#Solomon probably had several panic attacks
ruewrites · 1 year
How Time Has Changed You
Ship(s): Diavolo/Lucifer, Background Solomon/Asmo
Word Count: 2648
Warnings: None
Hello! Adding once again to the Next Gen!AU that @leviathanswingman and I came up with. I wanted an excuse to bring in little Ariel and to write some fluff between Lucifer and Asmo. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!
Comments are appreciated!
"I'm surprised you were able to come here alone."
"You know how Diavolo gets at the very prospect of nieces and nephews."
"I know. That's why I'm surprised you were able to come here alone."
Asmo was currently swallowed in Lucifer's coat, a cup of tea steaming in his frail fingers as his tiny figure made itself impossibly smaller as he curled up on the couch. He hummed softly in thought, blowing at the dancing steam as it arose from the cup. 
No, he wasn’t entirely frail now. In other ways he was less frail than what he had been. His hips were rounded out, his hugs not as bony and even warmer now than what they had been years ago. He was even softer now, even warmer. He was still energetic and spunky yes, and his eyes still sparkled, but he had softened more and leaned even more into his gentle nature. He also let his hair grow out, and it was now tied in a neat little bun on top of his head. He had caught Solomon playing with it on many an occasion at gatherings. Overall, he had… matured… but it was still Asmo.
Lucifer leaned back in the armchair he was in, taking in Asmo just for a second longer, "Solomon made his instructions quite clear that he wanted you to be in a calm environment. It sounded like he could certainly make use of his own requests as well."
And if Diavolo had come as he oh so desperately wanted to, the house would be anything but calm. He would want to know everything and anything about the new little demon brewing within Asmo's form. Or was the more correct term fallen angels? Partial humans?
"My husband certainly has seemed stressed hasn't he?"
"You going on impromptu outings without notice or times when you will return certainly doesn't help with that."
Oh Asmo was giving that sorcerer a run for his money. It made Lucifer chuckle a bit. From impromptu coffee shop and bakery runs to deciding he wanted to pick up a part time job at the daycare, Asmodeus was throwing Solomon into a panic. He'd become extremely accustomed to anxiety-riddled texts sent in the family group chats, unsure of where Asmo was or when he'd be home or if he was alright.
"He really does get himself worked up, I try not to upset him so much, really it's one of the few things we've ever really gotten into lil tifts about," Asmo sighed, brought the cup up to his lips and paused, "And of course that's why you're here, to make sure I don't get into any unsupervised trouble."
"Unfortunately, I find myself in slight agreement with the man you decided to marry Asmo," Lucifer smirked, "You are carrying his child as they say."
"They being humans?"
"No changing the subject, and he is correct to be concerned. The process affects you and puts you in a targeted position," Lucifer leaned forward ever so slightly, "His concern stems from valid reasons."
Asmo looked back down towards his tea cup, eyes flickering in order to avoid Lucifer's gaze. His fingers tapped along the porcelain glass before he spoke again. 
"I think it all comes from guilt," he didn't look at Lucifer, "He missed Lilith's. There's no way he could have known, I didn't even know, yet he blames himself for missing it… And for her being early." 
"It could be both."
Asmo's fingers tightened around the teacup.
"Which reminds me, I'm surprised you don't have anyone with you either. Lilith usually spends time with both of you and stays with you when Solomon has to go out."
Asmo's body softened and relaxed at the mention of his daughter. It had always been clear that, even if Lucifer had had rocky feelings about the man who sired his niece, she had grown up in a very healthy and loving environment. Both Asmo and Solomon gave her everything they could to get her to thrive. Their efforts paid off in the form of a blossoming young woman. 
"She's busy with being a much better student than I was, she gets that from Solomon you know," Asmo chittered, "And she has friends at RAD. But she's so excited about the baby, she's already planning on weekends that she can come up to visit. It's always a treat to have her stay with us again."
"I could imagine."
After all, it was always a treat to have one of his brothers visit or to see Oleander, so Lucifer could share in that sentiment. 
His eyes were trained on Asmodeus. Watching as he took another slow sip from the cup. His muscles tensed at the ready the second he saw the slightest tremor. The moment he arrived in the house, he became Asmo's shadow. Lucifer opened doors, lifted anything he personally considered too heavy, and always had a place for Asmo to sit. 
Yes there were moments his brother appeared slightly agitated with his protective streak, but a little pampering appeared to take the edge off of his fury.
Asmo hissed and shooed him away the second Lucifer tried to take the knife he'd been using to cut fruit away from him. It was a noise Lucifer had never heard come out of Asmo before, but one he understood nonetheless. However, he was soon back to playing guardian once again to the younger demon.
"I haven't done a thing, Asmodeus."
Asmo rolled his eyes, "I swear, you are just as bad as Solomon."
"You offend me."
Asmo set his cup down and buried himself deeper in Lucifer's coat, "Being compared to your brother-in-law isn't that terrible of a thing now is it? He did help make both of your nieces. Niece and nephew?"
"You don't know?"
"Shush, no changing the subject."
Lucifer chuckled, once again relaxing in his own chair  and motioning with his hand for Asmo to continue.
"Anyways, Solomon makes me happy and he cares for all of us, that's gotta give him some good graces in your book right?" 
Lucifer didn't say a word on the matter. Instead, he took in the image of his brother, so content, so nurturing. While he couldn't fathom why Asmodeus would willingly wish to have another, especially not after his own experiences, he did know that the new little one would be incredibly lucky to have Asmodeus raise him. For a moment he was taken back to his days in the Celestial Realm. Back to days when a very young Asmo would steal a Belphie who was barely starting to open his eyes, hiding in the trees and bushes while Beel cried for his twin and the older angels searched in a frenzy for the two missing little ones. Back to when Asmo would herd all of the tiny baby angels one by one, and how much he adored his little doves. He would teach them so many little songs and play the cutest of games with them. Back to when Asmo fantasized about having a little flock to call his own.
It shouldn't have been a surprise that he would go on and have his own and yet-
Lucifer would not have questioned Asmo in the Celestial Realm. But he had questioned him when he had his first.
But his jewel had overcome Lucifer's fears. He had broken a cycle and even found a partner who had chosen to be just as attentive. 
Sometimes Lucifer wondered if he had ever been able to break the cycle himself, or if he was just another perpetrator in the endless circle. 
"Do you have a name picked out for them?"
Asmo smiled, albeit a bit sheepishly, "Well, yes. I told Solomon to pick one out since I named Lilith."
"And? Did your human manage to come up with anything worthwhile?"
"He did," Asmo's features softened as he pulled Lucifer's coat closer to his face, "Ariel. He seemed particularly fond of the same. He says it so sweetly. Humans are funny, he likes to talk to him, it's adorable really-"
"He talks to him?" Lucifer smirked.
"It's a funny thing humans do. I told him it's not the same but he still speaks to Ariel so fondly."
Lucifer noticed Asmo's eyes dip and quickly took the cup from his hands to set it on the coffee table. Asmo tried to wave him off, but Lucifer still pulled the coat up  closer to Asmo's chin all the same. The process was a draining one, Lucifer still didn't entirely understand why Asmodeus would go through it a second time.
He could never picture himself doing that again.
That ugly concern  rose up within him again. Asmodeus was so drained, so tired, so vulnerable. What if he couldn't protect him? What if there was nothing he could do to truly do to help? What if he could not be there when Asmodeus needed him the most? What if Lucifer failed to protect them again?
"Mm not-"
Despite the pout on his lips, Asmo's eyes grew heavier and heavier.  
Solomon would eventually make it home that evening, he would find Asmo fast asleep and the Avatar of Pride watching over him steadfast and unmoving.
It was snowing. It was one of the few things Lucifer remembered. It was a cold December night, the whole Devildom was silent and Lucifer could see his own breath even within the confines of the castle walls. No doubt the human world was just as frozen tonight.  He was pacing back and forth. No real thoughts ran through his mind, only feelings. 
He'd almost missed Solomon's text, almost didn't answer the frantic phone calls masked behind the attempt of a calm tone. A quick quiet promise of a call back and then soft click of the call ending.
Perhaps he should brew another cup of coffee. Maybe it would take his mind off his itching wings and how badly he wanted to be there despite the weather.
"You should try to go back to bed dearest," Diavolo's voice echoed off of the walls. His voice was soft and coaxing, but he was also smart enough to keep some distance between him and Lucifer at a time like this.
"And potentially miss an urgent message that needs my attention? I think not," Lucifer snorted. He fidgeted with his D.D.D., ruby eyes boring into the device as if it would give him answers sooner through his own will power. His wings twitched as he glanced back out the window. How hard would a trip really be? Just so he could be there, just so he could manage everything with his own eyes…
A hand grabbed his own, and Diavolo's eyes met his and he slowly shook his head, "Don't."
"I wasn't planning on anything."
"Don't lie to me dearest, you know I know the truth." 
They stayed in a stalemate. Their disagreements were always like a game of chess, calm and carefully navigated. There was never a trace of aggression, never an ounce of contempt, only carefully crafted words and an understanding of the moves the other side made. Diavolo used his next move to bring Lucifer's hand up to his cheek, letting him relish in the warmth and comfort of the prince. "If you will not come back to bed, at least allow me to attend to your needs."
Lucifer let out a long breath  and laid his head against Diavolo's shoulder.
He couldn't say a word as he allowed himself to be led over to one of the chairs next to the fireplace. Slowly his eyes followed Diavolo around the room as he lit the fireplace, placed a warm blanket on Lucifer's lap, and did his best to prepare tea. His hands fumbled  causing the stream to lurch as it traveled downwards towards the cup. He was nowhere near as talented as Barbatos, and his movements were clumsy, but none of that mattered. Even now, with his nervous laughter and concerned puppy dog eyes, Lucifer felt his chest flutter.
As he picked up the cup, Diavolo moved behind him. A trill left his lips as strong hands kneaded into his shoulders and along where his wings connected with his back. 
"You should let me tend to you more often."
"As if you don't do it daily?"
Diavolo chuckled and pressed a kiss against the back of his neck. "Asmodeus will be fine, you know as well as I do that Solomon wouldn't let anything happen to him."
Lucifer's eyes softened and he found himself staring deep into flames before him. He wished he could find solace in his husband's words, and yet the darkness continued to consume him. 
It wasn't until the early hours that Lucifer finally heard back. The storm was still unrelenting and bit the bones of anyone unfortunate enough to be in the way of it's wrath. The sound of his D.D.D. buzzing filled him with the most terrible sense of dread. For a moment, he was frozen, he couldn’t bring himself to look at the notification. Diavolo nudged it towards him on the little table. Their eyes met, and Diavolo offered him a smile and a soft nod. 
There were no words in the text, only a single image. 
Relief flooded his being. Asmo sat, exhausted but otherwise unharmed. In his arms a bundle sat wrapped on the brink of consciousness. He had a messy mop of black hair, the tiniest hint of wings peaking out, and his eyes were ones that Lucifer couldn’t help but recognize fondly. They were the color of sunsets and warm summer days. 
“He looks like Solomon.”
Lucifer hummed, “He has Asmo’s eyes… and his nose… and dimples.”
Diavolo let out a short laugh and scooted closer, the eagerness radiating off of him was palpable. He looked nothing short of hopeful. There was only one way to handle this, the correct and proper way. After all, Asmodeus had just had his second child-
“No? What do you mean no?”
“No we are not going to bother them-”
“It wouldn’t be-”
“Asmodeus just had a child mere minutes ago and you want to barge in there and pester them both with seeing the baby? Their newborn?”
Diavolo pouted. Some things never really changed, now did they? Letting out a low chuckle, he pulled his husband closer. He ran his fingers through red locks that had darkened with age, and yet both of them were still very much the same… and also very much not. “Let them rest for a while and settle with the new one, besides weren’t you the one who was worried about me traveling in this weather? We shall visit in a few days and then you can spoil your new nephew all you want.”
Diavolo scrunched his face as Lucifer poked his nose, “Can you at least ask them for his name?”
Lucifer could feel his wings flutter, he leaned into Diavolo as he looked back down at the photo. Asmodeus hadn’t done too bad, and his human had managed to pick out a fitting name for his new nephew.
“His name is Ariel.”
"Ariel," Diavolo repeated softly, "What a human sounding name. It's wonderful."
The image before him looked so soft and warm, both of them were protected from the harsh cold of the outside, and Solomon stayed close by making sure to keep contact with Asmodeus. They were safe. They were safe, and that was what mattered. Asmodeus had someone else watching over him and that made Lucifer’s mid ease ever so slightly. They were safe, and now Asmo’s little family grew once more, and in a way Asmo continued to grow with it. 
Maybe, just maybe, Lucifer had changed as well.
Diavolo’s words tumbled in his head, and his eyes softened, “It is, isn’t it?”
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years
Brothers With An S/O Who Has C-PTSD
Lucifer X Reader, Mammon X Reader, Leviathan X Reader, Satan X Reader, Asmodeus X Reader, Beelzebub X Reader, Belphegor X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hello! Hope your doing well! Can I please request the obey me dateables (Diavolo, Barbatos, Simeon, and Solomon's) and brothers (if that's okay) with an mc who has c-ptsd? Like what would they do when their s/o was having a horrible flashbacks and like scream crying? Only if you're comfortable with that kind of stuff of course! Thank you!
Disclaimer: I don't suffer from C-PTSD and I don't mean to offend or upset anyone that does, I did some research before writing this but I know that's not the same as actually suffering from it, so please don't take any of this as advice or guidance please talk to a professional
Warnings (none specifically mentioned, talked about in general terms): Trauma and trigger, Flashbacks, nightmares, symptoms of C-PTSD
Undateables Ver.
📚 Lucifer was the one who probably had the hardest time getting it out of you, he was loud, dominant and most of the time didn’t read any warning signs. 📚 You avoided him for a very long time only talking to him when absolutely necessary. 📚 Lucifer noticed the behaviour and confronted you about it, which caused a mild to severe panic attack because he literally stood in the doorway and demanded that you tell him what was wrong with you. 📚 After helping you calm down, he was softer and more careful and you finally explained what you suffered from. 📚 Lucifer knew what you were talking about, he had learned about a lot of disorders over the years in heaven, he knew that humans were fragile. 📚 Lucifer was good at listening and while he couldn’t always be there during the say, you could tell him anything in his office while he was doing paperwork, he’d listen and by the end of it you might even feel a little better. 📚 He made sure to make your schooling as comfortable as possible and would often check in even if you couldn’t see him, he’d be watching out for you. 📚 If you're on any medication he’d ask Diavolo if there was any way to get it to you. 📚 Will literally make you a schedule if you mention that it helps and he’d be sure to make sure that you both stick to it. 📚 “I’m here to listen.”
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💳 Mammon is the king or self-destructive or harmful behaviour but when he realises that you do it as well it’s not okay. 💳 He’s literally always watching you to replace any self-destructive behaviour with something else. 💳 Mammon starts less arguments with his brother around you, if they make you uncomfortable or unhappy. 💳 He can literally talk about anything so if you need someone to fill the silence he can do that, he’ll often stay in your room and on the days where you need space he’ll be sure to tell you and text that you can come into his room anytime that you need. 💳He’s the type to fight anything to get to you but the moment that he's finally face to face with you the protection he provides is impenetrable. He’ll turn to you, wings spread so all you can see is him as he asks what you need him to do. 💳 The fact that Mammon pays such close attention to you means that he’s become better with money, with choices and in general with maturity. 💳 It did take him a while to realise that his words affect you as much as his actions do, there were a few arguments but he was careful about what he said and you tried to remember he didn’t mean most of what he said. 💳 Warns people to be careful when they are around you and when they don’t listen he removes them from you and makes them earn their right to talk to you again. 💳 Mammon is always reminding you of your worth, he's no stranger to feeling worthless in a place full of perfection, he’ll never let you feel that way. 💳 “To be honest I don’t really understand but I’ll do whatever ya need.”
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🎮 Levi knew what it was because he had researched it after playing a game, it was mentioned and he wanted to know more about it, he never thought that knowledge was going to be useful. 🎮 He would often notice the start of a dissociative episode and remind you of your grounding techniques in the hopes that you’ll be able to pull yourself back, a little too nervous to try and help you unless you asked. 🎮 He has a terrible temperature and that means that when someone upsets you or puts you in danger, they answer to him, unfortunately he’ll sometimes be so angry that he’ll check on you after he’s dealt with the people that hurt you but he’ll always check on you. 🎮 He knows what it’s like to feel worthless and will listen to the things you need and offer you everything all at the same time, it can be overwhelming but he doesn’t expect you to choose everything, he just wants to provide the perfect answer so he gives them all. 🎮 Levi will play games while you do your own thing when you need some time to yourself but if you needed to cuddle or be close to him he’d never turn you away. He’ll be a blushing stuttering mess the whole time though. 🎮 He’ll ask Lucifer if you can do lessons the same way that he does so that you could be more comfortable. 🎮 He’ll check on you when you're not with him, he’ll text all the time and call when you don’t answer at a time when you should. 🎮 Levi will always tell you in his own way that you are perfect because you are you and that you don’t need to be anything more. 🎮 He won’t ask you what happened but he will encourage you to feel something in his own way and he’s always in the same place if you ever need him. 🎮 “I promise this is a safe place no matter what you feel or where you are, me and this place will be waiting for you.”
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🐈 Satan is probably the only one of the brothers to guess what you suffered from, he’d never ask though, he’d wait for you to tell him. 🐈 He tried to adjust his behaviour to help you settle but he still lost his temper sometimes, mostly when someone endangered you. 🐈 He often tells you that if you need some time alone you can hide in his room, none of his brothers go in there and he had the cats if you needed company. 🐈 Satan has always been happy sitting in silence if all you needed was for someone to be there, he’d even leave his out palm upturned for if you chose to hold it or not. 🐈 If someone else causes trouble for you he is probably the one likely to cause a fight in the middle of the hallway after checking to make sure that you are okay. If you're not, he removes you from the situation and goes back later to sort everything out. 🐈 He’s had many arguments with Lucifer about the things that you had mentioned would make life in Devildom easier. 🐈 Satan was also one to keep an eye on the physical effects that your condition could have, close enough for dizzy spells, potions or medicines for headaches and body aches. 🐈 Satan will help you with any grounding techniques that you use and make sure that you keep up with treatment. 🐈 When you start to open up more, he’ll let you know that he’s listening and make sure you know that he’s listening. 🐈 “You have every right to feel this way, no one can tell you otherwise.”
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💅 Asmo has enough self confidence for the both of you but that doesn’t mean that he ignores you lack of it. 💅 Asmo is likely one that will ask, why you feel that you aren’t worth it but if you don’t give him details he’ll just accept that something happened in the past that you don’t want to talk about. 💅 When and if you tell him what it is that you suffer from, he’ll probably have to do a little research, he’s likely heard about it before but never paid much attention to the finer details. 💅 He was careful with you before he found out but now he was even more so. 💅 He’ll do whatever you need him too, he’s cancelled parties, covered mirrors, given you free reign of his closet or just cuddled with you. 💅 Asmo is the most touchy of his brothers, so it might take him a little while to realise that you have a problem with touch (if you do) but he’ll always respect his and tone down the touching as much as you need. 💅 Asmo will always be trying to raise your self-confidence and steer you away from self-destructive behaviour. Unfortunately, he hung around with a lot of demons that took advantage, he’s never had trouble replacing friends so he made sure that you were only around the best and most understanding people where he could help it. 💅 Asked your opinion on a lot of things in a casual way so that he could figure out your views on things without seeming like he was prying. 💅 While Asmo is the demon of lust he’d never force you into anything, he was happy just being close friends if you weren’t ready for a relationship you were what was important and if you weren’t ready to call him your boyfriend that was okay with that. 💅 “You are worth the world in my eyes and I will wait for and watch over you as long as it takes.”
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🍔 Beel is probably the best brother to be around with this kind of illness, he’s pretty level headed and very emotional intelligence, he’ll know that something is different about you and adjust without even knowing it. 🍔 Beel is soft spoken and very rarely judges people, so you’ll be able to talk to him about literally anything. The only time that you might see that change is if you ever tell him what happened to you, then you’ll see anger directed at the person who hurt you. 🍔 He’s careful with you, he’s always watching, making sure that you are okay only ever getting involved if you seem like you're struggling but even then, he’ll confirm before actually doing anything. 🍔 Usually that involves whisking you away from whatever situation was making you uncomfortable. 🍔 He waits for you to confirm whether you want to do something because he much rather stay in with you than go out without you. 🍔 He always makes sure that you eat, even if he has to leave you food in a container for when you're ready. 🍔 He will always check on you on his way back from a midnight snack if you didn’t stay in his room with him and Belphie. 🍔 Beel definitely has anxiety so he actually asked you what you do when you feel scared and employed some of the techniques to help himself. He’ll always be there if you have panic attacks. He helps you ground yourself every time no matter how long it takes you. 🍔 He’s basically a teddy bear and he always offers you cuddles or hand holding but never forces you to take him up on the offer, he’ll often accept whatever affection you decide to give him whether it’s physical or words. 🍔 “It’s okay to cry, I’ll be here when you need me.”
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💤 Let's be honest there is no way that Belphie doesn’t have some kind of PTSD or anxiety from everything that he has been through so he probably understood better than anyone else what you were suffering from. 💤 Belphie for the most part is very level headed, there isn’t a lot that bothers him but unfortunately there are still things that can set him off so you’ll both have to establish limits. 💤 Belphie is going to assume that he’s the reason that you developed this issue because of what he did to you, so be sure to tell him that he isn’t the cause. 💤 Belphie is pretty reliable when it comes to finding him, he always found the best places to hide so he’d provide you with a safe space when everything starts to get overwhelming. 💤 He’ll never ask what happened to you, he doesn’t like talking about being locked away in the attic so he doesn’t expect you to answer any questions about your past. 💤 As you both become more familiar with each other he becomes more gentle. 💤 If you have nightmares, he’ll be the one that helps you, sometimes you wake up and he’ll be there but sometimes he’s changed your dreams and helped you relax back into your sleep. 💤 He’s one to remove you from a situation, you don’t have to talk to him but just follow him somewhere safer. 💤 He feels like he owes you a lot so he’ll do anything that you need at any time, he just wants you to be safe and happy. 💤 “Trust me, if there’s something wrong I’ll help you through it”
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Request Here!!
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manicpixiedreamjop · 2 years
for prompt: “we’re both always doing laundry in the building laundry room at like 3am" from @bloomrebounds
pairing: solomon tozer/edward little
cw: frequent references to ned’s mental health, including self-isolation, lack of self care and panic attacks
Ned did not know why his depression decided that the middle of the night on a Monday was the time he was finally able to get off his couch and get started on the chores he’d been putting off for weeks, but if it meant he would finally have clean shirts to wear instead of the same hoodie he’d had on for the last three days straight, he was just going to let it happen. Which is what brought him to his apartment building’s laundry room at just past three in the morning, only to discover all of the machines already in use, and a large man with dirty blonde hair sitting on top of one of the dryers, a small, battered paperback in one hand.
“Hi,” said Ned, still clutching his laundry basket in front of him, not sure what else to do. The fact that he wouldn’t have to see anyone else had been part of what had pushed him to leave the apartment in the first place, still dressed in his stained hoodie and old, threadbare pyjama pants.
The man jumped slightly, looking up from his book and pulling out one earbud. He was handsome, Ned realised, because of course he had to be, when Ned was dressed like this and couldn’t remember off the top of his head the last time he had showered.
“Hey,” said the man. “Sorry, didn’t think anyone would be down here this time of night or I would’ve left one open.”
“That’s okay.” Ned’s voice was rough from the last few days of disuse, and he cleared his throat quietly. “I’ll just. Uh. Come back.”
“These should be done in-” He twisted where he was sitting to look at the time on the washing machine, and Ned could see the flexing of the muscles in his side under his very tight white t-shirt. “Five minutes. If you want to wait.”
Ned didn’t want to wait, didn’t want to let himself be perceived by this stupidly handsome man at the height of his depression pit, probably smelling of sweat and coffee and desperation. He also knew that if he went back up to his apartment now, he would not be coming down again that night. He dropped his clothes hamper on the floor and leaned back against one of the washing machines. He hadn’t even bothered bringing his phone downstairs with him, so he picked a spot on the wall to stare at, and tried to brace himself for five minutes of awkward silence.
The man did not, however, as Ned had expected, go back to reading his book. Instead, he studied Ned for a few long moments, then dogeared his page and put it down beside him. “I’m Sol.”
“You lived here long?”
Ned shoved his hands in his pockets. He wasn’t sure he was feeling up for small talk, but he also didn’t want to be a dick when this guy was clearly trying to be nice. “A year, about,” he said. “It’s near my job and it’s cheap, so.” He didn’t mention that it had been several months since he’d actually been to his job in person, managing to convince them to let him do his work from home when socialising had started being Too Much earlier that year.
“What do you do?”
“It’s not very interesting.”
“Try me.”
“I’m a data analyst for a tech company. Look at their inputs and outputs, figure out what they need to improve on.”
Sol let out a bark of a laugh, slightly jarring in the small, quiet space. “You weren’t kidding, that sounds boring as shit.”
Ned was surprised to find himself smiling back, just a little. He wasn’t sure he remembered the last time he smiled. It felt strange on his face. “It’s kind of relaxing,” he said, lifting himself up onto the dryer beside Sol, putting them at eye level. Sol had nice eyes, he found himself thinking, and he didn’t even try to push the thought away. “I like pattern recognition and that sort of thing. Feels like solving a puzzle or something.” He expected Sol to scoff at him like most people did when he said things like that, but instead he just nodded.
“I can see that. I mean, not for me, I’m shit at that sort of thing, but - whatever works.”
“What about you?” asked Ned, and he was pleased to realise he wasn’t even asking out of some sort of sense of obligation, he genuinely wanted to know. “What do you do, I mean.”
“Security,” said Sol. “For a fancy law firm downtown. Usually don’t mind it too much but they’ve got me on graveyard shift the next couple months while my coworker’s on paternity leave and it’s fucked my whole schedule.”
“Hence the laundry at 3am.”
“At least it’s quiet in here this late. Well, usually.”
Ned had just opened his mouth to apologise for intruding when he saw the twinkle in Sol’s eye and the smile at the corner of his mouth.
“I’ll try to be quieter,” he said, shooting Sol a grin of his own.
They smiled at each other for a beat longer than Ned expected, and something, long dormant, seemed to awake and twist slightly in his chest.
Before Ned could say anything else, the washing machine next to Sol turned off with a little chime and Sol slid off the dryer and to his feet.
“What’s your excuse then?”
“My excuse?” Ned followed Sol down off the row of dryers and walked back to his clothes hamper, ready to start filling the washers as soon as Sol was done transferring his clothes over.
“For doing laundry at 3am. From what you said about your job it sounds like one of those 9 to 5 types.”
“I’ve been working remote for a while. Health issues.”
“Nothing too bad I hope?”
Ned paused, trying to figure out a way to explain his situation without telling a complete stranger ‘my brain’s fucked and I was having panic attacks about getting out of bed every morning.’ “Chronic but not life threatening,” he eventually settled on.
Sol nodded, taking a step back from the washers. “Good. All yours.”
“Thanks,” said Ned, stepping around Sol to get to the washers. They were close enough in the cramped space that their shoulders brushed as Ned moved past him, and, unless Ned was imagining things, Sol pressed gently into the contact for a split second before he stepped away.
“Same time next week then?” asked Sol, pressing the start button on the dryer.
“I’ll have to check my schedule,” said Ned with a confidence he wasn’t sure he completely felt. “Might have something else next Monday at 3.”
Sol snorted, picking up his book and shoving it into the back pocket of his jeans. “See you ‘round, Ned,” he said, and then he was shoving open the door back into the hallway, and Ned was alone again.
For the first time in a long time, he wished he wasn’t. For the first time in a long time, he was looking forward to seeing someone again.
He put his quarters in the machine, picked up his laundry hamper, and walked back to the flat, and, once he got inside, turned on the shower.
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scarlett-vixen · 2 years
ooooh congrats on 300!! could I request O with Mammon for your event? fluff would be cute! thank you!!
Thank you!! All these mammon requests make my heart happy, he deserves better ⚠️ full disclosure: I’ve never personally had my wisdom teeth removed but have witnessed several friends have it done so I’m basing my knowledge from that don’t sue me
Prompt: O- Operation
Pairing: Mammon x Gn!Reader
Genre: Fluff
“Mammon, please,” Lucifer groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose “you don’t have a say in the matter, this is not your decision!”
“Don’t care! Ain’t no way I’m lettin’ em do this!! NOT TO MY HUMAN!!” The second born was in full defense mode, guarding you with his body while staring down the oldest who sat at the end of the table. He was so loyal to you, even when he didn’t know what he was protecting you from.
“Mams?” You chuckled “do you even know what they’re going to do to me?” Knowing full and well he did not know the exact operation you would undergo.
“N-no….but I don’t care! Satan said they might have to put you to sleep to do it! And NO ONE is puttin’ you to sleep!” Mammon turned halfway to face you, still keeping an eye on Lucifer. What started as a simple discussion about you needing a surgical procedure had snowballed into the argument currently playing out.
It all started a week ago, you were having some pain in the back of your mouth, it started off mild but soon became unbearable. You kept the pain to yourself as best you could, not wanting to alarm the brothers, but lost control of the situation when you were out eating at Ristorante Six with the brothers plus everyone from Purgatory Hall.
You were careful to take small bites, not wanting to inflict pain on yourself during this group meal, but got caught up in a story Simeon had been telling the table.
“OW! SHIT!!” The pain shot through your jaw, you grabbed your cheek with both hands as if that would help somehow.
“Language!” Asmodeus scolded, covering Luke’s ears
“Oi! What happened?!”
“Were you attacked by someone?”
Mammon and Lucifer were both on their feet immediately, ready to interrogate your attacker. You started to answer but the pain in your mouth was too strong, you folded in on yourself causing even more panic from the table.
Eventually the pain subsided enough for you explain what happened, you scheduled an appointment to be seen the next day, Solomon had accompanied you since the appointment was in the human world and he had the most knowledge on how to help you if something went wrong.
As you suspected you needed your wisdom teeth removed, you returned home to inform the others that you would be undergoing an oral surgical procedure and would probably be on bed rest for a few days after to recover.
Needless to say this invoked some very heartfelt but confused questions.
“Wait, so do humans store their wisdom inside their mouths? Are you going to be dumb after this?”
“You have to wait how long until you can eat normal food again??”
“Darling, I love you but if you drool blood on me I may throw up…and that’s not very glamorous.”
But nothing could have prepared you for the battle Mammon put up. He was already upset that some doctor was going to be removing things from you, then he found out you would be traveling to the human world for the surgery.
He argued and fought with Lucifer for the next hour, after realizing that he wasn’t giving up anytime soon you finally made an offer.
“Why doesn’t Mammon just go with me? I need someone to watch over me while I’m there and to help me get back here. He already watches out for me on a daily so what’s the difference?”
Lucifer gave in quickly, just wanting to be done with the conversation. Mammon still wasn’t happy about the surgery but felt better being the one to look after you.
The day of the operation arrived and the two of you traveled up to the human world. You sat in the waiting room in anticipation of being called back to begin prepping.
“Still don’t see why they gotta take stuff from ya…perfect the way ya are…”
“What?” You questioned.
“What?!” The second born jumped, unaware he had said that out loud.
“Mams I promise, I’ll be fine! Humans have this done all the time, plus if I don’t do this I’ll still be in pain and you don’t want that right? It’s a one day thing, I’ll be in and out.” You placed a hand on his thigh trying to comfort him.
“Yeah, yeah I know! Satan let me read the books he had…” He shifted in his seat and crossed his arms “it’s just… what if ya don’t wake up? What if they mess up and use too much anesthesia or not enough or they take the wrong teeth or they sneeze and cut the wrong thing or—“
“MAMS!” You grabbed his face with both hands. “You’re spiraling. I promise I will be okay! I brought you here to make me feel better, not to panic and start writing my obituary.”
The second born blushed realizing he was probably just adding on to your stress, he put his arm around you pulling you close hoping to soothe both your nerves.
Eventually you were called back, Mammon reluctantly let you go and sat by himself waiting for you to return. After what seemed like an eternity the two of you were reunited, luckily you had warned him about the after affects the pain medication and anesthesia had on humans otherwise he would have sworn they replaced you with someone else.
The journey home had been long and extremely entertaining for both of you, Mammon had to remind you who he was about four times but you were always very polite when asking, you babbled on about things that made no sense at all, you kept asking him if he was old because of his white hair, he truly felt like a babysitter at this point.
Once home he helped you to your room, which you somehow remembered perfectly but asked about ‘the grumpy old guy who yelled at you for being late and looked like he needed to get laid’. Mammon had pushed you into your room before his brothers could start interrogating this new and very honest version of you or before Lucifer could strangle you.
“Geez, ya sure know how to get yerself in trouble huh? Where’d ya learn that from!?” The second born huffed as he helped take off your shoes.
“I learned it from this really cute guy I know,” you let out an unusually high pitched laugh “he gets in trouble a lot!”
“Oh yeah?” Mammon threw your shoe to the side and snapped his head up to look at you, the small amount of anger he felt hearing you say ‘cute guy’ vanished when he looked up at you.
Even in your delirious and drunk state you were still breath taking to him, your cheeks were a bright red, you held your hands together between your thighs, you had the goofiest grin on your face. He’d never seen you this smitten before and wanted to photograph the moment but was frozen in his spot when you kept talking.
“Mhmmmm, he’s super taaaall, has reeeeeally pretty eyes, he’s super funny and smart,” Mammon was convinced you were referring to one of his brothers until you unleashed the most crucial detail. “and he has the prettiest and softest white hair too!”
Mammon’s heart swelled in his chest, how dare you say all these cute things to him while totally unaware of what’s going on! He thought he was going to explode, he wanted to kiss you right then and there, nobody had ever said such sweet things about him. He wanted to see how much more you would say about him but knew it wasn’t fair in your current state.
“Psh, he doesn’t sound so hot to me, just a normal guy.” Mammon stood up finally, he turned to collect your discarded shoe.
“Nope, not even close! He’s a Demon Lord!” The second born glanced over his shoulder to see you gently kicking your feet as your legs hung off the bed, he was baffled by how easily humans were affected by pain killers.
“Yeah, well ya better keep yer mouth shut about that last part, unless ya want Lucifer to tie ya up!” He bent down to pick up your shoe.
“I’d rather tie up his younger brother.”
Mammon froze again, his face flushed and his heart went wild, you really had no filter did you? This operation had been both a blessing and a curse for him, he needed you to recover fast so he could return the favor.
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otakusheep15 · 3 years
Belphie considering joining Lilith in the afterlife after realizing he has feelings for the absolute menace to devildom that raccoon!mc is. Is this some kind of joke? No. Just no. This is worse than his attempt at killing them. How did they even get a blessed crowbar? Who would even do that?
It's Luke. Luke did that and he's not sorry.
Lucifer knows this somehow Father's fault. He knows raccoon!mc is up to something but he just can't prove it. He can't even find them 90% of the time. How are they so good at hiding?
Barbatos would have ended this timeline already but he was specifically order by both Solomon and Diavolo to leave it alone. He thought that rats were bad - he's found mc randomly raiding the castle's fridge at 3am in morning and has no idea how they even broke in.
Did they panic when caught? No - prolonged aggressive eye contact while eating what they found. This human is broken.
The students of RAD have an ongoing betting pool on who's gonna break first out of the brothers. Lucifer and Belphie are tied for most likely to break down crying either out of rage or frustration.
Levi learned a long time ago if raccoon!mc is sleeping in his tub (how'd they break in?!) it's a lost cause. Just leave them there. On the flipside he can happily rant about games and anime to them and they never complain. Granted sometimes he swears that their brain goes into idle mode but they listen.
Satan lives for raccoon!mc chaos as long as it doesn't target him. He's stalking documenting mc's habits to prepare a guide for how to take care of your raccoon. He does swear that some of his books are missing but he can't prove it. Also sometimes new books show up that he never owned and he knows it's mc doing it but again no proof.
Beel has no idea how he's ended up as primary caretaker of raccoon!mc when that's supposed to be Mammon's job. He does appreciate them returning his brother to him. Just why did they give the reason of "wanting to watch the world burn" - what does that even mean? Has he had to pry MC off of the roof of the house before? Yes. Multiple times.
He's had to reassure his twin several times that it's perfectly normal if MC disappears for a few hours. Yes he's still worried but this is a twice weekly event. They'll show up eventually. Last time Mephistopheles ran an article about Devildom's local cryptid not realizing it was MC. Or he did and doesn't care because Lucifer looks like he wants to die and that makes them his favorite human in his book.
Belphie having an absolute panic attack over having a crush on raccoon!mc. Maybe being stuck in the attic wasn't so bad after all. But now even that isn't safe since raccoon!mc has taken that over too.
Luke giving raccoon!mc a crowbar just to be petty. If he can't do much damage to the demons, raccoon!mc with an enchanted crowbar will.
Raccoon!mc probably doesn't even have the brain cells capable of being up to something, but Luci swears by it anyways. It's the only way he can rationalize what's happening.
Barbs getting jumpscared at least once a week cause even he can't predict when mc will show up and raid his kitchen. But he can't do anything cause Solo and Dia are agents of chaos.
Lucifer has tried to shut down the betting pool, but it always pops back up somehow. Mammon is probably involved in some way. Half of the student body has contributed by now.
Raccoon!mc sleeping in Levi's bathtub and Levi just panicking for several minutes because they look so peaceful for once. How? Do they do that? And he swears they disassociate when he rants to them, but they always seem to remember what he says? Weird, but he'll take what he can get.
Mc just kind of leaving Satan alone cause they can sense he is a fellow agent of chaos. The most they'll do is steal a few books and then forget to return them after. But they apologize by giving him new ones he probably stole from Luci.
Beel finding mc clinging to the roof for dear life cause they got stuck doing Father knows what. He saves them and gets them back on the ground, and they just run off like nothing happened. Beel is concerned, but he's decided to just not say anything anymore.
Mephisto also being lowkey in love with mc purely just because of the stress they cause Luci on the daily. He runs so many stories about them just because he knows it pisses Luci off and gives Dia a laugh. But he's also afraid to meet mc in person for fear of his life.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
other than Godzilla, Mothra, and the creatures from Lovecraft, are there any iconic monsters and beasties from the pulps?
I do want to give a more thorough answer someday since monsters are much more of an area of interest of mine than pulps are, but for the time being, I'll name 10.
1: The Thing
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A monster so iconic that most are not aware it was actually originated in a pulp story, titled "Who Goes There?", first published in Astounding Science Fiction before becoming a novel, then a movie, and then the John Carpenter remake. The Thing's popularity really speaks for itself. I could probably include other John Carpenter monsters here since I've talked before on how much of pulps came through in his films, but I'll leave it to just The Thing as it.
2: Bug-Eyed Monsters
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Not so much a specific monster as a general category of pulp sci-fi monsters, usually predatory in nature, grotesquely oversized and described as bug-eyed, which were prevalent enough not just to become a stock archetype that's seen very popular usage outside of pulps, like Invader Zim, but to even be the name of horror anthology magazines
3: The Giant Woman
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The almost literal poster girl for 50s pulp sci-fi/horror and all the hokeyness and parody that's usually afforded them nowadays, it's hard to think of the giant woman trope played straight for horror instead of a parody of the idea, or just as a fetish thing, and it's hard to think of them as much of a monster in the first place. Still, it's undeniably iconic, and it's a category of monster in it's own right, if only because of the sheer popularity of the poster for Attack of the 50 Foot Woman.
4: Brain in a Jar
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Another type of monster generally associated with 50s sci-fi, the Brain in a Jar actually did come to life primarily on pulp magazines, enough times for it to practically constitute a character type in it's own right, showing up in stories written by Olaf Stapledon, Lovecraft, Gustave le Rouge and Otto Binder, and the rogues galleries of characters like Captain Future and Tom Shark, even being the protagonists of a couple of stories, usually as villains or tragic victims wanting to die.
5: Dinosaurs
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Yup, dinosaurs as monsters is something that took off in the pulps, not surprisingly. While dinosaurs had been discovered as early as 1812-1820, it wasn't until the very late 1890s and the early 1910s that dinosaurs began taking off as great monsters of fiction, in works like Beyond the Great South Wall in 1901 which marks the first explicitly villainous dinosaur, Panic in Paris in 1910 which seems to be first on the works of fiction to feature scenes of dinosaurs rampaging through streets, and A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder from 1888 which is a "lost world" story that predates Doyle's by over two decades, and might have been considered the progenitor of the fantasy novel had it not debuted a year after H.Rider Haggard's She and King Solomon's Mines.
6: The Phantom of the Opera
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I'm gonna avoid including human villains, but The Phantom's essentially become a sub-category of monster in it's own right, and he's definitely iconic enough to merit inclusion. My reasoning for him being grouped alongside pulp characters is because the original story by Gaston Leroux was actually published in serialized format as a feuilleton in newspaper Le Galouis, and as I've established before, feuilletons were France's pulp fiction, one of the very earliest examples of pulp even before the Americans got on it. It's hardly that surprising that Erik would be grouped among the villains and monsters of pulp fiction, considering the similarities between him and a certain shadowy avenger with a similar flair for theatrics.
7: Killer Robots/Cyborgs
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Kind of self-explanatory, as they were practically the bread and butter of most sci-fi pulps pending towards horror. Although mentions of automata date from before the pulps, it was in their time that this rose to such pop culture prominence. The Nick Carter novels had what is considered the first cyborg in fiction. The term "robot" was coined by Karel Čapek, who became a pulp magazine writer. Robots and aliens were among the premier monsters of most pulp sci-fi stories, even if not necessarily their main villains usually. And speaking of aliens,
8: UFOs
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While they predate pulps, the general idea of aliens as stock pop culture monsters first took life in pulp magazines. Murray Leinster’s First Contact, while it's aliens are not evil, coined the term "first contact" and provided a template for every story based around the idea ever since. The Martian Chronicles by Rad Bradbury is often credited by sci-fi historians as a pivotal event in the genre’s growing respectability and mainstream success. More famously, you had writers like Robert Heinlein, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Olaf Stapledon and Francis Flagg all striking several different speculations regarding aliens, a variety that ultimately ensured the alien's popularity as a new monster archetype.
9: The Headless Mule
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Included here because I make it a point to reference one figure from Brazil's history, as cordel literature is our local equivalent to pulp, and the Headless Mule is one of the most famous monsters of our folklore and one of the most prominent stories across cordel. As cordel tends to revolve around folk poems, songs, tales and novels, monsters from Brazilian folklore tend to show up in those, and I intend on writing more extensively about them soon. The Headless Mule is one of the most popular and I'll paste a short description of her below:
The headless mule is, in fact, a woman, cursed after having sexual relations with a priest (regardless of whether or not she consents), who suffers a similar fate to the werewolf. On nights from Thursday to Friday, she turns into a dark-haired mule, with either a head shrouded in flames, or a perpetual flame for a skull.
She goes out riding quickly through villages, seven, to be exact, causing damage wherever she goes by either running over people and trampling and tearing them with sharp hooves, or burning any who approaches it's fire.
There is one way to free the woman from the curse: It carries a glowing iron curb in its mouth. If someone is brave enough to pull it out, the mule will transform back into a woman, never to change again.
10: King Kong
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Proof of how irrevelant it is whether or not a pulp character was ever part of a pulp magazine. While Kong didn't start out in pulp magazines, nor was he published in one like Godzilla as far as I can recall, it's pretty indisputable that Kong and Skull Island have been extremely influential in much of pop culture's perception of pulp jungle adventures and giant monsters, influencing the creation of Godzilla and Mothra and the kaiju genre. Kong and Skull Island have had so, so many crossovers with pulp heroes that I'd be incredibly remiss not to include him, and so he's here as my final inclusion.
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chibinekochan · 4 years
You are attacked by a demon and die *or not*
I might add the other requested people later since this already took me too long to finish. 
*Lucifer`s part can be found here*
 Requested by @nyx-daughterofchaos98
Angst, Pain and Triggers: Violence,Mention of Death and Blood/Injuries.. 
Happy endings????Maybe, just a warning that there might be no saving the Mc/reader*
You look so great, he has to show you off to everyone.
Asmo invites you to a hot club, you two dance, have a drink and just have fun.
He lets you have the spotlight for a bit, while getting some attention from an admirer.
When he looks back at you, you are in the middle of having a demon touch your neck.
Asmo thinks this is going far enough and is starting to go to you.
Then suddenly the Demon has an icy glare and snap a loud sound.
Asmo goes pale, with horror he sees that the demon has just snapped your neck.
Amos's heart stops.
He turns into his demon form, killing the demon with a few swift moves.
It is a terrifying sight.
Every other person leaves the club.
Leaving you and Asmo behind.
He sinks to the floor next to you.
Asmodeus checks your pulse, nothing. He checks your breathing, your heartbeat. Nothing at all. You are dead.
Asmo feels tears on his cheek but his heart is frozen. 
He thinks about what options he even has. 
Asmodeus isn't as powerful as Lucifer, but he has connections. 
Mostly people that adore him and want a good time. 
Would any of them be able to resurrect you? 
He is desperate enough to try. 
Asmo calls and texts demons, wizards and everyone else that might be powerful enough to do something like this. 
He gets rejected by most people. 
Asmo grows more and more frustrated, knowing that your soul has already left your body. 
He tried to sell his body multiple times. 
It's no use. Nobody is able or willing to help him. 
Even Solomon rejects him. 
Asmo has never felt this desperate in his entire life. 
You are probably being judged right now, and knowing the system your soul will be sent to heaven. 
Asmo clutches your dead body. 
There isn't anything that he can do. 
He was kicked out of heaven a long time ago, until this day he never once looked back at it. 
Now he feels remorse. 
He is frustrated and he feels so lonely. Everyone has abandoned him. 
He never thought that even you would leave him. 
Asmodeus closes his heart off from anyone. 
He gets cold, the Avatar of Lust is nowhere to be seen. 
Asmo grows distant and cynical. 
He tries to get some information about your soul, and if you might become an angel at least. 
The angels refuse to give him even this little bit of hope. 
This is the final straw for him. 
Asmo leaves the Devildom, waiving his title as Avatar of lust. 
There is no lust left in him
You are in the middle of your sports class. 
You are outside running laps. 
Beelzebub is already done and cheering you on, from the side lines. 
Then suddenly something bright hits you and sends you basically flying. 
Beel does not care much about who shoot you. 
He rushes right away over to you. 
He is in a big panic and then he arrives. 
You are severely injured. 
It's plain as day that you will not survive this. 
Beelzebub is not willing to accept this. 
He screams and tries everything to save you. 
It's too late. You are dead. 
Beelzebub is destroyed. 
He holds your lifeless body and tears run across his face. 
Beelzebub screams when they take you away. 
He hasn't talked to anyone for a few days. 
Beel is not eating or sleeping or anything. 
He is just sitting in front of your room in disbelief. 
Beel blames himself for this.
When Lucifer comes to pack your things Beel is begging him to leave everything as it is. 
He just can't accept it. 
Your family wants your belongings but Beelzebub just can't let it go. 
In the end he is allowed to keep a few of your belongings. 
Beelzebub keeps them all hidden in a box, much like his own heart. 
Beel is never the same again, and he will never let anyone else use your room. 
He still has nightmares to this very day. 
You are at school. 
It is a very ordinary day, with some rather boring studies. 
Satan tutors you and has a bit of mercy with your tired face and gets you both a demon latte. 
He is almost back when he hears a huge commotion. 
Satan finds a demon shouting at you. 
He instantly turns into his demon form.
He yells at the demon, hurrying towards you. 
That is when the demon starts to attack you. 
Satan manages to stand in the way, and takes the most of the damage. 
Sadly he didn't notice that the demon had a tail. 
That has hit you. 
You scream from the pain. 
Satan finishes the demon off with one more blow. 
He doesn't care about his own injuries. 
Satan runs to you. 
You are on the floor, holding your side. 
The floor is covered in blood. 
Satan uses some magic on your wound, to seal it off. 
It's not that effective on humans it seems. 
Satan regrets that he didn't learn any magic to heal you. 
How could this happen to him? 
Satan has no choice but to carry you to the nurse's office. 
He is careful but Satan still runs at full speed. 
You are losing blood and slowly getting weaker and weaker. 
You are barely alive when Satan kicks the door to the nurse open. 
The nurse also has no idea how to treat humans. 
Satan is running out of time. He doesn't want to lose you. 
Out of desperation he uses a forbidden spell. 
This saves your life, with the price of Satan's life force. It links both of your lives together. 
You wake up a while later. 
Satan has been punished, thanks to Lucifer he only got suspended from school and removed from student council. 
He doesn't even care about that. 
At least you are safe, whatever that means for his own life doesn't matter to him. 
Satan is deeply traumatized by this whole experience. 
He regrets that he left you alone. 
Satan is hardly leaving your side after this day.
You are very good friends, play games, watch whatever anime is on right now. 
You got him to open up more and cosplay together with you. 
He made the outfits himself. 
You are very proud of him and many pictures were taken. 
You go to a big convention and even enter a cosplay competition. 
It's a lot of fun. 
Then suddenly someone gets too offended by you being there and being a human. 
You try your best to calm the demon down. 
It seems to work and they leave. 
Then suddenly the demon attacks both you and Leviathan with a lightning strike. 
It's not doing too much damage to Levi. 
You, on the other hand, are human. 
The attack strikes you down to the ground. 
Leviathan goes pale. 
He is not saying a single word and just stands there frozen. 
Levi does not remember much after that point, he was later told that he ran over to you and then destroyed the entire convention hall in a storm of rage. 
Someone had to call Lucifer and calm him down. 
By the time Levi returned to his senses you were dead. 
He was told that the attack killed you right away but Leviathan does not believe that one bit. 
To him it's his fault. 
He should have protected you, saved you, kept you out of danger. 
Levi should have stayed in his room with you, there you would be safe and sound. 
Leviathan will not leave his room after this. 
Everything he has loved so far now seems pointless and empty. 
There seems to be nothing good left in this world for him. 
He knows that you wouldn't want him to die, but he can't live like this either. 
You were his whole world. 
The best friend he ever had. 
Leviathan finds the only solution he can think of. 
A VR game of the cursed kind, one where he can summon the soul of a dead person into and then shut himself in it. 
He could beat the game to escape, but he doesn't want that. 
Here inside this game he has everything he wants. 
That is you. 
You don't even know that this is a game. 
With some rather convincing lies he makes you believe that you are in the devildom and that accident was no big deal. 
His brothers try everything to get Levi out of the game but it's no use. 
They not only lost you but also him.
Check my Obey me! Masterlist for more content
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simpmeon · 4 years
Red: Rebirth
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Pairing: Any Demon Brother x Gender Neutral MC, Diavolo x Gender Neutral MC Genre: Angst Word Count: 1.7k Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None 
The Fall // Rebirth // Betrayal // Companions // Revenge 
He felt so real to the touch you almost believed him, but your dreams have played tricks on your psyche before. His eyes full of fear and sadness as he held your body closer to him, never putting too much pressure. You scoffed at his actions because you knew that if you were really in front of Diavolo he would break you with his soul crushing hugs.
"....Y/N do you....do you not know?" He whispered into your chest. You felt the pattering of tears on your chest and you angled your neck down to see that Diavolo was crying. "Do you not know that you're dead? That you're a demon?"
Air hit your lungs with such a sharp sensation that you sat up with a speed too fast to be considered anything human like. Your eyes were throbbing, and so were your head and your back, those feelings only grew worse whenever you sat up with such ferocity. You barely had time to even take a look at your surroundings before you flopped back down on the bed that was beneath you, eyes squeezed shut in pain. Wait....bed?
Even though it felt as if red hot pokers were being seared into your eyes, you opened them anyway to take a look at your surroundings. You were in an extravagant bed with red silk sheets and enough room for four of you to lay comfortably. Your arms felt broken, but you tried to move them across the smooth fabric anyway to no avail. You groaned and each breath felt more painful than the last, but soon became more bearable. You could barely move your neck but from what you could see from the golden trim and black accents that you were somewhere in the Demon Lord’s castle. Your heart skipped a beat at the thought that your dream landed you in the place you longed for the most. You hoped to wake up before the sadness creeped into your dreams and rendered you nothing but the husk you once were....but a new sensation took over.
Comfort. For the first time in years you felt comfortable and content in Lord Diavolo’s castle. Being surrounded by such intricate pieces of furniture and beautifully painted ceilings, you felt a feeling of warmth rush through your body. You smiled at yourself, another genuine smile as you looked up at the huge ceiling about you, counting all the flowers you saw on them when Barbatos and Diavolo walked into the room, relief on their faces as they saw that you were awake and well.
Diavolo practically landed on top of you, laughing his booming laugh as he wrapped his arms around you in a hug. Even Barbatos could not resist taking the other side and wrapping his arms around you in a hug. They felt so real beneath your finger tips, so comforting. You could smell the scent of freshly brewed tea on Barbatos, and could feel the heat off of Diavolo’s bare arms. You wish you never could wake up from this.
“Pinch me I must be dreaming.” You whispered out loud and Diavolo looked up at you with confusion.
“Y/N this is not a dream.” He stated, pushing your hair out of your face comfortingly to get a better look at you. “You're in Devildom.”
“Don't get my hopes up. I am not in Devildom. I am in the human world and I am going to wake up to an empty hole in my chest, probably on my bathroom floor in a puddle of my own vomit and piss and carry on with my miserable life.” You said with a dry chuckle and wrapped your fingers around the Demon Lords and held them. He felt so real to the touch you almost believed him, but your dreams have played tricks on your psyche before. His eyes full of fear and sadness as he held your body closer to him, never putting too much pressure. You scoffed at his actions because you knew that if you were really in front of Diavolo he would break you with his soul crushing hugs.
"....Y/N do you....do you not know?" He whispered into your chest. You felt the pattering of tears on your chest and you angled your neck down to see that Diavolo was crying. "Do you not know that you're dead? That you're a demon?"
"Dia please. I’m not dead. I can't be dead this is like a normal night for me. Drink too much, smoke too much, take too many medications and bada bing bada boom i end up passed out on my kitchen or bathroom floor, damn near drowning in my own bodily fluids, and reaching across the counter for some pain medications for my hangover..." You rambled, your voice growing weaker and weaker with each word. Looking down at the ring that laid on your chest you continued, "I reach out to him....he does not reply for days....I go to work...I try to do my best in my classes...and the cycle repeats itself."
If Diavolo's head was not buried into your chest you could have sworn you heard obscenities mumbled followed by a strangled sob. You hummed to Diavolo and tried to roll on your side, but he stopped you before you could.
"You need to be gentle with your body right now....especially the wings and horns." He advised, his grip on you tightening slightly. You let out a light chuckle and went to angle your head behind you, expecting nothing out of the ordinary behind you besides some pillows...but what you were met with was something far greater than that.
Four beautiful wings protruded from your back, almost three times the size of your own personal wingspan, covered in red feathers with black tips. You gasped as you saw the buildup of scabs and scarring at the base of the wings and you quickly realized that the pain stemming from your back were caused by the wings sprouting out of your back. Looking down at your arms you could see that they were covered in red and black markings that curled around your forearm and down your hands. Your breathing picked up as you went to gingerly move your hand across your new wings and felt a shiver run through your spine with how sensitive yet strong they were. Slowly you guided your hand up to your throbbing head but were stopped short by the feeling of something hard and coiled beneath your fingertips. You ran your fingertips over them and you swore your heart stopped as you realized what they were. Horns. You had horns?
"D-Diavolo?" You whispered, trying to keep your breathing level even though you felt like you were going to spiral into a panic attack. Sending this Diavolo wrapped his arms around you tighter and looked up at you with watery eyes.
"Yes my dear?" He asked, even though he knew what you were going to ask.
"Am I really....a demon?" You asked, still trying to soothe your quickened heartbeat. Diavolo sighed and took your hand in his, gently rubbing the back part of your hand soothingly, trying to calm you down.
"Yes my dear, and a rather powerful one at that. Barbatos and I had quite the time trying to contain you after you fell into Devildom. Your true form was definitely a challenge to try to tame that is for sure." He explained, chuckling before continuing. "You did not go down without a fight, I will say that. I barely managed to contain you and you ended up breaking my wing and several of my bones in the process....no demon has ever been able to do such a number on me before, especially not one who was previously a human."
Your eyes widened at his words. You hurt him? Broke his wing? He looked at you and he could tell you were feeling guilty about the entire situation. He smiled reassuringly and moved himself off of you before grabbing your hand gently.
"Y/N you're an amazingly powerful demon. Even in your newborn state you had such control over your body and were quick and strong. I did not even bother trying to call the brothers because I knew they would not be able to handle you at such a stage, something I have not done since those same brothers fell from the heavens." He squeezed your hand gently, bring it up to his cheek and leaning into the touch. "A broken wing is hardly something to fuss over and can easily be mended when you have a certain sorcerer on speed dial."
Your heart jumped at the thought of Solomon. Despite him and you mainly living in the same realm, you still have not seen or spoken to him in so long. You would hardly call him a best friend, but you did miss him greatly. You gently took your hand from Diavolo's cheek and folded them neatly in your lap , looking down at your arms.
"I'm sorry I didn't keep in touch more." You whispered. Diavolo leaned over and dragged your body onto his lap, wrapping his arms around you protectively.
"We should have made more of an effort my dear. Especially if what you told me before was true." He spoke back, brushing stray hairs out of your face and placing a kiss on your forehead. "But for now you need to rest up more and then we can get to training you about your powers and how to keep them in control. Did you know that you could breathe fire?"
You laughed at how excited he was about that. Diavolo always knew how to cheer you up and make you smile. Had you not fallen for one of the brothers, you had no doubt you would have fallen in love with him instead.
You two stayed together like that for a while, the pain in your head and back slowly subsiding thanks to the rapid healing rate of demons, and you filled Diavolo in on everything that happened up in the human world after you left. He mentally cursed himself at the thought of not checking in on you more and he vowed to make sure to protect you for as long as you were in his kingdom, the overprotective big brother streak showing. There was laughter and terrible dad jokes being passed between you two and Barbatos, each one getting worse than the last. You ate enough servings of Barbatos's cooking to put  Beelzebub to shame, Diavolo and Barbatos both happy to see the growing demon in front of them happy and smiling again as if they never left.
The duo stayed in the bedroom like that until drowsiness overcame you and you felt yourself slipping into unconsciousness. Diavolo smiled, gently laying you back down on the bed, kissing your forehead goodnight as Barbatos tucked you in gently.
"Sleep tight Y/N....we have a long way of training to go."
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satananon · 4 years
I figured that since @ibelongtowrath is always sharing so much, that I would try my hand at appeasing you all.  So I hope that you all enjoy.  
    Satan flipped the pages of his book and let out a resounding sigh.  He looked over to the bed beside him where Rebecca sat, engrossed in a makeup tutorial on her DDD.  He couldn’t help but smile as he appreciated the look of concentration on her face. 
    Reluctantly, he pulled his attention from her face and shut his book, reaching over to lay it on his bedside table.  He sat up, turning to face her and cleared his throat.  
     “Kitten, I was wondering if you would let me steal you attentions for a bit?” 
    Rebecca looked up from her phone and smiled, “Oh, Daddy you know that you can steal my attention whenever you want.”  She sat her DDD aside and looked at him expectantly.  “What’s up?”  
  “I was hoping I could tell you about this dream I had last night.  I keep replaying it in my mind and I thought that you might find it amusing,” he responded, waving a hand loftily.    “Ooohh was it a sexy dream?” she inquired, her voice bearing just a hint of a sultry tone.  
   “ No, you insatiable thing,” he leaned over and kissed her nose, “it was not a sexy dream.  Now if you are prepared to listen, I will regale you with my tale.”  
    Rebecca nodded and settled into a cross-legged position, elbows propped on her knees, and her chin resting on her hands. “Okay, I’m ready, lemme have it.”
Shaking his head in amusement, he closed his eyes, thinking back to the dream…..
“So there I was, at my desk, working through a stack of manuscripts that Solomon had provided me, my genius mind deciphering the mysteries at an amazing pace…” 
Becca snorted from her position across the bed and Satan opened his eyes shooting her a warning look. 
   “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Keep going, please.”
“Anyways….  So I was burning through the manuscripts with amazing speed, one right after the other; but with the excitement of my success, I had forgotten to be cautious.  Old manuscripts can be a bit tricky; you never know when a disgruntled sorcerer might decide to leave a curse for the next reader.  So, I reach forward grabbing the next in the stack where there is a blinding light that flashed before my eyes and pain ripped through my body.  
    When the light cleared I found myself staring up at my desk.  My first thought was that I had strumbled upon some kind of shrinking curse, that is until I saw something out of the corner of my eye.  
    What I had seen had been a large brown and black striped tail.  It was in that minute, I realized that I had been turned into a cat.”
   Rebecca let out a surprised gasp of surprise, quickly covering her mouth to stifle the laughter that quickly followed.  “So you mean to tell me that you got turned into a cat?’, she inquired her voice ripe with glee.  “You were actually literally, Cat Daddy.”  She began to roar with laughter then, her body folding in half as she buried her face in the bed.  “Oh this just keeps getting better and better.  Sorry, continue please.  I am dying to see where this goes.” 
    “So there I was, turned into a cat by a cursed manuscript.  Obviously my first reaction was to panic.  I ran as fast as I could toward the mirror, but being unaccustomed to having paws, I found that I was tripping head over tiny little cat paws, landing my flat on my face.  Once I reached the mirror, I took in my appearance.  It was obvious by the silky chocolate fur and adorable white socked feet that I could be nothing other than a purebred Birman.  
    As I admired the sheen of my coat, I felt my nerves begin to calm.  The chances of the curse being permanent were slim and I decided that it would be a missed opportunity to not take full advantage of the situation at hand.
   It was about that moment that I heard a key in the lock and the door begin to open.  I darted across the room, positioning myself to run out the door, when I noticed that it was you entering the room.”
   “Awww I was in your cat dream?”, Rebecca gushed, as she playful pushed at his shoulder.
   “Yes, Kitten, you were in my cat dream,” he answered unable to keep the smile from his face.  
  “As you pushed your way into the room, I heard you calling out to me.  I let out a loud meow in response and you looked down at me with love obviously shining in your eyes....”
   “Yes, obviously, Kitten. What kind of monster doesn’t look at a cat with love.”
“.... love obviously shining in your eyes as saw me sitting before you. You reached down and scratched my ears; it was quite pleasant actually, it made me purr which seemed to please you.  I could have stayed there all day, enjoying having you dote upon me, but being unsure how long I had before the curse was up, I knew I had to make quick work. 
    I moved quickly, slipping between your legs and darting out the door and down the hall.”  
“Oh I see how it is.  There was I was showering you with love and you just abandon me, Rebecca pouted, warranting an eye roll from Satan.
    “As I moved down the hallway, my literal cat-like stealth helping me evade the eyes of anyone who passed; I found myself standing in front of Mammon’s door.  It was cracked just enough for me to slide through.  I looked around the room, for research purposes obviously, and that is when I saw something that made my feline blood boil.
    Sitting on his couch, exposed to the harsh dry air of a room that has not been perfectly curated to a temperature to prevent decomposition, was my prized signed copy of The Codex Leicester, Leonardo da Vinci.  Naturally, I was livid.  There was no way that I would have lent him a book of such historical value.  He would have had to take it from my room himself; most likely after looking up it’s worth online.”  
“How much is that book worth?”, Rebecca interjected. 
“In terms of human currency…”, Satan counted on his fingers as he wordlessly mouthed his calculations, “I believe with the current exchange rates, it would be worth somewhere along the lines of $30.8 million USD.”
“You have a book work 30 million dollars?!”, she gasped, eyes wide.
“Yes, Kitten, but that is not the point right now, I am trying to tell you about my cat adventures...”
“How is a book worth 30 mil…..” 
“The book as sitting there, on his couch, unprotected, probably deteriorating by the second and I was absolutely livid.  I knew that in cat form there was no way that I could get it back to my room without causing additional damage.  I knew that I would have to retrieve the book from him later but I could not just walk away without teaching him a lesson.      Luckily for me, one of his designer leather jackets was draped across the chair in the corner of the room.  I jumped nimbly into the chair, grasping the leather in my mouth, I yanked the jacket from the back of the chair, teeth leaving blatant puncture marks.  I position it into a nest, making sure to bite it in several places; he wouldn’t want to leave the marks uneven.  Then I threw myself down into the nest rubbing myself against it.    If I am being honest, I got a bit lost in the sensation.  It was very comfortable.  I was just laying there, purring and shedding all over the jacket when I heard the door push the rest of the way open.
    ‘Oy!  What the hell you think you are doing, you stupid cat!  Get off my jacket,’ he yelled at me from behind his stupid yellow sunglasses.
 A shoe whizzed through the air, missing me by inches.  That scummy brother of mine was attempting to hit a poor defenseless little cat!  I was angry again, unable to believe that even he would stoop that low.  My hackles rose and I began to hiss at him.
   ‘Don’t think ya are gonna scare me off like that!  Get out of my room!  Satan probably snuck ya in didn’t he?  He should have kept you locked up; I am gonna feed ya to Beel for messin’ up my favorite jacket,’ he was growling at this point, like even a cat would be scared of him, I mean really.
   He rushed towards me, another shoe in hand, and raised it up, preparing to smack me with it.   I hissed again and darted around him, jacket in my mouth, and headed for the door.  
  ‘Get back here ya bag of fur!  Gimme back my jacket!’
I made my way into the hall, jacket still snug between my teeth, and surveyed my options.  Mammon was close on my tail and I needed an escape plan.  It was then that Levi turned the corner and I knew what I had to do. 
    Taking off as fast as I could, I charged Levi, releasing my claws and scaling him in seconds flat. 
   Then Levi cried out, “Woooooaah, what is happening, I can’t see anything, why is there so much fur.”  The jacket had fallen over his eyes as I took my attack position on his head; hissing and clawing at Mammon as he pushed closer.    “Just hold ya self still, Levi, I am gonna take care of this furry little pest.”  He said this to Levi as he raised his shoe again to hit me. Being the intellectually superior being that I am, I saw the move coming and just as he went to hit me, I left into the air straight over his head.  As I landed gracefully on the floor, I turned to watch as Mammon hit Levi on the head with the shoe, just as the jacket I had been holding fell to the ground.   As I watched Levi’s demon form appear, I decided that this was a good moment to make my escape and leave them to their own business.  
    “Poor Levi, what did he do to deserve to be left like that, Daddy?” Becca pouted, obviously invested in the story at this point.
“It’s called collateral damage, Kitten.  Levi is a strong demon, don’t let his Otaku ways fool you; he can hold his own.”
“I continued down the hall, smug from my victory over Mammon, when I entered the common room to find Belphegor sleeping on the couch.  He and I had not had much interaction since our tiff over you and I was still feeling a bit sore over the whole situation.    I walked over to the couch and sat on the floor, looking up at him.  He was fast asleep and did not even notice that I was there.  This was the puurfect opportunity to take my revenge.”
“Stop laughing at me Rebecca, that was funny and you know it.” 
“I sat up tall, drew a deep breath into my cat lungs and let out the loudest most mourn cat yowl I possibly could.  Much to my dismay, Belpheghor did not even budge.  So I pushed my face right up against his and yowled again.    “What the actual fuck?” Belphie sat up, looking startled to find a cat staring up at him.  I just flashed him the smuggest look I could with a cat face and meowed loudly again.  He glared at me before rolling over and throwing his pillow over his head.    Not being one to be ignored, I jumped up on the pillow, making sure to push it uncomfortably into his face before I jumped up on the back of the couch and looked down at him.  He threw the pillow to the side and glared up at me, his eyes filled with irritation.  
    ‘What is your problem cat?! Better yet why the hell are you here?’ he snapped at me.  I meowed at him in return, my tail swinging behind me.  That is when he decided to try and push me off the couch.  Though I could have easily landed on my feet, I decided to strike quickly and bite him.  
   He yelled out in pain, ‘Ow, you little shit, what the actual fuck was that for?!’
   He pulled back to hit me and I made a break for it.  I was getting pretty good at the escaping thing.  I made sure to let out another loud meow as I ran, letting him know that I considered this victory was mine.  
    “You bit him!?”
     “He harassed my mate,” Satan retorted defensively.
      “I think maybe biting him was a little dramatic, Daddy,” Rebecca countered.  
“I am not dramatic.”
“I was back in the hallway, running for my life, the murder cow somewhere behind me. I looked around, trying to find my bearings, when I realized exactly where I was.  I was in the hallway leading to Lucifer’s room.  Fate was indeed smiling down on me in that moment.  I had found my way to the very place I wanted to be.
   As I reached Lucifer’s door, I found it was closed and I could not open it with my adorable little cat paws.  I had to find a way to get him to open the door before one of the three brothers I had encountered so far found me and sealed my fate.  
   I noticed then a vase, position on a pedestal across the hall from the room.  I crouched down on my haunches, and took a running start and lept, hitting the vase squarely with the weight of my body.  It fell with an astounding crash.  
   I rushed back across the hall, pressing my self against the wall as Lucifer threw his door open.  
“What is going on out here?”, he asked in his stupid peacock squawk.  That is when he noticed the broken vase and got his feathers in a ruffle.  As much as I wanted to stay and watch his irritation, I knew that I had a greater calling.  
   I slipped into Lucifer’s room just as the door fell closed.  What I saw once I entered could only be described as hideous.  I don’t know where Lucifer learned about style, but it was obvious that he had none.  Red and black.  Asmo would have had lost his lunch.    I decided there was only one option.  I had to wreck everything.  I jumped up on Lucifer’s desk and began to shove piles of paperwork onto the floor, delighting as the papers floated through the air.  It was amusing in fact, I lost myself and started chasing one of them.    Next, I had to kill the hideous curtains.  Asmo would have wanted them to die.  I ran and jumped shredding them as my claws ran down the length of them.  I tried to pull them down, as well, but they were secured pretty well, which frustrated me.  So I decided to go into Lucifer’s closets to rub against all of his clothes, covering them in cat hair and relieve myself in his favorite shoes.”
“I did so.”
“And you call me a naughty kitten!”
“So as I exited the closet, the bed seemed like the obvious next choice.  I jumped up on the bed and began to scratch at all of the pillows, extracting features as I went.  Feather pillows, our course the peacock had feather pillows.    It was when I began to shred his bedspread that I started to feel odd.  My limbs aching and head spinning a bit.  I stopped for a moment, resting my head on the bed, willing the spinning to stop.
   The sound of the door opening jarred me from my rest and I found myself looking at a wide eyed Lucifer, staring at the state of his room.  I sat up on the bed, feeling very satisfied and let out a proud meow; but when the sound left my mouth, it wasn’t quite as it had been before.    Lucifer wheeled on me, fury in his eyes, ‘Satan, what the hell are you doing naked in my bed?!  And why the fuck are you covered in feathers!?’
   I knew that in that moment, calm was the best way to mess with Lucifer’s head.  So, I stood from the bed, brushing the feathers from my hair and body, and began to walk towards the door, chin held high.  Lucifer was gaping at me as I approached him, not quite sure what was happening.   As I reached him, I stopped, looked him dead in the eyes and said, “Fuck you, Lucifer.”  Then I made my way out of the room and that is when I woke up.”
   Rebecca sat silently for a moment, absorbing the story that he had just told her.  “So you turned into a cat.”
“Yes, I thought that was clear,” he replied a bit confused.
“And your first response was to torture your brothers?”, she inquired calmly.
“No.  My first thought was to torture Lucifer; the rest just happened organically.”
    That was the point where Rebecca could no longer hold her laughter in.  Tears began to stream down her face as laughter wracked through her body.  
   “That was the funniest thing that I have ever heard!” she gasped as she tried to regain her composure. You were so petty!!  I love it.”  
  “I am glad that you are amused, Kitten, “ he said with a smug smile, “I also enjoyed it.  It had me in a good mood all day.”  
    There was a loud knock then and they both looked towards the door.  
    “Satan!”  Lucifer’s voice bellowed loud enough for his voice to be heard through the thick wood. “Where is the cat, Satan? You know the house rule.  Don’t try to deny it! Something peed in my shoes.”
  Satan and Rebecca turned towards each other, both of their eyes filled with surprise before they both erupted into peals of laughter. 
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Sommonings and Beginnings
Notes: Continuation of my Obey Me OC. Part 1 is here. I did change the cannon slightly because my OC is not MC. The role of MC and the third angel will be taken by two of my friends self inserts. I’ll tag them in later posts.
It was about a month and a half and Allie had yet to summon Satan. He knew she was alive cause he could feel the connection of their pact every time she touched the mark. He knew she knew how to summon him, but he couldn’t understand why she hadn’t done so. He was supposed to be teaching her, but how was he going to do that if she didn’t summon him. Several times he’d feel her anxiety, her curiosity, her sadness. This was the first time a pact had sent so clear emotions even from so far away. He figured he’d at least research why this pact was so different. He knew that all pacts varied in multiple ways, based on the demon's strength, the human’s magical ability, the type of relationship the demon and the human have, and even how compatible the two are. While he was researching he kept up his routine of going anywhere that interests him. In the middle of a concert he’d been invited to when he felt the call of her summons. She wasn’t strong enough to actually force him there, like he thought, so he was able to tell the man who invited him that he had to go and answer her second summons. There was a bit of light, and he was greeted with the same floral wallpaper lined and overfilled room of the young witch he made his pact with. “And here I was starting to wonder if you had forgotten how to summon me.”
The girl looked down again, still refusing to make eye contact with him. “Sorry…. I didn’t… I didn’t know if you were busy, or if I would annoy you…” That would explain the anxiety he would feel from her.
The blond scolded himself a little for not thinking about that sooner, or not solving it in the first place. “Do you have a phone?” The brunette nodded and pulled out her smartphone. He held out his hand and she unlocked and handed him her phone easily. He noted how easily trusting she was by this action. The background was of some anime character on a white lion that Satan didn’t recognize. Finding her contacts was easy enough, he added his number and sent himself a text.
He handed the phone back to the slightly confused human as he took out his own phone. “Demons have cell phones?” Which also begged the question ‘there’s cell phones in Hell?’, but she didn’t ask that one because she still didn’t know if he was even from Hell or someplace else.
The blonde demon never looked up from his cell phone as he put her contact info into his. “It’s kind of like our own version of the human realm smartphone. How do you spell your name?” She spelled out her name and the contact exchange was complete. “There, now you can text or call me when you want to summon me.” The human looked through her small number of contacts and sure enough found Satan listed there. He took her silence as a que to continue. “So, we should probably start with the basics of magic.”
Once the magic lesson was over the young witch handed him a copy of one of her books, as per their agreement, and sent him home. After exchanging numbers Allie started texting him more often to ask if he was free. It went from once a month to once every other week the longer she was in contact with him. Satan started to notice a bit of a pattern when it came to her summons. She would only summon him late at night, never on a weekend, and after she learned he had school himself only on Fridays. He had also noticed she had begun to grow more relaxed around him, even just casually texting him to ask how school was or to tell him about a book she’s reading or even pictures and videos of her cat Kira. He learned about her anxiety and depression and about the things she liked.
The Avatar of Wrath started to feel a strange calming sensation from his conversations with the human. She would listen to him vent about his brothers or other things that pissed him off and it surprised him how she seemed to be able to calm him down. She would agree with him most of the time and then distract him with things she learned he liked until he wasn’t as angry. Even when he was summoned he would sometimes stay after his lesson to read or talk or play with Kira, who had warmed up to him. The human was sweet, more so that Satan was used to. She would buy him things that she thought he would like, go out of her way to find books that were more his preferred type, and was cheerful to see him. Sure there were a few things he had to get over, like her being too nervous to look him in the eyes or her odd questions like “If a lobster asked you to dance, would you?”, but no one was perfect.
Then came the proposal of who to choose for the exchange program Lord Diavolo has in mind. No one was surprised when Solomon’s name came up, the young sorcerer had made quite the name for himself, but the topic of the second exchange student from the human realm was a bit of a surprise. “Now Satan, you have a pact with a human correct?” The Demon Prince’s questio caught him a bit off guard.
“Yes.” He didn’t like where this was headed. He remembered Allie’s panic attack when she first summoned him and how even random loud noises could startle her.
“Then she’ll be our second exchange student.” Even though Diavolo has his usual cheerful tone Satan knew the subject would not be up for debate. The blond made a mental note to talk to Lucifer after the meeting. “Now, when it comes to the third exchange student I will have Lucifer-“
“Wait, third?! I thought we were only haven’ two!” Mammon was the one to interrupt, truthfully most of the brothers were confused at the mention of a third human.
The white haired demon sat down and cowered under the eldest brother's glare. “We had planned on only two, but it would seem that Michael is as good at listening now as he was back then. He’s sending three angels for the exchange program, so to balance things out we now need three humans as well.”
“Thank you Lucifer. As I was saying, I will have Lucifer pick the third exchange student. I’ll have Barbatos drop off the files after the meeting today.” The rest of the meeting was pretty dull with Levi ignoring the whole thing to play on his phone and Beel constantly complaining that he was hungry.
After the meeting Satan was able to catch Lucifer before he left. “Lucifer, there’s something I need to talk to you about. It’s about having my pact holder as one of the exchange students.”
“Lord Diavolo felt it would be a good idea to choose humans that already had pacts with one of us, that way they would not be defenseless during their stay.”
Satan couldn’t exactly argue on that part, it wasn’t a bad idea, but he at least needed to make sure some precautions were made. “I understand that, but I would like to request a few things be taken into consideration.”
Before Lucifer could speak up someone else chimed in. “Is there an issue?”
Lord Diavolo had walked over to see what the two demons were discussing. “Nothing major, Lord Diavolo, It seems Satan has a few concerns about his pact holder being an exchange student.
The Avatar of Wrath smiled, trying to keep his anger from boiling over. He didn’t care for Lucifer as it was, he especially didn’t care for when he would treat the other demon like he was a child or something akin to one. “With all do respect, my pact holder, Allie, isn’t entirely mentally stable. Her depression and anxiety can cripple her under pressure and stress, she had a full panic attack when she first summoned me.”
The two more powerful demons exchanged a glance, they understood why that would be an issue. In order for the exchange program to go off without a hitch the humans and angels staying in the Devildom would have to be taken care of, and one of them having a panic attack would not look good. Diavolo was the first to speak up. “Lucifer and I will talk about how we can make her stay as least stressful as possible, you focus on letting her know what’s to come and inform us on things that would help with her predicament.”
There wasn’t much else Satan could do. As he left he took out his D.D.D and sent a text to Allie.
Satan: Hey, are you free tonight?
Allie: Uhhhh, it’s Wednesday so ya. What’s up?
Satan: I need you to summon me tonight, there is something I need to discuss with you.
Allie: Am I in trouble?
Satan: No, not exactly.
Allie: Okay, I’ll text you before I summon you.
Now all he could do was wait.
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fatebeastbirthorder · 5 years
I was also reminded of a very old idea I had for a variation of the 5th War
Rin summons Saber-Class Muramasa
Shirou summons Ruler Class Goddess Rhongomyniad, with Rhongomyniad, Excalibur and her horse
Bazett just summons Cu as a Lancer
Sakura summons Prototype Merlin as a “Grand”-Caster
Illya summons Alter Ego Tiamat
Merem Solomon summons Arcueid as a Funny Vamp Class
And Rani VIII summons EMYIAssassin
And the results are... Horrifying to say the least if you think about them, and even more so with all the ridiculous things I had planned and never finished 
Muramasa is actually one of the more normal ones in the war in terms of plans as he was pretty much just planned to be the straight man to everyone else’s antics
Tiamat adopts Illya and changes her to be more like her own children, which does little to her actual morality but lets her actually live like a child-teen and grow and all that fluffy stuff 
Merlin keeps growing flowers in Zouken’s Basement, which somehow makes it more disturbing even if they can’t figure out why exactly
Shinji becomes a eunuch and it’s not by choice as Merlin takes away his dick privileges 
Rin spends most of the War in quiet panic over Muramasa’s appearance given that a) he’s shirtless pretty much all of the time as his standard servant outfit and b) he looks like Shirou. So she spends a lot of time dressing him up between scenes with baseball caps, the casual outfit Saber usually wore, at one point puts her skirt on him just to see what he would look like crossdressing, probably a full suit of armor at some point, etc.
Rhongomyniad is straight out of the end of the Camelot singularity with the added bonus of remembering the Fate Route, and by extension Fate/Zero, so she offers to try and make it up to Illya, semi-projecting Mordred on her and trying to actually be a parent for once now that her emotions are semi-returing due to Excalibur and the local presence of a Merlin
But with Tiamat there, there are complications and she can’t be a ‘mother’ in comparison. Even if Shirou is the Mother that cooks and cleans and Tiamat is just the doting mother
Rhongomyniad makes a compromise and decides to be the father to Shirou and Illya. Tiamat would complain, but Shirou is Illya’s brother and the brother of her daughter is her son and she couldn’t actually care less about what  Rhongomyniad considers herself to be toward the two of them as long as she doesn’t get in her way
Bazett still gets betrayed, but then fixed by Tiamat’s Sea of Life, at which point she hunts down Kirei, kicks his ass, steals back Lancer, then they become minibosses together as a pair who actually wants to win the war or actually fight. Added on to by the corruption of Tiamat’s Sea of Life that pretty much empowers them both immensely and makes them conceptually against Humanity
Bazett’s new arm is a Lahmu that keeps talking to her, much to her horror in spite of her state
Merlin shows up with Sakura eventually and the whole home situation just gets more confusing. Even more when Rin finally gives up and decides to join the currently growing faction, leaving four servants together on one side
Tiamat takes the Angra Mainyu arm that kept Bazett alive as per Hollow Ataraxia canon and shows up in the Emiya Residence with the Shirou looking Angra Mainyu. Everyone notices but no one is brave enough to ask
Sakura slowly goes Dark due to the close presence of Angra Mainyu and being in the local mana of multiple servants of such a high level of power both she and Illya are slowly filled as Lesser Grails even in spite of the fact no servants died yet. Angra avoids Sakura because of that, trying to fake innocence
Gilgamesh is aware of Tiamat being in Fuyuki and he’s almost scared shitless
Not only do they contact the Magus Association that the War is compromised to the point of the Counter Force likely interfering and maybe wiping the world clean, they also contact the Church
And then more fun things happen
Caren shows up, Waver gets called in, both to be extra masters and Luvia buys her way in. Some more probably as well cause I didn’t think that far ahead yet
The Einzberns also show up, being as secretive as possible and changing the Grail a little to enforce some…things. Like a Grand War and a Ruler. And yet somehow they miss and or ignore Angra out of pride
So, seven(?) new masters banded together to face the threat that is the joined force of Tiamat, Muramasa, Merlin and Rhongomyniad
Except summoning goes wrong as the World, Grail and Alaya decide to take things into their own hands and cause the summoning of nigh-ridiculous things. Including summoning Ishtar into Rin’s body
Kama also gets summoned into Sakura’s body and that does not help things in terms of her going Dark
And then Archer EMIYA comes in later down the line as a Counter Guardian rather than a servant to gawk in disbelief at how wrong everything went compared to his memories of his experience in the War
All the while, Merem is in a reverse Master-Servant relationship with Arcueid due to being a fanboy, taking orders from her rather than the reverse
And Rani is trying to figure out how the hell to kill several nigh if not truly divine individuals along with Assassin. By all rights, the two are a pair focused on efficiency and would pretty much permit each other to do what they would need to do, but the whole war is just leaving them out of their element through ridiculousness 
All of which leaves the situation in a state where
Tiamat could go wild at any point and swap from an Alter Ego to a Beast Class
Cu has Gae Bolg and Bazett has Fragranach, making them both threats that are immensely difficult to take care of since they can either certainly kill and counter the strongest attacks respectively 
Rhongomyniad has the combined powers of the lance and Excalibur, making her a threat that could wipe all of Fuyuki in a heartbeat 
Merlin is pretty much the one expected to keep Tiamat from going on a rampage, but she is too busy being Merlin
There is a True Ancestor Servant on the loose with the Rank Twenty Dead Apostle Ancestor, both of whom are confirmed and active threats to humanity on their own 
There is a constant presence of an immensely skilled Assassin looming over everyone and trying to find a moment in which he can kill them before everything goes to shit or he dies
ANOTHER Beast starts to manifest in the form of Dark Sakura combined with Kama, threatening to become even more powerful the more servants die
Gilgamesh could get out of his fear chair at any moment and threaten the balance of the war with the Gate of Babylon and Ea
The Counter Force can, and eventually will, start acting against them, aiming to wipe out all of Fuyuki if not Japan to get rid of the collected threat this entire thing has caused, and everyone knows it
And Shirou has to cook for all of them
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