#some of you may be saying 'thats a himbo'
traxanaxanos · 2 years
Although Greskrendtregk is both not a character who really exists and Star Trek has never been particularly body diverse, the Greskrendtregk that lives in my heart of hearts and head canon of head canons is a fucking beefy guy. Like the kind of guy who does Olympic shot put or weightlifting. Much like Joe Kovacs or Lasha Talakhadze who are men I know virtually nothing about but who have the body type I’m thinking of. A classic strongman body.
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He looks like this body type but with horns! And beautiful long hair! He maybe looses a lot of the underlying muscle in the time Voyager is missing but he remains huge.
I feel like beta canon establishes he’s an engineer? I don’t know why I would have that in my brain otherwise, I hate that idea, engineers are over represented in the fiction. He’s a fucking micropaleontologist or something. He does Ktarian stone throwing, looks at tiny fossils, loves making toasts at parties, and remembers every alien animal fact his wife has ever told him.
(I also don’t like that he’s betacanonically in Star Fleet I think he should just be some guy and Star Fleet should be less of an inward-facing organization where everyone only dates other enrolled members)
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birdo-is-here · 1 year
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SHES HERE ! this is women
This is Deliah O’Sullivan (she/they/it), she’s an undead vampire pirate and also bisexual, so two of the same thing
Deliah is a bit of a girl himbo, very high charisma stat and even some good intelligence, but NOT a good wisdom. What can I say, she can be a little oblivious sometimes! Despite this she’s still extremely skilled in combat and somehow manages to apprehend people with an umbrella of all things
Admittedly, I don’t have much backstory planned for her just yet, but if you want the general vibe of what i’ll be going for when i do start thinking of smth I recommend listening to “The Ballad of Delilah Morreo” by Steam Powered Giraffe since thats the general inspiration i had for her, along with “A Styrian Rhapsody” ofc
The current story I have made for them (or at leadt that they’re involved in) is that they accidentally steal a white man’s wife who didn’t realise she was a lesbian
It also has the umbrella because being a vampire it DOES still burn in the sun like some minecraft mob. You may also wonder, why does Deliah, a pirate, have an umbrella, a very modern item? My answer to that is: did I ever say these weren’t modern pirates?
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jams-sims · 1 year
I'll say this, the story/characters in Nightbringers feel different. An I mean of course you can chalk it up to well we are in the past etc etc.
Diavolo doesn't feel the same comepared to the man I hated in OG Obey Me. Because the Diavolo in Nightbringers is less confident (again you can mark this up to well of course its the past.) No see Diavolo i remember from OG obey me even if he had a soft inner core. Had always been written to be sneaky in a himbo type of way. The overly friendly character who secertly knows everything thats going on.
In OG Obey Me this man knew sending the MC into another dimension for belphie would end in some form of tragedy. (He may not have known to what extent but the way he acts after everything. As if we hadn't just got murced pissed me off so bad.)
Solomon already commented that things are different. That before they met in the castle and not the committee room.
An its not just him, Mammon gets picked on way less than before. So either he does something that pisses them off in the future or its not the same group.
We are fundementally changing the future as we are inserting oursleves in it whether we want to or not. Changing the future into something we only recongize by the fact we grew with them in the past.
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wastelandhell · 2 years
Not towards you specifically but damn the hypocrisy in the tags drives me up the fucking wall with all the “ew gamerbros and their big ass and tiddie bimbos” while they be reblogging and/or modding some bara bara homoerotica with bdsm gear in their games when I KNOW most of them are fujoshi-like cis straight women that are just as creepy (if not creepier) but shame others for being attracted to curvaceous women. Doesn’t even matter if you’re a lesbian, they just throw some stupid shorthand like “oh hurr durr you’re just trying to impress the gamer bros”. Bitch how?! Are lesbians suddenly not allowed to like the same type of women straight guys do? We all just gotta like the same type of masculine presenting woman or some shit? Back to the closet you go lesbo I guess.🤦🏿‍♀️ Good god and there’s always an excuse for their hypocrisy of shaming others for lusting over women the same way THEY lust over men. Again this isn’t specifically towards you, just had to rant to someone about that kind of crap that I’ll usually get harassed for enjoying. Can’t a bitch enjoy and share her love of bimbos/himbos without the puritans coming my way?
I think you may be reading a bit into me rbing that post, because I agree 100% with all of your points. I firmly believe that everyone should be able to mod their game however they want. Hell, I use extensive tittymods and dozens of tacticool guns with realistic calibers and COD ports all the things that people love to shit on. I don't post my load order because I know I'll be clowned on.
I hadn't checked the tags and didn't realize thats how people were taking it. I thought it was just funny imagery. Hell, I use Fusion Girl with HHS and OCBP, my female player characters look like that.
I /hate/ the amount of hostility people have to tittymods, even within mod communities. I used to do a lot of troubleshooting and helping people set up body replacers on reddit but the poor users were constantly getting dog-piled with "bonk" and "back to horny jail" comments until they deleted their posts. I got sick of it and left.
Honestly thanks for sending me this because I have been seeing a lot of hostility toward 'sexy' mods on my dash lately but have been too much of a coward to say anything. I am with you anon 🤝let people enjoy things.
People love to shit on people that make and use these kinds of mods, but people making outfit replacers and bodymods are the backbone of the fallout modding community, and I think a lot of people who don't dive deep into modding don't realize that. I have found way more help on loverslab than with the puritans on reddit.
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nayfem · 2 years
who was the first character out of the runaways you created ? ^^
and who’s your favourite story wise? :) (no spoilers though‼️🙏)
sorry for taking months to answer this, i really wanted to wait until i could do a DEEEEP dive for some files (this is a long post)
to answer your second question: my favorite character story wise is probably Cliff and Grace ?! its a cheat answer cuz i just answers 2 characters but idk i love writing them, their dynamic is so fun and cute, im so excited to post abt their new designs and story teehee
to answer your first question:
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these three from around may of 2022!!! theres a fourth, but i cant find the drawing for the life of me. from left to right:
(Boreas was the forth.)
you might be asking "Hey who the fuck are these people" and that is a valid question because i dont draw them ever!!
the idea for Runaways started with these guys- first as a story about these gods and their family dynamic, but it quickly evolved into a whole world (MCU style) about superheroes.
i wanted to make one comic and then expand- starting with these gods. but as soon as i made the next character in the story... i knew what i had done (brain rot)
although that answers your question, i have more to say (unfortunately)
the comic was going to end with Eurus turning into a villain- a misunderstood villain but a villain nonetheless. she was going to form a found family group and thats when i created a familiar face...
Grace Xu.
actually, Grace came about when i thought of the name Grave Force. i thought Grace suited the name, and she was going to have basically the same powers as Anna today (her skin would put you into a coma.)
but, then i started crafting another character...
Casper Wright! an invisible thief that would steal supplies for the group.
after that, it snowballed into a whole cast of characters, and eventually the wind gods fading into the background and i havent really touched them since.
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heres the first ever drawing i did of Anna, when i started figuring out that she was gonna be Grave Force, and not Grace. i quickly figured out i wanted Grace to act as a main character, and started working on the other crew!
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Cliff Phoenix when he was still called "Clint"
he was the muscle of the group, with his signature flame thrower. he was kind of a himbo back then, i still see him as a himbo but at least now hes not dumb.
back then, the gadgets the group had were made by Casper, or at least thats what i planned on. i much prefer Cliff being the gadget maker of the group!
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this was my first ever draft of everyone together; a quick sketch of their heads and pride flags!
from left to right:
Grace Xu
Casper Wright
Cliff Phoenix (i need to bring back his gray streak </3)
Val Romero
Anna Xu (yes she was a ginger.. and white (Grace was her half sister at this time))
Val was a really interesting character and what i thought would start the comic!! the idea was have the group go to a really fancy party looking for a "kid" in danger.
her name would have either been Psyche! (like haha gotcha) or Mirage. their power was to create a hallucination of sorts- she could make herself appear to be the persons type (either romantically or someone they took pity on) and then rob them lol. thats why the group thought it was a kid- someone saw a child enter a shady car and speed off to a upper class party.
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i still wish i couldve found a way to put her in the story. honestly, ive been redoing the Runaways story and designs, and when i work on the villains i'll definitely find a spot for them!!!
thank you for the ask my dear friend, you have increased my brain rot <;3 /pos
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vilithshaven · 3 years
Wait but having a himbo!god with the insane luck could also explain why no one has made the connection/discovery (aside from monsters or certain characters) that they are The Creator.
But let’s say that while some of the acolytes where preparing to strike himbo!god down they somehow cut their hand with something sharp (luck wasn’t on their side this time) and they start bleeding gold.
While himbo!god may be surprised to see how pretty their blood is, all I can imagine is the hidden acolytes almost screaming because they!! are!! the!! creator!! AND THEY WERE PLANNING TO KILL THEM!!!
More Himbo God //
Ft. Kazuha, Gorou, Ayaka and Thoma.
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tw: slight (gold) blood
I'm starting to love writing himbo god, they're so fun lol. Thank you for the request! Hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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They had chased this imposter all the way down to Tsurumi Island, but the dense fog made it difficult to keep up the chase. Footsteps were quickly covered and blown away, the strong oceanic smell from the fog made it nearly impossible for Gorou to pick up the imposter's scent.
The group was growing more and more frustrated as time went on, blindly running through the fog has caused them to run into stranded hilichurls and abyss mages that litter the island. They don't even know if they're going in` the same direction anymore, it's hard to tell when everything looks the same, dead trees and formed rocks.
At first they tried to separate into two groups, Thoma and Ayaka went towards the steep rocky hills of Mt. Kanna while Gorou and Kazuha searched through Oina Beach. It proved to be fruitless as both groups ended up exactly where they started.
"It shouldn't be this difficult.." Gorou sighed, bringing a hand up to the side of his head already feeling the incoming headache.
"They can not run forever, the sin of impersonating our god will strike them down." Ayaka's stern voice was heard as her anger grew, the tight grip on her hand fan nearly cracking the base of it.
Kazuha stayed silent, his arms crossed infront of him. His emotions were sort of mixed towards all of this, he did not feel the need to chase down the imposter for days on end like eldest Kamisato daughter. He didn't like the thought of someone running around looking like their god but he wouldn't go out his way to hunt them down.
The general of the Watatsumi army pulled him into this, Kazuha couldn't say no to the kicked puppy look Gorou had given him when he hesitated to answer. A working manipulative tactic that the half canine knew how to use.
Thoma looked on towards the fog, as if he can make out anything through the hazy clouds. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he saw a dark figure flickering through, it didn't look like the same shape as the imposter that he only catches glimpses of. The figure looked almost like a child.
Gorou noticed Thoma's staring and perked up at the shadow, the rest of the group got the hint from the two and became alarmed. Ayaka summoned her sword and glared before rushing towards the dark figure, her anger blinded her for she didn't care who or what it was at this point.
"WAIT! THATS NOT-" Thoma rushed after her shouting before he froze in surprise. As Ayaka attack the figure, she only phased through. Her shock clear on her face when she turned back around to face it. There stood a translucent child, a ghost.
Gorou and Kazuha caught up and stood right next to Thoma, the child startling them as it looked gleefully at the four of them. The sound of giggling surrounded the group before the child faded away leaving a trail of glowing particles in it's wake.
The four of them stood in silence for a moment, trying to gather what they had just witnessed.
"We should see where it leads" Gorou straightened up and started following the trail, he made it a few feet ahead before Ayaka huffed and followed. Kazuha and Thoma looked unsure but nonetheless went with the other two.
The glowing trail helped them see a bit better through the fog but they could not wonder off, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the ocean waves and their footsteps against the rocky terrain.
The particles started to appear in bigger gatherings as they went deeper into the mountains, glowing brighter and almost seeming as if they're jumping in joy by waving up and down repeatedly. Kazuha stared in wonder at the seemingly sentient orbs, reaching out to touch one he gently cupped it with his hands before it flew off to join the others.
The group were brought to an underground cave, seemingly full of lost things from the dead. They briefly wondered to themselves if the items belonged to the ghosts inhabiting this island.
Another pair of footsteps were heard which had the group alarmed, all pulling out their weapons not knowing if they just walked into a trap or not.
"Do you still have to use the bathroom?" a sudden voice came through the brightly lit cavern as multiple giggles followed the question. The four of them all took cautious steps towards the swarm of glowing orbs, Gorou being the first to step in and seeing the very person they were chasing after.
The imposter was sitting there waving their hands through ghosts and trying to grab them, the stupid question earlier clearly came from their voice. And the giggles came from both the ghosts and the fraud.
"Stop right there!" Ayaka shouted, her sword pointed and ready to strike.
"Huh?" The imposter looked over to the group, their face brightened upon seeing them "Are you all here to see the ghosts too?!" They shouted excitedly.
Gorou readied his bow and gave a warning shot hitting the wall of the cave.
"Would you like to join them?" his face was cold as he spoke "For your wrong doings of impersonating our god and parading around Teyvat! An eyesore for everyone!" he started shouting.
Kazuha noticed that the imposter wasn't paying attention and instead grabbing the arrow from the wall and fiddling with it. They looked like they were admiring the clear shine of the arrowhead, running their finger across the sharp edge.
Their eyes were transfixed on the arrow, completely in their own world not even noticing that they had cut themselves from the arrow. Flipping it around to admire the feathers on the back, Kazuha noticed the golden smear across the entire stick of the arrow. His gasp garnered Thoma's attention to look closely at what was happening.
Golden blood dripped from the small wound across the imposter's hand, the realization made Thoma yank Ayaka and bring her back before she could attack. Ayaka shouted in surprise at his actions which startled Gorou who looked back at the two.
"Ooh! woah!" The imposter's voice suddenly exclaimed "Look at this! is this my blood? it's so shiny!" they shoved their wounded hand infront of the group, clearly showing off the flow of gold.
The four of them stood in shock at how this was all unfolding. This imposter..is bleeding gold, the very gold only their god is known to bleed. Kazuha stepped forward and grabbed their hand, a soft smile on his face.
"Let me bandage this for you." He said bringing out a spare wrap from his pocket, he tenderly bandaged their hand to avoid getting an infection from an open wound.
Ayaka and Gorou were barely functioning as they realized that they had almost killed their god, internally freaking out at the grave sin they almost committed.
A slight giggle came from their god while Kazuha finished the wrap, they thanked the man before going back to admiring the ghosts as if their life wasn't threatened just now.
Thoma only sighed not knowing if their god is just very forgiving and decided not to acknowledge the group's grave mistake, or if they somehow didn't notice they were being chased and almost killed.
"Your existence is spicy" Their god said out of nowhere towards a ghost, the four of them blanked at the sudden statement not knowing what it meant and only stared at their god in confusion.
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threepointseven · 3 years
A Himbo boyfriend
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Type- HC’s 🌷
Flowers included!🌼= albedo x m!reader, kaeya x m!reader, xiao x m!reader, diluc x m!reader
A bimbo girlfriend
Genshin masterlist
💐Your bouquet has been delivered <3💐
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he never thought he’d be dating you, the man that was well known for being strong and charming, yet extremely dumb. Being the chief alchemist in mondstat held an immense amount of pressure in the title and everday the string that held the stress kept getting thinner.
That was before you came into his life. The stress piled up on his shoulders suddenly disappeared with your arrival, you were fresh air that helped him be more optimistic about his repetitive job.
He loves how energetic you are, it cheers him up everyday when he’s reminded of the monotonous place in dragonspine he goes to everyday, your energy saturates his dull little world and he couldnt care less if you dont understand many complex things.
Your dumb questions actually sort of amuse him, whenever you ask a dumb question while rolling around on his office chair full of energy he cant help but smile slightly.
He’ll answer all your questions though! Hes not sure how to explain it in a way you'd understand but he’ll answer all of them.
Your energy is what keeps him going everyday ngl- everyday he looks so tired and your bursts of energy and how loud you are just wakes him up,
He doesnt understand the idea of jealousy but he learns how it is when he catches women all over you, touching at your biceps and caressing your clothed chest, showering you in compliments, he gets a bit protective when he finds out how much power you have with your looks despite your decreasing IQ
he will sometimes get a bit bugged when you wake him up in the middle of the night filled with energy but other than that he loves everything about your dumb himbo ass
“Hey bedo!” “Hm?”
“How do you spell orange?”
The small smile on his face turns into an unreadable one as he deadpans.
“U-uh… o-r-a-n-g-e…”
“Thanks baby!”
You kiss your boyfriend on the head as you take note of the spelling
“Y-y/n did you go to school..?”
He swears in his head you have the same amount of knowledge as klee, maybe even less.. even she can spell orange!
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Genuinely confused as to why he fell inlove with you, its a mystery to all tbh! He’s one of the most famous and one of the wealthiest people in tevyat and when word gets around hes dating some dude whos concerningly handsome and has an average IQ of 5 the entire continent goes up in gossip
He tells you not to worry about it when people stare but you know better than to care, your the one dating diluc ragnvindr.
Hes so dull and quiet his entire life changed when you and your undying energy came into his life. Everyday was greeted with your energetic self and he couldn’t ask for more. Your energy and liveliness always lightens up his day, he wont admit it but it does.
Your dumb questions dont amuse him in the slightest <3 hes quite very much done. But he’ll answer all of them monotonously
He really thought no one could compete with his looks honestly. Thats until he saw a hoard of women all over you going absolute feral for your biceps and your muscles, fangirling and caressing your chest like it was a work of art of something
He was furious, shoved all the women off of you and took his tall hot strong dumbass back to his home
The fact you dont understand anything complex is a pain in the ass to him but kinda adorable. Knowing hes smarter than you boost his ego a lot- he hates when anyone ever comments on your knowledge, if they say anything bad about you and how your not smart theyll be greeted by his fist.
That personality trait of yours, being a dumbass that oblivious and gullible just makes him wanna subtly protect you even more and he kills everyone who tries and insults you 😡 (and flirt with you, only diluc gets to see ur man boobs)
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He was completely and utterly infatuated with you ever since he met you. You stood there in his office because of a friend looking through books you didnt understand.
Even before you started daying he would flirt with you every chance he got staring at you amusingly as you tried to decipher his words.
When you started dating the flirting became non stop, showering you in praise and teases regarding how charming you were or how even though you have no idea how to do basic maths he loves you either way 😍
Your energy was something he loved more than anything in life, your optimism always put a smile on his face and made him forget about all the bumps and the obstacles in life. If he had a terrible day at work for example all he would need is a kiss from you or a dumb question coming out of your mouth and hed be smiling in no time
No matter how much people think your bursts of energy are annoying he’ll always love them sm and tease you.
The fact you are an absolute dumbass doesnt matter to him, if you want he’ll teach you stuff. Despite his flirty personality if you genuinely want to learn something he’ll take time out of his day to try and explain it to you in the simplest way possible
He doesnt get jealous at the sight of women & men fangirling over you but instead joins them in while glaring competitively at the crowd thats caressing your chest
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You annoyed him at first, you were taller than him looked stronger than him had 100 times more energy than him and was straight-up stupid.
It was everyday of the week, the moment you got back from a commission or an adventure youd skip to wangshu inns balcony to talk to xiao and ask him borderline idiotic questions about liyue and basic things like how to spell “light”
He’ll never admit it but within that era of blooming love he never found it annoying, he loved your company and the dumb questions made him feel fairly smart. You’ll never see it but theres a soft smile on his face whenever you run up to him full of energy engulfing him into a hug with your tall figure. (Stares at ur man boobs ngl 😊)
He always accidentally talks about you when hes having conversations with zhongli too 😭 maybe its about your dumb questions or how energetic you are but theres never the slightest bit of hostility in the claims, its like he’s saying he enjoys the dumb questions and the energy.
He may or may not jab at you whenever you ask questions like how to spell liyue but he doesnt actually mean it—
He never understood the concept of jealousy till he met you, the first time he saw a crowd of people squeezing your biceps and touching at your skin made him go feral and he literally threatened everyone 🙁
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
As to continue the Himbo Agenda™, may I request a oneshot of Nanami Kento with a Himbo Fiance?
~Yours Truly, ∞
Lover Boy
Warnings - Cursing ig
Note: Guess what time it is? That's right, its himbo time. Also, I wrote a oneshot and headcanons because I'm like that I guess, the headcanons are under the cut.
totally didn't forget that I needed to write a oneshot
Male Reader
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Evenings were Nanami Kento's favourite time of day.
Usually he would clock out at the exact time he should, never staying a second overtime. Usually that would just be because he has things to do by his lonesome.
Now though, he has someone to return to.
He surprisingly never thought that he would get engaged. He always wanted to, sure, but he understood that it would be hard to make many meaningful connections with people when it came to his line of work.
So when he met you, he didn't expect to fall so damn hard.
He had walked into your flower shop, just wanting to check it out as it was new. He opened the glass door, the little bell on the door seeming very loud in the empty space.
"One moment!" He heard you yell from the back.
You opened a door behind the counter, walking in out of breath.
"Sorry sir," you said with a bright smile, "I didn't expect anyone today," you trailed off with a nervous laugh. You had a green apron on over a buttoned shirt, your sleeves rolled to your elbows and dirt covering the front of your apron. Your gloves, (a regular brown and grey colour), were covered in the same dirt. "Is there something specific you're looking for today?"
Not a thought behind those eyes, he concluded. Still, your warm smile and welcoming air made him flush a bit. By all means, to him, you were conventionally attractive. "No, actually," Nanami finally said, "I was just... passing through." Passing through? What an idiotic thing to say. You just giggled lightly.
"Here," You went around the counter to a flower plant behind Nanami. "You can just take some. Not many people have been coming through, so I find myself growing more flowers than I can keep up with," You rambled nervously.
You were looking off to the side, a bit of red dusting your cheeks, holding out a few hybrid roses. Nanami definitely just found his new favourite flower.
In any case, he kept coming in, day after day. Most times it was just to speak with you, but one day he asked you if you wanted to go out for tea.
That little date turned into walking in the park, then eventually just talking for hours on end. It took you a while to realize that he was courting you. Best believe that when you finally figured it out, you called Nanami in the middle of the night to confess.
He proposed to you in a hotel room.
Not very romantic by any means, but the fact that you had a ring box in your hand too rendered that fact obsolete.
He smiled slightly at the memory as he opened the door to your apartment.
"Kento!" He heard your voice, oh so angelic in his ears, ringing from the kitchen.
"Hello, dear," he comes up behind you and plants a kiss on your cheekbone, resting his head on your shoulder. His arms make their way around hour waist, and you hum contentedly, continuing to chop up whatever was on your cutting board.
He wouldn't trade you for the world.
Headcanons Under The Cut
Welcome back to himbo headcanons
I'm your host, unavailable
switching from the formal oneshot setting to chaos and shit in the form of headcanons hell yeah
thats right baby himbo reader is back
So anyways
You're a florist
(flower man heheheh)
So Nanami decided to take a look at your flower shop because it was new and why not
so he walks in and just goes
DAMN (o////o)
you were smiling so nicely at him how could he not??
And your shirt was rolled up to your elbows, gloves on and your green apron covered in dirt
(just to shorten that one part in the fic, def didn't write the headcanons before the oneshot hahahahhaha)
anyways, you're the swEETEST MF THING TO HIM
On your first date he definitely took you to some big fancy restaurant
Nanami is 100% traditional with things
He doesn't really flirt but yknow
And I'm gonna say he proposed when you were on nanami's ✨once a year✨ vacation
that gojo definitely didn't force him to go on
Someone get this man an energy drink
so yeah
now you're engaged woohoo
It makes him so friggin happy that he can say "sorry can't come today cause dinner with my fiance"
He doesn't really brag but he likes casually slipping it into conversations to watch peoples brains explode
I mean it's how Gojo found out
100/10 would date
man is such a gentleman
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sssrha · 4 years
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transcription of slides under the cut:
[SLIDE 1] the vibes ao3’s top 9 mdzs ships give me (a really stupid thing i made on a lazy saturday)
[SLIDE 2] wangxian: the wholesome canon relationship (with a hint of spice)
ok maybe calling the union between a demonic cultivator and a secret sex fiend “wholesome” isnt exactly accurate…but that’s where the “hint of spice” comes in
other than that tho? i remember seeing a meme somewhere about wangxian and sangcheng and wangxian was described as “domestic gays with a house and a white picket fence and two kids” and honestly? yes 
not that they cant be freaky. id say their particular brand of freakiness is vaguely surrealist suburban horror. make of that what you will
[SLIDE 3] xicheng: either its “pair the spares” or just about trauma
their dynamic is 500% “karen/enabling husband” but like in a good way
objectively the best-dressed couple you will ever meet. like seriously why are you even trying? theyve got you beat
jc would own a flower shop and punch you in the face for saying a single bad thing about his flowers. lxc would own a tattoo parlor and hand you a lollipop and tell you how proud he is of you for not crying while he gave you a tattoo
they dont strike me as a “every evening we relax and watch the sunset” type of relationship B U T every other week they go stargazing with a detailed map of the night sky
[SLIDE 4] xiyao: either a) the angst of betraying/being betrayed or b) the angst of killing/being killed
high society gays. they would both unironically wear tuxedos to a mcdonalds. lxc would see it as a fun couples thing and jgy would do it to assert his dominance
i swear they would be among the smiliest of the major couples. only one of them would give you a happy smile
dont mess with them. no like dont mess with any of the couples but so far jgy is the first one who would make your life living hell and keep you around long enough to suffer the consequences
[SLIDE 5] sangcheng: being simultaneously over- and underestimated
i saw a meme about sangcheng and wangxian where sangcheng was described as something along the lines of “wine aunt and vodka uncle” and honestly? yes
they’re both human disasters. nhs would have various splotches of color on his clothes and you cant tell if it was intentional or if theyre actually stains. jc is very neat and organized but will have a mental breakdown at the slightest inconvenience
sometimes they just sit down across from each other and. cry. its how they bond
idk why it popped into my head but they’re both ace Because I Said So
[SLIDE 6] xuexiao: cute domesticity but also murder
i refuse to believe that xy is anything but unhinged in every universe. whether or not thats a good thing is up to you
xy could and would murder you in your sleep and not feel bad about it until xxc told him off. even then he might still decide it was worth it
xxc doesnt exactly know about The Murder Stuff(TM) but he knows some shit is off but he trusts xy enough to not comment on it
they would meet and hook up in a bar and mutually decide that they may as well stay together for the rest of their lives the next morning
[SLIDE 7] xuanli: the token straights (but also? theyre really cute???)
i did not expect them to be as cute as they were but here i am
anyway jyl has jzxuan wrapped around her little finger and shes just too nice to use that to her advantage
if jyl asked jzxuan for some chocolate jzxuan would just buy her the entire hershey company and forget to give her an actual chocolate bar and jyl is too sweet to actually say anything about it
they would definitely have like 20 children. theyd fucking love being parents. the moment having another child became dangerous theyd start adopting left and right. theyre rich they can afford it and their hearts are big enough for all their kids so why would they not?
[SLIDE 8] songxiao: childhood friends to lovers AND perfect power couple
i know they have more nuance than this but i cant help but think of them as The Perfect Couple(TM)
not shipping-wise!! i mean like. theyre both law-abiding citizens. their house looks like a model house. theyre dressed super neat and handsomely. they both know cpr and first aid and one of them is a lawyer and the other is an award winning writer. idk who is who but yk.
they are who people call to deal with problems instead of the police and they delight in that fact. that is what i mean by them being The Perfect Couple(TM)
[SLIDE 9] chengxian: disasters through and through
uhh i am going to be spending the entirety of this slide ignoring the fact that i personally consider them siblings
they would live in a dingy studio apartment in the heart of a city and theyd both never be home
theyre both super fucking rich but theyd never have any money on hand so dont be surprised if they just starve out on the street one day because theyre just that stupid
they collectively have the self esteem of rotting cabbage but theyre keeping themselves and each other alive purely out of spite and sheer force of will
[SLIDES 10] nielan: childhood friends to lovers AND himbo power couple
psst heres a secret: neither of them are actually himbos
H O W E V E R they both 500% pretend they are. they intentionally act as stupid as possible just for the fun of it
the best part is when they stop acting stupid when something important happens. crouching-moron-hidden-badass at its finest
also the older brother energy is overflowing. it does not matter who you are or how old you are. if you meet them then youre going to walk away with two new big brothers
[SLIDES 11] the end (unless i gather the willpower to make a part 2)
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deleteddewewted · 3 years
Hey comadre! I saw you asked for a fluff request, and I came to deliver 💜 I think you might be intrigued by the idea!
Shinsou who has been bullied his whole life, with the bullying growing harsher his middle school years. When he begins his high school life in UA, he remains distant, not allowing himself for others to get close to him, and for them to hurt him, because he has developed that trauma. He then successfully transfers over to the Hero Course, and his seat partner is the chubby/curvy girl of the class. She is friendly and welcoming towards him, but he remains to give her the cold shoulder, although he saw her intentions genuine, but he still keeps his guard up. She then goes and sits with him during lunch, her explaining that she understands why he gives off the cold shoulder to his peers. She explains she has underwent being bullied herself, by her weight and such. She tells him that as time passed, she learned to love and accept herself for who she is, and offers to help Shinsou in a similar manner. To help him learn to trust people and she asks if he puked accept her as a friend. He accepts and their friendship grows, with him starting to develop feelings for her, and wants to spend more time with the person who saved him from his own troubles 💗
My heart and soul needed this, thank you comadre!💜
(I may or may not have used some of my personal experience being body shamed in here so....yeah, thats your heads up.)
Misery and Company
Emo/Himbo Shinsou x F! Reader (Reverse Comfort)
TW: Mentions of bullying, Mentions of Body Shaming, Leading on
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He remembered the constant laughter that was present in his life. Everyone would assumed it was a great childhood but to him, to someone like him, it was never the paradise that it was thought to be. The laughter was at him not with him. Kids pointed their fingers towards him and blamed him for all of the problems that would happen throughout the school day.
“I didn’t do it!” As a child, he didn’t know any better. He assumed that he could scream and yell like every other kid and be listened to. He found out quickly that he didn’t get that right. The teacher quickly told him off and called his parents. They came to pick him up from school and started to ask all kinds of questions. Did your quirk go off? Why did you do it? Is it that hard to listen? He didn’t bother to try to make connections after that. Friends were a waste of time. A liability. An opportunity to suffer unnecessarily.
When Shinsou reached middle school he suffered from the increase of villain comments. His quirk became the center of attention, it didn’t matter if he had good grades or was nice to people. His quirk was the focus, always was.
“You can get away with everything you want!” He’s heard that one about a million times already. It always managed to irritate him how much people cared about what he did with it. He hated the eyes. The voices. It only made his internal monologue become aggressive with himself. The constant reminder that he was less than the others for being born with a quirk that used people. It made him want to scream his head off.
“Yeah, I’m aware. Um, can we stop talking about it now?” He wasn’t a pushover but he knew that he could just say what he wanted. He purposefully asked a question to get the other student to stop talking without using his quirk. The last tithing he wanted was for someone to accuse him of using his quirk on them.
That night, Shinsou worked on his homework at his desk. His parents were away on a work trip so he had the entire house to himself. He looked at the time and groaned when he realized it was already one in the morning. He walked into his bathrooms and looked for his toothbrush. When he looked up at the mirror, ready to brush his teeth, he couldn’t help and stare at himself. His eyes held bags under them, dark and heavy as if he hadn’t slept in days. The faint smudging of the eyeliner he put on only making his eyes look even worse. He was tired and alone. His parents weren’t there to comfort him and with his quirk making it difficult to connect with others, he had no one to speak with other than himself. He dropped his hand down and just stared at his reflection. The image became hazy as he continued to stare back at it.
His face felt warm. He couldn’t stop the river that flowed down his face. He didn’t ask for his quirk, he also didn’t ask to be born. Shinsou couldn’t stop the rattling within his chest nor the stuttered gasps as he tried to breathe. He looked up at his reflection again, this time noticing the red and swollen eyes that belong to him. That night, Shinsou laid down to sleep on top of the covers and stared blindly at the uncovered window. He vowed to never become attached again. Not to classmates, not to family, and definitely not any possible friends.
Going to UA was a dream come true for him, the ability to be closer to your heroic dreams was closer than ever, but not for him. Shinsou had to watch as the heor course students acted like entitled brats, everyone in the school bowing to them like they were some great thing. He hated watching them boast, hated everything about them, to be honest. He wanted nothing to do with them, so why did they want something to do with him?
“Uh, sorry but I was wondering if you’d like to sign this petition?” Shinsou looked up from the book he was reading and stared straight towards the holder of the voice. It was a short chubby girl with a clipboard in her hands. She looked at him expectantly, waiting for his answer to her question.
“No thanks.”
“It’s for a local shelter, it’ll help abused and abandoned pets find a good home-” Shinsou wanted to be left alone. He sighed out loud and closed his book while rubbing his eyes, the eyeliner smudging.
“I said no. Now leave me alone.” Shinsou watched as the girl flinched at his annoyed voice.
“S-sorry, I’ll just leave you alone.” She quickly walked away from him, nearly entering a jog as she left him behind. Shinsou couldn’t help but become disappointed with himself. The girl was being nice to him and he snapped at her. She wasn’t even benign annoying, he just felt tired. He could hear how some people around him mumbled about the exchange he packed his things up and left towards his class.
He did see the girl again from time to time. He found out she was in the hero course and that she was in the A class as well. He would spot her on occasion but he did interact with her during his hero course admissions test. She wore her hero costume with pride and honestly, he had to look away for a moment, she looked like power itself. He couldn’t help feel intimidated in her presence. She didn’t come up to him yet so he had to come up to her. He intended on apologizing for his behavior a few months back, he didn’t mean to snap at her and he never found the opportunity to do so.
You watched as the indigo-haired boy awkwardly made his way towards your group. He wouldn’t meet anyone’s eyes but instead focused on the floor below him.
“Hi, I’m Shinsou Hitoshi.” He extended his hand out to you but you just stared at him like he grew a second head. He felt awkward again, he was expecting you to at least call him a dick but the silence made his stomach become tight.
“Nice to meet you Shinsou, I’m L/n Y/n.” You felt bad for being quiet for too long, you couldn’t help it. He was really pretty to look at especially since he wore eyeliner that sharpened the appearance of his eyes.
“Oh, uh yeah. I um, wanted to apologize for my attitude a while back. It was rude of me and uhh, I know that saying I was in a mood isn’t a good excuse but-”
“It’s fine, I get it. I can be annoying so it’s ok.” You gave him a bright smile and a clap on the back of his shoulder.
He tensed when he felt the heat of your hand on him, he couldn’t help but lean slightly into it. His ears reddened and not wanting to embarrass himself more than he did already, he quickly pulled his mask up to cover his ears and face.
“No- yeah- I mean no, you- you weren’t annoying, I was just in a mood and it accidentally let it out on you. Sorry about that.” He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at you briefly. You just smiled at him again and got closer to his person.
“Hey, do you mind if i-” You grabbed the bottom part of his mask and pulled it down slightly, your face closer than ever before to his own. He stopped breathing as you got closer, he couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about his breath. He smelled like coffee and for some reason, it made him feel embarrassed if you were to found out about his dependency of it.
You reached out with your pinky and brushed some of the black flakes of his eyeliner away from his upper cheek. You blended the smudged eyeliner on the bottom of his eye out and pulled his mask up again to cover his face.
“There! Just wanted to clean up your makeup. It’s really well done, by the way, wish I could do my own eyeliner as clean as your own. Do you wear eyeshadow on the bottom lid or is it just eyeliner with you?” You weren’t mocking him for his dressing and styling choices, many of his old classmates did.
He told you about what products he uses and yes, he did use eyeshadow for his bottom lid. You just smiled at him and occasionally added what you used. He enjoyed talking to you, you were nice to him and allowed him to speak his mind. He couldn’t help but want to know more about you. Unfortunately, your conversation had to come to an end since his group was the first one up, but you both agreed to talk after all matches were over.
His second year at UA was better but he still felt awkward around everyone. Everyone, discluding Bakugou, was nice to him. You especially made it your duty to be around him all the time. He enjoyed your company but he found himself still pushing away from him at times. The constant lingering feeling of possible betrayal being prominent in all of your interactions. It didn’t matter how many times you helped him do his makeup or how many times he did your own, didn’t matter if he showed you his favorite video games to play, nor if he introduced you to his parents and had you in his room playing those same games with him for hours. He was still nervous, paranoid that you’ll stab him in the back. Scared that you’ll turn around and show your true colors. That you’ll take everything you know about him and tell everyone so you could all mock him again.
Shinsou, due to his fears, started to pull away from you. No more hanging out with him, no more doing each other’s makeup, no more eating lunch together. Shinsou ignored you every time you tried to speak with him, always turning himself away from you or being rude in some manner. It did discourage you at times, made you feel like you were back in middle school with the cute guys in your grade only speaking with you to make fun of your interests afterward. You thought that maybe he was going to be different but you guessed not. You kept away from him as you processed the situation but that also gave you the chance to watch him. You noticed that instead of sitting with your guy’s other classmates he would op to sit on his own within the cafeteria at a faraway table or somewhere else. You noticed that he not only avoided you but the rest of your classmates. He was back to how he was in his first year.
You couldn’t keep watching him be alone again, you didn’t want to leave him alone. You made up your mind and made your way towards Shinsou. He was sitting outside of the cafeteria eating his lunch while reading a book that was placed on his lap. He looked tense as he continued to read and nervous at any sound that made itself known. You felt bad for him, from what he told you about his own school experience, more of the lack of, you assumed that he was bullied for his quirk. He never used it on you and he never spoke much about it. He never gave you any details and never told you how his quirk activities, he just avoided the conversation entirely but he was always excited to listen to your own though.
“Shinsou.” You watched as the male jumped in his spot on the floor and direct himself towards you.
“Shinsou, can we talk for a bit?” He averted his eyes and began to pick his things from the floor, shaking his head as he did.
“N-no, sorry. I have to go-” You got in his way and crouched down to meet him at eye level.
“I know you have nowhere to be at. Please, talk to me for a bit.” You placed your hand on his own and stared at him. Shinsou didn’t want to meet your eyes. He didn’t want to see the disgust in them or the hatred you felt for him.
What he didn’t expect was for you to place your hand on his cheek and gently guide his gaze to your own. His eyes were wide and watery, he didn’t understand why you were being so gentle, so kind with him. Didn’t you want to be angry with him? Your own eyes were soft, a small smile present on your face.
“Shinsou, what’s wrong?” Your voice was gentle and your touch never leaving him. He took in a breath and spilled everything and all of his troubles to you. Once he finished, he was welcomed by a hug.
You pulled him into your own body and shared your warmth with him. You gently brushed his wild hair as you allowed him to cry to his heart’s content. He needed someone to listen to him, someone who would just let him talk. You were that person for him. Once he felt better, he pulled away from your person and rubbed his eyes. His eyeliner was running and smudging severely on his face. He pouted slightly at his destroyed makeup but then looked at your uniform. You had black smears all over your jacket and shirt.
“I-i’m sorry L/n. I didn’t mean to ruin your uniform.” You just chuckled and shook your head at him.
“It’s fine Shinsou, you needed to let it all out.” He began to take deeper breaths and eventually sat next to you. His head gently laying on top of your own.
“It… it was frustrating you know? I thought that I was the problem and I still feel like I am at times.”
“I get what you mean, I also had to deal with bullies.” Shinsou lifted his head and looked at you confused. You had to deal with bullies? Why? You were nice to everyone, why would anyone want to hurt you?
“I think it’s obvious as to why Shinsou.” Shit, did he say that out loud?
“Yes, you did.” You gave him another smile and took his hand. You compared him to your own. Your hand was smaller than his own but it was rounder, chubbier, just like the rest of you. You found it adorable how different the both of you were.
“I’m overweight, man. People tend to hold a preconceived idea of what overweight people are like.” Shinsou still couldn’t understand.
“So?  Why would anyone bully you for something you don’t have all that much control over?”
“Because they’re mean. It’s a power trip for them.” You began to play with his fingers, taking note of the muscles that you weren’t aware existed within them.
“I used to have a crush on this guy and for the longest time, my classmates made fun of me because of it. They always said that I was too fat for him or that id hurt him if I leaned onto him. Typical mean comments about my appearance and how I was unloved.” Shinsou began to frown and got closer to you. His body heat becoming a welcoming presence to you as you recounted your own struggles.
“Then one day he asked me to hang out with him. We ate lunch together and we spent time together. I thought he was interested in me just like I was interested in him. He once got close to my face and made it look like he was about to kiss me before reaching for something behind me. We laughed it off as an accident but I noticed the small blush on his face. I was excited.” You pressed on each of his fingernails and wiggled his fingers in between your pointer and thumb.
“I thought that this was it, he liked me back. Our school dance came and everyone was asking out their dates for it. I thought he was going to ask me to go with him but that didn’t happen. He pulled me towards him in the middle of class with everyone watching us, a lot of the other girls were jealous of me because of it.” You noticed the chipped nails polished on his nails and began to scratch it off.
“He cupped my face and pulled me closer to him. We were going to kiss.” You stopped playing with Shinsous hand. Your hand falling onto the ground limply.
“He gripped my face and pushed me away saying “Did you really think id like you? You’re such a joke L/n.” ” You pulled away from Shinsou, your hand rested on your lap instead of anywhere near his.
“I felt so alone, so gross, so….fat. It hurt but it was made worse because it was in front of everyone. Everyone saw how he treated me and made fun of me. No one did anything, not even as I ran away crying. Instead, I got comments about my weight. I got called some really mean names that day and the following. I didn’t go to my school’s dance, I didn’t want to be made fun of again.” You didn’t hear a thing from Shinsou. He just sat there looking at you like you were crazy.
“Their assholes.”
“I know.” You looked at him and smiled. He came closer to you, grabbing your hand from your lap and interlacing them in one another.
“But I don’t feel like that anymore. I don’t care is a better way to phrase it. People can have their opinions, either nice or mean. I can’t dictate that.” Shinsou scooted closer to you as you continued talking.
“But I can dictate the way I think about myself and the people I want to be around me.” Shinsou couldn’t help himself anymore.
He leaned in towards you and placed his hand on your cheek. His lips gently pressing onto your own and unmoving. You felt your heart fluttered but it quickly turned to amusement. He just pressed his lips to yours and wasn’t moving, He wasn’t moving. He had his eyes closed and pressed into you, it was beginning to bruise your lips. You pulled back slightly and looked at his face. He had his lips still puckered and his eyes closed. You giggled and quickly kissed him again before he pulled away. You on the other hand did move and deepened the kiss.
Shinsous heart soured as you kissed him back, his lips no longer hurting but feeling gently caressed by your own. He couldn’t help the small gasps that escape him nor the way he pulled you closer to him. When the two of you parted, Shinsou looked at you with sleepy eyes. He wanted this and he wanted more.
“I like you L/n.”
“I like you too Shinsou.”
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Survival of the Fittest
'What happened to me?' was the only thing I could think as I stared into pure darkness. All I remember is bright lights, cruel laughter, and then nothing. I'm not dead. At least I don't think I am. I can't be dead, right? I just feel cold and light.
Even with these odd sensations I know that freaking out won't solve anything so it's time to get out of wherever the hell I am. What I see next astounds me. A casket being buried in fresh dirt, mom crying over a clutched peace lily in her hand.
I . . . I 𝘢𝘮 dead.
I look at the scene below me as I hover a good six feet from the ground. Emotional shock followed by pure silence from others. How the hell did this happen?! That's when my attention averted to my brother, Anthony, walking from the procession with phone in hand, typing erratically. I may be a disembodied spirit but I still know when something isn't right. I quickly flew towards him to see the text messages go through, but the phone began to ring before I could read any of it.
"Devin what the fuck! I'm at my little brother's funeral! You could at least be fuckin discreet about this shit." Anthony whispered in a hushed yet almost jumpy tone.
Devin? Anthony's douche best friend? What the fuck is this about?
"Chill out, dumbass, Benji's six feet under. Which if you ask me is a fucking blessing. One less homo to worry about."
Excuse me?
"Thats besides the point! I at least gotta keep up appearances after what we did!"
Through my own little bit of rage and confusion that's when it came to me. I recently came out to my family and they were supportive. Especially mom. But Anthony started avoiding me after. I remember waking up later that night to being tied only to be thrown in a pond deep in some woods by two masked murderers. And now I know who they were. Anthony and Devin. Fury surged through me. How dare they?! But what pisses me off more is that Devin was fucking justifying it!
That's when an idea struck. I remember from that Ghostbusters reboot of that English ghost possessing that himbo of a male character in the movie. Such a realization makes me wonder.
I hide within Anthony's car as my funeral ends and he goes to get changed to meet Devin at this sports bar they'd frequent. Leaving the car, I find my target. There's Devin with his usual smirk as he swaggers out his car as if nothing fucking happened! I ought to possess him right now, but I know it'll be obvious if I do something now. So for the time being I just follow the two of them inside.
After round and round of beer with them watching some random football game, Devin gets out of his chair and heads to the bathroom. Now's my chance!
As he zips down his cargo shorts to piss, I wait for him to finish and shake his cock a little before diving right in.
"Yo! What the fuck?!" He yells out as the overwhelming sensations cause him to use one hand to support himself against the tile wall while the other one grips his dick. Too bad this idiot is too buzzed to fully process the invasion that's occurring so his bright idea is to pump me out.
Sweet, idiotic, Devin.
The pleasure mixed with his buzz helped me go in faster with less resistance. Legs filled in with legs, ass to ass, torso to torso, then I fill his arms which I use to pump his dick more. I slam my ghostly dick into his own and he begins reaching his climax only to throw his head back into mine.
Soon I feel solid again. Heavier even. And that's when the pleasure hits me. I scream out as I release, ropes of cum fly from my dick on to my hands and urinal. I bask in my orgasmic high along with the added adrenaline from the possession.
I did it. I really fucking did it.
I walk over to the mirrors with Devin's smirk and lazily pull on my half hard cock. "Look at me." I hum as my dick twitches at the sound of my voice coming out of Devin's mouth. "This was only fitting, Devin. An eye for an eye as they say." I chuckle before I reach under my shirt to rub the copious amount of cum onto my new rock hard abs.
"The world is gonna see a new Devin, and a gay one at that!" I laugh while licking the last bit of cum from my hand.
Unfortunately my gloating was put on hold when my phone vibrated from my pocket. Pulling it out I saw it was Anthony. I cringed in anger over his contribution to my death, but revenge will come to him as well. That is a promise.
Stuffing my dick back in my shorts, I wash my hands and head back out to the bar. Time to enjoy my new body and new life before enacting the plans already forming in my mind.
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dvlboy · 3 years
himbo top s/o x mondo
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I do plan on posting a thingy where anons can ask questions about me just so that we get to know eachother a bit more hehe
tw: NSFW corruption, size kink, dumbification, degrading later in chapter
you first met mondo through The Crazy Diamonds
your brother joined the gang, and you being the nosey little shit you were decided to follow him and see where your big brother went, so you tagged along a few blocks behind after seeing him sneak out after dark
OH BOY you were never caught so fast and scared so shittily in your life lmao
scary men on bikes = danger
Thats when you met mondo, who was thrown with you seeing that the two of you were the same age
It was kind of awkward in the beginning, the two of you had nothing in common but when you clicked YOU CLICKED
you were young n clueless so you kind of just followed your brother and him around, happy and not a thought in your mind
one day you didn’t show up, and stopped showing up after that
turns out your parents heard you leave and thought they were getting robbed, when they found out they panicked and forbid you from coming
your brother went anyways lol, he kept the gang updated on their little brother :’)
mondo was quite sad because he missed you and could only hear you from another person :(
the next time that you two met was in Hope’s Peak. When you walked through that door mondo was shocked
you looked like God took some clay and slapped you with it. how one person could get beefier and taller then he was, was above his head
you looked really excited to meet everyone, but mondo could tell from the way you looked at him showed that you didnt recognize him :(
you kind of flocked between people before locking eyes with him
you thought you knew him but you didnt?? what?? before you could say anything the teacher came in and started :(
but after class, the first thing you did was flock over to him and poke him. 
He was kind of annoyed but his soul almost flew out of his body to see someone giant staring down at him
The two of you had to have a few conversations before it finally clicked that you DID know him. man did you stick to him like glue after that.
mondo sometimes gets a bit insecure because you cant catch a hint at all, and he wonders why you choose to stick to him when your entire class loves you
it does make him smug that no one unwanted interrupts him because his status as a gang leader scares everyone off
doesnt work on his close friends they watched him fall down stairs
anyways you really enjoy bein with other people
carrying chihiro on your back? chucking baseballs as hard as you can to leon and watching him gulp in fear? yes
but in all honesty, you like (most) of your class, and it shows because you would be the person to help them with anything
youre the person that waits for them to finish tying their shoelaces before walking with them so theyre obviously VERY protective
you make the first move and show up to his dorm with flowers and blankets n movies
mans is sputtering and is flustered all over but he does enjoy getting coddled
he enjoys having someone else take care of him but sometimes you need to get a hint
youre a dumbass and it really shows
when you tell the class they were very sweet but did let mondo know that if he hurts you his pompadour will just be pom.
despite being a sweetie, when people first meet you they are very scared
so when you get with a gang leader on the same level of beefyness and scariness its terrifying
when he gets into fights he will 100% say “oh yea? here comes my boyfriend, the one that can easily rip out your spine >:)”
sometimes fails as you come walking in with a tiny cactus in a pot, with a massive grin on your face
he really enjoys when you lean your head on his lap
he really is whipped for you and would  really do anything
which leads to really fun dates because you two are just “head empty, fun with lover”
and do stupidly cute shit
you two would go on a date day and just run through all he things you both wanna do
cat cafe, arcade, beach, checking up on the gang in like 6 hours its like a speedrun like me trying to post this before it gathers too much attention cause its unfinished and i messed up
he stumbled in on you trying to convince terteru to help you learn to make one of mondos favourite desserts 
it was so funny because youre all pouty and begging to get help from a gross slime child whos like up to your kneecaps LOL
he managed to hear the explanation as to why you were begging and he had to walk away or else his blush wouldn’t go down
loves pda
sits on your lap, pushes you against the wall and kisses you, holds hands with you, and sometimes gives you a little love bite on the neck during lunch 
really likes cuddling between your chest but not in school 
Also really loves when you brush his wet hair and play with it
its a very fun relationship to witness, with two himbos in love 
mondo is a power bottom. I will not be taking any feedback no sir 
despite you being physically much larger in all aspects, youre his little toy to play with
you knew very little about sex with a male before you met him. he is smug that hes the one to take you.
it may be your very large cock going up his ass, but hes the one in charge.
he loves giving oral, and likes the feeling of his throat bulging to make room for your large size
has a thing for facials, and likes the feeling of your warm cum on him
his favourite positions are ones where he has control
cowboy, reverse cow boy, along those lines yeah
for part of his birthday gift you agreed to let him use your body and to try out bondage
you got handcuffed to your bed as he milked you dry with his mouth and ass
he is a very handsy person, and an incredibly loud moaner
you actually enjoy when he rides you because sometimes you get scared that you’re hurting him so you want him to be comfortable
his favourite thing to do is to bury his face inbetween the crevice of your neck, and hearing your deep grunts in his ear
his hands either wrap around your neck, or he uses them to fondle and play with your pecs
mondo can go 2/3 rounds, and each time he tries something different
when he gets horny he gets what he wants, you guys have messed around in parks, behind food stands and in school
he will whisper in your ear about 
he likes to put his hands over his stomach and feel the flesh make way for your girth, and he finds it incredibly hot to find a bulge the shape of your cock
he can’t help how sensitive he is, and after the first round he finds it hard to communicate, with him just becoming a babbling mess that sloppily rides up and down your body.
once pleasure rots both of your minds and you can’t think properly, if you lovingly call him your dirty little slut, or your cum whore and tell him to let you take control, he will whine and slop over, giving you access to him.
you dont want to hurt him, but sometimes your mind gets a bit too hazy, and the next thing you know hes pressed against a wall, and you’re grabbing his hair or neck as you plow him, his moans echoing 
you find it cute when you whisper about how he corrupted you, how he’s the reason why you’re acting like an animal, or how he’s the reason why you’re always horny because you can’t get enough and he needs to take responsibility especially because his grunts and moans get louder and he clenches around you
when he cums, he cums alot. most of the time its over your chest or on the wall
either way, he loves the duality between the man in the streets and the beast in the sheets, sometimes he wonders how you can be the same person
just dont forget to give him aftercare, lotion his body and cuddle him after
tag list: @kenniethedumbass
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Welcome to my masterlist! At the moment I write for Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin skywalker but I’m very open to writing for other Star Wars dudes! Feel free to request but I do have the right to decline! 18+ content will be marked with a *
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One Shots
The Pleasure Was All Mine: Obi Wan beats the Courscant heat with a cool shower, and you join him!
Turbulence: Sexy times meets space turbulence, a better combination than you originally thought!
Closer To You*: Obi Wan returns from a long mission and seggsy times happen.
Force Fucked*: Obi uses the force to fuck the reader thats all! 
Insufferable*: Sith!Obi, arranged marriage AU, enemies to lovers, what more can I say?
His Cloak*: After a very tense mission and a rude encounter with an officer, you and Obi Wan have some much needed stress reliving. Also, CLOAK! 
Hyper Space Blue*: On a trip with his padawan to discuss negotiations with a foreign planet, Obi Wan is accidentally contaminated with a sex pollen!
Morning Meditations: When you find it particularly difficult to meditate, Obi Wan gives you a hand.
Hand In Hand: Obi Wan helps out patch up after a mission.
Trying Something New*: Obi introduces something new to the bedroom.
Bored* You ride Obi’s dick. (Click here)
Caught*: you’ve had feelings for your Jedi Master forever, what happens when he catches you in a compromising situation?
Surprise: You’ve noticed that your favorite Jedi has been beyond stressed recently and decided to surprise him with a recent purchase.
Thief! Reader: May I request an Obi wan x Thief reader? 🥺 Where he’s on Tatooine and see’s the reader trying to steal and he chases her. And she’s poor and desperate. Only if you want to
NSFW Alphabet:
Mornings With Obi Wan
Obi Reacts To The WAP Dance
Period Headcannons 
rating himbo energy
Hug headcannons
Breeding kink*
How they react to being called “Daddy”*
With an S/O who doesn’t like to be touched.
Back Rubs
Bad Day
Birthday Spankings*
So Much Like His Father
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One Shots
Nightmare: You help comfort Anakin after a nightmare.
Brake The Ice*: After you’ve been particularly cold towards Anakin during a senatorial party, he decides to remind you who’s in charge.
Anakin’s Manicure: You paint Ani’s nails
Snowed In: Could you write a cute Anakin x Senator! Reader oneshot, where Reader and Anakin are 'trapped' in a snowed-in cave... and they make camp in the cave and spend some much-needed quality time with one another?
I Don’t Like Sand:  What about a fic where reader gets stuck in a storm (sand storm?) and anakin has to come to the rescue? Bonus points for fluff
NSFW Alphabet*
Nights With Anakin
Rating himbo energy
With an S/O who doesn’t like being touched.
How they react to being called “daddy” *
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Baby Babbles: Din admires how you talk with Grogu!
Good Little Girl: lil’ blurb about being good for Din/
Relax*: When reader has a bad headache, Din decides to ‘help’ her out, *nudge, nudge, wink wink*
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rotten-dan · 3 years
dan i hope you dont freaking mind my telling you via ask bc if discovered they expanded the chara limits here and not replies so this way gives me more room to Speak. so anyways... ive said different... because ive believe... that the moment an interpretation of character exists concretely in the world, a new version of that character is created and is inherently a separate guy. because once the person takes that character theyre imparting their own self into that character because their perception of that character will always be different from that of the originals creators... even if you tried your hardest to be the most faithful that you can be to the source can you truly confidently say that your vision of the character is the same as the creators? when you are obviously a separate and different person from them? you will never be them. so what think happens is that we you make that interpretation exist, you sort of make it your own. you get a bit of ownership for That Instance, for That Version of that same character. you know how ppl can say "oh i love your wayne" (for example) because they like how you wrote them? my stance is kinda based on that. a My City Now sort of stance. yes that character is based on what already exists. but do they exist in the same place? no i thinks its a parallel sort of existence... yes theyre tied together by features and name. but isnt that new version sort of independent? well actually. this part is very debatable. how independent/dependent an interpretation is from the og. probably! it varies! on artistic license! and how fleshed out that new version is made.
im gonna talk about some interesting cases of character interpretations. obviously a big one would be fandom interpretation. fan created content of the same character. im gonna use your slu//ttysa/n/s example lol and spin it so i can argue that hes a different character lol. when that much deviance happens i think its fair that this is different guy. sure maybe personality wise and other things may match up, but dont the differences make him... different? not the same? would tob/y fo/x look him and go "yeah thats my guy". i dont know im not tob/y f/ox. BUT IF I WERE HIM AND THAT HAPPENED TO MY CHARACTER ID BE LIKE "THAT NOT MY FUCKING GUY......" and even if the difference werent so drastic maybe the creator would still go ehhhh thats not Quite right.... nonetheless that creator denouncing a version of a character wouldnt stop it from existing no? they still exist as a character with a different existence from the original. they simply have ties
other interesting examples include sher/lo//ck hol/mes, ba/tm/an, spid//erm/an, comic book heroes in general really, drama adaptations of chinese novels wheres theres significant changes due to censorship (im thinking of fairly specific example but i dont know how familiar you are with that fandom and also i know cn drama adaptations actually experience this frequently so im being general here), mythical characters like greek gods and sun wukong (the last character is very relevant to me bc of monki/e kid and hes actually the main reason i started thinking so hard about this). these are all characters that have seen MANY different interpretations
starting from she/rlock. this freaking guy. so many different versions. man. heres two versions i wanna pick out of this dude along with the original. dan you know dgs/great ac/e att/orney she/rlock? how hes such a HUGE HIMBO? hes a drastic divergence from the original. now take b/b//c sher/lock (which i have not seen but were on tumblr. we all know the guy unfortunately.) and set him down next to the other two. whats your answer? i feel like theyre different characters entirely. their source material gave them a whole new life that.... you dont need the og material tbh to see and understand their characters. and the two interpretations are connected to the original but! they arent connected to each other at all. theyre at the very least. different characters from each other
now comic book heros are a fucking doozy. bc the nature of these fucking characters are a fucking MESS. theres an original version for all of them..... but.... comic book heroes live a weird sort of Collective/Collaborative existence. theres so many comics written by so many people about the same freaking guy and yet so many of them are recognized all to be canon by the publisher. for the record i havent read any. nor have i watched the movies. but i know of their nature. and its freaking weird. (actually on second thought i Did watch some of the cartoons as a kid.... WHY ARE THERE SO MANY ADAPTATIONS OF THESE GUYS....) the general public also recognize these characters in this sort of iconic way. sup/erman is always superma/n. everybody knows spide/rman. BUT. ARE THEY THE SAME SAME? THEY ALL EACH HAVE THEIR OWN UNIQUE VERSION OF THE CANON.....bbbuuuut. but but. this is one of The Most dubious examples of same or different characters. bc many people will think yeah theyre the same guy. but is the tob/ey mag/uire parker same as to/m h/olland parker same as spid/erverse parker same as whatever random issue of s/pide/rman parker? i personally would say. no. but some ppl would disagree
cn dramas...... i wont get too into it. im not chinese, i just watched a handful of dramas. but what sometimes happens is that sometimes is that significant story and character changes will happen. to abide to restrictions. not just homophobia, stuff like possession is apparently restricted too (source: chinese friend, this is only reason i know some stuff). now i wont talk about the nature of that biz. its not my place. but it is interesting tho. im gonna step back and talk more generally about what happens to the identity of characters that undergo significant changes to their story through an adaptation. because its not unique to cn media. it happens all the time everywhere. a big example would be ho/wls mo/ving castle i think. these characters.... are meant to Be the same characters..... but are they... really? still? despite these changes. this one is also a complicated example. relationship between a novel and adaptation. and the characters within. WHAT. makes. a character. that character. their story? their personality? their appearance? their motivations? their drive? their name? their identity? all of that together makes that character who they are. so what happens if you change pieces of them. my friend says this is a different application of ship of theseus and i agree. but also i think is more than taking a ship and replacing a piece of it. because again i believe the new version of that character exists parallel to the original. to me i see it as a ctrl+c, ctrl+v, and edit. its a copy paste with tweaks. because the original is still untouched. it cant truly Be touched except by the original creator. so again my conclusion here is different
actually im gonna speak from an personal-experience-while-reading-fanfic standpoint.... i guess.... what believe what makes a character that character depends on their essence. because even within their own original story literally any part of them is subject to change. but that doesnt stop them from being them. but What is Essence tho...? i licherally could not tell you. its entirely subjective. this entire discussion is subjective. its just... a feeling... and i guess if another version of that character had that same essense i might argue that my answer would be "same" actually... but essence is hard to capture and depending on what is done to that character by another person, that essence Will Change. because i think its different when a character changes within their own narrative vs when a character is changed by someone else. its a different kind of change....
mythical legends thoooooo. again these characters exist kinda in a similar way to comic heroes how their existence is kinda like a monolith in the public consciousness but on a much bigger, grander, and older scale. greek gods. i know you dont like them lol. but you know they exist. and you know how ppl have taken them and created their own narratives with them. big examples being hade/s and per/cy jac/kson. in these cases i think their source stories are more significant. their legends. mythical figures have this different sort of quality to them than modern day characters. in fact. can you call them characters sometimes? is god a character? now this is a hot water subject. but i think it can be said if these figures werent characters before.... they were/are/can be Made into characters. and thats their presence in modern day media i think. theyre new characters that are birthed from their own myths into a new story thats inspired by them. i think thats kinda rad
ok now im gonna get more self indulgent talk about su/n wuk/ong if you dont freaking mind. bc this is the dude who spurred this debate in my head in the first place. hes an example of a mythical figure whos absolutely a character. a character who also has many representations of himself across media. FUCKING GOKU IS SU/N WU/KONG...... but id say go/ku is safe bet to claim as a different character from su/n wukon/g. just fucking look at this freaking guy. needs no discussion. but s/un wuk/ong in my funky little lego show is an INTERESTING example of....... same but different.... because with the nature of the show. the show isnt an adaptation of journey to the west, su/n wukon/gs original story. no its inspired by it. its chronologically takes place After jttw. in fact it goes to establish that This is The sun wuko/ng. the myth and legend himself. theres mentions of his legacy. other characters from that story are in that story also but theres new characters that are Representations of some old character while not being them themselves. sorry if this is confusing? im gonna stick to sun wuk/ong. what im saying is. the character su/n wuk/ong is intended to be the same guy in his myths. buuut. if you look closely.... some parts of the story of his myths within the show is actually different. YOU HAVENT SEEN THE SHOW SO THERE NO POINT POINTING OUT WHAT IM SPECIFICALLY TALKING ABOUT (BUT IT REVOLVES AROUND A DIFFERENT CHARACTER FROM JTTW BUT PART OF SU/N W/UKONGS STORY)..... but anyways if this guy who meant to be the same but actually has a slightly different myth within the show is it truly the same guy still? my head is gonna explode. i wanna say no bc thats my stance but its difficult to say it confidently tho. i do wanna say hes a good character tho. i think they do do a good job depicting him as the character he meant to be. while simultaneously making him a character unique to the show. i love this guy. lego mo/nki/e ki/d is a good show.
FUCK. DAN. THIS IS STRAIGHT UP AN ESSAY. I KNOW I WARNED YOU BUT IM SORRY ABOUT THE LENGTH OF THIS. IS THIS EVEN ABLE TO SEND??? i hope i put enough slashes for you bc. theres so many characters. oh man. DAN IVE HAD SO MANY THOUGHTS............. thanks for letting fucking go off hgjruitgjkxfgk. oh my god. i care about characters so fucking much. CHARACTERS MAN.
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what else is there for me to add except that this should be a youtube essay with funny graphics that lasts like 1 hour or so
i like how passionate you are while writin
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witchersjaskier · 4 years
Ooh, creature!Jaskier using his powers to help Geralt? But NOT being afraid of Geralt finding out, they're both Peak Himbo and Jaskier thought Geralt knew and Geralt thought Jaskier was like. An odd human who'd just been hanging around a Witcher too long, thats why he was a Feral Bard
“Excuse me!”
Both Geralt and the old god freeze and then dramatically turn around to face Jaskier who’s slowly making his way through the swamp, wincing and cursing in several languages.
“Really, Flynz, I realize that some think I’m all for water and everything but this is a bit much,” he sniffs, looking down at the mud and grime underneath them.
Geralt and the god, Flynz apparently are still frozen, staring at Jaskier as if they’re seeing him for the first time and well, the Witcher never knows what he may encounter while talking with gods but Jaskier always spells trouble.
“You,” the old god snarls suddenly, getting bigger and bigger, flames bursting from his feet.
The flesh from his body begins to fall down grotesquely, showing a brittle and old skeleton, something like a roar sounding from behind his back. Instead of getting scared though, Jaskier just rolls his eyes and sighs, hands on his hips. He looks remarkably bored and a bit annoyed too.
Geralt remembers seeing the same look on his face while listening to a very disappointing student, and it’s as if he’s not realizing the danger they’re in.
The old god seems to grow until suddenly Jaskier snaps. His blue eyes narrow in anger and then the bard is shoving Geralt back, shielding him with his body. Geralt can only gape at the bard’s back as he walks closer and closer to the god and it seems as if the shadows are growing larger, the night becoming darker.
Their enemy seems to notice it too as he pauses suddenly and looks down, shrinking back down when he sees Jaskier. The bard is always gorgeous but Geralt knows that he’s astonishingly beautiful while angry. He’s a force of nature and Geralt stops doubting that he can take the god on.
“This really is enough,” Jaskier hisses, though it’s not only him speaking. Between the letters, other voices slip, whispers like curses curling around each sound, echoing in the bog. 
The earth beneath their feet trembles, water starting to swish in the swamp, unhappy with what’s going on.
If Geralt was worried before, he’s downright frightened now. There’s no way he’ll be able to defeat whatever’s coming their way. Each hair on his body is standing tall and a deeply buried flight instinct is rearing its head.
Just as he’s about to reach for his sword, Jaskier lays a hand on his arm and squeezes. Geralt glances down and frowns when instead of neat nails, there are sharp claws at the end of each long finger, Jaskier’s smooth skin now greyer.
He lets his eyes slide up and his heart stops in his chest when Geralt realizes just what exactly is wrong with Jaskier -  he doesn’t look human anymore.
It’s a subtle difference, a slightly more ashy tone of his skin, deeper eyes, darker and long hair, a slight stubble. But Geralt is a Witcher and each of his senses is screaming that there’s a Greater God in front of him, angry and ready to fight.
“You killed those people,” Jaskier, whoever he is, says. Almost hisses. Roars. Howls. 
There’s Jaskier and there’s a wolf, a bear, a snake, an owl soaring over their heads, a whisper of leathery wings behind Jaskier’s back. Suddenly, Geralt realizes that they’re standing under a willow and then he gasps as Veles brings him closer to the god’s body, glaring at the other deity.
“I am a fair one, Flyntz. You almost killed moją duszę, my everything. You’re stupid. Fearless but thoughtless as well. You shall pay for your mistakes.”
Jaskier, Veles, whoever he is, doesn’t wait for an answer. Responding to an unspoken order, the dead rise from the ground and drag the other god down, silent and determined. There’s music playing from somewhere, sounding just like Jaskier’s lute, Jaskier’s lute that’s made from willow. They stand together as the other deity wails and screams for mercy and then life resumes around them.
Slowly, Geralt turns to face Jaskier, the god of earth, water and underground, the trickster of god magic, protector of travelling musicians. Veles’ doublet is made of black wool and silk now and Geralt just sighs, staring at the other man.
Looking into his eyes, the Witcher is absolutely sure that Jaskier never told him because the bard was sure he knew. 
Now, how to break it to the god that he may have chosen the most obtuse and stupid person on the Continent to be his soul.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
ML AU: Childhood Soulmates: Syren
-The main set up for the episode is the same. Rena Rouge is called to help. But there is some much more clear frustration with Chat noir.
-"Another secret I am not allowed to know, What a surprise."
-Ladybug tells him that she can't, and that she is sorry.
-"I get it. Just go." Chat noir being done with this situation. He is hurt by the lack of trust. Which he has made clear before.
-Ladybug and Rena Rouge head off. Rena Rouge apologizing for causing the tension. But Ladybug assures her its not her fault.
- Adrien returns home and tries to get Plagg to spill the beans. But Plagg isn't talking. Though Adrien is a bit more pushy about it.
-Marinette pleads a bit more with Fu about the secrecy, but just as in Canon. Fu dismisses it for the time being.
-The events of syren happen pretty much the same as in canon. Kim being an oblivious himbo.
-Syren floods Paris, and Ladybug and Chat noir end up on the roof.
-Ladybug gets the lucky charm that tells her to go to fu.
-So she goes to leave, but Chat noir stops her. Telling her that he has had enough of this.
-"I get it, secrets are important. But Paris is LITTERALLY FLOODED! Whatever or Who ever you are going to see may need help."
-Ladybug shouts at him. Angry that He thinks this is easy for her to hide. She says that she hates keeping him in the dark and she has tried to get the okay to tell him. But she can't.
-Chat noir blows up at that.
-"If I am really that untrustworthy. maybe next time you go where ever it is. you should take my ring with you."
-The fierceness in his voice. He was angry, he was hurt. She understood. But that statement hit something far stronger than Chat noir was expecting
-"Never say that again."
-Chat noir's anger fizzled when he looked at her.
-Thats when he noticed. Tears. He realized that he had gone to far.
-"Ladybug..." He felt awful now.
-"You think I want to keep this from you!? Keeping the person I trust so much in the dark!? Do you think I get some sick kick from it!"
-Chat noir knew he had gone to far.
-"Im sorry. I Never should have... I was just..."
-Ladybug calmed down. She realized they both were not handling this whole thing well.
-"I promise, You will get to know. Just promise me you will wait,"
-Chat noir nods.
-"I promise. I'm sorry about..."
-"Just wait here for a little bit okay."
-"Okay... bugaboo. I will."
-Ladybug gives him a hug. He hugged back.
-She then left to go to fu. Leaving Chat noir to calm down. He felt more guilt than anger. He detransforms and talks to plagg about it.
- Ladybug arrives and helps fu figure out the potion. And everything is all set like in canon.
-But before Ladybug leaves. She says "Put the noodles in the water." Not in a kind suggesting way. It was a stern, 'DO IT' way. Fu understood. And he said perhaps she was right.
-Fu goes and meets Adrien in canon.
-Adrien may have been a bit angry with fu, giving him a piece of his mind about all the secrecy.
-Fu apologizes, and he understands that he caused more pain then intended. He promises to fill Adrien in on things, so long as he doesn't threaten to quit again.
-"Did Ladybug tell you I..."
-"No, but I can only assume thats why she looked so hurt when I saw her."
-Adrien nodded. Saying he owes Ladybug a solid apology. Transforms into Aqua Chat. And goes to help ladybug.
-The fight ends the same way as in canon. Chat noir apologizes to Ladybug. Saying that he was a real jerk and that he promises to be more trusting of her. Because she kept her promise, and he was acting like a spoiled brat.
-Ladybug forgives him and says that she is glad that he knows. She couldn't imagine having someone else be chat noir
-They fist bump and go their separate ways.
-Marinette makes her macaroons of might and Fu gives Adrien his cheese potions.
-Everyone is on much better terms.
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