#sometimes she sounds rude but she will apologize right after you mention it
lingrimmart · 4 months
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QA from our Telegram
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first-edition · 4 months
Fox and the Hound
Sum-Joffrey wants to send a message to your family after your brother embarrasses him, so he marries you off to his most unwanted man in his court, the hound. But will this marriage truly be a statement for an eyesore, or will it grow into something more. 
Cw for chapter- 18+ words and themes overall, cussing, mention of death, mention of sandors death, joss and Podrick being cutie pies,
// A/N: just wanted to apologize for the broken links at the beginning of the book since i changed my username they haven’t been working but i assure you I’ll get to fixing them. I will also end up making a goggle docs with the entire book for downloading when this series ends//
Previous chapter here
Chapter 22
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You hold your son in your arms walking around the room as you rock him and hum too him. He coos in your arms he holds onto your finger. You smile down at his little face admiring his feature yet to come in your excited to see him grow into his fathers looks. 
There’s a knock on your door. 
“Enter.” You say the door opens and joss enters. 
“Your grace.” You says bowing slightly. You smile at his persistence to come in and check up on you once in a while. Its been just over a month since you gave birth to Joss, and the recovery has gone smoothly and being fully healed your back to doing the normal things relatively. 
“The lady Sansa is looking for you. She’s by the wearwood.” He speaks 
“thank you. Ill be right out. Leave the door open” You say he nods and exits leaving it open as per your request. He dosnt leave he just merely stands to the side to wait for you. with your newfound talent of doing things one handed you lay out the fur blanket on the bed before laying your son on top. 
You turn and pull on your cloak and gloves before going back to your son. You swaddle him in the furs before pulling him back into your arms and heading out holding him close to you and walking out to find Sansa joss follows close behind you as usual. 
“Joss?” You ask him on your way over. 
“Yes?” He asks 
“may i task you with something this evening?” You ask.
”of course your grace.” he answers. 
“Will you go into the town and fetch some new furs as he grows i will need more.” You say. 
“Of course your grace.” He says and smiles before trailing away from your side to the stables to collect a horse for his ride. 
You see Sansa red hair before herself. 
“Sansa.” You call. She turns around to face you her face lighting up as she sees you holding joss in your arms. she holds out her arms asking for permission to take a hold of him and you happily ablidge as you both move to the stone carved bench and take a seat. 
“You were searching for me?” You ask her once seated. 
”ah yes. John sent word through raven about the success with the dragon queen. She will be joining us in the next coming months, John will be arriving home soon to prepare…and he says he’s bringing a friend.” She says breathlessly. 
“You dont sound pleased to have another royal arrive.” You say she chuckles and shakes her head. 
“Her father was the mad king…shes a targaryen they are, to say the least, the more so crazy of the rich royal families.” She speaks bouncing joss slightly. you snort at her rude comment. 
“Do you think she actually has dragons?” You ask she nods. 
“John drew a picture.” She says about the ravens scroll that was sent. You nod and sigh looking at the tree. 
“May i ask you something?” She asks. 
“Hmm?” You answer mindlessly. 
“Do…hm..” she trails off thinking on how she wants to word the topic that could either piss you off or make you cry. 
“When…you look at, joss…” She says signalling to your son and not the squire. 
“…is there any part of you that may have resentment, or pain for the death of sandor?” She asks. You sigh and look at her. 
“No..i miss my husband dearly and every night wish that he were still here to see his son grow but..i have a part of him and i'm grateful for that. Although I do sometimes remind him of how much pain he caused me. When he’s king I hope he goes out of this world just as stubborn as he wanted to come into it…with a fight.” You smile looking at your sons blushed face as he sleeps in Sansa’s arms. 
“I wish to have a babe of my own, whether it is born from me, or im to come upon one that needs care.” She says and smiles. 
“I would’ve liked to give joss a brother so he’s never lonely but I refuse to give myself to another man. when the time comes i want to visit the orphanage.” You say. Sansa smiles and looks to you. 
“I shall join you and we can give two children the rightful home they deserve.” She says happily you nod, brushing your finger against your sons cheek. 
“Speaking of…joss. Where is he. It seems he never leaves your side.” Sansa jokes. 
“Ugh can you believe it? I sent him away to get more furs but i know he’s going to have a hard time determining which length or color to pick.” You say as Sansa hands your son back to you before you both get up deciding to head back into the halls to warm up. 
Standing in the shop joss looks at the furs just a suspected he struggles with choosing the type of furs asking the store clerk a thousand different question about them. The front bell attached above the door rings making Joss double take at the arrival of the other squire sent out. 
“Joss.” Podrick speaks enthusiastically as he sees his fellow looking frantically at the selection the clerk has shown. 
“H-hello.” Joss gets out before running his fingers through the furs now testing the feel once deciding on the color, granted it should’ve been the first thing he does as now he regrets choosing the type and he begins the process all over again. 
“What are you doing?” Podrick asks. 
“H-her grace has asked me to gather furs for the next coming years for the little prince but i dont know if she sent me away to torture me for I cannot choose the best.” He huffs. 
“For now he is a baby no bigger than forearm so he will only need long furs for the next 2 years and the life spans of furs is four. Six if taken care of properly. So you can get him 2 of the long gray. It has soft enough fibers that it will not cause irritation and prevent choking for the prince. You cal buy six other pertaining the length as as he grows older they are most likely to be worn as a cape to there's no need for a backing it can stay as the Hyde, also better for insulation.” Podrick educates your squire as well as telling the store clerk what is to be bought. 
“When have you become an expert on furs?” Joss asks genuinely although it sounds more like a mock. Podrick scoffs. 
“My time spent with Tyrion lannesister wasn’t just golden roofs and armor plating, i took his orders and lists and he had a collection of fine furs.” Podrick answers. 
“I apologize i mean no ill intent for my question it was genuinely a skill i need to learn for her grace.” Joss replies reassuring. He pays the correct amount for the fur selections of one of the guards that went with him taking some in his hold as theres quite a few. Podrick quickly grabs the fur hes chosen an pays before following joss outwards. 
“I could… teach you if you’d like about the difference in fine things.” Pod offers. 
“Take these back her grace I will be alright.” Joss instructs the guard you puts the furs in the saddle bags of his horse before nodding, mounting and riding off. 
“I would enjoy that very much.” Joss says looking at podrick who puts the single fur pelt under his arm smiling back at the other. 
“I was a soldier once. All my superiors thought I was brave…I wasn’t. I mean i never ran from a fight, only because I didn’t want to see who i thought were my friends to see me a coward. And no matter the orders I would do them without a blink. Burn that village im your arsonist, steal from the village, fine im your thief, kill those boys, i'm your murder.” Everyone sits around as Brother ray speaks out on the past he wishes to re-write. He takes a seat looking at everyone who’s listening, including sandor. 
“I went to a village, much like the one we are building, and slaughtered those within, I heard a boy away from his mother as i slit his throat. That night the screams of the mother calling out for her son haunted me. And they still do to this way. And will so for the rest of my life.” He sighs standing up once more. 
“We cannot undo what was done in our past, however we can mold our future to be braver, better, happier, kinder. We can use our wits and our strength for the goodness of our next life.” Brother ray speaks looking directly to sandor. 
Before he begins to speak again the sound of horse hooves trods closer allowing the view of three men to ride up to the group as everyone stands. 
“Good Morrow friends.” He speaks. 
“Whats your business here?” The one in the middle asks looking around at everyone. 
“Building a new civilization my lord.” Ray answers. The man chuckles lowly before speaking again. 
“Have you any more spots? Or steel?” He asks. 
“We are welcome to anyone who wants to help with the thrive, but we’ve no gold, no steel. Your welcome to join us for supper however we’ve many hungers mouths here.” Rays continues to answer kindly. 
The man takes another look at the small crowd before backing his horse up a it. 
“Stay safe then. The night is dark and full of terrors.” He speaks before nodding to the other men. 
“Seven save you friends.” ray replies before the three men turn and ride off. Ray turns to the crowd taking a breath reassuring everyone. 
“Now then let us do some more work and supper shall be prepared.” He smiles. Sandor continues to look at the men who ride off recognizing the symbol in the chest plate. Ray gives him a look before sandor turns and heads back off to his station of chopping wood since he's the strongest and does not tire easily. Brother ray however does not go to his of supervising, he follows sandor watching him pick up the axe and begin easily splitting the large logs. 
Sandor stops a second before turning his head seeing ray walking to him. He scoffs rolling his eyes. 
“Seven blessings, fuck that.” sandor huffs as he goes back to splitting logs. 
“Im a fucking septon what was i supposed to say?” brother ray sighs back to sandor. 
“They dont believe in your seven god shit, theyre from the brotherhood, they serve the redgod…Fucking cunts.” sandor says putting down the axe breifly to talk to ray. 
“Anyway weve got nothing for them.” ray speaks, sandor scoffs at his comment. 
“Sure you do…youve got food, you’ve got steel, even if you say you don't, and you've got women, a man like that whos been out on horse back for long enough is gonna want a women no matter the cost.” sandor retorts back to brother ray. 
“Not you? Youre a man, youre around women?” ray suggests. 
“No not me. I dont need another woman.” he huffs turing back around and picking up the axe once more. Brother ray walks around sandor to face him to continue the conversation. 
“Another? Hm?” ray prods at sandor for mentioning the slightest of you. Sandor huffs and continues to chop. 
“When i found you i thought youd been dead for days. When you were stinking already and covered in bugs, and bone was coming through your leg right there. But youre all healed up apart from the little limp.” brother ray chuckles as sandor looks up at him stopping his chopping yet again for a moment to talk. 
“I was gonna give you a proper burial but the you coughed, Ha, nearly shit myself…i thought, you would die by the time i got you back here, but by that time you didnt. And i reckoned you’d die a dozen more times over those next few days but you didnt…what was it that kept you going?” ray asks. Sandor glances at the ground for a second before taking a breath and letting it out in a sigh. 
“What is her? ‘The Woman’?” ray asks once more. 
“Shes pregnant, with mine, might have given birth by now its been about a year. I made her a promise that i would come back, find her. And i would like to keep it.” he says looking brother ray in the eyes for once. Brother ray nods and walks around sandor beginning his walk back to the village area. 
“Come on now get some supper.” he says. 
Sandor picks up the axe and begins swinging once more. 
“It’s gonna be a cold night. You’ll need firewood.” sandor says chopping and splitting the wood. 
“Ill save you a bowl. Might even have some ale hidden away” ray smiles to sandor before hading back to the village plot. Sandor chuckles and continues chopping although his math is slightly off and with in the next new chops he’ll have to go into the forest for a moment to collect more.
Next chapter here
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cultofdixon · 1 year
You never saw me, til now
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • Blind!Reader • Sometimes people go unnoticed within Alexandria. Hell, Daryl doesn’t know everybody’s name. But you stuck out…for more reasons than the obvious • SFW/ANGST • TW: Discrimination / Anxiety Attacks / Minor Injuries / Mentioned Attempt
Requested by: Anon
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A new home for everybody, Alexandria. Upon first glance at the locals…most of the group decided that most aren’t fit for the world outside the walls. Even if most were in that world before this safe haven.
Then there was this one person. That stuck out but also no one really knew much about. Granted she stuck to herself.
Once the group had gotten situated and received jobs, Daryl was gifted a bike frame by Aaron when he decided to not go to the party everyone else went to. Thank god he didn’t go. As he started to make his way toward Aaron’s place he noticed the woman he spotted walking Alexandria’s streets around this hour every day, holding the same staff in her hands. But for his attention he forced more on the sunglasses that were kept pristine.
Maybe she’s been here since the fall. He thought as he walks passed her only for the woman to suddenly speak.
“Hello to you too, stranger” She laughs slightly continuing on her way as Daryl couldn’t help but stop and stare at her as she leaves.
Once Daryl arrived to the garage with a confused look on his face, Aaron of course had to bring it up.
“What happened?”
“Who’s the chick with the walking stick?”
“Walking stick…” Aaron repeats thinking hard on it while Daryl went ahead and grabbed the tools he’ll need that day giving enough time for Eric to come in.
“Why is his face stuck like that?” Eric asks Daryl questioning the ‘thinking hard’ expression on Aaron’s face as Daryl shrugs tossing an Allen wrench back in the tool box.
“Asked him about this girl walkin’ the streets right now and now it smells like smoke” Daryl jokes only for it to click to Eric.
“Oh! You just met Y/N?”
So that’s her name Daryl nods as the two watch Aaron relax once Eric answered the archer.
“She’s a sweet girl. You two would probably hit it off, when she’s not busy”
“Busy doin’ what?”
“Just existing” Aaron states only for Eric to smack him in the arm giving him an annoyed look. “Sorry!” He sighs as the two knew that what he said was a bit on the rude side leaving Daryl even more confused than he’s ever been around new people. “She doesn’t really do much around Alexandria after she joined about a month before your group arrived. We have a library and she stays there most of the day…then wanders around the same specific times”
“Alright? Then why did he smack you?”
“Because he hates me” Aaron jokes only to be smacked again as Eric really tried not to plot murder in that moment.
“Y/N is blind. So Aaron saying she just ‘exists’ is a bit rude”
“How is that rude when that’s literally all she do—-OW!” Aaron yells that time when Eric smacked him a bit too hard. “She doesn’t talk to anybody. Sometimes she’ll go to the parties we hold for new comers. Deanna will be seen talking to her sometimes, but only if Y/N goes the route toward her house. But for the most part she really just. Doesn’t do anything”
“Prob doesn’t talk much cuz yea say shit like “she just exists” make it sound like she’s a door stop” Now Daryl was the one smacked in the arm by Eric even if he was just saying an example. But he deserved it nonetheless. “Sorry”
“See at least he apologizes for what he said”
“Okay okay. I’m sorry!” Aaron tells Eric as there was a bit of silence before he was smacked one last time. “Hey!” He snaps watching his partner head back inside as Daryl chuckles to himself.
Once it became night, Daryl made his leave to go back to their given home and on his way he spotted Y/N sitting on the steps outside the more townhouse like buildings that were staked side by side. He noticed her still wearing the glasses even at night as he never really understood that even in the old world. He thought being as stealthy as he usually is that he could check her person out.
“Your mother never taught you that staring was rude?” Y/N startled Daryl back a bit as he had this look so disbelief which she could only assume he had given she started to laugh after she heard the rapid shuffling. “Caught yea off guard huh?”
Daryl didn’t say anything which lead to Y/N thinking for a short second that he had ran off. She’s not a scary person, just likes fucking with people.
“I don’t do nonverbal, dumbass” Y/N sighs rubbing the back of her neck out of anxious habit when the situation got weird.
“Mm. Nice. Deep gravely voice with a bit of a southern twist in it.” Y/N smiles resting her head in her hands as she leaned forward resting her elbows on top of her knees. “If only I could touch yea to get an idea of what kinda man you are because I’m already sold on the voice”
Man she’s bold Daryl thought as the tips of his ears had a hue of red to them after she said such.
“Either I was too bold for you or you ran off. Regardless I don’t do non-verbal” She brought herself to lean back on the steps like she was previously as she heard the smallest shuffle of feet in front of her. “Left huh”
“Nah” and then she was the one to be startled when hearing the voice so close to her as Daryl had sat down beside her.
“Jesus fuck if I had my gun you’d be dead”
“You can aim?”
“Oh fuck you” Y/N laughs elbowing the man she just met. “I bet yea whatever the fuck is currency nowadays that I’m a better aim than you”
The archer scoffs to the remark but also couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this. He felt good.
He needed that moment to get him comfortable with the other Alexandrian. A part of him enjoyed talking to her and having her around. Even Y/N made the effort to get close to the new people.
Resulting in a day she walked Alexandria without her staff, given she was carrying a box. Daryl taking a break from his bike, he couldn’t stop himself from approaching her.
“You know where you’re going?”
“The second I hear a baby, I’ll know when I’m close” Y/N readjusted herself to get the box more secure in her arms.
“Goin’ to the Grimes place? I live there yknow”
“Then is this you offering to direct me? Or—-“ Y/N strayed a bit too far resulting in Daryl grabbing her bicep and pulling her toward him before she fell. “Uh. Yes. Please say yes”
“If yea needed a hand you could’ve asked”
“But how would I know if you’re by—-“ Y/N stopped herself as it dawned on her, which lead to an infectious smirk appearing. “Oh. Oh!” She cheers catching the archer off guard as he quickly releases her arm once she straighten herself out. “It’s you that’s always around me!”
This is true.
Ever since Y/N had opened that window for Daryl, he never left her space. In a respectable manner but if others noticed—-without noticing what he does, then it would be creepy.
Daryl normally sits on the porch of the Grimes residence whenever Y/N would go on her walks. He’d quickly get up and kick away any questionably sized rock that could get caught on her shoe. Or a stick that fell off the trees that could trip her up. Pretty much if he saw anything in her way, he would kick it away or call Y/N to get her attention and ultimately approach his voice.
There have been times where she would sit with him while he worked on his bike. Sometimes Y/N would scare the shit out of Aaron because she would sit by the door to the house from the garage and he wouldn’t see her when he’d check on the progress. Both her and Daryl get a kick out of freaking him out. With the time she spent in there, she got the hang of recognizing all the tools Daryl uses to build the bike so when he asks for a certain tool…Y/N knows which one to grab. He would even direct her toward the bike to get a feel of it. She’s not a huge fan of motorcycles but she enjoys these moments.
Including nights where Daryl would find himself approaching her door when she would step out to take a night walk. Which she always thought was a bit risky but she doesn’t make a big deal of falling over a few times. A thing she started to admire of Daryl, he would join her on these walks and wouldn’t make a big fuss if she’d fall since she’s used to it. He’d simply help her back on her feet and the two continue the walk. Act like everything was normal. He still did his “push obstacles aside” routine whenever he walked with her.
A few mornings, Y/N would bring herself over to the Grimes’ residence to get to know everyone that Daryl is close with. To get know the people he talks heavily about ever since he opened up on their night walks.
“You like my company, Dixon. And frankly, I really enjoy yours” Y/N smiles as she handed the box over to Daryl. “And since we are close. You can carry that for me”
“But what about—-“ Daryl stopped speaking when Y/N locked arms with him as the smallest thing made his heart quicken. “Alright uh. Yeah let’s go”
His heart may be beating out of his chest, but it wasn’t the only one…especially given the blush on Y/N’s cheeks started to give herself away even if she tried adjusting her sunglasses to see if it covers most of it.
“So what’s in here anyway…?”
“Well your friend Michonne told me about the Grimes kids and when she hung out with me or really asked a lot of questions about the lay out of this place. I told her to just take me to the library and we can find a map to the place in there since it’s also the records room”
“How can yea—-“
“Braille, dumbass” Y/N laughs. “They aren’t on the books though. Just to tell me what rows and sections we were in. So I just helped her get what she needed and she told me that Carl likes comics and I remember us having a few. She dug them out for me and there’s just scattered kids books for the younger one.”
“That’s nice of yea”
“Yeah I would just double check the comics real quick cuz I can’t tell some of them between magazines and…I don’t want yknow. Those kind of mags in there. Tryin’ to get on everybody’s good side…even if this is the most I’ve been out since I’ve arrived”
“Really?” Daryl carefully directs her up the steps and let her hold onto the wall while he rests the box on the porch fence flipping through the pile to make sure everything is alright.
“Yeah uh. I never thought I’d live this long so I kinda locked myself away for a bit when I first arrived”
“Do…uhm. Never—-“
“Do I mind if you asked how a blind person managed to survive this long with undead fuckers around?”
“I did. But I trust you, so.” Y/N carefully leaned against the wall after making sure it wasn’t the window or the front door. “I’m blind. No brainer. I’ve been this way all my life…well. I wasn’t blind from ages 0-4 but anyway, I’ve gotten the hang of living this way and all my other senses enhanced. I’m not saying I have super hearing or shit like that. But I’m pretty good at pinpointing shit. Plus when you walk really slow and haven’t washed off the Walker blood you’ve collected over the hairier times…you blend in.”
“Then how did you not get shot?”
“Oh I’ve been shot.” Y/N lifted her shirt to show the bullet wound scar. “Thank god that happened right before Eric found me or yeah I wouldn’t be here. Other times the wounds weren’t so bad. I had my supplies”
“How did no one steal from yea? Have you been with other people?”
“Yeah. A military camp and then a group of assholes…that met the wrong end of my staff” Y/N shuffled a bit out of anxious habit that Daryl could’ve left but he would tap his foot whenever she did such and she’d instantly relax when noticing the small vibration. “Also when you’ve gone unnoticed your entire life before shit hit the fan, it’s easy to know when others try to go unnoticed.”
“How many walkers have you killed?”
“Too many to remember” Rick asked her these questions. She knows the drill.
“Have yea killed any of the living?”
“Only a handful, and that was the group that were a bunch of assholes. As much as I had my dark moments…I didn’t want to be crossed or have the job done for me. So yeah. Only a handful and that’s the literal five ish people”
“I took down two and then didn’t hear anything more until I was shot so I had to fire back and that racked up to three? So yeah a handful”
“Hm” Daryl felt a bit anxious himself, but for something that happened in the past. Blind or not she would’ve still had to deal with stealing assholes at least once in the end of the world. But a strange part of him wished they met sooner, so he could’ve protected her.
But she doesn’t need protecting.
The walker infestation after the wolves ambush, proved such.
Even if every part of her was screaming when she didn’t hear his familiar sounds anywhere near her. Also during the navigating through the herds that flooded Alexandria until they were all taken out, Y/N lost her sunglasses. As much as that didn’t seem like a big deal, they were to her.
“Y/N are you alright?” Maggie kept checking in on her after she found herself a posted position at the infirmary since she had to take out more walkers than she ever had before.
“Yeah, I’m good. Daryl come back yet?”
“Oh. Well alright” Y/N shot her a smile before going back to an anxious look with a permanent frown this time around.
To pass the time a few were cleaning up the bodies and Y/N did her best by using her staff to push bodies into the piles that a few hav started. Her mind was on where Daryl could be. She knew Sasha and Abraham also haven’t turned up and her anxiety was toward them as well. But that part of her was screaming wondering where the hell he was.
Her thoughts distracted her when she pushed one of the bodies over, pushing a bit too far that her staff slipped from her hands as she quickly met the floor.
This happens. It’s fi—- Her thoughts were interrupted by Glenn’s panicked voice checking on her as she felt the vibrations of several footsteps approaching her which meant a small group forming.
“Oh my god are you okay?”
“You hurt, Y/N?”
“Can you get up?”
“Let me he—-“
“GET AWAY FROM ME!” Y/N snaps bringing herself in a seated position and checking her person herself. “I can get up myself”
“Who let you help with this? You can’t see what you’re doing”
“Hey, that’s a bitch thing to say”
“Like you weren’t thinking it”
The voices just blended in with each other as she felt like she was drowning from times before the outbreak.
You shouldn’t help
You’re useless
Get out of the way before you cause more problems
Her breath got caught in the back of her throat as she cautiously steps back trying to feel for what’s behind her. Turning around would have the same effect, struggling to get out of the situation.
Her outreached hands suddenly made contact with another pair of familiar calloused large hands feeling them squeeze hers.
“Hey, hey…” His voice was always soothing to her even in the moment when she couldn’t stop the tears from falling. His hands gently cup her face wiping away the tears. “You’re okay. It’s okay…don’t listen to’em”
“I…I was—“
“You were helpin’. They weren’t.”
“Got lost. Got in a bit of a jam. But I’m back, I’m here…I am here” The archer emphasizes on that last part feeling her hands latch onto his sides steadying herself on his person.
“…I was scared when you didn’t come back”
“Mm. I was scared when I heard about the herds comin’ through…” Daryl frowns resting his forehead against hers to help her relax more and have her know entirely that he was there. “Yea can handle yourself…but I…Yeah it ate at me when I came back”
“You’re okay”
“Mhm. We’re okay. You’re okay”
You’re okay…he’s here, he’s safe…
Everything will be okay
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kairithemang0 · 5 months
wait, so ur saying she's been actively ignoring ur 504 and belittling and insulting you in every interaction you have and on OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS????? AND UR ADMINISTRATION IS JUST LETTING IT SLIDE BRO????????????????? WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG W UR SCHOOL???????? that geniunely sounds so bad im sending you every single virtual hug ever
it's funny because im literally incapable of switching out of that class, obviously now i cant but in the first 2 weeks of school so many people switched out of her class that they weren't letting anyone else switch out
she actively puts me in the back of the classroom (another thing in my 504, for focus reasons and also i can't see well im meant to be in the front), ignores me when my i try to ask for help and she does this thing where she aggressively taps on my desk and it makes me want to wrip her fingers off. my class is also just generally loud with people making really obnoxious noises and i sometimes just can't handle it and it makes me want to break down and cry because i get overwhelmed really easily. i have her class right after lunch sometimes and i was overwhelmed then (i have too many people who sit with my friends at lunch, none of them are my friends) and so i came into her class and put my head down on the desk and she comes over and bangs on it like she's knocking on some door and told me to go to the nurse if i'm going to "be disrespectful in her class". satan, stfu. just like don't. and apparently i still need to apologize to her for being rude despite being incredibly stressed. anyways i took a nap in the nurses office after that and it was great i couldn't feel my arm :)
it's her first year here, i wouldn't be surprised if she didn't last. the school knows about my issues with her specifically, my guidance counselor has done all she can to help me but honestly im ready to be done. i get out in late june, im stuck with her for another month and i swear after that last day im never talking to her again. also never gonna take spanish again i really can't stand spanish
SORRY FOR THE VENTS ABOUT MY SHITTY TEACHER GUYS- i finished my homework now so unless yall send more asks i hopefully won't be mentioning her again
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thesalemwitchtries · 11 months
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Dreaming Of a Grave: Chapter One
Word Count: 1.5k-ish
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Named! Fem! Enhanced! Reader
Warnings: physical assault without any specific depiction, existential ruminating, mentions of a bad childhood, also apologies to people from nyc, I went once when I was 7 and my dad dislocated my shoulder pulling me out of the way of a truck that almost ran me over, I don’t really remember much else.
Thank you so much for reading! Any comments or feedback are much appreciated!
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It was a small life that Charlotte Tanner had built for herself, but she loved almost everything about it.
Especially complaining. 
Char loved being jostled on busy sidewalks and watching weird trash float down the gutters when it rained. She liked the frustrated looks strangers shared when the train was late, despite the fact that it was “In-Transit”. 
New York was a great place for blending in, and people in the city loved to complain just as much as she did. It had so many things that she adored: weird, smelly, kind of terrible and nonetheless lovely things.
There were buskers playing instruments that she’d never heard of, in keys she’d never heard before, and the sound that neon lights made, and how she was a regular in more than one place. People knew her. Maybe not her name, but they knew her face and because of that Charlotte belonged. 
“Commiserate” had been the word of the day a few months after she moved to New York, and she adored both the word and the action. It was like a big mental shrug. Was she suffering? Did things kind of suck sometimes? Sure, but she wasn’t alone.  Someone was going through it right beside her, and had felt how she felt.
Well, maybe not exactly how she felt, but as close as they could get.
Ten years had passed since she came to be known as Charlotte Tanner. Now she was a Real Person, free from the monsters of Before, and safe from having to hide. Well, mostly safe. Char had documents now, in a special folder, and a bank account for money that she could earn.
As long as she didn’t make waves or commit crimes, then she never had to go back to being Six again, that was the deal. That was how she went from being alive to having a life to live.
Char had a place in the world now.
In the frozen aisle, contemplating her options for ten minutes before getting the same flavor that she got every Sunday— she belonged there. In line at the coffee shop, nodding a little too eagerly at a gray-flecked person griping over the prices, Char belonged there too. Complaining about the weather, taxes, and Daylight Savings Time, all with a quirk to her lips that she couldn’t fight down.
It was so wonderful being able to complain, having things to whine over that meant nothing in the grand scheme of life.
Since she'd once known misery and been unable to even speak about it, there was nothing Char loved more than making her discomfort known. Even undercut as her swearing may have been with the smile twitching across her cheeks.
Whining was a privilege to her, it meant that there was a better before and after, a more comfortable baseline to return to. 
It sucked stepping in a puddle and having to walk around in wet shoes all day, and she loved to whine about it, because almost every other day her shoes were warm, comfy, dry. She luxuriated in being able to take things for granted, just like people that learned how to talk and read before they were fifteen, and weren’t extra-mutated lab experiments. 
Char liked to play-pretend that she was a Normal Person with a Regular childhood, and the easiest way to do that in NYC was by voicing your complaints.
Icy rain slipped down her back because of some jerk with an umbrella? She’d say something about it, doing what she could to tamp down the cheerful tone. Door slammed in her face? Someone would get an earful of “how fucking rude”, even while Char’s spirits lifted at the reminder that people usually held them for her.
Everyday brought more opportunities to practice being grouchy, and the performance was becoming steadily more convincing.
When the long day of working, taking a whine-walk, and being a functional human was done, she got to hole up inside of her own apartment.
Char had rented it with her own money, filled it with stuff that belonged to her— that she liked and got to keep. It was the one thing that she wouldn’t complain about, even though the first two floors were filled with scary and smelly people, the elevator had been “under repair” for all 5 years that she’d lived there, and the garbage chute might have a dead body inside if the odor was any indication. 
How could she voice any faults in that? The one thing she’d wanted since she got Out and began her own life was a place of her own.
Inside there was a very round cat named Garbanzo, a workshop that she'd had built herself, and her first creation on it, her home-care assistant, Igor.
Her companions would tangle up between her feet as she walked into the kitchen for a Cup of Joe, Garbie crying for food and Igor reciting the weather report. Char would play music and watch tv and look at her collection of free art that she took from walls and cork boards, sitting on her couch that was mostly being held together by decades of cigarette ash. 
In her apartment she could watch steam float from her coffee cup and dance in the sun, and after a day of working, Igor would ram into her ankles until she made a meal. If she managed to ignore him, then one of her neighbors would be by, offering a plate of what they’d made. When she invited them to come in and chat they would, plopping down in the extra chair, giving Garbie a scratch and Igor an awkward pat.
People would ask about her day and talk about their kids and their hometowns, and she was their neighbor just as much as they were hers.
Sra. Elena in the apartment below hers insisted that Char visit once a week. Such visits involved Elena sitting in a chair across from Char and painting colorful stories about her life while they ate pastries that she didn’t dare ask the names of. It was considered strange to ask about things that were Common Knowledge, and being strange meant people looked for other ways that you might be different. 
Charlie didn’t want to give anyone a reason to do that, especially not here, if they did she might have to leave her hard fought haven. With that fear dangling over her head, Char did the best she could to stay within the normal bounds of strangeness that everyone was allowed to have. 
Mrs. Hernandez down the hall had said there was nothing wrong with being “a little eccentric”. Charlie had responded with a nod and pleasant smile, and searched for the definition the second she got home. Eccentric was one of the rules that she lived by now: be a little eccentric, but never too weird.
Another one was to never take her home for granted. It was a common theme in the media she consumed that people lost the things that they took for granted, and Char couldn’t let that happen.
So complaining was reserved for out on the streets, and her apartment was for washing lasagna from the tupperware that belonged two doors down and waving as she passed people, chuckling about the mailman who was always mixing up the boxes.
This was home, and no matter if she was scared or sad or lonely, it greeted her every morning just the same. Char was grateful just to have this place and the future it represented.
Her apartment was for being herself, and in love with all of the new things that she experienced every day. Warmth, happiness, and security reverberated off of every surface, blanketing her on both good and bad days.
Not once had it occurred to her that anything might happen to it.
Of course she didn’t expect to live there for the rest of her life, but she was Charlotte now. As long as she kept off of specific radars, no one had a reason to come looking for Six anymore. Char had thought that she already knew the dark corners of the world, that her abilities would shed light into them and keep her safe. 
That morning, Igor had informed her of “Hubris”, the newest word of the day. It was a noun, with the meaning: overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance.
It was the fatal flaw of pride and arrogance against the gods that brought tragedy to the characters of Greek plays.
When afternoon had arrived with unwanted guests, and her handmade art gallery was smashed in. When Garbie hid deep in her closet and Igor backed into a corner, Char remembered the word of the day. It stuck in her mind as her home was trashed, when they threatened to destroy her research. “Hubris” bobbed through her head while she tried to shield her work, when the two men told her to get out of the way, and it came in the space between each flash of pain as she was made to move. 
The workmen were long gone by the time Char peeled herself off of the kitchen floor, the ice cream in her freezer had begun to melt, and she thought of a few ways to use hubris in a sentence.
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emilyjunk · 6 months
hm, so. hi! first of all, i am thinking *a lot* about the grad school universe, so thank you for creating something so amazing? second of all, sorry about the rambling i'm about to do.
so, i was stalking the tag of this universe and saw that tweet of the "crying, manipulative and whore" emoji, and you said it was giving you cady vibes. and then i realized that most of the situations we've got to see of cadina involve regina messing up in some kind of way and cady dealing with that. but! i'm really curious to know about a situation that is the opposite. cady is just in a bad mood and regina is left to deal with it. cady messes up in some kind of way and regina doesn't have it within her to know how to proceed.
i did saw cady liking to tease regina in a lot of ways in your fics, but it still makes me think! i get that regina is very insecure on a lot of things about herself and their relationship, like questioning how cady chooses her even after all these years, even if she drives her crazy. quoting the third chapter of your fic (i am obsessed, yeah, sorry), "Regina hates when they fight. She hates that it's always her fault. She hates that she never learns.", it makes me think. there is no way is always regina's fault! i choose to believe that she is just too insecure to realize a time when cady was the one that started a giantic fight for no big reason.
and also! in the fourth chapter, we've got to see cady being jelous of regina, and regina is pretty cool about it. is there a time when regina does not get cool about, but freaks out instead?
i'm sorry if i am sounding rude, please know it is not my intention (i do not have a way with words, mainly in english, lol). i just really wanted to share this thought. i hope i was able to explain my confused mind right now. anyways, i love your writing and your imagination! thank you for creating this amazing fic. sorry again!
first of all hi! thank you for reading and thinking sm about this universe! i assure you it consumes my entire state of mind. i put your answer under the cut, as it got super long!
yes there are definitely a lot more scenes and aspects of their relationship to explore as the universe grows. it's mentioned they break up all the time but we haven't really seen that yet and what it looks like, so i definitely have plans to explore that. as far as cady messing up, of course it's not always regina's fault! that would be unrealistic. but yeah for sure, regina is super insecure and after she cools down from a fight, i think she definitely realizes that she is a catalyst for certain situations and fights, and she almost always escalates dramatically. i mean. that's just who she is. so even if it's just something small they're bickering about, sometimes she's liable to push too far or hard and then cady will get actually mad, so regina has to find it in herself to try to apologize/deescalate which isnt always easy for her, thus making her feel once again like it's her fault.
i think there are definitely situations though where cady is in a bad mood or something and regina has to deal with that. that also is a bad cycle because regina doesn't always know what to do or how to act, and i think it's easy to argue she likely wouldn't have the best track record of making good choices when it comes to dealing with cady's ~emotions~. Regina's go-to is anger or deflection... I think if Cady was upset Regina's suggestions wouldn't always be what Cady was looking for in that moment. And then that pisses cady off, trapping them in a cycle of fighting or bad moods. this relationship is the epitome of healthy relationship goals obviously.
as for the tweet about about being a crier manipulator and whore with the 🥺 emoji LOL, i was definitely not thinking about this in the context of them fighting hahaha. i was thinking of cady like totally preying on regina being whipped for her and down bad for her cute face and so she can get her way sooooo easily. regina doesn't always start a situation by being all about pleasing cady but you know she ends it that way because she can't stand when cady is mad at her for more than 20 minutes, and even when they're being playful and not fighting, i think regina is almost always first to cave! regina has spent her whole life getting what she wants... i think there is something so desperate in her to have this script flipped and cady for sure knows it. hence why she thinks cady was sent to torture her personally. i understand this is just a personal read of her character and their relationship so if people disagree that's totally cool lol.
as far as jealousy goes, regina definitely has had times where she hasn't reacted as cool with cady being hit on etc. but it's very situational. i think regina experiences a constant battle between feeling superior and inferior. for instance, she's not gonna look twice at some freshman hitting on cady. regina is so far above that kid she knows it's irrelevant and even acknowledging him is insulting to her. but at the same time she definitely feels insecure that cady might emotionally connect with someone regina thinks is more......... for lack of a better word, stable? than she is. regina is aware that she is extremely reactionary so sometimes she just says whatever and does whatever and gets mad or upset but she doesn't mean it, or she just needs to walk away and come back, and she probably sometimes feels insecure cady will want someone less volatile. cady doesn't obviously. cady understands this about regina and even if it pisses her off and drives her crazy sometimes, it's not a deal breaker.
welp hopefully that was some fun meta for you because this got long! this ship is fun to play around in the sandbox because they are both a little too obsessed with each other and that makes them act pretty extremely sometimes. but they're still the biggest softies for each other. okay cool thanks for the ask i should go now before i write 10k more analysis.
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spandexspangles · 14 days
Y'all I had the most surreal unsolicited fundraising call today. No, sorry, it was two calls. I'll explain.
I was at work a little after it opened, off the clock, having just finished talking to an acquaintance about a potential partnership event. It is very chill, with just 7 other people near me. My phone rings, I step away for a moment to answer. As one does. Guy starts talking real chummy, sounds like a politico. And the thing is, my work hosts fundraisers for politicos sometimes (including this week!) and so I'm thinking it's someone calling about that for a second, and then he says "will you help us on our mission to make America great again?"
Screeeeeeeeeeech. Surely not.
Me: I'm sorry, who is this?
Dude: oh. [Annoyed pause, followed by cheerful yet menacing robot voice] This is Name, and I'm calling you because we want to thank you for your upcoming donation. I see in the past you've donated $500 to the cause of patriotism-
Me, briefly worried that maybe my bank had been hacked but then remembered I'm poor, so would have definitely noticed $500 leaving my account: Wait, what?
Douche, VERY snippily: Excuse me, I'm speaking.
Me: WHAT. [Laugh] Did you just chastise me for interrupting your pitch begging me for money, for the FUCKING Republican party??
*At this point, it's worth mentioning that I work in a queer bar. So seven heads whiplash in my direction upon hearing these words*
Broheim: It's incredibly rude to swear! 😠😠
Me, just barely not laughing: I don't give a good flying fuck what you think is rude, I hope you die. Go fuck yourself.
Butthurt: garbled noises that I didn't quite catch because I hung up on him.
So, funny enough, right? I walk back to everyone, but not 20 seconds later, my phone RINGS AGAIN. SAME! NUMBER! Everyone yells at me to answer it. I oblige.
Me, using my aggressively chipper/ditzy voice that I will use for the entirety of this convo: ✨️Hello? ✨️
Gross dude: So we maybe got disconnected before, I'm sure you just drove through a tunnel.
Me: Oh! Nope! I hung up on you. 🥰 [Puts phone on speaker, in accordance with the frantic handwaving of my coworkers]
Determined guy: Well you said some very rude things to me. And I do apologize for saying you should go put in a tampon. But in my defense you'd wished me dead, so that's fair.
*Everyone including me just drops their fucking jaw. Apparently, that's what the garbled noises were as I was hanging up on him. I don't think I've heard that used as an insult in real life since like, the 90s? Deep cut.*
Me, maliciously and immediately determined to fuck with him even more: Oh, I didn't mean YOU! 😇 ...I meant your entire political party. But I could see how you'd misunderstand. I'll be super duper glad when y'all just fade away. 💖
Fundraising oaf: so I'm calling today to encourage you, as a patriot, to keep Kamiiiila Harris out of the White House-
Me: oof, that's embarrassing. She's the Vice-President and you don't know how to pronounce her name? Come on, sugar pie, that's just silly.
Broseph: I know how to say her name! 😡
Me: Hey so I wanted to ask- is this like, an effective fundraising technique for you? Like you call someone, scold them, say shitty misogynistic things to them, get hung up on, call BACK, be rude some more, and then, what, they give you money? Like how many donations have you got doing that?
Slimeboi: We believe it's important to be our authentic selves! 🤡
Me: ...so none then.
Guy who is starting to regret his choices: ...This election is the most important one ever! The Democrats have done a terrible job with-
Me: Oh I agree!
Dumbfuck: Really?
Me: Absolutely! They need to do a way better job at not being spineless and actually get back to proper progressive valu-
Idiot: The criminal Democrats are going to destroy the country! 😤😤😤
Me, speaking over him: You're begging for money for a guy who tried to overthrow the government. And he's a convicted felon!
*I cannot emphasize enough that while I have been quoting more or less verbatim in this recap, the following line is EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID*
Simp: I'd rather vote for a felon with a heart of gold than a-
I desperately wish that I knew what he called Harris just then, but alas, that was the moment wherein I and the people surrounding me lost our collective minds and started howling with laughter.
Between gasping for air, I told him to have the day he deserved, and hung up on him. We waited to see if he would call a third time. Alas, no. I am so, SO glad this happened in front of people, because I would have assumed that I'd hallucinated it. My manager asked if I was going to call and report him. Absolutely no way. I want that guy doing all their fundraising calls.
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luvinus · 2 years
Hello (≧▽≦)
Can I request an angst to comfort/fluff about a lioness reader that gets cornered by some students that want to touch her ears/tail on her way to the Savanaclaw dorm to see Leona? And the teasing of the students reminds her of how she would be teased as a kid in her other school and starts to feel uncomfortable when Leona shows up?
It's ok if you don't want to do this request. Hope you have a great day, stay safe! <33
-shy anon 🖤
“Don't Touch”
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Lioness!Reader, Recalling of undesirable memories, Flashbacks (kind of?), Basically harassment
Further Details from the Customer: “HI, I'm the anon that requested the angst to comfort/fluff about the lioness reader feeling uncomfortable about her tail/ears being touched. I forgot to mention that if you can, please make it a scenario. Tysm 😅🤍”
Waiter’s Note:
“Seyngrfsoierugbwoigwg this was so cute to write. <3 Thank you for ordering! Apologies for the long wait, and I hope you enjoy your stay! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))"
As you made your way to the Savanaclaw dorm, the sun shone down on you. You walked a bit slower, deciding to take your time and bask in the sun a bit more.
'A nap would sound very nice right about now...,' you thought to yourself as your tail swishes back and forth. Leona would probably be napping, enjoying the feeling of the light tingling on his skin, just as you did. Though, it wasn't a rare occurrence. Almost every afternoon, you'd lie down next to the lion and take in the midday warmth, side by side, or sometimes, with you lying down on top of him.
Ears twitching, the sound of someone, or some people, approaching drew you back to reality and out of your thoughts. Stopping, you turned halfway around, ready to leave if needed. You were met with about four or five students, with strangely eager looks on their faces.
"Hey! Sorry, do you mind if we touch them?" one of them said. Another one came forward and added, "We just think your tail and ears are very cute and fluffy! C'mon, just a touch.."
Your lips twitched downward, and your ears pressed down flat against your head, "Uh, no thank you. I'm not-"
"Don't be rude. It's only one touch, nothing more! Just let us," a third one said, approaching you.
This felt weird. This felt uncomfortable. It made a deep pit sink in your stomach as you remembered how your old classmates used to treat you. Their teasing, their taunts, their coos; treating you like a housecat that was simply meant to be played around with. It made you feel helpless and guilty for something you couldn't control.
"Oi, what are you herbivores doing? Get away from her," a voice growled. Your ears shot up and your head snapped to the right, towards the source.
There stood Leona, in all his glory and messy hair, baring his teeth towards the cluster of students. They quickly backed off, apologized, and scurried away. His expression softened when he turned to you.
Lowering your voice as he came closer and closer, you nearly whispered, "What're you doing here?"
You wrap your arms around him and breath in his scent. He smelled like the sun. While he pulls you closer into his arms, you swear you heard a miniature purr from his throat. "You were late."
Feeling him press a kiss near your left ear, you figured he must've missed you. After all, Leona usually isn't this gentle with you. Or maybe, he sensed that something was bothering his queen.
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
maybe something like interviewer asking her sexist questions and the boys stand up for her , after that interview she feels insecure and the boys comfort her . that's just an idea you don't have to write it !! <33
I hope you like it, and I'm so sorry about the delay 😭 I couldn't find my footing with this one, and I hope it's what you wanted ! Have a lovely day 💙
The One Where They're There For Her
Tumblr media
Pairing - One Direction x Reader (6thmember!female!reader)
Fandom - One Direction (Directioners)
Summary - A particularly sexist interview decides to reduce you to just a sexual being and makes no effort to hide his misogyny. But the boys are there to support you.
Warnings - sexualization of the lgbt community, sexist comments, swearing, (honestly I hated myself for writing some of the comments here,and I'm so sorry)
Being a part of the biggest band in the world comes with certain responsibilities. Not responsibilities that come along with signing a recording contract, but those that a person deems themselves responsible for. For example, as the only female in a boyband, a female with a fanbase as large as yours, you took it upon yourself to always stand up for what's right, and to be an ally for the causes close to your heart.
That meant that your social media was often flooded with information about important causes, or your opinions on issues like feminism. Was it always well received? Heck no. There were people filled your feed with hate and comments calling you the most horrible names and labelling you a 'man hater' and a 'bitch' But you didn't let it get to you. On most days. On days like today, it was all you could do to keep it together. It had been a tiring few days, touring, recording, performing and doing an endless amount of interviews and photoshoots. It was safe to say you were on the last of your nerves, having battled your way through a makeup artist who had insisted on pointing out your flaws and had used a shit ton of makeup to cover them up. You had battled a photographer who had not hesitated to tell you that if you didn't look more feminine people would think you were turning into a man.
Before you could retaliate, Paul had dragged him away and told management to cancel the photoshoot, and find another photographer before grabbing the six of you some sandwiches and had let you all go back for a quick power nap at the hotel. Then in about half an hour he had woken you up, to get you ready for another interview. That's how you were here, in a white jumpsuit and a black blazer jacket, paired with black heels. Another day, another interviewer that got on your nerves. But this one, this one was different. This interviewer was different, but also the same. Another misogynistic man who thought he was entitled to stare at your ass and cleavage, and eye fuck you as you settled into a seat in between Niall and Zayn.
Settling in, you crossed one knee over the other, plastering a fake smile onto your face, as the man leaned back in his chair, throwing you a sleazy smirk. Noticing the look, Zayn shifted so you were out of view of the interviewer, but in view of the audience. It was in moments like this that you were a 100× more grateful to have your boys. They were well aware of how sleazy some interviewers could be, having had plenty of experience with them, and Zayn and Louis in particular were very protective about the way you were treated. Squeezing your thigh softly, he leaned back a little, lips settling into a thin line as he looked at the interviewer with a cold look. A little behind, Louis threw the interviewer a dirty look.
"So, One Direction! Congratulations on the album, as you all know its out on November the 22nd, with eighteen new songs, including the singles Night Changes and Steal My Girl Speaking of stealing girls, do you think I could steal your number Y/N? And may I mention, you look ver, very hot in that outfit" The interviewer joked, throwing you what he thought was a sexy smirk. (P.S - it wasn't) Answering with an awkward laugh, you shook your head, as Niall tensed up beside you. "Aww come on, your'e a pretty girl, I'm a handsome guy, let's go out sometime" he pressed on, ignoring the growing anger in Harry's eyes. "That's umm, nice. But no thanks, I'm not going to go out with you" was your answer, as you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. Picking up on your nervous tic, Zayn moved his hand to rest on your knee, stopping it from bouncing up and down.
"Aww come on baby, what is it? You like girls or something? Because I wouldn't mind being a part of that action either" the sleazebag chuckled, ignoring the disgusted look Liam sent his way. "That's rude" Liam said, while Zayn tightened his grip on your knee. "Oh come on lads, are you telling me the idea doesn't appeal to you? Two women together, mm, makes me all excited just thinking about it, especially if one of them's Y/N" That comment was all it took for Louis to stand up, turning to the man and saying in a voice much rougher than his usual voice, "Alright, that's fuckin' enough, what the fuck is actually wrong with you?" he was backed up by Liam, who stood up, going to tower over the interviewer, whose eyes had lost some of the sleazy look in them. "All you've done since we walked in here is make those disgusting comments about Y/N, and it's sickening. Have some fucking respect" he practically spat.
Behind him, Zayn took your hand in his and pulled you to your feet, noticing the slight glossiness in them, leading you back to the dressing rooms, while Niall, Liam, Louis and Harry stayed back to continue to snap at the interviewer. "That is no way to treat a woman, and not only are you disrespecting her, you also made those god awful events about seeing women together. Your'e a shame to every single person in this room by talking like that" Harry continued, glancing over his shoulder to check if you were okay.
"And no, it doesn't excite us, because we are not assholes, and you are, a disgusting sleaze who does not deserve the job he has. Fuckin loser" Niall chimed in, standing up and storming out. Louis stood up as well, turning to directly face the cameras and the cameramen and sound technicians, who had all looked shocked when the man had made his comments towards you. "I sure as hell hope you have that on record, so you can see just how fucking sexist this industry is to women. Y/N does the same job as us, works just as hard and has the same number of awards, nominations, and records and yet you decide to only focus on her body, clothes, love life and sexuality. Get a fucking life" he spat at the camera, before walking away himself, eventually followed by Harry and Liam, who apologized to the outraged fans before leaving themselves. As they made their way to the dressing rooms they could hear the audience telling the interviewer to apologize to you, their anger at the way you were treated echoing through the building.
Walking in, Harry caught sigh of you curled up in one of the armchairs, with Louis sitting beside you, while Niall and Zayn talked to a furious Paul. "He had no damn right to treat her like shite, and you need to make sure that he knows those comments were un-fuckin-acceptable" Niall was saying, looking angrier than Harry had ever seen him. "And to make those sickening comments about wanting to get action? Can't we sue him for something?" Was Zayn's reply, glancing over his shoulder at you to make sure you were still okay. "We can't sue him, atleast I don't think we can, but I'll have someone let the smug bastard know that he needs to learn how to respect a woman" Paul said, before leaving the room to give the six of you some time together before you had to head back to the hotel.
"How're you feeling darling?" Louis said, moving over and patting your knee so you moved. "I'm okay" you mumbled back, letting Louis settle in next to you, leaning back to rest on his chest. "He had no fuckin right to say any of that, and don't you let it trouble you for a second" Zayn added, pouring out a cup of tea for you and for Louis and Harry. "I don't care about what he said, I couldn't care less, but it was just so frustrating, sitting there and listening to him just sexualize a whole community of people. You've got to be in a really sad place to think of shit like that. That's what annoyed me. You think I give a damn about what he said about my clothes or wanting to take me out on a date? It was the way he was talking, like he was sure any woman would be glad to have him that irked me. He's really tiresome" was your reply, as you reached forward for a sip of your tea. "That's the right attitude love. Haters gonna hate" Harry said.
"I know that. But I just wish I could punch him once, which sounds mean, but he does kind of deserve it" Niall said, earning a laugh from you. Niall was never usually aggressive, and even now, he wasn't particularly rude but it was rare to see him wanting to punch someone. "It's okay Niall, you don't have to. I can do it myself, but I won't" you replied, leaning up to squeeze his hand. "Besides, Ni, if you went and punched him, I'd do it too, and then we'd all go to jail" Liam chimed in, scrolling through his twitter. "Twitter isn't happy either babe. #stopsexualization and #Y/Ndeservesbetter is trending already" he added, showing you his phone. "If it means some of these sexist asses get their heads out of the sand, I'm happy. But I dont want to to think about it now" you replied, cuddling closer to the warmth radiating from Louis's body.
"Okay, we won't talk about it. Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Harry asked, standing up and walking to the door "No I want to go to Nando's. Anybody else hungry?" You asked, to nods of assent from the boys. "I'm starving. Those stupid sandwiches didn't fill me up at all" Zayn said, standing up to grab his coat and wallet. "I know and I'm craving some hot Peri Peri chicken with some fries. Do you think they'd let me put the lemon and herb sauce on the fries?" You asked, standing up yourself, earning a laugh from Louis. "Your'e an international superstar babe, I think they'd give you some lemon herb sauce" Liam joked.
Laughing, the six of you made your way to the car, with Harry and Niall squishing you in between them, as Louis sat in the back with Liam, and Zayn sat in the front with Paul (he was driving thank GOD) "I'm proud of you darling" Harry chimed in suddenly. "I am too" Niall added. "You know I am" Louis said, before Liam added "Always babe" and Zayn turned to smile at you before adding, "We are all proud of you, and we always will be, not only because you do a damn good job of not listening to the haters, but because you do what you think is right" "Awh come on, your'e gonna make me cry" you mumbled, leaning into Niall's shoulder. "Almost makes me feel bad for teasing you about having an extremely low spice tolerance the last time we were at Nando's Haz" you smirked, earning a roar of laughter from the boys.
"That chicken was spicy love!" "It was lemon and herb with no peri peri!" "And it was spicy!"
And just like that, you were back to messing around with each other. Sleazy interviewers would come and go, but your boys were always there to support you. Always.
A/N - Thanks for reading ! I'd also like to apologize on the behalf of this fictitious interviewer I made up, I felt so bad while writing some of this 😭 anyways, I hope this is what you wanted! Enjoy !
Tags - @zaynkissbot @gucci-hazza @bxtchboy69
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sinofwriting · 3 years
Rude - Will Lenney
Words: 446
Summary: Will meets her at her job.
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She stared at the man in front of her, mind racing as she hopes the shock that’s running through her system isn’t shown on her face. “I’m sorry again, Sir.” She tries to apologize for the third time, but he cuts her off with a frown and sigh.
“I don’t want to hear you apologize; I want you to fix this. What kind of restaurant doesn’t offer steak?”
She swallows harshly, wanting to remind him that they aren’t a restaurant more of a cafe or bistro but doesn’t want to risk him raising his voice any more than he already has. People were already looking at them. “If you’d like, I could get the owner and they could help you with this?” She offers, not mentioning that by help she means throw out most likely.
He sits up slightly, a smug look on his face at her words. “I’d like that a lot actually.”
She nods, before turning on her heel to head to the kitchen where the owner is.
Quickly filling them, the thunderous expression isn’t a surprise, nor is it a surprise when she’s told to go on her break, and she doesn’t even try saying that she doesn’t need to go on one.
Exiting the shop through the backdoor, she walks around to the front to sit on the bench that sits right outside the shop. A deep sigh leaves her as she lets her eyes fall shut and her head tilt back as she lets herself relax. She would never get used to rude customers no matter how long she did this.
“You alright, lass?” She hears someone ask.
Opening her eyes, she squints at the person standing in front of her. “Yeah, I’m okay.”
“You sure? I wouldn’t blame you if you weren't having to deal with such a rude man.”
She smiles at him, “I’m sure. You get used to it after a while.”
He frowns at that, but nods.
She expects that to be it, but he hesitates before gesturing at the bench. She nods, curious as to if he just wants to sit or if he wants to talk to her.
“My name's Will.”
She smiles at him, accepting the handshake he’s offering. “Y/N.”
He seems to hesitate again, but slowly begins to speak. “I don’t know if this is weird or anything, but would you like to get something to eat sometime?”
“Would it be a date?”
“If you’d like it too.”
She pauses to think, “I’d like to get something to eat with you, but I don’t know about a date. Maybe something close to it though?”
He beams at her, “Sounds perfect to me.”
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mildkleptomaniac · 3 years
brunch — jj maybank x kook!reader
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭:  “ Can you do a jj x reader? He's a waiter at the club and her family is there for brunch, her parents don't know about their relationship and are kinda rude to him. Reader's done with their attitude and deffends jj and reveals their relationship by accident and her parents get mad. Love all your fics, you're so talented! ”
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1.6k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: just some angst and an outburst! rude parents
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆: sorry this took forever to get out! school semester just started, along with a new job. and I’m finally in the process of feeling better. I’m posting this on mobile so sorry if they layout is weird, but I hope you enjoy!
Y/N sat at the table, her parents sitting across from her as they stared at the menu. According to her parents, the world ran around them. They didn’t seem to care that they would take more than enough time to order and then usher the waiter over whenever it would be convenient for them. They would manage to make brunch turn into dinner with the amount of time they would sit at the table and slowly pick at the bread for an appetizer while slowly sipping their mimosas.
Y/N enjoyed going out for meals, but never with her parents. Sometimes she felt like she had to babysit them, especially with how they treated employees. She always apologized whenever the waiter would catch a glance at Y/N and she would give them an apologetic smile. Not to mention the amount of times she would slip in a few extra bills for the tip. Her parents were harsh when it came to the working class, which she didn’t quite understand.
But today at the Kildare Country Club, Y/N’s boyfriend would be their waiter.
JJ Maybank.
Y/N’s secret Pogue boyfriend. He was the boy that her parents would fear for her to fall in love with because they knew all too well about his family and their history. Her parents would remind her of the “better” selection of boys to pick from, which either included Kelce or Topper. Luckily her parents never mentioned Rafe Cameron—it’s almost like they knew in their gut that he wasn’t the best candidate to date.
Y/N’s parents feared that Pogues will just use her to get further in life and that she’s just some doormat to her friends. But that wasn’t the case at all, if anything—Y/N was the glue to the friend group after she began dating JJ.
A few lies a week would keep her parents fooled, thinking she was spending her time studying or volunteering when in reality, she was relaxing at the Chateau or lounging on the HMS Pogue in JJ’s lap as they sipped on cheap beers.
“Good morning, folks. My name is JJ and I’ll be your waiter today. Can I start you off with anything to drink?” The blonde flashed his smile at the table, his eyes meeting Y/N’s. A comfort washed over the girl, his gaze always soothed any tension built in her body.
“Isn’t it Mimosa Sunday?” Her mother glanced upwards from the menu, voice flat.
“Yes, m’am. Bottomless Mimosas all Sunday.” JJ replied.
“Then get it started. Y/N would have a glass of water.” Her mother’s eyes flickered back to the menu. Y/N pursed her lips, shifting in her seat.
“What would you like to drink, miss?” JJ asked Y/N, ignoring her mother’s statement. Her eyes widened and she cleared her throat.
“I’ll take a sweet ice tea, please. With a side of water, please.” She made sure to emphasize the word ‘please’ around her parents. A term to slip their vocabulary whenever they were brought face to face with the working class.
“Y/N, don’t waste your calories on a drink.” Her mother shook her head.
“It’d be okay and I don’t want to talk about that right now in front of the waiter.” She remarked through her teeth, eyes looking back between her parents and her boyfriend.
“One sweet tea and bottomless Mimosas coming right up.” He jotted the order on his pad before turning on his heel. Y/N’s father cleared his throat and it caught JJ’s attention.
“Young man, we weren’t done ordering. We would like to place an order for an appetizer.”
Y/N could feel her shoulders ache from how pinched they were with tension. Her parents absolutely embarrassed her to no end with their lack of consideration or manners. She’s surprised they got this far in life by treating people like this. They were no different than any other person.
“We would like the Mini Herb Smoked Salmon Frittatas with Deviled Eggs.” Y/N’s father read off the menu.
“I’ll get that in as soon as possible, sir. And I’ll be right out with the drinks.” He smiled before walking away. He glanced back at his girlfriend and sent her a reassuring smile, trying to let her know that he was doing okay.
She knew her parents weren’t the worse to deal with, but they could be difficult.
“I’m surprised they allow a Maybank to work at this establishment. He probably steals all the soaps and colognes from the bathroom and sells them on the street.” Her father laughed, shaking his head.
“Oh honey, you’re probably right. His father is such a sleaze, I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes the boy bring home scraps from the dumpster!”
“I’m sorry, but what the hell is wrong with you both?” Y/N questioned, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared in distaste at her parent’s banter.
“Excuse me, young lady. Watch your language.” Her father reprimanded.
“Excuse me? Excuse you! You don’t even know JJ and you’re talking poorly about him. Obviously, he is working hard to make money. Bold of you to assume that he isn’t a hard worker—but he is. Do you not see him mowing lawns for the neighbors? Helping Hayward run groceries on the docks? If his family’s wealth is such an issue to you, why not help donate clothes and food to him?” Y/N’s outburst caught other tables' attention. She stood up in her spot, her hands clenching the table cloth.
“Y/N, you are causing a scene. You need to sit down right now or else you’re in major trouble.” Her mother’s voice was sharp.
JJ walked to the table, pretending to be oblivious to his girlfriend’s statements, which the whole restaurant practically heard her defending him. “Here are the Mimosas and the sweet tea. The starters will be out shortly. Can I get you anything else in the meantime?” He faked a smile.
“I don’t care if I’m causing a scene, because you’re causing a problem! You’re being rude for absolutely I reason towards JJ.” She remained standing and JJ stood there awkwardly, unsure of what the right move would be in this situation.
“Why do you care about this, Pogue? He has no meaning to our lives—he doesn’t benefit society, sweetheart.” Her father spoke in a softer tone.
“You’re unbelievable, dad! JJ Maybank is a human being who works to survive! He isn’t some scummy person and—in fact, he is my boyfriend! Mom, Dad, meet my boyfriend, JJ Maybank.” Y/N finally snapped and she gestured towards the blonde who stood there. He looked like a deer in headlights.
“Y/N, stop embarrassing the poor boy at work and yourself.” Her mother’s face grew red—she wasn’t sure if it was from anger or embarrassment herself.
“I’m not embarrassing myself, mom. This is my boyfriend. We’ve been dating for a few months now and this is where I’ve been. I’ve been dating a Pogue. You’re sweet, precious daughter is dating this Pogue. And he is actually fantastic and cares about me—more than you two ever do!” She threw her fabric napkin on the table before reaching into her purse. She pulled out a rather large dollar bill and stuffed it into JJ’s pocket. “Here is a tip that they won’t be giving you, babe. But I think you deserve it.” Y/N kissed his cheek before walking away from the table.
JJ cleared his throat and looked around the area, “would you like a different waiter, today?”
Y/N went inside the Country Club and paced around the entrance way. She ran a hand through her hair and she tried calming herself down. She had never had that much confidence to confront her parents like that, but she knew she would face the consequences when she would go home.
A hand clamped down on her shoulder and she turned around to face her boyfriend.
“JJ—I am so sorry all of that happened and—“ He interrupted her by cupping her cheeks and pulling her in for a kiss.
“You’re so hot when you’re mad and defending me.” He whispered against her lips. She let out a light laugh and they kissed once more. “You don’t need to apologize babe, what you did was awesome. Insane, but awesome.”
“My parents are going to kill me,” she laughed again. The reality setting in quickly.
“Then stay at the Chateau with me tonight. What’s gonna happen that’s not already? Plus, we can sleep together and I can have you tell everyone how you had a scene at brunch.” He teased, his fingers playing with the ends of her hair.
“That…that sounds nice.” She sighed, closing her eyes. JJ pressed a kiss to the temple of her head.
“I also put in your breakfast order if you wanna eat at the bar. I used the money you gave me for it.” He tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. She looked at him gratefully.
“You’re the best, J. I love you,”
“Even if I’m a Pogue?”
“Most definitely if you’re a Pogue. I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
taglist: @abbyg217 @taylathornton @lemur46 @urdadsapussy @webmeupspiderdaddy  @rosarosse @5sos-fic-recs @littlethingsinmymind @pogueslandia @mrs-cameron @starduststarkey @jjshoeobx29872 @caswinchester2000 @starksvixen @mrs-talia-cameron @newtpsd @rottenstyx @professional-busboy @hallecarey1 @alwaysclassyeagle @cake2coke @siriusbutalsono @princessmaybank @wolfstar-lb @jorja-cameron @emeraldheartbreaker @nicavass
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loving-all-for-loki · 3 years
How about a Loki x reader.. Tony moves his baby sister into the compound after something happens to her but he won’t tell anyone what. She refuses to leave her room until everyone is in bed. She comes out one night and is caught by Loki. She immediately apologizes and becomes so shaken up that she drops her things and breaks a glass. Then it hits him why she was secretly moved in. Tony had discovered his little sister living in a bad situation with her now ex and suffered years of abuse. Loki decides then to take his time to make her feel safe again and they eventually fall for each other.
A/N: I hope this works! I got really sappy at the end, but I also don’t know how to end these one shots. This is a bit of a lengthy one, so bear with me.
He’s Not Him
Summary: Tony Stark has enough of his sister’s ex and moves her into the Avengers Tower. After taking notice of her shy and timid behavior, Loki digs deep at her past, making him want to make her feel safe.
Pairing: Loki x Stark!reader, Tony Stark x Sister!Reader
Word Count: 2993
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of domestic abuse, language
Forever Tags: @mm2305
Y/E/N - your ex’s name
*If you or someone you know is being domestically abused, please reach out to 911 or call 800.799.SAFE (7233) for help. Love you all*
Tony storms into his sister's apartment. After standing outside of her door for a half hour, he bashed in the door at the the sound of a scream from inside. Frantically, he pushes his way around the furniture and bursts into your bedroom. His eyes go wide at the sight of you on the floor in a ball and your ex boyfriend above you with a fist out. Stark grabs your ex’s fist and rips him away from you, pushing him into your dresser.
“Get the fuck out!” Tony screams.
“Oh, the great Tony Stark is here. What are you going to do? Drop a bomb on me?”
You’ve never seen Tony’s skin turn so red. He storms forward and punches your ex square in the nose, sending him down on the ground. Tony unleashes all his energy until the man is left with a broken nose and multiple bruises.
“Get. Out.”
Your ex runs out of your room, without missing the chance to break a few things, and out of your apartment. You look up out of your ball to see Tony rushing to your side with panic in his eyes. He lifts up your head as you climb into his lap.
“Come here, darling. You’re okay. You’re safe now.” He coos.
You cry into the crook of his shoulder as he rocks you back and forth, his hand on your back.
“I’m getting you out of here,” He says, placing you on your bed, “I’m taking you to the tower with us.”
Tony leaves you on your bed as he gets a suitcase and packs your things. He gathers all of your clothes and some of your possessions like books, drawings, and others. You can feel the tears starting to dry on your skin as you stop crying. Tony doesn’t miss the way you start to uncurl and the bruises on your neck show up. His face drops to see the choking marks on your neck.
“I’m… so sorry, Y/N. I should have been here to protect you.”
You shake your head at him as he joins you on the bed. Tony reaches around your head to undo your ponytail and cover the bruises.
“There, now no one will ask you about them.”
You give him a gentle smile which eases him a little. He leans forward and kisses your forehead before taking your hand and helping you up. Tony and you walk out of your building and into the garage where Happy is in the car. He drops you off for five minutes to go talk to your landlord about you leaving.
“You’re going to be okay,” Happy reassures you.
“Thanks,” you manage to get out.
He gives you a warm smile. He has always made you smile throughout the years. Tony comes back, joins you in the car, and takes off to the tower.
Upon arrival, you look up at the large tower in awe. You’ve visited a couple of times, but that was a year ago since your ex didn’t allow you to see Tony much. It’s always been impressive. You were thankful for Tony letting you live on your own and make something of your own life instead of letting you mooch off of his fortune, but you do regret sometimes not letting him support you more. You were always so proud of him.
Tony carries your luggage as he leads you to the elevators. He looks down at you every so often, noticing the anxious way you bite your nails.
“You’re safe here. We have the best security and you’ll be surrounded by trained assassins and heroes. They’ll protect you, I promise.”
You nod your head at Tony’s words. As much as they help you, you don’t really want to see or talk to anyone. After having your ex break into your house every day for two weeks, you want to be alone except for the occasional visit from Tony.
The elevator doors open and reveal you and your brother to the Avengers who are all lounging in the living area. They turn to look at you with puzzled faces, making you nervous and hide behind Tony’s arm. He lets you stay behind him instead of forcing you to say hi as you exit the elevator.
“Everyone, this is my sister, Y/N. She’s going to stay here from now on so be nice to her,” Tony announces.
Everyone says hi to you but you stay silent behind Tony. He doesn’t question it even though the others look at one another in concern. Steve thinks to himself that you can’t be that rude, but given the way you look, everything must be very different to you from the rest of your life. You look shocked and scared.
Looking at the Avengers, you take in each and everyone’s appearance. Bucky and Nat look the scariest in your opinion and you make a mental note to stay away from them. Sam, Steve, and Clint look nice, but Wanda looks like the sweetest lady in the universe. She has a smile that warms your heart. Turning to your right, you see two very tall men standing and staring at you.
The taller one has blonde hair and a big grin on his face. He has a large stature, but he does not look intimidating. He has a golden retriever energy to him, but the man next to him is a different story. With his pitch black hair and powerful stand, the other man stares at you with daggers in his eyes. He sends shivers down your spine without saying anything.
You drag your eyes away from the intimidating man and follow Tony down the hallway. He leads you to your room where you get settled in, unpacking your clothes and putting away your things. Laying in the bed, you take a big nap which is needed. You feel as if you let out a breath you’ve been holding for days. The idea of being away from your ex finally settles in and you feel the wave of relief wash over your body, letting you drift away into sleep.
You’re woken up by Tony letting you know dinner is being served. He lets you know that you’re not being expected to come out and eat with everyone, which you appreciate. Ten minutes later, he comes by your room and slips a plate of food in your room as he opens the door, letting you eat alone.
Tony returns to the living room by the other Avengers eating and gathered around the couch. He takes his plate and sits next to Pepper who has her own food, smiling at him as he joins.
“So, your sister?” Sam asks.
“Don’t even think about it. She is not to date any of you.”
“Woah, I didn’t say that,” Sam laughs.
“But we know what you meant,” Steve chuckles, rolling his eyes, “She seems shy.”
“She is. You probably won’t get a lot out of her.”
“Can I ask why she’s staying her?”
Steve shares a look with Bucky. The elevator door opens and Peter walks into the living room.
“You guys started dinner without me?” He asks, jokingly.
“Early birds get the worm,” Steve laughs.
The group chuckles and keeps eating their food.
“Is Y/N a new Avenger?” Steve asks.
Tony sighs and rolls his eyes at the question. Everyone notices the annoyance in Tony with talking about you and collectively decide to stop asking questions. It’s clear he doesn’t want to talk about you much.
“No, she’s not.”
“Who’s Y/N?” Peter asks.
“I’ll fill you in later,” Nat replies.
The day goes by fast and you find yourself staring out at New York in the moonlight. You have always enjoyed the night time. They say New York is the city that never sleeps, but you’ve always found peace and warmth in the New York night. Everyone goes out to party or to bed. It’s a time of joy and relaxment.
You hear the last door shut for the night, signally everyone going to bed. Looking outside of your door, you don’t spot anyone so you sprint outside to the kitchen with your empty dinner plate. Upon entering it, you search the walls for the light switch for about five minutes. There’s no other light than that except for the over. You finally find it and switch it on. As you turn around, you’re startled by the frightening black haired man standing there.
Scared, you drop your plate, shattering it on the tile floor. Your eyes go wide as you start to back up against the wall. Without saying anything, the man takes a step forward, scaring you half to death. Your mind plays tricks on you and all you can think about is your ex breaking into your home. You start to have a panic attack, sliding down against the wall, and curling up into a ball.
You miss the way Loki’s eyes go wide. He watches you descend into an anxiety attack and doesn’t know what to do, knowing he’s who caused it. Quickly, he rushes down the hallways and bangs on Tony’s doors.
“What do you want, Reindeer Games?” He groans.
“Your sister…”
Tony doesn’t wait for another word for following Loki down the corridor. He spots you panicking in the corner of the kitchen and grabs you, lifting you into his lap. You grab onto his neck and pull him close, crying into him. He lifts you up and carries you off to your room without saying a word to Loki, leaving him standing in the kitchen agape.
Not knowing what to do and unable to relax, Loki makes his way to his room and opens up an old laptop Thor had gotten him. After spending thirty minutes just to figure out how to work it, he starts googling things about you. He starts with your name and finds multiple articles on you and Tony, the Stark Industry Golden Children. You left when you were eighteen, wanting to make your own life and not follow in the family’s footsteps. He gives you credit for being yourself, something he had struggled with. He knows the feeling, not wanting to be your family.
Then a certain website catches his eye, Facebook. He finds a profile of you filled with photos and text. There are some of you with friends in the town, a couple of old coworkers wishing you a happy birthday, then there’s a photo of you with a man. There are no other photos of you with him other than this one a couple months ago. He keeps scrolling to find more photos of you with him, but they all stop after that first one. Clicking on something tagged in the caption, another profile pops up.
Y/E/N’s profile. Filled with photos of drunk nights at the club, shirtless gym time, and quotes from misogynistic authors, Loki finds himself despising this man he does not know. He scrolls through finding very little of you in his account, as if you don’t matter as much to him as he does to you. Closing his computer, Loki decided to go check on you. He’s frustrated by whoever this man is, not knowing whether he’s important or not.
Loki peeks into your room to see Tony laying next to you, brushing through your hair with his fingers. Tony looks up and meets him in the eyes. There’s slight anger, but Loki doesn’t feel pushed away. He takes a step in before Tony leans into your ear and whispers. You look up and over to Loki, but you don’t ask him to leave. Loki continues to walk into your bedroom quietly, but with a small gentle smile on his face.
“I’m sorry for scaring you earlier,” he says, “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know. Thanks,” you mutter.
Your voice is small and timid like a mouse. He can hear the hesitation in your voice, not knowing whether he should talk to you or not.
“Are… you okay?”
Another awkward pregnant pause erupts between the two of you. Loki looks around your room as Tony continues to hold you. He whispers into your ear again before leaving.
“I’m going to go back to my room,” he says, “call me if you need me okay?”
“Thanks, Tony.”
“Of course, anything for my little sister.”
He kisses your forehead and heads out of your room, leaving you and Loki alone. You don’t mind his presence anymore. After Tony tells you that Loki isn’t your ex and you’re okay, you’ve accepted him.
“I have to ask… who is that man on Facebook?”
Loki gives you a quizzical look. You think for a moment about how Loki got on Facebook and what guy he’s talking about.
“His name is Y/E/N.”
Your body clenches at the sound of his name and Loki takes a step back, looking at you. He’s never seen anyone physically close up just from a name. It may be some Midgardians thing he doesn’t understand, but the way that you are shaking, he thinks otherwise. He sits down next to you and wraps his arms around your shoulders. You lean into his touch as you attempt to calm down.
He’s not here. I’m safe. He’s not here. I’m safe.
You keep repeating that in your head, reminding yourself that you’re safe in the tower like Tony said. Looking up at Loki, you see his concerned face. He cares. This man you barely know cares about you.
He’s not him. He’s not him. He’s not him.
“I don’t think I properly introduced myself. I’m being quite an ass asking you these questions without manners. I’m Loki.”
Loki, not Y/E/N. He’s not him. He’s not him.
“Well, L-Loki,” you say with a stutter, “He’s uh… my ex. Ex boyfriend.”
He nods as he takes in the information at hand. Your ex, who makes you quiver in fear even over people who have done nothing to her, has no photos of you. He shares his lavish lifestyle that most would presume belongs to a single man. Loki looks back at your depressed ridden face. The color in your skin has drained from you and you’re staring blank cold at the wooden floors under your bed. Loki places a hand on your neck to move your hair and give you a light massage, but you flinch away from him before he is able.
Loki’s never seen so much fear and worry in someone’s eyes before. You jerk away from him muttering yourself, as if it were taking everything in you to not scream. He looks over you to see bruises along your neck where your hair had moved from when you moved. A wave of anger runs through his body, infuriating him. He did that to you. That’s why you’re so afraid of him.
“Did he-”
Loki rises from your bed and clenches his fists. You see the anger pouring from him and rush to his side before he can storm off. You grab his arms and force him to look at you.
“Please, don’t… don’t do anything.”
“Why shouldn’t I? No man should ever do that to a woman, especially you.”
“Just let it be.”
He releases his fist but the fury in his eyes doesn't. You pull him towards you to make him sit again. Moving in closer, you lean into him. Loki wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his lap. The two of you lay down in your bed, you curled up on him as he held you, running his fingers in your hair.
For some reason, Loki feels as if he has to protect you. The way you ball up gives him this sense of innocence about you. You haven’t done anything to deserve those injuries, just live your life and try to find love. Loki always knew there was a good reason to hate Midgardians, not just for their stupidity and now he’s found it.
The two of you fall asleep without realizing it. The light from the sun peaking in the windows wakes you. Stirring in bed, you look up to see Loki under you, his arms holding you against him by your waist. You're cradled into his chest as his chin barely rests on the top of your head. Loki’s eyes flutter open at the feeling of you moving on top of him. He looks down at you and smiles.
The way the light shines on your face makes you look angelic. Your smile warms his heart and the warmth of your body against him makes his heart jump. You turn over to face him, leaning up on your shoulders over his head.
“Hello, darling.”
“You slept here.”
“Both of us did, actually,” he laughs.
You drop your head laughing. Loki’s sweet laugh fills the room and blesses your ears. He’s not too bad to be around. He’s quite kind and sweet.
“Thank you for last night.”
“For what? If I remember correctly, I gave you a panic attack.”
“I mean the way you calmed me down and held me. It was needed.”
“Well, I’m glad I could do that for you.”
Loki means it when he says it. Looking at you now, there’s not much he wouldn’t do for you. You don’t deserve what the world gives you, especially that asshole Y/E/N. He would hold you for the rest of time if that meant keeping you safe.
You won’t lie either when you tell Loki he makes you feel safe. Every day before he sneaks off to his room so the others don’t know he spends the night with you, you tell him that he makes you safe. He never believes you. He’s shocked that anyone could feel safe with a monster like him, but after all to you, Loki is not him.
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leahblackk · 3 years
I have not sent in a request jn like 6 years but okay -
something maybe a lil big angsty but like spencer is being over the top sarcastic with reader. maybe they’re in an argument over his job or something some argument and Spencer is just being very rude and sarcastic to the point where reader can’t tell if it’s a joke or not, and in the midst of their argument spencer is called away on a case, and comes home to see reader has left. (if u wanna fluff it up at the end he can apologize profusely and they can cuddle it out but up to you leah bc your mind is genius)
Hurtful words
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(Not my gif)
Summary: a little blurb by my local amazing ideas giver, Alex. Let’s all say thank you Alex for this idea.
Couple: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Warnings: Spencer being a little shit. And mentions of being injured because of gunshot. And many mistakes I’m sorry :)
Oh my god yes! I feel like I haven’t done a blurb in years. Your blurb ideas are the ones that keep me going. And you are the genius!! Your ideas are extremely amazing and I’m happy I can make them true <3
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Spencer Reid.
What a mystery that man was.
Y/n met Spencer as a sweet young man with glasses and cute jumpers. A man who didn't catch certain social things. He didn’t understood sarcasm in certain occasions or indirect messages or double intentions. Of course, he knew what it was, but he didn’t know how to act with it or how to use it.
Until he learned how to be passive-aggressive.
The first time Y/n ever saw Spencer being passive-aggressive with someone was with JJ when the Lauren/Emily thing happened. Spencer, of course, was very mad about it. JJ was his best friend, the person he most trusted besides his girlfriend. He couldn’t understand why he couldn’t know. It wasn’t like he was going to tell anyone! He had the right to know that his friend whom he loved so much wasn’t buried five feet underground! He cried on his girlfriend floor for hours, and when he was too embarrassed by her looking at him, he went to JJ’s house. She saw him, she saw him crying his eyes out for her and she didn’t say a damn thing! Of course he was going to be mad.
Y/n never thought she had to worry about him being like that with her.
Spencer always has been a sweet man. But he isn’t when he’s under stress, mad or sad. The pressure over him made his IQ of 187 slashed to 63. He couldn’t think straight. And Spencer never worried about him being like that with his girlfriend. He didn’t had any reasons to be. She was all nice to him and cared about him.
But now, things changed while they were fighting in their shared apartment.
Y/n has been injured on a case after being reckless, or that was the way his boyfriend thought, but to be honest she saved a life, even if that got her hurt. She didn’t care. She would do it again. And that petrified Spencer.
Even if her doctor told her she could go back to the field. Spencer wasn’t going to have any of it. That was why they were fighting. Neither of them liked to deal with strong emotions. He wanted to say he didn’t want her to be there because he was scared he was going to lose her. He couldn’t lose her. She was his everything. His glue putting him together when the world tried to bring him down and shatter his heart. She was the thing that keeps him going. But instead of saying that, he was treating her badly and Y/n on her side wasn’t going to have any of it.
“Why can’t you understand, Spencer? I’m not a child. I can perfectly take care of myself.” She said putting her clothes on her go-bag while Spencer took them out.
He chuckled, “Perfectly take care of yourself? Yeah of course I believe you. When did you take care of yourself? When you put yourself in front of the unsub and he shot you? Yeah, Y/n, that’s taking care of yourself.”
She frowned.
That hurt.
“Excuse Spencer but you’re not no one to tell me what to do.”
“I’m your boyfriend!” He said, hurt.
“And? That doesn’t give you any right to tell me what to do. I’m a grown-up, Reid. If you didn’t notice. I’m not a child you can take care of.”
“Sometimes I think you are, you know?” He then looked at her, “You act worse than a child sometimes. Being so reckless and putting yourself in danger.”
“Like you haven’t done that yourself either.”
“I have! But I knew what I was doing. You weren’t thinking!”
“When is gonna be the day you understand you can’t tell me what to do?”
“When you stop being so reckless and actually take care of yourself,” He crossed his arms over his chest, “But apparently that’s not happening.”
She sighed with anger and looked at him. Throwing a shirt over his face and going downstairs to the kitchen to drink water and calm herself. Spencer followed her and entered the kitchen taking a glass of water as well.
She didn’t even look at him. He wanted her looking at him. He wanted to feel those eyes on him even if they were full of anger.
So he made it in the wrong way.
“And you said you’re not a child,” he murmured referring to her throwing the shirt on his face.
“What was that?” She turned around and look at him.
“You perfectly heard it, Y/n.”
“I can’t believe you’re the one calling me a child. Look at you,” she moved her hands up and down in front of him to make a point, “I’m going to that case you like it or not.”
“I wouldn’t risk the team to be with you on the case. They might end it up injured with your recklessness.”
The words Spencer throw made echo in both lovers ears.
Reid bit his bottom lip regretting the words as soon as they came out of his mouth. Trying to take them back but the damage was already done.
Y/n looked at him without any emotion. Until her eyes start to burn and the tears came out. She lifted her hand with anger and wiped them off feeling her cheeks getting warmer and warmer.
Spencer looked at her and his heart ached. Why did he said that? She was a great agent. He was just scared of losing her and if by telling her that stuff, she would stay home safe, he would do it. But he regretted it now. He regretted it so much.
She chuckled without any humour and licked her bottom lip, tears coming down her face again.
But she let them now. Too tired.
Spencer’s first instinct was to step forward to her, but she stayed back putting her hands in front of him, to stop him.
She didn’t want to be touched by him.
He looked down.
He spends his life touching her. Loving her and worshipping her body. Touching her soft skin with soft moves, carefully not wanting to break her as she was a porcelain doll. But now, she didn’t want to be touched by him.
And Spencer understood.
He did.
It was all his fault at the end of the day. He made her stayed back when he wanted to pull her in. It was his fault. “I don’t want you to touch me,” she murmured and passed him taking her arms close to her so they wouldn’t brush his skin.
Spencer’s tears came down now.
I don’t want you to touch me.
She didn’t want him to touch her.
But all he wanted to do was touch her and let her know he didn’t mean those words. How could he? She was perfect in everything she did, her job included. Mostly her job.
Spencer didn’t notice how much time had passed while he stood frozen in the middle of their kitchen until he felt his phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket. It was Morgan.
Hey Spencer. I know you love your girlfriend so much but we have to hurry! People are dying you know? Not everything is vanilla and roses like you two.
Spencer chuckled. Only if he knew.
He went upstairs with careful moves while he pressed his palms together trying to stop the trembling. He mostly did.
All her clothes were now in the closet, her go-bag as well. She wasn’t going to the case. It wasn’t a surprise. He knew he would achieve what he wanted after saying that. But now it didn’t felt right.
He moved closer to where she was. On their shared bed. He sat down. He was about to open his mouth to say something but she did it first. “Please don’t say anything. You have said enough and I think your thoughts are very clear,” her voice sounds broken. And was all his fault, “Just go. Tell the team I haven’t made full recovery yet.”
He nodded even if she couldn’t see him because she was hiding under the blankets.
What Spencer didn’t notice was the way after saying those words, her hands end it up on her mouth trying the sobs not to come out. She knew if Spencer heard those he would stay with her, even if they just argued. It was Spencer at the end of the day.
He would do anything for her.
Spencer full of guilty took his go-bag and walked directly to the door, looking at her once more.
He wanted to ask.
He needed to know.
You’re gonna be here when I come back?
You’re gonna still be here when I come back?
But the words never left his mouth. They got stuck on his throat. The pain and the tears as well. He needs to say he still loved her. That no matter what he still loved her. He loves her.
He loves her.
But he couldn’t. So he turned around, and left.
When the front door closed Y/n finally let the sobs out.
The young doctor tried to avoid all the questions on why he was so grumpy and distracted.
The answer to those questions was “I just had a huge fight with the love of my life and I’m worried she leaves while I’m here. Even if she have every right to I’m still scared because she’s the only thing that keeps me going.”
But of course, he didn’t said it.
He just dismissed everything saying he didn’t have good sleep which didn’t make things better because later on, he was going to be teased by Emily and Morgan.
And when the case was finally closed, he ran to the closest flower shop to buy her favourite flowers and then he went to her favourite restaurant to get her favourite food to then ran to the metro all the way to their shared apartment.
He tried to manage to open the door with all the things in his hand but he couldn’t so he put his satchel and the flowers on the wooden floor, and he was about to put the food as well but then he thought about the germs even if the food was protected, so he put it above his satchel and he was finally able to open the door.
The lights were off which wasn’t weird of her. She wasn’t a lover of the lights of the apartment, always reminding Spencer that they needed to change them as they were too bright, but they never had time to do so, but that was exactly what Spencer was going to do tomorrow.
He then took off his shoes and put them next to the others, but her shoes weren’t there which was weird but he didn’t think too much about it. Maybe she forgot to take them off.
Spencer, then, open the door, even more, to put all the things inside of the house. He put his satchel on the little table next to the shoes and his keys as well.
Her keys weren’t there.
Spencer’s heart stopped.
Her keys weren’t there.
He breathed in and out softly trying to calm his desperate heart beating faster and faster on his chest wanting to get out. He put his palms together trying to stop the trembling but this time was impossible.
He took the flowers with him and went upstairs closing the front door behind him and he open the door of their shared bedroom.
She wasn’t there.
She wasn’t there.
Where did she go?
Did she leave?
“No,” Spencer whispered the tears coming down his eyes.
She wouldn’t. Even if she was mad. She wouldn’t do that as everyone else did without any more explanation than a letter or a note.
A letter.
He needed to find the letter.
He searched on their bed and the tables beside their side of the bed. He didn’t look in their closet or bathroom because she wouldn’t leave that there.
Spencer went downstairs to the kitchen looking for the letter on the dining table and outside of the refrigerator. But there was none.
He, then walked to the living room looking and moving things making a mess.
He needed to read the letter.
She must have left a letter.
Everyone else left a letter.
And the door open but he didn’t heard it because of his desperation and the sound of his heartbeat making echo in his hears
He needed to find the letter.
He turned around and she saw her. Standing there with a sundress and her hair tied. She looked beautiful. She always looked beautiful, but she had a frown on her face looking with confusion at her surroundings, the mess he just made and then back to Spencer repeatedly.
And then he understood he needed to explain himself. “I-I,” he looked down and closed his eyes full of tears for a few seconds. She saw the trembling on his hands. She made a step forward from instinct but then she stopped as she remembers what happened between them. He looked up at her. He couldn’t get the words out of his mouth but she waited for him to talk, patiently while he tried to find the correct words. “I came here right away. Well not right away because I went first to the flower shop and then to your favourite restaurant,” he rambled looking at her. She didn’t stop him. She didn’t have any intention to stop him. Instead, she listens carefully. She always listens, “you weren’t at home and I’ve been nervous all these past days because I thought you would leave, and you had every right to and then I came back here and you weren’t and I looked for a-a note or letter.”
Her heart shattered.
People that left his life always left a note or a letter. She remembers when he told her that.
“I didn’t leave,” he nodded. She didn’t. She stayed. “Penelope called me and she needed help with something and then she asked me if I knew why you were acting so weird and I talked to her for a while and I didn’t realize how late it was. I’m sorry.”
He shocked his head. Stepping forward to her. “You don’t have to apologize. I’m the one who needs to apologize. I shouldn’t have treated you so badly and I want you to understand that I didn’t mean a single word because you are so great and so amazing in everything you do. I would never mean those words,” now was her turn to nodded, “I just said that because after you being injured, I didn’t want you to hurt yourself or even get killed. I’m selfish, yeah I know that. But you’re my everything, Y/n. Without you, I don’t know what will I do, you’re the only one who keeps me together and the one who brings light to my darkness. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he took her hands looking for permission first, “I said those things because I knew you would stay home, but I didn’t mean them I swear I didn’t.”
She nodded again and hugged him. He sobbed while he hugged her as his life depends on it. “I know. It’s okay love. I won't leave you I promise,” she sobbed too. “I love you.”
“I love you more, so so much.”
And they held each other while they sobbed and repeat those three little words back and forth.
They were home now.
They were okay now.
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fortuositywritings · 3 years
I Said No (Wanda x R): Pt 9
Summary: You get your ass handed to you. You have fun times with Wanda only for a rude awakening.
Warnings: a lot of cursing, alcohol
If anyone asks her, Laura loves her cousin. She loves you. She really, really does. But sometimes you were a bit of a pain or rather a handful and everyone knows pregnant women should not be carrying too much. So, she can’t help but be glad that there are other people here to help lighten the load. 
Is it wrong that lightening the load includes allowing her husband’s ex-assassin of a best friend to basically manhandle you, said cousin she claims to love so much, at 6am in the morning? It may be a little worrisome, yes. But what is really wrong here is how she is sitting front and center, watching it all happen in front of her a little too amusedly.
Could you really blame her though? She’s pregnant. She knows she wouldn’t be able to stand watching you get thrown around, especially on her swollen feet.
It seems everyone woke up early to watch Nat “teach you self-defense”. You’ve been outside for an hour now and no one has moved from their seats. Oh, no that’s a lie. Clint did go inside once, only for him to come right back offering everyone some lemonade. Even the critters are there sitting criss cross next to Pietro on the grass sipping on their lemonades. 
“So when does the self-defense part start?” you ask, out of breath. You weren’t doing anything, but falling on your ass repeatedly sure makes one sweat.
“When you start defending yourself,” Nat quips. You respond with a baffled, “What?!”
“Arms up, Y/N!” you hear your cousin shout as you prepare yourself to get thrown again.
“Look, if you are still mad about the Yelena Incident, I’m sure there could have been another less violent way to get your frustrations out.” Nat rolls her eyes and in what feels like a second, there are legs wrapped around your head in not a sexy way and you are flipped onto the ground. 
“OH!!!” Everyone yells, as you feel the wind knock out of you. You hear the kids shouting, “Do it again!”
“No, don’t do it again,” you wheeze out. You feel someone rush to your side. 
“Are you okay?” Wanda helps you sit up. An angel, that woman. She turns to glare at Nat. “Did you really have to do that?”
“Relax, she’s fine.” Nat answers, not bothered in any way. Either she’s blind or she’s delusional thinking you took her go-to take-down-the-bad-guy move like a simple scratch on the knee. Wanda gets visibly upset by Nat’s careless demeanor, little wisps of red magic trickling from her hand. She moves to confront Natasha and you think it might be you that is delusional when you stop Wanda, red wisps tickling your hand, and say, “It’s okay. I’m good.”
“See!” Nat throws her hands up.
“You should have put your arms up,” your cousin says off to the side. You narrow your eyes at her after Wanda helps you up. “Yes, Laura. Thank you so much. That would have really saved me from her spinny-upsidedown-flippity-whateverthefuck that was.”
Sam and Clint snicker beside your cousin at your description of Nat’s signature move. She gives you the watch-your-language look that you completely ignore. “Why don’t you come and show me how that was meant to help?”
“Can’t. Pregnant. Sorry,” your cousin motions to her belly. You shake your head, “Excuses, excuses.”
“I do know some self-defense though and I think it is really important to learn so I’m rooting for you on the side lines,” Laura adds. Not believing a word she said, you ask, “And who taught you self-defense? ‘Cause I know for a fact it wasn’t Nat. You wouldn’t be cruel enough to put me through the same torture.”
“I taught her. She’s a pretty decent shot too,” Clint admits proudly. 
“No way. You can shoot?” Sam looks at Laura as skeptical as you do. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
“Hun, bring out your gear,” your cousin says, getting everyone excited. Pietro and Sam help her stand and move over to get a clear shot of where Clint put up a target. Everyone stands aside and watches in anticipation when Clint hands his wife a bow and an arrow. She nocks the arrow back, aims, shoots, and nearly hits the bullseye, leaving everyone’s mouth agape. 
“Okay, impressive,” Sam says.
“No way. You made that look way too easy. Let me try,” you say, wanting to give it a go, and a go you give alright, the arrow ricocheting off a tree (not even the tree that had the target on it) and heading towards Peter’s face. Luckily his reflexes or what he’s described as some kind of tingle kicks in and he catches the arrow on time. 
You let out a sigh of relief seeing that you have not accidentally killed someone. You didn’t want to be a murderer let alone be known as the asshole that killed Spiderman by accident. You flood Peter’s ears with apologies and though he says it’s all good, you still feel really bad and ask Wanda if she could help you bake him some cookies or something later. 
Everyone heads inside after that near death experience. Everyone but you and Nat who says, “Playtime’s over. Let’s do this for real now.”
“Wait, that wasn’t it?!”
Another two hours go by. Wanda wonders why you haven’t barged in the room yet to “bother” her. You should have been done undergoing Nat’s painful lesson by now. Finding it odd that you have yet to make an appearance, Wanda sets out to find you. She sees Natasha sitting at the kitchen table. When she asks her about your whereabouts and gets a “Who knows” as a response, she knows something is up. Nat always knows, so Wanda presses, “What did she say and where did you leave her?”
Natasha eventually tells her where you are. Wanda finds you outside, hosing yourself off. You are covered in mud, which Wanda can only assume was Nat’s doing. “Why did you have to antagonize her?”
You look up to see Wanda staring at you unimpressed, arms crossed and all. You defend, “You have to admit, had you the opportunity, you would have done the same.”
“You mean tell her you’ve now had two Romanov’s thighs around your head and then ask where her mom was because you wanted to ‘complete the set’,” Wanda says, uncrossing her arms to do air quotes. 
“Come on, let me have this, Wanda. You should have seen it! It was glorious. The set up, the delivery, the punch,” you throw your arms in the air dramatically, hose in hand splashing water everywhere. Your body aches and you yelp, “Ow.”
Wanda only shakes her head at you. You pout and turn the hose off. “I’ve never met her mom, but she probably would’ve at least chuckled appreciating a good line. I know Yelena for sure would’ve tried not to giggle before kicking my ass as well.”
Wanda doesn’t mean to let out the grunt of annoyance at the mention of this Yelena, but it happens. Luckily, you either don’t hear it or ignore it as you pass by her, stopping to take off your shoes by the door. Before heading inside, you turn to her and coyly ask, “Do you think you could help me wash some of the mud away upstairs? I don’t think I can reach some parts on my own.”
It doesn’t take a psychic to know Wanda helping you scrub your back is not what you actually have in mind. She tries her best not to stutter as she says, “Of course, what are friends for?”
You head up to the shower first. Wanda waits downstairs two minutes before following up, thinking it was enough time for it not to seem suspicious. Clint, who is in the laundry room, though back turned the whole time, still notices and pipes up right as Wanda takes the first step up. 
“Just keep in mind the acoustics of the bathroom,” he warns Wanda. Though he doesn’t see her, based on the clumsy rushed steps after, he knows she was blushing the whole way upstairs.
Having Wanda in the shower, double entendre intended, proves to be a good thing because it turns out you do in fact need help scrubbing some of the mud that somehow made it down your back. Wanda gets on your case again about agitating Nat but it’s hard to really focus on what she’s saying when her hands are all over you, even if she is just scrubbing you down.
An hour later, Laura and Nat sit at the kitchen table and try not to laugh at you struggling with the measuring cups. Sam holds no reservations in laughing in your face. “How does a grown ass woman not know how to measure some flour?”
Wanda makes a face and he corrects himself, “I hear how that sounded. Let me rephrase. How does a grown ass adult who has had to pass middle school to get into college not know how to measure some flour?”
“Unnecessary jibe at my education aside, Sam, I appreciate you rephrasing that. Back to the matter at hand, I’d like to see you try, bitch,” you challenge him, handing over all the measuring kitchen equipment. 
“Gladly.” He takes your place, leaving you to go stand beside Wanda. “Let me show you how it’s done.” 
You all watch him as he looks over the recipe. You think he is just bluffing about his skills, making a grand show of it all. That is until he turns back to Wanda to ask, “Two batches, right?” Then at her nod, he goes into British Bake Off mode or whatever you would call x game mode for baking. 
Seeing him confidently measuring ingredient after ingredient, you lean over to Wanda and ask under your breath, “Is he doing it right?”
“Yes, he is.”
“Damn it,” you huff out. Sam overhears and chuckles, his ego inflating by the minute. You pout at Sam having taken over what was meant to be a fun activity for you and Wanda to do, but he seems like he is really enjoying showing off so you can’t be too mad. Wanda finds your pout too cute and can’t help but press a quick kiss to your lips, surprising you both. You are both blushing and she tries to play it off cool. “You did say whenever I wanted.”
“I did say that, yes,” you recall. She smiles and then gives you another chaste kiss, more confidently this time, before heading over to Sam. “Alright, leave Y/N to do something, show off.”
Meanwhile, you are trying to calm your racing heart at her kissing you so openly, which is when you realize you have an audience. You’re afraid to see if Laura and Nat saw. You turn around slowly. They clearly did, your cousin’s raised eyebrow indicating so. It makes you blush harder, so you turn back around and go to see what you can do.
Wanda and Sam give you the job of rolling the cookie dough into little balls after moving you away from setting the oven heat because you tried to turn up the heat by double in order to “bake the cookies faster”. They explain why you couldn’t do that.
“Yeah, I knew that,” you say, as you lower the temperature back down. “I was just testing you guys.”
No one believes you but they don’t say anything. Nat and your cousin watch with interest as Wanda and Sam pull your hand full of raw dough away from your mouth when you try to taste it. You lie and say you were testing them again. 
Peter and Pietro trail into the kitchen at the smell of the cookies baking. Sam takes them out once they are ready. Pietro tries to grab a cookie first, but you are faster, smacking his hand away. “Peter gets the first cookie. They were meant to be for him.”
Peter, who has been lingering shyly behind Pietro, perks up. He asks you, “Why?”
“For nearly killing you. Sorry about that. Sam technically did nearly everything, which might have been for the best given my lack of skills in the kitchen. But it’s the thought, right?” you ramble.
“You didn’t have to, but thank you. I won’t say no to cookies. They all look good. Let’s just all dig in,” Peter says, seeing Pietro’s grumbly face. Pietro cheers up at that and mutters, “Finally.”
Laura sees you and the guys reaching for a cookie and warns, “Careful, they’re hot,” but the cookies are already in your mouths. 
“Fuck!” “Shit!” “H-h-hot!” All three of you yell but none of you spit the cookies out. Instead, you all choose to look ridiculous cooling the cookies with your mouths open. Sam looks at you three like the dumbasses you are. Your cousin and Nat look unfazed and Wanda is practically doubled over laughing so hard that you can’t even hear it because she’s having trouble breathing. 
“Get out of my kitchen. Come back when you have proof y’all graduated elementary school.” Sam kicks you out of the kitchen, Pietro grabbing some cookies before being shooed away. You head outside and decide to play some basketball. Cooper and Lila come and join you and a few minutes later so does Wanda. 
You pause, holding the ball in your hands as Wanda walks up to you. 
“What? Did you finish your two pages of reading for the day that quickly or did you just miss me?” you tease her. She gives you a sarcastic smile before snatching the ball away. “Two chapters actually.” She then goes to line up her shot. She shoots and scores, turning back to you with a smug smile at which you shake your head.
“Hey, you can’t walk with the ball. That doesn’t count!” Pietro whines. You fight for her point, telling him to just let her have it, which he does not let go without pointing out, “Oh, so when I do it, it’s not a point, but when Lila and Wanda do it, it counts? How is that fair?”
“Because she’s six and she’s cute, Pietro. That’s why it counts,” you reply.
“Okay, but what about my sister?”
“I just explained. Lila is six and Wanda is cute. Come on, man. Keep up.” Wanda overhears and blushes hard. Pietro laughs at his sister, embarrassing her further. You take the ball away from his hands while he is distracted and then pass it to Lila. 
You do way better this game than the last time you played. You still lost but progress. 
The next morning feels like a rinse and repeat. Nat wakes you up, you go for the morning hike, you complain the whole time. Breakfast is a different story. Laura’s lower back has been aching and she’s been having contractions, one of which comes while you’re eating, scaring most of you. You get straight to your feet asking where the baby bag is and Pietro rushes to find the keys saying, “I’ll start the car!” 
Peter pipes, “I think someone else should drive.” 
“Everyone calm down. I don’t need to go anywhere. The baby’s not coming yet,” your cousin reassures everyone, specifically her husband and Nat who are at her side. Everyone lets out a breath of relief. You ask where the baby bag is anyway to know when the time does come. She says there isn’t one and then Nat is on Clint and your heads about not being prepared.
“I got here after you did,” you defend yourself. She then looks over to Clint who says, “I’ve been saving the world.”
“Always an excuse with you two,” Nat chides. 
And so the afternoon finds Clint, Sam, and Nat going to buy the essentials, while the rest of you help clean up around the house. Wanda is left to supervise Lila and Cooper clean their rooms, Peter is in charge of vacuuming upstairs, Pietro is given dish washing duty, and you are given the broom and mop. 
Your cousin relaxes on the couch in the meantime. You yell up the stairs that you will be mopping now, warning everyone to watch their step. You repeat the same to your cousin who sarcastically says, “I think the whole town heard you, Y/N.”
“Well, excuse me for caring for everyone’s well being,” you retort, continuing your chores. You’re nearly finished. You just need Pietro to be done in the kitchen so you can mop there. You sit and wait in Clint and Laura’s little home office. 
You swivel around in the chair, looking around curiously until something calls your attention, that something being the laminator. You try to think of something fun to laminate but think of nothing interesting. Then you remember something and rush upstairs to get it.
You pass Peter who asks if he can go downstairs now having finished vacuuming. You say yes but tell him not to go into the kitchen yet. You grab what you are looking for in your bag and head back downstairs to laminate it. Before you do, you write a message on the back. 
Dear Scarlet Wizard, please stop hurting the books. Thank you. Y/N :)
Then you laminate the strip. You look over your finished product proudly before tucking it into your back pocket. You’re about to head out of the office when Pietro’s voice crescendos, heeding you of his presence before he appears. “Just ask her, Wanda. She’s seen you in them. I don’t know why you are embarrassed.”
That piques your interest. Pietro finally appears, with Wanda lingering behind him, looking like she’d much rather be anywhere else. “Hey, what’s going on?”
Pietro looks back at Wanda expectantly, but when she doesn’t say anything, he explains for her. “She needs help washing her underpants.”
“Pietro!” Wanda shouts, her face giving a new meaning to her superhero name with how red it turns. She moves forward, spluttering, “I asked Laura if I could wash some of my clothes. She said yes, but I don’t know how to work this machine and I didn’t want to make her get up to show me, and Pietro told me to ask you, so…” 
She trails off shyly, wanting to bury herself in the nearest ditch right after she murders her brother for putting her in this position. Wanda hadn’t prepared to stay so long and hadn’t brought extra clothes. Now she regrets not being like Peter who overprepares. She wonders how her brother hasn’t run out of clean underwear but she thinks it’s better not to ask, predicting she won’t like whatever the answer is; Pietro is not someone who is over prepared either.
“That’s it?” you ask, not seeing what the big deal was, but you can see that Wanda is still looking rather awkward about it, so you don’t question it too much. Rather you comment, “I was actually wondering if you all just overpack for breaks. I mean I know Nat has extra clothes here in the house but I was wondering about the rest of you.”
“Peter is the only one who does the most,” Pietro says.
“Hey, I heard that!” Peter yells coming in to join the three of you. You turn to Pietro and ask, “Then what do you do?”
“He used the same underwear after he showered,” Peter explains. You and Wanda make a face of disgust and Pietro makes one of irritation. Peter runs off upstairs when Pietro starts chasing him, “Don’t tell her that!”
“I shouldn’t have asked,” you tell Wanda, who agrees with you. Then you motion for her to follow you into the little laundry room. You show her how to work the machine. She throws her clothes in and follows your instructions. Once the machine gets going, you decide to tease her now that you are alone. “It’s just underwear, Wanda. Pietro was right. No need to be shy about it when I’ve seen it both on and off you.”
She starts blushing again. She hides behind her hands and groans, “Ugh, I should have asked Laura.”
You continue on anyway, “In fact, I remember one instance where you were enjoying when I tugged them o-” You were cut off short by Wanda’s hands covering your mouth. “Stop talking.”
Your laughter is muffled but it’s there nonetheless, finding Wanda’s coyness endearing. She defends herself, recalling a story about you, “You are one to talk, Miss Purple Boxer-Briefs.”
You grab hold of her wrists, removing her hands from your mouth in order to speak. “Hey, that’s different.” You walk forwards, making Wanda take steps back until her back is against the wall. “I was not planning for anyone to see me in those. I was just taking one for the team, thinking the house was getting robbed.”
“Mhmm, sure.” Wanda giggles.This time it’s you saying, “Oh, be quiet, Maximoff.”
“Make me, L/N.”
You sputter in surprise, eyes widening at her words. Hers stare right into yours, challenging you to make a move. And she has the audacity to have a smirk on her face as if she wasn’t madly blushing about dirty underwear a few minutes ago. Where the hell did that girl go?
“Are you just going to stand there and look at me a-”
You surge forward and kiss her hard. Wanda can’t help but smile at getting her way, making it a little hard to kiss her. So you take the moment to break it and ask, “Hey, who told you my last name?”
“The same asshole that gave you this.” One of her hands between you moves up to caress your bruised cheek. “Does it still hurt?”
She prods at it, making you flinch back. “Ow, only when you poke at it.”
“Sorry,” she apologizes, pulling her hand away from your cheek. Her bashful face makes you chuckle. You pull yourself together to ask her a question. “Okay, serious question,” you start, and it’s too cute how Wanda pays close attention to what you say next. You’d think she’d know better by now. “Does it make me look badass?”
“Y/N,” she more or less groans your name in annoyance as she gently shoves you. You’re a little off balance but you quickly grasp her elbows to pull back into her space. “I’m serious. ‘Cause if I look stupid, I’m pretty sure I could will my cells to work overtime to heal it faster or something.”
She laughs at you, muttering, “You are an idiot,” and pecking your lips between each word. You hear giggling, only this laughter isn’t coming from the beautiful woman in front of you. No, this giggling you know too well comes from a certain little critter who you now see has potential to go into her father’s line of work with how quiet she can creep up on someone. 
Wanda actually shoves you off this time, going to stand behind you to put a physical barrier between her and the intruding child. You clear your throat, smiling at Lila. “Hey, Lila. Did you need something?”
“Why were you kissing Wanda? Is she your girlfriend? Are you going to have a baby now?” She shoots one question after question rapidly as if she didn’t ask them all at once she would forget them. The first two are valid questions but the last throws you off so far you don’t know where you are. It throws Wanda too, so much so she’s basically choking behind you.
“Woah, okay. Umm, I was kissing Wanda because I think she is very pretty and nice and that’s just a way you can show someone that you think that about them, with their permission of course,” you rush in to add about consent. Your niece and nephews will grow up learning to be a decent human being. You continue on to her other questions. “But no, Wanda is not my girlfriend and we are not having a baby?”
Your last answer comes out more as a question, mostly due to your confusion as to where she got that idea. Wanda comes out from her hiding space to stand by you. From your peripheral vision, she looks amused at seeing you struggle to answer the six year old’s questions. Looking at your niece, she seems to be as confused as you, but you learn it’s due to something else. “Why isn’t she your girlfriend? Did you ask her?” 
You hesitate to answer, really not knowing where to start. Wanda is less amused and more interested now, crossing her arms over her chest, creating a barrier between her heart and your next words that she thinks will inevitably hurt to hear. Lila doesn’t give you the chance, however, continuing to her next question that makes you scoff. “Does she think you’re ugly?”
“I’d hope not.” You turn to look at Wanda, who holds a hand over her mouth trying to cover her giggles.
“Oh, maybe she doesn’t think you’re funny, like Aunt Nat says. Maybe she doesn’t get your jokes.” Lila tries to help, but little to her knowledge, it just makes you want to dig your own grave, especially when you can see Wanda is nearly losing it trying to hold in her laughter.
“Yep, you know you might be right. That must be it,” you agree to appease her. She grins at you, proud of herself for finding an answer to her question, which reminds you, “Why did you think we were having a baby?”
“Because that’s how babies are made,” she says, without a doubt in her mind, which reasonably has you questioning, “Who told you that, critter? Because they definitely lied.”
“Mommy said so,” she says almost defiantly as if what her mom says must be the truth and who were you to make her start questioning her mother now at six years old. You are also not ready to have that conversation, the conversation between you and your cousin where she yells at you for taking over the birds and bees speech that she probably had meticulously planned for a specific time in her children’s lives.
“Aaaand, your mom’s right. Yep. Wanda is basically pregnant now,” you say without thinking. Lila’s eyes go full moon round in excitement as squeals in glee. She practically runs out of the laundry room probably to tell god knows who about the news. Wanda gasps in disbelief beside you, smacking your arm. “Why did you say that?”
“Well, what did you want me to do? Be honest with the child?” you say as if honesty would be the worst thing to bring into that conversation.
“Yes, exactly that,” Wanda says plainly.
“Okay, well unless you want to deal with Nat on your ass about us unnecessarily stressing my pregnant cousin out with talks about baby making with her six year old, for the next however long Lila remembers, you are pregnant with my child.”
Wanda hangs her head in defeat after you put that image of an angry Nat in her head. There are worse things than being fake pregnant with your crush’s baby. She sighs, “You’re paying child support for this kid.”
You smile at her quip, retaliating with, “Not without a paternity test!” She shoves you as you both exit the laundry room and you chant, “Maury! Maury!”
“We are not naming the baby Maury,” she says and runs into you when you stop abruptly to turn around and question her, “Wanda, do you not know who Maury is?” 
When she shakes her head no in confusion, you grab her hand in excitement, “Oh, my god, let me teach you a little bit about American culture,” and drag her with you to watch some episodes of the show.
You only get to watch one with her, leaving her with your cousin to watch more as you go back into the kitchen to finish moping as your cousin so kindly (not so kindly) reminded you to do. Those baby hormones really were kicking in. 
You return to see Pietro and Wanda eating up the show. “I knew it! I knew he would be the father,” Pietro yells excitedly from where he is on the floor looking back at his sister. “Did I not guess right?” She nods and he turns back to the television to watch the guy run off the stage as the cameraman chases after him.
Laura can’t stop yawning so you suggest she go take a nap. You help her up to her room and tell her to rest up, that you had everything under control. She teases as you shut the door, “Just don’t go around impregnating more women while I’m asleep.” 
When you go back downstairs, Sam, Nat, and Clint are making their way through the front door with everything they bought. Sam and Clint set the box with the crib assembly in the middle of the living room. Nat carries some bags and says there are more bags in the car. You head outside throwing an “amateur” towards Nat who rolls her eyes knowing you are referring to your silly one trip from the car to the house rule. 
The rest of the evening goes to arranging the hospital bag and getting all the baby things in order. Nat and Wanda assemble the crib, Nat insisting she do it after Pietro rushes to assemble it with a “tada!” only for it to fall apart when Nat throws a pillow onto it. Wanda is just excited to do it and Nat trusts her to follow instructions unlike her brother. 
Everyone just watches, but Lila who tries to help handing the women whatever they need. As most excited six year olds do, she talks everyone’s ears off about the things she is going to do when her baby brother comes. “Oh! And he can have playdates with Y/N and Wanda’s baby. We can have tea parties every summer. Maybe not tea, cause tea isn’t very tasty and it’s too hot for that. Maybe we can have ice tea instead. What do you think, Wanda?”
Everyone in the room looks confused; most of the confused gazes are looking to you for an explanation and before anyone could say anything, you mouth “Don’t ask” while shaking your head. Wanda indulges Lila, though she blushes through it trying to look unfazed, “Yes, ice tea is nice. Or maybe lemonade. Can you pass me that small piece over there?”
It comes out perfectly, much to Pietro’s chagrin. Now the problem no one thought about- how to get it upstairs into the room. Sam and Clint carry it up the stairs trying to follow Nat’s instructions, attempting to turn it at the right angle to get it up the second flight of stairs. They clearly do not understand what Nat’s aim is here, Nat’s frustration growing by the second. Wanda gets a sense of deja vu but she can’t recall where she has seen this, until you laugh and as if reading her mind fill in the blank yelling, “Pivot!”
Satisfied with figuring out where the scene is from and not wanting to see Nat explode, Wanda uses her magic to take hold of the crib and brings Nat’s vision to life as she rotates the crib at the correct angle. The red mist lifts it the rest of the way upstairs.
“Thank you, Wanda. It seems you’re the only competent person here,” Nat huffs. She turns to the two men on the stairs, “Well, don’t just stand there, expecting Maximoff to do everything. The crib goes in the room with Laura.”
She storms up the steps shepherding Clint and Sam the rest of the way. You hear the laundry machine beeping, so you go give that your attention with Wanda on your tail. After her clothes begin to spin in the dryer, you stop her from getting any further than the kitchen remembering to give her your beautiful creation.
“Wait, Wanda, before I forget. I have something for you.” You pull the photo strip turned bookmark out of your pocket and hand it to her. She takes her time looking over the pictures on the strip from the time at the arcade, especially the third in which you are kissing her cheek. You gesture for her to look at the back and she rolls her eyes upon reading your message. Wanda appreciates the gesture anyways.
“You made me this?” Wanda asks, surprised. 
You nod, “Made or more so laminated it for you. Or rather for future me who will be happy to know she saved another book from you dog earring the ends of its pages.” 
You chuckle when she pushes you in jest. “Hey! That is a lot of judgement coming from someone who does not read.”
“I don’t have to be an avid book reader to know book etiquette,” you declared. 
“Book etiquette?” She raises an eyebrow up in question.
“Yes, there are rules to how you treat books, same as there are rules to everything,” you answered. “Like returning a borrowed book in the same condition.”
“And one of the rules happens to be not to bend the corner of the pages?” she asks, disbelieving.
“Hey, I’m just trying to do you a favor here. Wouldn’t want you to get bullied in book club or whatever. But if you are just going to disregard the rule and not use the bookmark,” you reply, reaching for the bookmark, “I can just take it back.”
“No,” she objects immediately, pressing the photostrip against her chest. She pouts, “You already gave it to me. You can’t take it back.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” you assured her, laughing at her childish antics. Wanda looks at it once more, smiling, and then gives you a kiss on the cheek. With rosy cheeks adorning her face, she thanks you. “I love it, really.”
Red really is the color for her, you think. That is until you find green giving red a run for its money the next evening.
Sam drove you, Wanda, and Pietro to one of the two bars in town in Nat’s car. It took about half an hour of begging from Sam’s part for Nat to give up her keys, but not without threatening his life if he were to even scratch her car. You couldn’t blame her, it’s a pretty nice car. 
You and the three Avengers walk into the bar. It sounds like the start to a joke and it almost feels like it could be with the way the night starts. It’s a Friday night so there is a crowd but it’s not too bad. You’re still standing around the front entrance and you wonder why no one has made the move to go further into the establishment. Turning to the other three, you notice their eyes sweeping the place. You quickly realize what they are doing. 
“Would you all relax? We are here to have fun. No need to act like you’re on a mission,” you remind them. Sam scoffs, “Uh, speak for yourself. This man is on the hunt for some sugar.” The rest of you three roll your eyes at him as he keeps scouting the area. His eyes befall on the pretty bartender. “And spotted. First round is on me.”
Sam walks up to the bar with swagger to his step. The three of you look for a place to sit. Pietro notices a booth open up and using a little enhanced speed, swoops into the booth, calling you and Wanda over. You talk amongst yourselves while Sam chats up the bartender. He comes over with the drinks smiling to himself. Wanda teases him, “Look at you all smiley. Did you get her phone number?”
“I’m still working on it, but I know it’s working,” he says confidently. “So hurry up and finish your drinks so I can go up and talk some more.”
He rushes you and chugs his drink in one go. You hate to be his buzzkill but someone has to remind him, “I hope you enjoyed that drink, Sam ‘cause that was your one and only for tonight. Or did you forget you drove us here?”
His face scrunches up and groans, “Noooo. Can’t Pietro drive? His metabolism works fast. It’s nearly impossible to get him drunk.”
“Did you forget what car we brought? The moves Nat pulled on me hurt like a bitch, and that was just her teaching me self defense. I can’t imagine what she would do if she finds out we let Speed Racer drive back.” You quickly turn to said twin, “No offense, Pietro.”
“You are all just a bunch of babies,” he responds, sipping from his drink. 
“Ugh, fine,” Sam concedes. “Maybe, I can work with this. I’ll be back. Same thing for everyone?”
After getting an affirmative, Sam is back at it. The three of you watch him flirt with the woman behind the bar. Sam points your group out to her and she smiles at you three while your group acknowledges her with awkward waves. 
A car alarm pulls everyone’s attention away; it’s Nat’s car. The three of you see Sam make a show of looking for the keys in his pockets when it’s clear to the group that he’s been holding them the entire time. That smooth bastard. The woman looks impressed.
Soon she serves up your drinks, Sam bringing them to the table, with a cocky smirk on his face. You, Pietro, and Wanda shake your heads at him his whole way back. “We see what you did there,” Wanda says. “That was very sneaky.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” Sam denies. He takes a sip of his water as the rest of you grab your second drink. Pietro asks, “Very sad, using someone else’s things to boast. Tsk tsk tsk.”
“Keep it down. She doesn’t have to know that. Anyway, that car is a guarantee she’ll be looking this way,” Sam assures and he isn’t wrong. Wanda finds the bartender looking back at your group but much to her discontentment, she is zeroing in not on Sam but you. You don’t notice this happening. 
You are too focused telling some funny story Wanda isn’t really listening to, as she finishes her drink in one go. Pietro catches this from the corner of his eye, frowning at what has his sister looking upset. Ever so observant, he watches Wanda look at the bartender who seems to be staring at you and then shuffle closer to your side. 
His frown disappears, no longer worried but more so amused. He has always found it funny when his sister gets jealous. He’s seen it several times to know the signs- the furrow of her brow, the biting of her lip, and had it been a few years ago, there would be a dramatic exit. A dramatic exit would be overkill here so he guesses she’s substituted it for possessiveness. 
You welcome Wanda’s warmth as she sits closer to you. Sam and Pietro make their comments and jokes about the story you just finished telling. You sip on your drink, nearly choking when Wanda’s hand makes a surprise appearance on your thigh a little too high to be innocent. You try to ignore it and listen to Sam as he starts a story, but it gets a little difficult when she begins to move it. 
Sam asks you a question and as focused as you are when trying to answer, Wanda’s wandering hand makes you stutter a few times in your response. You chug the rest of your drink and Wanda takes that as a sign to get the next round of drinks.
“I’ve got the drinks this time,” she declares, pressing a kiss on your cheek before getting up and heading over to the bar. The little break you have away from her feels a bit of a relief. You were getting worked up under her touch and in public no less. You don’t know what’s got Wanda in this kind of mood suddenly, not that you would usually mind it unless it’s the alcohol. 
That’s the only real outlier here. If it is the alcohol, you’ll have to slow her roll down if only two drinks have her so handsy. You have to come up with a plan soon if that’s the case, because Wanda comes back, bartender behind her carrying a tray with shots.
Wanda takes her seat next to you as Sam’s point of interest for the night sets the shots in the middle of the table. Your eyes widen, counting the number of shots that end up on the table. 
“Damn, how much do they pay you?” you ask incredulously, knowing how pricey a single shot can be.
“And are they hiring?” the bartender jokes. Everyone but Wanda laughs. “Are we celebrating something tonight or just having a night out?” She asks the table but ends the question looking at you for the answer.
“A little bit of both. They’re going home soon, so,” you explain. You have all her attention now, her body turning to face you. “Oh, so you’re from here. I haven’t seen you around?”
Wanda slowly grows irritated, feeling the woman talking is overstaying her welcome at your table. She reaches for a shot, throwing it back, trying not to make a face as the liquid burns her throat. 
You frown at Wanda’s actions. Pietro snorts and Wanda throws him a glare. The bartender is still waiting for your response so you answer, “I don’t actually live here. I stay with my cousin during my breaks from school.” 
“What school do you go to?”
Wanda clears her throat, annoyed, “Don’t you have to go back to the bar? We wouldn’t want to get you in trouble.”
Sam speaks up, “There are two other people back there. I’m sure they’ve got Bethany covered.” So that’s the name of the woman unknowingly grinding Wanda’s gears. Wanda is disappointed to see Sam is correct. 
She drinks another shot and the moment Pietro has been waiting for arrives when she gets up suddenly claiming she has to go to the restroom. Bethany tries to help and point them out to her, but Wanda quickly cuts in with, “Thank you, Bethany, but I think I can find my way to the restroom just fine.” And then she stomps off. 
Finding her behavior odd, you decide it best to go follow her and make sure she’s okay. After answering Bethany’s last question, you excuse yourself from the table and head in the direction Wanda left. The restrooms are easy to find, a glaringly obvious sign pointing to them. 
Wanda splashes water on her face at the sink, trying to cool herself down. She can’t help the thoughts running through her head, thinking that Bethany was probably sitting in Wanda’s place by your side, grabbing your arm as she laughs at something you say. She knows these thoughts stem from jealousy and there is no need to tell her that she doesn’t have the right to be jealous when you agreed to be friends.
If Wanda wasn’t irked enough, there are no paper towels to dry her face with. Now she’ll return to the table with a wet shirt. “Stupid bar can’t refill the dispenser,” she mutters, pushing the door open with the side of her body, her hands preoccupied lifting the bottom of her shirt enough to pat her face dry with it. 
She bumps into somebody outside the restroom doors. She lifts her face from her hands to apologize only to be met by the person who has got her acting this moody and you aren’t looking at her face. Your eyes are busy appreciating Wanda’s exposed tummy. Wanda flushes as she drops her shirt, making you redirect your eyes. Embarrassed at being caught, you clear your throat. “Sorry,” you apologize. “I actually came to check on you.”
“Why? I was only gone for 2 minutes,” she asked, though she was happy to note that you were here waiting for her outside the restroom instead of entertaining the bartender sitting at your group’s table.
“You left kind of abruptly. I just wanted to make sure you were okay and not like throwing up,” you reason. You pull Wanda away from standing in front of the door to the restroom when someone tries to get through.
Wanda chuckles, continuing on with your conversation. “Do you think I am a lightweight or what?”
“Well I hope not. You did just buy a bunch of shots and it would be a damn shame to let them go to waste,” you remind her. She smirks at you. “You have some catching up to do.”
“Lead the way.” You step aside motioning for her to do just so. Wanda shakes her head, but smiles nevertheless, taking your hand and tugging you behind her. Wanda is happy not to see Bethany at your table but back behind the bar when you both take your previous seats. 
“There they are!” Pietro shouts excitedly, waving his hand in the air before smacking it back down on the table rather clumsily with an “Ah”. Tipsy Pietro was rather adorable. How did he get like this anyway? Looking back at the table, you find your answer.
“Holy shit, dude! Did you drink all of these yourself?” You’re worried he’d have to get his stomach pumped. He reads the expression on your face and reassures you. “It’s the only way I can get, umm, Wanda?” He turns to ask his sister something you don’t understand, asking in Sokovian. She answers, “Tipsy.”
“Yes! Tipsy. But I left you uh,” he counts the remaining shot cups that still have liquor in them, “four. Perfect. Two for each of you. Now hurry, I want to play billbards, bill-billboards. Pool,” he finally decides. He pushes two shots towards you and the other two towards Wanda.
“Oh, no. Y/N has to catch up.” Wanda pushes one of her drinks to yours, lining them all up neatly. You shake your head at a smirking Wanda. You sigh, “You’re really going to do this to me, huh?”
“Yup,” she affirmed. Then Sam got the three of them to chant your name, making others in the bar look your group’s way. Not wanting people staring, you hush them, “Okay, okay. Geez. I can see why Clint hates that.” Then you drink all three, one right after another. You do make a face. “Oof.”
Wanda drinks hers and then the four of you wait by the pool tables for one to open up. You spend the next hour laughing with Sam and Wanda at a clumsy Pietro. You are just as bad as a tipsy Pietro when playing pool but tipsy Wanda doesn’t care, insisting you teach her how to properly line up her shot. Tipsy you isn’t remotely embarrassed when Wanda completely misses hitting the ball with your guidance because your body is busy feeling something other than shame having Wanda pressed against you as she is. 
Sober Sam is getting bored. Bethany is busy behind the bar doing her job, more patrons filling up the joint. A few minutes later, Pietro is practically sober; his coordination comes back and he doesn’t find playing pool as fun anymore. Also, he’s growing tired of watching his sister basically grind her ass on you every time it’s her turn. 
Pietro ends the game five minutes later. “I’m tired. Let’s let some other people play.” He doesn’t give you a chance to reject the idea, handing his pool stick over to someone else saying his group can have the table. He and Sam head to the restroom but not before telling you two to be ready to go.
There is a pout on Wanda’s face that you find just too cute and you let her know so. “You are so adorable,” you tease, pinching her cheeks. Wanda sends you a glare that looks in no way threatening with her cheeks aflame, making you laugh. “I’ll get us some water. Wait here for Pietro and Sam.”
You head over to the bar counter. You grab Bethany’s attention and ask for some water. “So why was your girlfriend upset earlier?” She asks as she goes to fill up two cups for you.
“Huh?” you ask confused. She repeats herself leaning over the bar in order for you to hear her more clearly. “Your girlfriend,” she nods in Wanda’s direction. You turn to see Wanda watching you two closely. “She looked pissed off earlier.”
Bethany hands over the two cups of water. You didn’t need to but you clarify anyway, albeit a little awkwardly. “Oh, um, she’s not my girlfriend.”
“Does she know that?” The bartender smirks at you. You’re confused and tell her so. She rolls her eyes at you. There is no way you could be so oblivious. She does find it cute that you were so focused on your “not girlfriend” that you didn’t see the way she was interested in you. She takes pity on you and clarifies, “She was totally acting like a jealous girlfriend earlier.”
“No, she wasn’t,” you deny, the idea sounding totally absurd to you. But with the way Bethany sounded so sure, you can’t help but begin to question the possibility. “How do you know?”
“I see these things all the time. Reading body language becomes a skill when you work at a bar. Trust me.”
Bethany sees you still doubting her so she proposes something. “Here. I’ll prove it. Do you mind if I touch you?”
You look at her confused but give her permission anyway. She reaches over and runs her finger up and down your forearm. You watch her move and feel more so lost when she throws her head back in laughter. “Okay, what are you doing?”
“If she is jealous, like I say she is, she will do one of two things. She will either come up here and act all possessive or she’ll storm off like she did earlier to the restroom.”
“I don’t know,” you say, unsurely, already pulling your arm away. You are not one to want to play emotional games. Before you have a chance to tell Bethany that, she says, “I should have put some money on it.”
You feel an arm slide around your waist. Wanda comes up beside you and pulls you into her. You are a little startled to be honest, especially when she kisses your underjaw making sure to give Bethany a good view. Wanda catches Bethany giving you a cocky smirk and it irks her. 
“Piet and Sam are waiting for us,” she reminds you. You don’t say anything, your mind still trying to process that Bethany is right and Wanda might just be jealous. Bethany sees the realization glaze over your eyes and rolls with it, pushing Wanda’s buttons. “Oh, you’re leaving already? Well if you ever want more conversations like these,” she writes on a piece of paper behind the bar and hands it over to you folded, “here.” 
Wanda is nearly grinding her teeth at this point. The audacity of that woman to give you her number while Wanda is with you is amazing. Though Wanda knows she’s not with you- with you, clearly the woman would think Wanda was something to you given the way she is wrapped around you. And if that wasn’t enough to piss her off, the way you say “Um, okay?” before pocketing the piece of paper is. 
“You know what, we’ll just wait for you in the car,” Wanda huffs, pulling away from you and storming off to Pietro and Sam. You watch her go, ready to follow but Bethany calls your attention once more. “And there is number two. What are you standing here for? Go. She’ll only be more upset the longer you take.”
“Thanks?” You leave it at that, not knowing what else to say and make your way to the exit. Bethany watches you leave with a shake of her head, mumbling to herself, “She’s gonna eat her alive.”
You reach in your pocket to read the note the bartender gave you, opening the door with your back. Wanda, who is leaning against the hood of the car, watches in jealousy as you laugh at the contents of the note. 
Sam asks, “What are you smiling about?”
Wanda answers for you, tone dripping in discontent, “Getting the number you couldn’t get.” 
“What?! Let me see!” Sam rips the paper from your hand. Wanda rolls her eyes in annoyance and gets in the backseat, slamming the door closed. Her brother shakes his head in amusement, but follows sitting in the passenger seat instead. 
“Come on, let’s go,” you hurry Sam along. You go around the car to open the door opposite the one Wanda slammed and take a seat. Wanda is already not looking at you, instead looking out the window, which you find pointless because there is nothing to look at seeing as there is another car parked right next to her. She’s just getting the view of their window. 
“Wanda,” you say, trying to get her to look at you. “Wanda.” She still ignores you, so you press, “Are you really not going to talk to me?”
“I’m not in the mood. Why don’t you talk to Bethany? Seemed like you liked talking to her. Now you can call her,” Wanda responds, voicing Bethany’s name in an obnoxious way. You try not to snicker but Pietro doesn’t. Wanda kicks the back of his seat, getting in trouble with Sam as he enters the car to see just that. 
“Hey, knock it off! I don’t need Nat busting my ass for something I didn’t do,” he warns and points at Wanda, who huffs but leans back, crossing her arms in irritation. He continues, “Also, if you want me to laugh at your jokes, make them make sense.” 
He throws the paper to your lap. You read it once more and laugh to yourself. Sam is about to start the car but you stop him. “Wait! Before we go, Sam, can you do me a favor real quick,” you say as you pull out a five dollar bill. “Can you go give this to Bethany?”
“So is this like an inside joke or something?” Sam takes the money anyway and heads back to the bar. Pietro asks, “Can I see the paper?”
“Why? You want to have a shot with her too? Clearly she was interested in Y/N, Pietro,” Wanda mumbles. You hand over the paper to her brother while rolling your eyes at her behavior, trying not to smile. 
Pietro reads it and laughs louder than before. Wanda takes off her seatbelt and leans forward to snatch the paper from Pietro’s hands. “Okay, what is so funny? ‘Five bucks she says my name in a mean voice’.” Wanda’s voice trails off in the end out of embarrassment realizing that the note was about her. 
“Hell yeah! I told you I would and I did. I still have the moves.” Sam barges into the car excitedly. “Look what I got!” He waves around a piece of paper in front of Pietro’s face. 
“Her number? Nice,” Pietro says, pretty impressed.
“Yep. She said ‘Here, for if you’re ever back in town,’” Sam tries mimicking Bethany’s voice. Turning to you, he adds, “Oh and she also said to tell you she told you so, whatever that means.” 
“Wanda knows what it means,” Pietro jokes, making you chuckle and Wanda punch him in the arm.
“Alright, alright. Chill out and put your seatbelt on,” Sam tells Wanda. He turns on the car and begins the drive home. “It’s a good thing we’re leaving when we are. Another drink in you and we’d have to pull you out of a bar fight.”
Wanda does as she’s told without another word. In fact she stays silent for the whole ride back, not because she was annoyed like earlier. To say she’s embarrassed is an understatement. It’s one thing for her brother to tease her, throwing remarks he finds oh so humorous her way. She’s used to that from her twin. It’s another thing for you to match his energy, laughing at his jokes and having the same knowing smirk on your face. 
Of course Pietro would know when she’s jealous; they’re twins. Pietro acts the same exact way when he’s jealous. Wanda just wasn’t ready for someone else to pick up on it, especially not the person for why she felt the way she did. 
It is humiliating and that’s why she vows to deny, deny, deny if anyone brings it up, which of course you do because life hates Wanda and won’t let her have this one thing. 
You bring it up after you get home. Wanda tries to rush out the car but you hold her arm, signaling for her to stay in the car. You tell Sam and Pietro to go ahead inside without you, that you need to talk to Wanda in private. 
Sam jokingly “oohs” and rolls down the windows a bit before turning off the car. “This seems like a long talk. I wouldn’t want you ladies to suffocate under all the tension,” he quips. 
Wanda looks at her brother for help and he almost stays seeing the dread on her face, but then he thinks about how this could be new ammunition for teasing her later and makes his decision to go. “Sorry, Wands, but she said ‘in private’.”
“Since when do you respect privacy?” she challenged, ticked that her own blood would leave her to die of mortification for his own amusement. 
“It’s never too late to try new things,” he reasons. He follows Sam to the house, laughing because Wanda shouts out of the car window, “Try not being a traitor next time!”
Wanda’s attention finally turns to you when she hears you giggling. Wanda sits as far away from you as she can, her back practically against the car door. Your laughter dies down, but you still sport a wide smile on your face, irritating her to no end. She crosses her arms and tries to keep her composure.
“What did you want to say?” She feigns innocence, hoping the conversation will take a different route than the one she feels it’s going. However, much like life you won’t let her have this.
“You know, I guessed you could be the jealous type given you telling your brother to stop flirting with me and the other way around, but damn, that was something else,” you tease, finding satisfaction when Wanda’s cheeks burn red.
You let her splutter for a minute, but then take pity on her when you see she can’t find the words to defend herself. You scoot close enough to her that your knees are pressing against hers. “It’s okay, really. Usually, I would find jealousy unattractive but there is something about green on you that I like. It really brings out your eyes.”
Your hands move forward to push some of her hair away from her face as if to see her eyes clearer. Wanda finally finds her voice, scoffing, “I was not jealous,” but she allows you to keep your hands on her face.
“No, of course not,” you reply sarcastically, smirk taking permanent residence on your face. You pinch her cheek to annoy her. 
“Only insecure people get jealous,” Wanda huffs and pushes your hands away. 
“Everyone has their insecurities, Maximoff.”
“What do you have to be insecure about?” she asks like you would be the last person to have any insecurities. 
You lean your side onto the seat. “Plenty of things. Like, no one ever taking me seriously. I hide a lot behind jokes. Sometimes, I don’t even know if I’m being serious or not and that makes it really hard to communicate with people.”
You look away from Wanda who begins to uncross her arms, the earlier tension on her body from self preservation dissipating with your confession. Instead, you focus on your hands, fingers tracing the stitched lines on the leather seats. 
You continue with a sigh, “Not to keep reliving the past, but it seems like it’s all I ever really do, I think maybe had I worked a little more on that, maybe Skye and I wouldn’t have ended like we did. Maybe had I shown I could be, I don’t know, more serious, someone you could not only have laugh with but someone you could confide in, have honest talks with, be a shoulder to cry on, then maybe she wouldn’t have seen me as a distraction and maybe we, I don’t know. I’m just rambling now.”
It gets quiet in the car. Wanda watches your hands continue to trace the lines on the seats. You look up at her when she clears her throat, ready to speak. “Vision broke up with me with the excuse that heroes are meant to be alone and I try but ever since he said that I can’t help but think he has a point.”
“Why do you think so?” you ask. Much like you finding something else to focus on, Wanda begins fidgeting with the rings on her fingers before replying, “It’s just that after we broke up, everyone left me alone. They were trying to give me my space, I guess but all it did was make me feel lonely.”
You reach out to stop her fidgeting with her rings which only half works. When you hold her hand, her other one comes to start playing with your fingers. “As embarrassing as it was to have you see me crying, I’m glad you stayed with me that first day,” Wanda whispers, almost like it’s a secret.
You smile and joke, “You were crying? I would have never known if you didn’t just tell me.” You succeed in making her laugh, as she tells you to shut up, but you continue teasing her. “Now the puffy eyes and runny nose make total sense.”
“Oh, god! Don’t remind me,” she pulls her hands away from yours to cover her face. She mumbles behind her palms, “I probably looked so gross.”
You chuckle at how wrong she is, remembering that day. You pull her hands away from her face and respond, “Quite the opposite. I was wondering how someone could look so pretty crying.”
Wanda narrows her eyes at you and accuses, “Liar.”
“Honest. Then I thought how inappor- inaporpiet,” you struggle to say inappropriate so you rephrase, “how it was wrong to think that while you were crying. Sorry, the alcohol is still in my system.”
You continue through Wanda’s giggling. “And it’s your fault I’m not more sober right now!”
“What? How is this my fault?” she questions, still smiling.
“We didn’t get to drink the waters Bethany so nicely served us because you got jealous and stormed out,” you recount, watching the smile drop from Wanda’s face and a frown replace it. 
“I was not jealous!” Wanda still denies, much to your amusement. She tries to pull away her hands but you keep a heavy grip on them.
“Incredible. We just had a whole ass conversation about insecurities and you still can’t admit you were jealous,” you laugh when she denies it again with a pout on her face that you attempt to kiss away, pulling her into you. 
“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” you mumble with a smile against her lips. She lets out an irritated sigh and leans back into you to finally do something about wiping that knowing smile off of your face. 
Wanda’s lips on yours, you both forget what either of you were trying to prove as you lose yourself to the feeling of having her pressed against you. You are both a mess, still slightly inebriated, but not so much that you don’t know what you are doing. You are well aware that you are in Nat’s car and she would kill you if she were to find out what you were doing in the backseat. 
You take the chance anyway thinking it would be worth it. Remnants of alcohol in your system and watching Wanda take her shirt off will do that. Hands are everywhere, stripping off clothes, so you don’t know who does it but the car horn sounds and makes you both stop in panic. 
“Shit,” you both whisper, out of breath. You turn to look at what could have caused the noise and see your shoe on the driver seat. One of you had thrown the shoe at the wheel. You both look towards the house. The lights were still off. You don’t think you woke anyone. At least, you hope you didn’t.
“Maybe no one heard?” You tell Wanda who looks at you with a ‘you can’t be serious’ look. There are five members of the most renowned team of heroes on the planet in that house. One, if not all, heard the horn.
Your phone chimes. Wanda gives you an ‘I told you so’ look as she pulls out your phone from your pants that are halfway down your thighs. Her heart stops in her chest as she sees the text is from Natasha. She shows you and you cover your face, not wanting to read whatever death threat is on there. 
“Read it for me. Maybe coming from you, I might not have a panic attack,” you beg. She opens the text and reads aloud, “ ‘I expect the car to smell of nothing but lemon scented disinfectant wipes tomorrow’ followed by two exclamation points and the red angry face emoji.”
You let out a sigh and remove your hands. “That doesn’t sound too bad. I don’t think she’s that mad.”
“Wait,” Wanda holds up a finger, reading off of your phone, “she’s typing.”
Your phone chimes incessantly. Wanda begins reading off, “Okay, girl with hand up emoji, ladder emoji, window emoji, person in bed emoji, oh, um.” Wanda’s eyes widen at what she now realizes is Nat threatening you through emoticons. “I am going to stop reading now so you can sleep tonight.”
You groan but take the phone to read through the little story Nat created. “Although I am fearing for my life, I have to give it to her. This is very creative and it sends shivers down my spine.”
You toss your phone onto the passenger seat. “If this is my last night, let’s end it right,” you say before dramatically sweeping Wanda in your arms and moving her to lie down as best as one can in the back seats of Nat’s car. She giggles as you nearly stumble to the floor due to your pants. 
“Stupid jeans,” you mutter, swiftly taking them off and moving on top of Wanda who is still giggling. You quickly shut her up. 
You wake up in the back seat of Nat’s car with Wanda in your arms. You feel three things at once: Wanda’s breath tickling your neck, the warmth of sunlight seeping through the car windows, and the beginnings of a headache. There is a loud screech that does nothing to help soothe the mild hangover. It wakes Wanda up as well. She voices her annoyance out loud, her morning voice husky. 
“Ugh, what is that? Y/N, make it stop,” she demands, burrowing further into you as if that will somehow make it stop. Coincidentally enough it does stop, but before you can relax, you hear voices arise. 
Wanda’s brows furrow and she tries to move away from you to see who could be coming to visit, but with the arm you have around her, you yank her back down into you.
“What are you doing?” you whisper yell.
She looks at you in confusion. “I’m seeing who it is.”
“Maybe that can wait once we’re fully clothed,” you suggest, pointing out the fact that all either of you have on are underwear and your shirts from last night. 
“Yeah, just stay still and hope they don’t peek in the car,” you command. The two of you stay quiet as the voices pass by. From the sounds of it, they come from two women.
“Oh, calm down! That landing was not that bad. It was way better than last time!” one of the women exclaims. Her voice sounds way too familiar, but you are too busy holding your breath in order to not get caught to actually try to place it. 
“That doesn’t make me feel any better, Daisy. Wait, who let you fly it before?” the second woman asks, the end of her sentence sounding far away hinting at them approaching the front door away from the car you and Wanda currently hide in. 
You hear knocking and then the front door opening. You think you hear Nat’s voice say something that sounds like “oh, fuck” but you aren’t too sure. You and Wanda only get up when you hear the front door close. 
You both hastily redress into yesterday’s clothes. Peeking out the window, Wanda notices a jet outside that definitely was not there last night and seeing as there are no other cars around, she can only assume it belongs to the two women which makes sense after hearing that one of them flew it. 
She sadly puts two and two together. These are the agents that would pick them up to take them back to the compound. You also pieced it together, “They’re here early.”
Wanda notices you sound a little peeved at that but you collect yourself. “Come on. Let’s go see what that’s about.” You give her a quick kiss before you exit the vehicle, holding the door open for her to step out. 
Wanda has half a mind to pull you back into the car, wrap back up in you, and never let you go, although she knows in the end it’s not you that’s going but her that has to leave. She’s just sad that her ride is here so soon and that she had to wake up to it after a night like last night. 
Last night was what felt like a wake up call for her. Lying in your arms, she began to wonder what she was even doing with you anymore. You make her feel like no one else has. She might have denied it all night, but she can be honest with herself. She knows she was jealous. She has never been jealous about anyone before and maybe because she knows she has no claim to you, in other words any reason to be jealous, she realized she wants to have a reason. She wants the right to be jealous. 
You stand there patiently waiting for her to step out of the car. Once she’s out, you fix her hair for her. “There. Maybe not Sister Wanda but I didn’t leave any marks for you to be DJ Wanda either,” you joke, trying to pull a smile from Wanda.
You do, but you find it odd that she doesn’t whack you or anything for teasing. “Wow, no violence after making a joke like that. Are you feeling okay? Did the alcohol not hit you until right now? Are you somehow drunk?”
“No,” she rolls her eyes at you. “I thought we had a rule about not hitting you.”
“Oh, so now you remember the rules. It only took you til your last day here to remember them,” you chuckle, closing the door behind her. You begin walking toward the house but when you reach the porch you feel Wanda pull you back. You look at her with questioning eyes.
Wanda decides to finally voice all her thoughts and feelings that she has been keeping to herself once and for all. “About those rules-“
“Robin Hood?”
Wanda is cut off by that familiar voice you couldn’t place before but you couldn’t mistake it now especially given that nickname. There was only one person to ever call you that. You didn’t have to look to know who it was but you and Wanda both turn to see the last person you thought you would ever catch in Westview County standing on your cousin’s porch.
Dun, dun, duUuUn
@madamevirgo @marvels-writings @gayarchnemissis @myperfectlovestory @purplemeetsblue @magicallymaximoff @b0mbdotc0m @helloalycia @ironscarletwidowsoilder @cantcontroltheirfear @trikruismybitch @your-my-mission @imagine-reblog @fayhar @idek-5 @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo @bemyvitamin​ @musicinourlips​ @paumxmff​ @wandamaximoffsrings​ @yeetus-thyself​ @lostandsearching​ @when-wolves-howl @euphoriaszn2​ @gingerbreadcookieforlife​ @myfavoriteficss @cyberbonesworld
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versadies · 3 years
Hey!!! How are you?
Congratulations on your 1k followers
Can I request aries + Kazuha + hc scenario + fluffy...?
Today is the last day of the event, I just saw it today, at least it wasn't after the event ended ;w;
I'm thinking about having a nickname to join the anon squad... Maybe 🇧🇷 anon? Your content came to a Brazilian person! Congratulations on your content reaching someone on the other side of the world :)
in the next life (hc scenario, reincarnation au)
penpal: hi hi, i’m doing great ty 🇧🇷 anon!! i’m so happy to know that my content has reached to the other side of the world 🥺🥺 i hope you like this <<3
prompt: aries the ram, red-string soulmate au
pairing/s: kaedehara kazuha x gn!reader
sypnosis: sometimes, happy endings can only happen in another lifetime. (or, hc on how you and kazuha met during the modern era of teyvat)
includes: slight spoilers to inazuma quests (2.0), fluff/slight angsty, reincarnation au, mentions of death, modern au, rushed ending
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soulmates has always been one of the things that made teyvat special.
people had all collectively agreed that meeting their soulmate is one of the most treasuring moment, no matter how strange or hilarious the first encounter is like, no one should ever forget the once-in-a-lifetime moment.
with that said, most stories are usually soulmates– specifically how one meets their fated other. historical moments are no exception to this, such as an archon's first ever encounter with their soulmate during an annual rite, a forbidden love between an immortal being and a human, a sweet story of a soldier and a healer during a certain war, and the list goes on.
but where are stories that contains soulmates who had never met one another? or had a tragic fate that gave them no opportunity to get along with their soulmate anymore?
some would say they'll meet in the afterlife, where they can live on in peace as the world goes on. while some would beg to differ and think that the two soulmates are just bound to not meet.
only little would suggest reincarnation.
and you and your beloved soulmate are one of those little people.
but you honestly didn't think that you and kazuha would be the soulmates with a tragic fate.
the both of you had met thanks to the resistance. when beidou decided to introduce kazuha to kokomi, he met you along the way– the right-hand-person of kokomi and his soulmate.
the both of you had instantly clicked when you met, the wide smile the both of you had appeared when you notice each other's red string being connected.
since then, you were inseparable.
on days when your assigned unit didn't need your assistance at the moment, you usually use those times to hung out with the samurai, often talking about each other's adventures and experiences with the best you can.
it was those days when you incredibly cherished the moments, making sure to remember every second of those moments you had with him before going on battles against kujou sara and her soldiers.
unfortunately for the both of you, the memories that you oh-so cherished would be the last one you'll ever make.
"see you in the next life... kaedehara kazuha," you whispered, staring at the samurai as the both of you lie down on the cold ground with soldiers fighting around the both of you, blood gushing out from your mouth. "whether it'd be in the next life or another, may celestia let us have another chance."
you watched as kazuha smiled lightly, his hand shakily trying to reach out to yours until he intertwines it together. "till we meet again, y/n."
as the war between the resistance and the raiden shogun continued, you and kazuha let out your one last breath before passing away.
much to you and kazuha's hopes, the war against the vision hunt decree won victoriously, with the raiden shogun lifting up the decree and brought inazuma back to its usual peaceful life before the decree.
of course, the resistance alongside the traveler paid respects to you and kazuha's passing, telling you that you and kazuha can rest now that they won.
as centuries flew by, teyvat had a major change among the nations. in this particular century, archons and visions had long been forgotten, with technology around the world being more advanced than before. as for soulmates? they still exist fortunately.
then there's you, a person who found joy in traveling around the world and tell the world about it. at least, that's what people think.
to you, you simply wanted to travel around teyvat to find a person named kaedehara kazuha.
recently, you started getting dreams of a man who goes by kaedehara kazuha. some were usually romantic that it gave you butterflies, some were conversations that you sometimes would forget, and of course, the dreams that often haunt you.
most dreams of yours were always lying down beside the man– who was bleeding to death. was this a sign of him dying? what is the purpose of these dreams?
you didn't know why this was happening to you. are you slowly going insane? or were you just overreacting?
whatever it was, you knew that deep down that it has something to do with your soulmate.
you went high and low around each nation you visited, often asking certain people if they've know a man named kaedehara kazuha, only to receive no useful information that could help you.
of course, your only source that could help you find him is the red string that connects you and your soulmate, following the direction it led you with hopes of it twitching as a sign that you're near.
unfortunately, none of the nations you've visited had no signs of who you're looking for.
your last stop is inazuma, a nation that's infamous for having beautiful firework shows and tourist spots. there's not a single place that isn't worth taking pictures of.
the moment you arrived to the nation using a boat,l you came across to a woman whose name is beidou.
"i don't know a man whose name has a kaedehara, but i have a son who coincidentally has the same name as kazuha!" she exclaims with a grin. "i don't think he's the one you're looking for though, i've never seen him hung out with someone like you or anyone else who isn't gorou."
you smile lightly at the woman, trying to not look disappointed. "i see.. thank you again, miss beidou."
she quickly waved you off. "good luck in finding the man you're looking for!"
the moment you immediately checked in ritou, you started exploring around the nation with no plans of stopping, hoping to see at least one person who looks like the man in your dreams or has their red string connected to your finger.
unfortunately, every area you've visited in the land, you still haven't found the end of the string, your hopes slowly dying down as time flew by.
you decided to explore more the next day, deciding to go back to inazuma city and have dinner in one of their infamous restaurants.
as you sat down on one of the stools while waiting for kanbei to cook your meals, you let out a disappointed sigh. if you couldn't find your soulmate anywhere, where could he be?
what if kaedehara kazuha doesn't exist at all? what if he died before you could even meet him and find out what's going on with your dreams?
you let out another sigh, rubbing the back of your neck in frustration. you hoped all of this wasn't a waste of your time. you honestly don't know what to do if you won't be able to find him at all, let alone what happens after you meet him.
unnoticed by you, your red string started twitching nonstop. a man suddenly enters the place, sitting down one seat away from where you are.
"rough day, kazuha?" kanbei asked, not bothering to look away from the pot as he continues to focus on cooking your meal.
"not exactly. i found a perfect spot to write haiku." the man, kazuha, replied.
as kazuha and kanbei continued conversing, you couldn't help but find yourself slowly drifting to sleep, now feeling the exhaustion from your exploration around the nation.
before you could completely pass out on the counter, you immediately woke up from the delicious smell of your meal, looking up to see the chef being finished with your meal already. perhaps the reviews weren't lying when they said this restaurant is fast with services.
you quietly thanked the chef when he placed the meal down in front of you, feeling your mouth watering at the sight of the delicious meal before digging up, still not noticing the red string twitching nonstop due to your focus on filling your hunger.
"thank you again, kanbei." kazuha speaks up as he grabs the packaged food from the chef's hands and hands over the payment.
"always happy to serve, kazuha. see ya tomorrow." kanbei said, watching as the man walks away from the restaurant.
out of curiosity, you glance at who you assume is beidou's son, only for your eyes to widen at the sight of the same man that you've been seeing in your dreams–
along with his red string connecting to yours.
without thinking, you immediately jumped down from your stool, staring at kazuha, who already walked out from the diner without a glance of your direction. "i'll be back and continue eating my meal. apologies for my rudeness!" you exclaim before running towards kazuha's direction without letting a single word come out from kanbei, who was confused at your words.
"kazuha!" you yelled, hoping kazuha would hear your voice despite the sounds of cars and people being loud around the both of you.
you tried to call for the man again, only for you to get frustrated when he still hadn't heard a word from you. was he wearing earphones?!
you immediately look down at your string and back at kazuha, hesitating for a moment before shaking the string aggresively. please, please, please look back! please look like you're him–
you sigh in relief when he finally noticed his string shaking, causing him to stop his trakcs and look behind him to see you running towards him like your life depends on it.
his eyes widens at the sight of you running towards him, your face was all too familiar for him to remember. it can't be, you only existed in his dreams!
the both of you suddenly remember certain memories the both of you didn't even knew you had. memories of which the both of you used to be in. memories of the both of you walking around the infamous serpent head as soldiers trained with all their might for the upcoming war, memories of the both of you watching the stars and wish for the resistance to win victoriously, memories of your past life that you and kazuha had forgotten.
that was enough for kazuha to run towards you as well, his arms suddenly spreading wide open for you to clashed into, dropping his food without a care.
the moment you and kazuha finally had gotten closer, you tackled the man into a hug as tears prickled in your eyes, ignoring the questionable stares the both of you received from people passing by.
"i found you." you whispered, closing your eyes shut as you let out a sound of relief. "after so.. so many months, i finally found you."
kazuha hugs you back, pulling you closer to his body as he sighs in relief. now that there's no more wars or something to run away from, the both of you can start anew and live the life the both of you had wanted back then.
"i missed you."
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
✄・・・ Feathery Ink [Karasuno Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Karasuno x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: none
➜ Notes: This is a separate series from Crisp Leaves. Similar to Crisp Leaves, manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall, around 170.5 cm (along 5’7’’). This is just my appreciation towards tall girls, you guys are amazing.
Previous:  ‹ Direct Sunlight › | Next:  ‹ Acceptance ›
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You began to question if your existence is worth for the team or not.
“Ah, Hitoka-chan, [Name]-chan. Are you done changing?” Shimizu asked, smiling down at both of you who waited on the yard.
The sky was already dark the moment practice was over–something you knew you have to get used somehow if you really want to become the team’s manager in the future. However, what you didn’t expect was how time was surely running quickly that you could ever imagine. Maybe because you thoroughly enjoyed on how the team fired up during practice.
Yachi clearly didn’t expect her name to be mentioned so friendly and you didn’t expect Shimizu to called out for you too. That and her next words almost had you yelped out of surprise. “I’ll walk with you two, so hold on a sec. I’m going to change too.”
“No, it’s okay! I actually think I should be walking with you, or something, or…!”
“Don’t worry about it.” Dismissing the blonde’s reluctance, Shimizu jogged towards the changing room and leaving the two of you alone once again. Well, at least Yachi had any decency to reply while you just gaped at the senior’s figure–you found yourself being extremely rude and embarrassing.
“S-Shimizu-senpai is really nice, huh?” you stuttered, not knowing how to make it sound right. But you’re honest with your words–Shimizu treated you nicely and you didn’t once feel uncomfortable around her.
“Y-yeah,” Yachi replied, nodding stiffly.
“What’s wrong, sensei? Why the serious face?” Another voice managed to caught both of your attention. It came from the still lit gym–you noticed that it was Coach Ukai’s and the question directed to Takeda-sensei. Them being quite close with the open-window made their conversation could be heard clearly.
“Oh, well, apparently the bus we were supposed to take for the away games in Tokyo was booked by another club so it doesn’t look like we’ll get it. It looks like it’s going to cost us a lot more than expected so I was trying to figure out what to do.”
“I’ll try talking to a few more alumni.” Coach Ukai hummed in understanding. “I’m sure this problem will come up again in the future.”
“I apologize. I’ll try reaching out as well. Well, if all else fails, I do have some savings.”
“No, no, no! You need to save that for your future wedding or something. And don’t do that with your hand!”
“Yachi-san! [Name]-san!!” while Yachi stiffened from the energetic call, you blinked as Hinata skidded to stop right in front of you two. “Yachi-san, [Name]-san, are you going to be our manager!?”
“Uh, um-“
“Well, Hinata-kun-“
“You will, right!?”
“Hey, first-year girls, hey!” this time it was Tanaka and Nishinoya, looking at Yachi and you in confidence.
“We hope that you will join the Karasuno High School volleyball team.” Nishinoya said.
“Huh?” you and Yachi replied in confusion, with limited vocabulary.
“When you two are around, Kiyoko-san talks a lot.” Tanaka continued. It earned them both a smack on the head along with scolding from the team’s captain almost instantly.
“What kind of invitation is that, you idiots!?”
“Sorry these guys are so stupid,” Sugawara apologized in a more relaxed way–you’re guessing he’s already used with these two’s antics.
“N-No, not at all!” Yachi shook her head frantically.
“It’s okay…” you muttered, not sure how to reply that without sounding rude.
Yachi and you both knew it’s quite a shock to know Shimizu was so eager to have you in the team to help despite almost everything. For Yachi, she didn’t have any experience or knowledge about volleyball and considered herself an extra who’s not worth of her position. She didn’t want to be a hindrance and you understood.
You? You didn’t particularly have any reason to not join and to join. You sure have enough experience from middle school, although it was brief. Your brother loves volleyball so everything about it is already crammed inside your head without your consent. As a manager, you could rate your skill as 5–nothing too grand and nothing too special, too plain maybe could be the right word.
For a really high-spirited team which eager to grow, you’re too… plain. There’s no place for a monotone person like you in a club full of color.
With that, you began to question if your existence is worth for the team or not.
“Is something troubling you two?”
If Yachi’s staring at the empty club application in her hands, then you’re staring at the empty changing locker. Surely, Shimizu noticed your antics.
“By the way, I did play sports, but I had no prior experience with volleyball or being a manager,” your senior admitted. “I don’t think everyone has to like something before giving it a try. I don’t think you need an unwavering will or lofty move just to get started. Sometimes things that you start on a whim end up becoming very important to you, too. To get started, I think you just need a little bit of curiosity. And also a leap of faith.”
A leap of faith.
You found yourself mulling over her words.
This time, Shimizu told you that it’s fine to showed up at practice without having to wear the school’s gym clothes–just white shirt to match the team and jogger pants would do.
“Ouginishi will arrive in four and a half hours!” Shimizu announced as she began to changed to her indoor shoes. Once she got the series of replies, she turned to you two. “Alright, Hitoka-chan, would you line up some chairs around the court there? Let’s see… eight of them!”
“Uh, right!”
“And [Name]-chan, could you prepare the water bottles? The drinking fountain’s not far from here, just around the corner.”
“Okay, and the protein mixture is right over there, right? The blue box-“ You halted your words, shoulders immediately tensed from the automatic question which tumbled from your tongue. Shimizu’s eyes widened before she smiled, even wider one than before.
“That’s right! You really know a lot, it’s amazing!”
Flustered over her praises, you excused yourself immediately–snatching the rack of bottles and bolted towards the nearest drinking fountain. After finished filling them up, you poured each packet for each bottle and shook it to get it mixed properly. You didn’t even notice how fast your hand was moving and noticing that all the bottles were ready.
Once you were back, you put the rack on the designated place and jogged towards Yachi–maybe she would need help moving the chairs.
“Wha? How would I know?” Kageyama questioned, raising a brow–probably answering the conversation happened between him and Hinata which you didn’t know. “Is there a reason you want to eat when you’re hungry?”
“Right? Hmm…” Hinata hummed.
“And where are the water bottles?” Kageyama questioned, looking left and right.
“Here,” You gave one to him, the one you purposely not mix with anything. “I already filled it with water. You have your own protein drink, right?”
You noticed that the raven-haired boy already pulled a package with different color so you knew he had his own choice of protein drink and brought it. Kageyama muttered a thank you, taking the bottle from your hand after you opened the lid so he didn’t have to juggle with the package he held.
“How do you know about that, [Name]-san!?” Hinata questioned, eyes shining. “It’s almost like you’re reading minds!”
“H-Huh? I’m just observing, I guess…”
“Really!? That’s awesome!!”
Yachi was right, it’s like being shone under the intensely bright sun if you’re talking to Hinata.
You were juggling between manager duties, studying in your own, and tutoring Hinata and Kageyama for the upcoming test. It’s quite difficult, but teaching others also helped you memorized the material better–that and also finding out terms that could help the two.
“So, ‘to’ is helping in referring on where do you want to go in this word here.” You explained, circling the word. “For example, ‘I want to go to the gym’.”
After tutoring both Hinata and Kageyama for some time, you learned that the two would literally remember anything if it’s sports-related–especially volley ball. So, it became your best shot in cramming the materials into their head.
“I see!” Hinata exclaimed, furiously writing down the correct form of sentence, while Kageyama nodded enthusiastically.
“Oh, it’s already this late,” you muttered as you looked at the clock. “Time sure flew by.”
“You’re right!” Hinata followed your line of sight. “I guess it’s time to go home! Thank you, [Name]-san! Your explanation is really easy to understand!”
“I’m glad I could be of any help,” you smiled in return.
“And after this, we’ll go to Tokyo together!” the orange haired boy exclaimed. “You’re coming too, right, [Name]-san!?”
“Uhm, about that…” You honestly didn’t know how to respond–you couldn’t be a trial manager forever, it’s either completely reject the idea or finally joining as an official member. If you did join, do you even have a role in it? There’s Shimizu and Yachi already, there’s no need for a third manager. “There’s already Hitoka-chan and Shimizu-senpai, right?”
“Yeah! You should join too!”
“Do I really have a place there?” you questioned out loud. “I mean… do I can really be of any help? Two managers are already enough, besides I don’t have anything to offer to the team either. I can’t do anything important to help the team grow stronger…”
“What do you mean!?” Hinata’s shriek almost made your heart jump out from your chest.
“Filling water bottles, washing bibs, mopping the floor, tidying the balls, it’s all important.” Surprisingly, Kageyama was the one who spoke. “It’s simple but important. Without it, we will have double work and it’s exhausting.”
Hinata nodded vigorously. “Kageyama’s right!”
“Do you really need to do something grand to join something?” the raven-haired then questioned. “While you think it’s nothing, the others don’t think so. The one who judge whether your actions leave a mark or not isn’t you, it’s the team. So, quit overthinking. Do what you want.”
It’s like being doused with cold water–it slapped you awake in an unexpected way.
“I guess I will,” you smiled, heart feeling lighter than before. “Thank you, Kageyama-kun, Hinata-kun.”
“So, we’ve finished our exams and starting today, Yachi-san and Otohaku-san will officially be joining us as our managers.”
In the hot summer day, you found yourself back in the gym, but this time standing beside Sawamura and a fidgeting Yachi. She didn’t seem to be uncomfortable, maybe it’s a new feeling of excitement for her–you completely understand because you felt the same.
“Here,” Shimizu went up to the both of you–handing identical black jersey which the team also owned. The inky black material with white broderie sent torrents of emotions towards you, instantly the corner of your eyes felt as if it was burning.
“Ready, and-“
“Welcome to Karasuno High School Volleyball Club!!”
You found yourself bowing ninety-degrees, hugging the jacket tightly against your chest. “It’s a pleasure working with you!”
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