#some LU discussion
luna-lovegreat · 4 months
So... Warriors
It is obvious by now he's not ok. He's irritable and tense.
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I've had thoughts and ideas on this for awhile, so I think now's a good time to speak them. Very important detail at the end.
There are some really big and some small things adding to his stress
The drama with the sword. Wild went against the agreed plan, and lashed out in anger fear for twilights injury. From things Jojo said, Wars is mad about it for a while.
I have said this in other posts, but based on things Jojo has said and some details, I do not think Wild likes wars. He has not really gotten close to him, which adds on to the negativity between them
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But Wars... is a captain. This journey is different, and he's doing amazing at setting aside expectations of how to work with rank. But that is still a clear stressor- to him that was unacceptable in battle
^this is one big thing we watched go wrong and has clearly been upsetting since
Another thing is
Wars has been taking on too much. We've seen him break up a fight at the inn, comfort Time (time!), and tell him he'd take care of the others.
Twice he said "let them", and "let him be"-making others have space they needed. He asked Four what was wrong and followed up with helping with smithing.
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^^These are all small things. None of these are huge- practically tiny tasks. But they add up- all the attention to others feeling but not his own
... and
Wars has not smiled. Yes, he smiled, but it was not his smile. Since Twilight went injured to the inn, there has only been smiles in a way expected, but not much beyond when he found out his friend wasn't dead. (And when he helped Four at the blacksmiths)
In the updates, I have seen others saying how cool/pretty he looked. Which he did! But emotion wise, I only thought he looked angry. Even when teasing Twilight...
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^Not his smile
But here's the biggest thing that I believe is bothering him...
I've wanted to point this out for awhile. The thing is, Wars was really hurt when he found out Twilight didn't tell him about Wolfie
It's small details. A few sentences and facial expressions. But they add up over the chapter, and I don't think he felt trusted or trusting when he found out
He tried to find out who else knew
And why he was one who didn't
*read the blurred words:
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"No one said anything to me, I'm just left out of the loop. Who else knows? Just us?"
Wolfie being secret wasn't necessarily about trust, but wars took it personally. He really didn't understand or want to accept that Twilight would have told some of the others but not him...
Wars is distinctly closer to the ones his age, who the younger ones often turn to. And as someone who's been through war, who bonds closest with those he feels he works with best?
Twilight having a major secret he didn't share with Wars, but did with others,
Felt like a knife to the (back?) chest.
And it hurt him
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Look at his face when saying "we couldn't do a thing for him". He's looking away, directly after asking four and wild if they knew. I don't think he felt trusted. Or trusting. From thinking someone wasn't who he thought he was, and maybe was closer to others...
^^this is what I think is perhaps the biggest stressor- yet most unnoticeable
Wars never spoke to anyone about his feelings. He pushed it aside and went and helped.
This is ok. Between people so close, anything can be worked out. This is very revealing of how much Wars cares about twilight and the others
As far as Warriors pushing aside his needs and focusing on others... it's hard.
But I can confidently say this: Warriors would never want to not help all he could, when the others needed him
Here's this screenshot that makes me laugh (and somehow sky is just chill with this?)
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Wars: oh my god my friend just came back from a wolf what the Hylia who can I even trust I'm having an invisible crisis
Sky: oh yay the sword helped he's back :)
Twilight: I'm fine *currently dying*
Wars is stressed right now. He's taken on too much, he's probably still mad at Champion, and... he feels betrayed (god wars should never have to feel betrayed) and untrusted
Like literally everyone ever others, wars deals with his hurt. Sometimes he can't deal with it alone, and sometimes he can. It will all work out, and I love how much he loves his brothers.
But nothing, I repeat nothing
Will be ok
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Ok I'm calm <3
Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse :D
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breannasfluff · 2 months
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A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage. You may be destined to become the hero of legend…but your current power would disgrace the proud green of the hero's tunic you wear. You must use your courage to seek power…and find it you must. Only then will you become the hero for whom this world despairs. - Hero's Shade
So Twilight is quoting back the Hero's Shade here. Ironically, the Hero's shade could then quote a future Twi to a past Twi, making a loop.
But then we have the letter from the ranch. Did Time get a letter that Malon is pregnant?
"You have at last mastered all of the hidden skills. Although I accepted life as the hero, I could not convey the lessons of that life to those who came after. At last, I have eased those regrets. You who have marched through countless foes, each mightier then the last… You who now gaze to the future with vision unclouded… Surely you can restore Hyrule to its stature of yore as the chosen land of the gods. …Farwell! - Hero's Shade
Given the Shade's line about those who came after...Time may have never gotten to pass on his skills to his son, leaving him with regrets. Will this story end with Dink's defeat at the cost of Time's life?
Or will it come after the story is over; ala Tony Stark style where he gets a few years with his kid, then dies?
Any way you look at it, it's pretty grim.
image of comic belongs to Jojo @linkeduniverse
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aroaessidhe · 9 months
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2023 reads
The Water Outlaws
fantasy inspired by a wuxia classic
a woman who’s an expert arms instructor is labelled a criminal after being assaulted by a powerful man
she joins a group of rebellious bandits who fight for justice, and becomes entangled in politics both with the group and the empire - who are trying to develop powerful magical weapons
mainly queer & female cast
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Were you the one talking about an mcr song based on Gerard being afraid of Mike dying and getting that phone call? I can't remember what it's called and google has failed me 😶‍🌫️
YEAH I WAS THE ONE TALKING ABOUT IT BUT IT WASN'T AN MCR SONG. you're thinking of last week when I was going insane over the intro to the song Brother. it's from Gerard's solo album, which came out the same year that Mikey was told he should have never woken up after an overdose (iirc) and went to rehab. so the dialogue in the intro (which imo is barely audible, I had to see stuff about it online and then look it up myself to even realize) is based out of the emotions surrounding that.
the actual MCR song that's about Mikey is called Famous Last Words and you've probably also seen me scream a lot about that. Gerard wrote it while they were making The Black Parade (which like obviously is probably their most popular album) because Mikey was having a really hard time and was considering leaving the band. the bridge is actually based on the fact that, when they were doing that album they stayed at this purportedly haunted mansion or whatever (idk man the early 00s were whack) and Mikey has straight up said, on camera, that he would get scared and so would go and sleep on the floor of Gerard's room. thus the "I see you lying next to me" line in the bridge of Famous Last Words.
Gerard has also said that the song Save Yourself from Danger Days is "a cousin" a Famous Last Words, so there's a conclusion that can be reached that maybe on some level that song took a bit of inspiration from Gerard's love for Mikey as well, especially considering that within the plotline of the Danger Days music videos (which have their own plot and characters portrayed by the band), there's a scene where Gerard's character is killed and Mikey's character kinda goes ballistic about it. but that's basically speculation
and as we delve into some very murky and hypothetical areas here, my personal theory is that Surrender the Night, from Schroedinger's album Conventional Weapons*, a series of double-single releases which were mostly written between the making of TBP and Danger Days but weren't released until after Danger Days, could ALSO be about Mikey in some vague, ambiguous way as MCR's songs tend to be vague and ambiguous in general (except when they're very very starkly about love).
*(I call this Schroedinger's album because I take them all in the context of each other and would consider Conventional Weapons as an album in its own right, however it was released as EPs with two songs each so technically speaking it isn't a proper album in that way)
and that isn't even mentioning the fact that Mikey has a cameo on another song from Hesitant Alien (he says "it was really me" in Millions)
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rash0roar · 3 months
ᴛʜᴇ sᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴇᴇᴅɪɴɢ ʙᴇʟʟs | ʟᴜᴄɪғᴇʀ x ғᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
summary : Lucifer and reader get invited to Ozzie and Fizz's wedding, and Lucifer has a surprise planned at the end
warnings : a bit of suggestive language <3
a / n : I saw two Twitter posts and the idea came fast tbh ; sorry if there are some grammar mistakes I forgot to fix ; this is my first story and post so I hope you'll enjoy <3
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"Lucifer! Lucifer!" The sound of excited steps echoed through the lonely halls of Lucifer's castle. You excitedly barged into his rubber duck filled office holding an envelope. "Woah Woah love! What's the rush? " Stopping in front of your boyfriend you smiled, jumping up and down. "Lucifer you won't believe what we got!" You handed him the paper, that has been opened once, smiling and gesturing him to open it again. Lucifer looked at the envelope closely. " 's from Ozzie? You nodded. "Mhm!"
Opening the envelope, Lucifer took out the latter and it's- , an invitation? "An invitation? To what?" Lucifer looked at you seeing your smile became wider and your eyes were sparkling. Lucifer looked at the invitation reading it closely. You quietly laughed at his eyes becoming wider by the second. "Ozzie getting married?!? Well, that's certainly something I'd never thought I'd catch in this life. Hm, seems like the wedding is next week" "I know! Isn't it great! It's gonna be so fun- oh, I forgot, are you ok with getting out love? If it's too much we can stay home, I don't mind" "Are you kidding? This is the first time I'm actually excited in my boots for something! Besides it's Ozzie. He's, well, he's my best friend, kind of. So I can at least go to his wedding as a sorry for not talking to him as we usually would do" You smiled at your lover sweetly. "That's so sweet of you Lucifer" You said while kissing his forehead. At that he smiled. "Well, I guess someone should go search for some matching outfits for us don't you think?" His face became a tint of pink at the sight of your eyes lighting up. "Matching?! Really?! You bet! Let your girlfriend take care of this" You gave him a kiss on the cheek before turning around and running to another room.
Lucifer made sure you were far enough before he slowly closed his office doors. "Oh my golly, oh my golly! Ok Lucifer calm down, you already discussed this with Ozzie, it's gonna be ok you definitely got this don't panic. . . OH WHO AM I KIDDING I'M PANICKING RIGHT NOW!!" He took his phone and started texting Ozzie, searching for some sort of support from his friend. While walking in circles around his office, Lucifer looked at the little box hidden well from your eyes in his office.
The week has passed quite fast, you and Lucifer were getting more and more excited for what was about to come. In the morning of the wedding, you were in yours and Lucifer's room, preparing the outfits you were about to wear. In the other room Lucifer was tapping his feet on the floor nervously, thinking about the surprise he had planned for you. He remembers well when he went to Ozzie for support, telling him his idea. The sin of Lust was more than happy to help, suggesting Lucifer to wait for the right time. Never in a million years did Lucifer think that, Ozzie would text him and say that his wedding is the perfect time. He found it weird. He felt bad too. His friend was good at heart, but a part of him felt bad for accepting his idea despite the fact that this was not about him, but his friend. "Lucifer! Come on we have to get ready! No time to waste!" He laughed at the sound of your voice, forgetting his thoughts from earlier.
As he entered the room, he saw you searching through your drawers. You lifted your head and looked at him. "There you are! Come on Lu, get dressed will you? We have a lot to do besides getting dressed" "And that would be what, my love?" "Well your hair and makeup of course! You're the king of hell, you need to look nice remember that" Lucifer laughed, this was one of his favorite ways of you showing you loved him. Always making sure he looks good when he goes out. He loved that about you. Lucifer went to pick up his outfit. He saw you choose two suits, he remembered you mentioning that dresses weren't for you. He would always disagree. Both of the suits were red with gold and just a bit of white, since white is worn by the married couple. The red suit didn't look too different from his regular one, just that he would have to wear a white and gold shirt beneath it. Your suit, was also a red one with a long tailcoat, Lucifer thought that it's so that he could represent the back of a dress, as the back of his suit was straight, yours had a wavey back. The fact that Lucifer would finally wear matching outfits with you brought a red color to his cheeks.
After a while, you both were ready to go. Lucifer was missing his hat ( also complaining about it ) as you had your hair styled in an "elf way" you said to Lucifer after you did it ( Lucifer never understood your movie references ), tied in a very nice pin with roses and an apple ( gift from the king himself ). "You ready to go?" You nodded taking his hand as the Lucifer tapped the cane on the ground and teleported to you at the location of the wedding. And oh my were you stunned.
You never knew hell had a forest before. Well, you've figured the wedding will be in a hidden place. Lucifer told you once the fact that not many people knew about Ozzie's relationship with an imp, he has told you that the sins and royal princes were looked down on if that were to happen. That made you question if you were enough for him lots of times. "My my is that Lulu I see?!?" Looking in front of you, you saw a yellow fox with wings with a neon light to replace her stomach. "Boy I haven't seen you in years! How 've ya been?" Lucifer smiled at her. "Well, I couldn't miss this even if I wanted right? Oh! Right! Ahem. Love, this is Beelzebub! I've told you a lot about her remember?" "OMG! Is this your new girlfriend? Girl you are adorable! Call me Bee, you're like, my bestie now. What's your name?" "I'm Y/N! It's nice to finally meet you Bee!" "You're absolutely gorgeous, I like love your voice! You should definitely come to my parties one time!" You laughed. If she was like that, you couldn't wait to meet Asmodeus for the first time. "Now you two lovebirds come on! You both have to meet the crew!" You looked at Lucifer. He was nervous, he never was the kind to be around people. You put a reassuring hand on his shoulder smiling. He smiled back. "I'll be fine, don't worry my duckling" He smiled and took your hand following Bee inside. The inside was very pretty too. You haven't been to a wedding since forever, you enjoyed it. It wasn't a surprise there weren't many people. Bee was gesturing you and Lucifer to come, you've both gone to her, as you were walking, you saw two other hellhounds on both of Bee's sides, a group of little imps and two goetias. You had to remind Lucifer about the beauty of hell after this. "Ok now you guys, this right here, is my boyfriend Vortex, and this here is my favorite person ever Loona! You'll love them once you get to know them!" "Hello you two! Nice to meet you!" You said while Lucifer nodded and gave a small wave. "Nice to meet ya too your majesty" "Yo" Your majesty? Well that's new. "No ,uh, please don't call me that! Me and Lucifer we are not engaged so I'm not really the queen" You couldn't miss how all three smiled at each other after you've said that. Did you say something funny? While looking at them you failed to notice Lucifer's red face next to you.
"So you're the king of hell's new bitch huh? I'm Blitz! And I'm the leader of the imp! And these two lovebirds behind me are M&M. Actually, Millie and Moxxie. And that there is my lovely daughter Loona! Hi Loonie!" "ADOPTED" "Lucifer. Lucifer they are adorable what the actual hell" "You think so? Well, I can't argue with you I guess"
You couldn't keep it, the little imps were absolutely adorable! The gotia demons too! Stolas and his daughter Octavia were very nice , you found it relaxing to stay around them. Although, you've been meaning to ask if Stolas is ok, he always seemed to be tired and sad.
The rest of the night was absolutely amazing! You swore you'd never forget it. Not even the fact that you and Lucifer were asked to be the man and lady of honor in the last moment! Looking at the couple, you were thinking, what if you and Lucifer were in that place? Here in hell, with these people at your wedding. You wished it could be you indeed, but, you were happy for them. These kind of things weren't too common in hell, heck they don't happen at all actually! Seeing this, you hoped Lucifer would see the good part in hell.
As the night went on you noticed that everyone started on getting more and more excited, and Lucifer, more and more...frustrated..? Why was that? What's happening? Is there something you should know? "Alright everyone! Listen up!" You looked in the direction of where the voice was coming from, it was Fizz's. "I'm throwing this flower bouquet, so let's see who's the lucky bitch that'll catch it!" ONE - everyone was getting ready - TWO - everyone's on their position - THREE!! GO!!!" "I got it I got" "Nuh uh! I do! " As Blitz and Bee were fighting, forgetting about the bouquet, you watched it carefully, closer, closer, and - "I GOT IT I GOT IT! HAH! YES! I GO - why is everyone looking at me like that?" You turned back at everyone, noticing everyone looked at you smiling softly, or, at something.. behind you? "Why is everyone - ohmydear" Turning behind you, you saw him. Lucifer was behind you, on one knee, looking at you with a soft smile. "Y/N, I know this is really sudden but, you've been beside me for a long time, you've helped me through my problems, supported me and took care of me. I love you so much, I really really do, so will you please...make me the happiest man in hell and, marry me?" You could see it, he was crying, as he opened the box that revealed a beautiful golden ring, you looked at him with your hands over your mouth, you could not, not cry. You nodded, sobbing loudly running in Lucifer's arms and hugging him tightly. "Yes, a hundred times yes, Lucifer I love you!" "Me too, me too my love. You have no idea" He took your face in his arms and kissed you. "LET'S FUCKING GO SHE SAID YES YEEAAAHHHH!!" EVERYONE OPEN THE CHAMPAGNE BOTTLES!" You and Lucifer laughed at the sight of Bee, Blitz, Ozzie and Fizz laughing and screaming at the news. Millie, Moxxie and Stolas were beyond happy, Millie hugged you while Stolas was staying besides Lucifer, congratulating him for it.
"You all knew?" "Well yeah! We all helped him actually, man was he a big ball of stress and anxiety. But hey he did it! Yes! Finally! Man I'm SO HAPPY! Let me be your lady of honor pleeeeaaase?" "Of course Bee!" "Sooo, when's the wedding?" You looked at Lucifer "Yeah, when is it?" "How about next month? YOU'RE ALL INVITED NO ONE ELSE THOUGH! "YYEAAAAHHHHH"
They were happy, all of them. You squished Lucifer's hand. "Thank you, Lucifer" "No love, I thank you, I think the wedding will go well, don't you?" "Yeah - you said watching everyone party like at the beginning of the party - yeah me too" You turned at Lucifer and kissed him lovingly as he returned it.
Once the party ended, you both went to bed and cuddled next to each other. And as Lucifer whispered a love you, after you did the same you both fell asleep, the moonlight reflecting in you and Lucifer's golden rings.
a / n : let me know if you guys want a part 2 with Lucifer and the reader's wedding! <3
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shanastoryteller · 2 months
Happy Birthday!!! some zuko and lu ten please?
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
They dock at Kyoshi Island and it's clear they've just suffered an attack by the Fire Nation - burnt buildings and everything covered in ash and more people than you'd expect with bandages wrapped around them. They're almost immediately swarmed by women in face paint and Sokka reaches for his boomerang, worried about their reaction to someone as clearly Fire Nation as Lee.
But Lee shouts, "Ami!" and a women jumps into his arms, clinging to him as the others press close and call out greetings.
Sokka feels himself relaxing. Not just because they're not attacking them, but he feels some of his suspicion towards Lee loosening as well. If people so recently the victims of the Fire Nation are at ease around Lee, maybe he's really not secretly a spy for them, or whatever.
Ami pulls back and sniffs. "They went inland and they took Suki and Kiho and they probably already," she stops, biting her lip.
Lee shakes his head. Sokka says, "They took them as hostages to keep your compliance. Dead hostages aren't much leverage."
His home and people were destroyed by the Fire Nation and they've been working to save the Southerners still stranded in their home and managing to avoid the Fire Nation. He's familiar with their tactics.
He has all their attention now. Lee places a hand on Ami's shoulder and says, "Sokka's right. We're going to get them back."
"How?" she demands. "They've camped out-"
"By the volcano," he says, an edge to his voice that makes Sokka uneasy. "I know. Don't worry, we'll sneak in." He pauses. "Well, Sokka will sneak in. I'm planning to just walk right up."
This has not been part of the plan they'd discussed. "Really? How do you think that's going to go? They'll just take you hostage too!"
Lee raises an eyebrow, holding out his hands and flame bursts from his palm. Several of the warriors lean back, but Ami stays exactly where she is. "You kept the armor from the soldiers you'd killed, right?"
"Yes," Ami says, grinning.
"No," Sokka objects, even though he knows it will work, for exactly the same reason he's been so wary of Lee and his father.
Regardless of their loyalties, they're still Fire Nation.
Still fire benders.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 3 months
𖤐Pairing: Husband! Ghost x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, language, kissing, married couple, children, more use of Simon than Ghost, protective Simon, a worried and caring mother,
𖤐Summary: Y/n and Simon’s daughter Luna is having a hard time being able to see, in school her teacher notices a few signs and has a talk with the parents to discuss about possible glasses for the child
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“Mr. and Mrs. Riley, please come in,” Luna’s 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Anderson has called both Y/n and Simon to the school to talk to them about their daughter.
“Is everything okay with Luna?” Y/n asked, nervously.
“Oh yes, she is doing just fine, grades are amazing but ummm~ I wanted to talk about her writing…”
“What’s wrong with her writing?” Simon asks.
“Oh it’s nothing bad but we usually have our annual spelling bee on Fridays and well. I’ve noticed that her handwriting it’s a bit…odd.”
“How odd?” Simon sounded offended.
“Oh no I understand how that may sound but I mean it in no disrespect Mr.Riley…well…here this was from Luna’s test last week…I have a hard time grading it because of the poorly written handwriting.”
“I see,” Y/n says examining her daughter’s work.
“I mean I could read it but it was hard for to notice if she spelled it right or not…I’ve also picked up on how she writes…she writes with her face very close to the paper to be able to see…does she have glasses or anything?”
“No, we were never told that she may need them.” Y/n places her hand on Simon’s. “Luna’s last check up with the doctor was just a month ago and he never said anything.”
"Could we just see if she needs them? I don't want her falling behind or struggling later on."
"Of course," Y/n says.
"What the hell does that teacher know," Simon and Y/n walked hand-and-hand down the hall.
"Simon, don't cuss in a school," Y/n warns him.
"Shouldn't we know what's best for Luna?"
"Simon, if she's saying she's worried we have to take that into consideration, I'll take her to the optometrist Saturday and we'll see," Y/n says.
As they walked to the front office they saw Luna, she sat in a dark blue chair looking at a poster on the wall, she squints her eyes like she was trying to see. Y/n's heart clenches in her chest knowing the teacher maybe right.
"Luna," Y/n coos for her daughter. She looks at Y/n and Simon getting off the chair and running to them both.
Luna sat in her car seat humming the song that was playing as Y/n pulled into a parking lot.
"Mama, where are we?"
"We are at the doctors."
"The doctor?" Luna hated the doctor like every child does.
"Just an eye doctor baby," Y/n gets out of the car and comes around unbuckling her daughter. She places her on the ground and Luna grabs Y/n's hand as they walked through the doctors door.
Almost immediately they were greeted by a young lady from behind the desk.
"Hi, I had made an appointment with Doctor Avery."
"Luna Riley?"
"Yes," Y/n says.
"Ok, follow me," the lady gave Y/n some paper work to fill out as Luna saw some glasses. She walks up to them and picked up a small light pink pair.
"Careful with them, baby," Y/n says as Luna just put them back and sat next to her mom.
"Mama, why are we here?"
"Your teacher, Mrs. Anderson says you are having a hard time seeing, she moved you up to the front because you told her that you couldn't see from the back seat."
"Yeah," Luna says, looking over her moms arm and seeing her fill out the paperwork. "I can see mama."
"Luna, how many finger am I holding up?" Luna is holding up 4 fingers.
"4, baby."
"I was close."
"Yeah, but you need some baby, who knows maybe you just need them to read and not for distance," Y/n says.
"Luna Riley?" Y/n stood up grabbing her purse and waiting for Luna to take Y/n's hand.
"Luna Riley," Y/n repeats.
"Follow me," the man says with a soft smile. They walk to a back room and Y/n places Luna on a chair with paper on it.
"Okay, Luna have you ever had glasses before?"
"No," Luna says and shakes her head.
"Alright, that's okay," he says. "Mom you had wrote down that she can see far away but it's mainly close up, right?"
"Correct," Y/n says.
Okay, now, Luna I am going to run some tests on you, and ask some questions, okay?"
"Okay." Luna was nervous, she's never been here and it's a different and new environment she's not use to.
"When you look at things close up, do you get headaches?"
"Sometimes," Luna says.
"Are they bad headaches where you close your eyes?" Luna nods.
"Do you get cloudy vision?" Luna shakes her head.
"It's like...fuzzy," Luna says. Doctor Avery kept asking Luna and Y/n questions, and then Doctor Avery had move onto the tests.
Shining a light in her eyes to see her pupils delight, and making her follow the light and also making her seeing if she could see certain letters.
"Can you read the bottom line for me?"
"It's blurry, I can't see it."
"Okay, that's fine. What about this line?"
"Can't see it." The lines kept getting bigger and bigger till Luna was finally able to read the line. "B...F...E...Z...O?"
"Okay, good, here...Luna can you read me the third row?"
"F...E...Z...A? T."
"Okay, okay, good," Doctor Avery then gave her some weird looking glasses. Adjusting them to see if Luna could see clearly with a certain lens over her eyes.
"Okay, Luna tell me if lens A or lens B is better."
"Okay...lens B or lens C?"
"Alright, lens C or lens D?"
The test went on for a little bit as Doctor Avery listened to Luna and what she could and could not see. As Doctor Avery took notes for Luna and what proper lens she will need.
Now it was time for Luna to start her glasses picking. Luna sat at the small wooden table with glasses spread out in front of her. Some bright and colorful and other dark colors.
She picks up the small light pinks one from earlier. She puts them on and looks in the small mirror in front of her and turned behind her looking up at Y/n.
"Mama, what about these?"
"They look so cute on you, baby," she smiles as she bends down, her hand on Luna's back and the other resting on the table helping Luna decide which ones she wanted.
"How many do I get mama?"
"Two pairs."
"I want the pink and yellow," Luna says.
"Alright, we will get the lens in them and by Monday they should be good, would like us to mail them or would you like to come and pick them up?"
"Pick them up should be good," Y/n says as Doctor Avery took the pink and yellow pair to the back.
Simon sat at the kitchen counter with Luna, she was trying to read but had a hard time.
"Luna, baby don't hurt yourself, go take a break," Y/n says as Luna closed to the book, hopping off the stool and going to play with her toys.
"When do those glasses come in?" Simon asked.
"Tomorrow, which reminds me, could you take her? I have a meeting tomorrow."
"Sure, my love," Simon says, walking to Y/n and kissing her lips.
Simon had picked up Luna after school, and immediately took her back to the eye doctor. Simon held Luna on his hip and walked through the door.
Luna smiles and they walk to the counter.
"Hi," Simon's deep voice booms.
"Oh, hello, sir, how can I help you?"
"I have an order to pick up."
"Yes of course, name?"
"Luna Riley." Simon then places Luna on the counter as the girl gets the glasses and places them on Luna's face.
"Do they need to be readjusted?"
"Yes," Luna says, taking the glasses off.
"Are the lens alright?"
"Yes," Luna then looks at Simon. Simon smiles at his daughter. "I can see you daddy," she says, which just melts Simon's heart to hear that from his daughter.
"I'm glad, baby," Simon says, cupping her face and kissing her forehead. "Thank you."
"Of course, have a good day," the lady smiles as Simon took his daughter back home.
"MAMA! MAMA! LOOK AT MY GLASSES!!" Luna yells excitedly as she runs into the house.
"Oh my baby, can you finally see?"
"Yeah, mama you have a pretty face," Luna places her hands on her moms face making Y/n's heart clench in her chest and she kisses Luna's cheek making her laugh.
Going to school the next day, Luna was nervous what the kids in her class will think. Luna sits in her chair in front of the class and some kids saw her glasses and went up to her to see them.
You'd think these kids have never seen someone with glasses before from how they acted.
"Luna are those new?"
"Can I see them?"
"Can I wear them?"
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
"Can you read?"
The questions kept coming and Luna would answer the best she could, none of the kids were being mean, they were just being like curious little kids, asking questions.
"Luna, I see you have glasses now," Mrs. Anderson bent down to Luna's level. She's glad Y/n and Simon took her advice that Luna may need glasses, most parents would have ignored Mrs. Anderson's advice.
"Yeah, I can see now," Luna says with a smile.
The whole day was Luna just being happy she could properly see now, Mrs. Anderson was going over the new spelling words for Friday.
Luna was excited that she could see and when going home, she told Simon about her day and how she was able to finally enjoy quiet reading time at school because she could see.
Luna use to not read during reading time because she couldn't see the words and her face would be shoved deep into the book, but now it was away from her face and she could read the words just fine.
"I'm glad you had a good day, baby."
"Me too, daddy." Luna says with a smile on her face as she ate her snack in the back of Simon's truck and drinking her bug juice (y'all remember those?)
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occasionallyprosie · 3 months
So the big brother trio (someone tell me whenever the official name has been decided)
They're the only Responsible Adults in the group. Yes Time can be responsible, but he's so vague and kinda distant, also a total gremlin, that he's not a Responsible Adult. Likewise, the other ones are also responsible but they're not Responsible.
So, the bbt have designated kids. At some point along the way, they realized the situation and discussed between themselves which two of the other heroes they'd take care of.
It's early LU, not full on early but mid-early.
Sky gets Legend on default, Legend does not listen nor really respect either Twilight or Warriors. He also gets Hyrule, because Downfall Duo and because Hyrule and Wild need separate adults so they can at least minimize the little adventures the two get up to.
Twilight gets Wild on default, because Wild knows he is/will be Wolfie and attaches to him. Twilight lets him and they're a pair. He also gets Four because they shared their secrets and they trust each other.
Warriors gets Time on default because he's the only one Time actually listens to as an authority figure and not as a younger peer who is trying their best. Obviously he snatches up Wind too, he already legally adopted them in the war anyways.
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A Future With You
Luke Hughes x oc
"Okay, but do we really need a second bedroom?" Luke asks, his arms wrapped around my body as I lean against his chest, the laptop rested on my thighs as we search for apartments, thinking a lot lately about when I graduate from Michigan and get to finally move to Jersey.
"Where will your brother's stay if we don't have a second room?"
"On the couch?" Lu supplies as if it should have been clear. "Or Jack can stay at his own apartment and Quinn can stay with him."
"And your parents?"
"We'll book them a hotel room."
"Lu, we can't just make your family stay in a hotel, they'll be here to visit us, that's rude," He clearly doesn't understand, because he gets his cute little confused face, mouth pouty and eyebrows furrowed.
"Plus, if we have a guest room now, we may not have to move into a new place for a while, we'll be able to just redecorate if the time comes," I can't help but mention, glancing up hesitantly, and the confused look hasn't changed.
I'm going to actually have to say this out loud. And while Lu and I have discussed living together a lot, down to now looking at apartments online, and we've discussed getting married one day, we've never discussed this.
"What do you mean, baby?" He asks when I've paused for too long.
"Uh." What am I supposed to say? For when we have babies one day? "You know, for the future."
And it's now that his confusion is morphed into joy, him moving my laptop to the floor and flipping me over so that my front is facing his, his arms around me tightening as he kisses me.
"Are you talking about having kids with me?" And the absolute look of hope on his face makes me want to cry tears of joy.
"I didn't mean to assume that you'd want to have kids with me, I just- it breaks my heart to even consider a future without you but -"
"Never think like that," He interrupts, smile smaller than before as he cups my face. "Never think of a future without me in it, cause if I'm not in it I'm dead."
"No," He interrupts again. "You need to know that I plan to marry you. Hell-" Is the next thing to come out of his mouth, moving from under me and earning a groan of disapproval, but he's back a second later, a small box in his hand and his heart rate skyrocketing as he retakes his place behind me.
"Luke, what is that?" I can't help but ask, even though I'm almost positive in the answer.
"It's the ring I bought for you right after our first anniversary," He begins to explain, bringing tears to my eyes. "Hey now, please don't cry baby."
And I shove him, not hard, but enough against his chest for him to get the memo. "You just told me you bought a ring for me after our first anniversary, A YEAR AND A HALF AGO and you expect me not to cry?"
"I need you to know, I was not planning on showing this to you, or giving this to you, for a while. I just knew I was going to marry you and bought it with my sign-on check for the Devils."
"Do you want an answer? Need an answer? Are you actively proposing or just showing me that you've thought about it?"
Lu chuckles, running him hand that's not holding the closed box through my hair and letting it rest on my shoulder.
"You need to know that I was going to do it this summer. Take you to the lake house, take you to that little bookstore-cafe type place I let you talk me into for our first date and propose," he explains, tears pouring down my face. And he looks at me with such a soft expression that I just know I'll forever feel at home with this boy.
"Would you be okay with me just asking you n-"
"Yes," I interrupt, not caring about what comes next.
Chuckling, he shakes his head, the curls moving this way and that. "Yes you're okay with me asking now or yes to the question?"
"Both," I answer without a second thought. "God Lu just ask me to marry you already!"
"- will you -"
"Marry me? Not now, but at some point?" And although he knows my answer, he looks nervous.
"Luke Hughes there is no universe where I say no to spending forever with you," I assure, kissing him softly before he slips the ring, a gorgeous one that could have come straight from my dreams, onto my finger, pulling me as close to his chest as humanly possible. We stay like this, just resting together in excitement and love before I can feel his head shift back to looking at me.
"So, kids?" Are the words he chooses the re-start our conversation from earlier, making me giggle.
"One day."
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luna-lovegreat · 4 months
Hey guys I have a favour to ask
Please do not reblog Jojos post about the patreon with complaints and disappointment.
Everything everyone is saying is valid. Your fears and concerns- the disappointment because you can't afford it- is so important
Your thoughts are important and so are you
It is very unfair to Jojo, however, to see those reblogs- with half support and half negativity.
Everyone is worried about the fandom- what it means that we might not be able to see some content- that we won't know how to handle some people knowing things before others can
But I would ask that you express those concerns on your own blogs, perhaps not even under the Lu tags.
I know your intentions are good. There is no denying that we all care. But these statements are inherently negative no matter how well meant.
No problems will go away by ignoring it- by just shutting up about it.
What I fear right now is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Most concerns are about the fandom- about there being division, a sense of "elitism".
But if we're worried about division, then we will only make it happen by arguing about it.
We should turn to unity. We can work to make this positive.
Obviously no one will share what is on the patreon before it is public. But we can still share in the wonderful excitement and discussions following updates! We should agree to have just as much joy in what we love.
We should agree for there to be no bragging- only excitement when everyone can see it, that we can share our thoughts just as well as we always could.
This is a huge step for Jojo. In motivation and getting rewarded for years of hard work. In helping her to continue what takes so much time.
We've all read big project fanfictions where the author had to stop. I find this extremely reassuring as to an underlying fear I know we've all had.
Linkeduniverse is wonderful and loved. Now we have more certainty that Jojo means to see this through- to carry out what was never intended to be a story starting out.
I get it. I am so scared too. I'm scared for the fandom and I'm scared for me. There is no way I can afford it. I may not ever be able to.
I'm scared to even make this post- to say my opinion and ask something of others
This is amazing and wonderful. I think everyone agrees that we are so proud of Jojo for taking such a big step for herself.
Reblogging her post with disappointment and rants in the tags- do not show her it's not worth it- that she will only be met with disapproval.
Let's be kind- and make this positive.
This is a good thing. Every worry and concern is valid, it shows how much we care. Let's keep this something we love.
I love you and you are amazing.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 20 days
Can I get a Record of Ragnarok x Odins Youngest Daughter! Reader? Who is Norse Child Goddess of the Stars, the Night, the Moon, and Wishes. And she likes the humans and likes to talk to the Ragnarok human fighters. She's gotta a bubbly shy personality. Even Odin can't help but Crack a smile.
-Odin and Loki were walking down a large hallway together, heading towards a meeting room where several other gods and humans were waiting, to discuss some infrastructure in Valhalla.
-Loki had his hands behind his head as he floated alongside Odin, “Why do we have to attend this meeting? It doesn’t have anything to do with us.”
-Odin rolled his eye softly at Loki’s whining, and he went to speak with footsteps filled their air around them, little ones that didn’t belong to either of them.
-When Odin stopped, so did the footsteps, and when he started again, so did the mystery footsteps and he couldn’t help the smile that wormed its way to his lips.
-Loki couldn’t help but pout, seeing the smile, “Why do you smile when Y/N does it, but get mad when I do it?”
-Without hesitation, Odin answered, “Because you’re annoying and Y/N isn’t.” Loki held his chest like he had been insulted before he quickly turned and rushed to you, scooping you up into his arms, making you squeal as he spun around, whining to you, “Y/N~~ Odin’s being mean to me again~~”
-Odin turned as Loki floated over and Odin held out his hands to you, taking you in his arms, holding you up, “And what are you doing here, little one?”
-You beamed brightly up at him, blinding Odin, Muginn, Huginn, and Loki with your adorableness, “I saw you going on an adventure, papa, so I wanted to come too!”
-That’s how you saw all things that took you or anyone else away from your home in the Norse Pantheon, an adventure.
-Loki cooed, holding his cheeks on how cute you were while Odin couldn’t help but smile, as he decided to bring you along to the meeting as well, with hopes that nobody would say anything, he didn’t want to get violent with you around.
-You were his adorable little princess after all.
-When you entered the meeting hall, you saw a bunch of other people, humans and gods, there, waiting for everyone to arrive.
-Your eyes instantly lit up as Odin sat you down and you ran over to Hercules and Leonidas, both who greeted you warmly as Hercules swept you up, grinning brightly.
-Odin thought it was a little odd, seeing you being so social with others, especially humans, but then again, you were a sweet child, one that loved humanity. He still felt guilty for making you cry when you found out about Ragnarok before it had been cancelled, as you didn’t want humanity to be destroyed. You had so many friends in the humans, you didn’t want to lose them!
-Hercules sat you down and you went around to greet the other people that you knew, being an adorable ray of sunshine, which was funny because you were a nighttime goddess, being the Goddess of stars, night, moon, and wishes.
-A new face popped up, greeting you brightly, “Hello there little one, who are you?” You knew that this was Anubis, but he was someone you didn’t personally know.
-Despite being so bubbly and open with others, when faced with this new person, you surprised Anubis by stepping behind Lu Bu, peeking out from behind him, holding onto the leg of his pants.
-Anubis clutched his chest, quickly falling to his knees, overwhelmed by your cuteness, “So cute!!” Odin rolled his eye lightly, as you were still holding onto Lu Bu, but out a bit as Anubis offered you his hand, and soon you were smiling, being so warm and bubbly with him.
-Odin couldn’t help but smile, seeing you looking so happy, as the meeting was late to get started, as everyone wanted to greet you, wanting to experience your adorable cuteness for themselves.
-By the time the meeting started, you were sitting in Odin’s lap, fast asleep, a small smile on your face, content with seeing all your friends, both new and old.
-Odin glared at those getting loud, silently threatening them with harm if they woke you up. He was such a good papa to you.
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urhoneycombwitch · 2 months
im gonna be at work for high night 🙄 so save my self-indulgent idea for later lu
reader who keeps hitting the snooze button on their alarm and groans knowing they need to get up for work but they just really cannot find the motivation to. The bed is warm and they're so comfortable and what's the harm of calling out....
Eddie who notices they're still laying down, eyes closed and in that fighting off being awake state and he knows there's only so many snoozes they can hit before they're definitely going to be running late so he sneaks under the covers....
and he doesn't come back up again until reader is awake, a tired, but satisfied smile on their face as they blink up at the ceiling. He presses some kisses to their lips/cheek/neck, slick and smelling like them, going "Hi, pretty. Ready to get up now?"
nauuurrr anon 😞 we will miss you but hope u see this after ur shift 💖 eeeheeeeheeeheee I’m literally kicking my feet behind my back sleepover-style giggling at this. that ellipses is so sinister I gotta help it out
+18 mdni
cw: R receives oral + fingering while sleeping (has been previously discussed as a 👍), somno, Eddie’s a soft!dom
Eddie’s always so attentive to your needs and state of being- he’s naturally super empathetic. by no means a morning person himself, he learns quickly that the rhythm of your day is usually set by how you wake up.
he’s dealt with the consequences of you having been off to a bad start, before- it takes a huge amount of cajoling or kisses or swinging by the diner for waffles to shake you out of a grumpy funk. and based on the way you’ve been tossing and turning this morning, you’re about to have the most miserable work shift ever.
what he doesn’t have this morning, though, is a lot of time- waffles will have to be for another day. he’s got an even better idea for a sweet wakeup.
he moves slow, weight in his hands on either side of your sleeping frame, kissing as he moves down your body. first to your bare shoulder. then to the side of that pretty nightie’s strap. one for your pebble nipple, peaking through the silk.
Eddie trails his kisses down- one on your stomach, one for the bump of your cunt- pulling the sheets away as he goes.
with fingers nimble and dextrous, he feels for the band of your underwear while keeping his eyes on your face, careful to pause if your expression changes. the goal is to keep you pliant, for this next part…
he gets his head under the edge of your nightdress, pussy fully exposed to the eager lappings of his mouth. with one hand on your stomach to keep your center grounded, Eddie slips the middle two fingers of his other hand into your slippery cunt.
a soft shift of your hips, a whimper, and Eddie moves his hands with your pelvis, using the momentum to dip and catch your clit in his mouth.
he follows with his head as your hips sink back down into the mattress, sucking hard on your beating clit as he goes.
you must’ve been having a dirty dream, ‘cuz you’re already so tight around his fingers, slick pooling in his palm. he laps noisily into your cunt, wet squelch of his fingers bringing you to bleary consciousness.
“whuh- uh- oh fuck, Eddie-”
your legs jerk close on impulse, trapping his head between your thighs, and Eddie thinks he might’ve died and gone to heaven. fully clothed, about to cream his jeans from eating his girl out. sure, he’s down to meet god, but can it wait a second?
“was dreamin’ you- ah, yeah, there- dreamin’ of you doing this to me. fuck…” your voice ends in a hoarse rasp, your hands shooting into Eddie’s hair, tugging at the roots.
he ruts into the mattress, cock leaking steadily into the fabric of his briefs, humming with pleasure against your clit.
your back arches off the mattress, he hears that tell-tale, breathy little gasp, and you’re gone- clenching around his fingers like a vice, flooding against his pistoning fingers.
he’s gone just as soon as you, coming in hot spurts with each upstroke against the quilt below, moaning into your pussy.
he kisses a sticky trail back up your body, sliding your nightie strap into place, loving and firm- “morning, princess. go take a shower, and no complaining. as a thank you for the wake up gift- ‘kay?”
you wouldn’t dream of complaining, nodding easily to his command, sleepy and sated smile on your face. your arms reach to encircle his shoulders, and Eddie leans in for a kiss- he tastes like you.
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referencing an obscure unreleased deep cut in my essay about very popular band's very popular lead single from their very popular most recent album 👍
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briebysabs · 3 months
Lu Guang is a hypocrite and that’s okay (great even)
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I must stand ten toes for this man because I’m noticing the slander that went on in September and I cannot allow it. I know I’m six months late but just bear with me. We are introduced to Lu Guang as a rational, stoic, sort of wise protagonist. The brains of the operation if you will (although Cheng is clever in his own right but that’s a whole other discussion). Qiao Ling and Captain Xiao describe him as more mature. Shiguang’s relationship is strong but it’s structured, especially for their work, to where Cheng has to depend on Lu Guang. Should only do as he says and not do anything impulsive.
And it gets to a point where Cheng doesn’t know what to do without him and when LG isn’t there he relies on his past words to guide him. The thing is, we’ve seen that CXS can come up with great plans and make good decisions without Lu Guang’s voice in his head. Like how he caught Min Liu or planning how save Lu Guang from Li Tianchen. But the story has built LG up so much to be a reliable character so it can’t be untrue. But then the s2 finale happens, Cheng gets shot and Lu Guang loses his mind.
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And then the ending basically tells you that he’s been winging it and gambling this whole time. Experimenting with god knows how many timelines, simply using his knowledge from the previous one to see if he’ll get lucky this time. Lu Guang has been playing a crane game. So in a story that is all about mistakes, guilt and regrets. Of showing the imperfections of people. Of showing the struggles of moving forward, of being satisfied with the present. Of sacrificing your sanity, your voice, your desires, and happiness for the people you love. How is this bad writing?
Link click has been tricking the audience to believe Lu Guang is an infallible character.
But Link Click was never about perfect people.
What he’s trying to do is no different from Li Tianchen, one of our antagonists. And I love CXS to fucking pieces but this show raises the question of a life’s value. LG is trying to save Cheng and so refuses to change the past for anyone else. Bc it may alter things and doom CXS in the process and ruin all he’s worked towards. But then you ask yourself, is CXS’s life worth more than the twins' mother? Is it worth more than Chen’s mother? Is it worth more than Emma?
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It doesn’t matter because it is to Lu Guang. It’s like the question if your sibling and a mailman are trapped in a burning building but you can only try to save one. Unless they’re the absolute scum of the earth, chances are and possibly even despite that, you’re going to pick your sibling. That don’t mean it’s objectively more valuable than the mailman or you didn’t have sympathy for that person, they have loved ones, hopes and joys too. “Lu Guang is a hypocrite, selfish, unreliable, and a liar” yes he is. Because there is something called ‘flawed characters’. It’s okay for your protagonist to not be the best person. It’s okay to write a protagonist whose trauma has defined some of their actions.
If you’ve been forced to have someone you love die in your arms over and over, why is it surprising that you would lie to them? How is it surprising that you’d try to keep secrets? That you’d set things up to be in a position to control the situation? That’ll force you to plan better so maybe, just maybe things will be different? You think Lu Guang lacks self awareness and doesn’t know what this makes him? Of all things you can call LG, he’s not delusional. He knows the weight of his actions.
Link Click has and always will be a story about people. Where our emotions and choices take us. Lu Guang isn’t a robot so why would he be an exception?
Plus everyone should’ve been knew Lu Guang was sus anyway. Idk how that’s mischaracterization, there’s proof of him lying and keeping secrets from CXS in s1. It doesn’t ruin anything it recontextualizes what we were shown back then.
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jessysapphireblue · 8 months
Confrontation Luffy x reader
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This is part two. If you want to read part one -----> Here
As in part one, Je as a nickname, the craziness continues, enjoy.
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Ever since your boyfriend admitted that you two slept together, you went out of the way from anyone. Usopp eyes followed you around whenever you passed him, as if to DARE you to get closer to Luffy.
"Puah! The food was amazing Sanji", Luffy beamed and patted his belly. "Thanks", the cook said with a sad voice. It took a turn on him as he heard the news this morning, that you his beloved Goddess actually slept with the Captain.
"Je! What are you doing, your plate is still full" "Ah, yes", you admitted, obviously. Taking his fork, he took some food of your plate and held it out with a innocent grin. "Here!"
The kitchen was dead silent. Only the drop of Sanji´s cigarette was heard, all holding their breath. Luffy feeding you. HE! WANTED! TO! FEED! YOU!
Usopp directly began to pray, sweat running down his face. "No Luffy, it´s ok", you admitted and a loud breath was released. "Eh? Don´t you like the food?" "AH! I failed you my Goddess", Sanji fell onto the ground curling himself up as he whimpered.
"No! No no no. I´m not really hungry. You can eat the rest, Lu" "Sure?" "Yes, sure", you admitted and within a blink of your eyes, the plate was clean.
Sun all vanished, the night sky took place. "Good Night", you said and waved to them. "Je! Wait I sleep-", Luffy was interrupted as Usopp grabbed the collar of his shirt. "No! You will come here, we have a lo to discuss", he looked mad at your boyfriend. "But-" "Goodnight, Luffy", you smiled and went into your room and Usopp dragged his best friend over to the boys cabin.
Inside, Usopp began to breathe out, the rest of the boys already there as "Luffy", he started calmly. "Yeah?", he was already sitting on the couch. "One question....HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?!", Usopp began to shout, walking back and forth, " DO YOU HVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU DID?! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN TO HER?! TO US?! HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF MY BLOOD PRESSURE?!", he screeched so much that his voice broke.
"WE´RE PIRATES. THIS IS THE NEW WORLD!! YOU CAN´T JUST MAKE A BABY ON BOARD!" "Relax. I didn´t put a baby in her" " And that should calm me down?! I CAN`T EVEN-"
"you´re just mad that Luffy had sex before you, long nose", said Zoro with a smirk. "No!", admitted Usopp. "Really? You´re mad because I did it with Je?", Luffy tilted his head. "NO! What I mean is that you-YOU- who never-NEVER! Took an interest in this stuff suddenly know how this all works!"
"Usopp, are you still a virgin?", asked Franky and a blush covered the snipers cheeks. "YOHOHOHOHOHO! Usopp-san" "So basically, you thought you would get laid before Luffy", Sanji blew on his cigarette. "That is NOT the point! It´s Luffy, he doesn´t-"
A loud voice went through the cabin and all looked at Luffy who was eating cookies. "Where did you get these from?!", shouted Sanji. "Je makes them for me. She always makes too much and gives me the leftovers. She said when I´m hungry at night I can eat them", he smiled. Usopp inched the bridge of his nose and exhaled. "Did you even pay attention to what I said?"
Luffy shallowed all of the cookies at once before turning to his best friend. "No, not really", he laughed and the next second Usopp flung at him, strangling him. "YOU STUPID RUBBER IDIOT! I´M GIVING HERE A LECTURE AND YOU EAT!!!" "ARRk-Z-Zoro", Luffy chocked out.
Jinbe simply laughed at everything that happened. "Leave Luffy-kun alone. He has finally become a man" "OVER MY DEAD BODY!" "Bone-chop!", said brook and hit Usopp head. "What was that for, Brook?" "Luffy turned blue if you didn´t noticed it", admitted Franky.
"Ok, following!", Usopp clapped his hands. "These who are still virgins, raise their hand", he said and rose his hand, the rest being down. "SANJI?!" "What? I know what I´m doing", he smirked.
Luffy laughed loudly as Usopp fell to his knees, praying. "Oh, God. Forgive my sin for being in this rotten crew!", he began to tear up, "please don´t kill me, I´m still innocent and love my life so please-"
The others ignored Usopp as "Yohohoho, Luffy-san, One question. Is her body as wonderful as it looks?" "OH! Yes, Luffy! We need this information!", Sanji became heart eyes and puffed air through his nose.
"Je? Her skin is soft and smooth, like a pillow! I enjoy hugging her when we do it" "Yohohohoho", blood dripped from their noses. "Luffy, how was even your first time?", asked Zoro. "It was super fun! We laughed and it sorta happened.
"FUN?! YOU IDIOT! She is a living Goddess, the light of this ship and you should worship her fully! Kiss her skin, whisper love confessions, show her how much you want her, make her whine, and leave her breathless", Sanji went on one knee, explaining passionately.
"Just show her who´s in charge", yawned Zoro. "Oi, Marimo! That works with cavemen but a goddess like her!" "And if I hear one more of this sweet as shit, I´m gonna puke in your bed, Hentai-brow"
Both were about to fight. "Why that? We both laughed and felt happy with each other. This is about the two of us so it should be happy for us! But I have to admit, her moaning my name gave me shivers", Luffy grinned.
"Super, Luffy! So manly!", laughed Franky. "Luffy, I will never, ever again see you with innocent eyes!", Usopp whined.
"Ah, you´ll get over it", admitted Jinbe. "How! I have images in my head I never wanted to have! I feel like I was being molested!"
"You overdo", all said and the door opened. "Je!", your boyfriend jumped up when he saw you enter. "shhh. Chopper fell asleep in his office." Luffy looked at the sleeping Chopper, grinning.
"I take him", Zoro came forth and took the reindeer from your arm. "And you guys go to bed soon. Sleep well", you smiled as Luffy took your hand. "Why are you up?" "I´m on watch", you admitted. "Ok! Bye guys", waved your boyfriend and tug you outside with him, closing the door.
"Huargh! No no no. Not again. The pics coming back", Usopp shivered and jumped around. "Stalker" "Hey! If we have a baby here in a few months, I told you so! Luffy does not care"
"Night" "Yo, you also" Yohohoho, night guys"
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ghostswithoutokday · 2 months
Lucifer X reader| Vox x reader| they are Jealous!??
(btw this is not a poly relationship. These are two different scenarios and two different relationships. Also, if used please credit me. 😀).
(scenario one Lucifer)
Lucifer isn’t the type to get jealous easily a lot usually you’re the one who gets jealous if somebody even calls him by your nicknames or when they get a little too… Touchy with him your blood boil, but when Lucifer does get jealous, it tends to be a bit dramatic though nothing a little bit of cuddling and kisses will help. I’ll be back to golden retriever. self one day you were just walking around the palace, admiring The red decor until a servant kept up to you. He was just asking normal questions, but he seemed to be a bit touchy when Lucifer saw this he was not happy. But not mad as the conversation continue on he saw how more touchy the server was getting. “ DARLING. Uh ham- I mean Darling I need you to see some thing I made for you” Lucifer as he brings your hand to his looking at the servant as you both made his way to his office he slammed the door, kinda hard, but not as as if he wasn’t mad, but annoyed “ y/ n who is that fellow?” Lucifer, an angry tone. “ Servants.” You said. “ but he was touching you.” Lucifer said getting a little close to you. “ it’s fine Lu I mean you touch me all the time and it’s fine”
“ yeah because I’m your boyfriend that’s another story love you shouldn’t let people just randomly touch you” Lucifer said pounding you walk up a bit close to him “ Lucifer are you… Jealous?” I said, giving him a little smirk Lucifer blushes of it. “ what?! No no hehe Nono no NO” he said panicking a bit “ I mean I do but like not as if-“ you cut him off by giving him a kiss on his lips Lucifer was done for a bit, but soon kissed back “ Lucy why would you think I would let some else have me. I love you for you.” Lucifer looks a bit sad. “ I’m sorry, honey. I know it’s just after Lilith and everything. I..” held his chin, making him look at you. “ everything’s fine now I’m here. No one to hurt you no more…”
“you have me…”
. -. -. -. .- .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.—.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- . (scenario two Vox)
Vox had quite the temper he never get he never got mad at you don’t worry, but he still sometimes through tantrums like he was five years old and when you throw that in with jealousy problems start to well notice something even a glimpse of someone even touching you or accidentally popping into you he get all angry and protective because he doesn’t wanna lose you and how you’re his pride and joy one day you were talking to Val discussing about who knows when Vox came from behind you and put his arms around you as he was hugging you from the back staring at Val with cold eyes “ oh it looks like your little boy over here isn’t happy that I’m talking to you?” Val said in a teasing way later that day after everything happened, you stepped into Vox’s office “ it’s time for lunch Vox need to take a break. You’ve been here all. Morning “ he stepped in his office and saw nothing not even his computers were on that was odd soon the door slam shut you turn around quickly seeing your boyfriend who was a bit angry “ y/n why the fuck were you talking Val?” he said an angry tone. “ He was just asking for a project for designing clothes”
“ I get that, but he was a bit too… Clingy and touchy with you” you gave a small grin “ you were the one who was cling on me” “ that’s because I’m your boyfriend. I have a right to do that.” Vox said in an angry tone. “ I’m supposed to be the one who is you touching all over you I’m supposed to be the one to give you kisses and stuff not Val “ baby, it was just one touch that’s it and plus you have me actually and you do all those things what are you jealous or something?” Was a bit shocked by what you said a light blue blush. Appeared on his face. He cleared his throat. “ still though… you’re my partner, my lover.. not his “ I came close to vox giving him a kiss on the cheek “ don’t worry voxxy I’m not leaving you I would never leave you now now come on. Let’s go eat lunch.” I said, taking his hand soon leaving with him
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( thank you for reading my lovely’s I will be making a Adam, and Alastor one also later today so stay tune 😀😎⭐️)
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