#someone knock me out it's now 5:30 do you see how long i've been in these tags
js337 · 6 months
writing info/headcanons for g.ojo has me looking up the weirdest combination of things tonight
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The Set
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The Set ✏️Taehyung x Reader ✏️Fluff oneshot 📖WC: 1604 🛑 18+
Also on Ao3 and Wattpad
My Masterlist
"Y/n, Mr. Kim wants to see you in his trailer." You heard your assistant say in your earpiece.
"You're going to have to be a little more specific."
"The one that's been eyeballing you since we started shooting."
"He has not." You scuffed out and rolled your eyes.
"Okay, keep telling yourself that. Anyways, he said he's having a wardrobe problem and needs you there ASAP."
"Well, I'm kind of busy trying to get this outfit right. Can't someone else do it?"
"Nope. He wants to see the head costume designer."
"Ugh, fine, I'll be there in about 5." You groaned as you put down your work and picked up your toolbox. You headed towards the actor's lot. They were supposed to shoot the final scenes today, but it started raining, which you took as a good sign because you weren't happy with one of the wardrobes for the final stage. Something was off with it, and you couldn't figure it out.
Once you found his trailer, you knocked on the door and prayed he would open it quickly so that you could get out of the rain.
"Who is it?" You heard his deep voice say from behind the door.
"Wardrobe department, sir." The door opens to a bright-eyed, smiling Kim Taehyung.
"Oh, you got here a lot faster than I thought you would." He said as he motions with his hand to come in.
"Well, it's part of my job to fix any wardrobe problems as fast as I can." Taehyung handed you a towel as you sat your box down on the table. "Thank you, sir."
"Can you please stop calling me that? It makes me feel old. Call me Taehyung or Tae, please." He smiled at you.
"Okay, sir…I mean Taehyung. What can I do for you?"
"Well, I may have accidentally fallen asleep in my costume, and torn the robe at the seam." He turned his body slightly to show you the hole in the shoulder part of the robe.
"That's an easy fix. You could have just sent it with someone to my trailer," You said as you stepped closer to him to get a better look.
"I know, but I couldn't find anyone. I was going to do it myself, but my manager wouldn't let me." You looked at his face and saw him pouting a little.
"Why are you pouting?" You said with a laugh.
"Because I think it's unfair that you got to walk in the rain, and I didn't."
You laughed a little harder at that. "It's okay, Taehyung. I'm here to help. Plus, there will be other rainy days, and you can walk in them."
"You've got a beautiful laugh." You paused opening your box, your cheeks pinkened.
"Umm, thank you." You cleared your throat and turned to look at him.
"So, how are we going to fix the tear?" Taehyung asked as he looked at the floor and scratched his neck in embarrassment.
"Unless you want to take the chance of getting pricked, you're going to have to take off the robe." Taehyung started to take off his robe, and your mouth went dry.
"Why did you pick those shirts to go under the robes?" You thought to yourself as you caught a glimpse of his muscular chest peeking out through the deep V neckline of the shirt. You tried to look elsewhere, but your eyes got stuck on his muscular bicep as he handed you the robe.
"Thanks." You said as you grabbed the robe quickly before you turned around and got to work.
"So, how long have you been in the costume department?" asked Taehyung as he sat down next to you.
"About five years; I've always loved making things. So here I am, making costumes and helping out with the set design, when needed." You two sat there and talked for the next 30 minutes as you stitched up his robe.
"Good as new." You said with a smile and held up the robe. "Stand over here so that you can try it on, and I can make sure nothing's off." Taehyung nodded as he stood from the table and moved to the spot in front of you. Once he put the robe on you had him turn around so that you could check and see if any of the stitching was off.
"Well, doc, how does it look?"
"Pretty good so far," You said with a chuckle. "Now turn around so that I can see if it messed up the length."
"Are you going to the wrap party tomorrow night?" Taehyung asked as you checked the sleeves.
"I had planned on it. But if it gets pushed back again, I won't be able to."
"Why not?"
"Well, I have a business, and I need to get back to it."
"Oh, really, what kind of business?"
"Pole exercising," You said as you finished up with the sleeves.
"Like you twirl around a pole? That sounds like fun!" As you finished up, you looked up to Taehyung, who had a fascinated look on his face.
"It's really fun," You said with a smile on your face as you turned around to put your stuff away.
"Save a dance for me? I mean, if you go. Please save a dance for me."
"Sure," You said as you picked up your things and turned around. You didn't realize how close he was when you turned around. You were chest to chest with him.
"I want to get to know you more." Taehyung placed a hand on your cheek. "I want to know who you are behind that beautiful smile and a beautiful laugh." Just as your lips were about to touch, you both jumped at the sound of someone knocking at the door.
"Taehyung, we have a meeting in five minutes about the shoot tomorrow." You heard someone yell.
"I should probably go so that you can get ready for the meeting," You said as you backed away and walked around him.
"Y/n, I mean it," he said as you put your hand on the door, "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" A small smile formed on his lips.
"I'll see you tomorrow Taehyung." You smiled back as you exited his trailer.
The shoot day was busy. You spent most of your time running in circles, trying to make sure everything was right. You had managed to see Tae once. He was leaning up against a pillar, talking to some of the cast. You watched him quickly lick his lips before he sent you a smile. Feeling your cheeks beginning to blush, you smiled back before going about your tasks.
"The outfit turned out awesome," your assistant said as you both packed up your things before heading out to the party.
"It better have. That thing was a pain in my ass." You both laughed as you exited the trailer and made your way to the party.
"Why does it look like you aren't enjoying yourself?" You jumped at the sudden voice in your ear.
"Jesus Taehyung!" You said, placing a hand over your heart as you try and calm yourself down.
"You scared the shit out of me." You laughed breathily as you swatted at his shoulder.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
"I am enjoying myself. Just wish they had some better food or drinks."
"Come with me," Taehyung said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the exit.
"Where are we going? We can't leave."
"It's fine, no one will mind, and we are going to the store down the street for some real food." Taehyung didn't let go of your hand the whole way to the store.
"So what are we getting?" You asked as Taehyung grabbed a basket.
"Whatever looks good." You both wandered around the store for about 30 minutes, just tossing random things into the basket. Once outside, he turned to look at you. "So, where are we eating?"
"I don't know. I thought you had it all planned out."
"Truthfully. I didn't think past the store." You watched him as he tried to figure out what you two were going to do next.
"My apartment is a few blocks away from here." You point in the direction of your home.
"Really?" Taehyung asked with a look of shock on his face.
"Yes. I mean, if it's okay with you, we can eat there." Taehyung nodded as you both moved in the direction of your home.
Once inside, you headed to the kitchen and dumped out the food and drinks you had gotten from the store. You both sat in your small kitchen, just chatting and laughing.
"Taehyung, what are you doing?" You asked as you walked down the hallway from the bathroom. You heard music playing. When you stepped into the kitchen, you saw Taehyung standing in the middle of the room with a massive smile on his face.
"Well, since we left the party before the dancing started." Taehyung stepped closer to you with his hand out. "Y/n, may I have this dance?"
"Yes, you may." Smiling at him, you took his hand. Taehyung pulled you close to his body as you both swayed back and forth to the music.
"I could get used to this."
"Used to what?" You asked as you removed your head from his chest so that you could look at him.
"Holding you in my arms forever."
"Me too." You smiled at him. When Taehyung's lips found yours, they felt like home, and you knew that this feeling would last forever.
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skidqrow · 4 months
Sonic Fandub Prompts
- - From various Snapcube Sonic Fandub videos - - Mostly crack with some angst and flirting thrown in. Add + 🔁 to reverse Adjust for pronouns as needed! (Warning for language & drug mentions.)
"Cya, nerd!"
"I can't believe your tits are only one polygon!"
*sigh* "I miss my wife, [name]. I miss her a lot. I'll be back."
"No! It's too late! You've already made up your mind!"
"You've done nothing but ruin my life."
"Can you guys, like, stop having relationship issues while I'm on the phone with my dentist?"
"I'm taking the world by storm! I'm gonna drop my newest album: [insert funny title here]!"
*gasp!* "[Name], my long-lost lover!"
"If you say 'please stop' one more time, I'm going to piss my own ass!!"
"Get reckt, you fat scrub man."
"WHAT?!? You are not allowed to fuck my wife!!"
"I'm going to kill you......and then kill you again!"
"How do you think I feel getting cucked by a hedgehog?!"
"Well, it might upset you to find out that I also fucked your wife."
"Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth!! I'm gonna go higher! I'm pissing ON THE MOON!!"
*villainous laughter* "Welcome to Tilted Towers."
"Welcome to my house. As you can see, I've knocked over many chairs because I get so TiLtEd at the ToWeRs."
"I'd like to be in the friendzone! I like friends!"
"But unfortunately, as a gamer, I don't get respect."
"Well I'm not a gamer, so maybe they'll respect me?"
"...That just makes you a beta cuck."
"Speak for yourself, motherfucker!"
"...Yep. I can kill you."
"Good luck with that; I have weed."
"Bye, guys, I-I'm peacing out. I'll let you deal with this."
". . . . . ." *frustrated sigh* "The Caucacity of this bitch."
"Look around you! Imagine......dragons."
"If someone hacked my Fornite account I'm going to have a birth of cactuses out of my asshole."
"You silly-minded, feeble little gay."
"I'll be as hard on him as I wanna be."
"I'm almost proud of you."
"You are still my bitch."
"I will put you in the dungeon."
"You would never replace us with somebody else...promise?"
"Not unless you did something lame or stupid or uncool."
"I'm out. I'm done with this shit."
"Honestly, I'm not fucking with any more RedBoxes. Last time I did, it spit a bunch of quarters at me."
"I almost drowned like Scrooge McDuck!"
"You just left me to die!"
"Top 30 Reasons Why [Name] is Sorry...number 5 will surprise you."
"Well. . . I can't think of anything!"
"You can't go! You are a bitch! You gotta stay here!"
"Each of these cursors represent one of my--" *wheezes* "--my tentacles."
"Back in 19-odd-7, when I first graduated from [college], I remember learning--"
"Looks like college was no match for classic street learning!"
"You ableist piece of shit!"
"[Name], do you think I've been a dick to everybody?"
"[NAME]?!?? IS THAT YOU?? Have you finally come to put me out of my misery?!"
"I'll sin in my own way!"
"I kicked them so hard they turned into dogs."
"I've eaten nothing but drywall for the past three years."
"New idea. . .adultery."
"The sound effect on this gun isn't very edgy."
"...Something just happened."
"I need to update my audio equipment." *reloads gun* "I've updated my audio equipment."
"I made all of these because I want them to take over Apple."
"Well, you know what they say: You kill someone and you get all of their sin points."
"Yippee! I can die happy tomorrow!"
"Dem's the breaks, pal."
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asfeline · 3 years
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Please be aware of the tags before reading ⚠️
Smut !!
Summary : Gojo is a frustrated colleague and you take care of him
Tags : office sex, voyeurism, unprotected-sex
Credit : rennca_ on Twitter
You were checking your computer very unmotivated after seeing the message at the top of your emails.
𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨 𝐌𝐫𝐬. 𝐋/𝐍, 𝐏𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐗𝐗𝐗 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐩𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐫. 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨. 𝐈𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 𝐢𝐬 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞 𝟓. 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐮𝐬𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝟓, 𝟗 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟏𝟒 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐦. 𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞, 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲, 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲, 𝐍𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐗𝐘𝐙 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨@𝐲𝐲𝐲𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞.𝐜𝐨𝐦
You looked at the top of your screen and the calendar showed you June 5. You sighed. You had put off the date long enough. You rolled your eyes; you definitely didn't want to meet that famous Gojo Satoru whose reputation was pursuing him as a womanizer. You printed the necessary papers, took your phone and looked at the time, 17:49.
Well, I'll go quickly and go home, you thought. You salivated at the thought of your pizza waiting in your freezer. For once you could go home early and enjoy a quiet evening. You grabbed your bag and took a good stretch.
You headed for the elevator. Which floor again? You consulted your company's website and looked for his name in the contacts. His picture appeared first. Womanizer... you could see why all the women were behind. With that piercing blue gaze, and the peculiar color of his platinum hair, even you had to admit that he was more than attractive. Even on his profile, which was supposed to be professional, you could see that he had a little smile on his face, the photographer was certainly a pretty woman. You chased your thoughts and slid on his profile to see his office number: 711.
So, 7th floor, you clicked on the button that indicated the right number.
Once there you looked at the arrows indicating in which direction you should go. The one on the left indicated his office only.
-Son of... you whistled through your teeth; you have an office all to yourself... pfff... you muttered jealously.
His office must have been gigantic. And from where you were, you could see his door, framed by two large windows. You raised your eyebrows admiring the fact that his office was made of glass and that it certainly overlooked an extraordinary view.
You walked over and a few feet before the door, a desk was on your right.
You could read "Secretary" on the silver plate in the middle of the cabinet, but without the owner at her post. You thought about whether you could leave the documents here and go.
-Shit, thinking about the deadline that was today. You couldn’t leave not knowing if he saw them or not, plus you needed to discuss some points with him. Well, never mind let’s see if he’s here, you approached the door which was slightly opened.
Yes! you thought, that means he was still here, you put your hand to open it when you heard muffled sounds coming from inside. You reached out to see what was going on, to see if he was in a meeting with someone but the sounds were more and more like grunts. You closed your eyes and pursed your lips.
It's not what I think it is, right? you thought.
You reached out even closer and heard the moans of a man and those of a woman, whose mouth must have been currently occupied by the "slurp" sounds you could hear.
This was the worst... you thought. How could you interrupt this moment? You definitely weren't going to wait for him to finish his business, nor were you going to go in without being announced, embarrassing them. This is not the place to do that. You bit your lip at the thought, you weren't the one who could talk. You massaged your temple, thinking
-Shit, can you go faster or not?... he moaned from within.
Well, you had to get up the courage, otherwise you would never have made it home. You knocked twice.
-Mr. Gojo? Y/N L/N here, I'm supposed to drop off files for the updates Mr. Nanami requested. Can I leave them on the desk outside for you? you asked.
You heard a sharp muffled noise.
-No, bring them in here, he answered.
What? you thought.
-I need to see the files Mrs. L/N. Come in! he continued.
-What?! said the female voice inside.
You heard several gesticulations in the office before a young woman, slightly taller than you, came out, red with embarrassment. She put her hair back in place and walked towards her desk.
-Oh, and Miss Suwaga? The young woman turned around. Stay at your post, I've sent you the last of the appointments for the week. Finish this and you can go home.
She breathed and went back to her office with a quick step. You swallowed. You didn't know where to put yourself.
-Come in... he said in a deep voice.
You took the files clutched in your hands close to your pounding chest and closed the door behind you. He was sitting in the direction of his large bay window; you could see him from three-quarters. From there you could see that his shirt was down to one button, his hair was partially pulled back. He turned around in his chair to face you.
-Sorry for the wait, I was ... busy, he said, winking at you.
You looked at him and shrugged.
-Next time maybe try to make sure you're alone? you say dryly.
He slumped back in his large chair and crossed his arms behind his head.
-Oh? And the idea of being surprised? he asked you. Isn't that something that excites you?
A wave of electricity shot through your body, ending in your panties. Yes, it is. You had experienced it not long ago.
-I think the topic is off the table for our meeting, you answered him trying to face him. I'll cut to the chase. I'm here to drop this off, you handed him the documents. I need to discuss with you the importance of points 5, 9 and 14, if possible.
-5 June huh?... he said gently.
He tapped his watch. You raised an eyebrow.
-Fortunately, that my activities saved you then.
You frowned your eyes trying to understand what he was getting at. He smiled.
-Usually I'm out by 5:30, and it would have been too late for you. Knowing Kento, he sent you these documents easily a week in advance... why did you wait so long to deliver them to me?
You couldn't tell him that you didn't want to meet him, that was not very professional...
-I'm on the right date, the rest doesn't matter.
-I'm not so sure about that thought but whatever. So, points 5, 9 and 14... he looked at them and typed some things on his computer. You discussed their implementation and every time you spoke, he looked at you intensely, in a way that made your whole back shiver. You didn't know if he was making you uncomfortable or if it was because of the excitement that was starting to build up in your body. You had to leave before you got to the end of that thought.
-I think we have everything, don't you? you asked, cutting off his gaze.
He tilted his head to the side looking you up and down.
-I have a few more things I'd like to go over with you, he said.
-Is this about our meeting? You asked.
He looked up at the ceiling, thinking.
-More or less, he continued.
-I'm listening then, you answered.
He tilted his head to the side, facing the glass that separated his office from the hallway. His secretary was still at her post, looking exasperated. He smirked.
-I must tell you something, he began. As you can imagine, you stopped me in a crucial moment, and you see I'm both frustrated because I'm currently very tight in my pants.
You widened your eyes.
-But at the same time, I'd like to thank you because it really wasn't incredible, what was going on I mean. He smiled at you, not taking his eyes off you.
-Shall I say “you are welcome”? you said in a playful tone.
His smile did not leave his lips, his tongue passing slowly between them. He rested his elbows on his desk, resting his head on his hands, staring at you. Your legs closed as if by automatic.
-I'd like to be the one to tell you "you're welcome", if you can follow what I'm getting at. I have the impression that you are not indifferent to me, right?
You pinched your lips.
-Well... he continued
He got up from his desk, walking around, you followed him with your eyes. He sat down on the edge, facing you, his legs level with your chest, which was quickening with your breathing. You didn't really know what to say, but to be honest, yes, it had an effect on you. More than you'd like to admit.
-Your face answers for you, baby, I almost don't need you to answer me, he says. I want to hear your beautiful voice...
-Yes, he cut you off, I want to hear you shout that name, my pretty, under my movements.
The electricity that was flowing through you was really starting to burn, it was making you hot now.
-With your secretary outside? I'm having trouble...
-Oh? so if she's not there... is that a yes? But you see she has to work; she won't bother us... he says with a growing smile.
You swallow, what were you doing? Your pizza was waiting for you, your quiet evening. But deep down, you wanted to see if his reputation was based on anything real.
-Maybe, you say. But if you promise to contain your moaning, maybe I can get past it.
He grunted. So that was his kink? Being heard? Found out?
-Can you? he asked.
-It depends on how well my partner do, you said confidently.
-Confident huh, he said in a hoarse voice. He got up and went to lock the door, turning his secretary's head in your direction.
He signaled her to continue working through the glass.
When he turned around, he could see you starting to unbutton your dress, revealing your black lacy lingerie underneath. You easily let it fall to your feet and found yourself in front of him wearing only your underwear and semi-opaque tights.
He looked you up and down and swallowed. Perfect was the word on his lips. His erection already present since the beginning of your meeting was growing and soon would not be able to hold in his pants become too tight.
You infiltrated a finger on each side of your tights to remove it.
-No, wait! He unexpectedly shouted. I want to do it.
He licked his lips.
-Fuck, you are gorgeous, and I’m picky guy.
He took your head and dipped his tongue in your mouth making you moaned. He took you by the legs, wrapping them around his waist, your almost naked skin touching his exposed chest. You moaned at the contact of his erection on your clothed pussy. He opened his eyes to see your face, focused on your kiss. Oh, he was going to enjoy it. He pinned you down on the desk, his hands sliding down your legs. He got up from you, you opened your eyes slowly to see a semi-god in front of you taking off his shirt, your legs still wrapped around him, your hips starting little movements to rub against him. He smiled.
-Hun, hun, baby, putting his hand on your panties.
He rubbed his fingers against your pussy that only wanted him inside you. You shivered at the thought.
-You are not allowed to move without my permission. I give the orders in my office.
You swallowed and nodded.
-Good girl, he said in a deep voice.
He continued his caresses along your legs, stopping on your thighs and clutching them. He looked at you and smiled widely. You returned his gaze intrigued at what was going on in his head when you felt him suddenly pull on your tights, ripping them off completely, creating two gaping holes on your legs.
-Hey! but before you could continue, he pressed his mouth against yours.
You both moaned in your kiss. His hand slipped under your pantyhose, touching your skin, pinching you then caressing you, leaving little red marks behind. He pulled his hand out and came off from your lips, admiring you panting. He returned his gaze to your pussy, still hidden under too many layers, before tearing off the part of the pantyhose that prevented him from having access to it.
-Ah! you couldn't help but exclaim at the realization that your tights were completely ruined under his attack. Fuck... you felt his warm breath next to your panties, making you even wetter than before. Satoru... please~ you moaned.
-Hmmm, eager I see, he said while shifting your panties to the side having full access to your cunt.
He licked in one go; your pussy completely wet under his movements. He let out an animal growl.
-Tasty, he mumbled before nibbling one of your vaginal lips.
-Urgh! ~ you groaned. More! you begged, putting your hands on his head, in his silver hair.
-What did I say? He said stopping his movements. I give the orders here.
He raised an eyebrow waiting for an answer from you, you nodded slowly, wanting only one thing, that he makes a mess of you.
He returned his attention to your cunt which was just asking for his tongue. He licked one wall, then another, forcing you to gasp under the pleasure of his movements. He finally introduced his long tongue deep into you, making you widen your eyes, and a few tears of pleasure came to the edge of your eyes.
Under his erratic movements, he grunted. He was taking more and more pleasure; his boxers were so tight. He only wanted to take you on his desk until you couldn't walk anymore. He continued to move his tongue back and forth, before concentrating on your clit, biting it tenderly and sucking it repeatedly.
-Ah-ah-ah ~~, you moaned, tongue out. My god… fuck! uh-uh-uh…
He accelerated his movements understanding by your moaning louder and louder that he was doing things right, obviously. He withdrew from your pussy and licked all of your body slowly going up, until he reached your breast.
He easily inserted two long fingers inside you, while licking the contours of your chest. He lifted your bra with his other hand and sucked around your nipple. His fingers quickened the movements, feeling your hips trembling as if you were begging to him to go further. He circled around your clit, making you moaned of pleasure. He nibbled on your nipple before taking more of your breast into his mouth, leaving behind the sucking noises that were getting you off even more. Your pussy tightened at his movements, you felt yourself coming. You couldn't help but cry out in pleasure as he applied pressure to your sensitive spot.
-Hmmm, there yes…yess…ah-ah-ah~~ you moaned so loudly that you knew that the secretary had heard you, making you tighten even more around her fingers. You felt your orgasm coming, making all your legs and body shake.
-OH MY GOD! ~~ you screamed, letting the wave of pleasure take over.
He placed his lips on yours, still fingering you, with his fucking long finger, right through your orgasm. Your walls were clinching around his movements. His name was on your lips, and it was making him so fucking horny. He withdrew from you, letting you breathless on the desk. He let down his pants and started to palpate his dick under his boxer. He was so hard it was painful. You stood up on your elbows, watching him slowly undress before seeing what was waiting for you under his boxers.
-Want that? He asked.
You nodded.
-Ye-yess, I want it… you salivated.
-Suck it then, he ordered removing entirely his boxer, letting free his thick dick, moistened by his precum, decorated by long blue veins. You rolled your tongue over your lips at the thought of having him in your mouth.
You got down from the desk, walking towards him, once facing him you got down on your knees, gently licking his chest. He watched you descend on him, and you never left his sight.
-Mmmh, he moaned, yeah.
You took his cock in your hands, slowly starting to jack him off. You gave a few licks on the top, sucking on his precum which made him tilt his head back. His eyes met those of his secretary who had been looking in your direction for a few minutes now. She could make out your legs, but you were hidden behind the door. Gojo motioned for her to take note, imitating a pen and notebook with his hand, she glared back at him, red. She took her bag, turned around, he let out a laugh. she left the office.
He concentrated on you, who had just started to pump him, rolling your tongue along his member.
-Fuck, you're good, he said in a deep voice.
You took him deeper into your mouth, his tip touching the entrance to your throat. Your heat and wetness turned him on. He took your head and pushed it even deeper into him, holding you firmly. Tears gathered along your eyes and began to roll down. His cock was much too long for you. He pulled out before he pushed in.
-Oh fuck! Yeah!
He accelerated his movements with his hips fucking your mouth hardly. With each coming and going, his cock was pushing more and more into your throat, forcing you to gap on him. He grabbed your head even more, a few more strokes and he'd be able to get himself all the way into your mouth. The thought was already making him want to release himself into you. His movements accelerated and your mouth noises became louder and louder, your saliva and his precum mixing together. He took you out of his mouth, you were completely crying.
What a sight, he thought. You wrapped your hand around him while your jaw readjusted and jerked him off at a rapid pace.
-FUCK yes! Keep it up and I'll cum on you! Shit! UH~~ yes!
He was literally screaming with pleasure. The sun rays were shining through his hair, giving you a wonderful show, this man was the definition of beauty. You took it back into your mouth, pumping it at a steady pace, you felt him shaking, with each of your strokes. His head snapped back, pleasure taking over.
-Holy shit.... I'm gonna... huh-huh~~ cum... fuck!
You sucked his cock completely before diving back on top of him to take him completely, your nose touching his hair, the same color as those on top of his head. You felt him blocking you where you were, with his hands on your head, and his hips took over, moving back and forth at an almost hellish pace in your mouth. Your throat was now completely filled with him.
-Cumming! Huh! ~~ AH!
With one last thrust inside your mouth, he released his cum which went straight into throat, without you being able to do anything. His eyes completely closed, his head still back, his hands on your head and his hips still making little dry movements, as if to make sure you wouldn't let any drop out. He slowly came down from his cloud before watching you swallow the sperm; he had just released into you.
-Fuck that was amazing .... he moaned.
It had been a long time since he had felt so much pleasure from a blow job. Where have you been all this time?
You fell on your hands trying to catch your breath. He laughed at the sight. Confident not long ago, yet you were now on all fours in front of him, and clearly, he wasn't done with you. He took your arm, forcing you to stand up, he pushed his lips on you.
-Incredible, however now this will go into you.
You looked down, seeing that his cock was getting harder. How? In few seconds only… How?
You gasped when he lifted you, kissing you again and bringing you to his chair, next to the bay window, the last rays of sunlight caressing your skin.
-Honey… he said quietly, seeing you shining.
-Sit on me now, I'll take you in that position.
you nodded and placed a leg on each side before taking his cock in your hands, placing it at your entrance. You were soaked with excitement and the touch of his tip on your pussy made you moan.
You rubbed yourself against him, lubricating him before sitting on him, pulling him in more and more.
-Good girl, I'm not quite there yet," he said, watching your two limbs slowly connect. I want to be fully inside you before I let you see the 7th heaven...
You nodded and continued your descent into him, moving up and down to take him even more. You leaned on his head, forcing him to face your breasts still trapped in your bra. He left your slowly descending hips before pulling your bra down leaving your breasts exposed. He sucked on one before grunting, feeling almost entirely inside you. He thrust his hip into you before sneaking your hips into contact.
-Fuck, he steadied himself. Fuck, so tight…
Your eyes were completely closed at the thought of having him inside you. He lowered his head, seeing your juices sliding down your thighs and onto him. He licked his mouth and began to circle his hips so you could feel him all the way inside you. He saw your tongue fall out of your mouth, oh yes you liked that.
He was touching your sensitive points without any effort.
-Move. Now, he ordered.
You lifted yourself up before falling back on top of him, allowing him to see a bulge forming a few inches below your belly button.
He watched you make your moves, hypnotized by the appearance and disappearance of this bump. When was the last time he had faced his partner? For a long time now, he always took them from behind, avoiding meeting their eyes. Yet you, he wanted to see you get off on him. Your movements accelerated on him, your hands went down on his shoulders, your head tilted back. He felt that you were losing your balance, so he grabbed your hips, and started to move in you at a ferrous pace.
-AH! ~~ fuck ye-yessss! You cried.
He was hitting your cervix so easily. He was hammering in you, and you were just a ball of nerve under his contact. With each thrust, he left slap noises that made you so excited. His groans were also growing louder. Your tightness was taking him so good, applying pressure all around his dick.
-God dammit, he moaned, so, so good… ~~
He sped up and sucked on your other tit. You took back his head in your arm, pressing him completely against your chest. Your hands traveled his hair, as he was pounding inside of you. He pinched his lips, not knowing what sounds could still come out of his mouth. You were just a hot mess crying his name, cries that echo throughout his office.
-Huh… I’m cumming… Satoru… harder….
-Fuck… he groaned.
He accelerated his movements, but the chair preventing him from being completely free he got up, you in his arms the legs rolled up around him.
His cadence was animal, he was going to make you cum, and you couldn't take it anymore. He squeezed himself so hard that his cock was part of you. He was coming and going inside you, expanding you again and again, your walls were still adapting. Your pleasure juices were falling on the floor leaving drops gathering more and more on his immaculate marble. His thrusts were more brutal, you felt him coming and you only wanted one thing, his pleasure in you.
-Fuck! he shouted. He took almost all of himself out of you before forcing his hips back into you. I'm gonna fucking cum! In you… shit! ~~
-Ye-ess! inside me! yes! yes! fuck! harder! you screamed.
-You like that, huh! don't you? When I go deep inside you!
He pushed himself deep inside.
-Yes-yess! God, that's the best! Satoru! I love your cock! I love it! URGH! ~~
-ROHH! damn it! He shouted, his rhythm was unbearable.
You came with a loud scream almost falling backwards, but Gojo picked you up by your lower back. You let him do what he wanted with you, not having any energy left, he continued to piston up in your oversensitive pussy, all your nerves were on fire. How does he to still be standing, carrying you and hammering like that??
He was chasing his orgasm. His cock was getting deeper and deeper into you, with one last thrust he went deeper, spilling his hot cum deep inside you.
-Fuck!! he roared. YEAH~~.... fuck!
He let himself in even after a few minutes making sure his cum stayed inside you, even when you went home.
After many minutes he slowly pulled out and slumped back in his chair, you still in his arms. His office was completely dark, as night had fallen. You were slowly catching your breath. You began to remove your pantyhose completely torn off under your partner's hands.
-I don't think it's going to do me much good anymore... you say softly.
He laughed.
-Sorry about that, but I was getting too excited.
-Mmmh... you put your panties back on and slowly buttoned up your dress. You took your bag and pointed to the documents on his desk. Don't forget to fill out the last few items.
He turned to you.
-It takes only a few seconds to do that," he laughed.
-What? You said surprised.
-Yes... I didn't really need all your advice, but an excuse for you to stay. He winked at you, like it worked.
You sighed and picked up your bag.
-Well, Gojo Satoru, it was… nice to meet you, you said as you tapped on the folds of your dress.
-Likewise, likewise… he said closing the buckle of his pants. Can't wait to see the next updates... he snickered.
-Good evening, you answered him turning your back and waving.
-Oh and Y/N ! You turned to him. You are welcome, he said putting his vest on.
You smiled and turned back.
You left his office closing behind you. Ah, his secretary had left. You blushed at the thought that she must have heard you.
You exhaled thinking about your pizza. It’s going to be for another day.
✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉ ✼ ❉
Sorry not sorry ✌︎
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Whacky Gotham, Goofy New York, and Chaotic Paris
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Chapter 3: Kindred Spirits Always Find A Way To Assemble
Time: 5:30am
location: Louvre
Ladybug, Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir are fighting an akuma, not anything major, just Mr. Pigeon and his pigeons trying to melt the Louvre with deadly acidic bird dropings, so yeah, nothing major. Just another early bird gets the akuma kinda day...
"Looks like the early bird is trying to melt the Louvre, what say you M'lady, shall we make this swift and- *Loud sneeze* Let me now *sneeze* when I'm *sneeze* needed" - Chat Noir
"For to long our kind has been oppressed, they feed us miserable seeds, when we beg for bread, we shall show them no mercy, as our justice shall be swift!" picks up two pigeons, holds them by their legs and aims the rear cannons "Surrender your Miraculous and your justice shall be swift and painless!!" with an evil villain laugh at the end bla bla bla.
" Anyone else getting Pigeon (French) Revolution vibes? No? just me? Cause I swear he said seeds instead of cake."
"Not the time Bunnyx." - Abeille
"Oh it so Is The Time." - Bunnyx
"Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object!" - Chat Noir from a distance.
"Viva La Revolution!!!" - Trickster
"Dear Kwami, how did it come to a frickin Pigeon Revolution?!" - Ladybug
As the last line is said, Mr. Pigeon fires the -ehem- cannons at the heroes, only for them to be an illusion. In the confusion Bunnyx pops out of her burrow and wacks Mr. Pigeon on the head, effectively knocking him out.
"The Pigeon Revolution is over, we have taken back our home, and shall continue to defend it from the creepy Man of MOTH!!!!" - Bunnyx
and with that Bunnyx brakes the Akumatized object, and Ladybug purifies the akuma.
"Ok, I will admit that last speach was funny, now lets hurry back before hells bells go off." - Ladybug
" Bla bla bla, nothing important, bla bla bla bla, yada yada yada bla yada." - Mrs. Bustier
"'Viva La Revolution', that was perfect." - Whispering Alix
"It just came to me, but Chats 'Off with Mr. Pigeon Antoinette's Akumatized object' line and your 'Man of Moth' speech were really well timed !" -whispering Peter
"well of course, I'm always punctual with any time sensitive joke/pun." -whispering Alix
"Will you to zip it! we can't have these simpletons finding anything out!" -whispering Chloé
"Please, they all share a broken defective regect of a brain cell, I doubt they could ever put two and two together." -whispering Alix
"Hey, do you think we should start a protest in our classroom?" -whispering Peter
"... Viva.La.Revolution!" - whispering Chloé with a mischievous grin
"No." - Maria
•~—~—~—~ Later when Mrs. Bustier is out of class ~—~—~—~•
"I just don't know what to do." - Lie-la
" You think she finally realized how horrible that hair style is?" - Alix
"After visiting Gotham a few months ago I met Damian Wayne, you might've heard about him, he's just so amazing, kind-hearted, and brave. We had a wonderful time, but then he asked me out! And I don't want to hurt Parkers feelings, I care for both of them!" - Lie-la
"Man, she must be extremely full of it to keep pulling that sh-t out of her @ss every hour or so." - Alix
"Wow Peter, didn't know your cared for Ms. Rossi like that" - Chloé said in a sarcastic tone.
" I'd rather strap her to a supersonic rocket heading for a black hole, and I'm pretty sure this Damian Wayne would do the same... he probably has the money for it actually." - Peter
" Enough plotting, we still need to get enough money, if we want that summer trip, we've already crossed off: Baking sales, becoming a mime, jobs are out unless they're fine with you leaving right after joining, and we can't just ask for donations." - Maria
" I can use my MDC mon-" - Maria
"Oh hell no you won't! You worked your butt off to get that money, you said it yourself! That money is for when you apply to college! I refuse to let you waste your money on our ignoramus classmates!" - Chloé
Thankfully by now everyone was out of the classroom.
" Oh Kwami she's serious, she never uses her big words!" - Adrien
" Then what do you suggest Chloé?" - Maria
" I'll ask daddy to pay!" - Chloé
" I can also ask my father, he'll probably do it if Mr. Bourgeois puts in a donation." - Adrien
" But- " - Maria
" No! The decision is final all in agreement say aye!" - Chloé
"Aye!" - Everyone
"You've watched to many movies Chloé, fine, but please don't drastically overdo it." - Maria
" When have I ever drastically overdone something? Name one time." - Chloé
"Well, there was the time you over did it, by not sleeping for almost three weeks." - Maria
" and after that you got so fed up with one akuma that you kicked him with the force of a thousand suns down unda, you may have scared him for life after that honestly. " - Adrien
" Oh! or the time you went overboard with Peters B-day, and the cake landed on his face! - Alix
"Well in her defense, the cake was great, but it was kinda a mouthful." -Peter
"... I said name one time. (ー_ー)" - Chloé
Sooo, after all that happened Mr. Bourgeois, Fallowed by Gabriel Agreste, gave a very generous donation, so that solves that problem.And since I'm sure you don't want to see (More Lies) boring stuff, lets skip to two days before the trip begins.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜time skip " You're welcome, I'm here all eternity." - Bunnyx〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
•—–· At Chloés Hotel ·–—•
"Ok are we sure we have everything?" - Maria
" Yes now can we please watch something already, we've triple, and even quadruple checked everything, we're good." - Alix
" I have to go out and inform Tempête and Vipère, before anything else, be back soon." - Maria then heads out calling upon the other heroes.
" So what do you need?" - Vipère
" Do you have a top secret mission for us?" - Tempête
" For the summer Abeille, Bunnyx, Trickster, and Chat Noir will be unavailable, unless they are truly needed, I however will be able to travel back and forth via portals for fights. Paris will be in your care while we aren't here." - Ladybug
"It is our honor, we shall defend Paris with our lives." - Tempête
" Agreed, enjoy your summer." - Vipère
"Thank you, stay safe."  and with that Maria headed back to the hotel prepared to watch movies, only to be bombarded with questions as soon as she got back.
" HOLD UP! You know MAGIC?!" - Alix
" When were you going to tell us?!" - Chloé
"So cool, how does it work?" - Peter
" Can you teach us?!" - Adrien
" Spots-Off, yes I know magic, I swear I've told you before. Do you want a demonstration?" - Maria
They all shook their heads excitedly.
" Ok well, I'm able to Heal myself if I get hurt, but I don't wish to hurt myself just for that, I can also increase my Luck with magic, as well as Communicate/ Manipulate plants, and see peoples Souls, thanks to Tikki. I learned Protection magic thanks to Wayzz, and Illusion magic thank  to Trixx. I'm also learning Teleportation from Kaalki, which I've almost completed, and Mutitude from Mullo, which still needs work." - Maria
" If you can really talk to plants, what did we do earlier while you where out, hmmmmm?" - Alix
Maria then walks over to the roses near the couch and whispers to them, after a moment she turns back to her friends, and calmly says "Traitors."
" What do you mean?" - Peter
" You continued watching Star Wars: Clone Wars Without me!" - Maria
" Ok we believe you, but does this mean we can also use magic?" - Adrien
"Hmmm, let me see" as she says this her eyes start to glow an almost ethereal icy blue.
" Why are you eyes glowing?" - Chloé
"Looking at you souls... ok" she then claps her hands and her eyes go back to normal "Adrien, you can use slight Destruction magic on objects, if you use it on a person it would just cause them extreme pain, you can also cast Bad Luck on someone, so I guess thats good, and you can also learn slight Jubilation magic. Peter you can learn Illusion, and Protection magic. Chloé you can Learn Subjection, and Multiplication magic. And Alix, you can learn Evolution, Intuition, and Teleportation magic." As Maria finished, she saw the star struck looks in their eyes at the thought of learning magic became obtainable for them.
"Teach us!" they all bowed only to get a laugh from Maria in response.
"You would have to ask the Kwamis that, I only know what I know thanks to them." - Maria
And for most of the night they all started practicing magic. And when they woke up, they continued to practice, they had fun and were really enjoying it.
Then came the day Maria and her friends were to head for Gotham, and it was hectic, but everyone made it in one piece after an 8 hour flight, which at this point Maria was glad she sent all of her important luggage ahead of time, because somehow her luggage with only her toiletries and pyjamas was stolen, so all she had now was her back pack on her and the Miracle box in a Pocket dimension (thanks to the training from Fluff and Kaalki)
Lila was annoyed, when Maria didn't even care that she lost her bag with all her stuff (jokes on you she sent that one to the hotel 2 days ago HA!) they ended up checking into the hotel, everyone was with someone, Peter was with Adrien, Chloé was with Alix, and Maria... just had the Kwamis, yup that's right, apparently Lila has a condition that prevents her from being in any room below a quality vip room, so now she was upgrade and without a roommate, good for Lila, and Lucky for Maira, because now she doesn't have to worry about someone noticing her climbing out the window to go free-running across rooftops as Multimouce.
Around 7:30 pm. everyone heads out for lunch... and they leave Maria behind.
"Of course this happens." and with that she asked the receptionist for the directions to where her class went, afterwards she went out and proceeded to get lost, after trying to retrace her steps, she just got lost quicker, and her phone was at 20% what luck.
After walking for a little bit, she had decided to take a break, and as she leaned up against a wall, she closed her eyes.
'Maybe if I search for the receptionists Soul I can find my way back.' as she was doing this, she saw souls of all colors walking by, she even noticed a dark emerald green soul, and a dark blue soul across the street on a rooftop... and then she felt her hair stand on end, a few feet to her right was a bloody rust looking soul, she could tell it was a male, late 20s, average build, and 5'11, he was targeting her. As she opened her eyes  she did a quick scan of her seroundings, noticing an alley, she started to walk again. Sensing the slight increase in speed from the man now behind her, as he got closer, she made a sharp left into the alley, she made it a few feet in before the man started laughing and walking closer, she saw the disgusting look in his eyes, and the outline of a gun in his front left pocket.
"Come on now girlie,  I just wanna talk."
" I am good thankz." she made sure to add an accent to make him feel like he had an upper hand, which seemed to work, if his sickening smile was anything to go off of.
He stepped closer and Maria (the little genius she was) decided to act nervous, which only lowered the guys gaurd even more, once he reached to grab her in a quick motion she proceeded to do this.
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She held the guy in a lock until he fell unconscious. As she stood up, she noticed a hand reaching for her, she then grabbed the hand and flipped the figure over her shoulder hard, hearing a yelp from the man as she did so.
When she realized who she had flipped over, her face turned bright red
"Mon dieu, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you are you ok Monsieur Nightwing?!"
"Yeah I'm fine and don't apologize, reflexes like that are key to survival here in Gotham, isn't that right Robin.... Robin?"
When Nightwing didn't get any sound from Robin he looked over to see the boy a blushing mess, then Robin snaped out of it, cuffing the mugger, and turning his attention to the girl.
" Ehem. Mam it's dangerous to be out here at this time alone, please allow us to take you wherever you need to go." - Robin
"Oh thank you um, do you know where Wayne Hotel is? I was supposed to go with my class to dinner, but they... “forgot” me, I decided to try and meet up with them, but I failed horribly." - Maria
"Wait they just left you? and in Gothan of all cities?! What kind of teacher does that?!" - Nightwing
" An instegator." - Maria said under her breath in French, she didn't notice the slight shock on both their faces from what she said.
"Anyway lets get you to your hotel before it gets any later." - Nightwing
"Thank you again." - Maria
She arrived safely, thanks to Nightwing and Robin, she thanked them one more time and went inside, when she got to her room she found her friends pacing back and forth in the room, Chloé and Peter looking like they would soon become two people on a mission to find her, but thankfully she was back, she of course had to answer alot of questions, but that was no big deal. After answering all their questions, everyone went to their rooms, and fell asleep, they had a big day tomorrow afterall... ... and then Marias' Akuma alert went off, ok so it took about thirty minutes to defeated the akuma 2 more before she could cure anything and another 5 minutes before she could head back to her room, and it was now 2am, but she could still wake up early right? hehe (・–・;) right?
No, the answer was no she couldn't, well technically she was up on time for when the bus "should" have started getting ready to leave, BUT turns out Lila SOMEHOW, managed to get everyone on board without even thinking of her an hour early! Maria asked for directions once again, and the receptionist had a worried and apologetic look on her face, Maria thanked her again, and headed out, this time however, she made it without getting lost and without getting mugged, Yay! She even had enough time to get a coffe (Tim special was a wierd name but oh well it did the job pretty well) from a shop near by (double yay!) before entering the WE building.
" You have to start the tour! we've been here for an hour and thirty minutes already!" - Ms. Bustier
"Like I said before, I will not start the tour until your student gets back, and if they don't get back, then we better hope nothing happened to them, or else it's your fault for your negligence." - Tour guide
"Sorry I'm late, the bus left earlier than what we scheduled, why didn't you inform me about the change?" - Maira
"Lila said you were the one who made the changes and that you were just trying to get attention, I am VERY disappointed in you Maria, now apologize to your class for delaying the tour!" - Ms Bustier
"I think you mean “I'm sorry we left you behind in a city where murder happens to young kids on a daily basis” now you apologize to Your student that is Your responsibility." - Tour Guide with a glare that could kill a thousand armys
Ms. Bustier proceeded to apologise to half the class's disbelief.
"Alright then, now that thats all taken care of, Hello and welcome to Wayne Enterprise, where we focus on making Gotham and the world a better place. I'm Dick Grayson, and I'll be you tour guide for today."
As the tour went on Maria stood at the front with her friends, she took notes of everything that was said, and she ignored whatever nonsense Lila was spouting, somthing about saving or dating Damian Wayne, she didn't really care.
When the lunch break came, she sat with her friends until she needed a long overdo refill on her coffee, she walked over to the coffee machine and started figuring what combination will keep her brain working for the rest of the day.
"Press button 3 followed by 5, 6, 8, 1, 2, 4, 9, and 7, that is the ultimate coffee mixture, if your mortal self is up for the challenge." - Sleep deprived guy
"I accepte." she presses the buttons in the exact order and then " Wait none of the cups are big enough."
"Here, secrect cup, from beyond the mortal realm." - Sleep deprived guy
" Thanks" she grapped the very large cup, and filled it with coffee till it was almost to the rim, she put the lid on and instantly took a big sip from the scolding hot coffee (she can heal, her tongue's fiiiiiiine)
"... Not bad, taste similar to the Tim Special I had earlier, but maybe a bit stronger." - Maria
" Kindred Spirit, let us be friends, you have drank the sacred coffee and are now immortal, congrats." - Sleep deprived guy
"It was not easy, but I have come this far, and I shall go the distance with nothing but coffee in my veins." Maria said in a serious tone as they shook hands "I am Maria, keeper of all nighters, and who might you be, my kindred spirit."
"I am Tim, the keeper of sacred coffee and all that is unholy."
"It was an honor to meet you Sacred Tim, may the coffee gods guide you in your journey, sadly we must part ways, for the lunch break is over, farewell..." and with that Maria left to rejoin the group.
"Dear god where the hell did you get that much coffee?!" - Chloé
"Kindred Spirits always find a way to assemble." - Maria
"Huh, so there is someone out there who is also a sleep deprived child." - Alix
The tour continued, and Maria noticed their tour guide kept looking at her with growing concern as she slowly made her way through the lovely coffee, she finished the cup within 1 hour and 30 minutes, and most of the staff kept looking at her as she now held the empty unholy cup, that was said to put people (that weren't chosen by the coffee gods) into caffeine induced commas, but she was fine, if anything she was more awake than yesterday and today combined. So yeah Today had a rocky start, but I'd say things are only just beginning.
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Bonus Art 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
This is what it looks like from Marias' normal vision, to her Soul Vision (~‾▿‾)~
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Chapter 3 completed, hope you're all having a wonderful day, and staying positive BUG-OUT 🐞💮🐞
〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜 Tag List 〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜
1st Place★: @animegirlweeb ☕
2nd Place★: @jumpingjoy82
3rd Place★: @zalladane
4th Place★: @jayjayspixiepop
5th Place★: @arty-shadow-morningstar
6th Place★: @smol-book-nerd
7th Place★: @irontimetravelflower
8th Place★: @fandom-trapped-03
9th Place★: @meme991001
10th Place★: @buginetye
11th Place★: @blackroserelina
12th Place★: @jessigurl-design
13th Place★: @adrestar
14th Place★: @moon5608
15th Place★: @little-bluestar
16th Place★: @batgirljr72
17th Place★: @myazael
18th Place★: @our-preciousss
19th Place★: @wolf2118
20th Place★: @nyx-in-line
21st Place★: @kking13
22nd Place★: @lunerlover2024
23rd Place★: @moonlightstar64
24th Place★: @corporeal-terrestrial
25th Place★: @kashlyn
26th Place★: @tbehartoo
27th Place★: @heart-charming
28th Place★: @solangelo252
29th Place★: @t1dwarrior-of-earth
30th Place★: @lady-phoenix-of-tardis
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theanticool · 2 years
usman vs edwards is a weird fight. usman is obviously a better fighter but he's also 35 so i feel like he's liable to lose at any moment. And it made me think like other than Anderson, all the top title defense guys like Jones, Aldo, GSP, DJ, became champ in their early/mid 20's so they were able to make the most of their prime years, but nowadays guys like Usman, Volk, Figgy, Stipe aren't getting their title shots til they're like 30-31 so they have to spend like half of their prime years as contenders/prospects trying to get noticed. I guess my question is why do you think its so much harder these days for a 25 year old to become champ?
Usman-Edwards is such a weird fight cause I have major questions about both guys but I'll probably write about them ahead of the fight.
To answer your question though, I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I have a few guesses as to why we're unlikely to see another young 20-soemthing guy just dominate for like 5 years.
There are like over 100 guys in the welterweight and featherweight division each. You really have to either go on a big run or standout in some marketable way to get yourself a title fight. Back in the day, roster spots were harder to come by and as a result if you got a couple of wins, you were right in title talks. GSP got a shot after 2 wins. It took Volk three years and 7 fights to get to a title shot. It took Usman like 4 years. If this was 2008, Arnold Allen would have probably fought for the title after he beat someone like Makwan Amirkhani.
The quality of MMA fighters has risen since 2004-8. There are just way more fighters in general and that has elevated the pool of talent. At least from 170 and below. It takes an insanely long time to get good at MMA nowadays. The number of guys who can just pop up at 22 years old and be champion is really tiny. Look at Cody. You guy looks amazing on the rise. He picks apart arguably the best BW to date. But we then saw how undeveloped his game really was when he was faced with other top BWs like TJ and Munhoz. You really have to get serious cage time nowadays early if you want to go deep into your career.
The business model has changed. The UFC has consolidated the vast majority of top talent. When the rosters were smaller, it was a lot easier to justify contenders because it meant you could feature a fighter a lot more. Aldo fought 5x in like 17 months before he fought Brown. He didn't have to share promotional/media space with Hatsu Hioki or one of the other top ranked FWs at the time that weren't in WEC. And if a guy lost once or twice, they could get someone else in there. Well now the UFC has 45 cards to fill with 12 PPVs, so everyone sticks around. Most UFC fighters are lucky if they get 2 fights a year. And rankings mean you have to politic to get the guys with higher rankings to fight lower ranked or non-ranked opponents. You're not going to get opportunities for guys to just show up out of nowhere and knock off a contender in their first fight.
There are like 10 other things that I think play into it (ie death of regional MMA, MMA training/meta progression, etc ) but I'll leave it at these three for now.
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mowu-moment · 3 years
i feel controversial & i care too much, so here's my des rocs complete tierlist
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ranked list & reasoning (ish) under the cut
1. WAYNE: hoholy shit wayne. can hardly put into words how explosive this one is to me. the intro sets a Whole Mood before swiftly (& cleanly) smacking it down into an Absolute Banger and i don't use the term lightly. very hard not to scream along with it. only detriment is that wayne the person is kinda an ass in the mmc video but that's no qualm
2. POS: basically the same thing as wayne (oh both have great lyrics btw, this one more so), only gets points knocked for being 2 minutes long and having 30 seconds of that being intro & outro. go danny give us nothing
3. WHY WHY WHY: there's a theme among my top picks--they're all hard-hitting w/ killer guitar. the lyrics are absolute batshit in a good way, but the chorus is a lil flat & i feel like in general it just needed a touch more spice to score the top spot. or maybe it's just seniority & it'll have a coup a few months out idk
4. DEAD RINGER: similar killer guitar & lyrics but this one is Groovy as Hell. don't particularly like his singing in this one & it's too repetitive if i'm feeling grumpy but there's something so magic about after the bridge. top 10 songs to twirl a flag to
5. NOTHING PERSONAL: the minute long outro irks me & it's a little bit empty but plays into that well. groovy, great lyrics, the Sexiest Guitar Solo of the lot, the screaming's a minus but it does have an emotion there. not entirely sure what one but it's there.
6. LET ME LIVE / LET ME DIE: his first time being all over the goddamn place, history was made. amazing guitar, a little worse lyrics than 1-4 i'll admit, the intro Slays me both in a good and bad way. must be a joy to play live where he can just drag out that intro & bridge as long as feels right. at least i liked it in the digital concert like that. would actually kill me in a physical concert, imagine how much stomping gets going to that beat. bonus points for presumable cowbell
7. PIECES: for once not this high for the guitar & lyrics, they're both kinda basic. idk what's about this one but it just takes me to a separate dimension & i love it so much for that. really fills those earholes. also a bit of personal meaning, heard it for the first time on the day we moved into the house i'm currently split-custody-living in (is that tmi?) & the first music video of his i saw. man i love some spaghetti on the wall
8. SLO: basically the same as dead ringer, but knocked points for a kinda lame outro & the subject matter being a little less interesting to me. still lovely.
9. HANGING BY A THREAD: not my normal fare really & the way that the ends of the verses don't really fit in the pacing of them is bleh, but it's just so reminiscent of the songs my brother puts on whenever we hang out together that it just makes me all warm & fuzzy. it's also nicely put together which is something i'll have to start saying for. the later list.
10. SUICIDE ROMANTICS: this is where i start griping about head voice & higher pitches in general. don't like em so the pre-chorus is a lil annoying. also not my normal fare but it's tender & the ending is awe-striking. imo better live where he's loud on that last line before the final chorus. not enough to bump it up though. shoutouts to love and a smoking gun, i still am dying to hear that one
11. THE PAST HAS PASSED AWAY: my favorite lyrics out of the first 2 ep's. only thing wrong with it really is the bridge getting kinda repetitive. love that last chorus heehoo. same schpeel as the Banger Category
12. MMC: this one's lower than the rest of the Bangers for being pop punk which is something the radio has made me dislike, i guess. that trope with the guitar in the second half of the chorus just kills me so much. improves greatly during & after the bridge, love that lil ragtime piano. generally the same bit as before but i do love him doing something un-romance-related. yeah fuck the establishment!
13. THE DEVIL INSIDE: reminds me A Lot of the electronic-ish cassettes i've got from the early 90's but that's just me. this one will probably move up as i get more used to it, but only a little bit. the first part of the second verse makes me like. genuinely uncomfy? but the second part of it's fantastic. ending's ass though what happened to the instrumence. bonus points for using 'reverie' that's an SAT word (maybe). good singing but returning to the gripe at higher pitches, just a little bit though
14. THIS IS OUR LIFE: feels shockingly generic for a des rocs song tbh but there's nothing really wrong with that. adore the bridge. singing's alright. kinda miffed that he doesn't pronounce the 'f' in the second 'life' in the chorus, but it makes sense here. that sort of thing won't later so i'm bringing it up now. guitar's nothing spectacular but fits nicely into the song, probably one of the most cohesive of his (especially in recent history).
15. OUTTA MY MIND: really lives in the same space as slo and dead ringer do in my head (most likely the 'songs to twirl a flag to' zone), but this is by far the worst of the three for when i'm grumpy. just. Very repetitive. back to great lyrics here but it's kinda hard to pick them out (i've heard the song at least 100 times by now & i'm still missing a few lines). still groovin'
16. RUBY WITH THE SHARPEST LIES: what the fuck actually goes on in this song by the way? not the premise or whatever it's just. so all over the place. the verses are incredible but bringing in another vocalist just for one line kills me. bridge is really cool but that one part i don't remember where it is, the one that alternates basically nothing & an Electronic Piano Chord blaring at ya? ruins it. partially anyhow. also can someone tell the people on genius that it's 'carved it in my skin' not 'crawled down in my skin'
17. GIVE ME THE NIGHT: same repetitive issue as outta my mind but it's not groovy enough to save it, shame. feels like a trial run of all the wackshit stuff he's been doing recently, with the additional vocal bits at the end & the kinda weird lyrics. it still has a place in my heart don't get me wrong but it's just fallen in favor of stuff that Commits to banger or batshit (or actually pulls off both strongly, yyy). oh yeah nice guitar alright singing etc etc
18. USED TO THE DARKNESS: similar story to give me the night. i love it i do, but it's just lackluster nowadays. also remember that under-pronunciation thing i brought up in this is our life? this is where that comes back. rampant i tell you! that second verse he just doesn't finish the words & i hate it!
19. DON'T HURT ME: i honestly don't know why this one isn't in D. the chorus bit where he just cuts it short is irksome. the lyrics aren't anything special. i don't know what i like about it. but i can tell it does exactly what it set out to do if that makes sense. respect, respect. and using missile in an analogy, he's getting creative with the vocab
20. LIVING PROOF: kinda got a vendetta against this one i think? i don't know why i hate this one but i do. it's just kinda, blah. like the perfect sort of thing to nightcore up. sentiment's lovely & i do love the lyrics even if they aren't impressive but like. it bores me to an extent
21. TICK (LIVE): separating the version i heard in the digital concert just to give it some credit, this one was actually kinda nice. another one with a nice sentiment & what he was going for is great. no clue what the second part of the second verse has to do with any of this though. and it also begins our final group, the songs that just feel empty. like there's not nearly enough going on. this one's alright though i was just hoping the studio version would add some flair. you can see where that one is though.
22. IMAGINARY FRIENDS: also got a vendetta against pop. kinda hate the sentiment here (contrast!), the chorus just falls short of what the verses prime me for, head voice is rampant, and yet i still swing along to it. it's infectious props to him. love the outro though, monkey laugh and all.
23. MAYBE, I: another empty one, like it's a four-note progression what is that. love his singing in it, and the chorus parts do round it out, but like. eh? it doesn't even give me much to say.
24. BORN TO LOSE: another flop on the chorus! too smooth i say! and i absolutely Despise the pitch-shifting thing going on. not something i was expecting him to express so points there, lyrics are nothing fancy to my Literary Mind though. initially good singing but the chorus he's just sloppy over it. the instrumental is lovely but the vocals just throw it so hard into the bin which is a right shame. fuck that outro too i hate that gimmick
25. I KNOW: here's where the bad batshit comes in. singing is some of his worst imo, does the other-vocalist thing for that bridge, genre i'm not fond of, just a soup of Stuff I Don't Like. not one i'd kill someone over putting as #1 like i can see where it comes from but. mmmmmhhhh bad. cover does NOT help his case.
26. HVY MTL DRMR: empirically i should put this one higher. but the chorus flops so goddamn hard it deserves to be in the bottom of the barrel. the verses are lovely for what he was doing back then! but then just... nothing!
27. RABBIT HOLE: i was so excited for this name but it's just sad boi hours playlist curated by some corporation you hate. probably the most nothing of them all, genuinely where are the instruments. what happened. was this one just shoehorned in as the final track just to pump numbers up. and i swear he had some autotune or something which only makes his voice worse it's fantastic naturally. also that's not what a rabbit hole is! that's not the idiom! a rabbit hole is when you go on a wikipedia spiral from jennifer lopez to group theory! not when you just have a shitty night's sleep or whatever this is! i'm not just miffed i'm downright annoyed
28. TICK (STUDIO): what the fuck happened des. how did you release this. it sounds like a 3rd grader singing for the school talent show it's so out of rhythm. singing's honestly kinda bad & the instrumental has the same problems i talked about in the live version. the last chorus is fine, i guess, but no i don't forgive him for what he did to tick.
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snapdragon-mina · 4 years
Sunflowers and Snakes
Pairing: Dabi x Reader x Hawks
A/n: Written for the Bnha spring time event. Hi @amaamajiki , I'm your anon! I really hope you like this lmao.
Word Count: 2.25k
Warnings: Sorta spoilers for bnha, swearing, blood mention, Suggestive themes(Very very minor)
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For the first time in about a month, You could go home on time. The restaurant you worked in constantly asked for you to work overtime. The only reason you continuously agreed was for that sweet sweet paycheck. Fortunately, everyone else was at work and did their jobs, so you were free to go home and cuddle the shit out of your dog. 
When you got home, all you could hear was the sound of paws on wood before your life flashed before your eyes. Seems your dog missed you a little too much because he pounced, knocking you off balance, and eagerly started licking your face. 
"Okay! Okay! Hey let's make a deal. If you get off of me, I'll give you a surprise?" You held your dog away from your face with one arm, while wiping off the sheer amount of dog slobber that was on your face with the other. The dog paused as if he were thinking before moving off of you and sitting down with a sharp bark. 
"That's a good boy." You smiled at him before turning on the TV for background noise. You walked into the kitchen to fix your dog's food. After pouring the food into the bowl, you stuck a lil treat in there. Boom! Recipe for a happy Schnauzer. The moment you sat the bowl down, he shot forwards and barely gave you back out of the way. 
Shaking your head, you walked back into your living room and sat on the couch. Moments of complete peace were hard to come by. After the fall of All Might, nobody was really safe. I mean, Endeavor doesn't give a shit about his fans, so why should you trust him to protect you? 
From what you gathered, the number two hero, Hawks has actually started searching for his soulmate. When asked to show off his tattoo, he refused. Something about "The thrill of the hunt". 
Tattoos are typically two of a kind. Only two people would have the same tattoo. Speaking of soulmate tattoos, Yours was a Snake winding around a single sunflower. It was actually huge, since it covered your entire left arm. It was a really cool design when you think about it.
A small whine managed to shake you out of your thoughts. You got up, grabbed the yellow leash, and hooked it to the matching yellow collar your dog wore. "Come on pretty pup, it's been awhile since I've had time to go on a walk, huh?"
He barked in response as his stubby little tail wagged rapidly. You opened the door and locked it behind you before letting yourself be led by your dog. Around five minutes into the walk, you felt your arm grow warm. Apparently your soulmate was close. It was like a game of hot and cold until you bumped into a guy with a black trenchcoat. Your arm felt extremely hot, so you looked at him. 
"You gonna apologize? You were the one that bumped into me." He had a relatively bored tone of voice. He was eerily calm for someone to be in this scenario. It felt like his eyes were staring deeply into your soul.
"Yeah uh, sorry… But-" You couldn't even finish your sentence, because he walked off with a dismissive wave. You wanted to follow after him, but your dear dog had decided he wanted to shit right then and there. You were forced to wait on him to finish. 
After cleaning up and disposing of the waste, you just decided to go back home to get some much deserved rest.
Two weeks later, you had a day off and it was really nice outside, so why not go for a walk through the forest? You went through your typical morning routine and got dressed. You fed your dog and took him out for a bit. "Alright pup, I'll be back soon, okay?" You blew a lil air kiss and left the house. 
After roughly 15 minutes, you reached a clearing in the forest. It was peaceful and nothing seemed to be out of place. There was a river a few steps away from you, and all sorts of flowers blooming. The trees actually provided very nice shade. You wouldn't mind living out here or at least somewhere just as peaceful as it was out here.
You took a deep breath and sat on a nearby stump, just taking in nature. You didn't get to enjoy the peace for long, due to the sudden burn on your left arm. Your soulmate was quickly approaching your location. You glanced around, but didn't see anyone. Yet your arm was getting warmer and warmer. 
Suddenly, a voice spoke out. "You're the person from that night, right?"
You recognized that voice. You focused on where the sound came from and fixated on where he was standing. He was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed. "Yeah, I am. Hey can I-"
"I'm not your soulmate." He interjected. You shot him a confused look. There was no way you were wrong about this. "Don't believe me? I don't even have a tattoo." He held up both of his scarred arms. 
This only served to confuse you more. "Yeah no, I'm right. There's no fucking way I'm wrong." You shot back. He raised an eyebrow at you. 
"Are you sure about that? People are born without soulmates, y'know." He said.
"Let's say you aren't my soulmate. Why the hell did you follow me here?" You sighed, already annoyed that he ruined your perfectly peaceful moment. 
"Because I know who is." 
"Why would you help me? You don't seem like the type to help someone just out of the kindness of your heart." You narrowed your eyes and he laughed. He laughed at you. 
"Oh trust me, I'll be getting a pretty little payment for this," His eyes shone with amusement. "Follow me."
He walked off. Bold of him to assume you were gonna follow him. You stayed put for a moment before ultimately realizing it was useless. You had to speed walk to catch up to him. He walked out of the forest and towards a building that was pretty much hidden from view. 
Your arm was still extremely warm, due to you being close to the strange man. Hold on. You don't even know his name and yet you followed him to some secluded building where he's probably gonna-
The statement broke you out of your train of thought. That was… weirdly coincidental. He suddenly announced his name just as your mind began to wander. "Yeah… I'm Y/l/n Y/n…" 
He just hummed in response, as he continued to lead you through the strange building. Eventually the two of you came to a stop. The both of you stood in front of a door that had been painted red. He didn't even bother knocking and simply opened the door, revealing none other than the number two hero. 
Hawks' head perked up at the sound of the door opening and grinned lazily. "Hey, thanks again for bringing her." He had a glint in his eyes. Like he knew something you didn't. 
"Mhm. I'm expecting my… you piece of shit." Dabi trailed off before there was suddenly emotion in his voice. It definitely wasn't a good one. Had something happened between the two of them? Should you leave? Yeah… you definitely should. Dabi seemed extremely hostile and you were getting bad vibes. You went to take a step back but paused when you felt a hand tightly grip your wrist. 
"You aren't going anywhere" His eyes were still focused on Hawks. Nobody moved for a moment before suddenly, the hostility drained from the air. Dabi let go of your wrist and walked out of the room. 
"Call me Keigo."
"Okay, Keigo… can you explain to me why I'm here?" The past like 5 minutes was a trip from start to finish and you really wanted answers. Keigo patted the spot next to him, so you took a seat and waited for him to start. 
"Your arm still feels really warm despite Dabi no longer being in the room, right?" His feathers ruffled slightly as a breeze drifted through the window. You nodded, unsure of what to think before it hit you. His grin got wider and he removed his jacket. "Well, Y/n, we're soulmates." He held out his left arm for you to see. Low and behold, The exact same tattoo was covering it. 
You felt extremely happy that you'd found your soulmate, but still extremely confused. How did your tattoo still burn in Dabi's presence if Hawks was your soulmate? It didn't make sense. 
"I should probably explain Dabi since he won't do it himself, and you're probably hella confused. Dabi is also our soulmate." 
That… that actually makes sense. You nod as Hawks explains everything and suddenly he gets to a topic that you'd been curious about for a while now.
"Because of his scarring, he no longer has the tattoo. But nature had him covered because he developed a telepathic connection to both of us. Aka, he can very easily read our minds."
That made even more sense. But that doesn't explain why he refused you as a soulmate. You shook off that thought and decided to get to know Hawks a little better. Eventually the two of you came to an agreement. Since you liked to cook, and he liked eating, sometime this month, you'd bake or fry chicken for him. 
It was starting to get dark and your dog probably missed you, so you decided to try to find Dabi. 
Dabi did not want to be found. It took you 30 minutes to finally get to him, and when you did he ignored any small talk you tried to initiate. Eventually he grew tired of your shit. "Look, I'm not your soulmate. Leave me alone."
"Yeah? Bullshit. Hawks explained everything to me. Why are you brushing me off?" 
"I don't fucking need a soulmate. Certainly not someone like you or Hawks." He snarled, turning on his heels to walk away. 
"I don't care about what you think you need. You need us, you can't deny that!" You argued back. You were really starting to get sick of this.
"I can and I will." 
And with that, he walked away. You balled your hands into fists tightly. You would've stayed, but your dog needed someone to take care of him.
Almost a month had gone by since that argument, between you and Dabi and you hadn't heard from him since. Hawks moved in and actively bothered the hell out of your dog. He would complain about him biting his feathers, but you would often catch him sleeping with y/d/n curled up at his side. 
You were in the middle of baking cookies when a crash could be heard from within the house. You grabbed a kitchen knife and went to investigate the sound. It couldn't have been the dog, he was asleep when the crash was heard. Silently walking into the room the sound was heard from, you were kinda shocked to see him. 
He had numerous cuts in various sizes on his body. All of them were bleeding. "I just need somewhere to lay low for a bit, I'll be gone by morning." 
"Dabi…" Your heart ached at the sight of him, but you refused to be someone he could walk all over. "Get out."
It seemed like he was too preoccupied to listen to your thoughts, because your words shocked him. "...Out? Y/n, it's me." 
"I know. But you said you didn't need us, yet here you are." You stood your ground and he stared up at you for a moment. He was analyzing you, seeming like he was studying you for a weakness he could exploit. 
He let out a sigh and spoke under his breath. You raised an eyebrow at this and he cleared his throat before speaking up. "...I'm sorry. I just… don't want the two of you dragged down with me."
"Elaborate." You demanded and he nodded. 
"I'm a villain, you're a civilian, and Hawks is the number two hero. Being associated with me is like killing your chances to actually do something with your life." He hissed out. Seemed like the pain from his wounds was getting to him. 
You helped him up and led him into the bathroom. There, you cleaned up and bandaged his wounds. He studied your face carefully and you worked. "No hard feelings?" 
"No hard feelings. But Keigo should be getting home soon, so you're gonna have to relay your little speech again." You snorted as you finished up. He stood up and walked out of the bathroom with you trailing behind him. 
The two of you walked into the kitchen. You pulled the cookies out of the oven and offered one up as a peace treaty. He rolled his eyes and pecked you on your lips as a peace treaty. 
A minute or so later, Hawks walked in. He noticed Dabi sitting on the counter with a chamomile flower crown on his head. How you managed to get him to wear that is unknown to humanity. 
"Yeah, I'm gonna live here from now on. And no, you won't be topping."
Hawks rolled his eyes as you laughed. "At least you're not being a pussy about soulmates anymore."
"Fuck you too."
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itsadamcole · 4 years
graduation day pt. 4
fem!reader x finn balor
one month has passed since Finn asked reader to marry him. Reader and Finn haven’t spoken because his question freaked her out a little bit. She called her mom to come visit, and reader confesses everything that’s happened since graduation day to seek advice from her mother ... “all i know is that i love him”
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word count: 5.4k+
warnings: fluffy, smut, sad!finn, a long imagine because yeah
— next part will be the final part of the series .... i spent about a week or so working on this for y’ all so i hope you like it —
masterlist || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 | part 5 || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
You sit in your apartment, waiting for the knock on your door that says that your mother is here.
You didn’t know what to do about Finn so you called her, asking her to come visit. You’re going to tell her everything. Why you didn’t come home after graduation and the real reason you never came home for Christmas. You’re going to tell her everything that’s happened between you and Finn, including the marriage proposal.
“Marry me, Y/N,” Finn says to you.
Your eyes are wide and on the ring that Finn is holding out to you.
His words hang in the air for a moment before you say, “Finn, I-”
Finn interrupts, saying, “I know it’s probably too soon but the past seven months or so have been the best of my life. I’ve loved the past seven months with ya.”
“I have too,” you say. “It’s just that my parents don’t even know you exist, your parents don’t know I exist. The teachers and everyone at school probably know now because of Veronica’s loud mouth. I think we should deal with that before we get engaged, Finn.”
His facial expression changes from happy and hopeful to upset and worried. “Yeah,” he says. “That’s true.” Sadness is laced in his voice.
You take his face in your hands and say, “It’s not a no, Finn. I’m not saying no. I’m saying just wait a little bit. Introduce me to your parents and I’ll introduce you to mine. Let’s deal with whatever comes our way after winter break. Once all of that is taken care of then yes, I’ll marry you.”
Finn nods and a small smile forms on his lips. “Okay,” he says.
You smile and peck his lips before you fell asleep in his arms.
When you woke up that morning, you overthought everything. You overthought meeting his parents and you overthought him meeting yours. Your anxiety was so high about going back to work after winter break, which is tomorrow.
It freaked you out so you left before Finn woke, locking your apartment door and not speaking to Finn. Last week, that’s when you called your mom and asked her to come to Florida for a few days. She arrives today.
You’re curled up on your couch with a cup of warm coffee in your hands and a blanket on your body. You’re watching The Vampire Diaries on Netflix. It’s about nine in the morning.
The knock you’ve been waiting for comes at 9:30. You walk to the door, looking through the peep hole to see your mother.
You open the door, putting the coffee down on the little table by the entrance. Your mother says, “Hi, Y/N.” She smiles. “I’m so happy that you called.”
Tears immediately prick your eyes and you hug your mom. Tight. “I missed you, Mom,” you say, almost crying into her shoulder.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” she asks, looking over at you and seeing the tears on your cheeks. “Why are you crying?”
You wipe the tears and say, “A lot has happened and I haven’t been able to get it all out.”
Your mom walks inside your apartment and says, “Come talk to me.” You nod, grabbing your coffee and shutting the apartment door, locking it again.
After setting her things down in your extra bedroom, your mother joins you and sits on the couch.
“Tell me what’s wrong, Y/N,” she says to you.
You sigh and say, “I, uh, I’m in a relationship. Well, I think I’m in a relationship. I don’t know anymore. Um, he proposed and it kind of freaked me out.”
Your mom tilts her head on confusion and she asks, “In a relationship with who?”
“Finn Balor,” you say quietly.
She blinks and says, “That name sounds familiar.”
You mumble, “He was my English professor in my senior year.”
Your mother blinks at you and asks, “You’re dating your English professor? Y/N L/N!”
“In my defense, he’s my former professor,” you say. “Former as in nothing happened until after I graduated.”
Your mom says, “You said he proposed.”
Nodding, you say, “He did. Last month. It freaked me out and I haven’t talked to him since.”
“Why did it freak you out?” your mom asks.
You sigh, “Because he’s seventeen years older than me, almost eighteen. He has an established career and I’m fresh out of college. I haven’t met his parents because they’re in Ireland, he hasn’t met you and Dad. There’s so much I don’t know about him.”
Your mother listens to every word. She waits until you’re done talking to say something. “What do you know about him? What kind of person is he?”
After thinking for a second, you say, “I know that I love him. I know he loves me too. I know that he’s a nice person that cares deeply for me. I know that I do want to spend the rest of my life with him, even though it's only been about seven months. He's so nice, Mom. Aside from the fact he's almost twenty years older than me, and my former teacher, you'd love him."
She says, "I'd like to meet him, Y/N. I would."
You blink at her and say, "You actually want to meet him?"
Your mom nods and says, "Honey, if you love someone as much as you love Finn, and you think that you'll spend the rest of your life with him, then you don't let them go. I'd love to meet Finn. It's nice to see you in a solid relationship even though it's only been a little bit. I never expected to see you with your teacher but I can tell he makes you happy, sweetheart."
"He makes me so happy, Mom," you say. "I've never been happier and I'm happiest when I'm with him."
She grabs her things and stands up, saying, "Let's go so I can meet him."
You look up at your mother and say, "I am not dressed to go see Finn, Mom."
Your mother says, "So get your butt up and into your room to get dressed. We leave in fifteen minutes."
Sighing, you get off the couch and walk down to your bedroom. You raid your closet to find something to wear. You find a cream-colored sweater dress that falls about halfway down your thighs. You pair that with a pair of light grey knee high heeled boots. They give you an extra three inches. You brush out your long Y/H/C colored hair before tying it into a messy bun on top of your head.
Once you're dressed, you put on some natural makeup before leaving the room. Your mom looks up at you and says, "Look at you. It's been a little bit since I've been you and you look beautiful."
You say, "Yeah, yeah. Let's just please get this done." You grab your car keys and look at your mom. She smiles at you and both of you leave your apartment.
Your mom sits in the passenger's seat while you get in the driver's seat.
Finn's house isn't that far away from your apartment. It's a five minute drive, tops. That's too short of a drive. You haven't spoken to Finn in a month. You haven't spoken to him since he proposed.
It's been too long, and you don't know if he'll even be willing to have you back in his life when you can just up and disappear like this.
You park on the street outside of Finn's house. Your mom gasps, "Wow. What a nice house. He must be paid really well at Full Sail."
"Yeah," you sigh, turning off the engine. "I get paid decently well as an assistant so I can't imagine what his salary is. I never asked."
As you get out, you notice a car you don't recognize in the driveway and your heart drops into your stomach as you think about who's car that could possibly be. You let out a little sigh as you walk up the walkway to the front door. You close your eyes for a second and hope it's Finn that opens the door.
After a very long minute, you knock three times. "I'll get it," a female voice calls from inside the house.
Your worst nightmare is coming true. You know who's probably inside the house.
The door opens and it's not who you thought it was. It's an older woman who looks a little bit like Finn. A wide smile forms on her lips and she says, "Oh my goodness. Ya must be Y/N!" Your eyes widen when you realize that you're standing in front of Finn's mother.
"Yeah," you stammer. "That's me. I'm Y/N. And this is my mother, Y/M/N."
Finn's mother says, "It's nice to finally meet ya, Y/N and Y/M/N. She turns and yells into the house. "Finn! There's someone here for ya! I didn't know that ya invited Y/N and her mother over!"
Finn's voice says, "That's because I-" He cuts himself off when he sees you. He stands in the foyer and he stares at you.
You look back at him and say, "Hi, uh, Finn."
He approaches the door. He's in a black t-shirt and loose black and white gym shorts. His hair is longer than it was when you last saw him.
"I, um, didn't know ya were coming over," Finn says as he stands behind his mom.
You look at Finn, trying to come back to reality, as you say, "She was in town and she wanted to meet you. I didn't know your mom was in town either."
Finn says, "My parents came in for New Years and are leaving next week. I thought I told ya."
He raises his eyebrows, trying to get you to catch on to what he's trying to say. You realize it and say, "Oh, right. I completely forgot."
His mom says, "Well, now that we're all here, how about we all eat some lunch? I know it's a little early but I make the best macaroni and cheese dish."
Your mom says, "I'd love to help." She walks into the house, walking away with Finn's mother. You're face-to-face alone with Finn for the first time since Christmas Eve.
"I didn't know your parents were in town," you say, starting to explain and apologize. "My mom wanted to meet you after I told her about what's been happening. I'm so sorry."
Finn says, "It's okay. I was hoping to see ya while they were in town. I was actually gonna stop by your apartment after classes tomorrow so ya could meet them."
You stare up at him and say, "Finn, I just wanted to explain why I just disappeared for the past month. I woke up beside you the next morning and just began to think. I started overthinking everything and it really freaked me out."
"Ya could have talked to me instead of disappearing," he says. You can hear the shakiness in his voice as he talks. "Maybe I could have eased everything that freaked ya out."
Knowing that Finn's about to possibly cry is enough to get you to tear up. "I know," you say. "I just didn't want you to think that it was about you. I wasn't freaking out about you."
Finn looks down at you and says, "That's all I've been thinking about since I woke up and saw ya weren't with me. I've been thinking about what I did wrong or what I did that chased ya away."
"It wasn't you, Finn," you say, starting to breakdown. "I promise it wasn't you. It's all me. You have done nothing wrong."
He looks at you and says, "Then tell me what I can do so ya can come back to me. I need ya, Y/N. I love ya. I love ya so much. I haven't been able to focus on what I've been needing to do because I spent the past few weeks trying to figure out what I did wrong."
You notice the tears that are starting to fall down his face. You cup his face in your hands and say, "I am so in love with you, Finn. So in love with you. You haven't done anything wrong. I was overthinking about meeting your parents and then what could happen tomorrow since it's the first day back at school since the party. It just really freaked me out. I love you, Finn."
Finn listens to every word you say and he leans into your touch. His eyes meet yours and he says, "I told my parents about ya at Thanksgiving. They've been excited to meet ya and when they do, we haven't spoken for a month."
"My timing isn't the best, is it?" you ask, trying to make a little light of the situation.
He shakes his head and he says, "Definitely not, but it's not impossible to work with either, Y/N."
You smile and say, "Let's go officially introduce me to your parents and I can introduce you to my mom."
Finn nods and says, "I want to do one thing before ya meet my parents." You raise your eyebrows at him in question as he leans down into you. He presses a long kiss to your lips. You smile against Finn's lips before you kiss him back.
He laces his fingers with yours and pulls back. "Come on," Finn says. "It's about time that ya met my parents."
You nod and walk into the house, holding Finn's hand. He closes the door behind you.
The two of you walk into the kitchen, where his parents and your mom stand. The sound of your heels on the wooden floor announces yours and Finn's arrival into the room.
"Mum," Finn says, clearing his throat. "Dad." His parents both look at him. You stand close to Finn. "I wanted to officially introduce ya both to my girlfriend, Y/N L/N. Y/N, my parents, Leonie and Fintan Devitt."
Finn's parents both smile as you look at your mom. "Mom," you say. "I wanted to officially introduce you to my boyfriend, Finn Balor. Finn, my mom, Y/M/N."
Your mother smiles at you before looking at Finn's parents. Finn's mom says, "It's wonderful to finally meet ya, Y/N. Officially, of course."
You smile and your mom says, "It's good to meet you too, Finn. I wish that Y/D/N was here to meet you too but maybe you and Y/N can come and visit us someday."
"I'd like that, Mrs. L/N," Finn says. You look up at Finn and he looks down at you.
Finn's mom says, "They're so cute together."
Your mom agrees as she helps Finn's mom cook the mac n' cheese dish.
He leans down and whispers in your ear, "Ya had nothing to worry about. They don't care about the age difference and they don't care that ya are a former student. They never have."
You look up at Finn and say, "You could have told me that."
Finn smiles and says, "I'm starting to get that."
After lunch is ready, the five of you sit at the dining room table. Finn's mom serves everyone. You take the first bite of the meal and you say, "This is amazing, Mrs. Devitt."
"Thank ya, sweetheart," she says.
You eat and make small talk with everyone at the table. The afternoon into the evening is full of laugher and conversation.
Finn's forgiven you for leaving and disappearing on him, but you still want to make up for it.
That night, you're sitting on the couch with your legs thrown across Finn's lap. You've also taken off the heeled boots you were wearing when you arrived. You're playing with Finn's fingers. He has a smile on his face as he watches you play with his fingers.
Your mom looks at the time and says, "Y/N. It's late. Do you want to head back to your apartment?"
Finn looks down at you and you glance up at him, saying, "It's a little late to drive home. I know it's only five minutes but I'm exhausted."
You look up at Finn and he says, "You're welcome to stay here for the night, Mrs. L/N. I have plenty of rooms in the house. Make yourself at home in one of the extra guest rooms."
Your mom says, "Thank you, Finn. That's very nice of you."
He smiles and nods at her before looking down at you. You yawn and Finn says, "Come on. Let's get ya to bed. Ya have to be up early tomorrow morning anyway so it's okay if ya go to bed early tonight."
You nod and start to get up, smoothing out your dress. You look at Finn's parents and say, "It was good to meet you both again. I'm sorry it didn't happen sooner."
"No problem, dear," Finn's mom says. "Have a good night."
You smile and say, "You too. Goodnight, Mom."
Your mom says, "Sleep tight, sweetheart."
Finn takes your hand and the two of you walk up to the third-floor bedroom that Finn sleeps in. You walk into the room and fall face first onto Finn's bed. He laughs and closes the door.
"Are ya that tired?" he asks.
You turn your head and look at Finn. "I just really missed your bed," you say, smiling. "It's more comfortable than mine."
Finn sits next to you and says, "I'm starting to think we broke your bed or something because it hasn't been comfortable for a while."
You sit up and look at Finn. "That's not a lie," you say. "Now you owe me a bed."
He laughs and says, "Or ya could just come and stay in my bed, with me. Just a suggestion." He smiles.
You giggle and say, "I'll think about it. Sometimes I just like to use your bed for things other than sleeping."
Finn raises his eyebrows and asks, "Like what?"
"Like," you say, pausing for a second before crawling onto Finn's lap. "This." You lean in and kiss him gently.
He laughs against your lips and pulls back, saying, "My parents are right downstairs and your mom could be anywhere."
You glance at the clock and it says that it's half past nine. You say, "It's not even ten yet. Your parents are probably still in the living room and we're two floors above them."
Finn stares up at you and says, "Ya haven't seen me in a month and ya already want to get in my pants."
"Who wouldn't want to get in your pants?" you giggle. "There are lots of things I've missed and being in your pants is one of them."
He smiles and asks, "What else did ya miss?"
You think for a second before you say, "That accent, your jokes, your smile. I missed being in your presence. I missed sleeping in your t-shirts or in your bed." Your hands slide to Finn's cheeks. "I missed sometimes falling asleep and waking up beside you."
Finn looks up at you as you speak and the smile on his lips gets bigger. His hands slip to your waist and he says, "So ya actually did miss me and didn't just miss getting in my pants."
You giggle and say, "The last thing I missed was getting in your pants. I liked you long before I ever got in your pants."
Finn leans up and says, "That's enough for me." You smile and close the space between your lips.
Immediately, the kiss is intense. Your hands roam from Finn's cheeks and down his chest. His hands slip under your dress and rest on your thighs.
Your hands slide under his t-shirt and you push up the fabric until his abs are exposed. You pull back from his lips and attach your lips to his neck. He sighs softly. You run your fingers over his abs before you push him back and prop yourself up on your arms.
Finn sighs, "Y/N"
"Hm?" you ask, pulling back from his neck and looking down at him.
He says, "You've met my parents. I've met your mom."
You raise your eyebrows and say, "That's a true fact."
Finn traces circles into your thighs as he says, "When I proposed on Christmas Eve, ya told me that ya would marry me once I met your parents and ya met mine."
You say, "I did say that." You smile.
He smiles when he realizes that you know where this conversation is going.
"Ya gonna make me get down on one knee to ask ya again?" he teases.
You lean down and kiss him. As he kisses you back, you say against his lips, "Yes, I'll marry you, Finn."
Finn reaches up and cups your face in his hands. The kiss gets more intense. He reaches down and pulls your sweater dress over your head, leaving you in your white bra and matching panties.
You start to grind against Finn's crotch, a sigh leaving your lips. You're still straddling Finn's waist as you grind against his growing bulge.
Soft sighs leave Finn's lips and he mumbles, "Ya better stop that, baby. Ya keep doing that and I'll have to do something about it."
Pulling away, you look down at Finn. You start to sit up, dragging your fingers down his chest. "You won't do anything," you say, smirking. "I'm in charge tonight. I have a little bit of time to make up for."
Finn bites his lip and watches as you reach behind you, unclasping the bra and letting the fabric fall from your body. You toss the piece of clothing to the floor.
"Hey," you say, catching Finn's attention. "My eyes are up here, Balor." He looks up at you and you smile.
He wraps his arms around your bare waist. You start to push up Finn's shirt and you look down at his upper body as he helps you pull the piece of clothing over his head. You move down, straddling his thighs instead of his waist.
You lean down, looking up at Finn with your eyes, and leave kisses on his chest and abs. You kiss down to the waistband of his shorts before you pull the shorts off.
Biting your lip, you trace his semi-erect member over his boxers with your finger.
Finn props himself up and watches you. You start to pull off his boxers and lick your bottom lip. His member pops out of his boxers. You smirk a little bit.
You take him in your hand and start to stroke him. You lick the tip of his member and smirk before you start to take him in your mouth.
A soft groan escapes Finn's lips and he falls onto his back, looking up at the ceiling.
As you start to bob your head up and down, Finn's groans turn into soft moans. His fingers slide into your hair and he helps you move your head.
You swirl your tongue around his member, occasionally sucking.
Finn starts to twitch in your mouth and he sighs, "Baby, keep doing that and I won't last much longer."
With a pop, you release him from your mouth. You smirk at Finn as you get on your knees, pulling off your panties. You crawl back onto Finn's waist. He watches as you position him at your entrance.
Before you lower yourself onto his member, you lean down and press a lingering kiss to his lips. "You relax, baby," you mumble against his lips. "I'll take good care of you."
He looks up at you and smirks as you lower yourself onto him. Finn's hands are on your waist as you slowly begin to bounce up and down on Finn, going further down onto him every bounce.
Soft moans and sighs escape both your lips and Finn's lips. Your hands are on his chest so you can stay balanced.
You try not to move too roughly so the bed doesn't make any noise and make your parents suspicious. You throw your head back and accidentally let out a loud moan.
"Baby," Finn gasps. "Shh. They'll hear us."
You bite your lip and say, "Sorry." You keep moving as Finn sits up. He kisses you so you stay quiet. You moan softly against his lips as you both near your climaxes.
Finn's hands roam your body as your walls clench around Finn. You moan and whine into the rough kiss as you reach your high. You release around Finn and he follows suit, releasing into you a few moments later.
Both of you collapse onto the bed with a sigh. A thin layer of sweat has appeared on both of you as you messily kiss.
You pull yourself away from Finn to lay beside him. He reaches over into the drawer of the bedside table. He pulls out a little box, the same one from Christmas Eve, and presents it to you.
He rolls onto his side to look at you. He opens the box, revealing the same beautiful ring as before. Only this time, it doesn't freak you out.
Finn takes the ring out and takes your left hand. He looks up at you and asks, "Are ya sure ya want to marry me? Ya won't freak out and run off?"
Shaking your head, you say, "Nope. You're stuck with me. I want to marry you, Finn."
Smiling, he slides the ring on your finger and kisses you. You kiss him back before the two of you embrace in a hug. The hug turns into a cuddle session and you're asleep within a few minutes.
Finn's alarm going off in the morning wakes you both up. He rolls over and turns it off as you yawn and rub your eyes.
"Good morning, my love," Finn says, kissing your cheek. "Time to get up for school."
You groan and say, "I don't wanna go."
He laughs and says, "Come on. New classes start today. I know for a fact that my schedule is light this semester so I will be able to see ya more often. Don't ya get a new assignment today too?"
Yawning, you nod. "Yeah," you say. Your eyes widen and you look at Finn. "I may not be working with Veronica anymore."
He smiles and shakes his head. "Ya won't be because as a matter of fact, I requested ya be my assistant for the semester. I may have a light schedule but my classes are at least forty students and two hour classes so that means lots of work and assignments that need to be graded."
Immediately, you jump onto Finn and leave kisses on his face. "Thank you," you say, giggling. "Thank you. Thank you."
Finn laughs and says, "We're gonna be late. Just put on what ya wore yesterday and we can leave the school after my noon class."
You smile and nod, getting dressed and fixing your hair.
In the light of the rising sun that is shining through the window, you catch a glimmer of the silver engagement ring on your finger as you rush to get dressed. You stop and look at the pretty ring on your finger.
"Ya having second thought?" Finn asks in your ear.
You shake your head and look up at Finn. "I was just admiring the ring. It's beautiful," you say. "Absolutely stunning."
He smiles and says, "Just like ya."
Giggling, you peck his lips and say, "Alright. Let's go. We don't wanna be late."
Finn nods and gets his things together. The two of you walk downstairs together and smell coffee being made in the kitchen.
Your mom is making coffee when you appear in the kitchen. "Good morning," she says. "I didn't think the two of you would have actually been able to get up this early after last night."
Finn asks, "What happened last night?"
"We were blasting music down here," your mom says. "Having fun and talking. I'm guessing we didn't actually keep you up like we thought."
You shake your head and say, "Nope. We fell asleep pretty quickly last night. Is there coffee for me to take to work?"
Your mom nods and says, "Go to town. You too, Finn."
Finn smiles and says, "Thank ya, Mrs. L/B." He grabs two travel mugs from a cabinet and pours coffee into both of them. You add extra creamer and sugar to yours.
As you close the lid to the travel mug, your mother asks, "Where did you get that?" You look at her and find her eyes fixated on the ring on your finger.
You look at Finn before slowly saying, "I got it after Finn proposed again last night.
She asks, "So its official? The engagement is real this time?"
Finn smiles and says, "It's real this time. Ring and all."
You giggle and your mom says, "Oh, sweetheart. Congratulations." She hugs you. "My baby is all grown up."
Glancing at the time, you say, "Okay, Finn and I have to get to work. Please don't make a big deal out of the engagement. Not until I tell Dad."
She nods and says, "Okay, okay. Go to work. We'll talk after."
Finn takes your hand and you leave the house with him.
In the car on the way to school, Finn says, "I was serious when I said about ya coming and spending every night in my bed with me. We work together now so it would be easier if we just carpooled together from my house."
"Move in with you?" you ask, looking at Finn. "Is there anymore serious conversations you want to have today?"
Finn smiles and says, "No more serious conversations after this. Not until we start planning the wedding at least."
You laugh and say, "Since it is easier to just move in with you then yes, I'll move in with you. I wouldn't mind falling asleep next to you and walking up next to you every day either."
He pulls into the parking lot and says, "I wouldn't mind that either."
Teachers and students mill around campus already. It's close to nine in the morning so classes have definitely already started.
Finn gets out of the car and you get out after him. You meet Finn at the front of the car and he holds his hand out. "People definitely know," he says. "Let's just embrace it at this point."
You smile and take his hand. The two of you begin to walk toward the English building. Teachers look at the two of you and you're suddenly thankful that they probably can't see the engagement ring on your finger since Finn's holding your left hand.
Finn walks up to his office with you. As you walk down the hallway, you can hear Veronica's voice. She's in the head of the department's office.
You eavesdrop a bit.
"I don't care if she's a good assistant, I want her fired," she is yelling. "She's a former student dating her teacher! It's completely inappropriate considering she was just his student less than a year ago!"
You cover your mouth and Finn says, "They can't actually fire ya for that. Nothing happened until I wasn't your teacher anymore."
"Technically, we did sleep together before I got my diploma," you remind him. "It was only by a few hours though."
Finn unlocks his office and walks inside, saying, "Ya were pretty much my former student at that point. Now look at us. A year after we met and now we're engaged to be married."
You sit at Finn's desk and say, "Crazy how things can change in a year."
He leans over his desk to be face to face with you as he says, "Give us another year or two and ya will be Mrs. Balor."
You laugh and Finn kisses you before you head to your first class with him of the semester.
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greycappedjester · 4 years
Hi I'm so sorry I'm just too shy to ask this on ao3 but I was wondering: how is Slade's relationship with Dick? I don't mind them as a ship in general but in the story sometimes I feel like Slade gets too close to Dick and I thought if there was something platonic on his side? I'm sure you wouldn't do that in the story that's why I'm asking if it's only on Slade's side. Sorry if this is a stupid question lol. Maybe it's just because I've read sl/adedick fics before. ^^D
Nah, I’ve actually been waiting for someone to ask about that. So....it’s complicated and will take awhile to explain so I’m putting it under a Read More before I get too long winded with my character headcanons:
This is going to get soooooo long, lol, so feel free to skim. Warning for Gotham in general and Gotham being naturally a bad place for kid vigilantes to grow up in. Also because this explanation gets somewhat dark in character interpretation....
Bonus short story at the end after a really long post.
Alright, so first, I feel like I should mention again that I never watched the Teen Titans animated show past maybe the first two episodes and the movie my friends wanted me to watch that I don’t really remember. (I meant to watch that show, just never got around to it). I say this because I heard that the Teen Titans TV show portrayed the Dick and Deathstroke relationship much differently in a way that’s cool and fine but not something I can see myself really wanting to write about. I know their relationship more from comics where Dick was already an adult (albeit a young adult) when he first met Slade. 
So. Back to my After the Fall of Olympus universe and yeah, I’m slowly getting to my answer. The thing is....the story is entirely in Dick’s POV right now.
And Dick’s absolutely terrible at reading and picking up any form of affection others have for him. He understands it abstractly (he knows people care) but when assessing, he critically underestimates it if he remembers to account for it at all. This goes even worse with people he’s closer to--which is why it took him forever to realize why Jason actually did want to stay with him at the manor and why he still has no idea Barbara is in love with him. Even Kory who was really, really direct about liking him, it took him years to fully emotionally process and respond to that. He’s getting better...but remembering his own value (in others eyes) isn’t something he’s overwhelming good at doing.
My headcanon, he is abnormally good at reading people and picking up basic sexual attraction. He’s good at telling when he’s being flirted with or when people are attracted to him and, honestly, Dick’s charismatic and instinctively a flirt, too.With that, partly from growing up in Gotham with its weird and supremely dark villains, I think Dick very much divorces the two concepts of romantic attraction and sexual flirting in his mind--he’s aware they can go together, obviously with Kory--but he doesn’t naturally pair them as other people probably would. It’s also part of why he just doesn’t get the level of concern Tim has about Catalina.
Okay, back to my point.
The way I write Slade and Dick’s relationship is actually mostly done off screen. But, I think Slade started with approval of Dick’s skills and potential in a clinical/objective view, growing respect and interest (personal but not at all romantic) in him as a person, and much more recently in the story (as in that last conversation he had in Ch. 18), I think Slade realized he has some legitimate attraction and cares a lot about Dick in a way that’s probably romantic.
Slade also is very, very aware immediately that he’s not going to do anything with that and, in a way, doesn’t want to because Dick ever responding to that would be jeopardizing his relationship with his family, his team, his view of his morals (which are so integral to Dick) in a way that would be exceptionally out of character and concerning coming from Dick. In other words, something happening would be a lot more terrifying than nothing happening and Slade cares.
For Dick, it’s a lot more simple. He does not have any romantic feelings there. He does in a somewhat analytical, unconscious way recognize that Slade’s probably attracted to him (probably before Slade noticed honestly) but he’s....well, kind of used to that at some level. More so, Dick doesn’t connect it to emotional care and--like with everyone else--vastly underestimates that Slade does care about him in a way that’s actually pretty selfless for a mercenary. For a romance, your guess is absolutely right, it’s not going to go anywhere in this series but I wanted the undertones and implications to be there in the final third of the story
....But, that’s also more of a later/recent development in that relationship. For most of the story that’s posted so far, Slade sees his relationship with Dick as a lot of respect and even care but not as romantic in any way. I can promise no romantic undertones at all until Dick was already in his 20s because I really, really am not interested in writing underage. (for those curious about Slade’s age in the story, I think of him as mid-20s in his introduction in Year 3 and pretty early 30s here to Dick’s early 20s)
Above everything, they respect each other and would be almost friends if that were possible.
The team and his family doesn’t know any of this.
Anyway, that was long, so here’s a bonus short story from Slade’s view. I write a lot of After the Fall of Olympus short stories in other charcter’s views that I’m not planning on posting until After the Fall of Olympus.
This one’s between Year 5 and 6 and is titled “October 7th”:
It’s October 7th, almost two in the morning, and Slade’s camped out in a somehow still standing bombed out apartment in a no-name village in the middle of a war-torn country.
He’s not exactly expecting visitors.
There’s a knock on the apartment door.
Slade cocks his gun and puts two rounds in the door before, for good measure, adding matching ones on either side of the frame.
He has two seconds to let himself pretend that’s the end of it before the door knob turns to the unmistakable sound of a skilled lock pick. 
Fuck, he’s too tired for this shit today. 
“Geeze, Slade, what if I’d been an innocent civilian?”
Slade’s hand stills on the gun in surprise then consideration before slowly slipping it back into the holster. 
“Kid,” he greets. “There’s no innocent civilians left around here. ‘Specially ones that can make it to my door without me hearing any footsteps.”
“I’ve been working on that.” Dick says, walking into the apartment. He isn’t even wearing his uniform, just plain black military style clothes with the lower half of his face covered by a piece of cloth. He pushes it down and smiles as he presses the door shut behind him. “You did tell me to get better, after all.”
“Maybe I shouldn’t have,” he mutters without much heat. “You getting better almost left me out of a job.”
Dick rolls his eyes. “Please, as if both of us don’t know Luthor could’ve gotten out of those charges in months. If the Light didn’t erase them for him, anyway.”
Slade shrugs. Maybe another time, he’d find the energy to banter back. But not today. Never today.
“Why are you here, Dick? How’d you find me?”
The smile slides off of Dick’s face, leaving behind those far too heavy eyes to belong to an eighteen year old.
“You know I have your file, Slade.” Dick clears his throat. “I know what day it is.”
It’s not like he expected anything else. Not since the moment he saw the kid. But, still...he doesn’t want to deal with this. Doesn’t want to deal with anything. Today, he just wants to crawl back into the worst, most deserted corner of the world he can find until the hours creep passed and he can find the energy to move.
Instead, he glares. “Good for you. Now get the fuck out, kid.”
Dick grimaces but shakes his head. “Not until you answer a question for me.”
Slade groans and, for a handful of seconds, honestly contemplates just killing him, considers it in a way that he hasn’t since before he even met the kid, back when he was first handed a file by a practically no name organization called H.I.V.E.
He’d regret it later. Sure. He has too much he wants to see out of the kid to kill him in a shitty, dusty apartment. But, that regret would come later. Later, once this day had finally passed.
That alone is almost enough to have him reaching for his gun. Almost
“Grayson,” he finally grounds out, “if you know what day it is, you know I’m not exactly inclined to play our game of hero and villain right now. You want information, find someone else.”
“Good, I’m not here to play either. Only problem is I can’t ask anyone else, you're the only one who knows the answer.” Dick lowers himself to sit on the floor across from him, like a particularly stupid mouse in front of a viper.
And then, he looks up and his eyes are too steady to belong to prey.
“Here’s the question: Do you really want to be alone today, Slade?”
The breath catches in Slade’s`lungs, harsher than if the kid had just punched him.
He pushes the reaction down, already knowing it’s too late, and says in the steadiest voice he can manage, “Yes.”
Dick stares at him, unmoving. “I don’t believe you.”
The air around them is too tight, too burning, and Slade’s being pushed down under it to suffocate. 
He can’t fight it, so he takes it and pushes it back into anger. “The fuck, kid! What do you know?  You said you have my file, yeah? How long have you had it? Because I’m betting you’ve had it since we first met!” He lunges forward. “So, why are you here now, Dick? What makes this year so special? What’s made you decide to pretend to care now? Because whatever it is, kid, I can promise you, I’m not worth it. So, leave!”
By the end, he’s gripping Dick’s shirt, pulling it tighter until the collar has to be digging painfully into his neck. 
Dick doesn’t look away. “No.”
Slade doesn’t look away either. “You know I really think I might kill you right now.”
“You won’t.”
 One of Slade’s hands moves until it’s pressing into the kid’s neck. A single sharp twist and he could snap it. “So sure?”
Dick nods.
“And why’s that?”
“Because I brought your favorite whiskey.”
A brown bag is pressed into Slade’s ribs and the man feels something rising in his chest that could possibly be laughter if it was some other time.
He drops the kid.
He takes the bag.
“Pretty sure heroes aren’t supposed to be contributing to alcoholism, kid.” He gestures to a half empty bottle of much cheaper stuff beside him.
Dick coughs, rubbing at his throat. “Please. With your metahuman metabolism, I bet you can barely feel it for an hour.”
“Depends how much I drink,” Slade counters, eyeing the bottle. “How’d you know my favorite?”
Dick shrugs. “Gotta keep some secrets to myself.”
He fishes out a spare shot glass from somewhere in the black folds of his outfit and pours a small glass for himself. 
Slade raises an eyebrow. “Last time I checked, you’re still 18, kid.”
Dick gives him an incredulous look in return. “Last time I checked, this place doesn’t have a drinking age...or a government, actually.”
Slade hums, amused, using a larger glass for himself. “True, but thought you’d be following the laws of your own birth city a little closer, hero. Gotham’s still at 21...on the record at least.”
“Technically, Gotham’s not my birth city.” Dick snorts and takes the shot. 
Slade tilts his head. “Where were you born?”
Dick pauses, thinking, before offering a sheepish smile. “You know….I actually have no idea. Somewhere in Europe, probably? I came early, the circus was still on tour. One of the lion tamers helped deliver me, used to be a doctor.”
“Always a surprise, kid,” Slade shakes his head, draining his glass. Tasting it in his mouth and pretending it’s enough to wash away the ash.
The next words come before he can stop them.  “...Adeline always wanted two kids.”
Dick goes quiet.
“Of course,” Slade says to his glass and fuck it, just fuck it,  “turns out we didn’t even get the one. Turns out I didn’t get either my wife or my son.”
Fuck, he hates October 7th.
He reaches for the whiskey, ignoring how his hand shakes. “Addy was a soldier, you know? A good one. Of all the stupid fucking ways she could go, I never thought it’d be childbirth. Maybe I should have. Always knew I’d kill her somehow.”
“You didn’t kill her, Slade,” Dick says softly.
“Sure. Whatever,” he agrees, too tired to argue. It’s not as if he hasn’t heard every variation sometime or another. It’s just right now, he can’t quite bring himself to debate about the cause when the end of it’s always going to be the same.
Dick drops the subject and the relief that Slade feels  is immense enough that it’s close to gratitude.
“What was your son’s name?”
“Grant. We were going to name him Grant.” He takes another sip. “If we had another one, we were going to name him Joseph. Or Rose for a girl.”
“Those are good names.”
He shrugs. “Doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does.”
Slade doesn’t answer, looking up to eye the kid over his drink. Dick sees it, holding up his own glass in acknowledgement before knocking it back.
“Why are you here, kid,” Slade asks again. “We’re not friends, pretty far fucking from it last time I checked.”
“I’ve got my reasons,” he answers calmly.
“If you’re here to make your usual sales pitch about the virtues of heroism, I really will kill you. Whiskey or not.”
Dick shakes his head. “....is it so hard to believe I just didn’t think you should be alone?”
Slade thinks his skepticism is loud enough without him needing the words.
The look Dick gives him is steady in return. “Think what you want to, Slade, I know what grief feels like. It’s a poison. It’ll kill you unless you find a way to drain it.” 
Dick looks down at his own glass and Slade gets the feeling the kid’s no longer talking about just Slade. It’s still a tossup whether he means himself or the Bat.
Either way, Slade makes sure his next smirk is particularly pointed. “And, look at you. Tracking me all the way down here to try and save my tortured soul. Such a hero.”
“Oh, shut up,” Dick says with an eye roll, pouring himself another drink
Slade cocks his head. “Speaking of, don’t all the good little heroes have school right about now.”
Dick looks up, almost sheepish. “I’m ditching my classes. Don’t tell my brothers, I’m still trying to be a good influence.”
Slade snorts and takes a particularly long swig.
A good influence. As if a single one of his stupid, fucking team doesn’t think the fricking sun shines out of the kid’s ass.
Fuck. What is Slade even doing? Sitting in a run down apartment in the middle of a warzone drinking whiskey with a too trusting kid a decade younger and that he probably should have killed years ago.
But, then, it’s always been exceedingly difficult for him to do what he should---what’s the sane and logical thing--when it comes to Dick Grayson. And, one day--when he doesn’t have the burn of booze sitting in his gut and his chest doesn’t ache like he’s been shot--Slade’s going to take a hard look at why that is.
For now, he’ll just leave it like he usually does. The kid’s too interesting to die yet. 
Dick eyes his shot glass, contemplatively. “This whiskey’s way too overpriced, Slade. It’s practically aged vodka.”
Slade finishes his off steadily. “Shows you have little taste, Grayson.”
Dick laughs and slides the bottle over. “I brought another one anyway.”
....Far, far too interesting.
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spencers-dria · 4 years
Lost in a Daydream
Someone to Stay Ch. 14
Content/Trigger Warnings: darker topics on death and mentions of alcohol
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You step into your patients room, closing the door gently behind you. The palliative care nurse is already in the room, breaking the news to the husband.
"I'm so sorry Mr. Gray. I know you love Cristina very much. This is a difficult time, and we are here to help you through it in any way we can."
"Help?! You're not helping!" He yells as he stands up, pushing the nurses hand off his shoulder.
"If you were really helping you'd be saving her not letting her die!" Tears start to stream down his face as he clenches his fists, his face red with anger.
"I know it's hard to understand. There's nothing else that can be done. It's been 30 days on the ventilator. Do you remember the paperwork she filled out? She didn't want to live like this."
"Don't you dare tell me what my wife wanted! And I don't care about any damn paperwork! I'm her husband, and I should get final say!"
His body language has definitely become more aggressive. You step in to help diffuse the tension, and act as backup if needed. You quickly page the charge nurse, before things escalate. You'd rather have too much help than not enough.
"I know you're hurting Mr. Gray. We truly are sorry. But your wife made legally binding choices, and we have to honor her wishes. We will help you through every step and make her as comfortable as possible."
"I've heard enough! I'm not gonna stick around here to watch you people kill my wife!"
He storms out pushing past both of you, nearly knocking over the charge nurse on her way into the room.
The three of you share a look, knowing how hard this can be on families. You get ready to continue the process, making sure you stick by Cristina Gray's side so she's not alone.
A couple hours later, it's the end of shift and you're completely beat, emotionally and physically. Luckily you made plans for a girls night, and if anyone can cheer you up, it's Penelope Garcia.
You arrive at Penelope's apartment to find that Aunt JJ and Emily have already arrived. They're all sitting around chatting with full wine glasses. 10 things I Hate About You is on in the background, a classic. You plop down on the couch, reaching over to the coffee table to pour yourself a glass of wine.
"Long day, huh?" Emily asks, looking genuinely concerned.
"Yeah we had to let a patient go. The family didn't take it too well."
"I'm so sorry, Y/N." JJ says while wrapping an arm around you to give you a comforting squeeze.
Penelope gets up from her seat to embrace you in a hug. You needed that.
You take in a deep breath before responding. "Thank you, all of you. But I'll be ok, I'm pretty used to it. Tonight I just want to relax, and have fun!"
"Well in that case, how are things going with Spencer?" Emily raises her eyebrows, giving you a smirk.
"Emily!" JJ chastises her, giving her a look of exasperation.
You laugh it off. "No it's okay. We're good friends. We are uh... well we are planning a trip. He's never been to The Wizarding World in Orlando. So..."
You feel your face start to burn as the three of them give you knowing looks, JJ included.
"But you like him right?" Penelope pipes up.
Your eyes go wide and you know you've turned completely red. "I don't uhhm...well I don't..."
You bury your face in your hands, gripping at your hair. You finally breath the words out. "I don't know." It's the closest you've come to acknowledging that there might be something between the two of you.
"Well, I will say this, he's a wonderful guy. And the two of you seem to really enjoy your time together. Now if you don't feel that way, that's fine too. There's no pressure."
How is it that Aunt JJ can always put you completely at ease. You look up at her with a nervous smile.
The other two chime in "Yeah no pressure!" "We're just being nosy!"
Penelope whispers a little to loudly to Emily "They'd be really cute together though..."
"I know right!" Emily grins.
You can't help but giggle, a smile breaking through on your face. It wasn't the worst idea.
"I wanted to kiss him the other day, I think."
That got their attention. They've now gathered around you, prodding for more information.
Penelope insisting you tell the whole story of what happened. You recount how he showed up at your door, calling you pretty when you felt you looked your worst. You explained how the two of you had laid closer for the movie, how having your head on his shoulder made your heart race.
"So, when are you going to tell him?" JJ asks.
"Oh! Oh no...I couldn't. I can't! There's no way he would ever..."
Emily cuts you off. "Yes there is way he would ever." She laughs, rolling her eyes. "You're gorgeous and kind and funny. Based on the way he looks at you, it's a pretty sure bet he knows all of that to be true."
"The way he l-looks at me?" You falter at the thought. You'd never noticed anything.
"Oh my gosh yes!" Penelope squeals. "He looks at you like you're the best thing he's ever seen, like he'd do anything for you. It's straight out of a romance novel."
You feel your face turning red again, as you swallow the growing lump in your throat. The thought of talking to Spencer about any of this really does a number on your anxiety.
"We'll see. I'll just...well maybe he'll say something."
"Have you met Spencer?" Emily jests giving you a look that says that's a stretch.
You just laugh it off. Now that you think about it, you've been growing feelings for him for weeks now. You'd even admit to feeling something at Rossi's dinner party. But you were just now coming to terms with this. You've barely processed it yourself. You're definitely not ready to dump it all on Spencer.
Attention slowly turns back to the movie as the other three continue sipping on their wine, chatting about what a great match Kat and Patrick make. But your thoughts are anywhere but the movie. You find yourself imaging what it would be like to date Spencer. He's already such a wonderful friend,
you can't help but wonder how he would act in the role of boyfriend. You wonder what it would be like to kiss him. He's probably so shy and timid, knowing Spencer. He's such a sweetheart. The thought has you smiling to yourself.
The other three ladies notice your attention is elsewhere as the see the look on your face. They all exchange knowing looks and smiles.
Spencer POV:
Since the girls were having a night together, Morgan insisted we do something as well. Somehow we landed on the gym, which I certainly did not vote for. Hotch and Rossi both had plans so it's just me and Morgan. After dragging me to several different machines, he finally lets us take a water break.
"You're getting better at keeping up pretty boy. I remember when you first started and you couldn't make it through more than 5 minutes," he laughs.
I roll my eyes but decide to take it as a compliment.
"You gotta keep in shape for the ladies am I right? Or should I say lady?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me a huge grin on his face.
"I don't know what you're taking about." I look at the wall in front of me as I sit to do some stretches, avoiding his gaze at all cost.
"Oh c'mon don't play dumb with me man. I've seen the way you look at Y/N. And don't you two spend all your free time together?"
"Morgan, no! We're just friends!"
"Oh okay. You're telling me, you've honestly never thought about dating her?"
I open my mouth to respond but nothing comes out. He's not wrong. I sit there for a minute, thinking about all the times the thought had crossed my mind. I remember the butterflies I felt when we were sitting in the coffee shop together. I think about all the movie nights where I had to stop myself from grabbing her hand. Then there was the night at the bar, when it was all I could do not to lean in and kiss her as she danced with me. I must look completely lost in a day dream because Morgan sees the look on my face before responding.
"Yeah that's what I thought pretty boy."
I jump back up and make my way over to the weights, which I usually do my best to avoid. Weights are more of Morgan's arena. I put all my frustrations about not understanding my own feelings into every rep. Morgan walks over to spot me, hell bent on continuing the conversation.
"So how are you going to ask her out?"
I set the weights down, wiping the sweat off my head with a towel and running my fingers through my hair.
"You think I should ask her out?" My voices raises a few pitches, out of nervousness.
"Heck yeah! She'd be crazy to say no to a great guy like you!"
I roll my eyes, giving him a quick shove as I can't help but laugh. Derek may pick on me a lot, but he always has my back. His confidence in me boosts my own confidence a bit.
"I don't want to mess things up. She's my best friend..."
He sits down beside me, taking a serious tone.
"You two have gotten pretty close. If the two of you are as tight knit as you seem, I wouldn't worry about that. Either she'll say no and you'll both let it go, continuing a great friendship..."
"Or?" I question, worry covering my face.
"Or she'll say yes and the two of you will have a wonderful wedding."
And Morgan is back at it again. I roll my eyes at him as I stand to head to the locker room. But as I walk away, I can't stop smiling.
I decide to bounce some ideas off of him, about what I could do for a first date. I don't want to just do dinner and a movie. I want it to be special and unique just like her. After we throw out a couple ideas Morgan finally asks "Well why don't you use something the two of you have done or talked about? Or maybe something she told you about herself? When did you first start having feelings for her? That could be a good place to start."
I think back to when she joined me for phantasmagoria and we spent the evening in the coffee shop/music store. She told me how wrapped up her feelings were in music. An idea starts to blossom and I quickly tell Morgan, hoping to work through all the details. It has to be perfect. If it works out like I plan, I can ask her out and have our first date all at once. I want to show her how much I care, and I can't think of a better way to do it.
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getitinbusan · 5 years
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Your phone kept buzzing, the incessant noise trying to come between you and your sleep was infuriating.
5 Missed calls, unknown number, there was only one way to get it to stop.
"What on earth could be so important?" You questioned without knowing who was on the other end.
 "Good morning babe, are you ready for me?" The cocky voice asked.
 "How the fuck did you get my personal number Jungkook?"
He laughed, "Namjoon gave it to me, I told him about our last encounter and he was pretty impressed that we shared the same taste in women"
It was your turn to laugh,  "So hookers?"
You could hear him sigh.
"Listen, I thought we really had something together the other day. I'd like to take you out on a real date"
You felt your heart flutter, he was pretty much the perfect man. You could see a future with him and it scared you.
"Sorry Kookie, I don't need a boyfriend," and you hung up.  
Y/N: Fuck you Joon, never give anyone my number.  
Joon: You know who he is right? Kids got a ton of money and is going to break onto the scene any minute. I thought maybe it would be a new path for you, how much more of this shit can you take? We've been doing this a long time, I can feel you leaving your body when we fuck,  you aren't happy Y/N. 
Y/N: Jesus, is it that bad Joon? 
Joon: You're still the best fuck in town, but yeah. He really likes you, maybe give it a shot. You'd be set for life and we could still have sex behind his back.  
Y/N: I really don't know why, but I love you Joon. 
Days went by and Jungkook never called back,  it was probably for the best.
Jin tried to book you but you told the agency you were done with him and to send someone else.
Maybe it was time for a new career, or maybe it was time to settle into a mediocre relationship,  you'd saved a little money, you could always just skip town.
As you sat contemplating your next move you got a text from the agency.  
A: Trimage #746 @8:30. First time customer, virgin male. Will send a car to pick up.
Y/N: Is this legit? It's not Taehyung trying to get me back with a false order? How many rich horny guys are there in that building? 
A: Checked out. Taehyung stopped calling a few weeks ago. Gave up after we told him you didn't want to see him anymore.  
Y/N: Has he ordered someone else? 
A: No, paid his account off and that was it.  
Your heart felt split open again when you thought about your last night with him. He was gentle and kind, he didn't even care if you had sex with him.
BUT… you told yourself,  he left you there alone after, he ran away, he made you feel things he wasn't ready to commit to. Shaking it off, you went and showered for your next appointment.  
The car dropped you off in the underground and you made your way up in the elevator. A few knocks to the door and you were left in surprise when Jungkook opened it to greet you. 
"I know your playing hard to get but I also know you still think of me inside you.
When Joon was fucking you, you wanted it to be me."
You're head was dizzy, feeling blindsided you weren't sure which way to steer this.  He felt dominating, it had shown through a bit last time but wasn't he a virgin? 
Stepping toward him you'd figure his game.
"So, you like to play innocent and naïve, pretend you have no experience in bed and then wow em with your skills huh Jungkook with the golden cock?"
He laughed at your quick summation of his agenda.
"Doesn't everyone have an angle, a game, a strange addiction?" he said tucking your hair behind your ear.
"So if this is just a fantasy game Jungkook, what's the real story? What are you escaping from? I've heard you've got everything, what do you need me for?" 
He stopped,  he was trying to figure out what you wanted to hear.
"Honestly Y/N, I just really enjoyed fucking you and I thought maybe we could do it because we like each other and not because I'm paying you."
You smiled at his admission, finally cutting through the bullshit.  
You both lunged forward toward each other and began pulling clothes off as you made your way up the hall. By the time you got to the bedroom you were both completely bare,  pushing you back on the bed he laid on top of you.
"I haven't been able to stop thinking about you, you've fucking wrecked me for anyone else. I just need to get off and then I'll fucking eat you till your pussy's raw."
He was fucking growling with desire when he pushed his cock straight into you. He was rough,  fucking you so hard his whole bed shook.
Freezing, he pulled out, "suck my cock, I want to fuck your face."
Doing as you were told, you took him in your mouth, you rocked your body back and forth gaining speed until he was hitting the back of your throat.
"Fuck Y/N, I'm going to fucking cum, can I cum on you?"
As you moaned in agreeance he shot his load all over your face. He handed you his t shirt to wipe yourself off when his phone rang. 
Answering all you heard was "shit, thanks" turning to you mortified, he began throwing your clothes at you "you've gotta go, like now, my girlfriends on her way up."
 You didn't move, you were 100% done with this.
Slowly reaching for your clothes you really couldn't believe this is what your life had become.
"Hurry up, get the fuck out, she'll kill me" he was in a frenzie trying to pull together the disheveled bed.
Taking your time and glaring at him as you zipped yourself up you heard her keys as she entered the apartment.  He ran out closing the bedroom door behind him sealing you inside.
You could hear him cooing at her in the other room, what a fucking asshole. 
Owing him nothing, you walked out and handed her his shirt full of cum, "Sorry about the sheets" you let yourself out and headed for the elevator.  
It was decision time, your finger hovered over the elevator panel, were you going up or down?  
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drreid187 · 5 years
At Each Other's Throats
This is the sequel to a oneshot I posted a few weeks ago.
Here's part 1 if you didn't read it:
A few months after your first meeting, you and Spencer were brought back together by another case.
“Agent Y/L/N, thank you for joining us again.” You were greeted by Emily Prentiss when you stepped off the elevator.
“The pleasure is mine, Emily. I just read up on the case before I left my house, what time are we leaving?” You asked, tugging at the strap from the bag on your shoulder. You had received the case information that morning and had read through it pretty quickly. 3 women abducted from their homes, and killed by strangulation before being dumped in a forest. Lack of sexual assault indicating to possible impotence.
“Wheels up in 20.” Emily replied, grabbing her go bag.
You were greeted by everyone once you stepped onto the plane, you took the remaining empty seat beside Dr. Spencer Reid.
“Hello again, Dr. Reid.” You smiled at him. His long hair was messy and all over the place.
“Agent Y/L/N, it's great to see you.” He replied.
Throughout the flight, you all discussed victimology, brunette women in their 30s, and how the abductions took place 3 days apart, with the body of the previous victim being found the day before the next abduction. 2 days was all that you had to find the unsub, since Hanna Neeson disappeared this morning. You couldn't help but notice Spencer subtly looking at you while you were talking, or how your hands briefly touched when you were looking at the files on the table. You couldn't lie to yourself, you'd imagined what it would be like to be with him, and in your imagination, it was incredible. You threw those thoughts away so you could really focus on the case in front of you.
“Reid, Y/L/N, head to the coroner's office.” Emily said just before you landed. You nodded diligently, you glanced at Spencer, who also nodded but did not meet your gaze.
The case was not the toughest one the BAU had worked on, and in less than two days, you had a lead. Raymond Taylor, a doctor who had treated all of the victims over the last 6 months, was your unsub. He had been abused by his mother, a woman who held a startling resemblance to each of the victims. You and Spencer worked well together over the two days, but there was little conversation for fear of an argument.
You and the team had cornered Raymond Taylor in an empty multi storey car park, where he was planning on putting Hanna into his car and killing her before dumping her body. Luckily you had all gotten there on time.
You and Spencer were standing on the floor above the action; you could see JJ attempting to talk Raymond Taylor down while he held a gun to Hanna Neeson's head, she was screaming, terrified for her life.
Emily's voice was heard through your earpiece about 5 minutes later.
“Y/L/N, do you have a clear shot? If you do, shoot. This guy is not wavering, if we leave it too long he'll shoot Hanna. At this stage JJ is just delaying the inevitable.”
“Yeah, I got it.” You nodded, holding the gun tightly and closing one eye to check your him, you thought you could definitely make the shot.
“Y/N, you do not have a clear shot.” Spencer spoke from beside you.
“I'm a good shot, Spencer, I've got this.” You said, bending down and aiming again.
“A good shot is not a perfect shot, Y/N. Don't do it.” He said, his voice was stern.
“If I don't do it, he'll kill Hanna.”
“If you do do it, you'll kill her.” He said, his eyes burning into the side of your head.
“Does someone have a clear shot?” Emily's voice rang again, “We need to do this now.”
You trusted your gut; you had gotten the highest score out of everyone during your weapon assessment during training and your score was higher than anyone in the BAU. You ignored what Spencer said, and cautiously held down the trigger which sent Raymond Taylor hurtling to the ground. Hanna Neeson remained unharmed and ran towards JJ who enveloped her in a hug.
You let out a long breath, and when you turned to your left, Spencer was gone.
It hurt you, you thought that you and Spencer had been getting along really well, and suddenly he was back to the same guy he was a few weeks ago, when he shouted at you in the office. 
An hour or so later, everyone was on the plane, and you had decided to sit directly opposite Spencer, at the back of the plane. Even though you wanted to sit beside Alvez, you figured you should talk to Spencer. He was reading a book when you sat down, and didn't look up.
"Listen, Reid, I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you, but you didn't believe in me enough to make the shot." You said, just loudly enough for Spencer to hear you, but so that the others couldn't.
"You disobeyed an order, Y/N." He said, glancing up briefly.
"An order, Reid? Last time I checked, it was Emily who was in charge and she is the one who told me to shoot, you're my equal here. You're the same rank as me, so don't act like I did anything wrong. I should've known someone with your brains would have a superiority complex." You muttered, and got up again to sit by Luke.
Spencer spent the majority of the flight reading, and sneaking glances at you when you weren't looking. You spent the remainder of the flight chatting with Luke, Emily and Rossi. 
The plane landed just over an hour later, you immediately agreed to go to the bar with Luke, JJ, Matt, Garcia and Emily. Rossi decided to head home and Spencer muttered something about finishing paperwork at the office instead.
Drinks were still flowing 2 hours later, and everyone was feeling it.
"Here's to another case solved. And to Y/L/N and her perfect shot." Emily toasted and everyone clicked their glasses and knocked back their drinks.
"Oh, Spence is here." JJ said, you followed her gaze to the door. Surely enough, you spotted the genius heading towards your table.
Spencer swiftly greeted everyone before turning to you.
"I'd like to talk to you outside." Spencer said, and there was a sudden silence at the table.
"Is that a suggestion or an order, Dr. Reid?" You said with a mocking face.
"Please, Y/N."
You got up and turned quickly to the table, who were very confused, before telling them you'd be back in a minute.
You followed Spencer outside, turned a corner so you weren't standing on the road, and you leaned against the wall of the bar and waited for him to say something.
"Y/N, I'm very sorry about today. I-I don't have a superiority complex, I really don't. If I'm completely honest I was just pissed off that I was wrong. I told you that you would hit Hanna if you shot, and you didn't. My maths was off, for some reason, and I was embarrassed and I'm very sorry that I took it out on you." Spencer said, he was mainly looking down at his shoes, but did then look up at you.
"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have dismissed you like that, and I take back what I said about the superiority complex." You said. "Also, you'd better get used to being wrong if you're working with me."
Spencer softly chuckled.
"If it means we get to work together, I'll learn to accept it." He smiled at you.
It was only then that you realised how close you were both standing. You were both leaning against the wall, just a few inches apart. Neither of you moved. The semi-drunk part of your brain found Spencer's ability to apologise when he was wrong extremely attractive, not many men you knew did that. Another part found him just attractive anyway, and your whole body was reacting to standing so close to him. With a bit of liquid courage on board, you reached out and took his hand in yours. He didn't flinch or pull away, but squeezed yours in return.
"Do you want to come in and have a drink with us?" You asked him.
"Yeah, but first, I want to see if I'm right." He said, closing the gap between your bodies.
"Right about what?" You asked, your breathing increasing as one of his hands cupped your cheek.
"About how good it would feel to kiss you." Spencer replied, and suddenly his lips were on yours. His hands moved to either side of your face, pulling you in. Your hands gripped the front of his shirt as he so expertly moved from your lips to your neck. You involuntarily moaned and that made Spencer laugh. It felt like nothing you had ever felt before, your whole body responded to him perfectly. His soft lips traveled back up to yours and you savored his taste before pulling away.
"And?" You said, breathlessly.
"Unsurprisingly, I was right." He nodded, smiling, before pulling you back in.
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wokebutsleepy · 5 years
Because my friends are evil
I didnt even ask for this!
1. Are looks important in a relationship?
I think so but only initially
2. Are relationships ever worth it?
Always! You'll always learn something
3. Are you a virgin?
4. Are you in a relationship?
Also nah
5. Are you in love?
Hella nah
6. Are you single this year?
Yeah. Successfully dodged a relationship all year
7. Can you commit to one person?
8. Describe your crush
I'm not currently crushing on anyone
9. Describe your perfect mate
I don't know. Maybe someone who is kind and understanding? Like basically just a nice person lol
10. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes. Every time I see a pup I fall in love
11. Do you ever want to get married?
I don't want a wedding but I'd maybe get married some day
12. Do you forgive betrayal?
Yeah. Some times too often. I tend to forgive but never forget
13. Do you get jealous easily?
Actually yeah and I dont like it
14. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Really trying to get me to reveal my secrets eh?
15. Do you have any piercings?
I have my ears stretched and I used to have a lip piercing but I took it out this year
16. Do you have any tattoos?
Yeah I have 5 and want a bunch more
17. Do you like kissing in public?
No I kind of really don't like pda
20. Do you shower every day?
No. I'm lazy as heck. Although in the summer I get dirty at work often so then I do
21. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
I doubt it
22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Maybe. Probably because I'm messaging people so they HAVE to think of me lol
23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
Definitely not
25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year?
We're cutting it pretty close here
26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
I dont think so
27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?
No but thatd be dope
28. Have you ever been cheated on?
No and I hope I never am
29. Have you ever cheated on someone?
30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?
Not plastic surgery but man the amount of times I've considered lazer hair removal
31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?
Lol yeah. I'm sensitive yo
32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love?
I dont think I've ever been in love
33. Have you ever had sex with a man?
34. Have you ever had sex with a woman?
35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends?
Hmm I guess? But usually I crush on someone THEN become friends with them so the crush usually fades
37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
Lol yeah. Sometimes I love an asshole
38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
Hmmm I dont think so
39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
I mean I've had crushes on people in relationships, yeah
40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone?
No. My go to is usually I start drawing people I like 🙈
41. Have you had sex so far this year?
It's been a dry year my pals
42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?
Oh I can't not do something with my hands so it doesnt take long
43. How long was your longest relationship?
Lines are blurry. I'd say I've never actually had an actual relationship
44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
I guess 0
45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013?
Oof none. That was a bad time for finding other LGBTQ people I wanted to kiss
46. How many times did you have sex last year?
Did I mention the drought?
47. How old are you?
48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
Not much I guess lol
49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
Not love, but like the first person I was ever involved with then yeah absolutely. They're a great person.
51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
I mean, I'd do anything for my family
52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why?
I've given up on some friendships because we've had different core values
53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
Not currently but there has been in the past
54. Is there someone you will never forget?
Yeah hopefully everyone that's been important to me at one time
55. Share a relationship story.
I'll pass
56. State 8 facts about your body
These are so weird lol
Nothing I havent said before but; I'm tall, I have 5 tattoos, I need glasses because my eyes are terrible, I've only broken one bone before, I have dark hair, hazel eyes, I have a heart shaped freckle, and I bruise easily
57. Things you want to say to an ex
I'd probably just want to wish anyone I've been involved with, well
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
Be kind, love dogs, enjoy board games, can keep up when we go to a party, also be smart
59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!)
I think they're easy to find but I'll post one
60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners?
Usually just a couple of years at most
61. What is the first thing you notice in someone?
Either their eyes or their smile
62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you?
Probably give me a lap dance lol
63. What is your definition of “having sex”?
This is so ambiguous
64. What is your definition of cheating?
I think when you start to shift your focus from one partner to another if that makes sense
65. What is your favourite foreplay routine?
Probably just heavy makeout featuring lots of grinding?
66. What is your favourite roleplay?
I dont think I have one
67. What is your idea of the perfect date?
Somewhere where theres not too much pressure for me to be the sole entertainment
68. What is your sexual orientation?
69. What turns you off?
Loud aggressive people I guess
70. What turns you on?
Cockiness/confidence. Like a raise eyebrow can do things alright
71. What was your kinkiest wet dream?
I usually don't remember my dreams so I dunno
72. What words do you like to hear during sex?
A lot of reassurance/praise I guess lol
73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you?
Ugh my dishes
74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for?
I have no idea. Just a cute face I guess? (Does that even count?)
75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you?
When people get me something just because they thought of me
76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone?
I dont know if given a lot of paintings as gifts I guess
77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships?
Really depends on the gap and at what age. Generally tho 10 years is a bit much
78. What’s your dirtiest secret?
Legit just how long I've left laundry for
79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
Haha probably just when my siblings hangout without me
80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
Like 2 days ago
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
Like you want me to @ them? You're crazy
But like if I follow you theres a good chance I find you attractive
82. Who is the last person you hugged?
My brother's fiance's sister haha
83. Who was your first kiss with?
Going way back when to the days of recess, I think it was with the popular boy in class
84. Why did your last relationship fail?
Trust issues I guess
85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?
Maaaaybe but I dont wanna do long distance but if they lived close to me sure
This was long and weirdly personal
Thanks a lot @ploodoe are you even learning new facts anymore? 😂
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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Today was a pretty good day off. Mostly lazy. It started with a lot of anxiety for me though.
I slept all right and I woke up at around 9. I wanted to go to the mall. I was determined to go to the mall. But I also knew that the landlord was going to be coming around in the afternoon. I wasn't sure what time but I wanted to make sure it was here. So I started getting ready.
One of the issues that I'm having in this apartment is that there's too much space. So when I'm going from the bedroom to the bathroom I have to pass through another room which then reminds me that I need to do something else and then I go to the kitchen to start doing that thing and then realize that I'm passing another room and I see something else that needs to get done. And then it's just a horrible cycle. I get very stressed out by how many things that need to be done. I had to get dressed I had to water the plants I had to feed the cats I had to eat breakfast so many things. All of them got done though and it was fine I was just stressed for no reason.
James texted me and told me that there was a package over at the other apartment I had to go pick up. So I left here around 9:30 and did that. I got the mail there and package which turned out to be a cat stuffed animal for me. And I came back here. I was very overheated though. There's not a lot of Hills but it's hot outside and I had a lot of trouble picking an outfit today cuz I was too hot. And the shorts I decided on hurt my legs when I was biking. So I got back here and I got changed. And just kind of stood in front of the air conditioner. It helped but I was very uncomfortable.
I only stayed here long enough to cool off and then I left again. I biked to the subway because I thought that would be my best bet for getting to the mall. That's how I've always gotten to the mall. Turns out it's only like a 12 minute bike ride. I'm very annoyed about this because I waited for the subway for almost a half an hour. I felt very stupid. And I didn't even have cell service down there so I didn't realize how short of a bike ride it was until later on. At least I have an interesting podcast to listen to. It could have been worse.
But because of the long way and the Heat by the time I got to the mall I was kind of just sad and felt kind of weird. I want a Forever 21 but I didn't really want to look at clothes. And that Mal has not got a lot of things in it. Did you have a Claire's though. And they were having their 3-4-3 sale. And I went in and wasn't going to get anything but then I saw that they had the Platypus Beanie Baby that I had seen on the boardwalk. The one that I couldn't find. And so I got it and some nail polish and a present for Jess. It was nice. Help me feel a little bit better.
I got a pretzel. Finally. I actually got two pretzels and brought them home with me. I've been kind of snacking on them all day. Say microwave pretty well. And then I just kind of wandered. I started to leave and then I realized it was 11:30 and I hadn't had breakfast yet. I was saving the pretzels for later. So I look to see where I Burger King was because I had seen someone with a cup from it. Turns out it was in the mall just kind of setback so I didn't see it. I went in and I want to order the veggie burger always get. Only to find out that even though it's on their menu they no longer carry it because of the impossible Burger. Wonderful. I can't eat the impossible Burger. I've tried it multiple times now and two of the three times I've tried it I've gotten sick. So I don't trust it. And I really like the veggie burger at Burger King. Explain the girl why I can't have it and she told me I should fill out the survey. So we did and just said that I was disappointed. I got fries and a soda and sat down. But I just felt very sad. I just wanted to go home.
Thankfully waiting for the Subway on the way back wasn't as long. It was still really hard to bike home and the Heat. And I promised myself I would get a cold bath as soon as I was home.
And that's exactly what I did. I got him cold baths and I had my pretzel. Eventually I had a burrito. I just tried to enjoy my afternoon.
Our landlady, Tina, texted me that she was running late. Originally when she had called me when I first got home she said she would be there around 3:30 or 4. But her sister's car had broken down and she had to drive her somewhere so she would be here closer to 5. That's cool I wasn't planning on going anywhere.
But then I hit kind of a mid-afternoon slump and I got incredibly tired. I set an alarm for 4:30 just in case I fell asleep. I just felt exhausted.
I went downstairs to get a package. It was a bunch of small stuff from my mom. But she also apparently sent me an envelope. And that wasn't there yet so later on a little bit before 5 I open the door to go downstairs. But when I did I saw that the office door that is the apartment next door to me was open and there was a huge bag of peaches on the table in the hallway. I assumed that meant the landlady was there so I just went back in my apartment.
And I was right! Tina knocked on my door a couple minutes after 5 with the big bag of peaches. She brought them for me and James. She is so sweet. I want to give her a big hug. She reminds me of my dad's Aunt Ellen. An older lady probably mid-70s. Crepe paper skin and glasses. She had earrings and a necklace and a bracelet on. She has short blond hair that was kind of curled. And I just think she's so sweet. We sat and talked for about a half an hour. She gave me the lease and she told me the history of the building. At least what she knows.
Her and her ex-husband bought this home years ago. They lived here on the first floor and in this apartment before she had kids. And after they had kids they moved West Virginia and started renting the place. The building itself was built in 1904 and I was right about it being a family that owns a department store downtown. They commissioned the building when they got married. And then they left for 6 months. When they got back they started their life but the wife died a few years later they think in childbirth. He was very sad and so he moved to the building next door. The one that's an old person's home now. At least we think it's an old person's home. But that building was filled with artists and art collectors at that time. Just filled with that kind of energy. He continued to own the home for a while and rent it out. It changed hands two more times at least before Tina and her husband at the time bought it. And my favorite thing that you told me was that turns out the apartment I'm living in was the original owners Billiards room. I think that is hilarious.
It was really nice to talk to her though and she said the sign the lease when we get a chance. To contact her if we have any questions. The only real question I have now that I've read over the lease has there's a clause in it that says we can only have white curtains. And I want to check about that. Cuz that seems bizarre. But it is a standard lease that she just got from the library so maybe she doesn't know that it says that.
After she left I ate one of the peaches and it was incredible. Like I literally ate the entire thing it was falling off of the pit. It was great. And then I just kind of hang out for a bit. Enjoyed being in the apartment.
Eventually I worked on some art. The kitty cat James gave me I went to pick up earlier had very strange eyes. So I tried to call her the man. But that looked worse. So I removed them and put new ones on. At least fixed the size and placement. I like it a lot better now. And then I worked on some aren't and I had pizza for dinner. I just had a nice night. I miss James. He's at a baseball game right now. The whole reason for his trip. I hope he's having a good time up in Boston. He sent me pictures of the museum he was at today. And he promised me a souvenir. I look forward to having him back.
I'm laying in bed now. Sweet pea is manhandling my stuffed animals. And being a nuisance. But I'm really just ready to get some sleep.
I work at the Museum tomorrow. And then James comes back. And then it supposed to be D&D. I look forward to seeing our friends. I hope you guys all have a nice day tomorrow. Be safe. Take care of each other.
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lousimusician · 6 years
Oblivious Part 2
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You start to realize that you maybe have new feelings for Peter
Days had passed since you found out Peter liked you. Seeing him after was awkward, neither of you really knew what to say. And you may have been blaming yourself for why it was that awkaward. 
Because as fate would have it. 
You had a problem.
A big problem.
Since that night 7 days ago, you couldn't get Peter off your mind. It was like a switch had been flipped and you were suddenly noticing him. Like really noticing him. Like the way he blushed when he did something mildly embarrassing. How humble he was in every sense of the word, he was a genius and he knew it, but not once had he ever looked down on someone for not knowing something. The way his eyes lit up when someone talked about old movies. And then you noticed how attractive he actually was. He had a cute face, you've always thought that, and you knew he was strong. But now you were beginning to find yourself becoming increasingly attracted to him (MJ had even found you checking him out on more than one occasion). So you couldn't help but make things feel increasingly awkward around him. You were starting to figure out your own feelings towards the boy and then reality hit.
"Holy shit." You hissed, once Ned and Peter got up to get lunch, leaving you and MJ.
"Tonight's my date with Jason."
MJ raised an eyebrow, "And you forgot?"
"Yes! Oh my god." You continued to panic.
MJ shut her book, "Okay, let me get this straight. You forgot you had a date with Jason, when he's all you've been talking about for months now, after Peter tells you he likes you."
You narrowed your eyes, "I feel like this is a trap." 
"Alright! Fine, I don't really know what I feel anymore. I've completely forgot Jason even exsisted because all I can think about it Peter, and I don't know what to do anymore."
"...I don't know what you want me to say. This sounds like something you need to figure out on your own."
"Ugh, thanks for nothing." You muttered. "...Okay, this is what I'll do. I'll go on the date and then I'll just break it off tomorrow."
"So, you're still gonna go out with him?"
"Yeah, he-"
Peter and Ned had come back and sat down across from you and MJ. Peter had a frown on his face, and you instantly knew he overheard part of your conversation. The rest of the lunch period was uncomfortable. Peter hadn't really said anything, MJ almost never speaks anyway, so the period consisted of you and Ned trying to make things less awkward. But thankfully the period eventually ended and you all went to your respective classes.
You sighed as you threw your backpack into a corner of your apartment. School had been exhausting to say the least. It's funny how just last week you felt like you were on the top of the world. The boy you had been crushing on had asked you out, but now you felt like a dumb teenager trying to sort out her feelings for her best friend.
And now you had to get ready for your date.
You and Jason had agreed to go to the mall. Where you'd probably just grab dinner and shop around together. You weren't as excited as you were a week ago so you decided you'd just change into just casual clothing. What was the point of looking your best when you were just going to dump him the next day. You felt bad, of course you did. Jason liked you but now you had Peter consuming your thoughts 24/7 and it was getting really tiring. You weren't sure if you wanted to be in a relationship with him, but you wouldn't say no to dating a little. Coming to that conclusion was tough because picturing yourself actually being romantically involved with him was very different, he'd always just been your dorky best friend. But the longer you thought about, you started to like the idea more and more. You just needed an extra push. You walked into your living room and fell on your couch, and let out an exasperated sigh into a pillow. Your mom, who you didn't even notice, sat in a chair with her laptop on her lap and started laughing.
"What's got you all worked up (N/N)?" Your mom asked.
"Life." Came your muffled reply.
"I thought you had a date with that boy tonight, why are you upset?" 
You usually told your mom everything, but you couldn't bring yourself to talk about Peter, it just felt weird to get all your thoughts out in the open about the topic. "It's hard to explain."
"Try me."
"I don't wanna say."
"It'll make you feel better, plus who am I gonna tell?"
"Ughh fine." You sat up on the couch. "It's about.... It's about Peter."
"Did you guys have a fight?"
"N-no, he- he kinda told me he likes me."
Your moms eyes widened, "When did this happen?" Your mom had been you and Peter's biggest shipper. You never quite understood it.
"Last Friday."
"And you didn't tell me!?"
"No cause I knew you were gonna be weird about it and I had to think about it."
"What did you tell him."
"I told him I wasn't interested, but I dunno anymore..."
Your mother raised her eyebrow, "You don't know?"
"N-no. I mean yes he's cute, and yes he's nice, and we're both nerds and we get along so well together but..."
"But?" Your mom urged.
"He's my best friend!" You exclaimed, frustratedly. "I grew up with him and what if we do go out and we break up, then I would've lost my best friend. And we've been friends for so long and I don't know how I'd even go about starting a relationship with hi-."
"(F/N)." Your mother cut you off, "Your problem sounds similar to a problem I had in high school."
You looked at her confused, "You liked your best friend."
"What'd you do?"
"I married him." A look of realization crossed your features as you waited for your mom to continue. "Falling in love with your best friend is a weird experience. I didn't know if it'd work out at first either, but once we got past the awkward stage it was so easy. We already knew everything about each other and we just understood each other so well. So, if you like Peter and he likes you, try it out. And I've seen you two together since you were 5, I don't think there's any way for the two of you not to be friends, even if it doesn't work out."
"So you think I should give him a chance."
"Of course, he's a good kid. So go cancel your date, because I haven't heard you say a single word about him all week so i doubt he was that important to begin with, and go talk to Peter."
"Okay.. thanks." You mumbled.
Your mom smiled in return and went back to work on her laptop as you walked to your bedroom. You pulled out your phone and texted Jason, and after about 30 minutes of trying to think of the nicest way of letting him down you came up with.
'I'm so sorry, but Im not sure if we should go out. Something came up.'
After about 5 minutes your phone vibrated.
'Is it Peter?'
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and typed back.
'Then I understand, good luck.'
Okay, you definitely weren't expecting that, but whatever, you'd take it.
You then decided to text Peter.
'Can we talk tonight?'
A reply came seconds later.
'Sure, but don't you have a date?'
'I'll explain everything later, just come to my apartment at 7. My mom and dad will be out.'
Your heart was racing as you typed the messages. It was only 5 now so you had 2 hours before he would show up. You decided to figure out what you'd tell him, you rehearsed it in your head over and over, and before you knew it there was a knock at your front door.
You swung the door open, revealing a nervous Peter.
"Hey," you greeted and opened the door wider to let him in.
He nodded his head slightly at your greeting and headed to your living room. You shut the door and followed after him. "Soo, what did you want to talk about." Peter asked nervously as he sat down on your couch. You pulled a chair over so you were sitting across from him.
"I wanted to talk about what happened last Friday."
He sighed, "Listen (F/N), I get it that you don't feel the same, I don't know if I can handle being rejected twice."
"No it's- it's not that Pete."
Peter furrowed his eyebrows, "Then what is it."
"I've been thinking a lot, and I've come to realize that I'm not completely opposed to dating you." 
Peter stiffened and his eyes widened, before he relaxed and said sadly, "Seriously, it's okay, don't force yourself to like me if you don't, neither of us want that."
"No!" You exclaimed, "I'm not kidding Peter, you're the only person I can think about right now. You've been consuming my thoughts 24/7 and I'm freaking out!"
Peter chuckled a little, "Now you know how I've felt for 6 months."
"See! And you say things like that, and i don't know what to do. I like you, I'm really sure I do but I'm just so confused and I don't know how to deal with these feelings, because we've been friends for so long."
"Well what do you want?"
"I want to give us a chance, but I'm scared."
"Would it help if I told you how I feel about you?"
"Yes, please I need help."
"Okay, well." Peter grabbed your hands and held it in his. You looked at Peter with a blush on both your faces. "I p-panicked at first too. It happened after Liz left, and all through October and November was when my crush on you really started to grow. I started to notice every little thing about you, the way you stuck the tip of your tongue out when you were concentrating or like when you would bite your thumb nail when you were nervous. I started to admire e-everything about you. You're determined and your strong a-and I could easily list off a ton of things but it'd take too long."Peter chuckled before continuing, "I knew that it was more than a crush one night in December. We were having a movie night, and we were watching Harry Potter because you got tired of watching Star Wars and you were so insistent that we watch Harry Potter, I realized I couldn't say no to you and the way you smiled when I gave in just made my heart race." Peter smiled ear to ear at the memory.
You stared at him with puppy dog eyes, realizing more and more that you did want a relationship with the boy in front of you.
"And later that night." He said looking down at both your hands together before continuing. "It had to be about 1 am, Ned and MJ were passed out, and I had woken up from the TV, and I just found you curled up in my side, fighting off how tired you were trying to stay awake to watch Harry Potter, and I don't know, I just felt so weak for you. It was so simple but you felt so warm and you looked so cute, I realized that I wanted you more than just a friend and it felt so right. And then Monday came along and that was when-"
"Jason." You breathed out.
"Yeah, Jason had just moved here. And I remember the way you looked at him, you were like caught in a trance. And I knew I was screwed cause that was the same way I looked at you. I was so confused after, cause I thought that you maybe liked me back, but you didn't, so I tried to get over you but it just got worse, and I know we're young and don't really know what love is but I feel like I'm in love with you." 
Peter looked up but was met with your soft lips on his. Peter widened his eyes in excitement before letting them close shut. You were now standing up, leaning over him with one hand on his jaw and the other behind his neck. His hands went up to rest on your waist. The kiss quickly became deeper and a little rougher. He pulled you down so that you were laying on the couch and he was now above you. The kiss was passionate as both your lips fought for dominance, but unfortunately it didn't last long.
The door to your apartment was opened as both your parents walked in, you both pulled away quickly and were on opposite sides of the couch.
'Oh shit'
"Well I'm glad to see you two worked things out." Your mom said with a laugh looking at your disheveled forms.
Your dad looked a mixture between pissed but also very slightly relieved (probably because he trusted Peter). "I'm gonna go pretend I never saw that. Peter I like you but if I catch you with my daughter like that again you better run."
Peter gulped, "Y-yes sir."
"Um- I'll walk him out." You said quickly and pulled him along with you.
You stood outside your apartment door, and looked at Peter with a bright smile and hugged him. Peter wrapped his arms around you and held you tightly. "By the way I take it back." You said, "You are the sweetest and handsomest guy I've ever met."
Peter smiled back down at you and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
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