#sometimes she has moments where she's like 'oh wow I really do look like my mom.' I mean she's always looked like her mom's kid
radioconstructed · 2 years
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⌖ This WAS supposed to be about the horrid custom Allegra Chicken socks + Margielas, but I’m FLOORED by how much I look like my MOTHER! <3
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littleheartsong · 27 days
Laios x fem or gn reader where she also enjoys monsters but she also enjoys animals (in the mentally ill way). Which leads to them always chatting about them, like chilchuck will be walking by and he'll hear that female hyenas have a penis. He just walks away thinking "what in the fucking fuck was that!?" I imagine they would also stay up late talking about monsters. :D
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(↑The big little man learning that information)
i too am mentally ill about animals i could talk about biology for literal hours
laios/gn reader content: fluff. autism-to-autism conversation warnings: casual conversation about killing animals+monsters. mentions of animal genitalia. pretty normal!
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"So... what's your favourite monster?"
The sudden question prompted Laios to look up from the delicious aroma of simmering kelpie, probably the one thing to take his attention away from food, while both Chilchuck and Marcille grimaced at what you'd just unleashed.
"My favourite monster?" Laios ponders the question as you nod in confirmation, "Well, Basilisks are pretty cool since they have two heads, though it's thought that the snake head is the actual head." 
"Yeah! Since it's cut in half, the snake head lives longer." His smile widens at your interest.
"I wonder what would happen if you cut a two-headed animal in half. Would one head live longer or would they both die at the same time?" You wonder while tilting your head.
Laios thinks about that for a second; it's a pretty good question! He's only seen two-headed calves in his village, and they didn't live long after birth.
"I think it depends on where it's cut since two-headed animals aren't supposed to have two heads and Basilisks are born that way," he concludes with a nod to cement his statement.
"That makes sense! It probably depends on the animal too; it would be harder for a larger animal like a calf to live longer than something smaller; like a snake," you say.
It appears Marcille has since lost her appetite and absconded from the area to avoid any more of this conversation and tucked into her bedroll, praying to whatever spirits can hear her you will stop soon. Chilchuck is more morbidly fascinated by what you two are talking about. He didn't even know animals could have two heads, and he hopes he never encounters one. Two-headed monsters are enough for him.
"No one can seem t' decide where th' 'ead begins n' ends," Senshi chimes in while preparing dinner.
"So are Basilisks your favourite then?" you ask Laios.
"Huh? Oh!" Laios perks up, reminded of the original question, "They're cool, but not my favourite," He taps his finger to his chin, once again in thought, "I'd have to say Wargs are my favourite," 
You smile at that." Wargs are so cute! They remind me of hyenas or bears, with their big, boxy heads and bulky bodies.
Laios is stunned for a moment; never in his whole life has he heard someone describe Wargs as 'cute'. He'd sooner describe them as 'cool' or 'ferocious'; does that mean you think bears and hyenas are cute too? He could understand bears. They look fluffy, though they also have those big claws. What other things do you think are cute?
"Yeah, they kind of are; they remind me a bit of my dogs back at my village," he says. "They also have really soft fur,"
"Wow! I wanna pet a Warg!" You clap your hands together in delight. "It'd probably bite my hand off, but it'd be worth it."
Warm laughter falls out of Laios' mouth before he can catch it. "Maybe we can find one and pet it together sometime."
Your face breaks into a grin as you sit closer to Laios. "Sounds like a plan! Hey, maybe they're really social, like hyenas."
Laios has to clear his throat, so anything he wants to say doesn't get stuck in there, as a flush rushes to his face. "I don't know that much about hyenas... I've only seen pictures."
That moment is when you really light up. "Oh! They're so cool! Especially spotted hyenas; they're the biggest ones, and they're also called bone-crushing hyenas since can break bones with their bites," and off you go.
"The females are larger than the males, and it's a matriarchal society too! So even the lowest-ranking female is still higher-ranked than the male. Even their penises are bigger!" 
Laios watches you share this information with wide, wondrous eyes. "Wait, their penises?"
"Oh, well, it's not a real penis," you correct yourself. "It's just the clitoris enlarged, but it pretty much acts like a real penis. They mate with it, pee through it, and even give birth with it!"
A pause
"... How does that work?" Laios asks.
At that point, Chilchuck silently excuses himself to his own bedroll. He doesn't need to know the details. Birth is excruciating enough as is, but with a- no. No. He shakes his head to get rid of the terrible thought.
Senshi seems interested in listening, though.
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hi, I love your blog so much it's amazing.
I was wondering if you could write some Joel Miller being jealous? Like they're in some kind of relationship but Joel doesn't want to put a word to it and arrive to some camp and a guy from there is trying to flirt with reader but she just has eyes for Joel, could be the first I love you confession from him, to make things official between them? Fluff because my heart can't handle anything else :').
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AN | Jealous!Joel? Okay, okay, I see you!
Pairing | Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Language
Word Count | 2.5k
Masterlist | Joel, Main
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Joel Miller wasn’t a relationship type of guy; he hadn’t been for a long time and it seemed pointless to start now. And that’s exactly how you found yourself in a sort of relationship with him…a situationship if you will. 
He also wasn’t the jealous type either. You weren’t his girlfriend, or his partner, or what have you. You happened to be another person living in Jackson that he spent an inordinate amount of time with and had sex with. Lots of sex…he liked to think of it as stress relief. Yeah. That’s it - stress relief. Everyone could use some of that given the current state of the world. 
But, in conclusion, you weren’t anything more to him than anyone else. 
So why did he experience a definitely-not-jealous-feeling deep in the pit of his stomach when he saw you talking to one of Jackson’s newcomers?
He wasn’t jealous. No. Nope. Definitely not. 
He just wanted to strangle any man that talked to you, or looked in your direction. It was a totally normal reaction…or at least that’s what he tried to convince himself. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Joel?” you found him stalking through downtown and had rushed to catch up with him. You hadn’t seen him in the last couple of days and when you had he’d barely spoken a word or even graced you with a look. 
You could see his shoulders stiffen for a moment but he slowed his stride so you could catch up with him. You quickly fell into stride, but you could sense that he was in a mood. You nudged your arm against his and he grunted in response, “what?”
“What?” you parroted back at him, frowning in response, “or like what’s been up with you lately?”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about,” the man was stubborn beyond measure sometimes. You huffed and waited for him to expand but he refused to give in to you, “been busy.”
“Busy,” he refused to look at you, but he could feel you glowering at him, “we’re all busy, Miller. That doesn’t mean we don’t make time for each other.”
“You expect me to make time for you?” his twang came out as he stopped suddenly and you almost tripped over your own feet as you stopped as well. He crossed his arms over his broad chest, head cocked to the side. Your expression clearly said duh, “and just why would I do, sweetheart?”
“You’re being a jerk,” you pushed his shoulder, gently, although you doubted you could really do much damage to him, even if you wanted to, “last time I checked I thought we enjoyed spending time together. But over the past few days you’ve had such a-a bee in your bonnet.”
“Last time I checked I didn’t owe you anything,” and oh. Those words definitely stung, “we aren’t anything.”
“Oh wow,” you were hurt, but you weren’t about to let him know how much, “that’s rich coming from you. I don’t know what your problem suddenly is, but if you’re going to be a jerk, you can fuck off. And next time you need something, don’t bother knocking at my door. But if you decide to get over whatever this is, or want to talk to me like a grown man, you know where to find me.”
Your reaction had left him stunned; he knew you could hold your own when you needed to, but you’d never talked to him like that before. In that moment you definitely weren’t that soft, sweet girl he’d grown to love. Love. But he’d never admit it; truthfully he might not have even come to that realization just yet.
You stomped away, leaving him standing there and staring after you, a dismal expression on his face. He might have been a quiet man, but he wasn’t often left speechless. You’d just managed to do so.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You made it a point to avoid him over the next couple of days, figuring that if he really wanted to make things right he would come to you. You missed him, admittedly, but decided to throw yourself into doing things around town to keep your mind occupied. 
That’s how you’d gotten to know the newcomers to Jackson. There were a few women and teenagers, along with some men. For the most past, they were all kind and wanted to keep out wherever they could. 
One of the duties you least liked was being put in charge of one of the community gardens. You had a green-thumb adjacent at best, and didn’t want to be the only one responsible for any bad vegetables or fruits, so you had recruited Max, one of the newbies, to assist you. If you were going down, he was coming right along with you.
You liked Max, so far. He was around your age, handsome in a tall, dark, and roguish way, with a nice smile and good sense of humor. And, unlike men had done since the dawn of time, he didn’t make you feel uncomfortable. So, you had decided, he was going to be your friend. 
“You’re horrible at this,” Max laughed as you fumbled around with some tomato vines, trying to get the ripe fruit without destroying anything else, “how are you making this so difficult?”
“Shut up,” you groaned but it quickly turned into a laugh as you fell onto your bottom from how you were teetering and crouching. You managed to knock the whole plant down (sorry tomatoes), “oops.”
Max had dropped the small shovel he had been working with, head thrown back as he laughed, “and you’re clumsy on top of it. I’ll remember that for the future.”
You grabbed a small handful of soil and threw it over at him, “bold of you to assume that we’re ever hanging out again after this. You’re bullying me!”
“So dramatic,” he snorted in amusement as he brushed off the dirt and came over to you, offering you his hand to help you to your feet, “come on, I’ll let you bully me in return.”
You took his hand and he gently hoisted you to your feet. You almost stumbled into him, but caught yourself by putting your hands on his shoulders as his found purchase on your waist. You looked at him in surprise and he smiled softly, causing you to relax. He was so close, and pretty, and nice, and you could just lean in and kiss him. Max must have been thinking the same thing because he started to lean in too. A shiver of excitement ran down your spine, until-
“Get your hands off of her,” the two of you jumped apart at the sound of his very angry voice. Your face flushed with warmth, a combination of being caught red-handed and annoyance because you weren’t technically doing anything wrong. Max’s glance shifted over to Joel and then back to you, “now take a step back.”
“What the hell are you doing here?” you hissed at him, “why are you here, Joel?”
“Are you two…?”
At the sound of Joel’s answer your eyes widened in surprise as your jaw almost dropped to the ground. Max held up his hands in a sign of surrender as he started to slowly back away, “hey man, I didn’t know she was your girl.”
“Don’t worry Max,” you offered him an apologetic look, “I didn’t know that either.”
“I gotta go, but I’ll see you around,” he said sheepishly, “bye!”
He almost ran off, leaving the two of you there, the tension so thick. After a moment you turned towards him and shook your head. You weren’t quite sure what to say so you decided to just walk past him, but not before giving him a full glare, “you’re such a dick sometimes. First you shove me away like I’m nothing and now you act like I’m yours. How about I make the final decision? We, you and I, are done. Whatever you want to call it, it’s over. Maybe then you can figure out your own feelings.”
But the man wasn’t about to just let you go. No, that was not his style. 
His fingers wrapped around your wrist and his strong grip kept you from walking away. 
“Stay,” he insisted gruffly, causing you to pout in that way that always made his knees weak. 
“Why? Are you going to apologize?”
He remained silent and you could see that the answer to that was clearly no. You huffed as you pulled your hand out of his and started to walk away. He remained silent as he watched you go. He could have just said everything he wanted to and gotten it all out there but…he’d chickened out. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, “fuck.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You didn’t run into Joel again for almost a week. You wondered if it was partly him avoiding you or you just didn’t happen to cross paths. Jackson was only so big; you knew the truth. 
But as your feelings would have it, you really, really missed the man. He’d become such an important and vital part of your life and not having him around felt like you were missing a huge part of your heart.
When you decided that you couldn’t take it anymore, you made a plan to take matters into your own hands. You left your place and made the short trek over to his, knocking on the door loudly. He was home; you could see the light and if he had sort of sense, he would open the door. 
After a few long moments of buzzy anticipation, you heard his familiar footsteps come towards the door. He opened it slowly and his brown eyes widened when he saw that it was you. He was a mixture of confused and happy.
“What are you…?” he didn’t get the opportunity to finish his question, instead watching as you made your way inside, brushing past him and causing sparks to shoot down his spine. 
“Can we just talk?” you were already in the kitchen, leaning against the counter as you looked at him softly. You couldn’t help it; you were a sucker for this man.
“Yes,” he agreed, coming in and mirroring your position on the other side of the counter. You wanted to be made, or at the very least annoyed, but you couldn’t find it in your heart, “I’m sorry for what I said.”
“Which part?” if he thought you were letting him off easily, he was so wrong, “the part where you said we were nothing, or the part where you changed your mind - unilaterally I might add - and decided we were something?”
“Both,” he pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a long sigh, “I was an idiot.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, “you were. What changed your mind?”
“That kid,” you could see the tick in his jaw as he frowned deeply. Ahhh. Yes, you knew exactly what was going on; Joel Miller was jealous. He just wasn’t going to admit it in those terms. 
“His name is Max,” okay, maybe now you were just doing it to get a rouse out of him, “and he’s perfectly nice. He was just helping me.”
“He wanted to do a little more than help,” the man tore his gaze from you and huffed. 
“Joel Miller, you’re jealous,” your smile was practically stretching from ear to ear as you beamed at him, “just admit it! That’s what all this has been about?”
“I’m a grown ass man,” he sounded anything but, “I don’t get jealous.” 
“Okay, so you weren’t jealous just…something incredibly like it?” you asked. He shrugged dismissively in response but gave away no emotions or anything, “huh, that’s interesting.”
“It’s not, no. I’m not the-”
“I get jealous too sometimes,” you admitted sheepishly, hiding your face in your hands, embarrassed to admit it out loud, “when those women practically throw themselves at you. Makes me want to…I don’t know, show them you’re mine.”
“What are you-”
“You’re such a man,” you flopped your head to the side, “those women - and men - love you. You’re sexy, and smart, and lots of other things, but apparently so oblivious. But I guess that doesn’t matter though.”
“What do you mean?” he was leaning closer now and you could smell his familiar scent; it made you want to curl up with him and let him swallow you whole.
“You said we weren’t anything so,” ugh. You wished you didn’t get so emotional over this, “it doesn’t matter what I think or want. I shouldn’t have assumed anything.”
“I lied,” and it was oh so hard for him to admit that, “that day. I was just…mad - not at you. I just thought, when I saw you with all the new people, that you liked them and they were all over you, especially that one kid-”
“Max,” he didn’t like the taste of the name in his mouth, “I just figured you’d want someone like that and not me.”
“You’re a fool,” you shook your head in disbelief, “I’ve never wanted anyone but you.”
“I never…putting labels on things seems trivial,” he whispered, “how can what you mean to me be summed up with one word? I just never thought about it; it never meant you didn’t mean everything to me.”
"I…" you felt a prickling at the back of your eyes that caused you to try and blink it away, "do you mean that?"
"Yes," he reached over, hesitantly at first before settling his hand on your face  brushing your tears away with his thumb, "I mean it. You're very…important to me."
"You're important to me too," you put your hand on top of his and gave it a gentle, tender squeeze, "we don't have to put labels on anything. Just as long as we're on the same page about everything."
"You're mine," he promised and you felt yourself practically glowing. His words made you feel all warm and fuzzy, butterflies fluttering in your tummy. You nodded happily, "I know I'm not great with a lot of things but I do love you. I hope you know that."
"Hmm," you hummed as you closed your eyes contentedly, "I love you, even if you're a stubborn, tough man."
"Enough to accept my apology?" he had his answer already but needed to hear you say it. You rolled your eyes playfully.
"I suppose," you leaned in closer and smiled softly.
"Enough to let me kiss you?"
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kuroppiii · 4 days
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     day by day ᵕ̈           husband!timeskip!kuroo tetsurō x gn reader ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : little moments from your ⋮⋮  daily life with your silly little husband
📋 content         ♡ # 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧 🐮         ♡ # 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘴 🥛         ♡ # 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 - 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘱         ♡ # ~700 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴
🧸 directory  ‹ ✩  like what you read ? check out more of my blog !  •ᴗ•
💬 kuroppiii ─ “ this is like word vomit but pleaseee he plagues my mind , i ' m clawing at the walls of my enclosure ( not proofread !! ) ”
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um yeah so congrats to timeskip!kuroo for being able to live his best life
an even greater life with you in it, of course
because although he swaggers along in his little suit and tie handing out his card willy-nilly to god knows who all day,,,
you bet your sweet ass he’s got a picture of you in his wallet
and that wallet is constantly getting whipped out around the office as he looks at your smiling face
looking longingly and with a little lovestruck sigh
(he’s so dramatic)
he has your drink order on lock and will pick it up coming back from work
but he is the type to take a “sip” out of your cup in exchange
(half your drink’s gone after that 🙁)
he “needs help” tying his tie like every other morning
“y/n love of my life can you help me with this”
it was cute
like the first couple times
maybe not so much at the twentieth time
at this point you just tell him to do it himself so you don’t have to get out of your bed bc you know what he’s trying to do
"have you ever considered trying a clip-on tie, tetsu?"
but granted, whenever you do cave, it’s impossible to miss in the corner of your eye the way his eyes are filled with pure unadulterated admiration as he watches you tie the stupid tie
(it was never about the tie)
(he just needs to look at you before he has to go the work where he can’t look at you like this until he comes home later that night)
and sometimes when he gets home he really tries to take up making dinner some nights to give you a break
he even wears a little apron (your apron) over the wife pleaser and boxers he’s so accustomed to changing into upon arriving home
(really not necessary but you two watched the bear together one night and he’s really just trying to get into it with the apron)
he looks ridiculous but you hate to admit you find it so adorable
"can someone get me a fucking sharpie, that fucking works!!!"
"i'm sorry for cursing at you babe, i don't even need a sharpie, i was just saying the thing from the thing–"
the best he can do is like cold noodles or the occasional steak dinner which really aren’t that bad when those are on the dinner menu!!!
when it comes to everything else? well... yeah he’s better off without the apron
but make him lunch for the office? oh he’ll propose to you a second time right then and there next to your fridge
put the cute character cutouts in there too, as if he cares what his coworkers might say bc anything you touch is gold to him no matter what
“ok but where are your guys’ carrot flowers, huh? don’t eat your veggies? have you ever considered that what you should actually be concerned about, is that you’re not eating as balanced of meals as i am every day?”
part of me wants to say when all is said and done, you two share a bottle of wine or smth under the night sky together to wind down
but honestly i don’t think a moment with this man necessarily calls for being a little buzzed like that
he makes you laugh simply by how he talks about his day, and with his little comments and reactions to whatever you may tell him about yours
"some people may wonder how he got demoted from a coordinator position–but y/n, honey, if you saw the way he parallel parks on the street outside our office, you would agree he's very much lacking in the skill of coordination."
"wow, i can't believe she treated you that way. and you're sure she knows the 'h' in 'hr' stands for 'human', right? because she sure isn't acting like a good one."
"😧 ..."
it’s like your home becomes your own personal comedy-club to round off yet another day with the love of your life
with the sounds of both of your laughter mingling together in a solemn late-night harmony only ever truly appreciated by the both of you
and when you two finally head to bed
his arm can’t help but snake its way around your waist
"g'night my love..."
pulling you close and breathing in your scent as you both get lulled away into a deep sleep
all to repeat everything again the next morning <3
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footballfanficwriter · 5 months
Can you do part 2 of absent (mbappe story)
Absent pt 2
Summary:where Kylian apologizes for being absent at his son's match
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Kylian's POV
I wake up from my dream and look around and I realise I'm in one of the guest rooms remembering the events of the previous night I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, then walk to my room where Théo and Y/n are sleeping
Sighing and walking to my closet I get a new set of clothes to change in and go to the kitchen to make breakfast for y/n and Théo
I start off by making the eggs, the toast and juice for Théo then coffee for y/n
As I'm preparing the food I hear y/n and Théo coming down the stairs laughing
"Maman remember when iron man was like underoos and then Spiderman came out of nowhere and stole Captain America's Sheild, I was like wow" Théo said sounding excited
"Yeah I remember"
"Oh are you guys taking about Captain America: Civil war?" I ask from the stove"
The minute they hear my voice their smiles drop
Y/n nudges Théo a bit
"Bonjour papa"
"Bonjour Théo" I say
There's an awkward silence in the room until Théo breaks it
"Anyway Maman, then they fought at the airport and ant man grew bigger, then Rhodey was like "ok t-"
"I made breakfast" I say cutting Théo off
"Ok, C'mon Théo let's go" she says
She takes his hand and they walk out the door
I sigh again knowing exactly what game my wife Is playing
Sometimes I forget I married a person who holds grudges and is not easily forgiving, what's worse is that my son has taken after his mother with that habit
Until I make things right they won't talk to me or forgive me
I sigh once more thinking of things to do or say to make them forgive me but nothing comes to mind
I plate up my breakfast and eat in silence all on my own
3 hours later Théo and Y/n come back home
I stand up and watch them walk up the stairs
"Where were you guys"
"What do u mean out"
"I mean out of the house Kylian"
"Why didn't you guys tell me where you were"
"Look all you need to know is we were out"
"Out where?"
"See how it feels"
"So this is pay back for what I did Yesterday"
"Until you tell me where you were and apologize to your son, this is how things are going to be"
"You're being unreasonable"
"Call it what you want my mind is made up"
"Y/n how long is this going to go on for?"
"Until you do what I said you should do, now if you'll excuse me I have to help MY son with his homework"
She continues up the stairs and into Théo's room
I follow her up the stairs and into Théo's room feeling angry with every step I take
"Can you stop being so stubborn and just get over it already, I wasn't there for Théo's match so what get over it, it happened, there's nothing I can do now, nothing I say or do will change that fact"
"All I want you to do is tell me where you were and to Apologize to Théo"
"It wasn't my fault I wasn't there though"
"I don't even know if that's true cause you haven't told me anything about where you were yesterday"
"All you have to do is believe what I say and move on from this whole issue"
"You clearly don't know who on earth you married if you think I'm gonna do that"
"You're so difficult, my gosh" I say and walk out the room
I stand in the passage for a while and as I'm standing there I hear Théo's cries
"Théo?" I hear from inside the door
"Maman, why are you and papa fighting?"
"Oh Amour, ton père et moi, nous sommes bien" (your father and I are fine")
"Ah bon?"( really?)
"Then why are you fighting?"
"We're not"
"Are you sure that papa is not going to leave us?"
"Théo, why do you keep asking me that question"
"Because Hugo's dad left him and his mom,Hugo said that his dad started by not coming to his matches, then he stopped coming home for dinner, then he started missing all his important moments, until he just didn't come home anymore, is that what's going to happen with us Maman?" I hear Théo ask with cries
"Théo N-"
I barge into the room before y/n can reply
"Théo that's not happening, your mother and I we love eachother very much, there is no way that I am going to leave the both of you"
"Are you sure"
"And just because all of this is happening doesn't mean that your father and I are going to leave eachother"
"Et Théo je très désolé" (and Théo, I'm very sorry)
"Pourquoi papa?" (Why, dad)
"For not coming to your match yesterday, I know it meant so much to you and I know it was your first match after your injury, all I'm saying is that i wouldn't purposely miss your match, but to make it up to you, I'll be there for the next one and the ones after"
"T'es sérieuse papa, t'es promis?" (Are you serious dad, do you promise?"
"Oui, je promis" (yes I promise")
"Thank you" Théo says coming hugging me
"You're welcome"
As I'm hugging Théo I look at Y/n and she looks away
I already know what this is about, she wants me to tell her where I was or I'll be sleeping in the guest room again today
"Ok Théo let's help you with your homework"
"Maman, can you also help with my homework?"
Y/n instantly puts on a smile and agrees to help
The three of us sit in Théo's room helping him with his homework then after that we just play around his toys
"Ok amour time for your bath, c'mon"
"I've got it" I say
"You sure?"
"Yeah I am"
"Ok then, I'll get started on dinner"
"Théo, on y va"
"Ok papa"
We walk to the bathroom and I bath and help him where he needs help
By the Time we're done Théo looks like he's about to sleep
Till this day Water is the only thing that can make him sleepy, that's what we use to do when he was a baby everytime Théo was restless and couldn't sleep we'd just give him a bath
"C'mon Théo, you have to have your dinner first before you sleep"
He huffs an ok and we both make our way downstairs,where we find Y/n dishing up
As we eat our dinner I see Théo dousing in and out of sleep
"C'mon Théo, let's get you to bed" y/n says getting out of her seat and picking Théo up
"Ok Maman, bonne nuit Papa"
"Bonne nuit Théo"
As y/n is tucking Théo into bed I clear the table and get started on washing the dishes
When y/n walks to the kitchen
"I'm not going to beat around the Bush Kylian"
"Wow, right to it?"
"Yep, so what were you doing and where were you?"
"Really, so you call this nothing?" She Says
She turns her phone to show me the headline
Kylian Mbappe spotted walking out of the stores with bags of groceries and children's clothes
"Explain this then, what do you call this"
I'm quiet and don't say a word
"What, do you have another family outside me and Théo"
"And don't say that you brought the groceries and clothes for us because you came back home empty handed yesterday, so please explain, I really can't wait to hear what your reason is"
I continue being quiet not knowing what to say
"I brought the clothes and groceries for a charity the club said to keep it private because they would be announcing it to the media in a couple days that we'd be offered to adopt one of the children"
"Adopt one of the children?"
"Well not exactly adopt just being a guardian to them and showing them love and stuff, we take responsibility for them you know, and they don't have to live with us, we just have weekly visits to the charity and visit on weekends or anytime we want to"
"You didn't think to tell me all this before I left the house for work"
"I didn't want to say anything because at the time i didn't know that i would have been absent for Théo's match and I didn't know that there would be a child that would catch my attention"
"So you're saying there's a child there who peaked your interest?"
"Yeah his name is Alexander, he's Théo's age and he loves football aswell"
"How did you find him, what about him peaked your interest?"
"He was all alone at the back of the house and I was just exploring when I found him kicking ball against the wall"
"Why didn't call and at least let us know that you wouldn't be able to make it"
"My phone was off that's why all your calls went to voicemail"
"Mhm ok" she says and walks out the kitchen and upstairs to our room
I finish washing up the dishes and go to the room to find her doing her nightly routine
Testing the waters I walk closer to her and wrap my arms around her waist and she Pats the hands on her belly
She forgives me
"I'm sorry, for not telling you and for not being there yesterday, I realize that I was wrong and I could have used someone's phone to let you know that I couldn't make it"
"It's fine ,what's important is that you make it up to Théo and live up to that promise you made him"
"Yeah I will"
"Thank you"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
I kiss her her cheek and she gives me a tight lipped smile
"Can I come back to the room now"
"Yeah, you can come back"
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lilbitdepressed27 · 5 months
Hi, I was thinking Tara Carpenter x Reader. Where Reader and Sam coming home from work. They are at Sam’s car going to her house till, she saw 2 kittens in the alley way. Reader told Sam to stop but Sam wants to know why till she pointed out the kittens. Sam sighed because she knows you love kittens. Reader went outside and pick up 2 kittens. One of them is a Scottish cat with brown eyes just like Tara. And the other one is a orange cat with blue eyes. Reader took them back to Sam’s car and Sam look at the kittens and she stared at them with awe’s. On the way reader has to tell Tara someway that she brought two kittens in and she doesn’t know that if Tara likes kittens but Sam tells the reader that she does. When they made it back to the house, Reader saw Mindy, Chad, and Anika in the living room but doesn’t see Tara. Mindy told Reader that Tara is in her room. Reader opened the door and see Tara, Reader is hiding the kittens behind her back till Tara hears a meow and she actually went towards her. Tara ask what is behind her back, & Reader shows her the kitten.
Tara Carpenter/Fem!Reader
WC: 1.0k
Authors Note: hope you like it dude. Sorry for any mistakes in advance.
It had been a long shift. You were tired, but you did enjoy the extra money you got. You loved spoiling Tara and sometimes your friends. So you had begged Sam to get you a job at the restaurant she worked at. Now that you worked with Sam, it was convenient that you both to ride together.
The drive back home was quiet. With the streets mostly empty. At a stop light you looked to your right, seeing the some people walking but what really caught your eye was something in the alley way. What looked to be two tiny ears sticking out of a box.
"Wait Sam!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"Stop the car." You quickly unbuckled your seat belt. Moving to exit the car.
"Wow Y/n wait! Why?" She reached over to stop you, she didn't want you running out there at night. If something were to happen to you, even if it's the smallest scratch. Tara would kill her. Tara had become so protective of you after what happened last year. Even though Tara was also attached. You had been the one on the verge of death. Amber had attacked you, stabbing you a total of five times. You had been a state of a coma for two weeks. It had been a hard time for Tara.
"I think I saw a kitten! In a box!" You looked back at Sam with a beaming smile before exiting the car. Sam was quick to park the car and follow you. There was no keeping you away from any kittens. The love you had for kittens could rival with your love for Tara.
Seeing you coming out of the alley way with two kittens bundled up in your jacket. "Sam look! This once kinda reminds me of Tara. The brown eyes are crazy similar. I'm gonna call this little girl Jenna. And this orange little cutie, you could name her." You excitedly explained. Making sure to keep your voice down. Not wanting to scare the little kittens that had quickly cuddled up into your jacket.
"They are cute. But we don't even know if-" Sam didn't understand, well she could cause most times when you pulled the look she was receiving at moment. You always got your way. It was no wonder Tara was wrapped around your finger. But it wasn't like Tara didn't also have you wrapped around her finger. "Ugh fine. Come on. If we're gonna keep them. Let's go buy them stuff they need."
"Wait, Tara likes cats right? I mean, she's never said anything about kittens, but then again I've never asked-Y/n stop. Tara likes cats. And even if she didn't she loves you too much to say no." Sam lead you back to the car. She could already imagine her sister now, the amount of times Tara would do just about anything to see you happy. To see you smiling. And if that meant keeping kittens. Than Tara would allow it.
"Okay. Well what's your cats name?"
They had gotten home a lot later than they usually would. You had Jenna and Lexi in your arms while Sam brought all the things a cat could need.
"Oh my god are those kittens?" Anika was the first to spring up from where she was sitting on the couch. Gushing over the kittens in your arms.
"Yea this one is Jenna. And this one is Lexi. The newest family members." You looked around the apartment hoping to see your girlfriend. You couldn't wait for her to meet the kittens. "Where's Tara?"
"She's in your room. Went in there to focus on her homework.” Mindy said as she helped Sam unpack all the shopping bags.
With a nod, you made your way to your shared room. Peaking your head in when you opened the door. There she was sat on the desk chair. At the sound of the door opened had her turning around. A smile forming on the her lips at the sight of you.
“Hey baby-” Tara had stopped when she saw how you didn’t make a move to get in the room. Her eyes narrowed, from the smile on your face she knew you were hiding something. If hiding most of your body behind the door was saying anything. “What are you hiding?”
“I-*Meow*” You stepped in side of the room. The two kittens still in your jacket. Tara stepped closer to you, looking down at the bundle you had on your arms. “I found them coming back from work. Look this one kinda reminds me of you. This one is Jenna. And this one is Lexi. Can we keep them, please.”
Tara chuckled as one of the kittens licked her finger. She had already been convinced as soon as she heard the first meow. But seeing your pout would have convinced her if she hadn’t. “Of course we can.” At the sight of your smile she leaned up bringing your lips down to hers for a kiss.
Quickly pulling away when she had remembered something. “Wait a minute. Did you name the cat after that one actress? The same actress that flirted with you when we met her?”
“Oh my gosh! Yea! That actress looks exactly like you. But she wasn’t flirting with me. She was just being friendly with a fan .” You leaned down to kiss the top of Jenna’s head. The kitten meowed a return, purring as you gently ran your finger under the kittens chin.
“No she doesn’t and yes she was!” She lightly pushed you away. It hadn’t been a few weeks ago when you both had ran into the actress. The actress had been nice but then she had realized that the actress was flirting with you.
“Oh come on, I’m only teasing. Now come on help give these little cuties a bath. Gotta make sure they don’t have any fleas.”
Tara rolled her eyes half heartedly. The smile you had on your face as you spoke to the kittens had her swooning. The smile was a reminder that you were still with her. You were happy and alive.
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headkiss · 1 year
Hi hun hope you’re staying warm! I’m sorry this is a last minute holiday one! I was wondering you could write a Christmas Eddie x reader where the party all do secret Santa and Eddie ends up getting reader? They aren’t dating just crushing and Eddie is freaking out because he wants to get her something really special *cue Dustin’s help* and it ends on a sweet note. Thank you! ❤️
hi love!! i hope this is good <3 it’s my gift to u, merry christmas | 0.7k, fluff, fem!reader
Secret Santa was a great tradition amongst your friends, and when Eddie joined the group, you were all happy to have another name in the hat.
It’s the second Christmas with Eddie around and you can’t deny that the holidays feel better with him. Brighter. You also can’t deny how much you like him.
You’ve grown close, and he’s so much more than what you were expecting. The crush started out as just that, a crush, and grew and grew until it became something huge. A certain four letter word kind of huge.
Though you’re clueless to it, the same goes for Eddie. He’s convinced that he was in love the moment he met you. His world shifted, something clicked into place.
That’s why his stomach drops when he picks your name for secret Santa this year.
He likes you so much—loves you, even—and he knows he has to get something special. He cares more about whether or not you’ll like your gift than he ever has for anyone else and it’s stressful.
Naturally, he goes to Dustin for help.
“Listen, it has to be really good,” he says. “Like really, really good.”
“You’ve said that like ten times,” Dustin replies, his usual sass present as always.
“Because it’s true! Help me.”
“Doesn’t she like to read?”
“Yeah. Loves it.”
“Get her a book. Problem solved.”
“Wow, thank you so much, Henderson. A book. How special,” Eddie deadpans.
“Make it special, Eddie. You know, with your pizzazz.”
Make it special with your pizzazz. What the fuck is he supposed to do with that?
Days later, Eddie finally figures out a special present to do with books. He worries over and over that it’s stupid, that you’ll hate it, but it’s the best thing he’s come up with (thanks to Dustin, after all).
Secret Santa occurs on Christmas Eve, and that’s where you are now.
Eddie greeted you with a hug when he saw you, holding you tight longer than usual, trying not to obviously breathe you in. Your smell, your comfort. When you pulled back, he was almost stunned by how pretty he finds you.
It’s not a new thought. He notices constantly, but sometimes it just hits him. He blames the holidays for it this time. You’re wearing a Christmas sweater vest, a plain long sleeve beneath it, and jeans. It’s perfect on you.
“I like your outfit,” he says, when he really means that you’re the prettiest person in the entire world, he thinks.
“Thanks, I like yours too,” it’s the same as he always wears, but he knows you mean it.
He’s a mess when the gift exchanging starts, his leg bouncing. He wants you to like it so much. He hardly notices when it’s his turn to pass his present, lost in his head.
“Eddie?” You move to catch his gaze.
“It’s your turn.”
“Oh, sorry.” He grabs the present he spent way too long wrapping, hands it to you slowly, “Merry Christmas.”
When you take it from him, your fingers brush. Even after the contact, they’re left burning with the memory.
You unwrap it gently, like you’re trying to savor it. Eddie watches your face the entire time, eyes searching for any reaction. What he gets is a look, your mouth in the shape of an ‘O’ from surprise.
“You didn’t,” you say.
A chorus of ‘what is it’s sound from your friends. You’d almost forgotten they were there, too.
“It’s a first edition,” Eddie says.
A special book. Your favorite one, first edition, with a card tucked away in its pages for you to find later.
“Eddie, this is perfect.”
“You like it, then?”
“Are you kidding?!”
At his shy smile you can’t hold yourself back from springing up to hug him. He’s still sitting, unprepared, so you lean down and wrap your arms around his shoulders. His come around your back quickly.
You bury your face in his neck, press a kiss that’s so light Eddie’s not sure if he dreamt it, and mumble, “thank you.”
“You’re welcome, babe.”
With his arms around you, Eddie decides that he’s going to ask you out as soon as you’re alone. He can’t keep hiding his feelings when you’re the only person he’s ever felt them for. They practically seep out of him now.
Robin leans over to Steve, “how much you wanna bet they’re dating next time we see them?”
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lady-lostmind · 5 months
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Why is it called Back to the Future?
Love is: Wanting to know everything about what makes up the person you're in love with, even the difficult stuff.
a @steddielovemonth prompt Thank you @oh-stars for betaing this!
WC: 714 | CW: reference to past trauma | Rating: T
ao3 link
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Eddie leans over the counter at Family Video, ignoring the way Steve glares at him when he takes a bite of a candy bar he absolutely paid for. “What’s your favorite color?”
Steve shrugs. “I don’t know. Uh– blue, I guess.”
They’ve been at this for almost an hour. The store is dead. It’s the middle of the week and it’s nasty outside. Raining buckets and cold. Eddie’s been hanging around for most of Steve’s shift and they haven’t seen a single customer. 
Eddie hums. “Favorite movie?”
Steve hesitates, a grimace pulling at his face. “It’s uh– complicated.” 
Eddie’s face scrunches in confusion. “What could possibly be complicated about that question?” 
Steve fidgets with the display on the counter. “It’s just for kind of fucked up reasons. That it’s my favorite. Like, I should probably hate it. But it…I don’t know. It reminds me of Robs. Like, the night we became platonic whatever. I just– It should be a bad memory.”
Eddie reaches out and tugs his hand away from where he’s shredding the cardboard on the display. “Back to the Future, then?” 
Steve looks down at their hands and nods. His voice dipping into a whisper. “I watch it sometimes. When I have nightmares about that night. It calms me down.” Steve huffs out a laugh, his thumb rubbing nervously over Eddie’s hand. “Which is ridiculous because that was one of the scariest nights of my life. I really thought I was going to die. I thought Robin was going to die. But then we were sitting in the movie theater, and we were drugged out of our minds and everything was so funny. And then we were sobering up in the bathroom and I thought wow. This girl is so great. I think…maybe this is it. Maybe this is what I’ve been searching for.” His eyes flash up to Eddie’s, and he squeezes his hand. “And obviously I know now that I was way off base. And I’m glad. Because I have you. And–” 
Eddie nods, unbothered that Steve thought of her like that in a moment of life or death, before they became the weirdly co-dependant duo they are today. He knew what he was getting into with those two when he signed up for this.
Steve lets out a breath of relief and keeps going. “I don’t know. In a way, I was right about her. She was exactly what I’d been searching for. She’s my family. I love her. And I just– I’m grateful sometimes. For that night. Because it gave me Robin. Because there’s no way in hell we would be…Steve and Robin if that had never happened. If she hadn’t been pulled into all the crazy shit we’re wrapped up in and–” Steve sighs. “That’s awful. To be glad she went through all that. It’s selfish.” His eyes flick up to Eddie again, laced with guilt. “Same thing with you. I’m so glad I have you but–” 
Eddie shakes his head. “You’re not selfish, sweetheart. You think I’m not glad that I was almost torn apart by demobats on a daily basis because it means I get to have you? You think Robin would take it all back if it meant losing you? Absolutely not.” He squeezes Steve’s hand. “You didn’t do that to us. It happened to you, too. I think it’s amazing you can watch a movie that’s wrapped up in Russian torture and being drugged and still have it reminder you of bonding with Robin.” 
Eddie stares into Steve’s eyes and thinks about how lucky he is. That he somehow ended up here, with the sweetest man on the face of the earth. Can’t believe how fundamentally good Steve is. So far off from who Eddie thought he was before…everything. 
He glances over his shoulder to the door, sees nothing but the rain, no cars in the lot. He cups Steve’s face and rubs his thumb along his cheek. “It’s okay to be glad you have the people in your life, baby. Regardless of the circumstances that brought you together. Okay?” 
Steve nods, leaning into Eddie’s hand a little. “Yeah, okay.”
Eddie lets his hand drop and shoots Steve a soft smile. “Good. Okay, so. Favorite movie, Back to the Future. What about…favorite snack?”
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teyamsatan · 1 year
The Archer | Chapter II: Out of the Woods
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X
Summary: A fight with Neteyam makes you run to the forest with the rest of the Sully kids, right into the arms of the enemy. You come face to face with a man you never thought you'd ever get to see.
Pairings: Neteyam x Avatar!Reader
Word Count: 10,2k words
Warnings/notes: smut(18+, minors DNI!), angst, mentions of death, disease, blood, violence, cursing, SPOILERS for ATWOW
A/N: I am writing this at 2am, so my apologies for any grammar errors, I am exhausteddd!! I don't know if you can tell, but I am actually really struggling writing any of the scenes (particularly action scenes) from the movie, and describing what is happening on the screen is the bane of my life. Also, sometimes I can't understand what the dialogue is and I can't find the script or english subtitles and it makes me unnecessarily upset. Also my inspo for the dad is Oscar Isaac cause wow what a man. Can he be my daddy too? Hahahaha ok i'm so tired i'm gonna go to sleep enjoyyy x
Remember when I hit the brakes too soon? Twenty stitches in a hospital room
When you started crying, baby, I did too, but when the sun came up, I was looking at you
Remember when we couldn't take the heat? You walked out, you said "I'm setting you free"
But the monsters turned out to be just trees, when the sun came up you were looking at me
You watched Neteyam leave the comfort of your shared tent and you instantly knew he felt horrible about what he said. You knew he didn’t mean it, but in this moment, you didn’t care. He had to have meant it to a certain degree for it to come out so easily out of his mouth. 
As you were preparing to leave, unable to spend the night in this place, in this tent, where everything hurt, where every corner had photos and trinkets and memories that you couldn’t bear look at in this moment, you heard a squeaky voice you loved break through the unbearable silence. You were a mess, you knew, paint splattered all over your face, neck and torso, seeping into the woven fabric of your top, but you wouldn’t deny her - you couldn’t. 
“Come in, Tuk-tuk.” 
She gently opened the flap and walked in sheepishly, carrying your mother’s guitar that you gifted to her almost a year ago. 
“I’m sorry about Neteyam.” She looked so sad you almost started crying again, this pure soul who felt and cared for everything around her, listened to everyone and always made you feel important, always made you feel heard. 
You knelt and opened your arms in her direction, and you saw her place the guitar carefully on the ground and run into your open arms. 
“Oh, my dear girl, you have nothing to be sorry about. That is between me and him, it has nothing to do with you, alright, baby?”
“But it does have to do with me, because he is wrong. You have a family, you have always had a family. We’re your family. Sullys stick together.” 
The tears started as if completely independent from the rest of your body, and you couldn’t stop the cry that made its way out of your throat without your consent. This little girl you loved so much managed to undo so much of her brother’s mistakes in just a few words, and you felt so grateful to have her in your life, so grateful to have someone to call a sister. 
“Baby, I was going to go wash this whole day off, would you like to come with me? We can take Neyn, we can bring the guitar, you can sing to me the song I showed you?” 
“Yay, adventure time!”
You chuckled at this 9 year old who reminded you a lot of Lo’ak at her age, always up for new experiences, as long as it avoided the boredom of the mundane. You knew you were going to get in trouble with Jake and Neytiri for taking their youngest away at night, but right now you just needed to be away from here, and you couldn’t find it in your heart to turn away this precious soul who just made you less miserable in just a few minutes.
You sneaked out of your tent, feeling stupid for feeling like you had to sneak out in the first place, like you were an unruly teenager, not a full-grown adult who just got her heart broken by her mate. He should be sneaking out. As a matter of fact, he should be sneaking in, begging on his knees for your forgiveness, like he used to when he was young. I guess that’s just another thing that has changed in the year you have become mated. You signalled for Tuk to get on your ikran, who was dozed off next to the rest of your family’s, and you cursed yourself for waking her up after such a traumatic day. 
“I’m sorry, sweet girl.” You said with a kiss on her snout, and she cooed affectionately at you. You made the tsaheylu and you couldn’t feel any fear, anxiety or frustration in her thoughts, which put your mind at ease a little, and, with a hand on the neural whip and the other wrapped tightly around Tuk’s chest, you took flight. 
It was a short trip to the cave you and Neteyam come to all the time, the one that had a small subterranean lake that you would sometimes wash in. The water was absolutely freezing, never seeing the light of day, but it was peaceful and clean, and that sounded as good to you as heaven right now. You dove in without a second thought, the freezing water inundating all your senses, healing all the wounds that were scratching painfully at your heart. 
Why would he say that? 
I mean, you did attack him about saving his baby brother, who would have probably died if it wasn’t for him.
He should’t have to keep saving Lo’ak at his own expense. 
He shouldn’t have to, but he does. Lo’ak wants to prove himself, and Neteyam is a protector by nature. It’s like asking water to not be wet. 
I want to kill Lo’ak.
No, you don’t. Because you understand Lo’ak. You’re sad for Lo’ak, for always living in his brother’s shadow, for always getting the cold shoulder from his dad, who you also know is just being harsh because he has to be, because no one else can be. 
What if he dies? What do I do then?
Your mind didn’t have a quippy answer to that - or any answer at all. You were left alone, with no answers and enough terror to fill this whole floating cave and overflow around it. You emerged from the water and got on your back, just floating aimlessly, trying to get your heart to stop pounding in your chest and the tears stop pricking at your eyes. What if he dies?
“Can I swim with you?” 
Tuk’s question pulled you out of your frightened contemplation, and you realised you have probably been unnervingly quiet for too long. 
“It’s really cold, Tuk-tuk, I don’t want you to get sick. How about I take you to a warmer lake tomorrow and we can swim together, would you like that?” 
“Can I come, too?” 
The deep voice stopped you in your tracks, and you almost drowned when your feet stopped paddling underwater to keep you upright. 
“NETEYAM!” Regardless how upset Tuk was at her older brother’s words, Neteyam would always be her favourite. Her favourite sibling, her favourite family member. Some people in the village loved asking Jake and Neytiri whether Tuk was more a mother’s or a father’s girl, but in reality, Tuk was her brother’s girl. 
“Hi, Tuk. What are you doing here? You want to give mother and father a heart attack?” The little girl’s face was nestled in Neteyam’s neck, hidden from sight behind his long braids that moved as she chuckled. 
“I wanted to keep my sister company.”
“You need to go to sleep, parultsyìp. How about I take you back home and then I can keep her company?” 
“Will you apologise?” 
Neteyam shifted uncomfortably on his feet, and looked to the ground - he was embarrassed. 
“Yes, I will apologise. Come, let’s go.” He let her down and patted her back affectionately to get her to go ahead before him.
“Please don’t leave? I’ll come as soon as I make sure she’s with my parents.” He looked at you pleadingly, begging you silently. A year ago you would have ran for the hills, took off to not be found by anyone, but just like so many other things, this has also changed. You weren’t a child anymore, careless and impulsive, controlled by your never-ending grief and anger; you had to be better. You were someone’s daughter now, someone’s mate, someone’s sister. You were a future Tsa’hik, you were one of the best warriors in the clan. People depended on you. Despite what Neteyam so cruelly told you, you did have a family. And he was part of it. So you would wait. 
You nodded without looking at him, and you heard him sigh in relief. He placed something on the ground before he turned on his heels with Tuk in his arms, and you noticed with a sudden burst of pain felt all within you that it was a flower bouquet. That’s why he took so long…
You washed yourself properly now that you were alone, and when you got out, you noticed the guitar that Tuk forgot to pick up with her still resting on a wall of the cave. You sat next to it, back resting on the same wall, and picked it up, your mind immediately wandering to your mum. With everything going on around you, you have not been able to visit the Tree of Souls after your consciousness transfer. It’s been a year since you saw your mum as you lay dying and you regretted every day not going back to visit, to see if you could see her again, see if Eywa would be able to bring her back to you, at least in this way. The guitar was tiny in your hands now, but you could still play the chord if you were really careful. You started strumming a song, and let yourself sing to let out the hurt and fright. 
Looking at it now, it all seemed so simple, we were lying on my couch, I remember 
You took a Polaroid of us, and then discovered the rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming colour
Your bracelet hanging from my hand, the night we couldn’t quite forget, when we decided
To move the furniture so we could dance, baby, like we stood a chance, two paper airplanes flying
And I remember thinking, are we out of the woods yet? Are we in the clear yet?
Are we out of the woods yet? Are we in the clear yet? 
“Well… we are definitely out of the woods.” 
You saw Neteyam’s shadowy figure slowly walking towards you, deeper in the cave, the silhouette of his body and the braids swinging from of side to the other to only thing you can make out in the darkness. You glared in his direction and he winced, already regretting his words. 
He sat down in front of you, with his legs crossed so your knees were touching. He reached a hand to your knee and caressed it gently. 
“Thank you for waiting.” 
You refused to look at him, instead opting for the dimly illuminated lake to your left, that twinkled every time a drop of water would fall from the ceiling. You traced the stalactites and their curious shapes, fascinated with they clung to the wall, when you felt Neteyam’s hand on your cheek, softly turning your face to face him. 
“Atan, please, look at me. I can’t stand it when you refuse to look at me.”
Tears fell from your eyes like water from the roof of the cave, and eventually you looked at him, and saw his pained expression, and you knew how bad he felt. You could feel it in your soul, his misery, but it did very little to comfort you. It was easy to feel bad after the fact. 
“Atan… I am so sorry. I could never express into words how sorry I am, I will pay my whole life for what I said, what I spat at you in a moment of stupid anger. I just want you to know that it isn’t true. What I said, it isn’t true. You’ve always had a family. You’ve always had us, and Norm and Max. You’ve always had me. I have been your family my whole life, and I am so, so sorry. There’s no excuse for what I said.” 
“I forgive you.” You placed your hand on his chest when you noticed him trying to get close to you. ‘I’m not finished.” 
“I forgive you. But I need some time.” 
“What do you mean you need some time?” 
“I mean, I have to figure out how I will do this. How I could possibly do this. How I can watch the man I promised to spend the rest of my life with kill himself before the rest of my life can ever come, and learn to ever be ok with it. 
You were right. I never had a family. I had a mum who didn’t want to live past my tenth birthday, friends I cared for, but that lived in a completely different world to mine, people that tried to be there for me but I pushed them away, a dead dad and you. A guy I loved my whole life who left me without saying goodbye. I’ve never had a family. 
But I have one now. And you’re right. You’re right, it isn’t a choice. If I had to choose between my life any of yours, I would give mine up in an instant. And there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make sure you are safe. So I do get it. But that doesn’t mean that I can watch you do it. 
I know how hard this is on you… how much this enormous unspoken pressure weighs on you. Being Olo’eyktan, being the oldest son, the big brother, the protector. I know you won’t say it, and you won’t complain, but I know. You have nightmares, and you cry in your sleep. You cry for your dad, and for Lo’ak… for Tuk… for me. I hoped that you would talk to me about it, and I’ll be here to listen when you feel ready. I’m sorry you feel like you have to go through this alone. 
But I don’t know if I can’t stand and watch you kill yourself. Because it will kill me too. So until I figure it out, I need some time.”
Neteyam was shedding silent tears that refused to stay hidden, and he felt his heart break at all your words, each one harder to hear than the last. Time? He didn’t have time. Time was for a different period of your lives, before the humans came, when you were young and wild and free to run through the forest whenever you pleased. Time was for when you made him sit through an entire season of a show he couldn’t understand half the words to, but he was just happy to sit in silence next to you, hearing your laughter bless his ears, his mind, his soul. Time was for when he took his siblings through the forest to forage for rocks and beads because Kiri wanted to make them all something special to wear for his second birth. There was no more time, no more future, no more past. Just the now, waiting to see what the humans have planned next, what hell they’ll rain on this planet this time, and who will suffer as a consequence. 
“I don’t want to put you out, so I will go sleep with the rest of the Avatars for a while. I have work to do in the lab anyway, so it’ll probably work better this way anyway.” 
Neteyam saw you get up from where you sat, deep coldness settling where your knees weren’t touching him anymore and dispersing all throughout his body. He saw your back turn and you made your way out of the cave, stopping to pick up the flowers that he spent an hour collecting for you. You brought them closer to your face and smelled them, smiling sadly.
“Thank you for the flowers. It’s good to know at least some things haven’t changed. I love you, Neteyam. I’m sorry.” 
Neteyam couldn’t find it in him to get up from the floor, and he felt the hopelessness envelop him like a blanket that he was suffocating under. What was he supposed to do? What did this mean? Is this a human thing? Neteyam remembers when you were much younger and you had to explain to him the concept of a “break”, after making him sit through a whole Friends marathon. Is this what this was? You were asking him for a break? Were you breaking up with him? Today just feels like a never-ending nightmare, and he was hoping that you would wake him up, like you always did, comforting him and singing him back to sleep. He didn’t have it in him to go back to the camp, so he lay on the cold ground of the cave, and let himself fall into a restless slumber - even if real nightmares did invade his subconsciousness, how much worse could they get?
You spent the next few days mostly in the lab, trying to take care of everyone who was affected in the fateful mission that left more than physical scars behind. It was a full-time job, as there were a lot of victims that required surgical intervention, which you were more than happy to do yourself. You’d like to think that it was because it would bring you peace - helping others - but you knew deep down you were also happy to be able to avoid Neteyam. You felt bad for what you said, bad for distancing yourself from someone you loved more than life itself, but you were still hurt and angry, still terrified and paralysed at the thought of losing him. You don’t know what this distance would achieve, but you were hoping for some clarity and perspective. 
Norm and Max came in the little lab you turned into an intervention room as you were finishing checking in on the people you operated on a couple days ok, making sure their vitals were normal. 
“OK - spill. What happened?” You heard Norm speak over the machines beeping in the room.
“What do you mean?” You removed your gloves and quietly made your way out of the lab.
“You’re never here this much anymore. I’m sure there are better things to be doing, and you know very well me and Max, or hell, Claire and Tim can take care of people post-operatively. We all know how to stitch wounds, Ace.”
“Not as well as me.”
“True, but definitely better than we would be at scouting and hunting, which is what you should be doing. So something happened. Had a fight with Neteyam?”
“Of sorts.” 
You reached the dry labs and sat on one of the chairs that you barely fit in anymore; your elbow resting on your thighs, you put your head in your hands and sighed deeply.
“You’re gonna remove all the oxygen in the room if you sigh that hard.” 
“We fought about the mission a few days ago. Lo’ak disobeyed Jake and got himself in danger - as usual -, and Neteyam got hit by the explosion as a result. I yelled at him about it, he yelled at me, it got ugly. I told him I need space. So I’m taking space.” 
“So that’s why you’re sleeping in our tent. I knew it wasn’t just so you could check on people easier. Liar.” 
“It’s not a complete lie, but yeah.” 
“So what were you yelling to each other about?” 
“So I said -“ 
Loud commotion happened around you as the door to the outside opened and in came Lo’ak, Kiri and Spider.
“Yeah, haha, real hysterical, you guys. You know what really sucks, though? That you can breathe the air here for hours, and I can only breath your air for like ten seconds.”
“Yeah, monkey boy, that really sucks. For you.”
Spider and Kiri have always been close, but recently, you felt a shift in their dynamic. It was a lot more flirtatious than friendly, and you couldn’t help wonder if there is something going on beneath the surface. Their interactions reminded you a lot of you and Neteyam’s before he left, just intimate enough they didn’t feel platonic anymore. Having been in Spider’s shoes, if there was, you felt bad for him. It was a slow poison, loving someone you know you could never have - whose body is literally incompatible to your own. You have always felt bad that you got an Avatar and Spider didn’t. In reality, you felt like he deserved it more. He has always been so connected to the Na’vi, so inseparable from the Sullys, so desperate for a family and a sense of belonging. Nobody knew this, but you were working hard to try to see if it was possible to build him one too. It would take time, but with the new technology and supplies the humans brought with them, maybe it wasn’t a pipe dream anymore. 
Kiri finally acknowledged your presence. 
“Hey, everyone!” 
“Hey, kids!” Max chipped in enthusiastically. He loved when the Sullys came to visit. 
“Hey, what’s up, Max?” 
You didn’t look at Lo’ak, although he came really close to you and sat on a chair in front of yours. He moved on the chair until he was face to face with you, and put both of his hands on either side of you on the arm rests to force you to face him. 
“Angel, are you going to be upset with me forever?” 
You scowled at him and he smiled, and you melted a little. You could never stay mad at Lo’ak. 
“You are a public menace, do you understand this?” it was his turn to scowl now, and he turned his gaze away from you - he seemed upset. You took his face in both your hands and brought his gaze back to yours.
“Lo’ak, I need you to be more careful. Please. I can’t lose you. And I can’t lose Neteyam, who will die one day trying to protect you. I know it’s hard, I know there’s so much you want to do and so much you want to prove, but please. Try?” You were looking at him as seriously and warmly as you could, pleading him to hear you, pleading that he would listen. He looked at you intently for a long time, and eventually, he nodded softly, looking remorseful. You moved his head downward a little so you had better access to his forehead and you gave him a quick peck, and noticed the slight purplish tint of his cheeks. You could never stay mad at Lo’ak. 
“We’re going to go take a walk in the woods, come with us, please? I know you’re mad at Neteyam, but you can’t stay here forever. Even Norm and Max go out more than you.” 
“Lo’ak, you shouldn’t be walking through the woods, you know this.” 
“We’re not going to go far. We’re even taking Tuk, you know we would never put her in any danger.” 
You raised an eyebrow at him. “She blackmailed you to come, didn’t she?”
You saw Lo’ak rolls his eyes and huff in annoyance. “…yes.” 
“Fine, I’m literally only coming to make sure Tuk is safe.”
“I’ll take it. Let’s go, gang!!” 
You had to admit it felt really good to be out, to just run on the huge vines that connected the Hallelujah mountains to the ground and to each other. It felt like a blessing to be able to still enjoy these views, these moments with your siblings, even amidst the chaos that was erupting everywhere around you. You went like this for ages, and even though you knew you should have gone back, knew Lo’ak was again pushing his luck and the safety of everyone here, you couldn’t find it in you to stop him. You wanted this, you craved the warmth and safety the forest gave you, your forever home, your forever first love. Even the thought of returning back to camp in a couple hours made you sad. So you decided to focus on the now, and just enjoy the time you’ve got.
It was close to eclipse when you decided to make your way back. The kids were not allowed past curfew, and you didn’t want to risk it, especially with Tuk around. You were disappointed, but not surprised when Lo’ak stopped in his tracks and moved away from your path to inspect something he found on the ground.
“What is it?” Kiri said, in an exasperated tone, and you found yourself mirroring her sentiments. 
You saw Lo’ak and Spider hovering over a patch on the ground and you decided to go investigate.
“We’re always supposed to be home by eclipse.” You heard Tuk join in. 
Your mouth dropped at the sight in front of you. Shoe prints, made by boots that couldn’t be worn by any human. You recognised the pattern of the sole, as you have seen it before among clothes worn by the RDA soldiers. Military combat boots. Your heart was thumping in your chest at the only possible explanation. You started looking around you, and you felt the all-too-familiar dread building in your stomach, greeting you like an old friend. You barely registered the words that Spider and Lo’ak were exchanging.
“It’s way too big for a human.”
“Maybe, but for sure not ours.” 
You saw Lo’ak move towards where the footprints were headed, and you tried to will your legs to move, to stop them, tried to will yourself to speak, but you couldn’t find the words, just dread. Just pure fear at every possible scenario that could take place, your mind computing all your worst nightmares and displaying them to you like on an outdoor cinema screen. Eventually, you started moving your legs and made your way in front of Lo’ak, positioning your body, now just as strong and tall as his, in front of him.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
“I’m tracking.” 
“Are you out of your goddamn mind?” You were trying so hard to keep your voice down,  but it was hard to do when you felt rage replacing the anxiety and spilling over all around you. 
“Angel, we have to see who it is. Whoever it is will never find us, this is our territory. We have to bring back the intel, and what are we going to say when dad asks us what did we see? We need to find out more.” 
“Lo’ak, we are not prepared for this. I don’t have my gun, or a radio, or my bow. I have a knife. I’m not putting Kiri and Tuk in danger. We can go back and we can track tomorrow and figure it out. We know they’re Avatars. What you don’t know is that they’re military.”
You saw his face drop. “Yeah, that’s right. Those boots? They were worn by the RDA soldiers that murdered so many of our people. They’re larger now, but the imprint on them is the same. They fucking brought Avatar soldiers here this time. This is fucking serious. We have to go.” 
He thought about it for a while. You hoped that he would listen, you hoped that he would abide by what you talked about only a few hours ago. 
“We will be careful. We will keep our distance. Let’s just see what they’re doing, at least.” 
You growled at him loudly, but said nothing, and the shock overtook your body when you realised that you were following him. You tried to tell your body to move, to take Kiri and Tuk and leave, but you couldn’t. You couldn’t leave him or Spider, couldn’t bear the thought of them getting hurt and you not being there to help. Fuck, you owed Neteyam an apology. 
You followed the tracks for a while, until you found them, and you kept your distance in the bushes and observed quietly. You could see six people in the clearing where 19 years ago, Jake and Neytiri defeated Quaritch, Spider’s dad. It was a forbidden place, cursed by dark, ominous energy that will plague this land for many years to come. The people were clearly Avatars, dressed in camo outfits, carrying so much weaponry it was making your knees shake. Every cell in your body was begging you to move, begging you to run, but you couldn’t, not until Lo’ak the rest of them were safely behind you. So you waited, trying to gather as much information as you could. The Avatars were searching the hub for any sign of recent life, and they took particular interest in exo-suit that you know belonged to Quaritch. In it, there were 2 arrows that you recognised as Neytiri’s, the emerald green feathers a dead giveaway. You never knew exactly how Spider’s dad died, and neither did he, so you wondered what feelings were plaguing him watching this unfold. 
“We are never supposed to be here.” Kiri says, in a forceful tone. “Dad is going to ground you…”
“Shh, Kiri.” Lo’ak said exasperatedly, talking over his sister. “…for life.” 
“Bro, we have got to check this out.” 
You put your arm in front of the two boys. “Absolutely not. This is as far as we go. Call this in, now. I don’t have my radio.” 
“No, bro, we’re gonna get in trouble.” You gave Spider a death stare, at his seemingly unending recklessness. 
“Call it in, now. I’m not going to repeat myself again.” 
“You sound like dad.”
Neteyam’s mood has been in a rapid decline over the last few days. He hasn’t seen you since that night, clear to him you were doing anything in your power to avoid him. Instead of thinking of the potential demise of your relationship and how that put his fucking heart through the meat grinder, he instead decided to bury himself in work and training, and try to spend some time with his parents that he very rarely seemed to talk to anymore outside of war-talk. His childhood was long gone, he realises - where he was just a kid, surrounded by so much love it was almost suffocating, full of laughter and joy, full of his dad’s Earth stories and his mum’s impressions, full of hope and light. His parents were now soldiers, generals, commanders, and he was just a subordinate, a corporal trying to help out in the best way he knew how. There were definitely perks to being an adult, and Neteyam could list just about all of them staring in between your legs, but there were times, such as now, that he wishes his parents would be his parents again, and he could just be a little kid again, spoiled, cherished and unencumbered by life’s tragedies.
The three of them were high in the Hallelujah mountains, returning from a full day of scouting and tracking, when Lo’ak’s voice through the radio interrupted his train of thought. 
“Devil Dog, Devil Dog, this is Eagle Eye, over.”
“Eagle Eye, send your traffic.”
“I got eyes on some guys. They look like Avatars, but they’re in full camo and carrying ARs. There’s six of them, over.”
“What’s your post?” 
“Um... We’re at the old shack.”
“Who’s we?”
“Me, Spider, Kiri…Quickscope…and Tuk.” 
Neteyam’s knees felt like they were buckling underneath him. He was dizzy, and he felt Seze’s flight becoming unsteady as his mind was collapsing into a puddle of mush. Lo’ak… Spider… Kiri… Tuk… and you. His whole world. He could lose everything in a second. What the fuck were all of you doing in the forest? Why the fuck were all of you in the one place that was strictly forbidden? If it was Lo’ak and Spider he could maybe understand the stupidity, but you? The thought that you went along with this, with Tuk next to you boiled his blood - it was easier to be angry than to admit how immeasurably scared he actually was.
“Son, you listen to me very carefully. Pull back right now, do not make a sound, and get the hell out of there. Move. Copy?”
“Yes, sir, moving out.” 
Neteyam’s entire body was lit up with pure adrenaline, coursing through his veins like ice water, sharpening his senses. He had to save you. All of you. He had to do something.
“Dad. I know a quick way.” He didn’t stop to see if his parents were following, but he heard his mother letting out a war cry behind him, so he assumed they were. He had to save you. He couldn’t lose you again.
“You’re gonna be in so much trouble.” You heard Kiri whispering to her brother.
“Kiri, stop. This is not the time.” You heard yourself say. You were gonna kill Lo’ak yourself, but right now, you just had to focus on getting out of here. Getting them out of here.
You saw Tuk run ahead and you wanted to tell her to slow down, but she spoke before you. “It’s almost eclipse, come on!!” 
Out from the bushes came Avatars, so many of them they outnumbered you at least 2 to 1. A woman grabbed Tuk, holding her tightly and you hissed aggressively and pulled out your knife from its sheath, but you knew immediately it would do very little against so many military people carrying fucking machine guns that were pointed at your face, and worse, at the faces of the people you loved. 
You heard the Avatars screaming at you, telling you all to put down your weapons, and you did, knowing there was no other choice. This wasn’t a battle you could win, this wasn’t even a battle you could start. You saw Lo’ak throw his bow on the ground, but Spider was unrelenting. 
“Drop it. Drop it.” Lo’ak warned Spider in Na’vi, and you thanked your lucky star that he was being at least a tiny bit reasonable. 
You were pulled forcefully by someone tugging you by your hair and pinning your arms together, holding them tightly, mirroring what was happening to your siblings around you. Tuk was crying, and your heart tugged at the sound, desperate to help her, a deep maternal instinct rising within you, and you felt rage and adrenaline fill your body. 
A few more Avatars made their way to the group. One of them looked a little older, and by the way all the others shifted towards him subconsciously, you reckoned he was the leader. Two men were following him closely, and a profound, unsettling feeling overcame you. They looked…familiar. The first one was bald. The second one had wavy hair and looked slightly different than all the others. He looked…dignified. Like he didn’t quite belong. Like his clothes were unbecoming on his body. You somehow felt you knew this man, and when you looked next to him at the first guy and his tattoo, at the girl holding Kiri… when you looked closely at all of them, your body jerked violently and your mouth fell agape. 
It couldn’t be… no…
Quaritch. Weinfleet. Pike. 
…Your dad… 
You didn’t understand what you were feeling at the moment, a mix that you have never experienced before, but at the forefront was gaping confusion and horror, shock and fear, and deep within you, maybe even a little bit of excitement. Could that actually be your dad? How is that possible? You buried his bones, you saw Weinfleet’s skeleton in the forest, you just saw Quaritch’s at the Shack. How could this be? 
You saw Weinfleet stalk towards you and he took a hold of your hand and forcefully brought it up. “Colonel, check it out. Four fingers. We’ve got a half-breed.” 
They thought you were Na’vi. Good. They realised you were born with Avatar blood, so you were most likely Jake’s. That made you valuable to them. Bad. The man behind you was pulling on your queue to lift your chin up so Quaritch can look at you properly. They were pulling on your arm and you felt pain all over, that was overshadowed by so many other emotions flooding your being. He inspected you shortly, and then moved on to Kiri and Lo’ak. 
“Show me your fingers.” Lo’ak brought both his hands up and flipped him off. You would laugh if your body could still produce any ounce of serotonin. 
You saw Quaritch smile crudely, eyeing Lo’ak up and down. “You’re his, aren’t you?” He continued smiling as Lo’ak hissed at him and took him by his hair, pulling him towards his eye level. 
“Where is he?” 
“Sorry, I don’t speak English…with assholes.” 
“Where is your father?” His accent was thick, and he butchered the words and pronunciation, but there was no mistaking what he wanted. Jake. So this is what it was all about. Even after 19 years, the RDA was willing to spend hundreds of millions of dollars in order to eliminate the Olo’eyktan. It was a good investment, you thought, considering there was only so much the humans can do with Jake in the picture. You wondered what they were willing to do to get to him. Would they kill you off, one by one? Would your dad kill you to get to Jake?
Lo’ak said nothing, only hissing in pain when the man kept tugging at his queue aggressively. You heard wails all around you coming from Kiri and Tuk, but you were focused on only one thing. Figuring out an escape route. You knew Neytiri and Jake were on their way, since Lo’ak alerted them to your location. It was only a matter of time before they arrived. Eclipse was also only about 10 more minutes away, so you would have the cover of darkness soon, which was an advantage to you, but not to them. Lucky for you, they tied your hands in front of you, which means you could still use them. You probed the strength of the hand ties, and realised quickly you weren’t getting out of them without a knife. The man holding you was keeping you close to his body. You recoiled in disgust, but tried to shimmy your body into him to feel for any possible things you could use. He was wearing an army vest. You felt grenades and ammo poking you in the back. You moved subtly a bit more, making it seem like the position was just uncomfortable, and felt a military knife holder in your lower back. Bingo. 
Quaritch took out a knife, and threatened Lo’ak with it, but soon moved along the line to Kiri. There was screaming coming from all the boys, but Spider’s voice broke through and Quaritch turned around to face him. It must be a weird sight to see, a human amongst the Na’vi, clearly young enough to have been raised here. You wondered if Spider connected the dots, if he figured out who the man standing if front of him was. You gave silent thanks to your mum and the scientists for the Avatar again. 
“What’s your name, kid?” 
“Spider… Socorro.”
Quaritch’s face changed, the sly smirk faltered and his expression was shocked, when it dawned on him the kid standing in front of him was his son. 
Neteyam and his parents landed as eclipse set in, enveloping the nature in bioluminescent glow. It would be beautiful if he wasn’t on the edge of losing his goddamn mind. He grabbed his bow and patted Seze before he made his way towards the shack. His dad turned around and put a hand in front of him. Neteyam’s nose flared at the words he knew were coming.
“No, no. You stay with the ikran.” 
“Neteyam…” his mother was trying to defuse the situation the best way she knew how. 
“I’m not going to say it again.” 
“You are not leaving me behind. I am older than mum was when the Sky People attacked the first time. My mate is out there. My brothers and sisters. I am coming.” 
Neteyam saw his dad looking at him intently, thinking about it for a while. Eventually, he relents and nods curtly. 
“You stay behind, do you read me, boy? Your mother and I will go first, so they think it’s just two of us. You stand and attack from behind when the opportunity arises.”
Neteyam agreed, although still disappointed. It was better than nothing.
“Let’s go.”
After splitting from his parents, Neteyam made his way quietly through the forest to a high point by which he could spot you and his siblings. He gasped silently and he could feel his heart in his throat, making him pant in shallow breaths, that were leaving him dizzy and disoriented. So many Avatars, all in military clothing, all carrying heavy guns, all holding at knifepoint the people he loved most in the world. He saw you and his breath stopped altogether, wet hair and a concerned, but focused expression on your face. Your eyes were scanning all of them, scanning the forest, it’s almost like you could tell they were here, that he was here. 
From far away, he heard his mum’s signature distress signal echoing through the forest. It was inconspicuous enough that to the undiscerning ears it probably sounded like a bird or a forest animal, but Neteyam saw all of your ears perk and your heads snapping in the direction it came from. Neteyam knew you were all trained for this, trained for emergency situations, and he felt a tug of gratitude for his father’s military ways that will most likely save their lives tonight.
The unmistakable sound of Neytiri’s call brought relief that washed over you like the raindrops falling from the sky. You knew then the kids will be alright. You looked at Lo’ak and you nodded almost imperceptibly in the direction of the guy at your 12 o’clock who was facing you both and had a smoke bomb clearly displayed on his vest. He looked at it and nodded back, and you knew he understood. You got this. 
With a loud thud that declared the beginning of the rescue mission, the man holding both Kiri and Spider was knocked to the ground, a green arrow sticking out of his forehead. The man holding you pushed you aside to get his gun, and without a second thought, you removed the knife from his holder and slit his throat. The blood went all over you, on your face and torso, but you didn’t care.
“LO’AK!” You screamed, and the boy released the pin from the smoke bomb, enveloping the whole area in green smoke. 
You stabbed another man in the neck at the same time Lo’ak and Tuk bit the people holding them, and ran for the woods. Good. 
You managed to run as well, trying to dodge the barrage of gunshots being released all around you, but you felt someone harshly pulling you backwards by your queue. You cried out, as pain dispersed from your spine all around you body, but the pull stopped when the woman who grabbed you got an arrow on the side of her head that came out the other side. The shot came from a different angle, and you knew that was Neteyam. You ran as soon as you were released, making sure to take the machine gun she was carrying in her hand before you sprinted to a tree that could provide cover. 
You took a few deep breaths to calm yourself, and poked your head out so you could shoot whoever was still alive. You realised from the angle you were at, you had a perfect shot…that would kill your dad. Was this man even your dad? Would sparing his life for your own twisted desperation for answers and closure cost your new family theirs? Your finger went to the trigger, putting slight pressure on it. Just a little more pressure, and it would be over. Tears welled in your eyes and with a silent curse and gasped breaths, you lowered your gun and got back undercover.  
“Is that you, Mrs. Sully? I recognise your calling card.”
“Why don’t you come on out, Mrs. Sully? You and I, we’ve got some…unfinished business.” 
You saw the kids running in the distance, and you felt so much safer, so much gratitude in knowing they were going to be okay. That’s all that mattered in this moment, that Tuk, and Kiri, and Lo’ak and Spider make it back home in one piece. 
“DEMON! I will kill you as many times as I have to.” Neytiri’s voice sent shivers down your spine, so much hatred, so much intensity behind it.
“Guess you and the corporal got pretty busy, haven’t you? Got yourself a whole litter of half-breeds.” 
You saw the reflection of the gun in the corner of your eye before you had a chance to process it, and you heard a man scream “Na’vi!”, followed by the unmistakable sound of shots being fired where you stood. You saw the bullets like in slow motion, and you knew then you were done for. You were just happy everyone else was going to make it. You were happy Neteyam was going to make it. You closed your eyes in anticipation of the pain, but the pain you expected never came. Instead, you were pushed to the ground and another type of pain, the pain the came with scratches all over your body and the wind getting knocked out you, brought you back to reality and you registered Neteyam’s unmistakable pheromones flooding your entire being. 
“MOVE! GO, GO, GO!” He helped you to your feet and you both ran as fast as your feet could possibly carry you. You made it to a tree where you found Jake, and his presence calmed your thoughts and focused them - that was the effect he had on people, this great man and leader that you knew you would follow anywhere without question. 
He touched you arm and spoke to both of you. 
“Are you okay?” You and Neteyam nodded quickly.
“You ready? You ready?!” You saw him get out of cover and shoot, and you both sprinted for the hills, manoeuvring your way through thick shrubbery and tree roots, knowing that you wouldn’t have been able to do this even a few months ago, this level of athleticism and acrobatics that came naturally only to true Na’vi. 
You heard a big explosion behind you and you saw part of a big web of roots get destroyed as a result, and Spider falling a few meters beneath it. You and Neteyam were preparing to run back, but Jake stopped you, placing a firm hand in front of your bodies. You saw Neytiri picking Kiri up forcefully and running with her towards your direction, as the girl was looking back to where Spider was. 
Lo’ak and Tuk made it to your location as well, and you saw Jake kneel next to Tuk and hold her tightly in his arms as she cried, the weight of all you have all survived settling in all your bones. You hugged Neytiri like you never have before as you both cried, letting it all out, all the relief and fear and shock and happiness that you all made it out alive. 
Lo’ak’s voice echoed through the forest. “Where’s Spider?” 
You looked at your sister, whose eyes looked like endless pools of sadness. “They took him! They took him!”
There were no words spoken as you all made your way back to camp. There were no words for what just happened. The adrenaline slowly depleted its resources in Neteyam’s body, leaving him in shambles, scrambling to figure out where to go from here. What were the next steps? Your back was flush against his chest, and the feeling of your skin on his, of your warmth emanating from your body, of your hand wrapped around his arm was the only thing that kept him from breaking down into a million pieces. You were here, his siblings were here. His thoughts flashed to Spider, and he knew he couldn’t think about it too much without tears welling in his eyes. He wasn’t close to Spider, definitely not nearly as close as the rest of his siblings, but he was family. Seze landed softly on the ground by the entrance to the camp. It was late, so most people were out for the night. You didn’t let go of him, not for one second, and he was so happy to see you again, so happy to feel you again, so sad it had to be under these circumstances. His family slowly made their way to the tent, but Neteyam felt you pull him back, urging him to let them go ahead without you. 
He saw you properly for the first time since the whole ordeal. You had mud all over you, but that was nothing compared to the blood covering your entire face and chest. Tears were falling down your cheeks and neck, and his hands immediately found your face, just as his lips found yours. It was soft in the beginning, tentative, like a flower blooming in the morning. But as you came to terms with everything that transpired, everything you went through, everything you could have lost, it shifted, it became desperate and needy, full of breathy moans and wandering hands. He almost lost you.. again. 
“Let’s go, please. I can’t be here.” Without any words, you got on Neyn and flew to your secret place. Neteyam’s hand was settled on your heart, that was thumping loudly, mirroring his own. You arrived quickly, the cave only a short distance away.
You ran, without looking at Neteyam and dove straight into the lake, not knowing for sure whether you wanted to reemerge, craving the numbness that came with drowning, craving it like the air that your was body was begging for. You felt the ripples in the water as Neteyam joined you, and when he touched you, your whole body lit ablaze, and the craving changed, as it always did when he was around. You missed him, so so much, and your fight and your need for space felt so silly now, so unnecessary in light of everything that you stood to lose at any moment. Any moment not spent in his presence, in his arms was wasted time, time you didn’t have. 
You came up for air, panting from your need for him settled deep within you, so that he could fill the gaping hole that just opened in your soul. He looked at your intensely, and you knew he felt the same, so you kissed him, pouring all your desires into it, feeling him do same to you. 
“I need you so badly, Atan. I have missed you so much.”
“Then take me, Neteyam. I’m yours.” 
You exited the water and lead him to the mossy grass outside of the cave, where the nature was shining brightly and the wind warmed your skin. You pushed him onto the ground, and straddled him, looking deep in his eyes as you took off your beaded top and unhooked his cummerbund from around his abdomen. He rose from where he was laying on the ground and started planting kisses down your neck and collarbone, making his way down. You moaned at the feeling, and threw your head back, giving him access to you, begging silently for him to never stop. HIs mouth found one of your breasts that he kissed, softly in the beginning before his tongue flickered over your nipple. You started grinding on him, cursing yourself for not removing both your loincloths before. His mouth moved to your other breast, whilst his hands went on to undo your loincloth, that he removed from you and threw to the side. He stopped to undo his own, and you thanked the great mother for whatever unspoken connection you two have always shared.
“I need to feel you, my love. All of you.” His hand went to his queue that he brought forth, and you were so grateful at the sight, aching for the union that will always bind you together, for life. 
You gasped loudly at the bond, overwhelmed with the outpouring of emotions emanating from Neteyam. So much pain, and fear and sadness, and so much love, and relief and gratitude all inundating your mind and soul, all making you breathless and dizzy. You both looked in each other’s eyes, both overcome with each other’s minds, both desperately in need of each other’s bodies. 
One of his hands resumed his slow torture on your breast while the other wrapped around your throat, until the asphyxiation lead to euphoria you felt deep between your legs, slick dripping all over Neteyam’s hard-on that you were grinding against. His hands let go and the rush of oxygen to your brain made you moan in pleasure, and increase the speed at which you were getting yourself off on his cock. His mouth was all over you, leaving marks that you knew would be seen by everyone in the village tomorrow, but you couldn’t care less. The whole world could burn around you at this point and you wouldn’t care, because there was nothing else. Nothing outside of this, of him, of this feeling. 
His hands went to your ass, pushing you deeper on him, urging you to go faster, helping you to your release. 
“Fuck, I love it when you fuck yourself on my cock.”
You moaned loudly at his words, feeling your orgasm building up in your core. “That’s right. Come for me, baby girl.” 
You threw your head back and rode out your orgasm with his hands on your ass still moving your now puffy and sensitive clit roughly on him. 
“You are so beautiful. So fucking beautiful.”
Dazed, you felt yourself being picked up and placed on the ground, your back loving the feel of the wet grass touching your skin. His face was inches from yours, and he lowered it to kiss you, and it was so unlike everything else around you, so tender and soft, so needy and gentle. 
“I love you so much. I am so happy you are here.” You cried out and brought him back onto you, kissing him like your life depended on it, which to be honest, you think it did. You felt his dick twitching against your inner thigh and moaned, desperate to feel him deep in your, desperate to be filled. 
“Fuck, please.”
He smiles into the kiss, and reached down to line his cock to your folds, teasing your entrance mercilessly. 
“Neteyam…” you mewled, not in the mood to be teased, not tonight. 
He didn’t need to be told twice, as he pushed in slowly, letting you adjust to his girth, that always took you by surprise, that always stretched you out deliciously. He moaned as he filled you fully, and stopped to enjoy the way you squeezed him, the way you took him in like you wouldn’t ever let him go, your pussy the only prison he wouldn’t mind being held prisoner in forever. 
“Fuck, Atan. You’re taking me so well, baby. Always so well, I could get lost in this pussy.” 
You were so wet your slick was dripping all over him and down his balls, making it so easy for him to move in an out of you, at a slow, agonising pace. Your hands made their way to his back, hard and muscular, and you dug your nails in it roughly, scratching him as he increased his pace, fucking into you roughly and ruthlessly, making of you a whimpering mess. Your legs wrapped around him to grant him better access, to bring him in deeper, always deeper, until he was hitting a spot you could feel in your whole body, inundating your every cell, your every sense. 
“I can feel you squeezing my dick, Atan. I want to hear you coming on my cock, I want to feel you taking my cum like a good girl.” 
Your orgasm hit you like a lightning strike, overcharging your every nerve ending until you were so drained you could only see white, and you felt Neteyam’s load fill you to the brim, overflowing around you. Blissfully spent, his head fell on the crook of your neck, and you stood like that, listening to each other’s heartbeats and shallow breaths.
You laughed quietly thinking this was probably the most tame sex of your life, and how even when you were trying to be tempered and soft, you ended up like this, moaning and mewling like your life depended on it. This is what he did to you, what he’ll always be able to coax out of you. 
“It’s good to hear you laugh again. So I take it you forgive me?” He rolled from on top of you, and pulled you on from the ground so you can be face to face, as he intently listened to every sound that came out of your mouth. Your queues were still attached, so you could feel the anxiety building in his system. You hoped your lack thereof would put his mind to ease a little. 
“Mm, I don’t know if I forgive you, but I have realised something. Actually, I realised two things. First, today, walking through the forest with the kids, I realised that you were right. There’s no other choice, but to follow them to the ends of the world and hope you can at least help them not fall off the edge. And if you have to fall instead, that’s fine as long as they are safe. So I think I owe you an apology. 
Secondly, I realised I can’t change who you are, and I don’t want to. I love you. I love how kind and patient and compassionate you are. I love that you love your family, your baby brother so much that his safety comes first in your mind. You love fully, and give everything to the people you love, and that is what makes you a great brother and a great son…a great mate. It’s what will make you the best Olo’eyktan this clan has ever seen… it’s what will make you the best dad. So I can’t change that about you. 
But what I can do is make sure I will always be around. I’ll always be next to you, and behind you and in front of you, and I’ll always have your back. So if anything like that ever happens again, I will protect you. And if I can’t protect you, I will heal you. I will stitch your wounds, and mend your broken bones, because putting pieces back together is what I do best, anyway. I won’t have to be scared anymore, cause I’ll just always be there for you. Deal?” 
“Deal.” He said as he kissed you tenderly, and you felt the salty taste of his tears on your lips. 
You made your way back a couple of hours later, and were shocked to discover the Sullys were still awake. You silently stepped towards the tent where Lo’ak, Kiri and Tuk were hiding, listening in to their parents’ shouted conversation.Kiri motioned for you to come and brought her hand to her lips, urging you to be quiet. 
“This thing, this Quaritch, whatever he is, is going to walk right into here, right under Eywa’s nose.”
“I cannot, you cannot ask this. I cannot leave my people. I will not.”
“He’s hunting us, he’s targeting out family.”
“You cannot ask this!” Neytiri was furious, her screams loud and forlorn.“The children, everything they’ve ever known, the forest! THIS IS OUR HOME!”
“He had our children. He had them under his knife.” Jake’s voice was hoarse and pleading, hushed tones hiding the deep hopelessness echoed in his words. 
“My father gave me this bow as he lay dying, and he said ‘Protect the people’. You’re Toruk Makto!” 
“This will protect the people!”Jake’s voice was raised now, no longer poised, no longer holding back. “Quaritch has Spider, and that kid knows EVERYTHING! He knows our whole operation. He could bring them right in here.” 
You felt annoyed at how quick Jake was to assume Spider would betray this family, the only family he’s ever known. Spider was a loud mouth, and he was just as reckless as Lo’ak, but he had a good heart. A strong heart. He is loyal and loves the Sullys and this clan more than he loves his own life, and you thought Jake knew that. 
“If the people harbour us, they will die. Do you understand?”
“Look, I’ve got nothing. I’ve got no plan. But I can protect this family. That I can do. And I do know one thing. Wherever we go, this family is our fortress.”
So many thoughts engulfed your mind, so many emotions flooded your being, one more extreme and agonising than the next, but almost like a joke brought about by the universe, the only thing that rang supreme was the realisation the Tiongli was going to get to be Tsa’hik after all.
Taglist (thank you ily x) @changing7 @erenjaegerwifee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @winchestertitties @puffb4ll @rebeccao03 @ultimatebluff @cottoncandy23 @zaddyneteyamlovergirl @n3t3y4msm4t3 @loquatious-josephi-krakousky
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hannahssimblr · 4 months
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On a bright, clear morning, our art class gets permission from the principal to embark on a trip to the park. It’s an exciting prospect to us students, a trek all the way across the road from school, totaling a distance of one hundred metres from the back gates. It feels every bit as exciting as our fourth year school tour to Rome.
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It’s cold, but there is the slightest tinge of spring in the air, and though the grass and the earth is damp I find a place to sit nestled among the newly sprouted wild flowers because I think it might be nice to try and draw them, but also because Michelle and Evan were sitting here first and Jen still has me on a mission to befriend them. 
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“Pay attention to the colours when you’re doing your drawings today,” Ms. O’Reilly says, “Oftentimes things aren’t as they seem when you really look at them. Yes, the grass is green, but can’t you see yellow there too? Blue in the shade? There’s a whole range of values and hues that you don’t see at first glance, nor will you unless you take the time to really observe and take it all in.”
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“That’s how you should think of me,” I nudge Michelle, “Like the grass. I’m not just green, I’m shades of blue and yellow too.”
She rolls her eyes, “Oh wow, so now you’re a poet.” 
“I knew you’d think that, and you know what? It comes naturally to me, I’m just that kind of person.”
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I catch her smirking before she turns her face away and pretends to be interested in what Evan is drawing in his sketchbook. “What’s that?” She asks him, and he flips his hair out of his eyes, “the drain. I think it’s more interesting than the trees and shit, you know? Like, that juxtaposition of the man made in the middle of nature.”
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I snort, “I take it back, I’m not the poetic one after all. Wow, that’s deep. I never thought of a drain into the sewer in those terms before.”
His shoulders stiffen, “Hey, what are you getting smart for? Didn’t you get detention a few weeks ago for vomiting on the floor in Mr. Doherty’s class?”
I won’t give him the satisfaction of acknowledging his rudeness as such, so I laugh, “Nah, man, rumour. I did throw up, but not on the floor. I was hungover,” A shrug, “What can you do, huh?” 
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Michelle huffs out a laugh, “Surprised you didn’t see each other in detention. Jude is the only person I know who has to go more often than you, Evan.”
“I’ve got detention again yesterday” he boasts, and I indulge him, “For what?”
There’s a satisfied glint in his eye, “Fireworks.”
“Just in my locker.” 
“No way,” I let out a squawk of a laugh, “I got caught for that once too.”
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He glances around awkwardly, unable to decide if I’m engaging genuinely with him or taking the piss again, “Really?” He says with cautious interest, “When?”
“Oh, like a few years ago. Second year I think, sometime around Halloween, but someone ratted me out,” I jokingly jab my thumb at Michelle who gasps in outrage, “It wasn’t me! Jen and I knew about it but we didn’t say anything! I don’t know who it was.”
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Evan rests his pencil on the page, “What were you going to do with them?”
“I hadn’t decided yet.”
“Me neither,” he says, actually smiling, “I was just storing them. Actually, I turned myself in once they made that announcement that someone was seen with them. I didn’t want them going through my locker or anything, like, doing the whole search operation thing.”
“Yeah, who knows what might be in there.”
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“For sure,” he goes back to drawing his drain and I begin to sketch in the petals of a crocus flower next to my shoe. After another short moment his curiosity gets the better of him, “Hey, what’s the worst thing you ever got detention for?”
I chuckle, “When I was twelve I set a fire in the boy’s bathroom.”
An incredulous pause, “That was you?”
“Yeah, like, it was an accident though. I’m not an arsonist.” 
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“Yeah that was wild,” Michelle muses, “I remember having to keep it a secret, because Jen and I knew but nobody else did. We weren’t even supposed to know it. You remember how the school made us all go to an assembly about it and they brought that fireman in?”
Evan nudges her with his elbow, “You knew who it was the whole time? You never said!”
“I’m a good secret keeper!”
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He looks at me with intrigue, “What happened? What’s the real story?”
“So I was skipping class. I used to get really bored in Mr. White's History so I hid in the toilets and then when I was there I guess I realised I didn’t have anything to do. I had this lighter in my bag that I’d found in the yard, so I started lighting little pieces of toilet paper on fire, you know, just to watch them burn up and turn into nothing, but if it got too crazy I’d just extinguish them in the toilet. Anyway, I got carried away and decided to light the whole toilet roll on fire and then,” I shrug, “you know the rest, I suppose.”
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“I remember that day so well, do you-” he cackles, “-do you remember how they didn’t replace the toilet paper dispenser for the whole year? It was just this big hunk of melted plastic stuck to the wall of the stall.”
“Really? Nah, man, I didn't go back into that stall ever again. That’s hilarious.”
“You mean to this day? Five years later?”
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“Yeah, seriously! I can’t face it, it just brings me right back there, to getting screamed at in the principal's office and then them calling my parents and all…” the jovial spirit in me falters and this memory, “...who, um, weren’t happy about it and all. Uh, but the main thing was that we talked the principal out of expelling me. I got suspended for a week and then a month straight of detention instead, so it worked out okay.”
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“And you talked them out of expulsion…?” Evan prompts.
“Oh, you know, I’m just good at bullshitting,” I say vaguely, though the reality was that I sat at the principal’s desk, my body racked with breathless, terrified sobs until I almost puked, snot pouring down my face, swearing on my pre-teen life that it was an accident until they let me off easy out of pure pity alone. 
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I concentrate on my crocuses for a while while Michelle and Evan draw too, the three of us in content silence while Ms. O'Reilly walks around the group to look at our work. “Beautiful,” She says of mine, and the compliment fills my insides with such joy and acceptance that I can’t hide it from my face. 
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“Who’s the teacher’s pet now?” Michelle mutters as Ms. O’Reilly moves on.
“Can I see yours?”
“Why, so you can gloat?”
“No, c’mon, I’m curious.” 
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She sighs and tilts her sketchbook to me so that I can see the trees she has drawn. She has a soft line, feminine, cautious and a little shaky, but she’s captured the scene nicely, how the spindly, bare branches of the chestnut tree cut through the clouds and frame a hazy February sky.
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“That’s lovely,” I say. “Not that I’m surprised, you’ve always been a good drawer.”
She looks at her work doubtfully, “I’m not sure, I think I fucked up the scale of some things.”
“Nah, you’d hardly notice.”
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“When did you change your mind about art school?” 
“I thought you wanted to pursue it. I remember you saying that a while back.”
She scoffs, “Oh yeah, years ago. It’s not a practical choice though. What am I going to do with an art degree? Work in McDonalds? I think it’s better that I go for something with more prospects like, um, law or business or medicine.”
I smile, “Yeah. Okay. I think that’s your dad talking.”
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“That’s what I think,” Evan pipes up, “Don’t I always say it, Michelle? They’re all boring choices, and you are so not boring. You’re a creative soul.”
“Aw, thanks baby.”
It takes all of my willpower to resist pulling a face. Baby? I almost say something about how horrendous it is for me to be subjected to their emo love before I remember that my task is to be nice to them. It’s going so well, I shouldn’t jeopardise it no matter how tempting.  
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“Hey,” she spins back to me, “Can I see that drawing you did of me in class? You never showed me in the end.”
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“Well, you didn’t ask,” I flip a few pages back and hold it up to her, her own face, a direct, impatient gaze and mouth slightly pursed in concentration. She stares at it like she’s gazing into a mirror. 
“You made me look very pretty,” She decides after several moments. 
I steal a glance at her. It’s not difficult to, because she is very pretty, she’s always been that way as long as I've known her with those deep, dark brown eyes and heart shaped face. It is her personality and attitude in the last couple of years that's the real pity. I smirk, “Well, you know, I appreciate you saying that, because it really wasn’t easy for me…”
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“God, you’re insufferable,” she complains, rolls her eyes and turns away.
I go back to my crocuses. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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l0serloki · 2 years
okay so i was thinking how valo agents are where they’re kid is now more older like 3-8 years old, idk but the thought of it is so??😖😖
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Valorant Parent Headcanons
(Chamber, Reyna, Sova, Viper)
CW : GN!Reader, uhhh viper being a bad bitch as she should
A/N : YOU ARE SO RIGHT. I love soft family valorant agents <3 
ALSO K/N is kids name!!
Chamber : 
He’s the type of dad to enroll his kid in every sport or music class
‘K/N has to learn about the world! They’ll find a great hobby’
100% makes coffee and breakfast in the morning and reads the paper while his kid cries (we love the robe mom chamber look)
He makes time to go to every school recital and records it no matter how long it is
‘Our kid is so perfect Y/N. They get it from me’ (cue you punching him)
He spoils the kid rotten, taking you all on family trips
You walked into the kitchen to see your loving husband sipping away at his coffee as your children screamed. “Vincent, really?” You sighed making your way over to the twins. “It is fine, my love. Let them get it out and they’ll stop.” You loved the man but you didn’t know how he stood the noise.
“Hey kiddos, let’s calm down. Breakfast is made and we have to get ready for school.” The kids calmed down, leaning into your touch. You sat them at the table, placing their trays in front of them. Your son began talking about his violin lessons and how he had learned a new song. 
Chamber hummed, smiling at his little prodigy. “You will have to show me later. I am excited to see your progress.” He smiled towards the boy while your daughter pulled at his arm. “You too K/N, you are just as talented.” He kissed her head, picking up the dirty plates. “Have a good day at school, you two. Be nice to Y/N.” 
Reyna : 
She’s the aggressive soccer mom 100%
‘Touch my kid and you’re dead’
She would be the mom to pick up her kid from school when they got in trouble and be proud of them
‘Your kid threw a chair at another student’ ‘Good’ headass
She will hang up any drawings on the fridge and always be proud of her child
“Y/N, come here. Look at what our daughter drew. She is so talented.” Reyna’s voice sounded out as you walked into the backyard. Your wife stood smiling with a scribbled piece of paper in hand. Your daughter sat beside her, face gleaming with pride. “That’s right! I drew it.” Your daughter shot a finger gun and you could only laugh.
“Wow, this looks amazing. We have an artist in the family!” You leaned down to give Reyna a kiss, your daughter screeching. “EW, that’s gross! Stoooop.” The two of you laughed as you kissed her on the head. You loved your little family.
Sova : 
He’s such a soft dad
He will read stories to the kids to put them to bed (sometimes falling asleep himself)
Buys them little stuffed animals and trinkets whenever he has to travel for work
Your kid made him a bracelet at camp and he hasn’t taken it off since (it’s his good luck charm)
Sits and watches any disney movie for the 100th time with your kid because it makes them happy
“Papa, you kinda look like Ariel.” Your daughter spoke, making you laugh at the thought. “Ariel? You mean Eric?” Sova asked and she shook her head. “You both have long pretty hair! I think you are a mermaid, Papa.” He turned to meet your hues, confusion on his face. Your body shook as you continued to chuckle at the situation. 
“Right? He looks like Ariel.” You could only hum in agreement to your daughter. “He really does. My little princess.” You kissed Sova’s cheek as your daughter rested her head against your leg. Precious moments like these meant the world to you.
Viper : 
Bad bitch mom fr
She will curbstomp someone if they cut in line of the daycare check-in
‘Maybe learn some manners before you cut.’
She makes sure to always be there to support you and the kid, buying whatever you need (sugar mama viper)
‘I got the groceries and some toys for K/N.’ ‘You just got them a toy last week.’ ‘Oh.’
She likes doing little science experiments with your kid (like the volcano one that I feel like everyone does)
She loves taking you out to little theater shows or simple dates like ice skating
Your son screamed as Viper shoveled him in the car.
“K/N, would you stop? I told you I am going to get your toy! Just wait here.” Viper sighed as she made her way into the house to look for said toy. All three of you were going out to dinner and ice-skating. Viper said it would be a “Good family excursion and memory for K/N”. You agreed with her but K/N was not having a good time even buckling up. 
Finally after what felt like an endless abyss of tantrums, K/N calmed down and you all arrived. “K/N, are you ready to go skating? There’s pretty lights too.” Viper cooed as she helped your kid out of the baby seat. The two of you held onto your son's hand as you walked to the rink, happy to finally be out of the house. Viper was right, today would be a day to remember.
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thelunarfairy · 8 months
Oh my, Yashiro is interested in a lot of boys
Hahaha, she managed to fool you, didn't she?
But look, she already has Hanako, so why is she interested in other boys?
Does she already have it? Who said? I talked about it in this post, and I decided to talk about the way Yashiro likes to get the attention of our favorite ghost boy.
Think with me, the perverted boy who likes to flirt but doesn't show his feelings, he hides it, pretends that everything is just a joke. Wow, Yashiro kissed me on the cheek, I'm really red she can't see me like this
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Do I think you're beautiful in that yukata? You look amazing, I can barely take my eyes off you, but I'd rather say that even radishes look neat.
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Let's remember that she already got dumped by him, after all she took his confession in the tree seriously (although at the time she didn't like him, but she wanted a boyfriend)
So, from that moment on in her little head the thought was: He does these things, he hugs me, he helps me when I need it, he leaves me confused, but I know he doesn't really like me, or does he?"
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Hahaha, doubt is always doubt. Yashiro likes to joke about this. She understands that Hanako wasn't interested because of the reject she got, but he kept acting that way. So she knows that he won't tell his how he truly feels, he won't even confess if he thought she was beautiful. (something he only did on the day of the kiss)
But the detail that Hanako can't hide, her expressions. Not only that, but his jealousy. Ah, these two, he even tries, sometimes he manages to hide his expressions from Yashiro, that's true, but the jealousy… Hahaha you understand, don't you?
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She realized, he's jealous and she likes it when he's like that. She likes to show Hanako that other guys are interested in her. Firstly, because he is always making fun of her, and secondly, his jealousy is proof that there are genuine feelings there.
Do you feel jealous of people you don't like?
So what does Yashiro do?
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Hahahaha yes, she makes him jealous on purpose and he always reacts. She usually says "I want to brag to him" Look Hanako, I went out with another boy, until you tell me what your real interest is I'll keep doing that. XD
Yes, she has that side, but let's admit that Yashiro likes to be courted. That's because boys don't usually do that to her, it's always Aoi, Aoi, right? A girl with low self-esteem whose biggest fear is that everyone calls her "radish legs" because the boys she likes reject her for that, doesn't lead you to think that she feels happy when people are interested in her even with those legs ?
And what does Hanako usually do?
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This insecurity, this low self-esteem makes her want to be courted by several pretty boys, to prove that even though she isn't "perfect" she managed to find a pretty boy who liked her.
She literally says this
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Imagine yourself in her shoes, where you have a best friend who everyone finds beautiful and confesses to, while you are constantly rejected for having (or not having) some characteristic that people don't consider to be the "standard" of beauty. So when you become interested in some people and finally find the courage to declare yourself, they reject you because of that characteristic.
You are not popular, but then, when that person who is not popular, just like you, pretends to like it and makes a false statement and still makes fun of it, you break.
The boy who is not your type rejected you, what will be left for you then? The boy who is not your type makes fun of the thing that makes you most insecure and sad, literally your nightmare in mirror hell. Why doesn't anyone talk about this?
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But Hanako is joking.
Is it fun when people play with your feelings or physical characteristics that make you feel insecure? What do they call that? Oh! Bullying?
So how about I show you this little snippet from the pilot of how Yashiro feels when she hears this from the person she likes.
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Didn't Hanako flirt with her? Didn't he falsely confess to her? Doesn't he make fun of her legs?
Do you understand the point now? Yashiro takes everything in a very comical way, but if you stop to analyze it, that's exactly what happens. A girl who is made fun of by boys, she wants to be loved by someone, anyone, because it seems like everyone rejects her. So, if I had thinner legs, or bigger breasts, they would like me… She wants to change her to please other people.
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So Hanako, let's go back to him, you and I know that he makes fun of her to hide his feelings, but Yashiro took a while to notice that. So if he can do that, why can't she try to make him jealous?
She even allowed herself to fall in love with the boy who rejected her, who doesn't talk about his past, who is a ghost and a murderer and who keeps making fun of her, not to mention his possessive attitudes. A crazy brother and a dark past.
But in Hanako's defense, because I'm a fair person, I know he likes her the way she is, he really loves her and doesn't assume he likes her and makes fun of her to hide his feelings. Because he loves her legs.
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But that is precisely the problem. The way he found to hide this hurts her. Why do you think she cried at the confession tree? Hanako wasn't using Yashiro, he thought she knew it was a simulation, but it hurt her because she felt like she was rejected once again.
He realized this, so he hugged her and asked her to stay. Hanako hiding his feelings ends up making the situation worse.
So come on, give her a chance. She is developing. She is learning what it's like to be in love and for the first time she is feeling loved by someone. “But we’re not a couple yet, we just kissed.” They didn't talk about it anymore, did they?
Does a kiss mean commitment? She wants to hear from him that she is his girlfriend. Until that happens, this will continue to happen
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Because he's the one she likes to brag about.
Despite everything I've said, we still don't know if her attitude will change towards this and if she will completely lose interest in pretty boys and focus only on Hanako. I just wanted you to see her side, Hanako isn't the only one who has problems in this story, right?
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swaps55 · 28 days
Hi friend!! I'm in the middle of an Opus re-read (to finally finish binding Fugue and get to reading Mezzo), and I wanted to share a very specific thing you do in Opus that I'm obsessed with: the fact that everyone else sees Sam and Hannah and is like, "wow, the resemblance is uncanny", and when she looks at him, all she can see is Daniel.
In my head, this is paired with Sam's anger that Hannah kept Daniel's few boxes of things from him, and with Anderson's pride when he realizes that Sam has modified his armor in ways that Anderson talked about - they're all inheritance and legacy.
I genuinely can't articulate why these details specifically have me gnawing the furniture today, but they're just killing me!! I think it's the fact that Hannah doesn't see what Sam's inherited from her, just like Sam doesn't see what he's inherited from Daniel? That feels like a shared flaw of theirs. idk I just get in my feelings about Hannah a lot. I love the way you write complicated parent-child relationships so much.
Oh MAN, I was SO DELIGHTED to read this, because boy do I think a lot about all of these things.
Sam is such a powerful combination of the best and worst of both of his parents, so which one of them people see in him says a lot.
Hannah sees Daniel, the lover she couldn't keep. I think she sometimes looks at Sam as the Daniel who might have been if Sam hadn't existed, which is really devastating when you think about all the ways Sam lives his life in service of the one Daniel didn't get.
Sam only sees Hannah in himself. He can't see his father, because he's trying too hard to make up for the time Daniel lost, and how much Sam feels like he took away from him. The standard Daniel sets in Sam's head is not one he can reach, so he doesn't believe he can possess characteristics of him.
A really telling moment to me is at the orchard in Cantata where Kaidan says, "that's where you get it from," when Sam tells Kaidan about his father's ability to read people. Sam immediately tries to reject that idea, or diminish it. But I also think hearing it knocked him on his ass.
The real kicker to me is Anderson:
Sam tilts his head, and for a moment he looks just like Daniel, not Hannah. It’s not the only mannerism they share. The occasional twist of frustration in his lips. The lilt in his voice. That’s where Daniel lives in his son.
He sees both. He's really the only one who knew them both. The ruthlessness he gets from his mother, the intensity and curiosity he gets from his father. So that moment where Anderson spots a piece of himself in the son that shares no genetic material - the armor modifications - means a great deal to him.
Daniel, I think, was the only one who looked at Sam and just saw Sam.
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bordysbae · 1 year
can you do something where the reader is this introverted person and isolates herself from crowds so one day while she’s out studying in the corner she like looks up and sees the whole team staring at her, talking and she gets really uncomfortable and you can just make the rest up. with anyone really is fine
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“study date”
brendan brisson x reader
word count: 0.6k
i kinda hate this and i’m sorry that it wasn’t exactly like the request? idk my mind has been so all over the place lately, so i apologize if this is bad or doesn’t make sense lol
you’ve never been the type of person to go to every and any party possible, it just isn’t your thing. yes, you go to a party every so often, but your form of social events is going to sports games. you’re more on the introverted side, so hanging with your friends at a sports event where you don’t really need a full social battery is more up your alley.
so of course attending umich, a school full of sports, was a great opportunity to make some friends with similar interests as you. during fall you went to lots of football games, and now that it’s winter you go to a lot of basketball and hockey games. you couldn’t lie, the michigan ice hockey team was very attractive, so of course you knew all of them since you’d done your stalking, but they didn’t necessarily know you. until now.
as you’re sat in the corner of the quiet library, you hear a group of people not too many tables away from you loudly whispering at each other. you can’t hear what they’re saying, but it seems as if they’re trying to get someone to do something.
you slowly glance up to see who’s being annoyingly loud, and your eyes are met with a group of michigan hockey players, and they’re looking at you. you instantly look back down and a blush creeps upon your cheeks. you hide your face with your hair, and continue writing down your world lit notes. a few moments go by, and your peace is disturbed as someone places their hands on the table.
you glance up from your notebook and you’re met with the boys from earlier. your cheeks become hot, and your heart rate begins to increase. “um, hi?” you say softly, honestly a little nervous. these guys are like royalty on campus, what could they want from you?
“hi, our friend brendan here thinks you’re pretty and was too much of a wuss to come talk to you, so we brought him over here.” a boy who you know as thomas bordeleau says, as he steps aside to show you brendan. he’s then revealed and you see him standing next to dylan duke, who has his hand on brendan’s shoulder. brendan’s cheeks are a slight pinkish color, and he has a small smile plastered on his face.
“oh wow, i uh, don’t really know what to say?” you say very awkwardly, trying not to freak out that they’re talking you.
“no worries, brendan likes to talk so i’m sure he can help you out with that!” one of the other boys says. suddenly all of the other guys leave you two alone, and you shyly gesture for brendan to sit in the seat across from you. he plops down in the chair, and you both awkwardly smile. “it’s nice to meet you brendan, i’m y/n!” you break the ice, acting as if you don’t already know who he is.
“im sorry if this whole thing is weird. its just that i saw you in my english class yesterday and i thought you were really pretty, and then i saw you in the library just now and— sorry,” he chuckles nervously, stopping his ramble.
you blush at his words, “you’re too sweet! and you aren’t so bad yourself” you say slightly calmer than before, using the fact that brendan is also nervous as a way to calm yourself.
“would you maybe like to go out on a date sometime? maybe we can go on a study date for english?” he says shyly.
“i would love that.”
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blehhhhhsthings · 2 months
Spathodea voice line notes
Morning vl: Alright... I tried many times to swallow three raw eggs in the morning, but all the attempts ended up failing. Maybe... maybe I should use some sugar. Will it make them taste better, like pancakes?
-spathodea dear why are you eating raw eggs😭?
Bond morning: Vertin, would you like to try a new hairstyle? Like boxer braids... Look, I 100% respect your choice, but are you sure you don't want to give it a go? I've been thinking how perfect it will look on you...
-that’s so cute also why is Vertin just the resident barbie of the suitcase? Or well ken of the suitcase for that matter she is always being dressed up by someone😭… honestly can’t blame them she’s just so handsome
-imagine just a Vertin fashion show where multiple people dress them up to see who’s design looks the best(spoiler it all looks good on her)
Night: I know a professional boxer should say no to junk food, but... sometimes I just can't control myself at midnight and I have to get up for a scoop of ice cream. When I do so, it tastes even better than usual.
-I imagine this is vertin finding her in the middle of the night and she having to explain herself
-P.S. vertin let her go and she ate ice cream until she fell asleep in vertins office while they do their paperwork
Bond night: Hey, hey! Wake up, Vertin, wake up! I was sleeping in my room and started to sneeze like crazy, and then I saw something pop into the window... It's mushrooms! From Ezra's room! They have filled up his room already and are still multiplying! We gotta do something, or the suitcase will become a mushroom garden!
-the suitcase was almost turned into a mushroom garden
-where the hell was ezra during this was he just passed out in his room?
-spathodea’s room is near ezra’s room
-also spathodea dear let Vertin sleep their a chronic insomniac and they haven’t slept all week they really need to sleep please 😭🙏
Sleeves and hands: Cold compress, physical therapy, rehabilitation care... I've mastered all the skills I need as a junior nurse! It's quite something, I know! But you gotta understand anyone can master them, like breathing, as long as they suffer enough injuries.
-spathodea knows how to treat physical injuries caused by sports
Clothing and torso: Whoa... No, haha... It tickles... Hahaha! Oh my... I-I have a strange feeling of deja vu. Something like this happened before, but I don't remember what it really was...
-Vertin tickles spathodea
-also in ulus voice line vertin also tickles her but like why is Vertin tickling them in the first place
Hobby: On the day my coach told my mom "what Spathodea will be dealing with as a professional boxer" ...I-I dreamed of Ulu that night, and her heat woke me up with a dry throat. So I went to get water, and I saw Mom sitting in the dining room alone, looking at my collection of the Uluru photos... Anyway, the next morning, she told me she would be supportive no matter what my decision would be.
-so you have a mother, A supportive one at least 😃
Intimacy: Wow, I've never had any chocolate like this! Emm, I mean, it's not the best chocolate I've had, of course. The best one has something to do with a special moment that means a lot to me... While this one, I like it simply because it's appetizing... So, can I have one more?
-vertin and spathodea enjoying chocolate together😊
Chit chat 2: Wait... Wh-What is it that you're holding? A piece of paper from my... bag? Aaaaah! That's my report card! Stop reading!
-don’t worry I’m pretty sure vertins report card was the same so they can’t even talk.
That’s all I found interesting:D bye 👋
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
HC’s - You had a bad day at work and the boys cheer you up
Hi everyone (✿◡‿◡)
This is for all of you who are constantly confronted with people/customers in your job who can ruin your day. We always wish for a little cheering up in such situations, right?
So, how about the guys from Final Fantasy? 🖤
I hope you’ll enjoy my HC’s  🖤 A big thank you to my dear friend @fangirl-ramblings​ 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
Characters: Prompto, Ignis, Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis
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The first thing Prompto always does when you come home is to greet you with joy and to kiss you.
He does this today as well,  and his kind and caring nature makes you burst into tears all at once. Oh, you really needed that after that hard day at work. 
You immediately snuggle into your boyfriend's comforting arms and he embraces you. "Y/N? My love, what's wrong?" Prompto is all worried about you and wonders what has you so upset. You don't say anything because your tears won't allow it. Your words are stuck in your throat.
"Did something happen at work?" You nod and Prompto sighs sadly, because he knows you don't have an easy job. Often you come home very sad and exhausted. Loving as he is, he gently strokes through your hair. He stays here with you until you slowly calm down.
He looks down at you with a warm gaze, brushes the tears from your face and gives you a gentle kiss on your forehead. Your cheeks are all flushed, but he thinks that's totally sweet. "Thank you, Prompto. I'm so glad to have you," you whisper as you lean into his hand, which is currently stroking your cheek.
"Come on, Y/N. Let's go for a walk and enjoy the sunset. What do you think?" Prompto knows how good you feel after a walk. And nature especially helps you to calm down. "And after that, we could get some hot dogs? Some fries too? Huh? How does that sound, hon?" His gentle laugh and the soft expression in his eyes is all that makes your heart beat faster. 
It was quickly decided and the two of you head out into nature, walking hand in hand towards the sunset. It is quiet around you. No one to annoy you, no one to be mean and vicious towards you for no reason. Prompto was your angel who knew exactly how to make your heart laugh again.
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As you enter the apartment, sighing and dejected, you think about your terrible day at work, which has robbed you of every nerve. But the very next moment you forget everything when you see the many flowers and candles that have been placed in your apartment. Your eyes become wide and you immediately know who has gone to so much effort.
With a gentle smile on your lips, all frustration suddenly falls away from you. The roses are shining in bright red, the candlelight is shimmering so wonderfully. And now, you also notice the fragrance coming from the kitchen. 
"Good evening, my love." Ignis comes to meet you. With a tender smile on his face, and his eyes were filled with love. Love that was meant for you alone. "Iggy. Wow..." 
Gently, he reaches for your left hand as his left hand places itself on your right hip and he gently sways you. As if he wanted to dance. It was meant more as a loving gesture, but you move along in a slow rhythm as you gaze longingly into his eyes.
"This is so beautiful, Iggy. The flowers, the candles... everything. "I wanted to do something special for you." Ignis cooks for you every night, pampers you where he can, but lately you've been so stressed and down that he wanted to spoil you with a special evening.
You kiss him, whispering how grateful you are for his attention. Sometimes you wonder if Ignis is just a beautiful dream. But every time he kisses you, caresses you and touches you, you know he is not a dream.
Cuddling against his chest, you close your eyes and take in his scent. He smells like home, like your personal oasis of well-being. "I love you, Iggy." "Love you too, my love, With all my heart."
This night you enjoy your togetherness. Your home was filled with sweet words and tender kisses...
Nyx Ulric
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Sighing comfortably, you snuggle up against the chest of the king's servant. There is no better feeling for you than to lie in Nyx Ulric's arms. You feel safe and secure.
You've both decided to spend the night on the couch watching movies. After the busy day you both had at work, you don't want to do anything. And it feels damn good to just lay around and enjoy the togetherness.
Your snacks are on the table in front of the couch; now laid out in a totally messed up way, it looks like raccoons have been at work, but that doesn't bother you at all. A little mess never hurt anyone.
"I could get used to this," you mumble as you look at the TV, snuggling up against Nyx's chest. Against his bare, warm chest. Nyx strokes your hair as he quietly agrees. It was more of a low hum, for he was a bit tired himself already.
"Thanks, hon. Movie night was a good idea of yours." Nyx just knew what helped you switch off and leave the daily grind behind. Nyx answered you with a tender kiss. You looked deep into his eyes as your lips slowly parted. Quickly, the movie was forgotten as Nyx gently strokes through your hair again and again, keeping his arm around your shoulder to have you close to him.
"I want you to be okay, Y/N," he whispers before kissing you softly again. You're on cloud nine, Nyx was a very special man to you after all. You love everything about this man. His character, his looks, the way he treats you. You couldn't be happier.
You have a simple life, but the most important thing for you was to find each other at the end of the day, to enjoy your young love and to live it to the fullest. 
His kiss deepens, accompanied by a comforting sigh. "What about the movie, Nyx?" You grin against his lips as you say this, knowing Nyx had something else in mind. "Fuck it. You're way more important right now!" Chuckling softly, you pull yourself onto his lap and this time it was you who gave him a passionate kiss...
Cor Leonis
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You are pissed off! Pissed off and frustrated! What do people actually allow themselves? Why are customers so eager to ruin your day? You throw the store key into your handbag after locking the door and hope that you won't have to see anyone else today! After this horrible day, you need a week off to calm your nerves!
Sighing, you run a hand through your hair as you make your way home. You really felt like crying at the moment, because it seems like people have lost all respect.
Cor certainly wasn't home yet and that frustrated you even more. There would be nothing better right now than to enjoy the evening with him. Unfortunately, his work often doesn't allow that. But you knew what was in store for you when you married him. Nevertheless, you made a conscious decision to marry Cor Leonis and you still don't regret it.
When you think of Cor, you instantly smile. You don't care about the customers, because in the end they are not a permanent part of your life. But Cor is part of your life and no matter how shitty a day could be, the thought of being in Cor's arms always made your heart smile.
Just as you thought of him, Cor was standing not three meters in front of you. You were so deep in thought that you didn't even notice him at first. He was leaning against his black car, a bouquet of red roses in his hand. "Hey, sweetheart." You love it when he calls you that. Immediately your mood rises and you smile. "Cor!" You rush to him, Cor's gentle smile makes your heart beat faster.
His tender kiss makes you melt away, your knees instantly go all weak. It's a long and tender kiss. "How are you, Y/N? Are you okay?" he asks as he strokes your cheek tenderly. "Now that you're here, I'm doing wonderful." The roses he brought you are beautiful and you can't wait to have them bloom in your home.
You didn't know Cor had another surprise for you. He doesn't drive the usual route to get home, but instead drives in the opposite direction. When you see the car stop in front of a very classy restaurant, you look at Cor with wide eyes. "But... I  look terrible. My hair and my clothes..." But Cor just smirks back at you, leans out to you and kisses you deeply. You instantly fall silent, returning the kiss of the man you so desire.
"You are beautiful and desirable, Y/N." He leans forward a little so that you're pressed into the seat, and you bite your lips in anticipation, knowing how this evening will end. "And if we weren't in a public place, I'd take you right here and now in my car..." "Is that so?"
You both laugh as a last, intense kiss takes place between you before you end the evening together with a romantic dinner...
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