#soft Asmodeus
ruewrites · 1 year
How Time Has Changed You
Ship(s): Diavolo/Lucifer, Background Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 2648
Warnings: None
Hello! Adding once again to the Next Gen!AU that @leviathanswingman and I came up with. I wanted an excuse to bring in little Ariel and to write some fluff between Lucifer and Asmo. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!
Comments are appreciated!
"I'm surprised you were able to come here alone."
"You know how Diavolo gets at the very prospect of nieces and nephews."
"I know. That's why I'm surprised you were able to come here alone."
Asmo was currently swallowed in Lucifer's coat, a cup of tea steaming in his frail fingers as his tiny figure made itself impossibly smaller as he curled up on the couch. He hummed softly in thought, blowing at the dancing steam as it arose from the cup. 
No, he wasn’t entirely frail now. In other ways he was less frail than what he had been. His hips were rounded out, his hugs not as bony and even warmer now than what they had been years ago. He was even softer now, even warmer. He was still energetic and spunky yes, and his eyes still sparkled, but he had softened more and leaned even more into his gentle nature. He also let his hair grow out, and it was now tied in a neat little bun on top of his head. He had caught Solomon playing with it on many an occasion at gatherings. Overall, he had… matured… but it was still Asmo.
Lucifer leaned back in the armchair he was in, taking in Asmo just for a second longer, "Solomon made his instructions quite clear that he wanted you to be in a calm environment. It sounded like he could certainly make use of his own requests as well."
And if Diavolo had come as he oh so desperately wanted to, the house would be anything but calm. He would want to know everything and anything about the new little demon brewing within Asmo's form. Or was the more correct term fallen angels? Partial humans?
"My husband certainly has seemed stressed hasn't he?"
"You going on impromptu outings without notice or times when you will return certainly doesn't help with that."
Oh Asmo was giving that sorcerer a run for his money. It made Lucifer chuckle a bit. From impromptu coffee shop and bakery runs to deciding he wanted to pick up a part time job at the daycare, Asmodeus was throwing Solomon into a panic. He'd become extremely accustomed to anxiety-riddled texts sent in the family group chats, unsure of where Asmo was or when he'd be home or if he was alright.
"He really does get himself worked up, I try not to upset him so much, really it's one of the few things we've ever really gotten into lil tifts about," Asmo sighed, brought the cup up to his lips and paused, "And of course that's why you're here, to make sure I don't get into any unsupervised trouble."
"Unfortunately, I find myself in slight agreement with the man you decided to marry Asmo," Lucifer smirked, "You are carrying his child as they say."
"They being humans?"
"No changing the subject, and he is correct to be concerned. The process affects you and puts you in a targeted position," Lucifer leaned forward ever so slightly, "His concern stems from valid reasons."
Asmo looked back down towards his tea cup, eyes flickering in order to avoid Lucifer's gaze. His fingers tapped along the porcelain glass before he spoke again. 
"I think it all comes from guilt," he didn't look at Lucifer, "He missed Lilith's. There's no way he could have known, I didn't even know, yet he blames himself for missing it… And for her being early." 
"It could be both."
Asmo's fingers tightened around the teacup.
"Which reminds me, I'm surprised you don't have anyone with you either. Lilith usually spends time with both of you and stays with you when Solomon has to go out."
Asmo's body softened and relaxed at the mention of his daughter. It had always been clear that, even if Lucifer had had rocky feelings about the man who sired his niece, she had grown up in a very healthy and loving environment. Both Asmo and Solomon gave her everything they could to get her to thrive. Their efforts paid off in the form of a blossoming young woman. 
"She's busy with being a much better student than I was, she gets that from Solomon you know," Asmo chittered, "And she has friends at RAD. But she's so excited about the baby, she's already planning on weekends that she can come up to visit. It's always a treat to have her stay with us again."
"I could imagine."
After all, it was always a treat to have one of his brothers visit or to see Oleander, so Lucifer could share in that sentiment. 
His eyes were trained on Asmodeus. Watching as he took another slow sip from the cup. His muscles tensed at the ready the second he saw the slightest tremor. The moment he arrived in the house, he became Asmo's shadow. Lucifer opened doors, lifted anything he personally considered too heavy, and always had a place for Asmo to sit. 
Yes there were moments his brother appeared slightly agitated with his protective streak, but a little pampering appeared to take the edge off of his fury.
Asmo hissed and shooed him away the second Lucifer tried to take the knife he'd been using to cut fruit away from him. It was a noise Lucifer had never heard come out of Asmo before, but one he understood nonetheless. However, he was soon back to playing guardian once again to the younger demon.
"I haven't done a thing, Asmodeus."
Asmo rolled his eyes, "I swear, you are just as bad as Solomon."
"You offend me."
Asmo set his cup down and buried himself deeper in Lucifer's coat, "Being compared to your brother-in-law isn't that terrible of a thing now is it? He did help make both of your nieces. Niece and nephew?"
"You don't know?"
"Shush, no changing the subject."
Lucifer chuckled, once again relaxing in his own chair  and motioning with his hand for Asmo to continue.
"Anyways, Solomon makes me happy and he cares for all of us, that's gotta give him some good graces in your book right?" 
Lucifer didn't say a word on the matter. Instead, he took in the image of his brother, so content, so nurturing. While he couldn't fathom why Asmodeus would willingly wish to have another, especially not after his own experiences, he did know that the new little one would be incredibly lucky to have Asmodeus raise him. For a moment he was taken back to his days in the Celestial Realm. Back to days when a very young Asmo would steal a Belphie who was barely starting to open his eyes, hiding in the trees and bushes while Beel cried for his twin and the older angels searched in a frenzy for the two missing little ones. Back to when Asmo would herd all of the tiny baby angels one by one, and how much he adored his little doves. He would teach them so many little songs and play the cutest of games with them. Back to when Asmo fantasized about having a little flock to call his own.
It shouldn't have been a surprise that he would go on and have his own and yet-
Lucifer would not have questioned Asmo in the Celestial Realm. But he had questioned him when he had his first.
But his jewel had overcome Lucifer's fears. He had broken a cycle and even found a partner who had chosen to be just as attentive. 
Sometimes Lucifer wondered if he had ever been able to break the cycle himself, or if he was just another perpetrator in the endless circle. 
"Do you have a name picked out for them?"
Asmo smiled, albeit a bit sheepishly, "Well, yes. I told Solomon to pick one out since I named Lilith."
"And? Did your human manage to come up with anything worthwhile?"
"He did," Asmo's features softened as he pulled Lucifer's coat closer to his face, "Ariel. He seemed particularly fond of the same. He says it so sweetly. Humans are funny, he likes to talk to him, it's adorable really-"
"He talks to him?" Lucifer smirked.
"It's a funny thing humans do. I told him it's not the same but he still speaks to Ariel so fondly."
Lucifer noticed Asmo's eyes dip and quickly took the cup from his hands to set it on the coffee table. Asmo tried to wave him off, but Lucifer still pulled the coat up  closer to Asmo's chin all the same. The process was a draining one, Lucifer still didn't entirely understand why Asmodeus would go through it a second time.
He could never picture himself doing that again.
That ugly concern  rose up within him again. Asmodeus was so drained, so tired, so vulnerable. What if he couldn't protect him? What if there was nothing he could do to truly do to help? What if he could not be there when Asmodeus needed him the most? What if Lucifer failed to protect them again?
"Mm not-"
Despite the pout on his lips, Asmo's eyes grew heavier and heavier.  
Solomon would eventually make it home that evening, he would find Asmo fast asleep and the Avatar of Pride watching over him steadfast and unmoving.
It was snowing. It was one of the few things Lucifer remembered. It was a cold December night, the whole Devildom was silent and Lucifer could see his own breath even within the confines of the castle walls. No doubt the human world was just as frozen tonight.  He was pacing back and forth. No real thoughts ran through his mind, only feelings. 
He'd almost missed Solomon's text, almost didn't answer the frantic phone calls masked behind the attempt of a calm tone. A quick quiet promise of a call back and then soft click of the call ending.
Perhaps he should brew another cup of coffee. Maybe it would take his mind off his itching wings and how badly he wanted to be there despite the weather.
"You should try to go back to bed dearest," Diavolo's voice echoed off of the walls. His voice was soft and coaxing, but he was also smart enough to keep some distance between him and Lucifer at a time like this.
"And potentially miss an urgent message that needs my attention? I think not," Lucifer snorted. He fidgeted with his D.D.D., ruby eyes boring into the device as if it would give him answers sooner through his own will power. His wings twitched as he glanced back out the window. How hard would a trip really be? Just so he could be there, just so he could manage everything with his own eyes…
A hand grabbed his own, and Diavolo's eyes met his and he slowly shook his head, "Don't."
"I wasn't planning on anything."
"Don't lie to me dearest, you know I know the truth." 
They stayed in a stalemate. Their disagreements were always like a game of chess, calm and carefully navigated. There was never a trace of aggression, never an ounce of contempt, only carefully crafted words and an understanding of the moves the other side made. Diavolo used his next move to bring Lucifer's hand up to his cheek, letting him relish in the warmth and comfort of the prince. "If you will not come back to bed, at least allow me to attend to your needs."
Lucifer let out a long breath  and laid his head against Diavolo's shoulder.
He couldn't say a word as he allowed himself to be led over to one of the chairs next to the fireplace. Slowly his eyes followed Diavolo around the room as he lit the fireplace, placed a warm blanket on Lucifer's lap, and did his best to prepare tea. His hands fumbled  causing the stream to lurch as it traveled downwards towards the cup. He was nowhere near as talented as Barbatos, and his movements were clumsy, but none of that mattered. Even now, with his nervous laughter and concerned puppy dog eyes, Lucifer felt his chest flutter.
As he picked up the cup, Diavolo moved behind him. A trill left his lips as strong hands kneaded into his shoulders and along where his wings connected with his back. 
"You should let me tend to you more often."
"As if you don't do it daily?"
Diavolo chuckled and pressed a kiss against the back of his neck. "Asmodeus will be fine, you know as well as I do that Solomon wouldn't let anything happen to him."
Lucifer's eyes softened and he found himself staring deep into flames before him. He wished he could find solace in his husband's words, and yet the darkness continued to consume him. 
It wasn't until the early hours that Lucifer finally heard back. The storm was still unrelenting and bit the bones of anyone unfortunate enough to be in the way of it's wrath. The sound of his D.D.D. buzzing filled him with the most terrible sense of dread. For a moment, he was frozen, he couldn’t bring himself to look at the notification. Diavolo nudged it towards him on the little table. Their eyes met, and Diavolo offered him a smile and a soft nod. 
There were no words in the text, only a single image. 
Relief flooded his being. Asmo sat, exhausted but otherwise unharmed. In his arms a bundle sat wrapped on the brink of consciousness. He had a messy mop of black hair, the tiniest hint of wings peaking out, and his eyes were ones that Lucifer couldn’t help but recognize fondly. They were the color of sunsets and warm summer days. 
“He looks like Solomon.”
Lucifer hummed, “He has Asmo’s eyes… and his nose… and dimples.”
Diavolo let out a short laugh and scooted closer, the eagerness radiating off of him was palpable. He looked nothing short of hopeful. There was only one way to handle this, the correct and proper way. After all, Asmodeus had just had his second child-
“No? What do you mean no?”
“No we are not going to bother them-”
“It wouldn’t be-”
“Asmodeus just had a child mere minutes ago and you want to barge in there and pester them both with seeing the baby? Their newborn?”
Diavolo pouted. Some things never really changed, now did they? Letting out a low chuckle, he pulled his husband closer. He ran his fingers through red locks that had darkened with age, and yet both of them were still very much the same… and also very much not. “Let them rest for a while and settle with the new one, besides weren’t you the one who was worried about me traveling in this weather? We shall visit in a few days and then you can spoil your new nephew all you want.”
Diavolo scrunched his face as Lucifer poked his nose, “Can you at least ask them for his name?”
Lucifer could feel his wings flutter, he leaned into Diavolo as he looked back down at the photo. Asmodeus hadn’t done too bad, and his human had managed to pick out a fitting name for his new nephew.
“His name is Ariel.”
"Ariel," Diavolo repeated softly, "What a human sounding name. It's wonderful."
The image before him looked so soft and warm, both of them were protected from the harsh cold of the outside, and Solomon stayed close by making sure to keep contact with Asmodeus. They were safe. They were safe, and that was what mattered. Asmodeus had someone else watching over him and that made Lucifer’s mid ease ever so slightly. They were safe, and now Asmo’s little family grew once more, and in a way Asmo continued to grow with it. 
Maybe, just maybe, Lucifer had changed as well.
Diavolo’s words tumbled in his head, and his eyes softened, “It is, isn’t it?”
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jazzmasternot · 6 months
Born to read smut forced to wait tables 😭😭
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froggywritesstuff · 9 months
rest | yandere!asmodeus
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ship/pairing: Yandere!Asmodeus x g/n!reader
fandom: Helluva Boss
request: anon: yandere asmodeus
warnings: yandere, kidnapped reader, too many pet names (reader gets called darling, sweetie, honey, and baby), forced close proximity, unwanted touching (not sexual), unhealthy relationship, not proofread
word count: 710
A/N: i'm so very tired rn.  i do not in any way support yandere behaviour, please know that this writing is purely fictional, and should not ever be reenacted in real life
You glare at the door in front of you, debating running away and back to the comfort of your own bed. No, comfort wasn’t the right word. Your mattress felt unusually hard tonight, and the sheets felt like sandpaper grinding against your skin. Your blankets were too hot and you felt suffocated underneath them, but that wasn’t nearly as bad as the uncomfortable sensation you got from sleeping without any covers. After an eternity of contemplation, you will yourself to lift your hand to the door, your knuckle knocking against the wood. Regret immediately hits you as the sound rings through your ears, but you stay still. It’s been too long since you got a good night's sleep and you weren’t gonna let an overgrown chicken stop you from getting that. You’re not letting your guard down, and you’re not letting yourself forget about the monster he really is. The love he claims to shower you with is nothing but poison he decorates with food dye and glitter. And you won’t fall for it, no matter what.
”What’s the matter darling?” he opens the door and you reluctantly crane your neck upwards to meet his eyes.
”I can’t sleep.” you say simply, hands clinging onto your pyjama shirt.
You don’t miss the way his smile widens ever so slightly, before he asks, “Do you wanna sleep in my bed?” he pushes his door open further, allowing you to get a look at his bed. Your body has never felt as exhausted as it does when you see his bed. It’s just so big and fluffy, and the blankets are so soft, you feel like they’re calling to you, telling you to come sleep.
The thought of saying no and marching back to your own room crosses your mind more than once, but you genuinely don’t think you have the energy to do that right now. Nodding your head, you remind yourself of all the shit he’s put you through, you just really want a good sleep. You’re not falling in love with him like he’s so convinced you eventually will and you never will, you know that. 
“Is everything alright with your bed sweetie? Anything you need fixed?”
“I dunno I just couldn’t sleep.” you shrug, frustrated over how genuine his voice sounded.
He grabs your shoulders, leading you to the bed, "Well not to worry darling, you're always welcome to sleep in my bed."
You know that. Not a day went by when he wasn't reassuring you that there wasn't any pressure to sleep with him, and that he trusted you to grow comfortable with him in your own time. Though apparently not enough to not kidnap you. You keep reminding yourself of that whenever you catch yourself thinking about how nice he treats you. Or whenever you find yourself wanting to believe him when he tells you how much he loves you. 
The bed as you suspected is comfortable as fuck. The soft sheets and blankets gently hug your body, and you can feel yourself sinking into the mattress. It's almost enough to make you forget about your captor lying next to you. Almost.
"You comfortable honey?" his voice rings through your ear, making you aware of just how close he is.
Shuffling over to further the distance between you, you sigh, ”I hope you know I’m only doing this for your bed, this has nothing to do with you.”
”I know.” he answers nonchalantly, making your chest tighten with frustration.
You sit up, staring at him with the coldest glare you can muster, ”I just want it absolutely clear that I’m exhausted yet I took like, ten minutes standing in front of your door, contemplating sleeping in the same bed as you.”
”You’re adorable baby.” he says tiredly, laughing softly as if this were just some joke. His hand gently but firmly pushes you back down to the bed, done with the ease of moving a pillow. You go to make yourself more comfortable on the bed, but feel Ozzie's hand pull you against his much larger body.
Before you can even begin to struggle, you're trapped between him and his arm, as his mumbled voice softly speaks to you, "Get some rest darling. I love you."
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Just a bunch of Fizzmodeus memes because I love them so huggy muggy much
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I love gay demons
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fizzie-frog · 8 months
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asmomyluv · 1 year
hello!! was wondering if you'd make a part 2 for cuteness aggression with demon brothers, if you don't do requests or don't plan on making one then feel free to ignore this!
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Honestly I was supposed to post this awhile ago so sorry for the wait! But thanks for the ask and enjoy
Warnings: none, got a little lazy at Belph’s part oooops
You were sitting on his lap as he went through paper after paper, the pile seemed never ending honesty. But with his perfect little human with him it was almost bearable. Still there’s only so much your presence can do. Or so he thought, “LUCI LOOK!” You exclaimed holding your D.D.D in front of him. He read the screen. You had passed your test, with a perfect score. He smiled softly “Amazing MC, you continue to impress me.” And maybe it was the way you looked at him for prais or how proud he was of you but you’re adorable features seemed to shine a lot more than usual. The urge to pull you close wasn’t ignored. As you looked up at him cheeks warm and red he stickler the urge to squeeze you even tighter.
So once again, Lucifer had taken Mammons card. His precious Goldie. And he had begged and begged for you to get it back. So you went to Lucifer and just, asked. He surprisingly agreed as long as you made sure Mammon didn’t go crazy with it. “Mammon, I love you but I’m never doing this again.” You said rolling your eyes and holding the card up. “Ughh yer the best treasure.” He said running towards you. He didn’t stop tho, scooping you up bridal style and pulling you tight. He peppers kisses across your face and spin around with you right to his chest. You were left with your hair a mess in your face and very, very dizzy. “Like I said never again.” You mumbled.
Levi thinks your perfect. Your sexy, stunning, and damn near the cutest living thing he’s ever laid eyes on. He had the urge to hold you any time he sees you but he holds back. But eventually even he has to give in. So you two were in his room playing Devil Cart and he decided to let you win. You two were neck in neck with you slipping into the lead. “SEE I told you I’d beat you” he looked over at the controller in your hand before snatching it and tossing it into his bath tub. “Try beating me now” he laughed. You’re mouth hung open as you got up to retrieve it, hoping to salvage your victory. “Nope you’re not going anywhere!” He said wrappjngone arm around your waist and pulling you onto him. At that point you had to accept defeat and you pouted in his hold. He rolled over with you below him and threw a leg over you. “Leviiiiiiii” you cried. “I won, let me enjoy my victory.” His face settled above your head burning red. He gave you an extra squeeze rolling over once more.
Satan and you were reading a romance book together with him reading aloud. He set his bookmark in and closed the book setting it beside him on the bed. “You know, he reminds me of you Satan.” you said referring to the main love interest. “Oh yea? The kidnapper that slaughtered a village?” He questioned. “You know that’s not what I meant.” You said playfully hitting his chest rolling his eyes. “Well you remind me of the main character as well.” He said pulling you closer and into his lap. He placed his head in your neck smiling. You moved your arm to reach around his back pecked his forehead. “You’re so cute” he murmured before lightly blighting your neck. “Ahh Satan what was that for!” You said laughing as you clinched away.
Asmo had cuteness aggression 24/7 and nothing stops him. So when you walked into his room in a new outfit he could help but coo and approach you. “MC you look absolutely stunning!” He cheered spinning you around and smiling. He held your face in his hands and squished your cheeks. “Ahh your so cute I could just die.” He cooed pressing a kiss to your puckered lips. “Asmooo come on.” You said hoping to lose the proximity. Him so close and doting on you, the heart can only take so much. He giggled leaving one last kiss in your cheek.
Beel had taken you to get some food with him since you were both free. You two sat in a both side by side as opposed to across from each other. He said this way he could easily reach more food on the table he wanted to be next to you you had taken a huge bite of your cheeseburger and your cheeks were full with just a bit of sauce on your mouth. “Hold on MC” he said grabbing a napkin and wiping it off for you. You swallowed “Thanks Beel!” You said going in for bite two. He smiled fondly watching you eat. You quickly finished your food and he pulled you into his side. You looked up at him and he was avoiding your eyes focused on the plate in front of him. But yk noticed the blush on his cheeks as he pulled you just a little closer before you comfortably rested your head on his arm.
Belphie is aggressive, verbally and physically. Well verbally at least physically takes a lot of energy. But when he does have energy… So you and Belphie were downstairs he had his head in your lap as you conversated with his brothers. Things were just going normally until he just got up and … grabbed you. He picked you up in one arm and carried you up the stairs to his room. “Belphie what are you doing?” You asked shocked. “You’re being too loud” he grumbled. “Oh yea?” You asked teasingly. He rolled his eyes and dropped you on the bed before tossing his pillow down and layed on it. You put a leg over him and held his body. “Belphiiieeeeee” you whispered in his ear. He turned around facing you and stuck your face in his chest, holding you there as he tried to fall asleep.
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l3viat8an · 1 year
Thinkin’ about Asmo’s kisses ‘n how he kisses you <3
Somehow it’s always gentle and light. Asmo’s always so careful with you and his kisses are delicate, yet they never fail to leave you breathless and give you butterflies.
He also asks before kissing you on the lips. But he’ll give you surprise kisses whenever he can! On your nose/cheek/temple/wherever he can reach really, usually when you’re doing something else, just a way to get your attention for a moment then he walks away, blowing you another kiss with a wink <3
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flipperbrain-awakes · 6 months
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Shadowhunters 3.20
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
How would Asmo feel about having an Asexual S/o repulsed by sex- but its fine with him having sex with other people as long as its only sex and nothing else? ~🩸💞 (bleeding heart)
hiya welcome🩸💞 !!! (thats such a cute name/combo!^^)
So I know there can be different levels of repulsion so I'm going into this with reader being okay with some affectionate touches and not meant to be sexual in this (very quick brief kiss, some hand holding, cuddling/hugs)
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I think he'd handle it well overall!
With Asmo, you are the one to hold his heart, his soul, his everything (I'm a sap for love!). He understands you, he knew what he was getting into, and he accepted you just the way you accepted him. You took the time to know him, I mean, really know him, just as he did you.
To others you're quite the interesting pair but you guys work well together, you have fun together and there's never a dull moment.
I think when the topic of the arrangement came up, he felt guilty at first even with your permission but also grateful that you were understanding to...lustful needs, especially his. Asmo knows firsthand sex can really just be sex & any worries of it ever becoming more was just not possible for him; not when he has you. He makes sure to reassure you of that often.
After all, the meaningless sex can never compare to your delicate warm touches, your soft embrace, the heat that lingers when you brush your lips against his for just a moment. It's love he can feel in his very core. He knows as long as you two keep a strong healthy communication (without any uncomfortable explicit details) you two can keep going. ♡
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rachi-roo · 4 months
Birthday tickles for Azz-Azz!!! 🥳💕
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Yaaaay!!! I love these goobers so much. This show brings me so much joy 🥰 Asmodeus deserves all the tiggles and hugs and laughter! He's the best, boi, and I will not accept any other opinions!!!! XD
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taifenggg · 5 months
hey it’s tantanon again hiiiii ashhhhhh
who do you think would run for their shoes and wallet if they heard the ice cream truck? then race for it and run away giggling with ice cream?
i am a full on adult, in college, and i have never ran as fast as i did today for that truck when the driver saw me waving from my window and parked. (the ice cream was so good.)
thats so silly cause i would join you for ice cream.
Mmm i think definitely Mammon, obviously Beel cause he will do anything for food, and Diavolo
Levi is a maybe but he would give up on running after the truck and Asmo wouldnt run cause he'd probably complain about getting all sweaty and stuff so he'd make you get it for him so he can take pics if its aesthetic enough
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shootingstarrfish · 1 year
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"do you really love me? maybe if i rip your heart out i'll know for sure?"
i'll prolly clean this up at some point but i was in a mood and i love when my wife loses it and tries to kill me haha isnt he cute!!!
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Asmodeus: I made you this flower crown!
Satan: Flower crowns make me look weak and meek. I'm not the type to wear it.
Asmodeus: oh.. :(
Asmodeus: I'll take it th-
Satan: No! It's mine forever now!
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
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MC the Previous Night :
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asm0b4by · 22 days
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You love me, you love me right? You love Asmodeus and you don’t love anyone as much as you love Asmodeus. Asmodeus is your one true love, your one true desire. You’d kill for me to look in your direction, you’d offer your warm, bloodied heart on a golden platter to receive my affection. Tell me you love Asmodeus, tell me you love me ❣️💋
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s-silk · 2 years
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— 𝗌𝗁𝖾'𝗌 𝗆𝗒 𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗉𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗇𝖾 : ⩇⩇:⩇⩇
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