#some of my sketches because I can't stop scanning everything around
mariggu · 11 months
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hexfloog · 9 months
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2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024
Can you believe there's barely 10 days left to the year?? Because I can't! Time to lay my feelings bare again!!!
So I definitely slowed down quite a bit compared to 2022, but I still made enough to fill the template and, in spite of everything else, lots of life development things happened these last 365 days that I think makes 2023 one of my best years in recent memory :)
I have less to say about the art this time. The drop in quantity checks out when I stop to reflect on just how much time I spent on each one. I definitely don't have as many sketchy works to show off this time either (probably in no small part due to the fact that I've also slowed down on Detco) - and that's probably owed to having spent most of my art effort this year drawing for other people, be it commissions or fan projects, and I already know that I'm more inclined to take risks when I have just myself to please. It's not a bad thing, that's just how it is.
I suppose my one observation of this year's body of work is that the vast majority of it is quite ambitious. Real pushing-my-comfort-zone stuff, but it's more of a polished brand of risk rather than the kind you get sketching ideas on the spot. Some examples:
February - both a collab and a thing that became a fan cel intended as an autograph piece at a con
April - simultaneously a gift and a very personal piece
June - silly comic (anything humorous is automatically out of my comfort zone)
August - community project + comic page redraw that really tested my ability to find a new style to play with
September - made to become tangible merch (it did)
October - redraw of my very first digital piece
November* - character design from text description only and formal reference sheet commission (my first ever)
December* - digital watercolor + fake children's paperback cover
*active WIP, not yet complete
It's not that much (really, it's average output for me) but I will take my wins where I can get them, especially since this is pretty much the scope of my art projects this year. Didn't really have much time or energy to write, or make more models, or scan more cards, because... ya girl was too busy getting a promotion/raise, moving out, enjoying the best con experience of her life (so far), volunteering, meeting lots of new people, dating again, having general fun, eating good food, trying new things, finishing a monthly art challenge for once, playing creative romhacks, waking up to new career opportunities, etc. etc. etc! It feels like so much happened this year!!
I tend to be harsh on myself and often feel like my life is not going anywhere, but this year really made me feel like I'm finally gaining some momentum again. And like... I don't expect (or want) to live life in the fast lane or anything, but stagnating isn't good, either, and with every passing year I have to ask myself with a little more sincerity what my future looks like.
So all that said, thanks very much for sticking around and suffering me another year <333 Who knows what 2024 will bring!! But for the first time in a while, I think I am looking to it with more than just a resigned "meh" and I hope the same for anyone reading this, too.
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kinetic-elaboration · 4 months
May 21: Jane, Outtake
Hummmmm still not prepared for the trip. Still very UN-prepared. Wrote this thing. Instead of being productive.
It's probably part of this but I'm not sure if it's an outtake-sort of scene or maybe slightly AU or some secret third thing.
No one's stopping me from writing Daria fic so I keep doing it. Jane-centric, Jane/Alison, Jane/Daria sort of; not quite 500 words, 20 minutes
When she can't think of Daria anymore, because the girl is straight, and Jane can't keep going down this path because the whole thing's landmine-strewn, she lies back and she thinks about Alison instead. Maybe she should have just done it. Maybe she should have slept with her. Maybe she had nothing at all to lose.
God, high school. It's all such a big deal with you guys. You take everything so seriously.
Maybe someday they'll both be famous artists and they'll meet again at some gallery in New York and Alison won't be relying on skeezy blowhards for patronage, but living on her own talent. Something Jane can respect. And Jane will tell her, you were right, I wasn't ready to admit it, and the words won't feel difficult to say at all. And then maybe it will be just as easy to say I'm ready now.
This future version of her is successful and secure and at ease in her own life and Alison won't be her first time with a girl. Future Jane has everything together.
She tries to picture Alison with her now but it's weird; her room's too cramped for that kind of fantasy, so she moves them back to Ashfield, her mattress up in the loft with a couple of candles burning around them and the last of the wine. First time for something romantic like that, too. And with another artist--would Alison understand how she thinks?
Don't go there. Because you know who does. You know who's always understood exactly how you think.
Sketching her afterward would be like sketching any other nude except without that sense of artistic remove, where all she cares about is shading and lines and getting it right. Something like possessing: a body she knows but she's recreating it in her own hand. And when she wants to she can touch, she can move along it of her own accord, she could--
She should think about men. It's easier.
Alison and candlelight and the mattress in the loft where Jane painted repetitive gruesome portraits like she's summoned real, serious inner torment now. Alison and her hands on Jane's shoulders, and maybe if she hadn't drawn back, Alison would have turned them around and pushed her back against the door.
Is this your first time with a girl? No wonder you're nervous.
She'll bring Alison back to her studio and say you really messed me up, you know; I didn't have to be like this or know these things. But I considered the possibility scanning all the way back over my life and it all looked different and SHE looked different and now I can never get it out of my head for the rest of my life.
Even in the perfect future, Daria is still on her mind. Like she'll never be over her.
It's always so damn serious all the time.
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willsimpforanyone · 2 years
Harry Potter imagine your classmates finding your sketch book you have of the golden trio and silver trio the silver trio includes Neville, Luna, and Ginny and your life at Hogwarts.
my goodness my first harry potter imagine! a preface by saying fuck jkr she's a transphobic bitch! i'm still in love with the world so i'm gonna write it but yeah fuck her
"Hey, what's this?"
Hemione held a book in her hand, scanning the cover for a title or any indication of the owner.
I froze, arm still up from putting away a book in the library. Oh shit, I knew I should have just put it in my bag. I wasn't fast enough to stop her opening my sketchbook and skimming through the pages.
"Hey, no, it's just- I just draw things sometimes-"
Ron appeared over her shoulder. "Hey, that's me!" His face split into a grin. "Hey, I look pretty good."
I snatched it out of Hermione's hands, scowling at them. "Give that here, no one is supposed to see it."
"It's really good, y'know." Ron shrugged, leaning against a bookshelf.
"Would you quiet down?" Neville's hiss came from a beanbag on the floor. "It's a library, remember?"
I looked down at him. "Sorry Nev, we'll argue quietly."
He nodded and chuckled faintly. I turned back to Hermione and Ron, who were pretending not to stare at the sketchbook I clutched to my chest. "And no, you can't see more."
They both held up their hands in surrender and backed away, returning to the table we were studying at.
A book thunked on the surface and my head flicked up to see Luna sliding into the chair beside me, Harry coming up behind her with Ginny. Neville subtly rolled his eyes and muttered something about 'oh good, more people, more noise' under his breath.
Ginny flopped down into a beanbag next to him. "Oh shut up, Longbottom, you love us." He swatted at her and returned to his book.
"Hey, hey, Harry, they-" Ron pointed at me. "-did drawings of us in their sketchbook and they won't let us see."
Harry raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You drew us?"
I sighed, but nodded reluctantly. "Kind of. Yeah, I drew you but it's only to practice drawing from life!" I held the book closer. "It's easier to draw you guys than to draw some stranger."
Luna hummed. "I'd like to see, it's interesting to know how people are percieved through a certain set of eyes." She flipped open the huge book she brought with her. "Especially eyes that are as pretty as yours."
My cheeks heated up. "Oh quiet you, flattery won't get you anywhere."
"You sure?" Hermione grinned, chin resting in the palm of her hand. "Because I'm sure we all look amazing through your gorgeous eyes, sweetheart, and you're so talented."
Ron nodded enthusiastically. "So talented, I was so impressed by the glimpse I got, it would be cruel to deprive us of such a wonder!"
I was complimented from all sides, even Neville and Ginny chiming in from their places on the floor. Luna nodded gently to everything being said, and even after getting shushed by the librarian they continued in very subdued but no less enthusiastic tones.
Eventually I held up my hands. "Okay, okay! If you all shut up I will show you a few pages, okay? Is that good enough?"
There was a round of very quiet high fives and 'yes!'s as I unfurled my fingers from around my precious sketchbook and laid it on the table. "Now, no judgement, if you don't like it, don't say anything or I will cry, okay?"
Neville and Ginny vacated the beanbags and huddled round the table to get a good look as I opened to a random page. It showed Harry and Ron, eyebrows furrowed over a game of chess. Harry had tried to teach Ron regular chess without knowing the actual rules, resulting in the weirdest rules. They'd stayed sat still for long enough for me to do detailing and shading and get it pretty accurate.
"Hey, that's amazing!" Ron's hushed voice was filled with awe and Harry nodded, eyes wide as he ran his fingers very gently over the drawing.
"Is that... what we look like?"
I shrugged self-conciously. " Well it's how I see you, at least. You're my friends and I love you, so I guess I see you in a good light?"
There was a soft smile on Harry's face. "We look pretty good."
Ginny sneakily slipped the book towards her and turned the page. The next drawing was of Luna, standing at the edge of the lake staring down. I wasn't sure what she was doing but I tried to sketch her quick- Luna's movements were unpredictable and I had to make sure I got her down before she wandered off.
The pencil strokes were swift and fluid and Luna's eyes widened, hands flapping as she stared at it. "That's me! That's me when I was talking to the squid!"
Ah, of course, should have guessed.
"You like it?" I nudged her shoulder.
She nodded fast, turning and wrapping me in a quick hug. "I'm so pretty!"
Skimming through the next few pages revealed a detailed sketch of Ginny and Ron mid-argument, Neville crouching and talking to a plant, Hermione trying to study but distractedly trying to braid her coiling curls instead, a host of tiny slice-of-life drawings I wanted to capture.
"Okay, okay, enough, you've all seen yourselves, now give it back." I reached for it, retrieving my sketchbook with only a few puppy-dog eyes and pouting mouths. "We do actually have a test to study for, can we get back to that?"
Murmurs of reluctant assent led to everyone settling down with a book and parchment.
"Thank you. If you're all good, I'll let you see more."
i hope you enjoyed, thank you for requesting!!
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maplecornia · 3 years
chapter 9
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𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 2.61K
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: romance | slice of life | fluff | angst | bts x female!reader | ot7
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: You watched them from the sidelines ever since you were a young teenage girl. Now you’re grown up, they’ve returned after 2 long years and everything has changed. What happens when you pull back the mask and find the darkness within? What happens when you see that they’re broken?
𝔞/𝔫: this chapter makes me laugh, especially the scene with Jojo and Namjoon.
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: cliffhangers | angst | fluff | slight mentions of self hatred | depression | mental health illness | self harm | occurs in the year 2024 | set in a timeline where BTS went to the military together | slight language
tags:@kookaine |@fangirl125reader |@kookiebbyxx |@taradevonne
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You’ve been waiting for an hour.
Tilting your head back, you sigh, extremely bored.
You've tried everything you could think of to bypass the time. Reading, writing, watching YouTube, then switching over to Netflix, even attempting to doze in the slightly uncomfortable waiting room chair.
None of them have worked.
Currently, you're doodling in your sketchbook, but no concrete idea comes to mind for the sketch. Leaving you with tiny flowers, faces, and body parts on the page as though it were a practice sheet.
Peering over the sketchbook, you scan the room for any sign of life, but as the day has dragged on, so has the crowd.
You don't see any sign of Kim Namjoon anywhere, and the receptionist hasn't called you over ever since you turned in the forms she gave you. Uninterested, your eyes glazing over, you pull out your phone, peering at the time.
12:30 pm.
Heaving a sigh, you tilt your head back, the music playing through your GalaxyBuds. Yet it does no good to lift your spirits.
You suppose it's only fair, you made him wait, now it's his turn.
Setting your phone down once more, you purse your lips, as your gaze falls on a flower swaying in the wind outside.
It's the only flower you can see amongst the bush. It stands almost forlornly in the midst of multiple of its fellow brethren withered around it. Still, it stands strong, unwilling to fall victim to the harsh weather outside.
A thought crossing your mind, you turn to your sketchbook, quickly turning the page and beginning a vigorous sketch before you lose your idea.
Unbeknownst to you, as you progress halfway through the sketch, Kim Namjoon bursts into the lobby, looking out of breath and flustered.
He wears a bright white T-shirt, one with a small black Nike emblem across his left pectoral muscle. It hangs sort of loose around his neck, his collarbone visible as cooling sweat causes him to glisten like a bright star.
It's not as noticeable, considering that he wears a thick black sweatshirt zipped down around his shoulders. It's simple, with thin white stripes running down the sleeves and white soft underlining to it.
The black sweats he wears seem to fit with the outfit, the same white stripes running down each pant leg. Each piece of clothing has a Nike emblem on it and pairs well with the white Nike AirForces he wears on his feet.
They’re simple but rich clothes and bring to mind the same clothes Jungkook was wearing before.
The cooling sweat on his skin and the way his hair falls a bit messily underneath his cap could lead to the presumption that they were doing a major dance practice before all of this.
No matter the case, he didn't expect the meeting to take this long, and he feels terrible for making you wait, despite everything. As he looks for any sign of you, he doesn't find any.
Worried that you have already left, he knocks on the front desk, gathering the attention of the receptionist that helped you earlier. Kim Jojo raises her head, and as she catches sight of RM, her eyes widen just the slightest bit, but not enough for him to notice.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Namjoon, what can I--”
“Yes, yes hello.” Namjoon interrupts her, too panicked to care about formalities.
He wants to catch you before you get tired of waiting and leave. First impressions are everything to him, and if he has a bad one…Shaking the worry away, he leans forward over the counter separating the receptionist from him and she flinches away at the sudden closeness.
RM either doesn't notice or doesn't care, but either way, he meets her with an intent stare, every word uttered from his lips urgent and careful.
“Has anyone by the name of Lin Yen come in?” The receptionist opens her mouth to respond but before she can say anything, he holds up a finger.
A thought having crossed his mind, he reaches into his back pocket, bringing out his phone. He tries to bring up the picture of you while Jojo stands there, half in shock, half in annoyance. As soon as he finds it, he lets out a little victory shout, one that startles her.
Grinning, he presents it to her, and she peers at a strange picture of you. After she looks at it, Jojo pulls back, her brows crinkling in confusion.
“She looks like this. If she came in, could you please tell me? I've been waiting since 8:00 this morning to meet her.” Jojo sighs, trying to gain her composure before responding.
“Mr. Namjoon--” she begins, but Namjoon interrupts once more.
“She’s my new assistant, you see, and I need to begin her training today. She needs to know the ropes before our busy season comes back around.” He explains, pulling the phone back and trying to pocket it once more.
Instead, he ends up knocking over a container filled with an assortment of pens and pencils. Surprised, he fumbles to pick it up but ends up spilling it all over the floor. Cursing under his breath, he reaches down to pick up some pencils that have fallen.
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Jojo picks up the container, righting it on the counter with a loud thud. Startled, RM glances up at her eyes wide, and she smiles sweetly.
“Please, just leave it.” She says between her teeth. He shrugs, almost reluctantly standing. She sighs in relief, carefully putting the pens and pencils back in their place.
“Now...Mr. Namjoon, please listen--” once more, she cannot finish, Namjoon unable to shut up to save his life.
“I’m sorry, but if you need any more information on her I could--”
“Kim Namjoon!” This time it's Jojo's turn to interrupt him, her patience finally wearing thin.
RM instantly falls silent, a bit surprised at the outburst.
Jojo takes a steadying breath before continuing.
“Now, the person you are talking about has already come in. I told her you were in a meeting and had her wait in the waiting room for you to return.” At the information, RM turns to the waiting room where he catches sight of you for the first time in real life.
He notices you vigorously sketching out your idea. Smiling, he can't help but smile at the familiarities he finds in you. You look exactly like the picture Jaejin sent, despite how weird it was.
“I had expected to receive a notice of your return, so I could send her to you, but now that you're here….” Namjoon turns away from you and flashes his contagious smile at Jojo who is once more taken aback.
“Thank you,” Namjoon says with gratitude, reaching across the desk and holding her hand as he bows before turning away.
Jojo, watching him go, turns beet red before collapsing behind the desk in exhaustion. Another fellow receptionist cries out with alarm before tending to her in concern.
You, once more, having no awareness of the events happening around you, continue to sketch. Having finished the rough sketch you begin to define every line, detail, and curve. As you work, you bite the inside of your cheek, sometimes licking your lips in your trance of concentration.
When you're lost in your mind of imagination and creativity, nothing from the outside world can distract you.
And yes, that also includes a very tall, very real version of Kim Namjoon striding towards you.
You don't look up as he comes within a few feet in front of you. You don't even notice as he bends to your eye level, trying to catch your attention. It doesn't break your concentration, even as you reach for an eraser, lightly humming to the music playing in your ears. He smiles, almost laughing at your concentration before he covers his mouth, trying to be quiet so that you don't notice he’s there.
Trying to tease you, he carefully (as much as he’s able) sits down next to you. He was planning on pulling out one of your GalaxyBuds and surprising you, but as he catches a glimpse of your work, he’s stopped cold.
It's breathtaking.
You have created an awestruck image of a woman, on her knees. She wails out in agony as she sits amongst a pile of ash, flecks of it falling around her as though there's a fire burning nearby.
However, that’s not what catches Namjoon’s eye.
Amongst the ash, if anyone looks closely, they'll be able to see that there are small, scattered remains of bones hidden.
She sits amongst them, wailing, the look on her face one of pure anguish and sorrow as the ash from the fading bones stains her skin and her dress.
As though she has lost everyone she’s held, dear.
RM can't seem to look away, entranced by the grotesque beauty of the image and the talent of the artist.
He admires the way you set it up, the way you created the girl imperfectly, but still real. Because after all, who in real life is perfect? As he watches your pencil move expertly across the page, he can't help but think that with each stroke, the creation grows more and more lifelike.
As though she were truly crying out in the pain her heart brings. As though she were alive and breathing.
Almost against his wishes, his hand reaches out to touch the paper, if only to make sure that the actual sketch is truly a mere fabrication of pencil and paper.
As his fingers graze the parchment, that is when you snap out of your concentration.
Eyes widening, you jolt up straight, immediately turning to look at your side.
As soon as your eyes meet Namjoon’s, his hand flinches off the paper. He lets out a soft gasp as he flinches away, surprised by your sudden attention.
Just like with Jungkook, you're frozen in place.
Unable to move.
Unable to function.
Unable to speak.
And just like Jungkook, Namjoon is the same way.
But for a different reason.
He was caught in the act, and he doesn't know what to do.
Your eyes hold him in a sort of bind.
For a moment he forgets what he was doing there, he forgets what his purpose is, for a moment he even forgets why you are there.
For a split second, it's just you and him in a pocket in space.
Your eyes holding his, his eyes holding yours.
Kim Namjoon.
The leader of BTS. The first member of the group you have grown to love. Talented, handsome, a practical genius, he is just as mature and intimidating as you expected him to be.
Despite how close the two of you are sitting, he still seems larger than life, and for a moment, you wonder if he’s even real.
He doesn't seem like it after all.
His skin seems too real, too perfect. His hair is too soft, too smooth. His eyes are too warm and too brown.
Almost exactly like the milky chocolate brown you’ve seen so often in so many photos, except for one thing.
As you stare into them, you can see life so clearly alight in them. How they reveal so many emotions at the same time. There are so many that it's almost impossible to read them at all. Serene and peaceful, they are poets' eyes.
So emotional, yet so mysterious and secretive at the same time.
Dreamboat eyes.
“Kim Namjoon?” you whisper, almost unsure if it's him or not.
As you do, his face makes that mixed expression between confusion and amusement as he chuckles softly, looking away and breaking the connection. Holding his hand up to his mouth, he nods, clearing his throat, but not saying anything for a moment.
“Yes, that's who I am, and you must be...Lin Yen?” your heart jumps at the fact that he knows your name.
Speechless, all you can do is nod mutely as he utters another adorable chuckle, one that always seems to remind you of Goofy.
“Jaejin didn't tell me you were an artist.” As soon as he says that, you notice that your sketchbook is still open, and showcasing your imperfect, unready sketch.
Panicking, you fumble to get it closed. Blushing, you hug it tightly to your chest, as though it could erase the fact that he just got a sneak peek into your very soul.
“What's wrong? It was good!” RM asks, worried.
Biting your bottom lip in trepidation, you shake your head, hiding your face.
“Don't lie….” you mumble.
You know it wasn't close to being done, and it wasn't nearly as perfect as it could have been. You're quite disappointed in it at the moment. You feel as though it was too rushed due to the many ideas pouring out from your brain at the exact moment.
As you take an ashamed peek at Namjoon, you find him staring at you, a slight smile playing on his lips.
“What's wrong, are you okay?” he asks, tilting his head as though you were a shy child. You smirk, playing along and nodding very slowly before he continues.
“I see. You should know, however, that you are very talented.” At the compliment, you snort in disbelief, shoving the sketchbook and pencils back safely in your satchel.
“Please.” You sigh. “I know I'm no Picasso, and certainly not talented.”
Finished with packing your art supplies, you are reminded of the reason you are here. A blush of shame appearing on your cheeks, you turn to Namjoon, a bit guiltily.
“And I’m also not known as the bird to rise before the worm.” RM seems a bit confused before you stand and bow to him in apology.
“I am so sorry for being late today. You see I….”
Remembering the receptionist's words from before, you decide to keep the reason to yourself.
“....I have nothing to say for myself. I'm sincerely sorry.”
“Please, there’s no need for that,” Namjoon responds, standing himself and tapping you on the shoulder.
At the touch, you stand straight, only to find an extremely tall man standing before you, looking more intimidating than before. Heart beating fast you gulp, stepping back a bit.
Luckily, he doesn't notice your act of distance and just smiles at you before continuing.
“After all, I was late as well, so let's call it even, huh?”
You smirk and nod, thankful that he’s not too angry about it, but it doesn't completely erase your guilt.
“But now that you mention it….” Namjoon starts and intrigued, you glance up to see him back up a bit as well.
Confused, you raise an eyebrow before he holds out his hand to you.
“My name is Kim Namjoon, I’ll be your boss during your time here. First and foremost, welcome to BigHit entertainment, I hope you enjoy your time working here with us.” He introduces himself, warmly.
Catching on, you take his hand, shaking it gently, and trying to ignore the fact that yours is much more like a child's compared to his.
“Hello, Mr. Namjoon! It's a pleasure to finally meet you, my name is Lin Yen and I look forward to working with you!” you respond, returning his grin with one of your own.
After you're finished introducing yourself, he releases your hand and steps back, taking your satchel in his hands and handing it to you.
“Well, Ms. Lin, are you ready to begin?” He asks, and you accept the offer, hiking the satchel on your shoulder before looking up at him in expectation.
“Where do we start?”
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𝔫𝔬𝔱𝔢: first day at work is finally starting, yall excited? eheheehehe get ready for some namjooon and yen moments to come
chapter 10 here
check the Infinite Stars masterlist for more chapters
check my BTS masterlist for other BTS content
check out my masterlist for other kpop fanfics
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Misfit God and a mortal: Loki x Reader
Some Loki fluff with Frigga making an appearance in it. Enjoy ❤️
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‘That’s a lovely name.’ Frigga says happily reaching for her son's cheek caressing the cold skin. 'Invite her here. For the Banquet.' The glorious Banquet. A night full of joy, mead, laughter and unforgettable moments that imprints itself on each guest. An event that stood up for luxury clothes, drinks, and food. Something that couldn't be said about the guests. There are going to be royals and noblemen but only their clothes could enhance their shallow personality.
Loki walked into the very familiar building passing many employees waving with a small smile on his face. Opening the door of the highest office on the highest floor he sees his Y/n. Talking on the phone her white crisp suit made of the shiniest silk bounced off the glaring sun giving her the well-deserved halo.
'I don't like the sketches...I improved them and want your feedback by the end of the day... that's why I gave them an improvement....Jackson, just... send it.' placing the phone down with a faint thud letting her tired shoulder slump down. 'Penny for your thoughts, darling?' Y/n hesitantly turns around to see her Loki in front of her in his all-black suit. 'The suit looks great.' She spoke inching closer to Loki placing her hands on his chest 'Of course it is. You made it.' He leans down to kiss her lips feeling the chapped texture as his tongue sweeps into her mouth. Dragging his dove closer, his arms encircle her in a comfortable hug feeling the soft white silk pressed against his black suit. An angel and a demon. His angle and her demon.
Pulling his tongue back and then his lips he smiles inquiring 'Mother, wants to invite you to the Banquet. In 2 days.' Y/n looks up seeing his lips twitch in anticipation knowing just how much her job held her hostage 'I can-' she stops letting her eyes look to the side squinting quietly thinking '...Yeah... I think I could.'
Loki smiles brightly as he kisses her again 'Outstanding, love. It's official you are accompanying me to the Banquet.' Y/n nods at her Loki seeing the smile that could be only described as if it was taken from the happiest 7 years old child.
Walking through Loki's room Y/n takes one of the hundreds or even thousands book plucking only a small skinny book laced with brown leather. Flipping the pages open her eyes fall on the polaroids photos 3 of them and each of them is Loki and Y/n looking in complete and utter love. Portraying just how much of a softy Loki is.
'I still can't believe you have a whole library in your room.' Y/n gasped out as Loki watched her curious hands touch each book picking which one he will read to her. Picking a dirty old book with a green leather cover she hands him as he arched a brow in question 'This one? This is a tale of Thor when he loses his hammer to the giants and has to go through a humiliating ordeal in order to get it back.' Loki spoke with a glorious grin appearing at the end of the sentence.
'What?!' Y/n stood next to him gobsmacked scrambling immediately 'Start reading it. I NEED to know.' Loki ushers her to the nearest chair letting her gown flow speaking over the wooden stool 'Our tale of Thor starts with an amusing laugh...' Loki stops as he looks at his lover 'from the God of Mischief his laugh-' 'Of course it was you.' Y/n butted into his sentence halting his speaking. 'As I was saying, the God of Mischief laughed malevolently as he watched Thor return with new news.'
(The name of the story is true, I googled it, but the words of the tale aren't I just made up the starting part just so you know)
'Loki, son.' a soft voice interrupted Loki. Frigga peaking into the chamber like a mother carefully announcing her presence so that her teenage son can successfully show off to his date. 'It's time.' she says leaving the two lovers alone.
'Darling, are you ready?' His voice asked behind her jeweled out back. Twirling to face him she asks looking down at her gown hints of green and gold (I know, predictable) flowing through the fabric tailing up to her chest as a gold metal belt held the puffy fabric in position. 'Marvelous. Solely marvelous.' Walking to her in his royal attire of green and gold he intertwines his arm with hers leading her towards the imperial feast already crammed with various guests.
Entering the Banqueting hall there was no shortage of food and drinks and entertainment. People accumulating in jewels and gold showing each other the superficial respect they deserved. That's what they thought. Holding Loki's forearm tightly she glances at him as he pushed the people in front of them making away to shift. 'Are you alright Y/n?' Loki asked his lover standing next to a hallway that leads to the nearest balcony. 'For now, yes. Thanks.' Smooching a kiss on his cheeks she always appreciated when he asks her about her anxiety since being in large crowds isn't always manageable for her. So having a private balcony with fresh air is a great exit.
Y/n's eyes draw to a nearby puffy flowing dress coming their way looking up she sees the same tired resting face...Jane with the ever so cheery Thor by her side. Thor drags away from Jane's grasp hugging Y/n tightly shouting a delighted 'Sister Y/n!' Y/n responded equally happy 'Brother Thor!' His hugs were always the best warm, fuzzy and everything in between. Jane and Loki exchange only nods not bothering to fake any emotions. 'Brother.' Thor cheers at his brother and giving him a forced hug.
Loki pushes his brother away as he places an arm behind Y/n's back giving her devotion. Jane looks at the pair in front of her an unnatural smile dawning on her face. Y/n turns to Thor inquiring 'You look jolly as ever Thor.' 'Thank you Y/n. I started again to workout. It is stressful but Jane is forcing me-' 'Because you need to be in the best shape possible.' Jane cuts him rudely off letting her fake smile plunge. Jane started to bicker at Thor and that was a clear sign to go. Nudging Loki she whispers 'Balcony?' 'You read my mind.'
With a snap of his fingers, they are on the safe and private with the distant music behind them drowning out as they let their hearts best in unions. 'She is so mean.' Y/n says not preferring the way she addressed Thor. 'Yes, she is. I don't see why Thor reconciled with her again.' 'Well, ever since his weight gain and depression maybe she helped him through it to be a little happier but I feel that she is rushing the process that usually takes a while to make a prominent step.' Loki agreed as he looked at the scene in front of him. The trees, lakes, and sky coated in the black gloom. Surrounding the lovers giving them the privacy they had the right to. Loki's hands land on her cheeks pulling her close giving her a sweet intoxicating kiss. A kiss that demanded more after.
'Runaway with me princess. Let's run until out feet give up and until my magic runs dry.' He hushed giving each word enough space to set themselves into Y/n's mind. Y/n looks up at him saying in a mere whisper 'Of course, my King.' Loki smiled at her silly nickname as he shushed her once more feeling her warm lovable hands on his shoulders tracing down on his chest as his heartbeat accelerated. He pulls back asking her 'You feel it?' Y/n closes her eyes letting her hands feeling the heavy and strong beat of his heart 'Yes.' 'That heart beats for you.' Y/n stuns on the words as she looks at him seeing a smile on his face that was dawned in darkness and the smile shine through 'Only for you.' He added as he pulls her into his arms hugging her placing her between a pillar and his body.
His kisses overpowered her body mind and soul and she gladly gave her control to the God of Mischief enjoying the hush quiet ambiance only a few steps that passing them. Pushing away from his lips she looks at the long and dark hallway Loki inquiries 'What's wrong, darling?' 'I think someone passed us.' Letting a chuckle escape his mouth Loki answers back 'Don't worry, no one saw us.' Y/n looked back at him and nodded apprehensively. Maybe just someone passed a maid or guard too engrossed into their job to see a mortal and a God exchanging forbidden kisses. Loki stopped as whispering into her ear 'When I become King I will need you by my side.'
There he goes again. 'Loki, we talked about this...' 'I know we did. But I overheard my mother talking to Odin talking about a new King since he is...he is...' Loki whispers not knowing how to finish his sentence in a respectful way, even if it's about Odin 'You mean old, right?' Loki nods and proceeds to talk 'And I have an equal chance as Thor, thanks to you.' Y/n points to herself 'Yes, you. You have given me the love I craved for and pulled me out of my misery. I am certain that if I am King I can not do it without you.'
Seeing his pricing blue eyes she gleams at his words. She never did anything but be herself, a normal person with her own problems and yet somehow helped God for the betterment. A God who had problems similar to hers if you remove the sheer size of his it was about the same and when they are together they can overcome it all by being each other anchor 'Of course, Loki.' Sealing his deal with a kiss trumpet sound off.
'An announcement is ensuing. Let's go.' He grabs her hand running towards the rustic sounds of the most golden metal instruments. 'King and Queens, Princes and Princess, Royal men and women... I bring you a joyous announcement.' Loki and Y/n run into the ballroom almost stealing all the attention from Frigga. Almost. 'My husband and I have had reigned over the Nine Realms for most of everyone's life span in this room.' The crowd laughs at the kernel of truth 'I will be truthful here it has tired us a lot. So a decision has fallen in our hands, fortunately.' Her green eyes scan the room stopping at Loki and Y/n seeing his hand in hers 'A beacon of hope appeared before us. Someone who is worthy of descending the throne. Someone who went through all of the stages in existences deceit, betrayal, sorrow, suffering but even after all of the odds he raised up to be a better example of his past, to show that past doesn't distinguish a person but only the path he went through with a special someone.' Frigga's eyes now move to Y/n and Y/n felt herself melting at Frigga's smile. 'And so our decision is that the next descendant of the throne is...' Frigga lets the tension rise further seeing the apparent nervousness of Thor and Loki as well as their partners. 'Loki Laufeyson.'
The crowds erupt in cheers and applause and Loki feels his heart stop at the immense wave of love of complete strangers. These royals who viewed him as Thor's shadow and a misfit was now applauded by the people he will rule over with Y/n by his side. He turns to her smiling ear to ear 'The future looks luminous my love.' Y/n nods adding to his sentence 'When we are together.'
'Bow before your new King and Queen!' Frigga announces as the guests obey all bowing to the misfit God and mortal.
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Hope you liked it. Feedback is always appreciated.
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almostloseit-ff · 4 years
“I still love you, but we can't” - Petty Trelly
“We might have to come out here for just because reasons,” Trey’s longtime friend, Mu spoke looking around the beach. Trey chuckled as he did the same behind his dark tinted frames. He mentally agreed as his eyes scanned the various shops and eateries along the boardwalk. It was refreshing for the group to be away from cloudy, snowy weather that parts of the US were currently facing. It also gave him a chance to escape everything that had been going on for the past year.  
It was the day before he was scheduled for a show and he just wanted a day to explore the city. What relaxation was he getting, walking around as he had been getting stopped or heard his name being called every so often? It was better than just sitting inside of the hotel room all day. Plus, he rarely gets to be on the continent so why not interact with his Sydney fan base.
“This man really think he slick,” Ant shook his head as the group stop. With both of their eyebrows furrowed and eyes squinted, Trey and Mu looked at Ant. Momentarily Ant made eye contact with them before looking in another direction. Their eyes followed his and immediately Mu began chuckling. “Book yourself across seas when she does,”
Twisting his lips at his friend’s joke, Trey kept his shaded eyes on her as he resumed walking. He had no clue she would be here when he booked a show in Sydney. They were slowly but surely becoming friends again. Not wanting to overstep any boundaries he didn’t hit up her like he would have before and vice versa. So, he was clueless about her presence as she probably was his. As far as he knew they were in a good place with each other. The last time they were in each other’s presence, she welcomed him with open arms.
From behind his shades, he looked her over. Her own eyes were hidden behind a pair of aviator frames. She wore a paisley button up that she left unbuttoned over her white bikini top paired with denim cutoff shorts. Her chocolate skin was glowing under the Sydney sun. Out of instinct his tongue swiped over his bottom lip as he looked at her long legs. Her hair was in a natural state, blowing with the wind.
Just as he was about to look away, Kelly’s head turned his way. With a slight grin, she raised her hand to wave at the group. Ant smirked as he looked at his group of friends before taking his strides off right towards the graffiti wall.
Trey chuckled to himself as he shook his head. The rest of his entourage followed behind leaving Trey to be the last to make way to the wall. Reintroductions and first-time introductions were made.
“What’chu doing all the way out here?” Trey asked as they pulled out their quick embrace.
“I could ask you the same. I’m doing promo for the Voice,” She smiled. “We’re in the midst of doing the blind auditions. What are you doing out here?”
“A concert and some appearances.”
“Ooo, when?”  
“Club tonight, and a show tomorrow.” Trey replied removing his phone from the pocket of his shorts to find the details to send to her. “So, how’s the album coming along?”
“Good, it should be coming soon,” She replied with a smile.
Trey twisted his lips and titled his head up. “You said that when we were in the studio,” He teased her. Her soon was very lengthy. It had been about 3 years since then. The mention of that night in the studio had Kelly shifting her stance and biting the inside of her cheek.
“I know, I know. But I’ve changed direction. I like what I have now a lot more than some of the tracks I had when we were in the studio.”
He nodded in understanding. Being that there was a lot of ears in the conversation, he didn’t dare speak what was on his mind. He already heard enough from his boys, he didn’t want to give them anymore ammo. One thing his friends knew for sure was that he still beat himself up on losing her. Although they both played a part in it, he didn’t do a good job at handling the situation.
“Yo, Earth to Trey,”
Trey blinked his eyes a couple times. “My bad, what’d you day?”
“I said we’ll see you tonight,” Kelly waved her phone up to let him know she received the details. He slowly nodded. He stood still as she gave him a quick hug and waved to the others. Hearing snickering to his right, Trey cut his eyes at Mu as they continued their walk down the boardwalk. He simply shook his head and walked ahead of his brother.
Later that night…
“I love you, but we can’t,”
Two hours after arriving back to her hotel room andthose words replayed in Kelly’s head as she laid in the king-sized bed. She exhaled deeply as her eyes remained on the ceiling. She wanted to blame her actions on the alcohol, but she hadn’t had much to even do so. All she wanted to do now was forget.
Adjusting the pillow, she turned on her side and closed her eyes. Just as her body started to relax, a round of knocks sounded at the door. She trudged out of the bed and to the door. Looking through the peephole, Kelly’s eyes widened Kelly peeked around the door.
Her eyes narrowed as she watched Trey stand in the hallway. Dressed in a gray zip-up hoodie a white t-shirt with matching sweats, he stood with his hands behind him. Rather than draw attention for a headline if someone stepped out of their room, she opened the door wider and stepped to the side. “Hi,”
Trey’s eyes did a dance around the room before landing on her. She stood a couple feet away with her arms crossed over her chest. Kelly, feeling his stare on her, dropped her arms to grip at the bottom of her shorts and shifted her weight. As soon as she left the club, she retreated to her room to shower and hit the sheets. She hit the sheets, but the sleeping part never came because the events of the night replayed in her head. Causing her to toss and turn in the bed.
“I- I just wanted to drop this off,” He extended his arm, making Kelly look down at his hand holding a manila envelope. Kelly’s eyes narrowed as she titled her head to the right. She reached out slowly, unsure of what it could have been. “I remember you saying you were leaving early tomorrow to make it back to the states for your birthday. Sketched it out this afternoon,”
She looked up in awe and stepped forward, reaching her arms out for a hug. He reluctantly walked into her embrace just for moment and let go quickly as he stepped back towards the door of the suite. “Apologies for waking you, if I did. Just thought you should have it. Happy birthday, Kelly.”
He had left so quickly she couldn’t even say thank you. She wanted to move and stop him from walking out of the door, but her body remained still. Her voice barely letting out his name when the door closed. She exhaled deeply as she pulled open the envelope. An ink sketch of her looking over her shoulder and down with her hair over the opposite shoulder. Her fingers brushed over it, guilt taking over. Although he was clearly upset with her, he still made his way to her room and give it to her. That made her lips curve into a small smile knowing he still made the gesture. She had thought he was there for other reasons. She should have known better.
Walking into the bedroom, she placed the envelope inside of her suitcase. She slipped on a pair of joggers, grabbed her black hoodie and pulled it over her head. Walking to the opposite side of the room, she grabbed her keycard, phone and slipped into her sneakers.
Thanks @dangerouslovefanfic
*This is a work of fiction.*
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riverfxle · 6 years
Griffins & Gargoyles | Chapter One
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Summary — Y/N had thought she ended the terror that the game caused once she burned the bunker down, which got rid of the items inside, but instead it made everything worse for her. She starts to receive sketches of her friends and takes it upon herself to slip into the role of detective, after promising herself that she would be cautious. Numbers appear in each of the sketches so that's where she decides to start with her investigation.
Smoke boiled through the cracks in the door of the bunker as I stood there, Serpent jacket wrapped tightly around me. I had received so many text from Jughead and I dreaded going home — Dad had burned the only copy of the manual that Jughead received. Ironic seeing as how I burned down the bunker. But fingers crossed that this keeps him from getting in any deeper than he already was.
I decided to head home, trudging through the forest in direction of my bike, being startled by every nosie I heard. I wasn't scared per say of the forest but I was absolutely terrified of what creepiness lurked in the shadows.
My mind wandered to the sketch I found in the bunker, did Ethel draw it? I wondered but I was certain that Ethel Muggs couldn't even draw a tree correctly to save her life. Unless the game suddenly heightens players abilities, which is highly unlikely — or so I hope.
I was yanked out of my thoughts by my phone ringing once again as I mounted my bike. His name came across the screen, I sighed before answering the phone. He won't stop until I do.
"Jughead? Why do you keep calling?"I started with as I got comfortable on my seat, this was going to be a long conversation. "You straight up lied to my face about not investigating the game any farther and suffered consequences so why do you keep calling me?"I continued.
"You told Dad! I cannot believe you!"He yelled making me flinch away from the phone. I had a feeling he was going to blame me, per usual.
"You can't believe me?"I chuckled humorlessly, looking up at the stars. "You're the liar, Jug."
The sound of leaves rustling made me sit up, suddenly alert of my surroundings. I ignored Jughead's ranting and listened to the sounds that indicated that I wasn't the only one here.
"Someone's here."I said quietly into the phone as I carefully stuck the key into my bike. "Jug, someone's watching me."
"Who? Y/N, where are you?!"He demanded, I could hear him rustling around. "Y/N! Where the hell are you?!"He yelled again. I couldn't speak as I watched some weird tree looking thing emerge from the forest, it was at least eight feet tall. The gargoyle king. It had to be.
I didn't wait around to see if he was going to skin me or not because as he went to take a step forward I fired up my bike and sped away from the scary ass tree. What the actual fuck is going on in Riverdale?
Jughead ran out of the trailer and I met him in the middle, sinking into his arms. "Jug... I saw that thing — the gargoyle king, it was watching me and oh my God... What if it was following me the whole time?!"I rambled, tightening my grip on his shirt as my heart pounded against my ribcage, I'm pretty sure I'm on the verge of hyperventilation right now.
"Calm down, Y/N. Let's go inside."He said in a gentle tone, ushering me into the trailer. Betty was sitting on the couch and stood as I sat at the kitchen table. "You're super pale,"She said fetching me a water bottle. "Here, I'll get you a blanket."She ran off to the back room as I laid my head in my hands.
"Y/N/N, what happened?"Jughead asked after a few moments of silence.
"I burned down the bunker. I saw that tree guy and bolted,"I said not lifting my head, I really didn't want to see his reaction. "He had to be following me that whole time. But what I don't understand is why he didn't stop me?"I added as Betty came back with the blanket.
"You burned evidence."Jughead stated as he looked away from me. I know he was forcing himself to keep calm. "You kept the rule book and broke a pinky promise, one of the most serious offenses."I spat back. I didn't trust my twin as much as I used to. Mostly because of when he started dating Betty and hanging out with Archie and Veronica he lied to me all the time, he barely spoke the truth.
"Y/N, we're only trying to figure this out."Betty butted in. "To stop others from dying."
I didn't feel like listening to them anymore so I stood up and made my way into my bedroom, locking the door behind me. I collapsed on my bed and screamed into my pillow, why couldn't Riverdale be normal. Kids shouldn't be killing themselves over games, fathers shouldn't be killing their offspring, and people shouldn't be going on damn killing sprees.
Then there was the sketch, it had something to do with what will happen next and maybe I could stop it before it happens. I spread out the paper on my bed and scanned it, looking for any clue or anything really. I furrowed my eyebrows as I spotted the faintest of numbers in the corner of the picture, 5/17/18. It had to be a date and now I just needed to figure out what happens on that date and what it had to do with Jughead.
A/N: This is my new fic based on a imagine I recently wrote. Thoughts? I actually have lots of ideas for this story.
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