#something just looks off in the flower concept photo for him idk what it is but it doesn't look right n it irks me
diamondedqe · 5 years
bro he is simply vibing
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heyheshi · 4 years
2.8k words
written and uploaded: September 10 - 11, 2020
🌙 - angst
Please like and reblog! Also please don't post my writings anywhere!
I'm sorry this is a bit late, I was really busy the whole day! Also i feel like this isn't too angsty or this isn't as heartbreaking as i wanted it to be haha probably because I'm too tired right now, it's 3:00 am where I live but i really wanted to write it since this concept has been with me since i first started writing and i feel like i can nail it since me and this guy broke up just this last Saturday lol. But idk i don't think i gave this one a justice but please let me know!!
Also i tweeked some of the details of the whole album release as well as the album/song meaning/interpretation itself.
Btw! I'm planning on writing a second part and hopefully a third part which will have a spin off so tell me if you want me to write it!
You're proud. You're so proud of him, so fucking proud of your best friend - your boyfriend. You don't remember the last time you felt like this - you're anxious, excited, scarred - everything and you felt like you might pass out with every tick of the seconds of the clock.
You look like a crazy person. Sitting at the end of the edge of the couch, your foot tapping rapidly along with your ranging mind. Your natural nails now looks awful from how much you've bitten it for God knows how long. Your hair disheveled together with your now wrinkled clothes.
Harry on the other hand looks calm - too calm for your liking and you wanna scream at him for still looking so good even though you know he's also just as tense as you, maybe even more, but you can't. Not on one of the most special occasions in his life.
Tonight is the release date of his second solo album "Fine Line". You couldn't fathom how much sleepless nights he went through just to produce this - along with the crew and you couldn't be any less prideful. Harry has been so hands on, from the tunes, to the lyrics, to the instrumentals, to the photo shoot for the album cover, and even in the promo of the album.
You know everything he went through just to make it to his success right now. All the hardships, the pain, the tears, the laughter, the love - you've been there every step of the way. You never left him like how he left her.
And on that note, you felt like it's unfair if you get to hear the album first. Yes, you're there throughout the making but you never heard all of it. Harry insisted that you listen to the album after he's done recording it and as much as you'd love to, you politely declined and protested to just hear it along with the rest of the world, to which he agreed to.
There's just this thrill you're looking for, the thrill of having something you've wanted for a long time. The desire. The hunger. The yearn of hearing it for the first time after waiting for endless nights.
It's like being away from Harry and waiting in your room, longing for his touch, his kiss, his voice, and his presence and when he comes back - all of those explodes within you and it leaves you with the magical feeling that you couldn't feel anywhere else.
The process has been painful for you. He recorded in a different country and you had to do long distance again. At first it was fine but as the weeks passed, it got harder and harder for the both of you - being away from each other - so H insisted that you flew across the world to join him.
You didn't hesitate to say yes but even then, Harry always stays at the studio for days and comes home only for him to leave again but you understand. It's his work and you knew what you signed up for when you became his girlfriend and you vowed to yourself to fight and do everything you can for this relationship.
He was great though, took you on dates when he can and tried to spend as much time as he can with you because he knows that after the release of his album, the interviews will surely be nonstop and he'll be away again to plan for his promotional tour. You'd wake up with cute notes more often than not, flowers were also delivered almost everyday to where you two are staying.
But you felt it. You felt that he was slowly slipping away. You know it deep inside but you pretended not to notice. Too afraid of being kicked out of this world you created for the two of you. But perhaps he never really slipped away because maybe he was never truly yours in the first place.
Harry is so excited for you to hear his second baby so when the alarm clock went off, he quickly refreshed the website and played the first song. Golden.
You love the vibe. It's only the first song but you know that it'll be added to your personal playlist to jam with. He was looking at you the whole time, gauging your reaction but stayed quiet. The living room's filled with his voice and the lively instrumentals until the outro.
Maybe you're wrong. Maybe he wasn't slipping away and maybe he was truly yours before - and until now. Maybe it was just your mind playing tricks on you. Maybe, just maybe. A fifty - fifty chance for everything you don't know but you didn't let it eat you.
Next, the Watermelon Sugar. It is the song you knew will be a single and will have a music video. Just because you haven't heard the album before doesn't mean it stops Harry from sharing details here and there to you.
Your thoughts ran wild with thought of what the music video could be. The song is everything and you couldn't stop humming along with it and based on your reactions, he knew that he made the right choice of picking it as a single.
He's still yours. He loves you and he never slipped through your fingertips. You're most likely forcing yourself to believe it and so far it's working but you know you have to talk to Harry about the two of you sooner or later because it's not healthy for your health at all - the uncertainty that's currently laying in your persona.
The next two songs - Adore You and Lights Up - are the one's you've already heard before since those are the two that have a music video that came out before his album. Adore You is your favorite song. You're maybe being biased but the song just gives you great energy and you absolutely adored the concept of the video, as well as Harry's looks.
But the Lights Up hits different. You were there when they shoot it but you were sick so you didn't get go watch how they did it and you remembered watching the video for the first time and getting really really bothered by it that Harry had to take you to the nearest ice cream shop to calm you down. Your boyfriend looked so hot in it.
You're enjoying the album so far and you're almost too sure that nothing is wrong - or so you thought. It's silly but for some reason you felt like your relationship lies on this album.
Cherry came next, before, you thought it's gonna be upbeat like the Watermelon Sugar and Kiwi but oh boy, it's the opposite. It's not only the tune. It's the song itself that made you wanna walk out of the room.
You love songs like this, the type of songs that cuts deep within your soul. The type of song that can make you cry instantly but this is different.
You know the song is about her and if it the lyrics wasn't enough to slap you in the face, the voicemail at the end surely did. But this one hits different. Maybe it's because it shows you that Harry is not entirely yours in your relationship and that something inside him longs wants to have her again and it hurts. It crushes you but you're staying strong because like before, it's not certain - a maybe, there's still a chance and you're clinging into that like your life depends on it.
You couldn't look up. You know Harry is watching you. He tried to hide the outro, he almost clicked the button for the next track but you held your hand as a sign to stop. He couldn't hide it from you. The outro is still ringing in your ears like it's coming to get you. You can't. You just simply can't. Her voice with his giggles made you wonder what's running through his mind when he decided to put the voicemail.
You tried to hold your emotions and waited for the next song to start but it didn't get any better. Falling made your tears fall, finally. And when your boyfriend asked you if you're okay, the only response you told him was that, "you were so good with this it's making me really emotional", and he bought it.
He bought your lie. You don't know if you shall be happy or not. Happy because you wouldn't need to explain yourself further or sad because Harry believed it instantly without even asking if you're really okay for the second time.
The chorus hits different. You're baffled at how much emotion he put in that particular song. It felt so wrong but you couldn't do anything about it. You're sad. You're hurt. You don't know what will happen next. So you did what you do best - pretend that everything is alright.
Your mind was absent through the next two songs - To Be So Lonely and She. You still can't get over from the previous songs and it guilt you that you couldn't appreciate these songs as much as it shall be appreciated. All you know is that if Harry made it, it's fucking incredible.
He did mention to you in a low voice that To Be So Lonely is one of his favorites and oh you fucking wonder why but you didn't say it out loud, you kept quiet and pretended that you're analyzing every second of the song. And when he told you that She could be added to your love-making playlist, you only nodded.
The thought of it being added to your love-making playlist sickens you to the core specially now that you're almost too certain that this one is also about her, though you didn't reprimanded.
You tried to compose yourself along with the next song Sunflower, Vol. 6. You faked being happy just for the sake of this day. Yes, it is a happy and loving song but you couldn't enjoy it without overanalyzing the lyrics and the same goes to the next song Canyon Moon.
Who is the "Sunflower" Harry is referring to? You or her? Who will he be coming home to? Will he come running into your arms or will he seek warm in her presence? You hate to question it and you hate feeling this way but you're far too deep and you just wanted to get this night over.
Treat People with Kindness reminded you of your childhood cartoon theme songs and it eased you out. It also made you smile for the first time since Cherry and you could tell that Harry's relieved. It was the first time you looked up from the carpet and you almost thought that the next song is your saving grace. It's the final song anyway.
And it is. The only problem is that the song is you right now. Fine Line. The chorus kept repeating and it made you question your relationship. Is your relationship a fine line? Will the two of you be alright?
Thank God it's the last song because you couldn't wait to ask Harry something that really bothered you tonight. You need to know for your sake and for the sake of this relationship.
You'll be lying if you said you only shed a tear on the last song. No, you sobbed and Harry tried to console you and asked what's wrong and its now or never.
Harry beat you to speaking first though, he asked you why did you cried and you only told him, "I'm so proud of you and I couldn't stop my tears from flowing and I love you so much.", which is not a lie but not the whole truth either.
He only nodded and kissed your forehead as a way of saying his thanks. You're certain that he can feel that you're tired so he chooses to stay quiet and you know that he's already planning for a day off for the both of you tomorrow so you can properly tell him your thoughts on his album.
You we're about to ask him. Ask him if he still loves her but the tune of his phone ringing made you stop. He silently asked you if it's alright to answer it and you agreed.
The next few minutes was his friends and families calling and congratulating him. You don't wanna be bitter or be a mood disruptor but you just really want to think and be alone right now, after all, you deserved it. You signed Harry that you will go upstairs to take a rest and he whispered "I love you" but you only nodded and started walking to the stairs.
He didn't notice that you didn't say it back. He was too caught up with the people on his screen. His cheerful voice rang throughout the ground floor as he talks to the other person on the other line.
You don't wanna think about it as you lay down on your shared bed but you couldn't stop thinking about how much of a possibility for her to call him to congratulate him for the success of his second album. You couldn't stop thinking of how they might talk about their relationship. You couldn't stop thinking if Harry will ask her to come back if she did call. You couldn't stop thinking.
You took your phone from your beside table to open Twitter. Harry and his album is trending and praises after praises we're posted in different languages but most of those are about them. Harry and her.
You're numb.
It is now clear to you that the whole album is about her. You never asked or wished to have a song written about you but you also never expected him to dedicate the album solely to her, his ex from two years ago. You get it, you really do. The best songs came from the writers' personal experiences but to basically tell the world that he still wants her breaks you into pieces.
There gotta be at least one line about you. You, the one he is with now and not her. You, the one who's loving him now, not her. You, the one who didn't leave him unlike her. It's you and not her.
But no matter how much you repeat it in your mind, you know it's not you. You love Harry and you tried. Tried supporting him through the day much like all the other days but it's so hard when the universe already shot you with the truth.
You're still proud of him, it will never change but you need something. You have to have something to hold on to because right now you're only grasping to this very little hope that might save your relationship. You're proud but hurt and you hate yourself for not being there. None of it is about you. It's about her. Her and him. Her and Harry. Never you and Harry.
He never even warned you that the album is about her, it seems like he wanted to surprise you but you know he's not cruel but maybe you're just trying to defend him from yourself.
Or maybe he didn't thought you'd think this way. After all he doesn't put meanings behind his songs so you couldn't really get any answer from having him explain to you every song.
Your own interpretation's more than enough though. He still wants her. Maybe he did became yours even just for a second but his love for her is eternal and so he slipped away. You couldn't pretend anymore - not now when you're alone and you can show your emotions, so you sobbed.
You cried for you and Harry. You cried for what you thought was something so beautiful and unbreakable. You cried for what would've been a great night for the both of you and last but not the least, you cried for your uncertain tomorrow.
Tomorrow when you wake up, you don't know if Harry still wants you, you don't know if you can fix this, you don't know if you can still be with him.
Now, you realized it. Tomorrow there might be nothing, no world where only the two of you exists because tomorrow might be the end. The thought of that made you cried harder than you already are. It's so unfair. You love him so much but it doesn't seem enough and no matter how many excuses you naïvely say to yourself, you know it couldn't change the fact that it's her and him - it has always been her and him.
You're too tired and just wanted to sleep, hopefully get a clearer view out of all of this when you wake up.
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haknew · 3 years
pls talk about your thoughts about chanhee and also the other concepts!! I always have such a hard time interpreting music and videos but i love to read about it
“bestie pls share ur thoughts on make your own concepts specifically chanhee’s but any others that are ur fave too 🎤- mar”
omg mar thank you for enabling me all day today 😭🥺🧡 thenks bestie ily :,)) and thank you too anon ! i should preface that T-T i have not read any other theories or analyses so these are just my opinions / impressions but i hope it’s entertaining to read about haha :p ! (feel free @ anyone to add on or share your thoughts too ! :,))
HYUNJAE - okay so audio cues... if you listen to the beginning there’s a sound of a bomb going off before the music starts ? and that ties into the dystopian / cyborg aesthetics that jump out at me of course, but what i immediately thought of was their no air perfo ? like we know hyunjae in the no air mv got that shot where he’s laying in the bathtub filled with water but also their kingdom performance with it also had those underwater shots ! so i think it ties into that... i feel like we saw in gen z, he’s a very straightforward person he says things on his mind which can come off as blunt but he thinks it’s better than not saying it ? which is interesting bc i think that speaks to his self- determined personality, he’s much more inclined to do whatever it takes to get something done, which i think falls perfectly in line with the “make your own air” phrase that he gets, if it’s something he needs he makes it himself, in a situational sense methinks u.u 
 JUYEON - JUYEON’S DJSKHDG i’m waiting for dri’s essay but in essence we see the gen z “juyeon is not such a good boy” shot and these text bubbles that pop up that say “sexy” “you so hot” “such a bad boy” and tbh i like this ‘concept’ ? for him better than his gen z one ? it’s not bc of the concept itself but i like the idea that he can “make your own character” as in he has the capability and power to be whoever he wants to ! you see him throwing white paint at the gen z canvas and i think ?! that’s symbolic of like a fresh canvas ! of remaking himself to whatever he wants bc the canvas is now blank again thanks to the white paint and flowers usually indicate spring ? so renewal and stuff like that ! i really like his, it’s also fun word play on “character” which has been juyeon’s intro in tbz (bc his name sounds like main character in korean) but yea :o ! i really love his the idea he can just repaint / paint over a literal image of him gives it the possibility of becoming smth new and that’s so so cool
CHANGMIN - SCREEEEECH okie um oh boy um *windows shutting down noises* this was so so so very different from his gen z stuff but i actually think BOTH are equally perfect for him ? the way that he set up the sparklers and neon lights on this very obviously trashy and kind of rundown rooftop with the cityline behind him is so ?!?!? LITERALLY making his own stage as his tagline goes, sort of like how the physical stage itself does not matter but rather it’s changmin himself that makes the stage special ! i talked about this in gabi’s set that i rbed ;-;/ but changmin puts a lot A LOT of stake in his position as a dancer it means almost everything to him as a form of expression from what i can see ? so he’s always trying his best to put forward the best performance possible and seeing this segment makes me feel like he’s doing just that ! pouring himself into it to make his stage pls i care him 
HAKNYEON - god i’m a jusadan but just u.u rest in peace me, i’ll ... T_T be kind of honest this one confuses me a little ? i have assumptions and i feel like i know ... quite a bit about haknyeon (LMAO) my best guess is it has smth to do with self assurance ...? the way he’s framed and the fact that he’s sitting on a bed in the middle of a church surrounded by candles gives me christ figure symbolism (where my ap english takers at :/) and the light that perfectly frames him in a halo gives me angel vibes too, but the tagline of “make your own romance” paired with him kissing his reflection makes me think it’s about self love ;;;; from what i can tell haknyeon has always been someone who really likes feeling validated and praised for the stuff he does well, which he does for himself a lot of the times too ! but sometimes i think the self assurances he compliments himself with is more for reassuring himself rather than bragging (which i think people misinterpret) so it’s more about becoming the person he wants to fully love and being happie with himself which *tears* i might be reading too much into who knows i just love him ok ... U.U 
KEBINNN - i know !!! dri mentioned this in my gifset tags but ! kev on kpop daebak (? was it) or smth mentioned how he strives to keep a childlike wonderment for the world around him, which is a reason why i think he loves drawing and sound / music production, he talked in a fancafe post once about an artist who turned mediocre everyday objects into art and he said he really loves that sense of wonderment so peter pan who “never grows up” is actually perfect for his worldview ahhhh T^T also kev really likes disney lmao, the way he’s doing this outside in this “neverland” garden on a balcony which is a part of this very typical apartment backed by a typical city bg also i believe ties into this turning a mediocre everyday thing into smth wonderful through his sense of childlike wonderment and his tagline of “make your own fantasy” (i also care him a lot this concept >>>>>>) and keeps to his referencing movie plotlines like he did in gen z jddkfj
SUNWOO - i also mentioned this in my tags on sunu’s set but this gives me 100 degrees vibes which i still to this day think is one of the most “sunwoo” vibe things ever, it’s a lot of him having fun and doing his own thing, and mixes both more mature and youthful aspects together in a way that i’d only ever describe as sunwoo vibes LMAO like the roller skating around and all the soap bubbles ! cute and youthful ! the crop top and celine wasitband (don’t laugh at me we all noticed) more mature and a callback to his gen z look methinks U.u, think sunwoo has always been a more go-with-the-flow or do whatever he feels like doing sort of person and so “make your own vibe” fits well with him in that sense to me 
SANGYEON - .... *silence* *more windows shutting down noises* *jess.exe has stopped working* OKAY i feel like ! sangyeon’s is also more self explanatory :p i love the juxtaposition of boxing AND the arcade type fighter games ?? like both require very different sets of skills i feel like one is more physical the other is more mental ? but both require adapting to changes whether in the game or the boxing ring which as leader sangyeon would know a lot about, esp being flexible and quick to respond to different situations, and the “make your own glory” i feel is maybe more on the nose, but tbz are this man’s pride and joy you can see it literally anywhere and for him, as leader, to have made it this far with tbz, winning rtk and building their popularity through their hard work and efforts really is building his own glory and i just HHHHHHHHHH
YES EYYSFDHSHF CHANHEE YES - i said it in the tags of my srb before deleting it so i’ll just repeat it here but CHOI CHANHEE !!!!! this detail i didn’t quite process first watch was the continuous flashing of lights in all his scenes, like ... from the shots and the set it looks REALLY empty ?? but the flashing seems to indicate cameras and photos being taken of him despite there being no people we can really see in any of the shots ? WHICH IS SO COOL i think the implication is like “all eyes on him” type which SO TRU i love that idea, like i said the walking past the wedding dresses ? v heavily implies fashion designer which i think you mentioned mar :o ! and i see it in the sense of his tagline “make your own stereotype” bc white wedding dresses are the very traditional / typical choice and obviously feminine in stereotypes, whereas chanhee is wearing a SUIT which is all black in a very clean b/w set with no color which i feel is very stereotypically MASCULINE and the glasses too, it’s such an interesting contrast of his “stereotypically feminine” features (in my view) with very masculine symbols, like glasses we usually associate with more soft hearted / meek stereotypes ? but the geometric shape of the windows and again his suit seems to indicate the very opposite ? it’s a mixing of stereotypes which i think is the point, by putting those together he quite literally makes his own stereotype and puts on the crown while the cameras continue flashing while pointed at him AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
YOUNGHOON - okie might have less to say about this one :o i feel like both hak’s and younghoon’s i don’t see the connections quite as readily but ! i think it’s interesting that his tagline is “make your own classic” but then in the scenes itself he has a flip phone ??? with an antenna (okay boomer /j JDHFKFG JK PLS) and a teddy bear while in PERIOD stylized clothing and setting where those two things are more modern / contemporary in origin (but also not modern enough bc ,,, it’s a flip phone LOL) like 90s kid vibes ? you know but as an emperor in the joseon era haha :p while eating shrimp chips and reading a (comic ?) book, like idk too much of what it means but it’s a cool dichotomy LOL, think it might also tie into actor ! hoon bc it’s make your own classic and i think acting has become a very important aspect to him :o after seeing what he’s capable of in love revolution and his atbz video so it’s interesting u.u (need help w/ this one)
JACOB - think my explanation in han’s set’s tags didn’t really make sense so lemme ... reexplain LOL,,, so ! similar to his gen z video ? like he’s talked about how difficult it is to open up about his own feelings etc. and he said it’s less bc he realizes he needs to but rather just to make other people feel more comfortable when it comes to understanding him, and like the whole breaking the mirror with his reflection in the wanna be angry jacob, it’s about freeing himself to the point he can express the emotions he wants to ! in gen z it was about being able to be angry when he felt that way instead of being tied by his image of being just nice ? and in the video with his pilot uniform not only does he control the ride but he also rides on it himself ! quite literally making his own freedom (symbolically), a sort of realizing he can free himself ? from what’s been tying him down and i think the really big smile he has while riding it just comes to show how he wants to feel :,))) (jacob bae i care you) 
ERIC - last one :p AHHH this is one of my favs too, the quite literal “make your own pride” I LOVE IT ! sooo i think the biggest takeaway i got was that of course in this video his “pride” is symbolized by the hot pink car (that he’s going to pick up his christmassy date in of course u.u if he has a license which he does n- his driver’s license in this was literally his aaa / boy version of reveal photo which in no dmv anywhere would a license picture be allowed to look that good-) and LITERALLY when he finished and takes it for a joy ride while sitting on the roof he’s STILL covered in the dirt and grime stains ! from working on it ! which i think is so symbolic ! it’s my favorite detail actually, he literally put sweat into this car which is his pride and now that he’s finally riding around in it, it feels accomplishing ! his pride ! love that, also when he’s grabbing a stub from that flyer i noticed he chose “youth” over the others (which was like .... ca$h, beauty, ice cream, hamburger...) which i think also just indicates that despite all this hard work he put in he still cherishes his youth and still lets that be a huge part of who he is (i mean pink car so of course) so idk i think it’s very neat go bestie mwah
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svtwonhui · 4 years
I know that’s gonna be hard, but who in seventeen do you think owned which era?
okayyyy i’m doing this by album eras because it’s the easiest for me to get photos also this has taken forever
—ok so first 17 carat//predebut has gotta be jeonghan, the long hair, the whole looks, and i fell in love with his voice so quickly
—boys be!!! my favourite album honestly id never get tired of this and i was gonna go with jun because it was when he became my bias but i couldn’t just ignore pink haired woozi,, also he worked super hard for them to debut and he still works so hard he thrives every era
—love and letter- this album makes me so happy and it has my two favourite svt songs on it,, just the whole concept and vibe of this album was great but i have to go with hoshi because this hair on him just hits different <3
—love and letter repackaged,, THIS era omg every single one of them looked so good but chan just thrived in this era (as he does in every era) and any MVs with big dance scenes he just does so well !!!
—going seventeen,, my opinion on this one is very strong and I will not be taking criticism- black haired vernon was sooo good,, honestly just vernon in this era—i don’t know is 100% my favourite song off it and i love his part
—AI1 was chinalines album i don’t care what you say,, IF I is so beautiful and hen the whole performance uni in swimming fool (best songs on the album) like it was just amazing
—teen,age , this was sosososo hard every single one of them looked so good in this era but i have to go with DK like HELLO OMG!!! i loved this song from seventeen project and it’s just so good and he has such a good voice (jun and vernon we’re close seconds their hair during this era looked so good)
—Direcors cut ,, CAN I PLS SAY RUN TO YOU KILLS ME EVERYTIME I LISTEN TO IT (honestly hands down one of seventeens best songs) seungcheol looked so good in this era (and every other era) but there’s something about it idk i just love hes just so talented
—We make you,, pls this album could kill me and i wouldn’t care call call call and 20(japanese version) honestly this is one of my favourites and i know that it only had one new song but i loved it anyway and there’s no other answer to who killed in this era because it’s minghao nobody can tell me otherwise, minghao on his motorbike in the MV and the mullet omg
—you make my day ok this album isn’t my favourite but i still love it a lot (what’s good! hits different) but mingyu in this era i 🥺🥺 idk what it is but lighter brown hair just suits him sm
—you make my dawn,, i’m sorry but it’s gotta be wonwoo-black haired jeon wonwoo is best (and yes i know he has that hair colour a lot but when he has it like THIS) also can i please talk about the hug unit reverse i-
—happy ending,, ok happy ending is such a good song and the mv is so good like!! and healing japanese ver just makes me super happy,,but joshua in this era looked so good idk what it is but they all look so good with dark hair
—an ode!! this album has no skips i love it so much minghao in this album (specifically the poet ver photobook) i am speechless the hair the looks just everything i love him (i reached the image limit time to cry)
—falling flower, this album makes me super soft and seungkwan in this album makes me even softer he just looks so pretty 🥺🥺🥺
—heng:gare most recent era i love it sm (left and right plays on repeat in my head thanks to their tiktoks) but i’m going with jun pls i love him sm he looks so good in the album photo books and all the performances! tbh i tried not to be biased because otherwise he would be my favourite in every era
ok that took forever and i know i said minghao a lot but what can i say,,, i’m not wrong
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dreaminterlude · 5 years
i want to know what ur qualms are with their styling for blue flame 👀
first of all dear rae, thank u so much for ur patience i know this is kind of belated but im finally sitting down at my computer so we can dissect this in detail and this is going to be way longer than it has to be so here we goooooooooo
i’d like to say that most of astro looks great with their styling, in both the book and story versions. i really love the juxtaposition of both concepts, and i think the tones work really really well for the vibe they’re going for, which, as i’ve stated, is this mature vibe we’ve been seeing more and more of, with that magical astro charm that makes them so special. the warmth of the book version combined with the coolness of the story version is really really nice and i love the idea of it
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i think literally all of them except for eunwoo look fantastic. eunwoo….looks alright here but i am not a fan of this wet dog look that people have been calling a baby mullet. this is especially distressing given how much i love him but i just feel like….he’s not really hard to style and they could have done something simultaneously interesting and elegant like they did with the rest of the boys and they just didn’t. mj? STUNNING. jinjin looks so freaking handsome i love his look. binnie looks like an angel. rocky. god rocky has stolen this comeback he’s probably been my fave. sanha also looks like he’s suddenly grown into this handsome intellectual and i’m like but where’s baby?
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again, 10/10 for the 5/6 members here. where’s the loml? first of all why is he holding the scarlet letter. fine let’s ignore that i don’t even care honestly. it’s the hair rae, it’s the hair that kills me. maybe they could have styled a mullet better on him, but it could also be a camera angle thing bc he looks really good here and honestly i really dig it but maybe it’s the model in him coming out MAYBE
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wow i’m staring at this photo again and honestly it’s so simple and he looks so good but maybe it’s also bc u can’t really see the mullet i’m so annoying
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ladies n gentlemen we are getting to the crème de la crème am i annoying you yet haha!!! again each and every boy looks unbelievably stunning which then begs the question, maryam why are you being so fucking annoying and rude and unfair about this comeback — well i’m not done yet!!!! and maybe i am MAYBE — but eunwoo first of all why put something on him that is NOT his size at all so it makes him look like a bag while attempting to make him look sexy (?????????????), why is he crouching lower and what is up with his HAIR i will not get over the hair i am upset about it
but the rest of them. my god look at rocky and mj???????? this is the superior look on him by far compared to the story version but we’ll talk about that in a SEC
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they all look good and dandy here. i have no real qualms here. jinjin looks like he’s coming to SMASH my house and i’m about to let him. i love these boys.
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they all look good here, overall, seem to match the themes with each other. i think jinjin/mj were superior in the book version as far as these photocard pics go. i have no idea why eunwoo is making that face it’s so annoying to me. he’s done sexy so many times and i just don’t think this is it not that he even has to be sexy he could have done anything really but i’m not a fan. it’s cool in the sense that he looks like a vampire i guess but it’s not a look that i personally gravitate towards (this is, and i cannot emphasize this enough) so subjective and obviously just how i feel about these things). rocky. my god. stunning. academy award. sanha has announced to the world that he has grown up and he is an adult damnit so treat him like one!!! i will not but nice try. bin’s face just makes me miss him even more :(
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ok the top half of mj, i’m really digging. the hair is working (i wish his hair was longer for these pics, the whole universe knows that mullet mj is superior) but his pants make his torso look smaller and i hate the boots but maybe he’s coming back from gardening the now DEAD flowers from all light era idK. rocky (i’m sobbing now). eunwoo………….obviously the hair is better imo but the angle that this is taken…i’m not a fan. is the back cut meant to be sexy? idk i’m not feeling anything really?
and this here is the issue i have with what they’re trying to do with him, i think: they’re trying really hard to make him sexy, like they always do, but it doesn’t necessarily always suit him bc i don’t know if he necessarily wants to be sexy. like there are definitely moments that he does look that, like some of the kswiss shoots or even his magazine shoots where he really kills the game, but it doesn’t seem like…….it’s being forced on you really? idk for some reason, for ME, this comeback has kind of been shaping him into something that he might……not be. idk. i think with this pic tho they could have shot it at a better angle. i think for me it’s not only the stylists but also the photographer. maybe i’m not being fair, idk. i think the looks have grown on me more and more, but they didn’t make me necessarily happy or excited
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all excellent except that i really hate what they did with mj’s outfit bc they just make him look a bit stockier which is annoying because he’s really willowy and dainty and elegant and they could have brought that out and they didn’t. eunwoo looks good here. i really like his outfit here. jinjin’s pants are too long…..i think a lot of it could have been fixed if they sized them appropriately? maybe i’m over analyzing. rae if you’re still reading this……..
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i think this is the one photo where they all look good to me. i think mj’s pants here don’t stand out as much because they get cut off at the bottom and the picture is angled so his torso is accentuated more. i LOVE eunwoo’s oufit, and i really think it has to do with the fact that it’s fit to his body and they taper his waist which does wonders for him. i hate when they drown them with oversized clothes!! jinjin looks like he’s waiting for me to come home so he can discuss the report card that came in the mail and the call he got from my teacher when he was at work
i think from the m/v teaser they all look good and really cool, which is an indication that they don’t look necessarily the same as their photoshoot. i think…..also it’s nice to see their updates on twitter so we get to see the “real” them, and see how different that is from this very staged thing, which is, again, a very cool concept, but i think i’m gonna need a bit more convincing (and i know they’ll deliver) from their m/v + music show stages. i think my main problem was eunwoo’s hair/”sexiness” factor and the way they tried styling myungjun in the story version. maybe i’m being overly critical…..but since eunwoo is like….my ult, i feel like personally attached to this. but at the end of the day, it’s not that deep and i know my perception will probably change when the album/music video drops, and honestly……..they really can almost pull of anything. like maybe eunwoo CAN MAYBE pull off a mullet if his stylist actually did it justice. idk. but i’m not team cha mullet.
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Animal Instinct + Dead Disco | Writing Update
Hey People of Earth!
We’re back with another Moth Work update because ya girl has finished two chapters and is here to spill all the tea! If you missed update one, and two, be sure to check them out before reading this one! I’ve been having a bit of cabin fever with this project lately which has made it difficult to really immerse myself into the project. But we’re almost at the 20k mark of this project which is wILD! I never imagined writing so much of this story (which was initially just a guilty pleasure) and I’m happy with how much I’ve learned about my characters just through this small detour in the series.
The first chapter I’ll be updating on is chapter four, ANIMAL INSTINCT. 
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This chapter was a giant pain to finish! It had about 5000 revisions mid-draft, and I definitely feel like I had blinkers on when writing it. Because of that, I lost sight of the big picture and really got stuck on the little things, like the writing and overall quality of the project. This was not actually the purpose of Moth Work--it was supposed to be a dumping ground for whatever. However, in this chapter, I became really hyperfocused on all the small details I disliked which made drafting it a month-long process. I’ve now come to a slightly healthier place with quality in this draft, and found a middle ground between trash-dumping and nitpicking. 
What’s it about?
Animal Instinct is a major point of tension for Lonan and Harrison as their goals deviate. This chapter focuses heavily on the volatility of their relationship and highlights Lonan’s current irrational mental state. The title stems from this idea of calculated action for the sake of a single person’s benefit. 
The writing bit: 
I struggled to write this chapter quite a bit. It took me the majority of July to complete because of a major logic problem I kept running into. After struggling for a few days, I finally realized by fleshing out what I’d written initially, I could overwrite the logic problem. The solution took a lot of work/test scenes to figure out, but eventually I got it!
I shared this excerpt before because it’s one of the only paragraphs I don’t mind in this chapter! I think the flow is a lil funky but I dig the concept! This outlines the last bits of the cabin, specifically Harrison’s final check around the perimeter. 
Around the corner, the back patio is static—like Anna and her son never stopped sitting there. Her bowl of avocado and Greek yogurt—the holistic remedy Emily said would make her glow like an angel—sits gummy and pestered with flies. One of Milo’s toys is wedged under the cheap lawn chair. It haunts him, seeing them while not seeing them, but he leaves everything like it is. Anna and her son will always remain on the patio, Anna with her cheekbones splayed for the moon, Milo babbling mildly about his father like he hasn’t made the connection. They’ve gone invisible.  
After this first scene, Harrison does some driving in the dark which gives me major book three vibes lol, and eventually pulls into a motel somewhere in Nevada. This route from Oregon to Boston makes no sense but I conveniently needed Lonan to end up in Vegas, so!! do it for Vegas!!
In the motel, Harrison meets Jeremiah, his potential new man lol. Harrison is focused on getting in and out of there as quickly as possible, but he’s like dang mans teeth are the straightest I ever did see (me too tho). Because he gets distracted, he fails to notice his car turn off, and only makes the connection after passing it a few times in the parking lot. He minorly paniques as he looks for Lonan, but eventually finds him around the building. 
The scene that follows gets volatile as heck, and really showcases how similar Lonan and Reeve are? Like dang that whole family tho? (Can I join?)
I’m not going to share much of this scene because she gets dramatic, but this is the wildest dialogue I’ve written in a while and I think I’m going to steal it and make Reeve say it because something like this would come out of her mouth:
“Do you feel that, Harrison? I could burn you with a cigarette and call it a wolf bite and nobody would know the difference.” 
sounds normal at first then NOPE
The next chapter (chapter 5) is called Dead Disco:
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This chapter came together very quickly because I’d had it basically planned out, however, it veered into an emotional direction I wasn’t expecting. This chapter was supposed to be fun and lighthearted, and it ended up being... not that??  
What’s it about?
After the tragic drama that occurs in the previous chapter, Harrison wakes up the next morning to notice that Lonan has #left and #taken the car. This is v/ not good, but instead of getting super worked up he chooses to chill out at Jeremiah’s place and chill ft. some disco. I meant for it to be cute but Harrison ends up in a mental place I wasn’t expecting, so the chapter feels a bit “derealized” to me. After both Lonan and Harrison head out on their solo endeavors, they meet back up and this encounter ends *badly*. 
July 31st Rachel was feeling very enthusiastic about the playlist for this chapter (I was writing while listening to music) and wrote down a list of songs that describe the progression of this chapter (in order + all Nothing But Thieves because predictable!):
Holding Out For A Hero
Excuse Me
Forever & Ever More
You Know Me Too Well
I’m Not Made By Design
Number 13
BUT SHOUTOUT TO: Disco by Surf Curse
Probably the most accurate vibe here lol
This first excerpt is Harrison angsting hard about missing his friends. I don’t *love* her but I don’t *hate* her! I tried revising it but it... flopped, so here’s the failed revision:
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Lonan could say those words and it haunts him, how easily he taints him like a bad omen. There are so many things Emily would tell him to do to cleanse the bad magic, but Harrison recalls none of them properly. He remembers words like moon, and black walnut, and quartz crystal, and cardamom, but can’t think of what to do with any. He wishes he were like Foster, curious enough to carry around a pocket dictionary, or like his mother, clever enough to make something up on a whim. All Harrison can do is bury his face in his palms outside the restaurant and hope no one watches him. The main road bustles by and he wishes to be invisible, like Anna and her son. He wants his friends back. Foster could lull him to consciousness with a quiz on the different kinds of plants, which are edible, which are poisonous. Reeve would split a cigarette with him and scare him back to life with her driving. Emily will never speak to him but at least she’d cast a curse on him, and even that’s better than his nullified state of living. It’s disorienting, to feel asleep while awake. Harrison blinks hard, but everything feels the same—the buildings all shimmering, the people staring barely even people, everything derealized like it’s all been coated in REM. 
(tag urself i’m foster’s pocket dictionary)
This next excerpt outlines Harrison getting turnt with his new man and then getting philosophical? drunk Harrison be Aristotle and Madonna smushed together idk
Harrison knows he shouldn’t drink around a stranger but Jeremiah’s got a handmade bracelet and scribbly tattoos on his forearm so it’s hard not to trust him. Photo prints of hostels in Japan, statues in Europe, cathedrals in Paraguay decorate the walls in perfectly cut rectangles. Each is plumed with a dried flower and it reminds Harrison so much of Emily, he has to look away, back to the Lonan-coloured drink. He studies the shot glass like it isn’t transparent, the grooves around the perimeter, the engraving that reads Cancun 1987. He loses Jeremiah’s absent swish around him, and gets lost in the blue. The trifecta amazes him, how a colour as unnatural as this has manifested in Lonan’s eyes, his earring, this drink. He tips the glass back and finishes it in one go, and even though it’s strong and should taste like artificial blueberries, his mouth is tasteless and numb.
“You live here alone?” Harrison asks, raking his fingers through his hair. The apartment overlooks the strip across the street and Harrison gets lost in it, the artificial signs like bad advertising, the neons ill like influenza. When he looks toward Jeremiah again, his glass is refilled and he has to think hard to remember if he emptied it in the first place. 
This is where Harrison manages to make disco big sad + some lowkey salt at Lonan which is always! a! win!:
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Together, they move in a trance, limber and manic. The glass in Harrison’s hand isn’t a weight—it’s a lifeline. The apartment blurs, and waves in slow motion. Harrison doesn’t hear the music or taste the drink; he feels nothing in the ground, and everything in his tongue. His hair swims in his face like Lonan’s, moving like he did in the water, careless in his forehead, his eyes. The pictures on the wall become the pictures in his bedroom, and the blinking doesn’t get rid of them. In his sidesteps with Jeremiah he sees him, in the glass, across the street, under a streetlamp. Taking his cigarettes, his light, his car, his mouth like a cannibal. 
To end this update, here’s some dialogue ft. savagery:
“You’re patronizing me.”
“You’re patronizing yourself.” 
A meme to accompany this lol:
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So that’s it for this update! At the time of drafting most of this post (which was a few weeks ago), I wasn’t really feeling this project, however, after writing chapter 6 and switching POVs into Lonan’s head (where there’s lots of messy stuff to work with), I’ve been having a lot of fun!
I’m sorry updates have been slow on this blog--I’m in the process of moving so I’m getting busy, however, I hope to post at least one more update before I go off to school! Thanks for reading. :)
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woozi · 3 years
dhdjdkdk but it's so cool tho, to witness the shift and change in trends of kpop through the years even if you weren't involved too much then.
honestly never thought tumblr would be a better medium to help me keep up with updates & stuff, at first it was just that jdkdkdjs i was just checking in occasionally too! never thought i'd be having more fun interacting here even if it's on anon djdjdjh and noooo why would i do that djdjjssk i love seeing your gifs be it svt or g7 <3 (speaking of which the fallin flower joshua set is SO PRETTY I LOVE IT 💖💗🥺) that has to be someone else because for now i only follow kpop blogs nothing else jdjdkdjd but i also like the vibe your main one has <3
naur <//3 my bias type really shows huh? i always end up choosing the ones who like to keep everything low and not post anything, not even a 'hi' jdjdkskdj (except for cheol <3 still not over those bf pics. svt insta era my beloved <3 as a 2019 carat it hits more differently 😭 and now we only have dino remaining <3 ) & i agree w/ you jinyoung is such a pain in ass and him being smug abt it is more annoying </3 it's even more funny when you know i can't stand virgos at all <//3 (but he makes up for it with his songs, i love songs which hurt me <3. thank you still remains 1st followed by 끝 & the day, then encore jdjdkd). for some reason i forget sometimes that mark is also a virgo, he's just too lovely in my eyes 😣 djjdjdks what abt your biases? ❤️.
spinning top album and 1° my forever beloveds <3 also tasteee lullaby era was amazing. and honestly 'you are' has won hearts so that's double win for me. every birdie i've talked to adores 'you are' the same amt so that's just <33 🥺 same for aju nice too djdhjdj always puts me in good mood tbh. ahhh the group which got me into kpop was bts :3 (might be predictable since 2017 was the year a lot of ppl got into them djdjk).
and he did <3 good for him and them. the love for jaebs has been a lot in my heart these past few months (not like it wasn't there before dhdjks just </3)
dhdjjdkd they're so 😭😭 g7 love playing with my heart sm. i am not believing any words youngjae is saying sorry boo djdjdk i have trust issues. but i'm excited abt yj and mk's projects. them talking about their projects is making me anticipate it even more djdjkdkd 😭
i'm always down for new music ( ignoring the comment i made about not being able to listen to music out of my known genres jdjddkkjsek), honestly pls do suggest the playlist i'll listen to them soon! <3
thank you for the novel, *rates 5/5 on goodreads.* djdjdkdk ( pls ignore i sometimes tend to make nonsensical jokes which only i get djjddjsk) - sending you good day wishes ~ 🪂 ( woozi's drone camera song has been stuck in my mind hdjdjsskks everytime i use skydiving emoji it starts playing 😭) - 🪂🪂🪂
indeed <3
I KNOW KJKFJFDKJFD IT'S SO SLOW HERE!!! but the community is so much better, there isn't any pressure to do anything and people just do things just because they enjoy it (not saying twt users don't but it kind of gets... performative there) and i'm so glad ur having fun here 🥺 caratblr has been such a good place to me too, it's honestly the best online community i've been in. JDSSDJKJDSKSJD AWW U FLATTER ME TOO MUCH </3 and yes indeed oh my god i love fallin flower so much. they really fuckin popped off with that one!! i find myself going back to it again and again!!
YES IT DOES FJKJFDKFDJKFDJ we love boys without social media presence <3 idk what went on in 2019 svtstagram but when i see photos/vids from then </3 y'all are BLESSED!!! AND U SAY THIS ON VIRGO SZN 😭😭😭😭 that is so funny though i also want to slander virgos sometimes <3 ALSO WAIT OH MY GOD YOURE SO RIGHT!!!! the songs he penned are very... jinyoung for lack of better word. they're Different. i love each of the seven's styles so much i feel like songs they made themselves turn out better ngl. ALSO YES ABSOLUTELY DFJJDFDKJF mark's also one of the members i am quite fond of (though i love all of them). his temper is Very Virgo though i love that so much about him JKSDKSDJ i personally don't have a type?? or at least i don't think i do JFJDKKFD i just.. like people when i like them ig 😭 look at my bias line... chan jeonghan jihoon.. and jus2 for got7... ALSO WAIT OH MY GOD......... SPEAKING OF JUS2............................................ what are ur thoughts on jus2 <3
1 DEGREE!!!!!!!!!!!1 every time i hear and think abt 1 degree i think of youngjae for some reason.. and ur so right abt that <3 iirc you are's the first title track from jaebeom so it was also a v significant era for them </3 AND YES AJU NICE!! free serotonin boost tbh. and the mv is still one of my favorites concept-wise!! the exploding hearts was really something else to me JDKJKJDJSDJ AND OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH honestly idk what happened in the kpop universe during then so idk 😭 but from what i've heard of from my friends who got into kpop during the last few years this is also their experience!! do you still follow bts?
i know!! </3 jaebeom looks very happy lately, i think his creative freedom now eased a lot of pressure from him. AND WE FINALLY GET TO HAVE OFFICIAL SONGS W JAEBEOM PRINT!!!!!!!!! his songs sounds like HIS now. have you been listening to yugyeom and jaebeom's albums? </3 they're SOOO good and they feel very organic if that makes sense
they really do love playing tricks on us 😭 and tbh you're right on that we cant believe shit these boys say.. ESPECIALLY WHEN BAMBAM'S THERE 😭 i guess they were also talking abt youngjae's album that time bc jaebeom apologized to him JDJSDDSKJ ALSO YES KJDJKDJSS IM SO EXCITED FOR MARK'S ESPECIALLY!!! we haven't seen much from him compared to other members. i loved one in a million sm </3 AND HE'S DOING AN OST NOW!!! AND PHOTOSHOOTS!! incredible </3
i'm making u playlist rn <3 maybe it'll be ready the next time we talk 👀
AND NOOOO KFJDFDKJFDKJ THE GOODREADS JOKE MADE ME LAUGH IRL WDYM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 u know at this point.. jihoon should release that on soundcloud as a cover LMAOOOO i keep hearing it on tiktok too DSDSJJDS HOPE UR HAVING A GREAT DAY AS WELL <3 THANK U FOR ALWAYS HANGING OUT W ME <3
0 notes
chaeunwoo-archive · 7 years
moonbin | astro
(done with @rockoaroundthechristmastree, @rockytheastroid​, @astrofireworks​, @jinwoosmile, @ongbins and @jakganim)
1998 Jan 26
Cheongju son
Visual 4/6
How to recognise moonbean: smol upper lip, looks like a cat
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Baby: red, crescent moon
Was a child actor/model
IS MY SHIT !!!!!!
Baby Binnie singing
Baby Binnie doing the train song!!
A full cutie / Baby Bin charming everyone  / Bin and Sua playing
Was also in a Samsung CF jesus christ what a cutie 
Appeared as Baby Yunho in DBSK’s Balloons
Bet you didn’t know he had a dance practice video too
I love embarrassing Bin videos I need a video of him reacting to this
More embarrassing videos he’s bringing sexy back y’all
Was also in Boys Over Flowers as baby F4
cute-ass nicknames
Resident “pupcat” for looking ‘chic’ when he’s straight faced and being energetic and happy and puppy-like when he smiles
문비글: moon beagle because he gets all excited i love him 
“YuNo Moonbin” because Baby Yunho in DBSK’s Balloons
“Jelly boy” because of his one line in Confession (“Hey baby 그 앨 잊어“ = “hey baby, forget about him”) that sounded like “hey baby 겔리줘” (hey baby, give me jelly)
콩 = bean
차은우 덕후 = Cha Eunwoo Maniac 
Listen he’s such a big Eunwoo stan 
#TeamSoap (Just so you know, arohas didn’t come up with the name ‘Binu’, they came up with it (”Team Soap”) themselves )
explained it by saying 빈 (Bin) + 우 (Woo) = 비누 (Soap)
Picked each other in OK!Ready and have been living in the same room ever since
in the recent Night Night show they did Eunwoo said that if he could pick roommates again, he’d still pick Bin 
Used to call eunwoo (은우) “eu-noo” (으누) as a cute nickname 
“Eu-noo Eu-noo Cha-Eu-Noo!!”
Eunwoo saved Bin on his phone (predebut though, idk how accurate this is rn) as 달콩 (literally translates into moon bean) and fun fact coincidence or not you decide it’s also the second half of 알콩달콩 (lovey dovey) :’) 
Jokes aside he’s really Eunwoo’s best friend he’s Eunwoo’s hypeman 
Claims Eunwoo is the most beautiful creature on earth
“Is he really human? How can someone that looks like him exist?”
Eunwoo thinks Bin is the most handsome I love supportive friends ;u;
Bin to Sanha during the 600 day broadcast: did i say you can take the meat
Also Bin: feeds Eunwoo “be careful it’s hot”
문초딩: basically saying he has a mind of a nine year old i’m crying i bet he giggles at dick jokes 
쿨빈: “cool bin” i mean he’s cool sometimes i guess,,,,,, a nerd, 
Also recently pointed out during ASC as the sexiest member in astro so
빈스틸러: “bin stealer” - basically (sf9 taeyang voice) scene steAlerRr 
정수리감별사: he can distinguish people by smelling the top of their heads bless him 
Has a ridiculously refined sense of olfaction - can literally smell every member apart from one another 
Literally suffers every time he’s asked to do this by mcs; has done it on Weekly Idol and Immigration and the latest Special Sunday
문밥: mOON RICE THE CUTEST NICKNAME because he loves to eat bless his soul
loves babies to no end
But so does the whole of astro so
can run real fuckin fast
Got a silver medal in ISAC, got beat out by his buddy Woosung form Snuper only because Woosung’s chest touched the ribbon 0.02 seconds before bless
plays the piano!
Was close to ikon’s Chanwoo and sf9’s Chani and also childhood friends with gfriend’s SinB
THE CUTEST LISTEN he was Chani’s OG “Bin hyung” 
Once he met Moonbin in the airport and yelled, “BIN HYUNG!!” and Youngbin got so bitter that Chani called Moonbin “bin hyung” he went on sf9’s vlive a month afterwards to complain and said it was a stab to his heart asjdlhf I love them
Also friends with Seungkwan and Vernon from SVT :’)
Joined the fantz and “Right since the start I told the company that I hope they don’t interfere when it comes to food.” this bitch im rly cryign ilove him
Steals MJ’s food, and also probably everyone else’s
Videos of him eating is my passion 
Apparently used to make pancakes really often predebut with Astro :’)
Claims to not really like bread but has an entire vlive of him eating bread with rocko
Apparently hates red bean, egg yolks and tofu and chocolate and fish 
Still tried to drink the chocolate drink jinjin(?) won from nimdle even though he hates chocolate what is this boy doing
Actually eats so much omg my fave Bin concept is Bin eating 
Literally gets fed by EVERYONE ALL THE TIME (peep nimdle broadcast and also his actual CEO getting their manager to buy him [and Eunwoo] food every 10 flippin minutes)
Gets a free pass to do anything anywhere on a vlive??? Gets meat to hold a BBQ party 
Holds his own muk-bang broadcasts, on days where he “can’t eat much” still eats for one meal 2 servings of kbbq, a bowl of rice, a large bowl of stew and finishes off with a large bowl of naengmyeon. son, 
sleeps a lot
Literally though sanha and jinjin posted a twitter video of them trying to wake bin up it doesn’t work it apparently only works when eunwoo gets him to wake up
Sleeps through sanha and jinjin prodding him but wakes up when eunwoo starts talking in a vlive
Bin said in the harper’s bazaar interview that he doesn’t wake up when the manager calls him to get up but his eyes naturally open when he hears Eunwoo sighing (creds to @astrotranslations)
Bin’s mom even sent in a concern to hello counsellor bc he wouldn’t stop sleeping and couldn’t wake up so really… eunwoo = magic?
Sister is YG trainee Moon Su-Ah
Not sure if she’s still in that disgusting man’s dungeon or if she’s switched companies, pls pray 4 her 
She’s a year younger than him and appeared on Unpretty Rapstar
Once Bin went on in the audience wow he was so handsome in that episode bless up
Cannot deal with doing aegyo for the life of him, but is actually super duper naturally adorable
KNOWS he’s cute, in his friggin line play profile he says he’s ASTRO’s cutie so there’s that
Tried to out-aegyo himself once what a fuckin cutie
Loves the dinosaur claw
Oddly talented at using the claw machine even though he said he was horrible but Hyuksoo called him out on it
Showed us a forehead Once during the Growl collab stage with KNK and Snuper (bless their souls pls support the Holy Trinity I’m not saying this collab stage turned me into a Moonbin/Sangil stan but it 100% did)
His dedication to the sweater paws is incredible 
Soft voice, cute voice, slightly grainy
It’s so distinctive you can tell it’s his voice during songs 
Says dumb things sometimes 
Once upon a time, a barista - he attempted to make a heart in a latte but made a carrot lookin thing instead (but he tried his darndest)
For context he worked in the fantagio cafe when he was a trainee to make pocket money and to get to interact with people 
Was then asked to make a latte heart but failed asjdhflaskj he’s so pure, Pls tell him it looks like a heart ;; all he wants is validation
Makes cute high pitched squealing noises when laughing/embarrassed
Apparently had Crazy Sexy Cool written for him as a solo track djfaslhdkjfahlsdkf a fullass blessing 
Mouth corners curve up up up and into his cheeks when he smiles his eyes disappear it’s the cutest thing my heart stops every single time 
Stops my heart when he’s not smiling too 
Would do anything to see him smile 
Pouts immediately it’s so cute my heart is weak he’s exactly like a cat 
Trained the longest out of all of ASTRO, at least under Fantagio
Is called “ancient” in some DDOCA hashtags because he and rocko trained under fantagio for 7 years
Is the longest running member of the Fantagio fam, not counting the CEO
Apparently called Manager Moon what a pure bean 
Listen we were just talking about this the other day but in 40 years we’re going to wonder about what happened to astro then we’ll google fantagio and something will pop up and it’ll say something like “Moonbin, previously part of idol group Astro, now CEO of Fantagio”
Is a BTS stan smdh 
Knows the choreo to literally all of BTS’s songs, including I Need U and DNA smdh 
Introduced to Jungkook by Seungjun (now KNK, previously a Bighit trainee) 
Got a (literal) shout out too? At Gayo Daejun 
Made friends with him and exchanged contact info and has been messaging him :’)
Took some predebut photos and also took pictures for the spring up and summer vibes PCs !!! 
Photographer name: 달콩작가 (moon bean photographer) :’)
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infinitewxnders · 7 years
So in the past 24 hours, Bighit has released the rest of the members teaser photos and I'm SHOOK. Anyways, theory time :)) This is a long one, so, sorry 
So we'll start with the latest one, Jin (WORLDWIDE HANDSOME!!)
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Jin, is the only person wearing A. A suit, and B. with the Smeraldos.  He is wearing a pastel blue suit, and the smeraldos are blue. Blue represents trust, and peace. The hangul writing (translation from Soompi) says "If I could turn back time, I want to be the greatest man in the world." NOW LET'S LOOK AT AWAKE'S LYRICS SHALL WE... 
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Lyrics from colorcodedlyrics He's always wanted to be amazing and reach the sky, most armys can agree, that Jin is a VERY underrated member. I'm thinking, he wants people (army) to trust that he can do just as well as the other members. And that maybe this is him learning to love who he is, instead of trying so hard, when HE'S ALREADY SO FREAKING AMAZING (anyways) And what if the flowers are for Jungkook, to trust him that things will get better (Jungkook is in a wheel chair in his teaser photo) and goes for the other members. ALSO, after re-watching Awake teaser video, EVERYTHING IS BLUE, EVERYTHING THE FREAKING ENTIRE ROOM FLOOR AND WALL IS BLUE
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J-Hope's teaser photo (YESS SUNSHINE)
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Jhope, airplaneeeeee, his teaser photo says "If you shine, then I’m alright" It's sweet, but so heartbreaking too. It's basically saying that it doesn't matter how I feel, as long as I can see you happy than that's all that matters. HE'S LIKE GIVING HIMSELF UP FOR SOMEONE ELSE'S HAPPINESS AND I'M CRYING. Also why is there so many airplanes with him? Airplane in teaser photo, paper airplane in spring day,
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 airplane (or butterfly) hand motion(?) 
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What do you do on airplanes? You go away to somewhere else. "If you shine, then I'm alright."  He might not necessarily being going anywhere, but what if it’s because, like Jin, he can’t reach the skies. That’s he only does hand motions or paper airplanes. 
Taehyung's teaser photo (YEAH V)
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Taehyung, reflection in a puddle, photo says "Would you not have left? If I had made a different choice" Who left? Flashback to I need U m/v (original ver and edited ver) Tae stabs someone, and technically kills them. What if he's talking about the girl. If he hadn't killed the guy, would she have left? If he hadn't been filled with rage, would the person have stayed? Or, what if that person didn't leave, but was taken away? What if she took the blame for when Taehyung killed the guy, that's why in stigma's lyrics it says "(You) who was punished in my stead" 
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(THERE GOES THOSE BLUE COLORS AGAIN) (Lyrics from colorcodedlyrics)
Namjoon's teaser photo (MY BABYMON)
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Namjoon, looking out a window, reflections, (presumably since you can see your reflection through a window) Reflection? Namjoon's solo song, reflection. His photo says "I look only at your back, Because it’s not the time now" The hell does that mean? What if it's someone he can't face because he isn't ready, or something he can't face. What if that person he can't face is Taehyung? Remember how Tae called someone but there was no answer, and theories say he called Namjoon but he didn't answer, as to why he is shaking the payphone box trying to get to it in Reflection teaser video.
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 Tae and Namjoon were a heavy pairing during HYYH era
Jimin's teaser photo (MOCHIIIII)
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Jimin, umbrella, soft looking, his teaser photo says "I lied. Because there’s no way you’d love someone like me" Right off the bat, LIEEE. *clears throat* So, lie, Jimin, stop lying will ya? He's caught in a lie once again, or could it be the same lie? That's why in Lie he says "Get away from me"
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 Also what is "someone like me?" Is it his looks, his personality, the things he's done?
Suga's teaser photo (MIN YOONGI GENIUS)
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Suga, he's in those like giant pipe thingy (idk what it's called lol), the text says "Don’t come near, you’ll become unhappy." This kinda ties in with what Jimin's says. We all know Yoongi has gone through a lot of stuff regarding the concept of loving ones self. Let's look at The Last
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Remember that fight with Jungkook and Yoongi during Run. 
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What if Yoongi blames himself about Jungkook's accident. We can assume the accident happened AFTER that incident. That's why he says "Don't come near, you'll become unhappy."
Jungkook’s teaser photo (YEAHH GOLDEN MAKNAE)
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So FLASHBACK to the I NEED U M/V, we all remember how Jungkook was about to get ran over by a car, or he did. 
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I’m thinking, he got ran over, but survived and ended up in a wheel chair, basically meaning he’s paralyzed or ATM injured and can’t walk. Also, not HYYH era but if you watch the Begin teaser, he wakes up on technically a hospital bed.
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 So my personal thinking, since the whole premises of this concept is Love Yourself, what if his hyungs are beating themselves up on the fact that they could’ve saved him. What if Jungkook is the girl (from the story theory about the Smeraldo) that took flowers, the grotesque looking man, is the rest of BTS. That the fact that they couldn’t accept themselves, and love themselves, they couldn’t save Jungkook, because when you can’t even love yourself, how can help anyone else? ALSO, who the heck was driving the car that technically ran over Jungkook.  What if it was one of the boys? I can’t find anything good enough, or reasonable enough to back this up, but I mean, it’s not a far shot thought.  Okay, so back to the photo. The hangul translates to “The direction that my heart points towards, the day that I begin to want to run to that place” What if it isn’t a place, but people? It’s like the whole premises of home, it’s not necessarily a place, but it could be people. *cough* people being bts and/or army *cough* Also, watching back on Young Forever M/V Jungkook was chasing after them while they were in the truck driving away. 
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Off topic, but not gonna lie, doing research and re-watching most of the HYYH era m/v really got to me. I never realized how emotional it actually was. It was deep stuff, my heart didn’t handle it well, lol. Anyways, I think the concept will not only pertain to Loving Yourself, but also, being able to love other people, and accepting other people for who they are. Also, if you zoom in closely to the photo, it might just be the graphics, but the flower doesn’t look colored. It’s pure white. And in research, white flowers typically mean purity, and innocence, like youth or kids, or love. 
The direction that my heart points towards, the day that I begin to want to run to that place. Don’t come near, you’ll become unhappy. I lied. Because there’s no way you’d love someone like me. I look only at your back. Because it’s not the time now. Would you not have left? If I had made a different choice. If you shine, then I’m alright. If I could turn back time, I want to be the greatest man in the world. The journey to loving themselves. SORRY FOR BEING EVERYWHERE MY BRAIN WAS GOING LIKE 7 MILLION MILES AN HOUR
~”Love Myself, Love Yourself” (-Kim Namjoon)
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rcseadorned · 5 years
Plot Wishlist Ideas
It’s my first time trying something like this so pardon if it’s odd.
The basic layout for Sofi is that she eventually always ends up with a roommate, either on purpose or accidental. On purpose is like answering a notice saying she’s looking for one, and accidental means she either offers her place or Muse B just ends up staying over at her place so much they just start leaving their clothes and stuff and basically live there without either of them realizing it. 
In a k-drama like fashion there can be some instance where Muse B is meeting Sofi when she’s always collected and pretty normal, y’know. But one day runs into her at a bar or leaving some club and she’s just... horrendously drunk. Takes her somewhere quiet and it turns out she’s a talkative sleepy drunk and falls asleep on them. Please take her home, Muse B should know where she lives by now.
There is a drawer in her desk in the living room. Way in the back is a photo turned face down with evidence of being torn and taped back together. Looking at it, Muse B will see two people very happily posed with the Eiffel Tower in the background. There’s wedding bands on their fingers. But there’s no sign of the guy.. and Sofi isn’t wearing the ring anymore.
Basically give me a k-drama, where the city is like 5 blocks big so everyone keeps running into each other and just... I’m currently watching Romance is a Bonus Book.
Bar Buddies. For some reason these two keep coming to the bar on the same night at the same time and start bonding over what’s been going on during their week while getting drunk. 
Muse B might be a late night partyer outgoing person so they get home late but it's right when sofi has to get up for work. so they stay awake while she's making breakfast. bonus points if they're a clingy sleepy person.
Basically Patalliro. If anyone’s familiar with it or wants to get into it. There’s 19 episodes in eng sub and a whole translated manga besides. If you like bishounen boys in 80s aesthetic with flowers and sparkle backgrounds n stuff. There’s like 45 episodes total. If someone could play Maraich for me that would be... g r e a t. I even have icons for him. Sofi would be replacing Ban as a FBI lookin agent. Same concept?
A) Non Modern. Full forest. She lives there and protects it. Works with The White Witch verse, or just a rustic sort of town surrounded by forest. Protects from possible danger and the season never changes from Spring/Summer. The Last Unicorn vibes. 
B) Modern. No Forest. A city has since been built over the forest she’s meant to protect so now she has to live within the city, pretending to be a normal person. Can work with modern/model verse. 
Always a sucker for spoiled princely character meets servant who does not take any of that bs. If it’s non-modern, she can be the apothecary assistant or the apothecary herself. 
Someone actually calls Sofi out for the wreck that she is. A wreck loaded with denial. 
Post or Pre- fiance break up. Instead of Sofi already having called it off with the guy, she meets the new person during the last stages of the relationship falling apart. 
Your character is in a bad situation and Sofi decides ‘mine now.’ Like taking in a heccin’ stray cat.
Sofi’s house is full of weird stuff, like fairies live in her balcony garden. She might have a brownie doing her cleaning chores. Maybe while your character is over a troll stops by. Her home functions as a sort of safe space for magical creatures kind of just.. lost.. 
Spicy Ones
roommate au where it just turns into her asking 'you know you have your own bed right?'
roommate a/u where they’ve been friends for so long that the line is kind of blurred into becoming friends with almost benefits but not quite cause sofi plays hard to get but boy howdy do they get close.
roommate a/u kind of combining this plot  and this plot so childhood friends become basically lovers without saying so but also muse b is a hoe. maybe she finds out accidentally he does cam show stuff maybe she’s known for a while and doesn’t care. point is their relationship is at a point where he’ll be doing stuff and you just see her in the background just like ignoring it. it becomes a thing. eventually she starts participating idk.
Other ideas include they’re roommates but Muse B is a bit of a playboy who brings people over for the night. Sofi doesn’t care as long as he pays rent, she’s fine. But over time it becomes less playboying and more actually connecting with the person they’re sharing an app with to the point its only being a hoe for Sofi.
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mochimim · 7 years
My sunshine boy
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Genre: Fluff and a bit of angst
Word count: 1.5k
Pairing: Hoseok x ?? member
Warnings: N/A
A/N: hihi guysssssss i just found this old draft i did about a year ago???? idk but it was there and i found the storyline pretty interesting so i tidied it up a little bit and bOOM now it’s here enjoyyyyy ALSO PS i didn’t set a fixed member in this bc i want the reader to choose their own character, if that makes sense!! anyway enough of my ramblings, ENJOYYYYY
Where I live, sunflowers symbolise loss and death. But not for us.
For us, it symbolises hope.
We met in a sunflower field when we were eleven. I was at my worst, and he picked me up instead of kicking me to the curb like all my other eleven year old friends.
“Excuse me, why are you crying?” I heard a voice that reminded me of bells and I immediately faced the owner of the voice. He was the most beautiful boy my younger self had ever seen. Even now, I still think that he’s still the most beautiful boy I have ever seen.
“Stay out of it,” I snapped, and a single cinematic tear slipped down my cheek as I remembered the big, fat, red B on my test paper.
“Bad grades, huh?” He sat down next to me and my mouth hung open. Could he read my mind?
“I sit behind you in school,” he bashfully admitted and I took the time to study his face. He didn’t look familiar at all, but I didn’t mention anything.
“Hey,” he slung an arm around me as fresh tears fell from my eyes. “I’m sure it’s not that bad. You’re the best student in class. Here.” He picked a swiss army knife out of one of his pockets and cut through a nearby sunflower’s stem. I was very worried about the mental health of this boy. Why was he was carrying a knife around? He must be slightly crazy, I thought to myself.
“Have a sunflower.” he grinned at me as he placed the sunflower into my lap, and all my doubts towards him just melted away.
“My mother said sunflowers represent death and sadness , but I think they’re really pretty, like you.”
Frankly, I’ve never blushed as hard as I did then.
“Wait!” I shouted as he turned to walk away. “What’s your name?”
“Jung Hoseok.” I nodded, knowing that I would remember his name till the day I died.
“See you around, my sunflower.”
And he sprinted away.
I felt my face burning up, but I didn’t really mind. I looked down at the sunflower and inspected it carefully. No bites, no insects, no flaws. Just perfect.
Maybe getting a B wasn’t so bad after all.
I didn’t know whether to say hi to him the next day, or to just ignore him completely. I did the latter because I was too shy to walk up to him, let alone talk to him.
But, of course, I was forced to talk to him.
We were partnered up for a small project, and we decided that he would go over to my house after school. Well, he insisted and I just kept quiet.
When we arrived at my very small apartment, he immediately spotted the thing that I deliberately tried to hide and pointed to it.
“Hey, that’s the sunflower I gave you yesterday!” He did a small dance of excitement and I couldn’t help but giggle.
“It’s only been two days since I really met you, but I think our friendship will last for a long, long time.”
He was right. We were friends all the way until we were twenty. We went through everything together, especially all awkward phases.  He stuck with me when I thought electric blue eyeshadow was a good idea,  and I definitely stuck with him through his braces phase.
When we felt angry or sad, we would naturally gravitate towards each other. He had a few boyfriends and girlfriends while we were still in school, and I had one boyfriend. Whenever he broke up with one of them, he came to me to rant. And I would always say the same thing to reassure him: “There's someone out there for you. Just be patient.”
And when I broke up with my boyfriend, he would mock my reassuring words lovingly, and it made me laugh. He knew exactly how to make me happy, and I knew how to make him smile, not that it was common not to see him grinning.
And he would pick me a sunflower almost every fortnight.
“You’ll empty the entire field in no time.” I once told him when he gave me yet another flower.
“But, it’s for you. It’s fine, I’ll take that risk.”
The sunflower giving was taken pretty platonically, until I realised that I loved him on his twentieth birthday. Then, I started to perceive things differently. The flowers seemed brighter, and so was the sun, both Hoseok and the one in the sky. And I never could keep my feelings to myself, so I confessed to him that week. And luckily, he felt the same way too.
And that’s how we got together.
Our time spent as a couple was nothing short of amazing. Every date seemed like a casual hangout. Neither of us liked going out and spending too much money, so our dates were usually spent at either of our houses, eating pizza and watching a terrible scary movie. We were like best friends with a different label, and it was good.
Until it wasn’t.
When he broke the news that he would be going to America to go and study dance, I was devastated. I hated the concept of long distance relationships, especially since most of them didn’t work out. But, he was persistent, so I reluctantly agreed and kissed him on the cheek for good luck.
He said he would call me every day, and he did, at least for the first month. Then, he started getting busier and busier, and stopped calling as often. I wanted to take the initiative to rekindle the relationship that was burning out and I tried calling him, but he would either tell me that he was busy or would talk to me for 5 minutes at most. I was upset, but I understood.
When he totally stopped calling, I wasn’t worried like I thought I would be, but I kind of missed him. I missed his smile, his laugh, everything about him. But, I forced myself to get over him. Even though we hadn’t formally broken up, he was obviously over me, due to the millions of pictures he posted of him with other people who were much better looking than me. There was one girl in particular, not extremely pretty, not extremely famous, but I got a very sweet vibe from her. He posted the most photos with her, and so I assumed that she was his girlfriend.
It’s okay, I’m okay.
It was not until my 25th birthday that I saw him again. For four years, I forced myself to forget Hoseok and everything associated with him. I met a new guy, Kim Namjoon, and I fell deeply in love with him. He was kind, caring and had a great smile that could brighten up anyone’s day. But, every time I saw a sunflower, I would cringe, so he made sure that I would never see another sunflower ever again.
We were just hanging out at home, casually celebrating my birthday, when there was a knock at my door. I reluctantly got off the couch, opened the door and saw a strangely familiar man.
He had brown hair and wore a bright smile on his face, and was holding a sunflower in his hands.
“Hoseok?” I gasped, and he nodded. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m back, like I promised.” He smiled at me, and my heart stopped for a moment.
“Please Hoseok, please go.” I pleaded him when Namjoon looked in my direction.
“Jagiya, is everything alright?” Namjoon asked from the living room when he sensed my nervousness. And that’s when Hoseok’s smile started to fade.
“Look, I can explain,” I rushed out, and I told Namjoon that I was fine. I half expected him to get angry, to throw the sunflower to the ground and walk away. But he just stood there, waiting for me to say something.
“Hoseok, you left me for four years without any contact. You just left the year with me back here when you went to America. You can’t just expect me to drop everything I have right now just to be with you.” I sighed, and he visibly shrank.
“Look, I’m so sorry. I was so busy at school that I totally neglected you. But, I’m done now. I can be with you forever. Please, take me back.”
“Hoseok, I can’t. I’m in a relationship that’s still going strong. I love him. I have my own career to worry about, and so do you. And don’t you have a girlfriend as well?”
“Sohye? She isn’t my girlfriend, she’s just a friend, trust me.” He took my hands and I didn’t feel the will to pull my hands away. “Please.”
“I’m sorry.”
I couldn’t bear to look at him.
I heard some shifting, and he placed the sunflower into my hands. I turned back to him and saw his tear-stained face staring back. He gave me a weak smile, took in a deep breath and turned away.
And there my sunshine boy went.
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chumimiiiin · 5 years
Lolita 100 questions tag
1. Screen-name and date of birth, please tell us these~
Chumimiin/Alice, 6/6 2. Height, weight, clothing size, and shoe size? 1,65 m / 54 kg / M / 39 3. Why did you start to dress lolita?
I fell in love with the lolita aesthetic at a really young age, when I discovered Japanese culture and subcultures. For years and years I wished I could be able to wear such gorgeous clothes once I grew up, so many years later my dream came true 4. Which style of lolita do you like? My favourite style is classic, but I love old school as well. Also I have a thing for sweet otome! 5. Express in your own words, the ideal of your above answer.
Various elements and colours that look really good together and a key concept that keeps everything united. 6. Do you have piercings? Where? Both earlobes. 7. Which brands do you like? Innocent World, Emily Temple Cute, Victorian Maiden, Baby the Stars Shine Bright. 8. Which are your favourite clothes (that you have)? Westminster JSK and Crown Jewels JSK by IW, Twinkle Tartan Heart Pocket JSK 9. How many lolita friends do you have? IDK MANY but unfortunately I don’t see them very often.
10. What do you love most about lolita? The huge variety of prints, the love for details and gorgeous materials, the femininity and the creativity you necessarily need to coordinate various items for an outfit.
11. What do you hate about it? Any pet peeves? Not really. I’m just kinda sad this fashion is dying in my country.
12. What lolita magazines do you read? I don’t read any magazine on regular basis, but I own a couple of Kera.
13. Headdresses, bonnets or ribbons/hairbows? Berets and simple bows. 14. Do you wear bloomers? No but I’d love to own a pair of old school ones! 15. Do you tie headdresses at the front or in the back? Always at the front! You must SUFFER lmao 16. Who is your favourite band/type of music? I listen to many different genres, but my favourites atm are folk rock and lo-fi. 17. What is your phone ring tone~? A boring one 18. Do you go to concerts in lolita? Noooo I’m not crazy enough 19. For people who attend concerts: do you headbang there? It depends 20. What colours do you like? Pink, bordeaux, black, gold. 21. What are your hobbies? Drawing, cosplay, workout, taking long walks, watching movies/shows/documentaries. 22. If you have any favourite perfumes, please tell us. La Petite Robe Noire by Guerlain. It’s perfect for lolita fashion. 23. Is there anything you are careful of in lolita? About my dresses and makeup.
24. Do you have any favourite haunts to go to in lolita? Not really, I like to go to different places each time. 25. How many times a week do you dress lolita? I used to dress it really often, now it’s been 4 months since the last time I wore it (too hot here). 26. Please tell us an embarrassing story from when you were a lolita beginner. Since I used to lurk A LOT on the Internet before getting to actually wear lolita, I never had a super embarrassing ita phase, although my first coord wasn’t that good... 27. What is your current hairstyle and colour? Short curly dark brown hair. Not very suited for lolita but whatevs.
28. What is your lolita history?
Discovery : It was 2007, I believe
First real item : 2013. I went to Tokyo and bought some stuff from Bodyline and Closet Child
In between : lurking and lurking and lurking and crying over the beauty I couldn’t have.
29. Do you store your clothes in a special place? In one half of my closet. 30. Did you ever think about quitting lolita? What was the reason? I kinda lost interest in it during this year, but I’m falling again 31. What is your motto? I’m bad with mottos lmao 32. What are your dreams of the future? Being able to find my way and be happy. 33. “This person is so perfect for lolita!” - Do you ever think that about certain celebrities? No. 34. Are there any products/items of which you have with a fond memory? Westminster JSK, it was my dream dress and I was so happy when it came in the mail I was about to cry. 35. What was your first item? I can’t remember, maybe an OP from Bodyline. 36. Do you have a signature pose for photos? No, I keep it simple 37. What is your heart’s bible? [book/magazine/CD/etc…] IDK I can’t choose just one thing. 38. What is the best height (cm) for heels? 6 cm  39. Do you wear tiaras? No, I don’t like them. 40. Do you think you want to try prince style? What kind of prince? Gothic/dark prince? Or “prince on a white horse” style? I’d like to try it! I’d like to go for “gorgeous young prince living in a fairy tale” style. 41. What types of lace do you like? Torchon lace and some laces used by IW. 42. Do you own a doll? Does owning it give you fun, childish feelings? No, but I think they’re beautiful. 43. What is in your lolita bag? Wallet, phone, keys, pochette with emergency makeup (?), earphones, power bank. 44. What is your favourite flower? Hydrangeas. 45. Right now, what is your favourite accessory? An offbrand necklace with pearls and a crown pendant. 46. Please recommend some cosmetics. Revolution palettes, NYX epic ink eyeliner, Urban Decay contour palette 47. With eye-tape your eyes look like a doll’s! What eyelashes will you wear? NYX’s. 48. What is your eye makeup for these eyelashes? I like to change it every time 49. Red Lipstick? Blue? Black? Pink? Pink or soft orange. Or gradient lips with dark red/pink. 50. Which nail polish do you normally choose? Pink, bordeaux or black. 51. Have you ever changed in a train station bathroom? No. 52. What do you think of “twin” and “triplet” lolitas? Super cute! 53. How do you keep in shape for lolita? Recommend something. I keep in shape for my health, not for a fashion... 
54. Do you keep calm when you wear lolita alone in public? Not really, but I try to ignore everyone by listening to music and minding my business. 55. How much do you spend per month on clothes/accessories? I don’t spend much money anymore. 56. Was there a time lag between knowing about lolita and dressing in the fashion? Yes, I couldn’t afford it for a long time. 57. What is your most expensive lolita item? Westminster JSK 58. It takes a lot of money to be a lolita. How do you save? I work and resell stuff I don’t need anymore. 59. Just a little secret here… How much have you spent so far on lolita, roughly? I don’t know, some thousands of € 60. Is there a brand shop you want near where you live? IW, Emily Temple Cute, Leur Getter.
61. “Man, what a rip-off!!” Have you ever thought that about a store? Some AP dresses look cheap af in real life... 62. Do you shop online? If so, put the good & bad points here to advise others. Good point: huge variety of stuff. Bad point: shipping is expensive most of the times. 63. Is there a secret person/shop that you have commissioned a dress just for you from? No. 64. “I can never have that/see that happening!! But I will always want it!!” Is there a brand you think this of? Jane Marple and Victorian Maiden stuff, because it’s too expensive. Also, my ultimate dream dress: Lotta JSK in green by IW.
65. What do you do with the clothes you don’t want anymore? I try selling them. 66. What is your most recent purchase? (Even non-lolita.) Queen Mary Fragrance JSK in pink by ETC (my otome dream dress!) 67. Is there an item you love that you can’t buy/seem to find? Lots of Victorian Maiden stuff and veeeery old dresses 68. What do you think of people who only wear lolita to concerts? Do they really exist? 69. What do you think of lolitas without makeup? If they feel comfortable with no makeup, good for them. 70. Another lolita is wearing the same coordinate/clothes as you!! What do you do? ”TWEEEEEEEENSSSSS” 71. What age should you stop wearing lolita? when I get tired of it. I don’t think my anagraphic age would matter. 72. When do you think you should graduate from lolita? And why? See previous answer. 73. “You should stop doing that!!! >_<” What must a lolita not do? Passive-aggressively harassing other lolitas. I mean, what are you, 12? 74. “A lolita should be ‘this’!” What do you think that should be? A person who has fun with this fashion. 75. Besides #73, is there anything you should definitely not do while wearing lolita? Anything socially unacceptable/illegal lmao. 76. What do you think of men in lolita? Same thing of women in lolita. 77. Did you change yourself to be a lolita? I try to act more feminine.
78. What does your family and other people think of you dressing lolita? And do you accept it? My mother loves it, my sister thinks it’s a weird hobby and kind of a waste of money, but she likes it overall. 79. How do you wear lolita in the boiling mid-summer? No. 80. Have you gone to school or work in lolita? Both.
81. How do you dress normally? Very genderless. 82. Do you think twice about buying second-hand clothes? I avoid buying items in very bad conditions. 83. Do you have a boyfriend? (or husband?) Does he understand lolita? No. 84. Please tell us about your ideal man. I don’t have one. 85. What lolita has left a big, shiny impression on you so far? Fanny Rosie
86. Have you made your own clothes? What are they like? No but I want to sew something soon. 87. Have you made your own accessories? What did you make? I made a bow and two straw hats. 88. Think about the best item you have made! What is it? One of the hats. It has white and lilac flowers and a gingham ribbon. 89. Please tell us about the most perfect lolita coordination you wear. I don’t really remember lol 90. Do you admire someone? What are they like? IDK 91. “One day I will go on a date with that person.” What would you like to wear for him? Not lolita.
92. If you want one, what type of store would you open in the future? A multibrand j-fashion store. 93. Something catches your eye. What is this motif? Flowers, keys, crowns, gingham, books. 94. Would you dress your child in lolita? I don’t want children. 95. How much do you spend on one outfit? 200/350 € 96. “This is lolita!!” Please say what you would say this about. Something with good quality lace and bows. 97. “I have always wanted to try that once!” What, in the lolita world, have you wanted to try wearing? Ouji! 98. Look at yourself in lolita. In one word/phrase, how would you express your style/image? Well balanced. 99. What is your lolita ideal? Having a wardrobe I’d be proud of. 100. Thank you for taking this baton!! Tell us what you think! It took me 27 years but it was fun
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