and my sister, or…?”
“We as in you and me.”
He’d finished tying the bonnet in place and, he had to admit, it did suit her. He didn’t back away. “What?”
“There’s a fair in town this weekend and I know you don’t have anything planned - don’t lie, I checked with your sister - so I may have organised for us to go.”
“Because you used to go all the time and I thought you’d enjoy it.”
He took a step back. “Haru, have you considered that maybe there was a reason I stopped going?”
“Yes, and it’s balderdash.” She made a face at him. “Your sister still goes regularly, and she’s as much a cat as you! Why should you miss out on fun just because of a few whiskers and a tail? And don’t tell me about the whole second-hand magic thing, because we both know that as long as you don’t use magic, you’re not a danger to anyone.” 
He hesitated. “Haru…”
“Louise tailored your old costume and everything.” She laughed. “She, uh, may have made me a dress too - I didn’t ask her to!” she was quick to add. “She’s just so…”
“Impulsive,” Baron finished. 
“I was going to go with ‘enthusiastic’ actually, but sure. I only asked after her advice, and the next thing I knew she had already found your old costume and was planning one for me, and…” She chuckled and shook her head. “She thinks it would be good for you to get out, Baron.”
“My sister thinks a great many things, and she’s as often wrong as she is right.”
“Like the rest of us.” She leant towards him. “Come on, Baron; it’ll be fun! You do know what fun is, don’t you? Or did you skip that day at school?”
Despite everything, he felt the edge of a smile on his lips. “Miss Haru, you are far too convincing for your own good.”
“Is that a yes?”
He had to admit it: the regency fair was fun. 
More fun than he’d had in a long time. 
“You’re in love.”
Haru nearly dropped the files she was carrying. “I what?”
Baron continued to mark through the paperwork, not even deigning to look up. “You’re wearing the same perfume as you did when you were first dating Machida and when you developed a crush on that waitress. Also, you’re wearing a necklace; a habit I have rarely seen outside of situations you want to make a good impression. Ergo, there is a new love interest on the scene.” 
Haru’s hand flew to the charm around her neck. “How could you tell? You didn’t even look.” 
He offered a knowing smile. “Feline senses.”
“Oh. Is it… is the perfume okay? It’s not too strong, is it? I can… sit downwind of you, if you want, not that there even is a downwind in an office, but–”
He smiled, and Haru’s heart skipped a beat. “It’s no bother, Haru. So, who’s the lucky person? Do I know them?”
She made a show of readjusting the files in her arms, eyes downcast. “Um… no. No, I don’t… You don’t.” She felt her cheeks heat up as Baron chuckled. “It’s…” 
“What’s this? The indomitable Haru Yoshioka, lost for words? I never thought I’d see the day.” He raised an eyebrow. “If it’s my sister, I only ask that you disbelieve 80% of the childhood stories she shares. She exaggerates.” 
“It’s… uh, it’s not your sister.” Haru hesitated. “Although she is really pretty.”
“Oh. I just thought, since you’ve been spending time with her… nevermind. So, who are they? I only ask because Louise will demand every detail when she hears of this.”
“He’s… well, he’s a he,” Haru mumbled, “and he works in an… office. Files and paperwork and… stuff.”
Baron paused in writing up the soulmate report. “Somehow, that surprises me.”
“I presumed it would be someone more… exciting than that.”
“Office people can be exciting.” 
He faltered, and Haru suddenly wondered if she had dropped one too many hints, but then he said, “Sorry, I didn’t mean that you’re dull, I just meant…” He chuckled and looked awkwardly away. “There’s no way I can recover this, is there?”
“Not really.”
“How about if I try distracting you by asking you about this mystery man? What’s his name?”
She fumbled. “Uh… it’s.. um, Aaron.”
“How old is he?”
“Uh… about your age.”
“What does he look like?”
“About… your height. Ginger. Green eyes.” She blushed. “Is this a interrogation? Do you want to rig me up to a lie detector or something?”
“Actually, I’m just hoping it distracts you from my embarrassing comment earlier,” Baron admitted. “Is it working?”
“It’s definitely keeping my mind occupied.”
He beamed. “Grand. So what is he like, this Aaron?”
Again, she faltered, her gaze carefully shifting to the files she held. “He’s… uh, nice. Kind. Even when something irritates him, he does his best to be patient. He’s funny. And smart. And he trusts me, even when he’s nervous, and I love our conversations, and…” she hesitated, “he doesn’t know how I feel about him.”
Baron’s gaze turned sympathetic. “Have you tried telling him?”
“It’s… difficult. I think he just sees us as friends, and I don’t want to ruin that.”
“Haru, if the friendship is true, then you won’t ruin it even if he doesn’t return the feelings.”
“And he’s a little oblivious,” Haru added.
“Just be forthright. Just go up to him and say, ‘Aaron, I love you.’”
“I love you.”
“Yes! Like that!” Baron laughed. “If he doesn’t get the hint then, I’m sorry, Haru, but he’s too oblivious for you.”
Haru stared for a long moment. “Okay. Thanks, Baron. Good pep-talk.”
After Haru left, Baron hesitated. His mind ran over the conversation, picking up coincidences and hints and almost piecing them together into one complete picture.
Then he laughed and shook his head. 
“Don’t be silly, Baron,” he muttered to himself.
Baron’s sister, Louise, had taken the shapeshifting side effects of being a mage in her stride; something that Baron still couldn’t quite get used to. She sat back at the cafe, wide-brimmed hat settled between her feline ears, and a tailored pair of sunglasses perched precariously on the bridge of her nose. 
“You look like an undercover spy, Louise,” Baron said as he swung into the seat opposite.
Louise snapped the book she was reading down. “And you, darling brother, look like a librarian. A dull one at that. Honestly, you should wear the morning suit I bought you for last Christmas. Now that was a look.”
“It’s ridiculous and outdated, Louise.”
“It’s smart! And eyecatching!”
He raised an eyebrow. “I don’t need to be more eyecatching.”
“So you might as well dress as if you’re having fun with it,” Louise reprimanded. “Not as if you’re apologising for existing.”
“I don’t–”
“How is Haru doing?”
He always forgot how disorientating Louise could be until he was sitting in front of her. “She’s… fine? Why do you ask.”
“No… developments since we last chatted?”
Baron hesitated. “What kind of… developments are we talking about?”
Louise gave him a stare and then snapped her book back to her face. “Nothing. Forget I asked.”
“What developments, Louise?”
She groaned and dropped the book onto the table. “Fine. Has Haru had any… conversations with you about dating?”
“She asked my advice on a guy a few weeks back… Is that what this is about?”
“What guy?”
“Someone called Aaron? I didn’t ask for a last name - that seemed somewhat inappropriate–”
“Aaron?” Louise repeated. Her sunglasses began to wobble as she repressed the laughter. “Oh my god, she can’t lie for buttons. What else did she tell you about this ‘Aaron’?”
His sister’s hilarity gave Baron pause. “Just a few small details - he’s kind, works in an office, about my height and age, ginger…” He trailed off as Louise’s grin only grew more knowing. “Louise… what is it?”
“You, Humbert, are the most stupidest person I’ve ever had the pleasure to know.” She laughed and raised her hands to the sides of his face, gloved hands sinking into his fur. “Clap two slices of bread between your ears and call yourself an idiot sandwich, Humbert; the person she was talking about was you.”
“You can’t be sure–”
“I can, because I’m not an idiot sandwich.” Louise grinned. “And because she may have told me as such a while back. Now, are you going to go talk to her about it or do I have to do that for you too?”
“Release my face first.”
“Toto, I think I might be in love with Haru.”
The Head of the Bureau of Soulmate Regulation laughed and swivelled his chair to face Baron. “Oh thank god, you’ve finally decided to join the party.”
Toto leant back from his desk with a grin. “We’ve all known about how you two feel about each other for months. It’s about time one of you did something about it.”
“In Haru’s defence,” Baron said, his face heating up, “she has told me at least once.”
“What happened?”
He winced. “I… may not have noticed?”
Toto cawed a laugh. “Naturally. So, now you have caught up with the programme, what are you going to do about it?” Toto tilted his head. “You do intend to do something, don’t you?”
“I - yes, of course, but–”
���But what?”
Baron hesitated. He still wasn’t entirely sure that this wasn’t some elaborate trick from his sister to get him to confess what he’d been trying to ignore all this time. It wasn’t that he thought his sister cruel, but more that the idea that Haru - funny, intelligent, fearless Haru - would have fallen for him was laughable.
Some of those thoughts must have made it onto Baron’s face, for Toto scowled and rose to his feet. “Oh, no; you’re not wimping out of this now.” He grabbed Baron’s collar and hauled him out of his office and down to Baron’s. 
“Toto, is this really necessa–”
Even the Sanctuary was working against him, it seemed, for the usual trek between the two offices took no time at all, and Baron had little chance to think up any convincing argument before he was suddenly standing before Haru in their little corner of the Sanctuary. 
“Haru, Baron has something to tell you,” Toto said, and shut the door. 
And, suddenly it was just the two of them. 
The two of them and a whole unspoken secret. 
Haru glanced curiously to the slammed door and then to Baron with a raised eyebrow.  “Okay, that’s strange… even for Toto.” She laughed and nodded over to Baron’s desk. “By the way, the soulmate identity spell you left running is almost done so, uh, maybe you should keep an eye on that while you tell me whatever Toto has dragged you back to say.”
Numbly, Baron moved over to his desk. 
“Haru… we’ve known each other for a while now, haven’t we?”
“A year and a bit, yeah.” 
“And we’re friends, aren’t we?”
She gave him an odd look. “I hope so. Otherwise I’m going to have to return your Christmas present - and, no, it’s not another stick.”
“Haru, please, I’m trying to be serious here.” 
Another odd look, and she turned in her seat to face him. “Okay. I’m listening.” 
“Haru, when you first arrived, I was very certain that I did not need you.”
“Shouted it at the Sanctuary, if I remember correctly.”
“Sorry. Listening.” 
“When you first arrived, I was very accustomed to working by myself, I could not imagine working alongside a facilitator. Especially not one who had so little background in magic, who barely understood the risks of second-hand magic, I couldn’t imagine why the Sanctuary had chosen you–” 
Haru was beginning to make a face, and Baron quickly shuffled the conversation along.
“–but now I see its reasoning all too clearly. Haru, you are clever and creative and kind, and you are never afraid to speak your mind and give others the push they need. When you first arrived, I couldn’t imagine working alongside, but now I can’t imagine working without you. Haru, you are my very good friend, and it can stay that way if you want, but… we could also be something more…”  
There was a long silence. 
“If I seemed unafraid,” Haru eventually said, “it was only because I knew you trusted me.” She shook he head. “And, anyway, you’re wrong. If I were truly unafraid, then I would have told you how I felt a long time ago.” 
“You did.”
She laughed, the sound half-born out of embarrassment. “I would have told you properly. Should have. Not hidden it behind some silly hypothetical crush.”
“And I should have listened.” 
“It’s not your fault. I already knew I was dealing with an obtuse idiot. I should have made it so obvious even you couldn’t ignore it.”
There was a flash of light behind Baron. The soulmate identity spell had finished. He ignored it. 
It could wait. 
“Do you love me?”
So blunt, so clear-cut. She was leaning towards him now, those searching, bright eyes he had come to know so well in the last year boring into him. He couldn’t lie. 
“Then why didn’t you say anything sooner, you great goose?” she demanded, but she was laughing now. She reached out, hand cupping his cheek, and began to shorten the distance between them. 
“Haru - second-hand magic–” he began.
“Small doses don’t harm anyone,” she said. “Mr Baron Humbert von Gikkingen, I am about to kiss you, if that’s alright with you.” 
“I… yes. Yes, that’s…” 
She grinned at his flustered response. “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue, Bar--” 
She was so close, he could see her eyes flicker away and grow cold all in a moment. She blinked several times and suddenly dropped her hold. As if stung. “Oh.”
“What...?” Baron glanced behind him to see the cause of her distress, and saw the spell identifying the soulmate for request number 12 of the day shimmering above his desk. 
And the face of Haru Yoshioka stared back. 
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badlydrawndrawnings · 4 years
P5 Palace Owner Swap AU
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(Aka: The AU Where All the Palace Owners Sins are Swap Around)
Under normal circumstances, I don’t put fan fiction on this blog. However, as the Palace Owner Swap AU is something I talked about before on this blog, I decided to post what is apparently something I wrote for the AU I faintly recall writing way early on this year. I copy-pasted everything from the word doc, so I please beg you to try brushing off grammatical errors and others. I am not in the mood to edit anything right now.
Kunikazu was at the counter, watching his father wipe away a few of the dirty cups. The man was leaning his head onto his head, and sigh. He had just learned about father’s kind act of the day.  As much as kindness was dad’s greatest strength, it was also his greatest weakness. Business was in the red as it is. Oh, how Kunikazu longed to take over Okumura Foods.
That way, he can find something salvageable. If he’s lucky, if he can pay off the loans, Kunikazu can rebuild it from the ground up. He can change it to where it’s almost unrecognizable, a chain that Japan and the world would see. Maybe, just maybe-
“Son, you’ve been awfully quiet. Is something on your mind?”
Kunikazu was quickly brought back to Earth. He straightened up in his seat. “It is that obvious?”
“Quite.” His father chuckled. “Are you thinking about Nagisa and her oversea trip to France?”
“What?” Kunikazu blinked fast behind his glasses, wondering what his dad was talking about. After a few seconds, Kunikazu remembered. “Oh yes. I’m quite proud of her decision. She dreamed of going to Paris since we started university.”
“Still, you two didn’t need to break things off. Long distance relationships can work.”
“But not always.” Kunikazu got out of his seat, and pushed his chair in. “Father, believe me when I say the breakup was necessary. It was mutual on both sides, and no feelings were hurt.”
“If you say so. I honestly thought you two would tie the knot! You two were so happy together.”
“I know Father,” said Kunikazu nonchalantly, “I know.”
Kunikazu hated these meetings. Not only does he have to do them in secret, they were a waste of his time, and almost a waste of his money. The meetings began after Nagisa’s one year in Paris was cut short to just four months. She claimed she was sick for Japan, how she utterly missed her friends and family.
Well, she wasn’t wrong about the sickness. Morning sickness was never a pretty sight. Kunikazu was unfortunate to be there a few times, pulling back her hair from the toilet and vomit. It was probably few things he did to help Nagisa during the entire pregnancy.
It was those early days when the meetings began. They changed quite a lot from their original concept. Originally one month, it then became two. A few years back, they changed three months after father screwed up a loan big time. Nagisa didn’t mind the change; she understood his family’s situation. She was there with Kunikazu during those painful months.
But she didn’t understand enough to put an end to these meetings. Knocking onto the apartment’s door, Kunikazu didn’t care if he woke the child up. It was midnight for goodness sake! He should be getting a good night’s rest, preparing himself for the real meetings with investors.
Okumura Foods went under this year, forcing father to close the café. While the few local patrons gave their support, in the end, it wasn’t enough. There was too much lost profit, and to make things worse, father died not long afterwards. Father’s death forced Kunikazu’s time to shine as president. Observing the mistakes of his father help Kunikazu avoid the do and don’ts.
There were no more smiles, no more generous moments. You either pay or you don’t. You work hard for hours to earn your wages, or not take the job at all.
The man barely got to the third knock when Nagisa opened the door. Brushing back her bangs, wrapping herself in the blanket she was wearing, the woman gave him a frown. “Kunikazu-kun, what did I say about knocking? You could have woken up the neighbors.”
Oh. He had forgotten about that part. That’s part of the reason they were secret meetings. Kunikazu pushed up his glasses. “Even though I don’t sound like it, I apologize for the noise. But if I didn’t wake up your kid, we should be fine.”
“She’s our child.”
“She may have Okumura blood, but that doesn’t mean she’s my child. We were never married, and for all intent and purpose, I can’t claim her as an Okumura.”
“Continue on being that way. One day I know it will change. Anyway, do you have the check?”
Kunikazu pulled out an envelope from the inside pocket of his jacket. “As promise.”
“Thank you.”
Nagisa snatched the check from Kunikazu’s hand, and ripped it open it to check if it’s the proper amount. The woman nodded her head in gratitude. Kunikazu gave back a nod himself, before turning his back away from the door. Just like that, another meeting ended. He took a few steps, before remembering something else of great importance.
“I should let you know, starting this month, you and the girl will be receiving a check every six months instead of three. I don’t want you to rely so heavily on me. I have a life, you know.”
“Thank you for telling me. I have a life as well. I doubt you care, but I got a promotion at the flower shop. It doesn’t pay much, but with what I make now and what you give as support, me and Haru-chan will manage. Hopefully, it will be enough for school as well.”
“I’m glad to hear it, Nagisa.”
Kunikazu made sure to continue walking before Nagisa closed the door completely.
Haru had just come home from school. Mother was at work at the flower shop, but she left Haru a note on the fridge. Mother prepared something in the fridge. Opening it up, Haru saw four plastic wrapped sandwiches, with the bread crust all cut off. Haru smiled as she pulled them out, and grabbed a plate from the cabinet.
Haru had just sat down at the table when someone knocked at the door. She decided to do nothing. Mother said not to open the door while she’s away. But the person kept on knocking. Loudly, in fact. It’s rather annoying.
Haru got out of her seat and grabbed the chair. She wasn’t tall enough to see through the peephole yet. From what she saw, there was a very well dress man in a suit and ascot. He was playing with his glasses, and looked a bit angry. Maybe he was supposed to meet Mother?
Well, thought Haru, if Mother doesn’t know, it won’t hurt her.
Haru placed the chair back to the kitchen, and unlocked door. The man looked surprised to see her, almost falling over. He must have thought Haru didn’t see him panic, as he quickly buttoned up his jacket, trying to keep calm.
“Hello,” greeted Haru. “Who are you?”
“I’m…,” and here the man paused, trying to figure out what to say. “I’m a friend of your mother. I was supposed to speak to her yesterday.”
“What’s your name?” asked Haru, suspicious of the man. “I know all of my mothers’ friends. And I don’t know you, sir. Mother also said I shouldn’t talk to stranger. But here I am.”
“How bold of you to assume you know everyone in your mother’s life, young child,” answered the man. “And your mother is very smart to give you such advice. You may call me Okumura.”
“Hello then, Okumura-san. I’m Haru.” Knowing his name made Haru felt a bit more comfortable around him. “Mother is out working. If you want, you can wait for her with me while I eat my lunch. Do you want one. Mother made four sandwiches. I can be fine with three.”
The man didn’t say anything to her at first. He stared at her as if she did something wrong. Haru was certain she didn’t do anything wrong. The man then gave out a scoff, and a smiled.
“I’m sorry, Haru-chan. I unfortunately I don’t have too much time on my hand,” answered the man, pulling out an envelope from the inside of his jacket. “Thank you for the offer though. Please tell your mother that Okumura-san visited, and that he gave her this.”
Haru took the paper with her hands, and gave the man a nod. “Okay then. I promise to give it to her. Have a good day, Okumura-san.”
“Have a good day too, Haru-chan. You’ll certainly need it.”
As Haru closed the door, she saw Okumura-san walk quickly as he can, without looking back.
Haru felt like an idiot for not realizing sooner. Then again, she was only seven. What did seven years old know? Besides, Mother didn’t tell her anything about her father. The only thing Mother would admit on her deathbed was that he was busy working to support the family. Such importance work to where he can’t spend time with them.
And it was true, up until that fateful day. Mother told her a day after Haru met Okumura-san; Father had decided to cut off his finical support for them. Father feared Haru would have blurted out to the world of her mother’s friendship to Kunikazu Okumura, president of Okumura Foods.
At the time, Haru could never understand why Father would fear this. But now she knows. Father people would connect the dots. Father feared that the world would learn of Okumura’s bastard daughter with his university girlfriend. It would have been a disaster, given he was happily married. To make matter worse, after Mother died, and after Haru moved in with Takakura-san, Okumura and his wife, Reiko, announced to the world of their baby boy.
A baby boy who is also named Haru.
The fourteen-year-old girl wondered if Father deliberately waited until Mother’s death to start his own family. Haru wondered if Father picked that name to spite her and mother, wanting to show her that he can and did moved on his with life, not giving a damn about them.
Haru lay down on her soft bed, and sigh. As much as she’s grateful for her life, glad that Takakura- san decided to take her in, Haru only wished Father could just accept and recognize the fact she was his blood, that she was an Okumura. Sadly, that will never happen.
Haru is now fifteen years old, turning sixteen in December. It may be August, but it seems her birthday had just come early. Smiling at her phone, after clicking on a suspicious phone she never seen in her life, something…unreal happened.
One minute she was standing with her schoolbag over her shoulder, waiting for her train to arrive. The next second, Haru is standing in what is a twisted version of the subway, all black and red.
As she stared in awe of the gigantic, grandiose dress ‘woman’, Haru felt grateful for whatever god or demon that blessed her with the app, it will allow her the greatest wish to come true.
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ceescedasticity · 4 years
director’s commentary
Dammit, tumblr, why much you make everything difficult.
Anonymous: Director’s commentary: Chapter four of Echoes in the Void, the conversation after they have to leave the Metaverse?
Oooooh, yes. This. Actually I think I’ll include a little earlier, too…
To recap, Goro started second term at Jikken, where the “evaluation period” was over and things were getting nasty/weird. The second day they held him after school and made him run laps after he reflexively tried to headbutt someone who got in his face; the third day they wanted to know why he wasn’t showing interest in any girls, and he made a cutting remark about their interest in the sexuality of fifteen-year-olds being creepy, and they made him run laps with no shoes, resulting in badly abraded feet.
This probably explained the bastinado rumors, anyway. Those had been rather implausible.
Goro wondered, distantly, whether it was a second offense thing, or they actually found mouthing off more of a problem than attempted head-butts. That seemed like the sort of thing they really ought to explain.
The punishments Jikken is dealing out are completely unreasonable, but their prioritizing of offenses actually isn’t completely illogical. The attempted headbutt was because his instincts felt physically threatened and there was no choice or thinking about it involved. He knew it was a bad idea to make a nasty remark and did anyway. Therefore the second is a worse offense. And they definitely should have explained this.
Afterwards the school nurse was standing by to carefully clean the scrapes and apply antibiotics and bandages and lecture him about taking proper care of the injury.
Idk how many of my Start Again readers read my ‘Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind’ Homestuck fic? Jikken wants to be the goblins. They have all the bad ideas of the goblins about Fixing People, but they’re bad at it.
He couldn’t say what he thought about that. He must not say what he thought about that. Lashing out would make things even worse. Just smile. Just thank her. Just smile.
He was dissociating at least a little to deal with the pain, but having to act grateful about it is what pushed him over the edge into a prolonged episode. He’s done this before – locked himself away behind what is supposed to be Pleasant Goro, but… isn’t, exactly.
Afterwards he wasn’t hungry, so he skipped dinner. No one at the group home asked why he was limping. (Was he even limping? Both feet were equally injured, it wasn’t like he wanted to favor one of them.) His roommates noticed the bandages when he took off his slippers before bed.
“Fuck, look at pretty boy’s feet.”
“What the hell happened?”
“Ask him.”
“You ask him, he’s doing the psycho smile again.”
Goro tries to keep up Pleasant Goro appearances with the group home supervisors, but is really inconsistent about it with his roommates. They therefore both scorn him for being a pretty-boy suck-up and are kinda afraid of him for being vicious if you cross him. They generally don’t mess with him when there’s any chance he’d catch them at it.
(He dreamed blurrily of smiling, smiling as blood ran down the face of the first person he’d felt a connection to since—)
Canon!Akechi wasn’t dissociating the entire time, or for every murder, but that was how he dealt with Shido, and that was how he dealt with killing the closest thing he had to a friend.
The smile stayed in place the whole next day of school, too, through his math teacher accusing him of not paying attention and grilling him on properties of cotangents. It even stayed in place through the nurse checking on his feet and reprimanding him for not changing the bandages himself. But besides that mild scolding he wasn’t in trouble today, so he didn’t have to stay after. Good.
I wrote this and I’m still kind of shocked by the gall they have to scold him about not changing the bandages.
When he met Noir and Niijima — Noir and Queen, she was Queen in the Metaverse — outside the laboratory, Noir put a hand on Queen’s shoulder. “Crow?”
“Are you… all right?”
“I’m fine, thank you.”
Haru is seeing a lot more of Future Akechi than she ever has before and is on high alert.
It was good to get back to work. Good to solve a puzzle lock with perfectly well-remembered properties of cotangents. When there turned out to be a Battle Fiend waiting behind the door, good to tear its fucking face off—
“What in—”
“Crow! Stand down!”
—with his bare hands it could just die make something else bleed—
The Shadow melted away into nothing, and he slammed a fist on the floor. And again. And again. And again, because at least he could feel it his face was about going numb—
From an outside perspective Goro just went from creepy plastic smile to berserker rage with zero warning. Haru isn’t as shocked as she might be because she knew the creepy plastic smile wasn’t good and she knew what Akechi was capable of, but she still wasn’t expecting attacking a Shadow with his bare hands.
“Amrita drop!”
Goro jolted. Stilled.
Probably Makoto suggested the Amrita drop, because it sure looks like a status effect, and Haru thought it was worth a try. Why did it work, when it wasn’t actually caused by a spell? Maybe because it basically was a status effect? Who knows, cognition is weird.
His hand hurt. His feet hurt. His face hurt. His mask was completely blocking his peripheral vision.
The more isolated and closed-off he is, the more his mask looks like a helmet.
“Did that work?” Queen asked anxiously, somewhere behind him. “If it wasn’t a spell that caused it—”
“I don’t know, I’ve never— Now he’s hyperventilating.”
“No I’m not,” Goro said, or at least tried to. It came out garbled and wheezy.
“I’m going to—”
“Yes, good idea.”
The hallway blurred around him, and then they were outside the Palace. Goho-M.
“Crow?” Noir said. “We’re going back to the real world, and then we’re going to want to move fairly quickly. Is it safe for Queen to take your arm?”
Okay, this is back to the volatile but human Goro who Haru has  known since coming back in time, and in clear distress. She still wants  to know what the fuck just happened, but she knows who she’s dealing with, now. …And she knows that who she’s dealing with is someone you don’t touch without warning if you can avoid it.
Goro tried to get his breathing under control. “Just. Just a. Minute.” Sit on the ground. Knees up. Head between his knees. Breathe. “Just a minute.”
They gave him the minute.
How novel.
Not sure this needs to be commentary since it’s basically text, but he is not used to people listening to him about his mental/emotional needs.
“All right,” Goro said finally. “Just — slowly.”
Queen did indeed move slowly enough that it didn’t set off any panic responses, and carefully helped him to his feet. “Where are we going to go to talk about this?” she hissed, presumably at Noir. “Should we have gone to a safe room instead?”
“No, I don’t think being in the Metaverse is doing him any good right now,” Noir replied. “I’ve noticed a park about two blocks south — there’s a picnic shelter which shouldn’t be visible from the street. We can talk there.”
Oh joy.
Maybe he could run away instead.
He probably wouldn’t have run away even if he could have, he’s too invested in this group by now, and he trusts them more than anyone else, but he would’ve been tempted. He really doesn’t want to talk about this.
It turned out he could not, in fact, run away, as the second they returned to the real world the distant throbbing in his feet turned to raw agony, and his knees buckled for a second. Niijima had to support him. She didn’t, mercifully, offer to try to carry him.
“Is there something wrong with his—?”
“I guess so, come on, we’ll ask about that, too—”
Goro stared at the sidewalk as they walked and tried not to wonder what they wanted to talk about, exactly. Instead he wondered if it was sweat or blood making the bandages feel damp. It could be sweat. But if it was blood, and he bled through his socks… he hadn’t budgeted for new shoes, this could be a problem.
He’s not exactly dissociating at this point, but he’s not exactly fully engaged with his surroundings, either. Although having to buy new shoes WOULD be a problem for him, so the tangent isn’t out of nowhere.
So when they reached the picnic shelter, he sat down and started taking his shoes off without prompting. “I may need to ask one of you to get me some plastic bags… Good.” It looked like only traces of blood had penetrated the socks, so his shoes were safe. “But I will need some plastic bags. And bandages…”
There was a rather loaded silence.
“What. Happened,” Noir said.
They were not expecting to see blood. Real-world injuries isn’t something either of them has had to deal with a lot.
There was probably some way to avoid the question, but— “Running laps. Without shoes.”
“Without— Does that happen often?” Niijima demanded.
“It can’t be that often per student or people’s feet would toughen up,” Goro said. “I don’t know. Often enough that they sterilize the track frequently, I think.”
“That’s barbaric.”
“Agreed,” Noir said. “But considering we did already see the principal’s cognitions of the teachers vivisecting cognitions of the students, it’s not… unexpected.”
“It’s not unexpected,” Goro agreed.
“What was unexpected was your showing up smiling like some sort of, of creepy talk show host, and then killing a Shadow with your bare hands, in some sort of… something that Amrita Drop apparently brought you out of. I was not expecting that.” Noir crossed her arms, and looked at him. Expectantly.
Aaaaaaand Haru has decided it’s going to be necessary to get him out of  that school. Because what the fuck. That’s not normal. That’s not even  your standard unacceptable physical discipline, that’s – what the fuck.  And clearly it’s bad for Goro in particular, because he still scared  her with his Future Akechi impression. Let’s get some answers about that  part; the school isn’t as much of a priority because she will remove it from the equation.
…Yeah, it had probably been too much to hope for that that would go unremarked. “That… I wasn't… I wasn’t planning on that. It just… happens sometimes.”
“Happens sometimes?” Noir said incredulously.
“Like… spontaneously?” Niijima asked.
And what a liability he’d be if it did. “Not… exactly. Do you know — I know you know, Noir — how sometimes you have to do something you don’t want to, but you also can’t let on that you don’t want to?” Niijima probably did, too, to a lesser extent.
I’m not sure whether Goro has never encountered the concept of dissociation or if he refuses to connect it with his PERFECTLY HEALTHY COPING STRATEGY, SHUT UP, IT WORKS.
“Well, there's… a sort of… Sometimes I can… really hit my stride, I guess. Get so it gets easier to just… keep what I’m feeling separate. Keep me separate.” He shrugged uncomfortably. “So that’s good, but then sometimes — not often! — it sort of… overloads. And the overloads are worse in the Metaverse, for whatever reason.”
The purpose of Dissociation Goro is doing things necessary for his   goals/purposes that Regular Goro does not want to do or finds too   difficult. By ‘overloads’, he mostly means that sometimes Dissociation Goro apparently loses track of the goals and priorities of Regular Goro, and ends up doing unnecessary things.
“Probably the lack of consequences,” Noir said dryly.
“If my subconscious is counting on a lack of consequences for physically tackling Shadows, I’d like a few words with it.”
It’s mostly that the cognitive world, with its Personas and Shadows running around, already his one’s consciousness a little more spread out than normal; it’s easier for the dissociation driver to get accidentally wired to input from the id or the intrusive thought generator.
“But if it originated in the real world, why did Amrita Drop work?” Niijima wondered. “Did it just shock you out of it? Is it because the… ailment was cognitive to start with?”
Goro shrugged again. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t have expected it to work.”
“Well, it’s good that it did,” Noir said. “Still, it would be better for it not to come up.”
“I'll… I agree, and. And I can try.”
I’m not 100% sure how he’s planning to try, here, without a strategy to get out of Jikken. Dissociation is still an important part of his toolbox of 500 variously functional coping mechanisms. But he doesn’t like going off the rails like that, he really relies on his self-control, and he agrees it’s not a good thing.
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typewriterghcst · 4 years
Title: A Very Small Wish Fandom: The Cat Returns Characters: Baron, Muta, Toto, Haru, plus some OCs Rating: PGish maybe??  Words: 2797 Summary: A pleading request from a parent whose daughter has been cursed by a resentful witch is nothing truly out of the ordinary for the Cat Bureau— in fact, it might be so common so as to be routine— so why does something feel inherently off about this particular one?  Notes: Second chapter of six of a Secret Santa gift for @deedee-sunflowers. I had the realization that it actually takes a Bit for the witch part of this to show up, and I apologize for that orz That said, I'm so glad you liked it! Especially that they're all in character and that Vanya is interesting, aha. I worry a lot that he might be too grating, bc I definitely get a lot of enjoyment out of writing those kinds of characters, but I don't want them to also be irritating to sit through rip Anywho, a chapter in which Haru has a chat with a beloved monster i’m sorry that was a very vague shrek reference
                                      Ch. 2: Virtuous Siree
She might be hesitant to admit it, but Haru is almost disappointed to meet the cursed daughter, having halfway convinced herself in her unshakable unnerved skepticism that the Vanya creature had crafted her existence wholesale from lies and nothingness. Yet here she is, standing before them with her hands (hands? it’s hard to tell) folded in a mannerly fashion in front of her. Her long, golden veil is in much better shape than her father’s handkerchief, though the odd snag and rip is perhaps inevitable when one is in possession of what appears to be a pair of curly horns.
She is otherwise far from inconspicuous, as well; the gauzy shroud masking her person still reveals the aforementioned horns, and a pointed snout, and little hands adorned with inch-long claws. A long, hairless tail snakes out from behind her, curling at her feet like a sleeping dog.
Perhaps the most pressing thing, however, is that the same uneasy chill runs through Haru within this strange, half-concealed child’s presence as it does when her father is around. For the first time, she wonders if it’s not, in fact, her blunted human instincts furiously trying to warn her of Vanya’s true nature and simply a facet of his kind’s existence.
Vanya wanders into her line of sight again, standing beside his daughter with a laughably manic, skittish energy and reaching for her clawed hand. Haru notes the two are very nearly the same height. Yet, to hers (and probably the Bureau’s surprise, as well), he appears to have little trouble lifting her off the ground and holding her out to them, as if he’d worried they wouldn’t understand just how truly monstrous she’d become should he not bring her closer to their eyelines.
“This is my daughter, Virtuous Siree.” He seems to take a certain, special glee in saying so. “She is exquisitely cute! Like a baby. I’ve had her for years now.”
Virtuous Siree, though her face is obscured by the veil, seems unbothered by this treatment, inclining her head politely to their guests.
“Pleased to meet you.” Her voice echoes much like a lonely call in an empty stairwell, resulting in the definitively disorienting effect of two separate people speaking in unison.
“...And you, as well.” Baron is the first to recover from the oddness of the situation, removing his hat and bowing, and the rest of them follow suit shortly after (sans Muta, anyway, who gives a more characteristically terse greeting).
“Thank you, by the way,” Virtuous Siree then continues, as casually blithe as her father. “For taking the case. We are beyond aromatized to have obtained your assistance!”
Behind her, Vanya utters a noise somewhere between a squeal and a sob, and then hugs her close to him. “Cute! She’s too cute! Virtuous Siree, did you have a good day today?”
“Yes, Papa, I worked in the garden. The cherries are ripening on the vine! And I started a new painting when I was done.”
“Your funny prickly face horns are sticking me through my fur!” Yet, he appears to make no motions to pull away. (Haru sneaks an amused look at Muta; sure enough, the mystified frown on his own face makes it clear he’s as lost about how to feel about this interaction as she’d expected him to be.)
“How far of a journey is the Sown Forest from here, Vanya?”
The fox glances at Toto only from the very corners of his eyes at first, but the expression lacks even the most minuscule hint of suspicion. He pulls his face away from Virtuous Siree’s veiled one, placing her back on the ground with a happy coo.
“I can’t tell you how far, but it will take….” Here he counts futilely on his tiny paws again. “...eighteen-twenty minutes!”
“...You mean, eighteen to twenty minutes?”
Vanya hesitates, and here, now, it becomes obvious he’s beginning to pick up on Toto’s skepticism. When he answers this time, he’s back to his by now expected plaintive offense.
“Time works differently in Oostal! I’m only a little creature from Oostal, and I don’t know your Earthical time measurements!” He cries.
“Papa’s trying his best,” Virtuous Siree interjects with the modest passion one might expect from a shy girl her age, patting her father on the paw.
“To focus on the pretty Vanya Creature’s tenuous grasp of a time he’s never used before when his cute daughter is at risk of being cursed forever!”
“Yeah, birdbrain, that’s real heartless of ya,” Muta can’t help but add (a marked testament to how much he enjoys antagonizing the crow, if even his antipathy for the Vanya creature doesn’t see him pass up the opportunity.)
“But if time works differently, how are we meant to keep track of how long we have?” Toto asks, side-eyeing Muta with no small degree of smug amusement. (For his part, Muta seems uncertain whether to take this abrupt subject change as a surrender or a snub.)
“Use a pocket watch,” is Vanya’s dismissive reply.
Baron finds himself rather suddenly the object of vested interest for three pairs of eyes; Muta, Haru, and Toto all three almost instantly turn to him. He looks from each one to the other in moderate bemusement for mere seconds before his shoulders relax in a subtle show of resignation.
“Yes, I have one with me.”
“Wouldn’t have been you if you didn’t,” Toto teases with a smile.
“Of course,” Baron deigns to play along with a faintly put-upon tone.
“Where’s that witchy paper you said you got, anyway?” Muta asks Vanya. “The one that says it’s okay for you to get help from strangers. Don’t think I forgot about it,” he ends with crabbily.
“I left it on the table!” Vanya replies with a matching huff, less than humored by Muta’s skepticism.
Here Virtuous Siree jumps to contribute, expression molded into a contrite, abashed frown, “Oh, no— Papa, those papers got blown away earlier today! I-I opened the door to go out into the garden, and a bigly strong gust blew in!”
“They blew up into the surrounding trees,” Virtuous Siree continues, more chastened than before in the face of Muta’s apparent exasperation, a reaction which seems to give the cat some considerable pause. “I couldn’t reach them.”
Vanya pats her head.
“It’s no significant loss that they did! We can search for them when I go to pick up the leg up in our sleeves.”
The perplexed silence which settles after Vanya’s words lingers heavily, but at least only briefly.
“Oh,” Toto first responds with a dawning amusement and the slightest of laughs. “You have something in mind to help make these tasks less of a struggle.”
Vanya nods enthusiastically, giving no indication of having discerned their earlier confusion, nor why Toto then felt the need to clarify. His tail, also, curls into an excitable question mark shape before relaxing again.
“It will take just a moment— I hid it in the root cellar with the other cates.”
“And the root cellar is—?”
“At the edge of the property, by the fence.”
“Very well. It shouldn’t take us long, I think, but we ought to depart right away. Please lead the way, Mr. Vanya.”
“I’ll stay here,” Haru speaks up. “I’d feel a little bad leaving Virtuous Siree all alone again, even if it is just a few minutes— I don’t mind keeping her company. I mean—” Here she turns to the girl herself with a sheepish expression, hands folded bashfully behind her back. “ —if she doesn’t mind my company, of course.”
“I don’t mind!” Virtuous Siree responds with a resolute shake of her head.
“Good, goods!” Vanya agrees in delight. There’s yet another almost cat-like expression of affection from him, rubbing his cheek against Siree’s as he swings their joined hands. “Play nice, Cute Siree. We’ll be back before you know it!”
The little house in which Vanya and Virtuous Siree have made their home is in all honesty not all that strange to Haru. At least, in the sense that it has walls and doors and windows, and furniture with purposes that are easy enough to grasp upon laying eyes on them. Yet two things still stand out to her as unusual. 
The first is that the walls, if not the house entirely, give the rather distinct impression that the entire thing had been carved from an enormous gourd or another hardy vegetable of sorts. When Haru furtively lays a hand on one of the few unoccupied walls, she finds she can’t discern the material by sight or touch.
The outside of the house hadn’t struck her as so outlandish. It certainly hadn’t appeared to be a massive vegetable.
The second, as previously alluded to, is that almost every available surface is buried beneath an arbitrary variety of countless objects— threadbare coats, rusted silverware, broken trinkets.
Distantly, Haru recalls Vanya’s pithy words regarding his shattered teacup— waste not. Seems he kept that particular aphorism close to his heart.
Vanya’s daughter has claimed a spot at the round table in the middle of the room, perched precariously on a wobbly stool with a set of messy watercolor paints and a well-worn brush.
Her face is still hidden, but Haru can still tell her companion (Virtuous Siree, as her father has stubbornly referred to her, and it’s still a terribly odd name to Haru) is shyly stealing glances at her, one after the other, before quickly looking away again, back to her painting.
“Can I draw something, too?” Haru eventually asks to divert the tension.
Virtuous Siree jumps on the distraction. “Oh, yes! You can! Papa always keeps plenty of paper and paints around for me!”
The girl jumps off her stool and scurries to a cabinet across the room, behind a pile of ostensible scarves and socks (the cabinet itself also piled high with an unimaginably diverse array of items— hairbrushes, hats, and tattered books, just to name a few.) In a snap, Virtuous Siree has an identical spot to her own set up at the table beside her for Haru.
“Here you are! Would you like a flat or a round brush..?”
Haru, having never been much a painter, finds herself somewhat stumped at the question, glancing back and forth between the two brushes for a half-minute before sheepishly speaking up. “Actually, this is silly, but do you have anything more fit for an amateur? I don’t do much drawing, and I’d hate to waste some of your good materials.”
Virtuous Siree laughs, a short, girlish noise that quite comically clashes with her unnatural-sounding voice, and waves her hand. “Don’t be silly, I have plenty of materials. You can’t waste them if you used them to do something fun.”
“O-Oh… Well, I hadn’t thought of it like that.”
“If you want to start slow, though, hmm…” Virtuous Siree scampers across the room again, stooping to look in her cabinet; Haru hears her shuffle various objects around as she searches for something specific. “Oh! I have some wax crayons. They’re a little used, though.”
“Oh, that’s okay. They’ll be perfect.”
It’s when Haru is settled again, this time staring down at a sheaf of brown, grainy papers— thick, heavy, with a distinct weave to the tiny fibers that must make up the sheets— that she finds herself beset by another stumbling block. She hasn’t drawn anything since she was a child, and those childish scribbles had consisted mostly of attempts at whatever animals had caught her eye.
Absently, she wonders if her skills have managed to budge past their old level. Probably not. But, there’s no time like the present to find out, she supposes. She’ll try drawing Baron.
“What does the name Virtuous Siree mean?”
Virtuous Siree gives a pensive noise. “You don’t have to call me Virtuous Siree. Just Siree is fine. Only Papa calls me Virtuous Siree-- he added the first part a little while ago.”
“Okay, Siree, then. If you like, you can call me just Haru.”
“I’ll do that!” Then, remembering what Haru’s original question was, she adds diffidently, “‘Siree’ is just a filler word in Oostal’s language, but it has a-- umm, an implication of emphasis. It’s what you use to boost the feelings in what you’re trying to get across when you can’t remember a word.”
Haru pauses in her attempt to color in one of Baron’s eyes. “Does that mean your name with the addition of ‘Virtuous’ is kind of like saying ‘really virtuous?’”
“It is!” Siree admits with an almost embarrassed laugh. “Papa’s very silly sometimes.”
To herself, Haru thinks that sounds like yet another vast understatement.
“...Have you ever dealt with witch’s magic before?” Virtuous Siree asks.
“Not…. witch’s magic, no. At least, I don’t think so. But I was transformed into a cat once,” Haru says, carefully drawing a spiral on her paper with a yellow crayon (her interpretation of the sun. It won’t do to put crayon scribble Baron into a rainy, sad environment, after all).
“What’s a cat?” Siree asks.
“Oh— um. It’s an… an animal from my world. They look a little like your father, but a little bigger. Oh! Actually, Muta and Baron-- well, Muta is a cat, but Baron just looks like one.” Then, abruptly remembering Siree has been cursed and must therefore look quite similar to her father under normal circumstances, Haru hastily adds, “I-I guess they’d look like you, too, wouldn’t they?”
Siree nods slightly, even though she hasn’t looked away from her own painting. When she speaks, her voice is soft, shy again.
“They're cute. I wish I could be cute, too, like Papa. Or, um, like I was.”
Somewhere, that gentle, beseeching string of words tugs at an old fear, one that had been allayed rather completely with the return to her normal form but not altogether forgotten— that of losing her familiar reflection. What was on the inside ultimately wouldn’t have changed, and there had always been little flaws in her human appearance she could have spent hours complaining about, but… in the end, her face, her humanness, had been held more dear by her than she could ever have realized without being transformed against her will.
“Don’t worry,” Haru finds herself saying. “Baron and the Bureau managed to rescue me from becoming a cat. They’ll do the same for you, no problem. You just wait. You’ll be your old self in no time.”
Siree’s brushstrokes slow and then stop altogether. She moves so that Haru knows she must be studying her thoughtfully, and the very knowledge of Siree’s no doubt unblinking, pensive gaze trained intently on her is enough to give her goosebumps again.
“...You’re very kind,” the girl eventually remarks. Then, finally looking away (Haru’s pretty sure, at least), she adds, “I like that. I hope you make it out safe.”
“I have the Bureau,” Haru says surely. “I’ll be fine.”
“Well, I hope they stay safe, too,” Siree adds.
As if wise to the fact they’d been the subject of the past few moments of conversation, the Bureau (accompanied, of course, by Vanya) arrive just seconds after with the familiar sound of the beginnings of an altercation between Muta and Toto. Vanya again wastes little time in hugging Siree.
“You’re back,” Haru says in the meantime. “Are we good to go now, then?”
“Yeah,” Muta breaks off his disagreement with Toto to answer with a shrug. “Whatever the pipsqueak picked up, it didn’t take long.”
“It’s a surprise!” Vanya protests, turning a haughty gaze upon Muta. Then, thoughtfully, he amends, “...A good surprise.”
Haru, thinking of Vanya’s original haste in returning to his daughter, and seeing perhaps the same veiled concern in Baron’s and Toto’s faces, nudges the avian Creation beside her, and… well, bless him, Toto takes very little time to speak up for them all.
“Will Virtuous Siree be alright here all by herself?”
Vanya rocks back and forth a few times, dragging poor Siree with him (though she seems unbothered, at least). “Yes, yes, Virtuous Siree is safe here. There are neighbors! ...In fact, if she feels scared, she should go next door to Mr. Gleb.” This spoken directly to Siree, despite the odd choice in phrasing.
“I will, Papa,” Siree answers without hesitation.
It’s here that Vanya lets her go with one last delighted chirrup, bounding over to the door and the Bureau and darting outside. Before following suit (...somewhat), Haru turns back to the girl and flashes her a reassuring smile.
“Bye, Siree! Stay safe, and don’t worry— we’ll get you all fixed up.”
“I know you will!”
As far as Haru can tell, Siree continues waving until they can’t see each other, and something about the dedication instills a certain amount of similar sentiments in Haru.
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its-nyakemi-nya · 4 years
Twisted Wonderland Another One Shot #8: Malleus Draconia x Haru Amano (ft. Lilia Vanrouge, Silver, Sebek Zigvolt, Grim, Shoichi Kazama aka Dwight Kensington & Bella)
Second Canon x OC nya!
pumpkiethepie: Mmh if you're okay with it if it's not too many characters, can I request Reader, Haru, Dwight, Bella and the Diasomnia dorm going to Disneyland? I feel like it would be very fun :') (I let you choose if you want to write some ships or pairing ;3)
Won and requested by @pumpkiethepie nya!
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland nya. I only own the plot of this one shot and my OCs Haru, Shoichi and Bella nya.
P.S: I would like to apologise if the canon characters are OOC nya. I would also like to apologise for my errors in my grammar nya. Enjoy nya!
“Wah! I can’t believe that we’re actually outside the school!” Shoichi screamed out of delight.
“And here I am feeling that Night Raven College is the only place around here,” Bella added, sitting on Shoichi’s shoulder.
“Wah! I’m going to ride every rides here and fill my stomach!” Grim squealed out of delight.
“All you ever think about is food, Grim,” Bella said.
“And all you think about is Shoichi, Bella,” Grim retorted. Sparks fly between the two.
“Be grateful that Lord Malleus invited you here,” Sebek said, “And don’t disgrace yourselves in front of him.”
“Sure, sure,” Shoichi responded, stifling his laughter.
“Yeah. Thanks again for inviting us here, Tsuno- ah I mean Senior Malleus,” Haru thanked Malleus.
“That’s Lord Malleus, human!” Sebek scolded Haru.
“It’s quite alright, Sebek,” Malleus said, “You may still call me Tsunotaro if you wish, child of man.”
“It’s just a force of habit. Though that’s the nickname we gave you, I would like to address you properly by your real name,” Haru shrugged her shoulders, “I still couldn’t believe that you’re Malleus Draconia, the dorm leader of Diasomnia. You’re not quite scary as the people say.”
“Thank you,” Malleus said, “Hopefully, this doesn’t change our relationship with one another, child of man.”
Haru sighed, “Of course, it won’t. Whether you’re Malleus Draconia or Tsunotaro or whatever, you’re still my friend. Nothing can change that fact.”
“I-I see,” Malleus stuttered a bit.
“Unless you lie in a personal level or betray me, you and I are going to have problems,” Haru added.
Malleus found Haru interesting that’s for sure.
“By the way, what’s the occasion though? Why invite us, Senior Malleus?” Haru asked.
“It’s my way to thank you,” Malleus responded, “ I still haven’t given you my thanks after all.”
Truth be told, this was just a date in disguise planned by Lilia and Malleus himself. Malleus, not wanting to make it seem weird, invited Shoichi, Grim and Bella. Though, it is true that he also wants to thank them for saving him.
“You better,” Grim said which earned him a boink on the head courtesy of Haru.
“It’s fine really,” Haru said, insisting that it’s all good, “This has become sort of my duty and responsibility after all. Plus, i can’t bare to see anyone in that state.”
“You’re so kind, child of man,” Malleus said, smiling at Haru.
Haru sighed, “Please call me Haru. It’s weird being called a child of man.”
“Very well then, child o-I mean Haru,” Malleus said, flashing a smile to Haru.
“By the way, before we get going, Grim, Bella, I’m sure that you wouldn’t be able to enjoy the rides here in Disneyland. To ensure that you do so, we prepared a potion for you to be able to become a human for a day,” Lilia said, giving the Grim and Shoichi a bottle.
“Sweet!” Grim jumped off of Haru’s shoulders and immediately drank the concoction. Shoichi helped Bella to drink the whole bottle.
Soon enough, Bella grew  and became as tall as Ortho, her wings disappeared. Grim transformed into a human. At least he has some clothes on.
“What’s the special occasion?” Haru asked, “This is too much. You guys are too generous.
Lilia simply chuckled and said, “This is just Malleus’s wish.”
“Thank you, Senior Malleus,” Haru thanked Malleus once more.
Lilia clapped his hands to get their attention,” Enough standing around here and let’s got have some fun, shall we?”
“One question: How the heck can you sleep in a freaking roller coaster?!” Shoichi asked, yelling right in front of Silver’s face.
“You’re too loud,” Silver said, covering his ears.
“You’re weak, Grim,’ Bella snickered, “You can’t even handle roller coasters, scaredy cat.”
“Shut up!” Grim yelled.
“Weak indeed,” Sebek agreed, “Unlike you, Lord Malleus isn’t afraid riding it. He’s fearless! He can ride any roller coasters in the world and not scream. Isn’t that right, Lord Malleus?”
“Even Haru won’t bat an eye with these rides,” Shoichi said, “Right, Haru?”
No responses.
Sebek and Shoichi blinked once...
“Where’s Lord Malleus/Where the heck is Haru?!” Sebek and Shoichi screamed simultaneously, making other people look at them weirdly and confused.
“Sebek, let’s search for him right away,” Silver said.
“I’m on it, Senior Silver!” Sebek responded.
“I’ll go look for Haru,” Shoichi said, making Bella groan out of frustration.
“Of course you would do that,” Bella muttered.
“There’s no need to search for them,” Lilia said, effectively stopping the group in their tracks, “This is all just part of Malleus’s plan to bond with the Prefect.”
“Say what?!”
“Yes, Haru?”
“Why did we separate from the group?” Haru asked, confused by his actions.
Malleus blushed a bit and answered, “I wanted to spend more time with you alone.”
“Don’t we have all the late night talks in the NRC?” Haru pointed out, “This is becoming sort of like a date.”
Haru just deducted that this whole hangout was a fake and that Malleus wanted to go out with her. Haru simply sighed and said, “You know, you could have just asked me out directly. I would have accepted it anyways.”
“Really?” Malleus asked, his eyes sparkled.
“Personally, I’d accept anyone’s invitation to a date if they genuinely wanted to know me more, That’s the purpose of a date after all,” Haru said, “Plus this gives me a chance to know a person better.”
“I see,” Malleus said as he offered his hand to Haru, “Shall we?”
Haru accepted his hand, “Sure.”
“Where the heck did Shoichi go?!” Bella screamed this time around.
“Agh! Why must Lord Malleus escape from us?!” Sebek yelled.
“Don’t they know how hard it is to find them?!” Bella started to rant.
“Agreed! I mean for me, Lord Malleus’s safety comes first! I must be by his side!” 
“Same here! I need to be with Shoichi at all times!”
“Hey, fairy! Do you want to team up and search for them?” Sebek suggested.
“The name is Bella,” Bella said, “But sure! Let’s team up and search for them! Let’s help each other!”
With that, Bella and Sebek left the group all fired up in finding the people they cared about.
Lilia sighed, “Oh dear. This isn’t going to end well.”
Grim sighed, “Here I thought I’d be able to have some fun.”
“Let’s follow them and make sure that they don’t cause anymore trouble,” Silver suggested.
“Agreed,” Lilia said.
“Darn them,” Grim muttered under his breathe.
“Let’s get a picture with the person portraying the Witch of Thorns,” Haru said, “It will be fun.”
“Sure,” Malleus said, “I’m afraid you’ll be the one who’ll handle taking the pictures. I might mess it up.”
“Whatever makes you feel comfortable then sure,” Haru said, pulling Malleus closer and urging him to bend down, “Say “cheese”.”
“Let me squeeze in!” Shoichi suddenly appeared by Haru’s side while she took a picture.
“Knowing you, you’ll find us easily,” Haru sighed.
“I’m Haru’s best friend! I must stay by her side at all times!” Shoichi declared.
“Oh my.”
The rest of the day, Shoichi followed Haru and Malleus around...erm...ruining moments...being a third wheel.
“Isn’t this fun?” Shoichi asked.
“Yeah...,” Haru and Malleus responded awkwardly.
“I’m so annoyed!” Bella groaned out of frustration.
“I hear you,” Sebek sighed.
“I don’t get what Shoichi sees in Haru!”
“Same here. I don’t get what draws Lord Malleus to the human as well.”
“She’s got all the attention!”
“You’re telling me,”Sebek sighed, “Lord Malleus thinks of that human day and night.”
“Shoichi too!” Bella said.
“You two got along swimmingly,” Lilia said, smiling at them.
“More like we feel each other’s pain,” Bella clarified.
“Isn’t that Malleus, Haru and Shoichi over there?” Grim interjected, pointing to the direction of the trio.
The two immediately ran towards where Grim was pointing.
“Lord Malleus/Shoichi!” Sebek and Bella screamed, bumping and crashing on someone.
Of course the two landed on top of that person.
“Darn you guys! You let them escape!” It turned out to be Shoichi, his eyes swirling.
“Where’s Lord Malleus and that human?”
“I’m so sorry about Sho’s behavior earlier. I don’t know why he keeps doing that,” Haru apologised, looking outside of the car they’re in, riding a Ferris wheel just the two of them.
“It’s quite alright,” Malleus said, smiling at Haru while holding her hand.
“At least we’re alone now together. We can talk freely now,” Haru said.
“Talking to you sounds lovely.”
The two spent the few minutes they have in the Ferris wheel telling one another about themselves.
“I had a great time, Senior Malleus.”
“Me too.”
It’s been a few weeks or so since the erm...outing. Haru just closed the door while holding a card.
“Ooh! Who’s it from?” Shoichi asked.
“None of your concern,” Haru said as she heads back to her room, locking the door to keep Shoichi away.
She opened the card.
“Let’s go out together. Just the two of us this time.- M.D”
“Hopefully, Sho doesn’t find out about this.”
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BEASTARS MINI-STORY #3: “The Pitfalls of Thin Walls pt. 4″ (Final Part) by JCL
Legosi, who has now changed into a new t-shirt and sweatpants, stares at something with a deadpan look in his eyes. HARU: "So... How do I look?" We see that Haru has changed clothes too: She is wearing a pink blazer over a pink shirt and a pink skirt, basically looking like a rabbit-version of Jackie Kennedy. Legosi continues to stare at her. Then he begins to go pffffft as he fails to contain his laughter. Haru on the other hand looks anything but amused. LEGOSI: "I'm sorry, but it's so not your style!" HARU: "Damn straight it's not my style, none of this is mine to begin with!" (That woman next door...!) -- We see a flashback, where an apolagetic Sebun is standing in the doorway of Legosi's apartment. HARU: (It was nice enough of her to apologize for making such a ruckus and even borrow me some of her own to me in the meantime, while she is having mine and Legosi's clothes washed) A yakisoba-covered Legosi and Haru stares at her as she talks. Legosi looks neutral, while Haru looks pissed. -- Back in the present, Haru looks down at her borrowed outfit and adjusts the skirt, all the while Legosi is doing his best to keep from laughing out loud. HARU: (I am grateful we have about the same size, though what is up with all this PINK? Is she part flamingo or something? Plus, if it hadn't been for her...!) She thinks back to when she and Legosi were about to kiss in the last part and gets a melancholic expression. Anime-tears of frustration begins to run down her cheeks. HARU: (DAMN! We were so close!) Legosi, who seems to have tapped out with all the laughter, points at Haru's clothes and tries to cheer her up. LEGOSI: "On the plus-side, it does make you look more mature." HARU: "Oh yeah? Well," -- We are now in Sebun's apartment, where we see that Sebun has joined the rest of the gang with a glass of her own pressed against the wall. HARU: "-who wouldn't look like an old spinster in these clothes?" This comment seems to hit Sebun like a brick. Her offended expression gets covered by a dark aura of self-conscious depression as she begins to mutter through clenched teeth: SEBUN: "OLD SPINSTER...!" A textbox with an arrow pointing at Sebun appears. TEXT: 29, SINGLE AND OVERLY SELF-CONSCIOUS ABOUT IT Ebisu gives her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder, though like the rest of the gang, he can't help but to find the situation humorous. EBISU: "There, there..." -- Back in Legosi's apartment, Haru exhales. HARU: "My folks are going to have a laugh, that's for certain." Legosi smiles and puts his hands in the pockets of the sweatpants. LEGOSI: "Probably... It's been a pretty strange day, hasn't it?" HARU: "Eventful, though not that strange." Haru begins to count up the general events of their  dinner-date with the help of her fingers. HARU: "I mean we had dinner, I got drunk, we (kind of) went to second base, had some coffee, sat in the wok and played dress up. I'd say it was a pretty fun dinner-date. Generally speaking, I'd say it was pretty normal too." Legosi looks surprised, then cocks a brow. LEGOSI: "You really think so?" HARU: "Well, maybe you shouldn't take my word for it, I mean I didn't exactly do dinner-dates before we met. Or even date for that matter." LEGOSI: "Really?" HARU: "Really-really. I was a tramp, remember?" Haru's blunt acknowledgement to her past prompts Legosi to adopt a thoughtful expression. HARU: "Though maybe we should avoid contact with liquor from now on, I mean I don't want to nurse a hangover each time afterwards." Legosi walks up to Haru with a determined look in his eye. He stops, and looks down at her, like he wants to tell her something important. LEGOSI: "Haru... " HARU: "Yes?" LEGOSI: "I..." Legosi bites down on his lip, like he's struggling with what he's trying to say. Haru looks a little confused. HARU: "What?" Though, we see in Legosi's background that he is thinking about his mother, his father and his grandfather. This morphs into uglier details of his family history, including the last time he met his mother, his father walking away and disappearing and how badly treated his grandfather has been on account of his species. We can see in Legosi's face that he struggles to process all of this, like he wants to share it with Haru, but just can't. His arm suddenly shoots back and points at the terrarium. LEGOSI: "You know, I haven't named that beetle yet." HARU: "Huh?" LEGOSI: "I was thinking about calling him Smoochy, you know, after that movie with the pink rhino, but..." Haru blinks and notes with a deadpan voice: HARU: "That is a terrible name." Legosi nods and fidgets with his fingers. LEGOSI: "Exactly. I've always been bad at naming things, and back when you talked about us having a daughter, you said a lot of good ones. So... I wonder if you'd like to name him for me?" Haru continues to stare at Legosi, like she's thinking 'this is what he had such a hard time saying?' LEGOSI: "It could be your housewarming gift." Haru looks past Legosi and onto the rhinoceros beetle. HARU: "... Josuke." Legosi blinks. LEGOSI: "Josuke? Why?" Haru puts her hand in front of her forehead and extends a single finger from it, imitiating a horn. In her background, as an illustration, we see a wolf-version of Josuke Higashikata from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. HARU: "His horn makes me think of the hairdo of a character from a manga I used to read, named Josuke." Legosi looks happy, like an enthused kid and turns to greet his freshly named pet. LEGOSI: "Josuke huh? Oi, Josuke!" Haru rolls her eyes and proceeds to open the door. HARU: "Anyway, I think I should be leaving now. So... Bye." She begins to walk out into the corridor. Legosi however quickly turns and catches up to her in the doorway. LEGOSI: "Wait." Haru stops and turns around. Legosi goes down on one knee so that they are on the same eye level. LEGOSI: "Look, I want to be honest and upfront to you about my family... But I'm sorry, I just can't tell you about all of that right now. I can tell you about my grandpa though. He practically raised me all on his own. He is a good person; probably the friendliest and most considerate person one can meet." As he talks, Haru's expression gradually softens. LEGOSI: "He is strong, honest and would go to hell and back to protect his loved ones. You two are the ones I care about the most... And I want you to meet him some day." HARU: (Strong and honest... So that's where you get it from?) "I would love that." Then, straight out of nowhere, Haru darts forward and plants a kiss on Legosi's lips. Legosi's eyes widen, though before he can react further, Haru pulls back with a grin. HARU: "See ya." She then begins to skip down the corridor. Legosi seems like he hasn't quite processed what just happened, and stands frozen in the same position like a statue for a second or two. Then his face goes completely red and he bolts back with a flabbergasted face. As he begins to compute that he's had his first real kiss with Haru, he gets to his feet and calls to Haru. LEGOSI: "HEY! Haru!" Haru stops, turns around and gives him a sneaky look. HARU: "What? You can surprise me with dinner and I can't surprise you with a kiss? Get real! When you're with me, there'll be plenty more surprises!" She then disappears out of sight down the stairs. Legosi touches his lips with his fingers and then gives off a little laugh. Then a sudden crash is heard nearby. Legosi turns his head to see what caused it. What he sees is that the gang in Sebun's apartment, including Sebun herself, has fallen out through the door. They're now piled on top of each other, looking awkward as Legosi stares at them. The only exception is Zaguan, who is standing in the doorway and giving Legosi a little wave. ZAGUAN: "Hello Legosi!" LEGOSI: "What are you doing?" Sebun, who is at the bottom of the pile, sweatdrops. SEBUN: (I forgot to close the door again...) -- EPILOGUE #1 Haru is now back at her parents house. She is taking off her shoes in the hall when her father comes out, holding a cup of coffee. HARU'S DAD: "Hey honey, did you have fu-" He gives her an odd look as he notices what she's wearing. Then he begins to go pfffft and proceeds to laugh out loud. Haru shoots him an annoyed look and begins to stomp away to her room. HARU: "Grrrr....!" She passes her mom, who looks after her with a questioning look. She then turns to her husband. HARU'S MOM: "Who was that lady just now?" Haru's dad can't stop laughing. -- EPILOGUE #2 We see that Sebun is now at her job, sitting behind her desk and working a computer. She is wearing dark pink jeans and a light pink turtleneck with her sleeves rolled up. She looks a bit uncomfortable though, as she is gaining the attention of at least five male co-workers.   HYENA CO-WORKER: "Whoa! New outfit huh?" COUGAR CO-WORKER: "Looking good in the new duds Sebun-chan!" COYOTE CO-WORKER: "Pink is a good color on you!" SEBUN: "Uh, thank you..." (I've worn these clothes before though!) -- EPILOGUE #3 We see Raika, with Fina on his shoulder like usual, walking back to their apartment. He scratches the back of his head and gives Fina a look. RAIKA: "Um, no reason in particular for bringing this up, but if it hadn't been for scale and proportion, you'd actually consider dating me?" Fina gives her roomate an ugly look. FINA: "No. Comment." -- EPILOGUE #4 We see that some time later, Legosi has regained his and Haru's clothes from Sebun. He is currently inspecting his t-shirt. LEGOSI: (The clothes are nice and clean again) He then looks confused as he holds up yet another copy of Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. LEGOSI: (Though why did Sebun give me a copy of Harold and Kumar too?) -- THE END
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amarokster · 6 years
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I translated the interview with the anime’s producer, Uryuu Kyouko, from this issue of LisOuef. 
Producer Uryuu Kyouko has longed for the anime adaptation of BANANA FISH, a famous work long considered to be impossible to animate.The thing that supported her in her passion was the “never give up” way of living that Ash taught us. I asked her about behind the scenes on production and her feelings. 
--Please tell me again about the path you took leading up to the anime adaptation of Banana Fish.
I first encountered the manga when I was a college student, when I borrowed it from a friend and ended up reading almost the whole thing in one sitting. At the time, it had already been quite a while since the series had come to a conclusion, but the title was still famous, and I imagine it was in the home of anybody who had an older brother or sister. I really loved detective stories and mysteries like Kaoru Takamura's "Fly with the gold," so I got totally sucked into Banana Fish as a mystery, wanting to know how things would unfold and enjoying how it developed. But in the end, what really moved me was seeing the instant of Ash's blaze burning out, or should I say it was seeing how his way of living seemed to be a single, shining moment. Banana Fish was a big hit in my class, too, with boys and girls of all ages, and it gave the strong impression of being a work of art that could move anyone. 
I first started to make moves towards turning it into an anime right after I was transferred into the production department, so I think it must've been in 2013. I managed to catch someone from the publisher during a meeting for something else, and I told them that I absolutely wanted to do this, no matter what. First, they were really surprised that I immediately went for Banana Fish. It had already been so long since it was in publication, and it was something that had never been turned into an anime or movie of any kind. But I told them I was determined to do it and asked them to at least let me write a proposal. What I put out ended up basically being a love letter to Banana Fish explaining how I'd come across it, what made it so spectacular, and what I wanted to express by turning it into an anime. And I thought that Yoshida-sensei probably isn't someone who really watches anime, so I put together a compilation of the company's latest anime to show her that all kinds of things are possible in modern animation. I was desperate just to have her become even a little bit optimistic about seeing Banana Fish turned into an anime; that would've been enough to make me happy. 
--I admire your passion from the bottom of my heart. I also heard that you rather like Yue-Lung Lee.
I think that I really like people who keep struggling toward things that they can't hope to reach, people who refuse to give up. Ash is like that, too. But Ash is searching for things like freedom and unconditional love, things that put him closer to something higher. Yue-Lung is closer to being a spoiled brat, and I think it makes him feel more human. He's smart like Ash and lives in a similar environment, but Ash has something that he doesn't, and it makes him both jealous and resentful. That's all the more reason Yue-Lung can't stand Eiji. Yue-Lung has all kinds of skills himself, but maybe I kind of get the feeling that he's close to what the rest of us are like despite that. There are a lot of scenes where he's angry, so the director is always checking in with me about the nuance involved. In contrast to that, there are times when her direction is like, I want this to feel like more of a harsh anger. (laughs) On the other hand, we're always talking about things like how we want Yue-Lung to approach Sing with a different kind of energy.
--The characters definitely show different sides of themselves depending on their relationships with others.
That's the main focus in directing, too. All of the staff have a solid grasp of the core characters, so there's hardly ever any talk like, "Ash isn't like this" or "Eiji isn't like this." The kind of things that get discussed are more like, "I want him to sound a little more gentle when he's talking with him," "I want him to talk like he's acting like a big brother," or "this makes them feel too close, so I want them to have a slightly more reserved atmosphere."
--Do you have any stories from when you were deciding on the cast?
We spent the most time on Ash and Eiji, of course. And we were really picky about the auditions for Shorter, too. For Max, after the director had seen some footage, she suddenly said, "We've got a Max." At the recording studio, whenever Hirata-san talks it puts everyone at ease. And the process of seeing him grow closer to Ash--or should I say Uchida-san-- is similar to Banana Fish. Hirata-san told me that at first, he didn't really talk much with Uchida-san, and Uchida-san himself was rather prickly, like he'd been possessed by Ash, but as they go out to eat together and see each other week after week on the job, you can feel them growing closer in their exchanges in front of the mic, too. In Banana Fish, there are scenes where the 2 of them are pretending to be father and son, but seeing them interact really brings that picture to mind.
--I'm looking forward to seeing Toshiyuki Morikawa make his appearance as Blanca after this, too.
Morikawa-san was specifically requeseted for the role, and this was part of the director's image for things, too. Just the other day, we had the recording session for the episode when Blanca appears. We had him do takes emphasizing adult sexuality, but the performance that Morikawa-san created of someone who still has something that he's hiding was just perfect. There are still a lot of things that I can't say about Blanca, but I want you to look forward to seeing him appear. 
--The combination of Yue-Lung and Sing is nice, too. I really get the feeling that Fukuyama Jun-san (Yue-Lung) is looking forward to seeing Shoya Chiba's young talent develop. 
We did auditions for the role of Sing as well, but he's the youngest character out of the main cast, so we wanted to give importance to the feeling that although he can't hope to beat Ash, he's someone who will one day bear the weight of the Chinese mafia and has a bright future ahead of him. Chiba-san's straightforward attitude was really the perfect fit. He left a big impression with how hard he was trying among all these veteran performers. Uchida-san thinks the same thing. The earnest way he does his best to push aside the pressure makes him look like Ash, which is strange. They're getting closer, too, which is interesting.
--When it comes to recording, you and the director Utsumi Hiroko-san are basically put in the same role.
Yes. The sound director, Yamada Haru-san, will take our really nuanced requests for something like "say it more sweetly," and break it down for the cast. Even when it comes to requests that aren't by the book at all, he's flexible in how he deals with them. There are tons of discussions based on the director's visual image for things, so Yamada-san is challenged in a lot of ways, too. Even when it comes to picking music for a single scene, there are times when he'll have all these different possibilities ready for the director and she instantly goes, "This is all wrong." (laughs)
--How did Shinichi Osawa come to be picked for the music?
When we went to pick a composer for the score, we decided we wanted someone who wouldn't give off a really strong impression that this was for an anime. Osawa-san was picked as the person closest to the image the director wanted after he showed her examples of music in a variety of genres. The director is the type who has images come to mind first. First she has a scene that she wants to see, and then she starts to gather things for that. I think the sounds come into play during that, too.
--Do you have a particular song or setting for music that you like?
I have to say I really like the violin songs done in Yue-Lung's image. I particularly like the song "Lunar Shackles" that's for Yue-Lung and Shorter. Just like in the scene in the OP where Yue-Lung is getting involved with Shorter, it's a song in the image of him getting involved in his life. 
--You said that Osawa-san and the director had a lot of discussions. Including Yamada-san, where there any parts of your team that went through changes?
I think there are quite a few. First, in the beginning we were talking about the music and discussing whether or not it fit a scene or feeling. There are scenes that are serious, but the characters are having fun in it, right? For example, when Eiji is doing a high jump in the 2nd episode. The music that Yamada-san first brought for the scene was a normal, serious song because it was an escape scene. If you look at it objectively as a scene, that would've been a good choice. However, the director said that during that scene, Ash was feeling excitement. In the end, we ended up using the song "Leaper" that's like the sun pouring down. Although it's probably a song that Osawa-san made while thinking of LA. (laughs) And for the scene where Shorter dies, the director said that she wanted to have a beautiful waltz playing, so Osawa-san made "The Last Waltz" for her. Now Osawa-san isn't making music for a broader concept, but for each and every specific order.
--So there are getting to be more songs than what's included on the soundtrack.
There are. I've never personally ordered so many songs for so many little separate things, so I was worried if it would really be OK, but Osawa-san was kind enough to say, "It'll help me come up with an image if I have visuals, so even if I have to break up my work, let's do it that way." We were so grateful to him.  I seriously don't even know how many times we dragged him into a meeting. We've really been saved by how many people were willing to take things on in a positive way. And we're using the opening and ending songs inside the show itself, but I think it's because we had everyone's cooperation that we were able to express things in a good way.
--It really gets you fired up to see a special ending like in episode 1 and 10. 
Even from the scripting stage, we'd decided on the music to some extent, so from the very beginning we explained that to the music artists for the OP/ED. In particular, the ending on episode 5 was an acoustic version. The director didn't want a lot of music during that scene, and she said she wanted the sadness of the guitar, so she had the artist work with that.  Right now the music artists for the second season are in the middle of production, but we're getting more great songs. 
--I can sense everyone's love for the project. Now that you've come this far from your feelings about the original manga, what do you think it is that you want to give the most importance to and convey to people? 
I know I started off talking about Ash's way of life, but I always wanted to depict the way he never gives up on the things that he wants and the way he faces his problems. So I basically want to depict Ash. I want to show him as he continues to struggle. There are things that Ash can't get even as someone who has everything, and I'd love if it comes across just how much he's saved by Eiji's existence. We're extremely particular about Ash and Eiji's time together and their interactions, from the script to recording. The story is packed with content, so we know the anime is too short to cover it all. But we just can't cut down on their scenes together, and that balance is the one thing we're very careful about. I get the feeling that the staff as a whole was always talking about what they could do to preserve that. In the anime, there are more scenes where we have to show explanatory text as a visual, but they're a result of trial and error to make sure the scenes are accurately depicting Ash and Eiji's time together and their state of mind. 
In the 2nd half of the anime in particular, there are going to be more scenes that happen sooner or later than they do in the original manga. But if you think an important scene has been cut, there are times when it'll unexpectedly come up later, so I hope you can put your mind at ease and watch to the end. 
--What do you think of the reaction of new fans and the younger generation?
This is quite timely, but when I was on my way to the office today, I heard from an old  underclassman from college asking, "Are you involved with Noitamina? 'Banana Fish' is totally interesting." I'm happy to see that reaction from people who've never read the manga. Banana Fish is an overwhelmingly famous work, so I thought that everyone had already read it, but of course that's not the case. That's all the more reason I want young people to see it now and take a look at the original manga, too. Even if you know the manga, there are new emotions with the anime. The angel statue in episode 9, that wasn't in the script, it was the director's original staging, but when I saw it in the storyboard I almost cried. 
--The anime broadcast is about to reach a turning point. Please tell us some standout points in the upcoming developments.
In the second half, you have Ash and Eiji having heart-to-heart talks, and their faith in each other grows deeper and deeper. There are more scenes digging up Ash's upbringing and feelings, but we're putting a lot of power into it, so we want everyone to really savor it. And then there's Blanca. Please look forward to seeing this new character appear. And then the battle scene with Arthur in episode 13 is really something. The visuals in the OP for the first season were made with the image of episode 13 in mind. There are a lot of scenes that link up, and I think it's fun to spot where different parts from the OP fit in. And then I hope people can watch and get a feeling for why Arthur is so fixated on his hatred for Ash. Hosoya Yoshimasa-san's Arthur is really popular with guys, and all the male staff are always talking passionately about him, and that love has been included. (laughs) Banana Fish is a work that you can best understand the brilliance of only after you've seen it through to the end. There's a full season left now, so I really hope that people will stick with it to the end.
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Here’s my full piece for the @makoharu-zine​! It was such an amazing experience & I’m honored to have my work showcased alongside so many other incredible people! Be sure to check out @knoc0ut to see their amazing art as well, as Koko was kind enough to collaborate with me during this project! I’m still in awe of their pieces aslfkdjf ❤️
Fandom: Free! Rating: G Words: 1,382 Pairing: MakoHaru Inspiration: dancing in the rain
There are moments in which Haru knows with crystal clarity that he made the best decision in choosing Tokyo—in choosing Makoto. It’s not that he ever doubted his choice once making it, because choosing Makoto has never once lead to a mistake, but there have still been a number of instances that made him appreciate the path he decided to take just that much more.
This time it’s late when they finally manage to break away from Haru’s team, leaving them to continue celebrating their earlier victory by singing peppy pop songs as cheap beer flows through their systems. Waving good-bye to their pleading calls to stay, Haru leads Makoto away by the wrist, tugging him out into the night with full intent on ‘accidentally’ missing Makoto’s stop so he can stay over (preferably for the entire weekend). He draws to an abrupt stop as as soon as they step outside of the club, however, thanks to the torrents of rain dousing the city—and, consequently, the both of them.
Surprised, but hardly upset over it, Haru tilts his chin up to greet the first sign of the rainy season. He revels in the feel of cold droplets pattering over his cheeks, smooth and gentle as they slide over his face to trail down his neck, plastering his hair to his forehead and soaking his shirt to his back. It has clearly been raining a while now, sidewalks drowning in puddles as fog rises from the concrete in delicate tendrils; it’s even managed to wash away the scent of the city for once, just a little more reminiscent of home. He inhales it deeply, lets it coat his lungs with a much-appreciated touch of familiarity.
Beside him, Makoto barks out a startled laugh, a little too tipsy to react as quickly as usual and already so drenched that any run for cover would be virtually useless. Haru smiles at the sound as it echoes and bounces off the walls of the karaoke club behind them, weaving through the droplets to make itself at home in Haru’s chest, just as it always has. It warms him against the brief chill of midnight rain, spreads through his limbs and makes his fingertips tingle in the way only Makoto can; it has his lips curving upwards and suddenly he can’t stand the meager space between them. Makoto tips his head down to meet Haru’s gaze as if he knows—like he feels it too—and Haru can’t help but reach for him, pulling him in and holding him close without any thought on what to do next. He just wants Makoto near him; he always wants Makoto near.
Makoto’s laughter returns, bubbles over, rumbling pleasantly against his torso when he pulls Haru closer by the hands without question. His eyes crinkle above his rosy cheeks as he says, “Dance with me, Haru-chan.”
He doesn’t really give Haru the chance to deny him (not that he wants to), immediately tugging him closer and leading them into a messy waltz down the sidewalk. Pedestrians flow around them without hesitation or comment, too focused on their own destinations to care about a couple of giddy college students making fools of themselves. Makoto shows off just a little, grin turning cheeky when he spins Haru away only to tug him back into a dip. Haru scowls, more on principle than because he actually minds, which only makes Makoto smile wider.
Worth it, then, Haru thinks to himself with a touch of pride. There is little more rewarding than being the cause of Makoto’s smile. The brunet pulls him upright again and twirls them into motion once more, giggling as they spin, spin, spin.
Rainbow lights reflect in his eyes, twine through his hair and paint over his skin like a kaleidoscope as they whirl, splashing in puddles and dancing through the mist rising off the concrete without a care for anyone but each other. Music pounds distantly through the club walls, a muted beat they don’t bother to keep time to. (Haru couldn’t if he tried, really, entirely too enamored with the man holding him to care for inconsequential things like that.)
Because Makoto is warm against him, hands now heavy on his waist as he hums a loose tune of whatever song must be spilling onto the street. It’s slower than before and Makoto takes note, leading them out of their wild, uncoordinated steps and into a more sedate pace made to leave no space between them. The tip of his nose is chilly against Haru’s temple as he leans in, swaying them away from a passerby. Rain drips from the ends of his eyelashes to kiss Haru’s cheeks sweetly.
Haru finds he’d much rather taste it from Makoto’s lips instead.
It’s not the first time he’s thought it, and it won’t be the last, but this time Haru feels a little more inclined to act on the wish. A bit braver, bolder. Anything feels possible tonight—it always does, with Makoto by his side.
Makoto pulls back then, just enough to look him in the eye before he speaks. His voice is low, husky with overuse from the multitude of songs Haru’s team convinced him to sing earlier; it sends a shiver down his spine when Makoto offers a soft smile and murmurs, “I’d really like to kiss you right now, Haru-chan.”
And Haru can’t help the way his mouth curves up in amusement, can’t even bring himself to reply with a sassy, “Only if you drop the -chan”, because of course Makoto would ask politely rather than just do. He always considers Haru’s feelings first, always approaches him with an air of compassion, as if he doesn’t already know Haru’s thoughts on the matter—he does, he always does, but he never takes away Haru’s freedom to choose.
But Haru has always been better at doing, trusting Makoto’s understanding of him, so he lets his hands speak for him, reaching up to cup the back of Makoto’s neck and pulling him down to meet him halfway the way he’s dreamed of doing for ages now.
He decides it was absolutely worth the wait, exhaling with relief at the warm press of Makoto’s lips (finally, finally) against his own. Makoto hums, pleased, lips curling upwards just slightly but not enough to break contact; instead, he wraps his arms around Haru’s waist to pull him closer, impossibly closer, melding their chests together so firmly that even the rain seems unable to come between them. Haru barely even notices it anymore, too caught up in the dizzying rush that loving Makoto brings him.
It’s everything he ever imagined it would be. More, even.
There are so many sensations to feel—the rain still pounding against their shoulders, Makoto’s soft hair between his fingers, the press of his nose to his cheek, the slide of Makoto’s hands up and down his spine—that it’s almost overwhelming. He feels lightheaded, unstable on his feet, and is grateful for Makoto’s steadying hands now settling on the small of his back. He sways a bit on his toes, punch-drunk on everything the moment has to offer, unable to fathom stopping for even a second.
But, in the same way he has since childhood, Makoto acts as Haru’s impulse control. It takes a few tries, the both of them diving back in for quick pecks that turn into slow, leisurely explorations, but finally Makoto manages, giggles spilling from his reddened lips. He rests his forehead against Haru’s, whispering giddily, “Your place for the weekend?”
“Yes,” Haru agrees without hesitation, finding Makoto’s hands so he can intertwine their fingers. He wants to add ‘Anywhere, as long as it’s with you’ but the words cling in the spaces between his ribs, too shy to form on his tongue just yet. Still, he can tell Makoto hears them anyway, in the way his eyes soften and how his next kiss lingers sweetly.
As they make their way towards the station, hand in hand, Haru feels a sense of completion thrum through him, warm and comfortable and familiar. He’s never been one for overtly romantic notions, but there’s no denying that being with Makoto, in all ways, is like coming home.
There’s nowhere else he’d rather be.
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treasakamoto-blog · 6 years
Save Your Heart (Akechi/ Reader)
From the moment you laid eyes on the seemingly kind and righteous detective, you’d known that something much more sinister lurked inside of Akechi. Despite this, you’d always found yourself lured in by the softness of his voice, the warmth in his smile, and the passion in his eyes. You wanted nothing more than to hear Akechi show his true colors.
Akechi had wit unlike no other, always thinking miles ahead of the others. So when Akira and Morgana approached you, sharing their suspicions that the detective had traitorous intent, you were not surprised. Saddened, yes. But not surprised in the slightest.
But you surely had never expected to see a completely unhinged Akechi, using any possible tactic to kill you. It broke your heart. And still, somehow, you found yourself wanting to wrap your arms around him. Had he ever even been hugged? He had tried to kill you. He’d killed Haru’s father. He’d sworn himself to stop Akira’s heart himself. That, of course, had changed after his defeat in battle. He no longer wished to kill each phantom thief. He’d been fully prepared to sacrifice his life to spare yours.
Things didn’t quite result the way Akechi had anticipated. Without hesitation, Akira had halted any plans Akechi had of self-sacrifice and narrowly managed to pull the thieves to safety from Shido’s puppet.
“We don’t trade lives,” Akira had said in response to Akechi’s confused expression.
Several hours later, you find yourself walking alongside Akechi towards the station. Not all was resolved- Akechi would of course be discussing his future with Akira the next day, and you had a feeling Akechi would be turning himself in for his past crimes. But for now, he was alive, and he was at your side. That’s all that mattered to you.
“Well,” said Akechi, exhaustion evident in his tone, “I must thank you for walking with me to the station. I should be going home now. I’m sure I will be seeing you all tomorrow to decide on my next choice.”
As he stepped away from you, you felt a spark of panic, and yanked his arm to eliminate the distance again. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think so.”
“I beg your pardon?” Akechi quirked a brow.
“I remember every word you said earlier, before Akira saved you from the cognition of you. You’ve been alone. I know I’ve only now seen the real you, but I can’t let you go home to an empty home. Not tonight.”
Akechi takes a step closer to you, shifting your hands so that your fingers are no longer wrapped around his wrist, but his hand. “Are you offering for me to stay in your home? Hours after I tried to initiate my own psychotic breakdown to kill you?”
“Second chances?”
“(Y/N), I tried to kill you multiple times. Tonight.”
“I’m in a forgiving mood,” I laugh.
Akechi pulls you flush against him, and your heart swells. He’s trembling, and you know he’s never been so close to another person. He’s scared, and he’s desperate. Several moments of comfortable silence pass, and you start to get dizzy at how unrelentingly tight he’s holding you.
When he finally releases you from his bone crushing embrace, you and the detective make your way towards the apartment that you occupied yourself. As the daughter of two constantly traveling geologists, you were essentially living alone. Your parents loved you dearly, and visited as frequently as they could, but they had decided that it would be unfair to you to constantly have your life uprooted to move to the next place. You’re grateful to that fact now, as you guided Akechi into your dimly lit apartment.
“There’s a guest bedroom, if that’s where you’d like to sleep,” you say softly, running your hand gently through his soft brown hair.
“And if that’s not where I’d like to sleep?” He teases, already knowing the answer.
“Then...you’re welcome in my room.”
“I’d like that.”
Your hands are still connected, even as you show him around the apartment. You quickly realize that he feels the need to be touching you in some way at all times, though you don’t mind it. When you release his hand to point out where you keep the towels in the bathroom, he slowly moves closer, until your arms are touching.
And later that night, when you slip into bed, it doesn’t take Akechi long to pull your body towards him, until you’re completely enveloped in his arms. He holds you like he’s afraid to lose you, like he’s never going to let go. Finally, you’re seeing the real Akechi. For the first time, he’s not distant, and he’s not untouchable. He’s vulnerable, and he’s open, and he’s offering his heart to you the way you’ve offered yours. As you met his gaze, you became more and more certain that there was hope for redemption.
“Akechi,” you murmur.
Again, he’s thinking ahead of you, because he hums out, “I love you too, (Y/N).”
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makoharuland · 6 years
makoharu in free! dive to the future episode 1
yes, i am still alive. i know it sure didn't look that way!!! more on that in the next post, but for now, i wanted to talk about free! dive to the future episode one!! i already wrote about my thoughts on episode one here, but in this post, i want to mention some makoharu moments. i am very, very grateful that this new season is here (because i didn't even think there would be a new season at all!!). so okay, the first question i had to ask was "how long are they going to make me wait to see a makoharu moment???" i was waiting, waiting...
...YAY IT ONLY TOOK 53 SECONDS FOR SOME MAKOHARU WOOHOO I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO WAIT AN ENTIRE MINUTE. ^__^ this officially continued the super important tradition of makoto reaching out a hand to help haru get out of the pool. seeing those kinds of familiar things is so heartwarming!! you know, it's not even that haru actually needs help getting out of the pool. it's just their little thing that they like to do.
PLOT TWIST!!!! haru pulls makoto in... i like how mako's a little bit offended, lol. he's so cute.
makoto's little laugh when they are in the locker room, i'm dead. IT WAS SUCH A PURE ANGEL LAUGH. MAKOTO YOU ANGEL. <33333
"i keep telling you not to call me haru-chan" ("well i keep doing it anyway ^__^ ")
heyyyy can we just appreciate that makoharu is basically the first thing that happens in this season lolol
wait, hold on a second, makoto just HAPPENED to ask haru about being an ordinary person, which is what haru had been thinking about in the pool. so not only can makoto read haru's thoughts, he can read them RETROACTIVELY. XD
but actually i feel like that separation-by-train thing is going to be used again in a later episode, but in a sad way. who knows? i may be wrong, but that's my prediction.
in the opening theme, there is a scene with the two of them studying together. makoharu doing normal everyday things is so WONDERFUL!!! that's a strange thing about this ship. i somehow become very excited about them doing ordinary things that would otherwise be boring. BUT IT'S MAKOHARU. SO IT'S INTERESTING.
and then makoto hands haru a cup of coffee (or something). again, an ordinary thing made interesting because MAKOHARU. XD notice that makoto was the one who gave the cup to haru, not the other way around, because their relationship has many adorably familiar patterns and one of their patterns is makoto giving things to haru. <3
aww, the moment where makoto is fondly remembering haru holding his hand and comforting him when he was crying!!! <33333 because this is in the theme song, i guess it will be something that comes back at some point in this season, right? let's wait and see!!
omg, mako offering to lend his notes to that guy. i just love all the things he does to help others!!! ^__^ <333 i will love makoto forever. <333
"is nagisa your girlfriend?" um, no, haru is...!!!
hahahaha it's so funny when mako said "you're not haru." is this some weird new storyline when haru gets abducted by aliens!??!?! and then an alien tries to transform into a fake look-alike haru in order to impersonate him and talk to everyone, tricking them into revealing all their deepest secrets for some reason?!?!? and then the alien can give all the information back to its fellow aliens back on the home planet?!!! BUT THE PLAN HAS FAILED!!! SORRY, ALIEN!!! oh wait, it's just asahi. XD oh, i was beginning to think of a really cool story there... uh, anyway, makoto is so used to haru's voice that he can't be tricked by someone who is just pretending to sound like haru!! i bet haru was sitting there thinking like "well that obviously won't work..." lol.
awww, little makoharu with a basketball. makoto's bright, happy smile is powerful enough to make up for haru's lack of a smile, hahaha.
um, haru wants everyone to know that he is still very cute and adorable right now, thank you very much. (makoto knows!!!!)
that's everything i wanted to say for this episode. what kind of makoharu things will be in the next episode? NOBODY KNOWS... (well, except for the writers. and the animators. and the voice actors. and everyone else who worked on this anime)
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