#sometimes the curtains were blue for a reason and then you put them in another room and they clash with everything
starlit-mansion · 2 years
Listening to the beetlejuice cast recording again and i think it's funny how updating the maitlands from 80s affluent normie yuppies to 2010s neurotic hipsters with too many artisinal hobbies actually makes it feel more dated
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cafeinthemoon · 1 year
King - Chapter VIII
Chapter 8
Wordcount 3,8k
Title Worthy
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Previous chapters
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 🖤
Warnings: Poseidon is not a soft man; he knows how to make a girl cry
Tagging @cloveradora @the-dumber-scaramouche @mikkies @sl33py-zer0 @nooneknows8976 (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: So I really wanted a cool title for this chapter, but nothing better than this one :/
Here's something about the quake that I forgot to explain in the previous chapter's notes: the reason why the girls didn't fall in another place when they witnessed the quake right in their first day at the palace was that Proteus was there. Knowing what happens after the quakes caused by his master, he knows how to guide people through the right path and might have a way to protect them from the effects. Since reader was alone when the second quake happened, there wasn't much she could do to protect herself. The idea for these sudden changes came when I was first building my concept for the Lord of the Seas: in Greek mythology, he was an unstable and irascible man, so it would be only fair that his house fitted his temper. It's not clear if hes aware of this, but it's not hard to suppose that he uses this changes to reach his purposes, combined with his extended vision, about which he will speak in this chapter.
Hope you enjoy it :)
Also a change in the gif because... well, you'll see 😅
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Nothing in that path was known to you.
The corridors – all of them shorter than the one where you met – were as blue and plain as the first one, and no doors or windows were present in them as well, making it impossible for you to try and memorize the way. Still, you couldn’t help feeling like you were walking in circles, even though your husband took different directions.
And to think that, if he hasn’t appeared at the right moment, I could be dead by now.
You were absorbed in those thoughts when Poseidon stopped in front of a door and put you down, but kept a hand on your wrist, though you would be a fool if you tried to run and take the risk of getting lost again – sometimes, not knowing what he took you for was irritating. He opened the door and, after making you enter before him, he locked it behind his back. You looked around… And found yourself in a familiar place.
He brought me to his chambers again.
You started wondering if that strange transformation in the environment was deliberated, if finding you was his final goal or if it was just a coincidence. Well, if he wanted to find you, he could’ve just sent a servant to the women’s lodge; where else did he think he could find you? But, at the same time, he didn’t seem the type who always chooses the obvious way. He didn’t use to give many explanations on his actions, but you already noticed that everything he did had a reason.
And, that time, you didn’t need to wait for too long to find it out.
Without a word, he grabbed your wrist and led you to the direction you knew the bathing area was. It was a short way, but you took the opportunity to observe the surroundings, and that’s how you noticed how clean and organized the room was: no clothes on the floor, no scent of perfume or essential oils in the air, no messed sheets upon the bed, which curtains were opened and wrapped, as if waiting for the next night; not even the small table and the bottle of contraceptive was visible beside it.
No signs of your passage were present there.
You turned your face away from the scene and tried not think about it, as you finally crossed the small corridor through which you were taken to the shower, that one where you almost drowned.
Is he going to make me bathe on it again?
Fortunately, that’s not what happened.
As you stopped before the shower, Poseidon took the shawl off your shoulders and told you to take off your shoes. He grabbed everything and put it on a place near, where the water wouldn’t reach, then led you to the bathtub area, returning to the shower and leaving you there by yourself. The air was warm, and the bathtub was already full.
Moments later, he walked after you, without his clothes and ready to enter the bathtub. You looked away when he passed by you, only seeing the moment he touched the water with the corner of your eye. When you looked again, he already had half of his body covered in water, in the same spot where he stood with you yesterday.
You took a moment to notice he was staring at you.
– Go to that shelf and bring something to me – he pointed at the shelf in question.
You went there and he indicated the line and the position of the chosen bottle. It was similar to the ones that contained the healing salts used in your previous bath there, but had an orange, creamy substance inside it, like a lotion.
You barely had the chance to observe the label to confirm its nature.
– Bring it here.
You obeyed, kneeling behind him and giving him the bottle. He opened it and gave it back to you.
– Make yourself useful and use it to massage my shoulders.
The order was clear, yet you took a second to process it: he brought you to his room just for you to do the work of a servant? Well, it was useless to argue: you were already there, and the bottle was opened; you couldn’t let him waiting, risking what was left of his patience after the unpleasing task of eliminating an insubordinate individual.
You took a generous amount of the lotion, spread it on your palms – not missing the chance to enjoy its pleasing texture – and started to work.
Somehow, it felt like you were touching his skin for the first time, for you were under a good light, entirely in control of your senses, not having to stand his glare, something that would certainly make your hands shake and interfere in your performance. With all those issues out of the way, you allowed yourself a bit of relaxation, using that time to observe your husband in a way you still haven’t the chance to do, and with that you noticed a curious detail: despite the warmth of the water, his skin didn’t turn rosy, but kept the uniformity of its pale shade, only changing in the spots where you spread the lotion; besides, he had no marks all over his back, even less on his neck; as you looked for them, your hands followed your eyes, trying to guess if there was at least the reminiscence of a scratch or a scar – but nothing could be found, and that was less impressive than scary.
He’s so fast that it’s impossible to touch him in a fight, and I can’t think of someone who’d be brave enough to get so close if he gave them the chance.
As you brought your hands to his neck, you observed something that counterbalanced this thought: his hair wasn’t entirely blond, as seen from a distance, but it had its roots in a silver shade, which changed to the evident golden. Compared to the thing about his skin, it was trivial, almost ridiculous.
Poseidon’s voice brought you back to reality.
– You are getting distracted – he casually commented – Your hands stopped.
It was true: you realized you were lost in your observations, and immediately got back to work. But that wasn’t the end of his admonition.
– Delicacy is appreciated in massaging sessions, but this is too much. Your touch is lacking strength – he glanced behind – Or are you going to tell me that this is the best you can do with these tiny hands of yours?
If your delicacy was too much for him, his provocations were too much for you. You held back a sigh of impatience, but compensated it by burying your nails on his skin.
Is this better for you?
This only caused him a chuckle.
– Ah, this is better. But do not use your nails.
You bit your lip, but said nothing in response. Apparently, there was a way to satisfy him through your aggressiveness – and that was something you preferred not to discuss. You just decided to keep the rhythm and wait until he told you to stop…
Which didn’t happen without a conversation.
– That place where I found you – Poseidon started – It is not one where your presence should be expected. I suppose you went there by accident. So, tell me, where were you trying to go?
For a second, you felt tempted to discuss the strange phenomenon that brought you to that corridor, but changed your mind and kept your answer simple.
– To the Library.
– The servants use to bring books for you at the lodge – he continued – Aren’t they entertaining enough?
You started massaging the back of his neck, your thumbs drawing circles upon his spine.
– I wasn’t looking for entertainment, my Lord.
– What were you looking for, then?
– Information.
– What kind of information? – he pressed.
– Anything that could be useful… to help me in my task.
A tense silence fell between you. You didn’t need to explain what you meant with task. In the end, Poseidon approved your attitude.
– I would not expect anything different from you – and, suddenly changing the subject, –Speaking of this, I have heard that you went to take your first meal in the company of the other girls today, and that this resulted in fabulous interactions between you. Can you speak about this to me?
You swallowed.
Just as expected, nothing stays hidden from him in this place.
– It was strange to me at first, because I’m not used to be in the company of people from multiple folks – you spoke carefully – But everything was alright in the end. The women received me well, and I had Alyssa with me, so I wouldn’t feel alone.
His response to this was a long “hm”, followed by a subtle movement of his left arm, that was resting upon the bathtub’s border: he slowly raised it from the marble, until his hand reached your cheek, his fingers caressing your skin as it started to heat up. Your hands stopped working again.
– You are always so vague whenever I try to have a proper conversation with you, my dragonet – he chuckled – What are you afraid of? Did you forget who I am to you? Or maybe you do not know how marriage works? If this is the case, let me tell you that a woman is not supposed to keep secrets from her husband.
You didn’t reply immediately. You knew that trying to use your tongue without calming yourself down would mean a problem, so you started working on this: taking a deep breath, you forced your hands to move again, this time more gently, your fingers tracing slow paths through his pale skin, as if taking care to not hurt it, even though it was impossible for you to do it. It was now less like a massage and more like a caress.
– And I suppose that this rule works for her husband as well – you started – Or are things different when a god is involved?
That time, Poseidon turned around to look inside your eyes instead of limiting himself to a glance. Fortunately for you, there wasn’t the slightest sign of irritation in them.
– I have been living for too long, girl. So much more than your human mind can conceive. Even if I tried to unveil my secrets to you, I would have to stop in the beginning, for you would never have the time nor the strength to stand them – a shadow of smile appeared on his lips – And with this I guess you already have your answer.
He still had his hand on your cheek; thinking you wouldn’t have anything more to say, he moved it away and turned his back on you again, to which you understood you had to continue your task. You did it, but that time you somehow started to experiment with it, extending your touch to his ears; you used your thumbs to massage behind them, then softly squeezed his lobes between your fingers, going through their length until you reached their pointy upper side. This provoking a surprising reaction from him: his body relaxed, and from the depths of his throat came a low, guttural sound that prolonged itself as you continued your caresses, ceasing when you moved your hands away from his ears and back to his neck and shoulders.
You frowned.
Did he just... purr?
– Are you trying to seduce me, dragonet? – he whispered – Who gave you such idea?
– I’m not trying anything in this sense, my Lord.
– Hm... You are trying to calm me down, then – he inclined his body backwards, as to make it easy for you to touch him – You want to tell me something, but felt the need to prepare my ears first, isn’t it?
Since he was giving you the chance, you decided to take it.
– I want to ask something, if possible.
– And what is it?
You took a moment before replying. That wasn’t an easy question, neither was its answer – that is, any of the answers you could give it.
And they were many.
Why did you do that to Suriah, and Melian and the others? Why did you do this to me? And Doonah? Why are you so obsessed with having all of us around you? And why the hell you need so many children who won’t live as much as yourself? Do you think it’s funny? What do you take us for? What do you know about justice, or love? Do you even care?
What you asked him, however, was much simpler.
– Poseidon-sama… Why did you marry me?
Silence. You didn’t get an immediate, verbal answer from him, but you sensed the change around you: the warmth of the air was no longer enough to bring you comfort; your hands felt a deep, growing tension in his muscles, and even his breath was inaudible now.
But I just started it, and I need this answer. I can’t stop now.
You forced your hands to keep moving.
– You said it was for your own sake, my Lord… – you continued – And that I would never stand your secrets... But if I am part of this… Then it’s not supposed to be a secret.
Strangely, saying those words put you in a state of peace that you’ve never expected to experience, though you could just be silenced regardless of your honesty and the validity of your inquiring. It calmed your heart and gave you the courage to face whatever your husband was preparing as a response.
And this is what he had for you.
– From time to time, I use to extend my vision to the outsides of my kingdom, to be aware of the changes in the other worlds, and to figure out some things that would escape my messengers’ understanding – you still had your hands upon his shoulders; you sensed a slight movement on them as the story followed – Though my apparitions in Midgard became a rarity, I still include it in my examinations, for you are not like the other folks: you cannot stay for too long without supervision.
You didn’t know if you should be flattered or offended by this: having your kind separated from others by a god’s vision was something unique, but the reasons for this might destroy one’s fantasies about it. On the other hand, you had to admit that humans weren’t the most reliable creatures, and given how they’ve treated the oceans all over their existence, it’d be hard to expect a different attitude from the god who ruled over them.
– It was during an ordinary day of observations that my thoughts stopped at your homeland and discovered the women of your time, and among all of them they fixated themselves in you – he explained – Once it happened, I decided I needed to bring you to my domains. And here you have your answer.
More silence. You waited to see what would happen next, but Poseidon didn’t say anything more than this. You bit your lip.
He desired and took me, and that’s all? He really thinks I’m a fool.
You moved your hands away from his body, laying them on your lap. The gesture didn’t go unnoticed by him, but no reaction came from his part.
Your voice was heard, almost a whisper.
– Is this everything?
You closed your mouth and instantly felt like you provoked the sea, for it came to swallow you in the shape of a man who refused to believe you had the nerve to say those words.
The bathtub’s water became choppy and spread with a growing roar when he turned to you, rising out of the tank and soaking your legs and the hem of your dress. At the same time, he leaned his hands on the marble, but kept himself on the tub, in a way that reminded you of a mermaid luring a sailor to death. The fact that you had the Lord of all mermaids in this position, and that, unlike a sailor, you had no experience in the sea, only made things more terrifying.
– Yes, this is everything you need to know, little dragonet – he leaned closer to you as he spoke; his voice was sweet, but his words were pure ice; you glanced down and noticed his right hand moving from the marble and reaching for your thigh – I saw you there, desired you and took you for myself, and I did not need any more reasons for this. There is no secret in it, and I am not sorry for disappointing you in this sense. If humans are always seeking for mysteries where there is none, I am not the one to blame.
You opened your mouth, but closed it again: no words would serve as response for what you just heard. And, well, in reality, nothing passed your lips because your mind stopped working, and your body started acting by itself.
And that’s why you never saw how exactly you did that and why, later, you would find yourself unable to recall it: in one moment, you felt a bubbling inside your stomach, and your entire body started trembling; in the next, all of this stopped, and you saw your left hand raising and moving forward. After this, you only remembered a persistent burning on your palm and your cheeks soaked in tears.
When you raised your eyes to your husband, through your blurry sight you noticed him touching his own face in incredulity, and you swore there was a reddish mark on it. You covered your mouth with your hands.
Is this what I think t is? Did I just… slap him?
Whatever the explanation your mind could give you for the scene, as soon as you saw Poseidon’s hand moving away from his cheek and his glare turning to you, you knew it wouldn’t matter. Yes, no sign of the dark shade appeared in his eyes when you looked into them, but you wouldn’t stay there and wait to see what he would do after experiencing what was probably the worst example of the human audacity in centuries.
You were still kneeling on the floor; you tried to force your body to stand up and move away… but soon you realized you were unable to do it: the water, mixed with soap and lotions, eliminated the friction between your body and the floor, so when you turned to leave, you just manged to slip and fall on your stomach before you could go too far. At the same time, a strong hand made you turn on your back, closing around your leg, and you were pulled back to the bathtub’s edge.
You saw yourself laying on the floor, your dress clinging on your back, your hair floating on the water around your head. Besides, your feet were now passing over the tub’s edge, so that you would never find balance to move and leave your spot. And you had no time to think of anything else, because Poseidon was now leaving the tub and putting himself over you. The air escaped your lungs, and you shut your eyes tight, just waiting for death…
However, it didn’t come.
A hot breath touched your neck, and the voice of your husband reached your ear in a harsh whisper.
– Still, regarding the entire time you stood with me yesterday… – his lips brushed your lobe – You seemed far from disappointed.
You gasped. Your face burned with shame, because deep inside you knew he was right: when you met him, you were impressed, and when he showed himself to you, you admired, desired and accepted him as a man – and you ended up exhausted, but satisfied. That was how you remembered things; that was your truth. And something like this could never stay hidden from the sharp eyes of the god you had before you.
But the hardest part was that Poseidon wouldn’t miss the chance to have fun with it.
– But if you really want one more reason, here you have it – he chuckled; you felt his hand playing with the soaked hem of your dress, lifting it and exposing your thighs – You are a really entertaining creature, human... Keeping you is worthy...
Something stirred inside you at the sound of that word. You gathered courage and opened your eyes, only to find your husband staring back at your embarrassed traits. You looked into them, hoping to find something that explained the use of that word, but Poseidon was clearly better than you in keeping secrets, so the only thing you saw there was desire.
The same desire I perceived when he approached me for the first time.
– Why the surprise, dragonet? – he brought his hand to your face, and his fingers traced a line through your cheek, descending until they found your neck and closed themselves around it – Don’t you find it strange that I still did not eliminate you after everything you have done? That I did not cut off your hand after what you just did? Or did not burn your tongue for the things you said at the dinning room?
You didn’t reply. Still holding your neck, he brought his lips closer to yours.
– I like to keep what is mine intact – he gave you a brief kiss on your mouth – There is no use in breaking you... Especially when I just discovered this strength in your little hands…
It wasn’t hard to guess what was going to happen now.
With his thumb, he separated your lips, and his tongue he found its way into your mouth. It wasn’t too long until he extended his passionate gestures to your chin, your cheeks, your neck and collar, and for his hands to find a chance to free you from your soaking dress. You weren’t left without reaction, though: joining the kiss with a similar enthusiasm, you started to use your hands in him as well, caressing the spot you just slapped, touching the golden strands of his hair falling around his face, and even reaching for his ears, just to see his body’s response during love making.
And it was as intense as you could expect: he didn’t wait a single second to take you to him, tightening you in his arms, pressing your body under his, against the floor.
It’s like watching the sea falling over me.
In the middle of this, your regained your voice. And, as expected, to gather one more reason that would make your husband punish you if he had no regard for your integrity.
– There’s no use in breaking me, my Lord… but you rejoyce in breaking my spirit, right?
You closed your eyes, and the last thing you remembered was his voice making you a question that might have come from his mouth or your own mind.
– Is your spirit this easy to break?
Chapter 9
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scribblingwhalegirl · 3 months
1096 days.
Technically, it was longer if we count the section of the Before Times wherein everything had changed, and it will be a little longer in the After Times while I take my time finishing up business. But the journey itself was 1096 days in a transparent cocoon, turning into a butterfly while putting on a show for all to see.
And here I sit backstage, resting behind the curtain after the climax of this absurd play. I thought the plot a bit predictable, but I still enjoyed playing the lead. It's been a good story.
There are lots of people who say this story is never over, that I'll be playing the role of that mostly-formed butterfly forever. I could continue to live in my cocoon, keeping my distance, but I'd much rather get the chance to spread my wings like the birds and dragonflies all around me. Not to be one of them, but to feel like I can explore without being tied down by fears of the past. Sure, I might look a little quirky with my uneven wings and rainbow coloration, but I have dreams of taking journeys to see faraway places, go on adventures I have yet to take, and maybe meet a few caterpillars along the way who might want to know what I've seen on my flights.
This is not incredibly different from when those same caterpillars asked me what it was like while I was still in my cocoon, which I felt very underqualified to explain but they were grateful regardless. Somehow it seemed my experience was unique, or that I believed something fundamentally different even from those like me in a way I could never quite place. Whether this made me bad at giving advice was a matter of opinion.
People say being in the cocoon is hard, and they're half right; it is, but not for the reasons they say. Sometimes the people trying to help are the reason, because you can never be left alone during your metamorphosis, lest something terrible happen to you. Sometimes they'll tell you that it was wrong for you to be a caterpillar and they're doing you a big favour by helping you change; I always found this confusing because I simply wanted to be happier. I sometimes wondered if these people were as bad as the opposite ones, the ones they said were The Problem.
It was the other butterflies-in-waiting that would always be the best company. I'm laying in my bed now beside one in her own, thinking about another, the blue morpho menelaus who I love so dearly. Would I have found her if she hadn't flown to me in a great kaleidoscope as I wrapped myself in glassy silk? I choose not to think about it, and instead remind myself how lucky I am to be here.
I have everything I wanted, and I tried not to make the mistake of stopping here, wanted to know what I'd do once I gained the ability to fly. Turns out, I really don't know, and I haven't decided what from my cocoon I want to keep. But now I have the gift of time to simply take off on an adventure, no plans, just a map and a desire to see something new. We'll figure out the rest as we go (once I've rested up and made a stop at home).
I'm never going to stop becoming the butterfly I want to be, but after 1096 days, it's time for me to take off from this endgame and see new things. I'll take with me all the beautiful things I've discovered and people I've met here, and I'll leave behind my old skin for everyone to remember me by. They'll wish me luck, and off the blue morpho and I will sail into the sunset.
She asks if my baby caterpillar self from all those days ago would be proud. I tell her that he's finally happy.
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askthechronoverse · 1 year
Chapter Four: A Broken Heart is Blind
Last Chapter •||• Next Chapter
A week had passed and Unikitty couldn't get that night at Rex's cabin out of her mind. It wasn't his zombie-like gaze or his lack of awareness that gripped her the most. It was his voice, that petrified and familiar voice. She had to plunge herself into party planning to get it off her mind. The thing that kept bringing that haunting voice back to her mind was that it was Rex's housewarming party. She had tried to contact her friends off planet when she got home, but couldn't reach them. So, the voice remained in the back of her mind as a taunting mystery.
"Unikitty, you seem to be distracted by something. Do you want to talk about it?" Doctor Fox sat by the cat's side, tinkering with a device of some kind that occasionally spat out streamers. "You'll pop that balloon if you keep blowing air into it."
"Oh. Uh… sure." She then described the events of that night in as much detail as she wanted to remember.
"It sounds like Rex is a sleepwalker. It's rare in adults, but you did mention he claimed not to sleep. Sleep deprivation can cause somnambulism." Doctor Fox stated.
"It doesn't explain the voice. Why did he sound like that?" The cat shuddered.
"I can't attest to the voice's familiarity, but he was possibly locked in a bad dream. I could see if he would mind coming over for a sleep study so I can help him sleep better, if that's the concern."
"I just need to know about that voice." She shook her head. "How did he make that voice?"
"Somniloquy does sometimes work like that, but there may be a deeper reason for his voice sounding that familiar to you. I would ask about it when we see him later to set up for the party." The doctor finished her work on the machine. "We could go now if it continues to plague your mind." 
"Yeah. Let's go talk to him. Hopefully, he doesn't leave us with more questions." The doctor grabbed her device and the two set off for the cabin.
All of the curtains were drawn, but the door wasn't locked. Unikitty opened the door and walked inside. She didn't get far into the cabin before she heard a door open. She turned the light on to see Rex in a pair of pajamas that had little raptors all over them. 
"It's… " He looked up at the clock. "Noon? OK, guess that makes sense. Hang on." He groggily trudged back into the room he came from and returned soon after in his dark safety vest, which was unfastened and open, showing a dark blue tee shirt. "Do whatcha gotta do, kids. I'm gonna try to save a princess or something." He turned toward the couch, but Unikitty stopped him. 
"We need to talk. That night when I stayed over… I think you sleepwalk." She spoke carefully. She didn't need to set the clearly tired man off.
"Yeah, my crew's complained about that. It's one of the reasons I don't sleep. No sleep, no sleepwalkin'." He slumped on the couch. "But I don't remember what I do when I do, so I won't be any help if ya have questions about somethin' I did." 
"Actually, that's what I wanted to ask about. You… asked for help in another person's voice." She sat next to him. "You sounded just like him. How did you do that?" 
"I'm crap at impressions and worse at mind readin'. Who did I sound like?"
"Emmet. You sounded just like Emmet." Unikitty spoke gently, but firmly. "Why did you sound like Emmet in your sleep?" The man got up with what had to be all his energy.
"I am not telling you a thing! I told you, when I told you who I was, you tried so hard to change me. I don't want to change like that!" There was a light hint of panic in his voice, a panic that overrode his tough voice. It also caused blue sparkle matter to come off of him. 
"Maybe you'll be willing to tell me? I have no intention of using the information in a way that you would not wish it to be used. Doctor's honor." Doctor Fox smiled comfortingly.
"Then you'll tell her! Then she'll put that horn on me!" Unikitty looked at Doctor Fox and mouthed the word "horn?". A lightbulb floated above Doctor Fox's head.
"Ah! Was it the Happy Horn you're referring to?" Rex nodded. "I don’t even know if that invention works. I don’t remember making it. However, I can make sure Unikitty can't get to it to use it against you if that will help matters. She wouldn’t know what that is. I barely do. However, I believe telling us the answers we seek will be more beneficial to you than you would believe."
"Destroy it right now and right here and I'll talk." The fox nodded and had a robot come to her location with the horn in its claws. She told the robot to destroy it and it pulled a little hammer out of its body and smashed it. Rex's body loosened up a little. 
"OK. I'll come clean." He flopped back on the couch and yawned. "I'll give ya the short answer and, if you don't get that, I'll give the long one. I'm Emmet from a timeline where he crashed his ship trying to save Princess Fluffball and his other so-called friends. I was stranded in a desolate desert planet with only my thoughts and the knowledge that I was forgotten by everyone. I grew bitter and angry and eventually decided the two brats that really run things needed to pay for making everyone forget me. The rest, you know. Until the part where Doc brought me back with a time experiment she did and I had to live the same evening twice to keep the timeline from collapsing in on itself." He slowly scanned the two for a reaction. Unikitty clearly didn't get it from the question mark sparkle matter above her horn. Doctor Fox was taking notes. "Yeah. If ya don't get that, I'm not sure three hours and 38,000 words is gonna help ya."
"I apologize for any silence on my part. That's just a lot to take in." Doctor Fox finished her notes. 
"Why did you change your name and appearance? Why did you become this?" Unikitty gestured to the man's currently disheveled form.
"I spent what felt like an eternity with the thought that who I was wasn't good enough. Weak, soft, unable to change to something tougher to match the world around me. So, I changed. I became strong, hard, and tough. Changed my name and look to match what I became. Funny thing: I don't think the one person who wanted me to change was happy when I finally did. Wanted me to be more like what I left behind." He leaned back into the couch cushions. 
"Rex, you tried to get everyone sent in the Bin of Storaj. I don't think she wanted you to go that far." Unikitty pointed out. 
"I guess." He weakly shrugged. "Look. I had a change of heart a long time ago, but that doesn't mean I wanna change who I am. I'm not sure who that is anymore, but I just wanna be me. That's why I'm here. I wanna find out who I am and stick with whoever I find at the end. Forget anything Lucy told you. That's the help I need. I can't do that on Syspocalypstar, surrounded by who I was and what I became."
"That makes sense. You want to see what you do in a new environment, free from the expectations of acting a specific way. I, for whatever part I can play, would be elated to help you in that regard." The fox's tail swayed a little. 
"I'll try to help this time. Really help." Unikitty smiled over to her exhausted friend. "We can get out of your hair and let you take a cat nap, if you want."
"That'd be a good start, but it's already noon. I'll just have Dutch bring me something to help me out. Hang on." He walked to the study. He then left the house and soon returned with a crate with his emblem on the lid. He put it in the kitchen, opened it, and downed the contents of a dark blue can. "Okay. I'm gonna tend to my garden. Do whatever you do, Princess." He moved briskly as he left the cabin. 
This gave Doctor Fox an opening to look at the box, then the empty can. "Interesting. He appears to use caffeine and taurine to counter the outward effects of a lack of sleep."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"He consumes energy drinks to give him energy during the day and help him look more put together. It's not healthy, but we did say we'd let him do what he has to in order to fix his own issues."
"I just said I'd help." Unikitty stepped closer to the box. "It's probably not helping him to not sleep."
"Well, no. But that broken sleep cycle could be due to his past trauma. He may not be ready to face that, yet. I would recommend against doing anything rash, Unikitty." As she said this, the cat had opened a can and sniffed it. She wrinkled her nose, sticking out her tongue as she held the can over the sink. When the fox spoke, she stopped just before she could pour it down the drain.
"Maybe I should tell Dutch to stop sending him the stuff." She took a tentative sip of the drink in the can and several exclamation marks popped out from her horn. "Wow! What did you say was in this stuff‽" Unikitty shouted, practically vibrating.
"I assumed caffeine and taurine, but I may need to look into the chemical makeup further if you are already in a heightened energy state after a small dose." She took the open can from Unikitty and pocketed it.
"Isthatreallythatbadthough?" Unikitty barely took a breath when she spoke. 
"Not for you, maybe. I don't believe you liked what you tasted. However, Rex drank the whole can and may need to ingest more when the chemicals break down and the energy given winds down. This could already have long term effects on his body.  But, it's too early to tell. There are too many unknowns in the equation." Doctor Fox began to scribble some things down in a notebook. "Start setting up for the party. I'm going to analyze the contents of this can." She left a hyper Unikitty to decorate the cabin for the party.
The fox returned to a room that looked like a children's birthday party exploded in the main room of the cabin and a far calmer Unikitty lying in the middle of it. 
"Hey, Doc. Did you do the thing?"  She asked, getting up to find a broom.
"I did. It's a very potent energy drink. I don't know how he could drink the stuff."
"Coffee doesn't do anything for me anymore." The two turned to the door and saw Rex standing there. He lifted an eyebrow at the state of the room. "Who assassinated the king of the pinatas? Princess?"
"Yeah… I tried some of that stuff you drank before. It was something else." Unikitty looked down at her paws. Rex put a hand on his face.
"Can we agree never to use my stuff without askin' again?"  The cat nodded. "Cool. Let's bring things down to, I dunno, Bruce Wayne's ninth birthday? Well, maybe not that depressing. But not this. Man Upstairs, not this." He retreated back to the garden. 
"He wasn't mad at me. That's good, right?" Unikitty started to take down some of the decor. 
0 notes
lollypopsx · 3 years
Flatmate!Harry: I'll Make It Up To You - Part 2
Please like if it’s not too shabby, reblog for anyone who may enjoy this and follow if you want to see more! Any suggestions are happily taken for future writing! I love you all! be safe and be kind x
Warnings: Hints of depression and anxiety
Part 1 - Part 3
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Days had passed since the audition, and while you were sat on your laptop every hour searching for new jobs, new projects, more auditions and pure hope of some miracle, you couldn't help but starting to feel like you were failing slightly.
You liked to write happy songs and create stories using your music, but you were finding it harder to find the inspiration. Usually you and Harry would sit and talk ideas for hours, but since he made you miss your audition, you were distant from him, it was only the last day or two that you had been getting slowly back to normal.
Every day since the incident when Harry came home after working at the studio, he would open the curtains to make sure you had fresh air and daylight after cooping yourself up on the sofa all day, in the dimly lit living room. Not only that, he would check the cupboards, fridge and the sink to check that you were eating enough. He had seen you stressed and upset before. He had been there through some difficult moments in your life, and had always been your rock throughout the years, especially when your mental health was struggling during these times. But this time was worse. He couldn't help being concerned for someone he loved and cared for.
"Hey pumpkin..." He whispers softly, settling himself down beside you after completing his daily routine "Have you done much today?" he gently combs his fingers through your hair before dropping his arm round your shoulders.
You just sigh softly, looking ahead blankly at the quiet TV, simply shaking your head. If only he could see what was going on in that pretty mind of yours then maybe he could make everything better.
"I see you used the piano and the guitar today though..." he states, although it came out more like a question.
Minutes of silence filled the room until out of the blue, some words left your lips. "...Adam came to get the ring today" you whisper, feeling the tears brim your eyes once again, for what felt like the millionth time today.
"Oh darling" He frowns, pulling you into his chest tightly, just like he did the night you found out your (now ex-) boyfriend, Adam, was cheating on you. Unfortunately, you happened to find out minutes before he proposed to you, in front of all of your friends, including Harry. You didn't know what to do, so you took the ring, said you'd think about it and you left him standing alone. This all happened months ago, and you really thought that you was totally over it.
"Everything that's happened this week...I-I just...I feel like such a failure Haz. It just feels like I...I-I'm falling...falling apart and nothings going right! Why isn’t anything going right! I can’t even write one stupid song that makes sense" you let out hard sobs as your hands fisted his clean white t-shirt.
"No...no, no, no don't say that...please don't ever say that." He frowns, pulling away from you, but still staying close. His warm hands press against your cheeks as he lifts your face gently "hey, hey look at me" he whispers, begging you to look at him.
Your sad wide eyes flickered up into his, gentle tears falling down your face. "I know...I know it's hard at the moment. But everything happens for a reason. And everything will get better...I know it will. Do you trust me?" He whispers, his eyes gazing deep into yours, almost like if he looked hard enough, he could read your mind.
You give a hesitant nod as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead before wiping the tears dampening your cheeks. Being affectionate together wasn't anything unusual for the two of you, you really were the best of friends.
"I'll go make some dinner okay? Pasta sound good?" You just nod your head gently at him as he leaves your side. You let out a deep sigh and head over to the living room window, watching the sunrise beginning to set over the busy London town. "So...how's the studio going?" You ask him curiously, your gaze still at the window.
"I erm..." He clutters around in the kitchen. His job was a topic he had been avoiding for the last few days. He didn't want to rub it in that he was busy writing an album for millions of fans, who would be screaming his lyrics back to him all over the world in years to come. "It's...good. I mean, its tiring but I...yeah. It's good" He nods.
"H, you don't have to avoid it. I forgive you for what happened. I know you would never have done it out of spite...and you deserve your life style, you work hard!" You say as you head into the kitchen, re-filling the water in the vase on the table, your vibrant roses and lilies still looking as beautiful as the first day Harry bought them for you.
"You work hard too!" He frowns softly "Harry I don't think moping around on the sofa, drowning in my sorrows, is the definition of working hard" You let out a gentle chuckle.
"So...how's it really going?" You hop up onto the stool beside the kitchen counter.
"Well, we have 4 songs so far...and they are...different to the last album. I mean they reckon three of them will be on the pop charts...maybe even a number one slot there" He sighs softly.
"Oh wow, that does sound different to before...and you...don't want that?" You ask curiously, judging by the lack of excitement. "Well...it's not that. I just...it's hard to write another album when the last one did well, and you have to make sure it's better than the last one." He sighs softly as he cooks. "They want me to write some slower, more emotional songs. I just can't...well the words don't fit right. I'm just not feeling emotional about anything, so I don't know where to get the emotion from"
"Well you can't put a price on emotion Haz, you can't just go and buy it in Gucci. You have to really feel it. Even if you aren't thinking about something specific or direct to you. I used to find that sometimes when I was trying to write, I'd create these characters in my head, and I'd give them all these different stories and personalities. And I...I used that to really help me write music. It's not easy." You explain while getting two of the plates from the cupboard and pouring two drinks for the table.
"You used to? You mean you don't use that method anymore?" He asks curiously, while giving the pasta one final stir.
"I...I think I've decided that I'm not going to write music anymore" You shrug softly, your eyes unable to life to his. "I need a proper job. And things aren't going well with auditions lately and I make a total fool out of myself every time I go into a meeting. It's time I looked for a proper job. Besides, the price of bills in this house keeps going up and up."
"What?! Y/N you're so good at writing songs and music! You can't throw it all away now! That is your proper job. And I love hearing what you write, it inspires my own stuff!" He frowns, his brow furrowing, trying to understand you. "Think of all the songs no one will get to hear"
"No one hears them anyway...It's different now. The entertainment industry is changing more and more by the day. Maybe the stuff I write just isn't as trendy anymore." It was difficult for you to admit, but you knew you had to accept it.
"There's a fine line between us Styles, because the difference is, you're already there. You have the whole world in your hands Haz, you can go anywhere and do anything. You could sing a song to a fish and the whole world would be adored by you still! If I did something like that...I'd be laughed out of every interview, audition and meeting for the rest of my life. But we’ll be alright" You smile and shrug, your mood had certainly been hit and miss the last few days, but you knew you had to carry on with your life.
“Hey Y/N come here!” Harry calls from the living room. You were currently in your room, scrolling through your Instagram, while in a pasta coma after dinner. You rush over to the living room “What’s up?” You ask, seeing him sat at the gleaming white piano, which as always was sat under the window.
“What do you think?” He starts to play a few notes on the piano, looking between the scruffy paper notes cluttering the top of the piano and his hands. 
“Can’t put a price on emotion...it’s something that you just can’t buy...you...you’ve got my devotion...but....but” He sighs softly, playing around with the notes and the wording on his notes. 
You smile softly as you recognise his acknowledgment of your earlier conversation “...but man, I can hate you sometimes” you sing gently, testing to see how it could fit.
“Hey that’s mean! Why would you say that!” He fakes a pout up at you “I thought we- hey actually...you’re right! That really fits!” He chuckles, pulling you onto the stool beside him. “Can you try a G chord, B chord and....lets try a C...” You nod and smile as your fingers gloss over the keys effortlessly, while Harry fits the verse together and tries to find the right tempo.
“Wait...it doesn’t sound right. Maybe lets try a D instead of C?” You suggest as you re-try, playing those three chords over and over again.
“You...are...a genius!” He grins and wraps his arms around your waist. ”Keep going!” He smirks, pushing more lyrics in front of you. Sometimes having a fresh pair of eyes really helped...or perhaps he just wanted to prove that you had talent.
You peer down at the pages upon pages of words flooding your view. “...I don’t want to fight with you....and I...and I don’t like to sleep in the dark...we’ll get the drinks in...I...I can’t stop thinking of her...” 
Harrys fingers join yours at the piano “We’ll be a fine line....We’ll be a fine line...”He smiles softly as he taps on a few random keys. 
You pull your fingers away gently “It...your song sounds...really good H. It’s beautiful actually.”
 “You mean our song...” He whispers.
“Harry no, it’s your song, all the pieces, I just put your jigsaw together” You smile. “I know how it is writing songs and the first draft is never the same as the final version. You might decide to change it all completely” You whisper.
“Not with your lyrical genius ability and words of wisdom...your name will be all over this track” You felt a shock of electricity ripple through your veins as you felt his eyes burning into yours. His lips pressed gently against your forehead, lingering against your skin longer than usual. That sort of affection was normal from your best friend...so why did it just feel like something completely different? And what did he mean about my name being all over the track?
Tag List: @harryhoney-bee - @sunandherflores - @sad-capuccino
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americasmarauders · 3 years
What about ....
“i’m not worthy of anybody’s love.” “that’s not true, you’re worthy of mine.” followed by the lover breaking eye-contact… + a love confession
Followed with tentative kisses in the dark
With Jason Todd x reader ❤❤❤❤❤
Lots of love xoxo
did this get completly out of hand? yes, yes it did. It was supposed to be short and sweet, but suddenly I had 12 pages of angst ready to make their way into the world. 
I’m so sorry it took so long, elle, life got in my way, but now you have like, 6k+ words to make up for it. I really hope you like it.
warnings: completly unedited, sorry for the typos :))
words: 6,856
masterlist #
Aged 14, sometime in September.
Mason Anderson was the biggest dick she had ever met. He was petty and jealous and he picked on her just because. She just wanted peace, quietly resolving  the homework she had spent an entire week working on. The library was empty, safe for a couple of other students when he barged in and robbed her of her papers. 
He claimed he needed it more than her, he was the one almost flunking out of the class. She demanded her homework back, but he ran towards the boy’s bathroom with her work. It wasn’t the first time that sullen feeling of despair had been planted on her by Mason Anderson, it still didn’t make it any easier. 
She sat in front of the boys bathroom, hugging her knees in an attempt to find comfort. She kept thinking that she could do it again, she had done it once, theoretically it would be faster to do it a second time. Light footsteps echoed through the hall, her eyes found their way to the source of the noise. 
Jason Todd was a tiny kid with a big brain and an even bigger heart. He had helped her with English more times than she cared to admit. Sometimes she would see him walking towards the alley near the Academy, holding an extra package of chips to the little kid that stayed there sometimes. She liked Jason Todd, considering him the only alley she had inside the cold walls of the Gotham Academy. 
“What’re you doing here?” he asked, delicately, sitting beside her. “I thought you were gonna finish Statam’s paper today.”
“Mason Anderson stole it,” her eyes were cast downwards, looking at the seams of the floor with an almost inhuman interest. “He wanted to copy it, and I wouldn’t let him so he decided to flush down the toilet instead.”
“I’m sorry,” he muttered to her, sitting next to her on the floor. 
“It’s okay,” she shook her head, stretching her legs in front of her. “I just,” she sighed, trying to find the words, “I spent one week working on that, and I really needed the grade, you know? But he just didn’t care, he just thought of himself.”
Jason looked at her, softly. His eyes held a certain fire behind them, something she could never really describe what it was. It was entrancing, it calmed the pace of her heart.  He didn’t say anything before getting up and marching towards the boys bathroom. 
She didn’t hear anything going on inside, her mind imagining all sorts of scenarios where Jason would emerge from the bathroom beaten and defeated, Mason walking out completely victorious, with a shiny top grade Literature paper in hand. Her blood boiled at the image, more so than it did before. She got up from the ground, determined to help Jason win the fight, even if her papers were already down the plumbing. 
But the door flung open, her friend walking out calmly, clutching her homework delicately. He offered her a smile, and as the door closed behind Jason she could see Mason on the ground gripping his nose in pain. 
“Here,” the papers were completely dry to the touch, her confusion deepening. “He was copyin’ it.”
“I can’t believe you got this back,” she whispered, shaking her head in disbelief. “I thought… I thought I'd have to redo it.”
“Nah,” he smiled shyly, “I would’ve helped ya.”
“I can’t really depend on you for everything, Jason,” she replied politely. “It’s not fair.”
“I got your back,” he affirmed, “ya don’t need to worry.”
And it meant the world to her that he did. 
Aged 16, October 12th. 
Jason Todd and her became friends after the Mason Anderson incident. She didn’t know what Jason had said to him, what had he done, all she knew was that Mason never bothered her again after that. 
It was the night of her 16th birthday. It was late, probably past 3 in the morning when Jason carefully landed on the fire escape that led to her bedroom. He carefully carried a small box, wrapped neatly with a blue bow. He had chosen the gift lovingly, his heart warm with her. Jason hadn’t expected her to be such an integral part of his life, but just as quietly as she arrived, she placed herself in his heart permanently. She was his friend, true friend, she didn’t expect anything other than his company and support, something he was glad to provide. 
His knuckles lightly grazed her window, making the softest noise.  Her shades were partially open, he could see her body lying comfortably on her bed. She moved slightly, her body turning towards the window. Her hands rubbed her eyes delicately, seeing Jason smile awkwardly at her. She got up and dragged her feet towards him, opening her window to him. 
“What’re you doing here?” her voice was slurred, intoxicated with sleep. 
“You know, you should really lock your windows,” he commented, “Gotham’s a dangerous city.”
“Jay,” she warned, “what’re you doing here? It’s…”she searched for her clock, “fuck, 3 in the morning.”
“It’s your birthday,” he responded clearly, as if it was the most obvious reason why he was on her fire escape, on a cold October night only wearing a light jacket.
She blinked at his blunt response, confused on what to say to him. “You’ll see me tomorrow, Jay, I don’t understand why’d you come all this way just to see me.”
“Because it’s you,” he shrugged, stepping into her bedroom silently. “You really thought I wouldn’t see you on your birthday?”
“I don’t know,” she whispered, looking down at her feet. A soft breeze came in through the window sending shivers down her spine. Jason closed the window for her and she sent a silent thank you towards his way. “I thought you wouldn’t bother.”
“Well,” he extended the little box to her. Her fingers brushed on his softly, a shock sent on his skin at the touch, “I couldn’t not see you.”
Her hands hugged the box carefully, hesitant on what to do with what was given to her. “Open it,” he urged her. 
She eyed him suspiciously, undoing carefully the blue bow that decorated the gift. Opening the box, a tiny robin pendant next to two tiny stones pendants, an opal and an onyx: her birthstone and his. “Wow,” she breathed out, her heart racing inside her chest. Suddenly, she didn’t feel sleepy anymore. “Jason, this is… You didn’t have to.”
“Of course I had,” he stated, his eyes soft and loving, lingering on her more than they should. “You mean a lot to me, darling.”
Her eyes glinted underneath the pale moonlight streaming through the half closed curtains of her room. Jason’s breath hitched quietly at the sight of her, disheveled and sleepy and yet the most perfect person to grace his life. She was at a loss for words for a few moments, opening and closing her mouth, not knowing how to react. Her eyes trailed frenetically over the pendants, trying to find meaning in those.
“Why a robin?” the inquiry startled Jason. He wasn’t expecting to explain himself, much less explain why he had given her a robin pendant. She had no clue what he did when the night fell, who Bruce actually was and he intended to keep her in the dark about that aspect of his life. She didn’t need to know anyway, and telling her would only put her in danger. That was what Bruce made her believe. 
“It reminded me of you,” he answered, simply, his eyes fixated on her angelic face. 
It wasn’t untrue. Robins were friendly and protected over, birds that should never be harmed. Jason made sure of that, he had her back, always, and he knew she had his. But mostly, he wanted her to have a piece of him everywhere she went. If something were to happen, he wanted to guarantee he wouldn’t be a footnote in her life. What a magnificent life that would be, he knew.
Her eyes ran on his face, looking for a hint that he wasn’t sincere, that he was just messing with her. The thought was more heartbreaking than she anticipated. She found nothing malicious in his face, in his eyes, and smiled back at him. “Thank you, Jay,” she kissed his cheek delicately, her lips barely brushing his skin. It was enough to send both of them into a frenzy of feelings, a thousand thoughts running through their heads. 
“Here,” he extended his hands, his eyes clear and full of emotion for her, “I’ll put it on for you.”
She handed him the box, turning around so he could clasp the hook of the necklace. Jason was considerably smaller than her - she guessed it was because of the years of malnutrition he endured when he lived on the streets - so she sat on her bed to meet his height. His fingers brushed slightly at the back of her neck, sending goosebumps on her body.
It was when she turned to look at him again that she realized that maybe Jason wasn’t just a friend to her. Maybe the interest she had in Jason, or how her heart raced when she saw him for the first time in the day weren’t because he was her friend. Maybe it was because she had decided to love him with all her soul. 
Aged 16, April 28th.
It was ironic how sunny it was in Gotham that day. It was like nothing had happened, the world hadn’t gotten the memo that it was supposed to be gloomy and sad outside, to match the pain she felt inside. 
On the deep green grass of Gotham cemetery, stood her and Jason’s family, listening to a priest preach something meaningless to her. Nothing mattered to her anymore, her friend, best friend, was buried deep into the earth, 6 feet under. She would never get to see him again, hear his laugh, take in his smile. She would never have another birthday with him, give him his favorite books, tell him she loved him. Her eyes were fixed on the fresh dirt lain over his shiny coffin, her hand fidgeting on the robin pendant Jason had gifted mer  months before. It wasn’t an open casket, she couldn’t even see him for the last time. 
The call was the most confusing moment she had ever gone through. He didn't even tell her he was going after his mom. He didn’t even get to explain that to her. Jason just burst through her window late at night, saying he was leaving Gotham for a few weeks, anger seeping through his pores and contaminating the room. His knuckles were badly bruised, as her fingertips lightly brushed he hissed. She didn’t question him, it didn’t even go through her head. He had said he wanted to find a part of him, and she nodded, wishing him luck. 
Looking back, she wished she had begged him to stay, to find that part of him in Gotham, with her away from the perils of foreign bombs. Tears sprouted in her eyes as the thought passed through her head. It wasn’t her fault, she couldn’t predict a tragedy would have happened. It had become a mantra to her, and sometimes repeating it to herself didn’t help at all.
Bruce Wayne stood next to her, stoic, his face stony. It almost didn’t look like he had lost a son. But she saw how his jaw tensed, how it was similar to when Jason was upset and didn’t want to tell her about it. She could see how broken he was inside, how angry and desperate. She felt that too. 
The priest stopped talking and the four people standing on that lawn let out a stuck breath of relief. Jason’s brother approached his Father, walking away from her. She stared at the stone, cold like Jason’s body, with the engrave ‘Jason Todd, beloved son and friend’. It didn’t make justice to what Jason actually was, he was much more than just a son and a friend, but it was what they used to describe him. If Jason had decided what his epitaph would be, surely would be a dramatic quote from Shakespeare. 
Her name was called out in a posh british accent and she turned toward the person. What she saw was an older gentleman, holding a black umbrella to protect his baldness from the sun. A thin mustache hung over his upper lip, molded into a sad frown. “I’m Alfred Pennyworth. Master Jason talked a lot about you,” he commented with his left hand behind his back.
“All good things, I hope?” she joked quietly, her eyes trailed to her black shoes, wet grass glued to the sides of it. 
“The best things, I assure,” his voice was firm and calm, his accent oozed her security, something she was eager to cling on. He reached for the inner pocket of his blazer, pulling a crisp white card. She furrowed her eyebrows, accepting the card. On it, it had Alfred’s name, his profession underneath and a phone number. “If you ever find yourself needing anything, I’ll be happy to help.”
She nodded, her thumb lightly brushing the expensive paper on her hand. “Thank you Mister Pennyworth,” her eyes found the old man, the wrinkles around it making his stern stance seem gentler. “Thank you.”
“Would you like to come over for some tea?” he offered. “I’m sure Master Bruce wouldn’t mind having his son’s friend over.”
She wanted to, a force inside her compelled her to accept his offer. But her heart was broken, and she didn’t know if she was ready to enter what used to be Jason’s home so fast after he was buried. At the same time, maybe she didn’t have the nerve to say no to such a kind person. “I--,” she hesitated, “okay, I’ll have some tea.”
Aged 18, mid-August.
“I don’t know what to do, Alfred,” her hands fiddling with the necklace Jason had given her long ago. “It feels like I’m at a crossroads and every sign points to the direction my heart doesn’t want to go.”
The old butler poured her mint tea - her favorite, as he had learned over the weekly visits she paid him - calmly and firmly as she ranted. “What is holding you back?”
She looked at Alfred, her eyes confused at the question. She hadn’t lingered on the fact of why she didn’t want to accept the scholarship on Metropolis. Her brain told her it was only logical, she would miss her parents, her weekly meeting with Alfred, her hometown. But Alfred was always one step ahead, he had a sixth sense as she had come to learn. “You know,” she replied softly, her eyes lingering on the beautiful teacup in front of her. 
He said her name, getting her attention. “Master Jason isn’t here anymore,” he stated simply, laying cookies on her plate, “you don’t have to stay behind for him.”
“I know,” she picked up the spoon and twirled it between her fingers. “But,” she hesitated, not knowing how to phrase her feelings, “Alfred, I can’t even think of it. I can’t wrap my brain around leaving him.”
“You are not leaving him,” his voice was calm and gentle, softening her panic. “You are moving on.”
She shook her head, her eyes shut close tightly. “It doesn’t feel like it,” she whispered, “I feel like I’m meant to be here, Alfred. I can’t really explain it.”
“Well, if you do decide to stay in Gotham, I hope we can continue our weekly teas,” Alfred said, a tone of hope in his voice. 
She smiled at him, her eyes filled with kindness. “If I do decide to stay, I’d love to keep our weekly teas,” her smile stayed as she uttered the words. “I appreciate our time together, Alfred.”
“I’m honored,” he said to her, bringing the teacup to his lips.
Heavy footsteps sounded behind her and she turned around to see who it was. Turning around, her hand bringing the teacup to her lips, she saw a disheveled Bruce Wayne walking towards her. His eyes were barely opened, prominent bags under his eyes cast a shadow on his features. His tie hung untied on his neck, his shirt over his pants, the sleeves folded up to his elbows. It was a stark contrast from the Bruce Wayne she had seen at Jason's funeral, two years back, the one she saw frequently splattered on the news front pages.  
“Oh,” he stopped on his tracks, his hands falling limply to his sides. His jaw tensed and, suddenly, a mask fell on his face, the vulnerability he displayed a few seconds before gone. He wasn’t anymore Bruce, a guy who had just woken up and wanted something from the kitchen of his oversized home, he was the Bruce Wayne, now. The velocity of the transformation haunted her. “I didn’t realize we had visitors.”
She rested the teacup pack on the counter, and got up from the stool. “I’m so sorry Mr. Wayne,” she muttered, extending her hand, introducing herself. “I am, was, Jason’s friend.”
“Yes, yes,” he nodded, “I remember you.”
Alfred looked pointenly at Bruce as pulled a mug from a cabinet. He poured coffee for himself, and leaned against the counter next to Alfred. She stood there next to her stool, paralyzed in his presence. Everytime she was present in Wayne Manor, Bruce was either too busy to ever grace them with his presence, or away on some business trip she never bothered to ask what for. “We have weekly teas, Master Bruce,” Alfred said, his tone laced with something deeper than announcing their weekly traditions. 
Bruce’s jaw tightened somehow and his blue eyes rested on her. Her eyes drifted to her teacup, her tea getting cold. She was itching to grab it and drink it, but she felt uncomfortable even moving a inch from her place, much less feeling the liberty to resume her previous behavior. “Really?” his eyebrows shot up, his head tilting slightly. “Please, seat, pretend I’m not here.”
She hesitated before sitting back down. Her hands hugged her teacup, the warmth of it seeping through her skin. It was hard to pretend he was not there next to her, looking at her with judging eyes. She wondered if he remembered her from the funeral, if he had thought of her when he was thinking of Jason’s legacy, what his son had left behind. Her eyes looked up at Bruce before quickly darting back down to her tea, “Yeah, I don’t really wanna go to Metropolis,” she whispered, resuming her previous conversation with Alfred. The air in the kitchen was tense and awkward, she couldn’t look any of them men in the room in the eyes. 
“I’m certain Gotham U will admit you,” Alfred reassured her, “You’re a brilliant person, they’d be fools to let you go.”
“Thank you, Alfred,” her eyes were focused on the tea, like it was the most important thing in that kitchen. “They usually don’t take this long to send the letters, it’s making me nervous.”
“Gotham U, huh?” Bruce chipped in. “What’s your major?”
She looked expantly at Alfred, trying to see if he knew any of Bruce’s intentions. But she often forgot how impassive Alfred was, how in control of his emotions he was, something she lacked. He didn’t show her anything, she assumed he knew of something, like usually. “Applied physics,” she responded, quietly. 
“Wow,” Bruce breathed out, “impressive.”
She offered him an awkward smile in return. It was hard to find a response to the reaction of others when they became aware of her major. It was highly uncommon, and usually those who followed that path were men. When people discovered what she wanted to do with her life, they almost always reacted like they had found an unicorn.
“Well, when you do graduate, look for me, I can help you get a job,” Bruce politely offered, his tone kind. She looked up at him for the first time, his expression almost fatherly. 
“Thank you Mr. Wayne, that’s very kind of you,” she bored her head, looking down at her tea once again. 
His phone rang, and he picked it up from his pocket. Her eyes trailed over to his expression, his jaw once again tense. “You’re welcome,” he replied, feigning happiness and comfort. “If you’ll excuse me,” he left the kitchen in broad steps, his shoulders tense and determined. 
That was the first time she came to the conclusion that Bruce Wayne was a strange man. 
Aged 22, end of May.
College was an excruciating experience, but finally she had left it all behind. With her diploma in hands, she finally felt a small semblance of freedom, something she had longed when isinde the four walls of her old dorm in Gotham U. 
She stepped into the ground floor of Wayne towers, her shoes clicking nervously on the floor. She had made sure to dress properly to meet Bruce Wayne, unsure of what he’d think if she showed up dressed like a broke college student, something that she very much was. It was the mentality of fake it till you make it, aim a bit higher and maybe you’ll get there. She desperately wished she’d get there.
One of the receptionists let her in, indicating the floor in which she should go to. Her hands sweat gripping the folder with her recommendations and her resume, she gulped looking at the elevator intently. Her free hand found its way to the tiny robin gently resting on her neck. She wished Jason was there to help her, give her tips on what to say to his Father to make him glad, and what to avoid doing so that he’d hire her. She could imagine him if she closed her eyes, next to her, barely taller than her, smiling at her wishing her good luck. The elevator dinged, bringing her back to reality. Jason wasn’t next to her, and she didn’t have anyone to give her tips on what to say to her potential boss. She was alone, just like she had been for six long years. 
In spite of the hundred floors of the building - quite literally - the elevator ride was fast. When the doors opened, it revealed a small greeting room, with a couple of couches and a tall window illuminating it. She eyed directly in front of her, the double doors with a tiny plaque with the name Bruce Wayne engraved on it. Her eyes lingered on it for a couple of moments, as she walked towards the lonesome couch next to the big window. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the beating heart. She wondered if Bruce was already inside the room, if he remembered what he had offered to her all those years ago, or if he had just been polite and did not plan on following with it at all. 
After that strange meeting with him four years back, she had barely seen him again. A couple of times she had seen a shadow passing through the corridors while she was heading out of the Manor, someone she assumed for the sake of her mental health it was Bruce Wayne and not a ghost. The notion that he was a strange man only intensified, adding the perception that he was hiding something. She knew he was a good actor, but she could see tiny cracks and slips, an ability gained from years of loneliness. It was hard to say what it was that he was keeping a secret from everyone, but there was something there. 
Her name was called and she saw Bruce Wayne standing underneath the frame of the double doors that lead to his office. She got up promptly and walked towards him, her grip on her folder tight. His hand was extended and she shook it professionally, pretending like she wasn’t panicking inside. 
“I have someone I’d like for you to meet,” he stated, guiding her inside his office. The office was probably four times bigger than the small room she had stayed previously, the large windows providing a beautiful view from Gotham. You could almost pretend it was a normal city looking out from that window. “This,”  he motioned to the man sitting on a cozy nook in the back of the room, “is Lucius Fox.”
The man was big and well built, his round glasses standing on the tip of his nose. He smiled at her, crinkles forming beside his eyes. His hand found his glasses, taking them off and putting them in his pocket. “Nice to meet you, Miss. mr. Wayne has talked a lot about you,” he stated, his hand extended for her to take it. 
She looked back at Bruce, confused. After all, he remembered her and he remembered his offer. She turned back to Lucius and shook his hand, a determined expression on her face. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Fox.”
“Lucius Fox is the head of our R&D department, and has agreed to take you as his personal apprentice,” Bruce explained. 
Shock overcame her, her eyes wide. She looked between Lucius’ kind smile and Bruce’s stoic stance, unable to believe the opportunity was real. “Really?” she uttered incredulously. 
“I have some personal projects and I’d very much need the help,” Lucius explained, calmly. “Mr. Wayne has talked highly of you, I’m eager to see what you’re capable of doing.”
“I--,” she shook her head, trying to get rid of the hesitation, “thank you, sir.”
“You’re welcome,” Bruce responded, a small smile gracing his lips. “I’m sure you’ll do great.”
Aged 24, April 26th.
The humid air of the cave made sweat drip down her face as she tinkered away with a broken gadget she had designed for Bruce’s night time activities, as she had so dearly called it. 
It was a new development, the cave and the capes and the vigilantism. The two years she invested working with Lucius all served a greater purpose to Bruce. She was to be the next Lucius Fox, help provide Batman, or rather Bruce - in her head it was still confusing to assume that the guy who had given her a job was the ‘Dark Knight’ - with gadgets capable of doing everything that his physical capabilities couldn’t. Lucius was old and reaching retirement, and even if he loved his job, he was reaching his limit. She was beyond grateful for his guidance, she had learned so much. But he had left her a fucking weird job. There was no other way to describe it. 
The cave was quiet, Bruce had left sometime before, she could only hear Alfred quietly talking to Bruce through the comms and the drip-drip of water falling from the ceiling and hitting the small lake underneath her. She had settled in a little abandoned nook, her tools all scattered on top of her table. She rested the screw driver she was working with on the table, lifting the magnifying lens. She rubbed her face, tired of looking towards the tiny malfunctioning screen.
Her hands remained on her face, concealing her emotions. The robin pendant always felt especially heavy on the 26th of April. It had been 8 years since she had seen Jason, and as pathetic as it sounded, she never really got over the loss of him. They always felt particularly lost, she couldn’t focus on anything other than him, running circles around any problem presented to her. Looking at the gadget, it felt nearly impossible to find a solution to it, her mind foggy with sadness and grief that she could never really shake off, even with years between her and the day he had died. 
The knowledge that Bruce kept everything as Jason had left, and even made a little homage to his Robin days in a secret corner of the cave, hidden from view, was heavy in her heart. She struggled to keep her eyes trailed to her task and not at the memory of Jason. She took a sharp breath, trying desperately to sew herself together. It was truly pathetic how much it still affected her, how open the wound still was. 
A sharp motor sound echoed through the walls of the cave, disturbing the few bats that hung from the ceiling. A guy built like a fucking brick wall parked his bike on the platform, taking long strides towards where Alfred stood. He adorned a cracked red helmet that glistened in the white lights that illuminated the pathway. His heavy footsteps echoed through, her eyes unable to escape from him. She approached silently, praying that that loose panel near the little stairs that lead to the main computer wouldn’t scratch underneath her weight. 
“Where the fuck is Bruce?” he growled, his hands balled into fists next to him. His leather jacket was worn and old, its sleeves bunched up near his elbow, exposing his veiny forearms. The cracked part of the helmet revealed his blue eyes, sparkling in a familiar way. It tugged her heartstrings, her hand instinctively went to her robin. It couldn’t be, Jason was dead. 
“He’s on patrol, Master Jason,” Alfred said calmly, his eyes trailed to the screens in front of him. Alfred acted like this man’s fits of anger were completely normal. 
Her brain repeated that it wasn’t Jason, it was a mere coincidence that this man’s name was the same as her dead best friend’s. Jason was a tiny and scrawny kid, he wasn’t tall and thick like this man. Jason wasn’t bitter and prone to anger fits, even if he was angry most of the time. He was silent and kind and sweet, this man looked to be the opposite of it. 
“He promised, Alfred, where is he?” he growled, his fist slamming on the table. “He fucking promised.”
“I’m sure he’ll arrive soon, if you’d like to wait,” Alfred motioned to the medical bay, the gurney sitting there on its lonesome. The man huffed, marching to the gurney, otherwise ignoring her presence a few feet away. 
She approached Alfred quietly. “Who was that?” her voice laced with curiosity and fear. 
Alfred looked at her serenely, knowing something she didn’t. He smiled at her, teh crinkles around his eyes appearing generously. “Why don’t you find out?,” he responded to her camly. 
She took it as an order, and made her way towards the small infirmary area. Her footsteps were light and determined, her hand clutching the robbing resting on her chest tightly. Her brain ran over scenarios on how likely it was that this person had almost every physical attribute to her best friend Jason, if he had taken steroids for the past 8 years. It wasn’t likely, but in light of her new knowledge, of how close the supernatural was to her, it was very much possible. 
“Do you want me to take a look?” she asked quietly, shifting the weight from her heels to the tips of her toes. She felt so small in his presence, something she didn’t feel with Bruce, oddly. Maybe it was because Bruce didn’t give off such menacing vibes when he was near her, or maybe it was because her brain was unconsciously comparing this man to her Jason, who had always been smaller than her. “At the helmet, I mean.”
He eyed her surgically, analyzing everything about her. His eyes rested on her pendants, widening slightly in recognition. It took almost everything in her to control her beating heart, to control her brain trying to say that in fact that man before her was her Jason, and it wasn’t her brain playing tricks on her. 
He gently took his helmet off, revealing his crisp black hair cooly laying on his forehead. His eyes focused on the helmet, his arms extended to give it to her gently. Her eyes would leave his face, a face she had longed to see for eight excruciatingly long years. His eyes had remained the same, after all: kind and sweet. His face, however, told a story of hardships and pain, hardened by whatever he had been through all these years. She didn’t know how to feel, if she should feel betrayed he hadn't trusted her enough to say that he was alive, that he was six feet under anymore, or if she should feel elated that Jason was alive and she could finally tell him all the things she wanted to.
Her fingers brushed him slightly, as she picked up the broken helmet from his hands. His hands still felt the same, her heart noticed, picking up a beat. She looked at the crack that exposed half of his face, the electrical parts fizzling dangerously. Her eyes focused on Jason once again, her lips shut painfully. The tears that came to her eyes were inevitable, trembling fingers reaching at her robin pendant, clutching it tightly. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered.
“Don’t,” he shook his head gently, “it’s not your fault.”
She could see he wanted to touch her, but something held him back. She wouldn’t find out what until much later.  
Aged 24, August 16th. 
Jason had promised her he would show up, and he never broke his promises. That was what she repeated to herself, late at night. She had prepared everything for his birthday, bought a present for him and baked a cake. She had said that he was supposed to appear at seven. It was well past midnight, the cake had found its way back to the fridge, the present was back in her closet, and he hadn’t showed up yet. 
A part of her kept telling her to give up, her best friend had stood her up: Jason changed fundamentally, he wasn’t the same boy he was when she met him and it was foolish to hang on to that notion; it was perfectly plausible that he had the habit of breaking promises now.  But she was well aware of that, she saw it in the tiny things how much Jason was transformed, it still didn’t change the fact that she knew he valued loyalty above all else, and that included loyalty to his words. He wouldn’t break his promise to her. 
She changed out of the cute dress she was wearing, feeling foolish and sad that she was about to give up most of the hope that he would show up. Her pyjamas welcomed her comfortably, a safe space to let the heartbreak settle on her. He won’t break his promise, she repeated mentally, he won’t. The mantra did little to soothe the growing dread inside her, the notion that maybe she didn’t know him as well as she did. That he didn’t tell her everything that day, that he didn’t trust her anymore. It hurt more than she anticipated. 
Sleep was almost consuming her when she heard a loud clang outside her bedroom. She shook awake, throwing the covers off her instinctively. Her hand grabbed the baseball bat that rested beside her bed, bringing it up and close to her. With slow steps, she approached the window. Her fear settled when she saw the familiar red helmet staring back at her, begging to let him in. She dropped the bat on the floor, opening the window. 
He got in her room awkwardly, struggling to pass his huge frame through a tiny space. She reached to help him, offering her hands. He took them, butterflies running amok on her tummy. “You’re late,” she commented, trying to mask the hurt in her voice. 
“I know,” he said, taking off his helmet and dropping it on top of her bed. “I’m sorry.”
She hummed looking at him underneath the moonlight seeping through her window. She hadn’t gotten used to how big he became, and how smaller she felt in his presence. She was by no means a small woman, but his entire being could encapsulate her with a simple hug, and not the other way around like it used to be. “Why are you late?” she moved to sit on the bed, the helmet rolling off the bed delicately. 
He looked at her, sitting down next to her gently. “I don’t know,” he answered, rubbing his hands together, his elbows resting on his thighs. 
“Why do I feel like you’re not being honest with me?” her head tilted, looking at his beautiful profile. There was a scar connecting his right temple to the corner of his upper lip, and it made him even more beautiful than he already was. He fascinated her to no end, his brain, his looks, his entire being was what made her keep going, the light on the end of her tunnel. 
His eyes trailed over her face, looking for something she guessed he wouldn’t find. “Why are you always so nice to me?”
“What do you mean, Jason,” she breathed out, confused at the inquiry. “I’m your friend, I’m supposed to be nice to you.”
“No, you’re not,” he shook his head, his hands balled into fists and his eyes closed. “You’re not supposed to be kind to me,” he got up, his back towards her.
“Stop it, Jason, you’re scaring me,” she whispered, her voice shaking a bit. 
“You’re supposed to be angry at me. I abandoned you, left you alone, and when I came back I didn’t tell you, I didn’t look for you,” he continued, trying to manipulate her emotions.
“Why are you saying these things, Jason, they’re not true,” she got up, her voice no longer shaking, determined and focused. 
“Because I don’t deserve it,” he turned to her, his eyes tortured and sad. “I don’t deserve your kindness and friendship. I’m not worthy of it.”
“Jay, I--” she started, but Jason interrupted her. 
“Don’t, please. I’m not worthy of anyone’s love,” his voice was heavy with emotion. She discovered that Jason was often ruled by two main emotions: sadness and anger. In that moment, she could only see those in him and a part of her broke.
“That’s not true, you’re worthy of mine,” her voice was so honest and raw, it caught Jason by surprise. She didn’t know what he expected out of her at that moment, maybe to give in to his spiral of bad thoughts and self flagellation, but she refused to let him believe those awful things. “Jason, you really don't know?”
He remained in silence, his eyes wide and shocked, focused on the ground. His jaw was tense and his hands balled into fists tightly. She took a hesitant step towards him, reaching for his hands. They relaxed under her touch and she threaded her fingers through his. It wasn’t hard to notice how perfectly they fit with each other, like to halves of a whole. “I’ve loved you ever since I was 14 and you marched into the boys bathroom to get my lit homework back from Mason Anderson,” she whispered, her eyes focused on his face, while his were focused on their hands together. “I’m sorry I didn’t say it before, I’m so sorry it took me so long to say it, Jay. But I can’t let you believe all those horrible things you said. Not when I love you more than anything in this world.”
He stayed silent for a couple of moments, her heart beating erratically inside her chest, fearing she had screwed up their friendship for good. In a way, it was worst to know he was out there and didn't want to speak to her because she dared to tell him about her love for him. “Please say something,” she begged him quietly. 
His eyes finally found hers, his hands breaking the link they formed. He rested his hands on her cheeks gently, and she dared say, lovingly. Her heart started beating excitedly, the fear slowly dissipating as his gaze got more intense. 
His lips brushed against hers, her eyes fluttering closed at the contact. He kissed her gently, a love delicate and fragile, just acknowledged between them both. His grip on her was firm, his thumb grazing delicately on her cheekbones. Her hands thread through his soft hair, still slightly humid from the sweat caused by the helmet. The air was charged with want, tentative kiss toeing the line between what it was and something more. 
She wished to stay like that forever. She prayed to  whatever was out there in the Universe, to allow her that happiness. To stay kissing her love tentatively in the dark for as long as she could, as long as he’d let her. 
Jason broke the kiss, his forehead resting on hers. His fingers found their way to the back of her head, cupping it softly. “I love you,” he whispered, his lips almost brushing with hers. She reached for his lips once again, like a magnet finding its match. “I love you so much,” he reassured.
They kissed once again, not intending to break apart any time soon. 
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starvine · 3 years
first date headcanons
attack on titan (modern au)
summary: some first date headcanons with some of the attack on titan characters. 
warnings: none, just fluff :)
eren jaeger: movie 
a little basic but it’s all eren could come up with
besides, it was between a movie and dinner and dinner felt too formal so y’all decided on a movie
he’d let you pick the movie tho
he might argue with you if it’s something stupid and claim that it’s horribly written (as if he knows a thing) but that’s it
eren would make sure to get the BEST snacks. spicy food? check. candy? check. popcorn? check. fruits? check.
he just wants to impress you (even if he did have to confide in his friends for some advice)
he just really likes you
during the movie, you guys would start shifting closer to each other, both a little too timid to move all the way all at once
but you guys would make commentary throughout the movie, laughing when things seem too cliché or when a character says something funny
half way throughout the movie, you guys aren’t even really paying attention it it
you’re too busy throwing popcorn at each other and trying to catch it in your mouths, feeding each other candy, and giggling at each other
it’s intimate in its own relaxed way, which makes eren realize how perfect you are
you both could make the most out of a pretty average first date situation and make it into a beyond amazing first date
and that was all he needed to ask you on a second date before he dropped you off at your car, walking with you to make sure you got there safely
and ngl you’d be a bit of a fool to say no to eren
armin arlert: aquarium 
sweetheart is so nervous 
before he came to your apartment to pick you up for your date, he was a little nervous wreck 
he was fidgeting with his fingers, playing with the buttons on his shirt--he probably accidentally opened one by accident 
but once he saw you, he felt fine 
it was as if he physically melted, you just make everything okay 
once you guys got to the aquarium, he would NOT shut up
he was probably pointing things out, telling you fun facts, asking you what is your favorite marine life 
“oh, you like pufferfish? that’s cool! i like them too. they’re very... puffy.” 
he’s like a child in a candy store 
but while he’s rambling about how the digestive system of a sea cucumber basically cleans the ocean, he’s wondering how he should make a move 
he doesn’t want to scare you off or anything, but he doesn’t want you to be disappointed 
but while you guys are looking at one of those large fish tanks, the ones where you walk through a tunnel, you guys just sort of stand there and watch in awe
or rather armin watches in awe while you look at him, a soft smile gracing his pink lips as his eyes dart across the illustriously blue colored glass
and when he feels your pinky latch onto his, he’s a little shocked that you had made the first move
he didn’t not expect it per say, he just thought that he would be the one to make the first move 
but his overthinking got in the way
and when he turns to look down at your intertwined pinkies, he caught you sending him a delicate smile that made his heart squeeze until he felt as if every part of him was on fire
but it was him who finally held your hand fully 
he just needed you to give him the extra push
mikasa ackerman: book store 
it’s a very calming atmosphere, which is something you’d both need for this first date
mikasa is probably pretty anxious for the first date, and wants to make sure you’re okay and enjoying yourself while also making sure she’s okay and enjoying herself
so the calming scent of the book store and the quietness is perfect for her to multitask between mediating the two
you’d both be tasked with picking each other books and then buying them for each other
so initially mikasa was nervous because she wasn’t sure what to get you but then you asked what she liked to read and so that allowed her to ask the same, making the situation less stressful
and all while you two are walking from isle to isle, eyes scanning the various book titles and covers, she sneaks glances at you and how pretty you look
and the fact that you seem very deep in thought, heavily concentrated on getting her the right book, makes her feel less concerned on whether or not you’d rather be with her or not
the answer is obviously a yes but mikasa has a hard time understanding that sometimes
so when you give her the book you bought for her, making sure to lightly touch her fingers while you hand it to her, she already knows that another date is what she wants you both to have or else she’ll probably explode
and based off of how flushed she looks, the possibility of her exploding is not highly unlikely
you guys will sit at this little table in the corner of the store, reading your books
i can picture mikasa annotating certain lines that remind her of you, making mental notes to show you later
overall, the date is pretty lowkey and very sweet
connie springer: dave + busters/bowling
ok there’s not much of an explanation for this one besides the point that if feels right
like connie is pretty energetic and i feel like you can learn a lot about a person based off of the games they’re drawn to 
hence the arcade
i think connie really likes those racing games or the zombie shooting games
he also claims he’s really good at ski ball (he’s not, he’s trash)
so a good portion of the date consists of you just laughing at him the whole time cuz in all honestly he’s not the best at games but he enjoys them for the fun of them
he’d definitely cheer you on when you were playing or try to mess you up if it was you two against each other
but either way he’d give you a hug or a pat on the head after every game
even if u beat him
he’d probably try to sneak a kiss when you guys were in one of those shooting games that requires a booth and the curtains drawn (does that make sense?)
it’s not really romantic like at all, especially since it smells like a million different people in there, but it’s very low stress so in all honesty that’s what makes the kiss nice
and after you guys had used up all your tokens, you’d combine your tickets and pick something together
your prizes would mostly consist of candy and him insisting he get you a plastic gem ring so you can always remember your first date together
it was also his little, strange way of asking you for a second date
levi ackerman: art museum 
unlike connie, he’s not super energetic
so a museum is right up his alley
levi’s a bit awkward, he doesn’t really know how to talk to you
and especially since you’re lovely, his words jumble together and he gets all flustered
so a nice, quiet museum exhibit is perfect for him
it’s a nice balance between casual and formal, so you both dress nice but aren’t restricted by the need to be super polite and stuff
he’d probably like it when you try to imitate the poses that are shown in the paintings or sculptures
just imagine the soft chuckle he’d be unable to prevent from escaping his lips which then melts into a soft smirk
beautiful, beautiful lad
he probably wouldn’t join you though, he doesn’t want to embarrass himself
he just smiles at you and stares at the art, reading the background info they give on those little plates near them
but he would notice when you stare at him
he could be looking at some art made during the dutch golden age, but as soon as your head slightly tilted in his direction, his cheeks would HEAT up
you almost asked him if he was feeling alright he was so red
but as the date went on, levi really just thought about how much he enjoyed your presence
and he’s not a wicked talkative guy so being able to feel comfortable with someone even if you aren’t talking or doing much is pretty important to him
as the date concludes, levi finally works up the courage to place his hand on your shoulder, asking if there was anything else you wanted to see before the museum closes for the day
his face might be bright red, but the smile you give him makes him feel a little less embarrassed
what can you say, you’ve got charm 💅
hange: the fucking zoo
ok i won’t lie when i got the idea of hange taking you to the zoo for your first date i thought it was so funny and idk why
like they’d be so excited that they’d nearly forget that they’re on a date with you
they’d drag you around from exhibit to exhibit, pointing out the exact breed of tortoise or some really strange fact about the zebras without looking at the little description panel in front of the exhibit
it’s pretty comical
but then randomly, when you guys are sitting down and eating some fries from one of the concession stands, they start going on a rant about animal cruelty and how a lot of zoos don’t treat the animals properly
and you’re just sitting there like “what 🧍‍♀️” cuz they’re mood changed so quickly LMAO
and as soon as their rant started, it finishes and they’re rushing you to the reptile exhibit
they’d probably try to figure out if they could hold one of the snakes
you’d have to drag them out of there before they start harassing one of the workers into letting them hold a snake
they’d also give all of the animals names only to forget them in 2 seconds
“hey, robert, it’s good to see you again!” “hange, i thought you named them dante?” “oh... did i? 😁”
however there’s probably like one animal they absolutely despise and idk why but i feel like it’s parrots
y’all would be walking through this rainforest exhibit, birds flying from tree to tree and the whole time they’re cursing the birds under their breath for no reason at all
just an angry person walking through a rainforest exhibit, cursing out birds
pretty normal if you ask me
however, the date itself is pretty casual and almost feels like you guys are just hanging out
or it would if they didn’t ask you out on another date before dropping you off at home, kissing your cheek as their farewell
pieck finger: café
very simple and quaint
i feel like pieck has a coffee addiction and always puts her in a better mood
so what better place to go on a date then a café?
she’s definitely an iced coffee drinker, and will occasionally go for a hot drink but usually iced coffee is her go-to
and if you get a coffee or tea that she also happens to like, you’re already practically golden in her eyes
since pieck has a very soothing and lowkey nature, i can see the date being much more just like a conversation with someone you’ve known for forever instead of interview-y which is something i’ve found coffee/lunch/dinner dates to be a bit like
but pieck knows how to keep things interesting and she’s a pretty calming person to be around so all is well
i also can’t see her getting super nervous before the date
she seems pretty calm unless in high-stress situations, but even then, she’s pretty level-headed
but since she’s so calm, it makes you wonder if she really cares for the date
and of COURSE she does, she’s so excited about it
it’s just the way pieck is
but as the date continues, she’d probably start to tease you by playing footsies under the table
you gotta keep the date interesting, you know?
you guys would talk about your interests, family, friends, shows you’re watching
literally just anything and everything that’ll allow you guys to get a feel for each other
and if all goes well she’ll definitely suggest another date ;)
also don’t expect to leave without her either writing something cute on your cup, pressing a lip-stick stained kiss to your cheek that matches the one surrounding the rim of her cup, or a promise that your game of footsies will continue next time you see each other
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
In the Stars (part 2)
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader 
Tumblr media
Request: So, first of all, I love your writing so much. I've just finished reading "In the stars" and I've loved it! Idk if you're taking requests but I was wondering if maybe you could do a part 2?
A/N: You guys… I had so many fucking requests for part two of this, I love you. I'm honestly overwhelmed by how much you guys engage with my work on here. 
Side note; I don't actually know much about astrology so take anything I say with a pinch of salt since it's done with surface level research for this. I'm more of a tarot girl myself and originally I was gonna switch the astrology to tarot since I know all about that. But I didn't wanna deviate from the request too much so I stuck with astrology. 
Warnings: cursing, bit of fluff, idk flirting? Talk of sex but no actual sex? 
If you guys want a part three to this which would mostly be smut then hit me up lmaoooo 
You were lounging on a beat up sofa that was in the greenhouse at the back of the flower shop. The plants were watered and it was a nice day. You were taking a moment to relax and let the sun come through the glass above you like a cat basking in the warm glow. You knew a customer had come in a little bit a go. You'd heard a gruff voice ask Gemma for advice on flowers for his girl. But since you were never needed in the front, you just chilled out for a bit after popping some headphones in and vibing in the sun as you leisurely scrolled on an astrology site you were on. 
Maybe, just maybe, you'd been thinking about Mr Fancy Coffee man in the past three days since you ran right into him. You'd been sure you'd see him again at the time but it hadn't happened so far. Either way, you kept thinking back to his smile and his obsidian eyes and you smirked as you read what you'd already known when you'd called back after him to give him your own sign. 
'Aries and Scorpio Sex:
Aries and Scorpio like to turn the heat up with everything they do! So, you can imagine the bedroom as being one feisty! Aries is a fire sign, and Scorpio is a water sign. Mix fire and water and what do you get? Yes, it is steam! With this duo between the sheets, we pray the wallpaper can withstand the steam-effect! Aries and Scorpio are the same when it comes to an intense libido. They are energetic with enough energy to keep each other up all night long.'
You ripped your headphones out, tossing your phone on the worn out faded pink cushions as you bounded to the door to the main shop.
"Hey, Gem! Did you know that Aries and Scorpio are like hella compatible for sex? I mean we'd just be riding each other all ni-" your words died on your lips as you slipped through the beaded curtain to find the man from earlier who hadn't actually left yet. He was a little rough looking but he wore a look of shock and thorough amusement at your words as you smacked a hand over your mouth with a laugh. It wasn't really appropriate talk in front of a customer but even Gemma bit her lip to stifle her incredulous laughter. 
"I uh… I'm sorry," you murmured, a sly smirk on your face that said you weren't really sorry but said it anyway to be polite. He barked out a laugh and shook his head.
"Don't worry about it. Sounds like a hell of a time," he replied with a chuckle. It put you at ease that he wasn't going to start something about your behaviour, threaten to take his business elsewhere. It wouldn't be the first time you'd done that. 
"Don't mind her. She's the crazy plant lady," Gemma grinned as she continued adding flowers to the bouquet on the counter. Some pretty forget-me-nots. 
"Hey! I'm not crazy just because I talk and sing to them. It's science! If I didn't do that then all these beauties would be withering away in misery," you pouted playfully, earning another laugh from your best friend and chuckle from the man. 
You looked at him then and he was already looking at you. His gaze wandered your face and hair like you held the secrets to the universe and you quirked a brow curiously. Knowing he was caught out, he glanced away and cleared his throat but his eyes flit back to you. It wasn't like you weren't used to looks since you were anything but ordinary, but he looked almost like he knew you or something.
"Sorry… just… thought I recognised you," he muttered apologetically. 
"Oh trust me, you'd know if you'd met her before. She leaves quite the impression," Gemma snorted. 
"I bet she does," the man said with a small smile as he looked at you again like he knew something you didn't. Or maybe you were imagining it.
You grinned as you walked towards the counter, leaning your arms on it as you admired her work. The bouquet was filled with purples and blues and it was breathtaking. 
"Serious relationship?" You asked casually. The man looked slightly taken aback by your bold question and Gemma swatted your arm as you gave her a look.
"What?" You asked with a huff. The man smiled and shook his head.
"Nah, it's fine. It is. Been together for a little over a year now," he had a lovesick look on his face and you found yourself smiling back at him. 
"You love her?" You asked softly. He rubbed the scruff on his chin with a bashful look that looked at odds with the rest of him as he nodded.
"That I do," he murmured fondly. 
You pushed up and leaned your hands on the counter as you glanced from the flowers back to him.
"You should get her a succulent," you declared. Gemma snorted again as she trimmed the ends off some roses and the man quirked his brow.
"You mean like… a cactus or some shit?" He asked, sounding confused and amused. 
You rolled your eyes, whizzing into the back and grabbing a small terracotta pot with a baby succulent in it. It looked almost like a flower with how it's leaves were arranged. You bought it back out to the front and back to him as you set it down on the counter.
"Meet Emily. She's cute and sweet and she says forever," you shot him a cheeky grin and he snorted, eyes darting from the plant to you.
"I'm sorry… Emily?" He asked with a smirk 
"Hey, she's a living thing like you and me, why shouldn't she have a name? And don't tell the others but… she's my favourite," you whispered the last part, eyes darting to the beaded curtain like you didn't want the others to hear and when you looked back at him he was smiling and shaking his head at you. 
"Look… flowers are great and all, a nice gesture and pretty to look at, but they wither and die. They go from pretty to morbid which is why they're great for special occasions but they don't last. But these cuties… they don't take much maintenance, it's hard to kill them and they're more… permanent. Flowers are a great way to say 'I love you' in a shorter sense, but nothing says 'I'll love you forever' more than one of these," you mused with a fond look at the plant. 
The man stared at the plant for a moment appearing deep in thought and when you glanced to Gemma, she was grinning from ear to ear as she wrapped up the arrangement in pretty pale purple paper. A similar shade to your current hair color.
"Fuck it. I'll take… Emily, too," he declared after a moment. You beamed and slid the pot over to Gemma so she could pack her up with the rest of the goods and ring him up. 
"You're good at this," the man said after a moment. You flushed a little at his words and snorted. 
"I just care about the plants," you shrugged with a smile. 
Gemma finished the wrapping and started ringing up the purchases as the man's eyes darted between you both.
"So… you two ladies got any plans later?" He asked casually. He didn't seem the type to make unnecessary small talk but Gemma opened her mouth to indulge him anyway. 
"A few of us are going out later to the bar down the street. The Lizard? It's not been open that long but it's pretty chill. It's nothing fancy though," Gemma smiled softly as she accepted the money from him, opening the register.
"Fancy places wouldn't let us in," you snorted with a smirk, toying with one of the many rings on your fingers.
"They wouldn't let you in. Besides, they have good music there and they don't mind when we let loose and get a little weird," Gemma laughed. The man chuckled with a nod before glancing back at you. He still had that look of recognition in his eyes and you tried to think if you'd ever seen him before. 
"Sounds like my kinda place. I might have to go with Karen and some friends sometime," he mused with a nod.
"You should, if you run into us let me know if she loves Emily. You've basically both adopted a cute earthy child so…" you grinned mischievously. He snorted, seemingly unaffected by you being yourself and you liked it. It wasn't often you got to talk to customers like this which is why you often stayed hidden in the back.
"I will. Have fun ladies and thanks for these," with that he was off and you and Gemma grinned at each other. It was nice to have a customer like that man, even if he did look completely out of place in a flower shop. You had a feeling he'd come back for more things for this Karen woman he was smitten with. 
Billy sipped his beer, dark gaze flitting around the bar before he settled on his best friend. Karen was leaning on his shoulder and the pair had been nauseatingly close since they got here. Curtis and David were also at the table relaxing and talking to one another. 
"Is there a reason we're here?" Billy drawled as he sat back in his chair a little more. This wasn't their usual haunt and they didn't normally deviate from it. It wasn't so much that he didn't like the place. It was relaxed and quite similar to where they usually ended up. But it was a break in routine and he wasn't sure why. 
Frank shot him a sly smirk as he sipped his beer and it made Billy narrow his eyes a little.
"Well… I have it on good authority that little Ms Aries is gonna be here," he said smugly. Billy hated himself the moment he sat up straighter like an eager schoolgirl, especially when his friends all cheered and laughed at the news. He'd only told Frank about her, but Frank being Frank… well he'd told Karen and Karen told Curtis and David and in three short days it had become a running joke that he was hung up on a girl he hadn't even been able to get the name of.
Billy tilted his head, long fingers tapping on the beer bottle as he levelled his gaze at Frank.
"And how would you know that when we don't even know who she is?" He asked with a raised brow. Frank had a shit eating grin on his face as he leaned forward on the table a bit.
"Because I found her at her work earlier," he grinned. Billy blinked at him for a moment, mouth floundering as he tried to absorb that tidbit.
"Okay… so as my best friend and therefore wingman, is there a reason you didn't mention it until now?" He asked dryly. 
"Nah, I thought it would be a nice surprise and I didn't want you to talk yourself outta comin' here. Never seen you hung up on a girl before and I gotta say, she's a fuckin' riot," Frank snorted. Billy felt an unnecessary pang of envy at him then. Envy that his best friend managed to find her, spend some time with her maybe more than he had in the street. He knew it was stupid. His best friend was head over heels for Karen after all, but it was there all the same. 
"She works at the flower shop," Karen supplied with a soft smile as she looped her arms around Frank's larger one. Great, so Frank told her before he told him. Did everyone but him know? Why he was feeling like a petulant child, he didn't know, but before he could open his mouth to no doubt say something ridiculous, Frank's sly grin widened as he inclined his head to the door. 
Billy would lie until the day he took his last breath about how fast his head whipped to the door. He almost broke his damn neck. But there she was in all her purple haired glory and Jesus fuck was she the most beautiful girl he'd ever laid his eyes on. How did she get even more attractive in three days? Shit was ridiculous. But not as ridiculous at the nerves that bloomed in his belly at the sight of her. He was Billy Russo. Ex Spec Ops sniper. Former marine. CEO of Anvil. Serial womaniser. But now he was just Billy. Dumbfounded, actually kind of nervous and moon-eyed Billy. 
He watched as she and another girl she came in with walked over to the table with a few people and hugged them. Her smile was radiant and his eye twitched when she hugged the guys at her table. He kept waiting like she'd lean in and kiss one of them. To feel that crushing blow. But it never happened. In fact, the girl she'd come in with snuggled up to the one of the guys and the other had his arm wrapped around another girl at the table. 
"Well… you gonna go and get her name or what, Bill?" Frank asked with a snort. Billy cleared his throat, rolling his shoulder and glancing back to his beer before he shrugged.
"After my drink," he tried to sound casual but Frank's gaze softened a little and he hated that his best friend knew him better than anyone. He was just thankful Frank didn't call him out for it.
You and Gemma had gotten to the bar a little later than usual because Gemma's cat snuck out the apartment and you'd had to hunt him down. He was cute but a menace but once he was back safe at home you'd both made a beeline for the bar. You had a few shots in quick succession to make up for the lost time and you weren't drunk but you felt the pleasant warmth spreading through you as you laughed and joked with your friends.
"Oh, I love this song, dance with me," you beamed, not giving Gemma a chance to protest as you grabbed her hand and moved a little from the table. It wasn't a club and there wasn't a dance floor but there was adequate space between the tables to dance. No one else was dancing but it was hardly the first time you and Gemma did this. It was always fun and amusing. 
You wrapped your arms around her shoulders and hers went around your waist as the pair of you giggled and swayed your hips. There were a few cat calls but it was all in jest. It was obvious you two were joking around by your over exaggerated movements and Gemma singing loudly and very off key, with your friends joining in the chorus. You loved your group of little weirdos. 
You turned around in her arms, hands still around her neck from behind as you swung your hips, eyes closed and a smile on your face. But when you opened them, they landed right on Mr Handsome himself who was at a table with some others and he was staring at you with wide eyes and a small smile. A grin spread across your face as you continued to dance. You knew you'd see him again. You paid little attention to anyone else as your eyes locked with his and he sat up a little straighter as he noticed he had your attention. 
You smirked, flashing him a cheeky wink as a call back to when you last met before you spun back around to face Gemma.
"So… the super hot guy over there in a maroon sweater? Looks like he's stepped right off of vogue? He's Coffee guy," you murmured giddily. Gemma didn't even hide the look she shot him before she laughed and looked back at you.
"First of all… wow. And second, he's like legit staring at you so hard right now," Gemma smirked.
You bit your lip with a smile as the song ended. Gemma gave you a hug before returning to her seat and then you made your way over to the bar and waited for the bartender so you could grab a beer.
"Can I get you a drink, astrology girl?" His smooth voice sent a shiver down your spine and you glanced over to where he was now standing next to you. 
"Of course. Beer please, Coffee boy," you grinned cheekily at him. He chuckled, ducking his head as he waved over the bartender and asked for two beers. 
"I told you we'd meet again," you murmured with a smirk, sipping the beer once it was placed in front of you. 
"You did. Although I think my friend Frank had somethin' to do with that," he replied with a smile as he glanced over his shoulder. You followed his gaze to his table and saw the man from the flower shop. Your eyes widened as an incredulous laugh left your lips and you gave him a thumbs up. You heard his laugh from across the bar. The woman with him was smiling wide and also watching you both, as were the other two men at his table. You had a feeling if you glanced over at your own friends they'd be doing the same thing. 
"So… do I get your name yet?" He asked, leaning his forearms on the bar. His shoulder brushed yours and it felt like a jolt of electricity shot through you. You glanced at him, a coy smile on your lips as you took another sip of beer. Your tongue darted out and swiped over your lower lip to catch a drop and you didn't miss how his dark eyes were drawn to the motion. It made your stomach clench. 
"Y/N," you smiled softly. You couldn't help it, you'd have given him anything he asked right then with the way he was looking at you. His face brightened when you relinquished your name, his eyes crinkling a little as he grinned. His teeth are perfect. I want him to bite every inch of me with those things.
"Billy," he offered, raising his beer bottle. You grinned as you clinked yours with his and you both took a drink. 
"I read some pretty interesting things about the sexual compatibility of an Aries and Scorpio," you murmured with a wry grin, nibbling your lower lip as you looked at him through your lashes. He was so close to you and you could feel his warmth through the layers of both of your clothes. And he smelt good. It almost made you dizzy.
"Is that so?" He asked, dark eyes intent on you and only you. His voice was lower than before and you fought the urge to jump him right there. You flashed him a toothy grin, a mix of flirtatious and just plain impish that made him smile.
"Apparently we're a match made in sexual heaven," you teased softly. 
You watched as he swallowed thickly, his Adam's apple bobbing as he did. His almost black eyes felt like they were setting you on fire from the inside out with how heated his gaze was.
"Well now I gotta problem. Because I wanted to ask you on a date first but you're makin' it really hard for me to have any restraint," he purred. Shiiiiit. That tone alone would have you needing to change your panties when you got home. 
You smirked, all sinful as you leaned into his ear, your hand going to his firm forearm. You heard his breathing hitch before you even said anything as your hot breath landed on his ear.
"I'd really like that date," you whispered with a saccharine smile. Honestly, you weren't known for your patience and you wanted nothing more than to drag him back to your place and fuck him until neither of you could walk again. But the idea of a date, of dragging it out a bit, it intrigued you. The man had lived rent free in your brain since you both collided three days ago and as much as it would kill you, you knew the wait would be worth it and only make it better. 
You moved back a bit, your face still ridiculously close to his and he flashed you a devilish smile all of his own before he leaned down and kissed you. It was an intense kiss. Full of hunger and passion you'd never felt before and you didn't hesitate to kiss him back eagerly. There were some cat calls and you had a feeling a few came from your friends but you were hardly fazed by your brazen kiss with the most handsome man in the world. 
When you broke away, you were both panting and you felt your cheeks flush a little at how he looked at you. There was definitely arousal there but he also looked slightly awestruck. You flashed him another grin before slurping some of your beer and he chuckled as he did the same. 
You spent the next few hours sitting beside Billy at the bar as you got to know one another, all the little mundane details that really made up a person. You felt like you'd never get tired of looking at him, of hearing that smooth as silk voice or watching how expressive his face and eyes could be. And no matter what you said, whether it was embarrassing stories about your friends or about the plants at work, he acted like you'd just told him the best story ever. He was attentive and soaked up all of your words greedily. You couldn't remember the last time someone made you feel like this. 
You left the bar that night after agreeing for him to pick you up at 8 the next night and exchanging numbers. You'd kissed him that time and it was full of as many promises as his kiss had been. And you didn't miss the way Frank clapped his back once he returned to his seat either. The wait would definitely be worth it. 
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atlaese · 3 years
Optimist - s.r.
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↳ This moodboard was made by the lovely @mickey-henry, 💗 she makes the best moodboards and playlists (and has lovely fics as well) so check her out!!
Summary: all the reasons (you) why steve rogers is an optimist Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader TW: fluff all the way, maybe some illusions to angst but not a lot Words: 1K A/N: finals are finally over! I really wanted to write a short sweet thing for steve, hope you enjoy it! (my first time writing for steve, too, lemme know what you think about it!!) p.s. pick up your trash & be kind! :)
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Steve Rogers had always been an optimist. How could he not?
The world in front of him was so beautiful. Every morning when the sun rose, it was an opportunity to do better, to be better.
Every day he was out trying to save the world - some days, he’d pick up trash he’d find on his early runs, other days he’d fight until his knuckles were raw and he was close to dropping down from pure exhaustion.
Saving the world was like second nature to him, it always had been. From when he was a little boy, helping his mum in the kitchen when she dropped something on the ground. From enlisting as a soldier - because sometimes war was the only way the world could be saved. Taking the serum even, was all a means to an end to save the world. It made it possible for him to be his best self and gave him the resources to handle it on a physical level as well.
Being an optimist meant seeing what needed to be done. It meant trying your best to see the light, when there was only darkness. It meant that even when he was beaten up and bloody, he could still count his lucky stars that he was alive and breathing. Being an optimist, was seeing the good in people, even when they themselves didn’t.
Being an optimist doesn’t mean it is easy.
Some days, the endless picking up of trash on his runs was a real chore. It was difficult for him to wrap his mind around the fact that people willingly trashed this beautiful green planet he called home.
On mission days, it baffled him how people wanted to destroy the world, their bombs and guns blasting holes in the ground where once luscious trees populated the world, now blood flowing over the once green acres.
It was difficult to understand that people could so easily kill one another, refusing to talk to the other side when conflicts could be solved without any physical harm.
When he saw what the war had done to all the families - families without fathers or mothers, it was difficult to remain an optimist. Kids would come up to him, ask them if their daddy had been brave or if their mother had succeeded in her mission and the only thing Steve could do is nod and choke on the words he wanted to say, instead words like they did it for the country stumbled out.
Being an optimist was hard.
But when he came home after an early morning run to see you lying in his bed, the light filtering through the curtains on your bare skin everything felt like it would be alright.
Steve would be sweaty, his hair sticking to his skin, but you’d still stretch your arms out to get a kiss, your fingers scratching his scalp as he breathed in your soft scent, his body slating over yours in a delicious comfort that could only be described as home.
Steve felt safe and happy, everything in the world was fine and your heart was beating to the drum of love that was present all throughout his life.
Everywhere he’d go, traces of you could be found. On his runs in the park, he’d spot blue irises and he’d pluck a few, just to see your bright smile when he put the vase next to the bed. Your hands would pull him in the bed, kisses pressed against every inch of his face and soft giggles filling the room and filling the small hole in his heart.
Or when he was on a mission, the picture of you he kept inside a small pocket inside his suit, right above his heart reminded him why exactly he needed to see the bright side of life. Seeing the bright side of life meant seeing and loving you. It meant seeing in the full spectrum of colours instead of muted grey scales.
When he returned home after being out of the country for three weeks, you would be right there waiting for him. Your hand would slip from his upper arm down to his wrist and hand, slowly intertwining your digits with his, noses touching when you rejoiced in being together again. The soft touches made him ache in ways he never knew he could, his heart wrenching in delicious twists as he squeezed your hand and kissed your temple. He knew you’d always be there, be his home even when he couldn’t always be yours.
Steve loved the way a little rim of foam would sit on your upper lip after you took a sip from your latte. His hand would reach out, thumb swiping across to get the little bit of foam off and every time a bubbly giggle would escape your throat as you scrunched your eyes in embarrassment. Steve would bite his lower lip as he lovingly gazed at you, before pressing a lingering kiss to your temple as he pulled you even closer to him on the seat in the little cafe around the corner.
The cafe could be filled to the brim, chatter all around you, but the bubble you and Steve created would be filled with hushed whispers and giggly laughter, thighs touching as you looked outside and tried to spot dogs in funny outfits.
The days where you and Steve would be rolling around under the sheets were his favourites though. Steve felt like he was glowing in those moments, your soft hands roaming over the expanse of his shoulders as he pressed a string of kisses against your neck.
Just as you would pick him up when he was down, pat him on the shoulder and show him that he is a good man, he’d do the same to you. On your bad days he would be there, a cup of coffee in his hands as he watched you drag yourself out of bed. Those days he would be the anchor in your life to ground you, make sure you wouldn't get lost along the way. His goal was to get you back from the awful place your mind was in. He wanted to get you back under the soft beams of the sun that would make your skin glow, a small smile gracing your face once again.
Those moments made him realize how much he needed to see the good in the world, to be the good.
So yeah, he could stay an optimist for you.
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viltrumitesuperboy · 4 years
Souvenir (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Gender neutral. My dumbass changed the request so they aren’t already together I am sorry but they needed to meet first
EDIT/DISCLAIMER: I hadn’t watched the films in LITERALLY FOREVER i got some parts wrong but for the record the fantastic beasts book does not say what mooncalves eat and i had to go as creative as possible (... grass)
Requested by: NOT anon but i forgot who requested i’m so sorry Maybe Newt introducing his partner to all of his creatures and one of the creates (possibly another bowtruckle but up to you) getting really attached Flying together on Frank the thunderbird (he's a thunderbird right?) Oh fluffy adorable feeding the baby mooncalves (Can you tell I like cute things and all of his animals?)
Word Count: 1593
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You first met Newt when you were out on a late night stroll.
People always said it was dangerous to walk outside late at night, but you had magic, and that would at least protect you from no-majs with ill intent. You would never expect to run into a wizard the way you did.
There was, after all, an Erumpent with a man in a bright blue coat making the strangest movements and sounds. It was certainly interesting. Another man stood off to the side, holding a bottle that was unmistakably one that was used for potions. Once the bottle spilled, you ran closer, hoping that you could counter the effects of the potion before it caused any damage. Instead, the Erumpent turned to him and charged. There was a lot of screaming.
You followed them over the hills of Central Park and a frozen river that you absolutely did not trust to hold the weight of a grown man, much less an Erumpent. You threw a quick spell to solidify it completely, and the three of you had managed to get the Erumpent into a very small case.
"Well, it looks like we've made a new friend!" the skinnier man in the blue coat said. "Thanks for helping."
"I really didn't do anything," you replied.
"Nonsense, you froze the river, didn't you? Wonderful spellwork, by the way," he complimented.
You warily looked at the no-maj, currently trying his best to brush off whatever he had spilled on himself. You knew how dangerous it was for them to know about magic.
"Oh, I'm Newt. This is Jacob. We've been gathering all the magical creatures that... are around the city," Newt explained.
"I'm (Y/N)," you said.
You held your hand out in greeting, and he took it with a mild shake. Jacob's was only slightly firmer.
"You know, I'm good with magical creatures. They were my favourites to look for in the forest of the school I went to. If you want, I can help," you offered.
Newt smiled brightly, and motioned back to the city that surrounded you.
"Well, we've finished with this, and we've got more to do. How about we find the rest of them?"
Newt opened his case on the floor, nodding to it with a smile.
"Go on. I promise it's safe," he assured you.
You gave him a stern look and climbed down the ladder into a small, wooden workshop.
"Is this an expanding charm?" you called up as he started to make his own way down. "Amazing work. It's rarely ever neat when I expand anything."
"Well, it helps that I've got other magic to keep everything where it is," he grinned. "Shall we?"
He gestured to the door. You pushed it open, your mouth open in shock as you took in the desert-like area around you.
"Newt!" you exclaimed. "Do you know how much work it takes to do this? You either have very powerful magic or a lot of time on your hands."
"Well I wouldn't say I'm very powerful," he humbly responded. "I've had this case for years, and I only started with a few of these areas. Now it's a lot more, but that's not the point."
He gestured to move on, and you followed wordlessly. The disturbance in the background made it clear that it was a piece of cloth rather than the actual background, and he pushed it aside to reveal the Erumpent you had helped him retrieve.
"I found her a while ago, and I'll be returning her home once she's ready. I'd bring you closer but after recent events, I think it would be better not to cause unnecessary damage to all of New York City."
You both laughed. He led you through another curtain to where the Niffler dove into a hole, and the bowtruckles were all on a tree together.
"I'm sure you already know the bowtruckles aren't as friendly as the others in this case, but Pickett likes to hang around me sometimes," Newt said.
He put his hand out for one of the bowtruckles, who climbed onto his hand and scampered up his arm, clinging to his bowtie for a few seconds. Newt had to pull Pickett off and back into his hand, and raised him up between the two of you. You were both met each other's eyes. He looked nervous for a split second, then brought up Pickett between your line of view.
"Say hello, Pickett! This is (Y/N)."
"Hi there," you smiled.
You waved your hand to the little green creature. He jumped from Newt's hand to your shirt, and found his way to the top of your head.
"Pickett! You know you need to ask before you climb someone like that," Newt scolded.
He had his hands on his hips and glared at the bowtruckle sternly. Pickett made a noise that sounded suspiciously like blowing a raspberry and rested himself in your hair.
"I think he likes me," you laughed. "Isn't it rare for bowtruckles to be this friendly?"
"Yes, but I think-"
Newt suddenly cut himself off as a blush grew on his face. You furrowed your eyebrows at him.
"You think what?" you asked.
"Um, I talk to the creatures about you sometimes? I think he remembered your name."
You hadn't known each other too long, but you figured it was enough to be good friends.
"Oh, that's nice. It's great to meet them," you said.
He gestured for you to follow him. He turned quickly as you walked, probably to hide his red face. By the time you reached a large nest, it was completely gone and replaced with a wide smile.
"This is an Occamy! They are usually very protective of their young, but I've earned her trust just enough. I'll be releasing her and her babies once they're a little more grown," Newt said.
The blue serpent-like creature inspected you as you approached the nest. A peer over the edge gave you a glimpse of a smaller Occamy, playing with its siblings. There were chirps coming from the nest. Newt brought you along to a different environment, one that looked more like a desert.
"And that's Frank," he said.
You both looked up to see a Thunderbird flying on his own in the sky. He began to drop down and land as he spotted you.
"Frank, this is my friend! Be nice," Newt said. "You can hold your hand out to him."
You hesitantly put your hand up, around where the bird's beak would be if he was in front of you. Frank shuffled his wings, then got closer until the feathers just under his eye were tickling your hand. You carefully stroked the feathers there, and he closed his eyes in content.
"I'm in America for a lot of reasons, and all of them are to bring these creatures back home," Newt said. "Tina and Queenie have been nice enough to let me stay with them while I'm still here."
"You're welcome to stay with me as well," you smiled.
You continued onto the next area, a quieter and darker one lit by a full moon on one of the curtains. The creatures were like a strange mix of a sheep and a cow with the largest eyes that didn't look like they would fit in their heads.
"Mooncalves!" you said, taking a few steps closer.
"Wait, come back. I'll have you feed them, since it's already time."
They were still a distance away. Despite their shy nature, they were still intrigued by the new addition to their temporary home. They started to get closer. After a few minutes of preparing the bowls with Newt, two of them had already gotten very close to you. They nudged your legs, knowing that you had something they wanted. When Newt walked with his bowl closer to the rest of the mooncalves, they all flocked to him. You followed behind, and some went to you.
"Throw a bit of this onto the ground right here."
He picked up a handful of what looked like rice grains and threw them across the ground. You did the same until the soil was mostly covered. Newt pulled out his wand and mumbled a spell, which caused the soil to cover the little grains and grass to spring up from where they dropped instead. The mooncalves rushed over to the grass and began to graze.
"Grass seeds! It's much more convenient than carrying grass or taking them outside when there's a full moon," Newt explained.
"That's amazing," you complimented, which he bashfully brushed off.
He took your bowl and put it away. A bowtruckle returned to his tree and a niffler nearly grabbing your pen lined with shiny metal later, you both returned to your small room. It was as if you'd entered another world or a dream and were now being pulled back into reality. You stood face to face with Newt, a grin present on his.
"If you're not staying in New York too long, I think maybe you'd need a souvenir before you go," you whispered.
"What's that?"
You took a step closer to him and slowly pressed your lips to his. He brought you closer, a hand on your back to keep the both of you steady. When you pulled away, he kept his hand there.
"That might be one of the best souvenirs I'll ever receive, but I think I can find one better."
"Can you really?"
He laughed breathlessly, and pulled you closer once more.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑫𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝑷𝒕.2 (𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑲𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒈) 𝑹𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅
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Part One
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐄𝐦𝐨/𝐆𝐨𝐭𝐡! 𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)× 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞) × 𝐒𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐢! 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠 (𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳)
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐅𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭, 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐞 𝐀𝐔
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐘/𝐍'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟖.𝟓+𝐊
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞/𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞/𝐝*𝐜𝐤 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐯𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦, 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐝𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐞𝐱𝐡𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦, 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠), 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞, 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 × 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐬𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧), 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐦! 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠, 𝐒𝐨𝐟𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐦!/𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠, 𝐒𝐮𝐛! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐓𝐚𝐠 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭: @seacottons @little-precious-baby @speronyx @pirate-hongjoong @multidreams-and-desires @cloudyyeonnie
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Scrunching her eyes from the sliver of light protruding from the curtain that was left slightly open, Y/N let out a tired groan before pulling some of the navy blue blanket over her face. Feeling his lover shift in her sleep, Hongjoong slung his inked arm and placed it around her waist. Bringing his face forward, he placed a chaste kiss on her exposed shoulder.
"Morning beautiful." He greeted her with his usual manner of complimenting her.
"No........no morning..." She uttered, her voice sounding a little raspy and hoarse.
The dark ash grey male chuckled softly at her unwillingness to get up yet even though it was well past 11 a.m. His fingers traced around the dip of her hip as he hummed out a soft tune.
"Sweetheart, as much as I'd love to stay in bed and hold you for the rest of my life, you have class today and I'm needed at the shop later on." He reminded her.
Although she realized he was right, she still refused to budge and just stayed immobile. Letting out a sigh, he sat up and began to carefully turn her over to him, to which she let out a muffled whine. When she was fully turned on her back, her eyes fluttered open, her vision being blessed by the beauty of her dark and eccentric boyfriend who was donning his signature smirk as his eyes peered down at her, always seeming to stare right into her soul.
"Well? Are you ready to get up or am I going to have to get you ready myself?" He inquired, one eyebrow slightly lifted.
The warmth and comfort of the bed made her hesitant to want to leave. Reaching out, Y/N's hand slowly began tracing the outline of Hongjoong's collarbone.
"Why can't we just stay here?.....just for today? Stay and cuddle together..."
Trailing her hand down, her fingers grazed slightly over one of the piercings on his chest.
"Or .....we could do a few other things."
He let out a soft moan when she rolled his nipple between her thumb and index finger, eyes looking up at him suggestively while she bit down on her lower lip. Her other hand pushed the blanket, which was covering her, a little lower to further entice him. He could not look away at the sight of her wearing one of his many oversized band tees, his mind knowing fully well she wasn't wearing anything else underneath it. The end of it had risen up slightly that if she shifted around more, her entire bottom half would be exposed to him. When her hand threatened to go lower, he quickly caught it with his own.
"Naughty naughty kitten, trying to seduce me into fucking her into the sheets.."
Bending over, he captured her lips in a lazy and semi-messy kiss, his wet muscle poking out to lick across her upper lip.
"As if I didn't do enough of that last night."
Letting out a giggle, she let him wrap her legs around his waist before picking her up and walking towards the adjoining bathroom so they could get washed up and ready for the upcoming events in their day.
Outside in the kitchen, a handsome boy with dark brown hair and a sculpture like face pushed up the glasses resting on the bridge of his nose. His eyes loomed over the formulas and equations that were plastered all over the page. More than once he looked over at the notebook beside him, comparing and analyzing similarities and differences. His pencil was often tapping against the counter, following along to the beat of the song that was blasting from his phone. Occasionally, he'd find himself humming, or even singing along softly like he was currently doing at the moment.
"Fell in love with a girl at the rock show. She said what? And I told her that I didn't know..."
He had been sitting on that spot well over 3 hours, the blueberry bagel he had heated up for breakfast only had a single bite and remained untouched on a porcelain plate in front of his study materials. He let out a whispered curse under his breath as he couldn't seem to focus, his hand reaching up to rub at the side of his neck in frustration. Letting out a puff of air, he leaned back on the chair and stared at the ceiling, thinking about many things.
Hearing the doorknob of his roommate's turn, he was not fazed at all at seeing the [insert hair color] female come out.
"Oh. Morning Yeosang." She waved at him as she made her way into the kitchen, already rummaging through the cabinets like she usually did when she stayed over.
"Morning? It's practically noon." He pointed to the clock hanging by the wall.
Y/N simply ignored him and simply poured herself a bowl of cereal. Sitting down in front of the poker faced male, she made sure not to disturb him as he concentrated on the papers in front of him. After Hongjoong and her became official, she was ultimately forced to be introduced and sometimes even cohabite to a point with him since she now spent more time at their dorm than at her own place. Not that she minded. Yeosang was a very intriguing character. He was extremely quiet at first, but soon opened up to her and became more chatty with her, even more with her than his own roommate and friend. During one of their many conversations she found out he was a natural science major, focusing specifically on chemistry, which resulted more often than not in horrible puns involving the periodic table. He had a weird yet cute obsession with chicken, often wore either beanies or snapbacks backwards and had very similar music tastes like Hongjoong, which was the main reason why they ended up becoming friends, their music. However, Yeosang wasn't as deep, dark nor tattooed like her boyfriend.
Yeosang was a skater and the biggest clue was the skateboard he left on the side of the front door, the bottom of it decked out with various stickers he placed there. God forbid if anyone that wasn't him touched his baby, all hell would break loose, as Hongjoong himself learned one time. The man himself came out of his own room after he finished placing the finishing touches on his makeup. Sliding an arm around his girlfriend, he took in the state of his friend.
"Still taking 6 hours on a chemical reaction Yeosang?" Hongjoong snorted.
"Still taking longer than your girlfriend to put on eyeliner Hongjoong?" Yeosang retaliated, lips curving into a satisfied smile.
Another thing she loved about Yeosang: he was a straight up savage who could roast people harder than an oven.
Grumbling softly, Hongjoong placed a tiny peck on Y/N's lips.
"I have to go now babygirl. Meet me at the shop after class and we'll go home together." He told her.
"Which one? Hers or ours?" Yeosang snickered.
Making his way around the counter, Hongjoong held out his hand and flicked Yeosang on the head, causing him to utter an 'ow' at his ministration.
"And please try to get some air Yeo. You've been cooped up in these 4 walls too long."
After giving him a suggestion, Hongjoong was out the door and out of sight towards his part time job.
"Dark lord has no room to talk, before you came along, he'd only go out for school, work and booze." Yeosang shook his head.
Y/N giggled and got up to make her way out as well.
"He has a point. Besides, you've been stressed out recently. Why not hop on Emmy and take her out for a little spin?"
Y/N found it odd at first that Yeosang actually named his skateboard, but she figured she shouldn't have been so surprised. Hongjoong did a similar thing with his black Mustang. Closing, his textbook, Yeosang turned off the music playing on his phone and grabbed the earbuds sitting next to them.
"You know what? You're right. It doesn't look like it'll rain either."
Picking up her own bag, she followed Yeosang out the door, each of them headed towards a different direction.
"Try not to run anyone over this time." She called out to him.
"I don't run into people, they purposefully get in my way."
After waving goodbye to her, he placed the earbuds in, music already blasting full volume as he skated down the hallway, not caring about if it was allowed or not.
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The little twinkle of the bell chimed, letting Hongjoong know that someone had just come in. Although it was well past closing time, he knew very well who it was that just strolled through those doors. He didn't even look up from his task of wiping down and sanitizing his workplace.
"Hey handsome."
Unwillingly, he smiled softly at his girlfriend's words.
"Hey gorgeous." Finally looking up, he winked at her and caused her cheeks to heat up with a light shade of pink.
Clearing her throat, she asked if he was almost done, to which he affirmed that he was indeed.
"Just let me pack up my things and then we'll go to your place and cuddle." He began putting the tattoo needles, ink and tubes into a black case, making sure it was all neatly arranged and locked tightly.
"My place? But I bought chicken. I thought we could give some to Yeosang." She held up the plastic bag that contained their purchased dinner.
Slumping an arm around her waist, Hongjoong poked his bottom lip out.
"Sometimes I think you're more nice to Yeosang than me."
She shook her head at him and his cute and subtle jealous antics.
"Kim Hongjoong, are you jealous of Yeosang?" She teased him.
Pulling her against him, he whined softly as they made their way out of the tattoo parlor. He sighed as he locked up and punched in the security code.
"I'm not jealous of him....."
Walking over to his car, he made sure to open the door first for her as he usually did every time they went out.
"I'm just making sure you're still interested in me."
He held her hand the entire ride back to her place, even against her protests and lecture about safe driving. When she pulled her hand away so he could place it on the steering wheel, it instead rested on top of her thigh, pinching it softly at times, which resulted in Y/N's own hand smacking it for going too hard at times. Hongjoong just laughed and continued his obnoxious teasing on her, loving to annoy her and get her frustrated with him. When they pulled up to her place, she didn't even allow him to open the door for her. Instead, she sauntered off inside, closing the door behind her and locking it before he could get in.
"Haha very funny babe, now please open the door."
A minute passed but still she didn't respond. Hongjoong began pressing on the doorbell repeatedly. When that still didn't work, he called her, but he was sent directly to her voice mail.
"Aish! Seriously this girl..."
Hongjoong began pounding on the door.
"Yah L/N Y/N! Open this door right now missy! You want me to get angry with you?!"
On the other side of the door, Y/N cupped a hand over her mouth, muffling her laughter at his reaction.
"If you don't open the door, I'll- I'll..........I'll serenade you so loudly your neighbors will complain."
Taking a deep breath, he was about to start singing, but Y/N instead opened the door.
"Dear God, I get punishing me, but what did my neighbors do to get tortured so mercilessly by your banshee cries?"
She finally let him in after that scene.
"I'll have you know I'm actually a pretty decent singer." He stated in a matter of factly.
"Oh I know Hongjoong." She assured him as she began serving him a plate of food.
"You do?" He was puzzled as he tried to recall a time where he sang in front of her.
Not able to suppress a smile, Y/N confessed:
"One night after you came home late and thought I was asleep, I heard you when you began singing Rebel Love Song while playing with my hair."
As she sat down the plate in front of him and looked at him, his already fair complexion seemed to grow more pale and he suddenly looked embarrassed. He awkwardly toyed with his food.
"So......you heard the entire thing...?" He opted for focusing on eating as much as he could before he completely lost his appetite.
Y/N tried to keep a straight face as she sipped on the juice from her cup, ultimately failing when she spat it back inside, almost choking on the citrus liquid. Her boyfriend now threw the unwanted chicken wing back in his plate.
"Well I guess I'm not eating tonight. Good bye. I'm going to go crawl under the bed and die of embarrassment."
She looked at Hongjoong's slumped back as he headed into her bedroom. Wanting to let him change and wash up, knowing he'd take a while removing all that makeup that for some reason never caused a breakout on his flawless skin, she began clearing out the table and washing the dishes. Making sure to wrap the leftovers so he could take to his friend, she made her way into her room where Hongjoong was already on the bed, scrolling through his phone with a cringed look on his face.
"What is it?" She asked him as she began changing into her pj's.
"My idiot roommate. Wasn't watching where he was going and ended up stumbling on a dent on the sidewalk."
Hongjoong held up his phone to let her see a picture of Yeosang's dislocated elbow. She winced back in pain as she saw it.
"Ewww! Is he ok? Does he want us to take him to the hospital?"
Hongjoong shook his head.
"Yeosang would never EVER go to the hospital because of a skating accident. Besides, he's had so many that he somehow knows how to fix them."
Pulling up another picture, he let her see a selca of Yeosang holding up a peace sign as the caption read: "Hehet. I popped it back into place."
Y/N actually thought that was funny. Yeosang was a very funny character even when he didn't try to be. Snuggling herself up to her boyfriend, she let him move her leg so it could be wrapped around him, his thumb playing with the hem of her pink shorts. His hand then trailed up, untying the drawstring before pulling them just a little bit down to expose her powerpuff girls underwear.
"Hey!" Y/N swatted his hand away when he began bursting out at her choice of 'lingerie.'
"I'm sorry! It's just so cute." He tried explaining to her.
She wasn't amused however and turned away from him, her back facing him.
"Awww come on baby. I meant it when I said it was cute. You know I didn't mean it to be mean."
Hongjoong wrapped his arm around her waist, his lips peppering kisses on her cheek and temple.
"Yeah but I bet you'd prefer it if instead it was black lace and the skin around it had ink or jewelry."
Although she meant to only mumble that under her breath, Hongjoong heard her plain and clear.
"Ok what kind of talk is that? Why are you saying such things Y/N?"
She was going to crawl under the blanket but Hongjoong gave her no time to as he rolled her onto her back so he could look at her, not about to let her go until she explained the meaning of her words.
"I mean.......Hongjoong you're the dark, mysterious emo guy every girl thirst for at campus." She began.
"Guilty as charged." He joked.
Y/N chuckled slightly at his cute joke, but then went back to her somber expression.
"But...?" He urged her to continue.
"And I'm the complete opposite of you. You're black, I'm pink. You're leather, I'm fleece......you got your fucking dick pierced while I the only thing I have pierced are my ears."
"Ok, I see your points, but I'm still lost as to where you're trying to get with all this?" He tilted his head.
"My point is this. Wouldn't you rather be with someone who matches you better? Colorful colors on her hair? Piercings cascading down her earlobes and tattoos in places only you'll be able to see?" Her eyes looked away from him, afraid to see something she wouldn't like.
Hongjoong finally understood her insecurity. He wasn't going to lie, more than once he often felt the same way towards her. Why would a beautiful, dedicated, classy, pure and sophisticated woman settle for someone like him? But he never imagined that she'd be thinking the exact same thing. His fingers brushed away the strands of hair that were covering part of her face.
"Y/N....... if I wanted someone like that, I could have hooked up with them a long time ago. But I didn't want them. I wanted you then and I only want you now and I'll still want you later on in life."
She melted at his reassuring words, eyes and lips forming into a puppy face that always made him weak.
"You mean it?"
Bending down, he placed a loving and gentle kiss on her.
"I mean it. So don't worry about getting your body pierced or tattooed." He grinned at her.
Y/N bit down on her lip as she was about to tell him something.
"Well actually........I might need your input on something..."
He motioned for her to speak up.
"I actually wanted to get a tattoo and I was wondering......if you could do it..."
His mouth dropped at her words, brain trying to process if he just heard her right.
"Are you serious or...?"
She nodded.
"I'm serious. I want to get a tattoo and I want you to do it."
Looking at his still dumbfounded expression, it was now her turn to make fun of him.
"I mean, if you don't want to, that's ok. I'll just ask San to do it. It could probably be a better idea and I could surprise you instead."
"I mean, where do you even want to get the tattoo?"
Y/N smirked as she lifted her shirt up and exposed her breasts. She trailed a line right below them and signaled exactly where she wanted to get it. Hongjoong's face flushed as he began to imagine his already sexy girlfriend with an under breast tattoo decorating her chest, causing him to feel needy in seconds.
"Fuck baby.....are you trying to kill me?" He gulped.
"So is that a yes? Can you ask San to do it and I'll show you the finished result?"
Hongjoong chuckled as he grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head.
"Do you really think I'm going to let anyone else see my girlfriend's chest when only I'm allowed to? Hell no. I'll gauge their eyes out first."
Y/N let out a half squeak half moan when Hongjoong bit down on her neck, tongue gliding down her exposed skin as his hands began ridding her of her clothes one by one.
"Let me remind you that you're mine and will always be mine."
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Throwing a rubber ball that struck straight into his target's head, Yeosang held up a fist in the air.
"Still got my aim." He declared, flexing his arm muscle.
Hongjoong however was not amused.
"You know...there's more than one way to dislocate an elbow than tripping on a sidewalk." He threatened him.
Letting out a small 'pfft', Yeosang took out his phone.
"Do you still have that video presentation we did for Professor Yoo's class."
"Ummm.......hold on, yeah I think so?" Hongjoong began scrolling through his phone.
"Ok well if you do, send it to me, I need to go over a few things for our upcoming midterms."
Hongjoong gave him a questioning gaze.
"Yeosang...midterms aren't until 3 months from now."
Yeosang raised an eyebrow.
"Did I fucking stutter?"
Not wanting to argue with the hot headed boy, Hongjoong just went back to searching through his files and let him know he'd send it once he found it. Yeosang meanwhile went back to his room, flopping down on his bed and resumed his previous activity of watching a horror movie on his phone. Tiny snorts would occasionally come out of his mouth when a jump scare would happen or sometimes even a twisted smile would form on his face when a particularly brutal or gory scene would be displayed. Even if he was scary and dark himself, Hongjoong often judged and questioned how Yeosang could possibly sit there watching people get violently slaughtered or severed without getting fazed or even batting an eyelash. Hongjoong actually suspected Yeosang actually enjoyed it and more than once contemplated whether Yeosang or not could be a potential serial killer.......
Then he remembered the boy also had Ponytail as his ringtone to quote unquote 'Wake up in a happy and cheerful mood.'
A notification popped up. Opening his messages, he saw it was from Hongjoong himself.
'Took me a while, but here you go. Knock yourself out I guess.'
In typical Yeosang fashion, he didn't even thanked him, he simply left him on read as he usually did. Pressing play, he flipped his phone sideways so he could make it go into full screen mode. He was disoriented when he heard music playing on the black screen, knowing fully well he didn't use such kinky music like that while editing the video, in fact he didn't use any music at all.
"What the fuck?"
He squinted his eyes when a scantily clad girl came into view. A male hand, belonging to whom he presumed to be recording the video, was seen running his thumb across her luscious and red tinted lips. The hand then reached down and picked up a black leash which was attached to the black choker on her neck. It had a red heart pendant on the middle, some engraving that he couldn't make it on the center of it.
"You know what to do kitten. Put that pretty mouth of yours to work." He heard the male tell the girl in front of him.
"The fuck kind of kinky porn did he decide to send me?"
Yeosang's cringed expression soon turned to shock when the male tugged on the leash roughly, pulling the girl forward and making her full face finally show on the camera.
He gulped as he watched none other than Y/N began to pull down, whom he assumed was Hongjoong's briefs, down his thighs. When his erect cock hit his stomach, Yeosang's eyes nearly bulged out of his eyes.
"Holy shit Joong!"
His hand covered his agaped mouth as his eyes stared intently at his roommate's most intimate part, covered in piercings that he definitely did not know about. He knew about the nipple piercings, both of them having walked around shirtless at one point in front of each other. But seeing his Hyung's dick full of jewelry started making him get hard and watching Y/N wrap her lips around it, slurping sounds coming out her mouth as she began taking him in until he hit the back of her throat was not helping his case. His hand that was resting on his thigh unconsciously moved towards the growing tent forming under his sweatpants, lightly running across his length.
He heard Hongjoong emit a low hiss when she gave him a particular hard suck.
"Fuck! You're such a hungry and desperate cockslut aren't you? How about I treat you like the whore you are and fuck your face?"
Yeosang sucked in a breath as he watched Hongjoong yanked the leash on Y/N to keep her in place as his hips began to thrust forward. Yeosang couldn't help but palm himself harder, biting down his lower lip in an effort to keep his moans down. Watching Y/N release choked moans and drool pool down her chin from how hard Hongjoong was face fucking her was honestly one of the hottest things he'd ever seen. He nearly came in his pants with the lightest of touch when he witnessed Hongjoong pull out and spurt out his cum all over her face, covering from her forehead and dripping down her cheeks and chin, her tongue darting out to swallow some of the remnants left on her lips.
Yeosang gulped as he watched the screen go black, only shuffling noises being heard for a minute or two. He debated whether he should continue watching, already feeling guilty as hell that he just watched his Hyung's girlfriend suck him off and get a facial from him. But once the screen lit up again, he nearly fell off his bed as he stared at the scene:
Y/N had her arms tied to the bedpost, crimson red ropes secured tightly on her wrists, an intricate knot placed in the center of it. Her mouth was covered by a ball gag, lace bra pulled down to expose her breasts and her panties were probably discarded somewhere on the floor. He watched Y/N anxiously shiver when Hongjoong slid his cock across her slippery folds, no doubt enjoying the feeling of his Jacob's ladder piercing grazing against her lips and aching clit. He noticed how she tried to roll her hips to feel him more, but Hongjoong's hand slammed down on her stomach and pressed her down onto the bed.
"Don't get greedy now kitten. You'll take what I give you and you'll be grateful got it?"
Hearing his dominant and commanding voice full of authority, Yeosang slipped his hand inside his pants and gripped himself at the base of his cock, unashamed by his actions and wanting to hear more of Hongjoong's domineering tone.
Not satisfied with her answer, Hongjoong slapped her across her face before gripping her chin. It sent a terrified shiver down Yeosang's back seeing Hongjoong treat Y/N with such utter disrespect and yet......she seemed to enjoy it?
"Yes what?" Hongjoong spat out.
Y/N whimpered as she answered him.
"Yes Master."
Yeosang groaned and stopped his hand movements, not wanting to come anytime soon. Through hooded eyes, he watched the rest of the pornographic video play, from when Hongjoong pushed himself inside Y/N to when he had her trembling underneath him as he poured himself inside of her, completely and effectively fucking her dumb as she stared off somewhere completely lost. With a soft grunt and hisses, Yeosang spilled himself all over his stomach, breathing heavily after having jerked himself off to his roommate's private sex tape. Putting his phone down, he reached for the box of tissues on his dresser and began cleaning himself up....
Completely unaware of the eyes that had been watching him intently.
━━━━━ • ஜ • ❈ • ஜ • ━━━━━
Ever since that day that Hongjoong had witnessed Yeosang touching himself to his and Y/N's secret tape, it began giving him a few ideas, ideas that weren't particularly holy at all. It most definitely was an accident and when he realized what he had sent to his roommate he was already off his bed and going over to apologize. He was expecting his somber friend to glare at him or even give him a disgusted look, but he was shocked to find him fully stroking his length, eyes glued to his phone while his mouth released some of the cutest and softest pants he'd ever heard. The sounds kept replaying in his head, especially late at night, often falling asleep to them as if they were some kind of sinful lullaby that he wanted turned into a full blown orchestral song.
And that's how his pretty girlfriend ended up dragged into his unholy desires, dressed to entice in a red two piece lingerie set that he knew would drive Yeosang insane.
"Hongjoong, do you think this is a good idea?" Her hands fidgeted with the bow attached to the middle of her panties.
When they heard the front door signal Yeosang's arrival, Hongjoong looked over at her with a smirk.
"Only one way to find out."
Adjusting the bow on her hair, Y/N watched her boyfriend walk out the room, no doubt going along with his plan of telling Yeosang he had a surprise for him. The boy was probably imagining something like stickers for his skateboard, fried chicken or some cool tshirt Hongjoong would customize for him, he really loved those gifts. Instead, he walked in to find his Hyung's girlfriend sitting on his bed, looking innocent and sexy at the same time. His eyes bulged out, cheeks reddened at the apples and he was whipping his head towards the evilly grinning male next to him, demanding an explanation.
"What? Don't you like my little surprise Sangie? I thought you'd be a little more....excited..."
Yeosang shivered lightly when Hongjoong ran his hand across his pants, gripping softly at the arousal that was forming in them.
"I don't- I don't understand....." Yeosang shyly looked to the ground, hands covering his growing arousal in embarrassment.
"Yeosang I know all about you masturbating to our sex tape."
Y/N kinda felt bad when Yeosang's expression looked guilty and ashamed of himself for even watching it in the first place. But she wasn't going to lie that it turned her on to find out the pure looking skaterboi could have his freaky side and she was more than curious to find out just how wild he could be. She heard, or more like, discerned Yeosang was apologizing to Hongjoong in a very hushed tone. Hongjoong assured him it was perfectly fine and that there was no need to be afraid, that it was after all a present to him. Seeing Yeosang conflict himself with whether this was right or not, Y/N knew it was time for her to speak up.
He immediately responded to her sultry call for him, ready to obey anything she said. When she patted the spot on the bed next to her, his feet quickly moved to sit next to her, although he kept his eyes on the floor, not daring to look her right in the eye and much less at her body. His cute behavior stirred something inside Y/N, a more dominant side of her wanting to come out. She began stroking his hair, which made him visible stiffen and inhale sharply.
"You can look at me Yeosang. It's ok."
Brushing the hair away from his forehead, her hand went down to his cheek, caressing it as she turned his face to look at her. He visible gulped when she asked him:
"Don't you think I look pretty?"
Unable to resist himself, he finally scanned her body, eyes tracing every curve and lingering a little too much on her exposed cleavage.
"You look so fucking pretty." He had to admit.
Hongjoong watched with a proud smirk as Yeosang let Y/N kiss him softly and slowly melt into a more heated kiss. Although he was possessive by nature, something about sharing his most prized possession with his extremely handsome best friend got him riled up and he couldn't wait until they both fucked her dumb. He was just waiting for Yeosang to flip the tables on her, cause he knew that although his girlfriend was taking the lead at the moment, practically devouring the boy inside her mouth and straddling his lap, he also knew Yeosang was more dominant by nature. He just liked to play off an innocent and naive façade only to suddenly flip the switch and have whoever he's with underneath him and obeying his orders. And that's exactly what happened.
As Y/N was getting lost into their heated and sloppy makeout session, she let out a startled grunt when Yeosang's hand gripped the back of her hair, tugging it harshly as his nose brushed across her exposed neck.
"Just cause you're on top right now, doesn't mean I'm letting you take charge. Got it little kitten?" He smirked when he heard her moan out at her favorite pet name.
"Yes Yeosangie-"
She had no time to finish her sentence because Yeosang gripped her chin tightly, effectively silencing her.
"For tonight, forget about Yeosangie. You will only address me as Sir."
With no warning, he flipped her onto the bed, pinning her arms up and diving straight for her neck, making sure to suck and bite hard enough to leave purple blotches splattered across her soft almost velvet like skin. When Y/N looked back at her boyfriend, he was already almost fully undressed, leaving only his boxers on, hand palming himself as he stared at them with lustful eyes. Cupping her breasts, Yeosang squeezed them into his hands before pulling them out of the confining garment. Having always been a boobs type of guy, he of course began to hungrily suck on them, his tongue flicking against her sensitive nipples. Y/N arched her back, her mind wondering where the fuck did the shy skater went to? Was the boy who could barely say 3 words on their first meeting also the same man that was turning her into putty the lower he began kissing down her body?
When Yeosang got in between her thighs, he could not believe how drenched she already was.
"Fuck. We've barely done anything Hyung." Yeosang pressed a finger to her clothed heat.
Finally deciding it was time to join, Hongjoong moved Y/N so that her head was resting on the edge of the bed, prompting Yeosang to move as well.
"I know. She's such a dirty little slut. Gets turned on by even the smallest of things." He teased her as his hand lightly smacked her cheek.
"Don't call her that Hyung.....she's just a little princess. Can't help it if she's just a little spoiled." Yeosang cooed as he began pulling her soaked panties off.
Y/N gasped when Yeosang blew a little air onto her dripping core, eagerly anticipating him to do something. It was Hongjoong though that made her break her gaze from him when he slapped an all too familiar pierced member on her forehead.
"Hey, just cause Yeosang is willing to go soft on you and dote on you, doesn't mean you earned it from me."
Hongjoong tilted her head lower so it'd be easier for her to take him in.
"You're going to work that filthy mouth of yours and suck me dry you dirty kitten. I don't want you getting distracted by Yeosang eating you out or else I won't let you cum tonight." He warned her before shoving his dick inside her warm mouth in one go.
Yeosang only chuckled as he leaned in closer to her heat.
"I'll make sure to make it difficult for her."
Y/N moaned around Hongjoong's dick when she felt Yeosang's wet muscle side across her slick folds. Although he did not own a tongue in like her boyfriend did, he really was making it difficult for her to focus on sucking off Hongjoong. The way he swirled his tongue around her clit, or when he'd give it a particularly harsh suck that shot waves up at her. She could feel him smiling cockily too, he knew the power he held at that moment. Using his fingers to pry her lips open, he dwelved his tongue inside her dripping hole, causing her to briefly mumble out Yeosang's name while her mouth was still stuffed with Hongjoong's cock. She let out a choked yelp when the latter forced his cock deep inside her throat, the ampallang piercing touching her uvula, as his hand came down to strike her cheek.
"You're seriously calling out another man's name after I told you to focus on me you little bitch? Are you too dumb to even do a simple order?"
Gripping the sides of her jaw, he began to fuck her face, causing Y/N to choke around his length but eventually hollowing out her cheeks to welcome his intrusion. Although Yeosang looked up just to witness the sick and twisted scene, he did not deter in his task of eating Y/N out. He was determined to have her cum all over his face. By the way her hips began rolling onto his face and her thighs were closing around his head, he knew she was definitely close. Noticing her body movements as well, Hongjoong firmly looked at Yeosang.
"Don't you dare let her cum Yeosang."
Yeosang snickered amusedly, finding it funny how Hongjoong tried to order him around. Instead, the brat in him decided to completely ignore him, burying his face deeper in her, his mouth working hard to get her to reach that release she desperately wanted to achieve. When she began squirming under him, his hand held her hips down, tongue lapping up all the sweet juices she was pouring out. Yeosang was disappointed that her pleasured moans were currently being muffled by Hongjoong's cock, the latter tensing up when he felt the vibrations all around him.
"Fucking hell!"
Pulling out of her mouth with a loud popping sound, he finished himself off as he came all over her chin and neck, face red and eyes glaring down at Yeosang, who shot him a smug smile as he wiped the remainder of her juices off his chin and nose and licked his hand when he was done.
"You're such a fucking brat." Hongjoong growled at him.
"And what are you going to do? Spank me daddy?" He scoffed at the older male.
Setting Y/N upright, Hongjoong picked her up and set her down on the chair by the computer.
"You're not allowed to move, speak or touch yourself. You'll sit there like a good little bitch and watch what happens when you test me or disobey."
Y/N quickly nodded at Hongjoong's words, watching with fear and anticipation as turned his attention back to a still defiant Yeosang. After stripping off his clothes as Hongjoong told him to, Yeosang obligingly layed on his stomach, wiggling his ass when his Hyung came up behind him. Hongjoong had a suspiciously calm smile as his hand traced the curve of his Donsaeng's back before gently kneading at the flesh on his cheeks. When Y/N saw him reach under the bed for the black velvet bag he had hid just in case, she knew exactly what he was up to and wanted to warn Yeosang, but remembered the strict command she was given.
"Gave up already Hyung? I knew you're just all talk when you said you were a Dom-"
Yeosang groaned when Hongjoong took hold of his arms and swiftly tied them behind his back. Yeosang tested the ropes binding his hands and effectively discovered that they were very tight. He inhaled deeply when he felt something like leather stroke his ass cheeks. Hongjoong let out a soft chuckle as he brought the object close to Yeosang's face so he could take a look at what it was. The brown haired male paled slightly as he looked straight at the top of a black riding crop. Hongjoong used the tip to slightly turn Yeosang's head so he could see the sadistic smile across his face.
"I'm going to show you little brat how us Doms train you into submission."
After patting that stubborn head of his friend, Hongjoong held the riding crop over his head, momentarily keeping it there to keep a suspenseful atmosphere. Y/N looked over at Yeosang with a worried look, meeting her eyes briefly, he sent a wink her way, silently assuring her that he was completely fine with it.
Yeosang let out an almost pained howl when the first strike came down on his ass.
"One." Hongjoong began.
One stroke soon turned to 5, and then 10, Yeosang's milky white skin started as a bright pink but was now a deep red. He kept his face buried in the mattress underneath him which drowned out his screams and whimpers. All throughout his ordeal, Y/N rubbed her legs together, pressing her thighs against each other, quickly becoming aroused once more and feeling needy once more. Yeosang's whining was not helping her case either, if anything his behavior was making her want to disobey her boyfriend as well, her hand creeping dangerously close to her knee.
"Are you going to apologize for being a brat now or should I keep going? The longer you drag this on, the longer it'll take for both you and Y/N to cum. I mean look at her..."
Grabbing a hold of Yeosang's hair, Hongjoong lifted his face so he could look over at the squirming girl on his chair.
"She's practically aching for you to be inside her."
Although Yeosang wanted to continue his defiance, not only was he craving his own release, but seeing Y/N made him rethink his choice.
"Yeosang, I'll tell you what. Give up now....and I'll let you take her ass."
Y/N couldn't believe her ears. Hongjoong wasn't serious was he? Yeosang sucking in a breath answered that for her, and more so when he immediately did as he was asked.
"I'm sorry f-for being a brat Hyung. I p-promise it won't happen again."
Flipping him on his back, Hongjoong gripped Yeosang's red and painfully erect cock in his hand, making the younger boy hiss in pleasure and pain.
"Tell me what you want Yeosang." Hongjoong ushered him to speak up, his thumb running across the other's slit.
"Wanna make our girl feel good. Wanna be buried inside her and fuck her like a queen."
As he spoke those words, he looked at Y/N with hooded eyes, hips bucking up as Hongjoong began stroking him gently, soft moans and grunts coming out from Yeosang's mouth, the very same ones Hongjoong wanted to hear from the beginning.
"And you will baby boy, but can you both be patient for a little bit?"
Hongjoong turned when Y/N let out a frustrated whine, bottom lip poking out.
"I'll get to you soon kitten ok? But let me help Yeosang for a little bit. He hasn't gotten a chance to come even once and he's throbbing in my hand right now."
Having been frustrated for too long, Yeosang melted into Hongjoong's touch when he picked up the pace and began to stroke him harder. He tried biting his lip in an effort to hold back his noises but Hongjoong halted his movements.
"Open your mouth and let those filthy moans come out your throat or else I'll put a cock ring on you."
As if on cue, Yeosang's began releasing the most unholy series of whimpers and whines as Hongjoong pumped him into a dazy haze that would soon be broken and explode all over his Hyung's hand. He just needed an extra push and he'd come collapsing from his already high state. Hongjoong felt when Yeosang began twitching, a sign he was going to come.
Hongjoong immediately dropped to his knees and opened his mouth wide to catch some of the cum that spurted out of Yeosang, leaving Y/N speechless. She knew her boyfriend was rather kinky and had interesting tastes, but this just made her let out a big 'oof' at his actions. And what followed just made her practically drip. Taking advantage of Yeosang's sensitive state, Hongjoong licked up his softening dick and made sure to press his tongue piercing into his slit, making Yeosang push him off, unable to take anymore.
"Ok baby boy, guess you're not ready for overstimulation yet." Hongjoong ruffled his hair before cupping the red faced boy's cheeks and kissing him softly, drilling his tongue in his mouth, letting him not only taste himself but allowing him to play around with his tongue piercing that always made him curious.
They were only broken from their amorous trance when they heard a frustrated squeak coming from the poor girl sitting on the chair in front of them.
"I think we've neglected our princess for too long Hyung." Yeosang was the one who got up and went over to fetch Y/N, who eagerly accepted his embrace and let him carry her over to the bed.
Hongjoong was already getting out the lube to help with the process that was about to come.
"I don't know....I'm tempted to make her wait a little more."
Y/N shook her head furiously to which Yeosang giggled.
"Don't worry princess. I'll make sure you're more than satisfied."
Turning her so her back was to his chest, Yeosang took the lube from Hongjoong's hand and poured some onto his fingers. Hongjoong in turn tilted Y/N's chin, and made her look at him.
"You're lucky Yeosang is nice kitten. If it were up to me, I'd make you wait around and beg like the whiny bitch you are."
Y/N poked her bottom lip out, making puppy eyes at Hongjoong so he wouldn't follow through on it. Wanting to assure her, Yeosang pressed kisses on her shoulder.
"Don't listen to him princess."
Yeosang slipped two of his lubed fingers into her tight hole, reading her body signals and slowly prepping her. Sensing her apprehension, Yeosang looked over at Hongjoong.
"Should we maybe try something else?"
But Y/N didn't want to deter them.
"No! Please! Fuck both my holes."
Yeosang instantly got hard once again at her words. When Y/N pressed herself back onto his length, he got the hint that she wanted them to stop stalling. As Yeosang finished lubing her up, Hongjoong lined himself up at her entrance, not needing to prep her pussy hole as she was practically soaked to the core, making it easy for him to slide inside her. Even after all the times he had entered her in the past months, she could still not get over the feeling of his pierced dick stretching out her walls. Before she could fully get adjusted to him, Yeosang was already sliding into her other tight hole, causing a pained shiver to run down her spine. Hongjoong rapidly kissed her to distract her from the uncomfortable feeling. Yeosang as well slid his hands up to cup her breasts, pinching her nipples softly as he fully inserted his length inside her, fighting the urge to move until she adjusted to his size.
After a few minutes, she pulled away from Hongjoong's kiss and nodded at him.
"You good?" He asked one last time.
"I'm good." Turning her head back so she could look at Yeosang, she added: "Go ahead."
Giving each other an enthusiastic look, both men began moving inside of her. Y/N had never felt so full, each time one of them slipped out of her, the other was already slipping back in, never allowing her to get a moment's rest from the overwhelming feeling they were giving her.
"You're enjoying this aren't you kitten? I can feel you clenching all around me and I bet that other hole of yours is squeezing Yeosang as well."
With no warning, Hongjoong slipped his hand back and struck her ass twice, causing her to yelp.
"Aren't you, you whore?"
As soon as he finished his words, Yeosang stepped in to caress her slapped skin.
"It's ok princess, it's just means we're fucking you right like you're supposed to be."
Y/N loved the polar opposites both of them were giving her. Hongjoong's degradation being softened by Yeosang's praise and care was something she didn't know she needed until she felt a familiar coil build up in her lower stomach.
"She's close..... can you tell Yeosang? With the way she's struggling to breathe and her walls tightening, she's about to burst all over." Hongjoong noted.
Reaching over to fumble with her clit, Yeosang whispered in a raspy voice:
"Cum for us baby girl. Just let it out."
Feeling the coil snap inside, she cried out their names as they slowed down their movements, letting her come down from her high and become relaxed. She was completely unaware of the slick smiles and hints they exchanged between themselves. Taking advantage of her unfocused state, Hongjoong gripped her hips while Yeosang wrapped his hand around her neck, both jolting they began pounding into her at an even fiercer speed than before, loud squealching sounds echoing through the room as incoherent babbling came from Y/N's mouth, tears dripping down her cheeks from their overstimulation.
Hongjoong slapped her ass once again.
"Wrong name stupid, stupid kitten."
Any word she even thought of spitting out was choked out by Yeosang's grip tightened around her throat.
"It's Master and Sir to you little pet."
With tremendous effort, she managed to get out those 3 words in between her whimpered screams that were probably being heard by the neighbors, not to mention the creaking of the bed underneath them. Being overstimulated past her limit, it didn't take long for Y/N to become undone once more, this time even more violently than the previous one. If the boys hadn't been holding her up, she would have collapsed onto the bed. But their strong arms, both tha tattooed ones and the non-tattooed held her up as both boys chased their own release. Through gritted teeth, they let out choked moans, making sure to fill her up to the brim as they coated her walls with their sticky cum. Once they garnered enough strength and their headspace, they pulled out of her, a trail of slick cascading down her thighs. Y/N winced at the sudden void that action left in her, her eyes focused on the ceiling as her mind just stayed blank from all the events that just happened. Yeosang was the first one to get up.
"I'll go run a bath."
Understanding what he was doing, Hongjoong leaned down and brushed some of the hair sticking to his girlfriend's forehead off her face. Kissing the spot gently, his tone turned more soft and warm than what it had been minutes ago.
"It's ok, you did so well my love. We'll run you a nice bath and then tuck you into bed so you can rest ok?"
Her mind barely processed what he said, she simply nodded and allowed herself to be carried by Hongjoong into the bathroom. Yeosang was in the process of making sure the water temperature was perfect and had already added scented bubble bath mix in there to help her relax more.
"You certainly do go the extra mile." Hongjoong pointed out.
Yeosang shrugged.
"Just cause she's not mine doesn't mean I'm not going to take care of her after I practically helped you fuck her brains out."
Both Y/N and Yeosang thought they were too worn out and dumb to fully comprehend the next words Hongjoong spoke.
"As far as I'm concerned, she's also yours after tonight."
Y/N craned her neck to look at Yeosang's reaction, who sat there incredulous.
"I mean, if you don't want to I understand..."
Hongjoong looked over at his lover, knowing fully well she would not mind adding their savage yet charismatic accomplice into their relationship. After Y/N gave him a reassuring smile, Yeosang stood up and took her away from Hongjoong's embrace.
"Guess you're mine now too princess."
━━━━━ • ஜ • ❈ • ஜ • ━━━━━
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booksweet · 3 years
Could I request a Gojo fic/drabble/whatever based around Halsey’s song Colors?? I feel like it fits Gojo perfectly. Angsty. Fluffy. Whatever you’re feeling.
Hollow Purple
starring: sorcerer!Gojo x human!reader
synopsis: there was happiness when blue and red met, but they didn't know grey would claim their place in between them.
contents/warnings: ANGST, SFW, slightly mention of blood, trauma, violence (if I miss something, please warn me), both reader and Gojo are 18+
WC: + 2k
A/N: hello, anon! I swear to god I tried to make it a fluff, but I coulnd't, it screamed angst on my mind. This request reminded me I'm into writing pain stuff like my heart was broken a thousand times, and I wish I could say sorry for the pain, but I'm NOT hahaha no regrets. Enjoy!
tags @noritoshiikamo
main navi | masterlist
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You were gone. You were gone and destroyed every piece of him, every inch of him were carved by you.
He knew by the first time he saw you that you'd have so much power over him, you could end him without even using words.
And that's what happened.
You with your beautiful eyes, and beautiful red dress. You broke him.
His blue eyes now devoid of bright, of color.
But he knew it was his fault.
His fault to insist bringing you to his world while you should've had stayed in yours, oblivion to everything related to jujutsu. Yet, he couldn't regret it. He would never regret meeting you, and being with you this whole time until you got apart.
There he was, above the skies, searching for cursed spirits who ran away from him, their fear reasoned since he was the strongest above all. He couldn't care less about their feelings. Within the curtain, without non-jujutsu sorceres, he just wanted to finish that spirits as fast as he could to call his day off and eat some sweets.
"Guess I'll have to go a little rough now, uh?" With a movement of his hands, he felt his cursed energy shaking inside him like an ocean of power, such powers had he overwhelmed by years until he could plenty control them.
But suddenly he felt another presence, aside cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcerers, he felt a human presence. With a frown of his browns, he took off his blindfolds, revealing beautiful blue eyes, in order to find out who or what was that feeling. His flowing energy all at once disrupted.
And then, he found you. He found you walking calmly through the lonely streets wearing a red dress he could never forget. "What an interesting..." He muttered checking out if you were truly human, six-eyes working hard to find it and, when he was certainly of it, his interest on you just grew even harder.
You were about to cross an alley between two buildings and he took the chance to teleport there by connecting his hands. You took a few steps and stopped to admire some store's window and he couldn't help but wonder how you were still there in that chaotic place so relaxed and withou fear.
"Who are you?" He came closer to you and you stepped back with surprise, staring at that tall white-haired man with suspicious eyes and a smirk on his lips.
"Who's wanna know?" Your hands ready to punch his face if he dared to try something on you. His growing interest reached alarming levels as his heart bumped hard on his chest.
"I'm Gojo Satoru," He said without approaching you, and with a bow, he added. "The strongest above all. At your service."
"The strongest?" You said while lifting your chin up to him in defiance. "Oddly of you to say that, isn't?"
And he at that right moment, he knew he was lost. He was lost to you.
- x -
He was supposed to protect you, he was supposed to take care of you ever since you met. Instead, he brought you danger, he brought you pain, he brought you despair.
What's the point of being blessed with six-eyes if he couldn't protect the only one he cared the most?
Not a bless, but a curse. A sin held upon his shoulders. A burden so heavy he couldn't breath.
A sin so harmful that had stained you. Your naive soul. Innocent. Heavenly.
And he missed you. He missed your red lips. You red clothes. He missed how your smile seemed to warm him just like the red sunset you two watched once. His blue eyes missed staring at your for hours, drowning in yours.
Blue and red.
Red and blue.
Two parts independent from each other, yet they floated against them, their souls wiling to be one.
Convergence and divergence.
Divergence and convergence.
And when both opposites reunite...
The second time you met, Gojo wasn't on a mission and you weren't in danger at all. You had an average day and stopped by a coffee shop to drink some hot coffee, eat your favorite sweet and maybe read your favorite book just to get away from craziness of your life, you wanted to relax. You were at your favorite table, alone, and the costumers were passing around you and you weren't giving them attention when the doorbell left out a "ring!".
He couldn't help but desire some sweets, it was his nature as sweet-eater. He knew he would bring attention to him, he was tall, handsome as hell and was wearing a blindfold, of course everyone would've looked at him.
But you hadn't looked at him. You didn't even take your eyes out of the pages to check what happend at the cafe. Nevertheless, once again you caught his attention and he recognized you from your first meeting. "What do we have here?" He muttered with a glimpse of a smile on the corner of his lips.
He ordered a chocolate cake and signed the waiter to take it to your table. Meanwhile, he moved his long legs on tour way, like you were a force bringing him closer and closer each step. He moved the chair loudly and had his seat in front of you. "Hello, Y/N! Long time no see, ugh?"
Surprised by his suddenly entrance, you put your book down and looked straight at him. That weird man you met months ago, still you felt different about him. "Long time no see, strongest above all" you replied playfully. "What bring your majesty up here?"
— x —
When you third met, it was your first date. That turned into a second, and then a third, a fourth... And suddenly you were about all his life, above your weird friendship. All at once you became the one he needed the most to feel himself.
Yet he chose not to tell you about jujutsu. He chose not to tell you about his powers. About why he couldn't stay a little longer with you at your place. About where he would've been travel out of city for weeks without giving any news if he was okay.
He dissapeared for weeks in a roll. And you worried about him. About his blue eyes. You worried about never going to see him again, even though you didn't figure out what you feared at all.
Once, he came back of one of those long trips, after several weeks of nothing about him, but what he gave you to remind of him — his shirt, a photograph of you two, one of his blindfolds.
And you couldn't help but cry while kissing him. You couldn't help but to say you loved him you never wanted for him to disappear. And he would retrieve, he would say he loved you so hard you had him in your hands. He was yours to be loved, to be destroyed.
The strongest on his knees at a human's mercy.
Had never his eyes sight such a colorful being, such a colorful existence. He was at your mercy, his existence, his entire being was yours to paint, to stain, to rip him apart if you wanted.
And then, when you two lay down together, messy sheets and pillows. Blue and red met once again, but not apart, they were together. That time blue and red turned into a beautiful tone of purple.
— x —
Someday you would find out, he knew it. Yet, he still longed for time to be with you, time to be himself without necessarily being the strongest, the head of his clan, the balance between cursed spirits and jujutsu sorcerers.
But he knew he had no time, you had no time with him. There wasn't enough time with jujutsu and curses. They would've come for you by anytime.
He masked his worries from you. He always seemed so happy in his nonchalant and playful way. Always trying to annoy you and make you laugh everytime you spent together.
You mocked the "strongest above all" out of him every opportunity you had. And this had him caring about you more and more.
But then it wasn't a joke anymore.
Jujutsu were real.
Cursed spirits were real.
And you were just a human.
Blood. Red. Everything is red. Everything is blood. Pain. You were in pain screaming. You couldn't see what hurt you, but that ominous feeling was still there in your place. "What happened? What happened? Who are you? Who are you?" You couldn't help keep muttering it like a prayer, thinking of Gojo who was to come by and see your hurt state.
But Gojo Satoru felt the overflowed cursed energy arisen from your place. His bare eyes naked with worry and, for the first time, fear. And then he broke. Every piece of him.
He found you on the floor, muttering non-sense words — including his name in your dizzy state — blood running over you limbs, torso and head. A cut on your beautiful face. And above you, at the ceiling, that goddamn cursed spirit laughing out loud mocking you. Mocking your pain. Your despair.
He ran out of control. He released this powers untamed, uncontrolled. In a blink of an eye he exorcised that cursed spirit from existence. He was furious, feral. He could bring fire to the world if it means to keep you safe, to keep you alive. "Y/N?" He came closer to you, checking out your pulse as his hand held your wrist. It was so weak his heart almost stopped. "Don't leave me, please. You don't deserve to die."
— x —
When everything fell apart, he took you to Shoko at Jujutsu High nursery. She healed your physical wounds in silence while he stayed by your side. You kept unconscious the process, sometimes mumbling while your expression turned into a painful one.
When you woke up at his place, you said nothing. Nothing came out from your mouth, even though he tried to make you speak. He kissed your forehead, your cheeks. You could hear him say "Love, love, love, please, talk to me" in a desperate broken tone.
Yet you couldn't say a thing.
When purple turned into grey, everything faded away. Everything blurred.
Happiness overpowered by despair and pain. You were broken such as the beautiful thing you two had.
"Y/N, please, please, I'm begging," Once more his voice muffled on your ears. Why they hold such pain? "I'm on my knees, Y/N, please, come back, come back to me."
He told you the truth about him so many times expecting some reaction, something from you. Yet he received anything at all. You were numb to reality, there was nothing he could do about that.
But one day, after weeks and weeks of him trying to call you back, you spoke for the first time. Pale eyes meeting him lifeless. And he felt his world falling apart again. "I want to go" You whispered and he widened his pretty eyes full of tears.
"What, Y/N?"
"I want to leave. I wanto to go away from here. Take me out, take me out, take me out..." You kept saying repeatdly, each time a knife stabbing his heart.
"Y/N, love..." He tried to touch your hair, but you moved away from him.
"No, no," You muttered afraid. "It's your fault. The monsters. The blood. The pain..." You shrunk yourself in your bed, crying. "The nightmares. It's your fault." Your crying getting louder and louder. "I wish I could forget you."
"Y/N, I-I," He struggled his words, afraid and crying. "You know I can protect you, you know I will."
Your voice cold in his ears aside your tears. "No, you can't."
— x —
Blue bright eyes once, but not anymore. Not when the reason they shone for now It's gone. When you've chosen to forget him since your accident.
That was what you asked, to forget. To forget the pain, the blood the nightmares, him...
It was quite easy to manipulate your memories, cursed energy manipulation and then it's done. Not that it means it did not hurt him, but it had to be done.
When light came back to your eyes, Gojo's bright faded away.
When you smiled red, blue was not his color anymore.
When your life was colorful, his was grey and devoid of any color.
Red and blue turned into purple. His heart was craved by yours, when you were together.
Purple danced in front of his eyes as his memories overflowed his mind. Blue eyes crying because of red.
Blue eyes seeing grey because now red is gone forever and blue is alone.
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ghostdrew22 · 3 years
Can I request a draco x reader where they just stay together all day even tho its a school day so they just like skip school all day and then one of their friends catch them? It probably sounds confusing but I LOVE YOUR WRITING
Where Words Fall Short || Draco Malfoy
So I changed it into a teacher catching them instead, I hope it still suits your fancy. Thank you so much for this request, I had quite a nice time writing it <3
Requested: Yes Pairing: Draco Malfoy x fem!reader Warnings: mentions of mental illness? Idk what I should be warning you against in this one tbh so if you find anything then let me know <3 Summary: Draco is having a hard morning so Y/N keeps him company and they ditch lessons.
WORDS : 2114
Growing up, Draco continuously watched as a curtain was drawn above the topic of mental health in his household. What should’ve been long, informative discussions about his withstanding family history and hereditary struggles with mental health, was broken down into, “Your father just gets a bit overwhelmed sometimes”, and “Your mother is a woman, and as women do, she often gets erratic until she tires herself out.”
None of it was true, of course, just excuses used to try and avoid the problem. But it wasn’t discussed. Not when Narcissa would sleep for days on end, or when Lucius was hospitalised, and especially not when Draco began to display symptoms similar to his parents. The family healer was called in, Draco was diagnosed and medicated, and it was discussed no further. Because words were just not the Malfoy way.
You’d long become accustomed to his habits when he wasn’t feeling well, he’d told you himself about his struggles, and you’d adjusted quickly enough. Now you know, just by the sight of him, when he’s having a rough day. As hard as Draco tries to follow in his parent’s footsteps and draw a veil on his suffering, he just can’t bring himself to do it when you’re around. You make him feel safe.
You read the watch on your wrist, 8.10am, and sigh when you notice that Draco’s still not in the Great Hall for breakfast. Draco prides himself on being organised and punctual, so when he’s even five minutes late to breakfast you know that he’s having one of those days and he might just not get out of bed.
“He’s just running late this morning, I watched him walk to the showers.” Crabbe says beside you as he notices worry etch its way onto your features. You nod and smile at him.
“Thanks Crabbe.”  You respond before grabbing the empty plate on your other side and filling it up with Draco’s favourites.
It’s another ten minutes before Draco finally walks into the Great Hall, and you feel your heart wrench at the sight of him- hair still wet from showering, faint bags beneath his eyes and a solemn look painting his face- he looks exhausted. You smile at him when he settles into the space beside you and he smiles back, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
He interlocks your fingers together as he sits down and you slide the plate of food toward him. He kisses the back of your hand as a thank you and you nod before turning back to your own food. On mornings like this conversation is sparse- it’s like a useless chore that you can both afford to forget- and you both resort to actions as a means of conversation.
Normally, words would be spent on endless declarations of love, confirmations of support, queries of comfort and insurmountable pleas to just sit in silence together. But now, now with this routine and understanding that sits comfortably on the border of your relationship, words no longer need to transpire between you both in order for there to be a mutual understanding of what you both need.
Most kisses are ‘I love you’ or ‘thank you’, but every so often when Draco paints every square inch of your face in adoration with his lips, then he’s telling you that you’re beautiful, that every piece of you is just another reason for him to fall deeper into love with you. Hugs are usually him begging for attention, trying discreetly to drag you away from whatever it is that you’re doing and bring you down to his dorm with him for cuddles.
But Draco’s preferred method of communication on days like this, is squeezing your hand. Information by hand squeeze increases in degree; one is ‘I’m fine, just tired’, two is ‘I’m probably going to disappear halfway through the day for some alone time’, and three is ‘Please spend the day with me’.
So when you feel that familiar pressure against your hand come in waves of three that morning, you know that he’s having a particularly bad day. You turn to him and nod, and this time when he smiles at you, it actually does reach his eyes.
When the first lesson of the day is underway, Muggle Studies, you and Draco are lying in his bed in his shared dormitory. There’s a risk of one his roommates coming back to collect a forgotten book or leftover homework, but it matters little when the two of you are spaced out in the small world of your own invention. You’re running your hands through his hair as his head sits comfortably on your chest, and his fingers are running up and down your other arm in an effort to keep him occupied.
The two of you spend the next few hours like that, just lying in his bed in silence as Draco thinks himself into oblivion and you try to calm him down. It doesn’t work though, and at some point you grow frustrated at the amount of tension that he’s built up in this shoulders, and demand that he gets up.
“Why?” He asks with furrowed eyebrows as he lifts his head off of your chest.
“Do you trust me?” He nods, and you smile. “Good, then come on.”
You pull him behind you quietly as the two of you roam the castle and head toward the Astronomy Tower- trying desperately not to arouse suspicion and get caught skipping lessons just as the day is ending.
When you reach the top and see that the sun is shining faintly, a satisfied sigh escapes your lips. All that cold and darkness in the dungeons wasn’t good for Draco and you’d lugged him all the way up here for some sunshine. You know that it won’t really fix anything that’s bothering him, but at least the Vitamin D might lift his spirits a little bit or help him to relax a tad more.
You sit on the ground and pull Draco down to sit beside you. He drops his head against your shoulder and pulls the back of your hand up to his lips, Thank you, is what the action says and you smile at the small acknowledgement. You lean your own head against his that’s resting on your shoulder and he shuts his eyes in content as you pull out the book that you’d brought up to read.
“Should I read to you?” You ask and he nods very softly, so you do as he asks and begin to read the novel out loud.
It’s mundane, sure, but Draco thinks that he could spend the rest of his life like this. When words have always failed him, you’ve been there to pick up pieces of his unsaid ministrations. Most people, if not all the people in his life, have always found his failure to conjure up words and describe his feelings, annoying. But not you, never you, you have always loved the way he tries so hard to show you his love instead of tell it to you. Whenever he feels torn apart, like a rag doll being tugged on both arms, you somehow manage to remind him that he’s made of skin and bone, not cloth and plastic. It’s you that reminds him he’s worth something, even when he feels as though he’s worth nothing.
“Hmm?” You respond absent-mindedly as you turn your head slowly away from the pages and toward Draco. When you catch a glimpse of his contorted features, concern washes over you. “What’s wrong? Do you want to go back inside?”
“No, no.” He shakes his head softly and smiles at you. “I just want to chat, is that okay?”
“Well… I was enjoying this book…” You tease and laugh when you see that he’s not amused. “I’m kidding, am’ all yours love.” You peck him on the lips quickly before closing your book and putting it aside.
He sighs, “I’ve been thinking-”
“Oh, that’s never good.” You immediately respond and he narrows his eyes at you which makes you laugh, “Okay, I’ll stop now.”
“You’re lucky I love you.” He says with a roll of his eyes, and a small smile, before he takes a deep breath and continues. “I’m going off my meds.”
You take a moment to digest what he’s said before nodding slowly, “Oh…”
“Oh…?” He raises his eyebrows in anticipation, worried that you won’t support his decision. “Are you mad?”
You’re taken aback by his question and turn to face him in confusion. “Mad? Why would I be mad?”
He shrugs, “I don’t know, mother was furious when I told her.”
“Okay, but your mother is notorious for having the emotional range of a green bean,” Draco, albeit begrudgingly, laughs at your comment with a shake of his head, “What? Am I wrong?” You ask with a laugh as well.
“You’re not wrong but that’s not the point. You’re bloody rude!” He tries to stop laughing but it’s not working and soon enough the two of you are rolling around on the ground, crying your eyes out in laughter.
After a good three minutes has passed the two of you have finally calmed down and the serious atmosphere has returned. “I’m not mad Draco, I could never be mad at you.”
“You were mad that time I tried to force a Ravenclaw to do my Muggle Studies research for me.” He says in a matter-of-fact tone and you shove him lightly.
“That was because you were harassing that innocent child!” You exclaim with another giggle, “I’ve never been mad at you for doing something that involves only you.”
“What about when I dyed all my pubic hair-“
“I told you never to speak of that.” You cut him off sternly before he can continue and a naughty smile appears on his lips at the memory.
“That was funny, admit it.”
“We were on vacation with my parents! Do you understand how awkward the conversation we had, after the swimming pool, was? They were so concerned about the fact that I’d brought home a boy with blue armpit hair!” You exclaim with wide eyes and Draco bursts into laughter again. “You’re such an arsehole.” You grumble out with a pout and he pecks you with a smile.
“You love me though.”
“I do… I really do.” You respond genuinely as you stare at him in admiration. Even on his worst days, when exhaustion wears his face like a mask and words fall short from his lips, he’s still the love of your life and nothing can change that. “I’m really proud of you, for making a decision like that.”
“Thank you.” He sighs and you can tell how much this has been bothering him over the past few days, if not weeks, by the way his shoulders finally relax. “I just don’t think they’re doing what they’re meant to. I don’t feel any better.”
“Mhmm.” You nod at him to continue as you take his hand in your own.
“I don’t feel worse either though, I feel the same. It’s been a year and I feel the absolute bloody same.”
“What are you going to do instead?”
“Whatever else the healer recommends.” He shrugs, “If she’s got nothing else that will work then I don’t know.”
“Well… I’m here for you, always.”
“I know.”
And it’s true, he does know, sure as he knows that he’s a Slytherin. There aren’t many things and people that Draco relies on, the fear of them letting him down always a barrier, but you he puts his absolute faith in. Because when words fall short to describe the amount of love that he has for you, and the amount of love that you have for him, there will always be actions and you two will always have each other.
You take your hands and cup his face in them before peppering kisses all over his face. He giggles under your touch, an effect that you’ve always had on him and he hates, but you make no move to stop until every corner has been graced with feel of your lips. It’s every word that you could possibly say to him, every sentence that could hold the weight of your adoration, because sometimes, words just fall short.
“Y/N-“ He begins when you finally pull away, wanting to tell you that he loves you, but you cut him off with a dopey smile.
“I know.”
The two of you lie down against the cold, hard gravel- fingers intertwined as you both shut your eyes and bask in the soft rays of sunlight. It’s almost perfect.
“Mr Malfoy, Ms L/N.” A voice drawls.
“Shit.” You mumble when you remember that it’s Wednesday- Astronomy.
Did I impulsively write this after declaring I’m going on a week’s hiatus to move? Yes. Did I put off packing for this? Yes. Do I have any regrets? Nope.
love you all,
jean <3
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gojo-x-reader · 4 years
Not So Special Now
Relationship(s): F!Reader x Gojo Satoru
Warnings: canon-typical violence
Tags: fluff (at the end), reader-focused
AO3 Link: here
Words: ~4k
Request: “hello there, i love ur soulmate and marriage life hc 🥺 can you make scenario/hc/drabble whatever u prefer where his fem/gn so is also a sorcerer and gets hurt/injured on a mission? thank you!”
“Are you sure you’ll be fine?” Your boyfriend, Satoru, asked you. His hands were on your biceps, giving it a worried, yet comforting squeeze.
“Yes, Satoru,” you answered, a little annoyed at how he was treating you. It’s been several years since either of you were in high school; this wasn’t your first mission.
“I can’t help but worry, you know. It’s your first ever special grade assignment.”
“Just because I’m not the same rank as you, Mr. Special Grade, doesn’t mean I’m weak. Besides, there are two others going so I’m not doing this alone.”
“I know, I know.” Satoru pressed his lips gently onto your forehead, then gazed into your eyes lovingly. In a rare instance while on the job, his blindfold was replaced with dark sunglasses. You reached up to shift them down, allowing you to gaze into his bright blue eyes. They were breathtaking no matter how many times you saw them. You moved your hands from his glasses to his shoulders, forcing him down so you could reach up to leave a chaste kiss on his lips.
“I’ll see you tonight,” you promised.
The two of you embraced one more time before you joined your other group members for the mission. You turned back and waved at him as the three of you entered the car to be driven to the location for your mission.
“Sure wish Gojo-san was coming with us,” one of them mused. “He could handle this mission single-handedly and we could just stay home.” He sighed deeply, then put in headphones and stared out the window.
“Why isn’t he taking this mission?” your other group member asked. She stared at you, eager to know.
You had just met these two today (not even knowing their names, except that they were both Grade 1 sorcerers like you) and you weren’t sure how well this mission would go. “Well,” you began, “for one, he works best alone. Second, Satoru fights best when he’s away from civilians.” 
The girl hummed, then crossed her arms in thought. The three of you awkwardly rode in silence for about five minutes, before the girl grabbed your arm suddenly. “Soooo, how long have you been dating Gojo Satoru?” She asked eagerly. There was something about her that seemed familiar, but you just couldn’t put your finger on it.
You weren’t sure why this was any business of someone you just met, but you decided to indulge her to hopefully make this awkward car ride, well, less awkward.
“Two years, almost three,” you answered. The two of you had known each other since high school, but it wasn’t until almost four years ago that you had reconnected after you moved back to Tokyo, and almost three years ago when you started dating. To this day you still had no clue why he would get a crush on you over all people. There were much prettier girls he had spent more time with, why you?
“Annnnd? A ring soon?” She gushed, gripping your arm harder.
You shrugged. Satoru and you had discussed marriage at some point, but both of you were busy at the moment, especially with Ryomen Sukuna being somewhat revived into the world. While Yuuji was still technically “dead” to others, Satoru had trusted you enough to tell you about how his student had pretty much been revived from the dead. On your days off, you often visited your boyfriend and helped out with Yuuji’s training regime. He was a nice kid, despite his circumstances and being thrown into the jujutsu world suddenly.
The girl let go of your arm and got out her phone, furiously typing to someone. “Oh, my little sister won’t be happy to hear about this.”
“Little sister?”
“Yeah, my sister Momo goes to Kyoto. She’s pretty close with another girl, Kasumi, who I consider almost like another younger sister. She was super excited to meet Gojo-san a week ago. She’s like a superfan of him or something. I like to indulge her sometimes. I think she even made a fan club for Gojo-san or something. Anyways, Momo, even though she’s friends with Kasumi, she often gets annoyed with her talk about Gojo-san.”
You vaguely remember Satoru mentioning a girl from Kyoto that asked him for a picture. It wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence for your boyfriend to be asked to take pictures with, from the jujutsu world or from civilians; he had devastatingly good looks, so you couldn’t blame any of the people who asked for pictures. Besides, you knew his heart belonged to you and you only, so you were fine with others recognizing his allure.
“Oh, Kasumi’s calling me,” the girl said. She answered her phone, only for a younger voice to scream over the speaker. It was loud enough that you could hear it. Your teammate held her phone away from her ear.
“What do you mean he has a girlfriend?”
“Oh, come on Kasumi. You know how handsome he is. Besides, he’s like, what, twenty-eight? Twenty-nine?”
“Twenty-eight, twenty-nine in December,” you confirmed.
“Way too old for you, ma’am,” the girl relayed to Kasumi.
“I don’t like him like that , Sumi-san! I j-just really admire him, okay! W-Who wouldn’t? World’s strongest jujutsu sorcerer in all.”
“Mhm. Anyway, I’ve got a mission today with the said girlfriend of Gojo Satoru. Want me to get you an autograph?” Sumi joked.
“...Could you?”
You let out a tiny laugh. This girl was funny, so you decided to humor her and leaned toward the phone. “One autograph for Kasumi?”
“M-Miwa Kasumi!” the voice on the phone squeaked out. She told you what kanji made up her name as you rummaged for a scrap piece of paper and pen from your bag. You made out the autograph, laughing a bit as you handed it to Sumi.
After you told her you signed an autograph for her, Kasumi said goodbye, hanging up the phone before Sumi could reply goodbye back. She seemed embarrassed about the ordeal.
“You were right, she seems like a good kid.”
“Kasumi is nice. She really balances out how serious my little sister Momo is,” Sumi responded.
For the rest of the car ride, you and Sumi chatted. Apparently, this was also her first Special Grade mission, as well as her first mission after graduating from Kyoto. Their other group member was also from Kyoto; he was two years Sumi’s senior. His name was Takahashi Daisuke. She didn’t know much about him since he tended to keep to himself. But she did know this wasn’t his first Special Grade mission. That relieved you substantially since you were nervous about this mission (as much as you didn’t want to admit to Satoru).
Eventually, the roads transformed from paved to just dirt. The driver turned onto a road on a hill, then began briefing the three of you on your mission. This was a Special Grade, suspected to be awakened by a Sukuna finger. This was just based on speculation, since the last Special Grade to pop up was from a Sukuna finger as well. The Special Grade had taken over an abandoned shrine, supposedly terrorizing the local village just down the hill (which had been evacuated just hours before). As the driver parked the car, the three of you exited the car. The air was crisp, with a distinct chill in the air. You could sense a particularly strong cursed energy in the premises, on par with Satoru’s cursed energy. You shuddered; this was not going to be an easy task.
The driver placed a curtain around the area, the sky darkening. It only made the situation seem even more grave. There was something in your gut telling you to run, not from being scared of the Special Grade, but because something bad was going to happen.
Sumi grabbed a wand from her belt. Her family was a pretty small sorcerer family on her mother’s side, as she had told you in the car. She and her sister have cursed techniques similar to “witches”; hers involved spells while her sister’s involved levitating a broom, among other objects.
Your cursed techniques, however, involved nature. There was a reason why you were selected specifically for this mission; the shrine was in the middle of the forest, the perfect place for you to go wild. Cities like Tokyo were incredibly constraining for you to use your cursed techniques, so you almost exclusively were assigned missions out in the country where nature was plentiful.
Neither you nor Sumi knew what Daisuke’s cursed technique was, but you assumed it was pretty strong considering he had been on missions with Special Grades before.
The mission started off fine. The three of you approached the shrine. It wasn’t particularly impressive, nothing that you would expect to house a Special Grade curse. The stone torii at the entrance was standing tall, unbothered by neither age nor the moss and vines growing on it. The shrine itself, however, was crumbling. One of the pillars holding up the roof was destroyed, so the roof was lopsided. The shimenawa knots were cut in half, the ends completely frayed. Definitely not a good sign.
After crossing the torii , you felt the Special Grade’s presence. It was overwhelming, unlike anything else you had experienced before. It possessed near-equal amounts of cursed energy as Satoru, but unlike your boyfriend, it held malicious intent within its cursed energy. To your left, Sumi was shaking. You held out a shaky hand onto her shoulder and squeezed. While you yourself didn’t feel confident about this mission now, you had a duty as the oldest member of the group here to be strong, for their sake.
The shrine began to shake, then the roof was suddenly blown off. You used your cursed technique to form a barrier of tree roots that erupted from the ground. Slabs of wood hit the roots, then bounced off. After the rain of wood subsided, you controlled the roots back into the ground in their original position.
You finally got a good look at the Special Grade curse. It was humanoid, but only in form. Its flesh was midnight blue, with eyes covering every centimeter of its body. Great, it had no blind spots. The curse had no apparent mouth, yet you were able to hear it let out an intimidating roar.
Daisuke made the first strike. He quickly pointed a handgun at the Special Grade and pulled the trigger. Out came a burst of his own cursed energy instead of a bullet. The blow just grazed the Special Grade enough for it to let out a screech of pain. Interesting, so this was his cursed energy. You wondered if it was limited to guns, or if he could apply it to a bow as well and use his cursed energy for arrows. You’d have to ask him later after this mission was completed.
It was apparent after Daisuke revealed his cursed technique that all of you were primarily distance fighters. There wasn’t much Sumi could do if her cursed technique focused on spells through her wand apparatus and Daisuke seemed to only have a gun on him. So, that meant you had to switch to a melee approach.
You weren’t the biggest fan of hand to hand combat. You weren’t very strong, preferring to assist from a distance. Recently, Satoru has been helping you learn new ways of fighting in close quarters. You decided to take the risk and make an attempt at using this still relatively new technique. You reached out your hands, summoning leaves from the trees. They surrounded your fists like boxing gloves, your cursed energy reinforcing the leaves to be almost as hard as the bark from the trees they came from.
You sprinted toward the Special Grade, preparing to land a blow. As you reared back for a punch, the Special Grade disappeared from in front of you. Then you felt a blow land on your back and you were sent through the forest until a particularly thick tree stopped your projectile body. Luckily, you reacted quickly enough to reinforce your front with cursed energy. If it wasn’t for your quick thinking, you probably would’ve been knocked out immediately.
You picked yourself up from the ground, but the world was spinning. You leaned against a tree to collect your thoughts and rest a bit. The Special Grade was insanely fast and had no blind spots. You were panicking; this was well out of your skillset. Perhaps Daisuke was right; Satoru should’ve joined in on this mission. But you knew that wasn’t possible, as he also had his own Special Grade mission to handle today.
You brought a hand up to your face and gave yourself a hard smack. This was no time to doubt yourself or panic. You had two comrades out there fighting a Special Grade curse alone. There was no doubt that the Special Grade would notice you if you tried to rejoin the fight, at least on the ground. Your best bet would be to get the high ground; there would be fewer eyes on the top half, so the chances of you being noticed would be less than if you arrived by foot.
Okay, you had an idea. Now, to get an idea of how the fight was going. You kneeled down to the ground and placed your hand onto the ground, closing your eyes. You sent a minimal, hardly detectable pulse of cursed energy toward the fight through the ground. From what nature informed you, the fight was mostly one-sided in favor of the Special Grade. Daisuke was pretty beat up, and Sumi wasn’t in good shape either.
You got up then hurriedly began climbing the nearest tree. As you climbed up, you manipulated the bark to form grooves for you to place your hands and feet on. As you reached a decent height, you created a bridge with the overlapping tree branches sturdy enough for your weight. You sprinted across the bridge, ignoring your double vision. You definitely had a concussion, but now was not the time for you to worry about that. You didn’t wanna lose your comrades on this mission. Not again.
You wiped the tears that were threatening to fall from your eyes. In your final year of Tokyo High, your two classmates were killed right before your eyes on a mission. You escaped out of pure luck, but was determined to get stronger to avenge their deaths. If you let those two die… well, then, that meant you hadn’t gotten strong enough to protect anyone else.
Once you were just out of sight range of the cursed spirit, you closed your eyes to sense the battle again. Sumi was sitting on the ground, back to a tree as she watched the fight between Daisuke and the Special Grade. She was barely conscious, and it seemed like she had lost a lot of blood. You had an idea, but in order for it to work, you needed her help.
Using thin vines, you sent a message within her sight: I am still alive. I’m going to trap the Special Grade curse with branches. Use a fire spell on it when it’s bound.
All you could hope was that she was able to read the message and had enough cursed energy to cast the spell. You began moving branches from distant trees close to the Special Grade, as fast as possible without your cursed energy being detected. Once they were close enough, you waited for the right moment.
As Daisuke finally landed a hit with his cursed energy, moving the curse to the center of the shrine remnants, you launched your attack. The branches extended as fast as you could make them move. The hit Daisuke landed had temporarily slowed the Special Grade, enough for your branches to immobilize it. As the branches gripped the curse, Sumi sent a fire spell toward it, just as planned.
The branches (and the cursed spirit) caught on fire. But something was wrong; normally, you could extract cursed energy from a curse with your cursed technique to exorcise, but that wasn’t happening. Was it resisting? You felt a tug on the branches.
Without thinking, you acted on your own. You re-equipped the leaves cursed technique, as you jumped from the trees above. As gravity brought you closer to the Special Grade, you reared back to prepare the punch you had wanted to introduce it to earlier. As your fist landed on the curse, you allowed the leaves to leave your fist, sending it into the curse’s body. The leaves caught on fire before they entered the curse, imploding it.
So, you managed to exorcise the Special grade. But, doing so took all of your cursed energy and you had no more left to cushion your fall. Luckily, you managed to adjust your fall so that you slid on your stomach parallel to the ground instead of falling headfirst. It still hurt, and you definitely broke a few ribs doing that.
You somehow had enough energy to turn yourself onto your back, looking up at the starry night sky as the curtain was released. Your first Special Grade mission. Everyone lived and you exorcised it without Satoru’s help. Ha. He would be so proud of you.
You began to fall into unconsciousness right as you felt familiar arms lift you up.
When you woke up, you were in Shoko’s infirmary. There was a thin blanket covering your bottom half. Suddenly the events came back to you.
You sat up, gasping for air. Where were Sumi and Daisuke?
“You might want to lay back down,” a familiar voice told you. “Shoko healed you, but the pain might still be there.”
You did as the voice said, laying back at the elevated position you woke up in. You look over and blinked a few times, seeing your boyfriend sitting in a chair next to your bed. He was in his work uniform, including his blindfold. You winced as you felt a pain in your chest; Satoru was right, there still was residual pain.
“I exorcised a Special Grade,” you croaked.
“I know. I’m proud of you.” He grabbed your hand and squeezed it, giving you a soft smile, showing off his tiny dimples. His smile quickly turned to a frown as he lectured, “However, what you did was risky and crazy.”
“Aren’t you the one who says that jujutsu sorcerers have to be crazy to survive?” you argued.
“Yes, but there’s a difference between crazy and throwing your life away.”
“You saw that?” you asked, much more awake than you were a few seconds ago.
“I hurried as fast as I could with my own mission to come assist you if you needed. I got there right as you pulled that stunt of yours.”
You pulled your hand from his and placed your face in both of your hands, embarrassed that he saw you launch yourself from several meters high, use up all of your cursed energy, then make a hard landing onto the ground.
“How’s the other two?” you asked, refusing to move your face from your hands.
“Alive and doing well. You’re the most beat-up out of everyone.”
You removed your hands, clasping them together in your lap. “Thank goodness…”
“There wasn’t a Sukuna finger either,” Satoru reported to you. “The villagers’ fear of the shrine must have caused it to grow to a Special Grade. Now, come on. Shoko said you could come home once you woke up.” Satoru stood up, then scooped you up from the bed. You screamed in protest, now wide awake.
“Wha--Put me down!”
“No can do, honey. Doctor’s orders. Nothing strenuous for the next week.”
“Satoru, I don’t think walking counts as strenuous!”
He smiled his signature shit-eating grin, then gave you a kiss on your forehead. No fair, he knew forehead kisses were your weakness. You melted into his arms at how tender his kiss was, now docile and less likely to argue with him.
In a flash, he teleported the two of you to his apartment, setting you on the bed in front of him. After placing you on the bed, he yanked off his blindfold and began rummaging through his dresser, looking for a set of his clothes for you to wear. He tossed the shirt and pants toward you, not even bothering to turn around while you changed. You’d been together for so long (or at least, it felt like a long time) that there wasn’t anything particularly embarrassing about changing in front of each other.
You winced while lifting your hands up to take off your shirt, so Satoru was by your side in an instant, helping you take off your shift without much pain. He even helped you out of your bra and put on his shirt.
“You don’t need me to help you with the pants, do you?” he teased.
“I think I can handle it on my own,” you replied, standing up and shuffling out of your pants. Satoru’s pants were much too long for you, so you had to roll not only the waistband but also the cuffs so that they didn’t constantly drag on the ground. Not like you minded doing that; there was just something about his clothes that was infinitely more comforting than your own, and he knew that more than anyone else.
As you adjusted the pants, Satoru left the bedroom to head toward the kitchen, no doubt to start cooking some of your favorite foods. You laid down on your shared bed, happy to be home. It was a long day (Days? How long were you even unconscious?) and you were glad to have such a caring boyfriend, even if he was being a little annoying about this.
About an hour later, Satoru came into the bedroom with a tray of food. He wouldn’t let you even touch the chopsticks, insisting on feeding you food because he didn’t want you to “strain yourself.” You thought he was just being a little too overprotective, but you allowed him to feed you anyway. The look of satisfaction on his face was just too cute for you to deny him this tiny pleasure.
After dinner, you immediately wanted to go to bed. Satoru quickly ate his portion of dinner then changed out of his work clothes into something much more comfortable to sleep in. He joined you under the covers, using his cursed energy to turn off the lights. You felt his arms gently snake their way around your waist, pressing you into his front. You sighed in contentment; he was warm, but not too warm.
After a few seconds of silence, you piped up, “Satoru?”
“Thank you for taking care of me. I love you.”
He placed a gentle kiss on your neck, just behind your ear. “Anything for you, my love,” he breathed onto your neck. You could feel him smiling gently. “Maybe we should just get married.”
You grumbled something, not even quite sure what you said or even what he said completely. Before sleep overtook you, you mumbled out one last final “I love you,” incredibly happy to be in your boyfriend’s arms at the moment.
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kamyru · 2 years
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, and Fluff lyrics that match 'Oops! I Said Yes?!' characters
Ukyo Senkawa
Remember all the things we wanted Now all our memories, they're haunted We were always meant to say goodbye - Already Gone, by Sleeping at Last
I wanna taste love and pain Wanna feel pride and shame I don't wanna take my time Don't wanna waste one line I wanna live better days Never look back and say It could have been me - Could Have Been Me, by The Struts
I'm hooked on a feeling I'm high on believing That you're in love with me Lips as sweet as candy It's taste is on my mind Girl, you got me thirsty For another cup of wine - Hooked on a Feeling, by Blue Swede
Togo Daimon
Five years wasted, I'm still young But only by a couple months And then I'm dead for all intents and purposes And I've been slower than I thought At getting my life off the rocks Nobody thinks I'm special yet Nobody thinks I'm special yet - Times Comes in Roses, by Bess Atwell
'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions Wishing on every one that you'll be mine - Dandelions, by Ruth B
You got my attention, so what's your intention? Yeah, tell me, baby, what's the deal? One look and I know it, baby, my eyes reveal That you give me the feels - The Feels, by Twice
Kunihiro Kasai
Throw on your dress and put on your doll faces Everyone thinks that we're perfect Please don't let them look through the curtains - Dollhouse, by Melanie Martinez
There's something tragic, but almost pure Think I could love you, but I'm not sure - broken, by lovelytheband
So expect me to be Calling you to see If you're okay when I'm not around Asking "if you love me" I love the way you make it sound Calling you to see Do I try too hard to make you smile? - Calling You, by Blue October
Kuranosuke Kiba
And then you say to me you made a dumb mistake You start to tremble and your voice begins to break You say the cigarettes on the counter weren't your friend's they were my mate's And I feel the color draining from my face - Be Alright, by Dean Lewis
I'm in serious shit, I feel totally lost If I'm asking for help it's only because Being with you has opened my eyes Could I ever believe such a perfect surprise? - All The Things She Said, by t.A.T.u.
I was selfish Couldn't help it But I still care about you, now I know I'm stubborn But I still think about you 'Cause maybe it was me I just couldn't see But maybe it was me who fucked it up Or maybe it was us So helpless and young Or maybe everything was all my fault And I regret All the times Of leaving you, in the back of my mind 'Cause maybe it was me And I just couldn't see But maybe it was me - Maybe It Was Me, by Sody
I'm not sure you know That the reason I love you Is you being you, just you Yeah, the reason I love you Is all that we've been through And that's why I love you - I Love You, by Avril Lavigne
Eiji Takao
I fell down to Earth From a hundred miles away and somehow I still make it work But it's overrated and somehow played out - Alien Boy, by Oliver Tree
Did you get enough love, my little dove Why do you cry? - Fourth of July, by Sufjan Stevens
I like the way you try so hard when you play ball with your friends I like the way you hit the notes in every song, you're shining I love the little things, like when you're unaware I catch you steal a glance and smile so perfectly Though sometimes when life brings me down You're the cure, my love In a bad rainy day You take all the worries away - I Like You so Much, You'll Know It, by Ysabelle Ceuvas
Shu Hasunuma
I want a perfect body I want a perfect soul I want you to notice When I'm not around So fuckin' special I wish I was special - Creep, by Radiohead
Are you falling in love Or only feeling you are? 'Cause if you're falling in love Let me feel it - A New Kind of Love, by Frou Frou
I'm always on your team, I got your back alright Taking those losses if it treats you right I want to put you into the spotlight - Follow You, by Imagine Dragons
P.S. The hardest was to find lyrics for the 'Fluff' part, because out of 850 songs from my Spotify account (that's 52 h 38 min), probably 700 are sad or borderline sad songs.
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starlit-scarlet · 3 years
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Wherein Levi comforts reader after the lost of a loved one.
A/N: This fic is also posted on ao3 and is dedicated to @artistic-resonance and another reader from ao3, as well as anyone who has ever lost a loved one. I lost my grandma last fall, two other grandparents in 2018, and I felt like we could all use a little comfort from the sweet, gruff man that is Levi Ackerman—that's how I see him at least.
I'd like to preface this with the following: if you feel that reading this would make things worse, please do not read it. The last thing I would ever want is for something I write to make it hurt more. I did this as a way to help, but my feelings will not be hurt if you decide not to read.
In any case, I hope you enjoy this little bit of comfort from our favorite spinny boy.
It was dark, the curtains drawn in tight, not letting a single ounce of sunlight into the living room—matching your current mood. Curled up on the couch under your favorite throw blanket—one they’d knitted for you—and all you could do was stare blankly out into the room in front of you. The cozy, woven material reminded you of them, somehow still smelling of them, remembering how their scent used to bring you peace—though that may have just been your wishful thinking. Your phone lay on the floor where it had slipped out of your hand the moment you’d received the news.
The five stages of grief, and you were in denial, having trouble believing that they were no longer with you, that you would never see them again, that beloved family member of yours that you’d been so close to.
That’s where he found you when he stepped into your home, lying on the couch, and his concern for you was so sudden that his keys slipped from his hand to land on the floor, the tinkling sound resounding through the quiet room.
It was the only word he whispered before he moved. By your side in an instant, he lay down next to you, pulling you close against him, tucking your head against his chest.
The presence of him had the first of many tears slipping out of your eyes as your hands curled into fists in his shirt. You whimpered as you tried to explain to him that someone in your family had passed away through the sobs and hitching breaths that hit your body. Simply murmuring sweet nothings to you, he pressed gentle kisses to the top of your head, stroking your hair and back, his touches tender, ginger, supporting you as you grieved.
“They’re gone, Levi, they’re just gone ,” you wailed, snuggling closer to him.
“I know, baby, I know.” He was the type of man who struggled with emotions, with poetic words, yet he always tried for you. It was a testament to how much he loved you.
Never once did he let you go, never once did he cease the comforting caresses within your hair as you sobbed in his arms, the well of grief threatening to never dry. He was your rock, the one person who could provide you peace, and you didn’t know what you would have done if he wasn’t in your life at that moment.
Thankfully, you didn’t have to wonder.
Finally, after what seemed like ages, the tears began to dry, and you nuzzled in closer against him, your lips somehow curling into a faint smile at the way he kissed the top of your head again. It had taken ages for him to become comfortable with these forms of affection, but he’d learned, and though he still floundered at times, he always did his best.
And that was all that mattered to you.
“Why, Levi?” Your breath hitched. “Why did this have to happen?”
He sighed, massaging at your scalp in a way that made you want to purr against him. “I wish I had a reason, but these things just happen in life.”
His words had you sniffling, more tears threatening to spill. “I wasn’t ready to lose them, Levi.”
“We never are.”
That was part of what was so reassuring with him, that he knew what it was like to lose family, having lost Furlan and Isabel so long ago. You’d been there to help him through it, to help him through his grief, the way he was doing with you now.
“What do I do, Levi?”
“You get through it, and I’ll be here with you, every step of the way.”
It warmed your heart to hear him say that, shivering when he brushed his lips across your forehead. Some people perhaps would wish he was more poetic, more heartfelt. But the simplicity of his responses rang louder than any profound, rhythmic verse could ever dream of being. Somehow, he always managed to give tell you exactly what you needed to hear.
Rising from the couch, he pulled the blanket off of you, scooping you up into his arms, your own coming to wrap around his neck as you cuddled close against him. He carried you into the bathroom, setting you down gently onto the counter while he turned to fill the bathtub with water and some bubble bath before directing his attention back to you once again.
Hands gentle as he removed your clothing, he placed you into the bathtub, your frame engulfed in the water and the soothing fragrance of the bubbles.
He crouched down next to the tub, ruffling your hair in a way that always made you want to hum and purr like a cat. “Do you want me to sit with you, or do you want to be alone?”
“Please, Levi, I...I don’t want to be alone right now.”
He nodded, stripping himself of his clothes, folding them neatly and setting them on the counter next to yours. Stepping into the fragrant bath, he settled in behind you, drawing your back up against his chest and wrapping his arms around your waist.
Head falling back against him, you let yourself enjoy the simple comfort that was Levi holding you. His strong, sturdy arms against your waist, holding you close, reminding you that he would always be there for you. The gentle kisses he pressed along your neck and shoulders, reminding you that he loved you, more than anything in the world. For only you were able to see this soft, sweet side of him, the one that had been locked away before you’d both met.
Tilting your head back, he used a cup— one he kept in the bathroom for this purpose— to pour streams of water down your hair, wetting it. This was his domain, where he was most comfortable. It was how he showed you he loved you, the way he took care of you. You knew it was because his mother had done the same for him when he’d been a young boy.
Her way of making him feel better when he was little, had been to set him in a bubble bath and help him scrub away the day. He’d always been close to her, but had lost her when he was a teen, taken in by his Uncle Kenny shortly after.
A calm sigh slipped through your lips when he scrubbed at your hair with some shampoo, his hands tender, and sweet as he washed away the day, just as his mother had with him. It was a ritual the two of you had shared time and time again, the meaning of it different than between mother and son, but the bonding, the affection, all of that was still there.
Blocking your forehead with his hand, he carefully rinsed out the suds, making sure none slipped down to sting your eyes, pressing a gentle kiss to your temple that had your heart fluttering as you turned to gaze up at him. The warmth in his blue eyes lit up his entire face, the warmth that was only ever there for you.
His hands were ginger and sweet as they caressed down your body, scrubbing and cleaning, seeking to soothe and comfort, not entice and seduce. The gentleness of his hands had you relaxing further into him, reaching a different form of bliss, feeling completely safe and at ease with him.
The two of you stayed that way, relaxing, relishing in the comfort of each other until the bubbles fizzled away and the water cooled. Only then did he rise, lifting you back into his arms and setting you on the floor so he could gently dry you, giving your wet hair a little ruffle before running the coarse fabric through it. Of its own volition, your hand lifted to caress the side of his face, and he simply turned his head to kiss your fingertips.
And people thought him cruel and callous.
Hardly, you mentally scoffed.
Gruff. A bit of an ass. A neat freak. Yes, he was all of those things.
But cruel and callous? How could you ever think him to be that way when he treated you this way? So kind and gentle and sweet. As if you were the most precious thing in his life, and sometimes...sometimes it felt as if you were.
He wrapped the towel around you, moving to dry himself off, though he tutted in amusement when you tried to step out of the bathroom.
“Let me take care of you, alright?”
That had your heart fluttering again, the wings threatening to send it flying, soaring, to land straight into the palms of his hands. As if you could ever resist him.
So when he scooped you into his arms once again, you simply nuzzled into his neck, pressing loving kisses along the skin, already feeling immensely better. The grief in your heart ran deep, but his tender love and care was already helping you heal the wound. It felt as if you were floating, and you almost didn’t want him to set you back down—though the thought was hardly reasonable.
Despite knowing you were perfectly capable of dressing yourself, he helped you anyway, pulling your shirt over your head, followed by a pair of comfortable shorts, chuckling at the way you rolled your eyes at him. That was something else only you and a few select others were worthy enough to see and hear.
His smile.
His laugh.
For only those he felt truly comfortable with was he able to put down his guard enough to enjoy the simple things of life such as humor.
“What do you want for dinner?”
The simple question drew you out of your thoughts once again, and you managed to draw out another chuckle from him when you told him what you wanted. Food from your favorite delivery place, something that meant not having to go out, and meant that he wouldn’t have to take time away from holding you, which is what you needed most.
Once he’d placed the order, he didn’t hesitate to cart you into his arms again—spoiling you to no end—and carrying you out into the living room, where the two of you could settle in on the couch, cuddling close with your legs draped over his. He tossed the blanket over you—the one he knew meant everything to you—and switched on the TV, putting on your favorite show. It was one you knew he hated, but that he was willing to watch if it meant helping you.
That was why he was your sweet, gruff Levi.
As you sat together, you slowly could feel the wounds beginning to mend further.
With him—through helping him through his own losses—you’d come to learn that grief is the love you held for a lost loved one persevering.
You didn’t know how long it would take for you to heal, but you knew that as long as you had him by your side, that you had your friends…
You could get through anything.
One day at a time.
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