#social impact measurement
kayayeteae · 11 months
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marketxcel · 6 months
What Is Consumer Research: Methods, Types, Scope & Examples
Explore the world of consumer research with our comprehensive blog. Learn about various research methods, types, and the broad scope of consumer studies. Dive into real-world examples to understand how consumer research impacts businesses and shapes the market landscape. Elevate your knowledge and stay ahead in the dynamic field of consumer insights.
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seohabibi · 1 year
This informative guide delves into the world of social signals and their pivotal role in improving your online presence. It offers a comprehensive understanding of what social signals are and how to effectively leverage them for online success.
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crystlianajohn · 1 year
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What are the steps of social media analytics?
Explore the essential steps of social media analytics to harness valuable insights and optimize your online presence.
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pebblegalaxy · 1 year
Unlocking the Power of Brain Cell Stretching: Boost Cognitive Function and Measure Impact
Unlocking the Potential: Effective Ways to Stretch Brain Cells and Measure Impact The human brain is a complex and remarkable organ capable of incredible feats. Just like our muscles, our brain cells, or neurons, can also benefit from regular exercise and stimulation. By actively seeking ways to stretch our brain cells, we can enhance cognitive function, improve memory, boost creativity, and…
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howdoesone · 1 year
How does one assess the effectiveness of truth and reconciliation processes in addressing war crimes?
Assessing the Effectiveness of Truth and Reconciliation Processes in Addressing War Crimes Introduction Truth and reconciliation processes have emerged as important mechanisms for addressing war crimes and human rights abuses in societies recovering from conflict. These processes aim to uncover the truth about past atrocities, provide justice for victims, promote healing and reconciliation, and…
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SEO for SaaS companies
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marzipanandminutiae · 5 months
The Met Used AI For Their New Costume Institute Exhibition And I'm Not Sure How I Feel About It.
How did they use AI? Was it in a capacity where they could have used human digital artists? The wording on the website makes it sound like they used both- whether anyone was put out of a potential job by it has a huge impact on how I feel about it. But that's not disclosed online
"We used AI and CGI to demonstrate how these fragile garments would move on a body!" you all will do ANYTHING but talk to real people who have lived experience of wearing similar clothing- many of whom are also museum professionals and historians! Historical Costumer and History Worker are not mutually exclusive! friendly reminder that Abby Cox and Nicole Rudolph and Cheyney McKnight and many others all work or have worked in this field professionally beyond the YouTube space, to say nothing of people like Ruth Goodman who do experiential archaeology fully outside of social media! -won't you like geez. I'd rather have a video of Nicole Rudolph spinning in a Worth replica you paid her to make and demonstrate than an AI holograph, personally
Any incursion of AI into the museum-space worries me deeply even though AI can't do my jobs within the field...for now. If we don't stand up for those first affected, we will all fall eventually, I feel. Even nonprofits aren't immune to cost-cutting measures, especially those that run on a shoestring budget as most of our orgs do.
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brandonwheelz1 · 2 years
Differences Between Digital and Outdoor Advertising
Differences Between Digital and Outdoor Advertising
I. Introduction
Brief overview of the topic
II. Digital Advertising
Types of Digital Advertising
Advantages of Digital Advertising
III. Outdoor Advertising
Types of Outdoor Advertising
Advantages of Outdoor Advertising
IV. Differences between Digital and Outdoor Advertising
Key Differences
V. Conclusion
I. Introduction:
In today's world, businesses have several options when it comes to advertising. With the rise of digital technology, digital advertising has become a popular choice. But, outdoor advertising still holds its ground. In this article, we'll look at the differences between digital and outdoor advertising and help you understand the benefits of each type of advertising.
II. Digital Advertising:
Digital advertising refers to the use of digital channels such as websites, social media, search engines, and mobile apps to promote a product, service, or brand. It allows for targeted audience reach and measurable results, with the ability to make real-time adjustments. Digital advertising is cost-effective, but can be more expensive compared to other forms of advertising.
Types of Digital Advertising:
Search engine advertising
Social media advertising
Mobile advertising
Video advertising
Advantages of Digital Advertising:
Targeted audience
Measurable results
Real-time adjustments
III. Outdoor Advertising:
Outdoor advertising refers to advertising through physical media such as billboards, transit advertisements, and street advertising. It has a large audience reach and can be cost-effective for high impact ads, creating a tangible impact and good for building brand awareness. However, it provides limited measurable results compared to digital advertising.
Types of Outdoor Advertising:
Transit advertisements
Street advertising
Building advertisements
These are all types of outdoor advertising, which refers to advertisements that are displayed in public spaces outside of buildings. Each of the listed forms refers to a specific way in which outdoor advertising is accomplished:
Billboards are large, freestanding structures that display advertisements, often along highways and in high-traffic areas.
Transit advertisements refer to advertisements that appear on vehicles like buses and trains, as well as on subway or bus stations.
Street advertising involves posters, banners or signs attached to street furniture, buildings or on the street itself.
Building advertisements refer to the use of buildings or their facades as a display surface for advertisements.
Advantages of Outdoor Advertising:
Large audience reach
Cost-effective for high impact ads
Tangible impact
Good for building brand awareness
IV. Differences between Digital and Outdoor Advertising:
Key Differences:
Audience reach
Measurable results
Tangible impact
Creative limitations
Geolocation targeting
Environmental impact
Reach and frequency
Audience reach: Digital advertising allows for targeted audience reach through channels such as websites, social media, and search engines. Outdoor advertising, on the other hand, has a larger audience reach through physical media such as billboards and transit advertisements.
Cost-effectiveness: Digital advertising can be cost-effective, particularly when compared to traditional forms of advertising such as television and print. However, the cost of digital advertising can vary greatly depending on the specific channel and target audience. Outdoor advertising can also be cost-effective, particularly for high impact ads such as billboards.
Measurable results: Digital advertising offers measurable results through metrics such as clicks, conversions, and impressions. This allows advertisers to adjust their campaigns in real-time to optimize performance. Outdoor advertising, however, provides limited measurable results and relies more on brand recall and impact.
Tangible impact: Outdoor advertising creates a tangible impact with its physical presence, particularly for high impact ads such as billboards. Digital advertising, on the other hand, relies more on the use of metrics to measure its impact.
Flexibility: Digital advertising allows for real-time adjustments and changes to campaigns, whereas outdoor advertising typically requires more lead time for changes or updates.
Creative limitations: Digital advertising has the ability to use interactive and dynamic elements such as video and animation, whereas outdoor advertising has limited creative capabilities.
Geolocation targeting: Digital advertising allows for targeting specific geographic locations through GPS technology and IP addresses, whereas outdoor advertising is limited in its ability to target specific geographic locations.
Environmental impact: Outdoor advertising has a potential impact on the environment through the production and disposal of physical media such as billboards. Digital advertising, on the other hand, has a lesser impact on the environment but may consume energy in data centers.
Reach and frequency: Digital advertising allows for a large number of impressions and a high frequency of exposure to the target audience, whereas outdoor advertising has a more limited reach and frequency.
Interactivity: Digital advertising allows for two-way communication and interactivity with the audience, whereas outdoor advertising is limited in its ability to engage with the audience.
In conclusion, both digital and outdoor advertising have their advantages and disadvantages. The type of advertising that is right for your business will depend on your specific advertising goals, target audience, and budget. It's important to understand the differences between digital and outdoor advertising to make an informed decision.
V. Conclusion:
In conclusion, both digital and outdoor advertising have their advantages and disadvantages. The type of advertising that is right for your business will depend on your specific advertising goals, target audience, and budget. It's important to understand the differences between digital and outdoor advertising so you can make an informed decision for your business.
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 1 year
New Fear
I have been on tumblr a long time. A looooong time. Far longer than I should have been, really.
And I've been arguing with schmucks about birds being dinosaurs... pretty much that whole time. Folks tend to get angry when a dinosaur blog posts birds, after all. It happens.
And while the game of whack a mole is ancient, it's not unpredictable. Usually, it ends in one of two ways:
the person admits they were wrong, and they back down
the person stops arguing with me and blocks me
I'm okay with either one, really. the former is ideal, the latter at least brings me peace.
Never before this past weekend has someone insisted they were right no matter what I say
And this isn't a coincidence.
Over the past few decades, anti-science sentiment has risen worldwide. I mean you just have to look at the COVID19 pandemic, or general reactions to the problems of climate change.
While of course people who think their opinion matters more than evidence have always existed, they have never been quite this bold before.
The idea that the colloquial definition of dinosaur matters, at all, is a completely new idea and one that has no basis in reality.
And yet, multiple people this past weekend argued exactly that.
And it sounds exceptionally similar to the idea that people could pick and choose things about COVID19 to believe, or the general republican position on science (only things that back up their bigotry are true).
It really seems to reflect a general increase in anti science sentiment and public anti-intellectualism.
Reality isn't actually up for debate. Reality isn't actually subjective. And science is the measure of reality
This isn't the same as the biases of society impacting science and making it worse. Saying "what people think is more important than science" is not the same as saying "science forgot a very important variable / factor / to consider data gained by different cultures / to have a wide variety of perspectives/ etc."
And allowing people to continue to perpetuate and believe in delusions leads directly to the spread of misinformation, leading to more people not understanding reality, and so on
This matters because reality matters. Because the reality of our world is not something we can change or escape. And, in fact, us ignoring the reality of the world - like thinking we can have infinite growth on a finite planet - is directly leading to the destruction of that world (climate change).
I am terrified of the rise of anti-science sentiment. I am terrified of the rise of cherry picking, deciding reality is what you want it to be, ignoring evidence. We see this from purely scientific topics all the way to social justice (how much of racism is ignoring the evidence of a) race being a social construct and b) how much racism impacts people's lives? Almost all of it).
This is bigger than birds being dinosaurs or evolution or climate change. This is about our society going on a deeply disturbing and self-destructive path.
And I really don't know what to do about it.
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valtsv · 1 year
was thinking about this earlier but the dynamic of cannibalism being associated with high society and the culinary elite (hannibal comes to mind specifically) while also simultaneously being associated with the socially isolated and economically impoverished (as in texas chainsaw massacre) is so interesting to me i want to read 10 million books on why it happens so much in media....
i can only speak from a place of personal opinion and general knowledge, because i haven't read that many papers or in-depth studies on cannibalism, but i think it often comes down to an interesection between the themes of the story you're telling and class structures and divisions. cannibalism is a compelling form of narrative symbolism because it's undeniably impactful and hard to ignore. when portrayed as a practice associated with the culinary and social upper class, it might be used as a critique of the rich and powerful and their lack of ethics and willingness to consume and destroy others for their own self-interest by showing them literally preying on and consuming their victims, or a horror story/cautionary tale about how having everything can lead you to never be satisfied and turn to increasingly extreme measures to feel like life is worth living, or a dark fantasy of indulgence and excess. when associated with the poor, marginalized and isolated, it's often based in bigotry and harmful stereotypes of the "primitive" "inhuman" "savage" "other", however it might also function as a revenge fantasy where the most oppressed and exploited members of society turn on their oppressors and take "eating the rich" to its most literal extreme, exposing the fragility of class divisions and pointing out that those in positions of social and economic power are hardly the mythic titans their propaganda tries to make them out to be, but ultimately just as mortal and made of flesh and blood as any other human being, and not immune to being dragged down from their position at the top of the food chain and torn to pieces by the crowd (as well as reminding the audience of their own fragile mortality and precarious position in the social order, and the humanity we all share in common - however cannibalism often divides the perpetrators from both their victims and the audience, so this is rarer than the other interpretations mentioned).
cannibalism and power often go hand in hand. cannibalism has historically been used as both a means of displaying your power over defeated opponents and delivering a final, humiliating blow to their image by consuming their flesh, and a means of othering and dehumanizing your opponent by portraying them as the cannibalistic monster.
both the very rich and very poor also tend to be perceived as more distant from the people who make and consume these stories, making them easier to project fiction onto and transform into symbols and narrative devices (or, in the worst cases, dehumanize) than those who occupy the same social spheres as the creator. they can be held at an arm's length without discomfort and, depending on the target audience, may be a source of fascination due to the differences in their lived experiences. it adds to the fantasy, and makes any inaccuracies, exaggerations and fabrications feel more plausible because the majority of the audience probably don't have any personal experiences of being in those positions to draw on.
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16woodsequ · 5 months
Things People Seem to Forget About Steve Rogers (aka the past is complex)
Things in the future didn't happen in a vacuum, and while Steve missed a lot of stuff while he was in the ice, he would have seen the roots of things like the Civil Rights, Women's Rights and even LGBTQ+ Rights movements in his time.
While I'm sure Steve encountered a lot of people expecting certain right-wing behaviours from him, due to his birth year and the things he missed in the ice, this doesn't mean he would act that way—even right out of the ice.
But first lets take a look at the things Steve missed and see what he did in fact know:
The atom bomb. Steve never saw the atomic fallout, but what did he see? Hydra bombs literally being flown to his home city. There is also a possibility that as a specialty team, he learned about the German Nuclear Program during the war. His unit was tied to the Strategic Science Reserve, so I wouldn't be surprised if between that, and Hydra's bomb initiatives, Steve was well aware of the potential of a bomb threat. I doubt Steve has clearance to know about the Manhattan project, and I think he would be horrified to learn about the impact of the atom bomb on Japan (especially since he essentially thwarted the same thing from happening to New York) but majorly powerful bombs would not surprise him.
• The Cold War. Steve may not have experience the Cold War, but he grew up surrounded by the outcome of the First World War after the Communist take over of Russia. The debates surrounding Communism, Socialism, and Capitalism aren't new. Steve would have grown up with them and would probably be familiar with American pro-capitalist, anti-communist rhetoric. But would he agree?
Here's some things we know about Steve: He's an artist, he grew up during the Depression which was heavily mitigated by socialist measures, he grew up poor, he grew up disabled. As an artist Steve would be well aware of the debates between the political movements, and with his background, and the success of Roosevelt's New Deal reforms, it would not surprise me if Steve leaned more towards the Socialist side of the scale.
All this to say: Steve would not be unfamiliar with the tension between Russia and the USA. Especially since even though they were allies during the war, there were already concerns that the USSR wasn't so much 'liberating' the countries they drove Germany out of, as putting them under new management.
Steve would be familiar with the tensions underlying the Cold War, and his background might lead him to have a critical view of some of the pro-Capitalist propaganda that came out during the Cold War. While I don't think Steve would approve of Russia's methods and the ultimate outcome of Communism there, I don't think he would approve of the Red Scare Witch Hunt that happened in the States either.
• Civil Rights Movement. While Steve missed the major changes that occurred during the 50s and 60s, he would not be unfamiliar with movements for equality. Steve would also not be unaware of the inequality that minorities faced in his country.
For example:
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was established in 1909 and is still run today. The NAACP fought and fights against discrimination and advocates for equality.
In the 30s President Roosevelt responded to "to charges that many blacks were the "last hired and first fired," [his administration] instituted changes that enabled people of all races to obtain needed job training and employment. These programs brought public works employment opportunities to African Americans, especially in the North" (Link)
"The first precedent-setting local and state level court cases to desegregate Mexican and African American schooling were decided during [the late 1930s]" (Link)
In 1941 thousands of Black Americans threatened to march on Washington for equal employments rights which pushed Roosevelt to issue an executive order that "opened national defense jobs and other government jobs to all Americans regardless of race, creed, color or national origin." (Link)
The Double Victory or Double V Campaign during the war was an explicit campaign to win the war against fascism in Europe and the war against racism as home.
All this to say, Steve would not be unfamiliar with many of the issues tackled during the Civil Rights Movement of the 50s and 60s.
Not only that, but Steve led a multi-racial special unit during the war during a time of active army segregation. Not only does he have a Black man on his team, but also a Japanese man. This would have most definitely led to backlash from higher command as well as discrimination from other units against Jones and Morita. Steve and the entire Howling Commandos would be explicitly aware of prejudice against two of their members and likely had to fight for them many times.
• Anything space travel. It's true Steve wouldn't know anything about attempts to reach the moon. But there were still several space discoveries he could know about, especially since he and Bucky are clearly interested in scientific discoveries, considering how they went to the Stark Exbo before Bucky shipped out.
Some discoveries:
Hubble's Law: In 1929 Hubble published evidence for an ever expanding universe, and thus provided evidence of the Big Bang theory.
1930: Discovery of Pluto (makes me chuckle to think this is a relatively new discovery for Steve and he wakes up to find it is a dwarf-planet now. You think Millennials are protective of Pluto? I think Steve would be too 😆.)
1937: "the first intimation that most matter in the universe is `dark matter'"
Personally I think Steve would be absolutely amazed by the advances in space travel.
• Women's Rights. Like with Civil Rights, while Steve may have missed the large movements during the 50s and 60s, he was around for the early movements. The 60s movement is called Second Wave Feminism for a reason. This is because there was already many pushes for women equality in Steve's time.
For example:
1920: White women win the right to vote. This means Steve's mother first voted in his lifetime. I feel this alone would make Steve heavily aware of inequality faced by women. (As a side note I feel that Sarah always emphasized voting to Steve since it was such a major development in her lifetime.)
Also in the 20s the Flapper trend rose, along with hemlines. Women's skirts were shorter and they smoked and drank with men. Middle-class and working-class women also worked outside of the home. The 1920s-1930s 'modern' woman is very different from the Victorian vision of a woman in petticoats and skirts.
Early Birth Control movement: Was "initiated by a public health nurse, Margaret Sanger, just as the suffrage drive was nearing its victory. The idea of woman’s right to control her own body, and especially to control her own reproduction and sexuality, added a visionary new dimension to the ideas of women’s emancipation. This movement not only endorsed educating women about existing birth control methods. It also spread the conviction that meaningful freedom for modern women meant they must be able to decide for themselves whether they would become mothers, and when."
1936: A Supreme Court decision declassified birth control information as obscene. Legalised doctor-prescribed contraceptives.
WW2 Watershed: Women serve in the army and work factory jobs. The government establishes universal childcare while women work.
Women also wore pants and form fitting clothes to work in factories. We also see Peggy wearing pants during the last assault on Hydra. While Steve may need to get used to modern fashion, he would already be familiar with the 'morale outrage' over women's clothes in his time, and probably try to manage his surprise in private as well as possible.
• LGBTQ+ Rights. Like with the rest of the equality movements, LGBTQ+ rights movements also started before the late 1900s.
1924: "Society for Human Rights is founded by Henry Gerber in Chicago. The society is the first gay rights organization as well as the oldest documented in America." This organisation was broken up soon after founding due to arrests, but it published "the first American publication for homosexuals, Friendship and Freedom."
In the 1920s and 30s "the gay and lesbian movement started taking shape. Social analysts began rejecting prior medical definitions of "inversion" or "homosexuality" as deviant.
Communities of men and women with same-sex affiliations began to grow in urban areas. Their right to gather in public places such as bars was tenuous, and police raids and harassment were common." (Link)
WW2 Watershed: While many LGBTQ people lived in rural areas or outside 'queer neighbourhoods' the war brought people from all backgrounds together. "As with most young soldiers, many had never left their homes before, and the war provided them an opportunity to find community, camaraderie, and, in some cases, first loves. These new friendships gave gay and lesbian GIs refuge from the hostility that surrounded them and allowed for a distinct subculture to develop within the military."
They still had to hide their identities for fear of persecution and a 'blue discharge', however "Gay and lesbian veterans of World War II became some of the first to fight military discrimination and blue discharges in the years following the war."
It's unclear how much Steve would have known about the gay and lesbian rights movement. But in the comics he has a gay friend Arnie Roth, and there are many meta posts (X X X) about how Steve may have lived in a queer neighbourhood.
And, according to my history professor, gay and lesbian soldiers were often protected by their friends in the army instead of outed. This is not to downplay the discrimination and pain outed veterans faced, but there was a comaraderie and understanding that developed between soldiers that protected many gay soldiers.
��� Computer and the internet. The seeds of modern computers began during World War Two. Arguably it began earlier with Ada Lovelace. While technology has changed a lot for Steve, there is a long history of it's development.
Colossus Computer: Kept secret until the 70s, it's unclear if Steve's association with the SSR, Peggy (who was a code breaker before SSR) and Howard, would have led him to know anything about the "the world's first programmable, electronic, digital computer", but we see electric screens and machines being used in Captain America: The First Avenger. So he would know something of those mechanisms.
Also the first American TV was broadcasted in the 1939 World Fair, And since Steve and Bucky are already shown going to a science fair, I believe it is reasonable for Steve to know about the concept of television, though it looks much different in modern day.
• Rise of Neo-Nazis. Steve already saw the rise of fascism in his own country before the war, so while I think he would be horrified and saddened to learn of the Neo-Nazi movement, I don't think he would be surprised.
Eugenics: A large part of the Nazi campaign, this part of the movement originated and was inspired by the United States Eugenics movement. "It is important to appreciate that within the U.S. and European scientific communities these ideas were not fringe but widely held and taught in universities."
Lobotomies and institutionalisations were part of the treatments for disabled and 'weak-minded' individuals during Steve's time. With Sarah being a nurse it is likely Steve knew of these treatments and more. And as a disabled child of immigrants, I have no doubts Steve brushed up with eugenics beliefs many times.
1939: More than 20,000 people attended a Nazi rally in Madison Square while "[a]bout 100,000 anti-Nazi protesters gathered around the arena in protest".
In the comics Steve canonically has a Jewish friend, Arnie Roth. If he wasn't part of the protests against the Nazi rally, he would have heard about it and known about the rise of antisemitic sentiment in the US before the outbreak of the war.
So Where Does That Leave Us?
Steve has a history of anti-racist behaviour. While he would still have a lot to learn from the Civil Rights Movement and no doubt has unconscious biases he grew up with, he also explicitly builds a multi-racial team that would have led to clashes with systemic racism in the army. This would have inevitably led to him and the Howling Commandos taking an anti-racist stance in protection of their members.
Would Steve say the N-word? Likely not. The N-Word already held negative connotations by the 19th and early-20th century. I doubt Jones would be willing to follow a man who would knowing use the insult. 'Coloured' or 'Negro' were seen as the more acceptable terms. So Steve may use those words at first, instead of 'Black' or 'African-American'. 'Negro' is a controversial term for some Black Americans, so this would be something for him to learn, but he would not purposely by insulting or hurtful. And I believe he would adapt as quickly as possible upon learning.
Steve saw the early steps of many social movements. Given what we know about Steve—artist, disabled, immigrant, poor, raised by a single mom, gay and Jewish friend, potentially lived around queer people, worked with Peggy and smiled when she punched a sexiest, and built a multi-racial team—Steve would not only be aware of the social movements of his time, but he would be happy to learn of the developments after he went into the ice.
While it would take some time for him to learn all the changes that happened, Steve's background would led him to be pleased with the changes in society. This is the opposite of being racist, sexist, and homophobic. Some things might take some adjusting for Steve to get used to, but he is already open-minded and has a frame of reference for many of the social changes that happened.
People sometimes bring up Steve's Catholic upbringing to argue about some beliefs he might have. But while I do think this upbringing would lead to some biases, I think Steve's life experience helped counter, or helped him unlearn some of those biases, even before he hit the ice.
Also, as an Irish-Catholic, Steve would have faced some discrimination of his own. It is most certainly not on the same level as other minorities, and things were better in the 20th century. Being very clear, any discrimination Steve faced for being Irish-Catholic would not be systemic or commonplace like racism. But adding his heritage to the rest of Steve's background helps give us a better idea of why he was already open to social movements like the Civil Rights movement before the ice. And it may have made him already more understanding of LGBTQ+ people, who he may have lived around, even if he grew up being taught certain biases.
Other Things We Forget About Steve
He is quite tech-savvy. While Steve would have a lot to learn, we know he is capable. There are a lot of jokes about his technical know-how in Avengers, but I think he's actually managing very well considering it's probably only been a few weeks or months since he came out of the ice.
Deleted scene where we see Steve using a laptop in his apartment. He presses the spacebar to pause a video, which is a keyboard shortcut. So not only can he set up a laptop to watch a video, but he already knows key shortcuts.
Deleted scene where waitress mentions 'wireless'. Steve is confused and thinks she means radio. But I think he actually knows about wi-fi at this point, but probably had never heard it referred to as 'wireless' before. By this point he knows radio is not as common, so his real confusion is why the waitress is offering him 'free radio'. If she had said free wi-fi (the more typical phrase in my opinion) I think he would have understood.
Canon scene of Steve helping Tony fix the Helicarrier engines. This is my favourite evidence because Tony asks Steve to look at the relays and Steve makes a quip that they 'seem to run on some sort of electricity' indicating he is out of his depth. But we never see Tony tell Steve what to do. Steve figures out how to fix the relays himself. Tony is busy with the debris in the rotors and the next thing we see is Steve telling Tony the relays are all good.
Steve is much better at adapting and figuring out technology than we give him credit for. This doesn't mean he won't be anxious or uncomfortable with the sheer amount of stuff he has to learn (especially if everyone keeps making jokes about it to him). But by 2014, it's clear he's already mastered all of it, which is amazing when you think about it, because that's only two years of learning.
Steve is very book smart. In the comics Steve goes to art college, implying he finished high school. Even if he did drop out of high school to work, we know Steve is very smart.
We see him unloading a whole suitcase of books in the barracks before he got the serum.
The mental math is must take to throw the shield at the right angles for it to bounce back is insane.
Steve is also known as a master tactician. So it is clear he has the brains and smarts to run his team during the war. Not only that, but he is not just Captain in name. He actually has that rank, which means he passed the Captain's exam. I also have a feeling he would have needed to pass some kind of evaluation to get the serum in the first place.
We see in Steve's 2014 apartment that his bookshelves are full of history books. Steve is a veracious reader and spends a lot of his time catching up on what he missed. Things he didn't learn or were taught differently growing up would definitely exist, but Steve is actively working to counter that.
Steve would swear. Swearing has been a constant throughout all of history. So too, the backlash against profanity. Even if Steve grew up being told not to swear he would have heard it. And, Steve became a soldier. If he didn't swear before the war, he most definitely picked up some of it then.
I think Captain America isn't supposed to swear, and I think Steve would be aware of this perception of the symbol of him. But I think when Steve is comfortable with people, he would swear. We see in Avengers he doesn't swear, but in Avengers: Age of Ultron, he does.
We joke about Steve and the "Language" line, but I think that line has something to do with Steve's history of being perceived as a symbol and as Captain America since he said it 'just slipped out'. So, while Steve may have been encouraged not to swear growing up, and expected not to swear as Captain America, I fully believe that soldier, veteran, and Irish man Steve Rogers does swear.
Wrap up
I hope you liked this deep dive into Steve's history and character.
I think it can be easy to take the past as a lump sum and view everyone in the past through one lens. We know the past was racist, sexist, and homophobic, so we view everyone from the past that way.
And while it's true things were different back then, people were most definitely fighting for change and aware of the issues. There is also a lot of nuance to the past, and a lot that can be gleaned from what we know about Steve.
It's true that Steve would have a lot to learn when it comes to terminology and specific technology, but I believe Steve's background would prepare him for a lot of the social changes that happened after he went into the ice.
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covid-safer-hotties · 2 months
Alarm bells ring in Japan as experts warn of fast-spreading new Covid variant KP. 3 - Published July 19, 2024
Paywalled at the South China Morning Post: Unpaywalled by Covidsafehotties.
The country reported a 39 per cent week-on-week surge in infections from July 1 to 7, with Okinawa the hardest hit
Japan is grappling with a new and highly contagious coronavirus variant that is fuelling the country’s 11th wave of Covid-19 infections, health experts warn. The KP. 3 variant is spreading rapidly, even among those who are vaccinated or have recovered from previous infections, according to Kazuhiro Tateda, president of the Japan Association of Infectious Diseases.
“It is, unfortunately, the nature of the virus to become more resilient and resistant each time it changes into a different form,” Tateda told This Week in Asia. “People lose their immunity quite quickly after being vaccinated, so they have little or no resistance.”
Tateda, who sits on Japan’s advisory panel formed at the start of the pandemic, said the coming weeks will be critical as authorities monitor the variant’s spread and impact.
While hospitals have reported a sharp uptick in Covid-19 admissions, Tateda said he is “relieved that not many of these cases are severe”. Typical symptoms of the KP. 3 variant include high fever, sore throat, loss of smell and taste, headaches, and fatigue.
According to the health ministry, medical facilities across Japan logged a 1.39-fold – or 39 per cent – increase in infections from July 1 to 7, compared to the previous week.
Okinawa prefecture has been the hardest hit by the new strain of the virus, with hospitals reporting an average of nearly 30 infections per days. The KP. 3 variant has accounted for more than 90 per cent of Covid-19 cases nationwide, the Fuji News Network reported, leading to renewed concerns about bed shortages at medical facilities.
Since Japan’s first detected Covid-19 case in early 2020 involving a man who returned from the Chinese city of Wuhan, East Asian nation has recorded a total of 34 million infections and around 75,000 related deaths. The country’s Covid-19 caseload peaked on August 5, 2022, when more than 253,000 people were receiving treatment.
Japan’s uptick in cases coincides with similar increases being observed globally. In the US, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention reported a 23.5 per cent week-over-week rise in the number of people visiting hospitals with Covid-19 symptoms during the week ending July 6.
High-profile US.figures such as President Joe Biden and Doug Emhoff, husband of Vice-President Kamala Harris, have recently tested positive and gone into isolation. Meanwhile, several riders in the ongoing Tour de France cycling race have also returned positive test results.
Experts say it is too early to determine the full impact of the new variant on Japanese businesses or cross-border activities like travel. Precautionary measures are already in place at the country’s air and seaports to monitor the health of incoming arrivals. However, the global spike in cases may deter some Japanese from venturing abroad this summer.
A recent survey by Nippon Life insurance found that just 3.2 per cent of Japanese plan to travel abroad in the coming months, which is likely to depress annual travel figures once again. In 2023, Japan saw 9.62 million outbound travellers, a recovery after three years of extremely low pandemic-era numbers, but still far below the 20.01 million outbound travellers recorded in 2019.
Despite the latest surge, infectious disease expert Tateda insists there is no need for panic in Japan. However, he emphasised the importance of following precautions implemented during the pandemic’s peak, such as mask-wearing in public, handwashing, and social distancing.
Tateda also stressed that anyone testing positive should immediately isolate themselves.
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australianwomensnews · 3 months
Evidence of a powerful link between smartphones, social media and depression, anxiety and self-harm among teenagers, especially girls, is growing, with new Australian research naming 2012 as the year that ushered in a mental health crisis.
The study of longitudinal data found there is a strong correlation between when an individual was born, how old they were when Instagram and Snapchat came into their lives, and self-reported mental health distress and social isolation.
“Young women born since the late 1990s report much lower levels of mental health than earlier generations and compared to their male counterparts,” the analysis from independent think tank e61 says.
“This generation has lived their teenage years when photo- and video-sharing social media platforms became popular in Australia.
“We also find that lower mental health is highly correlated to self-reported feelings of social isolation as measured through friendship connections.”
The analysis was submitted as evidence to a parliamentary inquiry into mental health and social media and whether age limits should be imposed on young people being able to access such platforms, among other things.
The analysis shows that self-reported scores on young women’s mental health declined from 73 per cent to 62 per cent between 2011 and 2022, while for young men it fell from 74.5 per cent to 67.5 per cent.
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“Youth mental health was stable but then began falling sharply after 2012,” said Gianni La Cava, e61 research director.
Women aged 15 to 24 are the heaviest users of social media. Nearly 90 per cent of them use social media every day, or most days, compared with 62 per cent of women aged over 25.
There has also been a corresponding decline in friendships and feelings of isolation.
The e61 analysis notes some experts argue that social media can be a source of good for some young people, and mental health responses are individualised.
It also notes that there have been vast reductions in the stigmatisation of mental health issues among young people, which means that more may be comfortable in reporting it.
However, e61 says this “would not explain a sudden drop since the 2010s”.
In South Australia, former High Court judge Robert French was tasked in May with examining the legal consequences of banning children under the age of 14 from having social media accounts. The model would also require teenagers aged 14 and 15 have parental consent to access social media platforms.
In March, the US state of Florida legislated to ban social media accounts for children under 14, while Texas has legislated to require parental consent before allowing a user under the age of 18 to open an account. Spain also bans children under 14 from accessing a social network.
A growing body of evidence is linking social media and mental health. A survey by mental health service ReachOut this year found that 60 per cent of parents said they were concerned about their child’s use of social media and 55 per cent agreed that social media had a significant impact on their child’s wellbeing.
A US study found that adolescents who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of experiencing poor mental health outcomes.
Support services:
Lifeline on 13 11 14
Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
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thozhar · 3 months
Indian tea production has been in severe crisis since the mid nineties largely due to neo-liberal structural adjustments in the Indian economy. The size of the tea industry, which is second only to China and accounts for 25 percent of global tea production, has made this a huge blow to the country’s agrarian economy. The industry employs 1.26 million people on tea plantations and two million additional people indirectly. As such, the economic crisis has had an enormous impact on the lives of local residents. In Kerala where I have been conducting research, there have been eight cases of suicide and twelve deaths due to starvation on tea plantations since 2001. Along with utter poverty and famine, tea plantation workers have faced increasingly unhygienic work environments, shattered social life/community relations, and withdrawal of the welfare measures previously enjoyed. The crisis punctured the isolated environments of the plantations and precipitated neoliberal reforms that closed down production in many areas either partially or completely. While many families remained on the plantations, large numbers of workers who had lived there for more than five generations were now compelled to seek work outside. Some went with their families to either their ancestral villages or regional industrial townships such as Coimbatore and Tirupur in Tamil Nadu. These plantation workers have now joined the ranks of the massive Dalit workforce powering India’s unorganised and informal sectors. In joining that pool of workers, Tamil Dalit labourers are exposed to aspects of a caste-ridden society from which they had previously been shielded. The situation of Saraswathi, a female retired worker in her early sixties, illustrates the dilemma and struggles of the workers who moved out the plantations.
— The hidden injuries of caste: south Indian tea workers and economic crisis by Jayaseelan Raj
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