#sometimes i wonder how it feels to have a healthy relationship with your mom
narumi-gens · 1 year
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Miya Osamu x f!Reader
summary: Osamu knows that there’s nothing going on between you and his brother. And yet, he still can’t help but be jealous.
warnings: minors/ageless/blank blogs dni, don't let the summary fool you – this is basically just 4k words of fluff, jealous!osamu, slightly insecure!osamu, married!osamu, dad!osamu, very normal relationship problems, the importance of communication, kita is always the voice of wisdom, osamu is really just a simp for you, reader and osamu are #CoupleGoals
notes: whenever I’m trying to get back into writing, stealing plots from sitcoms is always a guarantee so everything from the title to the banner to the plot is at least 80% lifted from platonic (which is such a wonderful show).
words: 4k
part of the Meet the Miyas series
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Osamu is jealous. And he hates it. He hates the word. He hates the feeling. He hates what it says about him. He really hates how irrational it is.
But what he hates most is that the person that he's jealous of is his own brother (that scrub).
But maybe he's the scrub. Because it's dumb. You've been together for years. You trust him. You love him. You're committed to him. You're married to him. You’re the mother of his child. You're happy with the life that you've built together. 
And he knows that Atsumu is your best friend. You were Atsumu's friend before he even met you. Atsumu is the one who introduced the two of you, who set you up — which he'll never stop taking credit for if his speech at your wedding was anything to go by. So of course you spend a significant amount of time with his twin. 
It’s never really bothered him before. If anything, he’s typically relieved that you’re so close with Atsumu. The more you occupy the setter’s time, the less time he has to annoy Osamu. 
And you’re allowed to have friends and a life outside of being a wife and mother. He wants you to have fun and to be your own person outside of your relationship with him. He doesn’t expect you to go from home to work and back to repeat the cycle all over again the next day. Not that you would ever allow it. 
It wasn’t easy and it took a lot of hard work, but over the years, the two of you have built a happy balance between him running the restaurant, you pursuing your own thriving career, being doting parents to a three-year-old son, and still managing to keep your marriage healthy. So this gross feeling of jealousy has no place in his life, especially where Atsumu is concerned. 
But it creeps up on him slowly, needling its way into him before he even has a chance to stop it. He first feels it over something so small that it embarrasses him. 
He asks you if you want to go see a new movie that’s been advertised for months. His mom and yours are always eager to babysit — sometimes eager to the point of forcing you both out of the house for what’s declared “much-needed grandparent time.” 
“Oh, I promised Atsumu that I’d see it with him,” you reply with a slight tilt of your head before picking up your phone. “Let me check with him about us all going together.”
It’s a simple and obvious solution. You’ve already sent your message to Atsumu and are looking up showtimes for that weekend. But there’s a small voice in the back of Osamu’s head insisting that you should be asking him if Atsumu can come with the two of you, not the other way around. The unfamiliar thought makes him feel uncomfortable and he quickly shoves it away.
But just that small, intrusive voice is like a spark and it isn’t long before he finds himself hearing it again, fanning the pathetic, weak flame into something stronger.
One morning, he’s pulled from sleep by the blankets lifting and the mattress dipping. When he cracks open a bleary eye, he sees you doing your best to slip into bed without disturbing him. He can’t check the time on his phone without giving away that you’ve already woken him up. But from the pale grey light of early morning that’s already beginning to brighten the bedroom and the fact that Reiji isn’t already awake, Osamu guesses that it’s between five and six. 
He knows that you had plans with Atsumu last night. You told him that you would probably be back late. But “back late” feels like an understatement considering the joys of parenthood usually have both of you up in about an hour whether it’s a workday or not. 
When you come down a few hours later, the bags under your eyes and unkempt hair point to your inability to sleep in even after what he can only assume was an all-night rager. You pepper your son’s cheeks with exaggerated kisses that have him giggling over his breakfast as Osamu pours you a cup of what he’s sure is much-needed coffee. 
“Ya got home late last night,” he comments as you take the mug that he passes you.
“Ah, yeah. Just ended up going a little harder than I meant to,” you reply and something close to embarrassment seems to cross your features. You glance at Reiji, making sure his attention is on his food before you lower to voice to a furtive whisper. “I threw up in a karaoke room and had to sleep it off at Atsumu’s.”
His immediate instinct is to laugh in your face and he has to bite his lips and quickly look away from you to keep from doing so. You weakly punch his shoulder in response before sitting down at the table. 
But the amusement at your misfortune slowly starts to fade, replaced instead by that same voice, which is growing steadily more familiar. He can’t remember the last time that the two of you had a night like that together. He tries to think back on if it was before or after Reiji was born. And while you certainly don’t make vomiting in karaoke rooms a habit, it’s not at all rare for you and his brother to have a wild night out. 
When the voice asks why you’re having them with Atsumu but not with him, the only thing he can focus on is the knot in the pit of his stomach and how it only seems to grow tighter. 
He hears it again when he’s with Atsumu one day and he asks Osamu what he thinks about you rejecting a new job offer. The question is offhanded — he’s looking at his phone when asks it, barely even giving Osamu a fraction of his attention. 
But Osamu freezes. This is the first that he’s heard about any job offer. He didn’t even know that you were interviewing somewhere else. 
“What job offer?” His voice sounds thin and Atsumu seems to realize that he’s unintentionally stumbled into something much bigger because his thumb stops scrolling and there’s a line of tension in his shoulders that wasn’t there only moments ago. 
“Uh, it’s nothin’ big,” he quickly tries to assure his brother as he puts down his phone and turns to face him fully. “It just happened this week. Some new place made her an offer and she turned it down.”
Osamu merely hums, his expression betraying nothing, but his twin brother knows him too well.
“Look, I’m sure she just hasn’t gotten ‘round to telling ya,” he offers and Osamu can see the slight panic in his eyes. “She had that big meeting. And she’s been lookin’ after Reiji-kun since he’s been sick, right? Things’ve probably just been too crazy fer her to even think about it.”
Every excuse only digs the hole deeper. It’s not just this apparent job that you’ve been pursuing only to turn down that Atsumu knows about. It’s also your hectic work week and how you’ve been taking care of Reiji since the restaurant’s been too shorthanded for Osamu to stay home. 
What’s next? Is he going to mention that you’ve also been so busy the two of you haven’t had sex in almost three weeks? From the guilty look in his twin’s eyes, Osamu would bet good money that he’s already aware. 
On his way home, he tries to think about the best way to raise the subject with you and ultimately decides that there’s no good way to ask, “Hey. Why are ya tellin’ Tsumu things but not yer husband?”
(He knows that’s definitely the wrong way to phrase it, but that little voice won’t say it any other way.)
But when he enters your bedroom he finds you slouched against the headboard, fully passed out with Reiji sprawled on top of you as he clings to you even in his sleep. The light and tv are both still on. You’re obviously exhausted and stretched thin, while Osamu is looking to pick a fight. The guilt he feels is almost crippling. 
It probably hasn’t even occurred to you to mention the job offer with everything else going on. Atsumu is right, which only makes him feel worse. 
He comes toward the both of you and carefully tries to pick Reiji up out of your arms without waking either of you. But he’s only just managed to pry the sick toddler loose when your eyelids flutter open.
It takes you a moment to register what’s happening, still feeling the dregs of sleep, but when you do, you give him the softest smile and it makes him feel like an even bigger piece of shit.
“Did you just get home?” you whisper as you help him lift Reiji off of you. But before he can take your son too far away, you shift over and gesture for Osamu to place him in the middle of the bed. “He’ll cry if he wakes up in his room alone.”
“He doin’ any better?” Osamu quietly asks and does as you ask, gently putting him down before sitting down on your other side on the edge of the mattress. 
“His fever broke a couple of hours ago, so he should be back to normal in a day or two.” The news is a visible relief to you. It’s not just the amount of effort a sick child takes, but also the worry that’s been weighing you down. 
“Wish I coulda been ‘round more to help ya,” he tells you, his guilt about both doubting you and leaving you to take care of Reiji by yourself beginning to peek through.
“Hey, don’t worry about it,” you assure him, lifting a hand to run your fingers through his hat hair. “I know that you’re in a bind since Kimura-san quit. I’m the one with the flexible hours and schedule. I really don’t mind. We’re a team.”
He doesn’t deserve you.
“Well, the new part-timer starts next week so things’ll finally calm down,” he offers and something mischievous sparkles in your tired eyes.
“Good. Because when you can finally take some time off, we’re gonna pawn Reiji off on the grandparents. Then you’re gonna make it up to me by spending the entire night making me cum so hard I see stars,” you tell him, your tone leaving no room for argument, as if he would ever want to. 
“I can do that,” he agrees with a grin.
“We haven’t fucked in weeks,” you pout and Osamu can’t hold in his laughter, only for you to slap a hand over his mouth to keep him from waking up Reiji. 
Your own quiet giggles are able to momentarily drown out the small voice reminding him about the job offer that you’ve yet to tell him about. 
But a few weeks later, even after having the house to yourselves for an entire weekend and spending it fucking on every surface that you could like you used to do before Reiji came along, those embarrassing feelings of jealousy are still as present as ever.
You post a series of photos of you and Atsumu at a restaurant. The first picture is of your happy, smiling faces and the matching pair of five-pound gyoza on the table, one in front of each of you. As he swipes through the series, you both look worse and worse as you try to finish your gyoza. When he gets to the final one, you’re proudly holding a certificate from the restaurant for having finished yours in an hour, while Atsumu looks like he’s on death’s doorstep.
He’s so preoccupied swiping back and forth through the photos that when the restaurant door slides open, it startles him so badly that he almost drops his phone entirely. He doesn’t know whether or not to be relieved that it’s Kita coming to drop off a new order of rice rather than a customer who didn’t read the closed sign. 
On one hand, he doesn’t want to deal with a customer while he’s in the midst of indulging that voice that’s slowly becoming a companion. But on the other, dealing with Kita when he’s in a jealousy spiral is even worse.
“Is everything alright? Ya look like ya just got some bad news,” Kita observes with a small frown of concern.
As Osamu assures him that nothing’s wrong, he tries to hurriedly shove his phone into the pocket of his apron. However, it slips from his sweaty hands and skids across the floor of the restaurant where it comes face-up to a perfect stop right in front of Kita’s feet.
He picks it up and when he sees the final picture of you and Atsumu on the screen, he shakes his head in amusement. 
“Atsumu only sent me the picture of them at the start of the challenge,” he wryly says as he slides the restaurant door shut behind him and joins Osamu at the counter. He takes a moment to swipe through the rest of the photos in your post before passing the phone back. “I’m surprised ya didn’t go with ‘em.”
“I wasn’t invited,” he mumbled, vocalizing the bitter thought that’s been taking up so much space in his mind ever since you and Atsumu originally made the plans. But as soon as the words leave his lips, he knows he’s given himself away because he can feel Kita’s heavy gaze on him.
“Did ya ask if ya could join ‘em?” is Kita’s annoyingly reasonable response. After a few moments, Osamu gives the smallest shake of his head, confirming that no, he didn’t ask if he could go with you and his brother. 
“Y’know, yer wife is an amazing woman,” he finally says when it’s clear Osamu has nothing else to offer. “But fer all of her talents, she’s not a mind reader. Just talk to her.”
Osamu groans loudly at how rational Kita is being. He drops his head down to rest his forehead on the countertop, his Onigiri Miya hat flopping off in the process. While he agrees that it’s good advice, there’s still one problem.
“Kita-san…it’s embarrassing,” he protests childishly and he turns his head to the side to look up at his old team captain. “What am I supposed to say? ‘Stop spendin’ so much time with that scrub!’ I’ll sound like an idiot.”
“Just talk to her,” Kita repeats calmly and Osamu can only sigh. “Why don’t ya tell me how Reiji-kun’s been?”
For the rest of the day, Osamu finds himself trapped in an internal debate over whether or not he should take Kita’s advice. The ugly voice in his head insists that he shouldn’t have to say anything at all. If you really love him then you should already know. The more self-conscious part of him keeps warning him of how embarrassed he’ll be when he tells his wife, the mother of his child, the love of his life, that he’s jealous of how much time she spends with his brother. 
But a new voice, one that sounds exactly like Kita, simply asks him if he’s tired of feeling like this. Does he really want to keep harboring this resentment? It’ll only continue to fester and grow until it explodes, hurting everyone he loves. 
So that night, after he’s put Reiji to bed and the dishes are done and the laundry is folded and he has no more excuses left to procrastinate, he collapses next to you on the couch with an exaggerated sigh. You look up at him from your phone with an amused smile, only for it to slightly fall when you see how troubled he looks. 
“What’s going on? Did something happen at work?” you ask, turning to give him your full attention and scooting closer to him so that you can rest a gentle hand on his thigh. 
He shuts his eyes and gives himself a single moment to steel himself before finally letting out the poison that’s slowly been building inside of him for the last few months. 
“I have somethin’ to tell ya and it’s gonna make it seem like I’m fifteen or somethin’,” he says and he knows that if he didn’t sound so serious then you would be making a joke about him having some sort of wet dream and ruining the sheets. Instead, you give his thigh a reassuring squeeze. 
“Lately…fer the last few months…I’ve been feelin’ kinda…jealous.”
There. The words are out there in the world. You’ve heard them. He can go crawl into a hole and wait for the embarrassment to kill him. 
“Jealous? Of what?” 
He hates how concerned you sound. You’re not making light of his admission. You’re not confused. You’re being patient. You’re gentle. You’re so much better than him and his childish pettiness and resentment and jealousy. 
“You and stupid Tsumu,” he grumbles, slouching down even further into the couch. He glances over at you from the corner of his eye and sees the look of surprise on your face. He shuts his eyes again, balling his hands into fists, and tells himself to man the fuck up.
With his nerves now steeled, he takes a deep breath, sits up straight, and turns to fully face you. 
“Look, I know that ya got this weird friendship with Tsumu and that he’s yer best friend. And it’s never been a big deal before, but lately, I dunno…,” he trails off, his gaze darting down before he forces it back up to meet yours. “I’ve just been feelin’ a little…cut out.”
“Osamu,” you murmur, lifting a hand to his face but he quickly takes it between both of his so that he can hold it tight and keep himself steady. 
“I love you and our family and the life we’ve built together. I wouldn’t change any of it fer anything,” he’s quick to assure you, needing you to know that you make him happier than he ever thought he could be. “But sometimes I see ya hangin’ out with Tsumu and havin’ fun and it sounds dumb but, I wish I could see more of that part of yer life.”
You softly repeat his name before you climb into his lap. You wrap an arm around his shoulders to hold him close and pull your other hand from his grasp so that you can cup his cheek with a loving touch. 
“I’m so sorry that I’ve made you feel that way,” you tell him. “You’re always gonna come first. I don’t ever want you to feel excluded or like I’m trying to keep the different pieces of my life compartmentalized.”
Just hearing your apology and acknowledgment of the irrational jealousy that’s been plaguing him soothes his insecurities and embarrassment. 
“I want ya to be able to go do things on yer own and do things with Tsumu without feelin’ like ya gotta bring me along every time. But ya just look like yer havin’ fun when yer gettin’ up to stupid things together and I guess, I just wanna have fun with ya too,” he shrugs. Despite how true it is, he hates how cheesy he sounds. But from the way that you’re looking at him with so much affection, you clearly find it touching. 
“I love having fun with you, Osamu,” you smile back at him and his cheeks start to feel warm. “I’d love to do more stupid things with you.”
“Even if that stupid thing is spendin’ 20,000 yen at an arcade to beat a bunch of teens for the high score?” he asks and it comes out shyer than he intended. “Or buyin’ out every flavor of chips and every type of snack from the konbini just to rank ‘em?”
“Even then,” you nod with a grin. “Even if it’s needing to make a cab pull over to throw up after a night of drinking.”
“I thought it was the karaoke room?” he frowns in confusion.
“It was the karaoke room for me. The cab was Atsumu,” you tell him with a laugh and he snorts in response. 
But then, since this is a time for honesty, he decides to bring up the question that’s been weighing heavily on his mind for the last few weeks. 
“Why didn’t ya tell me about the job offer?” he gently asks, the question curious rather than accusatory.
“Job offer?” The line of your mouth twists down and your eyebrows knit together as you try to understand what he’s referring to. 
“Tsumu said ya turned down a job offer. It was around when Reiji was sick,” he explains and his tone turns slightly hesitant. “Did ya feel like ya couldn’t tell me?”
Your eyes spark with recognition before you roll them in annoyance.
“Atsumu’s an idiot. He never listens,” you begin to rant and he’s not too proud to admit that hearing your irritation directed towards his twin extinguishes the last remaining embers of his jealousy. “It wasn’t a job offer. A recruiter reached out about a job opening for a position that involves more work for less pay. I didn’t even reply.”
He feels an odd mixture of relief, guilt, and frustration. He’s relieved that this was just some misunderstanding, but he feels just as guilty for jumping to the worst conclusion and thinking that you were something big from him. The frustration will be dealt with when he next sees his twin and gives him an earful and delivers a slap to the back of his head.
“I’m sorry fer not just askin’ ya ‘bout it sooner,” he says and you just give him a look of understanding. 
“You and me, we’re only human. There are just gonna be times when I forget to tell you something or just don’t think to bother with it. But I’ll always do my best to make sure you know when there’s something going on. We’re a team, remember?” You run your fingers caringly through his hair with a soft smile and he leans eagerly into your touch.
“We’re a team,” he repeats quietly, finding the words comforting. He then gives you a slightly embarrassed look. “Hey, don’t tell Tsumu, okay? He’ll just call me a scrub.”
You place a reassuring kiss on his lips before nodding. 
“Don’t worry. You’re a scrub, but you’re my scrub and I love you.” He can’t help but laugh as he wraps his arms around your middle and hugs you close. “But, you wanna do something crazy, huh?”
When he looks up at you, it’s to find a hint of wildness creeping into your expression. It’s the same wildness he used to see when you first started dating — before you both became adults and spouses and parents with real responsibilities. 
The next day, Atsumu stops by the restaurant in the late afternoon during a lull. His appearance is unannounced, meaning that Osamu hasn’t had a chance to prepare himself for what he knows is to come. It’s as bad as he imagined because as soon as the setter walks in, he freezes, his expression going slack in shock at the sight of Osamu.
Or more correctly, at the sight of Osamu’s hair, which has been amateurishly dyed to be the same shade of grey that he used to wear in high school. 
“Don’t even start,” he warns but doing so is pointless because Atsumu immediately bursts into laughter, finding it so funny that he has to clutch his stomach as he bends over. 
“Who’s idea was this?” he manages to ask in between his gasps for air and his cackles. “Ya look so stupid!”
Osamu just stares at him blankly, not bringing up the fact that Atsumu is the one who’s been wearing the exact same hairstyle since they were sixteen, and isn’t that even more pathetic? 
Because for all of the mocking that he receives, he knows it was worth it for the time he spent joking and laughing with you into the late hours of the night in your tiny bathroom as you did your best to dye his hair without burning his scalp.
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skellseerwriting · 1 month
What is Love? (Baby Don’t Hurt Me)
Love Clueless!Morgie x GN!Reader Part 1/2
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Thank you anon for the wonderful ask! I never would have come up with this on my own. I was worried it was getting too long, so I’m splitting it into two parts (currently working on it!)
Word Count: 1,446
Warnings: Morgie worries others don’t like him, Morgie doesn’t know what love is, Morgan Le Fay is mentioned as being cruel, Morgie didn’t grow up being loved :(
Summary: Morgie doesn’t know what love is. Seeing you being loved by your friends leads him to ask you to teach him what love is.
What is Love?
This was a question that had recently began to plague Morgie Le Fay’s mind. People talked about loving other people; they loved their family, friends, partner, and even famous people who didn’t know they existed. But what did that even mean? Was the love they felt for their friend the same as their parent?
It was clear to him that those who felt love towards others felt a special sort of care to them, but what did that mean for Morgie? He didn’t really care about his mom. She was barely crueler than some of the other nasty people he had to deal with growing up; Was Morgie supposed to love her because she was his mom? Part of him felt that he should have, but the other part thought of nothing but apathy (but perhaps those two things could coexist? Is it possible to love someone and not like them?).
And then there were his friends. It wasn’t uncommon to hear the “good” kids throw around “love you” to their pals. When he tried using it, all of them (especially uliana) looked at him like he’d presented a dish of rotting food. Hook was the only one to give a rather forced laugh and clap him on the back with a “Don’t tell me those happy idiots are starting to rub off on you.” It was never brought up as Morgie never did it again, crushed. After that, though, he couldn’t help but question his feelings towards them.
Don’t be mistaken, Morgie does care for his friends, maybe even loves them. However, he’s come to recognize that unlike himself, the others were uncomfortable with the kind of care and affection they all lacked growing up. And this, in turn, made it impossibly more difficult to understand what love was, and how people felt it towards others. None of it made sense to him. He felt lost as the brainrot began to consume his mind over the course of a couple weeks.
He started to stare and obsess over the way he saw other friends behave. So often there were hugs exchanged, gifts given (friendship bracelets and charms were a common one, he noted), and sometimes even kisses on the cheek.
Why couldn’t he have that? Did his friends just not like him enough? But Hades and Mali were dating, and they never did stuff like that, and their relationship was really healthy!
It wasn’t until he saw you interacting with you friends that he did a double take on all he had observed. Everybody you ran into seemed to treat you like a close friend. Whether you were holding a door open or approaching someone to compliment some random little thing, everyone would smile when they saw you.
But you didn’t give anything to them. You didn’t hug any of them or otherwise engage in physical contact. If everyone else did that then why didn’t you? How come you had so many friends?
Maybe, he thought, just maybe, you knew something he didn’t; the secret to love. If it was some hidden knowledge you could share, perhaps he could learn how to make others love him. He could even get his friends to love him. All he needed to do was understand what love was.
He just wanted to feel loved.
“What?” You had a baffled expression, like he spoke some unknown language.
 “Will you teach me what love is?” He asked again in the exact same tone, thinking you couldn’t hear him over the school bell and clamor of hallway foot traffic.
Expression still the same, you looked left and right as if looking to see who might be listening.
“Why do you want to know? I thought villains hated love.”
Morgie scratched the back of his head, slightly sheepish.
“Yeah that mostly rings true. People like my mom and friends don’t seem to like the concept.” He went still for a second, pondering his next words slowly. “But… because of that, I don’t really understand it. Like, someone can like their partner, but if they go and show love to someone else it’s wrong. But it’s somehow not the same as friends, which people can have as many as they’d like- and I just don’t get it.”
Your eyes widened as you took all his words in. He really didn’t know what love was? Better yet, he -a villain- wanted to know what it was. Did the world turn upside down?
Regardless of your experience-based opinions, you found his sincerity endearing. Why wouldn’t you help him out? The worst that could happen is some mistreatment from the VK’s- and you were already used to that.
That was not the worst that could happen, you realized, as you sat at the foot of your bed.
After entering your dorm when school hours were over, Morgie had taken to staring at your room in abstract wonder. His fingers glided ever-so-gently over little knickknacks and bobbles you had collected over the years as gifts. Occasionally he would pick one up like it was a baby bird, carefully turning it over and setting it back down once he was done looking at it. Then he came across a picture frame of you and your family. You couldn’t read the expression in his eyes.
This was worse, you thought again. This was worse, because here, like this, he was just a boy. A normal kid like you and not one who tormented others. When you looked at his soft countenance, you felt your heart flutter at this seemingly innocent boy who didn’t know what love was.
Snapping out it, you pull his attention away from the photo by calling him over. He sat next to you right at the edge of your mattress. Then, he looked at you expectantly.
“What?” You asked.
“Well… are we going to start?”
Oh, right!
“Yes!” You began, smile returning. “Yes of course, the- uh- reason why you’re… here.” This was already going bad. Maybe you should just cut your losses.
“Well, to start, what do you know about love?” Better see what he knows first and go from there. He seemed to think for a moment.
“I know that when people love someone… they care for them deeply. But I don’t quite understand the differences between the different kinds of love. They all seem the same to me.” The longer he went on the more unsure he seemed. Then, he whispered “That’s not… bad, is it?”
Pushing your pity aside, you quickly respond with an “of course not. It’s not your fault. I could get why it’d be confusing to someone who doesn’t really feel love from others. That can also include people who don’t feel certain types of love themself. You seem like a really sweet and caring person, so I’m sure it won’t be to hard to help you understand.” You tried to not mentally slap yourself at calling him “sweet” but if his reaction was anything to go by, everything you said was motivational and cheered him up.
“Okay.” He grinned, then added. “Another thing I don’t get is why some people love others who don’t treat them the same. Like, I’ve seen so many friends just giving each other things and being all gushy and stuff. But they treat you the same despite you not doing all that gushy stuff. So why do they like you?” After he finished, he realized his last remark sounded incredibly rude. Luckily, you didn’t take it that way, and -despite how confusing his question- you seemed to know exactly what to say.
“That’s because of my love language.” you smiled.
“What’s that?”
Shaking your head gently, you held up five fingers. “Love. Language. The ways someone shows love, and the ways they prefer to receive it. There’s-” you start counting down on your fingers, looking up at the ceiling. “Gift-giving, quality time, acts of service, physical touch, and…” you racked your brain. “Words of affirmation.”
He looked at you incredulously.
“What do those mean?”
You smiled at him again as you pondered these last few minutes. You were unsure at first if you even wanted to do this, but now you were certain. At first you were afraid, but that disappeared the moment he entered your dorm.
Morgie was kind; you could see it. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t also mean. People are allowed to be complicated. But as you think about everything that you have in mind to help him learn what love was, one thing was for sure:
You were going to fall in love with him.
And you were looking forward to it.
“I’ll show you.”
Part 2
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Hello hello! I hope you're having an amazing day! If not then I hope your day gets better!! I was kinda hesitant to try out your matchmaking because I've never done one before but also your blog is mainly The Outsiders and I didn't want to break the chain (if that makes sense?) with me randomly coming in asking for DC ^^. If you're not still part of the fandom that's totally okay! I'm fine with whatever fandom or can ignore!
I am a short queen standing at 5'0 😔😔. I have long black hair that goes down to my waist with chocolate brown eyes and wear glasses. I have a warm yellowish tone to my skin with a scar or two somewhere on my body either from minor surgery or being a bit clumsy 💀💀.
I like to think I'm a friendly person! When meeting people for the first time I'm very polite, though I can be a bit awkward sometimes when socializing but I do my best! With friends though I'm very silly and playful, I like to tease friends, mainly bringing up a slightly embarrassing story that I know we will all laugh together about. I'm very nice (maybe a little too much for my own good) and somewhat smart. I like to play along with the whole "aCTUalLY 🤓👆👓" skit because it gets a good giggle or two both from friends and myself. You could say I'm a bit of the mom friend? I stay observant when with friends, make sure no one is left out or if someone's having a bit of a rough day I stay mindful and check up on them if they need anything or just a simple shoulder to lean on/ear to talk to. Overall I'm a very bubbly person that likes to be silly at times! (Sorry I'm very bad at describing what kind of person I am 😔)
The things that I like: I am a very big book worm. I have a good pile of books on my desk that I absolutely adore, though they're mainly fantasy romance books (I'm a big sucker for those). I also ADORE the rain! From the sound it makes to how it smells just makes me go kind of feral. I also really love the ocean! If I could, I'd really want to just float in the deep blue or go exploring through underwater caves or shipwrecks (to live the mermaid dream 😔😔 CLEORR OH NAUR). I also do a bit of writing myself and dabble in video gaming!
Hopefully this was okay! I'm not the greatest in describing myself so I sort of just wrote down whatever was at the top of my head. I hope you have a wonderful day!! 🫶🫶🫶
No, I’m actually gonna thank you so much. I just happen to majority get outsiders requests, but I’ve been really wanting someone to try and break the chain so you’re actually doing me a huge favor dude
Your DC Universe Ship: Dick Grayson (Nightwing)
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Explanation: starting off with your appearance , I think that he would be extremely attracted to you and I think that he loves the fact that that you’re short and would definitely tease you about it by lifting you up if you’re comfortable with that and just constantly making jokes about it. I think he would really love your eyes and constantly admiring them and staring into them. I think he also likes the fact that you both have pretty dark hair. I don’t know. I just feel like he would like matching with with you. he also completely relates to the Scar thing and if you ever felt insecure about them, he would definitely kiss them until you didn’t or show you his own scars to kind of tell you that it’s OK to have them. Personality wise I think that you two would get along very well because he definitely turns up the charm and is generally kind person who is also very clever and such, and I think that he would also love, teasing and teasing as his love language I mean, he loves teasing the rest of the bat and I think you guys would have a great time teasing each other. I think he would be good at setting boundaries about what he wasn’t OK with teasing him about and things like that and hopefully you’ll be good at setting boundaries as well. I think you guys could be a really healthy relationship, Which would be a good thing for him because he hasn’t had that many healthy relationships. He also really likes being silly as well and I think you guys would totally have a lot of fun together and just absolutely vibe with each other. He’s also a very observant person so I think that you two would definitely be similar in that aspect of coming from a place of helping people and noticing the small things that not everyone does. Many people think that out of the bat family Tim is the avid reader, but the truth is that everybody in the family reads. They just tend to read about their own interests like I think that Dick Grayson would highly prefer reading things like comedy and romance, and period dramas. he often gets teased for reading romance novels, but I think that he genuinely enjoys them and can understand that as long as he likes reading them nothing else really matters, including anyone else’s judgment, but as soon as he finds out that you like reading romance novels too I think you guys would that would just be one of your things that you do together and bond over it and I think you guys would have little discussions about characters and theories and just talk about how cute some characters are together and ship people, I think would be the best person to read a romance book with. I feel like he also really enjoys the rain just for the aesthetic. I also feel like he’s super grateful to have found you and being in such a healthy relationship and he’s definitely willing to work through some of his trauma so he can always improve on being a better person for you. YALL ARE CUTE I SHIP 💙💙💙
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grievedeeply · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could request some kiriko relationship hcs. (Preferably with female partner but it's alright if you unwanted to write another gender)
i love her so much already so as soon as i saw this i got so excited!! enjoy!!
fem!reader (no pronouns used and can be read as gender neutral) | no tws
dating kiriko kamori headcanons
you meet kiriko because you moved to kanezaka! you ran into her completely by accident and the two of you hit it off instantly, becoming fast friends by the end of your first conversation
you hang out regularly and— outside of her family— you're one of the first people she tells about her fox spirit. she's very proud of how far she's come in mastering her abilities and if you show her any reassurance expect her to melt
she falls fast and falls very hard. she's blown away by your kindness and how much you care for herself and others. she notices a lot of little things about you and it just makes her form feelings quicker
she won't tell you about her feelings for you, though. she's terrified of ruining her friendship with you and that's the last thing she wants
she pines in silence. she daydreams about everything she wants to do with you. she wishes she could hold your hand and hold you in the way that couples do
she does cuddle you, sometimes, and it makes her heart ache. she wants it to mean more so badly but she knows it never will
at least, that's what she thinks
you develop feelings for kiriko as well, having realized them fully when she gave you a box of fresh donuts saying she bought them just for you— because she thought you'd like them
she's warm-hearted and gentle spirited, but fierce and sassy whenever she needs to be. she knows who she is and you'd be lying if you said it didn't factor into how you fell for her so quickly
she's really oblivious if you try to make it obvious. she won't take hints even if she realizes you staring at her for too long or hugging her more than usual. she thinks it's all just being friendly
you'll have to outright tell her you like her if you ever want to go anywhere romantically. she doesn't think you have feelings for her at all so she won't tell you how she feels first
when you actually get together she's practically always by your side, making sure you're healthy and happy. you're the most important thing to her and it reassures her to know you're well
after long missions apart she'll jump right into your arms as soon as she sees you, her smile so wide it makes her cheeks hurt
she'll give you a lot of gifts as a way to show her love and appreciation for you. she's not the best with being vulnerable so it's an easier way for her to tell you she adores you
kiriko will happily show you off to other people. she doesn't get embarrassed by anything and she's really proud of you and everything you do
expect to meet genji and hanzo through her. seeing you get along with them always warms her heart and it's so important to her to know you all like each other
she doesn't mind pda. she'll initiate it sometimes, when she feels anxious or scared about something especially
she loves physical contact in private more though. she'll always be hugging you or kissing you in some way
speaking of kisses, she's very gentle with you. her lips are so soft and it makes your heart flutter every time she kisses you no matter where it may be
she's definitely pretty protective of you even though she knows you're capable of handling yourself in any situation. she just wants to keep you safe
you have to meet her mom!! she loves you and tells you to keep kiriko out of trouble. she's very proud of her daughter for finding someone like you to be with her
she doesn't know how to express her love for you with words but she says i love you a lot, even if it's in other ways
"text me when you get there" and "this reminded me of you" type stuff
she wants you to know how much she cares about you and she intends to be in your life for as long as you'll let her <3
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seirooo0 · 1 year
Rui lacks in content so much I'm gonna strt crying, anyways take this rui x reader I made out of desperation for rui oneshots
words: 2,806 💀
plot: u sick as fuck and rui takes care of you
gn reader, use of you/your pronouns, also established relationship
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What a great day it was for you— was something you wish you could've said but unfortunately, "sick days" exist (you probably forgot about them with how "healthy" you are). Spending the day doing nothing but dreading the headaches and the pain of being sick, maybe you're too dramatic that you'd fit in a theatrical scene but this is what it felt like for you. How long has it been since you last fell ill? It felt like a millennial or it's an exaggeration.
You wouldn't mind having such a day today, but it's so damn boring for you. Nothing to do all day other than resting and eating and resting, or perhaps you're into that if you're such a lazy guy. But anyone with shame in themselves wouldn't use this excuse to skip school, you're not an asshole after all. Clearly, you're worried about what's happening at school right now. Given that you had a test today, but your mother seemed persistent to make you stay in bed. Quite annoying, but it's the motherly nature in her, you can't blame her at all for worrying. Looking dully at the ticking clock, you wondered; how many hours had passed by now? With nothing to do, no sort of entertainment (you chose not to use your phone for health's sake), and you're just literally laying in bed like some sort of corpse in a coffin; motionless as hell.
And either your mom was so nosy that she had to call your boyfriend (weirdly enough, can't she just call dad or you're dadless (I'm sorry)) or one of your friends noticed that you weren't around so they called Rui in to visit you. But right now, all you know is that the purple male is right in front of you, cooking something in the kitchen. You had to drag yourself out of bed just to see who the hell entered, you would've freaked out but then you remembered your mother probably gave him the spare keys that you were looking for for the past 3 months. Standing behind him, you covered yourself in your blanket as if you're freezing to death, and you wondered if it's even enough to warm you up despite the scorching weather outside right now. Rui felt your presence almost immediately by the time you entered, and on his face he wore his signature cat-like grin (something that you always wondered; is he some sort of cat reincarnation or what) "You're awake, or perhaps you weren't sleeping at all? I heard you were sick today, so I came here just to watch over you, dear." He said, and despite his little cat-like grin, you can tell he's worried about you. "And which bastard?" "Don't call Tsukasa a bastard! Do you want me to snitch on you?" He replied with a laugh, honestly, it doesn't make a difference. You kind of wished Tsukasa pretended you existed in school today, but with how much you two hung out together you figured that won't be the case. "What about classes?" "Oh, don't worry about that, worry about yourself first." With his simple retort, you figured he might've skipped classes today just to tend you. You feel a little guilty now, but sometimes you're an ass. You kinda don't care about that, at least he's spoiling you (no shame at all, it seems). Maybe sick days aren't as bad as you thought.
"Come on now, standing up won't do at all." He said, and clearly you could feel some sort of evil teasing intent. And surely enough, without warning he lifted you up as if you're a small little thing (with his height, it's almost impossible you're not at least a few centimeters smaller than him unless) and what's worse, it's bridal style. Anyone who has no idea that you two are in highschool would mistake you two for an old married couple but Rui's uniform is still on, so that's a given. "H-Hey!" "Don't squirm around now, or else I might drop you!" The male laid you down on the sofa, which is fortunately comfortable enough to lay down on. You watched as Rui fixed the blanket for you, neatly covering you up like some sort of delicate, beautiful thing. "Now then… Hmm.. I'm less experienced with these types of things, but I assure you I'll take care of you, okay dear?" You feared he may blow up your kitchen with his limited culinary skills and with how experimental he tends to be, but right now he looks promising. You simply nodded your head, giving him a soft smile that would easily melt his heart but of course, this is Rui. You wished you would've seen him blushing a little more though. "Yeah, but isn't carrying me a little too much? I can walk, mind you." "Fufu~ I just wanted to be as close to you as possible. is that the answer you're looking for?" And like the usual you, his words managed to tug your heartstrings, enough to make you blush. His choice of words and his charm always managed to hit your heart like cupid's arrows whenever he's around. And thinking about him like this makes it feel like you guys aren't dating, that was 4 months ago dear, you already have his heart and he has yours. "Anyway, stay put alright? I'll bring you some tea and some porridge." He said, his figure slowly getting farther and farther away from you and towards the kitchen. You watched him attentively, and it's probably the sickness hitting you like alcohol but you seem to notice every little detail in your surroundings but specifically; on him. The way sunshine hits him that he seems to have come out of a beautiful photograph, his golden eyes shining in the dimly lit kitchen, you thanked the weather with how sunny it is today, otherwise you wouldn't witness such a scene. Everything feels as if it came out of a dream, that it took you a few moments to realize he's walking towards you. And like the observant little shit he is, he always seems to notice your actions the same way you take note of every detail in today's scene. "You always seem to love staring at me, don't you?" He teased, breaking you out of your dreamy reverie of him. His head tilted at an angle as he placed the tray of food on the center table, sitting down next to you. "Can you feed yourself, or would you like for me to feed you?" You can't tell if he's teasing you or if you're really high from your fever, he looked at you awaiting an answer that you can't seem to find in your head. How empty was it at the moment? I doubt you can even think straight. And for anyone who knew you as a complete stranger with no deep knowledge of each other, your prolonged staring could become off-putting. Thank the gods Rui was patient with you, but since you couldn't answer he decided to take things to his own accord. Right now, all you can see is him picking up the bowl of porridge and the spoon, you've already forgotten his question and looked at him in complete confusion. He seemed to notice that little expression on your face. "Well, it doesn't seem like you want to feed yourself. I'll do it for you instead." He said with such a smile, you can't tell if it's a cheeky one or a warm smile, all you knew is that you'd fall head over heels for him all over again like this is the first time you've seen such a man so fine (despite his awful choice of casual clothing and his eccentricity).
Bringing the spoon-full of the porridge, he brought it closer to your mouth (he made sure it's cool enough to swallow down), and with a bit of reluctance you opened your mouth and ate up the food he had offered. He seems to be pleased that you didn't deny it at all. This cycle continued on until the bowl was empty, you wondered how much time had passed because for you, it felt like hours. Handing you the cup of tea he prepared, Rui took the dirty dish and went ahead in the kitchen to wash it. Today seems calming, he wasn't acting out his usual teasing bullcrap which was a little odd. You watched him wash the dishes, weirdly enough you seem to focus on him more than anything today. And you're sure he noticed that from the moment you two had seen each other in the house. Comfortable silence engulfed the both of you as Rui worked on the dishes and you stayed on the couch, sipping the warm tea he had prepared for you. The taste of the porridge was still on your tongue, and if you were to be completely honest it doesn't taste really well. But you couldn't really voice that out, unless you're a cruel bastard or some sort of brutally honest person, regardless you kept those words to yourself. But Rui can tell you didn't like it from the moment your face contort to an expression similar to disgust, and you feel a little bad you wished you could've hid it better the same way he hides every emotion with such a calm demeanor. Upon taking your final drink of tea, you looked back at him and with perfect timing, he's done cleaning the dishes as well. Rui looked back at you while he's wiping his hands, he simply gave you a smile before walking back towards you. You're not quite used to this side of him if you were to be frank. "You act weird today." You said, and you just realized the word choice of yours. How stupid, you thought, you could've said "odd" or anything similar to that. But well, he didn't seem offended by that, rather he just gave you a simper grin as he sat down on the couch (with what's left of an empty space, since you're laying down) "Do I? I don't seem to understand what you mean, elaborate please!" That came out more unserious than what you had expected, but this is Rui after all. And it's not a heavily serious situation, both you and Rui knew that given by the light atmosphere around you two. This time, you actually took enough consideration with your words making sure no sort of misunderstanding happens "You don't seem to be— well… Rui? How do I put it into words..—" And as if he's reading your mind, he immediately replied to you with a knowing smile "You mean the usual teasing and the eccentricity everyone and you know me for?" He looked at you with arms crossed, and you nodded ever so slightly. It feels a little embarrassing to voice that out now. "Well, I figured you're not in the mood for that since you're sick. And don't I throw in some jokes for a light-hearted atmosphere? Did the sickness get to you so bad now, dear?" Oh, and the usual him is back. You smiled at his consideration, though you wanted to say he can just keep his usual teasing around, a moment like this isn't so bad once in a while. Sure, you kind of miss it (even if it's just a single day without it), but it can't be helped now, can it? You let out a chuckle "Maybe? Well, it's a natural thing I suppose." He let out a laugh as a response.
Rui's hand gently landed on your forehead, checking your temperature. He treats you so delicately that you wished it was an everyday experience. You took a mental note of getting sick again some other time for him to dote on you all over again. "Hm, your temperature is still high… I'll go get a wet cloth for you." That was the last thing he said before standing up and leaving you behind. Sounds sad doesn't it? Don't be so gloomy now, he just went to the bathroom to get a basin and a cloth to soak it in water. Generic first fever kit, the same way your mother always does, don't you know that? But knowing you, you're a clingy bastard towards him. It's not a surprise you'd like to be near him almost all the time. And it just became worse with your fever putting you in such a silly little goofy mood that you don't want him to leave at all. Oh, and while you're doing your little monodrama, he just came back and it hasn't even been an hour. Yeah, this is all the work of your fever, sure. And you're not quite sure what kind of expression you were making, but Rui looked at you in amusement (kinda worrying, don't you think?) "Is my brief disappearance such a huge problem that you'd be making an expression beyond describing?" Frankly, you wished he wasn't such a teasing type of guy, but here's the situation you ended up in. You looked at him with a cranky expression and he simply laughed as a response. Watching him place down the small basin on the table, you wondered if this was even necessary at all if you were the type to just sleep off an entire fever and wake up all healthy again. His hands squeezed out any excess water on the cloth before placing it on your forehead, the coolness was enough to make you relax as you let out a soft sigh. He looked at you with a small smile on his face before placing his hand on your head, "Get better soon, otherwise I might start missing you at school." he said, grinning playfully. You laugh at his little statement, kicking him playfully (since he sat by your legs). "Hey, hey!" "I'll be back in no time, I'm a healthy person after all unlike you." You joked, earning a little laugh from the man himself. Rui looked at you with a little coy smile before placing a hand on your head "Well, even so who knows if it'll be worse," He started as he planted a fleeting little kiss on your cheeks, enough to make you flush from surprise. "That's why I want to make sure you're alright so long as you're in my care, dear." His sudden endearment was a sure surprise for you. It doesn't mean he doesn't show any affection though, don't get me wrong, but to see him with such an expression full of genuine love and worry for you is such a dreamy scene. You wished you could see this almost everyday if possible. Sure, you miss his little antics, his teasing, but having something like this for compensation isn't so bad after all. You smiled at his little declaration, letting out a giggle, "I'll be alright, after all my dear Rui Kamishiro is taking care of me." You said, cringing a little at your choice of words. He seems to take that excellently, letting out a soft laugh before his hand (that was previously on your head) breaks contact. Oh how you wished it lasted a little longer.
"Then I'll let you rest, you can call me if you need anything.." He said, standing up and beginning to walk away and as if you were possessed by some unknown force, your hand reached for his, stopping him in his tracks. He looked at you, a little confused and curious. Gathering enough of your thoughts to construct a coherent sentence, you spoke out with what's left of your shame. Is it too much to ask if you simply wanted to be with him? "Stay with me for a little longer.." You managed to speak out after a moment of awkward silence. Rui looked at you, not reacting whatsoever. That simple action made you a little worried that subconsciously, you let go of his hand. But it didn't seem like that was his plan, as he immediately grabbed it again the moment you break contact with it. "No need to act so shy about it, why are you acting as if we're not dating?" He laughed out, before sitting on the floor, next to your face. It may be a way to tease you, perhaps, or he simply wants to be near you as possible. Either way, you smiled at his little gesture of endearment. "Thank you." "Anything for you, dear." Those were the last words you heard from him, drowsiness hitting you like a truck as you slowly fell into dreamland.
And as for how Rui is going to explain this to your mother if she ever found out he skipped school just to tend you, you can find out about that in another time.
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I can't take it anymore doggey
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Moon Song / part six: punisher
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Summary: A peek into Y/N's and Hotch's relationship three years later.
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x (AFAB) Reader
Word Count: 2445
Warnings: proposal, pregnancy, wedding, happy and in love!hotch&reader, brief mention of sex
Playlist: Link
Author's Note: Thank you all for reading! I have a little surprise that will be going up sometime soon (bonus chapter lmao because I can't get enough of moon song!hotch) Thank you for all the likes, comments, and reblogs, I see them all and I'm so grateful. <3
This work is meant for readers aged 18 and over. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
Three years. Three years of therapy. Three years of working cases together. Three years of Hotch trying not to burst a blood vessel when officers attempted to ask me out, and I politely shut them down. Three years of co-parenting. And three years of learning how to communicate and love each other in a healthy way. It wasn’t easy, not one part of it, but it was worth it. Because we’re okay. Better than okay, actually. We made it out. Together. With minor casualties of course, but we fucking made it.
         Haley married Todd two years ago, and they welcomed a little girl named Emma about a year ago. Haley and I have become friends, she helped me learn what it’s like to be a mom and I go to her when I have questions about Jack and how to handle certain situations. She lets me babysit Emma too, and I’m obsessed with that little girl. It makes me wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn’t had a miscarriage.
         I’m getting ready to go out for dinner, and since JJ had hinted that I might want to look nice I slipped into a pretty sky-blue dress. Aaron is downstairs putting away the dishes, I can tell that because it’s louder than all get out. He tries to be gentle, but I think he just hates putting the dishes away, so he rushes to get them done as fast as possible. Since he’s preoccupied, I dig around in the under-the-sink cabinet, reaching for a box in the back. I rip open the pregnancy test, pee in a cup, and wait. I’d been feeling off lately, my period was a few days late, and I just wanted to make sure. A couple of minutes pass and I turn the test over.
         “AaRON?” My voice cracks as I shout his name.
         “Coming!” He shouts back and I hear him jog up the stairs. He pushes the door open and sees my hands shaking. “Y/N, what’s wrong?” I can hear the panic in his voice.
         “I’m pregnant,” I whisper, picking up the positive test on the counter and showing him. I watch him closely, as several emotions flash over his face and he’s trying to hold back a grin, always waiting for my reaction.
         “And how do you want me to feel about that? Whatever you want to do, I’m on board with you one hundred percent.”
         “I want this baby so fucking bad,” I say, starting to cry. “After the first one, I felt so lost. I thought I would never get pregnant again.” He grabs my hand and squeezes it tightly.
         “I was going to wait to do this until we got to dinner, but I think the universe is telling me to do it now.” I watch as he gets down on one knee, fishing a small box out of his pocket. I start to cry even harder.
         “Oh my god, you are not – what – I – “
         “Y/N Y/LN, will you do me the biggest honor of my life? Will you marry me?”
         “Yes! Oh my god yes, of course!” He slides the ring on my finger, gets up, and kisses me deeply, not seeming to mind that I can’t stop crying and my nose is running. We break apart and he rests his forehead on mine, a hand on my stomach.
         “Whatever happens, no matter what, I will be here for you, always. I’m never leaving. You are my heart; you are my home. I love you.”
         “I love you too,” I whisper thickly. He kisses my forehead, then bends down and kisses my abdomen. I laugh and the smile he shoots me is so bright I almost feel like I could fall over from the force of it.
         “Okay, so you have two options. The dinner we originally planned where there may be some familiar faces.” He winks at me, and I laugh again. “Or, we can call it a night, have some steamy sex, and watch a movie?”
         “Wow, that’s a hard choice.” I pause, then say, “Let’s go see our friends.” I take a step back to wipe my tears and blow my nose. “But I’m still expecting steamy sex later, regardless.” He laughs loudly and promises that he’ll live up to my request. I smooth my dress down as he dials someone on his phone.
         “JJ, change of plans. I may have already proposed so no need to be incognito.” He says, smiling at me.
         “Dammit!” We hear Reid shout in the background.
         “Oh, thank god, Reid’s insistence on a fake mustache has made him insufferable,” JJ says, chuckling.
         “We’re leaving in a few, see you then.” He says, hanging up the phone. “Are you okay?” He asks, looking me over.
         “Yeah, just a lot of big things at once,” I say with a soft smile.
         “Need a moment alone? I can get the car ready.”
         “If you wouldn’t mind,” I say.
         “Of course, pretty girl. I’ll be downstairs. I love you!” He retreats, softly closing the door behind him. I look at myself in the mirror, I look down at my stomach, there’s no visible difference, but I feel different.
         “What if I told you I feel like I know you, but we’ve never met?” I whisper down to my belly, smoothing my hands over it. I feel tears prick at the corner of my eyes, happy tears, and I put my shoes on before joining Aaron in the garage.
We drive to my favorite Italian place around the corner. “You really pulled out all the stops, didn’t you?”
“Anything for the love of my life.” He says, squeezing my knee.
“Oh my god, you are so sappy!” I say, resting my hand over his.
“I can’t help it; you make me weak in the knees.” We pull up at the restaurant, and he parks the car. We walk inside to the team yelling “CONGRATULATIONS!” I laugh and show off my ring, Aaron’s hand resting on the small of my back.
“Can we please eat for the love of god? You guys took forever to get here.” Morgan groans.
“Watch how you talk about my fiancé, Morgan,” Hotch says, glaring at him. Morgan holds his hands up in mock defeat and we all take a seat at the table that had been prepared for us. Hotch is seated to my right, and JJ is to my left. I lean over to say something in JJ’s ear while the rest of the team talks loudly.
“I’m pregnant,” I say, loud enough so she can hear me but no one else can. Her head whips around so fast, eyes wide. I laugh and nod, and she grabs my hand.
“Congratulations, Y/N!” She says in my ear. I beam at her.
“Who knew that it would turn out this way three years ago?” I say, and she gives me a sly smile but says nothing. I wonder what she has up her sleeve.
-7 months later-
         The wedding is beautiful – everything I wanted it to be and more. It’s a pretty small wedding, we only wanted our closest friends and family there. My sister and her husband came, as well as my parents even though they were traveling abroad at the time. Haley and Todd came, and they kept an eye on Jack during the ceremony. I’m in love with the dress I picked out – it’s an off-white color and is loose in the belly – something I knew I would need. I’m waiting for my cue to walk down the aisle, and I smooth my hands over my bump, resting my hands underneath it.
         “You’re glowing,” JJ says. I asked her to be my Matron of Honor, needing someone with a level head to keep me from freaking out. “You have your vows?” I nod, pulling a piece of paper out from the bust area of my dress. She takes it from me, vowing to keep it safe until I need it. Reid walks in and says,
         “Beautiful as ever, Y/N. JJ they’re ready for us to walk down the aisle.” Spencer winks at me, and I smile, mouth suddenly dry. This is really happening. They walk down the aisle, and then my dad is there, offering me his arm and a smile.
         “Breathe. It’s going to be fine; I promise.” He whispers to me, right before we round the corner and walk down the aisle. I take a deep breath and look up, locking eyes with Aaron and he’s crying. I start silently crying, emotional both from the day and the pregnancy hormones coursing through my body. My dad shakes his hand and hands me over. Aaron kisses my forehead, then my belly, and takes my hand. When we get to the vows, Aaron goes first.
         “My beautiful, Y/N. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever see this day. I am not the same person I was three and a half years ago. You have changed me irrevocably and for the better. I close my eyes every night and I dream that I can hold you.” He winks at me, a callback to the letter he sent me, and I laugh. “I never thought that I would get to hold you forever. I promise to always love you, to always put you first, and to always take a bullet for you.” Another wink. “I didn’t think I would get another chance with you, but time and time again, you have surprised me and taught me how to love myself. I can’t imagine doing life without you. I love you.” He wipes my tears, and JJ hands me my vows. My shaking hands unfold the paper, and now it’s my turn.
         “I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say in my vows, as you already know how I feel about you. Then I was afraid I would say too much, and then I wouldn’t know where to start, wouldn’t know when to stop. Everyone knows you’re the way to my heart. I hope that when people look at me, they see the love I have for you, the love I have for our family, and the love I have because of you. I loved you from the first moment we met, and I have loved you every moment since. I promise to never stop loving you, even when you insist on making dinner and burn something, even when you put the dishes away too fast and it sounds like a bull in a china shop, and even when you take a bullet for me. I love you so much that I didn’t even know how to put everything in words.” I fold my paper back up and look up at him, wiping his tears, and he kisses the back of my hand when he’s done. Rossi, who got ordained just for this moment, pronounces us husband and wife, and Aaron’s lips are on mine before Rossi can even finish his sentence. Everyone hollers as Hotch kisses me like we have no audience and when he finally pulls away, I'm breathless.
         The reception starts after we take pictures, and everyone cheers when we walk in. We share our first dance, then take a seat at our private table because I’m starving and could probably eat the whole buffet table at this point. Aaron gets us both a plate, my belly weighing heavy from being on my feet for a while, and I subtly slip my feet out of the flats I was wearing.
         “Eat slowly,” Aaron says, raising his eyebrows at me when he sets my plate down in front of me. I glare at him, but oblige him, nonetheless. He knows me better than I know myself sometimes. I watch the room as we eat, everyone is laughing and having fun, and I’m smiling watching them.
         “I can feel you staring at me, you know,” I say after a few minutes, turning to face Aaron.
         “What, can I not admire my beautiful wife?” I blush, suddenly shy. He leans in to kiss me and I go,
         “Oh my god you can’t kiss me, you’re married!” He pulls away and hisses,
         “Y/N that is not funny! I married to you now, dumbass.”
         “Yeah, I know, but it was funny to me,” I say grinning.
         “You’re evil.”
         “Oh, definitely,” I say, leaning in and kissing him.
         JJ gets up and taps a knife on her cup to get everyone’s attention.
         “Hello everyone, thank you for coming. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m JJ, one of Y/N’s and Hotch’s friends, and I just wanted to give a short speech. When you work with profilers all the time, you start to pick up on things. When Y/N first joined our team, we welcomed her with open arms, and she fit right in. Two weeks into Y/N being at the BAU, our dear friend Spencer Reid, made a one-off comment about Hotch’s body language whenever Y/N is in the room. Hotch, for being section chief, we expected you to be able to keep a secret a lot better.” He laughs, and she continues. “When we in turn looked at Y/N’s body language, the attraction between them was obvious. At that moment, we placed bets on if they would last or not and seeing as we’re at their wedding, I’m pleased to announce I won that bet. Not even our resident genius was certain that Y/N and Hotch would make it out together. I may not be a betting woman, but I’ll always bet on you, Y/N.” She winks at me, and I laugh. “Needless to say, I bought you guys a really nice gift with the money I won, so, you’re welcome!” Aaron and I both laugh at that. “All that being said, I’m thrilled that you two have each other. Everyone who looks at you sees the love you two share, and it’s a beautiful thing to see. Even if it’s hard to work with two people who are constantly swooning over each other. I love you guys.” She nods, and I get up and hug her.
         “Thank you,” I whisper in her ear, “For everything. We wouldn’t be here today if you hadn’t stuck by my side and supported me.” She just squeezes me tight.
         We dance the night away before my eyes start to shut for more than a split second. Aaron calls it a night, and everyone sends us off. He helps me into the car before getting into the driver’s seat.
         “Well, you’re stuck with me forever now, Mr. Hotchner.”
         “And I couldn’t be happier, Mrs. Hotchner.”
bonus chapter!
TAG LIST (want to be added? click here!): @helmihotchner @hausofwhores @stxlemate @heidss @justjoyceme @bxtchopolis @art-and-thoughts @morgthemagpie @rousethemouse @ssamorganhotchner @mrs-ssa-aaron-hotchner @sebastiansstanswhore
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b-00-biez · 2 years
Hello! Do you do poly relationships? If you do, can you please write a oneshot of Jason Vorhees and Michael Myers x Female! Reader? (lets pretend that Michael and Jason get along) where they have children and married.
(preferably the children were twins, born from heteropaternal superfecundation. If you don't know Heteropaternal Superfecundation, its a biological phenomenon of giving birth to twins from two different biological fathers.)
The twins were wondering why Jason and Michael wear masks (lets just say that the children were not aware of their fathers hobbies.) They asked their mom, the female!reader why and the Reader told them about the pasts of their fathers, the children were shocked to hear and was upset so they went to their fathers and hugged them, crying and telling Jason and Michael that they are beautiful and don't deserve the way people treat them before. The two, Michael and Jason's reaction were shocked and touched.
It's okay though if you don't want to write! feel free to ignore this if It's making you uncomfy. heres some comics of Michael Jason, they're so adorable on this! although we know that they'll never get along. and again, Thank you!
I actually never wrote poly relationships before but in all honesty this ask was too cute to ignore🥺💕
"Papa is very beautiful!" Imagines
Warning:none just fluff
Characters: Jason x fem!reader x Michael
You gave birth to beautiful twins, one is a girl and one is a boy. With the support of both of your husbands your labor was smooth. Although you had to give birth at home but nonetheless your children are healthy and well!
Growing up your children have different personalities and interests despite them being twins. The little boy was more like michael and the girl was more like Jason.
Both of them grew up to be great hunters as they both were taught self defense and hunting at an early age.
Both dads were loving to their children and wanted the best for both of them despite being limited for their "work"
Along the way your children start being a little curious about the past and why their fathers have masks while other kids have none.
You told them how you both met them and what they told you about their pasts
Your children were on the verge of crying and ran to their dads as they cried on their lap
Jason and Michael are so happy to hear appreciation from their children
Jason and Michael were not confident in being a parent but after raising the twins they are the most precious people (including you) and they will protect them no matter what
Your twins actually have a copy of their dads masks and they started to wear it sometimes to show how they love and support Jason and Michael!
You as a mother felt awe and love from both partners and children. The fact that you have mini versions of your spouses is just heart warming and love how they grew with your children in becoming loving and supportive parents.
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I can't believe I forgot what this week is!! It's bi week! Thank you, tumblr, for reminding me!
This is a really long post, feel free to just skip around if you want. I would definitely check out the links/video!
(Before I start talking, yes, I have done research and I will be providing a bunch of great articles about bisexuality.)
I myself have this problem where I invalidate my own fears and insecurities because 'it could be worse' and 'I'm just being dramatic' and 'I should stop being such an attention seeker.'
Biphobia, especially the internalized kind, is VERY real.
NO, dating someone does not suddenly alter your sexuality. If you are a masculine-identifying individual dating a man, but previously identified as bisexual, you are still bisexual during the relationship too!
People will sometimes unknowingly invalidate bisexuality because they do not understand this. If you are an ally or hope to become one, please do some basic research before making assuptions.
I've found that reading books and articles that include bisexual representation are helpful when you feel particularly alone and when you are questioning yourself.
By the way, Bisexuality does not always mean that you only like male and female individuals! If you scroll down, there's more info on that in the article link titled 'bisexual vs pansexual.'
If you ignored everything else on this post, then pay attention here.
This is a helpful list of hotlines for queer and questioning individuals.
Ok sorry I got off topic. If you want to start with the basics, then maybe figure out what bisexuality is first?
What is bisexual? and What does it mean to be bisexual?
This next site is a wonderful place to look if you want more information on sexuality.
minus18.org These are usually more direct and a bit shorter than other articles.
Some articles from this site about bisexuality are:
Busting 7 myths about being bisexual and Bisexual vs. Pansexual
I think I might be bisexual (a colorful pdf complete with pictures.)
This one includes info on sex, safe sex, and healthy relationships. Those are things that I am not not at all knowledgeable about, so you'll just have to read the pretty article.
Am I bisexual? 9 signs you might be.
You don't have to be romantically attracted to someone to want a relationship! If you are not aware of the term queer-platonic relationship, a quick google search should clear it up pretty well.
Wanting a lifelong relationship is understandable, even if you identify on the ace/aro spectrum. These pictures sum it up pretty well.
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This is an article from abc news about some queer-platonic relationships
This one is in first person : )
This is also in first person, I like this one the best.
Wait! What if you previously thought you were straight but now you have a crush on someone of the same gender?
You identify as straight but now have a crush on a girl and Woe is me! (That title is so funny to me.)
WikiHow!! Our savior and salvation. Yeah, sometimes I just give up and and look through these kinds of articles, because to be honest, they are pretty helpful. (Also the others can get really long.) Pictures too! It's a miracle!
How to tell your parents you are bisexual and How to tell your mom you are bisexual.
Because if you have a good relationship with your parents, then keep it!
Mental health and lgbtq
If you want to know a person's sexuality/pronouns/ learn more about their orientation, maybe just ask?
Seriously. Try ASKING.
Coming out. How terrifying. We're gonna need some links for that!
Coming out (For teens.) and Coming out to your parents
This one is a 44 page pdf of a coming out guide.
People erase my existence.
Being an ally! Allies are great! Allies are friends!
If someone comes out to you and Being an Ally to lgbtq people.
How to express my sexuality. (I'm just gonna leave the google search here.)
Can you realize your sexuality at an older age? (yes.)
Myth of realizing you're queer 'too late' in life.
Oh look at that, I did not read this article, but I think it's got the jist of it.
You may also have my google search.
And another pdf: A closer look bisexual transgender people.
I gave up on reading it, tell if it's trash and if I should delete it please?
(Brought to you by amazon because that place is magic.)
There's socks and earrings and shirts and flags and stickers and pins and underwear and EVERYTHING.
And last but never least, if you're not a reader, here is an animated video! It's great if you're like me and your attention span likes to turn off randomly.
Wow, my brain walked away halfway through that, I hope someone finds it helpful. The amount of links I had open just now was stressing me out.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go pass out. : ) Good night.
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gayfandomnerd225 · 2 months
People don’t talk enough about how being a relationship when you have bad mental health with someone else who has bad mental health fucks you up
I was in a relationship like that when I was 14, and every time I put my mental health aside to help him, to talk him out of hurting himself but he never did the same for me. We were so terribly codependent that every time he broke up with me I didn’t know how I was gonna continue functioning, because he was all I knew and he was all I had to rely on, even tho he never actually helped me
I feel like being a relationship like that can lead to 2 things. 1) only more codependent and unhealthy relationships because it’s all you know or 2) bottling everything you feel inside and blocking your feelings out because you’re scared of becoming codependent again
I think I’ve done a good job of dealing with it, and having healthy relationships. But even now sometimes I’m worried about becoming codependent. And I’m scared I won’t even notice it.
I’ve been thinking of a book idea lately, it would be in diary form, about someone entering a relationship and slowly realizing it’s abusive or toxic in some way. I think it’s just gonna end up being me trauma dumping
Nights are weird. I tried going to bed 2 hours ago but there was this nagging feeling inside of me and I couldn’t get rid of it
I wonder how many people are gonna read all of this. I haven’t mentioned this but my mom has breast cancer… again, she had it 8 years ago. And I’m scared. She’s been through so much and she doesn’t deserve this. I don’t know how she believes in God after everything she’s been through
I’m scared of growing up. Part of me is excited, it can’t come fast enough. But I am so scared
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kobedivision · 11 months
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ARB Birthday Special: Kaiji Sano
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~~ October 27th ~~
“If you were mine, if you were only mine, I'd bring you so much further down and twist your mind until the end of time.”
Login Lines:
“Hey cuties! It’s your favorite adorable cosplayer, Jinx here!…Ahaha! Wow, all of you are coming in fast, I can barely keep up! Oh! Thank you for the donation JinxLuver76! Let’s see here…’Happy Birthday Jinx!’”
“Oh that’s right! Haha! I can’t believe I forgot my own birthday, thank you soooo much everyone! I guess we can make this an impromptu birthday live! Let’s make this something to remember, okay?”
Voice Lines:
“Damn, 22 years old and I still look like I just graduated high school, not that I’m complaining, I mean who wouldn’t want to look young and beautiful? I wouldn’t trade it for anything, even if I have to deal with having to get carded at every bar and club I go to, how infuriating.”
“I’ve gotten to many messages and gifts from my fans, it just warms my heart! There’s nothing like the feeling of being pampered, I tell you and I especially deserved to be celebrated after all the shit I’ve gone through.”
“Yes mom, thank you and for the 14th time, I’m okay, Nagisa’s okay too, we’re both fine, you don’t have to come over, we know your busy with the boutique….fine, I’ll pop in just to say hi but I’m really busy today so I don’t have much time. Yeah, I love you too, tell Dad I said hi or whatever.”
“God, having 4 older brothers fucking suck. You’d think that being one of the younger members in the family, you’d get more attention and don’t get me wrong, I do, just not the attention I would like. Henri only gave me a list of various rehab clinics, Izana gave me a guide to healthy relationships book, Mikiya gave me five fucking dollars, and I haven’t heard jack shit from Claude! At least Nagisa was considerate enough to get me something that I can actually use! Sometimes I have to wonder just why my parents decided to have so many fucking kids…”
“ReeeeenReeeeen!!! Aw, I was hoping to see you! After all, how could you forget your best and most cutest friend ever? Hey, it’s MY day today! I can be as selfish as I want! Ha! That’s right, and this monarch demands gifts and I know you got some so hand it over, my loyal knight!”
“Dude, holy shit! These are so fucking pretty!! Way better than the ones I have! Awww, Ayano really knows her stuff! Good to know that at least one of you has a decent sense of fashion…Dude, I swear I see you wear the same leather and chains combo almost every day, it’s so overdone. Hehe, I’m right and you know it but seriously man, thanks for the gift.”
“GAH!! Oh goddamnit-MAX! Don’t fucking appear out of nowhere like that! You scared the shit out of me!…We both know you’re not sorry you little shit, I can see you smirking! Yes you are! Ugh, I swear, it’s like talking to a fucking wall-Huh? Oh…wow…thanks..?”
“Max…these are fucking rocks…hold on, you got these from a river?! I didn’t think there were rivers in Kobe…er, whatever, huh…well, look at you finally socializing and making friends, never thought I’d see the day. Jeez, okay! Okay!…Look, thank you Max, I know we don’t talk much but I want you to know that you mean a lot to me, y’know? You’re like another brother to me, one that I actually like, haha!”
Ren Lines:
“Hey Kai, happy birthday! *snorts* Yeah, okay. I know it’s your birthday and all but try not to get too big of a head. Fine, fine, whatever you say, your majesty. *chuckles* Damn, guess I’m not as subtle as I thought, yeah, you got me, here you go.”
“I know you already have some finger jewelry but I figured you could always have more, Ayano actually helped me choose which ones to give you, she’s surprisingly got a good eye for accessorizing…hey, what the hell’s that supposed to mean? I’m totally fashionable! *sighs* Fine, whatever, you’re lucky we’re friends, dude.”
Max Lines:
“….Kaiji…Sorry…Didn’t mean to scare you…*smirks*…No, I’m not….Shush…here you go…a gift…it’s your birthday, yeah?…Happy Birthday, I hope you like it….I spent a long time getting them…”
“Yeah….they’re rocks…I got them while in the river…and I had someone make necklaces out of them…*scoffs*…just shut up and take them…Thanks Kaiji…you and Ren…the both of you…you guys make me really…happy…brothers…yeah, we’re brothers…and we’ll always stick together.”
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seariii · 5 months
A condition called love EP 2
..... Huh.....
I see myself a little bit on the mc-Hotaru, in the sense that she is clearly aroace spec....
But now.... Damn....
Like, the guy isn't healthy, and she has never been in love, but this is an anime about learning to love, or so I've heard, so yes.... But.... Even so they're very sweet and kind to each other
... the "trial period" seemed reasonable, seemed understandable... "If I don't fall in love with you, I'd still want you as my friend" "no. I don't want to be your friend, I don't want to be another man in your life" "If we aren't a couple, what will happen to you?" "You won't see me again" ..... I was impressed by that he knows what he wants I thought, my brother thought it was unhealthy, but my mom said that it was the healthiest option... And....
When the friend recommended getting close to each other, as if they were gonna kiss, that that would help her notice if she feels something.... To me it also seemed reasonable, just like to Hotaru.... But when she proposed it, and after the guy said to not let anyone she isn't sure how she feels towards do that to her... I was a little caught off guard.... My mom and my brother both agreed that yeah it wasn't okay for her to ask that, because it would be painful for him if she actually didn't like him... My brother said it stung badly when she asked it.... I was very surprised... I mean... The reasoning behind it was "if you don't like them you'll back off, if you actually like them you won't" a little archaic but to some degree made sense....
I... There is a lot of times where I notice I really don't understand allos... I don't understand how their mind works, how they view the world or certain stuff... On an RP that I have with the bestie, my character, when she felt frustrated at not understanding allos, and at how no one tried to look from her arospec pov, she got told "you wanted a relationship with an allo, right? You have to adapt to that" .... And.... I still think about that sometimes... I don't understand so much stuff... Stuff that comes naturally to others, I have to put effort on understanding... It's kinda frustrating... And I mean, that's not just in romance, there is a lot of stuff that I don't understand... That when I'm told not to do something or something like that, I do as I'm told, but I don't understand the reasoning, why is it wrong?...
I might seem all knowledgeable and like I know what I'm doing, but sometimes I notice how little I actually understand others... How simple stuff that everyone understands I don't... Basic behavior that everyone does or avoids, that I don't know about.... It's frustrating...
I... Try, I search, I ask.... The amount of stuff I've heard that is wrong from my brother is impressive... And the amount of explanations the bestie has given me on why an action is wrong is also massive....
At the end... Both what's happening on the anime and what's going on irl will end up being nice... But.... I do wonder.... If it was selfish of me... Was it wrong of Hotaru to accept that?.... She wanted to learn, to give it a shot, to see if anything happened... She had fun, she tried her best... She even adapted to him.... and he also seemed happy...
I don't know if my past actions were right or wrong... I just... I'll just keep going forward... I like the path that I'm walking... And I can see where I'm going... Even if it takes a little while... Yeah... I want to continue on this path.... And everything seems like it'll fall into place... So we will just... Watch as it happens....
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aajjks · 11 months
My parents got divorced when I was about a year old and neither of them have remarried, so I've been an only child for almost 20 years now. Sometimes I feel insecure about family matters. I don't know how to be in a healthy relationship because I don't have a good example of what a couple is supposed to look like. I don't know how to co-parent, because I've only ever seen my parents single-parenting. I don't know how to share properly because I didn't have many other kids around when I was growing up (I'm slightly selfish, but not very). I don't know how to treat children equally or how to teach them to interact with other kids. I've never been in a relationship before, but I'm so scared that one day, I'll end up repeating a history of unsuccessful relationships because I've never had an example to follow. My grandparents have 9 siblings, 8 siblings, 6 siblings and 5 siblings and each of them have 4 or 5 kids, so I come from quite a big family too, but my household is really small since it's just me and my mom. Someday, I want to have a healthy relationship and I want kids, but I'm just so scared because I don't know how I'm supposed to do it. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just destined to be alone. Even if a guy wanted to be with me, I don't know if I'd be brave enough to say yes because I have so many insecurities from being an only child with divorced parents
I’m so sorry I didn’t know your parents were divorced, but I don’t know if this would make you feel any better even though mine or not I am a very selfish person and I don’t like to share my stuff. Like it’s a really bad habit of mine but I just don’t. And even though I have grown up in a good family environment but I don’t actually know if I would ever make a good mother, even though I want children but when I see children, I don’t think I want them. And I don’t have the desire to marry, because it just feels impossible to fall in love with someone you are going to marry. 
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happyhousewife-13 · 2 years
~(Slang) Term of the day~
Cat Lady
Def. a single, typically older woman who owns (usually multiple) cats. She lives alone with her house full of cats, no husband or children, and a bottle of regret stuffed in her head that is often subconscious to them (seemingly), because they commonly act happy, however, the majority of them aren't.
~Word of Advice~
Ladies, please, don't be a Cat Lady.
Reasons why:
The Cat Lady is common
Nobody likes an idea or person that is common among many. Unless it is an admired subject or idea that many people adore, but generally, nobody really likes a recurrent person that follows the usual trends. In short, no one pays attention to the sheep.
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Turns out, the vast majority of women who are aging past the dating market are currently single, non-married, and have no children. If you are a female, and you want to follow a career path as an adult, you are selfish.
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Being selfish is fine, if that is what you want to do with your life. But when you hit your mid-thirties to 50's, without a family, don't blame society and men for your poor decision.
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Children. Family. Those two things are what most woman (and men) will (at least at one point in their lives) wish they had after they have already live most of their lives.
The Cat Lady is lonely and sad
Ever wonder why the Cat Lady has so many cats? Just look at her environment. No husband to cook for and kiss after coming home from work. No children running around, playing, to look after and tend to.
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The Cat Lady earns her name for her main solution. Cats. Lots of them (usually). She utilizes furry feline friends as a comforting tactic to feel better about her bad past decisions that led to her current situation.
Like I said before, the majority of women actually love children (sometimes subconsciously). If you are a woman, and you believe that your career/business, where you work daily and all you gain is money and maybe some social interactions with your co-workers/business partners, is genuinely more important than to start a healthy family with a healthy husband, I am sorry for you.
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Ladies, when you have lived your whole life, working for a boss, trying to make profit to maintain your own livelihood, what do you think is going to happen when you retire?
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You will be retired, infertile, sorrowful, lonely, and regretful (maybe even jealous). Although you can adopt a child, that is truthfully a terrible decision, because (1. You are elder now, and your just emotionally and mentally damaging the child by bringing them into your life, just to pass early of old age. (2. The chance of you being as happy with an adopted child compared to a biological child you created with your husband are not near equivalent. The bond with your adopted child may be seen a bit alienated to you because you might always subconsciously note that the child was birthed by someone else. Also, not having a father around is a big no-no in itself, which should have been number one. When there is no father figure, you will probably feel desperate to be wanted by a man, but high-value men, worthy of fatherhood, don't want to get into a relationship with an older woman with an adopted child in hopes of a fatherly figure. (3. Chances are, you don't know how to be a proper mother. That is the uncomfortable truth, I know, but it needs to be spoken. If you have focused and dedicated yourself to being a business woman, rather than a mother, then, I think we can all agree that you likely don't have the appropriate knowledge of being a mom. You reap what you sow from the things you devote yourself to: You study hard, work hard to be a career-focused individual, you earn the knowledge and rewards of a career-focused individual. You commit to learning how to be a mother, you learn how to cook, to sew, to clean, you earn the understanding and treats of being a mother. Unfortunately, vice versa doesn't function correctly here.
High-value men DO NOT find the Cat Lady attractive
The high-value man works hard to be the bread-winner, he wants a family, with a loyal, loving wife AND mother! Unfortunately, the Cat Lady fits none of those standards.
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Previously, I stated how the Cat Lady will take the career path, rather than the family path, which is the Big Why for why a high-value man wouldn't tolerate her B.S. Either the career path, or she just chose to do nothing with her life and had 0 self-esteem for herself, restraining her from doing something beneficial and avoid the self-deprecating actions, in which, doing nothing would have the same effect in what types of men she attracts.
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By the way, there is nothing wrong with being a woman and choosing a career path. I am simply saying that most men (specifically high-value men) desire families, to have children with a woman and support a family. Yes, you are selfish for it, because women are specifically built to make babies, and that's how it has always been since historic, native times, but you aren't a terrible person.
Now, these are why high-value men typically avoid the Cat Lady:
1.) They want a family, not a lecture.
Since prehistoric times, men have been structured with high levels of testosterone (sex drive hormone + muscle-building hormone), which women are commonly noticed to hold less of this hormone than men. Because of the substantial amount of this sex hormone men have, they are constantly driven to have sex with as many women as they possibly can. This is why men desire procreation. All men NEED sex in a way.
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Procreation is satisfying to a man because he is not only releasing his tension, but also creating a family with a woman, and it makes him feel worthy of creating something.
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When a high-value man is stuck with a Cat Lady, it is a nightmare waiting to unfold.
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When he attempts to set traditional values and gender roles into the relationship, she will likely get hostile or just ignore his wishes. Let's admit it, Cat Ladies are customarily feminists. But ignoring that, if she wasn't a feminist and we played into role with her business skills.
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It would be anticipated that she would try to steal the financial-providing role in the relationship, which is definitely intolerable. There have been gender-based positions rooted from the start of time, from our ancestors, which explains our humanly behaviors and nature. Some minor, others more noticeable, everything we do has in one way or another stemmed ancestrally.
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It is simple: She has to have traditional values (to cook, clean, sew), have feminine attributes (emotional, kind, loving, empathetic, motherly, reserved). He has to be financially stable (enough to support the family), he pays the bills, the mortgage, and pays for the material necessities (food, hygienic products, handiwork tools, etc.), and most importantly, he protects the family.
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If those standards cannot be met by both partners, it's not going to be a healthy family/relationship. If one of you can meet them, but the other can't, it is still not going to work. You two need each other, and you guys have to work together. You put yourselves in the position to be in a relationship with each other, so you have to help each other along the path to life if you want a healthy, stable, happy future together.
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In this situation though, the Cat Lady proves unworthy of the high-value man, and so this relationship would never prove to successfully survive.
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2.) High-value men admire and want virgin girls, not promiscuous girls
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When healthy relationships are mentioned, body counts are very important to take note of.
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To vet a woman, you have to eventually introduce the topic of body count. What is her body count? Quite a predominant question that calls for a nucleus answer. Her answer may be "2", but she might actually mean "5". Many women like to simplify their true answer to underplay and make herself feel a bit better.
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It may be a comfort tactic for them, but either way, it is still lying. Of course, not ALL women do this, I don't shove the good people under the carpet with the wrong-doers. But I do find it a bit customary to see women trying to minimize their body count, and then add a follow-up by asking why the men are testing her for her body count, which just reveals that she is ashamed of the truth.
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If she has little to no past sexual experiences, then why would she be offended for them asking her? Remember, what offends you reveals you. Some of these girls just make it too apparent of their past.
The problem involving body counts with the Cat Lady is that she likely has too many past sexual partners. This is probable because Cat Ladies typically relate lack of family and lack of proper traditional values with emotional baggage. Emotional baggage in women, when it comes to partnership, is commonly caused by too many partners she had in the past that hurt her.
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Your body has a bonding mechanism, which is more prominent in women because of their emotional nature. When a woman has multiple past partners that she broke up with, since there is reasons as to why they broke up, she obviously wasn't content. Because of this, she will search for a better man than her previous, which means she holds higher standards for the next man after each split-up.
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Once she meets you, after forming and then breaking multiple connections with her ex's, how high do you think her expectations will be for you? Quite high, but it all depends on how many ex's she has and how badly each emotionally hurt her. This is how the bonding mechanism works in women. However, in men, this function is quite diverse compared to the female's.
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Perhaps one of the most important factor of what bonds a woman with a man, and in return, makes it harder for her bonding mechanism to cope, is sex. When a woman has sexual intercourse with her partner, she releases a love hormone, called oxytocin (OT). This hormone is why sex causes women to become emotionally attached to a man. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), during sex, women release an additional amount of OT compared to men.
Sex-Related Differences in Plasma Oxytocin Levels in Humans
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National Institutes of Health (.gov)https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC6446474
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This is why certain, smart men will focus on a woman's body count upon meeting her. This also explains why it was customary for historical men to have multiple wives/partners, and why men are supported and praised for it. Not to mention, the fact that men generally have to WORK for sex and earn it. From a woman's perspective, men are easy to get sex from, because they have higher testosterone levels (sex drive hormone), and will almost always take the opportunity to have sex with a woman, if possible.
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The Cat Lady type is generally emotionally damaged, so she likely has lots of ex's. She substitutes a relationship with a human being by owning cats. Cats don't judge you and don't search for traditional values, physical attractiveness, and they can't emotionally harm you. This is a perfect artificial partnership, because she doesn't have to hold herself to any standards, and she doesn't have to worry about being held accountable. At the same time, her cats provide cuddles and fuzzy comfort. But, like I said, this is artificial, and in the end, you have a high chance of being unhappy with your decision.
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While your female friends have already formed families, and have children of their own because they started early, you will be alone in your house, with your cats, no family, and no children. This is the moment where you would begin to regret your past mistakes and all of the poor choices you made that ultimately led you to where you currently are.
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Let's be honest, nobody enjoys the feeling of regret. You have to be comfortable and do what you want in life. It is your choice. But, as a woman, when you choose career over family, the chances of regretful sensations and a sorrowful rest of your life are quite high.
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Fulfilling your family's wishes, caring for them, kissing your husband when he gets home from work, playing with your children, spending time with your family as a whole is possibly one of the most generous, gratifying reward when you are a woman. You can disagree with me, but I believe that it is fulfilling from what I have seen. Eastern women talk about and share their experiences of being a loyal housewife and mother to their families, and the majority of those women describe it as worthwhile and pleasing to them.
Of course, I am fully aware that there are women who are abused by their partner/husband, and I do not condone that type of behavior. I do not pardon anyone who is toxic or abusive to their significant other and/or the people around them, whether the abuser be male or female.
In conclusion, ladies, learn your proper traditional values, stay virgins, and don't blame men if you make a bad decision, please. For both, ladies and gents, always try to self-improve, set standards for others but also yourself, and if you're in a relationship, put your lover's wants and needs into consideration. For example, a good routine is to ask the other daily "What can I do to serve you?", or something along those lines. Of course, this routine should be reciprocated between you two, or else you are just overly selfless and have no self-esteem.
Remember, every type of a relationship with someone must contain exchanges, reciprocation. If not, it can be unhealthy and unfair, and you two will likely end up hating each other.
~Thank you for reading!~
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vmures · 1 year
Today's musings are on the complex and fascinating bonds between humans and how those are viewed in various cultures. In particular, I want to talk about found family and my personal experiences regarding the topic.
First, I want to set the stage as to what larger cultural norms are at play for me personally. I'm a US American, generally raised in the South (though there were childhood years spent in the Southwest and Inland Northwest as well) who has, as an adult, largely lived in New England and the Mid-Atlantic regions of the US.
My bio family is...well the politest terms would probably be "a dumpster fire of generational trauma, dysfunction, and toxicity." Those relationships are complex and fraught with issues for the most part. I was fortunate to mostly patch things up with my dad before he passed and after he sobered up and acknowledged a majority of his fuckups as a dad. I still talk with my bio brother, and we love each other, but we're not particularly close these days. I haven't talked with my bio mom for twenty years. The only other person from my bio family that I'm close to is a second cousin who is only a year older than me and who was a dear friend to me growing up. Always felt more like a sibling than a cousin, to be honest.
Despite the lack of supportive and healthy relationships with my bio family, I have a wonderful found family that I've been a part of for more than twenty years. And the thing about familial relationships (found or bio) is that they are layered and complex, and sometimes it's easier to use shorthand to refer to relationships rather than a whole long ass story on how you are connected or, in the case of bio family, disconnected.
My found family is largely made up of a group of women and their partners, plus some of our extended friends. Most are in the same age range, with some variation. And we all consider each other family. For the core group, we tend to refer to each other as sisters, because that is the easiest way to explain our relationship to others. One couple tends to get referred to as the parental units of the group though we do not call them mom and dad.
One of the key reasons we end up using familial terminology to refer to each other is cultural expectations. These folks are my next of kin. They are the ones who will visit me in the hospital should something happen. It's a hell of a lot easier and quicker to say "sister" when visiting someone at the hospital, especially if someone is in critical care and only family is allowed. It was also easier when one of us had to go pick up one of the kids from school or something to be listed as their Aunt. People understand those relationship terms and it's shorthand to help you get through social situations without having to give a longwinded explanation of your relationship that makes you feel like the guy from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia with his conspiracy board.
Is this the case with all found families? No. Found families, like bio families, come in a wide variety of configurations. But I bet in certain situations, people do use shorthand just to bypass the cultural bullshit or restrictions that come into play (e.g. visiting someone in ICU). But I wanted to share my experiences and thoughts. Because I am getting a bit tired of some of the "stop using family terms for found family" dialogue. It feels a bit like a slap in the face and someone telling me that my lived experience isn't valid or real.
Like all such discourse, it is nuanced. I agree that people shouldn't police others' interpretations of things (i.e. tell someone they can't ship someone because they are siblings in a found family). But that is a different issue. One more related to people being unable to see that their interpretation doesn't supersede anyone else's--that there is no one true way to see anything. It's all filtered through our own experiences and views.
Human relationships are complex and varied across the board, and languages don't always have words to express those connections fully. English is fairly limited when it comes to words describing relationships. Add in that certain cultures, in my case US American culture, often favor some relationships more than others, and you have a bit of a mess that can make describing your loved ones and family challenging. It would be lovely if we could all keep that in mind when discussing these things. There are many ways to live your life and many types of families, found or otherwise. Maybe someone's experience is beyond your ken, but that doesn't mean it's less valid or real.
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I think I’ve kind of narrowed down what I’m feeling and have been feeling this month and with the holidays.
I don’t feel like I’m allowed to mourn with those close to me.
When a loved one passes away, you’re told (or should be told) that it’s okay to cry and okay to feel and okay to go through the stages of grief. They say the first year is the worst, all the firsts without them. That monumental moments will cause pangs of sadness. And when you do cry, you’re comforted and reminded that they’re in a better place and would want you to be happy. That’s been my experience anyway with grandparents and friends passings.
No one tells you how to grieve someone who is still alive or how to support someone through that. Mostly I’ve been told to not think about it or focus on something else. I’ve had plenty of friends angry with me and for me, who, when I say I’m feeling sad, respond with “I’m so mad at your parents” but I’ve yet to have anyone sit in the grief with me and give me the space to cry and be sad about it.
My one friend and her daughter did a bit, mostly her daughter. My friend is very emotionally open and told her daughter (6) why she wouldn’t see my parents at the wedding. In the guest book, she drew a picture of me and M and tears on my face. She wrote “sorry your parents did not come” and she told my friend to tell me that “when I become president, I’ll make it a law for your parents to say sorry to you.” And that’s really been the only moment in this whole grieving process that I’ve felt allowed to be sad around others.
I love my friends and I love that they’re ready to fight this battle with me and for me, but I’m not angry, not most of the time. I’m sad and I feel lost without my mom. And I miss her and I miss my dad.
And I haven’t been able to pin point that feeling of needing space to be sad until this morning.
It’s not healthy to push your feelings down when someone dies, so why is it different when you’re rejected?
I came out to them almost a year ago now, mid wedding planning and preparing for school. Almost immediately went into moving apartments, changing jobs locations, starting school, whole wedding planning. All my energy has been going towards adjusting to all the new things going on, plus planning the wedding, and occasional breakdowns over my parents but there wasn’t time to feel that grief. I should have made time.
Now there’s time. And I feel like I’m being told I should be over it by now. Over the 32 year extremely close, sometimes too dependent, relationship with my parents. The wedding brought a new layer of pain and rejection and the holidays are like deepening the wound.
Anyway. Today I am sad, not angry. Today I miss my mom and wonder if she’d be proud of the pumpkin and apple pies I’m making. I’ve never made an apple pie without her. I can’t do the crust, she does the crust. I miss her cranberry sauce, I don’t think M’s family does cranberry sauce. She always got me the kind in the can even though she makes her own. I wonder if they are smoking the turkey or grilling it. Oven baked turkey just isn’t the same. I miss my dads endless thanksgiving jokes and history lessons on whatever thought came randomly into his head.
This doesn’t feel like thanksgiving to me.
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the-good-bad-truth · 2 years
KUWTK: Kourtney
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Kourtney Kardashian is the oldest of the sisters(43) and has 3 kids(Mason 12, Penelope 10, Reign 7) with Scott Disick(39). She is currently married to Blink 182 drummer, Travis Barker(46) who she’s been 2ish years. She tends to be very sarcastic, nonchalant, little childish and mostly is all about being a mom and being healthy. She owns a sort of health app/blog/company of wellness and health(poosh) and recently launched a vitamin brand, lemme. She cares about the environment and showed it by becoming an environment ambassador for Boohoo, the fast fashion brand and if you are looking for the water in LA, chances are she has it in her pool. I also wonder how she finds the time to help w/ the environment, poosh, lemme cuz she says she doesn’t like to work. I’ll defend her a moment cuz people shouldn’t really live or exist just to work. However, not everyone has the privilege of making money by having cameras film your every move. I feel that her biggest “rival” of the sisters is Kim, they are close in age by 2 years and I feel that Kim really wants to fight for the Older and Wiser sister title. The show caused some strain on her relationship with kim and also khloe as well. It’s like in just about every episode Kim and her would fight from candy for kids, fashion, parenting, and filming. Most of the fights were cuz each sister wanted their way of doing things. There were a few moments like w/ former partners(scott/Kanye) where they would give each other space to cry while the other sister would go and tend to her sister's children. However, both kim and kourt don’t have that comforting nature w/khloe. She complains of filming cuz emotional moments of her life televised from children’s birth to scott’s infidelities. However, now that she has a new man, all of sudden she loves cameras but I guess it’s cuz it’s happy stuff now. I also don’t want mommy shame her but I feel sometimes she can’t control her kids. She would have trouble w/ keeping nannies cuz Penelope would scratch the nanny and they would quit cuz it’s not like they could discipline her themselves and kourt and Scott weren’t going to do it. However, I do feel that she loves and respects her children's privacy and passions. I also feel that she doesn’t get called out or criticized as much as her other sisters. Like kim, khloe and Kylie get bullied for the looks especially their weight, whether it was because of their pregnancies or their natural bodies. However, Kourtney can embrace her “natural” body and it will be seen as body positivity and happy weight but when khloe had her natural curves, she was the fat sister.
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