#some interesting and necessary info ok
ratcandy · 2 months
also whats weird is like, that mushroom gotta be like ATTACHED to his brain?? no way he doesnt have brain damage from that. also its not hard to imagine that with all his intense mushroom use, that he'd have some sort of substance use disorder. and he is, suddenly, in a DEATH CULT. actually. i dont feel like anyone talks about the last part. ?? doesnt anyone wonder how hard it would be to adjust just suddenly. being in a cult? we dont really know how his life was before but if he wasnt in a cult beforehand then id imagine all the Cult Stuff would be at least a little uncomfortable.
I guess it would depend to what extent we're leaning into the parasite actually being a cordycep. Because if we're going full throttle on that, teeechnically cordyceps don't attach to the brain at all and only control the musculature; hence why I always hc'd that there's two different mushrooms involved, with the menticide doing the brain fuckery and the cordycep doing. The everything else
But at the same time it could very well just be advanced cordycep and we can make up whatever rules we want ! But YES, regardless, there is some brain nonsense happening that would ABSOLUTELY have everlasting effects on this ant. Not to mention if the cordyceps DID have control of his muscular system, then his entire body has got to be feeling the effects of it as well.
So he's here, in a death cult, probably having to re-learn how to walk and suffering extreme withdrawal symptoms as well as memory loss.
ANd no nobody ever considers the full ramifications of the death cult because everybody is a coward and won't consider how horrifying cults actually are!!!!!! And to be a disabled old man suddenly thrust into a scary ass scenario where people are being sacrificed and brought back to life around you while you can't even remember how old you are or where you've been the past few years because time was fucked while you were Shroomed, it HAS to be HORRIFYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But at the same time it really just works out from a cultist perspective. He's already isolated, vulnerable, and probably only halfway lucid at any given point. He'd be extremely easy to manipulate and keep dependent on the cult. After all, they're keeping him safe there, it's dangerous out there. (Not to mention him just feeling some inherent loyalty to the Lamb upon becoming sober, which certainly wouldn't do him any favors)
Like what's he going to do? Leave? Stumble out, suffering withdrawl, into the Lands of the Old Faith?? As an old man??????????
He has no CHOICE but to make peace with where he is. Despite all the questions about if his FAMILY is even STILL ALIVE. Despite having no idea what he DID while under the influence. Despite the HORRORS around every CORNER
It's FUCKED!!!!! It's AWFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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waywardsalt · 8 months
#bellum x linebeck tag ramblings im not making this an actual post i just wanna throw some ideas around bc its still abstract n all that#cuz its not like. just romantic? like im not gonna sit down and treat it like some conventional relationship tho sometimes it is#like i sit down and not a single au/bit of post ph are they actually just. dating. they generally just have Something going on#like in ph. off the bat. i think when linebeck learns about bellum he starts to research him- checks libraries and personal collections#and hounding oshus and the spirits and trying to scrape together every little bit lf information he can find#at first its to quell his fear and maybe find tips he can pass on to link but once he digs deeper he just starts doing it out of curiosity#so theres just a mutual. they really want to know more about each other- linebeck doesnt just stop at researching bellum as an enemy#and bellum doesnt just stop at ‘researching’ linebeck as an enemy and someone to take advantage of#before they meet they have already gone a little farther than necessary into finding info on each other so they. have that mutual interest#and neither of them are too familiar with that i mean linebeck gets link but hes just used to limiting what people know about him#and bellum is used to just being a demonic enemy in need of eradicating (justified tho) whose other traits have been lost to time#like i imagine that long long ago bellum was worshipped as a like. god of war deity of survival against the odds that sort of thing#but the more positive aspects were left to languish when he decided to take the easy and simple way out and towards power and survival#but thats Bellum Lore that i need to add to That Post bc i don think its on there lmao#ok but. specifically in the crimson king au. theres this whole thing bellum eats people he has linebeck bring back limbs and stuff for him#but like some nights they make dinner i (linebeck is. not going to eat human meat. probably)#and while bellum prepares whatever dead guy linebeck brings him linebeck usually brings over a fresh squid#i feel like there’s something there. in other aus bellum ends up being intensely protective of linebeck due to them being reliant on each#other and bellum has known linebeck for a while. in some hes just like. his boss? the space au one is fun thats a fun dynamic#space au is probably the current au where theres the least romantic w/e between them but its still weird#anyways. but like in post ph its that sort of curiosity about each other that drives them to be kind to each other and. civil#theres some recognition they kind of see themselves in each other they understand how they think to a certain degree#bellum is possessive (heh. heheh) of linebeck very quickly partially to be able to keep. well. studying him and eventually bc of liking him#like on a level bellum is kind of just this violent animal that linebeck studies and finds ways to sustain and take care of but bellum#also knows linebeck incredibly intimately so while empathy is generally not there he can talk about very personal stuff to bellum and.#and vice versa a bit! its weird. like bellum has done heinous shit but linebeck kinda just. cares about the present and the future#it kinda ties into my idea that linebeck would rather not touch the past much like he keeps it in mind but moves forward no matter what#so he keeps his eyes forward with bellum and while initially distrustful and keeping him on a short leash just like. gives him some grace#this might be tag limit but like. yknow? im getting there but i might stick to just being loose with it bc it works#salty talks
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cheezitofthevalley · 25 days
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Part 1
Hi! Sorry this took so long (new job). Let's get right to it.
Q: What are dividers?
A: Dividers are any graphic that is used to divide two things, usually bodies of text. They are useful for breaking up blog posts and signalling the end of a topic. You might not have noticed, but many websites feature dividers of some kind. Bloggers, however, tend to be a bit extra about their dividers. Here are some good examples:
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Q: Ok, cool. It probably wasn't necessary for you to put that many examples, but it does make it clear that dividers can be pretty much anything. Still, I think there are more graphics that you've posted. What about those tiny thingys?
A: You mean favicons? Yeah, let's talk about those.
Favicons are tiny images that represent a website or company. Any easy example is probably right in front of you, if you're on a laptop. Look at the Tumblr tab you have open; do you see the little "t" icon? That's a favicon. Favicons were originally 16x16 pixels. They can be animated.
That being said, lots of people use the term to refer to any small pixel art. These can also be called pixels.
Q: Wait. Why call pixel art a pixel? Aren't pixels single points on a screen?
A: Well, yes. And favicons are supposed to have very specific dimensions and uses, but here we are. "Pixels" can sometimes refer to tiny pixel art, usually between 16x16 and 32x32 pixels (I know, confusing) large. These pixels are often animated. I use favicons and pixels to refer to the same thing.
Q: Ok, I think I get it. But what are pixels used for? Are they essentially icons, or trademarks, like favicons?
A: Sometimes, but usually not. They are often used like bullet points in website directories or lists. I've also seen them used as emoticons, buttons, and decorations. Some people like to simply collect them.
Here are some examples of pixels/favicons:
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Q: oOoOO. I like those. Is there anything else people collect?
A: Yep! Pretty much all graphics are collectible. That being said, some lack any use except to be displayed. Fanlisting buttons, for example.
Q: What are fanlistings?
A: Fanlistings were a way for fans to connect online before social media really took off. They were basically online bulletins listing contact info of the fanbases members so that you could connect with like-minded people. They aren't much of a thing now, but they do exist. People who love Spacehey and Neocities are likely to use them. You can register for some and take a button to put on your blog to let others know you're part of that fandom. It also links to the fanlisting itself for others to join. Here are some fanlisting buttons (I haven't joined any):
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They are usually 50x50, but don't have to be: they can even be other graphics, like 88x31 buttons! Some other common dimensions are 75x50, 100x35, and 100x50.
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In part three, we'll finish up with a couple odd graphics, some interesting old websites, and useful posting tips.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 4 months
Tw: episodes and stuff, uh thinking simeone is coming to get you or something
Teen reader that has episodes and they think that someone is coming to get them and they only way you can calm them down is like holding them?? Just comfort basically with Ben, Liu, and jeff, bc yes
Btw love your writing😊😊
Summary: Being comforted by creeps during an episode by having them hold you
Genre: Fluff, minor angst
Warnings: Mentions of episodes/general unhappy emotions
Credits: Ben, Liu, Jeff- Creepypasta, Divider- benkeibear, Cover picture- Pinterest
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Ben Drowned
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You had plans to play video games together that day since Ben was off work
And after video games, you were gonna read comics
Ben had went up to the library for a little bit to get said comics, and came back 30 minutes later
You had said you'd be in his room by then, but you weren't
He wasn't too concerned though, maybe you were just a little late
So he sets the books down on the floor next to his bed and heads over to your room
It is completely empty, and it looks like you had been trying to move somewhere fast by how disheveled the room was
He opens the door a little wider to step into the room, hoping to look for you when he hears a sharp gasp come from the bathroom
He raises a brow and steps over to the door, knocking and waiting for a response
When he doesn't get one he begins to get a little concerned "Y/n, are you ok in there?"
He then hears what sounds like a gun cocking, so he phases through the door without warning
When he does, he is immediately shot at by you, but of course the bullets go right through him
After maybe 3 shots, you drop the gun and begin to sob uncontrollably
You are curled up in your bathtub, knees to your chest and shaking violently
Ben comes to sit in the bath with you, hesitating before beginning to rub your back
"Woah, what's going on? What was the gun in here for?"
You try to speak but it all comes out jumbled and fast "Iwasscaredsomeonewasgonnagetmesoihidinthebathtubandgottheguntobesafe" You take a long breath "It was so scary!!"
Ben did not understand a word of what you had said, but he's not gonna make you repeat it because of how stressed you are
So he instead straightens out his legs and makes his form more physical and solid, so he can drag you up into his lap and cradle you
"Hey, let's calm down ok? Whatever happened, I'm here now, so you don't have to be scared. I promise" He says as he begins to wipe tears from your face
You already begin to calm down, your breathing slowing and the tears almost stopping entirely
A few minutes pass before he speaks again "See? You're alright. Barely even crying now" he says with a smile
"Come on, let's go play video games now. That always helps me feel less scared."
Homicidal Liu
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Liu, being a caretaker is almost always swarmed by kids
He tries his best to keep up with everyone, making sure they're taken care of and happy, but sometimes it's hard to get to everyone
It was mid-afternoon at this point, and he had thought that maybe he had some time to himself when he realized that he hadn't checked in on you today
Logically he knows that you are old enough to take care of yourself, but he still likes to check in and make sure you're ok
So he gets up and heads to your room, but when he arrives you aren't there
He thinks that maybe you had gotten out of bed to get food or something until he hears a shifting noise from the closet
With a piqued interest, he heads over and opens one of the doors cautiously
It takes him a moment to realize that you are on the floor, curled up in a ball with your head under your hands, and violently shaking
He frowns and crouches down, lowering his voice so he doesn't startle you "What are you doing in here? Are you ok?"
You shake your head but don't say anything, you can't
As a caretaker, he is told any necessary medical information about the children so he can do his job better
So he is aware that you can have episodes sometimes and how he can help
So seeing that you are currently in one, he begins to take off his cardigan, setting it to the side and pulling you into his lap
Once you are settled, he spreads his cardigan over you making sure you are all covered
He begins to stroke your hair and shush you, telling you that you are safe and that no one is coming for you
Once you are calm enough to communicate, he asks if you'd like any water, and if you'd like to stay with him for the rest of the day
The choice is yours as to what you do, and he will respect your decision either way
Jeff The Killer
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Jeff is a very naturally protective person, so he told you early on that if you ever felt like you were in danger that you needed to come find and tell him about it
He doesn't care what he's doing, you are always the most important thing
So when you feel the anxiety creeping in, you immediately head to his room to tell him about it
He is asleep, and is a very hard sleeper at that, but you know he'll be upset if you don't at least try to wake him up and tell him
So you crawl over to the side of the bed he's on and shake him a little
After a few moments of shaking him, he begins to wake up, squinting and sleepily asking what you want
You explain that you think you're about to have an episode, and he sighs loudly
He doesn't like being woke up, but he also really cares about you
So he sits up, rubs his face and beckons you into his arms
You silently crawl onto him, and once you are comfy he lays back down
"You know there's no body comin' to get ya" he mutters into your head
"I know, but my brain doesn't" you whisper
"Well just know that I'm scarier than anybody that could want to take you. Even if there was someone coming for you, I promise they'd never even get the chance to finish getting the idea through their head before I take care of 'em." He says
He then covers your eyes with his hands "Now go to sleep, nerd. I'm tired"
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pigeonneaux · 9 months
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graphic design is still my passion.
DRAWINGS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. want me to work for you or do something for commercial use? email me and we'll make a contract! : [email protected]
I can draw pretty much anything. Furries, RPF, OC insert, Self insert, crack ships, detailed designs, i can also illustrate fanfics, Headcanons, and shitposts. I can make comics and custom stickers as well! Just ask. (about the comics, i will only do them in monochrome, like this) NSFW and gore and everything inbetween is OK. I cannot draw MECHAS.
i will need you to send me as many references as possible, of the characters, the clothes & accessories, and the pose you want for them. (stickmen drawings are fine, and if you describe the poses it should be fine as well but it's harder to visualise for me) might ask for some context around the characters if i don't know them :) same if they're original characters, tell me everything<3
you can send me a drive folder with every information necessary. If you don't have many ref, you can send me everything in DMs directly.
the ideal ref folder has : face closeups, in side profile, front, 3/4, (faceclaim is very helpful if there is any) same for the body, ref sheet or at least a good indication of the character's body type, body language, and style. same with clothes. and a .txt file where you write your idea + where are some specific details like their scars, or facial hair, birthmarks etc, and any info you think might be relevant<3 and a clear pose reference if possible
once i start the commission, i'll kinda disappear for a week or more, then come back with w.i.ps, i will ask you if there's anything you want to change
sometimes it can take a lot longer than planned and sometimes it can be quick.... you just can never know, so just be prepared for that eventuality.
if you have a deadline for the commission (ex : birthday gift, holiday etc) i will be on time. but please contact me more than one week in advance.
if you commission me to draw my current obssession i will kiss you on the lips
- I reserve myself the right to refuse a commissions, for any reason.
- DM me to start, or to ask any question !
Payment through  Paypal, I will send you an invoice.
ko-fi/paypal.me (do NOT pay me before i sent you an invoice)
And again if something is confusing (and god knows commission sheets are confusing) send me a DM or an Ask, i will do my best to answer it properly in the #faq tag!
If you want more exemples of my commissioned works, check out the #pigecomms tag
for NSFW exemples check out my Pillowfort
Also here's a list of my interests if you want to look into it to see if yours appears in it idk
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gemsofgreece · 3 months
This is a genuine question tangentially related to the response you posted:
Do you think the characteristic of the God of the dead in Greek myth as someone comparatively more positive of a person (as close as a God gets to being one, at least) is something based in cultural/historical/archeological/mythological evidence or the absence of it? As in, when you view him through a more positive lens, do you base your opinion on any particular local idea of him, or on the lack of "negative" myths about him?
I know there are certain parts of the general cluster of info on him that point towards his positive traits (some epithets, seemingly positive take on H/P in Lokri area, and so on), but what do you think is the main reason for him to be viewed positively? What is your reason?
I do agree with you, by the way, that there's a lot of weird... hypocrisy in how people now treat different Greek Deities. So, my question is more to ponder with you on the topic, don't consider it a nuanced attack or anything. Thank you in advance!
Hello! This is a great question.
I do have a reasoning and it is based on the general information we have about him rather than the lack thereof.
First of all, Ancient Greeks generally did not like Hades and avoided mentioning him but this was not because of some presumed cruelty or flaw of his character. They simply thought of him superstitiously and feared that too much engaging with the worship or even thinking about Hades would bring - what else - death upon them. (This superstition is huge even nowdays - don't mention / analyze something bad or unfortunate or it will come to you). This avoidance and the fear are perhaps the reasons why there are relatively fewer myths about him compared to some other gods.
However, it seems they were also aware of this avoidance and in the back of their minds they were concerned that it would anger the god and have the opposite result (bring them death out of spite / vengeance). I believe this is why they also developed positive traits about him (the most important being that he was also the god of wealth - Pluton). The fact that this name and domain of divine authority was attributed to him a little later in time supports the hypothesis that they were trying actively to make his worship more palatable in order to appease him.
But I think there's another reason why Hades had generally positive traits and this is that... he was the God of the Underworld!!! OK, hear me out! Unlike the major Olympians, Hades was the only one who was not ruling over living beings. The other gods domineered life and all of the nature with its elements. They domineered over things that underwent changes constantly, sometimes unexpected or violent. So their personalities reflected that constant change and this unpredictability - be it in nature, in the sky and the sea, in the animals and humans themselves and the livings they led. On the contrary, Hades ruled over the dead, the unchanging eternity, the ultimate silence. It didn't make sense for him to be a noisy, lively or volatile god because this is not what death is. I bet this is also the reason why he was the only one who was viewed as mostly monogamous and interested in longterm romantic relationships - he was not a god who contributed to creation and procreation, he was associated to the exact opposite. It would be jarring for the dead to have a god that constantly has sex and has babies and births life. I believe the few partners given to Hades and his few children (three and three respectively) were likely even serving some necessary concepts Greeks had to attach to some symbolism (i.e Persephone and nature), otherwise Hades might as well be portrayed as celibate. Him ruling over the eternity of death made him stable, consistent, more sensible, generally quiet and calm and capable of more profound, undying emotions.
Hades was also responsible and decent. There are some insinuations in the myths and their variations I think that he wasn’t all that happy for being assigned to be a ruler of the underworld. He accepted his fate with dignity however, even though he was the oldest brother, out of respect for his younger brother Zeus saving all of them from Cronos and perhaps out of wisdom for deciding it’s not worth it to argue it out with super strong Poseidon for the seas. After that, he ruled the Underworld with dignity, total responsibility and great care. I think this might be some symbolism associated with the solemnity, decency and sacredness people treat their dead.
Furthermore, he was viewed as just. This also makes sense because upon observation Greeks could guess that Death is just. It comes to all, lucky, unfortunate, rich, poor, privileged and loved or marginalized. No one ever escaped or returned from death. Death was fair and absolute. Surely the Greeks would also like to imagine the Underworld as fair and equal towards all the souls of the dead [with a special treatment for extreme wrongdoers - Tartarus, rarely for normal human beings - and rare glorious legendary heroes - Elysian fields - and then all the average souls together in Hades (the place)]. Hades (the god) also employed three srict but good judges to determine how a soul was to be treated in the afterlife, based on how they had fared once alive. Despite being generally good and fair, he was stern and cold because how could the god of the dead be joyous or overly expressive and animated? And he was adamant at keeping the souls to his realm, greatly guarded, because who ever came back from the dead?
So this is why I think Hades was viewed as quiet, consistent, just and reliable. Because this is what death is - reliably it will come to us all and we will all receive the same treatment.
And now, sorry, but I have to do this:
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tunabesimpin · 2 years
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New oc alert! ^v^ getting more used to painting first and then lining so this came out more detailed than Tunas LOL
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TAG : #twst Mitchell
Name : Mitchell / Mitty Class : 2-E (Student no. 5) Birthday : July 31st Age: 17 Height : 171 cm Dominant Hand : right Best Subject : Music Hobby : Idol Dislikes : Clutter & tight spaces Favorite Food: Potato Kabob Least Favorite Food : Spaghetti Talents : Dance (Ballet Specific)
Quick Summary: Mitchell or Mitty, is a micro-celebrity idol. Covering popular songs and trending dances, Mitty is determined to follow his childhood idols footsteps! Even though he couldn't join auditions to be in a group, Mitty has created a good following on his magicam and magitube accounts. As Flamboyant as he is, he still gets shy when complimented or meeting people he looks up to. Overall this peacock beastman is slowly learning step by step how to brainwash everyone to be his fan! (/j... unless?) ^o^
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A peacock beastman with bright purply-pink hair and eyes. He has an ahoge that is not normal hair, turning blue towards the end. Above his left brow and below his left eye he has beauty marks. His overall body type is thin, toned and with hip dips. Very often Mitty applies red eyeshadow and lipstick as well as applying mascara and contact lenses to make his eyes appear larger. He has lobe piercings, but rarely wears earrings due to his hair covering or getting tangled easily. As for fashion he prefers deep reds and dark cool colors usually in lolita styles. For more casual looks he prefers loungewear like cardigans and loose pants.
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As a child Mitchell was extremely influenced by anime idols and cute idol groups alike. Going as far as performing his favorite songs and dances in school talent shows. However, his obsession with making the crowd feel "awe-inspired" he often used his UM to his advantage. This didn't do well with many of his teachers and other parents... so surprisingly enough Mitty had many detentions in their early years. This record left him in dim lights for group auditions. Mittys mindset got a bit skewed and began to think... I will just have to try harder to rule the crowd! Overtime their hope to inspire morphed into wanting the world to love him (through mostly any means).
Upon entering NRC Mitchell had begun seeking attention online and decided a "debut concert" was most necessary. After the entrance ceremony Mitty went back to the mirror chamber, set up his phone camera and began to perform one of his favorite routines! Thus started his online career! While he is not as popular as others, he does have a few hundred supporting him and in his mind that's the first step to his domination!
Personality wise, Mitty is pretty dense when it comes to anything besides his interests and doesn't take no for an answer. No literally it will go in one ear out the other. Despite this he does take everything surprisingly seriously, ok not rejection, but everything else! However compliments? He will grin from ear to ear, go red and just absoluetly adore you! He can be a bit clingy when he's like this, but he's just happy some one likes him. When it comes to friendship though... well he's not a terrible friend, but he does tend to only think of himself most of the time... at least he will buy you things to make it up to you;; Just don't ask him for emotional advice too much he really isn't good at it. Overall he's a bit of an annoying person, but his shy and bashful bursts at compliments may be something redeemable.
Academically he is average. He does amazing is music but that's about it, everything else is passing at least. He struggles with history most due to his disinterest in remembering about people who aren't his idols.
In his free time, Mitty practices dance and song covers from his favorite medias. Posting them as often as he records and of course running to Cater for help very often. If they're not doing that, he's grooming his feathers or sewing new outfits. Occasionally he will tour around campus and invade dorms to take photos in his newest creations as well as show them off.
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UM- Focus on me! "Let me show you who's the main star!" -This unique magic allows Mitchell to take on his peacock beast-form. When showing off his beautiful feathers they act as a hypnotizing charm; causing dizziness, crossed vision, and luring people into a trance like state. If used with full force, Mitchell can force the afflicted to follow his movements. -Movement can not be fast or the afflicted will snap out of the trance. -strength of effects depends on the amount of magic used in this UM. Less input and you can expect a simple charm and lull effect, but with heavy input the effects will increase. -Small to medium blot manifestation; long term use at low levels is usually fine, but after a few hours blot formation rate will increase.
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Relationship chart to be made !
Notable Relationships:
Vil & Mitty : Mitty looks up to Vil and respect him so much! While he isnt into acting, Vils prowess and social media standing are impressive! Mitty is too busy fangirling and stuttering to speak to Vil casually. Vil doesn't seem to mind so long as it doesn't effect his work.
Cater & Mitty : Mitty joined the pop music club and immediately wanted to quit. It was quite contrary to what they expected. Cater and Kalim were quick to talk him into staying. Ever since, Cater has been a big help to Mitty in social media learning and Mitty may have taken to mimicking Caters speech online. Mitty says they're close friends, but Cater only see it as a casual friendship.
Riddle : Currently Mitty is trying to convince Riddle to form an idol duo. Riddle had been one of the first to "compliment" one of his dances, saying "Your dancing nice, however you are trespassing on Heartslaybl property!". Ever since, whenever Mitty visits Cater he doesn't hesitate to try and recruit the house warden. While Riddle does not hate him, he is often dumbfounded by Mittys inability to "read the atmosphere". It is not currently known why Mitty is obsessed beyond the nice comment.
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Thanks for reading about Mitchell!! I did not realize until after i made his nickname Mitty that Mitty can mean "a fictional character given to grand and elaborate fantasies" and I think that's very fitting for him LMAOOOO anyways!!! Thank you for the support and time <3 !
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identityarchitect · 22 days
because im a nosy bitch who has distaste for current plural culture I'd love to hear your thoughts on current plural culture
(for me. the amount of information thats acceptable and expected to be shared will be the DEATH of my sanity)
Oh, jesus, where do I even begin. This got unexpectedly long so I'm going to put it under a cut.
Like you said, the amount of information shared is scary. Both because there are like 13yo recently discovered plurals who get this idea that it's a good or necessary thing to share as much information as possible about ones system, and nobody ever uses the privacy features on PK. It's one thing to keep track of info about headmates and another thing entirely to be posting a whole list of front triggers in a headmate-intros discord channel.
Speaking of headmate intros, I kind of have a love/hate relationship with the complicated description templates. On the one hand, I do like it when stuff is pretty. But on the other hand, there's a lot of kind of casual ableism/sanism in the plural community, as much as we'd want to pride ourselves on being relatively free of it. Fancy description templates, typing quirks, special characters in headmate displaynames, are all inaccessible to people using screenreaders or anyone with issues reading. And I try to be understanding to people with typing quirks because we have a few headmates with interesting ways of communicating and I get it, but like, you've really gotta provide a translation.
There's also just the way people interact with each other? Consistently using tons of tone tags, not asking about you& preferences (which tbf, in an ideal world preferences on you& are part of a generic introduction like preferences on headmates/alters/sysmates/parts and system/plural/etc). Trying to tag for every single possible trigger.
A lot of very large plural spaces (and frankly any large space that tries to account for triggers) end up with this issue where at some point, the trigger list is just too long. People aren't going to remember it, so anyone who is anxious about censoring correctly (which is everyone, because current plural culture has this way of making anxiety significantly worse) is going to be double-checking the list every five seconds, or just decide participating in conversation outside of more lax areas, like tw- channels, isn't worth it.
So they have to make a choice between cutting down the existing list, examining things and deciding if they're a common enough trigger (or bad enough, or if the user is in the server enough, or whatever the metric is) to remain on the list: or, they simply continue expanding the list and try to make it easier for people to censor or reference the list. But if they cut down on the list you inevitably have people who are like "wait, why is fires on there but not birthday parties? there's only one person in the server who's triggered by fires but five who are triggered by birthday parties", or "why did [obscure, situation-specific trigger] get removed? isn't it just as serious?" and etc.
And then there's moderation teams, which are... ok, let me make a venn diagram.
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(No shade to teenagers. There are probably good teenage mods out there. I just haven't met them.)
Speaking from personal experience here, a lot of plural discord moderation relies on the current plural culture, which skews itself towards being extremely polite and nice and understanding so as to avoid unintentionally upsetting other people. (This is another one of the ways in which plural culture can and often does end up exacerbating anxiety & anxiety-adjacent behaviours/disorders like OCD.) So you have this discord server that doesn't really need moderation aside from admin stuff like adding channels or bots and pinning messages that regular users don't have the permissions to do. Then some person comes in and they're regularly talking about triggers out of the blue, acting aggressive towards other users, and because everyone wants to be polite and accepting, this user doesn't get dealt with for a very long time, especially because the mods just have no idea how to actually moderate. They don't have the confidence to make verdicts and use the power they have, and kick/ban users when necessary.
In essence, current plural culture wants to treat and trust every stranger like a close friend. You can run a discord server with little to no rules and give everyone admin permissions and whatever the hell: it's just got to be a closed friend discord server full of people that you know well enough to trust. And not only does this make plural spaces vulnerable to bad actors, it also makes them very uncomfortable to be in, as an aplatonic person who really doesn't want randos on the internet acting like we're childhood besties.
In that same vein, is it just me or does everyone and their mother seem to want a partner system? It's been actual years atp since I've been in a plural server that's actually active but there's this weird romantic overtone where any other system could be a potential partner system if you become emotionally close enough to them. Then if you're aro, or romance repulsed, or just not looking to date, or in a relationship already and not poly (which also, I get that dating as a system is a vastly different experience from dating as a singlet, but not everyone is poly), it feels like they just switch to a QPR instead of a romantic relationship? IDK, maybe that's me projecting since I'm QPR-repulsed. But it feels like the primary assumption for 'emotionally close' is 'romance or QPR' in plural spaces, in a way that feels different from regular amatonormativity. IDK it probably is just regular amatonormativity. But you'd think plurals would have deconstructed it even a little bit, right, since dating as a plural is such a vastly different experience. Whatever.
And canonmates. God. Ugh. Ughghhghj,. Look I get the inherent loneliness that comes with being an introject that has strong exomemories, but the resolution to this is not "try and start a relationship with a stranger who you only share one quality with (i.e remembering the same things from source)". Dear god. I have a not very good relationship with canonmates, since an ex of ours would in essence use them against us, but like. Augh.
And spiritual systems. The other day I saw a post on the plural subreddit that was like "Does anyone else live a double life?" and it was this introject describing the disparity between their IRL life and their in-headspace life. But they didn't clarify that it was in headspace and not like, an alternate world or something, so there was a comment being like "Uh, this is a dangerous lack of source separation." FUCKING source separation. I always get so mad at source separation.
I hate to label ourselves but our experiences most closely align with the general idea behind spiritual systems (this is as close as we will get to a concrete label). And it really seems to me that people will bring up spiritual systems as a gotcha against sysmeds and anti-endos, since the DSM technically validates spiritual systems by explicitly excluding them from the diagnostic criteria, and then turn around and act like spiritual systems either don't exist, or are delusional. (This is what I was thinking about earlier when I said the plural community has something of a sanism problem.)
Everyone assumes that in order for an introject to be healthy, they must have a degree of source separation, must be able to go "Yes, I know I am not my source, I recognise I will never be my source, etc". And if an introject can't, it's inherently dangerous and bad for them and the system must (even potentially against the introjects' will) make efforts to separate them from their source.
But even aside from all the sanist implications there, this completely falls apart when you think about spiritual systems. What about gateway systems, who do have headmates come from outside of the body? What about soulbonds, who are that character in their own universe? What about systems who don't want to prove that they're spiritual enough to be exempt from this 'if you think of yourself as your source in any way you are delusional and must be treated' BS?
Our V1 is literally V1 the robot from Ultrakill. This has never caused issues for it, or for us. I don't predict that it's going to.
Like, wasn't the general narrative around introjects "they have differing amounts of separation, differing opinions, and differing connections to their source. above all else, you should treat introjects like people, and ask them if you have questions about how they want to be treated!"? For ages it feels like that was the narrative, and now it's "introjects should be separated from their source, although they're allowed to have whatever opinion on it. in order to treat an introject like a person, you must acknowledge they're not literally a fictional character every fucking pictosecond".
There is definitely a lot more that I probably have to say on the topic but that's all I can think of right now.
Oh wait ok hold on I'm back because I remembered roles and origins and got mad again. Origins my most beloathed.
I could talk about the traumagenic/endogenic binary and how it's complete BS and even when we could be considered traumagenic we still had headmates that weren't traumagenic in origin, and how endogenic systems of all kinds can and often do have trauma that does and doesn't impact their system functioning, and trauma impacts systems in so many more ways than just if Sonic the Hedgehog showed up because you were being abused or just for the sake of being there, and 90% of the apparently well-meaning endo-ok sysmeds that talk about the necessecity of separate traumagenic and endogenic spaces are actually talking about disordered and nondisordered systems and EVEN THEN it's STILL a fake binary, but people more eloquent than me have probably gone over that.
I hate the assumption that every system has origins. We don't, and we're never going to. Even with the general idea being "nobody needs to tell you their origins and if you pressure them you're a dick" there's this expectation of knowing or labelling your origins. If you know your origins, you should be able to label them. If you don't know your origins, there are labels for that. What if someone doesn't give a shit? And again, what about spiritual systems, who don't have origins for other reasons?
Ok, I also just went and found some DMs with a friend so here's me quoting myself:
"it feels to us like the plural community doesnt strictly expect or want noncomplex plurality or a noncomplex relationship to ones plurality, but that these are sort of entry requirements to plural discord servers and other similar spaces"
"it feels like theres a collection of behaviours that you havr to perform like being in plural discord servers has always felt close to masking for us"
Roles are kind of similar to origins, imo, where it's this very simplistic and false structure and there's a pressure to box oneself and ones headmates into it. Like even when people acknowledge roleless systems, it feels like that's all they acknowledge, y'know? Like in their head there's systems where every headmate has a specific purpose and performs it to a T, and there's systems where this isn't the case. When it's so much more complex than that. For example: us! We're primarily roleless, and the things each headmate does is more like a volunteer job than a role, y'know. Except for this one headmate who found a role on Pluralpedia and went "that's me" and now it has a role.
It also feels like there's a specific set of roles each system should have, right? Like there's this idea that even if a system doesn't label or have roles, they still have the protective headmate who gets righteously angry on others' behalf, and the stressed and overworked caretaker, and the littles who use uwu-speak, and the serious and scary gatekeeper, and it's the nuclear family isn't it. They've recreated the nuclear family. One father and one mother and two and a half kids and the 'friendly' neighbourhood cop. Jesus. (The host can be the grandparents.)
And more than that there's... okay, right, how do I word this one.
Let's think about layers. Layers are distinct areas in headspace where different groups of headmates tend to reside. Beyond the base assumption that everyone has a consistent, laid-out, easily accessible headspace, there's this weird overtone that a system without layers is like, a system without layers yet, right? Like the two types of system are "systems that have layers" and "systems that don't have layers, but could" and there's no space for "systems that can't have layers". I think that's kind of what I'm getting at with the origins and roles bit, right? People nominally accept systems that don't have origins or roles, but there's this sense that what they're actually accepting is "systems that have origins" and "systems that have origins, just not public ones" or "systems that have roles" and "systems that have roles, and just don't label them".
This ties into the spiritual system bit, I think. It's not "psychological systems" and "spiritual systems" (which is still a false binary), it's "psychological systems" and "systems that believe they're spiritual systems" or "psychological systems whose spiritual beliefs impact their systemhood". Even when mentioning and talking about gateway systems and soulbonders people don't seem to be able to take those people at face value, regardless of their own personal beliefs on the matter. Maybe we're just hanging out in the wrong places.
The true originless roleless headspaceless spiritual system (i.e, US AGAIN) is a nonentity. There is no space for us to exist in the plural community because the predominant plural culture simply cannot comprehend that we exist.
Problematic introjects ... Like, how can you insist introjects must be treated like people, and must feel and consider themselves to be a distinct, separate entity from their source, and then also call them problematic? I hate the word problematic anyway but even moreso when the label is applied to every introject of whichever fucking minecraft youtuber turned out to be an abuser this time. Can't we just leave introjects alone? Fucking hell.
Anyway yeah. It sucks here.
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beebopboom · 9 months
The Second…….Ball?
A bookshop, Eden, and something more?
In part 1 we discussed
the structure of the bookshop being similar to 17th century French gardens, a maybe hidden Tree of life, the idea of timestreams relating to the roads and rivers, and all that to just say the bookshop perhaps all of Wickber Street is their version of Eden
Part 1.5 was just a couple theories that have been floating around my head concerning
the book of life
the rings and a fly
the bookshop
a coffee
honestly I'm probably going to do a little editing. It’s not a necessary reading 
But finally made it to part 2 where I'm going to dive into some out of order events and two different parts of the same story being played out at the same time plus the actual main plot, specifically in the last two episodes - though there is probably more earlier in the season
you can imagine the jumble that has been brain and why it took longer than I wanted to get this out.
Background Info
In part 1 I mentioned that the Tree of Life was mentioned in two particular books in the Bible - Genesis and Revelations. Now we’ve discussed the Genesis part - Eden - and now we are going to talk about Revelations - New Jerusalem
The Book of Revelation is the only apocalyptic book in the New Testament and it's where the Second Coming comes from - written by a John. It was mentioned in season 1 and I’m going to be making a lot of references to it throughout this.
New Jerusalem is the place where all true believers will spend eternity with God and is said to have pretty similar features to Eden - the rivers, the Tree of Life, the wall, and a square shape. Something that this place is also said to have is 12 gates.
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The New Jerusalem. Armenian manuscript by Malnazar and Aghap’ir in New Julfa bible, 1645
Oh lookie there mighty similar design to 17th century french gardens
But anyway want to take a guess at what has 12 windows?
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*I used the fire to show what windows are connected to the bookshop*
Ok but let’s get into the actual point of this I’ve talked enough about set design
Have we already seen a version of the Second Coming? Why yes we have
In episode 5 we are following two different stories cutting back and forth between the two - Aziraphale’s and Shax’s
Now before I get into this I’m just going to say that I know Good Omens is a parody to actual Biblical events and who knows what is actually going to happen in season 3 besides the man himself. We do know that this season was setting up for the next and that parallel scenes are a favorite. So these are just some parallels I noticed if you place some characters into the roles of others and it could very well turn out to be wrong
Shax’s Siege
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The thing about Shax’s character is that she is always looking for opportunities to get ahead and make connections that could benefit her later. We see it in 1941 and between then and now she has worked her way up from desk duty to Hell’s rep on earth.
And when she finally gets permission to attack the bookshop she actually takes up another role. Or shall I say multiple.
It is very obvious that once Shax gets to Earth she is out of her league - bitten off more than she can chew so to say - and yet she still wants more and is very good at manipulating beings to get there.
So she wants to storm the bookshop with legions of demons but only gets about 70. The thing that is interesting about there approach is you have demons coming from all four roads and she arrives last. And this is where we jump into Revelations.
In chapter 13 it talks of two beast - one from the sea and one from the land. The beast from the sea is said to have 7 heads, 10 crowns on the horns, is like a leopard with feet of a bear and the mouth of a lion, and one of its heads is said to have a mortal wound that is healed. This description has been likened to the four beast in the Book of Danial chapter 7 which were symbols of the four kingdoms - Babylon, Medes-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Some say this beast is the Antichrist as it is empowered by Satan to persecute Christians, blasphemy against God, and cult-like worship.
But all that to say I think that the arrival of the demons from all four sides was meant to kind of represent this. With the four beast representing the four kingdoms arriving on our four rivers roads. It’s not a perfect parallel but it is not meant to be - it’s meant to be a shitty rendition of what is basically Armageddon.
Now the second beast is mainly referred to as the false prophet. The only description is that it comes from the ground, two horns like a lamb but having the voice of a dragon. It has all the authority of the first beast and makes the inhabitants of earth worship the first beast, it breathes life into the first beast. It performs great signs like making fire come down from the Heavens to the Earth and causes all to be marked with the mark of the beast. Some call this beast the antichrist because it is performing miracles similar to that of Jesus.
This is the role I think Shax is trying to play - somewhat successfully. She arrives coming up out of the lift and through actions we see later kinda fulfill some of the rest of these points.
She also kind of jumps back and forth between these two beast with her authority - almost like she is not actually meant to be here, that they are all out of order. Mainly trying to be in the Antichrist position.
Shax is working the best with what she got.
But let’s switch over to our other story before we get to the confrontation
Aziraphale’s Ball
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In his part of the episode we have been following him around as he invites people to this “meeting”. Crowley is also there for a little bit until he is brought back to reality so to say by Nina and eventually goes to confront Gabriel.
But back to Aziraphale who is going shop to shop in alphabetical order as is on the list on his clipboard. And this is where we start to get some Revelation parallels.
Whereas the Shax parallels started in chapter 13 Aziraphale joins in at the end of chapter 20 with the mention of the Book of Life - or in other words the list of names that are let into this New Jerusalem, that were God’s people.
Aziraphale having a list of people that he is inviting into his bookshop, a notorious place where he doesn’t want humans I feel is pretty significant. But all doesn’t go smoothly and he has to convince some people to come - I could go into each person he talks too but mainly he is using books and christmas lights to convince the people who don’t want to come. But what could those represent?
Books - eternal life for authors
Christmas Lights - the light that Jesus brought back into a world of darkness
Giving out the books/fruit of the Tree of Life so people will come to the ball/paradise hmm Aziraphale?
Interesting that we don’t see Mr. Brown’s shop on this list isn’t it? Keep that in mind.
But we continue on to Aziraphale decorating the Bookshop. With two scenes of him doing this one - moving the bookcases, or interior walls, and two - bring the chandelier down
In chapter 21, John is said to have seen New Jerusalem and New Earth descend from the Heavens - noting that there was no temple,
This could be paralleled to the scene where Crowley is looking into the Bookshop watching as Aziraphale has a chandelier descend from the ceiling.
It’s also important to note at this point that Gabriel arriving quite literally upended their lives and inadvertently set off the very same events he didn’t want to happen, The Second Coming. With him acting as a Jesus parallel.
But back to what is happening with Aziraphale. People are starting to arrive!! And he is changing their clothes?
Revelation 22:14 - Blessed are those who wash their robes, so they may have access to the tree of life and they may enter the city by the gates.
Washing their robes is meant to symbolize a full cleansing from sin that they must be free from to enter New Jerusalem
So Aziraphale is changing (washing) their clothes to make them acceptable for the ball (New Jerusalem)
Now you may be wondering how would you even prove that it happened? The seamstress conversation is how.
On one side it probably was how people from the time period Aziraphale is trying to create talked but it’s also removing the nature of the “sin”
Aziraphale does not even know what she technically does and yet it is still changed. When Mrs. Sandwich later tries to say what her job is she can’t actually say it and has to describe it - all using sewing terms. She even calls out at one point that the “devil may take it.”
But why? Aziraphale doesn’t even know and if he did I doubt he was care very much - unless something else was at play here.
Heavens standards - which in this universe includes adultery as bad, as a sin. We see examples with the references to Solomon and Gomorrah and “Thou shall not commit adultery Pulsifer”
The way she describes it as well leans towards this angle as well. With the “in want of the tender attention of a wife”
But back to Jim though who throughout all of this has been our Jesus parallel - he is out mingling with the people for the first time dressed in a wonderful blue suit.
Revelation 22 - The throne of God and the Lamb are in the city, and His people worship Him. There is no night and no need for other sources of light, for the Lord Himself gives the light, and they reign forever.
God and Jesus finally walking among and interacting with their people - and Jim seems to be having a grand ol time
yes i’m putting Aziraphale into Gods position- tricky business there i know
There is also some more references with the Candelabra’s that are around the shop - both the 3 and 7 versions. These guys have a bunch of different meaning but the ones that really stick out is The Holy Trinity and the Seven Angels or the Seven Churches
(I also had this whole bit planned about the temple which is said to be destroyed in the Second Coming of Jesus because it now holds no place in Jerusalem because God and Jesus are now among them and relating it to the Second Temple. I’m a bit iffy about it though just with some of reasoning but that was the basics of it - I might end up coming back to this at some point)
But all this to say that Aziraphale has basically made his version of paradise - unintentionally mirroring what is said to be the real one
The Collide
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And our two stories meet….somehow. We left off with Shax in chapter 13 and Aziraphale in chapter 22 so quite a bit has to happen to get them to the same place - and it does a little bit out of order
Things come crashing to a stop quite literally when the demons throw the brick? wall piece? through the window. Shax makes her threats particularly to the humans. Perhaps because they don’t have the Mark of the Beast? Which they would need to buy things and as we know from Jim earlier, they aren’t selling
But the next big event is Jim walking out of the bookshop
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which has been linked to this pose
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and continues Shax’s story into Revelations 14
Revelation 14:14 Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man
but he is also start Aziraphale’s story back up when he goes back into the shop - just going backwards now
Revelation 20:5 The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. How fortunate and holy is the one who has a share in the first resurrection!
Mr. Brown then gets grabbed and thrown out of the shop, remember how his shops name wasn’t on the list? His name is not in the Book of Life therefore he is thrown into a Lake of Fire
Crowley then brings the humans back outside telling them to go back to their shops thus removing them from New Jerusalem and reversing judgement
and then he exits the stage as well and our jumping around really begins with episode 6 - so quick-fire
Shax gains confidence in her attack as soon as she notices Crowley has left and while this is happening Aziraphale put the chandelier back…. from wherever it came from. Effectively undescending New Jerusalem and putting that behind them as they work to meet up to where Shax is at in the story.
Aziraphale starts setting up the portal and tells Shax she is not welcomed here
Revelations 14: 9-11 - Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
Demons throw trash into the bookshop and Aziraphale runs off to tell Jim to hide leaving Maggie and Nina to deal with Shax
Revelation 14: 17-20 Then another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle. And another angel came out from the altar, who had power over fire, and he cried with a loud cry to him who had the sharp sickle, saying, “Thrust in your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe.” So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God. And the winepress was trampled outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridles, for one thousand six hundred furlongs.
Maggie is then manipulated by Shax to let the demons in the shop
By this point I think the true role of Shax has come into play and it’s a nod back to Madam Tracy. The role is in Revelation 17 - The Whore of Babylon - the epitome of sin, ruler over 7 kingdoms, quick with her tongue and good with her words, draped in the finest clothes of purple and scarlet 
Demons start to enter the shop and Aziraphale activates the portal - Shax discorporates Eric and we see Jim’s position on the stairs above everyone
Revelation 15 - The Seven Plagues - yes I know they haven’t quite got to anything else besides the portal and even then they don’t use seven different things but this chapter really is just setting up for the next and I wanted to mention one thing before moving into the next
Revelation 15:8 And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed
the smoke coming from the demons discorporating and the fire extinguishers while Jim is absent
Demons start stepping into the portal - Maggie, Nina, and Aziraphale have to come up with another plan - Demons push book selves over and Maggie and Nina start with the fire extinguishers
They have now gone up the stairs to the second floor of the bookshop for the first floor has been over taken by the demons - Aziraphale charges Shax to leave this place - Shax starts to insult Aziraphale
Revelation 18:2 With a mighty voice he shouted: “ ‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’She has become a dwelling for demons and a haunt for every impure spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal.
Jim is sent away after asking if anyone wants hot chocolate
I don’t have anything to compare this to. I just think it’s interesting that Aziraphale(and Maggie and Nina) were offered hot chocolate and declined, especially with all the talks about coffee vs death
Maggie and Nina continue with the fire extinguishers - and then they start with the books - no more fire extinguishers or books and Aziraphale pulls out the old Halo trick
Revelation 16 - Bowls of Wrath - now the chapter with the actual description of the seven bowls. By now we have seen all of the moves Aziraphale, Maggie, and Nina pull but I really wanted to point out the comparison of the last bowl particularly what happened afterwards and the Halo so,
Revelation 16:17-20 The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, “It is done!” Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found.
All demons are discorporated with Shax unconscious on the couch
Revelation 19:2 for true and just are his judgments. He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries. He has avenged on her the blood of his servants.
Revelation 19:20 And the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had done the signs by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped its image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
and with that it is over
so yeah that was a lot and it’s not perfect but remember when it was mentioned back in season 1 it was among prophecies that were not entirely accurate and that it was a rushed, only kinda planned attack. So really I just view this as very quick run down version of the Second Coming where there is not enough players
plus you have Crowley’s side to this story which seems to be the reality - dealing with the actual problem that has been going on throughout the season (Gabriel) instead of hosting a Ball or trying to make a power play
but if you made it this far have a little treat in the spirit of the holiday season, or if you don’t celebrate anything than just for getting to the end of this
New Jerusalem was also described as "the bride, the wife of the lamb” - and we all know that Ball was for Aziraphale and Crowley, as much as he may deny it, so really Aziraphale was saying “let’s get married, I’m your wife now”
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Every time a piece of fiction tries to convince me that giving someone cpr is a sexy thing, I want to throw the offending media into a volcano.
Not bc the trope is wildly overused (it is),
Not bc of any discourse about consent (necessary),
Not bc in an emergency situation your priority NEEDS to be stabilizing the victim bc once their heart/lungs are functioning again there is a heck ton of other stuff they're gonna be dealing with for quite some time and they need professional medical assistance yesterday,
But bc this demonstrates a fundamentally flawed perception of what is happening on a physiological level when someone stops breathing and/or particularly when their heart stops.
I'm no trained medical professional, but please listen to me speaking with all the authority of mid-level first aid certification:
In a cpr situation, you are almost definitely going to be exposed to every bodily fluid known to man and this is so very not sexy. I have yet to respond personally to such a scenario (thank heaven) but I work closely with people who have on multiple occasions. One of the first things they will tell you they learn about when someone's heart has stopped is that they can smell the person before they reach them. You've I'm sure seen some romanticized prose about the smell of death in a room? Well this moment is generally where that starts. I'm not going into more detail than that here, feel free to look up the info yourself.
But please, I beg of you, don't have your passed-out hero wake up after being given rescue breaths from their love interest and start kissing them back, or probably even talking to them coherently, ok? Ok. Thank you.
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averagemafuyukinnie · 1 month
2 years and over 40k posts and I'm only making a pinned post now
TALK TO ME!!! i love talking even if im awkward
also pls tag me in things
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i can't fit everything in my bio so here we go
my names are kia, kyrie, neptune, and jack and i use he/it pronouns. also I'm dogkin. i have a pronouns page if you want more info
I'm a median system but i still know little to nothing abt it
my dc is averagemafuyukinnie
I'm a minor so don't be weird please!!! adults can interact tho it's fine. again just don't be creepy
i speak italian, english, some french, and I'm trying to learn spanish
i mainly post about project sekai, but I'm also in other fandoms such as:
in stars and time (I'm still on act 2 so no spoilers)
needy streamer overload
bocchi the rock
toilet bound hanako-kun (rereading the manga rn)
assassination classroom
doki doki literature club
pokemon (kinda)
vocal synths (vocaloid, utau, etc)
and probably more i forgot
some of my all time fav characters/ships are:
saki tenma
mafuyu asahina
ena shinonome
miu takagi
kasane teto
probably more
i also have a couple f/os but im not telling
non fandom related interests:
animals in general actually
idk i forgot. i like a lot of things
i also draw sometimes!!! you can find my drawings in the #kyrie art tag
i run @sakitenma-everyday as well as a few rp blogs: @hinomori-shihofficial @junior-high-mizuki-official @werewolf-enanan @transfem-saki-official @miu-takagi-official @honahona-ln @sup3rn0v4-mmj. i also have an agere blog
if you need me to tag anything feel free to ask, i tag with "#tw [thing]". if i forget to tw anything feel free to remind me. I won't tag caps or swearing bc i use them a lot
for me, please tag emetophobia, graphic gore, graphic sh and animal death. ny catchall tag is '#neptune look away' but the normal tags are ok too
while i do my best to use tone tags when necessary, I'd prefer them being used as little as possible when talking to me (or just dont use them at all)
dni if you're lgbtq+ phobic in anyway (especially terfs fuck off), sh/ed blogs, pedos/zoos, zionists, pusu supporters, and if you think transandrophobia isn't real
do not drag me into proshipping or toyakasa/toyasaki discourse
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rabbitcrimes · 1 year
Speaking as someone who has only consumed a small amount of Cherry Magic fanfiction and is thus operating from a place of mild confusion about where the narrative thrust of Cherry Magic comes from it seems to me that the Cherry Magic trope sets itself up for UST failure in that under the necessary parameters of Cherry Magic, most of the intrigue would be immediately dispelled by the magical virgin’s ability to discern their beloved’s interest vis a vis the mind reading which I think stymies a lot of romance tropes which rely on a will they won’t they does he do they type of tension derived from the inability to fully know another person’s feelings and desires. The pining while fucking of it all if you will. Anyway I have figured out how I personally would create tension in such a potential plot situation. Further important info is that I should be asleep but am not. Anyway how I would do it is I would have Wei Wuxian get Cherry magicked HOWEVER instead of him reading aloof cold Lan Wangji’s mind and thinking me ???? He likes ??? ME ???? and wasting my time by giving Wei Wuxian self esteem issues or whatever and that being our primary source of tension instead I would have it so Wei Wuxian reads Lan Wangji’s mind and is treated to some of the most untoward, loving, disgusting BDSM fantasies ever conceived and then spends like 40k panicked and avoiding Lan Wangji who is becoming increasingly concerned about his erratic behavior while Wei Ying tries to desperately and clandestinely research about rope bondage and fretting that Lan Wangji won’t still like him if he’s not some kind of sex god slash sex genius. This obviously culminates in some sort of event in which Wei Wuxian, tearful, confesses his true fears and feelings, they make out in a closet and Lan Wangji comes in his pants in like 40 seconds because he’s obviously also a virgin. Ok bedtime.
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I think we knew that a federal indictment of former president Donald Trump would elicit a collective primal scream from the right-wing fever swamp — and they have not disappointed.
In true Trump-era fashion, the response from most elected Republicans has been a collective whine about "unfairness" and the "weaponization" of the "deep state." Some have even gone so far as to at least hint around that it's a nice little country we have here, be a shame if anything happened to it. I would expect nothing less. This is how they roll.
There are, notably, a few dissenters from that party line.
Utah Sen. Mitt Romney put out a statement saying that Trump "brought this on himself" and it's "consistent with his other actions offensive to the national interest," which is true. Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, a 2024 GOP hopeful, said "these facts are devastating," which is also true. But they, and a handful of others, are outliers among GOP elected officials.
One very significant former GOP official has come out swinging, however:
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There are a number of Trump defenses out there. But the main talking point, which we can assume was coordinated, is that this is a political prosecution engineered by President Biden to take out his most threatening political rival. And their main proof of this is that the Department of Justice (DOJ) declined to prosecute Hillary Clinton. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina probably articulated this the best, including the deployment of some very emotional righteous indignation:
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He's not saying it's ok, he's just saying that Hillary Clinton got off so that cancels out Trump's crimes. Or something.
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wi. says that Trump refused to prosecute Clinton but Joe Biden sent in a SWAT Team to torment Trump:
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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis sounded the same theme:
“Is there a different standard for a Democrat secretary of state versus a former Republican president? I think there needs to be one standard of justice in this country. Let's enforce it on everybody and make sure we all know the rules.”
It wasn't a perfect defense of Trump but as long as he makes sure to condemn Hillary Clinton is probably good enough for the moment.
As much as I loathe the idea of re-litigating "but her emails," I'm sorry to say that it's necessary. There was almost no pushback to this talking point from the media, probably because they didn't get the Clinton story right in the first place. A few have since stepped up to point out that Clinton didn't refuse to cooperate with the government, as Trump did, although Trump and his accomplices will no doubt cry inanely about her "bleaching the emails" and "smashing the phones" and that will be enough to sustain the argument. Trump may even say "Russia, if you're listening" again. But those allegations are just plain silly and always have been. And the fact that she didn't obstruct the investigation is only part of the story.
As it happened, Clinton copied all work emails to the State Department system so they had them. The Justice Department inspector general issued a report in 2018 about the FBI Investigation and determined that the people tasked with marking documents as classified had not done so clearly. Moreover, only three email chains "contained any classification markings of any kind," and they were low-priority "call sheets" marked with the lowest priority of classification, which had info and details for Clinton to refer to when talking to a foreign leader. There were no nuclear secrets or war plans among them, needless to say.
The State Department under Rex Tillerson and Mike Pompeo did two separate investigations and found in 2019 that there was "there was no persuasive evidence of systemic, deliberate mishandling of classified information" and that Clinton bore no "individual culpability."
And let's dispense with the "magnanimous" Trump defense. Trump tried desperately to get the DOJ to investigate Clinton (and many others he considered his political enemies.) His White House counsel told him that the DOJ operated independently and if he ordered it there would be tremendous unrest from career officials and massive political blowback. That didn't stop him. He conspired with Matthew Whittaker, then an assistant to then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to get Sessions to assign a Special Counsel to investigate Clinton. In the end, they succeeded in getting Sessions to assign John Huber, a US Attorney in Utah to look into all the allegations against Clinton, including the bogus "Uranium One" scandal which had also already been dismissed. That investigation didn't turn up anything either.
Notably, when Bill Barr became Attorney General he looked into all of it and also came up with nothing. If anyone thinks that Barr wouldn't have prosecuted Clinton if he could have doesn't recall just how much he hates her guts. The evidence just wasn't there. So, the FBI, the DOJ Inspector General, two State Department probes, a Clinton-hating attorney general and a U.S. Attorney assigned to review all the evidence found that Clinton committed no crimes. (I'm not even counting the 10 Benghazi investigations which were the genesis of the email scandal —- and also came up empty.)
I know your eyes have glazed over by this point and you wonder why in the world anyone should care about this. And frankly, we shouldn't have to. It's long settled ancient history. But the right's "whatboutism" and the media's continued unwillingness to acknowledge that, once the FBI determined there was no crime, there was no crime, I fear that a lot of people who aren't already down the right wing rabbit hole will be persuaded that this is a partisan prosecution simply because of the words "classified documents."
When former FBI Director James Comey held that first notorious press conference in the summer of 2016, in which he larded with inappropriate personal judgments about Clinton, he laid out the criteria the Justice Department uses when it decides whether to prosecute classified documents cases. He said:
“In looking back at our investigations into mishandling or removal of classified information, we cannot find a case that would support bringing criminal charges on these facts. All the cases prosecuted involved some combination of: clearly intentional and willful mishandling of classified information; or vast quantities of materials exposed in such a way as to support an inference of intentional misconduct; or indications of disloyalty to the United States; or efforts to obstruct justice. We do not see those things here.”
Assuming they have proof of the charges in the Trump indictment, there can be little doubt that they met three of those four criteria, (the fourth being disloyalty to the United States which I believe to be true as well.) So when you see these Republicans emitting their epic whines about how unfair all this is because Hillary didn't get indicted, keep in mind that it wasn't for lack of Trump trying to get it done. It was because, unlike him, she didn't break the law. And even Jeff Sessions, Rex Tillerson, Mike Pompeo and Bill Barr couldn't find a way to make it so.
In case you were wondering, yes the House Republicans are considering a new investigation into —- you guessed it —- her emails. Because of course they are.
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kayetra-spade-queen · 6 months
Because @drawnfamiliarfaces got me into their AU rabbit hole of a variant version of the Teen Heroes™, I hope they don't mind of me making my own variant (I'm self-conscious, please excuse me-).
First and foremost, I can't draw, at least not to the extent of completely fleshing out a sketch out of my ass (ok- I can, but only a single eye, and even then it looks like shit to me-). I can draw clothing better than making a full body to make a whole ass scene. Comics are out the window cuz I will suffer.
Second, it'll probably be more on writing than making fanarts.
Third, I didn't watch the majority of the other characters' respective shows. I watched Danny Phantom a bit because of Nicktoons, and Ben 10 because of the same person who got me into starting this whole thing. I'll probably get my own snips and bits of necessary info from the wiki, but don't expect any accuracy, and I'd appreciate if anyone could dump some info that could prove to be very necessary for me.
Fourth, this is an entire AU itself, so I'm mostly not gonna follow canon at most. There will be stories I will try to twist to my liking.
Fifth, ships. Yes, but bear with me here; thanks to my overconsumption of media, I will be putting just a few ships that I think are neat, but if anyone disagrees with me or didn't like how I didn't mention a ship they like (cuz I barely knew shit about the characters), then please just either move away from my blog, or block me entirely to avoid unwanted conflict. We all have our interests that make us happy, the least you could do is to respect and/or completely don't interact.
Sixth, the clothing are gonna filled with my own personal headcanons, mostly their clothing when they battle (the characters themselves too, but I'm gonna focus more on the clothes because I'm a fashion illustrator). Danny, Ben, and Randy are gonna wear heels because yes.
The ships involved;
Tigerghost (Manny Rivera from El Tigre x Danny Fenton from Danny Phantom) (I completely blame izbubbles for this one)
Benrex (Rex Salazar from Generator Rex x Ben Tennyson from Ben 10) (surprised? Probably not lmfao-)
Jimmytimmy (Timmy Turner x Jimmy Neutron) (first and foremost; no, none of the Nicktoons (Jimmy, Timmy, SpongeBob, and Manny) except Danny and Jenny are part of this team. Danny and Jenny still go on missions with the NU team because duh. And second; they're only here as some sort of filler and cuz I really love Nicktoons since most of them I have watched)
Headcanons involved (will get expanded in due time I swear-);
Trans Danny
Anodite Ben (still wields the Omnitrix. His anodite powers are pink too)
Dani and Dan are Danny's kids (under a different name because they have to go through a re-birth process that I'll touch upon later)
Ben's necrofriggian children now comes to earth to live with their mom (like I said, I'm not following canon)
Randy is still ninja, but because this AU involves a 3rd power/skill, I'll have to twist a bit of the canon my way, especially when it comes to the Ultimate Lesson and memory wipe
There will be some Genshin Impact references here and there, because I do play them, and I love it-
Ghost King Danny (by extent, Ghost Princess Dani and Ghost Prince Dan)
Fashion designer Ben (his sassy and confident nature could be more of a use tbh)
Primal Iudex Randy (he and Furina would get along nicely-)
Pearl Keeper Jake
Side gig magician Rex (leave me be, I think it's neat-)
Engaged Rex and Ben (all of the members are adults over 20, so don't be surprised)
Sandra Tennyson is French, so that makes Ben half-French by heritage
Ben and Randy are pen pals turned close friends by the time Ben moved to France (yes, I made Randy somewhat French here for this reason, but I'll have to put in more details later)
Rex won't lose his memories, but he'll get short-term amnesia often, which just need something to trigger the old memories back
Everyone is under the same universe
Danny's ghost team are Sam-Tucker-Valerie-Jazz and his parents (Valerie deserves better than what was given to her by canon)
Yes, Maddie and Jack knew Danny became a ghost from the very start, but they didn't treat him any differently than he was before; if anything, they felt guilty that their son had paid the price for their ignorance and neglect
Phantom Planet do not exist, and it shouldn't have been to begin with, but whatever
Valerie had always been part of Danny's gang. In terms of Shades of Gray, I'll have to change a lot of things, that includes her father's job (he didn't get fired), so I have other things in mind regarding Cujo
Cujo became Danny's pet dog later on, cuz you can't tell me these two aren't made for each other
Members from oldest to youngest, I do hope @drawnfamiliarfaces wouldn't mind me using their headcanon as well (eldest Kim, youngest Randy). I think they're really neat.
Please keep in mind that none of this follow canon whatsoever, they follow my headcanons and versions. Character backstories are written purely by my own personal headcanons too. I'll probably add actual canon when I didn't have anything good to offer, but this is what I could put for now.
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creepedverse · 5 months
What is up with the mafia drawings from magma 👁👁🗣 may we know more
OK CUZ I WAS THE ONE WHO DREW THEM... it happened cuz i made everyone watch The Godfather with me cuz i had to write an essay on it. LMFAOOOOOOO
we're working on more lore for it but its just a CRV AU !!! there are two families, one run by bonnies grandparents and one run by slenderman. ty for asking meat >.o -sucker
bonnie's role is... she's supposed to be entirely uninvolved with the mafia, her grandparents try VERY hard to keep her away from that life, but she accidentally got tangled up in debt with the other family and is trying very hard to put on a brave face.
Mafia au Dia is a Capo within the Slender family. She’d also be the communications person. She makes connections for the family. Very friendly but scary person. Think Shinobu from Demon Slayer. She starts off very nice and sweet but lives life like she’s playing chess. She thinks everything 10 steps in advance. Plus she’s skilled in guns and knives although she prefers knives and can easily handle gore and blood… she’s the go to person for when the family need to extract info from a particular person who’s very tight lipped. She’s fine w killing and will actively find out other families dirty secrets as a way to blackmail them into not doing anything to the family she’s apart of.
Nico's slender's second in command, his right hand girl, his underboss. She gives orders to the rest of the family, they go from slender directly to her, then to the rest of the family on a need to know basis. She doesn't get her own hands dirty unless it's necessary, delegates most of the violence to Tommie or Tali. But she's brutal, almost inhumanly cruel. Has given the order for countless hits, mass killings, poisoned entire weddings, eradicated families, widows, orphans, as she sees fit. All to further the interests of the family.
Tobin works as a capo for Bonnie's grandparents mafia family. He's mainly involved in arms and narcotics dealing, and mostly hangs around the chop shop fixing up busted cars when hes not making deals. Tobin is fiercely loyal, and has pretty much no moral boundaries so he's the one people go to when they need dirty work done, like putting hits on people, debt collecting, protection, etc. He's very good with guns, is a sharp shooter, but he's a troublemaker who tends to push limits too far
Tali works as an assassin for Slenders mafia family. She doesn't have any friends or connections to people, and she likes to keep it that way. She does the job, gets her pay, and isn't seen again. Tali is very good at what she does, and she's familiar with all sorts of knives and poisons. She's to the point, and a nasty bitch who doesn't take disrespect from anyone. Mostly hangs around the bar or in casinos, making sure that nobody steps out of line, or that her target doesn't go out of sight.
A side plot is that Tali and Tobin, being from different crime families, are both given a job to kill each other. Its like a game of cat and mouse between them. Yet despite being some of the best hitters out there, the two can't seem to get the job done
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I haven't put too much thought about it, other than Shannon being some kind of Boss or at least high up position would be funny as hell, imagine you're being told you're meeting the boss of a mafia and its this shaking girl that just stares at you.
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docheros · 6 months
this is for you @uhhbeans my most beloved
ok so like. originally seán made a game about the egos that was so successfull that a company that makes movies approached him with an offer to make a movie based on his game
we all know what seán is doing to these characters now, the anomaly found video and the comics are just the tip of the iceberg. so, let's revamp the actor au!!
(backstory, info about the actors and some headcanons under the cut)
before we properly start: seán is friends with a guy named antony; they started to talk when "jacksepticeye" was created, antony used to help him with some of the editing. so, in this universe, antony was one of the editors along with alice
seán always discussed this story with his editors, and antony was the one that really motivated, gave new stories, reasons, showed how he could make it better, and act better as well!! he's an actor too :]
so, when seán (i'm repeating his name too much sorry) started to change the route of the story and said he wanted something more serious, antony (and a team, ofc) helped him develop Anomaly Found. and for all his help and ideas, seán asked his friend to portray anti from now on. and antony couldn't be more honoured
so, anomaly found happens! seán's chase here like irl. and the comics come out, and much more stuff, etc etc. to give the egos an ending, he decides to make it a movie, but since he couldn't like. act as 5 dudes and at the same time help with production, he decided to hire actors!
Elias Schmidt, German, 32, as Henrik Von Schneeplestein!
Ryan White, American, 35, as Chase Brody!
Oliver Williams, British, 39, as Marvin the Magnificent!
Patrick O'Brien, Irish, 35, as JackieBoyMan!
George Cole, British, 43, as Jameson Jackson!
and finally, Antony Moore, British, 40, as AntiSepticEye!
and now, some headcanons of this AU for the soul :]
Seán and Antony were the ones to make the auditions, and they both wanted actors that could bring their experiences and thoughts into the characters
bc of that, Elias' german (but not a doctor, that'd be asking too much), George's mute and Patrick's autistic
Elias is very good at acting as Henrik, but he's not like him in the slightest. he's the youngest of the crew and a big jokester
despite that, he loves Henrik to bits! he's always doing lives and videos like "henrik answers your questions" while they're filming
this is Ryan's first big budget movie, and he's kinda nervous about it
different from Chase, he isn't married and honestly hates alcohool. when asked, he usually says "so is anyone interested in being my stacy? aside from the divorce and well. the horrors"
Elias jokes he's much more like initial Chase (he watched all the videos about the egos, even if Seán said it's not necessary bc a lot changed) and Ryan's much more like fanon Henrik
Patrick and Ryan are the most serious of the crew, it's hard to get a smile out of them. that doesn't mean they don't enjoy the movie or their company, ofc!
Antony's a dad! his son plays as Chase's kid bc it was the only kid that wasn't scared of Anti's makeup (and the antiaverage shippers of this universe enjoy this fact a lot)
Oliver and George are the ones who unintentionally spoil the most
Oliver looovees to talk and read about Marvin shipps. he's feeding the marvelsepticeye shippers very well!
Patrick on the other side isn't very happy in joining his shenanigans lol
George is a modern man, he loves his cellphone and his bluetooth earphones, so acting as Jameson (a man from 1920s) was a bit of a challenge to him, but he loves challenges!
he's very vocal about ableism towards mute people. and also very vocal about jj's sexual life
if they ever went to buzzfeed to promote the movie, Patrick would loooove the puppy interviews and George and Elias would loooove the "[x] reads thirst tweets"
when asked if they knew jacksepticeye,
Elias: ofc, who doesn't? i used to watch his videos all the time! what do you mean he's the one behind this
Ryan: i used to watch a bit when i was younger, we're the same age so it was like hanging out with a friend. what do you mean he's the one behind this
Oliver: ooh, i guess so? my siblings used to watch this dude like, all day. he's the one doing this? neat, i guess
Patrick: of course, everytime i mentioned i'm from Ireland people used to be like "omg jacksepticeye's from there!!!", it kinda annoyed me. he's the director????... he didn't hear me, right?
George, signing: who?
Antony: i heard he's a pain in the ass to work with (cut to Seán telling him to shut the fuck up)
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