#social chameleon
samaeldire · 1 year
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Today on how to tell what media I have been consuming
If you dont know, I have a horrid habit of picking up traits of speaking and voice depending on what I have been indulging in.
For example, I have had the delight today of watching the 1990s remastered edition of the Pride and Prejudice TV series and now my dialogue (and even internal monologue) has caught a similar delicacy of elegance and poeticness of Jane Austen's novels. It is a problem that I fear shan't go away until I talk with people, but as I am a rather introverted soul who much prefers the comfort of my own solitude, I can't see myself engaging in conversation for a little while yet.
Some other examples:
Whenever I have been reading/watching/speaking/learning a language, I either put on the accent of that language while speaking English or I mutter words of the limited vocabulary I have in the language I have been studying. It's very entertaining sometimes.
If I have been watching a tv show featuring English, Irish or Scottish characters, I find myself picking up their own accents and working it into mine. My older sister despises it dreadfully and shoots me the most judgemental looks from across the room.
If I have been reading an older text (such as classic English literature by the likes of Austen or Fitzgerald) or watching a film of the sort, I find myself picking up the style of language and vocabulary they use. It is of utmost confusion when I begin to speak out loud, for I sound as though I am a time traveller venturing into the future.
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xerospaced · 10 months
Something I've come to understand:
Being a chameleon isn't really about being compatible with many, so being able to settle with a wide variety of people successfully
It's actually about being able to vibe with many but choosing to settle with the one who draws out the traits within you that you deem to be most desirable and are proudest to possess.
Yes, I can happily be many things to many people
But I want to be with the person who inspires and motivates me to be the version of myself I see in my minds eye when I conjure up the image of my ideal self.
That is where I belong. That is who is "right" for me.
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Relationship Chameleons
You think you know this girl. Then out of the blue, she makes a quick, effortless boyfriend swap and suddenly... she is a completely different person. BEWARE! She is a relationship chameleon and quite possibly a narcissist!
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When she was dating a soft boy, she was a sweet, pure Disney fan complete with daily closet cosplays that made her look like a 10-year-old. There was serious talk of marriage and happily ever after. Then she got bored and moved on to a living-in-mom's-basement gamer, whereupon she instantly became a classic stoner girl.
Then there was this other girl who spent years with her basic boyfriend, living the cookie cutter beige instagram influencer dream life in suburbia. She always referred to him as "the one" and "future hubby". Quick as a flash, she ditched him and hooked up with a drummer from a small-time band. Now she can't take a selfie without showing off her ripped jeans, sticking her tongue out, making the "I love you" hand sign, and/or captioning it "band girlfriend things". Okay, so you instantly went from basic Stanley cup girlboss to punk rock groupie? Hmm, funny you never showed an interest in such music before...
Why do they do this?
PSA: it's totally healthy and acceptable to not be the genderbend of your boyfriend/husband.
"Opposites attract" the saying goes, not "carbon copies attract". Just because your boyfriend is a total hippie, doesn't mean you have to wear hemp clothes and give up meat. Just because your boyfriend is a preppy fboy, doesn't mean you need to force yourself to love tennis and European cars. You can still be your own unique person while in a relationship and be HAPPY.
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Social Chameleons
Isn't it so funny that people in different contexts are totally different?
I went to a board games night a The Torquoise Goat in Vancouver. btw, you have to check it out the people working there wear gummy worm earrings and the general vibe is just amazing.
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I was playing with some quite introverted people and as we explored each of the games their personalities just really came out, which was amazing to see.
We played Tiny Towns - a resource management and 'blockus' type of game
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Coup - a bluffing deduction game
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A Fake Artist goes to New York - a drawing bluffing game
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and Anomia - a 'snap' shape correlation quick libs game
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I had an amazing time, but once it was all over without the game context, that was it!
I'm going to go again next Thursday, and hope to meet some of the same people and new people and play again for sure!
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bruciemilf · 3 months
Yk what I need??? NEED the batKids to just admire Bruce’s beauty ( USHSJSNSNS ur last post about Jason calling Bruce pretty just added fuel to the fire )
Love ur blog :)!!!
Thank you! And that’s so adorable! I just adore the image of Bruce, wide awake at 3 in the morning, applying concealer all over the swollen bruises acquired tonight.
The brush is thick and fluffy, designed to spread a generous amount while maintaining a smooth application, its bristles silver and pale. Dick thinks it belonged to Bruce’s mom, because he looks terribly sad using it.
“You should be asleep, “ Bruce sighs, not entirely delighted his ward is losing precious resting time. He’s read, clearly, that children need a minimal 8 hours of sleep.
“So should you! What are you doing up?”
“Getting ready for a meeting at 7.”
“You’re like, really pretty.”
Bruce pauses, skin blossoming with sudden, flustered heat, “Oh, thank you, Dickie, that’s very kind—“
Dick’s smile beams like moonlight, “So you agree. You think you’re really pretty.”
“…I haven’t watched a single movie in 12 years, so, I think that joke is wasted.”
“Dammit. Thanks a lot, trauma.”
Oh, but Jason? The tiny boy could watch Bruce for hours. His face is so interesting. B’s eyelashes are so long, and his eyes are such a pretty hazel, just like Catherine’s, and his smile is awesome.
He feels really special, because Bruce smiles for no camera, but when Jason asks him to take his picture, he does it without complaint.
“B, boys can be pretty too, right?”
Bruce pauses a bit, not entirely confident. Should he treat this as something casual? Should he break out the educational, but welcoming dialogue? Is it something else? Why aren’t there parenting classes?
“Hn. Yeah.”
“I think you’re the prettiest man in Gotham!”
“I’m afraid that’s not true, Jason.”
“What?! How come?!”
“Because the prettiest boy in Gotham is standing right in front of me.”
Tiny Jason squeaking and squealing joyfully while Bruce takes him in his arms, peppering his soft cheeks with kisses, while a teenage Dick rolls his eyes in the background, trying not to smile.
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scintillyyy · 4 months
if i were to pick tim's two greatest skills, it would be his excellent social skills & his intuition
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yrlocalghost · 18 days
i really do hope deltarune asriel still has traces of being edgy. even in a world where he got to grow up and didn't have someone kill themself in front of him to change the trajectory of his life forever, i absolutely refuse to believe that that guy does not have issues. the popularity and the awards in his room are some kind of facade. problems and issues would find him in any universe
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totalshockwaves · 2 years
Jason Todd being confirmed nineteen in WFA, being on a dating app, and Babs finding out, teasing him, then helping him with his profile is something that can be so personal
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immortalfornow · 3 months
today someone asked which fantasy high character i relate to the most and it was just me staring in 'quiet mixed kid raised in all white household who did all 3 years of middle school at once and loves taking things apart to tinker with them' like who do you think
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simikae · 8 months
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here are the upper floor cap’ns for day 7 (personality)! what better way to show your personality than thru ur preferred ego cards. get better soon btw.
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hazelnut-u-out · 1 year
i still can’t believe we were actually gifted this niche fan-service.
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SO accurate, too. angsty, genius (and incredibly unhinged) autistic main and his wide-eyed, well meaning (and slightly less unhinged) sidekick?
totally here for it.
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kurohaai · 2 years
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Little Ofi was a fussy type before sleep. Also lmao @ Chameleon Daddle (dad saddle).
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selfundiagnosed · 4 months
Omg having people who randomly hated my guts because i was a little off and extremely socially inept who actively targeted me to take their anger out on me before 2020 now identifying as autistic post pandemjc. I hate it here.. i know you probably resented me because i wasnt masking ever in my entire life bc i have mostly autistic family i never thought i was doing weird social things. and you felt like maybe i should have been suffering like you were and thus is made you like see red when i was around but duuuude. the way i had multiple ppl in my life throughout all ages try to make me their punching bag to themselves feel above me .. most of them being so obsessed with making it my problem by sending me anonymous hate or being fake nice to me and then lashing out at me giving me emotional whiplash are now saying theyre autistic like i think youre just mean dude?
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jacksprostate · 3 months
sorry this is once again my monthly 'i'm in love with people and our capacity for compassion even in the face of deep deep cruelty, even though i've seen worse and worse things, come to terms with so much, it's my love of humanity that has let me avoid rotting, encouraged me to grow and chase my own place in helping everyone around me" post
#im really excited for the job im starting. still about a month or so out but heading towards a career change sort of that im really excited#for. im just... i actually used to be very cynical and i struggled to see the point through all the terrible things in the world#but for many reasons#even as i discovered worse and worse things#ive developed... resiliency i never thought id have#born out of this appreciation for those and the world around me#and i wish i could share it. i see so many people in my old shoes#im still growing. so much to do#but im at a level of contentment.. idk. i couldntve dreamed of#and it took effort#it is not /easy/ to face things and believe in good regardless#but. its rewarding. i wish it for all of you#on a similar but different note ive been reaching a point of being more myself in social situations rather than just a chameleon#and ive been lucky enough to have the people around me the past two years or so be very supportive in a way that has truly let me grow and#become a better version of myself#and its sort of been this positive feedback loop. because the more confident and passionate you are the more people are delighted by your#eccentricies#i used to be so beat down#i still struggle so much#but. im at a place i never thought id be#no doubt there will be struggles in the future#hell its not like things are perfect now#still so much. major things to improve on#but idk. i am happy#and its a very full sense of happiness.#full and aware and strong#thats what i wish for all of you :)
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lifesver · 5 months
me talking to beth about james and leland and me crying bc like........ again leland isn't as dumb as he walks and talks sometimes. i think he actually had an interest in things like classic literature and mythology and things like that when he studied them in highschool. it's just that it wasn't very cool jock of him to do so he didn't talk to people about those kinds of interests much. and i think it's sweet that his friend group is so diverse in university, w the nerds the art kids and just people w different perspectives and experiences to share w him. small town boy loves to hear you talk about your weird passions w him, and probably it encourages him to open up more and downplay his own intelligence less.
like i also think he's actually struggling in some classes more bc he is putting the football team and practice first. like he's worrying about impressing scouts and that kind of thing, it's his first year and his mind is kind of like 'that's the thing i'm good at'. so he thinks he has to be One Thing. i think bc of that it doesn't help the dumb jock allegations, but if you get him to engage about books idk he can hold a conversation about it and surprise you i think. tldr the friends once again just help him be more Himself instead of trying to be something to impress people he doesn't even rly like agksjfsf
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