#solangelo sucks
turntechgaykid · 6 months
Something something the parallels that can be made from Nico "being shot by cupid's arrow" and Jason dying from being shot by arrows something something
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mediumgayitalian · 5 months
The crooked, creaky door of the cluttered infirmary storage room pushes open and slams shut in the span of a second, just barely allowing someone to dart through. Nico jumps, banging his head on the shelf he’s hiding under, chomping full force on his lip to bite back a shout. The shadows, on lucky reflex, bend around him and shroud his face. The rest of him he tucks further into the forgotten corner between two filing cabinets, holding his breath.
Under the unflattering light of the single swinging lightbulb, Will looks dull.
A thin headband attempts to hold back his frizzy hair, although it does very little. Curls stick out oddly and many shorter hairs are plastered to his temples and the back of his neck. His skin is unusually lacklustre, even pale, except for the high flush around his cheekbones. The bruising under his eyes rivals Nico’s. He has been wearing the same scrubs for the last two days.
With one last look at the closed door, nothing but garbled voices filtering through the heavy wood, he slumps. He drops his face into his chapped and bleeding hands, heels pressed into his eyes, and holds them there for ten seconds, twenty. Slowly, with trembles so minute they are at first glance unnoticeable, his shoulders begin to shake. The long fingers flexed and tensed around his forehead curl tightly, and he twitches, whole body trembling, teeth sunk hard into his bottom lip to stop his chin from quivering.
It does not work.
The first sob is quiet. He catches it quickly, forcing it back down, breathing heavily through his nose and out his mouth to beat it back. The second follows quickly, though, and it’s harder to choke down. When his face crumples, his resolve goes with it, and his knees hit the floor, sharp crack swallowed by the stillness of the room. He curls forward until his nose nearly hits his knees, hands sliding through his hair and over his ears and settling finally clutching together in the dip of his chest, bouncing with every heave of his chest. It’s quiet, his crying, enough that every dropped tear can be heard as it hits the dusty floor. The only time his sobs are ever audible is when he opens his mouth, trying desperately to soak up enough air to catch himself, to carry himself through.
Mute horror holds Nico’s tongue hostage.
He’d escaped in here the second Will had been called away this morning, dragged for the umpteenth time to handle a crashing patient or a complicated hymn or to soothe someone’s nerves. For the past two days he’s been doing his best to monitor Nico and a handful of other front liners who’d exhausted themselves in battle, but his focus has been split and the infirmary has been crowded. Whenever he runs off to put out whatever fire had cropped up — sometimes literally — the whispers start, the glances, the skin crawling up Nico’s back. Nico can hardly tell anymore what’s the shadows and what’s the people around him, watching him out of the corners of their eyes like they’re waiting for him to bust out a scythe and a black hooded cloak and start reaping.
The storage room is supposed to be an escape. Out of the way and forgotten as it is, it is supposed to be the place he can hide for an hour, escape the heavy gaze of the rest of the camp, collect himself before braving it all again.
Clearly, though, he’s not the only one who thinks so.
There’s something disorienting about seeing Will Solace cry. In the few times Nico has spoken with him during his visits to camp, he’s been a barely-contained explosion of energy, whether talking Nico’s ear off with updates about people he barely knows and references he hardly understands or cussing him out for overextending himself. He’s used — as much as he can be to someone he’s only beginning to really get to know — to his wildly flailing hands and widely playful grin, his loud drawling voice, his painful, constant brightness.
His hands, now, clench until they’re bloodless, trembling. There is no hint of his wide smile or twinkling eyes, because his face is hidden by all the hair that his given up on the pretence of the hairband, and the only sound from him are his gasping breaths and swallowed-back sobs. Nico watches him because he cannot look away. He flinches because every cry, every rough, scraping inhale, sounds like shattering rock, like an iceberg breaking off a glacier.
A quiet beeping startles them both.
For a stretch of time Will is motionless. The beeping continues, steady and soft, bouncing off the cluttered shelves and fading before they echo. After the third round — and Nico counts, if anything for something to do besides watch the chafed skin on Will’s hands crack and bleed with every flex — he drags himself upright, nails drawing lines in the thick dust of the floorboards, and rests back on his heels. He breathes for a moment, shuddering, hands pressed flat to his face; in, beep, beep, beep; out, beep, beep, beep. None of his breaths are ever steady, but he wastes no more time, swiping under his eyes and pinching his cheeks to restore his face to some of its usual colour. He grips onto each board of the shelf to his right as he yanks himself upwards, hand over hand, until he’s stretched, finally, to stand, although there remains a slouch to his broad shoulders.
The beeping continues, emanating from the watch on his left hand, growing softer or louder as he trails his fingers over the shelves from one end to the other, from the first, the second, the third. He pauses finally on a collection of bottles, turning them carefully to read the labels, then tucks them each gently into his already bulging pockets until he is left with what he must carry between his fingers.
The shadows bend to cover Nico again as Will turns, unknowingly facing him, and pulls himself suddenly straight-backed, chin set high, shoulders squared. He smiles, wide, fractured, squinting his eyes deliberately. The beeping stops. He breathes, in, smile, out, nod, and turns, striding, back to the door, opening it with flourish and swiping the dust off his clothes.
“Found them! Sorry it took so long, I really had to look —”
The door swings shut behind him, cutting off the rest of his sentence.
Nico stares at it with bile churning in his too-empty stomach.
art by the incredible @clingonlikeclingwrap
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Jason: When I die, donate my body to your funky science YouTube videos
Nico: Okay. Thank you
Jason: Except my middle fingers- give those to my father
Nico, smiling: Will do
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biggestqiblifan · 4 months
I always, ALWAYS imagine that Will adores coffee, but never has time to make anything else other than the Instant Bullshit that NICO. WILL. NOT. STAND FOR!
So hehehe, I gave my boy goofy - Italian - coffee powers.
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I'll post the original later. When I get energy. Soz. The quality is shit is because its a screenshot from Adobe Fresco, since I don't know how to save things from there directly to my device :(
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Collab with @nicoswill2live 😭 the process making was excruciating but we made it lololol
THIS IS A REALLY SAPPY SOLANGELO FANFIC OMG😭😭 also this contains self insert ocs!
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Part I
"I used to think that Eros sucked. But then I met this blonde..Gorgeous man." Said Nico, sitting next to Piper as she giggled.
Nico never really believed in love. Not after what happened with Percy..Gods, he hated Eros/Cupid for that. The mere thought of it made him sick, it was just too..sappy for him. He stayed in Camp Jupiter for the whole year, but then it was the end of summer..Back to college. Wohoo! Just great. More interacting, less training...Hopefully the gods don't make them do any of their stupid errands during the year..*sigh*.
Nico slammed his hand against his alarm clock, grumbling groggily as he shifted in bed. It's time to leave... Nico sat up in bed, still in his skull pyjamas. He pushed himself off the edge of the bed and proceeded to walk towards the bathroom.
He grabbed a towel before hopping into the shower, stripping as he turned on the warm shower water and proceeded to clean himself..
Soon enough, he got out of the warm bath, a towel wrapped around his waist as he went out to grab his regular skull T-shirt and black jeans. Then, grabbing his aviator jacket, slipping it all on before going back into the bathroom. Looking into the bathroom mirror as he grabbed his toothbrush.
"Chiron was right..I do have eyebags.." Mumbled Nico, pressing his fingers on the spots under his eyes. He hadn't been getting much sleep due to his insomnia(headcanon that all hades kids have insomnia), if that wasn't obvious. He sighed as he picked up the toothpaste then started to brush his teeth.
He spit out the slightly blood contaminated foam and gargled some water before walking out the bathroom. Picking up his two stuffed filled bags as he headed out.
"Heya, Death Boy!" Called out Ace as he patted Nico's back, smirking smugly. "So, you going back to New York or are ya gonna stay for college?"
Nico sighed as he pushed Ace's arm off him. "Yeah, I'm gonna attend college here." Said Nico as he brushed his shoulder, staring at the son of Hypnos.
"Really? That's cool." Said Ace as he smirked and walked off to go and find Nyx.
"Ugh. Stupid prick." Mumbled Nico as he walked to the bus where all the attending campers went. He got on the bus as he placed his bags in the overhead compartments, sitting beside Scarlet or as the camp called her "Sunny".
"Hey, Nico." Said Sunny as she smiled sweetly at him, nobody really had the guts to get mad at her, not even the Ares kids. She was really just a sweetheart.
"Sup, Sunny." Greeted Nico as he nodded to her, making himself comfy in his seat.
"Nicoo~" Called out Ace, popping his head out of the seat behind Nico.
Nico groaned as Nyx chuckled.
"Ace, cmon, leave him alone." Said Nyx as they pulled Ace back down to his seat.
"Yeah, shut up, Acey boy." Teased Nico as Ace rolled his eyes.
"Okay okay, I get it." Grumbled Ace as he leaned back against his seat.
➥35 ოí́ղմԵҽs lαԵҽɾ ★୨୧
The bus finally stopped in front of a European architectural designed building, like a temple but modernized.
All the campers got off, the crowd bustling with chatters, gossips, whispers and much more. Jason and some of the others were with Nico. All of them walking down to the office to get their assigned rooms.
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star-dust-shark · 4 months
yeah sure your solangelo au's okay but Will as a mermaid falling in love with Nico, the sea monster
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heresronnie21 · 2 years
will solace headcanons
list of things that have happened because i truly believe that little medic boy’s “ick that’s gross” instincts have completely deteriorated:
caught vomit in his Bare hands many times
walked around camp all day with ☆unidentified bodily fluid stains☆ from at least 3 separate people on his clothes, in fact he’s usually covered in someone else’s blood/snot/puke etc
had to blow into harley’s mouth to dislodge ball bearings from his nose (why do kids love putting stuff up their noses anyway?) 
forgot he’d been spattered with blood and terrified the newer campers
had a cyst pop and squirt pus in his face
mistook an unlabelled cup (hello adhd) of some gross sample/semi-dangerous chemical/plain nasty medicine for his drink and thought nothing of it 
kept half-finished dissections in his mini fridge right next to his snacks and sodas
asked people Extremely inappropriate questions about their bowel movements. In public. At mealtime.
actually generally just asking people inappropriate/invasive questions about their health purely out of curiosity and thinking nothing of it (hello autism)
picked up mangled roadkill and half-rotten animal corpses.. “to study”
will sniff anything, completely desensitised to gross smells 
i’ll probably think of more at some point, he’s a nasty little freak (affectionate) (reminds me of me)
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I really look through people’s blogs for up to five minutes just to see if I can like their tsats posts…
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3kiripima3 · 1 year
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an afternoon of work
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peanut-in-the-goal · 2 years
omg omg number 1 with solangelo i think i'd cry actually <3
I'm worth nothing. To me, you're worth everything
finally filling out this request, guys i promise i'm not dead, still thinking of new story ideas every day
Nico couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t fucking breathe, and no one was coming. Will was working in the infirmary, Reyna and Hazel were at Camp Jupiter and no one else actually gave a shit about him on their own. In a group, he can’t be ignored without everyone else having a guilty conscience, but alone? Alone almost no one would seek him out. Jason might, and if he did Pery would tag along, but Jason was also at Camp Jupiter, so Nico was left to his own devices.
He could go scope out his boyfriend, knowing Will would quickly drop his paperwork in order to comfort Nico. But that felt like a journey away, and a very long journey at that. Will felt unreachable, both physically and mentally. Walking across the camp in this state would surely be a horrible idea. He knows that if he stands up all that will happen is his vision will black out into small dots, and he’ll have to fight for a few seconds to stay on his feet.
Then he’ll have to actually walk across campus. Not to mention all the prying eyes and uncomfortable looks he’d get from the other campers.
Him and Will and been fighting recently as well. Nico’s inability to communicate has them struggling to understand each other. Will’s constantly been annoyed with him for not speaking up, and Nico’s been pissed that Will needs to talk about every single little thing. Funny how that works out, seeing what predicament Nico was in now.
So no, going to Will was not an option.
He was sitting on the ground in his cabin, leaning against his own bed. He had been pacing before that, stuck in his own head and not knowing how to dispel his thrumming energy that felt like ants under his skin. He thought about going to the training grounds, ripping dummies to shreds with strike after strike. Summoning skeletons and listening to their bones rattle and bodies fall as he sliced through them.
But he knew his movements would be too sloppy. His steps too shaky and hands uncoordinated. He would’ve been too obvious. You can’t be the Ghost King and struggle in activities that you usually would excel in. He has far too much pride for that.
His breath keeps getting quicker and he can’t seem to suck enough air in to level it out. He’s getting dizzier by the second, and his brain is tellinghim how nice it would be to just let the black dots clouding his vision to take over. To escape feeling like he was going to die and to insead choose to close his eyes. 
He has never been afraid of dying. Death was just another thing, and with who his father was, it was never scary. If he died, he doubted anyone would care, he wouldn’t even care. Then maybe, he could find Bianca again, in her new life. He could look after her like how she used to do for him.
Nico felt like he was dying, the oxygen in his lungs getting fainter and fainter, and with the fatigue taking over he finally decided to lay down and rest.
He doesn’t wake up until that night. It’s 6, nearing 7, and there’s a pounding in his head. His body feels weak as he tries to stretch out, like his limbs are lagging behind his brain and what he’s telling them to do. He feels heavy, like he has sacks of sand tyng him down on every joint.
It takes him second to realize what woke him up in the first place. Someone’s insistently banging on the door of his cabin.
“Nico.” Will tiredly calls out. He sounds annoyed, Nico thinks. He doesn’t have the energy to respond though. He doesn’t really want to anyways. The knocking doesn’t stop.
“Nico!” Will’s voice takes a harsher tone. “I know you’re in there. It’s dinner, let’s go.” Nico still doesn’t move. He thinks about it, comtentplating if it’s worth it or not. He wonders if Will would go away if he doesn’t get a response. Usually he would be breaking the door down by now, but with how they’re been fighting he doubts he’d stay.
He’s right. With one last exhausted yelled, an annoyed sigh, and grumbling that Nico doesn’t even want to try and make out, the knocking stops and his footsteps leave. 
He’s alone again. He feels kind of hurt that Will left, then again it’s his fault. And he’s too numb to feel anything right now. He’s felt like that for a while, honestly.
The next time he wakes up the sun is rising. His back and neck ache from sleepng in an uncomfortable position for so long, and his right arm is asleep. He hears bells chiming in the pavilion, signaling breakfast is starting.
He doesn’t realize how hungry he is until the thought of food crosses his mind. He groans as he pulls himself into a sitting position. He stretches until his bones pop and he stands up. He pulls on his aviator coat, and some black jeans he finds on the ground. They’re probably filthy, but he doesn’t really have all that much in him to care. 
He stumbles over to the pavilion. Not many campers are there at opening time, most making t for just the last half hour. It really only open this early for campers like the apollo cabin who have shifts working in the infirmary. Speaking of the apollo cabin, Nico fails to notice a certain blonde also headingn towards the pavilion.
“Nico!” Will calls, he turns to meet Nico halfway to the pavilion. Nico stops, looking up to meet Will’s eyes. Its an uncomfortable moment of silence where neitherof them say anything. What is there to say? They’re both confused about what’s going on, and who’s mad at who.
How do you start a conversation when you don’t know where you stand with the person you want to talk to?
“Sit with me?” Nico asks. His voice a bit scratchy from how dry his throat was. When was the last time he drank water?
Will has a small smile toying at his lips. “Of course.”
The rest of the walk is awkward. Will keeps reaching out to take Nico’s hand but retracting at the last moment. Nico pretends not to see it. He doesn’t know if he would want to take it. He doesn’t know what he’s feeling. 
They sit in stiff silence. There’s a slight rustle from the other campers, but no one is really awake at this hour to be up for a real conversation. They picked up their food on the way in, Nico choosing some bread and cheese, and Will having made himself a fruit cup.
“So…” Nico starts.
“So…” Will mimics. “What’s up?” Nico shifts a little in his seat.
“The sky. The sky is definitely up at the moment.” He says dryly. He keeps his eyes down, staring at his torn apart waffle.
“Mm?” His gaze is still down.
“What are we doing?” Will sighs.
“What do you mean Willie? We’re having breakfast, and you’re eating something entirely too healthy and colorful for this early in the morning. As per usual.” He does look up this time, locking eyes with the blue ones right next to him.
“That’s not what I meant.” He sighs again. “What are we doing?” He gestures vaguely between the two of them, giving Nico a pointed look. Nico raises an eyebrow back at him. “Why aren’t we talking, why do I barely see you, why do you look worse everytime you come out of that damn cabin?” 
Some heads turn towards them, and Nico hardens his glare at everyone around them. Smartly, they all turn around in their seats.
“I don’t know, Will,” he sighs. His hands rub at his eyes tiredly. Their breakfast is long forgotten in return of them staring at each other instead.
“I don’t know either, but I want to fix it. But sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it if you won’t even fucking try.” Will snapped. His hands rubbed at his temples. Nico sat stunned.
“What do you mean I don’t fucking try?” He seethed.
“I mean that I’m the only one who puts any gods damn effort into this relationship.’
“I try Will. I try so fucking hard. I try so hard to make sure you don’t leave, to not scare you away, to keep you from leaving just like everyone else. I’m trying to be who you want me to be just, it’s so hard sometimes.” Nico’s breath hitches, and suddenly his eyes feel like they’re burning. Despite his glaring, more people are entering the hall and more eyes are on the pair. “I’m not doing this here.” He grumbles, and storms out of the hall. Will has nothing left to do but follow. 
They end up back in Nico’s cabin. Nico settles himself on the head of the bed, holding his pillow in his lap. Will takes that as his que to sit at the foot of the bed facing him.
“Okay, so you try.” Will starts. Nico glares at him.
“Yes, I fucking try.”
“But you try to be who you think I want you to be?” Will’s surprisingly calm, his voice leveled out and speaking monotone. The way he would when reading injuries of a patient off a clipboard. Detatched.
“Obviously.” Nico deadpans.
“Don’t.” And the one word shatters Nico’s entire reality.
“Don’t do that.” Will says it like it’s simple. “Nico. I’m dating you. I’m dating who you are. I’m dating the guy I meant in those three days in the infirmary. Not whoever you’re trying to make yourself.”
Nico didn’t know what to say. That’s all it took? Be himself? Surely not, not if his shitty communication and lack of words at the worst times were anything to go by. Not when that’s what pisses off Will the most and makes him think he doesn’t care.
“I don’t understand.” Is what he ends up saying. Will sighs, shuffling closer on the bed. Not quite touching, but if Nico reached out he could grab Will’s hand.
“Let me spell it out for you,” he says, and he does grab Nico’s hand this time. “I. Like. You.” I enuanciates each word. “You, Nico di Angelo. You and you’re relentless sarcasm, dry humor, and absurd amount of black clothing. You and your stupid self sacrifical tendicies, the way you’ll always do what you believe is right, the insane amount of McDonalds you eat even though it’s extremely unhealthy.” Will smiles a bit. “I like you for you. The you I know.”
“But you don’t know know me, Will. You don’t know my entire past, or all my problems, or all my secrets. You don’t get it.” 
“What don’t I get?” Will tilts his head to side in question, reminding Nico of a golden retriever. Gods, Nico wants to kiss him. 
“I’m worthless, Will. The real me? I’m worth nothing.” 
“Hey. Hey, hey, hey.” Will’s hand leaves Nico’s, moving up to cup his face instead. Nico leans into it. “Not to me. To me you’re worth everything, Neeks.” 
And Nico melts, he’s never been anyone’s world before. Not since Bianca. Or his mama. It’s been a long time since he’s felt this cared for.
“Let me get to know you, Nico. All of you. Everything about you that you think is important, all the little things. I want to know about your past, your present, what you plan to do in the future. I want to know your favorite book and your favorite color. I want to know what brand of hoodies you like and what foods are your favorite. I want to tell you that I love you, and for you to believe me because you aren’t hiding anything. I want to show you that you aren’t worthless Nico. You are so much more than worthless.”
And Nico spills. He tells him everything. Everything about his sister and his mom. What it was like in the Lotus. He tells him about the first time he summoned the dead and met Hazel. He tells him his favorite parts about training, the tattoos he wants in the future. He tells him that the first time he laid eyes on Will he thought of the sun dancing along the horizon. The beautiful yellows and oranges and reds painting on the sky. He tells him how he couldn’t look away from those eyes, the ones that made him feel whole. How one look at Will made his life seem so much brighter.
Nico talks and Will laughs and cries and feels with him. And Nico has never felt so special and loved. He’s never felt so important. Being treated as a person and not a tool or a pawn or a freak.
He feels whole.
“Thank you.” He whispers. And Will shushes him.
“Don’t thank me, Sunshine. I love you.”
And Nico believes him.
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I refuse to believe that Tsats Nico and Will are the canon ones. They simply cannot be
Yeah the ToA versions of Nico and Will would bully the tsats versions of Nico and Will mercilessly
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purpleshadow-star · 1 year
I just revisited my old wattpad account and found the first fanfic I wrote. It's uh... definitely something. One thing I will say though, I was very good at writing prophecies.
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lxcasp · 2 years
I always wanted to read a PJO(mostly solangelo) fanfic in which Nico never got trapped in the hotel and he stayed in the same time but no matter that he didn't go to the future he still become the same as in the books with time, later on the seven plus Will and Reyna had to go to the past due to a prophecy to find a son of hades and then they fall in love and become friends while will and Nico starts to slowly fall in love but Nico is in denial because it's wrong in his time to be gay and in the end they get together but Nico can't go to the future so when will and Nico die they find eachother again in Elysium and after some time they all find eachother again but nobody ever wrote something like that, if you find a fanfic like that please tell me
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sevsalio · 16 days
I drew Will Solace x Nico di Angelo / Solangelo Fanart
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I still don't know which one is better tho (I know it sucks sorry)
(And I think Nico would definitely be a DC fan)
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"I Used to Think That Eros Sucked. But then I met some blonde gorgeous man.." part III୨୧
Nico was setting up some stuff, like putting away his violin and stuffing his things into the cabinets of his side of the room. That's when he heard the door click open. Then he turned his head around.
A blonde boy who was..Glowing red?..and wearing something like what some country boy would wear standing there. Oh, Will Solace. He could remember getting him as his medic whenever he got injured while sparring during his time at Camp, though he never really talked to the guy.
"Oh?" Said Nico as he put his small bag down. "So you're my roommate? Nice too meet you..My name's-" Before Nico could finish the now not glowing boy shook his head.
"I know! Nico Di Angelo, I'm Will...Will Solace..Nice to meet you too.." Said Will nervously. Nico was convinced the guy was scared of him, everybody usually scared of him when they first meet him.
"The guy from the infirmary, huh?" Said Nico as he placed his hands on his hips. The boy nodding his head as he stared down at Nico(nico is like 5'2 and Will's 5'6 here).
"Yeah, the medic.." Confirmed Will as he gulped. Nico nodded as he turned back around.
"You should put your stuff now already, and I'm gonna get some good ol' rest." Hummed Nico as he went to his bed and flopped onto it. Falling asleep almost immediately, leaving Will to his own devices.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝐿𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔 ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Nico woke up to the sounds of a guitar playing..His mind was still hazy and his eyes heavy with sleep.
He groaned as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, turning to whwre the sound was. Finding a humming Will with Em and Ace sitting by the floor of Will's bed as they both gossiped about stuff.
"..Hmph...Em? Ace?...What are you guys doing here?.." Asked Nico as he sat up. Ace, Em and Will looking up fron what they were doing. Will sat from across the room, looking like a deer in headlights. Ace waved and said a hello as Em smirked smugly, sneaking a glance at Will then back to Nico.
"We were just hanging out, how are you?" Asked Em as they stared at Nico, Ace was also looking at Nico with soft eyes. Even if Ace was a but of a jerk, he was still a great person all in all.
"Hey, Nico..Have a nice nap?.." Then asked Will as he stopped playing his guitar.
"Mmh...Yeah, I feel alright.." Mumbled Nico as he sat up in bed. Later on joining the other three on their talks and gossips, still feeling a bit sleepy but energized enough.
time check: 2:27 a.m. 😭😭🎀🎀 but it was worth it, i may have lost motivation but check out @nicoswill2live for the part two of the fic🎀
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star-dust-shark · 4 months
pjo characters as weird and dumb things me and my friends have said
Percy: what the fuck is cockblocking like I can't block ur cock on Snapchat
Will: UUUUUUUGH MY ASS HURTS- ooh look a butterfly
Jason: I can't actually believe I just agreed with you but hey here we are
Reyna: why the fuck am I friends with any of you hoes
Piper: should I...? too late I did it
Will: the best way to rizz someone up is by rizzing them up *turns to friend, winks horribly* hey baby girl
Rachel: one sec getting my anger out *aggressively splatters paint on canvas*
Annabeth: sometimes I'm smart. When I'm smart, I'm smart. *awkward thumbs up and grimace*
Octavian: fuck the gays they should all die ... I mean I could fuck some gays
Hazel: I'll make you tea but not in a sweet way I'll make it so hot in burns your tongue and you can't speak for a week
Frank: hey guys check me out I'm a furry on drugs *WOOOF WOOF BARK BARK BARK WOOF WOOF*
Grover: I love plants :3 specifically magic mushrooms but like
Leo: I mean I would totally fuck you but like respect man
Will: Ugh fuck my life I hate everything *coldplay starts playing* I retract the previous statement I fucking love life
Jason: UGH UR ALL SO DUMB but I'm in
Nico: if u wanna kys clap ur hands *rapidly claps hands*
Piper: *hypnotizes u with my beautiful blue orbs* come over to my house
Hazel: respectfully hope you die <3
Frank: I'm on acid what's it called when a ton of cats jump on each other a dog pile or a cat pile
Reyna: OH THANK GOD- sike I don't believe in that motherfucker hahahha
Annabeth: I'm so smart *holds up the one good test I got in school* see the teacher even gave me an 11/10 because I wrote my name in a cool font
Leo: UUUUUGGGGGHHHH IM SO HORNY- *mom walks in* oh hi mom how are you
Will: we can just... fuck. as friends though no homo.
Octavian: you all suck and I hate you *silence* no wait come back
Someone: haha ur gay
Nico: yeah??? and ur not?? like don't knock it until you try it dick is yummy man
Hazel: someone just told me what smearing is and honestly I kinda wanna die *fix you by coldplay starts playing* LMAO WTF
Frank: you sad ass emo dog just be happy
Percy: I Am OnE wiTh ThE oCeAn AnD HopEfuLLy aLL oF ThE hOt MerPeOpLe In iT
Leo: *talking to literally nobody* hey guys!! gonna go get my top surgery! *shows up at claires*
Reyna: I only wanna die sometimes and that's normal right
Will: *playing guitar* haha look guys I'm fingering A minor *strums violently*
Jason: screw men *eyes widen* I should start taking my own advice ngl
Will: *listening to a playlist that Nico made him* ugh my emo ass boyfriend and his stupid music I hate him *proceeds to write his name over and over again in diary with hearts around it*
Nico: what if I strangle someone with a pair of earbuds
Will: please don't
Leo: *in demonic voice* LeAf *eats it*
Nico: *pulls gay flag out of pocket* omg it's u
Will: *shuffles around in pocket, finds condom* ... it's u, vanilla flavoured
Leo: my name's Leo
Percy: and I like jugs
Nico: I'm mentally ill
Leo: and I'm on drugs :D
Jason: is there anything better than pussy
Piper: I thought you where gay
Jason: my boyfriend's trans?
Will: the temptation to fuck an emo boy rn is killing me
Leo: the masculine urge to
Leo: I forgor
Will: that's good!
Nico: like me in bed
Leo: smash or pass Ryan Gosling
Will: PASS
Solangelo: *glares at each other*
Nico: omg stop with that song
Will: but
Will: but you can take me hot to go :(
Annabeth: yeah
Percy: yeah
Annabeth: *in funny voice* yeah
Percy *hentai moan* yEEEAAAaaH
Jason: never ever look up what an eyesha erotica lyric means
Reyna: oh you poor soul *pats back*
Nico: I can't breathe
Will: just
Will: breathe air
Nico: I breathe drugs
Piper: I'm gonna go play basketball
Leo: haha play with my balls
Jason: already do
Leo: *chokes on air*
well that's all sorry for the torture, thanks to @localcosplaymushroom, @crowwolf8, @justagremlinoncaffeine, and @secret-mewtwo for all of the funny convos that went into this
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