#some diving shenanigans happened and they kinda get closer
rdng1230 · 2 months
Fic talk
tagged by @desert--moonchild
How many wips do you have currently? 8 ish? but I haven't worked on any of them since I started Ain't That a Kick in the Head. Most of them are one sentence ideas in a google doc but others are a little more fleshed out. One I would loooooooove to write is one where Buddie runs into the original Buddie aka Gage and Desoto from Emergency!, but I really need to be able to watch old episodes to get their voices down and the show isn't available anywhere except live tv reruns. I also have lots of Tommy + Deluca family shenanigans for the strings of fate series. There's some angstier stuff as well I hope to dive into.
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish? Why do you think that is? lol you can't struggle to finish something you haven't really started can you? tbh I'm putting everything on the back burner till the epilogues done and then we'll see how everything else goes :)
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you? I'm not often far away from my laptop these days so usually I just plop down and type it straight into docs. If I'm out and about I'll jot it down in my notes app, maybe also text it to a friend if the idea was something I'd been whining to them about.
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different? You know it's funny I love a good playlist and I love making them but because I can't really read or write when music is playing besides like instrumental stuff or lofi, I don't make playlists to set the vibe. However, I am meticulous about the music actually in the story, so I will make playlists to keep track of what music is referenced and also to give my readers an opportunity to know what the characters are listening to in those moments. I will agonize over what a character might listen to and under what circumstance. Sal's picks come to me almost immediately, he follows his heart and likes big earnest 80's gated reverb atmospheric kinda stuff. Tommy is more difficult, he's moodier, a lot more mercurial about what he listens to based on what he's feeling, he can be a tough nut to crack. The hardest part is when there's a song that is PERFECT for their situation but I know they wouldn't listen to/know about, see: A Home by the Chicks for Tommy chapter 5.
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organised? It is soooooo situation specific. Sometimes I sit down and just crank out a whole thing right then and there like my Young Royals Fic from a few months ago. I'm still really new to this whole thing tbh, I'm still trying to figure out what works for me. But for the longer stuff I usually know what I want out of each chapter and then when I get closer to it I write out a scene list for how that happens, sometimes what I want requires breaking things up into two chapters. chapter 6 was fun because it actually had entire conversations written before the scene list so I had a page of dialogue and had to backpedal and structure the chapter scenes around that conversation. the epilogue is literally fully written scenes followed by 5 word placeholders for next scenes, and dry templated out set up scenes, and then random lines of dialogue from the final scene, idk man its the Wild West out here. For my strings of fate series I'm keeping things vague on purpose in terms of timelines and certain details to allow for this universe to account for future ideas I may have.
np tags, I'm sure many of you have done these already and if you have just tag me I'd love to read 'em: @racerchix21 @ohlookitsthearkhamknight @cliophilyra and whoever else wants to!
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kurohaai · 2 years
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More Mermay AU doodles Diver Ofi meeting Octopus Mer Yleeda and hanging out in shallow water when they eventually get closer
+ Oarfish Mer Das interacting (shyly) with senior researcher Pavnis Madron
Ofi & Das - mine Yleeda - @heuristicallyinclined Pavnis - @theartisticapparition
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chrisdrawings · 2 years
AA Superhero AU: The Love Square
Now... I have to talk about it!
It’s the reason I started this AU in the first place.
So, imagine the secret identity shenanigans, the pining, the falling in love with two different people who are actually the same person. “Enemies to friends to lovers”, “one-sided attraction that’s actually mutual”, and “childhood friends to pining to lovers” AT THE SAME TIME!!
...okay, Wrightworth is already all of those at the same time, but hear me out!
Let’s start with a little graphic to explain the Love square (at the beginning), and then I will dive into each pairing in more detail, under the cut: 
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Phoenix Wright/Red Signal (Rednix):
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They are the Ladrien (wink) of this AU, the first canon ship. They met when they were kids. Red was going around town in his superhero outfit and he used his powers to save Phoenix from a car accident. After that, Red Signal tried to disappear, but Phoenix was so immediatly smitten that he followed him, and aggressively befriended him, basically. They started a weird friendship, meeting almost every day after school. Then the DL-6 happened (a post will come about it) and they lost contact.
Flash-forward to many years later. They meet again after Phoenix gets his powers and the death mark, because he always ends up in some kind of accident, and Red saves him again. 
Their first reaction is: MY FRIEND! YAY! (okay, not really, but they are happy to have met each other again). 
Their second reaction is: Oh... my crush is back. I guess I’m in love with him now.
Yes, they are crushing with each other pretty hard, and pretty fast. Phoenix based his entire life and career on Red Signal, and Red Signal came back to business after hearing about Phoenix Wright’s trial (Turnabout memories), and kept his old style to be recognizable, so, like... they never forgot each other, and they always wanted to meet again.
I don’t want to spoil too much, but every time they meet they are really cute, and it’s Red who Phoenix defends in Turnabout Goodbyes.
It’s also Red who fakes his su*cide, stopping his hero work for a while, and breaking Phoenix’s heart.
So... well... Phoenix is kinda angry at him when he comes back.
Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgeworth (Wrightworth): 
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So, if the loving backstory was with Red Signal, how are things with Miles Edgeworth?
Well... they are not good, at first.
I mean... they did went to school together for a little while, but they never talked, so they met for the first time (kinda) when Edgeworth was prosecuting against Maya, so not the best first impression, especially since after prosecuting against Maya, he prosecute against Phoenix too. Terrible first impression!
And Miles is a mix between “Notice me sempai” and “Get out of my courtroom” because he’s in a total Gay crisis, so, yeah. AWFUL FIRST IMPRESSION!
Phoenix doesn’t like Miles, but they grow closer after the DL-6 retrial, when Phoenix ends up defending him as in canon (due to some facts I will discuss in the Turnabout goodbyes post).
Then Red goes away, and Phoenix is heartbroken. Edgeworth doesn’t disappear, though, and by working together, they start a nice friendship over time. 
Edgeworth is incredibly present and supportive during the Engarde case (Farewell, My Turnabout) and they become real important friends.
Phoenix’s feelings start to gravitate towards Edgeworth, just as Red’s feelings start to gravitate towards a new, incredible superhero.
Firebird/Red Signal (FireSignal): 
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Firebird starts his vigilante career after Turnabout Samurai, so he doesn’t meet Red Signal many times before Red’s “death”, but when he meets him, he’s a big fanboy. 
And at first Red finds him annoying and extremely careless. Firebird is disappointed by his coldness, but tries to win him over, failing miserably.
When Red “dies”, Firebird is heartbroken, but still continues his superhero work. Since Red is not really dead, he keeps tabs on the afromentioned supehero work. He starts to get really interested in him, and admires him a lot. He’s everything Red Signal always admired in superheroes. So cool! When Red comes back, he tries to get in contact with Firebird and maybe... like... work together. Firebird is not interested anymore (he still has mixed feelings), but Red Signal still helps him sometimes, and they also get hired together to protect Ami Fey’s sacred urn (The Stolen Turnabout) and in this occasion they bond a lot. 
Red saves Firebird’s life when a crazy supervillain almost kills him after copying his powers (Recipe for Turnabout, yes this one changes a lot from canon), and he realizes how much he actually cares for him.
Both him and Firebird are really confused about their feelings.
Firebird/Miles Edgeworth (Fireworth): 
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And, at last, here comes the Marichat (wink wink).
They met for the first time during State vs Skye (Rise from the ashes) when the courtroom gets attacked for some reason. Firebird tries to save Miles, who doesn’t want to be saved by a non-registered hero. Firebird is offended. Edgeworth is annoyed.
Their feelings change the way they change for the other ships, and sometimes they do meet, during court cases or when Firebird tries to save Edgeworth. 
But their biggest case together is the one when Maya is trapped, Misty is killed and Iris is accused of murder. They work together for most of the case, except the last day, and since they spend a lot of time together, they start to see some things about each other that they never noticed. Like a certain mark, and someone’s quick reflexes...
And here’s where the circle close. 
But I really don’t want to spoil Bridge to the Turnabout, which will get its own post one day.
This was just a qick dive into the relationship with each pairing big moments.
I hope you like the concept. Feel free to ask things if you are curious. I have much to say about this AU, but I don’t know where to start ^^’
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miracle-sham · 3 years
Crack Your Bones and Say Those Lies.
| {Jasonette July 2021, Saturday Challenge 3: And They Were Roommates} |
| [Ao3 Link] | | [Masterlist Link] | | [Spotify Playlist Link] |
| After getting roped into the Vigilante life by Chat Noir, her friend and partner in crime, Maladroit tries her best to help fight crime to make the city a better place, if only Red Hood and his gang would stop causing problems. |
| Or alternatively, Marinette and Jason are roommates with secrets. Both have huge crushes on each other but more importantly, both are trying to juggle moonlighting as their secret identities. However, when watching the nightly news together, everything changes. |
| Word Count: 5,014. |
| Warnings/Tags: No Miraculous/Different Powers Au, Roommates, minor gang mentions/Red Hood is a gang lord, gun violence, Vigilantism, Identity Shenanigans/Mistakes, Miscommunication, some emotional hurt, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort, and Domestic fluff. Also Oblivious, Protective, & Mutually Pining Marinette and Jason. |
| A/N: Hey! Sorry this is nearly a week late but where I live got hit with a nasty heatwave and I was barely able to write from sheer exhaustion from the heat. But on a happier note, I'm so glad I've finally been able to write and post a proper Vigilantes au (as in like Spidey style vigilantism with homemade gear and all!) Because that kinda Vigilante au especially combined with roommates is my favourite trope ever! Well maybe joint with Dragonrider AUs, but still! I've had multiple Vigilante Aus sitting in my notes and drafts so it's brilliant to finally release one into the wild! Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this! |
| Also side note, Don’t Like? Don’t Read. Also also, please do not criticise any of my writing. This was written for fun and receiving criticism, even in a compliment/criticism sandwich, is the exact opposite of fun. |
It's Friday night, and Maladroit and Chat Noir are midway through their usual patrol of their slice of territory in the city.
“Race you to the billboard!” Chat Noir calls out, snickering in an almost cat-like-chitter as he launches himself forwards. Swinging over Maladroit's head with his grapple, he lands on the next roof ahead, in a perfect three-point landing.
Maladroit giggles, “Oh, you're so on!” She grabs her grapple and shoots. Swinging after him and onto the same roof. She instead, dive forward rolls for her landing and uses the momentum to propel her into a run.
Losing his lead due to the momentum loss of the three-point landing, Chat Noir vaults over a roof vent.
Forced to swerve to the side, Maladroit barely dodges a massive puddle of rainwater on her side of the roof.
Neck and Neck, the two raced across the rooftop. Closer and closer to the billboard they raced.
Nearly there! She thinks, c'mon! Reaching an arm out to slap the billboard—
“Eep!” She yelps, startled by the buzzing crackle of her earring-comms. Unintentionally, she accidentally veers to the side and crashes straight into Chat Noir's side.
They collide with a loud thud, and two of them crumple into a pile.
“Graceful as ever, Mal.” A voice teases over her earring-comms. “Joking aside, didn't mean to spook you, sorry!”
Maladroit groans, “thanks,” and gingerly extracts herself from the vigilante limb pile.
“Gamer!” Chat Noir cheers, having heard him through his own disguised comms. “Got any crimes for us to fight tonight?”
There's a chuckle over the line, “Lucky you should ask, Chat, I do happen to have found some villainous plans for you to thwart.”
Chat Noir cracks his knuckles and stretches. “Oh? What are they?”
“Two which are time-sensitive.” Gamer adds.
Maladroit stifles a squawk, “Two! That are time-sensitive?” Her voice goes up a pitch on the last word, making it sound like a question.
“Uh-huh.” He confirms. “Chat Noir, there's a break-in at a jewellery store two blocks over from you. I'm sending you the directions now to your phone.”
Chat Noir does a two-fingered salute to the nearest security camera. “Got it, G! Detective Noir is on the case!”
“And Maladroit, we've got reports of sightings of Red Hood outside his usual area. By the Warehouses on fourth. There are no security cams around there so I've got nothing but rumours to go on. See if you can check it out and find out what he's up to.” Gamer informs her, sounding slightly irritated at the fact he's got little information to give her.
Maladroit nods, grumbling slightly. “When isn't he up to something.”
Slinging an arm around her shoulder, Chat Noir grins like the Cheshire Cat. “C'mon, Mal! It'll be a quick sweep and nothing will turn up like the last twenty times we've gotten this kinda tip-off!”
“You owe me ice cream from André's when we're in civvies tomorrow!” She huffs. “I made us macarons last time!”
“I haven't forgotten!” Chat Noir protests. “Anyway, see you tomorrow if we don't catch each other for the end of the patrol?”
Maladroit nods. “Yep! See ya later Minou!”
The two split. Chat Noir dashing after the directions, and Maladroit swinging towards the warehouses on fourth.
Breathe, Maladroit—reminds herself, perched on the rafters in one of the warehouses on fourth. Staring at the blood-red glowing mask of the red hooded villain, who happens to be oh so creatively named the 'Red Hood', leaning on the balcony railing on the opposite side of the warehouse to her rafter, and presumably glaring up at her.
“It's you again, Maladroit.” He growls, distorted by whatever voice modifier he's got wired into his mask.
She can't help but wince at the reminder of the word she had accidentally said the first time she had ever helped Chat Noir fight crime. Which irritatingly enough, stuck as her vigilante name. Especially since her second attempt at a name, Ladybug, didn't stick. She frowns beneath the black and red spotted bandana covering her mouth, and tightly grips her bladed yo-yo—with piano wire instead of string—of the same colour scheme.
“What are you planning, Red Hood?” She spits out, voice also modified by her bandana, a tad too grumpy and bitterly for the awkward-but-smiley "persona" she's supposed to act like (although it's not so much of a persona when that's just how she is almost all the time). But in her defence, she's had a rough day at uni, things have been awkward at home because of her crush on her roomie lately, and more importantly, Red Hood's lackeys have been a pain in the neck for the past week, so her reaction is more than warranted.
He has the audacity to laugh. “What makes you think I'm going to tell you, Pipsqueak?”
“Well,” Maladroit huffs, “I was hoping you were feeling considerate.”
Red Hood shifts his shoulders. “Aww, sorry Pipsqueak. I'm not feeling particularly considerate today.” In a split second, he slips both guns from his holsters, spins them, and shoots.
Maladroit squeaks, instinctively tugging on her power, and dives off the rafter to dodge the shot. “Rude!”
She's just able to shoot her grapple off and swing up to another metal beam.
“How the fuck do you keep dodging my shots?” He snarls, gesturing at her with his guns in short angry-looking motions.
In response, she throws her yo-yo at him, tugging on her power again. The yo-yo spins through the air, slashing through the Red Hood's jacket sleeve and slicing a deep groove into the gun, then rewinds on the wire back to her. “What makes you think I'm going to tell you, Bullet Boy!” She parrots back, cheekily.
“Hey!” Red Hood snaps, aiming another shot at her.
Tugging on her powers once more, Maladroit yelps as she swings to yet another metal rafter beam in order to avoid the shot. “Your aim sucks!”
“Fuck you!” He retorts, firing off four more shots aimed at her head.
There's a horrifying moment as she barely manages to tug on her powers in time. The bullets barely skimming past her hood, one even tearing the fabric slightly.
“Mal!” Comes Gamer's terrified voice over her earring-comms, “I need you to pull back immediately! Red Hood and his gang have been spotted nearby and Chat can't get to you in time to back you up if you do get into a fight!”
She raises a hand to her earrings and quietly laughs hysterically. “Little too late for that, G! I'm uh currently staring… face to gun to him”
“Oh, fuck!” Gamer responds, voice going up a pitch. “I'm contacting Chat now. Try and get out if you can but prioritise not getting yourself killed, please!”
Red Hood fires his guns again. “Eyes and ears on me, Pipsqueak.”
Squeaking yet again, Maladroit desperately tugs on her power once more and swings to another rafter. Her heart thunders in her chest as loudly as his gunfire. She spits out a frantic, “no promises!” to both of them.
“I've informed him, your backup is on the way.” Gamer tells her.
The main warehouse doors clatter open with a resounding slam! Followed by the stomping of multiple pairs of boots storming inside.
Maladroit waves at Red Hood, the quiet terrified hysterical laughter practically bubbling out of her mouth. “Haha, well I'm afraid that's my cue to Bug Out!”
“Oh, I don't think so, Pipsqueak.” Red Hood taunts, shooting six bullets at her, rapid-fire. “I ain't finished with our convo yet.”
Squeaking for the umpteenth time, and really just giving him even more reason to keep giving her that stupid pipsqueak nickname, she riskily shoots her grapple, aiming and swinging towards the warehouse's large balcony windows.
“Get the fuck back here!” He snarls, voice deepening with fury. Pausing to reload before firing off more shots at her with abandon.
Maladroit wriggles midair, tugging on her powers to try and dodge the shots. She curls into a dive forward roll as the grapple forces her to land onto the balcony. The same one that Red Hood has been stood on this entire time. Oh, help me! She thinks, eyes widening behind her makeshift red with black tinted lenses, goggles-slash-domino mask.
He aims his gun at her once more. “Move and you fucking die, pipsqueak.”
Putting her hands in the air, she swallows a gulp of air. Her body armour is padded beneath her red, and black spotted, hoodie but it isn't bulletproof. And she can feel the straining exhaustion of overusing her powers clawing at her.
They're at a standoff. Still as statues, the both of them. It's almost poetic how they parallel each other. He's got his gun aimed at her, whilst she's desperately clutching at her grappling hook gun in one of her raised hands. Both donned in red. Both committing crimes in the eyes of the law. Two sides of the same coin, one and the same.
Maladroit feels sick to her stomach, staring down the barrels of his guns. Ever so slowly, she tugs on her powers. The window a little bit behind her creaks quietly enough that Red Hood doesn't seem to notice beneath the clamour of his gang doing whatever it is they're doing below.
She counts her breath and tugs on her power. A minute passes with no movement, no words, nothing happening on the balcony. Out of the corner of her eye, she can just see that it's now open enough that she should be able to make it out unscathed. Or at least mostly unscathed.
Closing her eyes, not that he can see, her power snaps. Instinctively she doubles over and slaps a hand over her mouth. Barely in time as a stifled scream is yanked from her throat, leaving her panting for breath. Her knees crash onto the balcony flooring. A bullet whizzes past her neck.
“Shit. What the fuck was that?” Red Hood grumbles, sounding genuinely concerned. He storms across the balcony towards her.
Maladroit can't help but flinch, bodily throwing herself back as far away from him as she can. Mind racing in panic.
He stows one gun back into a holster then reaches a hand towards her. “Hey, hey, hey. Calm down.”
“Gotta go! Bug-bye!” She squeaks out, wrenching on her power with all her remaining strength, and bolting for the window.
“I think the fuck not! Fucking pretending to be hurt.” Red Hood barks, ripping the gun back out of its holster.
Narrowly dodging the spray of bullets shot at her, Maladroit dives through the window and fires off her grapple. Safely swinging far away from the warehouse.
Carefully Maladroit drops with the ease of far too many nights of practise, onto the fire escape outside her bedroom window. She crouches and lets the shadows of the night hide her form. Creeping closer, she checks the windowsill for any marks or signs of tampering but it all comes away untouched. Content with her quick security check, she fumbles for the disguised piece of string wedging the window ajar in a way that's barely visible unless you know where to look for it. Got it! She thinks to herself, grabbing ahold of it and prying it, and the window above it, up and open.
Slipping through the open window, she sits on the sill to rip her thankfully not-too-dirty studded steel-toed boots off. Picking them up in one hand, she wiggles the rest of the way into her room and immediately resets the security measures, yanking the curtain down for privacy.
Maladroit then shuffles over to her bed. Tikki—her gorgeous fluffy red and dark brown miniature dachshund—blinks sleepily up at her, from the dog bed next to it. The puppy yaps in greeting before snuffling and curling back up to sleep.
She coos at the cuteness before continuing on. With the other hand not carrying the boots, she pries the blanket covered duffel bag out from underneath. Wrestling to unzip it in one janky and awkward motion, grunting slightly at the exertion. The metal of the zip digs in but the discomfort is mostly mitigated by the padded gloves and wrist guards she's wearing. The easy to clean plastic bag designated for temporary storing of her boots is dragged out of the bag and said boots are tossed in without a second glance.
Huffing, she starts to take the rest of her cross between mostly homemade and refashioned sports kit vigilante gear off. First, tugging down the hood of her hoodie and unclipping the black scrum cap hidden under it. It's dumped unceremoniously into a secondary plastic bag in the open duffel bag. After that, Maladroit removes the black neck guard and pulls her makeshift goggles-slash-domino mask over her head. Those too, are dumped into the other plastic bag. Then she unties the bandana with the nose guard underneath, from around her mouth and nose. Unsurprisingly, they're also dumped in the bag.
Next, she undoes the velcros on her red and black padded gloves, black wrist guards, as well as black elbow, knee, and shin pads. Also dumped into the other bag. With the outer protective wear removed, Maladroit pulls her hoodie over her head. Continuing on, she peels the padded rugby body armour and shorts off, and then the thermal under-armour. All dumped into the third and final plastic bag. “I swear,” Maladroit mumbles to herself, “getting changed out my gear never gets easier. And to think back when I had my last P.E. lesson at school, I thought I'd never have to touch this kinda kit ever again. Rip me.”
Lastly, Marinette—no longer Maladroit seeing as she is no longer in her vigilante gear—throws on her running-to-the-bathroom spare bathrobe to cover herself. She hastily shoves the three plastic bags into the duffel bag and kicks it under her bed. Purposefully leaving it unzipped but quickly fixing the blanket covering the bag, so that she can more easily grab her kit to clean everything later, whilst keeping it sufficiently hidden.
With that mostly taken care of, she nabs the mouthguard case, some clean pyjamas, and dashes out of her room—clinging awkwardly to the bathrobe. She hops in the apartment's shared bathroom, the rest of the place is silent, meaning her roomie, Jason, must have gone out. Still, Marinette locks the door regardless. If there's one thing she's learnt in her foray into the nightly masked vigilantism, is that one can never be too careful.
“Shit! Nearly forgot to take this out.” She grumbles to herself, just as she was stepping into the shower. Prying the mouthguard out of her mouth as she shuffles over to the sink, she gives it a quick rinse under the tap. Followed by a thorough scrubbing with her toothbrush and glob of toothpaste. She pops it into the mouthguard case and leaves it on the side of the sink for now.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Marinette finally allows herself to indulge in a good half an hour-long hot shower to get the grime from a night of crime-fighting off of herself.
She's only just drying off her hair, having already changed into her pyjamas, when the blare of the TV echoes through the apartment. Tensing up, her anxiety runs wild. It's what they get for living in the cheaper but slightly dodgy apartments where the walls are thin and the doors are thinner. Grabbing the mouthguard case, she wraps it up in the bathrobe and peeks out the bathroom door and looks down the hall into the open plan kitchen lounge. Jason's back, he's sitting on the sofa watching the TV.
Shoulders untensing, she finished drying her hair and heads out into the hallway. In place of a greeting, she exclaims, “oh! Jason, you're back!”
Jason flinches slightly and looks over his shoulder back at her. “Yeah, a friend had an emergency so, y'know.”
Immediately, concern wrenches at Marinette's heart, “oh no, I'm sorry. Are they… okay?”
He waves a hand in a so-so gesture and clears his throat awkwardly. “Uh, yeah. They're fine now.”
“That's good!” She says, nodding, as she makes her way fully into the lounge and the TV catches her attention. “Oh is it nearly the eleven o'clock news already? I need to watch this! Alya texted me earlier saying I have to, and she sounded really excited!” Glancing down at the bundle in her arms and flushes red. “Actually, I'll be back in a second!”
“I'll yell as soon as it actually starts.” Jason offers, smiling warmly at her.
Marinette just misses the smile, rushing back to her room, and throwing a quick, “thanks,” over her shoulder back at him.
Also missing his smile turn fond and the good-natured roll of his eyes at her antics.
Barely half a minute passes before she's bounding back into the lounge, with a sleepy Tikki at her heels. She plops herself down on the sofa next to him and hopes the blush on her face could simply be mistaken for the flush of running about like a mad thing instead. Tikki whines until Marionette picks her up and lets her on the sofa with them, padding over to the furthest corner to curl up in.
Jason points to the pink floral steaming mug on the coffee table, right next to his Pride Prejudice and Zombies themed mug. “Whilst you were in the shower, I made us both hot chocolates with marshmallows, my granddad Alfie's recipe.”
“Oh!” Marinette responds in pleasant surprise. She turns to him and positively beams, eyes shining with happiness. “Thank you so much, Jason! You're always so thoughtful!”
He blushes and rubs the back of his neck bashfully. “Yeah, well, I thought it's only fair since you normally make 'em. And I visited Alfie recently, and I promised to get you his recipe to try, so I thought it'd be a nice surprise for once!” He pauses and points at the big bowl also on the coffee table, “also I cooked us some popcorn.”
“Aw! Thank you again! I really appreciate this!” She scoops up the hot chocolate with slight reverence and takes a sip. Immediately her face lights up even more in joy. “Oh, this is delicious!”
Jason chuckles, “isn't it the best! I'll pass that onto Alfie though, he'll be glad to know you like it so much. Speaking of which, he's gonna give making them a try next time I'm up since I wasn't there long enough this time. Would you fancy coming with me to see him, then?”
Her eyes widen and her heart stutters in her chest, feeling close to bursting from happiness. “I'd love to! Do you have a date when you're thinking of going up?”
He nods. “Yeah, maybe around—”
But he's interrupted by the starting audio of the eleven o'clock news.
They both immediately shut up and watch the screen intently as the news anchors appear on the show. The starting discussion is somewhat boring, talking about the local billionaire Wayne-or-something business and a related upcoming charity event of some sort.
Marinette doesn't pay attention to it, but she does catch Jason wrinkling his nose and scowling at the conversation.
Luckily, the topic shifts quickly enough. “And now, over to our newest reporter, Alya. We hear there's been some rumblings regarding the conflict between local vigilante Chat Noir, his sidekick Maladroit, and the gang controlled by the infamous Red Hood himself.”
“That's stupid,” Jason grumbles, “Maladroit is a fully-fledged vigilante in her own right and not just the catboy's sidekick. That's like saying Nightwing is Batman's sidekick!”
Marinette frowns, very touched by his words and trying her damnedest to appear nonchalant. “I don't know… from all the-uh news clips, Maladroit seems like Chat Noir's sidekick to me. She's always hovering nervously near him like a strong wind would spook her.”
“C'mon! She's been reported to have held her own against Red Hood on multiple occasions, alone!” He argues, sounding rather offended on her alter egos behalf.
Scoffing, she shakes her head. “Clearly that's because he's going easy on her! He's never directly shot her, according to the reports clearly, he's soft on her!” The lies taste bitter on her tongue.
Jason splutters and flushes bright red, turning away from her slightly. “W-well that's obviously a testament to her skill and not Red Hood's mercy! He's always reported as being a merciless killer, why'd he be soft on her!”
“I don't know!” She makes a dying-choking noise as she flushes even more red than earlier. Shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth to avoid having to respond any further.
Luckily, the news shows pans over to Alya standing in front of a screen showing a recorded feed of a warehouse. Not just any warehouse, but specifically the one on fourth that Maladroit had faced Red Hood in less than an hour ago.
Marinette feels her pulse quicken at the reminder of the close shave she'd had.
“Hey wait a second, those warehouses don't have security cameras at all? How'd they get this footage?” Jason complains, eyes narrowed at the TV.
It feels as though ice has been poured down her spine at his words. She freezes, body stiffening in shock. He's right… G said there's none because that's why he asked me to check things out. The only people who'd know this are Chat, Gamer, myself, and Red Hood and his gang. She swallows thickly and tries to subtly side-eye Jason. Oh no. I've been crushing on my roommate who works for Red Hood's gang? Oh god! The friend with the emergency was referring to Red Hood calling him into work!
She can't help but inhale a shallow panicked breath. He could've been one of the lackeys shooting at me and Chat this past week. Or, or I could've hurt him with my yo-yo. Or—
Jason turns to fully face, clearly registering the blatant panic on her face. “Hey, hey, hey, Marinette, you're okay, you're safe. What's wrong?”
“Are you working for Red Hood?” Marinette blurts out, accidentally, the words pouring out in an unintentional panicked rush. “Are you in his gang?”
He jerks back, fear, confusion, and hurt crosses his face. “Wh-what? What makes you think that?”
“His gang was just in that warehouse, and you were out on an emergency for a "friend". And how would you have known unless you were there tonight and working for his gang?” She chews her lip forcefully and winces as the taste of iron floods her mouth.
He reaches towards her, eyes widening concern.
She flinches back, suddenly reminded of how similar this is to that moment with Red Hood on the warehouse balcony.
Jason jerks back as if her flinching burnt him. Raising his hands, he leans away from her to give her some semblance of space. “Fuck. Look, I'm not going to hurt you! Have I ever hurt you whilst we've been roomies?”
Nervously, she shakes her head.
“I really care about you, Marinette. Hell, we've lived together for nearly a year now. I would never hurt you, okay! I promise.” Tears prick in his eyes, and he grimaces slightly, lowering his hands to rest on his lap. “Yeah, I uh, I'm working for him. But I do everything I can to keep work from following me home. I didn't tell you because I never wanted to scare you.”
Guilt gnaws at her. “I'm sorry! I shouldn't have judged. I—” She takes a shaky breath, “I really really care about you too. I'm just worried, what if Red Hood, or even Maladroit, or any of the other vigilantes hurt you? What if you get hurt in one of those gang wars?” Her words aren't lies but they're not the full truth either.
He sighs, “I can't promise I won't ever get hurt on the job. Maladroit and the other vigilantes do a lot of good but Maladroit especially is far too nice to hurt any of us. I've uh, seen her fight some of the others gang members, and been fought by her too. And out of everyone against the gang, she's the one who leaves us with barely more than a scratch at worst.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Most in the gang really respect her for that, y'know.”
Marinette's brain feels like the windows shutting down sound. “Oh. Oh.”
Sheepishly, he smiles half-heartedly at her. “Yeah.”
“So, is that why you were so adamant she's a fully-fledged vigilante in her right?” She asks, feeling bashful yet honoured whilst completely surprised.
Jason clears his throat and glances away. “Uh-huh.”
“Oh.” Her brain rewinds a moment. She splutters for a second, desperation racing through her. “Wait, she's fought you!?”
Full-on grimacing, he nervously laughs. “Left but a scratch!”
“Are you misquoting Monty Python right now? Oh good gods, that's the knight who says that after getting his limbs chopped off!” Marinette exclaims, looking every bit as horrified as her tone of voice conveys.
“Seriously, I've never gotten worse than a couple of minor cuts and bruises, I'm fine!” Jason reiterates.
She frowns and gingerly shuffles across the sofa closer to him. He keeps leaning back away, so she physically throws herself at him, pulling him into a tight hug. Incidentally burying her face in his shirt. “Okay, okay. Just, please let me know next time you get hurt. I've a friend who lived in a bad situation before, so I know how to help patch up minor injuries. Promise?”
Jason stiffens at the hug and slowly moves one hand to cup the back of her head whilst wrapping the other around her back. He shuts his eyes, cocking his head back and sighs. “Alright. I promise I'll tell you. And I'm sorry for keeping something this big from you. As I said, I was worried you'd be scared of me or that you'd get dragged into gang-related shit because of it.”
“You don't need to apologise.” Marinette mumbles in response, “I get it. I really do understand.” She bites at her sore bleeding lips again in guilt, her secret identity left unspoken on her tongue.
He shrugs, “so uh. I'm guessing you're still happy to stay roomies then, right?”
“Of course!” She responds without missing a beat hugging him even tighter.
Eventually, they release each other from the embrace to finish their now lukewarm hot chocolates and popcorn. The news continues playing, no longer forgotten in the background as the two try to act as if nothing has changed.
Jason collapses onto his bed with a heavy sigh. He pulls out his phone and rings a number on autopilot.
The dial tone plays as the line connects. “Hey, whaddup Jay?”
“Holy fucking shit balls, man.” Jason groans. “I fucked up.”
Roy hums, “like need help burying a body fucked up or what?”
Jason groans even louder, smushing his face into his bed covers. “My roomie is smart, right. I accidentally let a tiny detail slip when we were chatting whilst watching the eleven o'clock news as usual. And she now thinks that I'm in Red Hood's gang.”
There's a long pause, before Roy bursts into raucous laughter. “Holy shit, I'm dying! She's not wrong!”
“Yeah. I know. She ain't right either though.” He grumbles in response. “She was absolutely terrified when she realised. Nearly had a full-on panic attack and everything.”
“Oh fuck.” Roy helpfully says.
Jason grunts in agreement. “She was also real concerned that Red Hood or the vigilantes have hurt me.”
“Well, that's better?” Roy offers, sounding rather unsure of his own words.
“Yeah but she's taken thinking I'm some low-level member of my gang this badly, how the fuck d'ya think she's gonna take finding out I'm the big bad Red Hood himself?” Jason sighs. “I don't want to ask her out without her knowing this, 'cause it could endanger her.”
Roy hums again, “well, you've been roommates this long already and she's been completely safe from the Vigilante-Gang life so far.”
There's a gentle thump as Jason lifts his head and throws it into the sheets again out of sheer frustration. He relents, reluctantly. “That's true…”
“See. And since it sounds like she's not planning on moving out, clearly she doesn't mind living with you. Just ask her out to dinner already.” Roy adds, cheerfully.
Huffing, he rolls over on the bed. “I'm starting to feel like those weird girl slumber party ads with the creepy phone-a-boy games.”
Roy wheezes, followed by a thudding noise and the distant sound of his cackling.
“Wow. And to think I called you for help. I'm offended.” Jason goads with no bite, waiting a few seconds to hear Roy's response but it's just more laughter.
He rolls his eyes and ends the call, not like Roy will mind. Throwing an arm over his face, Jason barely refrains from grabbing his pillow to scream into. He doesn't, obviously. Because the walls are thin enough that Marinette might hear him and he's worried her enough this night as is.
Sighing like a lovesick protagonist in a period romance novel, Jason moves his arm to run his fingers through his own hair. A date. Just gotta ask her at some point, to dinner at a fancy-ish restaurant. It'll be fine, what's the worst that can happen?
Her terrified reaction on the sofa flashes through his mind, followed by the reminder of how small and scared Maladroit had seemed when she had fallen to her knees on the warehouse balcony. There was no way that she was faking the pain, like he'd initially thought. She had practically staggered in her mad dash to escape. And there's no way for me to find out whether she got to somewhere safe afterwards. God, she could be lying dead in some dank alleyway for all I know right now. Fuck, I hope she's okay...
He groans in distress and shifts in place. Already feeling like he really won't be getting any sleep at all tonight at this rate, thanks to his concern for those two.
| Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this little fic! Comments, Likes, and Reblogs are much appreciated! |
| I decided to go close to canon for names this time, hence why Chat Noir remains unchanged but Max is Gamer (because A. that was his Akuma name, and B. he's like Player from Carmen Sandiego in this, couldn't help myself), and Marinette is Maladroit (from the first thing she calls herself in Origins). |
| Oh, also whilst it's not explicitly stated in the text; Marinette/Maladroit's has the power of luck/being lucky, Chat Noir has the power of being unlucky, and Red Hood has "Perfect Aim" aka he's a hitscan. Which is why Maladroit is able to dodge his bullets by making herself "lucky enough" to dodge in time. |
| Also feel free to send me any comments with any questions you have regarding this fic, I'll be more than happy to answer! |
| @jasonette-july-event |
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harmoni-me · 4 years
Byakuya Togami x Ultimate Hacker Reader!
Hey! I’m back from a mental break and I’m rip, roarin’ and ready to write again! Though I might take awhile to post now due to me wanting to me time for art, I’ll still give this account the love and attention it needs to give people joy! Anyway, enjoy this little fluffy read of our favorite corporate entity <3
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“For the love of god PLEASE work with me….” you sat at the front of your large three monitor build, with each of them set up to reveal lines upon multi-colored lines of jumbling code. Your knowledge of Python and Java were on the brink of becoming something less than fluent from every sip of the sickeningly sweet energy drink that sweat on your spare mousepad. 
It was no exaggeration how jittery you were right now. I mean, you just chugged three caffeinated-stuffed drinks, your mind was ecstatic with what was going to happen after the code had rendered, and also it was 2 am. Though this was bound to happen, with you being the number one hacker in the country, sleepless nights were a given.
But, this little project was mainly for yourself, since you were finished with all the rest of your clients.
Basically, you were trying to hack into Japan’s DIET building treasury databases to see if you could hack the Japanese stock market to temporarily crash, then shoot up into the sky, then somehow sell all of your investments within an x amount of time that this code would provide for you.
So, yeah, that’s another reason why you’re a little on edge…
The rendering was about fifty percent completed, and to say you were having a heart attack was an understatement. You could get arrested for life, maybe assassinated in the night, kidnapped, used as a hostage, maybe even be written about in the newspapers. You spun out of your chair and started anxiously speed-walking from one end of the room to another.
“Holy shit, why did I even go through with this. I’m so stupid it’s not even funny. Oh! The precious PubSec members, take me now!” you sang, crazily talking to yourself as some sort of comforting mechanism. You glanced over to your monitor to see that the loading was buffering a bit, so the rendering had only jumped to 60%.
“You know, I really should have thought of a plan B on this one-” A knock sounded from your bedroom door, echoing and reverberating in the hollow portions of your brain.
“Y/N. What in the world are you doing?” a voice rang from the outside of your room.
“Oh shit…” a realization struck like a bullet in the head. You scurried over to the door, leaning into it while your hand was on the door knob.
“Ahahaha, I-I was just about to go to bed, Byakuya! I was just talking to myself because, you know, I’m an introverted hermit who loves stupid letters and numbers! So, uh, night!” You belched out the words so unconvincingly that it made your stomach cringe in disgust. Whelp, you were definitely screwed.
“Y/N. Let me in…” Byakuya sternly replied. He obviously was not having it, as always when it came to your...personal hacking shenanigans. The last time Byakuya walked in on one of your hacking extravaganzas was when you hacked into the Pentagon. It ended in success, but your husband presented you with a hell of a lot of lectures on the punishment of the law, and how your hacking fun could affect the Togami family.
Like that was going to stop you from making fat bucks.
“Ok….but promise not to freak out too much and take it out on me?” You pleaded through the door, not wanting Byakuya’s harsh words to affect you at this hour of the night, and the situation that you're in.
“It’s all on you whether you get scolded or not.” Byakuya said, frustration present in his voice. You shifted your weight more onto the doorknob, and turned to see that your rendering had reached 70%. Why were you so loud when you talked to yourself?
“I won’t let you in unless you promise me...please…” You mumbled, a bit of your guilt dripping in your words. You heard a heavy sigh on the other side, then a stand-still of silence following after. 
“I...promise. Can I come in now?” Byakuya’s voice softened up, making your tense frame unwind from the now more comfortable atmosphere.
You creaked open the door just a bit, peaking out to see your husband with messy, freshly-washed hair, and comfy clothes that he would only dare put on when he planned to go straight to bed. 
“You have to pinky-swear on it.” You stuck your arm out of the crack of the door, sticking your pinky finger out as a treaty of promise to Byakuya. The blonde just chuckled tiredly, lazily latching his pinky with yours, and shaking it a little as confirmation.
“It’s a deal, now what did you do this time?” Byakuya strutted into your room, now having access to your coding domain. He automatically directed his attention to your multitude of computer screens, all of them running at full power to run the code you had just implemented into the DIET building security firewalls. You walked over to him, slightly nervous from what you had to break down to him, because you KNEW he would understand all of it, and would most likely be in flames about this little project you had going on.
“Alright, so I basically got bored and I didn’t really have any clients, so I did something...questionable.” You started off, swaying back and forth with your nerves tickling your stomach.
“Define ‘questionable’” Byakuya asserted, crossing his arms and shifting his weight onto one side.
“I might have created an AI program that will hack itself into the firewall of Japan’s national DIET treasury building to temporarily crash the stock market for a small increment of time, then make it shoot back up the charts so I can sell all of the cheap as hell stock I would buy when it crashed and-” 
“I’ve...heard enough” Byakya raised his voice, but not in an aggressive way, but more of a shocked sort of fashion. The heir started to massage his temples with his middle and index finger, staying quiet the whole time while doing so.
You shuffled closer to the man, bowing your head down in shame. You knew you shouldn’t have done something so impulsive to simply just keep your fingers warm and your brain entertained. You should have read that book that Byakuya recommended, or maybe baked a little cake and decorated it with fun colors, or finished that movie series that you were meaning to complete-
 Your rushing and regretful thoughts snapped and turned into dust when you felt warm arms around your frame. It was delicate, yet it pulled you in, as if protecting your from the outside world and the horrors it beheld.
“A promise from the Togami family will never be broken, and I also just happen to despise yelling at you, so...I just want to remind you of something.” Byakuya’s low, grumbly, and tired voice had kicked into gear, making his droopiness contagious to yourself.
“I never planned on marrying someone who I couldn’t protect with my life.” Byakuya let out a weary sigh, “But, when you do things like this, there is only so much I can do. You know the consequences, and I’m just…” Byakuya paused, leaving your heart feeling even heavier than it was before.
“I’m worried about what could happen to you, Y/N. I nark on you because I care. What a husband I would be if I simply let you be arrested, or beheaded, or whatever it may be.” The hold on you only grew stronger, yet it was as if you felt wrapped in a shield against any opposition.
“I worry, I scold, and I try my damned hardest to protect you all because I care. I don’t want anybody to take you away from me, alright? Remember that.” Byakuya’s hand tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, and gently kissed your forehead, conveying the words into an action that anyone could understand.
“I’m sorry, Byakuya. What I did was impulsive and stupid and-”
“Did you make sure to code your coverups?” Byakuya suddenly spoke, a serious look in his eyes.
“Well, yeah. It would be kinda stupid if I didn’t-”
“Then it’s settled, you crash the economy, and I’ll monitor. Just don’t do something like this ever again, or you're going to have to sit through something that’s way worse than a lecture on the law, am I clear?” Byakuya let go of your body, and walked over to your workspace to apparently ‘Monitor’ the situation you were about to dive yourself into.
“I can’t really say for sure that I can keep that promise for that long…” You plopped yourself in your comfortable office chair, spinning yourself in the direction of your now only slightly drowsy husband.
You heard Byakuya grumble from your answer, then, after a minute of clear internal debate, he stuck out his arm to you, and delicately lifted his pinky to your direction.
“Hurry it up, you know what I want, pinky-swear on it.” Byakuya never looked at you when saying those words, but your heart was still stolen from the message either way. This man really knew what he was doing to make your heart throb out of your chest.
“Well, I can’t say no to that...:” You smiled gummily to your husband, cutely locking pinkies together, as if they were meant to be there forever to seal a bond that remains forever unsevered.
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def-initely-soul · 4 years
house rules {2}
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pairing: jimin x reader (f.)
genre: fluff; angst; roommates au; kinda new girl au; smut; f2l au
rating: explicit
warnings: sexual content; mention of emotional abuse; mention of manipulative relationship; mention of body issues; explicit smut
words: 19.6k
↠ {living with two guys has always its pros and cons. Pros being someone will always get you popcorn for your midnight cravings. Cons being you might like one of them…?} ↞
or alternatively, the shenanigans of five friends, where two of them are in a loving relationship, one is Kim Seokjin and the other two don’t know what the fuck they’re doing
Next morning, on Christmas eve, you try to be as nonchalant as you can. Thankfully your walls are thick enough so no one took notice of your late-night shenanigans and what happened between you before Hoseok’s interruption was barely anything out of the ordinary.
Thankfully you get yourself distracted with the preparations for this evening. Every year the five of you plan a traditional Christmas dinner, idea courtesy of Hoseok’s and Seokjin’s minds, where every single one of you was assigned to different tasks.
Seokjin is in charge of the roasted turkey, as he is every year, Hoseok will cook his famous vanilla-roasted sweet potatoes, Jimin will prepare a cauliflower soup and Ana is always in charge of the desert. This year choosing the recipe of a Buche de Noel.
You’re left with the simple task of making smooth mashed potatoes and bringing the booze.
Even though simpler than what others have to do, it gives you time to be alone and focus on something else other than Jimin. Whether you’re cooking or going to the store to pick up the alcohol, your time is productively filled with anything other than thoughts of him.
You take a nap around midday, leaving the kitchen free for the guys to use. Taking a hold of this opportunity to stay clear of Jimin’s gaze. You make sure your interactions are limited between the lines of what is only necessary, even when the preparations are done and you sit around the table.
Ana and Seokjin arrive together, the turkey the size of a small TV, which Seokjin himself puts on the table. Not letting anyone else help him or carve it, flashbacks of last year when Jimin tried to carve it and nearly dropped it still etched to everyone’s memory.
You help Ana move the desert to the fridge for later, and as all of you take your places at the dinner table, you feel a particular set of eyes on you.
Thankfully you don’t sit next to him so you don’t have any one-on-one conversation like you do with Seokjin sitting to your right. You only talk to him when the conversation involves the whole group and that’s only to not alert anyone that something is off.
Your mind is swarmed with memories of Jimin’s look. With the way he’s looking at you now.
You ignore it in favour of talking to Ana at the end of the table as she rumbles excitedly about the party next week. You immerse yourself in that conversation, going lightly over some details and pouring another glass of wine as Seokjin passionately joins you.
Although, even if you’re engrossed to something else you can’t help but notice one thing. 
He never mentions Dinah.
And that gives you magnificent, dreadful hope.
It’s New Year's Eve, and you’re in an awfully good mood.
The party is in full bloom, the essence of joy and excitement wafting through the air, people dancing their worries away and laughing under the neon-lights (Ana really went all-in in the decoration department), having fun in what can only be a fitting welcome for a bright New Year.
The mulled wine has gotten slightly into you, landing you in that perfect spot between sober and tipsy, just enough to elevate your already high spirits. Besides you’re also celebrating finally finishing your book. It’s been a bitch of a struggle but finally, you’ve gone and did it. Finally booking an appointment with a publishing company that took an interest in you after reading one of your drafts you’ve previously sent them.
And well. Dinah isn’t here.
“I cannot believe I’m talking to the next Stephen King!” Hoseok yaps excitedly, throwing an arm around your shoulder, voice raised higher than normal due to the several “old-fashioned” he managed to throw back.
You grunt from the sudden weight as he leans a bit too much on your side to stand up. “Okay, step it down a notch, buddy,” you chuckle, patting him on the shoulder.
He thinks it over before-. “Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?”
Your eyes widen, an involuntary laugh escaping you. “I said step it down a notch, not climb the whole mcfreakin ladder?” Hoseok giggles happily, before his eyes rest on the hostess, who’s currently talking to a coworker, gleeful smile in full bloom.
He waves at you to lean closer to him and you oblige. “See that girl over there?” he whispers to you conspiratory, pointing at Ana who seems oblivious to your conversation. You chuckle at his drunk antics but decide to appease him and nod.
A blissful smile takes over his lips. “Imma marry her someday.”
You barely keep your smile at bay. Honestly, Hoseok is whipped for Ana and anyone who doesn’t see that is blind, so it doesn’t sound weird coming from him. You’re willing to bet his wish is gonna come true someday. It’s just a matter of time.
Though you’re happy for your friends, you can’t let this teasing opportunity pass you by.
“Hey, champ, I got some bad news for you…” you press your lips together in mock-sadness and Hoseok’s face falls.
“She has a boyfriend,” you deliver the final blow and his eyes widen. Before he bursts into tears.
At least a couple of people stare at you, as Hoseok bawls his eyes out and you can’t stop cackling. Oh, god, you didn’t know he was this drunk, he was perfectly fine moments ago! Although to be perfectly candid, he has a low alcohol tolerance, so really this one is on you.
Ana shows up after a few seconds, worry etched into her features after seeing her boyfriend cry like a baby. “What happened? Are you okay?” she asks him, obviously more sober than him, but once she sees you laughing, her eyes narrow. “What did you do to him?”
You shrug, your expression being the poster-child for innocence. “Nothing! I just told him you have a boyfriend.”
This sends another wave of tears down Hoseok’s cheeks and Ana laughs incredulously. 
“Is it true? Do you have a boyfriend” Hoseok struggles to ask through his hiccups and Ana can’t repress the lovesick smile on her lips.
“Yes and he’s a giant baby.”
“Does that mean I still have a chance?”
Ana chuckles before pressing a kiss on Hoseok’s pouty lips. “It’s you, you dufus! Now, come on, let’s get you to lay down…”
“Really?” he says with the most childlike smile you’ve ever seen on him. And only seconds later it turns into a smirk. "Oh, I will lay down, I will lay down so hard that you-” he struggles to complete his sentence, “that you’ll want to lay down with me…”
You groan out loud, not ready for the scene to turn into an NSFW one. “Are you horny all the time?” you complain out loud and the couple raises their brows at you.
“...Already know the answer to that one. Thank you very much five years of living together!” you admit regrettably and Ana tsks you.
“Serves you right for having the nerve to terrorize the sun himself!”
“That’s me!” Hoseok points to himself with a proud smile and you press your lips together to stop the giggles from escaping as Ana rolls her eyes fondly at her boyfriend.
“I’ll get him to my room-” Hoseok finger guns her, winks and blows her a kiss, “could you please make him some coffee?” Ana pleads you as she struggles to push a drunk Hoseok down the hall.
“You got it, babe! I’m gonna roast this coffee so bad, it’s gonna go running to its momma!” you announce in the spur of the moment, but Ana just looks at you like you’ve grown a second head.
“Doesn’t work for me, does it?” Ana just shakes her head and you huff. “I’ll go get the coffee…”
You drive through the crowd, barely avoiding the drinks spilling left and right and finally reach the kitchen. Thankfully there’s only like a couple of people around, so you reach for the french press easily, adding the coffee grounds and warming some water in the microwave.
“Why on earth are you having coffee with so much alcohol around and why does that weirdly make sense for you?” Jimin enters your vision, resting his hip on the counter in a mirror of your stance and you have to take a breath.
His dark blue hair is slicked back, revealing the magnificence of his eyebrows (yeap, that’s another spot of Jimin you’re weak about). He’s dressed in all black; black jeans, black T-shirt with an open neckline, a leather belt hugging closely at his hips, a dangly earring gracing his earlobe and a silver chain resting against his glistening collarbones. He has been dancing and all you wanna do is dive in and bite at the skin of his neck, glinting welcoming under the dimmed lights.
“Give me a break, it’s not even for me…” you joke back, just in time to cover up your little zone-out. Jimin stares back confused.
“Who then-?” he makes a sound of realization before he chuckles. “Hoseok,” he responds and you nod, a giggle already on your lips.
After Christmas eve, when you refused to even speak to him, things became less weird. It seems like the two days you spent actively avoiding each other helped in restoring the dynamics back to normality. You’re not even sure who made the first move but after a few days, you were back to normal, as if that thing on the couch never happened.
Maybe it is for the best to pretend it never happened. No feelings are going to get hurt this way.
“Yeap, Ana took him back to her bedroom,” you reply, moving to pour the water into the french press.
Jimin raises an unconvinced eyebrow as he hands you a mug. “And are you sure they’re not gonna fuck back there?”
You take the mug with an appreciative nod. “Honestly, they’re probably fucking right now on their way there. Maybe they are, maybe they’re not. Maybe I’ll be scarred for the rest of my life walking into that and maybe I won’t.”
“And you’ll take those chances?” Jimin chuckles incredulously and you almost swoon at the way his smile lights up the room.
“This coffee won’t deliver itself!” you joke and Jimin’s smile turns bigger.
“Your service is greatly appreciated!” he says with an awful British accent and proceeds to laugh.
“Well, thank you good sir!” you play into it with a curtsy and both of you burst into happy, slightly intoxicated giggles.
Your eyes rest on the french press as the coffee grounds seep into the water and it’s like your lips have a mind of their own when they ask the following question.
“So, alone tonight?” you ask with fake nonchalance and you swear Jimin tenses.
You can’t help yourself. From the moment you realized Dinah was absent you wanted to know why. They’ve been dating for almost a month, so that means they’d still be all over each other, you figured they’d want to spend New Year's together.
So how come Dinah isn’t here?
Jimin nods, eyes absentmindedly following your fingers as they trace the marble counter.
“What happened to Dinah? Didn’t want to spend New Years with our ugly asses?” you joke, hoping to lift the tension off his shoulders and rejoice when Jimin cracks a smile.
“No, no. Actually, her friends are throwing a party too…” he simply says, not giving you another explanation even though something else clearly bothers him. You don’t ask further, figuring he’ll tell you if he wants to, so you move to press the plunger down and pour the brown liquid into the cup Jimin handed you earlier.
“And I actually didn’t …” he hesitates, biting his bottom lip.
God, this is straight-up torture.
“Didn’t…?” you urge him on, sensing his desire to say whatever’s bothering him.
He takes a breath.
“Didn’t have the need to invite her…?” he admits, eyes on the steaming cup of coffee, struggling to put his thoughts into words as you stare at him utterly confused. He didn’t have the need to invite her? Like, he didn’t care if she was here?
No, Y/N, don’t get your hopes up.
Jimin huffs, running a hand through his hair.
“I mean.. I didn’t want to.”
And you find him staring at you again, with those intense, magnetic eyes and your breath is sucked out of your lungs.
He didn’t want to invite her. Why? What does it mean? Why did he do it?
And why is he looking at you like that?
Did he-?
“Surprise!” a familiar female voice echoes through the kitchen as Dinah throws herself literally against Jimin, hugging his waist with an excited smile. No concern in her eyes over your panicked faces.
You don’t know if she heard your conversation but if she did, she doesn’t show it.
Jimin’s wide, panicked eyes travel between you and Dinah. “Dinah, what are you doing here? I thought you were spending New Year’s at Minoh’s?” he turns around to bring her forward and the intimacy hiding in the domestic action drives a knife through your chest.
“That party was boring as hell. And I missed you,” she says with a blinding smile and leans in to press a soft kiss on Jimin’s lips, ripping your heart in two.
You can’t stand this. You can’t stand to watch as she kisses him right in front of you and you feel like an outsider, glimpsing at something you long for but can’t have. Is it always gonna be this hard?
You swallow the lump in your throat, gripping the cup tighter and force a smile on your lips just in time for the couple to miss your crestfallen expression.
It’s time to get out of here.
“That’s great! You’re just in time to spend New Year’s together!” you exclaim with forceful enthusiasm and Dinah nods excitedly as Jimin looks at you with an indecipherable expression. “You’ll have to excuse me, I have to deliver this bad boy!” you smile, pointing at the mug and you start walking away, already waiting for the moment you don’t have to keep that smile on your face any longer.
That seems to wake Jimin up as his eyes widen. “Wait, Y/N, I didn’t-”
“Have fun at the party!” you interrupt him, keeping the smile on for a little longer, before you turn your back at them, smile disappearing, steps fast as you miss Jimin’s face filled with despair.
Your steps bring you back to the living room, already having delivered the coffee to Ana’s room. Although Jimin’s suspicions were correct and you walked into a scene you’d rather forget, closing your eyes to avoid any more damage on your retina, resulting in you leaving the couple with a half-spilt coffee.
Not that they’ll be needing it now anyway.
Stepping into the main area of the party you can’t help the sour mood that takes over you, watching everyone have a good time. You were also having a good time until Dinah arrived.
Which reminds you. What did Jimin mean back then? Was it just stupid you with your tendency to read way too much into things or did he actually mean what you wanted him to?
And if he did, why is he still dancing with her?
Your eyes are stuck to the couple in question, dancing in the middle of the living room as a mid-tempo dance track plays through the speakers, Dinah’s hands wrapped around Jimin’s waist as he sways her softly to the beat.
The night started out so well. You were having fun, for once all worries put aside as you didn’t have to think about the book or Dinah, or Jimin. You were happy.
But then someone decided to shit all over that happiness and you were back to the beginning. Having your heart broken by your best friend and he doesn’t even know.
You take a breath to calm the erratic beating of your cracking heart when you see a too familiar face emerging from the kitchen.
Oh no, what is Jaehyun doing here?
You move quickly, dreading to talk to him, hoping he won’t see you but, alas, luck was never on your side.
His eyes spot you all the way across the room, with numerous people in between like he has laser vision or something. A smile takes over his lips as he waves at you and begins walking towards you.
God, no. No, you can’t deal with him right now. He’ll probably want another date and you know he deserves to know the truth but you just can’t do it right now.
You’re quick to move to the balcony, trying to lose him through the crown but his voice keeps calling you even outside. You slip through the people and into the living room, stopping to see him briefly lose you as his eyes scan the balcony.
You escape into the kitchen, hoping he won’t look for you here and in your hastiness to hide, you fall face-first into Seokjin’s chest.
“Fuck, sorry, you need to move!” you say urgently, trying to hide behind the massive wall he calls his shoulders.
Seokjin regards you with a suspicious glare. “What are you doing?”
“Trying to hide from Jaehyun!” you bite through gritted teeth as your eyes scan the open area behind you. With relief you realise Jaehyun isn’t anywhere near, just a bunch of other people and Jimin talking with Dinah and Hoseok.
Your heart still clenches uncomfortably when Seokjin interrupts your thoughts.
“Why are you hiding from Jaehyun? Didn’t the date go well?” he asks you purely confused and with guilt, you realize you never told him nor Ana that you bailed.
You bite your lip. “I didn’t go…”
Seokjin’s eyes widen comically. “What?! Why?! I thought you wanted to!”
You groan rubbing your palm on your face. “I just… didn’t feel like it anymore! And now he’s here, looking for me and I don’t know what to do! Who invited him anyway?”
At that Seokjin has the decency to look guilty. “I may have seen him at the coffee shop and invited him… But in my defence I didn’t even know you bailed on him!” he looks at you with a scolding glare and another groan leaves your lips.
“Oh, shit here he comes…” Seokjin looks carefully behind you and you steal a glance to indeed see Jaehyun stepping into the living room and walking straight towards you.
“Okay, fuck, let me think…” you mumble in thought when you see something on the ceiling, hanging just a few centimetres behind Seokjin.
“Got it!” you exclaim, and when Seokjin doesn’t follow, you push him back so both of you stand right beneath the thing hanging from the ceiling and then you point at it, knowing he’ll catch the drift.
Seokjin’s eyes follow your fingers, only to widen in horror when they rest at what you're pointing at.
“No! No, no, no, I’m not kissing you so you can get rid of him!” he hisses, eyes swimming in denial and disbelief. But you narrow your eyes at him.
“It’s your fault he’s here! So step the fuck up Kyle!” you hiss back and Seokjin looks less than thrilled.
“Don’t quote vines to me, you heathen, I won’t hesitate bitch!” he responds and you know you’re halfway winning him over.
“I can’t believe you’ve done this…” you reply, mastering the perfect puppy eyes.
The sound of his favourite vine has him yielding in a matter of seconds, choking back a laugh before he rolls his eyes. “Fine. But we gotta hurry up, he’s almost here,” Seokjin relents, eyes falling behind you.
“Buckle up,” is the only thing you say before grasping Seokjin’s panicked face and press your mouths together.
You stay like that for a few seconds, simply pressing your lips together like an awful K-drama kiss though there’s no romantic music playing in the background. The kiss is at its best… underwhelming. That’s what you were lusting after all those years? It certainly doesn’t live up to the expectations.
You lean back, staring at Seokjin who barely manages to conceal his weirded out face. “Is he gone?” you whisper and Seokjin nods in relief.
“Yes, he’s gone…” he mumbles, letting out a breath as you let his face free and take a step back, finally breathing freely.
“Don’t ever do that again!” he exclaims, his words followed by a loud gagging noise.
“Anything for you Beyonce!” you say, sharing the sentiment and you grab a random shot glass on the counter, to wash out the feeling of Seokjin’s clumsy mouth on yours.
“We don’t tell anyone. We take this to the grave and live the rest of our lives feeling slightly awkward with each other. Sounds good?” Seokjin states with wide eyes and you laugh at his seriousness.
“Ay, ay, captain! Now take a shot with me to erase the memory for good!” you say, filling two glasses with tequila and you hand him one.
“To forgetting this ever happened!” he raises his shot and you follow his movements before downing the contents of the glass.
“Amen to that.”
Half an hour later, its time for the countdown so the New Year can officially begin.
The automatic clock on Ana’s TV screen reads 23:59:03 and you rush to gather your friends together in one place, so the New Year can find all five of you together as it has for the last four years.
The rest of the attendees also gather in groups; friends, couples, coworkers, newly made acquaintances but all shimmering with the vibrating delight to welcome the New Year and the opportunities that are bound to come.
Ana and Hoseok are already counting down the numbers - admittedly a bit too early -, and Seokjin passes you four tequila shots to celebrate once the clock strikes midnight. But then he’s left with an extra one and realization strucks you.
“Hey, where’s Jimin? He’s supposed to be here!” you yell to be heard amidst the loud chattering of the crowd, but your question remains unanswered when Seokjin shrugs his shoulders in loss.
Ana looks around to find said-man but it’s Hoseok that finally puts an end to the mystery. “Uh, actually he went home!”
Your eyebrows furrow, confusion apparent in your eyes. He’s never missed out on this! How could he leave? You always spent New Year’s together, the five of you, it was your unique tradition, one you’ve expected him to keep up with.
Maybe he was feeling a bit under the weather, you try to reason with yourself. Let’s not get mad at him before knowing the whole story.
“Wait, so he left without telling anyone? Is he okay? Did he even tell Dinah he’d leave?” you question back, aware of Ana & Seokjin’s wary gazes but you don’t bother to acknowledge them.
Thankfully, Hoseok still isn’t entirely sober to notice them either and start asking questions.
He just shakes his head at you. “Oh, no, they both left. Oh, the countdown’s started!”
As people begin shouting along with the voice on the TV you can’t help but stare aimlessly into space.
They both left. Jimin ditched you, all four of you to spend New Year’s with Dinah. Alone.
And it hurts. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
It shouldn’t feel as much as a personal attack but it does. He left all four of you but it still feels like he specifically left you behind. As if he doesn’t care anymore. Before all that the chance of the two of you ever happening was abysmal. But it was still there, however small. You were fine with that cause at least you knew he valued you as a friend.
Now, you’re not even sure of that anymore.
You should be fine with him leaving. You’re just his friend.
And yet the heartbreak is overbearing.
Seokjin looks at you carefully as Hoseok keeps counting down to one, entirely unaware of what just happened as Ana counts with him but her eyes are on you.
You give her and Seokjin a weak smile, before averting your eyes quickly to count as well, not bearing to see the looks of pity in their eyes.
You hate this.
The clock strikes midnight.
You’ve never felt more alone.
The next morning finds you exhausted when you wake up on Seokjin’s couch. You’re not sure you could handle going back to the apartment and having Dinah and Jimin across the hall from you. Hoseok was going to spend the night at Ana’s, meaning firstly he kinda gave Jimin the pass to run wild and secondly you couldn’t crash at Ana’s. Of course, she insisted it was okay but you didn’t want to cockblock her on New Year’s. So Seokjin offered his home as an alternative which you happily accepted.
You’re dreading to go back to your flat, though already knowing it’s an inevitable curse, you leave a note for Seokjin to find when he wakes up and then you leave his apartment.
On the way home, you wonder if you should trek over to the donut shop around the corner for some heavenly delicacies but then you’d have to buy Jimin and Dinah some. And that is simply something you’re not willing to do.
Hopefully, they’ll be both asleep when you arrive, too tired to be up at 10 am on New Year’s, so you’ll get your chance to quietly slip into your room and avoid everyone for the rest of the week.
Maybe even a month until those stupid feelings finally decide to disappear.
You try your best to be as soundless as possible when you unlock the front door. You enter the living room on your tiptoes, closing the door quietly behind you before moving to throw your coat on the hanger.
The moment you think you’re alone passes by quickly when you hear the door of the fridge being shut and immediately turn around to see Jimin staring at you with bleary eyes. His hair is a mess as he’s clad in a white T-shirt and grey sweatpants as his pjs, a cup of what must be steaming coffee on one hand as the other runs through his locks. You find yourself salivating.
“Where did you go this early in the morning?” his gruff voice comes out, purely confused and before you get to correct him, his eyes fall on your figure. And he realizes you’re still dressed the same as last night.
“Did you just get here?” he asks, his voice a tad too sharp and accusing to be considered friendly and your arms wrap around your middle protectively.
“Uh, yeah… I crashed at Seokjin’s… Too tired to come back after helping Ana clean up…” you joke, forcing a laugh to hopefully ease the sudden tension hanging in the air.
Though your airy laugh doesn’t reach Jimin. Instead, his eyes are fixed on the wall to his right, jaw tense in what seems almost as anger before he takes a quick sip of his coffee and slum the cup on the counter.
“Ugh… are you okay-?” your confusion is apparent in your voice as Jimin walks off the kitchen, down the hallway.
“I’m going back to sleep…” he mumbles through clenched teeth before he disappears inside his bedroom and closes the door with a loud bang.
You stare weirdly at his door, bewildered by his entire behaviour but you’re still too sleepy to let it get to you. So instead you opt for crawling over to your room and hide beneath the covers.
The days after New Year’s turn out weirder and weirder to the point of questioning your mental state.
Seokjin still feels somewhat awkward around you after the kiss but instead of avoiding you, as any normal human being would do, he actively seeks you out, clinging to you and following you around like a shadow, as if the over-exposure will help him get rid of the awkwardness faster.
True to your words, none of you have said anything about it to the others, so you were half waiting for everyone to be immediately weirded out by Seokjin’s sudden display of affection. But apart from Ana that gave you some scarce confused looks, the other two haven’t made a single comment, as if this is a completely normal situation. They barely blink when even yourself gets creeped out from Seokjin’s insistent coddling.
Which brings you to the other weird thing happening in the flat.
Jimin barely talks to you anymore.
You don’t have the slightest idea why. If you said something, or done something that offended him, you’re none the wiser. And how are you supposed to know when he barely greets you in the morning?
Every time you attempt conversation, there’s always something he has to do, which sounds completely ironic, given you were the one that kinda did the same before.
Not to cover your own ass but you did that for the sake of your friendship! If Jimin ever finds out you’re into him, you can’t bear to think the effect this might have on your friendship.
Whereas Jimin might as well be angry over such a small thing as you using his earbuds.
It wouldn’t have bothered you that much if it wasn’t for Dinah.
Well, she barely does anything, it's just that Jimin always goes to her when he has the chance. Nights spent with all five of you together munching on popcorn in front of the TV, turn into awkward gatherings as Ana and Hoseok pair up against you and Seokjin, leaving the two of you cringing whenever the couple does something too coupley.
At New Year’s Eve, he practically admitted he wasn’t that much into her anymore and now he’s always with her. Did he lie back then? And if so why?
Everything is wrong and you don’t know how to fix it.
If only Jimin hadn’t begun dating Dinah, none of this would’ve happened. You wouldn’t have realised you liked him, he wouldn’t have spent so much time with her, he wouldn’t abandon the four of you for her.
Although, a small part of you screams you would’ve realised you liked Jimin either way. It wasn’t about Dinah.
And yet you can’t help the loathing that emerges like bile in your throat when you hear her name.
Or when Jimin, after two weeks of avoiding the rest of you, announces you are to throw a dinner so you can get to know her better.
You feel the headache splitting your skull open.
It’s nearly impossible to hide your sour mood once Dinah steps into the apartment.
A switch has flipped and where there was a smile from joking around with Ana, now there’s a permanent scowl on your face as you refuse to even acknowledge the newcomer, as she greets the rest of your friends.
Once she says hello to you too, you mumble something that resembles a greeting, not even bothering to look at her direction, as Ana regards you with a warning glare.
Deep down you know most of your attitude comes from Jimin’s behaviour these last couple of days, and Dinah’s direct contribution is only at roughly 10%. But you’re stubborn, immature and putting the blame on her seems like an easy way to cope with the situation and the hurricane of feelings swirling in your mind.
No one said it’s the right one. But for now, it’s what keeps you from hiding in your bedroom and wallowing in self-pity. Not that you won’t do that later.
You result in setting the table with Hoseok in silence, not really in the mood to talk, as everyone else sits in the living room and you catch glimpses of their conversation.
Seokjin and Ana talk about a new addition Seokjin wants to put on the menu of his restaurant, while Jimin and Dinah dally on the other side of the room.
You think you’re gonna barf.
“Ugh… Y/N are you okay?”
You turn around at the voice, surprised to see Hoseok stare at you with confused and worried eyes. Shit, did he sniff out something?
“Ah, yes! Why?” you put forward your most cheery voice in the hopes it will throw him off.
“‘Cause you keep stabbing the meat with the forks…” he comments carefully, leaning a bit backwards as his worry grows, once your confused eyes meet his.
And then you look back to the meat and, surely, all the forks you were supposed to pass around the table are stabbed into the steaks on the centre of the table.
Your eyes widen as you press your lips together in horror. God, why can’t you just behave for once?
You rush to remove all the utensils, dumping them into the sink and you pick out new ones, as Hoseok keeps staring at you with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m fine!” you respond with a clipped voice and you’re not sure what Hoseok hears in your voice but he drops it, in favour of placing the napkins around the table. Though you can still feel his weirded-out stare from time to time.
Once the table is set, Hoseok calls for everyone to gather around and one by one flock to their seats.
And as you put the finishing touches, you can’t help but hear Jimin’s conversation with Dinah.
“We have ice cream for dessert, you’re gonna love this one, it’s heavenly!” he says with excitement.
“Oh, only if it’s vegan, me and regular milk don’t go along…” she jokes and as Jimin says he’ll have someone check, an idea pops into your head. A petty, childish idea but it gives you some purpose for now.
So, she’s lactose intolerant? It would surely be a shame if she were to eat normal ice cream.
And by “shame” you mean hilarious.
The little voice in the back of your head berates you for acting so immature but at this moment you desperately need this. You can be salty for one evening.
What’s the harm?
Once everyone’s plates are empty, the lot of you migrate to the living room, as you stay in the kitchen to get the ice cream out of the freezer.
Jimin told Ana to ask you to check for the ice cream some time ago, -can you believe it, he didn’t even ask you! He had to talk to Ana for god’s sake-, and you did. But just as you’d suspected it wasn’t vegan.
So your plan is good to go.
You have Seokjin help you carry the bowls of ice cream to the living room and you pass each one around as they’re expected with excited noises.
Ana almost moans at the delicious flavour and Hoseok chuckles at his girlfriend’s antics as you sit next to Seokjin and dive straight into your own bowl.
During dinner it seemed everyone got along just fine with Dinah, talking and joking together as if she’s been a part of this group for a long time. And it bothers you even more.
You also recognize her attempts to get close to you as well but really you can’t be bothered. It comes to the point where she talked to you and all you did is give her a one-word answer before turning your attention somewhere else.
Though right at this moment your attention is solely on her as she takes a scoop out of her ice cream.
“Mmm, it’s really good!” she says excitedly to a smiling Jimin, as she swoops in for another spoon.
But after a few seconds, her eyebrows scrunch in confusion, as she keeps the ice cream in her mouth, looking as if she’s trying to figure out something. You can barely contain your gloating.
“Uhm, this ice cream is vegan right?” she rushes to say, eyes growing just a bit wider with what seems like panic.
Ana turns to look at you and you answer with the most innocent look you can manage, acting like you just realised you didn’t.
“Oh, oops! I guess I forgot to check, sorry! Why, are you lactose intolerant?” you respond in the first complete sentence you’ve given her tonight, internally gloating at her misfortune.
She swallows, her eyes widen even more, traces of fear growing in them. “Ugh, no-”
What does she mean no?
“I’m allergic.”
At once every conversation ceases, all eyes resting on her, wide in shock.
Jimin is the first to react.
“What?! Shit. Are you okay, should we take you to a hospital?” he asks in panic, placing the ice cream as further away from her as he can while you’re left staring at her in horror.
“Well, since I can feel my tongue thwelling, I thay we thould,” she comments shaking, losing the ability to pronounce the letter “s” as more time passes.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” you struggle to say, full of remorse, but no one seems to hear you as the situation goes haywire.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, this wasn’t supposed to happen!
Seokjin is immediately on his feet. “I’ll drive you there, you guys clean up here okay?” he commands urgently and as you feel the guilt overwhelming you, you stand up form your spot in an instant.
“I’ll come with!” your voice trembles as you reach for your bag while Jimin and Seokjin help Dinah out of the apartment hurriedly.
But as soon as you speak Jimin’s furious eyes are on you.
“I think you’ve done enough.”
And then he slams the door behind them.
You’re left staring at the piece of wood with trembling eyes, as Ana and Hoseok simply stare at you, Hoseok’s eyes wide in shock as yours while Ana’s are filled with disappointment.
You. Fucking. Idiot.
It’s almost four hours later when Jimin and Seokjin return, finding only Hoseok in the living room waiting for them as he asks them how it went.
But Jimin doesn’t bother answering him as he instead marches with loud, angry steps towards your room.
On the other side of the door, your nails are nearly non-existent from all the nervous thinking that has plagued your mind for the last few hours. Your texts to both of them asking how Dinah was, were left unanswered and you were left brewing in your own nerves.
Until the door opens and Jimin walks in.
You freeze in your spot once your eyes meet his and see the undecipherable expression on his face.
You only manage to mumble a guilt-ridden “hi” and he closes the door behind him as he closes his eyes and takes a deep, calming breath.
Although it seems to not do much.
“What the fuck, Y/N?!”
Your answer is immediate, full of regret. “I know, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry! Is she okay?” you ask, out of your wits with panic as you wait for him to answer.
He seems too tired, too exhausted as he responds. “They gave her an antihistamine, she’ll be fine,” he says with a sigh but then his eyes are full of rage as they rest on you again. “But do you realize what might have happened if we were a bit late?! She could have died!” he yells at you, voice full of unbridled outrage as his eyes grow even more with the passing of time and you feel smaller and smaller.
“I’m sorry!-” you repeat again, feeling incredibly awful with what you’ve done, “-I thought she was just lactose intolerant, not allergic!” you say in hopes of redeeming yourself even just a bit but maybe this wasn’t the right thing to say as it seems Jimin’s anger only grows.
“This isn’t the fucking point, Y/N!”, you flinch at the volume of his voice, “The point is you've been trying to sabotage this for weeks! You think I haven't seen the side-glances and the mocking giggles?! I fucking know you don’t like her but couldn’t you just pretend for my sake? Do you have to go to such lengths to let us all know you hate her?!” he spits at you with wild eyes and you fight the urge to wrap your arms around your frame.
“I didn’t poison her on purpose…” you mumble in explanation and your eyes stare at your feet, not daring to look at him, drowning in shame.
“No, but all the other things were!” he refutes with impatience, but then he sighs. His shoulders fall down but his jaw’s still clenched. “Why can’t you just be happy for me? I know what she did better than anyone, believe me, but people are allowed a second chance, and frankly, it’s not your place to decide if she deserves it or not. All I was asking of you was to be decent towards her because I was stupid enough to think you’re my friend above everything and you’d respect my wishes!” he confesses, face crest-fallen and what you once feared, -him looking like this because of you-, has finally come true. You can feel your eyes watering but you can do nothing to stop them.
“I am your friend!” you respond desperately with pleading eyes, trying to stop him from questioning how much he means to you. If only he knew exactly how much.
“Are you really?”, he questions back, “Because the rest of the guys are my friends too and they don’t have a problem with her. It’s just you! And if you can’t accept her and be happy for me then…” he stops, eyes falling on the floor, refusing to meet your gaze and you have an awful feeling blooming in the pit of your stomach.
“...Then we’re better off as just roommates,” he delivers the final blow.
You can’t believe your ears. There’s no way, no way.
You feel your throat closing up. “...You don’t mean that…” you mumble in denial, eyes blurry and voice almost breaking at the possibility of losing your best friend.
Jimin still refuses to look at you, his lips pursed as he shakes his head. “Yeah? And you said you’ll support me no matter what so I guess we both said things we don’t mean.”
“Or I guess that was just you,” he says in a final tone, eyes serious this time on you before he turns towards your door to leave your bedroom. To leave your life.
You can’t breathe.
“Jimin-” you manage to stutter out although you feel like choking. You can’t lose him, you simply can’t.
“No, Y/N, you can’t just-!” he snaps back but stops himself before saying anything else, pressing his lips together.
Then he takes another breath. He collects himself and before you manage to stop him, he closes the door on his way out with a loud bang.
And you can’t move. Your eyes simply stare at the door, refusing to let any tear drop and you purse your lips, feeling a mixture of stubbornness and sorrow.
He left. How could he? How could he push you aside for her?! You’ve been friends for a little more than five years now and he ruins your friendship because of her?! Her?!
You rush to lock the door behind him with blurry eyes, putting the blame on him as for now you need this to stay sane.
Tomorrow you’ll know that everything was your fault.
But for now, you choose to believe otherwise.
You step back from your door, crossing your arms on your chest in defiance.
“If he doesn’t want to be friends then we won’t be!” you exclaim in an attempt to salvage your broken ego but once those words are out of your mouth, once they finally feel real, you can’t stop the tears from rolling down your cheeks.
You have to cover your mouth to drown the sound of your sobs.
You can’t let him hear.
At that moment there’s a knock on your door, before “Y/N? It’s Seokjin, can I come in?”
His voice is quiet, calm, reminding you that he and Hoseok probably heard everything. You can’t deal with it. You can’t deal with any of it.
“Go away, Seokjin…” you mumble with a low voice in order to hide the fact you’re crying.
You hear him sighing. “Come one, at least talk to me-”
“Go away!” your voice is coarse as you yell back, for a second not realising it was you. You know you're gonna regret yelling at him later, but you just want to be alone.
There’s silence on the other side. Then the echoing steps of someone leaving.
And then you break down in the middle of your room.
The only sound coming from your quiet sobs.
{Jimin’s POV}
Keep it together. Don’t lose focus now just because she looks like she’s about to cry.
It’s easier said than done, but Jimin manages to remain focused on what he came here to do. Even if it’s just barely.
He can’t go on like this. Maybe if you were happy for him and actually supported him, things would be different. But when you act like a spoiled baby that didn’t get her wish with no excuse whatsoever when you were supposed to be okay with Dinah… there’s not much he can do.
Not when your behaviour acts as a false beacon of hope. One he can’t afford to see. Otherwise, he might do something he can’t take back.
He’s got to be firm and decisive.
So he turns around to leave before he takes it all back.
“Jimin-” he hears the breaking in your voice, knowing how much this may weigh you down but all he can feel right now is unfairness. It’s unfair how he wants to move on but with one single word he finds his resolve crumbling.
You shouldn’t affect him this much.
“No, Y/N, you can’t just-!” he begins but stops himself. What was he about to say? Something he shouldn’t, probably.
Still, you stop talking. And you just stare at him, with disbelief written in your eyes. He avoids those in favour of staying true to his words.
There’s no saying what he’ll do if he meets them.
So, he simply leaves your bedroom.
Marching through the small distance between your door and his, he can see Hoseok and Seokjin, from the corner of his eyes, staring.
They probably heard everything.
He steps into his bedroom, closing the door behind him, needing some space. To calm down, to take a breath, to finally think about what he just did.
You looked like you were ready to break down at any moment.
Maybe he shouldn’t have been that harsh with you. Maybe he was a bit too hasty, too vengeful in making that decision.
Someone knocks on his door.
What if it’s you?
His steps can’t take him to his door any faster.
But it’s just Hoseok.
“... what?” he hears himself get defensive once he sees your door still closed shut behind the other man.
Hoseok stares at him with understanding. “It doesn’t have to be like that, Jimin…” he comments with a soft voice, always knowing how to approach Jimin when he’s angry, better than anyone.
Jimin sighs, still feeling stubborn but he knows by the end of what Hoseok has to say, he’ll almost certainly listen.
“... Let’s talk about it okay? I’m sure Y/N wants that too…” at those words Jimin swears he feels a small pinch of pain on his chest. He wishes they’re true.
“Seokjin is also gonna talk to her…”
But those words manage to bring his stubbornness back full force.
There’s a chuckle coming out of Jimin but none of it sounds happy.
“Of course he will…” he snaps at Hoseok, who bites his lip once he realises his mistake. “Yeah, Hoseok, I think I’ll pass,” the bitterness is evident in his words, not bothering to hide it from the one person that knows the cause of it.
Hoseok’s eyes widen once he realises Jimin is about to close the door on him. “Wait, Jimin, don’t-”
“Goodnight,” is what Jimin simply says before closing the door on his best friend.
He can’t be sure when everything began to change. He can’t place a finger on the exact moment his feelings had changed.
On the exact moment, he fell in love with you.
Was it the moment you walked through the door as a roommate applicant? He can’t be sure. But somewhere along the way, the feelings bloomed, outgrew everything he ever felt for anyone.
He just was a bit late at realizing it.
When he woke up after you slept together and his eyes rested on you as you slept, he felt a pain in the middle of his chest. But it didn’t feel like a regular pain, it felt like his heart was expanding like he was experiencing growing pains. Because while he stared at you, he realised there was nothing else he’d rather do. You looked so serene, so at peace sleeping next to him, he never wanted the moment to end.
And that’s how he realised.
Of course, he had to push his newly-found knowledge aside when he saw you nearly going into panic mode. Just because he felt like this, didn’t mean you did too.
So he hid those feelings, playing it cool for the sake of being your friend.
But this shit was difficult when he was surrounded by you twenty-four-seven.
Right before Seokjin’s birthday he had sworn he’d finally tell you. He thought that maybe, just maybe you’d like him back, or at least he’d get to have a weight lifted off his chest.
But then he saw you hugging Seokjin…
He wasn’t trying to spy on you or anything. He was just trying to reach the bathroom when he saw you wrapping your arms around Seokjin. Around the guy you had a crush on for the past few years. It was like a stab to his stomach, even more so when he knew you weren’t really into hugs and when you did hug someone, it usually meant a lot to you.
Jimin couldn’t believe his eyes. He also couldn’t believe how much it hurt and how much he needed something to distract himself.
Or, rather, someone.
That’s how Dina came along.
He never intended to string her along this far though. At that night she was just a distraction, someone familiar who knew how to take care of him, despite everything that had transpired between them in the past.
But Dinah kept trying, kept fighting vigorously for that second chance and he couldn’t help but acknowledge how much she’d changed over the past year. So he let her back into his life, hoping that at least she’d help him forget about you.
And it worked for some time. Until that night.
Until the night you were supposed to go on a date with Seokjin and cancelled it because of him - he’s sure of it even if you vehemently denied it back then-. The night you were dressed on that tight, little, black dress, the one that reminded him of that night eight months ago and suddenly his mind was going haywire with thoughts, or rather, memories of you.
He swears he saw hunger in your eyes when his palm was on your thigh, scorching both of you at the connected spot and if it wasn’t for Hoseok’s interruption, he was sure he’d’ve lost control.
Jimin hates to admit it but that night he kept thinking of you, of your eyes, of your lips, of the way your thighs had fit around his waist back then, of the sound of his name falling from your lips as he touched himself, trying to drown his moans onto his pillow.
He couldn’t talk to you after that for a couple of days. Too ashamed, too embarrassed, too enamoured with you, he thought you’d be able to see right through him.
But once things got back to normal, they were ruined once more.
Dinah appeared at the worst of times at New Year’s. He was so close to letting you know how he feels, encouraged by your reaction when you ditched your date for him, which was another green light for him at the moment. But Dinah showed up and you were out of there before he even got a chance to explain.
Hoseok had found him then, drinking away his sorrows.
“And the worst of all is, she’s dating Seokjin, which I now realise makes me a big jerk and an awful friend as I keep trying to steal away his girlfriend,” Jimin mumbled before downing the rest of his drink.
Hoseok seemed perplexed but that might have been from the near-alcohol-poisoning he just had before Dr. Ana “nursed” him back to health. “And remind me, how are you sure she’s dating Seokjin? They haven’t told us anything yet…”
Jimin stared into his drink, already sort of tipsy on alcohol and self-pity. “Saw ‘em huggin’...” he mumbled behind the glass. Hoseok had to do a double-take at that.
“What?” Hoseok responded in disbelief. “That’s it? Dude, I do that with Seokjin all the time, that doesn’t mean I’m dating him!”
Jimin sighed in annoyance. “It was more than that okay? There was this feeling to it! I could tell it wasn’t just a simple hug!” Jimin groaned as he rubbed his face with his hand.
Hoseok rolled his eyes at his friend. “Still you can never be sure by just a hug! Have you talked to her?”
“No, I tried to but Dinah came in and she left as soon as she saw her…” Jimin admitted and Hoseok almost laughed out loud at his friend’s idiocy.
“Bro, if that isn’t a sign to talk to her, then I’m not dating the most bomb person in the whole ass world.”
Jimin wasn’t impressed as he cocked an eyebrow at his friend.
Hoseok wasn’t deterred. “I can see you have an objection here and it’s a complete disgrace to Ana’s name, so Imma pound you to logic city later, you limp dick, but right now you need to talk to Y/N!” he concluded as he shoved Jimin out of his stool.
Jimin groaned as he stood up, but as his eyes fell to the bottom of his drink, he realised Hoseok was right. He should’ve talked to you first. Maybe he had misunderstood and there was nothing going on with Seokjin.
And right then as he saw you bumping into Seokjin, he figured it was a great opportunity to find out what was happening between the two of you from both parties involved.
But as his steps got him closer and closer, he saw you kiss him.
He froze. He couldn’t look, couldn’t bear, but still, his eyes stayed glued to the both of you as your arms circled around his neck to press him closer.
Jimin felt like vomiting.
He turned around right then and there and walked away. He needed to get out of there. He gave Dinah a half-assed apology as he also sent her on her merry way and he left for his apartment. He couldn’t even tell Hoseok why he was leaving the party, only announcing his departure and disappearing.
It was the first time in years he spent New Year’s alone.
He hated it.
{Y/N’s POV}
You’ve done the worst sleep in ages.
You rub your eyes, immediately regretting it when the slightest touch has them stinging from how swollen they are from all the crying.
Right. It wasn’t just a dream.
You drag your feet begrudgingly across the floor to the bathroom to splurge some water on your face, in a futile attempt to calm down your puffy eyes. Before you’re off to the kitchen where Hoseok is currently eating his breakfast cereal.
Once he hears the sound of footsteps, he raises his head, only to see you awkwardly walk in the kitchen, eyes downcast as you go for the fridge.
“Hey,” you hear him say.
With your face facing the inside of the fridge you take a breath, letting the low temperature calm you down.
You knew it was coming. Hoseok definitely listened to everything along with Seokjin. And yet you don’t feel like replying.
Nonetheless, you turn around and acknowledge him with a tilt of your head as you move to have the coffee machine working.
“So… How you feeling?”
The question prompts a humourless chuckle out of you and Hoseok sighs in response.
“I know, that’s a lousy question. I just…” he takes a breath, eyes gentle on you, not at all judgemental as you’d expect them, after what you’ve done yesterday, “I mean I know Jimin’s side of the story, but I never heard yours…” he concludes, letting a soft smile take over his features.
Huh. Your side of the story.
You swallow the lump in your throat, but the words don’t come out. Instead, you resolve to looking down at the floor as your hands grab tightly at your empty cup.
Hoseok, sensing your hesitation, sighs resigned but he doesn’t push you on it.
A moment passes when both of you remain silent until your coffee is ready. You pour the liquid into your cup, almost moaning in relief you don’t have to stay here another second.
But before you get to leave Hoseok speaks up again.
“I know things may look like a mess right now but I’m sure this won’t be the case forever. Jimin… yeah, he’s mad but you're his best friend. He’s gonna change his mind soon…” Hoseok’s gentle words reach you and, oh god, how do you want to believe them.
You turn to look at him and see the hope written in his eyes.
You give him what might have resembled a smile if you weren’t feeling so beat-down.
“You didn’t see the way he looked at me Hobi…” you whisper and Hoseok’s face falls just a bit at how broken you sound.
“Things will change, I’m certain of it,” still he replies, eyes full of determination that make the slightest sliver of hope go through the cracks of your sorrow.
Right then another pair of footsteps echoes as Jimin walks into the kitchen.
His sudden arrival has you both freeze, eyes resting on the newcomer and while Hoseok keeps on looking at Jimin, you’re quick to avert your gaze, the lump in your throat growing.
A second passes where Jimin doesn’t move forward or backwards. Like he isn’t sure if you could be in the same room anymore after yesterday's events. Your heart pangs at the thought.
He coughs awkwardly.
“I didn’t know you were awake, I can come back later-” he begins softly, eyes avoiding yours as well, making the pain grow a little sharper.
“No, it’s okay, I was done anyway…” you interrupt him, hands gripping tightly at your steaming cup as if it is a life board.
And without another word, you’re out of the kitchen.
{Hoseok’s POV}
A week passes by and it seems there’s no hope for reconciliation on the horizon.
Both of you went the extra miles and rearranged your schedules to avoid each other as much as possible. Jimin spends nearly every night at Dinah’s, barely seeing the others and you spend days locked into your room under the pretence of writing, but really you’re just avoiding everyone.
The rest of the guys don’t know what to do anymore.
It’s a Friday afternoon when Hoseok is over at Ana’s place, the mood in his apartment too heavy to bear and he can’t bear this anymore.
“Babe, I’m back, they didn’t have any vinegar chips so I bought oregano instead. Can you imagine the disgrace?” he shouts as soon as he steps back into the apartment, after a small walk to the seven eleven down the street.
But instead of hearing his girlfriend’s welcoming back, he hears her sigh. Then he sees her walk around the corner from the kitchen with her phone pressed to her ear like she’s in a conference call.
“I still don’t understand why won’t you just tell him!” Ana speaks on the phone, sending a tired wave to her boyfriend who looks at her entirely confused.
Hoseok just takes his shoes off and plops himself on the couch, sensing Ana won’t be done with that phone call anytime soon.
There’s a silence from her side as she listens intently to what the other person is saying. Hoseok decides to open the bag of chips just to keep his hands occupied.
After a while, Ana talks again.
“But what if she doesn’t tell him?” she? First, she mentioned a “him” and now a “she”? Hoseok’s getting more confused by the second.
“And what about Jimin then? Doesn’t he deserve to know the truth?” her voice is stern, like a mother berating her child and a sound of understanding leaves Hoseok’s lips, as he concludes Ana is talking to you.
There’s a small silence from your side, indicating no response to Ana’s question and so she keeps talking.
“And I’m talking about the whole truth Y/N.”
Hoseok’s intrigued. What whole truth?
“I know I was the first person to be against telling him about your feelings but with how poorly you handled the situation, I don’t think you can possibly make anything worse!”
At that, Hoseok’s eyes blow wide open. Feelings?! What feelings?! 
He’s immediately up, approaching Ana with quick steps as she listens to your response. Your voice, even though muffled through the phone, sounds weaker, sadder. Disheartened.
Ana’s words are softer now. “But you’ll never be able to do this. You’ll never be ready but, the truth is, no one ever is. That’s kinda how it goes and that’s okay. But you gotta do it at some point, sooner or later,” she talks to you calmly, Hoseok sensing her sorrow at hearing you like this.
But he can’t shake the feeling that he can somehow help if he finds out what those feelings are.
Ana sighs tiredly as if what she just said didn’t have much of an impact. “Y/N-” but before she gets to respond you hang up.
Ana gasps while staring at her phone. “She just hung up on me, I can’t believe it, how dare?” she says to no one in particular as she rubs her hands on her face tiredly.
“Tough luck?” Hoseok comments wrapping his hands around her waist. Ana welcomes the embrace, her hands winding around his neck as she rests her head on his shoulder.
“She just won’t listen! She’s so infuriatingly stubborn and it’s driving me nuts!” she blows a stray hair out of her face, accidentally tickling Hoseok’s skin in the process and he chuckles.
“Kinda like you then?” he teases as he finally pushes that stray lock behind her ear and she pokes out her tongue at him in retaliation before falling into peaceful tranquillity.
Hoseok hates to disrupt this but he has to ask her what all of those things meant. For the sake of Jimin.
“Hey, babe…” he begins and Ana hums in acknowledgement.
“When you talked about Y/N’s feelings…” he feels her stiffen in his embrace but nonetheless he carries on, “... what did you mean?”
Ana takes a breath. “I guess there’s no point in not telling you now…” she speaks softly before taking another breath, one Hoseok holds until he hears her answer.
“Y/N… she likes Jimin. Well I mean that’s what she says anyway. I think it’s way more than that…” Ana admits sadly but Hoseok’s mind goes into overdrive.
“Are you serious…?” he asks in what can be perceived as a calm demeanour but in reality, his head is about to explode.
Ana chuckles calmly, still in Hoseok’s embrace. “I know right?”
Oh my god, they’re both idiots, he thinks. But he has to do something now.
“Oh god, those giant baboons!” he almost yells, making Ana flinch and take a step back to look at him perplexed.
He laughs incredulously as he takes a step back, trying to process the situation.
“For how long?” he asks and Ana looks more weirded out by the second.
“Two months, give or take?” Ana responds with narrowed eyes.
Hoseok chuckles. “That’s…” when Jimin started going out with Dinah, of course, it all makes sense!
“Seriously our friends are the worst idiots ever!” he complains once more.
“Okay, now do you mind telling me what’s going on?” she retaliates, getting irritated with her boyfriend and his tendency of not explaining anything for the dramatics.
“Jimin likes her back!” he shouts out loud, the magnificence of what he found out too overwhelming to bear.
Ana’s eyes widen. “What? How can that be? What about Dinah?”
Hoseok narrows his eyes at her. “He began dating her again after that one night stand that only happened because he saw Y/N hugging Seokj- Wait! What about Seokjin?”
Ana seems confused. “What about Seokjin?”
“Isn’t Y/N dating him?”
Ana almost bursts out in giggles. “What? No! Of course not! Why would you think that?”
“Cause of the hug!”
“So what, a simple hug means automatically they’re dating each other?”
“Well, we all know Y/N hates hugs, plus she had a crush on him so it would be believable- Wait, that’s not the point. So Y/N isn’t dating Seokjin?”
“Nope. Never did,” Ana concludes as both of them fall into the same realization.
“So Jimin did all that stuff…” Ana begins, not quite believing the absurdity of the situation.
“...Because he thought Seokjin was dating Y/N,” Hoseok admits tiredly.
“We gotta tell Jimin,” Ana grabs her phone to punch in his number before Hoseok stops her.
“Wait…” he stares at the phone, the cogs in his mind whirling before his eyes light up.
“I got a better idea.”
{Jimin’s POV}
Sweat still drips down his forehead as Jimin bids goodbye to his students, after the end of his contemporary class. He reaches for his water bottle and heads for the teachers’ lounge where his stuff is before he gets to his last class.
He wipes his forehead with the back of his hand before pressing the now lukewarm bottle on the nape of his neck, to get some sort of relief.
Once again, his focus wasn’t entirely on the class. It has been like that ever since your fight, but at least it started getting better as time passed. Still not at its best though.
He finds himself feeling guilty more than he thought he would. Guilty towards you, towards Dinah. It’s a mess.
Admittedly, he was really mad at you but as he got to think it over, he realised he acted too rashly in cutting you off. And he misses you already.
But the thing is… you haven't made a move to reconcile either. That could be because you’re afraid of him pushing you away again. But shouldn't you make the first step? If you did, Jimin is sure he would forgive you on the spot.
He shakes his head tiredly as he enters the teachers’ lounge and reaches for his backpack. Everything’s a mess.
And then there’s Dinah. Dinah who’s changed, who’s kind and understanding. Dinah who he strings along and who’s possibly already aware of Jimin’s use of her as a distraction. They both know that, even though Dinah’s changed and everything’s seemingly fine, the relationship is doomed this time around as well.
Although this time it’s Jimin’s fault.
He needs to come clean to her. He has to end this.
Right then his phone begins ringing.
Once he sees the contact name, he’s a little less willing to answer it.
“What do you want?” is his response once he picks up and there’s an awkward chuckle at the other end before the caller finally replies.
“Whoa, okay, forward, can’t you buy me a drink first, champ?” Seokjin tries to make the tension disappear unsuccessfully, resulting in Jimin not even answering that particular quip.
He hears Seokjin sigh on the other side, before “Anyway, can’t I just call my friend to see how he’s doing? It’s been a while since the last time we talked…” the other man admits cautiously and Jimin’s defensiveness slowly ebbs away to give place to additional guilt. He’s the one blowing off all his friends because he wants space. Or more precisely, he thinks, because he’s a coward, too afraid to really deal with the situation, so instead picking the easy way out, at the expense of his friends.
He rubs his face with his hands, before letting out a breath. “Yeah, I know, things have been kind of…” Jimin trails off but Seokjin hums, as if he understands what Jimin means without him having to say it out loud.
“Yeah…” Seokjin agrees quietly and Jimin feels more horrible as time goes by. When did he begin to feel such animosity towards his friend? They used to be really close ever since they worked together at the same shift, and now Jimin can barely be in the same room as him. It’s not Seokjin’s fault in any way and the truth is Jimin’s animosity arises not towards Seokjin but more towards himself.
He has stuff he needs to work on.
“Actually, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about…” comes Seokjin’s response that has Jimin sitting up straight in his seat, terrified of what his friend wants to talk to him about.
And it seems his fears were not unjustified.
“How long have you liked Y/N?”
There it is.
Jimin takes a breath, panic trying to take over him but he wills it to go away and answer his friend. Even if he’s terrified to do so.
“I…” he begins, audible shakiness colouring his voice, “... how do you know?”
Seokjin doesn’t hesitate to answer. “Hoseok told me…”
Jimin takes another breath, one full of guilt.
“Look, I… I’m sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen, it just did! And I know it’s awful of me to have done this but, yeah, for some time I had thought of acting on it. But now that I know for certain you’re together, I wouldn’t even dream of-”
“First of all, Y/N and I are not together.” Seokjin interrupts the babbling idiot and Jimin stops mid-sentence.
He blinks, uncertain. “I… what?”
Seokjin sighs with a chuckle. “Y/N and I aren’t dating,” he repeats.
Jimin opens his mouth like a fish, in complete and utter shock. “But… but I saw you…” he states full of doubt, almost like a question.
He can almost hear Seokjin raising his eyebrow. “You saw us doing what?”
The lump in his throat doesn’t make this any easier. “I saw you kissing a-a-aand-and hugging!” he retaliates, trying to support his reasoning.
Seokjin sighs once more, the gesture coming off him naturally by now. “Okay, she kissed me because she wanted to avoid a dude she ghosted, I had little to no say in this!” Seokjin responds in a typical Seokjin fashion.
But Jimin has more questions. “A dude she ghosted?”
“Yeah, she was supposed to go on a date with this guy in my restaurant but blew him off for some reason…”
“When was this?” Jimin asks, eager but nervous to find out the answer.
“A couple of days before Christmas.”
So that wasn’t a date with Seokjin but just a rando?
God, Jimin has fucked up big time.
“And what about the hug?” he asks for the last time, to make sure he resolves any misunderstanding.
“What hug? Oh, you mean on my birthday? Dude, that was just her coming clean about her past crush on me and us moving past this like a couple of adults.”
Jimin’s throat constricts uncomfortably but in unbelievable hope. “Past crush?”
Seokjin’s smile is nearly audible. “Yeah, “past”. Know why? Because she has feelings for someone else.”
And just as easily as Seokjin has given him hope, he just as easily rips it away.
“Oh…?” Jimin barely manages to utter, voice almost breaking alongside his heart. “Who?”
Seokjin groans on the other side, taking Jimin wholly by surprise by the irritated tone in the older man’s voice. “Oh my god, you really are both idiots,” he says almost to himself, “You, you soggy tit! Do you really think she did all that to Dinah simply because she didn’t like her? No, she was fucking jealous!” Seokjin concludes, voice rushed and angry to berate his friend and finally put an end to this huge mess.
But Jimin hears only one word.
She has feelings for you.
The girl he’s been in love with for nearly a year now, if not more, has feelings for him. Reciprocated feelings.
Is this real? Is this a fucking dream from which he’ll wake up in the morning, feeling shittier than ever?
But Seokjin said she was jealous. Jealous.
“She- She was? Seokjin, just…” he stops himself to take a calming breath, refusing to believe this just yet, “Please, don’t joke about this, I’m not gonna laugh,” he warns his friend. He can’t bear to have his heart messed with any more than it already has been.
“Does it sound like I’m joking? Believe me, I wouldn’t, we’re all too invested in your shit, it’s not healthy.”
Jimin can’t believe this. He wants to, desperately, but what if it’s not real? What then?
“I…” he swallows his nerves, “She really has feelings for me?” he asks, not unlike a hopeful child. God, his heart is about to burst.
“Yeah, buddy, I know it’s hard to believe when I exist!” Seokjin tries to lighten up the mood with a joke.
Jimin doesn’t laugh.
“...Too soon? Sorry, anyway, I thought you should also know Y/N really feels awful for everything and if there’s one thing that can confirm that, is the fact she apologized to Dinah,” Seokjin concludes carefully.
Jimin doesn’t know how to respond.
“But if you don’t believe me… Ask Y/N herself.”
But he knows what to do.
{Y/N’s POV}
You’re washing the dishes, alone at home for another hour at the very least as Jimin’s classes end in one hour.
Should you go to Ana’s? Ugh, but Hoseok is there.
Maybe you should just hole yourself up in your room for the scarce time Jimin will be here before he’s off to Dinah’s.
Which reminds you of earlier today.
In Dinah’s defence, she handled your apology quite gracefully, in contrast with you. You were a babbling mess, trying to put your thoughts into place and at first, she was suspicious of you, but once your visit made sense, she seemed to understand. Something even you couldn’t at times.
She accepted your apology with a calm smile, confusing you even more as she said she appreciated your effort to put all of this behind you.
You were glad she seemed to not hold it against you although, honestly… you don’t think you deserve it.
You have no idea if she’s planning on telling Jimin or not and quite frankly you’re terrified of what he’ll say if he finds out.
Once you’re done with the dishes and close the tap, you hear the front door open and close, assuming it’s Hoseok back from Ana’s.
“Hobi, is that you?” you ask before turning around, only to almost choke on your own breath when you see Jimin instead.
He’s standing just in front of the door, not going forwards or backwards, as his eyes stare at you. Serious, careful but calm. No anger residing in them. Just awkwardness as he seems to not know what to do with himself, as he simply rests in place and somehow a tiny drop of hope begins to bloom.
“I… Don’t you have classes?” is the first thing you manage to get out of your mouth and he takes a breath.
“I had to get out early…” he responds and you can’t help but focus on the “had to”. Did Dinah talk to him after all?
“...Why?” is your careful question, when in reality your mind is in a state of disarray. Is this a good sign? A bad one? Is he here to restore your friendship to what it used to be or finally cut ties with you and move out?
Your mind is gonna short-circuit.
“I…” he begins, eyes falling to the floor. Then he takes another breath. “I had to talk to you,” he says.
Oh god. This is it. You’re done.
Your throat closes up as you blink quickly trying to stop your eyes from welling up. Damnit, you already cried so much about this, you shouldn’t have any more tears left!
He takes a tentative step forward, eyes finding yours once again. But they look… soft, tender. Apologetic.
“I… I’m sorry. For the way I acted,” he breathes out and your eyes widen, having to do a double-take to make sure you heard right. “I was too harsh on you, basically taking out my nerves on you and even though what you did was awful, I shouldn’t have taken such drastic measures. I took it too far by saying we shouldn’t be friends and I’d like to take it back if you want to…” he concludes, observing you cautiously.
You’re left staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. Is he serious? Did he just apologize to you like he was the one at fault?
“Jimin, oh my god, you shouldn’t have to apologize, I should!” you rush to say, instinctively grabbing his hands to soothe him, completely missing the taken aback turned loving look in his eyes.
“I acted way out of line and truth be told I think I needed that as a wake-up call. You were right, what kind of friend am I if I don’t try to get along with the girl you’re dating?” you continue, too self-conscious to be able to look Jimin in the eye, instead staring at your joined hands with a new kind joy.
You got your best friend back. And if keeping him means you have to bury your feelings for him, then you’ll do it. For real this time. Whatever it takes to not lose him again.
Jimin chuckles in response. “Used to date,” he corrects you.
This time though you can’t help it when your eyes snap back at him. “What? What do you mean?”
Where you expected to be a sorrowful expression, there is none. Instead, Jimin is looking at you with a soft smile, a serene one, one that matches the peace in his eyes. “We broke up,” he says and you can’t find the proper words to react to this.
“Oh… H-how so?” you say instead, unwillingly holding your breath.
Jimin’s eyes rest on your face for a moment, that damned smile still gracing his lips, before his eyes fall to your hands. “I guess you helped me realise some things with what you did,” is his cryptic response.
But before you get to question his answer his eyes turn stern, with a note of mischief hiding in their corners. “That does not mean what you did was okay, though,” he says, pointing his finger at you like a teacher disciplining a child and you chuckle at his attempt of lightening up the mood.
“Believe me, I know. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself…” you respond, rubbing a hand awkwardly at the base of your neck, still awfully aware of your other hand still connected to Jimin’s.
“Well…” he says quietly, his eyes on your joined hands, “Good thing I did then…” he mutters, his thumb running over the back of your palm soothingly and once your eyes meet his, you know you’ll be okay.
After that talk with Jimin, -that ended with the both of you watching Space Jam and cuddling to sleep-, everything is once again back to normal. The past week has been amazing compared to the one before it. You find yourself smiling all the time as your friendship with Jimin is back to its prime, laughter and joy returning to your shared apartment.
Your group returns back to its routine, hanging out together in front of the TV, roasting Hoseok for his abundant sexual energy, you know, the usual.
And yet you feel like something’s changed. More particularly, with Jimin.
You catch his eyes on you more than once, more than what could be considered normal but ever since you made up the two of you haven’t been left alone once. The guys are always around and, really, it’s not like you don’t want them to be but there’s always something hanging from Jimin’s mouth, something he wants to say but never does due to their presence. It’s slightly unnerving, reminding you of that night outside your bedrooms when he wanted to say something but didn't.
You can’t tell if it’s good or bad. All you know is suddenly your knees shake when he looks at you for too long and you have goosebumps whenever his skin touches yours.
So that’s why tonight you chose to sit on the lone armchair as he sits next to Hoseok on the big couch and Ana is placed next to Seokjin on the small one.
Somehow the conversation managed to go on that New Year’s party and Seokjin ended up spilling about your kiss.
“You said “we take this to the grave”!” you respond with a low voice, trying to mimic him unsuccessfully as Ana and Hoseok stare at you with eyes wide as saucers. Jimin, for some reason, looks unresponsive to the news yet he laughs at your bad impression of Seokjin.
Seokjin at least has the decency to look guilty as Ana’s scandalized eyes turn to you. “You kissed?!”
You raise your hands in defence, for some reason avoiding to look over at Jimin. “I didn’t do it on purpose! Well… I kinda did but not with the motive you’d assume,” you rush to explain, though Ana is less than satisfied.
“Oh then with what motive? Please amuse me, hoe,” she responds, crossing her hands on her chest and you huff out in annoyance.
Seokjin answers her. “Well, obviously, she wanted a piece of all that. I’m pretty irresistible to all humankind,” he jokes lightly and you suppress a snort.
“Yeah, no, this ain’t it, chief,” you rush to say, suddenly nervous, not wanting anyone to think you’re still into Seokjin.
Actually, replace “anyone” with just “Jimin”.
Seokjin gasps in offence. “What in the world do you even mean?! You’re lucky I kissed you and not just because you got rid of that dude! I’m a pretty good kisser, no scratch that, I’m an excellent kisser, a connoisseur of kissing if you will!”
“I think I won’t be able to kiss anyone after that…” Hoseok responds which makes Seokjin gasp once more before he looks over at you.
“Y/N, tell them the truth. How my kissing is so utterly magnificent, it could end world hunger!” he says before actually hearing what he just said then deciding against it, “Nope, can’t do that, sorry, that’s on me.”
You chuckle at his antics, although a bit reluctant to actually reveal the truth.
“Actually…” you start.
Another gasp resonates. “Don’t “actually” me! Just tell them!”
You turn to the other guys with a roll of your eyes.
“Look, it’s not like you were a bad kisser per se. It’s just that it was a bit… lackluster?” you finish, almost afraid to see Seokjin’s reaction to the reveal.
Jimin suppresses a chuckle, Hoseok oohs from the side and Ana’s eyes widen in surprise.
Seokjin looks at you with disbelief.
You rush to make amends. “I mean it’s okay given I took you by surprise, but due to that crush I used to have on you, I had this notion of a kiss full of passion. And that one just… didn’t have it.” 
Seokjin pouts angrily at you before crossing his arms on his chest as Ana pats his shoulder soothingly. “I can’t believe you just said my kiss didn’t have any passion.”
You shrug. “Well, it didn’t,” you say as a matter of a fact before Ana jumps into the conversation.
“It’s probably a good thing your kiss didn’t have any passion, it just means your friends. No chemistry there so don’t beat yourself up too much, champ,” she says with an affectionate pinch on Seokjin’s cheek, who ponders on her input.
“Yeah, Ana is right!” you rush to agree. “It’s because we’re just friends! When you find someone you really like, believe me, it’ll be nothing like that,” you go off track a bit as certain memories reappear. “It’ll be full of passion and yearning and not getting enough of each other, you’re not sure if you can go on without kissing them!”
And somehow by the end of that, your eyes fall on Jimin’s and stay there.
Because he stares back.
“Okay, I think we heard enough about Seokjin’s kissing techniques,” Ana comments, breaking the spell and your eyes fall to your lap, fire residing in your cheeks.
“I just have one last comment on what I think Seokjin could’ve used but didn’t cause he’s a wuss,” Hoseok jumps in.
A round of gagging noises is heard around the apartment.
The hours pass by smoothly and soon everyone’s getting sleepy. Seokjin leaves early, having to go to the restaurant first thing in the morning, leaving the rest of you to clean up.
Once again Jimin picks up the trash with Ana as Hoseok helps you do the dishes. The apartment falls into a comfortable silence with the occasional chatter between the four of you while you clean up. Hoseok is to sleepover at Ana’s so when you’re all done the couple bids you goodbye, heading to Ana’s apartment.
Leaving you and Jimin totally alone.
Which is something that shouldn’t scare you but for some reason your nerves are going through the roof.
“Are you done with the kitchen?” Jimin asks from the living room, where he’s rearranging the pillows on the couch.
“Yeap! Just finished!” you call back, your voice a bit higher than usual and you cringe internally before clearing your throat.
“Good, I’m going to bed then,” he responds as you walk out of the kitchen.
“I’ll walk with you,” you respond with a smile, following him into the corridor.
You walk in comfortable silence, but still, you find yourself getting nervous as you walk side by side. It doesn’t make any sense.
Once you reach your bedrooms, both of you turn around to face each other, seemingly unwilling to depart just yet. Jimin looks at you with a soft smile as you grab at the opportunity to talk to him.
“Jimin, I just… I’m really happy we got past that and again I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve caused,” you say in what seems like the hundredth apology this week.
Jimin’s smile grows fonder as he shakes his head gently. “I told you, you should stop apologizing, I’m no longer mad at you,” is his quiet reply as he tilts his head, his eyes staring at you in a way it makes your heart race.
“I know I just… That week we spent not talking to each other was the worst week of my life and I…” you pause searching for the right words, but no words could ever describe the magnificence of what you’re feeling right now, the desperation of wanting to have him in your life. So you simply stare at him, out of breath, hoping he gets it.
His smile is one of the best things you’ve ever seen and you know he does.
You smile back. “Anyway, I’ve gotten too sentimental…” you chuckle, clearing your voice to sound more collected.
Jimin giggles softly. “Happens to the best of us…” he responds gently and you have to remind yourself to not stare. Even if he does and it makes you feel out of breath.
You nod with a smile. “Well…” you respond nervously, yearning for the moment you’re alone in your room, free of all this tension. “Goodnight,” you say simply, turning around to get to your door.
But a hand wraps itself around your wrist, turning you around suddenly. Your hands naturally fall to Jimin’s chest as his palms wrap around your waist and hair as his lips fall fervently on yours.
Your mind goes into overdrive and you can only kiss him back.
His plump lips wrap around your own softly but with an intense sense of urgency, a soft gasp falling from your lips as your hands are quick into grabbing his shirt to pull him unbelievably closer. You respond with just as much hunger, letting your mouth move fervently against his own, pushing more and more against him, aiding his hand that’s tangled in your hair, gripping the locks as if he can’t get enough. Then both of his palms are on the small of your back, holding you close as if fearing you’ll leave. But you never do and that makes him press more against you until your back hits the wall next to your door.
The impact makes Jimin lean back just enough to stop the kiss, but his eyes still remain glued to the image of your swollen lips, as you almost lean after his own.
Your heavy breaths mingle in the otherwise quiet corridor, his hands still on your waist, yours still on his open shirt as you try to wrap your mind around what just happened.
“Did you mean something like that?” comes out his gruff, deep voice that sends a shiver down your spine.
His question brings you back to the earlier conversation about a perfect kiss and you can’t control your breathing any more than your beating heart.
You nod quickly, eyes still on his lips. “Yes,” is your breathless answer.
Jimin’s still breathing heavily as his eyes land once again on your lips.
And then he’s kissing you again.
And, fuck, you can’t get enough.
Your palms land on his neck as you stand on your toes to reach him better and his hands wrap around your waist to keep you in place.
Fuck, you’re kissing him. You’re kissing him and he’s kissing you back. As if he’s a man starved of your kiss and he needs anything you can give him.
But then he stops again and you almost groan out loud.
“You need to stop doing that…” you exhale with an affected chuckle and he chuckles as well.
“I just… I need to talk to you before anything else happens….” he whispers and even though you know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, you can’t help but feel a pang of fear in your chest.
“I…” he says, eyes dazedly looking at your face before he takes an encouraging breath.
“I want you to know that this isn’t like last time. It’s more, it means more, I-” he stops once more, voice trembling as he refuses to look anywhere else but you.
His words give you hope but for the first time in weeks, you welcome that hope. You welcome that glorious feeling to settle deep in your chest because you recognize that warm glint deep in his eyes.
“I’m in love with you,” he reveals and you swear your heart will burst. There’s moisture in your eyes but you will it to go away.
“You are…?” you ask with a small voice and Jimin smiles at you, all happiness and comfort. There’s a fuzzy feeling in the middle of your chest and at this moment nothing makes any more sense than you two.
“Yes. And I spent the past year trying to run from it…” he admits carefully as he slightly crouches down to meet your eyes.
“I’m not running anymore…” he concludes, a spark in his eyes and you’ve never seen him more sure for anything in his life.
There’s a whirlwind of emotions in you. Relief, hope, undeniable joy. It makes your throat close and for a few seconds, you can’t answer him. You only stare back and hope he understands like so many times before.
“I-” you manage to choke out with a weak voice but he’s quick to shush you, before kissing the inside of your palm.
“I know…” he responds softly, still holding onto your palm as his eyes find yours. You can’t look away, couldn’t if you wanted to.
And then you can’t stop smiling, and he’s smiling back and before you know it you’re kissing again.
Happiness rolls like a current between, from all the places your bodies touch, you can’t contain it so you keep on kissing fervidly, hands touching whenever they can, mouths moving in tandem like it’s natural. Like it’s the way it’s supposed to be.
“God, I have so much I want to tell you…” he whispers against your lips before he’s diving back in, tongue reaching out to meet yours.
“Me too…” you reply after a few seconds, pushing him closer as your fingers tangle in his hair. “But not now…” you whisper sternly, pushing your chest against him, needing to feel more of him.
He curses under his breath, the sound sinful, licking his lips before he’s kissing you again and his hands fall lower down your back to rest over the swell of your ass.
You moan in appreciation when his hands grab at the tender flesh, making you arch out so he has better leverage. There’s a throbbing between your legs and you resist grinding on him just yet, to drag it out as long as you can.
Jimin’s lips move down the column of your throat as his body cages you against the wall, hands keeping your hips still as he wedges one leg between yours, so his thigh can press upright against your mound.
You moan again when he leaves a particularly deep hickey on your skin and your hips instinctively roll against his thigh, your hands holding on to his back afraid you might fall.
He chuckles darkly against your skin. “Still into thighs I see…” he mumbles before biting softly at your earlobe, a shiver running down your spine.
You bite your lip before, “Correction, still into your thighs…” you admit as you roll your hips slowly on top of his thigh, starting to feel that delicious warmth building up in your stomach, making you feel dizzy.
Jimin almost bucks into you with a low moan, as his hands are certain to leave marks on your hips as he struggles to remain sane.
“Fuck… Although I’m really tempted to just fuck you here, we should probably move…” he murmurs between kisses to your collarbone and you have half a sane mind to agree. The other half is already picturing him doing it either way.
But before you get to move, his arms are quicker, lunging under your thighs and you instinctively wrap them around his waist with a surprised yelp. His palms are resting right on top of your ass, subconsciously pushing you closer, making your insides burn in anticipation.
There’s a smirk on his lips as he licks them, eyes roaming your face to make sure you don’t have second doubts. Although your eyes are glued to the movement of his wet tongue.
When he realises this, he’s quick to move towards his room as you choose now as the perfect moment to lick and suck bruises on his neck, not able to deny yourself any longer.
“Shit… Y/N, if you keep this up I’m gonna drop you…” he mumbles with a stern but clearly-affected voice and you smile in victory before softly biting at his skin, savouring his taste on your tongue.
He kicks his door open before he carefully lays you on his bed, lips immediately after your own as you reach for his neck to desperately press more of him against you.
Your palms move down his chest, grabbing the edges of his flannel to push it off his shoulders, leaving him in his T-shirt and jeans.
“Why are you wearing so many clothes…?” you ask breathlessly, immediately reconnecting your lips like a woman starved and Jimin chuckles, grabbing the hem of your T-shirt instead and pushing it upwards. You sigh in relief as soon as your heated skin is free, yearning to feel more of his skin against yours.
“Just trying to keep myself warm,” he comments rushedly as he discards the piece of clothing somewhere behind him and his eyes fall to your covered breasts. He curses, lowering his face to kiss down your collarbones until his lips reach the bare top of your tits. His mouth leaves a wet trail behind that’s making you gasp as your thighs rub together to gain some relief.
Jimin notices and chuckles darkly before biting your bottom lip. “You want any help there?” he teases and you groan out loud with a pout.
“Yes, but please take your clothes off a little bit faster. It’s making my dick soft,” you whine, bucking your hips towards him.
He pins them down between his own legs, forcing them to stay still. His fingers toy with the waistband of your leggings as your breaths turn heavier while only looking at his eyes.
“Aw, so I won’t have my ass rawed by your dick? Such a shame baby…” he teases once more with a sinful smirk and the last word has your eyes rolling back into your head.
“Fuck, say that again…” you murmur, arching your chest upwards as you feel moisture gather between your legs, just by the single mention of a nickname.
Jimin laughs out loud as he moves to get your leggings off and you’re quick to aid him. “Is this really what turns you on?” he comments playfully as he leans in, lips kissing the underside of your jaw.
“No, I meant…” you stop, suddenly self-conscious, “... the other part…” you mumble quietly, turning your face to the side, knowing a deep red has taken over your cheeks. It’s not simply about the nickname or the tenderness in his voice as he said it. It’s about what it represents, what you already heard from his lips but you simply can’t have enough of. It makes everything real.
Jimin regards you for a second before, “What? Baby?” he asks, rather innocently and yet you still can’t look at him, too embarrassed as you nod.
Jimin’s eyes turn softer as he bites his lip to contain his smile. Fuck, he’s so in love.
He moves to press a tender kiss to your jaw. “Baby,” he repeats slowly, before resting his lips on your collarbones and you sigh in content. “Baby…” he says again, leaving a kiss in the valley between your breasts, making your breath hitch. “Baby…” he moves lower, dragging his plump lips down your torso as your breaths quicken, the sound of the nickname having your heart making somersaults.
“Baby…” he whispers lowly one last time, the tone completely different, darker, more promising. His eyes rest on you as his face now lays above your panties. Then his hands are hooking behind the waistband, dragging the material down your legs and he bites his lips at the sight of your glistening folds.
“God, I wanna taste you so bad…” he says almost to himself and before you get to react, he hooks your legs on top of his shoulders and his tongue lands with kittenish licks on your clit.
An involuntary groan escapes you, bucking your hips into his mouth for more. And yet he maintains his pace, sending waves of pleasure up your body but never enough to get you where you want to. You can’t help the movement of your hips as you crave for more friction, his movements delicious but never enough. Jimin pins your hips down, tsking you before he presses a kiss at the junction between your thigh and cunt.
“You’ll get what you want, baby, all in due time…” he says sternly, his voice low, sending shivers down your spine as his mouth returns to your clit, and you bite your lip to drown your moan.
Though now, he leaves aside the kittenish lick to wrap his mouth around the swollen nub and suck it between his lips.
A loud moan breaks free from your lips, heavy pants resonating as his plush lips envelop your clit, finally giving you more, moving expertly against your folds and your hands find purchase on Jimin’s locks to press him more against you.
He lets you do as you please while one of his hands travels up your torso, pushing your bra’s cups down to toy with one of your nipples.
The added pleasure has you cry his name in ecstasy, losing all control of your hips as they move against Jimin’s face, as if they have a mind of their own, chasing after your high like a madwoman.
And as one hand tugs at your erect nipples, the other finds this chance to move down your body and trace around your entrance, making your pussy clench in anticipation. Before finally pushing two digits inside your velvety walls.
“Jimin!” you almost sob, your hips furiously chasing after your high as you feel the warmth building up more and more inside your stomach. 
His fingers keep thrusting inside you, slowly at first to let you get used to the intrusion, before he picks up the pace, moving them quickly, roughly inside you. Knuckles deep as his fingertips find that little soft spot inside your walls that has your eyes roll to the back of your head.
And when you open your eyes and see Jimin staring you back with darkness and lust in his own from between your legs, the band snaps.
You come with a loud moan, riding your orgasm against Jimin’s tongue, as the pleasure seems too much, too intense. But then the feeling starts to fade away and Jimin lets you relax as he leaves butterfly kisses against your thighs.
You try to catch your breath as Jimin’s kisses move upwards, up your stomach, to your breasts until he’s kissing you again. Your hands move to wrap around his neck, never having quite enough of him.
“This is not fair, you know…” you chastise him playfully, kissing his underjaw when a quiet moan rolls from his tongue.
“What’s not fair?” he asks, trying to keep up with the conversation but judging by the way his hip rut against you, you know he’s struggling.
“The fact I’m completely naked while you still have your clothes on…” you observe with a cock of your eyebrow and a smirk grazes his lips as his finger tugs at the elastic of your bra and lets it snap against your skin.
“Ah but you’re not completely naked…” he teases against your lips as his fingers move down your body in a sensual caress.
But being you, you take that as a challenge. So you push him slightly away just so you can move your hands behind your back and unclasp your bra with one movement.
Jimin’s eyes go wide as you flick the undergarment across the room, swallowing heavily before his eyes return to your bare chest.
“Now I am…” is your witty retort as you subtly arch your back just so he can have a better view. He stands there staring at you for a few seconds before he curses and moves quickly to get rid of his clothes.
You giggle at his impatience when he ends up stuck in his T-shirt, sporting an adorable pout. “Easy, baby, I’m not going anywhere…” you joke, sitting up to help him take off his t-shirt with a soft smile, one he reciprocates as he moves to unbuckle his pants.
“Well, it wasn’t me getting too impatient to- Wait…” he stops mid-sentence after taking his pants off. A spark of realization has entered his eyes before he turns to you to meet you with a teasing smile.
“Did you just call me baby?”
Your eyes widen in shock as a blush creeps into your cheeks and with a scoff you lightly shove him for daring to make fun of you.
“Y-you said it first, genius!” you try to justify yourself with a frown, but Jimin’s smirk only grows as he pushes aside his pants and crawls towards you.
“Yeah, but I’m not the one that spent more than half her life refusing to call her partners that because it’s cheesy…” he comments playfully as he traps you beneath his body once more.
“Even if the rule never applied to her…” he smiles teasingly at you, brushing his lips softly against your pout, reminding you that even if you never called your partners “baby”, you never stopped them from calling you that.
You purse your lips together as you look at your fidgeting hands, too embarrassed to look him in the eye. “Well…” you begin, swallowing the lump in your throat, “...you’re different…” you mumble quietly, not really ready to look at him even if you know he feels the same.
That has him halting, and as he sees you too uncomfortable to go on, he doesn’t say anything else. He presses a soft kiss to your knee instead, wishing to convey everything he feels as well through that small kiss.
The movement of his lips on your skin is so tender that has your heart flutter and, while he looks back at you, his smile puts your embarrassment to rest. Because he’s here for you because he feels the same.
“I know it comes a little late but… Can I kiss you?” he asks softly, eyes stuck on your face, tracing your features as if he hasn’t really seen you before, not until now.
The question has your heartbeat quicken even though it’s completely unnecessary. Though your lips stretch out in a smile as you nod.
Jimin leans closer, eyes on your lips as if he’s under some spell. You suppose it’s the same you’re under.
You let his lips envelop yours gently, hands tangling in his hair as you both find yourselves moving back until you’re lying down with Jimin on top of you.
Your hands are greedy to explore his body, even though you’ve done so before. Though that time you’re main motive was to get off, so now gives you the perfect opportunity to get reacquainted with his body, to map out every little detail to memory, until he’s the only thing you see.
His lips move lower to kiss and bite at the column of your throat, eliciting the sweetest moan from your lips that sound like music to Jimin’s ears.
Your breaths get quicker, hands moving recklessly to get rid of the remaining piece of fabric that separates you. Jimin rushes to help you, throwing away his boxers, now standing in his complete naked glory.
There’s nothing else to say, not really when a single look can convey everything you feel without unnecessary words. And the way Jimin looks at you right now makes you feel like you’re in heaven. Like you’re cared for, safe and content right here in his arms.
His hand brushes a lock behind your ear and the motion is so tender, loving, it makes your heart skip a beat.
“Are you ready?” he whispers softly, eyes gentle, ready to back off if you say so, reminding you of yet another reason you’re so helplessly in love with him.
You simply nod, too afraid to talk but your smile is all it takes for Jimin to go forward.
He grabs the base of his shaft, eyes glued at that spot between your legs with anticipation. He moves forward, guiding his tip through your folds, going slowly in case it’s painful but the look of pure bliss on your face and the way your walls welcome his cock has him losing control and going the rest of the way in with a deep thrust.
Your nails claw into the skin of his back with a loud cry while Jimin breathes deeply against the skin of your neck, making goosebumps rise on your skin.
“Fuck, I-...” he exhales, lost in the feeling of your pussy wrapping around him like a grip. “... You okay?” he says breathless, eyes searching yours for anything that’s not okay.
A breathless chuckle escapes you as you press your lips on his jawline. “More than okay. But please move.”
“Oh, thank god….” he mumbles before pulling out and thrusting in again. His movements are slow, yet the perfect pace to help you build up slowly but surely towards a second high.
Jimin rolls his hips with the expertise only a dancer could possess, driving his cock deeper and deeper with each roll, hitting that spot again and you can’t help but close your eyes to savour this feeling.
Shallow breaths leave you as his pubic bone brushes against your clit with each motion, driving you crazy.
“Ugh, you feel… mm’ so good…” he mumbles between thrusts, letting his lips land on your breasts, to suck lovebites on your skin.
“Jimin, fuck…!” you cry out, high-pitched moans escaping you as your hands go to his ass, coaxing him to drive his cock even deeper.
He growls from above your chest before you feel his palm cupping your cheek. “Open your eyes for me, love…” he mumbles quietly and you have no choice but to comply.
Opening your eyes, you’re met with Jimin’s piercing ones, staring at you intensely, burning with unspoken feelings that are too easy to recognize. After all, you feel them too.
You move to the side to kiss the inside of his palm before you smile at him.
He smiles back fondly at you before his hands move to lace his fingers with yours at each side.
“Keep your eyes on me, love…” he whispers before moving again.
This time around, his pace is slightly quicker, his cock hitting your sweet spot with renewed vigour and yet you can only concentrate on his eyes. His eyes that stare at you with such fondness and love it makes your eyes water.
You see the frown on his face before he stops moving in concern, yet you push your heels on his ass to keep him going.
“No, it’s okay, I’m okay, keep going…” you say, almost choking with the emotions overwhelming you. “It’s just that… I can’t believe I’m so lucky…” you admit softly, an unbelievable chuckle escaping you as you stare at him with what you hope he sees as undeniable adoration.
He smiles at you again, -you think you’ll never get tired of that smile-, before he leans in to kiss away the stray tear that flowed free from your eyes.
He picks up the pace once more, resting his forehead on top of yours, as shallow moans roll off your tongue. Your high keeps approaching, you can feel it and still you’re only focused on his eyes. Soft grunts escape him as he drives his hips into you, getting closer to his high as well, his hands grasping yours as if they’re a lifeboat.
He brushes his lips gently against yours before “I love you…” he mutters against you and you think your heart is gonna burst.
You press another kiss on his lips before, “I love you too.”
And then you don’t say anything else as your high approaches and after a few more thrusts you both come entangled in one another, each other’s names on your lips.
You lay like this for a few moments, with Jimin’s body on top of yours as both of you struggle to catch your breaths. Then your eyes find each other again and everything seems so clear, so right.
You can’t stop smiling at each other like lovesick fools as you fall asleep next to each other, at last content.
When Jimin wakes up the next morning he thinks it was all a dream.
But as his eyes rest on your peaceful sleeping form he knows he could never dream something as perfect as this.
He can’t help the lovesick smile taking over his lips as he looks at you through sleep-ridden eyes. He shuffles closer, resting his face on his hands to get a better look while you sleep soundly next to him. He feels like he can never get enough of you. Not now, not ever.
Suddenly your body begins moving though your eyes remain closed and Jimin figures you’re still asleep.
“Stop being creepy…” you mumble with a sleepy smile and Jimin grins too, realising he was wrong.
“I’m not being creepy…” he argues softly, still smiling. You pop open one eye to look at him unimpressed before you yawn and open both your eyelids.
“Oh, yeah, ‘cause it’s super romantic staring at me while I’m asleep, where can I find another man like that…” you tease him with a drowsy smile as your eyes find his.
He groans dramatically though his smile still remains. “You’re unbelievable…” he mumbles, his voice still gruff from sleep and you have to suppress a shiver before shuffling closer.
“I know but you love me…” you mumble against him before kissing his lips slowly. He lets himself get lost on the kiss before you lean back and he licks his lips to savour your taste.
“And now you can’t take it back!” you exclaim out loud before smiling mischievously at him.
Another groan breaks free from his lips. “Already regretting it…” he comments, checking your reaction from the corner of his eyes.
You gasp as if offended by his quip. “Well, maybe then I’ll just leave so you won’t regret it anymore!” you respond, gathering his sheet on your chest as you make a move to leave his bed.
But Jimin is faster, grabbing you by the waist and throwing you back on the bed, crawling on top of you with a predatory smile.
��Now, now, let’s not result in desperate measures…” he dives in for another kiss.
You can’t help but smile again as you kiss him, hands circling around his neck as he softly bites your bottom lip.
“Careful sir. You might trigger something dangerous here…” you whisper seductively, moving one leg so your thigh can rub against his already half-hard member.
Jimin’s smirk only grows. “Mmm, maybe I like danger…” he responds before his lips envelop yours once more. His hands travel beneath the sheet, tracing your skin before they move lower and-.
A loud bang echoes through the apartment, surprising both of you before a booming voice is heard through the walls, one that belongs to none other than Hoseok himself.
“Have you fucked yet or nah?!”
Your eyes widen, face immediately growing red. Jimin looks at you with an apologetic smile and before you get to ask why Hoseok is asking that, said man bursts into the room.
There’s a sudden explosion of sounds, you screaming as you hide beneath Jimin, Jimin cursing at Hoseok as he pulls the sheet to cover you both and Hoseok whistling at the image before him.
“Woah! You finally did it buds, I’m so happy for you!” he cheers you on as he steps inside to fist bump a very angry looking Jimin and a very visibly confused you.
“Hoseok, excuse my french, but what the fuck are you doing here?” Jimin is positively seething with his friends' interruption but as you see Hoseok basically beaming at the both of you, you can’t help but giggle at the absurd situation.
“I came to see if my buddies finally worked it out! And you did, finally! Can you imagine if you hadn’t and I’d burst through the door screaming that? That’d be awkwaaaaaaard!” he comments, too cheerful to notice Jimin’s deadly stare and you bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing.
“Right. That would’ve been awkward…” Jimin comments sarcastically though Hoseok still seems oblivious as he sits on top of the bed with a happy smile hanging from his lips.
You’re about to burst into giggles as you watch Jimin’s eyes growing wider in disbelief and you’re certain he’s gonna kill Hoseok any minute now.
“I’m so happy for you guys! My besties are finally dating!” he comments full of joy and Jimin is about to have smoke pouring out of his ears.
“Hobi, we’re happy too but I think it’d be better for you if you left…” you comment with a smile, pointing with your head at Jimin who’s about to lose it any second.
Hoseok’s eyes widen finally in realization. “Oh, whoops! Right, right, I’m leaving, keep going, stallion, show her how it’s done!” Hoseok throws finger guns at Jimin as he leaves the room and closes the door behind him.
As soon as Hoseok is out of earshot and you turn to look at Jimin you can’t help but burst into giggles by how absolutely mad he looks.
Though when you start laughing, Jimin’s incredulous stare turns to you. “Why are you even laughing?!”
Even though his ominous stare is directed at you, you can’t stop laughing. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s just too funny!” you say breathlessly through your giggles.
“Too funny?!” he asks incredulously before his gaze turns dark. His eyes have your laughter dying in your throat and instead another feeling rising up at the pit of your stomach.
“I’ll show you funny…” he whispers sinfully before he lunges forward and you forget what you were laughing at for the rest of the day.
There are more important matters to tend to.
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
Oh here's a prompt idea: Movie!Sonic meets Game!Sonic and they marvel at how different they both are. Amy finally catches up after chasing Sonic and is heaven seeing two Sonic's. Movie!Sonic having never met another hedgehog let alone one as forward and open as Amy is enamored and Game!Sonic is conflicted if he's happy a version of himself is loosening up but worried Amy will take too much of a likening to him. So like a sprinkle of jealous Sonic but we know where Amy's heart lies.
You’ll find my response to this prompt here: The pajama blogs 24:25
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After a dimensional rift is created by Game!Eggman, the game counterparts are flung into Movie!Sonic’s world.
After some zany fun and shenanigans', the two finally realize the ‘double-ganger’ wasn’t ‘Shadow’ or ‘Metal Sonic’ at all, but actually a different Sonic!
“Woah!” Before Game!Sonic could even say anything, mimicking Game!Sonic’s actions a second as they both think they’re staring in a reflection behind a fountain’s waterfall effect, Game!Sonic is the first one to to actually say something. “You’re-! The other me! Oh, this is awesome!” Zips to his other side, as Game!Sonic is amazed but kinda used to these things by now?
So he simply smiles, opens his mouth to say something but then Movie!Sonic continues to zip around him and lift different parts of him up.
“I saw you save that rich Chris kid from falling off that tower. I also save people from towers, long story, quick spark notes, they’re now kinda my mom and dad. Oh~ Buckles! Shiny, but why a buckle? Do you not know how to tie shoes? Me neither. Do slip-ons exist in your world? What’s your world like? Never really knew mine. Were buckles ever in season? Trendy? Why are your arms the color of your skin and why is your quills a solid form, do you compact them with gel? That’s a lot of gel. Why is your blue darker than mine but my fur tanner than your... again, skin? Why do you shave? Also, you look a little like a two-eyed cyclops-HEY!”
Game!Sonic, rolling his eyes at the young energy, swipes the Chaos Emerald from Movie!Sonic’s quills and moves away from him, waving a finger.
“Thanks, that’s cool, weird. Buckles are always cool. No, okay, yes but no, exciting and beautiful, that’s a shame. Always and forever, because they are, no gel, all natural, I guess I get more sun while you get more bleach, and nice joints, stick-figure.”
Game!Sonic waited a second... looking a bit confused and/or offended... before giving off a goofy grin and simply stating, “Touche.”
“Do you know what this is?” Game!Sonic pointed to the Chaos Emerald.
“No idea, but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.” Game!Sonic teased and hugged himself, “But in all seriousness, that weird, pudgy Eggman with the wild stache has been trying to snatch it from me like Chilifries!”
“Always the chilifries.” Game!Sonic shook his head and looked up as though relating hard with that, “Well, It’s important. I need 6 more of these... and wait, was Eggman ever NOT fat?”
The two stared at each other a second, and then Movie!Sonic looked away and puckered his lips back as though not wanting to say anything to the look that Game!Sonci gave him.
Turning around, Game!Sonic winced and spread his mouth back, showing his teeth and an expression of ‘uh oh’ at the voice and figure coming towards them.
However... when Movie!Sonic turned around...
‘I know a girl who's tough but sweet She's so fine, she can't be beat Got everything that I desire Sets the summer sun on fire.’
As the song played, Amy’s quills swished around as she ran, her dress also scooted to one side and her smile lit up the world. She winked, but it was really just her ducking from the reflection of the water glaring her eyes and then jumped into a starstruck Movie!Sonic.
Game!Sonic looked down at them.
‘IIII~ Want candy~ I~ Want candy~’
“Oh! I’m so glad I was able to find you again, Sonic! Hehe! You can’t separate two fated lovers!” She squee’d, nuzzling in as Movie!Sonic’s eyes were a bit loopy but he shook himself free of the music and looked greatly conflicted.
On one hand, this is totally awesome.
On the other hand, fated lovers?!
“What just happened?” Movie!Sonic gently tried to get her off but her grip was ferociously strong. “Emm! Lady! I-It’s very nice-! Ah! To meet... you...toooooo!” He finally gasped for air when he got her off of him, but Game!Sonic just snickered into his hands.
“Amy, meet Other Sonic from this dimension. Then meet again.” Game!Sonic introduced them before giving a sarcastic look to her when he pointed back to himself.
She had to study them a second but then flew her hands up by her face, getting up off the ground she was sitting down on. “Oh my rings! I’m so sorry! Are you alright?”
She leaned over Movie!Sonic, “Wow! Now that I look at you... you really do look young!”
“And I’m fluffy too.” Movie!Sonic zipped back up, shaking himself off as he suddenly turned poofy from the friction in his quills.
“Ah! Haha!” Amy pointed and got lightly zapped, then clapped as though easily-amused by his antics. “He’s so cute!”
Game!Sonic had to do a double-take, folding his arms as she said that...
“You’re even taller than Sonic!”
Then pouting.
“And you’re uhh... As pink as a gumball!” Movie!Sonic thought fast, scratching behind his head in his nerves and leaning one foot out and up towards her, then skidding it on the ground to then move closer to her, where he had placed it. “N-not that I like gumballs.” He saw Game!Sonic’s expression and immediately grew nervous, shaking his hands out in front of her, “They get stuck in your teeth, but the sugar is nice.”
Amy just giggled, “Amy. Amy Rose.” She offered him her hand and instead of taking it... though reaching out for it, he looked over his shoulder at Game!Sonic and stood back, bowing to her instead.
“You must be a secret princess or something from your world, right? Is he here to protect you or something?” Movie!Sonic threw a thumb back towards Game!Sonic as she giggled into her hands, then swayed back and forth as her hands intertwined and laid at her front.
“Hehe, he’s a charmer... for sure!”
She then noticed the Chaos Emerald in Game!Sonic’s folded arms as he groaned at how sweet they were being to one another.
“Oh! A Chaos Emerald! I almost forgot! I was trying to tell you I found one, but I lost it to that Metal silver robot...”
“That’s gotta be Metal Sonic!” Movie!Sonic suddenly stated, “I saw him come through the portal when you guys did!”
“Two Metal Sonics? Oh no...” Amy cupped her face, worried about their own world’s Metal Sonic... “But it definitely looked funny...”
“Yeah, Dr. Robotnik is a funny sort of fellow.” Movie!Sonic thought she meant the doctor...
“Umm...” Amy looked confused, about to correct him but Game!Sonic stuck out his arm.
“It’s nice to stay and chat like old pals, Amy, but we could use a direction on where he went with that Chaos Emerald.”
“Oh, right!” Amy immediately gave them the locations, and as they sped off, Movie!Sonic kept showing off for Amy instead of actually trying to get the Chaos Emerald.
It was annoying Game!Sonic, “Hey, focus, man!” he cried out as Movie!Sonic was too distracted to realize that the robot was shooting straight at where he had dived to catch the Chaos Emerald.
“Oh no!” Amy covered her eyes, but then threw her hammer, “Just kidding~” she jumped into the battle and saved Movie!Sonic.
He was deeply embarrassed after that, and found he was becoming lamer and lamer the more he tried to impress her, being clumsy and the like.
With all the flattery too... Game!Sonic started to worry about Amy.
“Hey, ease up, will ya?” He finally told Movie!Sonic. “You’re making me look bad here...”
“Wait, really?!” Movie!Sonic shook his head pretty quickly, “I thought you were being cooler than me! That’s why I tried so hard to make a good impression!”
“What? Dude, I know you haven’t known Amy for very long, but she’s not someone to judge that fast. She’s got a good sense of character, and she knows you’re just nervous, loosen up and quit trying so hard. You’ve gotta be naturally cool to be a Sonic.” he dusted himself off and gave him his typical Sonic smirk and wink, pointing out his thumb and index finger and tucking it up under his chin. “If you believe it, then you are it.”
“Ohhh... Attitude. Got it!” Movie!Sonic stopped trying so much to impress Amy and went back to the mission, only concerned about his image looking pathetic around her.
Later, it was clear Amy was favoring Movie!Sonic, trying to get his attention in normal ways again, but he absent-mindedly disregarded her each time.
Feeling ignored, Amy went to Game!Sonic, asking if she had insulted or hurt Movie!Sonic on accident, and wanted to make things right.
“Gee, you’re really worried about how he sees you, huh?” Game!Sonic was pitching up a tree-tent to sleep under, tying a rope below the tree as Amy nervously fidgeted.
“I just don’t understand! I didn’t do anything to make him feel like I wasn’t be polite or kind enough...” she twiddled her fingers, but then, just as Game!Sonic was gonna tell her the truth, she embraced him from behind.
“I’m glad you’re not like that Sonic... at least, when I talk to you, you hear me out, right?”
He suddenly had a crooked smile on his face, and all honesty went out the window.
His ears curled as though horns and patted Amy’s arm. “Oh, of course, Amy! I would never treat you so poorly...”
She sniffled, and he beamed even more.
“Tell ya what, maybe you should stick with our universe for a while... make you feel better.” He patted and stroked her head in a condensing way, smirking at his own devious plans.
Amy was now very dismissive of Movie!Sonic, causing him to wonder what he did wrong. She was a bit vicious in her absolute disregard for him, not like his unintentional way with her.
Discussing it with Game!Sonic, he put two and two together and realized he had turned her against him.
It sparked a rivalry, a figurative tug-o-war before Amy finally saw them both work together to help her when she was surrounded by Eggman’s robots, threatening to make her a lab-experiment.
“This Dr. Robotnik is nuts!”
“Wasn’t he always?” The two said at the same time, fist-bumping and chuckling, as Game!Sonic let Movie!Sonic carry her back to camp.
After that, they didn’t let Amy get in-between their fun, and they sort of bonded over it.
Amy... was still confused, but was now fighting for both their attentions, as they led her on thinking they were ‘just too busy’ but secretly just liking her work for their attentions instead of the other way around!
Oh, but she got back at them!
By the end, they had two nasty bumps on the head to prove it!
“Phew! That was fun, but maybe... I don’t think I’ll be seeing her again.” Movie!Sonic lightly rubbed his large bum on his head before... “Oh great...” His eyes shrunk as a yellow fox he now knew was ‘Tails’ arrived and with him... a new rosy pink hedgehog...
And the hammer thumping on the head never ceased from then on in~<3
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juminly · 4 years
Hey! Could I ask for a One Piece matchup? I've sent you the infos per discord ;D
Sonata of Love 
Summary: The story of how you fall in love with Law, Shanks and Coby. 
First Movement “Andante”: The Shichibukai, Trafalgar D. Law
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Context: Law overheard that you needed to go to a certain destination and he so happened to be passing by/actually going there and one of the Heart Pirates so graciously invited you to come with, without Law’s permission (which obviously drove him mad). He let you join on the journey (while being wary of you).
As an INTP, this man has quite a calm and serious exterior but it doesn’t necessarily reflect what is hidden deep down. His interest in you began brewing slowly but also grew as he continued to observe you with his analytical and piercing gaze. The beginning of your story would be slow and steady. The man is a strategist and a thinker at heart, and diving into the world of romance is as risky a move as attacking a Yonko. (at least to a man like him).
The more you interact with each other or just being around one another, you begin to notice how kind he is. It was only a matter of time that you would prove that you are trustworthy, seeing how easily you got along with his crew (more like his family) and how you were just one of the guys (but not to him). He begins warming up to you. How did he show it?
Both of you would tease each other endlessly about everything and anything, even the silliest things out there but the banter was definitely a major factor that contributed to heighten the attraction between the two of you. The connection between you becomes electric and almost palpable, which becomes more evident as time goes by.
His cold exterior is nothing but a facade, especially when you see how he melts when faced with Bepo’s pleading eyes and cute mannerisms. His contrariness is the perfect combination with your teasing nature and paves the way for more opportunity for both of you to be yourselves around each other.
He’s used to being surrounded by the silliness of his adorable dorky crew members, so he is definitely not fazed by your quirkiness and actually has a soft spot for it. His lips, usually pressed into a straight line would slightly quirk up on the sides, showing a half smile whenever you get engrossed into something you enjoy or are up to some shenanigans with whoever your partner(s) in crime is (are). (eventually, he will become your partner in crime)
He might often find himself lost in thought, imagining, calculating and planning four steps ahead of where he is, as he is obscenely focused on achieving his goals.
His hyperfocus might put him in situations where he can be sometimes not fully attentive to what you are saying however, he is quick to turn things around and would apologize and make it up to you by lending you his full attention.
The chemistry between you feels strongest when you simply talk to one another, about anything in the world; discovering the broad horizons hidden within your minds. The deeper the conversations got, the closer you became and the more you revealed to one another.
He respects your independence and freedom and he is definitely not meddlesome. He would definitely not bother you if you seemed to be fine on your own, would simply leave you to your own devices whenever you were satisfied doing whatever it is that you are doing. You both understand that you have certain boundaries that you don’t feel comfortable crossing and wouldn’t push one another into talking or doing something they are not comfortable doing (until either of you feel like they are ready to open up or actually want to ask for help). 
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The most adorable thing about this man is the way he blushes and pouts. There are multiple scenarios where that may happen: if he is caught thinking about something that he think he should not be thinking about (about you and the many things you could do together), whenever you tease him about a topic that turns out to be a bit sensitive cause it is related to you somehow or whenever he is talking about his feelings.
Your confession most probably went like this: 
- Law is sitting outside on the docks when everyone is asleep and just staring up at the moon, uncharacteristically humming to himself. - You suddenly show up and sit beside him. - Yuno: You realize that you have a terrible voice. *laughs* - Law: It’s not like your voice is any better. - Yuno: I never claimed that it was. *raises an eyebrow* - Law: But, you know… it actually is much better. I kinda like it. - Yuno: No, it’s not. Shut up! - Law: I’m telling you it is! You better shut your mouth. - Yuno: No, You sh... And just like that, Law kissed you ever so lightly, as an excuse to shut you up but blushed like crazy and stopped himself from apologizing after pulling back. He definitely did not regret kissing you but was afraid about what you thought of him. You never really showed romantic inclinations towards him and he wasn’t really planning on doing anything about it. The kiss just… happened. He was delightfully surprised when you grabbed his jacket and pulled him in for a deeper kiss before pushing him down on the hard wood of the docks and locked lips into they became swollen.
Once in a relationship with you, he is not demanding of your affections. He understands that your world does not revolve around him and his world does not revolve around you. He considers you as an intimate partner that he could share not only his ambitions with (like his crew), but his mind, body and soul (and the burdens that also come with life).
He actually loves to cuddle, especially when you’re the big spoon.
Places he kisses you to show affection: your hands.
NSFW ahead ~
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Most probably demisexual
He is a big ass tsundere in romance and in bed too! (Which makes teasing him even more satisfying)
Law most definitely read about sex before, touched himself now and then (rarely so) but his sexual experience is almost non-existent (“almost” because he is too ashamed to admit that he has no knowledge about something so essential).
As detached and cold as he makes himself to be, Law is quite the romantic lover and is especially fond of when you sweet talk him (even if you tease him while doing it).
When you coax the most erotic sounds from him, which are mostly very soft moans and grunts, Law gets awfully flustered and embarrassed (trying to cover his face), his cheeks tinged in a deep red that only made you want to do even more things to him. He often bites his lips, instinctively whining at your touch whenever you touch him, tease him or especially when you’re edging him.
He likes to cum on your face or your chest (only when you let him).
Favourite positions: cowgirl and doggy-style (whenever you’re pegging him, when he’s facing away from you, he’s less flustered and releases all his inhibitions [which becomes less of an issue for him as time goes by but he’ll always be your blushy boy]).
He likes to think that he has some sort of self-control but you know that from the moment he starts biting his lips, you know that he can’t hold himself back. And there is nothing more beautiful than seeing the always so composed Trafalgar D. Law, completely unhinged in the throes of lust.
He challenges you almost all the time and has trouble just completely giving in (but that’s just what he wants you to think because he actually enjoys when you dom him).
He loves to tease you but almost can’t take it when you tease him back because he is fully aware that you are his weakness. 
He does prefer being on the receiving end. However, relationships are all about giving and taking and he enjoys giving you pleasure more and more, feeling rewarded whenever you praise him or when he sees your beautiful face as you reach your climax.
He was quite open about trying new things but there were still slivers of doubt and possibly, slight fear in his eyes. Something in the back of his mind told him that you would love him less if he appeared weak before you, although he knew deep down that it was definitely not true. These insecurities were engraved in his mind after losing Rosinante, which, until adulthood, he was still suffering from.
When it came to experimenting, you were able to find ways where you were both able to meet each other halfway. A trait in your relationship that you both valued more than anything else: your communication and understanding of one another.
You knew that Law actually liked having your eyes on him while he touched himself. It’s not that he was proud and liked to put on a show and flaunt his body to you. It was more of his way of expressing his desire for you.
And how you discovered that? You walked in on him a few times while he would just be starting to pleasure himself (he began to touch himself more after being with you and would usually time it so that you could be there as a spectator), you woke up to hearing his whines (and a few moans when he calls out your name) while he jerked himself off as you laid beside him.
The easiest way to get him to try new things was if he did it “things” to himself with you being there with him. Slowly but surely, he became more comfortable with what he was not so familiar with (and the foreign sensations it came with). First, you played a game with him where he had to listen to every single thing you said before you rode him the rest of the night. Law was most cooperative when roleplaying with you so you took that to your advantage (and you always do).
Eager for his promised reward (while trying to look disgruntled about it), he listened to each and every word you had to say. His hands gliding over his chest and his thighs, teasing himself while he frowned at you, knowing that you would stretch things out as long as possible, until he was going to be completely spent. When you told him to suck on his fingers, he had absolutely no idea what you were planning and was surprised when you told him to slowly circle his fingers around his entrance and gently push one finger inside and then another, thrusting in and out. That’s when he mumbled (with gasps in between his words): “You are… a devil… in an angel’s body…”
You couldn’t help but fall deeper in love with him when you saw him explore his own body before you, diving into new experiences that he knew would satisfy the both of you. It was all about taking baby steps and then slowly introducing some toys into the picture: butt plugs, dildos before you actually started to fuck him (it took a bit of time but you finally got there!).
Even as his uncharacteristic tsundere-like shyness persists (which is usually displayed through cursing under his breath, lots of grumbling and pouting), he became more candid about his desires and needs. He happened to mumble something about wanting to feel himself filling you while also feeling full at the same time (he actually revealed his ultimate weakness to you!). It was up to you to read between the lines or force the words out of him.
You’ve offered him quite a few times to take control but after trying it out a few times, Law didn’t really feel like himself so he would just “pass” on your suggestions (never admitting the truth of matter, like the tsundere that he is).
His “reluctant” form of enthusiasm was more than inviting and was full of promise and potential.
Kinks: roleplay, orgasm denial (being the one denied), overstimulation (being the one overstimulated), being watched by you.
Second Movement “Allegro/Vivace”: The Yonkō, Akagami no Shanks
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Context: You caught his eye from the first time he had a chat with you. He was stopping by a bar/restaurant and being the friendly captain that he is, he struck up a conversation with you and it was enough to pique his interest in you. The way you talked back, the way you challenged his words and even questioned him and what he was doing as a pirate, unfazed by the fact that he is the infamous captain of the Red Hair pirates.
He was evidently struck by the innocence of your appearance but he didn’t let it fool him, especially with your overall demeanor. The way your smoky blue eyes held his, you thoroughly impressed him and that was enough to win him over. You were strong and there was nothing more attractive to him than a strong woman.
Always with a contagious smile on his face, happiness filled the air whenever you were near him. And just as pirates always needed sake to be around, Shanks felt something similar with you. He knew that you were pure of heart, a possible devil in disguise but most importantly, entertaining (which is something he could never turn down).
He didn’t push you to join him, but he let know that you were always welcome on his ship. And that’s how everything started. He didn’t need an extra crew member, he has all he needed. But he’s the type of person to live by the “You only live once” rule and he was not one to live with regrets. And he wasn’t going to let himself regret not having lived each moment of his life to the fullest.
In no time, you became one of the crew, each one of them teaching you a set of skills and you gained musical experience as you went from land to land, picking up on new skills and learning from various masters across the Blue Sea.
The Red Hair Captain treated everyone equally and was never one to demean any person for their social status, the pirate bounty or which faction they were part of. So, you felt respected and like you truly belonged on that ship, never feeling out of place for a moment.
But there was one day where you felt like things were different and that you were different to him. He often jokes around about the scars on his eye, not giving much importance to the topic (and basically, finding ways to evade it by bringing up other things very smoothly). But when you asked him about it one day when you were alone, he actually told you the truth about the matter. A serious and solemn expression washed over his face as he recounted to you the unfortunate events that lead to his scars, his ties to Blackbeard and his past as part of Roger’s crew.
He didn’t have to tell you that you were special to him. Actions spoke louder than words and that’s exactly what happened. And many times after that, which is something you’ve adopted as well.
Whenever you did something well (example: if you were playing a piece over and over again until you finally got it right) or when he simply wanted to thank you for a gesture, he would press a soft kiss to your forehead, cheek or even on your hand (as a form of reward). Since you’re a female, the crew thought nothing of his gestures, thinking that it was just his way with women (even though they knew for a fact that Shanks never really cared about one’s sex).
It came so easily, being physically intimate and close with the man, even when the sparks of attractions had only begun to set aflame the embers of your romance. Fleeting pecks on the cheek evolved onto swift kisses on the lips, given in a teasing manner. That’s one thing that you both have in common and drove you closer to one another.
Your first true kiss was not initiated by one of you, but it was a matter of both of you meeting each other in the middle, at least. There was no more teasing or chasing. It had been a long night and you were both exhausted, not wanting the time you shared to end (although you spent your waking hours surrounded by one another). Your eyes were locked on his and no words had to be spoken. The air is heavy and your mutual yearning was thick and palpable. One hand in his and the other on his neck, you pulled him in and he was most gladly reeled in to truly taste your lips, for the first time.
When you became lovers, it went without saying that this man had absolutely no shame and did not mind PDA at all, which is kinda endearing (especially when he never liked showing special treatment to anyone, but when it came to you, he can’t help but express his affection for you).
In every other aspect of your lives, both of you were completely independent and never really relied on one another. Being an INFJ (like you), he often liked to deal with things on his own and respected/valued the fact that you were also the same.
Shanks will go wherever the wind takes him and that’s what makes him so unpredictable. Nobody could ever tell what he’s thinking but he will always do the right thing. People might doubt the moral compass of a pirate but this man’s judgement can and should be unquestionable. And when it comes to you, he would never tie you down to him, knowing how dangerous of a life he leads.
Shanks would give you the choice to be with him on his ventures with his crew or go your separate way and pursue your own dreams. Even as your lover, he knows that he has no right to stand in the way of your path in your life. No matter where your paths may take you, your love will always bring you back together and it is always where you meet. His love for you is his Northern Star and no matter where he was, he would find you and the same goes for you.
Kisses of affection: on your forehead, your temples and your head.
NSFW ahead ~
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Shanks might possibly be secretly a hedonist and has no qualms of engaging with men or women to pursue a romantic liaison or for sexual pleasure. Pleasure is what he seeks  and he doesn’t care much about how he obtained it. Once he discovered your tendency and inclination to domination, he gladly submits to you while lightly challenging you here and there, just to keep things fun and for a nice laugh, now and then.
He is a true free-spirit and power dynamics are not a subject of his interest. Sexual intercourse is an enactment of one’s desires and instincts, a representation of one’s true feelings and an expression of one’s love (or hate). He simply wants  to be touched by you, to touch you and feel your love in whatever shape or form it may be.
He is very accommodating to your needs and adapts to satisfy them while obtaining mutual pleasure (also, only when you allow him to get it).
He is a very generous man and likes to give more than he likes to receive. He gets off the idea of giving you pleasure and is simply turned on by the fact that he is able to please you, in any shape or form (by submitting to you, touching you, letting you touch him etc…).
He isn’t loud but he is vocal enough for you to know whether he is enjoying what you are doing or not: soft to rough grunts and groans with the occasional guttural moan especially when you edge him.
He loves to cum on your hands (and watch you lick his release off your hands or even make him do it) or on your stomach.
Favourite positions: seated lotus and missionary (when you’re pegging him).
Dirty talk is 100% his thing and he’ll whisper the filthiest things in your ear, even with his crew around, to rile you up (and possibly enjoy the sweet punishment that he would suffer for making you so wet with just a few words).
Even with one hand, Shanks is extremely dexterous and with skilled and practiced fingers and his tongue, he could bring you to the brink of an orgasm. Considering the wealth of his knowledge and experience, the time it takes for you to reach your climax all depends on him and obviously, your instructions.
In fact, he helped you explore and learn more about the dom in you. Telling you about his previous experiences and his knowledge about sex, he allowed you to step further out of your comfort zone, where you would both experiment new things together.
He isn’t a sadist or a masochist but has a deep understanding and appreciation of the fine line between pain and pleasures and is completely enthralled when you edge him, as you make him beg and chase for a release that would be totally worth all the teasing and pain.
He already has an interesting collection of sex toys which he allows you to use on him (and would only use on you, if you suggested it or wanted to know how it would feel like). From different sized dildos, to butt plugs, nipple clamps, spreader bar, flogs , anal beads and even cock rings (which he is a big fan of). His collection is a representation of how truly adventurous he is as an individual.
About his interest in cock rings: He revels in the pain of you riding his swollen cock while it twitches and begs for release (figuratively and literally). He loves even the most sadistic thing you throw at him. With the cock ring  making his member throb insistently, he indulges the most in pleasuring you with his mouth, making you find your release over and over again with your legs about his shoulders and his head between your legs. Once you remove the ring from around his cock, one stroke from your hand or with one thrust inside you and he’s already in heaven.
How he is when pegging is involved: he enjoys the feeling of being filled and fucked by you. With his legs spread wide for you (or even wrapped around your waist), he likes watching you fuck him and pound into him while you stroke him simultaneously. You have the pleasure of seeing the captain in the most compromising, vulnerable and erotic state that anyone would ever have the chance to see.
Kinks: SM play, a bit of exhibitionism, breath play/choking, edging.
His possible weaknesses are when you ravage his neck and jerk him off, while telling him all the ways you plan on doing,  making him burn and writhe for you; when you lick off his release from his stomach and look into his eyes while doing so (he officially loses it).
Third Movement “Allegro Modera”: Rear-Admiral Coby/Koby
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Context: He saw you playing at a festival with a local band and he was completely entranced by the way you played. He was stationed at the Navy HQ for a while so he had the chance to roam around Sabaody Archipelago where he had the opportunity to come across you. It was one of the few gigs you had and the opportunities you used to improve your skills and be exposed to new and different things. 
One day, his legs took him to where your band always practiced and watched the entire session with bated breath. To anyone else, he just looked like either a weirdo or a music enthusiast but he was neither. He was mystified by the skill it took for each one of the musicians to actually play the way they did. 
You recognized him from the festival and went to speak to him (also because the band/orchestra manager wanted you to check it you guys were in some sort of trouble or something). He just blurted out of nowhere: “Would you like to play at Navy HQ?” (And somehow, you became regulars there and at some point, you became their band)
He’s actually a bookworm and spends a lot of his time studying about history, civilizations, the history of the Navy, Pirates and even the Celestial Dragons. He knows for a fact that this information will aid him into becoming a “good” and “righteous individual”.
He’s loyal as a dog when it comes to his friends and loved ones.
Being the peacemaker that he is, he is constantly striving to learn more about the world and about others. He strongly believes that once we learn more about one another and understand each other, there would be less conflict in the world. That type of thinking was ingrained in his mind whenever it came to his professional or personal life.
When it came to you, he was always curious and very keen to learn about you and about your interests, always asking you questions about things he didn’t know.
 He loved watching how your face lit up when you spoke about something you loved and it might his chest feel tighter in a very weird way (he actually went to the doctor to check if there was something wrong with him and the doctor had to tell him 1000x that he was the epitome of health).
Much like yourself, he becomes very animated and excited when you ask him about the books he’s read or about things that he’s learned from Garp, who he looks up immensely.
He is a training/fitness freak, taking . Trained all the soldiers so diligently until it completely wore him down but for some reason, having you around made him push himself and his soldiers even more (which made them come to you quite often and ask you to engage him in some other activity, but definitely not training).
It’s his duty (as part of the Navy) to protect others and always feels the need to protect the weak. That being said, you proved countless times that you could hold up on your own, without needing anyone else’s him.
Being surrounded by Marines doesn’t mean that you were in the most friendly of environment, some of the Navy soldiers obnoxiously thought of themselves as predators and tried to forcibly flirt with you or force you into joining them for a drink. Without resorting to violence, your words were more than enough to put the men in their place, cutting them like sharp knives.
In that instance, he found a kindred spirit in you. You were not one to throw themselves into needless action when there could be a smarter way out of situations.
However, that didn’t mean that you wouldn’t need the skill set to defend yourself. Which is why he started giving you self-defense lessons and soon after, began giving you private training as well. He strongly believed in your talent and thought that a talented woman with a beautiful (and striking) appearance such as yours could find herself in unwanted situations.
He respected your intelligence and actually loved the fact that you were quirky. It was refreshing when he was in an environment where he has to be so proper, being the rear-Admiral and all. 
However, his position never affected the way he treats those around him so he also ends up looking weird when he rambles about things out of nowhere (and soldiers are just dying to find excuses to make him shut up).
There were certain moments where he had to stop training but his body would start acting up on him because of the close contact with you. You were definitely strong and getting even stronger (which made him so proud of you!), but he was not immune to your femininity (and touching your curves).
Never got used to you teasing him, always blushing and too flustered to come up with a reply.
He was often teased by other Navy soldiers that he was a soldier through and through and lacked the mannerisms of a true gentleman (which was not true at all). This was a rumour that was spread amongst his comrades by Garp to actually get poor Koby to act on his feelings, which he had no idea about.
You once found him reading a bizarre looking book about flirting techniques and how to approach women. He looked like he was doing something sketchy and afraid to get caught. So, you snuck up next to him very slowly and sat next to him. He was hyper focused and couldn’t even tell that you were there [letting his guard down like that will get him killed! But you’re no killer ;)].
Your presence near him didn’t register until you grabbed his chin and locked your lips together, making his heart leap out of his body. He almost melted on the spot and became putty in your hands right then and there. The pink flush dusting his cheeks made you pepper soft pecks over his cheekbones, coaxing the most adorable throaty chuckle from the young gentleman.
As you became lovers, Coby didn’t feel the need to show off the fact that you were his or act protective in any kind of way. You were your own person and being his lover wasn’t something that would define who you were and become part of your identity.
In a professional capacity, you were simply employed by the same organization and knew that you wouldn’t always be by his side, which was more than okay with him.
He absolutely loves it when you play with his hair (as he lays his head on your lap and reads something while you are doing something else).
He loves watching you play music and sometimes, he starts tearing up when he does (you don’t bring it up to him because it brings back some sensitivity about him being called “crybaby” in the past). If you kiss his tears away, he would smile shyly at you and whisper every single time “You are just… so beautiful”.
He gets awfully flustered whenever you pat his head (but if a day goes by without you doing this, he feels like there is something missing).
Kisses of affection: cheeks and nose.
NSFW ahead ~
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Sex was not something he was acquainted with nor was it something that he paid much attention to. During his entire life, the only thing he’s ever done was relieve himself, only when he had to (in the morning, after training or in the nighttime when his body suddenly felt extremely hot and his cock would grow heavy and hard).
It was a journey of self-discovery that he embarked on with you. Coby was nervous the first few times, not knowing what to expect and what exactly he was supposed to do. But, you were always there to guide him through it all, discovering things about him as you touched him and taught him things about yourself, as you allowed him to touch you in return.
In the beginning, you were both satisfied with just hand jobs, fingering and oral sex but soon after that, things got hot and heavy quickly as you both simply needed more. Having trained him as well as you have, he didn’t bat a lash when you introduced sex toys into your dynamic (which he actually was excited to try).
This boy… Oh boy… He was born for you to please and born to please you. He was extremely vocal, his moans were the most salacious and scandalous thing you’ve ever heard, which makes you want to dom him even more than you already do.
His eyes are always so clear and inviting, his purity is almost palpable and the only thing he wants is you, no matter how he can. You know he is turned on when he licks his lips and they remain parted as he looks into your eyes.
Coby might seem like the timid type (which deep deep down, he still might be and it shows with the flush of his cheeks) but he is shameless when it comes to his desire for you. You told him to always be open about his desires when it came to your romantic/sexual relationship and that’s what he did and always intended to do, when it came to you.
Coby was a raw instrument, for you to fine tune, strum and use as you pleased. And he once told you while he was in the depth of passion, “Every single time we are together, I want you to play me like there is no tomorrow. Please.”
His diligence towards you and ensuring you were satisfied was heartwarming. The most adorable thing that you ever found in his room was a small notebook in his drawer where he took notes of the things you like and dislike, with scribbles and annotations everywhere. (you actually caught him once, writing in that same notebook in the middle of the night with a happy smile on your face, but you acted like you were asleep, not letting him know that you were in on his endearing little secret).
His favourite position: 69 (he enjoys being in a position where he is blessed by your touch and also being able to touch your skin and taste you + loves it when you both prepare each other for the sultry nights you spend together).
He can’t really decide on what other position could be his favourite because he enjoyed all the ones you’ve tried so far. However, he prefers the ones where you are facing each other.
He is incapable of dirty talk. He is too polite for that type of thing and respects you too much to even say filthy things in your presence (the worst curse he’s ever used is “shit” and with the occasional “fuck”, when things are really bad). He loves saying loving and sweet things to you, calling out your name and “my love/darling”.
For some reason, he doesn’t like the idea of covering you with his release. He’d much rather come inside of you. But, he also discovered he kinda likes to cum on your back (that one time you wanted to see how it would be like if he got really rough with you - in front of a mirror).
Whenever you suggest to him to do whatever he wants, he would get confused. He honestly believes that the way things are between you is actually how it’s supposed to be. But being the man that he is, he didn’t want to say “no” to you. He was most comfortable letting you take control, wanting to make sure that you were thoroughly satisfied and not risking the fact of doing something not to please you.
And when it actually happened, you thought that he was out for revenge for all the times you made him cry for release but he was only expressing his devotion to you. It was quite a spectacle when you were curious to see how he would be like if he took control. 
He turns into a starved animal but not in the way you thought. He covered your skin with kisses, not letting a single curve untouched or unkissed. Coby is into body worship and made sure that you were thoroughly aware of it, wanting you to know how devoted he is to you.
If anyone could be the perfect sub, it would definitely be him. He knows every single thing that pleases you and makes sure to apply every single bit of information he has in his mind into making you happy and satiated. He follows instructions almost too well. It sometimes feels like he can read your mind and between the lines of your words.  
The way he moves and rolls his hips… Hnghh… (enough said!)
Buttplugs might have become his favourite toy (he likes it when you put it in him even when it’s not in preparation for you to take him from the back). BUT, it’s actually a close race with ropes and flogs/whips.
The first time you ever tied him up, you could feel the tension in his body as he relinquishes every inch of him to you, utterly vulnerable to you (which was totally not something a rear Admiral should be doing). He trusted you more than anything and he wanted to show you that.
He loved that you talked him through it, your voice soothed him as you slowly eased him through the experience, binding him in ways he never thought were possible (unless he was captured by an enemy).
That was when you discovered he became undoubtedly turned on when you called him “baby” or especially “baby boy”.
Kinks: body worship, spanking (getting spanked), shibari and mirror sex (his body trembles at the thought of watching you drive him crazy and bringing him to the edge).
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Juice Box || Morgan & Cece
TIMING: Current
PARTIES: @thebickedwitchoftherest & @mor-beck-more-problems
SUMMARY: Oh, right. The box. The box from Roy. The box stolen specifically from Roy. Roy’s box.
CONTAINS: ex-roomie shenanigans
Morgan would have gone to see Cece after she was out of the hospital anyway. She felt awful about what had happened at the morgue, and how it had probably cost her a friend, at least for a while. And then there was whatever weird pain and damage a banshee scream would have on human ears. Something like guilt twisted in her stomach as she adjusted in her old spot on the couch and set her water glass on Cece’s coffee table. This wasn’t anything directly to do with her, but she could probably afford to be a better friend than she had been lately. But maybe a little magic research would be a good distraction from the awfulness around them. They’d had enough adventures like this before, maybe Morgan was just feeling nostalgic for earlier times. “So,” she said, nodding at the box, which sat perched on a stack of books she’d brought over. “Any ideas?”
After the morgue incident, Cece was happy to relax at home with something to distract herself. She had felt a surprising amount of guilt following the incident in the hospital. In her less than 48 hour stay she had managed to piss off Grace and steal the memories from Janus the janitor. Both in an attempt to cover the tracks of a woman who refused to talk to her. Maybe Regan had been right, trying to build a friendship with a coworker or boss was a bad idea. It certainly seemed overrated at the moment. Morgan had enlisted Cece’s help to study this magic box. Cece didn’t have all the details yet, but was slowly pressing for more before attempting to open it herself. Before, when Morgan and Cece had discovered a magical artifact used when those lobsters were hanging about the artifact that drained magic. They had been able to quell it by working together and sharing the magic between the two. If this were a similar situation, Morgan didn’t have the same magical abilities she had before. “Well I’m sure it’s magically locked. Probably needs a spellcaster to open it. But I don’t know exactly how to open it. Or if it’s boobytrapped. What context can you give me about the box?”
Morgan laughed uneasily. “Uh, promise not to hate me?” She flashed Cece a sheepish look as she brought it onto her lap and ran her fingers over the markings on the surface again. “It belongs to a crime boss. Some undead asshole named Roy something or whatever. He’s after a friend of mine and she’s hoping to figure some stuff out so he can’t, you know, bump her off so easy. It’s important to him, enough that it was kinda hard to steal. This sigil here--” Morgan pointed to one and held it out for Cece to look at, “Gets used a lot in containment rituals, like when you’re trying to seal something up. It’s a little intense, so maybe whatever’s in here is volatile, or rare, or ephemeral somehow. Problem is, I can’t figure out these--” she pointed to the row of markings along the lid. “Are. Probably if I had done my homework a little more in grade school, I could read it. But I thought I’d ask my genius witchy friend instead of renting a time machine, you know?”
“A crime boss eh? I feel like I’m in a heist movie or something.” Cece wiggled her eyebrows and leaned around the box to study the sigils as Morgan pointed them out to her. She discarded the wine glass she had been holding, abandoning it on the coffee table as she studied the signs closer. “I guess I don’t want to know what a friend of yours is doing pissing off a crime boss?” Actually, Cece very much did want to know. As much as Cece had seen, a crime boss wasn’t something that she had spent a lot of time around. Cece loved trying new things. “They’re a mixture of things from the looks of it.” Cece slid off the couch and onto her knees on the floor, pressing her face close enough to the box that her breath fogged up the silver of the box. “Please, Morgan. Flattery will get you everywhere. Some of these are more containment spells, but some-” Cece pointed at the symbols as she described them, “Are hexes. I can’t tell exactly what they’re supposed to do. But my guess is that it’s a last ditch effort to keep the contents safe in case someone got it open.”
“Uuuuhhhh…” Morgan’s voice lilted up shrilly. Cece had enough mischief in her to pass for fae. It wasn’t hard to figure that she did want to know, but the whole criminal justice system thing was still...a lot for Morgan to wrap her head around. “I could tell you, but you definitely can’t tell your boss. I don’t think she’d be happy knowing I’m a corrupting influence. I’ve lost count of how much weird shit we’ve gotten up to together by this point. You’d think the whole me being dead thing would mean less trouble, but I think we’re getting worse.” She smirked as she spoke, and angled herself in as many weird ways as she needed to look at the hexes Cece had identified. “You ever wish people would just print out a nice label on these things? Like, beware, magic dynamite inside! Or, angry bloodclingers within! But, that looks kinda like some Irish curses I’ve seen in this book… Doesn’t it feel weird to you how light it is?”
Morgan set the box between them and reached over for the book in question, flipping through the pages too quickly to find what she was looking for.“Hey--” she said, turning the pages slowly now. You’d say if you weren’t okay, right?”
“Yeah, well. My boss and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms right now anyways.” And by that, Cece meant that Regan was not on speaking terms with Cece. Despite the repeated attempts on Cece’s part. The whole thing was bullshit. Especially considering that despite this, Cece had still gone out of her way to make sure that no one poked their heads around Regan’s business or questioned her abilities to do her job. “That being said, I love the idea that you’d be able to corrupt me. I for one cherish every moment we share getting dragged into some crazy shit.” Cece laughed. Sometimes it was easy to forget that Morgan had died. Especially since she hadn’t seen it for herself, “Well there’s nothing like the afterlife, am I right?” Cece had to admit that Morgan had a point. It would sure make things a hell of a lot easier. “Witches are way too dramatic to do anything as simple as that, unfortunately. They can never make anything easy.” Morgan pointed out how light it was and Cece had to agree, leaning in closer but not being able to tell anything further. “This whole thing feels weird to me. What would a crime boss need with a magically sealed box? There must be more than meets the eye with this guy. If I’m careful, I should be able to strip the hexes before I start working on getting the box itself open. But keep reading to see if you find anything I don’t know.”
The distraction wasn’t enough, since Morgan decided now was a good time to dive into the personal questions. “Me? Almost certainly not.” Cece laughed the question off. After a moment, she decided to not completely brush the question off, “If you’re asking about the morgue then I’m fine. I’ve had worse done to me than some exploding glass and an earache.” Cece hadn’t told anyone about her days with the coven but figured Morgan would be one of the few she would trust with the information. At least some of the information. Cece didn’t need all of her skeletons dancing around the house. “Nothing that a few glasses of wine and solving a mystery with you can’t solve.” As far as not talking about issues went, Cece wasn’t the only offender, “What about you?”
Morgan scrunched her face up in a way Cece was long familiar with. “I didn’t just mean that,” she said. “But that is good to know. I just… I mean as much as I can’t imagine leaving here anytime soon, I know it can be really cruel sometimes. And you’re all Miss Tough Gal with a smile, but you don’t have to be like that all the time, you know? I just don’t want you to slip through the cracks just because I’m not here so much anymore. I’ve been kinda swept up lately, but I do care about you, tough gal and all. And not just because you do so many nice favors. But if you’re good or you wanna say you’re good, then that’s…good. And, oh, you know me. Cursed or not cursed, apparently there’s always something. Lots of gory details we didn’t make it to sharing on the dash.”
It took Morgan a few more pages to find what she was looking for, but she hesitated before showing the witch, just in case there was more to say.
Cece supposed there was no better time than now to discuss this, though Cece usually preferred any serious conversation be prefaced with a lot of alcohol. More than Cece had drunk so far. More than Cece probably had in the house. “Honestly? I’ve always been like this. Full disclosure, I was in a coven before I came to town. Things didn’t end so well with them and it always keeps me a bit on edge. Even before joining the coven, I wasn’t really one to take life super seriously. I had a pretty laid back childhood with a surprising lack of trauma so I guess when I turned eighteen life decided I had to make up for it.” Cece talked with an airiness, trying to show Morgan that she was trying to be sincere without trying to sound too much like she was whining about her past. “I have plenty of things that should keep me up at night, but I promise the injuries from the morgue aren’t one of them. I’ll seriously be okay. But trust me, even living apart I know you’ve got my back. Same to you.” Gory details didn’t exactly inspire confidence. “Yeah, what the hell? I thought you were done with the whole curse and ghost bullshit? Because ‘gory details’” Cece made finger quotations to match with her tone, “doesn’t sound very fun.”
Morgan listened thoughtfully, smiling wistfully at the thought of a good or ‘before’ times that lasted longer than eight or twelve years. But how awful, still, to know exactly the stability you were losing. To never be able to exhale or relax. Well, that part Morgan  knew too well. Maybe that had something to do with why they got along so easily. You had to keep things light when you had one eye on the present and one over your shoulder. “Those are some pretty ominous Sparknotes. I’m starting to take back all those times tiny me wished for a real coven besides just my parents. If any of them come knocking, you’ll holler though, yeah? Partial magic immunity makes for a great zombie perk in a pinch.” Morgan smirked at Cece’s question to her. Fun was...definitely not a word to use for this. “You’d be right,” she said. “I...honestly don’t know what the sparknotes version of that is. So maybe you’ll have to drag me into a sequel session just to find out.” She huffed and held out the book. “Found our guy. Check out the common uses. What does ‘source’ even mean? Like...power source? Is that a real thing?”
“I’ll keep that in mind. But fingers crossed I never see any of them again.” Cece laughed, although the idea of any of her former coven members finding Cece’s location and showing up in town was anything but a laughing matter. Something told her they wouldn’t want to catch up. And if they did, Morgan wasn’t who she would want to get involved although she made a good point about the magical immunities. Cece had always figured that her best bet if any of them were to show up in town would be to count her losses and cut and run. As the two had talked, Cece slowly worked on rubbing the hexes away from the box. It was more exhausting than it looked, a constant string of magic being poured into her fingertips in order to break the seals without cursing herself into oblivion. Whatever those hexes did, Cece didn’t want to find out. “You’ve got yourself a deal. You. Me. Pick another night and get drunk off our asses. You can give me the sparknotes version of your story and I can try to elaborate a bit on mine. It’ll be a good time.” Morgan found something in the book and leaned over to see what she had found. A power source? It didn’t mean much at first, until she remembered that Morgan had mentioned that he was undead. Cece still couldn’t be sure, but suddenly something started to make sense. “Holy shit.” Cece let go of the box for a moment. “You said undead, right? Do you know what kind?” If they didn’t then…. “I think this is a fext. And if I’m right- yikes.” Cece didn’t know how else to describe it. Cece had heard of fext from the coven. To witches, they were a sort of horror story or monster under the bed type. A monster whose special power was stealing the magic from witches. Was there any fate worse than that in the eyes of a coven? “If he is a fext- then I have a feeling that I know what’s in this box too. I think I have all the hexes cancelled out. Now I just have to pop the thing open. Give me a minute.”
“A--a what?” Morgan stammered. She hadn’t thought about fexts in a really long time. Some old witchy wives tales, stories her mother would tell her to scare her into behaving one day and dismiss as folklore the next. It was never anything to devote a lot of headspace to. “Those are--real? They’re like what...witchy-vampires?” She searched Cece’s expression. Her friend looked very serious and certain. “What’s the big yikes? Can he do weird creepy magic things to normal humans? I mean, I know he set her house on fire, but does this mean there’s worse things? Magic things? Wait--” She gaped, mouth dropping as the pieces aligned themselves in her mind. “Is that--does mean there’s just...raw magic in there?” That definitely explained why it was so light for something that was supposed to be important. “Are you sure you want to open that? Is it going to--- do something?”
“Exactly. Or something like that at least.” Cece couldn’t speak with any certainty. She had never seen one for herself. “The coven used to talk about them. Supposedly they can drain magic from spellcasters and then use their magic.” No word on whether the witch lost their magic completely or not, but all the horror stories claimed they did. Could just be a part of the chill factor, though. “Exactly. Chances are that fire was taken from another witch.” Cece nodded her head. Chances were that it was. The problem was, without seeing for themselves they had no idea what kind of magic it was. That wasn’t going to help Morgan’s friend. “I don’t know. Things could go bad. But knowing what kind of magic is stored in here might help your friend.” She couldn’t guarantee it. For all the things that didn’t scare Cece, this one at least made her a by apprehensive. “Moment of truth. Do we open it or not?”
“Shit.” Morgan took the box for herself, looking it over. “Why couldn’t I be a dead witchy vampire?” She grumbled. “I mean, obviously: very spooky. That is some dark, sketchy shit and a hard diet to work with sustainably. I’m just saying, it wouldn’t be the worst thing if I could work some magic after death. Why do things like this have to happen to assholes who light funeral homes on fire and run underground organ trading rings? That’s just not fair, is all I’m saying.” She examined the markings and little groove the lid depended on. “I’m a little worried about what would happen if we did open it. Hypothetically, I have the least amount of risk of getting whammied by something, but what should I be on the lookout for?”
“You’d make the coolest dead witchy vampire.” Cece agreed, “And you’d definitely use your power for much better than Roy uses his for. What a prick.” Cece didn’t know the man but just from the bits and pieces she had learned she had to say that he didn’t seem like a stellar dude. In fact, he seemed like an ass. “You got the short end of the stick for sure.” It wasn’t surprising that Morgan was offering to open the box and take the brunt of the spell for the two. Morgan was selfless like that. And although Cece was worried about it’s contents, she had a list a bit of confidence that things would mostly be okay. “Well- what the coven explained to me once was that spellcasters and artifacts acted as a sort of conduit to magic. Without it, there’s no where for the magic to go. Using that same logic, it might be that raw magic is just that. If we open it it’s just a mass of magic until someone that can use magic channels it.” The logic wasn’t exact, but based off of what she did know about magic this at least seemed semi plausible. “On the flip side, if this is some sort of summoning spell, it could already be activated and take effect as soon as the box opens. Hypothetically opening it could literally summon a demon. But the chances of it being that are pretty low. Probably.”
“Probably?” Morgan squeaked. “Okay, come on, grab something powerful, we’re doing this outside.” She took the box, held out in front of her and pressed between the tips of her fingers like it was hazardous waste. “I really don’t want to punch a demon or chase one into the woods, but I think our evenings together have taken weirder turns, so--” Morgan opened the back door with her elbow and walked out into the yard. She couldn’t tell if she was overreacting (because who would seriously leave potent magic just in a booby-trapped box? There had to be other layers, right?) or if this was the most reckless thing she’d done yet. “Maybe, uh, stay back--?” She called, looking sidelong at Cece.
Come on. Waiting wasn’t going to change what’s inside. They had to know for sure if they wanted to correctly identify this asshole. One eye pinched shut, Morgan thumbed the lid open.
No flashing lights, no demon. Morgan finally risked a look inside. “Oh. That’s a little anticlimactic.”
“Well I can’t see the future Morgan!” Cece defended herself. She very rarely spoke in absolutes. She couldn’t be blamed or held responsible if shit went south if she told them probably or most likely. “Divination is not one of my skills.” Nor one of her interests. For all of the planning that Cece liked to do- her escape from the coven had taken more than a year to pull together- Cece had no interest in seeing her future. At Morgan’s request, Cece hopped onto her feet and began following her outside, only to spin back around and grab her wine glass and falling behind Morgan again. “You said grab something powerful.” She shrugged, taking a sip and standing with her former roommate out in the backyard. Now it was time to actually open the damned thing.
When Morgan did it was… well it was boring. Morgan was right, that had been anticlimactic. She stepped closer to Morgan and leaned in to get a look at the vial. “Can I squeeze in real quick?” Cece reached her arm in, running her hand over it without actually touching it. Magic was different. In some ways it felt alive or like an aura. And every aura was different. If someone was familiar enough with a certain branch of magic they may be able to pick it out just like someone could look at someone and see what color their aura was. “Well, bad news is that I’m pretty sure this actually was summoning magic. Whoopsies.” Cece sucked air through her teeth and slid away from the box again, “But on the plus side it didn’t summon whatever is in there! So another point for the former roommate dream team!”
Morgan’s stomach turned. There was no consciousness in the box, no traces of who the spellcaster had once been, but after what Roy had done to Erin’s home, she felt pretty confident that they were dead. She knew, on one level, that it was the same as the stock of brains she kept in the fridge. But thinking of his cruelty, the way he crushed people for nothing more original than gain, she felt disgusted. Morgan snapped the box shut and turned back to Cece. “Thank you for this. You’re a really good friend, you know?” She pulled her in a one armed hug. “I’ll make sure this guy get’s destroyed, okay? Do you want to hang onto this, in case you need it someday? I’d rather it be with a real witch than with Roy.” She squeezed her friend carefully. “But definitely, definitely another score in our dream team column. We are, without a doubt, the most badass pair in the Crest. Maybe we should start charging the town for all the favors we do them, huh?”
“I’m supposed to be holding up my tough girl reputation Morgan. Don’t expose me. You know this unbeating heart only flutters now and again for you.” Cece playfully shoved Morgan’s shoulder, careful not to do it hard enough to jolt the vial resting in the overdramatic box. “He sounds like a real dick, so I can’t say I’ll be mourning his loss or anything. But you and your friend need to be careful. If Fexts are even half as scary as the stories are, you don’t want to underestimate this guy. He’s going to be dangerous as hell.” Cece had no idea what kind of nightmare fuel this bottle could summon. Keeping it around probably wasn’t the greatest idea. But if Cece could figure out what it was, she may be able to use it someday. “I will happily take this little container of evil. What could go wrong, am I right?” What an awful question to ask. It’s like she was begging for demons to fuck up her life. Good luck trying to screw up something that was already so royally fucked, demons. “We really do. I’ll brainstorm some business titles. Double bubble, toil trouble? Never mind. We’ll keep workshopping.”
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wickymicky · 4 years
Hey I was wondering if you can talk a little about each of the members weki meki's personalities? I want to start getting into them more
ooooh! sure thing!
so first is Suyeon, the leader, who they jokingly refer to as “hyung” because she’s kind of a bro, lol. i love that about her. she’s cool, she’s weird, she’s a perfect leader for this goofy ass group. like a lot of main vocalists, she also doesn’t seem to care that much for some of the intricacies of being an idol haha. she cares about her image to an extent, just as any person in that situation would, but by comparison to other idols lmao Suyeon seems like she doesnt give a flying fuck whatsoever haha. which is awesome. she’s kind of known for swearing on camera without thinking about it, and messing around with the other members and laughing riotously. but also, i can’t finish this without talking about how great a leader she is. she’s not necessarily good at reining in their chaos, especially when she starts the chaos, but she is good at bringing out the best in all of them and they all trust her completely. when theyre just hanging out, she can be kinda casual and forget to be a leader, leading to members like Rina exasperatedly telling them to quit goofing off haha. but when theyre doing idol stuff like performances or shows, Suyeon takes charge and takes care of them.
Elly is silly too lol. Suyeon wasn’t part of the original predebut lineup when it was first announced, and Elly probably would have been the leader in that case, so she has some leader-like qualities too! the members have talked about how she took care of them when they were trainees and stuff. but... i feel like since she’s not the leader, she’s free to be even sillier, and she’s relishing in that freedom lol. 
Yoojung is a little ball of energy, especially back closer to their debut. she’s actually mellowed out a lot over the years, but that tends to happen when you hit your 20s lol. she can still be a ball of wild chaotic energy though. she’s surprisingly introspective too though, and she can be really hard on herself, but that’s related i think to just how passionate she is about what she does. i could say a lot more about her obviously, but i’ll stop here haha
people who dont really know them sometimes think that Doyeon doesnt seem to fit in at first glance, and in some videos she kinda spaces out while everyone else is talking, but she fits in a lot better than they realize. she’s just as weird as any of them, she’s just like... introverted lol. and busy, and tired. but when she has fun with them, she goes just as crazy as everyone else, if not moreso sometimes lmao
Sei is great, she’s been described as being like human green tea lol. she talks kinda slowly, which is endearing haha. she’s just a relaxing person. but she also has another layer of being kinda savage or chaotic too a little bit, especially i think in her friendship with Doyeon, which can kinda be one of those “Tom and Jerry” friendships sometimes
Lua is interesting because her newfound confidence and attention-grabbing look are a really cool development, but her personality hasnt really changed, which is good. she’s probably the goofiest member of this goofy ass group. she and Yoojung are the “mood-makers”, because theyre always bouncing off walls and dancing and yelling lol. Lua’s so cartoony sometimes, but in the best possible way. i wonder if people whose first impression of her is her short dark green hair have any idea how much of a total dork she is haha
Rina is the most softspoken member of the group haha. i feel like she’s often the voice of reason. she’s probably the most “normal” member... but like, i said “most normal”, i didnt say “normal” haha. she can still get wild, she’s a member of Weki Meki after all. to be honest though, Rina’s the member i feel like i personally know the least about, because she doesn’t seem to jump into the fray as much as the others, and i’ve only been diving into more extra content like Weki Meki Mohae (their reality show from 2018), so i’m starting to get a better idea of what she’s like, but i’m not fully there yet. all i know is that i like her lol
Lucy is another member who i’m not super knowledgeable about actually. i tend to not know as much about the maknae lines of the groups i stan lol. she’s one of those maknae-on-top types though, i think. she’s the second tallest member and that makes her friendship with Doyeon interesting lol, especially cause Lucy is also really coming into her own as a visual. she’s learning from the best, i guess haha. i feel like Lucy is often getting into the fray and shenanigans, she’s a lively person. 
I’ve only been stanning them for like a year, so if there are any OG kilings who wanna correct me on any of this or add to this, lmk!
a year ago, i had been into them for a little while, but i could not have answered this question. i could have told you about Yoojung and a little bit about Suyeon and Lua, and theyre still the three whose personalities i feel like i have the best understanding of, but i didnt really know that much about most of them. i listed Weki Meki as one of my ult groups, and i made “wickymicky” my url, primarily because I love Picky Picky and Yoojung became one of my ult biases really quickly, but i felt kind of guilty because i feel like i didnt really know the group well enough to put them on that level. i felt like every time i listed them as one of my favorite groups, i had to have an asterisk attached to it that said that i dont really know them that well. there are a lot of posts where i did that on this blog back then osdkflmskdgf. 
but, like, as time has gone on, it’s become more and more true. when i first started listing them as one of my favorites, i don’t think i was lying, but it’s definitely more true now than it was then, you know? i listed them as like my #5 group or something, and now they’re my #2, and the gap between them and my #1 is actually pretty small now. i feel like i actually do know and appreciate all 8 members now, so when i say “ahhhh i love her” in the tags when i reblog a member, i actually like... mean it now. lol. the only thing i can think of is that i picked up on Weki Meki’s vibe really early on, and i knew that they would end up as one of my ults, but i just hadn’t really learned enough to back that up at that point. well, i have now, and i was right the whole time lol. my gut instinct was correct, i knew that i would love them, and i do <3
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hockeybabestars · 5 years
New Year Same Us - Auston Matthews - Nine
a/n: guys we’re so close to the end! only one more chapter after this! I hope you enjoy part nine!
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December 31, 2018 - January 1, 2019
Mitch and Stephs New Years party was pretty amazing. They had decorated with shiny banners and confetti and there were hats and beads and glasses to wear to ring in the new year. Everyone was having a good time mingling or dancing or doing their own things. Music softly played through the living room speakers with ease and the NYC countdown was playing on the T.V. Everyone was dressed up and looking their best. And Aus was no different. 
I spotted him across the room chatting with Freddie. He wore a simple black suit with a white button up underneath, some of the buttons undone showing his toned chest. He looked hot. I thought he would go for something more bold but he insisted on matching me. I thought it was cute. My silver cocktail dress would for sure clash with the other suit he had in mind, so we compromised. His eyes met mine and I sucked in a slight breath. The twinkle of his gaze really doing it for me as he grinned. I smiled back shaking my head. 
He had seemed different since John and Aryne’s wedding. The night that almost was, as I had been referring to it. I had wanted to kiss him badly, but it felt like the timing of it all was horrible. I had decided that night that I was going to try to get over him. I was tired of hearing that we were perfect together and knowing an end for us was never in sight. And then he goes and pulls me back in with his lingering touch and lips ever so slightly ghosting over mine. 
An almost. A should’ve been.
Since then he’s made subtle changes. In the kitchen he would put a hand on my lower back as he brushed past me to grab something from the fridge. He’d been sneaking into my room late at night, just to talk or snuggle. And every time we go out he keeps an arm slung around my waist and eyes down every guy in the vicinity. It’s not fair, honestly. That he gets to stake a claim without the weight of officiality looming over his shoulders. It felt like he had decided to dance around whatever this was. And I was over it. My heart felt like it was being pulled in different directions. Option one was listening to my heart and diving head first into us, and the option two was telling me to listen to my head. And my head kept telling me that I would ruin us, some way, somehow, and I didn’t want that.
But for now, I would happily ignore all of that just to have a good time with my friends. I constantly needed a distraction from will-we-won’t-we with Auston, so I decided tonight that I would let him do his own thing and see where it took us. 
It felt like there were so many things going on, but maybe a refill would do the trick. I found myself in the kitchen, looking through the fridge for something to make a mixed drink with. One drink was not doing me enough of a service tonight, but I wasn’t planning on having more than 2. Maybe 2 and a half at the most. 
I pulled out some champagne and orange juice when I heard a voice from behind the fridge door. “Aren’t mimosas a morning kinda drink?” Willy asked as he shut the fridge door. He leaned casually against the wall and watched me fix my concoction with a smirk on his face. I flipped him off, but smiled as he opened the fridge back up to let me put the drinks away.
“No William. Can’t a woman drink what she wants? It’s new years, you think you could let me live a little.” I grab my drink and swirl it around as I move to step out of the kitchen but he steps in front of me, not allowing me to pass. I flick my eyes up to glare at him but he just laughs and grabs my wrists swinging them a little in front of us. I steadied our hands but he still lightly held me there.
“You seem like you're already over the night and it’s only begun. Wanna play a game?” He smirked.
“I am not up for your shenanigans tonight William!!! I mean business. And I absolutely can not be drunk.” I took my wrists back, one of which had my drink, and took a long sip.
He glared at my drink, “Sure, ‘absolutely can not be drunk’ my ass. Why can’t you live a little tonight? It’ll be funnnnn. Besides it’s fucking New Years. You deserve to be plastered (Y/N).”
I glanced around the room and spotted Auston, he had moved on from Freddie to Steph, and I wondered what they were talking about, both wearing serious expressions. “Just trying to keep a clear head is all.” I mumbled. I was about done with all the feelings swirling around in my head and my heart, and I wasn’t sure I could keep them in if I got plastered. Especially with the way he had been acting lately. What a mess that would be. So for now I keep tabs on how much I’ve had to drink.
“(Y/N/N)” Willy grabs my attention again, having picked up on my worries and this time he’s a little more serious, giving me a knowing look, “don’t worry about anything. Just worry about you. You know how to have a good time. Don’t let what ifs plague you tonight. I promise you everything will workout.” I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.
“Thanks Will. That’s just what I needed to hear.” I mumbled into his chest.
He pulled me back his smile turning into a smirk like a switch had been flipped, “game?”
I rolled my eyes, but smiled all the same, “what game? Is it a drinking game? You’re such a fucking child.”
I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and pull me in closer. His toned chest hit my back before he spoke, “yeah what game William. You fucking child.”
I laughed swatting his hands that only tightened around me as I looked up at him. The height difference was kinda perfect actually. He glanced down, giving me a wink as I gave up my struggles of escaping his grip. He rested his chin on my head as Will looked at us with a smirk.
“I'm the child here?” He playfully asked, “We’ve got options. Captain Dickhead? Truth or Dare? What Are The Odds? Seven Minutes in Heaven? Fear Pong? What do we want?!?” 
“Truth or Dare?” I deadpanned, “This is exactly why you aren’t in charge of this shit!” I laughed. 
“Hey you never know what can happen with the right people at the right time. It can be… fun?!” He chuckled and threw me a wink. I knew what he was doing. I wanted to kick that mischievous little smirk right off his pretty face. I could see right past his feigned innocence here.
“Are you buying this shit?” I turned in Auston’s embrace to look up at him, and he looked back down at me. 
He shrugged, “Captain Dickhead is always fun.”
“I don’t wanna be drunkkkk.” I grumbled.
“Whyyyy notttttt.” Auston teased but his eyes softened as he looked down at me, “you know if you wanted to I would take care of you. I haven’t had a drink yet.” 
I squeezed his arm in thanks, “I appreciate it, I’m just not in the mood tonight.”
“It’s New Years this is the best mood!” Willy exclaimed but dropped it when I glared at him.
“Can’t I just be soberish damn it! We already went over this!” I laughed. Auston shook his head at the two of us.
“Fine, What are the odds?” Willy crosses his arms exasperated. “That can be sober!”
“I hate you.” I laughed. “I don’t wanna play your games Willy. I can already tell you have some plan formulating that I don’t want to be apart of.” Willy’s calculated expression wore off as I smiled. I pried myself out of Auston’s grip as I went to pat Will on the shoulder. “Sorry for being a buzzkill buddy!” I turned and saw confusion on Auston’s face as I walked past him, grabbing my jacket from the rack, and cradling my drink out to the balcony. 
The cool air of the night settled in my lungs as I rested my arms out on the glass railing. The city lights roaring to life as the clock got closer and closer to midnight.
I knew what Will was doing. He and Kappy were probably scheming some way to force Auston and I into a situation that would turn out embarrassing for me or something. 
I didn’t want our first of anything to be forced. I wanted him to want me because he had feelings for me, not because we were drunk at some wedding, or Kap and Will made a stupid bet or meddled as per usual. I wanted him to want me, but not like that. 
I shoved my thoughts aside, taking an alarmingly large sip of my drink, more like a gulp, and stared out at the sky. This was bullshit. I should be inside having fun with my friends, not trying to clear my thoughts as I overthink like I always do. I toyed at the sleeve of my dress, thinking back to when we were kids, how easy things were when the pressure of liking someone didn’t exist. When we were just us. Before I even thought of us as an “us”.
I heard the door slide open and turned to see who it was. Steph stepped out onto the balcony with me, the metallic material of her red dress shining against the moonlight.
“Hey.” She says softly, coming to stand next to me. I look at her, my expression wavering as I almost let out a few tears in frustration. “Oh honey.” She pulls me into her grasp and I lean into her. She drags me over to the breakfast chairs and slyly pulls my jacket and drink from me to set them down on the table. I sit with a huff and just breath for a minute as Steph just holds my hands. I’m thankful that she gets me, and let me collect myself before listening to me. 
“Willy, god love him, he kinda irked me back there.” I say. She looks at me confused as I continue. “He was all like ‘ I get you, don’t worry about anything’ and then he was all ‘let’s play a game with the right people at the right time and see what happens’ like no.”
Steph just laughs and I can’t help but let my frown fall away as I laugh with her.
“(Y/N), don’t worry about Will. He just wants you guys to be together as much as the next guy so he meddles a little bit.”
“I won’t let him meddle.” I smile, but I know it doesn’t reach my eyes.
She looks at me seriously, observing me before speaking, “is this why you don’t wanna be drunk tonight?”
I nod, “I just don’t want to ruin anything, and I know what will happen the minute I get out of control,” my hands fall to my lap as I play with my fingers, clasping and unclasping them to distract myself. I had meticulously avoided drinking the last few times we all went out together. I felt like I would be overkill if I let myself off my own leash. “I don’t want to ruin anything.” I mumble.
“(Y/N), babe,” she pauses, “why don’t you just tell him? You’ve been sitting with this on your chest for years now. And you’ve been dealing with it by yourself. Just let yourself breath.” she pats my hand in my lap.
“I can’t just come out and tell him I love him.” I suck in a breath. “I don’t think I could bear the rejection from him. Not from Aus. I care too much about him to lose him this way.” I stress. 
“What makes you think it would automatically be rejection? How do you not see it?” She smiles before getting up and pulling me with her. I arched a brow. “Take a moment, but then go back in there and have fun. You deserve it.” She gave me a quick squeeze and headed back inside as I found my way back to the railing. 
I took a breath and closed my eyes as I just focused on clearing my mind. It was peaceful out here. The city was different at night. It felt more alive.
I heard the balcony door slide open and click shut for the second time, as footsteps came to a heavy stop next to me. It was silent for a second, just the sound of the city in the background. The air was charged around us, like he had something to say but couldn’t quite say it and I held my breath. He rested his hands on the balcony next to me, letting out a sigh before he spoke, “Were you ever going to tell me how you felt?” 
I turned to look at him then, eyes wide in shock and the embarrassment I felt was surely showing on my face, “I uh-how did you-“. He moved closer then, still not touching me but closing the distance between us slowly, and it felt like I was suffocating in his presence. “You weren’t meant to hear that.” I breathed lowly, scared that if I spoke louder maybe I would break. The chill of the Toronto air had set in and I shrugged my leather jacket over my shoulders, wrapping it tighter around me and allowing my arms to subtly wrap around themselves. But Auston saw through me. He reached out and gently peeled my arms from around myself and brought me closer to him, his scent, his voice, his presence invading my personal space from every angle.
“But I did. I did hear you.” He was so quiet I almost didn’t hear the words escape past his lips. His forehead rested on mine and his lips were so, so close. All I had to do was push up on my tip toes and his mouth would finally be on mine.
“And?” I breathed in anticipation, eyes lidded and heart racing so fast it could beat out of my chest. When did this go from me being fearful of losing him to being wrapped up in him? His fingers traced my hand as one slowly curled around my wrist and the other reached out to my waist to draw me closer.
His eyes flickered down to mine and I could hear the countdown at 10 from the living room. And if he was so cliche as to-
He kissed me on 8. His lips slowly working on mine in long drawls. His grip on my waist tightened and the hand that was in mine slowly cupped my face. His hand feels so masculine against my cheekbones, the calluses coarse against the expanse of my soft skin but I leaned into it. I brought my hands up to his broad shoulders, pushing myself as close to him as humanly possible, feeling his taut muscles ripple against me. His body heat radiated off him and warmed me up in no time. His tongue was slow and calculated in my mouth. I could feel all the passion he felt in that moment and it caused me to whimper in response. Which in turn made him tighten his grip on me. He tasted sweet like dessert wine. I could hear the cheers of our friends as they rang in the new year but I just I smiled into him. I felt him smile back as I slowly pulled away and caught my breath. 
Somehow both of his hands found their way to my waist, keeping me flat against him. I clasped my hands around his neck and scrunch my nose as he leaned his forehead back to mine gently.  I close my eyes and revel in the feeling of him against me.“That was-“
“I’m in love with you.” He interrupted and I opened my eyes. “You wha-“
“I’ve been in love with you for way too long... I just didn’t realize it. And you’ve been right in front of me this whole time. I don’t know why I didn’t see it before or why it took me so long to admit, but,” the city lights reflected in his eyes making them glimmer as he looked down at me, sincerity gracing his face, “It seems like everyone else caught on before I did. I never want to lose you. My best friend. I always want to be that for you. But I can’t just settle for it either.” His smirk started to peak out at the corners of his mouth, as I felt myself start to smile a little at the normalcy of it. This. This felt normal. That stupid smirk too.
“I need you to be mine.” He says slowly, like he’s scared, that after all of that, that I would somehow say no. 
“All you had to do was ask.” I smile as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. I felt a little more confident about my feelings now. 
“I love you, Auston Matthews. Nothing has ever changed that, and nothing ever will.” I place both hands on his cheeks and give him a lingering peck on the lips. His eyes flutter open, staring into mine fervently, and I start softly, “I’ve been in love with you since we were 16 and you dragged me out on the ice. You were so mad about the outcome after your game. But you didn’t say anything about it. You just laced me up after it was over and said you could think better when I was there. I never took that too lightly.” I grinned at the look of awe on his face as he sat down in the chair I was previously in and pulled me down with him. I faced him on his lap as he placed his lips over mine again, thumb lightly rubbing a circular path along my jaw. And as he pulled away I caught my breath.
“I’m glad I get to do that anytime I want now.” He smirked.
“Anytime you want?” I played.
“Anytime,” he pecked along my jaw and I instinctively closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his lips burning on my skin, “anywhere.” He kissed my lips again but I was the one who pulled back this time. 
“Happy New Year Aus.”
“It is now.” He grinned and I lightly swatted him, his laughter filling my ears, “that’s not going to change is it?” 
“Same old us, you still want your best friend right?” I smirked.
He smiled genuinely. The one that filled my heart to the brim, “Same us, (Y/N/N).”
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT: sirens song; jon moxley
So.. this came into my main from @vonschweetz​ and I had to do this, entirely based on conversations we were having at the time about Mox’s pirate patch. And sirens. This is a pirate soulmate siren au thing? Enjoy? I do definitely want to write this out in full at some point but again, i do not know. we shall see.
Pirates and sirens.. Those two things do not fit.. Or do they? Mox is a pirate in search of a long sunken ship and it’s treasure. Serafina is the siren whose supposed to protect the ship. She’s trying to lure Mox to his death but Mox ends up saving her life. Bantering and flirting and the discovery of hey, we’re soulmates?!?
alcohol tw, drowning mention, and shenanigans.
Jon Moxley x OFC, Serafina
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A flash of brilliant red caught his attention and in a rush, Mox drunkenly raced for the binoculars sitting on a long wooden bench near the side of the boat. Picking them up, he raised them to his eyes and peered through.
“Well, goddamn.” he nearly choked on the rum as the sip he’d taken conflicted with a sudden lump forming in his throat. He chuckled to himself watching the leggy redhead as she lazed on a rock just a few feet from the spot on the old weathered map in the pocket of his breeches. “ Hope she’s not lookin for the Pearl too, otherwise, we’re gonna have a serious problem. She’s been here every fuckin day this week.. Singin and layin on that damn rock..”
First glimpse showed that she seemed to be tanning. And upon closer inspection of the sky, a storm looked like it’d be rolling in later that day. But for whatever reason, Mox found himself drawn to her. And was that music he was hearing again?
He tensed all over almost as soon as the realization hit him exactly who he was looking at.
The boat was too close to the X on the map to turn back now. “Can’t hear her fuckin death song i-if I-I’m shitfaced.” Mox muttered drunkenly as he turned the bottle up and downed as much as he could.
But he couldn’t stop hearing it. And the more he heard it, the more he wanted to dive off the boat.. Swim out to her.
That was all part of their lure. He knew that. It didn’t stop her song from having some form of an effect on him.. But the kicker to all this was one thing.. He’d always been immune to the song of the siren. As in, he’d never been able to hear their songs.
It really got him to thinking. A sharp sting from his wrist had him dropping both binoculars and rum bottle to the deck and swearing as he gripped his wrist with his opposite hand. The pain felt hot, like a branding iron being seared to his flesh. When he took his hand off his wrist, red raised flesh greeted him.. An intricately designed silhouette of a woman with flame-red hair.
“Oh come on.. Seriously? You’re not going to turn back? Most are deathly afraid of my kind. Okay then, handsome sir, if you insist. Come on and meet your fate at the bottom of the ocean.” Sera tore her eyes off of the Paradigm as it bobbed in choppy water just a few feet away now. A sharp pain shot through her wrist and she quickly grasped her wrist with her opposite hand, biting down on the inside of her cheek.
At first she thought it may have been a jellyfish or something. But when she pulled her other hand away, two things happened. First of all, she noticed the intricate patch of red angry flesh as it swole and started to burst into colors. A man’s face. Bright blue eye, the other one hidden beneath a patch. She raised her hand to her hair as she puzzled what the sudden appearance of the marking might mean and then… Then the second thing happened.
A sharp pain to the back of her head and everything went black as she slipped from her perch and into the water…
The shouting from a fisherman’s boat nearby as they tried to tug up the net caught Mox’s attention, taking his mind off of the peculiar marking on the inside of his forearm bursting into color and on the red-head siren whose song he could actually hear and be affected by. And then that song went silent and he got the distinct feeling that something was very, very wrong.
Mox tensed and stood, making his way to the side of the ship, peering down into the water below. “It’s a trap, goddamn it. This is how they get us. I’m not goin out like that, no, fuck that.” he tried to tell himself that.. but then, just below the fisherman’s boat and right next to the rock she’d been sprawled on moments before, he saw that same brilliant red hue, floating. And he got this sick feeling in the pit of his stomach.
No part of him should’ve been willing to risk certain death to dive into the choppy and icy ocean, but try reminding him the perils of doing so, especially while mostly drunk. Suddenly, nothing mattered but getting to the area he saw that brilliantly red colored hair floating almost lifeless in.
Mox dove into the water, swimming out towards the area he saw her floating in and he wrestled her free from the seaweed and other ocean life she’d become entangled with, swimming as best as he could back to his ship. He got her into the life raft on the side and he climbed back aboard, raising the life boat and letting it settle on the deck where he started measures to get her breathing again.
“C’mon, damn it. C’mon. Breathe, Red. Breathe.” the words came even though everything in him was quick to remind him just how against the grain what he was doing right now, saving a siren who was hell-bent on causing his untimely death not even one hour before.
He just knew she had to live. He was operating as if by instinct.
Serafina shot up violently, coughing, ocean water spraying out of her mouth with much force. Her head was pounding and ocean colored eyes darted around her, taking in her surroundings. She was on that damned boat. The one she’d been sent out to lure closer. She sighed and shook her head.
… you know the rules… he’s saved your life, you now owe him something… the others are never going to allow you to live this down… then again, you never really quite fit in with them, did you?… her mind was berating her for her foolish mistake as she tried to take it in. Almost dying is a shocking thing.
“You were supposed to drown.” Serafina frowned and shook her head. The man whirled around, staring her down intently, a smirk on his face as he did so. “Yeah, well ya supposed t’ be better at th’ whole siren thing than y’ are. What kinda siren doesn’t know how to swim.”
“I know how to swim.” Serafina mumbled, her jaw clenching. She went to stand but evidently, the combination of her being on a boat and not in water and as a result having human legs and in addition, the strong hit to the head she took… Those two things combined to leave her reeling. Strong arms gripped her waist and she found herself hauled over broad shoulders.
It wasn’t in her not to fight if she felt she were in danger and at this rate, she had no idea what to expect. The Purveyor of Violence, Pirate Mox… He was not known for being a kind man.
A loner and a drunk and perpetually angry, yes. But not a kind man.
So she started to attempt getting out of his grasp, but that beefy arm only locked tighter around her bottom and he chuckled. “What? Y’ think I’m gonna make ya pay for tryin t’ end me? I should, but I’m feelin generous today.”
… and you’ve been coming back to this exact spot for a week now, not only hopin to find the Pearl, but to catch more glimpses of her too…. and try and figure out why y’ can hear her song and not any of th’ rest… he’d never admit to thinking any of it, but the fact remained.
He tossed her carefully onto the hammock he slept in below deck and he turned, intending to walk away. “Hey, wait…”
Mox stopped and turned back to look at his guest.
“ I wasn’t exactly trying to kill you. But you’re the one who keeps getting closer and closer to my pod. I had to defend it. Why the hell were you getting so close anyway?”
“That’s my business, kitten. Not any of yours.”
Serafina laughed and immediately winced as pain rolled over her. Mox eyed her in concern and stepped closer, hissing as his fingertips clumsily touched against the beginnings of a nasty bump forming on her head. “Y’ not goin anywhere, Red.”
“It’s Serafina.”
“It’s whatever I wanna call ya. Ya kinda on my boat, kitten.” Mox’s fingertip trailed down from the bump on her head, across her jawline slowly, then trailing even slower over the outline of a quivering plump lower lip. “Tell me somethin’, Red.. The Pearl still down below?”
Serafina sucked in a sharp breath and raised a brow as he inched closer, a hand on the side of her face as he stared deep into her eyes. He smelled like rum and leather and the scent was almost dizzying. His eyes were almost a hypnotic shade of ice water blue. It hit her then, the angry raised patch of flesh on her inner arm.
She peeked down and gulped as soon as she realized that the man currently within kissing distance of her face was the same man staring back up at her from her own skin.
“I asked ya a question, Red.”
“Oh, it’s down there. It’s my home, actually.” Serafina’s tone came out quieter and she dared to look up at him, holding his gaze. Mox found himself staring at her harder, mouth inching closer to hers as he leaned in even more. As soon as he realized why she looked so familiar and raised his arm to look at her and then at the marking on his forearm, he swallowed hard.
“Well now, this is just interestin.”
“It’s forbidden, that’s what it is.” even as she said it, she just had this feeling in her gut.. All the excuses in the world weren’t going to be enough to sway her into leaving the man’s side. Literally no one in her own so called family were in a rush to rescue her before. This man dove off of a ship.. Drunk… and swam out to her… Then he did everything he could to save her life.
She at least owed it to herself to get to know the real Pirate Mox.
“Never stopped me before.” Mox said it before he could stop himself and the thought that he was even contemplating… A life with his soulmate, given their beginnings thus far.. It froze the man in place as it all washed over him. But see, there’s one thing that Pirate Mox, Purveyor of Violence had been looking for much longer than any kind of treasure below the ocean.
His other half.
His soulmate.
And if it was her, he was not about to let her go, forbidden or not…
Serafina gasped as his lips brushed right against hers and the taste of the coconut rum filled her mouth as he leaned in, those large and rough hands at her sides to pull her closer, pull her lips in deeper. “Maybe I just found somethin’ better than th’ Pearl’s remains.”
“Perhaps.” she mumbled softly as her eyes fluttered open and shut and her lips parted willingly to allow his tongue entrance. She clung to his body, deepening the kiss to a point where she was twice as dizzy as she’d been due to merely hitting her head.
“And I’m gonna take real good care of y’, Red.”
“Oh, I bet you are.” she cooed against his continued lust filled kiss, her fingertips digging lightly into his shoulders…
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Day 4: Human Shield
(Pack your bags, martyrs.)
Whumptober 2019 Day 4: Human Shield
Word Count: 3521
Relationships: none
Warnings: injuries (various), blood, weapons (swords), implied concussion
A/N: alrighty, time for some Creativitwins shenanigans! i hope i captured their personalities okay; this is definitely my favourite story i’ve written for whumptober so far ^^
A shrill, feral roar rips out into the Imagination, echoes through the mindscape past the boundaries of the twins’ realm and in every nook and cranny it can reach. It’d probably hurt Roman’s ears, if he wasn’t already so used to hearing it, but this time isn’t like all the other times. It’s frantic, and angrier, and tension ripples through his limbs. The Dragon Witch is his foe, yet again, except this time, he’s joined by Remus. His brother hasn’t ever been one for fighting alongside him, preferring independent combat as opposed to co-op, but Roman was already here, and Remus was bored, so now they’re in a battle.
They’re fighting together against the Dragon Witch to keep her at bay, but they’re also fighting each other, in more of a verbal way than a physical way. Their bickering is nothing new, a familiar backdrop to the sound of swords clanging against metallic scales and the sizzling noise left in the aftermath of their opponent’s fiery breath. They don’t argue about anything in particular, anything important. They never really do, if Roman’s being honest. It’s more of a sibling rivalry and casual disdain rather than genuine hatred, although he’d never actually admit that to Remus. Their squabbles and quarrels are, while annoying, something Roman regards with a begrudged fondness, and that is a piece of information he will take to his grave.
Which actually might be sooner than he thought if he doesn’t start paying attention.
The sting that emanates from the slash in his arm is something Roman has been frequently acquainted with in the past, but it doesn’t make the wound hurt any less. He knows the danger of fighting in the Imagination, knows that the effects will last until you leave, but sparring with knights and battling monstrous creatures is fun and helps to get Roman out of creative blocks. If leading Thomas in artistic pursuits means a few scrapes and bruises every now and again, then Roman is happy to endure a little bit of pain until he can get back to the main part of the mindscape and wave the injuries away. He never stays hurt, so it hasn’t ever been a big problem before. Damage to his person is impermanent, and it always has been, so Roman just shrugs off the pain of the abrasions and cuts and contusions and holds his sword in front of him in an aggressive attacking stance.
“Ha! You got whapped!” Remus jeers from the left, nasal voice cutting easily through the chaos as it always does. Roman glances over, does a double-take, and then gives an incredulous laugh. Remus is covered in blood, most of it likely to not be his own, but he also has scrapes and burns all over his skin and outfit. He’s one to talk!
“Shut up!” Roman calls back, retorts in the same way he’s used to. A general rule with Remus is that you won’t have a certain interaction with him just once. If it happened before, it’s gonna happen again, and this has been proved true countless times. Roman has come to expect the lewd gestures, the disturbing language, his “surprise” tackles from the shadows that Roman manages to sidestep nearly every time. Remus has a fixation on repeating things until they stick, doing the same thing over and over and over until something new or different happens. Einstein probably wouldn’t have been very fond of him.
Remus belts out a laugh, leaps forward with manic eyes to slash at the Dragon Witch. His cutlass manages to leave a clean slice on the creature’s back, comes back stained with violet blood. Roman still doesn’t understand why Remus won’t just use his morning star, since his brother has always been the most powerful when using it. He insisted before the fight began that it’s “more fun this way”, hooked his morning star onto his back, and set off to get into more trouble. Roman can still feel the headache even now.
The Dragon Witch growls again, lashes her tail out in a swinging arc, and Roman dives over it cleanly. Remus, as much of a reckless idiot as usual, grabs the spiked appendage when it gets close enough. He’s immediately whipped around as she tries to shake him loose, but Roman knows from personal experience that Remus is like a rabid dog and will not let go once he’s latched on. His legs and sides smack into trees, rocks, the ground, and yet he’s still somehow not winded enough to let his grip loosen a single bit. Roman can tell that the Dragon Witch is starting to get frustrated, smoke blowing out of her nose just like in the cartoons they still watch frequently.
The Dragon Witch herself has gone through a few iterations throughout Thomas’ life, getting more and more “realistic” as he grew up, if you count a half-witch, half-dragon hybrid as being anywhere close to realistic. When Thomas was younger, she had just been a large, purple dragon (influenced by Spyro, no doubt) with a stereotypical witch hat. Now, she’s more of an actual character, closer to what Roman imagines would be in a cool medieval fantasy show on television.
Most of her body is human-- her torso, arms, and legs are pretty normal-looking apart from the violet scales and deep scarring. She’s mostly naked, with a ripped, flowing robe to cover up her sensitive areas (Thomas is still family-friendly, damn it), and a lavish hoard of body jewelry hung at any place that’s free. Her neck boasts delicate golden chains, her wrists and ankles are encircled by broken diamond shackles, and other silver jewelry drapes across her torso, stomach, and legs. Her whole schtick is that she comes to unsuspecting villages in the night, steals their valuables, and uses it to adorn herself in immeasurable wealth.
However, she’s still part-dragon, and that comes in the form of gleaming pointed teeth, wicked sharp nails, an enormous wingspan, and of course, her spiked tail, which is probably far more lethal than it should be. Her shimmering scales radiate out from the center of her stomach, create a patch of bare skin similar to that of what a teddy bear might have, which is almost ironic when it juxtaposes the bloodstains discolouring nearly every smooth inch of her body. She’s definitely evil, and has probably killed tons of imaginary villagers, and Roman kinda loves her simply for the merit she poses as a villain. Whenever he needs a break from the chaos and responsibility, he can rely on her consistency, can depend on the knowledge that she’s always waiting somewhere to engage Roman in his favourite heroic escapades.
And although her purpose is to play the villain, to lose to the hero, an inevitable means to an end, she’s still dangerous. If he slacks off, he can absolutely be defeated. Well, at least Roman can. Remus seems to be having the time of his life even while getting thrown about like a ragdoll (maybe because of it), and honestly, that probably is his idea of fun. He couldn’t have been an arts and crafts geek, could he? No, he has to be weird, and vulgar, and stuck in a cycle of heedlessness. And despite the fact that every time Remus lets himself get hurt on purpose, to fulfill his idea of a day well spent, Roman feels like he’s gonna have an actual heart attack, he can’t deny that some of the foolhardy things Remus does are highly entertaining. Such as now.
The Dragon Witch lets out vicious snarls as she tries to throw Remus off of her back, outraged howls that are only met with deranged laughter. Of course, his brother is unafraid, impetuously so, and that’s something that gives him a clear advantage in most of his fights. Their opponents can act threatening, rise up as terrifying monsters and evil sorcerers and haunted thieves to menacingly loom over the hero, but Remus isn’t the hero, and he can be just as scary. It’s a critical part of what makes him so intimidating, really.
With every growl, every failed slash, the Dragon Witch gets more agitated. She kicks up dirt and gravel with her clawed feet as she stomps around, bleeds into polluted air with rash arrogance. The path they stand on is partially obscured by clouds of dust, leaving the two’s squabble to be enacted as shadows through the grimy lens. Sound is more effective than sight, in this instance, and it’s this sense that leads Roman back into the fray.
His eyes burn as he trudges toward the faint outline of the Dragon Witch, footsteps filled with caution while he shields his eyes from the dust in a futile attempt to ease the sting. He almost trips over upended rocks multiple times but manages to approach the scuffle relatively unscathed. It’s a wonder Remus is still hanging on, squeezing one of the larger spikes on the half-dragon’s back in a death grip even as she doesn’t let up trying to shake him off. Roman can see through the haze in the air that Remus has managed to almost double the number of scratches he had before, and yet nothing’s changed. He’s still grinning, still whooping and shouting as if he’s this is all just a game, and for him, it probably is.
Despite the fact that the lacerations don’t seem to bother him, Remus is still unable to fight efficiently due to his position, and Roman realizes with a groan that he’s going to have to front the efforts on this one. He doesn’t know why he expected Remus to contribute a single thing to make his life easier, but even with the annoyance, he still can’t really bring himself to be angry.
The prince-like side sighs once more, steels his resolve, and then dashes forward.
Once he’s close enough, Roman almost swings his sword in an effort to do some sort of damage, but manages to stop himself before he does. He’s learned over time that recklessness in combat is one of the biggest detriments to swaying the fight in your favour, and has slowly began to adopt and absorb the patience and split-second strategizing that often tips the balance towards himself in altercations. There are only a few moments before the Dragon Witch will notice him and attack, so Roman needs to think quickly.
In all of the fights he’s had with her, there has been a relative consistency in the way the villain ensures Roman will be the underdog, getting beaten multiple times throughout the battle right up until the end. Her counter-attacks are the focal point here, something he’s begun to train himself to look for in their skirmishes. They’re easily compared to chess pieces, and it’s important for Roman to condition himself into analyzing each move to see where he can improve.
There is one part of their battles that tends to repeat itself, a specific situation that he’s relived time and time again. Roman will charge at the Dragon Witch thoughtlessly, foolishly leave himself wide open, and she’ll whip around at the last second to strike him in the torso with her tail. It’s almost practiced at this point, choreographed into the repetition of the timeline, fluid from one altercation to the next. And Roman knows this, is striving to rethink, and recognizing patterns is how he’ll overcome his deficiencies.
He can’t wait any longer. Narrowing his eyes, Roman puts on an act, lets out a dramatic battle cry as he lunges forward with his sword raised above his head. He can see the Dragon Witch smirk, sees the way her dark eyes glint, and he knows that he’s not going to fail this time. As soon as Roman is within range, she turns as usual, easily baited out with conscious forethought. This time is different, though, because Roman stops short, shifts back to lag the pace, and her tail shoots around.
In a moment that doesn’t happen often, Remus turns around, somehow knowing exactly what Roman’s plan is. There’s a synchronicity there, duality that only comes from two beings who used to exist as one. Roman hops over the Dragon Witch’s tail, leaps forward to grab onto Remus’ extended hand, and uses the leverage to vault off of her back and over her head. He lands hard on the ground in front of her, refusing to waste a single precious second as he ignores the pain that shoots through his legs at the rough stop. Roman immediately turns and plants a foot backward, stamps an anchor into the grass to use as a pivot point. There’s a very small window of time that Roman has to operate in, to take advantage of the pause of surprise as the half-dragon processes the new turn of events. The prince spins around, then uses the momentum to bring down a harsh slash on the Dragon Witch’s chest.
The villainess shrieks, rears back hard enough to finally eject Remus from her back, and she doubles over to clutch at the gash in her open patch of skin. Remus lands in the dirt with a thump, breath forced from his lungs at the impact, and Roman ignores the Dragon Witch for now in favour of rushing to help Remus up. Yeah, his brother is annoying, but he’s still his brother, and Roman is a terrible excuse of a prince if he doesn’t help someone in need, especially family.
His counterpart groans from where he’s laying on the ground, rolls his head to the side to reveal a rock now coloured with a smattering of red. Of course he hits the one place where there isn’t grass, devoid of a more forgiving landing. Roman’s so used to the way that his brother is able to adapt to each new challenge, laugh back in the face of adversity in a different, more careless way than he himself does, that seeing a glazed film over unseeing eyes causes him to stumble back.
Although Remus isn’t usually perturbed too much by injury, and in fact welcomes it, that doesn’t mean that it still doesn’t hurt, that it doesn’t affect him the same way it does any of the others. Particularly in the Imagination, where everything is amplified multiple times, colours and sounds and feelings turned up several notches to match the overwhelming, extraordinary nature that encompasses such a vast, limitless wealth of creation. The production of ideas from such conspicuous places, influenced by the very experience that sets their host apart as an individual, it allows for so much light, but also so much darkness. And though Remus operates comfortably within these confines, yanks on the reins with a force of a tidal wave to force relevancy and requirement, it consequently brings to light how much even his already staggeringly disturbed intrigue can be worse, can always be worse.
Roman has never had full control over the Imagination, has shared it with his brother despite the split far favouring himself. He tries to keep it relatively clean, err on the side of easier topics so as not to disturb Thomas, but even Remus needs an outlet, especially Remus. Roman tries his best to put forth light and warmth, and he’s largely successful, but the suppression of his brother’s thoughts and ideas can only hold on for so long before there is a need to release the pressure, create a draining channel to make sure the water doesn’t spill over the dam. It’s not nearly as bad as it used to be (though the journey to forgiveness and acceptance was certainly arduous), but the predisposition toward lording Roman’s contributions above Remus’ has resulted in a severely heightened state of the areas under his counterpart’s control.
One such area of control is the effect of injuries on those who get hurt inside the Imagination, something that, while more realistic and immersive, has gotten Roman into trouble many, many times. Wounds don’t work the same here as they do in the main part of the mindscape, set apart from the innate impermanence of how they function. Here, they actually hurt, which is not something one would experience outside of the Imagination. They’re also unable to be waved away, cast aside in an instant; once you’ve got it, it stays there, at least until you return and employ the use of object impermanence like a salve. Sure, it makes engaging in Roman’s favourite heroic scenarios feel much more real, but it’s also left him in various predicaments, having to limp away from battles or cower under the force of broken bones.
So normally, when met with the assertation of his brother bleeding from his head, there would be little cause for panic. But in the Imagination, there are much harsher consequences for reckless behaviour, and the way Remus sways and wobbles as he tries to sit up spells out bad news. Roman can feel his heart-rate quicken, feels the lump in his throat forming as Remus doesn't seem to be cognizant enough to respond to his calls and questions.
The prince-like side reaches out, shakes his brother’s shoulders to try and snap him out of it. It seems to succeed somewhat, and Remus blinks a few times before finally meeting Roman’s worried gaze. His face is terrifyingly blank for a few moments, as if he doesn’t even recognize him, and then he’s standing, wincing at the volume of his own voice when he barks out a laugh. “My ‘ead got hit pre--pretty hard, didn’ it?”
Roman’s alarm builds even more, eyebrows furrow as his twin stumbles to the side from a loss of balance that doesn’t have any external cause. Remus reaches up to scratch at the back of his head, forgetting the injury that was just created, and he winces with a sharp hiss as his hand comes back partially covered in fresh blood. It’s a wonder he hasn’t passed out yet, what with the absurd amount of blood he’s lost just in the past few minutes alone, but he’s still standing, and Roman is impressed even amidst the concern. And then his counterpart’s eyes snap open, as clear as they were before, and he’s yelling out a “Move!” as he tries to reach forward.
But it’s too late, and the eldest twin certainly isn’t going to let it hit Remus, so he raises his arms to the sides in order to shield as much of his brother as possible. Roman feels the drag of spikes tearing open the flesh on his back, the ache of the bruises beginning to form from the force of the impact that the Dragon Witch’s tail causes.
Roman spins around through the acute pain emanating from his back as he summons his shield, the one he only saves for emergencies because its gleam can beguile and stupefy and entrance any being who lays their eyes on it. It has a property that almost hypnotizes, something that Roman certainly didn’t intend on it doing, but he’s had to employ its assistance sparingly because of how long it leaves its victims in a daze. He has no problem using it now though, holds it up and braces himself against Remus’ newfound grip on his shoulders, and ducks his head.
The Dragon Witch screeches and tries to send a vicious plume of fire their way, but the shield protects them, turns each flickering flame into sparkling dust to drop harmlessly to the ground when it’s close enough. Her belted attack soon dies out, morphs from a shrill howl to a pained moan, and her voice starts to lose its volume. Roman risks taking a peek over the top, and sees the villainess stumble from side to side as her eyelids droop involuntarily.
The Dragon Witch’s gaze lands one more time on Roman’s shield, and then she’s slumping to the ground, lost in the intricacies of its swirling gold patterns.
“You alright?” Roman asks as he stands back up, furrowing his brows when his twin’s eyes shift in and out of focus. He reaches out to steady Remus in case he falls, but his brother manages to shake his head as if he’s trying to jostle the cotton in his brain and then straightens up just fine, so he lets his hand fall back to his side.
“Yeah, I’m good now. You’ll really do anything to be the hero, huh? Oh, my saviour!” Remus swoons, mocking a feminine voice as he puts the back of his blood-soaked hand to his forehead delicately. The dark red claret streaks across his face, mats his wild, unruly hair down, and Remus doesn’t acknowledge it at all. His counterpart mocks the damsel in distress, snickers with that god-awful nasal laugh of his, and Roman playfully whaps him on the shoulder with the hilt of his katana in relief.
Remus casually bumps his shoulder against Roman’s own as they walk back to the entrance of the Imagination, shows a rare sign of good faith, and Roman is positive that he has the best brother in the world.
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Welcome to another profile on Behind the Screens, giving you personal insight on who your favorite creators are and what they do when they aren’t wowing you with their creative ability.
On this profile, we’ll learn more about Tagan, also known in our pack as ThiamFresh or CaptainMintyFresh. The author of Airplanes, Sweet Talking, and a plethora of other Thiam prompts and stories, Tagan shares bits about her life, her writing process, her ideal road trip buddy, and her tips for creating tension-filled relationships.
Hi, Tagan! Let’s start off simple. Using a sentence, where the word count is either equal to or less than the number of letters in your two favorite Teen Wolf characters’ name, tell us about yourself. 
Theo Raeken + Derek Hale = 19: I’m Tagan. Love to write and act. I have a terrible sense of humour. Generally an accident prone mess. 
Talking about Teen Wolf characters, which five characters would be on your Ultimate Paintball/Laser Tag team and why? 
Theo, Malia, Allison, Liam, Stiles. Right, so I want Theo because like boy’s a master tactician/manipulator and he’s ruthless. Boy would 100% shoot 10 year olds to win and that’s the kind of person I want on my paintball team. Malia, again, she would have no qualms about just decimating the other team. Allison because she is an amazing shot; her role would be stealthing her way through the field to take people out/sniping everyone else while the ‘ground team’ does the closer stuff. Liam because he’s athletic and competitive. Stiles because he’s good at coming up with plans, plus...you know..he’d be really good bait for the other team.
Omg he would be! Now, before those characters blessed us with their existence, we found love and OTPs in other ones. What would you say were your first ships, way back in the day?
I’m not sure if this counts but Ant and Dec? I thought they were married but if not, then Monica and Chandler or Spike and Buffy. The first fanfiction I read was for Dramione.
And, how did you land in the Thiam Family? What about Theo x Liam drew you in?
I really liked their scenes in 6A (And some of the scenes in 5 but honestly, I hated five as a whole and watched it out of duty more than anything so I just didn’t have the enthusiasm to get into a ship.) Theo was the first bit of 6A that i actually really liked and a lot of that was just down to his sass and a lot of it was directed at Liam. And then the car key scene had me cackling with laughter. There scenes were just..fun in a way the rest of the season lacked, at least to me. So I was pretty invested in their whole dynamic and then there was ‘Being the bait’ and ‘do you know how to ride a horse’ and I was pretty sold. I went to search for Thiam content then but didn’t find any so just went back to writing the fics for other fandoms I was doing then and didn’t really mind.
But then 6B came out and the second I saw Theo on screen I was thinking “wow i can’t wait for him to see Liam and realised I was a bit more sold on them than I had planned to be and so I searched the tag again and went onto AO3 and read the few fics there but there really weren’t many. 
I’d gotten stuck on all the fics I was doing for other fandoms and so put up a request for prompts and Thiamkey gave me a bunch of headcanons and prompts and then people seemed to like them and started sending them in and then I just...talked to people and they were all lovely and we had all this amazing content coming out every week from the show and more people climbed aboard the ship. More fics being written, more prompts being sent.
Honestly, i just wanted to dip my toe in the water, write a fic or two while I waited for other people to write their own but then i suddenly found myself up to my neck in Thiam and not regretting a second of it.
Let’s jump into writing. Before we dive into the Thiam pool, if your writing process was a person, describe him or her. What does he or she do? Wear? Listen to?
My writing process as a person would probably be a toddler in a room full of toys but instead of playing with them, she just hiding under furniture and has five different conversations with five different imaginary friends at one time. She’s messy, with chocolate ice cream smeared over her face and her hair tangled into nots. She has no real idea about what’s happening but is excited none-the-less. Will have constant tantrums and cry then be excitedly squealing in the next second. ACDC would be playing in the background.
And your writing Kryptonite? How do you fight it?
Procrastination. I’m really bad at focusing on any one thing. Like, if i’m watching a new episode of a show, I’ll play solitaire in the corner of the screen because otherwise, I’m too unfocused to be focused. If that makes any sense. So when I’m writing I have to have a conversation open with someone or have just done a puzzle or something that’s fried my brain a bit so I can focus on writing, but I often end up getting too focused on the other thing and not getting any writing done.
As for how to fight it, I honestly have no idea? I just kinda flit around and hope for the best.
Well, clearly it works for you, so cheers! Do you write novels or short stories about original characters, as well? If so, can you share one you’re particularly passionate about?
Yes i dooo :) I write books. So I’ve written three so far and have like 12 in the works. (There’s a YA series in there which is why there’s so many) um..I’m not sure what i’m particularly proud of so i’m just pasting the first scene I found in my emails which is a scene from a zombie book I wrote called Autumn
Autumn Excerpt:
Sometimes I could forget, for a moment. When the sun was high in the sky and we were strolling through an open field. Weapons held loose in hand, rucksacks tossed over single shoulders. When we were throwing a bottle of water between us, talking about now pointless things, sharing stories and silly jokes. Laughs etched onto our faces as we'd forget all about it. About the past months and the horror we've seen, the people we've lost.
But then a stray would stumble into the field or we’d hear a distant scream and it would come rushing back. Hands quickly going back to locked tightly arrowed our weapons, smiles slipping from our faces.There were also times I couldn't forget, not even for a second. When we lay on rough roof tops, looking up at the dark sky willing to sleep, to get lost in a dream but I could hear it, the scratching of nails against brick, the snap of teeth hitting together and the low, guttural moans. At these times I’d think, this will be the last sound I ever hear. The huffing of the dead, the wet slapping and slurping as they tore and chewed on flesh.
On these nights I’d try to comfort myself, Say that that nightmare sound wouldn't be what I heard, I prayed for a gunshot, dreamed of that rather than the sounds bellow me. Because, these days, you go out one of two ways and a gunshot was everyone's silver lining.
When you mentioned YA series, my back straightened haha. What’s the title of your series? A synopsis for what it’d be about?
Oh god, so the longest one I have to find a new title to because it’s called Gifted and is about people with superpowers and now there’s that The Gifted show out about people with powers so that’s a bit awkward.
Me and my friend wrote a webseries when we were like 14/15 and although we only filmed a tiny bit of it, we actually had the whole thing planned out. Three seasons, 40 episodes and when we stopped working on it I was like “dude can i turn this into a book series?” and he was like “Yeah go ahead.” So I started writing a bit of it.
Gifted follows the story of three childhood friends as they get powers and deal with all the usual coming of age stuff while getting caught up with other people with powers. The first book will be done in alternating POV between the three friends, but that will slowly expand to incorporate the more important characters met along the way.
There’s lots of whump, teenagers dealing with depression and PTSD.  Basically i tried to write a new fairly light hearted story about kids coming of age and dealing with typical super power problems, but then accidentally put them through the ringer and turned it into a mass of character study and angst.
Final question before the barrage of Thiam questions lol. Characters often find themselves in situations they aren’t sure they can get themselves out of. When was the last time you were in a place like that and what did you do? 
The last time I found myself in a situation I couldn’t get out of was this summer and I cried a lot and then made scathing jokes to the reasons I couldn’t get out of the situation with a sunny smile that left the situations unaware that I was trying to figure out how to word a letter that told the situations they need never situate themselves anywhere near me ever again. (I have yet to send those letters.)
Wow, yeah, I’ve been there before. I hope you find the strength/courage to send those letters one day. Since we’re talking about personal experiences, would you say that any of your life has poured over into your Thiam writing?
The only one I can currently think of is the scene in Sweet Talking where Theo’s tired and listening to Liam, Mason and Corey hang out and thinking about how he’ll never really fit in.
My brother had a bunch of friends round before I wrote that chapter, or at least that part of that chapter. I moved away from my home town/all my friends (there’s literally 1 friend but whatever) 3 years ago and haven’t made any friends since. My brother keeps telling me his friends can be my friends but I‘m always the odd man out and it’s just really lonely so I was definitely channeling some inner loneliness into that.
Let’s say you could escape it all and venture on a major Airplanes-esque road trip. Who would you take (real or fictional)? Where would you go? And what is one shenanigan the two of you would run into?
The Queen. I just think it’d be really funny, not to mention you could get in like everywhere for free.
Honestly I think if the queen wasn’t available, I’d want to go with @thiamfanartlove. We’ve only been talking a little while, but we get on really well and I feel like we’d be equally ready to do a bunch of dumb stuff on our journey. I’d want to go around Europe. Hit up @thiamkey on the way and a few other people. 
We would 100% get into a fight at some point because neither of us have any chill. Like, someone would insult one of us and the other would just be down to fight and then it would turn into an all out brawl with us against the world. (We would lose, but it’d be a good story, at least.)
Truth. And one story we’d demand all the details on. You’ve talked a lot about some trivia, inspirations and spoilers for Airplanes in your livestream, which are linked here. So, my questions to you are more about the technique side of your writing, since it’s always amazing to learn from you all.  
You incorporate great character studies into your stories. What would you say are some tricks you use to portray what your characters are thinking?
I think, just finding a way to resonate with the character you’re writing. Even if it’s a character you think you have nothing in common with, I promise you somewhere there’s a memory you have that fits something they’ve felt. 
Liam’s POV was really weird to me at the start of airplanes so I chose to focus on something I could personally understand. Which was the need for freedom but anxiety at what it might cost the other people if you take it and that..kind of self hatred for the anger issues and wishing everything could change. You find a common thread and write that and soon enough you find yourself understanding the character, even in situations or with feelings you’ve never personally been affected by.
I don’t know if that makes any sense? But basically yeah, find common ground and that one scene you can write and then work from there.
And, the tension between your characters. How do you build that tension when it comes to relationships to avoid the instalove phenomenon?
ANGST! I dunno, the easiest way for me to slow down the instalove is the characters being more preoccupied with other stuff than their love lives. I think just..keeping it as real as possible. In my personal experience, love at first sight is rare. You can’t fall in love with someone until you know them so a lot of it is just..giving the characters these little moments that bring them closer together, making them have those conversations that you’d have with your best friend and just slowly drawing closer and closer together as you get more comfortable. Especially in Airplanes when it first starts Liam’s in a pretty bad place mentally. He’s really drained and feeling the weight of everything he’s been through so his mind was just so far away from romance that it seemed wrong to have him noticing any feelings for Theo until he was a bit happier and had healed a bit. Not to mention all the baggage the two have.
Having a character go through that process of questioning their sexuality is fun as well. I mean, Liam so far in canon has been written as straight and that’s a lot of fun to play with because you have that whole realisation process where he has to figure out that what he feels for Theo isn’t entirely platonic and that it’s different from how he feels about Mason or any of the other guys in the show and that can be a really challenging thing to do. Not even in the ‘Oh coming out is scary’ way just in the heteronormative straight until proven otherwise sort of way.
I mean i’m Bi and that took me like...21 years to realise? And it wasn’t that I didn’t have little crushes on girls before it was just I’d never noticed them for what they were. For me the only reason it clicked was because I realised I was Asexual and that my ‘well I don’t want to bone a girl so I’m not gay’ was kinda pointless thing when I realised that I didn’t even want to bone guys. It was just what was expected. Once I took that away and sat down and thought about it, it was suddenly very clear to me. But most characters won’t have that specific nudge so it can be a fairly long road.
Just, to stop instalove think about what they’re going through, think about how you fall in love because the realisation may be instant but the build up is usually gradual. You notice it in one dumb moment but to actually get there, you have a long list of bits where you get to know the other person and you deal with your own personal issues and stuff.
For building tension, it’s again just building up that relationship. You start off small with touches that make the heart speed up before they’re more comfortable and grow closer. Honestly, the best way is just to focus on the friendship first and the romantic relationship second because then you get the familiarity and that’s when you can start having your characters realise there’s something else there and that suddenly makes all these little touches a lot more terrifying and confusing as they try to figure out what it means. 
That’s perfect though. And the gritty realization that most people have about those they’ve fallen in love with since they’ve usually gotten close to that person by that point is terrifying and emotional, so I can now see where that tension comes from! Anything else you’d like to say, in general. The floor is all yours.
Umm okay. I am always accepting prompts but it willlllll take me a while to get to them because i have quite a few and don’t really go chronologically but more where the inspiration hits and sometimes, like with airplanes, that’s my own story rather than a prompt but my ask box is always always open for more prompts.
Upcoming works, I have no idea. Right now, I just want to finish airplanes and then see where I go after that. I do want to play around in the airplanes universe a little bit more after the fic is done with, delving into Theo’s POV for some of the missing scenes and I also might do a short pack scene where you have everyone realise Theo and Liam are gone in the morning in Idaho.
The reason I like sharing my work is because I like the idea that maybe I can help someone and maybe that sounds dumb--but to me--reading is a major escapism technique. I used it a lot when I was younger and this fic and the comments I’ve gotten have just made me so insanely happy because it seems like, maybe for a few people, I’ve reached my goal in helping someone through a bad day or to relax and just forget their worries for a while. And that’s the whole reason I like writing and that’s the first time I’ve ever really felt that and I literally cried when someone told me my updates helped their shitty week before because...that’s the whole reason I want to get into writing or acting as a career and to see I’d achieved that goal was just awesome.
If you’ve sent me a nice message on tumblr and I haven’t replied, it’s not because I didn’t read it or I don’t like it or whatever you might think. It’s because i’m a hoarder and now have a folder wth screen shots of all the nice messages in it, so that I can look at them when I’m having a nice day.
Really, I just want to say that I see everything you guys send or make or comment and I appreciate every single one and just thank you. Life’s been tough for me lately but getting to write for a fandom as accepting and kind as this one is really really amazing and your messages have picked me up when I’ve felt worthless so many times. Just keep being awesome Thiam fandom! And thank you for being so welcoming and supportive of everyone that joins.
Aww thank you! We’re so happy to have you in our fandom and to have Airplanes, your prompts, and other stories. I, and others have shared the same sentiment, agree with you that this fandom is amazing and so supportive of one another that it almost seems surreal! So, go us, lovely pack! 
To finish us off, what’s next for you? Both in life and in the writing world?
For life, I’m hoping to get some acting roles for student films and stuff. Get myself a laptop so I can write more and a camera (eventually) so I can film the scripts I’ve wrote. I also want to send some of my books to publishers and generally try to make a life for myself out of the two things I love doing.
I have a bunch of books I’m working on and I really want to finish writing my YA series because it seems like it could be quite fun once I get a bit more into it.
With that, BTS presents ThiamFresh to you! As always, you can keep the conversation going; respond to any of her thoughts, ask more questions, send a prompt, or simply swing by for a chat with Tagan anytime. To dive into her works, check out both her AO3 and Tumblr. 
Tumblr: thiamfresh
AO3: captainmintyfresh
Ask Box: thiamfresh ask
A huge thank you to Tagan for being so open to answering our questions and sharing her tips on character stories and building tension. 
Some great news, for everyone who enjoys this series, we’ve decided to run Behind the Screens every Thursday. And, we’d love your help in doing it! 
Have a Thiam Creator you fan over, from any platform (AO3, Tumblr, Wattpad, Instagram, FFN, etc). Please send us their names. Bonus points if you include any questions you’re dying to ask them. Likewise, if you as the creator, would like to be a part of the Behind the Screens series, give us a shout too! We’d love to get to know you, as well.
Hasta Luego!
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thejpfdude-blog · 7 years
A Closer Look At... Tamako Market/Tamako Love Story
Heyo and welcome to a brand new series that hopefully actually becomes a series called “A Closer Look At...”! The goal of this series is to write reviews on anime series and for me to get a closer idea of why I love/hate a show. I’m still sort of tinkering with how I want to structure this, but for now I’m gonna do a standard rundown of the basic categories, you know stuff like Animation/Art, Characters, Story, Enjoyment, and Final Thoughts (that’s a basic category right?). So yeah, let’s kick off this double special with the first show on this list. But first, a WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR TAMAKO MARKET AND TAMAKO LOVE STORY. You’ve been warned.
Tamako Market
First, a question for those of you in the audience. Raise your hand if you thought that Tamako Market would be my highest rated show I’ve watched this year, a show I rate higher than Bakemonogatari and Madoka Magica. Now put your hands down you liars.
Yeah, what a world. This show was many things: a show I’ve been told to trudge through to get to its movie sequel; a show I’ve been told is one of the worst Kyoto Animation works; a show I’ve been holding off on for a while. And here we are: writing a review for it so I can exclaim its praises. For those of you that don’t know about this show, Tamako Market is about the life of Tamako Kitashirakawa, a girl in a family of mochi bakers living her life in a shopping district with her friends. Shenanigans ensue when she runs into a bird named Dera who is looking for a bride for his country’s prince. Dera ends up eating too much mochi, becomes too fat, and cannot return to his faraway home. And thus the story begins.
I mean it’s Kyoto Animation. That’s all that really needs to be said for this category.
But let me try to dive in deeper. The animation is great: I didn’t notice any inconsistencies with it, other than some weird CG in one of the episodes with the people in the market. Nice to have a show that doesn’t distract from the story with its inconsistent character models.
The character design itself isn’t anything amazing: most of the characters look liked they could have come from a different KyoAni show: Choi and Azusa from K-On was a similarity that really stuck out to me. I didn’t have a problem with it for the most part though: they were still really good looking and the stark similarities were few and far in between.
Color design-wise, the show used bright colors that popped, which reflected the overall tone of the show: happy and bright. Not to mention it helped create the carnival-like atmosphere that I think they tried to portray the shopping district as. Well, not try, more like did. Because it worked.
Overall, the art/animation of the show is a solid 5/5 stars. Sasuga KyoAni.
Let me start this off by saying I loved all of the characters in this show. Yes, even Dera. Before I started watching Tamako Market I was warned of the “annoying bird” and told that he ruined the dynamic of the show. To be honest though, I think that without him I wouldn’t have enjoyed this show as much. He acted as sort of the butt monkey (err butt bird) for the others and the jokes, which made him less annoying in my eyes. Plus adding him to the cast of “happy” characters prevented a Flying Witch situation where everybody was too happy, something I like to call the “/r/wholesomememes conundrum” (if you don’t know the Wholesome Memes subreddit is filled with people making happy comments and no negativity or even sarcasm, and it creeps me out a lot). 
Other than that, yeah the other characters were nice. Tamako was your standard genki girl, Mochizou was cute AF in a good way (and I related to his struggles), Kanna was low-key best girl, and Midori was all right I guess. Then there are the people in the shopping district, who all had their own little quirks with them. Individually they didn’t offer much, but putting them together really helped create the feeling of being in a shopping market, in sort of a village setting. Them helping Tamako with all of her stuff reminds me of that saying: it takes a village to raise a child (or something like that). Characters are super important for me, and for this show they were a solid 5/5 stars. Good on ya KyoAni.
If there’s one thing that this show fell flat in, it’s this category. Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I didn’t mind it at all. This was a slice-of-life show, so the story doesn’t have to be amazingly original or creative, it just has to flow in a decent way so that I can enjoy it. I know for most people it was pretty boring, and that’s kinda true in a sense. The whole storyline of the show is that Dera is finding a bride for his prince, but that kinda doesn’t get prioritized until the last few episodes when they introduce Choi as a character and then when the prince comes to visit. Those last 2 or 3 episodes were for me the weakest in the show, only because it was heavily focused on that plotline. I enjoyed Tamako Market for the shopping market shenanigans, so it was kinda boring with the whole “wow Tamako is a princess??” stuff. And the ending of it seemed... anticlimactic: when the prince already knew she wasn’t the princess but went with the whole procedures anyway, it kinda gave those last 2 episodes no point. Even with that though, it was still a super fun watch, so I don’t fault it too much. Overall 3/5 stars on the story: it was all right for the first few episodes but the whole princess storyline was a bit out there.
Overall Enjoyment
I mean yeah it was a really fun show. I wouldn’t say it would be fun for everyone, but it just hit all of the right notes for me, and I really had a good time with it. A 5/5 stars for enjoyment.
Final Thoughts
So overall, Tamako Market was a pretty fun watch, complete with KyoAni visuals and good characters. Though the story is sometimes meh, it works out overall and became one of my favorite shows. A 9/10 show for me, would recommend to those of you who enjoy slice-of-life shows.
Tamako Love Story
“Haha, you thought it was over? No sir, there’s more.”
That’s what I assume KyoAni said to the anime community when this movie was announced. Because there was absolutely no indication that a sequel movie about LOVE would come out, given how dense Tamako was towards the crushes of both Mochizou and Midori (though the second one is more understandable). But what a great surprise, as this movie ended up becoming more popular than its prequel series. In fact, the movie is how I ended up getting into the show in the first place. So yeah, I was pretty excited to see how it was given I enjoyed the show so much.
Note that most of what I said about the show above is still the same in the movie, so I’ll just be talking about the story and overall enjoyment of the show.
If you didn’t know the plot of Tamako LOVE STORY, then let me tell you. It’s about the LOVE STORY between Tamako and Mochizou. Simple as that. Though even with its simple premise, it executes it super well. The movie kicks off with Mochizou wanting to tell Tamako that he plans to go to Tokyo for college. Stuff escalates as he tells her this plus confesses to her, to which Tamako goes into love shock as she runs away and spends the next few days not knowing what to do. It’s cute stuff, really. But then she decides yes I do love this boy, so she runs off to the train station to catch up with him and confesses via the cup telephones that they used to communicate. And then the movie ends. Yeah, that’s my biggest complaint with this movie: like many anime romances, it ends with the confession, and the actual couple-y things don’t happen. Like come on man, I want some nice vanilla romance in my life.
To be fair, though, it was still really cute to see how Tamako handled her feelings and the whole process in which she accepted them. And I was still pretty dang happy when she confessed (though a bit confused and angry at first when the credits rolled). Overall, though I wanted to see more time between the two as a couple, I can’t complain too much considering it was what the title says: a nice love story. A nice 5/5 stars on the story: simple but well-executed.
Overall Enjoyment
Well what do you think? I think 5/5 stars, would re-watch multiple times.
Final Thoughts
This movie was a joy to the eyeballs, and to the brain as well. Writing about this movie makes me want to go watch it again, and that I will. 10/10 would recommend (but please watch Tamako Market first: it actually is pretty important).
0 notes
thejpfdude-blog · 7 years
The Upcoming Summer 2017 Shows I’ll Be Watching
Hello friends and welcome to the annual beginning-of-season post about the shows I’m watching for the season! With the Spring 2017 anime season almost ending (thank goodness), now’s the time to look at the slate of shows that the Summer 2017 season has to offer.
A reminder of the usual thing I say in these posts:
I might watch some other shows that are good or drop some shows if they aren’t good, but that’s for the future.
Like always, I’m organizing these shows into three categories: Full Chance are shows I’m giving the whole season towards, Short Leash are shows I’m giving three or so episodes towards, and One Shot are shows I’m giving one episode towards. As we progress towards categories, expect less words for each anime as I lose interest in writing. Also a reminder that MAL links to the shows are on the titles for those interested. So let’s start with…
Full Chance Shows
Ballroom e Youkoso: First off, this show already has an interesting concept. And while that isn’t a huge factor in how good a show ends up being, this show does have some other aspects to it that I think might make it good. Basically, this show is about a guy who enters the world of ballroom dancing. In the most simplistic sense, it is a sports anime, so that is a plus for me given my propensity towards the sporting events. Another big plus is that this show is made by the same studio that made Haikyuu, another sports anime with some great animation scenes. If there’s one thing that this show needs in order to be successful, it’s the animation, given the high amount of movement in the sport. Yes, sharing the same studio doesn’t necessarily mean that the animation will be good (given that there could be different staff for animation roles), but it’s still a good sign. On a personal note, I don’t really like the character designs. But hey, that’s a minor issue (unless they somehow get worse or something). Overall, this show has some potential: let’s see how it capitalizes on it.
New Game!!: Yeah boi. From the makers of New Game! comes New Game!!, the second season. Believe me when I say that I’m honestly trying to keep my hype for this show down. But it’s not working, because I’m pretty dang excited for it. This show was one of my favorite shows in what in my opinion was a stacked Summer 2016 season of anime, filled with moe and fun little antics by each of the cast. Also that beautiful character design. Mmm that’s good stuff. Me likey.
Looking at this seriously though, my recent experiences with second seasons make me very wary of how this show could go wrong. So let’s see. More lewd would make this already kinda-lewd show somewhat intolerable (Okusama ga Seitokaichou). The new characters could be annoying (Chuunibyou). Old characters can get annoying (also Okusama). They don’t tweak the formula for funny and things get stale (KonoSuba). Characters could suddenly change personalities into ones I don’t like or ones that ruin the dynamic of the show (GochiUsa). The genre shifts suddenly into one I don’t like (Oregairu/Saekano) I mean there’s a lot of ways this could go wrong. My point I guess is that I don’t want to ponder it too deeply. It’ll definitely be in the back of my mind, and I’ll keep expectations low throughout the season (not just before the season like I did with Demi-chan). But I’ll just enjoy the ride for the most part. Because like always, at the end of the day I watch anime for entertainment.
Tsurezure Children: Ah yeah, give me more of that vanilla romance. This show is a collection of many many couples’ stories. Which means if you don’t like a couple, just wait for the next one. It’s also a short, which is great given this show looks to be skit-based with a focus on many couples in a given episode. I’m always down for some nice romance shows, so I’m looking forward to it. If it ends up being anything close to Honobono Log it’ll be a favorite.
Short Leash Shows
Aho Girl: So I’ve actually read the source material for this show. It’s... okay. It’s not bad, but it’s nothing special. So imagine my surprise when I saw it was getting an anime adaptation. Meanwhile I sit here waiting for Horimiya or Kaguya-sama Wants to Be Confessed To adaptation news...
Anyway, this show is about a really stupid girl and the poor soul who hangs out with her. All the funnies revolve around the stupidity of said girl and the guy who becomes the straight man. The show is in short format to fit the 4-koma format of the original source. Real talk though, even if this show was perfectly adapted I don’t think it’ll be anything higher than a 6/10 for me. But I might as well give it a shot, since it’s a short anyway, and I like anime. This is my life now.
Centaur no Nayami: In the same vein as Demi-chan and MonMusu (to an extent), we have this show about the life of a centaur living among other supernatural beings. I don’t know too much about this show other than the plot, so it could honestly go in any direction. If it doesn’t go the lewd (MonMusu) or the weird romance angle (Demi-chan), I think it has a chance of being a pretty relaxed show about the life of a centaur. Other factors ignored. Actually, what I find interesting is the studio making this, a Chinese animation company famous for making not-so-famous shows like To Be Hero, Cheating Craft, and Hitori no Shita. I don’t think that’s a good sign though when the first show in that list is probably their best one and I haven’t heard of the other shows they made. So I’m not too optimistic about this one, but plot-wise it does look interesting, which is nice for now.
Dive!!: How fitting for the season of summer. This show is about a diving team on the verge of closing. When suddenly, the coach asks to keep it open on the condition that one of the peeps from the team represents Japan in the Olympics. Wao, such ambition.
I don’t know much about this show, so I can’t say much about it. Plot-wise, it’s interesting given there aren’t much diving shows (if any). The studio though is the reason why I have this show in Short Leash instead of Full Chance. The studio is responsible for making... Piace: Watashi no Italian, Tsugumomo, and (the kicker) Battery. Yes, the same Battery that contends for the worst anime I’ve ever seen. So yeah, I’m a bit wary. But I’ll give it a shot, why not?
Hajimete no Gal: Sigh... this is my life now. Again. This show is about the life of harem main-protagonist #234852 and his scumbag friends in his quest to find a girlfriend. Because that’s all life is about. And if you don’t have one you’re a sad sack of stupid. Somehow, the gyaru girl MC asked out says yes, and shenanigans happen. I remember reading the manga for this a long time ago, and thinking “what the fudge is this baloney” (curse words changed). I mean seriously look at this. I have several questions, none of which pertain to the show’s plot (more like PLOT amirite).
Okay, bias aside, this show has the potential to be an interesting show about subverting expectations... in a way. There’s a reason why this show is in Short Leash and not One Chance, and that right there is pretty much it. As you can tell from the above paragraph this type of show isn’t really my thing. But that doesn’t mean I’ll just flat out dismiss it. I’ll give it a chance. A fair chance: I’ll keep an open mind to it. But if it is really that bad, then refer to the first paragraph for an “I told you so”.
Koi to Uso: Firstly, the plot of the show sounds pretty interesting. Here’s the description straight from MAL:
Lies are forbidden and love is doubly forbidden. In the near future, when young people in Japan turn sixteen, they are assigned a marriage partner by the government. People don't have to go through the trouble of looking for someone, and everyone accepts that the country will find a compatible partner to make them happy. Yukari Nejima is fifteen years old. He lives in a small corner of the country, and just can't seem to get ahead in life. Both academically and athletically he's below average. But within him, he hides a heart burning with passion! In this world in which love is forbidden, what will happen to him when he falls in love?
So yeah, that piqued my interest, and there wasn’t any obvious red flags, so I initially put it on my Full Chance list. But a few days ago one of my friends found out about the adaptation and responded, I quote:
“did Koi to Uso really get an anime”
Now he never said anything beyond that, so it’s kind of a moot point, you would think. Except this dude has some good taste, liking the same shows I like and the same characters I like (for the most part). Thus, I’m kinda wary about this show now. Stupid reason, I know, but trust your friends and trust your enemies closer. Or something like that. We’ll see what the deal is with this show soon enough, I guess.
Konbini Kareshi: So I remember reading about this show in an article about a convenience store in Japan sponsoring an anime. And now it’s real. Hmm. Well, corporate sponsorships aside, this show looks to be pretty interesting. It’s about a group of friends’ lives revolving around a convenience store. Yeah, sounds about right. I mean, I’m not expecting much from this show, so if it does end up being a nice slice-of-life (with romance maybe?), I’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Made in Abyss: So I’ve heard good things about this one, but I don’t trust people anymore after I’ve been betrayed by their expectations multiple times. This show is a fantasy, so it’s kinda already out of my range of liked genres. The story is basically that there’s a giant abyss, people explore it, there’s a kid who wants to explore it when he grows up, his mom’s exploring it, and then he meets a robot boy, and stuff happens. Simple, right? Well, idk, it’s honestly kinda boring to me. And the character design looks weird. So why the heck do I have it on my list, much less on Short Leash? Well I might as well give it a chance, in case it is as people say it is. Benefit of the doubt and all that. And I feel like one episode isn’t enough to give it, so Short Leash it is.
One Chance Shows
(Editor/Writer’s Note: This is around the point where I got bored of writing these summaries. Notice how the posts get shorter and snarkier the further down you go. Isn’t that fun.)
Gamers!: Look generic in every aspect: story, character design, etc. But sure, let’s watch an episode because this is my life now.
Isekai Shokudou: One of TWO shows with “isekai” in the title. One of them is apparently not actually isekai, but I don’t remember which one it is. This one is about some restaurant that serves normal people, and on Saturdays serves the same food to otherworldly creatures. Oh, so it’s this one. I mean this honestly sounds pretty interesting, but it’s so out there in idea that I just put it here. Though honestly it’s a hybrid Short Leash/One Shot show.
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni: And then there’s this one which is about a guy who... surprise... gets transported to another world. Wow, that’s so original and I’ve never heard of it before. But wait, plot twist. He has his CELLPHONE. WOW. Truly a revolutionary idea that’ll sell all of the source material! (Actually that could be true... at least the second half of it).
Keppeki Danshi Aoyama-kun: This show’s about a guy who’s a genius soccer player who’s also fastidious, which for those of you who didn’t study your SAT vocabulary, means “very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail”. Interesting enough idea, so I’ll give it a shot.
Nana Maru San Batsu: A show about the world of competitive quizzes. Finally, I can learn about the subject which has eluded me for so long! Truly, anime is a blessing.
In all seriousness, sounds interesting enough, so, yes, I’ll give it an episode.
Netsuzou TRap: And here it is, ladies and gentlemen: the “Degenerate Otaku Show of the Season”! Featuring stuff such as yuri, NTR, and drama, it’s about two girls who are friends who have boyfriends, but find they’re more than just “friends”. To be fair, I didn’t want to watch this at first. But then I found out it was a short (10 minutes), and so I just put it on the list because why not.
Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart: Oh my god that description is too long. I guess this show’s about a girl and a cat. Sure, why not. And something with a princess, and one of them is probably named Nora. My knowledge of Japanese is truly great (/s).
THE REFLECTION: Okay, what the actual F is this description:
After THE REFLECTION, some of the people in all parts of the world are discovered with super powers. Some become heroes, and others villains. How did the Reflection happen? What was the cause of it? With many unsolved mysteries, the world is lead into turmoil.
I learned almost nothing from this description other than SUPERHEROES. But yeah sure, I’ll watch an episode.
Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (why is the title so long): The best way I’ve heard this show described is a serious version of Baka to Test, which I’ve never watched. But the character designs look pretty good, so I’ll watch it I guess.
And that’s (finally) it! That was a journey, filled with 19 shows in total. I definitely won’t finish all of these though, maybe half at best, because let’s be honest most of these shows will suck. But hey, maybe there’s a show out there I didn’t list here that’s good. And maybe one of these One Shot shows ends up being good. That’s the fun of anime: finding hidden gems. Also watching it. That’s pretty important too.
Well, thanks for reading this long monstrosity. And yeah, I’ll see you in the next post!
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