#sometimes i cant focus on talking to him because all i want to do is confess my love to him but i cant
cursedcreator-pat · 2 years
I talk about unknown so much on this blog. I need to remember the freaking massive game PAT is making that oh. Has unknown in it. Damn it
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valpuduzz · 2 months
vent continued here but plz ignore this, for some reason venting on tumblr makes me feel slightly better 😭
#the meowing of a cat 🐱#sometimes i cant focus on talking to him because all i want to do is confess my love to him but i cant#because he doesnt feel the same way and it's very obvious my feelings are not platonic in the slightest#my crush is the sweetest person ever and i know he is only forcing himself to be my friend because he's so nice#i dont know if ive been creepy or weird but i know he finds me weird and it fucking destroys me. but i rlly just want him to be honest#if he hates me it will destroy me so fucking badly but also i want him to do what is best for him#and if that's to get away from me i support him#i dont even know why i think he hates me. ive been trying my best not to show my overflowing love for him and i try to be a normal friend#god. i hate this. i hate this. i hate this i hate this i hate this#i hate this because my fucking ROMANTIC FEELINGS have clouded me from focusing on my TRUE friendships#i love my friends so fucking much i know they will never leave me and will never hate me#but ofc my three month crush apparently has more priority according to my brain -_-#i want to spend as much time as i can with him and i want to learn as much as i can abt him#and i hate it because i love my friends. i miss my friends but everytime im not with my crush i feel like he's going to forget me#i hate myself. i hate myself. i hate myself so fucking much#i dont know why im like this#i guess when i get attached to something i get very attached#i miss my friends but i get so on edge when im not with my crush#because my dumbass thinks i have a chance even though it's very fucking clear my chances are 0%#and i will never ever ever be someone special to him#i will never even have a special platonic relationship with him like my other friends. i will only just be a friend#he will never look at me the way i see him and that's fine with me but at the same time i wish i could send my overflowing love to him#i want to rot this summer. i dont deserve the people who actually see me as someone special#im a very cruel person. im sorry to my friends and my crush. im sorry
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School stress and scary kid update for those who know whats going on:
#I'm very anxious due to my LOSER LAME ASS PERIOD HORMONES but i'm literally so stressed about the scary guy in my class#I literally couldn't talk to my friend in class the other day because our teacher sat us near eachother and i was so on edge#he also keeps coming up to my friend but they are always with me so hes always right by me#once we got into our final year he just decided he was gonna ignore all the rules set in place like how he was not meant to sit near me#or just be near me in general#and now it feels like hes always near me again and im so so on edge#anyways there was already like no one in today and then my friend and the rest of the people left early for a school trip and so it was#just me and 2 guys who stress me and the scary guy supposed to be in this one class. and my course leader who is so great to me is out at#the moment and so is the SNA that is usually there to buffer things (although sometimes he makes things worse)#So i went to my year head and told her that i dont feel comfortable in such a small class with him so she organized an out for me#and anyways stuff went wrong the next period and he had supposedly signed out but our class went for a walk and we bumped into him hiding#in the park which was so fucking scary for me and we had to be so close for ages#and i literally had a panic attack last night thinking about him and couldnt sleep cause the idea of how little he respects my boundaries#anyways i feel like the bad guy in the situation because a normal person would be over what he did to me but i just keep thinking about how#scared he made me feel that day and upsetting everything he says and said to me was#hes also just an asshole. like hes not even that nice a guy. he wants to be like idk an underdog or something but hes actually just a bad#person#anyways i cant figure him out and im so anxious all the time i have so much going on and hes just making me so on edge that i cant focus#in class or anything and im doing my best but hes so big and intimidating#and hes so unpredictable#vent
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good-chimes · 1 year
Rule 1: No friendly fire in the camp.
--- I dont know What you’re talking about
--- You know exactly what I’m talking about!
Rule 1c: Grian is not allowed to make Scar strip down to his underwear on the Perimeter edge to ‘find all the sand’; this makes us look bad in front of Doc.
--- He had it in his SHOE
--- counter-rule!! Actually this makes us look GReat in front of doc. my abs intimidate him.
--- There’s no such thing as a ‘counter rule’ and your abs don’t intimidate anyone
--- mumbo agrees with me!!
--- I. Um. I just think Scar’s abs could be good PR. I’d be impressed if I were Doc.
Rule 2: All Buttercups must remember at all times that Doc is the enemy and we are here to TAKE HIM DOWN.
Rule 3: Goateater is not allowed to eat Mumbo’s pillow.
Rule 3a: we should leave GOateater alone because she’s doing her Best
--- Scar, she’s doing her best to eat my pillow!
--- this is proving resorcefullness and initive like a good Buttercup!
Rule 4: Mumbo’s cooking tastes like a camping mat and he’s not allowed on the cooking rota
Rule 5: grian cant cook us eggs for more than 2 meals in one day
Rule 6: I have to say I agree with Rule 5.
--- Mumbo needs to LEARN HOW RULES WORK
--- and also stop being RUDE about my COOKING
Rule 7: Goateater is not allowed in Mumbo’s bed under any circumstances.
--- mumbo is biased against Goateater!!
--- Then make her sleep in your bed, Scar!
Rule 8: Grian is allowed to push Scar into the Perimeter if he does the sand thing one more time
Rule 9: Grian is allowed to push Scar into the Perimeter if he refuses to put a shirt back on and is being really obnoxious about it
Rule 10: Grian is allowed to push Scar into the Perimeter if he keeps snoring at night
--- Mate, we’re getting some expansion of powers here that I’m not entirely comfortable with.
--- yknow its not tJHAT Bad
--- Okay, so, Scar, listen, just because you’ve never minded doesn’t mean Grian should be able to do what he likes. This is setting a precedent. We need to talk about this.
Rule 11: Grian is allowed to push anyone into the Perimeter for any reason necessary
--- I told you! I TOLD you!
--- Cmon Mumbo a man’s gotta have hobbies
--- Not threats-of-immediate-violence-to-his-two-closest-friends hobbies!
--- WAnt some sand?
--- Good LUck :)
Rule 12: Grian is not allowed to keep stealing Mumbo’s HotGuy poster for his own tent then denying it.
Rule 12a: Grian is encouraged to get his own poster or pay Mumbo 16 diamonds.
Rule 13: Buttercups are reminded to focus their efforts on DOC and how everything is DOC’S FAULT, not SPYING ON THEIR FRIENDS about POSTERS.
Rule 14: Goateater is not allowed in Mumbo’s entire tent.
Rule 15: Goateater is allowed whrever she likes, including in MUmbos tent.
Rule 16: Scar is not allowed to write rules that contradict previous rules.
Rule 17: Mumbo is not allowed to do that either!!
Rule 17a: If Mumbo and Scar don’t stop fighting over the rules board and GET US SOME DRINKING WATER LIKE THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO then Grian gets to throw them both in the Perimeter
--- I thought everything was Doc’s fault.
--- Sometimes it’s your fault, Mumbo!
Rule 18: Look, can we have some sort of punishment here that isn’t ‘Grian pushes people in the perimeter?’ Only he’s not pushing himself in the perimeter, and last night he blew up a firework experiment in the campfire and took half my moustache off.
Rule 18a: That was obviously Doc’s fault.
--- I don’t think it’s Doc’s fault if you did it yourself! In fact, you’re the reason we’re here in the first place. There’s sand in my sleeping bag and I’ve lost half my moustache and Goateater keeps eating my shoes!
--- also I gotta pointout G you never paid me for those fireworks
--- Listen, Buttercups, the rules are very clear about who’s to blame. It’s Doc’s fault.
--- That’s pretty rich coming from you, Grian!
--- also goateater is perfect and hasn’t done anything wrong
--- Shut up, Scar, this is Grian’s fault. I’m making a new rule.
Rule 19: I think we should blame Grian for everything
Rule 20: I secnd this rule
Rule 21: Oh, yeah? Well, I think we should blame SCAR for getting me BAD FIREWORKS
Rule 21a: those were top quality scarland fireworks, Mister!
Rule 22: It was Scar who technically broke the tunnel bore so he’s the reason we’re here
Rule 23: I mean, I guess—Scar, mate, you did do that.
Rule 24: I think we should blame Scar for everything
Rule 25: now wait A MINute
Rule 26: Yes, honestly, it’s mainly Scar’s fault.
Rule 27: Its not!
Rule 28: It’s either you or Grian. I think either way we can all agree I’m the innocent victim here.
Rule 29: What – okay, fine, new plan! I think we should blame MUMBO for everything!
Rule 30: yeah!
Rule 34: Guys?
Rule 35: …guys?
board suspended :(
Rule 36: fine I’m back
Rule 37: strewing my bed with cherry blossom wasn’t actually necessary
Rule 38: Aw, Scar, you shouldn’t have.
--- i missed you guys
--- I missed you guys too!
--- It’s been TWENTY MINUTES
--- admit it G you missed us
--- Fine I did
--- But I think I have time for a second shot
--- joking <3
Rule 39: All previous rules are suspended.
Rule 1: It’s Doc’s fault.
Rule 2: Grian is still allowed to push people into the perimeter.
--- mumbo, wheres Goateater?
--- Special mission, mate, don’t worry about it.
– G.O.A.T.
p.s. Also kindly return my hotguy poster, Grian, I know that this was you
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doobea · 8 months
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synopsis: You have doubts about your relationship. Sae provides reassurance.
contents: early established relationship, gn!reader, fluff, reader is a tad insecure, mentions of other couples and pda, talks about all things mushy with love word count: 1.1K a/n: waaahh cant believe i didn't post anything for my husband on his birthday im so terrible - this is something short and sweet ;-; i haven't posted anything in a bit bc I've been so tired lately LOL
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You have doubts. 
Doubts about your work performance, test scores, your friendships, and sometimes the future — you know, the less important things. 
Your least favorite doubts are the ones about you and Sae. 
He’s not a bad boyfriend by any means. You’ve been dating each other for a while now, just shy of six months, and it’s been going well. Like any other college couple, you spend your free time together either marathoning a shitty reality TV show, studying, or eating at the local diners near campus once in a while for a ‘fancy’ burger and pizza date night (which Sae hates, by the way, but he goes because there’s nothing better around). You don’t blame him for these doubts because it’s just the way he is. You’ve always known this, along with everyone else around you. 
“Itoshi Sae? Yeah, he’s pretty cold and blunt.” They’d say in a hushed whisper. 
Another would agree, followed by an exaggerated shiver. “I heard even professors are scared of him.”
They’re annoying rumors and passing comments you've gotten somewhat used to. So you don’t blame the gossipers at your school either. Who you do blame are all the couples you would see, whether it’d be at school, at the grocery store, and sometimes even your own parents. Seeing things like holding hands, hugging, and even kissing each other goodbye sets something weird off in your chest.
And, well, you’ve known Sae for a while. You know that maybe he isn’t the type to be comfortable with these things, especially in public. And maybe you’re not going to guilt trip him into doing things that are out of his ordinary. But here’s the problem.
You do want to experience all of it.
“Do you like me?”
Your question throws him off just a tiny bit. He fumbles slightly with his flow of writing before catching himself and throws you a questioning look from across the table. 
It’s the midterm season so every floor at the university’s library is packed. All but the top floor, which is mainly reserved for graduate students, who are rarely even on-site. So you two manage to snag a booth in the corner by the bathrooms and water fountain. You’ve been studying for about two hours straight and the thought of going over the rules of the Krebs cycle again haunts you so you let your doubts take over. Hence, why you blurted out the question that’s been burning on your mind for the past week. 
“I do, why do you ask?” He doesn’t sound bothered by it, so you take that as a good sign.
But how do you go about asking him to show that? Maybe asking upfront would be too demanding right now. You decide to dance around the subject a little more.
There’s a moment in silence, your eyebrows creased in deep thought before you finally speak, voice clumsy and almost rough sounding. “When did you realize you liked me?”
He answers without missing a beat, eyes never leaving his notebook. “Dunno.”
Well, that wasn’t the answer you were expecting. 
“What?” Sae breaks his focus and stares at you, as if you were the one who had said something weird. “You asked and I answered.”
“You have to explain with that sorta question, you know?”
In just the tiniest of motions, Sae frowns. He’s holding his breath for a few seconds in preparation and his eyes soften. “I’m not sure when I fell in love with you.”
Woah—wait love? This is also not what you were expecting out of this conversation either. Is it too late to go back to studying now?
Sae picks up the worried look on your face and manages a soft chuckle. “You know when the sun rises?”
You’re patting your face with your hands now, hoping to eliminate the burn on your cheeks. The sweat forming in your palms doesn’t help at all. And, frankly, you’re confused by his question. “Um, between six and seven?”
“Well, yeah,” he laughs again and you’re not sure if that was the answer he was looking for. “But it always rises, right?”
“Right,” you say slowly, still confused by what he’s trying to get at.
“I’m not sure when I fell in love but whenever the sun rises, it reminds me of you,” Sae explains with a leveled expression, ignoring the little surprised squeaks from your direction. “It’s been like that for a while now and brings me comfort whenever I do wake up early to see it rising.”
“Did you get that line from a K-drama or something?”
He rolls his eyes and fake scoffs. “Thought you wanted an explanation?”
“Well,” you bite back a giggle and continue, “you never struck me as a metaphor type of guy.”
“And you never struck me as the jealous type.” 
You grow hotter because wow guess you haven’t been that great at hiding away your feelings—or maybe your boyfriend is just that good at being perceptive as he is being a top honor student. “Was it that obvious?”
“When you’re looking at other couples and grumbling right after then yeah, it’s pretty obvious.” Sae’s tone doesn’t carry any ounce of tease and he gives you a fond look. It makes you feel slightly guilty and embarrassed. 
You shrink deeper into the booth, holding your textbook up to your face. “Sorry…”
The seat next to you dips and a familiar pair of hands gently snatches the book away from you, revealing Sae’s rare soft expression again. 
“Don’t be,” He reaches over to ruffle your hair before moving his laptop and notebook over to your side. “Plus, you shouldn’t worry that much, I’ll always be with you.”
A pause and then you decide to blurt out your other burning question because things are already out in the open at this point. “Would it be alright if we start doing more couple-ly things together?” 
“Mhm,” he’s about to dive back into studying but stops, humming in thought. “What should we do more?”
“Well, aside from me,” Sae deadpans and you straighten your posture. “Sorry, sorry, what I meant to say is I guess more PDA? Holding hands would be a good start.”
“Okay,” He says quietly and drops his pen, carefully interlacing his fingers with yours.  
Sae’s hands are warm, maybe even sweaty if you’re not mistaken. You look up and oh — his cheeks have the tiniest amount of red on them. Probably no different from the resurgence of warmth you’re currently feeling too.
“Better?” Sae asks and squeezes your hand.
“Yeah, better.” You squeeze back. 
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anadiasmount · 5 months
hey love! could you write a blurb about jude being mad at you and not talking to you and you make it up to him and he knows he cant stay mad so he forgives you and you cry and hes all like "dont cry bby" something super fluffy
hi hi hi!! here you go lovely! 🤍 i think i would cry the minute he starts ignoring me… 😟💔
| masterlist | jude's masterlist
you rolled your eyes and walked away from jude who scrolled through his phone quietly and undisturbed. he had been ignoring you since last night when you had accidentally forgotten to remind him you had plans. they were made super quick so he was left dumb founded when you were out and instead at home with him.
you texted him prior before you left and you guess he had not read that. jude was being cold, ignoring your hugs or attempts of kisses. last night when you got home all he could do was turn and face the door and didn't even utter a good night. you tried to make his favorite cookies but he looked at them and went to training. he hadn't said a word since the day before.
jude was chatty, sometimes you would lose focus on what he was saying because he went from one story to another in a span of seconds. it began to irritate you when he wasn't speaking, not answering texts, calls, and even questions you asked. he simply felt like a stranger.
you got up early to make him breakfast, even a small snack so he could have it after training. filled his training bag with clean clothes and his extra pair of boots, and his water bottle. he didn't even thank you, walking away and into the taxi to the training center.
it bothered you the entire day how distant and immature he was being. jude was the type to check in, so glancing at your phone every minute that passed also didn't help. he should be able to talk it out instead of acting like a jerk. you cursed at him silently in your head, pinching the bridge of your nose before returning back to your tasks.
on the way back home, you picked up his favorite meal from the grocery store, getting all his favorite snacks and drinks he would eat around the house. you got a deck of cards and a new board game to try out. you wanted to make it up to him, any way possible.
jude continued to ignore you throughout the evening, making you start feel uneasy and guilty for a small mistake you committed. part of you also still felt angry because he would even bother to answer anything or the fact he was in his own world making you feel like an outcast. your eyes burned with tears as you heard him walk upstairs, choking back a sob as all you wanted was to be held by him.
jude upstairs was also beginning to feel he dragged it out to much. a feeling in his chest when he remembered how defeated you looked as he came up to your bedroom. he wanted you to feel like he felt yesterday, but he could see it wasn’t the same for you. jude had to resist the urge to tell you about his day, the thank you’s for making him food and cookies, for going above and beyond all day so he could lay attention to you.
a plastic wrapping caught jude’s eyesight after an hour passed. you still hadn’t come up and he was afraid you wouldn’t because of how he acted. he was overreacting he knew it, but also he felt disappointed and upset at the fact you clearly forgot to tell him about your plans till last minute.
“what the?” jude asked himself as he approached the wrapping. he uncovered it being faced with a cartoon drawing similar to those they did at fair of the two of you. next to it was a small minion holding a small box of box of hershey kisses and a hand written note by you.
ilysm my little minion (jude) 🖤
- y/n 💋
he laughed feeling the guilt in his chest as he stared at the three pieces you got him yesterday while you were out. you always thought of him, like jude always thought about you. he grabbed the three items and headed downstairs where he saw you watching a movie, covered with a knitted blanket and laying on your side.
you yawned slowly drifting in and out of sleep, your body feeling as it sinked into the couch and would never come back up. you listened to jude as he paced around, your heart racing when he began approaching you. you continued to stare out into the tv, tears brimming your eyes again as you felt the need to apologize.
jude sat by your legs, looking directly at you not being able to hold it in any longer, “y/n? don’t cry baby…” jude said gently grabbing your arm and helping you pull yourself up into his arms. you let out struggles of scattered breaths and sobs, holding him tightly against your front and on his lap.
jude ran his hand on your back, soothing your choked sobs and whines. “i’m sorry y/n, i was being immature and a jerk when you didn’t deserve it. you made a mistake and i had no right to push and ignore you like i did,” jude apologized first pulling you back so he could wipe away the tears.
“part of me was hurt because i wanted to spend time you and you weren’t here. and you had advised me last minute you were going out. you always tell me a day, a week even a month in advance when you go out, i don’t know why i thought negative thoughts…” jude continued, kiss your hand and rubbing your cheek in comfort.
he watched you finally relax into his embrace, eyes closed and wet due to the tears, lips slightly plump and swollen from crying. “i saw your gift,” jude says happily, watching your glossy eyes lift up as you gave him a small smile. “where should we hang it up?”
“anywhere you want,” you say shrugging still trying to wrap your head if he actually stopped ignoring you. “y/n? you know i love you so much too right? i didn’t ever mean to make you cry, princess…” jude frowned pulling you down to him once again.
“but you did jude. i was so scared and nervous you wouldn’t talk to me because of that! you didn’t say goodbye nor a thanks, i called and you wouldn’t answer, texts straight to read! i was worried sick you wouldnt check in at all!”
jude heard you muffled out, feeling you hold him like you wanted and craved last night. jude peppered kisses onto your collarbone, “forgive me baby. i won’t ever do that again,” jude say between kisses. “ever ever ever again jude… we talk it out that’s how’s things work, okay jude?”
“and i’m sorry too. my head went to a different mind place and idk why i told you last minute when i had know the day before. i’ve been busy with the upcoming charity project it went through my head,” you apologized as well, holding his face between your hands as you placed small kisses on his cheeks, nose and temple. anywhere you had access to, feeling him smile and tug you closer to him.
“and i love you.”
“i know baby, i know. i also saw it on the note next to the minion holding the chocolates,” jude laughed making you giggle loud. “he kinda looked like you,” you joked hearing a small gasp come from jude’s mouth. “take it back!” jude says putting your against the couch and tickling your sides and neck. “never!”
“okay okay i take it back,” you say out of breath after laugh uncontrollably. jude and you never fought or argued, so holding him like this after not being able to felt like a reward. your leaned up and kissed him, sighed in delight as you felt the familiar plump lips with yours. “do i actually look like a minion,” jude said nervously, scratching the back of his head.
“yes yes you do…”
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eustasskidagenda · 8 months
omg hi hi! i adore your writing so much :3! if its alright with you, could i get headcanons for how crocodile, law, kid, and ace would be with an autistic s/o who loves to infodump, but is nervous to do so. theres always this odd bit of shame that accompanies infodumping for me because i get so excited i cant properly articulate myself *lays down* its just a mess of stimming, stuttering, and laughing at my own jokes. i feel embarrassed after, even if its totally an illogical response. im unsure if you write for autistic y/n so feel free to ignore this if you dont. thank you so much <33
☆Crocodile, Law, Kid & Ace with an autistic s/o who loves to info dump 
Hello, dear anon! I'm not used to write autistic y/n, because I don't know enough about this and I wouldn't like to be harmful. However, the situation you're describing is something close to ADHD, which I know well. So I've made some additional researches to be sure and come up with something, I hope you will like it. Thank you for your request, it was a sweet one ♡
CW : g/n reader, slight curses for Kid, fluff 
WC : Around 1,500 words
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Crocodile doesn't talk much, he's always serious and quiet. It's just that he's often thinking about his business and plans. But he's a good observer and would immediately notice if you want to say something but are too nervous to do it. He knows you perfectly, so he would recognize the way you're fidgeting.
He's a man with good manners, so his first reflex would be to lock the door and make sure no one can enter and destabilize you. When it's done, he will point his chair towards you.
"Sit. I'm listening, y/n." 
Actually, he likes hearing you speak during hours. He knows it's a way to express your love and feelings. He's flattered that you want to share your world with him. Go ahead and speak, he will listen. Even if he's just nodding or commenting short sentences in response, he has a good memory and will remember everything you said to him. 
If you're talking too fast and start to get really flustered, he will let you know that you're speaking too fast, like 'y/n, what did you just say?' 
Your hyper-focus and info-dumping are appreciated by Crocodile because he enjoys learning new things and you're a source of knowledge. Maybe he's impassive and struggles to express his feelings, but sometimes you will hear him talk about what he learned with you, so clearly he listened to every single word. 
"Don't be ashamed, it was interesting. Can we talk more about this specific point?" 
If you say something that he is really curious about, he has no shame asking for more. It's a way for him to express his genuine care for you. For him, it's a way to prove to you that even though he's always quiet, he cares.
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Law is similar to Crocodile in his lack of emotional expression and limited speech. He is always busy, struggling with his parasitic thoughts and taking care of his patients. Finding some private time with you is a challenge for him. 
If you run into Law with excitement about your passion or new hyper-focus, he may feel embarrassed because it's not the perfect time for him. Autism is something he knows about, and he is an intelligent and educated man. And, he wants to make you feel safe and comfortable. 
"I'll be yours in a moment, y/n-ya."
He has a complete understanding of you and is an excellent observer. The way you're already blushing, fidgeting, and swallowing nervously. He can even hear your heart racing. So first thing first, he will tell you to take a deep breath. After all, he’s a doctor. 
"What do you wanna talk about?" 
As Crocodile, he's a great listener. When you're full of passion and excitement, he thinks you're cute. He likes the sound of your voice. He loves when you want to find him and talk about your passion, because you're offering him a break from his work. If you weren't there, he would be stuck either in work or in his own head. When he's with you, he can forget about his dream of avenging. You're his safe place, truly. 
He doesn't speak a lot. But he is listening.M and asks questions from time to time.
"Yn-ya, there's been no urge. Take your time." And if you're stuttering a lot, he would just say nothing because it's pointless to make a remark, as long as he can understand what you're saying, he will never say something about your elocution. 
"That's interesting, where did you learn that much?" 
Law is a curious and intelligent man, so he likes to learn more about almost everything. If it can help him with his plans or maybe his patients, it might even be beneficial for him.
During your bedtime together, he would ask you to talk about your passions. The way you talk and laugh is like his own lullaby. When you speak, he can find inner peace because it shuts down all the voices in his head. He might fall asleep sometimes when he feels tired. It's just that you're providing him with some relief. When he wakes up, he would be deeply sorry. "So, yesterday, you stopped at this precise point… what were you trying to say after?"
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Kid is so goddamn loud. And really passionate. He's focused on his goal of becoming the next PK and has loved mechanics and robotics since childhood. He would be aggressively sweet, like frowning when he notices how stressed and nervous you act towards him. "Hey, Y/N, why are you so fucking nervous? Just speak" 
He thinks you're cute with your cheeks all red. On the flip side, he's a bit confused. Why are you nervous? Is it his fault? He knows he's loud, hard to love and rough, but he cares about people he likes. Have you seen how he acts with Killer and his crew? He loves his people. 
And, as a punk, Kid is marginalized. He knows a lot about being different, and if you feel ashamed about it, he can understand. "Come on y/n, let's find a private place" 
Grab your wrist in an aggressive yet sweet way and lead you to his workshop or bedroom. He sits you on the bed with his arms crossed and eyebrows raised. "Now we're alone." 
So, you start talking nervously. It doesn't matter if the topic is interesting to him or not, he will listen. Because as I said, Kid is a passionate. Everything can be made interesting by passionate people. So, yeah, talk about birds, cakes, plushies, or anything stuck in your head. He will like it. And he enjoys the sound of your voice. He’s even flattered to be your special someone, the one you’re looking for when you need to talk. It fuels his ego and pride.
He will deal with your stuttering as he deals with Killer's laugh. He'll shut up and smash all the people making fun of you if there's something you hate about yourself. You're his s/o, no one can laugh at you and continue to live without facing his rage.
"Goddamn, slow down" yes, not the best with kindness, but at least he's paying attention. 
He wouldn't help but think you're really cute, with your eyes shining as you finally manage to relax and express how passionate you are. He understands your excitement because when he talks about robots, music, punk or weapons, he's exactly the same. 
Kid is not the most culturally advanced, it depends on the topic. He enjoys learning new things thanks to you or Killer, it's important for him to be credible, and he hates looking inferior in front of others. 
"See, there was no reason to be that nervous" When you finished speaking.
Just poke your cheek, grin and leave a mark of lipstick on your front-head before returning to his activities and yelling proudly to everyone he knows everything about the subject you just info-dump about.
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The sweetest. Ace's personality is both compassionate and protective. He grew up with Luffy, so passionate and talkative people are something he knows a lot about. As he's proud of his brother, he's proud of you and can listen to everything you say for hours. 
"Y/N, is there something wrong?" 
Yeah, he would immediately notice that you're starting to get nervous. His first reflex is to find a more private place, if that's not already the case. He wants to do everything to make you feel safe and loved. If it's winter or just cold, he would even use his DF to warm the room. As soon as you're all comfortable, he'll run his fingers through your hair. "You know I will always listen." 
Ace doesn't speak a lot about what's on his mind. He's way too stubborn and always struggles with guilt due to the blood running through his veins. So he enjoys having someone like you. Your voice is soothing him, and he loves how passionate and honest you are always. 
For him, it's even amazing and unreal to have someone talk to him. You're treating him like a normal human and not a failure, because he feels like it often: unloved, unwanted and unworthy.
"Sweetie, you don't have to rush, we have the time, I'll always listen" if you start to speak too fast.
Would entwine his fingers with yours when you're stuttering and laugh heartily at your jokes. You remind him of his dear little brother. He feels lucky to have you by his side. 
"I could listen for hours." And he's totally honest.
If someone makes fun of you, he's truly mad. You are as significant to him as his brother or Whitebeard. And if someone makes fun of his loved-one, Ace is merciless and really impulsive.
"Please, say more about this specific point!", "Oh, really, that's so funny?" He wants to make you talk even more. Until you're finally relaxed and able to speak without stuttering, blushing, or anything else. He doesn't mind it, even if it lasts for hours. Once you're done, he has his usual sweet smile on his face. "That was so interesting, why are you so embarrassed?" 
So you explain to him that you feel embarrassed about your info dump because you're afraid to annoy people or talk too fast etc." It's alright, you won't bother me." 
You're his sunshine. He feels loved with you. He feels more than just the son of someone; he's just Ace, and that's the most beautiful thing in the world for him.
Such a sweet boy. ♡
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valsdelulucorner · 6 days
could you please do mammon night time headcannons please, I love your writing
thank you<3
Mammon, night time with you<3
Mammon is a model and does photoshoots on the side, so that he needs to keep his teeth and skin in good condition. Sometimes before you both head to bed, he will remember last minute and drag you off to the bathroom to do your nightly routine in his bathroom. 100% open to doing skincare and face masks with you if you do them, but when your gone he normally just washes his face with soap then put a little moisturizer on his nose, chin and forehead. Definitely holds your hand when you both are brushing your teeth, be acts like its nothing but his cheeks go bright red
If you guys don't have school tomorrow, he will probably stay up extra late with you because he loves spending time with you, every moment is precious. He will put on a movie on his projector and cuddle up with you on his sofa, his head on your stomach and his arms wrapped around you, your hands entangled in his hair. Once you both stayed up late watching movies on a school night and were caught by lucifer in the morning, dead asleep on each other as a movie auto plays in the background. He groaned before leaving the room, he'll have a talk with you both but for now he'll just focus on his own problems
He loves falling asleep to the sound of your voice, he doesn't know why but he finds your voice comforting. It doesn't matter how deep, squeaky, high pitched, soft spoken, raspy, quite, or loud your voice is, he finds comfort in knowing his favourite human is talking with him, knowing that your voice is the last thing he will hear before he falls asleep. Just speak with him with your fingers playing with his hair and he'll be out like a light
I've mentioned in past fanfics that Mammon suffers from nightmares from when belphie left you lifeless in his arms, It doesn't effect him all the time but when it does, he likes it when you are close to him, it gives him that comfort knowing his human is alive and next to him. Sometimes you wake up to him quietly sobbing into your neck, whispering "thank you"'s and "dont do that again" against your skin while he holds you in a death grip
If you have long hair or if you have a specific hair routine that you do before going to bed (putting it in a bonnet, braiding it, putting hair products in, ect.), he will 100% help you with that if you ever need. He likes being around you as embarrassing it is for him to admit but he would gladly just sit with you if you want to do it on your own. Hes willing to wait with you for as long as you need
Its short and sweet, i love this man so much I cant even<3
Sorry for it being so short but What should I do next?
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
OP Men With a Girlfriend with a Fat Ass. (Black Fem! Reader)
Ft. Monster Trio, Kid, Law, Ace, & Shanks
A/N: Yeah boobs are great…but nobody talks about anime dudes loving ass like commonnnnnnnnn. + I think women in OP don’t have big butts. Like…they have the tits sure and Ik they have A FORM of a butt but like…they ain’t got a fat asssssss
CW: A whole lotta nonsense.
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You are the sole reason he is a butt guy rather than a boob guy
He likes having you walk in front of him for obvious reasons
He doesn’t realize how much he stares though it’s kinda just subconsciously a thing he does with no shame behind it
Your butt has a literal mind of its own when you walk and it’s just mesmerizing to him
He never touches it though
On purpose
When Luffy hugs you he mostly enjoys wrapping his arms around your hips and thighs and lowers himself to pretty much hug your butt with his face
You remember when Luffy had to hide under Boa’s coat and his body was wrapped around her body—-yeah like that that’s how he hugs you from behind
It’s so soft pls let him bite it.
There was a few times you caught him staring and he’d laugh it off scratching the back of his head before you almost scold him for not paying attention as you talked
If you both are sexual in your relationship your ass is something he holds dear when sleeping with you.
Luffy grinds on ur soft and plush butt while you both are sleeping, at first you couldn’t sleep because of this but you’ve somehow gotten used to his erratic thrust against your ass
When you lay on your stomach and watches you shift just to see your butt jiggle
He’s so amazed on how it still moves even after you stopped shifting
All in all Luffy loves dat ass.
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Ass eater fasho
Look at him.
Booty Hunter Zoro
He loves the booty more than anything else on you.
He was actually shocked on how fat your ass really was when you stood naked in front of him the first time KSHSSHS
You always wore jeans and they were so so tight (still looked good in them though) he just didn’t register HOW BIG your butt really was
“Fuck, you have a fat ass, babe.”
And he SLAPS IT ALOT so be prepared
He doesn’t care either how much it hurts he loves watching it jiggle afterwards
Like sir excuse me you left a mark
Absolutely sleeps on it when you both nap.
Zoro is another one that just stares at you when you walk across the ship
Lord help you if you wear a sun dress
You have almost all thongs so when you wear looser clothing your butt is free to move how it likes
Makes you do mostly leg workouts to watch you squat
Swears you’re doing it wrong just to be behind you when you do it
“No, Y/N you have to go lower like this.”
“Get Ya dick Off me!”
He does ask you such stupid ass questions about it though
“So it’s not heavy when you fight?”
“Zoro what the hell are you talking about.”
“All of…that you’re carrying behind there.”
Sitting on his face or eating it from the back once is a must if you want to use his mouth
“Imma suffocate you.”
“It’s okay i can hold my breath really long.”
Zoro is a Ass man and you just made it worse so congratulations
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Same as Zoro. Eats dat ass for breakfast, lunch, and dindin
He enjoys watching you put on pants
“Something you need?”
“Just enjoying the show.”
He thinks your butt is nothing but temptation and something to distract him
Blames you for it completely because how dare you.
He has caught Killer watching. Killer tries to say he wouldn’t know because of his mask, but he know he’s looking right at your butt sway back and fourth
He uses it as a stress ball sometimes KSBSJSKS
Actually compares your butt with his
“Mine is bigger.”
“You mean flatter.”
“I hate you.”
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Definition of “Don’t know what to do with all that ass.”
When he first met you he of course adorned your beauty. Granted you always worn baggier clothing than the rest of the girls on the ship, since you were a bit heavier and insecure Sanji didn’t give af about that anyways he still liked you, but after the 2 years you loss some weight and gained the strength and confidence you always deserved and finally started to wear more revealing clothing and which revealed your true shape.
Bleeding on sight. You were wearing some cut shorts with a tied shirt and the shorts cupped your round butt so beautifully.
Crush him with your thighs and butt pls
When you walk you tend to sway your hips a lot making your butt move and it catches his attention so fast all he wants to do is rub it :((
He gets hard a lot when you wear bikinis
NEEDS a reason to touch your lower half at least once a day or he’ll combust.
“Would you like me to rub sun screen on you, my princess?”
His lotioned hands always tease around your smooth fatty cheeks when he massages you
Speaking of massages he gives you one every night and that either leaves him a horny mess or fucking into you from the back
You shook your ass on him once while dancing and he just COULD NOT handle what he seen and bled on you
“Please do me the honor of sitting on my face.”
Okay so…there was this one time Sanji fucked you in the kitchen and he asked if he could try something knew and you said okay, he bent you over and poured honey on your ass and licked it up.
You were shocked and turned on all at once.
When you wear skirts you’re such a damn tease to him the way the back of it always ends up shorter than the front and it always hits the bottom of your cheeks so beautifully
Immediately kicks around mfs that say anything derogatory about your shape
“She has to be a slut with a body like t—-“
One to the head now you know he dead
Yeah Sanji and the rest of the OP boys do not play about people talking about your body. It’s theirs for a reason who is anybody allowed to talk crap about it?
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He’s more of a thigh man but since you’re natural best believe you have those to match with them two beach balls you got back there
He always under estimates how you look in clothing.
“I don’t think this will fit—“
“It will It’s Just your unifo—-oh.”
Ass is still sitting pretty in a jumper.
Law’s stupid ass tends to read about bodies with larger mass of fat on specific areas and if it’s normal
He cuddles the butt and if your have stretch marks or cellulite he traces /pokes them with his fingers
“Stop that!”
“Your ass moves even when you talk, fuck..”
Absolutely cannot handle you doing reverse cowgirl
Cumming in minutes you didn’t even properly adjust to his size
He taps or plays with the fat of your thigh when he is in thought. So much so there is a small bruise that formed because he always did it in the same area
Wants you to sit on his face, but embarrassed to ask
You did it and he did the most obnoxious moan inside you
Makes you wear nothing but your panties when you both are alone.
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“Suffocate me with your thighs please I don’t want to be alive anymore.”
He uses your butt as a punching bag sometimes KSHSHSISK
Like you’ll be looking the other way talking to him and he’ll be behind you lightly punching each cheek for his own amusement
He wants you to wear his shorts so bad???
“I can’t fit them.”
“You can—look they stretch!”
He just plays with your butt a lot and like 90% of the time it isn’t even sexual he just loves the fat of your ass sm.
He thinks you look like a mf goddess with how your body moves when you dance
He absolutely loves when you ride him but he does it in front of a mirror so he can watch your wet ass bounce in him.
“Stop Doing that or imma sit on you.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
When he hugs you from behind he tends to dry hump you and sometimes you don’t notice KSHSHSKS
Falls asleep on your ass
Has thought about eating your ass
He just really loves your ass
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So. Many. Butt jokes.
He was drunk and barged into your room one night to find you laying on your stomach in your panties reading and kissed your ass
“I was craving something for my tooth so I kissed your butt…cuz you have such a sweet ass.”
You hate this man sm.
You have to sit on his lap once a day or he’ll pout. Literally pout all day.
Rubs your butt constantly when he is beside you.
Doesn’t give af who is watching because who gone stop him?
Another ass eater
HATES when other men look at your ass.
That’s his ass who tf are they to look and gawk over it?
Would prefer if you wore No panties when you wore skirts
Makes stupid excuse for you to bend over a lot
Absolute menace because he in fact an ass man
You’re actually the first woman he has been with with an ass like yours so when he sees it he sometimes gets flustered you never see it though.
Unlike Law doggy style and reverse cowgirl is the go tos. Your jiggly booty is his new treasure.
Dry humps you sm you swear he’s like a dog in heat.
When you guys go shopping he likes to be in the dressing room with you to watch you struggle to put on pants.
“Baby did you get the right size these feel too small?”
“Cuz look..” -casually pokes the fat that couldn’t get in the pants.- “sexy.”
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
Fyuuture Kid AU is actually my favorite au of yours; I just think it's cute! How's floyd Yutu? I feel like there would be a thin line between "You're cool ig" and "You and shrimp are a little... close. Stop it." But once he knows that's his kid? Yeah all bets are of. Sorry Azul; he actually CANT go to work today he's too busy being a FATHER and a HUSBAND (these single fucks can cry about it)
No because this is exactly what I see happening and just the image of Floyd being like "nah I can't hang out spouse needs my help with the kid. Oh you wouldn't get it because YOU GOT NO BITCHES" he's just so silly I love him so much (つ╥﹏╥)つ
notes: they/them used for Yuu, this is part of the fyuuture kid au, Floyd's part can be found here, and the explanation for the au can be found here. You can find even more stuff for it on my masterlist under the series section.
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Yutu wasn't really prepared for the first people he saw to be his parents. He knew he was going to have to see them eventually, and he did a lot of preparing mentally for seeing Yuu again but his dad? His father who he has heard so many stories about, the person he admires second only to you?
"And who's this little guppy?" The whites of Floyd's eyes widen as he zeros in on him, Yutu's senses force him to drop into a defensive stance and get in between the danger and Yuu. He's being circled by a larger, more dangerous predator. Every nerve ending in his body is screaming he is in danger, that Yuu's in danger, but he feels happy. He knows what his father's voice sounds like now.
"I ain't a guppy." The points of his teeth flash, but Floyd isn't amused by Yutu's claim.
"You are what I say you are, small fry."
Floyd! Yutu is very extroverted. He enjoys talking to people and had a lot of friends before and after being isekaid. If Yuu or one of his friends was more introverted he took a great deal of pride in doing most of the talking for them. He likes being helpful, or at least he says he does. If you've seen those videos of morays who act like puppies around divers they've known for years, that's sort of how Yutu acts. He's a big puppy who pretends not to know his own strength. Unless your his parent, he fears no man, but Yuu's wrath? That scares him.
He's similar to Floyd in school performance, he doesn't like to pay attention so he doesn't always do well. He didn't have a choice about paying attention to magic classes though, among all the different versions of Yutu, Floyd! Yutu might be one of the most cracked when it comes to combat magic. If you were to ask him about it, he'd say he sees his skill as another way of being helpful, but that prey drive is no joke he does like a good fight. Just not when that fight is against his dad...
He has always loved the water, whether he was swimming or out playing in the rain he always felt most at home in the water. In your world he was on his school's swim team, and while Yutu gets why he isn't allowed to be on NRC's he is still a bit salty about it. On the one hand he gets to actually live in the water now. On the other he sort of needs to find a hobby.
Maybe he could focus more on cooking? Or fishing? Or would that just be hunting under the sea...
The oceans of Twisted Wonderland were never safe, but in the time that Yutu arrived in they had become borderline unlivable due to blot pollution. Yutu really loved being in Octavinelle for allowing him to experience a little slice of what the Coral Sea was supposed to have been like. The version of the dorm he was placed in didn't have the lounge anymore, so he is very curious about Azul's business.
Papa (Floyd) Leech isn't very impressed. On the one hand he thinks it is kind of funny watching the shrimplet run around campus following Yuu like he's convinced they're going to disappear. Floyd feels like that sometimes too, it makes him want to drown you in his embrace and keep you here forever but he tries to ignore those feelings most of the time.
On the other hand knowing he can't just drop by Ramshackle and have you all to himself anymore makes it really hard to ignore them. Shrimplet doesn't even have the sense to be afraid of him, Floyd swears he gets excited when he threatens to give him a squeeze. And what's worse is you are really protective of him! Sure you're protective of Baby Seal too, but he's got enough sense to piss off when Floyd glares at him. He does leave when Floyd threatens to fight him, but not because he's scared. He looked sad actually, which Floyd clocks and brings back to Jade and Azul.
You asked another question about what happened to the boys in the bad future, and I want to save most of my thoughts related to what happened to Floyd for that answer, but Jade was still alive when Yutu got isekaid and he was able to meet him. They had a really good relationship, so when Jade comes sniffing around for information, Yutu is able to dodge his questions pretty easily. Future! Jade actually used his signature spell on him before he traveled back in time just to fuck with his past self. He did make his nephew promise to tell him if the one use rule applied to this case. Partially for science, partially because he knew that it would give his younger self the chance to keep the information to himself.
And keep it to himself he does- sort of. He makes sure Yutu knows he knows, but he never explicitly says anything to him. No what he wants to do is distract Yutu so Floyd can be a sulky coward in peace. That he does make clear to Yutu, he would like his brother to have more than one kid for him to be a bad influence on and he needs him to actually make a move on Yuu for that to happen.
I am not 100% on how the reveal on how Floyd learns about what's happening and who Yutu is, but once he does he is very serious about it. He wants to know what Yutu thought about him, why he knows more about Jade then his dear old dad, and what happened to Yuu to make him so protective. Wasn't he there at all? He'd never abandon his mate or his son... little shrimplet knows that, right?
Well he's just going to have to make sure he does know that. And everyone else too, "these single fucks can cry about it" indeed. Yutu is getting dragged to the Atlantica Memorial Museum so they can swim and talk about Azul's overblot, and how cute his parent was for standing up to him. He still wants to spend time alone with Yuu sometimes, but he gets why Yutu is afraid of letting them out of his sight now. He would feel the same way. If Floyd can manage it he wants to take him back home too (not to introduce him to the grandparents since that would just raise questions), since Yutu never got to go there.
Floyd would be such a good dad. An embarrassing one too, you know he teases Yutu, roughhouses with him, and openly flirts with Yuu in front of him. He's really looking forward to getting to be embarrassingly in love with Yuu in the future, and no silly "end of the world" thing is going to stop him.
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justfonnsblog · 8 months
Bakugou letting you put scented hand-cream on him for the first time, only for him to get "addicted".
Headcanons ft. Y/n.
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Because one day as you were putting nail polish on he walked into your dorm, his face immediately scrunched, recognizing this smell on the spot from his hands smelling like that any time he uses his quirk or sweats from them.
He immediately complains about the smell but before you can say anything he explains that his hands do smell like that shitty chemical stuff. You immediatly shut up feeling bad, at the idea of ALWAYS having to smell that shi. Even with years of putting on nail polish, you couldn't get used to the strong smell of chemical.
After being done applying your protection layer and it being dry, you put some lavender hand cream for your hands and he immediately likes the smell.
He tries not to be too direct about it, asking what it is before snatching the bottle from your hands to take a look at it. He liked how it immediately made your dorm smell better after you put it on.
When you see him looking at the bottle like that you get an idea, what if he tried some? Lets see if he'd like the scent of his hands a bit better!
❝ Hm...Hey, Katsu want to try it on? I will help. ❞, you asked making some puppy eyes hoping he'd at least let you do it.
You're suprised when he ends up accepting after scrowling at you with a scrunched nose for like a minute. But you do not complain as you quickly ask him to put one hand out so you can get to work.
When he does so, you put some cream on your hands and quickly starts rubbing it on his—much bigger—hand with both of yours. At first he flinches at the cold but quickly forgets about it when he feels your soft and small hands start rubbing and massaging his hand.
His cheeks quickly become a soft pink from both the touch and the fact that you were focused on your task let him look at your pretty face. He quickly learned that your focused face was one of his favorite thing, the way your eyebrows furrowed a bit and that your nose scrunched a bit in focus. Adorable.
When you're done with it and look back up at him to ask for the second hand, his eyes widen a bit and he looked away hoping you didn't catch him staring.
He put his other hand out for you to work on that one before even asking for it. Putting his other hand in an awkward position from the kinda "sticky" creamy feeling on his hand, not used to it. He knew that his shoulder would probably hurt later, but it was totally worth it so he ignored it.
He gets lost in thoughts as he either stare at you or your hands rubbing the hand cream into his skin. Where did you learn how to massage like that? How are your hands so soft and how, how can they do that much damage when you guys are outside working? Like...His hand is at least two sizes bigger than yours. And so on.
When you let go of his hand he almost has the reflex of grabbing it in his own, not wanting you to let go of his but he doesn't. He only scrowls softly before huffing and getting up, saying a small "thanks" in between his teeth before saying good night and walking out. This leaves you confused as to what you did, but end up letting it go...Knowing all too well that Bakugou Katsuki always went to sleep around 8 (or so we thought).
As he walks back to his dorm, he cant stop looking at his hand and getting wiffs of the cream instead of his usual smell. He can't even say how much he loves it.
Well....Thats till he comes back a few days later, sits down and shows you your hand only saying. ❝ Hand-cream? ❞ Which you end up smiling and doing the same process as last time, you talking a bit more with him this time.
And now with this happening a few more times, it has become a kind of routine for you two. You having no idea that what you were doing was making the boy so happy and having some butterflies in his stomach.
His hands become even softer than before, but now sometimes when he fights, his hands instead of only smelling bad, ends up smelling like warm or burnt lavender, which weirdly smells way better than otherd would think.
Especially when you know who did it, even though now Bakugou has a bottle you bought for him in his dorm, he always comes back to you for "help".
You are just oblivious to all of this, of course. Till. One day Denki asks if you could do it for him too(after learning about you doing it for the blondie), only for said spike ball to quickly insult Pikachu and whisper a threat to him. What can I say? He wants to be the only one getting this treatment.
That night, he comes to your dorm and in this very rare slightly flustered moment, he makes you pinky promise that you wont do the cream routine with anyone but him. When you stare at him dumbfounded for a few seconds, he quickly insults you—boy is embarrassed (ㅋㅋ)— but still put his pinky out and you both promise not to do it with anyone else.
Its only then that you realize what is happening and you can't help but giggle everytime you think about it.
You also tried to change the scent, but Bakugou always want to stick with the Lavender one. Is it because you also use that one? 🤔 Maybe.
Because you do it, he doesn't care if someone catches a wiff of it and think he smells "womanly", he couldn't care less since it came from you. Even more when you two get together, he will death glare the person who dares "judge" his baby's tastes.
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rosary-pearls · 8 months
Wyll NSFW Thoughts/Headcanons
Because I need him & horny Wyll content is a dark parking lot where only like 16 of us meetup & don't really talk to each other. We should all get some Taco Bell together sometime 
These are mostly top/dom focused & gender neutral (18+ Obvi)
•The first few times you have sex together his focus is on the connection - physical, emotional, mental & spiritual. Introducing yourselves to each other's bodies, and sense of desire. The more fun things would make their way into your bedroom naturally
•Every time you have sex he views it as making love no matter how dirty it is or is not. Because of this he isn't a fan of quickies. Not only does it hinder him from properly lavishing your body with affection, but he loves building anticipation for both of you. He’d make you wait unless you really riled him up somehow, which is more difficult than you think because he has shockingly good self-control
•Wyll is an excellent kisser, it feels like melting into his lips. He looooves kissing and making out for extended periods of time
•I wouldn't say he’s mind blowing at going down on you or using his hands AT FIRST. It’s either been awhile for him or he's a virgin just based off his voicelines. But once he learns how you work he's godly because your pleasure is important to him 
•Missionary is his favorite position because it's intimate (no shock there), cuddlefucking probably second. Wyll likes any position as long as it isn't too convoluted tbh. He thinks overcomplicating it distracts from the moment
•If I had to put a label on it - to me he radiates pleasure dom. He gets off on getting you off. Wyll likes to lead in dance, and in sex - he's just not an aggressive leader. He’d much prefer to lead you with a gentle tug rather than a brutish yank
•The ‘dom’ portion of pleasure dom for him is very subtle & soft - he gives gentle but clear directions, even playful commands. It's rare for him to be stern, but when he is boy is it hot. These usually pertain to whether or not you may come, or if he doesn't want you to touch yourself for an extended period of time - though this is rare & would almost only happen if you're spending time apart 
•Don't think he won't be submissive tho - I think he’d lean towards taking the lead because that's just his personality, and taking care of people makes him feel good. But if you want to take charge he has no issue with that. One of the best/worst things you can do to him is tie him up & touch yourself in front of him. Especially if you make yourself come!! He’s just like 'that's my job >:O’ 
•Not a bratty sub at all, he's the type that wants to do exactly what you say & be praised for how well he behaved. Don't call him your pet tho, it'd remind him of Mizora. Do men with daddy issues like to be called daddy or hate it? I have no clue someone please advise
•Has some verse/switch in him - I think he'd prefer topping because he comes way too fast bottoming LMAO and it hurts his pride a bit. Finger him while sucking him off & he's gone 
•It doesn't matter what role he's taking - Wyll is noisy in bed. He doesn't get embarrassed tho - yknow the ‘guys too scared to moan, meanwhile im in my girl's ear like-’ meme? Yea that's him. At the start he's more grunting and groaning as the pleasure starts easing in, but as the intensity picks up he’s panting in your ear with breathy moans. When he's getting close, coming, or just extra passionate he's whiny & full of long, drawn out moans 
•Not to mention he's talkative. Endless praise & encouragement - he's somehow both poetic & explicit with his dirty talk & can switch between the two seamlessly. YKNOW HE TALKS YOU THROUGH IT YOU CANT DENY IT
•Not a fan of degradation, giving or receiving - no way this man is going to call you a slut, whore, bitch or anything in that realm. Sorry to the degradation girlies (gn) he’s into having you beg (kind of) tho so there's that  
•Wyll loves sensuality & pleasure of all sorts - massaging, bathing, burning candles, good scents, the whole shabang. Very textile, he really enjoys silk sheets and satin robes. He's the type that would warm you up by slowly kissing every inch of your body before doing anything else
That's all for now folks. I have more of these already written so if anyone wants more let me know & I'll post them
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brights-place · 5 months
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Dating Veneer Headcannons
Pairings: Veneer X Reader
Warnings: Fluff
A/N: Dating veneer headcannons! Yipee sorry this came one late I've been busy with work and my personal its like so much right now that it's worrying rn but I hope you like these!
- Veneer was close to you well cause you were Velvet and his manager - He befriended you very quickly and would smile at you everytime he see's you but after awhile he realized that he always got nervous when you were around, never truly understanding his own feelings.
- He asked velvet for help and she pointed out that he liked you in an romantic way which made him shocked - He soon starts to flirt with you which always ends up with you giggling at how bad they where but you still accepted when he asked to take you on an date - 3-5 dates later you two started to date and it was amazing he loves you so much and would cling onto you - He lovess giving you small gifts he'd just straight up walk to you and hand you the gift with an huge grin on his face "(Name) I bough you an gift its matching bracelets for you, and I"
- Veneer tried so hard not to tell you they were using an troll for their talent and had slipped up many times velvet and covered his mouth glaring at him and speaking for Veneer - Veener would make sure you you get an good amount of breaks mainly because veneer likes to make sure when your on an break he could gossip with you and talk about the most random things - He finds it easier to open up to people, compared to Velvet. You specifically being someone he holds very close which was you! So thats why he gossips with you - Also loves when you get him little gifts or if you make him something he'd tear up and squeal - Loves showing of his show outfits for you - In general, he loves being around you and can’t get enough of you. You make him feel so grateful.
- He can sometimes struggle with communication he loves you and trusts you enough to speak his mind  - if he sees your sad or in a bad mood he will drop everything he’s doing just to help you even if that's rehearsals and velvet would yell at him later he wants to focus on you
- he’ll spoil you rotten the got that famous people moneyyyy! probably gets more gifts for you than he does himself
- cant stand up to his sister for himself or anyone else but when it comes to you? HE DOSEN'T GIVE AN SHIT! HE WILL FIGHT SOMEONE
- Veneer is SOOOO clingy - Clings onto you when he's tired like wraps himself around you two times (Cause he can do that bro's an spaghetti doll) - He is 100% the little spoon. Even if hes taller then you, he will make it work. - However he will never pass up an opportunity to be the big spoon. He honestly doesn't mind at all! just as long as your in his arms or he's in yours he'd be happy
- any chance he gets to hug you or kiss your face he will with no mercy…
- whenever he’s stressed he’ll just sit down in front of you and lay his head on your thighs as he looks up at you lovingly - He would literally call you all sorts of cute nicknames or just some mebarssing nicknames just not because he usually does this with alot of people but for you it would be constant and intentional while he wiggles his eyebrows - Makes stupid expressions while your sad as you giggle kissing his lips - I would say Veneers love languages are gifts and physical touch cause this man would 100% do that - likes doing your hair his hair styling skills are amazing he does it for fun like how velvet does so it always comes out great not as good as velvets though Sometimes he allows velvet to use you to test out styles she might do on herself and veneer for fun
- It breaks his heart when you’re upset, so he uses everything in his power to make you happy again. He’ll talk to you, telling you that everything’s gonna be okay. - Within a few minutes, you won’t even remember what you were sad about. - When you heard they where frauds you stared at Veneer who looked at you quickly as your voice that was in an whisper "veneer..." veneer stared at you before hopping into the car with velvet - They used an troll which was ILLEGAL AND COULD MAKE THEM GO TO JAIL! you couldn't help but stare at veneer with betrayal and sadness in your eyes - you made sure that the small troll was alright and apologized that you didn't know at all this was going on - You also scolded crimp about how she was helping them and made sure to tell the authorities crimp was also apart of it ... You ain't letting crimp slide she helped the two - Even though that happened you still visited him in prison you wouldn't lie to yourself he looks great in orange but even though you cried when seeing the Veneer hang his head in shame you wanted to hug him but the glass between you couldn't allow that
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact
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i-yap · 18 days
Hello here another request from Dick Grayson. I hope you are well and that you are not putting pressure on yourself with these requests, sleep well.
Could you write something about Dick's Girlfriend who is an artist 🎨 she went to university and graduated with a degree in Literature or something like that she is like an artistic soul she writes, plays the piano, paints maybe she knows a little about ballet [she is just as flexible than Dick] and speaks several languages. Maybe Dick convinced her not to "work" [on a schedule for someone else] so they could spend more time together and so she wouldn't fill her little head with things like forced labor or bills. He covers all expenses and more. He spoils us too much. ...it also makes it so that you focus only on your art out of passion, writing, painting, playing music, learning to play the guitar 🎸 just because you want to and have the time.
and on the nights when he has patrol you go out with your friends "Sex And The City" style.
You also learn to cook in the huge kitchen of their shared apartment and he tries everything you make, he also cooks for you (sometimes) you also do a Skincare routine for him and he loves to smell just like us.
Dick Grayson x artist!y/n
man has money, I can see bruce paying all his vigilante children and he got alfred's billion plus man is the best detective at the pd .
So how could you expect him to not feel sorry for his -pretty but stressed overworked surrounded by idiots who don't know art having to commercialize herself and loosing her sense of style and art because of the nonsense requests of her bosses -gf. Your pain is his pain after all.
You know you are very creative I mean- your ballet could give grayson a run for his money. You have always been talented, drawn to the creative arts. But here you are stuck being a designer for a corporate job. AND IT SUCKS BALLS.
The boss keeps asking you to design templates and after designing 3 boring asf template she's like yea that fine now just do content. But even the content cant be fun or innovative. It has to be corporate and easily consumable and its just so dumb like let ai do it and why even hire you if she wants you to do the labor that is just ctrl c ctrl v LIKE FUCKK
And your creativity is dyinggg. you cant remember the last time you picked up a paintbrush and you loved art. Now you're loosing a sense of self and you don't even know if any of this is worth it. WHY NOT BE A BARISTA?? AND DO ART ON THE SIDE...CUZ OF THIS FUCKING ECONOMY. ONLY THE RICH CAN BE ARTISTS ONLY THE RICH AHHHH
(sorry this turned into a little self vent ahem ahem)
anyways dick sees your talent and he sees your pain and...he wont take no for an answer.
So here you are, live in girlfriend , but he calls you an investment whenever you feel down because dick is paying for both of you.
So other than art, you make him food. And he makes you food too dw girlie but you do it out of passion of trying out new recipes .
You go out and teach students dance at underfunded public schools and perform without contracts...just for the love of performing or focus on writing a book.
You spend the day focusing on your passions and build up your skill, having a loving supportive boyfriend.
Dick is really busy with detective work then as Nightwing so you spend the alone time focusing on your work rather than being distracted by your pretty boyfriend...that too actually.
And with this amazing man by your side, you have plenty motivation.
SO when you do become a hit, No one is prouder than Mr grayson here who believed in his girl all along.
and If you don't? you can always start a small art school, language school or ballet school. There is no lack of talents
And with such a talented gf , dick has the perfect trophy wife who he loves very very much. You are the talk of every gala, you accompany him on business meets (language skills and art is universally needed) and honestly dick couldn't ask for more!
In modern society its now believed that the only way to get self respect is to be a working woman. Why cant we stop telling woman to be something? Staying at home, raising or not raising kids, focusing on your passion and loving your husband ( future husband too) is just as acceptable as going to work( if you can find a man like dick ofc). you do work hard, you did have a degree or not depending on your circumstances and you are genuinely working towards your goals. And dick comforts you in it. He sees your passion he sees your talent and more than that he loves you so no matter what, he's supporting you through this journey.
I am actually writing a batboys skincare thing which ill post over the weekend. Im sorry this turned into a personal rant. Im working two jobs and studying 3 courses while preparing to start university..so this hit a little close to home . What I would do to have a dick grayson just marry me and let me focus on my passion rather than juggling various stuff. This blog is maybe the only thing I do for myself..which is sad cuz I had a lot of hobbies. Anyways ...hope this didn't suck too much.
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odusseus-xvi · 10 months
hi!! this is kinda a weird question but ur post about characterization for french ccs is rlly helpful for writing, so i was wondering if u had any like . tips or advice about speaking patterns or like. common terms or phrases they use and stuff like that. i have a lot of issues with auditory processing and other hearing stuff that makes it like . hard for me to always understand speech patterns or just like . what people are actually saying so if u have any like . advice or info about like How They Talk that u could put in text or like specific that would be cool. no worries if u dont/cant btw i completely get it i just remembered that u were the one w the previous helpful post ::D
Yeah, no problem I could try ! :D Now keep in mind again I'm not necessarily an expert, and I'm just doing this because it's fun. I still might make some mistakes, and miss some important details, but 'Ill do my best. SO
Let's go for HOW DO THE FRENCH (and swiss) CCS TALK :
Let's start with
ETOILES : So I feel like it might be the easiest because he's the clearest to me. He tends to speak at a normal space and in english with a noticeable slighly french accent, but not an extreme one. He likes to crack jokes constantly when he speaks with other people (most of the time hyping up others, and self deprecating, you know the "You are a legend, I am dumb".) . He can drop pearls of wisdom randomly through ridiculous metaphors ("You don't need to worry, My name means stars, that means that when you look I'm here." "It's like crossing the road, you have to, and there is cars, you need to be careful, but it can't be all you focus on. Wait I'm not sure about that one...") and sometimes actually genuine and inspiring, but more often that not in the tone of discussion, it doesn't sound like he's dispensing "wisdom of the elders", he's just a humble guy talking with you and giving a random advice. He often says in french "Wow a flop" when something doesn't work. Or "c.s.c." (Contre Con Camp, a football term meaning scoring against your own team) when he comments on someone being a tryhard for example ("WOW such a tryhard (csc)"). He'll often makes the joke that nobody likes him when they don't answer in chat to himself, (or chat) and will directly tell them "You want me to die irl don't you?" ensues a myriad of "holy shit you want me to die for real" answered by the "NOO" of the other one. Two last details that came to me, he rarely actually answers by "no" or "yes", he often use "Yeh yeh yeh", or "no no no". He also uses a lot of "euuuuh..." when looking for his words when speaking.
AYPIERRE : He is fairly simple too. He has a very relaxed tone, speaks slightly slower than most people, and has slightly noticeable french accent but less so than others. His tone differenciate between three states : Focused (while building or infiltrating a base), relaxed, and humourous. Note that he's never fully serious, he has that constant gremlin energy and smile that makes him want to make jokes that will make everybody cringe (his favorite pastime.) The only time he's been serious and slightly upset was when he earned gegg died or when he learned that the federation was trying to replicate his wine (there you can see his priorities). Most of the time people are assuming the worst when it's his countless time he starts a conversation with "So, I did something..." and is the type of guy to say "*known illegal act* is a strong word, let's say it's more like *not necessarily better*". I don't follow him as much, so I currently have no other mannerism in mind.
BAGHERA : I feel like she is a bit harder to pin down. When speaking in english she has a very noticeable accent, especially when she is tired. And talks a bit fast, especially in french. Though she doesn't crack jokes constantly, she has a constant chaotic energy that makes her say random things at times. She often say "Oh Yeaaaah" when she is happy or hyped about something, mostly when she is with other people to show them she is happy too. When she is ashamed or not understanding something she likes to take a voice we call the "Antoine Croute" voice (a character she played in a Rp series on GTA V), it's high pitched and really shy. (imagine a little "wut... ?"). She can be really serious, especially when investigating. She almost nver express vocally, in tone at least, her anger. Instead she sounds incredibly cold, like she was with ElQuackity. Her voice when serious drops a bit, and she speaks a bit faster. There is probably plenty more but I'm starting to get tired.
ANTOINE : He is the hardest to me because it is even hard to pin down in french. He has most of the time a very serious tone, while he ironically constantly making either dark jokes based on irony and cynism OR a pun. Because of this, it's sometimes hard to pin what's a joke and what's serious. His accent alternates between horrible french accent OR almost ProPeR eNgliSH. Even when discussing absolutely batshit insane things he sounds serious (he is not in reality, but it's a form of humor in itself). OCCASIONALLY he'll break and cracks a smile, and sometimes, even the heartiest laugh you've ever heard, a very vocal and deep "AHAHAHAHA" that you can hear a mile away (but it happens rarely.) Though I didn't specify, most people, including the french, stutter at least a little bit, and search their words, (like I said for Etoiles' "euh".) but Antoine tends to have a very clear speech, only occasionally looking for a translation. In the same vein, he also has a very quick reaction and can answer with a pun almost instantly (very impressive, especially when it's not his native language.)
That's pretty much all I can think of right now, and I'm tired. Maybe it's not exactly what you asked, but it's what I can muster. Hopes that helped :D
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 months
I'm back wayy too early, Just as promised!👍🏻
How are you?
Would you like to explain, in the Reader of your choice that "Flaxans' king is kinda..", mister?🤨📸
Aaand that's It for now, drink some water mr. Allig-author, I'll do the same.
See you in the close future! ~💙🌺✨
Flaxan Leader x antihero male reader
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straight up cant find any flaxan gifs
What do you mean 🤨📸 I said what I said 🗣️
Reader is kinda based on Deadpool, but with some tweaks. Insert also flaxan headcanons, cuz I thought it was funny.
Working with teen team had never really been something you planned to do. You were more of an antihero than an outright hero. Majority of the public didn’t even know about your existence, since most of your dirty work was done in the shadows.
But seeing as the guardians of the globe weren’t responsive, and you had been in this business for a long time, Cecil called in a favor you owed him, which lead to you fighting alongside this group of young heroes.
To you it felt like being a caretaker or kindergarten teacher, since you were older than all of them with a lot more knowledge and experience. Your lack of care about spilling blood and killing seemed to unnerve a few of them, invincible being one of them.
Your regeneration seemed to shock the flaxans you fought, as they’d blow your head off with their blasters, or would slice your limbs off, only for them to regrow in seconds as your damaged body kept on fighting.
Invincible may have scarred his face, but you were the one the one who would become the flaxan leader fought head on. You may not have super strength like some of the others, but your expertise made you even more of a bother to fight.
Since we know nothing about flaxans, let’s say that they flirt through sparring or fighting, so you being your joking usual Deadpool self could be seen as advances of some kind. The kiss you blow him as they flee the first time doesn’t help your case.
After the first invasion, I can already imagine the likes of invincible freaking out a little or a lot about how easily you kill and how you make a joke out of everything. It results in you having to give these young heroes a reality check, that being a hero isn’t easy, and that they’ll probably end up killing more people than they save. That’s your feelings about it anyways.
The second invasion has you involved again, since your extreme healing factor also means you barely need to sleep, eat or drink, as your body keeps itself going without issue. And once again you end up fighting the flaxan leader, whose now got a different look.
The first words that leave your mouth is ooing and awing, purring that you like em a little grey so you are happy to see him. All the talking you did during your first battle also meant that the flaxans, or maybe rather the leader, has a much better understanding of human speech.
The second invasion ends like the first, except the leader is too busy fighting with you to focus on invincible and atom eve, so Robot ends up finding their weakness on his own. Sometime during the fight your mask also ends up getting ripped off, letting you plant a big kiss on the flaxan leader’s forehead before they flee.
When members of the teen team ask why the hell you did that, you just shrug and make some comment about how you two “have a connection”. Its clearly a joke, because you take nothing seriously, but the flaxan leader seems to see it as legit.
The third invasion goes differently from the show, since the leaders risen up to rule all of his people, and instead of wanting to invade earth this time he comes through to court you, much to everyone’s surprise, both you, the teen team, and the media that’s been watching the entire time.
Imagine your surprise when the flaxan leader, now a good deal older and in a powersuit, rocking up to you with flowers native to his planet and what looks like a bracelet made out of similar material to his armor.
It takes some translation and some help from Cecil and his people to figure out what its all about, and honestly you feel a little chuffed at this big guy pretty much proposing to you after two fights. It seems completely out of the norm for humanity, but apparently its normal in flaxan culture.
In the end it helps create more of an allyship with the flaxans than them getting eradicated by omni-man. And you end up scoring a hot older guy who doesn’t seem to mind your many many scars. Its not everyone who can say their husband developed technology strictly to be able to exist in your world, is it? you definitely brag online about it, “if he wanted too, he would” and all that.
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