#sorry followers for subjecting you through stage 5 torture
0wllight · 1 year
My dearest Minho,
May this letter find you well.
I must confess, even though I haven't even sent this at the time of writing, I know I will eagerly await your response. It is something that has never changed upon meeting you- wanting to listen to you, that is. Thank you for being such a strong voice in my life. I know I am not the best at conversation, and I always feel as if I need to repay you for your patience. Perhaps writing this can be some form of repayment…but that was not my original intention.
I love you. I feel as if we were made for each other-- one cannot play pool without a cue and cue ball…even though the idea of being fated is not one in reality. Because of this, it makes our encounter all the more special. We are a 1 in a million of possibilities.
I wish I was not so…new to this. I know you would not love me any different if I talked more, or kissed more. But deep within me I would love nothing more than to do that and more. As it is what I love about you- your voice, your laughter, your affections. It will take time, but I will get to there eventually. At the moment, however, I feel to reiterate my feelings by writing them to you. And afterwards, once you have read this, perhaps…perhaps a kiss. If you wouldn't mind.
I care for you, and wish for your care in return. You are a great light in my heart. Continue to keep me in your thoughts as you are in mine.
Yours, with love, Venom
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ok so first heres connecticut right now. it will be on the news tomorrow btw everyone look forward to it you'll see some guy destroyed the netirety of hte state dont worry it was just me
lets also get this out of the way that i am one finger down because. ihave a band aid on one of htem and i alos cant feel my fucking hands its like so cold in here im going to die why didnt you add holding my hand onto your message venom/j
anyways now that we got these disclaimers outta the way
here comes the mental illness where i try to seriously respond to a letter:
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
April 2021 Part 5
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Close Friend Ep 2 (JaFirst) - First is a cat. No actually a cat. It was WEIRD. Cute, but creeping towards beastiality. It reminded me of that strange series out of China (@heretherebedork says Youth in the Breeze). The most amusing thing to me was that the cat used Thai formal linguistic register when of course cats would use informal rude guu mueng with EVERYONE. No cat would use pom. Don’t be ridiculous, Thailand. 
Second Chance Ep 5 - still invested, things progressed for all 3 couples, in one direction or another. They cuties. I love them. Carry on. 
Y-Destiny Ep 5 - the “virgin scoreboard” is gonna make the seme real hard to redeem with this pairing. If they bother. This might be a life lesson episode. What does it remind me of? Oh yes. Kids. *SHUDDER* Point of interest: did you notice Team uses ha with Mon? What a pushy flirt. 
Lovely Writer Ep 10 - honestly I just love it when Poppy shows up in anything, why is he such a delightful screen presence? (Gene’s brother) Sorry, distracted. What happened in this one? Oh, ya know, stuff and things. Family drama. (It is just me or have they been giving us some long ass episodes lately?) Obligatory beach trip activated. (Result = dumb probability mathematics jokes.) Next week it looks like we have Keeping Actor’s Closeted 101. You know the Casting Couch? This is the Casting Closet. 
Fish Upon The Sky Ep 4 - early stage confession, how fun. It’s not unprecedented it just usually means we are in 4 act structure, not 3, which means Fish might go more serious than I thought. Honestly? I’m losing interest mostly because I’ve gone from mild annoyance to active dislike of Pi. Happened to me with Tine too. They better redeem this obtuse tsundere uke soon or he’s not tsundere at all he’s just a jackwit. 
Brothers Ep 13 fin - a kiss and the family finds out about the not-so-brotherly brothers, drama, graduation, THE END. My side-dish happy heart made thumps over Q + delivery boy, I’m sad they got so little screen time. My babies KhunKaow did get a tiny coming out sequence as such. I’m seriously considering doing myself a bootleg of just the KhunKaow plot, but that means I’d have to rewatch the whole darn series and I can’t STAND the idea. Which should give you insight into how not good this show it. Very NOT good. Must we get a season 2? Please stop now, Line. 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 7 - Muren is the cutest peanut and anyone who says otherwise can fight me, although they probably have to go through Licheng first. I was NOT invested in these two at the beginning, but as a couple? They own my soul. The other storyline is still the dumpster fire that I can’t decide to roast marshmallows over (knowing they’ll get tinged with eu de trash) or flee from in horror clutching my pearls and my nose. H4 continues to provide the quality psyche torture I’ve come to expect from this franchise. *sarcastic thumbs up*  *** A word on seeing Boxiang show up (side dish from H3:MODC). It was an unexpected pleasure, I loved his pairing (May/December is a winner for me *glares at Method*) but I do think it was a bone from the franchise telling us that we are never getting that spin-off or reboot that people yearn for. However, how AWESOME that Licheng has someone to go to and ask about topping properly. Otherwise he’s sure to have screwed it up. (Pun intended.) 
Papa & Daddy (Tailwan) Ep 1-2 - this came out of nowhere and is ADORABLE. Applies a ton of BL tropes (cheek kiss, his closet, B&W stripes, drag baby around, boop) but what IS it? More slice of gay domesticity than romance. Like 2019′s Kinou Nani Tabeta? or currently airing Close Friend. I enjoy this style, very wholesome, but I’m not sure what to call it. (Bonus points for cutie lesbians.) A bit weird to have a kid with your partner and STILL not be out to your parents. I hope they aren’t going to throw in a break up for dramatic effect. 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 4 - I’m really enjoying this series. It’s unabashedly queer, although there’s some problematic stuff lurking under the wig. How it ends is gonna dictate if they handled this stylishly. But hot damn the leads ZING on screen together and their crackling prank-flirting is a joy to watch. 
Word of Honor (China) Ep 31-33 - moving into the home stretch. Big rescue and the band is back together (presumably for the final slaughter). Then a death! *this is my shocked face* Did I tear up? Of course I did. 4 act structure is designed for maximum pathos during the final 1/4. Did we all faint from the symbolism of the love token hair stick being gently thrust into Ah Xu’s bun? Sure we did. All that and sill I’m flagging. This is a long-arse show. Save me, Korea, with your iItsy bitsy teenie weenie...
Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding (Korea) Ep 5-6 - I am getting such strong 12th Night vibes from this. Tae Hyung is now brigadier of BL’s historical himbo brigade. (To be deployed whenever you are in need of poetry or a cut sleeve.) This show is all ridiculous charm and I LOVE it. Although, five seconds of Lee Sang is not enough Lee Sang. I had to immediately rewatch Wish You. 
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Nitiman gave us an actor intro BTS teaser. 
Kang In Soo (AKA Kyang Insoo) posted a cute behind the photo shoot of Nobleman Ryu’s Wedding plus a silly interview with Jang Eui Soo on his YouTube channel (you should subscribe, it’s a fun channel, his fitness regime is both insane and inspiring). 
My Engineer 2 dropped a couch interview with the boys but it feels like one that was filmed a while ago (oh and no subs).  
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STARTING SOON: Nitiman, Love Area, Top Secret Together, Be Loved in House, & I Promised You The Moon  
Nitiman (Thai) May 7, One 31. University set, moons, engineering students, enemies to lovers, adapted. - Looks to be a solid 2 Moons knock off, I’m in.
Love Area (Thai) May 8, AIS Play, 10 eps total. Restaurant set, stars Pak Chavitpong (the only good thing about Cupid Coach) and the OST is sung by Jeff Satur (Ingredients). - It’s boys in love revolving around food = my kryptonite, try to stop me from watching this probable trash. 
Top Secret Together (Thai) May 14, Line TV. 5 couples, one IRL (Newyear from I Am Your King), story arcs revolve around secrets.  - I’m getting fatigued by these multi-couple sampler pack dramas, but I’ll try it for Newyear’s sake.  
Be Loved in House: I Do (Taiwan YES!) May 20, Viki. Office set, relationships prohibited at work by a new boss, one of the employees is determined to figure out why. Grumpy/tsundere pairing so loads of drama. - I am so flipping excited for this one. A 4th BL series from Taiwan in less than a year? That’s unprecedented. GO BABY ISLAND GO! 
I Promised You the Moon (Thai) May 27, Line TV. Follow up to I Told Sunset About You with the boys now at university. - I won’t be watching this as I have yet to finish season 1. 
Possibly Gameboys season 2.  - Rumors are all over the place right now on this. 
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Next Week Looks Like This: 
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons. 
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Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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sbtlns · 4 years
Tiny Dancer
Warnings: smut (!) kind of a crack fic 
A/N: so uh we all agree that the finale was trash right? aight just checkin. anyways i reality shifted when i had a high fever and lived a version of this so i figured i would make yall live it too. part two?
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Castiel’s cheeks flushed as you moved to straddle the naked angel. His hand moved instinctively to your waist, holding you close as you leaned down to nip at his ear. He groaned at your action, sending a new wave of heat to your core. You continued your ministrations, nipping and sucking at the tender parts of his neck while the debauched angel squirmed beneath you. “y/n,” he said in a strained voice. You stopped your actions to look down at him, meeting his desperate look. You cocked an eyebrow, prompting him to spit it out. “Please,” he strained, raising his hips to meet yours. Deciding you had tortured him enough, you raised your hips slightly and reached beneath you to align him with your entrance. Before you sunk down on him, you gave him one more ‘are-you-sure?’ type of look. He nodded vehemently and you smiled to yourself, returning your focus to his hardened member slightly probing your entrance. You lowered yourself onto him slowly, savoring the way he stretched you out. He moaned a string of your name, each seeming more urgent. “Cas,” you gasped.  “y/n.....Y/N.....Y/N!”
You shot up in bed, the sound of Dean yelling your name and pounding on your door startling you to say the least. “Yeah?” you croaked, trying to regain your composure. Dean sighed from the other side of the door, finally, he thought, only took five minutes. “We’ve got a case. Map Room in 5,” he said gruffly. Sensing your annoyance, he added, “Sam made coffee.” 
With the promise of coffee, you begrudgingly got out of your bed, shoving the remnants of your dream to the back corner of your mind. You had known Cas for quite some time now, long enough to know that he doesn’t understand human feelings well, let alone romantic feelings. That’s why you decided to try and bury the small crush you had developed for him, which was becoming increasingly harder with the dreams you had been having recently.
Sighing, you got dressed and made your way to the Map Room where you were met with a grumpy looking Dean and a smiling Sam. “Coffee,” Sam said, reaching from his seat to hand you a fresh mug. You were about to thank him when Dean cut you off, “I said 5, not 7.” You threw him a bitch face before turning back to Sam and mouthing thank you, and he smiled in response. You sat down across from Sam as Cas walked in, looking a bit flustered. 
“Sorry I’m late, I was caught up in another matter,” he rushed, making his way through the room to join you at the table. “ ‘S alright, Cas, no sweat,” Dean replied, sitting down with a grunt, across from you and Castiel. “Hold up, I got here before Cas why does he get a ‘no worries Cas,’” you mocked in a high pitched voice, “while I get a ‘how dare you be two minutes late,’” you said in you best gruff Dean voice. Sam almost spit out his coffee, earning a huff of annoyance from Dean. “Maybe because Cas didn’t make me bang on his door for five minutes while he was off in dreamland” he countered. Your face blushed at the mention of dreaming, trying not to think of the hot sex scene you had just dreamt about the angel next to you. “Whatever” you huffed, “let’s just get on to the case, yeah?” 
Sam nodded, pulling up his laptop. “So get this, reports of cattle mutilations, power outages, and now three missing persons reports all in y/h/t. I’m thinking demons. What about you guys?” Dean nodded, sipping at his coffee. “Sounds like our kinda thing” he replied. Castiel nodded silently in agreement. Sam turned to face you, “y/n, thoughts?” Your heart was beating fast and you were sure your cheeks were red. Sam looked at you with furrowed brows. “Hey, you good?” he asked concerned. You forced a smile and nodded, realizing now that the three men were all staring at you. You cleared your throat before saying, “Yeah, it’s just...that’s my hometown is all.” You sighed, “You’re right, sounds like demons though,” you added quickly before taking another sip of coffee. The three men shared a quick glance.
“Um,” Sam started uneasily, “You gonna be okay taking this case?” he asked genuinely. You hadn’t shared much about your past with the boys, nodding and laughing at the stories about their past they told you and quickly changing the subject before anyone could ask about yours. You nodded curtly, raising the mug to your lips again. Memories of your past filled your mind, not totally unpleasant, but enough to make you uneasy about returning to your hometown. You were silently hoping that you could get in kill whatever douchebag demons were causing havoc, and get out without having to deal with anything dealing with your old job. 
Sam didn’t seem convinced. “You sure? I mean we could always call Garth and see-” “I’m sure,” you cut him off. You stood from your chair abruptly, causing the legs to squeak unpleasantly. “I’ll get packed and meet you guys in the garage,” you said before turning on your heel and making your way to your room. You grabbed a bag and filled it with the essentials, glancing at the pair of cowboy boots sitting long ignored in your closet. You sighed to yourself, remembering happier moments from your old job, before management became a shit show. Feeling nostalgic, you decided to throw the boots in your bag before zipping it and heading to the garage.
The boys were already chatting by the car when you made your way to the garage. You threw your bag in the trunk, closed it, and climbed in the back of Baby, the boys following suit. On the drive to your hometown, Dean sheepishly handed you a stack of cassettes, his way of apologizing for earlier. You beamed back at him and picked out your favorites, handing them to Sam to queue up. Not before long, your eyelids grew heavy and you drifted off to sleep in the backseat. 
Dean must’ve hit a bump, because you woke up with a start, disoriented for a moment. It took a second for you to realize that in your sleep, you had laid your head on Castiel’s shoulder, close enough to him so that you were practically draped along his side. You quickly scrambled back to your side of the car, not missing the soft smile and forlorn look Cas had given you. “Oh look, sleeping beauty’s awake,” Dean joked. You stuck your tongue out at him, settling back into your seat. “So y/n, we found out that all three vics have something in common, they’re all regulars at some place called The Saloon” Sam filled you in, placing a Southern drawl on the name of your past employer. 
Your blood ran ice cold and you stared back at him with wide eyes. He was still smiling, pleased with himself for his accent, when he realized you were panicking. The smile dropped from his face. “What’s wrong?” he asked, drawing Dean and Castiel’s attention. Dean shot you a confused glance from the rearview. “What’s wrong princess? Don’t like linedancing?” he joked. You gulped. “Um,” you started. “I uh...” you cleared your throat. “I used to work there,” you mumbled. Sam raised his eyebrows in amusement and Dean fought back a laugh. “Wha-you,” he wheezed, struggling not to burst out laughing. “Our very own tiny dancer, huh?” he mused. You huffed and crossed your arms across your chest, cheeks burning red. Sam turned back around in his seat, holding his laughter in with a smile. Castiel broke the silence, “I don’t understand, is it shameful to dance in a line?” With that, the boys couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst out into fits of laughter.
The rest of the drive wasn’t too bad, besides Dean’s off-tune humming of Elton John’s Tiny Dancer. You pulled into town and checked into the nearest motel, silently thanking the universe that Dean had booked two separate rooms. You might have offed yourself then and there if you had to spend another night listening to Sam’s snores. After settling in, you got dressed in your FBI best and met back by the car. The four of you drove to The Saloon, you becoming more and more anxious the closer you got. Dean pulled up to the gravel lot and took in the building with an amazed look. He kept his eyes on the building as he got out of the car, “Oh ho ho, get look at this,” he said incredulously. Before you stood a massive red barn with a huge blinking neon sign of a half naked woman riding a bull with a lasso spinning in her hand. 
“Yeah yeah, let’s just get this over with,” you huffed, pushing past him and walking into the bar. The familiar scent of beer and cigarettes hit you the second you walked in, taking in the sight of the huge stage in front of you along. A few girls were dancing on stage, with a handful of customers sitting and watching. You heard the door open behind you as the boys stepped in and sighed before turning to face them. Dean looked like a kid on Christmas smiling widely and looking around the bar, while Sam scanned the room looking for the owners. Cas stood in place, staring perplexed at the women dancing. You followed his gaze to the stage where one of the girls was swinging her hips slowly and deliberately to the beat of the song. You turned back to him, his head cocked to the side as he mumbled, “Well that’s inappropriate.”
Trying to hide the blush creeping to your cheeks, you quickly turned back around, just in time to see your old manager strutting towards you. You took a deep breath, ready for the coming bullshit. “Well well well,” he said with a smug smirk on his face. “If it isn’t Miss Daisy Duke herself.” You felt your cheeks get hot and heard Dean snort. “I’m sorry,” Dean said, looking at you like this was too good to be true. “Daisy Duke?” he repeated. Your cheeks were burning by this point, praying that the floor would open up and swallow you whole. 
“That’s right,” your old manager said in his chill inducing Southern drawl. “You know how it goes, ‘nice legs...daisy dukes...makes a man go-’” he whistled, finishing the line and turning your cheeks an even deeper red. “Miss Daisy here was our pride and joy,” he said, turning to Dean. “Best dance this bar has ever seen,” he finished, turning back to you. He smiled devilishly at you, humming in contentment. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Miss Daisy?” he asked sickeningly sweetly. Fighting to hold on to whatever shred of dignity you had left, you pulled out your fake badge and held it up. “It’s Agent Jett now, thanks,” you spat, flashing it in his face before putting it back in your jacket pocket. He squinted back at you. Sam cleared his throat in attempt to break the tension before telling him about the missing persons reports. Your old boss soaked in the information Sam was giving him, but stayed silent, still squinting at you. 
Sam looked uncomfortably between the two of you before clearing his throat again and asking, “Do you have any security cameras that might have caught anything? Any possible witnesses?” Your old boss shifted his glance to Sam and replied, “Maybe.” Sam stared back, waiting for him to continue. When he didn’t, Dean cut in. “Maybe?” he asked gruffly with an eyebrow cocked. Your old boss nodded, pursing his lips together. “Depends,” he stated simply, crossing his arms. You could tell Dean was losing his patience quickly because he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “On what?” he asked, voice tight. Your old boss simply shrugged. “On if Miss Daisy will give us another show tonight.”
Your jaw dropped open. Did he say what you thought he said? Sam, Dean, and Cas all turned to stare at you, trying to gauge your reaction. Dean looking more amused than anything, and Sam trying to see whether or not he had to step in between you. “I’m sorry, what?” you croaked. Your old boss gave you the same devilish smile that sent chills down your spine. “I said,” he took another step closer to you, “I’ll talk...if you would grace The Saloon with one last dance. For old time’s sake.” The three boys looked at you expectingly. You looked incredulously among them. “You can’t be serious,” you protested.
He was. You found yourself back in your motel room, changing out of your FBI clothes and into your shortest denim shorts and your most revealing tanktop. You silently cursed yourself for packing your boots, as it seemingly jinxed you into your current situation. After you were changed, you fell back into your old routine of hair and makeup, becoming almost unrecognizable in the mirror. As you were applying the last bit of hairspray, you heard a knock at your door. “Y/n, we gotta go!” you heard Dean yell. Sighing, you slipped into your boots, took one last look in the mirror, and summoned the courage to open the door. 
When you opened the door, it took them a second to react, all three reacting differently. Sam looked at you with raised brows and an amused smile, Dean whistled, and Castiel’s eyes widened before slowly trailing down your body. You felt yourself blush under his scrutiny, until it became unbearable and you snapped your fingers in his face. “My eyes are up here buddy,” you feigned anger, startling him from his trance. “I-uh m-my apologies, y/n” he stumbled over his words, looking down at his feet. Dean laughed and clapped his shoulder before walking towards Baby.
The drive over was silent, with the occasional ‘heh’ from Dean, as he thought about the ridiculousness of this day. You dreaded every mile he drove closer to the bar, wondering why Castiel couldn’t have just used his angel powers to make your old boss cough up whatever info he had. You sighed as Dean pulled up to the bar once again and begrudgingly opened your car door. “Did you guys really have to come?” you whined, trying to stall. “Of course we did princess. What if the demons are here tonight?” Dean said with a smirk. You rolled your eyes at the excuse. Sam turned to you with a look of pity. “Seriously though, y/n, if you’re uncomfortable at any point just say the word. We’ll leave and we can find another way to get the information,” he said and smiled softly. You nodded and sighed before making your way into the barn.
You opened the door and to your dismay, the place was packed. You groaned as you stepped further in before you made eye contact with one of your old coworkers. “Y/n?” she said shocked, a huge smile forming on her face. “Jimmy said you were coming but I didn’t believe him, no one did,” she said before pulling you into a huge hug. You relaxed into the hug, her being one of the very few people in town that you still kept in contact with. “Yeah well,” you said pulling back. “One night only kinda thing,” you finished, choosing to ignore the way her and Dean were eye-fucking next to you. She turned her attention back to you and took your hand. “Well, we better get you stage ready, Jimmy’s queuing up your signature!” she said excitedly, pulling you away. You threw a quick glance behind you at the boys before realization dawned on you. “Hey!” you yelled back to them, getting their attention. “Do NOT sit in this section!” you tried to point to the front left, but your friend was pulling you too fast and they just gave you confused looks. 
Before you knew it, you were back stage, pacing with anxiety. You heard the current song stop and you dreaded what was coming. “Ladies and gentlemen,” you heard Jimmy’s chilling voice draw out. “Please give a big Saloon welcome...returning back to the stage... Miss Daisy Duke!” You shoved your nerves down and forced a smile before strutting out on stage. You quickly fell back into your old routine, strutting around the stage and swaying your hips to your opening music. One dance and that’s all you said to yourself. You knew that from the song Jimmy had chosen, your signature, that in the middle of the routine you would have to go down to the audience and dance for whoever the spotlight shown on. You continued your dance, praying that the boys had listened to you and had chosen anywhere else to sit. As the part of the song drew closer, you scanned the audience to gauge about who you would be giving a lapdance to. Dean raised his hand to catch your scanning eyes, with the biggest smile you’d ever seen on him. You rolled your eyes before realizing that they hadn’t taken your warning and had sat in that section. 
You shot him a death glare before turning back to your dance, hoping that the spotlight would shine on anyone but them. The drunken cheers and whistles from the crowd were just about the only thing keeping you from running off stage and straight to the motel. You heard the cue in the music, prompting you to saunter down the main steps and into the audience. Sighing to yourself, you grabbed the mic and made your way to the steps. The music stopped, prompting your lines. “Gentlemen,” you said with your best honeyed Southern accent. “It’s one of your lucky nights” you finished, and the music started back up. You felt all eyes on you and tried to keep yourself from freaking out as you continued your routine. You heard the third cue in the music as the spotlight came down. You held your breath, praying that it would land anywhere but where it did. To your horror, it landed on Castiel.
Fuck you thought. The angel looked utterly confused, looking up and around him, completely thrown off by the sudden wash of light encompassing him. If it was possible, Dean’s smile grew even wider as he excitedly looked to Cas and clapped him on the shoulder. Castiel looked at him through furrowed brows, before following his gaze to you. You locked eyes with the bewildered angel, walking over to him as sexy as you could. A surge of confidence filled you when you saw his Adam’s apple bob and his jaw clench. In accordance with your routine, you walked right up to Castiel and kneeled in front of him, gently nudging his knees apart so you could settle between them. Castiel looked down at you with wide eyes, throat bobbing once more.
“And what might your name be, handsome?” you said into the mic, part of the routine. You held the mic out to Cas, which made him even more confused as he stared into your eyes, searching for any clue as to why you were asking for his name. The music was stopped again, waiting for his reply. Dean elbowed him, prompting him to answer. “Uh... Cas-Castiel,” he finally spat out. You mouthed a quick I’m so sorry and gave him an apologetic look before standing up and saying “Well, Castiel, I’ve got a special treat for you.” The music came back on and you handed the mic off to a stagehand, before turning back to Cas. 
With the spotlight still on him, you sauntered over to Castiel, swaying your hips to the music along the way. He sat unnaturally still, legs still apart from when you spread them, just barely exposing the small bulge beginning to form in his pants. You felt heat pool in your core at the sight, struggling to keep your focus on the routine. You made your way back in front of him, before turning away from him to swing your hips to the music. Turning back around, you saw him watching your movements closely, his once bright blue eyes now dark, pupils blown out from lust. You swallowed before placing your hands on his shoulders and climbing onto his lap. This surprised him, as his breath caught in his throat and his hands flew instinctively to your hips. You leaned in to whisper “don’t touch, the bodyguards won’t allow it.” He ripped hands off of you as if your skin burned him and he looked up at you with wide eyes.
You began grinding against him, moving your hips to the music and gaining more drunken cheers, one distinctively from Dean, earning him a smack on the back of his head from his younger brother. Castiel couldn’t care less about the audience, you had his undivided attention. He couldn’t help the noises coming from the back of his throat, nor could he seem to keep his vessel under control. His hands twitched at his sides, desperate to touch you. You felt him becoming harder and harder, making it more difficult for you to stay focused on your routine. You climbed off his lap, danced in front of him some more, and then sat back down, this time facing away from him. You ground you ass against his hardened member, earning a low moan from the angel. You felt your panties dampening, enjoying this just as much as he was. You continued grinding against him to the music, the crowd continuing to cheer, and Castiel continuing to squirm beneath you. 
Once more, you stood up from him, danced more of your routine, and straddled the utterly debauched angel. You worked hard to avoid eye contact, but slipped up and locked eyes with Castiel. To your delight, he donned the same desperate look from the dream you had earlier that morning. You shifted your hips to grind against him, causing his head to fall back to his shoulders and his mouth to part slightly. More heat pooled in your core the more you ground against him, a coil starting to form in your belly. Fuck you thought to yourself. Luckily, the fourth and final cue came in the music, signaling your return to the stage. You breathed a sigh of relief, climbed off of him, and pecked his cheek before sauntering back to the stage to finish the song. From the stage, you watched Castiel shift uncomfortably in his seat, trying and failing to conceal his tented slacks. 
Finally, the song ended and you blew a kiss to the crowd before skipping off stage, thankful to be done. While you were chatting with some of the girls, Dean came to get you, trying to hide his amusement as he told you Sam had gotten the tapes from Jimmy. You breathed a sigh of relief, glad that this night was over. Dean walked you back out to the car, where Sam and Cas were waiting. Cas looked up hearing footsteps, and his eyes widened when they met yours. He quickly looked down and avoided your stare until you got back to the car. The four of you got in silently and sat for a moment before you heard Dean breathe in as if he was about to say something. 
“Don’t,” you said quickly. “I don’t want to hear anything about tonight ever again. Capiche?” Dean muttered something under his breath and Sam gave you a tight nod, eager to also forget the events of the night. You took a deep breath and turned to Cas. “Castiel,” you began, and you could’ve sworn you saw him flinch at your words. “I really am sorry. I wasn’t expecting it to land on you, I told you three not to sit there..” you trailed off. He couldn’t meet your gaze. Instead he nodded and replied, “Our apologies for not realizing your meaning.” His eyes momentarily flicked up to yours before landing back down into his lap. You followed his gaze, and he seemingly noticed, as he once again shifted in his seat, trying to conceal the still obvious bulge.
This was going to be a fun ride back. 
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coeursetcolores · 3 years
What I Would Add/Change About: Dead or Alive 6
Hello internet! As you probably know, I love video games and I would talk about my feelings for the ones I’ve played for hours. Unfortunately, I don’t pay too much attention to the various gameplay and added content mechanics, so I don’t feel as though I’m qualified to give full-on reviews; my focus is usually on the story and characters, but I am learning to keep a more open eye. So, I’ve decided to start this series! On the anniversary of a game I’ve played’s release, I will talk about what I think a game could have included to improve certain elements or what I think they should have just changed all together about something in it. I will make sure to include what I liked about it as well to keep these from getting too negative. 
This is all just my own personal opinion and if you disagree with me, that’s perfectly okay! If you’d like to talk about a point I made, please let me know, but please try to respect my opinion as I respect yours.
Fair warning, I won’t talk about online stuff. I’m not an online gamer, that’s just not me.
Well, with out further ado, let’s get started!
Today is March 1st. Two years ago in 2019, Dead or Alive 6 was released. Bet you guys didn’t know I was fan, did you?
Yes. Yes I am. And there is one thing I love more than that entire series all together.
I love that woman.
I have yet to see any other woman that I would even consider loving as much as her.
Amazing main, best girl, gripping protagonist, top-tier waifu.
But back to the subject!
Almost seven years since Dead or Alive 5 was released and left it’s audience wanting more, today we ask: Did it live up to seven years of expectations?
For me...
I had a real fun time playing when I could (I didn’t have constant access to the console I played it on, don’t ask) but even with how polished the series has gotten, there were a few things that left a sour taste in my mouth. 
Let’s go over them, shall we?
To keep a positive spin on this criticism, I’m going to talk first about all the things I absolutely LOVED about the game:
IT’S. STUNNING. The graphics look amazing, and the slow-motion and visible injuries along with DOA5′s sweat and dirt gives the fights such a weight, it’s brutally gorgeous and I love that video games have reached that level of detail. 
Voice acting is good, and I’d have to give best performance to Karen Strassman’s Helena just for her after fight in Kokoro’s story mode because. My gosh. The way she begs Kokoro not to leave her is just heartbreaking, and to do all that while doing an accent is just amazing.
Funniest part of the game was definitely when Zack told Tina she couldn’t be governor. I love how he just shot her down in a whole series of her dad failing to drag her away from her wild dreams through fighting, Zack accomplishes it just by reminding her how the law works.
Kasumi is safe! ...Apart from all the evil clones sent after her. But Ayane is finally leaving her alone!
Helena in the ending. My gosh, the way she just shuts NiCO down and calls her out on failing to move on healthily is a good message about properly dealing with grief and really shows how much she’s grown in the series from the vengeance seeker she started as.
I genuinely liked the addition of Marie Rose. She had a cool design and her character was really charming. The team could easily have made her super annoying, but she was pretty solid, and I appreciate that.
Kokoro’s dress with the beret. It’s just too cute!
I still love kicking opponents off the stage.
Still glad the series hasn’t decided to sink into hyperrealism.
COLORS! ...Those are dying in video games. :( 
The story for the most part is interesting and every character gets to shine in their own special way.
Diego was really cool, I always love the addition of an untrained street fighter keeping up with these professional martial artists, it really goes to show that in a fight anything can happen.
I really loved watching Tina and Bass become a tag team, aww! Tina does love her daddy!
The costumes, as always, are awesome.
Vibrant backgrounds, as expected.
The fact that it happened! I was worried I’d never see my sweet Kasumi again!
Alright! Now that we got all the things I unquestionably loved about the game down, here are some things I feel the game was missing.
MORE KASUMI! If she’s your heroine, give her more screen time! (What do you mean I’m biased?!)
Have some more time with Kasumi, Ayane and Hayate, show just how conflicted they are by their tragic circumstances when they have to work together when they all know that they will never be able to go back home together. That ending scene was bittersweet, but I feel like they could have done more.
Bring Bayman into the alliance? I mean, he does want revenge on Phase 4. I get that he kinda works with them, I just think they could use him more.
Have Kasumi have a fight with the main Phase 4? I think it’d be interesting to have this clone weapon, who hates that she hurts people, face off against the original who’s now accepted the brutality of the world and will show no mercy to those who stand in her way. I feel like it’d give Kasumi some introspection and see just how much she’s changed; in a way, Phase 4 is a lot like how Kasumi started: she didn’t want to hurt anyone and make enemies, but she couldn’t do anything about it. The difference is Kasumi became the way she is because of her own choice and beliefs while Phase 4 literally can’t stop herself.
Have Lisa explain herself, geez! What is up with this woman?! What are her goals exactly?! Wait...how is she still alive?! Woman straight up had a building fall on her! Why are we just letting her walk away?! LISA!! GET BACK HERE!! WHAT’S YOUR DEAL WOMAN?!!!
So...I guess we still don’t get to beat the crap out of Donovan? Sigh...guess they’re saving that for 7. Hopefully.
And that’s all I think they could have added. And now, here’s everything I think they should have thought about twice.
Really? You’re just going to bring Raidou back for the final boss? Really?  Why not use prime Phase 4, that would have been interesting, a final boss who doesn’t WANT to be the final boss? Come on DOA, you’re better than this! You had seven years to make a final boss! If you couldn’t think of one, just go DOA2 and pull something random out! There’s even another tengu you could have used! Who even remembered Raidou at that point?!
LESS. HONOKA. My gosh, she’s annoying! I’m sorry, I’m sure she has fans, but she just irritated me! Not only was she shoehorned into the plot, but she’s also a total Mary Sue! And that voice, AAAAGGGGHHHH! This is not a knock on Kira Buckland, she’s cool and great at her job, but AAAGGGHHHH! With so many three-dimensional and interesting characters, she just falls flat (metaphorically, of course).
Was Nyotengu actually necessary? I get that the tournament itself is just a distraction now, but she honestly bored me.
Why does Helena’s mother need to come back to life? Seriously, what did M.I.S.T. see in reviving one of the mistresses/mothers of their rival? Is this supposed to like torture Helena or something? This was just unnecessary, there was no reason for this. Sorry Maria.
Oh, so Rig’s mind controlled now? Would have been great if they had foreshadowed that in 5. You know, so it wouldn’t have come out of nowhere and helped explain his whole 180 when he was introduced!
Does Jann Lee really need another rival? Just focus on Lei Fang, she’s awesome!
Bit more meta, but did Rig and Christie really need new voice actors? The new ones are fine, but it just seemed unnecessary.
I’m really mixed about how story mode is laid out in modern DOA. On the one hand, putting everyone’s stories in one playthrough really makes it hard to really get attached to one, which I think is a very important aspect of fighting games. On the other, doing it in this style really helps keep the general plot coherent and easier to follow. I think a good way to handle this would be to make different story modes; a campaign to follow the whole vs. Donovan storyline and a different one that has each character’s individual story outside of the main plot.
Alternatively, divide the story between the tournament and the fight against Donovan; ‘cause I don’t think the Mugen Tenshin clan and their allies are going to be in any tournaments anytime soon.
BRING BACK UNLOCKABLE OUTFITS! Outfits may be understandable for DLC, but it’s just so much easier to unlock them all! I’m not made of money!
Even with all these negatives, I still had a great time playing! It was great to see the cast I loved so much (with one in particular) come back and beat the crap out of each other and I can’t wait for the next one!
...In five years.
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antman-56 · 4 years
The Day We Meet Again Pt. 5
News Anchor 1 : Reports of small riots over Sunsets Family’s facilities have now turned to a ...
News Anchor 2 : Vacuo has now entered a state of emergency due to the increase violence of Faunus workers under Starr Industries...
News Reporter : Atlas is now called martial law once again due to the Faunus attacking SDC security and supervisors. As you can see below me their are fires and raging rioters. We were lucky-
Pilot : Ma’am were leaving!!!
NR 3 : Why?!
Pilot : Reports of the rioters gath-
The camera shakes violently with the screams of the news team and the helicopters warnings ringing.
The screen soon turned back to the main news team starring in shock and one of them crying.
They weren’t alone. Team RWBYJNR had the same reaction. Speechless and scarred. Kali was in tears. All the progress they have done since Adam’s suposive death. Gone.
Ghira right now was giving a statement, mostly to say he and the new White Fang had no part of this.
Kali : I can’t believe... 
Kali left the room in a hurry.
Blake : Adam has to be a part of the insurgency.
Weiss : How do you know?
Blake : He has to!! The White Fang stopped supporting him when he ran away at Haven. Their is no way-
Ren : It could have been a Faunus worker responsible. They might’ve saw or heard some of the things Adam did.
Blake : But he left. Abandoned his friends.
Jaune : What message would you send when you attack the people your supposed to liberate? 
Blake : He attacked me.
Ren : More than likely out of anger and the fact you organized that resistance.
Nora : Are you defending him?
Ren : No, I’m trying to rationalize what he was thinking when Blake showed up with Menagerie resistance.
Blake : Well he lost everything when he fled.
Ren : That didn’t mean everyone gave up on him, just the majority of Menagerie,.
Yang : And what dose that mean?
Ren : That the Faunus in slavery still see him as a hero.
Nora : But he was a murder and a coward.
Ren : Like Jaune said, what message would he send if he attacked the Faunus, reports say that his men fired at the humans and mostly ignored the Faunus resistance. The only people that were attacked were the ones who fought them, ie you and Sun.
Blake : But what of the ones that fired?
Ren (on scroll) : Reports state that they were employees of different facilities of different companies. Meaning-
Blake : They weren’t part of Menagerie.
Ren : Exactly. According to their statements Adam saved them from either mutilation, rape, torture, the list goes on. 
Blake : That’s not ...
Ren : Well that explains why they fired. They didn’t want to anyone to go through what they did, even if it meant killing humans.
Blake : That doesn’t change the fact that-
Ren : Blake your trying to make a slave and a free man have the same mind. Its not going to work. One knows the hardships in life and the other doesn’t. One lived in a room alone and the other shared a broom closet with 12 others with no restroom. One ate whenever they wanted the other was lucky if his superiors remembered him.
Blake was quiet. 
Ren : From what was seen, to written, to said will change. The workers probable see you and Menagerie as spoiled or lucky. That you don’t know what they have suffered, They see survival of ones self important. That it’s common for them then it is to the people of Menagerie. So, Adam running means nothing to them. It only meant he would come back. 
Blake : But we are fighting for the same thing.
Ren : The only difference is that they want it done faster than how your father can do it.
Blake : So, we know why they follow him now. So who's leading this group?
Weiss : I'll call Whitely. Ask for some intel and who knows we might get lucky.
With that Weiss left and Nora changed the channel to Ghira.
Ghira : Again we have no leads on who is responsible for these attacks. As you have heard they tried to take my life as well. (He gestures his torso so they can see the bandages) But we will help the local authorities find the culprits and the mastermind behind this.
The reportes all rushed for their questions.
Ghira : Yes, you in the back.
Reporter  : Do you think this has anything to do with the late Adam Taurus? 
Ghira : No comment.
He left the stage all the while the media was adding more to the question.
When Ghira made it back he saw that all eyes were on him.
Ghira :Blake i’m-
Blake : Dad this is your last chance. We need to know what the Faunus have suffered so we can get an idea on how to help the kingdoms.
Ghira (sighing) : You just don’t give up.
Blake : Dad i’m not a child. I want to help but before I go in blind I need to know what to look out for. How to handle a worse case scenario better than going in blind.
Ghira stayed silent.
Yang (enraged) : Dammit old man. What is it that  that your hiding?!?!
Yang stomped over to him. Ghira didn’t bend but he meet the girls red eyes with his own.
Ghira : All of you are so naive.
This caught them by surprise.
Ruby : I’m sorry sir, but no. We have seen our fair share of the world.
Ghira : And what is that? Grimm? Miss Rose, the Grimm are simple creatures. They see and kill any thing that looks human. They are far easier to handle than politics, or worse, humans.
Ghira covered his eyes and laughed silently.
Ghira : You don’t know what it is that I know. Blake, you are right but you are not ready yet.
Blake (enraged) : What do you mean i’m NOT ready!! I have fought the White Fang, Humans that see us as garbage, and-
Blake backed down and everyone could see the more cat like eyes on Ghira.
The man is stressed out. With the attempted assassination on his life, the riots, the media trying to get him to confess to a crime he didn’t commit, and now a determined daughter asking about the horrors he has seen. 
He was at the end of his rope.
Ghira (recomposed) : You really want to know?
Blake just nodded.
Ghira : Follow me.
He began to walk into the masion and Blake and co. followed.
It had been close to 10 minutes and he was not stopping. They have now entered further down into the Mansion. Even Blake was surprised, she had never seen this part of it.
They had now entered an old room, in the middle of it laid an old desk, an old chair,  some books and a lamp on the desk and a book shelfs filled the wall all of them full.
Ghira took a seat and stared at his daughter, his pride and joy but also a pain. Still he loved her.
Ghira : Mr. Arc close the door.
 Ghira : Now the truth.
Blake felt uneasy and she wasn’t alone. The room was old and the cold. And the fact that Ghira was a calm disheveled mess scared her to no end. Still she would not bend to the truth of her people.
Ghira : The Faunus have suffered more than you and the world know. Along with being put into force labor either by kidnapping or by poverty. we have suffered more.
Blake : I kno-
Ghira (raised his hand to silence her) : Along with that, we have been used as test subjects since we are more human than rats. Forced to endure unknown chemical compounds to see how they respond. all in the name of science And somtimes for fashion. Faunus are put on a table and are removed of their skin if it resembles leather or any other animal fabric. We have been hunted like fair game. Deer, Rabbit, Moose, and even Bird Faunus are kidnapped or bought from companies and are released into the wild to be hunted for sport. Faunus of endangered species are more preferred since their counterpart would get them arrested if caught. (the room grew colder as he forced himself to reveal more) And in some kingdoms they get away with it since “A savage attacked me. I had to defend myself”. (croaking) We are put into gladiator pits forced to kill one another for the pleasure of others. Some Faunus with more mutations like razor sharp teeth, claws, fangs, or thick skin are put to fight others of the same, more, or less mutations. Doesn’t matter about age, gender, relations, species, or conditions. As long as their masters are happy. Their are cults that require the blood of animals and humans and guess who fits right into that category. The scenes that were left behind, it was one of the few things I agreed with what Adam did. (he closed his eyes) The women in some of those examples are put into breeding facilities, legal or not, mostly not. Do you know what it fells like to be held down ladies ( RWBYN began to feel chill down their spine, some making a fist to hold in their rage others to mortified to do anything but hug themselves). begging for it to stop and then forced to give birth right were you defecate. I saw the photos and I didn’t want to imagine your mother in that situation. Did you know their was a plan for you and your mother at one point. ( Blake was now mortified, she was shaking and RW_YJNR stared at her). Sienna told me after Adam found the conspirators and the traitor. Out of the 5 we destroyed the youngest one recorded was 6. And we believe their are more and we are still searching. The Butchers Mine was one of a few example of us being used as cattle. Their are clubs that kidnap Faunus, fatten them up and feed them to the family. And get to do it again. If you wan to know more, the books here hold the records of each encounter that Adam and others found. Now if you’ll excuse me.
Ghira got up and left. Leaving a room filled with mortified young adults.
Nora was being consoled by Ren. You could hear quiet sniffles. Ren stayed strong for her, she needed him now.
Ruby was looking at the floor. Trying to understand how people could do that another being.
Weiss was beginning to hyperventilate. What else has her father done to their name and could it even be fixed.
Jaune walked up to Weiss and gave her a hug. She didn’t care at the moment if it was him, Ruby or anyone. She just needed someone to hold.
Yang walked up to Blake. You collapsed to her knees before she could reach her. 
Yang dropped next to her and hug her, hoping to bring her some comfort.
Yang : It’s okay. It’s okay. We can fix this.
Blake began to stare at the desk. Her people have suffered and they were right about her.
She was nothing more than a princess. She may fight for her people and her goal may be noble. But she would ignore the people who have suffered without a second thought.
Adam was right. He was right.
He was right.
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Touken/Tousaki Headcanons in Pokémon au
Sorry if people aren’t familiar with Pokémon but hopefully it’s still understandable!
(1) this au goes back to kuroneki era and both kaneki and touka are young Pokémon trainers
(2) Although kaneki takes very good care of his Pokémon team, they’re all pretty weak and and don’t often participate in battles against other trainers. His mother basically raised him to be a caregiver, not a fighter, and so kaneki can’t defend himself when older kids pick on him for easy wins.
(3) *side hc of kaneki’s beginner team: vulpix, dratini, treecko, and magikarp
(4) Touka on the other hand is one of the toughest trainers in their age group. She hardly loses a battle, and even though she has a reputation of pushing her Pokémon to their max, they stick with her because they’ve been together for a long time and trust her.
(5) *side hc of touka’s beginner team: absol, maril, quilava
(6) Touka is also known for helping weaker trainers when their opponents have an unfair advantage (i.e. hinami and yoriko), and so it doesn’t take long till touka crosses path with kaneki.
(7) Team rocket members try to steal a rare Pokémon that kaneki has (dratini), and he works with touka to win a battle against them that lets him keep his dratini.
(8) Kaneki realizes then that he’ll have to develop some battling skills if he wants to protect his team, and so he begs touka to let him join her on her journey and teach him how to become a better trianer.
(9) Touka refuses. She’s a lone wolf and bringing him along will slow her down and probably get him into problems he shouldn’t be a part of.
(10) Later on though, one of touka’s Pokémon becomes ill and luckily kaneki finds her (honestly he had been following her) and he helps her cure it.
(11) Touka then allows kaneki to accompany her and promises to teach him to battle as long as he attends to her Pokémon when they need it.
(12) At first, touka is tough on kaneki because that’s how she learned to be a trainer, but she eventually softens as she sees how gentle he is with Pokémon and maybe even attracted but would never admit it.
(13) Kaneki also learns about touka’s caring personality when he sees her strong bond with her Pokémon and how much she motivates them to be their best.
(14) Also, kaneki’s vulpix has a crush on touka’s absol
(15) They both become inspired by one another: Kaneki picks up books about battling and Pokémon types to become stronger while Touka takes interest on medical books that kaneki recommends to her. Eventually, this starts touka’s curiosity on Pokémon biology and it’s origin.
(16) *Side hc: along their journey they would meet other TG characters and some of them join them for a certain period of time until they reach their destination.
(17) It’s all going pretty well until kaneki and touka come across really strong team rocket members (ayato and yamori)
(18) *side hc: I definitely see ayato owning a charizard at this stage
(19) They get beaten up badly, but are impressed with kaneki’s team and steal his Pokémon. In the mess of it, they accidentally take kaneki too when he tries to save his team, leaving behind touka and her heavily burned Pokémon.
(20) So kaneki ends up at team rockets base and witnesses his Pokémon team go through excruciating torture as team rocket pumps them up to become stronger. Kaneki goes through intense stress because of his strong bond with his Pokémon and becomes shironeki as in the aogiri arc.
(21) While touka recovers her Pokémon, she gathers strong trainers she and kaneki met along the way to help her save kaneki and his Pokémon.
(22) After this arc is over and they’re finally together again, kaneki decides to disband from touka and form his own gang to become stronger. Just like canon, he doesn’t want touka to be tangled in this mess and have her Pokémon become injured again, and he feels like she’s gained enough knowledge to care for her team if they ever become sick again. Touka is furious but kaneki doesn’t budge and reminds her of her dream and how she shouldn’t through it away.
Timeskip to tousaki now!
(23) Kaneki has the sesame pudding hair (but he didn’t lose his memory) and uses sasaki haise as his “celebrity name” because he is now the Pokémon champion!
(24) *side hc of sasaki’s team: gyarados (can megaevolve), ninetails, sceptile (can megaevolve), dragonite, dusknoir
(25) *extra Pokémon in his pc that he sometimes uses: tyranitar, scolipede, nidoking, steelix, pidgeot, and hydreigon
(26) *side hc that urie, mutsuki, saiko, and shirazu are the elite four and their specialties are poison, grass, fairy, and flying (holy crap I can go on with this side hc but we’re focusing on touken/tousaki now)
(27) Meanwhile, Touka is an assistant training to be a professor because it became her dream to become one when she learned more about biology.
(28) side hc of touka’s team: absol (can megaevolve), lopunny, azumarill, and typhlosion
(29) Sasaki comes back to his old town where he and touka grew up because he wants to patch things up with her.
(30) News spread fast that the champion is in town, but Touka doesn’t hear about it because she’s busy doing research in her laboratory.
(31) Even though sasaki wants to find touka solo, the elite four tags along (kinda annoyingly) and he has no other choice but to bring them along with him to her lab.
(32) Sasaki arrives and surprises touka but she accidentally ruins her experiment from the shock - kaneki is back after not contacting her for 3 years and the elite four are there too
(33) But too soon, the shock turns into anger. First touka gets mad that he made her mess up her research, then about how he never contacted her after he left, and then the elite four being present when they have no business being there.
(34) Sasaki tries to explain to touka that he ran into a lot of trouble with people at the beginning and then he became really busy when he earned the champion title since he had to run the Pokémon league champion and attend interviews/events.
(35) *meanwhile, saiko, urie, and shirazu are entertaining themselves with the Pokémon at the lab while mutsuki listens on the argument between sasaki and touka
(36) Things calm down a bit though when sasaki’s ninetails and touka’s absol have a happy reunion as oppose to their trainers. Sometimes a Pokémon’s actions are reflective of their trainers’ feelings and so they remain silent and watch them interact and play.
(37) “You know… I thought about you a lot,” sasaki says
(38) Touka sighs and admits that she’s seen all of his televised battles and knew that sasaki was kaneki the first time she saw him
(39) Sasaki starts asking questions about her research and that’s when touka gets excited and goes on about what she’s been studying
(41) Mutsuki sees the way that they look at each other and freaks out, so he sets out his venusaur to poison the little Pokémon in touka’s lab and calls her over
(41) “Ummm… Kirishima-san, I think one of the Pokémon has sprayed poison powder and has gotten all of your subjects sick,” acting all innocent
(42) Touka is quick to attend them and sasaki helps too, but decides he should probably come back another day so that he doesn’t continue to screw up touka’s research
(43) She insists that he stays longer though and playfully asks him to battle her, one on one, which gets most of the elite four’s approval.
(44) Touka knows she’s gonna lose anyways, but she just wants to see for herself how much he and his Pokémon have approved and show off her absol’s ability to megaevolve (he gets two wings)
(45) They battle and touka is very impressed as sasaki proves his title as Pokémon champion in their region.
(46) Honestly, I didn’t think much of what happens afterwards haha but that sasaki starts sending his Pokémon to touka to deliver love letters/poems that he writes. Touka always gives them treats as a thank you and sends them back to him with a card of her kiss stain and a little present for one of his Pokémon
Now that I’ve stopped here, I feel like I should’ve been more creative with this but oh well. It’s an au I’ve had for awhile and now I finally decided to share it :) Thanks for creating this blog for touken fans!
mod K:
Oh my god, as one pokemon nerd to another, i just want to say thank you! Thank you for sharing these awesome headcanons!!!
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tumbleweedshorts · 7 years
Family Secrets (part 4/6)
Inspiration: This is part 4 of a story I started writing based on a prompt found on Facebook. If you missed the first three, you can find Part 1 here, Part 2 here and Part 3 here
"The... the truth about what?" Danny thought he knew, however. It had to do with the mess they were in, with what he'd stumbled upon. Suddenly he didn't want to know. Given everything that had happened, he was scared to find out, and he was sure he wouldn't like it. But he couldn't not know. He was too curious. And maybe finally he would understand.
His mother hesitated for another minute, seemingly on the brink of tears again. She took several deep breaths and finally settled down. Then, in a weak and subdued voice, she began:
"OK. I guess I'd better start from the beginning. But before I do, I need to make one thing clear. I'm telling you this because you need to know. I'd rather not have to tell you, you're too young to understand. But now that it has caught up with us, now that we're both in danger, you need to know. And Danny... I mean it, no one else can know it. NO ONE. I need you to give me your word that you will keep this to yourself."
Danny, scared but still wanting to find out what this was about, immediately nodded. But this wasn't enough for his mother. "I need you to understand this, Danny. You can't tell anyone at all about this. The consequences could be very severe for both of us. Do I have your word?" Danny thought for a few seconds, then nodded again.
"Yes" he said purposefully. His mother took one final deep breath, then apparently regaining a bit of strength, started her story:
"My name... isn't Julia. It's Angela. Angela Schröder. And you... your name is Hans Fischer." She paused again, apparently unsure how to continue. Danny, meanwhile, sat there staring at her in stunned disbelief.
"Your father and I met while we were working for the East German intelligence service, the Stasi. We were both spies. And we were never actually married. We were never even in love. We had you... We had you as part of our assignment, part of our cover. We were under deep cover, posing as a British fighter pilot and his family, living in West Berlin.
"Back in '84, when you were only 2 years old, we were living in Berlin. We'd been tasked with infiltrating the British Air Force base in Gatow. And we were good at that, Johann (I don't even know if that's his real name) had the ear of the top brass in the base and I was gleaning more from the other pilots' wives.
"Then... Then someone reported my parents to the HVA, the East German secret police, because they suspected I might have been turned by the British and using them as a conduit for my information. That was completely false, of course. But they didn't care, they tortured and killed my parents.
"It was shortly after that incident that I did turn to the Brits. I couldn't tell the Stasi, of course. I couldn't even tell Johann. Through the pilots' wives I got in touch with one of the leaders of the base, and started passing information on to him while still working for the Stasi.
"When we were ordered to blow up a hangar in the airbase, I blew the plot immediately. The British let it happen, so as not to compromise me, but replaced the valuable equipment inside with older, outdated stuff. Luckily, nobody ever suspected that the plan had been blown."
Angela paused. Danny was still sitting there, staring at her as if shell-shocked. She got up, went to the sink and poured herself a cup of water. Danny was relieved to see she wasn't jumpy any more. But she did still walk with a bit of a slouch. He didn't like seeing her unhappy like that.
She came back and sat down, then continued her story.
"Shortly after that, Johann was redeployed to New York City, to serve in a joint RAF-USAF task force in a base in that area. I got a job as a professor in university. The Stasi took this chance to plant us there as sleepers. It was a pleasant enough life.
"Then orders came from Berlin. Reagan had just given his speech against the Berlin Wall, and the East German government didn't like that at all. A West German delegation was due to speak in front of the UN on the subject of the wall, and we were to assassinate them.
"One of my students in the university was the son of someone high in the White House, and I confided in him and blew the plan. He tipped his father off, and when Johann and I went to carry out the plan, we found the hotel room empty. The delegation had been moved hours before.
"Johann was furious, of course, and so was the Stasi. His victims had been snatched from him. He immediately suspected me, as only the two of us were in on the plan. He started beating me, threatening me and trying to make me confess. I never did. Then one evening he was drunk out of his mind, and started beating and threatening me again. He said he'd kill you if that's what it took to get me to confess.
"I couldn't let that happen. So when he passed out on the bed, I closed the windows, turned on the gas, took you with me and left the apartment. I went to the nearest FBI office and explained everything. I told them that I was Stasi, that Johann was too, and that what I wanted most of all was to protect you from him and the Stasi. I showed them all the proof they needed.
"They took me in and, for good measure, put us in a witness protection program. They staged a car accident in which you and I were supposed to have died. They moved us to LA and since then we've been Julia and Danny Beck, living in LA with FBI agents living all round us. Mrs. Jones? She's FBI. Mr. Palmer across the street? He's FBI. That new guy next door, Mr. Whittaker? He's FBI.
"Then came the German reunification in 1990. The Stasi was disbanded and most of its agents joined the BND. But as I was considered guilty of sabotage on the Gatow base, they tried to summon me back to Germany to face charges. MI6 and the CIA helped have the charges dropped, and put forward the evidence that I had died anyway.
"But I've never completely trusted the FBI or the CIA. That's why none of the agents was living in the house with us. Just in case we had to flee again, I had a local forger make us false passports, with which we could move elsewhere if need be.
"After four years without news or threats, I started feeling confident that nobody would trace us, and that my past was truly expunged. Until that time when we found the rope on the doormat.
"that noose was a warning that Johann had used several times before before his assassination jobs. Naturally, when I saw it on OUR doorstep, I freaked out. Who else would know this?"
Danny was now afraid, very afraid. "Y... You mean... Dad's out there... and... coming after us?"
Angela burst into tears again, saying, "I don't know, Danny, I don't know! I'm so sorry... so sorry... so sorry..."
Danny hugged her again, tears coming to his eyes again. He'd never imagined anything as horrible as the story he'd just heard. And he didn't know what to make of his feelings about it. But he did know one thing: he loved his mother, and didn't like to see her cry.
He tried to make sense of it all in his mind. The newspaper article. The gun. The birth certificate. The papers and clippings from those days. The ID card he'd just found in the ledger. It was all adding up.
And... his dad. Even with all the scary things his mother had told him, it was still his dad. And Danny wanted to meet his dad, no matter what. But if his father was out to kill him...
"So... what'll we do now?"
Angela finally calmed down and said, "Well we're hiding out here for now. He doesn't know this safe house, normally. But we shouldn't be too confident. That's why I've been so scared."
They both sat there in silence for a long time.
Danny asked, "So... my life, our lives, are just lies?"
"No, no, no!" Angela said quickly, on the brink of tears again. "You are my son and I love you more than anything or anyone else. I know you've got reasons not to believe me any more, but it's true. I'm sorry about all of this. I never wanted you to be involved. I never wanted this to spill over onto your life. You are Danny Beck, you're in middle school in LA, your friend Joe is indeed your friend Joe. Please don't let this story change anything. Everything I've done including lying to you, was to protect you from all of this." This time she did burst into tears again.
Suddenly there was a loud knock at the door. Angela sat bolt upright, picked up the gun and aimed it at the door again.
She whispered to Danny, "Quick, hide in the pantry!" As Danny stood there without moving, she continued, "Please, Danny!" The sincerity and concern in her face convinced Danny. He followed her instructions and went to hide, leaving the door open just a crack so he could see.
"Wh... Who's there?" she yelled at the door, in a shaky voice.
"It's Special agent Whittaker. Julia, you gave us quite a fright!"
Letting out a sigh of relief, she lowered the gun and went to open the door.
The man walked in calmly, then closed and locked the door behind him.
"Well, well, well. It's been a while. Hello, Brigit."
Angela suddenly looked petrified with fear. She screamed, then said, "Johann... Johann, bitte... Bitte, tut uns nicht weh... Please don't hurt us..."
Continued in part 5
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