#so. i like to think it was related to her dead mom that she doesnt even know about </3
oflgtfol · 1 year
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Stonedapple still remembers when Mistypaw was just a kit, batting around in the medicine den and asking endless questions about everything. He chuckles with fondness and avoids the question as Mistyghost asks why her new name was chosen. Unbeknownst to her, the spirit of her mother hooks its chin over her shoulder and purrs.
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arolesbianism · 1 year
I'm having another Kanade Moment™ and it'll never cease to make me explode whenever I think abt her family. It's rly hard to word all my thoughts abt them but like Man. Man.
#sekai posting#I have my gripes with some stuff with her dad's writing but its mostly with his whole stroke situation his actual character is fine#I do feel bad that I find him kind of funny tho daughter made such a banger he got hostbitilised over it#but I do rly like the flashback scenes with kanade's mom even if it ultimately doesnt tell us much abt her#it makes sense tho since kanade was yknow a small child at the time#I just have a tendency to get unreasonably attatched to and emotional over backstory dead ppl lol#specifically that flashback scene with her in the last event hit that sweet spot for me of showing just a hint of what might have been#going on in her mind at the time#this is the sort of stuff that makes me miserable and genuinely rly sad but like in a good way#its the mochi appeal ig fjfndkfnd#but yeah its just so interesting to me to think abt how she exists in kanade's mind#cause her death just marked such a fundinental shift in her dynamic with her father and how she viewed herself in relation to him#not that her dad like conpletely neglected her on every level he did still try to be there for her and tried to be a good dad still but he#clearly was still struggling a lot and it evidently still effected kanade a lot#and there are still some things that I feel points to at least certain levels of neglect from him even if he wasnt trying to#anyways I am sleept tired so gn#Ive been in a bad mood all night hopegully Ill be feeling better tomorrow#at least kanade <3
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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rainbowgothdisaster · 2 years
finding out you dont have anxiety you just have shitty ppl in your life is the worst news to get (/hyperbole)
like,,, howd it take me 2 months to figure out my cousin didnt start my anxiety back up, i was just extremely disappointed she was being a cunt and now have horrible memories of my favourite accessories?
its showing off a project about microlabels and finding out my ex and ex best friend are exclusionists all over again
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cabin10diaries · 7 months
i loove tlh trio but its so fun to think about them growing distant and falling apart cause they all have new lives, that dont include each other
piper? moved states. she lives with her dad, attends a normal school. she has mortal friends, mortal gf. nothing related to mythological things like the entire war had been, no need for her to go to camp, no point in trying to keep in touch with people across states. esp when all she wants is to leave all of that behind
leo? he finally has a family. proper parental figures, siblings, he doesnt have to run anymore. he can rest. he can escape the mythological world that killed his mom, ruined his family, ruined his childhood. hes happier with the waystation, he always felt like he was third wheeling piper and jason anyway
jason? dead he's alone. he's at a school, most of his time is taken up by killing the monsters there and the temples of new rome and he's still overrun by unofficial duties. he'll just go back to camp jupiter, the only home he's ever known, even if being with leo and piper felt more right
of course they do try. they can all tell it wont last, but they try their best to stay friends. letters, irismessages, meeting up– none of it really helps. theyre building their lives, new ones, all without each other
piper feels comfortable in her identity, leo finally finds his home, jason goes back to how everything was before the war
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lisaas2418 · 5 months
So what does the great 7 think of the overblot's parents? I can wait to see the Queen of Hearts using her iconic quote to Riddle's mom, Ursula and Queen Grimhilde being proud that Azul's and Vil's have great parents, Hades being confused on how his parents are like compare to what he imagine (before their debut, the fandom assume they are neglectful and not caring given they didnt appear in the flashback) that but male sense where the shroud brothers' personality, Jafar scolding Jamil's parents for lowering his potential, Maleficent feeling bad about his dead parent(s?) (Assume if you heard the theory about it), and not sure about Leona unless replace his parents with Farena. Leona doesn't talk much how his parents affected him other than his dad being sick.
Yeah the opinion on the parents are quite different 😅
(If some segments are short, don't come at me there is just not much I can write about)
Riddle's Mum
We havent fully se her sprite ingame, but I think as soon as sje appears everyone will go off on her. Amd I'm not only talking about the fandom. So as the Queen of Hearts heard about Riddles Mum, she went as red as the red roses in her garden. She demended on seeing his mum while loudly screaming "HOW DARE SHE TREATS HIM LIKE THAT?! IT WILL BE OFF WITH HER HEAD". Everyone had to calm her down, while Riddle explained that it would be very chaotic if a historical figure like her would suddendly appear in his home and that he already tries to change his mothers mind (although it doesnt really works).
If his Mum were to ever appear in the House of Mouse though she WILL be going off on her
Leona's Parent's
There is not much info regarding both of them, but I really doubt they are bad parents. They clearly were not the factor on Leonas mental state and werent judging him or telling he should be like his brother. As you said Farena is by Leonas saying sick and thus why his older brother is king. Leona never seemed to express hatred or dislike to his parents, so its easy to assume that he is alright about them. So Scar doesnt have much of a dislike to them, he is just glad that he has atleast somewhat decent parents (who didnt named their son Take which means trash)
Azul's Parent's
As far as we heard of them, his parents seem to be really great. Not only are they NOT the reason why Azul has problems but they are present in his life and being lovely to him. So yeah Ursula likes them a lot
Jamil's Parents
Ok well they are not really terrible but they do made Jamil always stay in the shadow of Kalim (often even though he was clearly better at some things) and it may just be me but I think they even hurted him?? Again not sure if this is correct so feel free to correct me. Jafar doesnt hold them in great regard since for one he himself had to always serve someone who is not really smart amd second they are just stalling his talents which is not a good thing for parents to do.
Yes Jafar is not a good person, but even he knows about it
Vil's father
We didnt saw much of him, but he supports Vil's goal and even said to him that he is fit to play the hero role in any movie. So yeah the evil queen thinks he is a good father
Idia's parents
They are a perfect example of "thinking someones terrible, but they turn out to be good" parents. It was really weird and good finding out that Idias and Orthos parents love both of them and that they are just not always there because of their jobs (which they didnt even asked for). The way they reassured Ortho that despite him beinh a humanoid robot of the "real" Ortho, they love him the same as they did with the other and consider him family. Hades was skeptical at first (as we all were) but he ends finding them great, because yeah he can relate on having a job he didnt even asked for
Malleu's parents
Not much can be said except they really loved him as he was an egg and that his mother was willing to die to protect him, and also Lilias parential love towards him being the reason he hatched is just so sweet. Maleficent feels empathy toward his parents but she also thinks Lilia did a great job at raising him (and Silver)
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amagpiesguide · 1 month
Do you think Ariane ever wanted her mom? Like because when we’re in pain, or scared or really anything we tend to want our mothers, so it’d be natural for Ariane to want her mother. GOD I IMAGINED IN ARIANES LAST MOMENTS BEFORE THE BIORESONANCE THING SHE WAS CRYING FOR HER MOM
Now that got me thinking, what about the replikas?? Do they long for the neural pattern’s mothers even though they’re not biologically their child?? When they destabilise I mean, like imagine a dying STAR on the battlefield calling out for her neural patterns mom oh my days
You guys cannot convince me ariane did not want her mom, especially with how she was raised I would reckon they had a very close bond. I wish there was more stuff surrounding ariane’s mom and even the itou twins mom like who is she?? Anja Itou or Lilith itou?? I would think Anja, because Lilith never had a male lover (that we know of) but she had Alina. Lilith being a possible older sister to them seems like a much more likely scenario than their mother, and personally on how lilith’s personality is shown (this is with the theory that she’s Elsters neural pattern) she probably would not want kids
And if the case was that Lilith was their mom, realistically then, Elster would’ve most likely atleast had some more instinct to protect isa— meanwhile with a sibling you really don’t have that urge (unless their like a baby) and honestly, I think Lilith and the twins wouldn’t of known each other for that long. Lilith would’ve been just a faded memory from childhood [if I’m correct on the timing of when Lilith might’ve been put into whatever they do to the replika neural pattern and that she is Elsters neural pattern] I mean, the faint possibility of her being the twins mother is that if Alina was their second mother, but that doesn’t make sense: Ariane is often portrayed as a ‘clone’ in a way of Alina, looking almost exact same as her. So why would Alina be their second mom? And it wouldn’t be possible because Alina was in the sierpenski as we know it,
So that would leave Anja to be their mother, Lilith? Maybe a cousin or older sister. Looking at Isa (assuming that Erika looks basically the same) she looks like she would relate to Lilith but not in a mother and daughter way; more like a cousins or sisters way. And What is the deal with Alina?? Is she just meant to be Lilith’s lover, or does Ariane end up being like some reincarnation of her? Or is Alina in retrospect just made to be that person Ariane triggers Elsters neural pattern memories with? But that would make her character practically basic if she only had one purpose. But I can’t figure out what she’s even here for, maybe she doesn’t really have a purpose? Some characters in fiction might not have proper purpose but they’re very important to plot I think,
Oh the ariane having acute radiation syndrome, she would be in SO much worse of state in reality, burns everywhere only getting worse, skin cells dying, even her bone marrow [i forgot if this parts correct shh] possibly started to degrade [I think I’m thinking of chromosomes], her teeth falling out, her organs dying from the inside out, losing absolute control over her own bodily fluids, I understand that it’s probably for creepy affect with her very basic black arms and legs to show nercotic skin but realistically ariane would’ve been dead much sooner when the radiation kicked in, even with the cryo medical pod. We all know of the person who had severe radiation poisoning, he died after a long battle. Considering Ariane would’ve practically be begging Elster— if Elster didn’t die first, because to me atleast, Replikas much more fragile when it comes to things like radiation, excluding MNHR units. They would start to degrade faster than a human would,
Ariane would be in so much pain, her skin wouldn’t even turn black it’d fall off exposing muscle and nerves. And her hair doesnt make sense, when someone has that much radiation and Ariane probably got out through so much more radiation, her hair would’ve fallen OUT, not grown. She would’ve looked like a burned mummy, and most likely. Elster wasn’t Alive to see any of Ariane’s true pain, yet Ariane probably would’ve still chosen the Penrose program. Why? Because hearing how sierpenski is that shit is SCARY. But also, we all know of Ariane’s bullying on rotfront. With how much she was getting bullied [I heard she even got put in hospital temporarily?? Idk if that’s right] she would of course pick that option. It’s like giving someone the option to choose: Go to school for years, Go for a year and get all of your diplomas immediately [of course it’s not a accurate comparison but shut up]
Bullying fucking ruins people, from experience I wanted to leave my entire country because I got bullied so badly. I wanted to leave the planet [as in going to space], when your given a choice between going to a facility or seeing the stars? You’d the stars especially in ariane’s place. The eusan nation is strict, and rotfront was terrible to ariane. Why would she want to put herself through more??
Anyways I’m literally ariane yeong (I bleached my hair to look like her, my roots are over grown tho 🫡) also sorry for so much writing, I have no one to really yap my ideas to 😔🙏
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pineapple-psychic · 5 months
i made a pjo/psych crossover
thanks to @autism-criminal for enabling me
Shawn Spencer, son of Hecate
henry and hecate hooked up once; thinking maddie finds out and its part of the reason for the divorce
this means shawn has real psychic powers!! yay!!
because hes a child of a titan, not a god, less monsters came after him so he was doing good until 18, when he ran away
him and gus looked out for each other :] bc of course henry cant see the monsters (and didnt know abt camp halfblood)
Burton 'Gus' Guster, son of Apollo
because pharmaceuticals and the god of medicine
absolutely HATES snakes. worse than dead bodies
i think itd be really funny to give him both the natural healing and the plagues powers because that would give him such a crisis
gus tries to go to college, but without the additional protection its more dangerous so he doesnt finish before asking shawn for help
shawn tells him abt this camp he found and whoo! shawngus in new york! (ik santa barbara is The City on Psych but listen theyre in pjo now)
Carlton Lassiter, son of Ares
this is mostly because of his obsession with guns, landmines, and the civil war
basically the only ares kid who gets along with athena kids. probably wishes he was one
and of course he HATES magic because it doesnt make sense so bam instant rivalry with shawn
part of the reason he doesnt get along with his mother is because of being lied to about his parentage, cause his stepdad is a dick and he wouldve been glad to know they werent related
Juliet O'Hara, daughter of Athena
pissed off at her parentage. she loves athena but she hates knowing that shes related to frank and not her mom
gets along great w lassie cause he may be an ares kid but hes not incredibly stupid like most of them
hates spiders of course
she joined the camp rather early in her life, because frank knew about the camp and she wanted to get away from him. ironic huh
Chief Karen Vick, child of Athena
they left the camp when they could to become a police officer up to chief, then returned to help Chiron out as a co-camp director because Mr. D does absolutely nothing
this way them and juliet are half siblings :D
Woodrow Strode, unknown
kinda just showed up one day
no one knows if hes a demigod or like a sighted mortal but he is just there
lives in the woods
hangs around the hades cabin a lot because death. also the Vibes
Busby 'Buzz' McNab, son of Demeter
can you imagine him tending to the gardens?? all 6'7 of him??? yes
also because buzz. bees. plants. demeter
i have basically no notes on him sorry
anyway im so wise. take my word as law (joking. do not do that)
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sporkberries · 1 year
Hello! Do you have any recommendations for Roy Harper reading? I'm not bothered about which continuity or where, just if you had a suggestion for where you think he's best 👀
If you wanna go back to some older stuff you can check out the silver age green arrow comics and Teen Titans 1966, I'm not the BIGGEST fan of TT 1966 but it does have some cute and funny moments. I mainly read Bronze Age to Modern age so we'll go with that moving forward. Green Lantern(1960) #85-86 This is Snow Birds don't fly and Roy's most iconic story, It introdcues Roy's struggle with heroin and is pretty sympathetic to addicts which was QUITE the big deal at the time. I also think its important for to me say Ollie is not the best parent in this one, he reacts out of anger and is incredibly upset with both Roy and himself for Roy's addiction. OLLIE DOES LOVE ROY AND IS USUALLY QUITE A GOOD PARENT, THIS IS ONE MOMENT THAT DOES NOT DEFINE HIM OR HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH ROY. MUST READ not just for Roy but for comic book history in general Action Comics(1939) #32 This one is a small one shot thats post snowbirds. Roy is on his own but it shows that he and Ollie still care about eachother and that Ollie really misses Roy. The New Titans(1984) #20-21 THE REVEAL OF LIAN'S EXISTENCE !!!!! ALSO JADEROY!! also itty bitty robin Jason is in this story. ABSOLUTE MUST READ Action Comics(1938) #613-618 I LOVE THIS STORY I LOVE THIS STORY I LOVE THIS STORY. It hurts me but i love it... Jade and Roy and Lian... It also shows how Roy ended up getting Lian. other than that I will say no more... ABSOLUTE MUST READ Titans(1999) #1-2 Lot's of Cute content with Roy and Lian here. I wouldn't consider it an absolute must read but again its fucking adorable so i recommend it. Titans(1999) #6 Donna Kyle and Roy beat up a Nazi with a tragic backstory or whatever, meanwhile Lian is being babysit by someone her mom has personally affected.
Titans(1999) #8-13 JADEROY!!! JADEROY!!!! LIAN!!!! Deals with the aftermath of the previous rec. Also some DonnaRoy which is admittedly cute. This story kinda covers all the moral complications of Roy and Jade and Lian. How Jade's crimes affect them all, as well as how Roy feels about Jade. I would consider this one a must read. Titans(1999) #21-22 Aftermath of previous rec, Chesire is being held to be tried. I realize a lot of these recs are relate to JadeRoy and Lian but they are so important to his character. If you enjoyed the previous story read this one, but i wouldn't recommend it in a vacuum. Titans(1999) #30 More JadeRoy, I am predictable. This is Jade's trial. If you like the previous two storylines read this. It makes me sad it makes me emo I love Jade so much and she went through so much and it doesnt excuse here actions but it still hurts. Roy makes a decision. Roy appears prominently in The Outsiders but i haven't read it all yet so i can't speak on it. Green Arrow(2001) 1-10 This is an ArrowFam MUST READ. Ollie returns from the dead, mia is introduced, Ollie and Connor, and Ollie reuinites with Roy and Dinah. It's very good. Green Arrow(2001) #16-21 General ArrowFam goodness. Ollie and Roy Goodness. Just,,, emotions.... Ollie is Roy''s dad... I weep...
Justice Leauge of America(2006) #1 Roy and his Uncle Hal :). Also Roy joins the JLA
There's more probably but this list is getting pretty full. These are also all in chronological order so :333. as a sort of anti- recommendation if you want to read an absolutely awful roy that is horrible in every way and want to be mad about it read rhato. its awful!
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
(I apologize in advance because this'll be a long one for I have so much to say)
Malon proposed to Time and it was the cutest thing ever and it made Time so red he thought he caught a fever.
Warriors may look thin, but that man could easily carry both Time and Twilight (with their armor on) without breaking a sweat. My man swings a huge ball and chain around that could easily be a few hundred pounds, he's shredded beneath those clothes.
Twilight has both the triforce of courage and power, and often uses the blessing from the triforce of power more often.
Hyruke has all three segments of the triforce. He uses the blessing from the triforce of wisdom the most.
Wild does not have a triforce price, neither does Flora, as in their era the triforce has been hidden away in the sacred realm.
All the Zeldas are taller than their Link. Even if by an inch, they are taller (With the biggest height difference being between Time and Lullaby, as she towers him by a good foot. The hardest to see is Sky and Sun, as she is only an inch taller.)
Four has a fear of every insect except for spiders, which makes him the only Link to not have arachniphobia.
Legend has fist fought a child before. No I will not elaborate.
If sleepy or pissed off, both Twilight and Warriors shift into their native tongues (I like to think Ordon is based in an Eastern European country, so I will happily be spreading my Hungarian Twilight agenda thank you very much.)
The most passive aggressive person in the group is Sky, as he gets tired of being all nice when somebody is being a prick but doesn't want to be outright rude.
Wind thinks Time's and Twilight's facial markings are cool and wants his own.
Time is short and his boots make him taller. He is around the same height as Sky without them, and Malon is taller than him too. It's because the lost forest didn't really have enough food for him to grow properly, so he's short now.
Wind, Warriors, and Time all have some sort of PTSD relating to the FD mask. (Warriors nearly died during battle because a possessed young Time didn't realize he was a friend and not a foe. Wind was forced to wear it once during battle and doesnt want to be near it after the pain it cause him. Time is basically fusing with the Deity with how often he wore it in his youth.)
Wild is not fully mortal and is considered half dead, so certain beings either like him or hate him more for it. (Fairies tend to avoid him while spirits tend to trust him).
Four can still see the Minish despite being considered to old to. They sometimes help if the chain gets lost.
Hyrule is not the field medic, it's actually Legend and Warriors.
Sky talks about Sun so much that everybody assumed they were already married. It surprised everyone when he revealed they weren't engaged yet.
During the events of the story, Malon is pregnant with her and Time's first child. The child is born after Time returns permanently, and it is Twilight's mom!
Everybody has cuddled Twilight, either it be when he was Wolfie or not, he has been cuddled.
Warriors is his Ganondorf's son, and the only ones to know is Time, Wind and Twilight. Wild somewhat knows due to the ruins he and Flora once found from his era, though he isn't quite sure.
Wild is not the only foodie in the group. All the boys can eat their own weight and not gain a single pound afterwards. They all love food and love trying different dishes from all places.
Certain Hyrules have myths and folklore about monsters we know about (such as ghouls, vampires, werewolves and such). For example, Hyrule thought Twilight was a werewolf after learning he was Wolfie and kept placing silver objects on top of him while he was on bedrest. (Which did nothing since Twilight isn't a werewolf.)
Hylia heavily favors Wild and Sky the most out of all the boys. (Since I like the idea of BOTW and TOTK being direct sequels to SS instead if further down the timeline)
Dark Link is an amalgamation of all the Link's darkest desires. He also has the ability to shift into any of the others if he focused enough of his energy to do so.
Twilight has committed cannabilism before. His wolfish instincts got the better of him, and the guy was trying to hurt Legend. Legend hasn't spoken about it since the incident, and only they know.
All the Links have eaten something inedible and every time they do it infront of Malon she does the clutching her pearls gesture and it's really cute.
I have so many more but I'm to tired to continue. I hope you're taking care of yourself ♥
You have no need to apologize I absolutely LOVE reading people’s headcanons, feel free to stop by my ask box and tell me ur headcanons whenever you’d like :)
1. I firmly believe this was the case, Malon absolutely proposed to him. I also believe she can pick him up and carry him around
2. I have a post I’m planning on making soon about body types but I am a FIRM believer that just because Warriors is thin doesn’t mean that man isn’t strong. He’s incredibly thin looking, the kind of guy you’d assume you can see his ribs, and people underestimate his strength because of it. Yes, physically there isn’t a whole lot of him, but that’s because he has very low body fat because it’s all muscle. To me he has a build similar to female ballet dancers. Very small and you wouldn’t assume he’s capable of much if you just saw him out and about, but when he’s in his element, NO ONE doubts his strength
3. EVERY ZELDA IS TALLER THAN EVERY LINK REAL. Personally I think Sky and Sun are like the same exact height from a distance, but if you look real close, she’s taller
4. The concept that Four is the only one who wouldn’t scream and absolutely loose it at the sight of a spider made me laugh. I wholeheartedly agree with you on that one
5. Legend vs. Child (chid won)
6. Hungarian Twilight is super cool! I really like that headcanon :)
7. Sky is FOR SURE the most passive aggressive because all the others would probably get at least a LITTLE snappy but Sky would whip out a customer service voice but there would be no light in his eyes
8. Wind absolutely asked for a face tattoo and Time definitely had to shut him down.
9. THE IDEA THAT TIME IS WALKING AROUND WITH LIKE 3 INCHES OF HEEL IN HIS BOOT IS HILARIOUS. I personally think he’s about 5’8 and roughly Malon’s height in Jojo’s au, but for my own interpretation of him He Is 5’5.
10. I have a headcanon that Wild’s eyes are more of a glowly sheika blue since he was brought back. I think there’s probably something slightly off about him that gives people and animals an uncanny sense about him, even though he’s very sweet and nice, something about him just feels odd
11. Four can always see the minish, I firmly believe that
12. WARRIORS IS THE FIELD MEDIC AND I’LL DIE ON THAT HILL. Sure the others know basic first aid and such, but Warriors has the most medical knowledge and training, though I like to think he teaches what he knows to Hyrule because Hyrule is curious
13. My personal headcanon is that Twilight is Time’s great grandson, but Time lived long enough to be able to meet his son’s daughter, who is Twilight’s mom. I like to think Twilight’s mom would’ve sung him songs she learned from Malon
14. Twilight is definitely one of the more cuddly members of the group, he’s definitely down for hugs you just gotta ask him first
15. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a headcanon that Wars is Ganondorf’s son but that’s cool! I headcanon that his father died in the army💀💀💀 He just gives me absent/dead father energy
16. I think Hylian folklores and myths are definitely wildly different throughout the eras, and it probably extended to the heroes as well! Like imagine an ‘Old Hylian Myth’ and it basically says that Sky is a giant or something and the others all meet this great hero of the skys and he’s 5’4
17. I can imagine Malon being like “Wild what are you making?” and he just goes “Monster parts stew :3”
I loved reading all of these! I hope you’re taking care of yourself as well :)
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chompisgay4mrbeast · 2 months
procrastinating so u guys get my hatchetverse hcs!!! (these are going to be a lot of shit i picked up from random posts that i dont remeber the ops of so sorry if u made one of these hcs and i dont credit you i love you sorry) ethan green
probably like 23? 25?
hes actually bi he told me himself
afab he/they boyflux sue me
lex is his first and only gf. he's probably had like one bf before but he loves lex sm more (simp) (malewife to her girlboss basically)
orphan sorry i dont make the rules
his dad left like immedately and his mom passed of old age when he was like 17 idk
hannah is basically his little sister. he'd die 4 her actually.
ted spankoffski
like late 20s early 30s at the most ithink
so painfully thirsty for anyone he has to be pan
amab he/him but doesnt really give a fuck
has never had a partner thats so sad. he makes up for this by constantly acting like everybody wants him. they dont. (exepct for me i love him)
doesnt really have a CRUSH on anyone speific but mark chastity is his fav to tease (sorry im a baby for holy bastard)
him and petes parents love them but theyre kinda like.. oblivious and absent. like theyre always on trips and leaving pete to live w ted
max jagerman
im not gonna list all of the teens' age theyre all 16-18
im assimilating with this one he/she pronouns amab
hes omni he told me himself pref 2 women
everybody wants him he only wants the nerd (hes just like me fr)
he isnt dead shut up shut up sHUT UP HES FINE OKAY
his dad is not good his mom died in childbirth
stephanie lauter
genderqueer. they/she/he in order of pref. also uses xe/xir idc sue me
pan thats cannon she told me xirself
does tiktok dances but really badly on purpose
the biggest simp on earth to her one guy and nobody ese
will fluster the living hell out of pete in public for fun
hates being the mayors daughter, feels alienated bcs of it
pete spankoffski
he/they afab i dont make the rules
bi if you argue youre homophobic (/J)
actually loves his big bro but acts like he doesnt bcsaude is ted hears him looking up ted he'll never hear the end of it
nickname seymour from ruth (bcause lsoh)
richie whateverhislastnameis
afab he/xe/nya/zap he would have so many cool neos. one of those people whos neo list is longer than the bill of rights
gay mlm yes
undertale enjoyer
nge enjoyer
discord mod in an anime server
owns several body pillows
xem and ruth have been friends since pre-k so they know eachother like the back of their hand
ruth whateverherlastnameis
afab she/they
omni large large large pref to girls. likes a few boys sorta
biggest theatre kid ever but sucks at acting and singing (the curse)
got ensemble ONCE and cried at the cast list
fav show is heathers
heather m kin i dont make the rules
grace chastity
afab she/her
liked a girl once and cried for a week str8 abt going 2 hell
i dont have alot of hcs for her but i think she would like fire a large amount
not even arson wise but like
a firebug
i already made my hcs for all the LiBs' true forms so go find those if you want
all the libs dont give a fuc about pronouns call them whatever
i do he/him tho
tinky is really just a 13 yr old girl freaking out abt one specific guy (ted) and making fucked up fanfics with him (time bastard nmt)
the "youngest" of the siblings
boy jerry
i beleive that every character jon plays is related. boy jerry is pauls fucked up brother. which means hes also richies uncle
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cutekittenlady · 7 months
I do wish people would have more fun speculating on how Alucards relationship to the rest of the group will play out in season 2.
Like, yes, Maria and Alucard were a thang in the games, but I'm not sure that's going to necessarily follow into the Netflix adaptation. Not because of the pearl clutchy discourse but more because the creative team behind the first series made it clear they weren't doing a beat for beat adaptation and had every intention of doing their own thing with the characters. Plus, thematically speaking, it wouldn't shock me if Alucard and her wind up developing a father-daughter relationship given how Alucard was left off in the first series.
I mean, it is kind of interesting how Alucard comes swinging into the story immediately after Maria has more or less lost both her parents in ways that are way worse than death. (I mean her mom loses her humanity and her dad flagrantly rejected her offer to become a real family in favor of his cause; which is actually way worse than if they were both just dead) And at the end of the first series, Greta makes a point of saying that many of the villages orphaned children were freely calling Alucard 'father' so he's clearly established as a guy who has filled a father figure role in the past.
Plus, Alucard is kind of a fun contrast to the Abbot. I mean, the Abbot is an extremely religious conservative whose conversations with Maria in regards to their idealogical differences are heavily tinged with moralizing and tend to patronize her as a confused little girl. Meanwhile, assuming we keep certain aspects of his character from the first series, Alucard is a half-vampire who leans pretty heavily into science and may prescribe more to a lot of the ideas of the enlightenment movement that helped inspire the French Revolution in the first place. Thing is, I don't see him really agreeing with Maria either, but unlike the Abbot, he'd likely approach the discussion way differently and treat her conviction as something with a real moral core to it. However, I can see Alucard still challenging Maria to think more deeply about her own ideas and what it is she actually wants to achieve.
Like, imagine Maria challenging Alucard to take a hand in something like the revolution. Maybe even asking in a sorta accusatory way as though his refusal to take part is a mark against his character/trustworthiness. Alucard, in turn, asking her if she really wants yet another vampire screwing around in human affairs and potentially manipulating people to their own ends. She might try to argue its for a more righteous cause, but Alucard would be pretty quick to point out that both her father and the vampire think their cause is righteous too. And so on.
I just think, thematically, there is a lot of potential there for Alucard to act as a more sincere father figure to Maria with the added benefit that the two living together afterwards would still feel organic and natural as a result. Thereby getting the same net benefit of Maria encouraging Alucard to interact more with the world, just through a different relationship.
Of course, I mention the father-daughter aspect just because there's a pretty clear theming running through season 1 in regards to parentage and how that can influence/define ones outlook and ideals. (And also a ton of parent related trauma. LIke tooooons of it). The same themeing could be continued given Alucards history with his own dad even if he doesnt play a paternal or romantic role with maria.
Alucard could just as easily be a kindred spirit that Maria just comes to really be fond of. Her bitchy bisexual bishounen bestie, if you will.
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mooifyourecows · 3 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Sure! (given in no particular order)
1. Daichi from Haikyuu, of course.. I just love everything about him. He's a great captain and he has a big appetite and he's so down to earth and masculine in the best ways, what a man!!! I want a tattoo of him on my body!
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2. Pam Poovey from Archer. It's hard to stand out in a show where nearly every character is the single most interesting person in the world but I really do think that Pam takes the cake. She's a real one. She stays true to herself no matter how much everyone else begs her to stop and I RESPECT THAT. Also she's a fat character who isn't limited to being the Fat Character. While her weight does come up, often in insulting jokes or bits, she has so much else to her that it feels like such a small part of her character.
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3. Princess Carolyn from Bojack Horseman. Out of all the insanely good character arcs in Bojack Horseman, Princess Carolyn's is my favorite. Usually the hardworking career woman character who wants a baby winds up the most disappointing character for me because she always gives up her career to be a mom but NOT MY GIRL PRINCESS CAROLYN. She said I want to be a badass boss lady AND a mom and I don't need no man to get what I want! And she did that shit. She deserves it.
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4. Linda Belcher from Bob's Burgers. I aspire to be like Linda. She's fun, she's extroverted, she is just so excited to live her modest life with a struggling burger business, a husband she actually enjoys spending time with, and 3 kids she adores with every fiber of her being. She sings and dances at any given opportunity and doesnt let embarrassment faze her. What an icon.
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5. Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings. Every time I think of him I wanna cry. He's just so.... perfect.... and wonderful.... He is the sweetest, bravest man to ever exist and NOBODY CAN ARGUE. The original Ride or Die. We all need a Samwise Gamgee in our lives. 🖤
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6. Usopp from One Piece. That's my boy! He's so funny and relatable. I love characters who are brave while being terrified. Despite his wacky goofy personality, he's complex and insecure but he stands by his guns and isn't afraid to challenge even his best friend/captain to defend what he believes and GOSH what a stand up guy ammiright?
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7. Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place. I love a disaster of a woman. She's a selfish bisexual with zero shame, what's more to love? I just can't help it. I'm weak for women who are just The Worst ™️.
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8. Manny from Swiss Army Man. I mean... He's dead, he teaches us what it means to be alive, and he's played by Daniel Radcliffe. He's basically the perfect character, right? Listen, Swiss Army Man is my all time favorite movie and I want everyone else to like it too. I can't even talk much on it because it's so much better when you watch it yourself. Especially if you love amazing soundtracks, beautiful visuals, and queer revelations.
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9. Hal from Malcolm in the Middle. I'm such a sucker for husbands who are obsessed with their wives and men in touch with their emotions and Hal is the epitome of both those things! I watched this show while growing up and I truly think that Bryan Cranston's portrayal of Hal taught me how men are supposed to act, especially in regards to their romantic partners. And now my own partner is basically a less theatrical version of him so it paid off ya know?
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10. Judas Iscariot from Jesus Christ Superstar (1973). This is mainly based on performance. Carl Anderson did such an AMAZING job playing Judas that he literally stole the show, imo. Jesus who? You mean Judas's boyfriend? It's not JUST his performance though, the way the character is written is so well done that I feel like Judas is the real main character. Yeah, this is the story about Jesus but he ain't the star, ya dig? He's a basic bitch in comparison to the complexity and emotional turmoil of Judas. Also they're gay and in love, what a tragedy! This is cinema!
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mimiteru · 3 months
dude this is what happens when you have shity internet Dx i know there was a option to edit but before i realize that i deleted the post 🔫 idc anymore i'm gonna write it again
how tf does this app work i'm sorry mutual who reposted my draftJDKS
tw: death of a character, mentions of vomit
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• Remember Kahil? You know the vampire who once was user of the datusha/kriss and bc of it's power he kill most of the Vaeternus, moments later he commits suicide trapping the sword with him?
Well lets put more emotional damage and say this was a relative to Nitara, maybe a brother why not
(i rewatched the Nitara intros and her mother also died damn, that's rough buddy)
they had a really strong bond, so Nitara was broken and devastated by his brother's tragic end, and after a long time of grief, this "revelation" as she would say, came to mind. From this time she tries so hard to save her so no Vaeternus could face the fate of death
And you know, "trying" is a strong word, the coven at this point are kinda tired of her all the time visiting them and bringing her failed ideas
The coven are like: "yeah yeah you know why don't you go and try to take over outworld or something" as a joke just to get rid of her.
And she did go to Outworld so..
• Now, her voice... It's not the best, it's so monotone and she doesnt realize it
But now i can't stop thinking about her with a valley girl accent, the way she would say the word "like" repetitively in one sentence is insane
There were times when Havik just rip of his own ears to not hear her, she talks a lot
She likes to do monologues, i feel like it's normal for Vaeternus to have this... Theatrical way of speaking, that goes on and on
Nitara does not know how to lie, if you dig enough she would accidentally say the truth or let out her plans without knowing
• At first the interactions Nitara has with Rain were harsh but later he starts to understand the big problem that the Vaeternus were living in, so maybe these two will be allies in the future??? Please??
Tho at this point she is trying to persue ppl to help her cause, whether it's from the good guys or the bad guys, and not even god itself wants to make a solution to help the Vaeternus yeah she's fucked
With the fictional dead family i create around her it makes a little bit of sense when she's trying to make Smoke a vampire too, Nitara sees herself since the guy also lost his mom and sister
or instead he sees her brother in Smoke, which is kinda creepy and dark but thats how my girl copes <33 /j
• The Vaeternus have a way to go to Earthrealm from centuries ago, this could mean that the vampires have more noledge of human traditions, slangs and even technology than Outworld does
This can also includes Earthrealm pop culture, influencing the way they dress or act, there could be Vaeternus who moved to Earthrealm permanently, hiding in the shadows
Imagine miss girl tries to make chitchat with Havik, Darrius and Sareena making a Earthrealm references and everyone just look at her like "wtf r u talkin about?"
This is chronically online comunicating with normal people
Nitara finds Earthrealm movies about vampires fascinating by the way of how they portrayed her kind, bc sometimes those movies are so wrong and sometimes they are so accurate its scary
She finds the "familiar" character to be very useful, she will have it in mind and maybe find one of those to help her look for food and other plans
• There was a time when the vaeternus didnt need blood to maintain their survival (idk if it was on Liu Kang or Geras intros) and there was were other things they could have feed on, but little by little vampirism began to be part of their nature that it was impossible to change their ways, condemning their own species.
Trying to get back to a normal diet probably would take another millenia
And if they eat or drink something no blood related i imagine them vomiting A LOT and with a horrible stomach pain, not the best moment for a vampire
• Her eyes glow in the dark
Once Nitara tried to sleep upside down bc she saw it in one of those movies, and she find it so comfortable??? It's kinda embarrasing for her but she keeps sleeping on that position from now on
She's a failure, she's a loser, and i think that's beautiful
Yeah i don't have more to say, also
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Yeah that's it bye
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penguin--rat · 8 months
Please tell us about the thoughts on patho! Sanya and patho! Yura. Please
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of course, thank you for the ask!! i will preface this by saying that these roles might (and are likely to) change, like the bachelors role did - and that thats ok!! this is all just for fun <3 and i also want to say that im gonna alter the world of patho a bit, which, i think is also fine, since its an au !! fun times:) thoughts under cut
so, i'll talk about yura and arthur, then sanya (and sergei, sorta), and then them as a trio/duo.
patho!yura takes on the role of andrey stamatin. its a bit odd, but it fits. i changed yuras pants because i dont like andreys pants. its as simple as that. yura, like bachelor!dmitry and patho!arthur is from the capital. he studied with arthur and all that. young geniuses, you could say. though they haven't worked on as many architectual structures as the canon stamatins have, the few that they Have worked on are well known! whether or not they're liked is a whole different story. i wasn't sure who to put as the stamatin brothers, really, as the only brothers in pafl are nikita and kolya, i think? or tsar and arthur, sorta, iirc ferrys said a time or two that they think of each other as brothers or something like that. but! nikita and kolya will have.. different roles.. and tsar doesnt strike me as an an andrey nor a peter... so !! yura beletsky and arthur sokolov (his surname was in that one character sheet) are. the. umm. i dont know what their name would be but i think they're 'partners' - or at least, yura calls them that. (because of their colleague status, of course, since they work together so much. they can be gay too i guess. sigh. long live yaoi) yuras personality is pretty much the same as in canon, but hes a bit. hm. well, id say he acts like he's better than you, but hes just overcompensating. still very sad and depressed and all that.
arthur in this.. he's more depressed than angry in this one. i dont know. i havent thought of him all that much, truly and also !! youve only asked me for my thoughts on sanya and yura !! not arthur !! i dont have to tell you anything.... i WILL one day. believe me. but only when i have better thoughts
sanya! as you may have noticed, she's still albino in this au.. and, heres where my lack of knowledge on town on gorkhon comes into play !! so ! imagine that the steppe is like, zone-esque, or something. again, this au is just for fun, and though i Do think about it a lot, i dont think about it enough for me to have coherent thoughts. so! sanya. the townsfolk, i think, claimed she must be related to the worms in some way since shes an Albino and Strange and Defiant and a Rebel. so i think that at some point they started making that worm connection as an 'explanation' for her behaviour. so. i think, at a young age, rather young age, her father (and sergei sorta, i guess? but hed have been .. in his teens at the time, at least.. and since sanyas mom dies in childbirth no matter if shes a mutant or not, shes dead in this, too) sorta sent her to the cemetery. sanya is grace <3 she hangs around and maintains the cemetery a lot. its better than dealing with judgement and such. at first, at least. when shes a kid. soon she starts getting lonely, wishes to engage in society, to make friends, but, well. town on gorkhon is a small town. im sure she has some friends, though. 'friends'. maybe the little kids in the town and the like, yeah? maybe the kid gang? but i doubt shes close with them in any way. this is the first iteration of patho!sanya that i like in any way. its possible, likely, that ill change this, some of it at least, but! this is how it is for now.
during patho's main events, the stamatin brothers have already been in town for a few years. in this au, the architect bros are in town for 2 years before the plague breaks out. during those 2 years, sanya comes to 'admire' yura. envies his way of life. maybe they hang out a bit... since sergei is away studying to become a surgeon, he wouldn't be there to spoil their friendship - but, he also wouldnt be there to introduce them in the first place. .. but also, just bc sanya spends most of her time maintaining the cemetery and such doesnt mean she never goes out to town, for shopping and such, maybe. so. i think they start hanging out. not a lot. yura thinks shes a bit lame maybe. cringe. but, they start hanging out!! i thinkkk . ivan could be bad grief if i dont find anyone else. so, i think, sanya would get to meet him, too, and therefore also yana. shes not all that close with them, but, she does think theyre cool... and the gang thinks shes fine. shes there!! yana still thinks of her as "baby", arthur still thinks of her as "why are you even here", yura still thinks of her as "heheheheehhehe wont stop teasing you".. idk where tsar comes in but hes also "you are alright!!!"... only diference is. she doesnt fight all that much with ivan:( so sad
a lot of this is just incorehent thoughts ! but thats all i can muster up at the moment.. hope its enough !! and if its not !! my askbox is always open:D ask whatever whenever 👍
looks left looks right. ferry if you see this im sorry for doing cocomelon shit to your ocs..
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oswald cobblepot (the penguin) hcs
I'm leaning towards asexual penguin but I feel like aceflux would also work. if you don't know what aceflux is, it just means your sexual attraction fluctuates on the asexual spectrum
ik most iterations of penguin involve him actually liking birds, even being RAISED by penguins but i feel for gotham penguin, he probably wouldn't like to get birds. sure, he uses the name penguin but only because he found power and intimidation in using it but it's still connected to his trauma of being made fun of.
he's unlabeled cause 1. robin has stated that there's no confirmation that oswald is specifically gay. he's just not straight. 2. is because it makes sense for his character not to rlly give thought to his sexuality or to put a name on it, however i do think he only likes men just isn't labeled. if someone were to ask him his sexuality, he'd whip around and go "that's not of your concern!" and storm off or something pfft
he gets sick often, especially during his umbrella boy days. like imagine standing in the rain but you have to give your umbrella to fish mooney of all people because its what you get paid for. he'd get sick often cause of the cold murky weather of gotham. he's also unhygienic, at least in the start of gotham and constantly shouts so he'd probably get sick rlly often and has sore throat. cuts back to his mom always helping him with her tea and how he has a raspy voice!!
when ed switches over to riddler all oswald does is "ed ed ed ed come back baby im sorry"
him being domestic can range from childish innocent things like singing songs to each other and having picnics to tracking down people to kill <3
probably only got a dog cause he wanted loyalty and a dog is known for being loyal. hes seems more like a cat person to me
learns asl for martin, (and teaches him it if he doesn't already know how). oswald will literally ONLY shut up for martin, he won't speak when he's signing or when martin is (ed is kinda different but THIS ISNT ABOUT HIM *proceeds to write mostly riddlebird hcs*)
oswald buys martin antique toys and lame stuff, like jack in the boxes. ed buys him extremely hard puzzles and 'educational toys'. uncle zsasz buys him music-related things, headphones, radios, etc. barbara buys him more of what a kid would want, like an xbox. (ik this isnt just oswald but idc)
actually back on the cat person oswald, im going to state how cats are attracted to HIM. he probably tried to pet a cat when he was a kid and got scratched and sobbed to gertrude. he'll immediately become upset when a cat doesnt like him but he'll eventually learn how to gain a cat's trust and suddenly theres six following him around, he teaches them to bring dead animals to his enemies.
he treats his maids and house employees extremely well. like olga was the one to like oswald and not ed. why?? because he pays her good!
sadly probably mistakes olga as his mom, he catches himself right when "mother" slips out of his mouth, he feels embarrassed and ashamed, he doesn't get mad at olga but he excuses himself and runs to his room. olga doesnt get angry, she just feels bad :(
oswald walks into gcpd. everyone stops what they're doing and are like "oh no", he just skips over to lucius and props his umbrella on his desk and is like. "make this into a gun or else." with two of his henchmen behind him. hes not even scared that hes surrounded by police PFFT
in MY gotham, oswald is still very close with ivy and other people like mr freeze and firefly.
he realizes how bad he was to them, apologizes and promises to be a better friend. everyone is skeptical besides ivy cuz she's naive but turns out he's not lying. he gets upset when ivy messes up or whatever but quickly apologizes and calms himself down, he learns to value his friends and their quirks as they have for him
oswald is autistic and has bpd, along with apd, maybe ptsd?
he usually gets driven around by others but he owns his own car which is a hearse. yes, coffin car.
doesn't know about ed's hallucinations but finds his pills and was like ???
he dropped out of school probably when he was a teen and when he did have school, i'd like to think that he had straight A's.
not only did he get bullied a lot but oswald is smart. it's only a matter of time before he snaps, so i imagine he'd put his smarts to use and would start a business where he'd write people's essays and tutor them for tests (explains why he wasn't surprised when ed asked for oz to mentor him)
gertrude would have boyfriends when oswald was younger, but oswald being the clingy mama's boy he is, didn't like them. he'd put bugs in their pillows and coffee, and other fucked up shit to scare them off. eventually, they'd break up with gertrude and yell at her about how fucked up her kid is. gertrude would get rlly upset and explains how her little oswald could do no wrong. after a while, getrude would stop dating entirely, much to oswald's approval.
his favorite holiday is christmas and thanksgiving
does not speak of either mothers day or fathers day
will disappear off the face of the earth on those days
hates the cold strangely, it reminds him of when he almost drowned, multiple times. he always has multiple layers on so when you see without all that or a suit in general its very 'woah'
he hates when people touch him, especially those who he does not trust. like did you see when sofia touched him that one time, EW. or when he first met ed, "you're standing too close", could be that he could strike at any moment but he also just doesnt like strangers
speaking of his touch aversion, oswald wouldn't trust ed to touch him after he, yknow tried to kill him. in s5, when oswald jumped to save ed was probably when he got over it and as we know they later hug (non-homosexually 😊)
ed is like the only one who can mention his mom (ofc in a good way) without oswald bursting out in tears or attacking them. partially because of their shared history, when ed nursed oswald back to health he used his mother's memory to gain his trust more.
when people insult him, depending on who you are he'll either dissociate or attack you. he's probably learnt to do that from when he was bullied as a kid
speaks rlly fondly of fish after her death, ppl would be like "but didnt she try to kill you?" "idk what you're talking about"
doesnt kiss ed unless ed goes in for the kiss first, hes afraid of somehow being rejected again, and also cause he's aceflux he doesn't crave a kiss like some ppl do but he does forehead kiss martin all the time. hes the parent who will drive martin in his limousine and be like 'wheres my hug 🥺🥺' before he gets out of the car to go to school
ok me needs to sleep hope this was enough to satisfy the penguin stans
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10, 20, 23 for ghoulie and jet :)
10 - What’s a superstition they wholeheartedly believe in?
ghoul's got a lot imo he's very superstitious. he doesnt go outside for at least a day after it rains, he always has his mask on his person or within his sight bc losing it is like inviting death to come grab you, and he always counts the dead after firefights- crows and joys alike- bc he believes the number of corpses left behind can be either a good or bad omen, a sign of a lucky or unlucky future jet believes that if you see feathers around but can't see/hear any birds, that means the witch is in the area. she thinks it's bad luck to take them, too, that its disrespectful to try and take a part of her out of nature and keep it for yourself
20 - How accurately do people perceive their motives? Conversely, how well do they perceive other people’s motives?
most people see ghoul as an absolute wildcard, and for the most part they're right. he's got his own motives for any given situation, sure, but the way he responds to things is so impulsive and nonsensical, even he loses track of how his actions relate to his goals sometimes. no one ever knows what to expect of him, and that's just how he likes it. when it comes to perceiving other people's motives, ghoul's pretty heavily biased to always take people at their worst intentions. he's been fucked over by putting faith in the wrong people too many times, so pretty much every interaction he has with someone has him interpreting everything in bad faith and with ulterior motives jet is largely known for how dangerous he is, and as a result i think a lot of people tend to approach him with a tougher exterior than they need. not that he wont kick their ass if someone's asking for it, but jet's never actively looking for a fight (unlike some other members of his crew). so most people tend to be distrustful of him even though he's pretty upfront about his feelings/intentions. ppl tend to think she's as trigger happy as the rest of her crew. on the flipside, jet's actually pretty good at figuring out people's motives i think. he's not as analytical as kobra, but she's good at picking up on when people can or cannot be trusted. something about growing up with the uncertainty of the zones made her really good at being able to pick out red flags, and she knows to trust their gut when someone's giving off bad vibes
23 - How was their first time being alone in the Zones?
ghoul was first left truly alone at around age 6, but by that point he'd already been passed between so many different crews it didn't really phase him. he knew what he had to do to survive, so he kept his gun close in one hand, a small knife in the other, and he laid low in the station he'd been abandoned in until a new crew rolled in a couple of weeks later. it hurt a little, maybe, having just been dropped off with no warning again, but he didn't let himself get too worked up over it. it was fine; he was used to it by now. jet's first time alone was after both his moms were killed in front of him at around age 6 or 7. they told him to run, and so he did, and he didn't stop until his legs gave out , weak with exhaustion. he never really got the chance to grieve properly because he knew he had to survive, to keep running. he traveled mostly by night, under the cover of the stars, only waking early enough to use the last bits of daylight as a compass (and to be able to see which plants were edible). eventually, he stumbled upon a safe house where he was finally able to let himself break down fully, and it's only after he's found by someone else and his time alone passes that he realizes how truly terrified he was the whole time
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