#some day i'd like to own one but i worry i'd be too clumsy or wouldn't have a good place to put him atm
skeletalheartattack · 1 month
i saw a Zarbon statue at GameStop today and thought of your blog
*spits out whatever i'm drinking* i think i hauve to go to gamestop
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luveline · 2 years
sharing idea time! Eddie being the lovable menace likes to tease or "be a meanie" as reader would say to Roan, so one day he's being playful and Roan decides to "defend" reader by "standing up" to her dad. like on the couch to try making eye contact and lecture him with such a glare he's worried her face will get stuck.
omg yes nothing so romantic as some light bullying (I say this genuinely) fem!reader
Eddie does this thing with his hands that is completely, unmitigatedly cruel. He might take your hand, and you settle into his side expecting to be loved on. When he's in an especially good mood he pulls your arm to his chest and runs the tips of his fingers over your bare skin slowly. It's a sweet tickling sensation that could lull you to sleep.
When he's in a better mood than that, he gets mean. He teases with the callused hands of both a mechanic and a guitarist, built for precision and brute force. His hand follows down to your palm and he holds your hand in his in a simple gesture, and then he gathers your fingers and squeezes until all your bones ache.
It always makes you laugh, a panicked braying as you try to pull your hand back and fend off his horrible attack. Eddie only grows more eager, rolling your fingers together until you gasp and beg to be let go of.
This time, he's done not only a number on your hand but your thigh. You're too sensitive for his pinching, and he gets right in there and squeezes until you can't breathe.
"Eddie," you squeal, totally dissolved, limp and gasping and flat on your back across the couch. "Please stop."
He tickles up the inside of your thigh but doesn't do any further damage. "You're laughing, aren't you? I think you like it more than you admit."
"Laughing isn't the word I'd use."
He grabs at your doughy thigh until you're pleasing for mercy and says, "No? You wouldn't? What word would you use, baby?"
His voice raises in volume with each new question as to be heard over your keening.
"Eddie, please, would you-"
"Stop!" Roan cries, climbing up onto the couch with impressive speed and dexterity.
You raise your chest and legs as she lands straight into the pouch of your stomach with an "Oof!" that whipes you out completely. Roan defends your limp state with two hands outstretched and a darling, dramatic scowl.
"Stay away, dad!"
His turn to frown. "That's daddy to you, short stuff. What's your damage?"
"You are my damage!" she shouts. It's hilarious and lovely in her baby voice and clumsy pronunciation.
You giggle under her weight and smile so wide it infects him. He catches Roan's furious gaze and it swiftly falls away.
"Baby, what's wrong? We're just playing."
"You're being the meanie!"
"A meanie," you correct mildly, hands coming to rest on Roan's hips.
"A meanie," she says crossly.
Eddie can't understand how he got here, why her favouritism tips so strongly to your side. You giggle again, to yourself more than either of them, and he remembers. The sound is pretty as your lackadaisical grin, your face tipped to the side to see him from around Roan's commanding pose.
"I'm sorry," he says, not sounding very sorry, "I'm not trying to be mean. It's just to make her laugh, Roan. Don't you like laughing?"
Roan looks him straight in his face, real upset between her pinched brows. How many times has he seen that expression on his own face? A furious kind of injustice.
"You have to be nice!" Roan declares.
"I am nice."
"No, you're mean. You squish too hard."
He supposes that's true.
Eddie dips his chin toward his chest and pouts at her apologetically. "I'm sorry..." He holds out his hand, hoping to hold her small palm against his own. She gives it to him with enough reluctance to break a dad's heart.
"You're mean."
"I'm only playing," he stresses.
He rubs the back of her hand and lays it down thickly. Affection has always worked against her moods, ever since she was a baby. Half the time she'd cried and Eddie could fix it with a hug and a kiss.
"You have to play nicer," she chides gently, sounding a lot like he does when he has to explain things to her. It's so close and so genuine he finds himself wanting to kiss every bit of soft skin on her face.
"I will, I promise. No more squeezing. Alright? Does that make you feel better?"
"Not me, Y/N!" she says.
"Oh." Eddie manoeuvres his daughter so she's in his lap and then pulls you up by your hand, bringing it to his lips in a princess kiss. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I won't be doing anymore squeezing."
You grin at him. "Damn straight you won't. Or you can answer to my lovely protector. Isn't that right, Roan?"
Roan has melted into her dad's arm like butter in the sun, but she has enough wits about her to say, "Right!"
Eddie kisses the top of her head, careful not to crush her freshly washed curls. He can't find it in himself to be mad that his girls have ganged up on him now. He likes having you both be on the same team. He only wants to be on that team with you.
"I'm sorry," he tries again pathetically, dropping his cheek into the couch cushion to look pitiful.
You do take pity on him, dropping your own cheek close enough to meet his eyes. "That's okay, handsome. You're forgiven."
He tries not to make it too obvious that he's looking down at Roan.
You bite with a pleased little smile. "Roan, would you forgive daddy? He's sorry."
She pats Eddie's thigh. "Okay."
Her forgiveness isn't grand, but it does feel good. Good enough to celebrate.
"Thank you, baby..." He toys with a ringlet of hair behind her ear until she shivers. "How about we go out for dinner, huh? The three of us."
"Where?" you ask.
"For cake?" Roan asks.
"I'm sure they'll have cake," he assures her.
You both seem remarkably, impossibly lively after that, a stark contrast to your sleepy states. He can't believe how quickly you abandon him, or how quickly you pull on your shoes.
more eddie and roan
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crazypsychonerdstuff · 3 months
Excuse the extremely detailed request, but if you are ok with it, could you do a Black Hat x reader oneshot where the reader is a demon/eldritch abomination similar to Black Hat and they work for him and they both have feelings for eachother but neither of them say anything for a long time and it eventually takes reader getting injured in some way for him to confess to her?
For some background to where the idea came from, My horse pushed me over the other day into a patch of nettles and they stung my hand and arm pretty bad and I had a reaction that meant I needed to get antihistamines from the doctor because it was so bad. while I was recovering, I was struggling to do everyday tasks as the grip in my hand was affected, and I kept dropping stuff and not able to grip thinklgs like door handles properly! It got me thinking how would our favourite eldritch horror react if the person he secretly cared about was injured? Not enough to put them out of action completely, but more just an inconvenience that was affecting their day to day life?
I also remember thinking at one point "what if he kissed it better? Like, his kisses literally made it better? eldritch saliva having healing properties or something?" Idk. It popped into my head and it seemed like an interesting concept at the time!
Sorry if this is too detailed or weird! You don't have to write it if you don't want to! I just don't see many active blogs that write for Black Hat at the moment!
Oh no! Hope you're feeling better now! Bad horse!
Sorry this is so late btw... it's been sat half finished in my drafts since before Christmas! 😱
Hope this will suffice! It's been too long since I've written anything other than headcanons!! I think the extra detail and context actually helped me write this, so thanks!
CW: mildly suggestive? If you squint? Thought I'd mention it just in case. Eldritch abomination licks your hand. So if that makes anyone uncomfortable, I guess... 🤷
Anyhow, without further ado:
That was the fourth time you'd dropped something today. Luckily though, it was almost time for you to retire from your cleaning duties for the night, but before you had chance to pick up the dropped items, Black Hat growled at you, his fangs showing in a vicious snarl. "What's wrong with you?! you're being even more of a klutz than usual."
You growled back, not intimidated in the least by the other eldritch creature. "I hurt my hand earlier, but what do you care?"
Black Hat huffed and rolled his eyes, his voice becoming softer than you though possible for him: "Why didn't you say something? What did you do?" he put his pen down and turned to face you fully; 'was he actually implying he was going to listen to me?' You thought in disbelief.
"I fell in some of those damned 'killer nettles' of yours when I went out to fetch something." You snarled back, fangs showing slightly in agitation, though any malice remaining in your voice no longer directed at the other Demon but at yourself for your own clumsiness.
His face dropped, the remainder of his malevolent snarl transforming to a look of pure worry, something that looked unsettlingly foreign coming from him: "You bloody idiot! Why didn't you tell me? Those things cause paralysis, you're lucky you're not human, or you'd likely be unable to move for days at the very least. You could be dead!"
You were taken aback by his clear concern, thoughts rushing through your head 'Was he alright? This wasn't like him. Was this even Black Hat sat in front of you right now?' You looked at him not quite sure what to say or do. "Sir?"
"Come here. And don't call me 'sir' when we're alone." His voice was quiet, and despite maintaining his usual air of confidence, the eldritch being refused eye contact, instead looking to the papers on his desk.
"But Si- Black Hat..." as if you were not already confused, his lack of spite really threw you off guard.
"Just come here, will you?" he held out a gloved hand to you. "I just want to check the damage it's done. I'm not going to bite you." If you didn't know better, you'd have said that a small smirk played on his lips at that last comment.
Hesitantly, you took a step toward him, reaching out your injured hand to rest it in his outstretched one. The moment your hands came into contact with each other, he gently pulled you over to where he was sat, the suddenness of the movement causing you to lose your balance and fall into his lap.
Black Hat grinned. "Not so bad, was it? Now, let me see the damage." He turned your hand over in his own, which was surprisingly warm. You'd always imagined he'd be cold for some reason...
You breathed an internal sigh of relief when his attention was no longer on your face and instead on your hand, for by now, you were certain your face had become a shade of red to rival a tomato.
"It could have been a lot worse, but luckily for you, your reactions seem similar to my own. Without treatment, it should return to normal in a few days." he looked back up at you after assessing the damage done to your hand, "but..." and he paused, bringing your injured hand up to his lips and softly kissed the stinging wound.
If you weren't blushing before, you sure as hell were now. 'Who was this man? And what had he done with my boss?' You thought, a mild panic seeping into you at the out of character display of affection.
Ok, so it was no big secret that you had a crush on the other demon, so needless to say, you quite enjoyed the affection he was practically showering you with - for him at least - but it still seemed wrong, or at least a little off; this was not like Black Hat at all.
You opened your mouth to speak, only to shut it again, unable to form words as his forked tongue slipped out to gently lick the stinging red patch covering the palm of your hand and part of your wrist, all the time maintaining eye contact. Despite the embarrassing position, you were beyond grateful for the fact that you were sitting down as you was positive that, had you been standing, your legs would have given out the moment his lips touched your skin.
"... But, with the appropriate remedy, it should be better by tomorrow morning." The eldritch creature smiled, actually smiled - not his usual malevolent, twisted grin - at you. "As you know, to lesser beings, an eldritch being such as myself's saliva is positively lethal, but to a creature of a similar nature, it has rather potent healing properties." The eldritch's arm around your waist tightened slightly, pulling you back against his firm chest.
"Black -" your voice was barely above a whisper, too stunned to say much else.
He purred quietly next to your ear in response before nuzzling into your neck affectionately. "You have no idea what you do to me, my dear."
his quiet voice, along with his breath fanning over your burning skin, sent pleasant shivers down your spine, and it took all of your willpower not to lean back and melt completely into his warm embrace. "wha-what's got into you, sir? Are y-are you feeling alright?"
"Never better, my love..." He hummed, leaning his chin on your shoulder. "I regret not telling you sooner, it's been torturing me since you came to work for me..." he paused for a moment as if considering whether to actually tell you or not. "...I love you."
those three words stunned you into complete silence. what had Demencia put in his coffee?!
"Sir... I-I'm not sure what is wrong with you, but you are not yourself... I think maybe I should get Flug." not that you didn't like the attention you were getting from your boss, just that it was not like him at all and you were by now convinced that somebody (Demencia) had somehow gotten him drunk for some terrible prank.
"Look, don't get Flug there's nothing he can do. It is true that I love you and I have ever since you came to work for me..." it was Black Hat's turn to avoid eye contact. "I know, you find it hard to believe, and so did I for a long time, but I guess flug has his uses after all, as it was his slip up that gave me the confidence to finally confess." The eldritch abomination suddenly didn't seem so terrifying to you. In fact, he seemed, dare you think, quite sweet.
You finally gave in and melted into his embrace; "I love you too, Black Hat." You brought your hand up to the side of his head and tilted your own so that your lips met his own.
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brighteststar707 · 6 months
either 20 or 24 with seven? i loveeee awkward and blushy saeyoung <3
can’t wait to see what you come up with for these prompts— you always come up with the most interesting scenarios and your descriptions are just so immersive :’)
Hi, sorry for the delays on this fic! I thought I'd pick prompt 20 and write my own version of the iconic 'hearing your voice...' phone call! That's some clumsy flirting if I ever did see it hehe
Thank you for the request! I hope you enjoy (and happy holidays <3)
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Clumsy Attempts at Flirting
✦707 x Gn!Reader ✦ Words: 1054
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There is a disturbance in Seven's head. Perhaps some faulty connection or something finally knocked loose during his last field mission, he's not sure.
He finds himself in the backseat in his own mind. He has no control over his racing thoughts and plans, much less the ability to focus on the demanding tasks ahead of him. Every time he tries, it's like his brain disconnects and leaves him with nothing but static. He tries to focus on agency work but finds his hands working on a robot prototype instead. He takes his car out for a drive to clear his head and finds no reprieve in even that.
It's embarrassing for him to admit this, but you're the only person keeping him somewhat sane at the moment. He finds himself opening chatrooms just to talk to you for a few minutes. Your voice manages to cut through all the noise the way nothing else can and it soothes him for short periods of time.
There is a sneaking suspicion in his mind that you're the one who's causing all this chaos to begin with, but that idea brings him no relief. If you really have unsettled him so, there is no solution he can imagine that would bring back his focus.
Either way, he likes to talk to you often just to keep the buzzing at bay. He knows that it's a temporary solution to a problem he suspects runs much deeper and is harder to solve. There is no place for you in his world. He'd like nothing more than to keep you as far away from it as possible, for you to never have to know of the terrible things he has done just to survive.
(If only that didn't mean having to keep himself away from you too - but he really doesn't have the time for fanciful thoughts like that.)
He tries other remedies. He tries to sleep, goes for longer drives, drinks energy drinks to keep him going. He even builds you another robot, hoping that if he indulges in one of his passing ideas it will keep the others at bay to no avail. The only thing that helps him focus is hearing from you.
You send him little texts throughout the day (as if you can tell how heavily he relies on them) and appear often in the chatrooms. With each passing day, he grows more and more distracted and, consequently, more desperate for any form of connection with you. His subconscious is occupied with nothing but the memory of you. Echoes of your voice, the sweet sing-song way you always seem to say his name (as if it makes you happy just to hear from him). It bounces around in his head at the most inopportune moments.
Less pleasant are the fears for your safety. Your voice in his mind twists into something awful, terrified, calling for him to help you. But you are, as always, somewhere he cannot reach. He finds himself occupied with all the different ways that things can go wrong - on top of all his other fears.
He closes his eyes and sees your face, his fingers type your name through lines of code of their own volition. It's getting dangerous.
He imagines it's that sense of desperation that causes him to type out your number one day (he doesn't even remember memorising it). He only notices what he has done when he hears your voice on the other end.
“Oh…you picked up! I just wanted to hear your voice while working, I must have called you without thinking. I… was worried I was going to forget what it sounded like.” God, he doesn't know what he's saying.
Somehow, you reward him with a laugh. His head spins.
“I didn’t wake you up, did I?” He continues. He isn’t sure what to do if you say yes.
He can hear the sound of your voice on the other end and it sends a jolt of electricity through him (better than even Dr. Pepper could do) but all he can grasp is you telling him something about being responsible for what he’s done. His heart jumps in his chest. You're teasing him, and he probably deserves it, but he can barely take it at the moment without turning into a blushing stuttering mess.
He starts to babble – about what, he can’t remember – just to fill the empty air so you don’t hang up. He wants this conversation to go on for a bit longer, just to keep hearing you talk. Pity it seems to have come at the cost of his filter. He finds himself talking about a dream he had a few hours ago.
Since meeting you, he has revealed so much about himself that he wouldn’t think of telling other people. He hears his voice saying things he has never dared to say out loud before.
“Something really strange happened when I was calling you before… My hands were just pressing your number automatically… It was like I was in a trance. I thought about hanging up, but I’m glad I didn’t.”
“I’m glad you didn’t too.” You sound genuine. Warm and so welcoming, he could just curl up and....
“Hah… hearing your voice… makes me want to take you to the space station.”
Why did he say that? It’s official, something is wrong with him. He feels the heat rising through his body and he feels like he’s about to catch on fire.
Before you can say anything, he blurts out, “Oh, I have lots of work to do so I need to hang up… Um… thanks for talking to me!”
He hangs up, buries his face in his hands and groans. You’re never going to talk to him again, and he’s certainly never going to get any work done anytime soon.
Still, despite his embarrassment, the memory of your laughing echoes through his head. It sends shivers through him despite still feeling so hot. He wants to - no, he has to - hear it again.
He keeps his face firmly planted in his hands (the skin of his cheeks is so hot, he idly worries that he's got a fever). He has no idea what he's going to do with himself.
He wants to call you.
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divinctions · 2 months
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✿ ━━━━ drew's birthday advent .
the countdown to d day (drew day) has officially begun and luna is well prepared for it! wanting to do something incredibly special for the first birthday spent as a couple, she put together a birthday advent calendar for him. knowing who he is, luna didn't just drop off all the presents (he'd open them in a night); instead, she planned carriers to deliver him a present idea with each one coming with a hand written note. / annoyingly lengthy details below. ( @hntedhouse )
a complete look at the advent calendar can be found here.
day 1: luna arrived at minute on May 1st with the first gift in hand: A orange themed gift basket with her corny note attached: Happy Drew Month! Orange you glad it's your birthday? Sweets for my sweet as we start the countdown to the big day (:
day 2: the carrier deliveries start on the 2nd at 11am and the first to arrive was a little friend of a dice bag with the note: maybe if grimace was canon to a dnd game then this is what he would look like! gruesome! grimace's evil twin! (:
day 3: wouldn't be luna if she didn't gift something practical/useful but still odd so (as an attempt) to save his glasses from his clumsiness she got him a skeleton glasses stand with the note: i hope this little guy helps look after you and your glasses when i'm not able to
day 4: spoiler alert for the valpo calendar later but there will be a star wars film event on there where they stitched commercials into the movie to avoid cutting to commercial break at aire libre and ofc luna had to snag them tickets to drew can freshen up on his saber skills. the note attached read: i hope tara is date night ready (: can't wait to have you explain star wars to me while we watch star wars <3
day 5: the picture might be pink and blue but let's use our imaginations because we know she bought them in black and orange lets be so fr!! anyway, mini versions of their octoselves that have magnets inside so they "kiss" with the note: since it's morally gray to stitch myself to you, we could at least have mini versions of our octoselves (: and they kiss!! (:
day 6: if these games suck luna can in fact be blamed <3 honestly, she was looking for more things they could do together. the note read: selfishly, i'd like to spend even more time with you even though i'm very bad at games, you're very good. teach me? (:
day 7: supportive ghoul is supportive, thought horror "motivational" posted would do some good or at least give him a giggle. the note read: i know you've had a rough go on the drawing front; i hope these completely normal and regular motivational posters help (:
day 8: the jason voorhee t-shirt lives on only made worse by her own foolishness. it took so much will power to get him a yellow shirt but she made up for it by maybe getting a size slightly smaller for the arms of the all you dont see the vision like she does anyway note read: my favorite thing you've ever worn has been a jason voorhees t-shirt, so i'm adding to the collection (if you'll have them) (:
day 9: piercing lore is coming back around too don't worry!!! ofc because luna is who she is they had to get him something with a moon pendant on it but the stone is at least HIS birthstone!! note reads: i promise not to be bitter about matching piercings with rafa if you wear this one sometimes (: (ps. not bitter, i think its cute) <3
day 10: there's like no pillows in that house omfg she's working to retcon that right now!!! cute little ghost pillows (yes they are them in her head anyway) note reads: just some comfy reminders that you're my BOO (: and i'm yours <3 eternally <3 death is for quitters (: (you'll get that later)
day 11: again, wouldn't be luna if she didn't try to make his life easier with something practical. a cute little inhaler holder that he's certain to lose but yknow the effort is there. the note reads: it drives me 'batty' when you leave without your inhaler. this is to keep it close for when it's not me taking your breath away ):
day 12: they are really my man my man my manning this i'm sorry but naturally matching lego key rings. trying to mimic their favorite picture of him ig, note reads: i googled some lego puns because i wasn't clever enough on my own so here we go: i can never 'lego' of you. a physical reminder of such (:
day 13: one of those scratch off as you watch movie posters only they got it customized with movies that are his favorites that she hasn't seen, their favorites that he hasn't seen, and then overall horror classics neither (she thinks) of them have seen that they can experience together. the note reads: stalked your letterboxd for this. some of your faves i haven't seen, some of my faves you haven't seen and some classics to experience (:
day 14: probably the thing she's the most nervous but she did get an art piece commissioned of the two of them if they were drive in characters (they don't know and realize that she inspired his main character somewhat sorry drew). the note reads: i wish i could've drawn this myself, but there was a lovely artist kind enough to deal with my nitpicky behavior enough to draw the two of us characters in Drive-In (: I know you might not feel it right now, but you're incredibly talented, mi vida. I'm your biggest fan!
day 15: some more dnd nerd things she knows nothing about but reddit told her it was a potentially cool and nice thing to do. the note reads: i read on reddit that dice towers give you good luck and i know you're really good at games, but i think it'll elevate your costume!
day 16: honestly this made them laugh so hard, but one of those ~live laugh love~ esque home decors but in a horror nature with little horror legos beside it! the note reads: rae dunn meets charles lee ray! if you need help deciding where to hang your new friends, i'm always around <3
day 17: another one of her attempts at making friends with tara. sorry drew, i fear this will start lunas constant attempts at buying him things for the car he will have to dip and dodge from ODIFJGOISFDHJGOFSDHGI. the note reads: i know Tara and I aren't on the best of terms (her fault) but i think it would be nice if she had a friend almost as cute as you around always.
day 18: just a cute little night light. the note reads: the only mood lighting we'll ever need (:
day 19: again, the comfy department in that apartment is tragic so she bought a blanket for movie dates. the note reads: in this life, the afterlife, and all the other we have yet to learn about. i'll always float to you (:
day 20: accepting her mortal enemy as something that makes him very happy and getting him a custom woodsboro house lego set complete with mini scream lego figures. the note reads: gale weathers gave her own personal stamp of approval on the design, but she thinks it won't be complete until you build it. i agree. no pressure.
day 21: they attempted to make something that wasn't jewelry for him and well... the picture is what they ATTEMPTED to make but what came out was more like this. funny though. anyway, the note read: it's the thought that counts? ): i'll try harder next time and when i get it right i'll regift!
day 22: yall she did their best but they don't know a thing about bowling be so fr OUJHJIFKDFUIKODSJFKAO anyway the note reads: i know neon is your favorite color so i hope wearing bowling shoes you feel looks best will help you play the best! cheering you on always (:
day 23: his love of color really pulled at her strength but she at least found some black ones too <3 the note reads: i just thought you'd enjoy these and they can keep you cozy in the upcoming winter months (:
day 24: a funny little guy for their funny little honey <3 the note reads: little guy looks almost as friendly as you! i think he'd be great at greeting anyone who comes in your room (me) (: *** yes i butchered the note on the edit sorry don't jump me
day 25: they think he's a scream fan or something and mentioned it to their mom who just happened to be in scream and she dug up some original promotional poster for him signed by her and a few other cast and crew she may have reached out to??? anyway note reads: padre y madre send their love and this! they pulled it from the vault, signed by a few familiar names i think you may know? you're a fan right?
day 26: CORNY ALERT yeah they wrote him about 5 songs and burned it on a cd, very 2000s romcom of her she thinks. the songs are ones they recorded by themselves all guitar/piano focused very softly sung because they feel the words are very fragile. note reads: i'll let the songs speak the things i find hard to // me & you together songs found here.
day 27: a sap who keeps track of all their anniversaries luna is well aware that the anniversary of when they first met and the con they met at is quickly approaching and it would be a shame if they just idk booked a trip for them to new york to go?? how do those tickets get there? the note reads: a new countdown to where it started has to start now (: 18 days <3
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leviathans-watching · 2 years
h e l l o! I came here to say that I appreciate your work x3000 ❤️, it always makes my day 🥺
Since requests are open and all, i'd really like a drunk reader x leviathan fic maybe friends to lovers ? please ignore this is if i'm breaking any rules! Have a great day ☺️ and make sure to drink water 💧
drinking with levi
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includes: levi x gn!reader (no pronouns needed)
wc: .5k | rated t | m.list
a/n: ty and hopefully this fits the bill! i hope you enjoy! please keep in mind i've never gotten drunk etc. since I'm a minor so all of my knowledge is based off of books and shows haha. my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback, so come say hello!
warnings: potential consent issues since drinking is involved, alcohol consumption by both levi and reader, curse words
please reblog :33
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“levi, you’re drunk,” you say, trying to hold back a laugh. you’ve never seen him like this and it’s quite a show.
“maybe a little,” he admits, face flushed, whether it be from his drink or close proximity to you, you’re not sure. he’s sitting next to you on his bed, pressed against your side and you’re intimately aware of his presence.
thankfully, by now you have lots of practice pretending that his presence doesn’t affect you. you’ve liked him for the longest time, but he’s always been oblivious to it, and you know that no one can remain in his affections, not while he’s so lost in his 2D world. but it’s not like you’re suffering. you’re more than fine being his friend, as you wouldn’t trade the bond you currently have for anything.
“why’d you drink so much, stupid?” you’d watched him go ham on the sake, though you had held yourself back, not wanting to accidentally do or say anything that would embarrass yourself in the morning. so while he’s pretty drunk, you’re just a little buzzed.
“you know,” levi says, and you think he’s disregarding your question. “don’t they call this stuff liquid courage in the human realm?”
“they, do, yeah,” you reply, wondering what his point is. “why?”
“i needed some courage.” suddenly levi turns towards you, making your faces mere inches apart. his breath, sweet from the alcohol, fans your face, and you feel your cheeks heating. you’re frozen, unable to move back and away from him, leaving you to only stare at him.
“courage for what?” you nearly whisper, and levi’s eyes, which had been focused intently on yours, drop to your lips. he brings a hand up, slowly, so painfully slowly, and touches your cheek.
“is this okay?”
a breath shudders out of you, and you nod shakily. “yeah.”
the kiss is clumsy and sweet, and levi’s lips are chapped. his hand is warm on your cheek, and as time goes on, he grows a little more confident, kissing you with more strength, more surety. you respond in kind, gently wrapping your hands around the back of his neck.
when you break apart, you’re breathing fast. if you’d thought he was red before, that was nothing compared to now. you stare at one another, silent.
“u-um,” levi eventually says, “i like you.”
“i would hope so,” you say, “considering you just kissed me.”
he starts a little at the mention of your kiss, looking away shyly. it seems as if most of his courage has worn off and it’s unbearably cute. “do you like me too?”
there are a thousand things you want to say, ranging from ‘how kind of you to notice’ to ‘since i first saw you’ but you just settle for nodding. the smile that splits levi’s face is nothing short of beautific.
“i’m glad,” he says. “i’m glad.”
“me too,” you say. all of the talk of where your relationships is going to go and what this all means can come later. for now, you’re content to continue to kiss him, leaving all of your worries behind.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as you own
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Little Farmer Jun
If I went back in time and told myself 5 years ago that one day I'd be writing a blog post about a collectible figure (that not only did I own but had in fact avidly collected) of a mainland Chinese actor dressed as a high-fashion sexy exterminator in a enormous fluffy yellow hat, I would have been very concerned. I would have 1) thought future Lelanthe had lost her ever-loving mind, 2) wondered how exactly was it that someone who had lost every single marble could even have dreamed up a chain of events leading up to that particular scenario?
Truth is stranger than fiction, my figthusiast friends.
The inspiration for this fig, and many others, all of which you will be seeing in the future, is Gong Jun's frankly rather incredible November 2022 Cosmopolitan Magazine photo shoot:
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Yes, I own this mag, and I regret nothing. NOTHING, I SAY!
In order to fully appreciate this mag, I think you need a behind-the-scenes video. Here you go, my friends who have gone down this very unique life path with me...
The inspiration for this particular fig is of course this:
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What in the name of all that is holy was someone thinking when they put this outfit together, I just don't know. This mag shoot was the one that that got me to the point that I don't even question this stuff anymore. I mean, look at him. The outfit is ridiculous but his face is stunning as always, his legs look a million miles long, his arms look strong, and his shoulders are broad enough to carry this look off.
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The fig maker called this fig a farmer, but let's be real - it's an exterminator. Yes, I suppose farmers can have spray packs too, for exterminating pests! May I just say that I get my house sprayed on the regular for pest control, and never ONCE has any exterminator looked even vaguely like this. Disappointing. Tragic, really.
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Here he arrived on my doorstep, swaddled up protectively in his polystyrene case, with his little spray wand accompanying him.
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My heart does sink a little bit each time I see an accessory with a fig. The question of will-it-won't-it fit is always a pertinent one when you're as clumsy as I am. You can see his little curled right hand there that is meant to hold the handle like in the picture.
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Luckily, the handle fit well into his hand - I kind of had to push it a bit harder than I'd like to get it to stay, but once it was there it was (relatively) secure.
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This little man wasn't standing on his own for anything. You'll see why a little more clearly as we rotate around the figure, but basically he's unbalanced because of all his equipment on his back, along with this gigantic hat.
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Speaking of the hat, it's pretty amazing. Not only do we have this great knit texture on the hat itself, we have flocking on the ear muffs! Amazing.
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All my figs get a soapy water bath to clean them when they arrive (I've seen some factory production pictures!). Unfortunately, I was going on autopilot with this last shipment of figs, and I accidentally dunked this little guy in the soapy bath. I immediately yelped and grabbed him right back out. I hated to soak him even more by rinsing him off, but at that point there was nothing to be done, other than cursing my own name. I was worried I had damaged the flocking, but he seems to have dried up just fine!
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No harm done. There's a few different figs with flocking in production right now, so just as well I learned from this one!
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There is a TON of detail on this fig. Kind of amazing looking at it - there is a lot going on. Credit to Junjun again that he was wearing this outfit in the pics vs. it wearing him. The factory work is remarkably clean too, nice and sharp paint lines.
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You can see there that he is holding the little spray handle just fine. I was not a fan of this outfit in the magazine, but I kind of love this fig.
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He's so cute. When visitors come over and look at my fig displays, I can promise you this is one they will definitely ask about!
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So fancy, Junjun, with your Tiffany jewelry!
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This is a good shot of his hand holding the sprayer. Actually a great shot of both of his hands.
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It's really interesting to me that there's a little hole here in his spray backpack. I wonder if there was originally plans to put the spray tube in? There's the full tubing in the magazine pic, and you can see it in the video, so I wonder.
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Look at all that detail in the knit hat. Incredible!
Unfortunately, this entire series came without box art or box cards, so that's it for pics. There's more in this series coming, so stick around if you'd like to see more!
Material: Resin and some kind of flocking, Calico Critters-style
Fig Count: 418
Scene Count: 29
Rating: No bugs here, Ma'am
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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percivex · 2 years
For the plant prompt: 12 + Team Rancher?
[Send me DL characters with a plant]
Billardiera - Hope for better days
They've moved their bed into the empty goat shack for the night, both of them too tired to patch up their little house now. It doesn't do much to make them feel better, the space a constant reminder of the poor goats they've lost, but at least it has a roof.
They cram into the bed together, a tangle of clumsy limbs, and there's never been quite enough space but they make it work. Tango still runs hot, even hotter than his usual warmth despite having had hours to calm down, but Jimmy doesn't mind when Tango wraps an arm around him and presses his face into his shoulder. He just holds him back, and tries to wrap his small wings around the both of them.
Miraculously, Jimmy escaped the burning of their home with only one burn of his own making - a wide, bubbled beast that stretches across the back of his right forearm, when he lingered too long as he tried to swat out the flames.
The rest are from Tango, a sprawl of faint red in patches across his leg, his back, his shoulder. They're smooth and framed with plant imagery against Jimmy's skin, marking them as soulmate injuries, but they're not very important now that the pain has subsided. Jimmy is far more interested in Tango's soulmate injury, his faint red brand across his right forearm that matches Jimmy's own.
Jimmy shifts, gently grabbing Tango's forearm and running his thumb along the picture of stark green leaves lining Jimmy's burn. Bell-shaped flowers poke their heads through the foliage, a gentle yellowish-green against the phantom irritated skin, and purple fruit bloom proudly in between, shiny and looking vaguely like some kind of pepper. Or an apple, maybe.
They match the flowers and fruits that line the burns Jimmy has from Tango. They also mirror the plants that spread across his chest and legs from their first death, even if those look less pretty, wilted and rotting as they are.
"What are you doing with my arm?" Tango mumbles, somewhat amused as he glances up from his shoulder when Jimmy continues to trace each leaf and petal.
"Admiring your plants." Jimmy replies lightly, and it isn't even a lie. He's always found a strange beauty in them. "It's a shame you can only get them when I get us hurt."
"You're one to talk." Tango snorts, bringing his free hand up to trace at the leaves tentatively curling past the collar of Jimmy's shirt, branching off another one of their burns. "At this rate, you'll be a whole garden in no time."
Jimmy smiles, squeezing Tango's forearm encouragingly. "Maybe, but we're still yellow. That's a win, in my opinion."
Tango sighs, the corners of his lips quirking upwards. "It sure is."
He pushed closer, and Jimmy let him, letting go of his forearm to be able to hug him close. "And some of the cows survived." Jimmy adds, as an afterthought. "And the chickens probably did too, since they're underground. And we still have our horns."
"And I'm gonna kill Scar." Tango muses, pressing a grin into his shoulder. "Yeah, it'll all work out, I know."
"Well-" Jimmy breaks into a giggle, and he can feel Tango's grin widen. "Okay, I don't know if you should kill him, but we'll get back at him, for sure. And we'll make the ranch even better than before!"
Tango is quiet for a moment, his grin dimming, and for a moment, Jimmy worries he's said something wrong.
"We'll have cows," Tango says eventually, tail wrapping languidly around Jimmy's leg, "and chickens, and goats, and horses. Sheep and pigs too, the whole nine yards. We'll be proper ranchers."
"And a pet dog?" Jimmy asks, quietly, suddenly feeling fragile in the face of their possible future. "For herding the animals."
"Obviously a pet dog! We wouldn't be a proper ranch without one." Tango laughs, grin returning full force, his presence warm and familiar.
Jimmy smiles, and decides to believe it's possible. "Yeah. Yeah, I'd like that."
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hugsqueeze · 8 months
Shdhshs I hope it's not too much to ask at once but [💓☁️✏️🙊💐💗] for Blinker for the OC questionnaire thing :)
HIII MEG OMG HELLO *SPINS YOU* THANK YOU SO SUPER MUCH FOR THESE QUESTIONS!!!!!!!!! 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💘💓💓💕💖💖💓💓💓💗💗💕💕💕🌈🌈💘💘💓 DON'T WORRY AT ALL !! IT ISN'T TOO MUCH, I'm happy to be able to talk a little more about Blinker heehee ^_^ !!!!!!!!! <333333333
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
HEHE IT'S PRETTY EASY to get his heart racing actually!!!!! He's super repressed 😭, so just being in the company of someone he really likes is probably more than enough. ALTERNATIVELY, subtle, gentle touches really get him. Like someone putting a hand on his shoulder or his back while they talk to him.... OMG HE WOULD TURN AS RED AS A BEET.... Good thing he's usually got that silly mask on so you can't tell how hard he's blushing 😖😖
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
Oh boy, this was a surprisingly difficult question for me to answer for him FOR SOME REASON LOLOL!!!!! 😭😭😭 POOR GUY. BUT! I think I'd have to say that he used to be a magician before all of the stuff with the circus went down.... And he used to love doing illusion tricks the most!! He was particularly good at card tricks as well... There are still some tricks that he can perform because they're almost muscle memory for him HAHA!!!! If someone asks to see some of his tricks, he'll light up immediately!!!!! HE LOVES MAGIC. It's one of the things that still manages to lighten his mood!!
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
YES ACTUALLY, I've been slowly putting together a playlist for Blinker these past couple days :D and I think the quote that represents him the BEST SO FAR has gotta be these lyrics from MASK BY CHAT PILE!!!!!
"Guess I'll put on the stupidest mask that I own,
Guess I haven't shown you my true idiot face,
And you can see it if you really wanna,
Guess I just kind of hate myself in that way"
After having his EYES gouged out and wearing the mask so often, he has sort of forgotten what he looks like underneath it and he fears that people will not look at him the same once they find out what has happened to him. So he hides himself and becomes very reclusive, to protect himself from rejection that he anticipates is inevitable. And, when he is vulnerable, he kind of hates himself for being so "stupid and naïve" to think that he won't be hurt by the person he's opening up to... ARGGGH *shrivels*
🙊 SPEAK-NO-EVIL - what is something your oc will refuse to stay quiet about?
THIS IS INTERESTING FOR HIM IN PARTICULAR since he's so reticent!!!!!! It's rare to get Blinker talking for an extended period of time about anything. He usually does better with listening and sitting there attentively. ONLY because he has taught himself to do so, not because he has nothing to say BUT ANYWAY <- rambling. I think he would refuse to stand idly by while knowing that others are being hurt. Despite his lack of coordination, he will throw himself in harm's way if it means saving someone from ridicule or bodily harm. He thinks that nobody deserves to be treated that way... He's very pacifistic in this way. Hehe... He will always speak up if he hears someone being pushed around.
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
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For HIM I CHOSE Black-Eyed Susan (symbolizes encouragement and justice), Calla Lily (rebirth/overcoming challenges), Glory of the Snow (generosity and forgiveness through hard times), Brunnera (spiritual and physical healing), Columbine (courage for a new endeavor)!!!! AND AS FOR HIS FAVORITE.... I think his favorite out of these ones would have to be the Columbine flower!!! They're just so velvety and elegant.... His favorite flower of all though would probably be a rose (basic answer I KNOW LOLOL), but he just liked how vibrant and romantic they are..... HEHE Now, he still likes roses of course, but he's a bit more clumsy now and is prone to pricking his fingers on em T_T Which is slightly irritating for him!!!!
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticable? what changes when they're in love?
OH MAN... I would say it's pretty easy to tell LOLLL He's already a fairly sheepish and reserved guy, but when he likes someone in a romantic way, he starts fidgeting a LOT. It's something he doesn't notice that he's doing either until it's pointed out to him 😭 HAHA Whenever he speaks with them, he will fidget with his hands or rub his neck... Stuff LIKE THAT!!! And he starts chuckling and giggling nervously LMAOO MR. BLINKER YOU ARE NOT SUBTLE AT ALL!!!! HAHAHA!!!
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umbralsound-xiv · 7 months
Death And Discussions.
Rest. I can't forget about my rest. I can almost hear Neoma's voice in the back of my thoughts. Still, save for looking for those i seek to... Question, i know it's important to take time for myself. Even just a few bells.
Alari Nelhah returned to the company house from having spent the day exploring Gridania. Getting around the streets here and there on her own had at times been confusing, but she enjoyed visiting the market stalls offering various foodstuffs that caught her attention. Now she was ready to simply relax in peace and quiet for the rest of the evening and decided to head to the sunroom. To her surprise, someone was already present. "O-oh! Uhm… Hello, Bexy." She greeted her with her usual shy, awkward smile.
Bexy Amalaryssia offers a warm smile, relinquishing the book she was reading to the side. "Greetings, Alari." She smiles, head tilted, a warm expression on her lips. "How have you been? It's been some time since we were able to talk proper. How is your archery coming along?"
Alari Nelhah reached to fiddle with a lock of her hair a little nervously, tugging at it and fidgeting where she stood. "O-oh uhm… I'm alright, thank you. And… I have kept up my practice. I… don't know if I have gotten any better… But I want to try." Another shy smile appeared on her lips before she glanced towards the stairs for a moment. "Uhm… S-sorry if I interrupted your peace. Can… Can I get you something?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "If i truly wanted peace, i would have secluded myself back at my home. Please, worry not. And if you're offering, anything with rolanberries would be lovely." Bexy hummed, watching as Alari fidgeted. "Suppose i will have to come see how much you have improved soon enough, hm?"
The question had Alari blush, again fidgeting where she stood. "U-uhm… I.. I really appreciate your help, Bexy. Thank you." Again her eyes glanced towards the stairs. "I… I think there is something with rolanberries in the kitchen, I'll be right back..!" And suddenly she quickly headed downstairs. A little too quickly; she stumbled on one step with a small yelp, but caught herself before she would miss the next one, continuing down to the kitchen.
She's still as clumsy as ever, poor thing. But, well intentioned.
Bexy Amalaryssia slowly furrows her brow in consideration, eyeing over her book. Settling a ribbon into the pages, she closes it and sets it to one side, awaiting Alari's return.
Alari Nelhah soon returned with a small tray carrying a rolanberry cheesecake, along with plates and utensils. It clattered as she walked up the stairs, very slowly this time to not drop anything. To her relief, she made it safely all the way until she could set the tray down in front of Bexy. "Uhm… It's cheesecake. I… I was not sure if you liked it, but… I thought it looked nice, so…" The cream of the cake was a baby pink color, decorated with deep red rolanberries on top.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "I do, in fact. Rolanberry most everything is a favourite… Be they just by themselves, in tea, or any other dessert." She takes a slice of the rolanberry cheesecake; a little less than a quarter of it, and sits with her back to the cushions. "How have you been? We've scarcely had chance to catch up with everything going on."
Alari Nelhah figured it was alright for her to sit down as well and made herself comfortable on the pillow next to her. "Oh, I am doing just fine, no need to worry about me…" She studied Bexy shyly for a bit before deciding to take a slice of the cake for herself, admittedly curious of the flavor. "How… how have you been? I was… so relieved to see you and Sayuri back home. And… I met Eir recently, too. We… didn't talk much, but…"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Hah, worry not for that. Eir isn't much of a talker unless you're Sayuri. Glad to hear you're doing well." A forkful of the cheesecake is taken; though she steals and eats the rolanberry from the top of her slice first. "And i am well enough. Recovered from whatever injuries i'd picked up. I am just…" Bexy sighs, dropping her head back an ilm, enough to gently sway the ribbons in her hair as her head met with the plush cushion. "…Resting. As much as i'd prefer to be out and about, i won't soon forget about coming home and taking some time for myself, from time to time."
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Alari Nelhah nodded as she listened, taking a small bite from her cheesecake as well… Ears twitching and eyes lighting up at the delightful flavor. "I am glad that you are getting the rest you need… I… don't know much about what happened, but…" She fidgeted where she sat. "I… heard it was very… difficult. And dangerous. Mist was… very worried about you."
It makes sense that she wouldn't want to worry people. I left my note, the option to people to follow and offer their help if they wanted. Mist herself was forbidden; having a figurehead of the company so openly hunting would have only placed a target on our backs.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…It was. In places, it still continues to be, but i won't let that stop me." Another forkful of dessert disappears between her lips. "Mist had every right to worry about me. But what was the alternative? Leave them to their fates?" Bexy shakes her head. "Mist knows i could never. So she didn't dissuade me. I got them home in the end."
Alari Nelhah listened, ears drooping just a bit. "I… I'm sorry I was not there to help. I… I hope I can be of… more use, next time something happens." Another bite was taken and swallowed slowly. "… Bexy, you… Uhm.. Have you been a… commander for a long time?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "I have. I… Don't even know how many cycles, now. Since Mist took my role, i suppose. Some time." Bexy nods, agreeably. "And please, it was… A difficult task. Not that i wouldn't have been glad for you help, but those people… Were and still are very dangerous."
Alari Nelhah: "They are still..?" She looked unnerved at the mentioning of the dangerous people. She paused, looking at the cheesecake on the plate on her lap. "… I… suppose you are rather… used to dangers, then? And… I suppose it means you sometimes have.. to…" She bit her lip, hesitating to continue before lifting her head to look at Bexy. "Uhm… Bexy.. have you killed? … People, I mean…"
Bexy Amalaryssia responds with a silent dip of her head. It's more a neutral expression, holding no joy nor misery. "I have. It is… Necessary, sometimes. An ugly truth. But i have. Some people are beyond reasoning…" She sticks her fork into another bite of cheesecake. "…Beyond redemption."
Alari Nelhah only seemed mildly surprised by Bexy's relaxed answer, blinking as she processed her words. "I… I see. Uhm… How… how can you tell when someone is… beyond redemption?"
...That's a difficult question. Sometimes you can't. Sometimes you just let loose the arrow, take their life, and live with the consequences. But the comfort of safety is enough to dull the guilt i'd feel for doing it. No what-ifs or could-have-beens. Me and mine are safe, and that's good enough for me.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Sometimes you can't. But those people who took Sayuri and Eir? It was necessary. If i hadn't… They could still be there. That or dead, or worse. Slavers are beyond redemption, save for a few very rare cases."
Alari Nelhah: "I… I see." She fiddled with the fork in her hand as she thought of the many questions in her head. "Have… have you killed… many? Is it… is it hard?"
Bexy Amalaryssia tilts her head down, peering up with vibrant, piercing eyes. "…Are you sure you want to know the answer to that question, Alari…?"
...I'd tell her if she truly wanted to know. It's not a secret. But... Hmm. I wonder what's prompted all this? Who has spoken to her...? What does she know...? Answering such a question will likely change how she sees me. But she was bound to find out eventually.
The warning question directed back at her caused Alari's eyebrows to twitch into a slight, concerned frown, ears reflecting her uncertainty in how they slowly folded on top of her head. "I… I don't know. I… already think it's… many. Probably… more than I can imagine."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…It's a lot. I won't lie to you, Alari, nor will i deny it. I have ended many, many lives. Most of them, to preserve my own, or those i care for. If it wasn't them who died, it would have been me."
Alari Nelhah: "But… why is that? I-I mean… Why are you so… followed by.. death, Bexy? Is it… is it because you are commander? Is this… common as a mercenary?"
...Followed by death. I've never heard it that way before...
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Common enough as a mercenary. Of course, there's always the option of seizing the enemies and turning them over to the authorities. But… Yes." Her gaze falls a little, resting on the remainder of the cheesecake. "…Death has… Haunted me, i suppose. For the lives i've taken. For the times i've almost passed myself."
The concerned expression on Alari's face didn't vanish as Bexy explained. Rather, she seemed more concerned as her gaze fell to look at the cheesecake on the tray. "I… I'm sorry. It… it sounds rough. Having to… do this all the time. To… always watch your back. To always… expect danger…"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Not always. But often. I'm afforded moments of peace, which i treasure dearly." Bexy smiles, taking another forkful of cheesecake, finishing her slice. "I fight to protect those i care for, and i'd never dream of laying down my weapons if there was something i could do about it. I… Know what it's like to be… Without family, i suppose. Now i have found one that loves me for who i am… I won't let anyone take them from me."
The word 'family' had Alari blink and look up at her. For a moment there was a sadness that flashed in them, but she also looked to be thinking. "… The company… is your… family now… Is.. that what you mean?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Yes. My mother didn't want me… No one did, back then." A small tilt of her head sees one ear wilt, quietly rolling her knuckles in her gloves. "Having met and cared for the people here as long as i have… You understand how dear i hold them? That i would do anything to keep them safe?"
...I know the lengths i would go to, to save them. It protect them. I often used to tell myself that there... Was a limit, even if a far one, but having endured those last few cycles, i... Know there isn't one. I would fight the very gods themselves, if i had to.
Alari Nelhah listened quietly, not taking her eyes off of Bexy as she spoke. The cheesecake in her lap was nearly forgotten, fork having been turned into a tool for fidgeting with instead. "… I.. think so. M… my mother was… is.. the same. I think…" The fork was held a little tighter in her hand. "… The people here… care for you. Respect you. And… you care for them. I… I understand why you do not… hesitate to face off danger if you have to."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Because i value them more than anything. What's a wound in exchange for their safety? This is why Mist entrusted me with the duty i have. She knows, beyond anything i will get everyone home as i always have. And yes… That sometimes involves death, too. But i would rather it our enemies, than our allies."
Alari Nelhah: "… I.. think I understand. It's a little… frightening… But it is worth it. Right..?" She suddenly remembered her cheesecake and took another bite, slowly chewing as she considered Bexy's words. "So… uhm… Are these dangerous people… going to come here?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "No. Not if i can help it. And i can." Slowly, she nudges the plate to one side. "…More… I'm looking for them. Sayuri's aether is… Not as it should be. And i want answers, and the means to fix it."
Alari Nelhah: "O-oh… Is it… what's wrong? Is she hurt..? Did they do something that..?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…We don't know exactly what, and i intend to find out. She cannot use her aether as freely as she once did. Not without immense pain. So… I'm going to… Ask a few questions, when i find a certain someone. And for his sake, he'd best have answers."
Alari Nelhah bit her lip, hesitating before speaking. "I… can I help, Bexy? I… I want to do something. If… if there is anything I can do. O-or if… if you need someone for… something at some point, then I…"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "I can't ask you to hurt people, Alari. I couldn't. That's… Something you choose for yourself. But them? These people? You would be better served staying away from them. They will not hesitate to kill you, or worse, if they get their hands on you."
If the slavers found her, they'd eat her alive. She cannot defend herself enough to stop them, and poking around all the wrong places could drag herself into it all. No... No. I won't have her put herself at risk. Not when i can get White to do it for me.
Her ears drooped at Bexy's answer, though she slowly nodded with an understanding look on her face, if a bit disappointed. "O.. okay. I… I will stay away from them. I admit, I… I have never.. killed a person… before. Only… hunted antelope and… other game." She lifted a hand to rub her arm, shuddering a bit. "… I am not.. sure what would happen if I… or if I even could…" She then glanced at Bexy. "Do you… do you remember? The first time you… killed someone?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "I… Do." Bexy confessed. "…It was in self defense. I was… Sixteen? Seventeen. It was a long time ago. But i stopped to help someone; a Highlander with a wounded leg. And after doing so, he… Well. Thought he would try to take advantage. But i didn't give him that chance. It all happened very quickly, and i didn't mean to kill him exactly. On the floor, i took hold of my hunting knife, and…" With a gloved index, she draws a line just above her collarbone. "…Right there. He was dead in an instant. I could not sleep for weeks after…"
Alari Nelhah stared at Bexy, eyes widening and ears folding down on top of her head. "He tried to.. and you…" She frowned softly, still looking shocked by the scenario that was displayed in her mind. "… I'm sorry. That… it must have been so… scary. All of it." She clutched her hands in her lap, gripping the skirt of her dress. "Did it.. become easier after..? To… kill again."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…I was afraid, yes. It was… Some time, until my first… I suppose, purposeful kill. It gets easier with time, but not always. That's a good thing. If you ever take a life." Bexy's gaze settles unwavering on Alari's own. "It shouldn't be easy. Each person has hopes. Dreams. Memories. Perhaps even loved ones, or plans for the future, and by taking their lives, we're divesting them of that. Even the very worst people have those who love them. The act of killing can sometimes be as easy as releasing a bowstring. But the weight of that action can be difficult to bear."
Alari Nelhah listened carefully, taking every word Bexy was saying to heart. When she finished, she put aside the plate which threatened to fall out of her lap by now. "… Is it heavy still? You… speak of death as… something necessary. Almost… as if you are comfortable with its necessity. But you still acknowledge what it means to… take a life."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Some are heavier than others. Those who, had they taken a slightly different path, could have avoided their fate. Some plead and beg for mercy, but i can't trust them to hunt us down in our sleep, or put a knife in my back the moment it's turned. It's a necessity, because if i don't, they will. I've long since come to terms with it. For each i kill… I write a small, two line verse of an ever growing poem, to remember them. To immortalise them in words."
Alari Nelhah: "A poem..? Is it… is it possible? To write a poem about.. someone not close to you? I-I admit, I… I know nothing about poems…"
Bexy Amalaryssia smiles. "You can write them about anything, or anyone. That's the beauty of them. But… Yes. Even if it's just a fleeting thing. Who they were, how they died. That they won't just vanish, even if they are just words in a book at the end of it."
Alari Nelhah: "And… how do you usually write it? How… how they died? Do you always know their names?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Not often their names. Usually, how they died, or what they did with their last moments. Most are in combat, as you can imagine, being field commander and what have you. Some encounters are very brief." A pause then, as she looks over Alari. "…Have… You ever seen anyone die, Alari?"
The question surprised Alari, causing her ears to droop a bit as her gaze fell in thought. Then she nodded. "I… I have. My grandmother… when she passed from illness at old age. I was… quite little when it happened, but… I remember being… afraid of the way her face looked. Like she was… gasping for air, and… staring at death." Her hands lifted to tug a bit at a lock of her hair. "I have also seen… members of my clan killed by beasts. Or from conflicts with other clans. I… never saw when it happened… But I saw the bodies afterwards. And.. all the blood… I'm not sure I… ever got used to it…"
Bodies have rarely affected me in a way. The first few, perhaps. But then, there was no emotional attachment to them. They were people, once. But now, just bones and organs, waiting to decompose. If it was someone i cared about, i think... That would be different.
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Killing isn't something everyone should do. I do it because i have to, to keep people safe. To protect us. Watching someone die is… Rarely a pleasant thing, unless it's to the absolutely deserving. It's…Generally a feared thing. Perhaps for the finality of it all. I've come close to it enough times to have certain… Feelings about it. I wouldn't say i'm afraid, exactly. Not of dying. But of leaving. Of leaving everyone behind."
Alari Nelhah tilted her head. "You are… worried? What would happen if you were to… disappear?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Who would come to protect you? Who would have taken on a veritable army of people to bring Sayuri back? Who would make the decisions on the battlefield, for who lived or died? Someone would, surely. But the weight is theirs to bear, then."
Alari Nelhah: "I… I understand. I think… Just… it sounds so… hard to do all of this… Fighting so many to protect so many. I… I want to help you, Bexy. Help the company. And… help protect them, too. If… if the company is your family, then… Then I am…" She took a deep breath. "Th-then I am a part of it too… And… I want to protect it as well."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "…Do you know how much it means, to hear that? It… Is hard. Sometimes i don't… Think people know just how much, and sometimes i think that's not a bad thing. If you want to help, i would be glad to accept your aid. This company is family… For both of us."
...I'm not sure anyone has acknowledged it so openly. How... Difficult it is. Physically and emotionally. Sure, i could set aside the responsibility. At least, on paper. There'd be no obligation. But i wouldn't be able to live with myself. Yes, it's difficult, and stressful, but to see those i care for safe and happy...? I can never see myself doing anything else.
A shy smile appeared on Alari's lips, followed by a small nod. "I… thank you. It… I am happy to be here, Bexy. That I am allowed to… be here. To… to be called 'family' is…" Suddenly her eyes glossed over and she quickly went to wipe them with the sleeve of her jacket. "U-uhm… I need to.. practice more archery. N-now more than ever… I need to be strong. So that… I can protect what is dear."
Bexy Amalaryssia leans over to gently touch Alari's hand with her own. "One sun soon, we'll have another lesson, hm? Just stick to your training. Remind yourself why you're doing this, and persevere. I will see you soon?"
Alari Nelhah looked at the gloved hand that touched her own, allowing the comfort it brought her to linger before she got up on her feet, grabbing her plate in the motion. "I… I will. I will never give up. Uhm… should I get your plate or do you want to eat more of the cheesecake?"
Bexy Amalaryssia: "Mm…" Painted lips press into a line of contemplation, before they curl. "Just a little more wouldn't hurt…"
Alari Nelhah laughed softly and nodded. "Okay, I will leave it here then. And… I will see you soon, Bexy… I hope. Thank you for talking to me. I… I think I learned a lot."
Bexy Amalaryssia: "I am always happy to talk, hm?" A tilt of her head, and a warm smile to her words. "I'll see you soon, Alari. Be well until then, yes?"
Alari Nelhah: "I will. You… you too, Bexy." Feeling ready to get back to her training, Alari made her way for the stairs, ready to head out… As soon as she had taken care of her dirty dishes.
...Family. I think the girl is in dire need of one, especially from all i've heard. Her tale is not so unlike my own. ...I promise you, Alari. You'll always belong here. I'll make sure of it.
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witchthewriter · 1 year
hello friend! hope you're having a good day today. it's been a while since i've asked for a matchup or anything so i thought i'd send over a refresher along w my ask, hope it helps.
ASK . level 6 ship for Merlin please (any maybe purely a platonic match for Stranger Things since you already gave me a romantic one??? if I can do that, no worries if not)
BASIC FAQ . he/they. panromantic. 18 still. pisces sun, aquarius moon, taurus rising. if you really want to know me, my saturn is in cancer, my uranus in pisces and my pluto in sagittarius.
PERSONALITY . by now, i think you know i don't actually shut up as soon as you get me talking, and for that i am at least kind of sorry. at least i'm academically smart? a menace by all means tho. may come off as a bit weird or cagey to strangers. escapist. middle child syndrome. stubborn. kinda clumsy. rlly empathetic. diplomatic and persuasive, but i know i have a temper at times. i am completely goofy, need to joke around and enjoy things. very curious.
HOBBIES + LIKES . really into cryptidcore. baking and cooking. writing. music. languages. cultures. trivia. history. mythology. fire. art. collecting objects, value or no value. games. animals. shiny things.
EXTRA . good news is that my knee injury was not permanent. bad news is that the mental illness was. my love language is mostly quality time but i also enjoy acts of service and physical touch. i love reading myths and legends and actually memorized quite a few. i totally didn't mention but i have a dog and a bunny! (both very cute)
i hope that's an adequate amount, i'm p sure at least half of it is new information. do with all that what you will.
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈 
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑴𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒊𝒎𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇! He’s such a sweet guy. He cares for everyone, and has such passion for justice. He would always be on your side and never make you feel like you’re on your own. 
・Is suspicious that you may be a druid or sorcerer as well. Because you just have that aura about you, where you seem so mysterious and otherwordly
・Merlin loves your style, and is a bit intimidated by it at first. But that mysterious aspect of your personality is what attracts him
・Gives you protection amulets, even though Gaius is against it. It’s too risky, he would say. But Merlin feels so deeply about you, that he wants you to be safe at all times
・Guinevere would definitely see Merlin’s love first. She would push Merlin to ask you out, to get to know you. Because she would definitely see the potentional. 
・Calls you ‘honey’ and ‘sweetheart’ for pet names
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
O Children by the Midnite String Quartet
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
・Opposites Attract
・Falls In Love Easily (Merlin) x Wary Of Love (You)
・Black Cat (You) x Golden Retriever (Merlin)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Secret Admirer
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Loves how quirky/weird you are. You aren’t like anyone he had ever met before. He loves how your mind works, how you perceive things and what your opinions are. He wants to listen to you tlak for hours. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Gwaine and Percival! They would be like your brothers. Where Gwaine makes you laugh, Percival is a shoulder for you to cry on or tell your problems to. They’re both very loyal and you would be known as a trio. 
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
Guinevere, Lancelot and Morgana. I think you have the qualities of all three. Not one person is exactly like a character, so I think the mixture of all three can mirror your traits, or at least, some of them. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜)
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𝑰 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑹𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 𝑩𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒚! You guys are on the same wavelength, the same page. You would start talking and like a puzzle piece, realise that this is your person. You would get along because your minds are open, they’re unique and imaginative. You don’t have a small-town mind. Neither does she. 
・Likes painting your nails. She doesn’t do a great job though, however you don’t really care
・You guys are allllwwwaayyysssss laughing!!! At Robin falling over, if you accidentally snort, if she farts or you knock something over. Like you’ve both been given laughing gas
・Secret sleepovers. Her parents don’t know she’s a lesbian and you guys are definitely not attracted to each other, but you’ll sneak into her bedroom or maybe even her parents let you sleep downstairs in the den, and she sneaks down to sleep near you
・Movie marathons! You guys spend hours watching movies together; popcorn, everything has to be dark, absolutely no light at all. 
・Steve loves hanging out with you two, but often feels like a third wheel. I think over time he would find his flow and purpose with you two
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Chiquitita by ABBA
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
・Chaotic Dumbass Duo
・Similar Personalities
・”If Robin Jumped Off A Cliff, Would You Jump Off A Cliff?” x “Yes”
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Just Because I’m Different Doesn’t Mean I’m Bad
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your open mind, the fact that you like being different and weird. She thought there was something wrong with her for so long, but there was nothing wrong. Tradition wasn’t for her. 
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
Robin mixed with Max and Jonathan Byers. You have a sensitivity and inner working that not many others have. It’s distinct, and you leave a mark on whoever you interact with. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
I think you would have such a great bond with a cat. You both like to be independent and don’t like people up in your face. So I think a kitty would work so well for you! 
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𝐋𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑭𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒓! I think he has the sensitivity to understand you and why you feel certain emotions. I don’t think you would be able to withstand someone who didn’t understand you. 
・Will defend you against anyone who speaks ill of you. No matter their standing, if they are talking sh*t, he’s going to break their jaw
・Teaches you how to defend yourself, because even though he would lay down his life for you, he wouldn’t want you to be unprotected
・His pet names for you are ‘my darling,’ and ‘my world.’ 
・Likes to telling you about his day, and you love hearing him talk. It’s so soothing. 
・Loves slow dancing with you, your head on his chest and him humming lightly
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
The Less I Know The Better by the Midnite String Quartet
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
・Mutual Yearning
・You Confessed Your Love Thinking He Was Unconscious 
・They Probably Hate Me (You) x Deeply, Passionately In Love ... Is Terrible At Showing It (Faramir)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Fantasy Soulmates
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
How diplomatic and well spoken/well thought you are. You don’t say things without thinking first. You’re like the opposite of someone who stirs the pot. You have a good heart, and that’s what he loves the most. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Legolas and Gimli! God you three would be such a whirwind of sh*ttalking. Imagine having a beer with them, in a tavern, laughing and jesting about life and what you’ve endured together. 
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mixture of Aragorn, Merry and Samwise. I think you have this grungey darkness, I actually thought you would have Scorpio in your Big 3. You have this mysteriousness about you, like there’s something that you know about the world and everyone will find out with time. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
You made friends with a crow. He kept coming back to you, and you would give him food and water. You were gentle with him and would talk to him. He grew very fond of you. And somehow ... became somewhat domesticated. Although you would never take away his freedom
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐳𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫
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𝑰 𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝑵𝒆𝒘𝒕! As an introverted person, I see Newt as the perfect Hufflepuff. He’s loyal, and caring, loves plants and would be a perfect match for you. Yin to your Yang. He would bring a lot of light and happiness to your life. 
・Boops your nose when you’re particularly upset. At first you were like “Newt wtf” but now you like them. It’s almost like a kiss on the cheek, or some intimate moment that shows he cares
・I kinda feel like one of the other characters would have a crush on you and the boys would tease them for it, but you handle it with gentleness. Newt is a tiny bit jealous, but knows that you’re a very likeable person
・Always make sure that Newt’s leg is okay. Some days it plays up, and it hurts really bad. It means a lot to him when you help him out, and get things to help with the pain
・You guys have a lot of inside jokes. But one thing that’s so true to your relationship is this ... look  ... you give each other. It’s a knowing look that says ‘be safe, I love you.’ 
・Newt would love to be domesticated. He would make the perfect House Husband. LITERALLY. I reckon he’d be pretty good at baking too
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Hope For The Future by Joseph Trapanese
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
・Sun x Moon
・Forever In Their Honeymoon Stage
・Shy ‘n’ Awkward (You) x LOOK HOW CUTE MY PARTNER IS (Newt)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Love During The End Of The World
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖
Your honesty. You’re truthful and that’s not actually as common as you’d think. People can be awful, and lie until they’re blue in the face if that meant their reputation was upheld. But I think you would rather the truth over any falsehood. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅
Minho. You two would have so many little arguments, that aren’t really arguments. Just pretend fights, and a lot of banter. There’s never a dull moment with you two. 
𝑾𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖'𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆
A mix of Minho, Teresa and Newt. Sassy, fierce and caring. You have a big heart but don’t show it to just anyone. You’re kind but can stand up for what you believe in. 
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒑𝒆𝒕
There would most definitely be stray animals in the world during this time. Some have survived and have no owners. I can see you two adopting as many as you can, taking in strays and making sure they have enough food and water. But one particularly stole your heart, with her light brown fur and big nose. 
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viilocitee · 11 months
so I’m delusional and I literally just started my dive into the Roy x Wolt ship and your last post abt them was SCRUMPTIOUS so I was wondering if you could give us some headcannons for their relationship???
HI ANON, omg, sorry for the late response!!!
Uhhh... I had to look back at my posts and I don't know whether you were referring to someone else's ask about Roy's marriage options and I was like "WOLT IS HIS SEVENTH OPTION" or the one that was a Mother's Day post and it was kid Roy and Wolt haha.
ANYWAYS, I STILL LOVE THEM. It's just that I am OLD and have to age up Roy and Wolt if I ship them (went through my drafts and died a little bit from all of my Roy x Wolt drafts hahahaha), but uhhhh, I do remember my headcanons from waaaaay back until now, so here they are (if you're still interested...)
But welcome into the Roy x Wolt ship!!
Roy x Wolt (as kids)
Roy is an absolute menace and no one can tell me otherwise. He was the reason for Rebecca's headaches.
Roy constantly dragged Wolt into situations resulting Rebecca just yelling at Wolt (because he's her son) and Wolt hated playing with Roy, which made Roy sad and so Roy would bring him things to apologize (turns out they were items from other people and then just got Wolt into more trouble...)
Roy wore a lot of white because he was the Marquess's son, but his shirt always came back a darker color... Wolt's did too, but mainly Roy's fault lol
Roy x Wolt (as teens)
At one point, Wolt realized that they were in different stations therefore he stepped back to do whatever he was doing in their supports (which pissed Roy off honestly).
Wolt is taller than Roy as teen and has the height advantage until he didn't...
Roy's puberty kicks in (mainly because I headcanon his mother as Ninian and therefore dragon blood causes slow puberty?) and just becomes taller than Wolt
Idk, they make up and etc, but Wolt continues to support Roy on a more personal level too
Roy x Wolt (as adults) - This can go several ways, but mainly headcanon Roy ceding Pherae to Lilina for the Kingdom of Lycia (as stated in FE6's ending)
Roy and Wolt stay in Pherae and do whatever they have to do, but the pressure is less on Roy now since Lilina is the one who officially needs to have a heir for the Kingdom of Lycia, so they probably adopt kids and raise them as their own
OR Roy and Wolt leaves Pherae and travels (read: Smash Bros LMAO) and they have their family however they please
My personal headcanons
This is controversial, but uh... Roy tops lmao. I prefer my ships certain ways and I've been shipping Roy x Wolt forever and Roy always topped, so if Wolt tops well... I'm not interested lol
Wolt is a few months older than Roy: Rebecca gave birth to Wolt and wanted another daughter, but got another boy (Roy) to take care of, so she never had another child lol.
Only Wolt really knows Roy's true nature--I know Lilina mentions that she knows how clumsy Roy is and etc, but I'd like to think that Roy actual puts up a front around Lilina as well just so she doesn't worry, but he doesn't do it with Wolt. Essentially Wolt knows how much of a menace Roy REALLY is.
Roy is hotheaded/passionate while Wolt is cool and a bit more calm (just look at their affinities in the game. Roy's is fire and Wolt's is ice/water)
Wolt learns how to hunt and cook from Rebecca, so Wolt is a much better cook than Roy. Roy probably sets burns ice cream or something idk.
If I haven't bore you yet, I'm willing to put more headcanons I guess! But thanks for your ask--I found some drafts of Roy x Wolt that I might fix up and post :3
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mcrmadness · 2 years
11, 20 and 69 for the writing asks?
Fanfic writer ask game.
Thanks! ^^
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
The history of cars. Years ago I was going to write a Titanic AU (the cruiser, not the movie) about one of my previous fandoms, with a friend, and we both did write a few chapters of that but it didn't really take off. So a few years later (the early 2010s?) I was going to use that idea again and write it about my current fandom and OTP instead, and change the language into English. This time, either, I did not really get anywhere with the idea BUT I did some research about Germany's history in 1912 and if cars had already been invented. Still to this day I remember that cars were invented somewhere before 1910.
What comes to research in general, I don't exactly worry about it, but I do love staying loyal to reality so I do lots of research if I feel that I need that in order to continue. Mostly my research is just band facts, but sometimes I research things like what was typical for e.g. the 90s, even tho I usually remember enough to use my own memories as facts.
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
The combination of fluff and (emotional) hurt/comfort, I guess. The latter is usually that something from outside is hurting X or Y, and then the other one is there to support and comfort them. And THIS I have been able to track down to my own childhood/teenage traumas, when I was bullied in school and had no friends and all I ever wanted was to just experience someone simply asking me "Are you okay?" But no one of my peers ever did.
So I kinda got stuck to that mental state of a teenager's moods and emotions. And today I'm too "damaged" to ask for reassurance directly myself (because I can't trust it being genuine if I have to ask for it), so I just keep writing moody scenes with the kind of follow-up I wish I could have experiences back in the day (and sometimes wish would still happen, just the simple "are you okay?", you know...), and rinse and repeat. I'm literally just writing the same EMOTIONS over and over again, just in different kind of settings. It reminds me of when I was a kid and got fixated on some topic and kept redrawing the thing over and over again, e.g. the predecessor for my comics where I'd draw the same story of some fool dino using another dino as a horse, went to a competition without helmet or anything, fell into a very deep water obstacle and ended up watching the competition from TV at home while sitting on a wheel chair with his whole body wrapped in cast.
Writing these is literally like therapy for me but I don't think I'm actually even getting anywhere. Just using it to live through scenarios I needed as a kid or teenager but never experienced and now it's too late as 1. I'm not longer a teenager and 2. I don't let anyone too close to me anymore (not even emotionally, and physical touch especially is out of the picture).
69. how do you write emotional scenes? do you ever feel what the characters feel?
Yes. I'm hyper-empathic so I always feel what the characters feel. That's also fun because that way I can also go through emotions I have never experienced myself in person. But at the same time: I don't need to be in a certain mood in order to write about some mood, but also writing about a certain mood won't affect my own mood. It's pretty interesting, because I often hear that people even choose their music according to their mood, but I never have that connection with the music I listen to either (apart from maybe like one album that also works as my anger music).
I'm not sure what does "how do you write emotional scenes" mean... I usually find darker themes easier to write and describe. When I'm trying to write positive, I always feel that it lacks something and feels shallow and... yeah, I don't know what it is, but it always feels a bit clumsy - unlike darker moods. With those I'm at my best and I feel that I can get so much emotion in those! I don't know if they're as pleasant to read as what they are to write, but again I have to say that usually such mood in my text has nothing to do with my own mood. I might be on a really good mood or hyperactive etc. and still write some of the most depressing shit ever. It's just the mood of the text and the characters, not mine.
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casspurrjoybell-27 · 24 days
In a Heartbeat - Chapter 2 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
I woke up to the sound of water and someone caressing my head.
As my vision cleared, I realized  I wasn't on the couch where I had taken my nap but in the tub of the motel.
The pink water from my dream was gone and for a minute I thought I'd just slept walked into the tub to sleep.
Looking down, I noticed what had actually happened.
My clothes were tinted pink, probably from the bloody water that was drained given the slight pink ring around the tub.
My arms bandaged and a towel draped over my shoulders.
Kneeling next to the tub drying my hair was Aspen, someone I had lived with for the past ten years since that day.
Next to him seemed to be some cleaning supplies and bloody towels.
His clothes also sported some bloodstains.
A sight I was quite used to.
It wasn't the first time I've woken up covered in my own blood.
Aspen had been more than my roommate, more like a caretaker, especially when I've injured myself, both consciously and unconsciously but the look on his face every time was harrowing.
The look of disappointment was frightening and reminded me too much of my father's disapproving stare when I refused to follow in his footsteps as a Delta.
The same look of a disappointment the entire pack had given my family. 
It was mornings like this that pained me to see Aspen with that look of a disappointment.
I didn't like having him help me with the cleanup and aftermath following the nightmares.
The perturbed look of his always made me feel like such a burden. 
Aspen liked to fret about me a lot.
He was just like my sister Nicole, always noticing the subtle changes in my mood or behavior.
Even as a kid I hated making my parents and siblings worry about me.
I was known to be a bit clumsy and I would get hounded by Nicole and our mother over the slightest scratch or bruise.
It was why I had decided to turn down the application for Delta, knowing my mother would fret over every hunt and run I would go on.
My mother was already concerned for my father, that I chose to help ease her nerves by watching the younger siblings.
Goddess forbid my father gets into a hunting accident, I'd have to start providing for the family and becoming Delta would only further worry my mother.
Getting injured on the job would only become a burden to the younger ones.
I leaned into Aspen as he continued to dry my hair.
A dull ache in both my head and arms began to pulse.
He didn't say anything but I could sense his concern and a slight irritation in the way he massaged my scalp.
He paused for a second before reaching for a bottle of water and a pill bottle near the sink.
I could tell he was upset, his jaw was tensed and eyes narrowed as he pulled out a single pill from the bottle.
"I can't keep doing this," he finally broke the silence as he handed me the bottle of water and pill.
I swallowed the pill and chugged most of the water, suddenly feeling cold, my heart heavy from his statement.
My clothes still clung to my skin, the water that had once filled the tub was evidently freezing cold.
I didn't want to acknowledge Aspen's words.
Before, it seemed like it was just a recurring thought but today was the first time he actually stated it.
Instead, I simply focused on breathing, glancing at his bloodstained hands and shirt.
I watched him as he put the towel to the side, clenching it tightly as if he had more to say.
A moment passed before I whispered...
"I know."
"Cedar saw, this time," his voice faltered.
My breath hitched.
Cedar was Aspen's half-brother, barely a teenager who Aspen had basically raised since he was two.
Cedar hadn't known about the nightmares or the suicidal thoughts.
We had kept it a secret from him this whole time.
Knowing how sensitive he was, Cedar was probably in shock.
A part of me felt guilty, regretful but I knew it was inevitable.
Most of the time I had no recollection of the events that led up to mornings like this, it was as if I sleepwalked.  
Cedar was bound to find out eventually.
"How is he?"
"What do you think?" Aspen scoffed.
"He's terrified, worried out of his mind. The amount of blood and cuts this time was the worst I've seen. We thought you were a goner, Simon."
I looked down at my scar-ridden arms.
There among the fading marks, stood nine gnarly scabbed up lines on my inner wrist.
The fact that they hadn't completely healed meant Aspen was right, these must have been worse this time.
Even with our enhanced healing, the cuts usually healed overnight and left pink or pale scar tissue.
I must've really overdone it this time.
I couldn't imagine how they must have felt when they saw how bad it was and Cedar, I couldn't imagine how he must be feeling about this.
It wasn't fair, he shouldn't have to deal with this.
Neither did Aspen.
Instead of wallowing in more guilt, I shakily stood up, busying myself with finishing cleaning the blood off.
Aspen had stepped away with the bloody towels, probably to clean them or toss them and eventually came back to leave a fresh pair of clothes, before silently leaving the door slightly ajar.
I could tell he was angry by the way he tensed his jaw looking at me before walking back to the living room.
I tried not to think much of it and focused my attention on getting clean.
The clinging wet shirt was a challenge and at one point I thought it'd be much easier just to stand outside in the sun, even though it was forty degrees outside.
I set the water to just barely scalding, letting it cascade down my back.
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sachisei · 6 months
12 Things I Learned This Year
I learned very surprisingly that my parents are supportive of me just finding any job that makes me happy. That they believe my happiness is more important than how much I get or which company I'd get into. It turned out that it was just me thinking that that's what they wanted from me. And that was very comforting to hear, especially from my mother.
I also learned that I've generated my own thoughts of my friends judging my past state of depression and anxiety. Even if they did, it seems that they said what they said out of worry, too. It was not to ostracize me or to make me feel bad. I just made myself feel bad for nothing. Pft.
I learned to be more patient with old folks. I was, but I didn't know I was capable of feeling angry when old folks act stubborn. So I learned how to talk kindly when trying to persuade them to eat, or to walk to another side, or to receive help in general. Cause some of them develop a weird pride that "I can still do it" when they clearly are struggling. It drove me crazy, hahahaha.
I learned to see failure as an advantage. I used to see it as a disadvantage thinking I'm left behind by my peers or that I couldn't do as much as them, and that led me to the depression state I was in. Having experienced failure earlier in life is an advantage, for me, because now I gained knowledge on how I can improve myself NOW, than only to learn it LATER in life. It's helping me to become stronger NOW, than be weak in the knees LATER. I failed so I can grow. It also humbled me in a way, which is good . . .
. . . because I also learned that when you're ahead, you might never look back. And that's how you later succumb to loneliness and feelings of having everything while also feeling you have nothing. Now, failure for me is just a friendly neighbor telling me: life is not about working to achieve ambition and glory. It's to have the luxury to be able to smell the flowers, to look up at the sky, to smile to strangers, and to be happy with yourself amidst all the trouble thrown at you.
Okay, so I wanted to list down things I learned in my twenties. This prompt is great for that. I just wanted to say that. So this year, one of the other things I learned, sort of intrinsically, is how easy it actually is to just mingle with people. I guess, my meds intervened with my social anxiety and helped me to be more socially open, but having realized it comes from me actively observing the changes within myself. I can do SHORT TALK? And it didn't annoy me? Excuse me? Of course there are days where I'm just "don't talk to me HISSSSSS", however I am able now to let myself get into that conversationalist in me, sometimes. And that felt fucking awesome. Best shit that happened to me this year, even. I should've added this to the Highlight of The Year prompt. Oh well.
I used to want to live alone. Well, I actually still like the idea. But I learned that to be able to live with your parents is not only a benefit financially speaking, but also they play a big part in making your house feel home-y. There's someone waiting for you. They know what you want to eat. They know how clumsy you can be that you forget your keys and shit. They help secure the place while you're away. There is so much comfort in knowing that you can rely on another person in your house. Family can be your friends too, or your partner of course. How fun and releasing it is to be able to live with your people. Living alone still has its own perks, but even if I get into that situation, I would most likely want to be close to my neighbors then. It's a healthy kind of dependency.
Speaking of neighbors, this year we have the KINDEST neighbors. THEY HAVE CATS. I've never formed a bond more deeply with neighbors before. Well, I kinda did back in my childhood but it was because she fed me great food. It was hilarious cause they compared me to a cat. "I never see you get out of the house even though you do. You move quietly like a cat." HAHAHAHA. Thank you. Anyway, I learned then that having neighbors like that is now something I can look forward to. I used to just don't bother to even greet them. But they're very kind people. I can smile and nod now these days without feeling obligated to. I want to.
I learned to accept that what I was able to do today is enough. I don't have to be super strict on the quality of my activities. I had a bad day? Okay. Whatever. That's just today. Tomorrow can be different. Not everything has to suck, I don't have to sulk at every bad thing or "wasted time" or missed opportunities. I can just accept that things happened, and that even then, I can still turn things around tomorrow.
I learned that sometimes I have to step away from actively giving out advice and just listen instead. I mean, I've known that for a while but I haven't really tried to apply it. It's still difficult to pull off. It's a bit easier when the other person is clearly needing comfort rather than a clear set of guide to help them reorganize their shit. But JUST NOW I HAD AN EPIPHANY. Just don't give advice if they don't ask. If they express a FEELING, then react to the feeling. If they ASK what can they do, THAT'S where I can happily share my thoughts, if I have any. I feel a bit stupid for not having thought that sooner, ngl.
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
I don’t get why so many JGY stans think the twist abt NHS “came out of nowhere” bc be was too “clumsy, awkward & pathetic.” Chinese literature is full of characters who try to get their opponents to underestimate them. Sun Tzu straight up says “when strong, you must appear weak” and his supposed descendant Sun Bin defeated his opponent Pan Juan by pretending to be mad.
I am sure at least some of it is being mad because they don't want to believe their pathetic meowmeow could be outmaneuvered. Nie Huaisang's manipulations are subtle, but visible on a reread or even a rewatch where they do make him slightly more blatant (and have Wei Wuxian call him out directly) in CQL.
Please, allow me to, for a moment, gush about Nie Huaisang. I'd say both, but part of my enjoyment of my lu cha biao is his inability to measure up to my Headshaker. Jin Guangyao may be an awful, awful excuse of a human being but I enjoy him as he is. A dumpster fire.
Nie Huaisang is a lovely character who understands exactly how to bend and weave with the challenges thrown beforehand. And you can see how he'll get there as early as his appearance in the Cloud Recesses classes, but it is a very fun take on the character archetype. He uses these skills to get out of classes and study in order to pursue his passions. He would rather spend his life catching birds, fishing, painting fans and enjoying art. He has this considerable skill to assess people and situations and he solely uses it to further his own pleasuremongering. I love it. I wish more of these characters would exist.
If I didn't have to work for money to support my family, I would rather live a life like his. I want to create and enjoy, not worry about working or being renowned.
But I digress. I find him fascinating because he really does not use these skills beyond furthering his own preferred life to live until the death of his beloved brother. And that is the catalyst he needs to shift from peaceful pleasuremonger to scheming mastermind who understands how to hide in plain sight. Again, Jin Guangyao never even suspected him until he was dying in the temple. I am certain if you asked his opinion of Nie Huaisang even a day before, it would have been complementary and entirely blind to the true character of a man he thought he had completely understood and subsequently written off.
As I think about it, it is quite amusing how literally something that Jin Guangyao often took advantage of is simultaneously his biggest weakness. He does not reconsider his impression of people once he thinks he understands them. He underestimates Mo Xuanyu's drive for revenge, he never considers Sisi's knowledge of him a threat and he never ever thought that Nie Huaisang had seen through his guise. He likes hiding behind his charming dimples, but he is unable to recognize when others do the same. His arrogance is very clear: he literally thinks that no one is better than he is at playing these games.
And he is wrong. And he dies for it. As he should have the first time someone saw under his mask. Jin Guangyao did a masterful job of using the blood of innocents and crocodile tears to build himself a shining palace on the sands. But just as a palace on sand should have, it fell apart the second the winds blew for in the end it had no foundation.
I unfortunately have not had much of a chance to read a lot of Chinese literature yet, but I am delighted to know that one of my favorite characters is an archetype. When you have stories that have political intrigue and power grabbing and scheming, you need characters like him. The ones who can play the game under the schemers precisely because they never look closely enough to see the seams in the character.
Nie Huaisang and Jin Guangyao both played the same game, but the Headshaker was always the superior player in the end.
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