#somehow it also hurts to keep on imagining her in stories going on
dragons-and-handcuffs · 3 months
Cregan Stark x Targ!wife
Summary: Just Cregan Stark and his beautiful wife with their children
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Cregan Stark just loves you and your kids with all his heart and soul. He would die for you all. He would kill for you all. And the same thing could be said about you. You won't hesitate to rain fire on anymore who threatens your family.
Imagine your twin boys running around Winterfell. Both are mini versions of Cregan Stark, but there is fire in their blood as well which they got from you.
Imagine the little twins with wooden swords playing and pretending to be their brave father. Both bravely challenging your loyal guard and your guard just happily loses to them.
Imagine Cregan trying to tell them bedtime stories but he is not really good at it, or at least he is not as good as you. But he tries. If it doesn't work he will bring the boys to you. Imagine the twins sleeping in between you and Cregan while you tell them the story. The plan was for Cregan to carry the boys to their room after they fell asleep, but Cregan himself couldn't keep his eyes open. Once they are asleep you just kiss their forehead and sleep on your side.
Cregan always jokes that the boys are completely like him and are full Starks (although he was secretly hoping one of them would look like you).
Imagine Cregan teaching the boys about the North. Telling them about their history. They are very interested to know everything. They especially love when their father trains them to fight.
But then their lessons on high valyrian started and you also started teaching them how to bond and handle their dragons, which became their favorite lessons. The boys would rather bond with their dragons than study. Cregan has to personally go to the dragon cave and drag them away.
Imagine your twins standing with their father and looking up at the sky as you ride your dragon. Their dragons are not large enough to carry the rider but they are growing fast.
Cregan can be a strict father sometimes. It's necessary since it's his duty as the Lord of Winterfell to teach his sons and heir everything.
Imagine Cregan taking the twins to the wall. The boys are young but they are Stark. They need to know the importance of the wall and understand their duty. The trip was not easy for Cregan since your twins can be a handful, especially since you didn't go with them. One of them even tried to sneak out beyond the wall, but a ranger caught him.
"I didn't know raising sons can be so exhausting," The first thing Cregan said to you as soon as he got back. The boys just can't stop telling you about the wall, excitedly describing every single detail about it. "This one tried to sneak out and go beyond the wall," Cregan pointed at his son. "YOU DID WHAT?" Needless to say he was kind of grounded till he realized how dangerous it was. It was necessary. And now he is even more curious about what lies beyond the wall.
Imagine you get pregnant again. The twins just can't wait to have another sibling. Cregan is just praying that this one is a girl. And his prayers were answered. Your third child is a girl, a mini you, with the silver hair and purple eyes.
Cregan thought his daughter would be calmer than his sons, but he was wrong. She is a little warrior with big dreams of leading armies and winning battles.
The twins just adore their little sister and are extremely protective of her. Everyone in Winterfell loves her. And somehow Cregan is better with raising his daughter.
Imagine the entire family at feasts. The little ones busy with some shenanigans, Cregan trying to make them stop.
Or imagine the twins flying their dragons for the first time. Cregan is more nervous than them. He just doesn't want his sons to fall and get hurt. You constantly comforting him. And he was extremely terrified when your daughter first rode her dragon.
Just imagine a relaxing family time. All of you in one room. Your daughter telling Cregan how she will be a warrior when she grows up. The twins discussing about taking the dragons hunting, because they just can't compete with their father on horses and normal hunting. You sitting next to Cregan, leaning against him and just enjoying
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ozzgin · 2 months
Yandere School Q&A
I've gotten some related asks and thought I'd put them in a cleaner format, so I don't spawn another round of screenshots from my inbox.
Ohhh how would yan school react if y/n got hurt somehow?? Also quick question is her parents also platonic yans for them? Thanks!! - Anonymous
It only makes sense that the staff of the school is yandere material, too. The students may rush to help and insist they've got it under control, but the school nurse will be quick to act. It's the chance of a lifetime, having you to himself, and for longer than the usual standard checkup. The curtains are pulled, and the "do not disturb" sign is flipped. Your injuries are not to be taken lightly. You'll need to spend all day under his supervision.
The parents and all relatives are indeed platonic yanderes! I thought it'd be a nice touch since I've never approached the trope before.
YAYAYAYYAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAA MORE YANDERE SCHOOLLLLLL You’re amazing!!!!! (I had to ask to make sure I used the right your/you’re) also is the darling yandere gonna keep sabotaging y/n? - @femboybasil
The tying up incident was actually an exception to what I originally planned, haha. For most of the competitions, darling yandere will guide (Y/N) and aid them for a flawless win. That's the comedy of it: he's indirectly doing the yandere part while trying to be discreet enough as to not alert the other yanderes. Additionally, (Y/N) helps him with the darling tasks. Though that part is very much expected by everyone from school. The Daring Academy teachers are probably observing the activities, baffled. "Who the hell is that student? What skill...what obliviousness. They should've applied to us."
If you’re comfortable with this concept, (since it’s a school-based series I don’t know if the reader and yanderes are minors are not, if they are then you don’t have to write this.) but obviously the students of the Yandere Academy are going to need to learn how to tie up their darlings once they’ve been captured. Would you mind writing a little blurb about it since Reader is the unofficially assigned darling stand-in for their classes? - Anonymous
This is the ask I used for the tying up idea in Part 3! To answer your worries, all of my stories involve 18+ characters! Just wanted to clear it up for anyone in doubt. The school/academy setup is more of a college/university kind of institution. I do love a good high school setup, but not for self insert romance.
I’d imagine that there’s a drama class at the yandere school to help the students learn how to act and seem innocent. What if they put on a musical or something like Phantom of the Opera (because of course it would be that) and reader got the role of Christine or the equivalent. Imagine all the yanderes fighting for the role of their love interests to get the excuse to kiss them, and other yanderes trying to sabotage them as tactfully as possible to keep the show going, but replace the leads to be alongside reader. Think that may be something cool to add/write about? No pressure of course! - Anonymous
You know the whole thing is going to turn into a ninja survival shitshow. They had hoped to never cast (Y/N) in any role, for everyone's safety. And for the most part, (Y/N) thankfully never showed any interest in the drama club.
The supervising teacher held (Y/N)'s application form with trembling hands. It seems their little club had finally run out of luck.
Worst part: the school can't even rely on the teachers. They're just as desperate to see their cute little (Y/N) perform on stage. "Maybe this job is too overwhelming for one person, sensei..." they'll smugly tell the original supervisor. "We could divide some tasks. Someone else could train (Y/N), for example..."
ok here me out, what if there is like a field trip or sports festival kind of thing where the Yandere and Darling academy meet up. Basically where a Yandere and a darling are made to pair up to go through the numerous activities (maybe ones that test their yandere/darling skills) so reader decides to pair up with clumsy Yandere ( who is in Darling academy) much to the displeasure of Yandere classmate. Maybe like a battle of the the Yanderes? - Anonymous
This was a little trippy to read, because it came right after part 3, haha. Which I feel is basically the same plot. Though it would be interesting to see how it'd play out if the stranger was Reader's best friend instead.
Reader excitedly approaches Clumsy!Yandere and asks him to work together, to the dismay of all other students. They're enraged. You can see it plainly: their hands tremble, their jaws are clenched, their eyes have a psychotic glint. Poor Clumsy!Yandere is in constant shivers, unaware of the death stares. You're cheerfully guiding him around, his hand in yours, happy to see your friend again.
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softboo · 6 months
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love me, ever so gently
pairing: austin butler x reader
summary: you recently moved to a new apartment, making new some eccentric friends along the way. but what you didn't expect was falling in love with a stranger. a stranger you somehow couldn't stop thinking about
words: 2.1k
warnings: depictions of domestic abuse, dark themes of relationships
author's note: i made this on an extremely impulsive whim and i have never been so terrified of posting this. my anxiety of trying to make this story went from writing this for three days straight to now suddenly having multiple parts. i'm literally almost done with part III so we'll see how far this goes. hopefully you like my very first fic... i haven't written in years... ehh... and thank you in advance for reading this :3
next part
part I
"you're either incredibly talented or horribly lousy."
george stated right before you tore down the stack of books from the pile. you groaned in frustration, ignoring that thing buried right under the surface of your heart. if bookstores and libraries could make something aesthetically pleasing, then so could you. just like you were able to do a year ago.
you huffed once more before starting the process over again.
george took your silence as a precautionary warning, tentatively placing a small cup of coffee next to you, hoping maybe a little space and some caffeine couldn't hurt your pride more than he did.
"as long as you don't make a mess, it makes my job a thousand times easier," he offered you a toothy, yet slightly lopsided grin before leaving you to your uncomplicated complicated endeavors.
george circled around the remaining tables that were also still being set up for the fair at the community center. you were a regular volunteer for these events, moreso because your neighbors invited you to them in the first place. one of your neighbors being george, who hobbled right back to where you were, smiling proudly at his empty tray.
"well, my services are done."
he flashed another innocent grin before leaving you be, "make sure you get that done before cass sees you!"
"george I'm going to throw this empty tray at you."
he let out a belly laugh, even though he was as thick as a twig. he pulled you over to him, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"there she is!"
you rolled your eyes at him, but couldn't help a smile. you still remember when you met him for the first time.
~ ~
your first week at the new apartment building was stressful enough, splitting your belongings in each individualized box and suitcase. and somehow through all that stress, someone as joyous as george just so happened to crash right into you with all of his groceries.
and he had this distinct smell, something between a book you haven't opened in years and an old worn out knitted sweater. at the time, he greeted you like you've been friends for years, something you deeply missed when you moved away from your hometown. from everyone.
"welcome to the neighborhood!!" he screamed in your ear, forgetting his hearing aids before he left for the store. you let out a polite, yet awkward, kind of laugh, thanking him for his very enthusiastic greeting. it's funny to look back on it now, a stranger you would've never imagined becoming friends with. including everyone else you met along the way.
~ ~
evelyn and cassandra peered from the hallway behind you, coming from the kitchen. cassandra with her big box of jewelry for her stand, while evelyn followed suit.
"did george call me cass again? i hate when he calls me cass. it sounds like ass."
"because you are an ass."
cassandra shot him a quick glaring look before he started laughing again, placing her boxes down. she pointed a shaky finger at him.
"you know one of these days, i really hope i end up dying before you. i can't stand that laugh of yours." she grumbled, which made you laugh.
"can't keep a happy man down cass. you're stuck with me forever," he bellowed, leaving a messy kiss on her cheek before she swatted him away. george dramatically saluted them before hobbling away again, wanting to mingle and socialize before the fair officially opens.
cassandra gathered her things once more as she eyed your table with a sense of pride.
"you never cease to amazing me sweetie. i always love how you decorate your books."
her words swelled in your heart and that thing that was buried right under the surface dissipated, only just for a moment. and you were completely and utterly okay with that.
"thanks cassie..." your voice drifting ever so softly. like she was going to catch it in the end like she always does.
~ ~
when you met cassandra last year, you heard her voice before you saw her. you were seated at the lobby of your apartment building, waiting for a blind date that never picked you up. it was about two hours before you decided to call it and when you looked up, you saw her.
she was a bright eyed woman, her grey hair tossed behind a small pink scarf, something you've only seen worn a few times or rather only in movies. she looked at you with a look of concern. you weren't crying of course, why waste tears on some stranger right?
but you got your hopes up immensely high and someone as experienced in her years as she was, she could tell a disappointed look when she saw one.
"oh my dear, what's the matter? are you hurt?"
you shook your head no, having no energy to formally respond with a voice.
"come here love, let's bring you back home. do you live here?"
you nodded.
she waddled her way towards you, keeping you close to her. she was a tiny woman, hunched over slightly as she led you to the elevator. once you were both inside, she asked what floor you were on and pressed the appropriate button for you. her floor being the one below yours.
"sorry we have to stop at mine first..." she began and you shook her head to stop her.
"don't be. it's okay... i was heading up anyway." you finally had strength to talk again, "i should be saying sorry for keeping you from getting home."
she scoffed at your response, displaying one of the warmest smiles you've ever seen.
"sweetie, you're doing me a favor."
the elevator dinged and opened to her floor, the woman turning to walk out.
"i am?" you asked her and she nodded, standing outside the elevator doors.
"yes. because no man deserves to make someone as lovely as you this sad."
your face went from feeling defeated to utter confusion as the woman smiled again. this time knowing exactly what you were going to ask.
"i know disappointment when i see it."
and just like that, the elevator door closed.
~ ~
"how are you feeling otherwise?" cassandra asked you, momentarily glancing over at your beautiful table.
"better. only sometimes," you responded, a lump suddenly appearing in your throat. feeling as if you were half lying somewhere.
"that's okay. just remember that someone who's broken you then doesn't deserve to break you now," she gently held your cheek, looking at you as if for the first time again.
"and besides, who knows who you'll might meet today."
~ ~
cassandra's words rung in your ears, weighing heavy on a hopelessly romantic heart. being alone was easy and you weren't lying if you admitted that to anyone because it was true. that was one of the perks of moving here, along with meeting all of your new friends.
but being lonely... that was difficult. especially when the fall season would blend into the holidays. one night after the other. because everyone seemed to find their someone by the times gifts were supposed to be given. which is why you wanted to put everything into the community fair this year.
and because heartbreak anniversaries were apparently a thing on your calendar.
you glanced over at your table, the last few books lingered for awhile. some people glancing over at them, while others would pick it up just to place it back down again. you didn't really know why seeing a book not being chosen hurt a small part of you. but it did.
or maybe you knew but didn't want to face it.
soon enough, you noticed someone hovering near the entrance, like he was contemplating whether or not to let his curiousity get the best of him. it may have been a little more than an hour or so when he actually approached your table.
you quickly stood up in response, as you noticed him eyeing a few of the older books. his hands lingered on each cover, not saying a word. his hair was blonde, wavy and messy, like he'd just woken up. the rest of him was covered by a black mask.
you did notice the way his hands moved though, hesitating to pick something. shaking a bit, a shadow crossed your peripheral and you could've sworn you saw a bruise somewhere on his knuckles.
"do you need help finding anything?" your voice coming out a lot softer than you had hoped. he looked up and you felt this entire weight lift off of you. like something encapsulating you just shattered into a million pieces and suddenly you could breathe again.
his eyes were so blue, like you were swimming in this endless ocean full of life and somehow you couldn't tell the difference between the stillness of the water or the blueness of the sky.
you could see a slight smiling forming on his face before he shook his head no.
"oh well if you want anything... i really recommend any of the classics."
his eyes glimmered a bit, letting his hand linger on one of the few books he was eyeing before.
"how much is it?" his deep tone caught you by surprise as you hesitated to respond. your own voice catching in your throat.
"oh um... everything is free."
and just like that, you noticed something switch in him, a sense of curiosity filling those calm waters.
"which ones have you read so far?"
you didn't realize it, but your eyes lit up at the question. and he noticed. a small smile forming on his face.
"oh this one is my favorite... i haven't finished it, but it was really good from where i left off," you pointed at pride and prejudice.
you smiled at him, like your excitement was taking over and he could tell how much you loved talking about books. his gaze never wavering as you spoke about the stories that overwhelmed you and the others that never lasted a few pages before you decided to stop. he listened with such intent, such intrigue, it made you feel like you were someone he had known for years.
his aura was beautiful and a part of you wished that something would lead to something which would lead to something else. you didn't even feel anything in that regard, not yet anyway, but that same part. it was pulling... gently. ever so gently tugging at your heart.
"thank you for all of your recommendations," he began, holding on to ever single book you spoke about. you were about to protest that he didn't have to, but he was adament on keeping every single one.
"are you sure you want to get all of them?" your voice wavering on worry, but all he did was smile at you, letting out a soft laugh.
"i'm sure."
his voice was so reassuring, you almost forgot to offer him a bag. there was a slight pause before you realized, eyes widened in embarrassment.
you quickly apologized to him, running to the back to get a bag. you left the table feeling this overwhelming warmness flow through you as you noticed your heart beating against your chest. you tried to hide the excitement, but your heart was already getting your hopes too high.
but when you came back, your heart instantly dropped right into your stomach. a woman was now standing next to him, but something was different in his eyes. the oceans were no longer waves crashing against the seashore. they were climbing under thunderstorms. drowning in its own current.
her hair was dark red in color, flowing to accentuate the curves of her body. she was unbelievably gorgeous and your heart sank even more. but there was something about her that you couldn't figure out.
"here's your bag, i didn't mean to—"
"why your table is absolutely gorgeous, isn't it austin?"
he didn't glance at you or her or anyone. all he did was nod. you noticed the grip she had on his arm. it was tight. suffocating.
you offered the bag to them, but she shooed your hand away, like you were merely just a bug.
"no need sweetie, we were just on our way out. he was just looking anyway."
you tried your best to keep your composure, but you were fuming on the inside. only cassandra could call you that and at least when she did, it was endearing. not spiteful.
she flashed you the biggest smile that fueled your fire even more as she pulled austin away. you noticed him stiffen when they left the table. he couldn't even look at you.
and he couldn't even say goodbye.
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doppel-doodles · 8 months
Hi, i really like your art and you writing, you are really good, so I wanted to know if you could Make some headcanons about Macaque ,Wukong ,Azure AND Shadowpeach with a Male or GN reader that Is súper soft with them and supports them when they are down, I was thinking about Wukong AND Macaque without The glamour things and insecure about their real apearence, and Azure with some scars after The Jade emperor Situation, Those boys need some love AND im sorry if I am overloading you with this request, Thanks
Heya! Firstly thanks a bunch for requesting and for the compliments! It's really sweet:> I was a bit confused in the request if you meant shadowpeach and the boys separately or just shadowpeach so I did the former just to be safe! Hope you enjoy!
Azure, Wukong and Macaque with a supportive reader
Azure lion
If we're going with Azure somehow surviving what happened to him in season 4 then I imagine he would probably gain large scars all over his body from the jade emperor's powers being too much for him to the point it was literally tearing him apart.
One goes over his eye and he has most likely lost some vision with that one, another cuts into his mane creating a slight bald spot. And the rest are scattered all across from his arms to his legs.
I don't think he would cover them up with glamour though, he would most likely keep them out as a reminder of what he did, a warning even.
Finally realizing that he wasn't the good guy and everything he did was in fact not good comes with a lot of emotions: guilt,shame even remorse.
But that's where you come in!
You don't know what Azure did or even who he was before you two met. With you he could have a fresh start, something he may have desperately needed after everything.
You would never try and pry about what happened to him to be so banged up either.
Not even when he wakes up in the middle of the night after a horrible nightmare, dreaming about how that day he was defeated could have turned out...
You just hold him,sooth him, tell him he's safe and that whatever he saw wasn't real.
And you'll continue to do so until he passes out in your arms, becoming a snoring mess once again.
You'll never know just how grateful he is to you for this, his appreciation just grows deeper every time.
He has debated over telling you who he used to be and what he had done, to be honest something inside him is deeply afraid that you'll hate him if he tells you even with you showing him nothing but care and support, and if you would he wouldn't fault you for it, not one bit.
He will tell you the story behind his scars one day, he just needs a little more time.
Sun Wukong
Okay, for Wukong I actually feel like it'll take him EXTREMELY long to drop the glamour around you. He really needs to be insanely comfortable with your presence and that alone takes time.
Him and being open with people just don't seem to mesh you feel me?
It also just stings his ego a bit. He is supposed to be the monkey king, the great sage equal to heaven for him you don't imagine that kind of guy getting hurt like ever right?
But if you are patient with him you'll eventually have him coming home, dropping his glamour and happily falling into your arms for a well deserved cuddle after a long day.
And once he showed them to you there really is no going back for him, the feeling of you kissing over his scarred skin? The way it fills him with that warm fuzziness? He wouldn't trade it for all the peaches in the world.
I imagine the circlet that was used on him actually left a scar that goes all around his head, so be sure to place lots of kisses on his forehead yes?
I've also played around with the idea that when the lady bone demon possessed Wukong it actually left a scar on his back were her power entered.
The skin ther is not just cool to the touch, it is ice cold.
This one is especially hard to look at for him but he can always feel it, no matter how many layers he wears that spot will always feel cool,dead even.
And death is something he does not like.
So when you hug him from behind or give him back rubs, your body heat breathing life back into his skin for a brief period of time it almost makes him regret hiding this from you for so long!
Surprisingly with Macaque it's EVEN WORSE he has a major case of trust issues so don't think he'll dump to you even though he definitely should let it out-
Like you actually have the patience of a saint if you can put up with him for that long in his eyes, which is great! He loves that about you!
With your encouragement he'll actually become willing to show his eye scar in public...kinda.
What I mean is when he is in human form performing at his shadow theater it would be there but covered by his hood so nobody would actually be able to see it.
Listen we are taking baby steps here-
And you couldn't be prouder of these tiny steps! And you let him know that, oh how you let him know that.
He is low key kinda startled by it at first, in his mind you should probably feel a bit cheated by him doing it this way but you just aren't. It makes his heart flutter more than he likes to admit.
He also appreciates the little things you do for him when you learn of his six ears and exceptional hearing.
Without even noticing you'll talk in a quieter voice or just watch your tone in general or you just carry a pair of noise cancelling headphones around for him incase you two find yourself in an unbearably loud environment and for whatever reason can't leave.
He ADORES your thoughtfulness for him to be honest.
It's been a while since he experienced anything like it.
Here is a shocker I don't think it'll take them even half as long to drop the glamour in this situation.
Because those two have a history, they know mostly what the other truly looks like already so there isn't as much pressure to hide it from the other since they already know.
And it would kinda make them feel bad to leave you out of the loop at that point, you're part of this relationship too after all so if they can show their scars to each other then they should show them to you as well right?
Although seeing Macaques eye stirs up a mix of feelings in Wukong every time.
He caused it after all.
Also I like the idea of Macaque planning out this whole grandiose reveal to you, like the extra Theater kid he is he actually has a whole script written out and memorised down to the very last line, yes he tried forcing Wukong to do the same, no he did not do the same.
Then the day before Wukong strolls in with no glamour like "HERE I AM!" Like the jerk he is-
Macaque proceeded to have a friendly round of rough housing with him for that:D
Besides that I imagine it being like it was in their own headcanons just with these two occasionally fighting for your attention
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
the show must go on | buggy
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Buggy | AO3
synopsis: When he captured the crew that has stolen from him, Buggy expected a lot of things. His precious map, his ship back, maybe even some berries. Buggy for sure didn't expect to be allured by your scared eyes.
warnings: smut. bondage. groping. spiting. edging. oral sex. penetration. tw: use of 'prettygirl'. same female!reader oc from nami (you can read as the stories being conected or not, your choice bae).
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The chains were too heavy for you to break free. They had your ankles glued to the wooden chair' legs, arms tied behind it. The more you struggle, the more your muscles ache and your wrists burn. Your eyes sting with forming tears, and the lights in the mirror in front of you made your vision blur.
It all happened so fast. The poisoned mist, a caused fainting, the opening act of that terrified circus. Nami running away. She left you and the others, but you were truly sad that they catch her. You thought she would be able to escape. You wanted that to happen.
After that, Buggy's crew were even faster.
Zoro was imprisoned in what looked like a storage room. Nami was dragged there too. Pirates found ropes, probably to torture Luffy somehow. You tried to run, but you knew it wouldn't work out. You ended up locked on a old dressing room with a pirate watching over you.
The only thing you could do was to remain silent and keep on looking at yourself in the mirror. Until Luffy screamed.
Cold sweat spread across your skin, but soon Luffy's adorable laugh relieved you. What was amazing for you was a reason for your watcher to ran towards the main stage.
And all you needed was to be alone for a moment.
You bet money that Zoro is strong enough to break out of the chains in your place. You can almost hear the iron shattering. And Nami is stealth, you know for sure that she has something with her to break free from anywhere. But you also have something they don't: a screwdriver.
You still can't believe how his crew didn't check your pockets.
That's not the first time you hear about Buggy. He's a wanted pirate, known by his sadism and a delusion that you still not sure if it's an act or not. He clearly have no respect for the people living on this island, or your crew, not even his crew for that matter.
You guess he assumed you didn't represent any threat. And he was absolutely right. You can't put on a fight with him. You're not a swordsman, a trained thief, someone that ate a devil's fruit. But if you break free and manage to help your crew, than all those things won't fucking matter.
It was difficult to handle the screwdriver with your back turned, without seeing what you were doing and with your hands still tied, but that didn't stop you. Luffy would rather die than surrender, which means someone needs to save his ass.
With the incessant clicks of metal against metal, you imagined the ways Buggy would torture him. And then he would go after Zoro. Nami. You. How would he tear you apart? In which ways would he break your soul?
Steps startled you. In a second you hid the screwdriver and pretented that your chains weren't lighter than before. You looked back at the mirror, the lights momentarily blinding you, and put your head to work.
With your watcher back, you won't be able to free yourself. But maybe you can persuade him. Lure him into helping. That you can do.
You thought he would do like before: sit in one of the armchairs and act like you weren't there. Instead, you felt hands on your shoulders. You shivered, but they tightened your skin and stopped you from squirming any further.
Did he noticed what you're trying to do? Maybe there is a mirror you can't see, something that let him observe everything you did. You held the screwdriver stronger. He's right behind you, it can't be that difficult to hurt him.
"Poor thing. This wasn't how you expected your day to end, was it? Tied up, alone in a strange place, helpless." You foght the burning in your eyes and tried to focus your vision. Even though you struggled to see, you knew who was behind you. You recognized the voice the moment he opened his mouth. "Not at all my intention. Althought every show gets better with a damsel in distress."
You grind your teeth. Not just kidnapping and immobilizing you, Buggy also wanted to humiliate you? You'll show him where he can put all those poisoned words. "Oh, wasn't that your intention? That was quite clear the moment you ordered them to tie me to where I am."
Buggy squeezed your shoulders again, but this time it felt more like a massage than an act of control. He pout, softening his eyes. "But can you blame me? Your gang stole something from me."
In another situation, that touch would be comforting. Welcomed. But tied to that chair, not even the most beautiful words would be able to have any effect on your body. "But you weren't the one who stole the map, were you?"
Buggy leaned in, his face beside yours. Now you could see him perfectly. The condescending smile, the accusing eyes, the unstoppable mocking tone. His skin was so warm. "And I will get it back", he whispered against your ears, ignoring your question. "So why don't you help me, sweetie?"
"You can get fucked", you snapped. You turned your face, looking at him straight on instead of using the mirror. You gave him a sneer. "I'm not saying anything."
"Geez", Buggy smiled back. Or maybe he didn't. It was difficult to say with all the makeup on his face. He touched your cheeks, you tried to turn your face away from him but he held you by the chin. "Guess your time alone has left you in a bad mood."
He squeezed your face, his nails scratching your skin. Buggy continued to act as if nothing unusual was happening. Maybe for him that was commonplace. "I saw the things you created. All spread out on the ship your little friend stole from me. That means they're mine, right?"
Your struggle in the chair, but he held you in place. An animalistic sound escaped your lips, unintelligible because of Buggy and the anger you felt at the mere mention of losing your inventions.
"Losing all your instruments, your tools, the progress reports," Buggy said this as if he was reading the ride list at an amusement park. "And the inventions, of course."
In a display of strength and agility, Buggy easily turned your seat. Now facing him head on, his face so close to yours, you held your breath. "Or you could join my crew."
You spat on his face. "I'd rather die than be one of your freaks."
It was a risky choice. A move that could go very wrong. But you needed to make sure Buggy wouldn't notice the sound of your hands going back to work on the chains.
He wiped his face with his thumb, snorting at you. Then came silence. Just his eyes staring into yours, your hands working, your heart beating loudly against your ears.
Buggy leaned over, his face inches from yours. You could almost feel his nose against yours. "There are certain things you don't do with a host. Things that cannot be ignored."
He grabbed your hair, his fingers brushing your scalp, and squeezed. You were forced to look up, your neck burning. "Now open your mouth. Lick it clean."
"Fuck you", was your answer.
Buggy tugged on your hair, you felt your scalp burning, and he stuck his wet fingers in your mouth. He didn't wait for you to open up, he just made them cross your lips and press your tongue down.
You could have bitten his fingers. Struggled somehow. Instead, you remained still. If you were a great liar you would have believed it was out of fear of Buggy. Or because it was better to focus on the chains than on beating him in any way. But you weren't, so truth has become visible and palpable in you.
The long fingers in your mouth, the digits sinking against your tongue, his cold skin. And his lack of care, of delicacy, made you feel so full. You salivated against Buggy's fingers.
You liked it, and it surprised you more than anyone else.
But not only visible in your sharp gaze, and palpable in your wet mouth, the truth also became audible. When Buggy tried to take his fingers out of your mouth, a moan escaped with it.
So maybe Buggy was more surprised than you. And its been a long time since he last got surprised.
"Oh," Buggy licked his lips. He let go of your hair, your neck finally relieving. Buggy bent down, sitting on his heels and looking at you from his height. Now he got a smile on his face. You're pretty fucking sure he has one. "I see it now."
He slid his dry hand over your cheek, caressing it with an affection that surprised you. You almost lean on his touch. Almost.
His hand slid from your cheek to your waist. Buggy squeezed you, almost tighter than the chains you're trying to free yourself from. But his touch didn't bother you. It didn't make you feel trapped.
Buggy was that nightmare that occupied the minds of anyone who ever heard of his exploits. But there, crouched in front of you, you didn't think about any of that. You didn't think about anything at all.
"Pretty face, sharp mind. I won't get any answer out of you," Buggy whispered. His nails scratched your knees, moving up your thighs in an excruciatingly slow motion. Buggy stopped at the hem of your skirt, and played with the fabric. "So tell me, inventor, do you want to have a good time?"
"You kidnapped me,” you replied. "Arrested my friends. Tortured one of them."
"He didn't even cry", Buggy's nails lightly scratched the back of your knee. He threw the hat away, you heard the sound of something else falling. "And the past is the past."
You swallowed hard. "I can't do this."
"I will be your dirty secret", Buggy kissed your knee. The kiss went further on your skin, giving you goosebumps. "C'mon, pretty girl. You really gonna say no? I'm on my knees."
"You're not on your knees."
Without hesitation, Buggy knelt in front of him. He squeezed your waist, mischievous eyes staring into yours. "Say you don't want this."
At some point the truth would escape you. "Be quick", Buggy was sure he saw flames behind your eyes. "I still have to escape from here."
“Ah, pretty girl,” Buggy chuckled against your thighs. His laughter seemed to go through his body. "You won't escape me."
It wasn't a threat. For you, it landed as some kind of promise.
"Just wait and see", you promised him back.
Buggy lift your skirt, revealing you to him. He glared at you, almost making you shy away. Of course you couldn't move, but it still made you want to. His gaze rose to your eyes, and this time the smile was more natural. Almost a hidden line in all that red makeup.
Slowly, looking you in the eyes, Buggy licked from your entrance to the top of your pussy. Buggy seemed to be someone who was insatiable, but his calmness made you shiver.
It made you feel like this was going to take longer than you imagined. It made you feel like Buggy was going to devour you until there was nothing left.
And so he did. Buggy calmly played with you, got to know your body, found every nerve and got lost in them. You could feel yourself melting against his face. Turning into this brainless creature because of his touch.
When he got tired of torturing your lips, Buggy focused on your soaked entrance. He stuck his tongue into you, finding every nerve, and fucked you with it. You felt yourself grinding against his face, his nose pressing against your clit just the right way.
And when you were about to reach your peak, he pulled away.
"Do I need to wait more?" Buggy mocked you. You grunted, making Buggy laugh. "Anytime now you gonna magically break free?"
You lost count of how many times Buggy repeated this. He would take you to the gates of heaven only to bring you back to earth. It was torturous. Intoxicating. But one thing you can't say: that it didn't give you the time you needed.
Buggy pulled away, leaving bites on his thigh. "How much longer will I need to wait?"
At your limit, you didn't even bother to tell you. You just let go of the chains that previously held you, making Buggy's eyes widen, and pushed him with your feet. He fell onto his back, his face terrifyingly staring as you moved, his body propped up on his elbows. "How did you-"
You threw yourself at him, pulling his pants down. Buggy squirmed in your hands, feeling your fingers pressing against his cock. "Magic", you answered him.
Buggy would believe on anything you said to him if you kept on touching him like that.
Soaking wet, your pussy didn't need anything else to accommodate his cock. You felt it stretching you, making you feel so full, and heard Buggy's wit comments turning into desperate whimpers. He was just as sensitive as you. Just as needy as you.
Leaning on Buggy, your hands against his chest supporting you, you bounced on his cock.
And you didn't have the same patience as him. That wet sound, that impure and malicious sound, echoed through the dressing room. Their moans, Buggy's still surprised whispers, filled the entire room. For a moment you thought the whole world would be able to hear you.
To hear how good it was to be torn apart by Buggy.
But as Buggy said, he would be your dirty secret. A nasty memory about something you shouldn't have wanted so bad, but that you did it anyway. Buggy would be someone you shouldn't have been with, but fuck you would do it again if you ever have the chance.
And when you reached your so desired orgasm, when Buggy felt compressed by you warm wall and cum inside you, Buggy was the person you left whimpering on the floor so you could help your crew.
Little did you knew you carried a part of him with you.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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sillysillyprice · 2 months
I am very confusion! Why do so many of the ancients trust burning spice?
I subscribe to the idea that he's not going to be a purple yam 2.0, But I imagine building trust with the cookies who "stole" your soul jam would be rather difficult.
I'm curious to see what your answer will be, have a good day!
This will be long but interesting to explain, since it is one of the things I had the most fun imagining!
The idea that Burning Spice has been the bearer of the virtue of change gave me a somewhat childish vision? about him, Of course, this virtue would later be corrupted according to the original canon, but in my AU, rather than being corrupted, what happened was that Shadow Milk controlled him to do all the atrocities he did
When he was sealed, he was freed from the control of Shadow Milk, and had the privilege of not being completely locked up, his only impediment was not being able to leave a small village, village where the last inhabitants of his own kingdom were, where he was in charge of protecting them for generations, although he remained in the shadows of everything, because even if it was not voluntary, part of what happened was his fault after all
After a long, long, LONG time what the original story dictates happens, the beasts are released and the ancients must face them (There are parts where I stick to the canon, others where I directly invent everything, it's not like the entire story is already released, so from time to time there could be changes...)
Golden Cheese somehow reaches the village that Burning Spice protects, and Burning Spice himself tries to kick her out! He doesn't want strangers in his lands, especially one who has a Soul Jam... He doesn't want to know about wars or the power of soul jam, he just wants to take care of his village, he can't understand why those kinds of fights should happen, in his own words "all this could be solved if they saw how stupid it is, they just hurt themselves for nothing"
Golden Cheese realizes that Burning Spice is not a bad guy (he just hangs out with the wrong people hehe) and although he would like to leave him alone, since the poor guy has been through too much–
He also can't ignore the fact that having a "beast" on his side would be incredibly valuable, so he makes a deal with him, his village will be safe, Golden Cheese would use his power to keep the village hidden from any danger and the inhabitants would enjoy luxuries, the only thing Burning Spice had to do was cooperate in the fight
and he accepts, because, one, he liked Golden Cheese, he considered her a great cookie, and two, keeping his village as safe as possible was his number one priority
The other ancients at first clearly distrusted him, but over time... they realized that he was just a big little guy that agreed with several of his ideals, to make a better world and to end disputes
What if I made it a little silly? Yes, but I feel that it gives him a certain charm and grace, he is a giant guy who sees life in such a simple way that it is even adorable! consider it like a giant puppy
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kingofpopmj · 6 months
you could do a story with Michael Jackson where he is married to Y/N just to please the media and he doesn't really love her that much. However, he respects her even though he gives her a few arrows with nasty words, making her disappointed. Also, if possible, at some point in the bedroom while Y/N is sleeping, Michael appears slightly nervous and when he sees her, he starts kissing her because he misses her touches.... and... maybe a passionate ending smut????please…. thank u😩😙💓
~This is my first smut imagine, so don’t be too hard on me.🙈 I hope you enjoy it! Michael is spicy in this one so read at your own risk. Thank you to the hunni that requested this!
I'll Change The Rules For You
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*Michael’s POV*
The heaviness in my heart grew unbearable as I unlocked the front door. The shine of my wedding ring ever so bright as I slowly pushed the door open. I quietly entered the house. It was spotless. The house filled with the smell of a homemade meal. My favorite meal. The distant sound of Y/N humming made me feel everything and nothing all at once. She was- she’s fine. I’m fine. We’re fine.
I stood in the doorway unable to shut the door behind me just yet. I wanted to be home. It’s just home doesn’t feel much like home lately. I let out a deep sigh before closing the door. There’s no running. I can’t run away. Making my way to the kitchen with small steps I’m greeted with Y/N’s backside. She was bent over putting something in the oven. A normal husband would happily announce his arrival or greet his wife with a kiss, but me- I have no idea what to do.
“Oh my goodness!” Y/N jumped when she finally turned around. “You scared me.”
“I do live here.” I scoffed.
“Of course you live here. I just wasn’t sure what time you’d be home.” She smiled hopefully. “I’m happy to see you.” She moved towards me wrapping her arms around me. When I didn’t reciprocate the gesture her arms fell to her sides. The look of defeat plastered across her face.
“I’m gonna go take care of some things.”
“Wait.” She gently held my arm stopping my abrupt exit. “I made dinner. I thought we could eat together. Maybe have a movie night?” Again, she smiled. It was full of love and optimism. I couldn’t stand the feeling in my chest, but still I held my ground.
“I’ll pass.”
“I don’t understand why you’re being this way.” It came out as a whisper, but I heard it. I heard her sadness. I felt her despair.
“You don’t understand a lot.” I snapped.
“We used to be friends.” She looked up at me with watery eyes and in that moment I hated myself.
“We are what we are. That’s it.”
“What are we?”
“We are legally bound to one another.” I said with a shrug. I didn’t look at her. I couldn’t.
“You make it sound so-“
“I make it sound like what it is!” Y/N jumped back at my sudden outburst. She looked terrified- terrified of me.
“Why do you have to be so mean?” Her voice laced with pain. “You asked me to do this for you and I did because you promised me nothing would change.”
“I’m not being mean! It’s not my fault you’re a dimwit that can’t understand simple concepts! You keep acting like this perfect little housewife. It’s too much! You are too much! We did this to get the world off my back, yet somehow you’ve managed to screw that up! It’s exhausting being your husband- your fake husband!”
“I gave up my whole life because my friend asked me- no begged me to help him. I couldn’t be anything else but Michael Jackson’s wife. You knew that. I had to abandon my family, my friends, my job. Everything. I know this isn’t real, I know we aren’t real, but I still thought you were worth it. I tried to make this strange situation as comfortable as possible, but you are determined to hurt me. To break me.”
“Y/N-” I stopped when she put her hand up shaking her head slowly. She untied the apron from around her waist placing it on the counter.
“Dinner is on the table. I made the cake you like. It’s in the oven- just take it out when the timer goes off.” She spoke softly before leaving the kitchen forcing me to watch her walk away- walk away from me. It seemed inevitable.
She doesn’t deserve this.
I don’t deserve her.
I took my seat at the table unable to eat anything. After how I treated Y/N, I deserved the loss of appetite and more. I stared at the spread in front of me, which only made me feel worse. She did so much for me. She does so much for me. The kitchen timer went off reminding me of the cake in the oven. I walked over to take it out. She really did all of this for me. She’s the best person in my life. The only one I can truly trust and I’m going to lose her.
Two hours have gone by since Y/N left. I knew she fell apart after how I spoke to her. She felt safe in our bedroom, so I knew that were she was. I desperately wanted to see her- hold her- be with her. I knew the shame would become insufferable the moment I looked into her eyes. Even with that understanding, I couldn’t stay away from her. The effect she has on me is something I don’t think I’ll ever fully comprehend.
Another forty-five minutes went by before I mustered up the courage to leave the kitchen. I found myself struggling to proceed when I reached the bottom of the staircase. I need to make this right. I need to fix this. I need Y/N.
As I reached to top of the staircase I see the bedroom door is closed, but as I twisted the knob I was thankful it wasn’t locked. My eyes scanned the room unable to find Y/N. The bed was made without a crease in sight. The only source of light illuminating from the bathroom. I rushed over hoping to find her braiding her hair in front of the mirror or massaging her face with that lotion she loved so much. It smelled like peonies, her favorite flower. The more time that passed without any trace of Y/N the more empty I felt. I was starting to feel worried, but mostly confused.
The closet was the last place to check. Nothing could prepare me for how broken I’d feel once I pushed that door open. The hangers were empty on Y/N’s side of the closet. Her suitcases littered the floor half full of her belongings. She was curled up into a ball on the tiny couch I got her for our first anniversary. It’s from France. She fell in love with the soft velvet fabric and I knew I had to surprise her with it. I still remember the smile on her face. She was so touched. She was so happy. Ironic, how easily- how quickly I tarnished that happiness. When I realized she was asleep I moved closer. Her tear stained cheeks broke my heart further. The pain in my chest growing by the second.
“I’m so sorry.” I whispered kneeling down to leave a gentle kiss on her forehead. Unable to take my eyes off of her I gently took her hand in mine- her left hand. I admired the ring on her finger remembering the proposal, the smile on her face, the joy that filled my heart and the love between us. “I’m so sorry.” I whispered again leaving kisses on her hand.
“Y/N?” I said softly trying to wake her up without scaring her. Her eyes remained shut as she instinctively snuggled into my hand that rested against her cheek. I couldn’t help myself. I cupped her face in my hands as I left tender kisses all over face.
“Michael?” Y/N sat up looking at me bewildered.
“I’m so sorry.” She avoided looking into my eyes. “Please don’t leave me. I’m so sorry.”
“You act like you hate me.” She murmured staring down at our entangled hands.
“I don’t.” I began kissing her hand slowly traveling up her arm, shoulder and neck.
“Michael.” Y/N pulled away finally meeting my eyes. “You can’t bombard me with kisses and think that erases all the bad.”
“I know. I know. Y/N, I love you.”
“You can’t just say that and not mean it or act like it.”
“When I asked you to marry me as a favor I didn’t necessarily think it through.”
“What do you mean?”
“We loved each other as friends. I thought it would stay that way. It didn’t. Not for me. You promised me five years of marriage. On our third anniversary, I asked you for an extra five more and you obliged. You agreed to ten whole years as my wife.”
“I knew it would help you, so of course I said yes.”
“We’re just about to hit the five year mark and the thought of eventually having to let you go terrifies me. I asked for five more years because I don’t want to be without you.” I leaned in before she could respond and kissed her. I kissed her like I meant it. I kissed her like how I’ve been desperately wanting to for so long. Desperately, I pulled her to sit on top of me guiding her hips as I brought her down to my lap.
“What about the rules? No sex.”
“Those were impossible rules to follow. An idiot created those rules.” I say brushing her hair behind her shoulder and sinking my face into her neck. Her perfume filled my nostrils and I mentally kicked myself for denying myself of this pleasure sooner.
“Calling yourself an idiot there rule maker?” She questioned rolling her eyes and giggling. Oh, that sound. I love that sound.
“I think I deserve it, don’t you?” She shrugged in response. I pulled her closer, so close her body moulded to mine. “You’re my wife. I want to do this the right way. I want to do it all with you. I want this to be real.”
“I don’t want to push you away anymore. I want to bury myself in you.” I whispered in her ear as she took a deep breath. “Let me bury myself inside of you.” I purred against her sweet lips. My hands slowly traveled from her hips to her waist taking in every curve. I dragged my fingers just below her breasts to unbutton her shirt. I slid it down her arms leaving trails of goosebumps on her skin. I knew by the uneven rise and fall of her beautiful chest she wanted me just as badly.
“Please.” She said breathlessly tearing my shirt off and throwing it across the room.
Y/N’s head fell back as I kissed her neck, sucking down on the sensitive skin. Her fingers laced in between the strands of my hair as she kept me close. She rolled her hips against mine painfully slow as she met my gaze. The look in her eyes was more than enough to send me over the edge. She continued and I was could feel myself lose control. Y/N stopped without warning sensing my predicament. I held her hips with such force I’m certain she’d be covered with bruises. I want her. I need her to move- to move faster, but she refused to give me what I wanted. She was going to make me beg- and I would- I will. A seductive smirk covered her face. She enjoyed teasing me.
“I need you.” I panted trying to compose myself.
“I know.” She whispered in my ear unaware of just how much I worshipped her. She left wet kisses down my neck and chest as she pushed me until my back met the rug. I gawked at her unable to form any words. Unable to do anything but follow her every move.
She made me so weak.
I watched as she unzipped my pants sliding them down my legs.
She looked deep into my eyes as she removed my boxers.
I was so lost in her eyes that being completely naked in front of her didn’t register. The only thing on my mind was her.
The immense feeling of emptiness took over me as Y/N stood letting her panties fall to the ground.
I extended my arms folding them behind my head as I admired the view. She smiled bashfully before returning to her place- on top of me. Oh how I loved this view.
I reached out touching her anywhere-everywhere. I never thought anything would feel so good. Look so good. Taste so good.
Y/N let out a shaky breath, holding onto my shoulders lowering herself onto me.
I could feel everything.
I love the way she feels. I never want to go without her again. I’m hooked.
Her warmth tightened around me as she took me in deeper. Her eyes squeezed shut adjusting to me. The sound of my name falling from her lips only fueled my neediness.
My eyes rolling back at the sensation of her. I’ve missed out on this for too long. I glanced down at our connected bodies before quickly flipping us over. I settled in between her legs. I needed to be on top of her. I needed more. My hand traveled up her outer thighs and I took the opportunity to wrap her legs around me.
“You feel so- so good.” I lowered myself to meet her lips once again as I began to thrust into her. She interlocked her ankles behind my back pulling me in deeper each time.
“Faster!” Her voice was full of lust and it drove me wild. “Michael! Please!”
The room filled with the overwhelming sound of us satisfying one another. She brought something out in me I couldn’t explain. I licked and sucked on every part of her glorious body. Each moment better than the last.
She kissed me like I’ve never been kissed before. Her lips so soft. Her tongue so sweet. Kissing her came natural to me. Kissing her made me feel alive. Kissing her was like breathing. I needed it to live. I needed her to live.
“I’m going to-“ I felt myself release inside of her. The sting of Y/N’s fingernails dragging down the length of my back adding to my pleasure. We were both panting, but insistent on staying connected. Insistent on burying myself inside of her over and over again.
“Please!” Her lustful cries echoed off the walls as she clenched around me. Watching her come undone made me want to do this- do her all night- every night.
“Michael!” I collapsed on top of her resting my head on her voluminous chest.
“I love you.”
“I love you.” She began laughing uncontrollably. I looked up at her seeing a genuine smile gracing her face.
“What is it?”
“I can’t believe we just did that.” She sheepishly covered her face and I immediately pulled her hands into mine. Forcing her to look at me.
“I wish we had done it sooner.” I smiled kissing her deeply.
“The floor was fun.. Can we maybe try a couch or a mattress next time?”
“Next time?” I moved sliding my arms under her neck and legs lifting her up and walking out of the closet into our bedroom. I laid her on the bed gently spreading her legs with the tips of my fingers. “Who said I was done with you?” I chuckled leaning down kissing her inner thighs.
“Michael! Oh my-”
“Relax, I’ve got you baby.”
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missmiyao · 3 months
Trapped (Bokuto Kotaro)
This is my first time posting fanfiction here. Please, be kind to me and my bad grammars. This is a story of Haikyuu!! Bokuto and you. Yes, no name mention but the story emphasize heavily on female reader.
Warning: Dark content, use of drug, rape, non consensual, blackmailing, cursing, use of alcohol, mention of making out, yandere.
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It's such a blurry night. You don't even know where you're now. Hell, you don't even remember why you're here in the first place. The loud music, the sensual and awkward movements of people dancing, the way some people tried to grind on your ass- men and women, makes everything feels more hazy than before. 
Ah, you're in a nightclub. Finally, you remember.
You're not even want to be here in the first place. It's just some stupid reunion of Karasuno High School Volleyball Club. Hitoka Yachi, one of your closest friend and senior during high school- also your other partner as manager when she is in second year, begging that you would come with her.
Today is the day of the match of MSBY Black Jackals versus Schweiden Adlers and almost everyone from the high school club is here, celebrating in the nightclub. Also, there are a few members of Black Jackals around and you hate it. You want to go back home.
Now, you don't even know where Yachi is. Perhaps, she went to the bathroom. Perhaps, she's having one of the best hook up with her life with who's the guy again? Ah. Yamaguchi. Whatever it is, it's not your place to judge.
Everyone is now legal, you just turned 23 a few days ago. You barely finished your degree in college. Now, you just want to find a better job than you're working right now because your boss is such an ass even though you're just started working. Hell, you're in the company less than 3 months and chaos already ensued.
Your head feels throbbing, as if it's going to explode in a minute. You need to leave.
As you walk on the dance floor, just wanting to exit through the front door while pushing people that keep dancing and annoy you to no end, someone pulls your arm. You want to yell, really. Your head is pounding, and this person might be the cause if you drop dead right here and now.
"Hey! Going home already?" Someone calls for your name and seriously, you don't even know this guy well. Yes, he's someone in Black Jackals team but who cares?
You don't reply to his advances, simply shove away his hand that might be gripping way too hard on your arm. It's really painful or maybe, it's just an exaggeration? Maybe, you just drink too much tonight and need to call it a night.
"Hm." You said that after you feel he keeps tugging you, as if he didn't want you to leave. Perhaps it's just your imagination.
"Hey, you okay? You don't look good." Urgh, just fucking leave. You hesitate to answer now, but still, you pull away your arm from him before walks away. Maybe it's the heels you are wearing. Maybe it's just the alcohol but somehow, with the way you walk, you could even tell that you're not walking straight.
You wonder why.
The man immediately grab your waist as he noticed you're about to fall on your knees on the dance floor. He looks worried.
"Let's leave. You should sober up." You feel confuse all of sudden. Your legs feels wobbly. You're yawning too, you're sure of it. Yet, the feeling like you are about to collapse to the ground are also there.
You let the man brought you. You could not think of any way to survive this. He carefully hold your waist, slowly helps you to walk with him. Hm, did he called for cab? You didn't know. You could see he's using his phone but you could not even read the juggling words on the screen. 
You feels like the world is collapsing. Fuck, why everything feels so confusing?
Now, you're in a car with him. You could smell him since he's too close to your body. He's way taller, bigger than you but he hold you with such care. You leans to his chest, without any intention because your head hurts once again. You might be whimpering without you noticed too.
Somehow, your visions darkened right after the car stop.
You don't even know what is happening. The soft material of the duvet and the bed sheets greet your back and you feels like you're going to fall asleep. Deep slumber if you could. Some muttering from someone- the man that brought you here earlier is not something you could catch. You could not even hear shit. He's mumbling and you are sleepy.
You just want to sleep, that's all.
"So pretty... Finally, I could have you all by myself." 
Did you hear that wrong? Perhaps not. Maybe, you're really sleepy and start hearing things. Stupid drink, stupid alcohol, stupid reunion party. Stupid people that doesn't even want to hear your super pathetic life after graduation from high school.
You feel something pressed your body deeper into the sheets. It's very heavy. You feels like you're losing your breath at this moment. Although, the last thing you see is him- smiling like a psycho as he's going on top of your body. No way.
This must be a dream.
You hope so, but you immediately passed out.
It's the sound of fucking loud alarm that wake you up in the morning. You feels hazy a little, but otherwise, it is a good sleep. That's okay, until you feel the soreness coming from the lower part of your body. Confused is all you feel right now.
You don't want to think any of it, especially when you see a man is sleeping right next to you on the same bed. You want to yell, you want to scream at him. You want to hit him tons of times but you couldn't. Instead, you start crying, confused and feels vulnerable at this moment.
Whimpering mess, very, pathetic of you.
He suddenly woke up because of your damn crying. He looks irritated when his sleep has been interrupted, but when he sees you, he smile.
He smile as if he had done nothing at all.
"Good morning, sweet girl. How's your sleep?" He sounds so sweet like he always do. He always speak softly and sweetly to you when he meet you before. Even during high school. 
"I- I- what... What did you..." You can't say more words. Every syllable that you want to spit and throw at him stuck in your throat. Burning sensation is what you feel in your throat now.
"Shush, sweet girl. It's still early. Stupid alarm that Tsum Tsum set as prank for me. Let's just go back to sleep, okay?" He tap your cheek with both of his palms. He act as if you two are in relationship.
"Bokuto... I-"
"Shush. No worries. Everything will be all fine, ya?" No, it will not. What crack did he took?
"Why- why I'm here with you?" You could only speak as slow as your voice could get. Perhaps he didn't hear anything but at least you got your words out your pathetic mouth and that's an accomplishment.
"Oh! I brought you here." He smile. The curtains flapping a few times, so you could see the that the outside of your room you're now in is still dark. Indeed, it is still early.
"No. I mean, why I'm here- naked, under this sheets with you?" You feel like your heart is about to burst when you ask that question. Tears start forming in your eyes. It's such a surprised for Bokuto to see you cry so fast like this.
Never in his life he ever see you cry like that, not even when Karasuno won the third place during your second year in high school.
"Ah, that. Well listen sweet gi-"
"Did you raped me, Bokuto?" You cut his sentence, as your breath is going faster and faster each second. The dread of waiting for him to answer is not something you like. It's like a knife cutting your neck deeper and deeper each second passing.
"I would not call it rape, okay! We made love, and that's what happened last night." He wipes your tears, cooing you at the same time. His tone is stern, contradict to the soft acts he is doing now.
"No- No. Fuck, no! We did not make love or anything- I passed out. You- You took advantage of me during my vulnerable state!" You yelled at him, pushing away his hands away from you or at least your face. You feel disgusted.
Yes, you're not a virgin but this is not okay at all.
"Of course you passed out. You took a medicine." He pout when you hit his hands away. He moves a little bit, making the duvet fall from his upper body- showing his naked chest. 
"I took a what? Medicine? No. I did not do such thing. I don't even have medication that I should take!" You're tired talking to this man. You wanted to leave, but you feel weak. Your body could not move and your tears are flowing even more.
"Shhh. No, sweet girl. You did take a medicine. I put it in your drink last night. It worried me if it's not working but hey, it is!" He sounds way too happy. You wipes your tears, shaking your head in disbelief.
"You spiked my drink?!"
"That's a harsh way to put it in words, but I did put something in your drink." He didn't look guilty. You feel disgusted by this man- perhaps you should call him a pig, a menace to society and he should just die. 
He should-
"Don't even think that you can even leave me, or even tell anyone about this." His tone change and that scared you. It makes you shiver and you feel it up until your spine. You are just about to leave the bed, wanting to find at least pieces of your clothes.
"W- what? What makes you think I would keep quiet about this?" You stare at him, and he chuckles.
"I must say, you're really pretty even though you're sleeping. I could jack off of your pictures, video or anything that involves you for years. Hell, even forever." His words makes you cover your mouth. That's when you find a camera, resting just at the vanity table. You could see an indicator from the camera that it is still recording.
"Bo- You recorded us?"
"No one will ever see that if you keep your mouth shut, sweet girl."
"Woah, you two are dating? Congrats!" Yachi gives you a hug and you somehow managed to fake your smile and hug her back.
"Yeah..." It's such an awkward reply. It's so fucking awkward. 
Today is the All Star Special Match between Team A and Team B. The match doesn't start for a few hours but you're already here. You don't even want to be here in the first place. Yet, because of one thing... You're trapped. You're entangled to him to death or perhaps until he's bored of you.
"Woah, really? Congratulations Bokkun!" Atsumu suddenly appear out of nowhere with another member of Team A. You already feel embarrased. No- you want to kill yourself. Can the ground under you collapse and trap you underneath?
"Hahaha! Thanks. We might as well getting married sooner." What? Marriage? The fuck he's high about? You don't even agree on this stupid relationship in the first place. Why he insist of trapping you further?
You wants to cry, really. You look at Yachi in the eyes, hoping she see your 'help me' face but somehow, she looks excited. She looks beyond happy for the announcement of your so called marriage.
"What? Who's getting married?" Washio arrived too after he put away his phone- just after he called his older sister that wished him good luck.
"Bokuto." Kiryu tap Bokuto's shoulder, as if congratulating him and you.
Fuck, it's like everyone congratulating you and happy that he drugged you, raped you, blackmailed you and now, he wants to marry you? 
"Woah, congratulations. I didn't know you two have a thing for each other. Although, Fukurodani always know that this man here always looking at you." Washio smile a little bit and that's when you know, he's obsessed with you since high school. 
You never talk to him unless he speak first, but you only reply by gesture, too scared to talk to him because he look at you like a predator. Hell, he's not even a high school student during the first time you see him. He only came because he wants to see a man named Akaashi and during that time, he is in his semester break. How does little interaction leads to this?
What did you do in life to make him interested in you?
"Really? That's so sweet man!"
"Ya two don't even from same prefecture. Congrats again eh?" 
"Must be from training camp! Woah, love is blossoming!" 
No. It is not.
You want to yell at them that they are wrong. You want to tell them that Bokuto is a big fat liar, manipulator, rapist and he drugged and has a dirt of you. You see the video by yourself and you're not happy about it. It's real, and he has tons of back up when you tried to delete it from before.
Yet, you could only smile. Fake your smile, fake your gesture and such because in the end...
You're trapped, with him.
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beanghostprincess · 10 months
I really loved your hc about Sanji meeting Yassop and Usopp meeting Zeff and I start to think about like-
What about this with Zosan, Lusan and Lawsan?? This will be SO funny and perfect-
Just hear me: (and yes, this will be with our queen Trans!Fem Sanji)
Mihawk and Zoro going to a dinner with Sanji and Zeff because both want to know their child partner
Shanks going to Baratie 'cause Luffy insisted, and Sanji going too just to say a 'hello!' to her father and properly give the notice she's dating her captain (Luffy forgot to tell this to Shanks and he just discover he was knowing the father of his son's girlfriend when they already are in Baratie)
Law going because Sanji wanted him to know Zeff, and even hating to interact too much, he acepts because he knows how much this mean to her
And like, how you think they will react about the thing of Zeff eating his own FUCKING leg??
Okay, this is really funny- The chaos. Just imagine the chaos. Gonna try to put my thoughts into words (<- Literally a fucking writer. I'm just tired today don't blame me).
Please assume the OP world here is exactly the same but Mihawk and Shanks actually raised Zoro and Luffy. Somehow. Don't ask me how. They see them as their fathers. Zeff and Sanji's story is still the same because they're canonically family lmao. And also Transfem!Sanji as you said btw bc I love my princess.
The thing about Mihawk and Zoro going to a dinner with them is that Zoro and Sanji would try to behave but they would end up arguing in front of them anyway because that's just how they are and Mihawk and Zeff would end up talking alone about them tbh. Zeff offers Mihawk one of his best wines and Mihawk is- Well, you already know how Mihawk is. Their conversation is pretty polite but they keep drinking while the other two are in the background fighting for some meaningless bullshit like: "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET HERE FIFTEEN MINUTES AGO, STUPID MOSSHEAD" / "OKAY SO IT'S MY FAULT THAT THE SEA IS VERY ROUGH TODAY AND THE SHIP ALMOST SINKS" / "LIAR!! I'M SURE YOU JUST GOT LOST".
And it's uhhh chaotic. But there's passion and Sanji is mad because she cares about him meeting Zeff and Zoro is frustrated but actually trying to calm down. Zeff and Mihawk are very fond of tough love and passionate couples so these two fighting just means they have strong feelings for each other. However, they end up making up and sitting down with their fathers while they tell anecdotes and try to get to know each other better. Mihawk and Zeff are intimidating af and I'm like 100% sure that Zoro would be scared of Zeff at some point bc he would look at him with that look of "If you hurt my daughter I'm killing you" and Zoro is, for once in his life, scared of a cook. Then that silly topic of "Oh, yes, I ate my own leg to save this little shit of a daughter from starving to death" comes up.
Zoro almost chokes on his food and Mihawk stares at Zeff for a while, looks down at his leg, squints his eyes at him and says: It certainly is a really admirable doing. And just out of mere curiosity, was it good-
Zeff: A little bit of seasoning and less pain would've helped
Zoro: Curly, you didn't tell me your dad was cool
Mihawk: I say admirable doing because you just met her, right? I would not have done something like this for this bastard right here
Zoro: Thanks, dad
Mihawk: You're welcome I let you and Princess stay with me, don't push it
Sanji: Who's Princess?
Zoro: My sister
Mihawk: Zoro, you didn't tell your girlfriend about Perona?
Zoro: I forgot
Sanji: I'm going to murder you
And basically, long story short, the night ends pretty well to Sanji's surprise. Mihawk is very nice and polite to her even if he looks pretty dark and edgy, and Sanji can't believe that man raised an idiot like her boyfriend. Then we have Zeff, who shakes Zoro's hand so hard it hurts and whispers in his ear all the atrocities he would do to him if he hurt his precious princess. Things that won't happen, of course. That's why that 'would' is there. But still, he tells him anyway. Just in case.
When Luffy tells Shanks to go to the Baratie together, he doesn't hesitate to say yes because who would refuse to go there? What kind of pirate would he be? Sanji is already there because she decided to go a bit earlier, so Shanks instantly assumes he's just going to have lunch with his son in a very nice place and see Zeff again after a long time. When they get to the Baratie and see that Sanji is there too, Shanks assumes Sanji just stopped by too. A coincidence. He already knows that's Zeff's daughter, btw.
But then Luffy does that thing he always does, running towards someone he loves and hugging them tightly with his legs wrapped around them. And Shanks is just like "Oh, well, that's his usual behavior and he's just greeting his cook" but then they kiss and it's uh, confusing. So Shanks asks what's going on and Sanji is all like "Please, don't tell me you didn't mention this to Shanks" and Luffy just shrugs, turns around, and says "Dad, I'm dating Sanji!" then looks at his cook again smiling and Sanji sighs: "And you obviously didn't tell him this was supposed to be a thing so our dads could talk-"
Shanks: Fuck, am I meeting your dad now? Like, actually meeting him as your boyfriend's dad? That's not- Hey, Anchor, you did not mention this.
Luffy: I'm sorry! But Zeff is reaaaaally amazing!
Shanks: I am well aware that he's amazing but you need to warn me first about this stuff.
Luffy: What? It's just dad stuff-
Then Zeff appears and Shanks tries to act like a normal father for once (he can't. He fails. It doesn't work) and they actually end up having a pretty calm and fun dinner once he relaxes, remembering that Zeff has always been cool. Luffy is extremely clingy with Sanji, a thing that Shanks already knew but never guessed it was because of them dating. And now that he sees it from a different perspective, it is clear that they're in love, even if Sanji won't stop trying to push the kid away because he's obsessed with sitting close to her and eating food from her hands and things like that. Little shit has a more stable love life than him. That's depressing.
Their laughter and joyful voices fill the whole empty restaurant and Shanks and Zeff are already a bit drunk while Sanji is dragged by Luffy to sit on his lap. And it would be embarrassing but it's not like their dads are looking at them, too caught up in their own anecdotes and stories.
Then Shanks asks how Zeff met Sanji because he knows that's not his biological daughter. He remembers Zeff telling him about his little princess years ago when Sanji was still at the Baratie and Shanks stopped by to eat with his crew. And of course, Zeff explains what happened. Their shared dream and everything. Luffy isn't really listening because he already knows the story and is too focused on his girlfriend right now. Zeff tells them about the leg thing, and Shanks starts laughing so, so fucking loud and hysterically:
Zeff: You did what, too?
Shanks: Don't you notice something missing? Perhaps on the left side of my torso? There hanging? Well- Nothing hanging, actually
Zeff: You did not-
Shanks: I did not, but I lost this useless thingy saving this bastard right here
Sanji: You said you're not good at dad stuff but that's a pretty dad thing to do, huh?
Shanks: I guess so, yeah. We have more things than I thought in common, Red Leg!
Luffy: Except for cooking. Your cooking is awful.
Shanks: My cooking is amazing, Anchor, thank you very much.
Shanks: But I did a good job!
Anyway, they surprisingly have a very nice and warm meal together without Shanks or Luffy being as chaotic as Sanji thought they'd be. When they're heading out, Zeff just pats Luffy on the shoulder and tells him to take care of his princess and appreciate her food or else he'll make him clean the dishes again but this time for years, quite literally speaking. Shanks sees the couple holding hands when they get out of the restaurant, the redhead staying behind for a second to speak to Zeff. But Shanks is already at that point of drunkness where he starts having a breakdown and he's like "Why does my kid have a girlfriend and my husband left me?????? This is so unfair. They love each other so much, Red Leg, look at them!!!!!!!" and Zeff is like "They're young and stupid too, but they'll grow up. You still haven't. Please get out of my restaurant before you make my onions cry."
Law doesn't want to meet Zeff, that much is clear. He is not good at meeting new people and even less meeting father figures because God knows he doesn't have a good memory of how his relationship with his dad ended (Rip Cora-san, we miss you). But he goes anyway because Sanji keeps insisting and saying that it's important to her, and of course, Law can't say no to her. Well, actually Sanji just tells him that if he comes with her to the Baratie, she'll wear the Soba-Mask suit (Stealth Black or whatever, Sanji refuses to say those words so-) again for him some time and Law accepts almost instantly. Fucking simp.
So they go to the Baratie and Law is dressed in a white shirt and actual, proper, and almost elegant clothes because Bepo said he needed to do it in order to give a good impression, and Law, deep down, just wants Sanji to be happy. And if getting along with her dad will do it, having to deal with this torture for a few hours is worth it.
Sanji keeps telling him not to worry about Zeff because, even if it's a big step in their relationship, her dad is just a bit scary but a good guy, after all. He will like Law once he knows how much he cares about her too! But Law isn't worried about that, he just fucking sucks at social interactions. Free the introvert from having to socialize, please, he just wants to stay with his girlfriend alone and cuddle and infodump about silly little things and comics. This is highly bad for his mental health (getting out and talking to people).
But, well, turns out Zeff is actually a great guy. Even though at first he looks at his daughter intensely and says: "Why the ex shichibukai of all people? This guy looks depressed too. Have you eaten, kid? You look like a starving man. He looks like a starving man, sweetheart. You're not dating an emo bastard who does not eat" and ends up having an argument with Sanji... He's fun to be around, once he settles for feeding Law everything he can cook. And Law isn't complaining but decides not to mention how much he hates bread because he feels that sentence will end up with him dead on the floor.
However, Sanji is the one mentioning that after a while of seeing Law forcing himself to eat bread, rolling her eyes and taking it from his hands to eat it herself. And Zeff is just like "You should've said so earlier, son! Just eat whatever you like. I feed people for them to enjoy the food, goddamnit!" and Law can only nod and keep eating.
And they actually end up getting along when they start talking more and more. Law starts actually laughing and smiling a little bit and Zeff pats him in the back from time to time whenever he mentions stuff he has done with his powers. Zeff just finds that hilarious. And Sanji is happy they're getting along, but extremely embarrassed when Zeff starts talking about her childhood (Law is enjoying every second of this). Then the topic of how Zeff met Sanji is brought up, and Sanji doesn't really want Law to hear it because she didn't tell him about the leg thing. And when he finds out, he's just...
Law: You didn't tell me your dad did that for you
Sanji: It's not something I like to explain, y'know? I kind of feel guilty to this day
Zeff: You're such a cry baby, Eggplant. I already told her countless times I chose to do that and it ended up saving us both! What's the problem?
Sanji: Shut up, old man, you don't get it!
Law: I do get it. The- Uh- Feeling guilty about your dad sacrificing himself. Without Cora-san... I wouldn't be here.
Zeff: Well, kid, I don't know what your father did, but be grateful instead of feeling guilty. I'm sure he's a nice man if he raised somebody who loves my girl this much.
Law: He was a good man, yes. The best. And- I- I do love her. A lot.
Sanji has a moment where she almost cries, but she doesn't!! (She does. She goes to the bathroom and cries).
When they have to go back to the ship, Zeff stops Law and says:
Zeff: You might need to eat more, that much is clear, kid. But you take care of her and that's good enough for me.
Law: Thank yo-
Zeff: But you also strike me as someone who would die for her and even though I do appreciate the effort because I would do the same, don't die on her, got it? And eat more. Eat what she makes, actually. And you also should check if you're celiac.
Law: I'm a doctor. I know I'm not-
Zeff: Then stop bitching around and eat bread like a man, for fuck's sake.
And, you know, Zeff might be a bit intimidating but he is, after all, a good man just like Cora was.
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Request: nsfw chishiya x female reader. A story where the reader tells or thinks about her dirtiest fantasys with chishiya how she wants a wild night with him or how he satisfies her (s*x, c*mming*,being h*rny, everything can be included)
♠️ "Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to sleep with Chishiya?!" ♠️
A/N: It's really impressive how fast people are when it comes to requests. I mean, no complains, it's just ... wow! 😊
I haven't even posted much and still got contacted by others, giving their wishes, what they would like to read. I actually don't know if it's going to be what you imagined, but I still hope you'll like and enjoy it!
Thanks for your request in that case, my lovely anonymous! That means a lot to me, seriously. 🫶🏻✨
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Characters: Chishiya
POV: fem!reader ; Smut!
Warnings: NSFW, please don't read if you don't feel comfortable with sexual content and when you are under 18 years old!
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"Okay, I swore I'd never talk to anyone about this, but haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to sleep with Chishiya?"
Kuina and I are calmly walking through the ruined streets of Borderlands after completing a game, while we knock some dust off our respective bodies. I don't know why I'm suddenly blurting this out. It's probably because I've been thinking about it for far too long and I know that Kuina and Chishiya have been hanging out for far longer than I have.
"I mean, come on- as calm and collected as he always is. Sex with him would definitely be extremely … interesting. There's a saying where I think that would suit him pretty well- oh, my elbow is bleeding…" I pause for a moment to consider the wound as best I can. In the end, however, I just shrug my shoulders and remain unimpressed. It doesn't even hurt ... well, so far. "Anyway, there's a saying that I'm sure it describes him very good in bed."
"Are you really talking to me about how you think Chishiya is in bed?!"
"Why don't you hear me out?!" Kuina looks at me, stunned. It's funny how she faces me with those big eyes and that open mouth. I could just laugh, but I pull myself together because there is something I really need to get off my chest:
"Still waters are deep and dirty. Pretty sure sex with him is just like that!"
"What have I actually gotten myself into here …?" My counterpart grasps his forehead in bewilderment.
Believe me, I'd like to stop talking about it myself, but I just can't! And do you know why? Because this man simply drives me crazy. Really, I've wondered what it would be like to sleep with a lot of people at the beach. My thoughts were with Aguni. With Niragi. With some other guys I don't know by name. And no matter what I do, I always end up coming back to Chishiya, who not only creates chaos in my head- but also in my body.
No, not because I have sex with him. That would make things a lot easier, but because I lie in bed at night and start doing it to myself to my thoughts and fantasies with him. I'm lucky that I have a single room and rarely if ever have to share it with anyone else. If that wasn't the case, I would have a huge problem. I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the essentials in games of life and death because I'd be there as a horny, dripping waterfall. Just because I wouldn't be able to put my fingers inside my core, making myself feel good and satisfied. Pah, that's absurd, not gonna lie!
"That guy won't let me sleep peacefully either." Kuina immediately turns back to me before letting out a somewhat annoyed sigh and going on her way. But I don't let her shake me off that easily, which is why I follow her- and eventually just keep talking, whether she wants to hear it or not. I just need to talk about that and then I'll never tell anyone about my thoughts again. "Once I woke up in the middle of the night because I had a fucking orgasm in my sleep …"
"Wonderful." The sarcasm and disinterest of the woman next to me is hard to ignore, but somehow it annoys me a little that she has such a reaction.
A reaction that makes you think that dreaming about hot sex with a man you find attractive is the most normal thing in the world.
"In my sleep, Kuina!"
"All right, I got it, Y/N!" Suddenly she stops and just looks at me.
It's hard to tell what's going on inside her right now. The look on her face is somehow telling. Literally. Not just her face. It's also her posture and her tone of voice. On the one hand, she seems tense, but her verbal communication also gives me the feeling of passivity and inattention. In addition to such patterns, she also grins to herself and seems a little amused by my statements.
"Do you want to tell me what exactly you have in mind for him?" Have I piqued her interest after all? "Maybe … that you'll have sex in the pool while you're surrounded by other people who could catch you at any time? Or … are you perhaps more attracted to the idea of him fucking you in front of a mirror, where he makes sure you get a good view of him penetrating you again and again and again, sometime slower, sometime faster, sometime deeper and sometime softer or harder?"
"I wasn't prepared for that …" Honestly, the way she responds to your words leaves you speechless. "
"But if you ask like that-"
"Please tell me you don't-"
"The last time I masturbated myself to sleep, I thought about what it would be like if he fucked me that night in the hotel lobby." Silence. "I mean, everyone's lying in bed doing their own thing. The couch in the lobby is free, the lights are off, and we're having sex with each other…on the soft fabric of the couch." The silence gets louder. "We're standing in front of it. Making out with each other a little bit. Sticking our tongues down each other's throats, our hands roaming… over every part of the body you can reach." Shit, just the thought of it makes me horny again. "Then he kisses down my neck, I sigh and moan pleasurably to myself as he runs over my curves and tries to drive me crazy by biting my sensitive skin here and there and giving me a few lovely hickeys, to show everyone that I correspond solely to HIS territory…" Now the silence during the breaks is just embarrassing, but I still can't help but grin broadly and enthusiastically, already knowing how the story will continue. "And then we'll have a really good time on the sofa, with the risk of getting caught by someone because I can't control my moans while he plays with my clitoris… slides his fingers into me… licking my pussy with his tongue or penetrating me with the tip of his tongue to drive me completely crazy before driving his cock into my pussy and stimulating my most sensitive spot over and over again~." By now Kuina is making a pretty disgusted face, but if she doesn't interrupt me or even run away, my story can't be that bad, can it? "And if no one looks where the moans are coming from, then the next morning everyone will still know who did it so well for me because I will scream his name through the whole hotel. He fills me with his entire length and with his As he climaxes, his thrusts become more and more irregular and deeper because he wants to inject his sperm into me as deeply as possible…" I'm wet.
I notice how my panties are getting wetter and wetter. How I literally start to drip. It's extremely difficult for me to keep my eyes open because I'm just feeling so much sexual desire again. Again just because I'm thinking about Chishiya and what it would be like to feel him inside me. To be filled by him.
"Are you done now ... ?" Kuina asks after we've been silent for a little more than a minute after my last sentence. "Please, be done now!"
A simple "Yup" is the answer to everything before I bring up another "And now I have to find a toilet real quick". Just walking past my companion, who gave me an unexpected "Are ... you going to masturbate?" which I only responded with an approving “Coooorrect!” before she finally freed from me.
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A/N: God, sometimes I was laughing so hard while writing this, I'm so sorry. 😂
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cooliogirl101 · 3 months
What do the rest of the Cullens think about Mia? Do they know why Edward is so invested in listening to her thoughts? Does he later retells the stories he hears to his family and they also get invested?
Also, lmao at Jasper. Poor boy, being hit by a fuckton of angst without ever knowing why. Can’t Mia think up some sappy fluff to go with her hurt no comfort fic?
(Damn you for getting me invested in Twilight out of all things)
Rosalie: Is pissed af because ain’t no way Edward is seriously considering giving away their secret just so he can ask about the next season of Whatever-The-Fuck-Is-Going-On-In-Mia-Chen’s-Brain
(Edward protests that he’s only ever considered divulging his mind reading ability, not the vampirism).
That being said, she’s mainly pissed at Edward and not Mia. She warmed up to Mia significantly after Edward told her Mia used her face as inspo for a fantasy race of devastatingly beautiful Heavenly warriors.
Emmett: Finds this whole thing hilarious. Keeps bugging Edward to see if Mia has used him as inspiration for any characters of hers.
(She has— all the Cullens, flawless and captivating by design, are fantastic sources of visual inspiration to imagine angels, demons, fairies, elves, and pretty much every fantasy race out there. Sardonically, Edward notes that she’s never once used them as inspiration for an ordinary human).
Jasper: Alternately annoyed and impressed at her emotional range.
(Edward can’t help but wonder why Mia keeps referring to Jasper as “the Southerner” in her thoughts. Like sure it’s a part of his backstory they’ve provided but not a prominent one.
Little does he know Mia’s expending significant mental effort not to refer to Jasper as “Jasper-the-Confederate” every time she sees him).
Alice: The only one with a legitimate reason to interact with Mia. They share an art class together and at first, Mia was going to do her level best to avoid the hell out of her (yes, yes, she’s always imagined what it would be like to meet characters from the books she’s read, the Cullens included— that being said, she’s since discovered she would much prefer to only meet them in her imagination, not in reality).
Then they got assigned to do an art project together. Alice suggested something to do with fashion, which Mia readily agreed to. Somehow, the conversation shifted to a discussion over, hypothetically, the differences in fashion that would exist between deep sea mermaids vs shallow water/reef mermaids, in the event that mermaids existed.
Alice somehow manages to wrangle a promise out of Mia to come over to the Cullen house (“Oh, this’ll be so much fun! What a fantastic idea! We’ll play mermaids— or design mermaid clothes, at any rate. Don’t worry about the materials, I’ll have everything arranged”). Mia, so caught up in their discussion that she temporarily forgot the whole vampire thing, agreed without thinking.
(Edward is not jealous. He’s not).
Esme: Honestly just loves that Edward is interested in something again (he’s been idly composing soundtracks for his favorite scenes).
Mia, who was always kind of pissed that Esme’s (who had a pretty interesting backstory, all things considered— SM was always decent at coming up with those) entire character had been basically reduced to “wife and mother”, decides that since she’s stuck going to the Cullen House anyway, that by God she’s gonna find out what this woman’s passions are outside of devoting her entire life to her husband and kids. Otherwise the whole thing offends her character development sensibilities.
By the end of the visit, Esme is bemusedly shopping for a car alongside a delighted Alice and a fuming Mia because “What do you mean you’re the only one in the family without a vehicle?!”
(She ends up rather fond of Mia).
Carlisle: Confused but supportive. Mia, side eyeing him, keeps dropping hints about how much she loves sleeping and eating and animals and going out in the sun, just in case he starts getting any funny ideas.
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Should they be at the club: Mobile Suit Gundam '79
Amuro Ray
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There is no character that should "be at the club" less than Amuro Ray. There is no way you could keep him in the club for more than 15 minutes. He's waiting outside the entire time, if he hasn't already called an uber. Do not bother.
Sayla Mass
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Absolutely, yes. Let this girl tear up the dance floor. Heaven knows she deserves it.
Bright Noa
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I am of the firm belief that the only thing that would fix this guy is a life-changing experience in the bathroom of a seedy club, so yes, for the love of God, take this man to the club.
Fraw Bow
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If you take her she's going to get roped into being the designated driver, and that's just not fair to her. She does not want to be here. The club is not her natural habitat. Let her go home and catch up on her netflix backlog.
Kai Shiden
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God, you know he'll down two virgin daiquiris, say the wrong thing to someone, and get punched the fuck out. Yes, he should be at the club.
Hayato Kobayashi
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He'd be quiet for the most of the evening, until at the very end when he says something deeply unpleasant and out of pocket, just dragging the whole mood down. No, he should not be at the club.
Mirai Yashima
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Hell yeah. She'd have a grand ol' time, just living it up. And when she gets drunk she'll be That Drunk Girl In the Bathroom. You know the one. She belongs in the club.
Ryu Jose
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He's the one making sure everyone's doing all right, not getting into too much trouble, and making sure the people who are way too drunk get home OK. He must be at the club; this is non-negotiable.
Sleggar Law
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He'd be a absolute pain in the ass, however he will also be watching over every girl like a hawk. The second he sees someone slip something in her drink or try to cop a feel, he will throw hands. Him being at the club is an unfortunate necessity.
Char Aznable
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Contrary to popular belief, no, do not let this man within 100 feet of the club. His latent Causing Problems instinct would go into overdrive, and there's no telling what Problems he would cause by the end of the night.
Lalah Sune
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She would just sit... and watch... until at which point she just walks up to a random stranger and says the most off-putting shit you've ever heard. She should be at the club.
Ramba Ral & Crowley Hamon
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Moot question, they're already at the club, scouting for a third. They do this every other Saturday.
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*insert the lyrics to How Soon Is Now*
Garma Zabi
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I mean, he'd be fun enough to be around, I suppose, but you know by the end of the night he's going to hook up with some blond twink that looks suspiciously similar to a Certain Someone We Know and like... don't let him keep hurting himself like this, man.
Icelina Eschonbach
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The only way you're getting her in the club is if she's with Garma, and she will watch him pick up that twink and not even register that anything is amiss. That's just sad. Don't take either one to the club, it would just be too hard to watch.
Degwin Zabi
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Uh, the spirit is unwilling and the flesh is ever so weak. Probably a bad idea for him to be at the club.
Gihren Zabi
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So he wouldn't, but God could you imagine? Ideally the second he starts ranting about Hitler is the second he gets knocked on his ass, but sadly no one would dare to do it. No, he should not be at the club.
Dozle Zabi
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Oh yeah, totally. He'd be louder than the music and would not stop bragging, but those stories would be the wildest fucking stories you'd ever heard. He should be at the club for that alone. Also, he could easily be talked into buying everyone a drink.
Kycilia Zabi
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She would scare the hoes and the bros. She should be at the club.
Cucuruz Doan
Miharu Ratokie
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She would somehow end the evening lying face down in a pool of her own blood. No one would know how she ended up this way. It is not much a question of whether she should be at the club as it is an inevitability. We cannot help but to repeat the cycles of tragedy.
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winkliee · 1 year
Hello I'm back! How are you? I really loved your first Hantengu's clones fic ! Your writing is really amazing !
Could I request some Yandere Hantengu's clones when they first find out about their s/o ? How would they become obsessed with them ? It can be either separate or together !
If you're too uncomfortable with this request, could you maybe write the same but without yandere please ?
The reader can be either gn or fem, it doesn't matter to me !
Thank you again and have a good day/night ! 🫶
i am so happy you liked it! ty for your request!! hope you are having a good day!
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yandere hantengu clones finding out about their s/o!!
warnings: yandere theme, blood/gore, slightly suggestive, mentions of stalking, smut in karaku's part, y/n is seen in different professions and perspectives
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he found you out after following some slayers for a surprise attack. you were a nurse at the infirmary, and once he laid his eyes on you, he was in awe. you had a charm, and it worked like magic on him, not only him, but also the others. he didn't complete his mission then, if that leads to you and the others relocating to a safer place? every night he would sneak back to a safe hiding spot, and watch you through your window. by now, he knew your exact routine, since you were so punctual. he would stay all the time you were sleeping, once even burning himself in the sun as he was late to move out. he burns in unimaginable rage when he sees you tending to other slayers, while he cannot receive the same treatment. his jealousy was fueled even more when he saw you concerned over the plight of a missing slayer, someone he had butchered to death just that day, the stench of blood on his hands stronger than ever.
"i will definitely have you only for mine one day," he promises to himself.
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karaku must be grateful to daki and gyutaro for guiding his trip in the red light district. how else would he have met you? you were cute, an oiran, and utterly beautiful. he wanted to know her even more, also going to the extent of teasing daki that you were more beautiful than her, when he got to know that you and daki weren't on good terms, he was underwhelmed, since he wanted to get introduced to you. soon enough, he understood he was falling for you, whenever he would get jealous hearing your moans from other men pleasuring you, while he stood outside your window, his hands palming his erection. there was some sort of excitement in this which he felt, which even dragged on to the moment he killed the men who came out from your bedroom, as he would not keep any man who came out from your bedroom alive. he hopes one day he can lay his hands on you, as your customer, and make you his forever.
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[can't imagine aizetsu as yandere but here we are]
he knew he was doomed from the moment he laid his eyes on you. you almost killed him, and he-he likes you now? he was embarrassed and ashamed with himself as he blushed to the scars you gave him, deliberately not healing them. he started lurking around close to the corps location, checking on your whereabouts, when he was heartbroken to see you already having a lover. he tried to console himself but he couldn't, only watching both of you share kisses and hugs in the vicinity of your bedroom, while his heart burns with jealousy. he wants you to be happy, even though he often finds himself crying on lonely nights, being sure that muzan kibutsuji would kill him if he came to know of his "love story". but all hell broke loose when he saw you two having a quarrel, and he was shouting at you, while you cried. aizetsu was filled with so much rage, he would not let anyone hurt what is his, let alone her lover. as he came out of their house, aizetsu came out of nowhere, punching him, strangling him and almost leaving him half dead when he realized what he had done. he fled, but somehow the stench and sight of blood in his hands made him happy, until he saw you crying for him, and not for aizetsu, when his heart was broken again.
"someday would surely come when you will cry for me, and that day i am even ready to accept death."
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his emotion of joy changes to sadistic pleasure as you scream into his ears and scratch him, telling him to release you. but he won't. after all he has won you. why did he take all the trouble, from following you helping your family bring logs from the forest to seeing your stomach rise softly as you breathe, of course all of this is to win you. although he does regret not getting to consume your now dead family, it would have been such a meal for him. but now he is satisfied with you, as he laughs as you helplessly cling onto him, while he flies high in the sky, taking you to somewhere only he knows.
"you are mine now princess," he says lovingly with a smile on his face, "although i might break a bone or two if you try to escape."
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thank you for reading. likes and reblogs are appreciated.
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Question. Have you considered adding the Archangels and God to the yandere list?
Also, have you thought about including the Hazbin Hotel cast finding out about Sir Pentious being alive in heaven and more or less being held against his will by all these yandere angels?
Like I imagine a scene where he somehow manages to contact his friends and he's just so terrified that he could barely speak, and when Charlie/or some other character finally manages to calm him down and ask what's wrong, Emily or Sera gently pulls him away, making up some excuse or another. Telling the sinners they have nothing to worry about. Sir Pentious is fine in heaven...
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Information about the AU
Emily And St Peter
Romantic yandere?
Yes, the archangels and God will be in this story, and yes, they are also ensuring that Sir Pentious stays in Heaven and doesn't leave. I'm not done writing their characters yet, and I still haven't memorized every archangel's name, as they weren't really in the original series and are technically my OCs. We might see them in later seasons, but for now, I'll create my own version of them. However, I will tell you this: God is like White Diamond in this cartoon called Steven Universe (that will give you an idea of what type of personality God has).
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About the Hazbin Hotel cast? Oh yeah, they wouldn't know about Sir Pentious being redeemed and coming back as an angel until two years later (Yes, it was a very long time). Sera probably lied about how long Sir Pentious had been in heaven and said that he appeared "a few days ago". I will write their reactions to Sir Pentious being redeemed, Sera's suspicious behavior, and learning the truth later as I am still studying their personalities and how they will react to things. But I will say this: Vaggie might be the most suspicious about this as she used to be an angel herself and knows that Sera won't just accept this change immediately if Sir Pentious has only been there for "a few days". Vaggie might not have a very close relationship with Sir Pentious, but even she noticed his discomfort and the fact that he barely speaks when he contacts them. Once Sera "gently" pulls him away from their point of view and keeps him under her wings, Sir Pentious stays quiet for the entire time, which is enough red flags for her. Does this mean Charlie and Vaggie will go to heaven to save him? Maybe. I'm not done writing this yet.
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My gosh! The scene you describe hurt my Sir Pentious fan's heart 😭. The feeling of you thinking that you are safe, just to have that hope ripped out of you. I might add this scene to the AU! Thank you for the ideas! Also I absolutely do not see Emily being Possessive or a Mastermind Yandere. I do see her helping Sir Pentious to escape and got trouble for it.
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itshype · 2 years
Please don’t pet me! I am working! (DC x DP)
The Service Animal Cujo notfic that I, personally requested but just like my extremely cringe Batman x Witcher fic, I have to do everything myself. I wrote this but held off during DC x DP week because I’m not participating in that. If I keep writing these, I’ll have to make a masterpost or probably whack them up on Ao3 for archive purposes at some point but for now: Here is the Space Obsessed Danny story and Here is the Kingmaker Danny story! CW for mention of panic attacks in this one!
So! Let’s get going. Danny died. He can’t stop thinking it. He was dead. He’s walking and talking now but he knows deep in his soul that everything’s different now. He was dead and somehow nothing has changed? He feels like something of his journey to hell itself should be visible in his skin – something more than the small exit scar on his left foot. Another dimension was opened through his body and his hairstyle didn’t even shift?
Sam and Tucker are just as freaked out as he is, but they aren’t nearly as frightened. The ghost powers and Halfa stigma won’t come until later, but right now Danny is having difficulty even considering the possibility of leaving the house. With Danny in such bad condition emotionally, there’s no way to cover up what happened, and Jazz takes them all to the hospital.
Now, I know in a lot of fanfics Danny has weird physiology even in human form (lower body temp, slower pulse etc) but I don’t remember any of that being canon so I’m ignoring it. And if it is canon then I am exercising my right to debone the original show like a small chicken and use it to make a flavourful stock.
So, Danny checks out with the doctors except for a weirdly tiny burn but he is having like 5 concurrent panic attacks about everything from “there’s nothing after we die”, “The electricity cooked me”, “Life has no meaning”, maybe even throw in a fun “I came back wrong”.
Hell, maybe he does have weirdly low vitals, but the rapid pulse is countering his slow heartbeat and decreased blood pressure etc. Up to you!
Danny probably ends up being sedated if he can’t calm down but by then there is a different issue. The doctors Fenton have arrived. Now, I think it’s no stretch of the imagination to say that under the wrong circumstances they would dissect Phantom if they got their hands on him but also I know they somewhat care for their children and canon has shown more than once that under good circumstances that they could accept Danny.
When his ghost sense goes off for the first time it’s pretty obvious. He’s in a hospital and instead of a tiny little whisp of silver breath; it’s like a fogbank creeping along a moor, its sea mist rolling in from the horizon of his mouth and whiting out his private hospital room. No one can see two meters in front of their own face, and it takes over a minute to fade. Sam screams out for Danny and tries to grab his hand where she knows it was but can no longer see. Tucker starts at the sound and drops his device, screeching gratingly at the clattering plastic of his PDA hitting linoleum, hard.
When the mist finally evaporates, the Fentons want to take him home immediately and run tests. They think the ghostly influence is ‘obvious’ but the 68-year-old nurse, Beatrice stands like a 5-foot-nothing wall of solid rock and won’t let them touch him. Jazz also angles herself between her parents and the door so if they did somehow manage to get their hands on Danny, they wouldn’t be able to leave without steamrolling her. Then the heartrate monitor goes wild as Danny panics about being a guinea pig for his parents’ less-than-lukewarm lab safety practices and they back off without further interruptions.
That’s the point when it hits them that everything that has happened to Danny is their fault. His accident was because of them, he’s melting down because of them, both of their children genuinely believe that they will hurt Danny just because he’s having weird ghostly side effects to almost dying in a ghost portal. One they built.
It’s a few hours later when they breach the subject of going home, of at the very least making a decision about school even if that decision is to formally take a leave of absence. Sam and Tucker’s parents had made them go home and he’s a lot calmer now but at this stage, his weird ghost powers are causing problems. It seems to the orderlies and nurses that his anxiety is getting worse because he’s turning intangible through cups and cutlery – making it look like he’s shaking so hard he can’t even hold a single cup, and is flat out refusing to eat.  
Even though it’s been less than a day it looks like Danny’s shock is just getting worse. He phases through his bed right as Beatrice and his parents walk through and they think he’s hiding under there out of fear. He tries to explain, confused, and disoriented and deep in denial. Jazz shuts him up. She doesn’t know completely what’s going on, but she knows enough, and she isn’t letting 12 hours of changed behaviour force her to blindly trust her parents.
Beatrice is most concerned. It hasn’t been very long but there’s no reasonable cause for his steep and steady decline. No reason outside of something-something-ghosts.  
That’s when the first few pamphlets come out about therapy animals. They require some time to be trained and the middle of nowhere Amity Park doesn’t exactly have a pool to choose from, but it’s okay to adopt a younger animal and train it themselves.
Danny looks at the pictures of the fluffy bunnies and alert-eared dogs with big, glistening eyes. Then puts them down. There’s no way an animal would be safe in his house.
That’s when the ghosts attack. Danny isn’t the only spectre with a ghost sense and these ghosts are less human due to a lack of ectoplasm. Obviously, the silver fog reappears, and, in his terror, Danny drops to the next floor of the hospital, glitching through his bed and the floor underneath it. He crashes painfully in the middle of the gift shop.
His parents reach the conclusion that due to his extreme ectoplasm contamination; he’s developed a serious allergy to ectoplasmic weaponry, including things like ectoblasts that ghosts have naturally. They’re not…the wrongest that they could be. Unfortunately, they decide that Evil Ghosts TM can sense this weakness and are trying to kill their poor baby boy. Everyone else is freaking out about ghosts being visibly proven but the Fentons knew ghosts were real with zero doubts so they’re rolling with it.
Now, due to the knowledge that he died, Danny is having difficulty worrying about other things like catching up with schoolwork, his weird new allergies/powers or even Dash.
BTW KUDOS to anyone still reading, I know this part was really long, but I really felt like I couldn’t just flim flam over the details of why Danny would need an emotional support/service animal even if it’s fictional.
First day back at school, the Lunch Lady attacks. Danny barely eeks out a win just like in canon.
His parents decide that this is because of the allergies and the ghosts being able to sense Danny’s weakness as I said above. And they take it upon themselves to root out the problem at its source, to find all the ghosts who could hurt their son and imprison them, partly for Danny’s safety and partly for study. Not even they are sure where the divide is between their two loyalties.
So, they look to their now-functioning portal.
Unfortunately, they were massively underprepared, and they don’t come back.
 Jazz sees the locked lab door and leaves them to it, making dinner and making sure Danny knows she wants him to be at school.
He doesn’t go, she lets him not go.
Two days later the boredom is worse than his fear. He goes to school. Danny, Sam and Tucker enter like a single unit. Dash tries some shit and either:
Jazz emerges and smacks his head hard enough he loses vision for several seconds – long enough for her to knee him hard enough to put the continuance of the Baxter lineage into question.
Danny starts panicking again. The teachers always want to side with Dash but him openly attacking a kid who was just in the hospital who doesn’t even lift a finger in defence of himself is beyond the limits of any sane adult’s “boys will be boys”.
Doesn’t really matter, the point is that he’s not looking to fuck around any time soon now that he’s already found out. But he did in fact attack Danny.
Danny goes home. His first attempt at school following his death has failed.
Tucker, separately, goes to a garage sale to buy old electronics to use in his PDA upgrades. He buys a boxful of weird lab equipment that definitely has a microchip or two. When he opens it at Danny’s house as an effort to distract him, a small pink teddy falls out. No one notices it bounce beneath the sofa. Sam or Jazz brings up the support animal idea again but is reminded of the whole “our house is a toxic waste site” thing and backs off.
Weeks pass, Danny develops his ghost powers and Jazz realises their parents are actually missing. She submits a missing person report mentioning the switched-on portal – the lab door was locked from the inside.
So, when Danny wakes up one day and there’s a glowing green dog already with a collar and a toy he thinks “ah yes, a dog that my sibling has procured for me as we discussed many times to help me cope with my own mortality, the near-constant ghost attacks and my parents who vanished.”
So, he puts a leash on Cujo who is happily chewing on his little pink teddy and takes him off to school while Jazz is using her first free period to go bother the local cops about their parents. (Why haven’t they been taken in by child protective services? Either:
Because I said so
Jazz is 18
Jazz used her improbable psychology powers to bamboozle the social worker into leaving)
Everyone at school loves Cujo. He gets all the love and does a very good job of dragging Danny away from ghost attacks (so he can fight them!!)
Jazz doesn’t find out about Cujo until the afternoon but probably lets the whole thing lie because it’s a great solution.
This could go on for some time. Both Danny and Phantom have Cujo but as Phantom Cujo stays in his big form so there’s no connection made. Canon mostly proceeds as normal except the parents aren’t there and there’s no huge issue with Valerie.
Realistically, a fair few high schoolers are probably also on the hunt for a pet ghost dog because if Danny and Danny both have one there must be heaps going around. Danny is also worried about his parents and periodically looks for them but that isn’t the focus of this story so I won’t go into a lot of detail – just clarifying that he’s not a sociopath who finds out his parents are missing and goes “oh ok”.
This could be its own story but let’s get to the DC part now!!
Eventually the Justice League connects the two calls, one about the ghost dog and one about the parents disappearing through a portal. Maybe Valerie complains, or even fanon favourite Wes contacts the authorities about the ghost dog with no official training or certification. Either way the JLA algorithm picks up these two very strange claims from one town and send someone to investigate.
But I mean, parents vanishing from a locked room and a green dog aren’t exactly world ending stuff, so instead of sending an actual busy superhero they send one of the kid heroes.
Now a lot of people will go ahead and put Damian into this. But I don’t really care for him in a dynamic with Danny. But I have another vigilante in mind, one who is less animal crazy, but more dog focused and also has issues with being seen as an actual person.
That's right, it's Conner Kent. And his faithful alien dog Krypto. I've seen a few fics where Danny adopts him, but you know what other family member should think you're an actual person? Your significant other. This could totally be a friendship thing no problem, but I do feel like some versions of canon Connor Kent would get on great with Danny.
Without the looming, repeated threat of vivisection, I think Danny would be a lot more chill about his secret identity and would probably disclose Cujo’s origins to Superboy. Once Connor knows about Cujo (Phantom’s dog) being able to shrink, he can see Danny with the dog once and connect all the necessary dots. Because I stand by the fact that the main reason Danny’s secret ID isn’t discovered more is because there’s no reason for a dead person to have a secret identity but once the concept is introduced then it’s pretty simple. Connor can hang out with Phantom while Phantom does ghost fights because the Kryptonian can’t really contribute but he’s there for moral support.
Eventually, Danny reveals to Connor that he himself was cloned before and talks excitedly about his clone who he considers a cousin. I definitely think without the parents there that Dani would visit more even if she has an obsession with travel, wanderlust or freedom that prevents her from permanently moving in.
This knowledge makes him very upset about how he was treated by his genetic donors, and Connor decides to move in with the Fenton siblings (without really asking the Fenton siblings) and decides that he’ll commute to the watchtower/titans tower/mount justice (depending on which version of canon he’s in sorry I can’t be bothered to figure it out).
Unfortunately, on top of not asking the Fentons, he doesn’t notify or ask anyone in the caped community. So as far as any of them are concerned, Connor went on a minor mission to investigate some missing people and is now himself missing.
Just as a caveat because I don’t feel like getting into an argument today, I used the terms both “service animal” and “emotional support animal” even though in most countries these are not interchangeable legal definitions. I use it in a non-legal way here because emotionally helping Danny – especially when that emotional stress causes physical damage is a service, and also there is the potential for Cujo to help Danny in other physical ways.
Also, there is definitely room here for Dani being buds with Match. I think that'd be neat.
If I could draw, I would make art of Cujo and Krypto being besties but I cannot so just picture it for two seconds. Done? Great, thanks!
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Genocide Frisk: The True Tragic Villain Of The Story
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Hear me out...
It's already been talked about how Chara and Asgore are misunderstood characters... now it's Genocide Frisk's turn.
Do I think that what Frisk did is right? No.
Do the monsters deserve to be wiped out completely? No.
Are any of the main characters innocent? No.
But does almost everyone keep forgetting that Frisk is a child that died countless times and was given a dangerous power that they never asked for? Yes.
Imagine things in Frisk's point of view...
You're a child that fell into a mountain full of monsters. You could have a loving family. You could have a horrible family. You could be an orphan. You could be younger than a 10-year-old.
A talking flower tried to kill you. A motherly goat saved you. But then she leaves you by yourself. Almost every monster in the Ruins tries to kill you. And maybe a few succeed.
She offered you a place to stay and gave you pie. You want to go home. You asked how to leave.
She tries to destroy the exit and hurts you with fire.
You somehow managed to convince her to let you leave. But she tells you to never come back. She doesn't even give you a coat for the freezing snow.
A skeleton scares you as a prank. His taller brother wants to hurt and capture you, so he can be a royal guard and be popular. The smaller skeleton asks you to play along with his brother, like possibly imprisoning you is a game. More monsters hurt you, insult you and possibly kill you.
The taller skeleton hurts you, both with his traps and his own bone attacks. He fails to defeat you and feels sorry for himself. You say you could be his friend, both out of pity and so he can let you pass.
More monsters hurt you, insult you and possibly kill you. You hide from a giant scary knight. The giant, scary knight silently chases you and tries to kill you with glowing spears. She later reveals to be an angry and mean fish lady. She calls you a coward for refusing to fight her, mocks you for not attacking monsters and saying that everyone would be better off with you dead.
You only escape her, when she collapses from the heat of the lava. For some reason, you give your constant killer some water and she simply walks away, with no words or apologies.
You find a stereotypical nerdy lizard who has been spying on you and claiming that she wants to help you. But she also said that before meeting you, she built a human-destroying tv-star robot and the robot broadcasts your suffering. She keeps helping you defeat her creation, but something about it feels off.
The smaller skeleton decides to reveal that he promised the goat lady that he would watch and protect you. A promise that he failed to keep. Then he scares you at the restaurant, as a cheap mean joke.
The robot reveals that the lizard is tricking and using you to feel better about herself. The robot then tries to kill you and steal your soul, to become famous on the surface. And your suffering is still being broadcasted for the kingdom's entertainment.
The smaller skeleton has the nerve to come back one last time, to judge you.
You meet the King and the souls of his victims.
Souls that could've been children like you.
Eventually... after enough pain, deaths and resets... you feel something inside of you break...
But it's not your soul...
...it's your mind.
You're all the way back to the very beginning.
When you had first fallen down.
But this time, things are gonna be different.
These monsters had hurt you.
They killed you.
They had enjoyed killing you.
They killed others.
They want to kill everyone you know.
You can't let this happen.
You can't let them kill anymore people.
They are monsters.
Insane, cruel, blood-thirsty monsters.
You have to do this.
Even if you know what you're doing is horrible.
Even if it makes you no better than their 'beloved' king.
Even if it makes you hate yourself.
Because if you don't, they'll destroy humanity, including your loved ones.
And if that makes you the villain, then fine.
You're the villain...
(Basically, my version of Genocide Frisk is similar to Asgore. Genocide Frisk/Asgore are doing the wrong thing for the right reasons. They both think that wiping out the other species is the only way to keep their own species safe. Also, constantly dying had driven Frisk a little bit insane. Maybe more than a bit... But remember, this is only a theory, like Chara possibly being the story's narrator.)
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